Environmental Factors and Eosinophilic Esophagitis: Current Perspectives
Environmental Factors and Eosinophilic Esophagitis: Current Perspectives
Environmental Factors and Eosinophilic Esophagitis: Current Perspectives
nnn 2018
Population Season
density and
Cesarean Smoking
NICU delivery
admission Antibiotics Infections
Acid Formula Childhood
suppressants feeding and H. pylori
Absence of
furred pets
FIG 1. Candidate risk factors for development of EoE. NICU, Neonatal intensive care unit.
geographic factors, and behavioral factors, with limited data on and alterations in barrier function that contribute to aberrant im-
the contribution of genetic and epigenetic factors in relation to mune response and loss of antigen tolerance).44-47
these environmental factors (Fig 1). This article describes the ev- Although much of the microbiota research initially focused on
idence thus far and provides recommendations for future direc- gut microbiota, the field has expanded to include assessment of
tions to address these gaps in knowledge (Table I). the entire human microbiome. Differences in the esophageal
microbiome have been described between patients with EoE,
patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease, and healthy control
ALLERGIC DISEASES, THE HYGIENE HYPOTHESIS, subjects,48 but again, it is unknown whether these differences are
AND THE MICROBIOME driven by disease or whether they preceded disease development.
Given the high proportion of patients with EoE with concom- With treatment, the differences between patients with EoE and
itant atopic disease, it is not surprising that the focus of much of the healthy control subjects has been suggested to diminish, although
research on environmental factors and EoE has focused on factors not completely.37
implicated in other atopic diseases. As with EoE, the incidence Studies evaluating the use of synbiotics to prevent atopic
and prevalence of other atopic diseases have also been increased in disease have yielded varied results,49-51 likely because our under-
recent decades. One of the prevailing theories to explain this standing of the microbiome and microbiota interactions is rela-
increase, the hygiene hypothesis, asserts that an overly hygienic tively immature, establishing which synbiotics confer
environment, although important in the reduction of infectious protection remains elusive.52 For patients with EoE, a single study
disease, might have untoward effects on the host-microbiome conducted in a murine model identified a beneficial effect of the
balance necessary for immune system development. However, probiotic Lactococcus lactis NCC 2287 on esophageal inflamma-
this theory has been met with scrutiny and has been adapted tion.53 Because only a few studies of the esophageal microbiome
recently with advances in our ability to characterize the human gut have been conducted, this is an area where further research is
microbiome.32-35 Evidence supports the role of the microbiome in needed to establish the significance, if any, of the esophageal mi-
establishing immune function health, but it is not necessarily an crobiome in disease pathogenesis.
aseptic environment that is to blame but rather the absence of
certain necessary commensal bacteria. Although the microbiome
research field is still relatively underdeveloped (ie, technology for EARLY-LIFE FACTORS AND EoE
characterizing species continues to evolve and our capacity to EoE can develop in infancy but is observed more frequently
analyze the complexity of the microbiota remains relatively later in childhood and sometimes into adulthood. Thus it might
crude),36-42 numerous studies have identified differences in micro- not be readily apparent how factors experienced in early life could
biota diversity and patterns of relative abundance in association contribute to disease development later in life. However, early life
with atopic disease.43 A challenge in the literature is establishing is a period of unique developmental susceptibility, and immune
the temporality of the association, specifically whether the differ- maturation might be sensitive to early-life experiences.54,55
ences observed are attributable to the disease process itself or Furthermore, it has been suggested that EoE might be part of
whether differences in the microbiota lead to the cascade of events the atopic march continuum, appearing later in the cascade of
that elicit disease development (eg, microbiota-host interactions atopic illnesses frequently coexisting in childhood.56
TABLE I. What is unknown? on biopsy) can experience clinical and histologic improvement
Potential for interaction between environmental factors and EoE after treatment with a PPI. Paradoxically, acid suppressants,
Epigenetic modifications and the environment in relation to EoE including PPIs, have been demonstrated to alter gut perme-
Factors that might contribute to dysbiosis of the gut microbiota, such as diet, ability.79-81 This increased permeability can compromise oral
in relation to EoE tolerance, and in both animal models and human studies, acid sup-
Examination between early-life factors and EoE and whether associations pressants have led to inhibition of dietary protein digestion and
are mediated by dysbiosis development of IgE antibodies in response to the inhibited protein
Temporal association between esophageal microbiome in association with or proteins.82,83 In observational studies acid suppressants, when
used during pregnancy, have been associated with increased risk
Association between acid suppressant use in early life and EoE
Improved understanding of how geographic factors can contribute to disease
of atopy in offspring.84
pathogenesis The association between acid suppressant use and development
of EoE has only been evaluated minimally. One study examined
EoE among patients prescribed a PPI after an initial upper
endoscopy and described that there was no evidence of an
increase in absolute EoE cases after repeat endoscopy or evidence
Antibiotic use, cesarean delivery, and other that an increasing PPI dose was associated with an increased
microbiome-altering factors proportion of EoE diagnoses on repeat endoscopy.85 Conversely,
Colonization of the microbiome occurs in early life and after a small case series of three patients described development of EoE
the age of 2 or 3 years becomes relatively stable.57 Changes in the after initial diagnoses of reflux esophagitis or infectious esopha-
microbiome can be observed at older ages with dietary changes, gitis treated with a PPI.86 In the most recent case-control study
use of probiotics and antibiotics, illness, and other exposures, of early-life factors and EoE, a positive association was observed
but these changes have been characterized generally as transient between reported use of an acid suppressant in infancy and EoE
and self-limited. Because early life is important in development diagnosis at age 3 years or older.77 Although intriguing, the asso-
of the microbiome and, consequently, development of the im- ciation observed could be attributable to protopathic bias or
mune system,44-47 numerous studies have examined early-life ex- symptoms of EoE leading to use of a PPI in infancy, with delayed
periences that can shape microbiota colonization.58 Many factors diagnosis at age 3 years. Thus additional mechanistic research is
are now described to alter the diversity and/or relative abundance needed to evaluate these associations further.
of the microbiota in early life, factors including cesarean delivery,
preterm delivery, neonatal intensive care unit admission, choice
of infant feeding, maternal and infant use of antibiotics, and INFECTIOUS RISK FACTORS FOR EoE
others.39,59-73 It is this body of literature that has informed studies Helicobacter pylori
evaluating the contribution of early-life factors in relation to EoE. Perhaps providing support for the hypothesis that the increase
To date, 5 case-control, single-center studies have been in prevalence described for atopic conditions can be driven in part
conducted examining the contribution of early-life factors and by changes in the environment that decrease infectious disease,
the development of EoE. Four of these included pediatric patients Helicobacter pylori has been inversely associated with atopic
only,74-77 and 1 study examined adult patients.78 With the excep- conditions, including allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis, and
tion of 1 study, which observed only a weak inverse association asthma.87 This same inverse association has also been observed
between postnatal environmental tobacco smoke exposure and for EoE in both pediatric and adult studies, with a reduction in
EoE in the pediatric population,76 all 4 other studies, which EoE risk in the absence of H pylori.88-91 This relationship also
were conducted at 3 different centers, identified associations be- fits the temporality noted for the increase in EoE over the past
tween early-life factors and EoE development.74,75,77,78 For the 2 decades and is supported by a possible mechanism. Specifically,
pediatric studies, although not all of the studies examined the H pylori is thought to polarize toward more of a TH1 immune
same factors and although differences in associations were response, and absence of H pylori can polarize toward a TH2
observed between studies, factors identified were consistent response.88 However, this mechanism has yet to be tested
with those that have been demonstrated to alter microbiota colo- experimentally.
nization in the gut, including supplemented breast-feeding or for-
mula feeding (possible protective effect for breast-feeding
observed), neonatal intensive care unit admission, antibiotic use Herpes simplex virus
in infancy, cesarean delivery, ownership of a furred pet in the Case reports and case series have suggested a possible asso-
home in infancy (protective association observed), and infant ciation between herpes simplex virus (HSV) esophagitis and
use of acid suppressants (further described below). Perhaps the EoE.92-94 In one series of 3 pediatric patients with atopy, HSV
strongest and most consistent evidence of an association (positive esophagitis was diagnosed initially, and there was no evidence
association indicated in 4 of the 5 studies) has been observed for of EoE, but EoE developed within 2 months of the HSV diag-
antibiotic use in infancy (Fig 2). nosis.93 A case series of 5 adults with HSV esophagitis showed
histologic and clinical symptoms consistent with an EoE
diagnosis.95 Similarly, a retrospective assessment of 11 immuno-
Acid suppressants competent patients with HSV esophagitis identified 5 patients
Acid suppressants, specifically proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), with eosinophilic infiltrate consistent with EoE at follow-up bi-
are routinely used to aid in the diagnosis and treatment of EoE opsy.96 Although these reports suggest HSV esophagitis can co-
because patients with clinical symptoms and histologic evidence occur with EoE in some patients, observational studies are needed
consistent with EoE diagnosis (>_15 eosinophils/high-power field to evaluate the potential for a temporal association.
nnn 2018
Antibiotic Exposure Cesarean Delivery Maternal Smoking Pets Acid Suppression
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some studies have indicated no association.106-108 Diagnostic can interact with underlying genetic susceptibility to increase or
delay can contribute to some of these inconsistencies, but decrease risk of disease.
geographic and climate differences can also contribute because
aeroallergens (type, count, and temporal variability) are known
to vary across climate zones. A recent study of seasonality and Epigenetic modifications and environmental factors
pollen counts conducted in 36 patients with EoE in the New Epigenetic assessments have elucidated novel mechanistic
York City area identified increased patient reporting of symptoms pathways in the development of childhood asthma and al-
in summer months (July-September) and increased diagnoses in lergy,117-119 and environmental factors have been associated
the Fall (October-December). Counts from 11 different pollen with changes in epigenetic methylation and histone modification
taxa were examined, including Acer (maple), Betula (birch), Pop- patterns.120,121 Epigenetic modifications in patients with EoE
ulus (poplar), Ulmus (elm), Quercus (oak), Carya (hickory), have been explored minimally in patients with EoE122 yet offer
Fraxinus (ash), Platanus (sycamore and London planetree), Fa- the potential to improve our understanding of how environmental
gus (beech), Poaceae (grass pollen family), and Ambrosia factors infer increased (or decreased) disease risk. These evalua-
(ragweed). Symptoms of EoE correlated with peak levels of grass tions could provide mechanistic insights that are important in the
pollen.109 Another study examined seasonality and EoE, taking development of therapeutic targets for disease treatment.
into account climate zone, again by using the national pathology
data described above. As expected, this study identified differ-
ences in the relationship between seasonality and EoE by climate EoE phenotypic heterogeneity
zone, with the strongest evidence of seasonal variation in EoE di- It should be noted that although most of the research on
agnoses in temperate and cold climates. Summer months were environmental factors in the development of EoE has been
associated with higher EoE diagnosis; however, peak diagnoses informed primarily by risk factors demonstrated to be associated
by month differed according to climate zone.110 with atopic disease, there is heterogeneity in the comorbid
conditions experienced by patients with EoE, and in a proportion
of patients (approximately 30%), the disease does not appear to be
BEHAVIORAL RISK FACTORS FOR EoE associated with having other atopic conditions. Indeed, for some
Smoking and alcohol have been associated with gastroesoph- patients with EoE, there appears to be increased co-occurrence of
ageal reflux disease, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug autoimmune conditions, including celiac disease, Crohn disease/
(NSAID) use has been associated with atopic illnesses111-113 and ulcerative colitis, rheumatoid arthritis, IgA deficiency, multiple
other inflammatory gastrointestinal illnesses, including micro- sclerosis, common variable immunodeficiency, and autoimmune
scopic colitis.114 Thus far, only 1 study has examined these factors thyroid disease.123-125
in patients with EoE. In a single-center case-control study of 115 EoE has also been associated with tracheoesophageal fistulae,
incident cases and 225 control subjects who had undergone upper although even in those with co-occurring EoE and tracheoeso-
endoscopy for symptoms of esophageal dysfunction, data on phageal fistulae, 70% were indicated to have at least 1 or more
smoking behaviors and alcohol and NSAID use were collected additional atopic conditions. Additionally, EoE has been associ-
through a patient questionnaire administered before endoscopy ated with inherited connective tissue disorders (CTDs), with 3.3%
and diagnosis. This study observed a decreased risk of EoE of patients with EoE having a CTD (Marfan syndrome,
among those who had ever smoked (aOR, 0.5; 95% CI, 0.2-0.9) Marfanoid-related syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos and related syn-
and a decreased risk of EoE for current NSAID use (aOR, 0.4; dromes, and Loeys-Dietz syndrome) at one center (compared
95% CI, 0.2-0.8). Current alcohol use was moderately associated with a prevalence of approximately 0.02% in the general popu-
with EoE, but the estimate was attenuated with adjustment for lation).126-128 Again, the co-occurrence of atopy was similar in
age, sex, race, education level, smoking, and atopy (aOR, 1.6; those with and without a co-existing CTD. Environmental etio-
95% CI, 0.8-3.1).115 Other potential confounders, specifically logic studies of EoE conducted thus far have not differentiated
factors that could be associated with smoking behaviors and diag- EoE based on atopic co-occurrence or the presence of other co-
nosis of EoE, were not assessed. morbid conditions.
antibiotics are the true causal agent in the associations observed differences in the exposures experienced. This design would
for EoE or whether they are simply intermediates in some other potentially offer improved control for possible confounders in the
mechanistic pathway. observed associations. Hypotheses and associations generated by
Mechanistic and observational studies support a possible role epidemiologic studies will need to be evaluated in in vivo and
for acid suppressants, particularly early-life use, in the develop- in vitro models and in experimental animal models to dissect dis-
ment of EoE; however, this too must be explored more fully, ease mechanisms and confirm causality.
ideally in a prospectively designed study in which temporality of In conclusion, there is much to be learned about environmental
the association can be firmly established. A prospective assess- factors and EoE. As this area of research continues to mature,
ment would also provide the opportunity to assess whether certain more robustly designed studies with appropriately selected
subjects (ie, atopic subjects) are at increased susceptibility to EoE comparator groups and well-characterized exposure and pheno-
given exposure to acid suppressants. typic data will continue to advance our capacity to identify
Clear evidence supports an inverse association between H py- exposures implicated in disease development. Integration of
lori and EoE, but this relationship has only been described environmental factors data with omics-based data sources offers
through cross-sectional data, and it is unknown whether this is a the potential to provide mechanistic insights and opportunities for
correlative or causative relationship. Other infectious factors, disease mitigation through behavior or novel therapeutics.
including HSVesophagitis and M pneumoniae, warrant investiga-
tion in robustly designed, case-control, or case-cohort studies REFERENCES
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