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Quipid in News Deccan Chronicle 19-09-2009 013

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Deccan Chronicle Jazz up your home
with aromatherapy
lways wanted to incorporate a bit of
A aromatherapy at home and didn’t know
how? Just opt for a simple yet decorative
potpourri. With a wide variety of them
available in the market, you can take your pick from fragrances
like jasmine, lavender, ocean mist or even rose. Not only will
they add zest to the room, they are also a great way to add a
dash of colour. Get creative when displaying them with ceramic
or glass bowls or even a sheer vase will do the trick. Amrapali Empire
The Amrapali Group
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2009 13 has come up with their
latest project,

The Tier II and III story—

Amrapali Empire at
NH24 Ghazaibad.
Offering two and three
bedroom apartments
starting from 1000 sq
ft to 1650 sq ft, the

price of these flats

then and now

range from Rs 22 to
There is at least one Rs 37 lakh. Equipped
strong local developer in with modern ameni-
ties, the project is slat-
every region of the ed to be completed in
country who understands the next 27 months.
his territory better than Said Anil Sharma,
positioned their development that there is only limited capital Chairman, Amrapali
In the current close to industrial hubs, targeting available to real estate players any outsider Group, “Our group
context, it makes a totally different price segment
and making the most of it.
today — capital that is earmarked
for residential projects, construc- this story may no longer be suit-
understands the
importance of quality
sense for WHAT WENT WRONG?
tion funding against achieved
leases and signed contracts, or for
able for some of the larger devel-
opers. These are locations where
and ensures the best
technology, planning,
developers to Three to four years ago, every
developer was inspired to create a
cities displaying sufficient
demand even in subdued market
the strength of regional players
will come into play. There is at
design and construc-
tion for all its projects.”
re-strategise and national footprint. While this was
a worthy ambition, it was poorly
conditions. In the current context,
it makes sense for developers to
least one strong developer in
every region. For instance, Hi-tech township
focus on their conceived as a plan since many of
them did not factor in state gov-
re-strategise and focus on their
core geographies. For example, if
Panchshil Realty, Magarpatta,
Paranjape Builders and Kumar
Omaxe Ltd is develop-
ing a hi-tech township
core geographies ernment-level regulatory chal- a certain developer is extremely Builders are very powerful local in the National Capital
lenges such as local municipal accomplished as a residential brands in Pune, with a company Region adjoining
SANJAY DUTT laws. They also did not consider player in the south, having high like Pharande Spaces practically Greater Noida in
that they may not have had the credibility and sufficient brand spearheading the residential drive Bulandshahar, UP. To

he demand fundamentals requisite financial resources, recall in this region, such a in Pune’s PCMC area. These be developed over an
of the India story are now organisational depth and knowl- company would ask itself how brands have demonstrated that area of 3601.19 acres
focused around all cities edge of the local markets to man- wise it is to experiment in the they understand their geographies (approx.), the town-
that have sufficient eco- age and execute projects in Tier II north or the west, and whether it better than any players who arrive ship will have estimat-
nomic activity, be it industrial, and Tier III cities. Nor had they would not make more sense to from the outside to experiment on ed revenues of over
service sector-driven or incentive- accurately gauged the demand expand in the south. the Tier II / Tier III story. Rs 7500 crores and
driven programmes by the state fundamentals of these locations. Likewise, developers accom- The success of these local devel- will be executed in
government. In Gujarat, which Such developers proceeded to plished in IT projects would now opers will inspire larger develop- phases over a period
has seen considerable industrial enter into land acquisition on their concentrate on geographies that ers from beyond a region’s bor- of 5 to 7 years.
progress, the key cities of own equity and were caught feature a healthy IT component, ders after the fundamentals of that Rohtas Goel, CMD,
Ahmedabad, Surat and Vadodara short-footed, not realising that the and avoid branching out into area’s demand are captured suffi- Omaxe Ltd said, “The
come readily to mind. Baddi in property cycles were then at their cities that lack a sufficient volume ciently and the markets are sani- township will be a
Himachal Pradesh and Pantnagar peak, and that there was bound to of such activity. Such developers tised in terms of municipal and good alternative to the
and Rudrapur in Uttaranchal be a correction — if not a fall. would see the virtue of focusing financial market stabilisation. In crowded Delhi Region
attracted a lot of residential devel- on IT-centric cities such as the next one to two years, devel- and will create an
opers that met with success, THE DAWN OF REASON Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Chennai, opers will have realigned their attractive environment
thanks to proactive government Major players are now going to Mumbai, Gurgaon and Pune, and business strategies sufficiently to for high quality living,
policies. In the south, Coimba- re-align their positions vis-à-vis re-think on plans to invest in cities leverage the potential of Tier II / work and recreation.
tore, Vizag and Kochi emerged, unexplored territories. There is that lack IT activity. III cities that have sufficient mar- The township will be
either thanks to a large investor now a very clear realisation that it ket drivers or are witnessing con- home to technology
segment or as the outcome of suf- is extremely difficult to become a RISE OF LOCAL DEVELOPERS siderable investor activity (such and knowledge-based
ficient economic activity. genuine Pan India player in every Tier II and Tier III cities still as Kochi, Surat, Mohali and industries that will
Towards the west, Pune, Nasik geography and real estate seg- represent a great story, especially Chandigarh). attract private invest-
and Nagpur are noteworthy in this ment. Moreover, developers in terms of affordable housing for The author is CEO, Business, ment and generate

context. In all cases, developers today have woken up to the fact industrial workforces. However, Jones Lang LaSalle Meghraj employment.”

Is a landlord’s action time-barred?


Q This is my own house,

which I have rented out and I
will be shifting into it shortly.
Vaastu tenets heavier due to the puja
SRIDHAR PROPERTY ANGLE One of my friends advised me
that the underground water
HOME KARMA room that is constructed
in the eshan corner of

t is obvious that a landlord tank constructed opposite the the house, which inter-
who wants to seek justice main door is not good (in the rupts the inflow of
against an erring tenant has to Vaastu sense) if the owner income. Demolish the
give notice of his contemplated stays in the house. Please puja room constructed
action. What happens if he gives guide me and help me rectify in the eshan corner of
notice but does not pursue the the Vaastu dosh of this house the house and construct
action? Can he file a suit there- Dwarakanath Mazumdar a new room for puja in
after? Or is he debarred from tak- The effect of Vaastu affects the west direction of the
ing action forever? the owner of the house after he house, as indicated in
A tenant was not supposed to or she starts to live in the house. the map.
sub-lease the premises of the It will also affect the tenant Shift the door from
landlord as per the terms of the who is staying there presently. the north of the hall,
contract which were agreed to by Here is the Vaastu dosh of this north vayavya of the
him. After some years in posses- house, it’s negative effects and kitchen and east agney
sion the tenant introduced a sub- the solution… of the store room, to
tenant into the premises and was  The underground water tank house. between the north and eshan
collecting rent without giving constructed opposite the  Financial losses, domestic corner of the hall, north of
notice to the landlord or seeking main door is incorrect and quarrels, problems in the life the kitchen and east eshan of
his permission to do so. It is a saying that he would file a peti- (2001) 2 RCR (Rent) 272 the receives the rental amount from this interrupts financial of the second son are all the store room, to divert the
substantial breach of contract tion to evict him for breach of Kerala High Court Division the sub-tenant. This means every growth and prestige, because caused by the Vaastu dosh negative energy from the
which is enough grounds for contract — sub-letting to a third Bench examined this issue while month a fresh cause of action the underground water tank created from the septic tank door fixed in the wrong
seeking eviction of the tenant. person. There was no response dealing with Section 11 (4) (i) of will arise. The High Court held and bore well are far away in the east agney. Including place, into a positive flow
There is one law which impos- from the tenant. Instead of filing the Kerala Building (Lease and that sub-letting was a recurring from the diagonal line and this the life of the housewife through the house.
es time limits for each cause of a suit within the threatened peri- Rent Control) Act 1965, which cause of action and thus the land- boundary wall. Fill the will be badly affected  Fix the new door in the south
action, within which a person has od as per the legal notice, the provided three years of time lord could take the issue to a underground water sources because this septic tank of the kitchen and the win-
to agitate. A landlord is supposed landlord left the issue for about within which the landlord needed court of law by issuing a fresh which are in the wrong place comes in the east eshan of dows in east eshan, north
take the issue to a court of law three years. After three years to approach a court of law. In a notice. A notice is a must and a with mud and required to be the kitchen. Fill this septic eshan and west vayavya of
within three years from the date when he wanted to file a petition, case against sub-letting there are fresh notice would solve the new in the eshan by leaving a tank in the east agney with the hall and south agney of
of the arising cause of action. In the tenant raised the point that several occasions the arising problem of ‘time-bar’ and give diagonal line which should mud and construct a new one the kitchen, to increase the
the above case, the cause of the landlord had lost cause of cause of action. The cause of the landlord the right to pursue be near to the boundary wall. in the north vayavya by leav- inflow of positive energy into
action arose when the tenant action and his petition was time- action will arise on the day the his remedy in a court of law. This is the only way to gain ing a little space from the the house.
introduced a sub-tenant. Then the barred. sub-tenant was introduced, and The author is a professor at NAL- financial growth and prestige vayavya corner. Send your queries to
landlord gave the tenant a notice In Sadanandan v Pradeepan on every day that the tenant SAR University of Law, Hyderabad after you start staying in this  The eshan direction gets vaastu@deccanmail.com

Is your house ready for the rains? There are many different water-
proofing products available and the
professional will use the one that is
deemed most suitable for the area.
KSHITIJ AGARWAL PRECAUTIONS For instance, he could use a heavy
As a homeowner you need to take duty sealant for critical joint sealing
roof leak is a major issue of IN FOCUS simple steps to avoid or minimise of heavily trafficked areas; elas-

A concern for most homeown-

ers and more so during the
monsoons. Repairing a leak can be
the chances of roof leaks such as tomeric acrylic sealant for filling
keeping the roof clean; ensuring gaps and cracks between various
that leaves and any other junk is building materials; bitumen elas-
frustrating or relatively simple, removed so that the water flows tomeric coating for terraces, roofs,
depending on the location and smoothly into the outlets provided sewage pipes and for sunken por-
weather conditions. How-ever, that for it — water stagnation is the tions of toilets; epoxy resin-based,
said, a leaking roof should be common cause for all kinds of damp roof coating for internal walls,
repaired immediately before further seepage. Check for any cracks in ceiling and RCC water tanks.
damage is caused to the structure the walls or water logging outside Then there are crack fillers for
of the roof itself or to the home. as this will cause too plastered surfaces;
Houses could develop leaks due much pressure on Apart from several epoxy grout for filling
to all sorts of reasons: the house your structure. regional companies, Dr. up cracks in roof
could be old, the metal water pipes Leaking water pipes Fixit and Dr. Leakage slabs; polymer mortar
could have sprung a leak, canopies from the water tank are well-known profes- for repairs to dam-
or corners could be cracked and could be another sional names that pro- aged reinforced con-
damaged etc. Homeown-ers source for condensa- viding waterproofing crete elements like
should first look inside the home for tion stains. services and have beams and columns;
signs of water. The first, and most branches in most major joint fillers for tiles
obvious, would be water spots, SOLUTIONS Indian cities. and flooring etc. If
standing water or mold. Usually, If you do spot a leak, you have a false ceil-
leakage starts from a corner; win- instead of calling in ing the expert could
dow canopies; the area where Waterproofing has be-come a your local mason and having it recommend you use an acrylic
bricks, stone or concrete slabs join necessary part of the construction plugged only for it to reappear in a primer, while he could tell you that
together; from concealed pipe-line and maintenance of any home. It is matter of weeks, call in a profes- the best mix in concrete and
joints or because of corrosion of the a technique that prevents water sional. A waterproofing profession- cement mortar would be an integral
pipes. The answer is to water- from entering the house throu-gh a al will study the problem and will liquid waterproofing admixture.
proof/re-construct the damaged substance application especially suggest appropriate products or The author is CEO and Founder, Dr.
part. designed for the specific purpose. solutions for the affected area. Leakage and Quipid Decors

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