Kim Yeora 200305 PHD PDF
Kim Yeora 200305 PHD PDF
Kim Yeora 200305 PHD PDF
This study investigated the children’s Internet use behavior and how the Internet
usage changes children’s daily lives. 297 children in 4th through 9th grades participated in
survey. Particularly, this study examined how children allocated their time to different
media and daily activities and the relationship between children’s Internet use and level
of physical activities, social involvement and relationship, and loneliness. This study
found no displacement effect of the Internet on children’s daily activities. Rather, it was
found that children who spend more time on the Internet were more likely to spend more
time with other media, more time on some kind of physical activities, and were more
socially involved. The Internet provided a place for communication and social
relationships for children. Net-generation children surrounded by media were not
necessarily giving up other activities that were also important for their intellectual,
physical, social and psychological development.
© 2003
Yeora Kim
Maureen Grasso
Dean of the Graduate School
The University of Georgia
May 2003
To Hyung-Jin and Grace (HyeJoon),
whose tremendous love, support, and patience
make this possible.
This study would not have been possible without the enduring love and support
from many people. First of all, I would like to dedicate my dissertation to my God who
He not only provides me intellectual advice but also shows me how to approach the
knowledge. I also appreciate Dr. Dominick and his wife for the generous love for my
I am grateful for Dr. Alexander for her support and encouragement. She has
constantly showed me support and given me her time to listen to me. I was fortunate to
work with her. The committee members, Dr. Kavoori, Dr. Tinkham, and Dr. Campbell
have shared their knowledge and advice with me. I am thankful for their valuable advice
and support.
This study was made possible thanks to my family. Without enduring love and
support from my parents-in-law, Yong-Gil Woo, and Gui-In Ro, I would have given up
my study. I am deeply grateful for my parents, Young- Woon Kim and Hyo-Whan Lee,
is the most incredible friend and helper of my life. His tremendous love and sacrifice
made this possible. I am deeply grateful for his support. My daughter, Grace (HyeJoon),
who has always made me laugh, is my source of inspiration. Thanks to Hyung-Jin and
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................................................................v
1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................1
Chapter Organization.....................................................................................7
2 LITERATURE REVIEW...................................................................................8
Displacement Effect.....................................................................................21
3 METHOD.........................................................................................................47
Sample .........................................................................................................47
Measurements ..............................................................................................48
4 RESULTS.........................................................................................................61
Sample Description......................................................................................61
Displacement of Non-Media Activities .......................................................68
5 DISCUSSION ..................................................................................................97
D QUESTIONNAIRE........................................................................................117
Studies about the Internet started from investigating who had Internet access.
Researchers then moved to investigate actual Internet use, including how much time
people spend on the Internet and what they are doing. This study starts with the
assumption that most children now have Internet access either at school, library, or at
home. Thus, it examines children’s actual Internet usage and how the Internet usage
changes children’s daily lives in terms of physical, social, and psychological health by
investigating the level of physical activities, social interaction and relationship, and
loneliness. The study also examines how children allocate their time to different media
The Internet is a new and innovative medium that can completely change the lives
of people much as television did in the 1950s and 1960s. The Internet changes people’s
information easily and quickly, communicating with many different kinds of people
separated by space and time, and reallocating time for their daily activities. Through
various types of Internet uses, such as, e-mail, newsgroups, and chatting, the way people
communicate is changed. Since the Internet has changed our lives in a revolutionary way,
we cannot help but study and investigate the Internet as to what influence it has on us.
Many scholars in various fields, such as education, psychology and sociology,
have studied the impact of the Internet on people and society and reported pros and cons
of using the Internet. Children are particularly interesting subjects for studying the
Internet for several reasons. First, the Internet is at the heart of a new generation, called
the Net generation. According to Don Tapscott, the Net generation consists of babies still
in diapers to people who are in their twenties (Tapscott, 1998a). Digital media surrounds
the Net generation, who are savvy new technology users. The Internet is an essential part
of the Net-generation’s lives. Unlike their parents, this generation doesn’t have any fear
toward the new medium. The Internet is not even a new technology for youngsters. It is
Second, the number of kids and teens who are using the Internet is growing fast
every year. According to Nua’s Internet survey, 605.60 million people worldwide were
online as of September 2002, up from 580.7 million in May 2002 (Nua Internet Survey,
2002). The Pew Internet & American Life Project reported that 45% of all American
children who were under 18 years old were on line (Pew Research Center, 2000a). In
addition, 95 percent of public schools in the U.S. were connected to the Internet in 1999
(National Center for Education Statistics, 2002). This statistics show that almost all
schools in the U.S. now have Internet access regardless of level, region, or poverty
content for children on the Internet poses a huge concern for parents, we need to know
Third, children are in a developmental stage. The fact that children spend more
time in front of a computer using the Internet suggests the possible impact of Internet use
on children’s physical, social and mental development. The possible positive influence of
suggests that children can acquire lots of information and apply it to their education.
However, the claim about the positive impact of the Internet is arguable because children
may not get only educational information. Children may use the Internet for various
surfing and visiting different kinds of web sites, etc. The fact that there is no specific
regulation about the Internet, nor proper knowledge and guidance of children’s Internet
Also, there have been several claims of a possible negative impact of the Internet
on children’s daily lives. There have been some concerns about the negative impact of
the Internet on children concerning violent and sexual content and a displacement effect
in such areas as social relationships, including interaction with family and friends,
physical activity and other leisure-time activities, such as reading and playing, and a
negative effect on psychological well-being, such as loneliness. However, there have not
been many studies regarding this issue. Previous research also has mixed findings.
Therefore, we need to know how Internet use will influence children in terms of physical,
social and psychological development to confirm or reconsider the results from the
previous studies.
Every time a new medium has been introduced, the primary concern by society
has been the impact on children in either a positive or negative way. There have been
many past studies that looked at the impact of various kinds of media on children.
The Payne fund studies investigated the effects of movies on children in 1920s
(Lowery & DeFleur, 1995). Several researchers studied the impact of movies on children
in terms of audience, content, attitudes, emotions, health, conduct, and behavior. Even
young children were among the moviegoers at that time. A large content analysis of films
during the 1920s reported that over three-fourths of the films contained crime, sex, and
love. Few films dealt with content that was suitable for children. Also, the use of tobacco
and alcohol was frequently portrayed. In addition, it was found that children were more
vulnerable agents than adults in emotional arousal from watching films. One study even
concluded that certain kinds of films might disturb children’s sleep. Moreover, it was
found that children might imitate the movie character in the real world.
Wertham conducted a study of the effect of crime comic books under the title of
“Seduction of the innocent: The great comic book scare” during the 1950s (Lowery &
DeFleur, 1995). Despite all the criticism, this study found that children were seduced by
Television was introduced to our lives during 1950s more quickly than any other
medium. A study by Schramm, Lyle and Parker (1961), which was the first major study
physical, emotional, cognitive and behavioral effect. This study concluded that television
might do harmful things for some children. Specifically, watching television made
children spend less time with playing (both inside and outside), house chores (e.g.,
cooking and cleaning), listening to radio, going to movies, and reading books.
The Surgeon General’s report on television and social behavior at the end of
1960s was another huge project of the television’s effect. A total of twenty-three projects
were conducted to examine television’s effect. These studies found that television was
saturated with violent content and children were exposed to violence as the time spent
with television increased. Also, children observed and learned the behaviors of actors in
This study of the impact of the Internet on children is in line with the previous
research of mass media effect on children. As the numbers of children who use the
Internet grow, the impact of the Internet on children’s daily lives as well as how and why
Although we all realize the importance of studying the impact of the Internet on
our children’s lives, little research has been done regarding the displacement effect of the
Internet for children. Particularly, research showing the relationship between Internet use
and displacement effect for various daily activities including physical activity and social
involvement is still a debatable issue. Also, whether Internet use is related to children’s
1) How children use their time. In particular, how children allocate their
computer and Internet using is investigated. Then, time spent with non-
unorganized physical activities, attending community events, church,
2) How children use the Internet. Children’s general Internet use will be
examined. Various types of the Internet use by children and the amount
use by child and the level of physical activities, social relations, and
psychological well-being.
In sum, the purpose of this study is to examine children’s Internet use behavior
and how Internet usage changes children’s daily lives. It will seek to determine if there is
a possible displacement effect for daily activities and an impact on children’s physical,
Chapter Organization
Chapter two presents the literature review about Internet as a new medium,
social relations, and psychological well-being, and displacement effect. Also, research
Chapter five discusses the implication of the study and suggestion for the
following studies.
defined as the “electronic network of networks that links people and information through
information retrieval.” The advent of the computer and the Internet has brought a whole
new world in terms of gathering, disseminating, creating, and criticizing information and
communicating with people. Since the Internet became popular in the early 1990s, many
people log on the web and search for information instead of going to the newspaper or
television to get information. As the number of people who use the Internet is growing,
most people now accept that Internet is a revolutionary new medium that has changed our
life style completely. However, nobody can exactly tell how the Internet changes our
lives. As Kubey (2000) argued, the Internet as new media technology may enhance and
The Internet now is becoming an important research topic in various fields,
education, computer science and so on. Then, what are the distinctive characteristics of
the Internet as a new medium and how is it different from the old media, such as
The Internet has several distinctive features. First, the Internet is an active and
interactive medium. In other words, the Internet is a two way medium. We call a person
who uses the Internet “user,” not a viewer or listener. “User” suggests activeness and
controllability. Internet users can create information by themselves or actively search and
reach the information on the web. Further, people evaluate the given information and set
forth their view so that other people can see them. Interaction with other users is another
feature of interactivity of the Internet. Opinions and views flow freely on the web. Even
though television viewers can watch television actively by means of choosing a channel,
Second, the Internet transcends time and space. Internet provides an easy way to
connect to people who live far away. In fact, many children keep in touch with foreign
friends, or friends they made in camp, every day and even know what they’re up to
(Wolcott, 1999). The Internet is a globalized place in that people can easily meet new
people from all over the world, which was not possible before the introduction of the
Internet. Also, the Internet changes our sense of time. We neither have to wait for the
morning or evening newspaper nor wait for the program on television. We simply go to
Third, the Internet is a revolutionary communication tool. We mainly have used
mail or phone as a communication tool until e-mail spread. Now, we have a new
communication tool- the Internet -- that provides an easy way to keep in touch with
people. The Stanford Institute for the Quantitative Study of Society conducted a large
Internet survey in December 1999, with a national sample of 4,113 individuals from
2,689 households. According to a preliminary report by Nie and Erbring of this project
(2000), sending and receiving e-mails is the most common online activity for each
demographic group. Thus, Internet offers a new channel for communication between
The Internet not only offers a new way to communicate with people but also
enables them to connect with a virtual community where people have shared interests.
Oravec (2000) argued that the notion of ‘neighbor’ has been changed from only the
individuals who live nearby to include those whom people meet and maintain relationship
on line. In fact, people can make real friendship and get support through various
websites, support groups (Parks & Roberts, 1998), or online counseling (Powell, 1998).
Today’s home is called a “wired home,” where family members perform all kinds
of activities through a computer network (Oravec, 2000). New technology also changes
the home as place where family members get together. In other words, the Internet affects
not only family members but also the function of the home environment. Gumpert and
Drucker (1998) analyzed the media technology and the changing communication
landscape affecting home environment. They argued that the home as space could be
Many families now have more than one television set. The number of television
sets and VCRs is high in families with children (Rice, 1996). The television set is no
more the centerpiece of the home or a tool for gathering family members together.
Gumpert and Drucker (1998) argued that even generations were defined by media
Communication devices, such as, radio, television, telephone, and especially the
computer/Internet seem to not only make life be more convenient and provide time for
leisure (for example, people can do daily activities like shopping, banking, or finding
information, or even getting prescription online) but also take up time from other
activities. On the other hand, new technological developments such as electricity, washer,
dryer, toaster, etc. seemed to help people to live conveniently and save time.
“Children are not viewers; they are users and they are active. They do not
just observe; they participate. They inquire, discuss, argue, play, shop,
critique, investigate, ridicule, fantasize, seek, and inform.” By Tapscott
Almost all new media, including radio, television, computer and the Internet, have
been considered a potential positive and negative influence on children. Children have
been treated as the most vulnerable agents of media influence. Moreover, the concern
about media effects on children has grown as media occupy a large portion of children’s
The Internet is a primary educational and developmental tool for many parents
and teachers (Demner, 2001). A study of children’s use of the Internet by National
School Boards Foundation (n.d.), which surveyed 1,735 households for both parents and
children, showed that most parents and children considered the Internet as a positive tool
in children’s lives.
“The majority of American parents with computers at home juggle the dream and
the nightmare of the Internet at the same time (Turow, 1999).”As children spend more
time on the Internet, many parents have been worried about the impact of the Internet on
their children. Turow’s Internet study in 1999, which surveyed 1,102 parents, found three
Worriers’ had conflicting opinions about the impact of the Internet on children. While
about 88% of parents expressed their concern that heavy Internet use might isolate
children, about 66% of those were also concerned that Internet might contribute to
children’s antisocial behavior. In addition, over 75% of parents expressed their concerns
that children might provide private information to strangers and view sexually explicit
materials online. At the same time, these parents still believe that the Internet helps
children in some way. More than 90% of parents said that children could get help from
the Internet for their homework and 87% agreed that children could learn useful things
online. Also, nearly 79% of parents answered that children without Internet access were
necessity for children’s future success. ‘Gung Ho parents’ were the ones who had highly
positive opinions toward the Internet. In general, even though many parents think that the
Internet has a positive impact on children, at the same time they are concerned about the
possible negative influence of the Internet including violent and sexual content, strangers,
Content on the Internet is one of the potential problems for children. Children are
able to get any information through the Internet without adults’ mediation in various
settings including home, school, and library. For example, parents whose child built a
bomb by retrieving information through the Internet had to let the child use the Internet
again after some restrictions because they worried their son might be computer illiterate
(My son built a bomb, 1997). Content pertaining to violent information, such as how to
make a bomb, pornographic materials, hate information are among those that can
Chat rooms may be another Internet hazard. Nie and Erbring (2000) reported that
those under the age of 25 were the biggest group who used the chat room often.
Surprisingly, a huge portion of this chatting interaction was with people whose identity
was not known. Contacting strangers and making friendship with unknown people make
parents nervous about their children’s Internet use. In addition, since children may
the influence of those advertisements on children’s buying and consuming behavior could
overwhelmed by the amount of information. Those who have little experience with the
information on the Internet is unchecked and that anyone can be an author on the Internet,
the Internet might provide inaccurate, biased, and misleading information (Flanagin, &
Metzger, 2000). However, lots of people seem to believe what the Internet offers to them.
For example, a UCLA study (2001) found that about 58 % of users answered that they
believed most of the information provided by the Internet was accurate and reliable.
Children as Internet users could be the easiest victims of misinformation on the Internet
since children are still in a developmental stage in terms of reasoning and judgment. Also
the fact that information seeking is one of the most common Internet activities provides a
question about how people perceive the credibility of the information on the Internet.
As children depend on the Internet more than before, they seem to trust all the
information from the Internet. Thus, whether a high level of Internet usage is related to
and Metzger (2000) assessed people’s perception of the credibility of the information
from the Internet and compared it to the information from other media sources. In this
study, they found that information from the Internet was perceived as credible as the
other media including, radio and television although the newspaper was perceived the
According to interviews with teens by Wolcott (1999), the Internet equals freedom for
some teens and gives a sense of independence. Parents frequently limit the time on the
telephone but infrequently with computer use. Teens use lots of slang and shorthand 1
online to express individuality and speed up the conversation. This Internet slang
Internet, children seem to know more than their parents do. Whereas adults control
Examples of Internet slang or shorthand are following: wazup? (What’s up?), ready 4 2nite? (Ready for
tonight?), luv (love), g2g (got to go), and wut? (what?) (Wolcott, 1999)
Since various forms of media, such as, television, radio, and Internet are taking
much of children’s time, the relations hips between media, children’s time use and their
development should be examined carefully. Huston, Wright, Marquis and Green (1999)
claimed that young children’s use of time would be particularly important to their
is probably more malleable than it is in later childhood and adolescence; and young
children probably have less control over their options for time use than do older
Bianchi and Robinson (1997) noted that most children’s time use studies had
focused on the time spent with parents (especially for preschool children) rather than
examining more broadly how children spend their time. Also, few of these studies have
1) Media activities
Since television was introduced to our lives during the 1950s, the amount of time
spent on the television watching has grown dramatically. Likewise, as the Internet has
begun to take time from children’s daily schedule, it is interesting to see how much time
children spend on each media activity. Also, various types of Internet use and how it is
different across gender, age, the level of experience and home media environment should
be examined.
The UCLA Internet study (2001) reported that users spent about 9.8 hours a week
on the Internet. The primary reason for going online was to obtain information quickly,
Sending and receiving e-mail is the most common Internet activity among
children. Also, instant messages are one of the Internet activities that many users do
online (Nie, & Erbring, 2000; UCLA Center For Communication Policy, 2001). Internet
research by Pew Research Center (2001) showed that about 20% teens used instant
message as a way of contacting friends. Through e-mail and instant messages, teens
extend their relationship with friends outside of school. Gross, Juvonen, and Gable
(2002) reported that instant messaging, visiting and surfing web sites, and e-mailing were
the most common Internet activities among children aged 10 to 13 years old. They argued
involvement (Demner, 2001). Girls use the Internet as much as boys. However, girls and
boys used the Internet in different ways (National School Boards Foundation, n.d.). Girls
reported that they used the Internet for education, schoolwork, e-mail and chat rooms
whereas boys were likely to use the Internet for entertainment and games. Thus, when it
comes to the Internet, the stereotype of girls’ having technology phobia might disappear.
Huston et al. (1999) indicated that television viewing is negatively associated with
age. As children go to school and have lots of things to do, they may not have enough
time for television viewing, so time spent with television may decline with age. However,
when it comes to the Internet, several studies reported that older children use the Internet
more than younger children. According to Pew Research Center Internet project (2001),
older teens were likely to use the Internet more than younger teens. The study by
National School Boards Foundation (n.d.) reported that teenagers were more likely to go
online at school whereas younger children log on at home rather than at school.
Wästlund, Norlander, and Archer (2001) also reported that younger people have more
who have used the Internet for more than three years are more likely younger and more
educated. Also, Internet veterans do more things, use the Internet more frequently and
longer. This study also reported that Internet use patterns seemed to change over time
from fun, to information seeking, to more important things like job searching, to more
difficult things like online banking and shopping. The UCLA Internet study (2001) also
confirmed that very experienced Internet users (five or more years on the Internet) used
the Internet for e-mail, professional work, reading news or trading stocks, whereas people
who had experience with the Internet less than one year reported that they spent a large
portion of time online surfing the web, playing games, or chatting. Another study by Pew
research center (2001) indicated that teens with years of online experience were more
likely use the Internet more. A Stanford study (2000) also reported that the amount of
experience with the Internet was positively related to the amount of hours on the Internet
The percentage of Internet connectivity of public schools in the United States has
reached about 99% in fall 2001 (National Center for Education Statistics, 2002). This is a
huge increase compared to about 34 % of public schools that had Internet access in 1994.
Although most schools provide computers to students and try to narrow the digital gap
between the Internet haves and have-nots, Internet access at home may be a variable that
predicts the amount of time spent on the Internet, the effect on the participation in other
Indeed, the National School Boards Foundation (n.d.) reported that parents said
that home outpaced school for children’s Internet access, while children said that they
used the Internet more at school. Given that the main reason for families to buy
computers and connect to the Internet was for children’s education, and education was
one of main reasons for children’s increased Internet use (National School Boards
children’s Internet use. Also, the Pew Internet & American Life project (2001) reported
that about 83% of teenagers aged 12 to 17 logged online from home, even though most
teens said they access the Internet from multiple locations, such as, school, library,
Gumpert and Drucker (1998) claimed that home environment after the
because this space could be influenced by the changes in societal and communication
ways. They argued that the new domestic technologies could affect social interaction in
the home environment in two ways: facilitate the interaction or substitute for the
interaction between people. Especially for children, the home media environment may be
a crucial factor in predicting children’s media use. Since children under 18 years old are
still in the developmental stage in general, their media use may need guidance and
mediation from adults. Whether children use the Internet in a separate place where
mediation by adults is not easy should not be overlooked when studying children’s
general Internet use. Thus, the ownership of a personal computer or Internet access would
Internet access regarding social, economic and geographic level. DiMaggio redefined the
al. (2001) defined the “digital divide” as “inequalities in access to the Internet, extent of
support, ability to evaluate the quality of information, and diversity of uses.” When we
suppose that the Internet might play an important role in children’s development and
Based on the literature review, the following research questions and hypotheses
RQ 1-1: What are the general characteristics of children’s media use, such as watching
television, reading newspaper, listening to radio, playing video game, reading books and
using the Internet? What is the relationship between the home media environment and the
RQ 1-2: What are the general characteristics of children’s Internet use? How much time
do children spend on using the Internet? What are the general perceptions of children
about the credibility of the Internet and the effect of the Internet on their time use? How
is the perception of the Internet effect on time use different in terms of age, gender, and
Internet experience?
RQ 1-3: How are the Internet uses by children different in terms of home media
H 1-1: Children who own their Internet accessible computer will spend more time
H 1-2: Children who have more experience with the Internet will spend more time
H 1-3: Older children will use more Internet than younger children.
2) Non-media activities
&O’Brien, 1985; Carpenter, Huston, & Spera, 1989), young children spend their time
with several activities, such as education (e.g., attending school), sleeping, eating,
personal care (e.g., grooming, bathing), house chores, attending community events (e.g.,
Given that the number of children who use the Internet and the amount of time
spent on the Internet are growing, many have worried that children might jeopardize their
routine daily activities to spend more of their time online. A recent study of children’s
daily activities including Internet use by Gross, Juvonen, and Gable (2002) reported that
children spent most of their after school time on daily activities, such as, participating in
organized sports activities, hanging out with friends, and talking on the phone. That is,
Research question two examines the time spent with non-media activities by
RQ 2: How much time do children spend on non-media activities, including school,
Displacement Effect
1) Theoretical background
Social capital is the notion that is the foundation for trust in a civic society
(Putnam, 1993). It embraces the concept of social interaction that includes social trust,
civic engagement, and social connectedness. In his book ‘Bowling alone,’ Putnam argued
that television was the prime suspect in declining American social ties as he worried
about the decreasing number of bowling leagues. Moy, Scheufele, and Holbert (1999)
defined ‘social capital’ as the relationships of citizens within a community that also can
be termed ‘civic engagement.’ Wellman, Haase, Witte, and Hampton (2001) classified
social capital into three forms: Network capital, Participatory capital, and Community
commitment. Network capital represents the relations with family, friends, and neighbors
controversial issue in previous research. The Internet might increase social capital in that
people can express and exchange their opinions through bulletin boards, communicate
with people who are far away through e-mail and instant messaging, and easily make an
online relationship and get support, and often connect to off line meetings.
In contrast, the Internet could also decrease social capital in that the Internet
might prevent people from having face-to-face contact in real world settings and further
alienate them from real contact and interactions. Also, the Internet can take so much time
that people don’t have enough time for participation in various other activities including
community events, physical activities, and volunteer work. Putnam (1995a) argued that
television was the only driving force in the decline of social capital in America. He
claimed that television viewing led us to reduce our leisure time activities and
participation in outside activities. Putnam (1995b) argued that people who grew up
without television tended to engage in more civic events than people with television.
Further, he found that television viewing was negatively associated with social capital
whereas newspaper use was positively associated. Throughout his argument, he blamed
television viewing as the main reason for declining social activity outside the home.
However, Putnam’s claim has been criticized in that he was concerned only with the total
One way to study the impact of new media in our daily lives is to examine the
change in time spent on the new media and time spent on the existing media. ‘Time’ is a
particularly useful variable in exploring the impact of new technology in terms of the
time people devote to each media activity (Robinson, Kestnbaum, Neustadtl, & Alvarez,
2000). According to Robinson and Kestnbaum (1999), the ‘zero sum’ rule may be the
most appropriate feature of time study in this regard. Zero-sum relationship is the basic
assumption of the displacement effect for the amount of time spent in various daily
activities. Time displacement suggests that the introduction of online media into a user’s
schedule of activities will cause a reduction of time spent on other activities. In other
words, when a new media activity is introduced into our scheduled lives, corresponding
Time displacement effect has been tested whenever a new medium has been
introduced to our scheduled lives. When radio was new, the influence on the print media
was tested (Lazarsfeld, 1940). When television, cable television, VCRs, and computers
were introduced, the influence on the existing media was investigated (Belson, 1961;
Kaplan, 1978; Henke & Donohue, 1989; James & Wotring, 1995).
Many researchers have proposed that television viewing might displace some
other activities that are essential for children in terms of intellectual, social, and physical
development. Many of the studies about displacement effect of a new medium on other
activities have been focused on children because of children’s vulnerability and the
potential importance of activities which provide growth and development for children
(Mutz & Roberts, 1993). Maccoby (1951) addressed the concern over the effect of
television on how children spend their time in terms of the question, “what children
would be doing if they do not watch television during these hours?” Mutz and Roberts
(1993) also claimed that such activities, including homework, out-of-school reading,
clubs, organized sports, or hobbies along with media activities, such as television
watching, going to movies and listening to the radio, would be classified as important
activities for children’s intellectual, social, and physical growth, whereas such activities
pointed out the negligence of time spent in school attendance or sleep in the children’s
time study.
television to other activities. That is, other activities that have similar functions to
television will be displaced by television. Mutz and Roberts (1993) pointed out the
functional similarity issue in the study of displacement effect of television on the patterns
of media use and other leisure activities. Since television serves as a source of
information, entertainment, relaxation, passing time, etc., activities that serve the same
functions as television might be displaced as the time spent with television increases.
Mutz and Roberts (1993) stated three possible displacement hypotheses. First
would be “the more, the less” hypothesis, which means that the more children watch
television, the less time they will devote to other activities. Second is “the more, the
more” hypothesis, which suggests that children who actively participate in one activity
are likely to participate in other activities as well. Thus, these children may use a new
medium more when a new medium is introduced to their lives. Third would be called,
“marginal activities hypothesis.” This hypothesis introduced the notion that time spent on
television viewing might come from marginal activities that could not be measured as
well as unspecific. Nevertheless, this hypothesis assumes that time spent with television
should come from time spent on other activities. The question would be where this time
comes from, whether from important activities or marginal activities, from media
However, the simple displacement notion has not been consistently evident in
previous time use diary studies. One of the reasons the researchers considered to explain
this inconsistency is that the displacement models are too simplistic. That is, to examine
the association between time spent with media and time spent with other activities would
be too simple. In case of television viewing, one way of avoiding the simplicity of the
who watch a lot of sports might have more participation in sports activities. Likewise,
various activities on the Internet, such as, e-mail, finding information, playing game,
shopping, chatting, or surfing can explain the relations between time spent with the
Internet and other activities. For example, people who use the Internet mostly for e-mail
might have more social interaction with people, while people who mostly play games on
the Internet possibly spend little time with people in real life.
radio, or the Internet may be considered directly related to time displacement (Robinson
et al. 2000). In other words, other modern technologies, such as, washing machines and
microwave, seem to make people use their time more effectively. By contrast, television
which means that people often watch television as a secondary activity. The Internet
requires more attention and engagement than television (Nie & Erbring, 2000). It would
be possible to use the Internet while eating something or listening to radio. However,
events, are not easily done while using the Internet. Since the Internet has different
features than television, it may possibly have different explanations in regard to the
displacement effect.
As the Internet becomes a part of people’s lives, one major question to consider is
what activities will be replaced by the increasing time spent on the Internet.
2) Displacement of existing media
examine the influence of television on attending movies and listening to radio (Schramm,
Lyle, & Parker, 1961; Williams & Boyes, 1986). These studies suggested that the
movies and listening to the radio. The new media apparently displaced activities that had
in this case.
Some studies report that time spent on the computer is taken directly from the
time spent on television. Tapscott claimed that the Net generation is represented by the
shift from broadcast to interactive (Tapscott, 1996). He also reported that children
watched television four hours less than their parents and over an hour less than five years
ago. “Surveying the digital future,” a publication of the University of California Los
Angeles (2001), noted that time spent on television was reduced as time spent on the
Internet increased. The Stanford study by Nie and Erbring (2000) also reported that
Internet use seemed to decrease the amount of time with traditional media, especially
television watching. About 60% of respondents responded that the Internet had reduced
television-watching time whereas one third of them reported that they spent less time
displacement. Since television and the Internet have similar functions in terms of
providing information and entertainment, the Internet users may cut their time with
television. Also, because Internet users can read the newspaper online, they may not need
Indeed, the news study by Pew Research Center (1996) indicated that television
news viewership declined due to the news search on the Internet by young adults. This
means that the Internet is gradually substituting for the traditional media. National School
Boards Foundation study (n.d.) also found that the amount of time watching television
was reduced once children started to use the Internet. However, this study reported that
children spent more time reading the newspaper, magazines and books. About one
quarter of children answered that they watched less television than before in the UCLA
study (2001).
James and Wotring (1995) examined electronic bulletin board users focusing on
the adoption process and social impact. They found that bulletin board use displaced
television, book, telephone, and letter whereas magazine, face-to-face conversation and
other on-line communications were not affected. This study found that television was the
first to be reduced. Further, the authors noted the importance of studying new
Ferguson and Perse (2000) investigated young adults as to whether the World
Wide Web (WWW) was a functional alternative to television viewing. From surveying
and using online media diaries from 250 college students, they suggested that the WWW
differed functionally from television although the WWW has television-like motivations,
such as entertainment, pass time, and relaxation and is functionally similar in diversion.
They argued that Web surfing might not provide relaxation as much as television because
the interactivity of the Internet and the effort to ‘click’ to go to other sites might demand
The study by Mutz and Roberts (1993) demonstrated that the introduction of
television influenced only other media activities, primarily movie attendance and radio
listening. From analyzing the longitudinal data from school children between the 5th
through 12th grades in South African before and after the introduction of television, they
found that time spent with television watching was negatively associated with time spent
with going to movies and listening to radios even six years after television was
Kayany and Yelsma (2000) tested the displacement effect by investigating the
influence of online media on the traditional media and family communication. In this
study, they supported the time displacement hypothesis that the amount of time spent on
other activities were reduced. The time displacement effect was more apparent for
children than adult whereas there was no difference between genders. Kayany and
Yelsma noted possible reasons why children exhibit a higher displacement effect:
children might not have established media habits well and they absorb new media
technology quickly. Regarding the level of Internet use, they reported that heavy users
reading, and family communication. For functional displacement, it was found that
newspaper use was not displaced by online media. It was found that there was no
entertainment function. The findings of this study suggest important implications. First,
children might experience a greater level of displacement effect than adults. Second, the
functions of media should be considered when examining the displacement effect of new
introducing the Internet. Analysis of 1998 new technology survey of the Pew Center of
3,993 national respondents aged 18 and older by Robinson, et al. (2000) examined
whether the time spent on media and social activities by the owners of personal
computers and online service users is decreasing or not. This study used the “yesterday”
approach, which asked respondents what they did yesterday, and found that Internet use
was not significantly associated with traditional media and social activities in regard of
time displacement and prosocial responses. Specifically, the authors found that usage
time of traditional media, such as, radio, newspaper, and even television had remained
literally unchanged since 1994 whereas the time spent on the Internet had tripled from
1995 to 1999. This study also noted the possible multitasking of computer or Internet use
by respondents, which resulted in no time change of traditional media. This means that
people can browse the web while the radio or television is on.
One other interesting finding of media displacement would be by Van den Bulck
and Van den Bergh (2000). The result of their study showed that the restriction of one
words, when parents restrict the amount of watching television, a child uses computer
more. They argued that children tended to move to another medium that offers similar
gratification when their use of one medium was restricted, which was called “media
displacement effect.”
In spite of some studies that have found no reduction of the amount of television
watching, it is generally assumed that Internet reduces the amount of television watching.
In addition, it would be interesting to see how the displacement effect is different in terms
of the level of experience with the Internet. For example, Huston and Wright (1998)
suggested that the effect of television viewing on physical and social activity was the
existing media, the following research questions and hypotheses are presented.
RQ 3: Does use of the Internet displace existing media, including newspaper, radio, and
H 3-1: Internet will displace the existing media. In other words, children who are
heavy Internet users are likely to spend less time with traditional media than are light
Internet users.
Several early studies addressed and expressed concerns about the issue of time
(Belson, 1959; Schramm, Lyle, &, Parker, 1961; Murray & Kippax, 1978; Williams &
Boyes, 1986). Robinson (1969) addressed the issue of the impact of television on our
leisure time activities. He suggested that television has played a huge role in people ’s
daily lives, especially in the consumption of their time. He even argued “television is
Huston et al. have made other possible explanations of displacement (1999). They
argued that television would be more attractive, available, and require less cognitively
physical activities, and socializing. Thus, they have proposed that television might
displace other activities, such as, physical activities, reading, and social interactions
In a study of Australian towns, Murray and Kippax (1978) suggested that children
in a town with no television read books less frequently than children in a town with
television, while Williams and Boyes (1986) found little relation between television
Timmer, Eccles, and O’Brien (1985) found that television viewing was not
associated with most leisure time activities. Although some studies found negative
relations between television watching and leisure time reading (Medrich, Roizen, Rubin,
Buckley, 1982; Ritchie, Price, & Roberts, 1987), the relations were very minimal after
controlling other variables, such as, age, gender, and parent education.
children’s daily activities. Izenberg and Lieberman (1998) asserted that the Internet could
waste children’s time and displace all kinds of important activities that were essential for
children’s development. Likewise, Coffey and Stipp (1997) argued that as computer use
increases, time spent with other free activities will be diminished because of the
limitation of free time. Also, they explained that computers and the Internet offered more
interactivity than traditional media, which led people to be more interested and to spend
more time.
Although some studies reported the possible time displacement effect of new
media, several studies found different results and claimed that the Internet played a
Participation in the Arts (SPPA) that used telephone interviews with a national sample of
12, 376 people aged 18 years or over about personal computer use and free time
activities. SPPA examined whether personal computer use for hobbies and enjoyment
would bring lower levels of participation in other free time activities. From the analysis
of the SPPA, Robinson and Kestnbaum suggested that personal computer users were
more likely to participate in other cultural and leisure activities, such as reading, and
attending arts-related events. They pointed out that several researchers explained this
phenomenon as a “rich get richer” pattern, which suggests that already active participant
become more active in other areas (Meyersohn, 1968; Robinson & Godbey, 1999;
Robinson & Kestnbaum, 1999). However, as the authors mentioned, this study didn’t
include important other activities such as, education, church attendance, organizational
activities, which possibly can be displaced by new technology. In addition, children may
have a different activity framework from adults, and a different time displacement effect.
Since the previous research had mixed findings, this study addresses only a
RQ 4) Does the Internet use displace children’s non-media activities including time spent
4) Displacement of physical activities
Children can have physical and social benefits from participating in organized
organized sports helps develop motor skills, social interaction, creativity, and enjoyment
Almost all media activities are not involved with physical activities and face-to-
face social interaction (Huston, & Wright, 1998). Since media activities cannot offer
these things, children are heavy media users might lack certain activities that are needed
Although television watching may not involve physical activities, some studies
have reported no relation between the amount of time spent with television and physical
Medrich, Rubin, and Buckley (1982) found little relations hip between television
viewing and organized sports or social activities. Murray and Kippax (1978) reported that
children in a town with no television spent more time playing and participating in outdoor
social activities. Also, National School Boards Foundation (n.d.) demonstrated that the
amount of time playing outdoors and doing arts/crafts increased as children’s amount of
In contrast, several studies have reported that media use might reduce the
participation in physical activities. In a study of three towns one with no television, one
with only a public channel, and one with several channels, Williams and Handford (1986)
found that participation in organized sports and social activities outside of the home
declined after television was introduced. Also, Selnow and Reynolds (1984) found that
heavy television viewing led children to participate less in organized group activities.
Durant and Baranowski (1994) observed television watching and physical activity
among 191 young children aged 3 to 4 years and reported that young children who
watched more television were less likely to participate in physical activity than children
who watched less. However, television watching was not associated with body
Some studies examined the effect of media on people’s obesity. A study by Dietz
and Gortmaker (1985) found that frequent television viewing in early childhood predicted
obesity in adolescence even when controlling initial obesity level. A recent study of low-
income preschool children aged 1 to 5 years regarding the relations hip between television
viewing and overweight risk by Dennison, Erb, and Jenkins (2002) confirmed that the
amount of time spent viewing television and video tapes was significantly associated with
being overweight. This relation was particularly significant for children who had a
television viewing and obesity among children aged 6 to 17. This study conducted both
6,671 children aged 12 to 17 years old from the National Health Examination Survey. In
this large survey, it was observed that both children and adolescents who watched more
television experienced more obesity than children who watched less frequently even
when controlling for other variables including prior obesity, region, season, race, and
family variables.
Salmon, Bauman, Crawford, Timperio, and Owen (2000) examined the
relationship between television viewing and physical activity and obesity among
Australian adults. Based on the assumption that sedentary behavior would lead to being
overweight, they argued that television viewing, which is a sedentary activity, might be
associated with being overweight due to decreased physical activity. From surveying
3392 adults, they found that television viewing was associated with being overweight.
However, this relationship was not totally independent of physical activity. This means
that people who are physically active are not at risk as much as people who are inactive
The relationship between television viewing and obesity and physical activity was
examined both cross-sectiona lly and longitudina lly among adolescent girls (Robinson,
Hammer, Killen, Kraemer, Wilson, Hayward, & Taylor, 1993). This study reported that
the amount of time watching television was not associated with obesity as measured by
the Body Mass Index. In addition, the level of physical activity was weakly associated
with the amount of time watching television. However, longitudinal data suggested that
the amount of television watching was not significantly associated with changes in the
Television viewing, time spent playing outside, single parent status, and safety of
the environment are among the determinants of physical activity that may correlate with
obesity (Fulton, Burgeson, Perry, Sherry, Galuska, Alexander, Wechsler, & Caspersen,
2001). Based on the previous research, this study asks the following questions.
RQ 5-1: Does Internet use displace physical activities?
RQ 5-2: What is the relationship between children’s Internet use and the ir attitude toward
physical activity?
RQ 5-3: What is the relationship between the Internet use and obesity among children?
The social effect of the Internet on people can be divided into social involvement
and social relations. Social involvement indicates participation and engagement with
hypothesis by interviewing 416 adults. They examined how television watching and
newspaper reading were related to the perceptions of time pressure 2 and the level of civic
engagement. In this study, they found that the amount of time spent on television
watching was negatively associated with levels of civic engagement whereas newspaper
reading was positively associated with levels of civic engagement, which is consistent
with Putnam’s findings. However, television watching didn’t have any effect on the
perception of time pressure, which suggests that the relations between the time spent with
media and social capital would be determined by factors other than time pressure.
Gustavo (2001) examined 927 Israeli youth about the relationship between
Internet use and leisure activities, peer relations, and prosocial attitudes. This study found
that heavy Internet users are more likely to engage in outdoor activities, including sports,
movies, concerts, and parties. Also, frequent Internet users read more books. However,
heavy Internet users are more likely to feel social isolation from friends and report fewer
To measure the perception of time pressure, respondents were asked ‘how likely it would be for them to
participate and how difficult it would be for them to fit such an activity into their weekly schedule.’
friends than light Internet users. In terms of prosocial attitudes, heavy Internet users
reported less importance on helping others. Thus, adolescents who have fewer friends and
fewer friends who listened to them were more likely to be heavy Internet users.
Many believe that the Internet changes society and people who live in the society
whether it is a positive social impact or negative influence. However, there has not been
much research regarding the change. More specifically, there has been much debate
whether the Internet reduces people’s human relationships or whether it creates new
There have been some studies that looked at how new technology and the Internet
affects the interpersonal relationships people have with friends, family, and relatives.
These studies presented different results. Some studies reported that new communication
technologies prevent people from having face-to-face interaction and further isolate
people from society (Carlson, Chan, Chan, Kurato, Soong, & Yang, 1999; Nie & Erbring,
2000). One of the key findings of the Stanford study by Nie and Erbring (2000) was that
as people spend more time on the Internet, they lose contact with their social
environment: less time talking to friends and family on the phone, being with friends and
family, and attending events outside of home. Nie even argued that the Internet could be
the isolating technology that made people unable to participate social events outside the
investigated (Brody, Stoneman, & Sanders, 1980). From observational study, they
reported that family interaction was reduced when watching television. This study
indicated that television, which was believed to be an important social agent, induced
In contrast, some argue that involvement in the online community can bring a new
home for people who are seeking social relationships (Hampton & Wellman, 1999;
Wellman, 2001; Wellman et al., 2001). In fact, the cyber community provides space for
people to communicate with each other through various online tools, such as e-mail,
According to Hampton and Wellman (1999), new communication tools have been
the Internet. Also, the UCLA study found that more than 80% of Internet users agreed
that e-mail helped them to talk with people who otherwise don’t normally talk (2001).
In addition, Wellman (2001) insisted that computer networks are inherently social
networks and the Internet can have a positive impact on community ties. Thus, the
Internet may increase social relationships with friends and family who live near or far
away. In fact, Hampton and Wellman (2001) investigated how new high-speed Internet
access affected the social networks that people and community have. In this study, the
authors found that a high-speed Internet service helped bring people together and to have
community gathering. However, this study pointed that people who have been on line for
a long period and visited online very frequently didn’t feel that they were part of the
online community. It might indicate that as people have more experiences with the
Internet, they tend to seek out real relationships rather than being interested in virtual
online relationships.
Another large survey of visitors to the National Geographic Society Web site also
noted that people’s face-to-face visits and telephone calls were not influenced by Internet
use (Wellman et al., 2001). The participants in this study were not novices in using the
Internet. About 58% had been online for over two years. This study not only found that
the Internet was a supplement for social interaction and increased organizational
participation but also reported that the Internet might reduce commitment to online
community. They argued that Internet use provided more opportunity and a new way to
communicate with people besides telephone and face-to-face contacts. However, people
who had had much experience with the Internet tended to have less commitment to the
online community because their heavy Internet use might lead to bad online experiences
In addition, both the National School Boards Foundation study (n.d.) and the
UCLA study (2001) claimed that the Internet seemed not to disrupt children’s
relationships with their family members, peers or communities. Rather, the Internet
study by Peris, Gimeno, Pinazo, Ortet, Carrero, Sanchiz, and IbÁÑez (2002)
demonstrated that online chat rooms were a place where socially oriented people
interacted with each other. The results showed that the main motivation to go online was
for communication with people that was as real as face-to-face relationships. Chat users
could fulfill their needs to communicate with people in cyberspace. However, this
research only observed 66 adults, and could provide different results from children.
Parks and Floyd (1996) explored the relationships people form on the Internet
newsgroups and emphasized that personal relationships online are common. These
relationships evolved with time spent online and with increased experience. In addition,
they suggested that online, as a new setting of personal relationships, should be examined
Shah, Kwak, and Holbert (2001) argued that not only how much people use the
Internet but also how they use it should be examined in the study of impact of new media
on people’s civic life. A secondary analysis of DDB Life Style Study (1999) was
performed to examine the relationship between Internet use and people’s civic
engagement. This study found that the types of the Internet use were important
predictors. Although overall Internet use was positively associated with civic
engagement, when type of Internet use was considered, the relationship between Internet
use and civic engagement was not significant. In other words, people’s use of the Internet
for ‘information exchange (searching for information and sending e-mail)’ was positively
related to civic engagement whereas the Internet use for ‘social recreation (chatting and
playing games)’ was negatively related to civic engagement. Likewise, the amount and
types of television viewing contributed to the prediction. People who were heavy
television viewer were less likely to be participants in civic activities whereas viewers of
television news were more likely to participate in civic life. This study showed that the
patterns of Internet use as well as the amount of the Internet use played an important role
in predicting the relationship between Internet use and people’s civic involvement.
Hampton and Wellman (1999) conducted research about online and offline
relationships among ‘Netville 3 ’ residents. They were interested in whether the Internet
made people change in terms of the social networks, civic involvement, and attitudes
toward the community. As the Internet provides many of the activities previously known
as public activities, such as, socializing, shopping, working, learning, and leisure time,
the Internet may foster suspicions of fading of community gatherings and social
interactions in the real world setting. In a preliminary analysis of the study, Hampton and
Wellman suggested that the Internet supports a variety of social interactions and ties
among people within this special community through increased online community
The amount of experience with the Internet may be a crucial factor in predicting
the relationship between Internet use and social interaction in general and level of
depression (LaRose, Eastin, & Gregg, 2001). Hampton and Wellman (1999) also pointed
out the costs and benefits of studying only Internet novices. An Internet paradox study
(Kraut, Patterson, Lundmark, Kiesler, Mukopadhyay, & Scherlis, 1998), that examined
people who had used the Internet for the first time as subjects reported that online
relationships could lead to reduced social relationships in the real world and bring weak
social ties. Since novice Internet users tend to experience difficulties when using the
Internet and feel uncomfortable in making friends with strangers, they seems to have
stress from less competence. Thus, novice Internet users could have less interaction and
Netville is a suburban Toronto, Canada, development, which is a wired community with high-speed
network provided. For two years during late 1990s, Netville residents were provided with free, high-speed
Internet access and communication technologies. In return of this free service, residents were agreed to
participate in the study.
However, some studies that focused on Internet users with more than two years
experience with the Internet presented different results. The Internet project by Pew
Research Center in 2000 found that experienced Internet users had more social
interaction in the real world (Pew Research Center, 2000b). In addition, when the
Internet paradox study was revisited by Kraut, Kiesler, Boneva, Cummings, Helgeson,
and Crawford (2002) with respondents who had experience with the Internet for over two
years, it was found that Internet use had positive impact on the social involvement. Face-
to-face interactions with family were increased with Internet use. Therefore, the amount
of experience with the Internet could be an important variable when studying the impact
The Internet is also a place where people who don’t know each other can meet
and communicate. If relationships with people who don’t know, see, or touch each other
can be the basis of the real face-to-face relationship is still questionable. Although the
Internet is a good place for communication between people, it is not easy to communicate
with just words. Face-to-face communication may be particularly necessary for intimate
relationships and building trusts. In addition, when it comes to time displacement and
relations with family members and close friends, the displacement effect may occur
Very few researches dealt with children regarding displacement effect of the
Internet on social involvement and relations. Therefore, this study proposes the following
questions for investigating the displacement effect of social involvement and relations for
RQ 6-1: Does Internet use displace children’s social involvement, such as attending
community events?
RQ 6-2: Does Internet use displace children’s face-to-face interaction with family
RQ 6-3: What is the relationship between the children’s Internet use and perception of
social relations?
RQ 6-4: What is the relationship between the children’s Internet use and pro-social
enduring condition of emotional distress that arises when a person feels estranged from,
misunderstood, or rejected by others and/or lacks appropriate social partners for desired
opportunities for emotional intimacy (Rook, 1984).” Although some believe that young
children are not susceptible to loneliness, research has shown that even very young
children (kindergarten and first grade) understand the meaning of loneliness and relate to
peer relationships at school (Cassidy & Asher, 1992). Children may feel loneliness often
in the school environment with peers. Also, loneliness may occur when children get
rejected, ignored, and have no friends at school (Solomon, 2000). In other words, whether
children feel satisfaction in their relationships with friends can be a basis for assessing the
Several studies attempted to examine the relationship between Internet use and
Juvonen, and Gable (2002) investigated the relationship between Internet use and well-
indicated that children who reported more loneliness and social anxiety were more likely
to communicate with strangers online. However, this study didn’t take account of the
The Internet paradox study by Kraut et al. (1998) addressed the issue of social
impact of the Internet in terms of social involvement and psychological well-being. They
argued that despite the fact that the Internet has been used as a communication tool and
has far more social aspects than television, heavy Internet use might reduce social
involvement in terms of face-to-face contacts with close friends and family. From
examining 169 participants who had had Internet experience less than two years, they
concluded that Internet use was associated with the decline of social involvement as
measured by communication within the family, size of local social network, and
psychological well-being. They reported that Internet use led to increasing loneliness
When the Internet paradox was revisited by Kraut et al. (2002), they found that
the negative effects observed earlier had dissipated. From a 3-year follow up of 208
participants, it was found that loneliness was not associated with Internet use for people
Also, Wästlund, Norlander, and Archer (2001) investigated whether the Internet
affected people’s psychological well-being by surveying 329 college students and found
Another study by Moody (2001) examined the relations hip between Internet use
and loneliness. Based on the theory of loneliness by Weiss (1973), loneliness could be
classified into two forms: social loneliness and emotional loneliness. This study found
that heavy Internet users were more likely to have higher levels of emotional loneliness
and lower levels of social loneliness. This finding suggests that people still can feel the
even with a heavy amount of Internet use. However, social loneliness evidenced by
boredom and sense of not belonging might be reduced from using the Internet.
Page, Frey, Talbert, and Falk (1992) examined the relationship between children’s
loneliness and participation in physical activity from surveying 601 children who were in
grades 1 through 6. In this study, they found that children who reported high scores on
the loneliness scale were less likely to participate in physical activity. This shows that
physical activity may be a part of social activity for children. Thus, children who lack
social satisfaction in peer relationship may not want to participate in physical activity.
Qualter and Munn (2002) argued that social rejection might not be enough to
measure childhood loneliness and suggested that emotional loneliness and social
loneliness should both be considered. Perhaps children who are socially rejected by peers
may not feel emotional loneliness at all. In fact, in the study of 640 children aged 4
through 9, they indicated that social and emotional loneliness should be examined
separately. However, several studies have used the loneliness scale by Asher and have
the measure of the feelings of loneliness in children (i.e., Asher, & Gazelle, 1999). In
addition, when it comes to investigating the relations hip between Internet use and
childhood loneliness, social loneliness would be the more appropriate since the current
study focuses on the Internet as a communication tool and a new medium that takes up
Researchers so far have not yet reached consensus on the effects of the Internet on
social and psychological well-being of people. Moreover, there have not been enough
studies regarding the issue of the relations between the Internet use and loneliness to
A pilot study was conducted in January 2003 with 17 children. As a result of the
pilot test, more instruction for some questions was added for children’s better
For the main data collection, this study used self-reported survey from children 4th
through 9th grades during February 2003. Five schools in Clarke County, Barrow County,
and Jackson County in Georgia were included. In detail, this sample consists of two
private schools and three public schools, including one elementary school, one middle
school, and one high school. For public schools, the superintendent in each county was
contacted and gave permission for each county’s school district. Then, the principals
were contacted and authorized the survey process in their schools. For private schools,
The survey package included one cover letter, two parental consent forms, two
child assent forms, and the questionnaire. The teacher distributed the survey package to
students. Then children took the questionnaire home and parents or guardian reviewed
the questionnaire and signed the consent forms while child signed the child consent
forms. Each parent and child was asked to keep one of the each parental consent forms
and child assent forms and return one of the each form to the researcher. Children were
asked to fill out 30 questions. After the children filled out the questionnaire, they brought
them back to school. The researcher later collected the completed questionnaire from the
teacher. A total of 1,600 questionnaires were distributed to children and 297 children
returned the survey. The response rate was 19%. Since children were required to take the
questionnaire home for parental consent and returned the filled-out questionnaire to
school, more children’s effort was needed than most surveys and thus might lead to a
1) General questions
a) Demographic variables
The respondents were asked to fill out some demographic questions, including
who they live with, gender, and age. Each item was coded as the following: Who they
Gender as “boy” = 0, “girl” = 1. Children were asked to write down the age in an open-
ended question and coded as the number. Age was ranged from 8 to 16.
children’s time use, direct questions were addressed. Respondents were asked to answer
four questions regarding their general thoughts of the influence of the Internet on
themselves and today’s young people. This variable included four questions: “keeps me
(young people) from doing more important things ”; “leads me (young people) to do
dangerous or harmful things”; “takes away from the time I (young people) spend with my
(their) friends”; and “takes away from the time I (young people) spend with my (their)
families” Respondents were given four choices as following: “not at all” = 1, “only a
little ” = 2, “some” = 3, “a lot” = 4. This question was extracted from the Princeton
Survey Research Associates for the Pew Internet in American Life Project (2001). The
four items for the effect on young kids were subjected to a promax (oblique) rotated
principal component factor analysis 4 to verify the internal reliability between the items.
One factor was extracted from the four items, which explained 59.64% of total variance
with an eigenvalue of 2.39. The Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient of four items was
.77. Likewise, four items for the effect on themselves were subjected to a promax
(oblique) rotated principal component factor analysis. One factor was extracted from the
four items, which explained 54.87% of total variance with an eigenvalue of 2.20. The
Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient of four items was .72. Composite variables for
each were created with possible low score of 4 to high score of 16. Higher score means
Based on the assumption that children may believe what the Internet offers for
them and be influenced by it, children’s general perception of information on the Internet
was examined. Flanagin and Metzger (2000) claimed that the most common and
media. Respondents were asked to rate the credibility of the Internet in terms of these five
An oblique rotation method was used based on the claim by Park, Dailey, & Lemus (2002) saying, “An
orthogonal rotation method (e.g., varimax, equimax, quartimax, etc.) constrains factors to be independent
of each other, while an oblique rotation method (e.g., promax, oblimin, quartimin, etc.) allows factors to be
correlated. It is often believed that an orthogonal rotation produces a simpler and more easily interpretable
structure of factors. However, this common belief (or convention of preferring varimax rotation) is
unwarranted and unrealistic. …. Many constructs in communication research cannot be expected to be
independent of each other and, even if the factors are indeed unrelated, an oblique rotation will show
correlations close to zero.”
elements. Semantic differential scales were used to measure the variable. The seven-point
scale was reduced to a five-point scale for children’s convenience and better judgment.
Respondents were given a series of five point scales as bipolar attitudes, including a.
2) Independent variables
In this study, home media environment was defined as the number of each media
at the children’s home. Children were asked what sort of media equipment they have in
their home, including television sets, computers, online accessible computers, VCRs,
DVDs, newspapers, and video game players. This variable was used to assess the
relationship between the home media environment and the amount of media activities.
Respondents were asked to write down the number of hours and minutes they
spend on the Internet by an open-ended question. How much time children spend on the
Internet at school and how much time children spend on the Internet at home were both
Types of Internet use are defined as the various kinds of online activities,
including e-mail, instant messaging, checking news, research for school work, chatting
room, bulletin board, playing online games, surfing the Web for fun, information about
downloading music files. Respondents were asked to check how often they do these
things on the Internet on a scale: “never” = 1, “rarely” = 2, “sometimes” = 3, “often” = 4,
“very often” = 5. The thirteen online activities were subjected to a promax (oblique)
rotated principal component factor analysis to reduce the items. Three factors were
extracted from 11 items (two items were reduced because of a low factor loading
coefficient). Factor one was referred to as “Internet use for communication, ” which
included Internet use for e-mail, instant messaging, chatting room and bulletin board.
This factor explained 37.48 % of total variance with an eigenvalue of 4.87. The
Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient of 4 items was .79. Factor two was referred to as
“Internet use for information, ” which consisted of Internet use for checking news,
research for schoolwork, information about sports, and information about hobbies. This
factor explained 12.33 % of total variance with an eigenvalue of 1.60. The Cronbach’s
alpha reliability coefficient of 4 items was .71. Factor three was called “Internet use for
entertainment,” which included Internet use for playing online games, surfing the Web
for fun, and information about entertainment. This factor explained 7.88 % of total
variance with an eigenvalue of 1.02. The Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient between
the 3 items was .72. Composite variables for each factor were created by summing the
scores. Possible score ranged from 4 to 20 for factor one and two and from 3 to 15 for
factor three.
d) Internet experience
The Internet experience may explain children’s Internet use and type. The Internet
experience was assessed by five items extracted from Flanagin and Metzger (2000).
Respondents were asked to rate their Internet experience on five point bipolar scale 5 .
Five point scale was used for children’s better understanding and assessment instead of the seven point
scale that was originally used by Flanagin and Metzer.
Items included the followings: “I never use the Internet,” which was coded as 1 to “I very
often use the Internet,” coded as 5; “I have no experience using the Internet = 1” to “I
have a great deal of experience using the Internet = 5”; “I am not at all expert using the
Internet = 1” to “I am completely expert using the Internet = 5”; “I am not at all familiar
with the Internet = 1” to “I am extremely familiar with the Internet = 5”; “It is extremely
difficult for me to access the Internet = 1” to “It is extremely easy for me to access the
Internet = 5.”
The five items were subjected to a promax (oblique) rotated principal components
factor analysis. A single factor was extracted from five items, which explained 65% of
total variance with an eigenvalue of 3.25. The Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient
was .86. Possible range of the score was 5 to 25. The highest score indicated the highest
Respondents were asked whether they own their own computer and whether they
3) Dependent variables
In addition to the amount of the Internet use, how much time children spend on
other media activities, such as television, newspaper, book, radio, video games, and
computer, was measured. Similar to the questions about the amount of Internet use,
respondents were asked to write down the number of hours and minutes they spend on
each media activity. This variable was asked to explain the displacement effect of the
Internet on existing media to determine if the amount of time spent on each media
activity will be reduced because of Internet use. The amount of time was coded as
The amount of time spent on non-media activities per day was asked to examine a
sleeping, eating, and grooming. This study encompassed various kinds of activities
comprehensively. Respondents were asked to write down the number of hours and
minutes they spent on each non-media activity in open-ended questions. The amount of
rollerblading), and general physical activity (pick up sports activities with friends).” In
this study, six different kinds of physical activities, which were abstracted from Kientzler
(1999), measured the amount of spent on the physical activities by children. The
questions include the following: playing on a school sports team; playing on a club
(recreational) sports team; doing physical activity in school; doing physical activity
outside school; hanging out by themselves; and hanging out with friends after school.
Respondents were asked to write down the number of hours and minutes spent on each
physical activity per day. The amount of time was coded as minutes. In addition,
respondents wrote down every activity they were currently involved in at least once a
week for 30 minutes (not including physical education class). The activities the
respondents wrote were coded as the number of physical activities. For example, when
respondents wrote down only one activity such as basketball, it was coded 1, while when
To examine the relations between the Internet use and attitudes toward physical
activity, the revised Children’s Attitudes Toward Physical Activity (CATPA) (Schutz,
Smoll, & Wood, 1981) was used. The revised CATPA, which was taken from Simon and
Smoll’s (1974) inventory, was proven to be superior and more suitable for children
because of its reduced length and the improved internal reliability between the items
(Schutz, Smoll, & Wood, 1981). The revised CATPA is divided into seven dimensions:
a) Social Growth - taking part in physical activities that give you a chance to meet new
people b) Social Continuation – taking part in physical activities that give you a chance to
be with your friends c) Health & Fitness – taking part in physical activities to make your
health better and to get your body in better condition d) Vertigo – taking part in physical
activities that could be dangerous because you move very fast and must change direction
quickly e) Aesthetic – taking part in physical activities that have beautiful and graceful
movements f) Catharsis – taking part in physical activities to reduce stress or to get away
from problems you might have g) Ascetic – taking part in physical activities that have
long and hard practices you need to give up other things you like to do. Respondents
were asked to rate each seven dimensions with using five point bipolar adjectives,
Five items in each of the seven dimensions were subjected to a promax (oblique)
rotated principal component factor analysis to verify the internal reliability between the
items. For the “social growth” dimension, one factor was extracted from five items. This
factor had explanation of 68.3% of total variance with an eigenvalue of 3.42. The
Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient of five items was .88. For the “social
continuation” dimension, one component was extracted from five items. The factor
explained 65% of total variance with an eigenvalue of 3.25. The Cronbach’s alpha
reliability coefficient of five items was .85. For the “health & fitness,” one factor was
extracted, which had explanation of 71.1% of total variance with an eigenvalue of 3.56.
The Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient among the five items was .89. One factor
was extracted from five items for the “vertigo” dimension, which had an explanation of
84.8% of total variance with an eigenvalue of 4.24. The Cronbach’s alpha reliability
coefficient of five items was .95. Also, one factor was extracted from the items for the
of 4.26. The Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient of items was .96. For the “catharsis ”
dimension, one factor was extracted with an explanation of 79.3% of total variance and
an eigenvalue of 3.96. The Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient of items was .93. For
the “ascetic ” dimension, also one factor was extracted with an explanation of 76.4% of
total variance and an eigenvalue of 3.82. The Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient of
items was .92. Thus, the items for each dimension of the attitudes toward physical
The scores on the five items for each sub-dimension were summed to examine the
relationship between the amount of the Internet use and the children’s attitudes toward
physical activities. Possible range of scores for each dimension was 5 to 25. The highest
e) Social involvement
Social involvement was assessed as the amount of time spent on four activities
church, ” and “volunteer work.” Respondents were given five choices (“none” = 0, “once”
each activity per month. This variable was used to explore the relationship between the
Children’s face-to-face interaction with family members and friends may or may
not decline as time spent on the Internet increases. This variable was used to assess the
relationship between Internet use and children’s interaction with people. To measure
children’s face-to-face interaction with family members, the amount of time spent with
family face-to-face was measured. Respondents were asked how often they talk with their
parents and siblings per day and given five choices coded as the following: “not at all” =
respondents were asked how many friends they regularly see and talk to on a face-to-face
basis (not including family members). Also, five choices were given to the respondents,
which were from none to 5 or more, and coded as the number of friends.
g) Social relations
To explain the relationship between Internet use and children’s social relations,
three items were extracted from Mesch’s (2001) study to measure social relations with
friends: “It is important for me to spend time with friends”; “I have had close friends for
a long time”; “My friends are willing to listen to my problems” Respondents were asked
to answer by Likert scale from “strongly disagree” to “strongly agree,” which was coded
from 1 to 5. 1 indicated a low level of social relations while 5 indicated a high level of
social relations. Three items were subjected to promax (oblique) rotated principal
components factor analysis and one factor was extracted. The factor explained 56.1% of
total variance with an eigenvalue of 1.68. The Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient
among the items was .60. A composite variable was created with possible low score of 3
h) Pro-social attitudes
Three items from Mesch (2001) assessed pro-social attitudes: “It is important to
society” Respondents were asked to answer with a Likert scale that ranged from
“strongly disagree” to “strongly agree,” which was coded from 1 to 5. 1 indicated low
level of pro-social attitudes whereas 5 mean high level of pro-social attitudes. Three
items were subjected to promax (oblique) rotated principal components factor analysis
and one factor was extracted. The factor had an explanation of 74.5% of total variance
with an eigenvalue of 2.24. The Cronbach’s alpha reliability was .82. A composite
variable was created with possible low score of 3 to high score 15. Children’s pro-social
attitudes were assessed to explore whether children’s Internet use had any effect on
i) Loneliness
this relationship. To measure children’s loneliness, Asher’s scale was used. Asher, Hymel
and Renshaw (1984) developed 16 items of a loneliness measure and assessed the
reliability of the scale. In surveying about 500 children in 3rd through 6th grade, they
found the measure was internally consistent and reliable. They concluded that the scale
they had developed was reliable in measuring children’s feelings of loneliness and social
dissatisfaction. The findings also indicated that children who were unpopular were more
included, a) It is easy for me to make new friends at school; b) I have nobody to talk to in
class; c) I’m good at working with other children in my class; d) It’s hard for me to make
friends at school; e) I have lots of friends in my class; f) I feel alone at school; g) I can
find a friend in my class when I need one; h) It’s hard to get kids in school to like me; I) I
don’t have anyone to play with at school; j) I get along with my classmates; k) I feel left
out of things at school; l) There’s no other kids I can go to when I need help in school; m)
I don’t get along with other children in school; n) I’m lonely at school; o) I am well liked
Respondents were asked to rate each of the items by indicating how much the
statement was true for them. The answer was coded as: “always true ” = 1, “true most of
the time” = 2, “sometimes true ” = 3, “hardly ever true ” = 4, “not true at all” = 5. Several
items, such as b) I have nobody to talk to in class, d) It’s hard for me to make friends at
school, f) I feel alone at school, h) It’s hard to get kids in school to like me, i) I don’t
have anyone to play with at school, k) I feel left out of things at school, l) There’s no
other kids I can go to when I need help in school, m) I don’t get along with other children
in school, n) I’m lonely at school, and p) I don’t have any friends in class were recoded.
factor analysis to create a composite scale. Only nine items (d, e, f, h, i, k, l, n, p) loaded
on one factor. Factor analysis was performed for these nine items and explained 51.1% of
total variance with an eigenvalue of 4.60. The Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient
among the nine items was .87. A composite scale was created with those nine items
indicating children’s loneliness. A possible score ranged from 9 to 45. The highest
j) Obesity
The influence of television on children’s obesity has been studied among many
pediatricians (e.g., Dietz & Gortmaker, 1985; Durant & Baranowski, 1994; Robinson et
al., 1993). However, few researches have examined the impact of the Internet on
children’s obesity. Children’s obesity was measured to see the relationship with their
Internet use. In this study, obesity was defined by the Body Mass Index (BMI), which
was calculated by the ratio of weight (kg) / height (m²). BMI was calculated by the body
“overweight” while 30 or more is considered as “obese” for adults. For children, using
the charts of Body-Mass-Index for Age, BMI of greater than the 85th percentile is
BMI calculator can be found at
considered as “overweight,” while the 95th percentile is considered as “obese.”7
According to boys BMI-for-age charts, BMI index of 18 or more, 18.6 or more, 19.4 or
more, 20.2 or more, 21 or more, 21.8 or more, 22.6 or more 23.4 or more, 24.2 or more is
considered as “overweight” for 8 through 15 years old boys, respectively. For girls, BMI
index of 18.2 or more, 19 or more, 20 or more, 20.8 or more, 21.6 or more, 22.8 or more,
This is current definition of overweight using body mass index that is used by Center for Disease Control
(CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO).
Sample Description8
Respondents consisted of 105 boys (35.4%) and 184 girls (62 %). Eight children
did not provide their gender. About 80% of respondents attend public school. The range
of age among respondents was 8 through 16 years old (M = 11.67, SD = 1.63). The
majority of respondents were aged from 9 through 14. About 70% of children reported
that they lived with both parents while 4% of children said they lived with others (e.g.
grandparents). 19.5 % of children lived with mother while 4.7% of children lived with
father 9 .
media use, such as watching television, reading newspaper, listening to radio, playing
video games, reading books and using the Internet. The amount of time spent on each of
these media activities per day by children is described in Table 4.2. Over half of children
watched television about 2 hours and 30 minutes per day (M = 168.33, SD = 108.1) while
over 70% of children did not read a newspaper at all (M = 7.7, SD = 21.37). About half of
the children listened to radio over an hour per day (M = 131.01, SD = 204.39). Fifty eight
percent of children reported that they played video game over 30 minutes a day while
See Table 4.1.
34% of them did not play at all (M = 53.19, SD = 74.8). About half of children read
books for an hour or more per day (M = 61.76, SD = 80.23). Thus, it is apparent that
children in this sample are heavy media users with a total of approximately eight hours of
In this study, the home media environment was defined as the amount of media
equipment at home. Table 4.3 shows these results. About 74% of homes owned three or
more TV sets (M = 3.07, SD = .95). About 22% of homes had two or more online
accessible computers (M = 1.08, SD = .83). To assess the relationship between the home
media environment and the amount of time spent on each media activity, Pearson
correlations were performed (Table 4.4). The amount of television watching was
negatively associated with the number of computers in home (p< .05) while positively
correlated with the number of newspapers in the home (p< .05). However, the amount of
television watching was not associated with the number of online access computers. The
amount of video game playing was positively associated with the number of video game
players (p< .05). The amount of Internet use by the child at home had a positive
correlation with the number of television sets (p< .05), computers (p< .01), online
accessible computers (p< .001), DVD players (p< .01), and video game players (p< .01).
use, and general perception about the credibility of the Internet and the effect of the
Internet on their time use. It also addressed how the perception of the Internet effect on
time use is different in terms of age, gender, and Internet experience. Table 4.2 shows the
According to U.S. Census Bureau, about 68% of American children lived with two parents, which was
declined from 77% in 1980 (Retrieved March, 27, 2003, from
children’s amount of Internet use, with Internet use at school and Internet use at home,
reported separately. About 44% of children said they did not use the Internet at school at
all. Mean of the amount of Internet use at school was 21.6 minutes (SD = 31.23).
Children used the Internet more at home than school. About half of children spent 30
minutes or over daily with Internet at home (M = 56.39, SD = 87.01). Table 4.5 indicates
how often children do various types of online activities on the Internet. The major online
activity by children was surfing the web for fun, followed by research for schoolwork,
playing games, e-mail, instant messaging, downloading music files, information about
Table 4.6 shows the children’s general perception about the effect of the Internet
on their time use. Children generally perceived that the Internet had some negative
impact on other young kids but not themselves. The mean for every item for effect on
other young kids was between 2 (a little) to 3 (some) whereas mean for every item for
effect on themselves was between 1 (not at all) to 2 (a little). This suggests a possible
third-person effect, which hypothesizes that people tend to believe that mass
communication messages have little effect on people like you and me, but that other
people are likely to be influenced a lot (Davison, 1983; Severin & Tankard, 1997). A t-
test was used to examine the mean difference of the perception about the effect of the
Internet on children’s time use by demographics and Internet experience (Table 4.7).
There was no difference of the perception about the effect of the Internet on children’s
time use between genders. However, there was a difference between younger children (M
= 8.67) and older children (M = 9.42) for the effect of the Internet on other young kids’
time use. Also, there was a difference between younger child (M = 5.81) and older child
(M = 6.38) for their own time use. Older children perceived the Internet as a more
harmful medium both for other young kids and themselves. Children with less experience
(M = 9.43) on the Internet thought that Internet might keep young people from doing
more important things, spending time with friends and families, and lead to dangerous or
harmful things than children with more experience (M = 8.65). However, there was no
mean difference in the perceived effect of the Internet on their time use by their Internet
Table 4.8 shows the children’s general perception of Internet credibility. They
reported scores a little higher than neutral for “believability” (M = 3.53), “accuracy” (M =
neutral for “bias” (M = 2.88). This indicates that children in the sample perceive the
Research question 1-3 asked that how Internet use by children was different in
terms of the home media environment, Internet access, Internet experience and age.
children’s Internet use. The results revealed that all four variables had predictive power
for the amount of the Internet use at home (Table 4.9). The number of online accessible
computers at home was positively correlated with the amount of the Internet use at home
(p < .05). The ownership of an Internet accessible computer by the child positively
predicted the amount of Internet use (p < .05). Also, both Internet experience (p < .01)
and age (p < .05) were positively associated with the amount of Internet use. Thus, the
older child who has a lot of experience with Internet may use the Internet more than the
Hypothesis 1-1 stated that children who own their own Internet accessible
computer would spend more time on the Internet than children who don’t. Table 4.10
shows the t-test for the amount of Internet use at home by Internet access, Internet
experience, and age. A t-test was used to test children’s amount of Internet use by the
ownership of an Internet accessible computer. Findings revealed that children who owned
an online accessible computer spent more time on the Internet than children who didn’t
(owner: M = 104.73, non-owner: M = 33.15). Thus, the hypothesis that children who own
their online accessible computer will spend more time on the Internet than children who
Hypothesis 1-2 stated that children who have mo re experience with the Internet
would spend more time on the Internet. A t-test was performed to test children’s amount
of Internet use by Internet experience. Findings suggested that children with much
experience spent more time with the Internet than children with less experience (much
experience: M = 83.14, less experience: M = 31.92). Thus, the hypothesis that children
who have more experience with the Internet would spend more time on the Internet was
Hypothesis 1-3 stated that older children would use more Internet than younger
children. T-test was used to test children’s amount of the Internet use by age. Findings
revealed that older children spent more time on the Internet than younger children (older
children: M = 65.68, younger children: M = 46.1). Thus, the hypothesis that older
children would spend more time on the Internet than younger children was supported.
Research question 1-4 was concerned whether the amount of Internet use by
children was different by gender. A t-test was performed to test the mean difference
between genders on the children’s amount of Internet use. The findings showed no
significant difference. To examine the question more precisely, t-tests were performed for
the types of the Internet use by gender (Table 4.11). Although, there was no difference in
the total amount of Internet use by gender, it was found that some online activities
differed between genders. Findings show that girls spent more time on the Internet for e-
mail, instant messaging, chatting room, and shopping than boys. Boys used the Internet
more for playing games, information about sports, and information about hobbies than
Research question 2 asked that how much time children spend on non-media
activities, such as school, eating, sleeping, commuting, physical activities and social
involvement. Table 4.12 describes the amount of time spent on each activity by children
per day. The majority of children’s time was spent by sleeping and school followed by
hanging out with friends after school, hanging out alone, doing own physical activity
outside school, eating, homework, grooming, doing own physical activity in school,
house chores, club sports team, school sports team, and baby sitting. Respondents were
asked to estimate how often they attend social events per month. The findings (Table
4.13) revealed that about half of children attended community events one or more times
per month while about 46% of children did not attend community events at all. Of the
sample, about 63% said that they did not attend concerts at all while about half of
children attended church 4 times or more per month. About 44% of respondents said they
attended volunteer work one or more times per month while about 56% said they did not
attend at all. Regarding face-to-face communication with family members (Table 4.14),
about 72% of the respondents said they talked with parents face-to-face “often” or “very
often” while about 8% did not talk or rarely talked with parents. About 60% of children
said they talked with siblings face-to-face “often” or “very often” while about 20% of
Research question 3 asked if Internet use displaced the existing media, including
television viewing, newspaper reading, radio listening, video game playing, and book
reading. Partial correlation between the amount of Internet use at home and the amount of
other media use was performed controlling for age, gender, and Internet experience
(Table 4.15). The variables were controlled one at a time. Results indicate a positive
relationship between the amount of Internet use and the amount of television watching (p
< .001), radio listening (p < .001), video game playing (p < .01), book reading (p <. 000),
and Internet using at school (p < .001). Newspaper reading was not associated with the
Internet use.
Hypothesis 3-1 stated children who are heavy Internet user are more likely to
spend less time with traditional media than those who are light users. T-test was
performed to test the difference of the amount of existing media use among low/high
groups for Internet use. The findings indicated that there was no difference between
Internet use groups in terms of television watching, newspaper reading, radio listening,
and video game playing. However, a significant difference was found between Internet
use groups for the amount of book reading. Table 4.16 shows that children who use
Internet more (M = 72.40) spent more time on reading books than children who use the
Internet less (M = 48.58). Thus, this study found no evidence of a displacement effect.
Hypothesis 3-2 stated that Internet would displace functionally equivalent media.
Multiple regression analysis, predicting the amount of existing media use by the types of
Internet use, was performed to test the hypothesis (Table 4.17). Of the types of Internet
value), newspaper reading (insignificant F value), and book reading (no items showed
significant correlations). The amount of radio listening was negatively correlated with
both Internet use for playing online games (p < .05) and Internet use for information for
sports (p < .05). The amount of video game use was positively associated with Internet
use for chatting (p < .001) and playing online games (p < .01) while negatively associated
with Internet use for instant messaging (p < .01), research for school (p < .01), and online
shopping (p < .05). Since many online games are for competing with people or provide a
chatting room for the players, it seems that video game players are more likely to spend
more time using the Internet for online game playing and chatting.
Research question 4 asked if the Internet use would displace children’s non-media
activities including time spent with sleeping and eating. Correlations between the amount
of Internet use and the amount of time spent with non-media activities, such as school,
homework, commuting, household chores, sleeping, and eating were performed. The
findings indicated no relationship between those variables (Table 4.18). Also, t-tests were
performed to test the difference of the amount of time spent on each non-media activity
between high Internet use group and low Internet use group and no significant difference
was found. To examine the effect of the types of Internet use on the amount of time spent
on each non-media activity, multiple regression was performed and no significant results
were found (Table 4.19). Thus, this study found no evidence of displacement effect for
non-media activities.
activities. Partial correlation was used to test the relationship between the amount of
Internet use and the amount of time spent on physical activities controlling age, gender,
and Internet experience (Table 4.20). The variables were controlled one at a time. The
amount of Internet use was positively correlated with doing own physical activity in
school (p < .001), doing own physical activity outside school (p < .01), “hanging out”
alone (p < .001), and “hanging out” with friends after school (p < .01). The findings
indicate children who spend more time with the Internet spend more time on their own
physical activities but not organized sports activities. Table 4.21 shows the multiple
regression analysis predicting amount of physical activity by the types of Internet use.
Although playing on a school sports team was not associated with the amount of Internet
use on the partial correlation analysis, it was positively correlated with Internet use for
information for sports (p < .01). Also, the amount of time spent doing own physical
activity outside school was negatively associated with the Internet use for research for
school (p < .01). The number of physical activities was positively associated with Internet
use for instant messaging (p < .05) and information for sports (p < .01). Specific types of
Internet use were not correlated with the amount of time spent on playing on a club (or
recreational) sports team, doing own physical activity in school, “hanging out ” alone, and
Internet use and the attitudes toward physical activity. Partial correlation was performed
between the amount of Internet use and attitudes toward physical activity controlling for
age, gender, and Internet experience (Table 4.22). The amount of Internet use was
negatively associated with “social growth” when controlling gender, while negatively
associated with “social growth, ” “social continuation, ” and “health & fitness” when
controlling Internet experience. This finding indicates that children who spend more time
on the Internet are more likely to have negative attitudes on at least some dimensions of
physical activity. Multiple regression analysis was performed predicting attitudes toward
physical activity by types of Internet use (Table 4.23). Children’s attitudes toward
physical activity for the “social growth” dimension were positively associated with
Internet use for information for sports (p < .01). Attitudes toward physical activity for
“social continuation” were positively correlated with Internet use for email (p < .05) and
information for sports (p < .01) but negatively associated with Internet use for bulletin
board (p < .001) and information for hobbies (p < .01). Attitudes toward the physical
activity for the dimension of “health & fitness” were positively predicted by Internet use
for information for sports (p < .05). The dimension of “vertigo ” was positively correlated
with Internet use for instant messaging (p < .05) and information for sports (p < .01). The
“ascetic” dimension was also positively associated with the Internet use for information
for sports (p < .01). Findings revealed that Internet use for information about sports was a
Research question 5-3 asked what the relationship is between Internet use and
obesity among children. A t-test was performed to test the difference of amount of
Internet use between normal and overweight children. No significant result was found.
Also, t-test for the other media use found no significant difference between these two
groups. Correlation analysis indicated that children’s Internet use and obesity was not
significantly correlated with each other. However, there was a difference of attitudes
toward physical activity for the dimension of “social growth, ” “social continuation, ” and
“vertigo ” between the two groups. Overweight children had less positive attitudes toward
involvement. Partial correlation was performed between the amount of Internet use and
social involvement controlling for age, gender, and Internet experience (Table 4.25). The
variables were controlled one at a time. The findings revealed a positive relationship
between the amount of Internet use and attending community events (p < .01), attending
concerts (p < .01), and volunteer work (p < .01). The more children use the Internet, the
more children participate in the social events. Multiple regression analysis was performed
to investigate which types of Internet use predicted children’s social involvement (Table
4.26). Results indicated that children’s Internet use for communication was positively
related to attending community events (p < .01), attending concerts (p < .001), and doing
volunteer work (p < .05). Children’s Internet uses for information and entertainment were
not associated with social involvement. This suggests that children who use the Internet
for communication are more likely to participate in social events than children who use
interaction with family members and friends. Partial correlation controlling age, gender
and Internet experience was used to examine the relationship between the amount of
Internet use and face-to-face interaction with family members and friends (Table 4.27).
The variables were controlled one at a time. When controlling age and Internet
experience, the amount of Internet use was not associated with face-to-face interaction
with parents, siblings, and friends. However, when controlling gender, the amount of
Internet use was negatively associated with face-to-face interaction with siblings. The
with family members and friends by the type of Internet use was performed (Table 4.28).
The findings show that Internet use for communication was negatively associated with
face-to-face interaction with siblings (p < .05) while positively associated with face-to-
face interaction with friends (p < .05). The results indicates that children who use the
Internet for communication had less face-to-face interaction with siblings but apparently
had more or closer friends who m they regularly see and talk to on a face-to-face basis.
The type of Internet use did not predict the face-to-face interaction with parents.
Research question 6-3 inquired about what the relationship between children’s
Internet use and their social relations. Research question 6-4 asked about the relationship
between children’s Internet use and their pro-social attitudes. Partial correlation was
performed between the amount of Internet use and social relations and pro-social
attitudes controlling demographics and Internet experience (Table 4.29). The findings
revealed no relations between the variables. Table 4.30 shows the multiple regression
analysis for predicting social relations and pro-social attitudes by type of Internet use.
The findings revealed that the Internet use for communication was positively associated
with social relations (p < .01), which indicates that children’s Internet use for
communication positively predicted children’s view of social relations. Since the items
that measured social relations were mainly for social relations with friends, children who
use the Internet for communication seem to have more positive view of social relations
with friends. On the other hand, the pro-social attitudes variable was positively correlated
with the Internet use for information (p < .01) and negatively correlated with the Internet
use for entertainment (p < .05). This suggests that children who use the Internet for
information are more likely to place more importance on helping others while children
who use the Internet for entertainment are more likely to place less importance on helping
Research question 7 asked about the relationship between children’s Internet use
and their loneliness. A t-test was performed to investigate the difference of loneliness
scores for high and low Internet use groups (Table 4.31). The findings show that children
who spend less time with the Internet felt lonelier than children who use the Internet a lot.
The mean of the loneliness score for low Internet user group was 15.24 (SD = 6.85) while
mean for high Internet use group was 13.65 (SD = 5.49). In addition, multiple regression
analysis was performed to examine the types of Internet use for predicting loneliness. No
Table 4.1. Demographic Data
Items Frequency (%)
8 years old 2 ( .7)
9 21 ( 7.1)
10 53 (17.8)
11 65 (21.9)
12 57 (19.2)
13 48 (16.2)
14 28 ( 9.4)
15 13 ( 4.4)
16 1 ( .3)
Missing 9 ( 3.0)
Boy 105 (35.4)
Girl 184 (62.0)
Missing 8 ( 2.7)
Whom they live with
Both parents 205 (69.0)
Mother 58 (19.5)
Father 14 ( 4.7)
Other 12 ( 4.0)
Missing 8 ( 2.7)
School system
Public 238 (80.1)
Private 59 (19.9)
Table 4.2. Amount of Time Spent on Media Activities per Day
Items N Mean (minutes) SD
Television 290 168.33 108.10
Newspaper 295 7.70 21.37
Radio 290 131.01 204.39
Video game 293 53.19 74.80
Books 291 61.76 80.23
Internet at school 291 21.60 31.23
Internet at home 293 56.39 87.01
Note. Home media environment is defined as the number of media equipment in home.
Table 4.4. Pearson’s Correlations between Amount of Media Activities and Home Media
Environment (N = 297)
Internet TV Newspaper Videogame Book
use at watching reading playing reading
# of television set .12* .01 -.09 .10 .01
# of computers at home .24** -.14* -.03 -.03 .05
# of on-line access .31*** -.11 -.02 -.07 .08
computers at home
# of VCRs .09 -.02 -.08 .01 .08
# of DVDs .17** -.08 -.04 .07 .03
# of Newspapers .11 .13* .06 .12 .05
# of Video game players .17** .10 -.04 .32* .05
Note. * p < .05
** p < . 01
*** p < .001
Table 4.5. Means of Types of Internet Use
Internet use for N Mean SD
Surfing the web 293 3.18 1.51
Research for school works 290 3.17 1.23
Playing games 294 3.04 1.42
E-mail 294 2.67 1.55
Instant messaging 291 2.32 1.59
Downloading music files 291 2.30 1.53
Information about entertainment 294 2.21 1.32
Information about sports 295 2.15 1.36
Information about hobbies 293 2.08 1.25
Shopping 292 1.90 1.35
Checking news 287 1.88 1.14
Chatting room 292 1.86 1.36
Bulletin board 290 1.55 1.06
Note. Subjects were asked to check how often they do each activity on the Internet on the
scale: “never” = 1, “rarely” = 2, “sometimes” = 3, “often” = 4, “very often” = 5. The
higher the mean, the more the frequency of doing each activity.
Table 4.6. Perception of the Effects of the Internet on Time Use
Items N Mean SD
Keeps young people from doing more important things 295 2.29 .92
Leads young people to do dangerous or harmful things 294 2.05 1.04
Takes away from the time young people spend with their friends 294 2.19 1.02
Takes away from the time young people spend with their families 295 2.52 1.08
Note. The higher the mean, the more concern about the effects of the Internet on time
use. Subjects were asked to check on a scale: “not at all” = 1, “only a little” = 2, “some”
= 3, “a lot” = 4 on each items.
Table 4.7. t-test for the Perception of the Effects of the Internet Use on Time Use by Age
and Internet Experience
For themselves
Age Young (139) 5.81 2.16 -2.01 P < .05
Old (154) 6.38 2.59
Internet experience Low (152) 6.11 2.60 .02 P > .05
High (141) 6.11 2.18
Note. The higher the mean, the more concern about the effects of the Internet on time
use. Children were divided into two groups by the means of age (M = 11.67) and means
of Internet experience (M = 18.59).
Table 4.8. Perception of the Internet Credibility
Items N Mean SD
Believability 278 3.53 1.03
Accuracy 266 3.62 1.00
Trustworthiness 266 3.24 1.06
Bias 256 2.88 .95
Completeness 265 3.56 1.06
Note. The higher the mean, the higher the perception of the Internet credibility. Subjects
were asked to rate the credibility of the Internet on 5-point scale for each item.
Table 4.9. Multiple Regressions for Predicting the Amount of Internet Use at Home
Items Internet use at home (ß) t
# of online access computer .18* 2.31
Internet access .19* 12.36
Internet experience .20** 3.02
Age .14* 2.04
R .21
AR2 .19
F 12.37***
Df 4, 193
* p < .05
** p < . 01
*** p < .001
Note. The numbers in Internet use column are standardized coefficient betas. Internet
access indicates the ownership of the online accessible computer by child.
There is a moderate multicollinearity between the number of online access computer and
Internet access (see Appendix A.)
Table 4.10. t-test for the Amount of Internet Use at Home by Internet Access, Internet
Experience, and Age
Items Groups (N) Mean SD t Sig
Internet access Non-owner (113) 33.15 61.07 -5.56 p < .001
Owner (92) 104.73 119.13
Internet experience Less experience (153) 31.92 59.63 -5.26 p < .001
Much experience (140) 83.14 103.12
Note. The numbers in Mean column are shown in minutes. The higher the mean, the
more the amount of time spent on the Internet at home. Children were divided into two
groups by the means of age (M = 11.67) and means of Internet experience (M = 18.59).
Internet access indicates the ownership of the online accessible computer by child.
Table 4.11. t-test for the Types of the Internet Use by Gender
Internet use for Groups (N) Mean SD t Sig
E-mail Boy (103) 2.28 1.35 -3.34 P < .01
Girl (183) 2.91 1.61
Information about sports Boy (104) 2.62 1.49 4.41 P < .001
Girl (183) 1.90 1.21
Information about hobbies Boy (104) 2.35 1.33 2.78 P < .01
Girl (181) 1.92 1.18
Note. Subjects were asked to check how often they do each activity on the Internet on the
scale: “never” = 1, “rarely” = 2, “sometimes” = 3, “often” = 4, “very often” = 5. The
higher the mean, the more the frequency of doing each activity.
Table 4.12. Description of Amount of Time Spent on Non-Media Activities per Day
Items N Mean SD
Sleeping 286 501.63 127.73
School 290 437.07 93.10
Hanging out with friend after school 289 114.47 165.73
Hanging out alone 286 107.80 143.78
Own physical activity outside school 292 70.97 63.85
Eating 290 70.88 69.01
Homework 292 70.43 43.58
Commuting 267 62.19 87.03
Grooming 284 46.26 52.31
Own physical activity in school 292 40.21 57.14
House chores 291 39.48 41.62
Club (Rec.) sports team 287 32.31 69.67
School sports team 291 29.12 64.06
Baby sitting 290 29.09 73.59
Table 4.13. Frequency (%) of Attending Social Events per Month
None Once Twice Three Four or
times more
Community events 139 (46.8) 92 (31.0) 31 (10.4) 16 (5.4) 14 ( 4.7)
Concerts 189 (63.6) 63 (21.2) 16 ( 5.4) 5 (1.7) 8 ( 2.7)
Church 52 (17.5) 31 (10.4) 35 (11.8) 26 (8.8) 142 (47.8)
Volunteer works 167 (56.2) 57 (19.2) 29 ( 9.8) 13 (4.4) 23 ( 7.7)
Note. Subjects were asked to check how much they attend each event per month on scale:
“none” = 0, “once” = 1, “twice” = 2, “3 times” = 3, “4 times or more” = 4.
Table 4.14. Frequency (%) of Face-to-Face Interaction with Family per Day
Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
With parents 7 (2.4) 17 ( 5.7) 56 (18.9) 88 (29.6) 126 (42.4)
With siblings 24 (8.1) 34 (11.4) 49 (16.5) 82 (27.6) 98 (33.0)
Note. Subjects were asked to check how often they talk with parents/siblings face-to-face
per day.
Table 4.15. Partial Correlation between the Amount of Internet Use at Home and the
Amount of Other Media Use Controlling for Demographics and Internet Experience
Items Age Gender Internet
Television .24*** .24*** .24***
Newspaper .11 .12 .11
Radio .23*** .23*** .24***
Videogame .19** .21** .20**
Book .49*** .49*** .47***
Internet use at school .25*** .24*** .28***
* p < .05
** p < . 01
*** p < .001
Note. The variables were controlled one at a time. The same results were found when
controlling age, gender, and Internet experience simultaneously.
Table 4.16. t-test for the Amount of Book Reading by Internet Use Group
Internet use group Groups (N) Mean SD t Sig
Low Internet use 130 48.58 41.33 -2.54 P <.05
High Internet use 161 72.40 100.17
Note. Children were divided into two groups (low/high Internet use) by the mean of the
amount of Internet use. The numbers in Mean column are shown in minutes of book
Table 4.17. Multiple Regressions Predicting the Amount of Other Media Use by the
Types of Internet Use (N = 297)
Predictor Television Newspaper Radio Video game Book
variables β (t) β (t) β (t) β (t) β (t)
Internet use for
E-mail -.11 (-1.15) .04 (.43) .12 (1.33) -.03 (-.31) .14 (1.49)
Instant -.08 (-.80) .00 (.001) -.04 (-.38) -.25** (-2.72) .08 (.82)
Checking .01 (.14) .16* (2.17) -.08 (-1.03) .07 (1.02) .01 (.20)
Research for -.10 (-1.42) -.10 (-1.44) -.02 (-.24) -.21** (-3.36) .11 (1.62)
school works
Chatting .01 (.17) .09 (1.05) .31*** (4.04) .07 (.87)
room .06 (.70)
Bulletin .04 (.57) -.01 (-.07) .05 (.58) -.07 (-.90) -.07 (-.83)
Playing game -.01 (-.16) -.08 (-1.05) -.19* (-2.50) .21** (2.95) -.07 (-.96)
Web surfing -.05 (-.51) -.01 (-.06) -.02 (-.27) -.02 (-.28) .05 (.54)
Information .18* (2.16) .04 (.42) .03 (.33) .002 (.02) .13 (1.56)
Information .05 (.56) .16* (1.97) -.16* (-2.03) .10 (1.32) -.01 (-.16)
for sports
Information .01 (.13) -.03 (.39) .14 (1.73) .11 (1.37) -.04 (-.52)
for hobbies
Information -.01 (-.17) .04 (.61) -.03 (-.48) -.14* (-2.06) -.02 (-.25)
for shopping
Downloading .03 (.41) -.02 (-.29) .19 (1.42) .06 (.78) -.05 (-.71)
music files
R2 .05 .06 .09 .19 .09
AR .004 .01 .04 .15 .04
F 1.08 1.29 1.92* 4.62*** 1.86*
Df 13, 259 13, 263 13, 259 13, 262 13, 259
* p < .05
** p < . 01
*** p < .001
Note. Subjects were asked to check how often they do each activity on the Internet on
scale: “never” = 1, “rarely” = 2, “sometimes” = 3, “often” = 4, “very often” = 5. The
numbers for β are standardized coefficient betas. There is moderate multicollinearity
between Internet use for e-mail and instant messaging (See Appendix B)
Table 4.18. Pearson Correlations between the Amount of Internet Use and Non-media
Activities (N = 297)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Internet use 1.00 .07 .10 .12 .03 -.06 .09
2. School 1.00 -.06 .12* .01 .10 .01
3. Homework 1.00 .09 .04 -.14* -.01
4. Commuting 1.00 .28*** -.03 .15*
5. House chores 1.00 -.05 .02
6. Sleeping 1.00 -.14*
7. Eating 1.00
* p < .05
** * p < .001
Table 4. 19. Multiple Regressions Predicting the Amount of Non-media Activities by
Types of Internet Use
Note. Subjects were asked to check how often they do each activity on the Internet on
scale: “never” = 1, “rarely” = 2, “sometimes” = 3, “often” = 4, “very often” = 5. The
numbers for β are standardized coefficient betas. There is moderate multicollinearity
between Internet use for e-mail and instant messaging (See Appendix B)
Table 4.20. Partial Correlation between the Amount of Internet Use and the Amount of
Physical Activity Controlling for Demographics and Internet Experience (N = 297)
Amount of physical activity Age Gender Internet
Playing on a school sports team .04 .07 .06
Playing on a club (Rec.) sports team .12 .12 .10
Doing own physical activity in school .23*** .23*** .23***
Doing own physical activity outside school .17** .17** .13*
Hanging out alone .29*** .28*** .29***
Hanging out with friends after school .21** .21** .22***
# of physical activities .11 .12 .07
* p < .05
** p < . 01
*** p < .001
Note. The variables were controlled one at a time. The same results were found when
controlling age, gender, and Internet experience simultaneously. # of physical activities
was measured by how many physical activities subjects were currently involved at least
once a week for 30 minutes.
Table 4.21. Multiple Regressions Predicting the Amount of Physical Activity by Types of
Internet Use (N = 297)
Predictor variables School sports Own physical # of physical
team activity outside activity
β(t) school β(t) β(t)
Internet use for
E-mail -.16 (-1.78) -.06 (-.69) -.08 (-.89)
Instant messaging .17 (1.75) .11 (1.11) .21* (2.11)
Checking news -.06 (-.76) .04 (.54) -.07 (-.96)
Research for school works .10 (1.39) -.19** (-2.85) .13 (1.93)
Chatting room -.03 (-.39) -.01 (-.18) -.13 (-1.57)
Bulletin board .13 (1.57) .10 (1.27) .11 (1.39)
Playing game -.03 (-.33) .13 (1.67) -.09 (-1.23)
Web surfing -.10 (-1.19) .002 (.02) .08 (.98)
Information for -.05 (-.62) -.09 (-1.10) -.10 (-1.18)
Information for sports .23** (2.90) .11 (1.34) .25 **(3.10)
Information for hobbies -.09 (-1.08) -.04 (-.54) -.11 (-1.31)
Information for shopping .09 (1.24) -.02 (-.26) .10 (1.45)
Downloading music files 0.001 (.02) .16 (2.16) .02 (.29)
R2 .10 .11 .13
AR .05 .06 .08
F 2.01* 2.31** 2.68**
df 13, 259 13, 260 13,249
* p < .05
** p < . 01
Note. Subjects were asked to check how often they do each online activity on scale:
“never” = 1, “rarely” = 2, “sometimes” = 3, “often” = 4, “very often” = 5. The numbers
for β are standardized coefficient betas. # of physical activity was measured by asking
what kinds of physical activities subject were currently in at least once a week for 30
minutes. The activities the respondents wrote were coded as the number of physical
activities. There is moderate multicollinearity between Internet use for e-mail and instant
messaging (See Appendix B)
Table 4. 22. Partial Correlation between Amount of Internet Use and Attitudes toward
Physical Activity Controlling Demographics and Internet Experience (N = 297)
Attitudes toward Age Gender Internet Age, gender, and
physical activity experience Internet experience
Social growth -.07 -.09 -.14* -.15*
Social continuation -.12 -.14* -.19** -.20**
Health & fitness -.10 -.11 -.17* -.17*
Vertigo .02 .05 .001 .02
Aesthetic -.0007 -.05 -.01 -.05
Catharsis -.04 -.03 -.07 -.08
Ascetic .06 .07 .04 .05
* p < .05
* * p < .01
Note. The variables were controlled one at a time. The attitudes toward the physical activity
have seven sub-dimension: “social growth: how do you feel about taking part in physical
activities that give a chance to meet new people,” “social continuation: taking part in physical
activities that give a chance to be with friends,” “health & fitness: taking part in physical
activities to make health better and to get body in better condition,” “vertigo: taking part in
physical activities that could be dangerous because move very fast and must change direction
quickly, ” “aesthetic: taking part in physical activities that have beautiful and graceful
movement,” “catharsis: taking part in physical activities to reduce stress or to get away from
problems,” and “ascetic: taking part in physical activities that have long and hard practices to
spend time in practice you needed to give up other things.” Subjects were asked to rate each
seven dimensions with using five point bipolar adjectives, including good/bad, of no use/useful,
not pleasant/pleasant, nice/awful, and happy/sad.
Table 4.23. Multiple Regressions Predicting Attitudes toward Physical Activity by Types
of Internet Use (N= 297)
Social Social Health &
Predictor growth continuation fitness Vertigo Ascetic
variables β(t) β(t) β(t) β(t) β(t)
Internet use for
E-mail .06 (.65) .20* (2.10) .07 (.72) -.04 (-.43) .15 (1.55)
Instant .14 (1.41) .06 (.56) .08 (.75) .25* (2.36) .13 (1.30)
Checking news -.01 (-.17) .01 (.15) .14 (1.73) -.04 (-.54) -.14 (-1.73)
Research for .06 (.88) -.01 (-.16) -.03 (-.46) -.06 (-.77) .03 (.33)
school works
Chatting room -.01 (-.10) -.01 (-.09) -.12 (-1.39) -.14 (-1.62) -.16 (-1.86)
Bulletin board -.15 (-1.76) -.30*** (-3.56) -.18 (-2.01) .10 (1.10) -.04 (-.43)
Playing game -.07 (-.82) -.002 (-.02) -.07 (-.89) -.03 (-.32) -.06 (-.75)
Web surfing .15 (1.75) .06 (.65) .03 (.31) .06 (.63) -.02 (-.26)
Information for -.04 (-.50) -.06 (-.73) .02 (.21) -.08 (-.88) .04 (.47)
Information for .29** (3.39) .25** (3.10) .20* (2.31) .26** .27** (3.19)
sports (3.05)
Information for -.12 (-1.34) -.23** (-2.71) -.02 (-.23) -.04 (-.42) -.01 (-.11)
Information for .01 (.17) -.02 (-.30) -.07 (-.91) -.02 (-.26) -.08 (-1.06)
Downloading -.15 (-1.84) .06 (.73) .09 (1.14) -.10 (-1.24) -.01 (-.09)
music files
R2 .11 .14 .10 .10 .11
AR2 .05 .08 .04 .04 .05
F 1.98* 2.62** 1.80* 1.81* 1.96*
Df 13, 231 13, 231 13, 229 13, 228 13, 228
Note. * p < .05 ** p < . 01 *** p < .001. Subjects were asked to check how often they do each
activity on the Internet on scale: “never” = 1, “rarely” = 2, “sometimes” = 3, “often” = 4, “very
often” = 5. The attitudes toward the physical activity have seven sub-dimension: “social growth:
how do you feel about taking part in physical activities that give a chance to meet new people,”
“social continuation: taking part in physical activities that give a chance to be with friends,”
“health & fitness: taking part in physical activities to make health better and to get body in better
condition,” “vertigo: taking part in physical activities that could be dangerous because move very
fast and must change direction quickly, ” “aesthetic: taking part in physical activities that have
beautiful and graceful movement,” “catharsis: taking part in physical activities to reduce stress or
to get away from problems,” and “ascetic: taking part in physical activities that have long and
hard practices to spend time in practice you needed to give up other things.” The “aesthetic ” and
“catharsis” dimension were not associated with any types of Internet use. Subjects were asked to
rate each seven dimensions with using five point bipolar adjectives, including good/bad, of no
use/useful, not pleasant/pleasant, nice/awful, and happy/sad. The higher number, the more
positive attitudes toward the physical activity. The numbers for β are standardized coefficient
betas. There is moderate multicollinearity between Internet use for e-mail and instant messaging
(See Appendix B)
Table 4.24. t-test for the Attitudes toward Physical Activity by Obesity
Attitudes toward the Groups (N) Mean SD t Sig
physical activity
Social growth Normal (149) 21.54 3.74 3.00 P < .01
Over weight (69) 19.83 4.26
Note. Subjects were divided into two groups (normal/overweight) by the Body Mass
Index. “Social growth: how do you feel about taking part in physical activities that give
you a chance to meet new people,” “social continuation: taking part in physical activities
that give you a chance to be with your friends,” and “vertigo: taking part in physical
activities that could be dangerous because you move very fast and must change direction
quickly” are among the seven sub-dimensions of attitudes toward the physical activity.
Subjects were asked to rate each dimensions with using five point bipolar adjectives,
including good/bad, of no use/useful, not pleasant/pleasant, nice/awful, and happy/sad.
The higher the mean, the more positive attitudes toward the physical activity.
Table 4.25. Partial Correlation between the Amount of Internet Use and Social
Involvement for Controlling Demographics and Internet Experience
Items Age Gender Internet experience
Attending community events .20** .21** .18**
Attending concerts .18** .18** .17**
Attending church .06 .05 .07
Volunteer works .17** .18** .17**
** p < . 01
Note. Subjects were asked to check how much they attend each event per month on scale:
“none” = 0, “once” = 1, “twice” = 2, “3 times” = 3, “4 times or more” = 4. The variables
were controlled one at a time. The same results were found when controlling age, gender,
and Internet experience simultaneously.
Table 4.26. Multiple Regressions for Predicting Social Involvement by Types of Internet
Use (N = 297)
Predictor variables Community events Concerts Volunteer works
β(t) β(t) β(t)
Internet use for
Communication .22 ** (3.26) .32*** (4.74) .16* (2.35)
Information .08 (1.12) -.03 (-.41) .12 (1.58)
Entertainment -.06 (-.76) -.06 (-.83) -.06 (-.76)
R2 .06 .09 .04
AR2 .05 .08 .03
F 5.23** 7.90*** 3.76*
Df 3, 262 3, 255 3, 262
* p < .05
** p < . 01
*** p < .001
Note. Subjects were asked to check how much they attend each event per month on scale:
“none” = 0, “once” = 1, “twice” = 2, “3 times” = 3, “4 times or more” = 4. Types of The
composite variables for types of the Internet use were used. Internet use for
“communication” includes items of e-mail, instant messaging, chatting room and bulletin
board. “Information” consists of such items as checking news, research for schoolwork,
information about sports, information about hobbies. “Entertainment ” includes items of
playing online games, surfing the Web for fun, and information about entertainment. The
numbers for β are standardized coefficient betas. There is a moderate multicollinearity
between the predictor variables (see Appendix C)
Table 4.27. Partial Correlation between the Amount of Internet Use and Face-to-face
Interaction with Family members and Friends Controlling for Demographics (N =297)
Items Age Gender
With parents -.08 -.08
With siblings -.11 -.12*
With friends .07 .07
* p< .05
Note. Subjects were asked to check how often they talk with parents/siblings face-to-face
per day on scale: “not at all” = 1, “rarely” = 2, “sometimes” = 3, “often” = 4, “very often”
= 5. For face-to-face interaction with friends, subjects were asked to check how many
friends they have who they regularly see and talk to on a face-to-face basis on scale of
“none” to “5 or more.” Demographic variables were controlled one at a time. No
significant results were found when controlling age and gender simultaneously.
Table 4.28. Multiple Regressions for Predicting Face-to-face Interaction with Family
Members and Friends by Types of the Internet Use (N =297)
Predictor variables With parents β(t) With siblings β(t) With friends β(t)
Internet use for
Communication -.05 (-.74) -.17* (-2.45) .14* (2.01)
Information .05 (.66) .07 (.95) .12 (1.58)
Entertainment -.02 (-.23) -.05 (-.58) .05 (.67)
R .003 .03 .06
AR2 -.008 .02 .05
F .29 2.57* 5.41**
Df 3, 263 3, 259 3, 265
* p< .05
** p< .01
Note. Subjects were asked to check how often they talk with siblings face-to-face per day
on scale: “not at all” = 1, “rarely” = 2, “sometimes” = 3, “often” = 4, “very often” = 5.
For face-to-face interaction with friends, subjects were asked to check how many friends
they have who they regularly see and talk to on a face-to-face basis on scale of “none” to
“5 or more.” Types of The composite variables for types of the Internet use were used.
Internet use for “communication” includes items of e-mail, instant messaging, chatting
room and bulletin board. “Information” consists of such items as checking news, research
for schoolwork, information about sports, information about hobbies. “Entertainment ”
includes items of playing online games, surfing the Web for fun, and information about
entertainment. The numbers for β are standardized coefficient betas. There is a moderate
multicollinearity between the predictor variables (see Appendix C)
Table 4.29. Partial Correlation between Amount of Internet Use and Social Relations and
Pro-social Attitudes Controlling for Demographics and Internet Use (N = 297)
Items Age Gender Internet experience
Social relations .10 .08 .06
Pro-social attitudes -.0006 -.01 -.02
Note. The variables were controlled one at a time. Social relations was measured by three
items: “It is important for me to spend time with friends”; “I have had close friends for a
long time”; “My friends are willing to listen to my problems” Subjects were asked to
answer by Likert scale from “strongly disagree” to “strongly agree,” which was coded
from 1 to 5. 1 indicated low level of social relations while 5 indicated high level of social
relations. Composite variable was used. Pro-social attitudes were measured by three
items: It is important to help others”; “It is important to understand others”; “It is
important to contribute to society” Subjects were asked to answer by Likert scale from
“strongly disagree” to “strongly agree,” which was coded from 1 to 5. 1 indicated low
level of pro-social attitudes whereas 5 mean high level of pro-social attitudes. The same
results were found when controlling age, gender and Internet experience simultaneously.
Table 4.30. Multiple Regressions for Predicting Social Relations and Pro-social Attitude
by Types of Internet Use (N=297)
Note. Social relations was measured by three items: “It is important for me to spend time
with friends”; “I have had close friends for a long time”; “My friends are willing to listen
to my problems ” Subjects were asked to answer by Likert scale from “strongly disagree”
to “strongly agree,” which was coded from 1 to 5. 1 indicated low level of social relations
while 5 indicated high level of social relations. Composite variable was used. Pro-social
attitudes were measured by three items: It is important to help others”; “It is important to
understand others”; “It is important to contribute to society” Subjects were asked to
answer by Likert scale from “strongly disagree” to “strongly agree,” which was coded
from 1 to 5. 1 indicated low level of pro-social attitudes whereas 5 mean high level of
pro-social attitudes. Types of The composite variables for types of the Internet use were
used. Internet use for “communication” includes items of e-mail, instant messaging,
chatting room and bulletin board. “Information” consists of such items as checking news,
research for schoolwork, information about sports, information about hobbies.
“Entertainment” includes items of playing online games, surfing the Web for fun, and
information about entertainment. The numbers for β are standardized coefficient betas.
There is a moderate multicollinearity between the predictor variables (see Appendix C)
Table 4.31. t-test for the Loneliness by the Amount of Internet Use (N = 297)
Internet use group Group (N) Mean SD t Sig
Low Internet user 123 15.24 6.85 2.15 P < .05
High Internet user 157 13.65 5.49
Note. Children were divided into two groups (low/high Internet use) by the mean of the
amount of Internet use. The high the mean, the more the lonely.
The purpose of this study was to examine children’s Internet use and how Internet
usage influences children’s daily lives. This study sought to determine if there was a
possible displacement effect for daily activities and an impact on children’s physical,
social, and psychological well-being. There has been little research concerning the
displacement effect of the Internet for children and the research that does exist has shown
mixed findings. Specifically, this study investigated children’s Internet use and its impact
on their existing media use, non-media activities, physical activities, social involvement
and relations, and loneliness. Results revealed that children’s amount of Internet use was
Children who spent more time on the Internet also spent more time with other
existing media, including television, radio, video games, and books. This finding
supported the “the more, the more” hypothesis (Mutz & Roberts, 1993) and the “rich get
richer” pattern (Meyersohn, 1968; Robinson & Godbey, 1999c; Robinson & Kestnbaum,
1999). Children who actively participated in one activity were more likely to participate
in other activities as well. Children who were media savvy (Tapscott, 1998a) seemed to
make more use of every medium. They have grown up with television and video games
and continued their media use with the computer and listening to radio as teens.
Concerning the relationship between the Internet use and physical activity, it was
interesting to see that the amount of Internet use was not associated with time spent with
was concerned about only the total amount of media use rather than focusing on the
content of television programs or specific types of Internet use. Neuman (1991) claimed
that the content of television programs should be considered to avoid the simplicity of
displacement effect. This study indicated that children’s types of Internet use predicted
the children’s activity. For example, children’s Internet use for information about sports
positively predicted their attitudes toward physical activity. Obesity was not found to be
associated with children’s Internet use but was related to physical activity as Salmon,
Bauman, Crawford, Timperio, and Owen (2000) had found. Overweight children had less
positive attitudes toward physical activity in the “social growth, ” ‘social continuation, ”
were high Internet users spent more time on social events. However, it should be noted
that social involvement was positively associated only with children’s Internet use for
communication but not with Internet use for information and entertainment. Once again,
the types of Internet use and not the total amount of Internet use explained the
The amount of Internet use was found to decrease face-to-face interaction with
siblings. With respect to the types of Internet use, children used the Internet for
communication with friends. The Internet was a place where children continued to
maintain friendship from offline to online. Although Gustavo (2001) reported that
frequent Internet users had lower levels of pro-social attitudes (e.g. importance of helping
others), this study found that only Internet use for entertainment was negatively
associated with pro-social attitudes. Another interesting finding was that children who
spent more time on the Internet felt less lonely than children who spend less time on the
Internet. These data supported the Internet as a place for social relations and
This study has several implications. First, it supported the “the more, the more”
displacement hypothesis for existing media. Children who use one medium a lot spent
more time with other media. In other words, the time spent with a new medium did not
come from the time spent on existing media. Also, it did not come from the time spent on
non-media activities. Moreover, high Internet use children spent more time on their own
physical activities and attending social events than did children with low Internet use.
Then, the question would be where does all this time come from? This question could be
answered by three possibilities. One would be the results of this study might be sample
specific results. The percentage of the ownership of computer by household in this study
was 88.8% while 83% of national sample of family households reported computer
ownership in 2002 (Corporation for Public Broadcasting, 2003), which indicates the
sample in this study was slightly above the average in terms of computer access at home.
It is also possible that participants in this study were perhaps more media active children.
Second would be that the time spent on new media could come from marginal activities
that cannot be measured as well as unspecific activities (Mutz & Roberts, 1993). Since
this study did not include all kinds of activities in detail, it is possible that time spent on
the Internet could be from activities that were not measured in this study. Third, the time
spent on the Internet might come from several activities not just one activity. In this
situation, it is possible to find no significant reduction of time with other activities. For
example, time spent on the Internet could come from a small portion of sleeping, a small
portion of physical activities, and a small portion of other media activities. If so, it may
not be possible to detect the significant reduction of time spent on other activities.
The discussion of the displacement effect in this study suggests that an alternative
theory for displacement effect should be developed. For example, although there was no
or attitudinal displacement. In this study, children who spent more time on the Internet
tended to have negative attitudes toward physical activities (in social growth, social
continuation, and health & fitness dimensions) while children who were heavy Internet
users were more likely to spend more time on personal physical activities. This indicated
the displacement effect of children’s attitudes toward physical activity by the Internet.
Second, this study considered not only the total amount of time spent with the
Internet but also the specific types of Internet activities. Internet use for information for
use for research for schoolwork negatively predicted physical activities. In addition,
children who use the Internet for communication were more likely to attend social events.
When the Internet is used for communication and establishing social relations hip with
people, it might lead children to attend more social events. Although Internet use for
the amount of face-to-face interaction with siblings. It indicates that Internet use might
play a negative role at least in relationship with siblings. Overall, the types of the Internet
use had more precise predictable explanation for the displacement effect of the Internet.
Third, this study dealt with the impact of the Internet on children’s daily lives in a
broader sense. That is, it encompassed all kinds of children’s daily activities from media
This study was concerned not only the amount of time spent on each activity but also the
attitudes toward the physical activity, loneliness, perception of social relations, and pro-
social attitudes, which helped to explore the influence of the Internet on children’s daily
Fourth, this study can offer some answers to parents who are concerned about the
influence of the Internet on their child. Does the Internet disrupt children’s typical daily
activities? The answer would be no. Children’s daily activities are not disrupted by their
Internet use. Although we are all concerned that today’s children spend too much time in
front of the computer, children do all kind of activities along with Internet use. The sleep
deprivation or unhealthy eating styles (e.g. skip meals) do not seem to be problems for
children. Children who use the Internet more tend to read more books. Since children can
encounter much information about books on the Internet during surfing the Web, it might
probably not. Children who are high Internet users are more likely to spend their time on
doing personal physical activities both in and outside of school than children who are low
Internet users. Children still have enough time to do physical activities and get along with
friends. However, children who spent a lot of time on their personal physical activity
outside school tended to spend less time on the Internet doing research for school
assignments. This suggests that parents should monitor Internet use and talk with children
although overweight children are more likely to feel bad about taking part in physical
activities that offer children a chance to meet new people and to be with friends and
Does the Internet use isolate children? The answer would be no. Children who
have many close friends in real life have more friends whom they regularly see and talk
to. These children have more friends whom they talk to online, too. Children consider the
addition, children who spend more time on the Internet tend to participate in more social
events, which is good for children’s social development. However, children seem to
sacrifice time spent on face-to-face interaction with siblings to spend time with friends
online. Also, children who use the Internet for playing online games, surfing the Web for
fun, and searching information for entertainment place less importance on helping others,
understanding others, and contributing society. Again, this suggests that parents should
monitor Internet use and talk about the contents and sites that children visit.
This study of course has several limitations. First, although it tried to include
every possible activity, such as sleeping, eating, house chores, and “hanging out,” all
activities could not be measured. Marginal activities that are not easily measured as well
as unspecific behaviors might explain the displacement effect of the Internet. A time-use
diary may help to explain the relationship between Internet use and children’s daily
activities more in detail. Second, this study also has methodological shortcomings. This
study used the self-report method for data collection, which has some limitations.
Children may not estimate their time spent on each activity as accurately as adults.
Concerning physical activity, different results may be found if the data had been collected
during other seasons--spring, summer, or fall. Since the data in this study were collected
during the winter and when school just started, children might not spend as much time in
organized sports activities than during other seasons. Third, similar to other survey
research, this study doesn’t not provide evidence of cause and effect. Gustavo (2001)
found that adolescents who were more socially isolated were more likely to be frequent
Internet users, although he found that Internet use did not displace other social activities.
Similarly, although this study found that children who use the Internet more felt less
lonely, it may be possible that children’s loneliness lead them to spend more time on the
For future study, the following things are recommended. First, this study strongly
suggests that types of Internet use should be examined to test the displacement effect of
new media. Online activities, particularly online game playing, chat rooms, and bulletin
involvements. In fact, chat rooms and bulletin boards are mainly for communication and
relationships with people. People talk to each other and are making friends. Sometimes
online relationships lead to off line relationships. Nobody can tell if online relationships
are inferior to off line relationships. Some people have more serious and intimate
relationships on line where they can get understanding and support. Online game playing
is a context for communication as well as playing games. Many online games provide
chatting room for people who have the same interest—the online game. Thus, examining
the impact of the specific types of Internet use on children’s daily activities will provide
better understanding of the influence of the Internet on children. Second, the issue of
as well as children’s physical and psychological health. Particularly, how MUDs (Multi
User Dungeons) users allocate their time in all activities would be interesting to examine.
Since Internet addiction apparently will influence children’s time spent on daily activities
between Internet use and loneliness, the loneliness scale this study used was more
focused on the social loneliness. Moody (2001) suggested that not only social loneliness
but also emotional loneliness should be examined. He found that high levels of Internet
use were correlated with low levels of social loneliness and high levels of emotional
loneliness. Although this study found that high Internet use children felt less socially
lonely than those with low users, the high Internet use children may have higher
and Internet use should examine both social and emotional loneliness.
Third, it would also be better to collect data not only from children but also from
parents to compare the results. Also, a longitudinal study is suggested to examine the
longitudinal effect of the Internet on across important development periods from younger
children to adolescent and to adults. Another suggestion would be to examine the
displacement effect within school time. Since the school time is fixed for most of
children and it takes up almost half of the day, it would be interesting to see the
displacement effect. How the Internet displaces class activities, such as math or time
Overall, this study found no displacement effect of the Internet on children’s daily
activities. Rather, it found that the more time children spend on the Internet, the more
time they are likely to spend with other media, the more time on some kind of physical
activities, and were more socially involved they are likely to be. The Internet provides a
place for communication and social relationships for children. Net-generation children
surrounded by media are not necessarily giving up other activities that are also important
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1 2 3
1.# of online access computer 1.00 .537*** .204***
2. Internet access 1.00 .252***
3. Internet experience 1.00
*** p < .001
Note. Internet access indicates the ownership of the online accessible computer by child.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1 1.00 .690 .316 .218 .406 .428 .162 .364 .323 .184 .227 .335 .419
*** *** *** *** *** ** *** *** ** *** *** ***
2 1.00 .264 .141 .537 .415 .079 .287 .307 .250 .237 .367 .459
*** * *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
3 1.00 .352 .189 .351 .190 .293 .282 .348 .373 .267 .267
*** ** *** ** *** *** *** *** *** ***
4 1.00 .113 .163 .204 .260 .276 .277 .293 .172 .216
** ** *** *** *** *** ** ***
5 1.00 .473 .186 .317 .339 .172 .228 .266 .322
*** ** *** *** ** *** *** ***
6 1.00 .226 .272 .360 .309 .294 .282 .381
*** *** *** *** *** *** ***
7 1.00 .519 .322 .348 .309 .106 .207
*** *** *** *** ***
8 1.00 .520 .366 .356 .223 .395
*** *** *** *** ***
9 1.00 .419 .520 .357 .403
*** *** *** ***
10 1.00 .564 .218 .323
*** *** ***
11 1.00 .322 /340
*** ***
12 1.00 .401
13 1.00
** p < .01
*** p < .001
Note. Internet use for: 1 = E-mail, 2 = Instant messaging, 3 = Checking news, 4 =
Research for school, 5 = Chatting, 6 = Bulletin board, 7 = Playing games, 8 = Web
surfing, 9 = Information about entertainment, 10 = Information about sports, 11 =
Information about hobbies, 12 = Shopping, 13 = Downloading music files.
Yeora Kim
Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication
University of Georgia
Child’s Survey
1. The first part of this survey is about media environment in your home . Please circle the
number that applies the most to you.
Example: How many pets do you have? If you have two pets, you may circle 2.
2. Next questions are about your media use. Please write down the number of hours and
minutes you spend on each activity. Put zero if you spend no time .
Every day how much time do you spend: hours and minutes
3. Next questions are about your daily activities. Please write down the number of hours
and minutes you spend on each activity. Put zero if you spend no time .
Every day how much time do you spend on: hours and minutes
4. Next questions are about some other activities. Please write down the number of hours
and minutes you spend on each activity. Put zero if you spend no time .
Every day how much time do you spend: hours and minutes
5. What kinds of physical activities are you currently in at least once a week for 30
minutes (not including physical education class)? Please write down all the physical
activities you are in. (Example: baseball, basketball, soccer, gymnastics, rollerblading,
martial arts, biking
6. How many organized activities (including Rec. or club activities) are you in?
None 1 2 3 4 or more
7. Every month how much do you do the following things? Please circle the one that applies you
the most.
8. How often do you talk with your parents face to face per day? Please answer by circling.
Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
9. How often do you talk with your brothers and sisters face to face per day?
Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
11. If yes, can you get on the Internet from your computer? Yes_______ No_______
12. How long have you used the Internet? Please write down the number of years and months
you have used the Internet.
_____________years ____________ months
a. I never use ________ : ________ : _________: ________ :________ I very often use
the Internet the Internet
14. How often do you do these things on the Internet? Please circle the one that most applies to
Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
a. E-mail 1 2 3 4 5
b. Instant Messaging 1 2 3 4 5
c. Checking news 1 2 3 4 5
d. Research for school work 1 2 3 4 5
e. Chatting Room 1 2 3 4 5
f. Bulletin board 1 2 3 4 5
g. Playing online games 1 2 3 4 5
h. Surfing the Web for fun 1 2 3 4 5
i. Information about entertainment 1 2 3 4 5
j. Information about sports 1 2 3 4 5
k. Information about hobbies 1 2 3 4 5
l. Shopping 1 2 3 4 5
m. Downloading music 1 2 3 4 5
n. Other (specify)__________________________________________________________
17. How many close friends do you have (not counting family members)? Please circle the
None 1 2 3 4 5 or more
18. How many friends do you have who you regularly see and talk to on a face-to-face basis (not
counting family members)?
None 1 2 3 4 5 or more
19. How many friends do you regularly communicate with online (not counting family
None 1 2 3 4 5 or more
20. Thinking about kids today. How much, if at all, do you think using the Internet does the
following things for young kids you know?
Not at all Only a little Some A lot
a. Keeps young people from doing 1 2 3 4
more important things
21.Now, think about yourself. How much, if at all, do you think the Internet does the following
things for you?
Not at all Only a little Some A lot
a. Keeps me from doing 1 2 3 4
more important things
b. Leads me to do 1 2 3 4
dangerous or harmful things
22. The Next statements are about your relations with your friends
Please rate yourself and circle the one that applies the most to you
Strongly Strongly
disagree Disagree Neutral Agree agree
a. It is important for me 1 2 3 4 5
to spend time with friends
d. It is important to 1 2 3 4 5
help others
e. It is important to 1 2 3 4 5
understand others
f. It is important to contribute 1 2 3 4 5
to society
23. The Next questions are about physical activities. Please rate yourself and check (v ) the
one that applies the most to you
a. How do you feel about taking part in physical activities that give you a chance to meet
new people?
b. How do you feel about taking part in physical activities that give you a chance to be
with your friends?
c. How do you feel about taking part in physical activities to make your health better
and to get your body in better condition?
d. How do you feel about taking part in physical activities that could be dangerous
because you move very fast and must change direction quickly?
e. How do you feel about taking part in physical activities that have beautiful and
graceful movements?
f. How do you feel about taking part in physical activities to reduce stress or to get away
from problems you might have?
g. How do you feel about taking part in physical activities that have long and hard
practices to spend time in practice you need to give up other things you like to do?
24. How often is each of the following statements true about you? Please circle the one that
applies to you the most
Always True most Sometimes Hardly Not true
True of the time true ever true at all
25. Next questions are about TV and the Internet. Please rate each on the following
29. I am a
_________ boy
_________ girl