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#1 DDD

#2 Cache Resource

#3 3 main Book

Domain-Driven Design: Trackling Complixity in the Heart of Software - Eric Evans

Implementing Domain-Driven Design - Vaughn Vernon
Domain-Driven Design Distilled - Vaughn Vernon

DDD Website:

domainlanguage.com - Eric Evans (So many resource, books, videos, training )

#3 Other Books

Domain-Driven Design in PHP

Patterns, Principles, and Practices of Domain-Driven Design
The Anatomy Of Domain-Driven Design - Booklet
The Anatomy Of Domain-Driven Design
Principles, Patterns and Practices of Domain-Driven Design
Head First Domain-Driven Design
Domain-Driven Design Quickly
JavaScript Domain-Driven Design
Domain-Driven Design Using Naked Objects
Domain Driven Design: How to Easily Implement Domain Driven Design - A Quick &
Simple Guide
Language Implementatino Patterns
Domain Modeling Made Funcitonal - F#
Domain-Driven Design All-Inclusive Self-Assessment - More than 640 Success Criteria,
Instant Visual Insights, Comprehensive Spreadsheet Dashboard, Auto-Prioritized for
Quick Results
Domain-Specific Development of Event Condition Action Policies
DDD dla architektow oprogramowania
Applying Domain-Driven Design and Patterns: With Examples in C# and .NET
Domain-Driven Design Complete Self-Assessment Guide

CQRS, The example

Exploring CQRS and Event Sourcing (Microsoft patterns & practices)

#3 Video Course

系列视频The Animated Anotomy od DDD

Domain-Driven Design Distilled LiveLessons

Distilling Domain-Driven Design

Moving to Microservices: Using Domain-Driven Design to Break Down the Monolith


#3 DSL

DSL Engineering: Designing, Implementing and Using Domain-Specific Languages

DSL in Action

Domain-Specific Languages

Implement Domain Specific Languages with Xtext and Xtend

Language Implementatino Patterns

#3 Conf

Steven A. Lowe - Three Rules for Domain-Driven Design

Explore DDD - official website

#3 Slide - Build Complex Domains in Rails


#3 Couser for comprehension course


#3 Other


#2 Learning Flow

#3 Wiki - Domain-driven design


创始⼈: Erirc Evans

其运营的官⽹: domainlanguage.com


⼜看到另⼀篇⽂章: 今天我们还需要关注DDD吗?

了解到DDD是微服务,Eventstorm的⿐祖. 这⾥有⼏个重要实现与其对应的⼈:

DDD 以及创始⼈ Erirc Evans

Implementing Domain-Driven Design 以及作者 Vaughn Vernon
微服务 以及关键⼈物Martin Fowler
EventStorming 以及创始⼈ Alberto Brandolini

在ruby china的⼀个帖⼦的讨论中,提到⼀种思路,就是可以去借鉴Hanami, Trailblazer,

Dry-ruby, ROM的思路,反向⽤进Rails项⽬中去

(wiki还没看完)⾥⾯讲了很多其他的design idea.

#3 domainlanguage.com elearning Course

已付费,开始学习domainlanguage.com - elearning
#4 Maps and Models

Assertions are a key aspect of the model: "direction between points are preserved in the projection"

Characteristics of models

focus only on relevant information

formalize our thinking
make assertions about result

the angle between any 2 points corresponds to a compass heading

A model is a system of abstractions

Addresses a subset of information about the domain.

Specialized, rather than general

Models are artificial

#4 DDD Walk through

Model Definitions

Domain: A sphere of knowledge or activity.

Model: A system of abstractions representing selected aspects of a domain

Usefulness of models

model is not about realism

Choose a model that's suited to the purpose at hand.

Thee will be more than one model in use.

有些时候⼀个好好的锤⼦,被改成锤⼦,锯⼦两⽤的 .

#4 Aggregates

An Aggretate is a part of the model

Chosen Aggregates guide our technical decisions:

constrains what's included in transactions

indicates our options for concurrent processing
gives constraints on distribution

#4 Collaboration

Focus on the Ubiquitous Language

Challenge assumptions.
Cultivate a strong relationship with the domain expert.

#4 Bounded Context Intro

Context: The setting in which a word or statement appears that determines its meaning

Bounded Context: The condition under which a particular model is defined and

Map what it is .


#4 Context Mapping I




The upstream team may succeed independently of the fate of the downstream team.
Customer/Supplier Development

A downstream team can be helpless, at the mercy of upstream priorities. Meanwhile, the
upstream team may be inhibited, worried about breaking downstream systems. The
problems of the downstream team are not improved by cumbersome change request
procudures with complex approval processes. And the freewheeling development of the
upstream team will stop if the downstream team has veto power over changes.

Establish a clear customer/supplier relationship between the two teams, meaning

downstream priorities factor into upstream planning. Negotiate and budget tasks for
downstream requirements so that everyone understands the commitment and schedule.

需要时刻问⾃⼰ Which ubiquite languge should you use?


#4 Distilling Core Domain

Generic subsomains
Supporting subsomains
Core domain

#3 TOC of all books

#3 Book - DDD

The premise of this book:

For most software projects, the primary focus should be on the domain and domain
Complex domain designs should be based on a model

Two practices are prerequisites for applying the approach in this book:
Development is iterative
Surviving Object-Oriented Projects
Extreme Programming Explained
Developers and domain experts have a close relationship

The XP process assumes that you can improve a design by refactoring, and that you will
do this often and rapidly.


Books Structure:

Part I: Putting the Domain Model to Work

Part II: The Building Blocks of a Model-Driven Design
主要是Focus on bridging the gap between models and practical, running software.
开发者都是⽤这种standard patterns会⽅便交流,提供更通⽤的术语
The main point of this secion is to focus on the kins of decisions that keep the model
and implementation aligned with each other, each reinforcing the other's
Part III: Refactoring Toward Deeper Insight goes
知道我们如何有⽅法的进⾏refactor探索. 也就是探索的模型,探索的⽅法
Part IV: Strategic Design

#4 Part I: Putting the Domain Model to Work

Maps are models, and every model represents some aspect of reality or an idea that is of

A model is an interpretation of reality that abstracts the aspects relevant to solving the
problem at hand and ignores extraneous detail.

The Utility of a model in Domain-Driven Design

1. The model and the heart of the design shape each other
2. The model is the backbone of a language used by all team members
3. The model is distilled knoledge

#5 Chapter 1: Crunching Knowledge

Ingredients of Effective Modeling

1. Binding the model and implementation.
2. Cultivating a language based on the model.
3. Developing a knowledge-rich model.
4. Distilling the model.
5. Brainstorming and experimenting.

Knowledge Crunching

意思我们要像Domain experts⼀样,甚⾄和他们⼀起,不断去打磨⾃⼰的认知,然后使⽤通

Effective domain modelers are knowledge crunchers.

Continuous Learning

提到⼀本书 practicing continuous learning (Kerievsky 2003) 感觉是说团队需要持续学习

要学会如何跟Domain Exports交流,要持续互相学习

Knowledge-Rich Design

⽬的就是要做⼀个more explicit design.

抽出适当的逻辑 (要考虑,其他⼈是否能看懂)

1. In order to bring the design to this stage, the programmers and everyone else involved
will have come to understand the nature of overbooking as a distinct and important
business rule, not just an obscure calculation.
2. Programmers can show business experts technical artifacts, even code, that should be
intelligible to domain experts (with guidance), thereby closing the feedback loop.

Deep Models


#5 Chapter 2: Communication and the Use of Language

This model-based communication 需要遍布整个交流过程,不局限于UML

Ubiquitous Language

⼀般情况下Domain exports使⽤他们的jargon, Developer也使⽤⾃⼰的jargon,但是项⽬中很




Modeling Out Load

One Team One Laguange

左右两边都是extensions to the ubiquitous language.

Documents and Diagrams

The model is not the diagram. The diagram's purpose is to help communicate and
explain the model.

Written Design Documents

Documents Should Complement Code and Speech

A documnet shouldn't try to do what the code already does well. Document Should Work
for a Living and Stay Current.


Explanatory Models

#5 Chapter 3: Binding Model and Implementation

MODEL - DRIVEN DESIGN discards the dichotomy of analysis model and design to search
out a single model that serves both purposes. Setting aside purely technical issues, each
object in the design plays a conceptual role described in the model. This requires us to
be more demanding of the chosen model, since it must fulfill two quite different

Development becomes an iterative process of refining the model, the design, and the
code as a single activity

Modeling Paradigms and Tool Support

Letting the Bones Show: Why Models Matter to Users


⼀个错误以及错误信息 都应该只存还在其 同⼀抽象级别或者同⼀个场景内容,如果要超出这

重报错,对开发者报⼀个详细的多层的错。 对⽤⼾只报单独⼀⾯其看得懂的友好的错。
Hands-On Modelers

#4 Part II: The Building Blocks of a Model-Driven Design

The design style in this book largely follows the principle of “responsibility-driven
design,” put forward in Wirfs-Brock et al . 1990 and updated in Wirfs-Brock
2003. It also draws heavily (especially in Part III) on the ideas of “design by contract”
described in Meyer 1988. It is consistent with the general background of other widely
held best practices of object-oriented design, which are described in such books as
Larman 1998.

#5 Chapter 4: Isolating the Domain

Communication upward must pass through some indirect mechanism.

Layered Architecture

User Interface (or Presentation Layer)

Application Layer
This layer is kept thin. It does not contain business rules or knowledge, but only
coordinates tasks and delegates work to collaborations of domain objects in the next
layer down. It does not have state reflecting the business situation, but it can have
state that reflects the progress of a task for the user or the program.
Domain Layer (or Model Layer)
This layer is the heart of business software
Infrastructure Layer
message sending, persistence of domain, drawing widgets for the UI...
may also support the pattern of interactions between the four layers through an
architectural framework

layuer只能往⼀个⽅向流, 如果lower layer要与 high layer交流,只能通过callback或

observer (也就是mesage⼴播)

The Domain Layer is where the model lives

The Smart UI "Anti-Pattern"


#5 Chapter 5: A model Expressed in Software



关系的双向 不⼀定要在domain⾥出现,根据情况,可设置为单向的,还可以加限制条件

Entities (A.K.A. Reference Objects)

An object defined primarily by its identity is called an ENTITY.

#3 Slide

#4 Built to last: A domain-driven approach to beautiful systems by Andrew


RailsConf 2017: Built to last: A domain-driven approach to beautiful systems by Andrew




user.request_trip => passenger.hail_driver

Visualize Your System

可以先使⽤railroady 和 rails-erd来输出初始数据

Core domain

找出Core domain

如: Transportation

Supporting Domians

找出Supporting Domain


Driver Routing (route me from X to Y)

Financial Transactions (charge the card, pay the driver)
Optimization & Analytics (track business metrics)
Customer Support (keep people happy)

Bounded Context
Draw out the dependencie


An Ideal Architecture

Each Domain should have its own Bounded Context

Break your application into domain modules

class Trip < ActiveRecord::Base

belongs_to :vehicle
belongs_to :passenger
belongs_to :driver

class TripsController < ApplicationController

# ...

module RideSharring
class Trip < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :vehicle
belongs_to :passenger
belongs_to :driver

module Ridesharing
class TripsController < ApplicationController
# ...

# config/routes.rb
resources :trips

class Invoice
belongs_to :trip

Passing around Aggregate Roots

class PaymentConfirmation
belongs_to :trip, class_name: Ridesharing::Trip
belogns_to :passenger, class_name: Ridesharing::Passenger
belongs_to :credit_card
has_many :menu_items
belongs_to :coupon_code
has_one :email_job
# ad infinitum

Aggregate Root are top-level domain models that reveal an object graph of related
entities beneath them.

Only expose aggregate roots

Make it a rule that each domain only exposes Aggregate Root(s)

publicly via:

Direct method calls

JSON payloads
API endpoints
Build service objects that provide Aggregate Roots

Break dependencies on AactiveRecord relationships

Your source domain can provide a service that returns the Aggregate Root as a facade

# Provide outside access to a core model for the Ridesharing domain

module Ridesharing
class FetchTrip
def call(id)
:driver, ...)
# Alternatively, return something non-AR
# OpenStruct.new(trip: trip.find(id)....)

# In the old world, we relied on AR relationships:

module FinancialTransaction
class PaymentConfirmation
belongs_to :trip, class_name: Ridesharing::Trip
belongs_to :passenger, class_name: Ridesharing::Passenger
# ....

# Now, cross-domain fetches must use the aggregate root servide:

module FinacialTransaction
class PaymentConfirmation
def trip
# Returns the Trip aggregate root

# OLD: payment_confirmation.passenger
# New: payment_confirmation.trip.passenger

#4 Domain Driven Rails -Yan Pritzker

Domain Driven Rails - Yan Pritzker



把 UsersControler#forgot_passoword ⾥的代码refactor
到 Accounts::ForgotPassword.send_password_reset


不使⽤ OrderService

⽽是使⽤ ShipOrder , RefundOrder , CancelOrder

Role (也就是Domain Model)

class InventoriedListing < DelegateClass(Listing) end

class TaxableOrder < DelegateClass(Order) end


使⽤ Wisper Publisher

Policy Objects


#3 Learn with theme

#3 Bounded Context

A bounded context is not a Module. A bounded Context provides the logical frame inside
of which the model evolves. Modules are used to organize the elements of a model, so
Bounded Context encompasses the Module.

It is much simpler for the e-shop application to send Value Objects containing purchase
information to the warehouse using asynchronous messaging.

#4 Communicating Between Bounded Contexts

This kind of decoupling is critical if we want to have truly autonomous components.

#4 Transferring Data Between Bounded Contexts

Data Transfer Objects (DTO).

它与bounded context⾥的Domain Objects类似,但并不是同⼀类东西, it will structured

differently to suit its purpose. 应该是与Serialization有关:

At the boundaries of the upstream context then, the domain objects are converted into
DTOs, which are ini turn serialized into JSON, XML, or some other serialization format.

At the downstream context, the process is repeated in the other direction: the JSON or
XML is deserialized into a DTO, which in turn is converted into a domain object:

In practive, the to-level DTOs that are serialized are typically Events DTOs, which in turn
contain child DTOs such as a DTO for Order, which in turn contains additional child DTOs
(e.g. a list of DTOs representing OrderLines.)

#4 Trust Boundaries and Validation


The job of the output gate is to ensure that private information doesn't leak out of the
bounded context, both to avoid accidental coupling between contexts, and for security



#4 Contracts Between Bounded Contexts

Bounded context之间交流的format会induces some coupling. 也就是我们要在⼀个地⽅来决



Shared Kernel : two contexts share common domain desgin.

Cutomer/Supplier or Consumer Driven Contract: downstream context
defineds the contract that they want the upstream context to provide.
Conformist : The downstream context accepts the contract provided by the
upstream context.

Anti-Corruption Layer (ACL) : acts as a translator between two different

language (Upstream and Downstream). Use it when the interface that is available
does not match our domain model at all.

#4 A context Map with Relationships

Shipping and Order-taking use a jointly own the communications contract
Order-taking and Billing: Billing defined the contrast
Order-taking and Production CataLog: Product CataLog defined the contrast
Order-taking and Address Checking: we insert an ACL to deal with transalte. It helps us
avoid vendor lock-in, and lets us swap to a different service later.

#4 Workflows Within a Bounded Context

Workflow开始与⼀个Command,然后经过Bounded Context以后就会generated one or

more domain events.

Input is always the data associated with a command

Output is always a set of events to communicate to other contexts


#4 Code Structure within a Bounded Context

#4 The Onion Architecture
与Onion Architecture类似的有 Hexagonal Architecture , Clean Architecture

#4 Keep I/O at the Edges



To push any I/O to the edges of the onion - to only access a database at the start or end of
a workflow, but not inside the workflow

#4 DTOs Instead of Model instances in View (DDD in PHP)

The View layer receives an object, often a Data Transfer Object(DTO) insteand of
instances of the Model layer, gathering all the needed information to be successfully

#4 Integration˜Relationsihp of Bounde Context (DDD in PHP)

不推荐Shared Kernel 因为两边都要交流,两边都要维护。

Customer/Supplier ⾥的的测试应该是要写在UpStream这⼀边,来确定⾃⼰是否满⾜

Jointly develop automated acceptance tests that will validate the interface expected. Add
these tests to the upstream team’s test suite, to be run as part of its’ continuous
integration. This testing will free the upstream team to make changes without fear of side
effects downstream.

Conformist 注意在⼀侧要使⽤ UBIQuitous language, Conformist 感觉更像直接让其⾛⼊进


#4 Bounded Context Pattersn (DDD using Naked Objects)

Every bounded context contans a single domain model, but the idea of a bounded
context is to make explicit the relationship between one system and another.

#4 Scaling up DDD Projects (DDD and Patterns in C#)

这⾥提到bouded context的另⼀个好处,是可以很容易的去划分团队,每个团队做它⾃⼰需要

#4 Use Bounded Contexts to divide and conquer a large model

下⾯这个图还不是很懂,可能要了解⼀下Subdomain 才⾏
还提到并不⼀定每⼀个boundd context⾥都要同样的构架,可以⽤不同的构架,根据需求和

A Composite UI is a user interface made up of loosely coupled components. A composite

UI shows data from multiple bounded contexts on the same web page. This can be dones
with multiple Ajax calls, for example.
这个时候就可以祭出service了,看来这个才是service的⽤武之地. - Application Services

Subdomain are used in the problem space to partition the problem domain. Bounded
contexts are used to defined the applicability of a model in the solution space.
A single team should own a bounded context.
Architectural patterns apply at the bounded context level, not at the application level.
If you don't have complex logic in a bounded context, use a simple CRUD architecture.
Speak a ubiquitous language within an explicitly bounded context.
A bounded context should be autonomous - owning the entire code stack from
presentation through domain logic and onto the database and schema.

#3 Aggregate

#3 Subdomain

#3 Context Mapping

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