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Grand Architect Code

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The text discusses using an ancient system involving 216 letters grouped into 72 sets of 3 letters each to reveal a hidden message or word. Numbers corresponding to the letters based on gematria are being analyzed for patterns.

The system being used involves assigning numbers to the letters based on different forms of gematria, an Assyro-Babylonian system of numerology. Different patterns in the numbers are being sought to help decode deeper layers of the system.

The numbers 345 were found to be significant as they form the basis of Euclid and Pythagoras' work on geometry and cube to 216, the number of letters in the system.

Decoding the Shem ha-Mephorash – The Lost Word of God


In my book The Quest To Regain Paradise I reveal a medieval temple that has, built within its architectural-geometry, an ancient system that
was used to reveal what is known as Shem ha-Mephorash or ‘The Lost Word of God’. In short, scribes extracted 216 letters from the Book of
Exodus (Exodus 14: 19, 20 and 21) and put them into groups of 3. Each group of 3 was said to be the name of an angel. So, from 216 letters
grouped into 3, it creates 72 three letter names, as illustrated below:

C8 C7 C6 C5 C4 C3 C2 C1
8.1 7.1 6.1 5.1 4.1 3.1 2.1 1.1
8 ָ‫ כָהֵ ת‬Tav Hey Caf 7 ָ‫ אָ כָא‬Alef Caf Alef 6 ֵ‫ ָללָה‬Hey Lam Lam 5‫ מֵ הֵ ִש‬Shin Hey Mem 4 ֵ‫ ָﬠלָמ‬Mem Lame Ain 3 ֵ‫ סָ יֹ ט‬Teth Yod Sam 2 ֹ‫ יֹ לָי‬Yod Lam Yod 1 ‫ וָהֵ ָו‬Vav Hey Vav
16 ֵ‫ הֵ קֹ מ‬Mem Kof Hey 15 ֹ‫ הֵ ֵרי‬yod resh hey 14 ֵ‫ מֵ בֵ ה‬Hey Bet Mem 13‫ יֹ ָז ָל‬lamed zain yod 12 ָ‫ הֵ הֵ ﬠ‬ain hey hey 11‫ לָאָ ָו‬Vav Alef Lam 10 ַ‫ אָ לָד‬Dalet Lam Alef 9 ֹ‫ הֵ זָי‬Yod Zain Hey
24‫ חֵ הֵ ָו‬Vav Hey Chet 23 ֵ‫ מֵ לָה‬Hey Lam Mem 22 ֹ‫ יֹ יֹ י‬Yod Yod Yod 21‫ נֻ ָל ָכ‬Caf Lam Nun 20‫ ֵפהֵ ָל‬Lam Hey Pey 19‫ ָל ָו ָו‬Vav Vav Lam 18 ֹ‫ ָכלָי‬Yod Lam Caf 17‫ לָאָ ָו‬Vav Alef Lame
8.2 7.2 6.2 5.2 4.2 3.2 2.2 1.2
32‫ ו ִָש ֵר‬Resh Shi Vav 31 ֵ‫ ָל ָכב‬bet caf lam 30 ֵ‫ אָ וָמ‬Mem Vav Alef 29 ֹ‫ ֵריֹ י‬Yod Yod Resh 28‫ ִשאָ ה‬Hey Alef Shin 27 ָ‫ יֹ ֵרת‬tav resh yod 26 ָ‫ הֵ אָ א‬Alef Alef Hey 25 ֵ‫ נֻחֵ ה‬Hey chet Nun
40‫ יֹ יֹ ָז‬Zain Yod Yod 39 ָ‫ ֵרהֵ ﬠ‬ain hey resh 38 ֵ‫ חֵ ָﬠמ‬Mem Ain Chet 37 ֹ‫ אָ נֻי‬Yod Nun Alef 36 ַ‫ מֵ נֻד‬dallet nun mem 35 ֹ‫ ָכוָק‬Kof Vav Caf 34 ֵ‫ לָהֵ ח‬Chet Hey Lam 33 ‫ יֹ חֵ ָו‬vav chet yod
48 ֵ‫ מֵ יֹ ה‬Hey Yod Mem 47‫ ﬠָ ִש ָל‬Lam Shin Ain 46 ֹ‫ ﬠָ ֵרי‬yod resh Ain 45‫ סָ אָ ָל‬Lam Alef Sam 44 ֵ‫ יֹ לָה‬Hey Lam Yod 43‫ ָו ָו ָל‬Lam Vav Vav 42 ‫ מֵ יֹ ָכ‬Caf Yod Mem 41 ֵ‫ הֵ הֵ ה‬Hey Hey Hey
8.3 7.3 6.3 5.3 4.3 3.3 2.3 1.3
56 ֹ‫ פֵ וָי‬Yod Vav Pe 55 ֵ‫ מֵ בֵ ה‬Hey Bet Mem 54 ָ‫ נֻיֹ ת‬Tav Yod Nun 53 ָ‫ נֻנֻא‬Alef Nun Nun 52 ֵ‫ ָﬠמֵ מ‬Mem Mem Ain 51‫ הֵ חֵ ִש‬Shin Chet Hey 50 ֹ‫ דַ נֻי‬yod nun Dalet 49‫ וָהֵ ָו‬Vav Hey Vav
64 ֹ‫ מֵ חֵ י‬Yod Chet Mem 63‫ ָﬠנֻ ָו‬Vav Nun Ain 62 ֵ‫ יֹ הֵ ה‬Hey Hey Yod 61 ֵ‫ וָמֵ ב‬Bet MemVav 60‫ מֵ צָ ֵר‬Resh Tza Mem 59 ֵ‫ הֵ ֵרח‬Chet Resh Hey 58‫ יֹ יֹ ָל‬Lam Yod Yod 57 ֵ‫ נֻמֵ מ‬Mem Mem Nun
72 ֵ‫ מֵ וָמ‬Mem Vav Mem 71 ֹ‫ הֵ יֹ י‬Yod Yod Hey 70 ֵ‫ יֹ בֵ מ‬Mem Bet Yod 69 ֵ‫ ֵראָ ה‬Hey Alef Resh 68‫ חֵ בֵ ָו‬Vav Bet Chet 67 ָ‫ אָ יֹ ﬠ‬Ain Yod Alef 66 ֹ‫ מֵ נֻק‬Kof Nun Mem 65 ֵ‫ דַ מֵ ב‬Bet Mem Dall

The layout above illustrates the traditional 8X9 arrangement of the system. In the temple this is mimicked exactly the same, geometrically, using
8 identical compartments; each compartment holding 9 angelic names or 3 names in each disc, and 3 discs per compartment. Of course, 9 names
per compartment X 8 compartments equates to 72 or 216 letters in total.
Cutting a long story short, after much research we were provided with what seemed to be a solution to the problem it the guise of a 3 tier
Pascaline system, which mirrored the nature of how to reveal The Lost Word of God from the letters. Basically, the ancient system dictated that
the letters should be read in a certain way, which could be physically modelled by placing each of the 216 letters on a cog system; and with a
cypher the cogs could be turned to reveal a message. Once provided with a cypher from a Vatican source, we decoded the message to reveal the
lost message or word. All this is documented in my book….
Although this was ground-breaking stuff, it soon became apparent that this was just a surface decryption and there were deeper layers to decode.

Current work on the system

After further enquiries, we discovered that the next layer of the system was based on the Gematria; an Assyro-Babylonian system of numerology
adopted by the later scribes. Interestingly, Gematria translates to ‘Geometry’. Unfortunately, there are many forms of Gematria, so we began
using each system to replace the letters in each name for numbers, and this is where we realised we needed help.

Absolute or Normative Value

8.1 – 1-9 7.1 – 1-9 6.1 – 1-9 5.1 – 1-9 4.1 – 1-9 3.1 – 1-9 2.1 – 1-9 1.1 - 1-9
425 22 65 345 140 79 50 17
145 215 47 47 80 37 35 22
19 75 30 100 115 42 60 37
8.2 – 1-9 7.2 – 1-9 6.2 – 1-9 5.2 – 1-9 4.2 – 1-9 3.2 – 1-9 2.2 – 1-9 1.2 – 1-9
506 52 47 220 306 610 7 63
27 275 118 61 94 126 43 24
55 400 280 91 45 42 70 15
8.3 – 1-9 7.3 – 1-9 6.3 – 1-9 5.3 – 1-9 4.3 – 1-9 3.3 – 1-9 2.3 – 1-9 1.3 – 1-9
96 47 460 101 150 313 64 17
58 126 20 48 330 213 50 130
86 25 52 206 16 81 190 46

It is worth noting at this point that Gimel, the third Hebrew letter (value 3) in the Hebrew alphabet is the only letter not to be used in the system.
3 is of course traditionally the ‘magic number’, so it could have bearing on the ultimate cypher.

In the first instance – we just want to assess whether we are missing any obvious patterns in the numbers that someone is familiar with.
The next system we tried was Katan
8.1 – 1-9 7.1 – 1-9 6.1 – 1-9 5.1 – 1-9 4.1 – 1-9 3.1 – 1-9 2.1 – 1-9 1.1 - 1-9
11 4 11 12 14 16 5 17
10 8 11 11 17 10 8 13
19 12 3 10 16 15 6 10
8.2 – 1-9 7.2 – 1-9 6.2 – 1-9 5.2 – 1-9 4.2 – 1-9 3.2 – 1-9 2.2 – 1-9 1.2 – 1-9
11 7 11 4 9 7 7 18
9 14 19 7 13 9 16 15
10 13 10 10 9 15 7 15
8.3 – 1-9 7.3 – 1-9 6.3 – 1-9 5.3 – 1-9 4.3 – 1-9 3.3 – 1-9 2.3 – 1-9 1.3 – 1-9
15 11 10 11 15 16 10 17
13 18 11 12 15 15 5 13
14 7 7 8 16 9 10 10

The next system, Ordinal

8.1 – 1-9 7.1 – 1-9 6.1 – 1-9 5.1 – 1-9 4.1 – 1-9 3.1 – 1-9 2.1 – 1-9 1.1 - 1-9
38 13 29 39 41 34 32 17
37 35 20 29 26 19 17 22
19 30 30 37 34 24 33 19
8.2 – 1-9 7.2 – 1-9 6.2 – 1-9 5.2 – 1-9 4.2 – 1-9 3.2 – 1-9 2.2 – 1-9 1.2 – 1-9
47 25 20 40 27 52 7 27
27 41 37 25 31 36 25 24
28 49 46 28 27 24 34 15
8.3 – 1-9 7.3 – 1-9 6.3 – 1-9 5.3 – 1-9 4.3 – 1-9 3.3 – 1-9 2.3 – 1-9 1.3 – 1-9
33 20 46 29 42 34 28 17
31 36 20 21 51 33 32 40
32 25 25 26 16 27 46 19
The next system, Ha Kadimi,

8.1 – 1-9 7.1 – 1-9 6.1 – 1-9 5.1 – 1-9 4.1 – 1-9 3.1 – 1-9 2.1 – 1-9 1.1 - 1-9
1585 77 225 1255 575 355 215 57
755 865 163 188 355 127 116 98
72 265 165 375 525 147 235 127
8.2 – 1-9 7.2 – 1-9 6.2 – 1-9 5.2 – 1-9 4.2 – 1-9 3.2 – 1-9 2.2 – 1-9 1.2 – 1-9
1911 183 167 905 1111 2345 17 246
138 1135 506 251 350 691 156 112
215 1525 1175 361 175 147 275 45
8.3 – 1-9 7.3 – 1-9 6.3 – 1-9 5.3 – 1-9 4.3 – 1-9 3.3 – 1-9 2.3 – 1-9 1.3 – 1-9
481 163 1745 391 615 1146 260 57
236 541 85 169 1435 846 215 485
311 125 203 811 60 381 935 158

The next system Shemi,

8.1 – 1-9 7.1 – 1-9 6.1 – 1-9 5.1 – 1-9 4.1 – 1-9 3.1 – 1-9 2.1 – 1-9 1.1 - 1-9
522 322 154 446 284 559 114 50
272 536 498 171 142 207 619 103
446 160 60 280 161 118 194 207
8.2 – 1-9 7.2 – 1-9 6.2 – 1-9 5.2 – 1-9 4.2 – 1-9 3.2 – 1-9 2.2 – 1-9 1.2 – 1-9
892 586 213 550 477 946 228 530
117 646 628 237 620 308 498 460
106 564 660 305 100 118 200 18
8.3 – 1-9 7.3 – 1-9 6.3 – 1-9 5.3 – 1-9 4.3 – 1-9 3.3 – 1-9 2.3 – 1-9 1.3 – 1-9
123 498 1745 323 290 784 560 50
518 258 32 514 694 934 114 266
182 46 512 627 852 261 372 926

Mod 9 analysis

After talking to Anthony Morris who used mod 9 (remainder 9) to crack another alphanumeric code from ancient Greece known as the SATOR
square, we decided to give it a go. Below is the result from applying mod 9 to the Absolute method and ordinal method, which both result in the
same outcome (illustrated below).
Absolute Mod9
8.1 – 1-9 7.1 – 1-9 6.1 – 1-9 5.1 – 1-9 4.1 – 1-9 3.1 – 1-9 2.1 – 1-9 1.1 - 1-9
2 4 2 3 5 7 5 8
1 8 2 2 8 1 8 4
1 3 3 1 7 6 6 1
8.2 – 1-9 7.2 – 1-9 6.2 – 1-9 5.2 – 1-9 4.2 – 1-9 3.2 – 1-9 2.2 – 1-9 1.2 – 1-9
2 7 2 4 9 7 7 9
9 5 1 7 4 9 7 6
1 4 1 1 9 6 7 6
8.3 – 1-9 7.3 – 1-9 6.3 – 1-9 5.3 – 1-9 4.3 – 1-9 3.3 – 1-9 2.3 – 1-9 1.3 – 1-9
6 2 1 2 6 7 1 8
4 9 2 3 6 6 5 4
5 7 7 8 7 9 1 1

Ordinal – mod9

8.1 – 1-9 7.1 – 1-9 6.1 – 1-9 5.1 – 1-9 4.1 – 1-9 3.1 – 1-9 2.1 – 1-9 1.1 - 1-9
2 4 2 3 5 7 5 8
1 8 2 2 8 1 8 4
1 3 3 1 7 6 6 1
8.2 – 1-9 7.2 – 1-9 6.2 – 1-9 5.2 – 1-9 4.2 – 1-9 3.2 – 1-9 2.2 – 1-9 1.2 – 1-9
2 7 2 4 9 7 7 9
9 5 1 7 4 9 7 6
1 4 1 1 9 6 7 6
8.3 – 1-9 7.3 – 1-9 6.3 – 1-9 5.3 – 1-9 4.3 – 1-9 3.3 – 1-9 2.3 – 1-9 1.3 – 1-9
6 2 1 2 6 7 1 8
4 9 2 3 6 6 5 4
5 7 7 8 7 9 1 1
As you can see, there is a sense of some form of code in the table.
Moving on from this, we decided to just add up the mod 9 results – find the sum of all the numbers. Interestingly, as you can see below, the sum
of all the numbers equal 345.
8.1 – 1-9 7.1 – 1-9 6.1 – 1-9 5.1 – 1-9 4.1 – 1-9 3.1 – 1-9 2.1 – 1-9 1.1 - 1-9
36 2 4 2 3 5 7 5 8
34 1 8 2 2 8 1 8 4
28 1 3 3 1 7 6 6 1
98 8.2 – 1-9 7.2 – 1-9 6.2 – 1-9 5.2 – 1-9 4.2 – 1-9 3.2 – 1-9 2.2 – 1-9 1.2 – 1-9
47 2 7 2 4 9 7 7 9
48 9 5 1 7 4 9 7 6
35 1 4 1 1 9 6 7 6
130 8.3 – 1-9 7.3 – 1-9 6.3 – 1-9 5.3 – 1-9 4.3 – 1-9 3.3 – 1-9 2.3 – 1-9 1.3 – 1-9
33 6 2 1 2 6 7 1 8
39 4 9 2 3 6 6 5 4
45 5 7 7 8 7 9 1 1

We found 345 significant for 2 reasons. Firstly because it forms the basis for Euclid and Pythagoras’ work on geometry where 3,4 and 5 are
squared, which is used in secret society degrees. Moreover, considering the exclusion of the 3, a possible cypher from the system, we decided to
cube the number: 33+43+53 =216. Of course 216 is the exact number of letters that make up the system. Hope
someone can help!
Some tools for the job….






Sequence decoded. God: Jehova : ‫( יהוה‬Yod – Hey – Vav – Hey) YHVH –YEHOVAH
8.1 – 1-9 7.1 – 1-9 6.1 – 1-9 5.1 – 1-9 4.1 – 1-9 3.1 – 1-9 2.1 – 1-9 1.1 - 1-9
8 ָ‫ כָהֵ ת‬Caf Hey Tav 7 ָ‫ אָ כָא‬Alef Caf Alef 6 ֵ‫ ָללָה‬Lamed Lamed 5‫ מֵ הֵ ִש‬Mem Hey Shin 4 ֵ‫ ָﬠלָמ‬Ain Lame Mem 3 ֵ‫ סָ יֹ ט‬Samech Yod Tet 2 ֹ‫ יֹ לָי‬Yod Lam Yod 1 ‫ וָהֵ ָו‬Vav Hey Vav
16 ֵ‫ הֵ קֹ מ‬Hey Kof Mem 15 ֹ‫ הֵ ֵרי‬hey resh yod 14 ֵ‫ מֵ בֵ ה‬Mem Bet Hey 13‫ יֹ ָז ָל‬yod zain lamed 12 ָ‫ הֵ הֵ ﬠ‬hey hey ain 11‫ לָאָ ָו‬Lam Alef Vav 10 ַ‫ אָ לָד‬Alef Lam Dalet 9 ֹ‫ הֵ זָי‬Hey Zain Yod
24‫ חֵ הֵ ָו‬Chet Hey Vav 23 ֵ‫ מֵ לָה‬Mem Lam Hey 22 ֹ‫ יֹ יֹ י‬Yod Yod Yod 21‫ נֻ ָל ָכ‬Nun Lamed Caf 20‫ ֵפהֵ ָל‬Pey Hey Lam 19‫ ָל ָו ָו‬Lam Vav Vav 18 ֹ‫ ָכלָי‬Caf Lam Yod 17‫ לָאָ ָו‬Lame Alef Vav
8.2 – 1-9 7.2 – 1-9 6.2 – 1-9 5.2 – 1-9 4.2 – 1-9 3.2 – 1-9 2.2 – 1-9 1.2 – 1-9
32‫ ו ִָש ֵר‬Vav Shi Rersh 31 ֵ‫ ָל ָכב‬lamed caf bet 30 ֵ‫ אָ וָמ‬Alef Vav Mem 29 ֹ‫ ֵריֹ י‬Resh Yod Yod 28‫ ִשאָ ה‬Shin Alef Hey 27 ָ‫ יֹ ֵרת‬yod resh tav 26 ָ‫ הֵ אָ א‬Hey Alef Alef 25 ֵ‫ נֻתָ ה‬Nun Tet Hey
40‫ יֹ יֹ ָז‬Yod Yod Zain 39 ָ‫ ֵרהֵ ﬠ‬resh hey ain 38 ֵ‫ חֵ ָﬠמ‬Chet Ain Mem 37 ֹ‫ אָ נֻי‬Alef Nun Yod 36 ַ‫ מֵ נֻד‬mem nun dallet 35 ֹ‫ ָכוָק‬Caf Vav Kof 34 ֵ‫ לָהֵ ח‬Lam Hey Chet 33 ‫ יֹ חֵ ָו‬yod chet vav
48 ֵ‫ מֵ יֹ ה‬Mem YodHey 47‫ ﬠָ ִש ָל‬Ain Shin Lame 46 ֹ‫ ﬠָ ֵרי‬Ain resh yod 45‫ סָ אָ ָל‬Same Alef Lam 44 ֵ‫ יֹ לָה‬Yod LamHey 43‫ ָו ָו ָל‬Vav Vav Lam 42 ‫ מֵ יֹ ָכ‬Mem Yod Caf 41 ֵ‫ הֵ הֵ ה‬Hey Hey Hey
8.3 – 1-9 7.3 – 1-9 6.3 – 1-9 5.3 – 1-9 4.3 – 1-9 3.3 – 1-9 2.3 – 1-9 1.3 – 1-9
56 ֹ‫ פֵ וָי‬Pey Vav Yod 55 ֵ‫ מֵ בֵ ה‬Mem Bet Hey 54 ָ‫ נֻיֹ ת‬Nun Yod Tav 53 ָ‫ נֻנֻא‬Nun Nun Alef 52 ֵ‫ ָﬠמֵ מ‬Ain Mem Mem 51‫ הֵ חֵ ִש‬Hey Chet Shin 50 ֹ‫ דַ נֻי‬Dalet nun yod 49‫ וָהֵ ָו‬Vav Hey Vav
64 ֹ‫ מֵ חֵ י‬Mem Het Yod 63‫ ָﬠנֻ ָו‬Ain Nun Vav 62 ֵ‫ יֹ הֵ ה‬Yod Hey Hey 61 ֵ‫ וָמֵ ב‬Vav Mem Bet 60‫ מֵ צָ ֵר‬Mem Tza Resh 59 ֵ‫ הֵ ֵרח‬Hey Resh Chet 58‫ יֹ יֹ ָל‬Yod Yod Lam 57 ֵ‫ נֻמֵ מ‬Nun Mem Mem
72 ֵ‫ מֵ וָמ‬Mem Vav Mem 71 ֹ‫ הֵ יֹ י‬Hey Yod Yod 70 ֵ‫ יֹ בֵ מ‬Yod Bet Mem 69 ֵ‫ ֵראָ ה‬Resh Alef Hey 68‫ חֵ בֵ ָו‬Chet Bet Vav 67 ָ‫ אָ יֹ ﬠ‬Alef Yod Ain 66 ֹ‫ מֵ נֻק‬Mem Nun Kof 65 ֵ‫ דַ מֵ ב‬Dall Mem Bet

Hey Vav Hey Yod Hey Vav Hey Yod

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