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August 2007

Project no.: IST-2001-35304

Project Co-ordinator: Frits Vaandrager
Project Start Date: 1 April 02
Duration: 39 months
Project home page: http://ametist.cs.utwente.nl/
Status: Public
1 Project Overview 4
1.1 Consortium Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.2 Main Achievements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2 Project Objectives 6

3 Project Methodologies, Results and Achievements 7

3.1 Model-Based System Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.2 Project Results: Expressiveness, Performance & Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.2.1 Priced Timed Automata: Theory, Algorithms and Applications . . 10
3.2.2 Stochastic Extensions of Timed Automata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.2.3 Modelling Frameworks for Scheduling Under (Discrete) Uncertainty 11
3.2.4 Optimization and Constraint Satisfaction as a Tool for Timed Au-
tomata Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.2.5 Improvements in Timed Automata Model Checking Technology . . 12
3.2.6 Specialized Technology for Solving Scheduling Problems with Timed
Automata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.2.7 Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.3 Project Results: Cybernetix Case Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.3.1 Activities in year one and two . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.3.2 Work in the third year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.3.3 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.4 Project Results: Terma Case Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.4.1 Summary of the work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.4.2 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.5 Project Results: Bosch Case Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.5.1 The CPS Case Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.5.2 The Airbag ECU Case Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3.6 Project Results: Axxom Case Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.6.1 Problem Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.6.2 Modeling and Requirement Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.6.3 Tool Application and Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.6.4 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
3.7 Project Results: Other Case Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

3.8 Towards a Unifying Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

4 Outlook 47

5 Conclusions 49

A List of Deliverables 73

1 Project Overview
1.1 Consortium Description
The Ametist consortium is composed of seven academic partners and four industrial
partners as indicated in the table below. The coordinator is listed first, followed by the
industrial partners on places 2-5, followed by the other academic partners on places 6-11.

No Name Contact person Role

CO1 Radboud University Nijmegen Frits Vaandrager Technology Provider
AC2 Bosch Marko Auerswald User
AC3 Cybernetix Patrice Gauthier User
AC4 Axxom Dagmar Ludewig User
AC5 Terma Thomas Hune User
CR6 University of Aalborg Kim Larsen Technology Provider
CR7 University of Dortmund Sebastian Engell Technology Provider
CR8 VERIMAG Oded Maler Technology Provider
AC9 Weizmann Institute Amir Pnueli Technology Provider
CR10 LIF Marseille Peter Niebert Technology Provider
CR11 University of Twente Ed Brinksma Technology Provider

Already before the start of Ametist , the academic partners have been cooperating suc-
cessfully for many years in European projects. All academic partners share a common
mission, which is to conduct research on the application of formal methods for the de-
velopment of computer based systems with the long range objective of transforming the
application of formal methods from an academic research topic into an engineering prac-
tice. Even though the academic partners have a common background knowledge which
facilitates collaborative work, they all brought in complementary expertise:
Nijmegen verification and analysis of distributed real-time algorithms and
systems, model checking, application of formal methods
Aalborg tool builder (Uppaal), model checking
Dortmund process control, hybrid systems, production planning and schedul-
Verimag tool builder (IF), timed systems
Weizmann synthesis, abstraction and composition techniques
Marseille symbolic verification, constraint programming
Twente validation tools, stochastic methods, verification of soft real-time
The industrial partners, which are all prominent players in the embedded systems area,
contributed complementary case studies, and used and evaluated the project results. Each
industrial partner had a privileged relation with one of the academic partners: Bosch and
Axxom with Dortmund, Cybernetix with Marseille, and Terma with Aalborg.

1.2 Main Achievements
Scheduling and resource allocation problems occur in many different domains1 , for instance
(1) scheduling of production lines in factories to optimize costs and delays, (2) scheduling
of computer programs in (real-time) operating systems to meet deadline constraints, (3)
scheduling of micro instructions inside a processor with a bounded number of registers and
processing units, (4) scheduling of trains (or airplanes) over limited quantities of railway
tracks and crossroads, and (5) mission planning for autonomous robots on spacecrafts.
Typically, in each of these domain problems are solved using different approaches and
mathematical tools. The Ametist project has provided the foundations for a unifying
framework for time-dependent behavior and dynamic resource allocation that crosses the
boundaries of application domains.
In the Ametist approach, components of a system are modeled as dynamical systems with
a state space and a well-defined dynamics. All that can happen in a system is expressed in
terms of behaviors that can be generated by the dynamical systems; these constitute the
semantics of the problem. Verification, optimization, synthesis and other design activities
explore and modify system structure so that the resulting behaviors are correct, optimal,
etc. Preferably, the limitations of currently known computational solutions should not
influence modeling too much: only after the semantics of a problem is properly understood,
abstractions and specialization due to computational considerations can intervene. In such
situations, the soundness of abstractions should ideally also be proved, either via deductive
verification or model checking. Ametist has shown that this approach, which underlies the
successful domain of formal verification, can be extended to resource allocation, scheduling
and other time-related problems.
Ametist has made major advances in the area of (timed automata based) tools. Several
(new versions) of tools were released, implementing algorithmic ideas that have been devel-
oped during the first two years of the project. Tight connections and interfaces between all
of these tools exist or are currently being developed. If we compare the current capabilities
of our tools with what existed at the start of Ametist, then it is fair to say that indeed we
have moved the state-of-the-art to a new level of maturity (one of the main objectives of
the project). Also the convenience of using the tool has been greatly improved due to the
enriched expressiveness of the input language and connections with other tools. Nowadays
even high school students find it easy to modify and build timed automata models using
the improved GUI. Through the website and new tutorial papers (such as [94]) the tool
has become very easily accessible.
Profiting from the new tools, the Ametist consortium has tackled more than 20 industrial
sized case studies which were provided by our industrial partners (Bosch, CYR, Axxom,
Terma) or obtained from other sources. The general conclusion is that using our new
methods we can handle bigger problems faster and in a much more routine manner than
at the start of the project. Using Uppaal CORA, for instance, we succeeded to derive
schedules that are competitive with those that were provided by industrial partner Axxom
This subsection has been taken from [56].

using its own tool Orion-Pi. Our experience with the AXXOM case study shows the
application of model checking techniques for scheduling is promising. Still, timed automata
are not yet a push-button technology to be applied without problem specific modeling and
solution strategies. But the generation of libraries of templates for typical configurations
seems promising and appears as a path towards to more widespread and easier application
for non-TA-specialist users. Considerable further work on modelling methods, reusebility of
modelling patterns, identification and evaluation of heuristics, compasison with alternative
approaches, all in the context of case studies of greater orders of magnitude, is needed to
develop it into a readily applicable standard technique for scheduling.

2 Project Objectives
The following description of the objectives of Ametist has been taken from the Technical
Ametist intends to contribute to solutions for the growing industrial need to design re-
liable and efficient time dependent systems. In particular, it intends to provide theory
and tools for error-detection, control and optimisation of real-time distributed systems. Its
approach will be based on translating state-of-the-art academic research into methods and
tools that can be a basis for an industrial design practice of such systems.
In addition to its technological contributions, Ametist invests actively in knowledge trans-
fer to the European industry of computer-aided timing analysis and design. Moreover, it
is expected that the academic dissemination of the Ametist research results will influ-
ence and advance the field of timed systems research, and (indirectly) contribute to the
education of future generations of system engineers.
Whereas timed automata and the tools for their analysis are widely accepted in academia
and are being used at hundreds of universities and research laboratories all around the
world, they have yet to find their way into industry. The aim of Ametist is to advance
and mature the related models, tools, and methods to allow this situation to change.
The need for automatic tools that allow reasoning about time is evident. Beyond manu-
facturing, telecommunication and hardware, it is of essential importance for the growing
market of embedded systems (from car electronics to home automation). However, there
are several obstacles that seem to hinder the use of timed automata technology in industry
at this time:

• Scalability: Currently, tools based on timed automata do not allow to handle big
examples. There are industrial scale examples that have been treated with these
tools but only after tedious manual simplification involving a lot of work in each

• Convenience: Current timed automata tools are stand-alone programs and their
input formalisms lack important features for convenient specification in an industrial
• Accessibility: To make optimal use of the currently available tools requires quite
some sophistication on the user’s part, which makes them practically inaccessible
even to well-trained engineers.

Ametist aims at the (at least partial) elimination of these obstacles. The project moves
towards this goal along several tracks. One is the treatment of real-life case studies from
some candidate application domains to see if, indeed, the proposed models, tools and
methodology are suited for them. Indeed much of the project’s resources are being spent
on case studies. A second direction aims to improve the situation regarding scalability,
by introducing better algorithms and data-structures to model and manipulate large sys-
tems, in particular in the area of real-time controller synthesis, planning and scheduling.
Moreover, the project aims at tool interaction to allow the interfacing of different tools,
which can help to improve usability/convenience. The third track aims at synthesizing the
accumulated results in order to assess the applicability of the project’s vision and modify
it according to feedback from the field.

3 Project Methodologies, Results and Achievements

The purpose of this section2 is to summarize the developments that took place within the
Ametist project and put them in a larger scientific and technological context. We start
with a general overview of model-based design and analysis of systems from which the
approach advocated by Ametist has emerged. The principles underlying this approach
are those underlying the verification of reactive computer systems. We then move to the
more specific goal of the project, namely the exportation and adaptation of this approach
to a wide class of systems where quantitative timing information plays a major role. It
happens sometime that such systems are treated by techniques that do not follow these
principles for one or more of the following reasons:

1. The communities in question follow their old ways and gave not assimilated the
computer science way of looking at such problems;

2. Being “semantically correct” is not the most urgent issue in these problem compared
to being able to express many real-life details and treat hard computational problems.
It is sometimes believed that taking the trouble to formalize cleanly one does not
progress toward a solution and often adds another level of artificial complexity.

Finally we mention some of the major achievements of the project and assess their contri-
bution toward fulfilling that vision, or perhaps adapting it to real life in a more realistic
The material in this section is based on [53, 52, 48, 45, 46].

3.1 Model-Based System Development
A large part of engineering and applied mathematics is concerned with building mathe-
matical models of systems and using these models to validate the correct functioning of the
system and to choose between design alternatives in order to optimize system performance.
The nature of the system in question determines the types of mathematical models that
are useful for its analysis. The internal operation of a combustion engine will be modeled
by partial differential equations, the car dynamics by ordinary differential equations and
an automatic driver by, say, a finite-state automaton.
The fact that a class of models is used in an application domain is not always correlated
with its adequacy for solving the domain s problem. In many cases it is a combination of
the latter with historical and cultural coincidences. Practitioners, in general, do not have
the time to build new clean and rigorous models.3 They either use what was invented
by theoreticians in the past or develop ad-hoc (and, sometimes, ingenious) models that
allow them to solve the concrete problems they face within the time frame they have
been allocated. It usually requires the intervention of theoreticians in order to clean and
generalize these models.
Academics, on the other hand, tend to live in an imaginary world and have the privilege of
being allowed to ignore the feed-back from reality about the short- and mid-term relevance
of their models. Hence they can publish inertial papers that solve problems whose only
significance is internal to the academic community to which they belong.4 This was not
the main goal of Ametist but rather the establishment of timed automata as the under-
lying model for a large class of problems and application domains in the same sense that
differential equations underly a large part of physics and traditional engineering, or that
transition systems are used in software and hardware engineering.
The class of models advocated in Ametist has its origins in the domain often called
formal verification whose goal is to prove that certain systems behave correctly for all
the external contexts in which they can find themselves. Essentially these are models of
discrete dynamical systems whose most notable features are:

1. The different components of the system in question are clearly identified and the
model is given in terms of a composition of simpler models.

2. The interaction and mutual influence between the components is easily visible from
the interconnection scheme of the components.

3. The external environment of the system is also modeled as one or more components
of the same kind.

4. Each component is modeled by an automaton, the archetypical model of a discrete

dynamical system. The state transitions are labeled (and enabled) by interaction
In retrospect, one may say that the real world does not always admit clean and rigorous models.
This is not meant to undermine fundamental purely-theoretical research. Certain (but not all) math-
ematical objects are worth being studied for their own internal sake.

conditions between the components and by input and output events.

5. Putting all components together yields a global automaton in which the origin of each
transition can be traced back to the participating components.

6. The global system model is the basis of all design activities such as simulation,
validation, evaluation and optimization. These activities are supported by tools that
provide for automatic and semi-automatic analysis.

This approach has been extended in the last decade to treat time-dependent behaviors
using the timed automaton model, proposed by Alur and Dill. The project aimed at
establishing this framework as a unifying model for a large class of timing related problems
and to scheduling in particular.
To contrast this approach we discuss the ways these problems are treated today in industry
and academia. This is an intentional straw man, whose description is quite caricaturized
but, nevertheless, it may represent the existing spirit in some areas. In many application
domains the models are of a more ad-hoc nature without making a distinction between
the essential and the accidental details of the problem. The latter may be the syntax of a
given programming language, scheduling policies of a given operating systems, etc.5 This
approach may lead to practical solutions but not always to solutions which are scalable to
more general problems. The prime example in the success of Science, Newtonian mechanics,
abstracted from the specific details of masses, small stones and planets and gave a general
rule governing the behavior or both, although every practitioner will tell you that the
“application” of throwing stones and the “application” of predicting where the stars will
appear next evening, are quite different. A more down-to-earth example is the relative
success of formal verification which can be partly attributed to the use of the transition
system model (automaton) which abstracts away from such details. Of course, one needs at
the end to treat such details in order to solve concrete problems, but much of the insights
obtained on the more abstract model could not have been reached on models cluttered
with details.
Another feature of commonly-used approaches is the modeling of the system in a form
which is already geared toward a particular solution technique, although this is not always
the most natural and suitable model for the problem at hand. To take an example, someone
who is accustomed to linear programming will tend to model problems as linear optimiza-
tion and if the phenomena persists and refuses to be modeled that way, there will be still an
attempt to keep the models close to linear programming, e.g. by adding integer variables.
This approach, summarized by the proverb “When you have a hammer, everything looks
like a nail”, can be justified for practitioners who have to solve problems routinely and
quickly6 and it may be useful in the short-term, but cannot be recommended at times of
One may argue that these details, which the theoretician will call accidental are what makes real
problems (and life in general) so complex, horrible and wonderful, but the role of science is to generate
useful abstractions whenever possible.
After all, scientists do not change their favorite tool too often.

“paradigm shift” where new phenomena are to be modeled, or when two phenomena which
used to be modeled separately need to be modeled together.
We strongly believe that phenomena come first and that it is more useful to understand
them and devise new formal models whose semantics corresponds faithfully to these phe-
nomena rather than to rush and translate them into one s favorite computational problem.
An attack of the computational problems associated with the system analysis should follow
only after the nature of the problem is understood. The be fair to industry, we should
not forget that researchers and engineers work on different time scales and contractual
constraints, and the re-use of what have been already done in the past might be the only
way to meet deadlines.
It should be noted that when we say “semantics” or “timed automata” we do not refer
to 90% of the work published in these domains. By semantics we do not mean fancy
formalisms full of Greek letters and complex definitions. We pick from it the basic idea
that a system description, any system description, denotes a set of behaviors, and that these
behaviors are the objects of study, those according to which we evaluate system correctness
and performance. Likewise, by timed automata, we do not necessarily refer to a particular
definition, analysis method or a tool, but rather to the more essential mathematical model
of a discrete dynamical system with clock variables.

3.2 Project Results: Expressiveness, Performance & Tools

At the end of the Ametist project we can try to summarize the achievement along four
major axes, expressiveness, performance, tools and applications. Expressiveness, is the big
promise of TA technology, which is claimed to facilitate the rigorous formulation of complex
planning and scheduling situation which cannot be expressed naturally within the standard
academic models of operations research, and which are solved in practice using somewhat
ad hoc methods. Performance is the other side of the coin, an ongoing fight against the
complexity inherent in TA-based analysis and synthesis techniques, a complexity which
grows as models become larger and richer. Expressiveness and performance should materi-
alize in tools, and the effectiveness of these tools is demonstrated and assessed by applying
them to serious (industrial) case studies.
Below we first present three main results of the projects related to expressiveness, then
three main results on performance, followed by a discussion of our results in the areas of
tools and applications.

3.2.1 Priced Timed Automata: Theory, Algorithms and Applications

In ordinary timed automata (TA) essentially only time can be optimized as it can be repre-
sented by an additional clock that measures its value. There are many situations in which
the relevant cost functions are richer, involving cost variables that grow at different rates
at different states or are associated with certain transitions. Some motivating examples
are memory and power consumption in computers, setup and machine occupation costs

in manufacturing as well as non uniform penalties for missing deadlines in systems with
soft constraints. Priced timed automata constitute a natural extension of timed automata
with such cost variables. Although the dynamics of these variables renders the automata
hybrid rather than timed, these variables do not really participate in the rest of the system
dynamics (they do not appear in transition guards) and many problem are still decidable
for this model. Some new significant decidability results and algorithms for priced timed
automata have been obtained in the second and third years of the project and have been
integrated into to Uppaal CORA tool. We provided templates for modelling classical
scheduling problems extended with costs, such as job-shop scheduling, task graph schedul-
ing, aircraft landing, and vehicle routing with time windows. Also, we demonstrated the
new modelling framework on some industrial scheduling problems, i.e. steel and lacquer
production. The development of the priced timed automata framework is one of the major
scientific results of the Ametist project[92, 91, 86].

3.2.2 Stochastic Extensions of Timed Automata

Probabilities can be added to timed automata in two ways. The first is by adding proba-
bilities to transitions, an extensions which transform reachable sets from unions of zones
into probabilities on zones. The second and more challenging extension is to replace delay
bounds by probabilities on delays, similar to the way this done in continuous time Markov
chains. Numerous topics related to both extensions were investigated within the project
leading to results that clarify some of the relation between timing and probability, in par-
ticular for continuous-time Markov chains and branching time [43]. A stochastic variant
of the Axxom case study has been treated. [102].

3.2.3 Modelling Frameworks for Scheduling Under (Discrete) Uncertainty

At the beginning of the project, one class of problems of scheduling under uncertainty
was explored, where the uncertainty is associated with task durations. For this problem
interesting results that propose an optimality criterion more refined than simple worst-case
performance. A scheduler synthesis algorithm was implemented for this class of problems
and the schedules it generated on simple examples turned out to be much more adaptive
to the real duration of tasks than other types of solutions [2, 1].
In the second and third year the complementary problem of scheduling under discrete
uncertainty has been tackled. It covers the situation where the choice of tasks that need
to be executed may depend on the results of other tasks, results that become known only
after the termination of these tasks. Such situations are very common in scheduling of real
time programs, where the results correspond to testing conditions inside if statements,
but it can also be found in manufacturing, for example when certain production steps may
terminate successfully or fail. A modeling framework for this problem using conditional
dependency graphs, transformed into timed automata with discrete adversaries have been
developed. Several exact and heuristic algorithms for synthesizing optimal and sub-optimal
scheduling policies for this problem have been implemented. The most recent progress with
heuristic depth-first search allowed us to synthesize adaptive schedulers for problems with
400 tasks and up to 20 conditions [113].

3.2.4 Optimization and Constraint Satisfaction as a Tool for Timed Automata


During the second and third years the applicability of mixed integer linear programming
(MILP) as a tool for TA analysis has been explored. An interesting observation is that
relaxed models (with “integers” interpreted as reals) may sometimes give more interesting
lower bounds on the costs that extend a partial solution and hence can be used for this
purpose with reachability-based algorithms. All these results were integrated into the
prototype tool TAOPT [244, 245, 246].
For bounded horizon problems, questions related to timed automata reachability are trans-
formed into satisfiability problems for difference logic. Scheduling problem do translate
naturally to this logic without going through automata. During the project we have devel-
oped a series of solvers for this logic, culminating in the current version of the performant
solver DL-SAT [134] and jat [135]. The tool ELSE [283] can serve as a front end for such
solvers by generating efficient difference logic formulae (exploiting partial-order ideas) that
correspond to bounded model-checking formulations for timed automata.

3.2.5 Improvements in Timed Automata Model Checking Technology

The basic cycle of TA verification tools consists of taking a zone (a conjunction of difference
constraints on clocks) and applying to it some operations in order to produce its successors
on which the same process is iterated. The number of these zones and the size of their
representations is a major bottleneck for TA verification. Zones are typically represented
as difference bounds matrices (DBMs) of size quadratic in the number of clocks, and it has
already been known that their dimensionality can be reduced in each state to the number
of clocks active in that state. More recent work in Ametist shows that performing a finer
analysis of the structure of the TA, may yield for some states DBM representations which
can be as good as linear in the number of clocks [83, 84]. Among the other important con-
tributions to improving performance of TA tools we mentioned ideas inspired by partial
order methods [5, 227], symmetry reduction [178, 180], and more clever memory manage-
ment [90] during exploration. By implementing these new ideas, the project succeeded to
improve the performance of Uppaal by several orders of magnitude [88, 51].

3.2.6 Specialized Technology for Solving Scheduling Problems with Timed


The zone based technology has its roots in verification where the temporal uncertainty is
viewed as coming from the external environment and the system should be correct with
respect to all environment choices. Around the beginning of the Ametist project it was

observed that when uncertainty is associated with the scheduler decisions, for example in
problems of scheduling under certainty, sometimes there is a unique successor among the
uncountably many which gives the optimum (“non-lazy” schedules) [2]. Consequently the
problem can be solved without using zones at all but rather using vectors of clock variables.
This way certain problems can be formulated as shortest paths in discrete weighted graphs
and solved much more efficiently. They can also benefit from existing search algorithms
for on game graphs in order to find sub-optimal schedules for scheduling with discrete
Even in the case of dense uncertainty coming from the environment/adversary side, there
might be some clever ways to avoid zones. When the adversary has a choice in some
interval I = [a, b] we may still relax the problem by assuming only a finite subset I 0 of the
interval. Solving the problem of synthesizing an optimal scheduling strategy with respect
to I 0 may have the following consequences:

1. The actual value of the chosen strategy with respect to I may be worse than the value
computed based on I 0 . This is more problematic for qualitative criteria where the
system may be correct with respect to I 0 but not with respect to I. For quantitative
criteria this is less critical because we already accept sub optimal solutions when the
problem is large.

2. During execution the adversary can make a choice in I − I 0 and the system will find
itself in a state for which the optimal action has not been computed. However in
many problems some default rules can be used to determine the action at such a
state based on the optimal computed action in its neighborhood.

3.2.7 Tools

Ametist has made major advances in the area of (timed automata based) tools. Several
(new versions) of tools were released, implementing algorithmic ideas that have been devel-
oped during the first two years of the project. Tight connections and interfaces between all
of these tools exist or are currently being developed. Figure1 presents an overview of the
tools that have been developed (or used) within Ametist (we refer to Deliverable D2.5.b
[51] for a more detailled overview of their functionality). We have classified these tools
along two dimensions: (1) the total number of Ametist PM’s spent on their development
during the whole lifetime of the project, and (2) the “maturity” of the tool on a scale of 0
(academic prototype, minimal user interface, for internal use only), to 1 (industrial, com-
mercial, good support, widely used). All numbers are rough estimates. Assessing maturity,
of course, is a difficult exercise anyhow.
As becomes clear from the figure, there is a spectrum ranging from tools such as Uppaal,
which have a very nice GUI, are easy to use, and although academic have almost industrial
quality, to highly experimental tools such as ELSE which helped us to test the viability of
some new verification approaches (partial order reduction, symmetry, model checking via
constraint solving,..).

= AMETIST tools

GAMS/CPLEX = developed by others

MATLAB = developed by Ametist partners,
ORION Pi outside Ametist





0 2 4 6 8 10 12

AMETIST Person Months spent on development

Figure 1: Overview of the tools developed/used by Ametist.

If we compare the current capabilities of these tools with what existed at the start of
Ametist, then it is fair to say that indeed we have moved the state-of-the-art to a new
level of maturity (one of the main objectives of the project). At the start of the project,
only Uppaal existed and some precursors of Uppaal CORA and IF-SCHED. In terms
of scalability, convenience and accessibility Uppaal was much less mature (it was about
as mature as Uppaal Tron is right now). The performance of Uppaal has improved
several orders of magnitude. The following major changes (not easily quantifiable as a
single number) in particular boosted the performance:

• New extrapolations: Several orders of magnitude for some models (e.g. Fischer).

• New internal representation of states: Approximately factor 3 memory reduction.

• Liveness checker and deadlock checker: Speedup of factor 2-4.

• Remodeling with extended subset of C: Depending on the model this may provide a
speedup of factor 2.

• Optimizations for handling models with a huge number of concurrent components and
optimizations for handling systems with a huge number of deadlocks: if applicable,
one order of magnitude.
For CORA the change in how the infimum operation is computed gave about one order of
magnitude, and other CORA specific optimizations have provided another speedup with
a factor 2-4 (depending on the model). Also the convenience of using the tool has been
greatly improved due to the enriched expressiveness of the input language and connections
with other tools. Nowadays even high school students find it easy to modify and build
timed automata models using the improved GUI. Through the website and new tutorial
papers (such as [94]) the tool has become very easily accessible.

3.3 Project Results: Cybernetix Case Study

The Cyberntix case study treats coordination aspects of a smart card personalization ma-
chine. This machine is one element in chain of relatively compact machines for smart card
The particularity of the machine HPX4000 is the hardware for transporting cards through
the machine, a patented combination of a conveyor belt (which results in a linear design of
the machine) with mechanical elements to lift cards to positions with programming inter-
faces (programming stations). This allows to perform the time consuming programming
step on several cards in parallel.

Figure 2: The conveyor belt and programming stations

The machine is designed to work on batches, i.e. it takes piles of raw cards and produces
piles of programmed and printed cards. However, production need follow a rythm of one
batch at a time. The principle design goal for this machine in a very competitive market was
to build relatively small machines (fitting into normal rooms) with a high throughput. For
personalization, one of the determining factors is the programming or personalization time.
For an increased throughput, a parallel architecture with several programming stations
is an obvious solution. Getting the cards from the input stations to the programming
stations, from there to the printing stations and from there to the output, while removing
cards failing the tests requires an efficient transport system. For this transport system,
Cyberntix invented and patented a dedicated conveyor belt for moving a sequence of cards
and a mechanism for lifting cards from this conveyor to a programming station above. In
particular, the mechanism allows to move the conveyor while a card is lifted and other cards
may pass on the conveyor below. The second challenge of the design is the development of a
scheduling algorithm that routes the cards through the system on this given architecture in
an efficient manner. Cyberntix found a particular algorithm for this baptized SuperSingle
Mode, which is equally part of the patent for the conveyor system.
A second concern for the scheduling focuses on faulty cards. A certain fraction of the
cards contains electronic defects not detected before actually programming the cards. A
defective card must be replaced by a new card without modifying the order of output
and at the lowest possible cost. For the SuperSingle Mode, Cyberntix invented a recovery
method that actually required to modify the machine design (the length of the conveyor),
which has been thoroughly tested in various failure scenarios and never failed. But the
method was not strictly understood to be correct under any circumstances nor known to
be optimal.

3.3.1 Activities in year one and two

The case study was presented to the AMETIST consortium by a detailed description with
timing parameters [12] and a first formal model [11] was provided to the consortium for

Automatic synthesis. The consortium took up the challenge with a surprising amount
of energy and several groups produced competing models for the machine and the related
scheduling, of two of which are fully documented [169, 251]. The remarkable achievement
of these works is that the patented “SuperSingleMode” was synthesised for small problem
instances (few programming stations, few cards) by fully automatic means. However, it
was quickly remarked that the fully automatic approaches do not scale up on the models,
and little additional progress was made in this direction until year three.

Performance evaluation. One of the original questions of the case study concerns the
optimality of the SuperSingle Mode: Is it also optimal or, if that can not be answered, how
far is it from optimal throughput.
To approach this question, in [13], an actual performance evaluation of the throughput
of two modes, the “BatchMode” and the “SuperSingle Mode” was done and parametric
formulae (with various delay parameters) were derived. This allowed to visualize the actual
perfomance of these modes. While trivial upper bounds are easily established, an enigma
of the SuperSingle Mode is its use of holes on the conveyor. By a sophisticated modeling
technique, we managed to prove that the Syper Single mode is very close to optimal
throughput, with a maximal error of 1% for typical parameter values.
While the latter evaluation was done manually, [229] proposed a modelling with timed
automata using Uppaal for automatic performance evaluation: Rather than synthesizing
a certain scheduler, it is possible to evaluate the throughput of a given scheduler with
Uppaal efficiently.
A very interesting aspect of this work is the proposition of an alternative architecture of
the Smartcard machine: Instead of adjacant programming stations, Mader proposes to
have such stations only every second position. This architecture allows for a completely
different, significantly simpler, yet well performing operation mode and was a welcome
surprise to Cyberntix engineers.
Thus, a high degree of understanding of the HPX machine was achieved.

Simulation and Play-in play-out In order to render the complex combinatorics of the
HPX machine more accessible, an interactive simulator based on Java was developed [9] and
continuously extended until year three. The simulator implements different configurations
of the HPX machine, including error handling. Among other aspects, it allowed to discover
certain aspects that are difficult to imagine theoretically, like a fundamental change in
machine behaviour when passing from four to eight programming stations. The simulator
was also very useful for debugging other models.
On the other hand [280] showed how to obtain a controller for the HPX machine with the
Play-In/Play-Out approach for Live Sequence Charts (LSCs). LSCs are a formal graphical
inter-object scenario-based language. In comparison to other models, LSCs models are
easier to read and maintain due to its scenario based nature. The PlayEngin moreover
allows to add visualisation plugins. Thus, in [280], a simplified representation of the HPX
state is visible while “teaching” the machine by (test) “cases”.

3.3.2 Work in the third year

The third year of the case study turned out to be difficult, as the economic trouble hitting
Cyberntix group resulted in the selloff of the microelectronics branch that had developed
the HPX machine. This had two consequences : On the one hand, the AMETIST con-
sortium no longer had access to the engineers developing the machine, on the other hand,
the management of the remainder of the company struggling for survival showed very little
interest in pursuing the case study, which put the PhD student assigned to this task in
a very difficult situation. Nevertheless, we decided to pursue the work on the basis of
previous understanding.
A second problem arose when the thesis project was finally aborted: An important part of
the results actually achieved in the third year go without documentation. We nevertheless
try to summarize the work done in [241] and document what turned out to be the the
most important discovery in the last year, i.e. a very good abstraction for the smart card
In [241], we report two contributions to the case study:

• A new abstraction technique allowing to break down the state space of the HPX model
to a significantly reduced set of states : basically, the abstraction is based on passing
from absolute to relative card identities and it allows, different from previous models,
the verification of unbounded production (no limit to the batch size). Nevertheless,
combinatory explosion remains and the problem is exponential in the number of
programming stations.
• A model of the error handling as used by Cyberntix and our verification efforts using
Verimag’s IF tool.
It is obvious, that the first contribution significantly improves the prospects of the second.
With a model consisting of three parts, (1) the raw machine and cards, (2) the controller (a
model of Cyberntix control program) and as a third part, (3) the error model, we managed
to verify the error handling mode as used by Cyberntix. In simulation, this model behaved
as expected and the IF-verifier gave the expected yes/no answers to verification questions
depending on the error model for cases with a bounded number of defective cards that
could show up nondeterministically in any order.
Unfortunately, the IF-verifier was not capable of extracting error traces, due to the struc-
ture of the µ-calculus queries (the required feature was not fully implemented at the time
of our experiments).
The simulator [9] was extended by a switch to choose between absolute and relative card
identities from the new abstraction. This extension thus represents an implementation of
the abstraction reported above. Moreover, the error handling mode as implemented by
Cyberntix was added to the simulator.

3.3.3 Conclusions

The Cyberntix case study was very inspiring to the project, in particular during the first
half of the project. It exposed at the same time the strength – modeling and automatic
resolution of small problem instances – and weaknesses – most notably concerning com-
plexity issues when scaling to bigger problem sizes –of the consortium’s technology. The
results were considered with a lot of interest by the industrial partner.
With exception of the new abstraction reported here, one can safely state that a full com-
prehension of the case study was achieved after about 18 months and that, consequently,
the interest of the consortium shifted to harder and unresolved challenges of other case
studies. One factor that certainly played a role in this was also the restructuring of the
company, so that the results of the consortium were no longer fed back to the department
developing the machine.
The abstraction reported in [241] was communicated to the consortium early in the third
year, but since the focus was mostly on other case studies, a reevaluation of the experi-
mental results obtained in the first and second year was not considered. Nevertheless, it
is obvious that with this abstraction, all experimental results achieved could be seriously
Concerning the original goals of the case study, important parts were achieved already in
the first half of the project. The impression that we did not have the right abstraction
technique for conquering the complexity of the machine, was relativized by the new ab-
straction found in the last year, which falls into the class of symmetry reductions. While
symmetry reduction was introduced into Uppaal, the kind of symmetry in question here
would not be handled automatically.
In summary, the Cyberntix case study can be considered a success, a proof that the use of
AMETIST technology can lead to new insights into a complex production problem.

3.4 Project Results: Terma Case Study

The Case Study on Memory Management in Radar Sensor Equipment has been provided
by the partner Terma A/S who is developing and producing (amongst other things) radar
sensor equipment typically used in areas were high performance is needed (monitoring of
ground movement in airports, coastal surveillance, etc). The radar transceivers of Terma
have a wide range of video processing facilities and in this case study the purpose is to
model, analyze and synthesize the scheduling of memory access of two of these processing
facilities. We refer to [82, 97] for a complete specification of the case study.

3.4.1 Summary of the work

During the first year of AMETIST all aspects of the case study was dealt with in substantial
detail, including:

• An encoding of the existing scheduler in the BDD-based verification tool visual-

STATE allowing correctness to be verified partially [82, 97].
• A sequence of encodings of the existing scheduler in UPPAAL leading to a complete
verification of the correctness of the existing scheduler. Given the size of this model
(21 timed automata and 20 integer variables) the verification time (less than 1 minute
on a regular PC) is encouraging7 . An initial UPPAAL model can be found in [256].
• Design of an optimal scheduler with respect to required size of buffers. This (general)
design was obtained from experiments with an SMV model of a down-scaled scenario

These results were presented to the hardware engineers at Terma in April 2003 with very
positive response from the company and with suggested directions for further treatment.
Thus, during the second year we have

• provided an extension of the UPPAAL model detailing the initialization and in par-
ticular the SDRAM structure8 . This model was discussed with Terma A/S on the
The model can be downloaded from http://www.cs.auc.dk/~kgl/Terma/terma-tsh.xml and http:
See http://www.cs.auc.dk/~kgl/Terma/terma-banks.xml and http://www.cs.auc.dk/~kgl/

AMETIST meeting in September 2003 and found to be quite compatible with the
VHDL design9 .

During the final year of AMETIST we have finally succeeded in

• automatically synthesizing the optimal schedule in terms of required buffer-size from

[279] directly using the UPPAAL models [157, 156]. This work was carried out by
Juhan Ernits, Tallin, during a Marie Curie Fellowship at BRICS autumn 2003 and
finished during 2004. The method is based on an interesting (simple and efficient)
synthesis method applying bit-state-hashing.

3.4.2 Conclusions

Concluding on the case study, we notice that the techniques and tools developed during
AMETIST have been successfully used to verify the existing design provided by TERMA
and synthesize optimal solutions to the scheduling problem, that would allow TERMA to
completely eliminate the current large buffers used in the design and replace the current
logic to dynamically arbitrate between many channels with a small precomputed fixed
schedule. Although the system described in this case study is no longer under development,
and thus direct application of our solutions are unlikely, we are confident that our approach
could be applied to similar designs.

3.5 Project Results: Bosch Case Studies

The original case study that was proposed by Bosch as a challenge for the Ametist project
concerned the analysis of a Car Periphery Supervision system (CPS). At the beginning of
Year 2 of the Ametist project, Bosch decided to put the further development of the CPS
system to a halt. Consequently, it was decided decided that also within Ametist the work
on the CPS system would be finished after completion of a paper summarizing the results
on this case study [168]. An alternative case study was proposed by Bosch concerning the
development of a SRS (Supplemental Restraint System) for an airbag ECU (Electronic
Control Unit) to be tackled by the consortium during the remainder of the project. Below
we will summarize the results obtained for both case studies.

3.5.1 The CPS Case Study

First, we briefly summarize the work carried out within the Ametist project on the case
study “Real-time service allocation for Car Periphery Supervision”. Part of the text below
is taken from Deliverable 3.3.3 [31]. For a more extensive overview of the results obtained
for this case study, we refer to [168].
See http://ametist.cs.utwente.nl/RESEARCH/AALBORG/GERD/VP3_STHArbitrationindex.htm

The term Car Periphery Supervision (CPS) refers to technology for obtaining information
about the environment of a car. Such technology can serve as the basis for many driver
assistance services, e.g., parking assistence, pre-crash detection, blind spot supervision,
lane change assistance, etc., most of which are still under development. There are different
sensor technologies available for CPS realizations, e.g., ultrasonic, radar, lidar, infrared
and video. In the case study we concentrate on Short Range Radar (SRR) technology.
In Deliverable 3.3.1 [205], a preliminary description of the CPS system was provided by
Bosch, as well as a list of timing related problems.
An initial study by partners UT and KUN made it clear that the initial description in
[205] contained insufficient information to make formal analysis possible. In particular,
the system requirements, assumptions about the timing behavior of the various system
components, and a listing of the assumptions on the environment (e.g., number and relative
speed of approaching objects) were unclear. Based on the discussions with the domain
experts from Bosch, study of relevant literature, and use of MatLab to visualize the sensor
visibility areas and to analyse possible trajectories of approaching objects, we were able to
supplement the preliminary description of [205] with the necessary information to permit
formal modelling and analysis [166, 167]. Our results show once more the importance of
such an analysis: they allow us to make the right abstractions in the dynamical model of
the system, and to interpret correctly the results obtained by analyzing this model. The
next step we took was to actually construct a formal dynamical model using Uppaal. In
this model the environment, the sensors and the ECU are all modelled as timed automata.
This is achieved by splitting the value domains of nonlinear continuous variables into a
finite number of regions, and overapproximating (with the help of MatLab) the possible
behavior of the continuous variables in the timed automata model. In Deliverable 3.3.2
[19], we reported on our modelling efforts.
The efforts during the second year of the project concentrated on verification. By encoding
the various assumptions on the environment within our Uppaal model, we were able to
establish some key correctness properties of the system (for specific choices of the system

1. The ECU has a sufficiently accurate view on what is happening in the environment.

2. When an object reaches the pre-crash region, the ECU knows about this within a
small (specific) number of time units.

3. The ECU avoids false alarms.

4. The system is deadlock free.

Using the convex-hull approximation feature of Uppaal, the time required to verify these
properties was less than a minute. A paper describing our model and results has been
presented at WODES’04 [168].

Conclusions The original objective of the case study — as stated in the Technical Annex
— was to use the timed automata framework to specify precisely the logical and timing
requirements for the CPS system, and to design and verify (or alternatively, automatically
synthesize) a dynamical resource allocation scheme on this basis. The original objective has
been achieved, although the model of [168] is probably somewhat more abstract than what
was originally intended, and our efforts were restricted to verification (rather than design
and/or synthesis). Building more detailled models of the CPS system, and contributing
to the design and synthesis of resource allocation schemes, made no sense given that the
work on CPS had been abandoned by Bosch.
The basic approach that was taken in this case study — over-approximation of a hybrid
system by a timed automaton — is well known and has been studied by several authors
(see [168] for references). Nevertheless, there are not too many practical, realistic problems
to which it has been applied. Our work demonstrates the practicality of the approach on
the basis of a nontrivial, industrial case. The input language of Uppaal turned out to be
sufficiently expressive to allow for convenient modeling of the CPS system. The case study
could have been carried out with the version of Uppaal that existed before the start of
Ametist. So the technology and tools developed as part of Ametist were not essential
to solve this problem. However, in the model the feature of “broadcast channel” has been
used, which helped to make the model more natural and compact. Use of the convex-hull
approximation was essential for the successful verification with Uppaal: without it the
model becomes intractable due to the different time scales of the various components. An
alternative verification approach (but is a topic for future research) is to apply a variation
of the exact acceleration approach developed by Hendriks and Larsen [181] in Task 2.3 of
the project.

3.5.2 The Airbag ECU Case Study

Much of the work on this case study was carried out by Marko Auerswald from Bosch, who
provided an initial timed automata model of the airbag ECU with additional information
about the behavior of each of the components [64]. Following the second review it was
decided to limit the resources for this case study to a minimum. As a result, only Conrado
Daws from KUN spent a couple of weeks on verification of the timed automata model. KUN
intends to continue working on the case outside the scope of Ametist.
The goal of the second Bosch case study is to explore — in the course of a pilot project —
the suitability of using timed automata-based modeling for increasing product quality in a
cost effective way. The pilot project is attached to a current platform development project
within Bosch of an airbag ECU. Within the development life-cycle, Bosch identified four
potential areas to be explored by the project:

1. Specification of real-time behavior. During ECU architecture definition, compo-

nents and their behavior have to be specified. The benefit of using timed automata
as the formal description of the behavior of such components is to serve as doc-
umentation, replacing natural language specifications, providing more clarity and
comprehensibility, thus simplifying the communication between development teams.

2. Validation of the architecture specification. The timed automata models of

the components can be used to simulate system behavior for specific scenarios of the
environment. A scenario-based analysis of the architecture is a common approach to
validate architecture decisions.

3. Verification of safety properties in a distributed real-time control system.

Safety critical functionality usually is implemented in a redundant way with diverse
channels. These channels have a logical as well as temporal control of their own. In
the example of the airbag ECU, several logical or physical plausibilization channels
exist to avoid inadvertent deployment of the airbag. Nevertheless, these shall not
hinder correct deployment.
Modeling the real-time behavior of the plausibilization channels, and the relevant be-
havior of the environment, will allow to check whether there exist specific sequences in
the environment which could lead to conditions under which plausibilization channels
hinder the correct deployment of restraint devices.

4. Validation of the implementation. From formal specifications of the real-time

behavior of components, test cases can be derived automatically. An appropriate
coverage criteria based on the behavior model can be formulated. Testing the im-
plementation with this generated test set ensures that the implementation really
implements the specified behavior and thus also fulfills the verified safety properties.

In the course of our work, we contributed to the first three of the stated objectives.

Modelling The timed automata model of the airbag ECU provided by Bosch served as a
clear and easy to understand documentation of the case study for the other partners of the
project. The fact that the industrial partner came up with a good model using Uppaal
shows that the tool user-friendly graphical interface and its rather intuitive semantics
makes Uppaal accessible to people from the industry.

Scenario Analysis One of the questions Bosch had was about the possibilty of using
Uppaal to analyse certain scenarios of the environment which had been identified as being
able to exhibit an undesired behavior of the system. It was possible to verify with Uppaal
using a very abstract model of the ECU, that the undesired situation could emerge, but
without providing a compact and valuable characterization of the type “when event A
is followed by event B within between x and y time units, then the undesired behavior
occurs”. Uppaal provides a concrete counterexample, i.e., a step-by-step error scenario,
but leaves it to the user to extract a characterization of the “essence” of the problem. Such
a characterization would be valuable not only to give a human readable interpretation of the
problem, but also to assess the likelihood of such a scenario. Clearly, this is an interesting
topic for future research.

Verification of Properties We considered three properties that the airbag ECU model
should satisfy:

• Property 1: it is possible to fire the airbag.

• Property 2: the system does not deadlock (this a property of the model rather than
of the actual system itself).

• Property 3: when both the microcontroller and the approver enable the firing of
the airbag, then the firing should not be hindered, that is, the firing stage should be

The first property, for which it suffices to find an execution that leads to the firing of the
airbag, was easily verified with Uppaal. The two other properties require an exhaustive
exploration of the state space of the system, which is highly memory- and time-consuming.
The verification of these properties pushed Uppaal to its limit, and it was first necessary
to consider an untimed version of the model (i.e. the same model with the timing contraints
removed) to get a result, and then showed that it was possible to carry out the verification
on the constrained model on a machine with sufficient memory.
Moreover, by applying the convex-hull approximation, which computes an over-approximation
of the set of reachable states, it was possible to verify both properties almost instantly and
on machines with little memory. It is known that over-approximation preserves the validity
of both invariant and absence of deadlock properties, so it can be concluded that the model
satisfies properties 2 and 3. Table 1 shows the memory and time consumption of Uppaal
for the verification of each property using exhaustive analysis and over-approximation on
a PC with a Pentium(R) 4 processor at 3.40GHz and 1518 MB of memory.

Table 1: Memory and time consumption

exhaustive over-approximation
mem (KB) time (s) mem (KB) time (s)
P1 276 0.10 0 0.10
P2 33156 91.10 2772 0.92
P3 32984 77.82 2600 0.41

Future work Although the initial model of the airbag ECU was succesfully verified with
Uppaal, several issues of interest to Bosch remain to be considered in order to assess the
benefit of applying the timed automata modelling and analysis techniques to an industrial
The first issue concerns the suitability of timed automata to obtain a model which is as close
as possible to the real system without recourse to artificial modelling tricks imposed by

the specification language, and how clear the modelling of such a complex system would
be without a higher level description language with, for instance, hierarchical concepts.
Another aspect of the airbag ECU that Bosch would like to address is whether the verified
properties are preserved if non-deterministic processing delays and jitter are added to the
system model. A third issue, which was already mentioned above, is to develop algorithms
that extract the “essence” from a counterexample.
Finally, we have not considered yet the application of formal techniques for the generation
and execution of test cases generated from a timed automata specification to validate an
ECU implementation. However, formal black-box timed testing techniques were recently
incorporated into the real-time model-checker Uppaal[219] and the test tool TorX. Pro-
totype implementations of the airbag ECU provide good targets on which to apply these
techniques, where tests generated from the (verified) timed automata specification are ex-
ecuted on the ECU prototypes. As the models in the case study are not just models of
software but also ASIC behaviour, such an approach could only be applied using hardware-
in-the-loop tests with ECU prototypes. This means that the testing has to be carried out
on site, and it remains to be seen whether it would be possible to do it in the business unit
of Bosch.

Conclusions Also the second Bosch case study could have been carried out with the
version of Uppaal that existed before the start of Ametist, and so the technology and
tools developed as part of Ametist were not essential for solving the problem. Only
very limited resources (< 1.5PM) from Ametist have been invested in this case study.
Nevertheless, we believe the case study is a very interesting and appealing. When the
confidentiality conditions are no longer applicable and the model can be published, this
will definitely be considered to be a nice illustration of industrial use of formal methods, and
potentially as a challenging benchmark for the application of model based test generation
methods. A notable feature of the model is that verification becomes extremely hard
because of the timing constraints, even though there are only two clocks in the system.

3.6 Project Results: Axxom Case Study

The industrial partner AXXOM provided a value chain optimization problem which repre-
sents a typical planning and scheduling task as it occurs in the lacquer producing industries.
Throughout the duration of AMETIST, this case study served as a case study to (i) develop
and compare different modeling formalisms for scheduling problems, (ii) to evaluate the
solution performance of the various approaches to scheduling problems investigated within
AMETIST, (iii) determine which type of constraints are difficult or relatively easy to han-
dle, and (iv) to further develop the methods based on the bottlenecks found in the previous
steps. This report first contains the problem description including different versions of the
case study, and then summarizes the modeling formalisms, solution approaches, and results
for six different tools applied to the problem.

3.6.1 Problem Statement

Original Formulation The benchmark is derived from an existing pipeless batch plant
in which three different lacquers are produced according to the following scheme [224]: The
materials required to obtain a specific lacquer are first prepared in a pre-dispersion and
a dispersion unit, and are subsequently filled into mobile mixing vessels. After complet-
ing the filling procedure through a set of dose spinners, the mixing is carried out for a
product-dependent duration. A quality check determines if the product meets given qual-
ity requirements. If so, the mixing vessels are emptied into filling stations and the product
is delivered to the customers – if not the quality is improved by returning the lacquers to
the dosing operation. The plant comprises 8 production resources and 6 mobile vessels,
where some resources and one vessel are only used for one type of recipe while the others
can be assigned freely. The operations cannot be interrupted (non-preemptive scheduling)
and the material remains in the mixing vessels during some of the steps, as the quality
check in the laboratory, or possible additional mixing. This leads to a situation where the
operation times of the vessels are variable because they result from the scheduling of the
operations for this batch. For some operations, more than one piece of equipment can be
used. Each production order has a release date (earliest starting time) and a due date
(deadline). The main interest is in meeting the deadlines.
The problem of assigning the jobs (consisting of the aforementioned sequence of operations
to obtain a lacquer) to the 14 resources belongs to the class of job shop problems, with the
additional complication that mixing vessels are required as a second resource to perform the
operations on some machines. Another property of the problem, which is not standard in
job-shop problems, but often found in scheduling problems of the chemical industries, is the
presence of constraints on the storage times. These constraints are expressed as bounds on
the differences between the starting and the ending times of two operations of a job. Three
types of such constraints occur: start-start, end-start, and end-end constraints. The time
horizon of the entire problem defined by the earliest release date and the latest deadline
of all jobs comprises approximately 7 weeks, and the processing times on the machines
range from few hours up to three days for laboratory testing. The objective function of the
scheduling problem combines costs for the delayed finishing of jobs, operational costs per
amount of product, and storage costs (i.e. early termination of jobs is penalized). When
minimizing this cost function, it has to be considered that the three different lacquers incur
different production cost.

Extended Version In an extended version of the case study (set up during the second
year of the project), a set of new problem instances has been defined, which either involve
new constraints or additional production orders. The first extension introduces two new
types of constraints: sequence-dependent changeover procedures and the interruption of
operations during weekends, holidays and at nights.
Changeover procedures are defined to prepare the filling stations for new operations, i.e.
to change the configuration of the resource. Such procedures often represent cleaning of

the machines. The resource is allocated in an exclusive fashion for 5 to 20 hours and
the desired operation is started immediately afterwards. Changeover procedures must be
invoked when the filling station has to process a different type of lacquer, i.e. when it has
to enter a new configuration. The possible configurations correspond to the three basic
recipes for lacquers. The effect on the schedule is two-fold: the start of the operation is
delayed by the changeover and it causes costs.
Since some machines are operated in a 2-shift mode on working days only, appropriate
modeling of interruptions during night shifts and weekends is required. Interruptions mean
that the operations have to be stopped at the beginning of the given interruption period,
and to be resumed when the next working day starts. During the period, the resource
remains allocated and the current operation cannot be preempted by other operations.
Some operations may be interrupted for at most 12 hours. Both extensions reflect the
industry’s need for solutions to realistic and challenging problems.
In the other problem instances, the number of production orders has been increased to 73,
219, 500 and 1000. As a new optimization criterion, the minimization of total costs of the
schedule is the goal. For this purpose, different costs have been assigned to the storage
of the final products, to the delay of finishing jobs, and to changeover procedures. These
extended settings involve fixed costs as well as cost rates to be integrated over the duration
of operations or quantities of the orders.

3.6.2 Modeling and Requirement Specification

It was observed in the initial phase of the project, that the academic partners interpreted
the various constraints and cost contributions contained in the problem formulation not
identically. It was deemed necessary to produce a representation scheme that formulates the
requirements in an intuitive and unique manner. A systematic modeling scheme comprising
the following steps was developed [230, 87, 86]:

(a) create a dictionary to explain the domain-specific vocabulary used by the industrial
problem providers,

(b) resolve semantic ambiguities in the specification of the production sequence and con-

(c) define adequate levels of abstraction with an explicit representation of the design

(d) supplement the so-called product flow diagrams (provided by AXXOM) with recipe-
like representations, and

(e) systematically transform the latter representations into timed automata.

With respect to step (d), the product flow diagrams provided by AXXOM, which represent
the production steps in a graphical arrow-node representation, were first enriched by the
Figure 3: Example of a product flow diagram.

processing and offset times for the operations and by the information on the resources on
which an operation can be carried out. (The latter data were originally provided in sepa-
rate tables.) An example for such an extended product flow diagram is shown in Fig. 3 –
a drawback of these diagrams is, however, that parallel and alternative operations cannot
be distinguished in all cases, and that some timing restrictions have different meanings in
different situations. It has thus been proposed in [87, 86] to supplement the product flow
diagrams by the recipe-based representation shown exemplarily in Fig. 4. This representa-
tion illustrates in which sequence the different types of resources have to be allocated for
a specific lacquer, and which timing requirements are relevant.
Based on these representations, the systematic transformation into Timed Automata is
achieved relatively easily by:

1. translating each production step from the recipe representation into an automaton
fragment (i.e. a sequence of states and transitions),

2. composing the fragments,

3. converting the timing constraints (e.g., the processing times) into corresponding
guard and invariant conditions, and

4. modeling the resources by variables.

A different modeling approach, common in the industrial scheduling community, is the

state-task-network (STN) formulation with subsequent solution as algebraic program by
the use of mixed-integer optimization techniques. A standard representation of STN is one
with discrete time representation where changes of the states of the model can only occur
at equally spaced time instants. As any possible event can occur at any of these instants
(modeled by a binary variable), these models quickly become very large if the number of
events is large, i.e. the scheduling horizon is large compared to the maximal resolution
required to meet the constraints. For the given case study, this ratio becomes rather large
and hence such models are not suitable here.
The alternative approach for algebraic modeling followed in this project is the use of
continuous event points at which an event (e.g. the start or the end of an operation) can
occur [22]. The number of such events can be computed from the production orders and
the recipes (plus eventually a worst-case estimate for sequence dependent operations such
as cleaning operations). In the example considered here, there are typically not more than
a few hundred events whereas a discrete time STN formulation leads to several hundred
thousand binary variables. On the other hand, though, the relative positions of the events
must be represented by binary variables in order to express constraints of the type that
two operations cannot be performed on the same machine at the same time (but either
operation A must finish before B starts or B must finish before A starts). It turned out,
that a standard formulation of a continuous time MILP model also gives rise to rather large
models with thousands of binary variables for problems with more than 10 jobs. Therefore
the model is reduced by additional heuristics, which exclude alternatives that cannot lead
to an improvement of the schedule. Thus, the heuristics, which are described in more
detail in the next section, eliminate a considerable number of binary variables, such that
the total number of binary variables increases only linearly with the problem size.

3.6.3 Tool Application and Solution

Mixed-Integer Linear Programming with Cplex In order to solve the algebraic

program sketched before, the following heuristics were employed [248]: (i) pre-ordering by
earliest due dates (EDD), (ii) non-overtaking of operations belonging to jobs of the same
type, and (iii) non-overtaking of operations whose start and finishing dates do not overlap.
These heuristics were applied in a two-step-procedure as follows: First, the heuristics (i)
and (iii) are applied by fixing some binary precedence variables, and the problem is solved.
In the second step, the variables fixed before are relaxed, and the heuristics (ii) and (iii)
are applied by fixing the corresponding binary variables. This problem is then solved
by using the result of step one as initialization. This procedure was combined with a
rolling-horizon solution procedure which decomposes the problem into a series of smaller
sub-problems. These are first solved separately, and the solution of the complete problem
is finally composed of the solutions of the sub-problems.
The optimization was performed with the commercial package GAMS/Cplex. Parameter
studies of various Cplex parameters led to the result that the option dpriind = 1 and default
values for all other parameters are the preferable option for the given problem. Table 2
shows results obtained for the original formulation of the case study, but with a varying
number of jobs using GAMS/Cplex, version 21.7. The optimality gap as termination

Figure 4: Recipe-based representation of the production sequence.

criterion was set to zero, meaning that the search is continued until the optimal solution
is found. In all tests, an optimal solution with zero accumulated tardiness was found.

Further results are reported in [155, 248, 243]. In the last year of AMETIST, the MILP

Table 2: Optimization of the original problem formulation with a variable number of jobs.
time 1 and time 2 refer to the two stages of the solution procedure. Times are in seconds.

number of jobs time 1 time 2

10 3.95 2.87
14 15.86 0.61
16 23.83 0.92
18 46.72 1.20
20 58.71 1.53
22 100.23 1.85
29 412.93 2.61

model has been extended by constraints for changeover procedures. It involves additional
real variables to determine direct predecessors of operations on the filling stations. If a
changeover procedure is necessary for a pair of two successive operations, the duration
of the second operation becomes extended by the duration of the changeover procedure.
The results in Tab. 3 show the computational effort required to solve the extended model
for a varying number of jobs. Two versions of GAMS/Cplex were used to document the
impact of the software version on the results. The optimization objective here was to
minimize the aggregated tardiness of all jobs. In all test configurations optimal schedules
with zero accumulated tardiness were found and the optimality gap was set to zero. The
experimental environment was a 2.4 GHz Pentium 4 machine with 1 GB of memory and
the Linux operating system. The following conclusions can be drawn from the experiments:

1. The version of the software has no considerable influence on the solution performance
and, thus, the results are comparable to those published in [248].

2. Despite the fact that new variables and inequalities have been defined for the model-
ing of changeover procedures, this extension only causes a moderate increase of the
computational effort.

ORION-PI Axxom has applied its own software for specifying and solving scheduling
problems, ORION-PI. It uses a particular modeling concept based on so-called quants,
which represent the smallest logistic units required to model the problem. ORION-PI
performs a quant-based combinatorial optimization algorithm that employs the principle
of branch-and-bound. The exact solution algorithm is, however, not public domain.
Axxom has performed two series of tests, one for the original version, and one for the
extended version that takes additional constraints for the operating hours, maximum break
times, and production rates into account. The cost function is given as the sum of delay
Table 3: Results for a MILP model extended to changeover procedures. Solution times are
given for problem instances with varying numbers of jobs and two versions of GAMS/Cplex.
The pairs of numbers refer to the two stages of the solution procedure.

number of jobs GAMS 21.3 GAMS 21.7

10 0.90/2.85 3.95/2.87
20 232.48/5.64 245.55/5.78
25 779.10/7.56 321.38/7.76
29 848.60/5.88 830.26/6.42

costs (delay time times input costs times the quantity of the order) and storage costs
(storage time times input costs times quantity of the order). Different scenarios for 29,
500, and 1000 orders are considered, and for 29 orders, cases with and without requiring a
delay-free solution are included.
Table 4 shows results for the original version of the case study and for four different
scenarios. For the first scenario (29 orders, delay-free solution), results obtained with
Uppaal and GAMS/Cplex are included for comparison.

Table 4: Results for the original version of the case study. The column delay costs
answers the question whether a delay-free schedule could be found or not (this was the
only optimization criterion required for this comparison). For the first scenario, ’O’ refers
to results generated with ORION-PI, ’U’ to Uppaal, and ’G’ to GAMS/Cplex – if not
marked the results are obtained with ORION-PI. The tests with ORION-PI were carried
out on a PC with 2.66 GHz processor and 1 GB RAM, and the last two on a PC with 3.06
GHz processor and 2 GB RAM.

Number of jobs storage costs delay costs total costs jobs in time calc. time
29 O: 2627.32 O: 0 O: 2627.32 29 11 sec
U: 2840.18 U: 0 U: 2840.18 29 -
G: 2113.83 G: 0 G: 2113.83 29 -
29 1459.62 146.08 1605.71 22 13 sec
500 10648.16 34102.61 44750.77 200 32 min
1000 21750.51 66645.25 88395.77 403 97 min

Results for the extended version of the case study are shown in Tab. 5, and Fig. 5 contains
exemplarily the Gantt chart obtained with ORION-PI for the first scenario listed in Tab. 5.
The visualization shows the single quants assigned to the resources with the following
meaning: red - delayed, yellow - just in time, green - too early. The generated schedules
meet the given constraints, as e.g. the requirement that the resources can only be used
within the given operating hours.
Figure 5: Gantt chart for the case: extended problem version, 29 orders, red (dark) oper-
ations are delayed.

Synthesis of Schedules with Uppaal Using the procedure to obtain timed automaton
models of the cases study, sketched in Sec. 3.6.2, the tool Uppaal [93, 78] was used to
derive feasible and optimal schedules[87, 86]. The scheduling problems were composed of
the following components:

1. a set of recipe templates representing individual types of lacquers; these templates

were instantiated with parameters (release and due dates, quantities, costs) to model
concrete production orders as job automata;

2. additional automata to model resources which have their own clocks (for changeovers)
as well as for interruptions and synchronization purposes;
Table 5: Results for the extended version of the case study. The accumulated delays
of the schedules are shown in column delay costs. ’O’ / ’U’ refer to results obtained with
ORION-PI, or Uppaal respectively. All ORION-PI test were performed a PC with 3.06MHz
processor and 2 GB RAM.

Number of jobs storage costs delay costs total costs calc. time
29 O: 2662.68 O: 9070.04 O: 11732.73 11 sec
U: 5706.78 U: 64.02 U: 5770.80 -
29 409.46 17496.61 17906.07 13 sec
500 33363.29 335754.56 369117.86 65 min
1000 138085.68 301544.73 439630.42 145 min

3. extensions of the automata to model various heuristics and cost criteria;

4. a property of the composed TA to be satisfied (minimizing a given cost criterion).

The following set of heuristics was considered: no overtaking of jobs (jobs started earlier
receive a resource earlier), non-laziness (a required and available resource must not remain
unused), greediness (a job allocates a resource as soon as possible), reduction of active
orders (i.e. the number of jobs currently processed), increase of release dates (to reduce
the possible storage costs). How these different heuristics and the different types of costs
are established in Uppaal (or Uppaal-Cora for cost-optimal reachability) is described in
detail in [87, 86]. Overall, 33 Uppaal models have been created for a varying number of
jobs (29, 73, 219), the availability of resources (always available, or use of availability factors
[as the fraction of time in which a resource can be used because operators are available],
or available at explicit working times), optimization criteria (with and without costs),
heuristics (non-laziness, greedy, non-overtaking, increment of release dates, limitation of
active jobs).
The groups of problem instances are numbered from 1 to 7, and the corresponding problem
properties can be summarized as follows:

1. 29 orders, hard release and due dates, feasibility problem (i.e, deadlines must be
satisfied, no cost optimization);

2. 73 orders, hard release and due dates, feasibility problem;

3. n × 73 orders as in 2), hard release and due dates, n vertical concatenations of the
job table from 2) with proportional extensions of release and due dates, feasibility

4. n × 73 orders as in 2), hard release and due dates, n horizontal concatenations of the
job table from 2) with the release and due dates, and the n replicates of all resources
from case 2); feasibility problem;
5. 29 orders, no hard deadlines, cost minimization of storage and delay costs for final
products and setup costs for filling lines;
6. 29 orders, no hard deadlines, working time constraints, cost minimization of storage
and delay costs for final products and setup costs for filling lines;
7. 29 orders, no hard deadlines, working time constraints, cost minimization of storage
costs for intermediate and final products, delay and setup costs for filling lines.

If the generation of delay-free schedules is the objective, the reachability algorithm of

UPPAAL searches for a reachable state representing that all jobs are completed before
their due dates are passed. The trace into such a state (produced by UPPAAL) represents
directly the schedule. The analysis is performed by choosing depth-first or random depth-
first search, where the latter was more successful. Table 6 shows results for the feasibility
analysis as obtained with Uppaal 3.5.6 on a 2.6 GHz Intel-P4-Xeon processor and 2.5 GB
of memory running Linux kernel 2.6.8. The model number refers to the problem instances
listed above.
Initial experiments revealed scalability problems, partly caused by the large number of
clocks contained in the models. The heuristics limiting the number of active jobs also
provides a limit on the number of clocks needed (one per active job instead of one per job),
and the non-overtaking heuristics provides an easy way of uniquely assigning shared clocks
to jobs, since the starting order of jobs of a particular type is fixed. This change reduced
the number of clocks to 3 · A + 3, where A is the maximum number of active jobs. The
results show that, even for the case of 29 jobs, the use of the heuristics is essential. The
non-overtaking heuristics does not make much difference for a case without availability
factors, whereas in the case with availability factors the performance gets worse. For 73
jobs, however, non-overtaking decreases the computation time considerably. Limiting the
number of active jobs increases the speed by several orders of magnitude (partly due the
possible reuse of clocks).
In addition, experiments have been performed for the extended version of the case study
using Uppaal-Cora, see Tab. 7. Although the constraints of explicit working hours (used in
the models 6 and 7) makes the model much more complex, the results show that the sched-
ules have much smaller cost as the schedules for model 5. A possible explanation is that
the availability factors distribute the availability uniformly over time. In reality, however,
a dose spinner is completely available during the weekdays and totally unavailable in the
weekends. Therefore, the availability factors give in some cases a large over-approximation
of the processing times, with the result that scheduling becomes much harder. The mean-
ing of the costs is as follows: in model 6, a schedule with cost of approximately 2 million
(the best schedule of the 10 runs) is a schedule in which 2 orders are a bit late (1 day
and 45 minutes respectively), and the others are much too early (since intermediate prod-
ucts do not incur storage costs). In model 7, this effect is countered by storage costs for
intermediate products, what makes the schedules more expensive. The investigation of
these effects is still ongoing work. It should be noted that the non-laziness heuristics is
not applicable to the extended case, since storage costs make it advantageous to be lazy.
max. act. ord.
model version

no av, no pf

av, no pf
# jobs

av, pf
1 29 - - 78.0 - -
1 29 nl - 0.3 1.5 3.5
1 29 nl no - 0.3 2.5 3.6
1 29 g - 0.2 2.8 -
1 29 g no - 0.2 2.9 -
2 73 - - - - -
2 73 nl - - - -
2 73 nl no - 24.6 - -
2 73 nl no 3 0.4 - -
2 73 nl no 4 1.1 0.4 0.3
2 73 nl no 5 4.4 0.6 0.9
2 73 g - 15.0 - -
2 73 g no - 9.2 43.3 30.5
2 73 g no 3 0.3 165.1 -
2 73 g no 4 0.4 0.3 0.3
2 73 g no 5 2.2 0.4 6.8
3 146 g no 4 1.3 0.9 0.8
3 219 g no 4 3.5 2.1 1.9
3 292 g no 4 7.7 4.4 4.0
3 365 g no 4 13.3 7.5 6.7
3 438 g no 4 20.0 11.2 10.0
3 511 g no 4 28.2 15.8 14.0
3 584 g no 4 37.7 21.2 18.6
3 876 g no 4 89.7 49.7 43.8
3 1168 g no 4 166.4 92.1 80.7
3 1460 g no 4 270.9 149.4 131.0
3 1752 g no 4 401.3 222.3 194.0
3 2044 g no 4 565.4 311.6 271.9
4 146 g no 5 9.7 - -
4 146 g no 6 167.8 - -
4 146 g no 7 - 21.0 -
4 146 g no 8 - 18.2 12.6
4 219 g no 8 - - -
4 219 g no 9 - - 347.9
4 219 g no 10 - - -
4 219 g no 11 - - -
4 219 g no 12 - - -

Table 6: Experiments for the generation of delay-free schedules. Abbreviations for the
heuristics are: g - greedy, nl - not lazy, and no - no overtaking. Each experiment was
repeated without working hours (no av, no pf), with availability factors and no performance
factor (av, no pf) and with both availability factors and performance factors (av & pf). For
each experiment the run time in seconds is provided. All measurements were done using
depth-first search. A run was terminated after 10 minutes or when memory consumption
reached 2GB (indicated by a ’-’). 36
max. active orders

termination rate
number of jobs
model version

average costs
pf / av / ex
5 29 heuristics
g yes/yes/no 5 10/10 21 · 106
6 29 - yes/no/yes 5 4/10 5.6 · 106
7 29 - yes/no/yes 5 3/10 81 · 106

Table 7: Table of experiments for the versions including costs with performance factors
(pf) for all models, availability factors (av) in model 5, and explicit working hours (ex)
in the models 6 and 7. A random-best-depth-first search of 10 seconds was used for all
experiments. The number of successful runs (termination rate), and the average cost of
each run is shown.

Also the non-overtaking heuristics cannot be adapted, since it can be advantageous for
a job with low storage costs to overtake a job with higher storage costs. The greediness
heuristics cannot be used either in the models 6 and 7, due a limitation in Uppaal. Current
work includes to adapt all heuristics to the extended version.
The results show that feasible schedules can be derived with Uppaal such that the case
with 29 orders is solved within 1 second, and the extension to 73 orders does not signifi-
cantly increase the computation times (if suitable heuristics are used). To further scale up
the model size, a vertical multiplication of two models with 73 orders was considered, and
solutions could be obtained for up to 2044 orders. For horizontal composition of the case
with 73 orders (multiplying also the resources) was successful up to 146 orders. To deal
with the full set of constraints of the original problem (incurring setup-costs for filling sta-
tions, storage costs, and delay costs) the problem was transformed into a cost-optimization
problem, and the latter was solved by Uppaal-Cora. A further extension was required to
deal with the constraints for working-hours, which increased the size and complexity of
the model significantly. But also for this case, feasible schedules could be derived with

Stochastic Analysis with Moebius For the feasible schedules obtained with Uppaal,
our objective was to investigate the robustness with respect to breakdowns of the re-
sources, and to rank alternative schedules accordingly. The problem formulation provided
by Axxom contains performance factors (formulating the fraction of time in which a re-
source is not operational) and availability factors (as the fraction of time at which a resource
can be used because operators are available). Axxom proposed to extend the durations
of operations by considering these factors. In order to check whether this modification is
advantageous and to accomplish the schedule assessment, the following approach was taken
[102]: The scheduling task was modeled in the language MoDeST, which combines mod-
eling features from stochastic process algebra and from timed and probabilistic automata
with light-weight notations such as exception handling. It is supported by the Motor tool,
which facilitates the execution and evaluation of MoDeST specifications by means of the
discrete event simulation engine of the Moebius tool. The performance and availability
were modeled in detail by considering the mean time between failures (MTBF), the mean
time to repair (MTTR), and a pace as the frequency of failure occurrence.
The performance analysis with Moebius included 80 experiments overall, where 20 differ-
ent feasible schedules were investigated for two different paces and two different deadline
policies (1: give up a job once it is sure it misses its deadline, 2: process all jobs to the
end). One half of the schedules included the modeling of availability and performance,
while the other half did not. Each experiment was executed 20,000 times and took around
4 to 5 hours. Figure 6 summarizes the results from this investigation (left part: availabil-
ity and performance not considered; right part: both factors are considered). It can be
concluded that: (a) a higher pace is advantageous to successfully complete a job in time,
(b) the success rate of the investigated schedules does not differ significantly, and (c) it
is not advantageous to simply extend the duration of operations by the availability and
performance factors since jobs are started later as necessary if an equipment malfunction
does not occur. Hence, the availability and performance factors should be used only for
sequencing and the prediction of delivery dates but not for the timing of operations.
The investigation does furthermore allow to quantify the success rate for each individual
job. The obtained rates confirm the expectation that jobs which are scheduled to start
late finish less likely on time and that two jobs which are roughly started at the same time
have a lower probability to be finished timely.

Figure 6: Assessment of schedules.

Generation of Schedules by IF Schedules for the original formulation of the case

study were also derived with the tool IF [114]. Using the restrictions of fixed processing
Figure 7: Schedule obtained with the tool IF.

times on resources and exactly two quality checks per job, a timed automaton model was
built such that (i) the production sequence of each lacquer was modeled by an acyclic timed
automaton, and (ii) the availability of resources was represented by shared variables. For
the composition of all resulting automata, the scheduling task means to find a minimum
cost path leading to a (global) final state in which all lacquers are finished. Since brute-
force exploration of the state-space obtained for the problem with 29 jobs was impossible,
three heuristics were employed: (a) only non-lazy runs are explored, (b) overtaking of jobs
is forbidden, and (c) minimal separation times between the starting times of lacquers of
the same type are chosen.
Modeling these heuristics in the IF language and solving the original version of the problem
with the associated IF tools (in particular the module for computing paths with minimal
costs), the following results were obtained: a feasible schedule without delay is obtained
in 15 seconds, and the schedule can be extracted from the corresponding execution path
of the model (with a depth of 750) almost instantaneously by random execution. The
schedule is shown as Gantt chart in Fig. 7.

The Solution by TAopt TAopt combines principles known from mixed-integer pro-
gramming with reachability analysis of timed automata [245, 244], in order to establish
efficient pruning criteria for the graph search. The main idea is to use linear programming
to solve tailored relaxed subproblems, and thus to compute lower cost bounds for pruning,
and as a heuristics to steer the search. The embedded linear programs are updated itera-
tively and then solved by Cplex to compute the lower bound of cost-to-go for the current
node of the reachability tree.
In order to model the case study in TAopt, the scheduling problems is first formulated as a
resource task network (RTN) extended by additional information. RTN are a common and
illustrative description method for recipes in the operations research community and are
widely used to describe scheduling problems. A problem specification in TAopt consists
of: (1) a description of the plant, including all resources with capacity constraints, re-
source configurations and transitions between configurations (which represent changeover
procedures); (2) recipes formulated as RTN consisting of tasks, products, resource and
configuration references, and arcs between the individual elements; additional timing and
sequence constraints can be expressed using places labeled by a marking (similar to time
Petri nets); (3) production orders, each of which reference a recipe and produce a new
job as an instance of the recipe. The instances can be modified with respect to release
dates, due dates, and production quantities according to requirements of the individual
production orders. An example, of an RTN for one type of lacquer is shown in Fig. 8.
The meaning of the individual elements of this RTN is as follows: Tasks are represented
by rectangles and decorated with durations. Places represent timing and sequencing con-
straints of tasks and are depicted by thin circles. Initial markings are shown as black
bullets. The attached intervals contain the minimal and maximal time in which a marking
may be in the place. The following constant values are used in the recipe to instantiate
a job: the release date rd, the due date dd of the job, and the time horizon H, i.e. an


1245 519 1809
[rd,H] 0 [0,0] DOK [871,H] COR [1107,H] ABF [2,4]
1245 519 1809

0 [0,H]

MIX2 [0,dd]
MIX3 [0,0]



Figure 8: A RTN of the recipe for metallic lacquers.

upper bound of the makespan. Thick circles represent resources which are linked to tasks
by dashed undirected lines. Some of the links are additionally decorated with MET, which
is the name of the configuration required by the corresponding task. Tasks without re-
sources are dummy tasks used for synchronization purposes only. The lab resource and the
corresponding tasks have been removed here.
Given such an extended RTN as input, TAopt automatically generates a timed automaton
(TA) model and a corresponding MILP model (with relaxed integrality constraints). Both
models are then used in TAopt to perform the cost-optimal reachability analysis (of the
TA model), and to compute lower bounds of cost-to-go using the LP model.
Table 8 shows results obtained with TAopt for the original version of the case study with
reduced number of jobs. We considered the minimization of the makespan for a varying
number of jobs, where the first five problems do not include hard deadlines for the jobs,
while the last two do. The search was terminated when a specified number of nodes (node
limit) was explored. The table lists the number of solutions found, the best makespan
among all solutions required to process all jobs, and the computation time (in seconds) to
obtain the best result. In all tests no heuristics were used, thus these results reflect the
performance of a pure depth-first search with cost minimization. Both criteria, maximal
depth and minimal costs, were used as decision rule for removing nodes from the waiting
list. For the last instance, no feasible solution could be found, before the search was
terminated after exploring 1 · 106 nodes.
As TAopt is still a prototype tool at this stage, embedded linear programs can so far be
used only for job-shop problems. The solution of larger problem instances of the Axxom
case study with embedded LPs is a subject of current work.

Table 8: Optimization of the original problem formulation with TAopt for a varying
number of jobs using the makespan as the optimization criterion.

No. jobs deadlines node limit No. of solutions best makespan calc. time (sec)
10 no 2 · 105 9 30920 54.9
12 no 2 · 105 3 53216 75.9
14 no 1 · 106 2 55371 525.5
16 no 1 · 106 5 53792 661.9
18 no 1 · 106 5 53692 839.5
10 yes 2 · 105 6 30920 65.9
12 yes 1 · 106 0 - -

3.6.4 Conclusions

Overall, different modeling techniques to suitably represent the value chain challenge prob-
lem were developed and tested within AMETIST, and the considered set of tools has been
found to be able (after introduction of suitable heuristics in some cases) to solve different
problem instances efficiently.
With respect to the approaches based on timed automata and (extended) model-checking
techniques (Uppaal, IF), the experiences can be summarized as follows: A considerable
effort had to be put into producing an appropriate TA representation of the problem spec-
ification provided by AXXOM. One part of this effort was to clarify and exactly interpret
the constraints and relevant costs. In addition, specific schemes had to be developed to
include the various constraints into the model. This shows, on the one hand, that the
application of model checking techniques to this kind of production scheduling is not yet
a push-button technology, since the models have to be constructed with care, and suitable
heuristics have to be identified. On the other hand, one can realistically assume that many
production scheduling problems have similar structures, such that the modeling patterns
developed in AMETIST can be reused for similar scheduling problems. Further investiga-
tions have to identify a core collection of such patterns. Once the TA model is obtained, the
application of model checking techniques for production scheduling is promising, as feasible
schedules could be obtained in short computation times for not too large problems.
In direct comparison to the TA-based approaches, the effort for solving algebraic programs
with the MILP approach was found to be higher in many instances. Even when heuristics
were implemented, the solution procedure (which includes the time-consuming startup of
GAMS/Cplex) often takes more time than the entire optimization performed by Uppaal.
On the other hand, the solution quality is expected to be better because a true optimization
problem is solved. Creating efficient MILP models is usually a laborious task and requires
not only experience but also the investigation of suitable solver parameters to accelerate
the solver performance. The advantage of the MILP approach is the possibility to assess
the quality of the solution by evaluating lower bounds of the costs. Another advantage

arises from the fact that the optimization criterion can be an arbitrary linear function, and
its choice hardly affects the rest of the model. Thus, it seems easier to combine different
models, heuristics and objective functions. However, the MILP approach is limited to
medium-sized problems.
First test results of the scheduling algorithm implemented in TAopt[246] have shown that
embedding the solution of LPs into the reachability algorithm for timed automata can
efficiently prune the reachability tree, and thus reduce the memory consumption consider-
ably. This advantage dominates the effort to solve embedded LPs when large models are
optimized. In comparison to GAMS/Cplex it was shown in [246] that feasible schedules
for benchmark job-shop problems could be computed quickly and the quality was better
than for GAMS/Cplex, when appropriate state space reduction methods and heuristics are
activated. However, the applicability of the implementation of TAopt is currently limited
to models that can be expressed as RTNs with timing constraints, i.e. only a simplified
version of the case study could be solved.
The approach of the industrial partner Axxom is competitive to the other approaches
with respect to the solution effort. Similarly to the MILP approach, it is based on a
branching algorithm, extended by different heuristics to efficiently prune the state space
and to provide feasible solutions quickly. Its advantage is the flexibility of using different
(also non-linear) cost functions and constraints. The modeling is made comfortable by an
appropriate GUI.
Based upon the results reported above, the performance and the range of application of
the tools that were applied to the benchmark problem can be summarized as follows:

• For problem instances of moderate size, with possibly complex (but linear) cost
functions and simple timing constraints (only conditions for the relative time-shift
between operations), the MILP-approach is able to compute better solutions than
a TA-based approach or ORION-PI in reasonable computing times. However, the
modeling effort is comparatively large.
• For scheduling problems of moderate size but with complex timing constraints (e.g.
limited working hours) and simple cost functions, the TA-based approach, e.g. Cora-
Uppaal, is able to provide better solutions than ORION-PI if suitable reductions and
heuristics are used. The modeling by MILPs in these cases gives rise to very large
models in a continuous as well as a discrete time formulation that cannot be solved
without further simplification.
• For large-scale problems with complex timing constraints (e.g. the consideration of
night shifts) and cost minimization, ORION-PI at present is the only tool that can
provide solutions with reasonable computational effort.
• Timed Automata are not yet a push-button technology to be applied without problem
specific modeling and solution strategies. But the generation of libraries of templates
for typical configurations seems promising and appears as a path towards to more
widespread and easier application for non-TA-specialist users.
As for the stochastic assessment of schedules (with Moebius/Modest/Motor), the use of
the performance and availability factors led to the question of proper interpretation. Ex-
tending the processing times by these factors can be used to analyze how many jobs can be
handled on a longer time horizon. However, the stochastic analysis has shown that using
performance and availability factors to obtain concrete schedules, increases the probability
to miss deadlines if not only the sequencing but also the timing of such schedules is im-
plemented. It is unclear at this stage what modeling assumptions are best suitable for the
derivation of concrete short-term schedules, where storage costs have to be minimized, and
where delay costs should to be avoided. A suitable idea may be to use a form of schedule
refinement, taking rough long-term schedules as a basis for obtaining precise schedules for
a shorter term – such a refinement approach was successfully used in the Cybernetix case
study [229]. Another idea to be investigated in the future is that of searching for schedules
in reverse time, starting from the due dates of orders – valid schedules obtained this way
avoid storage and delay costs by construction.

3.7 Project Results: Other Case Studies

Profiting from its new tools, the Ametist consortium has tackled 18 other industrial sized
case studies involving the application of timed automata technology which were provided
by its industrial partners, members from the industrial end use panel, or obtained from
other sources. For a more detailled description/overview/discussion of our work on these
case studies we refer to Deliverable 3.5.3 [54].

1. Verification and improvement of the sliding window protocol [130]

2. Modeling and verifying a Lego car using hybrid I/O automata [158]

3. Correctness of an intrusion-tolerant group communication protocol [223]

4. Testing conformance of real-time applications by automatic generation of observers


5. A model of the Welch/Lynch Clock Synchronization Protocol [7]

6. Modelling and Analysis of a Leader Election Algorithm for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

7. Synthesis of Safe, QoS Extendible, Application Specific Schedulers for Heterogeneous

Real-Time Systems [203]

8. Description and Schedulability Analysis of the Software Architecture of an Auto-

mated Vehicle Control System [272]

9. Verification of Asynchronous Circuits using Timed Automata [112]

10. Analysis of a Protocol for Dynamic Configuration of IPv4 Link Local Addresses using
Uppaal [172]
11. Model checking dependabiliy attributes of wireless group communication [238]
12. Cost-Optimisation of the IPv4 Zeroconf Protocol [101]
13. Model Checker Aided Design of a Controller for a Wafer Scanner [182]
14. Analysis of a Biphase Mark Protocol with Uppaal and PVS [277]
15. Automatic verification of the IEEE 1394 root contention protocol with KRONOS
and PRISM [144]
16. Model Checking the Time to Reach Agreement [179]
17. Timed Automata Based Analysis of Embedded System Architectures [185]
18. From StoCharts to MoDeST: a comparative reliability analysis of train radio com-
munications [187]

Our general conclusion is that using the new methods developed by Ametist we can handle
bigger problems faster and in a much more routine manner than at the start of the project.
Applications of timed automata technology to analysis of scheduling problems, embedded
system architectures and communication protocols have been very succesful. Our case
studies provide insight in the current state-of-the-art of timed automata technology, provide
modelling patterns that can be used by future users, and benchmarks for verification and
analysis tools.

3.8 Towards a Unifying Framework

Working with discrete and continuous systems, being exposed to control, verification,
scheduling and other domains, one cannot but observe that many problems treated un-
der different names within different disciplines, have more resemblance if we look at them
through an appropriate abstraction that filters their domain-specific details. Among these
problems and techniques we mention the algorithmic approach to discrete systems verifi-
cation by forward or backward fixpoint computation, the derived reachability algorithms
for continuous and hybrid systems, bounded model checking (using satisfiability solvers to
verify correctness for a bounded horizon), computational techniques for optimal control
such as dynamic programming and model-predictive control, simulation, search methods
in AI and Markov decision processes. Much of our effort during project was concerned
with building a general unifying game-theoretic scheme, for which various system design
and validation problems are concrete instances, most notably the problem of scheduling
under uncertainty.
The paper [234] lays down a unified and domain-independent model for control in the
presence of adversaries. The model uses the metaphor of a two-player game between
the controller to be synthesized and the environment it is supposed to control. Control
synthesis is viewed as finding an optimal (or satisfactory) strategy for the controller, where
optimality is parameterized by two factors:

1. The cost function associated with individual trajectories

2. The way the costs of all possible adversary-induced trajectories under a given strategy
are combined to compute the overall value of the strategy (worst case, average case).

Verification, and open-loop control (“ballistic” control, planning) are obtained as special
cases where either one of the players is suppressed, i.e. is assumed to be deterministic
with no choice. On this model we identify three generic approaches for solving controller
synthesis problems:

• For bounded time-horizon the problem can be posed as a constrained optimization

problem as is done in model-predictive control and bounded model-checking (in the
latter, it is often the case that feasibility of the constraints is emphasized rather than
cost optimality).

• The other class of methods, roughly characterized as dynamic programming (DP), is

based on iterative computation of a value function (cost-to-go), which determines the
optimal cost and action at every state of the system. For discrete systems such tech-
niques are used in backward verification and synthesis for automata and for Markov
decision processes. In continuous systems the value function is often computed as
a solutions of some partial differential equations due to Hamilton, Jacobi, Bellman
and Isaacs (HJBI).

• The third approach is to perform a forward search in the space of strategies and
trajectories, an approach used by game-playing programs. In verification, when the
search is not exhaustive over all adversarial behaviors, this activity can be viewed
as testing. For control this approach is not mainstream but it seems to be popular
in some related domains such as reinforcement learning and robot motion planning.
The advantage of this approach compared to DP is that the value function needs to
be computed only for the reachable part of the state space, a fact that may moderate
the curse of dimensionality.

The separation between the domain-independent abstract scheme and the specific compu-
tational aspects of each domain, may facilitate the development of a universal controller
synthesis tool based on this model. The specificity of each domain will be manifested by
the type of computational engine used, for example a SAT solver for discrete systems and
an LP solver when the dynamics is linear. The study of solvers for hybrid constrained opti-
mization problems, the basic computational tool for all verification and synthesis problems,
is becoming an important research issue by itself, as described in previous sections.

4 Outlook
In this section, we present a short description on how the results and achievements of the
project have benefited the project partners and how they intend to use and exploit these

• Use of AMETIST results in education (all academic partners).

Students very much enjoy the use of model checking technology. KUN started to
use Uppaal in a first year course on operating systems to teach students about
mutual exclusion problems, semaphores, etc. Students like the graphical interface
and simulator. This year they found several mistakes in a book on Semaphores
by Allen Downey, using Uppaal. At the Master level, we use the AMETIST case
studies to teach students about modelling complex systems. In subsequent projects
they tackle complex cases themselves, such as (critical parts of) Bluetooth and I2C.
As a Master’s Thesis project one student at KUN formally modelled a new internet
protocol SHIM6 using Uppaal and found several mistakes that were acknowledged
by the protocol designers. The fixes proposed by the student have been incorporated
in a new version of the internet draft.

• Use of Uppaal within LaQuSO (KUN).

LaQuSo, http://www.laquso.com, the Laboratory for Software Quality is a joint
organization of the Radboud University Nijmegen and the three technical universities
within the Netherlands. LaQuSo aims to measure, quantify and predict the quality
of the designed software in order to increase the predictability of the development
process. Companies can ask LaQuSo to do quick assessments (usually ≤ 2 PMs) of
software. Uppaal is one of the tools used within LaQuSo, and the AMETIST case
studies are very useful to demonstrate the capabilities of this technology

• (Bosch).
Bosch intends to use Uppaal in futher verification tasks, following a problem-oriented
approach, and to exploit the AMETIST concepts in in-house development of system
engineering methods and tools to enable wide-range use.

• Exploitation throug CISS and ESI (UT, AAU).

Kim Larsen from partner AAU is the director of the Danish competence center for
embedded software systems (CISS), and Ed Brinksma from parter UT is the director
of the Dutch Embedded Systems Institute (ESI). A special role in the promotion of
exploitation will be played by these two research institutes. Both ESI and CISS are
national centers of competence focusing exclusively on embedded systems and com-
mitted to collaborative projects between research and industry. They play a pivotal
role in both national (D-ARTEMIS DK and Point-One NL) and European innova-
tion ecosystems (ARTEMIS/ARTEMISIA, ARTIST2 and HYCON Networks of Ex-
cellence) for embedded systems engineering. They have well-established courses and
training programmes for industry in the area of embedded system engineering, and

specialised knowledge and technology transfer activities, both for OEM industries
(e.g. ASML, Philips, NXP, Oce Technologies, Thales, TERMA, Danfoss, Grund-
fos) and many high-tech SME companies. CISS and ESI will make results of the
AMETIST project available to these European infrastructures through these train-
ing and transfer programmes. Further activities include knowledge exchange circles
and high-tech spin-off programmes.

• Industrial exploitation of Uppaal and Uppaal CORA (AAU).

We have a subcontract with Airbus related to the application of Uppaal and a
contract with the University of Ohio. We have close contacts with OWO, Honeywel
and NASA about the possible application of Uppaal CORA. We are currently setting
up a spin-off company centered around the Uppaal tool.

• Spreading the word to other universities (UT).

Holger Hermanns from UT has become professor at Saarland University, heading the
Dependable Systems and Software group. AMETIST results are used within several
projects in which the group participates, notably AVACS, a Research Center spon-
sored by the German Research Foundation DFG, which is devoted to foundational
research on Automated Verification and Analysis of Complex Systems. Joost-Pieter
Katoen from UT has taken up a chair on software modelling and verification at
RWTH Aachen. The group participates in several projects founded by the German
and Dutch research council that are all focussed on different aspects of the verification
and modelling of stochastic systems.

• QUASIMODO initiative (AAU, Terma, ex-UT, KUN).

Several former AMETIST participants are involved in the FP7 application QUASI-
MODO that aims at the further improvement and extension of AMETIST tools.

• Participation in Other Projects (all).

We firmly intend to work on the further exploitation of the results obtained within
AMETIST through our extensive network of academic and industrial contacts, which
encompasses the ARTISTS2 and HYCON networks of excellence.
As an illustration, we mention three projects in which partner KUN is involved.
In the Octopus project of Oce technologies and the Embedded Systems Institute,
which will start on July 1, 2007, KUN will address the problem of the high level
design and scheduling of the data path in a copier machine, and in particular how
we can make this data path more adaptive, i.e. able to change based upon changing
conditions in the environment. We expect that timed priced automata will be a very
useful technology to address these problems. Within two projects funded by NWO,
the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, KUN wil continue its work on
further improving timed automata model checking technology. One project, FRAAI,
is exploiting compositional reasoning and another project (that will start at the end
of 2007) will study counterexample guided abstraction refinement.

5 Conclusions
With all the accumulated effort invested in Ametist, there are reasons to believe that at
the end of the project timed automata technology finds itself in a much better shape and
quite closer to industrial acceptance than it was. We summarize the progress with respect
to the main objectives of the project, namely, scalability, convenience and accessibility.

• Scalability: This is a major obstacle for acceptance of the technology which has
been subject to numerous intensive attacks during the project lifetime. Specialized
solutions tailored for scheduling problems and optimizations of existing tools have
led to significant improvements that make TA-based methods not inferior to other
commonly-used methods. As mentioned in Deliverable 1.1 [55], many real-life solu-
tion to scheduling problems do not try to solve the intractable optimization problems
but rather use heuristics that constrain the solution space to the point that a program
can find a solution.
The above observation should not be used as an excuse to neglect scalbility altogether.
The project has brought us closer to the long-awaited performance breakthrough
which, like the “BDD revolution” in untimed verification, is a pre-requisite for the
proliferation of timed automata to all the application domains that can benefit from
their rich and useful modeling capabilities.

• Convenience: The pleasant user interface of Uppaal clearly makes the working of
timed automata much more intuitive for the layman. It has been demonstrated in the
project that specialized descriptions of scheduling problems can be transformed au-
tomatically into timed automaton description, something that many potential users
cannot do. The project did not develop a general language/formalism for scheduling
for reasons related to the issues described in the next paragraph.

• Accessibility: By this term we understand the increased awareness in the client dis-
ciplines and application domains of the potential of timed automata and what they
can do for the scheduling professional. Unlike domains such as formal verification
where it is sufficient to convince someone at Intel or Microsoft in order to generate
a huge impact, the scheduling arena is much more fragmented, among application
domains, in-house vs.commercial tools, and geographic locations. The project made
the partners in contact with Axxom, a small SME which had the opportunity to
observe closely what timed automata can (and cannot) do for its problems. Like
any encounter with reality, the collaboration with Axxom was humblifying and will
certainly help partners in their future efforts to make TA technology more widely
Let us remark that one of the apparent major obstacles for gaining acceptance for
timed automata technology lies in timed automata being a quite non-standard model
from the engineer’s point of view. Purely continuous systems (differential equations)
as well as discrete time models (difference equations, synchronous automata) are very

well understood, while discrete systems working on “asynchronous” dense time are
much less intuitive to grasp upon a first encounter. Perhaps some more pedagogical
considerations should be employed while writing papers on the domain, rather than
addressing (and impressing) a small community of experts.

[1] Y. Abdeddaı̈m, E. Asarin, and O. Maler. On optimal scheduling under uncertainty. In H. Gargamel
and J. Hatcliff, editors, Proc. TACAS, volume 2619 of LNCS. Springer, 2003. Available from World
Wide Web: http://www-verimag.imag.fr/~maler/Papers/uncertain.ps.
[2] Y. Abdeddaı̈m, E. Asarin, and O. Maler. Scheduling with timed automata. Theoretical Computer
Science, 2005. Available from World Wide Web: http://www-verimag.imag.fr/~maler/Papers/
[3] Y. Abdeddaı̈m, A. Kerbaa, and O. Maler. Task graph scheduling using timed automata. In FMPPTA,
2003. Available from World Wide Web: http://www-verimag.imag.fr/~kerbaa/task-graph.ps.
[4] Y. Abdeddaı̈m and O. Maler. Preemptive job-shop scheduling using stopwatchautomata. In J.-
P. Katoen and P. Stevens, editors, TACAS, 2002. Available from World Wide Web: http://
[5] Y. Abdeddaı̈m and P. Niebert. On the use of partial order methods in scheduling. In Ninth Inter-
national Conference on Project Management and Scheduling (PMS 04), 2004. Available from World
Wide Web: http://www.cmi.univ-mrs.fr/~niebert/docs/pms04.pdf. to be published as online
[6] Yasmina Abdeddaı̈m. Scheduling with Timed Automata. PhD thesis, INPG Grenoble, Novem-
ber 2002. Available from World Wide Web: http://www-verimag.imag.fr/~maler/Papers/
[7] L. Aceto, G. Behrmann, J.F. Groote, and K. Larsen. Notes on a Uppaal model of the Welch/Lynch
clock synchronization protocol, 2004. Available from World Wide Web: http://www.cs.auc.dk/
~kgl/AcetoBehrmannGrooteLarsen.pdf. Unpublished note.
[8] L. Aceto, P. Bouyer, A. Burgueo, and K. G. Larsen. The limit of testing for timed automata.
Theoretical Computer Science (TCS), 300(1-3):411–475, 2003. Available from World Wide Web:
[9] M. Agopian. A simulation tool for the SuperSingle mode, 2003. Available from World Wide Web:
http://www.cmi.univ-mrs.fr/~niebert/docs/SuperSingleSimulator.zip. Not a paper, a tool.
[10] M. Agopian. A model of the faulty card problem of the smart card personalization machine, 2005.
Available from World Wide Web: http://www.cmi.univ-mrs.fr/~niebert/docs/faultycards.
[11] S. Albert. Design/CPN model of Cybernetix Case Study. Technical report, Cybern’etix -
LIF, 2002. Available from World Wide Web: http://www.cmi.univ-mrs.fr/~niebert/docs/
[12] Sarah Albert. Cybernetix case study – informal description. Technical report, Cybern’etix - LIF,
2002. Available from World Wide Web: http;//www.cmi.univ-mrs.fr/~niebert/docs/cyx.pdf.
[13] Sarah Albert and Peter Niebert. Cybern’etix case study – performance analysis – optimality of
the supersingle mode. Technical report, Cybern’etix -LIF, 2002. Available from World Wide Web:

[14] K. Altisen, G. Gößler, and J. Sifakis. Scheduler modeling based on the controller synthesis paradigm.
Journal of Real-Time Systems, special issue on Control Approaches to Real-Time Computing, 23:55–
84, 2002. Available from World Wide Web: http://www-verimag.imag.fr/~sifakis/paper_
[15] K. Altisen and S. Tripakis. Tools for controller synthesis of timed systems. In RT-TOOLS, 2002.
Available from World Wide Web: http://www-verimag.imag.fr/~tripakis/final-rttools02.
[16] AMETIST. Ametist workshop, October 2002. Available from World Wide Web: http://ametist.
cs.utwente.nl/INTERNAL/PUBLICATIONS/DELIVERABLES/del4.1.1.pdf. Deliverable 4.1.1 from
the IST project AMETIST.
[17] AMETIST. Progress report — progress and evaluation: Reference period april 2002 - septem-
ber 2002, November 2002. Available from World Wide Web: http://ametist.cs.utwente.nl/
INTERNAL/PUBLICATIONS/DELIVERABLES/del0.1.1.pdf. Deliverable 0.1.1 from the IST project
[18] AMETIST. Analysis and tools: State space representations, June 2003. Available from World Wide
Web: http://ametist.cs.utwente.nl/INTERNAL/PUBLICATIONS/DELIVERABLES/del2.3.a.pdf.
Deliverable 2.3.a from the IST project AMETIST.
[19] AMETIST. Bosch case study: First year report, June 2003. Available from World Wide Web:
http://ametist.cs.utwente.nl/INTERNAL/PUBLICATIONS/DELIVERABLES/del3.3.2.pdf. Deliv-
erable 3.3.2 from the IST project AMETIST.
[20] AMETIST. Cybern’etix case study: First year report, June 2003. Available from World Wide Web:
http://ametist.cs.utwente.nl/INTERNAL/PUBLICATIONS/DELIVERABLES/del3.1.2.pdf. Deliv-
erable 3.1.2 from the IST project AMETIST.
[21] AMETIST. First year report on case study 2: Memory management in radar sensor equip-
ment, May 2003. Available from World Wide Web: http://ametist.cs.utwente.nl/INTERNAL/
PUBLICATIONS/DELIVERABLES/del3.2.2.ps. Deliverable 3.2.2 from the IST project AMETIST.
[22] AMETIST. First year report on case study 4: Value chain optimization, May 2003. Available from
World Wide Web: http://ametist.cs.utwente.nl/INTERNAL/PUBLICATIONS/DELIVERABLES/
del3.4.2.pdf. Deliverable 3.4.2 from the IST project AMETIST.
[23] AMETIST. Framework report (v1), June 2003. Available from World Wide Web: http:
//ametist.cs.utwente.nl/INTERNAL/PUBLICATIONS/DELIVERABLES/del0.2.1.pdf. Deliverable
0.2.1 from the IST project AMETIST.
[24] AMETIST. Miscellaneous case studies: First year report, May 2003. Available from World Wide
Web: http://ametist.cs.utwente.nl/INTERNAL/PUBLICATIONS/DELIVERABLES/del3.5.1.pdf.
Deliverable 3.5.1 from the IST project AMETIST.
[25] AMETIST. Modelling: Control synthesis, April 2003. Available from World Wide Web: http:
//ametist.cs.utwente.nl/INTERNAL/PUBLICATIONS/DELIVERABLES/del1.5.pdf. Deliverable 1.5
from the IST project AMETIST.
[26] AMETIST. Progress report: Reference period april 2002 - march 2003, June 2003. Available from
World Wide Web: http://ametist.cs.utwente.nl/INTERNAL/PUBLICATIONS/DELIVERABLES/
del0.1.2.pdf. Deliverable 0.1.2 from the IST project AMETIST.
[27] AMETIST. Analysis and tools: Abstraction and compositionality, May 2004. Available from World
Wide Web: http://ametist.cs.utwente.nl/INTERNAL/PUBLICATIONS/DELIVERABLES/del2.1.
1.pdf. Deliverable 2.1.1 from the IST project AMETIST.

[28] AMETIST. Analysis and tools: Control synthesis algorithms, May 2004. Available from World Wide
Web: http://ametist.cs.utwente.nl/INTERNAL/PUBLICATIONS/DELIVERABLES/del2.2.1.pdf.
Deliverable 2.2.1 from the IST project AMETIST.
[29] AMETIST. Analysis and tools: Stochastic analysis (second year report), May 2004. Available from
World Wide Web: http://ametist.cs.utwente.nl/INTERNAL/PUBLICATIONS/DELIVERABLES/
del2.4.a.pdf. Deliverable 2.4.a from the IST project AMETIST.
[30] AMETIST. Analysis and tools: Tools and tool interaction, May 2004. Available from World
Wide Web: http://ametist.cs.utwente.nl/INTERNAL/PUBLICATIONS/DELIVERABLES/del2.5.
a.ps. Deliverable 2.5.a from the IST project AMETIST.
[31] AMETIST. Bosch case study: Second year report, May 2004. Available from World Wide Web:
http://ametist.cs.utwente.nl/INTERNAL/PUBLICATIONS/DELIVERABLES/del3.3.3.pdf. Deliv-
erable 3.3.3 from the IST project AMETIST.
[32] AMETIST. Cybern’etix case study: Second year report, April 2004. Available from World Wide
Web: http://ametist.cs.utwente.nl/INTERNAL/PUBLICATIONS/DELIVERABLES/del3.1.3.pdf.
Deliverable 3.1.3 from the IST project AMETIST.
[33] AMETIST. Data structures (second year report), May 2004. Available from World Wide Web:
http://ametist.cs.utwente.nl/INTERNAL/PUBLICATIONS/DELIVERABLES/del2.3.b.pdf. Deliv-
erable 2.3.b from the IST project AMETIST.
[34] AMETIST. Framework report (v2), May 2004. Available from World Wide Web: http://ametist.
cs.utwente.nl/INTERNAL/PUBLICATIONS/DELIVERABLES/framework2.pdf. Deliverable 0.2.2 from
the IST project AMETIST.
[35] AMETIST. Miscellaneous case studies: Second year report, April 2004. Available from World Wide
Web: http://ametist.cs.utwente.nl/INTERNAL/PUBLICATIONS/DELIVERABLES/del3.5.2.pdf.
Deliverable 3.5.2 from the IST project AMETIST.
[36] AMETIST. Modelling: Model composition, May 2004. Available from World Wide Web: http:
//ametist.cs.utwente.nl/INTERNAL/PUBLICATIONS/DELIVERABLES/del1.2.pdf. Deliverable 1.2
from the IST project AMETIST.
[37] AMETIST. Modelling: Model composition, May 2004. Available from World Wide Web: http:
//ametist.cs.utwente.nl/INTERNAL/PUBLICATIONS/DELIVERABLES/del1.4.pdf. Deliverable 1.4
from the IST project AMETIST.
[38] AMETIST. Modelling: Quantitative modelling (second year report), May 2004. Available from
World Wide Web: http://ametist.cs.utwente.nl/INTERNAL/PUBLICATIONS/DELIVERABLES/
del1.3.2.pdf. Deliverable 1.3 from the IST project AMETIST.
[39] AMETIST. Periodic progress and management report for period from 1 april 2003 to 31 march
2004, 2004. Available from World Wide Web: http://ametist.cs.utwente.nl/INTERNAL/
PUBLICATIONS/DELIVERABLES/del0.1.4.pdf. Deliverable 0.1.4 from the IST project AMETIST.
[40] AMETIST. Progress report: Reference period april 2003 - september 2003, April 2004.
Available from World Wide Web: http://ametist.cs.utwente.nl/INTERNAL/PUBLICATIONS/
DELIVERABLES/del0.1.3.pdf. Deliverable 0.1.3 from the IST project AMETIST.
[41] AMETIST. Second year report on case study 4: Improvement in modelling analysis, and solv-
ing the value chain optimization problem, April 2004. Available from World Wide Web: http:
//ametist.cs.utwente.nl/INTERNAL/PUBLICATIONS/DELIVERABLES/del3.4.3.pdf. Deliverable
3.4.3 from the IST project AMETIST.
[42] AMETIST. Terma case study: Second year report, May 2004. Available from World Wide Web:
http://ametist.cs.utwente.nl/INTERNAL/PUBLICATIONS/DELIVERABLES/del3.2.3.pdf. Deliv-
erable 3.2.3 from the IST project AMETIST.

[43] AMETIST. Analysis and tools: Stochastic analysis, 2005. Available from World Wide Web:
http://ametist.cs.utwente.nl/INTERNAL/PUBLICATIONS/DELIVERABLES/del2.4.b.pdf. Deliv-
erable 2.4.b from the IST project AMETIST.
[44] AMETIST. Analysis and tools: Structure exploitation, June 2005. Available from World Wide Web:
http://ametist.cs.utwente.nl/INTERNAL/PUBLICATIONS/DELIVERABLES/del2.1.2.pdf. Deliv-
erable 2.1.2 from the IST project AMETIST.
[45] AMETIST. Bosch case study: Final report, 2005. Available from World Wide Web: http:
//ametist.cs.utwente.nl/INTERNAL/PUBLICATIONS/DELIVERABLES/del3.3.4.pdf. Deliverable
3.3.4 from the IST project AMETIST.
[46] AMETIST. Case study 4: Value chain optimization — final report, 2005. Available from World Wide
Web: http://ametist.cs.utwente.nl/INTERNAL/PUBLICATIONS/DELIVERABLES/del3.3.4.pdf.
Deliverable 3.4.4 from the IST project AMETIST.
[47] AMETIST. Progress report — reference period from 1 april 2004 to 30 september 2004 (revised
version), 2005. Available from World Wide Web: http://ametist.cs.utwente.nl/INTERNAL/
PUBLICATIONS/DELIVERABLES/del0.1.5.pdf. Deliverable 0.1.5 from the IST project AMETIST.
[48] AMETIST. Terma case study: Final report, 2005. Available from World Wide Web: http:
//ametist.cs.utwente.nl/INTERNAL/PUBLICATIONS/DELIVERABLES/del3.2.4.pdf. Deliverable
3.2.4 from the IST project AMETIST.
[49] AMETIST. Analysis and tools: Scheduling and planning algorithms, May 2006. Available from
World Wide Web: http://www.cs.ru.nl/F.Vaandrager/AMETIST/del2.2.2.pdf. Deliverable
2.2.2 from the IST project AMETIST.
[50] AMETIST. Analysis and tools: State space representations (v3), May 2006. Available from World
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[122] L. Brandán Briones and E. Brinksma. A test generation framework for quiescent real-time sys-
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[123] Laura Brandan Briones and Mathias Roehl. Testing timed automata. In M. Broy, B. Jonsson,
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[158] A. Fehnker, F.W. Vaandrager, and M. Zhang. Modeling and verifying a Lego car using hybrid I/O
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[159] G. Franceschinis, B.R. Haverkort, J.-P. Katoen, and M. Woodside, editors. Quantitive Evaluation
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[160] H. Garavel and H. Hermanns. On combining functional verification and performance evaluation
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[168] B. Gebremichael, T. Krilavičius, and Y.S. Usenko. A formal analysis of a car periphery supervision
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tional Workshop on Discrete Event Systems WODES’04, Reims, France, pages 433–439, Septem-
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[169] B. Gebremichael and F.W. Vaandrager. Control synthesis for a smart card personalization sys-
tem using symbolic model checking. Report NIII-R0312, Nijmegen Institute for Computing and
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[172] B. Gebremichael, F.W. Vaandrager, and M. Zhang. Analysis of a protocol for dynamic configu-
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[174] D. Harel and R. Marelly. Playing with time: On the specification and execution of time-enriched
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[176] David Harel, Hillel Kugler, and Gera Weiss. Some methodological observations resulting from ex-
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[177] B. Haverkort, L. Cloth, H. Hermanns, J.-P. Katoen, and C. Baier. Model-checking performability
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[179] M. Hendriks. Model checking the time to reach agreement. Technical Report ICIS-R05014, Institute
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[180] M. Hendriks, G. Behrmann, K.G. Larsen, P. Niebert, and F.W. Vaandrager. Adding symmetry
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of LNCS. Springer Verlag, 2004. Available from World Wide Web: http://www.cs.kun.nl/ita/
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[181] M. Hendriks and K.G. Larsen. Exact acceleration of real-time model checking. Electronic Notes in
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editors, Preliminary Proceedings International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal
Methods (ISoLA 2004), m October/November 2004, Paphos, Cyprus, pages 201–209. Department
of Computer Science, University of Cyprus, 2004. Available from World Wide Web: http://www.cs.
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[184] M. Hendriks, N.J.M. van den Nieuwelaar, and F.W. Vaandrager. Recognizing finite repetitive
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tors, Proceedings of the 1st Multidisciplinary International Conference on Scheduling: Theory and
Applications (MISTA 2003), Nottingham, UK, Volume I, pages 291–319. The University of Notting-
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[185] M. Hendriks and M. Verhoef. Timed automata based analysis of embedded system architec-
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[186] H. Hermanns, H.C. Bohnenkamp, D.N. Jansen, J.-P. Katoen, and Y.S. Usenko. An industrial-
strength formal method: A modest survey. In In 1st International Conference on International
Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, (ISOLA), LNCS, Paphos, Cyprus, 2004.
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[187] H. Hermanns, D.N. Jansen, and Y.S. Usenko. From stocharts to modest: a comparative reliabil-
ity analysis of train radio communications. In Proc. 5th International Workshop on Software and
Performance (WOSP’05), Palma de Mallorca, Spain, July 2005.
[188] H. Hermanns, J.-P. Katoen, J. Meyer-Kayser, and M. Siegle. A tool for model-checking markov
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[189] Holger Hermanns, Ulrich Herzog, and Joost-Pieter Katoen. Process algebra for performance eval-
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[193] Anders Hessel, Kim G. Larsen, Brian Nielsen, Paul Pettersson, and Arne Skou. Time-Optimal Test
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with the 18th IEEE International Conference on AUTOMATED SOFTWARE ENGINEERING
(ASE 2003).
[194] Anders Hessel, Kim G. Larsen, Brian Nielsen, Paul Pettersson, and Arne Skou. Time-Optimal Test
Cases for Real-Time Systems–extended abstract. In 1st International Workshop on Formal Modeling
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In Proceedings SVERTS Workshop of the Sixth International Conference on the Unified Modeling
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[196] David N. Jansen, H. Hermanns, and Joost-Pieter Katoen. A QoS-oriented extension of UML stat-
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[197] D.N. Jansen and H. Hermanns. Dependability checking with stocharts: Is train radio reliable enough
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250–259. IEEE CS Press, 2004.
[198] B. Jeannet, P.R. D’Argenio, and K.G. Larsen. Rapture: A tool for verifying Markov Decision
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Springer, 2003. Available from World Wide Web: http://ametist.cs.utwente.nl/INTERNAL/
[200] J.-P. Katoen, Henrik Bohnenkamp, H. Hermanns, and J. Klaren. Embedded software analysis with
MOTOR, pages 268–294. LNCS. Springer, Bertinoro, Italy, 2004. Available from World Wide Web:
[201] D.K. Kaynar, N.A. Lynch, R. Segala, and F.W. Vaandrager. A framework for modelling timed
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[202] D.K. Kaynar, N.A. Lynch, R. Segala, and F.W. Vaandrager. The theory of timed I/O automata.
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[203] Ch. Kloukinas and S. Yovine. Synthesis of safe, qos extendible, application specific schedulers for
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[204] Christos Kloukinas, Chaker Nakhli, and Sergio Yovine. A methodology and tool support for gener-
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[205] S. Kowalewski and M. Rittel. Real-time service allocation for car periphery supervision,
2002. Available from World Wide Web: http://ametist.cs.utwente.nl/RESEARCH/AMETIST_
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[206] M. Krichen and S. Tripakis. Black-box conformance testing for real-time systems. In 11th Interna-
tional SPIN Workshop on Model Checking of Software (SPIN’04), volume 2989 of LNCS. Springer,
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[209] Hillel Kugler and Gera Weiss. Planning a production line with LSCs. Research report, Weiz-
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[210] M. Kurban, P. Niebert, and W. Vogler. Stronger reduction criteria for Local First Search. draft,

[211] R. Langerak, J.W. Polderman, and T. Krilavičius. Stability analysis for hybrid automata using con-
servative gains. In In proc. IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems (ADHS03),
St. Malo, France, 2003. Available from World Wide Web: http://ametist.cs.utwente.nl/
[212] R. Langerak, J.W. Polderman, and T. Krilavičius. Stability analysis for hybrid automata using
optimal lyapunov functions. In Proc. International Conference on Dynamical Systems Modeling and
Stability Investigation, May 27-30, 2003, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2003. 1 page abstract, to appear.
[213] K. G. Larsen. Resource-efficient scheduling for real time systems. In Proc. of Third Int. Conf. On
Embedded Software (EMSOFT’2003), volume 2855 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages
16–19. Springer-Verlag, 2003.
[214] K. G. Larsen, F. Larsson, P. Pettersson, and W. Yi. Compact data structure and state-
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September 2003. Available from World Wide Web: http://www.docs.uu.se/docs/rtmv/papers/
[215] K. G. Larsen, M. Mikucionis, and B. Nielsen. Real-time system testing on-the-fly. Brics report
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[216] K. G. Larsen and P. Niebert, editors. Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems (FORMATS),
volume 279 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer-Verlag, 2004. Available from World Wide
Web: http://www.springeronline.com/sgw/cda/frontpage/0,10735,5-156-22-29559443-0,
[217] K.G. Larsen, F. Larsson, P. Pettersson, and W. Yi. Compact data structure and state-space reduction
for model-checking real-time systems. In Real-Time Systems - The International Journal of Time-
Critical Computing System, 25(1), 2003. Available from World Wide Web: http://www.docs.uu.
[218] K.G. Larsen, M. Mikucionis, B. Nielsen, and A. Skou. Testing real-time embedded software using
UPPAAL-Tron: An inudstrial case study. In to appear in Proceedings of EMSOFT 2005, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science. Springer Verlag, 2005. Available from World Wide Web: http://www.
[219] Kim Larsen, Marius Mikucionis, and Brian Nielsen. Online Testing of Real-time Systems us-
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Approaches to Testing of Software, Co-located with IEEE Conference on Automates Software
Engineering 2004, Linz, Austria., September 2004. Available from World Wide Web: http:
[220] Kim G. Larsen, Alexandre David, John Haakansson, and Paul Pettersson. Minimal dbm substraction.
In Paul Pettersson and Wang Yi, editors, Proceedings of 16th Nordic Workshop on Programming
Theory, number 2004-041 in Uppsala technical report, pages 17–21. Uppsala University, October
2004. Available from World Wide Web: http://www.cs.aau.dk/~kgl/AMETIST/Year3/DBM.ps.
[221] Kim G. Larsen and Brian Nielsen. ROAD MAP on Hard Real-Time Development Environ-
ments. Chapter 7: Tools for Verification and Validation. Year 1 deliverables of Project IST-
2001-34820 ARTIST:Advanced Real-Time Systems ARTIST IST-2001-34820, Project IST-2001-
34820 ARTIST:Advanced Real-Time Systems, May 2003. Available from World Wide Web:
http://www.artist-embedded.org/. Road map is to be publised as a book/volume by Springer
[222] Kim G. Larsen and Jacob I. Rasmussen. Optimal conditional reachability for multi-priced timed
automata. In In Proceedings of FoSSACS 2005, number 3441 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
pages 234–249, 2005. Available from World Wide Web: http://www.cs.aau.dk/~kgl/AMETIST/

[223] M. Layouni, J. Hooman, and S. Tahar. On the correctness of an intrusion-tolerant group communica-
tion protocol. In Proceedings 12th Conference on Correct Hardware Design and Verification Methods
(CHARME 2003), pages 231–246. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2860, Springer-Verlag, 2003.
Available from World Wide Web: http://www.niii.kun.nl/~hooman/CHARME03.html.
[224] S. Loeschmann and D. Ludewig. Case study 4: Detailed description of the model of a lacquer
production, 2002. Available from World Wide Web: http://ametist.cs.utwente.nl/INTERNAL/
PUBLICATIONS/DELIVERABLES/del3.4.1.pdf. Deliverable 3.4.1 from the IST project AMETIST.
[225] D. Lugiez, P. Niebert, and S. Zennou. Dynamic bounds and transition merging for local first search.
In Model Checking Software, volume 2318 of LNCS, pages 221–229, 2002. Available from World
Wide Web: http://www.cmi.univ-mrs.fr/~niebert/docs/sw02.pdf.
[226] D. Lugiez, P. Niebert, and S. Zennou. Clocked mazurkiewicz traces for partial order reductions
of timed automata, 2003. Available from World Wide Web: http://www.cmi.univ-mrs.fr/
[227] Denis Lugiez, Peter Niebert, and Sarah Zennou. A partial order semantics approach to the clock
explosion problem of timed automata. In Kurt Jensen and Andreas Podelski, editors, Tools and
Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems: 10th International Conference, TACAS
2004, volume 2988 of LNCS, pages 296–311. Springer-Verlag, 2004. Available from World Wide
Web: http://www.cmi.univ-mrs.fr/~niebert/docs/tacas04.pdf.
[228] Denis Lugiez, Peter Niebert, and Sarah Zennou. A partial order semantics approach to the clock
explosion problem of timed automata. In Kurt Jensen and Andreas Podelski, editors, accepted for
Theoretical Computer Science - special issue on selected papers of TACAS 2004, volume 2988 of
LNCS, page 40 pages. Springer-Verlag, 2005. Available from World Wide Web: http://www.cmi.
[229] A. Mader. Deriving schedules for the cybernetix case study, 2003. Available from World
Wide Web: http://ametist.cs.utwente.nl/Docs/INTERNAL/PUBLICATIONS/UTPublications/
[230] A. Mader. Towards modelling a value chain management example with uppaal - ametist case
study 4, 2003. Available from World Wide Web: http://ametist.cs.utwente.nl/INTERNAL/
[231] M. Mahfoudh, P. Niebert, E. Asarin, and O. Maler. A satisfiability checker for difference logic.
In SAT, 2002. Available from World Wide Web: http://www-verimag.imag.fr/~maler/Papers/
[232] Moez Mahfoudh. On Satisfaiblity Checking for Difference Logic. PhD thesis, UJF Grenoble,
May 2003. Available from World Wide Web: http://www-verimag.imag.fr/~maler/Papers/
[233] O. Maler. Dissemination and use plan, October 2002. Available from World Wide Web: http:
//ametist.cs.utwente.nl/INTERNAL/PUBLICATIONS/DELIVERABLES/del4.ps. Deliverable 4 from
the IST project AMETIST.
[234] O. Maler. On optimal and sub-optimal control in the presence of adversaries. In Workshop on
Discrete Event Systems (WODES), pages 1–12. IFAC, 2004. Available from World Wide Web:
http://www-verimag.imag.fr/~maler/Papers/wodes.ps. Invited talk.
[235] O. Maler, B. Krogh, and M. Mahfoudh. On control with bounded computational resources. In
W. Damm and E-R Olderog, editors, FTRTFT’02, volume 2469 of LNCS, pages 147–164. Springer,
2002. Available from World Wide Web: http://www-verimag.imag.fr/PEOPLE/Oded.Maler/

[236] O. Maler and D. Nickovic. Monitoring temporal properties of continuous signals. In FOR-
MATS/FTRTFT’04, number 3523 in LNCS, pages 152–166. Springer, 2004. Available from World
Wide Web: http://www-verimag.imag.fr/~maler/Papers/monitor.ps.
[237] Oded Maler and Amir Pnueli. On Recognizable Timed Languages. In Igor Walukiewicz, editor,
Proceedings FOSSACS 2004, Barcelona, Spain, March 29 - April 2, 2004, volume 2987 of Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, pages 348–362. Springer, 2004. Available from World Wide Web: http:
[238] M. Massink, J.-P. Katoen, and D. Latella. Model checking dependabiliy attributes of wireless group
communication. In Dependable Systems and Networks - Performance and Dependability Symposium
(DSN 2004), pages 711–720, Firenze, Italy, 2004. IEEE CS Press. Available from World Wide Web:
[239] P. Niebert, M. Mahfoudh, E. Asarin, M. Bozga, N. Jain, and O. Maler. Verification of timed
automata via satisfiability checking. In W. Damm and E-R Olderog, editors, FTRTFT, volume 2469
of LNCS, pages 225–244. Springer, 2002. Available from World Wide Web: http://www-verimag.
[240] Peter Niebert. Petri nets an intuitive formalism for concurrency, 2 parts (in german). Automa-
tisierungs Technik, March 2003. Available from World Wide Web: http://www.cmi.univ-mrs.fr/
[241] Peter Niebert and Mathieu Agopian. Notes on the verification of the hpx error handling mode,
May 2005. Available from World Wide Web: http://www.cmi.univ-mrs.fr/~niebert/docs/
errorhandling.pdf. manuscript.
[242] Iulian Ober, Susanne Graf, and Ileana Ober. Model checking of UML models via a map-
ping to communicating extended timed automata. In SPIN’04 Workshop on Model Checking of
Software, 2004, volume LNCS 2989, pages 127–145, 2004. Available from World Wide Web:
[243] S. Panek, S. Engell, and C. Lessner. Scheduling of a pipeless multi-product batch plant using mixed-
integer programming combined with heuristics. In Proc. European Symposium on Computer Aided
Process Engineering, ESCAPE 15, 2005. Available from World Wide Web: http://ametist.cs.
utwente.nl/INTERNAL/PUBLICATIONS/DORTMUNDPublications/PEL05.pdf. accepted.
[244] S. Panek, O. Stursberg, and S. Engell. Job-shop scheduling by combining reachability anal-
ysis with linear programming. In Proc. 7th Int. Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, pages
199–204, 2004. Available from World Wide Web: http://ametist.cs.utwente.nl/INTERNAL/
[245] S. Panek, O. Stursberg, and S. Engell. Optimization of timed automata models using mixed-integer
programming. In Formal Modeling And Analysis of Timed Systems, volume 2791 of LNCS, pages 73–
87. Springer, 2004. Available from World Wide Web: http://ametist.cs.utwente.nl/INTERNAL/
[246] S. Panek, O. Stursberg, and S. Engell. Efficient synthesis of production schedules by optimization
of timed automata. Control Engineering Practice, 2005. submitted.
[247] Sebastian Panek and Sebastian Engell. Scheduling of a pipeless multi-product batch plant using
mixed-integer programming combined with heuristics. In Proc. ESCAPE 15. ESCAPE 15, 2004.
[248] Sebastian Panek and Sebastian Engell. Value chain optimisation / improvements in the solu-
tion by mathematical programming. internal report ametist, University of Dortmund, May 2004.
Available from World Wide Web: http://ametist.cs.utwente.nl/INTERNAL/PUBLICATIONS/
DORTMUNDPublications/milp_approach.pdf. Case study 4, deliverable 3.4.3.

[249] J. Rasmussen, K. G. Larsen, and K. Subramani. Resource-optimal scheduling using priced timed
automata. In Proc. 10th Int. Conf. of Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis
of Systems (TACAS’2004), volume 2988 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 220–235.
Springer-Verlag, 2004. Available from World Wide Web: http://www.springerlink.com/app/
[250] M.P. Remelhe, S. Lohmann, O. Stursberg, S. Engell, and N. Bauer. Algorithmic verification of logic
controllers given as sequential function charts. In Proc. IEEE Conf. on Computer-Aided Control Sys-
tem Design, 2004. Available from World Wide Web: http://ametist.cs.utwente.nl/INTERNAL/
[251] Theo Ruys. Optimal Scheduling Using Branch and Bound with SPIN 4.0. In Thomas Ball and
Sriram K. Rajamani, editors, Model Checking Software – Proceedings of the 10th International SPIN
Workshop (SPIN 2003), volume 2648 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 1–17, Portland,
OR, USA, May 2003. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. Available from World Wide Web: http://ametist.
[252] Theo Ruys and Ed Brinksma. Managing the verification trajectory. STTT, 4(2):246–259, 2003.
Available from World Wide Web: http://springerlink.metapress.com/openurl.asp?genre=
[253] G. Sand and S. Engell. Aggregated batch scheduling in a feedback structure. In J. v. Schijndel
and J. Grievink, editors, European Symp. on Computer Aided Process Engineering-12, volume 10 of
Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering, pages 775–780. Elsevier Science, 2002. Available from World
Wide Web: http://ametist.cs.utwente.nl/INTERNAL/PUBLICATIONS/DORTMUNDPublications/
[254] G. Sand and S. Engell. Modelling and solving real-timescheduling problems by stochastic integer
programming. Computers and Chemical Engineering, 28:1087–1103, 2004. Available from World
Wide Web: http://ametist.cs.utwente.nl/INTERNAL/PUBLICATIONS/DORTMUNDPublications/
[255] G. Sand and S. Engell. Risk conscious scheduling of batch processes. In Proc. Computer-Aided
Chemical Engineering, pages 588–593, 2004. Available from World Wide Web: http://ametist.
[256] E. Sasnauskaite and M. Mikucionis. Memory Interface Analysis using the Real-Time Model Checker
UPPAAL. Master’s thesis, University of Aalborg, 2002. Available from World Wide Web: http:
//www.cs.auc.dk/~kgl/AMETIST/sm.ps. Internal document from the IST project AMETIST.
[257] J. Sifakis, S. Tripakis, and S. Yovine. Building models of real-time systems from ap-
plication software. In Proceedings of the IEEE Special issue on modeling and de-
sign of embedded, pages 91(1):100–111, January 2003. Available from World Wide
Web: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?isNumber=26369?=JNL&arnumber=
[258] M.I.A. Stoelinga and F.W. Vaandrager. A testing scenario for probabilistic automata. In Proceedings
of the 30th International colloquium on automata, languages and programming (ICALP’03), volume
2719 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 407–418. Springer–Verlag, 2003. Available from
World Wide Web: http://wwwhome.cs.utwente.nl/~marielle/papers/testing-short.ps.
[259] O. Stursberg. Dynamic optimization of processing systems with mixed degrees of freedom. In
Proc. 7th Int. Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, page ID: 164, 2004.
Available from World Wide Web: http://ametist.cs.utwente.nl/INTERNAL/PUBLICATIONS/

[260] O. Stursberg. A graph search algorithm for optimal control of hybrid systems. In Proc. 43rd
IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, pages 1412–1417, 2004. Available from World Wide Web:
[261] O. Stursberg. Synthesis of supervisory controllers for hybrid systems using abstraction refinement.
In 16th IFAC World Congress Prague, 2005. Available from World Wide Web: http://ametist.
cs.utwente.nl/INTERNAL/PUBLICATIONS/DORTMUNDPublications/Stu05.pdf. accepted.
[262] O. Stursberg, A. Fehnker, Z. Han, and B. H. Krogh. Specification-guided analysis of hybrid sys-
tems using a hierarchy of validation methods. In IFAC Conf. on Analysis and Design of Hybrid
Systems, pages 289–295, 2003. Available from World Wide Web: http://ametist.cs.utwente.
[263] O. Stursberg, A. Fehnker, Z. Han, and B.H. Krogh. Verification of a cruise control sys-
tem using counterexample-guided search. Control Engineering Practice, 12(10):1291–1303, 2004.
Available from World Wide Web: http://ametist.cs.utwente.nl/INTERNAL/PUBLICATIONS/
[264] O. Stursberg and B. H. Krogh. Efficient representation and computation of reachable sets for
hybrid systems. In Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, LNCS 2623, pages 482–497.
Springer, 2003. Available from World Wide Web: http://ametist.cs.utwente.nl/INTERNAL/
[265] O. Stursberg, S. Lohmann, and S. Engell. Improving dependability of logic controllers by al-
gorithmic verification. In 16th IFAC World Congress Prague, 2005. Available from World
Wide Web: http://ametist.cs.utwente.nl/INTERNAL/PUBLICATIONS/DORTMUNDPublications/
SLE05.pdf. accepted.
[266] Olaf Stursberg and Sebastian Engell. Optimal control of switched continuous systems using mixed-
integer programming. In 15th IFAC World Congress of Automatic Control, Barcelona, Spain, 2002.
Available from World Wide Web: http://ametist.cs.utwente.nl/INTERNAL/PUBLICATIONS/
[267] Olaf Stursberg and Sebastian Panek. Control of switched hybrid systems based on disjunc-
tive formulations. In Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, LNCS 2289, pages 421–435.
Springer, 2002. Available from World Wide Web: http://ametist.cs.utwente.nl/INTERNAL/
[268] J. Till, S. Engell, S. Panek, and O. Stursberg. Applied hybrid system optimization - an
empirical investigation of complexity. Control Engineering Practice, 12(10):1269–1278, 2004.
Available from World Wide Web: http://ametist.cs.utwente.nl/INTERNAL/PUBLICATIONS/
[269] J. Till, S. Engell, G. Sand, and E. Clostermann. Rigorous vs. stochastic algorithms for two-stage
stochastic integer programming applications. In Proc. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent
Computing, 2005. Available from World Wide Web: http://ametist.cs.utwente.nl/INTERNAL/
PUBLICATIONS/DORTMUNDPublications/TESC05.pdf. accepted.
[270] J. Till, G. Sand, S. Engell, M. Emmerich, and L. Schoenemann. A hybrid algorithm for solv-
ing two-stage stochastic integer problems by combining evolutionary algorithms and mathematical
programming methods. In Proc. European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering,
ESCAPE 15, 2005. Available from World Wide Web: http://ametist.cs.utwente.nl/INTERNAL/
PUBLICATIONS/DORTMUNDPublications/TSEES05.pdf. accepted.
[271] Jochen Till, Sebastian Engell, Sebastian Panek, and Olaf Stursberg. Empirical complexity anal-
ysis of a milp-approach for optimization of hybrid systems. In IFAC Conference on Analysis
and Design of Hybrid Systems, pages 129–134, Saint-Malo, France, 2003. Available from World
Wide Web: http://ametist.cs.utwente.nl/INTERNAL/PUBLICATIONS/DORTMUNDPublications/

[272] S. Tripakis. Description and schedulability analysis of the software architecture of an automated
vehicle control system. In EMSOFT, 2002. Available from World Wide Web: http://www-verimag.
[273] S. Tripakis. Fault diagnosis for timed automata. In FTRTFT, 2002. Available from World Wide
Web: http://www-verimag.imag.fr/~tripakis/ta_diag.pdf.
[274] S. Tripakis. Automated module composition. In Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and
Analysis of Systems (TACAS’03), volume 2619 of LNCS. Springer, 2003.
[275] S. Tripakis. Folk theorems on the determinization and minimization of timed automata. In Formal
Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems (FORMATS’03), LNCS. Springer, 2003.
[276] S. Tripakis. Undecidable problems of decentralized observation and control. Information Processing
Letters, 90(1):21–28, 2004.
[277] F.W. Vaandrager and A.L. de Groot. Analysis of a biphase mark protocol with Uppaal and PVS.
Technical Report NIII-R0445, NIII, Radboud University Nijmegen, 2004. Available from World Wide
Web: http://www.cs.kun.nl/ita/publications/papers/fvaan/BMP.html. Published in Formal
Aspects of Computing Journal 18(4):433-458, December 2006.
[278] W. Vogler and K.G. Larsen, editors. Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Models for
Time-Criticial Systems, MTCS’02. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 2002.
[279] Gera Weiss. Optimal Scheduler for a Memory Card. Research report, Weizmann, 2002.
Available from World Wide Web: http://ametist.cs.utwente.nl/INTERNAL/PUBLICATIONS/
[280] Gera Weiss. Modeling smart-card personalization machine with LSCs. Research report, Weiz-
mann, 2003. Available from World Wide Web: http://ametist.cs.utwente.nl/INTERNAL/
[281] Gera Weiss. Memoryless output feedback nullification and canonical forms, for time varying sys-
tems. 2005. Available from World Wide Web: http://www.wisdom.weizmann.ac.il/~gera/
TimeVarying.pdf. Submited to the international journal of control.
[282] Sarah Zennou. Methodes d’ordre partiel pour la verification de systemes concurrents et temps reel.
PhD thesis, Universite de Provence, Laboratoire d’Informatique Fondamentale de Marseille, 2004.
Available from World Wide Web: http://www.cmi.univ-mrs.fr/~niebert/docs/thesezennou.
[283] Sarah Zennou, Manuel Yguel, and Peter Niebert. ELSE : A new symbolic state generator for
timed automata. In Kim G. Larsen and Peter Niebert, editors, Proceedings of the 1st Inter-
national Workshop on Formal Modelling and Analysis of Timed Systems, FORMATS 2003, vol-
ume 2791 of LNCS, pages 263–270. Springer-Verlag, 2003. Available from World Wide Web:
A List of Deliverables
No Description Due Date Delivery Status Resp Partner
4.4 Ametist Website May 02 May 02 accepted UT, all
0.1.1 Project Rep. - Progress & Evaluation Oct 02 Nov 02 accepted KUN, all
3.1.1 Case Study 1: Prel. Description Oct 02 May 02 accepted LIF, CYR
3.2.1 Case Study 2: Prel. Description Oct 02 Apr 02 accepted AAU, Terma
3.3.1 Case Study 3: Prel. Description Oct 02 Sep 02 accepted Uni DO, Bosch
3.4.1 Case Study 4: Prel. Description Oct 02 Oct 02 accepted Uni DO, Axxom
4 Dissemination and Use Plan Oct 02 Oct 02 accepted (qual.) VERIMAG, all
4.1.1 Ametist Workshop Oct 02 Apr 02 accepted VERIMAG
0.1.2 Project Rep. - Progress & Evaluation Apr 03 Jun 03 accepted KUN, all
0.2.1 Framework Report (v1) Apr 03 Jun 03 accepted VERIMAG, all
0.3.1 Financial Review Apr 03 Jun 03 accepted KUN, all
1.5 Modeling: Controller Synthesis Apr 03 Apr 03 accepted VERIMAG
2.3.a A & T: State Space Representations Apr 03 Jun 03 accepted LIF
3.1.2 Case Study 1: Model Apr 03 Jun 03 accepted LIF, CYR
3.2.2 Case Study 2: Model Apr 03 May 03 accepted AAU, Terma
3.3.2 Case Study 3: Model Apr 03 Jun 03 accepted Uni DO, Bosch
3.4.2 Case Study 4: Model Apr 03 Jun 03 accepted Uni DO, Axxom
3.5.1 Misc. Case Studies: First Year Report Apr 03 May 03 accepted UT, all CRs
0.1.3 Project Rep. - Progress & Evaluation Oct 03 Apr 04 accepted KUN, all
0.1.4 Mid Term Assessment Report Apr 04 May 04 accepted KUN, all
0.2.2 Framework Report (v2) Apr 04 May 04 accepted VERIMAG, all
0.3.2 Financial Review Apr 04 June 04 accepted KUN, all
1.2 Modelling: Model Composition Apr 04 May 04 accepted (qual.) KUN
1.3 Modelling: Quantitative Modelling Apr 04 May 04 accepted UT
1.4 Modelling: Scheduling and Planning Apr 04 May 04 accepted Uni DO
2.1.1 A & T: Abstraction and Compositionality Apr 04 May 04 accepted KUN
2.2.1 A & T: Control Synthesis Algorithms Apr 04 May 04 accepted VERIMAG
2.3.b A & T: State Space Representations (v2) Apr 04 May 04 accepted (qual.) LIF
2.4.a A & T: Stochastic Analysis (v1) Apr 04 May 04 accepted UT
2.5.a A & T: Tool Interaction (v1) Apr 04 May 04 accepted AAU
3.1.3 Case Study 1: Optimisation Apr 04 May 04 accepted LIF, CYR
3.2.3 Case Study 2: Optimisation Apr 04 May 04 accepted AAU, Terma
3.3.3 Case Study 3: Optimisation Apr 04 May 04 accepted Uni DO, Bosch
3.4.3 Case Study 4: Optimisation Apr 04 May 04 accepted Uni DO, Axxom
3.5.2 Misc. Case Studies: Second Year Report Apr 04 Apr 04 accepted UT, all CRs
0.1.5 Project Rep. - Progress & Evaluation Oct 04 May 05 accepted KUN, all
0.1.6 Progress report for the last period Apr 05 Oct 06 submitted KUN, all
0.2.3 Framework Report (v3b) Apr 05 May 06 submitted VERIMAG, all
0.3.3 Financial Review Aug 05 Oct 05 submitted KUN, all
1.1 Modelling: Model Classification Apr 05 May 06 submitted VERIMAG
2.1.2 A & T: Structure Exploitation Apr 05 Jun 05 accepted KUN
2.2.2 A & T: Scheduling and Planning Algorithms Apr 05 May 06 submitted VERIMAG
2.3.c A & T: State Space Representations (v3) Apr 05 May 06 submitted LIF
2.4.b A & T: Stochastic Analysis (v2) Apr 05 May 05 accepted UT
2.5.b A & T: Tools and Tool Interaction (v2) Apr 05 Oct 06 accepted AAU
3.1.4 Case Study 1: Final Report Apr 05 May 06 submitted LIF
3.2.4 Case Study 2: Final Report Apr 05 May 05 accepted AAU, Terma
3.3.4 Case Study 3: Final Report Apr 05 May 05 accepted KUN, Bosch
3.4.4 Case Study 4: Final Report Apr 05 Jun 05 accepted Uni DO, Axxom
3.5.3 Misc. Case Studies: Final Report Apr 05 May 06 submitted UT, all CRs
4.1.2 Ametist Conference Apr 05 Jun 05 accepted VERIMAG
eTIP Technological Implementation Plan 73 Jun 05 Jun 07 accepted KUN, all

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