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You are an audit supervisor assigned to a new client, Go-Go Corporation, which is

listed on the New York Stock Exchange. You visited Go-Go’s corporate
headquarters to become acquainted with key personnel and to conduct a
preliminary review of the company’s accounting policies, controls, and systems.
During this visit, the following events occurred:
a. You met with Go-Go’s audit committee, which consists of the corporate
controller, treasurer, financial vice president, and budget director.
b. You recognized the treasurer as a former aide to Ernie Eggers, who was
convicted of fraud several years ago.
c. Management explained its plans to change accounting methods for
depreciation from the accelerated to the straight-line method. Management
implied that if your firm does not concur with this change, Go-Go will employ
other auditors.
d. You learned that the financial vice president manages a staff of five internal
e. You noted that all management authority seems to reside with three brothers,
who serve as chief executive officer, president, and financial vice president.
f. You were told that the performance of division and department managers is
evaluated on a subjective basis, because Go-Go’s management believes that
formal performance evaluation procedures are counterproductive.
g. You learned that the company has reported increases in earnings per share for
each of the past 25 quarters; however, earnings during the current quarter
have leveled off and may decline.
h. You reviewed the company’s policy and procedures manual, which listed
policies for dealing with customers, vendors, and employees.
i. Your preliminary assessment is that the accounting systems are well designed
and that they employ effective internal control procedures.
j. Some employees complained that some managers occasionally contradict the
instructions of other managers regarding proper data security procedures.
k. After a careful review of the budget for data security enhancement projects,
you feel the budget appears to be adequate.
l. The enhanced network firewall project appeared to be on a very aggressive
implementation schedule. The IT manager mentioned that even if he put all of
his personnel on the project for the next five weeks, he still would not complete
the project in time. The manager has mentioned this to company management,
which seems unwilling to modify the schedule.
m. Several new employees have had trouble completing some of their duties, and
they do not appear to know who to ask for help.
n. Go-Go’s strategy is to achieve consistent growth for its shareholders. However,
its policy is not to invest in any project unless its payback period is no more
than 48 months and yields an internal rate of return that exceeds its cost of
capital by 3%.
o. You observe that company purchasing agents wear clothing and exhibit other
paraphernalia from major vendors. The purchasing department manager
proudly displays a picture of himself holding a big fish on the deck of a luxury
fishing boat that has the logo of a major Go-Go vendor painted on its

The information you have obtained suggests potential problems relating to Go-Go’s
internal environment. Identify the problems, and explain them in relation to the
internal environment concepts discussed in this chapter

The underlined items correspond to one of the 7 elements of the internal environment
covered in the text.

a. You met with Go-Go’s audit committee, which consists of the corporate
controller, treasurer, financial vice president, and budget director.

PROBLEM: Section 301 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX) applies to

publicly held companies and their auditors. It requires audit committee members
to be on the company’s board of directors and to be independent of the company.
That is not the case at Go-Go Corporation.

SOLUTION: All members of the audit committee should be members of the

Board of Directors. They must also be independent of the company – meaning
none of the audit committee can be employees. The audit committee is
responsible for overseeing the corporation’s internal control structure, its
financial reporting process, and its compliance with related laws, regulations, and
standards. The committee works closely with the corporation’s external and
internal auditors. SOX requires audit committees to be responsible for hiring,
compensating, and overseeing the auditors and for auditors to report all critical
accounting policies and practices to the audit committee.

b. You recognized the treasurer as a former aide to Ernie Eggers, who was
convicted of fraud several years ago.

PROBLEM: Because the position of corporate treasurer involves managing cash

and other financial assets, it is critical that the position be filled with someone of
unquestioned commitment to integrity and ethical values. This question presents
somewhat of a dilemma. Here are the two sides of that dilemma.

On the one hand, just because the treasurer worked for someone that turned out to
be dishonest does NOT mean the treasurer is dishonest as well. Everyone should
be judged on his or her own merits, not those of someone else. Therefore, you
need to be careful not to assume automatically that the treasurer is dishonest.

On the other hand, the fact that the treasurer has been an aide to someone
convicted of fraud should raise questions in your mind. You should approach all
audits with the requisite skeptical attitude. That skeptical attitude should be
heightened due to his past associations.

SOLUTION: Though you may not have specific information linking the
corporate treasurer to the prior fraud, this information should indicate a need to
examine carefully the corporation's human resource standards and personnel
policies and practices with respect to hiring.

c. Management explained its plans to change accounting methods for

depreciation from the accelerated to the straight-line method. Management
implied that if your firm does not concur with this change, Go-Go will
employ other auditors.

PROBLEM: Why would a company want to move from an accelerated

depreciation method to one with a lower depreciation write-off? One reason is
that it reduces depreciation expense, thereby increasing net income and,
potentially, the company’s stock price. Alternatively, they may be looking for a
way to mask, or hide, other company problems that will affect net income.

SOLUTION: The company should have a logical and defensible reason for
changing accounting methods, other than just to increase net income and the stock
price. The company may be willing to go to great lengths to "get their own way"
with respect to an important financial reporting matter. The commitment to ethics
issue involves questionable practices, desire to make the numbers, etc. If
management does not have a good reason for the desired change, company
management’s commitment to integrity and ethical values should be carefully

It is also possible that there is a problem with management's philosophy and

operating style. Management’s philosophy and operating style relates to risk-
taking propensity and problems with philosophy and operating style are similar to
carelessnessn or recklessness.

It is important to note that management can be careless, yet ethical; they can also
be careful, yet unethical.

d. You learned that the financial vice president manages a staff of five internal

PROBLEM: The internal audit function is not organizationally independent of

the accounting and finance functions.

SOLUTION: Organization structure and board of director requirements dictates

that internal audit should report directly to the audit committee of the board of
directors rather than the financial vice president.

e. You noted that all management authority seems to reside with three brothers,
who serve as chief executive officer, president, and financial vice president.

PROBLEM: The dominance of an organization's management by one or a few

individuals is an aspect of management's philosophy and operating style that
might indicate a problem with the internal environment, in that there may be a
potential for this small group to override the internal control system. Just because
a family is run by family members does not indicate there is a problem such as
fraud – but it does make it easier to commit and that should be take into

SOLUTION: It is important to evaluate carefully this situation to determine if it

indeed presents an internal control weakness.

f. You were told that the performance of division and department managers is
evaluated on a subjective basis, because Go-Go’s management believes that
formal performance evaluation procedures are counterproductive.

PROBLEM: This indicates a possible problem with management's human

resource standards and their methods of monitoring performance. Subjective
evaluation methods are often not be as effective in detecting problems or in
identifying good performance as objective measures, such as formal performance
evaluation procedures, that have been communicated to employees.

SOLUTION: It is important to evaluate carefully this situation to determine if it

indeed presents an internal control weakness.

g. You learned that the company has reported increases in earnings per share
for each of the past 25 quarters; however, earnings during the current
quarter have leveled off and may decline.

PROBLEM: Management's philosophy and operating style, as well as their

commitment to integrity and ethical values, can be tested when a company faces
declining earnings. When earnings per share decrease or when they do not meet
expectations, company stock can take a dive, sometimes a significant one. As a
result, a company may try and avoid earnings decreases when possible. The
problem comes when management uses questionable or even illegal means to prop
up their earnings.

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