A Review of Pharmacological Activities of Acacia Nilotica (Linn) Willd W.S.R To Osteoporosis
A Review of Pharmacological Activities of Acacia Nilotica (Linn) Willd W.S.R To Osteoporosis
A Review of Pharmacological Activities of Acacia Nilotica (Linn) Willd W.S.R To Osteoporosis
Medicinal plants have been utilized for the treatment of diseases since creation of earth or before it;
in traditional medicine, they still play an important role as effective and have natural origin. Acacia
nilotica commonly known as babul belongs to the family Fabaceae and is widely distributed all over
India, SriLanka, and Sudan; Egypt is the native country of this plant. Useful parts such as root, bark,
leaves, flower, gum, pods, etc., are used in medicines. Different parts of the plant like leaves and
fruit contain tannin; flower contains stearic acid, kaempferol-3-glucoside, isoquercetin,
leucocyanidin; pod contains tannin, polyphenolic compounds, gum Contains arabic acid combined
with calcium, magnesium and potassium.
In traditional medicine, it is used for bleeding diseases, prolapsed, leucorrhoea, antihypertensive,
antispasmodic, antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant activity, etc. The present review is an attempt to
explore and comprehensively highlight use for osteoporosis, phytochemical properties and
pharmacological uses of A. nilotica reported till date.
Keywords: Acacia arabica; Acacia nilotica, Pharmacological study, Tannin, Arabic acid, Uses
More than 30% healthcare industry from all over the world relies on medicinal plants. In India, traditional system of
medicine such as Ayurveda since ancient times is root of medicine. About 750 species are being utilized in Ayurveda
system of medicine and in modern medicine around 30 species only.1 Medicinal plants are playing continuously
essential part of Indian system of medicine. Acacia genus belongs to shrubs and trees, subfamily Mimosoideae,2,3 of
the family Fabaceae (Leguminosae).4,5 The species name is nilotica/arebica/scorpioides. A. nilotica known as babbula is
the important tree of the dry parts of India. Almost all its parts like root, bark, leaves, flower, gum, pods, etc.,9,13 are
used in Ayurveda. A. scorpioides W. Wight, Mimosa arabica Lam., Vachellia nilotica, Mimosa nilotica L., and Mimosa
scorpioides L 6 are synonyms.
ISSN: 2394-6547 4
J. Adv. Res. Ayur. Yoga Unani Sidd. Homeo. 2017; 4(1&2) Kaushal K
Natural medicinal plants promote self-healing, good been reported for the first time]. Another compound
health and durability in Ayurvedic medicine practices umbelliferone has been reported from A. nilotica (Singh
and it is acknowledged that A. nilotica can provide et al., 2010b)
nutrients and therapeutic ingredients to prevent,
mitigate or treat many diseases or conditions). Chemical Constituents
5 ISSN: 2394-6547
Kaushal K J. Adv. Res. Ayur. Yoga Unani Sidd. Homeo. 2017; 4(1&2)
A. arabica causes a significant increase in the calcium Precautions and Side Effects
content in the diaphyseal and metaphyseal tissues. The
effect could be due to the steroidal content present in The babbula sometime causes bloating, intestinal gas,
drug extracts. So A. arabica can be used as an anti- more frequent bowel movement and skin inflammation
osteoporotic agent ({{cite web | title=Effect of Acacia and intravenous injection of gum arabic may cause
Arabica Extracts on Bone Calcium Content | year=2013 | kidney and liver damage. Combining herbs with certain
url=http://citeweb.info/20132524083 | author=Nimisha drugs may alter their action or produce unwanted side
Kakadia | author=Niranjan S. Kanaki}}) effects. Some it produces obstruction also.25 There are
no serious side effects. It is good to avoid babbula
The diaphysis (/daæfss/) is the main or during constipation.
midsection (shaft) of a long bone. It is made up of
cortical bone and usually contains bone marrow and Conclusion
adipose tissue (fat). It is a middle tubular part composed
of compact bone which surrounds a central marrow A. nilotica has been in use since ancient times to treat a
cavity which contains red or yellow marrow. wide range of diseases in traditional system medicine.
Experimental studies have proven its antidiabetic,
The metaphysis (/mətæfss/) is the wide portion of antihypertensive, antispasmodic, antibacterial,
a long bone between the epiphysis and the narrow antifungal activity, antiplaque, antioxidant,
diaphysis. It contains the growth plate, the part of the antiplasmodic, antiviral activity, catalytic and
bone that grows during childhood and as it grows, it galactagogue. Scientific studies have proven the claims
ossifies near the diaphysis and the epiphyses. of traditional system of medicine. Further, more
detailed clinical researches are needed to explore its
Substitute medicinal value in order to osteoporosis, it as a standard
Sandal sufaid (white sandal wood)21-24; masoor ki daal
(gram)10,22,23; rasaut (wild turmeric)22,23; sasaut is the Conflicts of interest: Nil
best substitute for pods21; dammul akhwain (dragon
blood)22. References
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