Tunnel of The Black
Tunnel of The Black
Tunnel of The Black
Level 1
General Dungeon History The dungeon was created by kuo-toa as a treasure vault. It was eventually
conquered by invaders, and has been attacked and abandoned many times
since then.
Temperature Average
Illumination Shadowy (phosphorescent fungus or candles every 20 ft.)
3 1 x Gray Ooze (mm 243, cr 1/2), scavenging for food and treasure
Room Features A chute falls into the room from above, The floor is covered with bones
Room #2 West Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (DC 15 to break; 15 hp)
South Entry Secret (DC 15 to find) Locked Strong Wooden Door (DC 15 to open, DC 20
to break; 20 hp)
Ⓢ The door is located near the ceiling and concealed behind a tapestry
of an earth god
→ Leads to room #17
Room Features A simple fireplace sits against the north wall, Clouds of flying insects fill
the west side of the room
Room #3 West Entry Secret (DC 15 to find) Locked Iron Door (DC 10 to open, DC 30 to break;
60 hp)
Ⓢ The door is located near the ceiling and concealed behind a pile of
broken stone
Ⓣ One-way Door: DC 10 to find, DC 15 to disable
Room #4 East Entry Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (20 hp)
→ Leads to room #16, inhabited by 4 x Kobold
Room #5 North Entry Secret (DC 25 to find) Stuck Simple Wooden Door (DC 10 to break; 10 hp)
Ⓢ The door is concealed behind a statue of a terrified maiden, and
opened by breaking her neck
→ Leads to room #11
Room #6 North Entry Stuck Strong Wooden Door (DC 15 to break; 20 hp)
→ Leads to room #12, inhabited by 1 x Violet Fungus
East Entry Trapped and Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (10 hp)
Ⓣ Contact Poison: DC 10 to find, DC 10 to disable; affects each creature
which touches the trigger, DC 12 save or take 2d10 damage
→ Leads to room #14
East Entry #1 Locked Good Wooden Door (DC 10 to open, DC 15 to break; 15 hp)
East Entry #2 Locked Simple Wooden Door (DC 10 to open, DC 15 to break; 10 hp)
Room Features An enchanted pool in the center of the room petrifies whomever drinks from
it, Someone has scrawled "Thrukilm stands here, slain by a basilisk" on the
north wall
Room #9 West Entry #1 Stuck Simple Wooden Door (DC 10 to break; 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #18, inhabited by 1 x Hobgoblin
Room Features A stack of barrels filled with sand stands against the west wall, Someone
has scrawled "Don't lose your head" on the east wall
Room #10
Room #10 North Entry Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (20 hp)
West Entry Trapped and Unlocked Good Wooden Door (15 hp)
Ⓣ Falling Block: DC 15 to find, DC 10 to disable; affects all targets
within a 10 ft. square area, DC 17 save or take 4d10 damage
Room #11 East Entry #1 Unlocked Good Wooden Door (15 hp)
East Entry #2 Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 20, DC 15 to break; 30 hp) (stuck, disadvantage
to open)
South Entry #2 Secret (DC 25 to find) Stuck Simple Wooden Door (DC 10 to break; 10 hp)
Ⓢ The door is concealed behind a statue of a terrified maiden, and
opened by breaking her neck
→ Leads to room #5
Room Features Several iron cages are scattered throughout the room, The floor is covered
with bloodstains
Room #12 North Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (DC 15 to break; 15 hp)
→ Leads to room #16, inhabited by 4 x Kobold
Room #14 West Entry Trapped and Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (10 hp)
Ⓣ Contact Poison: DC 10 to find, DC 10 to disable; affects each creature
which touches the trigger, DC 12 save or take 2d10 damage
→ Leads to room #6, inhabited by 4 x Giant Rat
Hidden Treasure Hidden (DC 15 to find) Locked Good Wooden Chest (DC 25 to unlock, DC
20 to break; 15 hp)
20 to break; 15 hp)
2300 cp, 1100 sp, 60 gp, Feathered Talisman (25 gp), Rabbit Fur Ribbon (25
gp), Iron Buckle (25 gp), 2 x Feathered Bracers (25 gp), Rabbit Fur bound
Book (blank) (25 gp), Fine Steel Cloth Choker (25 gp), Leather Coinpurse
(25 gp), Spell Scroll (Thorn Whip), Spell Scroll (Silent Image), Potion of
Climbing, 2 x Potion of Greater Healing, Potion of Healing
Room #15 West Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (DC 10 to break; 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #2, inhabited by 2 x Swarm of Bats
East Entry Secret (DC 15 to find) Locked Iron Door (DC 10 to open, DC 30 to break;
60 hp)
Ⓢ The door is located near the ceiling and concealed behind a pile of
broken stone
Ⓣ One-way Door: DC 10 to find, DC 15 to disable
→ Leads to room #3
Room #16 West Entry Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (20 hp)
→ Leads to room #4, inhabited by 2 x Winged Kobold
Room Features The floor is covered in square tiles, alternating white and black, Sporadic
knocking fills the room
Room #17 North Entry Secret (DC 15 to find) Locked Strong Wooden Door (DC 15 to open, DC 20
to break; 20 hp)
Ⓢ The door is located near the ceiling and concealed behind a tapestry
of an earth god
→ Leads to room #2, inhabited by 2 x Swarm of Bats
Room Features A wooden platform hangs over a deep pit in the center of the room, A faded
and torn tapestry hangs from the west wall
Room #18 North Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (DC 10 to break; 10 hp)
Room Features A narrow shaft descends from the room into the next dungeon level down, A
fountain decorated with three gargoyles sits in the north-west corner of the
Room #19
Room #19 North Entry Secret (DC 15 to find) Stuck Simple Wooden Door (DC 10 to break; 10 hp)
Ⓢ The door is concealed within a horrific torture device
Room Features A faded and torn tapestry hangs from the north wall, A sulphurous odor fills
the north-east corner of the room
Hidden Treasure Hidden (DC 25 to find) Trapped and Locked Simple Wooden Chest (DC 20
to unlock, DC 15 to break; 10 hp)
Fire Spray: DC 15 to find, DC 15 to disable; affects all targets within a 20
ft. cone, DC 14 save or take 2d10 fire damage
1900 cp, 1400 sp, 100 gp, Carnelian (50 gp), 2 x Chalcedony (50 gp),
Citrine (50 gp), 2 x Jasper (50 gp), Onyx (50 gp), Quartz (50 gp), Sardonyx
(50 gp), Star rose quartz (50 gp)
Room #20 North Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (10 hp)
Room Features A magical statue in the south-west corner of the room answers simple
questions about the dungeon (points directions), A broken wooden chest
lies in the north side of the room
Room #21 West Entry Unlocked Good Wooden Door (15 hp)
→ Leads to room #8, inhabited by 1 x Darkmantle
South Entry Trapped and Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (20 hp)
Ⓣ Falling Block: DC 15 to find, DC 10 to disable; affects all targets
within a 10 ft. square area, DC 20 save or take 4d10 damage
Room Features A magical pool in the west side of the room restores youth to whomever
drinks from it (but only once), Several pieces of rotten bread are scattered
throughout the room
Hidden Treasure Hidden (DC 15 to find) Locked Simple Wooden Chest (DC 15 to unlock, DC
15 to break; 10 hp)
2200 cp, 1200 sp, 50 gp, Carved Wooden Staff (25 gp), Polished Stone Holy
Symbol (of a God of Evil) (25 gp), Leather Belt set with Lapis lazuli (25 gp),
Iron Brazier (25 gp), Iron Amulet (25 gp), Potion of Animal Friendship
The Tunnels of Dery the Black
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