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Decision -7- G.R. No.


justification that he was fully authorized by law to possess the same. The CA
was unconvinced with his contention that the prosecution failed to prove the
identity and integrity of the seized prohibited drugs. For the appellate court,
it was able to demonstrate that the integrity and evidentiary value of the
confiscated drugs were not compromised. The witnesses for the prosecution
were able to testify on every link in the chain of custody, establishing the
crucial link in the chain from the time the seized items were first discovered
until they were brought for examination and offered in evidence in court.
Anent Lim's defense of denial and frame-up, the CA did not appreciate the
same due to lack of clear and convincing evidence that the police officers
were inspired by an improper motive. Instead. the presumption of regularity
in the performance of official duty was applied.

Before Us, both Lim and the People manifested that they would no
longer file a Supplemental Brief, taking into account the thorough and
substantial discussions of the issues in their respective appeal briefs before
the CA. 9 Essentially, Lim maintains that the case records are bereft of
evidence showing that the buy-bust team followed the procedure mandated
in Section 21(1), Article II ofR.A. No. 9165.

Our Ruling

The judgment of conviction is reversed and set aside, and Lim should
be acquitted based on reasonable doubt.

At the time of the commission of the crimes, the law applicable is

R.A. No. 9165. 10 Section l(b) of Dangerous Drugs Board Regulation No. 1,
Series of 2002, which implements the law, defines chain of custody as -

the duly recorded authorized movements and custody of seized drugs or

controlled chemicals or plant sources of dangerous drugs or laboratory
equipment of each stage, from the time of seizure/confiscation to receipt in
the forensic laboratory to safekeeping to presentation in court for
destruction. Such record of movements and custody of seized item shall
include the identity and signature of the person who held temporary
custody of the seized item, the date and time when such transfer of
custody were made in the course of safekeeping and use in court as
evidence, and the final disposition. 11

The chain of custody rule is but a variation of the principle that real
evidence must be authenticated prior to its admission into evidence. 12 To
establish a chain of custody sufficient to make evidence admissible, the
Rollo, pp. 26-35.
R.A. No. 9165 took effect on July 4, 2002 (See People v. De la Cruz, 591 Phil. 259, 272 [2008]).
1 See People v. Badilla, 794 Phil. 263, 278 (2016); People v. Arenas, 791 Phil. 601, 610 (2016tfr);
Saraum v. People, 779 Phil. 122, 132 (2016).
United States v. Rawlins, 606 F .3d 73 (2010).
Decision -8- G.R. No. 231989

proponent needs only to prove a rational basis from which to conclude that
the evidence is what the party claims it to be. 13 In other words, in a criminal
case, the prosecution must offer sufficient evidence from which the trier of
fact could reasonably believe that an item still is what the government
claims it to be. 14 Specifically in the prosecution of illegal drugs, the well-
established federal evidentiary rule in the United States is that when the
evidence is not readily identifiable and is susceptible to alteration by
tampering or contamination, courts require a more stringent foundation
entailing a chain of custody of the item with sufficient completeness to
render it improbable that the original item has either been exchanged with
another or been contaminated or tampered with. 15 This was adopted in
Mallillin v. People, 16 where this Court also discussed how, ideally, the chain
of custody of seized items should be established:

As a method of authenticating evidence, the chain of custody rule

requires that the admission of an exhibit be preceded by evidence
sufficient to support a finding that the matter in question is what the
proponent claims it to be. It would include testimony about
every link in the chain, from the moment the item was picked up to the
time it is offered into evidence, in such a way that every person who
touched the exhibit would describe how and from whom it was received,
where it was and what happened to it while in the witness' possession, the
condition in which it was received and the condition in which it was
delivered to the next link in the chain. These witnesses would then
describe the precautions taken to ensure that there had been no change in
the condition of the item and no opportunity for someone not in the chain
to have possession of the same. 17

Thus, the links in the chain of custody that must be established are: (1)
the seizure and marking, if practicable, of the illegal drug recovered from the
accused by the apprehending officer; (2) the turnover of the seized illegal
drug by the apprehending officer to the investigating officer; (3) the turnover
of the illegal drug by the investigating officer to the forensic chemist for

United States v. Rawlins, supra note 12, as cited in United States v. Mehmood, 2018 U.S. App.
LEXIS 19232 (2018); United States v. De Jesus-Concepcion, 652 Fed. Appx. 134 (2016); United States v.
Rodriguez, 2015 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 35215 (2015); and United States v. Mark, 2012 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 95130
See United States v. Rawlins, supra note 12, as cited in United States v. Mark, supra note 13.
15 See United States v. Cardenas, 864 F.2d 1528 (1989), as cited in United States v. Yeley-Davis, 632
F.3d 673 (2011); United States v. Solis, 55 F. Supp. 2d 1182 (1999); United States v. Anderson, 1994 U.S.
App. LEXIS 9193 (1994); United States v. Hogg, 1993 U.S. App. LEXIS 13732 (1993); United States v.
Rodriguez-Garcia, 983 F.2d 1563 (1993); United States v. Johnson, 977 F.2d 1360 (1992); and United
States v. Clonts, 966 F.2d 1366 (1992).
Ma/Iii/in v. People, 576 Phil. 576 (2008).
17 Ma/lillin v. People, supra, at 587, as cited in People v. Tamano, G.R. No. 208643, December 5,
2016, 812 SCRA 203, 228-229; People v. Badilla, supra note 11, at 280; Saraum v. People, supra note 11,
at 132-133; People v. Dalawis, 772 Phil. 406, 417-418 (2015); and People v. Flores, 765 Phil. 535, 541-
542 (2015). It appears that Mal/ii/in was erroneously cited as "Lopez v. People" in People v. De
la Cruz, 589 Phil. 259 (2008), People v. Sanchez, 590 Phil. 214 (2008), People v. Garcia, 599 Phil. 416

(2009), People v. Denoman, 612 Phil. 1165 (2009), and People v. Abelarde, G.R. No. 215713, January 2 2 d
Decision -9- G.R. No. 231989

laboratory examination; and (4) the turnover and submission of the illegal
drug from the forensic chemist to the court. 18

Seizure and marking of the illegal

drug as well as the turnover by the
apprehending officer to the
investigating officer

Section 21(1), Article II ofR.A. No. 9165 states:

Sec. 21. Custody and Disposition of Confiscated, Seized, and/or

Surrendered Dangerous Drugs, Plant Sources of Dangerous Drugs,
Controlled Precursors and Essential Chemicals,
Instruments/Paraphernalia and/or Laboratory Equipment. - The PDEA
shall take charge and have custody of all dangerous drugs, plant sources of
dangerous drugs, controlled precursors and essential chemicals, as well as
instruments/paraphernalia and/or laboratory equipment so confiscated,
seized and/or surrendered, for proper disposition in the following manner:

(1) The apprehending team having initial custody and control

of the drugs shall, immediately after seizure and confiscation,
physically inventory and photograph the same in the presence
of the accused or the person/s from whom such items were
confiscated and/or seized, or his/her representative or counsel,
a representative from the media and the Department of Justice
(DOJ), and any elected public official who shall be required to
sign the copies of the inventory and be given a copy
thereof1.]1 9

Supplementing the above-quoted provision, Section 2l(a) of the

Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) ofR.A. No. 9165 mandates:

(a) The apprehending officer/team having initial custody and control of the
drugs shall, immediately after seizure and confiscation, physically
inventory and photograph the same in the presence of the accused or the
person/s from whom such items were confiscated and/or seized, or his/her
representative or counsel, a representative from the media and the
Department of Justice (DO.T), and any elected public official who shall be
required to sign the copies of the inventory and be given a copy thereof:
Provided, that the physical inventory and photograph shall be conducted at
the place where the search warrant is served; or at the nearest police
station or at the nearest office of the apprehending officer/team, whichever
is practicable, in case of warrantless seizures; Provided, further, that non-
compliance with these requirements under justifiable grounds, as long as
the integrity and the evidentiary value of the seized items are properly

People v. Vicente Sipin y De Castro, G.R. No. 224290, June 11, 2018; People v. Amaro, 786 Phil.
139, 148 (2016); and People v. Enad, 780 Phil. 346, 358 (2016).

See People v. Sic-Open, 795 Phil. 859, 872 (2016); People v. Badilla, supra note 11, at 275-276;
People v. Dela Cruz, 783 Phil. 620, 632 (2016); People v. Asislo, 778 Phil. 509, 516 (2016); People v.
Dal~;,, '"P'" note 17, at 416; and People v. flomuup'a note 17, at 540.

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