Sub-Carrier Allocation in OFDM Systems: Complexity, Approximability and Algorithms
Sub-Carrier Allocation in OFDM Systems: Complexity, Approximability and Algorithms
Sub-Carrier Allocation in OFDM Systems: Complexity, Approximability and Algorithms
We claim that Subset Sum has a satisfying solution if and proof: The proof of Subset Sum ≤P Continuous Uplink
only if Continuous Downlink Sub-carrier Allocation has an Sub-carrier Allocation is line by line similar to Theorem 1
Pm which can satisfy two users with rate requests with two additional conditions: the power budget p1 = ∞
V and ( i=1 wi − V ) and the total power consumption is and p2 = ∞.
no more than P . Suppose Subset Sum has a solution such We claim that Subset Sum has a satisfying solution if and
that the sum of the subset S is exactly V . If we allocate only if Continuous Uplink Sub-carrier Allocation has an as-
every corresponding sub-carrier in S to one user, and all
Pm which can satisfy two users with rate requests V
the remaining sub-carriers to the other user, and load every and ( i=1 wi − V ) and the maximal individual power con-
sub-carrier with rate wi , then this assignment would be a sumption is no more than P . If Subset Sum has a satisfying
satisfying solution to Continuous Downlink Sub-carrier Al- solution, then the optimal solution for Continuous Uplink
location. On the other hand, if Subset Sum is a NO instance, Sub-carrier Allocation has value no more than P , thus mak-
then no subset can give us a sum exactly V . Because every ing it a YES instance. On the other hand, if Subset Sum is
wi is a natural number, the difference of sum between any a NO instance, then, for the same reasons as in the proof
subset and V must be no less than 1. In addition, the largest of Theorem 1, we know the maximal individual power con-
number of sub-carrier a user can be allocated is |W | − 1. sumption is higher than P , which implies a NO instance of
Consequently, one of the two users has to load at least one Continuous Uplink Sub-carrier Allocation.
of the sub-carrier assigned to him/her with rate higher than Also, by using sub-carriers with rate-power relations as
wi + |W | , which implies the maximal individual power con- plotted in Figure 2, a line by line similar proof as in Theo-
sumption higher than P , thus making the total power con- rem 3 can give us the following conclusion.
sumption also higher than P .
In the proof of Theorem 1, if we replace the rate-power Theorem 4 Discrete Uplink Sub-carrier Allocation is NP-
equations with discrete ones, which can be obtained by hard.
discretizing the continuous counterpart with polynomially
many pieces as plotted in Figure 2, then a line by line simi- The decision version of Continuous Rate Maximizing
lar proof can give us the following conclusion. Sub-carrier Allocation is stated as follows.
Theorem 3 Continuous Uplink Sub-carrier Allocation is Theorem 5 Continuous Rate Maximizing Sub-carrier Al-
NP-hard. location is NP-hard.
proof: The proof of Subset Sum ≤P Continuous Rate Max-
imizing Sub-carrier Allocation is line by line similar to The-
orem 1, except the rate-power equations: the power for rate
R 1
0 is 0, the power of rate |W | − 1 is no less than wi − |W | ,
the power of rate |W | is no more than wi , the power of rate
P m
|W | is no less than i=1 wi −1, and the rate-power relation
between rate 0 and infinity is continuous and convex. This
constructed rate-power equation can be plotted as Figure 3.
We claim that Subset Sum has a satisfying solution if
and only if Continuous Rate Maximizing Sub-carrier Allo-
cation has an assignment,
Pm which honors two users’ power
budgets V and ( i=1 wi − V ) and has total rate no less
Figure 3. An example rate-power curve of a
than R. Suppose Subset Sum has a solution such that the
constructed sub-carrier in Continuous Rate
sum of the subset S is exactly V . Then, we can allocate
Maximizing Sub-carrier Allocation.
every corresponding sub-carrier in S to one user, and all the
remaining sub-carriers to the other user. Moreover, every
sub-carrier is loaded with rate exactly |W | . This assignment
can be a satisfying solution to Continuous Rate Maximizing proof: The proof of Subset Sum ≤P Continuous Downlink
Sub-carrier Allocation. On the other hand, if Subset Sum is Sub-carrier Allocation is line by line similar as Theorem 3,
a NO instance, then no subset can give us a sum exactly except that the power for rate wi + |W | is no less than αP .
V . Because every wi is a natural number, the difference of The rate-power equations of constructed sub-carriers can be
sum between any subset and V must be no less than 1. In plotted in Figure 4.
addition, the largest number of sub-carrier a user can be al- We claim that Subset Sum has a satisfying solution if
located is |W | − 1, and and only if an α−approximation algorithm of Continuous
Pmthe highest power budget of these
two user is at most i=1 wi − 1. Consequently, one of Downlink Sub-carrier Allocation generates an solution with
the two users has to load power on one of the sub-carrier as- total power consumption at most αP . Suppose Subset Sum
1 has a solution such that the sum of the subset S is exactly
signed to him/her with value no more than wi − |W | . On the
other hand, the other user can load power on at most one of V , then we know the optimal solution for the correspond-
the ing Continuous Downlink Sub-carrier Allocation is no more
Pmsub-carrier assigned to him/her with value no more than
i=1 wi − 1. Therefore, the total rate must be less than R,
than P . Consequently, an α−approximation algorithm of
which implies a NO instance of Continuous Rate Maximiz- Continuous Downlink Sub-carrier Allocation will give a so-
ing Sub-carrier Allocation. lution that is at most αP .
By replacing the continuous constructed rate-power On the other hand, if Subset Sum is a NO instance, then
equations in the proof of Theorem 5 with discrete ones, a no subset can give us a sum exactly V . Because every wi
line by line similar proof can give us the following conclu- is a natural number, the difference of sum between any sub-
sion: set and V must be no less than 1. In addition, the largest
number of sub-carrier a user can be allocated is |W | − 1.
Theorem 6 Discrete Rate Maximizing Sub-carrier Alloca- Consequently, one of the two users has to allocate at least
tion is NP-hard. one of the sub-carrier assigned to him/her with rate higher
than wi + |W | . Therefore the optimal maximal individual
4.2 In-approximability Proof power consumption is higher than αP , and so is the total
power consumption, which implies the solution provided by
In the previous section we rigorously demonstrated the α−approximation algorithm must be higher than αP .
a standard assumption that various versions of the sub- Similarly, by replacing the constructed rate-power equa-
carrier problem are fundamentally hard. We next compute tions in the proof of Theorem 7 with discrete ones similar
to what extend deterministic polynomial time algorithms to Figure 4, we can have the following theorem:
can approximate the optimal solution in such scenarios. Theorem 8 Achieving an approximation ratio α, ∀α ≥ 1
Gap-introducing technique[15] is adopted in the following for Discrete Downlink Sub-carrier Allocation is NP-hard.
Using a similar technique as we prove Theorem 1 and 3,
Theorem 7 Achieving an approximation ratio α, ∀α ≥ 1 1 and 2, we can have the following conclusions:
for Continuous Downlink Sub-carrier Allocation is NP-
hard. Theorem 9 Achieving an approximation ratio α, ∀α ≥ 1
Figure 4. An example rate-power curve of a Figure 5. An example rate-power curve of a
constructed sub-carrier in Continuous Uplink constructed sub-carrier in Continuous Rate
Sub-carrier Allocation. Maximizing Sub-carrier Allocation.
Figure 11. Histogram of (Difference of ob- In sum, although using a large neighborhood definition,
jective value between 3-interchange and op- i.e. value of k increases, can give us better average so-
tima)/(Optimal objective). Parameters: m = lution quality, but the marginal improvement diminishes
10, n = 3. rapidly. On the contrary, the computing time for different
k increases in the order of sub-carrier number.
5.4 When k-interchange Fails for sub-carrier allocation, especially when power minimiza-
tion is concerned. This points to the direction of random-
Although the solution quality of k-interchange looks ized algorithms as an alternative promising approach, which
promising in our simulations, we would like to demonstrate we hope to address in future work.
an example when the k-interchange algorithm may perform Although the sub-carrier allocation problems with power
arbitrarily bad. related objective have been proved in-approximable, the
Consider the following 3-users (user A, B, and C), proposed algorithm, k−interchange, performs close to op-
4-channels (channel I, II, III, and IV) situations for 2- timal in all our simulations. In addition, we also identify
interchange algorithm. For convenience, we use γi,j to rep- the worst case scenario, such that using k−interchange may
resent the channel gain for user i with respect to sub-carrier lead to arbitrarily bad solution quality.
j. As an extension, we plan to do extensive numerical com-
parison between our algorithm and other existing efforts by
• γA,I = 10−3 , γA,III = 1, and γA,II = γA,IV = ∞. simulations. It is also of interest to investigate the effect of
an adaptive threshold value, and strategies to reduce running
• γB,II = 10−3 , γB,I = 1, and γB,III = γB,IV = ∞. time of k−interchange algorithm.