Ratio Analysis
Ratio Analysis
Ratio Analysis
1. Liquidity Ratios
Current ratio: - Liquidity and efficiency ratio that measures a company can pay off the short term liability
by using the current assets that owns by company.
- Large amount of current assets can easily convert into cash and pay off the liabilites.
- A higher current ratio is better than lower current ratio.
1,596,977 1,509,921
1,111,499 1,284,097
Analysis: Year 2017 has greater current ratio compared to year 2016. Therefore, 2017 is more liquid than
year 2016.
Quick ratio: - Measures the company ability to pay off the current liabilities by using quick
current assets, which can be easily convert into cash within 90 days.
- Often called as acid test ratio.
-excluded the inventory because may not easily convert into cash.
- High quick ratio is more favorable to companies compare to lower.
Analysis: The quick ratio also behalf like the current ratio. Year 2017 is more liquid than year 2016.
Cash ratio: - Measure the company ability to pay off the current liabilities by using
the cash and market securities of the company.
- High cash ratio is more favorable to companies compare to lower.
Formula: Cash
Current liabilites
119,614 171,640
1,111,499 1,284,097
Analysis: Year 2016 has high cash ratio compared to year 2017.
Working Capital: - Determines the company can meet the obiligation with the current assets.
- To determine of how much of deficiency and excess there is.
- When the current assets exceed the current liabilities its means, the company
has enough capital their day to day operations.
RM485,478 RM225,824
Analysis: Year 2017 has higher working capital compared to year 2016.
2. Solvency Ratios
Debt ratio: - Measure a company total liabilities as a percentage of its total assets.
- The debt ratio shows the ability of company assets to pay off the liabilities.
- How many assets the company must sell of in order to pay off the liabilities.
- lower ratio is more favorable then higher ratio.
1,211,237 1,482,370
2.723,214 2,646,267
44% 56%
Analysis: Year 2016 has higher debt portion related to assets compared to year 2017.It seems using
more debt and might put the firm under risk pressure but indicate high leverage.
Debt to equity ratio: - liqudity ratio that compare a company total debt to total equity.
- A higher debt to equity ratio indicates that more creditor financing than investor
- Higher debt to equity ratio are more risky considered to lower ratio.
1,211,237 1,482,370
1,511,977 1,163,897
0.80 1.27
Analysis: Year 2016 has higher debt portion compared to year 2017. It might not be normal and might
put the firm under risk but indicate high leverage.
Equity ratio: - Measures amounts of assets that financed by company or owner investments
by comparing total equity with total assets.
To shows how much of the total assets are owned outright by the investors, after
all the liabilities are paid off.
- To shows how leveraged the company is with the debt.
- Higher equity ratios are typically favorable for companies.
1,511,977 1,163,897
2,723,214 2,646,267
56% 44%
Analysis: Year 2017 has higher equity ratios compared to year 2016.
Equity multiplier: - Measured the amounts of assets that financed by shareholders by comparing total
assets with total shareholders equity.
- Indication of company risk to creditors.
- lower multiplier ratio are always considered more conservative and favorable than
higher ratio.
1 + 0.80 1 + 1.27
1.8 2.27
Analysis: Year 2017 has lower multiplier ratio compared to year 2016.
3. Turnover ratios
Inventory turnover: - Efficiency ratio that shows how efficiency inventory is managed by comparing
cost of good solds.
- This measured how much of turnover or sales of inventory in a year.
- two important components which are purchasing of inventory and sales have to
match the inventory that bought.
- High turnover is better than lower.
9,678,216 7,038,504
678,138 710,081
Analysis: Year 2017 has higher turnover compared to year 2016. The higher turnover indicates the
maximum utilization of inventory efficiently.
- Measure number of days takes in order a company to sell off the inventory.
Days sales in inventory:
- Measure value, liqudity and cash flows.
- Shorter days is better compare longer days.
Formula: 365
Inventory turnover
365 365
14.27 9.91
26 days 37 days
Analysis: Year 2017 has lower turnover in days compared to year 2016. The lower turnover in days
indicates the maximum utilization of inventory efficiently.
- Efficiency ratio that measures how many times a business can convert receivables
Receivables turnover: into cash.
- Hows fast can collect the debt from receivables.
- High ratio will be favorable.
Formula: Sales
Trade receivables
10,363,058 7,602,477
238,306 191,407
Analysis: Year 2017 has higher receivable turnover compared to year 2016. The higher the receivable
turnover indicates quicker chance of receivable collection.
Days sales in - Measure number of days takes to collect the receivables.
receivables: - Shorter days is better compare longer days.
Formula: 365
Receivables turnover
365 365
43.49 39.72
8 days 9 days
Analysis: Year 2017 has shorter days compared to year 2016. The lower the collection period indicates
quicker receivable collection.
4. Profitability ratios
684,842 563,973
10,363,058 7,602,477
7% 7%
684,842 563,973
2.723,214 2,646,267
25% 21%
Analysis: Year 2017 has higher percentage compared to year 2016. The higher the percentage, the better
the firm’s asset utilization to earn, because that means the company is doing a good job using
its assets to generate sales.
- Ability of a firm to generate profits from its shareholders investments in the company.
Return on Equity (ROE) - Important measurement for potential investors because they want to see
how efficiently a company will use their money to generate net income.
- Higher ratio is more favorable.
- Can’t be used to compare companies outside of their industries very effectively.
684,842 563,973
1,511,977 1,163,897
45% 48%
Analysis: Year 2016 has higher percentage compared to year 2017. In general, the higher the percentage,
the better earning capability against its equity, with some exceptions, as it shows that the
company is doing a good job using the investors' money.
- Efficiency ratio that measures a company’s ability to generate sales from its
Total Asset Turnover: assets by comparing net sales with average total assets.
- Higher ratio is more favorable.
Formula: Sales
Total Assets
10,363,058 7,602,477
2,723,214 2,646,267
EBITDA Margin: - Compare big companies that either have significant amounts of debt or large
investments in fixed assets because this measurement excludes the accounting effects
of non-operating expenses like interest and paper expenses like depreciation.
Formula: EBITDA
588,317 384,698
10,363,058 7,602,477
6% 5%
Du Pont Identity The Dupont analysis also called the Dupont model is a financial ratio
based on the return on equity ratio that is used to analyze a company’s ability
to increase its return on equity.
45% 48%
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