Caste in Come Application
Caste in Come Application
Caste in Come Application
acknowldgement no: RD0038003126892 Village Accountant’s report
3)Does this family has employee of 1st or 2nd grade officer or employee having salary scale
in the range of 22800-43200 in the private sector?
Declared by Sworn
Above Information/ Detail as per my best of knowledge are true & real.
Above provided details are true & if not true I know to ready to face criminal enquiry
Detail of Address
1) Report No:
2) Report Date:
3) Does the applicant’s family come under creamy layer Yes/No
4) Their family’s Total Income:
5) Category
6) Caste
7) Do we provide reservation letter to him
8) If no give reason for not providing
9) the other details for this application