MBA Executive Syllabus
MBA Executive Syllabus
MBA Executive Syllabus
Delhi School of Management
First Semester
Third Semester
S.No. Subject Subject Evaluation Credit *
Code Scheme
Internal External Total
1 EMBA- Project Management 40 60 100 3
2 EMBA- Corporate Governance, 40 60 100 3
402 Values and Ethics
3 Elective-III (Elective 40 60 100 3
4 Elective-IV (Elective 40 60 100 3
5 Elective-III (Elective 40 60 100 3
6 Elective-IV (Elective 40 60 100 3
7 EMBA- Major Project - 200 200 7
8 EMBA- *Comprehensive Viva - 100 100 5
408 Voce
Total 240 660 900 30
Based on the self study/ activities, participation in events/ attending the invited lectures
and overall learning of the subjects and concepts
List of Electives (any two in third and fourth sem. each from same
specialization groups from Elective List-I and II)
Elective List-I
Elective List-II
Marketing Management
List of Elective
Information Technology Management (ITM)
EIT-01 Data Warehousing and Database Management
EIT-02 Business System Analysis and Design
EIT-03 Knowledge Management & Innovation
EIT-04 Managing Software Exports
EIT-05 Mobile Commerce & Security
EIT-06 BPR and ERP Implementation
EIT-07 E-Governance
EIT-08 Business Process Re-engineering
EIT-09 Sectoral Application of ITM
EIT-10 Emerging Issues in ITM
EMK-05 Rural Marketing
EMK-06 Sales and Distribution Management
EMK-07 Consumer Behavior
EMK-08 Customer Relationship Management
EFM-01 Security analysis and portfolio Management
EFM-02 Mergers, Acquisition and Corporate restructuring
EFM-03 Corporate Business taxation and Planning
EFM-04 International Financial Management
EFM-06 Investment Banking
EFM-07 Futures, Options and Risk Management
EFM-08 Project Appraisal and Finance
EFM-09 Commodity and Price Risk management
EFM-10 Managing Financial Institutions and Markets
Semester I
Unit 1 Introduction
Meaning and Nature of Management, The evolution of management thought, Functions and
skills of a manager. Management Approaches, Processes, Managerial Skills, Tasks and
Responsibilities of a Professional Manager.
Unit 1 Introduction
Introduction to Accounting: Importance, Objectives and Principles, Accounting Concepts and
conventions, and The Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Accounting Standards
Issued by ICAI (Focus on importance of Standards to give a general view on Financial
Accounting practices), Creative Financial Practices and Issues related to quality of disclosures in
reported earnings, window dressing and limitations of financial statements.
Unit 2 The Accounting Process: Overview
Books of Original Record; Journal and Subsidiary books, ledger, Trial Balance, Classification of
capital and revenue expenses, Final Accounts with adjustments.
Unit 3. Valuation of fixed assets
Tangible vs Intangible assets, depreciation of fixed assets and methods of depreciation.
Unit 4 . Inventory Valuation
Methods of inventory valuation and valuation of goodwill, methods of valuation of goodwill.
Unit 5. Financial Analysis
Statement of Changes in Working Capital, Funds from Operations, paid cost and unpaid costs.
Distinction between cash profits and book profits. Preparation and analysis of cash flow
statement and funds flow statement. Analysis and interpretation of financial statements from
investor and company point of view, Horizontal Analysis and Vertical Analysis of Company
Financial Statements. Liquidity, leverage, solvency and profitability ratios – Du Pont Chart -A
Case study on Ratio Analysis.
Unit 6 Cost concepts
Cost-Volume-Profit (CVP) relationship and profit planning; Budgeting; Full costing and variable
costing methods; Cost analysis for Decision- Making; Standard costing and variance analysis;
Reference Books:
1. Ashok Banerjee, Financial Accounting, Second Edition, Excel Books, New Delhi, 2006.
2. Dr.S.N. Maheshwari and Dr.S.K. Maheshwari, Financial Accounting, Vikas Publishing
House Pvt. Ltd., 2007.
3. Asish K. Bhattacharyya, Financial Accounting for Business Managers-PHI,2006
Introduction to marketing function; genesis, the marketing concepts, Marketing Management
systems- objectives, its interfaces with other functions in the organization, The concept of
marketing mix, Types of Goods
Unit 2 Marketing Environment
Environment of marketing- political environment, economic environment, Legal, social and
cultural environment.
Reference Books:
1. Philip Kotler. (2003). Marketing Management: Analysis, Planning, Implementation &
Prentice Hall of India.
2. Michael, J. E., Bruce, J. W. and Williom, J. S. (13 th Edition, 2004). Marketing Management.
Tata McGrawHill, New Delhi.
3. Louis E. Boone and David L. Kurtz (2001). Contemporary Marketing. Harcourt Collye
Unit 1 Introduction
Micro versus Macroeconomics; Theory of consumer behavior and demand; Consumer
preferences; Indifference curve; Consumer equilibrium; Demand function; Income and
substitution effects;
Unit 2 Production Function
The Slutsky equation; Market demand; Elasticities; Average and marginal revenue; Revealed
preference theory of firm; Production functions; Law of variable proportions; Laws of return to
Unit 3 Cost Function
Isoquants; Input substitution; Equilibrium of the firm; Expansion path; Cost function; Theory of
costs; Short Run and long run costs; Shape of LAC; Economies and diseconomies of scale;
Unit 4 Theory of Pricing
Market equilibrium under perfect competition; Equilibrium under alternative forms of market;
Monopoly- pure and discriminating; Monopolistic competition; Oligopoly. Pricing practices and
Unit 5 National Indicators ( GDP, GNP, WPI, CPI )
National Income Accounting and Economic Indicators, Business Cycle-Inflation,-Fiscal and
Monetary Policies.
Reference Books:
1. Doane P.David Seward E.Lori Applied Statistics in Business and Economics, Tata
McGraw Hill 2007
2. Nordhaus & Samuelson , Economics, 18th Edition Tata McGraw Hill 2007
3. Suma Damodaran , Managerial Economics Oxford University Press 2006
Unit 4 Transportation,
Assignment and transshipment problems
3. Quantitative Methods for Business, Anderson Williams et-al. b10th edition Thompson
Unit 5
Facility Planning- location, layout; Line balancing; Analytical tools and techniques for facility
planning and design. Aggregate planning; Operations scheduling, Project Management, CPM,
PERT, Slacks, Project crashing, Resource Leveling
Unit 6
Total Quality Management (TQM), Statistical Process Control (SPC); Acceptance Sampling,
Six-sigma, ISO 9000, Maintenance management, JIT, FMS, MIS, Simulation, Role of IT in
manufacturing, Case studies.
Reference Books:
1. Charry, S.N (2005). Production and Operation Management- Concepts , Methods & Strategy.
John Willy & Sons Asia Pvt . Limited.
Course Outline
In consultation with the allotted faculty member, students may select a relevant management
topic/problem from different functional areas of management. They are required to carry out a systematic
analysis of the problem by conducting a detailed literature review. The basic purpose is to develop a
written term paper or case study to be evaluated by a team comprising faculty members from the
department. The topic of term paper may be any practical problems that a candidate is facing in his/her
respective organization or any other relevant contemporary business problem.
The students are required to finalize the topic of term paper not later than second week after the
commencement of semester to respective faculty guide. The final assessment of the term paper
shall be carried out through presentations, discussions and other means to arrive at a meaningful
Semester II
EMBA -201 Human Resource Management Max:
40 Hrs
Unit 1 Introduction
Human Resources Systems- Historical Evolution of the field; Role of Human Resource
management in a competitive
1. DeCenzo, D. A. and Robbins, S. P. (8th ed., 2005). Fundamentals of Human Resource
Nature and Scope of Financial Management; Financial Objectives; Impact of Financial and
Economical Environment on Financial Management; Time Value of Money including Pension
Funds. Funds Flow Analysis; Cash Flow Statement and its Interpretation (AS-3), Ratio
Capital Structure; Leverages; Cost of Capital; Net Income Approach; Net Operating Income
Approach; Traditional Approach and MM Approach; Capital Gearing/Debt-Equity Ratio,
Generation of Internal Funds.
Conventional and DCF Methods; Inflation and Capital Budgeting; Risk Analysis and Capital
Budgeting-Certainty Equivalent Factor; Risk Adjusted Discounting Rate; Decision Tree;
Independent and Dependent Risk Analysis
Retained Earning Vs. Dividend Decision; Gordon Model; Walter Model; MM Approach; Lintner
1. Prasanna Chandra - Fundamentals of Financial Management : 7th Edition - Tata McGraw
2. Khan, M. Y. and Jain P. K. (4 th ed., 2004). Financial Management, Text, Problems &
Cases. Tata McGraw Hill Company, New Delhi.
3. I.M. Pandey – Financial Management (Vikas), 9/e,
Defining a research problem and developing a research approach; The marketing decision-
making process and the need of different types of research; Types of marketing problems and
type of marketing research activity
Research design and Data collection; Sources of data; use and appraisal of existing information,
primary and secondary data; Information from respondents, sampling design, scaling techniques
and questionnaire design, interviewing, various methods of survey/ data collection; Information
from experiment, experimental design for marketing, Models, Sources of Errors
Various tools like conjoint, factor analysis; discriminant analysis etc. for analyzing qualitative as
well as quantitative data; Use of SPSS for data analysis. Report preparation and presentation.
Organization Structure and design, its role in planning and control; the place of marketing
research, Attitude Measurement.
EMBA-204 Business Environment Max: 40 Hrs
Unit 1 Introduction
Major economic problems. National income accounting. Expenditure and income approaches to
GNP. Measuring inflation and unemployment. Determination of the equilibrium level of income.
Unit 2 Consumption Function
Consumption function. Investment demand. Aggregate demand and equilibrium output. The
multiplier process. Government sector.
Unit 3 Fiscal Policy
Fiscal policy. Tax receipts and Transfer payments. Foreign spending. Money, interest and
income. Functions of money. Definition of money. Reserve Bank of India and Commercial
Banks. Creation of money.
Unit 4 money Control instruments
The instruments of monetary control. The demand for money. Investment expenditure and rate of
interest. The IS curve. Money market and the LM curve. Liquidity trap. The IS-LM model.
Derivation of the aggregate demand curve.
Unit 5 Monetary and fiscal Policy
Monetary and fiscal polices. Keynesian versus monetarist views. The aggregate supply function:
Keynesian and classical. Inflation and unemployment. Stagflation. The Phillips curve. The long-
run Phillips curve. Inflation expectations. The rational expectations.
Reference Books:
Unit 1:
Introduction to Knowledge Management: Essential components of KM model, Analyzing
current knowledge state, Formulating a mix of knowledge assets and communities of practice
Unit 2:
Building Knowledge Assets: Capturing expertise, Differentiating between tacit and explicit
knowledge, Uncovering tacit knowledge, Sources of knowledge
Unit 3:
Creating Strategies for Success: Generating a KM-specific vision, Integrating organizational
and business goals with KM, Choosing the right KM techniques
Unit 4:
KM audit: Audit of KM, Overcoming barriers and pitfalls, KM strategy, Knowledge
Management Implementation and measuring the value of KM
Unit 5:
Understanding Technology: definition, Key concepts, role, importance, need. History of
technological developments.
Unit 6:
Technology-Management integration, Life cycle approach to technology management,
Technology innovation process.
Reference Books:
1. Amrit Tiwana, The Knowledge Management Toolkit, Pearson Education, New Delhi,
3. Yogesh Malhotra, Knowledge Management and Business Model Innovation, Idea Group
Publishing, U.K., 2001.
Unit 1 Introduction
Perspective of Supply Chain Management, Concept of Strategic fit, Classification of SCs
Vendor selection, rating, Supply management, Inbound logistics, Outsourcing, Distribution
management, Network design, warehouse management, Risk Pooling, Aspects of Integration,
flexibility and agility in SC, Smart Pricing
Reference Books:
1. Sunil Chopra and Peter Meindl, Supply Chain Management –
Strategy, Planning and Operation, Pearson/PHI, 3rd Edition, 2007.
2. Coyle, Bardi, Longley, The management of Business Logistics – A
supply Chain Perspective, Thomson Press, 2006.
3. Supply Chain Management by Janat Shah Pearson Publication 2008.
1. Kapoor, N. D.; Elements of Mercanlite Law; Sultan Chands and Sons, 2009.
2. Gulshan S.S. and Kapoor G.K., Business Law including Company Law; New Age
Publications, 7th edition.
3. Bajaj, Amit & Puneet; Law of Negotiable Instruments; Macmillan Publishers India (2006)
The basic objective of this course is to enable the students to apply knowledge that they have
learned so far in the course. It is intended to develop diagnostic skills, critical analysis and design
of systematic study under the guidance of internal faculty supervisor. The students are required to
select a suitable and relevant research problem from a particular functional area of management.
A copy of the synopsis is required to be submitted in the department not later than second week
after the commencement of the examination .The report shall be evaluated by external examiners
appointed by the University.
EMBA-301 Strategic Management Max: 40 Hrs
Unit 1 Nature of Strategic Management
Concept of Strategy; Mintzberg’s 5Ps of Strategy; Strategic Decision Making; Strategic
Management Process; Strategists and their roles. Competitive advantage, internal context,
organization design.
Unit 2 Strategy Identification
Vision Mission, Goals and Objectives; External Environmental Analysis; Analysing Companies
Resource in Competitive Position; RBV model, IO model, SWOT Analysis; Strategies for
competing in Global Markets; Strategic Analysis and Choice – BCG, GE, Directional Policy and
Hofer’s Matrices; Industry and Competitive Analysis.
Unit 1: International Business and Environment: World Trade in Goods and Services – Major
Trends and Developments; Framework for Understanding International Business Environment:
Analysis of Physical, Demographic, Economic, Socio-cultural, Political, Legal and
Technological Environment of a Foreign Country, Legal Framework of International Business:
Key Issues in International Business. Socio-cultural, economic and political forces facing
Unit 2: Global Trading Environment: Liberalization of World Trade. FDI and their Impact on
the Economy, Multinationals and their Economic Impact; Political and Legal Impact of
Multinational Corporations; Strategies for Dealing with Multinations.
Unit 3: Technology Transfer – Importance and Types, Issues in Transfer of Technology to
Developing Countries.
Unit 4: International Financial Environment: Foreign Investment – Types and Flows,
Monetary System- Exchange Rate Mechanism and Arrangements, Movements in Foreign
Exchange Rates and Impact on Trade and Investment Flows, Global Capital Markets, Euro
Unit 5: International Economic Institutions and Regional Economic Groups: IMF, World
Bank, MIGA, UNCTAD and WTO; ATC, GSP and International Commodity Agreements.
Unit 6: Forms and their Functioning: Multilateralism Vs. Regionalism; EU, NAFTA, ASEAN,
SAFTA APEC and other Regional Economic Groupings.
Reference Books:
1. Hodgetts, R. and Luthens, F. (2003). International Management. McGraw Hill Inc.
2. Daniels, John D. and Radebaugh, Lee H. (2005). International Business. Wiley India.
3. Lasserre, Philippe (2005). Global Strategic Management. Palgrave McMillan.
Unit 1 Introduction
Information Systems: Concepts, Definitions, Classification and Types, IS success factors;
Unit 2 Systems Development Process (SDLC), Web Site Management; Managing Data:
Exposure to Data Modeling, Databases and Warehousing; Introduction to SQL;
Unit 3 Overview of e-commerce and e-governance (concepts, classification, issues, challenges);
IT and Business Process Re-engineering;
Unit 4 Leveraging IT for Collaboration: Enabling IT infrastructure (Overview of networks,
www, data centres, XML, Groupware, web services, etc.
Unit 5 Enterprise Systems, IT enabled Supply Chains; Managing IT Security; IT strategic
Unit 6 Porter’s competitive forces model, Competitive advantage through IT
Reference Books:
1. Transforming Organizations in the Digital Economy, by Efraim Turban, Dorothy
Leidner, Ephraim Mclean, James Wetherbe
2. Information Systems Today: Managing in the IT World, by Leonard Jessup and Joseph
Valacich (PHI Learning)
3. Management Information Systems – Managing the Digital Firm Kenneth C. Laudon,
Jane P.Laudon (Pearson Education Asia)
Unit 1: Project Management Principles and Strategies, key concepts and principles in project
management to describe the roles and responsibilities of the project manager
Unit 2: Definition of project and project management, project life – cycle
Unit 3: Planning the project, project planning process , project charter and project plan, work
breakdown structure (WBS) techniques,, project structuring and organization.
Unit 4: Estimating Project Costs, organize project activities, resource and time constraints,
final project schedule manually or by using automated tools.
Unit 5: Activity sequencing, precedence network diagram, critical path method, program
evaluation and review techniques, project scheduling, basics of scheduling.
Unit 6: Executing the Project, basic needs and requirement of project execution, project
tracking and control elements, factor contribute to successful project control.
Reference Books:
1. Meredith, J.R. & Mantel, S.J. (2008) Project Management: a managerial approach. 7th
ed. Indianapolis: Wiley Publishing.
2. Charvat, J., Project management methodologies: selecting, implementing and supporting
methodologies and processes for projects. 2003: John Wiley & Sons.
3. PMI, A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge. 2000.
Reference Books:
EKTM-01 Internet Business Models and Business Strategies
Unit 2: Value chain, virtual value chain, Extracting value out of the value chain :(Amazon
publishing industry case)
Unit 3: Economics of information, impact on strategy ;Value proposition, business models and
revenue models on the web ;Business models, components, dynamic and appraisal
Unit 4: Value configuration and the internet; Market opportunity analysis, customer interface,
market communication
Unit 5: Strategy formulation and implementation for online firms, BMG online, ford, dell,
eBay,,, yahoo, MicroAge, wells, Fargo online, Charles schwb,
Merryl Lynch etc.
Unit 6: Comprehensive overview and case discussion of impact of internet on various industries
Banking, Travel, Insurance, Automobiles, Health care, advertising, telecom, retail etc.
Reference Books:
1. Allan Afuah and Christopher L. Tucci, (2001) Internet Business Models and Strategies,
McGraw Hill-Irwin, 2001.
2. Manuel Castells (2002) The Internet Galaxy: Reflections on the Internet, Business, and
Society Oxford University Press; ISBN: 0199241538; (December 2002)
3. Peter S. Cohan (2000) e-Profit: High Payoff Strategies for Capturing the E-Commerce
Edge, AMACOM, NY 2000
EKTM-02: IT Enabled Services Management
Unit 1: Service: A Conceptual Framework, Strategic Planning for Services, Services Marketing
Unit 2: Customer Behavior and Services, STP Strategies in Service Marketing, Service Delivery
Process, Information Technology and Service Management, IT Enabled Services: Strategic
Unit 3: Overview of IT Enabled Service: Call Centre, Medical Transcription, Data Processing
and Back Office Operation,
Unit 4: Web Enabled Education, Content Development and Multimedia Animation, GIS
Services. Ventures in IT Enabled Services and Business Process Outsourcing,
Unit 6: Measuring Service Quality and Satisfaction, Customer Relationship Management, Web
Enabled Services, Health Care Services, Travel and Tourism Services, Hospitality Services,
Telecom Services, Transportation Services, Infrastructure Services.
Reference Books:
1. Management Information Systems, Laudon and Laudon, 7th Edition, Pearson
Education Asia
2. Ralph Stiar and George Reynolds, Fundamentals of Information technology, Thomson
3. Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems, Turban and Aronson, Pearson
Education Asia
Unit 3: Basic File Structure Indexed: Sequential; Hashing and File Organization; Relational
Data Model; Relational Calculus; Tuple Calculus System; Structured English Query Language;
Algebraic Operations
Unit 5: Decomposition Of Relation Schemes; Query Processing And Optimization SQL Queries;
SQL; Oracle Lab; The Client / Server Database Environment
Unit 6: Object Oriented Data Models; Network and Hierarchy Models; Security; Data
Warehousing; Data and Database Administration; Distributed Databases.
Reference Books:
1. Ceri S. Pelagatti. G, Distributed Database systems Principles and Systems, Mc Graw Hill.
2. Peter Rob, Elie Semaan Databases Design, Development, & Deployment using
3. Fred R. McFadden, Modern Database Management, Addison Wesley
Unit 2: GSM & GPRS : GSM features and Architecture , Network Aspects in GSM ,GSM
Frequency Allocation, Mobility management, hand-off mechanisms, cell splitting, Security
issues used in GSM, GPRS features and architecture, network operations, data services in GPRS,
applications and limitations, SMS and MMS services architecture and operation details
Unit 3: Emerging Telecommunication Technologies : Introduction, bluetooth, EDGE, UMTS,
Wireless Broadband (WiMAX), Mobile IP, Java Card, WLAN, Ad-hoc Networks, Sensor
Networks, Spread Spectrum technology, CDMA, Third generation networks and applications,
WAP: Model, architecture & protocol stack.
Unit 4: Security Issues in Mobile Computing : Introduction, Information security, Security
techniques and Algorithms, security Protocols, Public Key Infrastructure, Trust, Security Models,
Security Frameworks for Mobile Environment
Unit 5: M-Commerce : Introduction to m-commerce :Emerging applications, different players in
m-commerce, m-commerce life cycle Mobile financial services, mobile entertainment services,
and proactive service management.
Unit 6: Management of mobile commerce services : Content development and distribution to
hand-held devices, content caching, pricing of mobile commerce services The emerging issues in
mobile commerce : The role of emerging wireless LANs and 3G/4G wireless networks,
personalized content management, implementation challenges in m-commerce, futuristic m-
commerce services.
Reference Books:
1. Dave Chaffey, “E-Business and E-Commerce Management”, Third Edition, 2009,
Pearson Education.
2. Brian Mennecke and Troy Strader, “Mobile Commerce: Technology, Theory and
Applications”, Idea Group, 2003.
3. Chan, “E-Commerce fundamentals and Applications”, Wiley India, New Delhi.
EKTM-07 Knowledge Management and Innovation
Unit 1: Introduction: Definition, evolution, need, drivers, scope, approaches in
Organizations, strategies in organizations, components and functions, understanding
Unit 2: Learning organization: five components of learning organization, knowledge
sources, and documentation.
Unit 3: Essentials Of Knowledge Management, knowledge creation process,
knowledge management techniques, organizational knowledge management architecture and
implementation strategies, building the knowledge corporation and implementing knowledge
management in organization.
Unit 4: Knowledge management system life cycle, managing knowledge workers,
knowledge audit, and knowledge management practices in organizations, Global
dimension to Knowledge management, Environment Scanning and KM, Knowledge
Mapping, India: a Knowledge Society, few case studies.
2. Yogesh Malhotra, Knowledge Management and Business Model Innovation, Idea Group
Publishing, U.K., 2001.
3. Shlomo Maital and d V R Seshadri; INNOVATION MANAGEMENT Strategies,
Concepts and Tools for Growth and Profit ; Sage Publications.
Unit 3: LAN, WAN, Internet, Intranet, Extranet, TCP/IP, Domain names, FTP applications,
WWW, HTTP, Web Browsers, HTML, XML
Unit 4: Securing Business on Network: Security Policy, Procedures and Practices, Site Security,
Firewalls, Securing Web Service, Transaction Security, Cryptographic techniques, Public Key
Trust Infrastructure, Digital Signatures, Security protocols for Web Commerce.
Unit 5: Electronic Payment Systems: Online Electronic Payment Systems, Prepaid and Post Paid
Electronic Payment Systems, Internet Advertising, Models of Internet advertising.
Unit 6: Launching Your E business- Marketing an E-Business, Search Engines and Directories,
CRM in E-commerce, Building a Corporate Website: Practical issues on servers and Application
Software, Corporate Web Site Management issues, E-commerce legal issues and Cyber laws, E-
commerce and WTO
Reference Books:
Sectorial Application and Emerging Issues in KTM
(as decided by the faculty)
ESCM--01 Total Quality Management
Unit 1 Introduction
Definition of Quality, Dimensions of Quality, Quality Planning, Quality costs - Analysis
Techniques for Quality Costs, Basic concepts of Total Quality Management, Historical Review,
Principles of TQM, Leadership – Concepts, Role of Senior Management, Quality Council,
Quality Statements, Strategic Planning, Deming Philosophy, Barriers to TQM Implementation.
Unit 1: INTRODUCTION: International Logistics and Supply chain management: meaning and
objectives, importance in global economy , Characteristics of global supply chains,: Supply
chain relationship to business performance, -Key tasks of logistics and supply chain managers,
Role of Government in controlling international trade and its impact on Logistics and supply
Unit 2: TRANSPORTATION: Strategic importance of transport in global logistics, logistical
objectives of transport, International Ocean Transportation, International Air Transportation, and
International Land Transportation: types, characteristics and salient features, intermodal
transportation in international operations, factors influencing mode and carrier selection decision.
Outsourcing And Logistics Service Providers: Intermediaries and Alliances in Global Logistics,
Meaning of 3 PL and 4 PL service providers, role in Global logistics, types of services,
considerations for hiring 3PL and 4 PL service providers. Concept and need of outsourcing,
determinants for outsourcing decisions, role of outsourcing in global supply chain management.
Unit 3: CUSTOMER SERVICE: The marketing and logistics interface, customer service and
customer retention, Service driven logistics systems, customer service priorities and standards,
customer service strategy. Planning the global supply chain, Network design for global supply
chain management, Risk management in the global context, Measuring logistics cost and
performance. Benchmarking the supply chain, Performance measurement and evaluation in
global supply chains.
Unit 4: GLOBAL TRADE ENVIRONMENT: a. Global trade environment: various trade
blocks/FTZ and their impact on supply chain management, Customs and Regulations, Trade
Documentation, International Contracts, Terms of Trade, Term of Payment, International
Currency, INCO terms, Logistical packaging ,containerization. Decisions in Network design-
strategic importance, location of plant, warehouse, facilities; capacity and number of
warehouses: Factors influencing network design decisions. Approaches to Inventory
Management in Global Supply Chain Management; Distribution Resource Planning; Symptoms
of poor Inventory Management, Modeling in Supply chain: inventory models, safety stock
determination for service level, and lead time; forecasting models, routing problem.
Unit 5: COORDINATION IN SUPPLY CHAIN: Importance of Coordination in Supply Chain,
Bullwhip Effect, Effect of lack of Coordination on performance, Obstacles to Coordination,
Strategies to achieve coordination, Building Strategic Partnership and Trust In Supply Chain.
Role and Importance of IT in Supply Chain Management, IT solutions for Supply Chain
Management, Supply Chain Information Technology in Practice.
Unit 6: PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT AND TRENDS: Dimensions of Performance
Metrics, Approaches/tools for Performance Measurement, Measuring logistics cost and
performance. Benchmarking the supply chain, Performance measurement and evaluation in
global supply chains, Impediments to improve Performance, Trends in International supply chain
Reference Books:
1. Douglas Long International Logistics: Global Supply Chain Management Springer-
Verlag New
York, LLC;2004
2. Philippe-Pierre Dornier, Panos Kouvelis, Michel Fender Global Operations and Logistics:
and Cases Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated 1998
3. Kent N. Gourdin Global Logistics Management: A Competitive Advantage for the New
Millennium Blackwell Publishing 2006
Unit 1: Introduction to transportation management, Transportation and supply chain economy.
Models and inter-relationship.
Unit 2: Transportation regulation and public policy, Motor carriers, Railroads, Domestic water
Unit 3: Intermodal and special carriers, recent trends and changing scenario in the transportation
management. Case studies.
Reference Books:
1 John J. Coyle, Edward J. Bardi, Robert A. Novack; Transportation; 6th Edition
2 Pierre A. David; International Logistics : The management of International Trade
4. Kent N. Gourdin Global Logistics Management: A Competitive Advantage for the New
Millennium Blackwell Publishing 2006
ESCM-04 Service Operations Management.
Unit 1: Introduction to Services Management: Service economy – evolution and growth of
service sector – nature and scope of services – characteristics – classification – service market
potential – expanded marketing mix for services – service quality – introduction to gaps model
and SERVQUAL dimensions.
Unit 4: Service Design: Levels of service product – Service life cycle – new service
development – service blueprinting – physical evidence and service scape – competitive
differentiation of services – service positioning strategies – developing positioning maps –
pricing of services – methods and specific issues.
Unit 5: Service Delivery: People in services – service process- distributing service direct
distribution, channel function, channels selection, impact of information technology – designing
communications mix for promoting services – building service customer relationships and
service recovery – role of internal marketing in service delivery.
Unit 6: Marketing Strategies for different services: Formulating service marketing strategies for
health, hospitality, tourism, logistics, financial, information technology, educational,
entertainment and public utility services.
Reference Books:
1. Robert Johnston, Graham Clark; Service Operations Management; Pearson Education;
3rd Edition
2. James Fitzsimmons, Mona Fitzsimmons; Service Management: Operations, Strategy,
Information Technology; 6th edition
3. Richard B. Chase; Operations Management for Competitive Advantage; 6th edition
Unit 2: Logistics and Inventory management: Managing Product Mix for Short Life Products
and Forecasting Error Measurement
Unit 5: Supply Chain Simulation, application of frameworks and mathematical modeling tools
to supply chain management problems.
Unit 6: Supply Chain Sourcing and Channel Strategy, Supply Chain Integration - Application of
RFID. IT Adoption and Maintenance in SC, Explore leading-edge use of information technology
in supply chain integration, impact of the Internet on distribution and back-end supply chain
Reference Books:
1. Coyle, Bardi, Longley, The management of Business Logistics – A
supply Chain Perspective, Thomson Press, 2006.
2. D onald J Bowersox, Dand J Closs, M Bixby Coluper, Supply Chain Logistics
Management, TMH, Second Edition, 2008.
3. Wisner, Keong Leong and Keah-Choon Tan, Principles of Supply Chain Management
A Balanced Approach, Thomson Press, 2005.
ESCM-08 Sectorial Application of SCM
(as decided by the faculty)
Unit 2: Analyzing the contents of a data warehouse: Online analytical processing (OLAP).
Unit 3: Hardware and Software Tools, Concepts of Data Mining,Using Data warehouse for:
Business Intelligence and CRM. Introduction to Database; Organization of Database;
Components of Database Management Systems; Data Models; Entity-Relationship Model;
Network Data Model; Hierarchy Data Model; Semantic Data Model; Advantages Of DBMS
Unit 4: Basic File Structure Indexed: Sequential; Hashing and File Organization; Relational
Data Model; Relational Calculus; Tuple Calculus System; Structured English Query Language;
Algebraic Operations
Unit 5: Relational Database Design: Integrity Constraints; Functional Dependencies;
Normalization; Physical Database Design; Decomposition Of Relation Schemes; Query
Processing And Optimization SQL Queries; SQL; The Client / Server Database Environment
Unit 6: Object Oriented Data Models; Network and Hierarchy Models; Security; Data
Warehousing; Data and Database Administration; Distributed Databases.
Reference Books:
Unit 2: Problems issues, scope and trends in BPR, Implementing BPR: Methodology and steps,
IT enabled reengineering.
Unit 3: Introduction: ERP Concepts - Enterprise System, Evolution of ERP, Tangible and
Intangible Benefits, Emerging Trends in ERP adoption, ERP Implementation Stages, case study.
Unit 4: Pre-Implementation Stage: Need Analysis, Competitive Environment Analysis, Gap
Analysis, Cost Elements, Feasibility Analysis, ERP Module, ERP Software, SAP, Baan, Oracle,
People Soft Comparison of ERP Softwares, ERP Package Evaluation Criteria, Package Life
Cycle, case Studies.
Unit 5: Project Management: Project Team and Change Management.
Unit 6: Post implementation: Post implementation Success, Cross Functional. Organizational
and Industrial Impacts. Measuring Business Benefits, case study.
Reference Books:
1. Liaquat Hossain, Jon David Patrick and M.A. Rashid; Enterprise Resource Planning:
Global Opportunities & Challenges; Idea Group Publishing
2. Alexis Leon, Enterprise Resource Planning Demystified, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
Company Ltd., New Delhi, 2004.
3. R.Radhakrishnan and S.Balasubramanian “Buisness Process Reengineering: Text Cases”,
PHI, 2008.
EIT-06 e-Governance
(as decided by the faculty)
EIT-07 Business process reengineering
Same as ESCM-06
Unit 2: International Market Segmentation and Positioning; Screening and Selection of Markets;
International Market Entry Strategies: Exporting, licensing, Contract Manufacturing, Joint
Venture M & A, Setting-up of Wholly Owned Subsidiaries Aboard, Strategic Alliances.
Unit 3: International Product and Pricing Strategies: Product Designing: Product
Standardization Vs. Adaptation; Managing Product Line, International Trade Product Life Cycle,
New Product Development; Pricing for International Markets: Factors Affecting International
Price Determination; Price Quotations and Terms of Sale.
1. Bhattacharya, B., Export Marketing Strategies for Success, Global Business Press,
New Delhi,
2. Cateora, Phillip R. and John L. Grahm, International Marketing, 10th ed., Irwin
McGraw Hill,
Boston, 1999.
3. Fair-weather, John International Marketing, Prentice Hall of India Private Ltd., New
EMK-02 Retail and distribution and Management
Unit 1: Definition, importance and scope of Retailing: Evolution of Retail Competition,- The
Wheel of Retailing, the Accordion.
Unit 2: The Retail Life Cycle; Emerging Trends in Retailing; The Retail Scenario in India; Retail
Unit 4: Location; Store Design and Layout; Visual Merchandising and Displays.
Unit 6: Retail Management Information Systems; Retail Audits; Online Retailing; Global
Retailing; Legal and Ethical Issues in Retailing
Reference Books:
1. Berman B. Evans J. R. (2004), Retail Management, 9th Edition, Pearson Education.
2. Dunne P.M, Lusch R.F. and David A. (2002), Retailing, 4th ed., South-Western, Thomson
Learning Inc.
3. David Mulcahy; Warehouse Distribution and Operations Handbook; McGraw-Hill
Unit 3: GAPs Model; Defining and Measuring Customer Satisfaction, Service Recovery.
Unit 4: Services Marketing Mix: Services Design and Development; Service Blueprinting;
Service Process; Physical Evidence and Servicescape; Pricing of services.
Reference Books:
1. Christopher, H. Lovelock, Services Marketing, Prentice Hall International, New Jeresy,
2. Payne, Adrian, The Essence, of Services Marketing, Prentice Hall of India Ltd., 2008.
3. Zeithmal, V.A. and Bitner, M.J., Services Marketing, McGraw Hill Co. Ltd., 2009.
EMK-04 Advertising and Brand Management
Unit 2: Advertisement Media: Media plan – type and choice criteria – reach and frequency of
advertisements- cost of advertisements related to sales – media strategy and scheduling.
Unit 4: Brand-concept: Nature and Importance of Brand; Brand vs. Generics, Brand Life Cycle,
Brand Name and Brand Management;
Unit 5: Brand Identity: Conceiving, Planning and Executing (Aaker Model), Brand Loyalty,
Measures of Loyalty; Brand Equity: Concepts and Measures of Brand Equity-Cost, Price and
Consumer Based Methods; Sustaining Brand Equity; Brand Personality: Definition of Brand
Personality, Measures of Personality, Formulation of Brand Personality; Brand Image Vs Brand
Reference Books:
1. Akaker, David A., Batra, Rajeev and Myers, John G., Advertising Management, Prentice
New Jersey, 1996.
2. Hard, Norman, The Practice of Advertising, Butter worth Heinemann, Oxford, 2005.
3. Arnold, David, The Handbook of Brand Management, Random Century House, London
EMK-05 Rural and Social Marketing
Unit 1: Rural Marketing Introduction: Definition; Myths and Reality of Rural Markets;
Characteristics of Rural People; Rural market Environment; Rural Infrastructure; Problems of
Rural Marketing as regards Product Positioning; Distributions; Language; Media; Transport etc.
Challenges for Rural Marketing
Unit 2: Rural Marketing Strategies: Rural Market Segmentation; Product Strategies; Pricing
Strategies; Promotion Strategies; Distributor Strategies.
Unit 3: Rural Marketing Research; Role of IT in Rural Marketing (e-Chaupals etc.) with few
case studies; Marketing of Rural and Cottage Industry Products. Future of Rural Marketing in
Unit 4: Foundation of Social Marketing: Definition; Nature and Scope; Social Marketing
Challenges; Conceptual Framework of Social Marketing; Need for Social Marketing.
Unit 5: Social Marketing Strategies and Applications: Social Markets Segmentation; Product
Strategies; Marketing Mix; Pricing Strategies.
Unit 6: Promoter Strategies: Role of Govt. and NGO’s in Social Marketing; Social Marketing;
Applied in Family Planning; Medicare; Small Savings; AIDS Prevention
Reference Books:
1. Krishnamacharyulu And Lalitha Ramakrishnan; Rural Marketing; Pearson Education India
2. Kashyap, Pradeep And Raut, Siddartha; Rural Marketing; Biztantra
3. Ruchika Ramakrishnan; Rural Marketing; New Century
EMK-06 Promotion Management and Business to Business Marketing
Unit 2: B2B Purchase Function: Org. Buyer Behavior, Market Opportunities in B2B,
Marketing Strategy in B2B, Marketing Strategy in B2B, Weaving Marketing into the Fabric of
the firm.
Unit 3: Managing B2B Products: Pricing & Negotiations, Channels, Communicating with
Customers (IMC). Advertising, Trade, and PR,One-to-One Media, Sales and Sales Management,
Project Presentation
Unit 4: Introduction to Sales Promotion: Scope and role of sale promotion – definition –
objective sales promotion sales promotion techniques – trade oriented and consumer oriented.
Reference Books:
1. Jeffrey Heilbrunn; Marketing Encyclopedia: Issues and Trends Shaping the Future;
merican Marketing Association
2. David Ford; Understanding Business Marketing and Purchasing; Cengage Learning
Business Press; 3 edition
3. John Coe; The Fundamentals of Business-to-Business Sales & Marketing; McGraw-Hill;
1 edition
EMK-07 Consumer Behavior
Personality and emotion, Personality –meaning and nature – characteristics of personality- stages
in the development of personality- personality influences and consumer behaviour
Unit 4: Motivation – needs - goals- dynamic characteristics of motivation – consumer imagery
and perceived risk, hard core behavioural perspective-social learning perspective-cognitive
approach-biological approach-rational expectations psychoanalytical perspective-Maslow’s
hierarchy of needs- Properties of motivation- Three main types of conflicts- Attitudes-definition
beliefs- affect- behavioural intention-attitude changing strategies.
Unit 5: Self concept, situational influences and lifestyle-overview, Consumer decision making
Unit 6: Consumption and post purchase behaviour: Consumer satisfaction concept, cognitive
dissonance, consumer delight, Consumer Value, Consumer Value Delivery Strategies,
Competitive advantage through customer value Information – Customer value determination
process - Measuring customer satisfaction.
Reference Books:
1. Schiffman L.G. and Kanuk L.L., Consumer Behaviour, 9th Edition, Prentice Hall of
India, New Delhi.
2. Seth, J. N. & Mittal, B. (2nd ed., 2003). Customer Behaviour-A Managerial Perspective.
Thomson South-Western.
3. Hawkins, D. I. & Roger, J. B. and Kenneth, A.C. (2001). Consumer Behaviour-Building
Marketing Strategy. Irwin McGraw-Hill, New York.
EMK-08 Customer Relationship Management
Unit 1: Introduction: Definition of CRM, CRM as a business strategy, elements of CRM, CRM
processes and systems.
Unit 2: Strategy and Organization of CRM: History of CRM, Dynamics of Customer Supplier
Relationships, Nature and context of CRM strategy, The relationship oriented organization.
Unit 3: Marketing Aspects of CRM: Customer knowledge, privacy issues, communications and
multi channels in CRM, the individualized customer proposition, Relationship policy.
Unit 4: Analytical CRM: Relationship data management, Data analysis and data mining,
Segmentation and selection, Retention and crosssell analysis, Effects of marketing activities,
Reporting results. Operational CRM: Call centre management, Internet and website, Direct mail.
Unit 5: Collaborative CRM/CRM Subsystems: Contact Management, Campaign Management,
Sales Force Automation. Choosing CRM Tools / Software Package: Shortlisting prospective
CRM vendors, setting evaluation criteria for the appropriate CRM package, selection CRM
Unit 6: CRM systems and Implementation: CRM systems, Implementation of CRM systems,
Ethical Issues in CRM
Reference Books:
2 Barnes, James G., Secrets of Customer Relationship Management, McGraw Hill, New
York, 2001.
3 McKenna, Regis, Relationship Marketing: Successful Strategies for the Age of the
Customers, Addison Wesley Publishing Company, 2008.
4 Stone, Merlin and Wood rock, Neil, Relationship Marketing, kogan Page, London, 2006.
Reference Books:
1 Investment Analysis and Portfolio management – Prasanna Chandra–TMH - 2nd Edition,
2 Investments – Zvi Bodie, & Mohanty – TMH – 6th Edition, 2005.
3 Security Analysis & Portfolio Management, S.Bhat, Excel Books.
In the nature of acquisitions and amalgamations. types of merger – motives behind
mergers – theories of mergers – operating, financial and managerial synergy of mergers –
value creation in horizontal, vertical and conglomerate mergers – internal and external
change forces contributing to M & A activities A strategic perspective- industry life cycle
and product life cycle analysis in M&A decision, strategic approaches to M&A- SWOT
analysis, BCG matrix, Porter’s Five forces model
Unit 5 Valuation:
Valuation approaches –discounted cash flow valuation – relative valuation – valuing
operating and financial synergy – valuing corporate control – valuing of LBO Methods of
financing mergers – cash offer, share exchange ratio – mergers as a capital budgeting
Special Provisions in Computation of Profits from Business, Deductions from Gross Total
Income, Amalgamations of Companies and fiscal Incentives, Minimum Alternate Tax on
Companies, Special Provisions relating to Tax on Distributed Profits of Domestic Companies.
Unit 4 Tax Management: Filing of Returns and Assessments, Penalties and Prosecutions,
Appeals and Revisions, Advance Tax, TDS, Advance Rulings, Avoidance of Double Taxation
Unit 5 Indian Laws and Regulations Governing International Transactions:
FEMA; Taxation of foreign income; Foreign investments; Setting up offices and branches
abroad; Restrictions on trade in endangered species and other commodities.
International financial Environment- The Importance, rewards & risk of international finance-
Goals of MNC- International Business methods–Exposure to international risk- International
Monetary system- Multilateral financial institution-Government influence on exchange rate.
UNIT 4 Forecasting foreign Exchange rate
Measuring exchange rate movements-Exchange rate equilibrium – Factors effecting foreign
exchange rate forecasting exchange rates- international parity relationship: interest rate parity,
purchasing power parity & fisher effects.
Reference Books :
1. Eun & Resnick – International Finance Management ---(Tata McGraw Hill), 4/e
2. Jeff Madura International Finance Management ---(Thomson), 7/e, 2004
3. P.G. Apte-International Finance Management- ( Tata McGraw Hill), 4/e
Unit 4 Corporate Advisory Services
Business Advisory Services’,Project Advisory Services Financial Restructuring Advisory,
Mergers and Acquisitions Advisory
Unit 1 Fundamentals of derivatives: Basics of hedging credit, currency and interest rate
risks -Difference between hedging and speculation -Devising and analyzing a borrowing
and hedging strategy -Hedge Funds vs Fund Managers/Mutual Funds
Unit 2 Forwards and Futures; Option fundamentals: calls, puts, and underlying;
Hedging with Futures, Option Positions and Strategies; Binomial and Black-Scholes
Option Valuation. Introduction to Interest Rate Derivatives; Credit Risk; Credit
Unit 3 Interest rate markets-Type of rates, Zero rates, Bond pricing, Determining Zero
rates, Farward rules, Farward rate agreements (FRA), Treasury bond & Treasury note
futures, Interest rate derivatives (Black model).
Unit 5 Credit risk-Bond prices and the probability of default, Historical default
experience, Reducing exposure to Credit risk, Credit default swaps, Total
return swaps, Credit spread options, Collateralized debt obligation.
Unit 6 Value at Risk (VAR)-Measure,
Historical simulation, Model building approach, linear approach, Quadratic model,
Monte Carlo simulation, stress testing and back testing.
Reference Books:
Unit 2 Financial reporting in USA, UK, Australia and France, Financial reporting in Germany,
Netherlands, Japan and Third world, countries with special emphasis on legal issues, accounting
standards and, consolidation of accounts.
1. Frederick D S Choi – International Finance & Accounting Hand book – John Wiley
2. James A Schweikart – International Accounting: A Case Approach – McGraw Hill
3. Kwabena Anyane-Ntow – International Handbook of Accounting Education and
Certification – Pergamon Publishers
EFM-08 Project Appraisal and Finance
Unit 1 An Overview of Project Finance: Introduction to project finance and overview of
the project finance market, project life cycle and its impact on the feasibility, A study of
World Bank Project Reports Project Initiation and Resource Allocation: The Importance
of a Proper Allocation of Resources, Process of Resource Allocation at the Corporate
Level, Process of Resource Allocation at the Business Unit Level, Generation of Project
Ideas and Creativity.
Unit 2 Market And Demand Analysis: Identification of the Target market, choice of the
Market Strategy, Projection of Demand using Primary Data and Secondary Data,
Projection of Demand using Qualitative Models.
Unit 4Financial projections: The Cost of the Project, The Means of Finance, Estimation
of Working Capital, Profitability Estimations, Balance Sheet Projections, Projections of
Sources and Uses of Funds.
Reference Books:
1. Prasanna Chandra – Project Planning: Analysis, Selection, Implementation and Review –
TMH, 5/e
2. Narendra Singh – Project Management and Control – HPH , 2003
3.Nicholas – Project Management for Business and Technology:
Principles and Practice – Pearson / PHI
Unit 3 World Oil Market –Role of OPEC & Political factors influencing pricing – Price setting
of crude oil cargo – Refined product market – Natural Gas market – Spot, Futures and Options –
Electricity Market – Technical Analysis of Energy Commodity.
Unit 4 Instruments & Investment Strategies: Commodity Swaps, Swaption, Swing contracts
and Real options: Swaps – Swaption.
Reference Books:
1. Options Futures & Other Derivatives- John C.Hull - (Pearson Education), 6/e
2. Options & Futures- Vohra & Bagri - (TMH), 2/e
3. Derivatives- Valuation & Risk Management-Dubofsky & Miller -
(Oxford University Press), 2004/05
EFM-10 Managing Financial institutions and Markets
Unit 1 Financial Institutions and Economic Development:
Nature and Role of Financial System: Financial System and Financial Markets, Efficiency,
Stability, Technology, Government Intervention in the Financial System.
Unit 5 International Banking:
Offshore Banking, Multinational Banking, Banking Consolidation.
Reference Books:
1. Bhalla, V. K. (2004). Managing International Investment and Finance. New Delhi, Anmol.
2. Saunders, Anthony, Cornett, Marcia Millon (5th ed., 2005). Financial Institutions Management.
Tata McGraw Hill.
3. Bhole, L.M. (4th ed., 2004). Financial Institutes & Markets. Tata McGraw Hill.
Concept-Objectives-scope-Need –Voluntary welfare measures-Statutory welfare measures-
Labour-Welfare funds. Child Labour –Female Labour –Contract Labour –Construction Labour-
Agricultural Labour-Disabled-Social security-Implications.
Unit 6 Labour laws
Factories Act, 1948, Payment of wages Act 1936, The minimum wages Act -1948, The industrial
disputes Act 1947, The Employees Provident Fund & Misc. Act 1952
Reference Books:
1. Beaumont, P. B. (1995). The Future of Employment Relations. London: Sage Publication.
2. Bareja, J.K. (2000). Industrial Law. Galgotia Publishing House.
3. Monappa, Arun (2002). Industrial Relations. Tata McGraw Hill.
Unit 1 Introduction
Compensation: meaning, objectives, nature of compensation. Nature & Significance of
wage, salary administration, essentials-Minimum wage – Fair wage, Real wage, Issues
and Constraints in Wage Determination in India.
Job Analysis & Its Process, Methods of Job Evaluation, Internal and External Equity in
Reward Management, Role of Wage Board & Pay Commissions, International
Compensation, Knowledge Based Compensation, Team Compensation, Competency
Based Compensation.
Reference Books:
a. Henderson, Richard I. (2004). Compensation Management: Rewarding Performance.
b. Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
c. Bergmann & Thomas, J. (2003).Compensation Decision Making. Harcourt College
d. Micton, R. (2002). Handbook of Wage and Salary Administration. London.
EHR-04 Human Resource Management: Strategies and Systems
Reference Books:
1. Kandula S. R. (2001). Strategic Human Resource Development. Eastern Economy Edition Prentice
Hall India.
2. Boxell & Purcell, J. (2003). Strategy And Human Resource Management. Palgrave Mcmillan.
3. Mello, J. A. (2002). Strategic Human Resource Management. Thompson Learning, Cincinnati,
EHR-05 Global Human Resource Management
Unit 1 International Organization
Approaches to the study of comparative employment, policy, Convergence theory, The
cultural approach, The institutionalist perspective.
Unit 2 International HRM Models
Poole’s adaptation of the Harvard model, The Brewster and Bournois model of
International HRM, International HRM, Problems of International Research.
Unit 3 Internationalization of HR Activities
Types of International Business, inter country Differences affecting HRM, causes for
International assignments failure. Limitations and advantages of host country nationals
(HCN). Parent country nationals (PCN)& Third country national (TCN) : International
Staffing Policy, Selecting International Managers, Adaptability & Screening, Managing
Knowledge Workers.
Unit 4 Understanding Cross Culture
Organisation culture & National culture, Cross – culture Theories, Cross – Culture
Business Communication & Behaviour, Culture & Organisational Performance.
Unit 5 Training &Maintaining International Compensation
Training for Expatriate Managers, National Differences in Compensation, Factors
Influencing International Compensation, Components of Remuneration
Package.Expatriate Performance Management, Repatriation, International Labour
relations, Problems and solutions.
Unit 6 Human Resource Management and Japan
Some innovative Japanese Management techniques, such as just in time theory, quality
circles and Kaizen, Influence of Japanese Management Practices on Western
Employment practices.
Reference Books:
1. Gupta, S.C (2009). Text book of International HRM, Macmillan Publishing.
2. Jackson –Terrence (2002). International HRM A Cross cultural Approach. Sage
3. Harzing & Ruysseveldt (2004). International Human resource Management. Sage
Publications Ltd. London.
Understanding & Developing the Objectives of Training, Facilitation of Training with Focus on
Trainee (Motivation of Trainee, Reinforcement, Goal setting), Training with Focus on Training
Design (Learning Environment, Pre-training Communication etc.) Facilitation of Transfer with
Focus on Organization Intervention (Supervisor Support, Peer Support, Trainer Support, Reward
Systems, Climate etc.)
Unit 4 Effective Trainer
Selecting the trainer and preparing a lesson plan, skills of an effective Trainer, Programme
methods and techniques. Implementation and Evaluation of Training Programme. Levels of
Evaluation, CIPP Model, CIRO model, Training Audit and Cost Analysis.
Unit 5 Management Development
Approaches to Management Development, Sources of Knowledge / Skill acquisition, Types of
management Development Programmes. EDP’s / Seminars and Conferences, Symposia.
Unit 6 Emerging Trends in Training
New learning interventions, Technology in training-CBT- multimedia training, e- learning/online
learning- distance learning, competency based Training, Assessment Centres.
Reference Books:
1. Raymond Noe, A. (2005). Employees Training and Development”, McGraw Hill Publication.
2. O’ Connor, Browner & Delaney (2003). Training for Organizations. Thompson Learning Press.
3. Blanchard, P. N. & Thacker, W. J. (1998). Effective Training: Systems, Strategies and
Practices. Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
Unit 5 Organisational Application of Counselling Skills.
Change management, Downsizing, Mentoring, Team Management / Conflict Resolution, Crisis /
Trauma. Problem Subordinates: Identifying problem subordinates, Types of problem
subordinates, Dealing with problem subordinates.
Unit 6 Ethics in Counselling
Ethical Principles, Common Ethical Violations.
Reference Book:
1. Singh, Kavita (2007).Counselling Skills for Managers, PHI.
2. Bailez, Roz (1991). 50 Activities for Developing Counselling Skills in Managers.