Annotated Bibliography
Annotated Bibliography
Annotated Bibliography
Bleiberg, J., West, D. M. (2015, April 20). How millennials consume the news. Retrieved from
Bleiberg and West wrote this article to test theories saying that Millennials rarely
need news, or did not read any at all. There exists also a stigma about Millennials being
a generation who only read what they want to believe in. To do so, they carried out a
large survey test to determine the credibility of the aforementioned theories. The article
goes through analyzing the obtained results in respect to the Millennials’ interest in
obtaining news as well as the diversity of their readings. The authors backed their
claims by attaching statistics from the results of the survey. According to the authors,
the survey shows that a handful of Millennials choose to rigorously obtain news.
However, many of them, according to the authors, incorporates news to their daily
activities – Facebook being their main source for news. Furthermore, the results of the
survey showed that Millennials are well read in an array of news topic. They want to
be actively in-the-know not only about entertainment news, but also, regarding current
‘hardcore topics’; for instance, according to the authors, “politics and civil rights
issues”. The authors conclude that indeed Millennials are actively seeking for news –
debunking the stigma – although their method to obtain news may differ from their
traditional predecessors.
Rosenstiel, T., Swanson, E., Tompson, T., et al, (2015, March), How Millennials Get News:
Inside the Habits of America’s First Digital Generation, American Press Institute, 1-20.
Retrieved from
The report analyzes results from a survey done about Millennials and news. The entire
report goes through how Millennials get news, how concerned they are about being in-
the-know, as well as the type of news they are most likely to engage in. The study is
based on a claim that Millennials are not interested in seeking news; as a result, they
have narrower perceptions about the world. The study states that Millennials are far
from being ‘newsless’. Rather, due to social media, they are more exposed to a wide
range of news. Generally, Millennials do not actively seek out for news, rather they
bump into them while they scroll through their news feed on social media sites. If the
news interests them, they tend to get help from search engines or reputable news
organizations to get information because they are aware that social media such as
Facebook are unreliable and subjected to bias views. Although statistics from the report
shows that Millennials are not active news seekers, a majority of them does engage in
news at least once daily. Furthermore, Millennials keep up with news for civic (to be
better citizens), social (to allow them to discuss current issues with family and friends)
and practical reasons (to find out weather forecasts, for example). Moreover, contrary
to the tested theory, Millennials are equally engaged in hard news and practical news.
This data debunks theory claiming that Millennials indulge only in lifestyle and
entertainment news when they look for something online. The authors conclude that
Millennials acquire news very differently, but this does not mean that they are not
interested in news.
Hanna, J., Vandoorne, S. (2015, September 4) 'Certainty' that Reunion Island debris is from
MH370, French official says. Cable News Network (CNN). Retrieved from
The article tells the reader about the recent findings about the disappearance of flight
MH370. The authors reported that French investigators are now convinced that the
flaperon found on Reunion Island belongs to the MH370 plane. The announcement was
made by a top French prosecutor. The article gives a brief explanation about the
announcement (about 1/3 portion of the article). Then, the article presented a sub-
heading entitled, ‘Families push for the whole story’. This section focuses on the
responds from victims’ family of the fateful plane. Majority of them are persistent on
getting more information about the status of the plane. The portion allocated to this
section is about 1/3 of the entire article. For the last part of the article, the authors
Links are attached to redirect inquisitive readers who want to know more about the
tragic event.
The Star Online published the article written by AFP about the confirmation made on
the flaperon identity found on Reunion Island. The wing part was confirmed from the
MH370 by the French prosecutors. The author also reported that the statement made by
the Paris prosecutors confirmed “what was said by Malaysian Prime Minister Datuk
Seri Najib Tun Razak last month.” The article gives a brief overview about the tragic
event as well as acknowledging that the MH370 case is the “biggest mysteries in the
history of aviation.” On top of that, the author included information about the
discovered flaperon as well. However, the article claims that the Prime Minister of
Malaysia had drawn the conclusion that the flaperon belonged to flight MH370 a month
prior to the announcement made by the prosecutors. On the other hand, the article
included a sub-heading regarding speculations about the state of the plane. The author
informs the reader that Search and Rescue (SAR) operations are still ongoing and that
no other clues are found around Reunion Island. The article concludes by informing
readers about how much ground had been covered in the process of recovering the
missing Boeing 777 – an operation participated by many nations across the globe.
The Facebook status update redirects to an article written by Eddie Levin about a BBC
interview with Sarah Bajc – the partner of Phillip Wood, a victim of the missing
passenger flight MH370. The article quotes the opinion of Sarah Bajc as to what
actually happened to the unfortunate flight. According to the article, she believes that
“the flight was stolen and taken to an undisclosed location, due to the number of high-
profile passengers aboard with ties to defense contractors.” The author asserts that
governments are not announcing adequate evidence to their theory which claimed the
plane had crashed into the Indian Ocean. On top of that, information and evidence kept
on changing leaving the victims’ family members in disbelief over any announcements
wrote prior to this article regarding the identity of some passengers on the plane. All in
all, the article mainly summarizes the interview session. To back up the article, the
The annotated bibliography includes the sources that I will refer when writing the
research paper. The objective of my research paper is to investigate the credibility of the news
sources that Millennials acquire in researching about a news story. Dumbfounded, I felt quite
confused when the task was introduced in class. However, I have had several events in mind;
for instance, the disappearance of flight MH370, the terrorist attack in France, and the
announcement of Donald Trump running for presidency. The challenge truly was to find a
‘prompt’ to the research paper. Personally, it was kind of hard for me to incorporate the
Millennial generation, news and a specific event and find an intersection point among all of
them; an even harder task is to decide criteria in which they differ. However, after my teacher
made an analogy in class, I understood the task better and knew where to start my research.
Keeping in mind that this assignment mimics an actual research paper, I will introduce
background information related to Millennials and news and the event. In the body paragraph,
I will introduce the topic of my research paper followed by the criteria that will be used to
compare articles from different sources relating to the same event. On top of that, to back up
my research paper, I will try to include some screen shots, especially from Facebook to show
how Millennials share and obtain news. Last but not least, I will analyze and give my opinion
about the results of the comparison that I had made in the body paragraph in the conclusion
part of the research paper. To wrap up, a list of references will be attached at the end of the
research paper.