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Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering, Vol. 8, No 2, pp.

113-122 (2005) 113

An Efficient GA-based Clustering Technique

Hwei-Jen Lin*, Fu-Wen Yang and Yang-Ta Kao
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, Tamkang University
Tamsui, Taiwan 251, R.O.C.

In this paper, we propose a GA-based unsupervised clustering technique that selects cluster
centers directly from the data set, allowing it to speed up the fitness evaluation by constructing a
look-up table in advance, saving the distances between all pairs of data points, and by using binary
representation rather than string representation to encode a variable number of cluster centers. More
effective versions of operators for reproduction, crossover, and mutation are introduced. Finally, the
Davies-Bouldin index is employed to measure the validity of clusters. The development of our
algorithm has demonstrated an ability to properly cluster a variety of data sets. The experimental
results show that the proposed algorithm provides a more stable clustering performance in terms of
number of clusters and clustering results. This results in considerable less computational time
required, when compared to other GA-based clustering algorithms.

Key Words: Unsupervised Clustering, Genetic Algorithms, Reproduction, Crossover, Mutation,

Fitness, Cluster Validity

1. Introduction choice of initial cluster centers. Difficult problems such

as these are referred to as unsupervised clustering or non-
Clustering is the unsupervised classification of pat- parametric clustering, and are often dealt with by em-
terns (or data items) into groups (or clusters). A result- ploying an evolutionary approach. Genetic algorithms
ing partition should possess the following properties: (GA) are the best-known evolutionary techniques [4-6].
(1) homogeneity within the clusters, i.e. data that be- To date, some research articles have dealt with this
long to the same cluster should be as similar as possible, method [7-11]. Among the GA-based clustering algo-
and (2) heterogeneity between clusters, i.e. data that be- rithms illustrated in the current literature, the GCUK
long to different clusters should be as different as possi- (Genetic Clustering for Unknown K) method proposed
ble. Several algorithms require certain parameters for by Bandyopadhyay and Maulik [11] is the most effec-
clustering, such as the number of clusters and cluster tive one. However, its cost of computational time is very
shapes, as previous literature has stated [1-3]. Many high because it uses a string representation (or real-
non-GA-based clustering algorithms have been widely number encoding) to encode clusters that require a great
used, such as K-means, Fuzzy-c-means, EM, etc. How- deal of time for floating-point computation. In our work,
ever, the number of clusters in a data set is not known in the cluster centers are selected from the data set, and a
most real-life situations. None of these non-GA-based binary representation is used to encode a variable num-
clustering algorithms is capable of efficiently and auto- ber of cluster centers. In the conventional GA-based
matically forming natural groups from all the input pat- clustering methods, the cluster mean is used as the cen-
terns, especially when the number of clusters included ter of a cluster, and thus the distance from every data
in the data set tends to be large. This is often due to a bad point to its cluster center must be evaluated each time
the fitness of a chromosome is evaluated. Fitness evalu-
*Corresponding author. E-mail: hjlin@cs.tku.edu.tw ation during the conventional evolution process is quite
114 Hwei-Jen Lin et al.

time-consuming due to the repeated computation of the Step 2. Evaluate the fitness for each chromosome in
distance between every data point and its corresponding the current population.
cluster center. Since our method selects cluster centers Step 3. Perform the genetic operations, including re-
directly from the data set, it has the advantage of con- production, crossover, and mutation, on the current pop-
structing a look-up table that saves the distances be- ulation to introduce a new population.
tween all pairs of data points in advance. With the aid of Step 4. Replace the current population with the new
the look-up table, the distances between all pairs of data population.
points need to be evaluated only once throughout the Step 5. If some criterion is met then stop, else go to
entire evolution process. Step 2.
The question generally asked, in relation to the cluster The canonical algorithm is a probabilistic algorithm
validity problem, is whether the underlying assumptions which maintains a population of individuals (or chromo-
(cluster shapes, number of clusters, initial conditions, etc.) somes), P = {Ch1, Ch2, …, ChP}. Each individual repre-
of the clustering technique are satisfied for all of the input sents a potential solution to the problem. Each solution
data sets. In order to address this problem, several cluster Chi is evaluated to give some measure of its “fitness”,
validity measures such as the Dunn index, the XB index and then a new population is introduced by selecting the
(Xie-Beni index), the BM index [16] and the DB index more fit individuals (reproduction). Some members of
[12] have been proposed [1,12,13,16]. It is impossible to new population undergo transformations (crossover and
answer every question without prior knowledge of the mutation) to form new solutions. After some number of
data. However, we can look for measures that provide rea- generations the algorithm converges - the best individual
sonable clustering results in terms of homogeneity within hopefully represents the optimum solution.
clusters and heterogeneity between clusters, as discussed
above. Our experiments show that the Dunn index slows 3. The Proposed Genetic Clustering Methods
down the overall process although it provides good results
for strip-shaped clusters, the XB index performs poorly The proposed genetic clustering method is based on
when the number of clusters is large, and the BM index the GA steps discussed in the previous section. This sec-
tends to form two clusters for most of the data sets. The tion describes in detail how to implement the proposed
DB index, defined as a function of the ratio of the sum of method.
the within-cluster scatter to the between-cluster separa-
tion, is shown to provide the most reasonable measure 3.1 Binary Representation
among all indices mentioned above. Therefore, we adopt We use data points in the data set as the candidates
the DB index to measure cluster validity in our experi- for the cluster centers. The chromosome length is equal
ments. The superiority of the proposed algorithm, over to the size of the data set. The ith gene of a chromosome
other proposed genetic clustering algorithms, is demon- corresponds to the ith data point in the data set. For a data
strated in the experimental results. point of index i to be the candidate for the center of a
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 de- cluster, the allele of the corresponding ith gene in the
scribes how to implement a genetic algorithm. In Sec- chromosome is set to “1”; otherwise “0”. The number of
tion 3, our proposed algorithm is introduced. Section 4 clusters, denoted by K, is assumed to lie in the range
provides experimental results and comparisons with the [Kmin, Kmax], where Kmin is chosen as 2, and Kmax is chosen
GCUK method. Conclusions and directions for future to be l/2 or l, where l is the chromosome length, unless
research are given in Section 5. otherwise specified.

2. Canonical Genetic Algorithm 3.2 Population Initialization

Let P be the size of the population. For initializing
The structure of a canonical genetic algorithm [5,6] the rth chromosome, Chr, in the population (r = 1, 2, …,
is shown as follows: P), an integer Kr is randomly selected from the range
Step 1. Start with a randomly generated population. [Kmin, Kmax], and then Kr distinct data points are randomly
An Efficient GA-based Clustering Technique 115

chosen from the data set, The gene corresponding to the ing methods the cluster mean is used as the center of a
index of each of these chosen data points is set to “1”; cluster, and thus the distance from each and every data
while each of the remaining genes is set to “0”. For ex- point to its cluster center must be evaluated each time the
ample, if l = 16, Kr = 3 for the chromosome Chr, and 3 fitness of a chromosome is evaluated. Fitness evaluation
data points randomly chosen from the data set have indi- during the conventional evolutionary process is quite
ces 3, 10, and 12, respectively, then the chromosome Chr time-consuming due to the repeated computation of dis-
should be 0010 0000 0101 0000. tances. Since our method selects cluster centers directly
from the data set, it has the advantage of constructing a
3.3 Fitness Function Evaluation look-up table that saves the computed distances between
The aim of the clustering analysis is to partition a all pairs of data points in advance. The distance between
given set of data into clusters with the following proper- every pair of data points is computed once and stored in
ties: (1) homogeneity within the clusters, and (2) hetero- the table. Consequently, during the evolution process
geneity between clusters. For measuring the validity of distances can be obtained simply by looking them up in
clusters, many measures have been proposed recently the table rather than computing them again. This dramat-
[1,12,13]; As mentioned earlier, the DB index provides ically raises the efficiency of the proposed method.
an appropriate measure and has been adopted in our sys-
tem. In Eq. (1), S i,q denotes the measure of dispersion of 3.4 Genetic Operators
a cluster Ci, i = 1, …, Kr, appearing in chromosome Chr as In this section we describe how the genetic operators
mentioned in the previous section. In Eq. (2), Ri,qt de- are modified and how they are performed in our algo-
notes the maximal similarity index of Ci to the other clus- rithm.
ters. In Eq. (2), dij,t / d(Ci, Cj) denotes the Minkowski
distance of order t between the clusters Ci and Cj. DBr de- 3.4.1 Reproduction
fined in Eq. (3) is the evaluation of the DB index for The reproduction operator ensures that, in probability,
chromosome Chr. A small value of this evaluation indi- the better a solution is in the current population, the more
cates a good clustering result, and thus we define the fit- replicates it has in the next population. In order to raise the
ness function as the inverse of this evaluation as shown possibility of the chance that the individuals near the fit-
in Eq. (4). We set q = 1 and t = 2 in this work. test survive, we modify the conventional reproduction op-
erator by adding a so-called “winner-replacing” step prior
æ 1 ö q to the roulette wheel selection. Consequently, the repro-
Si , q = ç x - zi 2 ÷ , (1) duction is processed in two stages. In the first stage, the
ç Ci xÎC ÷
è i ø winner-replacing step is performed to raise the possibil-
where zi is the center of the cluster Ci ity for the chance that a chromosome nearby the global
optimum is reproduced. The winner-replacing step is
ïì Si ,q + S j ,q ïü
Ri ,qt = Max í ý , (2) carried out as follows: First, create a new chromosome
j , j ¹i
îï dij ,t þï Chnew by modifying the chromosome ChM having the
where dij , t = d (Ci, Cj ) = zi - z j maximum fitness value in such a way that each of the
corresponding center candidates is replaced with the data
1 kr
DBr =
kr i =1åRi ,qt (3)
point closest to the corresponding mean center. Second,
randomly select a chromosome Chj and replace it with
1 the newly chromosome Chnew if Fitness(Chnew) > Fit-
Fitness(Chr ) = (4)
DBr ness(Chj) (or Chnew wins). This step not only greatly
raises the maximum fitness value of each generation but
As defined in the above equations, it is evident that also increases the stability of the clustering results. The
the fitness function evaluation includes the computation computational time required in the winner-replacing step
of distance between every data point and its correspond- is insignificant compared with the time saved by the
ing cluster center. In the conventional GA-based cluster- look-up table. In the second stage, a roulette wheel with
116 Hwei-Jen Lin et al.

slots sized proportionally to fitness is spun P times; each To eliminate the problem of unreasonable clusters
time a single chromosome is selected for a new popula- mentioned above, a modified version of crossover opera-
tion. tor is introduced. The number of clusters in each of a par-
The modified version of reproduction operation is il- ent pair is counted, say, NC1 and NC2, respectively, a ran-
lustrated as follows: dom integer NC is generated from the range [1, M], where
// Winner-replacing step: M = Min(NC1, NC2), and then NC gene positions having
1. Evaluate the fitness for each chromosome Chi, i = 1, allele 1’s in each of the parents are randomly selected for
2, …, P. crossover. The parent pair undergo crossover by ex-
2. Create Chnew and randomly select a chromosome Chj changing alleles at the selected gene positions to intro-
from the current population. duce a pair of their offspring. An example of this new
3. Replace Chj with Chnew , if f(Chnew) > f(Chj). version of crossover is given in Example 2. The two
// Roulette wheel selection step: chromosomes have allele “1” at 3 and 4 gene positions,
4. Calculate the probability Probi for each chromosome respectively; that is, NC1 = 3 and NC2 = 4, and thus M =
Chi (i = 1, 2, …, P): Min{NC1, NC2} = 3. Assume the random integer NC gen-
erated from the range [1, M] (= [1, 3]), is 2, then 2 gene
Fitness (Chi )
Probi = p positions are randomly selected among the genes with al-
å Fitness(Ch )
j =1
j lele “1” in each chromosome. Assume that {3, 10} and
{2, 15} are selected from {3, 10, 12} and {2, 10, 13, 15}
5. Calculate a cumulative probability qi for each chromo- for the two chromosomes, respectively. Consequently,
some Chi (i = 1, 2, …, P): these parent pair undergo crossover by exchanging their
alleles in each of the gene positions {2, 3, 10, 15} (= {3,
qi = å j =1 Pr ob j
10}c{2, 15}). The modified version of crossover opera-
tion is illustrated as follows:
6. for k = 1 to P do //produce new chromosomes // Crossover on multiple positions:
Generate a random (float) number ( from the range Generate a random (float) number ( from the range [0,
[0, 1]. If ( < q1 then select the first chromosome Ch1; 1].
otherwise select the ith chromosome Chi such that If ( < pc then
qi-1 < ( £ qi . For each pair of chromosomes Cha and Chb
1. Evaluate
3.4.2 Crossover NC1 = number of 1’s in Cha.
In some other proposed algorithms, the crossover NC2 = number of 1’s in Chb.
operation is performed each time on a single gene posi- M = Min{NC1 , NC2}
tion. This might yield a total number of clusters (or 1’s) 2. Generate a random integer NC from the range [1, M].
smaller than Kmin. In that case, unreasonable offspring 3. Randomly select NC gene positions among the genes
may often occur, and need to be repaired for many gener- with allele “1” from Cha and form a set Sa of indices of
ations. As shown in Example 1, two chromosomes un- such selected positions.
dergo crossover by exchanging all alleles after their 4th Randomly select NC gene positions among the genes
genes. The produced offspring pair have total numbers of with allele “1” from Chb and form a set Sb of indices of
clusters, 5 and 0, respectively. such selected positions.
Example 1. Crossover on a single crossing point 4. S = Sa c Sb
Parents: 5. for each index i in S
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Exchange the alleles of chromosomes Cha and Chb at
0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 gene position i.
Offspring: Example 2. Crossover on multiple positions
1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 Parents:
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 Y NC1= 3
An Efficient GA-based Clustering Technique 117

0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 Y NC2= 4 and (allele of g = ‘1’))

Offspring: then
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 Y NC1= 3 Generate a random (float) number ( from the
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 Y NC2= 3. range [0, 1].
If ( < pm then mutate the allele of g.
3.4.3 Mutation
The aim of mutation is to introduce new genetic In Example 3, the number of clusters (or 1’s) pre-
material in an existing chromosome. Mutation also oc- sented in the old chromosome is NC = 3. We assume that
curs at a certain probability pm, referred to as the muta- the gene positions 3 and 14 were selected for mutation.
tion rate. Usually, a small value for pm Î [0, 1] is used Example 3. Mutation
to ensure that good solutions are not distorted too Old chromosome
much. The conventional mutation operator is performed 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
on a gene-by-gene basis. With a given probability of New chromosome
mutation, each gene in all chromosomes in the whole 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0
population undergoes mutation. To further prevent
much distortion of solutions, we modify the mutation 4. Experimental Results
operator by allowing only the genes for mutation that
satisfy the condition “((K < Kmax) and (its allele = ‘0’)) A GA-based clustering algorithm requires certain
or ((K > Kmin) and (its allele = ‘1’))”, where K is the parameters (probabilities of crossover and mutation,
number of clusters (or 1’s) for the chromosome being population size, number of generations, etc.). Although
examined for mutation. If a gene is selected for muta- these parameters are often chosen heuristically, in our
tion then its allele is altered. The term “altering the al- experiments, the mutation probabilities are estimated au-
lele” means to change an allele ‘0’ to ‘1’ or vice versa. tomatically by using Eq. (5) [14,15], where P is the popu-
The modified version of mutation operation is illus- lation size and l is the chromosome length.
trated as follows:
// Mutation under given conditions: Pm » 1.75 /( P ´ l ) (5)

for i = 1 to P do In our experiments, 100 data sets with a variety of

for each gene g of Chi numbers (in [Kmin, Kmax] = [2,11]) of clusters were tested to
If ((Ki < Kmax) and (allele of g = ‘0’)) or ((Ki > Kmin) evaluate the performance of the proposed method. Figure 1

Figure 1. Sizes of 100 artificial data sets.

118 Hwei-Jen Lin et al.

shows the sizes of the testing data sets (there are ten data was adopted to measure the validity of the clusters. For
sets for each number of clusters). Two sets of parameters comparison, we performed both our method and the
were used for testing. One set, having pm = 0.001, pc = 0.8, GCUK method 10 times on each data set. Figures 2 and 3
P = 100, number of generations G = 100, and [Kmin, Kmax] show the average maximum fitness values resulting from
= [2, l], which is the same as that the GCUK method both methods, having been tested 10 times for each data
used, while the other set, having pm automatically esti- set, respectively. It demonstrates that on average our pro-
mated by Eq. (5), pc = 0.9 as required in [14,15], P = 100, posed algorithm provides indeed better fitness values than
G = 100, and [Kmin, Kmax] = [2, l]. Finally, the DB index the GCUK method. Figures 4 and 5 show the average pro-

Figure 2. Average maximum fitness values by the two methods with the first set of parameters tested 10 times on 100 artificial
data sets.

Figure 3. Average maximum fitness values by the two methods with the second set of parameters tested 10 times on 100 artificial
data sets.
An Efficient GA-based Clustering Technique 119

cessing time per data point required by each method tested perts. A data set is said to be clustered absolutely correct
10 times for each data set, and demonstrate that the pro- if all data points in the data set are clustered correctly.
posed algorithm is about 3 to 7 times faster than the GCUK Figure 6 shows the ACCRs for the two methods using
method. two sets of parameters. As illustrated in Figure 6, our
Finally, we use the absolute correctly clustering rates method has ACCRs as high as 100% for the data sets in-
(ACCR) to evaluate and compare the general perfor- cluding less than 7 clusters; whlie the CGUK method has
mance of the two methods tested on the 100 artificial up to 70% of ACCRs only for the data sets including less
data sets, where the ACCR is defined as the percentage than 5 clusters, and it rapidly gets worse with the growth
of data sets that are clustered absolutely correct using a of the number of clusters. Figure 7 shows four of the 100
specific clustering method, and where the criterion of artificial data sets. Figures 8 and 9 show the results for
correctness is the clustering results given by some ex- the data sets shown in Figure 7 as per our method and the

Figure 4. Average processing time per data point required by each of the two methods using the first set of parameters tested 10
times on 100 artificial data sets.

Figure 5. Average processing time per data point required by each of the two methods using the second set of parameters tested
10 times on 100 artificial data sets.
120 Hwei-Jen Lin et al.

GCUK method, respectively. These experimental results method.

showed that the proposed algorithm achieved a better These experiments were implemented in an environ-
performance, with less computational time, than the GCUK ment using the Intel Centrino-Mobile 1.3GHz CPU, 30G

Figure 6. Absolute correctly clustering rates for the two methods using each of the two sets of parameters tested on 100 artificial
data sets.

Figure 7. Four original data sets.

An Efficient GA-based Clustering Technique 121

Figure 8. The clustering results of the proposed method for the data sets shown in Figure 7. The centers are marked with ‘?’.

Figure 9. The clustering results of the GCUK method for the data sets shown in Figure 7. The centers are marked with ‘?’.
122 Hwei-Jen Lin et al.

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