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Qua Chee Gan V. Law Union and Rockinsurance Co. LTD.: Pioneer V Yap G.R. No. L-36232 December 19, 1974

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QUA CHEE GAN v. LAW UNION AND ROCKINSURANCE CO. LTD. from asserting the breach of such conditions.

rting the breach of such conditions. The law is charitable enough to

assume, in the absence of any showing to the contrary, that an insurance company
December 26, 1984 Aquino, J.Mafoxci intends to executed a valid contract in return for the premium received; and when
FACTS: the policy contains a condition which renders it voidable at its inception, and this
Qua Chee Gan (insured) owned four warehouses or bodegas in Albay used for result is known to the insurer, it will be presumed to have intended to waive the
storage of copra and hemp. The bodegas with their contents were insured with Law conditions and to execute a binding contract, rather than to have deceived the
Union and Rock Insurance Co. Ltd. (insurer)The bodegas were gutted with fire of insured into thinking he is insured when in fact he is not, and to have taken his
undetermined origin. The insured informed the insurer by telegram on the same money without consideration. The contract of insurance is one of perfect good faith
day. The next day the fire adjusters conducted extensive investigation for (uferrimal fidei) not for the insured alone, but equally so for the insurer; in fact, it is
the insurer. The Insurance Company resisted payment, claiming violation of mere so for the latter, since its dominant bargaining position carries with it stricter
warranties and conditions, filing of fraudulent claims, and that the fire had been responsibility.
deliberately caused by the insured or by other persons in connivance with him. The
insured was tried for arson, with the insurance company acting as private
prosecutor. The insured was acquitted. Thereafter the insured instituted an action Pioneer v Yap G.R. No. L-36232 December 19, 1974
to recover the proceeds of the fire insurance policies. The insurer argued that the J. Fernandez
policies were avoided for breach of warranty, specifically the one appearing on a
rider pasted (with other similar riders) on the face of the policies. According to the Facts:
insurer, since the bodegas insured had an external wall perimeter of 500 meters or Respondent Oliva Yap was the owner of a store in a two-storey building where she
1,640 feet, the insured should have eleven (11) fire hydrants in the compound, but sold shopping bags and footwear. ChuaSoon Poon, her son-in-law, was in charge of
actually had only two (2), with a further pair nearby, belonging to the municipality the store.
of Tabaco.The CFI ruled in favor of the insured. It found that the insurance company Yap took out a Fire Insurance Policy No. 4216 from Pioneer Insurance with a value
was aware, even before the policies were issued, that in the premises insured there of P25,000.00 covering her stocks, office furniture, fixtures and fittings.
were only two fire hydrants installed by Qua Chee Gan and two others nearby,
owned by the municipality of Tabaco, contrary to the requirements of the warranty Among the conditions in the policy executed by the parties are the following:
in question unless such notice be given and the particulars of such insurance or insurances be
stated in, or endorsed on this Policy by or on behalf of the Company before the
occurrence of any loss or damage, all benefits under this Policy shall be forfeited…
ISSUE: Any false declaration or breach or this condition will render this policy null and void.
Whether the insurance company can raise as defense the violation of warranties Another insurance policy for P20,000.00 issued by Great American covering the
even when such alleged violations existed at the time the contract of insurance was same properties. The endorsement recognized co-insurance by Northwest for the
entered into. –NO same value.

HELD: Oliva Yap took out another fire insurance policy for P20,000.00 covering the same
No. The insured is barred by waiver (or rather estoppel) to claim violation of the so- properties from the Federal Insurance Company, Inc., which was procured without
called fire hydrants warranty, for the reason that knowing fully all that the number notice to and the written consent of Pioneer.
of hydrants demanded therein never existed from the very beginning, the appellant
nevertheless issued the policies in question subject to such warranty, and received A fire broke out in the building, and the store was burned. Yap filed an insurance
the corresponding premiums. claim, but the same was denied for a breach.

RATIO: Oliva Yap filed a case for payment of the face value of her fire insurance policy. The
It is usually held that where the insurer, at the time of the issuance of a policy of insurance company refused to pay because she never informed Pioneer of another
insurance, has knowledge of existing facts which, if insisted on, would invalidate the insurer. The trial court decided in favor of Yap. The CA affirmed.
contract from its very inception, such knowledge constitutes a waiver of conditions
in the contract inconsistent with the facts, and the insurer is stopped thereafter Issue:
Whether or not petitioner should be absolved from liability on the Pioneeer policy G.R. No. L-36480 May 31, 1988
on account of any violation of the co-insurance clause
Held: No. Petition dismissed.
The Court of Appeals certified this case to Us for proper disposition as the only
Ratio: question involved is the interpretation of the provision of the insurance contract
regarding the "authorized driver" of the insured motor vehicle.
There was a violation. The insurance policy for P20,000.00 issued by the Great
American, ceased to be recognized by them as a co-insurance policy.
On March 7, 1969, the insured, appellee Andrew Palermo, filed a complaint in the
Court of First Instance of Negros Occidental against Pyramid Insurance Co., Inc., for
The endorsement shows the clear intention of the parties to recognize on the date
payment of his claim under a Private Car Comprehensive Policy MV-1251 issued by
the endorsement was made, the existence of only one co-insurance, the Northwest
the defendant (Exh. A).
one. The finding of the Court of Appeals that the Great American Insurance
policywas substituted by the Federal Insurance policy is indeed contrary to said
In its answer, the appellant Pyramid Insurance Co., Inc., alleged that it disallowed
the claim because at the time of the accident, the insured was driving his car with
an expired driver's license.
Other insurance without the consent of Pioneer would avoid the contract. It
required no affirmative act of election on the part of the company to make
operative the clause avoiding the contract, wherever the specified conditions After the trial, the court a quo rendered judgment on October 29, 1969 ordering
should occur. Its obligations ceased, unless, being informed of the fact, it consented the defendant "to pay the plaintiff the sum of P20,000.00, value of the insurance of
to the additional insurance. the motor vehicle in question and to pay the costs."

The validity of a clause in a fire insurance policy to the effect that the procurement On November 26, 1969, the plaintiff filed a "Motion for Immediate Execution
of additional insurance without the consent of the insurer renders the policy void is Pending Appeal." It was opposed by the defendant, but was granted by the trial
in American jurisprudence. court on December 15, 1969.

Milwaukee Mechanids' Lumber Co., vs. Gibson- "The rule in this state and The trial court found the following facts to be undisputed:
practically all of the states is to the effect that a clause in a policy to the effect that
the procurement of additional insurance without the consent of the insurer renders On October 12,1968, after having purchased a brand new Nissan
the policy void is a valid provision.” Cedric de Luxe Sedan car bearing Motor No. 087797 from the Ng
Sam Bok Motors Co. in Bacolod City, plaintiff insured the same
In this jurisdiction, General Insurance & Surety Corporation vs. Ng Hua- with the defendant insurance company against any loss or
“The annotation then, must be deemed to be a warranty that the property was not damage for P 20,000.00 and against third party liability for P
insured by any other policy. Violation thereof entitled the insurer to rescind. 10,000.00. Plaintiff paid the defendant P 361.34 premium for one
Furthermore, even if the annotations were overlooked the defendant insurer would year, March 12, 1968 to March 12, 1969, for which defendant
still be free from liability because there is no question that the policy issued by issued Private Car Comprehensive Policy No. MV-1251, marked
General Indemnity has not been stated in nor endorsed on Policy No. 471 of Exhibit "A."
defendant. The obvious purpose of the aforesaid requirement in the policy is to
prevent over-insurance and thus avert the perpetration of fraud where a fire would The automobile was, however, mortgaged by the plaintiff with the
be profitable to the insured.“ vendor, Ng Sam Bok Motors Co., to secure the payment of the
balance of the purchase price, which explains why the registration
certificate in the name of the plaintiff remains in the hands of the
mortgagee, Ng Sam Bok Motors Co.
On April 17, 1968, while driving the automobile in question, the While the Motor Vehicle Law prohibits a person from operating a motor vehicle on
plaintiff met a violent accident. The La Carlota City fire engine the highway without a license or with an expired license, an infraction of the Motor
crashed head on, and as a consequence, the plaintiff sustained Vehicle Law on the part of the insured, is not a bar to recovery under the insurance
physical injuries, his father, Cesar Palermo, who was with am in contract. It however renders him subject to the penal sanctions of the Motor
the car at the time was likewise seriously injured and died shortly Vehicle Law.
thereafter, and the car in question was totally wrecked.
The requirement that the driver be "permitted in accordance with the licensing or
The defendant was immediately notified of the occurrence, and other laws or regulations to drive the Motor Vehicle and is not disqualified from
upon its orders, the damaged car was towed from the scene of driving such motor vehicle by order of a Court of Law or by reason of any
the accident to the compound of Ng Sam Bok Motors in Bacolod enactment or regulation in that behalf," applies only when the driver" is driving on
City where it remains deposited up to the present time. the insured's order or with his permission." It does not apply when the person
driving is the insured himself.
The insurance policy, Exhibit "A," grants an option unto the
defendant, in case of accident either to indemnify the plaintiff for This view may be inferred from the decision of this Court in Villacorta vs. Insurance
loss or damage to the car in cash or to replace the damaged car. Commission, 100 SCRA 467, where it was held that:
The defendant, however, refused to take either of the above-
mentioned alternatives for the reason as alleged, that the insured The main purpose of the "authorized driver" clause, as may be
himself had violated the terms of the policy when he drove the seen from its text, is that a person other than the insured owner,
car in question with an expired driver's license. (Decision, Oct. 29, who drives the car on the insured's order, such as his regular
1969, p. 68, Record on Appeal.) driver, or with his permission, such as a friend or member of the
family or the employees of a car service or repair shop, must be
Appellant alleges that the trial court erred in interpreting the following provision of duly licensed drivers and have no disqualification to drive a motor
the Private Car Comprehensive Policy MV-1251: vehicle.

AUTHORIZED DRIVER: In an American case, where the insured herself was personally operating her
automobile but without a license to operate it, her license having expired prior to
Any of the following: the issuance of the policy, the Supreme Court of Massachusetts was more explicit:

(a) The Insured. ... Operating an automobile on a public highway without a license,
which act is a statutory crime is not precluded by public policy
(b) Any person driving on the Insured's order or with his from enforcing a policy indemnifying her against liability for bodily
permission. Provided that the person driving is permitted in injuries The inflicted by use of the automobile." (Drew C.
accordance with the licensing or other laws or regulations to drive Drewfield McMahon vs. Hannah Pearlman, et al., 242 Mass. 367,
the Motor Vehicle and is not disqualified from driving such motor 136 N.E. 154, 23 A.L.R. 1467.)
vehicle by order of a Court of law or by reason of any enactment
or regulation in that behalf. (Exh. "A.") WHEREFORE, the appealed decision is affirmed with costs against the defendant-
There is no merit in the appellant's allegation that the plaintiff was not authorized
to drive the insured motor vehicle because his driver's license had expired. The SO ORDERED.
driver of the insured motor vehicle at the time of the accident was, the insured
himself, hence an "authorized driver" under the policy.

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