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Cruz Sulosanayonvsnayonsafilipno Article448

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Sulo sa Nayon vs.

Nayong Pilipino Foundation be obliged to buy the land if its value is

Article 448 considerably more than that of the building or
Digest by: Cruz, Trisha Marie trees. In such case, he shall pay reasonable rent, if
the owner of the land does not choose to
FACTS: appropriate the building or trees after proper
indemnity. The parties shall agree upon the terms
Nayong Pilipino Foundation, a GOCC, is the owner of the lease and in case of disagreement, the court
of a parcel of land known as the Nayong Pilipino shall fix the terms thereof.
Article 546. Necessary expenses shall be refunded
Sulo sa Nayon, Inc. is a domestic corporation to every possessor; but only the possessor in good
organized under the Philippine laws. faith may retain the thing until he has been
reimbursed therefor.
Nayong Pilipino leased to Sulo sa Nayon a portion
of the Nayong Pilipino Complex for the The SC held that Art. 448 is not applicable and
construction and operation of a hotel building to be cited the explanation of the late Senator Arturo
known as Philippine Village Hotel. Tolentino:

The lease was for an initial period of 21 years and “This article [Article 448] is manifestly
in 1997, Sulo sa Nayon Inc signed a 25 year lease intended to apply only to a case where
contract extension. one builds, plants, or sows on land in
which he believes himself to have a
However, On the beginning of January 2001 claim of title, and not to lands where the
Sulo sa Nayon defaulted in the payment of their only interest of the builder, planter or sower
monthly rentals. is that of a holder, such as a tenant.”

Nayong Pilipino repeatedly demanded the payment Therefore Sulo sa Nayon as a lessee they
of the arrears and eventually ordered Sulo sa recognized that the lessor, Nayong Pilipino
Nayon to vacate the premises. is the owner of the land.

Consequently, Nayon Pilipino filed a complaint for The Court, reiterates the doctrine that the lessee
unlawful detainer against Sulo sa Nayon. is neither a builder in good faith nor bad faith
that would call for the application of Article
Sulo sa Nayon contends that because of the 448 and 546.
improvements, which are of substantial value, that
they have introduced on the leased premised with The introduction of valuable improvements on the
the permission of Nayong Pilipino, they should be leased premises does not give Sulo sa Nayon the
considered as builders in good faith who have right of retention and reimbursement which
the right to retain possession of the property rightfully belongs to a builder in good faith.
until reimbursement by Nayong Pilipino. Otherwise, such situation would allow the lessee
to easily “improve” the lessor out of its
ISSUE: property.

WHETHER OR NOT THE RULES ON ACCESSION It may be true that their contract of lease
FOUND IN ARTICLE 448 OF THE CIVIL CODE IS stipulates that the building and all the
APPLICABLE IN THIS CASE? NO improvements in the leased premises belong to
Sulo sa Nayon, such will not defeat the right of
HELD: Nayon Pilipino to its property as Sulo sa Nayon
failed to pay their rentals. At most, they can only
The Court held that the rules on accession under invoke Article 1678 of the New Civil Code which
Article 448 and 546 is not applicable in the instant grants them the right to be reimbursed one- half
case. of the value of the building upon termination of
the lease, or in the alternative, to remove the
Article 448. The owner of the land on which improvements if the lessor refuses to make
anything has been built, sown or planted in good reimbursement.
faith, shall have the right to appropriate as his own
the works, sowing or planting, after payment of the ***End of Digest***
indemnity provided for in Articles 546 and 548, or
to oblige the one who built or planted to pay the
price of the land, and the one who sowed, the
proper rent. However, the builder or planter cannot

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