Integrating Machine Learning Tool To Improve DSS Design: R. G. Joshi and H. S. Fadewar
Integrating Machine Learning Tool To Improve DSS Design: R. G. Joshi and H. S. Fadewar
Integrating Machine Learning Tool To Improve DSS Design: R. G. Joshi and H. S. Fadewar
Abstract This paper describes how a machine learning tool can be applied to deci-
sion support system. We have used fuzzy logic to enhance performance of DSS. Fur-
ther, system developed is implemented in agriculture domain for selection of suitable
crop. Selection of crop is complex process as it involves number of parameters where
uncertainty is more common for example rainfall, suitable seeds, fertilizers, number
of soil parameters, temperature, air quality, humidity, and so on. The present work
focuses on soil parameters and few other parameters which support proper growth
of crops. Fuzzy logic is applied to those parameters for handling data uncertainty.
This is an attempt to suggest proper decision and reduce the burden by designing
new DSS. Experimental set-up shows increased crop production up to 10–12%.
1 Introduction
Overall steps in system development are shown in the following diagram (Fig. 1).
The first step in system development is to frame fuzzy system. Fuzzy system frame-
work involves process of conversion of crisp value into fuzzy value [6]. Further,
we have to apply fuzzy operator to antecedent, proposition from the antecedent to
the consequent, aggregation of the consequents across the rules, and defuzzification.
These are the important points one has to consider while developing fuzzy inference
system. Fuzzy inference is the process of formulating the mapping from a given input
to an output using fuzzy logic [7]. There are two types of fuzzy inference systems,
namely mamdani and sugeno type. Mamdani is more commonly used fuzzy infer-
ence system in which singleton output of membership function is expected, whereas
Sugeno type of system are used when output is either linear or constant. For the
proposed system, mamdani type of FIS is used.
Integrating Machine Learning Tool to Improve DSS Design 839
Data Collection
As shown in Fig. 2, input given to the system is crisp or fuzzy data. If data given to the
system is crisp, it must be converted into fuzzy. This process is called fuzzyfication.
For development of present system, fuzzy logic toolbox from MatLab is used for
the entire process. As we want to implement the proposed system in agriculture
domain, by consulting agriculture expert, we have decided parameters which affect
on production. This process is very complex because a user has to consider different
parameters where uncertainty is more common (Fig. 3). For example, atmospheric
condition, rainfall, proper selection of seeds, suitable fertilizers, soil parameters, and
so on. In the proposed system, we concentrate on soil parameters. It is mandatory
for user to test soil form laboratory, so that system will give accurate result. For
simplicity, it was decided to consider majority of soil parameters and few closely
related with it. In this way, 15 different parameters are decided and system is build
around it. The selected parameters are depicted in Fig. 4.
Once parameters and their membership functions are decided, the next major step in
system design is to write rule-based system. Rules are defined in following manner.
If (pH is High) and (Salwater is Low) and (Acdwater is High) and (WaterLvl is
High) and (Nitrogen is Vhigh) and (Phosphate is Low) and (Potessium is Low) and
(Depthness is Avg) and (Temp is Avg) and (Humidity is Avg) and (Oxygen is High)
and (Sunlight is Avg) and (Iron is Avg) and (Zinc is Avg) and (Maganese is Low),
then (crop is Wheat). This is another example of crop Green gram.
If (pH is Avg) and (Salwater is Avg) and (Acdwater is High) and (WaterLvl is
High) and (Nitrogen is Vhigh) and (Phosphate is Low) and (Potessium is Low) and
(Depthness is High) and (Temp is Avg) and (Humidity is Low) and (Oxygen is High)
and (Sunlight is Avg) and (Iron is Low) and (Zinc is High) and (Maganese is High),
then (crop is Green gram).
In this way, 22 different rules have been defined for the proper output. Writing
such rule with several combinations is lengthy process (Fig. 5).
Figure 4 illustrates the input parameters given to system and their reference values,
e.g., Nitrogen, Phosphate, Potassium, Iron, Zinc, and so on. System gives output in
fuzzy form and defuzzification is done by using centroid method. Finally, Fig. 6
show output generated by the system.
842 R. G. Joshi and H. S. Fadewar
comparision of production
2014 2015 2016 2017
sunflower potato
Earlier researchers Sri Hartati and Imas have used fuzzy approach for evaluating
land suitability and selecting crops. But they have considered 10 soil parameters,
whereas we have considered 15 soil parameters [8]. Kefaya et al. [9] used adaptive
fuzzy neuro approach for crop yield production. But considering only single crop,
we covered 25 different crops. Mawle and Chavan [10] used fuzzy system but their
focus is to predict fertility of soil, whereas we provide exact suitable crop. Kaur [11]
used machine learning approach as it covers irrigation and disease management in
Indian agriculture. Our system recommends suitable crop using fuzzy concept.
Traditional system for selection of crop is based on past experiences. Our exper-
imental set-up is based on scientific soil testing. It has been observed that, system
developed so far recommends other crops than the traditional system, and it shows
increased growth in production.
Table 1 shows difference in production of crop from traditional system to proposed
system. It clearly shows increased production of crop. Graph in Fig. 6 indicate the
same. System developed around soil parameter gives suitable crop. According to
agriculture expert, the parameter selected affects 10–12% on total productivity. We
have tested results from traditional system and fuzzy-based system and results from
developed system are found to be satisfactory and shows 10–12% increased growth.
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