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Beckhoff Bk5200en Manual

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Technical Documentation

Version 1.1
Eiserstraße 5 / D-33415 Verl / Telefon 05246/963-0 / Telefax 05246/963-149

Contents 2

1. Basic information 3
The Beckhoff bus terminal system 3
The interfaces 5
Power supply 5
Power supply to the power contacts 5
Power contacts 5
Fieldbus connection 6
Configuration interface 6
K-bus contacts 6
Supply isolation 6
The operating modes of the bus coupler 7
Mechanical construction 8
The peripheral data in the process image 10
Starting operation and diagnostics 12
2. BK52x0 DeviceNet 14
Introducing the system 14
Configuring the bus coupler 16
Pin-out 17
Exchanging data 17
Light-emitting diodes 18
Vendor ID 19
DeviceNet Group 19
Maximum cable length 20
Potential isolation 21
Sample arrangement of a process image in the bus coupler 22
Representation of analog signals in the process image 24

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3 BK5200 Basic information

Basic information
The Beckhoff bus terminal system
The bus terminal system is the universal connecting link between a field-
bus system and the sensor/actor level. A unit consists of a bus coupler,
Up to 64 bus terminals which is the interface to the fieldbus, and up to 64 electronic terminals, of
which the last is an end terminal. Terminals, each with two I/O channels,
each with 2 I/O channels are available for any form of technical signal and can be combined as desi-
for any form of signal red. The various types of terminal are all constructed in the same way, so
that the planning costs are kept extremely low. The height and depth of the
construction are calculated for compact terminal cabinets.

Decentralized wiring of the Fieldbus technology makes it possible to use compact control architectu-
I/O level res. The I/O level does not need to be taken right up to the control unit.
Sensors and actors can be connected decentrally with minimal lengths of
IPC as control unit cable. You can position the control unit at any convenient location in the
installation. Using an industrial PC as control unit makes it possible to im-
plement the operating and monitoring element as part of the control hard-
ware, so the control unit can be located on an operating desk, control point
or similar. The bus terminals constitute the decentralized input/output level
of the control unit in the switch cabinet and its subordinate terminal cabi-
nets. As well as the sensor/actor level, the power unit of the equipment is
also controlled via the bus system. The bus terminal replaces a conventio-
nal terminal as the cabling level in the switch cabinet; the switch cabinet
can be made smaller.

Bus couplers for all current The Beckhoff bus terminal system combines the advantages of a bus sy-
bus systems stem with the functionality of compact terminals. Bus terminals can be used
on all current bus systems and serve to reduce the diversity of parts in the
control unit, while behaving like the conventional standard units for the
relevant bus system and supporting the entire range of functionality of the
bus system.

Standard C rail assembly The simple and compact assembly on a standard C rail, and the direct
cabling of actors and sensors without cross connections between the ter-
minals, serve to standardize the installation, as does the uniformly de-
signed labeling.

The small size and great flexibility of the bus terminal system mean that
you can use it anywhere that you could use a terminal and use any type of
connection – analog, digital, serial or direct sensors.

Modularity The modular construction of the terminal row, using bus terminals with
various functions, limits the number of unused channels to at most one per
function. Two channels to a terminal is the optimum solution for the number
of unused channels and the cost per channel. The possibility of using po-
wer input terminals to provide separate power supplies also helps to mini-
mize the number of unused channels.

Display of channel status The integrated light-emitting diodes close to the sensor/actor indicate the
status of each channel.

The K-bus The K-bus is the path taken by data within the terminal row. The bus cou-
pler carries the K-bus through all the terminals by means of six contacts on
End terminal the side walls of the terminals, and the end terminal terminates the K-bus.
The user does not need to know anything about the function of the K-bus
or the internal operation of terminals and bus couplers. There are nu-
merous software tools available which provide for convenient planning,
configuration and operation.

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BK5200 Basic information 4

Power input terminals Three power contacts pass the operating power to the following terminals.
for separately powered You can use power input terminals to subdivide the terminal row as desired
groups into groups, each with a separate power supply. These power input termi-
nals are not taken into account for addressing the terminals, you can insert
them at any position along the terminal row.

You can install up to 64 terminals on a terminal row, including power input

terminals and the end terminal.

The principle of the bus


Bus couplers for various You can use a variety of bus couplers to attach the electronic terminal row
fieldbus systems quickly and easily to the various fieldbus systems, and you can also sub-
sequently convert to a different fieldbus system. The bus coupler deals with
all the necessary monitoring and control tasks for operating the attached
bus terminals, indeed all the operation and configuration of the bus termi-
nals is carried out via the bus coupler. The fieldbus, K-bus and I/O level are
electrically isolated.

If the exchange of data across the fieldbus is temporarily interrupted, logic

states are preserved, digital outputs are cleared and analog outputs revert
to a reset value which can be individually configured for each output when
the equipment is set up.

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5 BK5200 Basic information

The interfaces
There are six ways of making a connection to a bus coupler. These interfa-
ces are designed as plug connections and spring terminals.

The DeviceNet coupler


Power supply
24 V DC on the topmost The bus couplers need an operating power of 24 V DC which is connected
terminals ”24 V” and ”0 V” via the topmost spring terminals, labeled ”24 V” and ”0 V”. This power
supply serves not only the electronic components of the bus coupler but
(via the K-bus) also the bus terminals. The power supply of the bus coupler
circuitry and that of the K-bus are electrically isolated from the voltage of
the field level.

Power supply to the power contacts

Lower 3 terminal pairs for The six lower connections with spring terminals can be used to supply po-
power input wer to the peripherals. The spring terminals are connected in pairs to the
power contacts. The power supply to the power contacts has no connec-
tion to the power supply of the bus couplers. The power input is designed
maximum 24 V to permit voltages up to 24 V. The pair-wise arrangement and the electrical
connection between the feed terminal contacts makes it possible to loop
through the wires connecting to different terminal points. The load on the
maximum 10 A power contact may not continuously exceed 10 A. The current capacity
between two spring terminals is the same as the capacity of the connecting

Power contacts
On the right-hand side face of the bus coupler are three spring contacts
Spring contacts at the side which are the power connections. The spring contacts are recessed in slots
to prevent them from being touched. When a bus terminal is connected,
the blade contacts on the left-hand side of the bus terminal are connected
to the spring contacts. The slot and key guides at the top and bottom of the
bus couplers and bus terminals ensure reliable location of the power con-

Eiserstraße 5 / D-33415 Verl / Telefon 05246/963-0 / Telefax 05246/963-149

BK5200 Basic information 6

Fieldbus connection
9-pin Sub-D female On the left-hand side there is a flat recessed area where you can plug in
connector the typical Profibus male connectors. You will find a detailed description of
the fieldbus interfaces in another part of this manual (In the chapter ”The
transfer medium: plugs and cables”).

Configuration interface
On the lower part of the front face you will find the standbus couplers which
Serial interface under the are fitted with an RS232 interface. The miniature plug can be attached to a
front flap PC by means of a connection cable and the configuration software
BS2000. This interface enables you to configure the analog channels. You
can also access the functionality of the configuration interface via the field-
bus by means of the ADS communications.

K-bus contacts
The connections between the bus coupler and the bus terminals are ef-
6 contacts at the side fected by gold contacts at the right-hand side of the bus coupler. When the
bus terminals are plugged together, these gold contacts automatically
complete the connection to the bus terminals. The K-bus is responsible for
the power supply to the electronic components of the K-bus in the bus ter-
minals, and for the exchange of data between the bus coupler and the bus
terminals. Part of the data exchange takes place via a ring structure within
the K-bus. Disengaging the K-bus, for example by pulling on one the bus
terminals, will break this circuit so that data can no longer be exchanged.
However, there are mechanisms in place which enable the bus coupler to
locate the interruption and report it.

Supply isolation
3 supply groups: The bus couplers operate with three independent supplies. The input po-
fieldbus wer supplies the electrically isolated K-bus circuitry in the bus coupler and
K-bus the K-bus itself. The power supply is also used to generate the operating
peripheral level power for the fieldbus.

Note: All the bus terminals are electrically isolated from the K-bus, so that
the K-bus is completely electrically isolated.

Setting up the power levels

in the bus terminal system

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7 BK5200 Basic information

The operating modes of the bus coupler

When it is first switched on the bus coupler carries out a self-test to check
the functions of its components and the communications of the K-bus, and
while this is going on the red I/O LED will flash. When the self-test has
been completed successfully, the bus coupler will begin to test the atta-
ched bus terminals (the ”bus terminal test”) and read in the configuration
from which it constructs an internal structure list, which is not accessible
from outside. If an error occurs the bus coupler will enter the operating
mode ”STOP”. If the start-up sequence is completed without errors the bus
coupler will enter the mode ”fieldbus start”.

Start-up behavior of the bus


The bus coupler reports the error to the master by means of the DeviceNet
diagnostics. Clearing the error returns the bus coupler to its normal opera-
ting mode.

Eiserstraße 5 / D-33415 Verl / Telefon 05246/963-0 / Telefax 05246/963-149

BK5200 Basic information 8

Mechanical construction
The Beckhoff bus terminal system is remarkable for its compact construc-
tion and high degree of modularity. When you design the installation you
will need to plan for one bus coupler and some number of bus terminals.
The dimensions of the bus couplers do not depend on the fieldbus system.
If you use large plugs, for example like some of the bus plugs used for the
Profibus, they may protrude above the overall height of the cabinet.

Dimensions of a bus

The overall width of the construction is the width of the bus coupler, inclu-
ding the bus end terminal, plus the width of the installed bus terminals. The
bus terminals are 12 mm or 24 mm wide, depending on their function. De-
pending on the gauge of cables used the overall height of 68mm may be
overstepped by about 5 mm to 10 mm by the cables at the front.

Assembly and connections It takes only a slight pressure to latch the bus coupler and the various bus
terminals onto a supporting 35mm C rail and a locking mechanism then
prevents the individual housings from being removed. You can remove
them without effort if you first release the latching mechanism by pulling the
orange tab. You should carry out work on the bus terminals and the bus
coupler only while they are switched off: if you plug or unplug components
while the power is on you may briefly provoke some undefined state (and,
for instance, reset the bus coupler).

You can attach up to 64 bus terminals in series on the right-hand side of

the bus coupler. When you assemble the components, make sure that you
mount the housings so that each slot comes together with the correspon-
ding key. You cannot make any functional connections merely by pushing
the housings together along the supporting track. When they are correctly
mounted there should be no appreciable gap between the adjacent hou-
sings.The right-hand side of a bus coupler is mechanically similar to a bus
terminal. There are eight connections on the top which can be used to
connect to thick-wire or thin-wire lines. The connection terminals are spring
loaded. You open a spring terminal by applying a slight pressure with a
screwdriver or other pointed tool in the opening above the terminal and you
can then insert the wire into the terminal without any obstruction. When you
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9 BK5200 Basic information

release the pressure the terminal will automatically close and hold the wire
securely and permanently.

The connection between bus couplers and bus terminals is automatically

effected by latching the components together. The K-bus is responsible for
passing data and power to the electronic components of the bus terminals.
In the case of digital bus terminals, the field logic receives power via the
power contacts. Latching the components together has the effect that the
series of power contacts constitutes a continuous power track. Please refer
to the circuit diagrams of the bus terminals: some bus terminals do not loop
these power contacts through, or not completely (e.g. analog bus terminals
or 4-channel digital bus terminals). Each power input terminal interrupts the
series of power contacts and constitutes the beginning of a new track. The
bus coupler can also be used to supply power to the power contacts.

The power contact labeled ”PE” can be used as protective earth or ground.
This contactcontacts first for safety reasons and can carry short-circuit
currents of up to 125A. Note that in the interests of electromagnetic com-
patibility the PE contacts are capacitively connected to the supporting
track. This may lead to spurious results and even damage to the terminal
Insulation test when you test the insulation (e.g. insulation test for breakdown using a
230V mains supply to the PE line). You should therefore disconnect the PE
line on the bus coupler while you carry out insulation tests. You can dis-
connect other power supply points for the duration of the test by drawing
the power supply terminals out from the remaining row of terminals by at
least 10mm. If you do this, there will be no need to disconnect the PE con-

PE power contacts The protective earth power contact (”PE”) may not be used for any other

Electrical data DeviceNet couplers may have different configuration levels. The electrical
data specific to the fieldbus is listed in the appropriate chapter. The follo-
wing data distinguishes between the standard version and the economy
version (BK5200 and BK5210). Either version is fully compatible to the
DeviceNet, but the economy version has only a limited number of I/O
points, which is why it permits you to attach only digital inputs and outputs.

Technical data DeviceNet coupler BK5200 Economy coupler BK5210

Voltage supply 24 V, + / - 10%
Input current 105 mA typical 85 mA typical
900 mA max. 300 mA max.
Output current K-bus 1.75 A max. 0.5 A max.
Supply isolation 500 Veff (K-bus / supply voltage)
Number of bus terminals 64
Digital peripheral signals 256 inputs and outputs 256 inputs and 256 outputs
Analog peripheral signals 122 inputs and outputs #1 --
Peripheral bytes 244 input and 244 output bytes 32 and 32 output bytes
Configuration interface Available for KS2000
Baud rates Standards-conform, 125, 250 and 500 KBaud
Voltage power contact 24V DC / AC
Current load power con. 10 A
Max. short circuit current 125 A
Max. voltage capacity 500 Veff (power contact / supply voltage)
Weight approx. 170g
Operating temperature 0°C ... +55°C
Storage temperature -20°C ... +85°C
Relative humidity 95% non-condensing
Vibration /shock resistance according to IEC 68-2-6 / IEC 68-2-27
Interference resistance. according to EN 61000-4-4 / EN 61000-4-2, limit EN 50082-2-4
Burst / ESD
Orientation for mounting any
Type of fuse IP20

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BK5200 Basic information 10

The peripheral data in the process image

When the bus coupler is first switched on it determines the configuration of
the attached input/output terminals and automatically assigns the physical
slots of the input/output channels to the addresses in the process image.

The bus coupler sets up an internal list of assignments in which each of the
input and output channels has a specific position in the process image. A
distinction is made here between input and output and between bit-oriented
(digital) and byte-oriented (analog, or complex) signal processing.

It also forms two groups, whereby one contains only inputs and the other
only outputs. In each group, the byte-oriented channels take the lowest
addresses, in ascending order, and these are then followed by the bit-
oriented channels.

Digital signals Digital signals are bit-oriented. This means that one bit of the process
(bit-oriented) image is assigned to each digital channel. The bus coupler sets up a block
of memory containing the current input bits and arranges to immediately
write out the bits from a second block of memory which belongs to the out-
put channels.

The precise assignment of the input and output channels to the process
image of the control unit is explained in detail in the Appendix by means of
an example.

Analog signals The processing of analog signals is always byte-oriented and analog input
(byte-oriented) and output values are stored in memory in a two-byte representation. The
values are held as ”SIGNED INTEGER” or ”twos-complement”. The digit
”0” represents the input/output value ”0V”, ”0mA” or ”4mA”. When you use
the default settings, the maximum value of the input/output value is given
by ”7FFF” hex. Negative input/output values, such as -10V, are represen-
ted as ”1000” hex and intermediate values are correspondingly proportional
to one another. The full range of 15-bit resolution is not realized at every
input/output level. If you have an actual resolution of 12 bits, the remaining
three bits have no effect on output and are read as ”0” on input. Each
channel also possesses a control and status byte in the highest value byte,
although version 2.0 of the DeveNet coupler does not permit the control
and status byte to be read. An analog channel is represented by 2 bytes in
the process image.

Special signals and A bus coupler supports bus terminals with additional interfaces, such as
interface RS232, RS485, incremental encoder, etc.. These signals can be regarded
in the same way as the analog signals described above. A 16-bit data
width may not be sufficient for all such special signals; the bus coupler can
support any data width.

Default assignment of When the bus coupler is first switched on it determines the number of atta-
inputs and outputs to the ched bus terminals and sets up a list of assignments. This list distinguishes
process image between analog channels and digital channels and between input and out-
put; which are grouped separately. The assignments begin immediately to
the left of the bus coupler. The software in the bus coupler creates the
assignment list by collecting the entries for the individual channels one at a
time, counting from left to right. These assignments distinguish four groups:

Function type of the channel Assignment level

1. Analog outputs byte-wise assignment
2. Digital outputs bit-wise assignment
3. Analog inputs byte-wise assignment
4 Digital inputs bit-wise assignment

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11 BK5200 Basic information

Complex multi-byte signal bus terminals are represented as analog inputs

or outputs

Overview of the subdivision of the process image in the bus coupler:

Output data in the bus O0

coupler ...
byte-oriented data
bit-oriented data

Input data in the bus I0

coupler ...
byte-oriented data
bit-oriented data

The path from the I/Os to

the DeviceNet process

Data consistency Data which contains no contradictions is said to be consistent. The follo-
wing consistency is required here: 1. The high byte and low byte of an
analog value (word consistency), 2. The control/status byte and the corre-
sponding parameter word for accessing the register. The interaction of the
peripherals with the control unit means that data can initially be guaranteed
consistent only within an individual byte: the bits which make up a byte are
read in together, or written out together. Byte-wise consistency is quite
adequate for processing digital signals but is not sufficient for transferring
values longer than eight bits, such as analog values. The various bus sy-
stems guarantee consistency to the required length. It is important to use
the appropriate procedure for importing this consistent data from the ma-
ster bus system to the control unit. You will find a detailed description of
the correct procedure in the User Guide of the appropriate bus system, in

Eiserstraße 5 / D-33415 Verl / Telefon 05246/963-0 / Telefax 05246/963-149

BK5200 Basic information 12

particular in the description of the standard master units that are installed.
The chapters of this manual which deal with the fieldbus refer to the most
common of these standard units.

Processing complex signals All byte-oriented signal channels such as RS232, RS485 and incremental
encoder, can use byte lengths greater than two. Apart from the actual diffe-
rence in length, the procedure is always comparable with that for analog

Starting operation and diagnostics

When the bus coupler is first switched on it at once checks the attached
configuration. A correct start-up procedure is indicated by the red LED ”I/O
ERR” going out. If this LED flashes, this indicates a fault somewhere in the
terminals. You can determine the actual error code by observing the speed
of flashing and number of flashes. This will enable you to clear the fault
quickly. You will find a detailed description in the chapter ”The diagnostic

The diagnostic LEDs The bus coupler has a status display consisting of two groups of LEDs.
The upper group has four LEDs which indicate the mode of the installed
fieldbus. The significance of these ”fieldbus status LEDs” is explained in
the appropriate chapters of this manual; they correspond to the usual dis-
plays for fieldbuses.

There are two more green LEDs at the top right-hand side of the bus cou-
pler to indicate the supply voltage. The left-hand LED shows the 24V
supply of the bus coupler. The left-hand LED shows the supply to the po-
wer contacts.

Local errors Two LEDs, the ”I/O LEDs”, which are situated below the fieldbus status
LEDs described above, are used to display the operating mode of the bus
terminals and the connection to these bus terminals. The green LED lights
up to indicate error-free operation, where ”error-free” implies that commu-
nication with the fieldbus system is also operating correctly. The red LED
flashes at two different rates to indicate a fault, whereby the specific error
is encoded in the pattern of flashes, as follows.

Code of flashes Rapid flashing Start of the error code

First slow sequence Type of error
Second slow sequence Location of error

Type of error 1 flash

2 flashes
3 flashes Connection to the bus terminals cannot be set up correctly
4 flashes Break in the K-bus

Location of error The number of flashes corresponds to the position of the lasK-bus terminal
before the error, not counting passive bus terminals such as power input

The bus coupler will carry on flashing the error code even when you have
cleared the fault and its operating mode will remain at ”Stop”. The only way
to restart the bus coupler is by switching the power supply off and on

You should not plug or unplug bus terminals from the series without first
turning off the power. The circuitry of the bus terminals and the bus coupler
is largely protected against damage, but if you modify the assembly while it
is under power, malfunctions and damage cannot be ruled out.

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13 BK5200 Basic information

If a fault occurs during normal operation, the error code will not be output
on the LEDs until the bus coupler has been requested to diagnose the bus
terminals. This diagnostic request is generated after the equipment is swit-
ched on.

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BK5200 BK52x0 DeviceNet 14

BK52x0 DeviceNet
Introducing the system
DeviceNet DeviceNet is an open system based on the CAN principle which was de-
Bus power and terminal veloped a few years ago by the company R. Bosch. CAN was primarily
power are supplied sepa- intended for the transfer of data within automobiles, and millions of CAN
rately. Both power supplies chips have since been installed. The disadvantage of using CAN in auto-
must be connected mation technology is that it does not define an application layer, it specifies
only the physical layer and data security layer.

DeviceNet specifies a uniform application layer which makes it possible to

use the CAN protocol for industrial applications. The ODVA (Open Device-
Net Association) is an independent association which supports manufac-
turers and users of the DeviceNet system. The ODVA ensures that all de-
vices which conform to the specification can operate together in one sy-
stem regardless of their manufacture.



Sensor Pushbutton
Motor Cluster


Bar Code Scanner

Device Configuration SMC

Sample for a DeviceNet network

CAN’s bit arbitration procedure makes it theoretically possible to operate

communication networks using master/slave and multimaster access me-
thods. The bus coupler BK5200 with the corresponding software release
B2 supports master/slave operation (in polling mode) with the bus coupler
functioning as slave. Subsequent releases of the bus coupler will also sup-
port multimaster operation.

The bus coupler does not receive its operating power via the DeviceNet
bus cable. The bus coupler and the peripherals (the bus terminals) must be
wired up using the connections on the top right-hand side (this is explained
in the introductory pages) which enables you to isolate the bus electrically
from the peripherals. If you wish, you can connect the power supply of the
bus cable to the peripherals side and dispense with the decentralized po-
wer supply.

Bus cable The bus cable consists of two pairs of shielded twisted-pair wiring, one for
the data transfer and one for the power supply. The latter can carry cur-
rents of up to 8 amperes. The maximum possible length of a line depends
essentially on the Baud rate. If you choose the highest Baud rate
(500kBaud) you are restricted to lines of at most 100 m. With the lowest
Baud rate (125kBaud) you will be able to use cable with an overall length

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15 BK5200 BK52x0 DeviceNet

24 Volt
Power Conductor
Power Tap Signal Conductor

Node Node Node Node Node Node

The bus cable may consist of a main line with branch lines up to 12m long.
It is important that both ends of the main line should carry 121Ω termina-
ting resistors. You can operate up to 64 subscribers on one line. If you
want to be able to plug and unplug bus couplers while the equipment is in
operation you should attach the terminating resistors firmly to the bus

Using the Software It is advisable to use a special software program to set up the system para-
Manager to set up the meters, for example Allen Bradley’s ”Software Manager” which enables
system parameters. you to record the parameter data in the master. When it is first switched on,
the master will compare its stored settings with the actual configurations of
each of the stations. The exchange of user data between master and slave
will not be set up unless all the parameters agree. Setting the parameters
for the master is carried out directly via the DeviceNet connection. The
DeviceNet system does not use a separate interface such is provided for
other fieldbuses.

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BK5200 BK52x0 DeviceNet 16

Configuring the bus coupler

Set all the DIP switches to the desired configuration before you switch on
the bus coupler. Switches 7 and 8 are used to set the Baud rate, as shown
in the following table.

Setting the DIP switches

Setting the Baud rate Setting Baud rates 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

125 kBd off off
250 kBd on off
500 kBd off on
(Default) 125 kBd on on

Setting the MAC ID DIP switches 1 to 6 are used to set the MAC ID, where switch 1 is the lo-
west value bit, 20, and switch 6 the highest value bit, 25. In the setting
labeled ON, the bit is set.

You can select the MAC ID from the range 0 to 63.

Switch on the bus coupler When you have set all the DIP switches to the desired configuration you
can switch on the bus coupler. Any changes you make to the switches
while the system is in operation will have no effect until the next time it is
switched on.

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17 BK5200 BK52x0 DeviceNet

DeviceNet connection A 5-pin plug is supplied for connecting the DeviceNet bus cable. When it is
The bus and the terminals plugged into the bus coupler, pin 1 is at the top. The illustration shows the
have separate power supp- socket which is located on the bus coupler. The power supply delivered by
lies. Both power supplies this plug is isolated from the power supply of the terminal to the right of the
must be connected bus coupler. Both power sources must be connected before the system
can operate.

Pin-out of DeviceNet connection

1 V+
3 Drain
5 V-

Exchanging data
Data string from the Data is transferred between masters and slaves in the form of objects. The
DeviceNet master to the bus coupler recognizes two objects: an input object and an output object.
bus coupler: You can use the Software Manager to map the input/output bytes onto
first byte-oriented data, specific memory areas in the control unit. The bus coupler uses a consi-
and then bit-oriented data. stent algorithm to correlate the object data to the peripherals. Various ex-
amples of correlations between addresses and peripherals are explained in
the appendix. A (data) object which is transferred from the DeviceNet ma-
ster to the bus coupler must begin with the byte-oriented values, this is the
data for the analog output terminals. The bit-oriented data for digital out-
puts may not be transmitted until all the byte-oriented values have been

4 bytes for 2-channel Analog outputs receive 16 bits of data, i.e. two bytes, for each channel. An
analog output terminals analog output terminal with 2 channels must therefore receive 4 bytes. A
2 bits for 2-channel digital digital output terminal with 2 channels needs a total of 2 bits of data, one
output terminals for each channel.

First the data from all the The first 4 bytes of an object which is transferred to the terminal row are
analog outputs assigned to the first analog output terminal, this is the analog output termi-
nal nearest to the bus coupler. Other terminals which are located between
the bus coupler and the first analog output terminals are disregarded.
The next four bytes of the object go to the second analog output terminal in
the terminal row. Any other terminals between the first and second analog
output terminals are disregarded.

then the data for the digital When the last analog output terminal in the terminal row has received its
outputs, data, the digital outputs are served. Data is always transferred in the form
in each case, transferred as of bytes, so the next byte from the data string contains data for 8 digital
bytes outputs. Bit 0 and bit 1 are assigned to channels 1 and 2 of the first digital
output terminal after the bus coupler. Other types of terminal which are
located in between are ignored.

Bits 2 and 3 go to the 2 channels of the second digital output terminal, bits
4 and 5 to the third and bits 6 and 7 to the fourth. There may be other ter-
minals located between these digital output terminals, if so they will be

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BK5200 BK52x0 DeviceNet 18

Some of the bits in the last Additional bytes are read from the data string until the last digital output in
byte may be unused the terminal row has been dealt with. If the total number of digital outputs is
not a multiple of 8, there will be a number of bits left over in the last data
byte; these will be discarded.

Data string from the bus The object sent by the bus coupler to the DeviceNet master also contains
coupler to the DeviceNet the byte-oriented data at the beginning, followed by the bit-oriented data.
master for transferring the Transfers in this direction also include a status byte, which comes right at
input data: the end of the object.

The byte-oriented data contains the values from the analog inputs and the
bit-oriented data the values from the digital inputs.

first byte-oriented data, The first four bytes contain the data from the first analog input terminal in
the terminal row, where each pair of bytes is the 16-bit value of one input.
The next four bytes correspond to the next analog input terminal and so on,
analogously to the procedure described above.

and then bit-oriented data. After the byte-oriented data from all the analog inputs come the values
from the digital inputs. Eight digital inputs are transferred in each byte. As
before, if the total number of digital inputs in the terminal row is not a mul-
tiple of 8, the last data byte will contain one or more superfluous bits.

An extra status byte is transferred at the end of each string sent by the bus
Status byte at the end of coupler to the DeviceNet master, this returns the status of the terminal row.
the string sent to the master Its value corresponds to the status displayed on the I/O LEDs on the bus
coupler: while the terminal row is functioning correctly, the LED ”I/O RUN”
Status byte=0: I/O RUN will be lit and the status byte will contain the value 0; as soon as an error
Status byte=1: I/O ERR occurs, the LED ”I/O ERR” will light up and the status byte will contain the
value 1.

Light-emitting diodes
Module status LEDs ”MS”
LED ”RUN” The green LED flashes: Configuration is incorrect
The green LED is permanently lit: Status is O.K.
LED ”OVERFL” The red LED flashes: Receive queue overflow
The red LED is permanently lit: Status is O.K.

Network status LEDs ”NS”

LED ”CONNECT” The green LED flashes: Bus coupler is ready for communi-
cation, but not yet assigned to the
LED ”BUS OFF” The green LED is permanently lit: Bus coupler is assigned to the
master, data is being exchanged.

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19 BK5200 BK52x0 DeviceNet

The red LED flashes: Timeout on I/O connection

The red LED is permanently lit: BUS OFF: CAN error, subscribers
have identical node addresses.

Input/output status ”I/O”

LED ”I/O RUN” The green LED is lit: The terminal row is working per-
LED ”I/O ERR” The red LED is lit: I/O error

Vendor ID
The vendor ID is # 108.

DeviceNet Group
The bus coupler BK5200 is invariably a Group 2 device.


10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 0 Group 2
MAC ID Message ID Group 2 Messages

1 0 MAC ID 0 0 0
1 0 MAC ID 0 0 1
1 0 MAC ID 0 1 0
1 0 MAC ID 0 1 1 Group 2 Message Identifier
1 0 MAC ID 1 0 0
1 0 MAC ID 1 0 1
1 0 Destination MAC ID 1 1 0 Reserved for Predefined Master/Slave Connection Management
1 0 Destination MAC ID 1 1 1 Duplicate MAC ID Check Message

Overview of the used identifier

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BK5200 BK52x0 DeviceNet 20

Maximum cable length

The maximum length of cable which can be used depends on the selected
Baud rate. The following lengths should be understood as the total length
of the main line plus any branch lines.

125kBaud 500m
250kBaud 250m
500kBaud 100m

Length of
Thin Cable 80
Used 125k baud
(meters) 60


20 250k baud
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Length of Thick Cable Used (meters)

Lthick + 5 x Lthin = 500 at 125Kbaud

Lthick + 2.5 x Lthin = 250 at 250Kbaud
Lthick + Lthin = 100 at 500Kbaud

where Lthick is the length of thick cable and Lthin

is the length of thin cable.

Jacket DC Pow er I nsulati on

Color: Black
Braid Shi eld
A L /M Y
Shi eld
Data Insul ation
Color: White

A L/M Y Drain Wi re
Shi eld

Data Insul ation DC Pow er I nsulati on

Color: B lue Color: Red

The cable consists of two shielded wire pairs. One pair carries out the
transmission. The second pair distributes the supply power.

V+ Red P.M.S. #207C

CAN_H White EIA 395A within wire/cable limits


CAN_L Blue P.M.S. #297C

V- Black P.M.S. #426C

Connector wiring information

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21 BK5200 BK52x0 DeviceNet

Potential isolation
The bus coupler BK5200 offers a potential isolation between the DeviceNet
bus cable and the communication electronic of the bus coupler.

24 Power supply
Local source

BK5200 Block diagram

Node/App Local
Specific Node
uP / CAN

Isolation Optical no
barrier Isolators function

5V Reg

Power Tap


Potential levels of the BK5200

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Appendix 22

Sample arrangement of a process image in

the bus coupler
The following example will illustrate the assignment of input/output chan-
nels to the process image. Our sample construction is to consist of the
following bus terminal components:

For this configuration Position Function component on the track

the bus coupler will create POS01 Bus coupler
the list of assignments POS02 2-channel digital input
shown below POS03 2-channel digital input
POS04 2-channel digital input
POS05 2-channel digital input
POS06 2-channel digital input
POS07 2-channel digital output
POS08 2-channel digital output
POS09 2-channel digital output
POS10 2-channel analog input
POS11 2-channel analog output
POS12 2-channel analog output
POS13 2-channel analog input
POS14 Power input terminal
POS15 2-channel digital input
POS16 2-channel digital input
POS17 2-channel digital input
POS18 2-channel digital output
POS19 2-channel digital output
POS20 2-channel analog output
POS21 End terminal

By default all analog terminals are mapped without a Control/Status byte.

Please read the technical documentation for the analog terminals for
further details.

Area for byte-oriented Relative byte Bit position Process image in Position in the
data, analog outputs address the control unit block
0, 1 none O0, O1 POS11
2, 3 none O2, O3 POS11
4, 5 none O4, O5 POS12
6, 7, none O6, O7 POS12
8, 9 none O8, O9 POS19
10, 11 none O10, O11 POS19

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23 Appendix

Area for bit-oriented data, Relative byte Bit position Process image in Position in the
digital outputs address the control unit block
12 0 O12 POS07
12 1 O12 POS07
12 2 O12 POS08
12 3 O12 POS08
12 4 O12 POS09
12 5 O12 POS09
12 6 O12 POS18
12 7 O12 POS18
13 0 O13 POS19
13 1 O13 POS19

Area for byte-oriented Relative byte Bit position Process image in Position in the
data, analog inputs address the control unit block
0, 1 none I0, I1 POS10
2, 3 none I2, I3 POS13

Area for bit-oriented data, Relative byte Bit position Process image in Position in the
digital inputs address the control unit block
4 0 I4 POS01
4 1 I4 POS01
4 2 I4 POS02
4 3 I4 POS02
4 4 I4 POS03
4 5 I4 POS03
4 6 I4 POS04
4 7 I4 POS04
5 0 I5 POS05
5 1 I5 POS05
5 2 I5 POS06
5 3 I5 POS06
5 4 I5 POS15
5 5 I5 POS15
5 6 I5 POS16
5 7 I5 POS16
6 0 I6 POS17
6 1 I6 POS17

The items POS14 and POS21 are not relevant to data exchange and do
not appear in the list. If a byte is not fully used, for example I8, the bus
coupler pads its remaining bits with zeroes.

Overview of the distribution of the process image in the bus coupler:

Output data O0
in the bus coupler ...
byte-oriented data
bit-oriented data

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Appendix 24

Input data I0
in the bus coupler ...
byte-oriented data
bit-oriented data

The base addresses I0 and O0 listed here are used as relative addresses
or addresses in the bus coupler. If you have an appropriate superordinate
Profibus system you can use the bus master to enter these addresses at
any desired position in the process image of the control unit. You can use
the configuration software of the master to assign the bytes to the addres-
ses in the process image of the control unit.

Representation of analog signals in the

process image
Three input bytes and three output bytes are required in the process image
for each analog channel. Two bytes represent the value as an unsigned
integer, i.e. 15 bits and sign. This data format is used regardless of the
actual resolution. For example, with 12-bit resolution, the least significant
four bits are meaningless. The low value byte has control and status func-
tions. You can use the control byte to set up various operating modes. The
lowest six bits can be used as the address bits for writing and reading a
register set using string communications. A register set consists of 64 regi-

I/O bytes of an analog Output byte 1 Output byte 0 Control byte

channel in the process
image Input byte 1 Input byte 0 Status byte

Significance of the BIT 7 0 = NORMAL MODE, 1 = CONTROL MODE

control/status bytes BIT 6 0 = READ, 1 = WRITE
for accessing BIT 5 Register address, MSB
the register model BIT 4 Register address
BIT 3 Register address
BIT 2 Register address
BIT 1 Register address
BIT 0 Register address, LSB

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25 Appendix

Register set of an 63
analog channel


User area

16 0
Factory settings

Software version
0 Length Type
Secondary process image

The significance of the registers and status bytes is explained in the data
sheets for the corresponding bus terminals. The construction of the module
is identical for bus terminals with more extensive signal processing.


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