CANDIDA Eugene Marchbnks
CANDIDA Eugene Marchbnks
CANDIDA Eugene Marchbnks
Eugene Marchbanks is a socially
awkward eighteen-year-old poet
and nobleman who falls in love ROMANTIC POET • IMPRACTICAL • DON JUAN
with the beautiful Candida.
Unfortunately for him, Candida is
already married to Reverend Candida- by George Bernard Shaw is a typically Shavian paradoxical play in which the initial expectations of the
James Morell, who is a Christian
audience are undermined. Eugene Marchbanks is a typical Romantic poet, rather in the mode of Shelley or Byron.
Socialist clergyman. Morell and
Candida take Marchbanks under He is still quite young, only 18, the nephew of an earl, and absurdly impractical on the surface. He also immediately
their wing after Morell found the falls in love with Candida, wife to Reverend James Morell, who appears a typical admirable Victorian, successful,
young man "sleeping on the energetic, popular, and active in philanthropy.
Embankment." The married
couple clearly love each other, Eugene initially appears a sort of Don Juan figure or typical young Romantic hero, effeminate and charming, in
but Marchbanks convinces contrast with the muscular Christianity of Morrell. Eugene assumes that Candida will end up falling in love with
himself that Candida dislikes her
husband and their marriage and him because of her feminine (maternal, nurturing) instincts which will lead her to want to take care of him. The
would choose him over Morell if paradoxical part of his character is revealed as Shaw has Candida choose Morrell because Morrell is actually the
given the chance. weaker of the two men, lacking the clear and distinct sense of self and purpose that Eugene has gained from his
devotion to poetry and belief in himself as a writer. Eugene learns from Candida to appreciate his own strength
At first, when Marchbanks and to see his own impracticality and artistic nature as strengths rather than weaknesses.
declares his love for Candida,
Morell laughs and says that
Eugene Marchbanks fulfils the role of the anti-macho hero in the Play 'Candida' by George Bernard Shaw. He
everybody loves his wife and that
Marchbanks' case is nothing almost plays the part of acting as a foil to her husband, showing who, in reality, is the neediest. Eugene looks like
special. As Marchbanks goes on the quintessential English Romantic poet with his eighteen year old youthful looks, needy endearing manner,
to insist that Candida secretly poetic and literary interests and apparently sensitive and vulnerable personality - he cannot even seem to look
despises her husband, Morell after himself, being found sleeping rough and brought in out of the cold by Morel. At first this appeals to Morel's
takes his insulting outbursts more
wife - until she realises that it is her own husband who is the needier. Eugene's role is to bring her to this realisation.
seriously and begins to get
angry. He is not the 'weakest' after all - his vulnerable appearance belies a confidence in his own talents - and shows up
her husband's lack of them.