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Quick Sell Repossessed Properties FNB: WWW - Quicksell.co - Za

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Quick Sell Repossessed Properties


A property becomes a Property in Possession (PIP) or Bank Repossessed Property, once a

customer has defaulted and the bank's reserve price was not achieved at auction. These
properties can be viewed on www.quicksell.co.za

General information about Bank Repossessed properties:

 FNB offers buyers up to 100% bonds on all Quick Sell Repossessed Properties, even
with a bond for first time buyers.
 No transfer duty is payable by the purchaser.
 There is no discount on attorney fees as per Quick Sell Private Sale Properties.
 Property rates and taxes (including all arrear amounts in this regards) will be paid by
FNB until the date of registration.
 Transfer is often much quicker.
 All properties are sold 'as is' with no suspensive conditions allowed.
 Only the conveyancers on FNB's panel of conveyancers will be used.
 The purchaser is responsible to obtain an electrical compliance certificate
 FNB does not warrant that the purchaser will be able to obtain vacant occupation of
the property.
 Where the property is guarded, an appointment must be made with the specific
security company prior to viewing the property.
 All properties are marketed as Quick Sell Properties. Please ask the agent marketing
the property whether it is a Quick Sell Private Sale Property, Quick Sell Repossessed
Property or a Quick Sell Insolvent Estate Property.


loans/property-sales.html you filter the province, surburb etc and you apply and get a
reference number. A consultant will then get a hold of you and you negotiate

Private Property


My Roof

Transfer Duties on Property purchases

Under the current legislation, homes priced from R0 to R750 000 are exempt of transfer
fees, while properties priced between R750 001 and R1.25 million pay 3% on the value
above R750 000.

Homes priced between R1 250 001 and R1 .75 million will pay R15 000 plus 6% of the value
exceeding R1.25 million, properties priced from R1 750 001 to R2.25 million will pay R45 000
plus 8% of the value exceeding R1.75 million, and homes priced R2 250 001 and above will
pay R85 000 plus 11% of the value exceeding R2.25 million.

If you purchase as a company and the company is registered for VAT then you are exempted
from paying duty

There are procedures and requirements which must be complied with in certain
circumstances, such as the local registration of entities registered outside of South Africa
where they purchase property in South Africa

Property can be registered in the name of a foreign company. Dependent upon the
classification of that foreign company in terms of the Companies Act 71 of 2008, such
foreign company may have to register itself with the Company’s Office in South Africa.

External companies are a sub category of foreign companies and it is only external
companies which must be registered in South Africa. Whether a foreign company is
classified as an external company depends on whether the company is conducting business
or non-profit activities in South Africa. Section 23 of the Act deals with determining whether
a foreign company is also an external company.

The Act does state that a company is not deemed to be an external company merely
because the company acquires an interest in any property in South Africa.
Purchasing as a company

Property can be registered in the name of a foreign company. Dependent upon the
classification of that foreign company in terms of the Companies Act 71 of 2008, such
foreign company may have to register itself with the Company’s Office in South Africa.

External companies are a sub category of foreign companies and it is only external
companies which must be registered in South Africa. Whether a foreign company is
classified as an external company depends on whether the company is conducting business
or non-profit activities in South Africa. Section 23 of the Act deals with determining whether
a foreign company is also an external company.

The Act does state that a company is not deemed to be an external company merely
because the company acquires an interest in any property in South Africa.



Various entities can hold ownership of immovable property. Transfer can be effected
to a purchaser in his personal capacity (a natural person) or to a legal entity (a trust,
a company or close corporation*) and the choice depends on the specific
circumstances of the purchaser.

(* The new Companies Act 71, 2008 that is set to come into operation later on in
2010, provides that from the date that it is operative, no new close corporations can
be incorporated. Close corporations that are already in existence at the time
may continue to exist and may sell and purchase property as before.)


Transfer Duty
Transfer Duty is paid by a Purchaser on the acquisition of immovable property. The
rate at which the duty is levied, is different for natural persons and legal entities. A
natural person pays transfer duty at a rate that is based on a sliding scale relative to
the value of the property being transferred, the maximum rate being 8%. Legal
entities pay transfer duty at a flat rate of 8% and the amount of transfer duty is
therefore more than that payable by natural persons.

Transfer duty is also payable on the transfer of a member’s interest in a close

corporation owning residential property, on the transfer of shares in a property
owning company and on the transfer of the beneficial interest in a Trust holding
property. (The 2009 Taxation Laws Amendment Act introduced a window period
during which entities owning residential properties can, in certain circumstances,
transfer the property free of transfer duty to the members, shareholders or
beneficiaries of the entity.)

Note that if a purchaser signs an agreement of sale personally whilst reserving the
right to nominate another person or entity as purchaser (usually within a stipulated
period) then the nominee must be appointed on the same date. If the nominee is
appointed later, SARS will construe it as a subsequent sale transaction and double
transfer duty will be payable. A purchaser must therefore have a clear idea of the
entity in which he intends acquiring ownership at the time of contracting, since a
nomination (and acceptance thereof by the nominee) offers too little time to make an
informed decision.

If a purchaser chooses to buy property in an entity that is not formed yet, the
agreement of sale must be signed by the Purchaser “on behalf of the company/close
corporation* to be formed.” Once the company/ close corporation* is formed, it must
ratify the decision to purchase the immovable property. Note that the Trust Property
Control Act does not provide for the acquisition of immovable property on behalf of a
Trust that is not yet in existence and it is therefore not possible to do so.

Purchasers must keep in mind that no transfer duty is payable if the transaction
attracts VAT. If VAT is payable, the seller is liable to pay it over to SARS. It is
imperative that the deed of sale clearly indicates whether the purchase price includes
or excludes VAT. If the property is being sold as part of a going concern and both the
seller and purchaser are VAT registered, then the transaction will be “zero-rated” for
VAT. The Deed of Sale must then stipulate that the property is being sold as part of a
going concern. When VAT is payable is it important to ensure that the parties are up
to date with the filing of their VAT returns with SARS, otherwise delays will ensue
since SARS will not issue a receipt until the parties are compliant.

Protection from Creditors

If a purchaser intends to trade or run a business on the property, it may be to his

advantage to purchase the property in his personal capacity in order to ensure that
his business creditors will only be able to lay claim to business assets, whilst the
property owned in his private capacity remains protected from claims.

Capital Gains Tax and Estate Duty

The first R1.5 million of any profit made on the sale of a property by an individual is
exempt from CGT, provided the property in question constitutes the individual’s
primary residence. This applies to South African residents only. Twenty five percent of
the net profit remaining (after the R1.5 million exemption, if applicable) is then
added to the individual’s income for the year, and taxed at the purchaser’s marginal
rate of income tax, resulting in a maximum net CGT cost of 10%. This is the lowest
rate of CGT possible.

On death of the individual, his/her estate (including the immovable property) with
certain deductions, will be subject to estate duty. An abatement of R3.5 million is
granted, but the remaining value is taxed at 20%.
A company however pays CGT at a flat rate of 28% on half of all profit earned from
the sale of the property, resulting in an effective tax rate of 14% of the capital gain.

Trusts attract the highest rate of capital gains tax: 50% (inclusion rate) of all profits
gained on sale of trust assets are included in the trust’s taxable income and taxed at
the rate of 40% (statutory rate), resulting in a net capital gains tax cost of 20%
(effective rate) of the capital gain.



 Lowest rate of transfer duty and CGT.

 First R1.5 million of profit is exempt from CGT if it is a primary residence.

 No auditors or accounting officer’s fees.


 R1.5 million exemption does not apply to non-residents

 R1.5 million exemption does not apply to second or further properties

 Estate duty payable on death.


Purchasing As a Private Company


 At the time of acquisition of the immovable property, the agreement of sale

can be signed on behalf of a company “to be formed” and the contract ratified
by the company after its formation – thereby effectively allowing nominations
at the time of signature without the entity being in existence or named at the
time of signature.
 In the past a company was prohibited from providing financial assistance to a
purchaser for the purpose of or in connection with the acquisition of shares in
that company. Accordingly a bond could not be registered over the company’s
property to finance the acquisition of shares. With effect from December 2007
such financial assistance is possible albeit in limited instances only. This may
assist with the acquisition of property given the stringent lending
requirements of banks.


 Higher rate of transfer duty and CGT than payable by individuals:

 – Companies purchasing immovable property (or shares in a property owning
company) pay transfer duty at a flat rate of 8% of the purchase price. – Should
the company or close corporation dispose of the property then CGT is levied at
an effective rate of 14% on the profit earned (i.e., 50% of the profits are taxed
at the flat rate of 28%).

 Bonds may be registered over company property to pay for acquisition of

shares therein in limited circumstances only.

 Annual financial statements must be submitted.

 Where the property being sold is the only asset/greater of assets of the
company, a special resolution must be filed with the Registrar of Companies
within one month of the sale. Failure to do so renders the transaction
voidable.In order for the shareholder to access the profit made by the
company or close corporation the company will have to declare a dividend
which will attract secondary tax (STC).

 If you are the shareholder or member, then the net value of the shares or
membership interest will form part of your estate when determining any
liability for estate duty tax.

 Shares in the company or the membership in a close corporation are assets in

an estate and can be attached by creditors in the event of sequestration.
Purchasing as a Trust


 An effective estate planning tool.

 The assets held in a trust are not subject to estate duty.

 Assets are protected from attachment.

 Eliminates the complications arising when there are multiple heirs in your
estate since the trust remains the owner even after your death.

 The trust is a separate legal entity and the trust assets cannot be attached by
the creditors of the beneficiaries.

 The trust does not need to be audited and is therefore a more cost effective
option than a company.


 Highest rate of CGT if profits on the sale of the property are taxed in the hands
of the Trust: 50% of the gains are included in the trust’s taxable income and
taxed at 40% thereby giving an effective rate of 20%. (Note that profits can
also be distributed to the beneficiaries and taxed at their applicable marginal
rate of income tax resulting in a maximum net capital gains tax cost of 10%
(25% x 40% = 10%). The same principle can be applied to income generated by
the trust. It can either be taxed in the hands of the trust or it can be
distributed to the beneficiaries to be included in their gross income.)
 The Trust must be in existence at the time of signing the agreement of sale.

 Income tax is levied at a flat rate of 40% which is more than you would pay as
an individual or if the property was held in another entity;

 The trust must pay transfer duty at 8% of the purchase price, which is a higher
rate than for individuals.
 Unlike companies and close corporations the trust must be in existence at the
date of signature of the agreement to purchase.

Ownership of Immovable Property


The decision on the appropriate entity for the acquisition of immovable property is
not to be taken lightly. The information included here is not meant to be exhaustive
and it is therefore recommended that the purchaser consults an attorney prior to
signing an agreement of sale in order to obtain expert advice having regard to the
purchaser’s personal circumstances.

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