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Floresta V Ubiadas

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ISSUE: Whether or not Judge Ubiadas acted with gross ignorance of the law, grave
No. RTJ-03-1774, 27 May 2004 abuse of authority when he granted the petition for bail without hearing the
prosecution in the case of Mangohig.
1. Then Provincial Prosecutor, now Regional Trial Court Judge Dorentino Z. HELD: YES. On the grant of bail to the accused. Whether bail is a matter of right or
Floresta administratively charged Judge Eliodoro G. Ubiadas of the Regional discretion, and even if no charge has yet been filed in court against a respondent-
Trial Court (RTC) with gross ignorance of the law, grave abuse of authority and suspect-detainee, reasonable notice of hearing is required to be given to the
violations of the Code of Judicial Conduct in hearingand deciding several prosecutor, or at least his recommendation must be sought. So Fortuna v. Penaco-
cases. Sitaca instructs: Admission to bail as a matter of discretion presupposes the exercise
2. In one of the cases, Judge Floresta faulted Judge Ubiadas for granting, thereof in accordance with law and guided by the applicable legal principles. The
“without giving notice to the prosecution,” the petition for bail of Jose prosecution must first be accorded an opportunity to present evidence because by the
Mangohig, Jr. who was arrested by virtue of a warrant issued by the Municipal very nature of deciding applications for bail, it is on the basis of such evidence that
Trial Court of Subic, Zambales which found probable cause against him for judicial discretion is weighed against in determining whether the guilt of the accused is
violation of Section 5(b), Art. III of Republic Act No. 7610 (“Special Protection strong. In other words, discretion must be exercised regularly, legally and within the
of Children Against Child Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act”). Finally, confines of procedural due process, that is, after the evaluation of the evidence
he faults Judge Ubiadas for disqualifying petitioner judge from appearing in a submitted by the prosecution. Any order issued in the absence thereof is not a product
criminal case despite petitioner judge’s designation to handle the prosecution of sound judicial discretion but of whim and caprice and outright arbitrariness.
of the case by the Ombudsman.
3. Respondent Judge Ubiadas contends that petitioner has no personality to True, a hearing of the petition for bail was conducted in Crim. Case No. 271-99 on
initiate the complaint against him as he is not a party to the cases subject January 4, 2000 at 8:30 a.m. Given the filing of the petition only the day before, at close
thereof. to noontime, it cannot be said that the prosecution was afforded reasonable
4. Respondent Judge Ubiadas informs that the petition for bail of Mangohig who notice and opportunity to present evidence after it received a copy of the petition
was then under preliminary investigation, which motion was filed on January minutes before it was filed in court. It bears stressing that the prosecution should be
3, 2000 on which same date a copy of said petition was furnished the public afforded reasonable opportunity to comment on the application for bail by showing
prosecutor, was as set by Mangohig heard on the morning of January 4, 2000 that evidence of guilt is strong. While in Section 18 of Rule 114 on applications for bail,
during which there was no appearance from the Prosecutors Office; and that no period is provided as it merely requires the court to give a reasonable notice of the
as the offense for which Mangohig was charged is ordinarily a bailable hearing to the prosecutor or require him to submit his recommendation, and the
offense, respondent granted him bail. general rule on the requirement of a three-day notice for hearing of motions under
5. The Office of the Court Administrator stressed that the Rules of Court Section 4 of Rule 15 allows a court for good cause to set the hearing on shorter notice,
requires a movant to serve notice of his motion on all parties concerned at there is, in the case of Mangohig, no showing of good cause to call for hearing his
least three days before the hearing thereof, hence, respondent erred in petition for bail on shorter notice.
granting the petition for bail without hearing the prosecutions side. It
accordingly recommended that Ubiadas be FINED P20,000.00. Reasonable notice depends of course upon the circumstances of each particular case,
taking into account, inter alia, the offense committed and the imposable penalties, and
the evidence of guilt in the hands of the prosecution. In Crim. Case No. 271-99,
Mangohig was arrested for violation of Sec. 5(b), Art. III of R.A. 7610, which is
punishable by reclusion temporal to reclusion perpetua, and subsequently indicted for
statutory rape qualified by relationship which is punishable by death. Under the
circumstances, by respondents assailed grant of bail, the prosecution was deprived of
due process for which he is liable for gross ignorance of the law or procedure which is a
serious charge under Sec. 8 of Rule 140 of the Rules of Court. The charge carries the
penalty of dismissal from the service with forfeiture of all or part of the benefits or
suspension from office without salary and other benefits for more than 3 but not
exceeding 6 months or a fine of more than P20,000 but not exceeding P40,000.

This Court takes this occasion to reiterate the injunction that a judge is called upon to
balance the interests of the accused who is entitled to the presumption of innocence
until his guilt is proven beyond reasonable doubt, and to enable him to prepare his
defense without being subject to punishment prior to conviction, against the right of
the State to protect the people and the peace of the community from dangerous
elements. WHEREFORE, respondent, Judge Eliodoro G. Ubiadas, is found GUILTY of
undue delay in resolving a motion and of gross ignorance of the law or procedure in
granting an application for bail without affording the prosecution due process. He is
accordingly FINED in the amount of P20,000.00, with WARNING that repetition of the
same or similar acts shall be dealt with more severely.

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