Work Study
Work Study
Work Study
Industry every where has been striving hard to discover new work methods and techniques which
could help produce goods of required quality at reasonable cost. The search has resulted in finding
techniques such as work simplification, job design, value analysis and the like all there are
collectively called methods. Engineering or industrial engineering or industrial engineering. The
other names used are work design, work study, methods analysis and operation analysis.
Work study is defined as that body of knowledge concerned with the analysis of the work methods
and equipment, used in performing a job. The design of optimum work method and standardization
of proposed work methods.
Work study is also understand as a systematic objective and critical examination of the factors
affection productivity of the (factors) purpose of improvement it make use of techniques of method
study and work measurement to ensure the best possible use of human and material resources in
carrying out as specific activity.
1. To analyse the present method of doing a job systematically in order to develop a new and
better method.
2. To measure the work content of a job by measuring the time required to do for qualified
workers and base to established standard time.
3. To increase the productivity by ensuring the best possible use of human, machine and
material resources and achieve best quality product or service at minimum possible cost.
There are eight basic steps involved in work study procedures some of them are common both
method study and work measurement these steps are
1. Select the job or the process of the job or process or operation to be study. Using suitable
charting techniques such as operation process charts, flow process charts, flow diagram,
SIMO charts (Simultaneous Motion Chart) and man making charts.
2. Record all relevant facts about the job or process or operation.
3. Examining critically all the recorded facts, questioning the purpose, place, sequence, person
and means of doing job or process or operation.
4. Develops the new methods for the job process or operation.
5. Measure the work content and establish the standard time using on appropriate work
measurement technique i.e, time study using and work sampling.
6. Define the new method for the job/ process/ operation.
7. Install the new method as standard practice.
8. Maintain the new method for the job process operation.
Work method analysis or method study is a scientific techniques of observing recording and
critically examing the present method of performing job or task or operation with the aim of
improving the present and developing a new and method it is also known methods
improvementor work improvement.
Method study may be understood as the systematic recording and critical examination of
existing and proposed way of doing work as a means of developing and applying easier and
more effective method and reducing cost.
1. Work simplification
2. Improved work method
3. Improved product quality
4. Improved work place layout
5. Improved equipment design
6. Better working conditions
7. Better material handling and lesser materials handling cost.
8. Improved work flow
9. Optimum utilisation of all resources
10. Higher safety to workmen
11. Higher job satisfaction for workmen
12. Reduced material consumption and wastages.
1. Study : select the work or job to be studied and define the objectives to be achieved by
method study the job selected to have maximum economy advantage, shell offer vast scope
for work improvement through deduction of excessive materials handling and fatigue of
workmen offer scope for improving the working conditions and improving utilization of
2. Record: record all the relevant facts or information pertaining to the existing methods.
a) Process chart
b) Outline process chart
c) Operation process chart
d) Flow process chart
man, material and machine, equipment types
e) Man machine chart
f) Multiple activity chart
g) SIMO (Simaltenious motion chart)
Diagrams such as
a) Flow diagram
b) String diagram
c) Cycle diagram
3. Examine: examine the recorded facts critically, challenging everything being done and
seeking alternatives, questioning the purpose (what is achived).
it means how is it achieve, sequence (when is it achieved) place where it is achieved and person
to achieves it.
4. Develop: develop the improved method by generating several alternatives and selecting the
best method the factors to be considered while evaluating alternatives and selecting the
best methods are
a. Cost of implementation
b. Expected savings in time and cost
c. Reaction of employees to the new method.
d. Acceptance to design, production planning and control, quality control, production
5. Install: Install the improved method in 3 faces planning. Arranging and implementing
phases. In the first 2 phases the program of installation and a schedule or planned and
necessary requirements such as resources, equipment, tools, operating instructions to works
are provided. The implementation phase involve the introduction of the developed method
6. Maintain: Maintain the new method by ensuring that the installed method is functioning
well this is done by periodic checks and verifications at regular interval.
1. Outline process chart: An outline process chart regards an overall pictures of the process
and records only they make events sequence wise. It considers only the main operations and
2. Operation process chart: the basic process chart called an operation process chart is
understood as a graphing representation of the points at which the materials are introduced
into the process and of the sequence of inspections and all operations except those involved
in materials handling.
3. Flow process chart: Flow process charts are graphic representations of the sequence of all
operation, transportation, inspections, delays and storages occurring during a process and
include information considered desirable for analysis such as time required and distance
The FPC could be of 3 types that is
Flow process chart material or production type
FPC man type
FPC machine type or Equipment type.
4. Two handed process chart: in this chart they activities of a worker or operators both hands
are recorded chronographically.
5. Multiple activity chart: in this chart the activities of more than one subject ( worker,
machine or equipment) are recorded on a common time scale to show their interrelation
6. The man, machine chart (or) Worker machine chart: This is a variation of multiple activity
chart and illustrate (ex) the operation and delays of the operation and machine which he
operates. Another ex. Of man, machine chart may be one worker run to machine
7. Flow diagram: The flow diagram is a drawing or diagram drawn to a scale to show the relative
position of machine or equipment.
8. String diagram: It is a scale plan or model on which astrime or thread is used to trace and
measure the path of workers materials or equipment during a specified sequence of events.
9. SIMO CHARTS: simultaneous motion chart is a type of 2 handed process in which the micro
motion both hands are recorded.
Motion study:
Motion study is the science of eliminating wasteful, resulting from using unnecessary ill directed
and inefficient motion. The aim of motion study is to find and perpetuate the skim of the least
waste method of the labour.
Micro motion study provides available technique for making minute analysis of those operations
that are shorting cycle contain rapid movements and involve high production over a long period
of time. For ex. Cewing of garments and assembling small parts. Micro motion study may be used
for the following purposes in addition to its primary use for the job analysis job.
Work measurement:
Method study and work measurement are 2 techniques of work study. These are important
elements in achieving higher labour productivity. The overall productivity of an organisation is the
result of the productivity achieved by all the components of the organisation such as capital assets,
labour, material and plant and equipment hence managers must be concerned about the
productivity of all resources and at the individual worker level, labour productivity is determined
by work measurement.
1. To develop a basis for comparing alternate method develop in method study by establishing
the work contain in each method of doing the job
2. To prepare realistic work schedules by accurate assessment of human work
3. To set standards of performances for labour utilisation establishing the labour standards for
any element of work, operation
4. To compare actual time taken by the worker with the allow time for proper control of labour
5. To assisting in labour cost estimation
Work time
1. Time study: time study is concerned with the determination of the amount of time
required to perform a unit of work. It consist of the process of observing and recording
the time required to perform each element of an operation so as to determine the
reasonable time in which the work should be completed. Time study is defined by ILO as
follows ‘Time Study is a work measurement technique for the recording the times and
rates of working for the elements of a specified job carried out under specified
conditions and for analysing the data so as to obtain the time necessary for carrying out
the job at a defined level of performance.
1. Select the job to be studied: the reason for selecting a job for time study are
a. New job taken for production.
b. Change in the manufacturing method.
c. Design change.
d. Complaint about inadequacy of allow time.
e. When labour cost is high.
2. Select the workers to be studied: the ideal worker would be the qualified worker since
the ideal worker or qualified worker may not be available in the organisation? The best
available worker is chosen and his rating is determine as compared with the qualified
3. Conducting stop watch time studying: in this step various activities involved are
a. Obtain and record all the information available about the job operator and working
b. Record the method of doing the job and break down the job into elements.
and element is distinct part of a specified job selected for convience of observation
measurement and analysis
the various types of elements involved in a job are:
i. Repetitive element: which occurs in every work cycle of the job. Ex: picking
as a complement from the container before assembly operation
ii. Occational element: which occurs at intervals. ex: setting a tool on a
iii. Variable element: per which the basic or normal time various.
iv. Manual element: which is performed manualy
v. Machine element: which is performed automatically by a machine.
c. Exam in the various elements to ensure that the most effective motion are used in
the elements of job performer
d. A stop watch may be of the following types:
i. Non-fly bag stop watch: this stop watch is prefferd for recording
continuous timing pressing of the winding knob first, starts the watch and
long hand begins to more. If the winding knob is pressed second time the
long hand stops and will third pressing the hard return to position.
ii. In-fly bag stop watch: this watch is started and stopped with the help of
the slide so pressing the winding knob bring the hands back to
But they do not stop so this is used to stop the handed any point.
iii. Split hand type of stop watch: this type of stop watch gives higher
accuracy in reading in two elements are to timed successfully.
e. Determination of normal or basic time: once a particular rating scale is chosen the
rating of the worker under observation is assessed has compare to the standard
rotating of the qualified worker.
Normal or basic time is = observing time x rating factor
𝑜𝑏𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑒𝑑 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔
Observed time = 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔
f. Determine the relevant allowances: once the basic time per cycle required by the
qualified worker to perform each element at standard time. The next step is
determine the time allowance to be given to the operater for relaxation. The various
type of allowances are:
Types of allowance:
1. Relaxation allowances: this is also known as personal, fatigue and delay
allowance (PED allowance) this allowance is given to the worker to overcome
the fatigue due to physical excision, posture, concern traction, working
conditions, personal needs such as: going to toilet, drinking water, attending
phone calls etc.
2. Contingency allowances: this allowance is given for infrequent or not repetitive
activity such as obtaining special materials from stores, sharpening of tools
getting special tool from the tool stores and consultation with the supervision.
3. Process allowances: allowance is given to the worker to compensate himself for
enforced idealness due to nature of the process or operation. Ex. Working on
automatic machine, electro planting, etc.
4. Special allowance: interference allowance given to a worker when he or she is
looking after 2 to 5 machines one machine may ideal when the worker works on
another machine for a short period and allowance have to be given to the
worker for this loss of production.
2. Synthesis method:
Synthesis is a technique if work measurement for wilding up the time require to do a job at
a defined level of performance by synthisysing or total elemental time values obtained from
previous time studies on other jobs containing similar job elements or from standard data or
synthetic data or built up time standards.
i. Economical as less time is required when compared to stop watch time study.
ii. Used for estimating labour times for preparing cost estimates for new jobs for which the
selling price has to quoted to customers.
i. Since analytical estimate technique the time value may not be accurate and
reliable and estimate by the stop watch time study.
5. Work sampling or activity sampling or ratio delay method: Work sampling is work
measurement technique that randomly samples the worth of for more employees at
periodic intervals to determine the proportion of total operation that is accountable for
in one particular activity.
The studies are frequently used to estimate the % of time spent by the employees in on
avoidable delays. Repairing finished products from an operation and supplying materials
to an operation.
i. To estimate the % of protracted time period consumed by various activity states
of a reporter some of machine, equipment operators.
ii. To indicate the nature of the distribution of work activities with in a gang
iii. To indicate how materials handling equipment’s are measured
iv. To provide a basis for indirect labour time standard.
v. To determine the standard time for a repetitive operation as an alternative to
the stop watch method.
Production, Planning and control
Production is the activity of any trade or industry. Production process in modern times has become
more complex. Introduction standardisation and specialisation and machines have wide end. This
scope of study of production management moreover the new and new development in production
process and methods and techniques are taking place day by day that have made the production
system more complicated.
In todays economy there is no production organisation can be said to be an ideal or complete one
but still there are certain factors which are common to all i.e., use of men, material, machines,
money and management etc.. in order to achieve the overall objectives of the organisation.
i. Planning of production
ii. Control of production
These two activities are highly interdependent and interrelated. Planning will be useless
if there is no proper control at the implementation stage and controlling will be
meaningless if there is no planning. It is therefore better to take these two functions of
production management.
Production planning:
Product planning is an essential pre requisite of production control. Production control cannot be
imagine without planning. Planning is the function of management to look ahead anticipate
difficulties and it takes steps of remove the adverse causes before they are materialised.
It may be defined as the techniques of for seeing or picturing ahead every step in long series of
separate operations each step to be taken in the required time. So that the required product of the
right quantity and right quantity may be manufactured at the right time and at the most economic
cost. It seeks to determine in the advance what, where, when, why and how the work should be
Production control:
The other important aspects of production is production control only planning does not ensure that
production is highlighted by planned activities and is being done in a planned manner. Controlling is
the process that measures current performed and guides it towards certain pre-determined
objectives. The main purpose of production control is seen that the production right time and should
be of right quantity and quality with the help of the best and cheapest methods.
According to Gordon B. Carson Production, planning and control involves generally the organisation
and planning of the manufacturing process specifically it consists of planning, routing, scheduling,
dispatching and inspection, co-ordination and control of materials, methods, machines, tooling and
operating times. The ultimate objective is the organisation of supply and movement of materials.
Labour and machines utilisation and relative activities in order to bring about the desired
manufacturing results in terms to quantity time and place.
According to Charles A Koepka The co-ordination of a series of function and regulate the orderly
which will economically utilise the plant facilities and regulate the orderly movement of goods
through their manufacturing cycle from the procurement of all materials to the shipping of finished
goods at a predetermined rate.
According to William Voris Production control is defined as the coordinating manufacturing activities
in accordance with manufacturing plants so that pre conceived schedules can be attained with
minimum economy and efficiency.
This production planning procedures used various from company to company production planning
may begin with a product idea and plan for the design of the product and entire production system
to manufactures the product. It is also includes the task of planning for manufacturing of a modified
version of an existing product using the existing facilities.
1. Volume of production:
The amount and intensity of production planning is determined by the volume and character
of operations and the nature of manufacturing process production planning is expected to
reducing manufacturing cost the planning of production in case of custom order jobshop is
limited to planning for purchase of raw materials and component and determine of work
centres which have the capacity of manufacturing the product.
2. Nature of process:
The job shop the production planning may be informal and the development of work
methods is left to the individual workman who is highly skilled. In high volume production,
many product designers, equipment designers, process engineers and method engineers are
involved and they put enormous amount of efforts in designing the product and the
manufacturing process.
3. Nature of operation:
Detailed production planning is required for reputative operation. For example in case of
continuous production of a single standardised product.
The various manufacturing approaches are:
i. Manufacturing which order may or may not repeated at regular intervals.
ii. Manufacturing for stock and sell (under reputative batch mass production)
Ex: automobiles, watch and type writers.
iii. Manufacturing for stock and sell (continuous process of manufacturing)
Ex: soap, chemical, food.
Factors determining production control procedures:
1. Nature of production:
The manufacturing firms are classified or intermidant, continuous or composite production
firms depending on the length of processing time without setup changes.
In the case of continuous flow process operations for example petro chemical, soap and
synthetic fibre industries. Quality control is highly developed and planning for raw materials
finished goods and inventory levels.
In case of intermetant multi-operational products found in case of manufacture of hand
tools, toys, automobiles, spears etc.
2. Complexity of operations:
Generally the complexity of PPC increase the variety of operations.
a. No.of ultimate parts in the end product.
b. No.of different operations on each part.
c. Varieties in production rates of machines used in the processes.
3. Magnitude of operation:
The size of operations i.e., time taken to complete on operation and the distance travelled
by the parts from operation to operation are important in establishing proper production
control procedures.
1. Advantages to management:
i. As the main objective of production is to make the product available to customers
right time, right qualities, in the right quantity and minimum cost.
ii. The alignment of product activities and sales program initiate the management to
produce the goods and services to the minimum cost by adopting the best and least
cost method.
iii. The firm can capture the market share by producing goods at the lowest cost and of
best quality and may request larger amount of sales.
iv. The firm can complete in the market due to its low cost of production and higher
v. Production control function guides the management to direct the production along
the lines set by the plants it evaluate the actual performance
2. Advantages to customers:
Production control activity also serves the customers by the right quality goods at the right
time and at the cheapest rate. It helps raise standard of living of the customers.
Objectives of PPC:
1. To deliver quality goods in the required quantitative to the customer in the requires to
the customer in the required delivery schedule to achieve maximum customer
satisfaction and minimum passible cost.
2. To ensure maximum utilisation of all resources
3. To ensure production of quality products.
4. To minimise the product through put time or production or the manufacturing cycle
5. To maintain optimum inventory levels
6. To maintain flexibility in manufacturing operation
7. To co-ordinate between labour and machines and various supporting departments
8. To plan for plant capacities for future requirements
9. To solve the problems related to production
10. To ensure effective cost and reduction and cost controls
11. To produce effective results for least total cost.
1. Materials:
Planning for procurement of raw materials, components and spare parts in the right
time from the right price purchasing, storage, variety reduction, inspection are the other
activities associated with materials.
2. Methods:
Choosing the best method of processing from several alternatives. It also includes
determining the best sequence of operations and planning for tooling and fixtures.
5. Routing:
Determining the flow of work, material handling in the plant and sequence of operations
or processing steps this related to consideration of appropriate shop layout and plant
layout, temporary storage, locations of raw materials, semi finished goods etc.
6. Estimating:
Estimating operating terms leading to fixation of performance standards both for
workers and machines.
8. Dispatching:
This is concerned with the execution of the planning function. It gives the necessary
authority to start particular work which has already planned under routing and
scheduling function.
9. Expediting:
Means chasing, follow up, progressing which is done after dispatching function to
provide an efficient feedback and prompt review of targets and schedules.
10. Inspection:
This function is related to maintenance of quality in production and evaluating the
processes, methods, labour.
11. Evaluating:
The objective of evaluating is to improve performance. Ex: machine, processes.