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Kemp-Organic Spectros

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Organic Spectroscopy

Organic Spectroscopy

William Kemp
Senior Lecturer in Organic Chemistry
Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh


© William Kemp 1975, 1987, 1991

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First edition 1975

Reprinted six t imes
Second edition 1987
Reprinted once
Third edition 1991
Reprinted 2002

Published by
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ISBN 978-1-4039-0684-7 ISBN 978-1-349-15203-2 (cBook)

DOI 10.1007/978-1-349-15203-2

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Preface to the First Edition xiv

Preface to the Second Edition xvi
Preface to the Third Edition xviii
Acknowledgments xxi

1 Energy and the Electromagnetic Spectrum 1

1.1 Units 2
1.2 The Electromagnetic Spectrum 4
1.3 Absorption of Electromagnetic Radiation by Organic
Molecules 7

Supplement 1 11
15.1 Spectroscopy and Computers 11
15.2 Fourier Transforms-Frequency and Time 12
15.3 Spectroscopy and Chromatography-Hyphenated
Techniques 14
15.3 .1 Gas chromatography and spectroscopy 15
15.3.2 Liquid chromatography and spectroscopy 15

Further reading 16

2 Infrared Spectroscopy 19
2.1 Units of Frequency. Wavelength and Wavenumber 22
2.2 Molecular Vibrations 26
2.2.1 Calculation of vibrational frequencies 26
2.2.2 Modes of vibration 27
2.2.3 Quantum restrictions 28
2.3 Factors Influencing Vibrational Frequencies 29
2.3.1 Vibrational coupling 29
2.3.2 Hydrogen bonding 31
2.3.3 Electronic effects 36
2.3.4 Bond angles 37
2.3.5 Field effects 38
2.4 Instrumentation-the Infrared Spectrometer-Dispersive and
Interferometric Instruments 39
2.4.1 Infrared sources 39
2.4.2 Monochromators 40
2.4.3 Detectors 41
2.4.4 Mode of operation---dispersive instruments-optical null and
ratio recording 42
2.4.5 Mode of operation-interferometric instruments-Fourier
Transform infrared spectroscopy 43
2.4.6 Calibration of the frequency scale 48
2.4 .7 Absorbance and transmittance scales 48
2.5 Sampling Techniques 50
2.5.1 Gases 50
2.5.2 Liquids 52
2.5.3 Solids 52
2.5.4 Solutions 53
2.6 Applications of Infrared Spectroscopy-Identity by
Fingerprinting 55
2.7 Applications of Infrared Spectroscopy-Identification of
Functional Groups 56
Correlation Charts 58
2.8 The Carbon Skeleton (Chart 1) 58
2.8.1 Aromatics (Chart l(i)) 59
2.8.2 Alkanes and alkyl groups (Chart l(ii)) 59
2.8.3 Alkenes (Chart l(iii)) 72
2.8.4 Alkynes (Chart l(iv)) 74
2.9 Carbonyl Compounds (Chart 2) 74
2.9.1 Aldehydes and ketones (including quinones) Chart 2(i)) 75
2.9.2 Esters and lactones (Chart 2(ii)) 75
2.9.3 Carboxylic acids and their salts (Chart 2(iii)) 77
2.9.4 Amino acids (Chart 2(iv)) 78
2.9.5 Carboxylic acid anhydrides (Chart 2(v)) 78
2.9.6 Amides (primary and N-substituted) (Chart 2(vi)) 79
2.9.7 Acyl halides (Chart 2(vii)) 82
2.10 Hydroxy Compounds and Ethers (Chart 3) 82
2.10.1 Alcohols (Chart 3(i)) 82
2.lO.2 Carbohydrates (Chart 3(ii)) 82
2.10.3 Phenols (Chart 3(iii)) 82
2.10.4 Ethers (Chart 3(iv)) 83
2.11 Nitrogen Compounds (Chart 4) 83
2.11.1 Amines (Chart 4(i)) 83
2.11.2 Imines and aldehyde-ammonias (Chari 4(ii)) 86
2.11.3 Nitro compounds (Chart 4(iii)) 86
2.11.4 Nitriles and isonitriles (Chart 4(iv)) 86
2.12 Halogen Compounds (Chart 5) 86
2.13 Sulfur and Phosphorus Compounds (Chart 6) 86

Supplement 2 88
25.1 Quantitative Infrared Analysis 88
2S.1.1 Absorbance 88
2S.1.2 Slit widths 90
2S.1.3 Path lengths . 90
2S.1.4 Molar absorptivity 91
25.2 Attenuated Total Reflectance (ATR) and Multiple
Internal Reflectance (MIR) 92
25.3 Laser-Raman Spectroscopy 95
2S.3.1 The Raman effect 95
2S.3.2 Comparison of infrared and Raman spectra 96

Further Reading 98

3 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 101

Proton NMR Spectroscopy 104

3.1 The NMR Phenomenon 104
3.1.1 The spinning nucleus 104
3.1.2 The effect of an external magnetic field 104
3.1.3 Precessional motion 104
3.1.4 Precessional frequency 105
3.1.5 Energy transitions 106
viii C O N T E N TS

3.2 Theory of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 106

3.3 Chemical Shift and its Measurement 109
3.3.1 Measurement of chemical shift-internal standards 110
3.3.2 Measurement of chemical shift-the NMR
spectrometer 111
3.3.3 Measurement of chemical shift-units used in NMR
spectroscopy 116
3.4 Factors Influencing Chemical Shift 119
3.4.1 Electronegativity-shielding and deshielding 119
3.4.2 van der Waals deshielding 122
3.4.3 Anisotropic effects 122
3.5 Correlation Data for Proton NMR Spectra 127
3.5.1 Use of correlation tables 127
3.5.2 Influence of restricted rotation 130
3.6 Solvents Used in NMR 131
3.6.1 Choice of solvent for proton NMR spectra 131
3.6.2 Solvent shifts---concentration and temperature
effects-hydrogen bonding 132
3.7 Integrals in Proton NMR Spectra 134
3.8 Spin-Spin Coupling-Spin-Spin Splitting 135
3.8.1 The splitting of NMR signals in proton NMR spectra 135
3.8.2 Theory of spin-spin splitting 137
3.8.3 Magnitude of the coupling---coupling constants , J 141
3.8.4 More complex spin-spin splitting systems 142
3.8.5 Chemical and magnetic equivalence in NMR 148
3.8.6 Proton-exchange reactions 150
3.9 Factors Influencing the Coupling Constant , J 152
3.9.1 General features 152
3.9.2 Factors influencing geminal coupling 153
3.9.3 Factors influencing vicinal coupling 154
3.9.4 Heteronuclear coupling 155
3.9.5 Deuterium exchange 157
3.10 Non-first-order Spectra 158
3.11 Simplification of Complex Proton NMR Spectra 165
3.11.1 Increased field strength 165
3.11.2 Spin decoupling or double resonance (double irradiation) 165
3.11.3 Lanthanide shift reagents---chemical shift reagents 169
3.12 Tables of Data for Proton NMR 171

Carbon-13 NMR Spectroscopy 177

3.13 Natural Abundance 13C NMR Spectra 177
3.13.1 Resolution 177
3.13 .2 Multiplicity 177
3.13 .3 IH Decoupling-noise decoupling-broad band decoupling 177
3.13.4 Deuterium coupling 179
3.13 .5 NOE signal enhancement 179
3.13.6 Quantitative measurement of line intensities 180
3.13 .7 Off-resonance proton decoupling 180
3.14 Structural Applications of 13C NMR 181
3.15 Correlation Data for l3C NMR Spectra 182
3.15.1 Use of the correlation tables 184
3.16 Tables of Data for l3C NMR Spectra 193

Supplement 3 202
35.1 Spin-Spin Coupling and Double Irradiation-More Advanced
Theory 202
3S.1.1 Electron-coupled interact ions through bonds 203
3S.1.2 Energy levels-the sign of J 205
3S.1.3 Internuclear double resonance (INDOR) and selective popu-
lation inversion (SPI) 208
3S.1.4 Nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) 212
35.2 Variable-temperature NMR 214
3S.2.1 The variable-temperature probe 214
3S.2.2 Appl icat ions 214
35.3 Multipulse Techniques in NMR-Nett Magnetization
Vectors and Rotating Frames 215
3S.3.1 CH3, CH2 and CH sub-spectra-spectrum editing-DEPT
spectra 219
3S.3.2 Gated decoupling and the nuclear Overhauser effect 223
3S.3.3 2D NMR-shift correlation spectra-COSY 224
3S.3.4 Magnetic Resonance Imag ing (MRI) 227
35.4 Chemically Induced Dynam ic Nuclear Polarization
(CIDNP) 229
35.5 19F and 31p NMR 230
3S.5,1 1sF NMR 230
3S.5.2 31p NMR 232

35.6 14N, 15N and 17 0 NMR 233

3S.6.1 15N NMR 234
3S.6.2 0 NMR 235
35.7 Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy (ESR) 236
3S.7.1 Derivative curves 236
3S.7.2 9 values 237
3S.7.3 Hyperfine splitting 238

Further Reading 240

4 Ultraviolet and Visible Spectroscopy 243

4.1 Colour and Light Absorption-the Chromophore Concept 245
4.2 Theory of Electronic Spectroscopy 249
4.2.1 Orbitals involved in electronic transitions 249
4.2 .2 Laws of light absorption-Beer's and Lambert's laws 251
4.2.3 Conventions 252
4.3 Instrumentation and Sampling 253
4.3 .1 The ultraviolet-visible spectrometer-dispersive, photodiode ar-
ray and Fourier Transform Instruments 253
4.3.2 Sample and reference cells 256
4.3.3 Solvents and solutions 256
4.3.4 Vacuum ultraviolet 258
4.4 Solvent Effects 258
4.5 Applications of Electronic Spectroscopy-Conjugated Dienes,
Trienes and Polyenes 259
4.6 Applications of Electronic Spectroscopy-Conjugated Poly-ynes
and Eneynes 261
4.7 Applications of Electronic Spectroscopy-c-op-Unsaturated
Carbonyl Compounds 261
4.8 Applications of Electronic Spectroscopy-Benzene and its Substi-
tution Derivatives 263
4.9 Applications of Electronic Spectroscopy-Aromatic Hydrocarbons
other than Benzene 264
4.10 Applications of Electronic Spectroscopy-Heterocyclic
Systems 267
4.11 Stereochemical Factors in Electronic Spectroscopy 268
4.11 .1 Biphenyls and binaphthyls 268
4.11.2 cis and trans isomers 268
4.11.3 Angular distortion and cross-conjugation. Steric inhibition of
resonance 269

Supplement 4 269
45.1 Quantitative Electronic Spectroscopy 269
45.2 Fluorescence and Phosphorescence 271
45.3 Absorption Spectra of Charge-transfer Complexes 274
45.4 Symmetry Restrictions on the Allowedness of Electronic
Transitions 276
45.5 Optical Rotatory Dispersion and Circular Dichroism 277
45.5.1 Definitions and nomenclature 277
45.5 .2 Cotton effect and stereochemistry 278
45.5 .3 The octant rule 279
45.6 Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis (ESCA) 280

Further Reading 282

5 Mass Spectrometry 285

5.1 Basic Principles 286
5.2 Instrumentation-the Mass Spectrometer 288
5.2 .1 Sample insertion-inlet systems 288
5.2.2 Ion production in the ionization chamber 289
5.2.3 Separation of the ions in the analyzer 290
5.2.4 The detector-recorder 292
5.2.5 Data handling 292
5.3 Isotope Abundances 293
5.4 The Molecular Ion 295
5.4 .1 Structure of the molecular ion 295
5.4 .2 Recognition of the molecular ion 297
5.4.3 Molecular formula from the molecular ion 298
5.5 Metastable Ions 299
5.5.1 The nature of metastable ions 299
5.5 .2 Ion tube regions 300
5.5 .3 Calculation of metastable ion m/z values 301
5.5.4 Significance of metastable ions 303

5.6 Fragmentation Processes 303

5.6.1 Representation of fragment ation processes 303
5.6.2 Basic fragmentation types and rules 304
5.6.3 Factors influencing fragmentations 306
5.7 Fragmentations Associated with Functional Groups 307
5.7.1 Alkanes and alkane group s 308
5.7.2 Cycloalkanes 309
5.7.3 Alkenes and alkene groups 310
5.7.4 Cycloalkenes 311
5.7 .5 Alkynes 311
5.7.6 Aromatic hydrocarbon groups 311
5.7.7 Halide s 314
5.7.8 Alcohols 315
5.7.9 Phenols 317
5.7.10 Ethers, acetals and ketals 318
5.7 .11 Carbonyl compounds generall y 320
5.7.12 Aldehydes 321
5.7.13 Ketones and quinones 321
5.7.14 Carboxylic acids 322
5.7.15 Esters 322
5.7 .16 Amides 323
5.7:17 Anhydrides 323
5.7.18 Acid chlorides 323
5.7.19 Nitriles 324
5.7.20 Nitro compounds 324
5.7.21 Amines and nitrogen heterocycles 324
5.7.22 Sulfur compounds 325

Supplement 5 325
55.1 Alternatives to Electron-impact Ionization 325
5S.1 .1 Chemical ionization 325
5S.1.2 Field ionization and field desorption 326
5S.1 .3 Desorption by lasers, plasmas, ions and atoms-LD and
LIMA, PO, SIMS and FAB 327
55.2 Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MSl and
High-performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrome-
try (HPLC-MSl 328
55.3 Isotope Substitution in Mass Spectrometry-Isotope
Ratios 331
55.4 Derivatization of Functional Groups 333
55.5 Alternatives to Magnetic/Electrostatic Focusing-Time-of-
flight, Quadrupole, Ion Cyclotron, FTICR and Tandem Mass
Spectrometers 335

Further Reading 339

6 Spectroscopy Problems 343

6.1 Infrared Spectroscopy Problems 344
6.2 NMR Spectroscopy Problems 347
6.3 Electronic Spectroscopy Problems 351
6.4 Mass Spectrometry Problems 352
6.5 Conjoint IR-UVIVIS-NMR-Mass Spectrometry Problems 353
6.6 Solutions to Problems 363
6.6.1 Infrared spectroscopy problems 363
6.6 .2 NMR spectroscopy problems 370
6.6 .3 Electronic spectroscopy problems 374
6.6.4 Mass spectrometry problems 374
6.6.5 Conj oint spectroscopic problems 375
6.7 Answers to Self-assessment Exercises Distributed throughout the
Book 375

Appendix I Useful Dat a-Correlation Tables and Ch arts 381

Appendix 2 Acronyms in Spectroscopy 382
Index 384
to the First Edition

This book is an introduction to the application of spectroscopic techniques

in organic chemistry . As an introduction it presupposes very little
foreknowledge in the reader and begins at a level suitable for the early
student. Each chapter is largely self-contained, beginning with a basic
presentation of the technique and developing later to a more rigorous
treatment. A supplement to each of the principal chapters covers recent
and recondite areas of the main fields, so that the book will also serve to
refresh and update the postgraduate student's knowledge. Sufficient
correlation data are given to satisfy the average industrial or academic user
of organic spectroscopic techniques, and these tables and charts constitute
a useful reference source for such material.
SI units are used throughout, including such temporarily unfamiliar
expressions as relative atomic mass and relative molecular mass. A major
break with the British conventions in organic nomenclature has also been
made in favor of the American system (thus, I-butanol rather than
butan-l-ol) . This step is taken both in recognition of the vast amount of
chemical literature that follows American rules (including the UKCIS
computer printouts) and in the expectation that these conventions will in
due course be adopted for use by more and more British journals and
Chapter 1 takes a perspective look at the electromagnetic spectrum , and
introduces the unifying relationship between energy and the main absorp-
tion techniques.
The next four chapters deal with the four mainstream spectroscopic
methods-methods which together have completely altered the face of
organic chemistry in little over a decade and a half. Most students will use
infrared spectroscopy first (chapter 2), and nuclear magnetic resonance
spectroscopy will follow (chapter 3). Electronic spectroscopy is more
limited in scope (Chapter 4), and mass spectroscopy (chapter 5) is the most
recent and, in general, the most expensive . Chapter 6 provides both

worked and problem examples in the applicatio n of th ese techniques, both

singly and conjointly.
The e mphas is throughout has be en un ashamedly 'o rga nic', but interpre-
tative th eory has been included even where controversy exists : the th eory
of nucle ar magnetic re son ance is particul arly satisfying a nd logical when
treated se miempirically, but infrared th eory is often conflicting in its
predictions, ma ss spectroscopy theory is often speculative and electronic
theory can be very mathem atic al. Th ese strengths and weaknesses are
e mphas ized throughout.
Students of chemistry, biochemistry o r pharmacy at university o r college
will hop efull y find th e book easy to read and und erstand: th e examples
chosen for illustr at ion are all simple org anic compounds, and chapt er 6
includes pro blem s at an eq ua lly introductor y level (so th at stude nts ca n
succeed in problem-solving! ). It is likel y th at the chapt er suppleme nts will
be studied by students at honours chemistry degree or postgradu at e level,
and on the whole this is reflected in de gree of complexity.
Th e author is reluctant to admit it , but he graduated at a time when no
spectrosco pic technique (other than X-r ay crystallography) was taught in
th e undergraduate curriculum. He hop es that his own need to learn ha s
given him a sympathe tic insight int o th ose dark areas th at stude nts find
difficult to und er stand , and th at th e tre atm ent accorded th em in this book
reflects their tr avail. His ow n colle agues have been of imm en se suppo rt,
and did not laugh when he sat down to play. He than ks them all for it.

Heriot- Watt University , Edinburgh , January 1975 WILLI AM K EM P

to the Second Edition

When first produced, this book tapped into a floodstream of progress in

the application of spectroscopy to organic chemistry, and the unabated
flow of developments has made a second edition necessary and timely .
The developments have not been entirely spectroscopic per se, but have
been associated with the considerable reduction in the cost of computers,
so that new spectroscopic information can be elicited, and the data then
man ipulated in new ways, too. This is equally true in the parallel working
of spectroscopy with chromatography, and a new section is devoted to
outlining this successful marriage .
A major area of expansion is in the coverage of nuclear magnetic
resonance, where carbon-13 NMR is now given equal prominence with
proton NMR, although the theory is developed around a protocentric
Weltanschauung . New tables of data, new worked examples and more
problem examples (with answers) give a student-oriented coverage of all
interpretative applications of NMR .
Pulsed Fourier Transform methods make it possible to observe NMR
from even the most unfavorable of magnetic nuclei, and multinuclear
spectrometers are now less expensive and esoteric than before-a brief
look at nitrogen-If and oxygen-17 NMR is included in deference to their
importance to organic chemists. Time and money are still needed to record
NMR from these nuclei, but the interpretation of the spectra is no more
difficult than for carbon-13 (and usually much simpler than for the proton) ;
the book emphasizes these simplicities .
Infrared spectroscopy has undergone a renaissance with the advent of
extremely sensitive Fourier Transform instruments, but although the
spectra can be obtained from small (and very unusual) samples, the
structural application of the method is not much different from before.
New techniques and devices have appeared in ultraviolet spectroscopy
and in mass spectroscopy and these are introduced as part of the updating
of the text.
Two changes in units have been agreed internationally, and in accor-
dance with new recommendations chemical shift in NMR is now quoted as,
for example , 8 7.3 (and not 7.3 8), and mass-to-charge ratios in MS are
quoted in units of mlz (and not mle).
Throughout these alterations and expansions the character of the book
has survived , particularly in the use of simple examples to illustrate
sophisticated science . Hopefully they will enhance its usefulness not only
for reference but also in learning.

Heriot- Watt University, Edinburgh , 1986 W .K.

to the Third Edition

Since the publication of the second edition, the rate of change in the se
various fields of spectroscopy has maintained its pace. Some of the
developments have been in instrumentation rather than in the exploitation
of new spectroscopic phenomena, but this has led to the ready availability
of spectra which were regarded, only a few years ago, as in the exotic class.
As a consequence of these advances, we are witnessing changes in the
emphases which the organic spectroscopist places on particular techniques:
his time will be spent more with the carbon-IS and proton NMR spectra
than with the infrared and ultraviolet.
The publication of a third edition has been centered around three main
themes. The first change acknowledges a need to minimize discussion of
obsolete instruments or techniques, and many more details of spectro-
meter operation have been added; Fourier Transforms and computers are
no longer optional extras in the spectroscopy laboratory.
The second change is in the introduction of almost one hundred new
student exercises throughout the book, in the form of both worked
'examples' (showing the working of a model problem, with a model answer
to the question) and problem 'exercises' for the student to practice, having
seen the method demonstrated in the model ; answers to all of these
self-assessment exercises are given at the back of the book . Several more
difficult problems have also been added .
The third and major change is to the chapter on nuclear magnetic
resonance, which has been considerably extended to take cognizance of its
position as the preeminent method for structural determination in organic
chemistry . This has been done mainly through the use of the Supplements,
so that the beginning student can still come to grips with the simpler ideas
of NMR and thereafter, at his or her own developing pace , tackle the
conceptual complexities of rotating frames, pulse angles, and the like.
For students coming fresh to spectroscopy, it is difficult to anticipate
how each of the methods can help in deducing the structure of an organic
compound, and so an extended introduction in chapter I sets out a
comparison among them; even then, much of this will need to be reread
post hoc before any perspective can be gained . Progress in the develop-
ment of one technique may also downvalue a particular strength of
another; a clear example of this is in the way that NMR has stolen IR
thunder in the analysis of substitution patterns in benzene rings, identifica-
tion of alkyl groups (methyl, ethyl, isopropyl , tert-butyl), differentiation of
aldehydes from ketones from esters , and so on .
In infrared spectroscopy , relatively cheap Fourier Transform infrared
(FTIR) spectrometers have become more readily available and it is quite
probable that all new instruments designed by the major manufacturers
will be based on FTIR, although the dispersive instruments at present in
use throughout the world will expect to live on for a time yet. Because of
this important imminent change, the section on infrared instrumentation
has been completely rewritten, with FTIR spectroscopy brought out from
the Supplement to its proper place in equal prominence with dispersive
instrumentation . In addition to the principal advantages of FTIR instru-
ments (speed and sensitivity), the spectral data are digitized, allowing
many manipulations such as spectral subtraction : an example of this has
been included. To minimize the chore of having to skip back and forth
from text to spectrum, most of the infrared spectra are now annotated with
assignments for the bands.
Only one manufacturer is still producing a low-cost continuous wave
nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer, all other instruments on the
market being FTNMR machines. Superconducting magnets are now able
to reach 14.1 T , corresponding to 600 MHz in proton frequency, and it is
projected that 700 MHz will be achievable-with a stable magnet-in a few
years' time . Unlike infrared spectra , where the spectrum will often look
the same whether it has been recorded on a grating or on an FTIR
instrument, proton NMR spectra from CW instruments exhibit 'ringing'
and therefore do not look the same as those from FTNMR machines (even
if the field strength is unchanged) . The older literature, and most of the
spectra catalogs, contain only CW spectra, whereas new spectra are
virtually always from the FTNMR mode , and one consequence of this for
the student is the necessity to recognize these differences: the interpreta-
tion of a spectrum from either mode (all other things being equal) poses
the same challenges. Thus, in this third edition, a few of the simple
first-order proton spectra shown in earlier editions at 60 MHz CW have
been retained, but most of the CW spectra have been replaced by FTNMR
spectra, from 80 MHz up to 600 MHz: the additional abilities of FT
instruments to record DEPT spectra and 2-D spectra are also exemplified.
It has been decided to follow IUPAC recommendations and to eliminate
almost completely the use of the terms 'high field' , ' low field ' , 'upfield' and
'downfield' from the book . The fact that almost all new NMR instruments
are FTNMR machines (in which the field strength is constant) means that it

is in the interests of new students to refer exclusively to relative chemical

shift positions in the context of 'lower frequency' and 'higher frequency',
respectively, even though these terms may initially be unfamiliar to former
users . Discussion of techniques with outdated usefulness has been elimi-
nated (spin tickling) or severely curtailed (INDOR).
There have been few changes in the science of ultraviolet and visible
spectroscopy since the second edition, and in mass spectrometry the major
change of interest to the compass of this book has been the ubiquitous
availability of computerized data handling. This has been reflected in the
discussion of the subject : the importance of library searching as a means of
compound identification has also been given increased prominence. An
additional section deals with laser ionization, and its importance, particu-
larly in surface analysis.
The development of separation science (mainly chromatography) has
continued steadily in parallel with the development of spectroscopy, but
especially dynamic growth is taking place in those joint techniques in which
the separation of mixtures is coupled with spectroscopic analysis of the
separated constituents, as in supercritical fluid chromatography-mass
spectrometry (SFC-MS) or gas chromatography-Fourier Transform
infrared spectroscopy (GC-FTIR). The discussion of these so-called
hyphenated techniques has been extended in recognition of their impor-
tance and novelty, and their derived acronyms have been included in
Appendix 2, as a guide through the maze .
As must ever be the case, thanks are due to the many people who have
helped in this revision by supplying information or argument, but especial
thanks must go to my colleague Dr Alan Boyd for the amount of work
involved in rerunning so many of the NMR spectra (and in carrying out the
musical Fourier Transforms in chapter 1).

Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, 1990 W.K.


The author wishes to place on record his grateful thanks to the many
people who supplied material , information , spectra and a share of their
valuable time ; comments critical and encouraging were received from
many colleagu es, and changes in this edition reflect these indications.
Th e book, in its third edition, is being jointly published for the first time
by W. H. Freeman, New York, and much advice has been accepted from
chemists in the USA to try and meet the needs of students there. Some
early help came from Dr Donna Wetzel, Rohm and Haas, Bristol,
Pennsylvania; Dr Daniel F. Church, Louisiana State University;
Dr William Closson, State University of New York; Dr John Gratzner,
Purdue University; and Dr Neil Schore, University of California. The
entire manuscript was read by Prof. George B. Clemans, of Bowling Green
State University, and Prof. Harold M. Bell, of Virginia Tech .: their many
suggestions for improvement have been incorporated wherever possible.
Gary Carl son , of W. H. Freeman, was responsible for inviting the whole
project to the USA, and for arranging its review by faculty on that side of
the Atlantic.
CHAPTER I. The portraits of Isaac Newton and Joseph Fourier at the
chapter head are reproduced with the permission, respectively , of The
Royal Society of Chemistry, London, England, and Librairie Larousse,
Paris , France. The music featured in figure 1.6 had Ailsa Boyd on clarinet,
lona Boyd on violin and the author on bagpipes: the recording and
subsequent Fourier Transformation were by Dr Alan Boyd, of Heriot-
Watt University.
CHAPT ER 2. The infrared spectra reproduced in this chapter were recorded
on a Perkin-Elmer Model 700 infrared spectrophotometer, with the
exceptions of figures 2.10 and 2.11, which were recorded, respectively, on
a Perkin-Elmer Modell720-X FTIR spectrometer (by Dr lain McEwan, of
Heriot-Watt University) and a Pye-Unicam Model SP3-100 instrument.
The photographs at the chapter head were supplied by Perkin-Elmer, and
show examples of the Models 1600 and 1700 series. The correlation charts
on pages 60-71 are reproduced with permission from Qualitative Organic
Analysis, by W. Kemp , McGraw-Hill, Maidenhead (2nd edn , 1986).
CHAPTER 3: All of the NMR spectra and all of the spectra simulations
reproduced in this chapter were recorded by Dr Alan Boyd, with the
exceptions of the following . Figure 3.4 is reproduced from High Resolution
NMR Spectra Catalog, with the permission of the publishers, Varian
Associates, Palo Alto, California. The 360 MHz and 600 MHz proton
NMR spectra for menthol in figure 3.30 were recorded by Dr Ian Sadler, of
Edinburgh University. Figures 3.32 and 3.40 are reproduced from NMR
Quarterly , with permission of Perkin-Elmer, the publishers. The photo-
graphs at the chapter head were kindly supplied by Japanese Electronic
and Optical Laboratories, lEaL UK , London. Figures 3.36 , 3.37, 3.38,
3.41,3.42 ,3.43,3.44 and 3.45 are reproduced from NMR in Chemistry: A
Multinuclear Introduction, by W. Kemp , Macmillan, London (1986), with
permission . The MRI brain scan (Figure 3.49) was furnished by Bruker
Spectrospin, Karlsruhe, Germany.
CHAPTER 4. The photographs at the chapter head were supplied by
Perkin-Elmer, Beaconsfield, England. The chromascan in figure 4.3 is
reproduced with permission of Pye-Unicarn, Cambridge. Tables 4.5 and
4.6 are reproduced with permission from Qualitative Organic Analysis, by
W. Kemp, McGraw-Hill, Maidenhead (2nd edn, 1986).
CHAPTER 5. Figure 5.5 is reproduced with permission from Beynon, J . H.,
Mass Spectrometry and its Application to Organic Chemistry, Elsevier,
Amsterdam (1960). The photographs at the chapter head were supplied by
VG Analytical Ltd , Manchester, England, and figure 5.10 is reproduced
with permission from Bruker Spectrospin, Coventry .
CHAPTER 6. The proton NMR spectra reproduced in this chapter arc from
High Resolution NMR Spectra Catalog, with permission of the publishers,
Varian Associates, Palo Alto , California (except figure 6.9(a) , recorded on
a Bruker WM200 spectrometer). The infrared spectra were recorded on a
Perkin-Elmer Model 700 spectrometer, except figure 6.11 (recorded on a
Pye-Unicam Model SP3-100 instrument) .
Energy and the Electromagnetic 1
Isaac Newton
'In the year 16661 procured me
a triangular glass prism, to try
therewith the celebrated
phenomena of colours.' His
classic experiments constitute
the first scientific study of

Joseph Fourier
His mathematical analysis of periodic systems led to Fourier Transforms.
Although helived through the French Revolution, hewas notable to witness the
spectroscopic revolution associated with FT.
When the sun's rays are scattered by raindrops to produce a rainbow, or in
a triangular glass prism (as in the famous early experiments of Sir Isaac
Newton in 1666), the white light is separated into its constituent parts-the
visible spectrum of primary colors. This rainbow spectrum is a minute part
of a much larger continuum, called the electromagnetic spectrum: why
Visible light is a form of energy, which can be described by two
complementary theories: the wave theory and the corpuscular theory.
Neither of these theories alone can completely account for all the
properties of light: some properties are best explained by the wave theory,
and others by the corpuscular theory. The wave theory most concerns us
here , and we shall see that the propagation of light by light waves involves
both electric and magnetic forces , which give rise to their common class
name electromagnetic radiation.

Units are best named following the stipulations of the SI system (Systerne
Internationale d'Unites), These are:
wavelength in meters, m
frequency in reciprocal seconds, S-l , or hertz, Hz (1 S-I = 1 Hz)
wavenumber in reciprocal meters, m- I
energy in joules , J
Multiplying prefixes are used as convenient-for example,
1000 m = 1 km, 10-6 m = 1 micrometer or 1 J.Lm, 10- 9 m = 1 nanometer
or 1 nm, 1 000 000 Hz = 1 megahertz or 1 MHz, etc.
We can represent a light wave travelling through space by a sinusoidal
trace as in figure 1.1. In this diagram ~ is the wavelength of the light;
,different colors of light have different values for their wavelengths, so that,
for example , red light ha s wavelen gth = 800 nm , while vio let light has
wave length = 400 nm .

travelli ng with
veloc ity C'

Figure 1.1 Wave-like prop agation of light (A = wavelength, A = amplitude ,

e = 2.998 x lOx m S- I, ca. 3 x lOx m S-I ) .

If we kno w th e wavelen gth A, we can ca lculate th e inverse of thi s. I/A.

which is th e number of wav es per unit of len gth . This is most frequently
used as th e number of waves per em, and is call ed th e wavenumber l'. in
reciprocal centimeters (cm - I ) .
Al so , provided that we know the velocity with which light tr avel s
th rough spa ce (c = 2.998 X lOll m S- I), we can calcul ate th e number of
waves per second as th e f requency of th e light , v = cl): (S- I).
In summary, we ca n describe light of any given 'c olor' by qu oting e ithe r
its wave length, A, or its wave numbe r , ii , or its frequen cy, v .
The follo wing ar e th e rel ati on sh ips amo ng th e fo ur qu antities wave-
len gth , wav enumbe r, fre q ue ncy and velocity:

Quantity Relationship Units

1 e
wavelength A := - = - me urn, nm
v v
1 v
wavenumber v= - =- m" , ern"!
A e
frequency v = - = ev S- I (Hz)
velocity C = VA =- m S- I

Example 1.1
Qu estion . Ca lculate the frequency and wave numbe r of infrared light of
wave length A = 10 urn (micro me te rs , formerl y called microns) =
10 x 10- 0 m o r 1.0 x 10- 5 m.
Model answer . Since frequency v = clt«, then v = (3 x lOx m s-I)I
(1.0 x 10- 5 m) = 3 x 10 13 S-1 or (as frequency in S-I is usually quoted in
hertz, Hz) 3 x 10 13 Hz. Wavenumber is simply the reciprocal of wave-
length, so if A = 1.0 X 10- 5 m, then ii = 1.0/(1.0 X 10- 5 m)
= 1.0 x 10 m -1: it is conventional to express wavenumber in reciprocal

centimeters rather than reciprocal meters , so this value corresponds to

1.0 X 103 cm " , or 1000 cm - 1

Example 1.2
Question. A local radio station transmits (a) at approximately 95 MHz on
its VHF (very high frequency) transmitter and (b) at 810 kHz on medium
wave . Calculate the wavelengths of these transmissions.

Model answer. In each case, the broadcast frequency is given :

c = 3 X 108 m S-I, and A = clv. Thus, the wavelength corresponding to
(a) 95 MHz, or 95 x 106 S-I, is found from (3 x 108 m s-I)/(95 X 106
S-I) = 3.158 m. The wavelength for (b) is (3 x lOx m S-I)/
(810 x 103 Hz) = 370 m.

Unfortunately, users of the different spectroscopic techniques we shall

meet in this book do not all use the same units. although it would be
possible for them to do so. In some techniques the common unit is
wavelength, in other techniques most workers use wavenumber, while in
others we find that frequency is the unit of choice. This is merely a question
of custom and usage , .but it makes comparison among the techniques a
little less clear than it might be.

Exercise 1.1 Calculate the frequencies and wavelengths of infrared light

of wavenumber (a) 2200 cm " and (b) 3000 cm- I .
Express frequency in S-I , Hz, and wavelength in micrometers , urn .

Exercise 1.2 Calculate the wavelengths of the following useful radio

broadcast frequencies: (a) CB radio at 27 MHz; (b) International Distress
broadcasts at 2182 kHz long wave and 156.8 MHz (Channel 16 on VHF);
(c) Emergency Position-Indicating Radio Beacons (EPIRBs) at
121.5 MHz for civil aircraft and 243 MHz for military aircraft.


The sensitivity limits of the human eye extend from violet light
(A = 400 nm, 4 x 10- 7 m) through the rainbow colours to red light
(A = 800 nm, 8 x 10- 7 m) . Wavelengths shorter than 400 nm and longer
than 800 nm exist, but they cannot be detected by the human eye.
Ultraviolet light (A < 400 nm) can be detected on photographic film or in a
photoelectric cell , and infrared light (A >800 nm) can be detected either
photographically or using a heat detector such as a thermopile .
Beyond these limits lies a continuum of radiation, which is shown in
figure 1.2. Although all of the different divisions have certain properties in
common (all possess units of A, v, ii, etc.), they are sufficiently different to
require different handling techniques. Thus , visible light (together with
ultraviolet and infrared) can be transmitted in the form of ' beams' , which
can be bent by reflection or by diffraction in a prism; X-rays can pass
through glass and muscle tissue and can be deflected by collision with
nuclei ; microwaves are similar to visible light, and are conducted through
tubes or 'waveguides' ; radiowaves can travel easily through air, but can
also be conducted along a metal wire; alternating current travels only with
difficulty through air, but easily along a metal conductor.

AIm v/Hz
cosmic rays . 10-"

gamma rays 10- 11 10"

X-rays . . . 10- 9 10"

far ultraviolet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-' 10"

ultraviolet . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . 10-' 10"
visible. .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-" 1014
near infrared. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10- > lO"
mid infrared . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10- > 10" (ii, IOz cm")
far infrared . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-. IOU

microwave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10- 3 10"

radar . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 10- 2 10'0

television . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 10"

nuclear magnetic resonance . .. . . . . . . . . . . 10 10'

radio 102 10"

alternating current. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10" 102

Figure 1.2 The electromagnetic spectrum, with wavelengths A and frequency v


Alternating current is familiar as a wave-like electrical phenomenon,

setting up fluctuating electrical fields as it travels through space or along a
conductor. Associated with these electric vectors (and at 90· to them) are
magnetic vectors. This relates to the simple experiment of placing a
compass needle near a current-carrying conductor; the fluctuating elec-
trical forces generate magnetic forces which deflect the compass needle .
The relationship between these two quite different forms of energy is
shown in figure 1.3 . Alternating current is an electromagnetic phenom-
enon ; all other parts of the spectrum in figure 1.2 possess electric and
magnetic vectors and the name electromagnetic radiation is given to all the
energy forms of this genre .
The energy associated with regions of the electromagnetic spectrum is
related to wavelengths and frequency by the equations
E = hv = he/A.
where E = energy of the radiation in joules/J,
h = Planck's constant/6.626 x lo-~4 J s,
v = frequency of the radiation/Hz,
c = velocity of lightl2.998 x lOx m S-I ,
A. = wavelength/m .

Figure 1.3 Propagation of alternating electric forces and the related magnetic

The higher the frequency, the higher the energy; the longer the
wavelength, the lower the energy. Cosmic radiation is of very high energy;
ultraviolet light is of higher energy than infrared light ; etc.
Most references to energy will be expressed in joules (J), but the
electron volt will be mentioned in mass spectrometry: 1 electron volt,
1 eV = 1.6022 X 1O-llJ J, so that ultraviolet light of wavelength 100 nm
has an energy of about 12 cV.
To express energy in terms of J mol " , the expressions E = hv ; etc.,
must be multiplied by the Avogadro constant, N A ( = 6.02 X 1023 mol ") .
A numerical example will help to make this clear.

Example 1.3
Question. For ultraviolet light of wavelength 200 nrn, calculate (a) the
frequency of this light, (b) the amount of energy absorbed by one molecule
when it interacts with thi s light, and (c) the corresponding amount of
e ne rgy abso rbed by one mole of substance.
Model answer . (a) Frequency is given by ciA = (3 x lOH m s-I)/
(200 x 10- '1 m) = 1.5 x 1015 S- I (Hz). (b) The energy associated with
this is given by £ = hv = (6 .6 X 10- 34 J s) x (1.5 X 10- 15 S-I)
= 9.9 X 10- '1 J; this would be the energy absorbed by one molecule
interacting with the ultraviolet light. (c) To find the amount of energy
absorbed by one mole of substance , we must multiply by the Avogadro
con stant N A (= 6.02 X 10 23 mol ") , giving approximately 6 x 105
J mol-lor 600 kJ mol ",

Exercise 1.3 T ypical bond dissociation energies in organic molecules are

aro und 400 kJ mor ' . Calculate (a) the frequenc y and (b) the wavelength
of the electromagnetic radi ation which corresponds to this dissociation
e ne rgy. In which part of the spectru m does this radi ation lie?

Exercise 1.4 Gamma-irradiation of food uses cobalt-60 as a source of

electromagnetic radiation with frequency around 10 19 Hz. Calculate the
energy of thi s radiation (a) in joules and then (b) in kJ mol-I.

Exercise 1.5 Routine ma ss spectra of organic compounds are recorded by

bombardment of th e molecule with an electron beam of energy 70 e V .
Calcul ate th e corresponding energy (a) in joules and then (b) in kJ mol -I.


If we pass light from an ultraviolet lamp through a sample of an organic
molecule such as benzene , so me of the light is absorbed. In particular,
so me of the wavelengths (frequencies) are absorbed and others are
virtually un affected .
We can plot the changes in ab sorption against wavel ength as in figure 1.4
and produce an absorption sp ectrum . The spectrum presented in figure 1.4
sho ws absorption bands at seve ral wavelengths-for example , 255 nm.
The organic molecule is absorbing light of A = 255 nm , which corre-
spo nds to energy absorption of 470 kJ rnol " : Energy of this magnitude is
associated with changes in the electronic structure of the molecule, and
when a molecule absorbs this wavelength , electrons are- promoted to
high er-energy orbitals, as represented in figure 1.5. The energy transition
£ 1 ~ £ 2 corresponds to the absorption of energy exactly equivalent to the
energy of the wavelength abso rbed :


Figure 1.4 An absorption spectrum .

u - - : - - - - - - E2

J~ AE- (£, -£,)- 10<,,= ••


Figure 1.5 Energy transition for the absorption of light or other electromagnetic

While this example refers specifically to ultraviolet light, the same

principle holds for the absorption of energy from any part of the electro-
magnetic spectrum.
A molecule can only absorb a particular frequen cy, if there exists within
the molecule an energy transition of magnitude 6.£ = hv ,
Although almost all parts of the electromagnetic spectrum are used for
studying matter, in organic chemistry we are mainly concerned with energy
absorption from three or four regions-ultraviolet and visible, infrared,
microwave and radiofrequency absorption.
Table 1.1 shows the kind of inform ation that can be deduced from
studying the absorption of these radiations.
The last of the spectroscopic techniques summarized in table 1.1 is
different from the others. In mass spectrometry we bombard the molecule
with high-energy electrons (= 70 eV, or 6000 kJ mol-I), and cause the
molecule first to ionize and then to disperse into an array (or spectrum) of
fragment ions of different masses . This mass spectrum presents us with a
jigsaw pattern of fragments from which we have to reconstruct a picture of
the whole molecule.

Table I.I Summary of spectroscopic techniques in organic chemistry and the

information obtainable from each

Radiation absorbed Effect on the molecule (and information deduced)

ultraviolet-visible changes in electronic energy levels within the

A, 190-400 nm molecule (extent of -r-electron systems, presence of
and 400-800 nm conjugated unsaturation, and conjugation with
nonbonding electrons)

infrared (mid infrared) changes in the vibrational and rotational movements

A, 2.5-25 IJ.m of the molecule (detection of functional groups,
v, 400-4000 cm - I which have specific vibration frequencies-for
example, C=O, NH 2, OH, etc .)

microwave electron spin resonance or electron paramagnetic

v, 9.5 x 109 Hz resonance; induces changes in the magnetic
properties of unpaired electrons (detection of free
radicals and the interaction of the electron with,
for example, nearby protons)

radiofrequency nuclear magnetic resonance ; induces changes in the

v, 60-600 MHz magnetic properties of certain atomic nuclei,
notably that of hydrogen and the DC isotope of
carbon (hydrogen and carbon atoms in different
environments can be detected and counted, etc.)

electron-beam impact ionization and fragmentation of the molecule into a

70 ev, 6000 kJ mol -I spectrum of fragment ions (determination of
relative molecular mass (molecular weight) and
deduction of molecular structures from the
fragments produced)

The spectrometers used to record the IR, NMR or UVIVIS spectra vary
enormously, and yet have certain essential features in common:
1. a source of radiation of the appropriate frequency range (a UV or IR
lamp, a radiofrequency transmitter, etc.);
2. a sample holder to permit efficient irradiation of the sample;
3. a frequency analyzer which separates out all of the individual
frequencies generated by the source (the most familiar being the
triangular glass prism as used by Isaac Newton for visible light);
4. a detector for measuring the intensity of radiation at each frequency ,
allowing the measurement of how much energy has been absorbed
at each of these frequencies by the sample; and
5. a recorder-either a pen recorder or a computerized data station ,
with a VOU for initial viewing of the spectrum, with the possibility
of manipulation in scale, etc.
Mass spectrometers do not measure the interaction of molecules with
electromagnetic radiation, but apart from having a mass analyzer in place
of a frequency analyzer, they have all of the other spectrometer features
listed above .
No one spectroscopic technique supplies enough information to deduce
the structure of an organic molecule of any complexity, but, depending on
the molecule, some methods are more helpful and amenable to analysis
than others ; part of the enjoyable challenge of organic spectroscopic
problems is the interplay among the various spectra, and the iterative
process that leads to a solution . The costs of instruments vary enormously ,
as does the ease of operation, even between a simple teaching instrument
in one branch and a state-of-the-art research spectrometer in the same
branch .
Table 1.2 is an approximate league table , full of challengeable general-
ities , setting out a comparison among the main spectroscopic methods; the
award of three stars is good ; one star is not.

Table 1.2 Some comparisons among the principal spectroscopic methods: good
feature s score three stars


identifi cation of functional

groups :;c'" * **
measurement of molecular
compl exity .. *"' ' '
sensitivity (sample size
quantitative information
interpretability of all of the
theory needed to interpret
ease of instrument operation ** *
instrument cost , running
eosts * :~ *


An absorption spectrum such as that in figure 1.4 may be recorded

directly on a pen recorder ; if the same information is digitized and
stored in a microcomputer interfaced to the spectrometer instrument,
then many additional manipulations of the data become possible,
provided that the appropriate hardware and software are available.
Expansions and contractions of the spectrum, on either the or-
dinate or the abscissa, can be selected on a video display unit before
printing out the hard copy.
Difference spectra. The spectra of mixtures (including the common
circumstance of compounds in solution, or containing impurities) can
be simplified by computer subtraction of one spectrum from another
(for example, removing the spectrum of the solvent or impurity). See
figure 2.10.
Spectra summation. Weak or noisy spectra can be improved by
summing several spectra together. In these summations the transient
signals of random noise average to a minimum, leaving the true
spectrum peaks with enhanced intensity; the increase in intensity
when n spectra are summed in this way is a factor of n1/2 , so that 100
summations increase the ratio of signal to no ise by a factor of 10. The
technique is also called signal averaging or computer averaging of
transients (CAT).
Smoothing routines can further improve the appearance of spectra
by removal of unwanted no ise.
Baseline corrections can eliminate skew.
Integration of the areas under peaks can be used for quantitative
Library searches can be carried out to compare the spectrum of an
unknown compound with standard spectra held in the computer
memory or disk store. Th is search may use the entire digitized
spectrum for comparison, or else important salient features alone
(such as the carrying out of a search for spectra with an absorption
band at a specified frequency).
Graphics displays. Having stored several spectra in the computer,
the information can be presented in several different graphics for-
mats, including various styles of stack plot which make the visual
comparison of several spectra more easy than on separate paper
sheets. An example is shown in figure 4.3.
Derivative spectroscopy. It may be important in analyzing certain
spectra to decide where minor inflections arise on the main curve of a
spectral band ; a common case is in the analysis of mixtures, where
broad absorption bands may arise from the near-overlap of absorp-
tions from the several, constituents of the mixture. Minor inflections
on a curve can be highlighted by calculating the first derivative of the
slope (so that, instead of plotting intensity versus frequency, a plot of
rate of change of intensity versus frequency is obtained). An example
of the use of derivative curves is given in the discussion in section
3S.7 on electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy. It is also
possible to calculate and plot the second derivative of the curve,
which further sharpens the peaks and effectively separates the
overlapping peaks to a greater extent.


If the G string of a violin is bowed and a microphone used to transmit
the signal to an oscilloscope, the complex (but regular) interference
pattern shown on the screen signifies that in a violin string the pure G
frequency is mixed with other frequencies (harmonics). A clarinet
sounding the same note produces a different pattern of harmonics,
and, hence, a different interference pattern on the oscilloscope. The
Scottish great highland bagpipe is different again.
These instrument sounds can be compared in two ways (other than
aurally) . See Figure 1.6.
a. The oscilloscope shows the interference patterns (inter-
ferograms) as changes in intensity versus time; the interferograms
are visually complex, because several frequencies are involved and
these interact with one another to give beats.
b. The instruments can also be compared by plotting the frequen-
cies emitted, showing the relative intensity of each frequency: th is
is much more easily comprehended and compared than the three
Note that in the former presentation the plot is of intensity against
time (in units of seconds), while the latter presentation is a plot of
intensity against frequency (in units of reciprocal time, S-1, or Hz);
both contain the same information, and one form is the mathematical
reciprocal of the other.
We refer to the former as being in the time domain and to the latter
as being in the frequency domain.
There is a relationship between a complex interferogram and the
set of sine and cosine frequencies which go to produce it. This
relationship was studied and defined by Jean-Baptiste Joseph
Fourier (1768-1830) and the conversion of one to the other is called a
Fourier Transform (FT).

Vio lin _~~~,Mi

I I , ~ ~ n n ' l n " ' '' '' I '' '' ' '' '' 1 ~~t~~~~I~1
2000 1000 I
_1Hz 466


I I' I I I m ~m~ I I
4000 3000 2000 1000 I
_1Hz I 466

Bagp ipes
, I ' I I I i I I I , '1" r- I I I
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I~ I
0 fu 4~

Figure 1.6 The clarinet, the violin and the highland bagpipe playing the same note (B flat above middle C, 466 Hz); the
interferograms (above) were subsequently Fourier Transformed to show the individual frequencies emitted (below). w
The clarinet note is almost pure, the violin shows several higher frequency overtones, and the bagpipe shows both
lower- (from the bass drone) and higher-frequency harmonics.

Several spectroscopic methods produce interferograms which are

difficult to interpret unless they are first transformed (by FT) into a
plot of individual frequencies. The computer program for executing
the FT is complex: spectrometers provided with this facility first
digitize the interferogram, perform the FT (in a few seconds) and then
plot the absorption spectrum on a hard-copy printer or pen recorder.
Examples are given of the FT method in all four of the techniques
discussed in this book (infrared, ultraviolet-visible, nuclear magnetic
resonance and mass spectrometry). See sections 2.4.5, 3.3.3, 4.3.1
and 5S.5.
There are several advantages to be gained in using FT methods to
record spectra, the most striking of which is the saving in time: an
infrared spectrum can be recorded easily in one-hundredth of the
time required by nonFT spectrometers, and indeed for routine use
the limitation in sample throughput is the speed of the final printer/
plotter. In mass spectrometry speed is increased a thousandfold, and
in carbon-13 NMR spectroscopy this factor is of the order of 5000.


Separation of mixtures by chromatographic processes is a central
part of analytical and preparative chemistry. The methods include (a)
liquid chromatography, LC (in columns, or on thin layers, TLC, or in
high-performance liquid chromatography, HPLC); (b) gas chroma-
tography, GC (in packed or capillary columns); and (c) the more
specialized ion exchange chromatography, gel permeation chroma-
tography, GPC, size exclusion chromatography (SEC) and super-
critical fluid chromatography (SFC). The direct conjunction of these
techniques with spectroscopic examination of the separated fractions
constitutes several powerful analytical partnerships.
The quantities of materials separated out are inevitably small and
the concentrations low, so this presents special problems to the
spectroscopist, but notwithstanding the practical difficulties, it is
possible to pair virtually all of the chromatographic methods with all
of the spectroscopic methods; equipment cost is the only countering
With a dedicated microcomputer, spectrometer instruments are
capable of performing elaborate procedures repetitively and at high
speed, not only in the accumulation, manipulation and presentation
of data, but also in the control of the spectroscopic experiment being
performed. In chromatographic processes where components elute
from the column over a period of a few seconds or less, the
absorption spectrum of the solute can only be recorded in real time
('on-the-fly') if the spectrometer is fast , sensitive and capable of
storing sufficient data in dig ital form to allow accurate reconstruction
of the spectrum . Manufacturers of spectroscopic instruments have
invested enormous effort in producing instruments capable of doing
just th is.

15.3.1 Gas chromatography and spectroscopy

Gas chromatography can only be used to separate compounds with a
substantial vapor pressure at the column temperature.
The concentration of a compound in the gas phase in GC is
commonly of the order of a few nanograms per milliliter. The
targeted component in the eluent from the chromatograph can be
condensed out, but this is time-consuming and of low efficiency. (It
is, however, the only practical method usable in coupling GC with
NMR spectroscopy.)
The carrier gas can be removed by various diffusion devices which
utilize the higher diffusion rates of gases, especially hydrogen and
helium, compared with the higher molecular weight component
being eluted. This is a technique commonly used to couple gas
chromatography with mass spectrometry (GC-MS); see section 5S.2.
Some designs of mass spectrometer do not require that the carrier
gas be removed, and the gas chromatograph eluent is led directly
into the mass spectrometer to give truly on-the-fly GC-MS; see
section 5S.1.1.
In gas chromatography coupled to infrared spectroscopy (GC-IR)
the eluent from the GC can be led through a light-pipe fitted with
transparent windows at each end, so that the infrared beam can be
directed from the source, along the light-pipe, and thence to the
detector. This on-the-fly techn ique can record the IR spectrum of each
eluted component, but it demands a fast-scanning and sensitive
spectrometer to record an entire spectrum during the short period of
elution of each peak; see section 2.4 on FTIR.
Gas chromatography coupled to ultraviolet spectroscopy (GC-UV)
is possible but it is rarely used.

15.3.2 Liquid chromatography and spectroscopy

Liquid chromatography can be used to separate volatile and nonvola-
tile solutes.
Large-scale column chromatography at atmospheric pressure
gives eluent fractions which may be quite rich in solute, and conse-
quently this poses no special problems in the search for good
spectra. For high-performance liquid chromatography, HPLC (for-
merly called high-pressure liquid chromatography) small volumes
and low concentrations arise.
Ultraviolet spectroscopy detection at fixed wavelengths has long
been used as one of the mainstays of HPLC detectors, but with
fast-scanning UV detectors using diode arrays, the entire UV spec-
trum of each eluting component can be measured on-the-fly; see
section 4.3 and figure 4.3.
Such stack plots present the change in absorption spectrum versus
elution time; they are often called chromascans or spectrochromato-
grams. Fluorescence spectra are complementary to the UV absorp-
tion spectra in these applications; see section 4S.2.
Infrared detection of eluting components can also be carried out at
fixed wavelength (e.g. near 3000 cm") to monitor the presence of
compounds with C-H groups, but, as in UV spectroscopy, the entire
infrared spectrum of each component can be recorded on-the-fly,
using fast-scanning and sensitive Fourier Transform infrared instru-
ments; see section 2.4 on FTIR.
To couple HPLC with mass spectrometry, it is possible to remove
solvent manually, but direct interfacing can be done by passing the
eluent from the column through a very narrow orifice (ca 10 urn) to
generate a fine cloud of vapor (i.e. to 'nebulize' the eluent). In another
variant the components condense out when the eluent impinges on a
cooled band of metal. See also section 5S.2.
Because of its inherent low sensitivity, NMR cannot be coupled
directly to HPLC except after total or partial solvent removal.
The components of a mixture separated by TLC are static (in
contrast to the flow system of HPLC) and they can be removed from
the plates for spectroscopic examination by any of the methods. It is
also possible to record the infrared spectra directly by reflectance,
using the high sensitivity of FTIR instruments; see sections 2.4 and
In supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC) a gas, commonly
carbon dioxide or ammonia, is used as the mobile phase, but at a
pressure above its critical pressure (hence supercritical) . For certain
polar compounds of high molecular weight the method gives supe-
rior separations to those given by HPLC, but this is not a generality.
Enrichment of the eluent by selective removal of the gaseous mobile
phase is often easier than in HPLC, but the development of the
thermospray (see section 5S.2) for combined HPLC-MS has limited
the acceptance of SFC-MS to specialized analyses.

Willard, H . H ., Merritt, L. L., Dean , J. A. and Settle , F. A . Jr,
Instrumental Methods of Analysis, Wadsworth , New York (7th edn,
Wayne, R. P., Fourier transformed, Chemistry in Britain, 23,440 (1987).
Mills, I. (Ed .), Quantities, Units and Symbols in Physical Chemistry,
Blackwell, Oxford (1987) .
Homann, K. H. (Ed.), The Abbreviated List of Quantities, Units and
Symbols in Physical Chemistry, Blackwell, Oxford (1987); indispens-
able, inexpensive.
Banwell, C. N., Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy, McGraw-Hill,
New York (3rd edn , 1983).
Barrow, G . M., Introduction to Molecular Spectroscopy, McGraw-Hill,
New York (1962).
(These last two books dwell more on physical interpretations and introduce
the mathematics of spectroscopy.)
Davis, R . and Wells, C. H. J., Spectral Problems in Organic Chemistry,
Blackie, Glasgow (1984).

Carrick, A., Computers and Instrumentation, Heyden, London (1979).
Hollas, J. M., Modern Spectroscopy, Wiley, Chichester (1986).
MacRae, M. (Ed.), Spectroscopy International, Aster Publishing Corp.,
Eugene, Oregon . Bimonthly magazine for spectroscopists and analytical
chemists, discussing all of the spectroscopic techniques in this book, and
several others; free to bona fide practitioners in Europe (including the
UK) .
Instrument and accessory manufacturers publish information updates on
their own products, and these useful documents are available free of
charge .
Infrared Spectroscopy 2

low cost Fourier Transform infrared spectrometer.

Gas chromatograph interfaced with Fourier Transform IR (GC-FTIR).

When infrared light is passed through a sample of an organic compound,
some of the frequencies are absorbed, while other frequencies are trans-
mitted through the sample without being absorbed. If we plot absorbance
or transmittance against frequency, the result is an infrared spectrum.
Figure 2.1 is the infrared spectrum of a mixture of long-chain alkanes
(liquid paraffin, or Nujol), showing that absorption bands appear in the
regions around 3000 cm- I and 1400 cm "; other frequencies do not
interact with the sample and are consequently almost wholly transmitted.
The alkane molecules will only absorb infrared light of a particular
frequency if there is an energy transition within the molecule such that
tJ.£ = hv, The transitions involved in infrared absorption are associated
with vibrational changes within the molecule; for example, the band near
3000 cm - I (that is, corresponding to 9.3 x 10 13 Hz) has exactly the same
frequency as a C- H bond undergoing stretching vibrations.
The absorption band near 3000 cm - 1 is therefore called the C-H
(stretch) absorption, usually represented as C-H str.
The bands around 1400 cm - I correspond to the frequency of the bending
vibrations of C- H bonds, and are called the C- H (bend) absorptions.
Alternatively, bending vibrations are referred to as deformations, so that
C- H deformation bands can be labelled as C- H def.
Infrared spectroscopy is therefore basically vibrational spectroscopy,
and the principal value of the technique to organic chemists relates to the
following observation .
Different bonds (C-C, C=C, C==C, C-O, C=O, 0 - H, N- H,
etc.) have different vibrational frequencies, and we can detect the presence
of these bonds in an organic molecule by identifying this characteristic
frequency as an absorption band in the infrared spectrum.
For example, the spectrum in figure 2.3 is that of a carbonyl compound,
and we know that the strong band at 1700 cm -I is associated with the
wavenumber/em - 1

4000 3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 650
3800 3400 3000 2600 2200 -+-

100 I 1 I i I I Il 1
I Il i1tt nn
; J. I Ii- !
T+ 1"1 tt
90 11 L i _L!.
TT;-I irI -, - 1- (
-~I -t- ,
ri t' Fi--rt l ''i
80 Ii ~' ~ ~~ O I
j I I
tJ.~"1I. I: ~.. !" llI . : 1 J1 tI +I i· t~~~~~~~;~;~~~ ~~~~~~~~
II l
l 'Jffi Illfffi
+ i I l' I I 1 I W-~ III t Ill! ' " .I i ~ I II II 1 H
I, ~,1.1 ' ' LI
I ffi ill
~ 70 r 1~; H." f-! LJ i. J J I. lJ. hi. I . I I •,I I mI Illl II . i.__, ._I ._.I_. __.I _.._ II 11 I-II __ . _
~ i " ,l 1 l
~60 J ·Jif.!i . ' I 1 _' - i I I T l i-i l l l lltfmtt1JlJT.DIf1.~ ~·" ~J . : ~
,~ 50 1_ I; I , I t
I1 11 I I 1IIIII IIIIIJlUJJ:1.D i 0 .3 ~
~ 40
~ rJ1. .: -r-
;_-I. ,I

I _
lll1illlanti<vrnllt t evm
I I II, I I I 1TTTTTT1 , ,;-.-: ; ;
I I .
II tl I
,Tl1 T,- ~
; ''-,i lTT1TTTITTTTTlTrTn T
._ 1. I II

- " T l.l : -!. i I ! 1 I 1 ! I' I .I I I

30 ,i' T ~. · ri ~(: :i.ij! I ! i I "T" I' I
~ r; J_ ' .~ ! i . IWlTI TTl1TiTln . , ' II 0.5
t il 1 T I , T : : ! I i I I' I ITI I . I I. I I i 1I I 1I 1i 111I11 1I
20 ! I .; T T i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! 1! I I ! i I I I I ' ~.~
'j r ' c- H str I+. , I ! I 11 111 I 11 1111il l 11111 11 111 11 I 1111 111111 11 111 11 I I !
rr -r- +r . . [, 11 T1 1;mi~J-
10 b, I + J lllitLWJIlLt 11!!1IlIIII IIII lii !II III !1IIIIIIIl li IIII IIIIi Iml11l9~ i
,I i
i J
f-:~I t~. ·~T' uf " Ii- I~-tI -;! rI tH:r.t 111'1 ; 111111 11 III I!
1 '1 +H I I Ii III .i i
o T! I I ! I anti sym 1 sym I I 1111I I I I I I I ll II, "II II IU i! I! I: i! I I i it- ~O
2.5 3.0 3.5 4,0 4,5 5,0 5.5 6.0 6,5 7.0 7.5 8,0 9.0 10,0 11.0 12.0 15.0
wave lengthjum

Figure 2.1 Infrared spectrum of mixed long-chain alkanes (liquid paraffin, Nujol} . Liquid film .


stretching vibration of the C=O bond (thus, we say C=O str appears at
1700 cm ", or vc=o = 1700 em-I) . Similarly, by examining the spectrum
in figure 2.18 (page 85), we can say that the compound contains a nitrile
group ; the strong band at 2250 em -1 is the C== N str absorption . (Alternat-
ively, we say C==N str appears at 2250 cm", or VC=N = 2250 em-I.)
By examining a large number of compounds of a given class, we can
draw up data in the form of tables or charts, which allow us to correlate the
presence of absorption at a particular frequency with the presence of a
functional group within the molecule. Such a set of correlation charts
appears on pages 60-71, and two simple examples will illustrate their use .
The infrared spectrum in figure 2.2 is known to be that of an alkyne: the
spectrum is examined in conjunction with chart 1, and we can see that it
shows characteristic absorptions corresponding to C==C str (at 2150 em-I)
and to == C - H str (at 3320 ern-)); this latter proves that the alkyne has a
terminal triple bond . (The example is l-octyne .)
Using chart 2, we can distinguish acetophenone from benzaldehyde,
because although the spectra of benzaldehyde (figure 2.3) and aceto-
phenone (figure 2.4) both show C=O str absorptions (around 1700
crn"), the benzaldehyde spectrum also shows the characteristic aldehyde
C-H str absorptions (near 2800 em-I), which are absent from the
acetophenone spectrum.


The position of an absorption band can be specified in units of frequency, v
(S-I, or Hz), or wavelength, A (micrometers, J.Lm), or wavenumber, v
(reciprocal centimeters, em-I) .
The stretching absorption of C- H bonds therefore appears at
= 9.3 x 1013 S-I == 9.3 X 1013 Hz == 3.3 J.Lm == 3000 cm":
The majority of chemists use wavenumber units (em - I), although a very
small minority, together with most physicists, use wavelength (J.Lm) . True
frequencies are virtually never used (which is unfortunate, since only by
quoting frequency can one obtain a picture of the C- H bond stretching
and contracting 9.3 x 1013 times per second) .
We shall occasionally commit the universal sin of referring to a vibration
as having a 'frequency' of x em"! (rather than a wavenumber of x cm") .
The unit ern-1 is spoken 'reciprocal centimeter'.
In the discussions that follow, wavenumber units are favored , although
spectra and chart data show both wavenumber and wavelength units.
Organic applications of infrared spectroscopy are almost entirely con-
cerned with the range of 650-4000 cm- I (15.4-2.5 J.Lm) (the mid infrared).
The region of frequencies lower than 650 cm- 1 is called the far infrared,
and that of frequencies higher than 4000 ern"! is called the near infrared.
wavenumber/em - I
4000 3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 650
3800 3400 3000 2600 2200 - + -
100 , , 00

3.0 3.5 40 4.5 50 55 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 90 10.0 11.0 12.0 15.0
wa velength srm

Figure 2.2 Infrared sp ectrum of l-octyne (CH,(CH 2) sC = CH) . Liquid film .

wavenumber/em - I
4000 3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 650
3800 3400 3000 2600 2200 _ _

3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 80 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 15.0
wave leng thu m

Figure 2.3 Infrared spectrum of benzaldehyde (PhCHO) . Liquid film .

wavenumber/em - I
4000 3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 650
3800 3400 3000 2600 2200 -+-
100 0,0




g 60 u
u g
g" 2
50 0,3 5
'~ IIee
s 40


~~~ - '" " . ,." " . ' I

" " " ,, _ , ~~'~.·~~~~~~T·I
20 , " I I II
i i i i ii i i---i i "- "
~' ~ ~ u-r ~ ~ ~ i i i Iii II I vi ; I , I I
= str 1111 111C=S' V
i \ i Vi l('l,'i ..._
I I l i t 111 1 I HT""t"ht"t"1'Il I I I i I I i HI I I rI I I aromati c
~HT1 -~- ~~-=----_
tttitttit .
ttttttfHttttt,?,~;S~~, ~7{ _ 2.0

3.5 4,0 4,5 5.0 5,5 6.0 6.5 7,0 7.5 8,0 9,0 10,0 11.0 12.0 15,0
wa velength/!, m

Figure 2.4 Infrared spectrum of acetophenone (PhCOCH 3 ) . Liqu id film.


These regions are, respectively , farther from and nearer to the visible
spectrum .
The far infrared contains a few absorptions of interest to organic
chemists, notably carbon-halogen bond absorptions, and the ab sorptions
associated with rotational changes within molecules.
The near infrared reaches right to the long wavelength limit of the visible
spectrum (0 .75 urn), and mainly sho ws absorptions that are harmonic
overtones of the fundamental vibrations found within the 'normal' range .
Little use has been made of these absorptions by organic chemists.


At ordinary temperatures organic molecules are in a constant state of
vibration, each bond having its characteristic stretching and bending
frequency , and being capable of absorbing light of that frequency. The
vibrations of two atoms joined together by a chemical bond can be likened
to the vibrations of two balls joined by a spring: using this analogy, we can
rationalize several features of infrared spectra. For example, to stretch a
spring requires more energy than to bend it; thus, the stretching energy of
a bond is greater than the bending energy.

Stretching absorptions of a bond appear at higher frequencies in the

infrared spectrum than the bending absorptions of the same bond.


We can calculate the vibrational frequency of a bond with reasonable
accuracy, in the same way as we can calculate the vibrationalfrequency of
a ball and spring system ; the equation is Hooke's law , which correlates
frequency with bond strength and atomic masses , since

bond strength 1 ( k ) 1/2
V DC • thus v == -
mass ' , 21T mlm/(ml+m2)
where v == frequency,
k == a constant related to the strength of the spring (the force
constant of the bond),
mlo mz == the masses of the two balls (or atoms) .
The quantity mImZ/(ml + mz) is often expressed as J.l, the reduced mass
of the system.
As an example, we can calculate the approximate frequency of the
C- H stretching vibration from the following data:
k == 500 N m- I == 5.0 x 105 g s- z (since 1 newton == 103 g m s- z)
mc = mass of the carbon atom = 20
x 10- g
mil = mass of the hydrogen atom = 1.6 x 10- 24 g
7 ( 5.0 X 10 g s-2 ) 1/2
V =2x 22 (20 x 10- 24 g)(1.6 X 10- 24 g)/(20 + 1.6)10- 24 g

= 9.3 X 10 13 S-I
To express this in wavenumbers (ii) , we use the relationship shown in
section 1.2 (where c is the velocity of light = 3.0 x 108 m s-I) :
v 9.3 x 10 13 S-1
ii = - = - - - - --
c 3.0 X 108 m S-I
= 3.1 X 105 m"!

= 3100 cm "
It is important qualitatively to restate the principles embodied in these
The vibrational frequency of a bond is expected to increase when the bond
strength increases, and also when the reduced mass of the system
We can then predict that C=C and C=O str will have higher
frequencies than C-C and C-O str, respectively: we also expect to find
C-H and O-H str absorptions at higher frequencies than C-C and
C - 0 str. Similarly, we would predict 0 - H str to be of higher frequency
than 0-0 str.
Without accurate data on force constants, however, some caution should
be exercised in predicting exact trends other than in this general way .
For example, on the basis of mass , we expect X-H str frequencies to
fall along the series C-H, N- H, 0 - H, F- H ; in fact they rise, mainly
owing to increasing electronegativity. There are also extreme cir-
cumstances in which 0 - H str has lower frequency than 0 - 0 str.
Section 2.3 deals with other factors influencing vibrational frequencies.

Molecules with large assemblages of atoms possess very many vibrational
frequencies; for a nonlinear molecule with n atoms, the number of
vibrational modes is (3n - 6), so that methane theoretically possesses 9
and ethane has 18. Does this lead to methane having 9 (and not more than
9) absorption bands in the infrared?
Figure 2.5 shows that for a single methylene group several vibrational
modes are available, and any atom joined to two other atoms will undergo
comparable vibrations (for example, any AX 2 system such as NH 2 , N02) .


symmetric a ntisymmetric


In-plane Deformations Out-of-plane Deformations

scissor and rock twist and wag

Figure 2.5 Vibration modes in methylene groups. Similar AX z groups

(-NH z, -NO z• erc.) and methyl groups behave analogously .

Each of the different vibration modes may (and frequently does) give
rise to a different absorption band , so that CH z groups give rise to two
C - H str bands at Vsvm and Vanti ' Other vibrations may not give rise to
absorption . since some may have frequencies outside the normal infrared
region being examined. Some of the vibrations may have the same
frequency (that is. they are degenerate) and their absorption bands will
overlap. It is also necessary, in order to 'see' an absorption band, that the
particular vibration should produce a fluctuating dipole (and thus a
fluctuating electric field), otherwise it cannot interact with the fluctuating
electric fields of the infrared light. Thus, the stretching of a symmetrically
substituted bond (for example, C==C in acetylene) produces no change in
the dipole of the system , and therefore this vibration cannot interact with
infrared light. (See Raman spectroscopy, section 2S.3.)
In addition to these fundamental vibrations thus far discussed, other
frequencies can be generated by modulation , etc., of the fundamentals.
Overtone bands (harmonics) appear at integer multiples of fundamental
vibrations. so that strong absorptions at, say, 800 ern-) and 1750 em -: will
also give rise to weaker absorptions at 1600 cm -I and 3500 em -I, respect-
ively. Two frequencies may interact to give beats which are combination or
difference frequencies ; thus , absorptions at x em - I and y em -I interact to
produce two weaker beat frequencies at (x ± y) cm -).
Modulation by addition or subtraction of two frequencies has important
consequences in Raman spectroscopy (see section 2S.3) .


When a vibrating ball and spring system gains energy, the frequency of
vibration does not alter , but the amplitude increases. Thus, in the
stretching of a spring, increased energy leads to greater degrees of
extension and contraction of the spring . While this is also true of the
vibrations of interatomic bonds, quantum theory applies to chemical bonds
and imposes certain additional restrictions. Vibrational energy can only
increase by quantum jumps, so that the energy difference between
successive vibrational levels is the familiar 6.£ = hv or 6.£ = N Ahv (see
section 1.3) .
Absorption of infrared light around 3000 em -I (corresponding to
C-H str) involves an increase in the energy of the molecule of Nshv , or
about 37 kJ mol - I. Once in the vibrationally excited state, the molecule
can give up this extra energy by rotational , collision or translational
(kinetic) processes, etc .


Many factors influence the precise frequency of a molecular vibration , and
it is usually impossible to isolate one effect from another. For example, the
C= 0 str frequency in the ketone RCOCH 3 is lower than in RCOCI; is the
change in frequency of the C = 0 str due to the difference in mass between
CH 3 and Cl, or is it associated with the inductive or mesomeric influence of
Cion the C=O bond ; perhaps there is some coupling interaction between
the C=O and C-Cl bonds, or is there some steric effect which alters the
bond angles?
We shall discuss here frequency shifts, which are brought about by
structural changes in the molecule, or by interaction between functional
groups. Due emphasis will be placed on those features that are most
valuable in explaining the characteristic appearance and positions of the
group frequencies .
Primary mass effects (for example, the mass effect of changing C- H to
C-Cl) have been mentioned in section 2.2 ; secondary mass effects (for
example, the effect on C=O str of changing CO-Cl'I3 to CO-Cl) are
very difficult to study, because of the unavoidable intrusion of electronic
effects. Frequency shifts also take place on moving from condensed phases
to dilute solutions, as mentioned in the section on sampling techniques (see
section 2.5).


An isolated C - H bond has only one stretching frequency, but the
stretching vibrations of C- H bonds in CH 2 groups combine together to
produce two coupled vibrations of different frequencies-the antisymme-
tric , vantj, and symmetric, vsym , combinations discussed earlier and
illustrated in figure 2.5 . The C- H bonds in CH 3 groups also give rise to
symmetric and antisymmetric vibrations. These are of different frequencies
from those of CH 2 groups, and all four vibrations can be seen in
high-resolution spectra of compounds containing both CH z and CH 3
groups. .
Vibrational coupling takes place between two bonds vibrating with
similar frequency, provided that the bonds are reasonably close in the
molecule; the coupling vibrations may both be fundamentals (as in the
coupled stretching vibrations ofAX z groups) or a fundamental vibration
may couple with the overtone of some other vibration. This latter coupling
is frequently called Fermi resonance, after Enrico Fermi, who first
described it.
Vibrational coupling is a feature of other AX z groups, so that the
functions listed in table 2.1 exhibit not one , but two, stretching
bands-antisymmetric and symmetric A - X str (antisymmetric usually
being of higher frequency) .

Carboxylic acid anhydrides . These give rise to two C=O str absorp-
tions, vanti and v sym (around 1800-1900 cm -I, with a separation of about
65 cm- I ) ; coupling occurs between the two carbonyl groups, which are
indirectly linked through - 0 - : the interaction is presumably encour-
aged because of the slight double-bond character in the carbonyl-oxygen
bonds brought about by resonance, since this will keep the system
coplanar. The high-frequency band in this case is the symmetric C= 0 str.

Table 2.1 Typical antisymmetric and symmetric stretching frequencies for

common AX z groups

Antisymmetric, Symmetric,
Group vantlcm- t vSym/cm- 1

3000 2900
3400 3300

1550 1400

-so 2 - (-M-o -M-o-)

II or II
1350 1150

0j-( ~
salts of-C"
0) 1600 1400
.. 0 OH
oII I'"""-
'-II ~#
- ___
R~Q~R R/'<Q R
anhydrides-resonance forms

Amides. These show two absorption bands around 1600-1700 ern"!

corresponding mainly to C=O str and N-H def, but because of
vibrational coupling, the original characters of the vibrations are modified.
The two bands are not pure C = 0 str and N - H def, and are usually
referred to as the amide I and amide II bands . Amide I may be as high as
80 per cent C=O str in character, but amide II is a strongly coupled
interaction between N-H defand C-N str. (See also section 2.9.)
In aldehydes the C- H str absorption usually appears as a doublet
because of interaction between the C- H str fundamental and the
overtone of C- H def.


Hydrogen bonding, especially in O-H and N-H compounds, gives rise
to a number of effects in infrared spectra, and its importance here can
scarcely be overemphasized . While most routine organic work will involve
relatively nonassociating solvents (CCI4 , CS2, CHCI 3), more polar solvents
such as acetone or benzene will certainly influence 0 - Hand N - H
absorptions. Carbonyl groups or aromatic rings in the same molecule as the
0 - H or N - H group may cause similar shifts by intramolecular action.
Alcohols and phenols. Figure 2.6 shows the infrared spectrum of an
alcohol (l-butanol) recorded as a liquid film; the dotted line insert around
3500 cm- I was recorded in dilute solution (about 1 per cent in CCI4) . At
low concentrations a sharp band appears at 3650 em -I in addition to the
broad band at 3350 ern-I .
The sharp band is 0 - H str in free alcohol molecules; the broad band is
0 - H str in hydrogen-bonded alcohol molecules .
Alcohols in phenols in condensed phases (bulk liquid or KBr disks, etc.)
are strongly hydrogen-bonded, usually in the form of a dynamic polymeric
association ; dimers , trimers and tetramers also exist, and this leads to a
wide envelope of absorptions and, hence , to broadening of the absorption
band. In dilute solution in inert solvents (or in the vapor phase) the
proportion of free molecules increases and these give rise to the 3650 cm"
band .
Is it reasonable that bonded 0 - H sir should appear at lower frequency
than free 0 - H str?
The hydrogen bond can be regarded as a resonance hybrid of I and II
(approximating overall to III), so that hydrogen bonding involves a
lengthening of the original 0 - H bond . This bond is consequently

wavenumber/em - I

4000 2800 2400 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 650
3000 2600 2200 - . - -

II1 II1 11 11 '++H+ I 0.3 ~
11 1 11 11" 1: " 1111 .cee

10 O-Hstr
o wmm
2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 60 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 150
wa velengthju rn

Figure 2.6 Infrared spectrum of l-butanol (CH 3CH2CH2CH20H) . Complete spectrum, liquid f ilm; dotted line insert near 3500 em - I.
dilute solution in carbon tetrachloride.
weakened (that is, its force constant is reduced), so the stretching
frequency is lowered.

/ /0",
R-O H 'H R

"" ", "<, /
H-O' 0
R H" /R
polymeric association of O-H compounds
I I 0- I
R-O-H O-R +---+ R-O - H-O-R +---+ R-O '"'H'"'Q-R
+ 0+
lengthening of Q-H bond in hydrogen bonding
Enols and chelates. Hydrogen bonding in enols and chelates is particu-
larly strong, and the observed 0 - H str frequencies may be very low
(down to 2800 cm ") . Since these bonds are ' not easily broken on dilution
by an inert solvent, free 0 - H str may not be seen at low concentrations.

lf~ "
,/ I I,
o b

enol chelate dimer

(CH 3COCH 2COCH 3 ) (methyl salicylate) (of benzoic acid)

"o-H "
(of benzoic acid)

Carbonyl compounds. In enols and in chelates such as methyl salicylate

hydrogen bonding will influence not only the 0 - H vibration frequency
but also the C=O vibration to which it hydrogen-bonds. Th e key factor
here is the basicity of the C= 0 group: the more basic it is, the stronger
will be the hydrogen bond that it can form. The extreme case of

protonation shows that the C=O bond has increased single-bond cha-
racter and longer length: the same tendency occurs in hydrogen bonding,
leading to a lowering of the vibration frequency.
Carboxylic acids. Figure 2.7 shows the infrared spectrum of benzoic
acid, and the exceedingly broad band reaching from 2500 ern"! to
3500 ern"! is hydrogen-bonded O-H str. We are seeing here the O-H
str band for the carboxylic acid dimer structure: in condensed pha ses, all
carboxylic acids exist in this stable dimeric association in which the
hydrogen bonds are particularly strong. (The fine structure on the 0 - H
str peak is usually attributed to vibrational coupling with overtones of
lower frequencies.) In very dilute solution in hexane it is just possible to
distinguish free O-H str, but this is extreme dilution . Even in CCI4 some
degree of hydrogen bonding to solvent arises and in extreme dilution in
CCI4 the free 0 - H str absorption is seen at lower frequency than in
hexane . Polymeric association is also known to occur in carboxylic acids ,
although dimeric association is the norm ; the proportion of monomer to
dimer increases in solvents such as benzene, and in dioxan there is no
dimer formed, since the acid hydrogen-bonds preferentially to the solvent.
m-Cloud interactions. Since alkene and aromatic 'TT bonds can behave as
Lewis bases, it is not surprising that they can form hydrogen bonds to
acidic hydrogens; the frequency of 0 - H str in phenols can be lowered by
40-100 cm" when the spectrum is recorded in benzene solution , com-
pared with carbon tetrachloride solution.
Amines. In condensed phase spectra amines show bonded N - H str
around 3300 cm -I and in dilute solution a new band near 3600 cm- I
corresponds to free N - H str. Since nitrogen is less electronegative than
oxygen, hydrogen bonds in amines are weaker than in alcohols, and the
shifts in frequency are also correspondingly less dramatic than in alcohols.
wave number/e m - I

4000 3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 650
3800 3400 3000 2600 2200 _ _


3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 60 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 15.0
wave leng th /Jim

Figure 2.7 Infrared spectrum of benzoic acid (PhC0 2H). KBr disc.

One can use the theoretical principles of the organic chemist to explain
many of the frequency shifts that occur in vibrations when the substituents
are altered . The expected inductive and mesomeric (or resonance) effects
are seen to be at work, together with an occasional through-space influence
(or field effect).
Many unresolved problems remain, however, and we cannot concen-
trate on successes and ignore the many instances where simple theory fails
to offer a reasonable explanation. Vibrational coupling (see section 2.3.1)
often means that an observed absorption band is not purely associated with
one bond alone and this will complicate our explanations; most C- H def
modes are coupled vibrations, and we have seen that C= 0 str is a coupled
vibration in amides and anhydrides, and is also a coupled vibration in such
simple compounds as benzoyl chloride and cyclopentanone .
Again, if we examine the series MeOH , PhOH , MeCOOH, we find that
the 0 - H str frequency decreases, while in the series MeNH z, PhNH z,
MeCONH:! the N - H str frequency inexplicably increases. We must also
consider the effect of electronic influences on the strengths of the bonds
adjacent to the bond whose frequency we are measuring: thus, pictorially,
if we stiffen up the bonds to a C=O group, we will make it more difficult
for the carbonyl carbon atom to move, and all of the vibration amplitude
will have to be taken up by the oxygen atom, with almost inevitable shift in
the C=O str frequency (see section 2.3.4) .
With caution in mind, we can now look at cases where theory has been
successful in explaining frequency shifts.
Conjugation lowers the frequency of C=O str and C=C str, whether
the conjugation is brought about by <X13 unsaturation or by an aromatic
ring . Compare I with II and III; or compare IV with V.


Vc=o ~ 1720em- 1 1700 em-I 1700 em-I vc=c ~ 1650em- ' 1610 cm " !

The explanation of this shift is similar for C = 0 and C = 0, but we shall

illustrate it in relation to the C = 0 bond in III. In III delocalization of 1T
electrons between C = 0 and the ring increases the double-bond character
of the bond joining the C = 0 to the ring . This leads to a lower bond order
in the C=O bond , which is consequently weakened; the decrease in force
constant lowers the stretching vibration frequency by 20-30 cm - I .
One can also attribute such C = 0 frequency shifts to the mesomeric (or
resonance) effect : any substituent that enhances the mesomeric shift will
decrease the bond order of the C=O bond and lead to lower C=O str


~... OMe
frequency . Conjugation with phenyl (in VII) does so, and a +M group such
as p-MeO in VIII will lead to even lower frequencies . A p-NO z group
(- M) will oppose these trends and lead to higher frequencies (as in IX) .
Inductive effects are difficult to consider in isolation from mesomeric
effects: in some molecules I is more important than M, while in others the
reverse is true .
In amides, XI , the + M effect produces a lengthening (weakening) of the
C = 0 bond , leading to lower frequency than in the corresponding ketone ,
X: the - I effect of nitrogen is here being dominated by + M. In contrast,
the - I effect of chlorine in acyl chlorides, XII , is more influential than
+ M, and here an opposite shift (to higher frequency) occurs.
o O~
~Cl ~.~~
Q \J
Esters represent another example of the conflict between I and M
effects. In alkyl esters, XIII, the nonbonding electrons on oxygen increase
the +M conjugation , tending to lower the C=O frequency . The electro-
negativity of oxygen, -I, operates in the opposite sense, but + M is
apparently dominant. In phenyl esters, XIV , however, the nonbonding
electrons are partly drawn into the ring, and their conjugation with C= 0
is consequently diminished. When this happens, the - I effect of oxygen
becomes dominant, and C=O moves to higher frequency.
In examples such as these it is easier to rationalize the shifts than it is to
predict them , and caution should be exercised in applying the rules to new
situations. The importance of vibrational coupling requires constant re-


In ketones, the correlation charts show that highest C=O frequencies
arise in the strained cyclobutanones, and we can explain this in terms of
bond-angular strain: the C-CO-C bond angle is reduced below the
normal 120°, leading to increased s character in the C=O bond. The
C=O bond is shortened and therefore strengthened and so Vc =o
increases. If the bond angle is pushed outwards above 120°, the opposite
effect operates, and for this reason di-tert-butyl ketone has a very low
vc=o (1697 cm").
An alternative view involves no change in the C=O force constant, but
merely an increased rigidity in the C-CO-C bond system as ring size
decreases: C= 0 stretching must in these circumstances couple more
effectively with C-C stretching, leading to higher C=O str frequencies .
Cycloalkenes also show such an effect, but a less simple relationship
holds . Thus, in cycloalkenes, XV , vc=c falls with increasing strain, but
reaches a minimum in cyclobutene . In cyclobutene, XVI, stretching of
C = C involves only bending of the attached C - C bonds : in all the others
(where the internal angles are not 90°) C=C stretching must involve some
stretching of the adjacent C - C bonds, which involves increasing the
energy (frequency) of C=C str ,

C(CH 2 )!
n = 1 to 6 except cyclobutene
vc=c ::::: 1610-1650 cm- 1 1566 cm- 1

C- H stretching vibrations move to higher frequency in the sequence

alkane-alkene-alkyne . As hybridization goes from sp' to sp2 to sp, the s
character of the C-H bond increases; bond lengths become shorter, and
frequencies rise. Cyclopropanes have high C- H str frequencies for the
same reason (typical values being 3040-3070 cm") : the C-C-C bond
angle is substantially contracted below the normal 109.5°, leading to
increased s character in the C- H bonds, and thus to higher frequ encies.


Two groups often influence each other's vibrational frequencies by a
through-space interaction, which may be electrostatic and/or steric in
nature. The best examples of this field effect are interactions between
carbonyl groups and halogen atoms; for example , in the o-chloroketone
derivatives of steroids, XVII, C=O str frequency is higher when CI is
equatorial than when it is axial. Presumably the non bonding electrons of
oxygen and chlorine undergo repulsion when they are close together in the
molecule ; this results in a change in the hybridization state of oxygen, and
therefore a shift in C= 0 str frequency .
In o-chlorobenzoic acid esters this field effect shifts the C=O frequency
in the rotational isomer XVIII, and not in the isomer XIX; both isomers
are normally present, so that two C= 0 str absorptions are observed in the
spectrum of this compound .



There are two basic types of infrared spectrophotometer, characterized by
the manner in which the infrared frequencies are handled : the first type has
had a long history, and in it the infrared light is separated into its individual
frequencies by dispersion, using a grating monochromator, whereas in the
second type the infrared frequencies are allowed to interact to produce an
interference pattern , and this pattern is then analyzed mathematically,
using Fourier Transforms, to determine the individual frequencies and
their intensities.
Dispersive instruments are widely in use at present , but the modern
Fourier Transform infrared instruments (FTIR machines-or interfero-
metric spectrometers) are becoming more commonplace as their costs fall.
Both types of instrument require, in addition . a suitable source of
infrared light and a detector to measure light intensity.
The high-precision optical system in all of these spectrophotometers
represents decades of development , with physics and engineering involved
jointly in their manufacture: more details on instrument construction are to
be found in the books listed in 'Further Reading', at the end of this
chapter, and also in the text by H . H . Willard et al., listed at the end of
chapter 1.


Common sources are rods of the following, electrically heated to near
' Nernst glower' or 'Nernst filament' (sintered mixtures of the oxides of
Zr, Th , Ce, Y, Er, etc .)
'Globar' (silicon carbide)
Various other ceramic materials
The infrared output from these sources varies in intensity over the
required frequency range, being at a maximum around 5000-7000 cm",
dependent on the source , and reducing by a factor of several hundreds near
600 crn T". To accommodate this , in dispersive instruments a compensating
variable slit is programmed to open and close in unison with the scanning
over the individual frequencies.

The original infrared instruments used prisms to diffract the light , and this
simple principle is illustrated in figure 2.8 , but all modern dispersive
instruments use diffraction gratings. In ruled gratings a series of micro-
scopic ally close parallel triangular grooves is engraved onto a reflective
surface (spaced anything from 20 grooves per mm in far infrared gratings to
nearl y 4000 grooves per mm in ultraviolet gratings) . Light reflected from
the grating is diffracted, interference arises at certain angles , and so
specific wavelengths appear with constructive interference at specific
angles of reflection . Holographic gratings are made by depositing a
photoresist material onto optically flat glass, and then irradiating this with
two beams of laser light , thus producing interference fringe s in the
photosen sitive material of the resist. The irradiated parts of the resist are
dissolved away, leaving a groove pattern which is coated with a reflective
material; the result is similar to a ruled grating, but more th an 5000 grooves
per mm can be produced, and the wavelength 'purity' is higher in the
holographic grating.

amplifier IF)

_ Dewar vessel

(a) (b)

Figure 2.8 Schematic layout of a dispersive spectrometer. Main diagram-grating

optics; insert (a) prism monochromator, which is simple but now
obsolete; insert (b) MeT detector.
Most dispersive instruments use thermopile detectors: these consist of
several thermocouples connected in series so that their outputs are added
together for greater sensitivity. A thermocouple works on the principle
that if wires of two dissimilar metals (such as bismuth and antimony) are
joined head to tail, then a difference in temperature between head and tail
causes a current to flow in the wires . In the infrared spectrometer this
current will be proportional to the intensity of radiation falling on the
thermopile .
In FTIR instruments increased sensitivity and speed in recording the
spectrum must be matched in the speed and photometric accuracy of the
detector; this is achieved by thermal detectors based on pyroelectric
materials or on solid state semiconductor devices based on photovoltaic or
photoconductive principles.
An extremely sensitive photovoltaic detector uses a diode-type device
based on doped silicon or indium antimonide (InSb) or indium-gallium
arsenide (InGaAs) . There are three main ways in which these devices can
be incorporated into detector circuits. (1) Infrared irradiation excites
electrons to the conduction band, and the generation of the resulting
electron-hole pair leads to a corresponding increase in the voltage across
the p-n junction , varying in a logarithmic way with intensity of irradiation .
(2) Alternatively, we can take account of the existing voltage difference
across the p-n junction; if the p and n zones are shorted together, a small
current flows through the short-circuit, the current increasing proportion-
ately if the device is irradiated by infrared photons. (3) Lastly, a reverse
bias voltage can be applied, acting in opposition to the normal potential
difference across the p-n junction; irradiation by infrared photons of
sufficient energy generates holes in the p-type layer, with increased
conduction (increased signal output) . This arrangement gives very fast
response time , but it is more noisy than the former-and most widely
used-alternative (2) .
A very common high-sensitivity detector is that based on the photo-
conductive properties of mercury cadmium telluride (MCf) . This is a
homogeneous (undoped) semiconductor, operating at the temperature of
liquid nitrogen, whose resistivity changes with temperature-for example,
during infrared irradiation. The resistance is measured by applying voltage
and measuring current, or vice versa.
A diagram of the detector construction is shown in figure 2.8 . It consists
in the main of a vacuum Dewar flask , approximately 25 X 8 em , holding
sufficient liquid nitrogen for about eight hours of operation: set into the
outer wall is an infrared transparent window and in line with this, in the
inner wall, is the MeT. The sensitive element measures approximately
1 mm square, and it is mounted on a heat sink to assist cooling after
irradiation, for fast recovery.
Less sensitive, by a factor of about 10, are the pyroelectric substances
such as deuteriated triglycine sulphate (DTGS) or lithium tantalate
(LiTa03), which are used at room temperature. Crystals of these highly
polar materials exhibit an electric polarization along certain axes, and if
they are heated in one area (by , for example , incident infrared radiation)
the changes in the crystal lattice in this area will lead to an imbalance of
polarization charge with respect to the rest of the crystal. This imbalance
(which is proportional to the infrared intensity) can be measured by
connecting electrodes to the different faces of the crystal-for example, by
forming a sandwich of the DTGS between two plate electrodes, one of
which is infrared-transparent.
This detector is also used in the more expensive ' ratio recording'
dispersive instruments discussed below .


The following is a simplified description of the operation of a typical
infrared machine, and figure 2.8 is a schematic representation of such a
Light from the source (A) is split into two equal beams, one of which (B)
passes through the sample (the sample beam), the other behaving as a
reference beam; the function of such a double-beam operation is to measure
the difference in intensities between the two beams at each wavelength.
The two beams are now reflected to a chopper (C) , which consists of a
rotating segmented mirror; as the chopper rotates (= 10 times per second)
it causes the sample beam and the reference beam to be reflected
alternately to the monochromator grating (D) . As the grating slowly
rotates, it sends individual frequencies to the detector thermopile (E),
which converts the infrared (thermal) energy to electrical energy .
When a sample has absorbed light of a particular frequency, the detector
will be receiving alternately from the chopper an intense beam (the
reference beam) and a weak beam (the sample beam) . This will in effect
lead to a pulsating or alternating current flowing from the detector to the
amplifier (F). (If the sample had not absorbed any light, the sample beam
and the reference beam would have been of equal intensity, and the signal
from the detector would have been direct current. The amplifier is
designed only to amplify alternating current.)
The amplifier, which is now receiving this out-of-balance signal, is
coupled to a small servo-motor (G) , which drives an optical wedge (H) into
the reference beam until eventually the detector receives light of equal
intensity from the sample and reference beams. This movement of the
wedge (or attenuator) is in turn coupled to a pen recorder (1), so that
movement of the wedge in and out of the reference beam shows as
absorption bands on the printed spectrum .
Since this instrument balances out by optical means the differential
between the two beams, it is a double-beam optical null recording
In more expensive instruments the intensity of the sample and reference
beams can both bc measured and ratioed (ratio recording) . This circum-
vents a major deficiency in optical null methods , in which the comb
attenuator blocks off much of the light beam ; not only does this instru-
mental feature lead to reduced sensitivity, but also , since the comb is never
either perfectly logarithmic in its geometry or infinitely smooth in its
movement, poor quantification and slow scan speeds are inevitable . See
also section 4.3.1.


Dispersive infrared spectrometers suffer from several disadvantages in
sensitivity, speed and wavelength accuracy . Most of the light from the
source does not in fact pass through the sample to the detector, but is lost
in the narrowness of the focussing slits; only poor sensitivity results. Since
the spectrum takes minutes to record, the method cannot be applied to fast
processes, such as recording the infrared spectra of peaks being eluted
from a chromatography column (see Section IS .3).
Dispersive infrared spectrometers scan over the wavelength range and
disperse the light by use of a grating, as shown in figure 2.8. Consequently,
these spectrometers suffer from wavelength inaccuracies associated with
the backlash in the mechanical movements, such as in the rotation of
mirrors and gratings .
An entirely different principle is involved in Fourier Transform infrared
spectroscopy, which centres on a Michelson interferometer, so that the
method can also be called interferometric infrared spectroscopy.
The Michelson interferometer
In 1887 Albert Michelson (German-born American physicist) perfected
this instrument and used it for several measurements in his study of light
and relativity. The operation can be understood with reference to figure
At (a) in the figure monochromatic light from the source strikes a
half-silvered mirror B, which is designed to split the beam A exactly in
half. One half is transmitted as beam C to a plane mirror D and reflected
there back to B; the other half of beam A is reflected as beam E to another
plane mirror F, where it is reflected back to B. Both of these beams are
recombined as beam G (by being reflected and transmitted, respectively)
and pass to a detector; for visible wavelengths this can be an eye. Provided
that the path lengths from B to the mirrors D and F differ by an integer
number of wavelengths (including the situation where the path lengths are
F .j::o.

<a) (b)

,1/ . I ) I \ I \ _ .
l l! .t. l!'~ /I ~<! \ ! \ ! ) 0-' .~ r ( y X Y
"6/ / -,
/1' . I
source source
o o
beam splitter B beamspl iue r B

destruct ive -
t FJ)' light dark
-rv:-l<CIOr ~leclor

(c) " " .§' ... (d)

.....~ "'>~ ""OC ",,"ti

.".t .".t .".t .".t
sine wave (for monochromatic) interferogram (for polychromatic)

Figure 2.9 The Michelson interferometer. As mirror F moves, the detector 'sees' alternating light and dark images. In the FTIR
spectrometer , the sample is placed between the source and the beamspliuer; the instrument operates in single-beam
equal), the two emergent beams (G) will recombine with constructive
interference, and high-intensity radiation will reach the detector.
At (b) in the figure the mirror F has moved a distance of X,/4, so that the
total path lengths differ by exactly one-half of a wavelength, and thus the
two emergent beams (G) are recombined with destructive interference, and
low-intensity radiation will reach the detector.
(For visible light the beam splitter is made of glass, and coated with a
very thin film of silver insufficiently thick to reflect the beam completely;
for infrared light it is often made of KBr or CsI coated with germanium.)
The moving mirror F is the key to the interferometer, because alternate
light and dark images will reach the detector if this mirror is slowly moved
either away from or toward B. The signal from the detector will then be of
the form shown at (c).
If the source supplies two different frequencies of monochromatic light,
the signal from the detector will exhibit a different periodicity, which will
be the result of combining the two separate sine-wave signals for the two
different wavelengths.
For more complicated polychromatic light sources, a complex inter-
ferogram (see (d) in the figure) arises . The individual frequencies of light
which were the genesis of this interferogram can be calculated by the use of
a Fourier Transform (see section IS.2) .
Strictly, the Fourier Transform being computed here is the transform of
distance (for example, in meters or centimeters) into its reciprocal (in
reciprocal meters or reciprocal centimeters).

The Fourier Transform infrared spectrometer

Infrared light from a suitable source (see section 2.4 .1) passes through a
scanning Michelson interferometer, and Fourier Transformation gives a
plot of intensity versus frequency. When a sample compound is placed in
the beam (either before or after the interferometer) , it absorbs particular
frequencies, so that their intensities are reduced in the interferogram and
the ensuing Fourier Transform is the infrared absorption spectrum of the
The scan time for the moving mirror dictates the speed with which the
infrared spectrum can be recorded; digitization of the data and calculation
of the Fourier Transform take a few seconds more, but the information
which constitutes the spectrum can be acquired in exceedingly short times,
even in a few milliseconds. Slower scans (lasting several seconds) allow the
accumulation of more intense signals, and signal-to-noise ratios of
100 000 : 1 can be reached. Unlike dispersive instruments, no slits are
required for monochromating and so all of the energy of the source is
utilized. Signal averaging gives additional improvement.

In the physics of Fourier Transform spectroscopy the advantage of

collecting the spectroscopic data nearly simultaneously is referred to as the
Fellgett advantage: the advantage gained by using all of the energy of the
source, and passing through circular holes rather than slits, is called the
Jacquinot advantage .
Since the only moving part in the spectrometer is the moving mirror,
wavelength accuracy rests in the precision with which this is carried out , so
that this is an expensive piece of high-technology engineering; resolution of
less than 0.1 cm- I is obtainable. In addition, the instrument will have a
He-Ne laser , the red light from which is used for continuous spectrum
calibration; the wavelength is 632.8 nrn, corresponding to 15804 cm- I .
The spectrometer is not double-beam in its working, but elimination of
unwanted absorptions, principally those of water and carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere, can be carried out by summing a few spectra with the sample in
position, and summing the same number without; computer subtraction of
the two is then carried out. Alternatively, the sample may be moved
(automatically) in and out of the sample beam, and alternate scans
subtracted as before.
A Fourier Transform infrared spectrometer can do everything that can
be done by a simple IR spectrometer-but at greater cost. Its forte
therefore lies in performing where others cannot-with respect to both
speed and sensitivity.
Picogram quantities of sample can give good spectra, particularly if the
beam is focused on to the sample by mirrors or a KBr lens. Beam
diameters of a few micrometers are possible, and it is additionally
advantageous if a microdetector is used in conjunction , since a large
detector will merely produce noise from those areas which are not in the
beam. Spectra have been obtained from such diverse samples as small
paint chips and a single pollen grain.
One of the striking advantages of ITIR instruments is the ability to
perform spectra summation or subtraction on the digitized spectra which
they produce; figure 2.10 illustrates a typical application. At (a) is the IR
spectrum of a polymer blend, known to contain poly(methyl vinyl ether),
PMVE, and poly(c:x-methylstyrene), PAMS, with the possibility of other
polymers also being present. The spectrum of PMVE at (b) is subtracted
from (a), leaving the difference spectrum (c), which is identical with that of
PAMS, (d). A second subtraction of (d) from (c) produced a flat baseline,
establishing that only these two constituents were present in the blend.
Accurate spectra subtractions can only be achieved when the spectra
have very high wavenumber accuracy, and in ITIR instruments this is
assured by the frequency referencing to the internal He-Ne laser.
By coupling an optical microscope to a suitably adapted ITIR spectro-
meter (a technique named ITIR microscopy) , sample sizes down to a few
micrometers can be examined .




OL- .l.- .L.-_.L.- ..L ...J- --J

4000 3200 2400 2000 1600 1200 625

100 ~---.,........---...--...----....----__,_----_..
%T L-- ,


60 (bl



OL- ..l.-- ...l-_...l- ...J- --L --J

4000 3200 2400 2000 1600 1200 625
v/cm- 1





20.325l-- .l.- .L.._.L.- .L.- ..L ~

4000 3200 2400 2000 1600 1200 625

v/cm - 1

Figure 2.10 Difference spectra in analysis of mixtures. Infrared spectra of (a) a

blend of poly(methyl vinyl ether), PMVE. and poly
(a-meth ylstyrene), PAMS ; (b) PMVE alone; (c) differ ence spectrum
by subtraction of (b) from (a); and (d) PAMS alone .
Since dispersive instruments use preprinted recorder chart paper, the
scanning of the frequencies and the driving of the recorder must be
carefully adjusted so that accurate frequencies are traced onto the charts.
Calibration can be carried out using the spectrum of polystyrene (or of
indene); these spectra show many sharp bands whose frequencies are
accurately known (see figures 2.11 and 2.24) . It is good practice to check
the instrument calibration frequently, and even changes in humidity can
cause inaccuracies because of the shrinking or stretching of the paper
charts. All of the spectra in this book show the 1601 cm- I peak of
polystyrene , marked on as a check of frequency accuracy.
As we saw above, wavenumber accuracy in FfIR instruments is
calibrated from the internal laser.
Most chemists prefer to use linear-wavenumber spectra, and all spectra
in this book are so presented.
With the advent of cheap grating instruments, together with a linear-
wavenumber presentation, full advantage can now be taken of the remark-
able resolution these machines give at high frequencies . (Note, however ,
that in all of these there is a 2: 1 gear change at 2000 cm -I, which avoids
overcrowding of the bands at low frequencies).


The intensity of absorption bands in infrared spectra cannot easily be
measured with the same accuracy as in ultraviolet spectra (see chapter 4) .
It is usually sufficient for an organic chemist to know that a band is of
strong, medium, weak or variable intensity , indicated on charts, etc., as s,
m , w or v, respectively.
The absorbance of a sample at a particular frequency is defined as
A = 10g(Ir/!)
where /0 and / are the intensities of the light before and after interaction
with the sample , respectively. Absorbance is therefore a logarithmic ratio .
The transmittance of a sample is defined as
T = l/lo
Transmittance therefore bears a reciprocal and logarithmic relationship
to absorbance:
A = log(1/7)
The ordinate scale of figure 2.11 shows how these might be presented on
a typical spectrum. For reasons that are largely instrumental, most infrared
spectra record the intensities of bands as a linear function of T, and this has
important consequences in quantitative work (see section 2S.1) .
wavenumber/e m' !
40?0 3800 36.00 3400 ,32? 0 300 0 28.00 2600 24?0 2200 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 650
'.-1- I
100 0.0
I I I I I "
'" 'Ph' Ph 'Ph" , I

80I 0.1

~ 60
"uc: overtones aftC!
:; comb inat ions 0 .3 -e'"
.~ ii:
c: 0.4 '"
~ aro mati c
C-Hstr 0.5
20I 0.7
aliphatic 0 .8
C-H str 0.9
10I 1.0
1I 1I I I 1
I II II I1 2.0
0, !X-
2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5 .5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 15.0
wave length/u rn

Figure 2.11 Infrared spectrum of polystyrene. 0.05 mm film . Presented linear-in-wavenumber.

Note also the common convention in infrared spectra of plotting
increasing transmittance on the y axis, whereas all other spectroscopic
techniques plot increasing absorbance, etc. , which makes infrared spectra
appear ' upside-down' compared with other spectra. At least one infrared
spectra atlas has moved to remove this anomaly by publishing the spectra
with increasing absorbance on the y axis: the facility to do so is built into all
modern instruments, and some agreement among manufacturers and users
to establish one or other convention would be desirable.

Example 2.1
Question. (a) Calculate the absorbance, A, for a solution showing 50 per
cent transmittance, T. (b) Calculate the transmittance , T, for a solution
showing absorbance, A, of 1.0.
Model Answer. (a) Since A = log(l/T) and T = 50 per cent or 0.50, then
A = log(l/0.50) = log 2 = 0.3010 . (b) Since A = log(loll) = 1.0, we must
find the antilog of 1.0, which is 10.00. T is the reciprocal of this = 0.1,
which expressed as a percentage = 10%.

Exercise 2.1. Calculate the absorbances, A, for solutions showing (a) 90

per cent, (b) 95 percent, (c) 10 per cent and (d) 5 percent transmittance, T.


A wide range of techniques is available for mounting the sample in the
beam of the infrared spectrometer. These sampling techniques depend on
whether the sample is a gas, a liquid or a solid . Intermolecular forces vary
considerably in passing from solid to liquid to gas , and the infrared
spectrum will normally display the effect of these differences in the form of
frequency shifts or additional bands, etc . It is, therefore, most important to
record on a spectrum the sampling technique used.

2.5 .\ GASES
The gas sample is introduced into a gas cell, typically as shown in figure
2.12 ; infrared-transparent windows (for example, NaCl) allow the cell to
be mounted directly in the sample beam . In a modified form the use of
internal mirrors permits the beam to be reflected several times through the
sample (multi-pass gas cells) to increase the sensitivity.
In environmental protection pollutant analyses are carried out on air
samples, using these multi-pass cells-for example, to measure un-
combusted gasoline hydrocarbons; see Exercise 2.11.
In the vapor phase rotational changes in the molecule can occur freely,
and these very-low-frequency (low-energy) processes can modulate the
higher-energy vibrational bands; the vibrational bands are split , often with
the production of considerable fine structure.

O-ring seal _ ~
Plunger , U
(b) NaCI flats 0
(in demo untable ho lder )

(d) solution cell

(e) KBr die (e) variable path -

length cell

Figure 2.12 Equipment used in infrared sampling techniques: (a) gas cell; (b)
sodium chloride flats (rock salt flats) and demountable holder for
liquid samples; (c) KBr die (exploded view and assembled view) for
solid samples; (d) solution or liquid cell being filled ; (e) variable
path-length cell.
2.5 .2 LIQUIDS
The simplest infrared technique of all consists of sampling a liquid as a thin
film squeezed between two infrared-transparent windows (for example.
NaCI flats : see figure 2.12).
These salt plates or rock salt flats must be optically polished (using
jewellers' rouge. for example) and must be cleaned immediately after use
by rinsing in a suitable solvent such as toluene. chloroform. etc . They must
be kept dry. and should be handled only by their edges.
The thickness of the film can be adjusted by varying the pressure used to
squeeze the flats together; the film thickness is :::::: 0.01-0.1 mm . The
assembled pair of flats and liquid film are mounted in the sample beam as
shown in figure 2.12.
For spectra down to 250 cm ", CsI flats are used. and for samples that
contain water. CaF2 flats are used .
Liquid samples can also be examined in solution (see section 2.5.4) .

2 .5. J SOLIDS
There are three common techniques for recording solid spectra : KBr disks.
mulls and deposited films . Solids can also be examined in solution (see
section 2.5.4) but solution spectra may have different appearances from
those of solid spectra. since intermolecular forces will be altered.
Many organic compounds exist as polymorphic variations. and these
different crystalline forms may also lead to different infrared absorptions.
If polymorphism is suspected. the substance should be examined in
solution. where all polymorphic forms lose their differences.
KBr disks are prepared by grinding the sample (0.1-2 .0 per cent by
weight) with KBr and compressing the whole into a transparent wafer or
disk. The KBr must be dry. and it is an advantage to carry out the grinding
under an infrared lamp to avoid condensation of atmospheric moisture.
which gives rise to broad absorption at 3500 ern -I . This can be alleviated
by having a blank disk in the reference beam. but the best remedy is
prevention. The grinding is usually done with an agate mortar and pestle.
although commercial ball mills are available; considerable work is needed
to achieve good dispersion. and poorly ground mixtures lead to disks that
scatter more light than they transmit. The particle size that must be
achieved to avoid scattering is less than the wavelength of the infared
radiation-that is. less than 211m.
Compression to a cohesive disk requires high pressure. the commonest
technique being to use a special die (see figure 2.12) from which air can be
evacuated before hydraulic compression to about 10 tonnes load . Disks
produced in this way are fairly easy to handle (by their edgesl), and
measure commonly 13 mm in diameter and 0.3 mm in thickness. Less
expensive equipment can consist of the special die. used with a simple
screw-jack ; even a large steel nut with two bolts screwed in from opposite
ends with the KBr between them can give satisfactory disks.
Mulls, or paste s, are prep ar ed by grinding the sa mple with a drop of oil;
the mull is th en squee zed be twee n transpar ent wind ows as for liquid
sa mples. Th e mulling age nt sho uld ideally be infr ar ed -transpar ent , but thi s
is never tru e , and the spe ctrum produced always sho ws the abso rptions of
th e mulling age nt supe rimpose d on that of the sample.
Liquid par affin (Nujo l), whose infrared spectru m is show n in figur e 2. 1,
is tr an spar ent ove r a wide ra nge , and Nujol mulls are by far the most
widely uti lized . Th e abso rptions of the Nujol effective ly blank out the
region s of C - H str and C - H de], but these region s can be studied by
preparin g a mull with a complem entary agent cont ainin g no C- H bonds:
hexachlorobutadien e and chloro fluo roca rbon oils are used for thi s pur-
pose .
The region s of abso rption of these three mulling age nts a re shown in
figure 2. 13.
Solid film s can be deposited onto NaCI plates by allowing a solution in a
volatil e solvent to evaporate dr op by drop on the sur face of the flat.
Polym er s and various waxy or fatty mater ials often give excellent spec tra in
thi s way , but in man y other cases the film is too sharply crystalline and
ther efor e op aque.
Th e infrared spectra of solid surfaces, powd er s and pastes, etc., ar e best
recorded by the reflectance techniques discussed in section 2S.2, using a
ITI R spectro me te r.

2. 5.4 S O L U TI O NS
Th e sa mple can be dissolved in a solvent such as carbon tet rachl oride ,
carbo n disulfide or chloroform , and the spec tru m of this solutio n recorde d.
Th e solutio n (usua lly 1-5 per cent) is placed in a solution cell con sistin g of
tr an spar ent windows with a spacer bet ween th em of known th ickness; the
space r is co mmo nly of lead or polytetraflu oroethylen e , and its thickness
det ermines the path len gth of the cell- usua lly 0. 1- 1.0 mm . A second cell
co nta ining pure solvent is placed in the reference beam , so th at solvent
abso rptions are cancelled out and the spectru m recorded is th at of solute
alone. In ITIR instruments the spec tra are subtrac te d digit ally.
Although solvent canc ellati on is in principle po ssible throughout the
entire ran ge , in tho se region s wher e the solvent has stro ng abso rption
band s too littl e light passes to the detector (in either sa mple or ref er ence
beam) for the detector to respond se nsitively. For thi s re ason two spe ctra
should be run , using solvents who se tr an sparent regions are complement-
ary . Figure 2.13 shows where the common solvents have stro ng absorption
bands; not e that carbon tetrachl oride and carbon disulfid e are almost
perfectly complem entary, wher eas chloroform is less suita ble and is usually
only called upon becau se of its supe rior solvent pow er s.
For really car eful work it sho uld be appreciated th at using two cells of
the sa me path len gth will lead to ove rco mpe nsa tion of solvent absorptions
in the refer enc e beam ; as an exa mple, with 5 per cent so lute and 95 per

wavenumber/em - I

4000 3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 650
3800 I 3400 I 3000 2600 2200 -:0-+-
100 I
Ul I I 1 I I : I I I I iTI I I : I I I'
90 W- I.!' !'f,~!.;L~~~ AG~NTS u : .J.'
J NUiOl .L1J ~ t:j-i lJ l Hot:
l - .' I
80 .iJ! I ' I ; . i Tlll l i I I I I I I
+hexachlorobu tadiene (HC B) J -+ I J I I , 0.\
70 '. I I
! I : I I I I I I I I I I j l l 'J i
I 1 L . I I' I ' I
_ 1 chlorofluorocarbon oil I [I . ; . I I I r I I! II
~ 60 .l lr~! ~ .W ~l l l . 1 1 I . i J 11 ! I II I II 0.2
~ I >+ : SOLVENTS I I J I J I II I II . g
.::: so I":"
. I ri_I--'- I-\-- --'
l I
E I CC4 : ' II I I I I
~ 40 ' ;..i- I I I J J-~~T J-' I l~ i I I ITTTTTTtm ll ll l l l l l l ll l l ll 11111111111 111rmrr tttttttttmiii1T ~
- '. CS2 ' i; I I, I ~ I . r,r. pjI I ' H+++++++++++++++H- 0.4
30 i I 11111 111111 111' li JI IJI IJI IJLIH IH IJl IJl IH IJl IJl l l l l l l IJ11,II IJl lj-O.5
, CHCI3 ' I I, I
4- ! I T T ~~. 1J ~.Hot: :-J:- ='' -. i_.l "
:j;.1~ III:I! • . I
! i
' -~ -J+H i
1 l ilt " "" ' , " 1111111111 ,
20 CH Cl. I I I I/l A I I I I I I : I I I I I I I I I I I IYI;I
n! I ' I i +: f-r:- I''r .~I [)'; '1/,...-. fit'If ..--- .. .. .
: 2 2 .: h ' I ~ -l L.rY 1- 1 ~-~~ . ..
W-w-W.~ I ! ' . i ! I i I
' .- ~~
J ~ ~
. i I I I : I I I, I I" i i" II" I !II
" i 11 1111111i I II! II
I: rHt ~tt t~ f ++i : ; li l . 1 rrrrrrm ! II: I i 1111 i I _. .
rrrrrrrrr u u 1I ! 11! l i l 1
'" rrrutrrrnl 11111l l ll ! i II11TH II fT
2.5 3.0 3,5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 9,0 10.0 11.0 12.0 15.0

Figure 2.13 Infrared absorption regionsfor common mullingagentsandsolvents. (Notalloftheseabsorption regions contain strong
cent solvent in the sample beam, exact compensation would be achieved
when the reference cell had a path length only 95 per cent of that of the
sample cell. When this is important (as in quantitative measurements ; see
section 2S.1) a variable path-length cell can be used whose path length can
be accurately adjusted in deference to the concentration of the solution
(see figure 2.12) .
Solution spectra, with their absence of complicating features introduced
by intermolecular forces and polymorphism, in general make the exact
comparison of infrared data from different sources more valid. The
solvent, however, must always be specified on the spectrum, since band
frequencies do shift on changing to solvents of different polarity, etc. This
is particularly true of C = 0 bands and hydrogen-bonded systems (see
section 2.3 .2), and for this reason routine organic solution spectra are
invariably recorded using carbon tetrachloride , carbon disulfide , chloro-
form , and occasionally dichloromethane, as solvents.


Infrared spectra contain many absorptions associated with the complex
interacting vibrating systems in the molecule, and this pattern of vibra-
tions, since it is uniquely characteristic of each molecule, gives rise to a
uniquely characteristic set of absorption bands in the spectrum.
This band pattern serves as a fingerprint of the molecule; the region that
contains a particularly large number of unassigned vibrations (and is most
valuable in this respect) is roughly from 900 cm " ! to 1400 em -I, and this
general area is often called the fingerprint region .
To identify an unknown compound, one need only compare its infrared
spectrum with a set of standard spectra recorded under identical condi-
tions .
Substances that give the same infrared spectra are identical.
This proof of identity is far more characteristic than the comparison of
any other physical property.
Having stated the principle, a few cautionary words should be added .
For two spectra to be really identical would involve recording the spectra
on the same machine under identical conditions of sampling, scan speed ,
slit widths, etc . Where this condition does not apply, some discretion must
be allowed, but, in general, the greater the number of peaks in the
fingerprint region the more reliable the proof of identity.
Digitized infrared spectra lend themselves very well to automatic
computer library searching (see section IS . 1) , and large compilations of
spectra are held by many industrial companies: Sadtler Research Labora-
tories publish collections of infrared spectra in digital form for use by
individuals and institutions on their own computers. Even if big enough
computers existed which were able to store the spectra from all known
compounds (and there are about seven million, increasing by a quarter of a
million each year), a library search could never dete rmine the structure of
a new unknown compound; at best, it could print out those stored spectra
which have similar features to those of the unknown, but the chemist
would thereafter have to interpret this information in conjunction with
other data before a structure could be deduced .
Small changes in large molecules may produce very little change in the
spectrum. For example, the infrared spectrum of a c 2() straight-chain
alkane is quite indistinguishable from that of its next higher straight-chain
homolog. For a distinction of this magnitude, mass snectrometry would be
the method of choice (see chapter 5).


By examining a large number of compounds known to contain a functional
group, we can establish which infrared absorptions are associated with that
functional group; we can also assess the range of frequencies within which
each absorption should appear. Exactly this kind of information is set out
in the correlation charts which follow (pp. 6~71).
Now, working in the converse, if we have an unknown compound whose
functional groups we wish to identify, we can examine its infrared spectrum
and use the correlation data to deduce which are the functional groups
It is impossible to arrive at a wholly systematic method for dealing with
an infrared spectrum. All other evidence should be assessed simulta-
neously, be it chemical, physical or spectroscopic ; even the known history
of the compound can be revealing. It is not possible to identify a compound
merely by interpreting its infrared spectrum from correlation data.
We shall discuss in detail the strengths and weaknesses of the method in
the following pages, but it is useful now to make a few clear statements on
the general principles involved .
(i) Most weight can be placed on the absorptions above 1400 cm- I and
below 900 cm- I . (The fingerprint region, 90~1400 cm", contains many
unassigned absorptions.)
(ii) Group frequencies are more valuable than single absorption bands. In
other words, a functional group that gives rise to many characteristic
absorptions can usually be identified more definitely than a function that
gives rise to only one characteristic absorption. (Thus, ketones (C=O str)
are less easily identified than esters (C=O str and C-O str); esters are
less easily identified than amides (C=O str, N-H str, N-H de!) ; etc.)
(iii) The absence of a characteristic absorption may be more illuminating
than its presence. (Consider the relative implications of the presence or
absence of a C=O str absorption .)
(iv) Multifunctional compounds will show the separate absorptions of the
individual functional groups, unless these interact. (Examples of interact-
ing functional types are ~-diketones, aliphatic amino acids , }'-hydroxy
acids, etc .)
(v) The frequencies shown graphically on the correlation charts do not take
account of any exceptional features in specific molecules; important
circumstances, which might in this way lead to frequency shifts outside the
quoted ranges, are discussed below.
(vi) Graphically presented correlation charts are invariably sufficiently
accurate for functional group identification; coupled with this , frequencies
of bands cannot easily be measured more accurately than ±5 ern"! on
low-cost routine instruments (with lesser accuracy at higher frequencies) .
More accurate tabular data are to be found in the specialist texts of
Bellamy, Cross and van der Maas, and such tables should be used for
studying the restricted frequency ranges of more narrowly specific classes
of organic molecule. The discussions of group frequencies that follow
contain some more detailed frequency data (see sections 2.8-2.13).
A reasonable initial plan of attack on the infrared spectrum of a totally
unknown compound would be to spend a few minutes searching out the
most commonly successful correlations.
The carbon skeleton should be tackled first (see section 2.8) : look for
evidence of alkane , alkene , alkyne and aromatic residues (using C- H str,
C- H def and the various carbon-earbon bond stretching frequencies) .
Evidence from the NMR spectrum is of great complementary value.
Look for C= 0 str; if present, it may be associated with C- H str in
aldehydes, N-H str in amides, c-o str in esters; etc .
Look for O-H str or N-H str.
Look for C==N str.
In sulfur compounds look for S-H str, S=O str and -S02- str.
In phosphorus compounds look for P=O str.
Chemical and/or mass spectrometric evidence for the presence of
nitrogen, sulfur, halogens or phosphorus, etc ., is essential: infrared
evidence of these is self-sufficient only in exceptional cases.
The correlation charts are set out in the order indicated by the above
approach to an infrared identification of functional groups. Thus, 'aroma-
tic carbon skeletons' precede alkane, since the former are frequently easier
to confirm. The charts themselves contain commentary, which will fre-
quently suffice to make an assignment, but additional discussion of each
class is given after the charts.
The frequency ranges shown on the charts apply to spectra recorded on
liquid films or KBr disks, or Nujol mulls, etc., since most routine spectra
will be recorded thus. Where dilute solution spectra produce substantial
shifts, this is indicated on the charts and in the discussion following.

CHART 1 contains assignments that will identify the nature of the carbon
skeleton, identifying (i) aromatic, (ii) alkane, (iii) alkene and (iv) alkyne
residues. (See also section 2.8.)
CHART 2 is concerned with carbonyl compounds, including aldehydes,
ketones, enols and all carboxylic acid derivatives. (See also section 2.9.)
CHART 3 deals with hydroxy compounds and ethers, but excluding
carboxylic acids (see previous chart); alcohols, phenols, epoxides and
carbohydrates appear here . (See also section 2.10.)
CHART 4 begins with the assignments of nitrogen compounds that are
basic (amines, etc .); nitro compounds, nitriles and isonitriles also appear
here. (See also section 2.11.)
CHART 5 shows the limited number of carbon-halogen bond assignments
that routine infrared spectra afford in halogen compounds; acyl halides
have the more valuable C=O str correlation, and appear in chart 2:
sulfonyl halides have the more valuable S = 0 str and appear in chart 6.
(See also section 2.12 .)
CHART 6 covers sulfur and phosphorus compounds, which may contain
other heteroatoms (nitrogen and halogen) . (See also section 2.13 .)
Abbrevations: s = strong, m =medium, w = weak and v = variable
intensity, respectively: anti = antisymmetric, sym = symmetric.


In deducing the nature of carbon residues in an organic molecule by
infrared spectroscopy, it is useful to note that (a) aromatic groups are most
easily detected from C==C str and C- H def absorptions ; (b) alkene
groups may be detected from C=C str absorptions, unless aromatic
residues are also present; (c) alkane residues are detected from C- H str
and C- H def absorptions (but NMR, in general, is more specific in
detecting particular groupings such as Me, Et, Pr", Pr i , Bu'); and (d)
terminal alkynes are very easily detected from C==C str and C- H str
absorptions, but nonterminal alkynes may cause extreme difficulty.
Four regions of the spectrum are associated with the confidently assignable
vibrations of aromatic residues (C - H str, C == C str, C - H def and a
group of overtone-combination bands) .
The positions of C- H str absorptions are shown on the charts: these
weak absorptions may appear merely as a shoulder on the stronger alkane
C- H str bands, and indeed may be swamped by them. The distinction can
usually be clearly made that aromatic and alkene C- H str is just above
3000 cm -I, while alkane C - H str is just below.
Most aromatic compounds show three of the four possible C==C str
bands: the band at 1450 cm- 1 is often absent , and the two bands near
1600 cm -I occasionally coalesce, so that two, three or four bands must be
expected for this assignment.
Out-of-plane C- H deformations. are strongly coupled vibrations, and
the pattern of absorption is reasonably characteristic of the number of
hydrogen atoms on the ring (and , hence, also characteristic of the
substitution pattern on the ring) . The most reliable is the strong band above
800 cm - 1 for p-substituted benzenes . The out-of-plane C- H def bands
are strong and broad, being typically 30-50 cm- I wide at half height, and
are therefore easily identified on the spectrum .
Because of the ambiguity in OOP C - H def band positions. NMR
evidence for substitution pattern should always accompany infrared
Chart 1 shows the OOP C- H def absorptions for benzene and naph-
thalene rings: corresponding data for heterocyclic rings , etc., are given in
Bellamy (see 'Further Reading') .
Bands corresponding to aromatic C- H str, C==C str and out-of-plane
C- H defare clearly seen in figures 2.3, 2.4 and 2.11 . The aromatic C- H
str bands can not be assigned in figures 2.7 and 2.16.
The bands shown in figure 2.11 (polystyrene film) between 1650 cm- I
and 2000 ern- 1 are overtone and combination bands mainly of the aromatic
C- H def absorptions: the nature of such bands is discussed in section
2.2 .2. They appear in all spectra of aromatic compounds, but are usually
too weak to be clearly interpreted unless large sample sizes are used . Since
they are related to the out-of-plane C- H defvibrations, they too show a
dependence on ring substitution; the band positions do not move on
changing substitution; rather, their relative intensities alter. They are now
seldom used for structural deductions where NMR evidence is available .


2.x .2
Both C - H str and C - H def absorptions in saturated aliphatic groups are
strong or medium absorptions, and there is seldom difficulty in assigning
these bands on the spectrum.
CHART 1. The Carbon Skeleton 0-
4000 3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 I ,~OO 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 em-I

3800 J.4OO 3000 2600 2200

SubSI. Pattenu 1
I t
Band at 700 em- I
s s may be absent
~~ -- ml~i~ © -.
band only may be seen. Two or three bands only
,-c--c ---'SI'I
C - H SI' lOne
at"" 3030 em -I ._ _ may be seen ©r 1-,.
I r6l ,.,.
I ¢,. Very characteristic

~ I 00 .,-.
IOut.or'Plane C-H dell
, I
2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.51 7.0 7.5 10 II 12113 1415 17 1921 25 IlJtI
Wavelength -+-
CHART 1. The Carbon Skeleton (cont'd)
4000 3600 3200 2800 2400
2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 em -I

3800 3400 3000 2600 2200

CH,- . CH,CH 2-. CH ,CH 2CH2- . etc.
A third band may be present
I ~s ~/sm (CH,hCH- Two m bands or equal intensity
I str_. at "" 2850 em - I (m)
(CH, h C - Characteristic mls doublet
CH 3CH 2 CH 2 -
CH,C-O s Band very intense
i~ 3 CH

Cyclopropanes IC-Hdef!
CH 2-CH-
w jm s ~~
-CH-CH- (trans)
-CH=CH- m
• wjm s
m • -CH-CH- (cis)
w jm
-- - - - - (assignments not certain) - - -

=~ CH2-C/~ w/m s ~ I
m "-
-- -
w/m sl
IC -Hslr I I C-C
- SIr

(Conjugation lowers to
II C-H dt'fl
~Plane C-
These bands show
H dt'f I
(iv) ALKYNES I "" 1610 em- ' . Intensity increases) overtones at 2>
• C-C-H (terminal)
-C=C- s -C-C- : I
." orten indistinguishable
IC-H I sIr I C-C sIr I I 0-
2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 I 6.5 7.01 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 10 II 12113 1415 17 19 21 25 11m -
Wavelength -+-
CHART 2. Carbonyl Compounds
4000 3600 3200 2800 2400 i'iti 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 em -'
3800 3<400 3l1OO 1 2600 2200


Aldehydes I •m Saturated aliphatic and
side-chain aromatic •
,#0 + Aryl and exll-unsaturated
[ --- --]
These bands include Ie - H de! I
I e-Hslr I le-o:"1
"H One or lWo bands 10-20 cm - higher but are of tittle diagn
in solutions
Ketones Saturated open-chain
exll-Unsaturated •s
Monoaryl •s The frequency of all these str bands
is 10-20 em- I higher in solutions
Diaryl •s
..~p 4·Membered ring ketones • Other bands occur below 1500 ern- I but
-C" s these are of little diagnostic value : see
<, S·Membered ring ketones • aldehydes (above)
6-Membered ring ketones ..
(and larger rings) s
a-Diketones -s
Enolic Il-diketones
(Enolic O-H sIr) s

Quinones 2
e-o in same ring --
2 e-o in different rings ~~
000 Ie.-Os"r I
2.S 3.0 3.< 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.S 7.0 7.5 10 II 12131415 1719 21 25 11m
I I I I II I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I Il _i_L-~

wavelength .....
CHART 2. Carbonyl Compounds (cant' d)
Wavenumbers .-.
4000 3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 cm " '

3800 3400 3000 2600 2200


Formates •s
"f0 Higher saturated acids
-c~ <lp-Unsaturated
e-Keto •s s
"0- p-Keto (enolic) • S •s It is often difficult to
Saturated 5-ring (y-) lactones
•s •s assign C-O str with certainty.
<I P-Unsaturated y -lactones Many other strong bands
py-t!nsaturatedy -lactones
•s •s appear in this region
•s • s

Saturated 6-ring (6-) lactones

Esters of aryl acids- NOT phenolic
esters of aliphatic acids ~ I s
Chelated aryl esters (e.g.• salicylates) s
1\C-O SIr
I I C-OSlr
- I
(iii) CARBOXYLIC ACIDS AND THEIR SALTS I Saturated aliphatic acids
"f0 m •s S <lP -Unsaturated acids
_C.f" H-bonded O-H Sir of dimer, etc.
I I • S
Aryl acids
" 0- H Series of broad bands. 3000-2500 cm - \ S Chelated acids (e.g.• salicylic)
C-O Sir I Ic-o
~ SIr or O-H de! I
-c~ . . Ol-
2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
.. -'
6.0 I 6.5
7.0 7.51 10 II 12 13 1415 17 19 2/ 25 um

Wavelength .-.
CHART 2. Carbonyl Compounds (cont'd)

Wavenumben -+-
4000 3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 1800 1690 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 cm" '

3800 J400 3000 2600 2200


~ o m{s
-I s m{s

-C" ONH.
IN-H•• Slrl
- IC",Ost,
anti sym

•w w S~m{s _
~O ~ ~ --I \- w/m m
H3NIIIIIIC <, _ IN-H)· Sir!
Other amino acids-see Amines and Carboxylic Acids


Saturated. acyclic
o Saturated. S-ring cyclic
Aryl or «II-unsaturated. acyclic
/0 Aryl or «II-unsaturated. S-ring cyclic
2.5 3.0 3.S 4.0 4.S 7.0 7.5 10 II 12 13141S 171921 2S I'm
CHART 2. Carbonyl Compounds (cont 'd)
Wavenumbers .....
4000 3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 em -I

3800 3400 I 3000 2600 2200

(vi) AMIDES (solid-state spectra)
-:7'0 Primary I': =. m
-c mls -
N-H str (associated)
"NH 2
N·SUBSTITUTED AMIDES (~Iid-state spectra)
Srcofldary ~~ (usually one band predominates) ~ s
(acyclic only)
° IN-H SI,I (associated)
- c~ Am ide I and II
·" NI;I - R' (mainly C-O Sir
and N -H drf)

#0 Tertiary
-C~ (solid or solution) S

"- N-R'
ROO §-O s I1

CI etc.
2.S 3.0 3.S 4.0 4.S S.O S.S 6.0 65 7.0 7.S 8.0 85 9.0 10 II 12 13 141S 17 19 21 2S I'm
Wavelength .....
CHART 3. Hydroxy Compounds and Ethers 0-

Wavenumbcrs -+-
4000 3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 1800 \600 \400 1200 \000 800 600 400 em":'

3800 I 3400 3000 2600 2200

(i) ALCOHOLS Primary alcohols

(Free 0 -H seen m ~ Frequency of these bands
wlm I I ONLY in dilute solut ions)
Bonded Secondary alcohols m
lowered on dilution
Free I
(sharp) (broad) Tertiary alcohols
-- ..,.-
I O-H II' I I C-O II' or O-H d~f(coupled) I
I Very many other strong
,. Extremely intense O-H I SI,I centered on 3300 em-I
(OH)n IC-Os,,1 bands in this region
I Very broad band (spreading 3200-3400 em - I)

• mls -- m I
Free Bonded
(sharp) (broad) Ic:o str or O-H d~f(coupled) I


(iv) ETHERS Saturated aliphatic ethers I

Alkyl aryl (and vinyl) ethers These absorptions are
• s always very intense
R-O-R' Diaryl ethers
Cyclic ethers (not epoxides)
Epoxides s
-J --
r C-OSI'

2.S 3.0 3.S 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.S 6.0 6.S

7.0 7.S 8.0 8.59.0 10 II 12 13 141S 17 1921 2S I'm
CHART 4. Nitrogen Compounds
Wavenumbers -+-
4000 3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 cm-\

3800 3400 T 3000 2600 2200

(i) AMINES .~
Primary m .", I
('" band often absent) S S
Aryl NH, only
R _ NH sym
z an~i
- -
Secondary m
very '" S

Aryl NH only
- -
Tertiary No IN -H I Sir

R' Aryl-N~ only

R-N/ I
IC-Nslr I
Salts __
(Hydrohalides. e~c.) I '" i -- m '" m


/C=N-H Imines m
'- . ++- m
(Very broad) Aldehyde-animonias
<, /OH IO-H and N-H sIr I IC-N I sIr
.,.,..,C <, NH z
2.S 3.0 3.S 4.0 4.S S.O 5.S 6.0 6.S 7.01 7.S 8.0 S.S 9.0 10 II 12113 141S 1719 21 2S 11m
CHART 4. Nitrogen Compounds (cont'd) 00

4000 3600 3200 2800 2400 2iti 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400= -1

3800 3400 3000 2600 2200


- N 01 Overall range
Aryl nitro compounds s s WI
-~ (Not always ICICD)
IN=Ostr I
anti sym


Nitriles .,
- C=N lsonitriles •s
IC-N str I
2.S 3.0 3.S 4.0 4.S S.O S.S 6.0 6.S 7.0 7.S 8.0 8.S 9.0 10 II 12 13 141S 17 19 21 2S I'm
CHART 5. Halogen Compounds

WavCDumben -+--
4000 3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 em-I

3800 3400 3000 2600 2200


(\lkyl halides and aromatic side-chain halides

(All vibrations C-X Sir
I I) ~ CCl " -CCI) ~
Ar - X Monobromo 5
~CBr" -CBr) 5
Aryl halides Monoiodo 5
C-Br and C-) str below 400 em-I
Aryl C-CI
- -..,.
2.S 3.0 3.S 4.0 4.S S.O S.S 6.0 6.S 7.0 7.S 8.0 8.5 9.0 10 II 12 13 141S 17 1921 2S 11m
Wavclcnsth ~

CHART 6. Sulfur and Phosphorus Compounds
Wavenumbers ~ ~
4000 3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 4OOcm-'

3800 3400 3000 2600 2200

o I


-S-H I I 1-:-1 S-H Slrl
SUlfides OiIulrlde.
-S-S- I I I sIr
IC-S II-s-s- Slrl
-S03 H (I0-H Slrl of SO. H)
S m
SULFATE ESTERS AND SALTS Diaryl and dialkyl esters .I:-
Salts of monoalkyl esters
-OS02 0 -


-:::::- S I~ (2 or more ba~ds) S

-C <, N / N-HSlrl
.......... ' 0
· ~1 (third band possible) Primary -SO,NH, I~ S
o (second w band possible) Secondary -SO,NH- _
f;= m I
-S-N/ IN-Hsrr\ Tertiary-SO ,N ~
II "-
2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 .59.0 10 II 12 13 1415 17 1921 25 I'm
Wavelength ~
CHART 6. Sulfur and Phosphorus Compounds (cont'd)

Wavenumbcrs -+-
4000 3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 4OOcm-'

3800 3400 3000 2600 2200

-so,-x S-OSI'
.,.I I
o -
<, S 1= 0 <, S-f'
,,/' ,,/'~


H3N ".... S03-

. 1 .....'"
'" I m '"
-- m
-s I -
- m
'" m '" /.,.
-~m3Hs04 IN-W SI,I'" IN-Wlhfl I S-O SI' 1

PHOSPHATE ESTERS Trialkyl este~ ~I~ ,.,.

Triaryl esters
»: 0- •m ssm
--- I
o=P-o- ·b-ra-tl-
I P-O I '-1P-_.....!..O---C..!-vl- ·o-n-sI
"0- Trialkyl esters
/0- Triaryl esters
m ~ I
"0- 3.0 3.5
-:-1 P-H I
4.0 I 4.5 5.0 55 6.0
IP-Aryl! IP-O-C vibrations I
6.5 I 7.0 7.5 10 11 12131415 17 19 21 25 11m
Wavelenath .....
By far the commonest appearance of C- H str absorptions is two strong
bands just below 3000 cm - I (of which the higher frequency is antisymme-
tric stretch . See figures 2.1, 2.2, 2.6 and 2.10: this last figure illustrates
nicely that aliphatic C - H str lies just below 3000 cm ~ I, with aromatic
C- H str just above. In spectra recorded on very-high-resolution instru-
ments, simple alkanes show four C- H str bands corresponding to CH 3
and CH 2 antisymmetric C- H str (high-frequency pair) and the cor-
responding symmetric C- H str (pair at lower frequency): this degree of
resolution is exceptional in compounds other than simple alkanes.
The pattern of bands corresponding to C - H de! may be characteristic
of the alkyl groups present, provided that no strong electrical influence is
close by in the molecule. In particular, the antisymmetric CH 3 de! around
1390 em"! is split in (CH 3hC= and (CH 3hC- groups, and such groups
can be detected with reasonable certainty from the infrared spectrum (see
figure 2.15): otherwise, the commonest appearance of the C- H de!bands
is as shown in figures 2.1 and 2.6, which gives no clue to the alkyl grouping
present. In general , NMR evidence is preferred .
Other bands in the infrared spectra of alkanes and alkyl groups are of
doubtful origin; the bands from 800 em"! to 1300 em"! should be consi-
.dered as C-C str or C-H de], and thereafter disregarded .

2.1\.3 ALKENES (CHART I(iii))

Most of the useful assignments are shown on the correlation chart for
The similarity to aromatic absorptions is immediately apparent, and it is
often difficult to detect an alkene group within an aromatic molecule by
infrared spectroscopy: conjugation of the double bond with phenyl lowers
C=Cstr to around 1630 cm- I .
Out-of-plane C- H de! bands are easily seen, and are usually strong
enough for their overtone bands to be substantial: since 2 v lies in the
region 1800-2000 cm-( , where few other absorptions appear, the overtone
band may be prominent. Trans alkenes can often be distinguished from the
cis isomer by the former's C- H de! band around 970 cm-( ; the cor-
responding band for cis isomers is often around 700 em-(, but it is not so
certainly identified as that of the trans isomer.
Tetrasubstituted alkene groups such as R 2C=CR2 show either no
C=C str band or, at best, a weak band : they do show a Raman band,
however (see section 2S.3) .
The infrared spectrum of limonene (figure 2.14) shows alkene C- H str
and C=C str : the C-H de! absorption around 900 cm" shows an
overtone band around 1800 cm- I. ..
Cumulative double bonds, as in allenes, give rise to strong absorptions
around 2000 em -I: these are thought to be the antisymmetric C = C str,
etc ., and a few of the more common examples are : C=C=C (allenes),
wavenumber/e m - I

4000 3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 650
3800 3400 3000 2600 2200 -+-
100 , 0.0
i ,I 1 1 I TT I 11 I 1 I! lIT 1'1
j, I I
+ i.H!- 1 Ir I II I I I : I! II II !
90 ~-
~ ri- .JJ- -!1u-
~ ~fi -1 u-~ li,' ~~ ~' -,1I ' J ' 1 I jI I Ii
80 I
11" '
I IT I I :1 I
Ii 0.1
~li~ r
r,_ I }~, 1 1: ~- ,1 I 1 I I. !I II I I I
, I I, I r
I' N;. I} 1 1 Ii II I
Jj : i T T 1-1 C = Cstr IJ I
g Itlt I r 0.2
60 . r + - CH 3 ~
"uC _!_lLLU_ c
alke ne / I .0
'" 50 -i 0.3
.~ C-Hs tr . I I
i1 , LI
c "-': .I
.; 40 I 0.4 '"
L1~ I+-! alkane
30 f ![ t- -T C -Hdef - 0.5
'T -1 I
to' '1
20 C 0.7
T [' I I 11
rI /~ 0.8
alkane ;" i
I 0.9
10 CH 3 CH 2 1.0
C Hstr I 111 11 1111 11 11
OOP C-Hdef 2.0
o r.- I I I II I I I I II1I 1 I 1I11 11 x:
2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 15.0

Figure 2.14 Infrared spectrum of limonene. Liquid film .

1950 cm" :, O=C=02350" cm": C=C=O (ketenes) " 2150 cm-1.
-N=C=O (isocyanates) , 2250 cm" ; -N=C=S (isothiocyanates) ,
2100 cm" ; -N3 (azides), 2140 cm- I .

2.1>.4 ALKYN ES (CHART I(iv))

Terminal alkynes are easily detected by the co-presence of C- H str
(strong band near 3300 cm") and the weaker C=C str band near
2200 cm": see figure 2.2. Nonterminal alkynes are one of the most
difficult classes to detect spectroscopically , since they lack the valuable
alkyne C-H str absorption, and C=C str is extremely weak : Raman
spectroscopy is necessary to help identify this group (see section 2S.3) and
13C NMR is also useful.

Example 2.2
Question . How could infrared spectroscopy be used to distinguish the
members of the following pairs , and how reliable would these distinctions
be? (a) Natural rubber (cis-polyisoprene) and butyl rubber (poly iso-
butene); (b) the cis and trans isomers of 3-hexene; (c) l-hexyne and
3-hexyne? Assume that you do not have access to any authenticated
Model answer. (a) Natural rubber still contains an alkene group; butyl
rubber does not. The presence of a weak/medium band for C=C str will
identify the former with reasonable certainty: chart l(iii) and section 2.8 .3.
(b) The out -of-plane C - H de! bands for cis and trans alkenes appear,
respectively, near 970 and 700 cm": chart l(iii) and section 2.8.3 . This is
usually fairly reliable, especially if both spectra are available for compari-
son. (c) l-Hexyne is a terminal alkyne and both the C=C str and alkyne
C- H str bands are easily assigned: chart l(iv) and section 2.8.4 .
3-Hexyne shows neither of these bands.

Exercise 2.2 (a) Polyethylene and polystyrene are both manufactured in

film form : how could samples of each be distinguished by infrared
spectroscopy? (b) Two other films are known to be polyacrylonitrile and
poly(ethylene terephthalate), respectively. One of the films showed an
absorption band at 2200 cm -I , and the other had a strong absorption near
1710 cm" : which was which?


The stretching absorption of the carbonyl group has been the subject of
more study than any other absorption in the infrared; consequently, our
knowledge of the factors that give rise to frequency shifts is extensive .
These factors have been discussed in section 2.3.
While the presence of C=O str absorption is almost always easily
detected on the spectrum, identification of the carbonyl-containing func-
tion is not always feasible simply by noting the C=O str frequency . As
ever, the functions that are easiest to detect are those that give rise to the
greatest number of characteristic absorptions. Chemical and/or NMR
evidence is particularly helpful in the case of aldehydes, quinones, esters,
carboxylic acids and amides.
The C=O str band is always strong, and, consequently, its overtone at
2v is often visible around 3400 cm-( : this overtone band can be clearly seen
in figures 2.4 and 2.15.


Aldehydes are usually distinguishable from ketones, etc., by their C-H
str absorptions: in both classes the absorptions below 1500 ern"! are of
little diagnostic value, one possible exception being the case of methyl
ketones (see figure 2.4), which give rise to a very strong characteristic
absorption just below 1400 cm- 1 (noted on chart l(ii)). Enols are easily
identified by the broad H-bonded O-H str absorption, and by the very
low C=O str frequency-as low as 1580 ern"! in acetylacetone (which is
about 85 per cent enolic). A sharp strong C - 0 str band also appears near
1200 cm- I .
It is important to note the narrow limits of C=O str frequencies for
these compounds, and an industrious attempt must be made to relate this
frequency to the detailed environment of the carbonyl group. A good
example would be the cyclic ketones, where ring size can be gauged
accurately from the position of the C= 0 str band. Such assignments must
be in accord with deductions concerning the carbon skeleton, and with DC
NMR evidence .


In addition to accurately known C=O str frequencies, the C-O str
band(s) for esters and lactones can be highly informative. Thus, most
alkanoate esters show one C-O str band, while aryl and aJ3-unsaturated
carboxylate esters show two . (See bands at 1120 cm- 1 and 1280 em"! in
figure 2.15.)
As indicated in chart 2(ii), the position of the C=O str band for
saturated esters is near 1740 ern- I.
If the carbonyl group is in conjugation with a double bond or an aromatic
ring (such as in the acrylates, CH 2=CH-CO-O-, or in the benzo-
ates, Ph-CO-O-), the frequency is lowered to near 1720 em-I:
chelation of the C=O group to a nearby OH group (such as in the
salicylates) lengthens and weakens the C=O bond even further, and the
stretching frequency moves to near 1680 cm- I .

wavenumber/em - I

4000 3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 650
3800 3400 3000 2600 2200 - -
100 0.0


80 0.1


g 0.2
60 u
c C
:l SO 0.3 £
s 40 0.4 '"
30 0.5
20 0.7
10 1.0
o 'D

2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 15.0
wavelength /11m

Figure 2.15 Infrared spectrum of isoamyl benzoate. Liquid film .

In contrast, for esters contammg the groupings
-CO-O-CH=CH- or -CO-O-Ar (such as vinyl esters or
phenyl esters) , the C= 0 str band appears at much higher frequency, near
1770 cm - I . For the special case of ~)'-unsaturated v-lactones. where ring
strain also has an effect , the frequency is near 1800 em?".
DC NMR spectroscopy offers additio nal help in classifying esters, from
the chemical shifts of the carbonyl carbon atoms.


Carboxyl groups are one of the ea siest functions to detect by infrared
spectros copy because of the co-presence of C = 0 str with the exceedingly
broad 0 - H str absorption centered around 3000 cm - I. The infrared
spectru m of benzoic acid (figure 2.7) is typical. The broad 0 - H str band
corresponds to the dimer structure discussed in section 2.3: 0 - H de! in
the dimer gives rise to a characteristic band near 950 em -1, seen in the
benzoic acid spectrum in figure 2.7.
Carboxylic acid salts are most accurately represented with the
re sonance-stabilized carboxylate anion, which contains two identical
C == 0 bonds, and therefore gives anti symmetric and symmetric stretching
ab sorptions. Very reliable proof of identity involves converting the salt to
the free acid, when the true C= 0 str absorption appears at higher
frequenc y than C == 0 str .
Man y carboxylate salts contain water of crystallization , which produces
broad abso rptio n around 3400 cm - 1. It is usuall y possible nevertheless to
se parate this from N - H str bands in the specific case of ammonium salts.

Example 2,3
Qu estion . How might the following pairs of isom ers be distinguished
from th eir infrared absorption spectra, assuming you have both spectra
for each pair? (a) Propiophenone , PhCOCH 2CH 3 , and phenylacetone ,
PhCH 2COCH3 ; (b) propiophenone and 3-phenylpropanal ,
PhCH 2CH 2CHO ; (c) 2,5-hexanedione and 2,4-hexanedione ; (d) methyl
benzoate and phenyl acetate .
Model answer. (a) Propiophenone is a monoaryl ketone ; in phenylacetone
the carbonyl group has alkyl groups on both sides, and in infrared terms it
is considered a dialkyl ketone. The C= 0 str band for the former will be at
lower frequency than for the latter: chart 2(i) and section 2.9 .1. (b) Apart
from the position of the C = 0 str bands (lower frequency in the former,
since it is a monoaryl ketone) , the aldehyde C-H str bands near
2800 crn" will characterize the latter. (c) 2,4-Hexanedione is a ~-diketone
and will be highly enolic . Its spectrum will show broad 0 - H str
absorption and a very-low-frequency C=O str band: chart 2(i) and section
2.9.1. 2,5-Hexanedione will show the infrared spectral qualities of a
simple dialkyl ketone. (d) The C=O str bands of these two are near
1720 em"! for the benzoate (conjugation on the C=O group of the ester)
and near 1770 em"! for the aryl acetate (conjugation on the - 0 - group
of the ester) : section 2.9 .2.

Exercise 2.3 The hydrolysis of an ester, RCOOR, in dilute aqueous KOH

produces the alcohol and the potassium salt of the carboxylic acid: the
progress of the hydrolysis can be followed by infrared spectroscopy.
Suggest how this procedure might be carried out , using a prominent
infrared feature as a marker.

Exercise 2.4 An air conditioning filter was badly contaminated by an oily

substance, which might have been a mineral oil (engine lubricating oil) or a
vegetable oil (cooking oil) . The IR spectrum of the contaminant showed a
strong absorption near 1720 em -I : which was the contaminant?

Exercise 2.5 Food is often packaged in clear foil, which may be Cello-
phane (cellulose acetate) or polypropylene : how could the infrared spec-
trum distinguish these?

2.9.4 AMINO ACIDS (CHART 2(iv»

Amino acids with the amino group directly attached to an aryl ring exist
with the free amino and carboxyl functions: all other amino acids (including
all naturally occurring members) exist as zwitterions, and therefore show
absorptions due to - ~ - H str and - CO 2 str. (Infrared studies histo-
rically provided some of the best evidence for the very existence of
zwitterions.) On acidification the protonated amino acid then gives rise to
true C=O str at higher frequency than C==O str.



The characteristic high-frequency double band for C= 0 str (near
1800 cm") for anhydrides makes them very easy to detect: the splitting of
the band is due to Fermi resonance (see section 2.3) . A common
contaminant is the free acid, with 0 - H str absorption around 3000 em -1 .
Interestingly, imides also give rise to two coupled C=O vibrations, their
frequencies being 1680-1710 cm- 1 and 1730-1790 cm", respectively.
Few liquid amides exist. (Exceptions: HCONMez, HCONEtz.)
The infrared spectrum of benzamide (figure 2.16) shows the very
characteristic pair of bands for N - H str near 3200 cm -I and 3400 ern -I.
the separation between these bands in solid-state spectra (120-180 ern - 1) is
usually sufficient to identify primary amides.
The two bands are not associated simply with antisymmetric and
symmetric N - H str , but arise from different degrees of association in
amides: indeed, a third band (near 3300 cm- I ) is present , but not observed
in KBr-disk sampling.
Amides readily self-condense, as do carboxylic acids, but in amides the
situation is additionally complicated by (a) the considerable double-bond
character of the CO - N bond due to mesomerism which may lead to cis
and trans forms , and (b) the degree of vibrational coupling that takes place
(N - H str may couple with both N - H str and even N - H def: N - H
de! couples strongly with C=O str and C-N str ; etc .) . These three
factors (self-association, cis-trans isomerism and vibrational coupling)
completely rule out a simple reductive description of amide absorptions:
for clarity, and at the risk of oversimplification , the charts show only those
absorptions that are important in solid-state spectra . In dilute solution the
degree of association changes: N - H str moves to higher frequency, while
the coupled C = 0 str and N - H de! vibrations move to lower frequency.
N - H str vibrations arise either from monomer, dirner , chains of dimers
or polymers as shown : the number of units in the dimer chain or polymer
determines the N - H str frequencies , which therefore shift with concen-
tration changes. Primary amides in very dilute solution give N - H str near
3400 ern- 1 and 3500 em - I: secondary , near 3450 ern - I .
C=O str and N-H de], being coupled vibrations, give rise to bands
that are best named simply as amide I and II bands, respectively: these can
be seen in figure 2.16 near 1650 cm " , and this double band is also highly
characteristic of amides. The higher-frequency band is predominantly
C=O str and the lower is predominantly N-H def. Other amide bands
of mixed assignment are named amide III, IV, V and VI.

Example 2.4
Question. Discuss what features of their infrared spectra could help
in distinguishing the following pairs? (a) 4-(Aminomethyl)benzoic
acid , H zNCH zC6H4COOH , and 4-am inophenylacetic acid,
H zNC6H4CH zCOOH; (b) butanarnide , CH 3CH2CH zCONHz, and N-
methylpropanamide, CH 3CH zCONHCH 3.
Model answer. (a) Aryl amino groups are more weakly basic than alkyl
amino groups, and, in general, do not protonate in the molecules of amino
acids to give zwitterions. Thus, while 4-aminophenylacetic acid shows the
separate characteristics of both NH z and COOH groups (N - H str at

wavenumber/em - 1
4000 3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 650
3800 3400 3000 2600 2200 -
100 0.0


80 0.1

~ 60 !lr::
~ 50 0.3 5
.~ 1l
r:: "
40 0.4
20 0.7
10 1.0
2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 15.0

Figure 2.16 Infrared spectrum of benzamide. KBr disc.


"'~.NH 2
mesomerism in amides
08 08
/ /
~al ~ al
N-H N-R'
R' H
cis monomer trans monomer

R-< )-R
I ~
R' H H
'" R-<
I I ~
R' H H
cis dimer - I

R-< )-R
I ~
chains of dimers
3300 em -I, broad 0 H str from 2500 em- I to 3500 ern -I and C = 0 str near
1700 cm""), 4-(aminomethyl)benzoic acid exists as a zwitterion and shows
the characteristic C=O str bands near 1600 cm- I . See chart 2(iv) and
section 2.9.4. (b) The most significant differential is between the N - H str
absorption of a primary amide and that of a secondary amide. They appear
near 3300 cm" ; two bands, about 170 cm" apart , are shown for the
primary amide, but only one for the secondary. See chart 2(vi) and section

Exercise 2.6 The hydrolysis of a primary amide, RCONH 2. in dilute

aqueous KOH produces ammonia and the potassium salt of the carboxylic
acid: the progress of the hydrolysis can be followed by infrared spectro-
scopy . Which absorption bands will be easiest to use for this procedure?
Note the problem of aqueous media.

2.9.7 ACYL HALIDES (CHART 2(vii))

The high-frequency C=O str band for acyl halides is reasonably charac-
teristic, but chemical or mass spectral evidence is needed to detect and
identify the halogen present.


Hydrogen-bonded association in hydroxy compounds has been discussed in
section 2.3; free 0 - H str bands are normally only seen in dilute solutions
in nonassociating solvents. (Exceptions are highly hindered 0 - H groups
or certain intramolecularly bonded o-hydroxybenzyl alcohols.)

2.10.1 ALCOHOLS (CHART 3(i))

The infrared spectrum of l-butanol is typical, showing all of the expected
absorptions shown on the correlation chart (see figure 2.6) : the dotted
trace on this spectrum was recorded on a dilute solution in CCI4 , and free
0 - H str appears near 3600 em- I.
Classification of an alcohol as primary, secondary or tertiary can
frequently be successful using the bands for the coupled vibrations C - 0
str and O-H def.


There is no difficulty normally in classifying a carbohydrate as such, but
little further detail can be generally extracted from their spectra.

2.10.3 PHENOLS (CHART 3(iii))

In addition to the bands shown in the charts, phenols show the character-
istic C=C str and C- H defvibrations for aromatic residues (chart l(i)).
The strong 0 - H str band may swamp the weaker C- H str band just
above 3000 cm- . It is difficult to distinguish a phenol from an aryl alcohol
from infrared evidence.

Exercise 2.7 The NMR spectra of menthol are discussed in chapter 3. See
figure 3.33 for the formula of menthol and predict the major infrared
absorption bands ·from 1600 em"! to 4000 cm- I .

2.10.4 ETHERS (CHART 3(iv))

Aliphatic ethers show only one characteristic band for C-O str (in
addition to C-H and C-C vibration bands arising from alkyl or aryl
groups in the molecule) : while this band is easily identified in known
ethers, certain identification of an ether in an unknown molecule is
difficult, because many other strong bands can appear in the region
1050-1300 cm -I .
In highly unsymmetrical ethers, especially alkyl aryl ethers, the two
C-O bonds couple to give antisymmetric and symmetric C-O str
absorptions: for dialkyl or diaryl members, the symmetric C-O str is
infrared-inactive and only the antisymmetric C-O str is seen.
Note that keto ethers (such as p-methoxyacetophcnone) may be con-
fused with esters, since identification of both types rests on identifying both
C = 0 str and C - 0 str . Epoxides are a special case of cyclic ether, and in
addition to their C-O str band they have a reasonably characteristic
C - H str absorption near 3050 em -I, and two bands around 800 cm -1 and
900 ern -I, respectively.

Exercise 2.8 A low-boiling solvent labeled 'Petroleum Ether' showed

none of the characteristic C-O stretching absorptions shown by ethers
around 1100 cm -I, but the spectrum was very similar to that in figure 2.1:
what was the solvent and what is a preferred name for it?


The correlation chart contains most of the information necessary to assign
principal bands associated with nitrogen functions not already met in
section 2.9 (and chart 2).

2.11.I AMINES (CHART 4(i))

Hydrogen bonding in amines leads to modification of both the symmetric
and antisymmetric N - H str bands, but shifts on dilution are less than for
0 - H str in alcohols and phenols. The values given on the charts refer to
condensed phases (liquid films, KBr disks, etc .) and in dilute solution free
N - H str can · be seen near 3500 em- 1. The infrared spectrum of 0-
toluidine (figure 2.17) shows all the characteristics of a primary aromatic
amine spectrum : N - H str (two bands only may sometimes be seen),
wave numbe r/em - I

4000 3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 650
3800 3400 3000 2600 2200 -+-
100 ,
• I . I 11 I' , I
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I 1 "I . ,
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:I ;1rrt :I , '
' , ,
: : .,- ~-~
' ,
1'- '
: ! r, 1 I I "
~" 40
+ i l-rl ; I' "sym 1 'I'T . 1 I' ' j ; ' , ": t :r : 'r i 0.4
, • .' . I " , I I , 'T ' ,, " '-I ' ,
~ :·d.r I 1I ..r :j : i JI I
30 I 'tI :, , N- Hstr J ! I , fi ', I'
1 .,: - . .'
1"'f'IT '11 J ~ ,I ' -I: ~ '~rl j :' ' I I ' L
:1: lI 1; 1' 1 " ' G'
: j ... ' I
I antisym j I . l it I lJI HITii tii HiTl Il>r :i) ,. " ~ Ll,j ' : I :
, ~.,
~ !li i 0.5
20 :. N- Hs tr I I I l : WI II , " l i 'l i~ ~1 :L ,~r, 0.6
!' , t- ,111 '" 1 o
. !IT ' 1
U. ii+' '-I~" c-~'''i l1L' ! 'ij:
o LII 1+1++1,I I , I H def II Li+I!
z.s ' ol i.o
T, TTN III li lT
!~.'illII fHH! I I Illi
IT ., ~ij,i'
11 1 1I
"iI11 1 ' H' I i
3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 15.0
wavelengthgr n

Figure 2.17 Infrared spectrum of a-toluidine. Liqu id film.

wavenumber/em - I

4000 3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800
3800 3400 3000 2600 2200 - -
100 ! J I ! 1 U1 tv tv
I; 1,,- 1,
.;.~ r; . .' - " J . - • . ' . ~:..
I ' ' : I I ' I I' ~ I ' it
llllil: I : I : I J I I I . , ,I I ;"
90 I J
•· I , • ;- , . ; f-+- . . ." .. ~.
t-f:"f:~ , . w.~ ~ ~ :1 ~ < J. : _ .1 u, 1l11*.L'
[i i u : IW- U-l\ ~: lJ 1 I i ; 11. ' ! i I IIH I
80l i .: . llil. . .j W .I ~ ~ .]. r,1 11-l I II Ii i Il :dTII ttr l ! ' d ~ -0 Li H !il lt1:iJT Hil I ' i ,' v"
70 '. ~~ ~ I~ I. ~ ~ I.L ( : I I J. : i .! I II '11 1 11 WJJ I 'Jllil 1 I 1II !li lU ll/! 111
m '
I I ; 1 I ! ! ! I : I ii I1I I I I
I .I ,1, .; .r:- J1 I I TI .l~u lf.-
fTU " 11 I I I .
c 60 : t. : ! J j 1 J I 'I 4i .J,,-U
1 J I! . ,II I 1+ it,l I II I I I1I I J ~ L rTf ' 0.2
.' [11+I 1'- II--I IIi r II.I r~."
~ L :. ~ ; J. '~I-i I. I Lt-f-H~. ! IT J Ifli 1 W, ~ ttl , I, n III I I I II r I ! I . ~
~ ;~ I " " 1 'l I I I i IT I I I I Ii i I r l j ri ! 11 11 iii I ~
.~ 50 ;- : !: C= N i i i I II!! II. i n ml I; I I i I II! I I I I' I ' 0.3 j
~ i' 1 I , I l I I uu iT rmlJ'l' ! II! I II II : II "
- 40 t,r.r::( ~l1 :- I 1 1 IJ I _L I U II i i !' I j
I1 rIT+hiIlf tH-111 II I I I i Ir u 0,4
30 ' ~ ~ ~ : i~ ! : _ '
l '. .. C= N str 'l l "': '! ~~ I.!)!! 'II: -' I ! I .. ~ 'rr Ii i 0,5
I ,h T 1 ttrr J : 1:' I i IIII ' Ii I! ' I ' : I
tt,rr I L U : : I II I
, I f-<- :
160 ~
1 M- ~ ltl lt lt:·
~" , 1:1 IJ I I i , Ii ll, ~T l'Tl.Gtr I I
Y+~ :,' H ,II ,' , 0.6
20~i · · , ~ ' I I : '!: '1 I1I I l i i l l ! fT ITi ~ ;'; 1 I ! I I ' 0.7
-. 1 - 1- ' ,_ . - ....... •• J - :•..L I; I! CT CT ' 0.8
t H Tr ~ 1+ ;
I ~ 1 - : •'i~ TTlT n ' I ~' 1,4
! ' : ! : ' ! :I
!H- ' ' ' W- I I 'I I iI I I I ' 1-+ I ~ ii i! I I I III II I, 1 I UJ 0.9
101, : 1 T T ~n r I I ilT I -; I r~ T ~ i 1I II II!' III1 'W: Ii I II IT · Ii I IT rTII ,, ! lir;; 1.0
o I I ! I lit . i I I I
-r '1 t-r~ I I I I ':- !Tn rj i mt :. i i i If ii IT IT II : I II I 1T : II " ~O
2.5 3.0 3,5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7,0 7.5 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 15.0
wavelength jum

Figure 2.18 Infrared sp ectrum of benzonitrile. Liquid film .

N-H defeat 1620 cm ") and C-N str at 1280 cm- I (not identifiable in
alkyl amines) .


These are both uncommon classes and the chart contains the only useful
diagnostic bands for them .


The symmetric and antisymmetric N == str bands constitute a reliable
method for detecting nitro groups, particularly in aryl nitro compounds
(where few other detection methods are simple or reliable).


Without doubt these two functions are two of the easiest to detect : they
each give one strong band, and the spectrum of benzonitrile (figure 2.18)
shows clearly C=N str for nitriles at 2250 cm ", in a spectral region that is
usually sparsely populated.


The detection of halogen by infrared spectroscopy is totally unreliable . The
most useful assignment is C- X str, which for most environments appears
at frequencies beyond the range of low-cost instruments (that is, below
650 cm- I ) . The chart nevertheless shows these band positions for the sake
of interest and completeness. Mass spectrometry is the method of choice
for identification of halogens in organic molecules (chapter 5) .


A wide range of sulfur-containing functional grounds is included in the
chart , mainly characterized according to the presence of absorptions due to
S-H, S=O, S02 , S03, C-S, C=S or S-S bonds. A much more
limited range of phosphorus functions is included .
Very little need be added over the information given in the chart, and
only one representative spectrum is given (toluene-p-sulfonamide; figure
2.19). The S=O str bands are remarkably constant in position, and for

strong antisymmetric and symmetric S = °

sulfones and sulfonic acid derivatives, containing O=S=O groups, the
str bands are highly reliable
absorptions. Compounds containing the S- H group are usually rec-
ognized as such by their smells, before their infrared spectra are even
wavenumber/em - I
4000 3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 650
3800 3400 3000 2600 2200-

80 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I 1 I I I -++++- I- ~ H-+ ++

1:i:tU4t11 i 1II II IiTtHJli'jtt+++++++ '~~~~!

70 I I I I I I I ". I I I IT -TTTTITTT +-
, i 1:1 1I ! i I I++++++tt+

t.. antisym ~ ~Yl1l ~ . .

S=Ostr ~~
: I I I I I 111111
1111 I I I i 2.0
3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 15.0

Figure 2.19 Infrared spectrum of toluene-p-sulfonamide. KBr disc.

All amino sulfonic acids exist as zwitterions, since - S03H is suffi-
ciently powerful to protonate aryl amines and alkyl amines alike (contrast
aryl amino carboxylic acids). It is very difficult by infrared spectroscopy to
distinguish amino sulfonic acids from amine sulfates.
The importance of phosphate and phosphite esters as plasticizers, fuel
additives and insecticides warrants their inclusion in the correlation charts.
The Wittig reaction with triphenylphosphine produces triphenylphosphine
oxide as byproduct : it is useful to know that the unmistakeable P= str
band for this compound appears at 1190 ern -t .


Infrared spectra can provide a means of quantitative estimations of
components in a mixture, but a number of factors must be taken into
account before the accuracy is acceptable. Instrument design is also a
factor; ratio recording spectrometers (see section 2.4.4) and Fourier
Transform spectrometers (see section 2.4.5) are much superior to
optical null machines; pyroelectric detectors perform better than
simple thermopiles (see section 2.4.3), and computer software makes
various corrections and calculations simpler. The following com-
ments are general, and apply to most instruments (although Fourier
Transform instruments have fewer problems associated with sec-
tions 28.1 and 28.2).

25.1. 1 Absorbance
Quantitative analyses are best carried out using standard solutions,
and for solutions the Beer-Lambert law should hold. The absorb-
ance, A, of a solution is given by A = eel, where c is the molar
concentration of the solute and I is the path length (in em): E is the
molar absorptivity, and is constant for the solute causing the absorb-
As we have seen in section 2.4, most infrared spectrometers
measure band intensities linearly in percentage transmittance, % T,
and therefore logarithmically in absorbance, A. Not only does this
make it inconvenient to relate band intensity to concentration (which
is related linearly with A but inversely and logarithmically with % Ti,
but also slight inaccuracies in the measurement of % T may corre-
spond to very large inaccuracies in the measurement of A. This is
particularly true when % T approaches 100, and acceptable accuracy
wave n umbe r/e m - I

4000 3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 I800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 650
3800 3400 3000 2600 2200 -+-
100 Fft
T ,FIl I· ffi
, , '
H~itlt~" ' F [ .
;1 ·- {, I.hI IJ..I I n1\l111 ID IBfttH 1: 1 ,


. i !
,_L· I ~.,
. i '"i- j

111 111 11 111 1 1 1 1 11 :T

" I II i

~-'~~' T~ I III I i 1111LLlll liWJ.J-mi
rrrrn ~ ,TTTTITmmllllTTT'n I I Gil IT
2.5 3.0 3.5 40 45 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 15.0
wave leng th /JIm

Figure 2.20 Measurement of absorbance in quantitative infrared analysis.

in the measurement of A can only be achieved when the band
intensity lies between 30% T and 60% T.
Absorbance is defined as log(loll): in figure 2.20 we can theore-
tically measure 10 for peak P as the distance AB, and thus I corre-
sponds to Be . Since, however, there is always background absorp-
tion, and the spectrum never reaches 100% T, more accurate results
are obtained using the tangent baseline, DE. For peak Q, absorbance
is given by
A = log (loll) = 10g(FG/GH)

25.1.2 Slit widths

The measured absorbance of a peak depends on the slit width at that
wavelength-the wider the slit width, the broader and flatter will be
the band appearance, because of the intrusion through the slit of
neighboring wavelengths at which no absorption is taking place. In
practice, reproducibility in the measurement of absorbance can only
be achieved if the slit width is less than one-fifth of the band width at
half height.

25.1.3 Path lengths

Solution-cell path lengths cannot accurately be inferred from the
spacer thickness, and are best measured by the measurement of
interference fringes. In figure 2.21 beam 1 is transmitted directly,
while beam 2 suffers double internal reflection at the internal sur-
faces of the cell; the consequent delay in beam 2 leads to reinforce-
ment and cancellation of the resultant beam at appropriate wave-
length values, and a scan over the wavelength range of the instru-
ment (through the empty cell) leads to an interference pattern as
The delay in beam 2 is equal to 2t (t = cell thickness), and when 2t
equals an integral number of wavelengths, reinforcement leads to a
fringe maximum; at 2t - 112 integral number of wavelengths, cancel-
lation leads to a fringe minimum. By choosing two reinforcement
maxima (v, and V2) and counting the number of intervening inter-
ference fringes between them (n), the cell thickness in this example is
given by t = 0.5n/(ii, - ii2 ).
Interference fringes can also be seen in the spectra of polystyrene
film (figure 2.11), between 2000 crn " and 2800 crn ": film thickness
can be calculated as above, using the modified equation t = 0.5n/
(v, - V2)J.L, where J.L is the refractive index of the film material. (For
polystyrene J.L = 1.6.)
path length . I

--- ...... -----

\ I
cell windows

v, = 2070em-' ;;2 = 1600em -'

I = 0.5/1/(v, - ;;2)
= 0.5 x 5/(2070 - 1600) em -,
=5.3 x 10- 3 em =0.53 mm

Figure 2.21 Interference fringes in an empty solution cell. Measurement of path


Exercise 2.9 (a) If the above cell were modified to a path length of
0.1 mm (0.01 ern), how many interference fringes would be gener-
ated in the range 1600-2100 crn "? (b) If the cell were to be modified
to a path length of 0.05 mm exactly, over what wavenumber range,
starting at 1600 crn", would five interference fringes be observed?

Exercise 2.10 Estimate the film thickness used to record the poly-
styrene spectrum in figure 2.11.

25.1.4 Molar absorptivity

Molar absorptivity, E, can only be measured accurately when all the
above parameters are taken into account; coupled with the instru-
mental difficulty of producing infrared sources and detectors which
are linear over the wavelength range, it is clear that accurate E values
are rarely achieved .
The most successful quantitative infrared work is done on a routine
repetitive analytical basis, using the same machine, the same
machine settings of slit widths and scan speeds, etc., and the same
sample and reference cells. Even more successful is the preparation
of standard solutions of pure authentic specimens, from which a
calibration curve of % Tagainst solute concentration can be drawn up
for a given set of machine parameters. The concentration of solute in
an unknown sample can then be most accurately measured. Com-
puter subtraction of the solvent spectrum is the ultimate choice-see
section 15.1.

Exercise 2.11 Contamination of water sources may arise from

spillage of fuels such as diesel fuel: this can be quantified by
extracting the fuel from the suspect water with carbon tetrachloride
and measuring the C-H stretching absorptions against standard
solutions. Devise a procedure for this, specifying the wavenumber to
be used and any serious limitations in the method.


It is frequently necessary to measure the infrared spectrum of a
material for which the normal sampling techniques are inapplicable;
examples of such material are polymer films or foams, fabrics, thick
pastes, coatings such as paint films or paper glazes, printing inks on
metal, etc. The spectrum can be recorded by a modified reflectance
technique which depends on the total internal reflectance of light.
Provided the refractive index of the prism, 1 (figure 2.22(a)), is
greater than that of the sample medium, 2, and if the angle e is greater
than the critical angle, the infrared light beam 2 will suffer total
internal reflectance at the interface between 1 and 2. The light beam
must, in fact, travel a very short distance (a few J.Lm) along medium 2
before reemerging into 1, and if medium 2 absorbs some of the light,
then the reemerging beam will be attenuated (weakened), rather than
totally reflected. The principle can be easily extended to produce the
infrared absorption spectrum of 2, the technique being called atte-
nuated total reflectance, ATR.
That part of the radiation which passes through medium 2 (the
sample) is referred to as the evanescent wave .
Because of the very short path length within medium 2 (the
sample) on a single reflection, a very weak spectrum results unless
multiple reflectance can be arranged as in figure 2.22(b). This whole
assemblage can be inserted into the sample beam of the infrared
infrared light

sample medium 2 (e)


mirror mirror

m edium 2

Figure 2.22 Attachments for (a) attenuated total reflectance (A TR) and (b)
m ultiple internal reflectance (MIR) measurements. In a 'circle cell',
m edium I is rod-shaped, and is placed in a bath containing the
sample (liquid). (c) Simplified horizontal A TR cell.

spectrometer, achieving up to 25 reflections and producing spectra

comparable to normal transm ission spectra . This multiple internal
reflectance (MIR) is preferred to simple ATR. The alternative name
frustrated multiple internal reflectance (FMIR) is also app lied.
The success of the method depends on using a med ium 1 which is
transparent to inf rared light, and has a high refractive index [u,
2.5-3.5) . Crystals normally used are germanium, zinc selen ide or
KRS-5 (mi xed ThBr and Thl (fJ. = 2.4) transmitting to 300 cm "), The
intensity of the spectrum depends on the efficiency of contact
between the crystal and the sample, on the contact area and on the
angle of reflectance. In double-beam spectrometers, because the ATR
unit increases the path length in the sample beam, a corresponding
increase in the reference beam has to be provided by a second
(blank) ATR unit.
This problem is overcome differently in FTIR inst ruments, which
work in the single-beam mode. A background spectrum is first
recorded, with the empty ATR cell in place, and then the spectrum
with the sample is recorded; subtraction of background from sample
is then carr ied out as usual.

Low-energy experiments involving reflectance are much more

successful with the FT method, including ATR. A single reflectance is
often sufficient, and by suitable modification two different kinds of
reflectance can be measured separately. Specular reflectance (from
the Latin word for mirror) returns from an object directly back along
the incident beam, whereas diffuse reflectance is that which is
scattered at other angles. These phenomena are important in study-
ing surfaces-both their chemical nature and their physical geo-
The use of reflectance spectroscopy on developed thin-layer chrom-
atography plates allows the infrared spectrum of each spot to be
recorded directly from the plate (provided that the TLC support
medium is not infrared-active, so that aluminum plates must be used
and not glass).
A major difficulty in infrared analysis is in dealing with material in
solution, particularly in water, largely because of the strong water
absorption bands around 3300 cm- 1 and 1600 crn", Absorbance
subtraction by computer can only be carried out if the water absorp-
tion bands do not reach 0% transmittance, which is only the case in
extremely short-path-Iength solution cells (figure 2.12). Using ATR
and a modified multiple-reflectance cell, combined with spectral
summation (see section 15.1), the infrared spectra of solutes in very
dilute aqueous solution can be measured.
The cell (see figure 2.22(b» may be in the form of a cylindrical or
square rod of zinc selenide inside a stainless steel bath furnished with
infrared-transparent windows; the bath is filled to cover the rod, and
the infrared beam is then directed into the bath at one end, through
the MIR rod cell and out (meanwhile attenuated) at the other end. The
term 'CIR' (cylindrical internal reflection) can be used.
In a simpler version the zinc selenide crystal (medium 1, approx-
imate size 5 cm x 1 ern) is horizontal and set as the base of a shallow
stainless steel tray, as illustrated in figure 2.22(c). The mirrors which
reflect the infrared beam are located below and adjusted to divert the
beam up into the crystal, and the sample is simply poured into the
tray to cover the crystal. All manner of viscous material-paints,
creams or greases-is easily added to and cleaned from the device,
and rapid throughput of samples is ensured. Powders, and flexible
sheet material such as fabrics or polymer films, can be laid on the
crystal and clamped thereto to ensure intimate contact. The applica-
tion of the method in biology, medicine and the pharmaceutical and
chemical industries includes measurement of drugs during manufac-
ture by fermentation methods, following the kinetics of metabolism
of dietary constituents, investigation of detergents and cosmetics, or
identification of contaminants in waste water, etc.

25.3. 1 The Raman effect

When a compound is irradiated with an intense exciting light source
(mercury arc or laser beam), some of the light is scattered as shown
in figure 2.23. If the scattered light is passed into a spectrometer, we
can obviously detect in it the frequency of the exciting radiation as a
strong line (the so-called Rayleigh line), but the Indian physicist C. V.
Raman recorded in 1928 that additional frequencies are also present
in the scattered beam; these frequencies are symmetrically arrayed
above and below the frequency of the Rayleigh line, and the differ-
ences between the Rayleigh line frequency and the frequencies of the
weaker Raman lines correspond to the vibrational frequencies pres-
ent in the molecules of the sample. By measuring these frequency
differences we can obtain information about the vibrational frequen-
cies within the sample molecules. For example, we may observe
Raman lines at ±750 crn", on either side of the Rayleigh line; the
molecule therefore possesses a vibrational mode of th is frequency.
The plot of all the Raman frequency shifts against their intensities is a
Raman spectrum, which is very similar to the vibrational spectrum
produced in infrared spectroscopy.


spectrometer scattered light
I' sample


Figure 2.23 Origin of Raman spectrum in scattered light.

Raman spectroscopy mainly utilized mercury arcs as the source of

the exciting radiation until the development of the laser, and the era
of routine laser-Raman work has only now arrived. Not only is laser
light more intense and more coherent, but also it enables longer
wavelengths to be used for excitation, eliminating many problems of
sample decomposition.
State-of-the-art FT laser-Raman spectrometers use a Nd-YAG laser
operating at 1064 nm, which minimizes the troublesome fluor-
escence which arises from many samples if excitation of shorter
wavelength is used . The FT technique brings to the recording of
Raman spectra all of the advantages discussed for m
Fellgett and Jacquinot advantages, wavenumber accuracy, spectra
summation and subtraction, short measurement times, etc.-and in a
dual instrument, in which switching between the FTIR and FT-Raman
modes is carried out by computer, both IR and Raman spectra can be
obtained easily and speedily on the same sample.

25.3.2 Comparison of infrared and Raman spectra

An infrared absorption arises when infrared light (electromagnetic)
interacts with a fluctuating dipole within the molecule. The Raman
effect is not an absorption effect like infrared, but depends on the
polarizability of a vibrating group, and on its ability to interact and
couple with an exciting radiation whose frequency does not match
that of the vibration itself. A given vibrational mode within a mole-
cule may lead to fluctuating changes in the dipole (an infrared-active
vibration), but may not necessarily lead to changes in the polarizabil-
ity (a Raman -active vibration), the converse also being true. Many
absorptions that are weak in infrared (for example, the stretching
vibrations of symmetrically substituted C=C and C==C) give strong
absorptions in Raman spectra.
The 'change in polarizability' which is necessary for a Raman signal
to be seen is, to a close approximation, the 'ease of imposition of a
dipole', but the dipole involved in the Raman signal may not be the
same dipole involved in an associated infrared absorption signal.
Indeed, in molecules with high symmetry (for example, benzene) the
infrared-active vibrations that lead to dipole changes and those that
lead to changes in the polarizability are mutually exclusive. The two
techniques are therefore complementary, and figure 2.24 shows the
infrared spectrum of indene (upper trace) compared with its Raman
spectrum (lower trace) .
The principal advantages of laser-Raman spectroscopy over
infrared are its increased sensitivity (sample sizes as small as several
nanograms), the ease of sample preparation (powders or solutions
may be used) and the fact that water makes an ideal solvent (since its
Raman spectrum consists essentially of only one broad weak band at
3654 crn "). The application to aqueous biological samples is extens-
ive, and includes drugs analyses in body fluids and studies of
aqueous solutions of amino acids. Organometallic complexes can
also be easily studied in aqueous solution.
Ram an shift/e m - 1

10 100

8 80
i:;- 0
>E 6 60:;
.E ~
.,c ~
E 4 40
" Indene

oI I I I I j I I i I I i I I I 0
4000 3000 2500 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0
wav enumbe r/e m - I

Figure 2.24 Infrared and laser-Raman spectra of indene compared (infrared spectrum above) .


Bellamy, L. J., The Infrared Spectra of Complex Molecules, Methuen,
London (Vol. 1, 3rd edn, 1975; Vol. 2, 1980). These two texts are
undoubtedly the standard works for organic applications of infrared
spectroscopy. Vol. 2 was formerly published under the title Advances in
Infrared Group Frequencies (1968).
Cross, A. D. and Jones, R. A ., Introduction to Practical Infrared Spectro-
scopy, Butterworths, London (3rd edn, 1969).
van der Maas, J. H., Basic Infrared Spectroscopy, Heyden, London (2nd
edn , 1972).
George, B. and McIntyre , P., Infrared Spectroscopy, Wiley, Chichester
(1987). ACOL text.
Miller , R. G . J. and Stace , B. C., Laboratory Methods in Infrared
Spectroscopy, Heyden, London (1972).

Pouchert, Charles J ., Aldrich Library of Infrared Spectra, Aldrich Chem-
ical Co. Inc., Milwaukee, 3rd edn (1984). Over 12000 dispersive
Pouchert, Charles J., Aldrich Library of FTIR Spectra, Aldrich Chemical
Co . Inc. 3 volumes (Vol. 3 consists of 6600 vapor phase spectra), also
available in digital form from Nicolet Instruments Inc.
Kelly, R. K. (Ed .), Sigma Library of FTIR Spectra, Sigma Chemical Co.,
St. Louis . 2 volumes containing 10 400 FfIR spectra of biochemicals.
Also associated with.an IBM-PC compatible aid to searching through the
library, by input of absorption wavenumbers of unknown compounds.
Merck, E . and Bruker Analytische Messtechnik, Merck FTIR Atlas, VCH
Verlagsgesellschaft, Weinheim , Germany (1987).
Sadtler Digital FTIR Libraries, Sadtler, Pennsylvania, and Heyden, Lon-
don (1989). Over 100 000 digitized spectra in IBM-PC compatible form,
subdivided into subsets such as polymers, pharmaceuticals, adhesives,
solvents, flavors, Georgia State Crime Laboratory Library, etc .
Sadtler Handbook of Infrared Spectra, Sadtler, Pennsylvania, and Heyden ,
London (1978). 3000 dispersive spectra.

Freeman , S. K., Applications of Laser Raman Spectroscopy , Wiley,
London (1973).
Tobin, M. C.; Laser Raman Spectrosocopy , Wiley-Interscience , Chi-
chester (1971).
Grasseli, J. G. and Snavely, M. K., Chemical Applications of Raman
Spectroscopy, Wiley, London (1981).
Griffiths, P. R. and de Haseth , J. A. , Fourier Transform Infrared
Spectrometry, Wiley, Chichester (2nd edn , 1986).
Haris, P. I. and Chapman, D. , FfIR in Biochemistry and Medicine ,
Chemistry in Britain, 5, 1015 (1988).
Long , D . A. , Raman Spectroscopy , McGraw-Hill , London (1977).
Baranska, H. , Labudzinska , A. and Terpinski , J. , Laser Raman Spectro-
metry, Ellis Horwood, New York (1987).
Harrick, N. J. , Internal Reflectance Spectrometry , Wiley, New York
Several authors, introduction by Long , D. A., The Renaissance of Raman
Spectroscopy, Chemistry in Britain, 6, 589 (1989).
Bist, H. D. (Ed.) , Raman Spectroscopy: Sixty Years On , Elsevier , Amster-
dam (1989).
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 3

60 MHz NMRspectrometer for proton only.

. ..
500 MHz multinuclear NMR spectrometer. The superconducing 11.7 T magnet is on
the right.
As is implied in the name, nuclear magnetic resonance (or NMR) is
concerned with the magnetic properties of certain atomic nuclei , notably
the nucleus of the hydrogen atom-the proton-and that of the carbon-13
isotope of carbon.
Studying a molecule by NMR spectroscopy enables us to record differ-
ences in the magnetic properties of the various magnetic nuclei present,
and to deduce in large measure what the positions of these nuclei are
within the molecule. We can deduce how many different kinds of environ-
ments there are in the molecule, and also which atoms are present in
neighboring groups. Usually we can also measure how man y atoms are
present in each of these environments.
The proton NMR spectrum of toluene , C6HsCH 3 , represents an ex-
tremely simple example of an NMR spectrum , and it is shown in
diagrammatic form in figure 3.1(a).
Toluene has two groups of hydrogen atoms- the methyl hydrogens and
the ring .hydrogens, Two signals appear on the spectrum , corresponding to
these two different chemical and magnetic environments.
The areas under each signal are in the ratio of the number of protons in
each part of the molecule , and measurement will show that the ratio of
these areas is 5 : 3 . The areas are found from the step heights in the
integration trace: see section 3.7.

A typical carbon-13 NMR spectrum is shown in figure 3.1(b) , and the

assignment of each signal to a unique carbon environment in the molecule
(p-hydroxyacetophenone) is also indicated. Each different carbon atom
produces a different signal. Because of molecular symmetry, C-2 and C-6
are equivalent , as are C-3 and CoS; note, therefore , that the signals
numbered 2 and 4 in the spectrum are of high intensity, since each
corresponds to two carbons. Note also that the other signals are of low
intensity, but are unequal, even though each corresponds to a single
carbon. The three-line signal from the solvent corresponds to the single
carbon atom of deuteriochloroform , CDCl3 ; it appears as a triplet because
of an interaction with the deuterium atom . These features will be discussed
later in this chapt er.

int egration

t race

y 5 ring prot ons

-- 1\



C-2 and C-6 C-3 and C-5


C-7 solvent signal


5 4 3 2

, I ' , I ' I ' , I ' , I i i I

200 ISO 100 50 o 6c

Figure 3.1 (a) Diagrammatic IH NMR spectrum of toluene, C6HsCH 3, showing

two signals in the intensity ratio 5:3. (b) DC NMR spectrum of
p-hydroxyacetophenone, p-CH3COC6H40H , show ing six signals
corresponding to the six different carbon environm ents iT! the
m olecule. (20 MHz , in CDCI 3 . )
The most appropriate starting point for a study of NMR is the proton: it
is the simplest nucleus , and it was the nucleus on which the phenomenon of
NMR was first observed. (Felix Bloch and Edward M. Purcell shared the
Nobel Prize in physics for this , their early but independent studies being
reported nearly simultaneously in 1946.) Carbon-13 NMR is of equal
importance , and it will be treated extensively; other magnetic nuclei (such
as fluorine -19, phosphorus-Jl , nitrogen-14, nitrogen-IS and oxygen-I")
will be surveyed more selectively.


Much of the theory and practice relevant to proton NMR is appropriate

also to all other magnetic nuclei; the development of these topics will
center around the proton, but every opportunity will be taken to indicate
that the arguments are multinuclear.



3. 1. 1
The nucleus of the hydrogen atom (the proton) behaves as a tiny spinning
bar magnet , and it does so because it possesses both electric charge and
mechanical spin; any spinning charged body will generate a magnetic field,
and the nucleus of hydrogen is no exception.


Like all bar magnets, 'the proton will respond to the influence of an
external magnetic field , and will tend to align itself with that field, in the
manner of a compass needle in the earth's magnetic field. Because of
quantum restrictions which apply to nuclei but not to compass needles (see
section 3.2), the proton can only adopt two orientations with respect to an
external magnetic field-either aligned with the field (the lower energy
state) or opposed to the field (the higher energy state). We can also
describe these orientations as parallel with or antiparallel with the applied


Because the proton is behaving as a spinning magnet, not only can it align
itself with or oppose an external magnetic field, but also it will move in a
characteristic way under the influence of the external magnet.
Consider the behavior of a spinning top: as well as describing its spinning
motion , the top will (unless absolutely vertical) also perform a slower
waltz-like motion , in which the spinning axis of the top moves slowly
around the vertical. This is precessional motion, and the top is said to be
precessing around the vertical axis of the earth's gravitational field. The
precession arises from the interaction of spin-that is, gyroscopic mo-
tion-with the earth's gravity acting vertically downward. Only a spinning
top will precess ; a static top will merely fall over.
As the proton is a spinning magnet, it will, like the top , precess around
the axis of an applied external magnetic field, and can do so in two
principal orientations, either aligned with the field (low energy) or
opposed to the field (high energy). This is represented in figure 3.2, where
8 0 is the external magnetic field.

high energy opposed


low energy

Figure 3.2 Representation of precessing nuclei, and the ilE transition between
the aligned and opposed conditions.


The spinning frequency of the nucleus does not change, but the speed of
precession does . The precessional frequency, v, is directly proportional to
the strength of the external field, 8 0 : that is,
v oc 80
This is one of the most important relationships in NMR spectroscopy,
and it is restated more quantitatively in section 3.2.
As an example, a proton exposed to an external magnetic force of 1.4 T
(= 14000 gauss) will precess = 60 million times per second, so that
v = 60 MHz. For an external field of 2.3 T, v is = 100 MHz, and at 14.1 T
v is = 600 MHz. (Strictly, the tesla is a measure of magnetic flux density,
not field strength.)
We have seen that a proton, in an external magnetic field of 1.4 T , will be
precessing at a frequency of = 60 MHz, and be capable of taking up one of
two orientations with respect to the axis of the external field-aligned or
opposed, parallel or antiparallel.
If a proton is precessing in the aligned orientation, it can absorb energy
and pass into the opposed orientation; subsequently it can lose this extra
energy and relax back into the aligned position. If we irradiate the
precessing nuclei with a beam of radiofrequency energy of the correct
frequency , the low-energy nuclei may absorb this energy and move to a
higher energy state. The precessing proton will only absorb energy from
the radiofrequency source if the precessing frequency is the same as the
frequency of the radiofrequency beam; when this occurs, the nucleus and
the radiofrequency beam are said to be in resonance; hence the term
nuclear magnetic resonance.
The simplest NMR experiment consists in exposing the protons in an
organic molecule to a powerful external magnetic field; the protons will
precess, although they may not all precess at the same frequency. We
irradiate these precessing protons with radiofrequency energy of the
appropriate frequencies, and promote protons from the low-energy
(aligned) state to the high-energy (opposed) state. We record this absorp-
tion of energy in the form of an NMR spectrum, such as that for toluene in
figure 3.1(a).


The only nuclei that exhibit the NMR phenomenon are those for which the
spin quantum number I is greater than 0: the spin quantum number I is
associated with the mass number and atomic number of the nuclei as

Mass number Atomic number Spin quantum number

I 3 5
odd odd or even 2' 2' 2 ' . . .
even even o
even odd 1,2,3, . . .

The nucleus of IH, the proton, has I = ~, whereas I2C and 160 have
I = 0 and are therefore nonmagnetic. If I2C and 160 had been magnetic,
the NMR spectra of organic molecules would have been much more
Other important magnetic nuclei that have been studied extensively by
NMR are lIB, l3C, 14N and 15N, 17 0 , 19F and 31p (see sections 3.13-3.15,
35.5 and 35.6) . Both deuterium eH) and nitrogen-14 have / = 1, and the
consequences of this observation will become apparent later (see 'Hetero-
nuclear coupling' , section 3.9.4) .
Under the influence of an external magnetic field, a magnetic nucleus
can take up different orientations with respect to that field ; the number of
possible orientations is given by (2/ + 1), so that for nuclei with spin ~ eH,
13C, 19F, etc .) only two orientations are allowed. Deuterium and 14N have
/ = 1 and so can take .up three orientations: these nuclei do not simply
possess magnetic dipoles, but rather possess electric quadrupoles . Nuclei
possessing electric quadrupoles can interact with both magnetic and
electric field gradients, the relative importance of the two effects being
related to their magnetic moments and electric quadrupole moments,
respectively .
In an applied magnetic field, magnetic nuclei like the proton precess at a
frequency v , which is proportional to the strength of the applied field. The
exact frequency is given by


where Bo = strength of the applied external field experienced by the

proton ,
"( = magnetogyric ratio, being the ratio between the nuclear
magnetic moment, fL, and the nuclear angular momentum, I:
"( is also called the gyromagnetic ratio .
Typical approximate values for v are shown in table 3.1 for selected
values of field strength B o, for common magnetic nuclei .

Table 3.1 Precessional frequencies (in MHz) as a function of increasing field


1.4 1.9 2.3 4.7 7.1 11.7 14.1

IH 60 80 100 200 300 500 600
2H 9.2 12.3 15.3 30.6 46.0 76.8 92
liB 19.2 25.6 32.0 64.2 96.9 159.8 192
DC 15.1 20.1 25.1 50.3 75.5 125.7 151
14N 4.3 5.7 7.2 14.5 21.7 36.1 43
15N 6.1 8.1 10.1 20.3 30.4 50.7 61
170 8.1 10.8 13.6 27.1 40.7 67.8 81
19F 56.5 75.3 94.1 188.2 288.2 470.5 565
Jlp 24.3 32.4 40.5 81.0 121.5 202.4 243
(Free 3.9 x 1Q4

The strength of the signal, and , hence, the sensitivity of the NMR
experiment for a particular nucleus, are related to the magnitude of the
magnetic moment, f..l . The magnetic moments of 'H and 19F are relatively
large, and detection of NMR with these nuclei is fairly sensitive . The
magnetic moment for l3C is about one-quarter that of IH, and that of 2H is
roughly one-third the moment of I H ; these nuclei are less sensitively
detected in NMR. (In contrast, the magnetic moment of the free electron is
nearly 700 time s that of IH, and resonance phenomena for free radicals can
be studied in extremely dilute solutions ; see section 3S.7 for a discussion on
electron spin resonance .)
Even with very large external magnetic fields, up to 14.1 T, the energy
difference !1E = hv is very small , even at 600 MHz. Because the difference
is so small (of the order of 10- 4 kJ mol" '}, the populations of protons in the
two energy states are nearly equal; the calculated Boltzmann distribution
for I H at 1.4 T and at room temperature shows that the lower energy state
has a nuclear population only about 0.001 per cent greater than that of the
higher energy state. The relative populations of the two spin states will
change if energy is supplied of the correct frequency to induce transitions
upward or downward .
What happens when protons absorb 60 MHz radiofrequency energy?
Nuclei in the lower energy state undergo transitions to the higher energy
state ; the populations of the two states may approach equality, and if this
arises, no further net absorption of energy can occur and the observed
resonance signal will fade out. We describe this situation in practice as
saturation of the signal. In the recording of a normal NMR spectru m ,
however, the populations in the two spin states do not become equal ,
because higher-energy nuclei are constantly returning to the lower-energy
spin state .
How can the nuclei lose energy and undergo transitions from the high- to
the low-energy state?
The energy difference, !1E, can bereemitted as 60 MHz energy, and this
can be monitored by a radiofrequency detector as evidence of the
resonance condition having been reached. Of great importance, however,
are two radiationless processes, which enable high-energy nuclei to lose
The high-energy nucleus can undergo energy loss (or relaxation) by
transferring !1E to some electromagnetic vector present in the surrounding
environment. For example, a nearby solvent molecule, undergoing contin-
uous vibrational and rotational changes, will have associated electrical and
magnetic changes, which might be properly oriented and of the correct
dimension to absorb !1E. Since the nucleus may be surrounded by a whole
array of neighboring atoms, either in the same molecule or in solvent
molecules, etc ., this relaxation process is termed spin-lattice relaxation,
where lattice implies the entire framework or aggregate of neighbors.
A second relaxation process involves transferring t:.E to a neighboring
nucleus, provided that the particular value of t:.E is common to both nuclei :
this mutual exchange of spin energy is termed spin-spin relaxation . While
one nucleus loses energy, the other nucleus gains energy , so that no net
change in the populations of the two spin states is involved.
The rates of relaxation by these processes are important, and in
particular the rate of spin-lattice relaxation determines the rate at which
net absorption of 60 MHz e nergy can occur.
Rather than define the rate constants (k) for these first-order relaxation
mechanisms , a spin-lattice relaxation time (T() is defined, being the
reciprocal of k. T) is related to the half-life of the exponential process by
T( = (half-life)/ln 2. T2 is similarly defined as the spin- spin relaxation time .
A more rigorous treatment of relaxation is given in section 3S.3. If T, and
T 2 are small , then the lifetime of an excited nucleus is short , and it has been
found that this gives rise to very broad absorption lines in the NMR
spectrum. If T( and T2 are large, perhaps of the order of Is, then sharp
spectral lines arise.
For nonviscous liquids (and that includes solutions of solids in non-
viscous solvents) molecular orientations are random , and transfer of
energy by spin-lattice relaxation is inefficient. In consequence, T( is large,
and this is one reason why sharp signals are obtained in NMR studies on
nonviscous systems .
The important relationship between relaxation times and line broaden-
ing can be understood qualitatively by using the uncertainty principle in the
form t:.E· t:.t :::::: h/21T, or, since E = hv ; t:.v · t:.t :::::: 1I21T. Expressed
verbally, the product t:.v . t:.t is constant , and if f:.t is large (that is, the
lifetime of a particular energy state is long) , then t:.v must be small (that is,
the uncertainty in the measured frequency must be small , so that there is
very little 'spread' in the frequency, and line-widths are narrow) . Con-
versely, if t:.t is small (fast relaxation) , then t:.v must be large, and broad
lines appear.
The (4N nucleus possesses an electric quadrupole (see page 157), and is
therefore able to interact with both electric and magnetic field gradients,
which cause the nucleus to tumble rapidly: spin-lattice relaxation is highly
effective , and therefore TI is small. Since T( is small , NMR signals for the
14N nucleus are very broad indeed, and for the same reason the NMR
signals for most protons attached to 14N (in N - H groups) are broadened .
(See also under 'Heteronuclear coupling' , page 155.)


For a field strength of 1.4 T , we have seen that protons have a precessional
frequency of :::::: 60 MHz. The precessional frequency of all protons in the
same external applied field is not , however, the same, and the precise
va lue for an yone proton depends on a number of factors. Historically , thi s
was first observed by Packard in 1951; he was able to detect three different
values for th e precession al frequencies of the protons in ethanol, and the
re alization th at these corresponded to the three different chemical environ-
ments for the protons in ethanol (CH 3 , CH z and OH) marked the
beginning of NMR as a tool of the organic chemist. Because the shift in
frequency depended on chemical environment, this gave rise to the term
chem ical shif t. An even simple r example is the NMR spectrum of toluene
shown in figure 3.1(a) . The protons in toluene are in two d ifferent chemical
environments, and two signa ls appear on the spectrum, corresponding to
two different precession al frequencie s (two different chemical shift
valu es).
There are six different chemical shift values in th e carbon-13 NMR
spectru m in figure 3.1(b) , etc .


To measure the precessional frequency of a group of nuclei in ab solute
frequency units is not difficult but is rarely required. More commonly
th e differences in frequency are me asured with respect to so me reference
group of nuclei. For protons and l3e, th e universally accepted reference is
tetramethylsilane, TMS:
H CH 3 CH 3
H-Si-H CH -Si-CH CH3-Si-CH2CH2CH2S03 " Na +
I 3 I 3
H CH 3 CH 3
silane tetramethylsilane sodium salt of
(TMS) 3-(trimethylsilyl)-propanesulfonic acid

TMS is chosen because it give s an intense sharp signal even at low

concentrations (having 12 protons in magnetically equivalent po sitions) ;
the signa l ari ses on the NMR spect ru m well clear of mo st common organic
protons (fo r rea sons we sha ll meet in sectio n 3.4 ) ; it is chemically inert and
ha s a low bo iling point , so th at it is eas ily removed from a recoverable
sa mple of a va luable organic compound ; it is so luble in mo st organic
so lve nts, and can be added to the sa mple so lutio n (0 .01-1.0 per cent) as an
internal standard.
TMS is not so luble in water or in OzO ; for solutions in these solvents the
sodium sa lt o f 3-(trimethylsilyl)-propanesulfonic acid is used .
The choice of stand ards against which to measure the precessional
frequenc y o f ot he r nuclei is ba sed on th e same criteri a . TMS is used for
l3C; CFCI 3 for I<JF; an external sample of concentrated H 3P04 for 31p ; and
although liqu id ammonia (external) is the ab solute frequency sta nd ard for
15N, nitromethane (CH 3N02) is commonly used as a more convenient
primary sta nda rd . Water is the standard for 170 .
T he basic features of the ins tru me ntatio n needed to record a n NMR
spectrum a re a magne t, a rad io freque ncy so urce and a de tec tio n system to
ind icat e th at energy is bei ng tra nsfe rr ed from the ra diofreq ue ncy beam to
th e nucleus. Suc h an a rra nge me nt is shown sche ma t ica lly in figure 3.3.
Magn et stre ng ths a nd frequen cies de pend o n th e va rio us fact ors dis-
cuss ed a bove, but typi cal practi cal param eters for proton NMR will be
used for th is discu ssion .

rad iofrequ ency sample lube containing sa mple

source /

magn et
I~ magn et

rad iof requency

detector a nd
amp lifier


PuIsr/decay presentation

time scale
expo nent ial deca y fro m all nuclei
und ergo ing relaxat ion ...

co nsists of ~ co mposi te of severa l

indiv idua l frequencies. which
can be sepa ra ted a nd ...

presen ted on a linear

frequency scale

.. freq uency sca le


Figure 3.3 (a) Basic feat ures of an NM R spectrometer. (b) Schematic

representation of pu lsed NM R; the outp ut in the time doma in (the
f ree induc tion decay, FlD) is conve rted to the f requency domain by
Fourier Transfo rm. See also figu re 1.6.

Continuous wave method-CWNMR

The sample is placed in a glass tube (for example, 5 mm diameter) between
the pole faces of a magnet (for example, of field strength 1.4 T). A
radiofrequency source feeds energy at 60 MHz into a coil wound around
the sample tube , and the radiofrequency detector is tuned to 60 MHz. If
the nuclei in the sample do not resonate with the 60 MHz source, the
detector will only record a weak signal coming directly from the source coil
to the detector coil. An increased signal will be detected if nuclei in the
sample resonate with the source , since energy will be transferred from the
source , via the nuclei , to the detector coil. The output from the detector
can be fed to a cathode-ray oscilloscope or to a strip chart recorder after
amplification, etc.
Because of chemical shift, not all protons come to resonance at exactly
60 MHz in a field of 1.4 T, and we must have provision in the instrument
for detecting these different frequencies . An easy method in theory is to
hold the magnetic field steady, and use a tunable radiofrequency sour ce (or
'synthesizer') which can scan over the nearby frequencies until the various
nuclei come to resonance in turn as their precessional frequencies are
matched by the scanning source. Such an instrument is operating on
frequency sweep .
It is in practice cheaper and easier to make use of the fact that v ex B o.
By holding the radiofrequency source steady at 60 MHz and varying B o, we
can increase or decrease the precessing frequencies of all the nuclei , until
each, in turn, reaches 60 MHz and comes to resonance with the radio-
frequency source . In such an instrument the field strength is varied by
fixing small electromagnets to the pole faces of the main magnet; by
increasing the current flowing through these electromagnets, the total field
strength is increased. As the field strength increases, so the precessional
frequency of each proton increases until resonance with the 60 MHz source
takes place. This design of instrument is operating on field sweep, and the
majority of low-cost NMR machines use this mode . The variable electro-
magnet coils are called sweep coils.
As each proton comes to resonance, the signal from the detector
produces a peak on the chart; the NMR spectrum is therefore a series of
peaks plotted on an abscissa that corresponds to variations in field strength
or (since v ex Bo) frequency .
In the above mode of instrument operation, spectra require several
minutes to record, because each transition is induced in succession by
continuous scan from low field to high field, the radiofrequency signal
remaining constant; this is the continuous wave (CW) mode of operation .
Pulse techniques and Fourier Transforms-FTNMR
If we could stimulate all transitions simultaneously, the same transitions
within the nuclear spin states would arise , but the excitation would require
a mere fraction of a seco nd to e xecute . Thi s is precisely what is done in
pulsed N M R; for proton NMR , th e sa mple is irradiated (at fixed field) with
a stro ng pulse of radiofrequency ene rgy containing all th e frequen cies over
th e IH ran ge (fo r example , sprea d aro und 100 MHz at 2.3 T, etc .). Th e
proton s in ea ch e nviro nme nt abso rb their appro priate frequenci es from the
pul se , a nd th ese frequen cies co uple to give beats (similar to the viol in
an aiogy discussed in sec tio n 15 .2). Th e presentation at th e top of figure
3.3(b ) is an int erferogram in the tim e domain , and its Fourier Transform
renders th e sa me informati on in th e f requency domain (see sec tio n 15.2) .
For th is re ason th e technique of pulsed N M R is usuall y ca lled pulsed
FTNMR or simply FTNMR , thu s distinguishing it from continuous wave
N M R, CWN M R .
The pulse duration may be appro xima te ly 10 I-lS, and when it is switche d
off , th e nucl ei undergo relaxati on processes , and reemit th e abso rbe d
en ergies and coupling en er gies. Th e instrumental problem is that all th ese
re emitted en e rgie s are emitted simultaneo usly as a complex interacting
patt ern, which decays rapidly . Figure 3.3(b) show s a typical pattern of
re emitted decay signals ; this o utput is digitized in a computer, and each
individual frequency is identified from the interference patt ern by the
math em atic s of Fourier Transform s (see sectio n 15.2) . Each frequenc y is
plotted o n a linear frequen cy sca le- the NMR spectru m.
Felix Bloch ca rried out th e NMR experiment in his Nobel prizewinning
work , using th e CW mode , since co nte mpo rary instrumentation did not
permit th e pul sed mod e, and he had no computer to calculate th e Fourier
Transform. Ne vertheless, he pr edicted the nature of th e pulse phenom-
e no n , a nd distin guished betw een two ways in wh ich th e nucl ear ma gnetiza-
tion would int eract with the radiofrequen cy field magnetizati on . With the
R F on, magnet izat ion wou ld tr ansfer at resonance from th e RF to the
nuclei by th e process of magnet ic induction-and he nam ed this f or ced
induction. At th e end of a pulse of RF, ho wever , th e nucl ei would still
ret ain magnetization from the RF until th e end of relaxation , and this
Bloch nam ed f ree induction: it is th e decay of this free induction that is
measured (as the free induction decay , FlO) in ITNMR.
Advantages of FTN MR
An entire spectru m can be rec orded , computerized and transformed in a
few seco nds; with a repetition every 2 s, for example , 400 spectra can be
accumulated in approximately 13 min, giving twenty times the signa l
enh ancement. Technically, very rapid pulse repetitions are possible, but
after excitation by one pul se, the nuclei cannot be reexcited until 5 X T[
(the spin- latt ice relaxation time) has elapsed ; repetition times up to 60 s
may be required for nuclei with long T[ values .
Three low-sen sitivit y problem s in NMR are now easil y overcome : (1)
sampl es at very low con centrations; (2) NMR studies on nucl ei with low

natural abundance (for example, 13C);and (3) NMR studies on nuclei with
low abundance and small magnetic moments (for example, 13C, 15N or
0 ).
The first advantage, namely (1), being able to work at very low
concentrations in IH NMR , is important in biological chemistry , where
only microgram quantities of material may be available. The IT method
also gives improved spectra for sparingly soluble compounds.
The most dramatic advantage to organic chemists, namely (2) and (3), is
the ability to record excellent spectra from 'ordinary' molecules containing
only the natural abundance of 13C nuclei, etc .
Carbon-13 NMR spectroscopy is discussed at length in the second part of
this chapter. Nitrogen-IS and oxygen-I? NMR are discussed in section
Differences in precessional frequencies are very small indeed, and
modern high-resolution instruments can detect differences of the order of
0.001 parts per million (ppm). To obtain these accuracies in resolution, the
radiofrequency source and the field strength of the magnet must be
accurate to one part in 109 or better, and this remarkable accuracy is
achieved by a number of means. Much of the accuracy is obtained by
having additional contoured electromagnet coils on the pole faces of the
main magnet (in addition to the sweep coils); these Golay coils can be
'shimmed' to create specifically contoured magnetic fields, which compen-
sate for any inhomogeneity in the main magnet's field . As a further
refinement , any remaining magnet inhomogeneity in the horizontal plane
can be averaged out if the sample tube is spun about its axis , so that the
molecules in different parts of the sample tube experience the same
average magnetic environment. The sample tube is mounted on a light
turbine, and a jet of air is adjusted to provide a steady spinning rate of
around 30 Hz.
Adjustment of magnet homogeneity may require weekly or even daily
attention to the Golay coils. A standard test of homogeneity is the
sharpness and symmetry of the so-called ringing pattern associated with the
NMR signal and seen under amplification in most sharply resolved proton
NMR signals. The ringing pattern is a beat phenomenon caused by the
interaction of two close frequencies and has the appearance of a steady
exponential decay of pen oscillations. At resonance, the nucleus sets up
weak rotating vectors whose frequency alters as the field is swept;
interaction of these vectors with the normal relaxation vectors produces
the wiggle-beat pattern called ringing. The effect of ringing is seen clearly
in figure 3.22: on the high-field side of each peak, the pen has oscillated
above and below the base line.
Ringing is only produced in the CW mode, and is not observed in spectra
recorded by pulse ITNMR.
The standard test of homogeneity, relating as it does to the resolving
power of the instrument, is the narrowness of the NMR signal ; this is
measured (in Hz) as the width-at half height-of a given signal (for
example, one of the narrow lines of the proton NMR spectrum of
o-dichlorobenzene). Line-widths as narrow as 0.05 Hz are achievable .
A further specification relates to the sensitivity of the instrument,
measured as the ratio between signal intensity and the intensity of
background noise on the spectrum-the signal-to-noise ratio (SIN). Again
there are industry norms for calculating the SIN ratio, based for proton
NMR on the quartet of the ethylbenzene spectrum (using a 1 per cent
solution) and for carbon-13 on the largest aromatic peak in the ethyl-
benzene spectrum (using a 10 per cent solution) recorded under very
specific instrument parameters. Low-cost spectrometers can reach proton
SIN ratios of 55:1. With 600 Mz FfNMR instruments SIN ratios for proton
are 600:1, but using a 0.1 per cent ethylbenzene solution (thus correspond-
ing to 6000:1 for a 1 per cent solution), while for carbon-13 NMR, the
corresponding SIN ratio is 180:1.
Occasionally a strong signal in the spectrum will be flanked by two
smaller signals equidistant from the main signal. This may be caused by
oscillations set up by irregularities in the spinning of the sample tube; these
oscillations will act as modulators, and produce the visible side-bands
above and below the main signal frequency (by addition and subtraction of
the modulating frequency). These spinning side-bands are always symme-
trically displayed, but they vary in position with the spinning rate of the
sample tube; they are not to be confused with the satellite side-bands
caused by l3C nuclei, as discussed on page 156. Spinning side-bands are
minimized by the use of high-precision sample tubes , by the avoidance
of excessive spinning rates, and by adjustment of the homogeneity controls.
Not all instruments make use of the two sets of radiofrequency coils
shown in figure 3.3(a), although these crossed coils (so called because they
are arranged orthogonally) give high signal-to-noise rat ios and are widely
used . It is possible to perform the NMR experiment, using only one
radiofrequency coil with a radiofrequency bridge arrangement (similar to
the Wheatstone bridge) to monitor out-of-balance changes in signal
intensities as radiofrequency energy is absorbed by the nuclei.
It is easier to achieve accurate homogeneity over a small area of the
magnet pole faces, and small sample sizes are advantageous (:=:::: 0.3 cnr' of
10 per cent solutions are commonly used in proton work). This considera-
tion is offset for nuclei with small magnetic moments, etc ., where large
sample sizes are demanded for detection sensitivity.
To record the NMR spectra of nuclei other than lH, using the instru-
ment above (field strength 1.4 T), requires a different radiofrequency
source appropriate to the nucleus being examined (see table 3.1). For
example, with a 1.4 T magnet, 19F spectra can be recorded with a
radiofrequency source at 56.5 MHz, and l3C spectra require a 15.1 MHz
source .
Instruments with a 1.4 T magnet are usually called 60 MHz instruments,
although, strictly, this is only the frequency being used when 1H spectra are
being recorded. Similarly, 2.3 T and 14.1 T instruments would be suitably
called 100 MHz and 600 MHz instruments, respectively.
Field strengths of 1.4 T and 1.9 T (60 MHz and 80 MHz instruments)
can be obtained from either permanent magnets or electromagnets. Field
strengths of 2.3 T (100 MHz instruments) are now only obtained commer-
cially from electromagnets. The really high field strengths of 4.7 T and
14.1 T (200 MHz and 600 MHz instruments) use superconducting
magnets. When a metal conductor is cooled in liquid helium to a
temperature of 4 K, electrical resistance vanishes and the metal becomes a
'superconductor' . An electromagnet immersed in liquid helium and using
this principle can reach enormous field strengths, which were hitherto
regarded as unattainable.
The photograph at the chapter head shows an NMR spectrometer based
on a superconducting magnet system . The can-shaped vessel on the right
contains, at its core, the electromagnet, which consists of a solenoid of fine
wire, several kilometers in length. The wire is usually either a specially
superconducting alloy of niobium and titanium, or, for field s above 10 T,
the intermetallic compound Nb 3Sn . The solenoid is surrounded by liquid
helium contained in a vacuum-insulated vessel, and this, in turn, is
surrounded by a bath of liquid nitrogen (acting as an insulator); the volume
of the solenoid is about one-fifth of the volume of the whole container.
Field adjustment coils (shim coils) are attached to the solenoid (and are
therefore at low temperature) and also to the probe housing (and these are
therefore at room temperature) . To establish the magnetic field, electric
current is supplied to the solenoid windings, but when the target value of
field is reached, the current supply is shorted out, leaving the electrons to
flow continuously through the superconducting wires (with zero resist-
ance) . Power consumption in the magnet is zero.
Instruments operating at 600 MHz are now commercially available, and
750 MHz instruments are expected on the market sometime in the 1990s;
'high-temperature superconducting materials (operating at the tempera-
ture of liquid nitrogen rather than that of the more expensive liquid
helium) have inevitably a long-term place in these developments.


In recording an NMR spectrum (whether by the Fourier Transform
method, FTNMR, or on a continuous wave (CW) spectrometer, working
either with field sweep or frequency sweep), we measure the differences in
chemical shift position between the reference (TMS) and the signals from
the compound being examined .
By international convention, an NMR spectrum is always plotted with
TMS on the right-hand side, at low frequency, and with high frequency on
the left-hand side.
The proton NMR spectrum of benzyl alcohol is shown in figure 3.4: from
left to right, the signals correspond to the protons of the aromatic ring, the
CH z group, the OH group and, lastly, the small TMS internal standard
The protons of TMS are known to come to resonance at exactly 60 MHz
when the field strength is 1.409 T (100 MHz at 2.349 T, 600 MHz at
14.092 T, etc .) and we can measure the frequencies of the other signals in
relation to TMS: thus, the frequency of the OH signal in the 60 MHz
spectrum in figure 3.4 is found to be 144 Hz higher in frequency than TMS
and that of the CH z group is 276 Hz higher in frequency, etc . If, however,
we record the same spectrum at 100 MHz or 600 MHz, then the differ-
ences in frequency are in proportion-that is, the CH z signal will be
2760 Hz higher at 600 MHz, etc. This leads to the desirability of using units
which are field-independent.

400 JOO 200 100 OHz
downfield upfield
• low v
• Benzyl alcohol
high " ~CH,OH

~ I
15 01 , _ 276 Hz

I 144 Hz
I 60 Hz TMS

80 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 o 0
Figure 3.4 IH NMR spectrum of benzyl alcohol (PhCH20H) . (60 MHz in CCld

8 units. Chemical shift positions are normally expressed in 8 (delta)

units, which are defined as proportional differences, in parts per million
(ppm), from an appropriate reference standard (TMS in the case of proton
and carbon-13 NMR).
Since the 8 unit is a proportionality, it is a dimensionless number; it is
independent of field strength, so that a signal with a 8 value of, say, 4.6

derived from a 60 MHz spectrum (1.4 T instrument) such as figure 3.4 will
be found at exactly the same value, 84.6, on a 100 MHz or on a 600 MHz
(14.1 T) instrument. At the bottom of figure 3.4 are shown the 8
units-true for any instrument-and at the top is shown the frequency
scale- which is only true at 60 MHz .
The relationship between 8 values (in ppm) and frequency (in Hz) is
fundamental :

8x = Vx - VTMS

where 8x is the chemical shift (in ppm), Vx and VTMS are the frequencies (in
Hz) of the signals for X and TMS, respectively, and Vo is the operating
frequency of the instrument (in MHz).

Example 3.1
Question. The OH signal in figure 3.4 is shown on the spectrum at 144 Hz
higher frequency than TMS: how many 8 units (ppm) does this correspond
Model answer. The TMS frequency is exactly 60 MHz (60 000 000 Hz) on
this instrument , and the OH signal is 144 Hz higher in frequency (at
60000 144 Hz) , so the 8 value is 144/60 = 2.4. We say 'the OH protons
appear at 8 2.4' .

Exercise 3.1 The signal for the CH z protons in the proton NMR spectrum
of benzyl alcohol appears at 8 4.6 (figure 3.4) . Calculate the difference in
frequency, expressed in hertz , between this and the TMS signal in a
300 MHz NMR spectrum.

Exercise 3.2 Calculate similarly the difference in frequency between the

TMS signal and that for the protons of the aromatic ring (a) in figure 3.4
(60 MHz) and (b) at 300 MHz.

Exercise 3.3 In a spectrum recorded on a 100 MHz instrument, what is

the chemical shift position-in 8 units-for the CH z protons in benzyl
alcohol? How many hertz (difference in frequency from TMS) does this
correspond to on this spectrum? Calculate similarly for the protons of the
aromatic ring.

Exercise 3.4 How many hertz does 1 ppm (one unit on the scale)
correspond to on an instrument recording proton spectra at (a) 100 MHz,
(b) 250 MHz, (c) 500 MHz?
Two relics of field sweep CWNMR spectroscopy survive in the termin-
ology of the technique . Students coming fresh to NMR spectroscopy
should not spend any time learning these (for fear of implanting them), but
an awareness is important in reading older literature.
1. A former convention in the presentation of CW spectra involved
field sweep being plotted with low field at the left-hand side of the
spectrum , with high field on the right ; thus, in figure 3.4 we would say
that the CH 2 signal was at lower field than TMS (or downfield ofTMS)
and that the OH signal was at higher field than the CH 2 signal (or upfield
of CH 2) , etc. These parameters have no counterpart in pulsed FINMR
spectra, and since frequency is such a fundamental and unifying proper-
ty, the terms upfield and downfield are no longer encouraged, to be
replaced by the terms lower frequency and higher frequency, respect-
2 . 7 units . To correspond with low field values on the left and high on
the right, a scale of units from ato 10, also running from left to right, was
proposed, thus running counter to the 1) scale, so that 1) = 10 - 7. They
are only found in older spectra and are not used at all in current practice .



Table 3.2 shows the chemical shift positions for CH3 protons when a
methyl group is attached to functions of increasing electronegativity. As
the electronegativity of the function is increased , the CH 3 protons come to
resonance at higher 1) values .

Table 3.2 Chemical shift values for CH 3 protons attached

to groups of varying electronegativity

Compound Chemical shif tl8

CH 3 - Si - 0.0
CH 3I 2.16
CH 3Br 2.65
CH 3Cl 3.10
CH 3F 4.26

Before we try to explain why , for example, the methyl protons in CH 3F

have a higher & value than those of CH3CI, etc ., we should restate what this
means in instrumental terms.
In pulse FTNMR instruments the field is fixed and a wide pulse of
radiofrequency is able to interact with the different precessional frequen-
cies of the groups of protons; in these machines and in CW instruments
operating on frequency sweep with fixed field, the CH 3F signal is at higher
frequency than the CH3CI signal.
In CW instruments operating on field sweep , however, the instrument
frequency is fixed (for example, at 60 MHz) and the field is increased
through the scan until each group of precessing protons comes to reson-
ance with the fixed radiofrequency source at 60 MHz: those protons which
come to resonance first (that is, at lowest field values, such as in CH3F)
must possess the highest frequencies at the beginning of the scan, whereas
those which require high field values to achieve resonance at 60 MHz (for
example , in CH3CI) must have inherently lower frequencies of precession .
Why do the protons of the CH3 group in CH 3F come to resonance at
higher frequency than those of CH3CI, etc.? The explanation relates to the
electron density around the IH nuclei.
Hydrogen nuclei are surrounded by electron density, which to some
extent shields the nucleus from the influence of the applied field B o, and
the extent of this shielding will influence the precessional frequency of the
nucleus-the greater the shielding effect, the lower the precessional
frequency. In a magnetic field the electrons around the proton are induced
to circulate, and in so doing they generate a small secondary magnetic
field, which acts in opposition (that is, diamagnetically) to the applied field
(see figure 3.5(a)). The greater the electron density circulating around the
proton, the greater the induced diamagnetic shielding effect and the lower
the precessional frequency of the proton . Electronegative groups, such as
fluorine in CH3F, withdraw electron density from the methyl group
(inductive effect) and this deshielding effect means that the methyl protons
experience a greater nett magnetic field, and, hence, precess with higher
frequency . Since fluorine is more electronegative than chlorine, its
deshielding influence is greater and, hence, the attached protons have
higher precessional frequencies (higher & values).
Silicon is electropositive, and the opposite effect operates in, for
example, TMS; silicon pushes electrons into the methyl groups of TMS by
a + I inductive effect, and this powerful shielding effect means that the TMS
protons come to resonance at low frequency (low & value, defined as zero) .
The effect of charged species on chemical shift values is very marked ;
protons adjacent to N+ (as in quaternary ammonium ions, R 4N+) are very
strongly deshielded (high & values) , while carbanionic centers act as
powerful shielding influences (low & values) .
agnetic field.......... -;"""; :,r-,r;,/,~,
induce ~" " ": : " rr -;>: \
/ I
r , " \ .... " . . 'I ' , .. \
" .-
- diamagnetic
'~ H g\' ,. " • ;"' ,; ,., '.L' , I
- .... r \ : , • I I ' 1 H
' / '\&J." ur>:
~\ 'i" - .e,,: ". " - ~ deshielded
'~ _ paramag~e tic - j .: I'
¥\C~XI J. ~
,\::'£) ="!:: I

H I I «'\ \. '\// ., , . . "'.:. //'1

II \ ... '. 1,' :', / . ... ... \
" " " '__',:'.>/
\" ./ / . culation of electrons -...,
~ CIT . >.L.'- '- circulation of electrons

diamagnetic' " diarnagneti

(shielding) -- (shielding)

(a) (b)
ttttt Bo
ttttt Bo

Figure 3.5 Induced anisotropic magnetic field around (a) a hydrogen atom and (b) an alkene group .

Many of the data in table 3.4 (page 171) can be explained by electro-
negativity considerations, although we shall meet other powerful shielding
and deshielding mechanisms in the following sections.
Sign convention. Increased shielding is usually (but not universally)
assigned positive (+) values, and conversely. Since, however, increased
shielding leads to lower 8 values, it is less confusing if (+) and (-) are
omitted in diagrams , etc. The IUPAC convention shows (+) where
increased frequency (8 values) is observed .


In a rigid molecule it is possible for a proton to occupy a sterically hindered
position, and in consequence the electron cloud of the hindering group will
tend to repel, by electrostatic repulsion, the electron cloud surrounding the
proton. The proton will be deshielded and appear at higher 8 values than
would be predicted in the absence of the effect. Although this influence is
small (usually less than 1 ppm), it must be borne in mind when predicting
the chemical shift positions in overcrowded molecules such as highly
substituted steroids or alkaloids.


The chemical shift positions (8) for protons attached to C=C in alkenes is
higher than can be accounted for by electronegativity effects alone. The
same is true of aldehydic protons and aromatic protons, whereas alkyne
protons appear at relatively low o. Table 3.3 lists approximate 8 values for
these protons.

Table 3.3 Approximate chemical shift ranges for protons

attached to anisotropic groups

Structure Approximate chemical shift rangelb

~ 9.5-10.0


C=C /



-C=:C-H 1.5-3.5
The explanation is again collated with the manner in which electrons, in
this case 'IT electrons, circulate under the influence of the applied field . The
effect is complex, and can lead to shifts to higher frequency (downfield
shifts , or paramagnetic shifts) or to lower frequency (upfield shifts, or
diamagnetic shifts). In addition , the effects are paramagnetic in certain
directions around the 'IT clouds , and diamagnetic in others, so that these
effects are described as anisotropic, as opposed to isotropic (operating
equally through space) .
ALkenes. When an alkene group is so oriented that the plane of the double
bond is at 90° to the direction of the applied field (as in figure 3.5(b»,
induced circulation of the 'IT electrons generates a secondary magnetic
field , which is diamagnetic around the carbon atoms, but paramagnetic
(that is, it augments Bo) in the region of the alkene protons.
Where the direction of the induced magnetic field is parallel to the
applied field, B o, the net field is greater than B o. Protons in these zones
come to resonance therefore at higher 0 values than expected.
Any group held above or below the plane of the double bond will
experience a shielding effect , since in these areas the induced field opposes
Bo. In ex-pinene one of the geminal methyl groups is held in just such a
shielded position, and comes to resonance at significantly lower 0 (frequen-
cy) than its twin . The third methyl group appears at higher 0 (frequency),
since it lies in the plane of the double bond and is thus deshielded .


In summary, we can divide the space around a double bond into two
categories, as shown in figure 3.6(a). Deshielding occurs in the cone-
shaped zones, and in these zones 0 values will tend to be higher. Shielding
is found outside the cones and protons in these zones are shielded (lower 0
values) .
Carbonyl compounds. For the carbonyl group a similar situation .arises,
although the best representation of shielding and deshielding zones is
slightly different from the alkene pattern; see figure 3.6(b) Two cone-
shaped volumes, centered on the oxygen atom, lieparaUel to the axis of the

C=O bond; protons within these cones experience deshielding, so that

aldehydic protons, and the formyl protons of formate esters, appear at high
& values . Protons held above or below these cones will come to resonance
at lower & values .
shielding shielding

, .... _/

(a) alkene (b) carbonyl

Figure 3.6 Anisotropic shielding and deshielding around (a) alkene groups , (b)
carbonyl groups. Protons inside the cones are deshielded (have higher
B values).

Alkynes. Whereas alkene and aldehydic protons appear at high & values,
alkyne protons appear around & 1.5-3.5. Electron circulation around the
triple bond occurs in such a way that the protons experience a diamagnetic
shielding effect. Figure 3.7 shows how this arises, when the axis of the
alkyne group lies parallel to the direction of B o. The cylindrical sheath of 'IT
electrons is induced to circulate around the axis, and the resultant
annulus-shaped magnetic field acts in a direction that opposes B o in the
vicinity of the protons'. These protons experience lower values of field;
therefore, acetylenic protons appear at low & values in the spectrum .

induced magnetic field ...... J/

i \v(R ":'
\ ,I
deshielding zone (paramagnetickl:,' !Ii \" ~
,I I c I II circulation of electrons
, I
shielding zone (d iamagnetic) ~ I ~ ~I i
\\ I
I 'i
II I H ,I,
. fiJ'' "
\\,~I ~

t ttt f
Figure 3.7 Anisotropic shielding of a proton in an alkyne group .
Aromatic compounds. In the molecule of benzene (and aromatic com-
pounds in general) 1T electrons are delocalized cyclically over the aromatic
ring . These loops of electrons are induced to circulate in the presence of
the applied field, B o, producing a substantial electric current , called the
ring current. The magnetic field associated with this electric field has the
gedmetry and direction shown in figure 3.8 . (An analogy in the macro-
world is a ring of copper wire moved into a magnetic field : electric current
flows in the wire, and sets up a magnetic field similar in geometry and
direction to that shown for benzene in figure 3.8.)

induced magnetic field ............ -r-,_,_

~" ..,\ ",I,',' ,,">~
/ '/ " \ .. \ ~ ~ : " I' " " /~'\"

r . __.. :
, , " " • I • I • , I ,,' ,\ \
1,'/,' I, ~~I~II.',/\,\\
I • . ' • • I " • I ' , I circulation of electrons
shielding zone (diamagnetic) - I : • :..~ I \ I "
I I I " ..... I , I
H .' I' I

. . . __ i ;. . I
deshielding zone (paramagnetic) .. \ : " • • .
\ " '. • I • • \. • • I
\ • .. ') I , ., .. , .. " ' " , I
\ '.. \ " 1.-~~'-\-...!.~'~ \ I
..... y - ......~'"
I "

t f f f f

Figure 3.8 Anisotropic shielding and deshielding associated with the aromatic
ring current. The molecules are constantly tumbling, but a nett effect
is still present. Protons attached to the ring have high I) values.

The induced field is diamagnetic (opposing B o) in the center of the ring ,

but the returning flux outside th e ring is paramagnetic (augmenting B o).
Protons around the periphery of the ring experience an augmented
magnetic field , and consequently come to resonance at higher 1) values
than would otherwise be so. Protons held above or below the plane of the
ring resonate at low 1) values. Two examples will illustrate the magnitude of
these effects.
In the molecule of toluene the methyl protons resonate at 1) 2.34,
whereas a methyl group attached to an acyclic conjugated alkene appears
at 1) 1.95. This is some measure of the greater deshielding influence of the
ring current in aromatic compounds (cyclically delocalized 1T electrons)
compared with the deshielding of conjugated alkene groups (having no
cyclic delocalization). Indeed, so important is this observation that NMR
has become one of the principal criteria used in deciding whether an
organic compound has substantial aromatic character (at least in so far as
aromatic character relates to cyclic delocalization of (4n + 2) 1T electrons).
The method has been applied successfully to heterocyclic systems and to
the annulenes; for example, [18]annulene sustains a ring current , so that
the twelve peripheral protons are deshielded and the six internal protons
shielded. The outer protons appear at 8 8.9, while the inner protons are at
a lower frequency than TMS at 8 - 1.8. (This is true only around 20°C;
molecular motion makes the spectrum change with variable temperature.)
One of the most dramatic observations in NMR work on aromatic
systems involves the dimethyl derivative of pyrene (I), in which the methyl
groups appear at 8 -4.2, lower in frequency than TMS. Thi s shows that the
cyclic 1T electron system around the periphery of the molecule sustains a
substantial ring current, and therefore indicates aromatic character in a
nonbenzenoid ring system. The methyl groups are deep in the shielding
zone of this ring current, and it is for this reason that they appear at such an
extraordinary 8 value .

0234 H H-08.9
H ~

H ~ H
H ~ H
OI.95--' C H3
~ H H


Alkanes. The equatorial protons in cyclohexane rings come to resonance

about 0.5 ppm higher than axial protons, and this is attributed to
anisotropic deshielding by the IT electrons in the 131' bonds, as shown in
figure 3.9. The effect is small compared with the anisotropic influence of
circulating 1T electrons, but is readily observed in rigid systems and also in
mobile systems at low temperature .
Simple electronegative (inductive) effects operate only along a chain of
atoms, the effect weakening with distance, but magnetic anisotropy
operates through space irrespective of whether the influenced group is
directly joined to the anisotropic group. For this reason the stereochemis-
try of molecules must be carefully studied to predict whether magnetically
anisotropic groups are likely to have an influence on the chemical shift of
apparently distant protons.

shielding H
zone H
deshielding zone


Figure 3.9 Anisotropic shielding and deshielding in cyclohexanes.



Although chemical shift data have been rationalized to a large extent,
using the factors discussed above, much of the application of NMR to
organic chemistry is what one might call 'explained empiricism' .
Predicting the IH NMR spectrum of an organic compound begins with
predicting the chemical shift positions for the different hydrogens in the
molecule . Figure 3.10 is a useful chart containing approximate proton
classifications, and all chemists working with NMR are thoroughly familiar
with these allocations.



I) 12 \I 10 8 7 4 J 2 I o 6

Figure 3.10 Approximate chemical shift positions for protons in organic


Tables 3.4-3.9 later in the chapter contain more detailed figures, and a
few examples will serve to illustrate the use of the tables.
We shall predict only the approximate chemical shift positions as a drill
exercise ; single-line signals are not always obtained, and section 3.9 deals
with this important complicating feature .

Example 3.2
Question. Predict the chemical shift positions for the protons in methyl
acetate , CH 3COOCH3 •

Model answer. Table 3.4 shows (first column of data) that CH 3 attached to
-COOR appears at 0 2.0, and that CH 3 attached to -OCOR appears at
o 3.6. Therefore, the IH NMR spectrum of methyl acetate shows two
signals, at 0 2.0 and 0 3.6, respectively .
Acetic acid and its esters all show the same signal at = 0 2.0; all methyl
esters of aliphatic acids show the same signal at s 3.6 (with methyl esters of
aromatic acids appearing at 0 3.9). Using NMR, we can , therefore,
diagnose the presence of acetates or methyl esters in an organic molecule
with some considerable certainty and these values are usually accurate to
±0.2 ppm, with rare exceptions.

Exercise 3.5 Pred ict the chemical shift positions for those protons at-
tached to carbon atoms in (a) N-methylacetamide, CH 3CONHCH3 ; (b)
acetone, CH 3COCH3 ; (c) dimethyl ether, MeOMe ; and (d) dimethyl-
amine , MeNHMe. (See section 3.6.2 for protons attached to nitrogen.)

Example 3.3
Question . Predict the chemical shift positions for the protons in ethyl
acrylate, CH 2=CHCOOCH2CH3 •
Model answer. Table 3.4 shows (second column of data) that the CH 2
group of an alkyl chain (RCH 2) adjacent to - OCOR appears at 0 4.1.
The first column of data in the same table shows that the terminal CH 3
group on an alkyl chain (CH 3-R) appears at 0 0.9, but the -OCOR
group nearby, on the j3-carbon, has a minor deshielding effect, as shown in
table 3.5. The value given is + 0.4 ppm ; therefore , the CH 3 group appears,
not at 0 0.9, but at B 1.3.
Ethyl esters, of whatever acid, all have the same chemical shift positions
for the CH 2 and CH 3 groups-namely around 0 4.1 and B 1.3, respectively.
The 0 values for the alkene protons are shown in table 3.7, and three
different chemical shift positions are predicted.

B 6.0 H H B 5.8 b a

56.2 )=>=0 CH30-G-N02

b a
alkene 0 values 4-nitroanisole

Exercise 3.6 Predict the chemical shift positions for the protons in (a)
butanone, CH 3COCH2CH3 ; (b) ethyl propanoate (propionate),
CH 3CH2COOCH2CH3 ; (c) vinyl propanoate, CH 3CH2COOCH=CH2 ;
~nd (d) n-propyl acetate, CH 3COOCH2CH2CH3 •
Example 3.4
Question. Predict the chemical shift positions for the protons in 4-
nitroanisole .
Model answer. Table 3.4 shows that CH 3 attached to -OAr appears at &
In the aromatic ring of 4-nitroanisole there is considerable symmetry, so
that the protons marked a are in chemically equivalent environments, and
protons b likewise. Chemical shifts in the benzene ring are shown in table
3.9: taking the protons of benzene itself as reference (at & 7.27), the
- N0 2 group shifts ortho protons to higher frequency by 1.0 ppm, so that
protons a appear at & 8.27. The methoxyl group (-OR) moves the
protons ortho to it to lower frequency by 0.2 ppm, so that the b protons
appear at & 7.07.
(Although the accuracy of the tables does not always justify it, one
should also compute the influence of the - N0 2 group on the b protons
meta to it, and of the MeO - group on the a protons meta to it. Thus, the a
protons are ortho to - N0 2 (+ 1.0 ppm) and meta to -OR (- 0.2 ppm),
and should appear at & (7.27 + 1.0 - 0.2) = & 8.07. Similarly, the b
protons are ortho to - OR (- 0.2 ppm) and meta to - N0 2 (+ 0.3 ppm),
and should appear at & (7.27 - 0.2 + 0.3) = & 7.37.)
In practice one would expect to find the a protons lying somewhere
around & 8.2, and the b protons between & 7.1 and & 7.4. Where two
para-substituents are in conjugation (as in 4-nitroanisole) the errors are

Exercise 3.7 Predict the chemical shift positions for the protons attached
to carbons in (a) acetanilide, C6HsNHCOCH3; (b) methyl benzoate
C6HsCOOMe; (c) dimethyl phthalate, the dimethyl ester of benzene-
1,2-dicarboxylic acid; and (d) phenacetin (aceto-p-phenitidide) p-
CH3CH20C6H4NHCOCH3 (see section 3.6.2 for protons attached to
nitrogen) .

Example 3.5
Question. Predict the chemical shift positions for the protons in methyl
phenoxyacetate, PhOCH2COOCH 3.
Model answer. As we saw in example 3.2, methyl esters of acids with an
aliphatic residue on the carboxyl group show the methyl signal at & 3.6.
Table 3.9 shows that the aromatic protons are all moved to lower
frequency by the alkoxy group by approximately 0.2 ppm (-0.2 for
-OR); the aromatic protons should come to resonance around & 7.07.
The methylene group, flanked by two electronegative groups , is more
difficult to deal with, but Shoolery has computed the relationships listed in
table 3.6. For the methylene group in methyl phenoxyacetate, we take the
base value of ~ 1.2 and add 2.3 ppm for -OPh and add 0.7 ppm for
-COOR, giving ~ 4.2. The Schoolery rules are usually sufficiently
accurate for an organic chemist's purposes, particularly for methylene
groups, although the error in predicting the ~ values for rnethine protons
frequently exceeds 0.5 ppm .

Exercise 3.8 Predict the chemical shift positions for the protons in (a)
diethyl malonate, CH 2(COOCH zCH3) ; (b) methyl cyanoacetate,
NCCH zCOOCH 3 ; (c) benzyl methyl ether, PhCHzOMe; and (d) chloro-
form, trichloromethane.


The NMR spectrum of N,N-dimethylformamide, HCONMez, recorded
around room temperature, shows two signals for the methyl groups,
although it might have been expected that the two methyl groups would be
in magnetically equivalent environments. Dimethylformamide is repre-
sented by the two resonance forms shown below, and the result of
conjugation between the carbonyl group and the nitrogen non bonding pair
is to increase the double-bond character of the C- N bond sufficiently to
restrict the rotation at room temperature: one methyl group is cis to

o~ Me 0- Me [8 2.88]

~~ >=N~
Me Me [8 2.97]
N, N-dimethylformamide

oxygen, the other is trans, and anisotropy of the carbonyl group is

sufficient to influence the chemical shift position for the cis group. Using a
heated probe in the NMR instrument (see section 3S.2), the spectrum
of N,N-dimethylformamide can be recorded at high temperature
(::::::: 130 "C), and this spectrum shows only one signal for the methyl groups;
at elevated temperatures rotation around the C- N bond is so rapid that
each methyl group experiences the same time-averaged environment.
The four protons in 1,2-dibromoethane (BrCHzCHzBr) are chemically
indistinguishable, and one might also suppose that they are magnetically
equivalent ; we might predict the same chemical shift position for all four.
However, the Newman diagrams (below) show clearly that protons in the
different conformations are not in magnetically equivalent environments.
For example, the ringed proton is flanked by Hand Br in the first
conformer, but by Hand H in the second . If the NMR spectrum is
recorded at low temperature, the rapid molecular rotations around the
C-C bond are 'frozen' sufficiently for these differences to be detected.
At room temperature rotation is so rapid that each proton experiences the

Hvh-Br BrAH HyfyH

Br~ ;:=:=:: Br~ ;:=:=:: Br~
H H Br
rotational isomers of 1,2-dibromoethane

cyclohexane ring-flips

same time-averaged environment and only one sharp signal appears in the
NMR spectrum. (See also section 3.8.5.)
Similar effects are found in fluxional molecules and in structures where
steric effects can intervene; examples are cyclic structures (cyclohexane
ring-flips , etc.) , bridged structures (as in a-pinene, page 123), spirans, etc .
The energy barriers involved in these rotational changes can be mea-
sured by NMR, using a variable-temperature sample probe, and noting the
temperature at which the spectrum changes from that of the mixed
conformers to that of the time-averaged situation . Some recent applica-
tions of this technique are discussed in section 3S.2. The theory in all cases
relates back to At . Av "'" 1121T: we can only resolve the individual reso-
nances if the molecule stays in one position longer than At; otherwise we
see only the time-averaged environment.



To satisfy the condition that nonviscous samples give the sharpest NMR
spectra (section 3.2), it is usually necessary to record the spectra of organic
compounds in solution; if the compound itself is a nonviscous liquid, the
neat liquid can be used. Choice of solvent is not normally difficult ,
provided that a solubility of about 10 per cent is obtainable, but it is clearly
an advantage to use aprotic solvents (which do not themselves give an
NMR spectrum to superimpose on that of the sample) . The following
solvents are commonly used, many of which are normal organic solvents in
which hydrogen has been replaced by deuterium : Note that most FfNMR
instruments maintain frequency accuracy by 'locking' simultaneously to the
deuterium NMR frequency, and in these instruments a deuterium-
containing solvent is essential.
CCl 4 carbon tetrachloride
CS 2 carbon disulfide
CDCI 3 deuteriochloroform (chloroform-d)
C6D6 hexadeuteriobenzene (benzene-dg)
0 20 deuterium oxide (heavy water)
(CD 3) 2S0 hexadeuteriodimethylsulfoxide (DMSO-d 6 )
(CD 3) 2CO hexadeuterioacetone (acetone-dg)
(CCI 3) 2CO hcxachloroacetone
A more comprehensive list, including physical properties, is given in
table 3.19 .
For deuteriated solvents the isotopic purity should ideally be as high as
possible, but since greater isotopic purity means greater cost, most users
compromise their ideals. Isotopic purity approaching 100 per cent can
often be obtained, but, for example , a small CHCI 3 peak at 8 7.3 in 99 per
cent CDCl3 will cause no difficulty or ambiguity unless accurate integrals
for aromatic protons (also around 87.3) are demanded.


The solvents listed above vary considerably in their polarity and magnetic
susceptibility. Not surprisingly, the NMR spectrum of a compound dis-
solved in one solvent may be slightly different from that measured in a
more polar solvent, and it is important in all NMR work to quote the
solvent used. The NMR signals for protons attached to carbon are, in
general, shifted only slightly by changing solvent, except where significant
bonding or dipole-dipole interaction might arise: the NMR spectrum for
chloroform dissolved in cyclohexane appears at 8 7.3, but in benzene
solution the signal is moved by the exceptionally large amount of -1.56
ppm (to 8 5:74). Benzene is behaving as a Lewis base to chloroform, and
considerable charge transfer is responsible for altering the electron density
around the chloroform proton, with concomitant shift in the signal to a
lower 8 value. The benzene ring-current also contributes to this shift.
In contrast, NH, SH and, particularly, OH protons all have their NMR
signals substantially moved on changing to solvents of differing polarity.
This effectis largely associated with hydrogen bonding, and it is noted even
when different concentrations are used in the same solvent.
At low concentrations intermolecular hydrogen bonding is diminished in
simple OH, NH and SH compounds: since hydrogen bonding involves
electron-cloud transfer from the hydrogen atoms to a neighboring electro-
negative atom (0 , N or S), the hydrogen experiences a net deshielding
effect when hydrogen bonding is strong, and is less deshielded when
hydrogen bonding is diminished. Thus, at high concentrations (strong

R..... H,+/R
..... 0- 0

Intermolecular H bonding raises II values : svalues are lowered with

increased dilution or temperature
hydrogen bonding, strong deshielding) OH, NH and SH protons appear at
higher B than in dilute solutions.
Table 3.8 lists the chemical shift positions for protons subject to
hydrogen bonding, and it can be seen that the range within which they
come to resonance is wide (B 0.5-4.5 for simple alcohols).
Increased temperature also reduces intermolecular hydrogen bonding,
so the resonance positions for these protons are temperature-dependent
(higher temperatures mean lower B values).
Intramolecular hydrogen bonding is unchanged by dilution and the
NMR spectrum from such systems is virtually unaltered by varying
concentration. Salicylates and enols of ~-dicarbonyl compounds are
examples of such systems: chelates, such as the salicylates, show the OH
resonance at very high B (10-12) , and enol OH appears even higher (B
Carboxylic acids are a special case of hydrogen bonding because of their
stable dimeric association ; which persists even in very dilute solution;

carboxylic OH appears betwen B 10 and B 13, usually nearer B 11-12.

-< >r

salicylates enol of ~-diketone carboxylic acid dimer
Intramolecular H bonding: [) values largely unaffected by concentration
Example 3.6
Question. Predict the chemical shift positions forthe protons in (a) benzyl
alcohol, PhCHzOH; and (b) acetic acid (ethanoic acid), CH 3COOH.
Model answer. (a) Table 3.9 is used to predict the & values for aromatic
protons, but the substituent -CHzOH is not listed: it is a legitimate
approximation to consider the substituent to be an alkyl group, R, and to
ignore the more distant effect of the OH group. Thus, the ortho, meta and
para protons are shifted, respectively, by -0.15 ppm , -0.1 ppm and -0.1
ppm : the ring protons will therefore all appear near & 7.17. The CH z
protons are calculated from table 3.6 to appear at &
(1.2 + 1.3 + 1.7) = & 4.2. The OH proton (table 3.8) may appear any-
where between &0.5 and &4.5, dependent on hydrogen bonding-which,
in turn, depends on concentration and temperature. The observed values
are shown in figure 3.4 to be at &7.3, &4.5 and &2.4, respectively, in CCl4
solution . (b) From table 3.4 the & value for CH 3 attached to -COOH is
2.1. From table 3.8 the carboxyl proton appears at & 10-13.

Exercise 3.9 Predict the chemical shift positions for the protons in (a)
succinic acid , HOOCCHzCHzCOOH; and (b) paracetamol (p-
acetamidophenol), HOC6H4NHCOCH3 •


We mentioned very briefly in the introduction to this chapter that the area
under each NMR signal in the spectrum is proportional to the number of
hydrogen atoms in that environment. The two peaks in the toluene
spectrum (figure 3.1) have relative areas 5:3 corresponding to C6Hs and
CH 3 , respectively.
Measurement of the peak areas is carried out automatically on the NMR
spectrometer by integration of each signal, and the integral value is
indicated on the spectrum in the form of a continuous line in which steps
appear as each signal is measured: step height is proportional to peak area.
These integral traces are shown diagrammatically in figure 3.1 and also on
the spectra in problems 6.2(i) to 6.2(v) (pages 347-349) .
Note that only relative peak areas are recorded, and thus only the ratio
between protons in each environment is given. The step heights should be
measured to the nearest 0.5 mm, and by proportionality the best-fit integer
ratio calculated.
Additionally, a computer printout of peak frequencies and areas is
Accuracy. The accuracy of the integrator on the instrument will be
specified by the manufacturer, and is commonly within 2 per cent for
several consecutive scans of a standard spectrum (for example, that of
ethylbenzene) , but a number of factors militate against this accuracy
applying to the spectra of specific compounds. The net absorption of
radiofrequency energy in the NMR experiment depends on the relaxation
time, T), on the rate of scan and on the intensity of the radiofrequency
so ur ce . Not all protons have th e same relaxation times (see section 3.2),
and slight de viations from exact int eg er ratios can be found in th e signal
intensities. If the irradiating frequency is too intense in rel ation to the
sca nning rat e , satur atio n of the signa ls ma y ari se and le ad to low integral
values. A spectrum with a noi sy ba seline , perhaps becau se a weak signa l
has to be greatly amplified, ma y not give an accurate int egral trace , since
noi se in the ba seline will be integrated along with th e resonance signals.
Broad pe ak s tend also to give less accurate int egrals th an do sharp peaks.
Note th at if an integration tr ace is recorded on the proton NMR spectru m
of a mixture , th en , in general , thi s permits a quantitative es timate to be
made of the relative amounts of ea ch component in the mixture . This is a
valuable quality control procedure in industrial laboratories.·



The I H NMR spectrum of trans-cinnamic acid is reproduced in figure 3.11.
The aromatic protons , five in number, give rise to the peaks at 3 7.4 and
37.55, and the carboxyl proton is at 3 12.5; both of these signals we might
have pr edicted from the discussions in sections 3.4 and 3.5.
Wh at we would not have predicted from chemical shift dat a alo ne is that
proton H A appears as two lines on the spectru m (ce nte re d on 3 6.45), and
proton H x appears as two line s (centered on 3 7.8). We say th at each signa l
is split into a doublet. Not e th at th e se pa ratio n between th e two HA lines is
the sa me as th e se para tio n between th e two H x lines.
Look now at th e spectru m of 1,1,2-trichlo roetha ne (figure 3.12). The
signa l from proton H A appear s as a triplet, while that fro m protons H x is a

The number of lines (multiplicity) observed in the NMR signal for a

group of protons is not related to the number ofprotons in that group; the
multiplicity of lines is related to the number of protons in neighboring

For example, protons H x in figure 3.12 have only one neighboring

proton, and Hyappears as a two-line signal (doublet); proton HA ha s two
neighbors and the signal is split into three lines (triplet) .

(n + 1) rule . The simple rule is: to find the multiplicity of the signal from
a group of protons, count the number of neighbors (n) and add 1.
(Ex ceptions to the rule are discussed in section 3.10).
Trans-cinnamic acid
n HA

aro ma t ic H I
Q - c r C -COOH

n I

Hx imp

I r-: I I I I I -r I I I I I I I l""'
8.0 7.8 7.6 7.4 7.2 6.6 6.4 6.2 6.0 6

ppm ppm


I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I' I I I I I I I I
14.0 13.0 12.0 11.0 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 6

Figure 3.11 IH NMR spectrum oftrans-cinnamic acid (200 MHz in CDC1 3) · Lower trace, full spectrum; upper traces, expanded x 6.

1,1 ,2-Trichloroethane

C I - C-CHz-CI
I x


9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 o ~

Figure 3.12 IH NMR spectrum of 1,1,2-trichloroethane. (80 MHz in CDCI 3 . )

Splitting of the spectral lines arises because of a coupling interaction

between neighbor protons, and is related to the number of possible spin
orientations that these neighbors can adopt. The phenomenon is called
either spin-spin splitting or spin-spin coupling.

Exercise 3.10 Predict the multiplicities of the signals in the proton NMR
spectra of (a) 1,I-dichloro-2,2-dibromoethane; (b) 1,I-dichloro-2-
cyanoethane; (c) Ll-dichloroethane: and (d) 2-chloropropanoic acid,
CH 3CH(Cl)COOH (ignore the COOH proton).


The diagram in figure 3.13 represents two vicinal protons similar to the
alkene protons in cinnamic acid, H A and H x. These protons, having
different magnetic environments, come to resonance at different positions
in the NMR spectrum ; they do not give rise to single peaks (singlets) but
doublets. The separation between the lines of each doublet is equal : this
spacing is called the coupling constant, J.
Why is the signal for proton A split into a doublet? A simplistic
explanation is that the resonance position for A depends on its total
magnetic environment; part of its magnetic environment is the nearby
proton X, which is itself magnetic, and proton X can have its nuclear
- c - C- vicinal protons

______________ I I
singlets not observed

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...-.1 ' - -

°ll x

__________ doublets observed _________

--J J- I---

Figure 3.13 Splitting in the signals of two vicinal protons .

magnet either aligned with proton A or opposed to proton A . Thus, proton

A can either increase the net magnetic field experienced by A (X aligned)
or decrease it (X opposed); in fact, it does both. The two spin orientations
of X create two different magnetic fields around proton A: in roughly half
of the molecules the spin orientation of X creates a shielding field around
proton A, and in the other half a deshielding field. Therefore, proton A
comes to resonance, not once , but twice, and proton A gives rise to a
Similarly, proton A is a magnet having two spin orientations with respect
to X, and A creates two magnetic fields around X. Proton X comes to
resonance twice in the NMR spectrum.
This mutual magnetic influence between protons A and X is not
transmitted through space, but via the electrons in the intervening bonds .
The nuclear spin of A couples with the electron spin of the C- H A
bonding electrons; these, in turn, couple with the C-C bonding electrons
and then with the C- H x bonding electrons. The coupling is eventually
transmitted to the spin of the H x nucleus. This electron-coupled spin
interaction operates strongly through one bond or two bonds, less strongly
through three bonds, and, except in unusual cases, rather weakly through
four or more bonds . This point is more rigorously developed in the
following section and in supplement 3S.l.
We can represent the possible spin orientations of coupling protons as in
figure 3.14. Proton A can 'see' proton X as aligned (parallel i) or opposed
antiparallel L): these two spin orientations correspond effectively to two
different magnetic fields. Therefore, proton A comes to resonance twice.
The same argument explains why proton X appears as a doublet.
The A and X protons of cinnamic acid give rise to this characteristic pair
of doublets, caused by two protons undergoing spin coupling: such a
spectrum is called an AX spectrum . Since the probability of the two spin
orientations of A and X arising is equal in molecules throughout the
sample, the two lines in each doublet are of equal intensity. (However, see
section 3.10.)

For proton A: possible spin orientations of X:

:::~:: --;~ '."",mO,1

proton A appears, not :su: p_ar_al_le_1

into a d oublet

The coupling constant, J -----<~

Figure 3.14 Simulation of spin coupling between a proton A and one

neighboring proton X.
Figure 3.15 represents the coupling that arises in the triplet signal in the
NMR spectrum of 1,1,2-trichloroethane.

For proton A:
possible spin orientations of X and X' :
f f
parallel and
!1 11
parallel antiparallel antiparallel
, I
I /

proton A appears , not as a singlet , /

'\ -, /

" ,,
but is split - - - - - - - - ' > . . , - - / 1 \ /

<, /

into a 1:2 :1 t r i p l e t - - - - - - - - - I

The coupling constant, J - - I - i l - l l - - -

intensity ratio 1:2 :1

Figure 3.15 Simulation of spin coupling between a proton A and two neighbor
protons X and X'.

When proton A 'sees ' the two neighboring protons X and X' , A can 'see '
three different possible combinations of spin: (1) the nuclear spins of X and
X' can both be parallel to A (i i) ; (2) both can be antiparallel to A
(t l ): (3) one can be parallel and the other antiparallel, and this can arise
in two ways-X parallel with X' antiparallel (i t) or X antiparallel with
X' parallel (t i). Three distinct energy situations, (1), (2) and (3), are
created, and therefore proton A gives rise to a triplet. The probability of
the first two energy states arising is equal, but since the third state can arise
in two different ways, it is twice as likely to arise; the intensity of the signal
associated with this state is twice that of the lines associated with the first
two states, and we see in the spectrum of 1,1,2-trichloroethane that the
relative line intensities in the triplet are 1:2:1.
The spectrum of 1,1,2-trichloroethane, consisting of the characteristic
doublet and triplet of two protons coupling with one proton, can be called
an AX 2 spectrum .
The relative line intensities predicted by the above spin coupling
mechanism are 1:1 in doublets and 1:2:1 in triplets. Real spectra almost
always depart from this first-order prediction in a characteristic manner:
the doublet and triplet are slightly distorted, the inner lines being a little
more intense than the outer lines. This 'humping' toward the center can be
seen in the AX coupling in the cinnamic acid spectrum (figure 3.11) and in
the other spectra reproduced later in the chapter. While not all coupling
multiplets 'hump' toward the center, it is a reliable enough occurrence to
help in deciding which are the coupling multiplets in complex spectra.


The coupling constant , J, is a measure of the interaction between nuclei,
and we have stated earlier that the interaction is transmitted through the
intervening electrons: for two nuclei, there are four energy levels involved
in the NMR transitions, and their relative positions are governed QY the
internuclear spin coupling as shown in figure 3.16. When there is zero
coupling between A and X, both X transitions are equal , as are both A
transitions: each nucleus gives rise to one line absorption.
When coupling takes' place, we can suppose that the energy levels are
altered by ±£, the energy of interaction-then the transitions no longer
remain equal: the X transition splits into an X' line (transition energy
X + 2£) and an X"line (X - 2£). The A transition is likewise split into A'
(A + 2£) and A" (A - 2£) . The spacings between X' and X" and A' and
A" are equal, and have magnitude 4£: the coupling constant, J, is therefore
equal to 4£, and is a measure of nuclear interaction, which is wholly
independent of any external magnetic field. The units of J are energy units,
usually Hz; and it is easy to see that J can have sign as well as magnitude.
The sign of J is hardly ever of importance to organic chemical applications
of NMR; in practical terms, it is simpler to interpret signal multiplicity in
more extensive coupling systems by utilizing the (n + 1) rule and the
concept of x nuclei 'seeing' y neighboring nuclei, etc.
spin combinations for AX
4-fA -+E{
+ I I
I t ~!..1-.

I + I
t I -E )....
- --r

~ X. .


I - -A'.A"
X'. X"
transitions transitions

Zao~ Widl-.u-a
both X transitions equal all transitions unequal
both A transitions equal
(2 lines seen only) (4 lines seen)

Figure 3.16 Spin coupling as the energy of nuclear interaction. Only those
transitions are allowed which involve one (and only one) change in
nuclear spin; thus ! i -+ i i is allowed, but ! i -+ i ! is
forbidden. Example shown is [orJ positive (antiparallel spins of
lower E) : for negative J the ±E changes in energy levels are
reversed (parallel spins of lower E).


The two examples of spin coupling above, the AX and AX 2 cases, show
virtually undistorted multiplets, with the multiplicity following the (n + 1)
rule, and signal intensities almost exactly 1:1 and 1:2:1. Such spectra are
described as first-order spectra. We can extend this first-order treatment
successfully to more complex systems, before considering non-first-order
spectra (in section 3.10).
The spectrum of 2-chloropropanoic acid (figure 3.17) contains a doublet
and a quartet (J, 8 Hz), corresponding to the coupling of one proton with
three neighbors ; this is an AX 3 spectrum .
The methyl protons have one neighbor, and therefore appear as a
The methine proton has three neighbors , on the methyl group, and
therefore (n + 1) is 4. For this methine proton, we must consider the
various ways in which the spin orientations of the methyl protons can be
grouped together, and we find that four arrangements are possible: (1) the
methine proton can 'see' all three spins of the methyl protons parallel
(i i i); (2) alternatively, two spins may be parallel with one antiparallel
(and there are three ways in which this can arise- i i ~ or i ~ i or
~ i i); (3) then two spins can be antiparallel with one parallel (arising in
three ways-e ] ~ t or ~ t ~ or t ~ i); (4) lastly, all three spins can be
anti parallel (~ ~ ~).
2-chIoropropanoic acid




I I I I I I i
~L_~!I I I I
12 II 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 5

Figure 3.17 IH NMR spectrum of 2-chloropropanoic acid. (80 MHz in CDCl 3 .

Note CHCl 3 impurity peak in the CDCl 3 at 0 7.3.)

Four different energy combinations are produced; therefore, the me-

thine proton comes to resonance four times, appearing as a quartet. The
relative probabilities of these states arising are in the ratio 1:3:3:1, and the
line intensities in the quartet have the same ratio.
One can go further and predict the theoretical line intensities for
quintets, sextets, etc ., and find that the ratios are the same as the
coefficients in the binomial expansion. Pascal's famous triangle serves to
1 singlet
1 1 doublet
1 2 1 triplet
1 3 3 1 quartet
1 4 6 4 1 quintet
1 5 10 10 5 1 sextet
The outer lines in substantial multiplets are of such low intensity that
they may be all but unobservable , unless that part of the spectrum is rerun
at increased intensity.
The triplet and quartet observed in the spectrum of ethyl bromide
(figure 3.18) is an A 2X3 case , which is one of the easiest of systems to
identify in a proton spectrum . All isolated ethyl groups produce a similar
spectrum, the chemical shift positions of the CH 2 protons being dependent
on substituent (see example 3.3, page 128). The presence of such ethyl
groups (as in ethyl esters, ethyl ketones, ethyl ethers, ethanol, etc .) is quite
unequivocally identifiable from the IH NMR spectrum .
In the IH NMR spectrum of l-nitropropane (figure 3.19) there are three
groups of protons, each group coupling with its near neighbors, so that the
central methylene group couples both with the methyl protons and with the
terminal methylene protons. The methyl group appears as a triplet, and the
terminal methylene group also appears as a triplet, since both couple with
the central methylene group: (n + 1) = (2 + 1) = 3. (The methyl protons
show no coupling with the terminal methylene protons, since coupling over
four (J' bonds is rarely observed; but see long-range coupling, section

Ethyl brom ide

CH3 - e H2 - B r


6 5

3 2
.. 0

Figure 3.18 IH NMR spectrum of ethyl bromide. (80 MHz in CDCI 3 . )

The central methylene group can be dealt with by considering the

successive coupling, first with the methyl group, and then with the terminal
methylene protons. The methyl protons split the central methylene signal
into a quartet; the two terminal methylene protons should now split each
line of this quartet into a triplet , giving twelve lines in all. In the spectrum
only six lines are observed , showing that considerable overlapping of the
predicted twelve lines has taken place. In fact, the two coupling constants
involved (JCH 3.CH2 and JCH2.CH2) are equal, and an easier way to consider
the central methylene group is to add the total number of neighbors with
which it couples (CH 3 and CH 2) and then apply the (n + 1) rule. There are
five coupling neighbors: therefore, the multiplicity is 6.
This simplified approach only succeeds when the two coupling constants
are equal. If the two coupling constants had been different , it might have
been possible to observe all twelve predicted lines; the spectrum of ethanol
gives us an opportunity to see this degree of coupling; see figure 3.22 and
section 3.8.5.
(1 ) split into 4
(2) each line split into 3
(both J values equal)
:. sextet appears

1- Nitropropane
CH J - CH2 - CH 2 - N02 central
CH 2

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 06

Figure 3.19 IH NMR spectrum of l-nitropropane. (80 MHz in CDCI3 . Note

signals from impurity, 2-nitropropane.)

Example 3.7
Question. Predict the multiplicities of the signals in the proton NMR
spectra of (a) 1,3-dichloropropane, ClCH 2CH2CH2Cl; (b) 1,1,3,3-
tetrachloropropane, CI2CHCH2CHCI2 ; and (c) di-isopropyl ether,
(CH 3hCH -O-CH(CH3h·
Model answer. It is first necessary to determine how many different
chemical shift positions appear in each molecule. (a) Only two chemical
shifts are seen (both terminal CH 2 groups have the same value) . The
terminal CH 2 groups both appear as triplets (since they each have two
coupling neighbors-the middle CH 2) . The middle CH 2 appears as a
quintet, since it has four neighbors-and because the coupling constant to
all four is equal. (b) Again only two values of chemical shift appear. The
terminal CH groups appear as a triplet as above, but so does the middle
CH 2 group (since it has two coupling neighbors, with J being the same in
each case). (c) Two chemical shift positions appear here also, since both
methine protons are equivalent , as are all twelve methyl protons. The
methine protons both appear as septets (coupling equally with all six
neighbors) and the CH3 groups all appear in the same doublet signal (one
coupling neighbor) . No coupling is observed across the C-O-C bonds.

Exercise 3.11 Predict the multiplicities of the signals in the proton NMR
spectra of (a) ethyl acetate (ethanoate), CH3COOCH2CH3 ; (b) diethyl
malonate, CH 2(COOCH2CH3) ; (c) butanone.

Exercise 3.12 Predict the multiplicities of the signals in the proton NMR
spectra of (a) isopropyl acetate (ethanoate) , CH3COOCH(CH3b (b)
3-methylbutanone; (c) isopropyl methyl ether, (CH3hCHOMe; and (d)
methyl isobutyrate (methyl 2-methylpropanoate), (CH 3hCHCOOCH3 .

In unsaturated systems (and aromatic systems) it is frequently possible to

observe three groups of protons, A, M and X, each of which couples with
the other two .. For such a system to be first-order, the chemical shift
positions of the protons must be relatively well separated , just as A, M and
X are separated in the alphabet. The NMR spectrum of furan-2-aldehyde
(furfural) in figure 3.20 shows such an AMX system; the coupling pattern
involves interaction between protons separated by four bonds.
The three nuclear protons each give rise to a four-line signal, so that
twelve lines in all are 'observable ; the aldehydic proton appears as a singlet.
Proton A couples with X, which splits the A signal into a doublet; but A
also couples with M, so that each line of A is further split in two, giving four
lines in all; see figure 3.20. The signal for proton A shows two splittings,
lAM and lAX, and is therefore a double doublet (rather than a quartet).
Similarly , the M signal is split into two by coupling with X, and each line
is further split into two by coupling with A; two coupling constants are
again seen, lAM and lMX, and M appears as a double doublet.
Lastly, the X signal is split into a double doublet by two successive
couplings, lMX and lAX'
A full analysis of an AMX spectrum involves identifying all three 1
values, lAM, lAX and lMX ' Note that each 1 value appears in two different
multiplets, and that each multiplet contains two different 1 values.
The NMR spectrum of many vinyl compounds (for example, vinyl
acetate) show AMX coupling systems.
Figure 3.21 shows the AMX coupling system.

Example 3.8
Question . Estimate the coupling constants in the proton NMR spectrum of
1-nitropropane, shown in figure 3.19 .
Model answer . Since this is an 80 MHz spectrum, 1 ppm corresponds to 80
Hz (1 part per million of 80 million). Careful measurement of any of the
fine separations, and scaling this with respect to the dimensions of the ppm
MJ AM ~~ J AM Mhx

H, ::lI:J(" H
HA 0 C/ o
0 tTl
/H tTl
- C til
0 )-
y o
'-- -l
I i I I I I I
I I I I I I I '0"
7.50 6.60 til
7.70 7.60 7.40 7.30 Ii 6.70 s o
ppm ppm 0
I -<
I I T I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I ,-- r--T 1 -- .- - ~ -T I I I I I l IT

9.5 9.0 8.5 8.0 7.5 7.0 6.5 Ii

ppm ......
Figure 3.20 IH NMR spectrum of furan-2-aldehyde. (200 MHz in CDC13. Upper traces expanded x 3.)
axis, shows J to be approximately 7 Hz . Note that the middle CH z group
only appears as a simple sextet because coupling to both of its terminal
neighbors has substantially the same J value .

Exercise 3.13 Measure the three AMX coupling constants in the

200 MHz proton NMR spectrum of furan-2-aldehyde (figure 3.20). What
would these couplings measure if the spectrum had been recorded at (a)
500 MHz or (b) 600 MHz? Recall that at 200 MHz 1 ppm = 200 Hz .


We saw in section 3.5.2 that protons which are chemically indistinguish-
able, in terms of their synthetic reactivity, may nevertheless give rise to
more complex NMR spectra than this might have implied. Having studied
the separate phenomena of chemical shift and spin-spin coupling, we can
now introduce a general set of criteria which govern these complications
and therefore must be borne in mind in the analysis of many NMR spectra.
The necessary definitions will be mainly presented with respect to proton
NMR spectra, but the factors involved apply equally to the NMR spectra
of any magnetic nuclei .
Consider that formula I below represents the most stable conformation
of the molecule of XCHz-CHzY: because of symmetry, H A and H A will
have the same chemical shift values, as will H B and H B ,. Now H A will
undergo spin-spin coupling to H B , but (assuming no rotation around the
C - C bond) this will be different from the coupling of H A, to H B • We say
that H A and H A, are chemically equivalent but are magnetically non-
Origin chem ical shift posit ions of A. M and X

Fin al appe arance o f the spectrum

Figure 3.21 Coupling constants in an AMX system.

Two protons are defined as being chemically equivalent if, by virtue of
symmetry within the molecule, their electronic environments are in-
distinguishable and, therefore, they possess the same value of chemical

X H , HA '

HA' /




Two protons are defined as being magnetically equivalent if each couples

equally to a third neighboring proton; otherwise they are magnetically

The labels A, B, C, and so on, are allocated to each separate group of

chemically equivalent nuclei; if two protons H A are magnetically non-
equivalent, this is indicated by the use of primes (thus, H A and H A ,) .
Similarly, protons, H B and H B, must be chemically equivalent but
magnetically nonequivalent.
Molecules II and III contain equivalent and nonequivalent groups of
nuclei labelled to show the differences between chemical and magnetic
equivalence. All para-substituted benzene derivatives of this type (II,
where group X is different from group Y) show NMR spectra with
recognizable features : see section 3.10. The two fluorine atoms in III are
subject to the same considerations, and are chemically equivalent but
magnetically nonequivalent.
The different implications of chemical and magnetic equivalence are not
made especially clear in the conventional choice of terminology which has
been acquired in the development of NMR practice, since the terms
chemical and magnetic have so many other "Connotations outside NMR
spectroscopy. It is certainly important to recognize that, fundamentally,

chemical equivalence means simply chemical shift equivalence, and

magnetic equivalence means coupling equivalence.

Note the additional corollaries that two protons which are chemically
nonequivalent must also be magnetically nonequivalent, but that two
protons can be magnetically nonequivalent while still being chemically
Deceptive simplicity . As a result of chance, it occasionally arises that the
chemical shifts of two protons are equal or very nearly so, .even though
they do not have the same chemical environment. This is called accidental
equivalence; if they couple to a third proton, the coupling pattern will be
affected and one example is in the molecule of 2,5-dichloronitrobenzene,
IV, where H B and H c have near-identical chemical shifts. The proton
NMR spectrum of this molecule is superficially first-order, with a doublet
near 8 7.5 for H B and H c (because they couple with H A ) and a triplet near 8
7.9 for H A (coupling with H B and He). The expected coupling constants are
JAB (meta) 2-3 Hz, and near zero for J A C (para) : the observed spacings in
both the triplet and the doublet do not correspond to either of these values,
but are the average of them, at 1.6 Hz.
Although in appearance the spectrum is AX 2 in type, nevertheless it is
strictly a special case of an ABX spectrum. Such a spectrum is said to
exhibit deceptive simplicity.


If the IH NMR spectrum of ethanol is recorded on a slightly impure sample
and then compared with the spectrum of a high-purity sample , we become
faced with yet another problem; figure 3.22 shows these two spectra. The
spectrum of the commercial-grade sample is easily explained by use of the
multiplicity predictions of an A 2X3 case, as for ethyl brom ide (figure 3.18),
but clearly the OH proton is not involved in coupling with the CH 2 group .
The spectrum for the pure sample does show this coupling, and we can
explain the multiplicity, using the arguments developed for the 1-
nitropropane spectrum (figure 3.19).
The CH 3 group is a triplet because of coupling to CH 2 . The OH signal is
a triplet because of coupling to CH 2• The CH 2 is split into a quartet by the
CH 3 group, and each line is further split into two by the OH proton. There
are two different coupling constants involved (8 Hz and 6 Hz), so all eight
predicted lines are reasonably clear.
Why is the OH coupling not observed in the spectrum recorded on the
contaminated sample of ethanol?
Exchange of the OH protons among ethanol molecules is normally so
rapid that one particular proton does not reside for a sufficiently long time
on a particular oxygen atom for the nuclear coupling to be observed:
R-O-H + R-O-H * ~ R-O-H* + R-O-H
We saw earlier (page 109) that at . av "'" 1I21T. Here atis the time needed
to resolve accurately the multiplicity in the CH 2 and OH groups brought
about by their coupling and av is the coupling constant. Provided that the
residence time of a particular proton on oxygen is sufficiently long (longer
than at), we can record the coupling. If there is rapid proton exchange, the
residence time will be shorter than at and the coupling will not be resolved.
The rate of exchange is related to the coupling constant (6 Hz in this case),
and if we are unable to resolve the coupling, the rate of exchange must be
greater than 6 S-I The exchange is acid-catalyzed and base-catalyzed, and


--J f - ~Nr h-----~ r

~ J CH, . CH, . 8 Hz

~ J. 6 Hz
MM JOH • CH , .6 Hz

Figure 3.22 'H NMR spectrum of ethanol. Top : sample with acidic impur ities.
Bottom : pure sample. showing OH -CH2 coupling (recorded at
100 MHz). Chemical shifts: CH 3 , /) 1.2; CH 2 , s 3.7; OH , near /)5 ,
but variable.

only in samples that are acid- and base-free is the residence time
sufficiently long for the coupling to be observed between OH and CH 2 •
Rapid proton exchange occur s in carboxylic acids , phenols, amines and
thiol s, etc . (see table 3.8) , so that , in general , no coupling is observable
between the protons on these functions and their neighbors.
In the case of alcohol s it is relatively easy to see the OH coupling if the
sample is pure , or if the spectrum is recorded with a low-temperature
sample (when the exchange is ret ard ed) , or if the sample is dissolved in a
highly polar solvent such as dimeth ylsulfoxide , Me2S0 , when strong
solvation presumably stabilizes individual molecules and reduces the
An important corollary of thi s process is deuterium exch ange, which is
dealt with in section 3.9.5 .



As was pointed out earlier, the coupling constant, J, can have positive or
negative values; initial interpretation of the spectra can profitably omit this
factor , since the sign of J cannot be directly extracted by observation .
Table 3.10 lists the commonest proton-proton coupling constants found
in organic molecules, and some general points are worth highlighting
before beginning a general discussion.
The number of bonds intervening between the coupling nuclei is
important , since the coupling is transmitted via the electrons of these
bonds. It is a convenient notation to indicate this number as a superscript
to the symbol for the coupling constant. Thus, direct coupling (as in the
coupling of a proton with an attached carbon-13 nucleus, 13C---:IH) would
be a one-bond coupling, IJ; the coupling between protons on a CH z group
would be symbolized by zJ; that between protons on adjacent carbons as 3J;
and so on.
Geminal coupling, involving protons on -CHz- groups , is strong, zJ
being typically 10-18 Hz , but it will only be observed where the gem
protons have different chemical shift positions, as discussed in sections
3.9.2 and 3.10.
Vicinal coupling (three bonds separating the protons) varies from 3J = 0 to
3J = 12 Hz in rigid systems , but in freely rotating carbon chains (alkyl
groups) it is usually around 8 Hz .
Long-range coupling in alkane systems (extending over more than three
bonds-that is, 4J and longer) is usually vanishingly small, but is observed
within rigid systems where the W-shaped zig-zag of bonds is near to being
coplanar, as indicated by the heavy bonds in the formulae at the bottom of
table 3.10.
Trans coupling in alkene groups J, 11-19 Hz) is stronger than cis
coupling (J, 5-14 Hz). Typical values, 16 Hz and 8 Hz , respectively .
Aromatic coupling depends on whether the coupling protons are ortho ,
meta or para to each other, and in simple cases the coupling constant is
definitive in deciding the orientation; thus , 3Jortho , 7-10 Hz; 4J meta , 2-3 Hz;
5Jpara , 0-1 Hz .
Allylic coupling, as in allyl chloride, is the most likely four-bond coupling
to be met in nonaromatic molecules and is very small (4J, 0-2 Hz) . The
analogous coupling in aromatic systems (for example, between the methyl
protons and the ortho protons in the ring) is not normally large enough to
be measured, although it has been observed in certain polynuclear
aromatic hydrocarbons, such as 2-methylpyrene, in which considerable
double-bond character exists in the intervening aromatic C"-=-= C bond.

allyl chloride

J AX' allylic coupling, 0-2 Hz 2-methylpyrene

Other magnetic nuclei present in the molecule ( I4N, 19F, etc.) may increase
the complexity of proton spectra (see section 3.9.4), while substitution of
deuterium for hydrogen may lead to simplification (see sections 3.9.4 and

Exercise 3.14 Estimate the coupling constant for the alkene protons in
cinnamic acid, whose proton NMR spectrum is in figure 3.11; does this
confirm that this is the trans isomer?

Exercise 3.15 Measure the AMX coupling const ants for the vinyl protons
of vinyl acetate : see figure 3.29. Do the measured coupling constants
accord with the principle that cis coupling constants are smaller than trans?
(First verify the three chemical shift positions from table 3.7.)


The electronegativity of an attached substituent alters the values of gem
coupling, but not always predictably. In groups such as -CH 2-X the
gem coupling will range from 12 Hz to 9 Hz as the electronegativity of X is
increased . These couplings cannot usually be measured directly, because
the two protons will have identical 8 values unless they are diastereotopic,
but in the derived - CHD - X the gem coupling between Hand D
(H-C-D) can be measured ; lH,H can then be calculated from the
equation lH,H = 6.531H,D (see section 3.9.4).
The magnitude of 1gem also varies with the C-C-C bond angle , being
of greatest magnitude (10-14 Hz) in the strain-free cyclohexanes and
cyclopentanes . With increasing angular strain the value of 1gem drops ,
being 8-14 Hz in cyclobutanes and 4-9 Hz in cyclopropanes.


The electronegativity of attached substituents alters the value of vicinal
coupling , as it does that of geminal coupling . In qualitative terms , the more
electronegative the substituent the smaller the value of l ViC' so that in
unhindered ethanes the value is = 8 Hz and in halogenoethanes it is
lowered to 6-7 Hz. Where there is restricted rotation , the angle subtended
by the electronegative substituent at the C-C bond also has ~n effect on
l ViC' and other constraints which alter the angles H-C-C and
C-C- H , particularly the presence of small rings, will influence l vic'
The factor that is ostensibly most easy to predict in its influence on l vic is
the dihedral angle, <1> , between the two vicinal C- H bonds ; the equations
due to Karplus give frequent agreement with the observed values .
Karp/us 's equations
<I> between 00 and 90°: l vic = 8.5 cos2 <I> - 0.28
<I> between 90° and 180°: l vic = 9.5 cos2 <I> - 0.28
12 12
10 10
9 9 H
8 ~H
c - - c/
! 6
• L--.J
~ S

3 3
2 2
0" 30" 60- 90- 120" ISO" 180"

Figure 3.23 Variation of vicinal coupling constant, Jvi" with dihedral angle <l>
(graphical presentation of Karplus's equations).

It is more convenient to express this graphically (see figure 3.23), and

indeed the reliability of the method is not sufficiently high to justify
accurate calculations.
To summarize the Karplus rules , the largest vicinal couplings arise with
protons in the trans coplanar positions (<I> = 18(0). Vicinal couplings for cis
coplanar protons are almost as large (<I> = (0). Very small couplings arise
between protons at 900 to each other.
As an example of the successful application of these rules, we can
consider the protons in chair cyclohexanes: diaxial protons have coupling
constants around 10-13 Hz (somewhat larger than predicted) and this
collates with their 180 orientation; diequatorial protons, or those with

axial/equatorial relationship , have coupling constants around 2-5 Hz,

corresponding to about 600 orientation.


The presence in an organic molecule of magnet ic nuclei other than
hydrogen can introduce additional complications into the spectrum, since
these nuclei will take up spin orientations with respect to the applied field
and may cause spin-spin splitting of the proton signals in the same way as
neighbor protons do.
As a simple example, the spectrum of 2,2,2-trifluoro ethanol is shown in
figure 3.24. The CH 2 group does not appear as a singlet, but couples with
the three vicinal 19F atoms ; since 19F has I = i, each fluorine nucleus can
take up two spin orientations in exactly the same manner as hydrogen .

. . . . ., . . . . . , . . .
, , , , , , , , ,
, , , , , . I
, , , , 0 0

I 000
500 400 300 200 100 o Hz
I 00
so 2,2,2-Trifluoroethanol CF) at 56.5 MHz
CF )-CHz-OH •


CH z

1 J

8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 30 2.0 1.0 '0 0

Figure 3.24 IH NMR spectrum of 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol(60 MHz in CDCI 3) .

The CH z group is split into a quartet by the three neighbor 19F
The splitting of the CH 2 group by CF 3 in CF 3CH 20H is analogous to the
splitting of the CH 2 group by CH 3 in CH 3CH 20H ; the coupling constants
are about the same (8 Hz and 11 Hz, respectively, for H - Hand H - F
coupling) .
The signal for 19F itself is about 60 000 ppm lower in frequency than
TMS ; if we wish to observe this at the same field strength (1.4 T), we need
a radiofrequency source at 56.5 MHz, the precessional frequency for 19F.
Couplings with 19F and 31p are dealt with in more detail in section 3S.5.

Carbon-13 coupling. Only 1.1 per cent of carbon atoms are magnetic (the
DC isotope) but these nuclei split the protons in 13C- H groups into
doublets; these weak signals can be seen sitting symmetrically astride any
strong 12C- H signals as satellites, separated by the coupling constant
J C - H (about 120 Hz).

Deuterium coupling . We saw earlier in section 3.2 that the number of

orientations which any magnetic nucleus can adopt in a magnetic field is
(21 + 1), where 1 is the spin quantum number. Thus, for protons and
carbon-13 nuclei two orientations arise , but for deuterium (with 1 = 1)
three orientations are allowed, corresponding, respectively, to -I, 0 and
+/: figure 3.25 shows these orientations in relation to the applied field Bo.
Any group of protons coupled to one deuterium nucleus will 'see' three
spin orientations for the deuteron , and therefore experience three different
nett fields. Orientation (a) will augment B o (thus raising the precessional
frequency of the attached protons); orientation (c) will diminish B o (proton
frequency reduced) ; and in orientation (b) the deuterium nucleus is
precessing on a plane cutting across Bo and will not change the field
strength (proton frequency unchanged) .
In summary , protons coupled with one deuterium nucleus come to
resonance at three different frequencies-that is, the proton signal appears
as a triplet ; the line separations correspond to J H .D .
Since the populations of the three deuterium spin states are very nearly
equal, the probability of the protons 'seeing' these is also equal , so the line
intensities are in the ratio 1:1:1 (and not 1:2:1, as in AX 2 triplets).
If a group of protons is coupled to more than one deuterium, then the
multiplicity of the proton signal is found from the general formula 2nl + 1.
Thus, two (equal) deuterium couplings give rise to quintets, and three
deuteriums give septets , and so on. Deuterium coupling also affects
carbon-13 NMR spectra: see section 3.13.4. "-
If we record the IH NMR spectrum of a CHD group, the proton
signal will appear as a 1:1:1 triplet. (We can only see the deuterium NMR
signal itself if we substitute an appropriate radiofrequency probe at
9.2 MHz , the precession frequency of 2H at 1.4 T: the deuterium signal
will be a doublet, because of coupling to IH .) See also section 3.13.4.

(a} (b) (c)

Most stable Least stable


Figure 3.25 Precession modes for a nucleus with spin quantum number = 1. It
can precess around a conical path either aligned with the field (a),
opposed to the field (c) or across the field on a plane as in (b).

Nitrogen coupling. The 1H spectrum for N- H groups might be expected

to show splitting similar to the deuterium case, since 14N also has I = 1 and
thus three spin orientations, equally populated. As we saw in section 3.2,
page 109, we must also recognize the efficient spin-lattice relaxation for
protons attached to 14N. Because of its electric quadrupole, nitrogen can
flip rapidly among its spin states , thus remaining in each for very short
times. Since T 1 is short, the IH signal is usually broadened, and the '14N spin
splitting of the proton resonance is not resolved. (As in the cases of
fluorine and deuterium, an appropriate radiofrequency probe--4.3 MHz
at 1.4 T-is needed to observe the 14N NMR. See section 3S.6.) N-H
proton exchange also eliminates the coupling: see page 150.


If deuterium oxide, O 2 °,
is used as solvent for NMR work, the 0 20
exchanges with labile protons such as OH , NH and SH. The mechanism is
the same as that for proton exchange discussed in section 3.8.6, page 150.
In effect, because of the rapidity of the exchange, ROH becomes ROO,
RCOOH becomes RCOOO, RCONH 2 becomes RCON0 2, etc. :
ROH + 0-0-0(0 20) ~ ROO + H-O-O
Peaks previously observed for the labile protons disappear (or are dimin-
ished) and a peak corresponding to H - 0 - D appears around 8 5.
This technique of deuteriation is widely used to detect the presence of
OH groups, etc., and is easily carried out. The NMR spectrum can be
recorded conventionally in a solvent other than D 20 and then a few drops
of D 20 are shaken with the sample and the spectrum is rerun . Peaks
diminish or disappear for OH, NH signals , etc .
The method can be extended to detect reactive methylene groups, such
as those flanked by carbonyl. The spectrum is recorded normally, and then
a small amount of D 20 and sodium deuteroxide is added to the sample
tube; base-catalyzed deuterium exchange occurs only on reactive sites-for
0 0 0
/y ~
~ ~

0 0

~ ~D
When the spectrum is rerun, signals from protons previously on these
sites disappear.


In general, first-order spectra will only arise if the separation between
multiplets (the chemical shift difference between signals, expressed in Hz)
is much larger than the coupling constant, J; if ~v ~ 6 J, then fairly
unperturbed spectra will arise.
For example, in the spectrum of 1,1,2-trichloroethane (figure 3.12) the
coupling constant, J, is 8 Hz, while the difference between the chemical
shift positions of CH and CH 2 is 8(5.7-3.9) = 1.8 ppm, which corresponds
to 144 Hz on an 80 MHz spectrum .
If the signals from coupling protons are closer together on the spectrum,
and the chemical shift difference is small , distortion of the signals arises.
Figure 3.26 shows a simple example of this in the AX case (for example ,
cinnamic acid, figure 3.11). As the signals move together, the inner peaks
become even larger at the expense of the outer peaks, and the positions of
the lines also change: the origin chemical shift positions are no longer
found at the mid-points of the doublets , but lie approximately at the
'center of gravity' of the doublets. Such spectra are usually called AB
spectra, indicating that the chemical shift values are closer than in AX

6v 300 liz 1\ I most no d isl 0 rl ion

.I 10 liz

6v 30 liz
.I 10 liz
Inner pt':Ik s culargcd

Av (, liz
.I 10 liz
Inn er peaks almost o ve rla p ped

A" 0 ti,.
.I 10 liz

1\s in freel y rot ating - Cll 2 - or X - ClI 2 - CI1 2 - X

Figure 3,26 Effect of ratio 6.v:J on doublet appearance (computer simulated) .

For AB cases, the origin chemical shift positions can be calculated
from VA - VB = [(VI - V4)(V2 - V3)]1 /2.

In the ultimate case of two protons having the same chemical shift, so
that Llv = 0 (for example, the gem protons of many CH 2 groups), the
interaction between spins, although present at the nuclear level, is not
observable in th~ NMR spectrum and a singlet peak is produced. See
section 3S.2.2.
As the chemical shift values of coupling protons approach equality, the
energy levels involved in the transitions among spin states become closer:
new transitions frequently become possible, and additional lines may
appear on the spectrum. Such interactions also give rise to changes in the
expected Boltzmann distributions among spin states, and the predicted
first-order line intensities are distorted , as in the AB diagram (figure 3.26) .
Population changes in the spin states can also be brought about delibe-
rately, as discussed in section 3S.1 (double irradiation techniques).
In the AX 2 case of 1,1,2-trichloroethane (figure 3.12) only five lines
appear, as predicted by first-order (n + 1) rules. If the chemical shift
values of A and X are closer together, the spectrum is non-first-order (and
should be called AB 2) ; altogether nine lines may appear, the ninth line
often being vestigial. The precise appearance of the spectrum depends on
the ratio 6.v:J, as shown in figure 3.27. Origin chemical shift positions are
no longer easily extracted with exactitude, but they again lie near enough
to the centers of gravity of the multiplets for most structural organic

~v300 Hz
J 10Hz


J 10Hz

J 10 Hz
Figure 3.27 Some possible appearances of AB 2 spectra. These computer
simulated spectra can be varied until a match is achieved with an
observed spectrum .

For three coupling environments, the first-order appearance is AMX

(see above). If two of the origin chemical shift positions are closer than in a
true AMX case, then the ABX system results, which in many cases, like
AMX, exhibits twelve lines. Chemical shift positions and coupling con-
stants cannot easily be extracted from the spectrum directly, but sufficient
accuracy for structural work can be achieved by treating a clear twelve-line
ABX spectrum as an AMX case .
If all three coupling environments are close together in chemical shift
terms, ABC systems arise, in which case up to fifteen lines can be
observed. No attempt should be made to extract coupling constant data
from such spectra, since none of the line spacings represents a true J value:
chemical shift data should be evaluated on an approximate basis only .
Many non-first-order spectra can be simplified by recording at higher
fields (see section 3.11), and in other cases a successful analysis can be
achieved by computer programs for simulation of the spectrum. Trial
chemical shifts and coupling constants are supplied to the program and
subsequently adjusted until a good replication of the observed spectrum is
Aromatic systems . The majority of aromatic coupling systems are non-first-
order, and many examples can be seen in perusing spectra catalogs (for
example, the Aldrich catalogs). It nevertheless serves a useful purpose to
describe the most frequently encountered cases, beginning with single-line
spectra. The characteristic appearance of a selection of simple systems is
shown in figure 3.28. Scale expansion will show further small splittings.
Unsplit signals (or nearly so) are produced by several monosubstituted
benzenoid derivatives, provided that the substituent has no strong shield-
ing or deshielding effect (for example, toluene, I): this 'accidental equiva-
lence' is discussed in section 3.8.5. Compounds with identical para
substituents, whatever their electronegativity, give single-line spectra
because of the molecular symmetry; all four protons in the ring are
magnetically equivalent (for example , p-dinitrobenzene, II) .

6 QQ5"' «; NO z CI

Unsymmetrical para substitution, if the two substituents have different

shielding influences, can give rise to almost AB simplicity for the aromatic
protons (for example, p-chloroaniline , III). Such a system is easily
recognized in the spectrum of p-chlorophenol (see figure 3.28) and can be
analyzed as for the AB case , to which it approximates; but because each
chemically equivalent proton couples with the protons ortho and para to it,
they are magnetically nonequivalent , and additional transitions become
possible . Additional lines appear, characteristically within each doublet
(see figure 3.28) and the system is more correctly described as the
non-first-order AA'BB' system , as discussed in section 3.8 .5.
A single substituent that is either strongly shielding or deshielding (for
example, -COCH 3 , in acetophenone , IV , or -COOH , in benzoic acid)
usually causes the ortho protons to move to lower or higher 8 values with
respect to the meta or para protons. We usually observe a two-proton
complex multiplet separated from a three-proton complex multiplet (see
figure 3.28).
O ne po we rfu lly ,kshicld ing or shield ing su bs ti tue nt
(exa mp le. benzo ic acid]

lnt c nsu y
or 3 :2

Symmet rical o-d isubst u u tion

(exam ple. (/·d ichlo robc nzc uc )

____-J L ©(
Unsynuucr rical n -substuu tiou
(cxa lllpk , /'- .:!llor o p h,' no ll x

Figure 3.28 The appearance of some common aromatic coupling systems in 1H

NMR spectra,

Identical groups arrha to each other produce considerable symmetry in

the molecule, and the NMR spectrum is usually complex but symmetrical
about the mid-point of the multiplet (see figure 3,28) . Such spectra are also
AA'BB' systems , but with more complexity than the simplest of the
corresponding para systems (for example , a-dichlorobenzene , or diethyl
phthalate , V) .
Highly substituted rings may produce very simple spectra, and in a great
number of cases it is possible to use the coupling constants to confirm
orientation, since Jor tho > J meta > J para •
Heterocyclic aromatic systems are , for the most part , governed by
similar rules to those governing benzenoid compounds. Clear first-order
spectra should be analyzed completely, and complex multiplets should be
treated with caution.
Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon systems invariably give very complex
spectra., the chemical shift positions ranging from & 7 to & 9.
Vinyl and allyl systems. Many vinyl systems give rise to AMX coupling (see
figure 3.29), especially where the substituent is an oxygen function, as in
vinyl acetate . To understand the coupling, we should recall that H A and
H M are trans and cis, respectively , to the substituent, and this often means
that they have widely different chemical shift positions. The trans coupling,
JMY" is usually larger than the cis coupling, JAX; JAM, being a gem coupling,
is also significant. In the absence of a strongly electronegative substituent,
vinyl spectra will have ABC complexity and only approximate chemical
shift data should be extracted.
Altogether four proton environments couple together in allyl systems,
and this produces extremely complex multiplets. A very large, three-
proton multiplet may extend almost from 8 4.5 to 8 6.5, generated by the
alkene protons. The methylene protons may appear superficially as a
doublet because of coupling to H A , but the small allylic couplings (0-2 Hz)
to protons H B or H c may also be observed under closer examination. The
chemical shift positions for the CH 2 group can be predicted fairly reliably
from table 3.6. The typical appearance of an allyl coupling system is shown
in figure 3.29.

He CH 2 - B r

vinyl protons allyl protons

Virtual coupling. The methyl group of a long alkyl chain

(.. .CH 2CH2CH2CH3) should appear as a simple triplet in the NMR
spectrum, but more commonly it appears as a very blurred triplet indeed.
The broadening of the CH 3 signal is attributed to interaction with the
numerous nonneighbor CH 2 groups, even though there is no true coupling
with these. Strong coupling only occurs with the adjacent CH 2 group, but
this group serves to link spin interactions with the other methylenes to the
terminal methyl. Such a higher-order effect is termed virtual coupling, and
is responsible for a number of distortions in what one might have expected
to be first-order spectra.
For virtual coupling to arise in protons P, they must be strongly coupled
to their neighbor protons Q, which must, in turn, be strongly coupled to
their neighbors R (that is, both J po and J O R must be ~ 0); Q and R must
have nearly the same chemical shift, and the coupling between P and R
must also be zero .

He, / CH 2 - B r
C i=:: C

/ "- H

Allyl brom ide

C=CH- - CH, -

~2 ~O 5.8 5.6 5.4 5.2 5.0 4.8 4.6 4.4 4.2 4.0 s


HA \ /H x
/ -,
Viny l acet ate


7.4 7.3 7.2 7.1 /j 5.0 4.9 4.8 4.7 4.6 4.5 4.4 6
ppm ppm

( b)

Figure 3.29 The appearance of representative vinyl and allyl coupling systems in
IH NMR spectra: vinyl acetate, allyl bromide, at 200 MH z in CDC) 3'
If a non-first-order spectrum is obtained at 60 MHz, a number of tech-
niques can be applied to simplify the complexity and enable more accurate
analyses of chemical shift and coupling constant data to be made.


We have seen that first-order multiplicity is usually produced when
Av ~ 6 J. Chemical shift positions (when measured in Hz) are field-
dependent: the methyl resonance in acetates appears at 1) 2.0, or 2 ppm
higher frequency than TMS . In a 60 MHz instrument (1.4 T) 2 ppm
corresponds to 120 Hz, while in a 100 MHz instrument (2.3 T) 2 ppm
corresponds to 200 Hz. At 14.1 T (600 MHz) 2 ppm corresponds to
1200 Hz .
However, coupling constants are independent of field strength, so that
the ratio Av : J is effectively increased as the field strength is increased
from 1.4 T to 14.1 T. If two coupling multiplets overlap at 1.4 T, we can
pull the multiplets apart by increasing the magnetic field. The further we
pull the multiplets apart , the more likely is the spectrum to approach
first-order, since we are in effect increasing Av with respect to J.
If a compound gives a complex NMR spectrum at 60 MHz, it will further
be improved by recording at 200 MHz or 600 MHz, although the degree of
improvement depends on the particular chemical shift differences and
coupling constants involved .
Figure 3.30(a) shows simulations of the proton NMR spectrum of
4-chlorobutanoic acid : at 60 MHz the central methylene group is unre-
solved, but the resolution is progressively improved when the field strength
is increased. At field strength corresponding to 200 MHz (4.7 T) the
central methylene group is separated, but still shows some non-first-order
effects; at 500 MHz it is first-order.
Figure 3.30(b) shows the proton NMR spectrum of menthol recorded at
80 MHz, 200 MHz, 360 MHz and 600 MHz . At 80 MHz the spectrum is
non-first-order, and hopelessly overlapped, while at 600 MHz much of the
spectrum is capable of being interpreted as for first-order spectra. These
spectra are presented in uniform frequency scale for emphasis: note that in
this format the 600 MHz spectrum is 7.5 times as wide as the 80 MHz
spectrum , and the full resolving power of such a high-field instrument is
not apparent until the spectrum is plotted on a very wide piece of
paper-s-certainly wider than this book page.


Multiplicity of signals arises because neighboring protons have more than
one spin orientation (low-energy or parallel, and high-energy or antiparal-
leI): proton A in figure 3.31 appears as a doublet because of the two spin


, !I

4-Chlorobutanoic acid

60 MHz I
...., ""'I~'''''''
I .,.....,..
, I
3.0 2.0 1.0
C1CH 2 -1 ppm

200 MHz
I 3.5
I j I I I

I i I I I

I' ii,

j I I I I

I t

500 MHz
~i '-- ppm
--' '--__-'" L-
\ I J I I I I j I I I
3.5 3.3 3.1 2.9 2.7 2.5 2.3 2.1 1.9 l.7 6


Figure 3.30 The advantages of increased field strength in spectrum

simplification .. (a) Simulation proton NMR spectra for
4-chlorobutanoic acid. (b) Proton NMR spectra of menthol at 80,
200, 360 and 600 MHz (in CDCI 3) .

orientations of X. If we irradiate X with the correct radiofrequency energy,

we can stimulate rapid transitions (both upward and downward) between
the two spin states of X , so that the lifetime of a nucleus in anyone spin
state is too short to resolve the coupling with A. If proton A 'sees' only one
time-averaged view of X, then A will come to resonance only once, and not
twice . By the same argument, if we irradiate proton A with the correct
radiofrequency energy to cause it to undergo rapid transitions between its
two spin states, proton X will only 'see' one time-averaged view of A, and
appear only as a singlet.
We have seen earlier that tit . tiv : : : : 1I21T: for a pair of coupled protons,
the time needed to resolve the two lines of a doublet (tit) is related to the
separation between the lines-that is, the coupling constant (tiv). For the
above example, we shall be able to resolve the H A doublet, provided that
each spin state of H x has a lifetime greater than tit . Double irradiation

80 MHz
Ii 3.4 liO
3.4 ppm
1 272 Hz I

Ment hol
CH 3

3.4 ppm
680 Hz 2:~1

3.4 ppm
1224 Hz

! II "iI
ii IJ
~.,~,.- i'l~ ' ,~u \'---'_lt( !),I UJ.....
600 MHz - I
L--_ _

Ii 3.4 liO
3.4 ppm
2040 Hz

Fig. 3.30 (continued)


H, Il x
- C - C -


H, Hx VI
500 450 400 300 250
li z
200 150 100 50
I o
Double irradiation of HA 1 _
- - - - - - - - - - - - - H x signa l co llapses to a singlet - - - - - - -<
(400 Hz from TMS)

HA co llapses to a singlet ~ - - - - - - - - -- - -on double irradiationof Hx

( 100 Hz fro m TMS)

450 400 350 I~ 100 ~
Hz Hz

Figure 3.31 Double irradiation (spin decoupling) of an AX spectrum.

shortens this lifetime to less than dt, and consequently we are unable to
resolve the H A doublet-which appears, therefore, as a singlet. See also
section 3.8.4.
To perform this operation, we require, in addition to the basic NMR
instrument, a second tunable radiofrequency source to irradiate proton X
at the necessary frequency (that is, its precession frequency), while
recording the remainder of the spectrum as before. Since we are making
simultaneous use of two radiofrequency sources, the technique is called
double resonance or double irradiation: since the nuclear spins during the
process are 'less coupled' than before, we also call it spin decoupling.
For the method to be successful, the chemical shift positions for the
coupling multiplets should be no closer than :::= 1 ppm. Decoupling of
non-first-order spectra can frequently lead to first-order spectra, provided
that this condition is met.
Other applications of the double resonance method are discussed in
section 3S.1.


The proton NMR spectrum of 6-methylquinoline is reproduced in figure
3.32. The lower spectrum is the normal record; the upper spectrum was
recorded after the addition of a soluble europium(III) complex to the
solution, and the spectrum is pulled out over a much wider range of
frequencies, so that it is simplified almost to first-order. The paramagnetic
europium(III) ion complexes with the quinoline and induces enormous
shifts to higher frequency in the quinoline resonances. The use of
europium and other lanthanide derivatives as chemical shift reagents or
lanthanide shift reagents has extended the applicability of detailed NMR
studies to very complex molecules.

2H 8·H 3j~ ~ 7L~
(b) l~ .tl"'.""'.t..._..................
* JJ~l)\.w ...."......
I ....... 'Pt

5 4

6-Mcthylquinolinc. H,CCO'3 I
7 ~2
Ca) CDCI, solution 8 N
Cb) 0.3 mmoles Eu (DPM), added.
2·H 4.8-H 3.5.7-H
15.0 14.0 13.0 12.0 11.0 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 6
Figure 3.32 Effect of a lanthanide shift reagent (Eu(DPMh) on the 1H NMR
spectrum of 6-methylquinoline. (Ring protons only; 60 MHz in
CDCI3 .)

For the method to succeed , the organic molecule' must be able to donate
non bonding pairs to the europium ion, so that we are concerned principally
with the following functional classes: arnines; alcohols; ketones and
aldehydes; ethers and thioethers; esters; nitriles; and epoxides.
The lanthanide complex should be soluble in common NMR solvents for
wide applicability, and those most frequentl y used are complexes with two
enolic 13 diketones, dipivaloylmethane (DPM) and heptajIuorodimethyl-
octanedione (FOD) . DecajIuoroheptanedione (FHD) has no protons and
is also soluble in CCI4 .

The FOD complexes are more soluble than the DPM variants, although
their hygroscopic nature can be troublesome. The fully deuteriated deri-
vative of FOD is also commercially available , and this elim inates the
signals from ligand protons.
In general , europium complexes produce shift s to higher &, while
praseodymium complexes produce shifts to lower &. Ytterbium , erbium
and holmium compounds tend to give greater shifts , but in these last two
some line broadening also occurs and complicates the analysis of multi-
plets: the line broadening is associated with the paramagnetic ion's ability
to accelerate relaxation processes.
The mechanism of the shift is twofold . Unpaired electron spin in the
paramagnetic ion (for example, Eu(III)) is partially transferred through the
intervening bonds to the protons of the organic substrate; this is true
contact shift, but since this is seldom important, the name 'contact shift
reagent' is not now used. The spinning paramagnetic ion also generates
magnetic vectors which operate through space and create secondary fields
around the protons ; this is pseudocontact shift , and predominates in the
case of the lanthanide ions.
Protons ofNH , OH and SH groups (whose 8 values are listed in table 3.8)
show special characteristics. All are removed by deuteriation (see page 158)
and all are affected by solvent, temperature and concentration (see page
132). Signals for ROH protons will appear as a singlet or as a multiplet,
depending on whether coupling to neighbor protons is observed (see page
150). Primary amines with concentrated sulfuric acid are completely proton-
ated (to RNH 3"): proton exchange is suppressed, and the signal changes
because of coupling to 14N, with J NH = 50 Hz (see page 157).
In some cases (such as CH 3NH3+) the signal shows 1:1:1 tr iplets for JNH ,
together with slightly broadened multiplicity from other nearby protons
(such as broad quartets from the CH 3 splitting in CH 3NH3+, with
J = 5 Hz).
In other cases (such as many aryl amines) the broadening is so marked
that the NH signal almost disappears into the baseline.
Secondary and tertiary amines with concentrated sulfuric acid give a
sharpened line at low field, because 14N relaxation is so rapid that no
N - H coupling is observable.

Table 3.4 values for the protons of CH 3 , CH 2 and CH groups attached to groups
X, where R = alkyl and Ar = aryl


. 0.9 1.3 1.5

1.3 a 3.5 b 3.0

- 1.7 1.9 2.6
=-=-=,etc. 1.8
(i.e., end-of-chain)
=-=-=,etc. 2.0 2.2 2.3
(i.e., in-chain)
=N- 2.0
- 2.0 2.2
-COOR, -COOAr 2.0 2.1 2.2
-CN 2.0 2.5 2.7
-CONH 2 , -CONHR, -CONR2 2.0 2.0 2.1
-COOH 2.1 2.3 2.6
-COR 2.1 2.4 2.5
-COAr 2.5 2.8 2.9
Table 3.4 (continued)

-SH. -SR 2.1 2.4 2.5

-NH 2 • -NHR.-NR 2 2.1 2.5 2.9
-I 2.2 3.1 4.2
-CHO 2.2 2.2 2.4
-Ph. Ar 2.3 2.6 2.9
-NHAr 2.5 3.1
-Br 2.6 3.3 4.1
- NHCOR. - NRCOR 2.9 3.3 3.5
-Cl 3.0 3.4 4.0
-OR 3.3 3.3 3.8
-NR 3 3.3 3.4 3.5
-OH 3.4 3.6 3.8
-OCOR 3.6 4.1 5.0
-OAr 3.7 3.9 4.0
-OCOAr 3.9 4.2 5.1
-N0 2 4.3 4.4 4.6
-F 4.3

Table 3.5 Influence of functional group X on the chemical shift position (0) of
CH 3 • CH 2 and CH protons I) to X

For I)-shifts. add the following to the 0 values

given in table 3.4


-C-C 0.1 0.1 0.1

-COOH . -COOR 0.2 0.2 0.2
-CN 0.5 0.4 0.4
-CONH 2 0.25 0.2 0.2
-CO- . -CHO 0.3 0.2 0.2
-SH. -SR 0.45 0.3 0.2
- NH 2 • - NHR . - NR 2 0.1 0.1 0.1
-I 1.0 0.5 0.4
-Ph 0.35 0.3 0.3
-Br 0.8 0.6 0.25
-NHCOR 0.1 0.1 0.1
-Cl 0.6 0.4 o
-OH . -OR 0.3 0.2 0.2
.- OCOR. -OCOAr 0.4 0.3 0.3
-OPh 0.4 0.35 0.3
-F 0.2 0.4 0.1
-N0 2 0.6 0.8 0.8
Table 3.6 I)values for the protons of CH 2 (and CH) groups
bearing more than one functional substituent
(modified Shoolery rules)
Note :

liCH 2 = 1.2 + 1:a

Less accurate for HC-X 2 but use liCH = 1.5 + Ia

x a X a

0.75 -Ph 1.3

0.9 -Br 1.9
-COOH, -COOR 0.7 -CI 2.0
-CN, -COR 1.2 -OR, -OH 1.7
-SR 1.0 -OCOR 2.7
-NH 2 , -NR2 1.0 -OPh 2.3
-I 1.4

Table 3.7 I) values for H attached to unsaturated and aromatic groups

H-:=-R 1.8' A,4 .5

H-:=,OH 2.4' X, 7.2
H-:=-=-. etc.
H-:=-Ph 2.9' H

H-:=-eO- 3.2'
H 2C=C 4.6
-, H


H 2 C = - = - . etc. 4.9 6.0

H. OR'
a, 4.5-5 .0
R Hb
.( ';=0 (continued)

• Alkyne proton signals removed on deuteriation, and I) values increased by a trace

of pyridine.
Table 3.7 (continued)

>==< /

Ph-= 6.6
H 5.0 CO-
(cis or trans)

Ph >==< H 5.3
=-co- 7.8
Ph (CIS. or trans )
R-=-=- (in-chain) 6.2 H
-, /
N-C 7.8
( )H / ~
5.6 0
H /
ROC 8.0
>==< OR H

H /
RC 9.6
>==< Ph
Ph-H 7.27 /
PhC 9.9
(see table 3.9) ~

!X 7.7 1" 7.4

O Q Y 7.5
OP7.0 O~4.5
a 6.2
N !X 8.5

@~6.3 @P7.1 @~6.1

a 7.4 S !X 7.2 N a6.5
furan thiophene pyrrole
Table 3.8 & values for the proton s of OH , NH and SH groups"

ROH 0.5-4.5 higher for enols (11.0-16.0)

lines often broadened
ArOH 4.5 raised by hydrogen bonding to = 9.0
chelated OH , = 11.0
RCQOH 10.0-13.0
RNH 2• RNHR' 5.0-8 .0 lines usually broadened
ArNH 2• ArNHR ' 3.5-{j.0 occasionally raised; lines usuallybroadened
RCONH 2• RCONHR' 5.0-8 .5 lines frequently very broad , and even
RCONHCOR' 9.0-\ 2.0 lines broadened
RSH \ .0-2 .0
ArSH 3.0-4 .0
=NOH 10.0- \2.0 often broadened

"See notes on page 171.

Table 3.9 Shifts in the position of benzene proton s (& 7.27)

caused by substituents

Substituent arrha meta para

-CH),-R -0.\ 5 - 0.\ -0.\
-= +0.2 + 0.2 + 0.2
-COOH. -COOR + 0.8 + 0. \ 5 + 0.2
-CN + 0.3 + 0.3 + 0.3
-CONH 2 + 0.5 +0.2 +0.2
- COR + 0.6 + 0.3 + 0.3
- SR +0.1 -0.\ -0.2
-NH 2,-NHR -0.8 -0.[5 - 0.4
-N(CH J)2 - 0.5 -0.2 - 0.5
-I +0.3 -0.2 - 0.1
-CHO + 0.7 +0.2 +0.4
-Dr 0 0 0
-NHCOR + 0.4 -0.2 -0.3
- CI 0 0 0
-NH J + + 0.4 +0.2 +0.2
-OR -0.2 -0.2 -0.2
-OH -0.4 -0.4 - 0.4
-OCOR +0.2 -0.\ - 0.2
-N0 2 + 1.0 +0.3 +0.4
-SOJH. -S02C1. -S02 NH 2• etc. +0.4 +0.\ +0.1
Table 3.10 Proton-proton spin-spin coupling constants
Function J.,,/Hz

10-18. depending on the electronegativ ities

of the attached groups (commonly around
10 in cycloh exanes, etc .)

depends on dihedral angle: see section 3.9.3

for cyclohexanes, etc.


C= C / (cis) 5-14 (commonly around 6-8)

H./ H.

H", /

C=C (trans) 11-19 (commonly around 14-16)
/ H.
-, » C-H
>; :
C=C 4-10
/ H.
C-H. (cis or trans)
/ 1 0-2 (for aromatic systems, 0-1)
• I I

" C=CH.-CH.=C/
/ " 10-13

ortho, 7-10
meta , 2-3
para, 0-1

Long-range (4)) couplings

1-2 Hz

8 Hz

0.2 Hz

18 Hz

In a 1.9 T field the precession frequency of 13C is 20 MHz, that for IH

being 80 MHz and 12C being nonmagnetic . In principle, therefore, it is not
difficult to observe 13C NMR. The magnetic moment of 13C is about
one-quarter that of IB, so that signals are inherently weaker, but the
overwhelming problem is that the natural abundance of 13C is only 1.1 per
cent. The problem in simple molecules can be overcome by synthesizing
13C-enriched samples, but this is of little value in complex molecules.


In practice , routine 'natural abundance' l3C NMR spectra are recorded by
the pulsed FT method discussed in section 3.3.2, with the sensitivity
enhanced by summation of several spectra (commonly a few hundreds to
several thousands, depending on the solubility of the compound, the
amount available and the number of carbon atoms in the molecule) .
An example is shown in figure 3.33 of the 13C spectrum of menthol, and
for comparison the IH spectrum of menthol is also shown .

Each of the ten lines in the carbon-13 NMR spectrum in figure 3.33
represents one carbon atom of menthol, and two immediate differences
from the IH spectrum are apparent ; the 13C spectrum is much simpler, and
much more highly resolved.
The chemical shift range in the IH spectrum is only :::= 4 ppm (320 Hz in
this 80 MHz spectrum), while the range in the 13C spectrum is :::= 80 ppm
(1600 Hz in this 20 MHz spectrum) . Expressed otherwise, the chemical
shift differences in the 13C spectrum are about 20 times those shown in the
'H spectrum, and this is typical in all other molecules.

Both 13C and IH have I = !, so that we should expect to see coupling in the
spectrum between (a) 13C_13C and (b) 13C-'H. The probability of two
13C atoms being together in the same molecule is so low that BC_ 13C
couplings are not usually observed. Couplings from BC - 'H interaction
have already been discussed (page 156) and these couplings should be ob-
served in the 13C spectra. However, these couplings make the 13e spec-
tra extremely complex, and they have been eliminated by decoupling. The
proton-coupled (or non-decoupled) spectrum is shown in figure 3.33.


To eliminate the complicating effects of the proton couplings in the BC
spectra , we must decouple the 'H nuclei by double irradiation at their
resonant frequencies (80 MHz at 1.9 T, etc .) . This is an example of


~; CII <,
CIl, CIl,

I" ~pec t ru m
, i
4 o

lIilljW~',':~".~iI ~~jj l'~ "p~ li I , " ,.. I ,

tim e domain ( FlO )

~ :! . l

3 1.6
34.8 44 .9

23.0 7 1.3
49.9 011

20.9 15.9

frequ en cy domain

I I I ° 1 I ' I " i I 'I " I

70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 6

Figure 3.33 Comparison of the proton and 13C NMR spectra of menthol,
recorded at the same field strength, 1.9 T (80 MHz and 20 MHz,
respectively, in CDCI3) . The proton-coupled (i.e. non -decoupled)
13C NMR spectrum is shown at the bottom.
heteronuclear decoupling (see page 155), but we do not wish merely to
decouple specific protons; rather, we wish to double irradiate all protons
simultaneously while recording the 13C spectrum . A decoupling signal is
used that has all the IH frequencies spread around 80 MHz, and is
therefore a form of radiofrequency noise; spectra derived thus are IH_
decoupled, or noise-decoupled. Most 13C spectra are recorded in this way;
see the menthol spectrum in figure 3.33.
The alternative name broad band decoupled spectra simply takes
cognizance of the fact that a wide spread of decoupling radiofrequency can
be produced by several electronic techniques, other than by simple noise
The convenient notation 13C-eH] can be used to identify proton-
decoupled carbon-B. NMR spectra; in the same way 3Ip-eH} spectra are
phosphorus-31 NMR spectra with all proton coupling to phosphorus
removed by broad band (or noise) decoupling, and 15N-eH} corresponds
for nitrogen-IS, etc .


Deuteriated solvents (such as deuteriochloroform (CDCI3), deuterio-
benzene (C 6D6) , deuterioacetone (CD 3COCD3) or hexadeuterio-
dimethylsulfoxide (CD 3SOCD3)) give rise to carbon-13 signals which are
split by coupling to deuterium. The multiplicity is calculable from the
general formula 2nI + 1 and deuterium has I = 1, so that in molecules
with one deuteron attached to each carbon (as in CDCl3 and C6D6) the
carbon-13 signal from the solvent is a 1 : 1 : 1 triplet ; this is seen in figures
3.1(b) and 3.34. For CD 3 groups (as in CD 3COCD3 and CD 3SOCD3 ) , the
solvent gives rise to a septet with line intensities 1 : 3 : 6 : 7 : 6 : 3 : 1; see
the insert in figure 3.34. See also section 3.9.4.


Since decoupling can interfere with (and thereby shorten) relaxation times,
the nuclear Overhauser effect (see section 3S.1.3) may operate and lead to
signal enhancement of certain 13C peaks. The line intensities in the 13C
spectrum of menthol are not all equal, because of these relaxation effects.
It turns out that the major relaxation route for a BC nucleus involves
dipolar transfer of its excitation energy to the proton(s) directly attached to
it; there is a corollary that maximum nuclear Overhauser effect operates on
CH 3, CH z and CH carbons, whereas no enhancement arises for quaternary
carbons (and this includes those carbons on aromatic rings with substi-
tuents attached) . It happens also that these non-proton-bearing carbons
have long relaxation times and also tend to give low-intensity signals for
this reason (unless special steps are taken to ensure otherwise) .
These dual influences ensure easy identification of such carbons: in
figure 3.1(b), for example, there are three signals of lower intensity,
assigned, respectively, to the two substituted ring carbons and to the
carbonyl carbon .


The number of nuclei in any environment (measured by integration of
peak areas) in proton NMR is routine and quite accurately quantitative,
but this is not so in routine carbon-13 NMR spectra. As we have seen
above, there are two main reasons for this.
The nuclear Overhauser effect tends to increase the line intensities for
those carbons bearing protons, and to leave the quaternary carbons
unaltered. To eliminate the nuclear Overhasuer effect requires a special
pulse sequence, which is described in section 3S.3, but it is not usually
routinely applied.
In the pulsed Ff mode used for normal PC work, the pulses are applied
with only short delays between each successive pair; carbon nuclei with
long relaxation times will not have fully relaxed after one pulse before the
next pulse is applied. The signals are therefore slightly saturated (see
section 3.2) and of lower intensity. It is the quaternary carbons which tend
to have long relaxation times, so that they show lowered intensities; in
contrast to this, proton-bearing carbons not only have shorter relaxation
times, but also experience the enhanced line intensities caused by the nuclear
Overhauser effect.
To avoid this saturation effect would involve longer delays between
pulses; because T I is a measure of an exponential process, it would be
necessary to wait for approximately 5TI before relaxation is complete .
Since this would counteract the main asset of the Ff method-speed-it is
not done unless quantitative information is essential.
Interestingly , small symmetrical molecules (such as the solvents used in
NMR, CDCI 3 , C6D6 , etc.) also tend to have carbons with long relaxation
times ; this is one of the reasons for the observation that the solvent peaks
in 13C NMR spectra are of low intensity.
Paramagnetic ions may be added to the sample to supply the fluctuating
electromagnetic vectors which catalyze the relaxation processes for the
excited carbon nuclei ; this leads to improvement in the quantitative line
heights. Typical paramagnetic species are chromium acetylacetonate
(Cr(ACACh), or the shift reagents discussed in section 3.11.3 (which, of
course, cause shifts in the ~ values except for the Gd complexes) .


Fully proton-decoupled carbon-13 NMR spectra offer two main advant-
ages over fully coupled spectra (sometimes called non-decoupled spectra):
removal of coupling multiplicity makes the spectrum simpler in appearance
and ensures almost no confusing overlap in adjacent signals, but there is a
sensitivity bonus in addition . As an example, the methyl carbon in
p-hydroxyacetophenone (figure 3.1(b» would appear in a non-decoupled
spectrum as a quartet (intensity ratio 1 : 3 : 3 : 1) because of the three
attached and coupling protons and, when this is decoupled, the whole of
the signal intensity appears as a single line (of intensity 8 relative to the
outside lines of the quartet). The fact that the signal is a quartet proves that
it arises from a methyl group, and unfortunately this valuable piece of
information is lost in the fully decoupled 13C_{IH} NMR spectrum. There
are several techniques which allow this information to be retained ; the
simplest (but not the best) consists of carrying out the proton decoupling
by irradiation of the sample with radiofrequency which is not quite exactly
that of the protons but is a few hundred hertz displaced. The consequence
of this off-resonance decoupling is an incomplete collapse of the multiplic-
ity, and vestigial quartets remain from methyl carbons, with triplets from
CH z, doublets from CH and singlets from fully substituted carbons. More
elaborate procedures (which allow the separate plotting of subspectra,
respectively, from CH 3 , CH z and CH carbons) are discussed in section 3S.3
and these are used in preference to off-resonance decoupling.
It is convenient to annotate signals in 13C-eH} spectra to indicate
multiplicity, with the abbreviations q, t, d and s for quartet, triplet, doublet
and singlet, respectively, as in figure 3.34.


Differentiation among alternative organic structures has a long history in
IH NMR and it is substantially extended by 13C NMR. Increased shift
resolution (compared with IH spectra) is often sufficient in itself to lead to
correct structural assignment, but the use of correlation data for chemical
shift positions and the calculation of multiplicity in non-decoupled spectra
both have their contributions to make. Figure 3.35 shows the approximate
chemical shift positions for common organic functional groups ; the shifts
are measured in ppm from TMS as standard.

Example 3.9
Question. There are three isomeric ethers with the molecular formula
C4H t00: name them, and state how many signals will arise in the carbon-13
NMR spectrum of each.

Model answer. The three ethers are diethyl ether (I), methyl propyl ether
(II) and methyl isopropyl ether (III). Only in methyl propyl ether are all
four carbons in different environments, so this ether shows four signals in its
spectrum . In diethyl ether each ethyl group is equivalent, so that only two
different environments (and , hence , signals) are present. The two methyl
groups of the isopropyl group are equivalent, so methyl isopropyl ether
gives rise to three signals in the spectrum .


Figure 3.1(b) shows the l3C-{IH} NMR spectrum of p-hydroxy-

acetophenone , p-CH 3COC6H40H; the fact that it is the para isomer is
easily confirmed from the spectrum , since only six nonequivalent carbons
are present in the molecule (C-2 and C-6 are equivalent, as are C-3 and
C-5). Both the ortho and meta isomers would have given spectra with eight
signals, from the eight nonequivalent sites in each molecule .
(In section 3.15.1 we shall predict the chemical shifts for the carbons in
these isomers, thus definitively identifying each isomer.)

Exercise 3.16 State the number of nonequivalent carbon environments

(a) in o-dinitrobenzene and in its m- and p-isomers; (b) in 0-
dimethoxybenzene and its m- and p-isomers; and (c) in the three possible
structures, IV, V and VI, for the dimer of cyclooctatetraene. (The actual
dimer showed four signals in its l3C NMR spectrum, so which is the correct

Exercise 3.17 State the number of nonequivalent carbon environments in

(a) the three isomeric methyl esters of chlorobenzoic acid (0-, m- and p-)
and (b) the three isomers of hydroxybiphenyl, PhC6H40H, (2-hydroxy-,
3-hydroxy- and 4-hydroxybiphenyl).


While it is possible to offer reasonable rationales for proton NMR chemical
shifts (section 3.4), the explanation of carbon-13 NMR chemical shifts is
much less self-consistent, despite extensive studies; happily, predictions
based on the tables of empirical data which follow are very reliable .
It is usually very difficult to deduce a priori the structure of an organic
molecule from its l3C NMR spectrum; indeed, this would be at variance
with experimental experience, where much other information is often
simultaneously available-both chemical and spectroscopic (IR, UV, MS
and proton NMR spectra) . Proof of structure usually involves hypothesiz-
ing what the likely structures for the compound are, and then using the
tables to predict for each of these possibles the appearance of the 13C NMR
spectru m , and that structure which gives the best fit with ob ser ved values is
likely to be correct.
Som e gen eral features should be given con sideration.
sp3 hybridized carbons
Figure 3.35 shows that sp3 carbons com e to reson ance in the range & 0-80;
within this overall rang e , it is worth noting that the carbons of C-O
bonds, C - N bonds and C - S bonds appear in the narrower rang es
indic at ed. Exceptions abound , usually as a consequence of influential
electro nic or ste ric effects. An extreme and interesting exception is the
signal for the carbon atom in tetraiodornethane, CI 4 , at & -300 (th at is, at
300 ppm low er frequency th an TMS) .
sp2 hybridized carbons
Alk ene and aromatic carbon atoms give signals in overlapped areas of the
spectrum (& 80-150 and & 110-140 , respectively)-a fact which can make
their distinction less clear than in the proton NMR spectrum. The great
diver sity of C = 0 groups is mirrored in their significantly differing shift
positions (see table 3.17) . A less common sp2 class (not shown in figure
3.35) is in the C= N group of aromat ic irnines , often called Schiff's bases ;
th e range is & 130-150. (Aliphatic imine s are unst able and tend to
decompose or pol ymerize .)
sp hyb ridized carbon s
For the sp carbons of alkynes, nitril es and isonitriles , the shift ranges are
usefull y narrow (see figur e 3.35).

Each main class of carbon enviro nme nt (sp", sp2 and sp) will be
discussed , showing how the effects of furth er substitutions can be pre-
dicted .
The fi rst steps in deducing the structure of an organic compound, using
the DC N MR spectrum , are:
1. Co unt the number of signa ls in the spe ctrum ; this is the number of
non equivalent carbon en vironments in the molecule. (Id entify and
discount the signal(s) from solvent ; see table 3.19 .)
2. Use figure 3.35 to assign signa ls approximately to the regions & 0-80,
l) 80-150 and l) 160-220 (carbon yl carbons) .
3. Not e the intensities of the peak s: non-proton-bearing carbons give
lower intensity signals, and groups of two or more equivalent carbons
give higher intensity signals.
4. Take account of an y multiplicity information (q, t , d or s).
5. Use the Correlation Tables (section 3.16.1) to predict the chemical
shifts of all carbons in ea ch put ative structure.
There are two principal predictable influences which we can quantify in
determining the chemical shift positions of any carbon atom:
1. The number of other carbon atoms attached to it (and whether these
are CH 3 , CH 1, CH or C groups).
2. The nature of all other substituents attached (or nearby along a chain
of other carbon atoms).
It is imperative to compute 1 before 2.

Example 3.10
Question . Predict the chemical shift positions for the carbons in 3-
heptanone (butyl ethyl ketone) , I.
Model answer. To do this we must first know the 8 values for butane, II,
and ethane, III: these are listed in table 3.11 and are shown in the
formulae. Only thereafter can we predict the influence of the carbonyl
substituent on each of these moieties ; the influence of C= 0 on alkane
carbons is given in table 3.15.

6 4 2 5.7
/' <, /' .......... / <, <,
7 5 311 1 5.7
3·heptancne, I butane, II ethane , III

For Col we take the base value for ethane (8 5.7) and note from table
3.15 that a carbonyl group, COR, 13 to it increases the value of the chemical
shift by 2 ppm. The predicted value is therefore 8 7.7 (ca 8 8).
For C-2 we again take the base value for ethane (85 .7) but the carbonyl
group is a to this carbon in 3-heptanone, so the increment is 30 ppm . The
predicted value is therefore 8 35.7 (ca 8 36).
For C-4 we take the base value for the terminal carbon in butane and add
to this (still table 3.15) 30 ppm, giving a predicted shift position of 8 43.
For C-5 the base value of 8 25 is increased by a 13-carbonyl group to 8 27.
For C-6 the carbonyl group is in the 'Y position; for reasons that are not
totally clear, but may correlate with molecular geometry, 'Y shifts are
commonly negative-as here, where the base value of 825 is decreased (by
-3) to 8 22.
For C-7 the effect of the carbonyl group is vanishingly small .
Note that the point of attachment of C=O on butane and ethane (C-2
and C-4) is CH1CO; hence, the increment in each case is 30. This is
notwithstanding the fact that the terminal carbon in each parent hydro-
earbon is CH 3 . (See also example 3.11.)
Thus, the predicted & values (to the nearest integer) for the sp3 carbons
in 3-heptanone are, from C-l on, as follows: 8,36,43,27,22 and 13; the
observed values are 8, 36, 42, 26, 23 and 14.
Table 3.17 lists the chemical shift for the C=O carbon of a dialkyl
ketone at & 205-218; it is observed at & 211.

C-5 andC-6




I I I I I i iii I i I I I I I I
200 150 100 50 o 6c

Figure 3.34 13C NMR spectrum of isobutyl acetate. (20 MHz in CDCI3, broad
band proton decoupled.) Multiplicities (s.d.t.q) come from
off-resonance data. Insert : Appearance of the septet signal from
solvents containing the CD3 group, such as acetone-de or DMSO-d6
(CD3SOCD3) .

Example 3.11
Question. Predict the chemical shift posinons for the carbons in (a)
sec-butyl acetate, IV, and (b) isobutyl acetate, V.
Model answer. (a) The starting point again is butane , whose & values are
given in table 3.11. On this occasion the functional group is attached to the
C-2 of butane; although this is a CH 2 group in butane itself, it is CH in
sec-butyl acetate , so we therefore use the increment 50 (not 52) in table
25 + 1 13 + 1
/CH 2 , /CH 3
13 - 6 25+50

sec-butyl acetate , IV
(b) The starting point for isobutyl acetate is isobutane (methylpropane,
VI), the () values of which are shown in table 3.11 and in the formula,
together with the increments for the substitution of OCOCH 3 •
24 - 6
I 25 + 1
24 - 6 24 + 52
isobutyl acetate, V isobutane, VI

The predicted values for the carbonyl carbons in both isomers is ()

169-176 (table 3.17) and likewise for the isolated acetate methyl groups it
is () 20-22 (table 3.18).
The 13C_{ I H} NMR spectrum for isobutyl acetate is shown in figure
3.34, and signal assignment is straightforward.

Exercise 3.18 Predict the chemical shift positions for the carbons in the
three isomeric ethers C 4H IOO ; see example 3.5 above . Use ethane and
propane as models (table 3.15) and find methyl ethers in table 3.18.

Exercise 3.19 Predict the chemical shift positions for the carbons in the
three unbranched isomeric carbonyl compounds CsHIOO.

Example 3.12
Question. Predict the chemical shift positions for the carbons in butyl
acrylate, VII .

butyl acrylate, VII

Model answer. The () values for the butyl group are predicted in a similar
way to, example 3.10, and the ester C=O carbon predicted from table
25 - 6 13 + 52 0 123 + 9
......... CH2 " ......... CH3 ............ II,CH2
CH3 CH2 O - C - CH2
13 25+7 123+4
butane ester ethylene

The alkene (Sp2) carbons (see table 3.16) should appear 8 127 (123 + 4)
and 8 132 (123 + 9).
The observed chemical shifts in butyl acrylate are 8 13, 19,30,64, 129,
130 and 165.

Example 3.13
Question . Predict the chemical shift positions for the carbons of p-
hydroxyacetophenone, p-CH 3COC6H40H; the 13C NMR spectrum is
shown in figure 3.1(b) .

:¢: 6:° :0


4 4
p-hydroxyacetophcnonc ortho meta

Model answer. The CH 3 and C=O carbons are listed in tables 3.18 and
3.17, respectively: the observed values are 8 26 and 8 199, respectively.
The ring carbons are considered with respect to benzene (in which all six
carbons appear at 8 128) and the effect of substituents is extracted -from
table 3.16. Numbering the carbons as in figure 3.1(b), and setting out the
data in tabular form, gives:

Carbon number Base value Substituent Intensity


C-1 128 -7 +9 130 low 129

C-2/C-6 128 +1 +l 130 high 131
C-3/C-5 128 -13 +1 11p high 116
C-4 128 +27 +6 161 low 161

It is now possible to assign the peaks on the spectrum in figure 3.l(b);

Example 3.14
Question. Predict the chemical shift positions for the carbons of the ortho
and meta isomers of hydroxyacetophenone (see example 3.13).
Model answer. The CH3 and C=O carbons are predicted to have the same
chemical shifts as in the para isomer.
For the ring carbons, note that all six carbons are nonequivalent in the
ortho and meta isomers. The working is as before , and is shown here only
for the ortho isomer, and the meta isomer can be similarly treated. (The
intensities of the substituted carbons are predicted to be lower than
normal-see section 3.13.5.)

Carbon number Base value Substituent Intensity


C-1 128 -13 +9 124 low

C-2 128 +27 +1 156 low
C-3 128 -13 +1 116 normal
C-4 128 +1 +6 135 normal
C-5 128 -7 +1 122 normal
C-6 128 + 1 +1 130 normal

Exercise 3.20 Predict the chemical shift positions for the carbons in (a)
methyl benzoate, C 6H sCOOCH3 , and (b) isopropyl benzoate,

Exercise 3.21 Predict the chemical shift positions for the carbons in (a)
the three isomers of dinitrobenzene (see Exercise 3.16 , above); (b) the
three isomeric methyl esters of chlorobenzoic acid (see Exercise 3.17,
above); and (c) the three isomers of hydroxybiphenyl (see Exercise 3.17,

Example 3.15
Question . Predict the chemical shift positions for the carbons in 2-ethyl-l-

7 8 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 123456

2~thyl·l-hexUlol 3-methylheptane

Model answer. The procedure used still demands that the 8 values for the
hydrocarbon are known before making allowance for the OH substituent.
The parent, therefore, is 3-methylheptane; note the nomenclature change
in the stem name. Since this hydrocarbon is not listed in table 3.11, we
must predict the Bvalues empirically, using the data at the bottom of table
3.11. Each carbon environment is taken in turn, and its chemical shift
calculated by summing together a constant and various increments caused
by the adjoining carbons. (The carbons in the hydrocarbon are numbered
as for the alcohol 2-ethyl-1-hexanol, to avoid confusion ; for nomenclature
purposes they would be numbered along the heptane chain .)
We calculate the shifts for 3-methylheptane as follows:
For Col . This is a CH 3 carbon (constant 6.80) with a CH carbon lX to it
(increment 17.83). There are two CH 2 groups J3 to it, but their influence
has already been subsumed in arriving at the value for the constant, so no
further increment is applied:
Q Q P .,. 6

calculation of C-I shift calculation of C-2 shift

There are also two 'Y carbons (increment 2(-2.99)) and one B carbon
(increment 0.49).
The total gives the predicted value of B 19.14.
For C-2. The constant for a CH carbon is 23.46, to which we add
2 x 6.60 (for two lX CH 2 groups) and -2.07 (for one 'Y carbon) the B
carbon being ineffectual. Note again that no increments are taken for the lX
CH 3 carbon, nor for the two J3 carbons.
The total gives the predicted value of B 34.59.
The other carbons are treated similarly, giving predicted values of 35.81
(C-3), 29.46 (C-4) , 22.90 (C-5), 13.86 (C-6), 29.54 (C-7) and 10.87 (C-8) .
Since subsequent predictive ability has no better accuracy than 1 ppm,
these values are shown in the formula to the nearest integer. The observed
values are also shown (in parentheses) .

36(31) 23(23) 6S 30 23

3·methylheptane 2-ethyl·! -hexanol

(predicted 6 values (observed 6 values)
and, in brackets , observed)

For 2-ethyl-l-hexanol we must now add the influence of the OH group

(table 3.15) giving the predicted values of C-1 through C-8 of 69,44,33,29.
23, 14, 27 and 11, respectively . The observed B values are shown on the
formula, and are all within 4 ppm of predicted.
Exercise 3.22 Predict the chemical shift positions for the carbons of
propane. butane. isobutane . norbornane and bicyclo(2 .2.2)octane , using
the empirical prediction data in table 3.11 .

Example 3.16
Question. Predict the chemical shift positions for the carbons in 1-hexene.
Model answer. There are three aspects to this problem, since the sp2 and
sp3 carbons must be treated separately, and the existence of cis and trans
isomers must also be considered for all alkenes.
For the alkene carbons (sp") we use the empirical relationship given in
table 3.12.
2 4 6 13' 13
-:::rCH" / ' CH2 " / ' CH
CH2 CH2 CH2 ~
a "I t a "I
1 3 5
l-hexene calculation of calculation of
C-l shift C-2 shift

For C-l, we note that there is no substitution on the left-hand side of the
formula (the side near to C-1) , while there is <x', 13' and "I' substitution (on
the side distant from Col) . To the base value of 123 we sum the increments
(-8. -2 and +2) , giving the predicted value of S 115.
For C-2, there is, on the side near to C-2, an o , a 13 and a "I substituent, so
the predicted S value is (123 + 10 + 7 - 2) = S 138. There are no
substituents on the side distant from C-2 (<x', 13' or "I') .
For C-3, C-4, C-5 and C-6 , since these are alkane carbons (Sp3) , we take
but ane as base and add the appropriate increments shown in table 3.15 to
account for the substituent (-CH=CH 2) , as in example 3.10, etc .
Predicted S values are 35, 32, 23 and 13. All of these values are in good
agreement with observed values and can be compared with, for example ,
the molecule shown in table 3.12.
There is no geometrical isomerism possible in this molecule , but it will
be instructive to carry out the same predictive process for 2-pentene (the
chemical shifts of which are shown in table 3.12). It will be found that the S
values for the sp2 carbons are quite accurately predicted, but that the sp3
carbons are less successfully accommodated . Now observe the S values for
the three methyl groups in 2-methyl-2-butene (shown below table 3.18):
the considerable differences are due to steric effects, and while a number
of cases respond to further refinement of the empirical method, the
predictive accuracy is not reliable, and variations of the order shown must
be tolerated.

Exercise 3.23 Predict the chemical shift positions for the alkene carbons
of 2,5-dimethyl-3-hexene .
Exercise 3.24 Predict the chemical shift positions for the alkene carbons
of 2-methyl-3-heptene.

Example 3.17
Question. Predict the chemical shift positions for the carbons in l-hexyne,
C 4 I-hC==CH.
Model answer. Table 3.13 lists the chemical shifts for the sp hybridized
carbons of some alkynes; the shifts for l-hexyne can be predicted from the
empirical relationship shown at the foot of the table , operated similarly to
that used for the sp2 carbons of alkenes in example 3.16.


ex "Y' ex "Y
.r-:»>: »<;>»:
~ fl' 6' ~ fl 6
t t
calculation of calculation of
C-I shift C-2 shift

For C-I, the summation of base value and increments gives (72 -
6 + 1 - 1 + 0.5) and a prediction of B67.5 for this carbon. The observed
value is & 66.
For C-2 the summation is (72 + 7 + 5 + 0 + 0.5) and a predicted shift
of B 84.5, compared with the observed & 83.
The remaining carbons in the molecule are sp3 hybridized, and are
treated as usual from the base of butane.

It is interesting to draw attention to the way in which carbon substituents

alter the chemical shift in sp carbons, in contrast to Sp2 carbons-where the
effects are almost uniformly opposite in sign. Disappointingly, there is no
adequate rationale for this, and it must be taken at its empirical face value.
In the following exercises 13C NMR chemical shift data are given with (in
parentheses) multiplicity information using the abbreviations s, d , t and q:
see sections 3.13.7 and 3S.3 .1. The relative intensities have been taken
from real spectra: recall that such intensities are usually distorted (see
section 3.13.6) . In most cases it will be an advantage to construct a
stick-diagram sketch of the spectrum on graph paper as an aid to
familiarization with the appearance of the real spectra.
Exercise 3.25 Deduce the structure of a compound of molecular formula
C 7H60 2 which was slightly acidic and gave a precipitate with 2,4-
dinitrophenylhydrazine. Its 13C NMR spectrum showed the following
signals: 8117 (d) , 8130 (s), 8133 (d), 8164 (s) and 8191 (d) . The relative
intensities observed in a real spectrum were approximately 8: 1:8: 1:2.
(Note that there are seven carbons in the molecule , but only five signals:
use the intensities to tell you those signals which correspond to more than
one carbon atom .)

Exercise 3.26 A neutral compound of molecular formula C lOH I20 gave

the following l3C NMR signals: 822 (q) , 8 68 (d), 8128 (d), 8129 (d), 8 131
(s),8 132 (d) and 8166 (s) with approximate observed relative intensities of
8:3:6:8: 1:3: 1. Deduce its structure .

Exercise 3.27 The l3C NMR spectrum of an unknown compound

(C 6H IOO) consisted of the following signals: 820 (q), 827 (q), 8 31 (q), 8
124 (d), 8 154 (d) and 8 197 (s) , with relative intensities 3:4:3 :4:2:1.
Deduce its structure. Confirm the structure by calculation of the expected

200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 06c

Alkanes (sp' )

Alkenes (op') Methane )


Aromatics and heterouomatics (sp')

Alkyl halides, C -X

- --
Aloohols and ethers , C-O

A1kylamines, C-N
AryIC-S AlkylC-S
'Thiolsand thiophenols, C- S

AryIC-P AlkylC-P
Orpnophoophorus, C~

Aldehydes, ketones and quinones, C=O

Carboxylic acid derivatives, C=O

R -N"C R-C=N
Nitriles and isonitriles, C-N
200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 06c

Figure 3.35 13C chemical shift summary chart (0 values).


Table 3.11 1) values for the carbons in alkane groups (Sp 3)


Methane CH. Ii -2.3 ethane CH)CH) Ii 5.7

16 25 13 23 29.5
»<. »<:> »<:>»;
15 15 13 25 24 24 14 33 ( )n
propane butane isobutane long alkyl chain


Ring size 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Shift (Ii) -2.9 23.3 26.5 27.3 29 28 27 26

«. c6
39 39 39

30 ~


17 bicyclo[ 2,2,2) octane


Chemical shift (6) = constant + 1:Q+ 1:')' + 1:6

Q carbons - the increment varies for CH 2 , CH and C carbons

Q CH) groUPSl
do not count these (the constant includes them)
(3 carbons

Constant Increment for each carbon ')' carbons 6 carbons

substituent Q carbons

-CH 2 - -CH- -C-
-eH) carbons 6.80 9.56 17.83 25.48 -2.99 0.49

-CH 2-carbons 15.34 9.75 16.70 21.43 -2.69 0.25

-CH - carbons 23.46 6.60 11.14 14.70 -2.07 0

-C-carbons 27.77 2.26 3.96 7.35 0.68 0

Table 3.12 5 values for the carbons in alkenes and cycloalkenes (both sp2 a nd sp3
ca rbo ns listed)
ethylene propylene CH3CH=CH 2
(ethene) (propene) 19 ns

28 112 123 11
I- butene CH3CH 2CH =CH 2 2- butene CH3CH=CHCH3
(cis and trans)
13 139 II 123
23 137


D ~13
31 32
109 137 131

124 21 : 139 29
12 133 14 I 11S 34 ()"

32 20 29


49 7S

.k k (130
2~ 1 36 ~143 (5..:)134

norbomene norbornadiene


Chemical shift (8) =123 + l:(increments for carbon atoms)

increments -2

-y II a
+7 +10
I a' p'
-8 - 2 +2

base value 123


Table 3.13 0 values for the carbons in alkynes (sp)


acetylene (ethyne) CH =CH 6 72

83 66 82

C6H s - C=C-C 6H s


Chemical shift (6) = 72 + l:(increments for carbon atoms)

6 "Y fJ a a' fJ' "Y' 6'
increments +0.5 0 +5 +7 - 6 +2 -I +0.5

base value 72

Table 3.14 1) values for the carbons in aromatic and heterocyclic molecules ( Sp 2
and Sp3 carb ons listed )

128 128 127 128

© ~1 26

benzene naphthalene anthracene phenanthrene



~25 139 146 128 138

00 00
1 2 9 0 0 24 119 124
~124~ 132
or 126 122 127
tetralin indane acenaphthene acenaphthylene

ft:;j) fR...121

1 26
144 Q';1 25
S ~1 50

furan thiophene pyrrole pyridine


0 0
26 26

Q 0
31 27
68 32 47
o N N 48
tetrahydrofuran, tetrahydro thiophene pyrrolid ine piperidine

CH 2 0H

0r ~
I 22/1 N 106 135

HO 3 'O
HO 4 5 I
~ H
imidazole pyrazole
GLUCOS E a - OH axial
fJ - OH equatorial
C, C2 C. C. C, C.
a- 97 75 77 70 77 62
fJ - 93 72 74 70 72 62

Table 3.15 Influence of functional group X on the chemical shift position (l» of
nearby carbons in alkane chains

a II -y

a-shift fl-shift -y-shift

I 1---4 l-------i
X X-CH. - X-CH- x-c-

I· or 2· or 3·

-CH 3 9 6 3 9 -3
-R: see table 3.11
CH I 5 -6
' 6 9 0
(in cyclohexanes)
-CH=CH. 22 16 12 7 -2
-C=CH 4 3 -3
-C.H, . -Ar 23 17 11 10 -3
-F 70 8 -7
-CI 31 35 42 10 -5
-Dr 19 28 37 11 -4
-I -7 t020 II -2
-NH r - -NHR. -NR. 29 24 18 II -4
-NO. 62 3 -5
- NHCOR. -NRCOR 10 0 0
- NH.' 25 7 -3
-eN 3 4 2 -3
-SH 2 2 -2
-OH 50 45 40 9 -3
-OR 50 24 17 10 -6
-OCOR 52 50 45 7 -6
/ 20 16 13 2 -3
- SO. H.- SO. N \
/ ' 30
24 17 2

Table 3.16 Influence of functional group X on the chemical shift positions (&) of
nearby carbons in alkene groups and benzene rings

Basevalues: ethylene(3 123) and benzene (3 128)

x'- o~rtlw

-:\ C-2


Alkenes Benzenes
C-2 C-I ortho meta para

-CH, 10 -8 9 0 0 -2
R,~ 16 -8 IS 0 0 -2
R,~ 23 -8 21 0 0 -2
-CH=CH 2 IS -6 9 0 0 -2
-CH:=CH -6 4 0 0
-C.H s, -Ar 13 - II 13 -I I -I
-F 25 -34 35 -14 I -5
-CI 3 -6 6 0 I -2
-Br -8 -I -5 3 2 -2
-I -38 7 - 32 10 3 -I
-NH. 18 -13 I -10
-NHR 20 -14 I -10
-NR 2 22 -16 I -10
-NO. 22 -I 20 -5 I 6
-NHCOR. -NRCOR 10 -7 1 -4
-eN -IS IS -16 4 I 6
-SH 4 I I -3
-oH 27 -13 I -7
-OR 29 -39 30 -IS I -8
-OCOR 18 -27 23 -6 I -2
/ 4 9 2 2 0 5
-eOR.-eHO 14 13 9 I I 6
-SO,H, -SO.N,
/ 16 0 0 4
-PMe. 14 1.6 0 -I
-¥Ar 2 9 5 .0 0
Table 3.17 II values for the carbons in carbonyl groups and some other
multiple-bonded environments (solvent shifts, ± 2 ppm, are
commonly observed for C=O)

R-CHO aliphatic aldehydes 200-205


I/CHO~ aryl and conjugated aldehydes" 190-194
R-CO-R 1 dialkyl ketones 205-21S
Ar-C.O-Ar aryl and conjugated ketones 196-199

~o cyclohexanone derivatives 209-213

\:::::/0 cyclopentanone derivatives 214-220

bicyclic ketones 215-219

~ o
simple Quinones ISo-IS7

carboxylic acids and salts 166-ISI


I aliphatic esters
esters with conjugation in
the acid or alcohol moiety


S'TO lactones 170017S


-co-o-co- anhydrides, all classes 163-175

<, amides, all classes including lactams 162-179
(Conlinued on p. 2(0)
Table 3.17 (continued)

-CO-NH-CO- imides 168-184

-COCI acyl chlorides, all classes 167-172
-NH-CO-NH- ureas 153-163
-O-CO-O- carbonates 152-156
R-C=N nitriles 114-124
R-N C isonitriles 156-158
R-N=C=O isocyanates 12(}..130

::C=NOH oximes 148-158

>=NNHCONH 1 semicarbazones 158-160

'C=N-NH- hydrazones 145-149


imines 157-175

"Note : ©-
o 8177
Table 3.18 /) value s for the carbons in methyl groups in common environments

CH]-Ar side-chain 20- 2 1

CH] -OAr aryl ethers 56
CH]-OR alkyl ethers 59

CH]-C-R Me ketones 26-31

CH]-C-O-R acetates 20-22

Me esters 51-52

2° and 3° arnines 3Q-45

II ./ acetamides 24
CH]-C-N ........

2° and 3° amides 31-39

(Note : CH] -NH-COOEt 15) .

where X is halogen, CN, CO 13-19


CH] 13

steric effects difficult to predict.

Table 3.19 Solvents used in NMR work

Ap~roximate s for
H equivalent 13c s value(s)
Solvent (as contaminant) bprC fprc

acetic acid-d, 13 and 2 21, 177 118 16.6

acetone-do 2 30, 205 56 -95
acetonitrile-d, 2 0.3 , 117 82 -44
benzene-do 7.3 128 80 5.5
carbon disulfide 1931 46 -108.5
carbon tetrachloride 97 77 -23
chloroforrn-d 7.3 77 61 -63
deuterium oxide 4.7-5 101.5 3.8
dimethylsulfoxide-do 2 43 189 18
methanol-d 4 (CD)OD) 3.4 49 65 -98
hexachloroacetone 124, 126 203 -2
pyridine-d, 7.5 124-150 115 -42
toluene-d, 7.3 and 2.4 21, 125-138 110 -95
trifluoroacetic acid-d 13 115, 163 72 -15
dioxane 3.7 67 101 11.8



Spin-spin coupling has been presented as an interaction between
nuclei, transmitted via the electrons of the intervening bonds; the
effect of these interactions was to alter the energy levels available to
the coupling nuclei (see, for example, section 3.8.3) and this, in turn,
led to splitting of the spectral lines into doublets, triplets, and so on,
with spacings equal to the coupling constant, J, which had sign in
addition to magnitude.
Double irradiation was introduced in sections 3.11.2 and 3.13.3, in
the context of spin decoupling, to simplify proton and 13C NMR
spectra, respectively.
We shall now look at these mechanisms in greater detail, to see
how they are interconnected: the explanations offered will also allow
us to explain certain other double irradiation techniques used in the
practice of NMR spectroscopy.
35.1.1 Electron-coupled interactions through bonds
When molecules are arranged in rigidly close proximity in the solid
state, as in a crystal lattice, their magnetic nuclei interact powerfully
through space, and special techniques are necessary to minimize
these nuclear dipolar effects. In nonviscous solutions, however,
because of rapid tumbling, these internuclear effects are averaged
out to zero and the only remaining interactions among nuclei are
transmitted through the interconnecting bonds.
This is the reason for recording most NMR spectra in solution in
nonviscous solvents: unless the neat sample is itself nonviscous, the
slower tumbling in a viscous medium does not eliminate the
through-space coupling, and severe line broadening is the result.
Direct (through-space) coupling is about one thousand times
stronger than the electron-coupled interactions.
The coupling of two magnetic nuclei via a single bond directly
linking them is illustrated schematically in figure 3.36(a) and (b). We
can suppose that A is a carbon-13 nucleus and X is a proton, but the
argument holds for any other spin ~ nuclei. The two electrons within
the bond must have anti parallel spins (Pauli exclusion principle). At
{a) we can show that nucleus A has its nuclear spin anti parallel to the
nearest electron of the bond, as has nucleus X: this arrangement,
with all four spins (both electron and nuclear) mutually anti parallel, is

,..........- ------- -... .........

(¢t ~ '\)

, /
'- / '/
...... ""'- -,/

(a) (b)


Figure 3.36 Through-bond spin coupling for two directly bonded atoms, A and
X. The electrons in the bond must retain antiparallel spins, but the
nuclear spins may be (a) antiparallel or (b) parallel. Usually (a) is
the more stable arrangement.
usually the more stable, and the total energy of the system of spins is
lowered as a result of the interaction. At (b) the electron spins are also
opposed (the Pauli principle dictates this) but the nuclear spins are
parallel; this is less stable and thus of higher energy than the former
In summary, the coupling of these directly bonded nuclei leads to
increased stabilization when the nuclear spins are antiparallel.
The amount of stabilization is, as we shall see, related to the
coupling constant, but is of an exceedingly small order: coupling
constants in organic chemistry are often less than 15 Hz, and this
corresponds to about 10-13 J (from E = hv).

.--- .....
/ \


( a)


Figure 3.37 Through-bond spin coupling for two protons joined (a) geminally or
(b) vicinally through carbon. Usually two-bond coupling systems are
more stable with the nuclear spins parallel to each other, and for
three-bond couplings the system is usually more stable when the two
coupling spins are antiparallel.

Figure 3.37 sets out the preferred arrangements of nuclear and

electron spins for nuclei coupled via two bonds (such as in the
gem ina I coupling between the protons of CH2 groups at (all and for
three-bond interaction (such as the vicinal proton coupling at (b)). In
each case the arrangement of electron and nuclear spins is always
mutually antiparallel along the sequence from one hydrogen nucleus
to the other, and these represent the most stable arrangement in
each case. Note, therefore, that for geminal coupling the nuclear
spins prefer the parallel orientation (anti parallel nuclear spins being
less favored) and for vicinal coupling they prefer the antiparallel
orientation (with parallel nuclear spins being less favored). Thus, the
number of intervening bonds between coupling nuclei dictates
whether a system of parallel or anti parallel nuclear spins is the more
stable combination.

35.1.2 Energy levels-the sign of J

To show how these factors lead to spin-spin splitting in the NMR
experiment, we can refer to figure 3.38, which is an extended version
of figure 3.16. It refers to the simple circumstance of two protons, A
and X, coupling to give a system of two doublets-AX coupling-but
similar arguments apply to (say) a carbon-13 nucleus coupling with a
In terms of chemical shift, proton A may occupy either of two
energy levels, corresponding to its being aligned with the applied
field or opposed to it: likewise, there are two energy levels for proton
When the two nuclei interact, their four energy levels combine,
creating four new shared levels; these are shown at (a) in the figure
(not to scale).
The lowest energy level corresponds to the circumstance where
both A and X are aligned with So-that is, (A i )(X i ). The highest
energy level has both spins opposed to So-that is, (A! )(X ! ). Of
intermediate energy are the combinations (A t )(X ! ) and (A! )(X t ).
When proton A absorbs RF radiation and is at resonance in the NMR
experiment, its aligned orientation is inverted to an opposed orienta-
tion, and this occurs both through the transition from level 1 to level 3
and through the transition from level 2 to level 4. When X absorbs RF
radiation at resonance, it, respectively, undergoes both transitions,
from level 1 to level 2 and from level 3 to level 4. (In all NMR
transitions only one spin may invert at a time, so that transitions from
(A t )(X t ) to (A ! ~(X ! ) and from (A t )(X ! ) to (A t )(X t ) are forbid-
At (a) in the figure the energy gap from level 1 to level 3 is equal to
that from level 2 to level 4; this means that proton A only absorbs RF
at one frequency and thus shows only one absorption line on the
spectrum. In the same way (since the energy differences in transi-
tions 1 to 2 and 3 to 4 are equal), proton X shows only one absorption
line on the spectrum.

Stabilized -!!J.E

Az Xz A(t) to t i) X(t) to W AI XI

!!J.E 3
Destabilized or A(.l,)X(t)

»s: !!J.E

or A(t)XW

AI XI A(t) to W xrn to W Az Xz

!!J.E;- --
Stabilized or A(t)X(t)

(c) (a) (b)

Figure 3.38 The coupling interactions among nuclei alter the energy levels and
transition frequencies : the coupling constant, J, is a measure of this
energy of interaction.
This system represents a coupling constant J = 0 Hz
Now, in addition to considering the large energy transitions of
resonance, which correspond to frequencies of the order of hundreds
of MHz, we must consider the effect of electron-coupled interactions.
At (b) in figure 3.38 we can stipulate that the favored orientation of
the nuclear spins of A and X be antiparallel, as for the vicinal protons
discussed in section 351.1. This leads to slight changes in the energy
levels: in levels 2 and 3, where the A and X spins are antiparallel, this
stabilization lowers these levels by /1£, while levels 1 and 4 (spins
parallel) are raised by /1E.
Now we can see that the four possible transitions are all different in
dimension; the largest energy gap is transition 2 to 4, followed in
diminishing order by 1 to 3, 3 to 4 and 1 to 2. Four frequencies are
now involved, and four lines appear on the spectrum, corresponding
to the A doublet (lines A l and A 2 ) and the X doublet (lines Xl and X 2).
This is arbitrarily defined as a system in which J is positive.
If nuclear spins are more stable when parallel than when antiparal-
lei (as in the geminal protons in section 35.1.1), then the electron-
coupled interactions will lead to slight additional stabiliza-
tion-lowering-of levels 1 and 4 with destabilization-raising-of
levels 2 and 3, as shown at (c) in figure 3.38. Once again four new
transitions become available, and four lines appear on the spectrum,
but in this case the highest-energy transition (highest-frequency
absorption) is transition 1 to 3 (line A l), then 2 to 4 (line A 2 ) , followed
by 1 to 2 and 3 to 4 (lines Xl and X 2, respectively).
This is defined as a system in which J is negative.
Although different transitions are involved with each of the lines in
the case of J positive compared with J negative, the appearance of
the spectrum is identical. Conversely, it is not possible by examina-
tion of an AX spectrum to determine the sign of the coupling
constant, J.
The dimensions of figure 3.38 are not to scale, but it is instructive to
put some real values on the various energy gaps involved where A
and X are both protons. A typical resonance transition for protons
corresponds to 100'MHz, or 100 000 000 Hz (for a 2.35 T magnet), and
a typical difference in chemical shift between A and X might be
2 ppm-or 200 Hz: transitions A l, A 2, Xl and X 2 are all enormous in
scale (100 MHz) compared with the difference in dimensions between
A l and Xl (200 Hz).
The dimension J is even smaller, being typically of the order of
10 Hz. When A and X couple, one line of each doublet moves 2/1£ to

higher frequency and the other line moves 2AEto lower frequency, so
that the final separation within each doublet is 4AE, which is equal to
the coupling constant, J. Thus, the electron-coupled interaction
between these nuclei changes the energy levels by a mere 2-3 Hz.
Figure 3.38 is out of scale by a factor of tens of m illions.

3S1.3 Internuclear double resonance (lNDOR) and selective

population inversion (SPI)
In a real sample of molecules the energy levels in figure 3.38 will be
populated w ith m illions of nuclei, and at equilibrium their relative
numbers can be calculated from Boltzmann distribution theory.
These equilibrium populations will be distorted if the system is
doubly irradiated with radiofrequency corresponding in energy to
that of any of the transitions, and this, in turn, will affect the
probability of other transitions arising.
We can illustrate this by considering the effect of double irradiation
of the X, line in the AX spectrum at (b) in figure 3.38. Radiofrequency
corresponding to this energy transition (from level 3 to level 4) will
cause nuclei to pass upward from 3 to 4: as a consequence, the
population of level 3 will be depleted, while that of level 4 will be
This will have the effect of increasing the probability of nuclei
undergoing the transition from 1 to 3, since it will exaggerate the
difference in their populations : as a result, the intensity of this 1 to 3
transition (line A 2 ) will increase. Conversely, since level 4 becomes
overpopulated, transition 2 to 4 will be less probable, and the
intensity of line A, will decrease . This is the basis of selective
population inversion (SPI) and internuclear double resonance
(INDOR). To understand the INDOR and SPI experiments, it is conve-
nient to draw out the shared energy levels of figure 3.38(b) slightly
differently, as shown in figures 3.39 and 3.41.
In the INDOR experiment applied to simple AX systems, we
monitor the line intensities of the A signal and sweep a weak
radiofrequency source through the X frequencies; as the X frequen-
cies are stimulated, line intensities in the A signal will alter, and we
can plot this change in intensity onto a recorder. The perturbing
irradiation used in INDOR is about one-twentieth of that required for
complete decoupling. The perturbed signals and the monitored
signals can, therefore, be very much closer on the spectrum than is
true in decoupling. In INDOR only the populations of spin states are
altered-no change in energy levels is induced.
A simple INDOR experiment is illustrated in figure 3.39 for a
four-line AX spectrum. We continuously monitor the line intensity
(peak height) of line A" and sweep the perturbing irradiation through
X, and X2 ; at X, the perturbation causes a decrease in the line
intensity of A" while at X 2 it causes an increase. If we monitor line A 2
and repeat the irradiation of X lines, we get a second INDOR
spectrum showing that the line intensity of A 2 increases for irradia-
tion at X, and decreases for irradiation at X2 •
The energy diagram in figure 3.39 (compare figure 3.38) helps to
explain why line intensities change in the A signal during double
irradiation of the X signal. In this diagram we represent each line on
the spectrum as a transition between spin states ',2,3 and 4 (noting
that energetically A, > A2 > X, > X2 ).

ClIIIveational spectrum INDOR spectra

c;:;-- irrad iation at X,

~ irradiation at X,

W W ~ irrad iation at X,
double t
mon itorJ
Monitor A, ~~
~ irradiation at X,

Figure 3.39 Energy diagrams for INDOR study of a typical AX coupling system .
Successive irradiation at each X line alters the intensities of the A
lines. Of the alternative presentations. the second diagram
emphasizes the shared nature of the E levels.

Irradiation at X, will only produce an INDOR signal from line A, if

they have an energy level in common; from the diagram we see this
to be so (level'). Irradiation at Xl induces the transition 3 _ " and
the population of spin state , is increased. Because of this, the

probability of transition 2 - 1 (the A, line) becomes less favored, and

the line intensity of A, is reduced (negative INOaR signal) .
Conversely, because the transition 3 _ 1 is stimulated, the popula-
tion of spin state 3 is reduced, and therefore transition 4 - 3 (the A 2
line) becomes more probable; the A 2 line intensity increases (positive
INOaR signal).
We can follow this by considering irradiation at line X 2 , which
stimulates transition 4 - 2; the populations of spin states 4 and 2 are
perturbed, state 4 being depleted and state 2 augmented. The
transitions that share these energy levels are also affected: the A 2line
intensity will decrease (negative INOaR peak) and the A, line intens-
ity will increase (positive INOaR peak).
We describe the relationship between the transition X 2 and A" and
between A 2 and Xl, as being progressive; the relationship between
transitions A 2 and X2 and between Xl and A l , are called regressive.
Positive INOaR signals are produced when monitored and irradiated
lines have a progressive relationship; negative INOaR peaks arise
when monitored and irradiated lines have a regressive relationship.
By ingenious instrumentation it can be arranged that the INOaR
spectra are recorded directly onto the same trace as the normal
spectrum in such a way that the INOaR peaks line up with the original
transitions that are being affected. This factor is most important in
complex spectra, an example of which is reproduced in figure 3.40.

+-+ Monilorins A,

~ Monilorins A,


Monilorins A.
) 'J
I l:z .. 3.

A M x

5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 s

Figure 3.40 Normal and INDOR NMR spectra of styrene oxide (epoxide ring
protons only) . (Recorded at 90 MHz.)

Signs of the coupling constants. In figure 3.40 (styrene oxide)

monitoring of line A l shows INOaR signals from lines M" M 3 , X, and
X 2 , which means that M l and M 3 correspond to the same spin
orientation of X, and that Xl and X2 correspond to the same spin
orientation of M. (The INDOR method is being used to detect those
lines having common energy levels.) Since, therefore, lines A l and
M l have the same spin orientation of X in common, J AX and J MX have
the same sign. By the same argument, lines A l and Xl correspond to
the same spin orientation of M, so that JAM and J MX have the same

Selective population inversion, SPI, can be understood as an

extreme example of the population changes exhibited in the INDOR
In reference to figure 3.41, we may consider that the energy system
relates to an AX couplinq pair, in which A is a carbon-13 nucleus and
X is a proton.
If a massive pulse of RF is applied at the frequency of line X 2 , the
intensity of line A l increases, but the population of level 1 is so
depleted that nuclei are induced to drop from level 3 to level
1-giving rise to an emission peak for line A 2 : this is population
The quantum theoretical treatment of the phenomenon shows that
the changes in line intensity follow the ratio between the magneto-
gyric ratios of the two nuclei A and X, which, in turn, follows the ratio
between their NMR precession frequencies (see section 3.2). For
carbon and proton this ratio is approximately 4: assuming arbitrarily
that the original line intensities for the A signals were 1, then the new
intensity of line A l is found to have a maximum intensity (1 + 4) and
that of line A 2 is (1 -4), thus being -3 below the baseline: see (b) in
figure 3.41. It is a simple software matter to invert this negative
signal, by shifting it 1800 in phase, so that the spectrum has both lines
'positive', but with enhanced line intensities of 5 and 3, compared
with 1 and 1 in the original spectrum: see (c) in the figure.
Having outlined the principles of selective population inversion
and the advantages it brings to signal intensity, it can be said that the
arguments largely apply to other nonselective procedures which are
more widely used; sensitivity is a constant problem in low-
abundance nuclei, such as carbon-13 or nitrogen-15, and these
methods work by transfer of polarization from the strong proton
system to the weaker carbon-13 or nitrogen-15 system. Since the
magnetogyric ratio for proton is ten times that of nitrogen-15 (the
same factor separates their precessional frequencies), then this
polarization transfer (PT) can lead to tenfold increases in the line
intensities for nitrogen-15 signals.


-..,--2 Normal





Figure 3.41 Selective population inversion, like polarization transfer, increases

line intensities by double irradiation.

35.1.4 Nuclear Overhauser effect (NOEl

The nuclear Overhauser effect can be used to demonstrate that two
protons (or groups of protons) are in close proximity within the
molecule, and is therefore of considerable value in the study of
molecular geometry.
The basic observation of NOE can be described by reference to the
hypothetical molecule I. The two protons, Ha and Hb, we must
imagine to be close enough to allow through-space interaction of
their fluctuating magnetic vectors; each can contribute to the other's
spin-lattice relaxation process (T1 ) . The number of intervening bonds
between Ha and Hb is too large to allow normal coupling between
them, but this is not a prerequisite for the operation of NOE.
If we double irradiate at the Hb signal , we shall stimulate absorp-
tion and emission processes for Hb , and this stimulation will be
transferred through space to the relaxation mechanism of Ha . The
spin-lattice relaxation of Ha w ill be speeded up, leading to a nett
increase in the NMR absorption signal of Ha • Ha and Hb must be
w ith in 3.5 A of each other.
In summary, provided that Hb makes a sign if icant contribution to
the spin -lattice relaxation process of Ha , then double irradi ation of Hb
causes an increase in the intensity of the Ha signal (by 1-50% for
pro tons) .
Since molecular oxygen is paramagnetic, and can contribute to
nuclear spin-lattice relaxation processes, the NOE experiment
should be carried out on deoxygenated samples, to avoid interfe-
rence with the NOE observation.
A simple example of NOE is found in isovani ll in. If we first record
the NMR spectrum for isovanillin norma lly, and then while irradiating
at the CH3 0 frequency, the integral for the ortho proton (which
appears as a doublet) is markedly increased.

OCH 3 7 NOE interaction


A practical consequence of NOE is that in spin decoupling exper-

iments the line int ensities observed on a decoupled spectrum may
not be the same as in the no rmal (nondecoupled) spectrum, and
these intensiti es may not always correspond to integral numbers of
protons. This same observation applies in the proton-decoupled
spectra of 13C resonances (see page 179).
The NOE can be mo re carefu lly assessed with difference spectra, in
which a spectrum is first recorded without double irradiation, and
then with double irradiation of one proton , or group of protons:
subtraction of the former from the latter leaves residues of signals
only where that signal from a nearby proton has been NOE
enhanced, since all other signals will cancel out. The method has
been used to establish the stereochemistry of many complex biolo-
gical molecules, and also some simple E and Z alkene isomers. The
most reliable results are obtained where both E and Z isomers are
available; the NOE difference spectrum showing the greatest
enhancement can be taken to be the isomer in which the groups are
closer together in space.


Valuable structural information can be obtained by recording the
NMR spectra of organic compounds at high and low temperatures,
when rotational and intermolecular forces can be grossly changed.
The practical difficulties in introducing a heated or cooled sample
into the NMR magnet are considerable, since magnetic field changes
with magnet temperature, but insulated probes allow variable-
temperature NMR to be recorded routinely.

35.2.1 The variable-temperature probe

Two main systems are in use to produce high- or low-temperature
environments for the sample in the NMR spectrometer. In both
systems high temperatures are achieved by passing a gas (for
example, air or nitrogen) through a heater (with suitable thermostat-
ing) and then around the sample tube. Low temperatures are pro-
duced in one design by evaporation of a controlled quantity of
coolant (for example, liquid nitrogen); the other design utilizes the
Joule-Thomson effect, the gas being passed directly from the stor-
age cylinder through a small orifice within the probe.

35.2.2 Applications
A number of observations throughout this chapter have indicated the
practical value of variable-temperature NMR (see pages 130, 132).
It is not difficult to see its application to studies in restricted
rotation or ring inversions, etc., and there is a widely recognized
advantage in the ability to record the NMR spectra of thermolabile
materials, which are too transient for normal-temperature studies.
Many materials (for example, polyethylene, isotactic polypropylene)
are much more easily studied at high temperature and may give
relatively sharp spectra, because of the attendant decrease in viscos-
A few of the molecules whose rotational and inversional processes
have been studied are shown on page 215. By noting the temperature
at which such interconversions begin to occur (by gradually heating a
sample in which these processes have been 'frozen'), it is possible to
calculate the energies of activation for the rotations, etc.
Note that the protons of a methylene group adjacent to a chiral
center will never show equivalence by increasing the temperature of
the sample. No matter what their positions are, Ha and Hb will always
be in different chemical environments, and are termed diastereo-
Br Br Br
Hyf-yH Hyf-y Cl ;:::=:=:= Cl~H



topic. Chiral molecules (enantiomers) normally give rise to the same

spectra, even though their absolute stereochemistries are different,
but these absolute differences may be studied by using chiral
solvents or chiral lanthanide-shift reagents (for example, derived
from camphor) to induce different magnetic environments into the
otherwise mirror image forms.

= R,~R. =
yH b
H. and H, are diastereotopic


Computer control of inst rum entat ion allows the timing and manipu-
lation of radiofrequency pulses with- accuracies of the order of
nanoseconds, and many fast nuclear magnetic phenomena can be
investigated by controlling sequences of pulses at predetermined
intervals. In conjunction with large computer memories, vast series
of individual experiments can be conducted, each with sets of
variables, and all the data can be stored for later selection and
presentation in formats which permit structural information to be
ever more easily extracted.
The theory behind these experiments is discussed at length else-
where (see 'Further Reading'), but essentially rests on the two
different approaches to modelling magnetic resonance-the quan-
tum approach, which is concerned with the energy jumps among
nuclear spin states, and the classical mechanical model based on
nuclear precession (the nuclear gyroscope).
One nucleus, such as the proton, in an applied field may precess
either aligned with the field or opposed to the field: see figure 3.2. For
a real sample containing millions of nuclei, just over half of them will
precess in the aligned orientation and just under half will be opposed
(Boltzmann distribution; represented in figure 3.42(a)). To simplify
the physics of these millions of gyroscopes, we can adopt two
The nett magnetization vector. The algebraic sum of all of the
magnetic moments in the sample can be represented by a small nett
magnetization aligned with 8 0 : this has dimension and direction and
is a vector quantity with symbol M. At thermal equilibrium, in
particular, we represent it by Mo. See figure 3.42(b): note that by
convention 8 0 is always taken to act along the z axis. Note also that at
equilibrium the nett magnetization vector acts only along the z axis,
with no component along either the x or y axis.


- - - - . . " . . " - - - - - - - y-axis


(a) (b)

1 1B
Figure 3.42 The nett magnetization from an ensemble of nuclei at equilibrium
can be represented by a vector arrow aligned along the field (defined
as the z axis).
Rotating frames of reference. Instead of considering that we observe
the precessing nuclei from a viewpoint somewhere in the laboratory
(a laboratory frame of reference), we shall imagine that we can
become a part of the sample, and that we are ourselves spinning at
the same frequency as the nuclear precession (say 100 MHz for
protons and 25 MHz for carbon-13 nuclei). As we look around at the
nuclei, we shall now see them to be static, and a description of their
movements will be considerably simplified. We may select different
rotating frames of reference for our purposes, such as the proton
rotating frame or the carbon rotating frame.
When a weak pulse of radiofrequency is supplied to such an
ensemble of nuclei, we now can describe the result in relation to the
rotating frame of reference and the nett magnetization vector. The
radiofrequency pulse is polarized, and delivered along the x axis in
such a direction that it creates a magnetic effect which (with respect
to the rotating frame of reference) causes the nuclear spins to focus,
rather in the manner indicated in figure 3.43(a). After such a pulse,
the nett magnetization vector no longer lies entirely along the x axis,
but can be represented as in figure 3.43(b); we note that the vector
has been rotated on the yz plane, and has components on both the z
and yaxes. It is this component on the y axis which is detected in the
NMR experiment: it arises by the process of magnetic induction (first
observed between metal conductors by Michael Faraday). For the
duration of the pulse of RF, this induction is referred to as forced
induction; when the pulse is switched off, the relaxing nuclei con-
tinue to emit energy, which is then referred to as free induction, and
the routine pulsed NMR experiment records the free induction decay
interferogram. See section 3.3.2 on Felix Bloch and FTNMR.
Continuing the argument, if now we deliver a more powerful RF
pulse, we can rotate the nett magnetization vector through 90°,
producing the situation in figure 3.43(c). This has the maximum
possible component on the y axis: a single pulse of this power,
therefore, gives the strongest signal in the NMR experiment. After
such a 90° pulse, there is no residual magnetization along the z axis.
The circumstances represented by figure 3.43(d) are achieved with
an even more powerful pulse-the 180° pulse. In this condition no y
axis component exists (and thus no signal from the y axis detection);
the nett magnetization is equal in dimension to M o, but of opposite
Lastly, a pulse of power equivalent to approximately 130° (figure
3.43(e)) gives rise to a negative y axis component and a negative
signal in the NMR experiment.
Longitudinal and transverse relaxation. It is now possible to define
more precisely two relaxation processes which were qualitatively
described earlier, in terms of spin-lattice relaxation and spin-spin

relaxation. Figure 3.42(a) represents a collection of precessing nuclei

at equilibrium, and figure 3.43(a) represents them after RF excitation:
in time, the nuclei in figure 3.43 will be restored to the condition of
figure 3.42 by relaxation. If we now consider this in terms of the nett
magnetization vector, we must assess how the x axis, y axis and z
axis components of this vector behave. At equilibrium there is nett
magnetization along the z axis, but within a large sample of nuclei the
random orientation of magnets with respect to the x and y axes
averages out to zero. After the pulse, this is no longer true (figure
3.43(a) and (b)): the z axis component has been reduced and a yaxis
component has been created.


(d) (e)
M z =- M o

Figure 3.43 A pulse of RF focuses the nuclei toward the y axis, and rotates the
nett magnetization vector by an angle which is dictated by the pulse

When the system of nuclear spins relaxes, we can identify two

quite different process: (1) the reduced z axis component eventually
increases back to M o; (2) the y axis component reduces to zero.
Longitudinal relaxation is defined as that component of the whole
which is resolved along the z axis; it involves the system in a loss of
({!nthalpy, since it is associated with some of the nuclei dropping back
down to the lower energy levels. The energy lost is transferred to
other vectors in the surrounding solvent molecules and the like, and
for this reason is named spin-lattice relaxation.
Transverse relaxation is associated with the decline in magnetiza-
tion across Bo-that is, on the xy plane . The nuclei pictured in figure
3.43(a) are wholly in phase w ith the rotating frame of reference, but in
time they pass out of phase. It involves a restoration of the random-
ness with which the nuclei are orientated at equilibrium, and is thus
an entropy phenomenon. This can be understood by contrasting
figure 3.42(a) and figure 3.43(a); an alternative description of the xy
plane components, and their return to randomness, is shown in
figure 3.44.

(a) (b)

Figure 3.44 Decline of the y axis magnetization ; after a 9(1' pulse (see (a)),
individual nuclei exchange spins and go out of phase with the
rotating frame . Eventually their y axis components are randomized
(e) .
Nuclei continuously and spontaneously gain and lose energy at
one another's expense, moving from one energy level to another,
and in the process randomizing their spin orientations with respect to
one another. The alternative name spin-spin relaxation takes cogni-
zance of this process.
Both longitudinal and transverse relaxation are exponential pro-
cesses, and methods for measuring their separate rates are dis-
cussed in the specialized texts listed under 'Further Reading'. The
terms T, and T2 have been discussed earlier, in section 3.2.

35.3.1 CH31 CH2 and CH subspectra-spectrum editing-DEPT

If we consider a carbon-13 nucleus, without any attached proton,
then its precessional frequency is quite easily correlated with the
radiofrequency pulse, since resonance occurs when the two frequen-
cies are matched.
A CH resonance is split into a doublet by the attached proton (with
line separation equal to J CH) and therefore the relationship with the
radiofrequency is more complicated, since the two carbon signals
have different frequencies (for clarity, suppose that J CH = 100 Hz;
then the two carbon resonances differ in frequency by 100 Hz).
For a CH2 carbon, again if we take J CH = 100 Hz, then in this case
there will be three lines (triplet) differing by 100 Hz from one another
in frequency.
Lastly, for a CH3 carbon, four lines would appear (quartet) sepa-
rated from one another by JCH, again typically 100 Hz.
We should now consider this with respect to appropriate rotating
frames of reference: for a 2.3 T magnet, the carbon rotating frame
will have a frequency of 25 MHz and the proton rotating frame will
have a frequency of 100 MHz. If an uncoupled carbon-13 nucleus has
a resonance frequency of exactly 25 MHz, then we can say that the
signal from this nucleus will be constantly in phase with the
appropriate rotating frame. If, however, the carbon is coupled to one
hydrogen, the signal is split in two, and if we assume a coupling
constant of 100 Hz, then one of these signals will be 50 Hz higher in
frequency than the rotating frame and the other will be 50 Hz slower:
in other words, these signals are out of phase with the rotating frame.
If we are observers on a rotating frame at 25 MHz, we shall observe
the 'fast' signal as though it were still precessing around us with
frequency 50 Hz; we would observe the 'slow' signal going in reverse
at 50 Hz. It is simpler to observe from a reference frame rotating at
(25 MHz + 50 Hz), in which case the other signal is out of phase by
100 Hz-the coupling constant. Every one-hundredth of a second (the
reciprocal of J, the coupling constant) the other signal passes our
observation frame (that is, it is in phase with the reference frame).
After one-quarter of this time (one four-hundredth of a second, the
reciprocal of 4J) it has made one-quarter of a rotation (that is, it is 900
out of phase): after 1/(2J) it is 1800 out of phase. These relationships
are shown in figure 3.45.
Having discussed the case of a CH group and the way in which its
signals, separated by J Hz, pass in and out of phase with the rotating
frame, we can extend the principles to the signals from CH2 and CH3
All of these signals interact differently with the exciting radiation,
since all are out of synchronization (out of phase) to different
degrees, and at different times. The extent to which they are out of
step is very small, since a process operating with a frequency of
100 Hz occurs everyone-hundredth of a second, or every 10 ms. Fast
accurate pulse control allows these small differences to be exploited,
and it is possible to set up separate experiments to distinguish
selectively the carbon-13 resonances from CH3, CH2 and CH environ-
There are several variants to the method, but we can take as an
example of the results the 13C NMR spectrum for menthol shown in
figure 3.46: ten lines are shown in the full spectrum, each cor-
responding to one carbon environment. A separate subspectrum can
be generated for the CH3 carbons alone (showing three signals);
likewise for the CH2 carbons (showing three signals) and the CH
carbons (showing four signals). This separation of subspectra
according to the number of attached protons on the carbons (spec-
trum editing) constitutes a more certain method of identifying these
sites than the off-resonance decoupling technique (section 3.13.7).

CA C 8
IJC doublet
J Hz apar t

1/4J s 1/ 2J s I IJ s
90 0 out of phase
180 out of phase in phase
the reference frame is rotating exactly at the CA frequency
'H C8
DC triplet
CA and C 8 J Hz apa rt
CA and Cc 2J Hz apar t
th e reference frame is rot ating at the CA frequency :
lines C 8 and Cc have differ ent phase relati onships
0 0
with respect to th e ro ta ting frame (90 and 180
ou t of phase)

Figure 3.45 Phase relationships in the rotating fram e. Viewed f rom the C A
reference fram e. other signals in the m ultiplets (CB• Cel move in
and out of phase in a manner which is dependent on the coupling
constant. J.

The experimental method used to elicit this information involves a

complex system of pulses, and the utilization of several separate
phenomena. In the first place, the phase relationships outlined
above, when suitably manipulated, give rise to per iodic fluctuations
in the signal intensity, described as spin echoes. Second, the decoup-
ling pulses applied to the proton spins cause distortions in the
populations of the energy levels in the carbon nuclei (to which they
are attached, and with which they therefore spin-couple). These, in
i I

20.9 15.9

all carbons

60 50
30 20

CIl, carbons
i j
..w ¥~'\
70 60 50 40 30 20 5

CH, carbons

70 60 50 40 30 20 5

70 60 50 40 30 20 5

Figure 3.46 DEPT edited spectra for the carbons in menthol: the complete
spectrum is shown at the top, followed in succession by the
subspectra for the CH 3 carbons, the CH 2 carbons and the CH
turn, lead to increases in the intensities of the carbon signals, dictated
by the same theory that we met in the INDOR experiment and in
selective population inversion, SPI. (The case of carbon-proton
coupling is only different in degree from the AX proton-proton
The ability to increase the carbon-13 signal intensity in this way is
re'ferred to as polarization transfer; it is a general phenomenon,
permitting increases in the intensity of other nuclei attached to
proton (such as nitrogen-15). Spin echoes and polarization transfer
can be combined in a number of different ways, among which is the
above pulse technique, leading eventually to edited subspectra,
which has been given the unrevealing name Distortionless Enhance-
ment by Polarization Transfer (DEPT). The two principal features of
DEPT spectra are increased sensitivity (by a factor of 4 for carbon-13
and of 10 for nitrogen-15), together with the spectrum editing facility
for carbon-13 spectra.

Exercise 3.28 (a) Use the information implicit in the DEPT subspec-
tra of figure 3.46 to confirm the assignments of carbon-13 chemical
shift values shown in figure 3.33. (b) Work through the proton-
coupled spectrum in figure 3.33, identifying the four doublets, three
triplets and three quartets shown there.

35.3.2 Gated decoupling and the nuclear Overhauser effect

We saw in section 3.13.5 and 35.1 .3 that the nuclear Overhauser
effect increases the carbon-13 line intensities in routine broad-band
decoupled spectra, and that it gives a welcome bonus to sensitivity in
so doing. In nondecoupled spectra, because signal intensity is spread
over the several lines in each multiplet, sensitivity is very low indeed,
and yet the information in nondecoupled spectra is valuable.
Gated decoupling permits the recording of nondecoupled spectra,
while simultaneously harnessing the increase in line intensities (and,
hence, sensitivity) which the NOE generates. It can be understood by
acknowledging two experimental facts: (1) coupling and decoupling
among nuclei is rapidly established and broken, while (2) the NOE is
only established slowly. The technique involves irradiating the pro-
ton resonances, say at 100 MHz (2.3 T), for some time (which
decouples them from carbon, and distorts the population levels,
inherent in the NOE); the decoupling irradiation is stopped and
immediately the carbon resonances are pulsed (say at 25 MHz). All
the C- H coupling is recorded, but with increased line intensities
because of the distorted populations brought about by the NOE.
Inverse gared decoupling permits the more accurate measurement
of line intensities in decoupled carbon-13 resonances, while at the
same time avoiding the distortions of the NOE which invariably
accompany decoupling. The technique here switches on the
decoupler (100 MHz for protons at 2.3 T) simultaneously with the
recording pulse (25 MHz for carbons) and the signal is generated so
rapidly that, while the couplings are removed (rapid process), the
NOE has insufficient time to develop (slow process) and thus the
spectra are recorded NOE-suppressed.

35.3.3 20 NMR-shift correlation spectra-COSY

The ability to present computed data in 'three dimensions' rests very
much with graphics software, permitting such stack-plots as are
shown (in a different context) in figure 4.3. Alternatively, the same
information can be presented in cross-section, effectively a contour
map of the peaks.
A conventional NMR spectrum is a plot of intensity against fre-
quency, but for coupling nuclei (H-H or C-H, etc.) their inter-
actions are also time-variable, as discussed above; by sampling
these interactions as a function of time (and, hence, frequency) it is
possible to separate out the interactions among (for example) the
carbons and hydrogens of organic functions in such a way as to
establish which protons couple with which carbons, or else which
protons couple with which other protons. Since two frequency axes
are involved, the method is called two-dimensional NMR, but the
information is plotted in pseudo-three-dimensional form, with intens-
ity as the third dimension as in figures 3.47 and 3.48.
There have been very many variations published using 2-D NMR,
and these are dealt with in the specialist texts listed in 'Further
Reading', but two of the most important are examples of correlation
spectroscopy, either homonuclear or heteronuclear. The original use
of the acronym COSY referred to the homonuclear proton-proton
case; the important heteronuclear carbon-proton correlation case is
not usually referred to as COSY, but this deserves to be so defined.
Figures 3.47 and 3.48 illustrate these for the molecule of menthol; it
will be instructive to compare these frequently with figures 3.30 and
Proton-proton correlation spectroscopy (homonuclear COSY,
figure 3.47) sets out the proton NMR spectrum of an organic mole-
cule such as menthol along the x axis, and repeats it along the yaxis,
with the signals repeated yet again in the contours of the diagonal
peaks; wherever a proton couples with another proton (that is,
wherever correlation is established), this is indicated by the contour
of an off-diagonal cross-peak. The interpretation of the COSY spec-
trum is best carried out with the help of the DEPT spectrum in figure
3.46 and in conjunction with an analysis of the C- H correlation
spectrum in figure 3.48.
Figure 3.48 is the C-H shift correlation spectrum (heteronuclear
correlation) for menthol. In this, with the proton spectrum on the y


.~ ._ -
~~ 1. 0

/ 1. 5

I . •
: 2. 0

2. 5

3. 0

,a .
I I I ii I ' I i i ' i I i : I I [ i ll
3. 5 3.0 2. 5 2 .0 1.5 i .0
p p,

Figure 3.47 Homonuclear proton-proton shift correlation spectrum, COSY, for

menthol (200 MHz in CDCI 3) . A cross-peak establishes correlation
with a diagonal peak .

axis and the carbon-13 spectrum on the x axis, wherever correlation

exists (that is, wherever a carbon and a proton are attached to each
other in menthol), cross-peaks appear in the correlation spectrum.
To simplify the interpretation, we can use the known carbon-13
chemical shift assignments shown in the figure. We already know
from the DEPT spectrum in figure 3.46 how many protons are
attached to each carbon atom, which allows us to identify the carbon
signals from the CH3 groups separately from the CH2 groups, and, in
turn, separately from the CH groups; it will be instructive at this stage
to work through the carbon-13 spectrum, marking each signal with
either s or d or t, and labeling the carbon atom it arises from (C-1, C-2,
The most easily assigned signals are those of C-1 (8 71.3)·and H-1 (8
3.4). The multiplicity of H-1 arises from splitting with the two protons

menthol 13C chem ical shifts

~~ ~ 1.0

2.0 on
20.9 15.9 Il H /ppm
3.0 -<


70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15

Figure 3.48 Heteronuclear C-H correlation spectrum for menthol (200 MHz for proton, 50 MHz for carbon-H. in CDCI 3) .
on C-6 (each with a different chemical shift), one proton on C-2 and
the OH proton.
The only proton signal without a carbon correlation is the OH
proton, the doublet at & 1.45.
lfwe continue with the CH3 groups (carbon-13 signals at& 15.9,&20.9,
& 22.1), we can identify in the proton spectrum the three doublets
associated with these carbons. The protons on C-7 are split (doublet)
by the proton on C-5: the protons on C-9 and C-10 are also split,
within the isopropyl group, by the proton on C-8, and this allows us to
distinguish the C-9 and C-10 protons from the C-7 protons. In the
C-H correlation spectrum, the position of C-8 at & 25.6 allows us to
identify that H-8 appears at & 2.16, and the signal for C-5 at & 31.6
identifies H-5 at & 1.4. Now in the COSY spectrum H-5 at & 1.4 only
correlates with one of the methyl doublets at &0.90, whereas H-8 at &
2.16 correlates with two of the methyl dou blets at & 0.82 and & 0.93:
these methyls must be in the isopropyl group.
The next interesting point concerns the signals from the CH2
groups, again identifiable from the DEPTspectrum. Each correlates at
two points on the proton spectrum, because, in the chair conforma-
tion of menthol, one hydrogen of each pair is equatorial and the other
is axial, so that they have different chemical shifts and appear as AX
double doublets (further split by other neighbor protons). We saw at
the end of section 3.4.3 that equatorial protons appear at higher
frequency than do axial, so that this allows us to identify the separate
equatorial/axial pairs for protons H-3, H-4 and H-6.
Continuing thus, through figures 3.47 and 3.48, and using the
600 MHz spectrum of menthol in figure 3.30, a reasonably full
analysis of the menthol proton spectrum is feasible, although some
uncertainties remain as a result of artefacts in the COSY spectrum
associated with the overlapping of many of the proton signals. Note
also that the OH proton does not appear in the same place in figures
3.47 and 3.48, since the spectra were recorded at different times, and
at a different concentration. .

35.3.4 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Figure 3.49 is a representation of the internals of a human skull, the
image being re-created from the proton NMR signals generated from
the soft tissue of the brain, eyes and spinal column, etc. The ability to
scan such soft tissues by NMR complements the information about
the bone structure obtained from X-ray studies, and is an established
medical diagnostic technique for soft tissue damage.
The experimental method has been sufficiently highly refined to
produce not only very high resolution of detail, but also a whole
sequence of views of the head (see small inserts at the top of the

figure) which can be presented in sequence on a VDU in the form of a

moving picture, so that the head can be 'rotated' to allow all aspects
to be examined.

Figure 3.49 Magnetic resonance imaging , M RI, of a human sk ull, showing sof t
tissues (eyes, brain, spinal cord) with the facility to rotate the image.

A simple description of certain of the principles involved in NMR

imaging can be obtained by recalling that protons in a head (in the
water and fat) will come to sharp resonance at a given frequency only
when the applied field causes them to precess at their resonance
frequency. At lower and higher values of field, no NMR signal will be
detected. Instead of applying a uniform field across the head, a
gradient field is applied; at only one particular point along this
gradient will the protons be in resonance, and therefore this distance
across the head can be correlated with the field gradient. The
gradient is then altered, and resonance occurs at a different point, the
distance of which along the gradient is again correlated. By scanning
along several gradients applied across a network of axes through a
slice of the head, an image of the protons present (that is, of the soft
tissue present) is constructed. The complete reconstructed image is
defined by repeating the process across several slices through the
Two other names are applied to the method-tomography (derived
from the Greek tomos, 'slice') and zeugmatography (from the Greek
zeugma, 'to join'). Although referred to by chemists as NMR imaging,
in medicine the adverb 'nuclear' is often omitted; hence MRI.


When dipropionyl peroxide is thermolyzed in an NMR tube in the
presence of thiophenol, ethyl radicals are produced, which react with
the thiophenol to form thiophenetole.
CH 3CH 2 C O - O - O - C O C H 2CH 3 ~ 2CH 3CH 2 C O - O ' -
dipropionyl peroxide
2CH 3CH 2 ' + 2C0 2
PhSH + CH 3CH 2 ' --+ --+ ----0 PhSCH 2CH 3
thiophenol thiophenetole
If the NMR spectrum of the thiophenetole is recorded during the
course of the reaction, the ethyl signals appear as sketched in figure
3.50(a); the NMR spectrum of normal thiophenetole is also shown at
(b) for comparison.

(a) CIONP spectrum

C9i f
(b) Normal spectrum
../'CH,CH, L
Figure 3.50 Representations of the IH NMR spectrum of the ethyl group in
thiophenetole : (a) CIDNP spectrum , recorded during the formation
of thiophenetole from thiophenol and ethyl radicals; (b) normal
spectrum .
Some of the lines in spectrum (a) have increased intensity (stimu-
lated absorption (A)), while other lines show as em issions (stimu-
lated emission (E)).
We say that the nuclear spins in the product of this radical reaction
(that is, the nuclear spins of thiophenetole) are undergoing dynamic
polarization, because of the chemical reaction that is producing the
molecule. This is an example of chemically induced dynamic nuclear
polarization (CIDNP).
Observation of CIDNP effects during a reaction is good evidence
that, at least in part, a radical mechanism is involved, and the
technique is now extensively developed to study formation and
decomposition of diarylmethanes, triarylmethanes, acyl peroxides,
The mechanism of CIDNP is complex, and the observed effect (E or
A) depends on the way in which particular nuclear spin states interact
with the electron spins of the free radicals involved. Add itionally, the
radicals from a precursor molecule can follow several react ion paths,
depending on whether the originally formed radical pair react to-
gether immediately, or diffuse out from each other, to perform other
dimerization or transfer reactions. For a particular radical pair, the
singlet and triplet electronic states undergo mixing processes under
the influence of nearby nuclear spins; if the resultant mixed electro-
nic state is predominantly singlet in character, the associated nuclear
spin states are enhanced in the product formed from the rad ical pair,
and the NMR of the product shows increased absorption for these
spin states. If the mixed electron ic state is predominantly triplet,
emission will be shown for the corresponding nuclear spin states .
The ability to predict or explain whether (E) or (A) will arise in
CIDNP experiments clearly follows upon the ability to calculate the
importance of singlet and triplet contributions to the new energy
levels: this skill will not frequently be required of the organic chemist.

35.5 19F AND 31p NMR

The concepts of lH and 13C NMR spectroscopy apply equally to 19F
and 31p NMR spectra, although the following have been discussed
largely in relation to "H NMR spectroscopy: precession frequencies
and field strengths (page 107) ; coupling of 19F w ith lH (page 155).
Proton-fluorine coupling was also demonstrated in the "H NMR
spectrum of 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol (figure 3.24).

35.5.1 19F NMR

19F is the naturally occurring isotope of fluorine (100 per cent
abundance). Apart from the provision of an appropriate radio-
frequency source (56.46 MHz at 1.4 T), no major instrument modifica-
tion is needed to change an NMR spectrometer from 'H work to '9F
Chemical shift positions are most often measured from CFCI 3 or
trifluoroacetic acid, and figure 3.51 shows a few of these positions for
the most important organic situations. The range of chemical shift
covered by even this limited number of fluorine environments is
200 ppm, compared with :::= 10 ppm for the most common 'H posi-
tions. In consequence, fluorine resonances tend to be well separated
on the spectrum, and first-order spectra are the norm rather than the




o 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240

Figure 3.51 Chemical shift ranges (ppm) for 19F in common organic

Coupling constants between fluorine nuclei cover a wider range

than in 'H NMR. Geminal F- F coupling ranges from 43 Hz to 370 Hz,
and vicinal F-F from 0 to 39 Hz; cis fluorines show J, 0-58 Hz, and
trans fluorines show J, 106-148 Hz. Long-range coupling over five
bonds (through F-C-C-C-C-F) is 0-18 Hz.
Coupling between 'H and '9F is also strong. Geminal coupling
ranges from 42 Hz to 80 Hz, and vicinal 'H-F from 1.2 Hz to 29 Hz;
cis' H- F shows J, 0-22 Hz, and trans' H- F shows J, 11-52 Hz.
Fluorine attached to benzene also couples with protons on the ring,
the JH,F ranges being : ottho, 7.4-11.8 Hz; meta, 4.3-8.0 Hz; para,
0.2-2.7 Hz.

Figure 3.52 is a diagrammatic presentation showing the lH and 19F

NMR spectra of 1-bromo-1-fluoroethane (CH3CHFBr). Each spectrum
is recorded using a 1.4 T magnet, so that the lH spectrum is at 60 MHz
and the 19F spectrum is at 56.46 MHz.
IH NMR spectrum (60 MHz) 19F NMR spectrum (56.46 MHz)

J H •• gem. 50 Hz J H .r vic. 22 Hz
J H .r ric, 22 Hz

CH ,


Figure 3.52 Diagrammatic presentation of IH and I~F NMR spectra of

CH 3CHFBr at 1.4 T . The fluorin e spectrum is lo wer in frequ ency
than that of hydrogen by appro ximately 60 000 ppm .

In the "H spectrum the H- H coupling between CH3 and CH should

give rise to an AX 3 quartet and doublet (J, 6 Hz), but the H- F
coupling complicates this picture. The CH3 signal is further split by
19F, each line of the doublet being further split into two by the large
vicinal H-F coupling (J, 22 Hz); the CH3 signal is therefore a double
doublet. The CH signal is split into a quartet by CH3 (J, 6 Hz) and then
each line is split into two by the enormous geminal H- F coupling (J,
50 Hz); the CH signal is therefore a doublet of quartets.
In the 19F spectrum the fluorine signal is split into a doublet by the
geminal methine proton (J, 50 Hz), and each line is further split into
four by the vicinal methyl protons (J, 22 Hz); the fluorine resonance is
therefore an overlapping doublet of quartets.

35.5.2 31p NMR

Like 'H and 19F, 31p has I = ~ and the multiplicity that it engenders in
lH and 19F spectra is easily predicted, using the same rules that we
have seen applied to protons and fluorine. We shall restrict ourselves
to studying the multiplicity in the lH and 19F spectra of Me2PCF2Me;
coupling of phosphorus with Me2 gives rise to a doublet, and the
single Me group is split by 31p into a doublet, and then by the two 19F
nuclei, -so that the Me signal consists of overlapping triplets (see
figure 3.53). The fluorine resonance is split into two by the phos-
phorus, each line being further split into four by the CH3 protons. If
we could observe the 31p NMR spectrum (24.3 MHz at 1.4 T), what
multiplicity would we pred ict? The signal would be split into three by
the two 19F nuclei (J, 70 Hz); each line would then be split into four by
the single Me protons (J, 8 Hz); finally, each of these twelve lines
would be split into seven by the Me2 protons (J, 4 Hz). Considerable
overlap would arise, but because of the high multipl icity the signal
would be difficult to analyze.

IH NMR spectrum (60 MHz) 19FNMR spectr um (56.46 MHz)

~J"'" H':


JH •f • 20 Hz

JH,r. 20 Hz


Figure 3.53 Diagram matic presentation of I Hand 19F N MR spe ctra of

MeP-CF2M e (1.4 T).

35.6 14N, 15N AND 17 0 NMR

Nitrogen and oxygen are the next most important elements to carbon
and hydrogen in organ ic chemi stry.
While nitrogen-14 NMR has been stud ied for some time, the
nucleus of nitrogen-14 has an electric quadrupole moment (see
section 3.2), so that its signals are often several hundred Hz in width ;
virtually all current interest lies in the sharper spectra of the 15N
isotope. The main problem with both 15N and 17 0 is the ir natu ral
abundances, which are 0.37 per cent and 0.037 per cent, respectively.
With highly sensitive instrum ents, and making maximum use of

various signal enhancement methods (including spectra summation,

DEPT and NOE), natural-abundance spectra can be recorded on these

35.6.1 1sN NMR

Since the magnetic shielding of a nucleus is dependent mainly on the
electron density around it, chemical shifts for 1sN and 14N are the
same; these shifts are usually quoted in ppm differences from an
external sample of liquid ammonia (which is inconvenient) or mea-
sured initially against the shift for nitromethane, CH3N0 2, used as an
internal primary standard, with a resonance 380 ppm to higher
frequency than liquid ammonia.
Nitrogen-15 NMR spectra are recorded at 10 MHz in a field strength
of 2.3 T; since 1sN has I =~, its behavior is similar to that of the
proton, with simple multiplicity rules in NH groups, etc. Most routine
spectra are proton-decoupled (1SN-CH}) to give signal enhancement,
and in these each nitrogen environment gives one signal.
The approximate shift ranges for a few environments are: aliphatic
amines (I) 0-100), amino acids (I) 40-50), amides (I) 100-160), nitro
g;oups (I) 360-410), oximes (I) 380-420), cyanides (ca I) 230), iso-
cyanides (ca I) 200), azo groups (I) 530-610), diazonium salts (two
signals, ca I) 210 and I) 340), pyridine derivatives (I) 240-520) and pyrrole
derivatives (I) 100-180).
Thus, p-nitroaniline has a 1sN-CH} NMR spectrum showing only
two signals, widely separated, and easily assigned; that for p-
cyanobenzamide, NCCsH4CONH 2likewise has two signals, near I) 120
and I) 220.
In non-decoupled spectra, the 1sN resonance will be split by any
attached protons, so that the NH2 signal in amines will appear as a
triplet. In primary amides (such as HCONH2 ) restricted rotation (see
section 3.5.2) means that the two NH2 protons have different environ-
ments and do not couple equally with the nitrogen atom, so that the
signal does not appear with simple triplet multiplicity. For example,
in HCONH2 the three protons all split the nitrogen signal, but with
different coupling constants (14 Hz, 88 Hz and 92 Hz; the smallest J
value is associated with the formyl proton).
One odd feature of the 1sN nucleus is revealed in the nuclear
Overhauser effect during proton decoupling: instead of a positive
increase in intensity (as in 13C-CH} spectra), the effect is negative;
this is associated with the fact that the 1sN nucleus behaves in a
manner opposite to that of the proton (and most other nuclei) in
relation to its magnetic moment and direction of spin . Suffice it to say
that, although the NOE is opposite in sign to that of the proton, signal
enhancement can still be achieved. This produces signals which are
negative (below the baseline), and spectra are often plotted in this
way; since it is a trivial problem to invert this subsequently, many 15N
NMR spectra are also plotted conventionally, with the peaks above
the baseline.
The roJe of 15N NMR is paramount in biological and heterocyclic
chemistry and the subject is treated extensively in the texts listed in
'Further Reading'.

35.6.2 17 0 NMR
In addition to its low abundance (0.037 per cent), 17 0 has I = ~ and
possesses an electric quadrupole moment, giving fast relaxation and
thus broad lines (10-1000 Hz wide) .
Recording oxygen-17 NMR spectra (13.5 MHz at 2.3 T) is far from
trivial, but oxygen occurs sufficiently widely in organic and inorganic
environments to lend impetus to the achievement.
Chemical shifts are usually measured from water (defined at 8 0) or
dioxane (8 12); with an overall range of about 1000 ppm, many
distinctions are possible. Aldehydes (ea 8 600), ketones (ea 8 560),
carboxylic acids (ea 8 250) and amides (ea 8 300) ail show well -
separated signals, but these functions are more easily detected by
other means. Esters are also easily otherwise identified, but it is
worth a comment that the acyl and alkyl oxygens have different shifts
(ea 8350 and 8120, respectively); thus, the 170-CH} NMR spectrum of
ethyl acetate consists of two single lines, etc.
Primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols all have different oxygen-
17 chemical shifts (830,850 and 870, respectively), and this is a useful
In carbohydrates, too, there are subtle differences in 8 values which
can be correlated with stereochemistry and reactivity: in glucose the
six oxygens have 8 values which distinguish 0-1 (836-47) from 0-5 (8
50-65), from 0-6 (8 -7 to -12), from 0 -2, 0-3 and 0-4 (8 6-11).
Non-decoupled oxygen-17 NMR spectra are much more difficult to
record, not only because of the loss of sensitivity, but also because
the signals tend to be broad, and this makes small couplings
im possible to observe. The 170 NMR spectra of both H20 and H30+
have been recorded-the former appears as a triplet and the latter as
a quartet, because of coupling to protons, with n + 1 multiplicity.
The application to inorganic chemistry is considerable, since there
are wide chemical shift differences among the various oxidation
states of oxyacids; some approximate 8 values are phosphite (8 105),
phosphate (890); sulfite (8 240), sulfate (8180); nitrite (8 650), nitrate (8
Just as the 'H nucleus has spin and therefore a magnetic moment, so
the electron, with its spin, is paramagnetic and also possesses a
magnetic moment. Like the proton, too, the electron will precess in
an applied magnetic field with a precise precessional frequency and
will undergo transitions between spin states (spin orientations) if
energy of the correct frequency is applied. I (or, more usually, 5) for
the electron is also ~.
Measurement of electron spin transitions is the basis of electron
spin resonance spectroscopy (ESR), also called electron paramag-
netic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy.
The magnetic moment of an unpaired electron is about 700 times
that of the proton, so that the sensitivity of ESR detection is very
much higher than in NMR (which is fortunate, since the concentra-
tions of unpaired electrons are often correspondingly lower): ESR
spectra can be recorded for radical concentrations down to 10- 4
mol dm- 3 , irrespective of the number of nonradical species present.
The ESR experiment can only detect species having unpaired
electron spin-for example, organic free radicals. Paired electrons
cannot be detected, since the spins of an electron pair within an
orbital must remain antiparallel; if one of the spins is reversed, the
Pauli exclusion principle will be violated, and if both spins could be
reversed, there would be no net absorption of energy.
For the electron, the energy necessary to induce spin transitions in
modern ESR instruments is in the microwave region of the electro-
magnetic spectrum" with very much higher frequencies than radio-
frequency. (At 1.4 T v is 3.95 X 104 MHz.) The field strength commonly
used for ESR work is 0.34 T, and for this field the precessional
frequency of the electron is = 9.5 GHz (9.5 gigahertz, 9.5 x 109 Hz).
We must now discuss a few features in the language of ESR which
differ from the corresponding features in NMR.

35.7. 1 Derivative curves

To begin with, ESR spectra look different from NMR spectra, since
ESR spectra are.virtuallv always plotted as first-derivative spectra .
Conventional NMR signals are a plot of absorption against field
strength, while ESR signals are a plot of the rate of change of
absorption against field strength; see figures 3.54, 3.55 and 3.56. In
general, ESR absorptions are broad compared with NMR absorp-
tions, and first-derivative spectra enable more accurate measure-
ment of the spacings to be made: conversely, first-derivative spectra
of NMR signals would be hopelessly overlapped with one another in
complex spin-coupling systems.

Absorption trace
NMR slpal
absorption v. field strength

First-deri ••the trace

ESRslpal rate of change of absorption
v. field strength

Figure 3.54 A NMR absorption trace and an ESR first-derivative trace.

Another difference between ESR and NMR is that while a molecule

may contain severatH nuclei and give rise to severafH NMR signals
(usually split by coupling) a radical contains only one unpaired
electron, and therefore gives rise to only one signal (split by coup-

35.7.2 9 values
In ESR, as in NMR, the position of the resonance signal has to be
specified as a function of both field strength and frequency. In NMR,
chemical shift positions (for example, 60 MHz at 1.4 T) are expressed
as field-independent units (8). In ESR the resonance positions .are
expressed as a 9 value (also a function of field strength and frequen-
cy). The energy of the ESR transition is given by

E = hv = gB o - - -
4'lTf71e c

where 8 0 is the external magnetic field, me is the electron mass, e is

the electronic charge and c is the speed of light: 9 is a proportionality
constant, and has the value 2.002 319 for an unbound electron. When
the unpaired electron is present in an organic substrate, magnetic
interactions will shift 9 from this value. The 9 values for some
common organic radicals are shown below.
Note that the 9 values for carbon radicals are not substantially
shifted from 9 for the unbound electron, but that oxygen and
nitrogen radicals have much higher 9 values: this constitutes an
important application to organic free-radical chemistry.

CH 2=CH·
2.00220 2.0155

A.+ -
y N-O:..
2.00254 2.00585
9 values for representative radicals
(free electron 9 = 2.(0232)
35.7.3 Hyperfine splitting
The resonance lines in ESR spectroscopy are frequently split in a way
reminiscent of spin-spin splitting in NMR, but the mechanism operat-
ing in ESR has no strict counterpart in NMR. The (J electrons in an
organic molecule are normally represented as lying substantially
between the atoms they bind, but electrons are not constrained to
individual bonds. In particular, an unpaired electron can be asso-
ciated with several atoms within the molecule in differing degrees,
and if these atoms have magnetic nuclei (for example, 1H, 13C), the
interaction of this magnetic moment with the electron will cause
splitting of the ESR signal. The benzene radical anion (CsH s:) gives
rise to a seven-line signal, since the six protons cause splitting
analogous to nuclear- coupling: the same (n + 1) rule holds here for
nuclei with 1= ! (see figure 3.55).
This splitting in ESR is called hyperfine splitting, with symbol a: the
dimensions of the splitting are measured in Hz, but in older literature
ESR splitting is usually measured in gauss (G == mT).
The appearance of seven equally spaced lines in the ESR spectrum
of CSH 6: is proof that all six hydrogens are equivalent, and therefore
that the unpaired electron is coupling equally with all six hydrogens,
rather than localized at one particular position (which would have
given rise to ortho, meta and para splittings). Since 12C is nonmag-
netic, no further hyperfine splitting is produced.
The electron spin density on each carbon atom of CSH 6: is directly
proportional to the observed hyperfine splitting constant aH (3.75 G).
A second example is the ESR spectrum of CHi:HOCH 2CH3, shown
in figure 3.56. The various hyperfine splittings correspond to coup-
ling with H3, Hand H2, in order of decreasing aH values. The 'Y-CH3
group is too distant to contribute further splitting.

Figure 3.55 ESR spectrum of C6H6 : showing the hyperfine splitting through
equal coupling with six protons.

'q uartet (CH3 splitti ng)

doubl ets (CH
'splitt ing)
tr iplets (CH 2
split ti ngs)

Figure 3.56 ESR spectrum of CH 3CHOC H2CH 3• (Radical is produced when H

is abstracted f rom diethyl ether.}


Kemp, W ., NMR in Chemistry: A Multinuclear Introduction, Macmillan ,
London (1986) .
Abraham, R. J. and Fisher, J., Introduction to NMR Spectroscopy, Wiley,
Chichester (1988) .
Williams, D ., Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, Wiley, Chi-
chester (1986) . ACOL text.
Kalinowski, H . 0., Berger, S. and Braun , S., Carbon-I3 NMR Spectro-
scopy, Wiley, New York (English edn , translated by J. K. Becconsall,
Wehrli, F. W .. Wehrli, S. and Marchand, A. P., Interpretation of
Carbon-13 NMR Spectra, Wiley, New York (2nd edn, 1988).


Proton Spectra
NMR Spectra Catalog, Volumes 1 and 2, Varian Associates, Palo Alto,
·Californ ia . 700 spectra.
Sadtler Handbook of Proton NMR Spectra, Sadtler, Pennsylvania, and
Heyden, London (1978) . 3000 spectra.
Aldrich Library of NMR Spectra, Aldrich Chemical Co ., Milwaukee, 2nd
edn , 2 volumes. 8500 spectra.
Carbon-13 Spectra
Johnson, L. F. and Jankowski , W. c., Carbon-I3 NMR Spectra, Wiley,
New York , and Krieger, Florida. 500 spectra .
Breitmaier, E., Haas, G . and Voelter, W. , Atlas ofCarbon-I3 NMR Data,
Heyden, London (1979). Carbon-13 chemical shifts and multiplicities for
3000 compounds ; ongoing series with cumulative indexes.

Levy, G. C.; Lichter, R. L. and Nelson, G. L., Carbon-l I Nuclear
Magnetic Resonance for Organic Chemists, Wiley , New York (2nd edn,
Shaw, D ., Fourier Transform NMR Spectroscopy, Elsevier, Amsterdam
(1987) .
Sanders, J . K. M. and Hunter, B. K., Modern NMR Spectroscopy, Oxford
University Press, Oxford (1987) .
Derome, A. E ., Modern NMR Techniques for Chemistry Research,
Pergamon, Oxford (1987).
Freeman, R ., A Handbook of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Longman,
London (1988) .
"Becker, E . D ., High Resolution NMR, Academic Press, New York (2nd
edn , 1980).
"Gunther, H., NMR Spectroscopy, Wiley , New York (1980) .
"Harris, R . K., Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy: A Physico-
chemical View, Pitman, London (1983) .
Pine, S. H ., J. Chem . Educ. (1972),664. Good review of CIDNP.
Ernsley, J . W. and Phillips, L., Fluorine chemical shifts, Prog. NMR
Spectr. (1971), 7, l.
Crutchfield , M. M. et al ., Phosphorus-31 NMR, in Topics in Phosphorus
Chemistry, Volume 5, Wiley, New York (1967).
Sorenstein, D . G ., Phosphorus-Tl NMR, Academic Press, London (1984) .
Levy, G . C. and Lichter, R . L. , Nitrogen-I S NMR Spectroscopy, Wiley,
New York (1979) .
Harris, R . K. and Mann, B. E . (Eds .), NMR and the Periodic Table,
Academic Press, London (1978).
Neuhaus. D . and Williamson, M., The Nuclear Overhauser Effect in
Structural and Conformational Analysis, VCH Publishers Inc ., New
York (1989).
Farrar. T . C. and Becker, E . D ., Pulse and Fourier Transform NMR,
Academic Press, New York (1971) .

" These three texts treat theory very extensively. but do not include mueh organic stuctural
interpretation .
Ultraviolet and Visible
Spectroscopy 4

Routine UVNIS spectrometer in themiddle, with associated printer and PC for data
storage and manipulation.

Luminescence spectrometer capable of measuring fluorescence, phosphorescence and

The absorption of ultraviolet/visible radiation by a molecule leads to
transitions among the electronic energy levels of the molecule, and for this
reason the alternative title electronic spectroscopy is often preferred.
A typical electronic absorption spectrum is shown in figure 1.4, and we
can see that it consists of a series of absorption bands: each of thes e bands
corresponds to an electronic tr ansition for which !!.E= 5 x 105 J mol- 1
or 500 kJ mol -I-somewhere around the bonding energies involved in
organic compounds (see sections 1.2 and 1.3).
All organic compounds absorb ultraviolet light , albeit, in some
instances, of very short wavelength . For practical reasons , we shall be
concerned with absorptions above 200 nm (see section 4.3.4) , and even
with this restriction we find that most organic compounds show some
ultraviolet absorption.
Historically, routine ultraviolet spectro meters were developed before
infrared, NMR or mass spectro meters, and we find now that some of the
ultraviolet correlations that were previously useful have long been super-
seded by the later-developed techniques, so that the application of
ultraviolet spectroscopy to structural investigation may appear disappoint-
ingly restricted . To take a few examples, infrared spectroscopy is the
method of choice for the detection of nitrile groups or carbonyl groups (in
ketones, acids, amides, etc.); NMR spectroscopy will normally reveal far
more information about the nature of substituents on the benzene ring
than will electronic spectroscopy , etc.
The strength of electronic spectroscopy lies in its ability to measure the
extent of multiple bond or aromatic conjugation within molecules .
The non bonding electrons on oxygen , nitrogen and sulfur may also be
involved in extending the conjugation of multiple-bond systems.
Electronic spectroscopy can, in general, differentiate conjugated dienes
from nonconjugated dienes , conjugated dienes from conjugated trienes,
up-unsaturated ketones from their p'Y-analogs, etc . Since the degree of
conjugation may suffer in strained molecules (examples are the loss of
1T-orbital overlap in 2-substituted biphenyls or acetophenones), electronic
spectroscopy may be used to study such strain by correlating the change in
spectrum with angular distortion . The position of absorption may also be
influenced in a systematic way by substituents, and a particularly successful
application has been the correlation of substituent shifts in conjugated
dienes and carbonyl compounds.
The method rests heavily on empiricism, particularly in the study of
aromatic and heteroaromatic systems, but here it can provide information
completely unobtainable from any other spectroscopic technique.
Figure 4.1 introduces some of the qualitative aspects of electronic
absorption spectroscopy: the spectra of series of isomers are presented,
and the ease of distinction is noteworthy. These distinctions are achieved
largely on the basis that the longer the conjugation the longer the
maximum wavelength of the absorption spectrum .

Example 4.1
Question . Which of the isomers of pentadiene , (a) or (b), will show the
longest wavelength of UV absorption? (a) CH 2=CHCH=CHCH3 ; (b)
Model answer. Isomer (a), since conjugated dienes have longer wave-
lengths of absorptions than do nonconjugated.

Exercise 4.1 The following are pairs of isomers, and one member of each
pair absorbs ultraviolet/visible light at longer wavelength than the other: in
each case state whether it is the first or second member. (a) 1,3-Hexadiene
and 1,4-hexadiene; (b) 4-hept-l-enone and 4-hept-2-enone ; (c) ethyl
phenyl ketone (propiophenone) and benzyl methyl ketone (phenyl-
acetone) ; (d) 1,2-dihydronaphthalene and 1,4-dihydronaphthalene.

Exercise 4.2 Sun-tan protective creams protect our skins from over-
exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays, and boat sails are often left rolled up
and covered with a 'sacrificial' strip of material to protect the sails from
deterioration in the sun . For the former , esters of glycerol and p-
aminobenzoic acid can be used, and for the latter acrylic fibre (polyacrylo-
nitrile) is common . Explain this .


Compounds that absorb light of wavelength between 400 and 800 nm
(visible light) appear colored to the human eye, the precise color being a
complicated function of which wavelengths the compounds subtract from

Absorbance ~
(not to scale) conj . triene


conj . tetraene

,' .\
" I I
~ '\, I",

nonconjugated ) ,,' I

/ ' ,_-'/ \


©OO H,

200 2SO 300 3SO A/nm

Figure 4.1 Qualitative applications ofelectronic spectroscopy. (A) number of

double bonds in conjugation can be determined, (B) conjugated
carbonyl compounds can be distinguished from non conjugated, (C)
extent ofaromatic 'IT system can be distinguished.
white light. Very many compounds have stro ng ultraviolet ab sorption
bands, the sho ulde rs of which may tail into the visible spec-
trum-absorbing the violet end of the white-light spectrum . Subtraction of
violet from white light leav es the complementary colors, which appear
yellow/orange to the human eye , and for the se reason s yellow and orange
are th e most common colors among organic compounds. Progressive
ab sorption from 400 nm upward leads to progressive darkening through
yellow , orange , red , green , blue , violet and ultimately black .

Chromophores. Originally , the term chromophore was applied to the

system responsible for imparting color to a compound. (The derivation is
from the Greek chromophoros , or color carrier.) Thus, in azo dyes the aryl
conjugated azo group (Ar- N = N - Ar) is clearly the principal chromo-
phore ; in nitro compounds the yellow color is carried by - N0 2 ; etc .
The term has been retained within an extended interpretation to imply
any functional group that absorbs electromagnetic radiation, whether or not
a 'colo r' is thereby produced. Thus , the carbonyl group is a chromophore
in both ultraviolet and infrared terms , even though one isolated C=O
group is insufficiently 'powerful' to impart color to a compound . (An
isolated carbonyl group, as in acetone , ab sorbs ultraviolet light around
280 nm.)
Important examples of organic chromophores are listed in table 4.1 , and
it sho uld be stressed again that th e organic application of electronic
spectroscop y is mainly concerned with the conjugated chromophores at the
bottom of table 4.1 , to a lesser ex te nt with those others th at give rise to
ab sorption above 200 nm, and hardly at a ll with those ab sorbing below
200 nm .
In tabl e 4.1 the position of th e maximum point of the absorption band
(A max) is give n. The intensit y of the band at this maximum (E max) is defined
in section 4.2.2.
An auxo chrome was an earlier-defined term for a group that could
enhance the color-imparting properties of a chromophore without being
itself a chromophore, examples being -- O R , -NH 2 , -NR2 , etc . As in
the case of chromophores, the definition of auxochromes has been
modified in the light of modern theory . The synergist effect of auxo-
chromes is coupled with their ability to extend the conjugation of a
chromophore by sharing of the nonbonding electrons: in a very real sense,
the auxochrome then becomes part of a new, extended chromophore, and
their action is only different in degree from the effect of extending the
conjugation by adding a chromophore to a chromophore . There is no need
to retain the term , and it will not be further used in thi s book.
Table 4.1 Some simple organic chromophores and the
approximate wavelengths at which they absorb .
The intensity of absorption is discussed in section

Wavelength, Intensity ,
Amainm Emili IO-2m2 mo[-I
Chromophore (typical) (typical)

C=C 175 14000

c=c 175 10000
195 2000
223 !50
C=O 160 18 000
185 5000
280 15
R-N0 2 200 5 000
274 15
C=N 165 5
- - - - --

C=C-C=C 217 20 000

C=C-C=O 220 10000
315 30
C=C-C=C 220 7500
230 750D
benzene 184 60000
204 7400
255 204

Example 4.2
Question . From table 4.1 state the increase in the wavelength of Amax when
(a) CH 2=CH2 is joined in conjugation with C=C, to give
CH 2=CH-CH=CH2 , and (b) CH 2=CH 2 isjoined in conjugation with
C=O, to give CH 2=CH-C=O .
Model answer . (a) Amax for CH 2=CH2 is 175 nm, and for C=C-C=C
it is 217 nm, so the absorption band moves 42 nm to longer wavelength .
(b) Amax for the high-intensity band of C=C-C=O is 220 nm, so the
shift on conjugation is 45 nm.

Exercise 4.3 Given that extending a chromophore involves additional

conjugation or the involvement of additional non bonding electrons, which
of the following, as a substituent in benzene, will substantially increase the
maximum wavelength of absorption in the electronic spectrum : (a)
-CH=CH 2 ; (b) -CO-Me ; (c) -CH 2COMe; (d) -CH 2CH2CH 3 ;
(e) -OH; (f) -N=NMe?


When a molecule absorbs ultraviolet/visible light of a particular energy, we
assume as a first approximation that only one electron is promoted to a
higher energy level and that all other electrons are unaffected . The excited
state thus produced is formed in a very short time (of the order of 10- 15 s)
and a consequence is that during electronic excitation the atoms of the
molecule do not move (the Franck-Condon principle) .
The most probable 6.£ transition would appear to involve the promotion
of one electron from the highest occupied molecular orbital to the lowest
available unfilled orbital, but in many cases several transitions can be
observed, giving several absorption bands in the spectrum . Not all
transitions from filled to unfilled orbitals are allowed, the symmetry
relationship between the two orbitals being important, and this aspect is
discussed further in supplement 4. Where a transition is 'fo rbidden' , the
probability of that transition occurring is low , and correspondingly the
intensity of the associated absorption band is also low .
The relative energies of the molecular orbitals that most concern us are
illustrated in figure 4.2 . From this we can extract several generalizations.

GO o· o·

Go 0 0

0 Q n


0 0 II II

<:::::::=::? '"

0 0


Figure 4.2 Relative energies of orbitals most involved in electronic spectroscopy

of organic compounds.

In alkanes the only transition available is the promotion of an electron

from a low-lying a orbital to a high-energy cr" antibonding orbital: this is a
high -energy process, and requires very -short-wavelength ultraviolet light
(around 150 nm). This type of transition is classed as (J' ~ (J'* ('sigma to
sigma star') .
In simple alkenes several transitions are available, but the lowest-energy
transition is the most important: this is the 1T ~ 1T* transition, which is
responsible for the absorption band around 170-190 nm in unconjugated
alkenes (see table 4.1).
In saturated aliphatic ketones the lowest-energy transition involves the
non bonding electrons on oxygen, one of which can be promoted to the
relatively low-lying 1T* orbital : this n ~ 1T* transition is 'forbidden' in
symmetry terms (see supplement 4) and therefore the intensity is low,
although the wavelength is long (around 280 nm). Two other transitions
available are n ~ (J'* and 1T ~ (J'*: these are both 'allowed' transitions and
give rise to strong absorption bands, but the energy involved is higher than
for n ~ 1T* ; therefore, the wavelength of the absorption is shorter (around
185 for n ~ (J'* and around 160 for 1T ~ 1T*). The most intense band for
these compounds is always due to the 1T ~ 1T* transition (see table 4.1) .
Many factors influence the relative energies of molecular orbitals and a
knowledge of these factors is the essence of an understanding of electronic
The influence of solvents and substituents will be discussed later, but the
most dramatic effect is brought about by conjugation: the simplest case is
the conjugation of two alkene groups.
In conjugated dienes the 1T orbitals of the separate alkene groups
combine to form new orbitals-two bonding orbitals named 1TI and 1T2 (or
'1'\ and '1'2) and two antibonding orbitals named 1T3* and 1T4* (or '1'/ and
'1'4*) . The relative energies of these new orbitals are shown in figure 4.2
and it is easily apparent that a new 1T ~ 1T* transition of very low energy
(1T2 ~ 1T3 *) is now possible as a result of the conjugation. Conjugated
dienes, therefore, show absorption at much longer wavelength than do
isolated alkene groups, a typical value being around 217 nm. Table 4.1 also
shows the wavelength of absorption for a typical conjugated ketone: again
the strong absorption at 220 nm is the 1T ~ 1T* transition, the weaker
absorption being the forbidden n ~ 1T* transition .

Exercise 4.4 Assuming that figure 4.2 is reasonably to scale, assess in the
case of conjugated dienes the relative energies of the following possible
transitions: (a) 1T1 ~ 1T3* ; (b) 1T2 ~ 1T4*; (c) 1T2 ~ 1T3*' Compare them also
with (d) the 1T ~ 1T* transition for unconjugated alkenes.

Absorption bands appear rather than absorption lines, because vibra-

tional and rotational effects are superimposed on the electronic transitions,
so that an envelope of transitions arises .
The fine structure in the absorption spectra of aromatic compounds (for
example, benzene) is also associated with vibrational and rotational
effects: in the vapor phase this fine structure is very marked, but in the
liquid phase, or especially in polar solvents, the energies of the transitions
are blurred out and the fine structure is less apparent.


These two early empirical laws govern the absorption of light by molecules:
Beer's law relates the absorption to the concentration of absorbing solute,
and Lambert's law relates the total absorption to the optical path length.
They are most conveniently used as the combined Beer-Lambert law:

log UrJ!) = Eel or E = Aiel

where 10 is the intensity of the incident light (or the light intensity passing
through a reference cell),
I is the light transmitted through the sample solution ,
log UrJ/) is the absorbance (A) of the solution (formerly called the
optical density , 00) ,
c is the concentration of solute (in mol T", mol dm -3) ,
I is the path length of the sample (in ern, m x 10- 2 ) and
E is the molar absorptivity (formerly called the molecular extinction
coefficient, in 1 mol "! crn" , m 2 mol"! x 10- 2) .
The molar abso rptivity, E, is constant for a particular compound at a
given wavelength, and is most commonly expressed as Emax-the molar
absorptivity at an absorption band maximum: typical values for Emax are
listed in table 4.1. Note that E is not dimensionless, but is correctly
expressed in units of 10- 2 m 2 mol-I. It is customary practice among
organic chemists to omit the units (and tacitly to redefine E) and the
practice will be perpetuated in this book . Since values for Emax can be very
large, an alternative convention is to quote its logarithm (to the base 10) ,
10gIO Emax·
The absorbance , A, defined as log UrJ/) , is recorded directly by all
modern double-beam instruments (see section 4.3, 'Instrumentation and
Sampling' .
If the relative molecular mass, M, (molecular weight), of a compound is
unknown, and consequently E cannot be calculated , a convenient expres-
sion is A = ael; here, a is the absorptivity (contrast E) with c being the
concentration in g 1-1. A somewhat older expression is £r~m ('£ one
centimeter one per cent'), defined as £r~m = Aiel, where c in this case is
the concentration in g/100 cnr' . It follows that E = 10- 1£r~m x Mr.
Example 4.3
Question. An a~-unsaturated ketone of relative molecular mass 110 has an
absorption band with Amax at 215 nm and e 10 000. A solution of this
ketone showed absorbance A = 2.0 with a 1 em cell. Calculate the
concentration of the ketone in this solution, expressed in grams per liter,
g I- I .
Model answer. Since A = eel, where e is the molar absorptivity, then c (the
concentration in moles per liter) is given by Aiel = 2.01
(10 000 X 1) = 2 X 10- 4 mol T" . We know that the relative molecular
mass is 110, so the concentration can be expressed as 2 X 110 X 10- 4 or
2.2 x 10- 2 g I-I .

Exercise 4.5 (a) Calculate the molar absorptivity, e, for a solution

containing 1.0 mmol dm- 3 (1.0 x 10- 3 moles per liter) of solute, when the
absorbance of a 1 ern cell was 1.5. (b) What would be the value of A for a
solution of double this concentration?

Exercise 4.6 An unknown compound (0.01 g) was dissolved in ethanol in

a 250 ml standard flask, and its absorption spectrum was measured using
1 em cells: the absorbance at the maximum of one absorption band was
found to be 2.2. The compound was known to have a relative molecular
mass of 186. Calculate e at this Amax• At another Amax> A was found to be
1.2 for the same solution : calculate e for this absorption band too.

Exercise 4.7 (a) A solution of benzene in ethanol showed A = 1.4 at

255 nm (path length 1 cm): use the data in table 4.1 to calculate the
concentration of benzene in the solution (in g 1-1). (b) For this same
solution, state the value of A at 255 nm for a path length of 2 em .

Absorption spectra in organic work are most often plotted with increasing
e (or log e or Er~m) on the ordinate, and with wavelength (A) on the
abscissa increasing from left to right. We must acknowledge that these are
mere conventions: a few spectrometers plot absorbance 'upside-down' to
the normal convention, and , especially in physical chemistry, frequency
units are sometimes used on the abscissa, corresponding to A being plotted
reciprocally and from right to left.
When a change in solvent or a change in a substituent causes Amax for a
band to shift , we can unambiguously state whether the shift occurs to
longer wavelength or to shorter wavelength. (Thus, conjugation of an
alkene group causes a shift to longer wavelength of the 1T - 1T* band.)
Some older-established terms should be mentioned here , although their
use sbould be progressively discouraged. Bathochromic shift (or red shift)
is a shift to longer wavelength (that is, toward the red end of the spectrum).
Hypsochromic shif t (or blue shift) is a shift to shorter wavelength. (The
expression blue shift is most confusing, since it could be applied to a shift
from 300 nm _ 250 nm , a direction that is receding from the wavelength
of blue light.) A hyperchromic eff ect is one that lead s to increased intensity
of absorption: a hypochromic effe ct is the opposite .



4 .3 . 1
Dispersive instruments
In principle, dispersive ultraviolet-visible spectrometers are similar to the
infrared spectrometers discussed in section 2.4 (page 39) , consisting of a
light source , double beams (reference and sample beams), a mono-
chromator, a detector, and amplific ation and recording devices. Several of
the details differ, however: the source usually incorporates a tungsten
filament lamp for wavelengths greater than 375 nm , a deuterium discharge
lamp for values below that and a solenoid-operated mirror, which automa-
tically deflects light from either one as the machine scans through the
wavelengths. All UVIVIS spectrometers are ratio recording; the ratio
between reference beam and sample beam intensities (If!l) is fed to a pen
recorder (the optical null technique is not used). The recorder trace is
invari ably absorbance (A) against wavelength (A), and most instruments
record linearly over the range 0-3 absorbance units .
Photomultiplier detectors
The detector is commonly a photomultiplier tube. Several designs of
photomultiplier are used , and specific details depend on the wavelength
range to be detected, but the principle of operation depends on the
photoemissive properties of many compounds , a simple example being
beryllium oxide (BeO).
Photons of UVIVIS light, impacting on the BeO , expel several electrons
for each photon absorbed. If the BeO is made the cathode in an evacuated
tube, with an anode nearby, and with a voltage of 50-100 V between them ,
then the current (electrons) flowing from the cathode to the anode will
markedly increase if the cathode is irradiated : this increase in current is
proportional to the intensity of the incident light. A series of such units
(called dynodes) can be assembled in series, such that the electrons
expe lled from the first cathode do not meet the anode , but are directed
electrostatically to a second photoemissive cathode , from which an ever-
greater stream of electrons is ejected. Repetition over up to ten dynodes
generates a cascade effect, so that the final electron flow reaching the
anode is amplified manyfold over the series.
The geometry within the photomultiplier which permits the cascade
consists of a series of approximately ten curved plates, arranged in two sets
facing each other, with each partially overlapping its neighbors, so that the
electrons bounce down the line, as in an arcade game of bagatelle. A
similar device, the electron multiplier, is shown in figure 5.3.

Rapid-scan ultraviolet-visible spectrometers

The spectrometer described above uses a grating monochromator to scan
the wavelengths (frequencies) in succession over a detector, recording the
absorbance at each wavelength as a plotted absorption spectrum .
Many analytical operations benefit from the ability to record an entire
spectrum (190-900 nm) in one second, rather than in several minutes;
kinetic processes, flow-cell reactions and HPLC (see section IS .3) are
examples. Two different approaches to this are available .

Linear photodiode arrays

Microelectronics allows the construction of a series of some hundreds of
photodiode elements, each a few nanometers in width, arranged in a linear
array approximately 1 cm long; this is the linear photodiode array (PDA or
LOA) .
In the spectrometer the light beam is diffracted and directed to this
array, such that each of the diodes receives a discrete wavelength. The
output from each diode gives the absorbance at that wavelength, and the
set of diodes together allows the construction of the whole absorption
spectrum . The wavelength resolution of a PDA is effectively the dimension
of each photodiode, and this can range from 5 nm (for qualitative
detection purposes) to 0.25 nm for high-accuracy analytical work .
Discounting the infinitesimally small delay required to compute these
data in a microprocessor, the information can be examined in real time on
a video display unit, or dumped in memory for subsequent reprocessing.
With scan times of a second or so, spectra summation can quickly Improve
the sensitivity for weak absorbers or dilute solution.
One useful presentation of the data is in the form of a stack plot showing
the variation in absorption spectrum with time during, for example , an
HPLC separation of dyestuffs, or drugs or polycyclic aromatic hydro-
carbons. Such a plot (or 'chromascan') is shown in figure 4.3 for a
chromatogram of benzene, naphthalene , xylenes , biphenyl, fluorene,
anthracene, fluoranthene, pyrene , chrysene, m-diphenylbenzene and its
para isomer. Three dimensions can be recognized : wavelength, absorbance
and time. Graphics software allows the stack plot to be rotated and viewed
from any angle , or amplified along any axis of choice.

eluent fractions

eluent fractions

Figure 4.3 Chromascan recorded on an HPLC separation of polycyclic aromatic

hydrocarbons. Wavelength range 190-390 nm. (a) Complete
chromascan and (b) part chromatogram. rotated and expanded.

Fourier Transform ultraviolet-visible spectrometers

We saw in section 2.4 .5 the use of interferometry (the Michelson interfero-
meter) to give FTIR spectra, and similar operation can be applied to the
ultraviolet-visible region of the spectrum. The differences between FTIR
and FTUV spectrometers are in degree rather than in kind .
The efficiency and resolving power of the interferometer rests on the
accuracy with which the mirrors can be aligned and (for the moving mirror)
transported. Since the wavelengths in the ultraviolet are much smaller than
those of the infrared region, the mirror geometry must be defined with that
much greater precision .
The advantages of the method over dispersive instruments have already
been expounded in section 2.4.5 .


For most organic work, cells of path length 1 em are used, although 0.1 cm
and 10 cm cells are commercially available: for accurate work, the sample
and reference cells should be matched in optical path length. Synthetic
silica and natural silica are both used, but glass absorbs strongly from
300 nm down, and is not particularly useful for organic work .
Matched silica cells are expensive and fragile, and they must be
thoroughly cleaned after each use and wiped with soft tissue dipped in
methanol : they must be properly stored, and the optical surfaces must
never be handled.


Electronic spectra are usually measured on very dilute solutions, and the
solvent must be transparent within the wavelength range being examined.
Even with double-beam operation, we cannot argue that 'solvent absorp-
tion will cancel out between the sample and reference beams', since a
strongly absorbing solvent will allow so little light to pass through the cells
that the photomultiplier will be effectively 'blind' : this causes the amplifier
to produce a very noisy background on the recorded spectrum. The
lower-wavelength limits for common spectroscopic-grade solvents are
shown in table 4.2: below these limits, the solvents show excessive
absorbance and sample absorbance will not be recorded linearly . The
solvents are listed in table 4.2 in an approximate order of preference, and ,
indeed, a choice of water, ethanol and hexane will meet most require-
ments. Spectroscopic-grade solvents are expensive and may not always be
justified: for example, absolute ethanol is now obtainable from ethylene
hydration in the petrochemicals industry in sufficiently high purity for most
spectroscopic use (the older benzene-azeotrope method always left traces
of benzene in the ethanol, whereas the newer benzene-heptane azeotrope
method produces ethanol with less than 2 ppm of residual benzene) .
Solvent shifts may occur, and comparisions between spectra should only
be made with this realization (see section 4.4).
Solution preparation should always be done with great care : standard
solutions are prepared in volumetric flasks , the concentration usually being
around 0.1 g I-I. This concentration can be used to record the absorbances
(and e) of the weak bands, but the solution may have to be diluted to bring
the intense bands on scale: if dilution is necessary, it should always be done
by a known factor (for example , dilute 2 em:' to 20 crrr'), so that e for
strong bands can also be calculated. Some compounds do not obey Beer's
law exactly, so that the spectra recorded at differing concentrations do not
match . This is usually a minor effect, unless the compound ionizes to an
incre~sed extent at high dilutions.

Table 4.2 Solvents for electronic spectroscopy

Solvent Lower wavelength limit/nm

water 205
ethanol (95 per cent or absolute) 210
hexane 210
cyclohexane 210
methanol 210
diethyl ether 210
acetonitrile 210
tetrahydrofuran 220
dichloromethane 235
chloroform 245
carbon tetrachloride 265
benzene 280

It is worth stressing that modern ultraviolet-visible spectrometers are

extremely accurate in the measurement of absorbance, and a more
significant source of error is in our ability to prepare standard solutions at
low concentrations. For accurate work, all standard flasks, etc ., should be
of the highest analytical quality, and if dilution of the original solution is
necessary, it should be carried out on a volume that can be measured with
the required accuracy; too small a volume will certainly lead to dilution
Replotting of the spectrum may be desirable to convert the absorbance
spectrum (from the spectrometer) into the E or log E form: this involves
calculating E from concentration and absorbance figures and subsequently
redrawing the spectrum on graph paper. Microprocessor programs can
perform these operations routinely.

Exercise 4.8 An a13-unsaturated ketone, relative molecular mass 84, has

an absorption band at Amax 220 nm, with Emax 10 000 (see table 4.1 and
figure 4.1) . As a practice exercise, draw out four properly scaled spectra
(on graph paper) as follows: (a) a plot of E against A; (b) a plot of log E
against A; (c) a plot of A against A for a solution with A max 3.0 (path length
1 em); and (d) a plot of A against A for a solution with A max 1.5 (path
length 1 em). What are the concentrations, expressed in grams per liter,
needed to give rise to plots (c) and (d)?
The conventional electronic spectroscopic techniques outlined above can-
not be used below 200 nrn, since oxygen (in the air) begins to absorb
strongly there. To study the higher-energy transitions below 200 nm (see
table 4.1), the entire path length must be evacuated, and for this reason the
region below 200 nm is usually referred to as the vacuum ultraviolet. The
equipment for this work is more expensive, and a more exacting technique
is demanded to operate it: it has mainly been exploited in studying bond
energies, etc., and is not usually very helpful in organic structural
determinations. The availability now of IT vacuum UV instruments may
lead to greater utilization of the region.


The position and intensity of an absorption band may shift when the
spectrum is recorded in different solvents. For changes to solvents of
increased polarity we can summarize the normal pattern of shifts as follows.
Conjugated dienes and aromatic hydrocarbons experience very little
solvent shift.
af3-Unsaturated carbonyl compounds show two different shifts : (1) the
1T _ 1T* band moves to longer wavelength (red shift) , while (2) the n - 1T*
band moves to shorter wavelength (blue shift) .

Jr- --_
--- --~

--. --. n........ < "'..... at
--""""- Os

x .~ __
- - - - _..... x.
less polar solvent more polar solvent

Figure 4.4 Effect of solvation on the relative energies of orbitals and transitions
in cxl3-unsaturated carbonyl compounds. In more polar solvents
1T _ 1T* absorptions move to longer A, n - 1T* move to shorter A.

We can express this general picture in the form of an energy diagram, as

in figure 4.4; solvation by a polar solvent stabilizes 1T, 1T* and n orbitals: the
stabilization of non bonding orbitals is particularly pronounced with
hydrogen-bonding solvents (such as water or ethanol), and 1T* orbitals are
more stabilized by solvation than are 1T orbitals, presumably because 1T*
orbitals. are the more polar. The net result is as shown in figure 4.4 : the
energy of transition 1T -+ 1T* becomes less with solvation (red shift), while
the energy of transition n -+ 1T* becomes greater (blue shift).
The dimensions of the shift in cx13-unsaturated ketones are listed in table
4.4 : the maximum shift (19 nm) occurs in the 1T -+ 1T* band on changing
the solvent from hexane or cyclohexane to water.


Figure 4.1 shows the characteristic progression in the electronic spectra of
dienes, trienes and tetraenes: the progression continues with increased
conjugation to a limit of 550-600 nm (more than 20 double bonds in
conjugation) by which stage the polyenes are strongly yellow in color. The
red color of tomatoes and carrots arises from conjugated molecules of this
type .

Table 4.3 Conjugated dienes and trienes (in ethanol) ;

>-max for 1T -> 1T* transitions;
Emax 6000-35 000 (x 10- 2 m2 mol ")

acyclic and heteroannular dienes 215 nm

homoannular dienes 253 nm
acyclic trienes 245 nm

Addition for each substituent

- R alkyl (including part of a carbocyclic ring) 5nm
-OR alkoxy 6nm
-SR thioether 30 nm
-C! . -Br 5 nm
-OCOR acyloxy Onm
- CH = CH - additional conjugation 30 nm

if one double bond is exocyclic to one ring 5 nm

if exocyclic to two rings simultaneously 10 nm

solvent shifts minimal

For dienes and trienes the position of the most intense band can be
correlated in most instances with the substituents present: table 4.3
summarizes these empirical relationships (usually cal1ed the Woodward
rules-since they were first enunciated by Nobel Laureate R. B.
Woodward in 1941). To use the rules, it is simply a matter of choosing the
correct base value and summing the contributions made by each substi-
tuent feature.
Two worked examples will illustrate the method .



Example 4.4
Question. Predict the wavelength of an absorption band in the UV
spectrum of compound I.
Model answer. For compound I the base value is 215 nm , since the two
double bonds are heteroannular: there are 4 alkyl substituents (the ring
residues a, b , c and the methyl group d) , adding 4 x 5 nm: the double
bond in ring A is exocyclic to ring B, adding 5 nm : the total is
215 + 20 + 5 = 240 nm. This is within 2 nm of the observed value.

Example 4.5
Question . Predict Amax of a UV absorption band for compound II.
Model answer. For compound II the base value is 253 nrn, to which we add
2 x 5 (two ring residues a and c but not b and d) and 2 x 5 (both double
bonds are exocyclic, to rings A and C, respectively), giving a total of
273 nm. This is within 2 nm of the observed value .

Exercise 4.9 Use the Woodward rules to calculate a h max for each of
compounds III and IV .

Further examples of the application of Woodward's rules are given in

chapter 6.
It is worth restating that these rules are empirically based on analogous
model compounds, and will only hold good for other compounds whose
structures are close to those of the models. The influence of contradictory
factors is discussed in section 4.11.
It is not possible to predict Emax other than within the range given in table
4.3: the only general rule is that longer conjugation leads to higher
intensity, the approximate relationship in many cases being E oc (length of
Interest in these compounds arose from their being discovered in plant
material , and electronic spectroscopy has been of paramount importance
in structure elucidation: the number of possible permutations between
triple and double bonds in polyeneynes is very large indeed, but two typical
groupings are shown below:

CO2 Me
-= =~C02Me

The absorption spectrum of a typical poly-yne and a typical polyeneyne

are shown in figure 4.5: as expected, the intensity and Amax values increase
with increasing conjugation and substitution, so that assistance in proof of
structure of a new compound can be achieved by comparison of the new
compound's spectrum with that of a closely related model compound.

log ( 6

typical enetriyne

200 250 300 350 400 Atom

Figure 4.5 Electronic absorption spectra typical of poly-yne and polyeneyne



Table 4.4 shows the correlations that can apply to al3-unsaturated carbonyl
compounds: the original data were compiled by Woodward, with many
extensions and verifications being added over the years.
The method of use is similar to that for conjugated dienes (table 4.3), the
only two variants being (1) the distinction between a and 13 substituents
and (2) the importance of solvent shifts (see also section 4.4).
The typical appearance of an a13-unsaturated ketone spectrum is shown
in figure 4.1; note that these Woodward rules calculate the position of the

Table 4.4 a13-Unsaturated carbonyl compounds (in ethanol); Amax for 1'1" ~ 1'1"*
transitions; lOmax 4500-20000 (x 10- 2 m2 mol")

/3 IX
ketones -C=C-Co- acyclic or 6-ring cyclic 215 nm
5-ring cyclic 202nm
aldehydes -C=C-cHO 207 nm
acids and esters -C=C-c01H(R) 197 nm

Additional conjugation
s y 13 IX
-C=C-C=C-Co- etc. add 30 nm
(If the second double bond is homoannular with the first, add 39 nm)

Addition/or each substituent

IX /3 y l)
-R alkyl (including part of a carbocyclic ring) 10nm 12nm 17nm 17nm
-ORalkoxy 35 nm 30nm 17 nm 31nm
-OH hydroxy 35 nm 30 nm 30nm 50nm
-SR thioether 80nm
-CI chloro 15nm 12nm 12nm 12nm
-Sr bromo 25 nm 30 nm 25 nm 25 nm
-OCOR acyloxy 6nm 6nm 6nm 6nm
-NH 1 , -NHR, -NR 1 amino 95 nm
if one double bond is exocyclic to one ring 5nm
If exocyclic to two rings simultaneously 10nm

Solvent shifts (see section 4.4)

Above values shifted to longer wavelength in water, and to shorter wavelength in 'less polar'
solvents. For common solvents the following corrections should be applied in computing Am..
water +8 nm
methanol o
chloroform -I nm
dioxan -5nm
diethyl ether -7nm
hexane -II nm
cyclohexane -11 nm
intense 1T ---+ 1T* tran sition, not the weak n ---+ 1T* transition . As for
conjugated dienes, Emax cannot be predicted with accuracy.
Two worked examples will illustrate the method.


(J\ ¢o
Example 4.6
Question . Predict Amax for a 1T ---+ 1T* absorption band in the UV spectrum
of compound I.
Model answer. For compound I the base value is 215 nm: for one a-alkyl
group add 10 nrn, for one ~-alkyl group add 12 nm; the total is
215 + 10 + 12 = 237 nm. This is within 1 nm of the observed value (for
which Emax is 4600). Had the spectrum been recorded in water, Amax would
have moved to 245 nm.

Example 4.7
Question. Predict the Amax for an absorption band in the UV spectrum of
compound II.
Model answer. For compound II the base value is again 215 nm: for one
a-alkyl group add 10 nrn, for two ~-alkyl groups add 2 x 12 nm, for a
double bond exocyclic to two rings add 10 nm: the total is
215 + 10 + 24 + 10 = 259 nm. This is within 3 nm of the observed value
(for which Emax is 6500). Had the spectrum been recorded in hexane, Amax
would have moved to 248 nm .

Exercise 4.10 Use the Woodward rules to calculate a Amax for each of
compounds III and IV.

In general , the same reservations apply to the predictions of a~­

unsaturated ketone absorptions as apply to conjugated dienes (see section


It has already been stated (in section 4.2.1) that the electronic absorption
spectrum of benzene shows a great deal of fine structure in the vapor
phase ; less is seen in hexane solut ion , and less still in ethanol solution.
A similar trend takes place when benzene is substituted-simple alkyl
substituents shift the absorptions slightly to longer wavelength, but do not
destroy the fine structure , while nonbonding pair substituents (-OH,
- OR, - NH~. etc.) shift the absorptions more substantially to longer
wavelength and seriously diminish (or wholly eliminate) the fine structure .
It is only very occasionally necessary to rely on the electronic spectrum
to infer structural relationships in substituted benzenes: additionally, the
empirical rules that have been compiled for calculating their Amax values
are often ambiguous, and do not permit predictions concerning the number
of bands present or their intensity. Given the enormous number of possible
substitution patterns, the only consistently valid approach to predicting the
electronic spectrum of anything but the simplest benzene derivative is to
record the electronic spectrum of a suitable model compound or to find
such a spectrum in the literature (see 'Further Reading'). It would be
unwise to extrapolate substantially from the model , but the following
indicators are worth recording.
1. The most 'influential' combination of substituents is a - M group
para to a +M group , so that nonbonding pair donation (by the +M
group) is effectively complementary to the electron-withdrawing - M
group: the shift in Amax is greater than the sum of the individual shifts.
(Examples are p-nitroaniline and p-nitrophenol.)
2. Usually a - M group ortho or meta to a + M group produces mer ely a
small shift from that of the isolated chromophores.
3. Altering the non bonding pair 'availability' will alter the position of

Exercise 4.11 When p-nitrophenol is dissolved in water, the color is

yellow, but when NaOH is added , the color deepens in intensity and moves
to longer wavelength . Explain th is.

Exercise 4.12 When p-aminophenol is dissolved in water, Amax is at longer

wavelength than in acid solution . Explain this .


Figure 4.6 shows the characteristic development of ultraviolet-visible
absorption as benzene rings are fused together in the linear series
benzene-naphthalene-anthracene or angularly in the series ben-
zene-naphthalene-phenanthrene. The fusion of additional rings leads to
more and more complex spectra (see that of pyrene in figure 4.6), but these
spectra are uniquely characteristic of each aromatic chromophore, so that it
is a very simple matter to compile a spectra catalog of aromatic hydrocar-
bons for identification purposes. The introduction of alkyl groups has little
influence on Amax or Emax , so that (for example) methylanthracenes are
readily identified as possessing the anthracene chromophore from their
electronic spectra, etc.

logt t


log t I
(b) I
4 ,

r' " > \,wW.I" II,

'I I \
..... /

2 \If©© \

200 300 3SO 400 A/om

Figure 4.6 Electronic absorption spectra of typical polynuclear aromatic

hydrocarbon chromophores. All spectra recorded in hexane. For
clarity the upper set (a) (phenanthrene and pyrene) has been
displaced upward on the ordinate from set (b) (benzene, naphthalene
and anthracene). The wavelength scale for both sets is identical.

Table 4.5 lists the Amax and Emax values for many common hydrocarbon
systems .

Exercise 4.13 The electronic spectra of a series of polycyclic aromatic

hydrocarbons (P AHs) had Amax values as follows: identify these hydro-
carbons unequivocally from table 4.5 . (Note that simple alkyl substituents
would not interfere with the identification of the hydrocarbon chromo-
phore; look up any structures which are unknown to you .) (a) 231, 241,
251, 262, 272, 292, 305, 318, 334,352, 362,372; (b) 236,276,287 ,309,323,
342,359; (c) 229, 264, 274, 311, 323 , 334 , 340, 440, 468.
Table 4.5 Principal maxima in the electronic spectra of aromatic hydrocarbons"

Hydrocarbon Solvent Principal maxima

benzene E 229 (1.21), 234 (1.46), 239 (1.76), 243 (2.00),

249 (2.30), 254 (2.36), 260 (2.30), 268
toluene, xylenes and E similar appearance to benzene spectrum; but
trimethylbenzenes peaks move to longer h and higher E with
each additional alkyl group
biphenyl E 250 (4.15); 2- or 2'-substituents may change
the spectrum considerably
binaphthyls H 220 (5.00), 280 (4.20)b; see biphenyl
indene H 209 (4.34), 221 (4.03),249 (3.99), 280 (2.69),
286 (2.35); many inflections
styrene H 247 (4.18), 273 (2.88), 283 (2.87), 291 (2.76)
fluorene E 261 (4.23),289 (3.75), 301 (3.99)
naphthalene E 221 (5.00),248 (3.40), 266 (3.75) , 275 (3.82),
285 (3.66), 297 (2.66), 311 (2.48), 319
acenaphthene E similar in appearance to naphthalene
trans-stilbene E 230 (4.20), 299 (4.48), 312 (4.47)
cis-stilbene E 225 (4.34), 282 (4.10)
phenanthrene E 223 (4.25), 242 (4.68), 251 (4.78),274 (4.18),
281 (4.14), 293 (4.30), 309 (2.40) , 314
(2.48), 323 (2.54), 330 (2.52), 337 (3.40) ,
345 (3.46)
phenalene (perinaphthene) E 234 (4.40), 320 (3.90), 348 (3.70)
fluoranthene E 236 (4.66), 276 (4.40), 287 (4.66), 309 (3.56),
323 (3.76), 342 (3.90), 359 (3.95)
chrysene E 220 (4.56), 259 (5.00), 267 (5.20), 283 (4.14),
295 (4.13), 306 (4.19), 319 (4.19), 344
(2.88), 351 '(2.62), 360 (3.00)
pyrene E 231 (4.62),241 (4.90),251 (4.04),262 (4.40) ,
272 (4.67), 292 (3.62), 305 (4.06), 318
(4.47),334 (4.71), 352 (2.82), 362 (2.60),
372 (2.40)
anthracene E 252 (5.29), 308 (3.15), 323 (3.47), 338 (3.75),
355 (3.86), 375 (3.87)
perylene E 245 (4.44), 251 (4.70),387 (4.08), 406 (4.42),
434 (4.56)
acenaphthylene H 229 (4.72) , 264 (3.46), 274 (3.43), 311 (3.93),
323 (4.03), 334 (3.70), 340 (3.70), 440
(2.00) ,468 (1.56)

a Values quoted are for hmax in nm, with log E max in parentheses. Solvents used were
either hexane (H) or ethanol (E).
I> 2,2'-Binaphthyls are different: 255 (4.9) , 320 (4.4).
Once again the most successful approach to the electronic spectra of
heterocyclic systems has been an empirical one, coupled with a few
guidelines on substituent effects .
Table 4.6 lists the principal ~max and E max values for common heterocyclic

Table 4.6 Principal maxima in the electronic spectra of some common

heterocyclic systems"

Compound Solvent Principal maxima

pyrrole E 235 (2.7, shoulder) ; no sharp maxima

furan H 207 (3.96)
thiophene H 227 (3.82), 231 (3.85), 237 (3.82), 243 (3.58)
indole H 220 (4.42), 262 (3.80), 280 (3.75), 288 (3.61)
carbazole E 234 (4.63), 244 (4.38), 257 (4.29) , 293 (4.24), 324
(3.55), 337 (3.50)
pyridine H 251 (3.30), 256 (3.28), 264 (3.17)
quinoline E 226 (4.53), 230 (4.47) , 281 (3.56), 301 (3.52), 308
isoquinoline H 216 (4.91), 266 (3.62),306 (3.35), 318 (3.56)
acridine E 249 (5.22), 351 (4.00)
pyridazine H 241 (3.02), 246 (3.15), 251 (3.15),340 (2.56)
pyrimidine H 242 (3.31), 293 (2.51), 307 (2.40), 313 (2.18), 317
(2.04),324 (1.73)
pyrazine H 254 (3.73), 260 (3.78), 267 (3.57), 315 (2.93), 322
(2.99),328 (3.02)
barbituric acids water 256-257 (= 4.4, concentration-dependent)

" Values quoted are for Amax in nm, with log Emax in parentheses. Solvents used were
usually hexane (H) or ethanol (E) ; change of solvent may affect the spectrum
considerably .

Simple alkyl substituents, as usual, have little effect on the spectra, but
polar groups (electron donors or attractors) can have profound effects,
which are usually highly dependent on substitution position in relation to
the heteroatom(s) . The possibility that tautomeric systems may be gener-
ated should also be borne in mind, the classic case here being the
2-hydroxypyridines, which tautomerize almost entirely .to 2-pyridones,
with substantial changes in the electronic spectra.
The empirical rules met until now are much honored in the breach, a
variety of reasons being responsible for the failures: consistently, stereo-
chemical reasons are to be blamed, and it is worth taking a few examples to
illustrate this. In all cases it can be shown that angular strain or steric
overcrowding has distorted the geometry of the chromophore, so that, for
example, conjugation is reduced by reducing the 'IT-orbital overlap, etc.


4. t t . t
Biphenyl (I) is not completely planar (the two rings being at an angle of
approximately 45°) and in 2-substituted biphenyls (II) the two rings are
pushed even further out of coplanarity: the result is that diminished
'IT-orbital overlap in the 2-substituted derivatives leads to shifts to shorter A
and diminished intensity in their electronic spectra.
Thus, biphenyl (I) has Amax 250 (E, 19 000), while 2-methylbiphenyl (II)
has Amax 237 (E, 10 250). Adding more methyl groups is complicated by the
effect of the methyl groups themselves (shifts to longer A) , but an
interesting comparison can be made between the hexamethylbiphenyl (III)
and mesitylene (1,3,5-trimethylbenzene, IV): these two exhibit the same
Amax (266 nm) and their Emax values are 545 and 260, respectively (in
ethanol) .
The 1,1' -binaphthyls cannot be coplanar (and indeed are enantiomeric)
and exhibit electronic absorption at much shorter wavelength than for
naphthalene itself (see table 4.5) : in 2,2' -binaphthyls, with much less
overcrowding, the Amax values are nearer those expected from the benzene-
biphenyl analogy.

Me Me Me
Me Me

cis and trans ISOMERS
4. t t.2
Where an alkene chromophore is capable of geometrical isomerism, it is
normally found that the trans isomer exhibits longer-wavelength absorp-
tion (and higher intensity) than the cis isomer: this can be rationalized in
terms of the more effective rr-orbital overlap possible in the trans isomer,
and is illustrated well in the case of cis- and trans-stilbenes (see table 4.5) .


The Woodward rules for conjugated dienes and carbonyl compounds give
reliable results only where there is an absence of strain around the
chromophore: thus, the rules are successful for acyclic and (most) six-
membered ring systems. Well-authenticated violations are abundant,
whether the chromophore distortion is engendered by ring strain or by the
introduction of additional conjugation other than at the end of the
chromophore (cross-conjugation) . Examples of systems whose electronic
spectra could not satisfactorily be predicted by the Woodward rules are
shown below:


So sensitive is electronic spectroscopy to distortion of the chromophore

that one can turn this to advantage in demonstrating that distortion is
present in the molecule. In molecules IV, V and VI, the observed Amax
values are lower than calculated, thus demonstrating the influence of steric
inhibition of resonance in the conjugation; further examples of steric
inhibition of resonance arise in substituted biphenyls and binaphthyls (see
section 4.11.1) .



The high sensitivity of electronic spectroscopy, and the ease and
accuracy with which quantitative work can be carried out, make it a
valuable analytical method-limited principally by the need for a
chromophore in the system under analysis.
From the Beer-Lambert law (see section 4.2.2), expressed in the
form E. = Aiel, we can see that the concentration of a chromophoric
molecule can be measured in solution, provided that we know the
value of E: the path length (I) is the cell dimension, and absorbance (A)
is obtained as log (loll) from the spectrometer.
A simple example of an analytical problem would be the estimation
of a mixture of anthracene and naphthalene. Figure 4.6 shows that in
ethanol anthracene absorbs at Amax 375 nm (log E, 3.87), well clear of
any naphthalene absorption. We can prepare a standard solution of
the anthracene-naphthalene mixture and measure the absorbance at
375 nm: from the Beer-Lambert law the concentration of pure
anthracene can be calculated and, hence, the proportion of an-
thracene in the mixture.
Direct measurement of the naphthalene concentration is compli-
cated by the fact that, at all Amax for naphthalene, part of the absorb-
ance will be due to a contribution from anthracene. The procedure
would be to choose a suitable Amax for naphthalene (for example, Amax
285 nm) , and measure on the anthracene spectrum the value of e for
anthracene at this wavelength. (From figure 4.6, log E at 285 nm for
anthracene is 2.2.) Since we already know the concentration of
anthracene, and now also E at 285 nm, we can calculate the absorb-
ance due to anthracene (Aa ) at 285 nm (for a given mixture solution).
We can measure the total absorbance at 285 nm for the same
solution (At) and hence calculate the absorbance due to naphthalene
at 285 nm (An), since An = At - Aa. From An we can then calculate the
concentration of naphthalene in the solution and, hence, the propor-
tion of naphthalene in the mixture.
This latter technique must be used if (say) anthracene and naph-
thalene are present in a mixture with other nonabsorbing consti-
tuents, so that the proportion of naphthalene cannot be calculated
simply by difference.
Simple extensions of the two basic analyses outlined above, with
the ever-desirable compiling of calibration curves for more complex
cases, have been used to meet the vast majority of quantitative

Exercise 4.14 Modern spectrometers can construct a working curve

from a series of solutions of known concentration. On graph paper
manually prepare a working curve (a plot of absorbance at a fixed
wavelength against known concentration of standards) from the
following data points: (1) A = 0 at c = 0 gil; (2) A = 0.5 at c = 0.01 gil;
(3) A = 1.0 at c = 0.02 gil; (4) A = 1.5 at c = 0.03 gil; (5) A = 2.0 at
c = 0.04 gil. From the working curve, calculate the concentrations of
two solutions whose measured absorbances at the same wavelength
were (a) 1.8 and (b) 0.7.
While anthracene is 'colorless', in the sense that its electronic
absorption spectrum lies wholly within the ultraviolet region (see
table 4.5), pure samples of anthracene viewed in ultraviolet light give
off a blue visible light, which we call fluorescence.
Fluorescence is light that is emitted from a molecule after the
molecule has absorbed light of a different (and shorter) wavelength.
One characteristic feature of fluorescent radiation is that the
fluorescence stops whenever the irradiating light is removed. A
related phenomenon, phosphorescence, arises when molecules con-
tinue to emit the longer-wavelength radiation even after the exciting
radiation has been removed.
The explanation of fluorescence and phosphorescence can best be
viewed from a study of figure 4.7: this represents the one-electron
excitation process discussed earlier (in section 4.2) but introduces
additional nomenclature and two additional considerations.

S, --+---1--- vibrational sublevels of S,



So _ ........_--:._..
(ground stale)

Figure 4.7 Mechanisms of fluorescence and phosphorescence. The electronic

transitions hVA' hVF and hvp, are, respectively, absorption,
fluorescence and phosphorescence.

The absorption of light, hilA, by the ground-state molecule leads to

promotion of one electron from a ground-state MO to one of the
vibrational sublevels of the first excited-state MO, 5, (or to some
higher electronic excited state 52, 53, etc.). This rapidly deactivates in
solution, by a radiationless process, to the lowest vibrational sublevel
For the electron to return from 5, to the ground state, it must emit
radiation (hvF), which is clearly of lower energy and thus of longer
wavelength than hVA: the fluorescent radiation corresponds to hVF'

Exercise 4.15 In Example 1.3 we saw that UV light of 200 nm

wavelength corresponds to energy absorbed by a molecule of
600 kJ rnot ", while visible light must have a wavelength above
400 nm. Calculate for a hypothetical molecule the corresponding
energy emitted in fluorescence, assuming a fluorescent excitation of
200 nm and a fluorescent emission of 450 nm, and hence calculate
how much energy is 'lost' by deactivation in the vibrational sublevels.

An alternative path involves loss of energy from 5, to T,: the

principal difference between 5, and T, is the electron spin orienta-
tion . For the two electrons originally occupying the ground-state MO
under consideration, their spins must be anti parallel, following the
Pauli exclusion principle: the original excitation, followed by the
decay to the lowest vibrational sublevel of 5" does not alter the spin
of the promoted electron, but the transition 5, to T, does. Energy
states containing only spin-paired electrons are called singlet states
(50' 5" 52), while those with parallel spin electrons are called triplet
states (T" etc.). Triplet states are more stable than singlet states, and
are longer-lived : they may survive after the exciting radiation has
been removed, and thereafter decay to 50 by emitting the radiation
hv», the phosphorescent radiation.
For complex molecules such as anthracene, several fluorescent
bands are emitted, constituting the fluorescence spectrum, which is
therefore, in origin, not unlike the Raman spectrum discussed in
section 25.3: anthracene will emit this same fluorescence spectrum
even though the wavelength of the excitation is varied within quite
wide limits (although the intensity of the fluorescence spectrum will
vary). The fluorescence spectrum for anthracene consists of four
maxima, with Amax 380 nm, 400 nm, 420 nm and 450 nm : this brings
the emission into the blue region of the visible spectrum, and
therefore anthracene fluoresces blue.
Important uses of the fluorescence phenomenon are represented
by the molecules of fluorescein and the 'optical brightener' derivative
of 4, 4'-diaminostilbene (also called a 'fluorescent brightening agent'
or 'optical bleach').

C0 2H
(acid form)
PhNH S03 -Na + NHPh

PhNH S03 -Na+ NHPh
an optical brightener

The intense green fluorescence of aqueous fluorescein solutions

makes it an excellent material to add to water systems for leak
detection, and an excellent 'marker' for sea rescue operations, etc.
Minute quantities of optical brighteners are added to detergents,
and are retained on the fabrics after washing: in sunlight (or other
ultraviolet source) they fluoresce blue and add brightness (and
whiteness?) to the fabric.
Other applications of fluorescence depend on its extremely low
detection limit: it is used in polymer chemistry to detect and identify
plasticizers, and in the study of impurities (for example, oxidation
impurities in polyethylene and polypropylene). Fluorescent material
dissolved in solution or in solid plastic bases can also detect radioact-
ive decay: this is the foundation of scintillation counting of [3-emitters,
etc. Biological applications include the study of the three-
dimensional tertiary structure of proteins by measuring the proximity
of known fluorescent groups within the protein: these fluorescent
groups can be either aromatic amino acids or specifically added
fluorescent labels.
(It might be interesting to note in contrast that the 'phosphor-
escence' seen at night in the sea is due to several species of marine
micro-organism, which, when agitated by a bow-wave or an oar-
splash, undergo an enzymatic alarm reaction which liberates energy
in the form of green light. This phenomenon is more correctly called

Exercise 4.16 Fireflies (usually species of flying beetles) use bio-

luminescence as a sex-attracting signal, and commonly greenish
light is emitted: at approximately what wavelength is this? If red light
is used in a similar context, what is the approximate. wavelength?


Solutions of iodine in hexane are violet in color, while in benzene
they are brown: iftetracyanoethylene (TCNE; colorless) is added to a
chloroform solution of aniline (colorless), the result is a deep-blue-
colored solution.
The explanation for these color shifts lies in the formation of
complexes between the pairs of molecules, and this complex forma-
tion leads to the production of two new molecular orbitals and,
consequently, to a new electronic transition.
Perhaps the best-known of such complexes are the picrates of
aromatic hydrocarbons, ethers and amines; these picrates are
usually sufficiently stable to be isolable as crystalline material,
although some picrates are only stable in solution.
Since the formation of these complexes involves transfer of elec-
tronic charge from an 'electron-rich ' molecule (a Lewis-base donor)
to an 'electron-deficient' molecule (a Lew is-acid acceptor) they are
called charge-transfer complexes: common donors and acceptors
are shown below :
Charge-transfer donors

Charge-transfer acceptors
OH o

O'N*NO' Cl:¢rCl

N0 2 o
picric acid TCNE
Bond formation between the molecular pairs is brought about
when filled 1T orbitals (or nonbonding orbitals) in the donor overlap
with depleted orbitals in the acceptor. The two new molecular
orbitals formed are illustrated in figure 4.8: the lower-energy MO for
the complex is occupied in the ground state, and transitions from this
MO to the new upper MO are responsible for the new absorption
bands formed.

b j," . / new, long i. transsuon

-. I
I ,...--- acceptor's lowest
unoccupied molecular
/ I orbital (LUMO)
donor's highest -*+\
occupied molecular /

orbital (HOMO) \ I
\ I
\ I

charge-transfer complex MO

Figure 4.8 Electronic transitions for charge-transfer complexes . Donor and

acceptor orbitals combine to form two new orbitals (a and b) for the
complex . New electronic transitions of long A are then possible
between a and b.

The structure of most charge-transfer complexes can be visualized

as a face-to-face association on a 1:1 donor:acceptor basis: only
thus, for example, can maximum overlap of aromatic 1T orbitals take
place. This kind of structure is difficult to draw, and most representa-
tions use one or other of the conventions shown below:

0- [000r O'NY
OH 0-


donor acceptor donor acceptor

(anthracene picrate)

From the large number of possible donors and acceptors, a very

large number of charge-transfer complexes can be formed, and it
would be impossible to discuss their electronic-absorption spectra.
The benzene-iodine and aniline-TCNE cases are representative; h m ax
values for aniline and TCNE are 280 nm and 300 nm, respectively,

while the deep-blue complex has Ama x well into the visible at 610 nm.
In the benzene-iodine case Amax for benzene is 255 nm, while for
molecular iodine in hexane Amax is in the visible around 500 nm: the
charge-transfer complex has an intense additional band around
300 nm, but this tails into the visible region and modifies the violet
color of the molecular iodine to brown.


Even for simple organic molecules, it is usually difficult to calculate
the energies of the molecular orbitals that might be involved in
electronic transitions and, hence, in the absorption of ultraviolet or
visible light: where this can be done, it is then necessary to decide
which transitions are allowed and which are forbidden , before the
principal electronic absorption bands can be predicted.
The allowedness of a transition is associated with the relationsh ip
between the geometries of the lower- and higher-energy molecular
orbitals and the symmetry of the molecule as a whole, but the
mathematics of group theory is an essential prerequisite to a full
exposition of the restrictions that apply. We can, however, state a few
qualitative generalizations, wh ich are indicators of the symmetry
rules that must be observed.
Symmetrical moelcules (that is, molecules with a high degree of
symmetry) have more restrictions on their electronic transitions than
have less symmetrical molecules. As an example, benzene is highly
symmetrical, having a large number of symmetry elements: many
restrict ions apply to the electronic transitions of the benzene mole-
cule, and therefore its electronic absorption spectrum is simple.
For a totally unsymmetrical molecule, the only symmetry operation
that can be performed is the identity operation (which changes
nothing). For such a mo lecule, no symmetry restrictions apply to the
electronic transitions, so that transitions may be observed among all
of its molecular orbitals except, of course, among filled orbitals: a
complex electronic absorption spectrum will result.
Between these two extremes lies the majority of organic com-
pounds that absorb light in the ultraviolet-visible region. For any of
these compounds, to decide whether a transition between two given
molecula r orbitals is allowed or forbidden, and will give rise to
ultraviolet-visible absorption , we must consider (a) the geometry of
the ground-state MO, (b) the geometry of the excited-state MO and
(c) the orientation of the electric dipole of the incident light that might
induce the transition (when referred to the same coordinates). Pro-
vided that these three have an appropriate symmetry relationship,
the transition will be allowed .

4S.5.1 Definitions and nomenclature

The optical activity of a compound is its ability to rotate the plane of
polarized light, and we define the specific rotation, [aJ, as l«l = 100al/c,
where a is the observed rotation, I is the length of polarimeter tube (in
dm) and c is the concentration (in g/100 crrr'), Since l«l may vary with
temperature and with the wavelength of light used, these two must
also be specified; routine measurements use the sodium 0 line at
589 nm, so that for data at 20°C we would quote specific rotation as
[al~? The solvent used must also be quoted, and for accurate work it is
better also to quote the concentration used.
The fact that [o] varies with wavelength is an important one: the
phenomenon is named optical rotatory dispersion (ORO), and ORO
curves play an important role in structure elucidation in optically
active compounds.
Figure 4.9 shows that we can regard plane polarized light as the
resultant of two equal and opposite beams of circularly polarized
light, and this leads to two derivations.

circularly polarized plane elliptically

polarized polarized

+ absorption

"\ \
circular- \
dichroism \
-ve Cation effect

Opdcal rotatory dIIpenioa

Figure 4.9 Optical rotatory dispersion and circular dichroism curves.

i. If one of the circularly polarized components passes through the
medium more slowly than the other, the plane of polarization will
be rotated. (For this to arise, the refractive index of the medium for
one circularly polarized component must be different from that for
the other, the phenomenon being named circular birefringence.)
ii. Whenever we find circular birefringence, we also find that the
two circularly polarized components are differentially absorbed by
the medium: this leads to the emergent beam having an imbalance
between the strengths of the two circularly polarized beams, so
that the emergent beam is not truly plane polarized but elliptically
polarized (see figure 4.9). We name this phenomenon circular
dichroism (CO).
The combined phenomena of circular birefringence and circular
dichroism are named the Cotton effect.

45.5.2 Cotton effect and stereochemistry

The ORO curves for many compounds show typically the plain curve
variance indicated in figure 4.9: but if the compound has an electron-
ic absorption band in the region under study, we obtain an anom-
alous ORO curve, called a Cotton effect curve (figure 4.9). For
example, if we measure the ORO curve for an optically active ketone
in the region of the n - 'T1'* transition band (= 280 nrn), we shall see
an anomalous curve. As shown in figure 4.9, the Cotton effect can be
positive or negative, depending on whether a peak or a trough is met
first in going from long to short A.
The shape of the Cotton effect curves (positive or negative) can be
correlated empirically with very many features of the stereochemis-
try around the chromophore, and while most work has centered on
the weak n - 'T1'* chromophore of carbonyl compounds, the Cotton
effect can be extended to the study of any optically active molecule
that possesses a chromophore.
The 'T1' _ 'T1'* transitions (of conjugated ketones, etc.) are of much
higher intensity than are n - 'T1'* transitions and are, consequently,
more difficult to study, and the multiple Cotton effect curves ob-
served make interpretation more complex.
Anomalous curves in ORO have their counterpart in circular dichro-
ism curves (see figure 4.9): although it is difficult to record the
variation of CO with wavelength, especially near the chromophores
that absorb in the vacuum ultraviolet, equipment that renders this
region accessible down to 165 nm is available.
Chromophores successfully studied include aromatic systems,
heteroaromatic systems and those groups that have absorptions only
in the less accessible vacuum ultraviolet (such as OH groups in
alcohols and carbohydrates).
Many examples of CD have also been recorded in the infrared
region .

45.5.3 The octant rule

The sign of the Cotton effect in ORO and CD curves can be computed
empirically from a knowledge of the absolute stereochemistry of
substituents around the chromophore: conversely, the absolute
stereochemistry of substituents can be deduced from the sign of the
Cotton effect. The enormous potential in this has been fully exploited
in a wide range of molecules, but we can illustrate the principle of the
method by reference to the ketone octant rule.
If an organic molecule is placed at the origin of three-dimensional
orthogonal axes, the three orthogonal planes will cut the molecule
into eight parts, each lying in an 'octant' defined by the intersecting
coordinate planes (see figure 4.10). For cyclohexanones the molecule
is placed as shown, with the C= 0 group along the z axis, the xy
plane bisecting the C=O bond and the yz plane bisecting C-1 and
C-4. The molecule is now viewed in projection along the z axis, and
except in rare cases the molecule can be seen to occupy only the four
rear octants.


C. c,


• .


+ 0

axial axial

ID proJeetk-
The octaab

Figure 4.10 The octant rule for ketones.

The octant rule, applied to cyclohexanones, states that (a) substi-

tuents lying on the coordinate planes have no influence on ORO, (b)
substituents lying in the far upper left and far lower right octants
make a positive contribution to the sign of the Cotton effect: the other
substituents make a negative contribution (see figure 4.10).
3-Methylcyclohexanone is an optically active ketone, and therefore
can be treated by the octant rule . Write out the possible conforma-
tions of the dextrorotatory and levorotatory forms (four forms in all)
and decide which will exhibit positive or negative Cotton effects.
Given that (+ )(Rl-3-methylcyclohexanone exhibits a positive Cotton
effect, what is the preferred conformation of this isomer?


Electronic absorption spectra in the ultraviolet-visible region arise
when electrons in nand 1T orbitals undergo upward transitions on
bombardment by light: at higher energies (in the vacuum ultraviolet)
transitions from a orbitals are also observed. At still higher energies
(using X-rays for bombardment) we can induce the nonvalency core
electrons of the atoms to undergo transitions: thus, if we bombard an
organic molecule with MgKa1,2 or A1Ka1,2 rad iation, electrons will be
ejected from the carbon 1s orbitals, and the spectrum of energies in
these ejected electrons can be recorded as a direct measure of the
core binding energies for C 1s orbitals.
The bases on which this electron spectroscopy is used for chemical
analyses (ESCA) are
i. Different elements have different 1s binding energies, and we
can detect the presence of each element in a molecule from the
ESCA spectrum (from a knowledge of these binding energies).
ii. Atoms ofthe same element, which are in different environments
within a molecule, will have different core binding energies: this
means that a chemical shift phenomenon exists in ESCA, and in
organic molecules the different carbon atoms will give rise to
separate signals (analogous to 13C NMR shifts).
As a very simple example, CH3CHO gives rise to two signals for the
two carbon atoms, separated by 2.6 eV: therefore, the difference in
C 1s core binding energies in CH3CHO is 2.6 eV. A third signal arises
from the oxygen atom .
The development of ESCA, though recent, has been rapid, particu-
larly in its application to the study of surfaces: improved X-ray
monochromators can now give much enhanced resolution, although
the wide natural line-width (of the order of 1.0 eV) presents an upper
limit to this. The method (also called X-ray photoelectron spectro-
scopy, XPS) is in some ways complementary to NMR and to other
photoelectron spectroscopies, such as Auger.
As in NMR, it is usually more important to an organic chemist to
measure relative shifts than to measure the absolute core binding
energies, but these latter can be measured and correlated with
theoretical values . Typical C 1s binding energies are around 290 eV:
within hydrocarbons the chemical shifts are small, while in carbo-
cations major shifts can be observed. Shifts have been correlated
with electronegativity of substituent, it being found that increasing
electronegativity (C, Br, N, CI, etc.) leads to increases in the core-
binding energies. It becomes possible, therefore, to deduce structural
information from ESCA spectra as from NMR spectra.
The time scale of ESCA is very short: the lifetimes of 'hole states'
(those from which the core electron, usually ts, has been ejected) are
of the order of 10- 4_10 - 17 s. Therefore, the method is well suited to
studying fast reactions, transient species, radicals, carbocations,
etc.: in radical studies ESCA gives similar information to that given
by ESR (see section 3S.7).
Dramatic insights into carbocation structures have been achieved.
We can now quantitatively compare the delocalization of charge in
CH3CO+ and PhCO+, by measuring the ESCA shift between the CO
carbon atom and the other carbon atoms of the ion structure. For
CH3CO+ the shift is 6.0 eV, while for PhCO+ it is 5.1 eV: the lesser shift
in PhCO+ implies a lesser difference in core binding energies and
therefore greater delocalization of charge.
In the tert-butyl cation the charge is substantially localized on C-1
(ESCA shift between C-1 and the methyl carbons is 3.4 eV), while in
the trityl and tropylium cations only a single C 1s line is observed,
showing that the charge is efficiently delocalized over all carbons in
these systems.
Me Ph
Me-C+ Ph-C+
Me Ph
tert-butyl trityl tropylium

~ +
fast equilibrium or
classical norbomyl or nonclassical norbomyl
In the norbornyl cation, the argument concerning its classical or
nonclassical nature hinges on whether we have a fast-equilibrating
system or a true resonance system. By comparing the ESCA shifts
within the molecules of a series of norbornyl cations, Olah has
claimed that in the parent norbornyl cation the shift (1.7 eV) is much
less than would be expected in a charge-localized equilibrating ion,
and concludes that this ion is nonclassical. Others dissent from this


Stern , E. S. and Timmons, C. J., An Introduction to Electronic Absorption
Spectroscopy in Organic Chemistry , Arnold, London (3rd edn, 1970).
Friedel, R. A. and Orchin, M., Ultraviolet Spectra of Aromatic Com-
pounds, Wiley, New York (1951).
These two books, although now rather old, contain a fund of data,
spectra and interpretation.
Scott , A . I. , Interpretation of the Ultraviolet Spectra of Natural Products,
Pergamon, Oxford (1964). The authoritative work on Woodward rules,
Hunt, R. W. c., Measuring Colour, Wiley, Chichester (1987). ACOL text.
Denney, R. and Sinclair, R., Visible and Ultraviolet Spectroscopy, Wiley,
Chichester (1987). ACOL text.
Knowles, A. and Burgess, C. (Eds .), Practical Absorption Spectrometry,
Chapman and Hall, London (1984).
Chamberlin, G. J. and Chamberlin, D. G., Colour, Heyden , London

Friedel and Orchin (1951) includes large numbers of spectra.
Clar, E. , Polycyclic Hydrocarbons , Volumes 1 and 2, Springer, Berlin, and
Academic Press , London (1965). Very many condensed aromatic hydro-
carbon systems described, with electronic spectra.
DMS UV Atlas of Organic Compounds , Verlag Chemie , Weinheim, and
Butterworths , London . Up-to-date series of well-presented spectra .
Sadtler Handbook of Ultraviolet Spectra, Sadtier, Pennsylvania, and
Heyden, London (1979). 200 UV-VIS spectra .

Crabbe, P., Optical Rotatory Dispersion and Circular Dichroism in Organ-
ic Chemistry, Holden-Day, San Francisco (1965).
Nordling, c., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 11 (1972), 83. Review of ESCA .
Brundle, C. R., Baker, A . D. and Thompson, M., Chem. Soc. Rev., 1
(1972), 355. Review of ESCA.
Nakanishi , K. and Horada, N., Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy, Oxford
University Press, New York (1983) .
Rendell, D., Fluorescence and Phosphorescence, Wiley, Chichester (1987).
Nowicki-Jankowska, T ., Gorkzynska, K., Malik, A . and Wietecka, E .,
Analytical Ultraviolet and Visible Spectroscopy . Volume 19 of Compre-
hensive Analytical Chemistry , Elsevier, Amsterdam (1986).
Mass Spectrometry

Totally computer controlled mass spectrometer. The inlet system is onthe right, with
a gas chromatograph in the middle (for GC-MS)

High performance organic mass spectrometer.

Organic chemists use mass spectrometry in three principal ways: (1) to
measure relative molecular masses (molecular weights) with very high
accuracy ; from the se can be deduced exact molecular formulae : (2) to
detect within a molecule the places at which it prefers to fragment ; from this
can be deduced the presence of recognizable groupings within the mole-
cule : and (3) as a method for identifying analytes by comparison of their
mass spectra with libraries of digitized mass spectra of known compounds.


In the simplest mass spectrometer (figure 5.1) , organic molecules are
bombarded with electrons and converted to highly energetic positively
charged ions (molecular ions or parent ions), which can break up into
smaller ions (fragment ions, or daughter ions) ; the loss of an electron from
a molecule leads to a radical cation, and we can represent this process as
M ~ M-:. The molecular ion M-: commonly decomposes to a pair of
fragments, which may be either a radical plus an ion, or a small molecule
plus a radical cation. Thus,
M-: ~ ml+ + m2' or m,t + m2
The molecular ions, the fragment ions and the fragment radical ions are
separated by deflection in a variable magnetic field according to their mass
and charge, and generate a current (the ion current) at the collector in
proportion to their relative abundances. A mass spectrum is a plot of
relative abundance against the ratio mass/charge (the m/z value) . For
singly charged ions, the lower the mass the more easily is the ion deflected
in the magnetic field. Doubly charged ions are occasionally formed : these
are deflected twice as much as singly charged ions of the same mass , and
they appear in the mass spectrum at the same value as do singly charged
ions of half the mass, since 2m/2z = m/z.
Neutral particles produced in the fragmentation, whether uncharged
molecules (m2) or radicals (m-"), cannot be detected directly in the mass
Figure 5.1 shows a block layout for a simple mass spectrometer. Since
the ions must travel a considerable distance through the magnetic field to
the collector, very low pressures (= 10- 6_10- 7 mmHg == 10- 4 N m- 2)
must be maintained by the use of diffusion pumps.
to vacuum


_ -collecto r-detector

Figure 5.1 A simple mass spectrometer. Molecules drift from the reservoir into
the ion source, where they are ionized by electron bombardment. The
resulting ion beam consists of molecular ions, fragment ions and
neutral fragments; the ions are deflected by the magnetic field onto
the collector-detector.

Figure 5.2 shows a simplified line-diagram representation of the mass

spectrum of 2-methylpentane (C6H I4 ) . The most abundant ion has an m/z
value of 43 (corresponding to C3H7 +), showing that the most favored point
of rupture occurs between C, and Cy : this most abundant ion (the base
peak) is given an arbitrary abundance of 100, and all other intensities are
expressed as a percentage of this (relative abundances). The small peak at
m/z 86 is obviously the molecular ion. The peaks at m/z 15, 29 and 71
correspond to CH/, C2Hs+ and CSH I1 + , respectively, etc.: the fragment
ions arise from the rupture of the molecular ion, either directly or
indirectly, and the analysis of many thousands of organic mass spectra has
led to comprehensive semiempirical rules about the preferred fragmenta-
tion modes of every kind of organic molecule. The application of these

RA 100
90 C,H, • CH,


CHI~H ~:tH'-CH~
-e 60
15 71
M r .86
57 29

... 40
'E 71
30 C,H ,, '
10 15
I CH, ' 1
C1H, •
I, C.H
57 • • 1. 86 (M t )
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 mlz

Figure 5.2 Simplified mass spectrum of 2-methylpentane sho wing how the chain
can break in several places; but breaks occur preferentially at the
branching point. the most abundant ion being mlz 43 (C.,H 7 " ) .

rules to organic structural elucidation will be developed lat er in the

The ma ss spectru m of a compound can be obtained on a smaller sample
size (in extremis down to 10- 12 g) than for any other of the main
spectroscopic techniques, the principal disad vantages being the de structive
nature of the process, which precludes recovery of the sample, the
difficulty of introducing small enough sa mples into the high- vacuum syste m
needed to handle the ionic species involved and the high cost of the
instruments . Mass spectrometry is unlike the other spectro scopic tech-
niques met in this book in that it does not measure the interaction of
molecules with the spectrum of e nergies found in the electro magne tic
spectrum , but the output from the instru ment has all other spectroscopic
characteristics, in showing an array of signals corresponding to a spectrum
of energies; to highlight this distinction , the nam e mass spectrometry is


We can conveniently study the design of a sophisticated mass spectrometer
by considering each of its five main parts successivel y, with reference to
figure 5.3.


Organic compounds that have moderate vapor pressures at temperatures
...up to around 300°C (including gases) can be plac ed in an ampoule
connected via a reservoir to the ionization chamber. Depending on
volatility, it is possible to cool or heat the ampoule, etc ., to control the rate
at which the sample volatilizes into the reservoir, from which it will diffuse
slowly through the sinter into the ionization chamber. Samples with lower
vapor pressures (for example, solids) are inserted directly into the ioniza-
tion chamber on the end of a probe, and their volatilization is controlled by
heating the probe tip .
,. 0 •


(ii) Ionization
(i) Inlet chamber

analyzer .s"
mon itor

(iii) Analyzer

- --
magne tic
.:.~~ analyzer
" ' i jl D D


(v) Amplifier
and recorder (iv) Collector-Deteetor
'--------~,\"" -------'
Figure 5.3 High-resolution. double-focusing mass spectrometer. (Evacuation
system not shown .)


The several methods available for inducing the ionization of organic
compounds are discussed in section 5S.1, but electron bombardment is
routinely used . Organic molecules react on electron bombardment in two
ways: either an electron is captured by the molecule , giving a radical anion,
or an electron is removed from the molecule, giving a radical cation :
M .s., M: or M ~ Mt + 2e
The latter is more probable by a factor of 102 , and positive-ion mass
spectrometry is the result.
Most organic molecules form molecular ions (M") when the energy of
the electron beam reaches 10-15 eV (:::::: 103 kJ mol-I) . While this mini-
mum ionization potential is of great theoretical importance , fragmentation
of the molecular ion only reaches substantial proportions at higher
bombardment energies, and 70 eV (:::::: 6 X 103 kJ mol") is used for most
organic work .
When the molecular ions have been generated in the ionization
chamber, they are expelled electrostatically by means of a low positive
potential on a repeller plate (A) in the chamber. Once out, they are
accelerated down the ion tube by the much higher potential between the
accelerating plates Band C (several thousand volts) . Initial focusing of the
ion beam is effected by a series of slits.


Theory. In a magnetic analyzer ions are separated on the basis of m/z
values, and a number of equations can be brought to bear on the behavior
of ions in the magnetic field .
The kinetic energy, E, of an ion of mass m travelling with velocity v is
given by the familiar E = !mv 2• The potential energy of an ion of charge z
being repelled by an electrostatic field of voltage V is zV . When the ion is
repelled, the potential energy, zV , is converted into the kinetic energy,
!mv 2, so that

2 2zV
v =-- (5.1)
When ions are shot into the magnetic field of the analyzer, they are
drawn into circular motion by the field, and at equilibrium the centrifugal
force of the ion (mv 2/r) is equalled by the centripetal force exerted on it by
the magnet (zBv), where r is the radius of the circular motion and B is the
field strength. Thus,
-- = zBv
v=- (5.2)

Combining equations (5.1) and (5.2),

= [Z;rr
Therefore ,
m B 2,-2
---- (5.3)
z 2V
It is from equation (5.3) that we can see the inability of a mass
spectrometer to distinguish between an ion m + and an ion 2m 2+ , since the
ratio, m/z , between them has the same value of (B 2,-2/2V), and these three
parameters B, r and V dictate the path of the ions.
To change the path of the ions so that they will focus on the collector and
be recorded, we can vary either V (the accelerating voltage) or B (the
strength of the focusing magnet) . Voltage scans (the former) can be
effected much more rapidly than magnetic scans and are used where fast
scan speed is desirable .
Resolution . The ability of a mass spectrometer to separate two ions (the
spectrometer resolution) is acceptably defined by measuring the depth of
the valleys between the peaks produced by the ions . If two ions of m/z 999
and 1000, respectively, can just be resolved into two peaks such that the
recorder trace almost reaches back down to the baseline between them,
leaving a valley which is 10 per cent of the peak height, we say the
resolution of the spectrometer is '1 part in 1000 (10 per cent valley
resolution)' . Simple magnetic-focusing instruments have resolving powers
of around I in 7500 on this basis.
Double focu sing . Ions repelled by the accelerator plates do not in practice
all have identical kinetic energies, and this energy spread constitutes the
principal limiting factor in improving the resolution of a magnetic analyzer.
Preliminary focusing can be carried out by passing the ion beam between
two curved plates, which are electrostatically charged-an electrostatic
Different equations hold for the behavior of ions in an electrostatic
(rather than magnetic) field. Here the centrifugal force (mv 2/r) = zE, and
combining this with zV = ~mv2 gives
r=- (5.4)
Thus, the radial path followed by ions of a given velocity is independent
of m and z (and mlz values) . The electrostatic analyzer focuses ions of
identical kinetic energy onto the monitor slit, whatever their mlz values,
and, coupled with a magnetic analyzer to resolve mlz values, this double-
focusing spectrometer can attain resolutions of 1 in 60 000.
In a low-resolution instrument we may identify an ion of mlz 28 as
possibly CO+ or N 2+ or C 2H4 +; the accurate mass measurement possible at
high resolution enables us to distinguish among several possible exact
formula masses-for example, CO+ (27.9949), N2 +(28.0062),
C 2H4 + (28.0312).


The focused ion beam passes through the collector slit to the detector,
which must con vert the impact of a stream of positively charged ions into
an electrical current. This must be amplified and recorded , either graphic-
ally or digitally.
Several different amplification systems are used by different manufac-
turers , but the most common is the electron multiplier, which operates in a
manner similar to the photomultiplier detector described in section 4.3.1 .
A series of up to twenty copper-beryllium dynodes transduces the initial
ion current , and the electrons emitted by the first dynode are focused
magnetically from one dynode to the next; the final cascade current is thus
amplified more than one million times. Figure 5.3 illustrates this schema-
tically .
Two essential features of the recording system in a mass spectrometer
are that it must (a) have a very fast response, and be able to scan several
hundred peaks per seco nd , and (b) be able to record peak intensities
varying by a factor of more than 103 . The problem of fast response can be
met by using mirror galvanometers, which reflect an ultraviolet light beam
onto fast-moving photographic paper. Problem (b) was formerly overcome
by having a series of mirror galvanometers covering a range of sensitivities
(for example, three covering the ratio 1:10:100, or five covering the ratio
1:3:10:30:100). Simultaneous scanning produces the mass spectrum trace
shown in figure 5.4.


The analog signal coming from the detector is first converted to digital
form in an analog-to-digital convertor, or ADC, and the digitized data are
stored in computer memory.
Computer-controlled instruments produce the mass spectral data in
several forms, either as a list of fragment ions or plotted directly as a bar
diagram such as figure 5.2. Improvements in instrumentation have largely
eliminated the need for sets of mirror galvanometers. Accurate mass
calibration is carried out each day (or every other day) by recording the
mass spectrum of appropriate reference compounds, such as perfluoro-
kerosene, PFK, or cesium iodide clusters for very high molecular masses:
see also section 5.4 .3.
Identification of known compounds can be carried out by searching
through computer-held digitized mass spectra ; many collections are avail-
able commercially containing up to 100 000 compounds on file. See also
section 5S.2 .

! -.. ~I 111 I II

I I 11I I II I I I I

II . I
! , I I I
, .
! ! ! ! I
I !
I I I ,
I . I
! ! , !

45 so 55 60 65

Figure 5.4 Typical appearance of mass spectra with three mirror galvanometers
scanning simultaneously. Note the metastable ions at m/z 43.4 and
m/z 60.2.


Few elements are monoisotopic, and table 5.1 gives the natural isotope
abundance of the elements we might expect to encounter in organic
compounds. Ions containing different isotopes appear at different m/z
values .
For an ion containing n carbon atoms, there is a probability that
approximately l.ln per cent of these atoms wi11 be 13C , and this wi11 give
rise to an ion of mass one higher than the ion that contains only 12C atoms.
The molecular ion for 2-methylpentane (figure 5.2) has an associated
M + 1 ion, whose intensity is approximately 6.6 per cent of that of the
molecular ion ; while the molecular ion has only 12C atoms , the M + I ion
contains 13C atoms. (The contribution of 2H atoms should not be over-

looked , even though the probability of their presence is not as high as for
l3C, and in exact work the statistics of both l3C and 2H abunda nces must be
calculated .)

Table 5.1 Natural isotope abundances and isotopic masses

( C = 12.000 (00) for common element s

Isotop e Natural abundance (% ) Isotop ic masslm;

IH 99.985 1.007 825

2H 0.015 2.0 14 102
12C 98.9 12.000000
DC 1.1 13.003 354
14N 99.64 14.003 074
15N 0.36 15.000 108
0 99.8 15.994 915
0 0.04 16.999 133
IRa 0.2 17.999 160
19F 100 18.998405
28Si 92.2 27.976 927
29Si 4.7 28.976 491
J()Si 3.1 29.973 761
31p 100 30.973 763
32S 95.0 31.972 074
33S 0.76 32.971 461
34S 4.2 33.967865
35C1 75.8 34.968855
37C1 24.2 36.965 896
79B r 50.5 78.918348
RI B r 49.5 80.916 344
1 100 126.904352

A seco nd associated peak can arise at ml z M + 2 if two l3C atoms are

present in the same ion (or if two 2H atoms, or one l3C and one 2H, are
pre sent) ; these probabilities can be calculated and may be a help in
dec iding the formula for an ion in the absence of exact mass measurement.
For example , the two ions CgH I2N3+ and ~HlO02 + ha ve the same unit
mass (m/z 150), and the M + 1 relative abundances are similar (9.98 per
cent and 9.96 per cent , respectively); however, the M + 2 abundances are
sufficiently different to enable differentiation of the structures (0.45 per
cent and 0.84 per cent, respectively) . The ability to see M + 2 peaks of
such low abundance depends on there being a large M: peak.
Ions containing one bromine atom create a dramatic effect in the mass
spectrum becau se of the almost equal abundance of the two isotopes; pairs
of peak'S of roughly equal intensity appear, separated by two mass units.
Equally characteristic are the ions from chlorine compounds engendered
by the 35Cl and 37Cl isotopes; for ions containing one CI atom , the relative
intensities of the lines, separated by two mass units, is 3:1. Ions containing
one sulfur atom also have associated m + 2 peaks.
The picture becomes much more complicated when one considers the
relative abundances of ions containing several polyisotopic elements; the
presence of two bromine atoms in an ion gives rise to three peaks at m,
m + 2 and m + 4, the relative intensities being 1:2:1, while for three
bromines the peaks arise at m, m + 2, m + 4, m + 6, with relative
intensities 1:3:3: 1. These figures ignore any contribution from 13C that may
be present.
For each element in a given ion, the relative contributions to m + 1,
m + 2 peaks, etc .. can be calculated from the binomial expansion of
(a + b)", where a and b are the relative abundances of the isotopes and n is
the number of these atoms present in the ion. Thus, for three chlorine
atoms in an ion, expansion gives a3 + 3a2b + 3ab 2 + b 3 • Four peaks arise;
the first contains three 35Cl atoms and each successive peak has 35Cl
replaced by 37Cl until the last peak contains three 37CI atoms. The m/z
values are separated by two mass units , at m , m + 2, m + 4, m + 6. Since
the relative abundances of 35Cl and 37Cl are 3:1 (that is, a = 3, b = 1), the
intensities of the four peaks (ignoring contributions from other elements)
1 ~ .
~ 3
are a = 27, 'sa'b = 27, 3ab- = 9, b = 1 (that is, 27:27:9 :1) .



In previous sections we represented the molecular ion as Mt, signifying a
radical cation produced when a neutral molecule loses an electron : where
does the electron come from?
For electron bombardment around their ionization potentials (10-15
eV = 103 kJ mor '), it is meaningfully possible in organic molecules to say
which are the likeliest orbitals to lose an electron . The highest occupied
orbitals of aromatic systems and nonbonding orbitals on oxygen and
nitrogen atoms readily lose an electron; the 1T electrons of double and
triple bonds are also vulnerable . At the instant of ionization in a
Franck-Condon process, before any structural rearrangement can occur,
these ionizations can then be represented as shown below . In alkanes, all
we can say is that the ionization of C-C cr bonds is easier than that of
C-H bonds.
In the strictest sense, however, we must not attempt to localize the
excitation produced by the loss of an electron when the electrons them-
selves are not localized: in the absence of specific evidence, we must be
satisfied with the generalized view of an electron being expelled from the


:0: :ot :0:
----+ -----..

-e +.
R-NH 2 ----+ R-NH 2

>=< ----+
whole molecular orbital and of the excitation energy being spread through-
out the molecule . For electron bombardment of complex molecules around
70 eV (6 x 103 kJ mol-I), any specificity in the site of electron removal is
lost entirely. These arguments apply also to the structures of fragment ions
and fragment radical ions, and these are frequently written in square
brackets (for example, [CsHs]"t" or [C4H7]"t"), no attempt being made to
speculate on the precise structures. The use of a partial square bracket (for
example, CsHsl"t" or C4H71"t", or as in structure I below) is a useful
alternative, especially for larger structures . However, organic chemists have
successfully adapted the postulates of resonance theory to explain the
reactivities of functional groups and the mechanistic processes inherent in
syntheses, rearrangements and degradations. It is not surprising that they
have extended their mechanistic interpretations to include fragmentation
reactions of molecular ions , and in so doing they have perhaps oversimp-
lified the problems faced by theoretical workers. The organic chemist's
argument is that it may be inexact to write the single structure II rather
than I for the molecular ion of 2-propanol after 70 eV bombardment: but
II makes it easy to rationalize its fragmentation to a methyl radical (CH 3 ")
and the ion [CzHsOt at m/z 45.

OH ]t +
----+ CH 3 •
CH 3 - t H - C H 3 C'H'V:
3 C'H -CH 3 CH-CH 3
I II m/z 45
At the instant of fragmentation, it is certainly true that sufficient
excitation energy must be concentrated within the appropriate (J bond to
exceed the energy of activation for its rupture. Provided that mechanistic
notations are used with full acknowledgement of their implications and
limitations, they can supply to organic chemists a familiar rational frame-
work for the interpretation of fragmentation processes that cannot be
supplied by the unadulterated precision of molecular-orbital theory.
The fragmentation of molecular ions, etc ., is discussed systematically in
section 5.6.


The molecular ions of roughly 20 per cent of organic compounds decom-
pose so rapidly « 10- 5 s) that they may be very weak or undetected in a
routine 70 eV spectrum. For most unknown compounds the ion cluster
appearing at highest m/z value is likely to represent the molecular ion with
its attendant M + 1 peaks, etc., but we must apply a number of tests to
ensure that this is so .
Abundant molecular ions are given by aryl amines, nitriles, fluorides and
chlorides. Aromatic hydrocarbons and heteroaromatic compounds give
strong M't peaks, provided that no side-chain of C2 or longer is present:
indeed the M't peak is often the base peak, and doubly charged ions may
often be observed in the mass spectra of these compounds appearing at
m/2z values. Aryl bromides and iodides lose halogen too readily to give
strong molecular ion peaks. Other classes with weakened M't peaks are
aryl ketones (which fragment easily to ArCO+) and benzyl compounds
such as side-chain hydrocarbons (ArCH 2R) or ArCH 2X (both of which
fragment at the benzylic carbon) .
Absence of molecular ions (or an extremely weak M't peak) is character-
istic of highly branched molecules whatever the functional class. Alcohols
and molecules with long alkyl chains also fragment easily and lead to very
weak M"t peaks.
Isotope abundances should correlate with the appearance of the pur-
ported molecular-ion cluster, as discussed in section 5.3. The intensities of
M + 1, M + 2 peaks, etc., are obviously most easily measured and of
greatest value when the M't peak is fairly abundant.
Nitrogen-containing compounds with an odd number of nitrogen atoms
in the molecule must have an odd molecular weight (relative molecular
mass) .
An even number of nitrogen atoms, or no nitrogen at all, leads to an even
molecular weight (relative molecular mass).
Common fragment ions in the spectrum contribute positive support for
the assignment of M't; what constitutes 'common fragment ions' is the
subject of section 5.6.
Unusual fragment ions should make one suspicious: for example,
molecular ions can give rise to a series of weaker ions at M - 1, M - 2 and
M - 3 due to successive loss of hydrogen, but a specific fragmentation
leading directly to M - 3 (or M - 4 or M - 5) is never observed. An
apparent M - 14 peak (corresponding to direct loss of a CH 2 fragment) is
SO rare that the purported M: ion should be discounted; a more likely
explanation is the presence of a lower homolog as contaminant in the


For an unknown organic compound, the ability to measure its relative
molecular mass (molecular weight) to within four decimal places leads
immediately to an accurate molecular formula for the compound.
Accurate isotopic masses for the principal isotopes of the elements
commonly met in organic chemistry are given in table 5.1. Note that the
relative atomic mass, A r (formerly called the atomic weight), of an element
is the weighted mean of the masses of the naturally occurring isotopes.
Thus, since the natural abundances of 12C (12.000000) and l3C
(13.003 354) are 98.9 per cent and 1.1 per cent, respectively, we can
calculate the relative atomic mass of carbon as 12.01.

/n the mass spectrum of an organic molecule , each peak corresponds to

an ion of a particular isotopic composition, and its mlz value is
calculated from the isotopic masses in table 5./ and not from the
relative atomic masses of the elements.

Similarly, in calculating the molecular formula from the molecular ion,

we must be sure that we know which isotopes are present in that ion. In the
case of compounds containing only C, Hand 0, we can easily identify the
l3C isotope peak (see section 5.3) , and 2H and 170 are at extremely low
abundance; the main peak in the molecular ion cluster then corresponds
solely to a combination of 12C, 1H and 160.
As an example, consider an unknown compound X whose relative
molecular mass (to the nearest integer) is measured at low resolution to be
100. From this and other evidence the compound could be either (A)
C6H120 or (B) C4H403 • High-resolution mass measurement of the molecu-
lar ion gives m/z 100.08871, proving that the correct structure is A.
Mass measurement can be carried out at its most sophisticated level by
having a high-resolution instrument interfaced to a computer, which is
programmed to identify reference peaks and to interpolate from their
known masses to the masses of other individual ions from the sample . An
additional program can convert the accurate masses to the element
compositions of the ions, so that the printout contains a list of ion masses,
abundances and compositions. The positions of known accurate masses can
be obtained from an electronic mass marker or by using reference
compounds such as perfluorokerosene, PFK (mixed long-chain perfluoro-
alkanes, C nF2n + 2) : PFK fragments to a series of well-spaced fragment ions
up to high m/z values, for example, mlz 169, 181, 219. In double-beam
spectrometers PFK can be fed simultaneously into the instrument with the
sample, and the ion masses of the sample displayed in parallel with those of
the PFK.
An alternative method of mass measurement is to couple the output of
the -instrument to a cathode-ray oscilloscope, and to display alternately on
the oscilloscope tube the peak whose mass is to be measured and an ion of
known mass from the reference compound. The accelerator voltage of the
spectrometer can then be adjusted until these two peaks overlap, and the
difference in mass between them can be calculated as a function of the
change in accelerator voltage . This process is known as peak matching.



In the diagrammatic mass spectrum in figure 5.4 can be seen broad peaks at
non-integer masses m/z 60.2 and m/z 43.4. The ions producing these peaks
are termed metastable ions : they have lower kinetic energy than have
normal ions, and arise from fragmentations that take place during the flight
down the ion tube rather than in the ionization chamber. The exact
position where they are formed in the tube determines whether or not we
can easily observe them.
Up until now we have tacitly assumed that molecular ions formed in the
ionization chamber do one of two things: either they decompose comp-
letely and very rapidly in the ion source and never reach the collector (as in
the case of highly branched molecular ions with lifetimes less than
= 10- 5 S), or else they survive long enough to reach the collector and be
recorded there (lifetimes longer than = 10- 5 s). We have also assumed
that fragment ions are produced by decompositions of a proportion of the
molecular ions in the ion source .
Depending on the inherent stability of an ion, and on the amount of
excitation energy absorbed on bombardment, ion lifetimes will vary in a.
complex manner: a given molecular ion may possess a spread of energies
and, not surprisingly, some of the molecular ions will have intermediate
lifetimes (= 10- 5 s) and so leave the ionization chamber intact, but
decompose en route to the collector. Some fragment ions behave similarly,
decomposing between ion source and collector.
Suppose that a large number of molecules of M are converted to
molecular ions M"t: not all of the M"t will possess the same excitation
energy and therefore some will have longer lifetimes than others.
The M"t ions with shortest lifetimes may decompose in the ionization
chamber to stable daughter ions A + and radicals B'; the daughter ions A +
will be detected at the collector normally. The molecular ions that leave
the ion source intact will be accelerated by the accelerator voltage and will
then possess a translational energy eV. Some of these M"t ions may survive
intact to the collector and be detected normally. If, however, others of
these M" ions decompose to A + and B' immediately after acceleration, the
translational energy of the parent M"t (eV) will be shared between A + and
B' in proportion to their masses (principle of conservation of momentum).
The translational energy of the daughter ion A + must then be lower than
that of the parent ion , and this ion A + will arrive at the collector differently
from the 'normal' A + ion produced in the ion source.

The ion A + with 'abnormal' translational energy is a metastable ion . Note

that metastable A + ions have the same mass as normal A + ions, but
simply have less translational energy.


Of the metastable ions produced in the ion tube, only a fraction come to
reasonable focus at the collector (unless by the use of special techniques) :
we must consider the successive regions of the ion tube to understand why
this should be so.
The first field-free region, in a double-focusing instrument, lies between
the ion source and the electrostatic analyzer. (This region has no counter-
part in single-focusing instruments.) If a metastable ion is produced here , it
will be focused out by the electrostatic analyzer because of its abnormal
kinetic energy. Such ions, and any metastable ions formed in the analyzer,
will appear out of focus (randomly) at the collector as background current,
and will be undetected.
The second field-free region in a double-focusing instrument lies between
the electrostatic and magnetic analyzers. (In single-focusing spectrometers
the corresponding region is between the ion source and the magnetic
analyzer.) Metastables produced in this region will be focused reasonably
sharply by the magnetic analyzer on the bases of their masses and
translational energies, but since a metastable A + ion has the same mass
and lower translational energy (less momentum) than the normal A + ion,
the metastable A + ion is deflected more easily in the analyzer than the
normal A + ion : these metastable A + ions will appear on the spectrum
among ions of lower mass , and are the only metastable ions detected
routinely. Metastable peaks are broadened for a number of reasons, one of
which is the possibility that some of the excitation energy leading to bond
rupture may be converted to additional kinetic energy.
Ions produced in the magnetic analyzer will be focused at the collector,
but there will be substantial differences in energy between those formed at
the beginning compared with those formed at the end of the analyzer: this
produces a continuum of low-intensity signals between the positions of
normal A + and metastable A +, and is usually too weak to be detected.
The third field-free region lies between the magnetic analyzer and the
collector. Since no focusing takes place in this region, a parent ion is
already immutably on path, and if it decomposes to the metastable A +,
then this metastable will continue on the same path as the parent ion . The
metastable ion is detected at the same m/z value as the parent ion.


The apparent mass of a metastable ion A + (m*) can be calculated fairly
accurately from the masses of the parent ion (mI) and the normal daughter
ion A + (m2) from the equation
m" = - -
This equation often gives an apparent mass 0.1-D.4 mass units lower
than is in fact observed.
As an example, the mass spectrum of toluene shows strong peaks at m/z
91 and mlz 65, together with a strong broad metastable peak at m/z 46.4.
Now 652/91 = 46.4 , so we can interpret that the ion mlz 91 is decomposing
by loss of 26 mass units to the daughter ion m/z 65, and that some of this
fragmentation takes place in the second field-free region , leading to a
metastable ion peak of mlz 46.4 . (The value 46.4 is the apparent mass of
the metastable ion, the real mass being the same as that of the normal
daughter-that is, 65.)
It is worth restating that some of the mlz 91 ions will decompose before
and after the second field-free region , producing m/z 65 ions, which are not
focused at mlz 46.4 .
Tables and computer programs are widely used to relate metastable ions
to the corresponding parent and daughter ions ; the use of the nomogram in
figure 5.5 for this purpose is sufficiently accurate , but computer programs
are now universally used .

Example 5.1
Question. Calculate the expected apparent mass of the metastable ion
produced when mlz 77 decomposes by loss of CH==CH to mlz 51.
Model answer. The equation m" = (m2)2/m] becomes 512/77 = 33.4.

Exercise 5.1 (a) Using the nomogram on figure 5.5, predict the m/z value
for the normal daughter ion generated from the decomposition of PhCO+
(m/z 105), given that a metastable ion (near mlz 56.5) is associated with this
decomposition . Verify the value by calculation. What neutral molecule is
being extruded in this process?
(b) Similarly predict the approximate apparent mass of the metastable ion
associated with the decomposition of mlz 129 to m/z 91, and verify the
answer by calculation . What is a possible formula for the neutral fragment
being extruded?
m, m. mO
50 50 50

60 60 60

70 70 70

80 80 80

90 90 90

100 100 100

110 110 110

120 120 120

130 130 130

140 140 140

150 150 150

160 160 160

170 170 170

180 180 180

190 190 190
200 200 200

Figure 5.5 Nomogram to aid identification ofparent and normal daughter ions
from the position ofa related metastable ion . From the mass ofm " , a
straight line cuts the m . and m 2columns at the mass es of the parent and
daughter ions , respecti vely .
The presence of a metastable ion in a mass spectrum is taken as very good
evidence that the parent ion undergoes decomposition in one step to the
daughter, so that it is of considerable mechanistic importance to investigate
metastable ions.
It.follows from the discussion in section 5.5.2 that there may be one-step
processes occurring in the mass spectrometer that do not produce
metastable-ion peaks, so the absence of such peaks cannot be used to infer
the absence of a one-step transition .



If a molecular ion loses a methyl radical (CH 3 ' ) , the mass spectrum will
show an ion 15 mass units below the molecular ion: we can write this
process as
M: ~ CH 3 + (M - 15)+
An alternative is to write the fragment ion as M - CH 3 • Throughout this
chapter we shall use this convention frequently, referring to ions as
M - 18, M - 24, M - CO, M - HzS, etc., it being understood that these
may in fact be even-electron ions-for example, (M - 15)+-or odd-
electron radical ions-for example, (M - 18):.
The same convention can be used to represent fragment ions as m+ (or
m"}, and these may , in turn , fragment to m - 1, m - CH 3, m - CZH5,
We saw in section 5.4 that it is, on the whole, not possible to write the
structures of molecular ions with any degree of certainty, but in the
absence of structural proof it is a legitimate convenience to indicate that
ionization takes place from the most easily ionized orbitals in the molecule.
In representing the molecular ion of an alcohol as I, we at least give
ourselves a framework for discussing its behavior on fragmentation . For
more complex molecules such as II, we may find it expedient to present
one decomposition as proceeding from the molecular ion III , and another
as proceeding from IV to V. In doing so, we are using an extension of
resonance theory.
.. .. ..

Q 0 Ot 0


• H
• H .0':'"
• H
'. 'H
These are, of course, postulates for ion structures; some techniques
which help to verify the postulates are discussed in section 55 .3.
When we come to represent on paper the mechanics of how a particular
fragment ion (m") is produced from a molecular ion (Mt), the difficulties
are twice compounded, since we may have no precise knowledge of the
molecular ion structure, and we cannot always know with precision the
structure of the fragment ion (although we may know its element composi-
tion) .
We shall proceed to write such mechanisms, largely because most of
them are similar in type to the more familiar mechanisms of 'wet' organic
chemistry, and are therefore a help in classifying the observable facts
concerning the fragmentations associated with functional groups. To do so
we must make an initial assumption that ions , during fragmentation ,
undergo minimum structural change . This is often contrary to observations
carried out on the randomization of atoms (particularly H) during frag-
mentation, arid notable examples will be highlighted: isotope labelling is
here an enormously important adjunct, but its discussion will be delayed
until section 55 .3.


Electron-pair processes (such as bond heterolysis) are represented by the
conventional curved arrow , and one-electron processes (such as bond
homolysis) by the fish-hook arrow: many fragmentations can be repre-
sented as occurring either by one-electron or two-electron processes and
mechanisms given in this book do not claim to represent actuality. The
molecular ion, because of its excess energy , may take part in processes that
have no counterpart in test-tube chemistry.
a-Bond rupture in alkane groups. This can really only be represented by
assuming that , at the instant of ionization, sufficient excitation energy is
concentrated on the rupturing bond to ionize it.
RCH 2-CH 2R' == RCH 2:CH 2R' ~ RCH2t5H2R'

+ ·CH 2R'
RCH 2+
similarly R-H == R:H - - R++H·

a-Bond rupture near functional groups. This may be facilitated by the

easier ionization of that group's orbitals, as in alcohols, where the
nonbonding orbitals of oxygen are more easily ionized than the rr orbitals.
Other groups in this category are ethers, carbonyl groups and com-
pounds containing halogen, nitrogen, double bonds, phenyl groups , etc .
+ ..... H H
(°0:" + 0-:"
"'-1° - II"
R"(CH-R' RO + CH-R'
Elimination by multiple a-bond rupture. Elimination by multiple a-bond
rupture may occur , leading to the extrusion of a neutral molecule such as

<a)ex --=-. @:
--+ Co + ( one-electron

(x --+
~l' ~ ell +
( one-electron

<b)(x --+
-e @cll~ el' + ( two-electron

<C)ex~'~ (Xl'
e +

CO , C2H4 , C2H2 • etc . A well-known example is the retro-Diels-Alder

reaction of cyclohexenes, which can be represented as in (a) or (b). Highly
stabilized ene fragments may cause charge retention to be in part reversed,
as in (c).
Rearrangements. These are common , the most frequently encountered
having been described by F. W. McLafferty (see McLafferty, 1980, page
123), and named after him. It is exemplified in the case of a carbonyl
compound (I) by the extrusion of an alkene, but is also exhibited by ions
such as II, Ill , IV, etc .

The even-electron rule. The even-electron rule is a rule-of-thumb

interpretation of sound thermodynamic principles: in essence it states that
an even-electron species (an ion, as opposed to a radical ion) will not
normally fragment to two odd-electron species (that is, it will not degrade
to a radical and a radical ion) , since the total energy of this product
mixture would be too high:

-t;f+H y

carboxylic acid

+ Bt+C
odd odd
In preference, an ion will degrade to another ion and a neutral molecule :
A+ -+ B+ +C
even even even
Radical ions , being odd-electron species , can extrude a neutral mole-
cule, leaving a radical ion as coproduct :
At -+ Bt + C
odd odd even
Radical ions can also degrade to a radical and an ion
At -+ B+ + C'{or B' + C+)
odd even odd odd even

Functional groups . Some functional groups may direct the course of

fragmentation profoundly , while other functional groups may have little
effect. This is discussed fully in section 5.7 .
Thermal decomposition. Thermal decomposition of thermolabile com-
pounds may occur in the ion source, and commonly leads to difficulty in
interpreting the mass spectra of alcohols, which may dehydrate before
ionization. In the case of alcohols, loss of water gives rise to a peak at
M - 18 whether the loss occurs before or after ionization, but thermal
dehydration may be extensive enough to eliminate entirely the appearance
of a molecular ion in the spectrum. If thermal decomposition is suspected,
the compound can be ionized in a cooled ion source , so that electron
bombardment of the whole molecule takes place . An alternative solution is
to convert the alcohol to the more volatile trimethylsilyl derivative ; this is
discussed in section 55.4.

Bombardment energies. For routine organic spectra these are >e 70 eV. It
is worth noting that , even with these high energies, molecular ions possess
a maximum of:::::: 6 eV in exces s of their ionization potentials , and there is
little change in the fragmentation pattern if this 70 eV is reduced to
:::::: 20 eV; however, the ion yield (that is, the efficiency of ionization) is
reduced, and the spectra are weaker in intensity overall. From > 20 eV
down to the ionization potential of the molecule , the spectrum becomes
progressively simpler, since only the most favored fragmentations are
occurring: recording low-energy spectra is, therefore , a useful tool in
bond-energy studies. It follows from the se observations that· the relative
abundances of ions in a spectrum are only reproducible when bombard-
ment energies are constant.

Relative rates of competing fragmentation routes. These also are important

in dictating relative abundances. In the simple case of A: going either to
B+ and CO or to B: and C, the equilibrium abundances of A:, B+ and B:
depend on the relative rate con stants for the two competing reactions:
the se rate constants may , in turn, depend on the excitation energy
possessed by A: , and will certainly depend on the heats of formation of all
the products. Calculations involving these and other parameters are the
basis of the so-called quasiequilibrium theory (QET) of mass spectrometry.
It is misleading to use the intensity of an ion peak as a simple measure of
the importance of a particular fragmentation route, unless it is certain that
the ion cannot be produced by another route. At low resolution there is the
additional complication that the peak+may be associated with two ions of
equal mass (such as C 3H7 + and CH 3C 0 , at mlz 43) .


In simple monofunctional compounds we can with reasonable certainty
predict that the mass spectrum will bear a compound relationship to (a) the
nature of the carbon skeleton (whether alkane, alkene, aromatic, etc .) and
(b) the nature of the functional group. For difunctional compounds, a
more complex interaction can be expected , depending on the relative
powers of the two functional groups to direct the fragmentation .
It is always easier to rationalize the mass spectrum of a known structure
than to deduce the structure of an unknown compound from its mass
spectrum; other spectroscopic evidence for the presence of functional
groups should ideally always be available .
The molecular ion will normally be seen in the mass spectra of the lower
n-alkanes. but its intensity falls off with increased size and branching of the
Figure 5.6 shows the typical mass spectrum for an n-alkane-dodecane
in this case. The relative abundances of the ions are also typical. showing
maximum abundance around C 3H7 + and C4H9 +, with a weak M"t" peak.
Although n-dodecane is unbranched . the alkane ions from C.~Hl} + up
rearrange in the mass spectrometer to the branched-chain form: this is
quite analogous to the Wagner-Meerwein shifts which occur in (for
example) SN I reactions involving cations. the more stable. branched
structures being preferred .

C.H. +

80 43 dOdccane

C,H 7 + CH,(CH 2),oCH,
M, .170


30 85
29 C.HI) +
I. I JI II ~ 17

20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 mlz

Figure 5.6 Mass spectrum of dodecane, showing the typical distribution of

fragment ions for unbranched alkanes.

Associated with each of these CIIH 211 + I ions (from C 2 to C s) are lesser
amounts of the corresponding alkenyl ion (C IIH 211 - 1) formed by loss of two
hydrogen atoms: they appear at mlz 27, 41, 55, 69. Loss of one hydrogen is
also seen. Metastable ions of very low intensity can be detected for the
fragmentations in which the alkyl ions extrude a smaller molecule: thus,
C 2H 5 + and C 3H7 + extrude H 2 ; C 4Hl} + extrudes CH 4 ; CSI-:I II + and C 6H 13+
extrude C 2H 4 ; C 6H 13+ and C 7H 15+ extrude C 3H6 • These are of too low
abundance to be shown in figure 5.6.
Branched-chain alkanes rupture predominantly at the branching points,
and the largest group attached to the branching point is often preferentially
expelled as a radical. The normal rules of chemistry. hold, in that the
preference is for the formation of tertiary over secondary over primary
We might predict, therefore, in the mass spectrum of 2,2-
dimethylpentane (a) no molecular ion peak, (b) substantial peaks for
C3H 7 +, C4H,/ (because of their inherent stability), (c) a much higher
abundance of CsH II + than would be seen for the fragmentation of n-C 7H 16
(because of the ease of C 2H s expulsion) and (d) a reasonable peak for
C 6H 13+ due to M - CH 3 .

Complex fragmentations usually occur for cycloalkanes, ring size obviously
being important in relation to ion stability. Typically, for the simple
members the molecular ion peak will be easily seen, its intensity reducing
as branching increases.
Common fragmentations are loss of alkenes or alkenyl ions and the
splitting off of the side-chains with charge retention by the ring remnant;
side-chain loss is simply a special case of fragmentation at a branching
Figure 5.7 is the mass spectrum of n-ptopylcyclo\:lexane, which should be
interpreted with these points in mind .
RA 100

60 M" 126


40 41


27 29 126 (M:)

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 m/z
Figure 5.7 Mass spectrum of n-propylcyclohexane : because of branching, mlz 57
is no longer a prominent fragment .
Example 5.2
Question . Predict the structure of the base peak in the mass spectrum of (a)
n-octane and (b) 2-methylpentane .
Model answer. (a) As an unbranched alkane, we would predict the base
peak to be the same as for other long-chain n-alkanes such as n-decane
(figure 5.6) and be m/z 57, C 4H9 + . (b) The molecular ion will fragment
preferentially at the branch in the chain, and since rupture at the bond
between C-2 and C-3 gives two fragments each with mlz 43 (C 3H7 +), this
will be the base peak: see figure 5.2.
Exercise 5.2 Write formulae for the fragment ions in the mass spectrum of
n-propylcyclohexane (figure 5.7) with m/z values 83, 55, 41, 29 and 27.

Exercise 5.3 In the mass spectrum in figure 5.7, what reactions give rise to
the peaks at (a) m/z 125 and (b) m/z 127? Which of these fragments is a
cation and which a radical cation?


Molecular ion peaks for simple alkenes are normally distinctly seen. The
commonest fragmentation in alkene groups involves rupture of the allylic
bond (13 to the double bond), which gives rise to the resonance-stabilized
allylic cation . Since the allylic radical is also stabilized , the fragmentation
may give rise to peaks corresponding to charge retention by either of the

--CH=CH-CH 2 f R

70r "'Z
--CH+''Si''Qr'R --CH~CH-QR

1 1
--CH-CH=CH 2 + R' or --CH-CH=CH 2 + R+

--CH=CH-CH 2
I +
--CH=CH-CH 2
A McLafferty rearrangement (see section 5.6.2) may occur, provided
that the 'Y-carbon has hydrogen on it.
H y

Example 5.3
Question. What are the masses of the two ions produced in the mass
spectrum of 2-hexene by l3-fragmentation?
Model answer . The allylic bond, 13 to the double bond, is between C-4 and
C-5, and this breaks to give two fragments, either of which will retain the
charge, at m/z 29 and 55. The reaction producing m/z 29 (C2H5 +) also
produces the C4H7 ' radical, which is not detected in the spectrometer.
Conversely, the reaction which produces m/z 55 (C 4H7 +) produces the
CzHs' radical, also undetected.

Exercise 5.4 Predict two abundant ions in the mass spectrum of 3-hexene.
Which fragments are lost in producing these ions, and are they radicals,
cations or radical cations?

Exercise 5.5 Predict the masses of the ions produced in the mass spectrum
of (a) l-hexene and (b) 2-heptene by the McLafferty rearrangement. Are
these radical cations? What happens to the alkene fragments produced in
these rearrangements?

Fragmentation of cycloalkenes is directed by the double bond and by the
nature of any acyclic alkane residues present, so that allylic rupture and
McLafferty rearrangements are common .
In addition, cyclohexene derivatives give the important retro-
Diels-Alder reaction discussed in section 5.6.2.

Exercise 5.6 What are the masses of the ions produced in the mass
spectrum of (a) 2,5-dimethylcyclohexane and (b) 4,5-dimethylcyclohexane
by the retro-Diels-Alder process? Are these fragments cations? What
happens to the alkene fragments extruded in these processes?

5.7.5 ALK YNES

No simple pattern emerges for the fragmentation of alkynes, which can be
applied to complex molecules. Thus, for 1-butyne and 2-butyne the
molecular ion peak is the base peak, but the molecular ion peak for higher
members is weak . Loss of alkyl radicals gives prominent peaks in many
cases (at M - 15, M - 29, etc .) and extrusion of alkenes may give M \- 28
and M - 42 peaks , etc .


The molecular ions of aromatic hydrocarbons are always abundant, and
M: is commonly the base peak; accordingly, M + 1 and occasionally
M + 2 peaks are easiiy seen . Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons have
particularly stable molecular ions, and doubly or triply charged ions are
possible. Doubly charged molecular ions, m/2z, will appear at integer m/z
values; for example, for naphthalene (CIOH g) M: is at mlz 128 and m/2z is
at m/z 64 . However, the corresponding (M + 1)/2z peak must appear at
noninteger m/z values (m/z 64.5 for naphthalene), which makes it easy to
pinpoint the presence of doubly charged ions . Triply charged ions must
appear at noninteger values: for naphthalene, m/3z is at m/z 42.6.
Alkylbenzenes, I, are the commonest hydrocarbons in this class; here the
dominant fragmentation is at the benzylic bond, for reasons analogous to
those discussed under allylic fission in alkenes. Peaks corresponding to
M - H are also common.

m/z 91 m/z 91

loss of CH=CH

m/z 65

The stable benzyl cation, II, would certainly explain the abundant m/z 91
peak seen in the mass spectra of all compounds of this type, but structure II
cannot explain the randomization of C and H atoms shown to occur by
isotope substitution studies (see section 5S.3) . The best explanation is that
the ion m/z 91 is the equally stable tropylium ion, III; the C7 ring must be
formed by rearrangement of the benzyl group either before or immediately
after expulsion of the m/z 91 fragment.
The m/z 91 ion subsequently expels C 2H2 (acetylene), giving m/z 65,
which may have the stable structure IV, and this fragmentation gives rise to
a metastable ion at 652/91 = m/z 46.4 .
McLafferty rearrangements are observed in alkyl benzenes, provided that
the side-chain has hydrogen on the 'Y carbon atom. In monoalkylbenzenes
this gives rise to an ion at m/z 92, which may be confused with the m + 1
peak for the tropylium ion; in this latter case the intensity of m/z 92 would
be = 7.7 per cent (7 x 1.1 per cent) of the tropylium ion intensity.
A feasible structure for the m/z 92 ion is the methylenecyclohexadienyl
radical ion shown below.
The phenyl cation, C 6Hs +, at m/z 77 is produced from many aromatics by
rupture of the bond (X to the ring, and this ion extrudes C 2H2 (acetylene),


~~ It
~CH 2

m/z 92
radical ion
to give m/z 51. This fragmentation gives rise to a metastable ion at
51 2/77 = m/z 33.8.

x· protonated butadyne
+ CH2 =C-C5CH

~ loss of
C4H 3 +
m/z 77 m/z 51
Example 5.4
Question. What are the masses of the ions produced in the mass spectrum
of 4-n-butyltoluene , CH3C6H4CH2CH2CH2CH3, by (a) benzylic fission and
(b) the McLafferty rearrangement; label the ions as cations or radical
Model answer. (a) Fission at the benzylic bond expels the C3Hj fragment of
mass 43 (as a radical), leaving the methyltropylium ion, CSH 9 + (m/z 105),
as a cation. (b) In the McLafferty rearrangement one hydrogen is
transferred to the ring from the butyl residue (from the position 'Y to the
ring), and simultaneously the benzylic bond breaks. The molecular ion
(radical cation) loses the neutral molecule propene, C 3H 6 , with mass 42,
leaving the fragment CsH'b (also a radical cation) at m/z 106.

Exercise 5.7 Anthracene (molecular formula C'4HIO) is a polycyclic

aromatic hydrocarbon with three linearly fused benzene rings . What is the
mass of (a) its molecular ion and (b) its doubly charged molecular ion?
Where does the latter appear in the mass spectrum of anthracene?

Exercise 5.8 What is the mass of the (M + 1) peak for anthracene?

Where on the mass spectrum will (a) the singly charged and (b) the doubly
charged ions of this species appear?
Exercise 5.9 List the mass of each of the ions found in the mass spectrum
of ethylbenzene by the following processes: (a) ionization; (b) benzylic
fragmentation of the molecular ion ; (c) subsequent extrusion of acetylene;
(d) loss of an ethyl radical from the molecular ion; (e) subsequent
extrusion of acetylene. State whether each ion is a cation or a radical
cation .

The appearance of the mass spectrum of a halogen-containing compound is
profoundly affected by the number of halogen atoms present, because of
isotopic abundances (as discussed in section 5.3). Fluorine and iodine,
being monoisotopic, present no problems in this respect.
The fragmentation of mixed halogen compounds is very complicated,
and we shall deal here with compounds containing only one of the
Aliphatic fluorine compounds, apart from fragmentations appropriate to
the alkyl chain, show principally a peak at M - HF (M - 20).
Aliphatic chlorine compounds fragment mainly by loss of HCI (giving
M - 36 and M - 38): HCI+ peaks may also be seen at mlz 36 and 38.
Loss of chlorine as Cl+ or CI' gives rise to low-abundance peaks at m/z
35 and 37, and at M - 35 and M - 37.
Aliphatic bromine compounds fragment similarly to chloro compounds,
but loss of Br' is the preferred fragmentation .
Aliphatic iodine compounds show peaks corresponding to 1+ (m/z 127),
M- I (M - 127) and M - H 21 (M - 129).
Aryl halides , with halogen directly attached to the ring, show abundant
molecular ion peaks, but the fragmentation is dominated by the relative
stability of the aryl cations. Consequently, halogen is mainly expelled as a
radical, and the (M - halogen) ion fragments as discussed in section 5.7 .6.
Acyl halides are discussed with other carboxylic acid derivatives: see
section 5.7.18.

Example 5.5
Question. Use the formula given in section 5.3 to calculate the relative
abundances of the halogen isotope peaks in the molecular ions of 1,3-
dichloropropane. Ignore any contribution from carbon-13 .
Model answer . The molecular ions will appear at m/z 112, 114 and 116. To
calculate the ion abundances, we use the formula (a + bY, where a = 3
(relative abundance of chlorine-35), b = 1 (relative abundance of chlorine-
37) and n = 2 (number of chlorines in the molecule) . Expansion gives
a2 + 2ab + b2 , indicating that the first ion has two chlorine-35 atoms, the
third has two chlorine-37 atoms and the middle ion has one of each. The
relative abundance of the first ion is a2 = 9, that of the second ion is
2ab = 6 and that of the third ion is b 2 = 1: thus, the three ions in the
molecular ions cluster appear in the abundance ratio 9:6 :1. This is
sufficiently accurate for most analytical uses; a more exact prediction
would use the data in table 5.1, which shows the ratio of the abundances of
chlorine-35 and chlorine-37 to be 75.8:24.2, or 3.13.

Exercise 5.10 Predict the general appearance of the molecular ion peaks
for l-chlorobutane , considering the chlorine and carbon isotopes only .

Exercise 5.11 What would you predict in the cluster of ions around the
molecular ions of (a) l-brornobutane and (b) 1,4-dibromobutane, allowing
for the bromine and carbon isotopes only?

5 .7 . 8ALCOHOLS
Molecular ion peaks for primary and secondary alcohols are weak; for
tertiary alcohols the M"t peak is usually absent.
A number of fragmentations are open to alcohols, and their relative
importance depends on whether the alcohol is primary, secondary , terti-
ary , aliphatic or aromatic; the most important fragmentation is normally
rupture of the bond 13 to oxygen .
Alcohols of low volatility can be converted into their trimethylsilyl
ethers (ROH ~ ROSiMe3) , which are much more volatile because of the
loss of hydrogen bonding present in the alcohols themselves (see section
Primary aliphatic alcohols (alkanols) show M - 18 peaks corresponding
to loss of H 20 .
An accompanying loss of water together with an alkene is shown by
alcohols with more than four carbons in the chain, and this simultaneous
elimination of an alkene and water can be indicated mechanistically as
shown below. Peaks corresponding to this process appear at (M - 18 -
CnH2n )- for example , (M - 18 - 28) for loss of water and C 2H 2 , etc .:

~~C = H~O (T
~ ~
Long-chain members may show peaks corresponding to successive loss
of H radicals at M - 1, M - 2 and M - 3; this can be represented as
shown below:

- -
1.--1 ••
- I
~~~. -C=Q.

Mt M-l M-2 M-3

Secondary and tertiary aliphatic alcohols preferentially fragment by loss

of alkyl radicals, the ease of elimination increasing with increased size and
branching in the radical. Thus, the alcohol shown would be expected to
give rise to a prominent peak at M - C4H9 , with less abundant peaks at
M - C3H7 and M - C2H5 :

C4H 9 ' + ~-C3H7
CzH s

Aromatic alcohols with the OH group in the benzylic position fragment

so as to favor charge retention by the aryl group; thus, in l-phenylethanol
the base peak corresponds to elimination of CH 3 ' . Peaks corresponding to
ArCO+ and Ar+ are also shown. The peak at mlz 107 given by these
alcohols (the base peak in the case of l-phenylethanol) is best represented
as the hydroxytropylium ion. Loss of CO from this ion gives mlz 79, and
loss of H leads on to the phenyl cation at m/z 77, which loses C2H2 to give
mlz 51:

mlz 107 mlz 79 m/z 77 m/z 51

Example 5.6
Question . The mass spectrum of 1-(4-methylphenyl)-ethanol (p-
CH 3C6H4CH(OH)CH3) shows an abundant fragment ion at mlz 121, and a
less abundant ion at m/z 119. What are feasible structures for these ions?
Model answer. Benzylic alcohols readily fragment at the benzylic carbon,
expelling a radical, and leaving an ion which rearranges to the hydroxy-
tropylium structure. In this case the molecular ion will appear at m/z 136
and therefore the ion at m/z 121 corresponds simply to loss of CH3 · , and its
structure is methylhydroxytropylium, CgH90+. The ion at m/z 119 corre-
sponds to loss of CH s (CH 3 • and two hydrogen atoms) and is the acyl ion
CH 3C6H4CO+ .

Exercise 5.12 Glycerol (1,2,3-trihydroxypropane) has too Iowa vapor

pressure for successful gas chromatography: it can be converted to its
tris-trimethylsilyl derivative and this is easily submitted to combined
GC-MS. Calculate the mass of the molecular ion , assuming silicon-28 and
carbon-12 only .

Exercise 5.13 Calculate the mass of the fragment ion produced in the
mass spectrum of 4-methyl-2-hexanol by simultaneous loss of water and
alkene. Complete the description of this process by supplying the missing
digits in (M - 18 - ?) .

5.7 .9 PHENOLS
Simple phenols give strong molecular ion peaks.
The commonest fragmentation is loss of CO (M - 28) and CHO
(M - 29) , which can only be represented as shown below :

Phenols with alkyl side-chains also undergo benzylic fission, leaving

variants of the hydroxytropylium ion (see section 5.7.8) :

6- ,t @>

m/z 107 when X = H
Exercise 5.14 Consider the fragmentation of alcohols with benzylic OH
(section 5.7.8) and of phenols with alkyl side-chains (section 5.7.9). Would
mass spectrometry be able to distinguish l-phenyl-l-propanol from the
isomeric p-propylphenol?
On the whole, molecular ion peaks for these classes are weak.
Aliphatic ethers principally fragment at the bond 13 to oxygen, and the
largest group is expelled preferentially as a radical (compare alcohols) .
Peaks appear therefore at M - CH 3 , M - C2H5 , etc .:

~.+ I -R· + I
-C-Q-C- ---+ -C=Q-C-
I .. I I .. I
Where 13 hydrogen is present, the oxonium ion may fragment further to
eliminate an alkene :

H-C- H I
Y\..:I I C-
-C=()YC- ---+ -C=O+ + II
I .. I I·· C-
Fission of the C-O bond (the a bond) occurs to a small extent, charge
retention by carbon being favored over retention by oxygen (see below) .
Acetals and ketals show simple extensions of the ether fragmentation
processes, rupture of the 13 bond being favored over the a :
T"~ (preferred)
R+ + RO· ~-ruPture-1~
R-Q-R or ( OR
- - - R·+ RO+ ex-rupture
In addition, cyclic acetals such as ethylene ketals will fragment to
resonance-stabilized cyclic oxonium ions: so easily are these formed that
they often dominate the fragmentation pattern and give rise to the base
peak :

r>::Ot) 1\2J
R~ R
~R R
mlz 87, 101, etc.
For cyclic ketals in which the ketone residue is itself cyclic (as in the
ethylene ketals of cyclohexanone derivatives) the initial bond rupture is
modified by a second rupture so that an alkonium alkene ion is formed:

mlz 99
Forming the ethylene ketal constitutes a valuable derivatization tech-
nique for directing the fragmentation of ketones (see section 5S.4).
Aromatic ethers other than methyl ethers commonly fragment by
variants of the l3-hydrogen transfer discussed above for aliphatic ethers: a
peak at mlz 94 is formed, which extrudes CO, giving m/z 66:


mlz 66

Methyl phenyl ethers undergo two main fissions at the C-O bonds: loss
of HCHO (giving M - 30) and loss of CH 3 (giving M - 15), the latter
process giving an ion that further splits out CO, leaving m/z 65:

~§-CH' ~
m/z 78
l-CH J

~OT -=£Q.

mlz 93 m/z 65
Exercise -5.15 When the molecular ion from n-butyl phenyl ether frag-
ments with l3-hydrogen transfer, what neutral (uncharged) fragment is
extruded, and what is its mass?


Before discussing the idiosyncratic behavior of individual carbonyl classes,
we should draw attention to the important similarities in their fragmenta-
tion modes.
a-Cleavage. This occurs in all classes; the bonds at the carbonyl group
rupture, and the ion abundance can be roughly predicted on the basis of
resonance stabilization, etc. In summary,

x l: X+ + YCO'
"Cal ~
y/ ~ X' + YCO+
Thus, in RCHO aldehydes, where X or Y is H, we find peaks
corresponding to R +, RCO+ and HCO+ . For aryl aldehydes, the stability
of ArCO+ makes this a major contributor.
For carboxylic acids (RCOOH), where X or Y is OH, we find peaks
corresponding to R +, COOH+ (m/z 45) and RCO+ . For aryl carboxylic
acids, ArCO+ and Ar" are particularly stable ;
For all aryl carbonyl compounds such as PhCOX, the ion PhCO+ (m/z
105) will lose CO, to give Ph+ (m/z 77), which loses C2H2 , to give m/z 51.
Metastable ions appear with the sequence 105 - 77 - 51, the metastable
m/z values being 56.5 and 33.8, respectively.
I3-Cleavage. This often occurs with expulsion of alkyl ions from aliphatic
I3-Cleavage with McLafferty rearrangement. This is very much more
common , provided that v-hydrogen is present (see section 5.6.2):

« > H (

x~. +1


x~ R
For the simple unbranched aliphatic aldehydes, X = Hand R = H, and
we can expect an ion at mlz 44 for this fragmentation . For the correspond-
ing ketones, X must be CH 3, C2Hs , etc ., giving peaks at mlz 58, 72, etc.
For carboxylic acids, with X = OH , the peaks appear at mlz 60, 74, etc.
We can now go on to the individual carbonyl classes, noting common ion
values and any fragmentation in addition to a- and /3-cleavage.

Example 5.7
Question . The mass spectrum of butyrophenone (n-butyl phenyl ketone,
C6HsCOCH2CH2CH2CH3) shows peaks at mlz 162, 120, 105 and 85:
interpret these .
Model answer. With molecular formula C l1H I40 , the mlz 162 peak is the
molecular ion. The mlz 120 fragment therefore corresponds to loss of 40
daltons from Mt, which is accounted for by expulsion of propene, C3Hti, in
the McLafferty rearrangement. The ions mlz 105 and mlz 85 have formulae
C6H sCO+ and C4H9CO+ , respectively, and both arise from a-

Exercise 5.16 In the mass spectrum of acetophenone (methyl phenyl

ketone, MeCOPh) predict a very stable fragment ion containing the
aromatic ring , and state how this will, in turn, fragment.

Exercise 5.17 What is the mass of the 'McLafferty ion' from the following
aldehydes: butanal, pentanal, hexanal and heptanal?

Exercise 5.18 What is the mass of the 'McLafferty ion' from the following
ketones: 2-pentanone, 2-hexanone, 2-heptanone and 2-octanone?

Aliphatic aldehydes give weak molecular ion peaks, whereas aryl alde-
hydes give strong Mt peaks.
Loss of H' from the molecular ion is particularly favored by aryl
aldehydes because of the stability of ArCO+ ; nevertheless, M - 1 peaks
are prominent in the mass spectra of all aldehydes, whether aliphatic or
atomatic. a-Cleavage gives R + peaks and the HCO+ ion at mlz 29: C2Hs+
also appears at mlz 29, and for higher aliphatic aldehydes C2Hs+ is more
likely to be the source of mlz. 29 than HCO+ .
Other cleavages are discussed in section 5.7.11.


Molecular ion peaks for all ketones are usually strong. Most of the
abundant ions in the mass spectra of ketones can be accounted for by
a-cleavages and McLafferty rearrangements, and indeed the base peak for
methyl ketones and phenyl ketones is frequently CH 3CO+ (mlz 43) and
PhCO+ (mlz 105), respectively : PhCO+ fragments as usual to m/z 77 and
m/z 51.
When RCOR' undergoes a-cleavage, the larger group is preferentially
expelled as the radical, with concomitant charge retention by the smaller
version of RCO+ .
Common values for the McLafferty rearrangement ions of aliphatic
ketones are m/z 58, mlz 72, m/z 86, etc., but the higher members of the
series may undergo a second elimination of an alkene, to generate a further
series of ions. For example, mlz 86 may lose ethylene, giving an ion at mlz
86 - 28, and loss of C3H6 will correspond to loss of 42 mass units . For
simple aromatic ketones the McLafferty rearrangement ions might arise at
m/z 120, m/z 134, etc. All of the McLafferty rearrangement ions appear at
even m/z values .
Ethylene ketal derivatives of ketones (mentioned in section 5.7.10) have
very strongly directed fragmentations, and are discussed further in section
Quinones mainly undergo a-cleavage, both a bonds being capable of
o o

c0 o
9, I O-anthraquinone
In p-benzoquinone and naphthoquinone these fragmentations lead to
peaks at mlz 54 and at M - 54, whereas a-cleavage in anthraquinone gives
the whole range of ions corresponding to M - CO, M - 2CO and mlz 76
(C6H4 +).


Molecular ion peaks are usually observable, but weak . Common peaks
arising from a-cleavage and McLafferty rearrangements have already been
mentioned in section 5.7.11.

5.7.15 ESTERS
Methyl esters are usually more convenient to study than the free acids,
because they are more volatile. The molecular ion peak is weak but
discernible in most cases, and the fragmentation is a mixture of a-cleavage
and (where appropriate) McLafferty rearrangements. Common ion values
for a-cleavage are, therefore, RCO+, R +, CH 30+ (m/z 31) and CH 30CO+
(mlz 59); the McLafferty ion at m/z 74 (CH 2=C(OH)OCH3)"t" is the base
peak In the saturated straight-chain methyl esters from C6 to C26 .
Higher esters are complicated by the possibility of two fragmentation
modes-fragmentations of the acyl group (RCO - ) and of the alkyloxy
group (ROCO-) . The acyl group fragmentation is a simple extension of
that discussed under methyl esters, but where the alkyloxy group is C 2H 50
(ethyl esters) or higher , the McLafferty ion (m/z 88 for ethyl esters)
undergoes loss of both an alkene and an alkenyl radical, to give ions at m/z
6d and m/z 61 (CH 3C0 2H+ and CH 3COzH2") . The number of possible
esters is extremely high, and the relative importance of the different
fragmentation modes is almost unique for each member, so that we must
be content with these general pointers.

Exercise 5.19 In combined GC-MS analyses (see section 5S.2) fatty acid
methyl esters can be identified by the presence of a peak at m/z 74: why is

5.7.16 AMIDES
Primary aliphatic amides, RCONH 2, undergo a-cleavage to R" and
CONH 2+ (m/z 44) . Where possible, McLafferty rearrangement occurs to
yield homologous variants at CH2=C(OH)NH2: at m/z 59, m/z 73, etc.
Loss of NH 2 gives M - 16 peaks.
Primary aryl amides usually have this as their primary fragmentation,
leading to ArCO+ ions .
For secondary (RCONHR') and tertiary ami des (RCONR'R"), the
number of individual variations is enormous, as in esters, when we
consider that fragmentation must take into account the nature of the three
groups R, R' and R".

Molecular ion peaks are weak or absent.
Saturated acyclic anhydrides (acetic anhydride, etc.) fragment mainly to
RCO+ (with m/z 43, 57, etc.), although chain-branching may cause such
easy fragmentation that the complete RCO+ is not detected. Ions at
M - 60 and m/z 60 are common (CH 3C02H = 60), as are m/z 42
(CHz=CO+) and McLafferty ions at m/z 44, m/z 58, etc .
Cyclic aliphatic anhydrides such as succinic anhydride show a strong or
base peak at M - 72 caused by loss of CO 2 +CO from M:, and this is
also shown by the cyclic aromatic anhydrides (phthalic anhydride , etc .) .
For these latter, other common ions are ArCO+ , ArC0 2H+ and M - CO:
loss of H from ArCO + can also occur.


Aliphatic members show fragmentations associated with the Cl and CO

groups, so that the following ions are common: HCl+, M - Cl , COCl+,
RCO+, etc . The effect of isotope abundance 5Cl: 37Cl:::= 3:1) makes it
easy to identify the chlorine-containing peaks. For aryl acid chlorides (for
example, benzoyl chloride) , the stable ArCO+ makes loss of Cl' from M-t-
a dominant process.

Molecular ion peaks are usually weak or absent, although an M - 1 ion
(R-CH=C=N+) may be seen.
For the lower aliphatic members, M - 27 (corresponding to M - HCN)
is seen: but from C 4 on , the McLafferty ion is frequently the base peak :
these ions appear at m/z 41, or m/z 55, or m/z 69, etc ., and can be
represented as the homologs of CHz=C=NH-t- .
Aryl nit riles often show M - HCN peaks, although if alkyl side-chains
are present. benzylic rupture will give rise to the main series of ions .


Molecular ion peaks for aliphatic members are usually absent, while for
many aromatic nitro compounds the M-t- peak is strong.
The mass spectra of aliphatic nitro compounds mainly correspond to
fragmentation of the alkyl chain , although peaks for NO+ (m/z 30) and
N0 2 + (m/z 46) appear also.
For aryl nitro compounds. peaks corresponding to NO+ (m/z 30). NO z+
(m/z 46). M - NO (M - 30) and M - NO z (M - 46) all appear com-
monly. and successive loss of NO and CO (M - 58) is also observed. Loss
of NO from the molecular ion leaves an ion of structure ArO+, which can
only arise if ArNO zt rearranges in the spectrometer.
Ortho effects are frequently encountered in aryl nitro compounds where
a group ortho to NO z contains hydrogen : peaks corresponding to M - OH
(M - 17) appear. indicating loss of oxygen from NO z together with H
from the ortho substituent.


An odd number of nitrogen atoms in the molecule means an odd relative
molecular mass (molecular weight).
For primary aliphatic amines, the base peak is CHz=NHz (at m/z 30)
formed by expulsion of a radical from M-t-. Higher homologs may also
appear at m/z 44. m/z 58. etc .• but these are less abundant ions . Loss of an
alkene (for example. loss of C ZH4) may give peaks at M - 28, etc.
Secondary and tertiary amines behave analogously, and loss of the
substituent alkyl radicals is also ob served .
Primary aryl amines principally fragment by loss of H (M - 1) and HCN
(M - 27) : thus . aniline gives rise to an ion at m/z 66 (93 - 27) whose
structure can be represented as the cyclopentadienyl radical cation. For
N-alkylanilines. a-cleavage of the alkyl group is common .
Aromatic heterocyclic bases give rise to abundant M"t" peaks, and for
pyridine and quinoline the principal fragmentation is loss of HCN (M -
27). Alkyl-substituted derivatives fragment at the 'benzylic' bond, as for
alkylbenzenes, and loss of HCN commonly follows on this process.

Exercise 5.20 Two amines have respective relative molecular masses of

101 and 108 and in their mass spectra both show M - 1 and M - 27 peaks.
What can be deduced from this, in relation to the number of nitrogen
atoms in each?


Fragmentations of thiols (mercaptans and thiophenols) and sulfides bear
close comparison with their oxygen analogs, with the additional complica-
tion due to M + 2 and m + 2 peaks because of 32S and 34S isotope
abundances. Normally, molecular ion peaks are clearly seen.
Aliphatic thiols may also give rise to the following ions: S+, HS+, H 2S+
and M - H 2S.
The commonest sulfur heterocycles are thiophene derivatives: thiophene
itself gives a strong M"t" peak, together with HCS+ (the thioformyl ion) and
M - HCS . As for Ph" , loss of CH==CH produces a peak at M - 26.
For sulfides (RSR ') a-cleavage gives RS+, often followed by loss of CS,
to give RS - CS peaks. Ions also arise due to M - HS processes.



The ability to measure accurately the relative molecular mass (mole-
cular weight) of organic compounds by mass spectrometry is only
possible if a sufficiently stable molecular ion can be formed, and we
have seen that many classes of compound do not do so when
electron-impact ionization is used . Partly, the reason lies in the large
amount of excess energy imparted to the molecular ion by 70 eV
bombardment; not only does this lead to rapid decomposition of
many molecular ions, but also very complex fragmentation patterns
often result. Some useful alternative methods of ionization are worth
noting, each of which goes some way toward complementing the
data obtained from conventional 70 eV spectra.

55.1. 1 Chemical ionization

This is brought about by mixing the sample at 1.3 x 10- 2 N m- 2
== 10-4 Torr) with a reactant gas (at 1.3 x 102 N m- 2 == 1 Torr)
and submitting this mixture to electron bombardment. The reactant
gas most commonly used is methane, although other gases such as
ammonia or isobutane have also been used: on electron impact, it is
the methane which is ionized, and two ensuing ion-molecule reac-
tions are important:
CH4"t + CH4 ~ CHs+ + CH3 •
CH3+ + CH4 ~ C2H s+ + H2
The CHs+ and C2H s+ ions then react with sample molecules,
inducing them to ionize, and these ions are separated magnetically
and electrostatically in the normal way. Unfortunately, CHs+ and
C2H s+ do not react with all classes of organic compound in the same
way: for n-alkanes the base peak is normally the M - 1 peak at
CnH 2n + 1". whereas for many basic compounds (amines, alkaloids,
amino acids) the base peak is the M + 1 peak. The M + 1 peaks arise
by protonation of nitrogen, and for the alkanes the M - 1 peaks can
be explained by the following reactions :
CnH 2n + 2 + CHs+ ~ CnH 2n + 1+ + CH4 + H2
CnH 2n + 2 + C2H s+ ~ CnH 2n + 1 + + C2H6
The principal advantages of chemical ionization over electron
impact are: (a) more abundant peaks related to the molecular ion,
whether M+ or M + 1 or M - 1; (b) simpler fragmentation patterns,
which make it easier in many cases to study the kinetics of reaction of
individual ions; (c) easy application of gas chromatography-mass
spectrometry interf acing, since methane can be used not only as
reactant gas (in the chemical ionization), but also as the carr ier gas in
the gas chromatograph (see section 55 .2).

55.1.2 Field ionization and field desorption

An organic compound in the gas phase can be ionized when the
molecules pass near a sharp metal anode carrying an electric field of
the order of 1010 V rn", Electrons are 'sucked' from the sample
molecules into incomplete orbitals in the metal, and the resulting
molecular ions are then repelled toward a slit cathode. Primary
focusing takes place at the cathode slit before the ions pass through
the entrance slit of the mass spectrometer to be focused magnetically
and electrostatically, as in electron-impact studies.
As in the case of chemical ionization, the principal advantages of
field ionization from an organic chemist's point of view are the
increased abundance of molecular ions and the minimization of
complex fragmentations and rearrangements. Disadvantages are the
lower sensitivity and resolution obtained.
Outstanding advantages can be achieved by a modification of the
technique in which the sample is deposited directly onto the anode,
and the high field produces not only ionization, but also desorption.
Unstable and involatile material can be handled in this way, and
molecular ion peaks have thus been produced from complex
naturally occurring compounds (notably the carbohydrates) that do
not show M"t on electron impact.
This method is named field desorption (FD).

55 .1.3 Desorption by lasers, plasmas, ions and atoms-LD and

In the search for soft ionization techniques for measuring the relative
molecular masses of large biomolecules, irradiation or bombard-
ment of the sample by several species has been developed; these
include lasers, nuclear fission fragments, ions and neutral atoms or
molecules. Recordings of the molecular masses of the molecule of
insulin (m/z 5733), chlorophyll oligomers (m/z ca 6000) and a dodeca-
nucleotide dimer (m/z 12 637) have been successful examples. Stu-
dies have been made on molecules with M r values in excess of 20 000
In some of these techniques the sample is coated on to a metal
surface before being bombarded, and the ions produced often include
(M + H)+ and (M - M)- in addition to M"t, this being dependent inter
alia on the type of molecule (acidic, basic, etc.) being bombarded.
Laser ionization mass analysis (LIMA) involves irradiation of the
sample with a pulsed laser, of output up to 105 W crn", wh ich
vaporizes a minute amount of material from the surface of the
sample: this vaporized plume contains ions and neutrals, which are
then passed to a mass spectrometer for analysis. Ion ization of the
vapor plume may be enhanced with a second high-power laser pulse,
or by electron impact, etc. Using microscopy, the initial laser pulse
can be focused on extremely small areas, one or two micrometers
across , which makes LIMA a valuable analytical tool for surface
analysis in the polymers and microelectronics industries for detec-
tion of impurities in printed-circuit boards, microchips, etc. The layer
structure of devices can be investigated (depth profiling) by applying
a succession of pulses to the same area, each pulse cutting away a
few micrometers at a time, enabling mass analysis over an effective
cross-section of the material. LIMA is widely used for elemental
analysis, but organic materials are amenable to the method.
Plasma desorption (PD) uses as the impacting species a fission
fragment from 252Cf, which produces about 3 per cent of various ion
pairs; these ion pairs decompose in turn, giving, for example,
142Ba18+ and 106Te22+. These enormously energetic ions strike the
target molecule and generate about 10 12 W of power and a localized
plasma at a temperature of around 10000 K; it is the temperature
which causes the target molecules to ionize.
Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) involves generating a
beam of ions, such as Ar"t (although others may be used, including
Xe"t and Net), The ion beam is directed on to the target molecule and
the energy of the ions is transferred to the molecule, causing it, in
turn, to ionize (hence 'secondary ion ') .
Fast atom bombardment is one step beyond SIMS, since Xe ions
(for example) are introduced into xenon gas, producing a beam of
mixed Xe+ and energized Xe atoms; the Xe ions are removed
electrostatically and the residual beam of 'fast atoms' is used to
bombard the target. In both SIMS and FAB, sample bombardment
leads to ions being 'sputtered' from the surface, but some significant
differences should be noted. The primary ion beam in SIMS has more
energy, and can be more easily focused than can the neutral atom
beam in FAB, but in FAB the sample is dispersed in a nonvolatile
liquid matrix, commonly glycerol, and this is a critical innovation.
Atom kinetic energies in FAB are of the order of 10 keV (10 6 kJ mol- 1)
and the inevitable breakdown of some of the sample molecules is
overcome by the continuous diffusion of fresh sample to the surface
of the matrix.
FAB can generate molecular ions from highly polar nonvolatile
compounds such as proteins, but its most striking feature is that the
subsequent fragmentation of these ions often allows the amino acid
sequence in the protein to be determined. An example is discussed in
section 5S.5 : see figure 5.10.


The coupl ing of gas chromatography with mass spectrometry has
been overviewed in section 1S.3 .1, and we also saw in section 5S.1.1
that spectrometers operating with the CI mode can be coupled
directly to the eluent of the GC using (for example) methane as both
carrier gas and CI reactant gas.
If the gas chromatograph is using packed columns, the flow of
carrier gas may be in excess of 30 ml min ", which would collapse
the vacuum of the mass spectrometer. Therefore, the carrier gas
must be substantially removed, and various designs of interface have
been developed, all of which depend for their success on the higher
diffusion rate of the carrier gas (usually helium) compared with the
sample molecules. In the jet separator (see figure 5.8) effluent from
the column passes through a fine orifice into an evacuated chamber,
. : , ~. :/". ;.

:.;;'.~m\·?~i~;: helium at om s

sample molecule s

from GC - --
. ,, ;.

l to pum p

(a) Jet separator

o~ solvent (H 20) dro plet s

+ + + char ge ( NH~ io ns)
- charge (acet ate- ion s)
• sam ple mole cules

ieat er
©~ ~ e' • 0
+. + .0 0 0 0 0 0

• ~~
from HPLC -----tI!; + ~.+ .~ : '!
_"' ffi -e t5 ~
~0 ~ - ~
r .-.+ O
- to pump

/ e +-'-
+ +.

heater -

to MS

(b) Thermospray

Figure 5.8 (a) Jet separator for GC-MS interfacing: the lighter helium atoms
diffuse away from the jet stream more than the sample molecules . (b)
Thermospray for HPLC-MS interfacing: evaporation of solvent from
droplets leaves (statistically) some droplets positively and some
negatively ionized.

and in the rapidly expanding jet thus formed, helium carrier gas
diffuses more rapidly to the outside of the jet than do the sample
molecules. A second orifice (coaxial with the first and at a distance of
about 1 mm from it) connects to the mass spectrometer's high-
vacuum system : about 90 per cent of the helium and about 40 per
cent of the sample miss this orifice, so that the mass spectrometer
receives a considerably enriched sample.
Flow rates from a capillary column are typically 1-5 ml rnln " , and
the pumping system of the mass spectrometer can usually cope with
this without any enrichment.
The removal of solvent from the effluent of HPLC columns has also
been tackled by ingenious instrument design. The effluent solution
can be deposited on a moving belt of metal, from which the solvent
evaporates; the belt then passes into the mass spectrometer, carry-
ing with it the sample molecules, which are then ionized by SIMS,
FAB or LD.
One of the most widely used direct liquid insertion interfaces for
HPLC-MS is the thermospray, which works best in reversed phase
chromatography (with highly polar, usually aqueous, eluent, contain-
ing an electrolyte such as ammonium acetate buffer), The effluent
from the column is led through a heated capillary, and discharged
from this into an evacuated heated chamber as an aerosol; see figure
5.8. The droplets consist of solvent, sample and electrolyte, and in
this heated discharge environment the droplets carry a slight positive
or negative charge. As solvent evaporates and the droplets contract,
the charge gradient across them builds up until sample ions escape
from the droplets: these charged species (which may be combined
with proton or ammonium or metal ions) are accelerated into the
mass spectrometer and are there separated as usual. It is common to
assist the spontaneous ionization which characterizes the thermo-
spray by incorporating a heated filament in the inlet system.
HPLC-MS with thermospray interface represents one of the ul-
timate analytical hyphenated procedures for detection and identifica-
tion of metabolites and drugs in body fluids. Although originally
quadrupole instruments were used, the thermospray has also been
adopted for use with sector instruments.
Potentially more powerful yet is the combination GC-FTIR-MS.
Although it is possible to operate these in series, chromatographic
resolution may deteriorate as the effluent is passed along the light
pipe in the FTIR instrument en route to the MS, and therefore the GC
effluent is usually split so that about 2 per cent goes directly to the
more sensitive MS instrument, with the remaining 98 per cent going
to the FTIR instrument. When the complementary IR and MS informa-
tion is used, each for its separate library search, the combined ability
to identify components from the GC is very great indeed.
The incorporation of less abundant isotopes into organic molecules
makes it relatively easy to follow by mass spectrometry the mechan-
isms of a number of reactions, both in conventional laboratory or
biological sequences and in the fragmentations in the mass spectro-
meter inself. A few examples will be given to illustrate the scope of
the technique, but the variations are too numerous to list.
The isotopes that might be used include 2H, 13C, 18 0 , 15N, 37CI, etc.,
but the cost of enriched-isotope sources is so high that most work
has been done on the cheapest (2H) and comparatively less on 13C
and 18 0 . To be certain of a mechanistic step in a reaction, we must
often be able to show nearly 100 per cent inclusion of the isotope
label in the product of the reaction' (or 100 per cent exclusion), since
values substantially less than 100 per cent could be associated with
scrambling of atoms within the mass spectrometer itself.
An early successful application of isotope labeling was the investi-
gation of ester hydrolysis, which could conceivably involve
acyl-oxygen fission or alkyl-oxygen fission (or a mixture of both).
Labeled with 18 0 as shown, acyl-oxygen fission leads to 18 0 incorpo-
ration in the alcohol,while alkyl-oxygenfission leads to incorporation
in the acid. (In general, the former is observed, except for esters or
tertiary alcohols.) The distinction is easily made by mass spectro-
metry, since the acid and alcohol can be isolated and the M"t peak for
each measured: 18 0 incorporation gives the M"t peak two mass units
higher than the 'normal' 16 0 analog .

R-C_ 160H + H_ 180R' acyl-oxygen fission
R-C_ 180H + H~160R ' alkyl-oxygen fission

In structural organic chemistry it is often desirable to know how

many enolizable hydrogens are adjacent to a carbonyl group. The
replacement of -CH 2CO- by -CD 2CO- can be executed rapidly
by treating -CH 2CO- with D20 and base, and subsequent
measurement of M"t will show the degree of deuterium incorpora-
tion. This method has been elegantly extended so that in-column
deuterium exchange takes place during gas chromatography of the
material, which can then be studied by the combined GC-MS

The biochemical applications of isotope labeling are legion, and to

mention anyone would perhaps invidiously imply its relative impor-
tance: of outstanding interest to organic chemists have been the
acetate-labeling studies of biosynthetic pathways. The modes of
incorporation of 13C into steroids, carbohydrates, fatty acids, etc.,
have been fundamental revelations.
In mass spectrometry itself, solutions to the problems of ion
structure and fragmentation mechanisms have been keenly sought.
The fragmentations of the toluene molecular ion are archetypal, and
illustrate well the complexities involved.
We saw earlier (section 5.7.6) that the toluene molecular ion (mlz
92) gives rise to a series of daughter ions at mlz 91, mlz 65 and mlz 39,
and that the ion mlz 91 is best represented as the tropylium ion: the
crudest representation of these processes would be as shown below.
The evidence which belies this simple interpretation is summarized
as follows.
i. 2H labeling shows that loss of H' from the toluene molecular ion
is almost random, and does not take place exclusively from the
benzylic carbon.
ii. 13C labeling of the side-chain shows that this carbon is not
exclusively expelled in the transition mlz 91 ~ mlz 65:
iii. Double 13C labeling (the methyl carbon and its neighbor) shows
that although the two 13C atoms are adjacent in the original toluene
molecule, complete randomization occurs somewhere between
there and the decomposition of ion mlz 91.

mlz 91

Calculations of the relative energies of benzyl and tropylium ions

suggest that both can be formed in the spectrometer from selected
precursors and under controlled reaction conditions. In the absence
of proof, and in rejecting any simplistic 'mechanism', it is better to
write the ion mlz 91 in the form of 'either or' structures.
Radioactive tracer techniques are used to tag the fate of many
species in chemical and biochemical react ion pathways, but the use
of radioisotopes is not always appropriate or hazard-free. Stable
isotopes can be used in a similar way by artificially increasing the
relative abundance of one of the isotopes and thereafter using mass
spectrometry to measure the isotope ratio in the reaction products.
The isotopic constitution of naturally occurring elements is surpris-
ingly constant, but small variations, often of the order of one part in
109, odo arise in different geological or biological circumstances. As
an example, petroleum and coal are both fossil materials, but the
ratio between carbon-12 and carbon-13 (the stable isotopes of car-
bon) is different in each; indeed, coals from the northern hemisphere
have different carbon isotope ratios from those of the southern
hem isphere. When coal and oil are coprocessed, to produce distillate
fuels, the differences in stable isotope ratios are sufficient to deter-
mine how much of the coprocessed product is coal-derived and how
much is petroleum-derived. The method involves oxidizing the ma-
terial to carbon dioxide, and mass spectrometry is then used to
measure the isotope ratios; the difficulty of obtaining accurate
measurements of such minute ratio differences is alleviated by
comparison with the isotope ratio in international standard
substances held in the US Bureau of Standards.
An interesting application of the method is in the detection of
adulteration in commercial vanilla extracted from vanilla beans. The
major flavor constituent in vanilla is vanillin (4-hydroxy-3-

methoxybenzaldehyde), which can also be synthesized more cheaply

from wood lignin. The presence of the wood-derived vanillin as an
adulterant can only be detected by the fact that the carbon-13/carbon-
12 ratio is different in the bean-derived vanillin from that in the
adulterating vanillin, because the different biosynthetic routes to the
two forms preselect the two isotopes to different degrees.
Other elements whose stable isotope ratios have been used in
similar analyses include hydrogen/deuterium, nitrogen-14/nitrogen-
15, oxygen-16/0xygen-18 and sulfur-321sulfur-34.
The mass spectrometer used for stable isotope ratio measure-
ments is usually modified so that the ion beams of the species to be
measured (for example, carbon dioxide containing either carbon-12
or carbon-13) are passed through separate slits to separate detectors,
and the ratio of ion current is measured by quantitatively attenuating
the stronger signal until it matches the weaker signal.


Two main benefits may accrue from converting the functional group
in a molecule to one of its functional derivatives. The derivative may

be more volatile than the parent, or the derivative may give a simpler
mass spectrum, possibly also with an enhanced molecular ion peak.
A few examples will illustrate the value of the method.
Carbohydrates are very difficult to handle in 70 eV mass spectro-
metry, since they are very involatile and give no molecular ion peaks.
They can be converted rapidly and cleanly into their trimethylsilyl
ethers by treatment with a mixture of hexamethyldisilazane
(Me3SiNHSiMe3) and trimethylsilyl chloride (Me3SiCI): the trimethyl-
silyl ethers are sufficiently volatile to be easily capable of GC-MS
The following conversions are widely used to effect similar
improvement in other functional classes:
RC0 2H ~ RC0 2Me
ROH ~ ROMe or ROSiMe3 or ROCOMe
ArOH ~ ArOMe or ArOSiMe3 or ArOCOMe
Functional groups do not possess an equal ability to direct molecu-
lar fragmentations, since the activation energies for the formation of
the fragment ions will be different (depending on the stabilities of the
fragment ions) . An approximate ranking order (most strongly direct-
ing function last) would be carboxyl, chloride, methyl ester, alcohol,
ketone, methyl ether, acetamido, ethylene ketal, amine. We can often
make use of this ranking order to simplify the mass spectrum of a
molecule, by converting the functional group to a derivative of
greater directing propensity. A good example is found in the case of
ketones: if a ketone molecular ion gives rise to a large number of

/ \0 r>:0+ 1\0
- r

0 0 +0

Qj ('
I --.

ketone ethylene stabilized oxonium ion

ketal mlz 99

0 1 \0
o/ \0+
- '1 and)

m/z 99 and m/z 113
fragment ions, we can convert the ketone to the ethylene ketal and
usually the simple fragmentation of this group will dominate the
spectrum. Ethylene ketals fragment to stable oxonium ions, and the
low energy of activation for their formation means that alternative
reactions cannot compete. The resulting simplification in the frag-
mentation pattern makes structural deductions much clearer: in the
example shown, the position of the two substituents (Me, Et) in the
substituted cyclohexanone can be deduced from the two ions' m!z
values, given the known fragmentation modes of the parent cyclo-
hexanone ethylene ketal.
The phenomenon of influencing fragmentation modes by derivati-
zation is usually termed directed fragmentation.


We have seen that routine organic mass spectrometry is taken to
mean 70 eV electron-impact ionization, followed by mass separation
on the basis of magnetic (and additionally electrostatic) focusing of
positive ions. Three principal alternative means of mass separation
have been developed, each of which has advantages and disadvant-
ages, although on balance they have not overtaken magnetic!
electrostatic focusing as the method of choice for the greatest
number of instruments in current use.
Time-of-flight mass spectrometry differentiates the positive-ion
masses by measuring the times that they take to traverse a flight tube
of approximately 1 m length. The ions are first of all generated in
short pulses and accelerated to uniform kinetic energy; heavier ions
travel more slowly to the collector than do light ions, although the
very short time differences between ions can be of the order of
10- 8 s. The ion pulses enter the flight tube at intervals of around
10- 4 s (a frequency of 10kHz), and the mass scan must be of the
same time scale : usually the spectrometer conditions are optimized
by presenting the spectrum on an oscilloscope (also scanning at
10 kHz), and a permanent record is obtained from an analog record-
ing of the oscilloscope trace. The extremely fast scan time and
wide-slit dimensions of time-of-flight spectrometers make them par-
ticularly useful for dealing with transient species-for example, those
produced in shock tubes or flames: by using rapid photographic
techniques (drum cameras, etc.), the oscilloscope trace can be
recorded over a very small time span.
The ions of any particular species may leave the ion source with a
spread of kinetic energies. To obviate the lack of resolution which this
would entail (they would arrive at the detector over a spread of
times), a sequence of electrostatic 'mirrors', with increasing repelling
potential, is arranged as in figure 5.9. Faster ions penetrate the
mirrors further, their path lengths are longer, and, therefore, they
arrive at the detector together with the slower ions.

(]}@- +;O~b-'-~ + +>~,-~ ()

0\" --- 0\" ~
ion source ~--
_ 0\" ~----- + ++ +++

(a) Time-or-flight MS- schematic

U .. /


(b) Quadrupole MS- schematic

Figure 5.9 (a) Time -of-flight mass spectrometer, showing the sequence of
electrostatic reflectors which improve resolution. (b) Quadrupole
mass spectrometer: for each mlz one value of the ratio DC:RFwili
permit that ion alone to pass through the ion filter.

Quadrupole mass spectrometers have as their core an ion tube (the

'mass filter') containing four accurately aligned metal rods, arranged
symmetrically around the long axis of the tube. Opposite pairs of
rods are coupled together, and a complex electric field is set up
within the four rods by applying direct current voltage (a few hundred
volts) across the coupled rods , superimposed by radiofrequency
potential. In operation, positive ions are propelled into the mass
filter; the ratio between DC voltage and RF voltage is chosen, and
these voltages are scanned (at constant ratio) from zero to a maxi-
mum value, when they return to zero to repeat the scan. As the DC
and RF voltages are built up, a hyperbolic potential field is estab-
lished within the four rods: at any particular value for this field (that is,
at any particular point in the scan), most ions will be deflected toward
the rods and discharged there. For ions of the appropriate mass-to-
charge ratio , however, there will be a particular value of the DC/RF
scan which will induce the ion to describe a modulated wave-like
path along the hyperbolic field. These ions will reach the collector
(usually an electron multiplier) and be recorded there. See Fig. 5.9.
The entire mass spectrum is obtained by the DC/RF scan through
the correct values for each mlz ratio.
Quadrupole mass spectrometers are small and relatively cheap,
and are w idely used for fast-scan GC-MS work associated with
kinetic or pyrolysis experiments in the gas phase. The major limita-
tion in the cheaper versions is low resolution, which restricts their
use to the study of relative molecular masses (molecular weights) up
to around 500. Within ·this limit, however, they find wide use in
monitoring processes-for example, in the analyses of respiratory
gases, of atmospheric gases in tanks and spacecraft, and of hazar-
dous components in working atmospheres.
A modified form of quadrupole, consisting of a circular electrode
with two end caps, is available as a detector in GC; in this form it is
usually called an ion trap, but other, more elaborate, devices also are
so named.
Ion cyclotron resonance spectrometry involves generation of posit-
ive ions by electron impact, after which they are drawn through a
short analzyer tube by a small static electric field . While in the
analyzer, a magnetic field (of the order of 0.8 T) is superimposed : this
causes the ions to perform a series of cycloidal loop-the-Ioops along
the analyzer, the angular frequency of which lies in the radio-
frequency range (around 300 kHz). This frequency (the cyclotron
resonance frequency, we) is a function of both the electric field strength
and mlz value for the ion (we = Ezlm), and the 'mass spectrum' is
obtained by scanning the fields until We comes to resonance with a
fixed radiofrequency source beamed onto the analyzer tube. As in
NMR, the resonance condition is reached when We equals the frequen-
cy of the radiofrequency source, and, at resonance, measurable
radiofrequency energy passes from the RF circuit to the ion beam.
Ion cyclotron resonance spectrometry is relatively new, and its
principal application has been in the study of ion-molecule react ions.
Although pressures used in the spectrometer are low (= 1.3 X 10-4
N m- 2 == 10- 6 Torr), the cycloidal path is long and drift times are long
(of the order of milliseconds), so that the probability of ions colliding
with molecules is enhanced. A general example of how the technique
can be applied to the investigation of ion structure might be a
situation where two molecules, A and S, both give rise to a daughter
ion at mlz = x: has the mlz = x ion from A the same structure as the
mlz = x ion from S? If we can demonstrate by isotope substitution
that the daughter ion from A reacts in the ion cyclotron resonance
spectrometer with an admixed neutral molecule, to produce a new
ion at mlz = y, then we can repeat the experiment with the daughter
ion of S mixed with the same neutral molecule. If the new ion at
mlz = y is not produced in this test, then the daughter ions of A and
S, even though they have the same mlz value, cannot have the same
Fourier Transform ion cyclotron resonance spectrometry (FTICR) is
a variant on the above in which, instead of scanning the field until the
cyclotron resonance of each ion comes to resonance with the
radiofrequency, a short scanning pulse of RF is applied, spreading
over all of these frequencies. This generates a current in the receiver,
which consists of an interferogram containing information on all of
the ion frequencies present; this time-domain response is converted
to frequency-domain by Fourier Transform, to reveal the individual
ion cyclotron frequencies (which are then corr-elated with the ir
masses as before). See sections 15.2, 2.4, 3.3.2 and 4.3.1 for the
application of FT to other methods.
There are several advantages with the FTM5 method.
As with other applications of FT (e.g. to IR or NMR), the method is
fast (by a factor of about 100 compared with a normal ICR exper-
iment) and lends itself to spectra summation techniques to increase
On the basis of frequency measurement, very high resolution is
achieved, and since the ion frequencies are all recorded at (substan-
tially) the same time, many rate-dependent reactions in the gas phase
can be studied, including the isomerization of benzyl and tropylium
cations (mlz 91).
Tandem mass spectrometry can be described as the recording of a
mass spectrum in one mass spectrometer of an ion generated in
another mass spectrometer; the technique is thus M5-M5. Its prin-
cipal application is as a complement to the soft ionization methods
(see section 55 .1) used to generate the molecular ions of large
molecules; such molecular ions can then be transported to the
second mass spectrometer and there fragmented, the fragmentation
pattern being used as usual as an aid to structural identification.
Virtually all of the ionization methods can be combined one with
another in MS-MS, each bringing unique advantages.
Figure 5.10 shows an analysis of a penta peptide (M r 565) in which
the molecular ion is generated by FAB (see 5S.1.3) from a methanol/
glycerol matrix, subsequent analysis being by FTMS-that is FTICR
mass spectrometry; the spectrum also shows considerable contami-
nation from the glycerol fragments. The lower spectrum is the MS
(recorded on a FTICR analyzer) of the molecular ion produced by FAB
and separated by the first analyzer: this much cleaner MS-MS
spectrum allows more certain deductions to be made about the
fragmentation of the peptide.
147 185
30 -

o i

300 mlz 400 500



50 413 548
181 232 320 366
i I i

100 200 300

m ]z

Figure 5.10 Mass spectrum (above) of a pentapeptide, ionized by FAR , and

mass analyzed by FTICR mass spectrometry. The molecular ion
generated in the first MS was thereafter selectively analyzed in a
second FTICR mass spectrometer: hence MS-MS (below).


McLafferty, F. W., Interpretation of Mass Spectra , University Science
Books, Mill Hill , California (1980).
Hill, H . C., Introduction to Mass Spectrometry, Heyden, London (2nd edn,

Biernann . K., Mass Spectrometry. Organic Chemical Applications,

McGraw-Hill , New York (1962) .
Rose, M. E. and Johnstone, R. A . W., Mass Spectrometry for Organic
Chemists, University Press, Cambridge (2nd edn, 1982).
Howe, I. , Williams, D . H . and Bowen, R. D ., Principles of Organic Mass
Spectrometry, McGraw-Hill, London (2nd edn, 1982).
Beynon, J. H . and Brenton, A. G., Introduction to Mass Spectrometry,
University of Wales Publications (1982) .
Davis, R . and Frearson , M., Mass Spectrometry , Wiley, Chichester (1987).
Chapman, J . R ., Practical Organic Mass Spectrometry, Wiley, New York,
(1985) .

Cornu, A. and Massot , R ., Compilation of Mass Spectral Data, Heyden,
London, and Presses Universitaires de France, Paris (1966-8) . Lists the
ten principal ions in the mass spectra of over 5000 compounds.
Beynon , J . H. and Williams, A . E., Mass and Abundance Tables for Use in
Mass Spectrometry , Elsevier, Amsterdam (1963) .
Lederburg, J ., Computation of Molecular Formulas for Mass Spectrometry,
Holden-Day, San Francisco (1964) .
The Eight Peak Index of Mass Spectra, Royal Society of Chemistry (3rd
edn 1983). Lists the eight principal ions in the mass spectra of 52 332
Beynon, J. H., Saunders, R. A. and Williams, A . E., Tables of Metastable
Transitions for Use in Mass Spectrometry, Elsevier, Amsterdam (1965).
These last three compilations form a complete kit for deducing molecu-
lar ion and fragmentation formulae from the mass spectrum m/z values.
McLafferty, F. W. and Stauffer, D . B., Registry of Mass Spectral Data,
Wiley, New York (1989). Contains data on 120000 spectra, both in
book form and on database.

Lawson, G. and Todd, J. F. J. Radiofrequency quadrupole mass spectro-
meters. Chem . Brit., 7, 373 (1971).
Waller, G. R. (Ed .), Biochemical Applications of Mass Spectrometry ,
Wiley, Chichester (1972).
Milne , G. W . A. (Ed.) , Mass Spectrometry. Techniques and Applications,
Wiley, New York (1972) .
McLafferty, F. W . (Ed .), Tandem Mass Spectrometry, Wiley, New York
( 1983).
Gaskell, S. J. (Ed.), Mass Spectrometry in Biomedical Research, Wiley,
Chichester (1986) .
McFadden, W . H ., Techniques of Combined GC-MS, Wiley, New York
(1973) .
Chapman, J. R., Computers in Mass Spectrometry, Academic Press ,
London (1978).
Wilkins, C. L., Experimental technique of GC-ITIR-MS , Anal. Chem. ,
59, 571A (1987).
Smith, R. D. and Udseth , H. R., Chemistry in Britain, 24, 350 (1988).
Good account of GC-MS interfaces .
Spectroscopy Problems

Cyclohexane? 4-lodopentanoic acid?

4-Tert-butylaniline? (Twice?)
The first four sections of this chapter contain varied exercises in the
application of each separate technique to an organic problem. The
problems in section 6.5 demand an interplay among these techniques.
Solutions are given at the end of the chapter, in section 6.6, together with
solutions to the other problems throughout the book, in section 6.7.


(i) What are the assignments for the following absorption bands?
(Example : figure 2.2, 2150 em-I . Answer: C=C sIr)
Figure 2.3, 755 cm", 3400 em -I . Figure 2.6, 2900 cm", 1060 cm" ,
Figure 2.7, 1585 cm" , 1605 em-I . Figure 2.11, 700 cm", 1601 cm",
2000-2600 em-I . Figure 2.15, doublet at 1600 cm", 3100 em-I. Figure
2.18,1460 crn", 1500 crn"; 1600 cm", 760 em-I.
(ii) Identify on the spectrum listed the absorption band corresponding
to the given vibration . (Example : figure 2.2, ==C- H SIr. Answer:
3320 cm")
Figure 2.15, C- H str (aromatic and aliphatic) , C=C str, OOP
C-H def, C=O overtone (2v). Figure 2.17, all C-H str and C=C str,
and OOP C-H de]. Figure 2.18 similarly.
(iii) Compound A has molecular formula C3H3N, and its infrared spec-
trum is given in figure 6.1. Suggest a structure for A .
(iv) Compound B has molecular formula C6H IOO, and its infrared spec-
trum is given in figure 6.2. Suggest a structure for B.
(v) The liquid-film infrared spectrum of2,4-pentanedione (acetylacetone)
shows absorption bands at 1600 cm" (strong, broad); 1710 ern"! (less
strong than the 1600 cm" band, and more sharp); a very broad band
stretching from = 2400 em"! to 3400 cm", which is unchanged on dilu-
tion. What are these bands?
wavenumber/em - I
4000 3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 650
3800 3400 3000 2600 2200 -+-
~ _,t-f-:J,
M.-~ H ti+ Hf H H H I I I ! 111111 +++t-l .
· 1!11 111111 111111 111 11111 11111 11111 11111 11 111 111111 11

0.2 o
" o
"ee o
11 11.11 111~ 111111 11111 11/ 11 11111 111111 111 0.3 ~ "C
.0 -<
'" "C
! 111 111111 11111 111 1111 11 111 11111 11f++H-Il- 0.4 ;0

3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 15.0

Figure 6.1 Infrared spectrum for compound A in problem 6.1 (iii). Liquid film .

wavenumber/em - I

4000 3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 650
3800 3400 3000 2600 2200 -+-
!I q WI

3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 15.0
wave lengt hgr m

Figure 6.2 Infrared spectrum for compound B in problem 6.1 (iv). Liqu id film.
(vi) State whether the following pairs of compounds could be distingu-
ished by an examination of their infrared spectra . Give reasons.
PhCH 2NH2 and PhCONH 2
H2N-CoH~-C02Me and Me-C6H4-CONH 2
MeO-CoH4-COMe and Me-CoH4 - C 0 2Me
cyclohexanone and 3-methylcyclopentanone
PhCOCH 2CH3 and PhCH 2COCH 3


Examples (i)-(v) deal exclusively with problems in proton NMR spectro-
scopy; examples (vi)-(x) concentrate mainly on the practice of carbon-I3
NMR spectra interpretation, but with cross-references, where significant,
to features of the corresponding proton spectra.
Worked solutions to the problems are provided in section 6.6.2. Work
through each problem and use the stepwise assistance provided in the
solutions only when necessary .
(i) The IH NMR spectrum shown (figure 6.3) is that of the dental local
anesthetic procaine (at 60 MHz) . Assign alI signals, accounting for (a)
chemical shift values. (b) integrals and (c) coupling constants.


soo 400 300 20U 100 o Hz

I I 1
6.0 5.0 o~
Figure6.3 IH NMR spectrum for procaine in problem 6.2(i).
(ii) The 'H NMR spectrum shown in figure 6.4 is that of 4-vinylpyridine
(at 60 MHz) . Assign all signals, accounting for (a) chemical shift values,
(b) integrals and (c) coupling constants.

{ }CH=CH 2


400 JOO 200 100 o Hz

i1 , , , , , , , , ,
! ! ! e e e e
8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 o Ii

Figure 6.4 ' H NMR spectrum for 4-vinylpyridine in problem 6.2(ii).

(iii) The 60 MHz IH NMR spectrum shown in figure 6.5 is that of a

hydrocarbon ~HI2' Deduce its structure by accounting for (a) chemical
shift values, (b) integrals and (c) coupling constants.
500 400 .100 200 100 o Hz

High-gain trace of I~

septet run at higher


J ,1,
e , , ! , I ! e , e I I I e I I I

8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 o Ii

figure 6',5 IH NMR spectrum for C9H I2 in problem 6.2(iii).

(iv) The 60 MHz IH NMR spectrum in figure 6.6 is of a compound
C4H7Br02' Infrared evidence shows it to be a carboxylic acid . Deduce its
structure by accounting for (a) chemical shift values, (b) integrals and (c)
coupling constants.

1000· 400 300 200 100 0 HI


s 12 ~

, , 1 , , ,
,1 ,
8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0 a
Figure 6.6 IH NMR spectrum for C4H7BrOz in problem 6.2(iv).

(v) The 60 MHz IH NMR spectrum in figure 6.7 is of a compound

C IOH 13N02. Significant features of the infrared spectrum are C=O stretch
and one N - H stretch peak. Deduce the structure of this compound from
the chemical shift, integral and coupling data shown on the spectrum.

300 200 100 OHz

, , , , , , ,
6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 o a
Figure 6.7 'H NMR spectrum for C IOH13NOz in problem 6.2(v).

(vi) The carbon-13 NMR spectrum of one of the butyl acetate isomers
(C 4H90COCH3) showed signals at 8c 22, 28, 80 and 170. What is its
structure? See example 3.11. Why is the intensity of the peak at 8 28 much
more intense than that at 8 22 (by a factor of approximately 8)? How would
the multiplicity and signal intensity in the proton NMR spectrum of this
compound confirm your deductions?
(vii) The 13C_{IH} NMR spectra for the following compounds show 8
values as listed. Predict the 8 values from the correlation charts and
compare these with the observed values. Comment on the expected line
intensities which you might see in these spectra , and state the multiplicity
which would appear for each signal in an off-resonance decoupled spec-
trum of each :
n-butanol, 8 16, 22, 37, 60
succinimide, 8 30, 184
p-hydroxybenzaldehyde, 8 166, 130, 133, 164, 191
catechol (o-dihydroxybenzene), 8 117, 122, 114
paracetamol (p-acetamidophenol), 8 24,115, 121 ,131,153 , 168
terephthalic acid (p-benzenedicarboxylic acid), 8 130, 140, 176
p-nitroacetophenone (p-CH 3COC6H4NO z), 827, 124, 129, 141, 150, 196
anisaldehyde (p-methoxybenzaldehyde), ~ 55, 114, 129, 131, 164
(viii) A plasticizer was shown from its infrared spectrum to be an aromatic
ester, and the carbon-13 NMR spectrum indicated that it was a butyl ester,
with signals at 814,19 ,30,65 and 167. In addition , there were three signals
from a substituted benzene ring, at 8 129, 131 and 132, the last signal being
of much lower intensity than the other two. Deduce (a) the nature of the
butyl residue (n-, iso-, sec- or tert-) ; (b) the substitution pattern on the ring ;
and, hence, (c) the structure of the plasticizer. See examples 3.2 and 3.3
and problem 6.2(vi).
(ix) A compound was known to be one of the following :



Its carbon-13 NMR spectrum consisted of peaks at the 8 values listed , and
the multiplicities in an off-resonance decoupled spectrum are shown in
parentheses: 8 15 (q) , 24 (q) , 64 (t), 115 (d) , 123 (s), 157 (s) and 171 (s) .
Which isomer is it? See also problem 6.2(v) for the proton NMR spectrum
of this compound.
(x) Predict the S values for the carbons in 2-methylcyclohexanone. Pro-
ceed from the S values for hexane-these are shown on the formula, but
should also be predicted from the empirical table of constants in table 3.11.
Thereafter consider substitution of a carbonyl group at both C-1 and C-5.
The observed values for 2-methylcyclohexanone are shown on the formula .


15 c ,, 6 14
42 213 45 14 1 5 23
25 36 23 2 3 4 32
28 32

2-methylcyclohexanone hexane
(observed Ii values) (observed Ii values)


(i) Use the Woodward rules in table 4.3 to predict the expected x'max for
the following compounds dissolved in ethanol:

co co
(ii) Use the Woodward rules in table 4.4 to predict the expected
the 'IT ~ 'IT* transition in the following compounds (in ethanol) :
x'lt\ilX for


(iii) A ketone was known to have one of the isomeric structures shown
below and had x'max (in ethanol) at 224 nm . Which was it?
(iv) Could the following isomers be distinguished by their electronic
absorption spectra?


Hz Hz
(v) For each of the following compounds, write out the structure of an
isomer that is likely to have a substantially different electronic absorption


(i) Write feasible structures for these ions (found in the following mass
l-methylcyclohexene, m/z 96,81,68, 67
l -methylnaphthalene , m/z 142, 141, 115, 143, 71, 57.5
3-methyl-2-bu~anol, m/z 45,43 ,55 , 73
trimethylsilylether of this alcohol, m/z 160, 117, 145
4-heptanone, m/z 114, 86, 71, 58, 43, 41
ethylene ketal of this ketone , m/z 113
benzyl methyl ketone, m/z 134, 119,92,91, 65, 51, 43
phenylacetic acid, m/z 136,92,91,65,51,45 ,39
(ii) Deduce feasible structures (not necessarily unambiguous) for the
compounds whose mass spectra have ions at the following m/z values. Base
peak first.
C IIH t6 , m/z 91, 119, 148,41,27,39,92, 77, 51, 29
C IIH t40Z (ester), m/z 105, 123, 77, 56, 122, 106,41,29
CtOHzoO (alcohol) , m/z 57, 81, 67, 56, 82, 83, 41, 123, 99
C tOH\20z (carboxylic acid), m/z 149, 164, 105, 119, 77, 91, 79, 131, 135,
Note : From the molecular formula, it is always useful to calculate the
number of double-bond equivalents in the molecule. For an alkane , the
molecular formula is CnH zn+ z: for an alkene, or cycloalkane, it is CnHzn> so
that loss of 2H (implying the presence of either one double bond or one
ring) is one double-bond equivalent (DBE). Dienes, cycloalkenes or
bicycloalkanes have two DBE. Trienes, etc., contain 3 DBE, benzene
contains 4 DBE. To find the number of DBE from molecular formula
CnHmO, use the formula DBE = ~ [(2n + 2) - m). For formulae
CnHmNp , use DBE = ~ [(2n + 2) - (m - p)). Thus, C llH'6 contains 4
DBE (probably an aromatic ring?) .
(iii) Calculate the m/z value for the parent ions (m.) that produce the
following normal daughter ions (m2) and metastable daughter ions (m*):
m2 = 117 m* = 93.8
61 31.8
131 117.5
77 56.5
51 33.8
(iv) How could the following pairs of isomers be differentiated by their
respective mass spectra?

U and

() and
0 0

Q and


General approach. Every spectroscopic problem of this type is unique, but
you should begin by quickly perusing all of the spectral data and noting the
following. Are there useful and prominent bands in the infrared spectrum
(C=O, C::=C, C::=N, O-H, N-H, etc.)? Is the compound aromatic,
alkene, alkane (NMR and IR spectra)? Is there an ultraviolet chromo-
phore, and can it be tentatively identified? Is there an M"t peak in the mass
spectrum, from which can be found the molecular formula and the number
of DBE?

Thereafter it will usually be found necessary to extract information from

the spectra in succession, gradually homing in on an unequivocal solution .
When a structure finally emerges, it should be examined scrupulously
against all the available data until no shadow of doubt .re mains.
(i) When acetone is treated with base, a higher-boiling liquid (b.p. 130 DC)
can be isolated from the reaction mixture . The spectroscopic properties of
this liquid are : infrared , 1620 cm -I(m) , 1695 cm-I(s): IH NMR , 01.9 (3H ,
singlet), 0 2.1 (6H, singlet) , 06.15 (IH, singlet) : UV , Amax 11 700: mass ,
m/z (RA) , 55(100) , 83(90) , 43(78) , 98(49) , 29(46), 39(43) , 27(42), 53(13),
41(13),28(8): 13C NMR, 020,27,31,124,154 and 197.
Make sketches of the NMR spectra and construct a mass spectrum bar
diagram. Deduce the structure and account for all of the observed data.

I 000
'Oll 400 300 200 100 OHz

J s.s

.... !
1 ~
, ! , ! , ! , I I , I , I I I

8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 o a

Figure 6.8a IH NMR spectrum for compound (b .p. 248°C) in problem 6.5(ii).

(ii) Deduce the structure of the compound (b.p. 248 DC) whose spectral
data are given in figure 6.8. (A max typically that of a substituted benzene ,
around 250 nrn, lOmax around 12000. 13C NMR, 055 (t) , 114 (t) , 129 (2C ,
d), 131 (s), 164 (2C , d) and 190 (s) .)
(iii) Deduce the structure of the compound (b.p. 97 DC) whose spectral
data are given in figure 6.9. (No UV absorption above 200 nm. 13C NMR,
063, 115, 137.)
(iv) 2,2-Dimethylcydopropanone undergoes ring-opening when attacked
by methoxide ion, the product (b.p. 101 DC) having the following
spectral properties: IR, 1740 cm" (s), 1160 cm" (s), no absorption near
1600 em"! or 3100 crn": IH NMR, 0 3.6 (3H singlet), 0 1.2 (9H singlet):
UV, transparent above 200 nm: mass , m/z 116, 85, 59, 31. Deduce the
structure of the product and suggest a mechanism for its formation . From
waven umber/em - I
4000 3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 650
3800 3400 3000 2600 2200 -+-
I I I I I r I l l I 1 ' 1 I I I I I ' 11 1 1 1 I I I I I ! I I I I I I . I I I I I 1 1 . 11·11ill
+-f-H~ J-!~ 1-0~¥+~~~~I~!lw+i!!!iII!TI~mrmTT
I I I I I I I I I I [ I I I I I I I t I U I I I I I I I 1 '1 I I I I I I I I ' 11 111 'l,Tl1fTTT
-C "IH-H ' H--'--I-+ H+1tlH+-I+t++1+-++-1+-'+1++++++
1 11 1111
,1:1 11ttt1
-' '--'-,\-Iffi'1I-4-'I IIHl -H-fl-'
l l mll !lI l lllrl; ; I : lll lIlIl ll l l li " .

I I III II U II ~ 11111 1 11 11 1111111 1111111 1! I " 111111111 11111111111 11111111- 0.2

. ·· ··· ···_··· · · · · ···· · ·· · ·u H~ ;l:l
L ;~ LLLU IllJll illLlllllliUJllli o
'-H-'HiJJL1L LllUHllIJllWillL" I I I I! r
. I I i r IlTIT I I I I IT TITm lH~ m
" 1 11 1 1 I I I I I I 11111I I I I! I I ' I II I I I ! 3::
. . I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 111111111111: II I II ! 1
, , , I I I I I I I I : I I I 1 i 1111111 11 i r u
I I - - - - -- .--- -- - ~ m
--TmT ~ 1 11 1 1 n I I m
1 11 11 I ! 1 11 11111 1111 11111 ·: 1111

3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 15.0

Figure 6.8b IR spectrum for compound (b .p. 248°C) in problem 6.5(ii) .

RA 100 135






30 76 77


20 40 60 80 100 120 140 m/z

Figure 6.8c Mass spectrum for compound (b.p. 248°C) in problem 6.5(ii).

the mechanism, an alternative product might have arisen : what is it and

why is it not formed?
(v) The 13C-CH} NMR spectra shown in figure 6.1O(a)-(f) are of the six

00 CH'~CH' 00
compounds shown, I-VI. Correlate each compound with its spectrum , and

naphthalene CH3 acenaphthene


©t CH


allyl bromide o-xylene fluoranthene

Figure 6.9a IH NMR spectrum for compound (b.p . 97°C) in problem 6.5(iii)
(200 MHz in CDC1 3) ·

wa venu mber/em - ,
4000 3600 3200 2800 . 2400 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 650
3800 3400 3000 ' 2600 2200 -+-
100 0.0

:I " . '
~ :f~~.~ TWl4+ It 'iT+ji · ' ,,
80 N- ~ .~ 1- ~~ '- I .r- I I' - 0.1
~~~, I i-i- : ~U t jI8f!~~lHrr~i-l~~~'~1~~~1~1~~~1 ~11~11~,~~I~~I~~~~~
f ~\ I +'1 + -, ]1 mlflJ'±'~~I~~n*~1~1~~ffif i~~~ffi~~fffflm~~*~~~~m~W~~ffi~
~ -,_ fl. T ~;~ J
I I I i 0.2
8 60
±,' r+-1~__-1.i-
I 1.::
++'~ T d1 - I
c I c
_ -L~'
ILI ,. rrrnI ' .0
:J 50 <1 + 1 . I , . . II 0.3 ~
c , I I A I

s 40
I~ 0.4 "
fi. i I Ii , ' -+- f-+- I "
rrmn1t11tffirtiitHtttm++muM PmUltttll
j I ; .
II +
~ I ' ' HI ' 0.5
. I I I .. , -) L ! .]. I ! i T - 'fT! 0.6
~1 ~ ~- li]mffi~~ml 0.7
20 H+-... ! j
-"-1. ' : - I I •tt I! , H I
I II 1 I 0.8
I ~ T' ' N. I l'.1I
. . : I i I I I ! I 0.9
1l+Rmummttitt-' ffimHl1tmmtt1~m-mtft~q}ffi~lffi'
10 H-HH-+l-l- u1.u ' 1 ' . 1.0
TTl 1 I I I jt l I I
I I ! 2.0
o lllI III , a:
2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 15.0
wa velen gth jurn

Figure 6.9b IR spectrum for compound (b .p. 97°C) in problem 6.5 (iii).
RA 100 57



40 27

10 20 30 40 so mlz

Figure 6.9c Mass spectrum for compound (b.p . 97°C) in problem 6.5(iii) .

interpret this with respect to the additional spectroscopic information

(a) and (b) give substantially the same UV spectrum, with absorption
around 220 nm and 275 nm(with some fine structure) . (c) and (d) also give
substantially the same UV spectrum, with absorption around 260 nm. The
UV spectrum of (f) has strong absorptions extending to Amax 359 om.
In the IH NMR spectrum of (d) there are, among others, two signals in
the intensity ratio 3: 1, and in the mass spectrum of (e) the molecular ion
cluster shows two main peaks, in the intensity ratio 1:1.
(vi) The infrared spectra of six compounds, (a)-(f), are shown in figure
6.11. Deduce their structures, taking into account the following additional
spectroscopic information . In each case verify that the observed NMR data
fit well with those predicted from the correlationcharts. (Note, s = singlet,
d = doublet, m = multiplet, etc. In the 13C NMR data these abbreviations
apply to off-resonance decoupled spectra or equivalent, and each reso-
nance refers to one carbon atom, unless otherwise stated.)
(a) Proton NMR: I) 2.0 (3H, s) , 2.6 (2H , t) , 2.8 . (2H, t), 7.1 (5H,
nearly s) .
13C NMR: I) 29 (q). 29 (t), 44 (t), 126 (d), 128 (2C, d), 128 (2C, d), 140 (s),
207 (s) .
Mass spectrum: mlz 148, 133, 105,91, 77, 51, 43.
(b) Proton NMR: I) 1.3 (3H, t, J = 8 Hz); 3.4 (2H , s, lost on deuteria-
tion) : 3.9 (2H, q, J = 8 Hz) ; 6.4-6.8 (4H, AA'BB') .


i i i j I i
.180 160 100 80 60 40 20 0 6c


i i i i i i ,
180 160 80 60 40 20 0 6c


o 6c
180 1601140 120 100 8'0 60 40 20

Figure 6.10 I3C-eH} NMR spectra for compounds I-VI in problem 6.5 (vi).

I i i i i i i i i i
180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 ljc


o ljc
180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20

( f)

i i i i i i i i f I
180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 ljc
13C NMR: s 15 (q), 63 (T) , 115 (2C, d), 116 (2C, d), 139 (s), 152 (s).
Mass spectrum : mlz 137, 136, 110, 109, 122.
(c) Proton NMR: s 2.4 (3H, s), 7.0-7.5 (4H, m).
13C NMR: & 20 (q) , 112 (s), 117 (s, low intensity) , 126 (d), 130 (d) , 131 (d),
132 (d), 141 (s).
Mass spectrum: mlz 117, 116,90,89 ,63 ,51 ,39 ,38,27.
(d) Proton NMR: s 2.4 (3H, s) , 7.5 (2H , m) , 7.9 (2H , m).
13C NMR: & 21 (q), 120 (d) , 123 (d) , 129 (d) , 135 (d), 140 (s, low intensity),
148 (s, low intensity) .
Mass spectrum: mlz 137, 107,91 ,89 ,65,63,39 ,28.
(e) Proton NMR: & 3.9 (3H, s), 7.0 (IH, s, lost on deuteriation) , 7.1
(lH , apparent d), 7.4 and 7.45 (2 overlapped H, m), 9.8 (IH, s).
13C NMR: s 56 (q), 109 (d), 114 (d) , 127 (d), 130 (s), 147 (s, low intensity),
152 (s, low intensity), 191 (s, low intensity) .
Mass spectrum: mlz 152, 151, 109,81,53,52,51 ,29, 18.
(f) Proton NMR: s 1.3 (6H, d , J = 8 Hz), 5.3 (lH, septet , J = 8 Hz),
7.4 (3H, m), 8.1 (2H, m).
13C NMR: s 22 (2C, q) , 68 (d), 128 (2C, d), 129 (2C, d), 131 (s, low
intensity), 132 (d), 166 (s, low intensity) .
Mass spectrum: mlz 164, 106, 105, 123, 122, 77, 59, 51, 43, 41.
(vii) The 'es sential oil' (essence oil) from aniseed can be steam-distilled
from the crushed seed s, and from its mass spectrum the major constituent
(A) has the molecular formula CIOHl zO. Other significant peaks in the
mass spectrum appear at mlz 117 and 133. Its UV spectrum had only one
band at 250 nm , and its IR spectrum showed evidence of C-O str.
Its proton NMR spectrum shows easily anal yzable absorptions at & 1.8
(3H, d , J = 6 Hz) , 3.8 (3H , s) , 6.8 (2H , approximately d, line separa-
tion = 10 Hz), 7.2 (2H , approximately d, line separation = 10 Hz). In
addition , there is a set of signals which are non-first-order at 60 MHz but
which are nearly first-order at 200 MHz. They canbe analyzed as such, as
follows: a doublet (integration IH) with & = 6.33 and coupling constant
J = 16 Hz; a doublet of quartets (total integration IH) near & 6.1, in which
the doublet coupling constant is 16 Hz and the quartet coupling constant is
6 Hz. (A further splitting with J = 1.5 Hz is apparent in the doublets at &
1.8 and 6.33; this can be ignored in the initial interpretation.)
The 13C NMR spectrum shows the following signals : & 18 (q), 55 (q), 113
(2C , d), 123 (d), 129 (2C, d), 130 (d), 131 (s) and 159 (s) . Careful oxidation
of A with acid dichromate gives the compound with b.p. 248°C in problem
6.5(ii). Deduce the structure of A .
(viii) The principal flavor constituent of cinnamon is p compound whose
mass spectrum shows the molecular ion at mlz 132 (~H80) , with the base
peak at mlz 131, and a significant peak at mlz 103. Its IR spectrum has a
strong absorption band at 1690 ern-1; the UV spectrum has an intense
band at 284 nm and a very weak absorption at 308 nm .
Its proton NMR spectrum consists of the following absorptions: 8 6.7
(IH, double doublet, two coupling constants, J = 16 Hz and J = 8 Hz) ,
7.4 (5H, narrow multiplet), 7.45 (IH , d, J = 16 Hz, overlapping with the
previous signal) , 9.75 (IH, d, J = 8 Hz). In the 13C NMR spectrum ,
absorptions appear as follows: 8 128.2 (2C, d) , 128.3 (d), 128.8 (2C, d) , 131
(d), 134 (s) , 152 (d), 193 (d). Deduce the structure of this compound, and
comment on its stereochemistry in relation to the 16 Hz coupling constant
in the proton NMR spectrum .
(ix) A sample of Dacron (Terylene) and a sample of a nylon were
hydrolyzed , and in each case the single carboxylic acidic component was
isolated from the reaction mixture. Deduce the structures of these two
acidic compounds from their spectral data:
From Dacron (Terylene)
Molecular formula CgH 60 4 . Proton NMR: 88.2 (4H, s), 12.5 (IH, broad
singlet). 13C NMR: 8 130 (4C, d), 140 (2C, s), 176 (2C , s).
From the nylon
Molecular formula C6H IO0 4 • Proton NMR: 8 1.5 (4H, distorted triplet),
2.3 (4H, distorted triplet) , 11 (IH, broad singlet). 13C NMR: 826 (2C, t),
37 (2C, t), 182 (2C, s).
(x) Benzaldehyde, PhCHO, condenses in the presence of base with
acetone , CH 3COCH3 , to give a compound (A) whose mass spectrum
showed the molecular ion at m/z 146, and two intense peaks at m/z 131 and
103. There was a strong absorption band in the infrared spectrum near
1650 cm -I. The compound showed the following NMR absorptions.
Proton NMR spectrum: & 2.3 (3H , s), 6.7 (IH, d, J = 16 Hz), 7.4 (5H,
narrow multiplet), 7.5 (IH , d, J = 16 Hz, overlapping with the previous
signal) . 13C NMR spectrum: 827 (q), 127 (d) , 128 (2C, d), 129 (2C, d), 130
(d), 135 (s), 144 (d) , 198 (s). Deduce the structure and stereochemistry of



(i) and (ii) See correlation charts.
(iii) Acrylonitrile (C==N str, C=C str, out-of-plane C=H de! and its
overtone at 2v) .
(iv) Cyclohexanone (C= 0 str for six-ring or acyclic ketone. Alkane
C-H str and def. No alkene C-H str or C=C str. No aldehyde
C-H str).
(v) 2,4-pentanedione is 85 per cent enolic; intramolecular hydrogen
bonding in the enol gives 0 - H str and low C = 0 str (together with
C-O str) . The keto form has normal C=O str .)

wavenumb er/ ern'!

00 ~ /AA 2400 ~~ A A 2000 1800 1600 140 0 1200 1000 800
1 I I I I I I I I I
0400100138100136I00134100;3 21°1301001 2~1 I~OtlI i I I i i I I, 1 ~~lu,ul;r;; , , 111111, " , 111' 11" 1, 1111 11, 1111, 11,1, ,11111 1,1,, 111,,1,1, 1111,,1 0 .0


80 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I \I I I I " I I I I ii 1 I I I 1 I I I I I 111I I1 11111 1\ 11 I1 ~ 111I11 11111 11111 1 111111 1111 1111 H'I I~G f 111111 111 111111 0 .1


60 I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I 1IIII ~ A I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 II II I II I I I II I IIIIII I I II I I I III II I IIrl i ' 11 111111\11 11 111'11 11111 11111 11 1L11111 0 .2

= 50 I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I YI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1I 11I 11111111111111I 111 11 III II! I~ I I 1I 1I 11111111 1111111111I1 11 11 1111111 111 11 0 .3 .es~
·s .0
I:':! 40 II I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I 11111111111 111111111! I IIIII I'II M11111 11 11111 11111 1111 111111 111 11 111 1111 111 11 0.4 '"



2.5 3.0 3.5 4 .0 4 .5 5.0 5.5 6 .0 6. 5 7.0 7.5 8 .0 9.0 10.0 1 1.0 12.0
wavelen gt h/urn

Figure 6.11 The infrared spectra ofcomp ounds (a)-(f) in problem 6.5 (vi).
wavenumber/em' I
4000 3800 3600 3400,3200 3000 2800 2600 2400 2200 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 650
I I I f f
100 I , I , I , I , I , I , 1 ,Ii I I ii i I I i I I I i i , I 1 i 1% 0.0
80 ~ t I I I I I j I I I I II 1I II II I I II AI I I I I I I II II I I II I1I 1111 11 11 111 11 1~ I II I I III I I I II I I /'ll i ll 11111 1111 III n~I II II II I I II I I II 0.)
~ 60
~ 50 1/1 11 111111 11 11 11 111 111111 111 11111 1Iii 11 11111 111111 11 1111 111111fll llll ll llllll lllill 111/1 111 11 110.3 j
.§ .D

~ 40 I ! I1III 1I II V I I IAr 111111 111I I I 1111111111 111I1I1111111 11111 11! ! 1I 1 1 1 11 1AII III I~ II I ~ k1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 11 1 !111 1111111~ IIJ III 11 110.4 '"
f-t+-H+t++ -HIt~'+t;1'r 0.5
f-t+-H +t+++t++t-I--t+-ft- 0.6
20 1-+-11++-++++f-+.f++4+t-Hf++-H-++I-++++++-H-lf++-H-++t+H+tr+tt++t+t++t+tt-tHfttfttttttttttttHHffiTtHtttttttttti-ttlffirtt-tt O.7
I-++-++J--I-l-l-+++-I-H-H-++I-I+++-I-H+t++lf--tt-t+H-l-++t++t++t++t+tt+tt+tthttttittttttttttttmfttttittiltttttttttffilffiffitt: 0.8 0.9
10 ~-W-j~+-J-.~++-~++I-++++t-++++t-++++H-+++++t-++t-H+1H+1+H++-t+tfl-tttftttitttttttrttiffittitHtttttttitttttttHit 1.0
0 ~
2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 1 5.0
wave leng th /urn


wavenumber/ em·]

40?0 3BOO 36.00 3400,32?0 3000 28.00 2600 24?0 2200 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 BOO 650
'.-r-- 0.0
"'r K II IT n
80I 0.1
i I
. 0.2
~ 60 '-'
"uc: - i!
11 0.3 -e'"
::: 50 I
§ ~
:g 40 0.4 "
I I 0.5
I W 0.6
20I -" f+ 0.7
11 1 09
10I 1.0
I I II I II q I l IlT Ii 1 2.0
2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 B.O 9.0 10.0 1 1.0 12.0 15.0
wavelength/ I'm
wavenumber/ern' !
40?0 3800 36,00 340 0,32? 0 3000 28.0 0 2600 24?0 2200 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 650
100 0.0


80I 0 .1

70I -

0 .2
~... 60 ...o
u C
:: 50 0 .3 -e'"
'E ~
~ 40 0.4 '"
30 0.5
20 I
10 1.0
2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 9.0 10 .0 11.0 12.0 15.0
( d)


wavenum bertcrn!
00 ~ ,~~ 2400 ~~ ~ ~ 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800
4000 3400, 3200 3000 2E 40U U z zu u I I I I I I I I 1100.
100 I I iIi I IIi I
I I ,38I 100I I3600 i I i , I I I I i I I I I I i I I I I I, ITt;, , I, I , I , I I I I , , I , , , I , I, I I i , I , i II , , I , i I I , i , , , i , , I , , , , , I I I ,

80 111 11 11 11 11 1\111 11 1111 11 11 11 11 11 11 111'111 11 11111 1: 11 11 1111 111 111111 11111 111 1111 111 11 111 111 11 1111 11111 111111 11110. 1
~ 60
"co "oc
= 50 0.3 -e'"
E .J:J
~ 40 0.4 '"
30 0.5
20 0.7
10 1.0
2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 15.0
wave length/ urn
(e )
4000 380036003400,3200 3000 2800 26002400 2200 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 650
100 i I I I I I I
I,I,I, 17t7i 0.0


80 ~ 11 111 1 1 1 0.1

~ 60 ...
"cC C
~ 50 0 .3 -e0
·s 1l
~ 40 0.4 os
30 0.5
0 .6
20 0.7
0 .8
10 1.0

0 .. 2.0
2:5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 9.0 15.0
wavelength/ I'm

(vi) Yes (C=O str and N-H def(amide I and II) in PhCONHz; wide
separation of N-H str bands in PhCONHz). Yes (as before) . No (or at
least not with certainty, since both show C=O str near 1700 cm" , and
C-O str) . Yes (C=O str frequency is dependent on ring size). Yes
(C=O str frequency is dependent on conjugation) .


These solutions are presented stepwise to offer assistance to the student
who is finding difficulty, but does not wish to see the final solution too
soon . Identify the sequential steps in the solutions to each problem as i(I),
i(2), i(3), etc.
Problems (i)-(v) : IH NMR
(i)(I) The high-frequency peaks (above 8 6) are aromatic; all others are
aliphatic. Calculate the integrals . Deal with the aromatic peaks first, then
the two ethyl groups , then the -CHzCHz- groups, then NH z.
(i)(2) The integral ratios shown (from left to right) are : 1 (doublet): 1
(doublet): 1 (triplet) : 1 (broad singlet): 3 (quintet?) : 3 (triplet). Since this
only totals lOH, and procaine has 20H, the integrals correspond to
(i)(3) The two high-S aromatic doublets are typical of p-substitution , being
similar to AX, but more rigorously AA'BB ' . From table 3.10, Jorlho is
predicted as 10 Hz, which is also observed.
(i)(4) Predicted 8 for proton g, from table 3.9, is 8 (7.27 + 0.8 -
0.15) = 87.29. Observed, 87.85.
(i)(5) Predicted 8 for proton f, from table 3.9, is 8 (7.27-
0.8 + 0.15) = 8 6.62: observed, 8 6.6.
(i)(6) The two N-ethyl groups must give rise to a triplet and a quartet. The
triplet (protons a , integral 6) is clearly at 8 1.05. Calculate where the
quartets (protons b) are from table 3.4
(i)(7) Table 3.4 gives 8 2.5 for CH z- NR z.
(i)(8) The ethyl quartet is overlapped; the 4 lines at lowest 8, integral 4,
contain the quartet. Thus , for the two N-ethyl groups we see the triplet and
quartet, J = 8 Hz. Predicted for CH z, 82.5; observed, 82.6. Predicted for
CH 3 (tables 3.4 and 3.5),8 (0.9 + 0.1) = 8 1.0; observed, 8 1.05.
(i)(9) The -CHzCHz- group should give rise to two triplets, each
integral 2; deal with e first, then c.
(i)(10) Using tables 3.4 and 3.5, the predicted 8 for protons e,
CHz-OCOR, ·is 8 (4.15 + 0.1) = 8 4.25. Observed triplet at 8 4.3,
J = 8 Hz. Where is the CH z- N triplet ?
(i)(11) Predicted 8 for protons c, CH z- NR z, is 8 (2.5 + 0.3) = 8 2.8
(tables 3.4 and 3.5) . The high 8 3 lines (centered on 8 2.8, integral 2;
J = 8 Hz) are the CH z- N triplet; that is, this triplet overlaps with the
ethyl quartet (same J value), giving an apparent quintet.
(i)(12) The broad singlet at 0 4.15 is ArNH z (protons d); predicted from
table 3.8, between 0 4.0 and 0 3.5.
(ii)(I) Table 3.7 gives the 0 values for all these protons. The integral ratios
can only be significantly interpreted if you appreciate the multiplicity in the
spectrum .
(ii)(2) The pyridine ring protons are predicted (table 3.7) at 0 8.5 (« to N) ,
and 0 7.0 (~ to N); the observed values are 0 8.5 (approximate doublet) ,
and 0 7.2 (approximate doublet).
(ii)(3) The 'doublets' (07.2 and 0 8.5, J = 9 Hz) are AA'BB' in type , and
the coupling constant is appropriate for ortho protons. Integrals corre-
spond to 2H for each 'doublet'.
(ii)(4) The best analogy for the vinyl protons is to consider pyridine == Ph
in table 3.7.
(ii)(5) The predicted values for the vinylic protons are similar to

07.0 H H 0 5.0

Ph >=< H 0 5.3
With three different environments, what is the multiplicity of the vinylic
(ii)(6) The vinyl protons are coupling AMX , so that each proton gives rise
to a double doublet, integral 1. From the approximate chemical shift values
in 5, we can make a preliminary allocation of the protons observed as

o 6.6, double doublet HA Hx 0 5.35 , double doublet

Although the predicted 0 values show only moderate agreement with the
observed values , the observed relative positions follow the predicted order.
Final confirmation of the allocation rests with the AMX coupling analysis:
measure the three J values, and note that each multiplet has two J values.
Check these against the predicted values in table 3.10 .
(ii)(7) Predicted .lAM , 11-19 Hz ; observed, 19 Hz . Predicted lAX,
5-14 Hz ; observed, 12 Hz. Predicted J MX , 3-7 Hz; observed, :::= 1.5 Hz.
(iii)( 1) The peak at 0 7.1 is aromatic H . The others are aliphatic. Are the
two peaks near 0 1.3 separate singlets, or do they together constitute a
(iii)(2) The molecule is aromatic and clearly benzenoid. Integrals show
that the aromatic peak corresponds to 5H, and therefore the ring is
monosubstituted. This leaves 7H in the other peaks.

(iii)(3) C, is accounted for in the benzene ring. leaving C3 in one

side-chain. which also contains 7H . Side-chain is C3H7 •
(iii)(4) Side-chain must be isopropyl. Predicted 8 for methine , CH - Ph
(table 3.4) . is 8 2.87. Coupling with 2Me (6H) gives .septet at 8 2.87.
J = 8 Hz as in table 3.10.
(iii)(5) Predicted 8 for CH 3 (tables 3.4 and 3.5) is 8 (0.9 + 0.3) = 8 1.2.
Coupling with methine (1H) gives a doublet at 8 1.2. J = 8 Hz.
(iii)(6) Compound is isopropylbenzene (cumene).
(iv)(1) The presence of carboxyl is confirmed by the 8 12 peak . Taking
COOH from the molecular formula leaves C3Hf,Br.
(iv)(2) The C3 residue can be n-propyl or isopropyl . and the Br can be
attached to several points within these possibilities.
(iv)(3) The possibilities are


(iv)(4) Consider the predicted multiplicities and integrals for each of

these .
(iv)(5) Only III and V agree in multiplicity. but not in integrals. with the
spectrum. (J. 8 Hz).
(iv)(6) Predict the 8 values for CH 2Br and CH 2COOH in III. (83.3. 2.3).
(iv)(7) Predict the 8 values for V. Predicted 8 for CH 3 (table 3.4) is
(1.25 + 0.6) = 8 1.85; observed. 82.1. Predicted 8 for CH (table 3.6) is 8
(1.5 + 0.7 + 1.9) = 84.1; observed. 84.25.
(iv)(8) Compound is 2-bromobutyric acid (V) .
(v)(1) The compound is aromatic (peaks above 8 6). and broad singlet at 8
7.9 is probably H attached to nitrogen (infrared evidence confirms; see also
table 3.8).
(v)(2) It is p-substituted (AA'BB' system. Jortho = 11 Hz) .
(v)(3) If 4H are on the ring and 1H is attached to N, this leaves 8H
(v)(4) There is a clear ethyl system present (triplet at 8 1.3, quartet at 8
4.0 ; J = 8 Hz) . This accounts for 5H, leaving 3H unaccounted for.
(v)(5) The singlet at 8 2.1 is methyl.
(~)(6) Check all integrals; ratio is 1:2:2:2:3:3.
(v)(7) Fragments of the structure are

-NH -CO- -0- CH 3CH2- CH 3- [and -0-]

(One a atom has to be added to bring the total to the molecular formula.)
(v)(8) Which of these functions (or combinations of these functions),
attached to CH 3, will cause the CH 3 to appear at 8 2.1? (See table 3.4.)
(v)(9) Use table 3.4 to decide which the possible neighbors for the ethyl
CH 2 are (appearing at 8 4.0).
(v)(lO) Use table 3.9 to infer which are the likely substituents on the ring.
(v)(ll) CH 3CH20 - is one aromatic substituent. CH 3CO- and
CH)NHCO- cannot be aromatic substituents.
(v)(12) CH 3CONH is the second aromatic substituent.
(v)(13) The compound is aceto-p-phenetidide (phenacetin, acetamino-

Problems (vi}-(x) : l3C NMR
(vi)(l) How many signals appear in the l3C NMR spectra of the groups
n-butyl, isobutyl, sec-butyl and tert-butyl?
(vi)(2) The compound is tert-butyl acetate. The difference in intensity
relates primarily to a 3:1 ratio in the number of carbons in the two
environments; the factor of 8 is explained in terms of both the NOE and
differences in relaxation rates . See section 3.15.5.
(vi)(3) tert-Butyl acetate gives a very simple proton NMR spectrum ,
consisting of two singlets in the intensity ratio 3:1. All other butyl isomers
show proton coupling.
(vii)(l) The approximate relative intensities for all signals in a typical
spectrum are found to be as follows: recall that these do not all necessarily
relate to integer ratios of the number of nuclei in each environment, and
will vary somewhat if the spectrum is recorded under different conditions:
n-butanol , 1:1:1:1
succinimide, 5:1 (use ethane as base, and substitute CON< twice)
p-hydroxybenzaldehyde, 8:1:7:1:2
paracetamol (p-HO-C6H4NHCOCH3) , 1:2:2:1:1:1
terephthalic acid, 6:1:1
p-nitroacetophenone, 6:14:16:2:1:2
anisaldehyde , 2:6:1:6:1
(vii)(2) The multiplicities for each signal (derived from off-resonance
decoupling) are, respectively:
n-butanol , q, t, t , t
succinimide , t, s
p-hydroxybenzaldehyde , d, s, d , s, s
catechol, d, d, s
paracetamol , q , d , d , s, s, s
terephthalic acid , d , s, s
p-nitroacetophenone , d, d , d , s, s, s
anisaldehyde, q, d, s, d, s
(viii)(I)The but yl group is n-butyl.
(viii)(2) The plasticizer is di-n-butyl phthalate .
(ix)(I) Isomer III would show wrong multiplic ity in both the 13C and
proton NMR spectra , and is eliminated .
(ix)(2) The predicted alkane chemical shifts for isomer I are 8 16, 24 and
56. Those for isomer II are 8 8, 28 and 56.
(ix)(3) The compound is isomer I , aceto-p-phenetidide (phenacetin , acet-
aminophen) .
(x)(I) The increments to be added to the hexane 8 values are, from C-l
on, 30, 2, (-3 -3),2, 24 and 2.
(x)(2) The predicted 8 values in 2-methylhexanone are 8 44,25 ,26,34,47
and 16, in good agreement with observed values.


(i) < 200 nrn, 225 nm , 255 nm, 235 nm , 273 nm .
(ii) < 200 nm, 227 nm , 227 nrn, 242 nm, 338 nm, 286 nm.
(iii) The first structure.
{iv) The middle structure would have a biphenyl-like spectrum , while the
other two would be indistinguishably naphthalene-like.
(v) Examples might be


(i) See cycloalkanes and cycloalkenes, sections 5.7.2 and 5.704.
See aromatic hydrocarbons (remembering tropylium ions and doubly
charged ions), section 5.7.6.
See alcohols, section 5.7.8.
See section 5So4, AT for Si is 28.
See ketones, sections 5.7.11 and 5.7.13.
See section 5So4.
See carboxylic acids, section 5.7 .14.
(ii) 3-Phenylpentane .
Butyl benzoate .
4-Isopropylbenzoic acid.
(iii) m/z 146, 117, 146, 105, 77.
(iv) Prominent peak at M-C3H 7.
Retro-Diels-Alder products.
Mass spectrum of ethylene ketals.


(i) (MehC=CHCOMe (mesityl oxide).
(ii) 4-Methoxybenzaldehyde (anisaldehyde).
(iii) CHz=CHCHzOH (allyl alcohol).
(iv) Me 3CCOzMe. Methoxide attacks the carbonyl group, with ring open-
ing to give either a primary or a tertiary carbanion transition state: the
latter is disfavored, so that MezCHCHzCOzMe is not formed.
(v) a = III, b = I, c = V, d = II , e = IV, f = VI.
(vi) (a) 4-Phenyl-2-butanone, benzylacetone; (b) p-phenetidine,
4-ethoxyaniline; (c) o-tolunitrile ; (d) m-nitrotoluene; (e) vanillin,
4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde ; (f) isopropyl benzoate .
(vii) A is anethole or 3-(4-methoxyphenyl)-1-propene,
4-MeOC6H4CH = CHCH 3 •
(viii) Cinnamaldehyde or 3-phenylpropenal, C6HSCH=CHCHO; trans
double bond.
(ix) Terephthalic acid from Dacron: terephthalic acid is benzene-1,4-
dicarboxylic acid, and Dacron is poly(ethylene glycol terephthalate) .
Adipic acid from Nylon 66: adipic acid is butane-1,4-dicarboxylic acid and
Nylon 66 is the polyamide formed with hexamethylenediamine.
(x) Benzylideneacetone or trans-4-phenyl-3-buten-2-one,


1.1 (a) 6.6 x 1013 S-I and 4.55 urn; (b) 9 x 1013 S-I and 3.3 urn.
1.2 (a) 11.11 m; (b) 137 m and 1.91 rn; (c) 2.47 m and 1.23 m.
1.3 (a) 1.0 x 1015 Hz (S-I) ; (b) approximately 300 nrn, in the ultraviolet
1.4 (a) 6.6 x 1O~15 J; (b) 4 x 106 kJ mol-I.
1.5 (a) 1.12 x 10- 17 J; (b) 6.74 x 106 J mol-lor 6740 kJ mol ",
2.1 (a) 0.0418; (b) 0.0224; (c) 1.0000; (d) 1.6990. Check this by examin-
ing typical IR spectra (figure 2.9, for example).
2.2 (a) Polyethylene is a long-chain alkane: see figure 2.1 for the IR
spectrum of Nujol (a mixture of long-chain alkanes and therefore with a
near-identical spectrum) . See also figure 2.9 for the IR spectrum of
polystyrene. (b) Nitrile absorption, C==N str, is at 2200 cm "; ester
C = 0 str for an aryl ester is near 1710 em - I .
2.3 Follow the disappearance of the ester C=O str band near 1720
cm -I ; in aqueous alkali the reaction product shows the carboxylate
absorptions near 1600 em-I and 1350 ern-I . To avoid damaging salt flats
with the aqueous medium, use calcium fluoride flats instead.
2.4 Cooking oil. Lubricating oil (mineral oil) is mainly long-chain alkane,
similar to Nujol (see figure 2.1) , whereas cooking oil is a mixture of
triglyceride esters, with C=O str near 1720 cm- I .
2.5 Same as in exercise 2.4: polypropylene is a hydrocarbon, and
cellulose acetate is an ester. (For interest, they can easily be distinguished
by crinkle and tear characteristics, since polypropylene has a very crinkly
feel, but is very difficult to tear.)
2.6 The antisymrnetric and symmetric N- H str bands for primary amide
near 3200 cm- I and 3400 cm" : use calcium fluoride flats , which are
resistant to water.
2.7 O-H str near 3300 cm", C-H str near 2900 cm", C-H de!
near 1450 ern"! and 1400 cm ", C-O strnear 1300 ern"! and 1100 cm- I .
2.8 'Light petroleum', 'petroleum fraction ' or 'petrol', but avoiding the
name 'ether' , since it consists of a mixture of alkane hydrocarbons.
2.9 (a) 10; (b) 1600-2100 cm- I .
2.10 0.0508 mm if you counted 13 fringes from 2000 cm" to 2080 cm":
0.0547 mm for 14 fringes.
2.Il Prepare a working curve (a graph of concentration against transmit-
tance or absorbance) for a series of solutions of a standard (for example,
diesel oil) in carbon tetrachloride, using one of the strong C- H str
absorptions near 2900 cm -I. Extract each aliquot of water with a fixed
small volume of carbon tetrachloride and measure the C- H transmit-
tance or absorbance of these solutions: quantify the diesel present in the
carbon tetrachloride by comparison with the working curve and thence
calculate the diesel concentration in the original water sample. The method
would be accurate enough for most diesel fuels but would underestimate
gasoline contamination (since gasoline contains more aromatic hydrocar-
bons, with weak C-H str absorptions just above 3000 cm").

3.1 1380 Hz.

3.2 (a) 438 Hz; (b) 2190 Hz .
3.3 84.6 (460 Hz) and 8 7.3 (730 Hz) .
3.4 (a) 100 Hz; (b) 250 Hz; (c) 500 Hz .
3.5 (a) 8 2.3, 2.9; (b) 82.1; (c) 83.3 ; (d) 82.1.
3.6 (a) 8 2.1, 2.4 , 1.2 (0.9 + 0.3); (b) 8 1.1 (0.9 + 0.2), 2.1, 4.1, 1.3
(0.9 + 0.4) ; (c) 8 1.1 (0.9 + 0.2), 2.1, 4.6, 4.9, 7.3; (d) 8 2.0, 4.1, 1.6
(1.3 + 0.3), 0.9.
3.7 (a) B7.67 (2H, ortho), 7.07 (2H, meta) , 6.97 (lH, para), 2.0 (3H); (b)
B 7.47 (para), 7.42 (meta), 8.07 (ortho), 3.9 (Me ester); (c) B 8.22, 7.62,
3.9; (d) B 1.3 (0.9 + 0.4, 3H), 3.9 (2H), 6.87 (2H, ortho to EtO), 7.47 (2H,
ortho to NHCOMe), 2.0 (3H).
3.8 (a) B 2.6, 4.1, 1.3; (b) B 3.1, 3.6; (c) B 7.17 (the main influence is the
- CH z- group ( - R) directly attached to the ring, although oxygen
moves the signal slightly to higherfrequency), 4.2, 3.7; (d) B7.5; observed,
3.9 (a) B2.5 (2.3 + 0.2), near B 11; (b) ring proton, B6.27 (ortho to OH),
7.27. OH predicted near B4.5, but is observed at higher frequency, owing
to H-bonding with C=O. NH around B5.0-8.5, broad signal.
3.10 (a) Two doublets; (b) triplet and doublet; (c) quartet and doublet; (d)
see figure 3.17.
3.11 Singlet, triplet and quartet in all three .
3.12 Singlet, doublet and septet in all four.
3.13 0.7 Hz, 1.7 Hz and 3.7 Hz, and they do not change with increased
field strength .
3.14 Approximately 18 Hz. Yes. (cis coupling constants are smaller than
trans, commonly around 8 Hz.)
3.15 lAM = 1.6 Hz; lAX = 6.3 Hz; lMX = 14.0 Hz. Yes, lMX > lAX'
3.16 (a) Three in the o-isomer, four in the m- and two in the PO.
(Remember the substituent-bearing carbons.) (b) Four in the o-isomcr,
five in the m- and three in the Po . (In all isomers the two methoxy carbons
are equivalent.) (c) Four, eight and eight, respectively. (Structure IV is
3.17 (a) Eight in the o-isomer, eight in the m- and six in the Po.
(Remember to count the substituent-bearing carbons and the carbonyl
carbon. In the p-isomer there are only four non-equivalent ring carbons.)
(b) Ten in the 2-hydroxy, ten in the 3-hydroxy and eight in the 4-hydroxy.
3.18 Diethyl ether-o 15.7 and 55.7. Methyl propyl ether-o 9, 26, 59 and
65. Methyl isopropyl ether-o 25,40 and 59.
3.19 They are (a) pentanal, (b) 2-pentanone and (c) 3-pentanone. (a)
Pentanal-(start from butane) B13, 22, 27, 43 and 200-205 (table 3.17). (b)
2-Pentanone-(start from propane) B 12, 18, 26-31 (table 3.18), 45 and
205-218. (c) 3-Pentanone-(start from ethane) B 7.7, 35.7 and 205-218.
3.20 (a) B51-52 (table 3.18, methyl group of the ester) , 164-169 (carbonyl
group of conjugated ester), 130, 130 (2C), 128 (2C) and 133 (ring carbons,
beginning with the ipso carbon) . (b) B 66 and 22 (2C) for the isopropyl
group; ring carbons as in (a) .
3.21 (a) B 143 (2C), 124 (2C), 135 (2C). (b) All isomers, B 164-169 (ester
carbonyl) and 51-52 (Me of ester) . Ring carbons, numbered from ester-
substituted carbon; o-isomer, B 130, 136, 128, 134, 131; m-isomer, B 131,
130,134,133,129, 128;p-isomer, B128, 131 (2C), 128 (2C), 139. (c) For all
isomers, consider the benzene ring without OH to have only one C6Hs
substituent; the Bvalues are predicted at 141, 127 (2C), 129 (2C), 127. The
second ring has two substituents, OH and C6H s. Thus : o-isomer, 0 128,
154,116,128,121,128; m-isomer, 0 142, 114, 156, 114, 130, 120;p-isomer,
s 134, 128 (2C), 116 (2C), 154.
3.22 The observed chemical shift positions are given in table 3.11; the
calculated values show good agreement.
3.23 Both alkene carbons are equivalent. 0 value found from
123 + 10 + 7 + 7 - 8 - 2 - 2 = 0 135.
3.24 C-3 value found from 123 + 10 + 7 + 7 - 8 - 2 + 2 = 0 139. C-4
value found from 123 + 10 + 7 - 2 - 8 - 2 - 2 = 0 126.
3.25 4-Hydroxybenzaldehyde. The predicted chemical shifts for the ring
carbons are 0 116, 130, 130, 161.
3.26 Isopropyl benzoate. Compare the observed chemical shift values with
those predicted in exercise 3.20(b) . The 0- and m-carbons cannot be
unambiguously assigned.
3.27 Mesityl oxide (2-methyl-2-penten-4-one). (First calculate the alkene
shifts for isobutene from table 3.12, then compute the influence of C=O
from table 3.16. Deduce the methyl shifts from table 3.18, taking account
of the note at the foot.)
3.28 (a) Assign according to whether each carbon atom is attached to
three, two or one proton. (b) They appear centered on each individual
chemical shift value. The three signals between 0 21 and 23 are difficult to

4.1 (a) First; (b) second ; (c) first; (d) first.

4.2 Both materials absorb the ultraviolet light. In the case of glyceryl
p-aminobenzoate, this is also nontoxic (since both glycerol and p-
aminobenzoic acid occur naturally in our metabolism) .
4.3 All except (c) and (d) .
4.4 (a), (b) and (d) are equal, and larger than (c). The longest wave-
length-lowest energy-is associated with (c).
4.5 (a) 1500; (b) 3.0.
4.6 16368 and 5580.
4.7 (a) 6.863 mmol/l or 0.5353 gil; (b) 2.8.
4.8 The concentrations are, respectively, 3.0 and 1.5 x 10- 4 molar, and
with molar mass 84 these are equivalent to 0.0252 and 0.0126 gil.
4.9 III, 323 nm (253, homocyclic diene + 30, conjugation + 15, exo-
cyclic bonds + 25, substituents) . IV, 235 nm (215 acyclic diene + 20,
substituents) .
4.10 III, 237 nm (215, acyclic ketone + 10 + 15, substituents) . IV,
296 nm (215, 6-ring cyclic ketone + 30, conjugation + 5, exocyclic
bond + 12 + 17 + 17, substituents).
4.11 In water the chromophore is the benzene ring with the phenolic
oxygen' nonbonding electrons: in alkali a full negative charge is on the
oxygen-greater electron 'availability'; therefore, longer wavelength ab-
sorption .
4.12 Nitrogen nonbonding electrons are less ' available' as a chromophore
after protonation by acid.
4.13 (a) Pyrene; (b) fluoranthene ; (c) acenaphthylene .
4.1~ (a) 0.036 gil; (b) 0.014 gil.
4.15 Excitation 600 kJ mol", emission 262 kJ mol" ; therefore ' loss' of
338 kJ moi" ,
4.16 Around 500 nm and 700 nrn, respectively.

5.1 (a) m/z 77. CO (28 daltons) . (b) m/z 64.2. CH==CH (26 daltons) .
5.2 C6H\I + (cyclohexyl), C4H7 + (butenyl) , C3Hs+ (propenyl), C2Hs +
(ethyl), C 2H3+ (ethenyl, vinyl).
5.3 (a) Loss of one H atom (a radical), leaving a cation . (b) This is the
carbon-13 isotope peak, at M + 1; it is a radical cation (see section 5.3) .
5.4 mlz 15 is a cation formed by loss of CSH9 as an allylic radical; mlz 69 is
a cation formed by the loss of a methyl radical.
5.5 (a) mlz 42; (b) mlz 58. Both are radical cations. The alkenes drift
down the mass spectrometer, but are not detected , since they are un-
charged .
5.6 (a) m/z 54; (b) m/z 68. Both are radical cations . The neutral alkene
fragments drift undetected down the flight tube .
5.7 (a) m/z 178; (b) this also has a mass of 178 daltons, but it appears at
mlz 89 because it is deflected more than the singly charged ion .
5.8 (a) mlz 179; (b) m/z 89.5.
5.9 (a) mlz 106, the molecular ion, radical cation . (b) mlz 91, benzyll
tropylium ion, cation. (c) m/z 65 with a metastable ion at mlz 46.4 , both
cations. (d) mlz 77, phenyl, cation . (e) mlz 51 with a metastable ion at 33.8,
both cations.
5.10 Two peaks in the abundance ratio 3:1 at m/z 92 and 94 (chlorine-35
and -37 isotopes) , with two much smaller peaks at mlz 93 and 95 (carbon-13
isotope peaks).
5.11 (a) Two equally abundant ions at mlz 136 and 138, with less abundant
ions (roughly 4.5 per cent of the abundance of the larger peaks) at mlz 137
and 139. (b) Three peaks with abundance ratio 1:2:1 at mlz 214,216 and
218; the carbon isotope peaks will appear at mlz 215,217 and 219.
5.12 m/z 308 (see section 55.4) .
5.13 m/z 56 from (M - 18 - propene, mass 42).
5.14 Both would give rise to the hydroxytropylium ion at m/z 107, but the
alcohol spectrum will have a peak at M - 18 (loss of water) and the phenol
spectrum peaks at M - 28 (loss of CO) and M - 29 (loss of CHO) .
5.15 Butene, mass 56.
5.16 PhCO+ . m/z 105. going to m/z 77. then m/z 51, with metastable ions
at m/z 56.5 and 33.8.
5.17 m/z 44 for all of them.
5.18 m/z 58 for all of them .
5.19 m/z 74 is the McLafferty ion formed from the methyl esters of
longer-chain fatty acids; it is highly characteristic.
5.20 The amine with odd molecular mass must contain 1, 3. 5, etc.,
nitrogen atoms; the other amine must contain 2, 4, 6, etc., nitrogens.
(They could be a toluidine, CH 3C6H4NH2 , and a phenylenediamine,
Appendix 1
Useful Data: Correlation Tables and
Infared Spectroscopy

Solvents used in IR spectroscopy: mulling agents, 54

Correlation charts, 60-71

NMR Spectroscopy

Proton NMR:
Chemical shift chart, 127
Chemical shift tables, 171-5
Coupling constant table, 176

Carbon -13 NMR:

Chemical shift chart, 192
Chemical shift tables, 193-201

Solvents used in NMR spectroscopy, 202

Fluorine-19 NMR:
Chemical shift chart, 231

Ultraviolet and Visible Spectroscopy

Chromophores table, 248

Solvents used in UVNIS spectroscopy, 257
Rules for conjugated dienes, 259
Rules for unsaturated carbonyl compounds, 262
Aromatic hydrocarbons table, 266
Heterocyclic systems table, 267

Mass Spectroscopy

Isotope abundances table, 294

Nomogram for metastable ions, 302
Appendix 2
Acronyms in Spectroscopy
ACAC Acetylacetonate (NMR)
ATR Attenuated total reflectance (lR)

BB Broad band (decoupling) (NMR)

CAT Computer averaging of transients (NMR)

CD Circular dichroism (UVNIS)
CI Chemical ionization (MS)
CIONP Chemically induced dynamic nuclear
polarization (NMR)
CIR Cylindrical internal reflectance (lR)
COSY Correlation spectroscopy (NMR)
CW Continuous wave (NMR)

DPM Dipivaloylmethane (NMR)

DR Diffuse reflectance (lR)
DRIFTS DR infrared FT spectroscopy (lR)
DTGS Deuteriated triglycine sulfate (lR)

EI Electron impact or electron ionization (MS)

EPR Electron paramagnetic resonance
ESCA Electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis
ESR Electron spin resonance

FAB Fast atom bombardment (MS)

FD Field desorption (MS)
FI Field ionization
FlO Free induction decay (NMR)
FOD Fluoro-octanedionato
IT Fourier transform (IR, NMR, UVNIS, MS)
FTIR Fourier transform infrared
FTIR Frustrated total internal reflectance
FTMS Fourier transform mass spectrometry
FTNMR Fourier transform NMR

GC Gas chromatography
GC-IR Gas chromatography infrared
G~MS Gas chromatography mass spectrometry
HPLC High performance liquid chromatography (formerly
High pressure liquid chromatography)

ICR Ion cyclotron resonance (MS)

INDOR Internuclear double resonance (NMR)
INEPT Insensitive nuclei enhanced by polarization
transfer (NMR): now superseded by DEPT
IR Infrared
IR Internal reflectance

LASER Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation

LC Liquid chromatography
LC-IR Liquid chromatography infrared
LC-MS Liquid chromatography mass spectrometry
LD Laser desorption (MS)
LDA Linear diode array (UVNIS)
LIMA Laser ionization mass analysis
LIMS Laboratory information management system
LIMS Laser ionization mass spectrometry
LRS Laser Raman spectroscopy (IR)

MCf Mercury cadmium telluride (IR)

MIR Multiple internal reflectance (IR)
MRI Magnetic resonance imaging (NMR)
MS Mass spectrometry

NMR Nuclear magnetic resonance

NOE Nuclear Overhauser effect (NMR)

ORD Optical rotatory dispersion (UVNIS)

PDA Photodiode array (UVNIS)

RF Radiofrequency

SIN Signal-to-noise
SFC Supercritical fluid chromatography
SIMS Secondary ion mass spectrometry

TLC Thin layer chromatography

TMS Tetramethyl-4-silane (NMR)
TOF Time-of-flight (MS)

UVNIS Ultraviolet/visible spectroscopy

XPS X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy


absorbance allyl systems, proton NMR spectra of

in electronic spectroscopy 251, 163
270 amides 153, 163
in infrared spectroscopy 48, 88 infrared group frequencies of 31,
absorptivity, molar 88, 91, 251 79
acetophenone, infrared spectrum of MS of 324
25 nitrogen-15 NMR spectra of 235
acyl halides, infrared group restricted rotation in 79, 130,
frequencies of 82 214
alcohols amines
infrared group frequencies of 31, hydrogen bonding in 34
82 infrared group frequencies of 83
MS of 310 MS of 324
oxygen-17 NMR spectra of 235 nitrogen-15 NMR spectra of 235
aldehyde-ammonias, infrared group amino acids, infrared group
frequencies of 86 frequencies of 78
aldehydes angular distortion, in UV
infrared group frequencies of 31, spectroscopy 269
75 anisotropic effects in NMR 122
MS of 321 annulenes, ring currents in 125
alkanes and alkyl groups aromatic compounds
carbon-13 NMR spectra of 188, 193, anisotropic effects in 125
197 carbon-13 NMR spectra of 187, 196,
infrared group frequencies of 59 198
MS of 308 infrared group frequencies of 59
proton NMR spectra of 127, 173 MS of 311
alkenes proton NMR spectra of 161, 175
anisotropic effects in 123, 126 ring currents in 125
carbon-13 NMR spectra of 190, 194, table of UV data on 266
198 UV spectroscopy of 263-66
infrared group frequencies of 72 ATR 92
MS of 310 attached proton tests 221
proton NMR spectra of 123, 175 attenuated total reflectance (ATR)
UV/VIS spectroscopy of 250,259 92
alkynes auxochromes 247
anisotropic effects in 124 azides, infrared group frequencies of
carbon-13 NMR spectra of 191, 195 74
infrared group frequencies of 74
proton NMR spectra of 124
allenes base peaks, in MS 287
infrared group frequencies of 72 baseline corrections 11
MS of 311 bathochromic shift 253
IND EX 385
BB decoupling 177, 179 carbonyl compounds
beamsplitter, in fTIR 45 anisotropic NMR effects in 123
Beer-Lambert law 251,269 carbon-13 NMR spectra of 184, 199
bending vibrations, in IR infrared group frequencies of 34,
spectroscopy 20 74
benzaldehyde, infrared spectrum of MS of 320
24 carboxylate salts, infrared group
benzamide, infrared spectrum of 80 frequencies of 77
benzene derivatives, see Aromatic carboxylic acid anhydrides, infrared
compounds group frequencies of 30, 78
benzoic acid, infrared spectrum of carboxylic acids
35 hydrogen bonding in 34
benzonitrile, infrared spectrum of infrared group frequencies of 77
85 CAT, see Spectra summation 11
benzyl alcohol , proton NMR spectrum CD 277
of 117 cells
bioluminescence 271 for infrared spectroscopy 50, 53,
biphenyls and binaphthyls 94
spectroscopy of 268 for UV/VIS spectroscopy 256
Bloch, Felix 104 charge transfer complexes, UV
blue shift, in UV/VIS spectroscopy spectroscopy of 274
253 chelates, IR spectra of 33
Boltzmann distribution, of spin state chemical equivalence in NMR 148
populations 108, 208 chemical ionization in MS 325
bombardment energies in MS 307 chemical shift 109
bond angles, influence of, in anisotropic effects in 122
infrared absorptions 37 electronegativity effects in 119
"boron, NMR of 106 and lanthanide shift reagents 169
broad-band decoupling, in carbon-13 shielding and deshielding in 119
NMR spectra 178 standards for (TMS, etc) 110
I-butanol, infrared spectrum of 32 tables of (carbon-13) 193-201
tables of (proton) 171-6
units of 116
carbohydrates van der Waals effects in 122
infrared group frequencies of 82 chemical shift reagents 169
oxygen-17 NMR spectra of 235 chemically induced dynamic nuclear
carbon-13 NMR spectroscopy polarization (CIDNP) 229
of alkane carbons 189, 193, 197 chiral molecules, NMR spectra of 214
of alkene cabons 190, 194, 198 2-chlorobutanoic 'acid, proton NMR
of alkyne carbons 191, 195 spectrum of (at 60, 200 and 500
of aromatic carbons 187, 196, 198 MHz) 166
broad-band decoupling (noise 2-chloropropanoic acid, proton NMR
decoupling) in 177 spectrum of 143
of carbonyl carbons 185, 199 chromascans 16, 255
chemical shift summary chart in chromatography and spectroscopy 14
192 see also GC-IR, GC-MS, HPLC-MS
deuterium coupling in 156, 179 chromium acetylacetonate 180
gated decoupling in 223 chromophores 245
NOE in 179, 223 CI, in MS 325
proton decoupling in 177 CIDNP 229
tables of chemical shift values in cinnamic acid, proton NMR spectrum of
193-201 136
see also Nuclear magnetic resonance CIR 92
(NMR) spectroscopy circle cell 92
circular birefringence 278 deshielding, in NMR 119
circular dichroism (CD) 277 detectors
cleavage of bonds, in MS 320 in IR spectroscopy 41
color and light absorption 245 in MS 292
combination bands, in IR spectra 28 deuteriated triglycine sulfate (DTGS)
computer averaging of transients 42
(CAT) 11 deuteriation 158
computers and spectroscopy 11 deuterium coupling in NMR 156, 179
contact shift reagents, s.ee Chemical deuterium exchange (deuteriation), in
shift reagents NMR 157
continuous wave NMR 112 diastereotopic molecules 214
contraction of spectra 11 dienes, trienes, and polyenes, UVflIS
core binding energies, in ESCA 280 spectroscopy of 259
correlation charts difference spectra 11, 46
for carbon-13 NMR 192 diffuse reflectance 94
for infrared absorptions 60-71 directed fragmentation, in MS 333
for proton NMR 127 disks, KEr, in IR spectroscopy 50
correlation tables dispersive IR spectrometers 39, 42
for carbon-13 NMR 193-201 dodecane, mass spectrum of 308
for proton NMR 173-6 double irradiation 165, 202
for UV absorptions 259, 262, 266-7 double resonance, see Double
COSY 224 irradiation
Cotton effect 278 double-bond equivalent 352
coupling constants doubly charged ions, in MS 286, 311
in carbon-13 NMR 178 downfield, in NMR 119
factors influencing 152 DRIFfS, see Diffuse reflectance and
Karplus's equations for 154 FflR
in proton NMR 137, 141 DTGS detectors, in IR spectrometers
sign of 141, 205, 210 41
table of 177
Cr(ACAC), 180
cross-conjugation 269 editing, of carbon-13 NMR spectra
CWNMR 112 219
cycloalkanes EI, electron impact (bombardment)
IR spectra of 38 287
MS of 292 electromagnetic radiation 2, 6
cylindrical internal reflectance absorption of 7
(CIR) 94 electromagnetic spectrum 2, 4
electron paramagnetic resonance
spectroscopy (EPR) 236
data handling, in MS 292 electron spectroscopy for chemical
daughter ions, in MS 286 analysis (ESCA) 280
deceptive simplicity in NMR 149 electron spin resonance spectroscopy
decoupling (ESR) 236
broad-band 178 electronic effects, on infrared
in carbon-13 NMR 178 absorptions 36
off-resonance 180 electronic spectroscopy, theory of
in proton NMR 165 249
theory of 202 electronic transitions in UV
deformations, in IR 20 spectroscopy 249
DEPT 219 electrostatic analyzers, in MS 291
derivative spectra 11, 236 element compositions 283
derivatization, in MS 333 energy units 2, 6
enols, infrared spectra of 33 fragmentation processes
EPR 236 in MS 286, 303
ESCA 280 directed by derivatization 333
see also XPS 280 directed by functional groups
ESR 236 307-25
esters factors influencing 304-6
infrared group frequencies of 75 free induction 113
MS of 322 free induction decay (FlO) 113
ethanol, proton NMR spectrum of 151 frequency
ethers and time 12
infrared group frequencies of 83 units of 2, 22
MS of 318 frequency calibration, in IR
ethyl bromide, proton NMR spectrum of spectroscopy 46, 48
144 frequency domain 12
evanescent waves, in ATR 92 frequency sweep 112
even-electron rule, in MS 305 FT, see Fourier transforms
expansion of spectra 11 furan-2-aldehyde (furfuraldehyde),
extinction coefficient 251 proton NMR spectrum of 147

FAR (fast atom bombardment) 327 gas chromatography-IR spectroscopy

FD 326 15
Fellgett advantage 46, 96 gas chromatography-MS 15, 328
Fermi resonance 30 gated decoupling 223
FI 326 GC, gas chromatography 14
FlO 113 GC-mR-MS 330
field desorption and field ionization, GC-IR 15
in MS 326 GC-MS 15, 328
field effects, in IR spectroscopy GC-UV 15
36,38 Golay coils 114
field strength GPC, gel permeation chromatography
effect of 14
on complex NMR spectra 165 graphics displays 11
on precessional frequency in NMR 107 grating monochromators 40
field sweep 112 group frequencies, in IR 56
field-free regions, in mass gyromagnetic ratio 107
spectrometers 300
fingerprint region, in IR
spectroscopy 55 halogen compounds
fluorescence 271 infrared group frequencies of 86
fluorescent brightening agents 273 MS of 314
fluorine coupling 155, 231 Heisenberg uncertainty principle
fluorine-19 NMRspectroscopy 230 109, 150, 166
FOD 170 heterocyclic systems
forced induction 113 NMR spectra of 162, 196
Fourier transforms table of UV data on 267
IR spectrometer 43 UV spectroscopy of 267
mass spectrometer 112 heteronuclear coupling 155
NMR spectrometer 112, 338 heteronuclear decoupling, in carbon-
UV spectrometer 255 13 NMR spectra 179
Fourier, Joseph hexamethyldisilazane 324
and Fourier transforms 12 high performance liquid
portrait of 1 chromatography (HPLC) 14
Hooke's law on vibrational instrumention
frequencies 26 IR spectrometer 39-50
HPLC 14 mass spectrometer 286, 288
HPLC-MS 16,328,330 NMR spectrometer 111-6
hydrocarbons, infrared group UV spectrometer 253-6
frequencies of 58 integrals, in NMR spectra 134
hydrogen bonding integration, of spectra 11
in alcohols and phenols 31 interference fringes, measurement of
in carboxylic acids 34 path length by 90
in IR spectroscopy 31 interferograms
in proton NMR spectroscopy 132 in IR spectroscopy 45
hydroxy compounds in MS 338
infrared group frequencies of 31, in NMR spectroscopy 113
82 interferometric IR (FTIR)
proton NMR spectra of 170, 176 spectrometer 39, 43
4-hydroxyacetophenone, carbon-13 NMR internuclear double resonance (INDOR)
spectrum of 103 208
hyperfine splitting, in ESR 238 ion current 286
hypsochromic shift 253 ion cyclotron resonance spectrometer
ion separation, theory of, in MS 290
ICR 337 ion structures, in MS 295
imaging in NMR 227 ion tube regions 288, 300
imines, infrared group frequencies of ionization chambers 289
86 ionization potential 290, 295
indene, IR and Raman spectra of 97 isoamyl benzoate, IR spectrum of 76
INDOR spectra 208 isobutyl acetate, carbon-I3 NMR
induction, forced and free 113 spectrum of 185
INEPT, see DEPT isocyanates, infrared group
infrared radiation, far, near, and frequencies of 74
mid 5,9 isonitriles, infrared group
infrared spectroscopy frequencies of 86
correlation charts for 60-71 isothiocyanates, infrared group
fingerprint region in 55 frequencies of 74
functional group identification in isotope abundances
56 in MS 293, 297
hydrogen bonding in 31-4 in NMR 177,230,233
instrumentation in 39-50 table of 294
molecular vibrations in 26-39 isotope ratios, in MS 331
quantitative aspects of 88 isotope substitution, in MS 331
sampling techniques in 50-54
units in 22
infrared spectrum J values, see Coupling constants, J
of I-butanol 32 (in proton NMR)
of l-octyne 23 Jacquinot advantage 46, 96
of acetophenone 25 jet separator, in GC-MS 329
of benzaldehyde 24
of benzoic acid 35
of benzonitrile 85 Karplus's equa tions 154
of Nujol (liquid paraffin) 21 KBr disks 52
of polystyrene 49 ketenes, infrared group frequencies
of toluene-4-sulfonamide 87 of 74
ketones directed fragmentation in 335
carbon-13 NMR spectra of 185, 199 doubly and triply charged ions in
infrared group frequencies of 75 311
MS of 321 electrostatic analyzers in 291
UVNIS spectra of 250, 261 even-electron rule in 305
factors influencing fragmentation
in 304-6
lactones, infrared group frequencies field desorption and field
of 75 ionization in 326
lanthanide shift reagents 169 fragmentation in
laser desorption 327 directed by derivatization 333
laser-Raman spectroscopy 95 directed by functional groups
LC, liquid chromatography 14 307-25
LDA, linear diode arrays, in UV 253 fragmentation processes in 286,
library searching of spectra 11 303
light absorption and colour 245 GC-MS in 328
LIMA 327 instrumentation in 286, 288
limonene, IR spectrum of 73 ion cyclotron, resonance
LIMS 327 spectrometers in 336
line broadening, in proton NMR 157 ion structures in 295
line width 115 ionization chambers in 289
linear photodiode arrays 253 isotope abundances in 293, 297
longitudinal relaxation, in NMR 217 isotope substitution in 331
Mclafferty rearrangements in 305,
310, 312, 320
Mclafferty rearrangement, in MS 305, magnetic analyzers in 290
310, 312, 320 mass measurement in 298
mlz values 285, 291 metastable ions in 299
magnetic analyzer, in MS 290 molecular ions in 286
magnetic equivalence, in NMR 148 ortho effects in 324
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 227 quasi-equilibrium theory (QE1) in
magnetogyric ratio 107 307
magnets, in NMR spectrometers 116 rearrangement reactions in 305
mass measurement, in MS 298 theory of ion separation in 290
mass spectra, appearance of 288 thermal decomposition in 306
mass spectrometers 286, 288 tropylium ion in 312,316,332
double focusing 288 mass spectrum
inlet systems in 288 of 2-methylpentane 288
ion cyclotron 337 of dodecane 308
ion production in 289 of n-propylcyclohexane 309
magnetic scans in 291 mass-to-charge ratio 285, 291
quadrupole 336 MCT (mercury cadmium telluride)
recorders in 292 detector 41
resolution in 291 menthol
time-of-flight 335 proton and carbon-13 NMR spectra of
voltage scans in 291 178
mass spectrometry proton NMR spectrum of (at 80, 200,
base peaks in 287 360 and 600 MHz) 167
bombardment energies in 290, 295 metastable ions
bond cleavage in 320 in MS 299
chemical ionization in 325 nomogram for identification of 302
derivatization in 333 2-methylpentane, mass spectrum of 288
390 IND EX
6-methylquinoline, proton NMR anisotropic effects in 122
spectrum of 169 of annulenes 125
Michelson interferometer 43 of aromatic compounds, see Aromatic
microscopy, in FTIR 46 compounds
microwave radiation 5, 9 Boltzmann distribution in 108, 208
MIR 92 of boron-ll nuclei 106
modes of vibration 27 of carbon-13 nuclei, see Carbon-13
molar absorptivity, see Absorptivity NMR spectroscopy
molecular ions, in MS 286 chemical shift in, see Chemical
molecular vibrations shift
calculation of stretching chemical-shift reagents in 169
frequencies of 26 chemically induced dynamic nuclear
in infrared spectroscopy 27 polarization (CIDNP) in 229
molecular weights (relative molecular of chiral molecules 214
masses) from mass spectra 298 correlation tables
monochromators 40 for carbon-13 NMR 193-201
MRI 227 for proton NMR 171-6
mulls and mulling agents 52-4 2D 224
multiple internal reflectance (MIR) decoupling in, see Decoupling
92 deuteriation in 157-8
multiplicity of deuterium nuclei 107, 156
in carbon-13 NMR spectra 178 double irradiation (double
in proton NMR spectra (the (n + 1) resonance) in 165, 202
rule) 135 of fluorine-19 nuclei 230
multipulse techniques, in NMR 215 Fourier transforms in 112, 338
heteronuclcar coupling in 155
hydrogen bonding in 132
natural abundance, in NMR spectra instrumentation in 111-6
177 integrals in 134
nett magnetization vector 214 internuclear double resonance
Newton, Isaac 2 (INDOR) in 208
portrait of 1 lanthanide shift reagents in 169
nitriles, infrared group frequencies magnets for 116
of 86 of nitrogen-14 and -15 nuclei 233
nitro compounds non-first-order spectra in 158
infrared group frequencies of 86 nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) in,
MS of 324 see Nuclear Overhauser effect
nitrogen , coupling of, with proton in of oxygen-17 nuclei 235
NMR 157 of phosphorus-31 nuclei 232
nitrogen-14 and -15 NMR spectroscopy precessional motion in 104
232 proton exchange in 150
of amides 234 pulsed FT techniques in 112, 338
of amines 234 quadrupole broadening in 157
I-nitropropane, proton NMR spectrum relaxation processes in, see
of 145 Relaxation processes
NOE, see nuclear Overhauser effect ring currents in 125
noise-decoupled carbon-13 NMR spectra solvents and solvent effects in
178 132,202
non-classical norbornyl cations 281 spin-spin splitting (spin-spin
non-first-order spectra 158 coupling) in 135, 137, 202
nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) variable temperature work in 130,
spectroscopy 214
IND EX 391
nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) involving NMR only 347
in carbon-13 NMR 179,223 involving UV NIS only 351
in nitrogen-15 NMR 234 solutions to 363
in proton NMR 212 procaine, proton NMR spectrum of 347
Nujol (liquid paraffin), infrared propylcyclohexane, mass spectrum of
spectrum of 21 309
Nujol mulls 50 proton exchange, in proton NMR 150
pulsed FfNMR, see Fourier transform
Purcell, E. M. 104
octant rule 279
l-octyne, infrared spectrum of 23
off-resonance decoupled carbon-13 NMR quadrupole broadening 109, 157
spectra 180 quadrupole mass spectrometers 336
on-the-fly spectra 15 quantitative analysis
optical brighteners 272 in carbon-13 NMR spectroscopy 180
optical null IR spectrometers 42 in IR spectroscopy 88
optical rotatory dispersion (ORD) in proton NMR spectroscopy 134
277 in UV NIS spectroscopy 269
ortho effects in MS 324 quasi-equilibrium theory (QEn, in MS
overtones, in IR spectra 28 307
oxygen-17 NMR spectroscopy 235 quinones, infrared group frequencies
of 75

paramagnetic relaxation agents 169

parent ions 286 Raman spectroscopy 95
path length in IR spectroscopy ratio-recording IR spectrometers 42
measurement of 90 rearrangements, in mass spectral
variable, cell 51 fragmentations 305
PDA 253 red shift, in UV NIS spectroscopy
peak matching 299 252
phenols reflectance, in IR spectroscopy 92
infrared group frequencies of 31, relative abundances, in MS 287
82 relaxation processes
MS of 317 lanthanide complexes and 169
phosphorescence 271 longitudinal and transverse 217
phosphorus compounds, infrared group in NMR 108
frequencies of 86 spin-spin and spin-lattice 109, 217
phosphorus-31 NMR spectroscopy 232 resolution
photodiode arrays 253 in MS 291
polarization transfer 211, 223 in NMR 114, 177
polarized light 277 restricted rotation
polystyrene, infrared spectrum of 49 NMR study of 130,214
poly-ynes and eneynes, UV in UV NIS spectroscopy 268
spectroscopy of 261 retro-Diels-Alder reaction, in MS
potassium bromide disks 52 305
precession 104 ring currents, in NMR spectroscopy
precessional frequency 105 125
effect of field strength on 107 ring inversions, NMR study of 214
problems ring size, influence of, on IR
conjoint 353 absorptions 38
involving IR only 344 ringing pattern, in proton NMR
involving MS only 352 spectra 114
rock salt flats, in IR spectroscopy styrene oxide, proton NMR spectrum of
52 (with INDOR spectrum) 210
rotating frames, in NMR 215 sub-spectra, in carbon-13 NMR 219
N-substituted amides, infrared group
frequencies of 79
salt plates, in IR spectroscopy 52 subtraction, of spectra 11, 47
sampling techniques sulfur compounds, infrared group
in IR spectroscopy 50 frequencies of 86
in UVNIS spectroscopy 256 superconductors 116
satellite peaks, from carbon-13 supercritical fluid chromatography
coupling 156 (SFC) 14
saturation, of NMR signals 108 sweep coils 112
selective population inversion (SPI) symmetry restrictions, in UVNIS
208,211,223 spectroscopy 276
shielding, in NMR 119
signal averaging 11, 171 Tl and 1'2, in NMR relaxation
signal-to-noise .ratio 115 processes 109, 219
simplification, of complex proton NMR tandem mass spectrometers 338
spectra 165 tetramethylsilane (TMS) 110
SIMS (secondary ion mass thermal decomposition, in MS 306
spectrometry) 328 thermospray, in HPLC-MS 329
size exclusion chromatography (SEC) thin layer chromatography (TLC) 14
14 thin layer chromatography-IR (TLC-IR)
slit widths 90 94
smoothing, of spectra 11 thiophenetole, proton NMR spectrum of
solvent effects (with ClDNP spectrum) 229
in IR spectroscopy 53 time domain 12
in NMR spectroscopy 132 time-of-flight mass spectrometers
in UVNIS spectroscopy 256,258 335
solvents TOF, see Time-of-flight MS
chart of, for IR spectroscopy 54 toluene, proton NMR spectrum of 103
table of, for UVNIS work 257 toluene-4-sulfonamide, IR spectrum of
tables of, for NMR work 132, 202 87
specific rotation 277 o-toluidine, IR spectrum of 84
spectra summation 11, 177 tomography, in NMR 229
spectrochromatograms 16, 255 transitions (electronic) in UVNIS
spectroscopic techniques, information spectroscopy 249
obtainable from 9 transmittance, in IR spectroscopy
spectrum editing, in carbon-I3 NMR 48,88
219,221 transverse relaxation, in NMR 217
specular reflectance 94 1,1,2-trlchloroethane, proton NMR
spin decoupling 165 spectrum of 137
spin quantum numbers 106 2,2,2-trlfluoroethanol, proton NMR
spin-lattice and spin-spin relaxation spectrum of 155
109,217 trimethylsilyl ethers, in MS 334
spinning triply charged ions, in MS 311
of nuclei 104 tropylium ion, in MS 312,316,332
side-bands 115
spin-spin coupling (spin-spin
splitting) 135, 137, 202 ultraviolet and visible (UVNIS)
sterlc inhibition, of resonance 269 spectroscopy
stretching vibrations, in IR 20 of aromatic compounds 264-6
IND EX 393
of benzene derivatives 263 vibrational coupling in.IR
of biphenyls and binaphthyls 268 spectroscopy 29
of charge-transfer complexes 274 vibrational frequencies
of dienes, trienes, and polyenes calculation of 26
259 factors influencing 29
of heterocyclic systems 267 vibrational modes, in alkyl groups
of poly-ynes and eneynes 261 27
qualitative applications of 245 vinyl systems, proton NMR spectra of
quantitative analysis by 269 163
stereochemical factors in 268 4-vinylpyridine, proton NMR spectrum
symmetry restrictions in 276 of 348
theory of 249 virtual coupling 163
of unsaturated carbonyl compounds
ultraviolet/visible radiation 4, 244 wave nature of light 2
uncertainty principle, in NMR wavelength, units of 2, 22
measurements 109, 150 wavenumber, units of 2, 22
units Woodward rules
in the electromagnetic spectrum 2 for dienes and trienes 259
in IR spectroscopy 22 for unsaturated ketones, etc 261
in NMR spectroscopy 116
unsaturated carbonyl compounds,
UVNIS spectroscopy of 261
upfield, in NMR 119 XPS (X-ray photoelectron
spectroscopy) 280

vacuum ultraviolet spectroscopy 258

van der Waals deshielding 122 zeugmatography in NMR 229
variable path-length cell 51, 55 zinc selenide cells, in IR
variable temperature NMR 215 spectroscopy 94
velocity of light 3 zwitterions, in IR spectroscopy 78

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