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Bible Quiz

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What is the total number of books in the Bible, in the Old and New
Testaments? 20. What’s wrong with a fly in the ointment? The Bible tells you what: “Dead
Answer: 66. flies cause the ointment of the apothecary to send forth a stinking savour…”
In which book does it do so?
2. What is the total number of books in the Old Testament? Answer: Ecclesiastes, 10:1.
Answer: 39. 1. What is the ratio of books in the Bible (i.e. Old Testament: New
3. Which is the earliest book of the New Testament? Answer: 39:27.
Answer: Mark.
2. Where could you find the verse, passage in the Bible ‘Jesus Wept’?
4. Identify the Book of the New Testament which has: “What shall it profit a Answer: John 11:35.
man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his soul”?
Answer: Mark, 8:36. 3. According to Genesis 19:26, whose wife was turned into a pillar of salt
when she looked back?
5. What is the total number of books in the New Testament? Answer: Lot.
Answer: 27.
4. In Mark 10:46, what was the name of the blind beggar that Jesus healed
6. When did the Authorized or King James Version of the Bible in English on the highway outside Jericho?
appear? Answer: Bartimaeus.
Answer: 1611.
5. Who was the son of Ruth and Boaz?
7. “What is truth”, said jesting Pilate; and would not stay for an answer’ – Answer: Obed.
Thus begins Bacon’s essay ‘Of Truth’. Which Book of the Bible reports
Pilate’s jest? 6. In Genesis 6:14, who was told, by God, to build an Ark?
Answer: John, 18:37-38. Answer: Noah.

8. ‘As you sow, so you reap – this is originally a Biblical phrase, adapted, 7. In Judges 14:13, who was told to ‘put forth thy riddle’?
Whatsoever a Man Soweth, that shall he also reap’ being the text. Which Answer: Samson.
Book does it belong to?
Answer: Galatians 6:7. 8. Which is the longest verse in the Bible?
Answer: Esther 8:9.
9. “Vanity of Vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity.”
Which book of the Old Testament has this verse? 9. According to Numbers 27:1, how many daughters did Zelophehad have?
Answer: Ecclesiastes, 1:2. Answer: 5.

10. In which Book of the New Testament do you find this? “In my Father’s 10. According to Deuteronomy 34:1, And Moses went up from the plains of
house are many mansions”? Moab to the mountain of Nebo, to the top of _____ peak?
Answer: John, 14:2. Answer: Pisgah.

11. ‘For dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return’. Which Book of the 11. According to Exodus 31:18, the Ten Commandments were written with
Old Testament has it? ____?
Answer: Genesis, 3:19. Answer: Finger of God.

12. Shaw’s play, ‘Back to Methuselah’, refers to the grandfather of Noah, 12. Which book of the Bible comes after second Timothy?
who lived exceptionally long. How long? Answer: Titus.
Answer: 969 years.
13. Who was sent to the Potter’s house?
13. One particular Bible is to be found most frequently in American hotel Answer: Jeremiah.
rooms. Which is it?
Answer: The Gideon Bible. 14. According to Genesis 2:10-14, which is NOT a river that parted from the
Garden of Eden? Pishon, Euphrates, Gihon and Ephraim?
14. Which is the first complete translation of the Bible into English? Answer: Ephraim.
Answer: By Wycliffe and his followers.
15. In John 11:35, whose death caused Jesus to weep?
15. The New English Bible is not recognized by one of the Churches. Answer: Lazarus.
Answer: Roman Catholic. 16. According to 2 Samuel 4:8, And they brought the head of ____ unto
David to Hebron?
16. ‘The Wicked Bible’ of 1631 is so called because it dropped a ‘not’ from Answer: Ishbosheth.
one of the prohibitions of the Ten Commandments. Which is it?
Answer: Not commit Adultery. 17. According to 2 Kings 2:21, what did Elisha throw in the spring?
Answer: Salt.
17. The Seven Pillars of Wisdom’ by Lawrence of Arabia takes its title from
the Bible. From where precisely? 18. According to Matthew 5:16, Let your light so shine before men, that they
Answer: Proverbs, 9:1. may see your good works, and glorify your Father in _____?
Answer: Heaven.
18. Chaucer’s Wife of Bath is full of praise for King Solomon, ‘the wise King,
daun Solomon’ who had wives more than one. How many women did 19. In 2 Samuel 21:16, Who was Ishbibenob?
Solomon have? Answer: One of the son’s of the giant.
Answer: 700 wives and 300 concubines.
20. In 1 Kings 7:21, what were the names of the two pillars in Solomon’s
19. Identify the Book of the New Testament which has this: “Resist not evil: temple?
but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other Answer: Boaz and Jachin.
Answer: Matthew, 5:39.
21. In Revelation 6:8, what was the color of the horse that was revealed the rooster crows today, you will deny me _____ times.’
when the fourth seal was opened? Answer: Three.
Answer: Pale.
43. According to Deuteronomy 10:8, which of the twelve tribes of Israel did
22. According to 1 Chronicles 11:22, who went into a pit on a snowy day andGod choose to bear the ark of the covenant of the Lord?
killed a lion? Answer: Levi.
Answer: Benaiah.
44. According to Acts 1:15, how many people were present in the upper
23. In what book do we find: ‘The Law of the Lord is perfect, converting room on the day of Pentecost?
(reviving) the soul? Answer: 120.
Answer: Psalm.
45. In 2 Samuel 4:4, who was Saul’s grandson to whom King David showed
25. According to Matthew 13:55, who are Jesus’s half brothers? kindness?
Answer: James Joseph (Joses), Simon and Judas. Answer: Mephibosheth.

46. In Genesis 7:4, how many days did it rain during the Great Flood?
General Bible Quiz 2018 – Online Bible Quizzes with Answer Answer: 40.

26. Which Bible verse says: I can do all things through Christ who 47. According to Matthew 10:2-4, which of the following was NOT one of the
strengthens me? original 12 apostles?
Answer: Philippians 4:13. Answer: Mark.

27. One Lord, One faith, One baptism’ is found in which book of the Bible? 48. According to Genesis 6:10, how many sons did Noah have?
Answer: Ephesians. Answer: 3.

28. Naomi had two daughters-in-law. What were their names? 49. According to John 11:17, Lazarus was dead for how many days before
Answer: Ruth and Orpah. Jesus raised him up?
Answer: 4.
29. According to Esther 9:14, how many of Haman’s sons were hanged on
the gallows? 50. According to Acts 20:4, where was Gaios from?
Answer: 10. Answer: Derbe.
1) In the second day of creation, God created an arch in the midst of the
30. In Exodus 17, what tribe did God say He will war with for generation to waters and let it divide the waters from the waters. What was that arch?
generation? Answer: Sky.
Answer: Amalekites. 2) According to the Bible, which is the light that rule the day created by the
God in the fourth day of creation?
31. In Genesis 5:18, who is the father of Enoch? Answer: Sun.
Answer: Jared. 3) Which is the lesser light created by the God which rule in the night?
Answer: Moon.
32. In Ecclesiastes 12:13, what is the whole duty of man? 4) According to the Bible which is the creature created by the God his own
Answer: Fear God and keep his commandments. image, in the image of God?
Answer: Man.
33. What is the ninth book of the New Testament? 5) What was created by the God as food for all living things in the face of the
Answer: Galatians. earth?
Answer: Herbs.
34. In 2 Samuel 17:1, which of David’s sons tried to claim his throne? 6) Which was the day the God ended his creation and rested?
Answer: Absalom. Answer: 7th day.
7) Which was the river head went out of Eden garden?
35. According to 1 Samuel 17:49, where did the stone that David hurled at Answer: Pishon.
Goliath hit him? 8) Which is the land Pishon river encompasses?
Answer: His forehead. Answer: Havilah land.
9) Which is the river head encompasses in Cush land?
36. In 1 Samuel 17:1-2, where did David fight Goliath? Answer: Gihon.
Answer: Valley of Elah. 10) Where Euphrates and Tigris goes forwards?
Answer: East of Assyria.
37. What is the name of the Mountain that Noah’s Ark rest on after the 11) According to the Bible why woman shall be called she?
flood? Answer: Woman had created from man, so ‘she’ named.
Answer: Ararat. 12) How had been creation of woman according to the Bible?
Answer: God created woman from the rib of the man.
38. In Daniel 6:16, Daniel was thrown into what? 13) Which was more cunning of the beasts which the God created?
Answer: A den full of lions. Answer: Serpent.
14) What is the reason man last become dust?
39. In Acts 9:9, who went blind for three days on his journey to Damascus? Answer: Because of the curse given by the God to Adam.
Answer: Saul. 15) What did man win, while the prohibited fruit eaten?
Answer: Ability to know good and evils.
40. In 2 Timothy 4:13, Paul asked Timothy to bring him two things while 16) Why did God sent man out of the Garden of Eden?
imprisoned in Rome. What were they? Answer: The command of God denied and ate prohibited fruit.
Answer: A cloak and books. 17) Who was the first son of Adam and Eve?
Answer: Cain.
41. What is the longest name mentioned in the Bible? 18) Who was the second son of Adam?
Answer: Mahershalalhashbaz. Answer: Abel.
19) What was Abel’s job?
42. According to Luke 22:61, And the Lord turned and looked at Peter. And Answer: Sheep keeper.
Peter remembered the saying of the Lord, how he had said to him, ‘Before 20) What was the job of Cain?
Answer: Agriculture.
21) Who assassinated Abel? 58) Who was the king Sodom went out to meet Abraham, who defeated
Answer: Cain. Chedorlaomer and the kings who were with him?
22) Where did Cain settled when he left Eden? Answer: Melchizedek.
Answer: Land of Nod. 59) According to the request of Sarai, who was the maid received by
23) Who was the son of Cain? Abram?
Answer: Enoch. Answer: Hagar.
24) Which was the city built by Cain for Enoch? 60) Who was the son of Abram borned by Hagar?
Answer: Enoch. Answer: Ismael.
25) What was the name of Enoch’s son? 61) Who was the Bible character as Mother of Nations?
Answer: Irad. Answer: Sarai.
26) Who was the father of Mehujael? 62) Who was the son borned by Abraham and Sara?
Answer: Irad. Answer: Isaac.
27) Who was the father of Methuselah? 63) Where did God appear to Abraham?
Answer: Mehujael. Answer: Near terebinth trees of Mamre.
28) Who were the wives of Lamech? 64) Who was the son of the elder daughter of Lot born by her father?
Answer: Adah and Zillah. Answer: Moab.
29) Who was the mother of Jubal? 65) Who was the father of Moabit?
Answer: Adah. Answer: Moab.
30) Who was the brother of Jabal? 66) Who was the father of Amman?
Answer: Jubal. Answer: Ammanites.
31) Who is known as the father of live-stock? 67) Who was the son of younger daughter of Lot born by him?
Answer: Jabal. Answer: Ben-Ammi.
32) Who was the father of harp and flute players? 68) Who was the son born by Abraham and Sara in old age?
Answer: Jabal. Answer: Isaac.
33) Who was the mother of Jubal Cain? 69) God has made me laugh; so that all who hear will laugh with one, who
Answer: Zillah. told like that?
34) Who was the sister of Jubal Cain? Answer: Sara.
Answer: Naamah. 70) How did the name get the place Beersheba?
35) Who was the son born for Adam after Abel and Cain? Answer: Between Abraham and Abimelech swore an oath there for this
Answer: Seth. reason named the place Beersheba.
36) Who was the son of Seth? 71) Which was the tee Abraham planted in Beersheba?
Answer: Enosh. Answer: Tamarisk tree.
37) How many years was the life duration of Adam? 72) Where did Sara die?
Answer: 933 years. Answer: In Kiriath-arba.
38) How many years was the life duration of Seth? 73) Where did Sara was buried?
Answer: 912 years. Answer: In the cave of Machpelah.
39) Who was the son born for Enosh when he was 90 years? 74) Who is the daughter of Bethael who born by Milcah from Nahor?
Answer: Cainan. Answer: Rebecca.
40) How many years was the life duration of Cainan? 75) After the death of Sara to whom Abraham took as wife?
Answer: 910 years. Answer: Keturah.
41) Who was the son born for Jared when he was 162 years? 76) Who was the father of Sheba and Dedan?
Answer: Enoch. Answer: Jokshan.
42) Who was the father of Noah? 77) Who were the sons of Midian?
Answer: Lamech. Answer: Ephah, Epher, Hanoch, Abidah, Eldaah.
43) Who were the sons of Noah? 78) The of life years of Abraham’s?
Answer: Shen, Han, Japheth. Answer: 175 years.
44) Who were the mighty men in olden days? 79) Where was buried the dead body Abraham?
Answer: Nephilim. Answer: In the cave of Machpelah.
45) According to the Bible who was the righteous person before God? 80) Why the son of Rebecca received name ‘Esau’?
Answer: Noah. Answer: Because that child was like hairy garment all over.
46) Noah’s ark built by which wood? 81) Who was the second son of Rebecca?
Answer: Gopher. Answer: Jacob.
47) How many days come to pass the rain which make flood on the earth? 82) How did Jacob got such name?
Answer: Forty days and nights. Answer: That child’s hand took hold of Esau’s heel at the time birth.
48) Who planted vineyard first in the earth? 83) Among the sons of Isaac to whom he loved more?
Answer: Noah. Answer: Esau.
49) Who were the sons of Japheth? 84) What is the reason Isaac more loved to Esau?
Answer: Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal, Meshek, Tiras. Answer: He used to taste savory food bringing by Esau.
50) Who was the first mighty hunter in the Bible? 85) Among the sons of Rebecca to whom she loved more?
Answer: Nimrod. Answer: Jacob.
51) Which were the important cities in the land of Shinar? 86) Another name of Esau?
Answer: Babel, Erech, Accad. Another: Edom.
52) Which were the cities in Assyria built by Nimrod? 87) What is the meaning of Edom?
Answer: Nineveh, Rehoboth, Calah, Resen. Answer: Redly.
53) Which was the principal city in Assyria built by Nimrod? 88) What answer told Jacob to Esau, who asks red stew?
Answer: Resen. Answer: Sell me your birthright.
54) “In your all families of the earth shall be blessed” as God told to whom? 89) Who bought birthright of Esau?
Answer: To Abraham. Answer: Jacob.
55) Who was the wife of Abraham? 90) Why Philistines envied to Isaac?
Answer: Sarai. Answer: He became wealthy and mighty.
56) Where did Abram build altar to the God? 91) Which was the first well dug by Isaac’s servants in the valley of Gerar?
Answer: In Bethel. Answer: Esek.
57) Who is nephew of Abram? 92) What is the meaning of Esek?
Answer: Lot. Answer: Controversial thing.
93) Who were the wives of Esau?
Answer: Basemath, Judith. ~ ~The Minor Prophets~ ~
94) The first name of Bethuel?
Answer: Luies. 28. Hosea 'Hoshea' - Salvation
95) What is the meaning of Bethuel? 29. Joel - Yahveh (God) is God
Answer: House of God. 30. Amos - Burden
96) Who is the first baby of Jacob by Leah? 31. Obadiah - Servant of Yahveh (God)
Answer: Reuben. 32. Jonah - Warmth of a dove
97) What name Jacob got for having struggle with God and men and has 33. Micah - Who is like Yahveh (God)?
prevailed? 34. Nahum - The compassionate, or consoler
Answer: Israel. 35. Habakkuk - To embrace
98) What name given the place where Jacob seen God face to face? 36. Zephaniah - Hidden of Yahveh (God)
Answer: Peniel. 37. Haggai - Feast or Festival
99) Why the children of Israel do not eat the muscle shrank, which is on the 38. Zechariah - Remembered of Yahveh (God)
hip socket? 39. Malachi - My mesenger
Answer: The people who were struggled with Jacob in Peniel touched the
socket of his hip. THE NEW TESTAMENT - 27 Books
100) How Succoth got that name?
Answer: Because Jacob built a house and made a booth for livestock.
~ ~The Four Gospels~ ~
7 Days of Creation
Day One – Night and Day -1. Matthew - Jesus, the True King
Day Two – Sky and Sea -2. Mark - Jesus, the Servant of All
Day Three – Land and Vegetation -3. Luke - Jesus, the Man of Compassion
Day Four – Stars, Sun and Moon -4. John - Jesus, the Son of God
Day Five – Sea creatures including fish and Birds
Day Six – Animals and Mankind ~ ~The Acts~ ~
Day Seven – Rest
-5. Acts - The Acts of the Apostles
66 Books and it’s maning
~ ~The Epistles/Letters~ ~
-6. Romans - God's Plan to Save Us
The Law(Torah) -7. I Corinthians - The problems of the Church, Corinth
-8. II Corinthians - Paul answers His Accusers
~ ~The Five Books of the Pentateuch~ ~ -9. Galations - Christianity as a Reality, not 'Traditions'
10. Ephesians - We are One in Christ
-1. Genesis 'Bereshith' - In the beginning 11. Philipians - Serve Others with Joy
-2. Exodus 'veelleh shemoth' - Redemption 12. Colossians - Jesus is above all things
-3. Leviticus 'vayyikra' - Worship 13. I Thessalonians - Encouragement for New Christians
-4. Numbers 'Bemidbar' - In the wilderness 14. II Thessalonians - The Return of Christ
-5. Deuteronomy 'Haddebarim' - The words 15. I Timothy - Advice to a Younger Preacher
16. II Timothy - Encouragement to a Soldier of Christ
17. Titus - Instructions for Doing Good
~ ~The History~ ~
18. Philemon - A Slave Becomes a Christian
19. Hebrews - A Better Life Through Christ
-6. Joshua 'Yahsua' (Jesus) - Yahveh (God) the Savior 20. James - How to Live as a Christian
-7. Judges - 'Shophetim' - Rulers 21. I Peter - written to God's Elect
-8. Ruth - A Story of Loyalty 22. II Peter - Correcting the False Teachings
-9. I Samuel - 'Shemuel' - Asked of God 23. I John - The Love of God
10. II Samuel 24. II John - Beware of the False Teachers
11. I Kings - The Kingdom United 25. III John - Love to Those Who Walk in the Truth
12. II Kings - The Kingdom Divided 26. Jude - Warnings of 'evil' men and false teachers
13. I Chronicles - 'Dibrei hayyamim' - Words of the days
14. II Chronicles
~ ~The Apocalypse~ ~ "apokalupsis" - to reveal, prophecy
15. Ezra - Born in confusion
16. Nehemiah - Comforter of Yahveh (God)
17. Esther 'Estthur' - The Hidden Star 27. Revelation - The uncovering

~ ~The Books of Poetry~ ~ 12 Disciples

1. Peter
2. James
18. Job 'Iyyob' - Persecuted
3. John
19. Psalms 'Tehillim' - Songs, to rejoice
4. Andrew
20. Proverbs 'Mishlai - To rule
5. Bartholomew or Nathanael
21. Ecclesiastes 'Koheleth' - The Preacher
6. James, the Lesser or Younger
22. Song of Soloman 'Shir Hashshirim' - Songs of Songs
7. Judas
8. Jude or Thaddeus
~ ~The Major Prophets~ ~ 9. Matthew or Levi
10. Philip
23. Isaiah - Salvation of Yahveh (God) 11. Simon the Zealot
24. Jeremiah - Launches Forth 12. Thomas
25. Lamentations - One God sends forth
26. Ezekiel ' Yehezkel' - El is strong
27. Daniel - God my Judge

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