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Rav Director Post

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Government of India
Ministry of AYUSH
AYUSH Bhavan, B-Block, GPO Complex,
INA Colony, New Delhi – 110 023

Applications are invited from Indian Citizens for filling up one post of Director, Rashtriya Ayurveda
Vidyapeeth (RAV), New Delhi (an autonomous institution under the Ministry of AYUSH, Government of
India) by Deputation including short-term Contract for a fixed tenure of 5 years or till the incumbent
attains the age of superannuation, or until further orders by the Govt., whichever is earlier, in the pay
scale of PB-3 i.e. Rs.15,600-39,100 + Grade Pay Rs.7600/- (Plus NPA as applicable) (As per 6th CPC and
Level 12 as per 7th CPC) as per Central Government Rules.

2. The details of age limit and educational qualifications and experience required for the post are as

Educational and other qualification:


1. Post Graduate Degree in Ayurveda included in the 2nd scheduled of Indian Medicine Central Council
Act (IMCC), 1970.

2. Enrolment in the Central/State Register of Indian Medicine.

3. 8 years professional experience in Research and/or teaching in Group ‘A’ level post having:-

(i) 5 years regular service in a post in PB 3 with GP of Rs.6600/- or equivalent/corresponding pay scale in
Govt., as applicable to the post or corresponding salary/comparable level post in reputed private sector.
The candidate from private sector must be minimum of age of 40 years with proven track record of
minimum 10 years in various reputed capacity (supported by documentary proof) and should have track
of proven innovation in his working record.


(ii) A minimum 8 years of regular service in a post in PB 3 with GP of Rs.5400 or

equivalent/corresponding pay scale in Govt., as applicable to the post or corresponding
salary/comparable level post in reputed private sector. The candidate from private sector must be
Minimum of age of 40 years with proven track record of minimum 10 years in various reputed capacity
(supported by documentary proof) and should have track of proven innovation in his working record.

(i) Administrative experience in the field of Ayurveda in Central/State Govt./Autonomous



Professional experience means the experience obtained after enrolment in Central Register of
Indian Medicine/ State Register of Indian Medicine.
General Instruction:-

1. Eligible candidates may apply for the post in prescribed proforma/application form
alongwith photocopies of all relevant documents through proper channel.

2. While forwarding the application the sponsoring authority shall ensure that the particulars
of the candidate are verified and that he/she fulfills the eligibility conditions, alongwith a
certificate that the Officer is free/clear from vigilance angle and no disciplinary proceeding/s
is/are pending or contemplated against the applicant.

3. Complete ACR dossier/APARs of last five years of the applicant must be enclosed with the

4. The candidate once selected will not be allowed to withdraw.

5. The last date for receipt of applications shall be within 60 days from the date of
publication of the Advertisement in the Employment News.

6. Application received late or incomplete shall be rejected.

7. The candidate’s age shall not be more than 55 years as on the crucial date i.e. 01.08.2018.

8. The crucial date for determination of eligibility regarding age, experience, etc. shall be 55
years as on (i.e. born on or after 01.08.1963).

9. Applicants will be fully responsible for the accuracy of the information they furnish. Any
information furnished by the candidate, if found wrong at any stage, will result in his/her
disqualification of the candidature and/or dismissal from the service at any stage.

10. The terms & conditions for appointment will be as per prevailing DoPT’s (GoI) instructions.

11. Ministry of AYUSH reserves the right not to fill up the post without assigning any reason
thereof at any stage of the recruitment process.

12. The complete applications should be sent to Rashtriya Ayurveda Vidyapeeth,

Dhanwantari Bhawan, Road No. 66, Punjabi Bagh (W), New Delhi - 110026

13. The proforma prescribed for application is as follows.

Application for the post of Director, RAV
Paste a recent
passport size
1. Name and Address : photograph
(in capital letters)

2. Name of Father :
3. Date of Birth and age as on 01.08.2018:
4. Postal Address :
(in capital letters)

5. (a) Retirement Age in the

Current Department _

(b) Date of Retirement

6. Educational Qualification:
Graduation Year of passing No. of Attempts College/University From
which Graduated

Post Graduation Year of Passing No. of Attempts College/University From

which Post Graduated

Ph.D. Year of Passing College/University From

which Graduated

Note: Please indicate Distinction or Special Activities/Medals, etc…..

7. Whether Educational and other Qualifications required for the post are satisfied. (If any
Qualifications has been treated as equivalent to the one prescribed in the Rules, state the
authority for the same):-
Qualifications/Experience Required Qualifications Experience Possessed by
the Candidate
Essential (1) (2)

Desirable (1) (2)

8. Please State clearly whether in the light of entries made above by you, do you meet the
requirements of the Post.

9. Details of employment in chronological order. Enclose a separate sheet, duly authenticated by

your signature, if the space below is insufficient:-

Office/Instt./ Organisation Post held From To Scale of pay Nature of

and Last basic duties
pay, G.P. etc.

10. Nature of present Employment, i.e. whether ad-hoc, temporary or quasi-permanent or


11. A complete list of publications.

12. Books, if any, written.

13. In case the present employment is held on Deputation/Contract basis, please state:
(a) The Date of Initial Appointment:
(b) Period of Appointment of Deputation:
(c) Name of the Parent Office/ Organization to which you belong.

14. Additional details about present employment. Please state whether working under:
(a) Central Government.
(b) State Government.
(c) Autonomous Organizations.
(d) Government Undertakings.
(e) Universities.
(f) Private Sector.

15. Are you in Revised Scale of Pay? If yes, give the date from which the revision took place and
also indicate the Pre-Revised Scale.

16. Total emoluments per month, now drawn.

17. Additional information, if any, which you would like to mention in support of your suitability
for the post. Enclose separate sheet, if the space is insufficient.

18. Whether belonging to SC/ST/OBC:

19. Remarks, if any:

Signature of the Candidate



Tel/Mob. No

Countersigned by the Employer with Seal

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