François Taddéi - Presentacion
François Taddéi - Presentacion
François Taddéi - Presentacion
If you want to get somewhere else,
you must run at least twice as fast
Direct effects
– Increase of stability of information
– Increase of storage space for information
– Increase of transmissibility of information
– New struggles seen again later in NTICCCC
Science as a major transiEon
• Could greek and chinese science
emerge without wriEng, science
1.0 without prinEng and science
2.0 without the web ?
• Science as a way to produce
more « universal » informaEon
Science & Conservatism: Semmelweis drama
EducaEon as a major transiEon
Computers as major transiEons
Robots as major transiEons
GlobalisaEon as a major transiEon
NTICCC, New technologies of information,
communication, cooperation & creativity
“None of us is as smart as all of us”
• From one to many, to many to many : all can emit
informaEon (eg blogs, comments, video…)
• Towards the encyclopedist utopia (Wikipedia: when a
“shared dream” becomes a reality)
• Emergence of tools for collecEve intelligence (eg wikis,
blog, liquid publicaEons, knowledge markets)
• Weak cooperaEon (useful for me and good for all)
Linking creators to harness collective
intelligence & build projects
Lessons for creaEvity, science & educaEon
Ques/ons for future research & discussions
How tomorrow scienEsts and educators will revise their pracEce to
opEmally use the progresses allowed by NTICCC to do beFer research and
to educate the new generaEons of knowledge builders, to allow them to
develop meta‐skills ?
How to create creators ?
How science, educaEon, informaEons and the web coevolve ?
Can the web be improved to beFer educate the next generaEons ?
What can be found on a good campus/lab that cannot (yet) be found on the
web ?
How can we develop further open source so6ware and open educaEon
resources and integrate them to promote educa/on 2.0 and science 2.0 ?
Open source & open educaEon resources as major transiEons
: a website & webtools developped
by students for students
to store, exchange & create ideas,
where they can find « ideas mate » & realise projects
● Open access & open source
● Use collective intelligence for improvement
● Allow to find critical mass on line and in real life
to allow students to build innovative projects
● Help the emergence of places to incubate
interacting collectives
● Integrate all the cool tools available & design
new ones
Worldwide Interactions for Science,
Education and Research in Universities
1 Summer school:
Peking University, China
6 groups exploring the tools and first steps to speed-up the Scientific TRACKS
Tailored scientific search engines (web, papers, images, videos...)
➢ Relevant scientific news on your personal page