EM Waves
EM Waves
EM Waves
Electromagnetic Radiation
and Light
SCN 4-11b
By carrying out a comparison of the properties of parts of the electromagnetic
spectrum beyond the visible, I can explain the use of radiation and discuss how this
has impacted upon society and our quality of life.
SCN 4-16a
I have carried out research into novel materials and can begin to explain the
scientific basis of their properties and discuss the possible impacts they may have
on society.
SCN 4 – 20a
I have researched new developments in science and can explain how their current
of future applications might impact on modern life.
SCN4-20 b
Having selected scientific themes of topical interest, I can critically analyse the
issues and use relevant information to develop an informed argument.
Content National 3
Light travels in straight lines
Reflection of light
Convex and concave lenses
Optical Instruments
Electromagnetic Radiation
Content National 4
Electromagnetic Spectrum
Applications and hazards associated with electromagnetic radiations.
Approaches to minimising risks associated with electromagnetic radiations.
Content National 5
Electromagnetic Spectrum
Relative frequency and wavelength of bands of the electromagnetic spectrum with
reference to typical sources and applications
Qualitative relationship between the frequency and energy associated with a form
of radiation
All radiations in the electromagnetic spectrum travel at the speed of light.
Refraction of light including identification of the normal, angle of incidence and
angle of refraction.
Description of refraction in terms of change of wave speed.
Total internal reflection including relevant applications
Learning Outcomes
At National 4 level, by the end of this section you should be able to:
Electromagnetic Spectrum
At National 5 level, by the end of this section you should be able to:
Electromagnetic Spectrum
o 5. State that the higher the frequency the greater the energy associated
with a form of radiation.
(NASA diagram)
All the parts of the electromagnetic spectrum travel at the speed of light.
(3 x 108m/s or 300,000,000 m/s)
Typical source
Electrical Aerial/ radio transmitter.
Also produced by stars, sparks and lightning which is why you hear interference
in a thunderstorm.
Broadcasting radio and tv programmes
Radio signals used for communication
Mobile phones, wireless networking and amateur radio.
Possible hazards
Potential increased cancer risk
Large doses of radio waves are believed to cause cancer, leukaemia and other
Typical source
Magnetron in a microwave or radar.
Heating food in a microwave oven (causes water and fat molecules to vibrate, creating
Used in radars - navigation of ships and aircraft /Used to predict weather
- Speed cameras
Mobile phones – only needs a small antenna, which keeps down size, but means low
Aerial, diode probe
Possible hazards
Heating of body tissues
Prolonged exposure to microwaves is known to cause "cataracts" in your eyes,
which is a clouding of the lens, preventing you from seeing clearly (if at all!)
Recent research indicates that microwaves from mobile phones can affect parts
of your brain - after all, you're holding the transmitter right by your head.
People who work on aircraft carrier decks wear special suits which reflect
microwaves, to avoid being "cooked" by the powerful radar units in modern military
Typical source
Heat-emitting objects – stars, flames, lamps, people etc.
Remote controls
Used by physiotherapists to help muscle healing – heat lamps.
Used to heat buildings more efficiently – heat lamps in corners of large halls.
Detection of infra-red radiation can be used to help diagnose illnesses which
cause heat and inflammation Used to find people lost at sea.
Used to check for heat loss in pipes. Used for security on banknotes.
Phototransistor, blackened thermometer
Web cam with filter removed.
Possible hazards
Heating of body tissues
Typical source
Anything that glows – light bulbs etc.
Lasers – printers, CD’s, weapon aiming systems, DVD’s
Eye, photographic film
Possible hazards
Intense light can damage the retina
Too much light can damage the retina in your eye.
This can happen when you look at something very bright, such as the Sun.
Although the damage can heal, if it's too bad it'll be permanent.
Typical source
UV lamps – e.g. the ones seen in shops selling food.
Bank note testers.
Treating skin conditions. Helps body produce vitamin D.
Used to set or harden some filling materials at the dentist.
Used as a tracer in biological experiments.
Fluorescence is used to mark valuables and to identify real bank notes.
UV can kill bacteria and microbes, so is used as a sterilizer.
Fluorescent paint
Tonic water
Fluorescent pens
Possible hazards
Skin cancer
Large doses of UV can damage the retina in your eyes, so it's important to check
that your sunglasses will block UV light.
Cheap sunglasses can be dangerous because they may not block UV light as
effectively as the more expensive ones. The pupil of your eye opens up more
because some of the sunlight is being blocked, allowing the UV light through to
damage your eye. Check the information before you buy!
Large doses of UV cause sunburn and even skin cancer. Fortunately, the ozone
layer in the Earth's atmosphere screens us from most of the UV given off by the
Sun. Think of a sun tan as a radiation burn!
Typical source
X-ray tube in a machine, cosmic sources
Medical imaging – to detect broken bones, or with contrast material to
investigate the stomach and intestines. Radiotherapy is the use of X-rays to
treat tumours.
Used to check weld quality in pipes etc.
Scanning luggage at airports. Used in astronomy.
Photographic plates
Possible hazards
Destroys cells which can lead to cancer
X-Rays can cause cell damage and cancers.
This is why Radiographers in hospitals stand behind a shield when they X-ray their
patients. Although the dose is not enough to put the patient at risk, they take many
images each day and could quickly build up a dangerous dose themselves.
Typical source
Nuclear decay
Given off by stars
Treating tumours – to kill cancerous cells. (Radiotherapy)
Used as a tracer in the body to see what is happening in parts of the body
which don’t show up well on x-rays e.g. blood flow through kidneys, air flow
through lungs.
Geiger-Müller tube and counter
Photographic Film
Scintillation counter
Possible hazards
Destroys cells which can lead to cancer
Gamma rays cause cell damage and can cause a variety of cancers.
They cause mutations in growing tissues, so unborn babies are especially
At National 5 level, by the end of this section you should be able to:
o Incident ray
o Refracted ray
o Incident angle
o Angle of refraction
o Normal
o 2. State that the normal is a reference line drawn at right angles to the
o 3. Describe refraction in terms of change of wave speed.
Reflection in a Mirror
Light – Reflection P2
When light passes into a material of higher density it slows down, which also
causes it to change direction.
Triangular Prism
Light passing through a prism will change direction as it enters and as it leaves the
block. If it is white light, the light leaving the block will split up into the visible
spectrum. (See Dynamics and Space notes)
Light – Refraction P 3
Concave Lens
A concave lens spreads rays
of light out.
The thicker the lens the
shorter the focal length and
the more the rays are spread
Also called a diverging lens.
Light – Lenses P4
Long and Short Sight
Long Sight
Definition – can see far objects clearly, but cannot focus on near objects (like a
Definition – can see near objects clearly but cannot focus on far away objects.
Light – Eyesight P 9
Focal Length
object Focal point
Method 1
Take a ruler, a lens and a piece of paper and find something outside the
window to focus on.
As someone to hold the piece of paper as a screen, with the ruler held
below it to measure the distance from the screen.
Move the lens until you have a sharp image on the piece of paper. (it will
be upside down)
The distance between the lens and the piece of paper is the focal length
of the lens.
Method 2
Using a raybox, shine three rays of light through a lens so that they come
to a focus behind the lens. (like the diagram above).
Measure the distance from the lens to the focal point.
This is the focal length of the lens.
Example 1. Example 2.
If a convex lens has a focal length A concave lens has a power of -10 D.
of +2m, what is its power? What is its focal length?
Example 3 Example 4
If a convex lens has a focal length Two lenses are listed as having
of +25cm, what is its power? powers of +8D and -3D respectively.
Calculate which has the shortest
P = 1/f = 1/0.25 = +4D focal length. Could this lens be used
to correct long sight?
f = 1/-3 = -0.33m
f = 1/8 = 0.125m
Yes – it is a convex lens.
Fibre Optics
How it works.
Light is totally internally reflected on the inside wall of the glass fibre.