Module 1: Turn Area Construction
Module 1: Turn Area Construction
Module 1: Turn Area Construction
Turn Area Construction
• Introduction
• Turn Construction Parameter
• Other Turn Factors and Calculations
• Turn Area Using Wind Spiral
• Turn Inner Boundary Construction
• Turn Outer Boundary Construction
• Secondary Areas with Additional Track Guidance
2 Turn Area Construction
• General criteria for the construction of turn areas for use in the different segments
of instrument flight procedures:
– Departure
– Missed approach
– Final approach fix (turns > 10°)
3 Turn Area Construction
Turn Construction Parameter
4 Turn Area Construction
Turn Construction Parameter
5 Turn Area Construction
Turn Construction Parameter
6 Turn Area Construction
Turn Construction Parameter
* For the specific application of the parameters in the table, see the applicable chapters.
** The rate of turn associated with the stated bank angle values in this table shall not be greater than 3º /s, except for visual
manoeuvring using prescribed track.
Note 1.— Where operationally required to avoid obstacles, reduced speeds as slow as the IAS for intermediate missed approach may
be used, provided the procedure is annotated “Missed approach turn limited to _______ km/h (kt) IAS maximum.”
Note 2.— The conversion from IAS to TAS is determined using a temperature equal to ISA at the corresponding altitude plus 15º C.
Holding procedures are an exception; the calculation formula includes correction for compressibility and appears in Part II, Section 4,
Appendix to Chapter
Note 3.— Where operationally required to avoid obstacles, reduced speeds as slow as the IAS tabulated for “intermediate missed
approach” in Tables I‐4‐1‐1 and I‐4‐1‐2 increased by 10 per cent may be used, provided the procedure is annotated “Departure turn
limited to __________ km/h (kt) IAS maximum”. In order to verify the operational effect of a desired speed limitation, the speed
value should be compared with the statistical speed as published in Section 3, Appendix to Chapter 3.
7 Turn Area Construction
Other Turn Factors and Calculations
• Fix tolerance
• Rate of turn (R) in degrees/second (up to a maximum value of 3 degrees/second)
R = (6 355 tan α)/π V, where V is the TAS in km/h; or
R = (3 431 tan α)/πV, where V is the TAS in kt
• Radius of turn (r) at a designated angle of bank in still air
r = V/(20 π R) where V is the TAS
8 Turn Area Construction
Other Turn Factors and Calculations
• Wind effect (Eθ) for the time taken to change heading θ degrees
• c = pilot reaction time
9 Turn Area Construction
Turn Area Using Wind Spiral
• The area is based on a radius of turn calculated for a specific value of true airspeed and
bank angle.
• The outer boundary of the turn area is constructed using a spiral derived from the still
air radius (r).
• The resultant spiral is created from applying the wind effect Eθ for the time taken to
change hearing by θ degrees using:
Eθ = (θ/R)*(w/3600)km (NM)
where θ is the angle of turn, R rate of turn and w wind speed.
• The wind spiral is based on the calculation of Eθ at each specified interval (e.g. 30°).
The accuracy can be increased by decreasing the interval
10 Turn Area Construction
Turn Area Using Wind Spiral
11 Turn Area Construction
Turn Area Using Wind Spiral
1. Locate points b1, c1, … n1 by adding a
distance of Eθ, perpendicular to the still air
radius (r).
12 Turn Area Construction
Turn Area Using Wind Spiral
1. Locate points b1, c1, … n1 by adding a
distance of Eθ, perpendicular to the still air
radius (r).
2. Calculate points b2, c2, … n2, located at an
angle sin‐1(w/V) prior b1, c1, … n1 and
distance Eθ from point b, c, … n
13 Turn Area Construction
Turn Area Using Wind Spiral
1. Locate points b1, c1, … n1 by adding a
distance of Eθ, perpendicular to the still air
radius (r).
2. Calculate points b2, c2, … n2, located at an
angle sin‐1(w/V) prior b1, c1, … n1 and
distance Eθ from point b, c, … n
3. Trace a curve starting at point “a”, located
on the still air radius passing to b2, c2, …
14 Turn Area Construction
Turn Area Using Bounding Circles
• As an alternative to the wind spiral, a simplified method can be used in which
circles are drawn to bound the turning area.
• Wind effect is always that of a course change of 90°.
15 Turn Area Construction
Turn Area Using Bounding Circles
16 Turn Area Construction
Turn Area Using Bounding Circles
1. Start at point A on the outer edge
of the area.
17 Turn Area Construction
Turn Area Using Bounding Circles
1. Start at point A on the outer edge
of the area.
2. At a distance r from point A, abeam
the nominal flight path, construct a
circle having radius E.
18 Turn Area Construction
Turn Area Using Bounding Circles
3. From point X, draw an arc having
the following radius:
This begins the boundary for turns
between 0 and 90 degrees.
19 Turn Area Construction
Turn Area Using Bounding Circles
4. Start at point A' on the inner edge
of the turn.
20 Turn Area Construction
Turn Area Using Bounding Circles
4. Start at point A' on the inner edge
of the turn.
5. At a distance r from point A' ,
abeam the nominal flight path,
construct a second circle having
radius E.
21 Turn Area Construction
Turn Area Using Bounding Circles
6. From point X’, draw an arc having
the following radius:
This begins the boundary for turns
between 0 and 90 degrees.
22 Turn Area Construction
Turn Area Using Bounding Circles
7. Connect the two arcs tangentially.
23 Turn Area Construction
Turn Area Using Bounding Circles
7. Connect the two arcs.
8. From point Y, draw an arc having
the following radius:
This extends the boundary for
turns between 90 and 180
24 Turn Area Construction
Turn Area Using Bounding Circles
9. From point Z, draw an arc having
the following radius:
This extends the boundary for
turns between 180 and 270
25 Turn Area Construction
Turn Inner Boundary Construction
Turn at an altitude/height
• Originates at the beginning of the turn initiation area from whichever edge of
the area provides the best lateral protection
– inner edge if turn < 75°
– outer edge if turn ≥ 75°
• Diverges outwards in the direction of the nominal track with a splay of 15°
26 Turn Area Construction
Turn Inner Boundary Construction
27 Turn Area Construction
Turn Inner Boundary Construction
28 Turn Area Construction
Turn Inner Boundary Construction
Turn at a designated turning point
• The primary area boundary starts at the K‐line.
• The edges of the primary and secondary areas are connected to their counterparts
in the subsequent sections.
– if the point to connect is outside the protection area associated with the subsequent
section, then the boundary converges with the nominal track after the turn at an angle
equal to half the angle of turn (A/2); and
– if the point to connect is inside the protection area associated with the subsequent
section, then the boundary diverges from the nominal track at an angle of 15°.
29 Turn Area Construction
Turn Outer Boundary Construction
General principles
• The curve begins at Point A, determined by:
– fix tolerance
– flight technical tolerance
30 Turn Area Construction
Turn Outer Boundary Construction
General principles
• From Point A , there are two
methods for constructing the
curving portion of the turn
outer boundary:
– by calculating the wind
spiral; or
– by drawing bounding circles
(simplified method)
31 Turn Area Construction
Turn Outer Boundary Construction
General principles
• At point P where the tangent of the area
becomes parallel to the nominal track after
the turn, the boundary is formed.
– if no track guidance is available, the outer
boundary starts to splay at 15 degrees
relative to the nominal track
32 Turn Area Construction
Turn Outer Boundary Construction
General principles
– if track guidance is available and point P is
outside the navigation aid tolerance:
• For flights towards the navigation aid:
connect the outer boundary to the
edge of the navigation aid tolerance at
the navigation aid location.
33 Turn Area Construction
Turn Outer Boundary Construction
General principles
– if track guidance is available and point P is
outside the navigation aid tolerance:
• For flights away from the navigation
aid: connect the outer boundary to the
edge of the navigation aid tolerance
with a line parallel to the nominal
34 Turn Area Construction
Turn Outer Boundary Construction
General principles
– if track guidance is available and point P is
inside the navigation aid tolerance:
• connect the outer boundary to the
edge of the navigation aid tolerance
with a line splayed from the nominal
track at an angle of 15°
35 Turn Area Construction
Secondary Areas with Additional Track Guidance
• A secondary area can be created on the outer side of the turn as soon as the
aircraft has track guidance.
• On the outer edge of the turn this area is based on a 30º line from the nominal
track up to the point (P) where the tangent becomes parallel to the nominal
track after the turn.
• The same principle applies for the area on the inner side of the turn, except
that the 30º line from the nominal track is up to the point from whichever
edge of the area provides the best lateral protection.
36 Turn Area Construction
37 Turn Area Construction