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Cognitive Therapy in The Treatment of Low Self-Esteem: References Reprints

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Cognitive Therapy in the Treatment of Low Self-Esteem

Melanie J. V. Fennell
APT 1998, 4:296-304.
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Advances in Psychiatric Treatment (Ì998),
vol. 4, pp. 296-304

Cognitive therapy in the treatment of

low self-esteem
Melanie J. V. Fennell

Beck's cognitive therapy originally developed as a cognitive therapy; (b) to show readers more familiar
short-term treatment for depression (Beck et al, 1979). with cognitive therapy how a cognitive model may
It has been shown to be effective with a range of be helpful in understanding low self-esteem (Fennell,
other disorders including panic disorder, general 1997);(c)to outline a cognitive-behavioural treatment
ised anxiety disorder, social phobia, eating disorders programme, which follows logically from the model
and sexual dysfunction (Roth et al, 1996). It is and integrates methods from the treatment of specific
promising in the treatment of yet more disorders, disorders with recent developments in cognitive
many of which have traditionally been thought therapy for personality disorders; and (d) to provide
relatively impervious to psychotherapy, for example, some sense of how the model and related treatment
bipolar disorder, chronic fatigue and psychosis methods may apply in practice, through an
(Clark & Fairburn, 1997). However, not everyone illustrative case example.
responds well to short-term cognitive therapy. In The model and treatment programme have not
particular, it has been proposed that people with yet been empirically evaluated. However, as noted
multiple, chronic problems that are apparently above, research has repeatedly demonstrated the
expressions of personality, rather than temporary efficacy of the cognitive treatments for anxiety and
responses to adverse life experiences, require more depression on which it draws, and has supported
extended therapy (Beckef al, 1990). the proposed relationships between cognition, affect
Low self-esteem (often a major focus of interest in and behaviour in both anxiety and depression
other psychotherapies) has been relatively neglected (Clark & Steer, 1996).
in cognitive therapy. This is perhaps because it is
neither a specific psychiatric disorder nor a
personality disorder. Rather, it emerges as an aspect Cognitive model of emotional
of, consequence of or vulnerability factor for many
presenting problems. For example, a negative self- disorder
image is central to depression (aspect), but character
istically evaporates as mood lifts. Alternatively, self-
denigration may occur only once a specific disorder, Beck's cognitive model of emotional disorder (Beck,
such as generalised anxiety disorder, has persisted 1976) suggests that, on the basis of experience,
over time (consequence) and may improve on its own people form conclusions (beliefs and assumptions)
as the presenting problem is addressed. Low self- about themselves, other people and the world
esteem may predispose to a range of other difficulties (predisposing factors). When experience is negative,
(vulnerability factor), such as depression and these conclusions are also negative. Some core beliefs
suicidality, eating disorders and social anxiety. Here are descriptions of how things appear in the eyes of
it may hinder progress in treatment and persist even the person, for instance, T am no good', 'people
after presenting problems have been successfully cannot be trusted' and 'life is a struggle'. These may
resolved. be experienced as statements of fact, rather than
I aim: (a) to introduce practitioners unfamiliar opinions formed on the basis of experience. Other
with the approach to the concepts and methods of beliefs (dysfunctional assumptions) are more like

Melanie Fennell is Consultant Clinical Psychologist at the Department of Clinical Psychology, The Warneford Hospital, Oxford
OX3 7JX, and has used cognitive therapy in clinical practice for many years. As Director of the Oxford Diploma in Cognitive
Therapy, a one-year part-time course for qualified and experienced mental health care professionals, she is actively engaged in
training and supervision. She is also researching cognitive models and treatments for anxiety disorders.
Cognitive therapy in low self-esteem APT(1998), vol. 4, p. 297

guidelines for living, standards of performance or re-evaluate and test the validity of those thoughts.
rules and regulations that allow the person to The cognitive therapist's prime tool is 'guided
operate in the world, given the perceived truth of discovery', a collaborative process of inquiry which
the core beliefs (e.g. 'I must always do everything to helps patients to explore evidence for and against
the highest possible standard, no matter what the their ideas, to search for alternative perspectives,
cost'). All may be well until the person encounters and to examine how realistic and helpful these are
an event or series of events (precipitating factors or by carrying out experiments in the real world and
critical incidents) in which he or she is unable to observing the results. It is not up to the therapist to
meet the requirements of the dysfunctional assump point out patients' errors of interpretation and to
tions (e.g. the perfectionist fails at a crucial task). suggest alternatives, but rather to teach self-
This leads to activation of the belief system, giving observation, self-questioning and openness to
rise to negative, distorted automatic thoughts. These experimentation. These are skills which will allow
are thoughts which pop into the mind rather than patients to discover alternative perspectives for
being a product of reasoned reflection. They are themselves. The objective initially is to bring about
negative in emotional tone and contain biases or changes in thinking on a day-to-day basis, with
exaggerations (e.g. over-generalisation from specific corresponding changes in emotional state and
incidents or jumping to conclusions). Negative behaviour. At a later stage, attention turns to
automatic thoughts directly influence mood, body dysfunctional assumptions and core beliefs. A
state and behaviour. The perfectionist who has failed similar process of guided discovery is used to
may feel anxious and depressed, experience phys question and reformulate dysfunctional assum
ical signs of stress and begin working even harder. ptions, and to question the validity of core beliefs
Unfortunately, changes in mood and body state and and arrive at more balanced views. Ultimately, the
attempts to right the situation may feed back into aim is not only to help patients to resolve current
continuing negative thoughts (maintaining factors). difficulties, but also to reduce their vulnerability to
So the perfectionist's low mood makes him or her future problems (for further details on the practice
more likely to think negatively, while attempts to of cognitive therapy for emotional disorders see
work even harder result in increasing fatigue and Hawtoneffl/, 1989).
strain which may confirm the sense of failure. A
vicious circle is established which becomes increas
ingly difficult to break without professional help.
Cognitive model of low
Concepts and methods
It is proposed that the cognitive model of emotional
In treating relatively acute disorders, such as disorder, with some elaborations, is directly relevant
depression or anxiety, cognitive therapy is typically to the understanding of low self-esteem (the
offered for 6-20 sessions. Treatment is based on a following account should be read in conjunction
thorough assessment, normally using standard with Figure 1, and is illustrated in the case example
questionnaires as well as a detailed clinical inter below). It is suggested that the essence of low self-
view. Information is gathered on current thoughts, esteem lies in global ('me as a person') negative core
emotions and behaviours, living circumstances, the beliefs about the self, which derive from an inter
events that precipitated the onset of the presenting action between inborn temperamental factors and
problems and, where possible, predisposing exper subsequent experience, for example, neglect, abuse,
iences and beliefs (these may not become evident bereavement or an absence of sufficient warmth,
until later in therapy). An individual cognitive case affection and praise. Dysfunctional assumptions
conceptualisation is drawn up (see Fig. 1), which then function as 'escape clauses' which allow the
both guides treatment and changes as new information person to feel more or less happy with him/ herself,
emerges and new understandings are reached. so long as he or she is able to do as they require (be
The first objective is to help patients break out of perfect, be loved, be in control, etc.). However, well-
the vicious circles which maintain their difficulties. being and confidence remain fragile, because the
Painful emotions and maladaptive behaviours are dysfunctional assumptions and the behavioural
presumed to result from negative biases in the strategies to which they lead 'wallpaper over'
patient's thinking. The task is to help patients negative core beliefs, rather than undermining and
become aware of thoughts or images that enter their changing them.
minds in upsetting situations ('What went through Critical incidents which lead the person to believe
your mind just then?'), and to teach them to question, that he or she might not be able to meet the
APT(1998),vol.4,p.298 Peniteli

Events, e.g. neglect, abuse, bereavement, insufficient warmth/affection/praise
Slow starter at school, unfavourable comparisons with older sibling

Global negative beliefs about the self
J am boring, I am stupid

Guidelines for living, standards of performance, rules and regulations
Unless I am the life and soul of the party, no-one will want to know me
I must work extremely hard all the time, or I will fail

Events which precipitate overt difficulties
Move to a new city, losing touch with friends
High demands of professional training



¡won't make a good
Low mood, loss of energy,
impression, I won't be
lowered activity level, loss of
interest and pleasure, suicidal up to the work
thoughts \

SELF-CRITICISM Sweating, blushing,
I've done it again...
shaking, panic
I'm a fool. I'll never
fit in here BEHAVIOUR
Avoidance, safety
behaviours, disrupted
performance, discounting

/ knew it, 1 am boring and stupid

Fig. 1 A cognitive model of low self-esteem

requirements of the assumptions (i.e. an element of (e.g. stammering, clumsiness). In addition, the
uncertainty), precipitate negative predictions, which person may engage in a range of maladaptive
in turn lead to symptoms of anxiety. These may then behaviours, including outright avoidance and more
produce further predictions (e.g. 'I am going to lose subtle self-protective manoeuvres ('safety-seeking
control'). Performance may genuinely be disrupted behaviours'; Salkovskis, 1991). These are designed
Cognitive therapy in low self-esteem APT (1998), vol. 4, p. 299

to prevent the predictions from coming true, but in

fact contribute to the persistence of the problem. Even Box 1. Some key interventions
if to the detached observer all has gone well, success
may be discounted as a product of luck, or a 'near Overall treatment objectives
miss' where disaster was only narrowly averted. To weaken old, negative core beliefs about
Thus, whatever the actual outcome, the person with the self
low self-esteem experiences the incident as confirm To establish and strengthen more positive,
ation of the original belief about the self. This often realistic new beliefs about the self (a
provokes self-criticism (negative automatic thoughts balanced view)
about the self) and then depressed mood, sometimes To encourage kindly self-acceptance, 'warts
intense and persistent enough to meet diagnostic and all '
criteria for major depression. Depressed mood in
turn maintains activation of the system, increasing Understanding the problem
The cognitive model - developing an individ
the frequency and credibility of negative predictions
and self-critical thoughts. The model suggests that ually tailored case conceptualisation
confirmation and subsequent self-criticism and
Modifying the perceptual bias
depression may occur without preceding anxiety Directing attention to positive qualities,
(the dotted line in Fig. 1), if the critical incident is assets, skills, strengths
taken to mean that standards set by the dysfunc Keeping regular written records of examples
tional assumptions have definitely not been met, of positive qualities, etc. on a day-to-day
that is, no element of uncertainty is involved. basis
Seeking evidence (past and present) which
is inconsistent with negative core beliefs
Cognitive therapy about the self
Recording incidents inconsistent with
negative core beliefs about the self
Cognitive therapy for low self-esteem integrates Acting against the old belief and observing
concepts and methods from well-validated short- the results (behavioural experiments)
term work with acute anxiety (Beck et al, 1985) and
depression (Beck et al, 1979), and more experimental Modifying the interpretative bias
Re-evaluating the evidence (past and present)
ideas and interventions from recent developments
in the treatment of personality disorders (Beckcf al, that apparently supports the old belief
1990). Treatment is designed to target elements in Questioning associated negative automatic
the cognitive model of low self-esteem (Fig. 1) in a thoughts (e.g. self-criticism) on a daily basis
systematic sequence, although the exact sequence Testing negative predictions through regular
of events and the emphasis given to components and frequent behavioural experiments
Breaking down black-and-white thinking
will vary. Some key interventions are summarised
in Box 1. through continuum work
Re-evaluating dysfunctional assumptions
As with anxiety and depression, therapy normally
starts with a focus on maintaining factors, identify and formulating more realistic and helpful
ing, questioning and testing the cognitions that drive alternatives
the vicious circle (i.e. negative predictions and self-
critical thoughts) through a combination of cognitive
and behavioural methods. Focused cognitive-
behavioural work provides a foundation for and biased interpretation (Padesky, 1994). Biased
examining how dysfunctional assumptions are perception means that information which is not
both unreasonable (asking more than can realist consistent with the pre-existing belief tends to be
ically be expected) and unhelpful. More realistic and ignored, screened out or forgotten. In contrast,
helpful alternatives are then formulated, and put information which is consistent with the pre
into practice in day-to-day situations. Finally, existing belief is readily perceived, processed and
attention turns to modifying the negative core beliefs stored. Biased interpretation means that incoming
about the self which the model suggests form the information is distorted to fit the Procrustean bed of
heart of low self-esteem. the pre-existing belief. So, a compliment is taken as
The overall goal is to encourage realistic self- insincere and a practical problem is interpreted as a
acceptance, 'warts and all'. It is proposed that sign of incompetence. The methods used to change
negative core beliefs about the self are maintained core beliefs are designed to help the patient to become
by two complementary processes: biased perception aware of and correct these complementary processes,
APT(1998),vol.4,p.300 Fcnnell

both by actively directing attention to strengths, usually advocated (Beck et al, 1990) in response to
assets and qualities, and by examining past and problems presented by these patients, some of which
present experiences held to support the old belief are outlined below. These modifications are mainly
(work on specific self-critical thoughts lays a based on clinicians' attempts to overcome the
foundation for this). The end result is both to weaken shortcomings of traditional cognitive therapy with
and undermine old beliefs, and to establish and this difficult population, and have not as yet been
strengthen more realistic and helpful alternatives. subject to systematic empirical testing.

Cognitive rigidity
Treating low self-esteem in the
context of personality disorder Some patients believe their low opinion of themselves
reflects simple fact: that they really are useless,
unlovable, etc. These beliefs are likely to be associ
ated with intense emotion, and sometimes extensive
Even patients whose problems date back to child
avoidance. Consequently, work at the level of specific
hood (as is common, for example, in social phobia)
presenting problems may have minimal impact. It
may work successfully within the limited time
period of classical short-term cognitive therapy, may first be necessary to help the patient to entertain
the possibility that beliefs are opinions, not facts, as
especially if they have the qualities summarised in
a way of introducing some flexibility into the system.
Box 2. The interventions described above can
Even then, such patients will take longer to consider
produce substantial change within a matter of
and work on alternatives to their negative views.
weeks. With more complex cases, however, it may
take some months for patients even to begin to
perceive anything positive about themselves, or to Multiple problems
consider entertaining a more kindly view.
When treating low self-esteem in the context of Patients often present with a mass of problems, and
personality disorder, the objectives of cognitive find it hard to define any of them precisely, establish
therapy are essentially the same, that is: to help priorities or focus on one at a time. This makes
patients to bring about desired changes in their systematic problem-focused work difficult and can
current thinking, emotions and behaviour, and to leave both therapist and patient feeling over
undermine and find alternatives to underlying whelmed. It may help to draw up a coherent
dysfunctional assumptions and beliefs about the conceptualisation at an early stage, to explain the
self. However, certain modifications to treatment are development and maintenance of problems and how
they relate to underlying beliefs and to each other.

Difficulties in the therapeutic

Box 2. Characteristics in people likely to alliance
respond to short-term cognitive therapy
Patients often report significant interpersonal
Acceptance of the cognitive model of difficulties, based on beliefs about themselves, others
emotional disorder as relevant to their and relationships (e.g. 'I must never allow anyone
own experience to see my true self, or 'people are out to attack and
Belief that change is at least theoretically exploit me'). Patients may therefore be reluctant to
possible, and acceptance of the possib discuss their difficulties openly and prone to
ility of alternatives to their negative views misinterpret the therapist's behaviour. This, in turn,
Ability to recognise and describe thoughts may result in activation of the therapist's own
and feelings with minimal training negative beliefs and dysfunctional assumptions,
Low to moderate level of disability and thus prevent the development of a warm, equal
Willingness to try out cognitive-behavioural collaborative alliance. Relationship issues must
methods in practice, and to experiment then be addressed in their own right, using the same
with new ways of thinking and behaving, cognitive theoretical framework that is used to
both within therapy sessions and in address any other problems in the patient's life
between-session self-help assignments (Safran & Segal, 1990). Therapy can then function
Ability to form an equal, collaborative as a 'laboratory' in which the patient may safely
therapeutic alliance experiment with new ways of relating, before
transferring learning to the outside world.
Cognitive therapy in low self-esteem APT(1998), vol. 4, p. 301

Non-verbal meanings The cognitive conceptualisation of Peter's problems

is presented in italics in Fig. 1. In childhood, he was
Patients with long-standing problems often have seen as slow and dull in comparison to his bright,
vivid, painful memories of childhood experiences socially adept elder brother. This led to two core
beliefs about himself: T am boring' and 'I am stupid'.
when beliefs about themselves, others and the world
are crystallised out. Perhaps because they were His dysfunctional assumptions, adopted during
formed early in life, these beliefs may not have any adolescence and reflecting his strategies for
maintaining self-esteem, were: 'Unless I am the life
readily definable verbal content. This has two and soul of the party, no one will want to know me'
implications for therapy. First, it may be necessary
to work on changing meanings assigned to experi and T must work extremely hard all the time, or I
will fail'. These allowed him to feel more or less
ences in the distant past. Second, imaginai and
experiential methods, often drawn from Gestalt happy with himself in his final years at school and
therapy, can supplement more purely verbal and at university, so long as he could do as his strategies
behavioural techniques to identify and change required. However, they left the underlying beliefs
meanings that the patient may never have put into about himself intact. Problems arose when he moved
words (Hackmann, 1997). to a new city to pursue a professional career. The
work was very demanding, and at the same time he
lost contact with old friends. This combination led
Chronicity to activation of his core beliefs about himself.
Self-monitoring helped Peter to identify the
Patients whose difficulties are lifelong have often negative predictions fuelling his anxiety socially
and at work, for example: T won't make a good
accumulated a substantial body of experience which
impression' and T am going to make a mess of this
apparently supports their negative beliefs about
assignment'. These triggered a range of anxiety
themselves. This is especially so where the beliefs
have resulted in extreme disability (multiple episodes, symptoms, including sweating, blushing and
absent or unsatisfactory personal relationships, shaking. He was certain that his anxiety was
failure to establish a successful working life, etc.). obvious, and predicted that others would think
In this case, hopelessness about the possibility of badly of him because of it. To prevent his predictions
change may be intense, undermining willingness from coming true, Peter engaged in a variety of self-
to engage actively in the process of therapy and even protective manoeuvres. Sometimes he avoided social
contaminating the therapist. Treatment may also situations altogether. At other times, he would read
need to include teaching interpersonal and work the newspaper so as to have something interesting
skills from the most basic level. to say, drink heavily before going out in order to
The existence of long-standing, strongly held relax and spend hours perfecting work assignments.
negative core beliefs does not necessarily indicate a Sometimes he had genuine difficulties, for instance,
need for long-term treatment (Fennell, 1998). Many his mind would go blank when his boss asked him
patients with such beliefs respond well to 6-20 a question. On other occasions, he in fact performed
sessions of competently administered cognitive ther perfectly well, but in retrospect would discount this
(e.g. 'they were just being polite' or 'well, I managed
apy. This is of practical importance, given limited
a good cover-up there, but next time...'). The end
resources. However, taken together, the difficulties
outlined above sometimes mean that cognitive ther result, to his mind, was confirmation of his beliefs
apy must be extended over a longer time period (18- about himself that he was stupid and boring. This
24 months is sometimes advocated). For a popula led to streams of self-criticism. Combined with
tion which makes heavy use of services, this may be hopelessness about improving his situation, this
an acceptable investment, provided it can be shown triggered clinical depression including not only low
to be more effective than more short-term alternatives mood but also loss of energy, lowered activity levels,
both after treatment and over long-term follow-up. loss of interest and pleasure, and suicidal thoughts.
This state was sometimes reached without inter
vening anxiety, for example, when his boss criticised
a report he had written.
Case example Peter received 16 weekly sessions of cognitive
therapy, and three, monthly follow-up 'booster'
Peter was referred by his general practitioner sessions. Treatment began by identifying links
because of his social phobia, of several years' between anxious predictions and safety behaviours,
duration. Peter had not responded to anxiolytic med and considering how these operated together in
ication. He had recently developed panic attacks and specific situations to maintain his anxiety (Clark,
was becoming increasingly depressed and suicidal. 1997). He predicted, for example, that unless he
APT(1998),vol.4,p.302 Fennell

made every effort to be bright and witty, people would teaching and shyness were a better explanation for
not want to know him. He was asked to consider this than stupidity. Changing this belief also
whether this idea was generally true (review of the involved some imagery work, as Peter had vivid,
evidence), or whether in fact he knew people who painful memories of feeling stupid as a little boy
were not particularly bright and witty, but none the which emerged in similar situations in the present
less had an active social life. Even though he did, he and were not affected by purely verbal interventions.
still believed that for him personally being bright Peter imagined himself speaking to his child self,
and witty was essential. However, he agreed to carry telling him that his difficulties were not his fault,
out a behavioural experiment. He went out with and that he was actually intelligent and would do
friends and, instead of striving to be the life and fine in the end. This reduced the pain of the
soul of the party, listened quietly to the conversation. memories, and they became less powerful and less
There was no sign that people did not want to know frequent.
him, and in fact one friend commented that she had The belief about being boring was tackled in a
enjoyed his company. This became the first of a series different way. Peter believed initially that anything
of experiments which gradually undermined both less than '100% scintillating' was boring, with no
his specific predictions about what would happen intervening stages. On a continuum with 0%
in particular situations, and also his overall scintillating (i.e. boring) at one end and 100%
assumption that to be acceptable he must always scintillating at the other, he initially rated himself at
act in this way. This gave him confidence to conduct close to 0%. However, after exploring what 100%
similar tests on his predictions that unless he spent and 0% scintillating actually meant (always having
hours perfecting every assignment at work, he jokes and funny stories and never being unconfident
would be unable to do his job. He agreed to adopt a or at a loss what to say, versus never having anything
'good enough' standard, and discovered to his to say and being unable to join in any conversations),
surprise that he was able to work more efficiently he realised that he was probably nearer 50%, even
because the time taken to complete assignments was when making no attempt to shine. He also concluded
reduced. Again, this changed his feelings and that being with someone who was scintillating 100%
working practices on a day-to-day basis, and also of the time would be exhausting. This reminded him
diminished the assumption that he must work of a university friend who appeared genuinely close
extremely hard all the time in order to succeed. Peter to 100% and made him feel more like an audience
also learned to identify self-critical thoughts, and to than a participant in conversations, and of a
question them CWhat's my evidence for that?', 'What girlfriend who broke up with him because she felt
would I say to another person in that situation?'). he never took anything seriously and she could not
Once he had mastered these skills and could see get close to him. Peter then began to recollect
change occurring, his depression lifted. instances where he was able to be himself without
The combination of changes in thinking and any negative responses from others, and where he
behavioural experiments showed how strategies behaved in a way that showed intelligence and
Peter had adopted to meet the requirements of his common-sense. This combination of re-thinking the
dysfunctional assumptions and improve his self- old beliefs and day-to-day change led to the
esteem actually had an adverse impact, confirming formulation of new beliefs, which he saw as more
his poor opinion of himself. This observation formed accurate once all the evidence was taken into
the basis for formulating more realistic and helpful account: 'I am likeable just as I am' and 'I am an
alternatives: 'being relaxed and spontaneous brings intelligent person who sometimes does stupid
me closer to people', and 'enough is as good as a things'. By the end of treatment, Peter rated his
feast'. These were consolidated over treatment and confidence in his old core beliefs at 0%, and the new
throughout follow-up through further behavioural alternatives were close to 100%. He no longer met
experiments (acting in accordance with the new criteria for social phobia or major depression, and
rules, and observing the outcome). At the same time, reported that he was handling his work and social
work began on modifying Peter's negative core life with confidence and pleasure.
beliefs about himself. The idea that he was stupid
was tackled by reviewing supporting and contrary
evidence. Most of the evidence in favour of the belief Referring patients for
was located in the distant past, though he still
tended to see failure to perform exceptionally as a cognitive therapy
further sign of stupidity. Detailed exploration
revealed that, while he had undoubtedly been slow
to develop at school, a combination of specific Low self-esteem is associated with a wide range of
difficulties with reading (which was resolved), poor presenting problems. Additionally, the model and
Cognitive therapy in low self-esteem APT (1998), vol. 4, p. 303

associated treatment programme contain elements Clark, D. M. (1997) Panic disorder and social phobia. In
Science and Practice of Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (eds
from cognitive therapy of anxiety, depression and D. M. Clark & C. G. Fairburn), pp. 119-153. Oxford:
personality disorder. Ideally, referrals should be Oxford University Press.
made to therapists with knowledge and supervised — & Fairburn, C.G. (1997) Science and Practice of Cognitive-
Behavioural Therapy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
experience of working cognitively with a range of Fennell, M. J. V. (Ì997)Low self-esteem: A cognitive
psychological problems, including long-term perspective. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 25,
difficulties associated with high levels of distress 1-25.
— (1998) Low self-esteem. In Treating Complex Cases: The
and disability. Unfortunately, at present very few Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy Approach (eds N. Tarrier, A.
psychiatrists (particularly at consultant level) have Wells & G. Haddock). Chichester: Wiley, in press.
enough training and supervised experience in Greenberger, D. & Padesky, C. A. (1995) Mind Over Mood: A
Cognitive Therapy Treatment Manual for Clients. New York:
cognitive therapy to work effectively with these Guilford.
patients. However, cognitive therapy is widely Hackmann, A. (1997) The transformation of meaning in
available from clinical psychologists. Also, increas cognitive therapy. In The Transformation of Meaning in
Psychological Therapies: Integrating Theory and Practice
ing numbers of nurse behaviour therapists working (eds M. Power & C. R. Brewin), pp. 125-140. Chichester:
in hospital and community settings now receive Wiley.
training in the approach. The British Association Hawton, K., Salkovskis, P. M., Kirk, ]., et al (eds) (1989)
Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy for Psychiatric Problems.
of Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies Oxford: Oxford University Press.
(BABCP; inquiries to Howard Lomas, Executive McKay, M. & Fanning, P. (1992) Self-Esteem (2nd edn).
Secretary, 23 Partridge Drive, Baxenden, Accrington, Oakland, CA: Harbinger.
Lancashire BBS2RL), a multi-professional organis Padesky, C. A. (1994) Schema change processes in cognitive
therapy. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 1, 267-278.
ation, holds a register of accredited cognitive- Roth, A., Fonagy, P., Parry, G., et al (1996) What Works for
behavioural practitioners, including therapists Wlwin? A Critical Review of Psychotherapy Research. New
York: Guilford.
operating in private practice. Patients with less Safran, J. & Segal, Z. V. (1990) Interpersonal Process in Cognitive
severe problems may also benefit from cognitive Therapy. Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson.
therapy self-help texts which address low self- Salkovskis, P. S. (1991) The importance of behaviour in the
maintenance of anxiety and panic: A cognitive account.
esteem (McKay & Fanning 1992; Young & Klosko, Behavioural Psychotherapy, 19, 6-19.
1993; Butler & Hope, 1995; Greenberger & Padesky, Young, J. E. & Klosko, J. (1993) Reinventing Your Life. New
1995). A 'homework' assignment of reading a York: Dutton.
relevant chapter from one of these, and perhaps
monitoring and making a note of situations,
thoughts and emotions relating to low self-esteem, Multiple choice questions
can be a helpful rough-and-ready way to assess how
likely a patient is to respond to cognitive therapy.
Broadly speaking, patients who complete the 1. From a cognitive perspective, low self-esteem is:
assignments and who feel the cognitive model of a a personality disorder
emotional disorder has direct personal relevance to b an acute psychiatric disorder
them are likely to take to cognitive therapy and make c an aspect of, consequence of or vulnerability
good use of it. Conversely, patients who have serious factor for a range of psychological problems
doubts about the relevance of the model and/or fail d a product of unconscious conflicts.
to complete the assignments may be less suitable, at
least for a short-term focused approach. 2. Negative core beliefs about the self are:
a irrelevant to the successful treatment of low
References b a result of previous experience and influence
current thoughts, feelings and behaviour
c a bi-product of biochemical disturbances
Beck, A. T. (1976) Cognitive Therapy and Emotional Disorders.
New York: International Universities Press. d the end product of behavioural deficits and
—, Rush, A. }., Shaw, B. F., et al (1979) Cognitive Therapy of excesses.
, Emery, G.
New& Greenberg,
York: Guilford.
R. (1985) Anxiety Disorders

and Phobias: A Cognitive Perspective. New York: Basic

3. Low self-esteem is perpetuated by:
Books. a a vicious circle comprising cognition,
—, Freeman, A., and associates (1990) Cognitive Therapy of affect and behaviour, which results in
Personality Disorders. New York: Guilford.
Butler, G. & Hope, T. (1995) Manage Your Mind. Oxford: persistent activation of negative beliefs
Oxford University Press. about the self
Clark, D. A. & Steer, R. A. (1996) Empirical status of the b behavioural avoidance strategies
cognitive model of anxiety and depression. In Frontiers of
Cognitive Therapy" (ed. P. M. Salkovskis), pp. 75-96. New c symptoms of anxiety and depression
York: Guilford.
d interpersonal and environmental Stressors.
APT(1998),vol.4,i).304 fennell

4. Cognitive therapy for low self-esteem aims to: experience of working cognitively with a range
a help patients to break out of the vicious circle of psychological problems
b undermine old negative core beliefs about the d should always be carried out in combination
self with psychotropic medication.
c establish a new, more positive and realistic
view of the self
d understand how the problem developed and
what keeps it going.

5. Cognitive therapy for low self-esteem: MCQ

a can be done by anyone with basic book
knowledge of cognitive therapy Fb Fb Tb Tb Fb
b is not available within the National Health Fc Tc Fc Tc Fc
Service Td Fd Fd Td Td
c should only be given by therapists with sound F2a F3a F4a T5a F
knowledge of the approach and supervised


Clinical Topics in Psychotherapy

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