Long-Term Outcome of Airway Stenosis in Granulomatosis With Polyangiitis (Wegener Granulomatosis) An Observational Study
Long-Term Outcome of Airway Stenosis in Granulomatosis With Polyangiitis (Wegener Granulomatosis) An Observational Study
Long-Term Outcome of Airway Stenosis in Granulomatosis With Polyangiitis (Wegener Granulomatosis) An Observational Study
Original Investigation
IMPORTANCE Airway stenosis occurs in patients with granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA
or Wegener granulomatosis). It produces significant morbidity and contributes to mortality.
OBJECTIVE To investigate the frequency and distribution of airway stenoses in GPA and
evaluate the efficacy of local interventions in maintaining airway patency.
INTERVENTIONS Patients who had critical stenoses underwent either dilatation or laser radial
cuts to the lesion. In some cases, intralesional administration of steroids or topical mitomycin
C was used.
MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES The main outcome measure was airway patency for at least
12 months and the number of interventions required to achieve this end point. Details of
patients and interventions were recorded at baseline and at each treatment.
RESULTS The median age at diagnosis was 37.6 years; 73% of patients were women (n = 34).
The median follow-up after the initial intervention was 62.5 months. Subglottic stenosis was
found in 36 patients, lower airway stenosis in 30. There were 213 interventions in 39 patients,
including balloon and bougie dilatation and laser treatment. Adjuvant local treatment was
used in 71 interventions. A 12-month period of airway stability was achieved in 34 of 36 cases
(97%) (5 had no procedures and 3 had follow-up shorter than 12 months). The median
interval between procedures was 4.9 months, and after the last intervention recorded,
patients had at least 27 months of airway stability. Fourteen adverse events were recorded
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ranulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA or Wegener infection distal to the stenosis) and the presence of active vas-
granulomatosis) is a primary systemic vasculitis syn- culitis. Medical treatment was attempted in all patients be-
drome that predominantly affects the lungs, kidneys, fore local intervention unless they had critical stenoses.
and otorhinolaryngologic (ENT) system. More than 70% of pa- Beginning in 2007, stenoses in the distal main bronchi
tients with GPA have ENT involvement at follow-up.1-4 Sub- and their divisions were treated with balloon dilatation
glottic stenosis (SGS) is a less common, but serious, manifes- under sedation, and laser and bougies were used for proxi-
tation of ENT disease,5 and it is different from other ENT mal stenoses (subglottis, trachea, and main bronchi). A
manifestations in that it can present at any time regardless of combination of general anesthesia or sedation was used
disease activity; it is the most common manifestation of ENT between 1997 and 2007. Currently, intralesional glucocorti-
disease in children6,7; and it follows a relapsing course often coid administration is used as an adjuvant therapy in active
refractory to standard medical therapy. stenoses, and mitomycin C in fibrosed recurrent stenoses.
Subglottic stenosis can also present as part of more exten- Active stenosis is diagnosed clinically in the presence of fri-
sive airway stenosis affecting the lower airways. Other pulmo- able irregular tissue, and scarred, pale, nonfriable lesions
nary manifestations of GPA include lung nodules, cavities, and are considered fibrosed stenoses.
hemorrhagic alveolitis.8 In a large case series, Cordier et al9 found Pulmonary function was assessed using the Empey in-
that 17% of patients had endobronchial stenosis. dex, calculated as the forced expiratory volume in 1 second
Traditionally, airway stenoses in GPA are treated with im- (FEV1) (milliliters per second) divided by the peak expiratory
munosuppression followed by local interventions for persis- flow rate (PEFR) (liters per minute), and the incremental shuttle
tent symptomatic stenoses. Some authors have suggested that walk test. An Empey index greater than 10 is considered ab-
stenoses should be treated during active disease with dilata- normal. The walking test assesses the distance a patient walks
tion and intralesional glucocorticoids.10 Other local interven- with incremental speed between 2 fixed points, and an in-
tions include dilatation with balloons or bougies 11 ; laser crease of 47.5 m is considered symptomatically significant.19
resection,12 cryotherapy, or Argon-plasma coagulation. Topi- The aim of therapy was to achieve a 12-month period of stable
cal mitomycin C has been used to reduce recurrence rates.13,14 airway patency defined by stability on direct visualization and
Prompt medical therapy combined with local interventions has clinically.
reduced the need for tracheostomies and stents.10,15 Stents are
generally avoided because they contribute to persistent in- Analysis
flammation and disease reactivation.16 Sleeve excision of Continuous data are summarized by medians and interquar-
the stenosis and end-to-end tracheal repair has also been tile ranges (IQRs), while categorical and nominal data are sum-
reported7,12,17 but is uncommonly performed. marized using percentages. Stable airway patency was de-
The purpose of this study was to determine whether patients fined as a period of 12 months or more of follow-up without
with airway stenosis and GPA reach complete airway stability and intervention. Patients were subcategorized according to the
to use the data from the disease course as well as published data sites affected: subglottic stenosis (SGS) only; main airways (SGS
to establish a strategy for the management of this condition. and/or trachea and main bronchi); secondary bronchi only; and
widespread (main airways and secondary bronchi affected).
Despite the large sample size compared with previous
cohorts,10,15,20 the data were considered too heterogeneous for
Methods meaningful statistical analysis of outcomes.
Addenbrooke’s Hospital registered this retrospective cohort
study project in the research and development department and
decided that it did not require ethical approval.
Patients Patient Characteristics and Disease Manifestations
The medical records were evaluated for all patients with air- Forty-four (17.5%) of 251 patients with GPA seen at our insti-
way stenosis and a diagnosis of GPA treated between 1997 and tution had airway stenosis. The median age at diagnosis of air-
May 2012 by a multidisciplinary team in our tertiary referral way stenosis was 37.6 years, and 73% were women (n = 34)
center. The diagnosis of GPA was applied according to cur- (Table 2).21
rent classification guidelines.18 The demographic data of the Over half of the patients had localized disease (ENT and/or
patients were recorded, and a database was designed to record lower airway stenosis only), and a quarter had renal involve-
the distribution of the lesions, intervention details, and pul- ment. Four of 5 myeloperoxidase–antineutrophil cytoplas-
monary function test results. mic antibody (MPO-ANCA)–positive patients had localized dis-
ease and almost all ANCA-negative patients (10 of 11) had lower
Data Collected airway involvement and constitutional symptoms without re-
The data collected encompassed all interventions from diag- nal disease. Only 1 of the ANCA-negative patients presented
nosis until May 2012. The general management of these pa- with isolated SGS and constitutional symptoms, and the di-
tients is detailed in Table 1. The decision for active local inter- agnosis was made by clinical assessment and biopsy.
vention was based on the patients’ clinical progress (ie, The median time from diagnosis of GPA to diagnosis of en-
breathlessness, reduced lung capacity or walking distance, and dobronchial disease was 23 months (IQR, 0-69 months), with
jamaotolaryngology.com JAMA Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery November 2014 Volume 140, Number 11 1039
Table 1. Overview of the Management Strategy for Airway Stenosis in Granulomatosis With Polyangiitisa
Local Interventions
Physical Medical Anti-infective Therapy Systemic Therapy
Balloon dilatation with Glucocorticoids Prolonged antibiotic therapy Standard therapy:
or without cutting for recurrent or persisting
Mitomycin C bacterial infections guided by Induction
Bougie antibiotic sensitivities Cyclophosphamide and
Alemtuzumab glucocorticoids
Laser Topical antibiotics if recurrent
crusting Maintenance
Cryotherapy Azathioprine and/or
Antifungal agents only if methotrexate and
Diathermy positive culture glucocorticoids
1040 JAMA Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery November 2014 Volume 140, Number 11 jamaotolaryngology.com
36 (82)
7 (16)
8 (18)
6 (14) 12 (28) 3 (7)
15 (34)
9 (20)
4 (9)
3 (7)
6 (14)
13 procedures). In addition, in 6 of these 11 patients, the tance was 395 m (IQR, 285-445 m). After treatment, there was
lesion requiring further treatment changed over time. Four improvement in all the values (Table 5). The greatest increase
of 5 patients who had 2 to 4 intralesional injections with in PEFR and greatest reduction in Empey index were seen in
alemtuzumab in clinically fibrotic scars had a median patients with SGS. The median change in walking distance was
intervention-free period of 42.5 months. an improvement of 25 m (16.5%) in the 6 patients who had data
The results for each subgroup are listed in Table 4. before and after interventions.
Patients in the bronchi group had a more refractory course.
This is also seen in patients in the widespread group with a Adverse Events
stenotic lesion in each anatomical area of the bronchial tree Major adverse events included postoperative hemorrhages
(n = 9; median time with airway stability, 55.7 months; IQR, in 2 patients and self-limiting perforation of the airway due
46.9-98.7 months) and in those with SGS and stenosis in the to trauma from the bougie dilatation in 2 patients (Table 6).
secondary bronchi only (n = 8; median time with airway sta- Two patients developed chest infections after intralesional
bility, 95.7 months; IQR, 83.8-98.2 months). injections of alemtuzumab, although they were also receiv-
ing this medication systemically. One patient developed
Pulmonary Function Tests polypoidal granulation tissue in the area treated with topi-
Twenty patients had pretreatment assessments, and 26 had cal mitomycin C, which caused mild breathlessness and
data available for comparison before and after treatment. Data required excision using a flexible bronchoscope. One
for pretreatment walking tests were present in 9 patients, and patient had stents inserted in the main bronchi in another
there were data for progress assessment for 19 patients. Be- hospital, and these subsequently required surgical removal
fore interventions, the median percentage of predicted FEV1 after failed attempts at controlling restenosis with systemic
was 74.5% (IQR, 52.6%-83.2%); the median percentage of pre- treatment. Another patient died 5 months after a dilatation
dicted PEFR was 45.8% (IQR, 37.1%-76.4%); the median Empey with no adjuvant treatment from respiratory and renal fail-
index was 9.89 (IQR, 8.0-11.4); and the median walking dis- ure secondary to refractory active vasculitis. This patient
jamaotolaryngology.com JAMA Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery November 2014 Volume 140, Number 11 1041
had had a limited response to the dilatation, which suggests (28%-62.5%)10,17,22 and may reflect the focus on SGS in other
that there was alveolar disease. series. As in previous reports, patients with airway stenosis pre-
sented at an earlier mean age (37.6 years) (published range,
26-40 years10,12,15,17) than the general GPA population (pub-
lished range, 53-55 years23,24). However, the female predomi-
Discussion nance (73%) in our cohort is mirrored only by McDonald et al.4
This medical record review is one of the largest published se- The area most affected was the subglottis (36 of 44, 81.8%),
ries describing the airway management in GPA. The preva- and most patients with a single lesion had SGS (14 of 16). It is
lence of airway stenosis among patients with GPA in our in- not clear whether stenoses with the appearance of mature scar
stitution was 17.5% (44 of 251), similar to that reported in other tissue in GPA are fibrotic or whether there is an underlying in-
publications (12%-50%).2-4,9,15,22 Lower-airway involvement (30 flammatory process.15,25 Our results with alemtuzumab sug-
of 44, 68.2%) was higher than figures quoted in the literature gest that even in fibrotic-looking lesions there may be an un-
derlying inflammatory process.
Table 3. Characteristics of Procedures The proportion of patients who required only 1 proce-
dure was at the lower end of published data (11%-35%).10,12,15
Characteristic Measured Valuea
Continuous data, median No. (IQR) This may be explained by the long follow-up period in this study
Lesions per patient 2 (1-4) and the refractory nature of the condition. The number of pro-
Interventions per patient 3 (1-8) cedures performed (n = 213) and the fact that patients spent
Interval between procedures (median-IQR), mo 4.9 (2.3-14.1) just under half (45.7%) of their follow-up time with a stable pat-
Follow-up duration after last procedure, mo 27 (6.2-47.5) ent airway illustrates the refractory nature of the condition.
Procedures during active endobronchial diseaseb 43 (20.1) Patients with lower airway stenoses had the most refractory
Procedures during lung infectionb 66 (30.4) course (Table 4).
Methods of dilatation (n = 213)c,d The median interval between procedures was the same
Balloon dilatation 130 (60.8) whether patients were treated during disease activity or not.
Bougie dilatation 34 (15.9) Topical mitomycin C showed some benefit in patients treated
Laser dissection 24 (11.2) with thermal techniques or persistent stenoses. Our experi-
Diathermy dissection 5 (2.34) ence using carbon dioxide laser was favorable and without
Argon-plasma coagulation 5 (2.34) long-lasting adverse events. Although there are no good com-
Cryotherapy 9 (4.21)
parative trials, most authors advocate the use of mechanical
Adjuvant therapy
techniques of dilatations and/or radial incisions with intral-
Intralesional glucocorticoids 24 (9.3)
esional corticosteroid or topical mitomycin C.11,13,14,26 Initial
Topical mitomycin C 38 (14.7)
pulmonary function test results were consistent with airway
Intralesional alemtuzumab 9 (3.5)
obstruction, but 3 patients requiring treatment for symptoms
None 142 (55.0)
had normal pulmonary function findings. Pulmonary func-
Abbreviation: IQR, interquartile range. tion test results showed an improvement over time in objec-
Unless otherwise indicated, data are reported as number (percentage) of tive and functional measures, but more consistent data are re-
quired to confirm these findings.
Infection was defined as positive cultures of bronchial lavage or sputum.
The incidence of adverse events was 9%, and the inci-
Six patients treated with only glucocorticoids or alemtuzumab.
dence of adverse events directly related to endoscopy was 5%.
A total of 53 dilatations (24.8%) were performed under general anesthesia.
The rate of airway perforations (1.3%) was comparable to other
1042 JAMA Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery November 2014 Volume 140, Number 11 jamaotolaryngology.com
Symptoms and disease activity
Dynamic spirometry and incremental shuttle test
Nasendoscopy and bronchoscopy
Microbiology of nose, throat, BAL, and brushings
Chest CT scan
No Yes
Reassess Improvement Periodic reassessment
BAL indicates bronchoalveolar
lavage; CT, computed tomography.
jamaotolaryngology.com JAMA Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery November 2014 Volume 140, Number 11 1043
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