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François Taddéi - Presentacion

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Formando personas creativas que

construyan conocimiento a través del

aprendizaje colaborativo
24 Augusto 2009

François Taddei taddei@necker.fr

Paris Descartes University

Center for Research and Interdisciplinarity
Chances & challenges
for educational systems
New challenges (eg sustainable development, ecologic, economic,
climate & health crisis, exponential growth of knowledge & tech)
➢ Motivating the new generation despite desinterest for science education
➢ Learning how to learn, update and build relevant knowledge
➢ Cooperation
➢ Communication
➢ Creativity
➢ Critical Thinking (positive criticisms)
➢ New Technologies of Information & CCCC
➢ Opening Higher-ed (at least 100 millions more students)

Towards a paradigm shift ?

Quality of education is more relevant
than quantity for economic growth
Interactivity, cooperation and creativity
lead to faster acquisition and
memorisation of basic knowledge
while improving meta skills
Students creativity as a chance
& a challenge for education
Debates in national and international settings
➢ France 2025: « How to create creators ? »
➢ OECD report: “Training creative and collaborative
knowledge-builders: a major challenge for 21st century
➢ European Union: « Creativity Debate »
➢ UNESCO: Creativity & Education
The chances and challenges of night science

Science has in fact two aspects. Day science Adapted from

involves reasoning as articulated as gears, results François Jacob
that have the strength of certainty. Aware of its style,
Nobel prize 1965
proud of its past, sure of its future, the science of days
advances in the light.

Night Science, on the contrary, wanders in the dark.

It hesitates, stumbles, falls. Questioning everything, it
is seerching itself endlessly, combining, associating
myriads of hypothesis, assumptions still in the form of
vague hunches, projects barely taken shape. Nothing
guarantees its successes, its ability to survive the
tests of Logic and experiments, but sometimes thanks
to intuition, instinct and the will to discover, as a
lightning it illuminates more than a thousand suns....
Centre for Research & Interdisciplinary:
an experiment in scientific pedagogy
From coffee room interactions to
400 m at the Medicine Faculty of
where night scientists shared
Paris Descartes University in dreams becomes reality
the heart of Paris :

1/ Interdisciplinary Approaches of Life Sciences Master M2 (2005), M1 (2009)

2/ Students Clubs (iGEM team, science & ethics, biomed, «science ac», science
festival, nanotech, Paris PhD symposium, information …)
3/ PhD Program Frontiers in Life Sciences Liliane Bettencourt Program
4/ Orange Chair, Interdisciplinary Approaches of the Web Master
5/ Axa Chair with 3 europeans institutes : Systemic approaches of longevity
6/ Team Evolutionary Systems Biology (Inserm, TaMaRa’s lab)
7/ WISER-U web project: how to promote Science 2.0 & Education 2.0

'None of us alone is as smart as all of us together'

It takes all the running you can do to keep in the same place

  If you want to get somewhere else, 
you must run at least twice as fast

Lewis Carroll, 1871

The Red Queen speed is accelerating
The bacterial Red Queen

Lessons from bacteria:

evolution of adaptability, co-operation &
niche construction via information exchange
Adapting the environment
rather than adapting to it
● The extended phenotype
allows the organisms to
modify their niche
● Via ecological inheritance

their offspring can inherit

the modified niche
 Language as a major transiEon
 WriEng  & PrinEng, as  major transiEons

Direct effects
– Increase of stability of information
– Increase of storage space for information
– Increase of transmissibility of information
– New struggles seen again later in NTICCCC
 Science  as a major transiEon
• Could greek and chinese science 
emerge without wriEng, science 
1.0 without prinEng and science 
2.0 without the web ? 
• Science as a way to produce 
more « universal » informaEon
Science & Conservatism: Semmelweis drama
EducaEon as a major transiEon
Computers  as major transiEons
Robots  as major transiEons
GlobalisaEon as a major transiEon
NTICCC, New technologies of information,
communication, cooperation & creativity

● Internet easing scientific exchanges and access

to shared databases
● E-mail (and its future) to increase transmissibility
& speed of transfer of information
● Search engines: relevant information on demand
● Wikis to produce knowledge collectively
● Blogs for individuals to share views
 Web 2.0 & collecEve producEon of knowledge

“None of us is as smart as all of us”

• From one to many, to many to many : all can emit 
informaEon (eg blogs, comments, video…)
• Towards the encyclopedist utopia (Wikipedia: when a 
“shared dream” becomes a reality)
• Emergence of tools for collecEve intelligence (eg wikis, 
blog, liquid publicaEons, knowledge markets)
•  Weak cooperaEon (useful for me and good for all) 
Linking creators to harness collective
intelligence & build projects
Lessons for creaEvity, science & educaEon  

Ques/ons for future research & discussions
 How  tomorrow  scienEsts  and  educators  will  revise  their  pracEce  to 
opEmally use the progresses allowed by NTICCC to do beFer research and 
to  educate  the  new  generaEons  of  knowledge  builders,  to  allow  them  to 
develop meta‐skills ? 
 How to create creators ?
 How science, educaEon, informaEons and the web coevolve ?
 Can the web be improved to beFer educate the next generaEons ?
 What can be found on a good campus/lab that cannot (yet) be found on the 
web ?
 How  can  we  develop  further  open  source  so6ware  and  open  educaEon 
resources and integrate them to promote educa/on 2.0  and science 2.0 ?
Open source & open educaEon resources as major transiEons
: a website & webtools developped
by students for students
to store, exchange & create ideas,
where they can find « ideas mate » & realise projects
● Open access & open source
● Use collective intelligence for improvement
● Allow to find critical mass on line and in real life
to allow students to build innovative projects
● Help the emergence of places to incubate
interacting collectives
● Integrate all the cool tools available & design
new ones
Worldwide Interactions for Science,
Education and Research in Universities
1 Summer school:
Peking University, China

Science 2.0, July 6 10 2009 th th

Education 2.0 July 29 August 4 2009

th th

6 groups exploring the tools and first steps to speed-up the Scientific TRACKS

Tailored scientific search engines (web, papers, images, videos...)
➢ Relevant scientific news on your personal page

➢ Accessing scientific information (robots and databases)

➢ Collaborative annotation of publications and contents

➢ Knowledge map and scientific paths (zoom and explore)

➢ Site 2.0 to store, share and create ideas and projects

Will the education system ever be the same after the flu ?
Can we imagine another educaEon system ?
Creative education & competitivity:
speeding-up the educational red queen
Creative education vs formatting
Can we measure creativity ?

The Creativity Debate within European Union

Places of creativity
Encourage & protect creative minds
The future is in our hands
A culture of questioning


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