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M.Tech. (AR16) Regulations Curriculum&Syllabi PDF

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Academic Regulations, Curriculum and Syllabi


M. Tech.
(2 Year Program)

GMR Institute of Technology

Rajam, Andhra Pradesh
(An Autonomous Institute Affiliated to JNTU Kakinada, AP)
NBA Accredited and NAAC Accredited
GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT) | Regulation 2016

1. Eligibility for Admission………………………………………………………………………... iv

2. Duration of M. Tech. Programme…………………………………………………………… iv
3. Branches of Study………………………………………………………………………………… iv
4. Programme Structure…………………………………………………………………………… iv
4.1. Credit Distribution for the Courses Offered……………………………………… v
4.2. Structure of the Curriculum……………………………………………………………. v
4.3. Credits Break-up for Various Category of Courses…………………………… vi

4.4. Division of Marks for Continuous and Semester End Assessment………. vi

5. Evaluation Methodology……………………………………………………………………….. vi
5.1. Continuous Assessment Pattern for all Courses……………………………….. vii
6. Attendance Requirements…………………………………………………………………….. viii
7. Promotion Policies……………………………………………………………………………….. ix
8. Graduation Requirements…………………………………………………………………….. ix
9. Curriculum…………………………………………………………………………………………… x
9.1. Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)………………………………………………….. 1
9.2. Digital Electronics & Communication Systems (DEC)…………………………………. 32
9.3. Environmental Engineering (ENV)…………………………………………………………….. 59
9.4. Power & Industrial Drives (PID)………………………………………………………………… 85
9.5. Thermal Engineering (THE)………………………………………………………………………. 111
9.6. Transportation Engineering (TRE)……………………………………………………………. 136
9.7. VLSI & Embedded Systems (VLS)……………………………………………………………… 162

GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT) | Regulation 2016

The Vision of GMRIT

 To be among the most preferred institutions for engineering and technological

education in the country
 An institution that will bring out the best from its students, faculty and staff–to learn,
to achieve, to compete and to grow–among the very best
 An institution where ethics, excellence and excitement will be the work religion,
while research, innovation and impact, the work culture

The Mission of GMRIT

 To turnout disciplined and competent engineers with sound work and life ethics
 To implement outcome based education in an IT–enabled environment
 To encourage all-round rigor and instill a spirit of enquiry and critical thinking
among students, faculty and staff
 To develop teaching, research and consulting environment in collaboration with
industry and other institutions

GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT) | Regulation 2016

Academic Regulations for M. Tech. Programme

(For all the batches of candidates admitted in the Academic Year 2016–2017 and subsequently)

1. Eligibility for Admission

The total seats available as per the approved intake are grouped into two categories viz.
category A and Category B with a ratio of 70:30 as per the state government guidelines vide
G.O No.52
The admissions for category A and B seats shall be as per the guidelines of Andhra Pradesh
State Council for Higher Education (APSCHE) in consonance with government reservation
 Under Category A: 70% of the seats are filled through GATE/PGCET counseling
 Under Category B: 30% seats are filled based on merit basis as per the guidelines

2. Duration of the Programme

The course duration for the award of the Degree in Master of Technology will be two
academic years, with two semesters in each year. However if a student is unable to complete
the course within 2 years, he/ she can do so by giving more attempts but within 4
consecutive academic years from the date of admission.
Academic Calendar
For all the four semesters a common academic calendar shall be followed in each semester
by having sixteen weeks of instruction, one week for the conduct of practical exams and
with three weeks for theory examinations and evaluation. Dates for registration, sessional
and end semester examinations shall be notified in the academic calendar of every semester.
The schedule for the conduct of all the curricular activities shall be notified in the planner.
3. Branches of Study
M. Tech. Programmes
I. Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
II. Digital Electronics & Communication Systems (DEC)
III. Environmental Engineering (ENV)
IV. Power & Industrial Drives (PID)
V. Thermal Engineering (THE)
VI. Transportation Engineering (TRE)
VII. VLSI & Embedded Systems (VLS)

4. Programme Structure

The curriculum will consist of courses of study (Theory, Practical, Term Papers,
Comprehensive viva-voce, Summer Internship and Project) and Personality
Development Programme and syllabi as prescribed by the respective Boards of Studies from
time to time. Every student will be required to opt for four elective courses spanned across
the semester from 1st to 2nd semester from the list of electives as prescribed in the

GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT) | Regulation 2016

a. Term Paper: The Term Paper is a self-study report and shall be carried out
during 1st semester. Every student will take up this term paper individually and
submit a report. The scope of the term paper could be an exhaustive literature
review choosing any engineering concept with reference to standard research
papers or an extension of the concept of earlier course work in consultation with
the term paper supervisor. The report will be evaluated by a committee as
nominated by HoD with the approval of CoE.

b. Comprehensive viva-voce: All the students shall face a Comprehensive viva-

voce covering the total courses of first and second semesters. The
comprehensive viva-voce will be evaluated by a committee consisting of Head of
the Department and two senior faculty members nominated by the Head of the

c. Summer Internship: As a part of curriculum in all PG Programmes, it is

mandatory for all students to undergo summer internship Programme at
industries (core or allied) / R & D organization to get practical insight of their
subject domain during summer break after the 2nd semester and starting of 3rd
Semester. This summer internship Programme shall be availed to a maximum
duration of 8 weeks and the assessment shall be carried out with both internal
and external experts leading to 4 credits and notified in the 3rd Semester

d. Project work: The final project work shall be carried out during the 3rd and 4th
semesters. Projects will be taken up individually and submit a report. Internal
evaluation will be done by the Project Review Committee (PRC), comprising of
HOD and one senior faculty member along with the project supervisor. Semester
end evaluation will be done by Project Evaluation Committee (PEC) comprising
of three members including HOD, project guide and an external examiner
nominated by the CoE.

4.1. Credit Distribution for Courses Offered

No Course Credits
1 Theory Course 4
2 Elective courses 4
3 Laboratory 2
4 Term Paper 2
5 Comprehensive Viva Voce 2
6 Summer Internship 4
7 Project work 20

GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT) | Regulation 2016

4.2. Structure of curriculum

Following is the model of course pattern

Course Pattern for Two Year Regular Programme

Sem. No. of Theory Courses No. of Lab Courses
5 (3Compulsory + 2 Electives) 24
I 1+ Term paper
61 (4Compulsory + 2 Electives) (28)
5 (3Compulsory + 2 Electives) 24
II 1+ Comprehensive Viva Voce
6 (4Compulsory + 2 Electives) (28)
III Summer Internship + Project Work 04
IV Project Work 20
2+ Term paper+ Comprehensive 72
Total 10 (12)
Viva Voce + Project Work (80)

4.3. Course-wise Break-up for the Total Credits

Total Theory Courses : 10 @ 4 credits each = 40

(06 Core Courses + 04 Elective Courses)
(08 Core Courses + 04 Elective Courses for CSE)
Total Laboratory Courses : 02 @ 2 credits each = 04
Term Paper with self-study report : 1 @ 2 credits = 02
Comprehensive Viva Voce : 1 @ 2 credits = 02
Summer Internship : 1@ 4 credits = 04
Project work : 1 @ 20 credits = 20

4.4. Division of Marks for Continuous and Semester End Assessment

Marks Marks for

Course Continuous Semester end
Assessment Assessment
Theory 40 60
Laboratory 25 50
Term Paper 25 50
Comprehensive Viva Voce -- 75
Summer Internship 25 50
Project work 100 100

5. Evaluation Methodology

a. The assessment will be based on the performance in the semester-end examinations and
/ or continuous assessment.
b. At the end of each semester, final examinations will normally be conducted during
October/November and during April / May of each year. Supplementary examinations
may also be conducted at such times as may be decided by the Institute.

Applicable for Computer Science Programme Only

GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT) | Regulation 2016

c. Continuous Assessment Marks will be awarded on the basis of Continuous Evaluation

made during the semester
d. The letter grade and the grade points are awarded based on the hybrid grading system
having earned grades and awarded grades. Grading is done based on the percentage of
marks secured by a candidate in individual course as detailed below:

Range of Percentage of Letter Qualitative Grade

Marks Grade Meaning Point
90-100 A+ Outstanding 10 Earned grade
85-89 A Excellent 9 Earned grade
Due to relative grading B+ Very Good 8 Awarded grade
system the ranges of B Good 7 Awarded grade
marks may vary for each C+ Average 6 Awarded grade
course based on the C Satisfactory 5 Awarded grade
normal distribution of
Awarded grade
marks D Pass 4
< 40 for theory and
Earned grade
< 50 for Lab F Fail 0

e. After completion of the Programme, the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) from
the I Semester to IV Semester is calculated using the formula:
Where n is the number of courses registered for, ‘ci’ is the credits allotted to the given
course and ‘gi’ is the grade point secured in the corresponding course.

5.1. Continuous Assessment Pattern for all Courses

a. Theory Course
Out of 40 marks allotted for continuous assessment 30 marks will be awarded
based on two tests conducted and10 marks shall be awarded based on conduct of
one comprehensive test as given below:
Internal Test 1 & Test 2 : 30 Marks (80 % of marks secured in 1st best internal
tests and 20% marks secured in 2nd best internal test)
Comprehensive Test : 10 Marks
• The duration of each internal test will be 90 minutes and shall covers two
units of syllabus in each test
• Two sessional examinations shall be conducted at the end of the 8th & 17th
week of the semester respectively
• All the students will be notified with the marks secured within one week
after the completion of the sessional exams
• Students are permitted for reconciliation with in a period of two working
days after the notification of marks

b. Laboratory Course:

25 marks are awarded for continuous assessment and following is the pattern for
the award of 25 marks

GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT) | Regulation 2016

Preparation : 05 Marks
Observation and Results : 10 Marks
Record : 05 Marks
Viva – Voce : 05 Marks

c. Term Paper

Continuous Assessment : 50 Marks

Literature Survey : 10 Marks
Review 1 : 15 Marks
Review 2 : 15 Marks
Final Presentation : 10 Marks
d. Comprehensive Viva Voce

Comprehensive Viva Voce : 75 Marks

e. Summer Internship

Continuous Internal Assessment : 25 Marks

Internship Diary : 05 Marks
Quiz-1 : 05 Marks
Quiz-2 : 05 Marks
Review-1(Seminar & Viva-voce) : 05 Marks
Review-2(Seminar & Viva-voce) : 05 Marks

Final Assessment : 50 Marks

Project Report : 20 Marks
Final Presentation : 30 Marks
f. Project

Continuous Assessment : 100 Marks

Innovativeness of the Project : 05 Marks
Literature Survey : 10 Marks
Experimentation / Simulation : 20 Marks
Result Analysis : 05 Marks
Review 1 : 20 Marks
Review II : 20 Marks
Final Presentation : 10 Marks
Project Report : 10 Marks

6. Attendance Requirements

a) It is desirable for a candidate to put on 100% attendance in all the subjects.

However, a candidate shall be permitted to appear for the semester end

GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT) | Regulation 2016

examination by maintaining at least 75% of attendance on an average in all the

courses in that semester put together.
b) The shortage of attendance on medical grounds can be condoned to an extent of
10% provided a medical certificate is submitted to the Head of the Department
when the candidate reports back to the classes immediately after the leave.
Certificates submitted afterwards shall not be entertained. Condonation fee as
fixed by the college for those who put on attendance between ≥ 65% and <75%
shall be charged before the end examinations. Attendance may also be condoned
as per the State Government rules for those who participate in sports, co-
curricular and extra-curricular activities provided their attendance is in the
minimum prescribed limits for the purpose and recommended by the concerned
c) In case of the students having overall attendance less than 65% after
condonation shall be declared detained and has to repeat semester again.
d) His / her academic progress and conduct have been satisfactory

7. Promotion Policies

 A student shall be promoted from 1st semester to 2nd semester only if s/he fulfills
the attendance requirement. In case a student fails to fulfill the attendance
requirement, s/he has to repeat the semester in the next academic year
 A student shall be promoted from 2nd semester to 3rd semester only if s/he
fulfills the attendance requirement and earning of minimum 50% of credits up to
2nd semester

8. Graduation requirements

a) The following academic requirements shall be met for the award of the M. Tech. Degree

 Student shall secure 72 credits for regular M. Tech Programme and the CGPA
obtained for the 72 credits shall be considered for the award of
 A student of a regular Programme who fails to earn 72 credits within Four
consecutive academic years from the year of his/her admission with a minimum
CGPA of 4.0 shall forfeit his/her degree and his/her admission stands cancelled.
 A student of a M. Tech (CSE) Programme who fails to earn 80 credits within four
consecutive academic years from the year of his/her admission with a minimum
CGPA of 4.0 shall forfeit his/her degree and his/her admission stands cancelled.
i. In the event of non-completion of project work and/or non-submission of
the project report by the end of the fourth semester, the candidate shall re-
register for the project. In such a case, the candidate will not be permitted
to submit the report earlier than three months and not later than six
months from the date of registration
ii. In case of project work, student is awarded with A, B, C or D grades. For the
award of M.Tech degree a student shall secure at least ‘C’ grade in the
Project. In case a student secures ‘D’ grade, he/she need to re-do the
project work and submit the report

GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT) | Regulation 2016

b) Award of degree

Classification of degree will be as follows:

i. CGPA ≥7.5 : Degree with Distinction

ii. CGPA ≥6.5 and < 7.5 : Degree with First Class
iii. CGPA ≥5.0 and < 6.5 : Degree with Second Class
iv. CGPA ≥4.0 and < 5.0 : Degree with Pass Class

 First Class with Distinction: Degree with Distinction will be awarded to those
students who clear all the subjects in single attempt and secure CGPA≥7.5 during
his/her regular course of study
 First Class: Degree with First Class will be awarded to those students who clear
all the subjects in single attempt and secure CGPA≥6.5 during his/her regular
course of study
 Second Class : Degree with Distinction will be awarded to those students who
clear all the subjects in single attempt and secure CGPA≥5.0 during his/her
regular course of study
 Degree with Pass Mark : All other candidates who qualify for the award of the
degree shall be declared to have passed in Degree with Pass Mark
 In case a student takes more than one attempt in clearing a course, the final
marks secured shall be indicated by * mark in the marks memo
 Note: Any trivial situation that may arise with regard to the academic
regulations shall be referred to the Academic Council for final decision


a. s/he represents “she” and “he” both

b. Where the words ‘he’, ‘him’, ‘his’, occur, they imply ‘she’, ‘her’, ‘hers’ also
c. The academic regulations should be read as a whole for the purpose of any
d. In the case of any doubt or ambiguity in the interpretation of the above rules, the
decision of the Chairman, Academic Council will be final

The college may change or amend the academic regulations or syllabi from time to time and the
changes or amendments made shall be applicable to all the students with effect from the dates
notified by the institute.

9. Curriculum: The curriculum of all the PG Programmes is given below

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT) | Regulation 2016

Department Vision

To be a nationally preferred department of learning for students and teachers alike, with dual
commitment to research and serving students in an atmosphere of innovation and critical thinking.

Department Mission

1. To provide high-quality education in Computer Science Engineering to prepare the graduates

for a rewarding career in Computer Science Engineering and related industries, in tune with
evolving needs of the industry.
2. To prepare the students to become thinking professionals and good citizens who would apply
their knowledge critically and innovatively to solve professional and social problems.

Program Educational Objectives

PEO 1: Acquire logical and analytical skills with a solid foundation in focused areas
of Computer Science and Engineering to solve complex real-world
engineering problems and pursue advanced study or research.
PEO 2: Demonstrate professional and ethical attitude, team spirit, leadership skills to
have successful careers in academia, research and the industry.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT) | Regulation 2016

Program Outcomes

Engineering graduate will be able to

PO 1: The graduates have an ability apply higher order thinking for enhancement of
knowledge by acquiring in-depth knowledge of Computer Science Engineering
PO 2: Ability to analyze complex engineering problems critically and synthesize
information independently to make intellectual (or) create advances.
PO 3: Able to think laterally and arrive at an optimal solution to engineering problems
considering health and environmental factors.
PO 4: Able to conduct research pertinent to unfamiliar problems individually/ in team to
generate a new scientific (or) technological knowledge.
PO 5: Ability to use modern Engineering and IT tools to solve complex Computer Science
Engineering problems.
PO 6: An ability to contribute effectively either individually (or) in group on collaborative
multidisciplinary scientific research tasks.
PO 7: Ability to manage projects efficiently by consideration of economical and financial
PO 8: Able to communicate effectively in writing, in personal presentation and in
conversation of technical project information.
PO 9: Ability to adapt lifelong learning skills to improve knowledge and competency.

PO 10: Ability to acquire professional ethics and contributing research outcomes for
sustainable development of society.
PO 11: Ability to adapt independent and reflective learning methods.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT) | Regulation 2016

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

[Minimum Credits to be earned: 80]

First Semester
No Course Code Course POs
1 16MEX101 Advanced Optimization Techniques 3, 5, 6 3 1 - 4
2 16CSE102 Data Structures and Algorithms 1, 2, 3, 5, 13, 14 3 1 - 4
3 16CSE103 Database Management Systems 2, 3, 13 3 1 - 4
4 16CSE104 Operating Systems 3, 5, 7 3 1 - 4
5 Elective I 3 1 - 4
6 Elective II 3 1 - 4
7 16CSE105 Data Structures and Algorithms - - 4 2
4, 9, 11, 14
8 16CSE106 Term Paper 4, 10, 11, 13 - - - 2
Total 28
Second Semester
1 16CSE201 Data Warehousing and Data Mining 3, 5, 6, 12, 13 3 1 - 4
2 16CSE202 Mobile Computing 3, 5, 6 3 1 - 4
3 16CSE203 Soft Computing Techniques 3, 4, 5, 6, 13, 14 3 1 - 4
4 16CSE204 Web Technologies 5, 6, 13 3 1 - 4
5 Elective III 3 1 - 4
6 Elective IV 3 1 - 4
7 16CSE205 Web Technologies Lab 4, 5, 10, 14 - - 4 2
8 16CSE206 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, - - - 2
Comprehensive Viva-voce 11
Total 28
Third Semester
No Course Code Course POs
1 16 CSE301 Internship 4, 10, 11, 13 - - - 4
2 16 CSE302 Project Work 4, 10, 11, 13 - - - -
Total 04
Fourth Semester
1 16 CSE302 Project Work 4, 10, 11, 13 - - - 20
Total 20

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT) | Regulation 2016

List of Elective Courses

Elective I
Course Periods
No Course POs
Code L T P C
1 16CSE001 Computer Organization & Architecture 3, 5, 6 3 1 - 4
2 16CSE002 Cryptography and Network Security 2, 3, 13 3 1 - 4
3 16CSE003 Information Retrieval Systems 3, 4, 5, 6 3 1 - 4
Elective II
1 16CSE004 Bio-Informatics 3, 4, 5, 6 3 1 - 4
2 16CSE005 Embedded Systems 3, 4, 5, 6 3 1 - 4
3 16CSE006 Object Oriented Software Engineering 3, 5, 6 3 1 - 4
Elective III
1 16CSE007 Compiler Design 3, 5, 7 3 1 - 4
2 16CSE008 Distributed Systems 3, 5, 6 3 1 - 4
3 16CSE009 Open Source Software 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 3 1 - 4
Elective IV
1 16CSE010 Cloud Computing 2,4,5,6,12 3 1 - 4
2 16CSE011 Image Processing & Pattern Recognition 3, 5, 6 3 1 - 4
3 16CSE012 Social Networks and Semantic Web 3, 5, 6 3 1 - 4

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT) | Regulation 2016

16MEX101 Advanced Optimization Techniques

Course Outcomes
1. Design of mechanical systems and interdisciplinary engineering applications and business solutions
using suitable optimization technique
2. Apply numerical or iterative techniques in power systems for optimal power flow solutions
3. Optimize the parameters in control systems for desired steady state or transient response
4. Optimize the cost function in deciding economic factors of power systems
5. Design of electrical systems optimally using suitable techniques like univariate method, steepest
descent method etc.
6. Design of electrical systems optimally using, steepest and descent method etc.
Unit I
Linear programming and Assignment Problem
Linear programming-Two-phase simplex method, Big-M method, duality, interpretation, applications,
Assignment problem- Hungarian’s algorithm, Degeneracy, applications, unbalanced problems, traveling
salesman problem
Applications of assignment problems
12+3 Hours
Unit II
Classical and Numerical Optimization Techniques
Classical optimization techniques-Single variable optimization with and without constraints, multi–variable,
optimization without constraints, multi–variable optimization with constraints–method of Lagrange multipliers,
Kuhn-Tucker conditions.
Numerical methods for optimization-Nelder Mead’s Simplex search method, Gradient of a function, Steepest
descent method, Newton’s method, types of penalty methods for handling constraints
Exterior penalty function method for handling constraint
11+4 Hours
Unit III
Genetic algorithm and Programming
Genetic algorithm (GA)-Differences and similarities between conventional and evolutionary algorithms,
working principle, reproduction, crossover, mutation, termination criteria, different reproduction and crossover
operators, GA for constrained optimization, draw backs of GA.
Genetic Programming (GP)-Principles of genetic programming, terminal sets, functional sets, differences
between GA & GP, random population generation, solving differential equations using GP
Solving differential equations using GP
11+4 Hours
Unit IV
Multi-Objective GA
Multi-ObjPareto’s analysis, Non-dominated front, multi–objective GA, Non-dominated sorted GA, convergence
criterion, applications of multi-objective problems
Basic Problem solving using Genetic algorithm, Genetic Programming & Multi Objective GA and simple
applications of optimization for engineering systems
Simple applications of optimization for engineering systems
11+4 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. J. S. Arora, Introduction to Optimum Design, McGraw Hill International Ed., NY, 1989
2. K. Deb, Optimization for Engineering Design: Algorithms and Examples, 2nd Ed., PHI, 1995
3. S. S. Rao, Engineering Optimization: Theory and Practice, New Age International (P) Ltd., 2001
Reference (s)
1. D. E. Goldberg, Genetic Algorithms in Search and Optimization, Pearson publication, 1990
2. J. R. Koza, Genetic Programming, MIT Press, 1993
1. K. Deb, Multi-Objective Optimization Using Evolutionary Algorithms, Wiley, 2001.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT) | Regulation 2016

16CSE102 Data Structures and Algorithms

Course Outcomes
1. Write large, reliable programs composed from reusable pieces.
2. Develop modular programs on data structures and algorithms that are easy to read, debug, verify,
analyze, and modify using C/C++ language.
3. Demonstrate various data structures and algorithms.
4. Perform basic analysis of algorithm.
5. Choose an appropriate data structure or algorithm for a given task.
6. Develop algorithms in high level languages.

Unit I
Introduction to Data Structures
Introduction to data structures, singly linked lists, doubly linked lists, circular list - Algorithms. Stacks and
queues: Algorithms implementation using linked list. Algorithms, performance analysis, time complexity and
space complexity. Searching - Linear and Binary search methods, Sorting- Bubble sort, Selection sort, Insertion
sort, Quick sort and Merge sort.
Data abstraction, Algorithm specification. 12+4 Hours

Unit II
ADT Trees, Graphs and Dictionaries
Trees - Binary tress, properties, representation and traversals (DFT, BFT) expression trees (infix, prefix,
postfix). Graphs - basic concepts, storage structures and traversals.
Dictionaries, ADT, The list ADT, Stack ADT, Queue ADT, hash table representation, hash functions collision
resolution - separate chaining, open addressing - linear probing, double hashing,
Rehashing. 11+4 Hours

Unit III
Priority Queues and Search Trees:
Definition, Realizing a Priority Queue using Heaps, Definition, insertion, Deletion. External Sorting - Model
for external sorting, Multi-way merge.
Search Trees: Binary Search Trees, Definition, ADT, Implementation, Operations - Searching, Insertion and
Definition of a Max-heap, Min-heap, and Creating Max-Heap. 11+4 Hours

Unit IV
Balanced Trees:
AVL Trees, Definition, Height of an AVL Tree, Operations - Insertion, Deletion and Searching.
Introduction to Red - Black and Splay Trees, B - Trees, height of a B - Tree, insertion, deletion and searching,
Comparison of Search Trees.
B+ Trees. 11+3 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. Richard F. Gilberg, BehrouzA. Forouzan, Data Structures: A Pseudocode Approach, 2nd Ed., Cengage,
2. SartajSahni, Data Structures, Algorithms and Applications in C++, 2nd Ed., University Press, 2005.

Reference (s)
1. Mark Allen Weiss, Data structures and Algorithm Analysis, 2nd Ed., Pearson, 2003.
2. Adam Drozdek, Data structures and Algorithms, 3rd Ed., Cenage, 2012.
3. N.B. Venkateswarlu, E.V. Prasad, C and Data Structures: A Snap Shot Oriented Treatise Using Live
Engineering Examples, S Chand & Co, 2009.
4. Cormen, Introductions to Algorithms, 2nd Ed., PHI, 2001.
5. Horowitz Sahni, Rajasekaran, Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms, 2nd Ed., University Press, 2012.
6. Panneerselvam, Design and Analysis Algorithms, PHI, 2007.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT) | Regulation 2016

16CSE103 Database Management Systems

Course Outcomes
1. Identify and define the data models needed to design a database
2. Create conceptual and logical database design for Large enterprises
3. Demonstrate and Understand the Relational model
4. Apply Integrity constrains over the relations
5. Apply normalization process on existing database for eliminating redundancy
6. Apply the recovery techniques for managing the database effectively to avoid the data lose
Unit I
Basics of database systems, Traditional file oriented approach, Motivation for database approach, Evolution of
database systems, Database basics, Views of data, Three level architecture of DBMS, Relational database
systems, Data models, Database languages, Client-server and multi-tier architectures. Database Design:
Introduction to database design, ER Model, Additional features of ER Model, Conceptual Design with the ER
Model, Conceptual design for large enterprises.
Database modeling, object-oriented models, web models, Object-oriented databases. New data types:
unstructured, textual Databases and the WWW, XML databases.
11+4 Hours
Unit II
Introduction to the Relational Model
Integrity constraints, Relational Algebra, Selection and projection set operations, renaming, Joins, Division,
Relational calculus: Tuple relational Calculus, Views. Form of Basic SQL Query, Introduction to Nested
Queries, Correlated Nested Queries, Set Comparison Operators, Aggregative Operators – NULL values, Outer
Join, Logical connectivity’s, AND, OR and NOT, Triggers. Overview of Relational Query Optimization,
System Catalog in a Relational DBMS, Translating SQL Queries into Algebra, Estimating the Cost of a Plan,
Relational Algebra Equivalences, Enumeration of Alternative Plans.
Advanced SQL programming, Database performance tuning, distributed relational systems and Data
Replication Security considerations
11+4 Hours
Unit III
Normalization, First Normal form, Second Normal Form, Third Normal Form, BCNF, Multi-valued
dependency, Fourth & Fifth Normal Form. Transaction processing and concurrency control, Transactions:
Transaction State, ACID properties of transaction, serial schedule, parallel schedule, conflicts in concurrent
Executions, Serializability and Recoverability.
Multimedia database systems, Temporal and spatial databases, Stream management systems, Continuous query
processing, Schema evolution managers
12+3 Hours
Unit IV
Crash Recovery
Introduction to ARIES, the Log, and other recovery related structures, the Write-Ahead Log Protocol, Check
pointing – recovering from a system. Data on External Storage: File Organization and Indexing, Cluster
Indexes, Primary and Secondary Indexes, Index data Structures, Hash Based Indexing, Indexed Sequential
Access Methods (ISAM), and B+ Trees: A Dynamic Index Structure.
Middle layer engines, Sensor database systems, P2P technology, Distributed databases, Heterogeneous
databases and data integration, Mobile/ Disconnected databases.
11+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. Raghu Ramakrishna /Johannes Gehrke, Database Management Systems, 4th Ed., Tata McGraw Hill,
2. Silber Schatz. Korth, Database System Concepts, 7th Ed., Tata McGraw Hill, 2004.
Reference (s)
1. C.J.Date, Introduction to Database Systems, 8th Ed., Pearson, 1997.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT) | Regulation 2016

16CSE104 Operating Systems

Course Outcomes
1. Analyze the differences between process and threads.
2. Develop concurrency mechanisms.
3. Implement Bankers Algorithms to handle deadlocks.
4. Design and Analyze mechanisms used in memory management.
5. Develop processor scheduling, Paging technique Algorithms.
6. Demonstrate and analyze theory and implementation of: processes, resource control (concurrency etc.),
physical and virtual memory, scheduling, I/O and files
Unit I
Introduction to Operating Systems
System components, Evaluation of OS, Simple Batch Processing, Multi programmed, Time-shared, Personal
computer, Parallel and Distributed Systems, OS Objectives and functions, Virtual machines. Introduction,
design approaches, why advanced operating systems, types of advanced operating systems. Distributed Systems
– Hardware and Software concepts, Architectures of Distributed Systems - System Architecture types, issues in
distributed operating systems.
System calls, Types of system calls
11+4 Hours
Unit II
Real Time Operating System
Task & Task States, Tasks & Data, Semaphores & Shared Data, Operating System Services, Message Queues,
Timer Functions, Event Memory Management, Interrupt Routines & RTOS Environment, Basic design Using
RTOS. Process description and control: process states, process description, process control, CPU Scheduling -
Scheduling criteria, Types of processor scheduling and Scheduling algorithms, Multiple-processor Scheduling,
Process and Threads- Multi threading, ULTS and KLTS.
Operations on Processes, Inter Process Communication. 11+4 Hours

Unit III
Memory Management and Virtual Memory
Logical Vs Physical address space, Swapping, Contiguous allocation, Paging, Segmentation, Segmentation with
paging, Demand paging, Performance of demand paging, Page Replacement algorithms. Process management
and Synchronization: The Critical Section problem, Synchronization Hardware, Semaphores and Classical
problem of Synchronization, Critical regions, Monitors. Message passing, Readers/Writers problem.
Synchronization in Solaris.
Deadlock Characterization, Methods for Handling Deadlocks. 12+3 Hours

Unit IV
I/O management and disk scheduling
I/O devices, organization of I/O functions; I/O buffering, disk scheduling, Disk cache, File management –
organization, directories, file sharing, record blocking, secondary storage management; case studies-LINUX
I/O. Shared memory and file systems: Consistency models, Page based distributed shared memory, Shared
variables, Object based distributed shared memory; Distributed shared memory: Architecture, algorithms for
implementing DSM, memory coherence.
Overview of Mass Storage Structure, Disk Structure. 11+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. William Stallings, Operating Systems – internals and design principles, 5th Ed., Prentice Hall India,
2. Andrew S Tanenbaum, Distributed Operating Systems, 2nd Ed., Pearson Education India, 1995.
Reference (s)
1. Abraham Silberschatz and Galvin, Operating Systems Concepts, 5th Ed., John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2005.
2. MukeshSinghal and Niranjan G Shivratri, Advanced Concepts in Operating Systems, 2nd Ed.,
McGraw Hill International, 1994.
3. Dhamdhere, Operating Systems, 5th Ed., TMH, 2001.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT) | Regulation 2016

16CSE105 Data Structures and Algorithms Lab

Course Outcomes
1. Demonstrate the knowledge of various concepts in Data structure such as stacks, queues, lists, trees
and graphs.
2. Develop various applications using different data structures.
3. Apply knowledge in solving any problem by developing programs of better efficiency in terms of time
complexity and length.
4. Analyze performance of algorithms.
5. Choose the appropriate data structure and algorithm design method for a specified application.
6. Demonstrate understanding of various searching algorithms.

List of Experiments
1. Perform various operations by using singly linked list, doubly linked list and circular linked list.
2. Implement Bubble sort, selection sort, Insertion sort, Quick sort, and merge sort.
3. Create a binary tree, perform insertion and deletion operations.
4. Perform Infix and postfix operations by using binary search tree.
5. To implement operations on graphs.
a) vertex insertion
b) Vertex deletion
c) finding vertex
d) Edge addition and deletion
6. Implement Depth First Search (DFS) for a graph non-recursively.
7. Implement Breadth First Search (BFS) for a graph non recursively.
8. Implement functions of Dictionary using Hashing.
9. Perform various operations i.e., insertions and deletions on AVL trees.
10. Perform various operations i.e., insertions and deletions on B-Tree.
List of Mini Projects:
1. Write a program to create a one dimensional array at run time using a user defined function with user
given number of elements into it. Also write separate functions that would allow you to insert and delete
elements into/from this array at any arbitrary location.
2. WAP to add and subtract following polynomials 5x2 – 3xy+y - 2x2 – y2+5xy – x+y using array.
3. Write a program to create one dimensional - two dimensional and three dimensional arrays in memory
and then verify the various address calculation formulae for any arbitrary element of these arrays.
4. Write a program to implement a sparse matrix for the given matrix A.
5. Write a program to implement a queue using stack operations.
6. WAP to convert the following expression to its postfix equivalent using stack
I. ((A+B )* D) ^ (E – F)
II. A+(B * C – (D / E ^ F) * G) * H Where ^: raise to the power
7. Implement a program to evaluate any given postfix expression. Test your program for the evaluation of
the equivalent postfix form of the expression (- (A*B)/D) ↑ C+E – F * H * I for
A = 1 - B = 2 - D = 3 - C = 14 - E = 110 - F = 220 - H = 16.78 - I = 364.621.
8. WAP to declare a priority queue using two-dimensional array - store elements and priority. Display the
elements according to priority from higher to lower.
9. A deque DQUE is to be implemented using a one dimensional array of size N. Write functions to Insert
and delete elements from DQUE at either ends.
10. Let X = (x1 - x2 - … xn) -Y = (y1 - y2 - …yn) be two lists with a sorted sequence of elements. Write a
program to merge the two lists together as a single list Z with m+n elements. Implement the lists using
array and singly linked list.
11. Write a menu driven program which will maintain a list of car models - their price - name of the
manufacturer - engine capacity etc. - as a doubly linked list. The menu should make provisions for
inserting information pertaining to new car models - delete obsolete models - and update data such as
price besides answering queries such as listing all car models within a price range specified by the user
and listing all details given a car model.
12. Write non-recursive functions to perform the in order - preorder and post order traversals of a binary
Reading Material
1. Data Structures and Algorithms Lab manual – Department of CSE - GMRIT Rajam.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT) | Regulation 2016

16CSE201 Data Warehousing and Data Mining

Course Outcomes
1. Identify the role of data warehouse as a information repository.
2. Learn different kind of information and statistics of the data by using various operations such as roll-
up, roll-down, drill-up, drill-down, etc.
3. Explain how to extract the hidden knowledge from the data warehouse or repository for decision
making by using one or more of the data mining tasks such as Data characterization, Association rule
mining, Classification and Clustering.
4. Establish association between different data groups by discovering frequent patterns.
5. Design a classifier model, first to learn from the given dataset and then to classify the given data into
one of the specified classes.
6. Use one of the many clustering algorithms that the students learn to classify/group the data into
unspecified number of classes and also to detect outliers for the applications such as fraud detection,

Unit I
Data Warehouse, OLAP and Fundamentals and Functionalities of Data Mining
Data Warehouse and OLAP Technology for Data Mining Data Warehouse, Multidimensional Data Model, Data
Warehouse Architecture, Data Warehouse Implementation, Further Development of Data Cube Technology,
From Data Warehousing to Data Mining. Classification of Data Mining systems, Major issues in Data Mining.
Data Preprocessing: Needs Preprocessing the Data, Data Cleaning, Data Integration and Transformation, Data
Reduction, Discretization and Concept Hierarchy Generation.
Motivating challenges in data mining, the origins of data mining, Data Mining Tasks, What Kinds of Patterns
Can Be Mined?
11+4 Hours
Unit II
Measures of similarity and dissimilarity
Basics, Similarity and Dissimilarity between Simple Attributes, Dissimilarities between Data objects,
Similarities between Data objects, Examples of proximity measures, Issues in proximity Calculations, selection
of the right proximity Measure.
Concepts Description, Characterization and Comparison-Data Generalization and Summarization-Based
Characterization, Analytical Characterization: Analysis of Attribute Relevance, Mining ClassComparisons:
Discriminating between Different Classes, Mining Descriptive Statistical Measures inLarge Databases.
Data: Types of data, Data quality, Data Objects and Attribute Types.
11+3 Hours
Unit III
Mining Association Rules in Large Databases and Classification
Association Rule Mining, Mining Single-DimensionalBoolean Association Rules from Transactional Databases,
Mining Multilevel Association Rules from Transaction Databases, Mining Multidimensional Association Rules
from Relational Databases and Data Warehouses, From Association Mining to Correlation Analysis, Constraint-
Based Association Mining.
Classification - Preliminaries, General approach to solving a classification problem, Decision tree induction,
Rule-based classifier, Nearest-Neighbor classifiers, Bayesian classifiers, Artificial Neural Network.
Mining High-Dimensional Data and Colossal Patterns, Mining Compressed or Approximate Patterns Support
Vector Machines, Classification Using Frequent Patterns.
12+4 Hours
Unit IV
Cluster Analysis and Mining Complex Types of Data
Overview, K-means, Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering, DBSCAN, Prototype-based clustering, Cluster
Evaluation. Probabilistic Model-Based Clustering, Clustering High-Dimensional Data, Clustering Graph and
Network Data.
Multidimensional Analysis and Descriptive Mining of Complex, Data Objects, Mining Spatial Databases,
Mining Multimedia Databases, Mining Time-series and Sequence Data, Mining Text Databases, Mining the

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT) | Regulation 2016

World Wide Web.

Data Mining Applications, Other Methodologies of Data Mining.
11+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours

Textbook (s)
1. Jiawei Han and Micheline Kamber, Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques, 2nd Ed., Kaufmann
Publishers, 2006.
2. Pang-Ning Tan, Michael Steinbach and Vipin Kumar, Introduction to Data Mining, 2nd Ed., Pearson
Education, 2006.

Reference (s)
1. Margaret H Dunham, Data Mining Introductory and advanced topics, 3rd Ed., Pearson Education, 2002.
2. Arun K Pujari, Data Mining Techniques, 2nd Ed., University Press, 2010.
3. Sam Aanhory & Dennis Murray, Data Warehousing in the Real World, 1st Ed., Pearson, 2008.
4. K.P.Soman, S.Diwakar, V.Ajay, Insight into Data Mining, PHI, 2008.
5. PaulrajPonnaiah, Data Warehousing Fundamentals, 2nd Ed., Wiley student Edition, 2008.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT) | Regulation 2016

16CSE202 Mobile Computing

Course Outcomes
1. Demonstrate the knowledge of protocols used in mobile computing.
2. Gain the knowledge about the technologies in modern world like GSM, CDMA, MANETs, WAP,
Bluetooth and J2ME
3. Describe the main characteristics of mobile IP and how it differs from IP
4. Develop projects in mobile computing and also able to deliver a seminar on mobile computing working
5. Demonstrate various data delivery techniques through various protocols.
6. Demonstrate how the data is transferring through various layers of the network.

Unit I
Introduction to Mobile Communications and Computing
Mobile Computing (MC): Introduction to MC, novel applications, limitations, and architecture GSM:
Mobile services, System architecture, Radio interface, Protocols, Localization and calling, Handover, Security,
and New data services.
(Wireless) Medium Access Control - Motivation for a specialized MAC (Hidden and exposed terminals, Near
and far terminals), SDMA, FDMA, TDMA, CDMA.
Wireless transmission, signals, antennas, modulation, multiplexing techniques. 11+3 Hours
Unit II
Mobile Network Layer
Mobile IP (Goals, assumptions, entities and terminology, IP packet delivery, agent advertisement and discovery,
registration, tunneling and encapsulation, optimizations), Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP).
Traditional TCP, Indirect TCP, Snooping TCP, Mobile TCP, Fast retransmit/fast recovery, Transmission /time-
out freezing, Selective retransmission, Transaction oriented TCP.
DECT, System architecture of DECT, TETRA, Frame structure of TETRA, HyperLan. 11+4 Hours
Unit III
Database Issues
Hoarding techniques, caching invalidation mechanisms, client-server computing with adaptation, power-aware
and context-aware computing, transactional models, query processing, recovery, and quality of service issues.
Communications asymmetry, classification of new data delivery mechanisms, push-based mechanisms,
pull-based mechanisms, hybrid mechanisms, selective tuning (indexing) techniques.
Homogenous and Heterogeneous databases, security issues, data privacy and protection mechanisms.
12+4 Hours
Unit IV
Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs)
Overview, Properties of a MANET, spectrum of MANET applications, routing and various routing
algorithms, security in MANETs. Wireless Application Protocol-WAP.(Introduction, protocol architecture, and
treatment of protocols of all layers), Bluetooth (User scenarios, physical layer, MAC layer, networking, security,
link management) and J2ME.
Radio specification, base band specification, infrared and ad hoc network. 11+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. Jochen Schiller, Mobile Communications, 2nd Ed., Addison-Wesley, 2004.
2. Stojmenovic,Cacute, Handbook of Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing, 2nd Ed., Wiley, 2002.
3. Sivarammurthy, Manoj, Adhoc Wireless Networks, 2nd Ed., Pearson, 2009.
Reference (s)
1. Adelstein, Frank, Gupta, Sandeep KS. Richard, Fundamentals of Mobile and Pervasive Computing,
TMH, 2005.
2. Hansmann, Merk, Nicklous, Stober, Principles of Mobile Computing, 2nd Ed., Springer, 2003.
3. MartynMallick, Mobile and Wireless Design Essentials, 2nd Ed., Wiley Dream-Tech, 2003.
4. Rajkamal, Mobile Computing, 2nd Ed., Oxford, 2008.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT) | Regulation 2016

16CSE203 Soft Computing Techniques

Course Outcomes
1. Identify and describe soft computing techniques and their roles in building intelligent machines.
2. Identify and apply supervised learning methods to different neural networks models for pattern
classification and regression problems.
3. Evaluate and apply unsupervised learning methods to different neural networks models for storing and
pattern classification.
4. Evaluate and implement the Support Vector Machines to classify objects in real time applications.
5. Apply fuzzy logic and reasoning to handle uncertainty and solve engineering problems.
6. Evaluate and compare solutions by various soft computing approaches for a given problem.

Unit I
Introduction to Soft Computing and Artificial Neural Networks
Introduction to soft computing, Fuzzy logic, Neural Networks and Evolutionary Computing, Approximations of
Multivariate functions, Non – linear Error surface and optimization.
Introduction to ANN, Basic models of ANN, important terminologies, Basic Learning Laws, Supervised
Learning Networks, Perceptron Networks, Adaptive Linear Neuron, Back propagation Network Radial basis
function network and Hopfield Networks.
Bi-directional associative memories. 11+3 Hours
Unit II
Unsupervised Learning Networks and Introduction to Classical Sets and Fuzzy Sets
Introduction, Fixed Weight Competitive Nets, Maxnet, Hamming Network, Kohonen Self-Organizing Feature
Maps, Learning Vector Quantization, Counter Propagation Networks, Adaptive Resonance Theory Networks.
Special Networks - Introduction to various networks.
Crisp Sets and Fuzzy Sets - operations. Classical Relations and Fuzzy Relations - Cardinality, Properties and
composition. Tolerance and equivalence relations. Membership functions- Features, Fuzzification, membership
value assignments, Defuzzification.
Simulated annealing network. 11+4 Hours
Unit III
Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithm
Classical& Fuzzy logic, Operations, Boolean Logic, Multivalued Logics, Fuzzy Rule Base and Approximate
Reasoning ,Fuzzy Decision making ,Fuzzy Logic Control Systems.
Introduction to GA, Traditional Optimization and search techniques, Search space, Operators: Encoding,
Selection, Crossover and Mutation. Stopping Condition of GA.
Fuzzy arithmetic and Fuzzy measures 11+4 Hours
Unit IV
Support Vector Machine and Applications of Soft Computing
Introduction, optimal hyper plane for linearly separable pattern, linear classifier, nonlinear classifier problem,
optimal plane for non-separable pattern, example XOR problem, and support vector machine for non-linear
regression, summary and discussion.
A fusion Approach of Multispectral Images with SAR Image for flood area analysis, Optimization of TSP using
GA Approach and GA-Fuzzy system for Control of flexible Robots.
Hybrid soft computing techniques 12+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. S N Sivanandam, S N Deepa, Principles of Soft Computing, Wiley India, 2011
2. V. Kecman, Learning and Soft computing, Pearson Education, India
Reference (s)
1. Fakhreddine O Karray, Clarence D Silva, Soft Computing and Intelligent System Design, Pearson
Edition, 2004.
2. Guanrong Chen, Trung Tat Pham, Chapman & Hall/CRC, Introduction to Fuzzy Systems, 2009.
3. S. Haykins, Neural networks: a comprehensive foundation, Pearson Education, India.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT) | Regulation 2016

16CSE204 Web Technologies

Course Outcomes
1. Develop markup language and scripting language programs for web applications
2. Develop advanced Java programs using servlets and JSP
3. Develop Java beans programs.
4. Design web applications using PHP
5. Implement various challenges associated with web development
6. Demonstrate different architectures and web services
Unit I
Html Common Tags and Java Script
HTML Common tags- List, Tables, images, forms, Frames, Links and Navigation, Introduction to HTML5
CSS: Introduction, CSS Properties, Controlling Fonts, Text Formatting, Pseudo classes, Selectors,
introduction to CSS3. Java Script: Learning Java script: Variables, operators, Functions, Control structures,
Events, Validations, plug-in.
HTML Layout, I frames, and HTML Colors, JavaScript Statements, JavaScript Arrays, and
JavaScript Validation API. 12+4 Hours
Unit II
Java Beans and PHP Programming
Java Beans - Introduction to Java Beans, Advantages of Java Beans, BDK, Introspection, jar file, Bound
properties, Constrained properties, Persistence, Customizer, Bean Info Interface, Java Beans API,
Introduction to EJB’s
PHP Programming: Introducing PHP: Creating PHP script, Running PHP script. Working with Variables
and constants: Using variables, Using constants, Data types, Operators. Controlling program flow:
Conditional statements, Control statements, Arrays, functions. Working With forms, PHP with MYSQL.
PHP 5 Global Variables –Superglobals, PHP 5 Cookies, PHP 5 Session. 11+3 Hours
Unit III
XML and Servlets
XML - Introduction, importance, Document type definition, XML Schemas, XML parsers: DOM and SAX,
namespaces, Style sheets: XSL and CSS.
Servlets: Introduction to servlets, Life cycle of servlets, JSDK, The servlet API, the javax.servlet package,
Reading servlet parameters and initialization parameters, The javax.servlet HTTP package, Handling Http
request and responses, Using cookie, session tracking.
Servlets in Net Beans, Servlets in Eclipse, Servlet filter: Authentication filter, Filter Config. 11+4 Hours
Unit IV
Introduction to JSP Application Development
Introduction to JSP: The problem with servlet, the anatomy of JSP page, JSP processing, JSP application
design with MVC, Tomcat server and testing tomcat, Generic dynamic content, using scripting elements
implicit JSP objects.
JSP application development: Conditional processing display values using an expression to set an attribute,
Declaring variables and methods, sharing data between JSP pages, Requests and users passing control and
data between pages, Sharing sessions and application data, memory usage considerations JDBC
connectivity in JSP: Data base programming using JDBC, Studying javax.sql.* package, Accessing a
database from a JSP page,
JSP Custom tags, Custom tag API, Custom URI 11+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. Dietel and Dietel, Internet and World Wide Web–How to program, Pearson Education, 2012.
2. Herbert Schildt, The complete Reference Java 2, 5th Ed., TMH, 2012.
Reference (s)
1. Chris Bates, Web Programming, building internet applications, 2nd Ed., Wiley Dreamtech, 2002.
2. Sebesta, Programming World Wide Web, and Pearson education, 2008.
3. Hans Bergsten, Java Server Pages, SPD O’Reilly, 2001.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT) | Regulation 2016

16CSE205 Web Technologies Lab

Course Outcomes
1. Create simple web pages using html tags
2. Demonstrate the use of JavaScript and JavaScript in HTML code.
3. Integrate frontend technologies in distributed systems.
4. Design sophisticated user interfaces for real time web applications.
5. Implement web applications using PHP.
6. Develop websites using JDBC and AJAX.
List of Experiments
1. Design the following static web pages required for an online book store website.
a) Home page
b) Login Page
c) Catalogue Page
2. Design the following static web pages required for an online book store website.
d) Cart Page
e) Registration Page
3. VALIDATION: Write javascript to validate the various fields of the above registration page.
4. Design a web page using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) which includes the following:
a) use different font styles
b) set background images
c) control the repetition of images
d) define styles for links
e) work with layers
f) add customized cursor
5. Write an XML file which will display the Book information which includes the following:
1) Title of the book 2) Author Name 3) ISBN number
4) Publisher name 5) Edition 6) Price
Create a simple visual bean with a area filled with a color.
7. 1. Install TOMCAT web server and APACHE
2. Access the above developed static web pages for books website, using these servers by putting the
web pages developed in week-1 and week-2 in the document root.
8. User Authentication:
Assume four users user1, user2, user3, user4 having the passwords pwd1, pwd2, pwd3, pwd4
respectively. Write a servlet for doing the following.
1. Create a Cookie and add these four user id’s and passwords to this Cookie.
2. Read the user id and passwords entered in the Login form (week-1) and authenticate with the values
(user id and passwords) available in the Cookies.
9. Install a database (Mysql or Oracle). Create a table which should contain at least the following fields:
name password, email-id, phone number (these should hold the data from the registration form).
Practice ‘JDBC’ connectivity.
Write a java program/servlet/JSP to connect to that database and extract data from the tables and
display them. Experiment with various SQL queries.
Insert the details of the users who register with the website, whenever a new user clicks the submit
button in the registration page (week-2).
10. Write a JSP which does the following job: Insert the details of the 3 or 4 users who register with the
website (week-9) by using registration form. Authenticate the user when he submits the login form
using the username and password from the database (similar to week-8 instead of Cookies).
11. Create tables in the database which contain the details of items (books in our case like Book name,
Price, Quantity, Amount) of each category. Modify your catalogue page (week-2) in such a way that
you should connect to the database and extract data from the tables and display them in the catalogue
page using JDBC.
12. HTTP is a stateless protocol. Session is requires to maintain the state. The user may add some items to
cart from the catalogue page. He can check the cart page for the selected items. He may visit the

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT) | Regulation 2016

catalogue again and select some more items. Here our interest is the selected items should be added to
the old cart rather than a new cart. Multiple users can do the same thing at a time (i.e., from different
systems in the LAN using the ip-address instead of localhost). This can be achieved through the use of
sessions. Every user will have his own session which will be created after his successful login to the
website. When the user logs out his session should get invalidated (by using the method session
invalidate ()).
Modify your catalogue and cart JSP pages to achieve the above mentioned functionality using sessions.
List of Mini Projects:
1. a) Create a tourist web site using HTML and embed an in a world map in it. Using image map fix hot
spots for each continent and show all the related information when the hot spots are clicked.
b) Design a HTML form for a railway ticket reservation system with various from controls.
2. Create a web site for Online Shopping application. The home page must be divided into three frames.
The top frame must be 15% and should display the logo and the moto of the Shopping application
along with some pictures. The remaining 85% portion must be divided into two frames. The left frame
must be 25% and is meant for appropriate navigation links. The right frame must take the remaining
width and must be the target for all the hosted links in the left frame.
a) Apply CSS property to a table with alternate rows displayed in different colors.
b) Design the style rule which can be applied for hyperlinks using pseudo class properties.
3. Design following static web pages required for a Training and placement cell web site. 1) Home Page
2) Login Page 3) Registration page
4. 4) Company Details Page 5) Alumni Details Page 6) Placement Staff Details Page
5. Validate login page and registration page using regular expressions.
6. Using a RegExp instance, write a JavaScript function is Valid( ) that accepts a String argument and
returns true if the argument matches one of the following phone-number formats and returns false
a) (123)456-7890
b) (123) 456-7890
c) 123/456-7890
d) 123-456-7890
e) 123 456 7890
f) 123456789
7. Write an XML file which will display the Book information which includes the following:
a) Title of the book
b) Author Name
c) ISBN number
d) Publisher name
e) Edition
f) Price
Write a Document Type Definition (DTD) to validate the above XML file.
Display the XML file as follows.
The contents should be displayed in a table. The header of the table should be in color GREY. And the
Author names column should be displayed in one color and should be capitalized and in bold. Use your
own colors for remaining columns. Use XML schemas XSL and CSS for the above purpose.
8. Web application development using PHP
a) Write a test application to check an e-mail address. Verify that the input begins with series of
characters, followed by @ character, another series of characters, a period (.) and a final series
of characters.
b) Write a program that logs the address information from the web server, using environment
9. Working with PHP and MySQL for a ticket reservation system: Develop a client form to get the
passenger queries such as timings, availability, fare and get it from the backend MySql server
10. Write a servlet/PHP to connect to the database, Insert the details of the users who register with the web
site, whenever a new user clicks the submit button in the registration.
Develop a full scale AJAX application.
Reading Material (s)
1. Web Technologies Lab manual – Department of CSE - GMRIT Rajam

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT) | Regulation 2016

16CSE001 Computer Organization and Architecture (Elective–1)

Course Outcomes
1. Apply knowledge of number systems, codes and Boolean algebra to the analysis and design of digital
logic circuits
2. Evaluate quality of modern computing systems
3. Assess functionality of their components, design of instruction sets and their underlying execution.
4. Design I/O subsystem supporting processor programmed I/O, direct memory access, interrupt
structures, and industry standards.
5. Demonstrate the full internal workings of a typical simple CPU including the utilization of the various
hardware resources during the execution of instructions.
6. Outline the design of basic I/O hardware and microprocessor interfacing: memory chip selection,
memory expansion, I/O interfacing, different I/O techniques: interrupts, DMA.

Unit I
Computer Arithmetic and Combinational & Sequential Circuits
Signed and unsigned numbers Addition & subtraction, multiplication, division, Floating point representation.
Gray code, BCD codes, Error detecting codes. Simplification of Boolean expressions, k- Maps. Decoders,
Encoders, Multiplexers, Half and Full adders, shift registers, flip-flops, binary counters.
Programmable Logic Arrays (PLA), Programmable Array Logic (PAL), Combinational PLD-Based State
Machines, State Machines on a Chip 9+3 Hours

Unit II
Memory Organization
Memory hierarchy, Main memory, Auxiliary Memory, Associative Memory, Cache Memory, Virtual Memory
Concept. Addition and subtraction sign and unsigned numbers, multiplication and division algorithms, Input-
Output Organization- Modes of transfer, priority interrupts, DMA, Input output processor, Serial
Computer Architecture vs. Computer Organization, Big-endian and Little-endian representation, Hardwired
control, Micro programmed control. 14+4 Hours

Unit III
Intel 8086 Assembly Language Instructions and Programming
Data transfer instructions - input output instructions, address transfer Flags, arithmetic, logical shift and rotate
instructions. Conditional and unconditional transfer, iteration control, interrupts and process control instructions
assembler directives.
RISC vs. CISC architecture, Microprocessor and Microcomputer Architecture 11+4 Hours

Unit IV
Intel 8086 CPU Architecture and Instruction execution timing
Diagram, code and segment registers, internal operations, machine language instructions (addressing modes,
instruction formats). Programming with assembly language instructions.
Basic Peripherals and Their Interfacing with 8086: Interfacing I/O Ports, Modes of Operation of 8255,
Interfacing Analog to Digital Data Converters, Stepper Motor Interfacing.
11+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. MorisMono, Computer System Architecture, 3rd Ed., Pearson / PHI, 2007.
2. Douglas V. Hall, Microprocessor and interfacing, 2nd Ed., TMH, 1974.
Reference (s)
1. Rajaraman and Radha Krishnan, Digital Logic and computer organization, PHI, 2006.
2. Liu and Gibson, Microcomputer systems: 8086/8088 family, 2nd Ed., PHI, 2008.
3. W. Stallings, Computer Organization and Architecture, 7th Ed., Pearson, 2010.
4. HamacherandVranesic, Computer Organization, 5th Ed., TMH, 2002.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT) | Regulation 2016

16CSE002 Cryptography and Network Security (Elective–1)

Course Outcomes
1. Explain the concept of fundamental cryptography - encryption and decryption algorithms.
2. Show the ability to encrypt “Plain Text” into “Cipher Text” and vice versa - using different encryption
3. Choose a suitable ciphering algorithm according to the required security level.
4. Build secure authentication systems by use of message authentication techniques.
5. Apply the crypto systems so far learned to building of information and network security mechanisms.
6. Develop various Network security algorithms - various and worms programs.

Unit I
Introduction to Information hiding, Brief history and applications of information hiding, Principles of
Steganography, Frameworks for secret communication, Security of Steganography systems, Information hiding
in noisy data, Information hiding in written text, Examples.
OSI security architecture: Classical encryption techniques, Cipher principles. Conventional Encryption
Principles: Data encryption standard, Block cipher design principles and modes of operation, AES cipher.
EzStego - RC2 & RC4
8+3 Hours
Unit II
Public Key Cryptography
Introduction to group, field, finite field of the form GF (p), modular arithmetic, prime and relative Prime
numbers, Fermat’s and Euler’s theorem, Primality testing, Chinese Remainder theorem, Discrete Logarithmic
Problem; Key management, Diffie Hellman key exchange, Confidentiality using symmetric encryption, Public
key cryptography and RSA.
Arithmetic modulo composites - the RSA Trapdoor Permutation
11+4 Hours
Unit III
Authentication and Hash Function
Authentication requirements, Authentication functions, Message authentication codes, Hash functions, Security
of hash functions and MAC, MD5 Message Digest algorithm, secure hash algorithm, HMAC digital signatures,
Authentication protocols, Digital signature standard.
Lamport one-time signatures -SHA-256
11+4 Hours
Unit IV
Network Security
Authentication applications: Kerberos, X.509 authentication service, Electronic mail security, PGP, S/MIME.
IP Security: IP Security Overview, IP Security Architecture, Authentication Header, Encapsulating Security
Payload, Combining Security Associations and Key Management.
Web Security: Web Security Requirements, Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS),
Secure Electronic Transaction (SET).
System Security: Intrusion detection, Viruses and related threats, Virus counter measures, Firewall design
Case-Study: Quest™ Authentication Services -iPrism Technology
14+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. William Stallings, Cryptography and Network Security, Principles and Practices, 3rd Ed., Prentice Hall
of India, 2003.
2. AtulKahate, Cryptography and Network Security, 2nd Ed., Tata McGraw-Hill, 2003.
3. M. Y. Rhee, Cryptography and Secure communication, 1st Ed., Tata McGraw-Hill, 1994.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT) | Regulation 2016

Reference (s)

1. William Stallings, Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practices, 3rd Ed.,, Pearson
Education, 2006.
2. Matt Bishop, Computer Security art and science, 2nd Ed., Pearson Education, 2002.
3. Wade Trappe and Lawrence C. Washington, Introduction to Cryptography with Coding Theory, 2nd
Ed., Pearson Education, 2007.
4. Jonathan Katz and Yehuda Lindell, Introduction to Modern Cryptography, CRC Press, 2007.
5. Douglas R. Stinson, Cryptography Theory and Practice, 3rd Ed., Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2006.
6. Wenbo Mao, Modern Cryptography- Theory and Practice, 1st Ed., Pearson Education, 2006.
7. OWASP top ten security vulnerabilities: http://xml.coverpages.org/OWASPTopTen.pdf.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT) | Regulation 2016

16CSE003 Information Retrieval Systems (Elective–I)

Course Outcomes
1. Learn Classical and advanced techniques employed by Web Search engines
2. Know different ways of representation and retrieval of documents.
3. Apply techniques of preprocessing needed for IRS
4. Apply the techniques of clustering on unstructured data
5. Apply indexing methods for fast retrieval from Document data.
6. Develop an IRS by using different user search techniques and text search algorithms

Unit I
Introduction & Measures
Definition, Objectives, Precision, Recall, Comparison to DBMS, Digital libraries and Data Warehouses,
Functional Overview, Search, Browse Capabilities.
Miscellaneous capabilities.
11+3 Hours
Unit II
Cataloging and Indexing & Data Structures
Objectives, Indexing Process, Automatic Indexing, Information Extraction, Classes of automatic indexing,
Stemming Algorithms, Inverted file structures, N-gram data structure, PAT data structure.
Signature files structure, Hypertext data structure.
12+4 Hours
Unit III
Document and Term Clustering & Text Search Algorithms
Introduction, Thesaurus generation, Item clustering, Hierarchy of clusters. Software text search algorithms,
Brute force, Knuth Pratt Morris, Boyer Moore.
Hardware text search systems.
11+4 Hours
Unit IV
Information Retrieval System Evaluation
Introduction, Measures used in System Evaluation, Standard test collections, Evaluation of unranked retrieval
sets, Evaluation of ranked retrieval results.
Measurement Example-TREC Results.
11+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. Kowalski, Gerald, Mark T Maybury: Information Retrieval Systems: Theory and Implementation,
Kluwer Academic Press, 1997.
2. http://nlp.stanford.edu/IR-book/html/htmledition/evaluation-in-information-retrieval-1.html.

Reference (s)
1. Frakes, W.B.andRicardoBaeza Yates, Information Retrieval Data Structures and Algorithms, 1st Ed.,
Prentice Hall, 1992.
2. Robert Korfhage, Information Storage & Retrieval, 1st Ed., John Wiley & Sons, 2005.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT) | Regulation 2016

16CSE004 Bio-Informatics (Elective–II)

Course Outcomes
1. Demonstrate various methods and tools of bio-informatics
2. Demonstrate some of the basic methods for biological sequence analysis works.
3. Know the contents and properties of the most important bio informatical databases perform text- and
sequence-based searches, and analyze and discuss the results in light of molecular biological
4. Demonstrate statistical concepts, data mining methods and it’s applications.
5. Analyze the features of evolution of genes and proteins and explain different methods.
6. Demonstrate pattern matching methods, dynamic programming, modeling and simulation.

Unit I
The Central Dogma, The Killer Application, Parallel Universes, Watson’s Definition, Top-Down Versus
Bottom-up, Information Flow, Convergence Databases, Data Management, Data Life cycle, Database
Technology, Interfaces, Implementation, Molecular Biology Primer - Genes, Molecules, Structure of DNA,
Proteins Analysis.
Structure – based protein classification. 8+3 Hours
Unit II
Searching Biological Data From databases
Finding the information stored and its retrieval methods at NCBI, EMBL and DDBJ, Protein Data Bank (PDB),
NDB, CCSD, PIR, Swiss Prot, EMBL, Pfam, EST, SNP, Metabolic pathways databases, EMP, KEGG,
MetaCyc, structural databases: SCOP, CATH, Retrieving microbial and viral genome information,
Data Visualization-Data Visualization, sequence visualization, structure visualization, user Interface, Animation
Versus simulation, General Purpose Technologies.
Tools for web search 11+4 Hours
Unit III
Statistical concepts, Microarrays, Imperfect Data, Randomness, Variability, Approximation, Interface Noise,
Assumptions, Sampling and Distributions, Hypothesis Testing, Quantifying Randomness, Data Analysis, Tool
selection statistics of Alignment, Data Mining - Clustering and Classification, Data Mining Methods,
Selection and Sampling, Preprocessing and Cleaning, Transformation and Reduction, Evaluation,
Visualization, Designing new queries, Pattern Recognition and Discovery, Machine Learning, Text Mining
Application of data mining techniques in bioinformatics. 12+4 Hours
Unit IV
Pattern Matching
Pair wise sequence alignment, Local versus global alignment, Multiple sequence alignment,
Computational methods, Dot Matrix analysis, Substitution matrices, Dynamic Programming, Word
methods, Bayesian methods, Multiple sequence alignment, Dynamic Programming, Progressive strategies,
Iterative strategies, Tools, Nucleotide Pattern Matching, Polypeptide pattern matching, Utilities, Sequence
Modeling and Simulation - Drug Discovery, components, process, Perspectives, Numeric considerations,
Algorithms, Hardware, Issues, Protein structure, AbInitio Methods, Heuristic methods, Systems Biology,
Tools, Collaboration and Communications, standards, Issues, Security, Intellectual property.
Applications to computational molecular biology 14+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. Bryan Bergeron, Bio Informatics Computing, PHI, 2003.
2. Lacroix, Terence Critchlow, “Bio Informatics - Managing Scientific Data”, Elsevier, 2003.
Reference (s)
1. Attwood, Smith, Longman, Introduction to Bio Informatics, Addison Wesley Longman Limited, 1999.
2. D Srinivasa Rao, Bio-Informatics, Biotech Pharma Publications, 2010.
3. Rastogi, Mendiratta, Rastogi, Bio-Informatics- Methods and Applications, PHI, 2006.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT) | Regulation 2016

16CSE005 Embedded Systems (Elective–II)

Course Outcomes
1. Summarize the differences between Embedded system and General Purpose Systems
2. Learn the typical core of embedded system design with applications.
3. Demonstrate 8051 Microcontroller concepts, architecture, programming and application of
4. Familiarize assembling language programming and interfacing with various modules.
5. Demonstrate the concepts of real time operating systems
6. Explore software utility tools for testing and implementation

Unit I
Introduction to Embedded Systems
Embedded Computing - Introduction, Complex Systems and Microprocessor, The Embedded System Design
Process, Formalisms for System Design, Design Examples. The 8051 Architecture - Introduction, 8051 Micro
controller Hardware, Input/output Ports and Circuits, External Memory, Counter and Timers, Serial data
Input/Output, Interrupts.
Embedded firmware design approaches 11+3 Hours

Unit II
Basic Assembly Language Programming Concepts and Interfacing
The Assembly Language Programming Process, Programming Tools and Techniques, Programming the 8051.
Data Transfer and Logical Instructions.Arithmetic Operations, Decimal Arithmetic. Jump and Call Instructions,
Further Details on Interrupts. Applications -Interfacing with Keyboards, Displays, D/A and A/D Conversions,
Multiple Interrupts, Serial Data Communication.
External communication interface concepts 11+4 Hours
Unit III
Introduction to Advanced Architectures
ARM and SHARC, Processor and memory organization and Instruction level parallelism; Networked embedded
systems: Bus protocols, I2C bus and CAN bus; Internet-Enabled Systems, Design Example-Elevator Controller.
Application specific case study of embedded systems 11+4 Hours

Unit IV
Introduction to Real Time Operating Systems
Tasks and Task States, Tasks and Data, Semaphores, and Shared Data; Message Queues, Mailboxes and Pipes,
Timer Functions, Events, Memory Management, Interrupt Routines in an RTOS Environment. Principles,
Semaphores and Queues, Hard Real-Time Scheduling Considerations, Saving Memory and Power, An example
RTOS like uC-OS (Open Source); Embedded Software Development Tools: Host and Target machines,
Linker/Locators for Embedded Software, Getting Embedded Software into the Target System; Debugging
Techniques: Testing on Host Machine, Using Laboratory Tools, An Example System.
Porting RTOS 12+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. Computers as Components-principles of Embedded computer system design, Wayne Wolf, Elseveir,
2. Kenneth J Ayala, The 8051 Microcontroller Architecture, Programming and Applications, Thomson
Publishers, 2nd Ed., 2009.
Reference (s)
1. Embedded System building blocks By Labrosse, CMP publishers, 2012.
2. Embedded Systems – Raj Kamal, TMS, 2nd Ed., 2008.
3. Ajay V Deshmukh, Microcontrollers, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2012.
4. Frank Vahid, Tony D.Givargis, Embedded System Design – A Unified Hardware/Software
Introduction –, John Wiley, 2002.
5. Raj kamal, Microcontrollers, Pearson Education, 2008.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT) | Regulation 2016

16CSE006 Object Oriented Software Engineering (Elective–II)

Course Outcomes
1. Summarize object oriented methodology and how it is applicable in the design and implementation of
software and the management of the software project.
2. Demonstrate software development life cycle for Object-Oriented solutions for Real-World Problems
3. Design real world projects to make success of the project.
4. Develop sketch out an idea on a blackboard or a scrap of paper in order to visualize a part of a system.
5. Analyze and develop real-time software projects with effective cost estimation and plan.
6. Apply the design solutions for problems on various O-O concepts.

Unit I
Introduction to Classical software engineering & Planning and Estimation
Historical, Economic and Maintenance aspects. Introduction to Object Oriented Paradigm. Different phases in
structured paradigm and Objective Oriented Paradigm. Software Process and different life cycle models and
corresponding strengths and weaknesses.
Estimation of Duration and Cost, COCOMO components of software. Project Management plan, one case
FP and KDLOC in planning and estimation.
11+4 Hours
Unit II
Tools for step wise refinement & Modules to objects
Cost - Benefit analysis, Introduction to software metrics and CASE tools. Taxonomy and scope of CASE tools.
Introduction to testing, with focus on Utility, Reliability, Robustness, Performance, Correctness. Cohesion and
Coupling, Data Encapsulation and Information hiding aspects of Objects. Inheritance, polymorphism and
Dynamic Binding aspects. Cohesion and coupling of objects. Reusability, Portability and Interoperability
Metrics for testing, SMI.
12+3 Hours
Unit III
Requirement phase &Analysis phase
Rapid Prototyping method, Specification phase, Specification Document, Formal methods of developing
specification document, Examples of other semi - formal methods of using Finite-State- Machines, Petri nets.
Use case Modeling, Class Modeling, and Dynamic Modeling.
Requirement elicitation and analysis.
11+4 Hours
Unit IV
Design phase &IIM Phases
Data oriented design, Object Oriented design, and Formal techniques for detailed design. One case study.
Implementation, Integration and maintenance phases.
Metrics for maintenance and binary replace ability
11+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Text Book(s)
1. Stephen R. Schach, Object oriented and Classical Software Engineering, 7th Ed., TMH, 2010
2. Timothy Lethbridge, Robert Laganiere, Object oriented and classical software Engineering, 2nd Ed.,
TMH, 2005.
2. Ivica Crnkovic, Component-based software engineering: 7th international symposium, Springer, CBSE

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT) | Regulation 2016

16CSE007 Compiler Design (Elective–III)

Course Outcomes
1. Acquire the knowledge of different translators and of compiler and its phases
2. Utilize formal grammars to specify the syntax and semantics of programming languages
3. Build symbol tables and generate intermediate code for a given program
4. Apply the code optimization techniques to improve the performance of a program in terms of speed
and space
5. Acquire knowledge about generating target code.
6. Design a compiler for a concise programming language.

Unit I
Overview of language processing
Cousins of compiler-preprocessors, compiler, assembler, interpreters, linkers & loaders Overview of
Compilation: Phases of Compilation, pass and Phases of translation, boot strapping.
Lexical Analysis, Role of Lexical Analysis, Lexical Analysis Vs. Parsing, Token, patterns and Lexemes, Lexical
Errors, Regular Grammar and regular expression for common programming language features, Transition
diagram for recognition of tokens, Reserved words and identifiers, Examples, LEX- lexical analyzer generator.
Input buffering, regular definitions.
11+3 Hours
Unit II
Syntax and semantic analysis
Syntax analysis -Context free grammars, Role of a parser, Top down parsing, Backtracking, LL (1),
recursive descent parsing, Predictive parsing, Preprocessing steps required for predictive parsing.
Bottom up parsing - Shift Reduce parsing, Simple LR parsers, Why LR parsers, Construction of CLR, LALR
parsing, Error recovery in parsing.
Semantic analysis -Intermediate code , three address code, quadruples, triples Intermediate forms of source
Programs , Syntax directed translation, Attributed grammars, abstract syntax tree, evolution and flow of attribute
in syntax tree, Conversion of popular Programming languages language Constructs into Intermediate code
Operator precedence parsing, YACC tool.
13+4 Hours
Unit III
Symbol table management and Code optimization
Symbol Tables -Symbol table format, use of symbol tables, Symbol attribute and management, Run-time
environment: Procedure activation, parameter passing, value return, memory allocation, and scope.
Code optimization - Consideration for Optimization, Machine independent code optimization- Common sub
expression elimination, constant folding, copy propagation, dead code elimination, strength reduction, loop
optimization, procedure inclining. Machine dependent code optimization: Peephole optimization, register
DAG for basic blocks, Data structures used in symbol table.
11+4 Hours
Unit IV
Data flow analysis and Code generation
Data flow analysis - Dataflow Analysis, Intermediate representation for flow analysis , Various dataflow
analyses, Loop Optimizations: Dominators, Loop-invariant computations, Array bounds checks, Loop unrolling.
Code Generation - Processing the intermediate Code- Interpretation, Code generation, Simple code
generation, code generation for basic blocks, BURS Code generation and dynamic programming,
Register allocation by graph coloring, Evaluation of code generation techniques Preprocessing the
intermediate code, post processing the target code, machine code generation.
Instruction scheduling, Garbage collection via reference counting.
10+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT) | Regulation 2016

Textbook (s)
1. Compilers, Principles Techniques and Tools- Alfred V Aho, Monical S Lam, Ravi Sethi, Jeffrey D.
Ullman, 2nd Ed., Pearson, 2007.
2. Principles of compiler design, V. Raghavan, 2nd Ed., TMH, 2011.

Reference (s)

1. S.S.Muchnick, Advanced Compiler Design Implementation, Elsevier, 1997.

2. Allman Jeffery D. Aho Alfred V, NAros, Principles of Compiler Design, 1989.
3. John R. Levine, Tony Mason and Doug Brown, Lex&yacc, O’reill, 1992.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT) | Regulation 2016

16CSE008 Distributed Systems (Elective–III)

Course Outcomes
1. Gain the knowledge about the technologies in distributed environment.
2. Develop applications in the area of distributed system.
3. Demonstrate various data delivery models (peer to peer system, Napster)
4. Demonstrate how Mutual Exclusion and elections and distributed Dead Locks are used.
5. Gain the knowledge of file replication.
6. Demonstrate concurrency control in D.S

Unit I
Characterization of Distributed Systems
Introduction, Examples of Distributed Systems, Resource Sharing and the Web, Challenges.
System Models–Introduction, Architectural Models- Software Layers, system Architecture, Variation, Interface
and Objects, design Requirements for Distributed architectures, Fundamental models–Interaction Model, Failure
Model, Security Model.
Trends in distributed systems, Case study: The World Wide Web 12+4 Hours
Unit II
Interprocess Communication and Distributed Objects & Remote Invocation
Introduction, The API for the Internet Protocols, The Characteristics of Interprocess communication, Sockets,
UDP datagram Communication, TCP stream Communication; External Data Representation and Marshalling;
Client Server Communication; Group Communication, IP Multicast, an implementation of group
communication, Reliability and Ordering of Multicast.
Introduction to Distributed Objects and Remote Invocation, Communication between Distributed Objects,
Object Model, Distributed Object Modal, Design Issues for RMI, Implementation of RMI, Distributed Garbage
Collection; Remote Procedure Call, Events and Notifications, Case Study: JAVARMI.
Shared memory approaches, and MPI 13+4 Hours
Unit III
Operating System Support and Distributed File Systems
Introduction, The Operating System Layer, Protection, Processes and Threads – address Space, Creation of a
New Process, Threads. Introduction to Distributed File Systems, file Service architecture; Peer – to – peer
Systems: Introduction, Napster and its Legacy, Peer – to – Peer Middleware, Routing Overlays.
Skype: An example of an overlay network. 8+3 Hours
Unit IV
Coordination & Agreement and Transactions & Replications
Introduction, distributed Mutual Exclusion, Election, Multicast Communication.
Introduction to Transactions & Replications, system Model and Group Communication, Concurrency Control in
distributed Transactions, distributed Dead Locks, Transaction Recovery; Replication – Introduction, Passive
(Primary) Replication, active Replication.
Leader Election in Arbitrary Networks, NTP: Network Time Protocol 12+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. Ajay D Kshemkalyani, MukeshSighal, Distributed Computing, Principles, algorithms and Systems, pap
erback, Cambridge univ. Press, 2011
2. George Coulouris, Jean Dollimore, Tim Kindberg, Distributed Systems–Concepts and Design, 4th Ed.,
Pearson Publication, 2006.
Reference (s)
1. Pradeep K.Sinha, Distributed Operating System, 1st Ed., PHI, 1997.
2. S.Ghosh, Chapman&Hall, DS-Algorithm approach, 2nd Ed., CRC press, 2010.
3. A.S. Tanenbaum and M.V. Steen, Distributed systems-principles and paradigms, 2nd Ed., Pearson Educ
ation, 2006.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT) | Regulation 2016

16CSE009 Open Source Software (Elective–III)

Course Outcomes
1. Demonstrate fundamental knowledge on open source licensing and the consequences of using open
source in products.
2. Explain fundamental knowledge on open source operating system, LINUX.
3. Illustrate the use of Open source relational database management systems and scripting languages
4. Demonstrate knowledge on PHP and develop database connectivity between MySql and PHP.
5. Demonstrate knowledge on Python and develop database connectivity between MySql and Python.
6. Develop programs/scripts using PERL.

Unit I
Introduction to OSS
Introduction to open sources-Need of Open Sources, Advantages of Open Sources, Application of Open
Sources. Open Sources Operating systems: LINUX Introduction, General Overview, Kernel Mode and user
Linux: Process, Advanced Concepts, Scheduling, Personalities, Cloning, Signals, Development with Linux.
Different distributions of LINUX & Open source applications which are applicable one variant of LINUX (Ex:
UBUNTU) and Operating systems other than LINUX. 11+4 Hours
Unit II
Open Source Database and Programming Languages
MySql: Introduction-Setting up account, Starting, termination and writing your own SQL programs, Record
selection Technology, Working with strings, Date and Time, Sorting Query Results, Generating Summary,
Working with metadata, Using sequences, MySql and Web.
PHP: Introduction - Programming in web environment, variables, constants, data types, operators, Statements,
Functions, Arrays, OPP, String Manipulation and regular expression, File handling and data storage.
Open Source databases like “Apache Derby”, “PostgreSQL”, HSQLDB” & INGRES. 11+4 Hours
Unit III
PHP and SQL database
PHP and LDAP, PHP Connectivity, Sending and receiving E-mails, Debugging and error handling, Security,
PYTHON - Syntax and Style, Python Objects, Numbers, Sequences, Strings, Lists and Tuples, Dictionaries,
Conditionals and Loops.
PYTHON and SQL Databases connectivity. 11+4 Hours
Unit IV
Files and Perl
Input and output, Errors and Exceptions, Functions, Modules, Classes and OOP, Execution Environment.
Perl backgrounder, Perl overview, Perl parsing rules, Variables and Data-0 Statements and Control structures,
Subroutines, Packages, and Modules-Working with Files-Data Manipulation.
Object oriented concepts in PERL. 12+3 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. Remy Card, Eric Dumas and frank Mevel, “The Linux Kernel Book”, Wiley Publications, 2003.
2. Steve Suchring,”MySQL Bible”, Wiley, 2002.
Reference (s)
1. RasmusLerdorf and Levin Tatroe,Programming PHP, O’Reilly, 2002.
2. Wesley J.Chun, Core Python Programming, Prentice Hall, 2001.
3. Marin C.Brown, Perl: The Complete Reference, 2nd Ed., Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company
Limited, Indian Reprint 2009.
4. Steven Holzner, PHP: The Complete Reference, 2nd Ed., Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company
Limited, Indian Reprint 2009.
5. Vikram Vaswani, MYSQL: The Complete Reference, 2nd Ed., Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company
Limited, Indian Reprint 2009.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT) | Regulation 2016

16CSE010 Cloud Computing (Elective–IV)

Course Outcomes
1. Demonstrate use of cloud computing and its services at individual level, family level and at corporate
2. Demonstrate how to collaborate various cloud services online.
3. Explain cloud computing software security fundamentals.
4. Analyze various risks, threats and challenges associated with cloud computing for an organization.
5. Demonstrate the influence of cloud computing architecture on its security.
6. Attempt to generate new ideas, innovations in cloud computing and collaboratively.

Unit I
Understanding Cloud Computing and Developing Cloud Services
Cloud Computing, History of Cloud Computing, Cloud Architecture, Cloud Storage, Why Cloud Computing
Matters, Advantages of Cloud Computing, Disadvantages of Cloud Computing, Companies in the Cloud Today,
Cloud Services.
Web-Based Application, Pros and Cons of Cloud Service Development, Types of Cloud Service Development,
Software as a Service, Platform as a Service , Web Services, On-Demand Computing, Discovering Cloud
Services Development Services and Tools, Amazon Ec2, Google App Engine, IBM Clouds.
Before the move into the cloud: know Your Software Licenses, the Shift to a Cloud Cost Model and Service
Levels for Cloud Applications
8+2 Hours
Unit II
Cloud Computing for Everyone and Cloud Services
Centralizing Email Communications, Collaborating on Schedules, Collaborating on To-Do Lists, Collaborating
Contact Lists, Cloud Computing for the Community, Collaborating on Group Projects and Events, Cloud
Computing for the Corporation. Collaborating on Calendars, Schedules and Task Management, Exploring
Online Scheduling Applications, Exploring Online Planning and Task Management, Collaborating on
EventManagement, Collaborating on Contact Management, Collaborating on Project Management,
Collaborating on Word Processing, Collaborating on Databases, Storing and Sharing Files.
Case Studies: Cloud centers in detail, Comparing approaches, Xen, Eucalyptus, Cloud Stack, Open Stack
Unit III
Ways to Collaborate Online and Software Security Fundamentals
Collaborating via Web-Based Communication Tools, Evaluating Web Mail Services, Evaluating Web
Conference Tools, Collaborating via Social Networks and Groupware, Collaborating via Blogs and Wikis.
Cloud information Security Objectives, Cloud Security Services, Relevant Cloud Security Design Principles,
Secure Cloud Software Requirements, Approaches to Cloud Software Requirements Engineering, Cloud
Security Policy Implementation, Secure Cloud Software Testing, Cloud Penetration Testing, Cloud Computing
and Business Continuity Planning/Disaster Recovery, Summary.
Cloud applications: Business and Consumer applications.
13+4 Hours
Unit IV
Cloud Computing Risk Issues / Security Challenges and Security Architecture
The CIA Triad, Privacy and Compliance Risks, Threats to Infrastructure Data and Access Control, Cloud
Access Control Issues, Cloud Service Provider Risks, Summary, Security Policy Implementation, Computer
Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT), Virtualization Security Management, VM Security
Recommendations, VM-Specific Security Techniques, Summary.
Architectural Considerations, General Issues, Trusted Cloud Computing, Secure Execution Environments and
Communications, Micro architectures,, Identity Management and Access Control.
Energy Efficiency in clouds, 3rd party cloud services
13+5 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT) | Regulation 2016

Textbook (s)
1. Ronald L. Krutz and Russell Dean Vines, Cloud Security-A Comprehensive Guide to Secure Cloud
Computing, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd., 2013.

Reference (s)

1. Michael Miller, Cloud Computing: Web-Based Applications That Change the Way You Work and
Collaborate Online, Que Publishing, August 2008.
2. Haley Beard, Cloud Computing Best Practices for Managing and Measuring Processes for On-demand
Computing, Applications and Data Centers in the Cloud with SLAs, Emereo Pvt Limited, July 2008.
3. Rajkumar Buyya, Christian Vecchiola, Mastering Cloud Computing, McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd.,

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT) | Regulation 2016

16CSE011 Image Processing & Pattern Reorganization (Elective–IV)

Course Outcomes
1. Implement decision functions
2. Analyze tradeoffs involved in various classification techniques
3. Apply various dimensionality reduction methods whether through feature selection or feature
4. Develop model for solving problems in more specialized areas such as speech
5. Analyze classification problems probabilistically and estimate classifier performance.
6. Demonstrate methods for automatic training of classification systems.
Unit I
Origins of digital image processing, Applications of digital image processing, Fundamental steps of image
processing, components of an image processing of system. The image model and image acquisition, sampling
and quantization, relationship between pixels, distance functions, scanner. Transformation and Filtering-
Statistical and spatial operations, Intensity functions transformations, histogram processing, smoothing
&sharpening, spatial filters Frequency domain filters, homomorphic filtering, image filtering & restoration.
Inverse and weiner filtering, FIR weiner filter, filtering using image transforms, smoothing splines and
Intensity transformations, contrast stretching, histogram equalization, Correlation and convolution 12+4 Hours
Unit II
Image compression
Types and requirements, statistical compression, spatial compression, contour coding, quantizing compression,
image data compression-predictive technique, pixel coding, transfer coding theory, lossy and lossless predictive
type coding, Digital Image Water marking.Morphology- Morphological and other area operations, basic
morphological operations, opening and closing operations, dilation erosion, Hit or Miss transform,
morphological algorithms, extension to grey scale images.
Connected components, convex hull, thinning, thickening, skeletons, pruning, Geodesic Dilation, Erosion,
Reconstruction by dilation and erosion. 11+4 Hours
Unit III
Segmentation and Edge Detection
Detection of discontinuities, edge linking and boundary detection, thresholding, region based segmentation,
segmentation by morphological watersheds. Use of motion in segmentation. Representation and Description -
Chain codes, Polygonal approximation, Signature Boundary Segments, Skeletons, Boundary Descriptors,
Regional Descriptors, Relational Descriptors, Principal components for Description, Relational Descriptors.
Region-based segmentation, Watershed algorithm, Use of motion in segmentation. 11+4 Hours
Unit IV
Pattern Recognition Fundamentals
Basic Concepts of pattern recognition, Fundamental problems in pattern recognition system, design concepts
and methodologies, example of automatic pattern recognition systems, a simple automatic pattern
recognition model .Pattern classification- Pattern classification by distance function: Measures of similarity,
Clustering criteria, K-means algorithm, Pattern classification by likelihood function: Pattern classification as
a Statistical decision problem, Bayes classifier for normal patterns.
Application of Pattern Recognition Techniques in Bio-metric, Facial Recognition, IRIS, Finger Prints, etc.,
11+3 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. Rafel C.Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods, Digital Image Processing, 3rd Ed., Pearson Education, 2008.
2. Julus T. Tou, Rafel C.Gonzalez, Addision, Pattern Recognition Principles, 1st Ed., Wesley publishing
company, 2009.
Reference (s)
1. Millansonka, Vaclav Hiavac, Roger Boyle, Image Processing Analysis and Machine Vision, 3rd Ed., CL
Engineering, 2013.
2. Earl Gose, Richard Johnsonbaugh, Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, 1st Ed., Prentice Hall of
India Private limited, 2009.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT) | Regulation 2016

16CSE012 Social Networks and Semantic Web (Elective–IV)

Course Outcomes
1. Demonstrate the knowledge about www.
2. Illustrate about Social Networks.
3. Demonstrate semantic web.
4. Explain the role of ontology and inference engines in semantic web.
5. Develop semantic web applications with social network features.
6. Differentiate semantic web from other.
Unit I
The World Wide Web, Limitations of Today’s Web, The Next Generation Web, Development of semantic web,
Semantic Web Road Map, Logic on the semantic Web .
Social Network Analysis- What is networks analysis? Development of Social Networks Analysis, Key concepts
and measures in network analysis.
Thinking and Intelligent Web Applications, Information Age. 11+4 Hours
Unit II
Electronic Sources for Network Analysis
Electronic Discussion networks, Blogs and Online Communities, Web-based networks. Modeling and
aggregating social network data.
Knowledge Representation for the Semantic Web-Ontology’s and their role in the semantic web, Ontology’s
Languages for the Semantic Web –Resource Description Framework(RDF) / RDF Schema, Ontology Web
Language(OWL),UML,XML/XML Schema.
Semantic Road Map, Logic on the semantic Web. 11+4 Hours
Unit III
Modeling and aggregating social network data
State-of-art in network data representation, Ontological representation of social individuals, and Ontological
representation of social relationships, Aggregating and reasoning with social network data.
Developing social-semantic applications- Building Semantic Web Applications with social network features,
Flink: the social networks of the Semantic Web community, Open academia: distributed. Semantic based
publication management,
Data-driven Ontology Changes, Usage-driven Ontology Changes. 11+4 Hours
Unit IV
Evaluation of web-based social network extraction
Differences between survey methods and electronics data extraction, context of the empirical study, data
collection, preparing the data, optimizing goodness of fit, comparison across methods and networks, predicting
the goodness of fit, evaluation through analysis.
Semantic-based Social Network Analysis in the sciences Methodology, Data acquisition, Representation,
storage and reasoning, Visualization and Analysis, Results, Descriptive analysis, Structural and cognitive
effects on scientific performance,
Semantic Search Technology, Web Search Agents and Semantic Methods. 12+3 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. Peter Mika, Social Networks and the Semantic Web, Springer, 2007.
2. Berners Lee, Gödel and Turing, Thinking on the Web, Wiley interscience, 2008.
Reference (s)
1. J.Davies, RudiStuder, PaulWarren, Semantic Web Technologies, Trends and Research in Ontology
Based Systems, JohnWiley & Sons, 2006.
2. LiyangLuChapman and Hall, Semantic Web and Semantic Web Services, CRC Publishers, (Taylor &
Francis Group), 2007.
3. Heiner Stucken Schmidt and Frank Van Harmelen, Information Sharing on the semantic Web, Springer
Publications, 2005.
4. T.Segaran, C.Evans, J.Taylor, Programming the Semantic Web, O’Reilly, SPD, 2008.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GMRIT | Curriculum |
Regulation 2016

The Vision of GMRIT

 To be among the most preferred institutions for engineering and technological education
in the country
 An institution that will bring out the best from its students, faculty and staff–to learn, to
achieve, to compete and to grow–among the very best
 An institution where ethics, excellence and excitement will be the work religion, while
research, innovation and impact, the work culture

The Mission of GMRIT

 To turnout disciplined and competent engineers with sound work and life ethics
 To implement outcome based education in an IT–enabled environment
 To encourage all-round rigor and instill a spirit of enquiry and critical thinking among
students, faculty and staff
 To develop teaching, research and consulting environment in collaboration with industry
and other institutions

Programme Educational Objectives

1. Excel in their technical and professional carrier with the awareness of learning to learn,
critical thinking and research skills to solve Digital Electronics and Communication
problems with modern hardware and simulation tools.

2. Contemplate real life problems with ethical values, leadership qualities and effective
communication skill levels, design novel digital electronics and Communication products
that are technically sound, economically feasible, socially acceptable with Collaborative
and Multidisciplinary approach

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GMRIT | Curriculum |
Regulation 2016

Programme Outcomes
Graduate will be able to
PO1: Apply higher order thinking for enhancement of knowledge by acquiring in-depth knowledge
of Digital Electronics and Communication systems (Scholarship of Knowledge)
PO2: Analyze complex engineering problems critically and synthesize information independently
to make intellectual (or) create advances (Critical Thinking)
PO3: Think laterally and arrive at an optimal solution to engineering problems considering health
and environmental factors (Problem Solving)
PO4: Conduct research pertinent to unfamiliar problems individually/ in team to generate a new
scientific (or) technological knowledge (Research Skill)

PO5: Use modern Engineering and IT tools to solve complex Digital Electronics and
Communication system problems (Usage of modern tools)
PO6: Contribute effectively either individually (or) in group on collaborative multidisciplinary
scientific research tasks (Collaborative and Multidisciplinary work)
PO7: Manage projects efficiently by consideration of economical and financial factors(Project
Management and Finance)
PO8: Communicate effectively in writing, in personal presentation and in conversation of technical
project information (Communication)
PO9: Adapt lifelong learning skills to improve knowledge and competency (Life-long Learning)
PO10: Acquire professional ethics and contributing research outcomes for sustainable development
of society (Ethical Practices and Social Responsibility)
PO11: Adapt independent and reflective learning methods (Independent and Reflective Learning)

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GMRIT | Curriculum |
Regulation 2016

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Digital Electronics and Communication systems
[Minimum Credits to be earned: 72]

First Semester
No Course Code Course POs
1 16MEX101 Advanced Optimization Techniques 3,4 3 1 - 4
2 16DEC102 Advanced Digital Signal Processing 1,2,3,4,5 3 1 - 4
3 16DEC103 Digital System design 1,2,3,4,5 3 1 - 4
4 Elective I 3 1 - 4
5 Elective II 3 1 - 4
6 16DEC106 HDL Programming Laboratory 3,5,8,11 - 3 2
7 16DEC107 Term Paper 8,9,10,11 - - 2
Total 15 5 3 24
Second Semester
1 16DEC201 DSP Processors and Architectures 3,4,5 3 1 - 4
2 16CSE203 Soft Computing techniques 3, 5 3 1 - 4
3 16DEC203 Wireless communication & Networks 2,3,4 3 1 - 4
4 Elective III 3 1 - 4
5 Elective IV 3 1 - 4
6 16DEC206 Advanced Signal processing - 3 2
7 16DEC207 Comprehensive Viva 1,2,3,8,11 - - 2
Total 15 5 3 24
Third Semester
No Course Code Course POs
1 16DEC301 Internship 4,6,7,8 - - - 4
2 16DEC302 Project 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 - - - -
Total - - - 4
Fourth Semester
1 16DEC302 Project 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 - - - 20

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GMRIT | Curriculum |
Regulation 2016

List of Elective Courses

Elective I
No Course Code Course POs
1 16DEC001 Detection and Estimation of signals 1,2,3,4 3 1 - 4
2 16DEC002 Digital design through VERILOG 1,2,3,5 3 1 - 4
3 16DEC003 VLSI Technology and Design 1,2,3,5 3 1 - 4
Elective II
1 16DEC004 Coding theory and techniques 1,2,3,4,5 3 1 - 4
2 16DEC005 Digital data communications 1,2,3,4,5 3 1 - 4
3 16DEC006 Embedded and Real time systems 1,2,3,5 3 1 - 4
Elective III
1 16DEC007 Analog and Digital IC design 1,2,3,5 3 1 - 4
2 16DEC008 Radar Signal processing 1,2,3,4,5 3 1 - 4
3 16DEC009 Satellite communication systems 1,2,3,4,5 3 1 - 4
Elective IV
1 16DEC010 Optical communication and Networks 1,2,3,4,5 3 1 - 4
2 16DEC011 System modeling & simulation 2,3,5,6 3 1 - 4
3 16DEC012 VLSI Signal processing 3,45 3 1 - 4

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GMRIT | Curriculum |
Regulation 2016

16MEX101 Advanced Optimization Techniques

Course outcomes
1. Design of mechanical systems and interdisciplinary engineering applications and business solutions
using suitable optimization technique.
2. Apply numerical or iterative techniques in power systems for optimal power flow solutions.
3. Optimize the parameters in control systems for desired steady state or transient response.
4. Optimize the cost function in deciding economic factors of power systems.
5. Design of electrical systems optimally using suitable techniques like univariate method, steepest
descent method etc.
6. Design of electrical systems optimally using, steepest and descent method etc
Unit I
Linear programming and Assignment Problem
Linear programming-Two-phase simplex method, Big-M method, duality, interpretation, applications,
Assignment problem- Hungarian’s algorithm, Degeneracy, applications, unbalanced problems, traveling
salesman problem
Applications of assignment problems 11+4 Hours
Unit II
Classical and Numerical Optimization Techniques
Classical optimization techniques-Single variable optimization with and without constraints, multi–variable
optimization without constraints, multi–variable optimization with constraints–method of Lagrange multipliers,
Kuhn-Tucker conditions.
Numerical methods for optimization-Nelder Mead’s Simplex search method, Gradient of a function, Steepest
descent method, Newton’s method, types of penalty methods for handling constraints
Exterior penalty function method for handling constraint 11+4 Hours
Unit III
Genetic algorithm and Programming
Genetic algorithm (GA) -Differences and similarities between conventional and evolutionary algorithms,
working principle, reproduction, crossover, mutation, termination criteria, different reproduction and crossover
operators, GA for constrained optimization, draw backs of GA.
Genetic Programming (GP)-Principles of genetic programming, terminal sets, functional sets, differences
between GA & GP, random population generation, solving differential equations using GP
Solving differential equations using GP 12+4Hours

Unit IV
Multi-Objective GA
Multi-ObjPareto’s analysis, Non-dominated front, multi–objective GA, Non-dominated sorted GA, convergence
criterion, applications of multi-objective problems
Basic Problem solving using Genetic algorithm, Genetic Programming & Multi Objective GA and simple
applications of optimization for engineering systems
Simple applications of optimization for engineering systems
11+3 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. J. S. Arora, Introduction to Optimum Design, McGraw Hill International Ed., NY, 1989
2. K. Deb, Optimization for Engineering Design: Algorithms and Examples, 2nd Ed., PHI, 1995
3. S. S. Rao, Engineering Optimization: Theory and Practice, New Age International (P) Ltd., 2001
Reference (s)
1. D. E. Goldberg, Genetic Algorithms in Search and Optimization, Pearson publication, 1990
2. J. R. Koza, Genetic Programming, MIT Press, 1993
3. K. Deb, Multi-Objective Optimization Using Evolutionary Algorithms, Wiley, 2001

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GMRIT | Curriculum |
Regulation 2016

16DEC102 Advanced Digital Signal Processing

Course Outcomes
1. Illustrate the frequency analysis of the signal using DFT
2. Design IIR filter based on butterworth and chebyshev approximation
3. Design FIR filter for the noise reduction.
4. Distinguish between Decimation and interpolation
5. Analyze and estimate the finite word length effects in DSP systems
6. Apply the parametric and nonparametric methods for the estimation of power spectrum
Unit I
Discrete Fourier Transform
Properties of DFT, Linear Filtering methods based on the DFT, Overlap-save, Overlap -add methods, frequency
analysis of signals.Radix-2 FFT and Split- Radix FFT algorithms The Goertzel and Chirp Z transform
Radix-4 FFT Algorithms
12+3 Hours
Unit II
Design of IIR &FIR Filters
Design of IIR filters using Butterworth &Chebyshev approximations, frequency transformation techniques,
structures for IIR systems, cascade, parallel, lattice & lattice-ladder structures. Design FIR usingFourier series
method, Windowing techniques, design of digital filters based on least squares method, pade approximations,
least squares design, wiener filter methods, structures for FIR systems,cascade, parallel, lattice & lattice-ladder
Design of Llnear-Phase FIR Filters by the Frequency-Sampling method
11+4 Hours
Unit III
Multirate Signal Processing
Decimation by a factor D, Interpolation by a factor I , Sampling rate conversion by a rational factor I/D, Filter
design and Implementation for sampling rate conversion. Analysis of finite word length effects in fixed-point
DSP systems Fixed, Floating Point arithmetic ,ADC quantization noise and signal quality , Finite word length
effect in IIR digital Filter, Finite word-length effects in FFT algorithms
Multistage Implementation oi Sampling-Rate Conversion, Applications of Multirate signal Processing
11+4 Hours
Unit IV
Power Spectrum Estimation
Estimation of spectra from finite duration observation of signals, Non-parametric Methods. Bartlett, Welch,
Blackmann and Tukeymethods.Paramteric methods, Relation between auto correlation & model parameters,
Yule-Waker, Burg Methods, MA & ARMA models for power spectrum estimation.
Eigenanatysis Algorithms for Spectrum Estimation
11+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. J.G.Proakis&D.G.Manolokis, Digital Signal Processing-Principles, Algorithms Applications, PHI, 3rd
Edition 2007
2. Alan V Oppenheim & Ronald W Schaffer, Discrete Time signal processing, PHI,2nd Edition, 1998
3. Emmanuel C.Ifeacher Barrie. W. Jervis, DSP – A Pratical Approach, Pearson Education.
4. Monsoon H. Hayes, Stastical digital signal processing and modeling, USA, Wiley,1996.
1. S. M .Kay, Modern spectral Estimation techniques, PHI, 1997
2. DimitrisG.Manolakis, Vinay K. Ingle and Stephen M. Kogon, Statistical and adaptive signal
processing, Artech House, Inc 2005.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GMRIT | Curriculum |
Regulation 2016

16DEC103 Digital System Design

Course outcomes
1. Apply knowledge of digital systems, Sequential Circuit Design and design of digital logic circuits
2. Illustrate functionality of Sequential circuits and their design
3. Explain fault modeling and classes.
4. Apply knowledge of kohavi algorithm
5. Illustrate functionality of test pattern generation
6. Design the fault detection experiment

Unit I
Design of Digital Systems and Sequential Circuit Design
ASM charts, Hardware description language and control sequence method, Reduction of state tables, state
Design of Iterative circuits, design of sequential circuits using ROMs and PLAs, sequential circuit design using
Difference between VHDL and Verilog HDL 12+4 Hours

Unit II
Fault Modeling, Test Generation and Test Pattern Generation
Fault classes and models – Stuck at faults, bridging faults, transition and intermittent faults.
Fault diagnosis of Combinational circuits by conventional methods – Path Sensitization technique, Boolean
difference method, Kohavi algorithm.
D–Algorithm, PODEM, Random testing, transition count testing, Signature analysis and testing for bridging
Applications of test pattern generation
11+3 Hours

Unit III
Fault Diagnosis in Sequential Circuits and Programming Logic Arrays
State identification and fault detection experiment. Machine identification, Design of fault detection experiment.
Design using PLA’s, PLA minimization and PLA folding.
Effects of Folding on the PLA, Row and Column Folding 11+4 Hours

Unit IV
PLA Testing and Asynchronous Sequential Machine
Fault models, Test generation and Testable PLA design.
Fundamental mode model, flow table, state reduction, minimal closed covers, races, cycles and hazards.
Test generation algorithms for PLA’s 11+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. Z. Kohavi, Switching & finite Automata Theory, TMH, Second Edition, 2010.
2. N. N. Biswas, Logic Design Theory, PHI, 1993.
3. Nolman Balabanian, Bradley Calson, Digital Logic Design Principles, Wiley Student Edition, 2004.

1. M. Abramovici, M. A. Breues, A. D. Friedman, Digital System Testing and Testable Design, Jaico
Publications, 1994.
2. Charles H. Roth Jr, Fundamentals of Logic Design, 5th Edition, 2004.
3. Frederick. J. Hill & Peterson, Computer Aided Logic Design, Wiley, 4th Edition, 1993.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GMRIT | Curriculum |
Regulation 2016

16DEC106 HDL Programming Laboratory

Course Outcomes

1. Design and implement the fundamental digital logic circuits using Verilog HDL.
2. Make use of system level design.
3. Create the technology schematics based on the design.
4. Illustrate t design rule checks and timing parameters.
5. Explain the resources consumed by the design on FPGA.
6. Illusrtae the Interconnections during place and route.

List of Experiments
1. Digital Circuits Design (Sub-System Level) Description using Verilog and VHDL.
2. Verification of the Functionality of Designed Circuits using functional Simulator.
3. Timing simulation for critical path time calculation.
4. Synthesis Reports of top-order designed Digital circuits.
5. Place and Route techniques for major FPGA vendors such as Xilinx, Altera and Actel etc.
6. Implementation of Designed Digital Circuits using FPGA and CPLD devices

List of Mini-Projects1

1. Signed and Unsigned Multiplier Design

2. ALU Design
3. MAC Design

Reading Material(s)

1. T.R. Padmanabhan and B. Bala Tripura Sundari, Design through Verilog HDL, WSE, 2004.
2. Stephen. Brown and ZvonkoVranesic, Fundamentals of Logic Design with Verilog, TMH, 2005.
3. Michael D. Ciletti,Advanced Digital Design with Verilog HDL, PHI, 2005.
4. J. Bhaskar, A Verilog Primier, BSP, 2003.

Students shall opt any one of the Mini–Projects in addition to the regular experiments

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GMRIT | Curriculum |
Regulation 2016

16DEC201 DSP Processors and Architectures

Course outcomes
1. Apply DFT and FFT algorithms for DSP application
2. Apply the number format, dynamic range and various sources of errors in DSP system
3. Implement application programs on a DSP processor
4. Make use of TMS processors to implement various DSP algorithms
5. Utilize TMS320C54XX DSP device to implement FFT algorithms
6. Explain Interfaceing of various peripherals devices with TMS processors

Unit I
Introduction to Digital Signal Procesing
Introduction, The sampling process, discrete time sequences. Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), Fast Fourier
Transform (FFT), linear time invariant systems, Decimation and interpolation. Number formats for signals and
coefficients in DSP systems, Dynamic Range and Precision, Sources of error in DSP implementations, DSP
Computational errors, Compensating filter.
Finite word length effects in digital filters
10+3 Hours
Unit II
Architectural features of DSP devices
Basic Architectural features, DSP Computational Building Blocks, Bus Architecture and Memory, Data
Addressing Capabilities, Address Generation Unit, Programmability and Program Execution, Speed Issues,
Features for External interfacing. Hardware looping, Interrupts, Stacks, Relative Branch support, Pipelining and
Performance, Pipeline Depth, Interlocking, Branching effects, Interrupt effects and Pipeline Programming
Multiple acess memory, multiported memory
12+4 Hours
Unit III
TMS320C54XX Digital Signal Processors
Data Addressing modes of TMS320C54XX DSPs, Data Addressing modes of TMS320C54XX Processors,
Memory space of TMS320C54XX Processors, Program Control, TMS320C54XX instructions and
Programming, On-Chip Peripherals. Introduction, Types of interrupts, Pipeline Operation of TMS320C54XX
TMS320C54X Assembly language instructions
13+4 Hours
Unit IV
Implementation of FFT Algorithms and Interfacing techniques
An FFT Algorithm for DFT Computation, A Butterfly Computation, Overflow and scaling, Bit-Reversed index
generation, An 8-Point FFT implementation on the TMS320C54XX, Computation of the signal spectrum.
Memory space organization, External bus interfacing signals, Memory interface, Parallel I/O interface,
Programmed I/O, Interrupts and I/O, Direct memory access (DMA).
A CODEC Interface circuit
10+4 hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. Avtar Singh and S. Srinivasan, Digital Signal Processing, Thomson Publications, 2004.
2. Lapsley et al., DSP Processor Fundamentals, Architectures & Features, S. Chand & Co, 2000.

Reference (s)
1. B. Venkata Ramani and M. Bhaskar, Digital Signal Processors, Architecture, Programming and
Applications, TMH, 2004.
2. Jonatham Stein, Digital Signal Processing, John Wiley, 2005.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GMRIT | Curriculum |
Regulation 2016

16CSE203 Soft Computing Techniques

Course Outcomes
1. Identify and describe soft computing techniques and their roles in building intelligent machines.
2. Identify and apply supervised learning methods to different neural networks models for pattern
classification and regression problems.
3. Evaluate and apply unsupervised learning methods to different neural networks models for storing and
pattern classification.
4. Evaluate and implement the Support Vector Machines to classify objects in real time applications.
5. Apply fuzzy logic and reasoning to handle uncertainty and solve engineering problems.
6. Evaluate and compare solutions by various soft computing approaches for a given problem.

Unit I
Introduction to Soft Computing and Artificial Neural Networks
Introduction to soft computing, Fuzzy logic, Neural Networks and Evolutionary Computing, Approximations of
Multivariate functions, Non – linear Error surface and optimization.
Introduction to ANN, Basic models of ANN, important terminologies, Basic Learning Laws, Supervised
Learning Networks, Perceptron Networks, Adaptive Linear Neuron, Back propagation Network Radial basis
function network and Hopfield Networks.
Bi-directional associative memories. 11+3 Hours
Unit II
Unsupervised Learning Networks and Introduction to Classical Sets and Fuzzy Sets
Introduction, Fixed Weight Competitive Nets, Maxnet, Hamming Network, Kohonen Self-Organizing Feature
Maps, Learning Vector Quantization, Counter Propagation Networks, Adaptive Resonance Theory Networks.
Special Networks - Introduction to various networks.
Crisp Sets and Fuzzy Sets - operations. Classical Relations and Fuzzy Relations - Cardinality, Properties and
composition. Tolerance and equivalence relations. Membership functions- Features, Fuzzification, membership
value assignments, Defuzzification.
Simulated annealing network. 11+4 Hours
Unit III
Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithm
Classical& Fuzzy logic, Operations, Boolean Logic, Multivalued Logics, Fuzzy Rule Base and Approximate
Reasoning ,Fuzzy Decision making ,Fuzzy Logic Control Systems.
Introduction to GA, Traditional Optimization and search techniques, Search space, Operators: Encoding,
Selection, Crossover and Mutation. Stopping Condition of GA.
Fuzzy arithmetic and Fuzzy measures 11+4 Hours
Unit IV
Support Vector Machine and Applications of Soft Computing
Introduction, optimal hyper plane for linearly separable pattern, linear classifier, nonlinear classifier problem,
optimal plane for non-separable pattern, example XOR problem, and support vector machine for non-linear
regression, summary and discussion.
A fusion Approach of Multispectral Images with SAR Image for flood area analysis, Optimization of TSP using
GA Approach and GA-Fuzzy system for Control of flexible Robots.
Hybrid soft computing techniques 12+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. S N Sivanandam, S N Deepa, Principles of Soft Computing, Wiley India, 2011
2. V. Kecman, Learning and Soft computing, Pearson Education, India
Reference (s)
1. Fakhreddine O Karray, Clarence D Silva, Soft Computing and Intelligent System Design, Pearson
Edition, 2004.
2. Guanrong Chen, Trung Tat Pham, Chapman & Hall/CRC, Introduction to Fuzzy Systems, 2009.
3. S. Haykins, Neural networks: a comprehensive foundation, Pearson Education, India.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GMRIT | Curriculum |
Regulation 2016

16DEC203 Wireless Communications and Networks

Course outcomes
1. Illustrate the techniques like frequency reuse, cell splitting, sectoring in wireless systems to improve
the coverage and capacity
2. Distinguish between various multiple access techniques such as TDMA, FDMA, CDMA
3. Explain trafiic routing in wireless networks
4. Identify the importance of mobile IP in wireless systems
5. Illustrate the applications of wireless LAN
6. Outine Bluetooth protocol stack

Unit I
Wireless Communications and System Fundamentals
Introduction to wireless communications systems, example systems. Cellular concepts-frequency reuse,
strategies, interference and system capacity, trunking and grade of service, improving coverage &capacity in
cellular systems. Multiple access techniques-FDMA, TDMA, SSMA (FHMA/CDMA/Hybrid techniques),
SDMA, Packet radio access-protocols, capture effect in packet radio, capacity of cellular systems.
Digital celleular systems
Unit II
Wireless Networking and Mobile Data services
Introduction, differences in wireless and fixed telephone networks, traffic routing in wireless networks –circuit
switching, packet switching, X.25 protocol. Common channel signaling (CCS), Signaling System no.7 (SS7)-
protocols, network services part, user part, signaling traffic, services & performance. Mobile data networks-
Introduction, Data oriented CDPD Network, GPRS and higher data rates, Short messaging service in GSM,
Mobile application protocol.
Personal Communication services/networks
11+3 Hours
Unit III
Mobile IPAnd Wireless Application Protocol
Mobile IP-Operation of mobile IP, Co-located address, Registration, Tunneling, WAP Architectural overview,
WML and WML scripts, WAP Environment, Wireless session protocol, Wireless transaction protocol, Wireless
datagram protocol.
Message authentication
11+4 Hours
Unit IV
Wireless LAN and Bluetooth
Infrared LANs, Spread spectrum LANs, Narrow band and microwave LANs, IEEE 802 protocol Architecture,
IEEE 802.11 architecture and services, IEEE 802.11 medium access control, IEEE 802.11 physical layer.
Bluetooth Overview, Radio specification, Base band specification, Link manager protocol, Logical link control
and adaptation protocol.
Wi-Fi protected access
11+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. William Stallings, Wireless Communication and Networking, PHI, 2003.
2. Theodore, S. Rappaport, Wireless Communications, Principles, Practice, PHI, 2nd Edition, 2002.

1. KavehPahLaven and P. Krishna Murthy, Principles of Wireless Networks, Pearson Education, 2002.
2. GottapuSasibhushanRao, Mobile Cellular communication, Pearson publishers, 2013.
3. Viswanath, Fundamentals of wireless communications, Cambridge University press, 2005.
4. Feher, Wireless digital communications, PHI, 1999.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GMRIT | Curriculum |
Regulation 2016

16DEC206 Advanced Signal Processing Laboratory

Course outcomes
1. Illustrate and generate the various discrete time signals in time domain
2. Design and analyze the IIR and FIR filters for the various specifications
3. Make use of Image Enhancement in spatial domain and Frequency Domain
4. Detect the edges of an image using various derivative operators
5. Apply various image transforms for image compression
6. Apply various morphological Operations on an image

The students are required to simulate the following experimental parts on the MATLAB environment by
consider the relevant application based examples.

Part-1: Digital Signal Processing

1. Discrete-time Signals in the time domain.

2. z-Transforms and inverse z-Transforms.
3. Properties of Discrete Fourier Transform
4. FIR Filter Design.
5. IIR Filter Design.
6. Adaptive Filtering using LMS algorithm

Part-2: Image Processing

1. Generation of histogram of an image

2. Image Enhancement in spatial domain
3. Image Enhancement in Frequency Domain.
4. Image segmentation using Edge detection
5. Image Compression using DCT
6. Morphological Operations

List of Mini-Projects 2

1. Speech analysis based on FFT

2. Denoising of ECG signal using filtering techniques
3. Transform based ECG signal Analysis
4. Image denoising using various filtering techniques and wavelet transforms

Reading Material (s)

1. Sanjit K.Mitra, Digital Signal Processing, Tata Mc Graw Hill publishers, 3rd Edition, 2009
2. John G. Proakis, Dimitris, G.Manolakis , Digital Signal Processing, Principles, Algorithms, and
Applications: Pearson Education / PHI, 4th Edition, 2013.
3. Rafel C.Gonzalez, Richard E.woods, Steven L.Eddins, Digital Image Processing using MATLAB,
Prentice Hall of India, 2004

Students shall opt any one of the Mini–Projects in addition to the regular experiments

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GMRIT | Curriculum |
Regulation 2016

16DEC001 Detection and Estimation of Signals (Elective–I)

Course Outcomes
1. Illustrate curve of the data sample even in the noisy environment. This will ensure better estimation
with respect to actual data sample.
2. Illustrate the spectral behavior of any practical signal and will be able to estimate many vital statistical
3. analyse features for real time signal processing.
4. estimate and detect the instantaneous frequency of the non-stationary signals (radar, speech, bio-
medical and power) even under noisy condition from the phase angle.
5. estimate and detect the presence of radar signal buried in the nose using some advanced algorithm.
6. Apply different filtering methods like KF, EKF, and UKF in the applications like Air traffic control,
satellite application and estimation of position & velocity in flight.
Unit I
Discrete-Time Signal Analysis
Fourier Transform of a discrete time signal. Amplitude and phase spectrum.Frequency content and sampling
rates. Transfer function. Frequency response.
Random–Discrete-Time Signals, Review of probability , Random data ,Generation of Pseudo-random noise
Density Shaping
12+3 Hours
Unit II
Detection of Signals in Noise
Filtered Random Signal, Autocorrelation and power spectral density, Sampling band, Limited random signals.
Minimum probability of Error Criterion, Neyman–Person criterion for Radar detection of constant amplitude
Radar detection of constant amplitude signals and variable amplitude signals.
11+4 Hours
Unit III
Estimation of Signals in Noise
Detection Of Variable Amplitude Signals, Matched filters. Optimum formulation, Detection of Random signals,
Simple problems with multisample cases.
Linear mean squared estimation – Bays Estimators: Non linear estimates, MLP and ML estimates, Maximum
likelihood estimate of parameters of linear system.
Simple Problems of likelihood estimation
11+4 Hours
Unit IV
Recursive Linear Mean Squared Estimation
Estimation of a signal parameter. Estimation of time-varying signals–Kalman filtering–Filtering signals in noise
Treatment restricted to two variable cases only.
Extended and unscented Kalman Filtering.
Applications of Kalman filtering
11+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. Mischa Schwartz and Leonard Shaw, Signal processing: Discrete Spectral analysis, Detection and
Estimation,Mc-Graw Hill Book Company, 1975.

Reference (s)
1. E.L. Van Trees, Detection, Estimation and Modulation Theory, Wiley, New York, 1968.
2. Shanmugam and Breipohl, Detection of signals in noise and estimation, John Wiley & Sons, New
York, 1985.
3. Srinath, Rajasekaran&Viswanathan, Introduction to statistical Signal processing with
Applications,Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi,1989.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GMRIT | Curriculum |
Regulation 2016

16DEC002 Digital design through VERILOG (Elective–I)

Course Outcomes
1. Illustrate the importance of EDA tools and VLSI designs
2. Design and implement the fundamental digital logic circuits using Verilog HDL
3. Explain the system level design and related concepts.
4. Design and Implement the digital designs against timing parameters
5. Apply knowledge of drawing SM charts
6. Create the basic awareness on FPGA and CPLD architectures.
Unit I
Introduction to Verilog, Language Constructs & Conventions and Gate Level Modeling
Verilog as HDL, Levels of Design Description, Concurrency, Simulation and Synthesis, Functional Verification,
System Tasks, Programming Language Interface (PLI), Module, Simulation and Synthesis Tools, Test Benches.
Introduction, Keywords, Identifiers, White Space Characters, Comments, Numbers, Strings, Logic Values,
Strengths, Data Types, Scalars and Vectors, Parameters, Memory, Operators, System Tasks, Exercises.
Introduction, AND Gate Primitive, Module Structure, Other Gate Primitives, Illustrative Examples, Tri-State
Gates, Array of Instances of Primitives, Additional Examples, Design of Flip flops with Gate Primitives,
Delays, Strengths and Contention Resolution, Net Types, Design of Basic Circuits, Exercises.
VLSI Design, ASIC Design Flow 12+4 Hours
Unit II
Behavioral Modeling, Modeling at Data Flow Level and Switch Level Modeling

Introduction, Operations and Assignments, Functional Bifurcation, Initial Construct, Always Construct,
Examples, Assignments with Delays, Wait construct, Multiple Always Blocks, Designs at Behavioral Level,
Blocking and Non blocking Assignments, The case statement, Simulation Flow. iƒ and iƒ-else constructs,
assign-deassign construct, repeat construct, for loop, the disable construct, while loop, forever loop, parallel
blocks, force-release construct, Event.
Introduction, Continuous Assignment Structures, Delays and Continuous Assignments, Assignment to Vectors,
Introduction, Basic Transistor Switches, CMOS Switch, Bi-directional Gates, Time Delays with Switch
Primitives, Instantiations with Strengths and Delays, Strength Contention with Trireg Nets, Exercises.
Fork-Join construct 11+3 Hours
Unit III
System Tasks, Functions, Compiler Directives, Functions & Tasks, User-Defined Primitives and
Digital Design with SM Charts
Introduction, Parameters, Path Delays, Module Parameters, System Tasks and Functions, File-Based Tasks and
Functions, Compiler Directives, Hierarchical Access, General Observations, Exercises,
Introduction, Function, Tasks, User- Defined Primitives (UDP), FSM Design (Moore and Mealy Machines)
State Machine Charts, Derivation of SM Charts, Realization of SM Charts, Implementation of the Dice Game,
Alternative realizations for SM Charts using Microprogramming, Linked State Machines.
Design of Finite State Machines 11+4 Hours
Unit IV
Designing with Programmable Gate Arrays and Complex Programmable Logic Devices, Verilog
Xilinx 3000 Series FPGAs, Designing with FPGAs, Using a One-Hot State Assignment, Altera Complex
Programmable Logic Devices (CPLDs), Altera FLEX 10K Series CPLDs.Static RAM Memory, A simplified
486 Bus Model, Interfacing Memory to a Microprocessor Bus, UART Design, Design of Microcontroller CPU.
Xilinx 4000 Series
11+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GMRIT | Curriculum |
Regulation 2016

Textbook (s)
1. T.R. Padmanabhan and B. Bala Tripura Sundari, Design through Verilog HDL, WSE, 2004.
2. J. Bhaskar, A Verilog Primier, BSP, 2003.

Reference (s)
1. Stephen. Brown and ZvonkoVranesic, Fundamentals of Logic Design with Verilog, TMH, 2005.
2. Charles H Roth, Digital Systems Design using VHDL, Thomson Publications, 2004.
3. Michael D. Ciletti,Advanced Digital Design with Verilog HDL, PHI, 2005.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GMRIT | Curriculum |
Regulation 2016

16DEC003 VLSI Technology and Design (Elective–I)

Course outcomes
1. Identify the issues related to the IC Fabrication Process.
2. Explain the design of better devices with IC technology
3. Make use of circuit characterization and performance estimation.
4. Apply the concepts of Logic Gates, Combinational and Sequential networks to design the better.
5. Apply design rules for better layouts
6. Illustrate concepts of floor planning and Routing.

Unit I
Introduction to MOS Technologies & MOS Circuits
MOS, CMOS, Bi CMOS Technology trends and projections. MOS Fabrication Processes.Ids-Vds relationships,
Threshold voltage Vt, Gm, Gds and Wo, Pass Transistor, MOS, CMOS& Bi CMOS Inverters, Zpu/Zpd, MOS
Transistor circuit model, Latch-up in CMOS circuits.
Channel length modulation, mobility degradation 11+3 Hours

Unit II
Circuit Characterisation and Performance Estimation & Logic Gates
Resistance estimation - Capacitance estimation, Inductance - Switching characteristics,Transistor sizing - Power
dissipation and design margining ,Charge sharing - Scaling.
Static complementary gates, switch logic-pass transistor and transmission gate logic, Alternative gate circuits.
Energy Delay optimization 12+4 Hours

Unit III
Combinational Logic Networks & Sequential Systems
Layouts, Simulation, Network delay, interconnect design, power optimization, Switch logic networks, Gate and
Network testing.
Memory cells and Arrays, clocking disciplines, Design, power optimization, Design validation and testing.
True Single Phase Clock (TSPC) Latches and Flip-Flops 11+4 Hours

Unit IV
Layout Design, Floor Planning & Routing
Stick Diagrams, Scalable Design rules, Layout Design tools. Floor Planning concepts, Shape functions and
Floorplan sizing, Types of Local Routing problems ,Area routing , Channel routing , Global routing ,
Algorithms for Global Routing
Micron based design rules 11+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours

Textbook (s)
1. K. Eshraghian et al , Essentials of VLSI Circuits and Systems, PHI of India Ltd., 2005
2. Wayne Wolf, Modern VLSI Design, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, fifth Indian Reprint, 2005.

Reference (s)
1. N.H.E Weste, K.Eshraghian, Principals of CMOS Design, Adison Wesley, 2nd Edition, 1993
2. Fabricius, Introduction to VLSI Design, MGH International Edition, 1990.
3. Baker, Li Boyce, CMOS Circuit Design, Layout and Simulation, PHI, 2004.
4. D. Shugard J. Fishburn and K. Keutzer, Algorithms and Techniques for VLSI Layout Synthesis, Kluwer
Academic Publishers, 1989.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GMRIT | Curriculum |
Regulation 2016

16DEC004 Coding Theory and techniques (Elective–II)


Course outcomes
1. Illustrate and explain the basic concepts of information theory, source coding, channel and channel
capacity, channel coding and relation among them.
2. Relate the joint, conditional, and marginal entropies of variables in terms of their coupled probabilities.
3. Define channel capacities and properties using Shannon's Theorems.
4. Design the encoder and decoder of block code or convolutional code.
5. Demonstrate how error control coding techniques are applied in communication systems.
6. Construct efficient codes for data on communication channels.
Unit I
Information Theory and Error control codes
Entropy, Information rate, source coding: Shannon-Fano and Huffman coding techniques, Mutual Information,
Channel capacity of Discrete Channel, Shannon- Hartley law, Trade-off between bandwidth and SNR.
Examples of the use of error control codes, basic notions, Characterization of Error control codes performance
of error control codes,
Comparison of uncoded and coded systems 12+3 Hours

Unit II
Linear block codes and cyclic codes
Linear block Codes and their properties, standard arrays, Syndromes, Weight Distribution. Error
Detection/Correction Properties, Modified Linear block codes.
Cyclic Codes: General theory, Shift Register Implementations, Shortened Cyclic codes
CRCs for Error Detection.
11+4 Hours
Unit III
Finite Fields
Groups, Rings, Fields Properties of finite Fields, Extension Fields, Polynomials over Finite Fields, Minimal
Polynomials, Conjugates.
BCH and RS Codes: Algebraic Description, Frequency Domain Description,
Decoding Algorithms for BCH and RS Codes.
11+4 Hours
Unit IV
Convolution Codes
Convolution encoders, structural properties of convolution codes, Trellis Diagrams, Viterbi Algorithm,
Performance Analysis.
Applications: Concatenated Codes, Interleavers, The Compact Disc
Codes for Magnetic recording.

11+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. Stephen B.Wicker, Error Control Systems for Digital Communication and storage, Prentice Hall, 1995
2. Bernard Sklar, Digital communications: Fundamentals and applications, Prentice Hall, 2nd Edition, 2001.
3. Simon Haykin, Communication Systems, 4thEdition, John Wiley & Sons, 2001.

Reference (s)
1. Salvatore Gravano, Introduction to error control codes, Oxford University press, 2001.
2. John G.Proakis, Digital communication, 4thEdition, McGraw Hill, 2001.
3. R.P.Singh,S.D.Sapre, Communication systems, 2nd Edition, MGH, 2008.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GMRIT | Curriculum |
Regulation 2016

16DEC005 Digital data Communications (Elective–II)

Course outcomes
1. Design, develop and maintain any kind of advanced communication systems.
2. Develop wireless communication systems and also work with satellite communication systems using
different multiplexing techniques like tdm, fdm and wdm.
3. Explain data link control and data link protocols.
4. Make use of error detection and correction techniques in advanced communication systems
5. Use the data communication systems and technology in real life applications
6. Illustrate the application services like wireless LAN.
Unit I
Digital Modulation Techniques and Data Communications
FSK, MSK, BPSK, QPSK, 8-PSK, 16-PSK, 8- QAM, 16- QAM, Band width efficiency carrier recovery, DPSK,
clock recovery, Probability of error and bit error rate.
Data Communications: Circuits- Serial, Parallel configuration, Topology, Transmission modes, two wire verses
Four wire operation, Data communication codes- Baudot, ASCII code, EBCDIC code, and Bar code, Error
Control – Detection and Correction, synchronization- Character synchronization, LCU.
Evolution of optical communication, effects of light propagation through OFC.
12+3 Hours
Unit II
Serial and Parallel Interfaces
Telephone Networks and Circuits, Data modems- Asynchronous Modems, Synchronous Modems, modem
synchronization, Low speed Modems, Medium and High speed Modems, Modem control-The AT command
Set, CCITT, Data Communication Protocols, Character and block Mode, Asynchronous and Synchronous
Protocols, public Data Networks, ISDN.
Modem block diagram, error control, data link layer protocols
11+4 Hours
Unit III
Local Area Networks and Digital Multiplexing

Token ring, Ethernet, Traditional, Fast and GIGA bit Ethernet.

TDM, T1 carrier, CODECS, COMBO CHIPS, North American Hierarchy, Line Encoding, T-carrier, Frame
Synchronization Inter Leaving Statistical TDM FDM, Hierarchy, Wave Division Multiplexing.
Pulse Modulation, Pulse code Modulation, digital line encoding, synchronous optical network, the Inverse
Square Law
11+4 Hours
Unit IV
Wireless LANS and Multi Media

IEEE 802.11 Architecture Layers, Addressing, Blue Tooth Architecture Layers, l2 Cap, Other Upper Layers
Digitalizing Video and Audio Compression Streaming Stored and Live Video and Audio, Real Time Interactive
Video and Audio, VOIP
Telnet, internet protocol version (IPV6, ICMPV6)
11+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours

Textbook (s)
1. W. Tomasi, Electronic communication systems, fundamentals through advanced, Pearson publishers ,
5th Edition, 2001
2. Behrouz A Forouzan, Data Communications and Networking, TMH, 4th Edition, 2007
Reference (s)
1. William Stallings, Wireless communication and networking , PHI, 2003

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GMRIT | Curriculum |
Regulation 2016

16DEC006 Embedded and Real Time Systems (Elective–II)

Course outcomes
1. Define many issues involved with embedded systems.
2. Classify different Real-Time Operating System concepts.
3. Apply Program using system calls in ID Environment.
4. Build an embedded system with tasks and executive.
5. Make use of tools to build an embedded real-time system.
6. Outline the implementation of a small embedded system effectively.

Unit I
Embedded systems over view, design challenges, processor technology, Design technology, Trade-offs. Single
purpose processors, RT-level combinational logic, sequential logic (RTlevel),custom purpose processor
design(RT -level), optimizing custom single purpose
processors.General Purpose Processors - Basic architecture, operations, programmer’s view, development
environment, Application specific Instruction –Set processors (ASIPs)-Micro controllers and Digital signal
Application of Embedded systems design.
11+3 Hours
Unit II
State Machine and Concurrent Process Models and Communication Processes

Introduction, models Vs Languages, finite state machines with data path model (FSMD), program state machine
model(PSM, concurrent process model, concurrent processes, communication among processes, synchronization
among processes, Implementation, data flow model, real-time systems.Communication Processes – Need for
communication interfaces, RS232/UART, RS422/RS485, USB, Infrared, IEEE1394 Firewire, Ethernet, IEEE
802.11, Blue tooth.
Existed embedded project implementation with the models.
10+4 Hours
Unit III
Introduction to Real Time Systems and Programming Languages And Tools

Introduction, Issues in Real Time Computing, Structure of a Real Time System, Task classes, Performance
Measures for Real Time Systems, Estimating Program Run Times. Task Assignment and Scheduling – Classical
uniprocessor scheduling algorithms, Uniprocessor scheduling of IRIS tasks, Task assignment, Mode changes,
and Fault Tolerant Scheduling.
Programming Languages and Tools – Desired language characteristics, Data typing, Control structures,
Facilitating Hierarchical Decomposition, Packages, Run – time (Exception) Error handling, Overloading and
Generics, Multitasking, Low level programming, Task Scheduling, Timing Specifications, Programming
Environments, Run – time support.
C and C++ Programming with Visual C basic concepts.
15+5 Hours
Unit IV
Real Time Databases and Design Technology
Real time Database, Basic Definition, Real time Vs General Purpose Databases, Main Memory Databases,
Transaction priorities, Transaction Aborts, Concurrency control issues, Disk Scheduling Algorithms, Two –
phase Approach to improve Predictability, Maintaining Serialization Consistency, and Databases for Hard Real
Time Systems. Automation, Synthesis, parallel evolution of compilation and synthesis, Logic synthesis, RT
synthesis, Behavioral Synthesis, Systems Synthesis and Hard ware/Software Co-Design, Verification,
Hardware/Software co-simulation, Reuse of intellectual property codes.
DBMS concept, Simulation tools
9+3 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GMRIT | Curriculum |
Regulation 2016

Textbook (s)
1. Frank Vahid, Tony D.Givargis,John Wiley & Sons,Embedded System Design-A Unified
2. Introduction, Wiley, Inc.2002.
3. KVKK prased, Embedded/Real Time Systems, Dreamtech press, 2005.
4. Krishna. C. M, Kang. G, Shin, Real Time Systems, McGraw Hill, 2003.

Reference (s)

1. Herma. K, Real Time Systems–Design for distributed Embedded Applications, Kluwer Academic,
2. Charles Crowley, Operating Systems-A Design Oriented approach, McGraw Hill, 2004.
3. Raymond J.A.Bhur, Donald L.Bailey, An Introduction to Real Time Systems, PHI 200

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GMRIT | Curriculum |
Regulation 2016

16DEC007 Analog and Digital IC Design (Elective–III)

Course Outcomes
1. Design and implement the fundamental analog IC blocks
2. Demonstrate the internal circuits and topologies of Opamp
3. Analyze the PLL and switched capacitors
4. Demonstrate the Verilog models for combinational and sequential circuits
5. Demonstrate digital integrated circuits building blocks
6. Explain the internal structures of ADC and DAC
Unit I
Current Mirrors, Single Stage Amplifiers and Operational Amplifiers
Simple COMS, BJT current mirror, Cascode, Wilson and Widlar current mirrors. Common Source amplifier
source follower, common gate amplifier.General considerations one – state op-amps, two stage opamps-gains
boosting stage- comparison I/P range limitations slew rate.
Folded cascode opamp
11+4 Hours
Unit II
Comporators and Swithched Capacitors Circuits
Using an op-amp for a comparator, charge injection error- latched Comparator,Basic Building blocks op-amps
capacitors switches, non-over lapping clocks, Basic operations and analysis-resistor equivalence of la switched
capacitor- parasitic sensitive integrator parasitic insensitive integrators signal flow graph analysis-First order
filters- switch sharing fully differential filters.
Examples of Bipolar comparators 11+4Hours

Unit III
Combinational and Sequential IC Design by Using Verilog, Logic Families
VERILOG modeling for decoders, encoders, multiplexers, adders and subtractors. VERILOG modeling for
latches, flip flops, counters, shift registers, FSMs.
COMS, TTL, ECL, logic families COMS / TTL- interfacing and comparison of logic families.
Low power issues in BiCMOS logic families
11+4 Hours
Unit IV
Digitalintegraded systembuilding Blocks, DAC and ADCs
Multiplexers, decoders, barrel shifters, counters and digital single bit adders.Decoder based converter resistor
storing converters folded resistor string converter, Binary scale converters ,Binary weighted resistor converters –
Reduced resistance ratio ladders, R-2R based converters, Thermometer code current mode D/A
converters.Integrating converters, successive approximation converters. DAC based successive approximation,
flash converters time interleaved A/D converters.
Hybrid Converters
12+3 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. David A Johns, Ken Martin, Analog Integrated circuit Design,John Wiley & Sons.1996.
2. Behzad Razavi, Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits, TMH,2003
2. Ken Martin, Digital Integrated Circuit Design, Oxford University 2000.
3. John F Wakerly, Digital Design Principles & Practices ,Pearson Education & Xilinx Design Series,3rd
4. Edition, 2002.
Reference (s)
1. Ken Martin Digital Integrated Circuit Design,Oxford University, 2000.
2. John F Wakerly, Digital Design Principles & Practices, Pearson Education & Xilinx Design Series, 3rd
Edition, 2002.
3. Samir Palnitkar, Verylog HDL-A Guide to Digital Design and Synthesis, Prentice Hall India, 2002.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GMRIT | Curriculum |
Regulation 2016

16DEC008 Radar Signal Processing (Elective–III)

Course outcomes
1. Illustrate the operation of CW, FM-CW, MTI and Pulse Doppler radar
2. Outline the range ambiguities and various system losses
3. Explain parameters of radar receivers like noise figure, noise temperature
4. Design matched filter to detect the signals in noise environment
5. Derive the ambiguity function
6. Design the different types pulse compression coded waveforms
Unit I
Radar Block Diagram, Radar Range Equation, Information Available from Radar Echo. Review of Radar Range
Performance – General Radar Range Equation, Radar Detection with Noise Jamming, Beacon and Repeater
Equations, Bistatic Radar.
ECM, ECCM 12+3 Hours
Unit II
Detection of Radar Signals in Noise
Matched Filter Receiver – Impulse Response, Frequency Response Characteristic and its Derivation, Matched
Filter and Correlation Function, Correlation Detection and Cross-Correlation Receiver. Efficiency of Non-
Matched Filters, Matched Filter for Non-White Noise, Detection Criteria – Neyman-Pearson Observer,
Likelihood-Ratio Receiver, Inverse Probability Receiver, Sequential Observer. Detectors –Envelope Detector,
Logarithmic Detector, I/Q Detector. Automatic Detection - CFAR Receiver, Cell Averaging CFAR Receiver,
CFAR Loss, CFAR Uses in Radar.
Radar Signal Management 11+4 Hours

Unit III
Waveform Selection
Radar Ambiguity Function and Ambiguity Diagram – Principles and Properties; Specific Cases – Ideal Case,
Single Pulse of Sine Wave, Periodic Pulse Train, Single Linear FM Pulse, Noise like Waveforms. Waveform
Design Requirements, Optimum Waveforms for Detection in Clutter.
Family of Radar Waveforms 11+4 Hours

Unit IV
Pulse Compression in Radar Signals
Introduction, Significance, Types. Linear FM Pulse Compression – Block Diagram, Characteristics, Reduction
of Time Sidelobes, Stretch Techniques, Generation and Decoding of FM Waveforms – Block Schematic and
Characteristics of Passive System, Digital Compression, SAW Pulse Compression. Phase Coding Techniques :
Principles, Binary Phase Coding, Barker Codes, Maximal Length Sequences (MLS/LRS/PN), Block Diagram of
a Phase Coded CW Radar. Poly Phase Codes: Frank Codes, Costas Codes, Non-Linear FM Pulse Compression,
Basics of Nonlinear Binary Phase Coded Sequences, Complementary Codes.
Huffman Codes, Concatenated Barker Codes 11+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. M.I. Skolnik, Radar Handbook, McGraw Hill, 2nd Edition. 1991.
2. Fred E. Nathanson, Radar Design Principles – Signal Processing and the Environment, PHI, 2nd
Edition, 1999.
3. NadavLevanon and Eli Mozeson, Radar Signals, John Wiley & Sons, 2004
4. Bassem R. Mahafza, Radar Systems Analysis and Design Using MATLAB, Chapman & Hall/CRC,
Reference (s)
1. M.I. Skolnik, Introduction to Radar Systems, TMH, 3rd Edition, 2001
2. Z. Peebles Jr, Radar Principles, Peyton John Wiley, 2004.
3. R. Nitzberg, Radar Signal Processing and Adaptive Systems, Artech House, 1999
4. F.E. Nathanson& Nelson Morgan, Radar Design Principles, McGraw Hill, 1st Ed., 1969.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GMRIT | Curriculum |
Regulation 2016

16DEC009 Satellite Communication Systems (Elective–III)


Course Outcomes
1. Identify the location of satellite in the orbit and assess the orbital effects on satellite communications
2. Illustrate the functioning of attitude and orbit control system, Telemetry, tracking and command, Power
Systems, Communication Subsystems, Spacecraft antennas and TDMA, FDMA and CDMA techniques
3. Develop and verify link budget calculations
4. illustrate the generation of PN sequence and the concepts of direct sequence spread spectrum and
frequency hopping spread spectrum
5. explain the earth station technology and satellite orbits
6. Analyze the concepts of GPS.

Unit I
Origin of Satellite Communications, Historical Back-ground, Basic Concepts of Satellite Communications,
Frequency allocations for Satellite Services, Applications, Future Trends of Satellite Communications. Orbital
mechanics and launchers:Orbital Mechanics, Look Angle determination, Orbital perturbations, Orbit
determination, launches and launch vehicles, Orbital effects in communication systems performance.
Drift with a geostationary satellite, Doppler shift for a LEO Satellite
12+3 Hours
Unit II
Satellite Subsystems
Attitude and orbit control system, telemetry, tracking, Command and monitoring, power systems,
communication subsystems, Satellite antenna Equipment reliability and Spacequalification.Satellite link
design:Basic transmission theory, system noise temperature and G/T ratio, Design of down links, up link design,
Design of satellite links for specified C/N, System design example.
Satellite Antennas in Practice, Rain Attenuation at Ku Band.
11+4 Hours
Unit III
Multiple Access Techniques
Frequency division multiple access (FDMA) Intermodulation, Calculation of C/N.Time division Multiple
Access (TDMA) Frame structure, Examples. Satellite Switched TDMA Onboardprocessing, DAMA, Code
Division Multiple access (CDMA), Spread spectrum transmission and reception.Earth station
technology:Introduction, Transmitters, Receivers, Antennas, Tracking systems,Terrestrial interface, Primary
power test methods.
Random Access, Packet radio System 11+4 Hours

Unit IV
Low Earth orbit and Geo-Stationary Satellite Systems
Orbit consideration, coverage and frequency considerations, Delay & Throughput considerations, System
considerations, Operational NGSOconstellationDesigns.Satellite navigation & the global positioning
system:Radio and Satellite Navigation,GPS Position Location principles, GPS Receivers and codes, Satellite
signal acquisition, GPS Navigation Message, GPS signal levels, GPS receiver operation, GPS C/A code
accuracy, Differential GPS.
VSAT System, Radio and Satellite navigation.
11+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. Timothy Pratt, Charles Bostian and Jeremy Allnutt, Satellite Communications, WSE, Wiley
Publications, 2nd Edition, 2003.
2. Wilbur L. Pritchard, Robert A Nelson and Henri G.Suyderhoud, Satellite Communications
Engineering, 2nd Edition, Pearson Publications, 2003.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GMRIT | Curriculum |
Regulation 2016

Reference (s)
1. M. Richharia, Satellite Communications: Design Principles, BS Publications, 2nd Edition, 2003.
2. D.C Agarwal, Satellite Communication, Khanna Publications, 5th Ed.
2. G S Rao, Global Navigation satellite systems, Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Ltd., New Delhi
3. K.N. Raja Rao, Fundamentals of Satellite Communications, PHI, 2004
4. Dennis Roddy, Satellite Communications, McGraw Hill, 2nd Edition, 1999

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GMRIT | Curriculum |
Regulation 2016

16DEC010 Optical Communication and Networks (Elective–IV)

Course outcomes
1. Apply knowledge of mathematics to solve numerical based on step index and graded index fibers
pertaining to MSI and MGI, SMSI.
2. Analyze the performance of LASERS, LEDS, and Photodiodes.
3. Make use of fiber cabling and installation.
4. Identify the necessity of various components used in optical networks.
5. Design various types of optical networks like SONET etc.
6. Illustrate the components of fibre optic networks
Unit I
Overview of Optical Fiber Communications & Optical Fibers
The evolution of fiber optic systems, elements of an optical fiber transmission link. Advantages of optical fiber
communication, applications.OpticalFibers:structures, wave guiding, Nature of light, Basic optical laws and
definitions, optical fiber modes and configurations (Fiber types, Rays and modes, step index and graded index
fibers). mode theory of circular waveguides.
Network applications of advanced optoelectronic circuits and optical signal processing 12+3 Hours

Unit II
Optical Sources & Photo Detectors
LEDs, structures, quantum efficiency, modulation capability, Laser diodes: Laser diodes and threshold
conditions, external quantum efficiency resonant frequencies, laser diode structures and radiation pattern,
temperature effects, reliability.
Photo Detectors: Physical principles of photodiodes (pin Photodiode, avalanche, photo diode) comparison of
photo detectors,
Noise in detectors. 11+4 Hours

Unit III
Optical Communication Systems
Fabrication, cabling and installation: Fabrication, fiber optic cables, Installation- placing the cable.Optical
Communication Systems: Block diagrams of optical communication systems, direct intensity modulation,
digital communication systems, Laser semiconductor transmitter, Generations of optical fiber link, description
of 8 Mb/s optical fiber communication link,
description of 2.5 Gb/s optical fiber communication link. 11+4 Hours

Unit IV
Components of Fiber Optic Networks
Overview of fiber optic networks, Transreceiver, semiconductors optical amplifiers, couplers/splicers,
wavelength division multiplexers and demultiplexers, filters, isolators and optical switches.
Fiber Optic Networks: Basic networks, SONET/SDIT, Broad cast and select WDM Networks, wavelength
routed networks, optical CDMA.
Architecture, protocols, and algorithms for dynamic optical networks 11+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. Gerd Keiser, Optical fiber communications, 3rd Edition. MGH, 2000.
2. Djafar K. Mynbaev and Lowell L. Scheiner, Fiber Optic Communication Technology, Pearson
Education Asia, 2001.
3. S.C. Gupta, Optoelectronic devices and systems, PHI, 2005.
1. Harold Kolimbiris, Fiber Optics Communications, Pearson Education Asia, 2004.
2. S.C. Gupta, Optical Fiber Communications and its applications, PHI, 2004.
3. C. Siva Ram Murthy and Mohan Guru Swamy, WDM Optical Networks, PHI, 2002.
4. D.C. Agarwal, Fiber Optic communications, S.Chand Publications, 2004.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GMRIT | Curriculum |
Regulation 2016

16DEC011 System Modelling & Simulation (Elective–IV)

Course Outcomes
1. Analyze the given system or problem
2. Design a model to represent the system or problem
3. Make use of simulation for the designed model
4. Develop simulation models for time and event driven systems
5. Design simulation models for given system using petri nets
6. Analyze the queuing systems and Optimize the model to get optimum performance

Unit I
Introduction to Simulation
Basic Simulation Modeling, Systems, Models and Simulation, Alternative approach to modeling and
simulation.Guidelines for determining levels of model detail, Techniques for increasing model validity and
credibility.Classification of Simulation Software,Desirable Software features, General purpose simulation
packages – Arena, Extend and others,Object Oriented Simulation.
Modern Simulation software’s features and analysis
12+3 Hours

Unit II
Discrete Event Simulation
Discrete Event Simulation, Simulation of Single server queingsystem, Simulation diagrams, Queing theory,
simulating queing systems, Types of Queues, Multiple servers,Simulation of Inventory System.
The OMNeT++ discrete event simulation system

11+4 Hours

Unit III
Building Simulation Models
Modeling input signals, delays, System Integration, Linear Systems, Motion Control models, numerical
experimentation,System identification, Searches, Alpha/beta trackers, multidimensional optimization and
modeling and simulation methodology.
Advanced multidimensional optimization and modeling
11+4 Hours
Unit IV
State Machines Modeling and Simulation
Disturbance signals, state machines, petri nets & analysis, System encapsulation,Probabilistic systems, Discrete
Time Markov processes, Random walks, Poisson processes, the exponential distribution, simulating a poison
process, Continuous – Time Markov processes.
Petri nets Design and Simulation

11+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. Frank L.Severance, System Modeling & Simulation, An introduction, John Wiley & Sons, 2001.
2. Averill M.Law, W.DavidKelton, Simulation Modeling and Analysis, TMH, 3rd Edition, 2003.

1. Geoffery Gordon, Systems Simulation, PHI, 1978.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GMRIT | Curriculum |
Regulation 2016

16DEC012 VLSI Signal Processing (Elective–IV)

Course Outcomes

1. Design parallel processors in VLSI systems

2. Illusrtate the register minimization using the retiming, unfolding & folding concepts.
3. Design systolic architecture using canonical mapping and generalized mapping
4. Design parallel bit circuits
5. Apply FFT for signal processing applications
6. Demonstrate the DSP processors

Unit I
Introduction to the VLSI Signal Processing, Pipelining And Parallel Processing
Typical Signal Processing Algorithms, Overview of VLSI Architectures, Representations of DSP
Algorithms.Introduction, Data Flow Graph Representation, Loop bound and Iteration Bound, Algorithms for
computing Iteration bound, Pipelining of FIR filters, Parallel Processing,
Pipelining and parallel processing for low power
11+4 Hours
Unit II
Retiming, Unfolding and Folding
Definitions and Properties, Solving systems of inequalities, Retiming techniques.Unfolding Algorithm,
Properties of unfolding, Critical Path, Unfolding and Retiming, Folding Transformation, Register Minimization
techniques. Register Minimization in folded architectures.
Folding of multirate systems
11+4 Hours
Unit III
Systolic Architecture Design and Arithmetic Components
Matrix Operations and 2D Systolic Array Design, Parallel Algorithm Expressions, Canonical Mapping
Methodology, and Generalized Mapping.Parallel bit circuits: Carry-Look ahead addition, Prefix Computations,
Carry-Save Addition, Multiplication.
Systolic design for space representations containing delays 11+4 Hours
Unit IV
Fast Convolution and Programmable Digital Signal Processors
Introduction, Cook-Toom algorithm, Winogard algorithm, Iterated Convolution and Cyclic
convolution.Important Features, DSP Processors for Mobile and Wireless Communications, Processors for
Multidimensional Signal Processing.
Design of Fast convolution algorithm by inspection
12+3 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. K. K. Parhi, VLSI Digital Signal Processing Systems, Design and Implementation, John Wiley, 1999.

Reference (s)
1. S.Y.Kung, VLSI Array Processors, Prentice-Hall, 1988

Department of Chemical Engineering, GMRIT | Curriculum | Regulation 2016

Department Vision

To be a nationally preferred department of learning for students and teachers alike, with dual
commitment to research and serving students in an atmosphere of innovation and critical

Department Mission

 To provide high-quality education and prepare the graduates for a rewarding career in
Chemical and allied Engineering fields in tune with evolving needs of the industry
 To prepare the students to become thinking professionals and good citizens who
would apply their knowledge critically and innovatively to solve professional and
social problems

Programme Educational Objectives

1. Acquire the Scholarship of Knowledge, Critical Thinking and Research Skills to solve
environmental engineering problems with modern experimental and computational
2. Ability to manage environmental engineering projects in a collaborative and
multidisciplinary approach in compliance with economics, professional excellence,
ethics, soft skills and leadership qualities

Department of Chemical Engineering, GMRIT | Curriculum | Regulation 2016

Programme Outcomes

Graduate will be able to

PO1: Apply higher order thinking for enhancement of knowledge by acquiring in-depth knowledge
of Environmental Engineering systems (Scholarship of Knowledge)
PO2: Analyze complex engineering problems critically and synthesize information independently
to make intellectual (or) create advances (Critical Thinking)
PO3: Think laterally and arrive at an optimal solution to engineering problems considering health
and environmental factors (Problem Solving)
PO4: Conduct research pertinent to unfamiliar problems individually/ in team to generate a new
scientific (or) technological knowledge (Research Skill)

PO5: Use modern Engineering and IT tools to solve complex Environmental Engineering system
problems (Usage of modern tools)
PO6: Contribute effectively either individually (or) in group on collaborative multidisciplinary
scientific research tasks (Collaborative and Multidisciplinary work)
PO7: Manage projects efficiently by consideration of economical and financial factors(Project
Management and Finance)
PO8: Communicate effectively in writing, in personal presentation and in conversation of
technical project information (Communication)
PO9: Adapt lifelong learning skills to improve knowledge and competency (Life-long Learning)
PO10: Acquire professional ethics and contributing research outcomes for sustainable
development of society (Ethical Practices and Social Responsibility)
PO11: Adapt independent and reflective learning methods (Independent and Reflective Learning)

Department of Chemical Engineering, GMRIT | Curriculum | Regulation 2016

Department of Chemical Engineering

Environmental Engineering
[Minimum Credits to be earned: 72]

First Semester
No Course Code Course POs
1 16MEX101 Advanced Optimization Techniques 4 - - 4
2 16ENV102 Chemistry & Microbiology for 4 - - 4
Environmental Engineers
3 16ENV103 Water and Wastewater Treatment 4 - - 4
4 Elective I 4 - - 4
5 Elective II 4 - - 4
6 16ENV104 Environmental Quality Measurements - 3 2
7 16ENV105 Term Paper - - 2
Total 20 - 3 24
Second Semester
1 16ENV201 Air Pollution Control & Management 4 - - 4
2 16ENV202 Biological Process Design for Wastewater 4 - - 4
3 16ENV203 Integrated Solid Waste Management 4 - - 4
4 Elective III 4 - - 4
5 Elective IV 4 - - 4
6 16ENV204 Environmental Microbiology and - 3 2
Engineering Laboratory
7 16ENV205 Comprehensive Viva - - 2
Total 20 - 3 24
Third Semester
No Course Code Course POs
1 16ENV301 Internship - - - 4
2 16ENV302 Project - - - -
Total - - - 4
Fourth Semester
1 16ENV302 Project - - - 20

Department of Chemical Engineering, GMRIT | Curriculum | Regulation 2016

List of Elective Courses

Elective I
No Course Code Course POs
1 16ENV001 Environmental Impact Assessment 4 - - 4
2 16ENV002 Environmental Legislation and Management 4 - - 4
3 16ENV003 Principles of Environmental Management 4 - - 4
Elective II
1 16ENV004 Bioremediation Principles and Applications 4 - - 4
2 16ENV005 Environmental Biotechnology – Principles and 4 - - 4
3 16ENV006 Transportation of Water and Waste water 4 - - 4
Elective III
1 16ENV007 Instrumental Methods for Chemical Analysis 4 - - 4
2 16ENV008 Mathematical Modeling in Environmental 4 - - 4
3 16CSE203 Soft Computing Techniques 4 - - 4
Elective IV
1 16ENV009 Industrial Ecology and Sustainable Engineering 4 - - 4
2 16ENV010 Industrial Pollution Prevention and Clean 4 - - 4
3 16ENV011 Waste water Reclamation and Reuse 4 - - 4

Department of Chemical Engineering, GMRIT | Curriculum | Regulation 2016

16MEX101 Advanced Optimization Techniques

Course Outcomes
1. Design of mechanical systems and interdisciplinary engineering applications and business solutions
using suitable optimization technique
2. Apply numerical or iterative techniques in power systems for optimal power flow solutions
3. Optimize the parameters in control systems for desired steady state or transient response
4. Optimize the cost function in deciding economic factors of power systems
5. Design of electrical systems optimally using suitable techniques like univariate method, steepest
descent method etc
6. Design of electrical systems optimally using, steepest and descent method etc
Unit I
Linear programming and Assignment Problem
Linear programming-Two-phase simplex method, Big-M method, duality, interpretation, applications,
Assignment problem- Hungarian’s algorithm, Degeneracy, applications, unbalanced problems, traveling
salesman problem
Applications of assignment problems
12+3 Hours
Unit II
Classical and Numerical Optimization Techniques
Classical optimization techniques-Single variable optimization with and without constraints, multi–variable
optimization without constraints, multi–variable optimization with constraints–method of Lagrange multipliers,
Kuhn-Tucker conditions.
Numerical methods for optimization-Nelder Mead’s Simplex search method, Gradient of a function, Steepest
descent method, Newton’s method, types of penalty methods for handling constraints
Exterior penalty function method for handling constraint
11+4 Hours
Unit III
Genetic algorithm and Programming
Genetic algorithm (GA) -Differences and similarities between conventional and evolutionary algorithms,
working principle, reproduction, crossover, mutation, termination criteria, different reproduction and crossover
operators, GA for constrained optimization, draw backs of GA.
Genetic Programming (GP)-Principles of genetic programming, terminal sets, functional sets, differences
between GA & GP, random population generation, solving differential equations using GP
Solving differential equations using GP
11+4 Hours
Unit IV
Multi-Objective GA
Multi-ObjPareto’s analysis, Non-dominated front, multi–objective GA, Non-dominated sorted GA, convergence
criterion, applications of multi-objective problems
Basic Problem solving using Genetic algorithm, Genetic Programming & Multi Objective GA and simple
applications of optimization for engineering systems
Simple applications of optimization for engineering systems
11+4 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. J. S. Arora, Introduction to Optimum Design, McGraw Hill International Ed., NY, 1989
2. K. Deb, Optimization for Engineering Design: Algorithms and Examples, 2nd Ed., PHI, 1995
3. S. S. Rao, Engineering Optimization: Theory and Practice, New Age International (P) Ltd., 2001
Reference (s)
1. D. E. Goldberg, Genetic Algorithms in Search and Optimization, Pearson publication, 1990
2. J. R. Koza, Genetic Programming, MIT Press, 1993
3. K. Deb, Multi-Objective Optimization Using Evolutionary Algorithms, Wiley, 2001

Department of Chemical Engineering, GMRIT | Curriculum | Regulation 2016

16ENV102 Chemistry & Microbiology for Environmental Engineers

Course Outcomes
1. Apply mass balance and energy balance principles to analyze conservative and non-conservative
2. Develop a mass balance expression for contaminants to determine the distribution of species at
equilibrium and design a simple system to meet desired needs
3. Understand and predict the fate, effect and potential engineering process for removal or control of
organics & inorganics in the environment
4. Describe the beneficial activities of microorganisms and the application
5. List the structural differences between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells
6. Explain how microorganisms are classified into major taxonomic categories

Unit I
Physical & Equilibrium Chemistry
Basic concepts of Physical Chemistry: Free energy, Enthalpy, Free energy and its relationship to the equilibrium
constant, calculation of free energy change at standard and ambient conditions, The rate law–order of reactions,
Zero and 1st order reactions, 2nd order reactions, Pseudo-first order reactions–half life and its relationship to the
rate constant–factors affecting rate of reactions
Basic concepts of Equilibrium Chemistry: Ion activity coefficients; solution to equilibrium problems–Le-
chatelier’s principle; acids & bases: exact solutions, approximate solution, LCD for monoprotic, diprotic &
triprotic, open versus closed system; buffers; buffer index; complex formation: mononuclear complex, mixed
ligand complex; solubility of salts: LCD for solubility determination, complex solubility relation; Oxidation-
Reduction Reactions: equilibrium relation, LCD, pE-pH diagram; Volatilization–Air, water equilibrium–
Henry’s constant with units for a gas dissolving in a liquid
Dimensionless Henry’s constant for species transferring from a liquid to gas
15 Hours

Unit II
Fundamentals of Aquatic, Atmospheric and Soil Chemistry
Chemistry of organic and inorganic contaminants in the environment–Difference between organics and
inorganics, Natural chemical cycles in the biosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere, and
consequences of anthropogenic disturbances. Organic compounds generally encountered in industrial
wastewater–biodegradable and non-biodegradable organics, the fate of hazardous, refractory and heavy metal
pollutants in the environment.
Colloidal Chemistry: colloidal dispersion in liquids, dispersion in air
15 Hours
Unit III
Classification, Growth & Physiology of Micro-Organisms
Importance of microorganisms, Fundamental and applied microbiology, pure cultures and cultural
characteristics, Stains and staining, Estimation of bacterial numbers, Prokaryotic and eukaryotic
microorganisms (Bacteria, Algae, Fungi and protozoa) - structure and characteristics.
Growth and Environmental Parameters affecting Growth–Growth curve and growth patterns, food-
microorganism relationship, aerobic-anaerobic growth, temperature, heat, oxidizing agents, surfactants and
heavy metals, physical and chemical agents for control of microorganisms.
Microbial physiology: Enzymes and their regulation, metabolism and energy production
15 Hours

Unit IV
Microbiology of Water, Air & Soil
Distribution of microorganisms in water (Indicator organisms, coliforms-fecal coliforms, E. coli, Streptococcus,
Clostridium), differentiation of faecal and non-faecal coliforms, M.P.N and other microbiological tests on
Microbiology of wastewater–Domestic sewage, theory of biological waste treatment, aerobic and anaerobic

Department of Chemical Engineering, GMRIT | Curriculum | Regulation 2016

Microbiology of Soil–land disposal of wastes, aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms involved in composting
and anaerobic digestion processes
Microbiology of Air –Types and distribution of microorganisms, Air borne diseases
15 Hours

Textbook (s)
1. C. N. Sawyer, P. L. McCarty, G. F. Parkin, Chemistry for Environmental Engineering and Science, 5th
Ed., McGraw Hill, 2003
2. R. P. Schwarzenbach, P. M. Gschwend, D. M. Imboden, Environmental Organic Chemistry, 2nd Ed.,
Wiley-interscience, 2002
3. M. J. Pelczar, E. C. S. Chan, N. R. Krieg, Microbiology, 5th Ed., Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 1993

Reference (s)
1. V. P. Evangelou, Environmental Soil and Water Chemistry: Principles and Application, Wiley
Interscience, 1998
2. D. W. Connell, Basic Concepts of Environmental Chemistry, Lewis Publishers, 1997

Department of Chemical Engineering, GMRIT | Curriculum | Regulation 2016

16ENV103 Water and Wastewater Treatment Processes

Course Outcomes
1. Characterize the physic-chemical and biological water quality parameters and get accustomed with
various water quality standards
2. Summarize the importance of primary and secondary water/waste water treatment processes.
3. Suggest the requirement of tertiary water/waste water treatment process
4. Select the correct series of unit processes for a particular water and wastewater type
5. Formulate approaches to treat water and wastewater in the most cost effective manner
6. Propose an appropriate sludge disposal management technique for water and wastewater plant residues

Unit I
Water Quality and Criteria
Water Quality-Physical, chemical and biological parameters of water-Water quality requirement-Potable water
standards-Wastewater effluent standards-Water quality indices, Water purification systems in natural systems,
Physical processes-chemical processes and biological processes, Primary Treatment: Mixing, Clarification-
Sedimentation; Types; Aeration and gas transfer–Coagulation and flocculation, filtration Theory of granular
media filtration; Classification of filters, mechanism of filtration
15 Hours
Unit II
Secondary Treatment
Introduction to biological treatment, Suspended growth process: Activated sludge process- ASP and its
modifications, process design considerations, aerated lagoons, Oxidation Ponds, Up flow Anaerobic Sludge
Blanket Reactors, high rate reactors, Attached growth Process: trickling filter, rotating biological contactors
Role of microorganisms–Bio towers
15 Hours
Unit III
Advanced Water and Wastewater Treatment Methods
Adsorption, adsorption equilibria-adsorption isotherms, Disinfection - chlorine dioxide; chloramines;
Ozonation; UV radiation; Membrane processes, Reverse osmosis, Ultrafiltration and electro dialysis
Solvent extraction- Ion Exchange processes
15 Hours
Unit IV
Water and Wastewater Plant Residuals Management
Need for sludge management, Characteristics and quantities of water processing sludges, Design of water–
treatment sludge thickeners, Application of pressure filtration and centrifugation for dewatering of sludges
Alum recovery practices, ultimate disposal of dewatered sludge, Waste Water Treatment Plant Residue
Management-Solid sources, characteristics and qualities–solid processing flow diagram–preliminary
operations–Thickening–digestion–Condition–dewatering- Heat drying and composting- thermal reduction-
15 Hours
Total:60 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. Metcalf & Eddy Inc, Wastewater Engineering, Treatment and Reuse, 4th Ed., TMH, New Delhi, 2003
2. W. J. Weber, Physicochemical processes for water quality control, John Wiley and sons, New York,
Reference (s)
1. H. S. Peavy, D. R. Rowe, G. Tchobanoglous, Environmental Engineering, McGraw-Hill., 1985

Department of Chemical Engineering, GMRIT | Curriculum | Regulation 2016

16ENV104 Environmental Quality Measurements Laboratory

Course Outcomes
1. Elaborate and use the water and wastewater sampling procedure and sample preservations
2. Show how to run accurate water quality tests and to determine how the parameters relate to each other;
3. Analyze data statistically and interpret laboratory results
4. Take part in applying pollution control measures in the industry
5. Plan water quality surveillance for a given aquatic environment and to understand what a test result
means in terms of the health of the ecosystem.
6. Illustrate the application of engineering fundamentals to environmental engineering characterization
and its control

List of Experiments
1. Physical and chemical characteristics of water
(a) pH, Electrical conductivity, Turbidity, Alkalinity, Acidity
(b) Hardness, Sulfates, Fluorides, Nitrates
2. Analysis of solids content of water:
Total solids, suspended solids, volatile solids, non-volatile solids,
3. Residual chlorine analysis, Break point chlorination, Optimum coagulant dose.
4. Water quality analysis:
(a) DO (b) BOD (c) COD
5. Ambient air quality Analysis:
(a) Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM), PM 2.5, PM 10
(b) CO, NOx and SOx
6. Soil Analysis:
(a) pH, Conductivity, Cation Exchange Capacity,
(b) Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR), Organic Matter Content
(c) Point of Zero Charge Introduction to Quantitative Analysis
Note: Student should perform minimum of 12 experiments at least one form each head.

List of Mini-Projects1
1. Settleable Solids
2. Total dissolved solids
3. Colour
4. Odour
5. Chlorides
6. Nitrogen, Ammonia
7. Phosphorus, Total
8. Total suspended solids
9. Temperature
10. VOC

Reading Material (s)

1. G. Kalyani, Environmental Quality Measurements Laboratory manual, 2013
2. B. Kotaiah, N. Kumara Swamy, Environmental Engineering Manual, 1994
3. EPA, Standard methods for the examination of water and waste waters, 21stEd., American Public
Health Association, 2005

Students shall opt any one of the Mini–Projects in addition to the regular experiments

Department of Chemical Engineering, GMRIT | Curriculum | Regulation 2016

16ENV201 Air Pollution Control & Management

Course Outcomes
1. Identify the sources of air pollutants and predict the intensity of the effects on living and non-living
2. Illustrate the procedures for monitoring the emission factors
3. Propose the profiles of pollutants based on the climatic conditions
4. Model the dispersion of air pollutants based on meteorological aspects
5. Judge suitable control methods for the different types of pollutants
6. Recommend new standards for governing policies and acts, keeping in view the continuously changing
climatic conditions

Unit I
Sources and Emission Inventories of Air Pollutants

Anthropogenic and natural sources, Effects of different air pollutants on human beings, animals, plants and
materials, Global effects of air pollution, GHG and climatic change emission trading, Particulates-Carbon
monoxide, sulphur oxide, Nitrogen oxides, Hydrocarbons, Oxidants, Emission factors, Sampling of Air
Pollutants in ambient air, sampling train-stack monitoring
Emission inventory–Roles of an emission inventory
15 Hours

Unit II
Meteorological Aspects of Air Pollutant Dispersion
Micro-meteorological processes, Wind profiles, wind roses, mixing depths, inversions, plume behavior, The
Gaussian Model, Dispersion model, Diffusion coefficients, Box model, Inversion effects, puff model
Estimation of Plume rise
15 Hours
Unit III
Air Pollution Control Methods
Control of particulate matter–General methods of control–zoning–town planning-control of particulate matter–
gravity settling–settling chambers, Cyclones, Inertial separators, scrubbers, bag filter, Electrostatic Precipitators,
Removal of gaseous matter-SO2, NOx, VOCs and CO; Biological treatment for air pollution control
Source correction methods for air pollution
15 Hours
Unit IV
Automobile Pollution
Sources, emissions from diesel and petrol engines, Bharat IV standards, Catalytic conversion, Management of
automobile pollution, Air Pollution and Legislation: Legislation–Air pollution control Act, 1981, and
environment (Protection) Act, 1986
A Regulatory Frame work for Control of Air Pollution in India
15 Hours
Text book (s)
1. M. N. Rao and H. V. N. Rao, Air pollution, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 1993
2. N. D. Nevers, Air Pollution Control Engineering, McGraw-Hill International Ed., 1993
Reference (s)
1. K. Wark, C. F. Warner, Air Pollution, Its Origin and Control, Harper and Row, New York, 1981
2. C. S. Rao, Environmental Pollution Control Engineering, New Age International, 2005

Department of Chemical Engineering, GMRIT | Curriculum | Regulation 2016

16ENV202 Biological Process Design for Wastewater Treatment

Course Outcomes
1. Characterize the wastewater and understand its importance in design of biological treatment processes
2. Apply knowledge of biological principles to design suspended growth systems
3. Specify design criteria for attached growth system
4. Select biological treatment processes that can be used to treat a wastewater with specified pollutant
5. Design anaerobic process for the treatment of wastewater
6. Design a possible solution to a waste water management and treatment problem

Unit I
Basic Design Considerations
Wastewater characterization and its relevance to biological process design, Essential considerations, flow rates
and their fluctuations, concept of design criteria, Bioreactors–Types–Classification–Design principles
Bacterial growth and energetics–Microbial growth kinetics
15 Hours

Unit II
Suspended growth Biological Treatment Processes
Design of wastewater treatment systems–Evaluation of Biokinetic Parameters–Activated sludge and its process–
Modifications, Biological Nitrification and denitrification, Waste stabilization Ponds and Lagoons: Aerobic
pond, facultative pond, anaerobic ponds, polishing ponds, aerated lagoons
Biological phosphorus removal
15 Hours
Unit III
Attached Growth and Combined Biological Treatment Processes
Attached growth biological treatment systems–Trickling Filters–Rotating biological contactors–Combined
Aerobic Treatment Processes–activated biofilter and biofilter activated sludge processes, Series trickling filter–
Activated sludge process
Activated Bio filters–Bio towers
15 Hours
Unit IV
Anaerobic Biological Wastewater Treatment & Design of Sludge Treatment Units
Anaerobic processes–Introduction-Process fundamentals-Design considerations, Design procedure and criteria,
anaerobic reactors, Design examples
Introduction, Treatment concept, Design essentials, Sludge digestion- aerobic sludge digestion, design
considerations, Design method, Design examples, Design examples, Sludge drying beds, design criteria and
Design examples
Anaerobic digestion-design considerations-design criteria
15 Hours
Total: 60 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. Metcalf & Eddy, Inc. Wastewater Engineering, Treatment and Reuse. 4th Ed., Tata McGraw-Hill, New
Delhi, 2003
2. G. L. Karia, R. A. Christian, Wastewater treatment concepts and design approach, 2nd Ed., PHI
Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2014
Reference (s)
1. C. P. L. Grady, Jr., H.C. Lin, Biological wastewater treatment: Theory and Applications, Marcel
Dekker, NY, 1980
2. L. D. Benefield, C. W. Randall, Biological Processes Design for wastewaters, Prentice-Hall, 1982

Department of Chemical Engineering, GMRIT | Curriculum | Regulation 2016

16ENV203 Integrated Solid Waste Management


Course Outcomes
1. Develop awareness on integrated waste management and legislations
2. Identify and characterize (physico-chemical and biological) different kinds of solid and hazardous
wastes and suggest suitable treatment methods
3. Familiarize with solid and hazardous waste engineering principles for the estimation of various
methods of waste quantities for the selection of specific equipment (HCS & SCS), design of waste
collection route, material recovery and disposal facilities
4. Apply the principles of unit operations/process for the separation and processing of solid wastes for
energy recovery and for producing biological products
5. Design and operate modern landfills involving the application of scientific, engineering and economic
6. Gain skills to address challenges associated with waste management in industrial settings

Unit I
Prospective and Sources, composition & Properties of Solid wastes and Legislation
Evolution of Solid waste management, legislative trends and impacts, Sources, Types and composition of
Municipal & solid and hazardous wastes–Physical, Chemical & Biological properties of Municipal & solid and
hazardous wastes
Biomedical wastes
15 Hours
Unit II
Solid Waste Generation & Collection Rates
Solid Waste generation and Collection rates–Collection of Solid wastes–transfer & transport
Waste handling & Separation, Storage, and processing at the source
15 Hours

Unit III
Separation, Transformation and Recycling of Waste materials
Material Separation & processing Technology–Thermal Conversion Technologies–Biological & Chemical
Conversion Technologies–Solidification and stabilization of hazardous wastes
Recycling of Materials found in Municipal Solid Waste
15 Hours
Unit IV
Closure, Restoration and Rehabilitation of Landfills
Disposal in landfills–site selection–design and operation of sanitary landfills–secure landfills and landfill
bioreactors–Leachate and landfill gas management–Landfill closure and environmental monitoring–Landfill
remediation–Elements of integrated waste management
Case Studies
15 Hours
Total: 60 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. G. Tchobanoglous, Integrated Solid Waste Management: Engineering Principles and Management
Issues, 2nd Ed., McGraw- Hill, New York, 1993

Reference (s)
1. M. La Grega, P. Buckingham, J. Evans, Hazardous Waste Management, 2nd Ed., McGraw Hill, 2001

Department of Chemical Engineering, GMRIT | Curriculum | Regulation 2016

16ENV204 Environmental Microbiology and Engineering Laboratory

Course Outcomes
1. Perform common environmental experiments relating to water, water quality, wastewater, and know
which tests are appropriate for given environmental problems
2. Summarize the basics of microbiology and their diversity and on the genetic material in the living cell
3. Explain the type of microorganisms in the environment and the role of microorganisms in the cycling
of nutrients in an ecosystem
4. Interpret the role microbial metabolism in a wastewater treatment plant
5. Analyze data statistically and interpret laboratory results
6. Take part in applying pollution control measures in the industry

List of Experiments
1. Study the standard plate count test
2. Analysis of Most Probable Number (MPN)
3. Study the morphology of (a) Algae (b) Fungi (c) Protozoa and (d) various insects
4. Determination of Organic Compounds, nutrients using Spectrophotometer
5. Determination of heavy metals using AAS
6. Determination of Potassium, Sodium and Calcium by Flame Photometry
7. Assessment of quality of air using High Volume Sampler
8. Study the stack releases using Stack Monitoring Equipment
9. Analysis of Sound using Noise Level Meter
10. Determination of meteorological aspects using Meteorological instruments

List of Mini-projects2
1. Zooplankton
2. Phtoplankton
3. Total coliform
4. Fecal Coliform
5. Phytoremediation of Soil and Groundwater
6. Preparation of culture media
7. Isolation of microorganisms
8. Isolation of anaerobic sediments
9. Sterilization Techniques
10. Purification of microorganisms

Textbook (s)
1. G. Kalyani, Environmental Microbiology and Engineering Laboratory manual, 2013
2. V. P. Evangelou, Environmental Soil and Water Chemistry: Principles and Application, Wiley
Interscience, 1998
3. C. J. Hurst, Manual of Environmental Microbiology, 2nd Ed., ASM Press, 2002

Students shall opt any one of the Mini–Projects in addition to the regular experiments

Department of Chemical Engineering, GMRIT | Curriculum | Regulation 2016

16ENV001 Environment Impact Assessment (Elective–I)

Course Outcomes
1. Prepare an environmentally sound project
2. Incorporate the principles of sustainable development
3. Increase the level of public acceptability of projects
4. Increase the cost effectiveness (through maximum process efficiency) of the project
5. Eliminating unnecessary duplication in the assessment process
6. Enhance the co-ordination between the proponent/consultant and the reviewing authority during the EIA
process (which is beneficial as it comply with the official norms for the project approval)

Unit I
Fundamental Approach to Environmental Impact Assessment & EIA Methodologies
Evolution of EIA–Concepts, Environmental inventory, EIA, Steps in EIA, Environment impact Statement,
project cycle: environmental and natural resources planning and management, Screening in the EIA process EIA
Methodologies: introduction, Criteria for the selection of EIA Methodology, EIA methods, Ad-hoc methods,
matrix methods, Network method, overlay methods, cost/benefit Analysis.
Development–Sustainable development–Why EIA
15 Hours
Unit II
Prediction & Assessment of Impacts on Soil and Groundwater Environment
Impact of developmental activities and land use: Introduction and methodology for the assessment of soil and
ground water, Delineation of study area, Identification of actives, Procurement of relevant soil quality, Impact
prediction, Assessment of impact significance, Identification and incorporation of mitigation measures; EIA in
surface water, Air and biological environment: Methodology for the assessment of impacts on surface water
Soil formation–What is delineation–Mitigation
15 Hours
Unit III
Prediction & Assessment of Impacts on the Air & Forest Environment
Air pollution sources, generalized approach for assessment of air pollution impact, Assessment of impact of
development activities on vegetation and wildlife, environmental impact of deforestation–Causes and effects of
Effects of air pollution–Conservation of biodiversity
15 Hours
Unit IV
Environmental Acts &Environmental Audit in relation to EIA
The Environmental Acts, Preparation of Environmental Impact assessment statement for various Industries.
Environmental audit & environmental legislation, objectives of environmental audit, Types of environmental
audit, Audit protocol, stages of environmental audit, onsite activities, evaluation of audit data and preparation of
audit report, Post audit activities.
Why acts – CPCB & SPCB roles in environmental acts
15 Hours
Total: 60 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. Y. Anjaneyulu, Environmental Impact Assessment Methodologies, 2nd Ed., B.S. Publication, 2007
2. J. Glynn, G.W. Hein Ke, Environmental Science and Engineering, 2nd Ed., Prentice Hall Publishers,
Reference (s)
1. S. K. Dhaneja, Environmental Science and Engineering, S. K. Katania & Sons Publication, New Delhi
2. S. C. Bhatia, Environmental Pollution and Control in Chemical Process Industries, Khanna Publishers,
3. L. W. Canter, Environmental Impact Assessment, 2nd Ed ., McGraw-Hill Publications, 1996

Department of Chemical Engineering, GMRIT | Curriculum | Regulation 2016

16ENV002 Environmental Legislation and Management (Elective–I)

Course Outcomes
1. Illustrate Environment protection acts from Indian perspective
2. Apply the different Environment acts in protection of our Natural assets during the process of planning
for developmental activities
3. Adapt to the provisions of the relevant act during the course of their professional job
4. Motivate their management in meeting the appropriate act (provisions)
5. Show respect to all life forms in their work environment
6. Organize their works in such a way to protect country’s rich biodiversity

Unit I
Environmental Protection Acts
General Provisions of law for Public health and safety Environmental protection through local bodies Salient
features of Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981, and Rules, 1982 Salient features of the water
(prevention and control of pollution) Act 1974, and Rules, 1975 the Water (presentation and control of
pollution) cess Act, 1977 and cess Rules 1978 salient features of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 and
Rules 18986
Why Acts, CPCB and SPCB
15 Hours
Unit II
Hazardous wastes, Storage and Handling regulations
Hazardous wastes (management and handling) Rules, 1989 and manufacture, storage and import of Hazardous
Chemical Rules 19879 the National Environment Tribunal Act, 1995 and the National Environmental Appellate
Authority Act.1997
Hazardous waste, Flash point, Fire point
15 Hours
Unit III
Wild life Protection
Salient feature of the wild life (Protection) Act 1972. The wild life (Transaction and Taxidermy) Rules 1972, the
Wild life (Stock Declaration) central Rufes 1973 the wild life (Protection) Licensing (additional matters for
consideration) Rules 1983, Salient feature of the Indian forest (Conservation) Act, 1980. The forest
(conservation) Rules
Taxonomy, Protected areas (National park, wild life sanctuary, Biosphere reserve)
15 Hours
Unit IV
Social responsibility and avoidance of litigation
1981 salient features of the Public Liabilities Insurance Act 1991 and Rules 1991 Requirement and significance
of Environmental clearances, Environmental Management system (ISO: 14000) Important Supreme Court
Judgments Methods to be followed avoidance of litigation.
Public Liability, Environment Management
15 Hours
Text Book (s)
1. S. K. Mohanty, Environment and Pollution Law manual, Universal Lae Publishing Co Pvt., Ltd., Delhi,
2. R. A. Buchholz, Principles of Environmental Management, 2nd Ed., Prentice Hall, 1998

Reference (s)
1. C. J. Barrow, Environmental Management: Principles and Practice, Routledge pub., 1999
2. G. Woodside, J. Yturri, P. Aurricho, ISO 14001 Implementation Manual. Mc Graw Hill, 1998

Department of Chemical Engineering, GMRIT | Curriculum | Regulation 2016

16ENV003 Principles of Environmental Management (Elective–I)


Course Outcomes
1. Relate the social, cultural and environmental outcomes of particular forms of resource to the
environmental management
2. Label the limitations to manage the environment by the complexity of ecosystems
3. Compare the cultural, social norms and the centrality of economic development
4. Demonstrate the adequacy of new forms of ‘scientific’ management of the environment
5. Evaluate the potential incompatibility of traditional and ‘scientific’ modes of environmental
6. Compare the strategies for sustainable development, resource enhancement and the accentuation of
environmental quality

Unit I
Fundamentals of Environmental Management
Introduction–Environmental management fundamentals and goals–Environmental management business and
law. Environmental management and economics–Environmental management, environmentalism and social
Goals of Environmental management, why Environmental protection acts?
15 Hours
Unit II
Environmental Management Systems and Standards
Environmental management in sensitive, vulnerable and difficult situations–Pollution and
waste management–Participants in environmental management–Environmental management
approaches-Environmental management systems (EMS) ISO 14000/14001 standards and
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Certification of Organization
15 Hours
Unit III
Engineering Design and Decision-making for Sustainable Development
Principles of sustainable development and implications of finite biosphere and complexities
for engineering design and decision-making, Design of controlled environments to enhance
health and protection of natural resources for sustainable development
Biosphere, Sustainable development
15 Hours
Unit IV
Resources Management for Cleaner Development
Resource problems and design with ecological, economic, demographic and social
dimensions. Green House Gas accounting-Clean Development Mechanism
Green House Effect, 3-R’s principle, Clean development
Textbook (s)
1. R.A. Buchholz, Principles of Environmental Management, 2nd Ed., Prentice Hall, 1998
Reference (s)
1. C. J. Barrow, Environmental Management: Principles and Practice, Routledge pub., 1999
2. G. Woodside, J. Yturri, P. Aurricho, ISO 14001 Implementation Manual, Mc Graw Hill, 1998

Department of Chemical Engineering, GMRIT | Curriculum | Regulation 2016

16ENV004 Bioremediation Principles and Applications (Elective–II)

Course Outcomes
1. Compare the merits and demerits of bioremediation for a process and determine when bioremediation is
an acceptable technology
2. Illustrate the physico-chemical characteristics of the most serious contaminants
3. Develop a protocol to remediate a contaminant in-situ or ex-situ
4. Explain the important biochemical pathways that control biodegradation
5. Explain the importance of natural attenuation to site remediation
6. Design and perform simple laboratory experiments to test the hypothesis
Unit I
Bioremediation for Water Environment
Microbial systems of bioremediation–Factors influencing bioremediation (environmental factors, physical
factors and chemical factors)–Microbial transformation reactions (aerobic and anaerobic biotransformation)
Bioremediation for water environment–Biochemical, molecular and ecological foundations of bio-
remediation¬Contaminants in groundwater¬Ex-situ decontamination of groundwater (Characterizing the site
and contaminant complexity, selecting the bioremediation option)-In-situ bioremediation of groundwater
(Factors affecting bioaugmentation, delivery systems for oxygen, nutrients, and inoculation)–Industrial
wastewater biotreatment technologies–Biotreatment of surface waters
Landfill leachate biotreatment techniques 11+4 Hours
Unit II
Bioremediation for Air & Soil Environment
Atmospheric environment for microorganisms–Microbial degradation of contaminants in gas phase–Biological
filtration processes for decontamination of air stream (Biofiltration, Biotrickling filtration, Bioscrubbers)
Bioremediation for soil environment -
Environment of soil microorganisms–Soil organic matter and characteristics–Association of soil
microorganisms with plants–Pesticides and microorganisms–Petroleum hydrocarbons and microorganisms–
Industrial solvents and microorganisms–Biotechnologies for in-situ and ex-situ remediation of soil
Phytoremediation technology for soil decontamination 12+3 Hours
Unit III
Biotreatment of metals
Microbial transformation of metals–Biological treatment technologies for remediation of metals–Bioleaching
and biobeneficiation–Bioaccumulation
Microbial detoxification of specialty chemicals–insecticides and polychlorinated biphenyls
Microbial detoxification of herbicides and fungicides 11+4 Hours
Unit IV
Overcoming limitations of bioremediation
Factors affecting the bioremediation process–Factors affecting the bioremediation process–Effects of co-
substrates on microorganisms–Global application of bioremediation technologies-Laboratory-scale
biotreatability studies for bioremediation; Management of bioremediation project
Laboratory-scale experimental design for bioremediation of water, air and soil media 11+4 Hours
Total:45+15 Hours
Text Book (s)
1. C. Ewis, Bioremediation Principles. Mc Graw Hill, 1998
2. J. T. Cookson, Bioremediation Engineering-Design and Application, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY,
Reference (s)
1. B. E. Rittman, P. L. McCarty, Environmental Biotechnology-Principles and Applications, 1st Ed., Mc
Graw Hill Co., NY, 2001
2. G. Tchobanoglous, F. L. Burton, and H. D. Stensel, Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse, 4th
Ed. Metcalf & Eddy Inc., New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2003
3. P. J. Alvarez, W. A. Illman, Bioremediation and Natural Attenuation: Process Fundamentals and
Mathematical Models, 1st Ed., Wiley-Interscience, 2006

Department of Chemical Engineering, GMRIT | Curriculum | Regulation 2016

16ENV005 Environmental Biotechnology–Principles and Applications (Elective–II)

Course Outcomes
1. Explain the role of microorganisms in biodegradation processes
2. Classify oxidation and reduction processes, and their importance in bacterial energetics
3. Determine the kinetic parameters in microbial growth and substrate utilization
4. Justify the use of various types of reactor configurations and design activated sludge system
5. Distinguish between nitrification and denitrification and understand their importance
6. Illustrate the mechanism of anaerobic treatment and various anaerobic reactor configurations

Unit I
Stoichiometry and Bacterial Energetics
Structure of cell and function of various components–Classification of bacteria based on carbon and energy
sources–Biochemistry–Enzyme kinetics–Cell metabolism–Energetics–Genetics and information flow.
Oxidative and reductive microbial reactions–Empirical formula for microbial cells–Substrate partitioning and
cellular yield–Energy reactions–Yield co-efficient and reaction energetics.
Microorganisms employed for environmental (soil, air and water) remediation
12+3 Hours
Unit II
Microbial Kinetics & Reactors
Microbial Growth and Substrate Utilization Kinetics–Biokinetic Models–Batch and Continuous Chemostat
Studies–Determination of Biokinetic Parameters–Examples of Growth Kinetics in Engineered Systems (air,
water, and soil)
Reactor types – Suspended growth and biofilm types, Batch reactor, Plug flow reactor, Continuous flow stirred
tank reactor, reactors in series.
Novel bioreactor configurations for environmental (soil, air and water) remediation
11+4 Hours
Unit III
The Activated Sludge Process & Nitrification
Common characteristics of heterotrophic bacteria–Process configurations–Design and operating criteria–
Aeration systems–Problems in activated sludge system–Activated sludge properties–Flux theory.
Basic parameters for ammonium and nitrite oxidizers–Activated sludge nitrification–One and two sludge
Recent developments in activated sludge and nitrification process
11+4 Hours
Unit IV
Denitrification & Anaerobic Treatment
Annamox process–Denitrification–Tertiary denitrification with activated sludge–One sludge denitrification.
Mechanism of anaerobic treatment for methanogenesis–Typical anaerobic reactor configurations–Anaerobic
treatment of various organic materials and their yield co-efficients.
Anaerobic treatment of organic wastes and their methane yield
11+4 Hours
Total: 60 Hours
Text Book (s)
1. B. E. Rittman, P. L. McCarty, Environmental Biotechnology-Principles and Applications, 1st Ed.,
McGraw Hill Co., NY, 2001
Reference (s)
1. G. Tchobanoglous, F. L. Burton, and H. D. Stensel, Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse, 4th
Ed., Metcalf & Eddy Inc., New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2003

Department of Chemical Engineering, GMRIT | Curriculum | Regulation 2016

16ENV006 Transportation of Water and Wastewater (Elective–II)

Course Outcomes
1. Select suitable pipe material during transportation
2. Recognize limitations to process design of pumps and pumping systems
3. Select the correct material for pipes
4. Critically analyze problems that may arise in distribution networks
5. Formulate approaches to storm Drainage
6. Judge technical solutions dealing with the system maintenance, rehabilitation, and expansion

Unit I
Transport of Water & Materials for Pipes
Water Storage and Transmission: Storage requirements, impounding reservoirs intakes, pressure conduit
hydraulics, pumps and pumping units, capacity and selection of water pumps, economic design of pumps and
economic design of gravity and pumping mains, Specification for pipes, pipe appurtenances types of loads, and
stresses, causes and prevention control devices.
Water hammer
15 Hours
Unit II
Distribution Systems & Transport of Waste Water Sanitary Sewerage
Principles of design, analysis of distribution networks, Hardy Cross, Equivalent pipe and Newton Raphson
methods, Computer applications in distributions network analysis, optimal design of networks maintenance of
distribution systems, methods of control and prevention of corrosion storage, distribution and balancing
reservoirs, Sanitation technology selection- sanitary sewage flow estimation –hydraulics of flow in sanitary
sewers – partial flows – sewer design –sewer layouts, Concept of model based design
Sanitary sewer materials
15 Hours
Unit III
Fundamentals of Design Models
Hydraulic fundamentals of design models – Basic properties and model formulations for the design of
wastewater of collection system – transitions in flow of sewage
Water quality modeling
15 Hours
Unit IV
Operation & Maintenance
Maintenance requirements of sanitary sewerage and storm drainage systems – manpower requirement,
equipment requirement: preventive maintenance – monitoring safety requirements- corrosion in sewers
prevention and control specific problems related to waste water pumping – pumping – wastewater
Pump selection criteria
15 Hours
Total: 60 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. H. S. Peavy, D. R. Rowe, G. Tchobanoglous, Environmental Engineering, McGraw-
Hill International Ed., 1985
Reference (s)
1. P. Sincero, G. A. Sincero, Environmental Engineering: A Design Approach, Prentice-Hall of
India, 1999

Department of Chemical Engineering, GMRIT | Curriculum | Regulation 2016

16ENV007 Instrumental Methods for Chemical Analysis (Elective–III)

Course Outcomes
1. Classify the instrumental techniques and interpret the signals
2. Select the spectroscopy instruments and analyze the given sample
3. Distinguish the Atomic Absorption Spectrometry and Infrared spectrometry
4. Select the chromatographic instrumentation and test a given sample for project work
5. Apply skills in advanced methods of separation and analysis
6. Extend understanding of the professional and safety responsibilities residing in working on
environmental problems

Unit I
Introduction to Instrumental Methods
Classification of instrumental techniques, Review of important considerations in analytical methods, Basic
functions of instrumentation, and important considerations in evaluating an instrumental method
Measurements, signals and data: Introduction, Signal-to-Noise Ratio, Sensitivity and detection methods, Source
of Noise, Hardware techniques for Signal-to-Noise enhancement, Software techniques for Signal-to-Noise
enhancement, Evaluation of Results
Accuracy and instrument calibration
15 Hours
Unit II
Ultraviolet and Visible Spectrometry Instrumentation
Radiation Sources, Wave Length Selection, Cells and Sampling Devices, Detectors, Instruments for Absorption
Photometry, Ultraviolet and visible absorption methods: Fundamental Laws of Photometry, Spectrophotometric
Accuracy, Photometric Precision, Quantitative Methodology, Differential or Expanded-Scale Spectroscopy
Application of UV spectrophotometer
15 Hours
Unit III
Flame Emission and Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy & Infrared Spectrometry
Introduction, Instrumentation for Flame Spectrometric Methods, Flame Emission Spectrometry, Atomic
Absorption Spectrometry, Interference Associated with Flame and Furnaces, Applications, Comparison of FES
and AAS, Correlation of Infrared Spectra with Molecular Structure, Instrumentation, Sample Handling
Applications of Infrared Spectrophotometry
15 Hours
Unit IV
Gas Chromatography & High Performance Liquid Chromatography
Gas Chromatographs, Derivative Formation, Gas Chromatographic Columns, Liquid Phases and Column
Selection, Detectors for Gas Chromatography, HPLC Instrumentation, Mobile-Phase Delivery System, Sample
Introduction, Separation Columns, Detectors
Applications of GC & HPLC
15 Hours
Total: 60 Hour
Textbook (s)

1. H. H. Merritt, L. L, Dean, J.A, Settle, F.A, Instrumental methods of analysis, CBS Publishers, 7th Ed.,

Reference (s)
1. A. K. Srivastava, P. C. Jain, Instrumental Approach to Chemical Analysis, 4th Ed., S. Chand &
Company Ltd., New Delhi, 2012
2. G. R. Chatwal, S. K. Anand, Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis, 5th Ed., Himalaya Publishing
House, 2005

Department of Chemical Engineering, GMRIT | Curriculum | Regulation 2016

16ENV008 Mathematical Modeling in Environmental Engineering (Elective–III)

Course Outcomes
1. Apply fundamental physical, geochemical and biological knowledge to solve an environmental
2. Formulate mathematical models of environmental engineering problems
3. Express process understanding mathematically and be able to solve the resultant equations in pollution-
control processes
4. Mathematically formulate ordinary and partial differential equations, boundary and initial conditions
with respect to various environmental engineering applications
5. Utilize numerical and analytical techniques to find the solutions of mathematical models formulated
6. Summarize soft ware tools for Environmental Modeling

Unit I
Introduction & Mathematical Models in Filtration
Introduction: Components of Environment, Necessity of mathematical models in Environmental Engineering,
Mass-volume relationships, Engineering dimensions and units, Approximations in engineering calculations
Filtration: Mathematical models in filters for prediction of heat loss and back expansion during back washing
Applications of any software
15 Hours
Unit II
Modeling of Environmental Reactions & Reactors
Reaction: Zero-order, first–order, second – order and non-integer – order reactions, Half – life reactions and
consecutive reactions.
Reactors: Mixing models and reactor models – Mixed batch reactors, plug flow reactors, completely mixed flow
reactors in parallel and series and arbitrary flow reactors
Applications of any software
15 Hours
Unit III
Surface & Subsurface water quality modeling
Surface water quality modeling: Mathematical models for water quality – model development, calibration and
verification, Model requirements and limitations, D.O. models for Streams: Sources and sinks of dissolved
oxygen – estimation of system parameters – Streeter-Phelps model – oxygen ‘sag’ curve – determination of
deoxygenating and reaeration coefficients – Benthal oxygen demand – mass transport mechanisms - Advective
and diffusive mass transport – Models by O’connor, Dobbins and Thomann, Models for Estuary and Lakes.
Subsurface water quality models: Groundwater and vadose zone water quality modeling
15 Hours
Unit IV
Air Quality modeling & Optimization of Routing for Solid Waste Disposal
Air quality modeling: Micro-meterological processes, wind rose, dispersion coefficients and stability classes,
Gaussian and dispersion model, Stack height computation, Regional air quality models, Source inventories and
Solid waste management: Macro and Micro Routing–Heuristic models for the prediction of optional routes for
solid waste disposal.
Noise quality model: Simple noise quality models for point and non-point sources
15 Hours
Total: 60 Hour
Textbook (s)

1. G. M. Masters, W. M. Ela, Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science, 3rd Ed.,

Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2007

Department of Chemical Engineering, GMRIT | Curriculum | Regulation 2016

Reference (s)
1. R.W. Boubel, D.L. Fox, D.B. Turner & A.C. Stern, Fundamentals of Air Pollution, Academic
Press, New York, 1994.
2. N. Khandan, N., Modeling tools for Environmental Engineers and Scientists, CRC Press,
3. G. Tchobanoglous, Integrated Solid Waste Management: Engineering Principles and
Management Issues, 2nd Ed., McGraw- Hill, New York, 1993

Department of Chemical Engineering, GMRIT | Curriculum | Regulation 2016

16CSE203 Soft Computing Techniques (Elective–III)

Course Outcomes
1. Identify and describe soft computing techniques and their roles in building intelligent machines.
2. Identify and apply supervised learning methods to different neural networks models for pattern
classification and regression problems.
3. Evaluate and apply unsupervised learning methods to different neural networks models for storing and
pattern classification.
4. Evaluate and implement the Support Vector Machines to classify objects in real time applications.
5. Apply fuzzy logic and reasoning to handle uncertainty and solve engineering problems.
6. Evaluate and compare solutions by various soft computing approaches for a given problem.

Unit I
Introduction to Soft Computing and Artificial Neural Networks
Introduction to soft computing, Fuzzy logic, Neural Networks and Evolutionary Computing, Approximations of
Multivariate functions, Non – linear Error surface and optimization.
Introduction to ANN, Basic models of ANN, important terminologies, Basic Learning Laws, Supervised
Learning Networks, Perceptron Networks, Adaptive Linear Neuron, Back propagation Network Radial basis
function network and Hopfield Networks.
Bi-directional associative memories. 11+3 Hours
Unit II
Unsupervised Learning Networks and Introduction to Classical Sets and Fuzzy Sets
Introduction, Fixed Weight Competitive Nets, Maxnet, Hamming Network, Kohonen Self-Organizing Feature
Maps, Learning Vector Quantization, Counter Propagation Networks, Adaptive Resonance Theory Networks.
Special Networks - Introduction to various networks.
Crisp Sets and Fuzzy Sets - operations. Classical Relations and Fuzzy Relations - Cardinality, Properties and
composition. Tolerance and equivalence relations. Membership functions- Features, Fuzzification, membership
value assignments, Defuzzification.
Simulated annealing network. 11+4 Hours
Unit III
Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithm
Classical& Fuzzy logic, Operations, Boolean Logic, Multivalued Logics, Fuzzy Rule Base and Approximate
Reasoning ,Fuzzy Decision making ,Fuzzy Logic Control Systems.
Introduction to GA, Traditional Optimization and search techniques, Search space, Operators: Encoding,
Selection, Crossover and Mutation. Stopping Condition of GA.
Fuzzy arithmetic and Fuzzy measures 11+4 Hours
Unit IV
Support Vector Machine and Applications of Soft Computing
Introduction, optimal hyper plane for linearly separable pattern, linear classifier, nonlinear classifier problem,
optimal plane for non-separable pattern, example XOR problem, and support vector machine for non-linear
regression, summary and discussion.
A fusion Approach of Multispectral Images with SAR Image for flood area analysis, Optimization of TSP using
GA Approach and GA-Fuzzy system for Control of flexible Robots.
Hybrid soft computing techniques 12+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. S N Sivanandam, S N Deepa, Principles of Soft Computing, Wiley India, 2011
2. V. Kecman, Learning and Soft computing, Pearson Education, India
Reference (s)
1. Fakhreddine O Karray, Clarence D Silva, Soft Computing and Intelligent System Design, Pearson
Edition, 2004.
2. Guanrong Chen, Trung Tat Pham, Chapman & Hall/CRC, Introduction to Fuzzy Systems, 2009.
3. S. Haykins, Neural networks: a comprehensive foundation, Pearson Education, India.

Department of Chemical Engineering, GMRIT | Curriculum | Regulation 2016

16ENV009 Industrial Ecology and Sustainable Engineering (Elective–IV)

Course Outcomes
1. Explain the basic concepts of industrial ecology and sustainability
2. Compare between biological and industrial organisms
3. Analyze energy and material flows in natural and technical systems at different scales
4. Utilize the concept of life cycle assessment before designing a product or process
5. Utilize the concept of industrial symbiosis to develop sustainable technical collaboration
6. Evaluate the availability of renewable and fossil resources for industrial processes

Unit I
Sustainability as Applied to Industrial Ecology
The tragedy of the commons–Technological evolution and the master (IPAT) equation–Industrial ecology
activities and sustainability–Linking industrial ecology activities to sustainability–Greening of engineering
Biological and industrial organisms and ecosystems–Engineering by biological and industrial organisms–
Metabolisms of biological and industrial organisms–Risk assessment and management–Social dimensions of
industrial ecology
Limits to Growth
11+4 Hours
Unit II
Sustainable Engineering & Life Cycle Assessment
Green chemistry and engineering–Process design and life cycle–Green technology and sustainability–Design for
Environment and Sustainability
Concept of life cycle assessment–The LCA framework–Goal setting and scope determination–Life cycle of
industrial products–Impact and interpretation–Limitations of LCA
Life cycle assessment of processes
11+4 Hours
Unit III
Industrial Ecosystems
Ecosystems and food chains–Food web–Industrial symbiosis–Designing and developing symbiotic industrial
ecosystem–Eco-industrial Park - Material flow analysis, utility of material flow analysis
Eco-industrial Park initiatives around the world
11+4 Hours
Unit IV
Energy and Industrial Ecology
Energy and organisms–Energy and the product life cycle–Energy and mineral resources–Energy and industrial
Industrial ecology and sustainable engineering in developing economies–Industrial ecology and sustainability in
the corporation
Energy efficiency through industrial ecology
12+3 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Text Book (s)
1. T. E. Graedel, B. R. Allenby, Industrial Ecology and Sustainable Engineering, 1st Ed., Pearson, USA.

Reference Book (s)

1. R. U. Ayres, L. W. Ayres, A Handbook of Industrial Ecology, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2002

Department of Chemical Engineering, GMRIT | Curriculum | Regulation 2016

16ENV010 Industrial Pollution Prevention and Clean Technologies (Elective–IV)

Course Outcomes
1. Define the techno-systems from thermodynamics view-point
2. Apply the pollution prevention and waste minimization strategies in industrial processes
3. Elucidate suitable industrial waste separation technologies required for waste minimization
4. Describe cleaner production activities and its benefit
5. Implement the cleaner technologies in various industries
6. Explain the concept of industrial ecology and eco-industrial park and their benefit

Unit I
Earth as a thermodynamic system
Thermodynamics of the technosystem-Thermodynamics and environmental pollution-Nature and
characteristics of industrial wastes–Prevention versus control of industrial pollution–Linkage between
technology and pollution prevention–Tools for clean processes, reuse, recycle, recovery, source
reduction, raw material substitution, toxic use reduction and process modifications, Towards a
thermodynamically sustainable development–The global energy situation–fossil energy–energy
saving–energy storage–fuel cells
Renewable energy 12+3 Hours

Unit II
Unit operations in separation technology
Supercritical extraction–Membranes–Reverseosmosis–Ultrafiltration–Electrodialysis–Adsorption–
Biosorbents –Separation technologies as tools for waste minimization
Pervaporation 11+4 Hours

Unit III
Process optimization for cleaner industrial processes
Flow sheet analysis–Energy and resource (material and water) audits for efficient usage and
conservation–Waste audits, emission inventories and waste management hierarchy for process
industries–Thermodynamic constraints to waste minimization–Holistic and critical technology
Environmental performance indicators 11+4 Hours

Unit IV
Concept of industrial ecology and eco-industrial parks
Case studies on industrial applications of cleaner technologies in pulp and paper, textile, leather,
dairy, cement industries
Industrial applications of cleaner technologies in metallurgical and electroplating industries
11+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. A. Johansson, Clean Technology, CRC press, 1992
2. T. E. Higgins, Pollution prevention handbook, CRC Lewis, 1995
Reference (s)
1. D. T. Allen., D.R. Shonnard, Green Engineering, Prentice Hall, 2002
2. T. E. Graedel, B. R. Allenby, Industrial Ecology and Sustainable Engineering, 1st Ed., Prentice Hall,

Department of Chemical Engineering, GMRIT | Curriculum | Regulation 2016

16ENV011 Waste water Reclamation and Reuse (Elective–IV)

Course outcomes
1. Summarize the role of water recycling in the hydrological cycle
2. Possess knowledge in the area of reclaimed wastewater usage while taking due precautions of health
impacts and environment quality
3. Plan suitable technology for efficient water reuse, keeping in view of discharge requirements
4. Develop systematic way for indirect and direct potable water reuse, and industrial use
5. Acquire knowledge for pretreatment and ground water recharge and make sustainable water use as
component of developmental activity
6. Develop strategies for industrial water reuse

Unit I
The Role of Water Recycling in the Hydrologic cycle, wastewater Reuse Applications, Need for Water Reuse–
Public Health and Environmental Issues in water Reuse–Constituents in Reclaimed Water, Public Health Issues,
Environmental Issues
Need for water recycling- hydrological cycle
15 Hours
Unit II
Water Reclamation Technologies
Conventional wastewater Treatment Process Flow Diagrams for Water Reclamation, Advanced Wastewater
Treatment Process flow diagrams, Performance Expectations for water Reclamation Processes, Predicting the
performance of treatment process combinations
Waste water characteristics-wastewater reclamation technologies
15 Hours
Unit III
Storage of Reclaimed water
Need for storage, Meeting water quality discharge requirements, Operations of storage reservoirs, Problems
involved with storage of reclaimed water, Agricultural and landscape irrigation evaluation of irrigation water
Water quality factors important for reclaimed water
15 Hours
Unit IV
Industrial Water Reuse
Industrial water use, Cooling Tower Makeup water, water and salt balance in cooling Tower, Common water
quality problems in cooling Tower, Common water quality problems in cooling towers, Ground water recharge
with reclaimed water: Ground water recharge methods, Pretreatment requirements for ground water recharge,
Fate of contaminants in groundwater, Planned Indirect and Direct Potable water Reuse - planned Indirect
Potable water Reuse, Planned Direct potable water Reuse, Planned potable water reuse Criteria
Case studies in waste water reuse
15 Hours
Total: 60 Hour
Textbook (s)

1. Metcalf and Eddy Inc, Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse, TMH publication, 4th Ed., 2003
Reference (s)
1. H. S. Peavy, D. R. Rowe, G. Tchobanoglous, Environmental Engineering, McGraw-Hill International,
2. W. J. Weber, Physico-Chemical Processes for Water Quality Control, Wiley Inter Science, 1972

Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering GMRIT | Curriculum | Regulation 2016

The Vision of GMRIT

 To be among the most preferred institutions for engineering and technological

education in the country
 An institution that will bring out the best from its students, faculty and staff–to learn,
to achieve, to compete and to grow–among the very best
 An institution where ethics, excellence and excitement will be the work religion,
while research, innovation and impact, the work culture

The Mission of GMRIT

 To turnout disciplined and competent engineers with sound work and life ethics
 To implement outcome based education in an IT–enabled Environment
 To encourage all-round rigor and instill a spirit of enquiry and critical thinking
among students, faculty and staff
 To develop teaching, research and consulting Environment in collaboration with
industry and other institutions

Programme Educational Objectives

1. Engage in ongoing learning and professional development through self-study,
continuing education in Power and Industrial drives and also in other allied fields by
applying their engineering skills.
2. Exhibiting critical thinking and problem solving skills in research, tackle social,
technical and business challenges by adopting ethical attitude, effective
communication, team work and leadership qualities.

Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

Programme Outcomes
Graduate will be able to
PO1: Apply higher order thinking for enhancement of knowledge by acquiring in-depth knowledge
of Power and Industrial drives (Scholarship of Knowledge)
PO2: Analyze complex engineering problems critically and synthesize information independently
to make intellectual (or) create advances (Critical Thinking)
PO3: Think laterally and arrive at an optimal solution to engineering problems considering health
and Environmental factors (Problem Solving)
PO4: Conduct research pertinent to unfamiliar problems individually/ in team to generate a new
scientific (or) technological knowledge (Research Skill)

PO5: Use modern Engineering and IT tools to solve complex power system problems (Usage of
modern tools)
PO6: Contribute effectively either individually (or) in group on collaborative multidisciplinary
scientific research tasks (Collaborative and Multidisciplinary work)
PO7: Manage projects efficiently by consideration of economical and financial factors(Project
Management and Finance)
PO8: Communicate effectively in writing, in personal presentation and in conversation of
technical project information(Communication)
PO9: Adapt lifelong learning skills to improve knowledge and competency(Life-long Learning)
PO10: Acquire professional ethics and contributing research outcomes for sustainable
development of society(Ethical Practices and Social Responsibility)
PO11: Adapt independent and reflective learning methods(Independent and Reflective Learning)

Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Power and Industrial Drives
[Minimum Credits to be earned: 72]

First Semester
No Course Code Course POs
1 16MEX101 Advanced Optimization Techniques 4 - - 4
2 16PID102 Analysis of Power Electronic Converters 4 - - 4
3 16PID103 Power Electronic Control of DC Drives 4 - - 4
4 Elective I 4 - - 4
5 Elective II 4 - - 4
6 16PID104 Power Electronic Systems Simulation - 3 2
7 16PID105 Term Paper - - 2
Total 20 - 3 24
Second Semester
1 16PID201 Electrical Machine Modeling and 4 - - 4
2 16PID202 Power Electronics Control of AC Drives 4 - - 4
3 16PID203 Switched Mode Power Conversion 4 - - 4
4 Elective III 4 - - 4
5 Elective IV 4 - - 4
6 16PID204 Power Electronics and Drives Lab - 3 2
7 16PID205 Comprehensive Viva - - 2
Total 20 - 3 24
Third Semester
No Course Code Course POs
1 16PID301 Internship - - - 4
2 16PID302 Project - - - -
Total - - - 4
Fourth Semester
1 16PID302 Project - - - 20

Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

List of Elective Courses

Elective I
No Course Code Course POs
1 16PID001 DSP Applications to Drives 4 - - 4
2 16PID002 Modern Control Theory 4 - - 4
3 16PID003 Power Electronic Applications to Power Systems 4 - - 4
Elective II
1 16PID004 Power Electronics Applications for Renewable 4 - - 4
Energy Systems
2 16PID005 Power Semiconductor Devices & Protection 4 - - 4
3 16PID006 Special Machines and Controls 4 - - 4
Elective III
1 16PID007 Computer Control of Industrial Drives 4 - - 4
2 16PID008 Intelligent applications to Electric Drives 4 - - 4
3 16PID009 PLCs & SCADA 4 - - 4
Elective IV
1 16PID010 HVDC Transmission 4 - - 4
2 16PID011 Modeling& Simulation of Power Electronic 4 - - 4
3 16PID012 Power Quality Issues & Mitigation 4 - - 4

Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

16MEX101 Advanced Optimization Techniques

Course Outcomes
1. Design of mechanical systems and interdisciplinary engineering applications and business solutions
using suitable optimization technique
2. Apply numerical or iterative techniques in power systems for optimal power flow solutions
3. Optimize the parameters in control systems for desired steady state or transient response
4. Optimize the cost function in deciding economic factors of power systems
5. Design of electrical systems optimally using suitable techniques like univariate method, steepest
descent method etc
6. Design of electrical systems optimally using, steepest and descent method etc
Unit I
Linear programming and Assignment Problem
Linear programming-Two-phase simplex method, Big-M method, duality, interpretation, applications,
Assignment problem- Hungarian’s algorithm, Degeneracy, applications, unbalanced problems, traveling
salesman problem
Applications of assignment problems
12+3 Hours
Unit II
Classical and Numerical Optimization Techniques
Classical optimization techniques-Single variable optimization with and without constraints, multi–variable
optimization without constraints, multi–variable optimization with constraints–method of Lagrange multipliers,
Kuhn-Tucker conditions.
Numerical methods for optimization-Nelder Mead’s Simplex search method, Gradient of a function, Steepest
descent method, Newton’s method, types of penalty methods for handling constraints
Exterior penalty function method for handling constraint
11+4 Hours
Unit III
Genetic algorithm and Programming
Genetic algorithm (GA)-Differences and similarities between conventional and evolutionary algorithms,
working principle, reproduction, crossover, mutation, termination criteria, different reproduction and crossover
operators, GA for constrained optimization, draw backs of GA.
Genetic Programming (GP)-Principles of genetic programming, terminal sets, functional sets, differences
between GA & GP, random population generation, solving differential equations using GP
Solving differential equations using GP
11+4 Hours
Unit IV
Multi-Objective GA
Multi-ObjPareto’s analysis, Non-dominated front, multi–objective GA, Non-dominated sorted GA, convergence
criterion, applications of multi-objective problems
Basic Problem solving using Genetic algorithm, Genetic Programming & Multi Objective GA and simple
applications of optimization for engineering systems
Simple applications of optimization for engineering systems
11+4 Hours
1. J.S. Arora, Introduction to Optimum Design, McGraw Hill International Ed., NY, 1989
2. K. Deb, Optimization for Engineering Design: Algorithms and Examples, 2ndEd., PHI, 1995
3. S.S.Rao, Engineering Optimization: Theory and Practice, New Age International (P) Ltd., 2001
Reference (s)
1. D. E. Goldberg, Genetic Algorithms in Search and Optimization, Pearson publication, 1990
2. J. R. Koza, Genetic Programming, MIT Press, 1993
3. K. Deb, Multi-Objective Optimization Using Evolutionary Algorithms, Wiley, 2001

Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

16PID102 Analysis of Power Electronic Converters

Course Outcomes
1. Outline the concepts and techniques used in power electronics circuits.
2. Select appropriate power converter topologies and design the power stage with controllers for various
3. Apply advanced modulation techniques for analyzing and designing power converters
4. Design the single-phase power factor correction (PFC) circuits to draw sinusoidal currents at unity
power factor.
5. Extend knowledge about the concepts of multilevel inverter.
6. Learn the role of Power Electronics in utility-related applications which are becoming extremely

Unit I
AC-DC Converters
Single Phase AC-DC Converters: Single phase Half controlled and Fully controlled Converters with RL load–
Evaluation of input power factor and harmonic factor-Continuous and Discontinuous load current-Power factor
improvements-Extinction angle control-symmetrical angle control-PWM single phase sinusoidal PWM-Single
phase series converters- .
Three Phase AC-DC Converters: Three Phase ac-dc Converters- Half controlled and fully controlled Converters
with RL load–Evaluation of input power factor and harmonic factor-Continuous and Discontinuous load
current-three phase dual converters-three phase PWM-twelve pulse converters.
Power factor improvements
Unit II
AC Voltage Converters
Single Phase AC voltage Controllers: Single Phase AC Voltage Controllers with RL and RLE loads-ac voltage
controller’s with PWM control-Effects of source and load inductances –synchronous tap changers –Application.
Three Phase AC Voltage Controllers: Three Phase AC Voltage controllers-Analysis of Controllers with star and
delta connected resistive, resistive –inductive loads–Application
Effects of source and load inductances
Unit III
PWM Inverters
Single phase PWM Inverters: Principle of operation-Voltage control of single phase inverters- sinusoidal
PWM–modified PWM–phase displacement Control–Trapezoidal, staircase, stepped, harmonic injection and
delta modulation
Three Phase PWM Inverters: Voltage Control of Three-Phase Inverters- Sinusoidal PWM- Third Harmonic
PWM- Space Vector Modulation- Comparison of PWM Techniques-Variable dc link inverter.
Current source inverters
Unit IV
Power Factor Correction Converters & Multi-Level inverters
Power Factor Correction Converters: Single-phase single stage boost power factor corrected rectifier, power
circuit principle of operation, and steady state- analysis, three phase boost PFC converter.
Multi-Level inverters: Introduction, Multilevel Concept, Types of Multilevel Inverters- Diode-Clamped
Multilevel Inverter, Principle of Operation, Features of Diode-Clamped Inverter, Improved Diode-Clamped
Inverter- Flying-Capacitors Multilevel Inverter- Principle of Operation, Features of Flying-Capacitors Inverter-
Comparisons of Multilevel Converters.
Cascaded Multilevel Inverter
Total: 60 Hours

Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

Textbook (s)
1. Md.H.Rashid, Power Electronics, Pearson Education, 3rdEd.,2008
2. Ned Mohan Tore, M.Undelan,Power Electronics, WilliamP.Robbins, John Wiley & Sons, 3rdEd.,2003.

Reference (s)
1. C. W. Lander, Power Electronics, McGraw Hill companies, 2ndEd., 1993.
2. G. K. Dubey, S. R. Doradra, A. Joshi and R. M. K. Sinha ,Thyristorised Power Controllers, New Age
International (P) Limited Publishers, 1996.
3. B.K.Bose, Modern Power Electronics: Evolution, Technology and applications, Jaico Publishing
House, 1999.

Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

16PID103 Power Electronic Control of DC Drives

Course Outcomes
1. Outline the speed control and braking methods of electrical drives for day to day applications.
2. Propose various controlling techniques of dc drive for industrial applications.
3. Design various power electronic converters to control the dc motor.
4. Design speed controller for converter fed dc drive.
5. Summarize the performance characteristics of converter fed and chopper fed DC motors to justify
their applications.
6. Select suitable converter for dc and ac drives.

Unit I
Speed Torque characteristics of DC Motors
Separately excited DC motors, Shunt motor, series motor and compound motor
Controlled Bridge Rectifier (1-Ф) with DC Motor Load
Separately excited DC motors with rectified single phase supply-single phase semiconverter and single phase
full converter for continuous and discontinuous modes of operation–power and power factor.
Harmonic Analysis in converter 14Hours

Unit II
Controlled Converters
Controlled Bridge Rectifier (3-Ф) with DC Motor Load
Three phase semi converter and three phase full converter for continuous and discontinuous modes of operation
–power and power factor –Addition of Freewheeling diode.
Three phase naturally commutated bridge circuit as a rectifier or as an inverter
Three phases Controlled bridge rectifier with passive load impedance, resistive load and ideal supply–Highly
inductive load and ideal supply for load side and supply side quantities, shunt capacitor compensation, three
phase controlled bridge rectifier inverter.
Harmonic Analysis in inverter 15Hours

Unit III
Closed loop control of phase controlled DC motor Drives
Open loop Transfer functions of DC Motor drive-Closed loop Transfer function of DC Motor drive
Chopper controlled DC motor drives-Principle of operation of the chopper–Four quadrant chopper circuit–
Chopper for inversion–Chopper with other power devices–model of the chopper–input to the chopper–Steady
state analysis of chopper controlled DC motor drives –rating of the devices
Phase-Locked loop control 16Hours

Unit IV
Closed loop control of chopper fed DC motor Drives
Speed controlled drive system–current control loop–pulse width modulated current controller–hysteresis current
controller –modeling of current controller –design of current controller
Simulation of DC motor Drives-Dynamic simulations of the speed controlled DC motor drives –Speed feedback
speed controller–command current generator –current controller.
Simulation of the speed controlled DC motor drive using MATLAB 14Hours
Total: 60 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. Gopal K. Dubey, Fundamentals of Electric Drives, Narosa Publications, 2nd Ed., 2001.
2. R. Krishnan, Electrical drives: Modeling, Analysis and Control, Prentice Hall of India., 1st Ed., 2007.
Reference (s)
1. Shepherd, Hulley and Liang, Power Electronics and Motor Control, Cambridge University Press, 1995.
2. M. H. Rashid, Power Electronic Circuits, Devices and Applications, 3rd Ed, Prentice Hall of India,

Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

16PID104 Power Electronic Systems Simulation Lab

Course Outcomes
1. Outline the simulation tools for solving complex Engineering problems.
2. Design power electronic systems for given specifications.
3. Analyze transients in Electrical systems at given operating conditions.
4. Design a power converter circuit for practical applications
5. Develop simulation of dc and ac drives using Simulation tools
6. Analyze the harmonic indices generated by a rectifier feeding an R-L load

List of Experiments
1. Simulation of Single phase full converter using RL load with and without LC Filter.
2. Simulation of Three phase full converter using RL & E Loads.
3. Simulation of single phase AC Voltage controller with RL load.
4. Simulation of single phase inverter with sinusoidal PWM control for R-load.
5. Simulation of Three phase inverter with Sinusoidal PWM control for R-Load.
6. Simulation of single phase current source inverter with RL Load.
7. Simulation of dc-dc Boost converter.
8. DC motor with controlled ac rectification using simulation tools
9. Development and Simulation of 3-phase PWM Inverter with sinusoidal pulse-width modulation using
simulation tools.
10. Characteristics of induction machines under balanced and symmetrical conditions for the following
using Simulation tools
a. d-q model in synchronous reference frame
b. d-q model in stator reference frame
c. d-q model in rotor reference frame
11. Volts/Hz closed-loop speed control of an induction motor drive using Simulation tools
12. Open-loop Volts/Hz control of a synchronous motor drive using Simulation tools
13. Speed control of a permanent magnet synchronous motor using Simulation tools
14. Capacitor-start capacitor-run single-phase induction motor using Simulation tools
15. Single phase IGBT based fully controlled rectifier with PWM control using simulation tools
16. Simulation of Three phase IGBT based ac voltage controller with PWM control
17. Simulation of Buck-converter
18. Calculate the displacement power factor, power factor and the total harmonic distortion associated with
the power-electronics interface.
19. Computation of harmonic indices generated by a rectifier feeding an R-L load.
20. Simulation study of variable speed wind energy conversion system- DFIG

List of mini Projects1

1. Generation of firing pulses using microcontrollers.
2. Design and fabrication of driver circuit for Power IGBT/MOSFET
3. Develop speed controller for DC motor /Induction motor
4. Design speed controller for special machine like BLDC/PMSM/SRM.

Textbook (s)
1. G. K. Dubey, Fundamentals of Electric Drives, Narosa Publications, 1995.
2. M. H. Rashid, Power Electronic Circuits, Devices and Applications, Prentice Hall of India, 2009.
3. R. Krishnan, Electric Motor Drives Modeling, Analysis and Control, Prentice Hall of India, 2001.
Reference (s)
1. M.H.Rashid, Simulation of Electrical and electronics Circuits using PSPICE, PHI
Publications, 2004.
2. PSPICE A/D user’s manual–Microsim, USA.
3. PSPICE reference guide–Microsim, USA.
4. MATLAB and its Tool Books user’s manual and–Math works, USA.

Students shall opt any one of the Mini–Projects in addition to the regular experiments

Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

16PID201Electrical Machine Modeling and Analysis

Course Outcomes
1. Summarize the model of all electrical machines in generalized machine theory.
2. Apply the modeling of dc and ac machines using Kron’s primitive machine.
3. Apply modeling concept to all electrical machines to study the performance characteristics of
4. Compare the performance of machine in actual and two phase (dq) platform.
5. Evaluate the performance characteristics of machine in dq-modeling.
6. Design and simulate all electrical machine models using simulation software.

Unit I
Basic concepts of modeling
Magnetically coupled circuits, Electro-magnetic energy conversion, Basic Two-pole Machine representation of
Commutator machines, 3-phase synchronous machine with and without damper bars and 3-phase induction
machine, Kron’s primitive Machine-voltage, current and torque equations.
Apply Kron’s theory for all electrical machines. Understand mathematical model of electrical machines
Unit II
DC Machine modeling
Mathematical model and transfer function of separately excited D.C motor, Steady State analysis, Transient
State analysis-Sudden application of Inertia Load, Mathematical model of D.C Series & shunt motors.
Model all dc machines and execute them in simulated software
Unit III
Modeling of Three Phase Induction Machine
Transformation from Three phase to two phase and Vice Versa, Transformation from Rotating axis to stationary
axis and vice versa-Park’s Transformation and it’s physical concept, inductance matrix, Mathematical model of
Induction machine –Steady State analysis, d-q model of induction machine in Stator reference frame, Rotor
reference frame and Synchronously rotating reference frame, Small signal model of induction machine, d-q flux
linkages model derivation, Dynamic simulation of induction machine.
Model induction machines and simulate using Simulation tool
Unit IV
Modeling of Synchronous Machine
Synchronous machine inductances phase Co-ordinate model, Space phasor model-Steady state operation- d-q
model of Synchronous machine, mathematical model of PM Synchronous motor.
Study the dynamic behavior of Synchronous machine using Simulation tool
Total: 60 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. P. C. Krause, Analysis of Electrical Machinery, Mc-GrawHill, 1st Ed., 1980.
2. R. Krishnan, Electric Motor Drives Modeling, Analysis & Control, Pearson Education, 1st Ed., 2002.

Reference (s)
1. P.S.Bimbra, Generalized Theory of Electrical Machines, Khanna Publications, 5th Ed., 2002.
2. John Chiasson, Modeling and High Performance Control of Electric Machines, John Wiley & Sons,

Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

16PID202 Power Electronic Control of AC Drives

Course Outcomes
1. Summarize the speed control of electrical drives for day to day applications.
2. Analyze VSI and CSI inverters for induction motors
3. Propose various controlling techniques of ac drive for industrial applications.
4. Design various power electronic converters to control the ac motor.
5. Understand the performance characteristics of inverter fed induction motors to justify their
6. Apply various control methods for synchronous motor drive

Unit I
Review of steady-state operation of Induction motor, Equivalent circuit analysis, torque-speed characteristics.
Voltage Source Inverter Fed Induction motor drives-Scalar control- Voltage fed Inverter control-Open loop
volts/Hz control-Speed control with slipRegulation-Speed control with torque and Flux control.
Current controlled voltage fed Inverter Drive 14Hours

Unit II
Current Source Inverter Fed Induction motor drives
Current-Fed Inverter control-Independent current and frequency control-Speed and flux control in Current-
Fed Inverter drive-Volts/Hz control of Current-Fed Inverter drive
Slip power recovery schemes
Slip-power recovery Drives-Static Kramer drive-Phasor diagram-Torque expression-Speed control of Kramer
drive-Static scherbius drive-Modes of operation.
Efficiency optimization control by flux program 16Hours

Unit III
Vector control of Induction Motor
Principles of vector control, direct vector control, derivation of indirect vector control, implementation –Block
diagram; estimation of flux.
Control of Synchronous motor drives
Synchronous motor and its characteristics- Control strategies-Constant torque angle control- power factor
control, constant flux control, flux weakening operation, Load commutated inverter fed synchronous motor
drive, motoring and regeneration, phasor diagrams.
Flux weakening operation 15Hours

Unit IV
Variable Reluctance Motor Drive
Variable Reluctance motor drives- Torque production in the variable reluctance motor-Drive Characteristics and
control principles
PMSM and BLDC Drives-Characteristics of permanent magnet, synchronous machines with permanent magnet,
vector control of PMSM- Motor model and control scheme. Modelling of PM brushless dc motor, drive scheme
–Three phase full wave Brushless dc motor-Sinusoidal type of Brushless dc motor- current controlled Brushless
dc motor Servo drive.
Current control variable reluctance motor servo drive 15Hours
Total: 60 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. John Chiasson, Electric Motor Drives Modeling, Analysis &control, Prentice Hall, 2001.
2. B. K. Bose, Modern Power Electronics and AC Drives, Prentice Hall PTR, 2002.
Reference (s)
1. G.K. Dubey, Power Semiconductor drives, Prentice Hall of India, 1989.
2. M. H. Rashid, Power Electronic Circuits, Devices and Applications, PHI, 3rd Ed., 2009.
3. Bimal K. Bose, Power Electronics and Motor Drives: Advances and Trends, Academic Press, 2006.

Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

16PID203 Switched Mode Power Conversion

Course Outcomes
1. Analyze Steady-State switched-mode dc-dc power converters
2. Analyze, Modeling, and Design the Inductors and Transformers for switched-mode power converters.
3. Solve the engineering problems related to switching converters
4. Design the Switched-Mode Converters, including selection of component values based on steady-state
dc and ac ripple specifications
5. Analyze for Small-Signal ac Model Development and Analysis for switched-mode dc-dc converters
using averaging techniques, including the derivation and visualization of converter small-signal
transfer functions
6. Apply mathematics through differential equations in analyzing and designing switchingconverter
Unit I
Single-Switch Isolated Converters and Push Pull Converters
Requirement for isolation in the switch-mode converters, transformer connection, Forward and fly back
converters, power circuit and steady-state analysis.
Power circuit and steady-state analysis, utilization of magnetic circuits in single switch and push-pull
Steady-state analysispush-pull converter 15 Hours

Unit II
Isolated Bridge Converters
Half bridge and full-bridge converters, Power circuit and steady-state analysis, utilization of magnetic circuits
and comparison with previous topologies.
Formulation of dynamic equation of buck and boost converters, averaged circuit models, linearization
technique, small-signal model and converter transfer functions.
Dynamic modelling of DC-DC Converters 15 Hours

Unit III
Controller Design and Resonant Converters
Review of frequency-domain analysis of linear time-invariant systems, concept of bode plot, phase and gain
margins, bandwidth, controller specifications, proportional (P), proportional plus integral (PI), proportional plus
integral plus integral controller (PID), selection of controller parameters.
Classification of Resonant converters-Basic resonant circuits- Series resonant circuit-parallel resonant circuits-
Resonant switches.
PID tuning methods-a review 16 Hours
Unit IV
Quasi-Resonant Converters
Classification of Resonant converters-Basic resonant circuits- Series resonant circuit-parallel resonant circuits-
Resonant switches.
Quasi-Resonant Converters-I Concept of Zero voltage switching, principle of operation, analysis of M-type and
L-type Buck or boost Converters.
Quasi-Resonant Converters-II Concept of Zero current switching, principle of operation, analysis of M-type and
L-type Buck or boost Converters.
Design of Resonant Converter 14 Hours
Total: 60 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. Robert Erickson and Dragon Maksimovic, Fundamentals of Power Electronics, Springer Publications,
2. Issa Batarseh, Power Electronics, John Wiely, 2004.
Reference (s)
1. Philip T.Krein, Elements of Power Electronics,Oxford University Press, 2015.
2. L.Umanand, Power Electronics: Essentials &applications, Tata Mc-Graw Hill, 2009.

Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

16PID204 Power Electronics and Drives Lab

Course Outcomes
1. Understand performance of single & three phase converter fed dc drives
2. Summarize the performance of converters to the electrical drives
3. Develop speed control methods for dc and ac drives
4. Design of Power converter for dc and ac drives
5. Develop PWM pulse generation for converters
6. Develop current controller for a electrical drive

List of Experiments:
1. Operation of 3-Phase Full-Converter on R & R-L load.
2. Performance & speed control of DC drive using 3-phase full Converter.
3. Performance & Operation of a four quadrant Chopper on DC. Drive
4. Performance & Operation of a 3-phase AC Voltage controller on motor load.
5. Single Phase IGBT based PWM Inverter on R & R-L load
6. Operation of 3-phase IGBT based PWM Inverter on R & R-L load.
7. Performance & speed control of PMSM motor using DSP controller.
8. Performance & speed control of BLDC motor using DSP controller.
9. Three phase PWM Pulse generation using PIC Micro controller.
10. PIC Microcontroller based speed control of three phase Induction Motor
11. DSP based V/F Control of 3 phase Induction motor
12. Performance & speed control of reluctance motor using DSP/dsPIC controller
13. Realization of control logic for electric motors using FPGA controller
14. DSP based speed control of SRM motor.
15. Micro controller based speed control of Stepper motor
List of Mini-Projects2
1. PWM pulse generation using low cost PIC /Aurdino controller for three phase inverter.
2. Design of PV inverter/DC-DC converter for a given load.
3. Speed control of BLDC/PMSM motor using low cost controller boards
Textbook (s)
1. R. Krishnan, Electric Motor Drives Modeling, Analysis &control, Prentice Hall, 2001.
2. B. K. Bose, Modern Power Electronics and AC Drives, Prentice Hall PTR, 2002.
Reference (s)
1. G.K. Dubey, Power Semiconductor drives, Prentice Hall of India, 1989.
2. M. H. Rashid, Power Electronic Circuits, Devices and Applications, PHI, 3rd Ed., 2009.
3. Bose, Power Electronics and Motor Drives: Advances and Trends, Academic Press, 2006.

Students shall opt any one of the Mini–Projects in addition to the regular experiments

Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

16PID001 DSP Applications to Drives (Elective–I)

Course Outcomes
1. Identify suitable DSP processor for practical applications.
2. Outline the Input-output functionality and operation of ADC.
3. Design PWM Signal Generation with Event Managers.
4. Propose speed control methods using DSP controller for an Electrical drive.
5. Develop program for DSP for a given application.
6. Design the hardware interface for DSP controller for a given application.
Unit I
Introduction to the TMSLF2407 DSP controllers
Introduction to the TMSLF2407 DSP controller- Types of Physical Memory-C2XX DSP CPU and Instruction
set- Introduction-Generation- Mapping External Devices to the C2xx Core.
Peripheral Interface with DSP controller
Unit II
General Purpose Input/output (GPIO) Functionality
Assembly Programming-Multiplexing and General Purpose I/O Control Registers-Interrupts on the
Assembly Programming for PWM
Unit III
Overview and Operation of the ADC
The Analog-to-Digital converter (ADC)-Overview and Operation of the ADC and programming modes-The
Event managers (EVA, EVB).
PWM Signal Generation with Event Managers
Unit IV
Clarke's and park's transformations and machine control techniques
Clarke's and park's transformations: Implementation of Clarke's and Park's transformation, SV PWM, BLDC
Motor Control System, Permanent magnet synchronous machines control system, Induction Motor Speed
Control using LF2407 DSP
Vector control of Induction motorusing DSP controller
18 Hours
Total: 60 Hours
Textbook (s)

1. Hamid A. Tolyat and Steven G. Campbell, DSP Based Electro Mechanical Motion Control, CRC
press, 2004.
2. Application Notes from the webpage of Texas Instruments,2003

Reference (s)
1. Bar Ba C, Programming and Application of a DSP to Control and Regulate Power Electronic
Converters: Programming in C++, Anchor Academic Publishing, 2014.
2. Tze-Fun Chan, Keli Shi, Applied Intelligent Control of Induction Motor Drives,Wiley-Blackwell,

Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

16PID002 Modern Control Theory (Elective–I)

Course Outcomes
1. Develop state-space models.
2. Design state feedback controller and observer.
3. Analyze non-linear control systems using phase plane & describing functions.
4. Analyze the stability of Non-linear control systems using different techniques.
5. Design optimal controllers.
6. Design Linear Quadratic Regulator for a given system.

Unit I
State Variable Analysis
Concept of state–State Variable and State Model–State models for linear and continuous time systems–Solution
of state and output equation–controllability and observability- Pole Placement, Ackerman’s formula
State observers- Reduced and full order observers
Unit II
Non-Linear Systems
Features of linear and non-linear systems-Common physical non-linearities–Methods of linearizingnon-linear
systems-Concept of phase portraits–Singular points–Limit cycles–Construction of phase portraits–Phase plane
analysis of linear and non-linear systems–Isocline method. Derivation of describing functions for common non-
Describing function analysis of non-linear systems
Unit III
Stability Analysis
Stability in the sense of Lyapunov.Lyapunov’s stability and Lypanov’s instability theorems. Direct method
of Lypanov for the Linear and Nonlinear continuous time autonomous systems, Construction of Lyapunov
functions using Krasovskii and Variable Gradient Method.
Stability Analysis of Nonlinear system
Unit IV
Optimal Control
Problem formulation, necessary conditions of optimality, state regulator problem. Matrix Riccati equation,
infinite time regulator problem, output regulator and tracking problems. Linear Quadratic Regulator, model
matching based on Linear Quadratic optimal regulator.
Dynamic programming
Total: 60 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. I. J. Nagrath and M. Gopal, Control Systems Engineering, New Age International (P) Limited, 5th Ed.,
2. Katsuhiko Ogata,Modern Control Engineering, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 5thEd., 2010.

Reference (s)
1. Benjamin C. Kuo, Automatic Control Systems, John Wiley & Sons, 8th Ed., 2002.
2. M. Gopal, Modern control system theory, New Age International Publishers, 4th Ed., 2002.

Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

16PID003 Power Electronic Applications to Power Systems (Elective–I)

Course Outcomes
1. Demonstrate the importance of reactive power and voltage stability
2. Analyze the performance of shunt controllers and reactive power injection
3. Analyze the performance of series FACTS controllers and compare their performances
4. Evaluate the performance of voltage and Phase Angle Regulators
5. Demonstrate the operation and evaluate the performance of UPFC
6. Compare various PWM techniques

Unit I
General System Considerations, Transmission Interconnections, flow of power in AC systems, Loading
capability, power flow and Dynamic Stability considerations of a transmission interconnections, Relative
importance of controllable parameters. Basic types of FACTS Controllers, Benefits from FACTS technology,
HVDC versus FACTS. Limitations of load balancing using passive elements, Use of VSI as a VAR generator,
indirect current controlled synchronous link converter VAR Compensator (SLCVC).
Various PWM techniques: Harmonic Elimination- Theory and implementation issues. Discussion on bi-
directional power flow in VSI, Use of VSI as active filter cum Var generator.
Reactive power compensator using instantaneous reactive power theory
Unit II
Static Shunt compensators
Objectives of Shunt compensation, Methods of controllable VAR generation-TCR, TSC, FC-TCR, TSC-TCR,
Hybrid VAR generator
Unit III
Series Compensators
Objectives of series compensation, Variable impedance type series compensators-GCSC, TSSC, TCSC and
SSSC, Switching converter type series compensators.
Closed loop operation of Series compensator
Unit IV
Static Voltage Regulators
Objectives of voltage and Phase Angle Regulators, Thyristor Controlled Phase Angle Regulators, Switching
converter based Phase Angle Regulators.
Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) control capabilities of UPFC.
2-port representation of UPFC 16Hours
Total: 60 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. Narain G. Hingorani and Laszlo Gyugyi, Understanding FACTS: Concepts and Technology of
Flexible AC Transmission Systems, Standard Publishers, New Delhi, 2001.
2. R. Mohan Mathur and Rajiv K. Varma, Thyristor Based FACTS Controller for Electrical Transmission
Systems, Wiley Interscience Publications, 2002.
3. K. R. Padiyar, Facts Controllers in Power Transmission & Distribution, New Age International
(P) Ltd., 2007.
Reference (s)
1. E. Acha, V.G.Agelidis, O.Anaya-Lara and T.J.E.Miller, Power Electronic Control in Electrical
Systems,Newnes Power Engineering Series, Oxford, 2002.
2. T. J. E. Miller,Reactive power control in Electrical system, John Wiley & Sons, 1982.

Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

16PID004 Power Electronics Applications for Renewable Energy Systems (Elective–II)

Course Outcomes
1. Outline the impacts of renewable energy generation on Environment
2. Explain principle of operation and analysis of wind electrical generators
3. Select the different inverters ,battery sizing and array sizing
4. Design different power converters for wind energy systems
5. Compare the Stand alone operation of fixed and variable speed wind energy conversion systems and
solar system
6. Discuss need for Hybrid Systems and its ranges

Unit I
Environmental aspects of electric energy conversion: impacts of renewable energy generation on environment
(cost-GHG Emission)–Qualitative study of different renewable energy resources: Solar, wind, ocean, Biomass,
Fuel cell, Hydrogen energy systems.
Hybrid renewable energy systems
Unit II
Electrical Machines for Renewable Energy Conversion
Review of reference theory fundamentals-principle of operation and analysis: IG, PMSG, SCIG.
DFIG for wind power generation
Unit III
Power Converters

Solar: Block diagram of solar photo voltaic system-Principle of operation: line commutated converters
(inversion-mode)–Boost and buck-boost converters- selection of inverter, battery sizing, array sizing
Wind: three phase AC voltage controllers- AC-DC-AC converters: uncontrolled rectifiers, PWM Inverters, Grid
Interactive Inverters.
Matrix converters
Unit IV
Analysis of Wind and PV Systems
Standalone operation of fixed and variable speed wind energy conversion systems and solar system-Grid
connection Issues-Grid integrated PMSG and SCIG Based WECS-Grid Integrated solar system.
Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems-Need for Hybrid Systems- Range and type of Hybrid systems- PV-
Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT).
Case studies on renewable Energy systems
Total: 60 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. M. H.Rashid, Power electronics Hand book, Academic press, 2001.
2. G.D. Rai, Nonconventional energy sources, Khanna publishes, 1993.
3. G.D. Rai, Solar energy utilization, Khanna publishes, 1993.

Reference (s)
1. Gray, L. Johnson, Wind energy system, prentice hall link, 1995.
2. B.H.Khan, Non-conventional Energy sources, Tata McGraw-hill Publishing Company, New Delhi,

Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

16PID005 Power Semiconductor Devices & Protection (Elective–II)

Course Outcomes
1. Describe the Power semiconductor device selection strategy and On-state and switching losses.
2. Illustrate the characteristics and operating principles of Current controlled devices.
3. Illustrate the characteristics and operating principles of Voltage controlled devices.
4. Select suitable Firing scheme for Semiconductor devices.
5. Design protection schemes for Semiconductor devices using snubber circuits
6. Illustrate thermal characteristics and cooling techniques for various power electronic devices

Unit I
Symbols; Power handling capability–(SOA); Device selection strategy–On-state and switching losses–EMI
due to switching- Power diodes- Types, forward and reverse characteristics, switching characteristics
Ratings of Power diodes

Unit II
Current Controlled Devices
BJT’s–Construction, static characteristics, switching characteristics; Negative temperature co- efficient and
secondary breakdown; Power darlington- Thyristors–Physical and electrical principle underlying operating
mode, Two transistor analogy–concept of latching; Gate and switching characteristics; converter grade and
inverter grade and other types; series and parallel operation; comparison of BJT and Thyristor .
Steady state and dynamic models of BJT & Thyristors

Unit III
Voltage Controlled Devices
Power MOSFETs and IGBTs–Principle of voltage controlled devices, types, static and switching characteristics,
steady state and dynamic models of MOSFET and IGBTs-Basics of GTO, MCT, FCT, RCT and IGCT.
Constructionof GTO

Unit IV
Firing and Protecting Circuits
Necessity of isolation, pulse transformer, optocoupler–Gate drives circuit: SCR, MOSFET, IGBTs and base
driving for power BJT.-Over voltage, over current and gate protections; Design of snubber.
Thermal Protection=Heat transfer–conduction, convection and radiation; Cooling–liquid cooling, vapour–phase
cooling; Guidance for hear sink selection–Thermal resistance and impedance-Electrical analogy of thermal
components, heat sink types and design–Mounting types.
Total: 60 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. B.W Williams, Power Electronics Circuit Devices and Applications, McGraw-Hill, 2nd Ed., 1992.
2. M.H Rashid,Power Electronics Circuits, Devices and Applications, Prentice Hall India, 3rdEd., New
Delhi, 2004.
Reference (s)
1. MD Singh and K.B Kanchandhani, Power Electronics, Tata McGraw Hill, 2001.
2. Mohan, Undeland and Robins, Power Electronics–Concepts, applications and Design, John Wiley and
Sons, Singapore, 2000.

Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

16PID006 Special Machines and Controls (Elective–II)

Course Outcomes
1. Analyze the characteristics of different types of PM type Brushless DC motors and to design suitable
2. Apply the knowledge of sensors used in PMSM which can be used for controllers and synchronous
3. Evaluate the steady state and transient behavior Linear induction motors
4. Analyze the different controllers used in electrical machines to propose the suitability of drives for
different industrial applications
5. Classify the types of Linear motors and apply the knowledge of controllers to propose their
applications in real world.
6. Develop the control method for given special machine.

Unit I
Switched Reluctance Motor
Principle of operation, design of stator and rotor pole arc, Power Converter for switched reluctance motor.
Stepper Motors-Construction, principle of operation, theory of torque production, hybrid stepping motor,
variable reluctance stepping motor.
Linear Induction Motor=Construction, principle of operation, application of linear induction drive for electric
Linear Synchronous motor and its applications
18 Hours

Unit II
PMSM & BLDC motors
Brushless DC Motor-Construction, principle of operation, theory of brushless DC Motor as variable speed
synchronous motor.
Permanent Magnet Motors-Hysteresis loop, Permanent Magnet DC Motors, equivalent circuit,
electricallycommutated DC Motor.
Torque ripple minimization

Control of special Machines
Stepper motors (open loop control, closed loop control). Characteristics of stepper motor in open –loop drive.
Comparison of open loop and closed loop systems. Control of switched reluctance motor for fraction type load.
Control of brushless dc motor, rotor position sensing and switching logic for brushless dc motor.
Sensorless control method –review
Traction Drives
Electric Motors for traction drive- AC motors, DC motors, and single sided linear induction motor for traction
drives, Comparison of AC and DC traction.
Linear Synchronous motor operation
Total: 60 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. P.C.Krause, Analysis of Electrical Machinery, Mc-GrawHill, 1st Ed., 1980.
2. R.Krishnan, Electric Motor Drives Modeling, Analysis & Control, Pearson Education, 1st Ed., 2002.
Reference (s)
1. P.S.Bimbra, Generalized Theory of Electrical Machines, Khanna Publications, 5th Ed., 2002.
2. John Chiasson, Modeling and High Performance Control of Electric Machines, John Wiley & Sons,

Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

16PID007Computer Control of Industrial Drives (Elective–III)

Course Outcomes
1. Outline the architectural features of microcomputers
2. Interpret digital implementation of drives control
3. Analyze different types of compensators, digital firing schemes for power electronic devices
4. Illustrate microcontrollers and microcomputers for the control of AC/DC drives
5. Make use of microcomputers for the control of conventional and special machines
6. Solve and use power electronic devices for control of drives

Unit I
Microcomputer Control & Compensators
Merits and demerits of Microcomputer Control of Electric Drives, Simplified sequence control diagram, Control
system design stages, Computer loading factor, simplified structure of software and task timing diagram, Digital
implementation of PI Compensator, Lag-Lead Compensator.
Digital implementation of Static Slip recovery scheme

Unit II
AC & DC Drives & Digital Firing Schemes
The Microcomputers adopted for control of electrical drives, relative features and architecture, Review of power
converters useful for DC and AC drives, Current speed sensing, Zero crossing detector, Position sensing circuits
required for microprocessor based control.
Different types of Digital firing schemes for converters, Chopper and Inverter circuits, DC drive control,
Induction motor drive control,.
Variable frequency synchronous motor drives
Unit- III
Microcomputer Control of Converters
Microcomputer control of converter-fed DC motor drives (Digital Leonard control system), Automatic current
regulating loop, automatic speed regulating loop and over all algorithm, Basic principle of vector control of
Induction motors, phasor diagram and digital block diagram.
Microcomputer control of vector control of Induction motor
Microcomputer Control of Motor Drives
Optimal efficiency drive of Induction motor with VIF control, Microcomputer control of current source fed
synchronous motor drive, digital firing circuit, optical encoder, four quadrant operation of synchronous motor
Microcomputer of control of sensorless brushless motor drive control, vector control of synchronous motor
Microcomputer control of switched reluctance motors 16Hours
Total: 60 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. Bimal K Bose, Microcomputer Control of Power Electronics and Drives, IEEE Press(Reprint),
2. Bimal K Bose, Power Electronics and Variable Frequency Drives Technology and Applications,
Wiley, 2010.
Reference (s)
1. W. Leonard, Control of Electrical drives, Springer, 2001.
2. Fred C Lee, Power Electronics Technology and Applications II, IEEE Technology Update Series 2010.

Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

16PID008 Intelligent Applications to Electric Drives (Elective–III)

Course Outcomes
1. Demonstrate membership functions, basic concept of Fuzzy & their Inference systems
2. Apply fuzzy systems to DC drive for speed & current control
3. Infer fundamental concepts of Artificial Neural Networks
4. Compare various algorithms of Artificial Neural Networks
5. Analyze Steady state & Transient analysis of Induction Motor using ANN
6. Model & tryout Induction Motor using Fuzzy–Neural Network
Unit I
Fuzzy Logic Systems
General-Proven advantages of various industrial fuzzy logic applications-fuzzy logic system, fuzzy logic basics-
classical set, characteristic function-classical set operations-fuzzy set, member ship function, fuzzy set
operations-ns of fuzzy sets, the extinction principle, fuzzy rules, fuzzy reasoning-fuzzy logic inference system,
Sugeno fuzzy logic inference system, Tsukamoto fuzzy logic inference system-fuzzy logic system design
Automatic generation of fuzzy rules from data-adaptive fuzzy logic systems.
Unit II
Drive with Fuzzy Controllers
Drive with fuzzy speed controller- drive with fuzzy speed and armature current controller- drive with fuzzy
speed, armature current and flux controller- drive with fuzzy firing angle compensation, fuzzy speed controller
and armature current controller-drive scheme-linearization of converter non-linear characteristics-fuzzy firing
angle compensator
Fuzzy speed and current controllers-simulation results
Unit III
Artificial Neural Networks
ANN fundamentals-biological neuron model, artificial neuron model, ANN networks-Hardware implementation
of ANNs-various ANNs and training strategies for different applications-applications of the error back
propagation algorithm-data preparation for the back propagation algorithm-nodes, layers- back propagation
training and learning, learning curve-generalized data rule- application of simultaneous input vectors: batching-
numerical acceleration techniques, avoidance of over fitting- Leven berg-Marquardt algorithm-unsupervised
learning, competitive learning-main features of unsupervised learning and winner-take-all learning techniques-
three computational stages of clustering- winner-take-all network initialization and weight adjustment
algorithm-limitations of winner-take-all algorithm, all other algorithms-K F Mand other self-organizing
techniques-lateral connections in a biological neural network- lateral connections in an artificial neural network:
the Kohonen feature map-KMF learning algorithm, main characteristics.
ANN controller for DC motor
19 Hours

Unit IV
AI Based Steady-State and Transient Analysis of Induction Machines
Transient analysis-ANN based steady state and transient analysis-ANNs for slip-ring induction machine- ANNs
for squirrel-cage induction machine- fuzzy-neural-network-based steady-state and transient analysis of induction
machines-vector drive with self-organizing fuzzy-neural speed controller, experimental results and minimal
configuration- vector drive with a neural speed controller, experimental results, and minimal configuration.
ANFIS based speed controller of induction motor
Total: 60 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. Peter Vas, Artificial Intelligence Based Electrical Machine and Drives, Oxford University, 1999.
2. Teresa Orłowska-Kowalska, Frede Blaabjerg, José Rodríguez, Advanced and Intelligent Control in
Power Electronics and Drives, Springer, 2014.
Reference (s)
1. Tze-Fun Chan, Keli Shi, Applied Intelligent Control of Induction Motor Drives, John-Wiley, 2011.

Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

16PID009 PLCs & SCADA (Elective–III)

Course Outcomes
1. Identify basic components of PLCs, their architecture &addressing modes.
2. Analyze different levels of File I / O & Ladder Logic diagram of PLCs.
3. Develop PLC based system for real time application.
4. Illustrate the programming concepts of PLCs.
5. Interface PLCs & SCADA for Industrial Automation.
6. Design various animations & alarming functions in SCADA.

Unit I
Introduction to Programmable Logic Controllers
Overview, Functions & Features, Typical areas of Application, PLC vs Personal Computers, PLC vs Dedicated
Controllers, Logic Contact Symbology, Binary & Hexadecimal conversions, Input / output addressing.
Review on various PLC controllers
14 Hours
Unit II
PLC Hardware& System Configuration
Backplane & Rack, Power Supply Module, Programmable Controller, Discrete Input / output Modules, Analog
Input / output Modules, Special Function Input/output Modules, Network Interface Modules, Serial
Communication Interface, Memory modules, Proprietary Cables & accessories, Redundancy–overview,
Introduction to Remote Input / outputs.
Finalization of Input / output Module count, Rack Configuration, Power Supply Limits, Communication Limits,
Input / Output allotment & addressing, Finalization of Derived Function Blocks.
Interfacing PC to PLC
15 Hours
Unit III
PLC Programming–Fundamentals & Implementation
Configuration, Ladder Logic (LD), Function Block Diagram (FBD), Instruction List (IL), Structured Text (ST),
Sequential Function Chart (SFC), Arithmetic Functions, Logic Functions, Timers and Counters, Communication
Instructions, Data Transfer Instructions, System Bits and Words, Function Blocks, Derived Function Blocks.
Configuration of Rack, Configuration of Controller, Configuration of Network Modules, Configuration of
Input Output Modules, Structuring a program, Creation of database, Programmer’s console, Downloading /
Uploading Projects, PLC Modes (RUN, STANDBY, and MONITOR), Simulation & Testing, Loop tuning &
Parameter setting, on line Monitoring / debugging, Diagnostic features.
PLC Programming
PID Function Blocks
16 Hours
Unit IV
Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition (SCADA)
Introduction to SCADA, SCADA Architecture, Communication table for signal exchange, Introduction to
communication protocols, Creation of Database, Operating Screens, Application programming, Simulation /
RUN time, Alarms, Trends & Bar graphs, Historical Data Management.
Interfacing with PLC
15 Hours
Total: 60 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. Rajesh Mehra, Vikrant Vij,PLCs & SCADA: Theory &Practice, Laxmi Publications, 1st Ed., 2015.
2. Kelvin T Erickson Dogwood, Programmable Logic Controllers: An Emphasis on Design &
Applications, Valley Press, 2nd Ed., 2011.
Reference (s)
1. Mini S Thomas, John D McDonald, Power System SCADA & Smart Grids, CRC Press, Dogwood
Valley Press, 2015.
2. W. Bolton. Newnes, Programmable Logic Controllers, Elsevier, 4th Ed., 2006.

Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

16PID010 HVDC Transmission (Elective–IV)

Course Outcomes
1. Outline different types of HVDC converters and their operation.
2. Summarize the converter control characteristics and Reactive power control
3. Identify the series and parallel operation of HVDC systems and extending to MTDC systems.
4. Demonstrate types and design of different filters and reduction of harmonics
5. Apply different control strategies of converters.
6. Analyze the various types faults and hence protecting the HVDC system.

Unit I
Basic Concepts &Analysis of HVDC Converters
Economics & Terminal equipment of HVDC transmission systems: Types of HVDC Links–Apparatusrequired
for HVDC Systems–Comparison of AC &DC Transmission, Application of DC Transmission
System–Planning & Modern trends in D.C. Transmission.
Choice of Converter configuration–analysis of Graetz–characteristics of 6 Pulse &12 Pulse converters –Cases of
two 3 phase converters in star –star mode–their performance.
Comparison of HVDC and HVAC
Unit II
Control of Converters & Reactive Power in HVDC systems
Constant current, constant extinction angle and constant ignition angle control Individual phase
Control and equidistant firing angle control DC power flow control, Starting and stopping of DC link;
Interaction between HV AC and DC systems–Voltage interaction Harmonic instability problems and DC power
modulation Reactive Power Requirements in steady state-Conventional control strategies, sources of reactive
power-AC Filters–shunt capacitors-synchronous condensers.
Alternate control strategies
Unit –III
MTDC Systems, Converter Fault & Protection
Series parallel and series parallel systems their operation and control.
Converter faults–protection against over current and over voltage in converter station–surge arresters –
Smoothing reactors–DC breakers –Audible noise-space charge field-corona effects on DC lines-
Effect of Radio waves on Animals & human beings
Unit IV
Harmonics & Filters
Generation of Harmonics –Characteristics harmonics, calculation of AC Harmonics, on- Characteristics
Adverse effects of harmonics–Calculation of voltage & Current harmonics–Effect of Pulsenumber on
harmonics. Types of AC filters, Design of Single tuned filters –Design of High pass filters.
Study of active Filters
Total: 60 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. K.R.Padiyar,HVDC Power Transmission Systems: Technology and system Interactions,New Age
International (P) Limited, and Publishers, 1990.
2. S.Rao, EHVAC and HVDC Transmission Engineering and Practice,Khanna Publishers, 1999.
Reference (s)
1. J.Arrillaga,HVDC Transmission,The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 1998.
2. E.W.Kimbark, Direct Current Transmission, John Wiley & Sons, 1990.
3. E.Uhlmann, Power Transmission by Direct Current, B.S.Publications, 2012.

Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

16PID011Modeling& Simulation of Power Electronic Systems (Elective–IV)

Course Outcomes
1. Select basic solvers and simulation tools required for Power Electronic Systems.
2. Summarize various solution techniques for time-domain analysis
3. Apply mathematical concepts of modeling to Power Electronic Systems.
4. Rephrase model equations for Electrical systems.
5. Analyze the model equations of Power electronic systems.
6. Simplify analysis & design a system level model of Induction motor drive.

Unit I
Computer Simulation of Power Electronic Converters and Systems
Challenges in computer simulation, simulation process: types of analysis, methods of simulation: circuit-
oriented simulators, equation solvers, comparison of circuit oriented simulators and equation solvers, solution
techniques for time-domain analysis.
Simulation of three phase converter
Unit II
Differential Equations & Solvers
Linear differential equations, trapezoidal method of integration, nonlinear differential equations, widely used
circuit oriented simulators, equation solvers.
Solvers of differential equations
Unit III
Modeling of Power Electronic System Components
DC to DC converters: steady-state equivalent circuit modeling, losses and efficiency, DC transformer model,
inclusion of inductor copper loss, construction of equivalent circuit model, mathematical model of a single
phase diode-bridge rectifier with a filter capacitor, simulation models for single phase and three phase PWM
inverters, DC motor, induction motor.
Mathematical model of DC-DC converter
Unit IV
System Level Modeling, Analysis, and Design of Electrical Machines
Phase controlled DC motor drives, chopper-controlled DC motor drive, phase controlled induction motor drive
and frequency controlled induction motor drives.
Modeling of SRM motor 14Hours
Total: 60 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. Ned Mohan, Tore M. Undeland, William P. Robbins, Power Electronics Converters, Applications, and
Design, 3rd Ed., Wiley India Pvt. Ltd, 2010.
2. R.Krishnan, Electric Motor Drives: Modeling, Analysis and Control, 1st Ed., PHI, 2009.

Reference (s)
1. Robert W. Erickson, Dragan Maksimovic, Fundamentals of Power Electronics, 3rd Ed., Springer, 2001.
2. Mahesh B. Patil, V. Ramanarayanan, V. T. Ranganathan, Circuit Simulation for Power Electronics by
Alpha Science International Ltd, 2009.

Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

16PID012 Power Quality Issues & Mitigation (Elective–IV)

Course Outcomes
1. Define the power quality problems
2. List the different methods to mitigate the power quality issues
3. Interpret standard curves to characterize various power system equipment.
4. Identify the right solution to power quality issues
5. Identify the different voltage regulating devices for the Voltage changes
6. Identify different power quality monitoring devices

Unit I
Introduction to Power Quality
Power Quality definition, Voltage Quality, concerns about power quality, The power quality evaluation
procedure- General classes of power quality problems, Transients, Long-Duration voltage variations, Short-
Duration voltage variations, Voltage Imbalance, waveform distortion, voltage fluctuation, Power frequency
variations, CBEMA and ITI curves.
Power quality terms
Unit II
Voltage disturbances and Regulation

Voltage Disturbances-Voltage Sags and Interruptions Sources of sags and interruptions-Estimating Voltage sag
performance- Fundamental principles of protection-Solutions at the End-User level-Evaluating the economics of
different ride through alternatives-Motor starting sags-Utility system fault clearing issues.
Transient Over Voltages: Sources of transient over voltages-Principles of over voltage protection-Devices for
over voltage protection-Utility capacitor_ switching Transients-Utility system Lightning protection- Managing
Ferro resonance.
Voltage Regulation-Principles of regulating the voltage-Devices for voltage regulation-Utility voltage regulator
application-Capacitors for voltage regulations-End user capacitor application-Regulating utility voltage with
distributed resources-Flickers.
Computer tools for transient analysis
Unit III
Harmonic Distortion-Voltage versus current distortion-Harmonic versus Transients-Power system Quantities
under non sinusoidal conditions-Harmonic indices-Harmonic sources from commercial loads-Harmonic sources
from industrial loads-Locating harmonic sources-System response characteristics- Effects of harmonic
distortion- Inter harmonics. Harmonic distortion evaluations-Principles for controlling harmonics-Devices for
controlling harmonic distortion
Where to control harmonics and Harmonic study
Unit IV
Power Quality Analysis
Monitoring Considerations, Power Quality Measurement Devices- Harmonic Analyzers, Transient- Disturbance
analyzers, Oscilloscopes, True RMS Meters, Power Quality conditioners- DSTATCOM, Dynamic voltage
restorer (DVR), unified power quality conditioners, Power Quality Monitoring Standards.
Intelligent Systems for Power quality Management
Total: 60 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. Roger C. Dugan, Electrical power systems quality,McGraw- Hill Publications, 3rd Ed., 2012.
2. A. Ghosh and G. Ledwich, Kluwer,Power quality enhancement using custom power devices,
Academic Publication, 2002.
3. Angelo Baggini, Handbook of power quality, John Wiley & Sons, 2008.

Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

Reference (s)
1. C. Sankaran, Power quality, CRC Press, 2002.
2. Heydt. G. T, Stars, Electric Power Quality Circle Publications, Indiana, 2nd Ed., 1994.
3. Arrillaga. J, Watson, N. R., Chen. S, Power System Quality Assessment, Wiley, New York, 2000.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

Department Vision
To be a nationally preferred department of learning for students and teachers alike, with
dual commitment to research and serving students in an atmosphere of innovation and
critical thinking.
Department Mission
1. To provide high-quality education in Mechanical Engineering to prepare the
graduates for a rewarding career in Mechanical Engineering and related industries,
in tune with evolving needs of the industry.
2. To prepare the students to become thinking professional and good citizens who
would apply their knowledge critically and innovatively to solve professional and
social problems.

Programme Educational Objectives

1. Graduates will exhibit problem solving techniques, research attitude in leading or
participating role of mechanical engineering, R & D organizations, academia and
other fields or to pursue Ph.D./higher studies.
2. Graduates will adopt life-long learning skills and aware of contemporary issues for
the successful professional career through self-study, effective communication and
professional development courses.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

Programme Outcomes
Graduate will be able to
PO1: Apply higher order thinking for enhancement of knowledge by acquiring in-depth knowledge
of Thermal Engineering systems (Scholarship of Knowledge)
PO2: Analyze complex engineering problems critically and synthesize information independently
to make intellectual (or) create advances (Critical Thinking)
PO3: Think laterally and arrive at an optimal solution to engineering problems considering health
and environmental factors (Problem Solving)
PO4: Conduct research pertinent to unfamiliar problems individually/ in team to generate a new
scientific (or) technological knowledge (Research Skill)

PO5: Use modern Engineering and IT tools to solve complex Thermal Engineering system
problems (Usage of modern tools)
PO6: Contribute effectively either individually (or) in group on collaborative multidisciplinary
scientific research tasks (Collaborative and Multidisciplinary work)
PO7: Manage projects efficiently by consideration of economical and financial factors(Project
Management and Finance)
PO8: Communicate effectively in writing, in personal presentation and in conversation of technical
project information (Communication)
PO9: Adapt lifelong learning skills to improve knowledge and competency (Life-long Learning)
PO10: Acquire professional ethics and contributing research outcomes for sustainable development
of society (Ethical Practices and Social Responsibility)
PO11: Adapt independent and reflective learning methods (Independent and Reflective Learning)

Department of Mechanical Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Thermal Engineering
[Minimum Credits to be earned:72]

First Semester
No Course Code Course POs
1 16MEX101 Advanced Optimization Techniques 4 - - 4
2 16THE102 Advanced Thermodynamics 4 - - 4
3 16THE103 Finite Element Analysis 4 - - 4
4 Elective I 4 - - 4
5 Elective II 4 - - 4
6 16THE104 Thermal Engineering Lab - 3 2
7 16THE105 Term Paper - - 2
Total 20 - 3 24
Second Semester
1 16THE201 Advanced Heat and Mass Transfer 4 - - 4
2 16THE202 Computational Methods For Fluid Flow 4 - - 4
3 16THE203 Fuels and Combustion 4 - - 4
4 Elective III 4 - - 4
5 Elective IV 4 - - 4
6 16THE204 Computational Methods Lab - 3 2
7 16THE205 Comprehensive Viva - - 2
Total 20 - 3 24
Third Semester
No Course Code Course POs
1 16THE301 Internship - - - 4
2 16THE302 Project - - - -
Total - - - 4
Fourth Semester
1 16THE302 Project - - - 20

Department of Mechanical Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

List of Elective Courses

Elective I
No Course Code Course POs
1 16THE001 Advanced Fluid Mechanics 4 - - 4
2 16THE002 Energy and Environmental Engineering 4 - - 4
3 16THE003 Turbo Machines 4 - - 4
Elective II
1 16THE004 Combustion and emissions in IC engines 4 - - 4
2 16THE005 Convective Heat Transfer 4 - - 4
3 16THE006 Non-Conventional Energy Sources 4 - - 4
Elective III
1 16THE007 Energy Management 4 - - 4
2 16THE008 Equipment Design for Thermal Systems 4 - - 4
3 16THE009 Thermal and Nuclear power Plants 4 - - 4
Elective IV
1 16THE010 Jet propulsion and Rocketry 4 - - 4
2 16THE011 Advanced Refrigeration and Air conditioning 4 - - 4
3 16THE012 Thermal Measurements and Process Controls 4 - - 4

Department of Mechanical Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

16MEX101 Advanced Optimization Techniques

Course Outcomes
1. Design of mechanical systems and interdisciplinary engineering applications and business solutions
using suitable optimization technique
2. Apply numerical or iterative techniques in power systems for optimal power flow solutions
3. Optimize the parameters in control systems for desired steady state or transient response
4. Optimize the cost function in deciding economic factors of power systems
5. Design of electrical systems optimally using suitable techniques like univariate method, steepest
descent method etc
6. Design of electrical systems optimally using, steepest and descent method etc
Unit I
Linear programming and Assignment Problem
Linear programming-Two-phase simplex method, Big-M method, duality, interpretation, applications,
Assignment problem- Hungarian’s algorithm, Degeneracy, applications, unbalanced problems, traveling
salesman problem
Applications of assignment problems
11+4 Hours
Unit II
Classical and Numerical Optimization Techniques
Classical optimization techniques-Single variable optimization with and without constraints, multi–variable,
optimization without constraints, multi–variable optimization with constraints–method of Lagrange multipliers,
Kuhn-Tucker conditions.
Numerical methods for optimization-Nelder Mead’s Simplex search method, Gradient of a function, Steepest
descent method, Newton’s method, types of penalty methods for handling constraints
Exterior penalty function method for handling constraint
11+4 Hours
Unit III
Genetic algorithm and Programming
Genetic algorithm (GA)-Differences and similarities between conventional and evolutionary algorithms,
working principle, reproduction, crossover, mutation, termination criteria, different reproduction and crossover
operators, GA for constrained optimization, draw backs of GA.
Genetic Programming (GP)-Principles of genetic programming, terminal sets, functional sets, differences
between GA & GP, random population generation, solving differential equations using GP
Solving differential equations using GP
12+4 Hours
Unit IV
Multi-Objective GA
Multi-ObjPareto’s analysis, Non-dominated front, multi–objective GA, Non-dominated sorted GA, convergence
criterion, applications of multi-objective problems
Basic Problem solving using Genetic algorithm, Genetic Programming & Multi Objective GA and simple
applications of optimization for engineering systems
Simple applications of optimization for engineering systems
11+3 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. J. S. Arora, Introduction to Optimum Design, McGraw Hill International Ed., NY, 1989
2. K. Deb, Optimization for Engineering Design: Algorithms and Examples, 2nd Ed., PHI, 1995
3. S. S. Rao, Engineering Optimization: Theory and Practice, New Age International (P) Ltd., 2001
Reference (s)
1. D. E. Goldberg, Genetic Algorithms in Search and Optimization, Pearson publication, 1990
2. J. R. Koza, Genetic Programming, MIT Press, 1993
1. K. Deb, Multi-Objective Optimization Using Evolutionary Algorithms, Wiley, 2001.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

16THE102 Advanced Thermodynamics

Course Outcomes
1. Explain the basic laws of thermodynamics and to evaluate the excergy
2. Analyse the reactive mixtures
3. Analyze the non-reactive system and its significance in combustion process
4. Analyze the non-reactive system and its significance in combustion process
5. Analyze vapor and Gas power cycles
6. Explain the Direct Energy Conversion of Fuel Cells , Thermo electric energy ,Thermionic power

Unit I
Basic Concepts -Thermodynamic Relations
Thermodynamics-Zeroth law of thermodynamics–first law of thermodynamics-limitations of first law-
Corollaries .concept of internal energy Transient Flow Analysis-second law of thermodynamics-Corollaries.
concept of entropy-Availability and unavailability–availability function of the closed system-availability of
steady flow system Irreversibility Third law of Thermodynamics, Introduction to Thermodynamic Potentials–
Maxwell Relations–Specific Heat Relations–Mayer’s relation
General relations for du, dh, ds
13+5 Hours
Unit II
Perfect Gases
P.V.T. surface–Equations of state–Real Gas Behavior–Vander Waal’s equation-Generalized compressibility
Factor–Energy properties of Real Gases–Vapour pressure–Clausius–Clapeyron Equation–Throttling pocess–
Joule–Thompson coefficient.Non-reactive Mixture of perfect Gases–Governing Laws–Evaluation of properties
–Psychrometric Mixture properties and Psychrometric chart–Air conditioning processes–Real Gas Mixture.
Year round air conditioning system
13+5 Hours
Unit III
Reactive Gas Mixtures
Combustion:Introduction–Combustion Reactions–Enthalpy of Formation–Entropy of Formation-Adiabatic
flame Temperature -first and second law analysis of reacting systems, Thermodynamic cycles: Vapor power
cycles: Second law analysis of vapor power cycles, cogeneration, binary vapor cycles, combined gas vapor
power cycles.Gas power cycles:- ideal jet propulsion cycles- second law analysis of gas power cycles.
Dew point of the products
09+3 Hours
Unit IV
Direct Energy Conversion Introduction
Fuel Cells-Thermo electric energy–Thermionic power generation-Thermodynamic devices Magneto
Hydrodynamic Generations–Photo voltaic cells, lithium ion cells. Lead acid batteries used in submarines
Environmental effects of solar plates
10+2 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. P. K. Nag, Engineering Thermodynamics, 5th Ed., TMH, 2013
2. Borgnakke and van wylen, Fundamentals of Thermodynamics–Sonntag, 7th Ed., John Wiley & sons
(ASIA) Pvt Ltd., 2008

Reference (s)
1. Yunus Cengel & Boles, Thermodynamics–An Engineering Approach, 8th Ed., TMH, 2014
2. J. P. Holman, Thermodynamics, 10th Ed., McGrawHill, 2010
3. Y. V. C. Rao , An Introduction to Thermodynamics, Revised Ed., New Age Publications, 2009
4. K.Ramakrishna, Engineering Thermodymics, Anuradha Publishers.2008

Department of Mechanical Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

16THE103 Finite Element Analysis

Course Outcomes
1. Apply the concepts of minimum potential energy principles to solve structural mechanics problems
2. Compute Eigen values and eigenvectors of simple dynamic systems
3. Apply the variation principles and principle of virtual work to recognize the solution and similarities
between strong and weak forms
4. Apply the finite element method to obtain the solution and compare with exact solution of simple one
dimensional problems
5. Apply the finite element procedure for stress analysis
6. Design of load carrying structures and heat transfer problems

Unit I
1D and 2D approach-3D approach
Elements and Shape Functions, One-dimensional linear element, One-dimensional quadratic element, Two-
dimensional linear triangular elements, Area coordinates, Quadratic triangular elements-Three-dimensional
elements, Formulation (Element Characteristics), Ritz method (Heat balance integral method-Goodman’s
method), Rayleigh–Ritz method, The method of weighted residuals, Formulation for the Heat Conduction
EquationVariational approach, The Galerkin method, Requirements for Interpolation Functions.
Applications of potential energy principles 11+4 Hours

Unit II
Steady state heat conduction in one dimension-Steady state heat conduction in multi-dimensions
Introduction, PlaneWalls, Homogeneous wall, Finite element discretization, Plane wall with a heat source:
solution by linear elements, Plane wall with a heat source: solution by quadratic elements, Plane wall with a heat
source: solution by modified quadratic equations (static condensation)-Introduction, Two-dimensional Plane
Problems,Triangular elements, Rectangular Elements,Three-dimensional Problems-Axisymmetric Problems.
Steady state heat conduction in 1D and multi dimensions of different elements 12+3 Hours

Unit III
Transient heat conduction analysis-Convection heat transfer
Introduction, Lumped Heat Capacity System, Numerical Solution, Transient governing equations and boundary
and initial conditions, The Galerkin method. One-dimensional Transient State Problem, Time discretization
using the Finite Element Method (FEM)-Introduction, Types of fluid-motion-assisted heat transport, Navier–
Stokes Equations, Conservation of mass or continuity equation, Conservation of momentum, Energy equation,
Non-dimensional Form of the Governing Equations, Forced convection, Natural convection (Buoyancy-driven
Analyzing transient heat conduction and convection heat transfer 11+4 Hours

Unit IV
Convection heat transfer-Fluid flow and heat transfer problems
The Transient Convection–diffusion Problems, Finite element solution to convection–diffusion equation,
Stability Conditions-Introduction, Isothermal Flow Problems, Steady state problems, Transient flow
Analyzing load carrying structures and solving heat transfer problems 11+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. Roland W. Lewis, Perumalnithiarasu and K. N. Seetharamu, Fundamentals of the finite element
method for heat and fluid flow, John Wiley, 2004
2. O. C. Zienkowitz, The Finite element method in engineering science, 6th Ed., MGH, 2006
Reference (s)
1. S. S. Rao, The finite element methods in Engineering, 5th Ed., Elsevier, 2012
2. J. N. Reddy, An Introduction to Finite Element Methods”3rd Ed., McGraw hill Education, 2005
3. Tirupathi R Chandrupatla, An Introduction to Finite Element Methods, 3rd Ed., PHI, 2009

Department of Mechanical Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

16THE104 Thermal Engineering Lab

Course Outcomes
1. Analyze the performance and exhaust emissions of an IC engine
2. Evaluate the performance of the Vapor compression and Air conditioning units
3. Analyze the flame propagation velocity of the gaseous fuels
4. Evaluate the performance of the Solar flat plate collector and evacuated tube concentrator
5. Analyze the performance of heat pipe and A/C system
6. Estimate the dryness fraction of the steam

List of Experiments
1. Compressibility factor measurement of air.
2. Dryness fraction estimation of steam.
3. Flame propagation analysis of gaseous fuels.
4. Performance test and analysis of exhaust gases of an I.C. Engine.
5. Heat Balance sheet, Volumetric Efficiency and air fuel ratio estimation of an I.C. Engine.
6. COP estimation of vapour compression refrigeration test.
7. Performance analysis of Air conditioning unit.
8. Performance analysis of heat pipe.
9. Solar Flat Plate Collector
10. Evacuative tube concentrator

List of Mini Projects1

1. Evaluate the properties of different fuels.
2. Evaluate the performance of diesel engine with different fuels.
3. Estimating the performance of refrigeration unit with different refrigerants.
4. Estimate the performance of air conditioning unit with different refrigerants.
5. Flame propagation analysis with different fuel mixture.
6. Estimation of compressibility factor for different real gases.
7. Modeling and simulation of heat pipe using ansys.

Reading Material (s)

1. Thermal Engineering lab manual, GMR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Rajam.
2. V. GANESAN, I. C. Engines, 4th Ed.-TMH, 2012

Students shall opt any one of the Mini Projects in addition to the regular experiments

Department of Mechanical Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

16THE201 Advanced Heat and Mass Transfer

Course Outcomes
1. Distinguish the modes of heat transfer.
2. Apply the processes for intensive quenching using liquids.
3. Calculate coupled heat and mass transfer processes using equilibrium conditions.
4. Design thermally processes for high temperature and energy process engineering.
5. Solve the external and internal laminar boundary flow and heat transfer.
6. Apply mass transfer approach to general problems.
Unit I
Brief Introduction to different Modes of heat transfer- Conduction- General heat conduction equation–Boundary
conditions–Steady simplified heat transfer in Cartesian coordinates–Finned surfaces- 1-D Heat transfer with
internal heat generation.
Thermal contact resistance 11+4 Hours
Unit II
Transient heat conduction
Lumped system analysis–Heisler charts–Semi-infinite solid –Product solution- 2D–steady state heat
conduction–Use of conduction shape factors- -Transient heat conduction–Analytical solution- Finite Difference
methods for Heat Conduction Problems- 1 D & 2 D steady state and Unsteady heat conduction–Implicit and
Explicit methods.
Heat transfer in high speed flow. 12+4 Hours
Unit III
Forced convection- Free convection
Concept of boundary layer- Hydrodynamic and Thermal boundary layer concepts-Equations of Motion and
Energy-Methods to determine heat transfer coefficient- Dimensional Analysis –Importance of Non–
Dimensional numbers –Analogies between Heat and Momentum Transfer-External flows and integral methods
for flow over a flat plate-Application of empirical relations to various geometrics-Dimensionless parameters of
Free convection-An Approximate Analysis of Laminar Free Convection on a Vertical Plate-Free convection on
a Horizontal Plate, Cylinder and Sphere- Combined free and forced convection.
Heat transfer in high speed flow. 12+4 Hours

Unit IV
Boiling and condensation–Radiation-Mass Transfer
Boiling curve–Correlations–Nusselt’s theory of film condensation on a vertical plate–Assumptions &
correlations of film condensation for different geometrics-Concept of View factor- Methods of Determining
View factors-Radiant heat exchange in Grey, Non- Grey bodies with Transmitting, Reflecting and Absorbing
media- Specular surface, gas radiation –Radiation from flames-Introduction- Analogy between heat and mass
transfer-Mass diffusion-Fick’s law of diffusion-Boundary conditions-Steady mass diffusion through a wall-
Mass convection-Analogy between friction, heat transfer and mass transfer coefficients-Significance of Non–
Dimensional numbers.
Solar Radiation 10+3 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. NecatiOzisik, Heat Transfer, TMH, 2013
2. O. P. Single, Heat and Mass Transfer, Macmillan India Ltd, 2003
3. P. S. Ghoshdastidar, Heat Transfer, Oxford Press, 2004
Reference (s)
1. Frank P. Incropera, David P. Dewitt, Theodore Bergman, Adrienne S. Lavine, Principles of heat and
mass transfer, 7th Ed., ISV (WSE series), 2013
2. Er. R. K. Rajput, Heat and Mass Transfer, 6th Ed., S. Chand, 2008
3. D.S. Kumar, Heat & Mass Transfer, 8th Ed. S. K. Kataria & Sons, 2013
4. Frank Kreith & Mark.Bohn, Principle of Heat Transfer ,7th Ed., 2010

Department of Mechanical Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

16THE202 Computational Methods for Fluid Flow

Course Outcomes
1. Develop the basic governing equations applied for fluid flow problems.
2. Apply the differential equations to fluid flow problems
3. Apply the finet volume method
4. Explain the concept of discretization.
5. Solve simple algorithms for incompressible fluid flow.
6. Apply the basics of CFD to heat transfer problems.

Unit I
Introduction-Governing Equations of Fluid Dynamics
Computational Fluid Dynamics as a Research and Design Tool, Applications of Computational Fluid Dynamics-
Introduction, Control Volume, Substantial Derivative, Divergence of Velocity, Continuity Equation, Momentum
Equation and Energy Equation
Applications of computational fluid dynamics
12+4 Hours
Unit II
Mathematical Behavior of Partial Differential Equations
Introduction, Classification of Quasi-Linear Partial Differential Equations, Eigen Value Method, Hyperbolic
Equations, Parabolic Equations, Elliptic Equations,Grid Generation: Structured grids. Types and
transformations. Generation of structured grids.Unstructured grids
Applications of Eigen value method, hyperbolic, Parabolic and Elliptical equations
9+3 Hours
Unit III
Finite Difference Techniques-Incompressible Fluid Flow
Introduction, Introduction of Finite Differences, Difference Equations, Explicit and Implicit Approaches, Errors
and Stability Analysis, Grid Generation-Introduction, Implicit Crank-Nicholson Technique, Pressure Correction
Method, SIMPLE and SIMPLER algorithms
Solving difference equations
12+4 Hours
Unit IV
Finite Volume Techniques
Finite Volume Techniques-Cell Centered Formulation-Lax-Vendoroff Time Stepping-Runge-Kutta Time
Stepping-Multi-stage Time Stepping-Accuracy-Cell Vertex Formulation.
Simple Finite volume techniques
12+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. John. D. Anderson, Computational fluid dynamics-Basics with applications, 6th Ed., Mc Graw Hill,
2. Fletcher, C. A. J, Computational Techniques for Fluid Dynamics, Vols. I and II, Springer-Verlag,
Berlin, 1988.
3. T. K. Sengupta, Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics, Universities Press, 2004

Reference (s)
1. J. Chung, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Cambridge University, 2ndEd., 2014
2. Tu, Yeoh, Liu, Computaional Fluid Dynamics–A Practical Approach, Elsevier, 2007
3. Frank Chorlton, Text Book of Fluid Dynamics, CBS Publishers., 1985

Department of Mechanical Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

16THE203 Fuels and Combustion

Course Outcomes
1. Identify the different sources of fuel and able to choose a suitable fuel for particular operation.
2. Analyze theory of combustion, air requirement for burning a fuel and able to find out the gas analysis
3. Analyze the chemical reactions occurring in the combustion, their rates and control.
4. Apply the knowledge of flame velocity
5. Explain the oxidation behavior of HC’s
6. Explain methods of emission control

Unit I
Detailed classification-Origin of Coal–Analysis of coal, Coal–Carborisation, Gasification and liquification–
Lignite: petroleum based fuels–problems associated with very low calorific value gases: Coal Gas–Blast
Furnace Gas Alcohols and Biogas.
Producer gas
13+5 Hours
Unit II
Principles of Combustion
Chemical composition–Flue gas anlaysis–dew point of products–Chemical kinetics–Rate of reaction–Reaction
order–Molecularity–Zeroth, first, second and third order reactions-complex reactions–chain reactions. Theories
of reaction Kinetics–General oxidation behavior of HC’s.
Combustion stoichiometry
11+3 Hours
Unit III
Thermodynamics of Combustion
Enthalpy of formation–Heating value of fuel-Adiabatic flame Temperature–Equilibrium composition of gaseous
mixtures. Laminar and turbulent flames propagation and structure–Flame stability–Burning velocity of fuels–
Measurement of burning velocity–factors affecting the burning velocity. Combustion of fuel, droplets and
sprays–Combustion systems–Pulverised fuel furnaces–fixed, Entrained
Fluidized Bed Systems.
11+4 Hours
Unit IV
Alternate Fuels
Bio-desel and bleds- effect on performance and emissionsEnvironmental considerations–Air pollution–Effects
on Environment, Human Health etc.Principal pollutants–Methods of Emission control
Legislative Measures
10+3 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. S. Sarkar, Fuels and combustion, 3rd Ed., Universities Press, 2009.
2. S. P. Sharma and C. Mohan, Fuels and combustion, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2004

Reference (s)
1. H. Joshua Phillips, Fuels, solid, liquid and gaseous–Their analysis and valuation, General Books, 2010
2. S. R. Turns, An introduction to combustion–Concepts and applications, Tata McGraw- Hill, 2000
3. K. Kanneth, Principles of combustion, Wiley and Sons, 2005

Department of Mechanical Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

16THE204 Computational Methods Laboratory

Course Outcomes
1. Apply the basics on how to use CFD software package for fluid flow problems.
2. Apply a software package to reduce time in solving a fluid flow problem.
3. Model different thermal systems used in real world.
4. Analyze the thermal systems by varying the fluid flow properties of the system.
5. Identify the critical situations of the thermal system.
6. Apply the CFD concepts in projects related to fluid flow.

List of Experiments
1. Simple thermal system modeling and analysis.
2. Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer analysis in a Mixing Elbow.
3. Periodic simulation of 2-D heat exchanger using Fluent.
4. Simulation of 3-D heat exchanger.
5. Analysis of turbulent flow past a transonic airfoil.
6. Analysis of Transient Temperature Distribution in a Slab.
7. Analysis of Temperature Distribution on an Insulated Wall.
8. Analysis of Temperature Distribution along a Straight Fin.
9. Analysis of Temperature Distribution along a Tapered Fin.
10. Analysis of Discharge of Water from a Reservoir.

List of Mini Projects2

1. Simulation of simple thermal systems using Ansys fluent.

Reading Material (s)

1. Computational methods lab manual, GMR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Rajam.
2. John. D. Anderson, Computational fluid dynamics-Basics with applications, 6th Ed., / Mc Graw Hill,

Students shall opt any one of the Projects in addition to the regular experiments

Department of Mechanical Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

16THE001 Advanced Fluid Mechanics (Elective–I)

Course Outcomes
1. Apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering.
2. Derive the governing equations of fluid flow and applying them to simple flow problems.
3. Analyze various flow problems.
4. Apply the boundary layer concept to the fluid flow problems.
5. Apply integral form of the boundary layer equations to derive expressions for boundary layer thickness,
displacement thickness, momentum thickness and overall drag.
6. Explain the concepts of boundary layer thickness, displacement thickness and momentum thickness.

Unit I
Non–Viscous flow of incompressible Fluids-Potential Flow Theory
Lagrangian and Eulerain Descriptions of fluid motion-Path lines, Stream lines, Streak lines, stream tubes–
velocity of a fluid particle, types of flows, Equations of three dimensional continuity equation-Stream and
Velocity potential functions-Condition for irrotationality, circulation &vorticity Accelerations in Carte systems
normal and tangential accelerations, Euler’s, Bernoulli equations in 3D–Continuity and Momentum Equations
Derivation of continuity and Bernoulli equations
11+4 Hours
Unit II
Principles of Viscous Flow
Derivation of Navier-Stoke’s Equations for viscous compressible flow–Exact solutions to certain simple cases:
Plain Poisoulle flow-Coutte flow with and without pressure gradient-Hagen Poisoulle flow-Blasius solution.
Derivation of Hagen Poisoulle flow

10+3 Hours
Unit III
Boundary Layer Concepts
Prandtl’s contribution to real fluid flows–Prandtl’s boundary layer theory-Boundary layer thickness for flow
over a flat plate–Approximate solutions–Creeping motion (Stokes)–Oseen’s approximation-Von-Karman
momentum integral equation for laminar and turbulent boundary layer–Expressions for local and mean drag
coefficients for different velocity profiles
Different types of Boundary layer thicknesses
12+4 Hours
Unit IV
Compressible Fluid Flow
Thermodynamic basics–Equations of continuity, Momentum and Energy-Acoustic Velocity Derivation of
Equation for Mach Number–Flow Regimes–Mach Angle–Mach Cone–Stagnation State Area Variation,
Property Relationships in terms of Mach number, Nozzles, Diffusers–Isothermal Flow in Long Ducts–Normal
Compressible Shock, Oblique Shock: Expansion and Compressible Shocks–Supersonic
Simple equations of continuity, Momentum and Energy
12+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. Frank. M. White, Fluid Mechanics, 4th Ed., TataMc.GrawHill Pvt. Ltd, 2013
2. Schlichting H, Boundary Layer Theory, 8th Ed., (Springer Publications), 2000
3. Oosthigen, McGrawhill ,Convective Heat and Mass Transfer, 6th Ed., TMH, 2005

Reference (s)
1. W. M. Kays, M. E. Crawford, Convective Heat and Mass Transfer, McGrawHill, 1980
2. D. Rama Durgaiah, Fluid Mechanics and Machinery, New Age Pub, 2007
3. William F. Hughes & John A. Brighton, Fluid Dynamics, 3rd Ed., TMH, 2004

Department of Mechanical Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

16THE002 Energy and Environmental Engineering (Elective–I)

Course Outcomes
1. Design of mechanical systems and interdisciplinary engineering.
2. Applications and business solutions using suitable optimization technique.
3. Apply numerical or iterative techniques in power systems for optimal power flow solutions.
4. Optimize the parameters in control systems for desired steady state or transient response.
5. Optimize the cost function in deciding economic factors of power systems.
6. Design of electrical systems optimally using suitable techniques like univariate method,steepest
descent method etc.
Unit I
Introduction to Pollution-Air Pollution & lution Sampling and Measurement
Pollution of air, water, and soil; Effect of pollution on living systems: Sources and classification of air
pollutants, Effect of air pollution, Pollution from industries, Chemical reactions in a contaminated atmosphere,
urban air pollution, Greenhouse effect, Ozone layer depletion, Acid rain, Photo chemical smog, Meteorological
aspects of air pollution-Collection of gaseous and particulate pollutants, Analysis of air pollutants–Sulphur
dioxide, Nitrogen oxides, Carbon monoxide, Oxidants and Ozone, Hydro carbons and Particulate matter.
Effect of air pollution and Pollution from industries 13+5 Hours
Unit II
Air Pollution Control Methods and Equipment- Water Pollution and Control
Cleaning of gaseous effluents, Particulate emission control, Control of specific gaseous pollutants SO2, NOx,
Hydrocarbons, CO-Types of water pollutants and their effects, Thermal pollution and effects, Water pollution
laws and standards, Waste water sampling and analysis, Treatment of waste water (primary, secondary and
tertiary treatment processes)
Types of water pollutants and their effects 10+4 Hours
Unit III
Energy Conversion from Waste
Sources and classification of wastes, Energy generation from wastes-Biochemical vs. Thermo-chemical
Conversion and their environment benefits, Introduction to Biochemical conversion (anaerobic digestion);
Thermo-chemical conversion processes-direct combustion, incineration, pyrolysis, gasification and liquefaction;
Economics of thermo-chemical conversion, Industrial applications of incinerators and gasifiers; Briquetting;
Utilization and advantages of briquetting
Energy generation from wastes 12+4 Hours
Unit IV
Energy Conservation in Industry
Energy Conservation and its Importance; Energy Strategy for the Future; The Energy Conservation Act, 2001
and its Features, Energy conservation in Boilers, Steam Turbines and Cooling Towers; Waste Heat Recovery:
Introduction; Classification and Application; Benefits of Waste Heat Recovery; Development of a Waste Heat
Recovery System.
Energy conservation in Boilers 10+2 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. C. S. Rao, Environmental pollution control engineering, 2nd Ed., New age International Pvt.Ltd,
Reprint, 2015
2. M. N. Rao and M. V. N. Rao, Air pollution, 26th Print Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2007
3. S. P. Mahajan, Pollution control in process industries, 1st Ed., Tata Mc Graw Hill,2004
Reference (s)
1. Parker, Colin, & Roberts, Energy from Waste-An Evaluation of Conversion Technologies, Elsevier
Applied Science, London, 1985
2. Reay, D.A, Industrial Energy Conservation, 1st Ed., Pergamon Press, 1977
3. Tchobanoglous, G., Theisen, H., Vigil, S.A., Integrated Solid Waste Management:Engineering
Principles and Management Issues, McGraw-Hill, Higher Education, 1993

Department of Mechanical Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

16THE003 Turbo-Machines (Elective–I)

Course Outcomes
1. Recognize typical designs of turbo machines
2. Determine the velocity triangles in turbo machinery stages operating at design and off design
3. Match a pump to a system and discuss various solutions of pump matching from a sustainability point-
4. Design the turbo machines (pumps, compressors, turbines) on a 1-D basis
5. Use design parameters for characterizing turbo machinery stages
6. Explain the safe operation of compressors
Unit I
Fundamentals of Turbo machines
Classification, Applications of Turbo machines, Methods of analysis isentropic flow, Energy transfer;
Efficiencies; static and Stagnation conditions Buckingham Pi Theorem, Other Non-dimensional Parameters for
Turbo machines; continuity equation; Energy in Flowing Fluids, Euler’s Equations.
Applications of Turbo machines 13+5 Hours
Unit II
Steam Nozzles–Steam Turbines
Convergent and Convergent–Divergent nozzles; Energy balance; effect of back–pressure on the analysis;
Design of nozzles-Impulse Turbines: Compounding; work done and velocity triangles; Efficiencies; Constant
Reaction Blading; Design of blade passages, angles and height; Secondary flow; leakage losses;
Thermodynamic analysis of steam turbines.
Thermodynamic analysis of steam turbines 10+4 Hours
Unit III
Centrifugal Compressor–Axial Flow Compressors
Types; Basic Construction and Working Principles-Classification, Basic Velocity triangles and efficiencies;
Blade passage design; slip factor; stanitz and stodolas formulae; Effect of inlet mach number; Prewhirl;
performance-Basic Construction and Working Principles, work and velocity triangles; Efficiencies;
Thermodynamic analysis; cascade design, stage pressure rise; Degree of reaction ; stage loading ; Determination
of Stage Efficiency, Axial Flow Compressor Performance, Surge and Stall in Compressor and the Remedies,
Construction and Working Principles of Compressors 12+4 Hours
Unit IV
Gas Dynamics–Axial Flow Gas Turbines
Fundamental thermodynamic concepts; Isentropic conditions; Mach number and Area–Velocity relation;
Dynamic pressure; normal shock relations for perfect gas; supersonic flow-Introduction, Work done; velocity
triangles and efficiencies; thermodynamic flow analysis; degree of reaction; Determination of Turbine Stage
Efficiency, Axial Flow Turbine Performance, Design of blade, stresses in blades; Blade assembling; materials
and cooling of blades; performance
Fundamental concepts of thermodynamics 10+2 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. S.M. Yahya, Turbines, Pumps, Compressors, 4th Ed., Tata McGraw Hill, 2010
2. Norman Davey, Gas Turbines–Theory and practice, 3rd Ed., Merchant Books, 2006
Reference (s)
1. Ganesan, V, Gas Turbines, 3rd Ed., Tata McGraw-Hill Pub.Co.Ltd., 2010
2. D. G. Shepherd, Principles of Turbo Machinery, The Macmillan Company, 1964
3. M. S. Govindgouda & A. M. Nagaraj, A Text book of Turbo Machines, 4th Ed., M. M. Publications,
4. G. Gopalakrishnan & D. Prithviraj, Practice on Turbomachines, 3rd Ed., SciTech, Chennai, 2010

Department of Mechanical Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

16THE004 Combustion and Emissions in IC Engines (Elective–II)

Course Outcomes
1. Analyze the fuel-air mixtures and cycle
2. Explain the gas exchange processes and motion of charge in the cylinder and its effects on combustion
process in SI and CI engines and control the pollutant formation
3. Explain the flow in carburetor and Intake manifolds
4. Explain the modern concepts like Lean burn, HCCI, GDI Analyze engine cycles and the factors
responsible for making the cycle different from the Ideal cycle.
5. Demonstrate the delay period and fuel injection system
6. Demonstrate the relationships between the design of the IC engine and environmental and social issues
Unit I
Cycle Analysis
Introduction–Historical Review–Engine Types–Design and operating Parameters.
Thermo-chemistry of Fuel–Air mixtures, properties–Ideal Models of Engine cycles–Real Engine cycles-
differences and Factors responsible for –Computer Modeling
Historical Review–Engine Types 10+3 Hours
Unit II
Gas Exchange Processes-Charge Motion
Volumetric Efficiency–Flow through ports–Supercharging and Turbo charging-Mean velocity and turbulent
characteristics–Swirl, Squish–Prechamber Engine flows.
Supercharging and Turbo charging 11+3 Hours

Unit III
Engine Combustion-Engine Heat Transfer
Normal and Abnormal combustion in SI engines MPFI, SI engine testing.-Normal and Abnormal combustion in
CI engines, Ignition delay, Common rail fuel injection system Fuel factors, Fuel supply systems to use gaseous
fuels like LPG, CNG and Hydrogen-Importance of heat transfer, heat transfer and engine energy balance,
Convective heat transfer, radiation heat transfer, Engine operating characteristics.
Normal and Abnormal combustion in CI engines 11+5 Hours
Unit IV
Pollutant Formation and Control-Modern Trends in IC Engines
Formation of NOX , HC/CO mechanism , Smoke and Particulate emissions, Green House Effect ,Methods of
controlling emissions , Three way catalytic converter and Particulate Trap, Emission (HC,CO, NO and NOX)
measuring equipment, Smoke and Particulate measurement, Indian Driving Cycles and emission norms-
Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition Engine, Lean Burn Engine, Stratified Charge Engine, Surface
Ignition Engine, Four Valve and Overhead cam Engines, Electronic Engine Management, Common Rail Direct
Injection Diesel Engine, Gasoline Direct Injection Engine, Data Acquisition System –pressure pick up, charge
amplifier PC for Combustion and Heat release analysis in Engines.
Indian Driving Cycles and emission norms
13+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. Ganesan V, Internal Combustion Engines, 3rd Ed., Tata Mcgraw-Hill, 2007
2. John B Heywood, Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1988
Reference (s)
1. Heinz Heisler, Advanced Engine Technology, SAE International Publications, USA, 1998
2. Patterson D. J. and Henein N. A, Emissions from combustion engines and their control, Ann Arbor
Science publishers Inc, USA, 1978
3. Gupta H. N, Fundamentals of Internal Combustion Engines, Prentice Hall of India, 2006
4. Ultrich Adler, Automotive Electric/Electronic Systems, Published by Robert Bosh GmbH,1995

Department of Mechanical Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

16THE005 Convective Heat Transfer (Elective–II)

Course Outcomes
1. Choose the appropriate renewable energy as an alternate for conventional power in any application
2. Analyze the environmental and cost economics of using renewable energy sources compared to fossil
3. Apply the principles of various energy systems in day to day life
4. Analyze the industrial needs and convert theoretical model to practical circuits with wide range of
5. Evaluate the importance of the renewable resources of energy as the fossil fuels are depleting in the
world very fast
6. Explain the concept of clean and green energy for next generation
Unit I
Introduction-Equations of Convective Heat Transfer
Forced, free & combined convection–convective heat transfer coefficient–Application of dimensional analysis
to convection–Physical interpretation of dimensionless numbers-Continuity, Navier-Strokes equation & energy
equation for steady state flows–similarity–Equations for turbulent convective heat transfer–Boundary layer
equations for laminar, turbulent flows–Boundary layer integral equations.
Navier-Strokes equation & energy equation for steady state flows 11+3 Hours
Unit II
External Laminar Forced Convection-External Turbulent Flows-Internal Laminar Flows-
Internal Turbulent Flows
Similarity solution for flow over an isothermal plate–integral equation solutions–Numerical solutions–Viscous
dissipation effects on flow over a flat plate-Analogy solutions for boundary layer flows–Integral equation
solutions–Effects of dissipation on flow over a flat plate-Fully developed laminar flow in pipe, plane duct &
ducts with other cross-sectional shapes–Pipe flow & plane duct flow with developing temperature field–Pipe
flows & plane duct flow with developing velocity & temperature fields-Analogy solutions for fully developed
pipe flow –Thermally developing pipe & plane duct flow
Analogy solutions for fully developed pipe flow 12+4 Hours
Unit III
Natural Convection
Boussineq approximation–Governing equations–Similarity–Boundary layer equations for free convective
laminar flows–Numerical solution of boundary layer equations. Free Convective flows through a vertical
channel across a rectangular enclosure –Horizontal enclosure–Turbulent natural convection.
Boundary layer equations for free convective laminar flows 11+4 Hours
Unit IV
Combined Convection-Convective Heat Transfer through Porous Media
Governing parameters & equations–laminar boundary layer flow over an isothermal vertical plate–combined
convection over a horizontal plate–correlations for mixed convection–effect of boundary forces on turbulent
flows–internal flows-internal mixed convective flows–Fully developed mixed convective flow in a vertical
plane channel & in a horizontal duct-Area weighted velocity–Darcy flow model–energy equation–boundary
layer solutions for 2-D forced convection–Fully developed duct flow–Natural convection in porous media.
Effect of boundary forces on turbulent flows
11+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. Kays & Crawford, Convective Heat & Mass Transfer, 4th Ed., TMH, 2004
2. Necati Ozisik, Heat Transfer, TMH, 2013
Reference (s)
1. Frank Kreith, Mark S Bohn, Principles of Heat Transfer, 7th Ed., Thompson Books, 2007
2. Patrick H. Oosthuigen&David Naylor, Introduction to Convective Heat Transfer Analysis, MCH, 1998

Department of Mechanical Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

16THE006 Non-Conventional Energy Sources (Elective–II)


Course Outcomes
1. Analyze the economical concepts of renewable energy systems
2. Analyze the environmental aspects of renewable and conventional fossil fuel systems
3. Design renewable/hybrid energy systems that meet specific energy demands, are economically feasible
and have a minimal impact on the environment
4. Explain the emission control methods of greenhouse gases and
5. Apply the concept of sustainable energy to utilize local energy resources (renewable and non-
6. Explain the methods of utilization of wind and tidel energy
Unit I
Introduction-Solar Energy-Solar Energy Applications
Energy Sinario-Survey of Energy Resources–Classification–Need for Non-Conventional Energy Resources, The
Sun–Sun-Earth Relationship–Basic matter to waste heat energy circuit–Solar radiation–Attention–Radiation
measuring instruments, Solar water Heating, space heating–active and passive heating–energy storage–selective
surface–solar stills and ponds–solar refrigeration–photovoltaic generation
Industrial Applications of solar energy 13+5 Hours
Unit II
Geothermal Energy -Nuclear Fusion
Structure of Earth–Geothermal Regions–Hot springs–Hot Rocks–Hot Aquifers–Analytical Methods to estimate
Thermal Potential–Harnessing Techniques–Electricity Generating Systems.Fusion–Fusion Reaction- P-P Cycle
carbon Cycle, Deuterium cycle–condition for controlled Fusion.Fuel Cells and Photovoltaic –Thermionic and
Thermoelectric Generation–MHD Generator
geothermal Resource Identification 13+5 Hours
Unit III
Biomass Energy Sources–Plant Productivity, Biomass Wastes–Aerobic and Anaerobic bio-conversion
processes–Raw Materials and properties of Bio-gas-Bio-gas plant Technology and Status–The Energetics and
Economics of Biomass Systems–Biomass gasification
Use of bio energy in different industrial sectors 09+3 Hours
Unit IV
Wind Energy-Energy from Oceans
Wind–Beaufort number–characteristics–wind energy conversion systems–types–Betz model–Interference
Factor–Power Coefficient–Torque Coefficient and thrust coeff.- Lift machines and drag machines–matching–
electricity generation.Tidal Energy; Tides–Diurnal and Semi–Diurnal Nature–Power from Tides Wave Energy ;
Waves–Theoretical Energy Available–Calculation of period and phasevelocity of waves–wave power systems–
submerged devices. Ocean Thermal Energy: principles–Heat Exchangers–Pumping requirements–Practical
Simple applications of wave and tidal energy 10+2 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. G.N.Tiwari and M.K.Ghosal, Renewable Energy Resources–Basic Principles and Applications, Narosa
Publishers, 2004
2. John Twidell & Tony Weir, Renewable Energy Resources, 2nd Ed., Taylor & Francis, 2005
Reference (s)
1. Rai G.D, Non-Conventional energy Sources, Khanna Publishers, fourth Ed., 2008.
2. Sukhame& JK Nayak, Solar Energy, 3rd Ed., TMH, 2008
3. Malcolm Fleischer & Chris Lawis, Biological Energy Resources, E & FN Spon.,1985

Department of Mechanical Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

16THE007 Energy Management (Elective–III)

Course Outcomes
1. Develop the concepts of energy management which is essential in the functional areas like
Manufacturing Industry, Process Industry, Commerce and Government
2. Explain the basic energy conversion and management principles
3. Identify sources of energy loss and target savings
4. Analyze the budgeting
5. Analyze the performance of the wind turbine
6. Explain the thermal storage systems.

Unit I
Energy management -Introduction
Principles of Energy Management–Managerial Organization–Functional Areas for i. Manufacturing Industry ii.
Process Industry iii. Commerce iv. Government. Role of Energy Manager in each of these organization.
Initiating, Organizing and Managing Energy Management Programs
Role of energy management in any one of the private organization
13+5 Hours
Unit II
Energy Audit-Energy Conservation
Definition and Concepts, Types of Energy Audits–Basic Energy Concepts–Resources for Plant Energy Studies–
Data Gathering–Analytical Techniques. Technologies for Energy Conservation , Design for Conservation of
Energy materials–energy flow networks–critical assessment of energy usage–formulation of objectives and
constraints–synthesis of alternative options and technical analysis of options–process integration
Role of Education in Energy Conservation
13+5 Hours
Unit III
Economic Analysis- Methods of Evaluation of Projects- Energy Consultant
Scope, Characterization of an Investment Project–Types of Deprecication–Time Value of money–budget
considerations, Risk Analysis. Payback–Annualised Costs–Investor’s Rate of return–Present worth–Internal
Rate of Return–Pros and Cons of the common methods of analysis–replacement analysis.Need of Energy
Consultant–Consultant Selection Criteria.
selection of consultant for food industrials
09+3 Hours
Unit IV
Alternative Energy Sources
Solar Energy–Types of devices for Solar Energy Collection–Thermal Storage System–Control Systems- Wind
Energy–Availability–Wind Devices–Wind Characteristics–Performance of Turbines and systems.
applications of wind energy
10+2 Hours

Total: 45+15 Hours

Textbook (s)
1. W. C. Turner, Energy Management Hand book (Ed), 2nd Ed., Faimont Press Inc., 1993
2. H. Koontz and Cyrill O Donnell, Principles of Management, 3rd print, Mc Hill, 1972

Reference (s)
1. S. C. Kuchhal, Financial Managemen: An Analytical and Conceptual Approach, 4th Ed., Chaitanya
publishers, 1982
2. W. R. Murthy and G. Mc Kay, Energy Management, 5th Ed., Butherworth Heinemann, 2001
3. C. B. Smith “Energy Management Principles, 2nd Ed., Elsvier Inc , 2016

Department of Mechanical Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

16THE008 Equipment Design for Thermal Systems (Elective–III)

Course Outcomes
1. Design and analyse the parallel flow, counter flow, multipass and cross flow heat exchangers
2. Develope the Shell and tube heat exchanger
3. Develop double Pipe Heat Exchanger
4. Optimise the performance of heat exchanger.
5. Optimise the performance of Fin
6. Design and analyse the cooling towers
Unit I
Classification of heat exchangers-Basic Design Methods of Heat Exchanger
Introduction, Recuperation & Regeneration–Tubular heat exchangers: double pipe, shell & tube heat exchanger,
Plate heat exchangers, Gasketed plate heat exchanger, spiral plate heat exchanger, Lamella heat exchanger,
extended surface heat exchanger, Plate fin, and Tubular fin-Introduction, Basic equations in design, Overall heat
transfer coefficient–LMTD method for heat exchanger analysis–parallel flow, counter flow, multipass, cross
flow heat exchanger design calculations.
LMTD method for heat exchanger analysis 11+5 Hours
Unit II
Double Pipe Heat Exchanger-Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers
Film Coefficient for fluids in annulus, fouling factors, calorific temperature, average fluid temperature, the
calculation of double pipe exchanger, Double pipe exchangers in series-parallel arrangements-Tube layouts for
exchangers, baffle Heat exchangers, calculation of shell and tube heat exchangers–shell side film coefficients,
Shell side equivalent diameter, the true temperature difference in a 1-2 heat exchanger, influence of approach
temperature on correction factor, shell side pressure drop, tube side pressure drop, Analysis of performance of 1-
2 heat exchanger, and design calculation of shell & tube heat exchangers. Flow arrangements for increased heat
recovery, the calculations of 2-4 exchangers.
Double pipe exchangers in series-parallel arrangements 13+5 Hours
Unit III
Condensation of single vapors–Vaporizers, Evaporators and Reboilers-Extended Surfaces
Calculation of a horizontal condenser, vertical condenser, De-super heater condenser, vertical condenser–sub-
cooler, horizontal condenser–subcooler, vertical reflux type condenser, condensation of steam-Vaporizing
processes, forced circulation vaporizing exchangers, natural circulation vaporizing exchangers, calculations of a
reboiler-Longitudinal fins, weighted fin efficiency curve, calculation of a double pipe fin efficiency curve,
calculation of a double pipe finned exchanger, calculation of a longitudinal fin shell and tube exchanger.
Horizontal condenser, vertical condenser, De-super heater condenser 11+3 Hours
Unit IV
Direct Contact Heat Exchanger
Cooling towers, relation between wet bulb & dew point temperatures, the Lewis number, and classification of
cooling towers, cooling tower internals and the roll of fill, Heat balance, heat transfer by simultaneous diffusion
and convection. Analysis of cooling tower requirements, Design of cooling towers, Determination of the number
of diffusion units, calculation of cooling tower performance
Design of cooling towers 10+2 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. J. D. Gurney, Cooling Towers, London (MacLaren), 1966
2. A. P. Fraas and M. N. Ozisick, Heat Exchanger Design, John Wiely & Sons, New York, 2004
Reference (s)
1. W. F. Stoecker, Design of Thermal Systems, 3rd Ed., McGraw-Hill, 1989
2. Y. Jaluria, Design and Optimization of Thermal Systems, 2nd Ed., CRC Press, 1971
3. Bejan, G. Tsatsaronis, M. J. Moran, Thermal Design and Optimization, Wiley, 1999
4. N. V. Suryanarayana, Design & Simulation of Thermal Systems, MGH, 2002

Department of Mechanical Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

16THE009 Thermal and Nuclear Power Plants (Elective–III)

Course Outcomes
1. Explain the available energy resources in India for Power Production
2. Analyze the processes and cycles used in the power plants and identify the losses to get better
3. Apply the knowledge gained by analyzing the steam power plants, steam generators and gas turbine
power plants
4. Analyze the efficiency of power plant in order to reduce the thermal losses
5. Apply the knowledge in calculating the Power Load Calculations and Distribution
6. Develop the methods for the Economies of Power Generation and Power plant instrumentation

Unit I
Introduction–Steam Power Plants-Steam Generators
Sources of Energy, types of Power Plants, Direct Energy Conversion System, Energy Sources in India, Recent
developments in Power Generation, Combustion of Coal, Volumetric Analysis, Gravimetric Analysis, and Flue
gas Analysis-Introduction–General Layout of Steam Power Plant, Modern Coal fired Steam Power Plants,
Power Plant cycles, Fuel handling, Ash handling, Dust Collectors-Types, Accessories, Feed water heaters,
Performance of Boilers, Water treatment, Cooling Towers, Steam Turbines, Compounding of Turbines, Steam
Condensers, Jet & Surface Condensers.
General Layout of Steam Power Plant
15+5 Hours
Unit II
Gas Turbine Power Plant
Cogeneration, Combined cycle Power Plants, Analysis, Waste-Heat Recovery, IGCC Power Plants, Fluidized
Bed Combustion–Advantages & Disadvantages.
Waste-Heat Recovery
09+2 Hours
Unit III
Nuclear Power Plants
Nuclear Physics, Nuclear Reactors, Classification–Types of Reactors, Site Selection, Methods of enriching
Uranium, Applications of Nuclear Power Plants-Nuclear Power Plants Safety: By-Products of Nuclear Power
Generation, Economics of Nuclear Power Plants, Nuclear Power Plants in India, Future of Nuclear Power.
Nuclear Power Plants in India
11+3 Hours
Unit IV
Economics of Power Generation–Power Plant Instrumentation
Factors affecting the economics, Load Factor, Utilization factor, Performance and Operating Characteristics of
Power Plants. Economic Load Sharing, Criteria for Optimum Loading, Specific Economic energy problems-
Classification, Pressure measuring instruments, Temperature measurement and Flow measurement, Analysis of
Combustion gases, Pollution–Types, Methods to Control.
Performance and Operating Characteristics of Power Plants
10+5 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. M. M. E Wakil, Power Plant Technology 2nd Ed., Tata McGraw-Hill Pub.Co.Ltd., New Delhi 2002
2. P. K. Nag, Power Plant Engineering 4th Ed., Tata McGraw-Hill Pub.Co.Ltd., New Delhi 2014
Reference (s)
1. Arora and Domukundwar , Power Plant Engineering, 6th Ed., Dhanpat Rai & Co, New Delhi, 2013
2. R.K. Rajput, Power Plant Engineering, 4th Ed., Lakshmi Publications, New Delhi, 2007
3. P.C.Sharma, Power Plant Engineering SK. Kataria & Sons Publications, New Delhi, 2013

Department of Mechanical Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

16THE0010 Jet Propulsion and Rocketry (Elective–IV)

Course Outcomes
1. Explain the aircraft and spacecraft propulsion systems.
2. Explain the Principles of Jet Propulsion and Rocketry
3. Analyze the thermodynamic cycles
4. Apply the thermodynamic concepts for chemically reacting systems.
5. Analyze the performance of propulsion systems, for both aircraft and spacecraft.
6. Explain the basic operation and design requirements of propulsion turbo machinery components (inlets,
compressors, combustors, turbines, afterburners, and nozzles).

Unit I
Turbo Jet Propulsion System-Flight Performance
Gas turbine cycle analysis–layout of turbo jet engine. Turbo machinery- compressors and turbines, combustor,
blade aerodynamics, engine off design performance analysis-Forces acting on vehicle–Basic relations of
motion–multi stage vehicles
Layout of turbo jet engine
09+2 Hours
Unit II
Principles of Jet Propulsion and Rocketry-Nozzle Theory and Characteristics Parameters
Fundamentals of jet propulsion, Rockets and air breathing jet engines–Classification–turbo jet , turbo fan, turbo
prop, rocket (Solid and Liquid propellant rockets) and Ramjet engines-Theory of one dimensional convergent–
divergent nozzles–aerodynamic choking of nozzles and mass flow through a nozzle–nozzle exhaust velocity–
thrust, thrust coefficient, Ac / At of a nozzle, Supersonic nozzle shape, non-adapted nozzles, summer field
criteria, departure from simple analysis–characteristic parameters–1) characteristic velocity, 2) specific impulse
3) total impulse 4) relationship between the characteristic parameters 5) nozzle efficiency, combustion
efficiency and overall efficiency.
Fundamentals of jet propulsion, Rockets and air breathing jet engines
12+5 Hours
Unit III
Aero Thermo Chemistry of The Combustion Products-Solid Propulsion System
Review of properties of mixture of gases–Gibbs–Dalton laws–Equivalent ratio, enthalpy changes in reactions,
heat of reaction and heat of formation–calculation of adiabatic flam temperature and specific impulse–frozen
and equilibrium flows-Solid propellants–classification, homogeneous and heterogeneous propellants, double
base propellant compositions and manufacturing methods. Composite propellant oxidizers and binders. Effect of
binder on propellant properties. Burning rate and burning rate laws, factors influencing the burning rate,
methods of determining burning rates-Solid propellant rocket engine–internal ballistics, equilibrium motor
operation and equilibrium pressure to various parameters. Transient and pseudo equilibrium operation, end
burning and burning grains, grain design. Rocket motor hard ware design. Heat transfer considerations in solid
rocket motor design. Ignition system, simple pyro devices

Transient and pseudo equilibrium operation

12+5 Hours
Unit IV
Liquid Rocket Propulsion System-Ramjet and Integral Rocket Ramjet Propulsion System
Liquid propellants–classification, Mono and Bi propellants, Cryogenic and storage propellants, ignition delay of
hypergolic propellants, physical and chemical characteristics of liquid propellant. Liquid propellant rocket
engine–system layout, pump and pressure feed systems, feed system components. Design of combustion
chamber, characteristic length, constructional features, and chamber wall stresses. Heat transfer and cooling
aspects. Uncooled engines, injectors–various types, injection patterns, injector characteristics, and atomization
and drop size distribution, propellant tank design-Fuel rich solid propellants, gross thrust, gross thrust
coefficient, combustion efficiency of ramjet engine, air intakes and their classification–critical, super critical and
sub-critical operation of air intakes, engine intake matching, classification and comparison of IIRR propulsion
physical and chemical characteristics of liquid propellant

Department of Mechanical Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

12+3 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. Philip Hill and carl Peterson, Mechanics and Thermo Dynamics of Propulsion, 2nd Ed., Pearson
Education, India, New Delhi, 2010.
2. George P. Sutton, Oscar Biblarz, Rocket Propulsion Elements, 8th Ed., John Wiley & Sons, Delhi, 2010

Reference (s)
1. Ganesan, V, Gas Turbines, 3rd Ed., Tata McGraw-Hill Pub. Co.Ltd., New Delhi, 2010.
2. P.R.Khajuria & S.P.Dubey, Gas Turbines & Propulsive Systems, 5th Ed., Dhanpat Rai & Sons, 2012
3. Nicholas Cumpsty, Jet propulsion, 2nd Ed., Cambridge University Press, 2003

Department of Mechanical Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

16THE011 Advanced Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Systems (Elective–IV)

Course Outcomes
1. Analyze the performance of VCR and VAR systems
2. Explain the properties of refrigerants
3. Analyze the performance air refrigeration system
4. Apply the concept of cooling loads
5. Explain the Psychrometric properties and chart
6. Analyze the losses in air duct system
Unit I
Vapour Compression Refrigeration-Vapor absorption system
Performance of Complete vapor compression system- Compound Compression: Flash inter-cooling–flash
chamber–Multi-evaporator & Multistage systems, Refrigerants–Properties–ODP & GWP-Load balancing of
vapor compression Unit- Simple and modified aqua–ammonia system -Lithium–Bromide system Three fluid
system–HCOP.-Production of low temperature: Liquefaction system; Cascade System–Applications, Dry ice
Operations of vapour compression systems and vapour absorption system 12+4 Hours
Unit II
Air and steam jet Refrigeration systems-Unconventional Refrigeration system
Applications–Air Craft Refrigeration -Simple, Bootstrap, Regenerative and Reduced ambient systems–Problems
based on different systems.- Steam Jet refrigeration system, limitations and applications-Thermo-electric–
Vortex tube & Pulse tube–working principles
Applications of air refrigeration systems 09+3 Hours
Unit III
Air conditioning-Cooling load Estimation
Thermal comfort, effective temperature, comfort chart–inside design condition, ventilation standards, applied
psychrometry, summer air conditioning processes, winter air conditioning processes-Estimation of air
conditioning loads-heating and cooling; heat gain/loss through glass, heat gain/loss through structures, internal
load, ventilation load, and infiltration load.
Performances of air conditioning process 12+4 Hours
Unit IV
Air distribution-Air handling equipment’s
Room air distribution, air diffusion equipments, friction losses and dynamic loss in ducts, air dust design-Fans–
types, performance, and selection; air conditioning apparatus, cooling dehumidifying, humidifying heating and
cleaning equipments.
Simple applications of air distribution and air handling equipment’s 12+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. C. P. Arora, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, 3rd Ed., McGraw Hill Education (India) Private
Limited, 2008
2. S. C. Arora & Domkundwar, A Course in Refrigeration and Air conditioning, 4th Ed., DhanpatRai &
Sons, 1985
Reference (s)
1. Manohar Prasad,Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, 2nd Ed.(Reprint), New Age International, 2006
2. Roy J. Dossat, Principles of Refrigeration, 4th Ed., Pearson Education, 2002
3. P. L. Bellaney, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, 15th Ed.(Reprint), Khanna Publishers, 2013
4. Anantha Narayanan, Basic Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning, 4th Ed., TMH, 2013
5. R.S. Khurmi & J. K Gupta, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Revised Ed., S Chand, 2006

Department of Mechanical Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

16THE012 Thermal Measurements and Process Controls (Elective–IV)

Course Outcomes
1. Explain the different types of measuring instrument
2. Design the flow and temperature measuring instruments
3. Explain the measurement of level, density and velocity
4. Analyze the flow and temperature measuring instruments in the view of calibration
5. Analyze the First & Second order control systems
6. Evaluate the control system
Unit I
General concepts–Measurement of pressure
Fundamental elements of a measuring instrument. Static and dynamic characteristics–errors in instruments–
Different methods of measurement and their analysis–Sensing elements and transducers–principles of pressure
measurement, static and dynamic pressure, vacuum and high pressure measuring–Measurement of low pressure,
Manometers, Calibration methods, Dynamic characteristics- design principles.
Measurement of low pressure and Manometers
13+5 Hours
Unit II
Measurement of Flow-Temperature Measurement
Obstruction meters, variable area meters. Pressure probes, compressible fluid flow measurement, Thermal
anemometers, calibration of flow measuring instruments. Introduction to design of flow measuring instruments-
Different principles of Temperature Measurement, use of bimetallic thermometers–Mercury thermometers,
Vapor Pressure thermometers, Thermo positive elements, thermocouples in series & parallel, pyrometry,
measurement of heat flux, calibration of temperature measuring instruments. Design of temperature measuring
calibration of flow measuring instruments
13+5 Hours
Unit III
Level Measurement-Measurement of density- Velocity Measurement
Direct & indirect methods, manometric methods, float level meters, electrical conductivity, Capacitive,
Ultrasonic, and Nucleonic Methods–Hydrometer, continuous weight method, Gamma rays, Gas impulse wheel–
Coefficient of viscosity, Ostesld method, free fall of piston under gravity, torque method.
Measurement of moisture content and humidity-Measurement of thermal conductivity of solids, liquids and
Measurement of moisture content and humidity
09+3 Hours
Unit IV
Process Control
Introduction and need for process control principles, transfer functions, block diagrams, signal flow graphs,
open and closed loop control systems–Analysis of First & Second order systems with examples of mechanical
and thermal systems.
Control System Evaluation–Stability, steady state regulations, transient regulations.
Control System Evaluation 10+2 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. Ernesto.O. Doeblin, Measurement System, Application & Design, 5th Ed., Tata McGraw-Hill Higher
Education, 2003
Reference (s)
1. R. K. Jain, Mechanical and Industrial Measurement: Process Instrumentation and Control, 12th Ed.
Khanna Publishers. Delhi, 2014.
2. Thomas G Beckwith, Roy D. Marangoni, John H. Linehard V, Mechanical Measurements, 6th Ed.,
Pearson Education India, Delhi, 2006.
3. M. Gopal, Control Systems : Principles & Design, 4th Ed., Tata McGraw-Hill Pub.Co.Ltd., New Delhi,

Department of Civil Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

Department Vision

To be a nationally preferred civil engineering department of learning for students and

teachers alike, with dual commitment to research and serving students in an atmosphere of
innovation and critical thinking.

Department Mission
1. To provide necessary education in Civil Engineering to prepare the graduates for a
rewarding career in Civil Engineering and related industries, in tune with evolving
needs of the industry.

2. To prepare the students to become thinking professionals and good citizens who
would apply their knowledge critically and innovatively to solve professional and
social problems.

Programme Educational Objectives

1. Acquire the Scholarship of Knowledge, Critical Thinking and Research Skills in
construction practices or tackle social, technical and business challenges.

2. Ability to manage Transportation engineering projects in contribute Collaborative and

Multidisciplinary approach with economics, safety, professional excellence, ethics,
soft skills and leadership qualities.

Department of Civil Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

Programme Outcomes

Graduate will be able to

PO1: Apply higher order thinking for enhancement of knowledge by acquiring in-depth knowledge of
Transportation Engineering systems (Scholarship of Knowledge)
PO2: Analyze complex engineering problems critically and synthesize information independently to
make intellectual (or) create advances (Critical Thinking)
PO3: Think laterally and arrive at an optimal solution to engineering problems considering health and
environmental factors (Problem Solving)
PO4: Conduct research pertinent to unfamiliar problems individually/ in team to generate a new
scientific (or) technological knowledge (Research Skill)

PO5: Use modern Engineering and IT tools to solve complex Transportation Engineering system
problems (Usage of modern tools)
PO6: Contribute effectively either individually (or) in group on collaborative multidisciplinary
scientific research tasks (Collaborative and Multidisciplinary work)
PO7: Manage projects efficiently by consideration of economical and financial factors (Project
Management and Finance)
PO8: Communicate effectively in writing, in personal presentation and in conversation of technical
project information (Communication)
PO9: Adapt lifelong learning skills to improve knowledge and competency (Life-long Learning)
PO10: Acquire professional ethics and contributing research outcomes for sustainable development of
society (Ethical Practices and Social Responsibility)
PO11: Adapt independent and reflective learning methods (Independent and Reflective Learning)

Department of Civil Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

Department of Civil Engineering

Transportation Engineering
[Minimum Credits to be earned: 72]

First Semester
No Course Code Course POs
1 16MEX101 Advanced Optimization Techniques 3 1 - 4
2 16TRE102 Pavement Materials and Construction 3 1 - 4
3 16TRE103 Traffic Engineering 3 1 - 4
4 Elective I 3 1 - 4
5 Elective II 3 1 - 4
6 16TRE104 Transportation Engineering Laboratory-1 - 3 2
7 16TRE105 Term Paper - - 2
Total 20 - 3 24
Second Semester
1 16TRE201 Design and management of Rural Roads 3 1 - 4
2 16TRE202 Pavement Management Systems 3 1 - 4
3 16TRE203 Transport and Environment 3 1 - 4
4 Elective III 3 1 - 4
5 Elective IV 3 1 - 4
6 16TRE204 Transportation Engineering Laboratory-2 - 3 2
7 16TRE205 Comprehensive Viva - - 2
Total 20 - 3 24
Third Semester
No Course Code Course POs
1 16TRE301 Internship - - - 4
2 16TRE302 Project - - - -
Total - - - 4
Fourth Semester
1 16TRE302 Project - - - 20

Department of Civil Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

List of Elective Courses

Elective I
No Course Code Course POs
1 16TRE001 Construction Technology for Transportation 3 1 - 4
2 16TRE002 Geometric Design of Transportation facilities 3 1 - 4
3 16TRE003 Ground Improvement Techniques 3 1 - 4
Elective II
1 16TRE004 Bridge Engineering 3 1 - 4
2 16TRE005 Port and Harbor Engineering 3 1 - 4
3 16TRE006 RS & GIS for Transportation Engineering 3 1 - 4
Elective III
1 16TRE007 Land use and Regional Transport Planning 3 1 - 4
2 16TRE008 Urban Transportation Planning 3 1 - 4
3 16TRE009 Urban Transportation Planning 3 1 - 4
Elective IV
1 16TRE010 Aviation Infrastructure and Planning 3 1 - 4
2 16TRE011 Public Transportation 3 1 - 4
3 16TRE012 Transport Policy, Economics and Legislation 3 1 - 4

Department of Civil Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

16MEX101 Advanced Optimization Techniques

Course Outcomes
1. Design of mechanical systems and interdisciplinary engineering applications and business solutions
using suitable optimization technique
2. Apply numerical or iterative techniques in power systems for optimal power flow solutions
3. Optimize the parameters in control systems for desired steady state or transient response
4. Optimize the cost function in deciding economic factors of power systems
5. Design of electrical systems optimally using suitable techniques like univariate method, steepest
descent method etc
6. Design of electrical systems optimally using, steepest and descent method etc

Unit I
Linear programming and Assignment Problem
Linear programming-Two-phase simplex method, Big-M method, duality, interpretation, applications,
Assignment problem-Hungarian’s algorithm, Degeneracy, applications, unbalanced problems, traveling
salesman problem
Applications of assignment problems 12+3 Hours
Unit II
Classical and Numerical Optimization Techniques
Classical optimization techniques-Single variable optimization with and without constraints, multi–variable,
optimization without constraints, multi–variable optimization with constraints–method of Lagrange multipliers,
Kuhn-Tucker conditions.
Numerical methods for optimization-Nelder Mead’s Simplex search method, Gradient of a function, Steepest
descent method, Newton’s method, types of penalty methods for handling constraints
Exterior penalty function method for handling constraint
11+4 Hours
Unit III
Genetic algorithm and Programming
Genetic algorithm (GA)-Differences and similarities between conventional and evolutionary algorithms,
working principle, reproduction, crossover, mutation, termination criteria, different reproduction and crossover
operators, GA for constrained optimization, draw backs of GA.
Genetic Programming (GP)-Principles of genetic programming, terminal sets, functional sets, differences
between GA & GP, random population generation, solving differential equations using GP
Solving differential equations using GP 11+4 Hours
Unit IV
Multi-Objective GA
Multi-Objective GA: Pareto’s analysis, Non-dominated front, multi–objective GA, Non-dominated sorted GA,
convergence criterion, applications of multi-objective problems
Basic Problem solving using Genetic algorithm, Genetic Programming & Multi Objective GA and simple
applications of optimization for engineering systems
Simple applications of optimization for engineering systems 11+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. J. S. Arora, Introduction to Optimum Design, McGraw Hill International Ed., NY, 1989
2. K. Deb, Optimization for Engineering Design: Algorithms and Examples, 2nd Ed., PHI, 1995
3. S. S. Rao, Engineering Optimization: Theory and Practice, New Age International (P) Ltd., 2001
Reference (s)
1. D. E. Goldberg, Genetic Algorithms in Search and Optimization, Pearson publication, 1990
2. J. R. Koza, Genetic Programming, MIT Press, 1993
3. K. Deb, Multi-Objective Optimization Using Evolutionary Algorithms, Wiley, 2001.

Department of Civil Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

16TRE102 Pavement Materials and Construction

Course Outcomes
1. Assess the suitability of aggregates used in various layers of pavement as well as the bitumen used in
the wearing course.
2. Demonstrate the utility of various bitumen products.
3. Determine the optimum bitumen content by applying the bitumen mix design methods.
4. Prioritize the sequential stages involved in the construction of flexible and bituminous pavements
5. Decide the kind of equipment needed for the construction of road and its operation etc.
6. Test the quality of pavement layers in flexible and rigid pavements.

Unit I
Aggregates, Bitumen and Tar
Origin, classification, requirements, properties and tests on road aggregates, concepts of size and gradation-
design gradation, maximum aggregate size, aggregate blending to meet specification. Origin of bitumen,
preparation, properties and chemical constitution of bituminous road binders; requirements. Emulsion, cutbacks,
preparation, characteristics, uses and tests, Adhesion failure, mechanism of stripping, tests and methods of
improving adhesion
Aggregate, bitumen, tar, properties, preparation
12+3 Hours
Unit II
Bituminous mixes
Mechanical properties, dense and open textured mixes, flexibility and brittleness, No-Hveem Stabilometer &
Hubbard-field tests bituminous mix, design methods using Routhfutchs Method only and specification using
different criteria-voids in mineral aggregates, voids in total mix, density, flow, stability, percentage voids filled
with bitumen.
Bituminous mix, voids, flow, stability
11+4 Hours
Unit III
Equipment in Highway Construction
Various types of equipment for excavation, grading and compaction-their working principle, advantages and
limitations. Special equipment for bituminous and cement concrete pavement and stabilized soil road
Excavation, grading, compaction
11+4 Hours
Unit IV
Flexible and cement concrete pavements
Earthwork grading and construction of embankments and cuts for roads, preparation of sub-grade, quality
control tests. Specifications of materials, construction method and field control checks for various types of
flexible pavement layers. IRC method of flexible pavement design, specifications and method of cement
concrete pavement construction; Quality control tests; construction of various types of joints
Subgrade, quality control tests, specifications, joints 11+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. Khanna, S. K., and Justo, C. E. G., Highway Engineering, 10th Ed., Nem Chand and Bros. Roorke, 2012.
2. Sharma, S. C., Construction Equipment and its Management, 6th Ed., Khanna Publishers, 2015.

Reference (s)
1. RRL, DSIR, Bituminous Materials in Road Construction, 4th Ed., HMSO Publication. 1962.
2. RRL, DSIR, Soil Mechanics for Road Engineers, 8th Ed., HMSO Publication, 1974.

Department of Civil Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

16TRE103 Traffic Engineering

Course Outcomes
1. Develop a basic Knowledge of the fundamental issues in traffic engineering.
2. Demonstrate the clear understanding of the factors influencing road vehicle performance.
3. Define the basic principles in highway geometric design and be able to apply these principles to solve
simple problems.
4. Conclude the summarization of traffic flow and queuing theory.
5. Define the critical procedures for highway capacity and level of service analysis.
6. Build knowledge on traffic signal theory and elements of traffic signal Operations

Unit I
Traffic Characteristics Measurement and Analysis
Basic traffic characteristics-Speed, volume and concentration. Relationship between Flow, Speed and
Concentration Volume Studies- Objectives, Methods; Speed studies- Objectives: Definition of Spot Speed,
time mean speed and space mean speed.
Speed, flow, capacity
12+3 Hours
Unit II
Speed Studies, Highway Capacity and Level of Service
Methods of conducting speed studies; Presentation of speed study data; Head ways and Gaps; Critical Gap;
Gap acceptance studies. Basic definitions related to capacity; Level of service concept; Factors affecting
capacity and level of service; Computation of capacity and level of service for two lane highways
Multilane highways and freeways.
Critical gap, headway, level of service
11+4 Hours
Unit III
Parking Studies and Traffic Safety
Types of parking facilities-on street parking and off street Parking facilities; Parking studies and analysis.
Accident studies and analysis; Causes of accidents-The Road, The vehicle, The road user and the
Environment; Engineering, Enforcement and Education measures for the prevention of accidents.
On street parking, Accident, four E’s.
11+4 Hours
Unit IV
Traffic Regulation and Environment
Traffic Signals-Design of Isolated Traffic Signal by Webster method, Warrants for signalization, Signal Co-
ordination methods, Simultaneous, Alternate, Simple progression and Flexible progression Systems.
Detrimental effects of Traffic on Environment; Air pollution; Noise Pollution; Measures to curtail
environmental degradation due to traffic.
Webster’s method, Signals, Traffic control.
11+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. L. R. Kadiyali, Traffic Engineering and Transportation Planning, 4th Ed., Khanna Publishers, 1991
2. S. K. Khanna & C.E.G Justo, Highway Engineering, 9th Ed., Nem Chand & Bros Publisher, 2012

Reference (s)
1. Louis J. Pignataro, Traffic Engineering-Theory & Practice, 2nd Ed., Prentice Hall Publication, 1973
2. C. Jotin Khistry, Transportation Engineering-An introduction, 3rd Ed., Prentice Hall Publication, 2002

Department of Civil Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

16TRE104 Transportation Engineering Laboratory-1

Course Outcomes

1. Build knowledge on quality behavior of road aggregates

2. Develop Knowledge on types of bitumen and their quality behavior
3. Develop knowledge of quality behavior of subgrade soils
4. Utilize aggregate and bitumen properties in pavement design
5. Examine the unevenness of existing pavements
6. Develop Knowledge on mix design of Flexible pavements.

List of Experiments
1. Aggregate Shape tests
2. Aggregate Impact Test
3. Los Angeles Abrasion Test
4. Compressive strength of Aggregates
5. Specific Gravity Test and Water Absorption Test
6. Penetration Test
7. Ductility Test
8. Softening point Test
9. Flash and Fire Point Test
10. Viscosity test
11. Stripping Test
12. Soil Gradation test
13. Compaction Test
14. Core Cutter method
15. CBR Test
16. Benkelman Beam tests
17. Roughness survey of roads
18. Pavement evaluation using DCP
19. Road unevenness by MERLIN
20. Marshall Stability Mix Design-Analysis

List of Mini-Projects1
1. Compare the properties of normal and treated aggregates
2. Compare the properties of 30/40,60/70,80/100 grades of bitumen and modified bitumen
3. Study of pavement unevenness by MERLIN-a case study
4. Study of pavement unevenness by Benkelman Beam-a case study
5. Study of pavement unevenness by Road Roughometer-a case study
6. Laboratory investigation of soils using Compaction test, core cutter and CBR Test.
7. Study of Engineering Properties of bituminous mixes using Marshall Stability Testing Machine.

Reading Material (s)

1. A. Veeraragavan, S. K. Khanna & C.E.G Justo, Highway Materials and Pavement testing, Nem Chand
& Bros. Publisher, 2013
2. L.R. Kadiyali, Traffic Engineering and transportation Planning, 7th Ed., Khanna Publishers, 2011

Students shall opt any one of the Mini–Projects in addition to the regular experiments

Department of Civil Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

16TRE201 Design and Management of Rural Roads

Course Outcomes
1. Obtain a basic Knowledge about the need and importance of rural road network and how it influences
the current growth of infrastructure in India.
2. Extend knowledge on route selection and surveys for road location, planning and alignment, type of
material used in pavement construction for rural roads.
3. Build knowledge on basic principles of geometric design which is useful to rural roads pavement
design and complete procedure for pavement construction.
4. Extend knowledge on the construction of a rural road what kind of quality control can be taken and
after construction what kind of measures to be taken for maintenance.
5. Illustrate the various types of maintenance in Rural road construction.
6. Build knowledge on use of different equipments used in rural road construction.

Unit I
Introduction about Rural Roads and Planning and Alignment:
Importance of Rural roads, Classification of rural roads,Terrain classification, Socio-economic impact of
rural roads. Data base for master plan, Concept of network planning, Rural Roads plan, Road alignment,
Governing factors for route selection, Factors controlling alignment, Special considerations while aligning
hill roads, Surveys, Detailed project report, Environmental issues.
Detailed project Report, Terrain classification, master plan 12+3 Hours
Unit II
Geometric Design and Road Materials:
Introduction, Design speed, Basic principles of geometric design, Elements, Horizontal and vertical
alignment, Alignment compatibility, Lateral and vertical clearances. General, Soil and material surveys, Soil
as road construction material, Aggregates for pavement courses, Materials for bituminous construction,
Materials for semi-rigid and rigid pavement, Materials for special pavements Climatic suitability of concrete
Design speed, materials, clearances, bitumen, and concrete 11+4 Hours
Unit III
Pavement Design, Specifications and Construction of Rural Roads:
Introduction, Design parameters, Pavement components, Design of flexible pavement, Design of semi-rigid
pavement, Design of rigid pavement, Design of special pavements, Drainage and Shoulders. General,
Selection of construction materials and methodology, Earthwork, Sub-base, Base course, Bituminous
constructions, Semi-rigid pavement construction, Concrete pavements, Construction of special pavements,
Equipment required for different operations
Design, construction, Flexible, Rigid, Special, Semi-rigid 11+4 Hours
Unit IV
Use of Waste Materials in Rural Road Construction and Quality Control Tests &Maintenance:
Introduction, Significance of green roads, Fly ash for road construction, Iron & steel and copper slags, Lime-
rice husk ash concrete, Recycled concrete aggregate, other waste materials. General,Pre-requisite, Specifications
and codes of practice, Quality control tests during construction. Distresses/defects in pavements,
Definitions of maintenance activities, Inventory of road and inspection, Types of maintenance,
Classification of maintenance activities, Maintenance norms of maintenance cost.
Quality, green roads, distress 11+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. IRC: SP 20-2002 “Rural Roads Manual”, 2002
Reference (s)
1. IRC: SP-62-2004 “ Guidelines for the design and Construction of Cement Concrete Pavements for Rural
Roads” , 2004
2. IRC: SP-72-2007 “Guidelines for the Design of Flexible Pavements for Low volume Rural Roads”

Department of Civil Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT) | Regulation 2016

16TRE202 Pavement Management Systems

Course Outcomes
1. Extend Knowledge on fundamental issues in pavement management system.
2. Illustrate structural and functional evaluation of pavements.
3. Distinguish distress and surveys done on the pavement.
4. Dissect design strategies and economic evaluation.
5. Make use of expert systems in pavement management systems.
6. Build knowledge on project appraisal and its elements.

Unit I
Pavement Management Components Levels and functions:
Definition-Components of Pavement Management Systems, Essential features. Ideal PMS-Network and Project
levels of PMS-Influence Levels-PMS Functions-Function of Pavement evaluation
Network level, Project level, ideal PMS
12+3 Hours
Unit II
Pavement Performance and Evaluation of Pavement Structural capacity:
Serviceability Concepts-roughness-Roughness Components-Equipment-IRI-modeling techniques, structural
condition deterioration models, mechanistic and empirical models, HDM and other models, comparison of
different deterioration models
Basics-NDT and Analysis-Condition Surveys-Distress-Destructive Structural Analysis-Application in Network
and Project Levels
IRI, HDM, NDT, Distress, Serviceability
11+4 Hours
Unit III
Pavement Design Selection and Alternatives:
Design objectives and constraints, basic structural response models, physical design inputs, Alternate pavement
design strategies and economic evaluation, life cycle costing, analysis of alternate pavement strategies based on
distress and performance, case studies. Equipment
LCCA, alternate pavement strategies, Economic evaluation
11+4 Hours
Unit IV
Expert Systems and Pavement Management, Project Appraisal:
Role of computers in pavement management, applications of expert systems for managing pavements, expert
system for pavement evaluation and rehabilitation, knowledge-based expert systems, case studies.
Project appraisal: private sector participation-Environmental impact assessment-TQM in highway projects
Total quality management, project appraisal, EIA
11+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. Ralph Haas, W.Ronald Hudson, Pavement management systems, 1st Ed., McGraw Publishers, 1978
2. S. K. Khanna & C.E.G Justo, Highway Engineering, 8th Ed., Nem Chand & Bros., Publisher, 2012

Department of Civil Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT) | Regulation 2016

16TRE203 Transport & Environment

Course Outcomes
1. Summarize the national and international contexts on transport and the environment.
2. Build knowledge on the concepts of traffic and environment management for sustainability.
3. Apply knowledge of policies and reports which have a strong bearing on local and global air pollution
and sustainability issues.
4. Build knowledge of the role of intelligent transport systems (ITS) in delivering sustainability keeping
environmental, economic and health objectives in mind.
5. Outline the multiple complexities of successful planning, data collection and analysis and
identification of improvements.
6. Distinguish and be alert to current issues relating to traffic flow, road safety and air quality.

Unit I
Impact of Transport on Environment
Resource use: Oil-based resources used for transport-Extraction of infrastructure construction materials;
Climate change: Emissions of CO2 and other global warming gases; Air pollution: Local emissions of CO,
PM, lead, VOCs, hydrocarbons and NOx Noise and related vibration: Quality of life for those living nearby
roads, airports, stations, ports; Land take: Land used for infrastructure-Habitat fragmentation; Changes to water
systems by infrastructure.
Air pollution, Habitat, Land use
12+3 Hours
Unit II
Indicators for environmental impact of Highways, Transport equipment and safety

Highway indicators: Road construction and maintenance-vehicle-kilometers-freight transport– Passenger

transport-Transport safety Transport equipment-Motor vehicle and parts manufacture-Motor vehicle
maintenance and support-Disposal of vehicles and parts
Construction, safety, equipment, maintenance, disposal
11+4 Hours
Unit III
Indicators for environmental impact on Modes of Transportation, Aviation environmental
Rail environmental indicators: Railway construction, maintenance, and abandonment-Disposal of rail cars
and parts. Airport construction, maintenance, and expansion: Aviation travel-Airport operation-Disposal of
aircraft and parts. Maritime environmental indicators: Construction and maintenance of navigation
improvements- Disposal of maritime vessels and parts-Pollutant Emissions from Ships.
Components, disposal, equipment, maintenance
11+4 Hours
Unit IV
Transport and environment policy, Solutions for Sustainable Transportation
Developing a sustainable transport system- Decoupling of transport growth from GDP growth-Transport
through sensitive areas-Environmental elements into projects and policies impacting wildlife. The potential
for technological Solutions-The potential for behavior and lifestyle change solutions-Environment
taxes-Environment protection expenditure-Assessment of Transport’s Impact on Health and Environment.
GD, Environmental elements and polices
11+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours

Department of Civil Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT) | Regulation 2016

Textbook (s)
1. Rae Zimmerman, Transport, the Environment and Security-Making the Connection, Edward Elgar
Publishing, Ltd., 2012
2. Inderwildi, Oliver; King, Sir David (Eds.), Energy, Transport, & the Environment, Addressing the
Sustainable Mobility Paradigm, Springer , 2012
3. Globalisation, Transport and the Environment, OECD, 2010

Reference (s)

1. D. Banister, Transport, the Environment and Sustainable Development, 4th Ed., Taylor & Francis,
2. Kenneth John Button, Transport, the environment, and economic policy, Elgar, 1993.
3. Geoff Vigar, Taylor & Francis, Politics of Mobility: Transport, the Environment, and Public Policy,

Department of Civil Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT) | Regulation 2016

16TRE204 Transportation Engineering Laboratory-2

Course Outcomes
1. Build knowledge on the traffic studies and importance.
2. Dissect the way of conducting traffic studies.
3. Build Knowledge in analyzing the traffic data and to give qualitative report for the measures to be
4. Extend knowledge on use of remote sensing in transportation.
5. Summarize the knowledge acquired on parking studies, speed studies, volume studies.
6. Outline the different methods used in traffic studies.

List of Experiments
1. Volume Studies–Straight Roads and at Intersections
2. Speed Studies-Spot Speed Studies by Stop Watch, Enoscope and Radar Speed Meter
3. Journey Time and Delay Studies-Floating Car Method
4. Parking Surveys and Parking Turnover Studies
5. Study of Gaps and Lags–Critical Gaps and Lags at Intersections
6. Digitization of Map/Toposheet
7. Creation of thematic maps in fixing alignments

List of Mini-Projects2
1. Conduct Volume studies on all Major District Roads of a town/city.
2. Conduct Speed studies on all Major District Roads of a town/city.
3. Conduct Speed and Delay studies on all Major District Roads of a town/city.
4. Conduct Parking studies at all the busy locations of a town/city.
5. Study the critical gaps and lags at all intersections of a town/city.
6. Prepare thematic maps of the existing alignments of all Major District Roads of a town/city.

Reading Material (s)

1. L. R. Kadiyali, Highway Engineering, Fifth Ed., Khanna Publishers, 2011

2. S. K. Khanna & C. E. G Justo, Highway Engineering, Nem Chand & Bros., Publisher, 2012
3. ARC GIS Software

Students shall opt any one of the Mini–Projects in addition to the regular experiments

Department of Civil Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT) | Regulation 2016

16TRE001 Construction Technology for Transportation (Elective–I)

Course Outcomes
1. Develop an understanding of the fundamentals of pavement materials behavior.
2. Assess the Key design Characteristics of pavement component materials which are discussed in
terms their dynamic behavioral performance.
3. Dissect with advanced topics like geosynthetics and other materials for all the basic materials.
4. Infer a basic understanding of the Material factors for all modes of transport.
5. Summarize the aircraft characteristics which are discussed.
6. Demonstrate the clear understanding of the airport components

Unit I
Introduction and road making materials
Highway and airport pavements, Types and component parts of pavements, their differences-Factors
affecting design and performance of pavements classification, testing and applications of road
making aggregates–road binders–rheology of bituminous binders–special binders–emulsion, cut back.
Tests, emulsions, cut backs, binders 12+3 Hours

Unit II
Use of Geosynthetics in Highway Construction and recent developments
Functions and applications of Geosynthetics in highway embankment, slopes, new pavements and overlays.
Types, manufacturing and Testing of geosynthetics along with specifications. Economic aspects. Utilisation of
waste products like fly ash, slag, marginal materials in road construction. Application of Polymers, fibre-
reinforced concrete, high performance concrete.
Geosynthetics, waste products, polymers 11+4 Hours

Unit III
Recycling Techniques in Bituminous Pavements and Railway engineering
Need for recycling, methods of recycling, construction controls and economics. Railway track gauge;
alignment of railway lines; geometric design of track; track junctions and track layouts; track maintenance,
drainage; level crossings; locomotives and other rolling stock; railway sections and yards; signalling and
Recycling, Geometric design, signalling, interlocking 11+4 Hours

Unit IV
Airport Planning and Harbour Engineering
Airport site selection–Air craft characteristics–Zoning laws–Airport classification Runway orientation–Wind
rose diagram–Terminal area and Airport layout–Visual aids and Air traffic control.
Classification of Harbours, Site Selection & Selection Investigation, Shore Considerations-Proximity to
Towns/Cities, Utilities, Construction Materials, Coast Lines, Dry and Wet Docks
Terminal Area, Wind Rose, Coast lines, Dry Docks and Wet Docks 11+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. Khanna and Justo, “Text Book of Highway Engineering”, 9th Ed., Nemchand brothers,
Roorkee, 2004.
2. Saxena, S. C., and Arora, S. P, Railway Engineering, Dhanpat Rai & Sons, New Delhi, India, 1997
3. Khanna, S. K., Arora, M. G and SS Jain, Airport Planning and Design, 6 th Ed., Nem Chand &Bros.,
Roorkee, India, 1999
4. Bindra S.P, Docks and Harbour Engineering, 13th Ed., Dhanpath Rai& Sons, New Delhi, 2013

Reference (s)
1. Yoder, E.J., and Witczak, “Principles of Pavement Design”, 2nd Ed., John Wiley and Sons, 1975.

Department of Civil Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT) | Regulation 2016

16TRE002 Geometric Design of Transportation facilities (Elective–I)

Course Outcomes
1. Build knowledge on classification of roads and its alignment
2. Build knowledge on standards and guidelines for design
3. Design various road Geometric elements based on the geographic conditions.
4. Build knowledge on traffic capacity and level of service.
5. Interpret the traffic characteristics and build knowledge on design of Intersections.
6. Build knowledge on road inventory
Unit I
Introduction and Design Elements
Classification of rural highways and urban roads. Objectives and requirements of highway geometric
design. Design Control and Criteria. Sight distances-types, analysis, factors affecting, measurements,
Horizontal alignment-design considerations, stability at curves, super elevation, widening, transition curves;
curvature at intersections, vertical alignment-grades, ramps, design of summit and valley curves, combination
of vertical and horizontal alignment including design of hair pin bends, design of expressways, IRC standards
and guidelines for design. Problems
Rural roads-urban roads-sight distances-grades-alignment-super elevation-widening-transition curves-summit
and valley curves
12+3 Hours
Unit II
Cross Section Elements
Right of way and width considerations, roadway, shoulders, kerbs traffic barriers, medians, frontage roads;
Facilities for pedestrians, bicycles, buses and trucks, Pavement surface characteristics-types, cross slope, skid
resistance, unevenness
Right of way–carriage way-shoulders-pedestrians-trucks-buses-cross slope-skid resistance.
11+4 Hours
Unit III
Design Considerations
Design considerations for rural and urban arterials, freeways, and other rural and urban roads-design speeds,
volumes, levels of service and other design considerations.
Rural and urban arterials-freeways-speed-volume-level of service 11+4 Hours
Unit IV
Design of Intersections
Characteristics and design considerations of at-grade intersections; Different types of islands,
channelization; median openings; Rotary intersections; Grade separations and interchanges-types, warrants,
adaptability and design details; Interchanges-different types, ramps. Computer applications for intersection and
interchange design
Intersections-traffic islands-medians-channelization-grade separated and intersection at grade-warrants
11+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. AASHO, A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, American Association of State
Highway and Transportation Officials, Washington D.C., 2001
2. Khanna S.K. and Justo, C.E.G, Highway Engineering, 7 th Ed., Nem Chand and Bros., 2000.

Reference (s)
1. DSIR, `Roads in Urban Areas', HMSO, London, 1937
2. Jack E Leish and Associates, `Planning and Design Guide: At-Grade Intersections'. Illinios, 1981
3. IRC:SP-41, Guidelines for the Design of At-Grade intersections in Rural & Urban Areas, 1994
4. IRC:SP-23-1983, Vertical Curves for Highways, 1983

Department of Civil Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT) | Regulation 2016

16TRE003 Ground Improvement Techniques (Elective–I)

Course Outcomes
1. Apply the principles of ground improvement to a given site condition.
2. Prioritize the right technique to improve different difficult grounds.
3. Ensure safe, stable and economical construction for any structure.
4. Propose the best suitable ground modification technique for different grounds.
5. Choose the best admixture for stabilization of ground for different grounds.
6. Build knowledge on importance and application of Gabion walls and crib walls.

Unit I
Introduction to Ground Modification
Need and objectives of Ground Improvement, Classification of Ground Modification Techniques-suitability
and feasibility, Emerging Trends in ground improvement. Mechanical Modification; Principles and methods
of soil compaction, Compaction control, Compaction piles, dynamic compaction, Vibrofloat technique,
controlled blasting for compaction
Soil compaction, Vibro-float technique
12+3 Hours
Unit II
Physical, chemical modification and grouting
Stabilization with admixtures like cement, lime, calcium chloride, fly ash and bitumen. Grouting: Categories
of grouting, Grout materials, Grouting techniques and control
Grouting, lime, fly ash, CaCl2
11+4 Hours
Unit III
Hydraulic Modification and Geo-textiles
Methods of dewatering, open sumps and ditches, Well-point system, Electro-osmosis, Vacuum
dewatering; Pre-loading without and with sand drains, strip drains and rope drains. Types of Geo-textiles,
Woven and non-woven fabrics, Geo-membranes, Geo-grids, Geo-composites, Geo-nets, Functions and
applications, Properties of geo-textiles
Dewatering, Geotextiles, Geogrids, Geoomembranes, Geonets
11+4 Hours
Unit IV
Reinforced Earth and In-Situ Ground Treatment for slopes
Concept of soil reinforcement, Reinforcing materials, Backfill criteria, Design and construction of reinforced
earth structures. Soil nailing, Rock anchoring, Micro-piles, design methods, construction techniques; Gabion
walls, Crib walls
Soil reinforcement-Soil nailing-Rock anchoring-Micropiles-Gabion walls-Crib walls 11+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. Manfred R. Hansmann-Engineering principles of ground modification, 2nd Ed., McGraw-Hill Pub.Co.
NewYork, 1986
2. P. Purushotham Raj-Ground Improvement Techniques, 1 st Ed., Laxmi Publications (P) Limited,
Reference (s)
1. Robert M.Koerner-Construction and Geotechnical methods in Foundation Engineering-McGraw-Hill
Pub. Co., New York, 1984
2. Winterkorn and Fang-Foundation Engineering Hand Book, 1st Ed., Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New
York, 1967

Department of Civil Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT) | Regulation 2016

16TRE004 Bridge Engineering (Elective–II)

Course Outcomes
1. Develop an understanding of overall Loading pattern and its behavior from Transportation
Engineering point of View.
2. Extend knowledge on Key design Characteristics for design of Elements like Culverts, Substructures
3. Build knowledge on all codal provisions for the construction of Steel Bridges
4. Develop an understanding of designing a Bridge and its construction.
5. Build knowledge on different types of loads induced on bridges.
6. Prioritize the best type of maintenance to be applied to different defects in bridges.

Unit I
Introduction and Loads on Bridges
Brief History on Bridges-Types of bridges-materials used in Bridge construction design philosophy
(AASTHO Specification)-Concepts on Bridge Aesthetics. Gravity Loads-Lateral Loads-Deformation induced
loads–Collision loads
Load, gravity loads, collision loads
12+3 Hours
Unit II
Analysis of Bridges and Culverts
Muller-Breslau Principle-Influence lines for statically Determinate and Indeterminate beams-Load
paths-Computer Analysis of Bridges and Construction Sequence in Analysis. Introduction-Reinforced concrete
slab and Box culvert-Example for R.C. Slab culvert-Author’s charts for design of deck slab of slab bridges
Breslau principle-Box culvert
11+4 Hours
Unit III
Design of Rc Bridges, Steel Bridges and Substructure
Concrete deck slab-Slab Bridge design-T beam design. Definition-Bed block-Materials for piers and
abutments-Piers-Forces due to wave action and collision-Example of design of pier-Abutments-Example of
design of abutment. Brief description various types of steel bridges-Design of truss and plate girder bridges
Abutments-Piers-truss bridge-girder bridge
11+4 Hours
Unit IV
Construction and Maintenance
Construction method-short span bridges-Long span bridges-Formwork and false work for concrete bridges-
Construction management-Numbering of Bridges-Maintenance-Bridge failures
Formwork, false work
11+4 Hours

Textbook (s)
1. D.J. Victor, Essentials of Bridge Engineering, Fifth Ed., Oxford & IBH Pub. New Delhi, 2014
2. N. Krishna Raju, Design of Bridges, Third Ed., Oxford & IBH, New Delhi, 1988
Reference (s)
1. R.P.Pama & A.R.Cusens, Bridge Deck Analysis, 1 st Ed., John Wiley & Sons, 1975
2. T.R. Jagadish & M.A. Jairam, Design of Bridge Structures, 2nd Ed., Prentice Hall of India, N. Delhi,
3. Aswani, Vazirani & Ratvani, 4th Ed., Bridge Engineering, 2014

Department of Civil Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT) | Regulation 2016

16TRE005 Port and Harbor Engineering (Elective–II)

Course Outcomes
1. Develop an understanding of overall Port and Harbour Engineering and its impact.
2. Build knowledge on the Key design Characteristics for design of Elements like Groins, Break waters
3. Perceive with advanced topics like Deck and Fenders, Dolphins etc.
4. Extend knowledge on flow regime, lift force mechanism, bed load and suspended load etc.
5. Assess the design principles and construction of jetties.
6. Build knowledge on design of offshore structures.

Unit I
Siting and Planning of Port Installations
History of port growth- Factors affecting growth of port. Classification of Harbours– Planning of a port–
Ship characteristics as they relate to port planning– Need and economic justification of a port–Volume and
type of commerce–Hinterland studies and growth. Meteorological, Hydrographic and oceanographic data
required for port design
Hinterland studies, groins, bed waters 12+3 Hours
Unit II
Siting and Planning of Harbour Installations and Design of on-Shore Structures
Minimum maintenance and facilities for expansion. Size and shape of harbour and turning basin–Type,
location and height of Breakwaters–Location and width of entrance to harbour–Depth of harbour and
navigational channel–Number, location and type of docks or berths or jetties.
Coastal Protection works– Seawall– Groins– Structural aspects–Sand dunes–Vegetation–Beach
nourishment. Break waters–Types–Selection of site and type– effects on the beach–Stability of Rubble
Structures. Wharves and Jetties–Types–Materials of Construction–Design Principles– Deck for fenders.
Breakwaters-Wharves-jetties-decks-Mooring accessories 11+4 Hours
Unit III
Sediment Transport and Dredging
Mode of transport of sediment in open channel– Properties of sediment, critical velocity concept, critical
shear stress. Regimes of flow, types of regimes, importance of regimes of flow,
Bed load: Du Boy’s, Meyer Peter Muller’s Equation, Einstein’s Theory of bed load movement, Garde and
Albertson’s Equations. Suspended load: Diffusion– dispersion model, Lane’s and Einstein’s approaches.
Total load
Dispersion model, Diffusion, Critical velocity, Grade equation 11+4 Hours
Unit IV
Design of offshore structures
Introduction: Offshore definition, Purpose of Offshore Structures, Classification and Examples, Various
types of Offshore Structures–Jacket Platforms, Semi submersibles, Tension Leg Platforms, Gravity
Platforms Guyed Towers, Articulated Towers. Load Calculations: Environmental loads on offshore structures
due to Wind, Wave, Current, Ice, Earth quake-Functional loads-Buoyant Forces-Installation forces, Soil
structure interaction-Wave force calculation on a Jacket platform and Semi-submersible.
Jacket Platforms, Semi submersibles, Tension Leg Platforms, Gravity Platforms 11+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. Garde, R.J. and Ranga Raju, K.G., Mechanics of Sediment Transportation and Alluvial steam
problems, Second Ed., Wiley Eastern Limited, 46254/21, Daryaganj, New Delhi., 1985
2. Graf, H.W., Hydraulics of Sediment Transport, 1 s t Ed., McGraw Hill Book Co. New York, 1971

Reference (s)
1. A.D.F.Quinn, Dock and Harbour Engineering Vol. I–IV, 1963
2. Minikin, Winds, Wave and Maritime Structures, 1st Ed., Griffin Publishers, 1950
3. Alanzo De F.Quinn, Design & Construction of ports and Marine structures, 2nd Ed., McGraw Hill
Book Co. New York , 1972

Department of Civil Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT) | Regulation 2016

16TRE006 RS & GIS for Transportation Engineering (Elective–II)

Course Outcomes
1. Interpret various remotely sensed images with the help of acquired knowledge in remote sensing
2. Apply the GPS instrument in field for various applications
3. Make use of the techniques of RS, GIS and GPS techniques in different transportation engineering
4. Build knowledge on Global positioning system.
5. Compare between Raster GIS and vector GIS.
6. Extend knowledge on Intelligent Transportation systems.

Unit I
Introduction to Remote Sensing and Remote Sensing Platforms & Sensors
Basic concepts and foundation of remote sensing, Elements involved in remote sensing, Electromagnetic
spectrum, remote sensing terminology and units, Energy resources, energy interactions with earth surface
features and atmosphere and spectral properties of vegetation, soil and water bodies, Concept of resolution
in Remote Sensing. Remote Sensing Platforms & Sensors: Introduction, Characteristics of imaging
remote sensing instruments, satellite remote sensing system-a brief over view, other remote sensing satellites.
Elements of Visual Interpretation and techniques digital data analysis.
Platforms, sensors, EMS, Spectral properties, Energy Interaction 12+3 Hours
Unit II
Geographic Information System and Types of data representation:
Introduction, GIS definition and terminology, GIS categories, components of GIS, fundamental operations of
GIS, A theoretical framework for GIS. Types of data representation: Data collection, data input and output.
Keyboard entry and coordinate geometry procedure, manual digitizing and scanning, Raster GIS, Vector GIS–
File management, Spatial data–Layer based GIS, Feature based GIS mapping
Raster and vector GIS, Digitizing 11+4 Hours
Unit III
GIS Spatial Analysis and Global Positioning System:
Computational Analysis Methods (CAM), Visual Analysis Methods (VAM), Data storage-vector data storage,
attribute data storage, overview of the data manipulation and analysis. Integrated analysis of the spatial and
attribute data. Global Positioning System: Introduction, elements of satellite surveying, the global positioning
system, GPS satellites, adjustment computations, GPS observables.
Computational analysis method-Visual analysis method-GPS 11+4 Hours
Unit IV
Transportation Engineering Applications
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) for road accessibility study, GIS data base design for physical facility
planning, Decision support systems for land use planning. GIS based Highway alignment, GIS based road
network planning, GIS based traffic congestion analysis and accident investigation. Network planning. GIS-T
Applications and some case studies
ITS, GIS-T 11+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. Thomas M. Lillesand, Ralph.W.Kiefer, Jonathan.W.Chipman, Remote Sensing and Image
Interpretation 5th Ed., Wiley India Pvt Ltd, 2011
2. A.M.Chandra and S.K.Ghosh, Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System, 2nd Ed.,
Narosha Publications, 2015
3. M.Anji Reddy, Remote Sensing and Geographical Information system, 4th Ed., B.S.Publications, 2012.
4. Alfred Leick, GPS Satellite Surveys, Third Ed., John Willey & Sons, 2004.

Department of Civil Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT) | Regulation 2016

Reference (s)
1. James B. Cambell, Taylor & Francis, Introduction to Remote Sensing, 4th Ed., Taylor & Francis 2007
2. Floyd F. Sabins, Remote Sensing: Principles and Interpretation 3rd Ed., 2007
3. Basudeb Batta, Remote Sensing and GIS, Oxford University Press, 2008
4. P.A. Longley, M.F. Goodchild, D.J. Manguire, D.W. Rhino, Geographical Information System,
Volume I: Principal and Technical Issues, John Wiley & Sons, 2005
5. P.A. Longley, M.F. Goodchild, D.J. Manguire, D.W. Rhino, Geographical Information System,
Volume II: Principal and Technical Issues, John Wiley & Sons, 2007

Department of Civil Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT) | Regulation 2016

16TRE007 Land use and Regional Transportation Planning (Elective–III)

Course Outcomes
1. Develop an understanding of the fundamentals of urban regional dynamics.
2. Build knowledge on the Key design Characteristics of Regional travel demand estimation and models.
3. Compile with the topics of network planning, policy formulation and evaluation.
4. Choose the kind of plans needed for urban and regional planning.
5. Build knowledge on planning theory and its techniques etc.
6. Analyze the implementation of plans

Unit I
Land use and travel demand
Urban regional dynamics, Land use transportation models, Regional travel demand estimation
Transportation models-travel demand
12+3 Hours
Unit II
Network planning and Policy evaluation
Regional network planning, Policy formulation and evaluation, Urban Structure, Urban Goods Movement
Network planning-Urban goods
11+4 Hours
Unit III
Land-use models
Transport Related Land-Use Models: The Lowry Model, Planning Theory, Planning Techniques
Lowry, Planning theory
11+4 Hours
Unit IV
Planning and Implementation
Urban & Regional Planning, Implementation of Plans
Regional plan 11+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. Gibbs, JP, A.Whittick, Van Nostrand , Urban Research Methods, East West Press, New Delhi, 2005
2. Encyclopedia of Urban Planning, McGraw Hill, 1974
3. Chari SR, Land-use Transportation Planning, Lecture Notes, REC, Warangal. 1978
4. Steiss AW, Glasson J , Models for the Analysis and Planning of Urban Systems, Lexington, 1996
5. Introduction to Regional Planning. 2006
Reference (s)
1. Gibson, JE, Designing the New City–A Systems Approach, John Wiley Sons, 1977
2. Tomas Dela Barra, Integrated Land use and Transportation Modelling, Cambridge University Press,
3. Baxter et al, Urban Development Models, Construction press, 1975
4. Wilson, A.G., Regional and Urban Models in Geography and Planning, Pion Press, 1974
5. Blundon WR, Land Use Transport Models, Vol. 2, Pergumon Press, 1984
6. Morlok EK, Introduction to Transportation Engineering and Planning, McGraw Hill Kogekusha Ltd.
7. Lewis Keeble, Principles and Practices of Town and Country Planning, 1966

Department of Civil Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT) | Regulation 2016

16TRE008 Transportation System Modeling and Simulation (Elective–III)

Course Outcomes
1. Develop an understanding of the fundamentals of pavement modelling processes.
2. Extend knowledge on the Key Relationships and physical laws of models.
3. Build knowledge on topics like forecasting mechanisms.
4. Build knowledge on growth and decay processes.
5. Distinguish between virtual and real problems related to various simulation processes.
6. Select the best simulation language that can be applied in modelling process.

Unit I
Modelling Process
Taxonomy of model types; Steps in model building; Simulation; Algorithms and Heuristics; Simulation
Simulation, Taxonomy
12+3 Hours
Unit II
Primitive Models and Forecasting
Establishing relationships via physical laws; establishing relationships via curve fitting; Parameters
estimation problems; Elementary state transition models. Nature of data; Statistical attributes of data;
probability distributions and their mechanisms; Generation of random numbers; Time series
Transition models, curve fitting, time series
11+4 Hours
Unit III
Pattern Recognition and Growth and Decay Processes
Neighborhood and distances; Cluster analysis, Individual and group preference patterns, Discrete and
continuous growths; Limits to growth; Competition among species; Growth process and integral
equations; Discrete event approach; population planning.
Cluster analysis-Growth process-Planning population
11+4 Hours
Unit IV
Simulation of Discrete and Continuous Processes
Monte Carlo methods; Stochastic Simulation; System identification; Inverse problems; Virtual reality; typical
example and case studies related to Civil Engineering.
Monte Carlo method-Simulation-Case studies
11+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. R Haberman, Mathematical Models, 2 nd Ed., Prentice Hall, 1977
2. D.P. Maki and M. Thompson, Mathematical Models and Applications, 2 n d Ed., Prentice Hall,

Reference (s)
1. R.E. Shannon, System Simulation: Art and Science, 2 nd Ed., Prentice Hall, 1975

Department of Civil Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT) | Regulation 2016

16TRE009 Urban Transportation Planning (Elective–III)

Course Outcomes
1. Build knowledge on Factors underlying traveller choices of mode of travel and route choice
2. Extend knowledge on travel Forecasting models.
3. Develop Knowledge of data required for transportation planning.
4. Interpret the ability to make trade-offs with multiple factors in project planning and design.
5. List out the Steps those are necessary to complete a long-range transportation plan.
6. How engineers and planners interact with local and regional governments, citizens and elected
officials to develop and interpret transportation plans

Unit I
Introduction and Urban Transportation System Planning-Conceptual Aspects
Transport and Socioeconomic Activities, Historical Development of Transport, Transportation in the Cities,
Freight Transportation, Future Developments. Transport Planning Process, Problem Definition, Solution
Generation, Solution Analysis, Evaluation and Choice, Implementation.
Socio Economic environment-freight transport-transportation modes-Problem definition-value function-
vehicle ownership-employment-land use. 12+3 Hours
Unit II
Trip Generation Analysis and Mode Choice Modelling
Four step Travel Demand forecasting approach, Trip Production Analysis, Zonal models, Category Analysis,
Trip Attraction Modelling : Influencing Factors, Earlier Modal Split Models, Trip-End Type Modal Split
Model, Trip-Interchange Modal Split Model, Disaggregate Mode-Choice Model, Logit Model of Mode
Choice, Binary Choice Situations, Multinomial Logit Model, Model calibration, Case studies.
Travel demand-trip production-trip attraction-regression analysis-category analysis-trip end-trip interchange-
disaggregate 11+4 Hours
Unit III
Trip Distribution Models
PA Matrix, OD Matrix, Basis of Trip Distribution, Gravity Model, Calibration of Gravity Model, Singly and
Doubly Constrained Gravity Models. Growth Factor Methods of Trip Distribution, Uniform Factor Method,
Average Factor Method, Fratar Growth-Factor Method, and Disadvantage of Growth Factor Method
OD matrix-gravity model-growth factor-fratar growth factor-average growth factor-singly constrained-fully
constrained models 11+4 Hours
Unit IV
Route Assignment and Transportation Surveys
Description of transport network, Route Choice Behaviour, The Minimum Path, Minimum Path Algorithm,
Route Assignment Techniques, All-or-Nothing Assignment, Multipath Traffic Assignment, Capacity-
Restrained Traffic Assignment. Definition of Study Area, Zoning, Types of Movements, Types of Surveys,
Home-Interview Survey, Commercial Vehicle Survey, Intermediate Public Transport Survey, Public
Transport Survey, Roadside-Interview Survey, Cordon-Line Survey, Post-Card Questionnaire Survey,
Registration-Number Survey, Tag-on-Vehicle Survey
Route choice behavior-all-or-nothing-minimum path algorithm-capacity restrained traffic assignment-study area-
traffic surveys. 11+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. Adib Kanafani, Transportation Demand Analysis, 1 s t Ed., McGrawHill, 1983
2. John W Dickey, Metropolitan Transportation Planning, 2nd Ed., Tata Mc. Graw Hill, 1986
3. Juan De Dios Dios Ortuzar & Luis G Wilumsen (1996), Modeling Transport, 2nd Ed., John Wiley,

Reference (s)
1. Dr.V. Thamizh Arasan, NPTEL-Video lectures for “Urban Transportation Planning”, 2012
2. Dr.Tom.V.Mathew, NPTEL-Material for “Transportation Engineering I”, 2010

Department of Civil Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT) | Regulation 2016

. 16TRE010 Aviation Infrastructure and Planning (Elective–IV)

Course Outcomes
1. Develop a basic knowledge of the fundamental issues in Airport engineering.
2. Demonstrate the clear understanding of the airport components.
3. Build knowledge on basic principles in airport components geometric design.
4. Build knowledge on airport components capacity and delays.
5. Build knowledge on critical factors consideration in airport grading and design.
6. Develop Knowledge on air traffic control aids.

Unit I
Growth and Characteristics of Airport and Aircraft:
Growth of air transport, Airport organization and associations, Classifications of airports airfield components,
airport traffic zones and approach areas. Aircraft Components, size turning radius, speed, airport characteristics
ICAO, FAA, zones, turning radius, speed, components
12+3 Hours
Unit II
Capacity and Delay, Airport planning, surveys and Design:
Factors affecting capacity, Determination of runway capacity related to delay, gate capacity, and Taxiway
Capacity Airport Site Selection, Runway length and width, sight distances, longitudinal and transverse grades,
runway intersections, taxiways, clearances, aprons, numbering, holding apron, noise control, Problems.
Gate capacity, runway length, clearance, apron, taxiways
11+4 Hours
Unit III
Airport Grading, Planning and Design of the Terminal area:
Operational concepts, space relationships and area requirements, vehicular traffic and parking at airports.
Grading of airport area, hydrology.
Airport parking, drainage, traffic management
11+4 Hours
Unit IV
Airport Drainage, Air Traffic Control and Aids:
Design of drainage systems, construction methods, layout of surface drainage and subsurface drainage system,
Problems. Runways and taxiways markings, day and night landing aids, airport lighting, ILS and other
associated aids.
ILS, Landing aids, Marking, drainage
11+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. Khanna, Arora and Jain. “Airport Planning and Design", 6th Ed., Nem Chand and Bros., Roorkee, 2001
2. Rangwala, “Airport Engineering”, 13th Ed., Charotar Publishers, Gujarat, 2013

Reference (s)
1. Virender Kumar and Satish Chandra, "Airport Planning and Design", 1st Ed., Galotia Publication
2. Robert Horenjeff , “Planning and Design of Airports", 2nd Ed., McGraw Hill Book Co. 1975

Department of Civil Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT) | Regulation 2016

16TRE011 Public Transportation (Elective–IV)

Course Outcomes
1. Develop an understanding of the fundamentals of various public system and its technologies.
2. Make use of the Key design Characteristics of rapid transit modes and their comparative analysis.
3. Compile with topics like planning of transportation system management and its marketing.
4. Adapt a basic understanding of the transit system evaluation like station capacity, way capacity etc,
5. Decide the kind of Classification needed for various transportation systems.
6. Predict the growth of future transportation.

Unit I
System and Technologies
Urban passenger transportation modes, transit classifications and definitions, theory of urban
passenger transport modes, rail transit, bus transit, Para transit and ride sharing, designing for
pedestrians, trends in transit rider ship and use of different modes
Modes of urban transportation-classification of transit-use of different modes of transportation
12+3 Hours
Unit II
Comparing Alternatives and Planning
Comparing costs, comparative analysis, operational and technological characteristics of different rapid transit
modes, evaluating rapid transit. Transportation system management, system and service planning, financing
public transportation, management of public transportation, public transportation marketing
Comparative analysis-evaluating rapid transit-management of public transportation-public transportation
11+4 Hours
Unit III
Transit System Evaluation
Definition of quantitative performance attributes, transit lane capacity, way capacity, station capacity,
theoretical and practical capacities of major transit modes, quantification of performance
Quantitative performance attributes-theoretical capacity-practical capacity
11+4 Hours
Unit IV
City Traffic
Classification of transportation systems, conventional transportation systems, unconventional
transportation systems, prototypes and tomorrow's solutions, analysis and interpretation of information
on transportation systems, perspectives of future transportation
Classification of transportation systems-interpretation on transportation systems-future transportation
11+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. George E. Gray and Lester A.Hoel, ‘Public Transportation’, 2 n d Ed., Prentice Hall, New Jersey. 1992
2. Vukan R.Vuchic, ‘Urban Public Transportation Systems and Technology’, Prentice Hall Inc., New
Jersey, 1981
3. Horst R. Weigelt, Rainer E. Gotz, Helmut H. Weiss,' City Traffic-A Systems Digest', 1st Ed., 1973

Reference (s)
1. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York, 1978
2. John W. Dickey,’ Metropolitan Transportation Planning’, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. New
Delhi, 1980

Department of Civil Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi | Regulation 2016

16TRE012 Transport Policy, Economics and Legislation (Elective–IV)

Course Outcomes
1. Extend knowledge on the fundamentals of Transport Economics.
2. Make use of the Key design Characteristics of pricing and investment policies.
3. Analyze with topics like issues related to transport policy.
4. Extend knowledge on Traffic administration and its legislation.
5. Decide the kind of control measures for highway operation.
6. Build knowledge on Life cycle cost analysis

Unit I
Transport Policy and Economics
Transport economics, Methods of economic analysis, Investment policies and pricing
Methods of economic analysis-Investment policies
12+3 Hours
Unit II
Transport issues and evaluation
Issues in transport policy, System selection and evaluation, Life cycle cost analysis
Transport policy issues-Lifecycle cost analysis
11+4 Hours
Unit III
Transport Legislation
Traffic administration, Traffic legislation, Road accidents
Traffic legislation and Traffic administration
11+4 Hours
Unit IV
Highway Operation and Regulation
Accident prevention by better planning, Accident prevention by better design of roads, Highway operation
and accident control measures
Accident prevention-Highway operation-control measures
11+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. Highway Investment In Developing Countries-Thomas Telford Ltd., Institute Of Civil Engineers,
2. Winfrey R, Economic Analysis For Highways-International Text Book Co., Pennsylvania, 1969
3. Road User Cost Study-Final Report-Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi, 2011

Reference (s)
1. Ian Heggie, Transport Engineering Economics, Mcgraw Hill, 1972
2. Popkess (C.A), Traffic Control and Road Accident Prevention, 1 st Ed., Chapman and Hall, 1952
3. Silyanev VV, Ensuring Traffic Safety on Rural Roads,
4. Towards Safe Roads in Developing Country, TRL–ODA, 1991

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi |
Regulation 2016

The Vision of GMRIT

 To be among the most preferred institutions for engineering and technological

education in the country
 An institution that will bring out the best from its students, faculty and staff–to learn,
to achieve, to compete and to grow–among the very best
 An institution where ethics, excellence and excitement will be the work religion,
while research, innovation and impact, the work culture

The Mission of GMRIT

 To turnout disciplined and competent engineers with sound work and life ethics
 To implement outcome based education in an IT–enabled environment
 To encourage all-round rigor and instill a spirit of enquiry and critical thinking
among students, faculty and staff
 To develop teaching, research and consulting environment in collaboration with
industry and other institutions

Programme Educational Objectives

1. Excel in their technical and professional carrier with the awareness of learning to learn,
critical thinking and research skills to solve VLSI and Embedded systems design
problems with modern hardware and simulation tools.

2. Contemplate real life problems with ethical values, leadership qualities and effective
communication skill levels, design novel VLSI and Embedded system products that are
technically sound, economically feasible, socially acceptable with Collaborative and
Multidisciplinary approach

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi |
Regulation 2016

Programme Outcomes
Graduate will be able to
PO1: Apply higher order thinking for enhancement of knowledge by acquiring in-depth knowledge
of VLSI and Embedded system design (Scholarship of Knowledge)
PO2: Analyze complex engineering problems critically and synthesize information independently
to make intellectual (or) create advances (Critical Thinking)
PO3: Think laterally and arrive at an optimal solution to engineering problems considering health
and environmental factors (Problem Solving)
PO4: Conduct research pertinent to unfamiliar problems individually/ in team to generate a new
scientific (or) technological knowledge (Research Skill)

PO5: Use modern Engineering and IT tools to solve complex VLSI and Embedded system problems
(Usage of modern tools)
PO6: Contribute effectively either individually (or) in group on collaborative multidisciplinary
scientific research tasks (Collaborative and Multidisciplinary work)
PO7: Manage projects efficiently by consideration of economical and financial factors(Project
Management and Finance)
PO8: Communicate effectively in writing, in personal presentation and in conversation of
technical project information (Communication)
PO9: Adapt lifelong learning skills to improve knowledge and competency (Life-long Learning)
PO10: Acquire professional ethics and contributing research outcomes for sustainable
development of society (Ethical Practices and Social Responsibility)
PO11: Adapt independent and reflective learning methods (Independent and Reflective Learning)

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi |
Regulation 2016

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

VLSI and Embedded system Design
[Minimum Credits to be earned: 72]

First Semester
No Course Code Course POs
1 16MEX101 Advanced Optimization Techniques 3,4 3 1 - 4
2 16VLS102 Embedded system design 1,2,3,5 3 1 - 4
3 16DEC003 VLSI Technology and Design 1,2,3,5 3 1 - 4
4 Elective I 3 1 - 4
5 Elective II 3 1 - 4
6 16DEC106 HDL Programming Laboratory 3,5,8,11 - 3 2
7 16VLS107 Term Paper 8,9,10,11 - - 2
Total 15 5 3 24
Second Semester
1 16VLS201 Algorithms for VLSI design 3 1 - 4
2 16DEC006 Embedded and Real time systems 1,2,3,5 3 1 - 4
3 16CSE203 Soft computing techniques 3, 5 3 1 - 4
4 Elective III 3 1 - 4
5 Elective IV 3 1 - 4
6 16VLS206 Embedded systems laboratory 3,5,8,11 - 3 2
7 16VLS207 Comprehensive Viva 1,2,3,8,11 - - 2
Total 15 5 3 24
Third Semester
No Course Code Course POs
1 16VLS301 Internship 4,6,7,8 - - - 4
2 16VLS302 Project 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 - - - -
Total - - - 4
Fourth Semester
1 16VLS302 Project 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 - - - 20

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi |
Regulation 2016

List of Elective Courses

Elective I
No Course Code Course POs
1 16DEC007 Analog and Digital IC design 1,2,3,5 3 1 - 4
2 16DEC002 Digital design through VERILOG 1,2,3,5 3 1 - 4
3 16VLS003 Embedded software design 1,2,3,5 3 1 - 4
Elective II
1 16VLS004 Advanced Microcontrollers and Processors 3,5 3 1 - 4
2 16DEC202 DSP Processors and Architectures 3,4,5 3 1 - 4
3 16DEC012 VLSI Signal processing 3,45 3 1 - 4
Elective III
1 16VLS007 Design of fault tolerant system 2,3,5 3 1 - 4
2 16VLS008 Embedded networking 2,3,5 3 1 - 4
3 16DEC009 Low power VLSI design 2,3,5 3 1 - 4
Elective IV
1 16VLS010 CPLD and FPGA Architectures & applications 2,3,5 3 1 - 4
2 16VLS011 Hardware software co design 2,3,5 3 1 - 4
3 16DEC011 System modeling & simulation 2,3,5,6 3 1 - 4

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi |
Regulation 2016

16MEX101 Advanced Optimization Techniques

Course outcomes
1. Design of mechanical systems and interdisciplinary engineering applications and business solutions
using suitable optimization technique.
2. Apply numerical or iterative techniques in power systems for optimal power flow solutions.
3. Optimize the parameters in control systems for desired steady state or transient response.
4. Optimize the cost function in deciding economic factors of power systems.
5. Design of electrical systems optimally using suitable techniques like univariate method, steepest
descent method etc.
6. Design of electrical systems optimally using, steepest and descent method etc

Unit I
Linear programming and Assignment Problem
Linear programming-Two-phase simplex method, Big-M method, duality, interpretation, applications,
Assignment problem- Hungarian’s algorithm, Degeneracy, applications, unbalanced problems, traveling
salesman problem
Applications of assignment problems 11+4 Hours
Unit II
Classical and Numerical Optimization Techniques
Classical optimization techniques-Single variable optimization with and without constraints, multi–variable
optimization without constraints, multi–variable optimization with constraints–method of Lagrange multipliers,
Kuhn-Tucker conditions.
Numerical methods for optimization-Nelder Mead’s Simplex search method, Gradient of a function, Steepest
descent method, Newton’s method, types of penalty methods for handling constraints
Exterior penalty function method for handling constraint 11+4 Hours
Unit III
Genetic algorithm and Programming
Genetic algorithm (GA) -Differences and similarities between conventional and evolutionary algorithms,
working principle, reproduction, crossover, mutation, termination criteria, different reproduction and crossover
operators, GA for constrained optimization, draw backs of GA.
Genetic Programming (GP)-Principles of genetic programming, terminal sets, functional sets, differences
between GA & GP, random population generation, solving differential equations using GP
Solving differential equations using GP 12+4Hours
Unit IV
Multi-Objective GA
Multi-ObjPareto’s analysis, Non-dominated front, multi–objective GA, Non-dominated sorted GA, convergence
criterion, applications of multi-objective problems
Basic Problem solving using Genetic algorithm, Genetic Programming & Multi Objective GA and simple
applications of optimization for engineering systems
Simple applications of optimization for engineering systems
11+3 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. J. S. Arora, Introduction to Optimum Design, McGraw Hill International Ed., NY, 1989
2. K. Deb, Optimization for Engineering Design: Algorithms and Examples, 2nd Ed., PHI, 1995
3. S. S. Rao, Engineering Optimization: Theory and Practice, New Age International (P) Ltd., 2001
Reference (s)
1. D. E. Goldberg, Genetic Algorithms in Search and Optimization, Pearson publication, 1990
2. J. R. Koza, Genetic Programming, MIT Press, 1993
3. K. Deb, Multi-Objective Optimization Using Evolutionary Algorithms, Wiley, 2001

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi |
Regulation 2016

16VLS102 Embedded System Design

Course Outcomes
1. Design of Embedded system and they can implement in various real time applications.
2. Analyze the complete embedded life cycle in designing of embedded systems (hardware and software).
3. Explain various external devices to embedded systems.
4. Identify the proper driver configuration for embedded system in various applications like automated
washing machines.
5. Select suitable operating system for real time embedded systems based on application requirement.
6. Build a new proposed system and test the design.
Unit I
An Embedded System-Definition, Examples, Current Technologies, Integration in system Design, Embedded
system design flow, hardware design concepts, software development, processor in an embedded system and
other hardware units, introduction to processor based embedded system design concepts.
Design metrices of Embedded systems design. 6+2 Hours
Unit II
Embedded Hardware
Embedded hardware building blocks, Embedded Processors – ISA architecture models, Internal processor
design, processor performance, Board Memor, ROM, RAM, Auxiliary Memory, Memory Management of
External Memory, Board Memory and performance. Embedded board Input / output – Serial versus Parallel I/O,
interfacing the I/O components, I/O components and performance, Board buses – Bus arbitration and timing,
Integrating the Bus with other board components, Bus performance.
External communication interface. 15+5 Hours

Unit III
Embedded Software
Device drivers, Device Drivers for interrupt-Handling, Memory device drivers, On-board bus device drivers,
Board I/O drivers, Explanation about above drivers with suitable examples.Embedded operating systems –
Multitasking and process Management, Memory Management, I/O and file system management, OS standards
example – POSIX, OS performance guidelines, Board support packages, Middleware and Application Software
– Middle ware, Middleware examples, Application layer software examples.
High level language programming 12+4 Hours

Unit IV
Embedded System Design, Development, Implementation and Testing
Embedded system design and development lifecycle model, creating an embedded system architecture,
introduction to embedded software development process and tools- Host and Target machines, linking and
locating software, Getting embedded software into the target system, issues in Hardware-Software design and
co-design. Implementing the design-The main software utility tool, CAD and the hardware, Translation tools,
Debugging tools, testing on host machine, simulators, Laboratory tools, System Boot-Up.
Design aided tools 12+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. Tammy Noergaard,Embedded Systems Architecture: A Comprehensive Guide for Engineers and
Programmers, Elsevier(Singapore) Pte.Ltd. Publications, 2005.
Reference (s)
1. Frank Vahid, Tony D. Givargis, Embedded system Design: A Unified Hardware/Software
Introduction,John Wily & Sons Inc., 2002.
2. Peter Marwedel,Embedded System Design, Science Publishers, 2007.
3. Arnold S Burger, Embedded System Design, CMP.booksusa 2002.
4. Rajkamal,Embedded Systems: Architecture, Programming and Design, TMH Publications, Second
Edition, 2008.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi |
Regulation 2016

16DEC003 VLSI Technology and Design

Course outcomes
1. Identify the issues related to the IC Fabrication Process.
2. Explain the design of better devices with IC technology
3. Make use of circuit characterization and performance estimation.
4. Apply the concepts of Logic Gates, Combinational and Sequential networks to design the better.
5. Apply design rules for better layouts
6. Illustrate concepts of floor planning and Routing.

Unit I
Introduction to MOS Technologies & MOS Circuits
MOS, CMOS, Bi CMOS Technology trends and projections. MOS Fabrication Processes.Ids-Vds relationships,
Threshold voltage Vt, Gm, Gds and Wo, Pass Transistor, MOS, CMOS& Bi CMOS Inverters, Zpu/Zpd, MOS
Transistor circuit model, Latch-up in CMOS circuits.
Channel length modulation, mobility degradation 11+3 Hours

Unit II
Circuit Characterisation and Performance Estimation & Logic Gates
Resistance estimation - Capacitance estimation, Inductance - Switching characteristics ,Transistor sizing -
Power dissipation and design margining ,Charge sharing - Scaling.
Static complementary gates, switch logic-pass transistor and transmission gate logic, Alternative gate circuits.
Energy Delay optimization 12+4 Hours

Unit III
Combinational Logic Networks & Sequential Systems
Layouts, Simulation, Network delay, interconnect design, power optimization, Switch logic networks, Gate and
Network testing.
Memory cells and Arrays, clocking disciplines, Design, power optimization, Design validation and testing.
True Single Phase Clock (TSPC) Latches and Flip-Flops 11+4 Hours

Unit IV
Layout Design, Floor Planning & Routing
Stick Diagrams, Scalable Design rules, Layout Design tools. Floor Planning concepts, Shape functions and
Floorplan sizing, Types of Local Routing problems ,Area routing , Channel routing , Global routing ,
Algorithms for Global Routing
Micron based design rules 11+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours

Textbook (s)
1. K. Eshraghian et. al ,Essentials of VLSI Circuits and Systems, PHI of India Ltd., 2005
2. Wayne Wolf, Modern VLSI Design, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, fifth Indian Reprint, 2005.

Reference (s)
1. N.H.E Weste, K.Eshraghian, Principals of CMOS Design,Adison Wesley, 2nd Edition,1993
2. Fabricius,Introduction to VLSI Design,MGH International Edition, 1990.
3. Baker, Li Boyce, CMOS Circuit Design, Layout and Simulation, PHI, 2004.
4. D. Shugard J. Fishburn and K. Keutzer, Algorithms and Techniques for VLSI Layout Synthesis,Kluwer
Academic Publishers, 1989.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi |
Regulation 2016

16DEC106 HDL Programming Laboratory

Course Outcomes

1. Design and implement the fundamental digital logic circuits using Verilog HDL.
2. Make use of system level design.
3. Create the technology schematics based on the design.
4. Illustrate t design rule checks and timing parameters.
5. Explain the resources consumed by the design on FPGA.
6. Illusrtae the Interconnections during place and route.

List of Experiments

1. Digital Circuits Design (Sub-System Level) Description using Verilog and VHDL.
2. Verification of the Functionality of Designed Circuits using functional Simulator.
3. Timing simulation for critical path time calculation.
4. Synthesis Reports of top-order designed Digital circuits.
5. Place and Route techniques for major FPGA vendors such as Xilinx, Altera and Actel etc.
6. Implementation of Designed Digital Circuits using FPGA and CPLD devices

List of Mini-Projects1

1. Signed and Unsigned Multiplier Design

2. ALU Design
3. MAC Design

Reading Material (s)

1. T.R. Padmanabhan and B. Bala Tripura Sundari, Design through Verilog HDL, WSE, 2004.
2. Stephen. Brown and ZvonkoVranesic, Fundamentals of Logic Design with Verilog, TMH, 2005.
3. Michael D. Ciletti,Advanced Digital Design with Verilog HDL, PHI, 2005.
4. J. Bhaskar, A Verilog Primier, BSP, 2003.

Students shall opt any one of the Mini–Projects in addition to the regular experiments

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi |
Regulation 2016

16VLS201 Algorithms for VLSI Design Automation


Course outcomes
1. Define tractable and intractable methods for VLSI design
2. Apply Backtracking, Branch and Bound Methods for combinational optimization
3. Apply Genetic Algorithm for combinational optimization
4. Apply the concept of routing and placement for layout compaction
5. Analyze logic synthesis and verification of the design of digital circuits
6. Analyze the physical design flow of FPGA’s and MCM’s.

Unit I
Design Methodologies & Combinational Optimization
Introduction to Design Methodologies, Design Automation tools, Algorithmic Graph Theory, Computational
Complexity, Tractable and Intractable Problems.
Backtracking, Branch and Bound, Dynamic Programming, Integer Linear Programming, Local Search,
Simulated Annealing, Tabu search, Genetic Algorithms.
Graph Algorithms: Depth-First Search, Breadth-First Search 12+4 Hours

Unit II
Layout & Simulation

Layout Compaction, Placement, Floorplanning and Routing Problems, Concepts and Algorithms.Gate Level
Modelling and Simulation, Switch level modeling and simulation
Partitioning, Kernighan-Lin Partitioning Algorithm 11+4 Hours

Unit III
Logic Synthesis and High Level Synthesis
Basic issues and Terminology, Binary ,Decision diagram, Two- Level Logic Synthesis.
Hardware Models, Internal representation of the input algorithm, Allocation, Assignment and Scheduling, Some
Scheduling Algorithms, Some aspects of Assignment problem, High – level Transformations.
Heuristic based on ROBDDDs 11+4 Hours

Unit IV
Physical Design Automation
FPGA technologies, Physical Design cycle for FPGA’s partitioning and Routing for segmented and staggered
MCM technologies, MCM physical design cycle, Partitioning, Placement – Chip array based and full custom
approaches, Routing – Maze routing, Multiple stage routing, Topologic routing, Integrated Pin – Distribution
and routing
Routing in Programmable Multichip Modules 11+3 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours

Textbook (s)
1. S. H. Gerez ,Algorithms for VLSI Design Automation, WILEY student Edition, John Wiley & Sons
(Asia) Pvt. Ltd. 1999.
2. Naveed Sherwani, Algorithms for VLSI Physical Design Automation, 3rd Edition, Springer
International Edition, 2005.
Reference (s)
1. Fredrick J. Hill and Gerald R. Peterson, Computer Aided Logical Design with Emphasis on VLSI,
Wiley Publishers, 4th Edition, 1993.
2. Wayne Wolf, Modern VLSI Design: Systems on silicon, Pearson Education Asia, 2nd Edition, 1998.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi |
Regulation 2016

16DEC006 Embedded and Real Time Systems

Course outcomes
1. Define many issues involved with embedded systems.
2. Classify different Real-Time Operating System concepts.
3. Apply Program using system calls in ID Environment.
4. Build an embedded system with tasks and executive.
5. Make use of tools to build an embedded real-time system.
6. Outline the implementation of a small embedded system effectively .
Unit I
Embedded systems over view, design challenges, processor technology, Design technology, Trade-offs. Single
purpose processors, RT-level combinational logic, sequential logic (RTlevel),custom purpose processor
design(RT -level), optimizing custom single purpose
processors.General Purpose Processors - Basic architecture, operations, programmer’s view, development
environment, Application specific Instruction –Set processors (ASIPs)-Micro controllers and Digital signal
Application of Embedded systems design.
11+3 Hours
Unit II
State Machine And Concurrent Process Models And Communication Processes

Introduction, models Vs Languages, finite state machines with data path model (FSMD), program state machine
model(PSM, concurrent process model, concurrent processes, communication among processes, synchronization
among processes, Implementation, data flow model, real-time systems.Communication Processes – Need for
communication interfaces, RS232/UART, RS422/RS485, USB, Infrared, IEEE1394 Firewire, Ethernet, IEEE
802.11, Blue tooth.
Existed embedded project implementation with the models.
10+4 Hours
Unit III
Introduction To Real Time Systems And Programming Languages And Tools

Introduction, Issues in Real Time Computing, Structure of a Real Time System, Task classes, Performance
Measures for Real Time Systems, Estimating Program Run Times. Task Assignment and Scheduling – Classical
uniprocessor scheduling algorithms, Uniprocessor scheduling of IRIS tasks, Task assignment, Mode changes,
and Fault Tolerant Scheduling.
Programming Languages and Tools – Desired language characteristics, Data typing, Control structures,
Facilitating Hierarchical Decomposition, Packages, Run – time (Exception) Error handling, Overloading and
Generics, Multitasking, Low level programming, Task Scheduling, Timing Specifications, Programming
Environments, Run – time support.
C and C++ Programming with Visual C basic concepts.
15+5 Hours

Unit IV
Real Time Databases And Design Technology
Real time Database, Basic Definition, Real time Vs General Purpose Databases, Main Memory Databases,
Transaction priorities, Transaction Aborts, Concurrency control issues, Disk Scheduling Algorithms, Two –
phase Approach to improve Predictability, Maintaining Serialization Consistency, and Databases for Hard Real
Time Systems. Automation, Synthesis, parallel evolution of compilation and synthesis, Logic synthesis, RT
synthesis, Behavioral Synthesis, Systems Synthesis and Hard ware/Software Co-Design, Verification,
Hardware/Software co-simulation, Reuse of intellectual property codes.
DBMS concept , Simulation tools
9+3 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi |
Regulation 2016

Textbook (s)
1. Frank Vahid, Tony D.Givargis,John Wiley & Sons,Embedded System Design-A Unified
Hardware/Software Introduction, Wiley,Inc.2002.
2. KVKK prased ,Embedded/Real Time Systems, Dreamtech press,2005.
3. Krishna. C. M, Kang. G, Shin, Real Time Systems, McGraw Hill, 2003.

Reference (s)

1. Herma. K, Real Time Systems–Design for distributed Embedded Applications, Kluwer Academic,
2. Charles Crowley, Operating Systems-A Design Oriented approach,McGraw Hill, 2004.
3. Raymond J.A.Bhur, Donald L.Bailey, “An Introduction to Real Time Systems”, PHI 2002.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi |
Regulation 2016

16CSE203 Soft Computing Techniques

Course Outcomes
1. Identify and describe soft computing techniques and their roles in building intelligent machines.
2. Identify and apply supervised learning methods to different neural networks models for pattern
classification and regression problems.
3. Evaluate and apply unsupervised learning methods to different neural networks models for storing and
pattern classification.
4. Evaluate and implement the Support Vector Machines to classify objects in real time applications.
5. Apply fuzzy logic and reasoning to handle uncertainty and solve engineering problems.
6. Evaluate and compare solutions by various soft computing approaches for a given problem.

Unit I
Introduction to Soft Computing and Artificial Neural Networks
Introduction to soft computing, Fuzzy logic, Neural Networks and Evolutionary Computing, Approximations of
Multivariate functions, Non – linear Error surface and optimization.
Introduction to ANN, Basic models of ANN, important terminologies, Basic Learning Laws, Supervised
Learning Networks, Perceptron Networks, Adaptive Linear Neuron, Back propagation Network Radial basis
function network and Hopfield Networks.
Bi-directional associative memories. 11+3 Hours
Unit II
Unsupervised Learning Networks and Introduction to Classical Sets and Fuzzy Sets
Introduction, Fixed Weight Competitive Nets, Maxnet, Hamming Network, Kohonen Self-Organizing Feature
Maps, Learning Vector Quantization, Counter Propagation Networks, Adaptive Resonance Theory Networks.
Special Networks - Introduction to various networks.
Crisp Sets and Fuzzy Sets - operations. Classical Relations and Fuzzy Relations - Cardinality, Properties and
composition. Tolerance and equivalence relations. Membership functions- Features, Fuzzification, membership
value assignments, Defuzzification.
Simulated annealing network. 11+4 Hours
Unit III
Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithm
Classical& Fuzzy logic, Operations, Boolean Logic, Multivalued Logics, Fuzzy Rule Base and Approximate
Reasoning ,Fuzzy Decision making ,Fuzzy Logic Control Systems.
Introduction to GA, Traditional Optimization and search techniques, Search space, Operators: Encoding,
Selection, Crossover and Mutation. Stopping Condition of GA.
Fuzzy arithmetic and Fuzzy measures 11+4 Hours
Unit IV
Support Vector Machine and Applications of Soft Computing
Introduction, optimal hyper plane for linearly separable pattern, linear classifier, nonlinear classifier problem,
optimal plane for non-separable pattern, example XOR problem, and support vector machine for non-linear
regression, summary and discussion.
A fusion Approach of Multispectral Images with SAR Image for flood area analysis, Optimization of TSP using
GA Approach and GA-Fuzzy system for Control of flexible Robots.
Hybrid soft computing techniques 12+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. S N Sivanandam, S N Deepa, Principles of Soft Computing, Wiley India, 2011
2. V. Kecman, Learning and Soft computing, Pearson Education, India
Reference (s)
1. Fakhreddine O Karray, Clarence D Silva, Soft Computing and Intelligent System Design, Pearson
Edition, 2004.
2. Guanrong Chen, Trung Tat Pham, Chapman & Hall/CRC, Introduction to Fuzzy Systems, 2009.
3. S. Haykins, Neural networks: a comprehensive foundation, Pearson Education, India.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi |
Regulation 2016

16VLS206 Embedded Systems Laboratory

Course Outcomes
1. Design prototype embedded projects using ARM9
2. Program and test different software and hardware modules
3. Program the I2C Serial Communication Bus.
4. Test and identify the real time bugs with master and slave devices using I2C
5. Capture the real time data transfer properties
6. Implement Automatic Speed Detection digital I/O for synchronizing etc using USB Analyzer

List of Experiments
1. Basic data streaming with LEDs.
2. Interfacing of Seven Segment Display.
3. Interfacing of Matrix Key Pad.
4. Serial communication (USART).
5. Simulate an I2C master or slave device.
6. Program and verify I2C-based memory device.
7. Passively monitor an I2C bus in real-time.
8. Real-time capture and delayed-download capture
9. High-Speed USB Chirp Detection
10. Automatic Speed Detection
11. Digital I/O for synchronizing

List of Mini-Projects2
1. Implement Traffic light

Reading Material(s)

1. Rajkamal, Embedded Systems: Architecture, Programming and Design, TMH Publications,

Second Edition, 2008

Students shall opt any one of the Mini–Projects in addition to the regular experiments

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi |
Regulation 2016

16DEC007 Analog and Digital IC Design (Elective–I)

Course Outcomes
1. Design and implement the fundamental analog IC blocks
2. Demonstrate the internal circuits and topologies of Opamp
3. Analyze the PLL and switched capacitors
4. Demonstrate the Verilog models for combinational and sequential circuits
5. Demonstrate digital integrated circuits building blocks
6. Explain the internal structures of ADC and DAC

Unit I
Current Mirrors, Single Stage Amplifiers and Operational Amplifiers
Simple COMS, BJT current mirror, Cascode, Wilson and Widlar current mirrors. Common Source amplifier
source follower, common gate amplifier.General considerations one – state op-amps, two stage opamps-gains
boosting stage- comparison I/P range limitations slew rate.
Folded cascode opamp
11+4 Hours
Unit II
Comporators And Swithched Capacitors Circuits
Using an op-amp for a comparator, charge injection error- latched Comparator,Basic Building blocks op-amps
capacitors switches, non-over lapping clocks, Basic operations and analysis-resistor equivalence of la switched
capacitor- parasitic sensitive integrator parasitic insensitive integrators signal flow graph analysis-First order
filters- switch sharing fully differential filters.
Examples of Bipolar comparators 11+4 Hours

Unit III
Combinational and Sequential Ic Design By Using Verilog, Logic Families
VERILOG modeling for decoders, encoders, multiplexers, adders and subtractors. VERILOG modeling for
latches, flip flops, counters, shift registers, FSMs.
COMS, TTL, ECL, logic families COMS / TTL- interfacing and comparison of logic families.
Low power issues in BiCMOS logic families
11+4 Hours
Unit IV
Digitalintegradedsystembuilding Blocks, DAC and ADCs
Multiplexers, decoders, barrel shifters, counters and digital single bit adders.Decoder based converter resistor
storing converters folded resistor string converter, Binary scale converters ,Binary weighted resistor converters –
Reduced resistance ratio ladders, R-2R based converters, Thermometer code current mode D/A
converters.Integrating converters, successive approximation converters. DAC based successive approximation,
flash converters time interleaved A/D converters.
Hybrid Converters
12+3 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. David A Johns, Ken Martin, Analog Integrated circuit Design, John Wiley & Sons.1996.
2. Behzad Razavi, Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits, TMH, 2003
3. Ken Martin, Digital Integrated Circuit Design, Oxford University, 2000.
4. John F Wakerly, Digital Design Principles & Practices ,Pearson Education & Xilinx Design Series, 3rd
Edition, 2002.
Reference (s)
1. Ken Martin Digital Integrated Circuit Design, Oxford University, 2000.
2. John F Wakerly, Digital Design Principles & Practices, Pearson Education & Xilinx Design Series, 3rd
Edition, 2002.
3. Samir Palnitkar, Verylog HDL-A Guide to Digital Design and Synthesis, Prentice Hall India, 2002.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi |
Regulation 2016

6DEC002 Digital design through Verilog (Elective–I)

Course Outcomes
1. Illustrate the importance of EDA tools and VLSI designs
2. Design and implement the fundamental digital logic circuits using Verilog HDL
3. Explain the system level design and related concepts.
4. Design and Implement the digital designs against timing parameters
5. Apply knowledge of drawing SM charts
6. Create the basic awareness on FPGA and CPLD architectures.
Unit I
Introduction to Verilog, Language Constructs & Conventions and Gate Level Modeling
Verilog as HDL, Levels of Design Description, Concurrency, Simulation and Synthesis, Functional Verification,
System Tasks, Programming Language Interface (PLI), Module, Simulation and Synthesis Tools, Test Benches.
Introduction, Keywords, Identifiers, White Space Characters, Comments, Numbers, Strings, Logic Values,
Strengths, Data Types, Scalars and Vectors, Parameters, Memory, Operators, System Tasks, Exercises.
Introduction, AND Gate Primitive, Module Structure, Other Gate Primitives, Illustrative Examples, Tri-State
Gates, Array of Instances of Primitives, Additional Examples, Design of Flip flops with Gate Primitives,
Delays, Strengths and Contention Resolution, Net Types, Design of Basic Circuits, Exercises.
VLSI Design, ASIC Design Flow
12+4 Hours
Unit II
Behavioral Modeling, Modeling at Data Flow Level and Switch Level Modeling

Introduction, Operations and Assignments, Functional Bifurcation, Initial Construct, Always Construct,
Examples, Assignments with Delays, Wait construct, Multiple Always Blocks, Designs at Behavioral Level,
Blocking and Non blocking Assignments, The case statement, Simulation Flow. iƒ and iƒ-else constructs,
assign-deassign construct, repeat construct, for loop, the disable construct, while loop, forever loop, parallel
blocks, force-release construct, Event.
Introduction, Continuous Assignment Structures, Delays and Continuous Assignments, Assignment to Vectors,
Introduction, Basic Transistor Switches, CMOS Switch, Bi-directional Gates, Time Delays with Switch
Primitives, Instantiations with Strengths and Delays, Strength Contention with Trireg Nets, Exercises.
Fork-Join construct
11+3 Hours
Unit III
System Tasks, Functions, Compiler Directives, Functions & Tasks, User-Defined Primitives and
Digital Design with SM Charts
Introduction, Parameters, Path Delays, Module Parameters, System Tasks and Functions, File-Based Tasks and
Functions, Compiler Directives, Hierarchical Access, General Observations, Exercises,
Introduction, Function, Tasks, User- Defined Primitives (UDP), FSM Design (Moore and Mealy Machines)
State Machine Charts, Derivation of SM Charts, Realization of SM Charts, Implementation of the Dice Game,
Alternative realizations for SM Charts using Microprogramming, Linked State Machines.
Design of Finite State Machines
11+4 Hours
Unit IV
Designing with Programmable Gate Arrays and Complex Programmable Logic Devices,
Verilog Models
Xilinx 3000 Series FPGAs, Designing with FPGAs, Using a One-Hot State Assignment, Altera Complex
Programmable Logic Devices (CPLDs), Altera FLEX 10K Series CPLDs.Static RAM Memory, A simplified
486 Bus Model, Interfacing Memory to a Microprocessor Bus, UART Design, Design of Microcontroller CPU.
Xilinx 4000 Series

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi |
Regulation 2016

11+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. T.R. Padmanabhan and B. Bala Tripura Sundari, Design through Verilog HDL, WSE, 2004.
2. J. Bhaskar, A Verilog Primier, BSP, 2003.

Reference (s)
1. Stephen. Brown and Zvonko Vranesic, Fundamentals of Logic Design with Verilog, TMH, 2005.
2. Charles H Roth, Digital Systems Design using VHDL, Thomson Publications, 2004.
3. Michael D. Ciletti, Advanced Digital Design with Verilog HDL, PHI, 2005.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi |
Regulation 2016

16VLS003 Embedded Software Design (Elective–I)

Course Outcomes
1. Design and analyze an embedded system.
2. Identify the various steps involved in embedded Software development.
3. Analyze the various intermediate results during debug process to re assemble the system components
based on requirement.
4. Illustrate current software porting technologies and problems.
5. Test for the software of an embedded system to justify the system design.
6. Analyze the complete embedded life cycle in designing of embedded systems

Unit I
Embedded Design Life Cycle
Introduction, Product Specification, Hardware/software partitioning, Iteration and Implementation, Detailed
hardware and software design, Hardware/Software integration, Product Testing and Release, Maintaining and
upgrading existing products. Selection Process: Packaging the Silicon, Adequate Performance, RTOS
Availability, Tool chain Availability, Other issues in the Selection process.
Small Embedded system Design 11+4 Hours

Unit II
Partitioning Decision
Hardware/Software Duality, Hardware Trends, ASICs and Revision Costs.Development Environment: The
Execution Environment, Memory Organization, System Startup. Special Software Techniques: Manipulating the
Hardware, Interrupts and Interrupt service Routines (ISRs), Watchdog Times, Flash Memory, Design
Methodology. Basic Tool Set: Host – Based Debugging, Remote Debuggers and Debug Kernels, ROM
Emulator, Logic Analyzer.
Introduction to Interrupts 11+4 Hours
Unit III
Background Debug Mode
Background Debug Mode, Joint Test Action Group (JTAG) and Nexus. ICE – Integrated Solution: Bullet Proof
Run Control, Real time track, Hardware Break points, Overlay memory, Timing Constrains, Usage Issue,
Setting the Trigger. Testing: Why Test? When to Test? Which Test? When to Stop? Choosing Test cases,
Testing Embedded Software, Performance Testing Maintenance and Testing, The Future.
Introduction to debugging concept 11+4 Hours

Unit IV
Writing Software for Embedded Systems
The compilation Process, Native Versus Cross-Compilers, Runtime Libraries, Writing a Library, Using
alternative Libraries, using a standard Library, Porting Kernels, C extensions for Embedded Systems,
Downloading. Emulation and debugging techniques; Buffering and Other Data Structures: What is a buffer?
Linear Buffers, Directional Buffers, Double Buffering, Buffer Exchange, Linked Lists, FIFOs, Circular Buffers,
Buffer Under run and Overrun, Allocating Buffer Memory, Memory Leakage. Memory and Performance Trade-
Advantages of buffers 12+3hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. Arnold Berger, Embedded Systems-An introduction to processes, tools and techniques, Elsevier, New
Delhi, 2010.
2. Barry B. Brey, The Intel Microprocessors, 4th Edition, PHI, 1997.
Reference (s)
1. Frank Vahid, Tony D. Givargis, Embedded system Design: A Unified Hardware/Software Introduction,
John Wiley & Sons Inc.2002.
2. Rajkamal, Embedded Systems: Architecture, Programming and Design, TMH Publications, Second
Edition, 2008.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi |
Regulation 2016

16VLS004 Advanced Microcontrollers & Processors (Elective–II)

Course Outcomes
1. Design the home appliances and toys using Microcontroller chips.
2. Design computers like desktops, laptops using various processors.
3. Design the high speed communication circuits using serial bus connection.
4. Apply commercial CPU(s) as realistic vehicles to demonstrate these concepts by introducing CPU
instructions and internal register structures.
5. Analyze full internal workings of a typical simple CPU including the utilization of the various
hardware resources during the execution of instructions.
6. Design different types of embedded systems
Unit I
General Microcontrollers
Introduction to the 8051& 8052 microcontrollers, features, architecture, memory organization, addressing
modes, instruction set, assembly programming, software development tools, parallel I/O ports, interrupts,
timers/counters, serial communication, data and control transfer operations, serial data transmissions,
programming and interfacing using 8051.Introduction to Atmel microcontrollers (89CXX and 89C20XX),
Architectural overview of Atmel 89C51 and Atmel 89C2051,pin descriptions of Atmel microcontrollers, using
flash memory devices Atmel 89XX and Atmel 89C20XX, Applications of MCS-51 and Atmel 89C51 AND
89C2051 microcontrollers.
Digital clock design 12+4 Hours

Unit II
PIC and AVR Microcontrollers
An introduction to PIC microcontrollers, PIC 8 Series and PIC 16 series microcontrollers and PIC family of
microcontrollers (16C6X/7X,16F84A, 12F50X and 16F8XX), architecture, instruction set , programming using
assembly and c languages of the PIC microcontrollers, interfacing PIC Microcontroller to other devices,
applications of PIC microcontrollers.Introduction to AVR microcontroller, AVR RISC microcontroller
architecture, AVR instructions set, AVR hardware design issues, hardware and software interfacing with AVR,
communications links for the AVR, AVR system development tools.
Integrated development environment tools 11+4 Hours

Unit III
ATMEGA and ARM Processors
Introduction to AVR family of microcontrollers, Introduction to ATMEGA 8 and AT90S1200 microcontrollers,
architecture and pin diagram of the ATMEGA 8 and AT90S1200 microcontrollers, programming of ATMEGA
8 using c and assembly languages, interfacing of ATMEGA8 to other modules.An introduction to ARM
processors, ARM architecture, ARM Instructions set, thumb instructions set, design issues, c and assembly
programming in ARM, architectural support for system development, optimized primitives, exception and
interrupt handling, caches memory protecting units, memory management units, embedded operating system
using in the ARM
Introduction to Smart phone 11+4 Hours
Unit IV
ARM Processor Cores
Introduction to ARM processors cores, embedded ARM applications, architecture, instruction set, programming
using assembly and c languages of ARM 7TDMI and ARM9TDMI processors, interfacing ARM 7TDMI and
ARM9TDMI processors to other devices, applications of ARM 7TDMI and ARM9TDMI
processors.Introduction to embedded processors, ISA architecture models, internal processor design, processor
performance, configurability features, processor architecture, instruction set, programming of embedded
processors (power PC processor, Micro blaze processor and Nios processor) and interfacing to other modules.
Basic concepts of Embedded boards 11+3 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi |
Regulation 2016

Textbook (s)
1. Ajay V Deshmukh, Microcontrollers-Theory and Applications, TMH Publication, 2005.
2. Dhananjay V Gadre, Programming and customising the AVR microcontroller, TMH Publications,
3. Stephen B Furber, ARM system – on chip Architecture, Pearson Publishers second edition, 2000.
4. Tammy Noergaard, Embedded systems architecture, Elsevier Publications, 2006.

Reference (s)

1. V. Udayashankara, M. S. Mallikarjuna Swamy 8051 Microcontroller-Hardware, Software and

applications, TMH Publications, 2005.
2. lucio Bi Jasio ,PIC microcontrollers, Newnes Publishers, 2008.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi |
Regulation 2016

16DEC202 DSP Processors and Architectures (Elective–II)


Course Outcomes
1. Apply DFT and FFT algorithms for DSP application
2. Apply the number format, dynamic range and various sources of errors in DSP system
3. Implement application programs on a DSP processor
4. Make use of TMS processors to implement various DSP algorithms
5. Utilize TMS320C54XX DSP device to implement FFT algorithms
6. Explain Interfaceing of various peripherals devices with TMS processors

Unit I
Introduction to Digital Signal Procesing
Introduction, The sampling process, discrete time sequences. Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), Fast Fourier
Transform (FFT), linear time invariant systems, Decimation and interpolation. Number formats for signals and
coefficients in DSP systems, Dynamic Range and Precision, Sources of error in DSP implementations, DSP
Computational errors, Compensating filter.
Finite wordlength effects in digital filters
10+3 Hours
Unit II
Architectural features of DSP devices
Basic Architectural features, DSP Computational Building Blocks, Bus Architecture and Memory, Data
Addressing Capabilities, Address Generation Unit, Programmability and Program Execution, Speed Issues,
Features for External interfacing. Hardware looping, Interrupts, Stacks, Relative Branch support, Pipelining and
Performance, Pipeline Depth, Interlocking, Branching effects, Interrupt effects and Pipeline Programming
Multiple acess memory, multiported memory
12+4 Hours
Unit III
TMS320C54XX Digital Signal Processors
Data Addressing modes of TMS320C54XX DSPs, Data Addressing modes of TMS320C54XX Processors,
Memory space of TMS320C54XX Processors, Program Control, TMS320C54XX instructions and
Programming, On-Chip Peripherals. Introduction, Types of interrupts, Pipeline Operation of TMS320C54XX
TMS320C54X Assembly language instructions
13+4 Hours
Unit IV
Implementation of FFT Algorithms and Interfacing techniques
An FFT Algorithm for DFT Computation, A Butterfly Computation, Overflow and scaling, Bit-Reversed index
generation, An 8-Point FFT implementation on the TMS320C54XX, Computation of the signal spectrum.
Memory space organization, External bus interfacing signals, Memory interface, Parallel I/O interface,
Programmed I/O, Interrupts and I/O, Direct memory access (DMA).
A CODEC Interface circuit 10+4 hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. Avtar Singh and S. Srinivasan, Digital Signal Processing, Thomson Publications, 2004.
2. Lapsley, DSP Processor Fundamentals, Architectures & Features, S. Chand & Co, 2000.

Reference (s)
1. B. Venkata Ramani and M. Bhaskar, Digital Signal Processors, Architecture, Programming and
Applications, TMH, 2004.
2. Jonatham Stein, Digital Signal Processing, John Wiley, 2005.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi |
Regulation 2016

16DEC012 VLSI Signal Processing (Elective–II)


Course Outcomes

1. Design parallel processors in VLSI systems

2. Illustrate the register minimization using the retiming, unfolding & folding concepts.
3. Design systolic architecture using canonical mapping and generalized mapping
4. Design parallel bit circuits
5. Apply FFT for signal processing applications
6. Demonstrate the DSP processors

Unit I
Introduction to the VLSI Signal Processing, Pipelining and Parallel Processing
Typical Signal Processing Algorithms, Overview of VLSI Architectures, Representations of DSP Algorithms.
Introduction, Data Flow Graph Representation, Loop bound and Iteration Bound, Algorithms for computing
Iteration bound, Pipelining of FIR filters, Parallel Processing,
Pipelining and parallel processing for low power
11+4 Hours
Unit II
Retiming, Unfolding and Folding
Definitions and Properties, Solving systems of inequalities, Retiming techniques. Unfolding Algorithm,
Properties of unfolding, Critical Path, Unfolding and Retiming, Folding Transformation, Register Minimization
techniques. Register Minimization in folded architectures.
Folding of multirate systems
11+4 Hours
Unit III
Systolic Architecture Designand Arithmetic Components
Matrix Operations and 2D Systolic Array Design, Parallel Algorithm Expressions, Canonical Mapping
Methodology, Generalized Mapping.Parallel bit circuits: Carry-Look ahead addition, Prefix Computations,
Carry-Save Addition, Multiplication.
Systolic design for space representations containing delays 11+4 Hours
Unit IV
Fast Convolution and Programmable Digital Signal Processors
Introduction, Cook-Toom algorithm, Winogard algorithm, Iterated Convolution and Cyclic convolution.
Important Features, DSP Processors for Mobile and Wireless Communications, Processors for Multidimensional
Signal Processing.
Design of Fast convolution algorithm by inspection
12+3 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. K. K. Parhi, VLSI Digital Signal Processing Systems, Design and Implementation, John Wiley, 1999.

Reference (s)
1. S.Y.Kung, VLSI Array Processors, Prentice-Hall, 1988

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi |
Regulation 2016

16VLS007 Design of Fault Tolerant Systems (Elective–III)

Course Outcomes
1. Illustrate fault tolerant digital system
2. Design and minimize the error for a given system.
3. Explain the self-checking circuits.
4. Design and test combinational circuits.
5. Design and test a sequential circuit.
6. Design an automatic testing system using BIST for basic sequential circuits

Unit I
Basic Concepts and Fault Tolerant Design
Reliability concepts, Failure & Faults, Reliability and failure rate, Relation between reliability and meantime
between failure, Maintainability and Availability, Reliability of series, Parallel and Parallel-Series
combinational circuits.’
Basic concepts – Static, dynamic, hybrid, Triple Modular Redundant System, Self purging redundancy, Sift out
redundancy (SMR), SMR Configuration, Use of error correcting code, Time redundancy and software
Fault Modelling 12+3 Hours

Unit II
Self Checking Circuits and Fail Safe Design
Basic concepts of Self checking circuits, Design of Totally Self Checking checker, Checkers using m out of n
codes, Berger code, Low cost residue code.
Strongly fault secure circuits, fail-safe design of sequential circuits using partition theory and Berger code,
totally self-checking PLA design.
Error Correcting Codes 11+4 Hours

Unit III
Design for Testability for Combinational Circuits
Basic concepts of testability, controllability and observability, the Reed Muller’s expansion technique, OR-
AND-OR design, use of control and syndrome testable design. Theory and operation of LFSR, LFSR as
Signature analyzer, Multiple-input Signature Register.
Testing for Single Stuck Faults. PLA Testing 11+4 Hours

Unit IV
Design for Testability for Sequential Circuits and Built in Self Test
Controllability and observability by means of scan register, Storage cells for scan design, classic scan design,
Level Sensitive Scan Design (LSSD).
BIST concepts, Test pattern generation for BIST exhaustive testing, pseudorandom testing, pseudo exhaustive
testing, constant weight patterns, Generic offline BIST architecture.
Logic-Level Diagnosis and System-Level Diagnosis 11+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. Parag K. Lala, Fault Tolerant & Fault Testable Hardware Design, PHI, 1985
2. M. Abramovili, M. A. Breues, A. D. Friedman, Digital Systems Testing and Testable Design, Jaico
publications, 1997.

Reference (s)
1. Israel Koren, C. Manikrishna, Morgan Kaufmann, Fault tolerant systems, 2007.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi |
Regulation 2016

16VLS008 Embedded Networking (Elective–III)


Course Outcomes
1. Analyze embedded Networking applications
2. Apply the concept of CAN in embedded applications like automotives
3. Test for the designed embedded networks
4. Design embedded application using CAN open standard
5. Make use of micro CAN open for designing networking applications
6. Explain different wireless communication systems

Unit I
Embedded Networking
Code requirements, Communication requirements, Introduction to CAN open, CAN open standard.Object
directory, Electronic Data Sheets & Device ,Configuration files, Service Data Objectives, Network management
CAN open messages, Device profile encoder.
Psedo code of CAN
11+4 Hours
Unit II
CAN Open Configuration
Evaluating system requirements choosing devices and tools, Configuring single devices. Overall network
configuration, Network simulation, Network Commissioning , Advanced features and testing.
Simple application using CAN
12+4 Hours
Unit III
Controller Area Network
Underlying Technology CAN Overview, Selecting a CAN Controller, CAN development tools. Implementing
CAN open Communication layout and requirements – Comparison of implementation methods.
Simulation using CAN

11+4 Hours
Unit IV
Micro CAN open
CAN open source code, Conformance test, Entire design life cycle.Physical layer, Data types, Object dictionary,
Communication object identifiers, Emerging objects, Node states.
Exploring micro CAN open
Total 45+15 hours
Textbook (s)
1. Glaf P. Feiffer, Andrew Ayre and Christian Keyold, Embedded Networking with CAN and CAN open
Embedded System Academy 2005.

Reference (s)
1. Gregory J. Pottie, William J. Kaiser, Principles of Embedded Networked Systems Design, Cambridge
University Press, 2nd Edition, 2005.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi |
Regulation 2016

16DEC009 Low Power VLSI Design (Elective-III)

310 4

Course Outcomes

1. Design and estima1te the power of different circuits

2. Apply Bi-CMOS and advanced Bi-CMOS circuits for different applications
3. Apply different isolation techniques in chip design
4. Design low power memory elements
5. Demonstrate the Latches and Flip-Flops in detail
6. Demonstrate ESD free BiCMOS circuits
Unit I
Introduction to Low Power Low Volatge
Low- voltage low power design, limitations, Silicon-on-Insulator. Bi CMOS processes. Integration and Isolation
considerations, Integrated Analog/Digital CMOS Process.
Future trends and directions of CMOS/BICMOS processes
11+4 Hours
Unit II
MOS/BiCMOS Process Technology and Integration
Conventional CMOS and BiCMOS logic gates. Performance evaluation. Comparison of advanced BiCMOS
Digital circuits. ESD-free Bi CMOS Digital circuit.
Bootstrapped –Type Bicmos
11+4 Hours
Unit III
Design and Test of Low Voltage CMOS Circuits and Low power static RAM architectures
Introduction , circuit design style , Leakage current in deep sub micrometer transistors , Deep sub micrometer
device design issues, Low voltage circuit design issues.Introduction , organization of a static RAM , MOS static
RAM memory cell , banked organization of SRAMs, Reducing voltage swings on bit lines, reducing power in
the write driver circuits , Reducing power in sense amplifier circuits.
Testing deep sub micrometer ICs with elevated intrinsic leakage
11+4 Hours
Unit IV
Evolution of latches and Low energy computing using energy recovery techniques
Evolution of Latches and Flip flops-quality measures for latches and Flip flops, Design perspective.
Energy dissipation in transistor channel using an RC model, Energy recovery circuit design.
Quality measures of latches and flipflops
12+3 Hours
Total:45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. Yeo Rofail/ Gohl (3 Authors), CMOS/BiCMOS ULSI low voltage, low power, Pearson Education Asia
1st Indian reprint, 2002
2. Kaushik Roy, Sharat Prasad, Low Power CMOS VLSI Circuit Design, Wiley publishers 2000.

Reference (s)
1. Gary Yeap, Practical VLSI Design, Springer publishers,1997.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi |
Regulation 2016

16VLS010 CPLD And FPGA Architectures & Applications(Elective–IV)

Course Outcomes
1. Make use of the routing architecture, design flow, technology mapping for FPGAs.
2. Design Xilinx XC4000 & ALTERA’s FLEX 8000/10000 AT &T ORCA’s in FPGA through mapping.
3. Illustrate state machine charts using PAL in FSMs.
4. Design Controller, data path design, Functional partition using digital design tools.
5. Design the system level design for various architectures using mentor graphics EDA tools
6. Demonstrate different case studies of CPLDs and FPGAs.

Unit I
PLDs and CPLDs
ROM, PLA, PAL, CPLD, FPGA – Features, Architectures, Programming,Applications and mplementation of
MSI circuits using Programmable logic Devices.Complex Programmable Logic Devices: Altera series – Max
000/7000 series and Altera FLEX logic-10000 series CPLD, AMD’s- CPLD (Mach 1 to 5), Cypress FLASH
370 Device technology, Lattice pLSI’s architectures – 3000 series – Speed performance and in system
Programming technologies 11+4 Hours
Unit II
FPGAs and Finite State Machines (FSM)
Field Programmable Gate Arrays- Logic blocks, routing architecture, design flow, technology mapping for
FPGAs, Case studies Xilinx XC4000 & ALTERA’s FLEX 8000/10000 AT &T ORCA’s(Optimized
Reconfigurable Cell Array): ACTEL’s ACT-1,2,3.Top Down Design, State Transition Table, State assignments
for FPGAs, Realization of state machine charts using PAL, Alternative realization for state machine charts using
microprogramming, linked state machine
Linked state machines
11+4 Hours
Unit III
FSM Architectures and Design Methods
Architectures Centered around non registered PLDs, Design of state machines centered around shift registers,
One_Hot state machine, Petrinets for state machines-Basic concepts and properties.One –hot design method,
Use of ASMs in one-hot design method, Applications of one-hot design method, Extended Petri-nets for parallel
controllers, Meta Stability, Synchronization, Complex design using shift registers.
Alternative Realization for State Machine Chart using Microprogramming.
11+4 hours
Unit IV
System Level Design and Case studies
Controller, data path designing, Functional partition, Digital front end digital design tools for FPGAs & ASICs,
System level design using mentor graphics EDA tool Design considerations using CPLDs and FPGAs of
parallel adder cell, parallel adder sequential circuits, counters, multiplexers, parallel controllers.
Extended Petri-nets for parallel controllers
12+3 Hours
Total 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. S. Trimberger, Edr,Field Programmable Gate Array Technology , Kluwer Academic Publications,1994.
2. Richard F. Tinder, Engineering Digital Design, 2nd Edition, Academic press., 2011
3. Fundamentals of logic design-Charles H. Roth, 4th Edition Jaico Publishing House, 2004
Reference (s)
1. P. K. Chan & S. Mourad, Digital Design Using Field Programmable Gate Array, Prentice Hall, 1994.
2. S. Brown, R. J. Francis, J. Rose, Z.G.Vranesic, Field programmable gate array, BSP, 2007.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi |
Regulation 2016

16VLS011 Hardware Software Co-Design (Elective–IV)

Course Outcomes
1. Analyze any embedded system’s hardware and software design issues
2. Choose different Co-design Models, Algorithms and methodology etc., for embedded system design
3. Apply Embedded Software Development tools, Compilation Techniques for embedded applications
4. Test for the hardware and software individually
5. Explain System-level performance modeling, low-level performance modeling and High-level
6. Illustrate integration process of hardware and firmware

Unit I
Introduction to Co Design

Co- Design Models, Architectures, Languages, A Generic Co-Design Methodology, Hardware – Software
Synthesis Algorithms : Hardware – Software Partitioning, Distributed System Co-Synthesis.Prototyping and
Emulation techniques, Prototyping and Emulation Environments, Future Developments in Emulation and
Prototyping, Architecture Specialization Techniques.
Waterfall model of co Design 11+4 Hours

Unit II
System design
System Communication infrastructure, Target Architectures and Application System Classes, Architectures for
Control Dominated System and Data – Dominated Systems.Modern Embedded Architectures, Embedded
Software Development needs, Compilation Technologies, Practical Consideration in a compiler Development
Environment. Design specification and verification: Design, Co- Design, The Co- Design Computational Model,
Concurrency, coordinating Concurrent Computations, interfacing components
Integrated Development Environment 12+4 Hours
Unit III
Design Tools
Design Verification, Implementation Verification, Verification Tools, Interface Verification.System – Level
Specification, Design representation for system level synthesis, System level specification Languages,
Heterogeneous Specifications and Multi Language Co – Simulation. The cosyma system and Lycos system.
Programming languages
11+3 Hours
Unit IV
Firmware Design
System-level performance modeling vs. low-level performance modeling - Modeling of execution speed (system
latency) and energy consumption for hardware and software - Estimation of memory requirements. High-level
synthesis - behavioral specification of hardware, module set allocation, resource binding, operation scheduling,
controller synthesis.
Cross Compiler
11+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. Kluwer, Hardware /Software Co–Design Principles and Practice, Academic Publishers, 2nd printing

Reference (s)
1. Arnold S. Berger, Embedded System Design, CMP books, USA 2002.
2. Wayne Wolf, Computers as Components: Principles of Embedded Computer Systems Design, Morgan
Kaufman Publishers, 2005.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GMRIT | Syllabi |
Regulation 2016

16DEC011 System Modelling & Simulation (Elective–IV)

Course Outcomes
1. Analyze the given system or problem
2. Design a model to represent the system or problem
3. Make use of simulation for the designed model
4. Develop simulation models for time and event driven systems
5. Design simulation models for given system using petri nets
6. Analyze the queuing systems and Optimize the model to get optimum performance

Unit I
Introduction to Simulation
Basic Simulation Modeling, Systems, Models and Simulation, Alternative approach to modeling and
simulation.Guidelines for determining levels of model detail, Techniques for increasing model validity and
credibility.Classification of Simulation Software,Desirable Software features, General purpose simulation
packages – Arena, Extend and others,Object Oriented Simulation.
Modern Simulation software’s features and analysis
12+3 Hours
Unit II
Discrete Event Simulation
Discrete Event Simulation, Simulation of Single server queingsystem, Simulation diagrams, Queing theory,
simulating queing systems, Types of Queues, Multiple servers,Simulation of Inventory System.
The OMNeT++ discrete event simulation system
11+4 Hours
Unit III
Building Simulation Models
Modeling input signals, delays, System Integration, Linear Systems, Motion Control models, numerical
experimentation,System identification, Searches, Alpha/beta trackers, multidimensional optimization and
modeling and simulation methodology.
Advanced multidimensional optimization and modeling
11+4 Hours
Unit IV
State Machines Modeing and Simulation
Disturbance signals, state machines, petri nets & analysis, System encapsulation,Probabilistic systems, Discrete
Time Markov processes, Random walks, Poisson processes, the exponential distribution, simulating a poison
process, Continuous – Time Markov processes.
Petri nets Design and Simulation

11+4 Hours
Total: 45+15 Hours
Textbook (s)
1. Frank L. Severance, System Modeling & Simulation, An introduction, John Wiley & Sons, 2001.
2. Averill M. Law, W. David Kelton, Simulation Modeling and Analysis, TMH, 3rd Edition, 2003.

Reference (s)
1. Geoffery Gordon, Systems Simulation, PHI, 1978.


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