THE Corporate Finance: Education Program
THE Corporate Finance: Education Program
THE Corporate Finance: Education Program
Everything you need to know to advise,
counsel and direct corporate financing strategy.
Profile: You’ve got the basic fundamentals down cold and a couple of years of
real-world experience in an investment bank, major accounting firm or private
equity organization. You know how to read a balance sheet.
Gain the high-level technical and practical
skills you need to take on the world of
corporate finance.
ACCESS TO THE BEST MINDS IN THE “ I liked the fact that the facilitators in the
program were real CF practitioners who work in
corporate finance every day. They brought their
Corporate finance practitioners with high-level own experiences into the discussions, adding
experience and superb platform skills work with the value to the sessions. They really brought the
study groups during the in-residence sessions, offering theory to life.
practical advice, proven approaches and a vast body of
The other participants in the Program also
added to the Program. They were from many
diverse backgrounds – from all across Canada
BENEFITS FOR THE ORGANIZATION and from different working roles – some were
CFOs, some were advisors – and everyone
• Increased performance and productivity shared their information and experiences to
• Higher standard of corporate finance competency make the Program relevant to all.”
• Accelerated development of future leaders and Benoit Leroux, M.SC, CFA, CF,
Director - Corporate Development, Gildan
• Enhanced employee advancement and retention Activewear, Montréal
• Flexible schedule to accommodate work demands
• Increased earning potential
• Immediate, practical skills and in-depth technical
• Networking opportunities with some of the industry’s
most respected insiders
• International credibility and mobility
• Flexible schedule to accommodate work demands
The Corporate Finance Education Program is A BENCHMARK FOR SUCCESS
designed for Chartered Accountants and With the CF letters next to your name, you can be
other business professionals with confident that you are among the best in the field, and
that the corporate finance industry all around the world
appropriate experience and financial literacy. will know it.
It will benefit professionals in industry,
investment banking and professional service
firms who advise and counsel clients on
corporate finance strategy, or who are
To earn the CF qualification, you must successfully
responsible internally for corporate finance complete The Corporate Finance Education Program
and building value in their organization. and have at least 3 years of practical work experience in
corporate finance. This symbiosis of work and study
ensures that practical knowledge gained in the
WHO SHOULD ATTEND THE CORPORATE workplace enhances, and is enriched by, the learning
FINANCE EDUCATION PROGRAM? provided in the Program.
The Program will be of benefit to professionals in, or
aspiring to, the position of:
• Investment Banker For a limited time only, senior practitioners with a
• CFO / Treasurer minimum of 8 years of appropriate experience in
• Venture Capitalist corporate finance, and the exceptional portfolio to
• Commercial Banker prove it, may apply to be awarded the CF qualification.
• Corporate Finance Executive
• Corporate Development Executive For more information about the Experience Route, visit or call the Corporate Finance
It will benefit professionals who advise clients on, or Registrar at 416-204-3227.
who are internally responsible for:
• M&A transactions
• Restructurings
• Divestitures
• Valuations
• Financing transactions
Participants entering the Program should have 1–3 years
of professional experience in investment banking,
industry, or professional service firms where they are
working on corporate finance transactions.
In the Advanced Stage, you will again participate in three ADVANCED CURRICULUM
comprehensive, in-residence sessions between November and
February and work through an estimated 200 – 250 hours of self- Advanced Changes in Control &
study material.
• Disposal of assets
• Potential sources of capital
2009-10 In-Residence Schedule • Options available in financial distress
• Restructuring process
Session 1: November 2009
Session 2: January 2010 Mergers & Acquisitions
Session 3: February 2010
• Target analysis
• M&A transaction advice
• Cross-border acquisitions
• Post M&A integration strategy
Advanced Debt & Equity Issues
• Investment & financing plans
• Financing structures
• Project finance, including Public Private
The Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants and the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales have
developed this unique qualification that delivers the practical skills designed to accelerate professional development
across the corporate finance profession.
The Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (CICA)
The CICA, together with the provincial, territorial and Bermuda Institutes/Ordre of Chartered Accountants, represents a
membership of approximately 74,000 CAs and 10,000 students in Canada and Bermuda. The CICA conducts research
into current business issues and supports the setting of accounting, auditing and assurance standards for business, not-
for-profit organizations and government. It issues guidance on control and governance, publishes professional literature,
develops continuing education programs and represents the CA profession nationally and internationally. CICA is a
founding member of the International Federation of Accountants and the Global Accounting Alliance.
The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW)
As the UK’s premier accountancy body, the ICAEW provides leadership and practical support to over 128,000
members in more than 140 countries, working with government, regulators and industry in order to ensure the highest
professional standards are maintained. The ICAEW is also a founding member of the Global Accounting Alliance.
Application Form
YES! Please reserve a place for me in
The Corporate Finance Education Program.
Payment Schedule
The Intermediate Stage • 2008-09
Tuition: $4,395.00 + $219.75 GST = $4,614.75 (#C5826001)
Your payment for the Intermediate Stage must accompany your application.
Course materials will be sent to all registered candidates starting in September 2008.
Tuition includes all course materials, including text books, self-study workbook, reference materials for lectures and
workshop groups, examination fee, and networking reception. Participants are required to stay in residence during
each session. A per-session rate ($770.00) is payable directly to The Kingbridge Centre for meals, coffee breaks and
accommodation upon departure after each session.
PRIVACY POLICY: In completing the above form, I consent to CICA collecting and using the above information and disclosing it to other
third party service providers for the purpose of (1) Providing me with the service for which I have contracted. (2) Providing me with
information as to products and services CICA feels may be of interest to me. Please check the following box should you not wish your
personal information to be used and disclosed for the purpose set out in (2) above