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ABC Community School 04-26-18 Richard Tapia 05-06-18

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ABC Community School

Richard Tapia
Technology in the classroom is becoming more and nice predominant. We see it with the
textbooks being replaced with tablets and laptops since we can research through the internet
rather than looking through books like we used to before we had technology. We should embrace
this movement and adapt with society and technology as it changes. Why should we stick with
traditional techniques when we have smarter and more advanced tools out there? It doesn’t make
sense to me nor does it to other educators out there.
According to ———— there was a study by IT Trade Association CompTIA that found
75 percent of educators to think that technology holds a positive impact in the education process.
Technology has made a big impact on this age of schools. Teachers are learning and creating new
ways to emerge technologies with they’re teaching structure. At the same time students have a
better time relating to the content and understanding it as a whole. Within that same study, it was
showed that 9 out of 10 students indicated that using technology in the classroom would help
prepare them for the digital future. These 21st-century skills are essential in order to be successful
in this day and age. Jobs that may not have had a digital component in the past, may have one
There are many examples of how technology has been able to help students move
forward. One example is my Education 214 class. It is a class that teaches us how to emerge
technology with our class. The assignments that we did in that class have helped me understand
so much about the content that was out for me to learn. It also gave me a clear understand of
what I have to expect from being a teacher. In some assignments, we were to learn about
spreadsheets and how to use them for our class and how the students can use the spreadsheets for
in class assignments. In order to learn about it, we were to take the roles of teachers and do a
spreadsheets hands one simulating what it would be like to complete this assignment. The things
we did in this class, we did all with technology. There is no way that I would have been abe to
learn as effectively as I did in this class had there not have been any technology.
Now I know that technology in class rooms have their flaws. According to——————
schools cant keep up with the advancing technologies and the expenses that come along with it.
Heick says, “Upgrading equipment is often costly and schools may not have the manpower to
handle the equipment. Most classrooms contain at least twenty students, which can take up a
great deal of internet bandwidth in the instance that they all must access their laptop or tablet at
once.” There is an understanding about budgets but were not asking for the most advance
equipment out there. All that we ask to AT LEAST have the minimum of technology that the
school can afford.
Technology is such a crucial piece of the puzzle that is student education. Plain and
simple, if you want the students to learn and understand the content and get the most out of their
time in class, then we need to keep technology. It makes the lives of the students easier and more
enjoyable as well as the teacher and school staff. Please think again about your decision in
abolishing technology in the class room. Think about the students and whats best for them. 

The first Computer and Technology Standard is Creativity and Innovation. The
National indicator is to apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products or processes.
In our state of Nevada we must apply new and existing knowledge to independently, or in
collaboration with others, generate new ideas, products or processes with digital tools.
Communication and Collaboration would be the 2nd standard. This standard is where students
use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a
distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others. The national
indicator would be to interact with others collaborating ideas using digital environments and
media. For the state of Nevada, it is relatively the same thing. The 3rd standard is Research and
Information Fluency which allows students to apply digital tools to gather, evaluate and even
use the information that they find. Planning strategies to guide inquiry is the national indicator
and for Nevada, we use digital tools to plan and organize research based inquiry. We also use
advanced search techniques to locate information from multiple sources in hopes to create an
original product for the audience that we are presenting it to. Number 4 in the standards is
Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making which means for the students to
use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and
make informed decisions while using digital tools and resources that are appropriate. This
standard will help identify and define authentic problems and significant questions for
investigation or to even plan activities to complete a project. This would all be a National
Indicator. The state of Nevada use this standard to relatively do the same thing. To use
technology to solve a problem. In the 5th standard, it focuses on students being aware of the
legal and ethical technology behavior. This standard is Digital Citizenship. It advocates a safe,
legal, and responsible use of information and technology in the national indicator and also for the
state of Nevada as well. Students will articulate the concepts and issues that revolve around
digital property rights. Lastly, we’ve reached the 6th standard which is Technology Operation
and Concepts. This standard focuses on students demonstrating a sound understanding of
technology concepts, systems, and operations. For the national indicator, it allows the student
and teacher to understand and use technology systems. In Nevada it allows us to describe the
components of technology systems and how they interact.
These standard differ and also relate in some ways. The first thing that they all have in
common, is the utilization of technology and emerging it into a class friendly tool that will help
both teacher and student progress forward in their studies. Creativity and Innovation(standard 1)
and Communication and Collaboration(standard 2) are both focused on the collaboration and
working with others to share information. As where Research and Information Fluency(standard
3), Research and Information Fluency and Critical Thinking(standard 4), Problem Solving, and
Decision Making focus more on finding information using technology. Then Digital Citizenship
and Technology Operation and Concepts both are kind of the overall standards that involve 1
through 4. They both are just the understanding of responsibility that comes with using
technology in the classroom.
High School Health Class
Final Project of School Year: Health Commercial
Regular Schedule

1. Name of Lesson- Health Risk Video

2. Grade Level Appropriateness- 8th through 12th
3. Technology Content Standard Addressed-Creativity and Innovation, Research and
Information Fluency, Digital Citizenship, and Technology Operation and Concepts.
4. Other Content Standard Addressed- Creativity through art.
5. Objective- To create a video that explains a chosen health risk that we learn in class and give
details about the causes or symptoms with a possible solution to aid, cure or prevent it.
6. Materials needed to facilitate the lesson- Video camera and film making software such as
move or windows movie maker.
7. Suggested group size- 4 people
8. Procedure-
1. Daily Review- We will start off with an open discussion of the project and talk about any
questions, concerns, or comments that the students may have. We will also be going over
some commercial examples and maybe re watch some of the commercials that we saw in
class to give the students an idea of what it could possibly look like.
2. Daily Objective- To research in the computer lab, information to apply it in the
commercials. (Technology standard #3 Research and Information Fluency).
3. Concept and Skill Development- Researching articles and more information to support
their commercial
4. Guided/Independent/Group Practice- The students will research for articles and
information while in their groups.
5. Homework- Meet after school in the supervised class room or anywhere else to work
with groups on project.
6. Closure- Meet together for the last 15 mins of class to go over the daily objective that
was completed. Also open for any questions or concerns.
9. Assignment:

Health Commercial Project

This project is an excellent way for the students to display their knowledge on the content
that they have learned through out the semester. The students will choose a health risk topic such
as (diabetes, smoking cigarets, safe sex or any other ones that we went over in class) and make a
short educational video about it in a form of a commercial, youtube video, advertisement, or an
instructional video for a health class. This will be done in groups. The objective of the project is
to make a commercial that explains the health risk in detail and explain a solution that aids or
prevents it. For example, they could do an above the influence type of commercial. They can
even do a safe sex awareness video like the ones they might have seen in class. They can even
get creative and do an advertisement for a drug that can cure a disease or they can make a
youtube style video of how to aid someones diabetes. As long as the disease is explained in detail
such as symptoms, or possible causes and as long as there is a possible solution that is explained
for the disease, then the students will be on the right track. They will be graded on the accuracy
of the disease facts and solutions, and also graded on citing their research in APA format. The
video will require some sort of film software. The possible software choices are windows movie
maker or iMovie. I will also go over how to do simple edits to educate the students in this
particular type of software. I wont spend a lot of time teaching the software, maybe 3 days. The
daily review will be a great time to ask about any questions for the software. While in the
computer lab, I can go to each group that is struggling and will assist them through the software.
NOTE: Students are allowed to utilize their personal laptops in class for this project. The
technology standards that are used are: Creativity and Innovation, Research and Information
Fluency, Digital Citizenship, and Technology Operation and Concepts.

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