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Adolf Adam - Foundations of Liturgy - An Introduction To Its History and Practice (Pueblo Books) (1992) PDF

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Adolf Adam

Foundations of Liturgy:

An Introduction
to Its History and Practice


The Liturgical Press Collegeville, Minnesota


Preface IX


/11'I3a! Chapter I: The Nature and Importance of the Liturgy 3
M eaning and History of the Word 3
Nat ure of the Liturgy 4
Scopt' of the Litllrgy (/Is Subdivisions) 8
A Pueblo Book published by The Liturgical Press Agent (S ubject) of the Liturgy 10
Foumwfions of Liturgy: An lntroducticm to Its History and pnu;tict was Chapler II : History of the Liturgy 12
originally published by Verlag Herder under the title: Adolf Adam,
The Begillllings 12
Grundriss Liturgit. C t985 Verlag Herder.
Christian Liturgy in the Fourth to the Sixth Century 17
Design by Frank Kacmarrik The Western Liturgy in the Middle Ages 27
From the Council o/ Trent to Vatican 11 33
American adaptation by Alan F. Detscher Vat icanlJ and PostconciUar Developments 43

Copyright 0 199% by The Order of St. Benedict, Inc. , College ville ' Min-
d. C hapter III : The Science o f Liturgy 49
nesota . All rights reserved. No part of this book may be refod U: t m Historical Development 49
any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, includifig po.;
copying, recording. taping, or any retrieval system, withol,ll the vm en Tasks and Problems o/CO/Itemporary Liturgical Scimce 5]
pennission of The liturgical Press, Collegeville, Minnesota .¢pI. Sources and Tools 0/ Liturgical Science 54
Printed in the United States of America .
Chapter IV: The Litu rg ical Assembly as a Process of Communica-
tion 56
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Some Basic Principles 56
Adam, Adolf, 1911.- Liturgical LAnguage (Verbal Commllnication) 59
IGrundrus liturgie. English l The l.imguage ofLit1jrgical Signs 65
Foundations of liturgy : an introduction to its history and The Contemporary Capacity for Liturgy 77
practice I Adolf Adam ; translated by Matthew J. O'ConneU.
p. crn. Chapter V: Music in the Liturgy 80
Translation of: Grundriss liturgie. Historical Survey 80
" A Pueblo book."
ISBN 0-84 6-611.1-1
Liturgical Music after Vaticallll 86
1. liturgics. I. Title .
Chapter VI: Liturgy and Popular Piety 90
BVlj'6.Ay.13 1991
164'·01 - dao Chapter VII: Uturgy and Ecumenis m 93
Divided Christianity and the Ecumenical Movement 93

- -- ----- - - -

Joint Efforts in the Area of Liturgy 94 Chapter XIV: The Sacrament of Conse(fation (Orders) 206
TIre Lima Report and tire Lima Liturgy 96 New Testament Foundations and Historical Development of tile
Sacrament of Orders 206
Ordination of a Bishop 210
Chapter VIII: Nature and Importance of the Sacraments 103 Office and Ordination of a Presbyter 215
The Sacraments as the Ongoing Saving Actions of Christ 104 Office and Ordination of a Deacon 219
TIle [ncarnatiO/ral Structure of the Church and the Sacraments 105 Steps Leading to the Sacramerrt of Orders 222
TIre Sacraments as Collaborative Encounters with Christ 107 Liturgical Ministries for Women 225
TIre Sacraments as Radirnl Se/f-RealiZJ1tions of tile Church 109 Chapter XV: The Liturgy of Marriage 228
The Efficacy of tlte Sacraments 111 Chrisitian Marriage as Institution of tire Created Order and as
Sequence, Hierarchy, and TntercO/medion of tile Sacraments 111 Sacrament 228
Lines of Development in the Western Rite of Marriage 231
Chapter IX : Baptism 114
Celebration of Marriage 234
The Importance of Baptism 114
Ecumenical Weddings 237
Tire New Rite of Baptism for Children 116
Celebration of Betrothals and Wedding Anniversaries 240
The Rite of Baptism for Clli1drf/1 122
The Incorpo ration of Adults into the Community 127 Chapter XVI: Celebrations Peculiar to Religious Communities 242
The Rites of Religious Profession 243
Chapter X: The Sncrnment of Confirmation 133
Consecration of Virgins 245
Origin and Meaning Of Confirmation 133
Blessing of an Abbot 246
The New Rite of Confirmation 135
Blessing of an Abbess 247
Confirmation Outside the Rama" Rite 137
Chapter XVII: The Liturgy of the Dying and of Funerals 248
Chapter XI : The Celebration of the Eucharist 139
The Liturgy of the Dying 248
Origill, Basic Content, Main Unes of Evolution 139
The Rite of Funerals 250
Structure and Individual Parts of the Mass 143
TIre Forms of Eue/Ulristic Celebration 169 Chapter XVlll: The Sacramentals (Blessings) 255
Forms of Eucharistic Devotion Outside Mass 174 Basic Observations 255
The Postconciliar Reorganization 258
Chapter XII: The Sacrament of Reconciliation 180
Exorcisms 259
Biblical Foundations 180
Historical Development of Penance 181 Chapter XIX: The Celebration of the Liturgy of the Hou rs 261
The New Postconciliar Rite 183 Origin and Historical Development 261
Penance and ReconciliatiOlr Among the Separated Christians 190 Understanding the Liturgy of the HOll rs 266
The Postconciliar Reform of tire Office 270
Chapter XIII: The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick 193 Other Forms of the Liturgy of the HOllrs Within the Roman Rite
Biblical Foundatio ns, Meanillg, Historical Development 193 and Outside It 275
Tire New Rite of Anoillting of tlle Sick 197
The Anointing of tire Sick in the Noncatholic Churches 204 Chapter XX: Liturgicalllme (The Liturgica l Year) 276
Meaning and Structure of the Liturgical Year 276

,. ..
Sunday as the Original Celebration of the Paschal Mystery 283
The Liturgical Character of the Weekdays 287
Easter and Its Cycle of Feasts 288
Christmas and Its Cycle of Feasts 298
Ordinary Time 305
The Sanctoral Cycle of the Liturgical Year 315

Chapter XX I: Liturgical Space (The Church) 321

Theology of the Christian Litu rgical Bllilding 321 Preface
Historical Survey 323
Guidelines and Criteria for Church Arcllitrcture 324 All who kno w and love the liturgy as " the summit toward which
Names and Types of Liturgical Buildi"gs 327 the activity of the Church is directed (and) at the same time... the
TIlt! Fumis/li/Igs ofChll rehes 331
fount from which aU the Church's power fl ows" (SC 10) m ust
The Dedieatjoll ofClwrclles a"d Altars 340 deeply regret that interest in it and esteem for it seems to be on the
wane in broad sections of the Church. The phenomenon is certa in ly
Chapter XX II : The Uturgy of the Future 345 connected with a widespread decline in the strength of Christian
Reflectiol/s 0/1 Basic Pri"ciples 345 and ecclesial faith. For faith alone can open the eyes of the mind
TIle Recent Reform and Its Results 346 and focus them on the value and high dignity of the Christian lit-
Aspects oj the Liturgy of the Futu re 347 urgy. The old saying, "No one loves w hat he/ she d oes no t know,"
holds true in regard to the liturgy.
Abbreviations 352
The purpose of this book is to make kno wn the nature and struc-
Notes 354 ture of the liturgy and to present the most important informat ion
about the numerous areas that make it up. Despite the necessary
conciseness of the presentation, this "Outline" endeavors to give a
careful survey of the wideranging and many-faceted realm of litur-
gical actions. In any effort at a deeper understanding of the prescnt-

day liturgy it is necessary and helpful at every step to be consciOliS
of its historical evolution. Nor have I fa iled to take note o f the
forms of liturgy practiced in the Churches separated from Rome.
The book is a scientific compend ium and as such it seeks to meet
the needs primarily of students of theology and others whose task
it is to communicate the Christian message and the Christian life.
But it will also be of service to those who are looking for a more
comprehensive knowledge of the liturgy. May it help to make the
Christian liturgy once again know n and loved as "the most impor-
tant, the most urgently needed, and the most glorious activity that
can take place on earth" (Karl Barth).
Ma inz Adolf Adam
Part I

Liturgy in General

ChaplIn One

Nature and Importance of the liturgy

M fAr-'Ir<. G ~/<.[) III S TORY or THE WO~1l
The Gn",k .... ,,,..1 I~ilo"rg'" (verb: Le;lo"rxmr) is mad .. up of Ille n"un
"'80n • "w",k" ~nd Ille adjectiw iii", " "l;,.,I""lIinll '" tile ~ple"
(dcri\'oo /r,.,m 10>; . Ionian laos ="prop\l'")_Litc .. ll y tr.nslalt"d. In.-II,
lril""rgi~ m.!illS " work of tile proplc." In pr~ctic~. it w.s unde.-
~tood to """all s.e,vir:I'S p<'r/orrr><--d lor lhe g"ud 01 t!>@people,
wlletll ... by afflu..-.I (iti2'-""l or by whoI<' (iii ...... ~~, lur ... ~mpl~, 1M
f'Q"ipping of a choru~ in • Gn>cl:. t lle~t<'T. t"'" fi ning ""t of • ship,
the /....ding of a mix> ~t natioN! festivals, and "" on. u~, on, th~
t,.,..., incl"dt"d any pubUc ,...,...;{'\'"; from the "", """ «llll1ry o n it in·
cluded cuitic servia>~. "'elL
The $toptujgint (Ihe G ..... k trallSl.tion 0 / the! Old T""t~m"'I, da ling
from 25()..lSO B.C. ) u ..... the word for lhe se ....·.", given b~' the p.w.ts
.nd Le\'it<'S in tile lI'mpk, 11.... word ,><Xu'" """eral times in till'
Nt!"-' Testamenl witll til;, mcaning (U 1:23; Heb 9:21; 10:11). but it
is al!lO ust'd tllen' with otller meaning', for ins lance, c~ .itati'·c .ctiv·
ily (e,g" 2 Cor 9: (2) or III~ ,..".,-i"" ,....,derN 10 tile commun;ti~"S b)'
the angel! ( l-ieb 1:7. 14). It may .lso mUll "'worship of God" (Acts
] 3:2). Chrisl is onct' (~Il.-d "minist.". o f the slmctu.'ry ~nd 1M true
ten!" (I-kb 8:2), ond his ""n'''''' as medi.aIO. is (~lled ~ "liTUfKY"
(Heb 8:6).'
Tho! poslaposlOlic period used lrilou'll'" 10 n\C3n bOTh """'·"'t CJf
God ~nd 5oe"'0n> of 1M community. Gr~d""ll y, ",,,,,.,,,.tt', the C ..... k-
s~king East ~"l'd tile ...·ord for t..... ceid> •• !ioJl o f the Euo:h.·
rUt; i! h.n I<epTlhis meaning in Ih<' East e,,<,'sinn'. n......·",d was
originally un"""""" in tn.- ~ ~nd in illi p Ia"" nu"",rous utin ex·
presion' wr ... used for the activity of ...""hip: the!;e ha"e ~ur'
vived d own t<> Ou r time in inherj!ed prayers.' The wo.d "liturgy"
(I"II'S",) .... S imn oduced into the W''SI onh' in u.., ,iUC"t'111h cm1\.,,· Chri~t .. as ... nt by the r athet, he rum..,1f . IS() k'nllh~ ~P"'>tk':s.
d lid ly IhtOUgh I..... innu.enc.· o{ lho- humd~i.cs. . nd ... as ~ opted .' iiIit'd ... ,th th .. Holy Spiril. The" miSSion " .• ~ fi"!.lto] p",ach.
....·.. n by th.· Chu~ of th~ Kefornuotion in till' se,·""t'''e"Ilth ...d the gospd to ....<'t). c .... tu ... .... But the> ,,"0'" tllt'y p ",.chcd II,..}"
";ght<...'tlth co!1l!u, i.'S; in i", Wf.'SIem u ... it incl u<kd .U of Christi.n ......n · .1"" I" bring inw ,,"'-'<1 through the sacrifICe and the s.orr • .
" ·o rsh' p. II h.ld , h,,; rompnill'nsi"~ ........ in \he 191 7 Code of """,l_. tlw ...,..,.". "I I.... ,,·hoIe Iilu'8ic.llof.o" (A n . 6~ 1"() accom·
C."on Law. w hkh SLated th~t II " 'as for ,..... Af"l"tol k Set" <>.lone «to pli. h ><, g ...~ 1 a ...·orl<. Quist is . 1.... )·' presen t in his Churrh,
ord .... th .. ,",cred lilurgr ~ nd .pp,m .,. li turwcal books " (Co n. 1257).' csp«iall)' in ilSlitu rgical Cl'l<'brations" (Art , 7).'
II ma~' bt- mmt lor.t'd IN the .. ke of rompl.. t~nl"56l1'"'t the Il'l"m "Ii_ It f" lIo ... . /",m lhese slalements th.t th e ini tia t;"~ In the lilurgy Ix>-
turgiOl" is bd ;;.,d on the G .......'k .dje<:tiv" 1~'I()ugik . ... hich in thI s ",n . lon~> m (~ wl ; thai in illhe his tot)' ()f .. h-ati,lIl i~ ~ing c()nlinued;
Icxt n ...,d s to bt- c()mplelt."d by th~ noun ryislm(" .. "5(it" ,," ; th~1 thl' chil'/ ag",, 1 and primary actor in the liturgy is Chrisllh..
"lilu'S,c,. " It,us ",,-on, " liImgicaJ sciruc(". • Two Sf"nMS r:f Ih~ umd "iii",. high pril",t. 'r" Ihal e~~nt liturgy is primarily. Sr.ce ...·cnl, both in
gi5t" must Ihtrtjorr ", di5lilfxuisMd: s/ud,nl r:f lilurgy a"d rtll'b,alll uf the p",d amatio" of lhe di\'i"" ml'S;5;lg~ and in the sacraments (mys·
lilu rgy. Th, jor".,. ilf''l"!I Iig~''; ' N hi5loric~1 dn rlcpmml, tsSn!1,ai Sl,"{- I"'its ) w ith Ihe """,h.ol m)'S~I")' of Christ Ih." I. contained in IIK-m,
lu",. CI>n lru l" tf/«.IS. alld ",a"'frslQlimrs of' N lit urgy: IN lall" "". Tllt> purpow 0{ the lilurgy is the ... nrti ficat oon of hum .... b<~ n gs. Lit·
fur- lilllrgi<"IIl .'iclf~ urgy;lS "'on! and sacrament h.os t"",,·IOI<' ~ pnm~ril)' d,:s.-md,ng

r-;A TL' Rf OF Ht ~ lITl: RGY

f to r.ob.tr If' . 1",n uTt .

In .t"'""'pling to un<k>rs,and t ....... tun: of th.. liturxy ..... will be This duos not mean. """·....·.. r.lhat the hUm.ln bei ngs p~" iri""ting
besl .d'·i~ to begin wilh I.... stal......... tsof Vatic. n 11 '"", more aC- in tho> liturgy m.ly rem.lm ...,tircl ~· ""5s1\"~. IJ"....-:~uS(' Ih..-y ~ ..... <TN -
curately. those «... nd in its Constilution on th" Liturgy. which " 'U tu res f"l"5: ssing f!"l'<'dom ~nd inl<'lligmc~ th,,), ~ n' n"lui ....-d. fi",t ..I
th .. fru it of a <i«.od<.'S·lon g .. ffon 10 gain a w"""'"
und~t.lnd i ng ill. t() be ....ad)· to IK-ar and bel;"" ". to list.m and h".-d . ( ..",', ....ord
and pr~cti«- of th~ lilurgy. l"hc fina l """tenet'S o f ArtieI<' 7 c.n be ....... presses f..,. a n .ns..... r, his 10,·., for ~ n1urn of I" ...·; hi, Ke;>O" u,...,..
g. Med " 0"," ()f tn., most import"nl st.l~mcnts of lilt- coonrit: lion demands thai human beings th.lnk .,nd proi ,., him, B"t this
pr.lse and thanksgi\'ing is the .letivit )' nol of isolat' '<l indi" idua l,
"K iShtly, II-I<-n, the lituTXY is considcred as ~n p,erd"" of the pri~tJy bul 01 memb(on; of a I.,,· rc.ch in); "",,;,'1), th~t i~ dc,;cribt-d in Ihl' the·
om"" "I )•.,,,, s Ch rist. In Ih" Ii h'rgy by m,·.ns 01 sign s perct;ptiblp I() olOJ;y 0151 , 1'. ,,1 as. m),sti".] Ixxl)' wh",.l' h~.,<.l b C hr;,1 him"'lf .
lhe ... n.o;e;. human "neli lkali,,,, is signirn.xI and br""j;ht about in
Tho- n'!~' to God' s ","ing K lio" is Ih"s tilt: p'~ i"'" .. Here<! P)'
.... y~ propt.'f 10 eKh 01 t ....... <igns: in the liturgy the ... hole public t.... ""tin' Chu .... h. in which Chrisl jtrin-.
.. orshi p is po.'f follllCd by t .... MyslicallloJ)' 04 Jesus Christ. tNt i$,
b)' tilt- He.od .nd his mnnlx>". To ' his <'~h."'1 litmgk;>l d(ti..,n . 1.. , h.~ an IN"Ii/tIlg l~nat:..rr<J <Iru('
IwTl'. Li turKY h., ~ ....cund.T)· ."""' . ..........d. 'Y dC1ing su~t,
«From Ihls il lolk>\o'S IhA t ....<'T)' liturgic. 1 cel<'br aticm. ber.use it ;s
,,", metr. theChu .... h. The /oI1o... ing k~y k'nl<'tlceun the ... lo ... ""'...
an action of C hrist t .... 1'li1'S1and of his IIoJ r " 'hic h i. the> Church.
a5 • ha ndy definilion: u,,,'8) IS 1M /OInl <1<"/"''' uf /nu~ Ch'l:!'l. 1M hillh
is a ,,",red artio.m sutpO.... ing .11 others; no <Jth.er .ct"'"of the
~I. ami hIS arum. for 1M ",It ...,;"" <if h"m~" I>t-"'~ a"d 1M i/./IJli/i"' ·
C hu1'("h u n <'q". 1 its effucti.... 1W'SS by the sam~ litle and 10 the ... me lian uf IN w'",ly r alMr-. This action h.os ~1.'1() bto:n ri~tly de;;<:ribt,d
as I "di;>IOJ;U<' bet..·...,n God and h uman betn/ts,"' Lilurgy i. lhus
This ",,"'<.1Se mak~ il clear Ih~1 Ih.. lilurgy is not pri mari ly a not a """ ..... y Sin\.1 but. "hol y c""bo"g<'« (",,.,,,,,, '<"n .." ....'""n,).
human a<"ti \' lty bUI a ron tinuation 01 th" rcod~mpli"" ... hich God
In Ilght of this insight int() the """""" " f tilt: liturgy tilt, ;",,,ffi·
has acwmpll sh.aJ in )''SI'' Chrisl Ihrough Ihc H()l y Spiril." As d l'ncy. and C\'.·n 1.lsity, of many COJl(cpHons 0 1 it t>ccom~ c1e,,,,
, ,
This is l ru~ '''''P''<'iall y 01 lho> wid f'Sp.~~d dek... ti\,e ,'",w thaI tho> lit· sup II'mc Koman .uthoril~tive body th~t "'as fi.st t'St.blished aft.. ,
u,1O' is 11M' ~um·toldl 01 all the «'remoni<'5 and rubrics fa. dh'Lne V.tic"n II tode.1 ,,' ith liturglc.1 q.-h.Wl' "'. s g"''''' tlw n. me
,,·,=hip. Nu~ XII had .I ....~y <JfIJ'06"'d this sUJ'E'r&ia l "iew in his ~Congres.tion for [)i,.int> Worship " (Co~~I" pI'\! rullu dit·"",). It
Encyclical Mnliarat' Drr (lINn. in "'hkk "" wrole: is gratifying thdt the nt!w C"d" "I Canon La w (1~3) takes o\'<:r
botk el.-ments in the definition of ttw.' liturgy given in t .... Constitu-
.. It is an .... '0., cO/\'le<ju''rltly. and a mi't~ ke 10 thln k 01 tho> NCred lit·
ti"" on "'" U lurgy: &em..- 01 ttw.- priestly offKl" of Christ. ",ho
urgy as me",ly the outward 0. "isibl.. pol" 01 di"i .... ",OIShiI' or as
uncrifi... humanl<ind, and " tIM: whol.- 01 tlw public ",orship (cuI.
an umament.1 «,,,,,,,u,,,.I.
Nu k-ss .... '''nrous i, It... notion th.1! it
t w~) 01 God thai i< Cdrried (n by tl.... my,tical Body of Joosus Christ.
consists solel ~' in a liit 01 laws and p •.s:riptiuns according to wkkk
tilllt is . by th~ He~ and tt.., mem"""" · (can. 8.'4),'"
Ihe ecdesi.,tkal kier ..chy u.dcrs thr "",red ri tf'S to b., performed."
ll\e dialogic,,1 ""ture ul ltw.-!iturg)· is abo a commonpl""e in mol")'
In tt...- ' '! ",estanl world. too, ttx-.... " ... til ..... ,,'110 tend to regard t....
Enngellcal theok>gians, l hus £. Loh ...... y.... "'rilf'S: - All rultic ""ti,' -
liturgy as simply a .... of ...gul'lion. go",,..ning tt... e~ se of of-
fie.. or as a " mantle of prayer' th rewn m"" il.' A compl.,rcly mis-
ity on the I'd rt of man is men:!y ""0<111> to God's <1(1",. the .espo"""
(Antu"OI'1) to His p.-...:eding woro(I'/o,r) _\1 P. Brunfll". who is famil-
t.ken ~S<nI:nI 01 tlw liturgy, rl.H,nd in man)" depth psy(!'ologists
Iar ""ilh tl><-Idea of -..I,·arion·..,,""t In wt,.,J,ip.· " writ ....: '1"l>e
.nd "'<>ciologis.s, res.nJ~ it.as simply a "'" of lIighl}' de\... lnptd .~'1tt"
sid<> of spirilual .cti,1ty in worship ;mmed iat~ly directed to God IS
bois of socialiution; "'."" an enlighh-",ed at h<'-ist like A. Wrt'f\ze.- I•.
baS<'d excluslvelv on th", octi "it)' th ,,'Ullh which God .dd ll'!;se!'
ment>; I h~ (supposed) d,,,tructiun 01 th",,- ,,,mb,,I.:
Himself to man ~ nd oilers him and ':'''''''1'' to him His gilt of uk.·
Wide;;p<c~d, 10<.>, is th .. idmlificalion o f liluTf;)' with rult.. 0<' wor- lion. n,.. \Nord "" ohos the ""pons.-, t .... gift 01 God ....-0h-5 man's
,kip. By "rull~ (from co/r-Tr ~ to culli". "'. tu 1>0"".) is ""'ant t .... de,·orion toGod .~u
honorin g 01 God in prai"" and tha nksg i"ing .•Ism and symbol.,
The sing l,· c",rm"n w ord IhO! best e~pr"""'" this undcThtandin~ of
,,,ug and music. and th.. most d i,·..I'W kinds "I ~cri fici.1 rilual.,
liturgy is duubtl.", ttx- word GoItNd"",sl, -_,· ic~ of God. - lIut
The focus he", is on wNt human bcings ,,.-lIle Chu.d! do.-.. 10
thm t .... phr.se · ofGod" must M u ....... not onl)' a~ ~n objr.:ti'·e
honerCud and win di>' ln" fa, ·or; tkat is. it i~ on the~"",nd ing
genilh-e but .\~ os. <ubl"='i\'e geniti",-; th.t i,. nol onl)' d",,, I....
m,,,,,,m""l, tlw> actiQ of human being~, Pius XI I still d<u'pl«l thi. un-
community """"c God, bu t God al ~ ,;e"'",, th~ wmm unil y. in tl><-
d""",,ndinll 01 litu.gy wt..,n he w"'t~ in MeJ.,lo. (Jri:
""'ing "",",'ic .. I-..: has pcrfor""-"<llnr I' In Christ. who Solid tNt h.-
"Th.-~ lilurgy ;,;. COI'I'"'<Ju.....lly. ttx- publ ic " 'orship wkich <nIr had rome"' ",~ ,<> ""..,,,·ed but to .........·e~ (Mt 20:28; Mk HU5). It is
Rede..omer as Head of Ih('Chu lTh rend.. ... 10 t .... Father. ., well as with thislwnfr.ld m~3n,nK in mind that r BruMff entitles Iwo "',,"-
tl-..: worship " 'hich t .... com mu nity of the faith lui ",nd" •• to il!; lion s of his bl~ ,k on won;h ip: "Worship as 3 Se"" ice of G:,J m tn.:
Founde r. and through Him t" Ih~ lw"" enly F.rh.... II is, in short .'t-.. Congregation· ~nd "W<mhip as t.... Congregalion·~ Se"';':" Bt1'''''
wor,;hip rend.,-"d by ttw.- Mystical Bod)' of ChriS{ in the ""tiret)· of God .·"
ItS H Nd and ..... mbers. ..
Ulurgy thu s understood is on~ of tt... ,-",,~ri "1 ~xp .... sions of the
It mU.'t tw.,w",'e. oc said in defens<: of the cn<:ydic.1 th.t the de- Church'. l il~; it is """ of tlw> Church'. bo"ic function~. t.... ollll'rs
scending ffiO\·...m.mt no! mmliOl'lt'd h......, is gi"en ils du~ in other bring the prod~mation of the faith ("""'yrio) and t .............iC(" 01 •• "
f"ssages. In gencr. to ..... ....,..;,~ tt... imp~n in ..... ding thrdoc· Iislance to nt~ (dUd:uniD). ll\e C~itution on lhe Uwrgy does
umeotsul the Churrh thO! lhe w"rd "c ull. " rontn . y to ilS propt.. not hc:sital<' to assi gn it the highest pl.~ "I a ll. fo,;1 dc-scribcs it as
me.ming. has Inc",asingly been given a more comp "'I-..:nsl\'e sen,;e " the s um m;, toward which t.... acti"it)' of the Church is din.... I.-d ..
that includ,.. Ihe d""'mding mo...... m""t of .. nctification. Thu511w and "the font from "'hidl .u "'" Church'. P"""'" /low." (An. IOJ.

NNo 011,,·, oK. i"" of tOO Ctll. rrn Can ''qual its effur!i,''''''-'» b)' t.... et). 01 m.n,I~I~li""s. AI the €""I~, is und'lUbl<'<II)' II\(' 1')Kha n , 1
,..."'" till., and to ....... ~me dt>g......,N(A rt. 7). Jhesj:, s uper l•• i'·r$! ,ni. ,... hkh n'Odt!n< p""""nl I.... p.:tsd"'l m)'<I'"')' of Ch rist. nd Ihu~
tidily mAd .. many o i I...... council F.. thers .nd Ih.... logi.ons ""'I un- brings wl,·an"". IIt.-LdU"" the Eucru.ri,1 is t ...• b.>si~ . nd fotJntain-
""S)·. Hu. if "'e .... 0«1 Ih .... he liturt;)· spnngs f",m the potKh.1 "t..,.
hod of alililu rgy. 11\(' 0 1...... ' p.:t,,, d,,, ..· Ilwor life 10 " g .... 0'
my"'"')' of Chri:ll . nd rna""" rho: froi" 0/ .his mp.<"')" (~ I,·.rH.m 01 lesser e~lml from t..... Eucharisl . .o", mcasun;<l .ond cro .......'CI by il.
hum.n b.~nK" and suprem~ glorification of God) ~H<,<.i<·~ ly pr{'S- . nd a", lon tcd lik .. t:on<"Cnlric circ le!; .oround il. Th iscm ltdli, )· of
enl, then no olht.' f action 0/ th~ Church c.on be ~id 10 be mort' ,·.Iu- lhe [uclun .. is also " mphasi~,'<1 by Enn):dk ollhcol,,.;i.,,,,, ", '.,..
.ble, mn", dfic. rious, '" mo", n.,,,,,,,,,,y. (This is not '0 d""y tlut Holy Comm .. ni,,., .... or,;.hip "',vin' is II,.. hidden . "ibunt c~n"'t of
among Ihe .sp"'<"ifk parts of the lilurgy the celebr.lion of tho- Eu, h._ all ... orshi p "".\' ic .... If the;.: deta.-h them"' I,'",,, f",m Ihi" cenler. il
ri'l lak.,,; lir •• pl.,c.) Th" "" m" hi~h "olue is . 1", "'. on the lilurgy lhe Holy Communion worship "'''' K'' is no lon ~,'r p1\"S(''''''CI ,IS th..'
by snrne E"an):I'lk,,1 th.'Ologi."s; K.rl (l."th, lor ~xamplc, .... ril('S: ,"Il
<:erucr 5\1pportin ~ Ih,· tit(' "-o"hip lift-. H"," Ih,,!,<' d,..." h,><;l ... , _
"Christi.. n ''''',,' k,' 01 God' is the mo,t import.nl, th~ mOlit ur);"ntly viet'S "'ill ....'<",'Sl!.ri ly b..'<{lm,' slu nh:d "nd d",,,,/,-'<I, ",.
needed, .. nd If,., most ):Iorious act;"il\' th.t c.,n take pi""" on
... rth ."" ' - n... other ... n dmt"'l, fom> .os it ""'n' • ~it("I,· ."""nd I.... hKha risL
Firs' in Ii"", al"<' I...• ""<ram~"'''' o f ..-birth (iniliarion ), n.m"'~·. bap-
Tn.. lugh rank .",'g"'-'<I to Ih" liturgy is not .'<Iui'·.I .....1 10 a cla im of tism and c\)nfi m>ari,,", " 'hi,h inm'pm.I,· I>.'I~',·."" In'" It.., C\lm-
e"eI ..s.i\ tty in ,he (.nurc:h·5 lif~. TIt., <noneil F.thers I.ne;.' . hat m Ullion of tl\(' Out("h and briRg all , ...... df<'Cts o f i:'d(l' thai Ihis
m.ny other tI"n!\,> Iud to PfKede tt... litUTgy; for "".mple, mi)~, PO" "" ftlt.1i1s no., ....."'''''.." of pt"'One.,.ond It..' dnotn rinH 0' the
Of}' p .......hing. th .. n"" ·...-sioll . lId turning of homan beings to lick bring hrl p to C hn,;ti;ons in "J".'rial siluannn, . T ...',.....,. ."""'t, ui
Christ, and ~dint'S.~ to b....:ome p.:trt 0/ .. mmmonity o f bmthoon; onkrs and m.,';"g" SummuO th"m In "'P"<"i~1 In rm" of "''''in! in
.ond sistc~. In .ddin,,", I, IUT):K.I iKti"iry' rna)' not be left In 001 .. - the OUR'I\ .. nd "'lo'p Ih...... for lhese r .......om""", of SUttS oIlifel_
Ii, ... Thoe;o.> .... ho.n! (',"stanlly bring mOIl! full y incorpor.oled imo A further import.nt area of lit urgy is IIw procL>millinn of God' s
Christ in.nd Ih""'Hh Ih.' liturgy knO"" th.1 li k.. him lhey ha,·.. . word throogh ,..,.ding and p,eachin);.. wh,,,hcr in ct",,,,-.... i,,., wilh
dotr lo ..... k ,h~ ",, 1\'~lion 01 "II human being'. Th .. lilUrgy gi'·... th ,. lhe celebrari<ln 01 It... """ram",,1S ," in inJ"p""Jcnl ," ""in '" 01 . h"
'i~hl mOli"orio n dnd st n·n):lh 10 O'"ermme ",11-n"t,'A.'dness ~nd to won:!. Vatican II sf"'ah of the "table of the ",ord ." " 'hich i. d." .........J
d"",>I" on<'5('11 .. "sel/ish ly 10 lhe ser"ice of nne', 1(>11 "", human boo. .hould be 5<'1 mo", I" 'ishly (Litorg)' Constitution 5 I I. T.... pr.)'e, of
ing< dnd the ,.., 1\·,U;on "I the entire world . Th" gilt .. .c",·ed in the .he Hou1'5 likewi~ has an important function as a dn,l y !K''''k~ of
lilurgy mu,t n,"'~r I~~d to ""lh'dti,loc\ion bUI mu,1 '.ther bc<:ome p,.y .. r alld "'adlngs, Anot ...... r at("a of the lilorgy is ,h~ s.>c",m.. n·
• lask 10 1>.' .... rompll!<hed in a nd fo, th .. kingdom ol(,.. >d . ThC'Sl' IiIls. thai iJ.. ("Ol\SC'C"la lions ,,1Id bl ... sings of ....... mosl di"erSt' killd s_
ron<.idt:'a'ion~ dCMlr sho... ho.... ungrounded i< lho.' obj<o<:rion that Finally.ll lurg)· in a broader ..."... indod ... speo::l.l gath,'rings for
high n>g.ord lor Ih~ IIIorg)' ",.. d, 10 • d rultifkdtion "I ChriSI;"n life." .... on;h ip (<<-,Xltions. , .."'mo"'.... processions) "'hkh "p.> rt"ul~r
On lhe on., hdnd , 100 lilurgy emb..>di.", I...... ""enkal " di"""",i"" Chor("..... ~ undertake N;oo:urding to (US! """ or books L>wfully ap-
(humon being_--Godlthat U n """.". be eliminaloo; un tho.' <"iIcr, il prolled (Art. 13). T"I1eI<' forms of "'orship ~dn " 'uh ~ood "'' !<Jfl b..'
impos<"! the obhgdriOIl 01 st, i"ing fo, a to' 10;:t I"' ing 01 1.... " hori, described is dooc..... n litu~"". allhclUgh I"" I. uo.gy C"",,"lurion
''''"ta l" d""ens ..", (h .. mdO bemg~fell,,,,' homan beinS-lnI ildillg SOleU to d istinguish them from IIw lilu~y prop.-r. wh ... h "by its
of Ihe ....o ,ld ) . nd lhe 51n.'flglh to do "', very "'Iu~ far 5"'1''''-''' .ony of them (Art . 13}."

S('O P[ or "J", 111 L Ke y ( IT S SU BD[\' I StONS) Cenlnli~.ed 1\'I!ul~lion 01 t...... lil .. rgy ,n e .. e-n il:l smal""l delails ha s
lit urgy . s di.I"HkJlly underslood ""vice 01 God has. "'ide "ari- beom I ",.lI ty in the Ch ur<:h especially sinC<' I.... CounCil of T",nl,
... d il C<'rt.lnly has. positi" e "al"e in.s m",h as it he lp" ..t",i.t,·
, ,
.. , e..-.s .nd aberrali""". CompleN- cemral i,.ation ;,; not. ho"'."otr. H.
of thr Jilurg:,' and !o ,,' hich lhe fa ithful h" ',, right and dut)' b)'
to b(o ronsidelVd ~n essenli~ 1 principle o f ,ht: Iitu'8Y; this is qu,to:. renon "' their baptism " \ Ar1 , H ). An inh.' rior spiritual and "",ntal
d ... , from ,..... w~y ,ho. litu<gy ,"," o:.loped during tht' Ilrst e..... turit'S p.ttnicipation is uncond it ionally ~u i ..,.j and is p rimary; but be--
of t..... C hurch 's life. FOT thi s ",.son ,00 qu<'Stion of ... hat is to be ..... uus<' .he human b<.ing i. a cumposi t~ 01 body and .".. 1, til<' int.'rieI,
g~NN a s lilu'8Y, th.t is, as «desl.1 "-',,"""ip, should not be 01'- seeks. vi,ible and "ns ibl" bo.ldily C. prt'SSiOfl, This ""Ii"" partkipa-
pro.lchoxl In too narm", ~nd timid ~ spirit. Wh~lI<'ver a local t\Ofl can, of cOUrs<', taM! man y f",ms and b<> manif"';I<'d in a "ari~'y
C hu rch under its biShop, or ~...'.. n • limite<! rommunity or group of way" for " .ample . ..:dam.tions. f'l'Sp<l{lSl'S, pray.... , and j;Ongs
,h.ot ~ ccep ts the teadling of ' h .. Chu rch, gathers 10 he.r God 's ",oN of vari"". rypcs; corMpOnding pI>stUl\'S, .uch . , bow ing.
~nd to pray and sing rogrlher, Chrisl the high priest i. pl\"Sl'rll (set' genufk.-ding. kn..,1ing.. stand ing.. .or><t sitting; gl'5lures wllh the
MI 18), Therefori' "",eh • 5lT\'ice Is also p.~m".1t'd by the paschal hands; and external .ction~ such .o~ the pl'O\'i,ion of the .. uchan>tk
my~" I)' a nd is lot- tht: gIoriflCalion 01 (,oOd .nd lhe sal"alion 01 gifts and ch.aritable rontribUrinlb, Nor shooJJd .ttention of ear and
I~ ... ho cdebta,e it. Why, then, should n", 1"" . . . . . .
ti.1 d H'ini " ~ and . .. ~ul ....:t nwd".tin , sik-n .... b., oml!1t'd from this lis.
h"n "f lilu rgy a pply to s uch "''''i«'s? (~ Art. 30), It I. undoubledly an implnl .nt "-"'POrtSibilit)' of •
lruly pasloralliturgy to help the failhful I" this kind of participa-
AC~N r tSU a,r CI ) Of TH[ 1IT L ~ GV tion and.o show the m its d~'.:.p<" m~.nin ~ .
Ren,'Clicm Un Ihc n.tun" of the liturgy lias . In'ady made it clt.a, llial
tlK> Iw o ess<-nlial .g~""s of CM' ti • ., wI)",hip • .., CM" and Ihto Certoin groups among th~ laity ploy 0 sp<'ria l rol".s "Soffits of .h~
Chu rch. In a concret~ Iitu<gical cek>bra.ion Ih~ Clluf(h i. the gath- litu'llY' The Constilution on Ih~ l.iturgy ""pr<'SSly 5.Jys thai -serv-
"",d comm un i.), OT gmup. In I~ ga therings I.... office hold...,. as. ruder.>. rommmtalo rs, .Ind n",mPers " f Iht- <hoi. , .. e~ercise a
,,' ho a re appo;nt<'d SU<'h by Ihe !.OCram.... , 01 orders w ith its thn.., gmuilW lilurgic. l functlon~ (Art. 2 ~1. Tu ],., add"oj aT'{' those who.os--
d"SlWS. namely, bi,J,op:.. priests, and de..-""" haw a ~al p"si- sist II communion; th" appointed leadeJs of "'rvic"" al ... hidt ' h .....
II no priest; organists, Un!o ... and. in a _ , ".,,,,, "",-tons or _-
tion . Nume,..".... litu<gical ..-lions are resen.'oo <-xclu.i,..'ly to them;
in m.>ny areolS of tile liturgy ..... reason foe .his """"".t;'>11 is nOl mUollS. n.......... n.~ undoubtedly presu ..... nol only th" requiSite
' imply 1l'l',1 !'\'Sulation butth .. po5S'-'Ssion of SM,am<",I.1 powo!r, sklJls bul. solid liturgical fonnalion."
But t"" laity 100, br reason "I thl' "nivl'rs<!1 priosthood bl'stowed o n An import.nt p.rt is al5() pl~yoxl by the liturgical rommirrl...', ... hich
''''·m in b,'ptis m and c"nfirma!ion. are acli,"· agl'fl " in the mul'j!:y: rep~" the parish « ",n(il in this are. of .Cli,';Iy; ils function is
'''''y an.' "~ holr p"",mood , I" o ff", spi ritual oacri ficl'5 accepl.ble to work d"""ly with tk p.>rish priests /or the belt pI..,;ibl,' liturxi·
to Cud through jt'S'" ChriS! " (I 1'("\ 2:5; we \'. 91. The indi"idu~1 be-- ell """'~ "
1;",'t't'S 1'......"'1 at liturgical """. ~ a re th"",fo", called upon ' 0
Of"'<' t"""""'I'..... to tiM> won.! 01 ('oOd. to unite with lhe cum mun itr
in oIfe-ring ilS pra )... r of pra ;';". thanksK"'ing.. and pelition. and to b(o
"' i!neses to C hris. in f. ith. hoI"'. and k,,:r both during and .fu~
lho> ~n. ' ino ,

V~1ic.m II Sums up aUlhi. in th~ phr."" ... (tiv~ participati",, "

(p" rl "tpllt~' "'1"'''''1. The Constitution ,'" Ih~ Liturgy 'p<'aks in n,l
It,...... tha., 16 pa .... g'-'" "f Ihis attitud~ Ihat is n:qui red "l lhe faith ful.
and OC'Kribl's it in g"'"-"'" d"ui l a~ a full. consOous. acti,'''. d .....''''' ..
and "..mm unal participation ... hk h is ",ll...t for by u... v<'<)' nature
galhered at til<.' beginning "'os . he 'ffl\pl~ ...... her~ O\f is'i.n ~ joined
theIr Mlow Jl"'<~ foo- t ....• ,radi lim",1 po.:riods of pra)"" r.' Mean"'hilto,
howeve" tl1(> !\.'''''rin,.;~ in.he homes " I Chrbrians "'''''' bo.'COming
in<:nl~singly imp''''''n!. n.... tt'mpl~ had ce.o."-"! to "". lUI' Christians,
Chaple r Two
the onl)' pl .. « of lilu'SOC"J o, ,,,mbly. The ,""c,"unts 01 ""-'als talo>n
w ith.ho: ri",,, Chris' and the miud ., "" Pen"-~t ",.k" i. d e .. that
communion with th,· rise" l~,rd and.he .....,d ing 01 his Spirit "''''''
not ,ied up ..... ith u..., '~mple.
History of the l iturgy
Whi. "'.os do,,", • • ,.,.".. dt,m<'Sl.k g.rh.".ing,;? Tn., A~h ol.he Apos-
In , ..... folk''''ing ...",'''Y it is imp'»>ible do more .h.n triK"t' Ih.·
tles s"". k of the b",.king "f b"',ld ;lnd meals •• ken "",i.h gl.d and
main hno.>S in the d""dopment (,f 11K> Ch";stia n li .u rgy. In ord"r m
generous hea rts" (2:46). In the ligh' ,,f ot""r p.o_ges of Krip.u re
amid "'~tion5, I ,",,~II ~s f~r i;; possibk Ic~,·" d""ciopmrn l5 in
(~.g" Acts 2(),7; 1 Cor 10: 16ft.; 11 ,17-34) " 'e can go lurth", md "'y
s pt'Cific ~nl.~ o f tho- liturgy '0 lho> d i..... ssiom o f tho50:' ,,,,as in Pan [I
'NI the<", "",al s indud t'd btlth frat .... n. l .ogapori .nd eucharistic
of this bouk. Fu rtht·rmo..... ,he ~mphasi, wi!! I,.. on ,h,' his'or\" "I
meals. Con ....'Ctro wi.h 'hem Wt·", ,h~ praise of God and prarero!
,h~ W''St~m lit",gy. •
peti .ion (e.g., Acts 2: 1-1, 2~, 42, ~1; 4:2-1-31; 12:51» . It " -e n. almost
The dt',·<iopmm. of t ..... litu rg)' II.os brom romp.a n,.! 10 ...... grow, h of w ithout ... )'ing that J""'ish lorm. of prar'" surh.s the Bn-lIkolh
~ I"", .h~t lIa, its """ , in .h" p";miti\"C rommunit)" b", J'<' l1l y ,,~, in ("blessings," "pra;o;es") and individual wonl s ~u<h as " Alld"ia,"
Iii<.' p,..,..Q)ri, tian p"";"d ,1!ld <>Spt'Cial ly in J"wish worsh ip. In .h.. • Amen," and "H"""nn~ " should boi! u';w . The c"m m unity knew
rou rse " f Ihe """turi"';1 has pu, forth n .....· brand,.", bUI tht.", tN • •""y """"-' ~~u""" of I"" prc5l'l1«" of the Lord (MI 18.20; 28;20)
dropp<."! many of u...m again;;1 has grown " in gre., , 'a";'·I)·. bu. and ofhi. prumised Spirit al.lI 01 their li lu'l\ka l ga'herings. In ad·
n~'·""lhe l t>S.< is ,1 sing l" ",ho).. tha. d,''';'''''' its ""uri shm",,' fro m .h~ dition, .he m~mory of G"d '~ sa" ing deeds w~ s kepi alive by the
,'i.al ... ~l lh.' is jcsu;; C hri ... "' AnoI ...... romp.arison often used is 0 ~hing of. he ."""tlcs and lhe other "1<...'Wit~ 10 Ow li l<> ol
buildinS_ ,..",1<>, 1m ,,,,anlpl.·, or ~ ch un:h-,,''''''''' or'ginal plan JfttJf . This "school of failh« """bled ,he individual discipl.. no1
h.s be;,n noubl y .h,,,,-<d in tl.... (0" "" of tim.' by con,·cr. ;"", or ad · only '0 hold f. st to .h" Ico>ching ol,iI<.' ap'"tlt'S (A~'" 2;( 2) bu"o bo!--
ditions and by n" ... int.·rior d"",,~. Th.· origina l form 's o ften not come in 'um a witne.s lo .he go<><l ...... "' •.
rl'Cogni, ... blc.' firs! gla",e and , om .... brought.o ligh. only b)' ""
The Uturgic.r as",mbl)' on Sunday b«ame p.art icuta rly importanl
••",.i.·" stud~',' Such s tudy ak",,· ,~n a l"" pnwide ent<"';a for de""r'
"' an ea rly s,age, This first day 01 tilt· wl'<'k WO j "Iso tilt· dn y 01
mining ",h(1her Iht· ,11t,·ratio". a rt' coht'nm, with th .. ,,,.igi,,al lor,,,
Christ's "" uTn'<1ion; i. was con""luenlly th.· appropriait' d.)' 10'
and inwntio n and wh<.'lht·, ,,,,d ho", re/,,,,,,§ ~"·'o bt· uM ....... ken.
~Ilting .his ba.<i< object "l lo.i.h in Christ (...", Acts 20:7; I COl 16:2;
l tt( 6 H .d '· ... ''<G S Rev 1;10). From 1 Corin .h ia"" 5:7, w t\(>", Paul , ,,' i.h his eye on . he
TI". i_I'"",!' ill 110,' Sew T.·,'am~'" W,ilmg' Jewish ritu. l of Pa.s<.>Vcr, sa),s: "Chrht, our r as"",..er lam b, lias
TIw,> N.,w T•."lam.>nt gh"<" no , ~)'sttm\.'K d •....,ri pti.m of th.· oriS"",1 beoen !laCrif~," we may inler Ih.1 East... bt>cam., known at I ,-"')'
Christi .. n lI,urgy, b."" does pnII'iJ<, m.")· d ..... ,J ... nd allu>ions elfly Ii""" a§ the «annual [Chri~tian[ Passm·"r." 0.,." 10 , ..... .... ing
even, that occulTl"<i on . ha. day t h~ Jewish leas, 01 P.osso.'~r ,ook on
.hal ""lu i"'" "".""",1 in terpn·t"tinn.
l 'lw,> \"ems rcs,,!.rl y u,",-"j in th.· N~'" 'I',,,,t.o"""' t lor .he- Ilturgical ~I­
a n<:'W meaning for CM .. ians, although i. i, probable ,ha, ",...-iSoh·
ChriIlian communiliol'S only grad .... Uy brole., a",.y romplett>ly from
..br.!tons " I.he primi.i.... <communi.y an, «co","" tog.... her" aM «.. ~. the Jewish fe.I~1 H a """me"",ration o f Old r"'ta m.... , ""h' •• ion
~mble " , ' Tn., pl.~e in "'hi<h 'M primi'i.'~ ",mmunity 01 Jerus" lem history,'

A basic form of liturgy in!rw N~ .... l'-",!a!m~nt Was trw adminls/r~ ­ As n."etics and p,..·"dll<h •• ;'"'~lics appe~rt"J on th.· ~c t" ..... rd
lion of baptism. WMtllt.. tilt, <:<'rt'fl'Iony ...... already linked to !he the ~-nd of thi' fiflit ",,,,,ury Iht:n> ..... s an 1I1<"t'Nsin;; ronc~"'" for pu-
w""".Iy or annu.1 ·· .... ,..h" i, a 'I"""ion !ha! ,annot b« ans"....""J ril)' of doctrifll' and hl"rsy. Th" CO,,(Wn ;s t'Sf"'Cialir dcdt in til<'
with certainf)<from !/w:< N"w Tt'"Sume<I! writings. Pastoral utters.
Anotht'r to,! of " .!tich th~ N~ .... Te;tamt..,! shows a /i.eo'n awa".." .,.,. - 0nI}< "ffic-e-holdt'--..nd sp<.nficaUy tp"~;~poJi. pm/oy'~roi and
'.... that Inu ......110 lIim",lf fOl"ga" " , ilt!i, Iud gi""n his Chu rch au - " .....""'-.... 00 haw thcn plact< In th~ lirK' of aposlolit" su«eo<sion
thority to forg;"~ silt!i by tl>.-I"' ''·.....fTh.· lIo1~' Spi ri! (M! 1(>;]9; through the laying on of h.tnd>. Iu",,!lw risht toact in tn.., name of
18:1S. 18; Jn 21.1:2.1). e'·...,
JlI'SUs. in .... Oflit"p. Tht' f"nctions pri',' loosly bdonginK to the
n......- i. no doubi tha! !.... primi!i"" Chrislian 'ommunili<"S t'"SI ~b­ teachl'ls ""d prophets haw I'oI)W p.o.-d to tnes.. m.,,, .. _. l'ropht.-<y
lishcd • d OS<" link bo:1"'\'<m theil lord 's word and ..,.ampl~ r<'8a.d· is mmtinrlt'd onl}' in passing ( I l im 1:18 ; ~: ]~ ). Tl\is d",'\'IOJ>"1'-""t
ing loving ....,.,.irr of ""'ighbol and lhl~, "turgic.1 5l"r\<Kt'"5 and th.! had as an in", it.>bk< (onso."Iu •..,..~ a s, re;s on t..... offICial ~nd juridi-
they , ...rled this link on.. into thei l t"'l'ryda)' lin'S. ra"""'SC" "",h c;a] !<ide of lhe liturgy." •
~ s Act. ~ :32, :w; 6: I; Rom.", 12. ]0, 13. ma ke thi~ d ea •• Thi~;, the at-
1M /.llutgy JIIIM U>rll~""" <! tltt- S«cord ~mJ nll,d C.... ,II''''''
ti\1.lde 10 .... hicll Paul c .hons Ch,is/lans who...., he "fK';'S them to n. Did;,("". "r T...... hlll,~ i"Jj ,'''' Tu ..h.. "1-'0511",. which .... , di""",,-
ma ke of t........... ln'S - a li"ing !oIcrifkr, ""'1)' and a("(<1't.bk- to fftd onl}' in ]8nand iswm;iden<d "".. of "1M N ,Iit-"S1 Chri,tian
God." and "'hich M dl.,..ri~ as "!flilitual won;.hip" (Rom 12:1). writings of the posMpost<~i<" po·rill<!."' pro,' ldl" ''" ... ith ,..nne im-
No fixed ,,,,,,,,,,mial fill ","rship i§ dikemibJto a! this urly ""rilld_ porianl informdtion abou! liN'l!ic~1 hfe b«tw,,,.., tIll and 130 AD: It
On the Cllnl •• ry. the ACts IIf lhe Al"lStlos and !n.. Pauli"" and I"" ! has chapters on th.· admini:Olr.tion of b<lplism (7). fa,ting and
Pauline letters give evid ..... ce of a wide range of Spiri!·inspi n.<! prayer (8), and Ihl' ct'i,oj,rOlillrl of ag~pt'.nd I:urha,;st (9-10), <'Spe-
(charisma&) ..,tivili", in" ol"ing man)' membt'ls of lho< rongl"Sa· d.lly IlrI Sund.)'~ 114); lhl' EU<"h.ri~1 is d<'SCribro ~s d "s;lcrifice"
lion . Paul wanlS pk."ly (If '.... m .1I.. wed lur !~ chari.ms o f the (t/oys;"). Maldeh; 1,11, 14 bt<ing d ted 10 thi s ..,1.-.:1 In 15. 2 tr...", i. an
Spiri t: "Dr.> n<>1 qu"",h Iht: Spi.it; do nol dl'!;pi"" pn'phosying, but ruorta l;un tu "~'mbk ("'''11.1,:1111), for lh~ s.> k,· "I the ""ul's sal"o·
lest everylhing; hllid f.,1 10 .... h.1 il> good" (I Tllt'S6 5: 19·21j, A ca ll lion.
for what we looa y ~pe.k of ,~ ""II"e participalion" by Ih~ memo 'Tho! wter ",hich 1'111'" Clemenl ""O!C I" tflt· wmmun;t y ot Corinlh
b«", of the mng"'gation Is Implicit in Ihis p~ssage: "\'.'hm you in 9r6 A,D, c, e".,plifk.. Ihe grow;n~ p'J<"tke III putting /cwi-s. pray-
come logelher, each one has ~ hymn, . 1('$son. a ", ..d ation, a
tongue. or an int~rpret3lion " (l COl 1 ~ :26). The SoIme mh multiplic·
en to Christi." \I'" (rhaple!'S 59·91),
ity ...... also m.nif"Sled in lhe poslrauline communities. as .... e 'Tho! se"en 1"'11,,,,, written b~' Bis""'p Ign.ti ... , {I( Antioch in .boul
le.rn. for ,-",ample. from Epkt'sians 5,]9·20: "B« fil1t'<1 ... ilh Ihe 110 ~~pre;s wilh >poee!.ll doril)' th., co"c.... n. al ..... d)· !<.'en in In.· I'a, -
Spirit . add ...... ing 0 ..... anoth~r in ps.olrrlli and hymns and !fliril",,1 torol lA>tters. to ptolt'(t Ihe lilu,!;y d;;ail\S! distortion b)' h.·noti",,_ To
songs. singing and making .....,kdy tl) tn.·tord ... ith all )VU ' h,,,rt. thio n>d, bapti,m and F.uch ..i,l. agap'" and marriage .". to be cele-
.1,,·aY5 and fo r ~·e'ylh ing giving lh.tnQ In !n., no"", '" "u, I..,nl brated onl)' in agft·,-,,,, •.,,! wilh tl>.- bi.hop. "OnJ}' ..'h.tl n.., has
Jesus Ct.,;,.. to God tho- Falll ...." C"n tribulit,,,,, tn litursit"al ga!ht'r. teted i. acn>pUble 11.1 God; 1111> .-'n~u"'" th~, en'fylhing d""" is
iJlgs gol out of hand at Ii",," and "'Crt' IIn.. ly «e:.... tri<:; l'a "l's ..,.. sure an.d "'H.bLc.... Sinct' I!lNIiu s consitkrs il dla,a, Mistic of ho<re-
spoil,", " 'as I" iMi,.. thol ".11 thIngs be done fo< "'Mica'ion.... All liar thai lhey Slay ..... r from "Ihe t.o.d., Supp..-r and pra)'"" ",. he
things o;ho,,1d b« done decently .nd in ord('f" (I Co< 14:26. 40)_ ruort!; the (Orrtmunity of Eph<sus II> ",In... mort' IA'<Iu .... 1L~· for
the E""hari .. an.d p'ai".. of ('.00:1, SO Ih.tt " the po ....... of 5.otan mar
b,c, bn""-", 4nd his pemiciOlJS 4tt.lcks on your unanimity in failh te>"ts lor u ,." Ilt: .•d-.rl<,,,-1&JS'-'" the righl ollhe bishop 10 (ompoM'
may boo n1"'lI<od. ~II This ..~h"rt.ltion< like I"""'" in DrtUcN IS. 2 a nd his own p ra},,,,,, if Ilt: has iI>e abilily to do §O,"
Heb",,,·s 10:25. is prob.lbly .irnt'd.t 4n incipi""l indifft'm'ICt and
14~ity in n'/o:o«l to pa rti<ip;>hon in Ihe liturgy. n.e tro>d ition thai Hippolytus p;os...,.". on "1!:ardmg b.lptism. !h.. Eu-
' .... riSI, .nd Ih,' Iran;.mi$ion of uffi".. in tho- Chur<:h ~ - "liaUy
,\, I.dlt'f 0/ r~in y the Younger, gowmor of 6ithyni. , to Emf"""O" Tr3- confi rrnt'd by Ihe writings uf T",tullia n (d . ca . 220) and Cyprian (d .
jan in 112 "' 115 of Chrislians gathering I wic~ for worship on an ap-
pointied da y. l'h~ fi rst ga""'ring took place bdon' dayb reak; he ...
hymns .... ~'" sung .ntiphonally to Christ "as t" a god." and the
In summdry il may be "" id Ihal in Ihe r.rsl thn!(! cenluri..s. despite
all 11>1' , '.ric"'), in I"xi'! and indi\'id ua l riles, the C hristian lilurgy had
C hri stia llll bolond th" m,;., I,·,,,, by oath 10 obey ~"oin command -
m~n". n ... otl>."" galh" ring ...... in Ihe e,·""in);. for an innocu"u" one and Ih,> !I<Imt' ' ["'C!\ln' """rywh"..: in the Chu rch . Thi. was
meal. J. A. Jungmann and others collllider Ihe fi rsl assembly to ha,... true in p.mi,u l,,, "I IhI' EuchariSI_ "D.:spi"" all t ...... d i"er. ity in de-
t:.e..n fur tl... Euch.1risl. Ie.., """"",d for an .gape." Otlwrs [n""rpM tails il <1 II,.;ilim,"· I" speak "I. <ingl e basic <t"'~lu'" fur the Lord'.
StJp]X'r. Tht' diff,·,,'n<cs an: nol fundamenl.1 but mailers 01 .. mph. ·
lhe pn:d ..... n (cl'oOration as a liturgy of tho> """d or .. b.lpti' m. and
lhe e,'ening meal u tIw Eucharist. o 51&.-'· On.' ""t",Llr (L F"ndl) Sf"'ak< of a "Justin Marty r pallem ~
1""1 "",,,, luda)· _,till underlies tIw .....:hariSl k celcl>r~tions of m<>St
The IlISI ApoI~of Justin. philo5opher a nd "'''"r r (d . CI. 165), p ...... of tht:- li lu,gic~1 famili.",_ II is 'lui'" undt:rsl~nd~ble, lhen>fOfl', 1h.11
"ides ". luabl" lnformalion about tho> Chtisti;J.n liturgy a round th" when Bishop l'olr..a rp ofSmyma ",sited Rome in Is.! heshould
r ..ar 150. In add ition 10 chapl.,.- 6 1 on boptism. d "' plC'l'!l 65-67 ...... .".. h.av~ o>lcbtah...:i lilt: E.... hari" lhen> al lhe 1n,'lu tion of !'ope An ·
f""'c'ially in lc~ring. bec.U'ir lhey descrihe lhe ....ch.ri:;!k cclror ... "",u, ~nd llullhis g~lun> of rommunion should bIn b<- r«om '
lion. This bq;in. wilh a lilurgy o f lho- ",ord al which lhe ~m~moirs rrw.:nocod by Ih~ Syrian Drda'AIIlfu (ca. 250) lor s;mil~r :\i1""lions"
of Ihe Aposll",- and the wriling'< mI.....' prophets a", "'ad . The ..... d .
ings MI.' followt'<! by a homily o f the pr"";dml a"<l p ray...... 0 1 lhe CH RI Sl IAr-: LIlU MGY TN " 'H IO Ll ~ ' " [0 [tl r. SI ~ T II

I. ilhlul, Aiter lhe pr,,;,arJlion ,,/ lhe gift. (br..ad. willi'. and water C~NTU M Y

"',. brought up) II", p,,".,;ident sp"a k, the "prayer ,,/ thankJgiving." A, a l'<."Sult tr••, pr"llr.m "f Inl" .. " on ",hich I:mp"ror Constan,
and II,.. (()"!;"'Kalitm si ~nifi'" it>; _s",,'mcnl wilh an "A m,'n." lilll' mapp..d " ul wilh Li<'iniu< al Milan in 313 Md communicated
" 1')"'1'1 [., kes pi.K",· lh,' d i'. tribulion . 10 all attending, of 1...... lh in1;5 10 lhe go,'~"'IOrs of the prO"in,,'S in • ,,"'SCriPI I-Ed ic l of Milan").
''''~r which II,.. Ihanhsiving has been s poken . and the d,';>e,," s Chri,ri,nlty gairw.od complete I""~'<l,,m and "'Iu.l il), ",i th oth.. r ",Ii-
bring. portion 10 Ie.., ab,;o.'nt_-" giofu . As lim(' "-"nl <In . Ch ristia n, w~", gr~nl.:d "arious pri'·il'); ....
unli! fi""II~' in J!:IO Empe",1S G<atidn (in the \\\>5t) ~nd Theod""i us
1'1.. , IlISI Ic~ ts for hlul)\o.:.1 use 111." han' ro ..... d<WI' n 10 u~ af(' in (in lhe Easl) proclaimed Christi.1niry 10 be """ §ok' iq;i timalc ,,4;,
the Ch ur<:h ONer of Hippo!}'tus (d. 235). a Rorn.Jn priest and la l<'1' gion of lhe SIal<>. Tho> once f"',se rulro Chun:h had bc<:umc I.....• pri "i -
antipupt'. " 'ho ".fOtt' .boul 215; he was a ro-pn'S<'n lati "" of ~. k'ged impt"rial Chun:h_
"ali,'~ ci ...k-s and "'.os .n~ ioous 10 p......,,'.. !h" - Apostolic T,.di.
lion - (. " his lil1k> book ;Scali"" in G ..... k) lrom d i,lOT1 ions. Tlw I""
EJfr<:r5(lf -C""slan iinom Rrro/ul;",, - O~ ,'" tJlu'):y
1,-",,,, "" gi" ~':> aT(' lor b.optism. II,.. Eucharisl. !h.. Ih ..... d C"gr«'S of Of- nw., change in the Chun:h'•• iluation undo.>r ConSlanTi"" 01"" influ-
ders. s"""-' bl('Sslngs and pr.y..... ."d lhe agap" . Tlw:'1l' is. among encl'd the litu'KY This i. already obvious fro m Ih~ ~"~mal .ppear-
olher Ihing~. a euch.1ristk pray~.. lha l in somew hal adapl,od lorm once of chun:he.!, EsF"-"'i.lly in lilt: I. rge ri li", lilt: li lurg)' "'•• now
w" u ld be Introrluct.'<l il1lo the posl- V~lican II Roman Mi ssa l ai Ih ~ ~cl>rall'd in magnificenl basilicas thol w,'". built ~hiefl )' .... ilh lhe
Second F. lI~h"'iMi~ rray~', lIul e,'en Iho ugh Hlppolylu" provides aid of lhe Eml"'ror and m"",hers of his I.milr (... g .. hi. molht>r He-
I"".) ," Th" change 0/ I'cnUt' int"'itabl ~' IN to tll<' dl'\'~lopment 01 a ~aluc of the eu,lo m IX, 33). " her ~inC!' thrn th .. , uslom ha, I:>..-'\'n",..
"'0'" soi.-mn liturgy as well. I'urthennm''', bishops ...·~re no .... laint'd , .. nd t"" e~ampl .. of Milan h. s IJ,,,,n 10)),,....,.;1 in ",an)' Olh",
t ...dted U ,h~ rqu.als of th ... highest offici .. ls iI1 til<' empire. AI; ;n llw places. in f.cl in . Imost cw'.-y ( hureh lh",ugh".." II><- world ' (IX.
c....... monial of th" imperl..1oourt. they ...·....... oKCOml"'nicd at thl'ir 7)."
s"l ~mn ent ry int" t""i, basilica. b)' mini , t ..... carryil1g lights.nd in-
Au""d.nce .. t the Sunday liturg)' "'.. s m.de signifkanlly C,lO"''I' b)'
c"",", and wl"fc <x",d uctt'd 1o. th "',...... Bo ...., and tm.' IIrmky""';S
• 10",' whid! O"'~I.nti"" i"ut'(! "n March 3, 32 1, h ded." ,.'d " tll<'
(p rostralion wilh foreIw.d 10 .... hing tke noor) ",' C,," tlw 'igm of n " "
"mer.blrd,,)' " I Ihe s un" 10 bc . d .. )· 0/,-",;1 lor.1I judge<, ci l)' foi l.
"",roc.. gin... It, lhem as to IIw.- emperor himself and hi, highesl offi-
.nd bu''''''''s J"'OPle. n-..- rural I"-'Pul.....• w ...... allo"·.,.J 10 go .bout
d . ls, n-..- hillh """i.a] SI.WS 0/ bi~hops and their ck-rgy al§O k>d to
th ~ w .. aring cf k",ti ,-e garb with spo.'<"i.1 iMignia, su(h 3, ",ole, f>"l-
their work io ord" r not to wa,re lho.· hours of good we.th..". A ft-w
months I. ter Uuly 3). funhe. law " ,empt."J Ih,· ",anumi'!;ion 01
lium, and m.n ip).,; it was from th is lI.mtha t th .. lalcr lilurgical
slo""'5-- an action I\'gJrdt'd . s desir.. bl,~from the law "I SunJa~'
, 'ostruent, d,..·t·k,.,.,.t.
..,.1. As time " ',,"I on. resl In,", ...urk bc<-aM(' i""",.singly tho! loca l
""So fa r ~ "" t' know, only a kw bishops ......... dOl.lbtful o f ascnb~ poinl 01 the .. ncl lfk ation 0/ Sund~y. -s...".',k- "'·... k· (op-rII ....1">1.. )
gr ..at imI'\JlI. """ to llI<'i r olf"".l in<igni~ and pri"ilt>gt'S and of mak · on Sunday .... s consi-dero;l d seriou~ ,·;"I"ion of both d,·,. and IX-
ing uS<' of t h~~" in worship. 'Tn .."" few w~ ... c<,rta i nl ~' among the desiastic~ll " w and was harShl), punished , In ju,;!ifica tion .• n " p-
best 01 th.-i r time: Hila ry of I'oiti~-.s. Martin of TO\I~ Fulgenti .... of p<".I .... ' s also m"do- to Ill<' .. bbMh legislation of th~ Old Test~mcnt.
RuSf"'• • nd Augustine. Th.' majori ty "'·o'rf of tll<- opinion. ho... en"l, ~'en lhough a' an Nrlier lim<' m.>ny Kdto;iastical " 'filer> h.Ml
th.t it rould "nl)' enhanc ... Iht· Church's .uthori ty if tt.os.- ...·ho <'l<eI"- mild..- il clo>.r I.... ' thL.... law," ",'"", pan "f J......;,h c"",-.non;.,1 I....
dSftl Ihi' authority wen: inH",ted with offici.1 badges of rank and and did not bind ChriSTians_"
sumlund,.,j with the spl''fId'" of I"" ccn'mon iol,,,~ Siatc."· "
In (01\"' ''1",-", 0'' of the slruUI~ all.insl Arioni"n .md il5 dcni~ I "I
Wh ilt·1t,.. Church ,",'iIS Ih u~ open to lin "" -Il"",i,·" display of the. Chris!'s d h'; Ilil)" nun)' forms of pra)~.,- .... c,,· alt,...od_ Thus th... ... ide-
splrndor d.,'1i,·rd from oth("l a ",as of public Iift-. it 1.....Jed 10 n'jKt 'P....i<d pr. y.. r " to I"" Fatm... tltrough lhe Son ;" th .. l ioly Spiri~·
the ric h mu sk.1cult" ... 01 ~ntiqu i l)', The chief ",a!i{)t\ for lhis " ';>1; gave .... a)" 10 Ihe concluding fonnul. "to Ihc Fatht-r and 10 II-w Son
proo.' bly tt.... f.cI that mu~kal in.trumcnts played a ~ignificant TIlI~ and to the Hull' Spirit."' In ad diti"n, many pra )'ers w,,'" .ddrt'S"-od
in II><' many ,'.",,1;'-'; of p.!gan s.acrili«', wn.,,,, I""ir uS(' was ",.. din;octlv to J,'Su, C hrisl and no lung'" to Ill<' r. .. II><-,. Rew""nce be-
gmlrd as I"'n of til<' " ..,.,.h ip .• Acron::hng to tn., COlIC( pIS of antiq-- fon. ,.,;. llord p.-.-,;ml i" the Eucharist bK.me ....·'·n mon- proiuund
ui')" musk ....lIS ~ pa ri 0/ ~.tCh ""crifi«', ""m .... h .... only inc""-",, nt iii now lhol he .... a~ thought of " ~plkil l)" .as tn., oonsubst ~ntial 50.", of
lib. ~ on w~re o/fc!<'d. ~l"t,.. , "a,ious Siring~-d instrumCnt• . nllisy Cod, Wril~'f'S .po~" 0/ Ih~ "'Jist,.,.",,,, trt",mJ,,,,,, I"" "t<"lfifyln;; m~'s­
~ .. ttle-J rums, (rumpcts, and little bells , th" "...,.IIt'd S;6tru"" w~"" t~-ry: w hich is 10 I>t' approach" d on ly with I".r "n d lremblin,.; ."
cmplo,''-'<l The musi<" waS m<'lIn( 10 " 'ard off the d'-""Ons and to In· Th<- fourth "'-"'Iury "I",ad )" pnn·id,.,. "umplt'S 01 th.......,rds , .. insti -
, i", the rom;ng 01 I"" lI0oJS. .... Christ,.ns contentt'd th~'m,..h·es iI1_ tution ilnd til<' p r')'("lS im"",:di"lely brion' ilnd alte. (i'OSts.>nclU.
, 1... oJ with n.'Sp<",,,,rnal songs; .ntiph"n.1s lnging "'a~ .dd'-'<l.t. and Ana~) bc.-ing .po~"" only i". 10... , ..,"'... The lint' "f d .,.
later dol<', Church ' inging was od " .""t!d ,.,;pcci.lI)' by Ambros<' 01 marcation bool........... ha •• nd conlin'Satinn ..... ' emp .... siz'''! by
Milan, who not on ly pr.ctkl'd psa Imod y with hi. ronw'-gation but lI<'ight.."iI1g tll<' cndosu ... ....,l!ld the "melu.,y "nd (in Ih.· East)
.Iso compo,;o.od " hymns" o f his ow,,_No I<'SS a p<",-,;(lfl than !he provid~ il .... ith drapes so that d uriJlg the k.·y pra),"'" of , ho'
n<""'ly-con"eI""'<! AuguSlin ... li~ten'-'<l to thc5<- composition. with a ... pllora(...,....h.orislk puye. ) IIw .I ta, coold I>t' hidden Inlm vie.... ;
d,,,1' emot ion .nd lears (CQ'ifrsskm5 IX . 8) and extolled the g. eat il was from this pr.tClia' thai tl-w 1.h.'I' i"""""lasis d",·..lopl'<l in the

.. B)'ZAnti ne Church, "he m,,,1 ... gMtablc COOS<'<lu.,ncc·, ho .... , ..·"r, 01

th~ .... " . ~uiludt> I<> Ih,· EI.I<huist "'os 11K> d«li .... in lho- A'C<'fIlion 01 Tho! growth of monasTic;sm in tho> founh c .... tury S""" ,I .n "'P"'"
c..mmunion. By t .... fl", rlh c""lu'T Eoslem C hri:lli.ms ...~ ... . , ...... dy ci.lI)" impon.nt role in IIle org.oniz .. ,iOll of pray.... In panictJl.r the!
rontt..,1 10 re«i,'~ only onCl" or Iw;c., ~ ye~r; \\~I<.'fl1 Cllristi~ns dally p r.. )'...- 0/ IlIt> Hours. From th .. fo"Tlh <.."Nry on tntm"-< .. nd
;odoplt'd tho;> ""tnt' p',",IKe not to" long . 1"",, This ".~~ , .. nainl), 1\04 COIl!i«T ""od '·'rWns. ,,,',,,}'Wh.'''' "''!IOn to form rommunitK-5.
Chri~t's in~minn In instilu ting tht· EI.I<II. ri>l. and on.! m uslag"''''
"Suc~ munaSI~rit$ w,"'-·II',., .... II~· ,"''''1.'<1 ,n isolalt'd pl0><X'5: a fa-
wilh W. N.g~l. E... ngdical hi.lorian of litu.g),. wht'ro lw ... riIO$'
mouS ~umpl .. ,,· .. s .\ 1"n '" C;»;si"" .. .. lI ut;t was pn'CiiK'ly in 11.1)'
"I I,,", I~ . "'Ill0l'1!d tIIo,. 'eleb •• ti,,,, of Ihe L>nl's Su~r no ........ s
tllat such mon;o,; I,,'-;"'; ".",~ aJs., .. n", " xl in "'Wmi, p,,-'k •• bly ;n Ih<-
from tf>t.· io)' one.. f.. 11 in communion wi tll the Christ belit'Ve<i to 1>0,.
vicini ty ul .i<)m~ f.m" us m.;TI",'s g • .,.•.. ", Tht....' kJ und . ' ion, had
1" """'" and from t"" ~ 'ro"s eXf"'(1. tion of th .. da)" of hIs nltu m !.." ob" io~sly .ris.m fro m In ,>pi "~s d esi'" Ih., , '''' hor<1l'>" p , .l ye"" pec·
To th t' t..,. lenl tha t Ih" pTi"iiegt." 1I;\,{'fl 10 til., Church and its "l c" ~­ form,'<I . «"rdin" t" Illl' manncr of th ,· monks. should nc" 'cr cease
\io" to tn.- position of obl igator)" ,eligion of If>c sta te brou ght the eilher d.y nr ni"h l in th..·l:>o silico, ,·"",t,'<I 0",..
Ih,· !\r."',~ of th.,
m " ",,~ in IMge "um]x'rs into II,.. Church. I"",,· "'as the fu""'" d. n. man)"'~, - "
ge. "f superficiality in hturgiuol participat ion. We lcHn 01 this fmm ,
for ..~a mp"" Augustin.'. Not onl), doo-s IK> c"""pLoin wi th det'p 1.....1. TN 1'0"'"'/"''' 'f I."".gi<>ll r.. ",ili~ in 1'... ,<1 Q"J IV....-,
ins Ih.o l man)" art' SoIli,f""" 1o enroll .s c.,..,hu","""s.md tllm drfur ot g ...... 1 impoTldflCl" for II\(> further dc\'eIopmml of ,)1(' lilurgy "·.s
t ]..,;. Npfism; lw oils" ",;>roach... Hthe masses 01 the~~r.gOt''''- ~ IlIt'influe...... Iht..,logic.L d isciplino'); and 1il urgic~ I- ... llich I""
"",I <,«~i~stical ~cn l,..,. ...... ",i",'<1 in ~n incn..aSlnf;: m~;oSu", oftcr
anendinll the Utu'S)" on f.... st days mOl\' beeau"", of its c\ tErn.l.
t""n b..... u~ of innrr d.,,'oIion. - Ii.., not '" g ... at a m ultilud .. t>t",n tt.. C. mst.lnlini .. n "" ·,.Juli",,. This did not """n Ih.ol ...-gion.al di,'c'·
tity ..·.s ",'.. r),wh ...... "Iiminolt'd. Quil" Ih .. ron" a,),: th", p"rind
g. then:d tog;'ther In the, C hurch thai tIIo,> ch. ff .1 the- momeflt "".
SlOw tlw ri"".nd con-;olidaliun of """-, gn ,ups "1 . iIL..., , gm .... th in
1"..1)' hid ... In.- whc1.t? .. Whm 'lOfI'I .. 'pirilUolI ad"ic~ is g;\"m. or
sonw spiritu., dUly i. laid down. th.." nppose il • .-...t 1M')' ,,'Sis!. which Ih...,:iogi(.1 dispul,,, aoou. th,> Trinity and Christ as ....dl os
They f,~lo ... Ihell fllSh and withstand ' '''' Hoi)" Spirit. H" e1hno--culllJ ,.1 ~nd ","ilica l locl".-s all p l~y~'<l a p.rt. C . ...·ful "" . mi·
nation i§ ""],,,i rt'd il sl ud~", 'S a ... I" pi<'k th" ;r w~y thruugh Ihis
Onc~ tho: COnslJntini. n "','oh.t.on put an end to p."." . ","'i on 01 "ma1.e of liIU!)!;,al praclin>s" in F... <t a nJ W~'St ." 1'ht: pr.,;t.'nt lim·
Ch risti.ns th,' m3rtyrs I". Ihe f"nh be<:am ,· Ih c '*'ie\'t "f ~po.'(ial al. itt'd sur" e~' do.,,; not allow me to d""",;b., in d,·tail II", «>,,"'nl< "f
tl'T1ti on and "......'ra lioo. Th" n..)l;innings "f 'his l"Cne , ati"n. ", to bt! Ihcst- \'arious lit urgic.l groups; a good dea l 01 information ",~a rd ­
I" und much ,'arlit... ("SF""'ia ii y in II><> East, ""hcr~. fo, ~~.mpk\ In
th.· middle Ollh,· !('COnd """'u ')-' ' '''' rommunity of Smrm~ in Asi.
Ing them will ""w. ,·~t "" g;\, ,,,, ;n d; 'o('u,,;nK lhe S<... '~r. l 1'3"" 01
lhe IlIUrgy.
M inor . nnuall)· ('Ci(obr.,t'd tn., .nru"'.....)" of rol)'c~rp_ ;IS mar.
'}"n'<l bishop (d 155 Or 156). · ",;th joy .nd lI'ad"'-""'S. _:0. In 11K> W("SI. n.. E.o:llCm liturgi.,.
too,t"" ,·e ..... '.'.un of ,'''' m"'I}'''' became inm.... singl)" p"pula •. n... oldest patri~rch.olc and lhe dominanl «c1""~s,,c~1 «'1ller in the
wt "'a~ "nli<xh. l .... capit~1 o/lIle Roman· Byuntine pnwinceof
n..,;. <k~lh U ,,·ilnc."'!ioSCS " 'as _'" as Iltlked hI I.... p.asch.il m)"SI'"'}'
of Chri,;!. and tho> 'n"ox'Iion o f th~ man}"", ...·.. s "--,;arded ~s "" . Syria. The cil)' 1tiK'lf and the! cOoOSul ""8"'"'s ..·e nl GrI't'k in I. ngu.ge
t ... md), dfoxtil'e, I'Spo.'C"i.lly al tIwi . tombs, La",. "n. otIwr comm,,' and NltU ",,_b,,1 Ih<- hinterland .nd thc .,-..... bordi"fing On I'ersi.
ni li", ;niK'rlW Ih" nl,-bral iOll "I import.1nt m .. nyr~ in to IIwiT ft..,;.ul frob'Syro-Ar. m .. i, dia l"" ts. Thc liturgy th. , det'ciop<'d in Anlloch
cal""d.r~ and .."1.,,,., Ihc in"""""siblc lomb .... ith ""lies /including in tilt> nrsl comluri.,. (_ the W"" S)"rian lilu');)") is also known as tn.,
/rra"J<'<I '" P'<X("S of ck>th lo,,,,hed 10 II><- martyrs' ' ''mbs) and, at a lilu rg)" of /omcs • fTer lhe Ana ph" . a of J.. mO$. which originaled in J.,.
l.l ter pt><iod , "'ith imag"'.~ wcll . ,., ruSll lem, We m",-~ th is liturgy in 11K> DiJa;(oli.>. tiw A,-'<tIlo)oc COM,/i·
!ul"Jn' ("I'<d r>f Ih~ fuurth c~nlury), ~nJ the ...... ,nons of John eM\'- rite who a", in uni,m ",ith Rome The)' an' found chiell)' in p...,;;,nl.
!<>Slom ~d . W) and Bishop 'l'hl'Odore "f MOf"'tK'Stia ~d. H8). .:by SyN and in Iraq. but .150on e rr"'s.
Thi~ Li'u~y o' J~m<"S. whim " '.15 <"<'kb.at..:! in G""'l . i~ 10 N dis· The pamard\3! Cof AIe~.ndria originally u...,J • furm of th~ "LI I'
Hn~i"','CI lrom Ih,' JJCf,oite Liw'llY of lhe ,;"th century. which urgy of Ma.k." which wo s strongly innu~nced b), Syria, On.· "f In.·
lool ii, "',,,..., ."".,., its OI"l\an;""1", r.mo.'S Bd.ad .. i td, Sn). Tho: Jacob- frw docum,"'ts thai han SUT\' i\,e<! lrom the ~a .l)' pt...iod is lho.·
ite LiIUT";)" put th" Liturgy "f j ..mes ,nlo S)"riM" and comb, .......:! it PU)'ft Bool "f s.,.~pi""< tlishop of Thmuis (in lhe Nit.. dellil).
with Munophysit., I,.... d...,.,;.'" and E.st Syrian d,,,,,,,nlS. 1... 1<."1" on it which dal"" fn"" t ....• middl~ of Ih.. th ..d century. Thi, ".,march",·
.Iso und"rwem various By'.. nhne ;nfl u~nc"", ;oinoo Ih~ Monoph)'silc", ~ft\'T" Ih" COIH"iI of Chalc...t<", (451). Th.·
Coptk {Egypl;.n).nd Ethiopian (Aby,;;;ini.n) ril~"; dt"'d opt"J from
The M .. khito.'S.'" thost' Ch rislian" ,,'1>0 ",mained orthudo>: . culti-
a m'~ ~nd transLat i"" of the Uturg>' of ~13rk. Thi_ Chrisna~
,·a'..:! dose I;'" " ' ith Br,.. nlium, and in ,he ,w",lth Cl'Otury ac·
who ......,ained <.>nhodo~ (chiclly in tilt> «",.tal a","s) roln\'alt.-d
ct'pl..:! lho;> B)·zannne nit: ;n its totaHty. The Maronit ... of ld>anon,
c10eer ti"" w;lh Ih~ Byzantine . ile and lx'(:ame known , like their
who t<K,k lheir nam,· from ,\ 1.uo. a m'm k. h.\,~ .. liturgy "I the West
COIInleTpa rts ;n Wl'St Syri" ., Mclcllites ("tile empt'rOI" 's peopltn,"
Syria" Iypo.· bul ... ilh 50"'" [a,1 sr.i"n p<."CUhariti..-.. Sinc~ union
with Rom,· al !he nmo.· 01,,,,, HU~d.!s thi. liturgy ha5 been ..M~n· joerus.lem has p la)·eJ ~n l'Spt'Cially imporunt role in liturgical hi ....
si,<ely t...lini~ed tory, It acquirt..:! the canonk~1 stalus 01 a p.tridf'chatc ,'nly at th...
Council o' Chaln-don (~S t), bu t its conneclion with Cllri,ndn ,. h" ·
TN> East Sy .i.n ''''d. wit h 0.",1,'/'5 a! Ed,.,.", dnJ N,,;bi5 (M''Wpoia'
lion hblm")' had al ",ady m~de of il (..speciall y from the fnurth n " , '
mia ~ m"d.,", I,aqt Id l und .... I'enl.ln cnntrol a' dn Nrt)" ",.. iod
lury on) a 1a,·""I" pi"",· of pilgrim~ and -cem .... of de"ooon "
and thus M'<""'" wry much i",I.HC'd 'mm 11\(0 Wt'SC. After lhe
Constantine and his family hod splendid churcho.-s built in the holy
Council "f [ph ... us (n 1) lhese n·);ions adnpt,,,J N""toria nism .
places; in m.".., ""urc h~.,; crowds 01 pil);rims galheroo Ihroughout
T h.·i. lilu'llY. whkh i, ,I!OJ known d~ Ihe S)"ro·~t """'potamidn, ,,~
the)"'M,.nd """'"'''' "'...... ct4...b.a l<'<l ddily. 109....;. (E I..... ria), a pil.
IdinS nu"",,,fOIlS origin .. 1el""'''''ls and ",Is m.lny pmblem$ fo r ""hoi·
srim from :l(>Ulh,,'rs\ f r.OC<' 0' nonh,,·rs! Sp.ain, h"s Left uS a d<-
.>rs. The widely ..-I " Anapho.". of t..... Apostles" (the Aposll.,.
Ialled def,criprion 0'11ll'S(· """,,·k ... in about 381·).S.I, " Other
Add.i and M,lri), fo r " '~mple, h~s no "'tlTd, <>f Instituti on.
COIIn lri .... , 100, acquin" knowl,,,Jge of lhese "''''ices 'rom home·
Tho., """,!!cti<" mission •• y "cli\'ily " I Ihi~ " N.,.lorian Church" bound pilgrim~ and glad ly imHal'"J th ....... . Another impon anl
Sf""ad Chris"~nil}' to, .omong ",,,,,. places. lho.- SOulh .... ""1 "",Sf " . _=01 01
informan"" about rt... lilurgy 1............ 1....... (Omt'S to uS in
Jndia (MaIaIM. C""~l m(ldem K",.la), " 'he", ,I has outl~st<.'d I ..... the Mysl"!?"8,,,,J O,,~ that uSt.-d tn bt' .ttribuu-d to Cyril o' JI.'f\l'
,,,,, turi..s, B.'("au", Ih.· Indians 01 th IS '''Si(m !r.lee Ih~ir f.ith bac k 10 N lem but te"by all'! usu all y o:;<"rit>t-d 10 hi ~ sucC\'Ssor, 101m of I~ru .. -
Thoma , th~ Apostle. lh"}" "Iso ealllh.,m... ln'S "Thoma, Chris-- mn. The Anaphora of la~ w"" Ih .. ,10'"
m.inl}" u5('d in the
lian ... " \\'ho..>n ,I", Ponug" ..... gaino..,J.o loothold IIw.>n> in Ihe si~· EueNlli.. t; it made its way lhen hum J.. n.o ....... m '" other "1\iOO5.
l(.'ftllh ...."Iul)·. lho.·}· bo'gan. rigarou, J.... liniuh(1O of lhe ri le: some The p •• )..... "f 11\(0 Hours and Ihe f""lal cydc lha, w,..... uSC<i ill J"""
01 Ihe M.,I .,bar Chrisli.'n!; Ih"n'lo'" n;''("IC'd R()mc ond, und ... Ihe N lem 31s" play~-d 0 drcisl\'c role in Ihe );Iurgico l de ...·lopml"'! 01
name 01 " M. ldnke",." joined lhe Syro·AnHod"",,,, ".,,,iuch.le. In other Church<!'! (Hol y Week and Ea~ler, A""ension, Penlacosl, and
1961 .. nd 1'Spt'ci.a1l)· in the pt.';"'" .fM Valkan 1l1ho.- M.I"ba. Chris- vuious Feas'" of ~br.,.). The I. keo' ..... introdu~ a ,,'nmg h;';IO.i<i7·
">.ns "'....., ~llo"'ed 10 n" ;,... the .. an","'1 rilt. ~ ing rlrmenl into the liturgy: lhis elffi'l('nt is £I.. " in, .". eumpl ...
the selection 01 ",adings for lhe ,"ari"u~ le.lSts.
Of the ,·an.ou:, ustcm liturgies the Byuntine "'-'cam.· Ihe I1\OSI
wid''Sf'r~dd, n",re w"", .. ·,,,,,.1",.,sons for this, l!(oedU "," Ih~ ,'m. var.;e by It!a""-'<l fellow bishops_ The I'In", regu lation " 'a, sut-
f't'rm ""'id e<! in Constantinopi~ th~ palTi.rch of thai city Kquin'<i quontly ~.l"<J in a number of African s}'tIods." In its",· .....allstNr-
p. t'Ccdo>n<c m ·.... ~ii the OIh~..- E.lSt•..-n ""tn.lrehs (offku!ly 50 in lure, hlno.· ...·er•.and .,,;p>.'Ci.1Uy the structu .... of the M",,"".nd Ihf' Uturg;'
~51). In iOdd iti<Jll. th~ p.1triuchat('S o f Antiom ~nd Alaondn. cal year. tht! North Afric.1n Jitu'K)' doscly 'CS" ttbk-d lhe RDrnan .
• doptOO M0""'PII~'sism and Iht!n Cd"'" und.·r ~I uslim ('ofur"I.1 an
We know man y d"I.,il s of the R"man lilurgy during II", fourth I"
~.arly.da k_ An import.1n1 facto. in I"" fUMh", ' p"·,,d 01 the By ~.n­
tlw Ioixth c.!11tury, bul . contra,)' t<, wr...1 we might l·~J".'CI, aclUOllli·
It"" Itturgy ... as I"" mission. ry lI<1ivity <>I %I. Cyril and M~'h"dius;
tutgic.oJ ~)o.IS h.o,.~ come down lo .. s <JIll)' (10m a mati"",ly lato> ~
~s a 1'\'S..1I o f thh deli"ily tho.· 8)'~... nl""" liturg)' ... ~, 1,.""I.tOO inlO
riod. Thf NriOesI docu""-",,I is the V..... ,.... 5«,a"'''''Qry. "'hieh for.
Old SI. \'Onic ( _ d hillf of the ninth "," Iury) and " .... ~'\·.... ntu.II\.
adoptOO in til<. Kiogdom of Ru;.sia (91! 7), • long Ii"", "'as attribul<!d tn P"pe Lro I (~4O-I61) b .. t in fact did not
come inlO " , im'nCl' until lhe ",,",ond half 0/ the ,i dM cen tury, This
Th~ Ilyzdntin~ li turgy hils its "''''' chi~f1y in Antioch and NCr.m .... Ur)' is a roIk'C tlon of ,,101,·, li/lfJli (li ttle boo~s"). that is, in·
C.pp.1docia. _mddrily in j...-us.oI .... rL Ttw> rucharislic liturgy most dividual slw;.ots ' " bookll'ls that ,.,...".d..-.d the te>.ts fo< p.1Mi<'uLor
IN\jUl'ntl)' u....:l;s t .... one namoPd after St_ John Chf}'SO§t<>01 (~ Roman lilurgies in It,., roUr5e 0/ t ho· )' .... r: for man)' f"d" days the",
4071 but in fadcnmplt-tOO '>111)' in th ... eighth ""ntury On tw .... h " .,.. ",-"',,,.1 l()1'muia, il'S (twenty-eight fo' the feast "I Ihl' ApostJ.>s
days "I t""
Y"'''' Ih ... liturgy of St. ""sil (329.)7'1). on" 01 Ih,. ~ and Paul) . TIlt, t,·~ts for the m"nlh ~of Janua ry IhfOl,gh April
Cappadoo::ian fathers. is c"lcb.,ltt'd . In addition Ih~ "lil.. '};)' of the (including Lent ~nd USler) h.o",., not bcen p"""""'~-d.'.
pns.onctifil'd i< .. sed on speddl d.Y" "
n.r >« oud sa<:u m~"'I.1ry ~ h.ol hil~ wnw.' do",n to u~ i!; kno,,'Il as th.,
The Armenian litu'Sy d osel )' ~mbles t.... BFantin ... , It d,.. i,...s in Old Gt"'!"~' be<:a .. ,;.' it "'as at!ribu!t.'<i to Pope Gel.,ius I (492-4%);
paM from th,· .. mt· Antiochent.· .nd Capp.doci.n n",IS. bu t il h .. In bct. it probabl)' originated around th•.' mi ddle of the S<'wnth c~n­
a lso und ... rg...,., din ,,1 Byz.ntin .... inn"""c"". tury as \h(o ucramen taf}' <>I one <>I tilt! titul •• chu",""" of !lorn ......
To boo mmtionoPd, finally. is tho.- c;...,.rgi.an liturgy. " 'hich is COmmon
n.... GtrgotUl" 5«'a"'....,~ry " 'as probably compill'd by " ope C"'8'
ory I (590--604) in about 5-92. as a book containing th~ p.1p.1llllurgi.."
in the p"-""'"t-d .y Scwi<1 Rep .. bli<' "f Gt>..wgia {capi tal: 1ifli~). o.;"i -
(SUti"""lliturgies) ul tho' ~nti ... year. I'ope Hadrian I (m -M) S<'nt
na lly "t'1)' depe"""nt on Arm~"'ia ."d Syria, th is li turgy WJ~ lokr
a ..... ""''<i cop)' of th~ C",)!;o.ian 10 Empt''''r Ch arlem0!P"" A Snp-
".R\lS~i~t'<i, " thai is, it ca me under tht· innu,'n.:t' of th~ Ru"""By~.n­
plement (Huru'....) was ~ddcd to this sacromen tary in mol,,, 10
h"" liturgy, n ", Ch .. n:h of Get''lIia i~ loday • mt' mbo>r of t1... 1\Oo-id
Council "f Ch .. ICh .... meet the ",-~s Of the f rankish Church. In ' ......... ighlh c;entuf}' and
"' ter numerous sacra menl.lr>t'S '0"'" inlO t'",ilifrnC<' lhal combint'<l
TIl.. W;:Slem l..iturgil'S elemenlS /rom the old". rompil.t ions; thCS<' bc<:.mf ~nowT\ as
Tw(\ baSic types of liturgy can boo K'en .1S opt'r.lI i'·c in I.... history n' Eighlh-altlury Grlasi4ItJ."
th~ W..... tt:m Chu n:h: the Nonh AfricAn-Rom •• n and the Callican.
Scholarly research has shtw.'T1 that although th.· ... cramentarie< .~
The wpe of t/k, North African ~ru'l>:y i~ known 10 us dtiefI)' In"" t/k, $ud1 origi""l"<J at a .... 1.ti,·~ly 1.1t' til1\(' mAn)' nf tho.· I(>~ts an by
wrihOSs nl St. AugUSri""." n... language US<!<! was prorubly Lliln traced bac~ to Pope Lro I. and oth,~ to Popes G"lasius I and
from the bo.'ginning. in contra st to ROm<! wh""' C ...."k (_ t .... "/<Mo& Vigilius (537·555). Pope G"'8oty I play,'<I an <'Spe<ia lly imporlant
T".II""", <>I Hipp<~ytu.) yieldo.'<I f<) Lllin only during III<- fourth c"". p.1n in the reorg.ani~.. lion 0/ the Romn! liturg)'_ In .11 lhe ancient
tury." Iv.,. learn In"" • S'j'tlOd "I Hippo in m" th.1 the so"", 1c\1~ Romon prayrf'l " 'e find In!guage thai ;5 1... r5e. sobt,.ly objecti,"e, al-
~~not used from,....... ~ ....... Each bi>hopcuold ..,...his ......, rompo- mOs! juncti<:aJ in chara.::t~. and a I1'j«rion 0/ el.. m""", Ihot would
;;'h"ns or lhose "f 0In.~; tlry "'~"", 110"-"" ...... '" be rn..:W in ad. give the . ite! a poetic and emotional lone. One outslandi ng ",holar
has spoken <.>f IIw " puri tanl~m of th,· Rmn.ul liturgy. ",ll'hi~ lan- astkal province "f MIlan. In th~ "'ghth century it .... os .ttrib"tcd ",
guag" rcf)<'C,s th~ kind of R()m.ln rhdorir thot was highly '>st"*",,N St. Ambros<> arod i. th,·r.:fo .... al'" \;."",,"n a. tIw Ambrosianliturgy.
~t tn.t p<>riud.
Its .....ll origin is still obscu .... to us. It may h.,-.. Iud tM ... me primi.
ti ,·~ form.> tho.· Roman. Nu"",n",. detaIls 01 i~ old,·, lorm .....
" AMttu>r d,~'ict> of the Rom~n or~tion I"' pn~iden~al 1'.. )" ..... 1d ....
"""."" "",nl1on, the cur<u!. By ,u,-;u, i. '''''',In' the arr.ngt........ nt "I st"en to uS in two .... riung. of Amb~ (ca. 34U-)97): the 0.. "';'S-
won!> at th~ .'nd of phr...", am! c1duses ... , Ih.t tho>ir aCC1!nts pr<>. Imi' and the 0.- s«''''''''lUis. n,., Co""n is ",""",tia ll y til<' Sdm~ as
duce a b"dutilul rhythm .. . In th~ mor~ ancient orabons, ,ho.' rules the Roman; in oth,.,. .'\'a' litis IiturllY ha. many traits in common
of th~ .... ,...,. """ 'e bern n"guldrty obs'm-ed : . __ ~mitdbiHus w ith tIw c;..llican liNI):)'."
n:.fonnaSl iH (c~su.; ..-Iox ); Heiu~ dkinitatis €'SSt. ronsortes" (,Ur<U5
T H~ W ~$r [R ~ LtlU ~ r. ' tN l l1 E ).ttDD" AGE5
p/~NU5); "q ui ~ "m.nitati. n("tr.e li,.,.i dii;n,ltus .-;t p;>rti""p1" (cur.
i us ,.,du.).·'·· In thi, .nd th" following >l"tion5I s hall)'" concerned chiefly with
the di<" ~lopmml of the Rm"an li lurg)".
~h.,.act''''iMir of tho.· Roman M_ .... s Ih~ U5t' of ...nglt? O'tKluri,..
lIt p ra)''''' (Iho; Canon), " ' hich dllowed 0f11)" minor .11<"'~li..n~ In d Tht Ptriod of LiI,,~i(fl1 r.7:rir12nxr
f~ ... of II><> pr.y,>fS m.,king il up. In the an°. norlh of !I,.. Alps Ih" seventh rentur)"!oolw the beginning
of a (ar-,"".ching proc..s.' ,.tamalg.unation o{ t"'-' ~oman and Ga ll".
Th,· Gal l; can Iyp<> of li lurgy i""lud"" all t~ W""",m rill'S uull;ide Frankish liturgi.,.; t/'lese "'e,,, Iht·1\·f,,", centu";"'; of tratt5i!iOf1. n,.,
tho.' ....... so.ociated wilh ~<>f"IW Desp;t".oJ1 tho..> diJ'k."""'Cl'S 1><1,,'''''' moli"l'Sat "...,rk ",... rea s-al high .,.teem of tlw Rom~n Church
tht:rn the). are dt """ in being ho.·O\<il)" inf]tk-nred b}' I..... USI<"m becau,;e it had boom foundo,.! b)" "''let, and an <tnct'l"tainty and dis-
fit ..... l'S1"'<i. 1I}· Ih" B)"zanhn('; lho.> langu.tl" ( Latin) is mo .... prol'-. sat"{actictn..... idc-spread .m"",.; bishops and .bb"'~' ... ith th~ mony
.m" colorfu l, Ih~ '''''''''onia I ",(m' dram.,l k . As • ,,'Suit "r tt..- , 'rug_ >' ... ialions to be found in tho> Ga llka" liturgy. 0.."";["",, an Angl ...
):Ir ~1:•.in~1 Arianism they quit<! " It"n add.- p,ay"" dir«tJ)" to s.a,.0f1 missionorl' bIShop, lhought it impon.nt to bind the Ger·
Chnst In ronu.,;I to Koman cu,tom). mmil: tribes mOl""(' d~y to Ro"'" arod it!; Iitu'8}'. 1M ""me go.ll
"""ked I"" efforts of King Pepin, .... ho in 754 pR'SCrihed til<' Roman
Within this ): ........1' th" following a", to b" dj,tinguished;
liturgy for his kingdnm. In 7!!S-786 0>"rl'-""'8n,-' ;"ued the la ... .
The Old Spanish liturg)". whi~h b also known.l$ Ihe Vi'ill~hic li t- thol w ould bri~ tN- Rom.ni~~tion to cornplel iOf1. As a m'lt~r of
urgy .nd, in tho> p:riod .f'"r Ihe 1,I.mi,· Ar~bs occupied :\OtJtho.'m fact, 110..·".·.... th.. li lurgy thought tu ",. Roman w!lS alr",dy ,filer·
Sp.in. the Mourabir lilurgy. ......wd w ,th. Gall ic.n clement!;; in tho.- follo ...,n8 period il und",'
went further Galk,..Fra"kish adaptaMns and revisions. ThL.,;o, can
The Old wll ic or Gallir an h!1.lrgy. wh;ch wa, <"clebrOIN in Gdu l
be.....,., ""ped.lly in the laSI" for dramatic actions, for tho> multipli ·
and sho" 'ed m~ny loc.1 p<-,,<uli"' iti~'S b.o< .,,", Iht>,... W,lS no (lul-
cation and Irngtht.-ning of pra)"ers and rit(':>;,.nd for Ihe . ubi<..cl i'·~
standinl: cenl,'r llut could h.,·~ imJ'05ol'd. deS"-"" 01 unily.
elemenhl found in tn.- man!' p r.y..... ,..id 5ilmtl)' by lhe ulrbrating
Tn.- Celli<- UIu'KY dmOf1g til<' Irish, SroIS. dnd \~I.h. nus htu'!:)" i. bishop or pm!.
""."11)' "",.ked by Old Sp.!<n i~. Galh,an, dnd Roman ,,~m~n!S. In
Toward III<' end 01 III<' eighth ct'nt"ry the custnm ~ Io"dy g ....... ()f
th.· form in which iI has COmr down to u. il sh,>w, manv larunae
saying the Canon of tho.> Mas.., in a 10\->' ,·oice. Tn.- .."son gi ...·n for
and dah'S from a rotht>r laic f"'riod. Til<' mOSI Important documenl
is the St,,,,... M issal ~eighlh and ,,"nIh ("l'f\tury~ I"" pradic. w as tNt the priot>Sl had """. ent<'1"l'<l in lo lho.· hoi)" of ......
liaUld llut lhe holy words h~ wa, ~.king had to be prot«ted
TIl<' htu'!:y of Mil~n is s till cL-kttroted ludo)' throughout I"" <"<des;- ag;olllSl probnatiOf1." AIk-gorie.1 hpl.naOOn5 determined Ihe w.y
in whkh til<' liturgy .... as understood. Tlle f.ilhful were instruct~d

" "
'0 S<.'(' b<>hind each dctJil 01 the llturgy a d."pc' muning tho. WaS r.,
t!wt a in",rm;nlllO'd wnh them c~n bo: il!Ol,,"od onl)' with diffi -
"rt~n ~rtifidaland fa.-f~.d,.od , cultr·' Com p""''''lSi,·" htu.glc.l books ""'<'n' tho..., rnmpil<-"'l from
"E ....rything n"",;,',-", a si)lJ1ifka....:~~",~ "0i'Sl ...."'tl;. r hu"'h
,o/k""titms "f ,U('h O.d'"N. The mosl imf'O't.,nt 01 tl><..... indusi"e
books ",.s .... 'ill .... Jf\>Und 950 by ~ic tint'S 0 1 the Abbt'y of St_
'-...."'Is .nd ult,,,sil~, d.rl", O>CIHms, .nd mt>lions, Diff~,,,," Iyp'''' of
significa tion U~ ""'pl"),,od: t~ hic;ll ildm""itiQl'lS (moral ~1I.,~"ryJ. AINn In M. inl. nd Lo"" b.·... _I..r>o .... n n the Ron","""er.",,,n
fulfillm.-nts of ,ho> Old T.,,;.tomml (t}'pok'og .... 1allt'goryl. """nts in PonliftoJ/. In . ddi ti"" It, tho.' OrJu R"""'''"$ AnI"IUU5 the bOf>k con-
the econom}' of ..,kalio", (n-mm>Oratiw alk.~ory) .nusions to 0, t.lin<-d c.;.,.lIo-h.nk i~h " ",IS and riles .Iong with som... dditions "f
lhe <oprist_ In tho.· rim .. " I 0110 I (§«Ond ""'If of the tl'nth rentury)
,he ".......um""'lIo" a, the """ of time (esctw'oklgk.' or .... gogic al·
.ego.y) _" " the R""",.....cn-m.n Ponl.p:ill reached Ronw. "'hm.- <=bia,;.tical
and cullurallil.. W3S in a d~pt'1".l<!! Still<!! (the t""th emlu~' is
Th~ prindp.ol "'l'''''''''l.1rin's
of Ihis kind 01 allegorical e~pl.n.tion kno .... n to ttiStorUAS 3~ 5M'tu/llm o/IscllTllm. " Ihe duk ""'tury")_s.,.-
in tho,· urolingian .,.,.,od
"'<'N' Akuin and hi, discipk> Am.aJarius, e.> ..... litu.!;ic.1 m.nuSTipb ...~ ....M .. lr .... ril"'" in Ih .. ninlh "en-
Btsh"p of Mctz; me.., twu m.." "'en? .Iso Clw""magne's ,h"'f .d. lury and tl><- firsl h .. 11 "f tho- ""'th." Iii<' Churrh of JI:om" """';:,-ed
";';"",- the """. book wilh 11.",.. ",1 ,,' ilhngnns.nd adopt.od it a> suppos-
The ""''P'" of this p<>riod _m 10 iI.a'-e il.ad a slr"ng ~."st' Df "n..-or· 1."«1 )" conl. ining th ... ut ...... tIC Roman .nurg)-. Otht-. """nu,;c.ipts
thi"""" and sinf"I.-s, This II."« ID. alTlMg "'he. things. the inlT< .. ,,·e ... gi'·m .. simil., ,,·.r"priun. AS 4 resul! Ihe old JI:om.:tn liturgy ~
lumed to Ro".,... but n" .... in Gallo-Frankish fo.m, and Imm th"",.
ducnon of nulTl<'rouS conk"", ..... , o f sin ("ap,,' ogi<"") into lhe
prd)·e. lite •• tu .... of the ti"'" and l'Sp«lally in ,,, 1M Mus .... This w. s as the "Iitu ');y 01 the IIl"",.n curia: ""g~n its ,' ictoriou5 dfu" 10 be--
.Iso the f""hod when Irish and Srottish mOft!<.< "u,- 'i'.....ding tM eonw lho,- on<' , unil",m lIturgy of t~ entl"" W....!.
practice of p.i,·.w confession "n th<' ron!!n""t. A.n... nd 800 this Once tho,- Sp.ni.rds. wilh Frmeh help . had dri"cn lh~ Arabs
pr.ctice ..-as p~bcd fur the ~nti",· Prankish kin~dom, The .n. (M oon;) hum thd. country. the Old Sp.nish (M"'....3bic) liturgy
dent pr .... ti(~ 01 publ k I""".n~l- that had b.>t-n inheritl."« fmm antiq ' surrcndc...,.;:l its pride ul pi ... " 1<1 the (nc<H Rom~n .nd l'"entually
uity took a ",,,"onda ry plac". came to b<- Ct'kbral<-od tlnl y in a si ngle ch,'pl'l in Toledo_ TrIO' Celtic
.. ]\Iblk pt"'.nre .nd pri\'a'~ ""nle"",i"" b",'loo I()!" the f.wor of 'M litu');y to" h.d t" m"k~ way for thl' Rom.,n. In Sr"tland the shih
m~mb<>rs of the Chun:h du.ing C."~in ~i.n limt"S. 1hl, hie •• n:hy d.,..
took pla<"<' in the ~lc\, ~l1th «otury. In 1n:I.nd.t the Synod of Cashcl
m.ndN public I""'a....:<'; Ih<' po>oplll a~k,-od for conl''';Si"", II i$ un- in 11 12" The lIoman liturgy had I',in."« a hold in England.t a
den;l. ndoble thot mus t 10(,,1 p<tSk)rs bt.1I"n to follow th~ 1.lIn mU('h e.rli ...."".iot;!, d l~ to tht' eflorts oj A ugusti"", the Bmw je-
p •• elke, Initially publk ""nanc~ would still be Mlui,.,.j 10. g.eat Ii"" abbot whom Gn.'~ory I h3d .......,t tu ...... ~ngeli~~ the Anglo-So ,·
public sins, but fll' g",.1 _n>t sins co"I,,,sion "'.sp.!rmill<od . I! ~.

w.s ~imply • mdtleT III rourst' th.ltt the p'''''tk~ of ronf....... il'" fi"~ lly During thi' pt'fioo the building 01 chu",h.-; pnx~ at ~ quic k
w.m tho.- day, totally "J"'Iuishlng p ublic P'''''''''<''" ~' pa«' UI1tX>. II><- Caroli"gi~" and Onon,.n ",Iers, A Iirs' dima' ... as
The old Jl:omon liturgic-al bunks h~d rontaiOt!d .Imosl nothing bul ..... eMd around 1100 with I"" lIomJnesqOl.' styko."
te"",; no des<:riptions " ...... IIh''-"'' of the ("OUrso. of the !'E'".~. No", from C"S"'Y VII re r/tf Ii.... cf /"" R1P."",r_
boo"-, t..,g.n to .pf""ar Wt g.>"" d iM."llons for lhe rilCS; " 'e loday Und", I'op" Glqlory VII (l1)7J.. H.15 ) ~ phast' of consolidation
" 'ould nil them books of rubtio Of «remonies. .t Itwt ri ..... !hey bO'g.n.t Rc""'r; it "~M'do<d not only to ecdesilsric.llil<' S"""'311 )'
"'en> known as ",dl"'" r methodk.J a ... ng<:-ments"). Mosl of th<-m but to the liturgy as ,,·ell. Gregory ~nd his I'Ucn"5S0rs n-qui.-M III
ap""ared nonh of lhe Alps. The f~' aUl~ti<.l1y Itomanordj,.... bishops 10 follow II><- liturgic.ll"acrin' of tho" Rc"n.olJl curia. The

" "
11,,.,1 was in 1""1 nOl ",,,,,ho><l until lllo! thiMtloI!nrh ,,,,,rury. when the lied ,·t'l1l".Ii"n 01 I;", num.nity of Chri>! and all Ih~ P;"'S<'S 01 his
Franci,;.:an Order and its thouSoinds of it "\o!r~nl p",oct../rs adopl<'<l ... rthly li k 1'hc L"rd '" I"""""', in patticulM. had a profound 'r-
lhe "liturgy of the Roman curi~ " ~OO promot.!d Ii e'·""Ywhe .... With p"al f", tht· P<" 'Pic "f Ih" G... h;.,· ag,,; Ii\o! •.-sult was . now"';nK 01
II><' rom ing " I Gothic. which w.s ",)I simply a >ilylr of building bUI de"otion 10 the p.>ssion and ",f my. lid"", "'"" 'ring '''' lhe passion,
a slyl., of thinking and li"ing th~I ~mbr.tCttd lhe whol~ 01 1M public ",o rb of a rt dt'Pictinll lh,· p.> ..... ,n ad ........,j nUl "nly ,hun:iws and
and pri"~I~ :Ip"""",,. new 10"'6.00 forms .Iso mado: their way inlO chapels. bul public and pm·al.- bUlld;"g'.' ,wi!.
lhe litu rg)·. Th .. dwr""''''';~IIC Ir~ilS 01 Ihis rww oullook ...."" indi o Hand in h~nd w,lh gn""lh In , ·...,....""n 01 Ihe saints ........ t an in-
vid ualism. s ubjectivism. and .. !hici~ '1lwse a... the fOOlS oI ...·ery- c ....... in '·.....·r.ti'''' "f tdlC!O and in p;lgnmageo. WheRl'...e r a mm ·
Ihing th.ol is ""all.-.. and fnul fulln Gothic; they ..." also the- prima l munily or SOTTk' prj".",. indl"idual (a n"bl...... n ) goi..oo p""""'sion
"",,''''' 01 all ilS ~fft>rts. d ""bls and dtspa"S; in them slum""" 1M of a (suppo5<'dl)') Importanl R'h'. I"-"'PI~ reh bless<'<! a nd SUA'r of
so:ed~ " I bnth the riso- and the bll 01 Ih .. C.othic. ..,., "E" en Golhic .....
alism. which i""",aslllgly IUrn..rl into naluralism. ,,'as a child 01 in·
di,·idualism .""
added. usu.II)· .5.
ul'·. lion. To th<o .ncien l pl.oce ..f pilgnmagt' ..... ny .,.. .... on"" " .."...
"",,,II "f sl"" .... .about appe-.>ta""-"". mit""I"",
.utd .... traordin.ty h'pp"n,n"". Man)' of the lailhlul mad" """'.'m',,
While 1M liturg)·. in keq>ing ...·ith its natu .... waS still und<>ntood efforts to ..-.eh 1"'- ....• 1'1.....,. and pta)' t......... not (H\I)' lor t,"",po,a!
and celebrated as a com muna l .cth·lty. indl"idualist and subjrcti" - rw«ds (and lilt...., ,,',,'" plcnly of those) bul also and .t>o>.·".11 f<l'
ist I""d""c~ now mado: !h<'ir apf)<!arance, The oompleh,> mi_l. tht> sal" ation 01 lh,.;< ...,u l•.
thai call1<' into e xi.""",", at this tim~ mad€- It possible for lhe priest Prd'."...nc~ f...- 11'1,· ...... Ii .... k and wncA't" begot a gn'a l d"";I\' 1<> !;''''
to celeb .. ",. " pr;,'ate Mass," tha i is. one which ho! said all by him- uJ'O" "-hal "'.~ ""Iy .nd dh'i~, !'oople ", ." ,led as f~t as P""Sih~,
>ell. wilhout ",ad"r and choir, Yet l"' ('11 wh...., ho.' h.,d ....ad .... ~nd to ,. ". with lkeir "wn ~)" '" thaI which f~lIh pnxiaim.od.nd prom-
choir 10 assisl him at solemn MaSS<'S. h~ lelt oblil\l'<l lo ...'ad all the ised. A~ • resu 11. C...-"hic c.tMdr.!, bro;alnl' o"eT'wllt'lm inK "1'",,,-,n-
...adings and songs qui~tly 10 him ...1f whil., tho.'y .... en· bring pro· talions "I lilt: ht>"'~nly JeruSollem ." In In., mind "I th~ 1""'1'11' of
claimo><l and s un g.1he liturgy b«ame increasingly a · clerical lit· thllt day Ihe M.,,~ R'adlt..J a ,\tlw high poinl "'hen the rorls<'("rak.J
urgy' at .... hieh lhe clergy alone d id ",' .... ,' thing; lhis lend ency "'., hosl w'~ ~1",'aIL.J all~r Ih.. word s of in, lilUl i"n (. pr."h e,- fir<t at-
strengthened by the pre5('nc~ of Ihe choIr ","",-n. which divided Ihl' lesk.J sh"rll )' alwr 1200 in p",ls), "
ehu",h inro" "chun:h for the cil-'I\Y" and" "chlln:h for Iht· cong ...~
galion" .,nd thlls 01 Ih.> .n:hi lt'Clural 1<'\'1'1 . In-.d}' broke Ih t- unity From Ih ~ _ QI'Id h.lf of tr..- Ihirtl'('n lh c.",lu ry "n, th,- 1"';1 01 Cor-
01 the 0I1~ communi!)' of C hrist tn~t includ"" both clerKY .nd I.ily. pus Chri sli ... ith its proe('S!ion )<,;n.'<I Christm., with its crib as Ihe
It is tro"lhat on the side "I Inc !l<"R"''' f.cinllike 1""'1'1" on ~1t3r "' •• favorile r.,ast s of th .. y~M. E"en d loring lilt' "dd,r.ti<ln "I Ma ..., I""'-
s.e1 up for "the people's MiISl!,· b"l lho.- ·sil....,1 Mo ss" t n~1 wos cd,,· pie "'anted to b<o abl .. to g07.<' conlinlO., 'l y on tho- "S,,,, i"'" in lhe coo -
br.ll'<lIh<"~ did not a llow .ny .>(Ii,·c p.>rticipo lion by Ike f.ithful. _TOted hosI . Thl' d"";n.' led I., " M~~l't.,. b",me Ih~ ~~J'O"'<i BI""sed
Sacrament, " ... hich d<'-'lf'ilt' lU,m.,', R'St't""U;""" continl>ed down 10
A s imil.r ",>nd"n(), I" pri\'.li/~lion ~hI, ......J ilSo!ll in lh" p'.y"" of tht> middle "f out .,... n ',-"'lUry .nd ... h~ cess.>tion man)' of th<-
Ike Hom,,_ The in" "ducti"n of lhe " bR',·i ••y," ",hich containl'd ..:ll f.ithf,,1 still "",R't. To .h~ <ktrim ...... t nf lhe gomuin .. .,..lcbration 01
"'-"'<led l~dS, m.d~ possiblc and pn)moIN an indi" ;dual Ct'lebr. · Masslhe i5oIato><l adorarion of tho! BI~ s"cr.""",1 <k-\'~Iopo-d in
tioo of thl' Houn;. L'n.... IhI,ugh Ihi~ p,ay~. wa. "riginally pubUc v;uious forms. E,''''' the """'Plion of communion dt>cIU"ll"d 10 an
all<l in,-,~,·0><1 th" ""Ii", commun i!)'. alarming e~ I....,t. SO thai lho! Fourth Loleran Council (1215) ""d to
11K' liturgical )..... waS gre.otly "~-p"'nd,-od by 1M ;nl">tiuction of Old"" _."tion al 1('1151onee a yea r." The ",a"", for the d""li"" ,,'as
""". 1,,~sI!; "I the lAm! . Mary. and the wints. The ""saoks intrmi· not so much a falling oH in d~.'nlion as an e....;essi,·......·e"-"'Ce for
the s.>c.a m""lt l 'hi, "".o'n'nCt. ..... s ollso on<' "'''SOn ...·hy the eel ....
bunt no long .... PUI Im. h""l m 11", h.ond of rommunit.m1S bUI on known •• Ihe o..,·, otio Mod",,,,, . ...·hkh " rig m.. •..J .n the r-.:..rho." .
tI,..; . lips a nd .... hy rommun ..... lrom the ch.lice .... ' inlOd;su...,; il lands a l ItI(' ('nod 01 th(' fouri""",h ''-'''lUI)' (Ger...d Gn:>o:>N-. mystic
...·.s I... n>d 1"'1C'·.. n ~ sm", .... drop mi",hl t... spi lled ( th~ ......... and ? ",.cher 01 "'P'--"" t."",~. d . 138-1) . nd sp .... d Ihrooghoul W~I .
oth<"f re~~ .s ...... 11 ). '0
rm Eu ropE". It . trove It) promole. de."P"'f d ....·.-.\ion and fullo ....-
ing of Christ Ihis spirit /t"'nd its claSSic. 1e~p"'Mi"" in I"" famous
E~ tra" dganl n.~ io.>ns of the dfic. <)· 0/ tho.· ,"""rifl<"(, o i l"" .' Ias.< 1..'<1 Imitat;"" of 0..;'1 of Thomas a Kempis (1 J79. H 7]).
10 ...;d""p",.. d quantitdm'c thinking .nd beha,"im. A... fl'Suh. Ih,'
" Autumn 0 1 II", M iddl .. Ag,,>," (J . Huizing.) saw I"" ril'(' 01 ..,·e. Both m'WCmi'n1S hod a fruitfu l inll,,"" ...., not on!)" on tho! Iii,' o f
n" .... ,·oti,·~ Mas~ and num,-.ous Ma sS<"S-in ·_i,....... hich " " 'n'1"(" praye r but on the worship 01 Ihe Chu.ch .• in"" I"")" promul<oJ.
g.,moo a. ha"ing e~t •• ",d in.'I)· .. ffects . n... f""lu,-ncy .... 'th ..... hieh mon° d..-eply interior p.rti<:ip"lion . Yd . uch dlurt s could nul all ...
MasS("S we.~ "Mid" In.:"'ds<-d gNally. as throng. "I priests w ..... ' 0' - the 1",1 thallh,' litorgy hdd become a clerica llilurg)". TIlt' f.ith 01
dained (aile ... " cl")' pont tr.ining) who .... eN simply "ahansls.- lho.: laity so ught and fo und ""p resSion and no uri""menl in pt"l'iph.
that is. h.d tI<) olh('l" dUly than to c.. ldoralt- .. "/aunde<! " Mass .. .och eral ."'0'. for o" ampl... in lho.· nUmemu s rn )'slery pla ys 1h.! t w~",
d .. )·. Thus al ..... Cat hed •.o1"I Strasbou.-g in 152] th.,.., ...·ere no I~ c('lebcAied ch iet1y on lhe g",.t f..asts 01 Chri~trnas. F.pi ph.ony. and
than 120 MaSS/olU ndalions." and in lifr-.lh-cenlur)" Hr'-'SI.ou thtort- Eash!c, but also in honor of the p.11roru. 01 church", a nd ci l...... 1\ -.0-
... ,-'" 236 aha nsts . t t ...·o ch urrlles." Th.· "-"Suit ....'"-... of roUr.oo!. Ih. l pl~ souShl a nd lound ~ p.1tron ... in l foo- .. ,.t"'). .......... not inf....
a n)' gi ....", churrh h.d toh.ve .. '·. sl n umber of aha", lhis In tum quentl)". ho .... f'\·.... n'" .. ratio" of the ... inl ....as i>("{"(,mp.on it!d by
p tomolNl!he Sn 'l<'Sq .... CUSIt"" o f "bo~ed Ma"-"<'S. -" "Thew and 5Upe.stitioUS ~ 3nd pr~cnn-...
";mila • • buS\'S cauS<'d many lhoughlful C hristians 10 c.lI for • " ....
" Vener.ltton 0/ Ill.o ... inlS and lhe; r "'Iio.--g{'n uin~ ,,,. f.~e-is 011<",
fo rm in ke. d and m" mboers."
quil~ un""'tr~i ned . ' ''",I.-clions and blessing' ~N !Ioo', ul! ht in C"",
rn"", 'eg"'Il;)ble d istor nOM must not ma ke us forget. ho ......".er, ............ ~y.: IhI.' ritual., b..-ro"", full of n ......· bo·nt>dicli()n~. Conlrdl~mit .
:hat during thiS pt'riod d ,,,,p faith. interin.ity, and. spirit of s.ell. ..c. i.e!; ~ founded and nc", dev otion, spring up .,11 dnlund . "'-' hgio" s
"; fiee ,h. r.lcleril.OO I.uge gn'ups of peop le. Th ...... traits Oil' docu- Ii/~ bectlm,'S mo", and rnO'" c","p lka ted . A grow in); insec ur ity ~nd
cnentOO Cl'l'n for the dl" 'otional movem""t kno",'n .. "'myslicism ." many-Sidt>d dlscon~n t i. appa"'n t everywho.'n.-:· "
' h" t is. th,· •• t.nd pr.,,·tk ., 01 abs"rption in l< , Ike dee"""t - ground
fR O M T il E CO UNC tl ()f T RE" T ' 0 "A TICA" It
~f Ihe .",,1 - or the ··al"'., · of th .. sou l." in order the", to h...." . ?rGo
TIlt Cou",il ofT'?"t an,/ tlu- Liturgy
'ound '''1''''''"''«' 01 Ihe di,·one. Ot,ma.d of Gai."ou"" (1 (19().IISJ).
--{ildega.d of BIng"" (1098·1\ i"iI). and EliLI"""h of SchOn. u (1129. In fan- of H\(' .obu~ CU r"'nl in lhe whole 01....... " "IIial hl\- . nd in lhe
1M ) rna)' b" ...... nlion!'d ~s 5omo! fy,'elf1h-cenlury "'pn"Senla ri,·cs 01 Ututg)". whk h is .n essential pa " of th.1 ltf.., I...· ~all for a - ..,form
his """·"""·nl. Abo<" all. ho.......·...-. il "".5 !he "" ..... F.anciscan . nd in head and membo..-s" h.od become in=.singly kmd .as ..~rl)" ~s
"}ominican Ordo.>rs th.ol f"st~1\'d lhe m)·stic. l.lt.... tion from tbe lhe beginning oIlhe St.>.I ....",lh ........101)·; ...... for ."'. mple. tho.: po:-il.
hir1crnth ,"nlUr)" on. The hig h poinl "i the G<>rm .. n mystic.1 m",..,.. lion add" n ed In I' opt> Leo X in 1513 b)· V. QUIri n • • nd T.
"enl cam<> in tt.., loort"""lh ...m tul")'; il is t"flOugh to men tion such Giustinin i, ...·M ]atM' t...cam~ C. m. ld"l""" moo~s." E~ plicil """".
",tstanding figufl'S U MdslM' Ec ]"harl. John Tallie,. and H('nl")' Ii"" must "" mad" , I.". German)", 01 the n -po" s on n 'lor m ", hich
;"u"'-. From Ih"; r ra nks. It" '. , ome the '''P''.ted can for an inter_ G.org Will '" ( ISO I· ]573) wrote /or !he p ri.......... bbot of Fu ld~ in
:>ri,. tion of . 11 n·li~ io us lif~. 1542. Wil~el urgoo" "'form of tl",Churrh b)' m('.l n.' "I d n:-Iorm of
the liturgy, and h~ Sl.-..soed in partieo lar Ih .. "<.,<-od 01 " 'p';lining th ..
\ .imila. stnvi ng lor inr"ri orlty marktoJ Ihe mO"em~nt oI .... newal litutg)" 10 Ihe ordiMry pt'<.>pk. '" This would ... tis ly Ihe m\Jfmure,.".
bec~ul-I' tho.:y would hcu Ih.t the Church Ihey "(·spl,.· c"n1. lns
such Sood Ihings,-' Th~ ... W~S ,In ~"C' Ivurl,·. c~1I for .... vir.ed Inu.· Iion.....,,-,'" il ~ puri/i.'<! rontinu. tKm _ of th .. me<!i,'\· allilurgy _.. d
skal boo~s th~t ,....,uld b.> uniform thIQughl>u t tM' Church. fo, th<- IituqQ'rcst....n>d It> II\£' clo!-fJo>y .nd, in thi' ""ginning, ffl.'qu ..... tly s bll
tim<' bt';ng. he",·",-",. nothing h.1ppen;.'d . l'h~ I!':n~i~ .... ""., f'OP"S hidden bdIind tn., roodsc ........... Except in H..·!'<'fmon, lillIe all",,_
would Iw"e had to (h.ng~ lhe,m""l<-es firsl. lion was p.1id 10 th~ po..'Pk.- T1wy ".",,,,d.'<l .'.1. 16. .r>d tho.~r pol"

tkip.1tKm " -. s Iimih'd 10 "Ii,;tming" and Mw.!(hing." FOI the,

n.e Reforml"f5 "-....c thu~ able to lin k tl\ci' seOous rompLoinlS with ordina ry propk> tht> lilu,,",y I\·malned. my~I<'f)' thai was fo' ,h<'
~ <k>mand for ,adic~1 ch.ng.os. and, in d oing w. I;"OUld ,·"unl on most p.trt ~ undns,ood . t'\',,,,though the, Council 01 T.... ' had
,,·idcsp..,ad .);"-,,,"""" and n>adint'SS for ch.ng" , Aft", IS""'I dilfi- UJ5fd that p.>,;t0fS should "fr''qumtl y ... ""pl.,n during lhe (d...
culli ... , .... C""neil of T.... t /;ndlly m.1 (]5-I';" 1563. " 'ith lengthy on· bntlie-> of Ma56<'S sornt' of Ih .. ",.>dings of th .. M.". and among
' .... nussions)_Th<- final ~;on (1!i63-1S65) .. import.nt fur ,h~ other thinss gI •.~ SOIt>t< in~lruc,ion about ,h<, mrs",,'Y of this most
liturgy. A rornm;s,;io" ..·.s dwrg...! ...·I'h dr...·;n): up. IL~t 01 cu'- hoIy ~. esp«i.Uy on Sundd)'S and kasld.rs.""'
.... t Mabu ....,. in the, Md"'"; It..> most SUCCInct lost ran for sh quarto
p.S....., .r>d ",.os th~ mOlt compr\'l\£'nsiw collection " I
M i&>., for li- 1l>e ulhalic hp""al§ (~.II .• tI\o5(> of Mid....! v.-h<>. 1)37. and ,ohan-
turgical ".. tnrm_- Out be.:.uw ti"", w.s ""->,, th<o Couneil could ntS L.,,;"""tritt. 1567) thai ,,'<'1l' publishoed ~tl h,s tim ... made a .·~Iu·
r>OI go inlo t t - "","-,rs in d<1ail. ]1did, 00 ..·....·..,.. tal.> the imro'- .ble runtribu'ion 10 popul •• pict)·, I" the ~inning the <Ortg< ....,..,
tant s"'P of instrucling tIw p<:IP(' 10 wmpik' a .... '" , al'-'Chism md ..... lung outside of Mass in pl"Ott"S~oons and d~'Otit)ns. bUl gudually
''is<' all th.· lilur~al bt.oks wilh thi' I\£'lp of a mmmi",ion 01 dwy found a place in Iht! M"s.s ~s well. I't-tt:f C~ni~iu5 (1521-15'17)
c~p<'rts. n ... I/,,~..,n CUlf(his", aPP"am:l in 15N>; th~"" unde' rius V $oIid thai ,'''''''' popular C..,nn.n hymns. whi<"h ", •• .., now mIKh
(1566-1572). the g,,,,,,,,, Brr!'i~'Y (1578) and I/,m"," Mr>;;J1 (1580) used due 10 .timulus from R.,f".t"m('(! C hrislian" " .•'fC a pious M

........ ~t,;o publish...! . TIw accom]><'nyin); Ilull, d~'freed th.11 1hcS<' pracli.,., and .... Iutary for Iht! Ch ul<"h: - TIw Canlu.1 01 Mainz. pub-
b... ,ks we ... hence/orth obli!:al.,..y. unl,.,;,;, diocl$C <'K r\'liSious lished in 11\0:15. al'Ndy pro"id,'<l wnj\S in Ih., ,'","noru .,t th~I.,
"rd,... muld .tIow Ih.t thei' s p".;.1 u,;ag''S "'de .1 least Iwo hun · Gradual. al"', Ih<.· cons.:-.:rdlion, JI Ih., "gnus 0.,;. ~nd during com-
drt"<l yearS "Id, The Cong,egat ion 01 I! ill~ ...~, ~'St.blish&l in ] 5B8 munion,
10 ", •. Iho t Ih" dec,,,,, ... as /,lilhlu ll y /",II"w,.d, In the ",ord~ 01 Ihe
77u Liturgy;,r tlrr &"",,,r Pr'''HI
Hull QiI" prim",,, IC"'I"'" thai wo s p",fi'~od III t l~ Missal, "OOlhin);"
The liturgica l bt>o ks, In.1 ~pt'<"i.lly Ih~ M,ssal, that "",,\. published
w.' ""w
"e"", to be • .1.1<'<1. n·m') ....J, ,,' ch.ns.-.;! " in Ih\.' ,il~; this,
und e, commi""jon 01 th~ Cnu,><'il "f 1',,'11 1. ina.,sur. lt><! "the .. ge of
howe"er, "-,lS. di~iplindry d'''''tl.' .,Id could not "'j\.,lIy bind sub- • rigid unifi,>d lit",,",), and of rub'kism, "," " F",m th.· ,.,., ... 01...".,lh I"
""luent popcs or );"ncr" I wu"cil ~. I.tturgic~1 SM nd.N i~... ti.", .... ,
dw tw.... 'ieth ~~... tu1'ks liturgical kl(oli sm and casublry took.In
.1", promot,>d by oth~, lilu'Sic~1 boolos, the "',,""" l~mtofi(!'1
PVer II"'."" plaCt' in tlw prdClic.! .nd INching of litu'gy."" Ur>d ... ,
(15%), lhe C""",,,n ..1'1 Ik<h<~'" (11lOO). ~nd the Rom"" /1.,,,,.1 (] (, ] ~)_
the innU<'!lC~ of Ih<' h.>roqU<' attitud., ", lif.... Ih ... off"'ial litu,);), of
A uniform liturgy Wd> Ih ..~ pn'SCriNd fo' II\£' l'nlin' \V,SI: il ... as It... Chu..:h ..·.s c~Jt..bt'I...d ... ith in .. ,.", ,,"'01(" display 01 spkndO!".
not. ho""",',,,,. llie old Roman liturgy. but. h)'brid 1I.0mdn-Gallkan· Elenwnts in this w'-"'" nol only lhe malSnifir.",' inl ...... ors of th .. ba.
G<>rmon litu,,",)', Wlwl lhe Couroc,l h.>d in mind ..·.. s .. n-form of tfw ""I"" ~hurchcs but also the polyphonic !'Inging and thoc instrumen_
di"int, offj.,., "accordtng 10 Ih<- an<:i/ml ord", of pr~y .... " .nd of tho' tal music. Th ... Ct'lfb,.tion 01 Mus ..·. s ""Pl'riom<:cd as a · I","~I for
Mass" "('«;mIinlS ", lilt> norm of tl\(> holy Fal"""" and Ihe ancimt ey<'.nd ea •." Thi5 splendor lound ils g"'~1<'SI mani/<"Stalion in tlw
rit,,'.,· but Ihis ..·.s "a gOo/lI th.1 rt-m.;n..-.d OUt of ..,xh " 'ith th .. Corpu. Christi proct"Ssions. the, man )' othe, pnn""",11§ .nd pi]-
""'MIS ••·.Hablc at lhe, ,i"", and gi"en the conl<,",pt><. 'Y state 01 Ii· grimage:. ..... d lhe ,,!,irililal 1'1.11)'5 tin f... .,d.ys- Tho." """"",,nl of sub-
"'rgk~1 ..-;"".,.,. - n... !"O'5t.Tridmti ..... lilurgy was ". ron,inua' ;.ctivism was li lt k> changed .. ~ lhe high and la«- Middt., Ages. if
w,· p,,-,,",ind lrom It...· dimin.lI;OO 01 Ih~ gr~1 .bu",.,;. During lhe
"y and f"rbad.. th,- uSo' 01SOm .. 01 Ih"m. n.., liturgical ",f"'m
M~ .. th,· I~i lhful .... ould »y Ih.·~!)' or the p.~y.,.,;'" the "dew>-
planned by Ikned ict XIV dtd 'u"
beenm,' . ",.Ii lr
lions dunng M ~""" tNt .... ~.~ to b<.> fOl.1nd In th~ nu"' ..... " uS
prayerbooks ~ fIowerins 01 the art 01 p rinting) Tht- df",t " f J. d,' TN /JIurgy m I"" /'trwd '"1 ,/", (Mlightr""""'1
Voisin. a Fn'flCh pnHt. to mal;,! the texts ol th .. M~ .. ~,.. il~bl,· tu Under tilt.- in/lu,'f"Oa! 01......" . ,mel l«ru. 1 outlook Ih.ot replacO'd th<-
tht- people in ilk' n'rTI.l(ul~. t .~nsl~tions "'~s sh.o rply rond...." ",-d b.lroq.... attitud(' to IiI" thcs.> .. fforts a t !"l'Oe..·al luok on ........ vitalit)".
as ~ "profanation 01 tht- So1"" U.lI')"" by Aleund.". V II in a Bri;,l ol Pt'ople no ..' Iook,-d ;I t th" 11t,,'K), mon.· in I"rms 01its p.lStonl u",,"
1661." fuiness; tho."}" .. mph~si1.L-d its rommu",,1 c .... r.ct .. r and "nl\'" lor a
great'" :oimplidl)' ~ nd " l"<'aStmab~ ...~." In ttx' p ............. """••••,."..
The "'.... RIO'" co rrunon b.ld pract;c.. of nul d'>lrihuung <ommu'
they ... ccumbood to th., risk 01 red""ng " 'ooship I" a loul 01 mor~1
nion until .It.... M.55, in order th.Il tho' I~ilhlul " ' h" did nul .....,.;,.••
Ionn.otiun. an rd""ahon.laid . Esp«iallr ... ,table in lhis con "",! is
might Ie.,'" ilk' church soont'r. only .o«t!I1tu.lt!d >till m, .... th .. i",I • •
~ 1786 S)...oo " I P,sloia. Oospil.. its manr ,".Iu.oblt- . ugg.:stio...
!ion of a rommunion<mto:-«d piEt). from lhe Mo,,,, p«>p<:r. Tht- .......
for noform Pius VI harsh!)" condemned" in 1m." Demands for Ii .
mon ""~s usu~II)' p .... ch.,.;l b<.>fore Mass, " ' ith th~ ~ult Ih.o, il c. IIJld
tv.rpcal ",form "',-re al ... , c\pn-,;sed ~I Ihl' Congl"l'"SoS ,>/ Em!. in 1786
",,,,Iy bo.. "",in,-d ""limy. 1l\(o d",'otion to the Son of (".00. p"'*'"
bul the ~rchbi...nops ..f Cologno.', Tri.".. ~bin., and Solzbul]I; W,-"",, .
in the labern.>Oc on lilt.- .1t.1r. to his ITI05t s..crt'd He.".
and to 1 1 i.~
roncerned p rimarily with I'Il"iisting the p.tp.ol claim 10 pnmary."
I' ...ion. and <"<Iuall)" the Ilmost inlinite num~r (1/ f.... "", ul d." ''''
m.., Iu Our t.odY-.111 t~ we ... more congenial", I"" p iou, ttJ~n In ad diti"".. th"'" we..- many tho.'Ologi.ns wh" lool up the ~.u ... of
t"" e ~is!ing furm. of tm.' litu');)" whkh lor Ihl' m('lSt part "'ere n,,1 I(lUnd litu')!icai ..,form .nd in ,;.;,me e~ ...'S Ca !TiM ilS b,,"""r b. into
p,...".,,-I y und~r,;tandabk-'-"'" At "WI)' poinl in thl' Ulurgicallif.. the ni..... t"'-..... Ih ern"",?;: lhis peri<ld may hi.' ca lk-d the n~dJe '" th ..
the", is a strange but unmisul:abl.· om ;><:lion to th .. peripheral. ~/;,-­ liturgical mo,·rolent . '
di"" a! d~ ....!opn"'nt,; wnlin"", but p<-~,!,I ,' do not look b.ock 10 Ih~ir
.- ' "IN Li!u't!! a"d r". Ca lholir &-s l",.r;"" <f 0". Ninrl...."I. Crnlll'Y
The ltomantl( m"""m~m in t h~ lirsl d~... ad<'5 of the ni nl"l""mh ,('f1 -
On .. gra ti fying phL'n"m,,,,,,, "I th,· b." oq u(' j1'(1"iod .... as the d .... d· tUI)" "-l'"""nI M a swing <If the p"ndulum a w~y from th,· Enli ght.
op m""l "f liturgical 'dL....."'. Many 5<:m,I,rs. l'Sp<-'Cia lly in lta ly and enmcnt. In ...,;><:tion to rati"",lis m il w~s indi'·iJ"., li~t ic ~nd
Franc ... publisht'd ,.,)urru mote.; .. 1.nd tr .. '''i ....,; " n lit"~ ic"1 I U!:>je<:ti..;'I. o'1'...,mpha~il.ing faoli ng and mO<><! . e .... n in Ih..... ~Im
them<'S. o",;...,.vinS 01 "pecial mention art· 11L.....-dOC"lim'S U. M('na .d" of ... li gion. "Tile whok nature "f Ihl' Rom"n lk " 'liSIDU' spint wa,
(d. 16+1), J. Mabillon (d. 171)7). and E. Martc",' (d. 17)~). Th~.'ti nc OPpo!loL'<I to Ihe spirit 01 th~ Ii lu.S)". It !s th.:n'i",,, not surp.ising Ih.'1
Ca . di",,] B. G. M. Tomm ..i (d. 171 )). hl ! t",i ., n I ~ A. Mu ... o.i of ::: ... al Ro~ntks .. . had p. octicall)· nn tim~ '~. the litu.gy and
Moo.. na (d . 1750), Popt' s."...J i~t XI V (d . )753). ond Ik",,--dlctinc nil" hturglCal . ... At best. Ihl'r n;garded the "'urgy.s a historical
abbot M. Gcrben 01 St. B]a~i..., in ("... rm~ny (d . 179)). 1'0. much datum or as a ."IU re.> "f <'5lhtotk pJe• .,u . ('. but lhe !rul' na lu,,· 0/ the
g.('~t{'f e,·lrnl lh.ln in th~ polSl. 5oCi<'Iltlfic d"cunlcntat">n "'~, a'·ail· li turgy was wholly ~lirn to lilt........ "" j('''''.nri<"ism was, 0/ ro"TS<',
abk' f, ... romp. ring ttx' N.lie. liturgy " ' ith the litorgy 0 1 T""'t and not. Catholic tno\·..... ' .....1 and must ... ~ bemnfuS«l with...., s ub<.e-
1m stimul. ting ,.floriS at 1\'1"1(''''.1. In Funcc nunwrou, dio<.,..,,; r<'- I!"\·''''
'1......,1 Calhol ic t>oi-Ioratiott .. if 5Um<' Rom.nlics who la"" m -
lurn<'d to tht- p..,.. Tridentin(' "Gllican " liturgy; many publishnl rountem;l the Catholic "-'Storatiott found (('ftain R"""'nlic ..t.......... '"
........ m;,;,;..,ls .nd bn,,';"'ri<'5 inrorpor.ung • good mony ch.ong~ Be- in i t
eau,", th.- boob .... "",,, """n<'<1.,.;1 al l". " "'SionaUy and in time
As tilt.- name indicates, Itx' "Calholic h.'St<"a tion " ainwd.t t"l'b,,;Id .
..·ith Jansenism and Gllic~nism. Rome sooo susp«tnl them ofher·
ing ..·hal .... d suppo: s Idl)" been d<'5truy nl by lho.>- F..nHgh"""""",. In
tl\o.· proress il soughllD align it..,lf dosely wilh lIome . nd the High C~ SIA)"ed t ......... from 1862 to 1863 in ot"der 10 lI"in a cLoser
Middle Agcs, A ....... ult.. il d ...wloped <:Oo1n«\io,,'1 wilh hi;I01;_ lno.... ledge ,,/ Ik·",..dkthw lile in lhat monastery and th"" 10 nltum
c;;m, iI. may be secn. for ,,~ampl~. in Ih~ n" 'i"al of Scho la slic th"" I. 10 c;..rm.oy .nd ,.,open lhe abb.,y of Ikuroo, Bt.uron btxam~ a C~,, ·
"IIY (Nt..".,hola,hci .m) a nd Ih~ imila lion of m<'(!ie,·.larchil""rural I... ol litu.gical ccl.1b'Jtion and study and H,..n sp",ad Ihi ,,,,,i , il
slyles (esp"dalll Homa"'-"!IIque .nd Gothi<). Thi, oullook also Ihrough r.:'" foundalioos "'h ich ill.'Slabli;;.h.,od (Ihe Beuron Cong .....
ma,],ed il~ . ttitud .. to ItIt! lilurgy: il cuJIi"a led lho.- supp<l5t"dly u.I)· glItioo). Of lhese ~lan!d ..... s in III'Igium (lSn) and Maria Laach
1I""",n form of I"" liturgy .u som..-thing worth)' of '· ......... hon and (1892). "" " '0.4[ ~s Mont-Cesar dt Lou"ain, ...·hi<+> ...·a5 founded by
lrit<d to §t;, ,·nlhIL';;a.m I".it. Ma...-dsou5 ..... ould.ll pl.ly . dtri5i" " role in I).., li turgica l mo,'<!-
menl of the 1"·'"I1tit>th o:\'Olury.
Tht· spo4,.man lor Ihis n·storali""al ,·;"w of the liturgy was Pn"..
Pt" Gu<! •• nge, (1805-1875), Ilen.,.jictin~ abbot "f SoIt'Sm.,. in A""th~. /,·.ture of th~ ,""I". a hon pe .iod Ihal .... o"l d be imp.-,.Ian l
f •• r.:e. ln hi. principal works. Insl'tulivn~ itlu'II'qlNS and
1\\' 0 for I.I~. li tu.~i'al .m~w. 1 was its ",icntilk cu ith'a!ion of [iturgical
L'Q"'..... ','u~iqw," I.., soughl 10 bring out IIx> digni ly and Ix-a u!\' of history. hi""",.., ('OlIe':HOt!~ " j II.., h lhers .od Iitu.~ic. 1 SOUro!!>
ItIt! lilUrgy. In d oing -"". hi! ,;Irongly emp"""ud il:> cso"'ri< c"";.c- weI'\' publisht-d (M igne, I"" G",rman Lib •• ry of the Church f al hoM;,
let. II i. "b)' ils n.alu", R'SO'r'"",,, to th .. clergy. to a gl't'."'r ...1\'1'11 ....."" the A.1IdI~'" Ir'lmnl('. of G. H 0...-...,. and C. Blume). along ...·ilh
lho n lhe sacn.d scriplur6.-" "The liturgical books ..... intended (,,. II\ilny I... tbo"k,; "n 1""liturg)'. lhe,;..· incl uded th" .... "r-ls of F. X.
p"'-'sts" ., n... faith ful. Ih" .... lo'~, have no righl!<J ('Omplain thai Schmid (d . 187[), V. Th a lh,~", (1825·I!I9[) ,nd ~. l'robst ([ 8[6-
whO! was not w.it!"" for IhL'Tl'I is M'Pt lrom th"m . ,,", He "'~arded 1899). "wh" h..xam~ Ihe ~al f"un der .od pion"",. of modem litu.gi·
anl chang... in lhe "formulas .nd ril<-,." as an off"n"· against II.., c~ science."" TIl<' way was thus p"'P •• ro fo, • criti<.l app.aisal of
Chul't'h il~lf and as a ...·.nl of II.., Calholic splnt." Thi. app lied to the medi....·al ·Trid"" lint' liturgy, which h;><l ott... n bft.n "" unil.",,·
any a""mpt to <Tl'.te a liturgy in the "('macular, 8«.use he ...... ally pr.;.ed in t .... tl'Sloralion period ,.nd for a better gr.>'P of thol>
g.ltoed I.... Roman lilurg)' .Iont·,u fret- of a ll error. .... bi llerly ...... [iturgy,u being b)' its n.lu ... a cone...-n of t.... eo"i... """,pi<- of God.
• tst.:-d Ihe Gallic.., liturgies lhal ....e", 10110"",..:1 In m~ny dio",.""",
1M Uturgk.' M"''''W'''NI of 1M Twrntwllr C.... tury (D<>u .. IQ Vali(l>~ 11/
~"d ).., .... a§ mmp",,,,I ), succt!>Sful, ) h· ....·en hoped Ih~1 - I)'" time
In. document publishro dlthe "'--ginning of lhe tw~ntidh (~nl ury
"'i ll com,' "'hen the languag~ and faith of Rum~ wi ll be the so l..
POp<' Pius X (I \'1))-1<114) wrole a ",nIL",,,· Ihat was to mark t"" be-
m"an sof ~ch i""ing unity ~nd 0,,,,,,,,.1 in Ih.. £"SI 00 less Ihan in
ginni ng of the PJ0f"'rl)' pdstoral I'M'" ,,/ t""li lurgical mt,,'cm,"I1I,
th~ WoS!. '" n... n~in troductlOt! 01 the Roman lilurgy inlO Frano:e
or of Whoal hoas oils<> been c.lled - the cLossk allilurgical m .....·...
m..anl. unforlunatd); thai a gre.tl d"at of ....J .... in the k>cal ~turgil'S
mmt ..... ln his M"IU l'roprio T.Q ksolkcuuJm, on chutch musk (No-
w.~ lost. G ..... r.nger ·5 effort. at «'T1lral.i.l..ation re.tched b",yond t .....
vember U. [9OJ), lho.· POp<' call..d for -acn,'" participation in 11\0.'
botdl'l'S 01 Fr.""" dnd led to t ..... loss of '·dluabl .. loc.[ cu.toms in
holy m~t"';... and in I"" public and ""I"",n pra rer o f the
Germany (", K., Trier) as .... cll,"' I::l\,spi le all lh.t G ..... rang~.. d id t" fas-
C hurch."" A Belgian 11<,.,..d icti "" . Lambert Ile.ud"in 01 Mont
t ..... in p rinciple. a high <'Sk",m for Ihel itu'g),. he,,.n hardl), be
Cear. pick~-d up lhe ~~p ..".;;ion ..•1Cliv" p •• ticip. !ion" (Latin:
r" nkL-d amon~ thE I3Ihc rs ,-,( th ~ Iitu.gical rnowm~"'1 insof•• as Ihi~
"",lid"..lio ar'~) of Ihe laity in lhe litu'l!y .nd m.dc it I"" slogan
ailTlt'd'l promoting an in lelliJ;~nt p.utidpatitm of Ih" ..."i", Chris-
for his pa~or.. 1lilurgical wort<. He .poke 01 I.... nl'<'<I of ~d.mo... a·
wn f"'OPlI.'. Gu(-ranger and hi' ~bbe)' d"""""'ed sped... p.a;'" lor
tizing the [itu. gy.- thoal i~. "",king ill"" <Or'IC\'m t~ lhe .... ti ... cOt!·
I.... study, culti'·atK>n. .nd SP"'~ of Roman liturg ....... ";nging.
greg;otion. At theannua[ Catholi< Day of I.... Archd~o/
S"lcstnt!S d id play an imponan' pa n in t ..... modem h'sloryof m., Mechlin in [~he h;><l I"" "I'ponunity of pres<>nting hi, ,.;......'S ICla
liturgy lo.smuch as thE brulh.'rs Mauro. and Placid \,*,lter from wide audience. H~ spoke,~ th~ liturgy as bo'ing Ihe autht.nl ic

pray~r 01 thco ehu",h, lhe bond of unity bo.·lw~n pri•.,.1 ""d people, 'TK"'~m""l in G..".-many lhoe follo .... ing may be mentioned among
and I..... gr<'~1 m...:I,Unl fot Ih~ Chu..:h 's pn'.>Ching. Tn., !\"loOluli"",
oIh.".,.; J. I'insk (ll'etlin), J. A. Jungmann (lnmobruck), L K. Monn"'Tg
he p r<.>f"J'K"d we .... un.lni"", usly ;K.:.!pl.od: dissemin.lion of \'e ..... cu- (Maria Lddch) . .ond J. Qu.sten (W.sh ington, D. C.). Important scien·
I~, 1,.",Lotions of lhe I.", IS for Sunday Mus and Vespers; u... focus-
ing of ~U piely on 1....·li"'rg)"; uinualn1realS for chun:h choirs_This
tific and prdctic.1 work wa~ .1,.,
d t>N.' by Ihe m"",bers oI t),.. Lrip-
zig Oratvry 01 51. I'hilip Nt!ri (from 19)(l0n; I.ter in Munich • •
" M""hlin ~" mIH may lit- .eg;l rdo!d a~ Ih(o bi,.,h of Ihe eJ,l sskallilurgi. ,,·~U). among them Th. Gun ~~l. J. Gulden, H . Kahld.:ld, and K.
cal """-"",,,,,t.'" Onl)" a f......· we.!ks Loh.'T lIc~udu;n bt-gan to pUblish Tillm.nn_
a lind 01 populu mis:;.tl in the fonn of. monthly f"'riodio;"ll (from
1911 on, a5 . Sun<1ly mi~,,",I); in 19lO th~ fi~ " lilurgical ..·....... - was Whil" th~ monl:s o f Mari. Lodeh d'I'<'<'I<'d thcoir I ttenlion chidl)' 10
ceiebo-alN al the Abbey of Mont-Cba, wilh many p.a rtiripantslnd . ,.<1<",,;.-.., R. Cu.nlin; ",nit'd" IIw s pirit of lhoe liturXyHinlo the
in ~ n.mlagiow; Opiril 01 ""thw;iasm. work! 01 }'Ou"S sludffilS, " 'ho under hi5 direction funned t ....
Quickbom associ.ltion 81 BUI)I ROII..,nf~~
In Gennan)", the A])b.,y 01 Ma ri.l Lo""h. under Abbot IIdt'fons
H..,.,,·"S,'f1 (from ]91) on), ,,'as the chid promoter of liturgio;"al un. N",,' " '0)'lI 01 c~k'b.allng ~bss playfll "" ;m porlant p;ort in th~ liluT'
derstanding ond particip.>tion. It d in'.·Rod its efforts first at ""adem- gical ... ,i"ol a fter Wo rld War I. As e • •ly as 1921, the Aii.". ...,jt"t~
ics, ... ho in 1913 ..'e .... in"iIN for the first lim~ to join in thco (i"" "",d utlwr INn sung) " .it!> being cel.>b.aled in the cryp l al
celebration of HoI~' W<...-k al the abbey. Among lhe p.articipants Man... l.>.1ch; in this Ma.. s I....• pri.",1 «Icbrated fadng th" people,
... e ... the loter impt'ria l c""roc~lIor of C... rmlny, H. 8<uning , and the while l ..... conSrto.lion sTOOd d~ around lhe ,ltar and g~"c the
loter F... n<h prime mini'let. K Schumann . While lhe Fi.. t World Lotin ~po<>><'5 (A-iisSil d",loJgato, o. " di~logu~ Ma~")." Out nf this
W.r was still going on, edilor I. ti(!rwi'gt'f1 in.1uguratt:d t..... e;enes form "f celdltatiOn grew lhoe 1.ler ·cummun;ly M""s, " during
[cdr.;i~ Mm. wilh Ihe pub lica lion of R. Gu.n:Hni's Tnt Spirit <if t~ which ~ 1~.J et of p.~y~r spoke !h~ prayers and readings in C,erm~n
Uturgy, whid> i, "'gordt'd a_. a (lassie of tn.: early liturgical mo,,('- while lhe pri."" wa~ «,;><ling Ihem in Lati n, and Ihe people p""""l
men! and has sIimul. It'd lilurgk~lund"l"$londing Ihnlugh nlimer. pra~'ed man}' pa rts 1"1;.'1.....' •. Once German """gs ... ere inlrOOuced,
0'" editions down to the pre"':'n t day." Ihe celd>r.hon was called ~ Brt!.n!!nJl'S.... (a "prayed a nd sung
M. s.") . Piu, Par,;ch had ,1 lread y inlrodurt'd , qu ile eMl y on, the
A fl<'r Ihe Fir;! World W~r num,'rQuS s.."ientifir sl lldies of th., lilu rgy
"choral Ma,..." and Ih(' "congrtoation.1 ' ....". 1 M."." In all these
app<'~red both in Q,nnany and ~broad ; for ~ • • mplc, ttle "",rkos
tYP'-" of ""I.obr.tion I....'''' w,s , con...idcrablc amo unl of "acli,·" par-
"Liturgi"S..... hic hllic hc Qu.,11"" und Forschunll~n, ",," ttle I~hrb~ch ticipalion." As a ",>,ult of Ih."!Io(' "Oriou5 forms 01 th., Moss, ,,'hich
f~r l~t"r;:''''.;sS<')I''''Mft,., lhe publications of F. J. OOlgct (espolci~lIy had YOl,l h sroup!; .. th<'ir original setting. many parislw... a l", "".
hi , Anti~t un.! Ch""trnt u",) .nd his school. including ~mong 01M ". quin'<l a conc~m /"r 11w.' liturgy,
l ·r; . Ktau ... t (.... ho foundNIru, fun,burn fiJr Antil;r "nd Cn';"",tu",),
and. in Ualv, the mulh\'olum~ l.ibt> ~t'il ",t" I"'"m of l. Sehu, to,,., The liturgical "" 'i,'al did nOl fail to arouso: opp""it' o n and suspi·
s..nt'di(hn~ dbbot .. nd later ,~ rd in.11 of Mil.n." On<: at thoe outsland. cion_ M,'ny ,,-'Sis I<'\! it., being superfICia l fth'olity and. fad of thco
ing C,erm~n lilurgical scholars .... s Odo Casel (l H!lf..I948), ~ monk young; ol hers objo:<tt:d Ilwt il WaS di.'iding communi\i"" and pr0-
of Mdria l..>-xh, w"'-studi<:-s In m.. Fllhco", and Ihe!IC~ of .... moting ecn"'tn.:ity. Two boo),,; m panicul.. ralsod so:tious chorgt'S
ligion c,-","incod h im th.11hfo liturgy is 10 be ~rdo:d ~~ I mystery and dislurbtod 1'101 onl y the German t>i)hop!l bUI the Roman .uthori-
eelebrdtion ,Ihfo mysl~ty oI ...'orship· ) in which the »p rimordial tics." The ....ult ,,"5 the so-nlll'<l -crisis of ~ lilurgk al m<l\ .....
ment- d uring lhe $t:cOfld World War.
m}'Slery, " ","0. Christ, booromcs tt'demJ)'i.... ly p""'-"'t wilh his ", ,'.
ing -xth';ly.'" Among tl'l<' p.a;,;.-wu rthy 5(''''ants of the liturgical
RomanoGwnd ini helpt'd I<>d~.. the ,ir >Omt'wh.I " ; Ih. leIter
,,·hich .... wrol~ in 194() to Bishop A. Stohr of M.. in:<_" In it .... d.ri·

lilld many misundt!n;landinll$. *t.od sonlt' ~d""" .. ,·i'-""S. and mI'O!Iings on stud)' of th~ li'u .... )' ""cre hdd; <'>p<.'Ciall y ;n>pm'tJnl
wam<'<I agoinsl th .. dang ..... 01 liturgkisms. pragmatism, aruJ di l.. l· waS the Cong"-'SS of Pastmal Liturgy at AAi" in 1956.'" In his !>......1-
t~ntism. 00 tM """ ~de, and. on Ih~ 0If>c.r. 01 turuervatism and an in5S to thls (on~ lhe f'<J\1'" expresso.'<l. d,'l1' .pp..,...iation 01 Ihe
on.,.hasty ",action by the aulh.,..i~. In that ",me y..ar the (""-'mIan liturgical mO"""'~rlt: " Th .. liturgical mo""ment is thu~ shown forth
bishops t.'SlabHsh,'<I a liturgical commission unde r Ih<.· "'ad""~hip of ., • sign 0( tM p"",i<k'11tial di'P"'iti,,"s of God for lhe pR,"""I
8i~hops A Stohr and S. undMSdorl.... (poss.ou). which wu til di- ti_. of lhe m01"e m,"'1 of the Holy Gh""t in the ChURCh . 10 draw
r«t the lilu.weal "",,·.. menl from thoot point on and Iu p"'''''''1 a cri , men morn d"",ly I" th.· mr'ltcries 01 !h~ fait h and th" ri,h,,, 01
~is .... it hin tho: Chu,,:h al a tim<'of s.-rious pn!Sl;u .... Imm witl>out grae<' ""hieh flow fn"'" th.,' act;,·., paniripotion 0/ the f~ithful in Ihe
Uh ... Nazi regim(' and its pt'rS<'CUlion 01 til<> Church.s; World w"r II). 1i11.lJKk., lik' .....
19~3 saw a new crisis .... h"". Roman commis.ion of cardinal s that In tho! " •• ly d"".<k'S of tho.' «Olury Ih., litu .... ical mo\".,.,.".,t was
had bo,... o!Stablislwd pr«iSt'l)· to dt-al with IIwse liturgical t.... ~ ~ with a ....... ,,'Cd p.trticip.u"" <.>f lhe faithful in t.... cu, ·
sml lhe Go.>rman <'f'ioropat.. a letter in "'Weh it spolu! of Rorru-', 01" J\'I\t Tridmt!n., Utu,);),. As mid-«>nlury d,,·w nl'a" h,w .. ",·.·,. it " ·.IS
pr1.'he,,,io ns and .s ~o:d Ihe C",""an bisholS to put an end ta.ll un- becoming ;ncredsingly deM tha t the lilu');y il)(,1/ "'~S in n'-"'<l 01 re-
aulhori, ...'<I)iturgic.l.cti,·ity. A,,·""'" .ft..... Ih is leiter !>Kame publk form and rene",.I. A SL1 r1 "'~~ mad.> ,,·ith!ht' .......· u tin tun~l~ri"n
knowkd!>l' Archbishop " . GrlIbo..,. of Fn'iburg height .... «ltho! I.,,· of the psalm s, " 'h ieh Pius XII rclc.u ,'<I in 1~~5 W",llerjum P""",m).
stor" ",dh his "5e"~ntl'{'!l C.uscs lor COlX",n ." which in tho!ir !>asic Around mld..::entury Rmnl' ~ppro,·..d ~ numbc<r of na\ional rilu~l~
tmor ",,,<mblo:d tho.> appreho.>r'»;ions ",>iced in the Roman """"'. in which tho!- """",cub, 01 tho!- country W~~ 0,.,'<1 to an e'·.... g"'~I... r
While C.rdinal Jnn it~e, of Vit:nna (Auslri. "' .. at that time ",. ~~tent. On Feb", ....' 9. 1~51 ,he do.: ...'e nn tll<' rdorm of the r",s\Pr
gard ed a~ Ihe "E.stem Marches " of "G R.. tcr Germany") in"..,. Vigil liturgy . pp".~; il mu ...'<1 rm, !O'r.. ic~ In,m Hol)' Satunby
~p<>rIS" 01 his ""'" dedaR'<I thal lhe Rorn.;rn .""il'til'S did no! apply morning to the bcgirming of lho.' "i~il night, In.tian}'. Ihi. "'a~ dune
tu Austria, ond disuncOO him.",1 1 lrom Gruber 's "root.""s. " the cautiously and" M ~n eXl"-'r imcnl.· Ihc change bo.ing left to th~ deci-
uth ..... German bishop,; ""nt their answer on April 10, 1....3. "j. IMi. sion of .... ch bishop. Thu~ tho!- " Mot~r of a ll Villi Is- on«' .goo." ...-.
p'l'Sident, Cardinal ,'on lk'rt ram (6resbo ). Fr~nkl r .nd p<.'I"Sua· quire<! an im porlam plae., in ,he ron.dou'n~'S!o of II\{' faithful. ,,,,,
s"'d)' thc), set Rome straight with f\' gard to ilS marge.; or al I~a't rdorm of th~ East~f Vigil woOS followt":! on Nu,'cm!>o.', 16, 1951>. by.
s howM tho...... to !>o.' I'-'SS ""rious. On o..c"",bcr 2 ~, 19-13. lhe Rom.>n ~i",II'on of Hoi)' \v....k in its ~nti "" r. I lu~ timl' the manS"
....",IM;"I 0( st.", r"Plied in me", coocili.o lory tunes thoot th" bish· w as made obli ialory fo, tn., whvl., Chun:h beginnin!> in 1956.
01'" >IIould helXelmth cu,b "nauthl>fized activ ity. but at tho' s.o"'" n-,...., waS i s udden Il'Cling that m., .rmor ofT"",!,. "rigid un.IiM
tin .... it allo,,·,'<1 tht- -community Ma,;s." In., &I'ing~~. and the IiIU'K}'« hold"""" /uro,d open. Althu.. gh tl\{' 1938 l""lruction IJr
·C....""'n I ItSh Ma>lll " in which lho.' «Iebranl ""';1<.'<1 alllho.' parts in ",usic. ",en>'" ",en> fi!urgia 01 In.. Cunllrcg,lIion "I R,t,,, ,,' •• 1\'.
L,tin. but at the same tim" o.-rman ",nS" app 'opriale to ""h part gardM ••• ~tback. thc P"-'S5u,,, fo' lurt h<.' r reforn" w. s noW i,...,..
we,,' sung. "hus th.· dang.... which Guardini had fea1'('d. of ''''erl\a. ! istib"'-
SI)' .......-tion b)' th" ."lhOOI;..... ,,·os a ....
V.\llC.\N II ",," rOST CO "CtU"R D[ VHOI' M f."TS
" furtho.'T turning point in f",·",- 01 'he liturgical mm·... ml'11t Cilme in The tim(' ,,'OS riP" f... 0 ritd ica l and comp",hen,;,'" n'form 01 lho.> IiI-
11\{' F.ndydkal ,\I,'II... /or On ,,1 1'ius XII in 1947. ",.!tich 11-"'" ap- orgy, This came ""'n' quickly than " ' pcctM, d"" to J".t.n XXIII ',
p""'a l in p.;ncipl~ 10 the cll(nts of th~ mo'·<'m~nt. As a ",.ull of the ,u!prising announce"""' t U;mua,)' 25. 1959) 01 • s."., .... al ,""ulXil
<'f>Cydical. "Ltu'gicallnsl ito'''''" wen' ""t.obli~ in m.... y COUl\- and to the spiril oIl.....-dom and honest seaRCh for tl\{' best """"ib'"
tn. .... ,,"um •...,us n.aoon.alli lu .... kal rong_ and in","",Iional !IOiulion5 that characlerizM tho: work o j thi s c",mcil.
sam~ d,'8'~ - (Arl . 7);
n..., g",ol b"'~kH,,,,ugh ~.m~, dospil~ In.- final .. lforls 01 cu rio I <iT-
2) to promol., .>.:Iin' Pol<lidp. tion by the raithful (1 4 and fre-
cks 11'101 would only 100 gladly h.we n.-Id on 10 ~ rubrid,.od. ' ''''t'dl- quently);
ize<t .m! rigidly immuubl~ Hlurgy, This ~ lt ilu<k' of 11>0.' Curi ..
3) to 1''''''101'' hlurglC~1 s.cieJICe and lilurgi<.l fOnllahun ( t5--1\11;
~xpla ins lhe \\.ISly public~t ion oIlh~ (ldo ",/>ti(a,.m of July Z7,
~) to diM • g.'"IIo'fal ntIW"',,1 ,n It>;, fhanll""bw parts ,,( Iht- liturgy
]960. - It waS impossibk- not It) '"'" ,I> mis publicdlion • work in_
(2]-40) i,,~b, ~ s " 11w goOO nf Ihe Churrh g,'Iluindy.nd ..."..ainly
I""ded 10 rowslan 1.1(1" dl'Ci~ions ,,( 1M "",neil: il subs<-qucnlly be-
""IuitH" it (23). Sp«i.llmport.~ is ."ached to ""'f""d fur the
carrw de.. how well .foun<kod Ihis suspicion had toN."."~ On April
bibUco.! ",.dmgs and.n In""..,.. ,n lI><>ir nu..v..., Cmo ... ",ading. _.
15. 1%1 , a "" .... .-.1"10 Iyplt"ll of Ih~ 6re\'I~')' was publis ....od, and on men> ,·.,Iro .nd apposilf": 35). to the communal nalu'" of liturgi-
June 23, 1%2. 3 "'... n/II.' 1YJ"<lI nl the Miss.>l; boIh "',,,~ pRlduced
by lhe C""S"'8. I;OO of lI.il,'S. and .... pmbabl)' 10 boo inl"'l',,'ll-d in
cal nolrb,.tion. In simpli fic.lion.n.d g"""" daril)' (3.1), 10 ad'pla-
lion In In.- trad,tion and sp«i.l char"" ...... nf peopl"", which impl;""
lhe ... m.. lighl as 11>0.' c..kr ",bti"",um. During the p"'p..anon o f
lhe ... hem. lor Ih .. liluf);ical c"'f'lstuutioo ilw", " .... '" still "."sion.'I
• degIw of d4!'R'nlrah.auoo (3i4(i), .nd to &""'1...- ronsideralinn o'
lhe ,·...-nl<ul.. ()6and frequ ..... tlr),
and att<'Tl1pb 10 QI)IoIn"-,,. !""I-dilch re-sist.lnC\' 1<> profound
ch.lngl'S; bul'[-"" ,uunci! " '., .. b~ 10 o" efCom<' Ihi!' oppu;ilion '" Thew genera l pnndpks are th ..... ~pplil'd to ,'aOOu. S<'CIotS 01 tn..
wdl. lilurgy in the 1~I~r ~"ldC'S of the ronSii tulion (47-130). In an appen-
di~' In.- counci! lakH a f'OSItiOl\ on tl\" demand, ,,(teo ""ani, th.lt
It wos an (·......... 1 o( '1"ochal ,mp"nanc.!' n.ot only if'l Ih<' histo<}" ,,( lhe
lhe leasl of EaSlt'1" bt.> aSSIgned t<> a ..... Sunday and th.t a perpetual
litu');y but ;n tn., lif.. "f tn .. t'Ilti", (hurd> whom on D..... '·m!Jt,r ~ .
calendar be dc\"~loped and 1<>I]o",ed.""
1%3 ("J<dcti )' four hundn!d ~MS alt .. , tho.' .:I.'Sing "" ssinn o( the
C""n<il 01 TI't'I1I) the lilurgkal constitution was ... n'P~ as the first Of drosiw Import ~n,c;n c~rrying out the di'Cisions 01 the roundl
r""cili .. docu me.,,1 (2147 ayC'S and 4 nay)). 1"1>" d,,,,,,ment maJ<oos "" ' Ih,· ''Siablishmcnt of th\' (~ ~~ ,Iiu~, ad a~q "~"dam con ·
imponant '1.!.-"",nI5 "boUllh" n",u,,' and meaning 01 tl><> liturgy 5Iituti""cm df' /OJcro l,tu '~'.ICommi .. ion for impi<'Tl1cnting Ih<' Con-
and ",'Il< Ihc "'u,.,... for. radlc~1 reform. Mo",.." ·",, th,' docum",,' stitution On II><> Soteri'd lilu'gy " (on~ilium) br Pa ,,1 VI in a ),-10111
w a, n"t th~ I"t."\ult 'lf mctl"~llon~ ",.. irMer"ll" th" m. in thru sl of Proprio of /am'M), 25, 1965. Among thc most imporl 'nt docum~nt.
th~ ",",uneil; rath", it h.ld " ~'I(I(~ in ."hi",·ing th,· """,,"all gOolI which produc('(\ by thi s a);c"'Y .lnd its suc<:t'»Ol"S (S<'(' Nlow) "'wc thc 101-
th~ roundl had 5('1 for 'Iself, n.,mely. "II> impart ,n ~\""r increa.ing lowi n~ si x Instn>ellons: Ihr....• on th,· orderlv im plementation nf thc
"igm I<l the ChriSII.>n Iii,· ot th.· faithful; 10 .. dapt mo ... s uildbly to lilurgi,.1<,<",~tilulion fhUrr ' .... "m'ni;j, 1%4; r"", .Mi", ."""', 1%7;
the n...-..ls of ou r own limL'!ith,,,,,· ;n'tituti"n~ that a .... subj<>cl lo Liturgic,,", i",tou,..H"""~,, 1971); th,· InSlructi"n MII, Ieanl ,",cram 011
chJnge; 10 fostN Whdl""cr can pn>mme union among on .... ho "'~ s.><: nod mu~k (1%7); Ihc Instn ... liOl1 Eurl"'ri<lir" ~I mY"/rrj"m on wor-
Ii''''e ;n Christ: 10 5h'\'n);ll>o.", .... ha" ..·.·' ~.n Melp 10 c.n the .... hole of ship of 11'1 ,· F.u(harl.t (1%7); and lho.· 1I>~tn ... tion Com"" I, I'm";l on
humanily inlo the hOl,sl.'h<.>ld "f 11'1,· Churrh " (S( 1). tra""latio.", of lilllrgkall~' 1S fnr rt·~-br~ti.1f'I' with. {,(1f'Ignogalion
(l'jlf,ljl). Tu 11'1"", must bo· ~dd.,.J thr r~piJ publica lion of "ariouo; li-
Onl)" Ih<' most imp",unt c"",,,,,,h ,n tl><> wund!'s rkh and mulh-
turgical ri"", and boob. l lere are ,h~ riles and bo)()"-~, grouped ehm-
10000ed t""'mc..... 1"f 111" lnurg}, c.n bt.> s ummuizro I>o.·n·, t'art II of ""logic~lI y under st'>'eralite.dings; lhe till"" o f Ihe Englis.h
thi~ bo<>k .".ilf 'cfu, fnoq ....... tly to wh~t the docum'....1 1'1 ... 10"'Y
traMl~li""s, if they .. ,ist, are .];'0 gh'''''."•
• bout porlirol.t .'c.b uf ' .... liturgy. Amon); Ih<' );'......·r.1 aims 01 1M
documc"'l we"" tht> 1001""'IOg: CELUV,llON o r ltlE [UCIIARISI
I) to lost .... ~ ..... w CSlL,.:m of ,n.. lilurg}; boe<:auS<" " no other action of M'"""II".ru.nllm. 1970, ]975'. ET: rw s..-"''''''''t'''Y. 1974, 1985'.
It.., Churrh can ""1\1;01 its effe.:liv~ by lhe Sl<mt' till... nd 10 th .. 1.«I..,,,,,nllm 0\1,_. 1969'. 1981'. ET: /.«lIo"a'Y for ,,1rr>s, 1970.

Ky';"/( >I"'I"r.I, 1\16;; C,~du~w simpi~x, 1967 f.T: TI .. 5''''1'''' Clllduut
Ordo ,,,,.,t,,,,,1S ",firmarum rot"m~'~ ,.1;/""'/;' ("T~, I"n. IT: Rlu of
OroW (U"'u~ ",,_, 1m. ""'-l on Ioc..- w., , ..... p." ~,.-' .'(lilian.
C... Juuw no R""",,,,,, u.k. .....
(5oIesmes, 1'174),
ANJinting a.uJ Pa>ioTal 0111' of lho> Sick. 1974; l'asIO'al0z,n! I"" S,d;
Rilt$ of"'110",'",1' and VialiOlIll, 1'183.
Dr •. rommun~ <I de c~I", m'JSlmj .... (M';,'Jf. n'", m,55oI"'. 1'173.
lJ1 U M(, V 0 1' lH[ 1I0ll ltS Ef: Holy Co",,,,,,n_ and \\'oTsh'p <1'ho> [U,/W""
Owlsld, At"'6, 19H.
/.it" ,>:'" /oJ ...""" H mls.; 1971 ft,). fT Thr L<'~'Sy 'f rl... /IQu,> 14 Ordo "",n"mhllt'. 1'174. n : R" .. of Pm_~C't, 1975.
'·'~s.; 1975ff.)
~ O MII ." CAl (NDA R

rON 1 " ' I (. IIL lin "p. ,.,.I",id ... , Cairnd.,,.,,,,, /l"ma""m. 1\169, f1: C"'~'ml Rum"" Ca/, "J,IT, 1'170.
Ubr, df ""/"'~Ii"", Jill<o~i. p,... bY'f'i rt '1""«"'''' 1%8. ET: O,di"allm, Inlt,u(lio dr cal'nd.,iis parlicul.,I"" ; (I Q70), ",.: 1""""·,,,,,,
"n Partie".
<>10."'11";, I',ims, " roJ fJIsh",IS, 1%9.1976. lu. Cul"lIIiars(OO L; ~81 J.

O rdo br,,,-;J,,,,jo,,,s ,,/1bQh. rl uMat" ...~, 1970. ~;r: 81<'j$i~g <If UrI A""'" In an ('Ifon 10 ~"',u ",!he musl dfici~nl org~nil..rion 01 In., ,'. 1"".
a,1d a~ A~""", /976. ,i"f work ""Iail...:! in ""'ision of lhe liturgir.1 books r .ul VI. on
O,d" r"""...."""~,i$ mIX'''''''', 1970. IT : c"" ........aIlO.' ,,, ~ 1* 'f V,'Xi,,' May S. 1%9, di"ided lhe ~><isting Con-,,"'Sation of Ru... in to a Con.
11)/. 1976. Jl'f8<'tlon If.- [)i"me Wtlrwp and • Congregano n for tilt. c..uses of
Ord" ""'fi"'''''''''''s, 1971. Ef: Rilt> 01 Confi'm,>!ion, 1971. 1975. s"int5. This """. ~lTangemml put ~~ .. nd 10 t .... " 'ork of tht, Consil.
Ord" btW""m/, 01....'" cro'..-h"'...."nm' rl "'fi""",,,,,, rt n"'finmd, iu m as an ino:kpcr>dent organization. Th .. I.u te. "'a~ initi~lIy inror.
elm....... 1971 /lll, of 8/n.<,.,X ,"" Oil.<. Rilr ofCpn,,,,,:ralln8 I"" Oms",. poratC<l ilS a spt."(i~ 1 rommi,..ion within II>\> Congfl,;~tion 1.-"
1'171 . Di"i"" Worship, but in 1970 il w~s d issol" oo .nd its wo.k di~lrib­
Lion dr ",s,Um"" ... 1n"10I"~'" ..I w.I'IIo". wtl; dr adn"'I'lOI"rr m'", Can. uted .mong reams working on .pt."(i/k ~reu. In his Apostolic Con.
did." .. od d, .... ,»!"/"'" " P'~.I"f'II/um; d.. "j"",
r...."",.,~ U'!~"''''''d", sti tution C"""on, nOOis gaud,wIII of July 11. 1975, Paul VI combi"""
the Congnogalion f". Di"int, Worship and the C"n~ .... gdhon lor lhe
1'172. n,
Ril. "f InSlil"/.m of RmJo'T< a"d tlcolyt...; AdnJm,,,,, '0 C."dl.
d""y fo r O.d",,,I"'" ~$ o.'lIr",,, ."d Pri,,/<; CO"'""IIII""1 10 C!'Ilb""!f, Discipline of tl,.. S;.cramenl!; (... tdbli~h..'(l in 19(8) inl" ,1 .;nglt, n ,'w
19n 1976. congn'got!on wit h the somewh.t inapp"'p. iMe ""m,· of "C''''~"-'g,, ,
Ord,) d,,/ir"'.mi.' "",,1<"5'" rt ait.,,·s. l"n . ET, o.'likalm" of- CI'"I(" tl"" for !h~ Sacra""'nl' and Divine Wo",hip." On April S, 1984,
• "J_~Ailar, 197~. 1'ffl\l, howc"~r,loh" P~ulll dissoh-oo Ihi. union and rt'Storl'<l indc'!"-'n .
C"",.".",,,.I, (p,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1'1114. ET: C'_'''''al <>f 8i.<Ju,~, 1989. denct' !O each of Ih~ pans.

R Ir(. ... L Althoogh most o f tt.., boole< han, now bo,-,n .... ,.,'it'd,,,'.lhe", ..,..
m~ins the abiding duty of impk,""-"'ting tht' bilSlc pri""';pl ... and
Onto ""plJ~, I.. n 'uwrum. 1'16'1, 1971>'. IT: Rrrr <>f /lapllSlII 10' Chd.
d,.... 1\169. lIujdins "alues in lhe lif" of tilt. faithful and of rommunilies. E.oct.
gen~... tion must tM;-kl" ~ ......, t .... task o f t'(lIK~ling th~ fauhful tu an
Ordo, C't/rl>ra"J, ",almlKll1,,,m. 1\169. IT: Ri'~ of Atu",".': • • 1\169.
intelligt'nt and acti,'" pankipalion in tilt. liru'l')\
Ordo rxlO'o/""''''''. 1\169. IT: I/.il~ ofF"",.""•. 1970; 0rJ,0. of CIo1l5111",
Fu.....,,/s. 1989. ~ faithful by and larg" " ·elro ......'(l tIw ""'ny lit u.gic-al chant; .....
OtJ<> I"''''''<''''''s 1I'1'g..-, 1970. 1-..1: RUt" 1Ir/~,,,,,; P~fr'wv~, 1975, • ",,1 imp1'Ol''-''''<'nt and. c'Sp<'<ially in th~ p.!ri~hcs, "'i11ingl)"
1989, ldopted tlwm wile .......,,· tht:j.. we", prop".ly imp"',""nl...:! . Th~", is
&.10 1",/u",,,,,I. r/I1os l.",,,,, adO/I/""'m. 1972. 1974' , I:.T: 11.11, of Ch,is. no denying, howe"eT. that crilid,m and opposition ha s bo.,<,,, ""i<:<'<l
I"", 1"lliallom of Ad"l/s, 1974. 1985, from two dif("n...,! sid,",. Some people (usually d<1SCrib('(l os "p",.
g ...·SSkl·'n ... , ... "-"II~rdo:d lhe ..-form ~s "" .. rty limid and limit,'<I :
lilt')' ....... tllt· ... lhougkt them,...I.·.,; ju~ificd in making nh) I\' ~~.
t•.,,~h·~ changes on lhei. own. Oth~rs (I"" "run"''''ati,'es'') regard
•.Jmo"'I "very ckange a~. ""lr.y.J 0/ tr~dili,,,, and a disa,Ie •. In par.
I~cul;.r. Ihe admis,;i.on of tt... ..emacula1'll Inl" It... liturgy d ... w L'$~
<,aU)' strong crilicism (_!he Una Voce groups, f", e""mpl .. "'i .
Elrm""" ·""'5«"·.1"·..•
0/ thi. opp"""ion. und .... tIw Ie.Idcrship 0/
F.n ""'" (missionary) .n:hbishop M.n:d Lefeb,·.... ....... """" suspi.
clOl.lsly dose It.> odtism: but t lUs kind 01 mo, 'em...,t h.s occum'd The Science of Litu rgy
.11.... many «u""",inl "ouncils,
HISTORI CA l. t)FV E lOr~l H,r

To the <u'P'iSt.· o{ m.ny. on Octobe. J. 1960. rtll' C""8"'ga\ion 10' The liturgy h .. nor .1 .... )·. """n Ih,· obit'ct 0/ "'i""~/ic . rudy In
lho.· Sacraments and [)ivjne Worship i.;,;ucd a p.ap.al indult in which Q\rislian anliquity ir ..·.s thougkt ~'TIOIlgh 10 ofleT. in .>ddiUon 1<>
bishops ......,.. aulhori;.cd k> olio ..· Ih .....• priolsts and I.ithful · ...ho 1M ... ual homily during "",·ic~ c" I<.'(Cherico-homil,orical €"plana -
Iwd f\'maincd anac ...... 10 the 'lO-("alled Tridenhne Ril... • to C(>~r.t .. Iiooru of 1M SM."......,IS 0/ initiation. Ihat is, b.lptism . ,"""lirmotion,
~b» using Nrhe Rom.n Mis.;"J 0/ 1%2. N
and the EuchariSt. SU'l'risingly. lho! insn uctions ..."", gken not be-
10... Ihe "":<'ptioo 01 lhese s.K"ml"'ts at the Eastcr Vi);;!, but aflt,,-
nw, following no.ms are 10 be ~,,'o:d in gron rinK Ihis duth,,,iz,, .
wards du.ing th~ liturgics of lho; ensuing EaSier In.,k. J::xph,nations
lion . Such pri<'Sl, and laHhful m u,1 "h.",- no ties with tho,... who
impugn I"" lawfulnoS>. and doctrin al soundn"!'s 0/ I"" Ruman M; 1o-
of this kind ha,'~ CUm ... down I<l us lrom Cyril (John ?) 0/ J ~'u~ lem
and ll>codore o f M.-.psU<"Sti. in th~ ~:ast. .nd from a nn of Vt'f()f\a.
NI pTOll'lulgalo:d in 1970 t». Pope Paul VI.· Tho- aol..-bration muq be
Ambt-ose 0/ M il" n • • nd Augu"ilW of Il ippo in the \\,,,,1.
!IOI..ly 10. It..:- who P"I,rion it. and the 1oc.1 bIshop must d<1(>f'
mine I.... time. pia("('.• nd ot""" cirrUm5t.oncK n". Mass is 10 bfo in The 10", p;llrilotic 1"";00 ..... th~ ""lIinnings 0/ an aU.-gorical in""-
utin, . nd there is 10 boo I\() intermingling 0/ lilt. old Tite with 100 pretalion of lhe lilurx}'. This g""'" had it. first goLden a);c in the
riles and te, '1s of tllo:- nt·w mis .. l. FinaU y. " Ihe indult is to bo- u5t!d Carolingian period in the ... rilings 0 1 Aleuin and Amalariu. of
... irh,,,, r p"iudic~ to Ih"li tu rxical rdorm tkat is 10 be obse,,',o,J in MI'tz. In th,· high Midd le Ages il "' pt'rien«'<1 a new flowe.in,; in,
the lil~ of each e«1c-sial community_ " n..- docum<'lll is pn>"",led ~:; among olners, John Bel"th. Sic.rd of Cn·m""., [nnoo:~m Ill. and
". sign of the c.... I~ COmmon f a!hc... h., lor all 0/ hi. cluldrm."'" William Du,andus 0/ M""dc_Th.-re ..."", It",· oppon<'ms nl the
method. 1M most importanl bt-ing Albert Ihe Gre. t. I
A scientifk approa.:h to t .... li lurgy began ..; Ih 1110:- kum.n "~ and
tt>e;, hislonco.critiul method_ Disputt'S with lhe Reform .. rs Ilk,··
w~.., led on butk sides to a m"ri' inl~nse stud), 01 lit urgi".1 ." 'u"...
• nd 10 historical in"""ligalion s such as It..o.e of J- l'.mCliU5 and M,
Hillorp_ Studies of this kind bc>camr morf' numen,US and Important
in the """enlt'Cfllh nd cighll'<'11th " ",ruries (Baroque pt";od). Sf'<'-
rilL inllm!Sl itltKhed 10 publica!iQns on lhe Eas""" lilurgles. ror ..,..
ample, th<Mof J. Goar and the scholarly Assemani family.
n.e d""~lopmt"ln 01 ""Sio,al th..,logy from the rnd o( tM dgh ·
I"""th ~Iury on cau5t!d attention to be f"""""- a. well on the con ·

tempor.ry liturg)' and thus led f() tho.' beginninss of • s),stem. toe TAS KS AND PR O II. rM S o r t -O;o.;TE M PORARY LIT U RGICAL
theolog;ral sc;"""" of th .. llhtrg)~ o.,..'''''ing of 'p""'ial "Wntlon ho..... SCtEl'o."CE
Is F. X, Sclunid, • di5Ciplt! of s"lIer; .... " .•• pmb.:obl)' the firsl 1<) in_ Theronc<>pllon of t.... litu"O· that lound e.p~lon In Voneon II
sist In his th,.,...,'oIum .. Ldwrgik Jrr d!risl -""'tlwl8~"" 1l.r/'8',m .' Ihal lIketo.'i,;o> in~ ""n<"l'S th.' pia ... and !dSM nl a ,d._'fIn' 01 ,"" liturgy, In·
liturgk~ should t>.. regarded a§ an Ind epend,..,t 5CI~n<"" ls""("'", bmuch as tt.., litu'!l)' h a n .-'wre lse of Christ', pril'St ly o/fi"" and a
IiI"rs ..... 1. 9), Its objecl. accordi ng to Schmi d. i, Ihe ..",'mal. ,,/ joinl ""tion "I C hrist and th" Chun:h for tilt! Soon<" tific.lion 01
Calholk liturgy: "th{',olality of """'monies. tho.' 8Mb In which ca. human beings and tho.' gk>rilicalion ol God (_ SC 7). ..,i.." ti& reo
thollclsm tx>c"""" " i. lblt! an;;! audibl~ " ( PM ....... VIlI). tlw way in f1"-'Ction on II must attend both to ' ....... s Chrisl lho! high priest and to
which It "~. it wm;, 1r.,·l'Is lhee.rth In ,>islbl .. an;;! audl blt' bodil,' the Chw<h.s Christ rontlnuinK his life and work on earth_ n,., nb-
(orm-the " '.)' in " 'hich II Is~bodit'd and li ....... ~ (I. 18). Butll~­ j«t of liturg;cal !I<Wrw:(' is nothing less t1wn u... dh'ln<" ''':''In","), of
cal Kien<'t' is not ~ sole)' " 'Ith 11M! origin .nd "'8nific....... salvation and me, p.osmal m)'S1<'ry' of Christ, but rr muST also in,
01 the indi"idu.al ~«'rt'ft1onies" .nd ,,-;th a "su mma')' listing of clude the rommunlty "I Christ thaI !'<'<:el,·eo!; "'!>'anon and "";punds
th<-w", it a lso {'nde.,·ors tn "rg.ni~e Ihem into· a s)'st~m.tlc tn it. A sci"""", ul t"" IiturK)' m usl in"ul ... to wh.t@.I...,Ilho:mr'"'
whol ~" an d to judg.. their "\"Ilue 0< lack nf \'.Iu~· in ", I,tlon In the tery of Christ Is ""wmpllsh,.J In ,"" " Islble si gns '" Ihe li lurg;cal
;,os."'n<"" nf th~ Cathnli~ religion and Ih .. n<'ed. ,,(the fai th ful (ib,d.. ""Jebr.llon and is app li t!<l th""'in 10 th~ f. Ith f"l. and wh£>lh .. r and
OJ. how th{' faithful in tum ):i .... an appropriate RSpnn,;o> in their litu r_
gical assemblies and <1Ulllldt' of ~~. "'ell. Ascience of the lit-
In 1899. hnwn{'r. Suib<-rt B.iiu"Wr. OSII.. pr__"'t,'<I a considerably
urgy is thus an ~ I"""t ly th«>logi<al d&ipllrw.
m...... profound ,';"w of th~ lilurg)" who", he d..-fined il a~ the "~,
roc:,. 0/ lhe p>"aying and 5.)nnifylng Chureh and a. \ho>n%re tn ."..
This theological ~pproach must t>.. acroml""nied by;on historic.al
,u,slpd a high rank. H ) one lhilt will she",' ,,' hleh liturgical actions and forms .... to M al-
tribuk'd 10 Christ hitruoelf. which hil,.., their mots in lhe Ilrst Chris-
11.. Guardlni adopk'd this 5.)me ,.1<-..... In an ......... )' "I 192L -0. .. oI:i" I
li;on community or, ~" "" .... rI;.,r. In Judaism, a!\d, finally, ... hich
of systematic stud)' nl the Iltu,,;)' is Ih"s t"" li"in);, 5.lcrifidng. pray.
Ideas, texts. a!\d rltt'S C.n". inl<> ,,~ ist,'"'" a, Ihr Church developed
Ing Church a< it carri""""I the mrSleri,,, of grart'. a nd thl..-""O"" in
ag. inst the background 01 Cfmlcmp""ry r u 1I Uo... and In Ihe selling
Its art". 1exereiS<' 01 ",,,rship .",1 its rompuJs.ury ,>xpns:\iuns I'll Ihis
01 c""temporary histM)'. It i< nee."...,ry I" as«rtain how the rom·
w onoh ip. H ' A sho."j time latt'l', Ath.na~lus Wlntersig of Maria Laach
mon litu');y,o l tht.' Chureh's bt>ginning._ I. d, u" a dl~tinrti" e char"",
went. st,l' furtht'r ""h"" he s~ 01 lhe li turgy as "the enminuing
It,..- in cach of the 1it "rgic~1 families of Easl and W"",
""'ion I'll Ch rist tho: high prit'Sl in tho.'Chun:h- and ~s "I"" h"ly my ....
tt'l'y," This mystery, he ... id , is "the .uth""tK Cl'ftler 0 1 tilt' ''''Iginus 51""" the litul"!ly fs celebrated by local rommuniti", and tI'...... I"'"
life of tho.- bclie"in); rommunity"; rr Is lhe subjl'ct "',Ih whICh ~Slo­ by <"hiln);~abk' indl,·ld u.15 who ... fIeoct the "lnd,riono; of thrir ti"W.
'~llltu~ is .p«ificall), C'<JoI\Ct'm..d .' lilurg;cal ,.;icn«' must .I~ !d ho roncn-'1<' human ..... ngs 'nto ron.id -
.".abon_ This me.ons <.,;aminlng their capadty 1M liturgy ; thaI is.
It thus became inc ... o';ngl), ck'ar th~I Ihe 5Ci"'Kt' 01 the Illurg)' is
whether and I" "'hot c.It",1 the), "'" open to God's c .... I'll th~;
pri m.,ril y a thrologi ra l ~I"nn' and d.'.ls wilh 't'y asp' -" '1lI 01 th"
whethcr they a", abl ~ to ,mdl..-sland Ihe .igns thaI Interpr<'1 the
Inlth. Clariliratlon I'll Ihls pnlnt "Is dn"htll.'SS an abid ing "Jnlrib,,_
my"ery. and to "-,,,pond In God's .. ving , .on and off~r I'll .. I"ati"n
tlon of O. CaS<'!. OS!:!. (1&iO-1948). wflo thus ",t. s'artd.rd which
In word. sign, and It... <i rrom,lances of life, Moreover they a ", to
Iltu'!lit. 1scit",,,,, must continu<o to m""'; this .......·i"" must bo. ac.
unde<sland and respond ""I simpty a. indl\"idu~Js but as trK'mber:s
1<00... )...<1);00 ind<'P""den tly of how many 0.- few 01C.,;el 's eOrU.....
"<'1"51.1 p>"" mlo;.es ~nd statrmenlS the indl,~du.al scholar _9'1'.... 0 1 the community ofChnst. This !WYo' d i_ion su~ thai
they ""..... cap«ity for community and can mo,'e bo!ynnd an indi_

vidualislk or f'\' n ) ""'-1""'10...."<1 alnlud ... This ilSpt'ct of th~ ><.im - c&I\ 11 .Iso a ..igns lilmgical scime(> . .... w rank in Ihe cos mo,; "i I.....
tifie dlorllo opnmize th~ co padly 1m lilmgy islh .. ,obj,"1 01 POSlo- IJwological disdplll"": " Ihe slud y of lil\l fg~' Is to bo.- rankO'd among
r~lli l urgks. al though th .. l~ tI ... IS hardly 10 bo· (Ofbid,"J"l"d an Ow rompul"",,· Md ""'jor COUrsei in Sl.... lNrioes and religious
ind..,-.dml du;ciplrn.,. as A. \\,inlel"5ig d<!Sircd.' hou...... of siudy ; In th,'Ologkal !.<"u!til'S il i~ 10 .ank .m",,); Ihe prin-
cipal roUI'SC,'S" (SC 11». Thc council adds Ilwl Ihis ..:i.... n/ic disci -
In lhis con lext i, is alo;.o Ihe lask of lilurgic.l ""iellCt! 10 in<jui ...•
pline '" '" to<- "Iaughl UndCT ilS 1ho....,logical. hlStorica!. spirilua!.
whcther many chanS""bl .. pa r1S of tho.'lilurgy are nut in . - I of re-
paSIMal..nd eanonie,1 aSpt'ClS" (ib,d.) . Tho! >'~"-y mulliplicily of
visi,,.,, "In th is relo"" bolh lexlS and riles should be so dr~ ... n up
these ""P'-'C ts shows that liturgic.1 OI(im"" cannot rcly "JtClu~>'dy
IMI they e~press """" dearly 1M huly Ihings lho.')' signify and Ih~t
on IoOme sIng\<- method. "Tho,> fact Ihal lheft> is no spedfic m,;lhod
t .... Orisrian people, ~ f.r as ~ible, a ... abl .. 00 und.....s'and them
for hl(1);kal sci...,c~ shows Iha l Ihi~ di.dpHn<" occupl"". 'l'<'<i.,1
... ilM case and 10 la k.. pari in Ihe rite'S fully.•( Ih-ely, ond .,; bo·fils.
communil)'" (SC 21) Thf council ,"pressly rt"quire; 1"'1 any ""'i-
s;"" II.- p"""'<led by " a can:ful in>·;,stigalion " which i. " tho!<liogical . AI the """'.. lime , .... counc;l "'quirt'S Iha' ,h~ pmf<"S1001"5 of Oln..,
hisoori c.l. and pasooral " (SC 23). WI".,.. Ihe conSlilulion g""" on 10 d OOpli n,'S, "whili: sm>'ing 10 e~pound ttw mystery of Ch,isl ~nd
s.oy thal " m., gc..-.e.al t.. ....·sgoH·m'ng 1m, structure"nd meaning of the hist".y of ... I>·;;arion from lhe anKt.. P"'l"'" to c"ch of lhetr 0"'"
1M liturgy" are lObe ,tudied. il is again 5e1 nng a lask for liturgical IUbjI>cts. must .. . do " , in a ..... ay that ..... ill clearly brinR OUIIM~ con-
scien(,', necrion bo.'t ....·""" I',,,; •• ut>\ects and In.. lil ul)!.)". as ~ Iso lho> undo..,-Iy-
II was said abon'C tI\at il is cone ..... "" individual>; ",ho par1icipa l<" in
In& unil)' viall pri...lly tr~ining~ ISC \ 6). Thh; is a (t..ar in'-Ilanon to
prom"',' , In..me-ori~nl,-d in lerdisciplin.l 'Y dial<",u~ ... ilhin lbo.·
lhe litu~y. l ilu'):ical """..,ce musl alo;o!>t' open, the relort,. I" th.. ,1u-
lhorilalh·.. fin<l inp of ,he human so:ienec'S. Rel"v.nl hen' are P"y-
lhoeological iKUltie!; u..,m~l\"es. liturgical !6enc,,_ as "do~ol"gi<al
theolog)"."" .... ~ ennUlI function in ,,'latioll to the odw.-r lh<!oltlgi-
( hology (induding group ps~'d",'ogy and d.,,111 ps)-cholog)-). I....
cal discipli ... ,,"; SO 100 "Iho.· n<"ighborin ~ diso:iplin,'S n~>' .. Ih~ ( rin -
scicnc~ of la ng uage and rumrnun k. tion, phenom,..,ology, soc i"l-
cal /unction of ch«kingour .....o'k and suppl ying uS ..... ilh mal"';.l
ug)'. ","miotics (11K' science of signs). u.., history o f att. and I"" musi-
which ..... I! cannot p,..,..-ido, for ou.s..h-, .... "n
cal sc;""en. Si"", "" many discipli",,", muS! m~ kc lhe;,
c"n tribution, Oil.: can accep l Ih~ coil for an "in legr. li\'~ m"lhod" Not the l~a~1 of lhe dut;"" of liturgic.1 ""il"l\C\" is to d ....·dop and
and t ..... " recm'~ry of the "",pi.ieal d im"""ion," ~hhough in man)' transmil a " Iiq../tk .l spiri",ality."" Thi. obligaliort ;s ,""pressly set
CoL"", Ihis mal<cs ~-", ..'Ssh·e d .. ma"d. of IhO' ind i,-idua! lilu1);ical down in ~ p.<.... g~ all"l"ad y d tc-d from SC 16, ",he... it is .. id Iha '
so:OOI.,. On Ih .. oth~r hand, If>.- d~mands b..'COrne I"!'s ,",,~i"e to lho: liturgy i. It> II<:' siudied f",m Ihe "iO"Wl"~nl of the spi riru;;alme,
lhe "" Iml Ihal u.., n"SUlts of lhe human W·nc... can be If &n smin,"<I among OIhel"5. "Sp.rilual 10"'- i. " life lived under lhe influ"""," of
in . Iorm~tion whkh i. inl.;>njiso:iplina'Y in charM"-"-. Ott-.,r Ki- t h~ Spirit 01 Chris l; Ihi. m~ans, concreld y, a \m'ing ...,\hun·~nder " ,
ene"" 100, after ~II. and t"Sp<:<ially s uch prd<"liro-m.,.,logieal disci- God. I.... following of ChriSI in ,",wyday ",i~l"I\C\". and, «(>II5C
plines ~s pasturallhe"logy. hom;~ ... Iisious p.... lAgog); and q"""tly. • loving co" cem few Our f"llow hu m~n beings and an cffon
".I...rn..ti~ a,.., ~imilarly dc.'f""'dml on Ihose ,,-'Suit>. Happily. such 10 sha p" th~ ..... orld in Ihe lighl til Christian >'a lul'S. Lllurgic. 1spirilu -
an arrangMl1ent is all"l"ady en>·i!j.;lged in lhe "Prog.am of 1'ri$ly ality" is 10 a la ~ e~t~...1 CO("xlen,;i,"r ""ilh biblk.1spirilu. lity. since
Formation of 11K' Na no"al Conferency Calholie BWlops-; h"'" p ro- I.... celebration of lhe lilurgy ",bmit> III" p.. ndpant> ",.", .n....' 10
, 'i.ion is made fm Ihe sludy 01 Ihc b..-ha"ioral and social OI(ienceo, I.... word of God . For in the ... adings ·'God is ,;pc~ k ing 10 hi. pro-
history. cuUure and lile'Oiure; and also the nalu,.1 ~ .• p)~, oprnJng up 10 I""'" Ihe mysh.' ry 01 ....d ...... ptiort and ... h·.lion.
and nouriy,ing lheir spirit; Chris. is P"'"""t ' 0 lhe! foithfullhrough
COIl"stmtly w llh I.... high nh .......·hk-h it st"IS on lhe liturgy. Van _
his own ",,,,d" (GI RM 33). The ...,roumer ..... ilh Chri sl b.,mffi\"!;

" "
e>'en d,..... r in liturgic..1pamdp.uion in tho> pasduol m~~ry. espe- phabe1ic.1 nl'lk-r). Periodicals thai ooJy 0''"''0".11)' dto.1 with lilt,,·
cially ~I the Eucharist. This 'liturgical form orion in Ilhe] .piritual gicalthem..", ore not included ,
Ilf~ " (SC 17) is an jnh~'I"l"'1 l"l'Sult 01. pnJl"" cl'lebration "I Ihl' lit·
u'IIY. Liturgica l sci,'nce should op"" Ih,· e)"\.'S 01 <l ud"nIS 10 this dnd \. Arrh w fur L"p" Xi""is"",,,<ll11ft (R"K'-"",burg)
p..." • •e the .... y I"r i1.'" 2. Bihrl una Li/u'i/'" ( K10>1e~uburg)
3. CommuJlQuls (f !'tu'iI~ (Ottingift. Iklg,um)
~OU . C E S AN D TOOLS O f LJT l' MCI C AI SCIE N CE ~. Err/~ """'5 (Rome)

( ","pier II. on tll<> history of tht-liturgy. also p .....·ided many indic.. • 5. Ephmlnpa<'S JllllrgtaJl' (Rom",
tion s of the S<>ur«S and 1001. of liturgical sfit·",... ute. e","pl"", on 6. GottesdiL""'t (F..,;burg. _ .J
Ih" p~nicular .",.5 of the lilu1")\)' will do 1M sam". All th.".., discu&- 7. ,.hrbud! ill, Li/p"Xik Ima Hymno/,'I!'" (K"s..·I; Eva "gclkolJ
.ions ma ke it dear thnl the primo ry source of inlorm.,tion for litu,· g, U, Mui." m ·Di.'u (Poris)
gk.1 sci"""" is the ... ,Wngs 01 th,· N......· T<1St"""",t. olthough ~ 9, U!urgi.«h<'S Jokrhuch (Miinsler)
... ri tings cant;,in no 5,-s tem<>lic di5<."Ussion of Christian ..."",hip. 10. u/urgy (Was.hington,. D.c.)
Abo of great imporUnce .In: tht- t<'Stimonie,l of the p<I§Iapt~lk pe- 11. Wurgy ' 8O (Chkago)
"od and the grad~II )' app"aring d<'SCriprio". of Christ;'n litu.- 12. Music. $lJO" (Reg<",sburgJ
gi<'s. ~eh as w~ ~nd in. lor eumplot-, Justin Ma n }'I" and Hippt,lyu,ls 13. No/i/",.. ( \" Iic~" Ci ty)
of I("mt'. But il I w~f'1.. to list th,,* in dt't,'il. 1 would he rov","ing the 14, QUt.'Sh,.-. s lilu"IIiques (I~lu".in)
sam,- llround t wic~, Tn..' i1Jm" must bt- §.lId of tlw r"'~t period. in 15. S/uaitl !il"r;:i<tl (l(oH"roam)
,,'Meh palri.tic lit~,al'Urr provides u, with a g"'.1 dNI of informa- 16. Tijil«:h'ift tWO" )Ptur~ir (Aff1igl\(>m. &'Igium)
lin" and. in addition. we find do"",mrnts of many kinds dealing 17. WPTShip ( Form~ly DrIf/. fr~/..-s) (Co li'-W-"'·iJle. Minrwsma )
wilh th .....orship ,>f tho.- indiv;d~lli"'rgicil lamil;"". Bnic It.. nUT
k.n.owo·ledg.. of the Rnm .... liturgy a ... tht- s.Kram""t;,ri<'S, the /ihrlli.
and tilt' I(oman OI'IiPnN.17 TIl<' subsequ,,,,, d""elop""",t of th~ ~"""t­
em lil'UTSY with its mp,,;t impnnanlliturgk~1 bno l <, documents,
.1nd literary ~~pre!8ion" i. lik.. wise already suffiCient ly known to u.
he", f'om tll<> historical 5urv" y in O"'PI~T II; We may tll<>",lore tu . n
imm.,di~tcly to OUT "wn day. •
The most nn-nt KlUn:es to Ix- used by lilurgical scienco;, are tIw doc--
unwnts of Va lion Hand of the postconC"l liar commissions. Insofar
a~ tho.-y ",late to t~ li' urgy. This """u"",ntllinn has found ilS pr"'li·
COll'fnbodim""t in II\(> "'>'ised li turgical b<~lk>l.." V,uious wlk"Clions
~nd comm.,,,tari cs help ma ke these ""'rc~'>i occ\'S'iible (lor "".mple.
K~c ~ynslci, O.,(,m ... " U On I!" JAu'Sy, 1963· !979. and the C"",,,,,,,,/QI')'
pm ,~ Docu ......,,. ''if VQrir~n I! lhat " 'as publisn..'<l .s a suppl"""",t to
tn..· m it"" fur Thtt>k'l/It' "ltd j(;m.,.), U do , ..... "um"",u' mon<>-
graph. on panicular qu<'Stio..... Also of 5(',,' jce an: the many period·
ical~ d ... ling wilh the histof}" theology. ond pastnra lasp«1 aithe-
tilu"l\Y. 1close this brid surv"y with. li st 01 these periodical' (in al·

" "
municalil.m is altained. J sh.all not li;;llhem h ....• in. ,;eri<'s o/ defini_
rions' but :;hall simply apply th .. mosl impoM.nl Df lhem dnwtl )" to
the liturgiC'1 a."""bly a nd n'l!«t oo lhdr ",It" 'once tn t h~ su'~"",
Chapter Four or failun' of III" li turgy,'
An imporl~!l1 ,,>Ie in tho; lilurgical prIX"'S 0/ communication bo.~
longs I" lho.- eom munic~ I"'. who in Ihis ca,;e is the presid ing mini,_
Ie!" (I ... d,·r), Ihal is. the bishop. pri~SI. deacon . or CDmmiSSiDned
The Liturgical Assembly as a Process of IlYP'-'''''''' ' His '.""y penomalitr and 1M total imp...."..i"" M g;"',,;
Communication (th~ image he projects) is . I.-.....ly doxisl" e lor the d ...... ph ... ing (d.,.
cod ing). b)' lhe p.1rt icip.1nts in Ih .. Inurg)", Uf ... h.ll h" is communi -
SOM[ BASIC I' MI "CIPL f. !I caling_ tf they ~c"'l'l a~d <'Sleem h im. Ih .... Ih\")' will f.-om Ih~
TWD dim"".ion s 01 "" Ii"ily n~",--d to [,., d istinguish~-d ..... Mn Chri~­ ou""'" be mD,", ~tt<"!lti,'e .n<! "",epl"'c, His mann ..... of "''''dtxling
li~n comm uni titos (jtroups) g.theT for liturgy: the d immsion 0 1 th~ hirrtsell mltSl sh",,· Ih~t h. in lends TO be. no! • rul ..... o f tht· commu-
m~-stt'l)" of sah-~Iion ~nd Ih~ di_ iOll of ["'h.a,-io< and .cti.-it r nily, bul a b...,u,.,.- ~moog bn-thrm (st.", ).1t D:S) ond a "'n'~n l bt,nt
among human ~ngs, upon inrn... sing , h,·i. fo~' ('"'~. 2 Cor t :2~ ),
The li"'l 01 Ih<so> "'''' ~cti\'iti("S invo l,'''>1 (".od in ChriSt rum,ng to This alti lude should be p...-t:'-"J'1ihl".llhe "ery begInning of th~ ",r_
lho.· community in 10"" and gi"ing him:5clf 10 it liru.gy is prim.rily via> when M g"-""'s the community and intn>dU('l'S lhem to the lil-
a maU ..... D/ di,'i"" gh'ing, To tM e d ent that lhe failhful Dpen lhem- urgy, On this poinl the Di""'lory fo r A'\a,,,",, "',Ih Childmr m.kes a
..,IH'!i tD this sell-d,malioo DI God .nd n'Spond tD him with grat~ . tawmenllhalshou ld be h""d<-d 5i",,, it i, imp'"I.nl /or .lI lilur-
lui prJi~ and with. "'If-giving in rC"tum. liturgy . cqui n'S a wrt ic.1 gin: " It is Ih~ responsibilily of the pr;"';1 _, , ID .... kc 1M c~It.-br..ion
di""--mion : lhe enrounlcr and commun"'" of God and human M- festi ..... lam,li.I, and mroltati,·..~ by "hi. "",nn." of iK'I ing and
ings. It IS ho.-... thai tf-.., m r~""ry of salvarion is "cromplished_Th~ lpeaking ..... ith <>the"" ..... It shuuld al"" Ix- ct ... r tt) Ih~ a""""bl), that
full ",.Iity Df ",hJl happ<'!ls h~,", ,Odn Ix· ~pp ... hendLod ""I)' hy faith the lead .... ', wa y of .·"p.... 'in); whal I.... wmmunical('S spring~ from
and i~ Inc ... ID,", in g",a ' mCa S"r~ ina«...sibk' 10 ~mpirir. t ~,",'a­ f>lpe';"nc .. and per,;tlnal corwict ion . This islru~ I!Spcri. II)· ..llhe
lion. K IlO....., (hom;"''). in which Ih .. hN ... rssl1ould be obit- to It'll Ih.al the
plies! hos himself t>e"n 10uched and ' ppreho.-nded by tho.- " 'nr-d 01
The Sllu.tion is difl,,""'1 in Ih~ ....a 01 inl.,muman beh.l,·io< and ~c·
Cod before .tI•...,pling 10 Iran.mit il tD I"" ",mmunil),_ A"gu,;tine
Ih' it)'. which. "crording to Ih<' an lhropologk.l s<:ienres. may be un -
derstood an<! c , .mi""-'<l as a pn"'-"SS 01communiolion. "The
describes Ihi~ S<'<luenc~ in ~ play on ... " . d. "Tcrritus ' crrro":"1 my-
n>d i~'<'T)' of thoe communic.tiorw.1 struclun' of alililurgiul "*'" Kif am filled w ith "" ''-'n'Il1 fe~r b.·fore J try 10 "",\u, oIho.-rs fe • •ful";
~ I mysell am deeply mtlnod bel"", I try !n mo,'c ot"""".-'
br.tion~ i~ on.' of Ih .. """,t imporl.nt n'iul", 01 tho.- liturgical rei,,""
Ih,'1 h," """n going on .inc" V.lk.n 11. _' The 1... d<.,.'5 prayer. too-which"" u.ually "'y' in Ihe first 1"''''''''
plural (""\V.. .. _OJ be(ause he is ' Cling as I..ad", of p •• y"" for and
A "P'OCH' of ctlmmunica lion" ctmsiSIS in tf-.., tunsmiMion of infor-
w ith Ih~ communily_ mu, t h.a,... ~ <""," in charAct<T. il mu. ' amid.
mation (facts, appeals 0/ orw Dr tltheT kind ) by a rommunic~lor
on lhe ""'" hand, IheOlrieal ity .nd fal", cmDnon . and, ,.-, Ih e nth..,..
\sp"J kcr. I ransm itt~r) 10 partldpant-; (h" . ... T'$. "-'CE'".~"') by me.nS
cold, unfooling rouline. This pnyer is ind'-""<l first And f",",mOSI
01 particular signals "I • "erbal nr ""n",..-b.1 kind, The-re a", I.... '
"""Mical: being addrKlio.'d 10 God;bu l it is ~t the ..,me 11 ....... com-
al ... ork in Ihis P' OCHS II\;,I can d<.>termine whether tho.- goal of rom-
rnunkation w ith th .. communily. which muS! bcable to rna"" It its

own and join in il. In this ~n'.. < too, th.....r.."I'. then; C.iOn b\, disrup-
tu.. .... f communic.oti<ln- often """" in tho: liturgy; tho- "~""""'"(' lalkali,-,'ncss of m~n)' priests
rs... ".......ti,-); and the lack oi periods of SlIt-nc..· dunng tho.· «,Ieb••-
Tht' le,od ... ·, brlw"ior ;" lik<»<o'ise tki~\"(' in tilt' "n.'~ of non"L..w1 lion!
c"mm ... nic.. lion (communication by sign,). As I <hall snow in d{'!ail In liturgic.l aS60'<ITlblieo; . s in all proces...... of communication u,.,
I."" on. liturgic.1 signs and symboIS"n" ~)'mbo~ n",,·..,.ing in""_ kIN. oI "tr.ns.milll"- .nd "r.,.....;'·..... " . ,~ oft,.., not tho: ... me. What
m6non. II u,., manner in which they a", st...,t is "'·n>ng.. th.,. ..-.on di ...
IIw ka'kr is communicating in introduction. ro.d ing.. 0' sermon is
tort tho.' intffld"'" _ g e ~nd Ica d to disruptions ,)/
commu nication. often n.~il"('d by the 1I<'.,...rs in a war nnt Inl,-octo><!. Tlw ",asons fm
lhis may bt-. def""",'~ c'poc")" for underslandlng (diff,.... "",,.,; in
As a co.."munkator, then. the leader must be posso..,.,...'d 01 a k~".., IIw "stoc~ of sign s" of each pt',,.,n). diff~nmces in eXpt.'riemi.J ba< k.
M.'nsibi lil y· He must have an <,ye and Ur that will ~n.bl(· him te> groun d or s.oclnculturaJ conl<:xt. and even lilt.' op.orarion 01 pro-
shap" tho.' liturgy in. nann<",iou. wa)·.• 1,....Hng f(lor atmosp""", c!ll .s of M"1<>ct1"ily th ..1 P""'cnl rna" y "m..-,!\es·· ltum ht-ing
that will k('('p tilt, liturgy fmm being b<>ring and iOylcso!. and a ""nsi . 0'
~mhl-nod or pt,.h.ps """,i ...'<1 all . It i, important. thl.-,t'/Of<',
li";I>' I" disruptions 01 ronununk.otion s hould t!>eSt: bt'g;n to ap- tNltht- INd .. r t>., al .. rt to """"ry fI'SpOfI..... fnJm his lis\t."f1('''' and
pt'u. that in, for ..... mp"'. a SUbseq"""l diK\lssoon "I III(, lilurg}' and ser-
mon he a«<'pl and ""aluale any Ict'<lNC~.
The p.tftidp.tnts in t"" liturgy. for their p.l" • .ore n..1 , imply mu'"
~p.i"Ctato.~ .nd p.t:o,;i,·" listen"",. but shon-Il' in the nok-bt.. tion r ron- In any procoss of cnmmunicahnn lhe m<!d,. u>«[ pl.y an espt.'ci .. Jly
cdebr.. nl' in u..- p'op<""r .. "'" of ttwo word) ""110 ano It.> coo lributf' Important role. In til(, liturgy 1!Jt,so.· mo><! l~ an.-, .00.... all. language
to Ih.>litu'KY by th,.;, L",t",.ior and int"';or bm.,·ior (_ Ch .. pt~, II. .nd liturgical . igns (s~mbol~). W~ mUSI then-ft,n.' rofl""t mol<' fully
I h ..·.... I",ady s.oid ",,,,,·thing ab"uI 'hel' ",I.,ion and altitud .. ,o on N rn oi 1"'-.
tho.' kad<1r.
llT U IICI C Al t ANCUAGr \V~ II~A l CO.\IM UNtlAT tON )
Also imporlant 10 Ih~ flow of the communication pnlC~'S5 is lho- As I resull oi Vatican II. and ~ftc. a lenKlhy pt'riod in which Latin
kin d 01 exp<..·cU tions that the particip""" bring 10 tho.: litur"y. SId tis· .Ion.: h~d been u,,'<1 alm"'t ""Imi"el~', II... liturgy 01 Ih" Roman
lical sludi"" (among others. the qUL.. tionnai"," sent o Ulll'r the rite m.d~ room for the vernaculars. This ",.• ~ an c..." l1 ,,/ historical
Wimb,,,·,, Synod') show 'hal most "I lhe 1""'P(c participating in Importance. M"sl of the f.ithlul a,... glad 01 t"" chan);,,; a lew. how_
thto .., ....·ice h.ve not yet lully accepted lilt- Ide.1 pklUro 0( tlw lit- ~~. I<'gud if as a scandal.• in("(' thl')' """ il" a b.>lrapl 01 trad; -
urgy that is Si.1 d""'n in the documents 01 Vatic"n II. MClSI of them lion. H~ again. kno"'iedg<: of Ihe b.>glnnings of H... Chri,ti.n
s Hit look lor '1"i,~. f"""""O"al p •• y...... and pri".t,' ' 'I\{"()unM with liturgy .nd of its subst-qU ....1 ""n'lop"""'l U n pro"ide cri l<'ria for
CoIo<I. "This is "".... morr !nJ(' of o<c~sio ... 1chu ... hg<X'fS: in 1""" ..... .aund judgm....1 on this question.
spon ••" the Innn ula 'Quiet. ~nd p.....sn ... 1 p,.. )...... ' is by 1M IN.- mosI
f!'eolu,,,,t."' s..ch ~';l""'lalico>s from • quilt, unhomngL""<'OU§ hlurgi. Hisl.,...;o,J lV'rosprcI
~.I rommunlty c~rt~ inly <annni suppl)' tho.' norm fm ';!ru<:turing lhe As the ongi",,1 Aramaic gospel of ~ldllhe .., SUgg<'SIS, th~ Jitu'Kical
lilurgy. On III(, QIh .... hand, theJ.. do pro,';&" ri\Jc.'!i 10 lho.: weak points Lango.oag.. oi the: first community in )•.,."s.ol....., .... as tho- colloquial
0/ the liturglc.1 .......-mbly and '~ason . for undertJking D mono inten- Aramaic oi e'·.-ryday Ij/~. although m~ny oi 1m- "'nnulas and .>Cd.-
sh'~ o>duc.lion and motivation "I Ih ..... ,·isilo,.,. Thus ,ho: ~mph.sis matKm::i u5<"d in prayer W~R' ,u..,ly in I kb.("o\·. Oubid~ of I'alestint,
on lhe d<!sln.' for quiel and for pe.,.,nal praye, "-'P~ntS a jusHfi_ lhe ChURCh uS«! chi~-fl}' C"",k. Other languages who"., U"" in Ihe
ab l ~ n.ic<:"!ioo nl M""era l things, tho- r",tk-ssness and h~'Ctlc activity Christian liturgy is a'!\'sto><! for thl.- early a:nturies aru Srri ,K.
Coptk. Ethiopk (known as c..·e~), Armeni.n. C".rorgian. Old 51 0"0-

nk, and, lrum It..: t~"!1lh century on, Arabic.' It <~n t>., Solid thallhe lively ront""'~r5y .""'. on 1M subi<'<1 of I"" languag~ to N: u:;o:d in
uSlem Churcho.$ h."e alwiys ./ICcepted the <u rr""'l lallguag~ of I"" the liturgy. The n.-" m,ssionnri"'" h.d tram;lah'd tt..: " liturgy 0/ St.
COWllry and. 10 som..' " 'Iml, ""w celroratt'd u...
hturltv in ",,·cf.1 "-'" inlo Sla"ic; II! 1N,'m n Bpan t",..,. Ihis """""" a qui'" nor-
languaS"S in comm uniIi" whe", SO!\·o!.,..llallguagt'S .'" spoken. " INI &1"'1" Thtoy m,i .... ith the Objl'<1ion, h""·e'·.... thai onl}' thrt't, Ian.
guaS"S ..... '" .Pl'fOP"iale in , .... liturgy; namely, Hebrew, I.-.tin, and
G ..... k, in th" form known as " Koi""" ("Common") ..... , the domi-
G-a:. b«.uSt' Ih<'S<' h.1d Mn g""'" s.>cr.1 s .. tus by Ihe inscription
""m "wryd.y Lang~gc o f 11.0"'"' do--'n to I"" Ih ird u'Illury, .nd
on tJ,., cross of J<su~.
lhis alJlOfl8 t"" .... U<:.t«l.s " 'ell as .mong a g"",1 man}' o f the onji-
... ry pt'Of'le. It ("' IOU thcrt-fort' as no sUI'"prise to "'am lhat the n.. mlssion.."", 10'.....' summOOt:d 10 Rome a nd in"'rrogah'd. In th~
Roman liturgy w.~ cd roraled in Gred< al "'ast until the third n'll ' end, howI'\·..,.. 1\tpt' John vm .....,La ...-d in SAO thai God d5in:d to
IUT); aScan be ........ Ior eu mple. from ttw Church Ord .... (the Ap<><- to. honoNd in ," 1.I\&uall"- It is not (he said) an olle"", .gainst
101;,; Tn>di'io~) of Il ippolylUS of Rome (ca . 215). orthodoxy 10 s,ng th .. ~lJss in I"" SI.,·ic' Languogc or to proclaim
Ilw gospel and tho.· d,,·, .... ",adings in • good ora",btion; after all,
n.... rl"Sloration 01 t"" Latin La l\&uage, beginning in tho- rrign of Em · tlw Creator of th .. th ....... prinicipal language'5 ' '''died all t.... otherS
perm Dc.:ius (249·251). u",fronled Rome with. problem .•.!reddy
u ..~II for his ho...,•. "
"~p<"';.....:«l"~'''''''''; Ihe diKI't"p<'!"OC)' bet"·"",, Ihe language of
t"" prop'" and the I.ngu.ge of the liturgy. tn Ihis sit .... tion the E....ctly two hundn-d ye.>.r5 laklr G.....OI)· VII ,,·ithd ......' the permi,..
Ro"",n ChuKh. in ...,mcw""'llengthy transition. adopted the prin · Ilion g"... n by ' " hn VIII and ",/u:;o:d I"" ""lU("S1 of King Vramla,· 0/
cipko that lhe lilurgy must 1>0.. «-Iro.ated in I..... bnguage of the peo- 80hemia for the "'''''inucd uiM! ,01' t .....• Slavic languag~ in the liturgy
pi". Th~ Latini1.atioo pror_ wu completed in about 3SO under 11W:' J>OP<"'s "'.;;00, . . hich looks ch idly to the sacred scriptures, i, a
Pope Pamasus. " ,u'Prising 0fW: It has ri);htly plc~;;cd atm il\hly God Ihall~ ""rip-
tures should rem.in "~iI,--d in certain r"KiOf\l; 0/ Ihe ..-nrld. lest uni·
• Ambn",ias\("r," an anonym!)u, comm ..",wor "" tho, k,ttl"fS o/Paul
v..,.,..i acc'-'SSibllit~· ~h"uld m~~e them S<:<:m ordinary and cau",
and a COntemporary n/Pop" 1)3m3SUS, tells uS in his commenl, on
them 10 Ix-IrNt...J with con lempl and It'!'l ordinary J>e<'P I~ misun -
1 C!..-i nthians 14 that tm. pt.~'pl,· of Ihe day felt it unnatur., ] fo r Lal-
ct..f!ltand Ihem anJ "0 bt· I~d inlO e!'TN."
iM I" be ~i nging Gro;,k so"lIs "'hos<: meaning Ilwy did nut under·
"dnd. Tlw plc~ s~re gl,·"" by thto mdudious so und of Ih,' word, d id In tilt! high Middle All"'; I-"tin h~d acquire<l such. stalus in publk
001 oUlw~igh IN,' gre~t di5;ldvantall"lhat Ihe whale acti"ity was a •
life that it~ uSf' as lhe lanllud);t' of the Iitu'liY d ...·... no objection
fruiti""o on... F"lIowinlll'~ul. who in IN,' pa""'l1~ in quO'Sti"n ""ys from til<' influ<'Il ti~1 cln_. AI tN,' beginning 01 the ,ixleenth c",, -
he w,,~ld r~ltwT sp<'a k fh'e imdligibl.· words Ihan I"" thou",nd un· tury. IIoW,,",Cf, well-intcnliono;od vokes w~", to Ix- heard arguinl\
im .. lligib", t"'~ C". 19). Ambrosiasl\'r end s wi th thi~ admonih"n: "If that tilt' inkn.·st5 of I...... si mple pcoplf' ""'luin..J t~ uS<' 0/ the , ...,..
you come 1q;t-'1h~r in order to build up Ih.· Church, you musl 'p<,a\; IlKUlar!.. Thu~ I"ul Glustini.ni .nd Vincen,." Quirini, who had bt~
a I~ngu.gc the hear~", un \Jnder.;t~nd ."" A, th~ ust' of G ..... \; rom.: C.ma)d~ monks in 15 12. add ...»>ed d pt.'1ition to Lco X in
'p",ad aga in lind .... Dy~.n t;n~ rule. ",~dinlP' in b"lh lanKUage'5 1513 in which th<')' n.'<:all;xl lhe lingu istic p.actic"" "f the p.t.tristic
.... L'f'I' il1lrod uced into tho! f'>p.allnurgy from the ,;<:'·...,Ih n"tury on; period and asked ..' hy lhe Church should nol imitat~ th~ Falho-f'l in
both bnKuagt'S ...e", al:\C) u;ed in impo ... anl parIS of the b;"ptis.... 1
this MO'a. "'' «' only a ft.w of the faithful undef'llood Latin. No one
of sound mind (they .... id) (ould " ,,,,,,,,;>bly argue "gain't the trans-
Lation oIliturg;ca l ~xts"somt' ..•..... <loinl\ who ..' anled to bt- ......
Aft .... Cyril and Ml'll\od ius had Co ...... from Con~"anlinoplf' to ..... n-
garded .05 the only wi", men around . n." 1'f'OJ'1~ .... oul.:l take much
gcliz.. the SI.,·I of .\to r.,';' in the Hcood ""If of tJ,., ninth u'Illury,.
fruit 110..... from ttw-ir churches if Ih.,), understood ..' hal was being

.... d 10 t.... m Th .. pop<' should therdo .... put an ~nd 10 the
tht, .... it m uS! boc .cknu,,·ledged 10 boc imp licit in the oouncil's ull for ron·
1«""" 1ft,."",. t.... «imp<J'l'.. rishmo:nt c~used b)' u tin.«" -Othe.... ~ and acti", participa tion ". tt." f""OPle and /of- the .dap"'lion
...,...••,...... liL, N"ochul.>o; H~..born. C ... rd i"" of the 1" UlCisc.ln ron·
"omt at Marbl.or!\.- r.-g.ordl'd the,.,., 01 Li.tin in tho! Iitu'l\Y ISS
oIlh~ rilES 10 rna""- thl.'m romp ",hntsiblc 10 tho- f.ilhful. H.,... c.n
thoK ignorant of L..lUn join t'Un!;ciously a nd IntelligenUy in , t.., ""Ie-
pT<JtC;l"'um ."',,"/um flilri """t"",. «.n impl,"~n1 .nic:... of our bn tion of u.., liturg); when an unknown ronoign l.lllgu.S" l""J'S
them from gtao.ping the con""'l of the te\ ts? Such a sit .... lion "'f"\"
Ahhough lho! d.-mands a nJ p raclic'-'S of the R...tormers ,..ith n-gitrd ..,,15 a radical disruption of rommunic.atlon. i" I"" I"", of "'hieh all
to the '·<!mKUI.rs in the liturgy cauSO"d. h.ordening 01 posi tions. the traditional arguments for Latin cease to carl')' .ny weighl.·' AI
the Cour.cil 01 T",nl (15-15-1563) limitt:<l it"",lf Ie' r,~,d .. mning Ih .. the sam~ tim~. huw~w" bishops a nd t'Piscopal conferm "" "'P"at.
cl.im th ot M us sh<>uld 0.. ( .. k-br~ k-d soIdy in th~ ,·.. macu l.."; it ed ly urge Ihal romrnunilies not b<' allow<-'d tu lul>'l' w hat capacity
thu!O Idt the do"r open fur fu rth.". d",'clupm~lS, Y~t ISS uri)' as the they /u "e lor (d ebration of the Ma~ in Latin; tlw bi shops' appea l
o:nd (If tlw ;.ix_ nth """ tur)' this can"n 0/ Trt:nl ...... int~'}>reted as II moti ,'alit:<l nol leas t by the Ih""KIlt of liturgi ... in which the par·
meaning lhat the council had forbidd~ a ny ..... d ~'''I')' liturgy in
lhe "em~ular; a§ a resuh. the Roman posH"", in fa,XH"of Latin un·
derwent signifiGint h.ordening in lhe ensuing four centum. E...·"
IrlMI"Iion5 of the Mis ... 1lOT pri"ale u~ " 'ere f<:nbidden; Ihus Ale>.·
tlcipating fai'hful spea k different lanllu'ges, For this rc.",n m.ny
dloc li 15 ha"" <kcid <."d that a Latin M." mus t b.! c"lrbta tl'<l 0""" •

1ltt P1Ob1ml ojTnl".mlions lllto t~ ~'tT"",""/~r5

ar>der VII issued .n u"", ... lIy sha'}> condemnat ion (8rif'f of 1(61)
~ granlingof prrmission for '· ......... ul.r Io lutgi .... quickl)' 100 to
of Fnmch pMt J. de Voisin's translation." In 1851 the Congr.-g.o· lhf diseo,'",), thai m~ny Uter.altranslations of the lalin o"KiNI
ti"" of Ri tt'S retI<'»·W the prohibition .S.iJ\sI Ir.nsl.tions of the Mi ..
w~ highly uns.atisf~ctory.....J"'Ci.lly " 'hm the original ~~pl[ 'Cd
,..1; in 1857 1'ius IX forbade the tr ..... 'I.tion oIlhe>C~""".nd the> ~as tied to particular historical peri,rds and partirul., cultu r",",
words of ronst'crahon. In 1891 U'O xm li""lly o rtk ....-d that .""h
Evftt the piMy v f ,)", early Christi." all'" had its "I""'ial historic.1
Ir.ansla llons weI'\' no long .... to No challenged."
roIoring and ~.nnot b<' si mply u rried ovc' into tho- p'$!nt. In add i·
Only ~l'O\lnd Ih<' middlc ol lhe tw{'nticl h <...... ' ul')' cuuld a softening tIon. ma ny th..ol '>gi~a t ""'ph._ h, v~ s.hi ll<."d to a ma .kt:<l d og ........
of ,h,· Roman . tt itudt· to tht' li tu rgical "!K' of ,h,· \'("",~e,, lar b<' ......". rspo!cia lly 5ir.ce Vatica" II. For cxa m pl ~: in m.ny of the p"-"'id"nh~1
Nollinninll ... ilh lhe> Ene}'cli~.t M,diotnr D" (no, 59), lIul. ud iNI pray~f'!I .... e ask thalw" ma y "cond emn .... hot is cart hly . nd low t""
ehanK" did nul «.>me un n l Vali,an tL tn SC 36th~ council ",id Ihat thIngs of he>a" m "; ou r age. ho,,·c,·e •• In ag,....,menl " 'ith the counri!.
,he u"" 01 I"" Larin l~ngu~S" waS to boc p~r....d "in In,. Latin emp/usi~t'S the role 01 Chri'tians in relation '0 the presenl ,.·..,.-Ie1 .
ri tt.,« in)of., as parti<:ular law did n~ say "''''''..i",,; at ,he "" ...... Christians must ... ke earthl)· ",alilies seriau.ly; lhey must "'lIard
Ii""" 110..·..... '-'1, il .lk",'ed mm" mom lOT tn,. '·.... ""cuLo' fm t"" .... ke 1hemst>1,·"" ~ di.<inely commissioned to "'NetU", Ihcst> ...... Iili.,;
01 U... g ...... pastoral ~d"antaS" il ,,~>uld bring. n... man .... , in properly and 10 "..,'" for the temporal U ,,·ell.~ ,he ......... 1... 1'·.·
whic:h lhe ""macul......s '0 No inlrod",,<-'d " ' ;lS left to the decision tion of thei r lei .....· human beings.
of Ihe region.ll epi5cop.ol ronf... eo ..... with Rome's appro"aL Fun ,," probl ...... aro5l" from lho> lact Ih., the full meaning 0/ many
nw.- pcrm ission thus g.i""" w as substantially broad<oneIl in I"" ensu' latin If'rrllS c."not be "'Produced in a single "'ord oI lhe "'' 'NCU'
ing ye.>rs at the ""1"....1 of a number of "I'iscop.>l col1~ ....... c... and la r le.g .• the> latin Iftystmum).nd ,hat many literal translations a~
... i,h the appro... l of the pope, so that loday pr.<Iic. lly I"" ,-" ,Ii", Ii'· ill-ada pi"':! for ",,"ing 10 mu,ic. The "~ p<"ricncc of Ih ...... ".rious eli f.
uTlIY ca n No cclcl>ratcxl in the '·~m.(utar. This d""~lopmo:nl ad mit· fieultlt'S caused • "'id""pl'\'~d di,sa lisf.ction ,hal S(>(>med '0 ju,~ fy
tc<lly g''''' t>..yond ,he wording of the roundl. bul at the SOme time the opponents of a "emacular litu . gy.
In Ihis difficu1l 5itualion thl' Instruct!on of Ih~ Roman COfl.ilium on p!ioIlms .nd hynuu o f Ihe p.>st. " Te~.~ of this high. qu.lil)' cannot
Iht, tran sla tion of lilu"!;iul !<.'.ts lIanua ry 25. I%'1} prm;ded " alu- be pruduoet.od on orde., The)" require Inspi r• •ion and lime to m.ture_
abl~ hdp_" The docu",",nt WaS bi1sed on t"" ",,"ults of;m inl ... M - Our communitit'S must rca!t;w this ilJ\d be polioi:nl_"
ti"".1 rong~ un the trans!atlon of litu"!;k.1 ""XIS (Ro ",",.
Nonmboo r 9-1 3. 1%5). It says, among m h ... things. rhat it is not
""""sh 10 Iransl.", a tl'Xt word for wo rd; r.t...... -Ih<> translllOT 1M M~'lnmx <f -SI.~" - D"d · Syml>oJ ·
should gi"~ fi rs! ~id.,r.tion 10 thol.> mt!.Oning of t"'-" communica - In iOddition to "''f b.>1 Lang ... &" thol.> li'urg)" .1"" uws a " 'orol"",
tion~ (no. 81. A faithful translation, t""nrlon-, ... nnot boo ilKlged on
spe«h : , ,,,. world 015illll5 I..... t point to s pecific ""Iilio. II is "",-,",
the ba$is o f lndh' id ",,1 words: tl\(o total ronte>.t of this sp<"Cific act of of rou_, , .... t :;.p<.>kcn wor<b ~"', in ~ bfnId son"",, .udibk- and Iegi.
c...,ununkation muo;! bo.' kept In mind, U ...rll as the I.I.... ry form ble ~ig:n.. w,otht... human heings. In addition. 00"'",'''''. ,"",.. a",
pn.,....- to U.... n>Sp«tiv .. languageH(M. 6). , 0 kN>p the rorrect sig- things. pt''''"' ..... Khortl', and po5tUrl.'S that 0 ... p<'n:<>pIible b)" ,""
nification. words and ... prt'S$ions must "" u~ in , Iwir P"'P""" his- """!1e5 and th., point bcyond ,heir o,,' n exis,enu and ""tu,.. to
lorical. .....0...1. and " 1",,1"",aningsH(no. 13 d). other. in"isibk' ",.Iilics. In addi'lon to their """n ""ti,'" "",aning
~ nm,·,'Y a""tl\(or; 'llry arc "sensible 1"",,8""" of uwisibLe ",.Ii -
n... langu./;<' ($;IYS t ..... lnslnlcrion) should be I.... t oI ..I<·.... ted rom- ties; , ..... y full<'tion as signs. Thus Thomas Aquinas in his , ...ali.., un
mon U$;l!\", C.......·ra lly sf"'akin ~ it is Iwtlff 10 c..,.... \"" "'-""" lan- !he> _ra""-"-'I~ k .." 'go ck-An('d a sign a~ "wrneth ing Ihrough
gua&" "",oded Hby infusing a C hriSli.1n meaning into common which a person amiL...·... knowl<odJo:c of some furlh<>r thing."" Signs
words" rat ...... than by "importing uncommon Or t«hnical terms " are t...."'lo'" n·,.. ~la"'ry. although !hey do no1 d isclose the fuJI ""is--
(no, 1'1. 3), A~ In as pra)'ffS art! ct>n«'nwd, "th~ formula translated lential .""lily 0 1 tha, 10 which Ilwy point . Thi~ ",Iali<.>nship between
mu51 berom~ tl.... g'..-.ull"><' p ra )'~r of th,· rong"'S.tion and in it each visibl" and in\'bib~ i~ ponibl<' be<:aust' 01 a cen ain simil.rity be-
of its membo,r,; ~hould b(o able \() find and e"p~ himself or ""r- tween sisn aad ~ignifit.od ,
"'11" (no, 20 c). In pra yt'f'S to be !;pok"n by the community, and "'p"-
ci"lIy in .cclamatiOllS, sp..>cia l h,...od muSt be gi"~n 10 thc phonetic tn.. word "~vmbol, - wh ich is dcri"ed Irom the C red. is .. Iso used
and rhythmic 'lualiti,'S 0/ the lanKuo!:,' lno. 35). lor Ihis kind 'of s isn, Orillinally. "symbul" ",lem.'<I to the two hal",'S
of some bn)k~." " b j«t (. ring,. ~t.II .• t., blct.• nd so 011). which,
'I'h,,,..· ,'T'C bu t of the d ocum"nt"~ m;my imporl.nt di"-'Ctl ....s w hen 1i.1\'d tosc"lh~. (C "-,,,k: sy",ballr;n. "throw togcther" ), se,v ed
dnd n"ommO'fldati"n,. Th~ ~"thors "I the I",truch"n we", ,wa . e. "no-
.s . rneollS by ..... hich the ho lde!' "f hall could recognizc in the
h<,wc'-er, Ill"t tr. nslati"n~ ~lcJle. how~'·.-r good, Me not ""' lUllh , holder of lhe other on a ulhl'rltic lIuo$t. m""""" gc'r, or p.rt"'-'!' in an
Th~ .locum,·", th.".~fnr~ ""ds wi .h this imp"-'$i ,·c .nd significant
ag""'''''''' I. A sy mbol is thuu sign that consists, St' to ~pt'a k. 01 tWtl
"b"'ryation: -T,,~t, tr.nslotro lrom a""' ''''r langu.ge. ~ dearly ports:. "is ible p.r, and an suprasenslble ",ali,y which Ih< ,' isible
"0' , uH"'i"" t lor t"" cek.-br. tion 01 a fully n..-.ewed liturgy. n..- ""'" port ,;igniA.". Only whcrllhc two p.>rls .... put togeth ... does t""
ation '" n,'w 'c~tS will boo ....'(.'S6a.r)·~ (no. H ), who Le bo.'COme , -islble.
Thi. admi"';"n!K'ts OUr .ge ~ diffic ult I.~ , roo<, on ,he one ruoo. The.., is no as"-"",, •..-.' on the conccptu.1 defin ition of symbol or.
t"" langu"II" 01 tl\(- liturgy muSt be In' elliglbl,, a nd lrue to li le, I",",,,,fore, 011 how lhe word is 10 bo.> used. As used by "",ny, symbol
" .... ithout la"",n" in,o lhe l~ngu.S" of the """'spopers, t .... !K'it-nc",. h.os • bro;lOd mNning .nd inc:l ude., in p •• din" the ..,.,Ii", rang.. of
or I.. ddish )a"!;oo . ...., On th .. OI .....'r hand, i, should be the uprt"lsion signs. 01"'-'" use i, ln. rurTOO<>'~' ....,... I.... t diSlingui.m.. it from
of I{'l igious ""f"""it-'IIC'I.'; it ought 10 bo.- language ' .... 1 emerges from rei'
t.... of lhe world of siS"" H ,"'1' limit it slrictl y ' 0 s;gnificatOl'}'
r ,od .. nd speaks to God ; it ~OOJld slTil:e to the cen ... r of 1"'-' h uman phenomen.o with two rneanings .. " in ",·hkh ''''' imm<'dia tcl)' "-'C.

I\(o.n and th"" rome dose to potu,. .• $ .... s bo.vn theuse with ~y ogniuobk- Intaning urges the m ind on to a further """'n ing_ -'" n..,
obio"<tion tt) this d<,,",' is th~ t ~\"rry sign is a " plwnom .... on ... ith tv.·o encc. Symbolism Cdn ~r\",' os 0 bridKt' b.-'''·c,,-n '·.rying k"ds of lin-
meanings" ~nd pt>inlS 10 a " furtt>cr meaning: e\'en if Ihe eLement gui8tic capability and can ,',','n I<'op U"~r quit..- proouunced linguis-
0/ " immoodi. le" n-ro..,nilion of 1m- 5igniflc"I"'y thru~1 can b<> found tic boundaries: "
tmly wi lh difficulty o. "aries in d~ree. The wOfltl 01 signs ,hal we encounter in cw .yd o)· lik> is <'xt<'ftSiw
AI"" um;..otUli><1ory Is the attempl to dcline • s ymbol as a "~Iyli'.ed beyond imagining' ",'" • ~re confronll'd w ith. b<>wild .... ingly wm-
sign~ and lhen-b)' diff,.'n."'~ le il from othe. signs. A. V....lIeul, fo r pie>< and mulllf.ct11'd world.·" This ,.• ri<"I)' is .In'ody ""ident in
e .... mple. ... ril"", ~ mOt'(' one.' 51yli;(e!I, the more t .... sign ap- !hoe im""""",,, ,'~riety 0/ d.SlSofk a""",.
p""",,,,", lhe s)·mboI. and the morv one.' I'"M"S from sign to symbol_ -I\oopl~ SJl<'II<.. lor "".mpk-, of na"'ral.nd .rtifk;.1 S}'mbols, sym-
... Thus ,,-r h.,-" h<'«: 10 do " 'ilh lhe e \ lrerne 0/ spirilu. li'.... tion bols pmp<'1"ly and Impl'Op('l'l}' 50 c.lk'<! , . rmbols lJonSI""",1 and
and .tyli7~ng ui iht' image."'" Bul in Ihls .rea, 100, the Ii ..... uf dem.>r- opaque. Ou d ~incl lon is m.>de bo.-f,,'<""" primat S}'mbo>t" s pring-
cation c.on only b., nu id . and it ...ill be difficult 10 deOd.> in , -ery ing from nalure l.Ild history .nd 5)'mbols ,h.t.", Striel.3t o.-legis-
many ins... nce ... hetht... tl\(o dcgrt't' of SI)·Jization has been ",ached bled or national or ronf('SlSioool. In rd~n."'«- to the orros of lift> in
IhallUms" sign inlo a ~~·mb,,1. Nor is it possible ,o.ag""" ... ith ".".- which symbols apf'C'I' a d istinmon IS dr~"- n b.;iw"",,, psychologi ·
heul ,,-hom he aS6«1S that "a s)'mbo/ is ""'..... a .... tu • • 1sign. but a cal, ml'laph)"5ica1. ~liKi"u~. and ""Ihetic 5)·mbols_An at!""'f'I is
~ultura l sign. and tt.er..fon.. f..... l)' ch~ 5ign.·'" Thi$ as.... rtion flUId.> to brin8 oul Ihe n.>tu .... and ruk' of s)'mbo>ls by distinguishing
"-ould I... d to tho! conclusion that such " prinuJ s)'mOOls' as .... h:r. onlologiul symbols from fUlI<"ti",,,,1, "i'"""",tati,-e from e~p .... -
wind. fil'l'. IISh'. moumain . nICk. and iIO on . ... hid, al'l' shared by all sive. p~nt~tio.u l from di""''''i'·... s)'mbolls lhal "eil from sym·
p',,,p"" and cul l U">S. do not d_n.. " 'hI' na"", ·srrnbo1" al all. " bols thai discIOSl·. II i. p< .... ;b~· \() sp"'ai< ol SIalus symPols ;
Al l IIx...· ron.idN~tions and criliqut'S SUMl-;.! the .:K!,·isabiJity 0/ ~l'I'5Si\"l' . •• ,.><i~';\'e, inStrumen l3t. and goa).dil'l'Cled symbol.

nul h,kin~ for cri tl'ri a ta dlslinguish bo,tv., ...'" o;W' and symbol 15iT15; dn:am .ymbo>li sm . ~t symbol;sm~. a nd linguistie ,ymbol-
. "d. in,tead. "f using tl\(o two words a. sYMnym •. " Thi. is nOl to !5ms; primary and ~"ndary symbolism s. y,~ il is ~t:;" "bso.n·able
d"ny thai '·orio,,' si gn .diffe. in thc ;nll'n.ily ... ith whkh th<>y carry lhat in all th'...• dfo". AI !jCh~mall ~.a lion Ih~ ,yn,bol s Ihcm","-~",
Ih" mind to Ih<' .i,.,nilltXI r.)aiily or. in <>Ihl'l" word~, thai th"y differ . ~ usually ,·o nen'l .. i ndi\'idu~1 ",.,litiC('; whkh c.,n l><- systema ti zed

in their pow,>r of .I ,<;n ifylng. only with difficu lty.• tlea.1 if logical symbols. cu l min~ting in Ih,_
that a", math~rMlic~l. a", left out of ron~idt'ra ti "n _· "
1110' us.> uf signs (symPols ) d{)('S nOl al all """an on impowrishmcm
of commUnkOliu" . On th (> con trary' they are able tu express im·isi· In ""'.... t liOTlO'S numCrol.lS sc;;"",.", han' d". 1t c"''-'1\Si''el~' with Ihis
ble ",oliti....... ilh an inl<>ru;ity nat often .chi~,·cd by ,·crNII.n· world of symbols and tried to ~n.ly~<' it ~och in il. own I""hn k.1
SUdse. They mcdiJlt' a '1ukk. lntulti\'e grasp and p."'et.... te Inlo language. I n..ed ooly ml'ntion IinKuisl~. Ih~ ""i"""" of communi-
. ",as largel)' ck_oJ 10 logk~1 SjX'«h . cation . ...!igloos phcnol!\M\Ol''!IY and philuSt>f>hy. psychology (in-
cludins deplh psy<:l>oIogy). ".lCio~>gy and _" "ial psychology. Most
"Symbolis m is . mode of , p.'t.'<"h th.1 "cnIUrt"S 10 penerralf' the import.ontly, in ' .... I.st f......, d...:-.dos r.emiotlC'S. lhe 'lCK>ncC of sign:;.
world 01 11K> incoml'" •• I>I~ b)' m~.M o f coml"ri~, . ... hile at lhe ha~ tlk"" a ~y"'~ma t k arPn'lolCh to "IN.> s pecial chararl<'r. signifi -
""m,· tim(' mdinl.ining an appn>priare d b lanCl' from it. An .-xp....... CIDCt', and functioning 0/ \1\(0 'Igns through ... hich human being,;
. ioo i. s}'mbolic when tilt- cognil;"r ront''nl ""PI( . !pd .......ms communicatf with 00. another ' ~ He ... too. l...-hn ic.1 lerminoloS)'
op'''' 10 ,·.rious kinds 0/ ackno ..·ltodg"""', and appropri.lion. 10 a f- has quickly emerged . i01though the rompcling syst<'fT>S .'" far from
fect;,·e.s wdl . s rognh h'e access, and 10 qoile "vied ~ibiliTies hoving """,lied as ...... """"1 o n "·nninol"KY. 11><- b"" 'ily o f the p ......
of und""'tanding by lho!;., wI><> al'l' add le . !Id and ~ .... the ""I"'ri' ""I OI.Iuu.. and tIw <!dire \() be und""'''''>d by all tr.a,·e led me 10
is .ignifi"'! and 'Kl ught is communion (kom,)"ia) ",ith God and or",
""oid this tL'<"hnkal terminology (th~ "" m,' hold, I", the te<:hnic4 l
tL'fminol08J of ttwo otht..- ",icnces I h.tl'~ mmt,onood j.'" anoth", as "n~ of II'tofo S"'atrs. 01 .ll the bl"""ings included in ",1\,.,
lion . Tho> .n.... ti'·,-ner.;.. I\" ' <TI!f\(t', and thankful respt.rlw 01 the
n... c""""" <f L,/utgiall 5isni romm unity 10 lhe "'oro 01 Gud .nd 10 his ,",eram,... t,,1 aelion
In Ihc bibli , .1 t and C hristian und~r,;t.nding of th" world every 1'~i~I' ohow~ il",tf not only in s pok"" .nd su" 1I woro. " I pr. iSt!, thdn 1<..-
inl' lIting i, ~ cre.. 'U"-· ~nd therefo "" at th., sa me timr a ~ign poin" gi" ing. ador" lion, and pcl:ition, bul also in bodily ..-lions, ]>&.Itu=>,
ing to the CI<'alor. ~Th.' h<'JH'''' aft' ."!hnt; the glory 01God; and .nd ~tu .... as ... ~I..,. in the uS<! 01 ~'mbolk oI:;. etOi. In ... hal ful·
th., firmam.",t proclai ms his handiwork" (I~ 19:1), - f wn in tho! lows herIo J shoUlimit myself to. ~ho" 'UI"\" 'Y: OO;:.u", 1 must "" .. ,
onCn"'n~ ~nd tho! ramation Ihe kinlldom and the II lo.}" a", p"""-'f\t. brief I r;!~r the I\'ad", It, the' ~M,'nsiw li", ••• ul\' for m"", d<'lailed
Lord, lor him who ,;.,"''" il ~nd whose g.:I7.t' .. mb,,",,-," .11 thin&", ">0 information and "xpl.""uon ....
In th(> incarru tion olOlTist the inromprehensible IUIlnt'SS o f di,·in .. E,'en bodily I"""u,.,. can "" an .xpn"ision of spintual altilUdes and
b",nlo\ took b"dily form. In C hri.t Iho! glory of God is ,,"'calM in a co.wiClio!ls, Th~ po>lUrt" used in III.' liturg}' • rt' standing, lm""ling,
"'lTporc.l, """iblc way ("'-'t' jn 1:14; 2 Cor 4,6), n.o... who ..... him .
and .ittins; .... llJng (prt"''-'''';ons ): ,>l>l~ , mc", u. bows, including
- . ttwo Fatheo- Un 1 ~:9). - l ie is th(> i""'g~ (riton) of th~ in,·j.ib", the prQil r~lrtI (If slmchlllS oul on .ho- ground, '"", for ~umplc. on
G<)d~ (Col. :. 5: """ 2 Cur 4:4), Und!,r,;t"od in this .... )., .he God- Good frid~y m a l pne>tlr o.d,,,,,li,,,,; and, io many countries, .-cli-
m.n, jt'Su. C hrist, is lhe m,,,,1 profound , lhe mosl wm preh'-"'~i\'c, gious da",;ng ond ",unds,'"
Ilw rich"'l 0/. 11 !ymbols, di->elosing . , Iw dO<'S th~ infinit~ dim<-n '
sions " f God.
Geslures wilh lhe ""nd, ~'" m.lny: 1"ld ing. .~ising. stmching out.
imposing, signing " " th th~ lT06S, stri king Ihe b.~ast, bk~,ng. gi" -
The Chun-h as " m)'stical bod y o f ChriSl " .ha n o; in thi, £0, l>OIulity inll 10 other,; in tl\(- gre<>ling of pea"", ~nd washin g. NumerOOJS, 100,
0/ God in jt'Su, C h.ist, n ...",I"!lions sp.'Jk 01 the irICorna tional , 'rur' are ritual actions in which ,ymbolk ob~-,< ts are uS<.'<.! : lor ~ ... mp l",
lu", ul th., Chu ",": bKau5-t' the Spi.it of Chri,t hIlS ~nd works in lhe pouring 01 wa ll'" on a f"'Tl'O" at baptism, anoinling' wilh hul)'
it. lIw Chu rch e~ i~1!; among th~ ""lions .os .. "i;;ible s'gn ul ... 1... - oils. At M.ss Ih~ ..... is lhe ki"'ing 01alta. and gospel book; th. pn-p.1-
lion; in ,lIld Ihrough it tilt' h'gh priesl of the """. <01',,"""1 <ommu · raliun of Itwo ~ltar (the holy ta blel; the bringing of bTt"ad .nd wi",·;
"k~ h'" tn., i""!~ibl~ IIk,.-)' ~nd grace ul God Ihmui;h the vi,ibk .he mixing of wal,'f with Ih~ wif\(', the b",aking 01 1m, hOSI: the,.. -
,i i;n~ Ihal art' lhe sacr.rT\t.'nt~ It is f"",sib l~ 10 undC1'!;u nd in this ere<! mt!al as sucll; lhe greeting or kiss 01 peace; .he u"" of inc""",
",n,.' the ",,,,ds of Pope Lo.'<> . he G ft'~t ~ ~~I ): " \\'hal w .... ,';,ible on ...I ..... n ocea"""~. In lhe roUI)<' of the liturgical y.a ......... is "'"
in ChrISt 1\.1~ p.>SSt'd .II'cr Into the s","unwnts of the Chu"'h,~" And signing ... ith ashes, th., "riling ,,/ the ,,,,,,", .he III,-""sing and proces-
Thomas A'luin~. sa)" "I th ~ sae,amc11ts in the narro'" ~se o/'he sion 01 palms, Ih" w.~ hing 01 I'~'I on Hol y Thursday, 1m, .il".1 01
tt..,.m Ih,lI th,,},,1\' sign s n'(.' l lin~ lhe 1'.'" Ihal is,.he p.",ion 01 light dur ing .he Ea~t•.,. Vigil (Ea,tc ' eandl~), ~nd all sort; ul bl ........
Chrisl ~.ig"" '..,...."""~Ii' 1. :;i1t1lS point.nll 10 .he p"-,,,·nt • •ha. is, '0 ings (ol foods al Eas"", mM icirwl hl'fbs on .he 1\·.51 of Mar)" s As-
•t..> """1",,,'.1 of groc.. (SIS"" d...... ~"''''l ll .. ). and antiClf"'Io'}' signs s umption, prod lOCi' at th .. I\.11"\'est l.-ash).
.nnou""ing Ihe ~Io'}' 10 OOm,' «'gOG 1""S,,,>stiCQj.'"
During lhe liturgical year w~ . I!oO enc"unt~r many Ihin gs thai "'1'<,('
Tho! <ullk ""Ii"il)" of lhe lailhful (I he a"' .... ding line (0/ hturgicalac- as ';8"&: eTO§'l, cand le, sanctuM)' lamp. alta, \'t'ils or ba~ dq>i<t-
tlon l ~L"" d isp l.. )'~ a " ·... llh 0 1~~'mbol" .cti"ns a nd objeclS. The ing Ih~ passion, and images. n.e churcf, build ing. as a who'" and
"""]1 ..,,,,,,,bly of tho- bilhful,. c"'arly. !ign, i"",much.s it i~ not. in its rartll, i. full of ')'mbolism : l"'ll'rim p.rlS such as ,'nl.ance
rolll'(tio", 01 di spMa lt, indi Viduals but th~ "people ul God; lhe my I'- ~ou.I and main door,lowe . and ""lis; int~rio. parts such a~ Iii<>
.kal body of Ch,isl, God 's "".tnr. in tho- litu.gical acj;on, and " ',,,"t altar. ambo (pulpit!, pn$idrntial chair, bapti~mal lo nl, organ. and

" "
so on.' n""itu'gka' I·""n".:nts and I~;' ,<>In,. a ... a l'" symbolic; I waS ShO.tl'fll'<l at Ihe sid",,; Ih" tl.'5uh was Ih" "Got hic " cha,uble. In
,ho II Sf't" k of Ih~ in tt.. """ k'<1inn. the &roq"" j1'('riod it ... ~s sho.!<·ncd el'en fu'lhe., and he,.,.y b",·
eade wa, uso.-d in making il; tho' rt'SIlJt was. highly omam""tal ga, .
Hi"",!>, ~nd S'gnif"I(Q'Ifrof'''' L,lu'1(I(QI V",'m,nts ~nd Cui"" mmt (the "fiddle b;ock" chasuble), In 1~!5 II><> Cong.egation 0/
The ..arly Chri>lia ns had IIQ sp«iallilurgic.l n"Slmmi>o. On Ih~
Rilo'S c:k.'(I~rn:! this " mini" (lwsubl .. 10 b.- I"" onl)' allo..... bl~ fonn
olh~ h..",d. Ill~ w .wiction q\lI te !()On arose m.1 peopk sh.ould
and p..,h.ibitl'd "GOThic" elwsubl~ T1w d,'CTl'<' was not ...~I hd'."'n
.... c •• fosri\"C g<I..,.,en ts for Ih~ t'l'ieb.anon 0/ lho: ... en><! mnt"";""." until 1957.
AftlT Ill .. COn5unhnian ""'olurion lho: hlilh~ d ... XY " ..".; p ut on ~
pol' wilh high im",.,.I.1 offici.ls and ..·l....... JJ""·n:!IO "'e;o. SJ""'ial in. nw .1....11( la n.lme probably '~k" i<1g IU an QUIlT garmenl origin. l.
~ignia s .... h as Ill~ SI"'-'. m.onipk>. p.tllium, ~ ring. uturgieal ,."!it. ing in [);)1m.1tf~ and " 'om by men and "'"OmlTl at tho> end "I tt... 5('(".
m".,t.. in I"'" prop.... sc.'nM' 01 th(o term firS! app.-on..t in Ill,. fillll and cet1Iw)' A.D.) btoc.....• t.... lilutgkal null.. gannent of de.v:<.Jn5. BUI
a.-.tury. " ' ho,." Ilw anci"", Roman gam 01 mon-runic and tog.>- it was abo.an q>isrop.1 """nnenl wom undt-r tl><> dwsuble.
Wet{' replacn:l b)' , ........ rmm~ 0I1lw Gauls.and c..rmans (trousers
nw 1""1( w~s the out« &,''''''''1 wom by subd......-om; it ~arne in-
and shan ",.. I). 5;""" c,·Icb •• n~ of Iho: liturgy nmlinul'd m ....,ar
creasingly to nosemble t .... d.lmalic. (The orde. 01 .ubdeacon ..... s
tho.· old r-i,·,. sarml..," of Ihr 1I0man,. the ~U!! wu sp<'rificaU}. ..Liminal...:! aflt.'t Vatican II.)
hlu~I(,l1 \·estmm ts Ih.at 01.." I..... (enlU.it's W",," inc",.sinXly felt 10
be al ... n. In what folluw, I sh.!lllimit my'!".'lf Ii> do-.rn.bing bri<>f]y llw:o pi .. ,.;,,! (lite,ally: ".alncwt "). al~ known ~. t"" mpe. is "'um
lhoe mn"t impon.nl 0( tht'!;o.' li!u!"J;kal I·onn""ts. by bish.ops and priesTS f(W mAny actions outsid.o;o I..... ceicbration of
the EllChari .. , for e~ampl .. , in pt'O(('Ssions, the ~h().o l Office , """ a-
The ~lh (from t a ti" ~Ibws. "whilt' ") is . Ion" ",t.ite undrrgarml..,t
menta l bk";sin" s, ronse<:, alion., other bles<ings, ~nd so on. 11 is a
that wa, Sl1CceI!i< lf to ,II .. old IIoman tunic (Iuni",) ond is WOrn ot
festll"li' cloa k o' " pe Ihal ..... d".. a Im()!;t to tllf' Gmund; il i. open in
Mass by all ""k-b,ants in So1c.amenul P<"dl''''. Und,,, tllf' .Ib. 0. 01· ... the from bllt dnwn together O! tf,., b ... ast with. clasp.
it in many .eliginlls orde.~, is a doth laid ""~r the <Mulders (the
omi",) . "hi s might be d_ribed .s a kind 01 :<earl; ""ording to tllf' n". ""mum prob~bly d~"·d<lpt.'d "",1of the stole and i. no ..... an i"'ig-
P'('S<'n! ruhriCS it n("('<l nm ",. worn os lon g os tllf' alb fits neatly nia reSo!r\'L'<l to the pope and .... id\>nli~l archbi<hnps . It consists o f a
aro!1nd thc n«k. No. n<.'l'd th\' cirlft" ... (ri"S" /""', "belt") be " ... '<1, cross·shapt.'<l band of ..... 001 Ih., is worn on the sho uld"", owr lhe
pnll'idl'<l th,> " Ib i~ soc"t Ihot no ~lt i~ n<.'l'dl'd. ellas uble. 11 has a l~nhlT shorl band in I.ont and back and is
adOrned with si x erOSSt.'s. Or.:e t~ tio.~ " 'as eliminall'd by Pau l VI
TI", ,to/~,. s.>shli~~ strip of ~k"h, ,...~ o.iginol1)"" mark of """ul~.
1IIf' an:eptance of tht. p" Ilium 1>«• ....., the si"n of • oe ..... pope's as·
offi«· . II is n",.. nISt1"H'<l to th~ on i-;KT.mentat o.de". Bishop,; sumption oflh .. so.'C of IIome.
aOO pril'SIS wear it .",und II", noxk and hanging d",,'n in front On
bolll sidrs fbt,h> ... th .. ,donn, pril'SlS ,..,,,, , lhe ""cis e~ ow. Anyone beside a hi,,,,,,,, pril'St. or d~a ... 'n, ...·ho performs a ,.,n.·ie~
Hwi. £hl'Sts). o..",ons "'~a, It (We' lhe Ie/t s hooul<k •• nd e~I~""d ing alit;" . lIu m~y ..... ~ • • 1.... ' iturgkal ..e5lm""ll.wlully approved in
d 1agon.lI), .croo;.s It> the right sid" in Iron, .nd Nck. u eh n::gion (GIRAI )01 )."

The <I"$~blr or " M~S5 I'~lmenl " (In 1..>11n: clfSulR but .lso "....,.~/o In R>gard 10 tllf' "",,~i"g of ','urgral ,"f'S/"""" •• tt... ~,allnSl, ..c"""
. nd piR""fI) IS lho" out~, hru.gtC~1 g;orm~I; II o:k>1il'"" lrom !he~. cf'Itt" 1Wmo" MtMoIll c~11s .11l..,t,..,., 10 I......, aspect!;. ""'" fiNI is thai
£icnl Rom.n log. . Orig:;nall)' it ......' ronlC~1 in s lwpe.and "'as 10.... lhe , ....strnen'" " llhould , , . lymbo!i7.e th(o fWlCtion ProplT 10 earn
'-""<l lho, he.d and CQ, ......-.J Ihe mn ... bod)' r chasllbLe- from ministry. Bul al Ille IOIme time Ih. .. I'f'SIm ..... '" should al.., romribule
I..>lin ClI$JII• • · llnl(> hou!'<·"). In lho" Ih.lrle.>nlh ~ Iury Ihr gar""""1 It> the beauty 0{ the ril~· (CIRM 297). A /un"", signif0C3t"ry .. t.,..
rnmt is rortnf'Ctl'd wllll the l;oc, lhal Christ Ih~ high pri""l .octs in

IIx- «,Icl>ranl~ 01 the liturgy; tlx-y afl.' his instnm>ents and n'Pn.... nt I!'Slabli.lmd. th'>UKh Ih,'fc ..-,'t(.
carly c hurl S along Ihi. I"", during
rus p<"rsorl (st'<;' SC 7), In the(elcl>uIion of Ihe Sill'ing m~t"ri<'S it is lhe Carolingian "","od. In""""'l III prm'i<k<!lhe first arelul d ....
prim.rily Christ who ~ts, and 10 him the p<"f'5Qn and subjc<:ti" e scriplion 01 th~ custom. f(,lIowl..! in his lirnc .... Thi. unon ",.os .>C.
outlook of the hum." priesl muSt lak~ SE«)Hd place; Ihis rol~ 01 the «ptOO and fI.'<:I.Imml'ftded b)' Durandus 01 f,"\endt, at the end 01 the
human pri""l is indicalOO by lhe liturgical g.lrb in ,,·lticll he is a. it t/tin.....,lh n'fttury." It d id \lot beoome obligalor),. he",,,·,,,.. until
w ..... hidd<-n fn:>m "iew. Th~ "eslments h.1'~ Ihus ~ m)·sl.og08ical tIw publicalion of ttl<' Tool'fttine ~ lissal in 15m, wh~ it has been
m<'aning. th.1t is, the)' help the p.>nicipants 10 und...-st.md and c. pe- Wom O\'er, " 'ilh minor ch.nSfl. into 1M Mi56a1 of Vatican II. The
..... ne.. Ih .. mys tery. By .ny .croo,,,,ting til<-)' ut' ......... nt nol 10 c u ll GmmII Insmut;"" <fIN /(o ..... n M,s~1 lOIys: ~Valiety ;n the roIer of
lheir " ·e.rer ("nlil 01" p<"f"5OI\ality") bullO silo ... ralhe,- Ihal Chri,1 thr '"eStm.-nf>; ;, meant to g"'~ efl«ti,'e . OI.I",,·.rd expres.ion 10 the
has ta""" tlx- wc.",r into his Ioen'ice." spKific cttar.CI('f 01 I"" m)'St.'ries of the faith booing al"bi.tC'd and.
in thr rourw of ItI<' year, 10. smH 01" progf\'S6 in the Cltmtian life"
n,.. fon1\oinll: considerations. ", not me.nt 10 gh"t' lhe imp""'sion
,I>.>, lhe ,"".,;lmmt. wrucll ha"e come inlo uS<' in the Cou,,", of his-
lory "".",Id ~ fl.1a",00 in their pf\'5m1 form. As r shall sh.,...· in d ....
"'" '"''
Thr most important pr1-'!I<:riplions ;>.~ unrtr f"" lhe E.lstcr and
tail in I"" nt'xl Sl"Cmm. hrurxk.1 signs ore changeable. -n.., Christmas ~ tIw bst. oI lt1<' Lord and iii. MotIwr, of the an-
docu"","ls ." I.... Chu",h ta"" Ihis faCl into ~rounl 10 lho.· .",1....1 ~Is. and of no.m-martyr samt" InIlor I'alm Sund.); Good Frida);
tI>.>l , .....>y admil a n-nain dc<:cntrali7.ation 01 ...:c1l'Siastical compe- fea5~ of thr p.anion 01" Christ Pmtc.'(ost .nd ItI<' feasts oIlIle.~
t""c~ in IhiS . "'.: R'1\.rdinll til<- design of W'srml'nIS, lhe ronfcr.
ties and the marty'" II'"'" for "Ordinary Time "; ,,,,,In for Advent
"""'" 0/ bishnps may """,rmitll' .nd prt.lf'O!lC tu tho.· Huly s.... lnd L~nt (also permitl<.'<f in lilurgies fot I.....• dl..:eascd); 1>/",* in lilur·
adaptJ tions th.t «''''''pond In Ih~ nt.'t'ds .nd usall'''' 01 t lx~r n - gics for lhe d«~_-d (opti" nal ); >VSt' on Ih" lhiTd Sunday 01 Ad w nt
gion. " (GIRIIII )().I). (Gaudete Sunday) and Ihto f<lUrth Sund.y of uml (La,1 ...' SundO)').
AI; wilh Ihe liturgic. 1 """tm'''' IS, lhe cpi,;c<,pal wn lcn.... '.,; may "n·
In the cou'"'" 01 hisl(}rkal d~"elopment ~ (an,,,. of colors ca me III ),.,
dert. k~ . uil.blc ad' ploti"". (GIRM 3(6). Mo,,' p"-,,,ious '· .... Iment'
.""",i.tOO wilh Ih~ ,'''''tmlmts. Tn und~"'t.nd the r"I"", ........! in the (e.g., ,·t.'Slm,,,,ts of 1I00d bnX"adc) m.y 1>0., "s....! on oil festiw OCC,l '
earli ... t Utu rgical "estments w~ mu"l look to the t,"Ch n'~"gy 1m d)"'-
5ions, re~anJless ,,/ th~ col'" of th" day (no. 30':1).
ing fabrics in antiquity, AI Ihe lime an "'pt'Ci. ll y pri,ed dye ~am"
In:>m a ",-,,"'lion 01 a mollusk ()( IIw gcnus Purpu",; thi. wa, ac· The Eastem riles ha"~ nf> ",.1 canonical " ,I"TS,", lea" il w," p"' -
qui"..! drop by <imp,lhinned, ~nd uS<:'d to dye material. By "arying oc:ind In:>m!lO~ CUSloms of the By1.amin~ rite and '''pt'Ciall y "I th~
Ih<· amoont of ,"",lion uK'd ~nd Ihe lenglh 01" the d)'eing process C,.,..,k Chu"'h ....
and the e'J"'Su .... qr>ou~ sh~d .... of rolorrould be ~hie\·oo. The The attitude.nd pnClice of th" Pn>hStam Church,.,. di/f.,,- widd}"
mosl " 'p'-'1Ui"e and thcrclo.... lhe mOSI fashionabk- ..."". dark.....J; from region 10 region a.nd confession tf> coni_ion.
I'lin)' SJ"-·ak. in this wruw.'(1ion 01 , blKkish purple. Ne.1 in Ill<'
,..-at.. "f ,·alu.· ("' Tnt' °N),.I purpk'.o Th(o darkrr tho.' lIano<"1l. I"" -", .. la l.. mooirnl m.dllion regarding liturgical colors wa. ""i-
mo.., , ·.Iuabl .. and It"'t;"e il " ·n . Thu •• nrk'At d(-pirtiorl. u.ually denll), continU<"<!. "" adopted , most ""tensl,..,lr in lutheranism.
show the p"p" and bishops in dark d1asub~, ... hi)., the ,·est"..,.",l. The Refo ..... ...d tradition paid no attmtion 10 til<- ql.l<.'Stion bee.u""
"f <karons are "f a bnghler color. In th<· nin th and tenth """tu~ as ""rty ... lhe $iK~th «.'fIlury il h.1d al",.dy rompll'"h>l)' r limi -
the .OO""II""h""I08y ... as Iosl and nl'l'M by • Ieso; """"""i,'e I\oltOO the altar and hrurgical n'Stmmt s, , , . Only in "ery """,m
O.... lhat uS<'<! planl 1OIp$," )'l'al'S, as a 0ISU1t ()( the 1nO\·,-""<-,,,t of liturxical .norm, has il r.iS<'<!
the qurstion from time 10 time ... Anglianism, ..-ith if>; >ITtJng atla<h_
Only around 1200, oo..'cv ..... "'.~ . ~triC1 c.non oIliturgic.1 cul~

m,.'n l kl tradition. Went Ie. OWn woy; in AngJn.C.tholi.cism il O<la' f...:e. ttlt, pladng of "'>m .. salt In tf><' mouth, 11'1' touching 01 nOst'
"110m followed to 0 largt' ~U~t tlw !nedi<",·.1 or Roman CIlSlom_"" and ca.., wi lh ;.piul~. and j.n on. At tf><' .... me limc. h<>w....·c.,olh...
In u..., Sc.mdi"" ·i~n COIJnl ries. IhI.> Rdor ..... ti"" "pnw<'<l "..,.,,,, ron- t ip that an! s till "~J)' mNninlllui today. such as the signing wilh
S<'T\·.Ii,,{' <1n'n lhan G.. rman I.lllherani~m In tM maUl.. 01 Cen-rno- ~ !IIgn ol lhe C"", .nd Ihe )o:;"ing oIa wlUte garmenl and a HI can"

ni~1. ~;s incll>lk-s tlw "~nwms lor .\1.\6 and prob..bly, in d\I.>, ,,~, not onl)' h'P' but had tl>e-ir meaning fnrthe. clarified by,
f'1UlCIpl~. tlw canon of hlurgic.1 rotors."'"' l<.:o..·ad.o.ys the call for lor eumple, lho.' p.rticipation of pa ..... t5 ...,d .ponsor:s in the sign·
IIn .. t", Icsti"ity and ""jo)"lnem of color in I'totl'Stdnt worship is boo- ins 01 the child wllh thl.> (1't)HO and by tt.... lighting of 1M baptism;t\
coming O'\'<'r loudl". candle fmm th~ F"~I" candk."

n... Mutability of UI"fiial s.g~. \I is true. 01 "",,5<.', thai erudite ""'pens c.n show the meaningful-
_ o f nuny signs dc';"ed from ...,ci...,1 ruJIU ..... but Iound uninteJ·
~.use. I~Iu~1 slgru are ""'.nl to Jignify and shed lighl on in,' is-
~I" ..... hl'""', Il\r;, .ctual f'O"'... 0 1signifying musl be lesled from Ilgiblf t(>day. The need. ho"'· ... n ... ~ that lhe ordinary faithful
II"", 10 11m". Many signs are ""'Y old and origi ... le in cult.",,. now should be abk I<.> und .....sund 'hem '1uickJ)' and "" ithout a gn'at
Ionji; paSL ~bny 01 Illese l'oIrne signs bek>1lg .dm illedly to the so- deal of ... planation. O!ht.....·iw l\w.'lilu'llY ri;;k. bcroming a mu·
calilod "prim.11 symbols · thill .... COmmon 10aU ~ln and Iran- "b,..
seum pi«l' and I. ''f''''n ,,> tf><· ",tion oIardw.'Ologism. Wilh litis
sc.. nd lim ..; other •• ho"'... ,·...... re bound up with ItislUric;t\l""riod . in mind !It!noedktin.. A. V.-m..ul u<ges· lhat the forms thaI rn.'Od an
and cultu",," and ~"fft-r sum(' loss oI ll>e-ir , ignilic.lory powe.- "ilh eJaborat" ."'........ ~al "'pl.".,tion 10 make them inlelligible and
lhe pa~~ of tl"", or tralllill'ft'l"lC.. to <>I .....·r cultul"l'S. This is no b . can no lonll~' bt! mad" mc:anint;ful. 1><.. """""ed Of 1Ii'·..... !l('W
true 01 man)' signs and s>'mbolk ani",,", Iound in ..creod scriptu,... shop<'. A Htu<gy that unl), bo",omes de.r when p " "'lod,-d . n d <>C<'Offi.
lhan of .,gns and s)'mbols added ia"'r. Think. for (' .ampl ~. 01 Jesus' f'lnled by . lot 01 ~~pl .... tion is "I d"ubtful ,·a lu". II no long~'T
u,," " I spink in healing tllto sick Or 01 til<: many lilurgk.1 .igns speak. to the man of today.· "
lak.", ""~r from It... <:'e,...",onia l 01 the Impl'rial ~ou" . It.... tile Con- Ev ang~lical theologian K. H, Bieril~, i. in _g"-",,ment on this poinl;
, 1,1n1inia " ......·" Iulion, he writ~.,; with re'!l. rd ,,, Lutheran worship:
For thL, n,.JOn Vatic_n II wa. conc.:ml'd Ih. t Ihe "'X " . nd riles 01 "Con temporary pn>blcms oi litu' llica l p ra~is ca nnOI be ,"" In'" sim-
Ih., liturll)" should "express mo,... d~.rl)' Ih~ holy Ihing. Ih lj' '>ig- p ly be N'tuming to real or s upf"""d ·origin.,' Such a process o f ""'-
n>l)" a nd th~t the Christian ptIOple. as I. r as ~ibl ~, a ... ab l~ to un . tor.Uon fails 10 take Inlo accounl lhal lhe litu<gical sign. w hk h are
d,'r.;I.nd t~ern wilh ~ast' and 10 ta l~ part in lhe rill'" fully, . eli .. ...!)", 10 b(o 1t'S10re<! wet"<.' orisinall)' loca ted in enlire!)" diffe ..... t s)'n-
.nd as behlS. community" (SC 21), lhc sam~ intention lind. eVen loSmas and ~,"en in an enlirely dille,...,,1 cultural and social conte,,1
cl""r(T ~xprcss.ion in Aniclc 34 ... he ... it Idkes the lorm 01 a di"",- Ind thallhc meaning the)' mly tu" e b<-<>n able 10 ron" e), in lnal
tive "'lllt, rites s f><,uld be markt-d by. noble simp licit)": tMy "",ouJd conlt'~t cannot wi tnotJl furt hl.>r ado bfo transr.. .. ed 10 a new ron-
be sh<>rt. d~. " .md unenrumbert!d b)' u",I!ISS n.'P"li tions; 1M te>ct.·"
s h<>uld be ... illlin til<' ~I~'s PO""ers 01' romp ... hc.-ru.ion and ~s •
ruJ.: not ""'lu i", mucll e.>.pl .... hon.· llw lacl thai Ih" abilily I<> signify ran und'-""KO ch ange also means.
and ",..", rwcessilillo!S. Ihal Iht: liturgy muSl be r. "': ph,·e I<> appn>-
As a malt", 01 IMI, the.- "" <ision of the lilurxi<:al book. Il\.ot .... s rom. pria'" p'.5tlI,-d..y Jig'" Ind lhat in "icY.' 0( lho.· "aned cultures
mis6in,,<'<l by IhI.> Council ~n " 'ilh a ",·t'Ming nul 011"" signs within lhe OIW "'orld "'id~ Chu",h there nn "'" no imposed unifo<-
u5l-d. An ""ampk' wo uld be thl.> ri", 01' Nptis m lor child ...... from mity 01 'i turginl signs. Th.!", is. f'lraiLeI he,..., " 'ilh church architec-
",·hlCh lhe rt'lorm !.'Iimln.led ,he Ihreefold b","Ihing On the child'~ tu,...,. As late as til<! early d«ad<.'S 01 Our own rentury lhe,..., ... '"'"
inn"",,"al circles wilhin bo(h glNt conr..-i""" that "'....., ""'-""8<'1i-
<ally ~ to any dep"ru", from the ar<:hit"""ur~1 styl.,. of the ~~'mbolic 01 mourning. II. then. we w.nllhe liturgy 10 eJ<"",ise ils
past. A«ording to lutheran architect Otto s.""."..
these di.ctples symbolic powe.-, we mu~t pay heed to lhe horizon of undrrstand~
of N5toric:io;m were promoting the imprK5ion tN.t the presmt-day ing propl'r iOe.lCh culture; in other word~. we mu~t aa:ept t~ pnn-
Church i, an institution 01 and for yestt'fday and m..erore t..cks ctpl<! of If\(\Ilruration . Vancan II finally look this step, · Pro ....IOIlS .
<..edibility." Similar obi«tions were raised against Catholic <'C<:les.i - shall also be made. ",'en in the rev~ 01 liturgk~ books, for II'g;b-
n t iul ba,. 01\ the introduction of any new archiie('junI5tyle: -me male v.r]alion$ and adapution$ to different grotlp5, regions, and
p rdlibitions noI only w_ inj\lOous 10 e«lftiastiul ~rdUtect\ll1' peoples, espt'ci.lly In mi5ll00n l&nds, provided the ... bstanlial Ul\Ity
but alienatcod the enlhusia$tk )'OW1g from the Ch\lrch, ",meh ine"i- of the Roman Rile is p,cse r.. ed: this should be b<m>e in mind " 'h""
t.bly stTud them .s ould.ted . nd as 5On'IO'thing wilh which <lIM' rites are dr...·n up a nd nJbrics d pyboMl " (SC 38).
r-.:I no longer be COi....,~.· V.!kMl II "';'cted thi. inflexible
clinging ro the If.diIlONI: ""1M art of Our own d.ys. coming from THE CONTE M PO RARV CA P" C ITV fOM L IT U RG Y
.... ery ...... and ~on,shall.bo be given""" ~in I""
Chtm:h. Cloeorly ronn«ted with the symbolic character 01 the liturgy is lhe
on the condition tNt it Jo!I'V<es the plMeS of w~p and ... <"n'd. question wtwlhel lhe IMf\ and women of our Ie<:h.no1ogic,] age aft'
rites with the ~tt\U..... nd honordue 10 lhem· (SC ]23). any km&er It all opobk! o f celebrating the liturgy. Are lhey any .
n.... por.llel with church an:hilt!ct\lre <lJld lhe conciliar declaration
Ion&er abl.! to linde-niland w, sign$' and symbolic ~ons 01 w, iii·
\Ilg)' and to communicate. in and thro\lgh these, Wllh God and the
. ... fully applicable to the whole world of ]it"'gic.1 ~gns. The "~gi<
~i.<'M)J of ",iu.i:>lIIIry tttrl_ in ~t cenhuWo is <>no:' long indkl-
menl of the unenlighrened view tN t the traditional ~II"S musl be Roma no Gua rdin i, I pioneer in litugica l ,eM'" and ed ucation,
uniformly l'eIaiTM!d.t ~l times and in all cultures. lJrurgic;ll signs noboMl this question once again a f..... mon ths after lhe publication
Iha l are not fou nd in the inlell«tua l world of o th ... cultuf'e5 o r r-..-n of the Conslltution on INo Liturgy. In a letter to !he Third Gennan
conv<')' INo very opposi te 01 whal is int""dlOd certainly do ""t serve lJlu rgical CongrtSl I t Maint in Apri l 1%4" No ca lled attmtion to
INo Uturgy and the faith bul are a hindfa~ and ""ume of harm. thai whkh is It the very helrt of any liturgical ",""wal, namely. the
For example: lIlhe end of lhe sixl"""lh ",nlury, und ... the prult'<:.
proper a«ompli.hmenl of the liturgical act:
lion of INo Portugueso,! colonia l ove.-lords the Latin rit.. of confirma. " ... the symbolic action i, 'perfonned ' by the ",levanl agmt as I Ii-
tion was inlrod~ inlo the Christian rommunities 0 / ""uthem tu rgic.11>C1, and is'read' by !how who peteeive it in an Inalogous
India (the "Thom.s Chri~liansH of Ke.-.l a), whkh had previously IICItha t Intui\!. t~ inne!" meaning In lhe external form . .. . Symbols
been und ... the Influena. of th~ East Syrian rite. SiTl<"t' !he ritua l of .... by their nature somCl hing oorporeu-spirilu.l; they are expres:-
confirmation Inc luded IS one of Its signs a slap on the ct.e..l, the sions of the inlerlor in the e~terior and, if they an:' to ex~ th""
new ri lr led 10 vlolenl demonstra tions. begus.e tim action was rt'"- full e.pn!SSive powe!", mUjt be acoompli.ohed in a serious and recol-
garded as humiliating and degrading. Theorigina l merning-"Be lected mlntlCf and be ro-loCCompH,hed in an act of intuilion" (328).
mindful!' ~f tNs sign that was indlgeno." ro the Gomn;,n tribes of (Even in his early yea<"!l Guardlni IUId lell lh.JJ, to be a key problem.)'"
the Mid d le Agt'S met, In Kerala and elsorwhen!. with misunderstand-
At the end of 1m lene.- Guardini . sked tN! dit.quieting queslion:
ing and resista~."
~" lin.ugical action. ,nd with il ""eryth.ing we oll 'liturgy: so his-
Another ill~n ation of the harm th.1on be dON! by an uncritic.l
torieally cond!IIoMd-tlO linked 10 the ancimt or the rnedie>'"
inlroduction of rull\1raUy condirionftl signs is the unqt1alilVd tI$C
world- tNt _ mWlt in alll\one$ty cease 10 practice il? Ought we
of the Rorn;on c.onon of li n.u·g:k.l oolon.. A$ is now g"..£tally known.
;,. China and _ oth« rountries white and nat black ill the color
prmap. forre ounelve to admil tNt men. and women li" ing in the
ind uacrial a nd t«hnoIogiot:al age and cond itioned by the psychologi-

cal .. nd oociologic.. 1str'I.J(1UIft which this "8" nn crealfd are sim·
A turnaround in this area will requioe an rifo rt .Iong the enli..., p.1 ....
ply no \ongoT capable of Ututgiaol .. chon?« (331-32).
100".1 front and not ,imply in liturgical fonnation.
II is ck>ar from the ronte~t thAI Guardini was not in principle~­
Another presuppos;tiOfi of pl"OJ'e'" p.1rtidpalion in thr liturgical « I·
;ng thr liturgy itS ttle myslery of the .pplkation of salvation and elI •• lion is a cerUln men...... of interior ,ilrncr, concrnt..lion, and
the glorification of G.xl. Rather he was focusing """"'ti.lly on ··Ii·
"Pltitua l .iertn<.'SS. These virtues are Jacking in many people of our
turgical actions·· which mm and women acrornpl i~h in a sy mbolic-
technological 'g" with its numerouS stres.ful situations but .150 its
corpo<~.1 manner and wittl "Insight'· and into which they musl
intrusive. limi ll~ s~pply 01 light entertainment In the ....... 55 media .
pour tho:ir mti", p"~lities.
"StillnesI; m ust nat br ,~perlici.l . .. our thoughts. o ur feelings. our
From tilt wealth o f cootributlons 10 Ihr discussion sta rted by hearts must also find resl .... Still....,.; .. t/w> tranquiliTy o f th~ inner
Gu .. rdini·s letter I 'ellct one which begins by shifting the qt.>eStio:Jn HIe; the quiet al the depths of ilS hidd..., stn>~. It is. roIll"CIe<l
10 .,.odorr a ..... but which IlOI"OrIheless weIRS quite helpful: toUl pi , """. '" bt-ing ·aU then>: reo:q>li'~. aiETt. re<ldy.... '
NAre the m..., and w"",", of today opable of ·....,.;ns· I work of art. Ymally, celebration of the liturgy pl'l'Supposcs the p.1rtidpants· 01-
Ustenlng 10 a symphony. marveling at a landscap". ""I";'rlling" p«ity fvr rom",unily. A comm unity is mo..., than the ,um of assem-
feast. and o f doing 50 not IS mfre passi"e spectators but w;lh .ctive bled individ uals. It i~ th e banding together of maturt' human beings
participation and interior appropriation. with hea f1!i d~ly moved, ~ joint actiOfi in mutu.I.lfinnatiOfiond I'l'Sp<'CI. It requires the n:-
in m thuSiasm. with true p.rtkipation in thr f<'Slivity. and with the nunciation 01 isolating individu.lism and ,.,11~~red~."A
power .nd cap;>dty to give their fe<>lings an appropri.te "plft5ion pal dnl that divides must be <Nb C"'''''. 05p«i.lly the isolation of
of not>lfo /esti'·ene!l6. o f prl~ Ind honor, and tim in rom munion the mod..... individual; in .ddition. all the intmor s tilTings of " ..er-
with others of the .."'" mind?" " lion and h05lility IOW .. rd the nrighbor; lhe ind ifht,,,, ...-e to the many
who •• ..., no concern of m iN:: but who a .... in lac:! members of tM
J I.I$IIS"'~ may not in prindpledeny th is fi>CUlty 10 the mm and
.-rN:oommunily; a lethvg;c sense: of oppressiveneM; Ind ""on,""
women of tod.y, ....·en lhough;t is in many w ayssub"",,"sfd and
rw.'e<i5 10 be brought back 10 IiI\-. TM'ither ....... y we utterly d .... y the ca- Many Otristian,of Our tim .. win certainly not find il euy to ........ te
padty for liturgy. In the secu la. sp ........ our contemporaries not in· thete conditiOn> within themselves. ThPir altain"",nl ""l uifl'S not
frequently disp lay an understanding 01 and desire /0 • • deg ..... of only appropriate ill5truction but ongoing edue.tion and form.ltion;
cermoni.land sh"",· themselves inTmorly m<Ned by II," At the norwU"J I'$' this altai~tl<eetl\$ J'065iblc in prind ple .. ,'en to<by,
u"", time. however. lhe: c:oru.c>ous. acth~ accomplishment o f litur- 'The occasional celebration of tM ~turgy wilh I sINll group on be
gical ~actiOll'lN depends on certain p ....... ppasitions; I must briefly '" v.llluable help hc:re •
mention t/w> most imporunt of th .....
In the firsl pl..,e, !~ is ooed of .1i'·ingfirilll thot in th~ li lUrgy
God himself. in Christ, is acting /or OUr sal'·ation and that we.....-d
this sah'"ion. Thls faith includes. of COUTS<:. the fundament.1 brlit't
in a personal God. Back in 1944-45 Alfred Delp spoke of the "lac k of
capacity for God " tha t many peop~ disp lay; in tile age of the"Sec-
ond EnIightenmmt« this phmomer>on hi. ""':ome e.'tTI ~
marked. especially sin« the religiOlD ;md Christian toei.li:u.tion of
childn!l"l a nd young peopk ha, been 8Qnegle<btd in _ t decades.

" "
n.e Plullne letters exllon the (Omm\Jnil~ to "'t "ps.ilins and
hymN Ind spiri'ual songs" be heard in ' heir midst and to I'I'joi<T
and 1i"8 the lord ', praise wi th full hea rt5 (Eph 5:19; Col 3:161. 11'1-
Chapter Five addition.. the New TO!'StaJTlll'llt con~ins mmy ~xl!l of hymns. ""I"'"
dally hymns 10 Chris~ /or example. jn 1:1-18; [ph 1:4.. 14; 5:14; I'hiI
2:(..11; Cnll ;1 ~20; Heb 1:3; I nm 3: 16. The " heilvenly liturgy" in
IN! Apoalypse lrE'q\Jt'l\dy cite h)"1lliU in hooor o f God and the
Music in the Liturgy "Lamb": for ex.omp~, 1:4.1; ' :8. II ; S;9/.; 1:10, 12.; 11:15, 11f.; 12:111-
12; 14:3; I ~')f.; 19: H I; 21 :31. It is thereto ... ~tima~ 10 rondudr.
In Ol der '1'1 pre"en, .mbiguities ;;and ml5undersli\ndings in dealing
with thi!. m.lny-fac<!1ll!d "'bi«1II ... Wbe helpful tn ;;ag ..... on " cleil r "The Hrly Christian communities <l<:«'pted a nd used singing as an
~minology, Tlleex~ion m~m S«TII j"f' ,.ed musk1of,he ek ...ent In their litu&icallife.... It can ~ iIOS$urN'd ... ith a good
Roman dorumt'f\ts is usu.lly <I oomp ...~"e temo t..... , includes deal of COfIfkIE'ro« that in ;;addition lO , he If""'tanf'OUS -.ongs of
both 'vcal and lns tnomt'f\I<l1 music:, Thus,he tnsfrw<1itm 011 Music in Spirit-filled Individ1.lal! t~ ... e.... ~ liturgk.ol "'xl~ for the rom-
I~ /Jtu'iY ... hich ... as published by the COlUi~um and th .. Congn- m unlty. ln the oou_ of ",~u,",,' d .... elopment the bala.,..., be-
ganon 04 Rites on Man:h 5, 1967. NYS: "1'he'erm '..........:I music' tween the two forms of Hlurgic:al music shihi'd inc", .. sin!!I)· in
he ... includ""" Gfl'gOrlan chan,. ,he sev..,.al s'yles of polyphony. f.vor nf commun;;al singing.·'
both ancien, and modem; sac:f1!d muslc /or organ;;a"" for other per- nw pulm5 in particula r ~ as the " hymnal" 04 the ~.rl}· Chris-
mi tted Instnomm,s, and the 5.iCTl:'d. i,.... liturgic:al OT rdigiou •• tian oommuniti..,.' Along~ the ps.11ms, how",·cr, there ...en:
m usic nf 'he people."' many hymM in!lpini<l by the Christian faith (ps<llmi idil)/ ;"i. i.e ..
On the oth..,. hand. the Intemal,,,,,,, 1Study Group on Song and "Mmmll de" pulms). the charoctcr nf .... hich is ,!ill attested by the
Musk In the Liturgy (founded und~r , he name "Uni..""" La",,- in Glon·a and the old .... put of the Tt Dr~",. On tflt, other hand, early
19(6) pn>fets th~ term "liturgical musk " (iICt' "Unl .. ...,., Lau. Docu- Cluistilnity did 1'\01 develop a lute for instrument. I music in the lit-
ment ·80"). By this it understands "a ll ium" nf vocal and iI\lltru- " " ,.
m~ntal music that .,." u:;ro In the liturgy,"" Thi. terminology will be [t \I undetstanda~e that J ln« there waS no li turgical central ization
usrd in the ensuin!! di5CUSs.ion; 1 shall distinguish between singing n>gIona l lnfluences should have m;sd~ thei r appearance in lilurgical
in its various /orm5 and instrumental music. musk. In ... hal fnllows J sha ll oonrentrate solely on the develop-
Ht STO RlCIo.l S U R V~Y ment in the Wesl. Ind even then. I must ~ """)' brief, '
The prim in'·., romm unlty 04 jl!nJsa"'m had its origins in Judaism ThorConst.nlinian ..... nlution and ,he ~noction nf magnificent ba.ili-
and ... u quite fam ilia r ... lth the singing ;;and in.trulJll'l'ltal musk of c.. S!Jft'\gthfned the tendency 10 g,."ater solemnity in th<- liturgy.
thr kmpl.. Utu rg;es. It ill very likely. on the other hand. tn., no mu- This "'"Y .1J'Ndy be toeen in the malU'ol'1" of .inging thr ..... Ims. In i_
sical imtruments we.... lUE'd In the synogogues. Thor ......wng:sand tially the singing wu .... panlCrial. tn.t is. a choir or can'or alone
pr;;a)'l'fS .....,." dell" eNd in a kind nf manl. and W pullT\!i ......... ....g the ongoing lexl. ... hlle the oommunity took part by s inging
sung. In the ~nt5 of,he Lut Supper of jnus ..... .,.. tl)ld that an undianglng.nd o ften R'pe;;ated rr5p<msoriwm (rnrain). which . in
" ..·hen ther had suns ' hymn, they went OIOt 10 the Mo.,ont of 01- the brg!nnlng. mighl be su.:h short formulas as "Amen· Or "AI....
i,·..." (Mt. 26;30; Mk 14:26); that is. the diJdp les and Jeus sang the Iu.." or "Glory ~ tI) the Father...." At a lat,... period. how",... r, an-
" gn>" H.o ~I " (P5 11 2-17), ... hich ... n part of the PQSOvl'j" ritual. Iiphonal psa lmody (twn .llII'l"natine; choirs) came inlO use.

" .
In the fou rth crotury Antioch and Milan (Amb..,...) were th~ ""'- InS peTSi"ed for centuries; In fact one is u'led e""" today in the par-
t ..... ~ of this antip~l psalmody. Part of the ni"f"'rtory 0/ ~ from Ish ch un:h of Kiedrich neu Mlinz.
thO' fourth .-.mtury OT> wn the ,~ltilU$, I " 'ordles5 mlPlody that
!ioeI"\~ to eq>res5 profound emotion. I melody " in which I hO' heln From the mid·ninth century on. poIypIton>r C"~n:h _ g d ....·eIoped
voices what elMOI bo: put into words. ... llIe /wlti/us found a home NDrth oIlhe Alps (il wu called dillplronill .nd, in the beginning. ot·
""J't'Cia/ly in the Kyrie and at the Allduia (Nre in the lorm of a con· g..nwm as well). It " ... dOil!ly a.sod.ted wilh lho;> ckw lopmen t of
tinuation of the final syllable). In the early Midd le Ages the . ddi· the musical notation known., neume5. """,latter, howrvPr, did not
liM olll'l<ts to the 1~!JilU$ g;o'~ rise to b..., Ll (espec;.Uy .t the clearly indiule the pitch; it " 'as then>lore replaced ,. round the )·... r
Kyrioo) and to ~uen<'I$, which We<'l' joined to the Alleluia. ~ ow.- 1000 (Guido o f A..ezzo), by a system of lil'll'S with the line not"" a
forty se<j"""Co.'S to a single monk, Notker Bolbulu. 01 St. Gall (SW- IItird. apart and with prefixed IPrlers for Ihe pi lch; tho;>sc 1.ler be-
912). Th<> many se<j~ of the Middle Ages wen. m;luced to lour came Itle ciefs. Beginning in t ..... lwelfth emlury, the types of noto ·
allhe Tridenti .... reform. lion w...-e de"eloped that would ullimitely ourvjve: the Cr~
1'Ioosuhoe-nail w notation . nd the O<juare not;otion ..·h id, in ils late
From the founh ,,",Iury on, hymNS 100, which In n rly Christianity medieval form has ",mained the notation ,,'led in Gregorian chanl
usually had quilt! simple ""'''' and melodies, showed an ad"ance in down to the p~tlime.'
t... tua l and musical qu.lity. In the West, chieOy due to tho. InOuen<;e
0/ Ambf05<', hymns beeame popular in dluacter (this afler Hilary Polyphony Mwith its hannonioc and m~lodic .... I.'OI'trWSi .. underwent
of J>o;Iin!; had broughl num~s Eao;iI!'m hymns with hlm from • further refinement in lhe fourtemth century. The I1I!TTn AIS .......
Asia Minor). ~r duef outw. rd char~ w.s <tpcIition of fnew a rt") ,,'U now used ; the fo<mcr manner of oinging wosdc-
the same strophaic stn.Kture, Hch s tanza hiving thesamt' numbel" ecribed I S Ars~Nliqu~ r o ld art"). The links betw~"m polyphony, on

of syllables and the sam .. melod y (the . ta"" •• we ... i.<ostrophlc lnd
iKJl!lyUabioc). It is estimated thai aboul 35,000 hymns in all wen. com-

G"'li'!' .... n dwa"t acquired a position 01 'f"'Cia l importance. Accord ·

the one hand, and GTlIgurian ch.ant and the liturgy, on the Dlho;>r,
Wfte gradu. Uy w .... k~, and the "new a rt " fou nd incre.sing
favor at worldlycelebratlon$. For this n:~ in 1524 (d uring the
~ in Avignonl Pope 101m xxn published me Constitution Doc:r~
s"ndorwm PRlrum, in which he condemned excesS<.'!I lond called for I
ing to a tradition that g""" bock to the eighth C1'nlury Pol'" Cregory mum to the o riginaJ liturgic'" mw;ic.
I (.59()-604) roll,oclt'd the melodies sung in the Ma .. and Offitt at the
paf'l l court and rrorganiud them. To him 100 is altn"buted the

During the thi"""';th and fourt ...... th Ct'nturies Frana was the
Roman ..:ltohl ani,,","', which s ut>stanti.lly inO~ "",ging in leader in the world of muiioc. "The- fifteenth ""'tury, h_·ro,..,r,
th~ W<'SI. As the Romon litutg)' spread, "'" to • la rge c''''''t did the brought. ,hifllo England and the Net....,·rl.nd • . Und~r the inOu-
Roman manner of singing. This was ~lIy true o f the Frilllkish me-., 01 Franko-Flmti.tl rom p"""'''' and mu.ici."" "d. ",iocal v""al
kingdom under King Pepin and EmperorCharlemagne.1n the paost polyphony" devrioped at the leading royal courts and fiN Uy.1 the
not only had ~lIy infl ... "",d liturg;." ~1'Ioped, ..... t "'" had f'l paol rourt; Filippo d .. Monte, Orlando de Las.<>, and Gi",·.nni I'tor-
"""ny v.ried forms of singing. Now both Pepin and Chan..magrw. Julgi da P... ""trln.o (known simply u r.lestriN ) may be n:garded
demanded an unqualified a«eplancr of lhe Roman manner of .ing- •• the chief rq>resentativ" of thiS ,"",W form.
ing (their decision W", to some ~~"'nt politio:.lly moIi,·ated) . Th<> In its dKi(t" on church music the Counctl of Tren t (lS4S-1!i63) ron·
school of dlant which Pepin founded at Metz wllS. greol help in ee"'.... itloel f m.mly with the flimination 01 abUstS and goa" e no s ty·
thi. process. E,'~ then. howt'\'tT, Qormanic ~erSkInS of (ho",1sing- lillie: directi~es. .. In its D«n-Iwm <k obtnnolld .. n ....Iud .. in
,rIm",'io", Mi _ (Se55lon 22; Seplembel" 17, 15(2) it e.horted bish ·
CIpI to rid their chun::hH o f lhos<> types o f music that Introduced

, "
I N anything unbridled or impure" (Io.sdvwm 0.. ' imp"'''''') inlO the Proprio T", k so/I«ilwdi"i (1903), which P'""""'ted its.>tlf as a new
pt..ying of the org.on or the singing. [n irs s..tIsion 24 (M. ",), 22. rode ol l.w 10' liturgical mu, ic and to which ,efto", " would re-
1563) tho! council included - rij"em;r.ate music" in Ihe condemN - pNtedly be made in sub5equml papal dira'ti '·..... Tht document
tion ." The rommission of ca rdlnills th;l t was cha rged with impk!- C3lls liturgic'" m\lSk -a neteswry pan of the solemn liturgy,- al-
menting the Tridenline dectees focu.ed esp«i..tlly on the ~\a"", though lis minls~ri.o l 'O!<- is strongly f<mphlisiud MId it is ta mEd a
betw..... I",,' and muoK . nd on the rompl'f'henoibility of the 1<'''15. "ample hand maiden of tt.. liturgy· (no. 23). Ind isJ>':'1l5'lble charac-
~i($ o f this m",ic aff ... ;d 10 be hoIinestI. which eo:dudn all
n.... " Roman School~ under P.!estrm.. mod~ a spt'Ciill dlon tosat· "worldli".".: and artisric quality (no. 2). The supreme model for
;Sly these requinMoenl$. • AI the ~inning of the llr'..mt<'l'f1lh """ .
alllitUl'lkai music is Grtgorian Chant (no. 3), in d ose association
tllry the Slyle of the ROIlW1 School bee.me the 'SIi'I"ious .lyle' (sly/ItS
with th" classlca l polyphony of the "Roman School" under Pale-
paris) ...·hid> prt>p4Igatoo ilM:lf th rough the follow ing ern \uries; it
llriN. Mo ... r«eI1l music: i$ acaoptab!~ in principlr , - for il includ ...
w;llS ohm expV>dN by the ilddition of N'W .fferti,-" ..k" .. nl'
woru of s u.ch high quality. M'ri0U!l"""'lf. and nobility tNt they Iff
w hich served to interpTfI the ,eXl; most imPQ<lan tly, through tho! in -
by no means unworthy of the liturgical act ion" (no. 5).
troduction of sevenl m oil'S it beame ' Roman Epic IlaroqU<!:«II n,.,
new s tyk of th f B.oroq"~ period may be d~bed • • "cuoceio At the end of this iohon ~urvey """'" n!1T1a.ks on Germa n lltu.wcal
chun::h m ....ic: the way for which had ba>n prepared by the "Vcrw. song a.... in order. (Although thew nex' f......· p;orlOg<'Iphupe.o.k o f
tian Sd>ool"; it was ch.ar~ bythf ""'" 01 0IeY ....1 d1oif5. alm- the history alGerman lilurgical .iOng. t.... y Iw v~ been ",ta!ned be-
nation be!W~ choir and soloists. and the inclusion of ~ 0/ ihfoir ("I)IICI!IO' value. Ed.) Tht'n! is ""idence ....'en from the
instnunenW ~ ~ and Ins I tttonrion was paid to the . Inle- early Mid dle Ages for t.... uiswnce o f accaJmarions and !oOf\g5
t ...... of the litu'llY; liturgical music ceased to be I maidsen'ant in (Uiom, from ~ Kyrit! tlmo~ l tha t were sung by the lilurgical ",_m-
the ""'- of God and became .. mlstre5 filled with the spirit of bly." The ...... idence becom ... much mote p lentiful in the high and
lrium phalism. n.. Massb«im~ a musical work of art to whldl late Middle Ages. Man y of tllel;e GerlNn hymn ' . .... 1_l'O.'n<Ierings
people "li,~- with d..rp emotion. Thi. wa.ln.>eesp«ial!y o f Iii·
urgi.., in the .:a thedrm of the (pril"l<:l"-) bishops and in the royal
eltaptl. of the greal princely hOUMS. ThIs was the " vilal $O.1 ting-
(Sit:;",~) for lhe - Mu ,oes- of the gl""l cla...sical rom~!1i. Mo-
01 latin texts a nd allimeo display a mingling of !..otin and German

~M05t of th~ .... I<"I1!!\CeS to Gennan soogs CQl"lCem W elaborate litur·

gies on !he nuojar le~d IYS .. . \.nd J p~ ... land in as.i Od ·
un, Haydn. and Beethoven.
arion wi lh]5CI'muns. : . , Thf ~un:'" justify t.... a,,;/iwoption thai in
BIIroque e>tuherance came to an end in the ninet"""th~tury the fifteenth and ea rly ,ixt"""th cenlu.il'S German hymns Wlore
Ch un:h. impoven5hf:d as thi. "'os by the Fl't'r\Ch Re,'olution and widely and enthuslastiaolly used in the life o f !he communities. In
the loss of ~d<'5i.asrical J>IOI* 'Ms in Germany (1 803). Then: we ...
timid .ttempts . t n:fonning C itu",h mu.ic SO as 10 aS80Ciare it more
I"" ritual accomp;onying t ........man and in the bll'Mings on the
major "'ast5 and d uring pilgrimages Ip«ifi<: hymn. had an ""tab-
c~ly with the liturgy; in the ...oond h.lf of lhe ce<11ury t~ a t- lished place in the ro"'~ of tlw liturgy." ~
lempl. d",w support from the md",,'Ot!I of Abbot Gueranger
(Gnogorian chlinl). ln liti5 con,exl menrion mUSI be ma de of F. X. Ph. Hamoncoun brings out t.... import.nce 01 hy""" in the Refor-
marion rommuJ\ities under the5o! rubrics: "Sp~ and consolida-
Witt and the -C"';liln Awxialion. " which -SOUghl nt'W fo rtn5
lion 01 Ihe faIth." " U... in the liturgy in pLoce of Liotin h)'I'WI. -
through imi tarion of ~a.ly classica l polyphony" but "fo. the most
"Oorvelopmmtofhymns based on the ])SIIlms," -n.. inlrodu.ction
pan did not get beyond a n unartistio; superficialily. -,'
01 hymnals. "" The first P'otestant hymnal. the IklrtJidtrf>u(~. ap-
An e" enl of nvjor lmporun« was lhe publication 01 J>;us X's Motu peam! in 1524: the firsl Catholic hymnal , Ihlil of M ~l Ven.,. w,",

pUblislw<l al Le;pzig in 1537. The number Qf hymnals and prinled
songs incrtised grv,oUy r.;,wMd I .... end at thf si_lftnth century .nd ""11"""",;,,, of 1M RomIrn MiMm applies these prinicples !o tho-
Mas" (po>uim). I.naU bring toget""r""~ the _ importanl guid ...
thf btginnlng Qf tho- ""'·enbl'enth. 11wo filS{ dioclSOin hymn.b W"n.'
introdUC@dasfilrly as I .... sixlleenth ","rury." linc'& gh·m in t t - ,....·e.al documennts.

In the M"Vftllftnth and cighlftnth centuriots It was still tho- ruI~ that V.ticitn II considers liturgical music: Of, ~ p~!ely, "so.cred """8
closely bow>d 10 th~ texl," 10 lit ~. n«t ury or integral port at tM
the ~ songs proper (Kyrir, ...re.) W<'f'e to !<Ike the form at G "'8""-
!lDlemn Uturgy· (SC 112). nu. means that in tIw lil\>rgy muSIC 15 not
ian chant, but th~ Gertn;.n hymn gr.dUlUy nu-d~ i1:5 way e'·en into
thi5 hi~o closed reolm .... peciaUy in pile ... that lacked Irilined simply an om<lmmtal setting.. "not simply the Law~ltlft that is 5et
singe", or choi.s. Jt was thus that tho> "Goorman sung Mus" had its up U " dtroration on fl"llive oe<;lsions."" but iJ i\"'if !itu'K!l. ··In the
beginnings. This tl>'nd to a "German sol~mn MaM " Intensified in sung reporu.es to the readings and in the Sanctus "nd Gloria mll.'lic
the period of the Enlightenment. ~In almost aU diocews, diocesan itself beromes • Iilurgical action; it b«orn.-!i liturgy which the com-
hymnal, and p.ayerbooks. which included many 'hymns for Mass: munity iccomplishes by singing 01" li5"'ning .nd with. plrtidpa·
now mack their appearance .... The nQ\.·.. lty heft was not th .. form tioro thltls inl .... iOl" and not men.'ly e~lerio •.·"
bu t the typf of hymn,. for myrned irutructionJ and sung M.!OI dev .... In ad dition. because of its sign £haraCier music: in the liturgy is .ble
tions now ~Loc..d t.... roo "Id p,araphrases at the Ordi ..... ry .nd the 10 inr.ensity thor active p.orticipation of the faithful .nd to p romo ...
,",oll hymns for tIw I'ltIp....• .. Thi5typt"of hymnal was hardly 10 the Sliites at soul which JrOakl, h u ....n beings '«tjlfi,·e to God',
t.. found anywh.-rt ""tsid.. the GennMl.aklng wo rld. word and towcramenlal grace. II sheds light on tIw mystery at
In theJeM td half at til. ninl"l ...... th ...... Iuty lhot CeciHanist 11\0\.... Christ. promot... aWard."" of community and communication
MftII, which strongly .... pported R.,..,. in il!; increosing!reld 10
among the f.ithfuL and giV<':'l the liturgy • befitting iIOItrnnity. · In:
complete litUrgical omtralization, Sft it"l'lf against the uSOl' of Ger. Itru....."tol.nd org;on muskconlin .... asl l were the wordles mus><:
m.n hynms at M..... In the IWmtil'lh century. and <!Specially in ron- of the early Chrilian AI1eluia-/uloilw6. For Ihtf'f Irt n1llitie that con
nection with the liturgical mow", .. nt. th .... e were strong lit experit-nced. and ""pressed only in lhe medium at art .-"
disagree",,,,,!;! OVer t"" ...... 01 c,.rman hymns in ,he con text 0/ the Musk must ploy the part of a .,.""ntln worship. II mUjt be inl",
··German SOlemn Mass·· and , ..... German sung M.55eS 01 various g.ated into thc.liturgy and .ubordinated 10 it, rather than the oth ....
kinds.» Alter Vatican IJ an important rolr in the dev..Iop_1lI at wa y around. Important parts of th~ liturgy mUSI not boo! obscured,
German Catholic hynuu was played by u.... Catholic Hyl\Vlal at nor the "",·eral ministGfs hind.....d in thtir UturgkalaCiion for the
Swlturland (I %6) and by GotII'SJdJ. the C.tholic pray.. , boo!< .and sakeol I magnificont musical display. Musk.1 performlncn must
hymnal published in 1975 by the biVoops atGenn.any.and AtISIo'W not t.. .Ilow,..;! 10 .,....'·mt the active participation of the communily
and at thf _ at8olz.a,.....Bress..none.nd I.IEge (for their German. Of unduly prolong the ""lebration as. whole (lotSlrwc/iorr I I ). To
sraking populations), with aPJler'di xe for Austria and tIw vari- take .n .... mple from the p...concili. r ....: the polyphonic sinsing
ou& German diot I: rs. ,.
of the Sionctus bE/oie the words at imtitution and of tho- 8enedictus
.ftt-r them II>' no longer permitted to obIc:u~ tho _ ... at tho
Eucharistic p .ayer and P'""""'" i" !..ing he.rd.
V.tk~n II devoted a special chapll'f (Chap/E1' VI) to -!laC~ music"'"
in il!; Constitution on ~ Uturgy. On M.rdI~, 1967, the Consilium The principle that ~thoso> p;>rts which of thpjr ""ru~ ( aU for singing
.nd the Cong"'S'tion at Rites published .n !~61""Clion or> Mu,., j~ art in foct fung ~nd in the .tyl~ and form demanded by the parts
llit Lilwrgy," wl\ich"." itsel! the tosk of concn!l:i~ing what had been tholllHlvn· Ili 10 boo! observed n~"dly in lilt altlmllKm of 1M £IICIo> ·
6.lid in lhe Conslitution and of """'Iving !lOme problelTlll. The Gm_ rift 1I~.In«IKm 6). Most important in this conte><t Is what i. known
.. ~c.ntillalion, " that is. "the muskal J>'dtation of the ""lebrant"5

p""'idmtial prayers, ~ Our F. t .... r and ttl .. intercession<. th .. ""cl.- ~J1'S<'tIt5 a h UlNn and s piritual v.l~ whose inclusion in the
m.tiOflS of tm, peopll'. and tho! .~adi"gs. «:10 This en.b"" t .... ...,~d. m u&i<: of the Christ i"" liturgy Can be I gain." "
inS". praym, and answ('fS o f the P"'OpLe 1o be ""P~ in such "
Many (rhythm ical) tongs and mlllkal instruments are not to be ex·
way that won:! and teoc! remain the I!SSoential e).......,,,! but gain in in.
cluded in princip~. pnwidft! thot-y.:an ",,",,'~ I ministrri;t! funClioo.
' .....itl' and solemnit), by bring uHet1!d in a mY' ''mi< ..,d m ..lodi-
"'" rTI.1nner." Tho! ' .... IIS rtCI'" that was common no! 100 long ago in 1loe introdU<:tion of t ..... '"Cmacu lar into th~ lituogy ina ugura ted a
~rommW'liI)' Ma_ · romp le\li!ly climiruolftllhe rhythm and difficult p~ of "'iustlTWflt a nd ..,.putiOl\ for church compos-
..... lodiOU5nP.!olofNN' aJ 5J' l@chandli>emoreseemed · ""... Iu_ ftS and mU$icil nt.; it w lS e5p«i.lly d iffic:ult in countries tha t ~

I rar; <"antilLation. on lhoo tootr"ry, hri&h1E"nli both, to the advantage

of the t~xl.
hitherto known I"IOIhing.. l pan fro m G.tgorian chant, but poly-
phonic choral singing in Larin. Th~ ""'" of Lotin me\od;es with \"eJ-
nK\ilar te>:ts J'fO"ed 01\ t ..... whole: to be the wrong approach, ..... en
n,.. cond iliOfl!l tequ;r.cj by the.ol""" fonn of sung Masu ... nOl if the tffv, I WI5 OC"CI$ionally I UCX alul. A poin t nude in the In-
f>' nt in "''''Y communiI)'. n... ,""t1I(",.... points out, tin..·......"., I In.iCtiOl\ 01\ the lranslariOl\ of Iiturgicl.l lexlS a pplios here IS well
that gradations are possible. " For tho! choico- <:tI porno to be s ung,
It..- should be first tNt <:tIlhei. natu"! • .., more important and new CI1'ations "'" net!ded ."
particularly t"'- sung by the priest or otht;r min;s,.,.." and ' n- All thi$ w ill requil1' time II\d. • Sood deal of ""lienee on the put of
swt"l'1Od by the C'OOgl'\'gation or sung by the priest and rongt'egilOOn tIw f,ithful.
lOSfl""', Later othc.>r pu n. for , .... congreg.tion a lo"" or the "hoir "CompositionS ~.nnot be conjured up o ul of thin air. or at least
. 10Il<', ""'Y be .d<kod gra.dually· (no. 7). Speci.ol emphasis is I.id on
good ones GlMOt, nor Gin eothu,!;utk $inging be had by c"",·
tn., .inging of the I't"SpOfISOria) psalm and the rnngn:gational Our
Fatn...., mand. God gunt that WOI"ks may soon be composed and given 10
us which will strike the falth/ul as being contemporary and vit.1
WII<", the litu rgy is c~lebra l<!d in latin, G "'8"Tio~ cllAn' tarn pre<: .... Ind will srir thei r mthusia5m and in which !hey can truly~xpress
d~'TlC~ OWt ~ ll OIkI."t forms of slngin!!. ~ council spe.ks of Gregor- tho-h &lIves. Then their vokes w!ll oot fall sileot but rather lill the
,.n chant a~ .. distinctive of the Rom.n litu'1!Y" (SC 11 6). " Bu t o ther Hrttoly liturgy with something of tM h~avenl y jubilation which
kind. of ia<Cl"I'd mu~i" especia ll y polyphony. art' by no mean~ ex- .waUs uS at the end o f o ur pilgrim journey and which we cannot
dud<"<l from liturgk al celil"br.tions, providw they '""ord with the Imagine .part ff!'ll' mUllk and song.·"
.pirit of the liturglcll lK'lVice" (ibid.). This 15 tnle. in pamcular. of
the p•.'op"'·s own religious sanKS. t!vt is of hymn. and ot ..... r songs
in In.- vemo>culu (SC 118).

1M """,/;. . m~sic 1.llditw.. o f each pEOp~ is ahio to "" "'~mw

and prumotw (SC 119: M"e 123).

-n.~ Christian tr.dl tlon h;u a, ri",",nd in m any places exd u dw

muloiral instnunenlS from the liturgy. E"en Icday then: 111' '£SCI va-
lions w ith rfgIrd to cenain inslnlment5, t>eclll$f> they 111' "'S"rded
IS nnbodying I musk.l C"Uitul1' that is incou'patibl. wi th the Iit-
uogy. On the other hand, the ;"'tnJmenl.ai music: 01 many C"U1ture.

'princip~liti<"S and po"'~"l. " In addition. 1M COMdous"'-'S/l of com·
muni ty and traditioo MS been ~akeno!d, as hoi. t.... aluchmenlto
tradi lion.: thi' d ..... ~lopln<'nt hois beo.>n hastened by tM p ...""knee 0/
the nuclelr ("mlly. Nor rNy w~ O\'erlook 1M 1",1 that in the li'"es 0/
Chapter Six many t .... time ".-ailabloe "pari from work is lorgely devoted to the
I!I'ItftUclnment provided by t.... ml!l5S ""."<Ii. or to exploitation 01 the
poooaibil ities.ffwded by inc","sing mobilily. A. a reult, propk
haw 10. dec<lde& been ulking of a cm;5 irl popular piety and popu·
Liturgy and Popular Piety Iar d evotional cuSiomS. Tltis includes the bishop!! 01 the German-
~king world , who in 1960 had this to wy in answer to.
Alongsid~ thfo offici;11 .. orsIUp of lhe- Church .s §Of down irlliturgi-
questionnaire 01 the Roman CorIgrt'gation lOt Di,·j... Wor5hip con·
cal books.nd n-gulaled by p.1p.11 or d ;occAin lo .., thco ... arc many
CftfIing the .«eprion o f 1M liturgical reform: "Popuar piety has
and "arinl "",,p~ of Christian piety 10 be found in brwd
IDn.g t-n on the w"ne. Tho! liturgical ,elot on It• • not halted but ho ...
strata of t .... ~ ... or in munidp.1litiC!l. communiti .... and familie5; M
l~e"PR'S5ioma ... summed up in the> lerm Mpopulo.. pio-ty" or
IInld the(kdl.... '
"popular ",ligion,M .. hich includes ... Iigious custom$. Many Ootspite .lI this, it would be an C'ITOf to <t.."cribe popul". piety a.
cust""'"' ",ad> bad:. to the rime of the p.1gan reUgions and ....ere mnpl y a "product of It'ligious deg('f1oera.cy' ar'ld to co .... ide. it a
tal>', chri>tiani.....:! to " grc"~f or ' " _.,,1...,1.
AllhouKh popular tI\ing of the pa~t. It may _11 be lhal the liturgkal rrIO"ement with
pwry and Christian CUSIOm. "nd lhe problems lMy bring. pay a its joyous redljcovery 0/ the beauly ar'ld importAn<."<' of t .... liturgy
substantially g1W.t<!r roll' in 1M Romance CO\Inmn and a mong thfo Iuos ... mrwhat O"crshadowed th~ kind of prayer and custom pro--
peoples ,,·hich thrio! COUnl""" roloni • ..d and ch.istiani,..eo;I, ..... mely. dliCfd by popular piety, "No one e&n deny the w .......... W"" 01 popu-
too.., of Omtral and South "' m~";ca.lhe J'hlllipi",-", and S<l on,' the lar Catholicism. ilS darker sid.', and Its w,;ceptibiliry to
following ~' positioo w Ul be limilt!<! primarily to thr situation in deba""mrnt. On the 01 .... ' hand, as I'aul VI insisl..-d in hi.~ Apostolic
(;"rrnan "tlp"a king arcas. E>:horl.Uon £wMsrlii MUMI","di, ilean also hdp many 10 an 'au lhen-
tic enrou nl~' with Cod in J t!lU~ Christ. ....
Ma ny klrrn s of popular piL1y have lhel . rool~ in lhe Middle Ag ..
and 1M B...oq"" jX'ri od, which hold a quite different attitude 10 life Even ordinary commop 5eI1S<l would SUK@;6tth.t w e not in diSCrim.
and lived 1M faith In I diffe""'t way; furl .... rrn""'. thrio! devotional lnately discard " tho! 0111 ways" without flrsllnqu iring into lheir ... al
fonn~ pr""up~ social , truclun!S that a' e agra , ian or choir.octl'fi.. value. Thus al 1M General Congi'I.'N of (".erman Catholics
tic "I a society of a rliSln!', Un derstandably. therefore, the mm and (K.otholikentag) at Trier In 1971 Balthoi:oa' Fi5Chl'f u..gee! thai we
wOfl'll'1\ of OU' p n.'5t"1'lt-day ir'ldustrial Klriety. wh066' mmtaliry ha s " not blindly throw away whatever ,...,rns outd.tnl but ralher firsl
been oh_pro by tN: 5Kon<i EnUghlenmml. take a very cri tic.1 view uk whO'lhe. tlw forms in question can be purified.r'Id dco:pent'<I so
of th_ <l<-voli,,,,.1 forms ar'ld h."e th ro"'n many of them o.-er- .. to justify lheir continu.ed e.15lcnre in" .... w world ,'"
bo.ord. Thisi, ~i.Lly the uS<' w ....'" tradilional cu..toms have
It is the""fo", . pastoral obIig.tion to SO"f"1.n! IIW' wlW'at from t ....
been infill r. t..-d by magical notions o . hoi"f l>een the ocaos.ion 10.
ehaft. thai is, to rediJroveT the worthwhile good in the manifesu-
.... gic.1 p. actic",.'
lions of popul.. piety. remov~ aU the coat!! 01 painl. n it ....."', and
Other. less questionable ",Iigious CUStonu hl" f also bHn affo:l>:d, the incrusIationo.. .nd th"" IO'Ilhe communitie5 Oft that thr old
.......,.....,., and fOt !eVer.1 "'''SON. filii, broMIlt-veb of society now nat......s a", meaningful ar'ld attractive. If the ..,.1i2ation thaI Mrak-
w.:k .Ii,;ng faith in the tnonecendent wo rld and in suprasemibloe ... _pn "pa_"'" I'S'. appli ... 10 the liturgy, it 'ppl..,. much

n'm" 10 many m.onireslatio .... o f popular pi<>!y. What the Constitu.
tior, on the Ulu'llY requires o f tho! r~ligiou~ devntio .... 0/ ,Ilc Chris-
tian prople and o f the devotions proper 10 pUti"ulu Chu,"'"" is
",<!uiR'd also of popul.. pi<>!y: 1"- manif.. tation. Nshould lit' so Chapter Seven
fa~ trull ~ Ilarmonlz.J wit h rhol lirurgic:al ...- . accord
wI th the sa :oed litu'llY, al'f in som~ way .... ri,'fe(! from it. and lead
tiM.- ~Ie to II~ (~ I). A refoo ...od popular pioeoy ,,;on complement
and mrich the offici.>l liturgy, and its inn.>,.. power of OIri.r:;an so- Liturgy and Ecume nism
daliuotion can provide a valuable sen~C4!' 00 a Ii!.> of faith·
N.- form~ 01 po""l.r dn'orion and religious cusoo"", tlut 'P"ak
~ the people need time 10 .... ,.eIop. They wW de,-dop rrton' """;Iy
on the deg,", thilt the failh grows strong.>r;ond lhill a liturgy in
n.e fact !hilt Chri.r:;anity is rna .... up o f "'...,. thfft' hun<ln>d autono-
rt101.>S kChu~" or faith rommunilies and thus p...,.....,t!; a picluJ\"
touch with li ~ yl ..ld~ aUlhmtiC im""iJes and emotional,up port. A
01 division Ncontradict!; the will of Chri$!. scandalize!; Ih<- ...... Id.
healthy po""ln p iHy will Ihm in turn«o1.lribule to lhe de.pening
of the faith and the enrichmenl of !hi! liturgy.'
and dimaS"" that most holy cause. tho: p reaching of thcGospello
....ery crealUl'f.· ' fint <k'cad<'S of 1M lW<'niinh Cl"f1lury""'" the
~ in tiM.- Prot"lotant world of two mo~"'"""ts. - hith and Ord •.,."
and -U '" and work" (the laner focusing On practi<;.1 Christianity),
which kad for ihIrlr goal to eliminat .. this dioonl er. "fht, two mo\'\'"-
ments combined. provisionally In 1938 a nd definitively in 1948 al
their plenary meeting In Amsterdam, 10 form the "World Council 01
Chu n::hes." ..",~ World Cou.-.cil 01 C hun::hes is • Id low ship of
chun::iIes which ronf""" the Lord J..-sus Christ as ("'.0<1 and Sav ior ac-
cording 10 lhe 5criptuf'l!!l and Iherelo~ _ k 10 lulfill together their
com mon calling to the glory of lhe 0,.... God, Father. Son. and Holy
Spirit. -> The Fa]" and Order Commi!i$;OII. now pan 01 the World
Council. w JS rommi!i$ionc<l to ~tudy the po!'sibility 01 a rapproche·
ment 01 the virlous traditions at the Ihrologicall""el.
On the Catholic side, John XXIII l'IIubli.hed the N5e<:rl'Iariat for Pr0-
moting til(' Union of Christians. - un<k-r lhe prrsidency of Card i",,1
Bea, and thus inauguroti'd an in n."nSifii'd rffort at unification and a
cloIoH collaboration with the World Council Theend 01. 1%4
brought the publi':'li"" of the Decree of Vati"",n II "" I'£umenisrn.
Ectommiul Dirtetory. Part t wU published in 1%1 and f.cummi<>ll
Dirtel/lry. P.rt n , in 1970.' On the NsOs of these ItonYn document!;
~piJCopal con/( ltioce and IndMd ual dioc.,. ... ~ued funher guid.,.

n,.. ~ff"rts made by the. C hristian Churches to "",h;""e unity h~.-e these s~ps.~ ....... oIhott. ~me Iongl!1'. loward unity I may mention
m~n,f"'l\-d thotmsel"ei ,n numo!f()US bila tera l Of multil~teral s tudy It.. following:
g,:""ps buth allhe intrmatioN11~,,1'I and at thl> reg;un~1 and di ....
I) In 1987 lhe reprl'Sc, uati,·"" of th~ Christian Churches of the Ger-
Inc! ""... Is. A high poinl in lho!se co/lorts at thl> internatio..... 1 Le-'I'I
h.asa:rtainly bem I~ Uma Report and the »U"'" Ulurgy: which
m.n'5po!"kingrounlries ag.....d on'
rommon v .......... of the Our F,,-
ther; !he SO''mling bod"", oIlhe cnun:hes intmdlK"fll il in 1968 or
WUNsN on I"" report; I W U rome back to;> lhese in the final _-
recommended it 10 Ih .. synods and communities."
I' on 011"" p"'Wnl ch"PI"".
b) 1971 SoiIW" new f<'U ........ ic'l lnns\.ltion of tMse texIS ...·hich an>
Of the numerou, bUa.fral SUI.W1oe1l" mention ""'Y boo mad.. of I""
tpokm by the w~ipping rommunily: the Ap051l>lic and Nicl'ne
~ sua! by the Joint lutho.... n·Roman Cath.olic Study Com-
Coads, theGtori • • Sonctus. Agnus Dei and "Glory tott.. Fl thotr.""
"'''''0'.'' Tht ~ QmJ rltt QUIrtl! (Ihe »Molla R.>porr of 1972).' 1M
£WMrtU (1978), TIlt Mi"'~"y i" rltt Chu'flr (1961): and Unity c) The IIrbrits~ntti"JC""fI /iI./ih""",ist;M UftIg~1 ;m dn.lsdtm
II!""". Abltjs. F/}(>It$••ltut SIIIgtS otC.rh(l/k-lul/onQn Ea:k-Url Commu- Spr«/lgmn (Tuk Fomo for an Ecumenical c....man 'i ymnody) has
II"", (198S). Of ~uaJ importance .... the 'eptw til of the in"""". bee> working , ince 1 ~ 10 d e\'colop oommon songs for the linu-gy_
lional Anglican-Roman CaU",11c 5cudy CommiMion on the 11>1' group Iw tllUII far produced th .. following collections:
Eud.. risl (1971 and 1m) Ministry a nd Ordi ..... tion (1973 and 1m) Cnrori_ /(i.mn./K..ur (Common H ymns; Im);G-s.ingt' "".
and AU~IY in Ih(o Churrn (1976. 1981 ). AmongdocumenlS of. BaI~llung (H ymtl$lor funerals; 1978; a child"",'s h)''''''''I: i.nK"hI~.
""gIOM I kmd 1 may mention The Amrrk.on Rom..nCatholic dia. IIIml" RJgtn/Jogt>! (Shine. MulilCOlo1'f'd Rainbow'; 19&3); and
Iogu<-with th.- Epi~opal Church and w ilh lhe Luth ..... n "c.sangt l w' rrauw"," (Wedding Hymru;: nol yet published). The
Churches." C.tholic hym .... l. Cotttslo/!. of 1975, look 0'·..... monr hymns from
the first 0/ these rolleclions (1he5e art' distinguij./ted by In ~ for
These docum,,·n.s aN! ~nough 10 I!how Iht- r~lenland inl"".ity 0/ ....
"tilrwml'niJCh · • •.... wmI'nirQ/ »_ und .. , tht- number 01 the hymn). and
u ....... niCll efforts in OUr cl.y. Nor ""'y the accompanying ventul"E"S of
tho>", Is a good ehanet! that slICh f')(Umenic.1 hymns will boo inco'l"'l-

local co mmunilies b.. (wcr lookt'd. AI this J""'eJ, how ....·er. it must b..
rat.!d InlO lhe new hymnals noW 'Ning PRop.red for til<> Evangelical
rem~mtx-r..llh.llmpalicnce i~. b~ adv~r Ind that th~antkipa_
C hurch In Gt-rmany.lhe Evangdical Reformed Churches of G<.-r-
tory st~-ps tlk ...... by individuals. !!roups. and communities ""presenl
m;m-speaking Switurland, ond lilt' "Catholic Diocese of the Old
no s~"11 danger for the ~'(1.Imenkal mo,'""",nt .os a whole. The "'._
Catholics in GerlrIlny."O>
""" IS thai Ihis kind of b..haviot Can easily kad 10 Ihe fomu tion of I
""",. conk'S.lon ond Ihus n U5e further division and intra"'f'«lesia l d) n..,.,.., aN! various ritual s for th~ ecumenically Celebr3t.!d wed-
strife,' What we nc.'ed is unw,vmng pE'l'j;(:v<',ance in cfforts al ding of spou_ from dIfferent conf0."!6i<ms. with mini"'~'fs from
unity•• long with the n!<lliza tion Ihn ' dlffe...,to::e. which in the both confessions taking p.o.n."
(ou~ 01 four hund~ yea~ have Ilftocted ....·cn our ....eryday boo-
co) In almost aU ronununirQ talmenicallilurg;c. ITt' o:lebrated in
~vlOl. e.nnol.bo> e/.nunat.!d in len. fiftren. 0 , twenty ytl>~. Any 5<>-
wtUch offidals oI lhe P'"rticip.o.~ Churc""," t.lke p.o.n. These .... litur·
coal psycholng,st ...·""Id laugh al us, Wm:' we to appnwch him wi lh
gillS of tho> \oIkIrd withoullnr Euchari5t. All tht- go.'en>ing bodies of
such """,,"agan l "f""Clallo.u....
Ihe Chwches dllSin! that such \iturgiI'5 Ix",., .. a "'8ular pan of «c1e-
IO l NT EffORTS IN T llf. A RE A O f UTUR G Y 5lallile. To boo ,«"''''"....
ded as tsredally apptopo;..te are the """"" 01
Ecumenical cfforlS ha"e not """' reslrirtl'd 10 s6mtific theological Pr.~ lor ChriItian Unit)' (JilnUaf)' 18-lS). the .... eel;. hefo... Pmtl'COSl.
d i'OCUssion but h.,'e had COf\Cn!III." coffecu in the Ulutgical ",aim. Of Ihe """,I«I's WotId [);oy of PraY'!" (fir.!! friclay in Mardl). !he tal .........

e~1 Way 0/ m" Cross for )'OUnl! f'WI'k' (Frid;ly bt for.. PoIm SU .... QrdCf Commission 01 tho! World Countil on const"l"SUS in the a...""
d~y). liturgies on d~ys 0/ penancf and pnyer. ar.d titurg:ie!; in
of Illpri,m, Eucharist, and Minist!)'. 'l'h<>se "",..;",,<1 lhei. finishing
x""""- touclws in Janu.!),. 1962, at th@plenary ml'eting ofthev.orldCoun'
cilOn U m.>, P""', and are therefore kI!()'.\·n collectively as the ~lim.a
u...... is dis.gret'm~t w,th ~f'd 10 s1w~ Euch.orists (inttl u"n- R.tporI."" Tt.. IhrH 5~I\'""",,ts .... the fruil 0/ a 5O-~r process of
munion). Tlw Evln~ical Chu.rche wekonw C/uisti.lnsof other .oudy Sii'l'tl;hing bKk. to the first Faith and Ord"" Conference al
conk ""IIS 10 their ~ralion5 0/ the Lord'~ SUM""", bullhe Catho- LaU5;Q'!1'oe On 1927. The ""'tmal Nos been d~ and ,..,.-ise<! by
lic Chu.rch i5 convlnco!d that joint Euchlltlsts a ... not possible t.- tIw hith and Ord"" Commiss.ion at Accra (19'l4). Banplore (1978),
UUM th_ is as yfl no rommunion in fllith and Church. Ortly in and lim. (1982). Bctw\'Ol'fl the Plenary Commission mft"Iings, a
c...... o f !We t "ity and w>eIer cem.1n conditions af\' EVllngdical .~group on B.lptism. Eucluorist and Ministry Iw.. worked fur-
Christians allowed to ",""v, communion.t 1M Catholic Eud ...- u- on the drafting. esp«ially ,fier Septeillber 1979 undlT the p ......
ri~t.-In 1M ~iew 01 the C atholic OIun:h m" faithful are obligftl to idency of Fm.. MI!< !huria n o f tlw Taid Community. ,I.
a\tftld Sunday Ma5Ol, and thil: altft>da~ mUllt not bo> mad, mort'
d iffirult for them; they .... tlw odot, instructed not to Klwdul,!'CU- Sinc:e 1968 th~logl.lns of the Roman Catholic C hurch ~r.d of other
iT\fnkal Ut~ on Saturday~ and Sunday morning. Chu.rchco!; not bo>longing 10 the World Council hav.. rontribul ....
ttwir shoo ....s full members of the Faith and Order Commission. In
/) In 1980 ....w trans!ati.on of IIw Bible wn published with the rol- tIw fiN1 VOlt tllken.1 the UrN meeting the question to bo> ,·ot.... on
Iabo... tion of Evangelical e~Ift. 1lIt tr...sLation 0/ the New Testa- was r>OI wn..ther the membo>rs agreed with what wass..id inewry
ment md the Psalln5 was accepted.r.d reoonu".... dNI.s pat1 of the IhrH SUt lcmt'ntS. but rather: "is ihe lext. in your opinion.
I'CUmt:nkaJ by the Ev.ngellcal Chun:h of Germany and the E~.ngel­ 5ufficit'ntly develop«! that it can hl' I«'I\t to lhe m.. mber OIurdu'S
kal Bib], Society. Ort the Catholic $ide tltis new tr .... lation Iw.s .1_ of the Faith and Order Cnmmission ,- ~-'
ror "",or commt."ts.,-"
...ady bo:en 1IIttepI0ld into the German Book of l-Iour,;.r.d the new
lectiona ri..s for Mass, as w,lIu into othc-r JiturgtClI boob of more l'he!II. Stll~ ..... ts of ronverg......,e w",e ~nllO all the Churches.
recent da t.. ," .long with. req...est tlw.t they s tudy thern and take an "~I .tand
on Ihc-m by the end of 191>4, An a/lliw~r wa. soughl~.,.peclany to
g) [cum,."i"l collaboration Is also 10 lit ~ in various pint sta t... 5CV",a] question" To what exlent could the individual Churches
menlS which tou.:h If 1,151 in part On tht liturgy. See. lor ""a mple. recognize in th""1 1 the faith of the Church down through the c""-
the declaration Dtn Sonntog ~n (The C'lebration of Sunday). turies? "'hal consequences could the Churches dnw for tI",,, rela-
which was published on the lirst Sur.dIY 01 Adv .... t, 19M. a. a tions wilh lfit otlwr OIurcht'5? What help would lhe "'xl provide
"joint .tII t""""'l 01 the GC'rm.n Episcopal Conferen<T ar.d the COun- tlw individual Chu,,:hes 10. thcoi. worship ..... uc. tion. and .-thic.l
cil of the E'·.n~lkal C hurch in Germany.' ~r.d 5pirituallil~ and wltnew? Wlw.l suggestionHould t~

Theso> variou, steps Iw.ve c ...aled .. brwd ....a of common pray,.. Churches rNke /or lheongoing work loward urulyboth on the
.INI d\scu~ ar.d gen"".lIy?'" The <e$ults of the "'l'lir's ....·ere to
ar.d """g. Not only have they II!'(! to reciprocal union ar.d • .....,uncj.
boo publi5hed and "lhe«Um .... ic~llmplk.tions fot th, Churches
alion 01 unlCl'\'ing ~dices. but they .... the mOllt tlPf'ladous "'PJ'<"S'
w~ to be anal)l2l!'(! ota lulu... World Con"'llI"~ on Faith and
sion of • de""l ",illation 10 adoir.·, unity On I~ith and On .lik hued
on f.ith . Ord,...~" In the ,ntention 0/ tlw .u~ IheChurc"'-" would in IIUs
w~y begiW'flan opportunity tOlCapt the Uma Report while sug-
TH( tl MA UlPO~T AND lH~ tlMA t I l U .CY gesting various change and ~d.ition!t.
Among IIw IofDest adoir.'emenlS 01 the «umotnical quesI for unity We can ~ti .... tely fe\>l g...al uciternent a'I we ........iI the ~ults of
are undoul>tordJy to boo numbEoed lhe s~wmenl5 of the Faith and

" "
tlw processol ~rplion. Tht' le~1 is ci pab~ of doing ,wif with nu- mo.milies a valuable stimulus to reconsideralion of their leadling
m~ rni'undeTstandlngs. bringing the thought ind language of and pritCllce , It would be a shame If, as S<'t"1I1S 10 be happening here
IIw vallOUS tr~ilions inlo closer line with IIw Chuldo of IIw begin- and there. anxiety o'·e. pos!ible changes In the received Ir~.hon.
ning. and thUS e/faling I mutual rapp.()(lwment of lhe Chun:Iws .. Ihe< lhan lhe question of 1nJ1h, ..'ere.llowed lota ke priority and
a. they sed< tIw p I of unity In lroth and love. litu<gy and Lift>. nw;, inf\ect the prtXOSi of ~.
unily we sed i, noI a uni formity in ....·ery detail. Just H IIw
Chu",hes of IIw WI and West ..~ united d uring thor first rniJlm _ Talting the lim. Report .. his bas;' M_ Thurian oomJ>Ol"-'d a euma-
nium despite many diffe. 6otfl in IheoIogjtlll method. modes of H_ ristic liturgy (Ihe - Uml Uturgy-). which was celebrall'd lor the
I" ' ion. liturgy. I nd viu l ..... nil"uOOns. it i, llso coo ",e;'·abJ. tNt first time on the """110 lasl day of the li ..... Conference (January 3-
- may lOday I~ I COld m ..... on III... .. ..1iIl points without IS. 1982); il was celebraled ag.lin on July 28. 1982. in the ch.opel 01
thor individual Chun:,," bring C'OfI1pell«110 .u.....,drr their "p..<:ial the Ecumenical ~Ier in c.er....•. and in solemn fa..ruon al the
rn.rlct~ a nd incIqleldml ~ence. T1w goal .. unity in multi- IiJ<th p ...... ry m Hling of lhe World Council in VMOCOuwr, 1983. The
plicity. irltrntion wlS to Iransll~. 's It were, the st.J.lemenlS 01 co.",~
irIto the fotm of • «lebralion and thus make them concrete. In com-
Wilhin I 1l1o.oo1 tinw nume.OU$ commentaries and aids h.o,'" ap-
I""'~ tNl ~ Inlmded 10 flcilitlte '"" , tudy of the lima docu_
posing the liturgy M. Thurian took., his primary guide the main Ii·
turgic:1Il Iraditlons of East and W..,t_Sinct' the Rom"" Miss;Il of 197Il
meJlt by individ .... 1s Ind groups.- As ~"'b 'O!<rpnort of lhe
adopted the same approach, II is not SOlrpri5ing thai th.. Uma \j'~
doc~l. the n5pot\J1' in Cllholican:1e!; h., Ihus far been mainly urgy.nd the Roman Eucharist &how e~tens.iv •• imiLorities, Thunan
distinguishes three parts in lhe euclrari5lic liturgy;
"With ~rd 10 boptism il 15 possib~ to If"Mk on lhe whole 01 a "'The Introductory pan unites In.. propl .. of God in confession, SUj>-
e~u~ ..With re~ard to lhe Euch.orisl we ean ag ..... with ev,-,,),_ plication ind praise (confession of ,in •. litany of lhe Kyri~., and the
thing pos.~vr thaI .S Slid; ot ...... q~tioou, howO'Ver. are l<.>ft open,
Clori~). The second pa n . lhe liturgy of I ..... Word, bt-gins wllh a
which 10. 1M Catholic C hun:h ire not open. <,:<pecially 1M quesbon
proyer o f preparatl"", It lnclud.., the Ihret pr()(lamahon.: "I •
of thO' perduring pn:sm~ of }<':<us Ch.ist in I"" Eurharisland the prophet (first lesson) •• n ap06lle (second if'SSOl'Ol, and C hrist (the
question of presidency (mlnISlry) .. the Eucharist, The e>:i5tence of
Go5fw!I). Then lhe voic .. of 1M Chun:h i. heard in In.: sermo~. mak-
open questions i, clearest in lhe " .teOhem on miniStry, d •.,;pite lhe ing lhe eternal "l"""d contemporary and living_ The sermon IS fol -
many v'-")' positive things thai are ... id lhere. E.pecially obvious is
lowed by .i l..... ' m!'ditalion. The fai lh 01 the C hurch IS then .
I"" qU<'5lion of apostolic succes~on , The question of the Prtrine 01- lumm.ri~ed in the C .......! and.1I human r.eeds p,.....,.,ted toGo<! U\
fi« i' lt-It aside completely. In .umm.ry; a very g.,tifying and far- the !nt~, The third pan. the liturgy of the eucharist. coru;i5ts
re;oching CO'' 'e .
gctle.. and a c~l r ,tep forward. but nOl a
e5ee1lti.lly o f lhe g","1 euch.omtic praye.. prt'<:eded by a short P"'P'"
con.....,us. ' "
lration and Iollow..! by lhe Lord', Pr.ye.. the sign of 1"'."". and
On .t he Eviln~licl l 'Ide ~ and mCftcriticism i. being heard, ..... communion.'"
peollJy of lhe Ihird 51attiiiEOiI (miniSlry). n,.. 'II temenl of "'<Ira......
Uke Vaticln It Thurian strives .o fadli.ate an nlemi,·.. p;lTticip'"
lic co",""'Sene.. Is .1100 ~ardtod by ""'ny as /wlvily lilted to
lion by lhe rongregatl"". while a. the some tim. not ~lIo... i"g tho
..... denhip of the offic:Uol mi"ister 10 be obvured_We 'Ihould not
By Iny ao;"OUnting it Cln be said thll i/w U ..... Report hu inslilled ove.look tome delibera.e .ssimil~tioou, "'.... in t"" text. to I""
......... ~,., into the «uonenlc:ll dilo~and giVeJll1J __1S.i.OJ rom_ Roma" M. .I. Conv..... y. _ parbof Thuri.n ·s '"'xl could be

used 10 enrich t~ Cilholic Cl>CMriitic t ek'br.tion (e_g._ the pn-para-
lion of In., gi fts).

Tho> thing that prevo>nts C~lholic Christians from joining lull)' in an

l"CUmen;cal <"I>Chuistir lit\lrgr (inrludin3 Ihr I'l'.;:"'f'tion 0/ comm u-
nion) a r~ lOme <105 yet undarifled qUC'5tions ...-garding 'IK' mini' ll'r
or "'~ of the e\lChamtk mebr.nion and the di\'~ ... in briief
about u.., eucharUtic ptc':,iOtnce. As long as ,........ is noI .. ",.1oommu-
nion in faith and Church. ~a.nnot be communion in the ElK.....
';. 1. bt>caus.t this is .. sign of uoion w ith Chn,! a nd h .. O",d1. " Part II

The Areas of Liturgy


Chapter Eight
Nature .1Ind Import;lInce of the Sacraments
An e.ISeIltlill part n/ lhe liturgy is the ct'lcl>ration 0/ th(o seven ..cn-
ment5. In Ihls area theology lias diliCovc!'I'd new fOCl:!ls and c... atro
new empl\.>wsln «<tn ' d ........ des, "Bee. ,..., lull adnnlage II •• been
tnen of "lttlropology (sociology), «elesiology. ~. abo,·.. all il
chri5trology tN.I ernpho";,,,, soll!riology and pnel.lmalology. this
thto!ogKilllt8nse now d isplays. multip Licity of ,,",W ""'pR'SSions
and points of rererene.-. .rufts in emphasis_ md new Ippra.cM. _.
The Latin word sorra""'ntum '''is originally a trilnslatiol'l of the bibli-
cal G .....k word mY"I"",", whkh In the Ne w T."tlmenl does not
mNn oimply " mystery" but A!'fcrs to the unfathomable s.Jv1ng;or.

Iioon 01 God in Chrisl (_ Eph 1:9ff.l and. " ""e sp«ifocall y. 10

Christ hilTlJ('lt who is "the m ~ery 01 Our f.ith« ( I TIm ) :]6). The
tn.oIogia ns of the first Christi.n rent"ri... ulti m.~I)' ga"e It..-
.... me ",yJttT"' to . nlhe wn,,!) In(! actions of J~'Sus becilU~ these
we!'\' spok~n and accomplis hed fur om sa l,'ation . The Ch un:h la ter
on went even f\.lTt),... and deiignatt-d her teaching.. worship, pray-
m!, blessin8~. and rtfes as mysltriJ> . 5«f'~mmt_

Ou. cum>n t ClW ""'P' of ;t wsacnmomtWd id not de>'~1op unti] tt..

twelfth emtuf}'. whm .... " rty SchoLr.50Cs d~isht'd t.en.........
greo.ter o. nuojor and 1.--, or minor ....".;un...,t. (som"'II'N/Q lMiarQ
tI miNarR) . The major~.mmts i~ludO'd baptism,(onfi rmation,
Euchari st, penance. anointing of the !Okk. or<Wrs, .nd m.rriagc; II...
........ ininlt minor sacraments bee .. "", known collectively as "sacra-
"""'tall. '
It is possib~. 01 rourse, to ilJ1lCl« the tt..ological IUslor)' of .... word
"$;tC1iI.ment," \ISO! the term in .... bro&d sense 01. sign of something
valWlb~ or lignifica nt (5ubjecti~ely and objKti,·ely), and end up
calling ev~ry vehicle of meilnlng, be i\ person or thinll •• 501cr.·
~nl! But such. Ust' of lhe term would r.u~ confusion "".... d~ys
and hind~, ,athL.,.!lun promOl~ an unden;randing of the " _ _en 10><:. going .cti,·ity of Christ (SC 6-7) and ca lls the lilurgy "an """re;"., of
,aments." W.. ought ' ..... rclore to m~inta;n lhe meaning which "sac- the priestly orne.. of I""us o.ri!l" (7). The sacraments. bring an 0:5.
ram"", " has ;>C'Qui1't'd oyer tht emturin and "S<!< "f the ... me for Mrlt:ial 5«lOr of tho! lilu'llY. al'l' Ihus .ctions of both Christ and his
1M ...,'en P<:1'.ments. Chu",h. NQI oo ly do they have thelr foundation (in a manner still
10 N specifiood) in his will for our SoIlvalioo; in addition. he as well
TlH S"'C MA~IENT S AS TH.; OSGOIIII(; S ... "I .... G ACTIO'l/S .. lhe Church i5lheagmt woo IICcomplishts them and he fills
I o r C HIl IST
The most important appro«h to an underslilJ\ding of 1M s;ocra.
them wilh Solving »Q\'·er. ~ wll retum 10 thi5 bask idei' 01 a sac-
nmml iU " 'e de.1 w ith ei'ch of the ~·en.
"""'IS is from thf "anlage point of J'-'Sus Christ. IIi5 pnson. rn&
sion, and ;>clivi\)' an! !h(> basis of Christian f.ith and tM SOUin' thai T HE INClllNIlTlONAl S Tl UCT URE OF THE C H U l CH ANO
nourishes th(o C hurch in the .ctivity by wllkh i, rommunicatl'S sal~ THE SAC ItIlMENT S
,'atioo1. The rw,... T""'a""",' and the Church ', SpiriHnspiR'<i faith In hi1I incamation the Son of God bec.me p;>rI of the human race
maks til<- folJowing key $Utnn('n15 _bout Q,.;st: and INde Our nalure his u..·n . As a rt'lo-ult we enrounter in Jesus
Christ bothGod a nd man. omnipo«nco: and WN.~. WI'in<>
aj He is moly. human bei"lland a' lhe ~ lime thcellemally ex- riches and human ))O,.erty. divine triumph and human suffering
isting Son of God; In olher words. t... ;, God·man. W'l1O dNth. If we understand, SoICtiment .j defir>ed abstJ;>etly by
b) He is conscious of be1n& called by , ..... Father to bring th .. human moditional theology, that Is. iIS • visible si gn of invisible gra"" then
w~ can appropriately describe Christ h.lm~lf b tho! · primomial sac-
,""e a nf'''' gild ti d ings and besla ... upon i, drliveun<f: and sal,',-
l ion ( ..... U:. 4 : 1(,.191. ",menl." For hi, human lif... and Icti\'ity and. above all . his ""If'gi'"
ing for uS 0<1 the Cr055 art' . visible. effic&Cious sign of IIi. d i\"lne
oj His life is 0fI<.' "f ",,",,-Ice and 5/!lI-<1~odk.tion to hu"",n kind and ,,"ving wi ll Ih't opera!" " fOIl' us human beings and OU r ""1,,.Iion. N

",.d>eS its climax in his pusloo .. oJ ~um.'<t ioo, whe",in he 0"""" AI primordial saCTlmm l Christ became Ihe dynamic , enter of a
tom<'S our death and gi\"<'S us lJle In abundance Un 10:10 and dst~ saving activily whkh IICCIQo 10 apprel\erld and transform Ihe enlin'
wheTl'l . lIuman race " ia Ih~ Chu",h and ibllilurgy.
dl He promi'WS 10 bo.'SluW the Holy Spiri t and in the Spiril his own In a ct'rlain sense ani. "",.su", J~'Sus communicates lIis own di"ine-
abiding pre5l'nCe, on Ih~ cummunlly 0/ d i~dp"'" which we call the lIuman COTUlilulion 10 llIto Churcll. iouofar as lie uniles him<i4'!11 to il
Chu rch (Mt 18:20; 211:201. and ma kes it hij my~tical body. ~ Church thus h.as a visible.
el H~ commissions his dikipk.-&, and gives lhem authority to c0n- lIuman ~kIe: It is a "Ch urch of !inn ... ," wllich ~ nol uru>cqu.inled
tinue hi~ !o/I1"ific 5erVice throuw> p rl"lching 0/ the Word and admin· with wretched f",!lure ind knows Ih.t it is cootinu.ally ca lled 10 ron-
istratioo of lhe ~amt'!lts. ln doinll ~ he identifies himself with versiO<1 and ItpentanOll'. But as body of Christ it i. alS() filled with
them in ~do~ a solidarity tN I he lakes ac«pIance or n;..:tion of God and called. in the Spirit and ))Owe-r of Christ. to roIlaborat ... in
them.L" .C(~1'lance or re;ection o f him~l/ (for e><ample. U 10:16). ttw .. I"alion of the world . The Chu",h Ihu. btoco....,..,;Sible sign
.. ... Ivalion amoog Ihe nations; It h.a~ • Slicra""",t.1structure and
ms set 01 facts yic.-ld s wide-ranging ronclu~ "'8"rding the ;>1;. function. It JI,Inds beiWfffl Christ. the primordial 5aCTamml, and
tivity of the C hum.. \-llhmeo,'er the o.u",h proc ... i.... hi1I word. the p.rtirula r sacraments which it OIdministers it his comm,md_ Vat·
wOTShips tM F.tIwr in Spiril and in truth. cdeb'JIe!I the 6turgy. ican II calJ& the Chureh lhe "uNve,.,.,1 _ramel'll of SoII"ation." that
and OIdministeh 1M sacn"-ts. he himself Is presoml and _ hn bfton ftbbIi!.hed by the Spirit of Christ .' Many lheologians
through the Church. V.. rio:ln II lihows a u..n a ppNrioIion. of th", on·

'" HI .~
~pe~k ohhe Chu",h n -... cu.ment of C hrist. - or - foundatiorw.l .nd
~ two"e """'" !10m.. diff........,... in lhe outw ..d funn of tt... Sillcra-
root SKramen!.- or · principol or comrh:l ... Mi'·~ SKra"""" .· menl& in ","tand w..st . nd tNt .·,...... in the h!!;Iory of th .. w""tcm
The _ 'm SOICrammts Lil<ew~ dispLay the in("amatKmal Slluctu,., Churrh i!WIf I",,", h.v.. bo.en changes In s.ip Ind word s Or H.... t_
po..,..... 10 Ori,. . 00 his QUlth. 'They are at firsl glan« inronspicu. 1111' and form .H n.;" is true noI INst of our own postooncililr period,
OtIS OC'C\I~ in the visible world; ""'p)., hUlT\.in act;'·;Ms. made now ,twot Vatican 1/ has giwn the order Hlo 1,Indeou kt! w ith S"'"t
up o f words and ,igns.lhat as such cannot have ~nr f.,.ruching care . general ",form of the li turgy itself. - The council gi\"es the fol-
~ign!ft<.ncf or effecl5: a little water pou~ on the head; oil uS<.'d to lowing b.t,i, for till- order. "For the liturgy i, made up of immu"',
anoint forcl>ead or hand . ; bread and wine OVer whic h I P"Y'" of ble e lement,. divinf'ly instiluted. and of elements , ubject 10 change.
thanksgiving is $poken; the laying of hands-.occompanlcd by. n- not only may but OUghl 10 be changed with the pi1sS/lge of
pr. yer--on the .ick and on candidal.,. (,,' ordCIlI. time If they h.,·.. suffered from lhe intrusion 0/ anything oul of har-
mony with the innt'r nolu", of lhe li turgy or h"'e "':rome point-
But bOi!hind 1"- limple, ,-","'"yda), occutrenCeti 5UondS the omnipo- Iat"(5C21).
Iml 50lIving will of God who communicates himself to hUrn.1n bE-
ings through Christ .nd his Spin! and thll$ brings Into "xislcnCe the Thlt theolog;a.l ronn-ption of tho> ~ram<!fl ts IS having theiT ulli-
.... w creation of the New TO'SIamenl cov""ant. Christ. the high .... ~ origin in tho!- ""'ing will of Ch ..... and 01 the C hurch a, rom .
priet who !I<:'t'b o ur "'!>-alion. stoops to human beings and liIt!i mlJIionfd to glVC' the ....:ramen'" their concrete form p . OIffts US
them up 10 the father: lik the SMnarit." of tIw pootable he pow!> oil apintt a .... rrowly bibUdst outlook WI ",ceptJ I , :sacrament.1
and wine into tlw w o unds 0/ hutn3n brings Uld canlfos them 10 the only wtwot ise>p...ly mentioned in the New THtlmmt, and also
inn where I~ a re ....1On!d 10 h""IIt.. ThoI;e whoare UNwa,.,of .gainl! I .... rrow ..;.-w of trMlilion lhat seeb to Jhow the ...c ....-
the "" 'ing powt'f that God e>;1'f'rlses in t~ ~mcnts must v~ mml! as hal'ing acqui..ro a definili" e o utward form in the """" 01'
I""'" .. ~!denc.. 0/ ouper5tition and magic, Tl'Iow, on the mho:r Iat distant pi1S1 and th.atth"",forc ni«ts any ctwo"8t.
IuInd , who appl'OKh the YCr.menlS with failh aN! filled with won-
<kr as they rontemplal" ih<-m .
A s fa r as the ron('r~te form of the ;ndj\'idual sacramrnts (tho! ac- Tm> 5licra"",nts owe lheir e~i ~lomce to IhI' saving will of God as this
tinns wi th their int~rpfl'loti\'" words and prayet!l) is con~. operalt'J in Christ, In them Chr;!;I, ,he Savior of the world and lho!
presomt-day tht'Ologians (and thr pres('nl-day ""'8a lmkm) no high pries! of th...........· ro\·erunt,comt'!l to meet human beings in
longer shal(' the v~ of earlier """turies thlt each YCrammt in a l) ~ of salvation In so doing. C hril;t. tht' primordial ~rament,
Its deta ils was e5tablillhl'd by Chrisl him5rlf. Christ. 1M pri1llOnJ;,,1 make w.eof thl'Chwd... the uni~ersal SKTlm".,t.
1'I<'N"Im1. rMkn II., fllui"g will <J!«1;f!r rllrwgll Iitt Churcll ~ un;""""1
!OI(N"Imr. The Church"5 role ill to l'I"nder the wving work of CItrilit U _i00i< upon m...... saving YCTImental actio"" • _,,'.., willi
present 10 f\~ gerll,ralion and apply it 10 !hem. It was ftIOUgh for OIri11t Ind, in a nd through h im, with the Falher.. we have I «JI'I<:epI
Christ 10 .... '·e es ... blW>t<d and darififd the P"'post served by the that makes an important point. For - ltI'IoC'Ount ... - bt.~wccn pi1rtnen
.lal"ilk rifMS of eKh :sacr;mwont. no., functiotl of the Church . on w ho.", intell«tu;>J beings ,,-,,!uinos tKiPl ocal ~ and n:rir-
I~othef hand. is lodl'l...",ino> thuoncnte form (sign _nd words) roul w lf-giving. Christ lakes hwnan ftwdom SI!1iously and ~
by which Ihr 5l<ving will of Christ achieVf'!l Its g0.01. or, In other Ion. refuws to ~ his oller ot gr~ on humin beings. much
wonb. to delerml"" lho! concn>te sacument.' rilf. leN simply force it upon them. He wan". penonal encounter be-
twftn p<lrtr\tl"S. The " sha "," which human beings must contribute
This ma kes It understandable that in tho! hilltory o f the C hurch It faJth In jesWl" the e"" lted Lord and Savior o f the world and in
the Father 115 ,t... one who ,;ent him to s.lnctlfy humankind ,
k A JiCr;lmenl is in .. _ the extlmslon of tNt infinite gift which
the f ather n;os giVftl. 10 .. world in need o f fI!dtomption. in It... peo-_ The ""sic impor\anct' of faith is further under!l<'Onod by the fact.thlt'
I0I'O 01 his bdov«l s..., ",ho choR lop"", himself up for"'011 the neiw. I"" prontisol> o f ,.,.]'·ation cont.a.lned in the ~meot.>l phs
Cl'\lM, In giving 1limSll'1f, howevft; the Wol d appWs 10 ~ hum;m
nor IIw meaning of lhe .. cr~men'aj ~gns Un be grasped withoul
brinp.1f IIwy .~ 10 W I'l' in It... gih 01 ~tv.lion. Itcy must h."e faith. The oacr.amenls can be cek'br.ted , in tht full m d p' "",,'
faith; thi!)' mus, humbly and gratPluUy open theJrueln'. to the mn- _ , only in faith. On lhe 0Ihe-r I\&nd, one of Ihe.~a.1 ~~ of
Ng1! of s.ol ... tion and sumondeT them.wl vl!S in f. lth to God who the NCl"amenls is precisely to nourish and """'lI;I~ lhi> fOllh In
giv"", his gifts 10 them.· , tIw n!Cipimts. !t is coJTe<.i,~, 10 spo!ak of 1M "sacraments 0 1
f.ith," .., Valican II (SC 59) do<1s.
"Fa lm, " In this context, is 10 boe undeo-slood in its full New T""u,
menl 5e1\.ie; lO-ilh Is acl:nowledgementand confessi"" and.s trust T HE SACRAMHH5 AS MADI C A L S EL f ' R E ALIZA T IONS Of
and Ul\J'He'rved readiness lor , urrender 10 It... fUh\>._Th is i~ fai th TH B CItU RC It
thai is Inspi"-'<l by love (fid.. ' . ';"'1, P""'''') and I'l'oct..... ilS rompl .... When lhe sacraments a", de:'lCribo-d as 1'<'"""",,1, rollabarali>'.. ""_
!ion and pel feclion in love. lltis kind of faith exdudos """'1' form counters of humm beings wilh Christ. the Imp..-ion may be
of soeIf..... tisfaction, rompt.~ arrogance. dornlMefi~, and given tha tll>ese encountl.... lak.- pla{'l' ""leIy in lhe privat~ sphen>
inronsid~.leroes.. Jesus himself ")'5 Hut this kind 01 '.ith is .. p ...... of Individ ..... ls " 'ho """k a nd find thrir God and the ... j>'alion he of-
requisite- foT ;u.lificillion, and he "xp.-ly require it of tt.c...> ..'ho m.. Vatican II al ....dy "*'''' this v;"'w:
(QUo! to him for Iwlp and huling. HI: finds il only 100 often Irlirog
~I..iturgical services are no! poi"ale function" but a", cel..t:"'tiom
in the JpirituaJ and rdigiow; wadfr5 01 It... Jewiah J'ft'Ple, and espe- ~ 10 the Church, w hich is 1M ' _ram ....101 UnIty, namely.
riaU)' in his f..rIaw-1I)wnsrnm at Nauo reth; he finds il chielly ;IJnong
the holy people " nited . nd o rdm!<! " ndl't" thEir bishops.
It... lowly and despised memt-,. o f his p!'Ople, .~ til" collec-
tOl'l ,lnd &innf1'5. md among foreignon. ln the p.o,. hle of the !'han- Thf.n.I.,... liturgical services involv~ I),.. whole Body o f I),.. Ch"r<eh;
11ft and the till roIlector he c,""tiglles lhe ,plri l\J~1 pride thai insists they mmift.sl il and have elf«ts upon il. but they also conCern lhe
on Its own ~rit., while he promi~ divine fivOT(ju~ti fication) 10 Ind ividual members of the Oourch in dill<!n!nt way', ao:ordlng 1<.1
the tlX coUectQr with I'Iis humble, trusting opE1\r.ess. n.., evangelist their difle ... nl orders, offices, And Actual participation (SC 26).-
ev~ notes on Qtle oeu"ion 1h.J.l lesu~ "could do no mighty work"
ThiI ecclesioiog.s,al side o f the 5oKramt!nl$ is to "" &et.'n fi.,;1 ,,{ .11 in
in I'Iis home town. bec.a ..... 1he unbeli" lhere was "" g"''''t '"" to tIw fact th.ol!h<1"'"" administered in .nd by IMChu rrn. As we .
make him marvel (Ml< 6:51.; Mt 13:58).
.. w the Churdl is the uni"ers.ol sacramenl. wl\ich brings the di v"",
Flith, then.. and tIw desi.no for s;,jvalion and ..... d.ine,a b w1f-surrm_ ..ving will 10 fruition by commission 01 Ch~ ~ ~~ial -;_
de.. which /filth implies. is a IW!C' ary condition In Ihe n'Cipienl if r.ment. It is an instrumenl in the hands of 0Iri5t; II IS his Mm, a. "
ClIrist "1O(8'a l ,,",,"'alion .................. Uy and tIw saocnmmt is to be ~ _ , lhal is exln>ded and ~ble 10 all human brinp; il is the abid·
m~ftl fruithllly. In IKldition. ""err sacrament. being God'. finn prom_ In& sign 01 his n .... rn""" and hi. helping luI·e . The adminiMration of
~ 01 talv;l1ion and his ~ """virIB won:!. ;s lib a -.:I thltt is IIw sacr;a""""1s is, of COIJ",,". not the only task God has given 10 the
toWn within tIw luunm beint! and that wiH ~ develop _plI1 fmm Church, bul It is <:erUinly one of the ~I~I and importanl .........
the faith and 101." 01 the Il'<ipk nl. In thiJ _ , every .....amenl i•• It Is one of the radical sel f-~aliza lion5 of the Church and is compa-
God-givm boegirnirl3 thot must be foUowed up and brough t to rom- rable. in this respect, 10 the proclamation of the word of God
pledon. Thus the s.oc:ramenul gift brinp 1t9 recipient _ to5l< and dury
lUll! u the Church mu,1 p......",.e Ihe word of God ... priceless leg-
thol 0lIVI0I be fulfillftl Without pmoering f.lth.
.cy and. in season and Out of "".,.,n, tranel. te a . nd proclaim il iO
each ' ucct'S8ive age, lhereby al the lame lime bu ild ing itsel f up, ""
with the 5OIl.Tamerot1 'These ~ in ,.... f""J .rwlysis IIw pasc/rQI "'YO- THE EffICA C Y O f TIlE SA C RAMEN TS
Itry <f riot Cfrurc#r', Imd I/IIUU p1'Nn1 and appli~ to lIuman IIeifl85 in WNot I'ws been ...id thus far makes it clo. that Christ is the u1ti·
r>Hd f)f w lvali.,.,.;md 1M Church may not withhold IIwm. , .... , n INI~ ICIUJtt of the efficacy 01 the Slcrammts. He is the ",al gi""";
' .... Church may........,. faU silent in ilS pnxlamation 0/ IIw g<nf the lndivid lWl!i rornmiMioned by tM Churrh are as it w....... instru-
MW5, neither may it grow WNl)' of admin~1ering thl' sao:nmmlS, Il\el\If in IUs hand!!. Even in Christian antiquity the question was al·
<!Vft1 wilen • totAli tarian govemmmt thn!i!t'n5 punishment /or thi5 retldy rai5ood. in <0IUl0'l"ti0n witll t"" d il\put. ""..,.I>Ipti!;m by
ministry. Paul cried oul on <>roe o<'n:<ion: "Wot' to me if I do no! ' .alies. whc!).." I).., :\;ICr.menl•• re tffit:aciou . .... en when the
prwch the g""pel!~ (1 Cor 9:16). In liJ<. manner, the Church mu,/ lIuman mini.u" i. un wortlly (for u lmpl<!. beclUS01 n. ;,.. n.rotk
tttink of itself u betraying its most .p«:iI/c minion II illifW of ad- or lias rommi nO<! a serious , in .nd Illus Ioltt tile grlO! of Cod).
ministering the l\llI.Tarnents OT .l1ow5ltself 10 be dlssuado:d then.- 1lleoIogil'" llav... l..... ay. insisted Ihal the ",Ivilic activity 01 Chrisl
from by external in fluenc<'S_ OCC'Ilrl whene .... , lhe human minisl .... ~"en if pen<mally unworthy.
perlonns the <'SSI'f\lial rile with th .. intenlion of doing whal ti>e
In all this thl! Church is not simply ~ng f.ithful to. m.nd.l1>; it is
o.un:h inlt>nds 10 do in t ..... ncr.ment.
.Iso buildi"!! itself up in and through the Holy Spirit. E,'..-y ..cra-
ment thol is IKlministl'n'd and re«iVM 5I"!'t'C'$ Iitt /lui/dinK up '" 1M With 1!Iis oituation in miJ>d the Scholastic tIleologia ... al It..- begin·
"'yslbillody <f CitrOn; i t ~xtends thai body IJ'Id giVfl it MW Ii "". For nln& of the thirteentll o:nlury developed lhe ronct"p! of 0" opm''''''''-
thu",,,,ments, each "«,,,'ding to its special pUlp( a .nd gift of ."" literally. "by ....son of Ihr work pe<foo II'Ied.• that ;,., by ",.".on
graft, bring new mern........ into II... rnrnmunion o f the Church or of dw f""I"' lly poTformO<! rite. This oo,>eeptlon •• 1ons with the
lnItl.~ new, likogiving Iioes willi tht- Chun:h and its lINd. This. how- phr_ il5<>lI........ up> '5~y soonc:tiol1ed by lhe Council of T""'t.·
O)'\"er, is 5on1dhing thai d..rui",,]y .ffc!cts not simply Ilw myatic;ol Lest the phr_ Jt,od 10 I m;Sunc!ersta.nding ofthr 5ilaammlS as e>.-
body IS .. totality but .11 0/ its nwmbnJ as well. Tl\4, Churrll tllu. ~. fill'M in mogic. it must be dearly understood thaI the rile isonly a
lualizes itsel f in tile me'su"'!ltat it _ramenlall y NtloClHies lIuman mons by wllicll Christ himself ~ffects lhe interior Nnctification of
beings •• nd il llas .. ver rww l"1'al<>tlll for tIIanking Cod and in le...,...j. the recipient. At ti>e ... mo: lime. be it noted. lhe mini.ler lias I n obli·
ing for its momb<.rs. whether new ur mOI"1' Inlt,.u,.. ly gracO<! Or gation 10 smvr for that personal inu,rior wort lliness t""l is r«jui~
callO<! to .... w jXIwers .nd lasks (in ordrrs and marria g~). by cooperalion witll Cllrist in communlca ting SIIlv.hon .
This eccldial dimension " fthe ..cr. _nts llso makn 11 clear tllat AI far lS the recipjrtlS are concerned. the ~fI«t of the ...,rament is
tllcir ulmini~tr.tion an .... , ...,. b<.. purdy private matter. but muSI always & gift. nevh something merited . W""t is ""Iui~ of them is
by it. "'lwrt br« litwrgiall ",Jri,rQli,m and llavt' • form tha, cor ....... thai t1wy "P"" the,,""')v .... by faith and ;nl....... ..,u_~ to
. ponds to this dIilracter. Thus the", cannot N . ;n ttw:o &triet _ of the Lord who ro~ to them in the sacrament. The Si1cramenlS can
Itw:o wOfd.. • ·priv. ~" Mass or baptism. This fact help' ..... un""'- pn:od~ no .. ffat in """'" who by delibeut.. unN)J..f and intmor
Stand Itw:o efforts of Vatican II to ' uIVe all l;Iu'lka' cd.bralio:ms in. ¥tiol1 plaOl' an "obslade" (Latin: 06rr) in the way of Christ's rom·
(I ud.. me pn'SenCe and am"e participation of tome community. munkation of gna. n..y 8" away ..."pty and aret'Vn> guilty of
how .... ,.,. . mall. "This ap~ witll . p«iaJ 10m. 10 Ille cd.brillion of NCriIeg<'. No kss important . figure tIlan Pui llimsel/ u. gmtly
Mass and the odministralion of ttw:o -.-aments" (SC 21). In <I?, :,it>- warns agaiAA tM unworthy t'\'CfPIioI1 o f the body IIJld blood of
ing Itw:o individual :\;Icr.".,..,.,t. J shall Lay spec:i.lemphasis on this ec. Christ (I Cor 1\:27-29).
cJesiological .",ll itugicaJ aspe<:t oI l""i. Ci'!eb.alion. It is dea r from
SEQ U ~NC~ .
I"" outset. of ( OIl""'. tllat the f""'Slb~ melSure o f rommu...,l pa rtido
palie>n dif/...-s from sacrament to ...,rament. THB SA CRA M ENTS
In the W...tem Churrll theologiiltls reOe<:tlng on tile prlCliOl' of the

Chu",h c~"", 10 !l'w! rondu:lion th..ot there are 11<'' ' '
sacrament'!, even Baptloim may tIO! as/iigned ~ spOOal plM:r aloopide the Eudlarist. t.!-
though during !l'w! first millennium the "" .... "wcr~ment" WM given eoUS<'. being tho! <1f'Itr.mceway to all the othtT WCflImerot'!, il inc0rpo.}-
to oIhtT "mysll.-rics" 01 tho! Church. such loS II... dedication 01 a church,. raleS h~maro bo>ings into the mystery of Christ.' '!'hen.- are good
monastic ronsecr.tion, and funen.1 rill!!! (at times ov.,.1hirty "sacr.o- ' U! " IS ro. ~ying. 100. INIl OOtIlirmalion and the wcr~~ of fl'roCl .
mmt'!" w~ Iist.!d). cilialion--thl' gih of the Spiril and the forgi' E."S/i of sin5--ate in a
way ..... 'eiopmo.""* of t!w sacrament of baptism.
5IDce the SchoLl5tic p!1iod tIw ~'<!f1 SN:T~ thus singled Old ..... '·e
hem p.-nled In a WI order \h;ol repl'\!Senl¥ primorily the order of re- Tht Chwdl mainwl'IS that thi"ee:sacnmtnlli imprinl a special mark on
c.:ptioo L Bopti!.m. ronfirmolion, and the Eucharisl .... d alre..Jy bem re- the recipio.'flc the ' SKfamental char~ (the GI'\!d< word dttlrrlldh
garded ";J'ICle antiquity as »er.menlS oI -lIIiti.ati<:ro· (sacr;unm1S orWnaUy rrot'anl a die or !ltamp). " '1IIch is ~ and thete/on>
"'hen>by one beroo. tVa Christian). and "'en' usually administen!d t-J any ~tc.od "'*PIlot. of these ~ Tht tIwe are bap-
d uring the EMit. Vogil. after oneor _ )'t'~ 01 prepar.ti<:ro tiam. con/irmootion, and Oidr. S,· According to Augustirw. the dwact...-
(caiedl""""""Il"). The SKnment 01 n!COicilialion, 100I<00 upon as "the • an abiding 'OI t'''.1ion tNl ~ the recipienl a permanent JlO5-
ptank that """""l'5 US am tho! wpwni!d< 01 [,...;ousJ sin." was origi_ ,wi00 01 CIviJl. " 1l>omas Aqum. ink. p.tlS Ihis UA "", ation as a
naUy .dmi~ only ra .... y. in _ ~ only on.... in.1ifu.- particip.1bon in tho! priesthood of Ouilit . nd an ' appointmmt to """--
Ii""'- The anointing 01 the sid; was meant to"",,,, bodily and spiritual ship of God " (deput.ltio ad ",lrum d i";num). that i.: "each of tho! faith--
reoon-ry in the diffirult situation 01 seriou, iUnes. The two ~a_ ful. deslintd 10 renoi~f w~t Is rortnO.'CI1I'<I " 'ith worsttip of God or to
mcnt'! 01 OIdr •• and matrimony. wlllch wen.- placwI at tf,., md of the rommunlc.l lt' il to (,the. s. ""
list and w ...... a!so mO'o<'Il IS "ucraments of Sla t... oIlife. " have a spe-
II is oft...., said that lhe ~....., SoXTamerot!> gi'~ div;"" sI""'8th and aid
I cia! 8<>(io-ro:~al funtion : ordiIutlon IS the bestowal of office
10 humaro beings at the "nodal points ' or decisive situations of their
I thai """ore; the promotion of lialvatioo. through proclamation of the Ii,,,,,, and are thus in profound ham'lOr'ly with human nalu",. "The
faith, !iIUTgy. and octi,·~ !cr.'e (martyria.lellOu'l!i.I. diakonia); and mat-
__ ero sacT.ments bring "",I thl' implieotiotl$ of lif~'s supreme mo-
rimony which leads Ie the eslablishme!'ll and iWK'!il'ia.tioo. of the fam.
mmlli .r.d , ublimate lhese."" Even JoN"" Wolfgang von Go:tho:. a
ily .nd the- bui lding up of what .... ve beencillOO "lillkCh"",hes" or
Proio.starot, fourod tM world of the..ever> Catholic sacraments deser-
"domo.:stic ChUlC~."
vmg of praisoe and esteem from this poinl of view." TIlomlIs Aquinas
A. far as the-lli<1r.",hy or ranking of the s.>cr.menl:5 among them. had .llNdy develo£t'<i 'Chis palllilt l between bodily life and the role 0/
,d,·", is ~. the Eudutrist. being the ...... "'" .. I and a.:tualiza. the ""c... ments In life &piriluallilo!: ~ and birth <::OITl'Sf'O'\d 10
lion of m., pilsctu.1 my",-ory. is the cenleT and summil 01 all baptism. matur~tion to confirmation, nourishmenl to the Eucharist.
s.>cramc.'r1tal ;lctivi ly; lhe other sacraments are in • greater or leTT de- healing from si~ 10 p<.'fla nc:e and anointing of the sick; author·
W"" ORl.,.",.;lIO il and dcrl,... their pow .... from il. The """'" holds for ity for le.tdi'rShlp in the life of the oommurrity rorresporods to the sacra-
the tid! em",ro of J;lCTamentab--dw ' OI etc ••1ions ar.d bk'1ingo and ment 01 oodc,s. whi\c tho! sacramenl of matrimony serves the natur.l
for aU othrr forms of Chri!ltian liturgy. Ev...., Lutheran thooIogiarts a(- and !ipltitual building up 01 the community. WIn applying this aN'
kroowlodl>" Ihis , mlrality oI lhe Euchariilt: 1lw Holy Communion logy with roaNTliI human life. ~...... wt: mUSl rIO! ''''....i00i< the
....,.,;hip 5erV~ is the hidden. va ,mt.:en,"" 04 aU worship "",ices.. If truth 01 faith that the sarnommlli ..... ,'C "'" their supre",. go;ol the irI<a'-
It....... detach th"msel....g from this ' f •• IIi". if the Holy Communion wor_ poration oIbe1ievfls Into the J'l"h.ttl mysrery iltId, ultimall'ly. _ I
ship ............ hi no Jons.>r p. _tl'V«i as the.:en .... supporting theenlin> communion with the iii""" God. In the ensuing mapt ..... I shaU fol-
wurmip life. then ttlC.'Se deuchecl .......·1ces will _ t ' rily beroo,* low this Amt ~ _I d itcuJi;, in a ~ briri' way. the mean·
stunted ar.d dw.orl.-d: ing ard titursnl form of the individu.ol ......... ocnts."
com~. bu t r.ther as i,*11 dependent on tt..> p .... venlen t grace "f
God. For "no""" can eome m m{" unles6 the Fat""r .. . d raws him "
Un(4 ).
Chilpll'r Nine c) & prism inrorpor"ti!i hu"",n bein~ inlo th .. Churm . s God's
~It 01 tt..> ..... w co>·enant: it istheA'fo n.· the sign of I cllI.nd 01
.. Iv.tinn. just as circu mcision had bft!n the ro"enantal si gn und,.,.
the old rove""nt (see Col 2: II). Incorporation into the Church si-
Baptism multaneously brings member.;.ttip In the mystic;al body 01 Christ
.."d fills I.... boptizo!d with the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 12:13). " Undt-r·
f lU rMI 'O ~ TA NC [ O F aAPll5M
- ' in this "",nne •• inro.po... tion into theChurch is the primary
In the "jew <>f a U tho.- oonfcniom Npfurn is W most important and basic effect 01 baptism .... At t.... 5.1me time . .. it islike'.<.·iS(' I....
ba~ic "..""' of Christian Hf~: ;t is an ecumenkal 5aCTamffil. Flith on means by which we atlain the fullness of baptismal grace. ~)
tn;, point is bi1sro on Ihe clea r 'eslim""y of th .. New Testamen t
writings and an unbruken subsequent tudition The New Testa- d ) TIw union wilh Chris t l~ SO p",found and int ....;'" th at the bap-
ment k'Stimon;"" "'S"rd ing baptism vary In K'COId"""" with tho.- tized are drawn inlo the SOlving m)'St{"ryo! th .. death. nd ..... umoe·
theoIogi<"al stance o f Ihfoir . ",!hOB and the;r intention in "Tili"8' tIon o f o.ri5l; u...,.
share in h;,; p;o5Ch;o1 mystery. "We wt'f1' buried ..
Takm togt'ther. 'he~' give In imp.....,.;,·" p ktu ll' oi lhi' grNt imp"'- . w ilh him by Npti Sm intodeoth. SO that as Christ witS ,aisro. from
Ian.,.. alTributed to Ihis sacrament by the prim itive community. II is the dead by tho:- glory oIlhe Fatho,..,.. W<,IOO might w3 1k in ""wness
to be observed, how'-"'cr. that the N{'W T,... talTl<,.'fll testimonies .... oIUIe" (Rom 6:4; 5<"C also VV. 3 and 5; similarly Col 2:1 2ff.).
con""mcd primarily w ith tho! Npti5ffi of adults. s ince the bcaptism ~) &ptism is u.., g' I....... y to new IiI.; it is . I'1.'birth, ~s Jesm ... ys in
01 childrt'l'l br<;.me pn.dominan t only in LalCr tmlwioes.
w ords reporte<I in the (;o,;peI of John: ~Unlcss ....... is born of " 'al.. ,
In whal follows I shall bring <lUl lhe impolUnct' and signific.1lrono 01 .."d the Spirit. he' CiOnnot enter u.., kingdom of Go.r Un 3:51.
baptism .alht'!' in the fmm of theses than in II><- fonn of an c~eg.:li. f) It ls. new , ""lion in which. di,'i".. omnipole"'~ is at work : "'If
,ai or !noolugical !<{'ali oc. The subsequent cxpl. rullion of the blopm- .ny On<' is in Chri~t. ho,o is a new c",ation; lh.coJd h.u passed away.
mol ri t,,,, will. ffon;l an opportuni ty to d""dop !lOme Sla ti' lioent5 in bM-oold. the new 1\.. come" (2 Cor S:I?) .
We.lI .. dcuil. •
g) "Thoe ... ving inion o f bioptism does .way ,,;11\ , .... sq»ration of
a) Ch ristian baptism N5 il5 origin in a d iro'C:li\'" o f the Lord (_ Mt human booings from God; in other words. il brings forgi"eness of all
18:19; l k 16:16). This fin is lndiT1'Ctly ronHrmed by the uniV<.~J l in, including original s in . God beslOw ~ the low whkh. he h3s for
and undis put.:d baptismal pranice 01 tt..> primltiv .. community. In his '"beloved Son " 00 the baptized as well , bt:<;.o..· lho,oy ha,,~ be-
thiS rom~""t, a promi""m Protestant e~eget.> I'('marks thoot tho! origin corroe members of Christ·s body and brothers and iliSit'l"&0/ his Son .
of the ChristIan custom 01 baptism """.insl mystery' unless w. d.- "See whal lo,'" the f ather has givc.-n US, tha t we should boo c.olled
dde to tike seriously the Ir;td iliono; ",&"rd ing the mis6ionary m.n- the dtild ..... oIGod: and so ..... aTe" (I Jn 3:1).
d~ te 01 tho! ,;,.,., Chrisl'
1\) &ptism gi"" human life . n",,· lull""" of meaninK and th..
b) n... rond itiO<ls a ~n mu st """'-" in order to receiv.. baptism hope of an ..... m.llife in communi on wi th God (...., Rom 8:(7).
a .... an inll!rior chang.. of ways (con version) and f.ith in Jt'SWI Ind
hi. ~~. Bu t this hum. n contributKm is not to be intefpmed as &ptlsm is tho. not si mply . n exlema l rile oI acn'J'Unce into a
an indepaldml .ochi.., ...."""'\, as a meri torious a.C'I ,," Uing fur • re- human organw.tion . l oo&:...:i al fTOrn God'. side il is . proof 01 h;,;

m~rcy ~nd $;Iving will: for human heings il mea ..... new li f~. in and Ever si~ I'roh.'5tam theologian IGari Barth attacked it in 19-0 ('.
with <..luisl. IhJ I is ordered 10 pomcip,l!i<>n in his glory. profoundly diSO«kred prac tice"), the q~lion 0/ its Il'gitim;K"}' Of.
U the use may t>t-. its appropriateness has onC1' again been the sul>-
I HE N i. '" M'H O f 8A PIIS M fO R (:IUl OR U.;
ject 01 discU55ion.· The ne ..' rilo! adopts the /oll .....·ing position in its
\\'I th the New Te. UITIt'nI procl~m.ltion of baptism as the starting
point. til<- fi rst n-ntulies .....·eloped .. n ''Ill i~ riil' for b<-a' ming a
Christian; this b«anw known ilS III<- rile 01 Ch rist;"n " ini li.lion " " From lilt> earliest limes, the Chllrch, 10 .... hi<:h the mi'l/lion of
(~.tion. incorporation). 1\ ine looro in a si nglen>mple>. o f ac- pINching the Gospel and 01 b.>ptizing WM; entrusted , has b.lptizcd
1Ions.1I thai ..." today d istinguish I S b.>ptism. ronfimuOOn. and not o nly adults bill chiidren,tS well. Ou.r Lnrd 5.lid: 'Unless a "",n
I ...... Euchoorl54 . For !his re.o~ these th ...'(' sac.ammts a", known as is...t>om in walo!r and the lioly Spirit, hecannot enter the kingdom
til<- sac ........'Ilts 01 in itiation or the foundalional s<""alTlt'nto. Histori. 01 GOO: Tho! Church t.u . 1..·. )'5 understood these "'ord!; 10 IJ\l'"iIn
cal ,*""riopmcnts in lhi.' W8\1em Church IC'd 1<• • d ea",. di,'ision bt-- II-uol children shou ld not be deprin,,1 of hapli .... , bocau.., IIwy an.'
t,,«'11 tho. th ...... and 10 t~r .....::eption on 5E"pi1>r.'" occasions..' But boptiz<'d in tilt> faith 01 the Church, . fa ith procla imed for them by
......... n infant b.lpnsm did bKome prt.<dominant from the fourth """. their parmts MId godparents, who "'I'resen! both the Local ChuTd>
tury on, no ptOpt'r riil' 01 child b.l ptism W<lS c",att'<l lha t ""Quid and th(' ... hok- ~ of 5.linb and bel i",",,",: 'The ..·hole ChuTCh is
tab- d ..... .c<"t>Unt 01 th .. situation of the immatu .... child. Tho- rile 01 tN. moth .... 01 all and the molher of each- (IntInduction to the Rilo!
baptis m for mild "", "'as and r""""ined an inadequately adapted oIlNptism for Children. 2).
rite of wptism for adul ts.
Dii11"S,.~ Ort Bop/i,", Qrtd 1'0011""''''''''1 ", /lap/i,m
Vali-c. n II perlOtnled a );fCat _" ice by intn;>d.ucing. radical Acrordin" to th .. new rift' oll»ptisrn f,,, child",n. an effort must be
chang" in this arN.; it dl'Cl'"lX'd that "the ri ... fo r the b.lptism of in. !ThIel<- 10 imp,....,>," on .dults pr""""ting th";r mild"", /or baptism the
fanlS is to boo ...-vi!ioed a,1d it should he suitt.od to the f.ct that those to obligation they h.,· .. 01 r.i ~in); theM- (hild,..,n as Christians. This is
boo baptil'od are in/.nts" (5C67). In rt'SpOnst· 10 thiS dill'Ctive the to be dol\(' prim~rily in p",limin.ry m•.".,tings with the pa"",IS. '
Roman C"ngnogalion for Divine Worship published. new rite for " Wh ..... Ihe ~wnflj ..... nol y~1 1''''1'....'<1 to prof...,; the laith 0' t() un·
tho' haptism of child",n in 1%9. Th,' followi,,); ...1le.:tiorl1l an d expla. detla kc th(' du ry of bringing up their ch ildren a. Christian •. it is for
nation s "'~ I»sed on (I) Ih~ (".crn.'rJI Introduction, Chri~lion Initia. the parish pritSt (pOSlor). kt.'l!plng in mind whatever regulations
t"'''.to tho' ri tt'S ,,( b,lpti ~m f<.>r .dult~ ilIld Iflr child,,,,,; (2) the may ha .. " been I.Htdown by the ronferenct> of bishops. 10 deter·
In trodtJC~ "" to the rile 01 b.pri~m for child,,,,,; and (3) the ri te it.
mi~ ! he ~ rn~ for I"" baptism nf infants" (Introduction to the Ri l<'
of INpti~ m for Child"",. S. 4).

Th. I.~gilil>W<)l '" B.q!I" ~' /0. Child....., Such a po!I!pon<!<Ilent o f bolptlsm_ which is nO! a dcfiniti,·c refusal
This prol>l~m Is nOl a II('w ont'. Tho! hi~ rory 01 t ...... C hun:h tells of d. of th~ sacrammt~ws how _ iousl)' the Church lake,; thc"',,*
fo,ts by vari""s g""' flS ro h ....., inl.nr <.>r ( hlld wpri..... d""l.lred m~ que'KO'S of Inlan t b.>ptism. Ev.... ylhinll must be done to k..." I»p-
gitim..te and inval id and to .."Iace II by the baptism eltClusiv.-Jy of tism from becoming an empty Iih.....·. a ",wing 01S<"ed that is thoen
~dull." Tho- "n'g' 'tes gh·t d ifl... ing .ns"·ell' 10 the qurstion of not cultivated and hilOS no ( honee of $u",,; , ·a1. At thor sam~ time. thi.
wheth .... lilt> NI'W TO$Ym ..... t is famili.r ... ith ar>d apprnt<O$ ttw. prx- artitllde 10 infant baptism counl',", the ugly ;acrusalion that the
hcc of the bapti ..... 01 ch ildl\'f1 Or (10 pllt it Ie5!iI nlbiguou~ly) of in. Church's primary IN"'" for clinging to infant baptism is increased
fanlS. Orig.... spoI<t in fa,'or of the position tha t it had been membership, the grealK ~~Io!mal iX>""er that numbers bring. and.
practiced fro m the btoglnning: "'1"he Chun:h hilS rec.;\'ed from the itt IKMI"It' E"rop .an COIlntries, the larger nurnboo. of prop .... paying
apostl ... Itw. tradition of haprizing children no less II-uon adults ..... the Church tn "

Ch,ld &p'~m ~"d 'MC","mu"lty "AJ, far 1$ ~ibll!, 111 recentl y bom babioes ~ld be baptized al a
Although I~ 1'"""'15 hoove tM prim~ry righ l and .... poosibilily 100- common cell'br.'ion on the same day" (Cn.;j l;Q" r"i'''liooo 27). nu,
lhe I>;.plism md Chmlian rearing of their dlild",n, the kxal rom - pnoctice will hi!lpensure • large' aUendance 01 the communily at
munil); as \'illibl~ 'ep'Uenlativ. of the unh·ers.ool Church. aIM has a the biooplism. Funhermor~. boptism should O«;>5iorw Uy be eele--
s igniflCanl dUly and ' eJpoo~bill ty. Tho.- man ...... in which boptism bnt«! during Sunday Ma~ IiO Ihat ,he enti",community may par-
was adminis ... n!d 10 chi/d.tn in many pl~1!'S until " f~' decades Ucip"1c and Ihf d oet'Connt'Ction bet...-","" boprism and the
ago "·u stICh iii K> obscure the fact thool lhe boptism of a child J1(>I EucNorist may be c1 ..... ly 5e<!n (lntrod uctiM 10 the Rile 01 Bapri<.m
only affO'Cb the salvation o f an indh'idual bu. is .1.... ~n ......... 01 for Child".", 9). Finally, boptism I S ..' independent liturgical cere--
profound signiflcOinn' .0 the rommunlty of b\>1ie\·M"S. ...ony may at,., ~~ afternoon dl!'VOtions or be eelebrated iii pan
of • Sunday lilurgy of the word.
The IWW ritual highligh' s the rei.>tion of th. ""·.... t to lhe- rommu_
nity and ....,phoosi~ the 1IIIII'1" 's oesporlJibility. Raprism is, afle.- a ll Ev..., ilher bopiUm has hem adminis ...,..,d the community rnnlin-
an incorporation Into ,he peop~ of God. The lat ..... must ,........."".. Uft to hoov~ a '"f"."'\Sibility. '"The Church in the form of the local
make a rontinuingeffo" 10_'0 il tN, in a<:oord;mao wi th God 's rommunily.nd lhe believing fa mily render< pcr;~ble, ros ......, rnd
....·ill as """ny human beings as poNlble .... bopti~.l'd rnd thallhis IUppot IS tho! derision of the individ ual to 1><>1;.,.,.... for it is only in
inlt ..1acquisition 01 sal,'anon is organlaoliy rnntino.wd by • lif.. of the community 01 the faithlullMI the ind ividual ;" abl.. 10 P"'""""
faith with the Kck'5ial community. !herdo... il is """' importanl _ .'
lilal ea ..."him and otN" lay people should work ..... ith prieM, and
d ..aeons in p..."aring for bopti!iln w(Clo""",,, 1"1, .. "",, 7). Thc I"l'f..-- Tl¥ Offia c{S"" .. s."
""C .. i, ~vid .... tly to dialogues wilh pa "."IS who .r.. undKidl-d be--
1hote who KCIi'pt the office of sponsor ren<ler. ' p<eial pcrsona l
eau"" their faith i~ wtak. bUI aJ.... 10 partldpalion In lhe ahady terVia to the d'lild and its parents. Th.. practice 01 having .ponsor,;
ml'fltiollt'd dialog ....., on b.ptism whkh are "",anI 10 mak~ pa"",1S (godparenIS) ca me inlo being in the first Christian cenlu ...... in con ·
mm\' co.ucious of th~ gift .nd .... pon~ibi lily gi"cn tn,.m in lhe bap- nt<Ction with adull bapti,m and the period of p",paration lor il (Ihe
lism of thl~r Chi ldren and 10 slrengl ..... n them in their failh . Ulechum""."'). n... duly o f sponsors was 10 be guaranlo ... 10 Ih,·
community of lhe !lerious intentions and aulhenlk conH.,-sion "f
" In Ihe octual «>I..>b.ation. Ihe people of God ("'p~1cd not only the catechu """ns. They were to Introd"" .. IhOM' rnlrus ...-d t" their
by tn,. pa",n IS. godp.n,...,s. Ind relath·i.'!I. bUI also. as lar as pos.si . ure into the life of the community, """'glhen lhem by ..... "rd and
bl~. by fr i""d~. n('ighOO,.,. illld IiOme members 0( lhe local ChUrch) <!XIImple in f.ith and lhe following 01 Chri51. and .tand by lhem as
.hould tak~ an acti,·~ p. rt . Thu.lhey ..... ill , how IMirrom""," faith helpen during Ihe prepa rtory ri tt'll and lhe administrati"., of tIw
am! ""p.... s 11'Iooi . joy oS 1M newly bopli""d a", ""'''' ''ed inlo th~ Acramenl. Afterwards lhey wert' 10 reI. in cI"", ties I" the n.....
community of I~ Church" (Chri";",, l"iI;"lipn 7). members of Ihe community and hrl p IM-m as needed_
"_In Ih.ts Wily it i~ ~lNr Ihal the ' ail h in ..... hich tM child".".", bop- H istoric.l developmen~ (the entron(f "I tIw "'""ss<-"< into lhe
I,zed LS '""<>I II... pnvill~ f"'S1 mion oI lhe indi\~dual family, but 'ne Chun;:h as a re!iu lt of t .... Constantini. n Revolution; the f""l"""t
cummon I",asu"" oIlhe whole Church of Ch"'t " (InlrodllCl:ion to poIIpooot iloent o f bapti''''' o ft .... into old 'gt; the ;"""as.ing prac-
theRi'" 01 Raptism for Childft'n, ~). In ~ 10 facilitalc ' his pam",- tice of jnf, nl lNipti,m; and lhe 6",.".1 s uperliocializ.ation of the
pabon 01 ,,,," communi' y in , ..... celebration baptism .tvmLd nor- Christian ronsciousntss) gradually eroded the cat""humena"'" .nd
mallybe.dminist~ in thf J'lfish dlurch; ho5pitab and priva ... with ;1 the offlct of spoMOI'. AI lhe end of antiquity, when infanl
home. .... ac<",p' ilb ... "enl.lO!S only for ",a!lOl\! 01 health Of other INiptiJm was al~~y lhe usual thins in Ihr Roman Empi"" pro,;-
compelling pasiOtal........t.

s ion was ind~ lIill mode for spotosou, and;n the beginning the",

'" ,
was sH Il ~n awarme;s lha! thO' pilffflts w~". primarily responsibLe "They must bc.-Ionll to tho! C"lholk C hurch md not be excluded
for I ..... Nplisrn and CtuUli4n ...... 'ins of th.eir child ..,.., from II>!! o ffice o!,;pon.sor by any canonieJ I hindrance.
Within tho:- rile 01 in/ant Npfisrn. how(",ft, , ..... ~ inrrNs- - A Nphl.ed pelSOll who i, a believing Christian hut a member of a
ingly 1II'ndo.'<l to repll,ce ~ p;lm11S until rlnaUy!he lattn w....., rom- Church 5o'p<lrat«l from R""", can, howe"er. be permitted 10 .......·e
pleWly ..~dudoed. The sponsors. and no k>ng~ 1M ",'enlS. w ..... as 5p<)IISOI' or Chrislioln wihwM along with. Catholic godpa"""l, if
now reg.o.dl."d as gIIaranlOQ and mediators oIth .. faith . TlUs "'!'iou. t..... P"..,.,ts so dt'Si~.
misundl'f'Slandill& 01 the !'dation of tlw parOl_US 10 tIM> cl\ild in 11>"
- 1/ the p"rmts han' d ifficulty in finding Jmong their acqua.intances
latt.,.'slpirit\lal.and religious df"'elopm.:.u wn conditioned .110-....
a sponsor who ~ the desi"ld qualiJlCalions. the parish com'
all by an a<YSSi'"f theory 01 s piritual affinity.'· The point was fi.
munity (p"rish council) ~uld 50 10 " '(IIi<. In an nn~ the
nally ....~ .....!I«e pu.'n15 absented them!;.eh..., fmm tlw> baptism
pan.'r'lts may also do wilhooJl • 5J>O"I!IO", if no ouitable one CiOn be
of Ihrir children.
fwnd in time (see Code 01 Canon loIw 11983], can. 8121· Bert ..... no
1M ...,... 1969 rih!oI hoptism for dtildrm fin;.lIy put a stop to , ........ span!lOf' Il\on one who is not up 10 the Ilsk Ind, being I me ... super·
~ .... '·eiopmenlS a nd ~on!d It... rorrect ",Lotion between numerary, dimini.hn rat ..... thon incn>~ ..,,;p«t for the o!fin- of
pa""'lS ""d spoil"""" " 6«.IUlO!' of the natural n:lalionships, parent!; Ir _ _ r. .
........... 11

h.o"e .. ministry a nd I ~ibility in the bapfu;m 01 infants f1'l<>«'

important than those o f the godp.Jtenu " (Introduction 10 tlw Rit.> if 770t P""," Timt'p Bart .....
&pliJm for C~ild,.." Sj. Until well into Ihe Middle AgolS the Vigil. of £.,.~ter and P""II"CO:51
.nd, in many regions, the night Pefo ... Epipl\ony were lhe p ... I•..-n:d
Ilu! this primacy of tho! pi1rental role lolilurgy ar'ld Ii'" does not pn:- timei for baptism. Tn i,; d'lOice WIS motiv.ted by a d..si ... to ma ke
" ... 11"" sponSOf'f from playing In important, evm if subsidiary cI~'ar 1M dose conne<:tion between bapli sm and the greal ",'ing aC'
part, 'I1Ie spons.or i. as it were ,"" p'mnalll"U repn:5entati" .. 0/ the I;on, 0 1Christ. Bu! the high .ate 01 lnflnt mOTt.1.lily in past lim ...
enli", C hurch and. villible link wilh tht: community. M on,over, • nd a concern for IkIo ch ild', .. I,'ation (Ihe "iew was widespread
.hould Iht: pan.'11ts suff.... J j""Sthy!ll1\t!Sli or die an early d~alh, the thaI unbaptized child"'n were lost) led 10 Ihe custom and law th31
sponsor can look d IN Ihe child; he Of JIIe can a~~is t lht: parcnls in child.en w~f'{' 10 "" bapli1.ed a. &OOn os possible. The words quom
diHicult queslions of Ihe child's ",.ring and "ocahonal direction primum Cas 5000 as poIisible") in canon 770 of the 1917 Code of
and Can directly encourage and guid~ the child. Spnl\SOl"S Can thus Cmoo LIIw w....,fnterpreted to mean Ihat a child was to be bap-
help Counlt.'T til<! harmful ~u lts of a c..... t.ln i",lation Ihal not im ...... lized in the- finn few days afler its birth. As ...... ull the molh .... was
q....,nll y af1«ts tht: contemporary nude.ar family. in p.;oetice excludt'd from participation in Ihec .....mony.
The .... w rilc ofo.pti5m sets d own th~ following ""lui ... menl5 for In CIJde, to faci litat~ the mother's participation and to 0110,," enough
spon~ (Christi/In '~ ir;",ion 10): run., for p..."..ring the- p"nmlS (dialog~ on h.optism) and the "" ......
mOllY i"",II, lhe 1'Ie\\' rite o! h.optism prescribfos lhot the sacramenl ;.
-n...y mUSt I\o"e tt.. malurily in fafth Ind Christian living thol the
to be aclminislered during lhe fil'St weeks .11"" birth . Only if lhe
ofm .o f ~r ""lui~ their age should ~ such Il\ot. humanly
child is in dangerof delth lsillo be Npt~ wilhooJl delay. For
"I""'king. It w,ll aUow lhem 10 ""- I(be t..... It .pcllis;bility of span_
the,i<o emoI'. gendes In abblt viatt'd rit~ is providt'd that may be ....1....
""""'ip for J fairly lO'ngthy pt'riod .
bnlted by I laypenon. If the dang"" 0/ death is im minent it ...
Illey muSI ~,'es I\o,'~ al",acly reeei,-ed the sacrn_rs 01 enough to pour _ wal1!1'.nd I I the- same h_ pronounc\" the
b;optism, coofirmation, a nd the Eucharist. baplilmal /onnul. (1 Npd~ you in th .. ""me ...1. In oro...to

I '" '"
bring out clei.ly Ihe pu;:hal chnilCWr of b<ipri5m it is d ... ir. ble 10 question of wh;ot Ihocy are "Il king of tM Church they reply:
cl'lebr.t~ it durillij tho! Easter Vigil Or on, Sunday. which is tJw. day "6aptism : N<!lthet eel",r.nt nor pa""'~ orr obli~ to uloe this p ......
of Ih~ ....... kl y c.-lcbr.ilion o f ~ p;r.sc:h'l mystery. In any case, "" err ~ formula; !hoe qUl'6lions and answers can ~ in othe< words, pro-
Nplllm should Novel ( !.!.arly ~sc:h.ol charactrr.
vided ''''' ....... ning is the wme. A""ady evidl'nt he.... is a ,.moin
flexibilily WI will show !lsdf at rlUm~us ",her point, IDd tho . is
NIlctiorlal for 1M resl of the Uturgy as well, but esptdaUy the lit·
/nlrodlt(llWy RittS wgy of the .'l&Craml'nts. nw hope behind Itt.. aliowaTloCe for ~ari ..
C-nng of ItM. comm uniI)' assembled fo, It.. baptism lion is that the ctn!mony wm •• ke on • "".... r vi""'ity .nd be be. ""
~Iog..., wilt! tlw p«nmt$ acbpred to the situottion of . he moml'n'- n.. ~Iebroonl now.....und'l
Dialogue ..'Ith the godpanmts the pan:nts of their obligotioTl to ra~ lheir child in the OriS!:i.n
Signing of tilt' child w it h !he croes faith; he gi'·os them the opponuniry to ""P"- their ...... diNss to do
_ The god POrl'nlS an! asked whether they inbl:r>d to a id the po •.
Uhlrgy of 1M Word
ents in their task.
RNding(s).nd homily
Inlet , " ons nw celebrlonl. POrl'nts, and ~ ""xt mak the sign of the , ..-
Pr'y.. rof E.orcism on the child ·s forehe~. This signing or sealing is mNn\ to .t.....\
Anointing w ith the oil of c.olechumens or impos;tionof h.mds tha t lho; child belongs \0 Christ; il ...1:00 • renunciation of Satan,
w ho is conquen!d b>· this sign.
Crltb ..ti<m of 1M SoIcnImtrll
Slessirljj; of the baptismal waler lJhlrgy "' tilt Word
RenuOCu.tion and prof<'S5lon of faith nw pU'P'" .• of this p,,1o f tn.. liturgy is to stre-ngth... the faith of
Baptism the pan:nIS ond OIher p articipants. dttl"'n thei r und ...standing of
hlpliom, and intercedc lor tN.' fruit of the SOCTamenl. During the
£rp!Jl>Ullory Ri, ..
INdin g(s) and homily the childn.-n m. y. if neco;-ssary, be brought to
Anoin ting wilh chrism
I nearby room (the er y· rnom ), wMro: thei r crying will not distract
Clothing with baptisma l garment
tM aS6<'mbly. This p"rt of tM cer"",,,ny begins with On<" or two
Giving of tho> baptisma l cindi e INdings. one at ~t of which should be from the New Testament.
Riteof tho> Ephpheta
An Ippendlx to the ritual contains nul"l"lerous suggestions. nw
Ccmdud;1I8 Riln wish<!s and situa tion of the parents should be taken into account in
Concluding add"," making the self<:lion. Betw ....... the readings ,,",,1m VI."TS<."5 . "d ~p­
Thtolunl '. Pr"Y'" propriatc rc/raiflll may be sung . Here again the ritual offers . wide
BI......mg ilI>d dOling hymn IM'tcclion. nw c~lebrant .-.ow deiivers a short address on the git! of
hlptism and the task il ...""Us. A ~ may beaddoo, but a time for
l"rrod.",,"'Y RiltS silent pr.ye.- may be cho5en inste~ .
Afu.T donning liturgicA) Vf'StlTlO1llS oi a f6liv .. oolor 1 ~7 L. ",.; ,'
pnest or
_0" (- ·· ~ ~r -~
celtbr<>J1 t) JI'1ion5 him...Jf at tN en!ru,ce 10 !he
nw intf,,:.,.sions (four ~ditiON.1 formuJaoies.rr si,·en in an ap-
pmdi>c) an! not only for . he b.optiu ..<h bu. for the pa ....... ts, """'.
church or in lhe pan oi thechu~h where t1wcommunity ...S f •• 11-
ton, and participating mtmbe.-l< of tt..:- communily. They end with
b~ fo r I~ hlplism, and greets them in his own words. Tho- por.
In invocation of the saints, 10 which the .... tne!I 01 other .... ints m ay
nm a", asked WNI .... me I~ In! giving Ihri. child. To II-.. furth.or
be added (for fl<mlplc, It..:- patron $lints of the hlpti7.andS and of
tllt! church). 1/ the rongregalion ;5 P"'Pared to do e;o, members may ~ con"'ln a .... m.:mbrance of Cod's plSt lIIOvins deoeds (",",T1Ule-
add lkei. own pditiol"l5 10 thoo;o:o fo. mulated by the «,Im •• nl. ais) and a pditlon /or the gr~ of baptism (<'pid....is). Ar baptisms
The celebranl now UII;>O; ""'" of the I ...., pny~ of """rcism pro- during lhe WI;>r_son . I t which the w,rer bkwd during the E.s-
"i<k<I, u ki"8 thai Cod would drliver the child"", from the bonds Ie" Vigil is uged, two of tho> praY"'" may be modified 10 =,u thai
of sin Jnd make Ihl'fO a dwelling fc ' his Holy Spiri t. N.Uerblessing.

TIlt! lnointing of Nch child on the brNSt with the oil of <at,'Chu- A further. immedio te prep;ir.tion for the administration of l)w_-
IN'fI& i& inlrOdOOild by . pra~ tNot CIlrist would s lrfttgth"" 1hEm. ramenl is lhe PO"'""" and sponsors' renunciootion 01 s.tan . nd pro-
In antiquity, anointin g with oil WitS thoughl 10 gh'" h ..... lth and '-ion of fa ith. It is \I,., parents.nd!ipOll5OJ1'. and no longer the
strength (fo. example, in w1"t:Slling nutcf>e5). Sinn- lhis notion has children, who art" questioned and pla~ under an obliga tion. In his
largely dlsappean!d and the p.aclk.l u.'"0/ HI<! nl<' is difficull in Inlroductory addR'5S lhe celebranl sp"'u of tho> parents' unrondi-
tho> caM' of infanlS, Ihe Mlointing may he omitted_ If il is, the cele- tiona! obligation lO ....ar llwir child"", as bel~~ . Two IormuLos
branl places h;" hand oi lrntly on ...... child . This Loring on 01 the .... gin·... /or the mlunciation oIs..tan. The th ...... qursriol\s.sked
hand can be uno:k>rstood.s it was in thear.cierol Roman rite ofbap- in tho! profession of f.ith make u!<l: of the Apostles· Creed , wh;,;h
!ism: as. sign th.I lhe child is '" be . escued from Sot.n', domin._ "" ii originally the baptismal professi"" of failh in the Wesl (in lhe
tion and mlde over 10 Chrisl. Easl lhe longercn:ed o f Nice. and C0n5tantinopl~. present
I Crift,,,,,.,., af I~ s.r.n.......,
Ma» uLtd - w U used al b3ptism~

n.erommunity now nl("-es to the fonl Or lhe baptistry ",her(' lhe The crk-brant and t .... congregation thnl give their '!l6en110 the pm-
""lebranl speaks I few words in pn.'P ••ation for Iht- blessing of lhe fHsion of failh. Som~ other formula besides the one in lhe ritual
b.plismoJ wat ..... Only during lhe £oste, SCa.an does he u"," lhe may bt- uM"d, 0. even a sui labLe "'ng.
wat .... lhal WI. 50Iemnly ronsecrated d uring the East .... Vigil; at n...se ~rarory rile!l '~ followed. by the$.lcrarnenlll action
other Ii...... he bk-s6es wa"". /0 • .-..ch n-Ieb.-.lion of baptism. An ad- plop< I • • threefold i""""rsion or infu.5iOll with WI"" on lhe head .
,-;ulIagt' of the """. p.ao:\i"" i. ""'I c•.'lm.anIS need no longer UM' while the celebrant spt:aks the words: "N., [baptize you in lhe
I for ~n en tire year lhe W",~. Ih.1 was mixed with oil 01 the Eaoire. ""me o f lhe Fa lher, and o f lhe Son. and of the Holy Spiri t. " This is
Vigil and has in time grown 51.t.e--. rondilion certainly not ~i .­ thecruci.l ri t... of~tism and sufflCeli for a valid baptism in an
able from the hygimic MId e5t1wt;c s t.1ndpoinlJ. The rule to be fol- ~. The saJ\.ifk action of God in the NptiLInd is symbol-
Io..-ed now is ,,"unci.tled in U... g"""ra] intn>duction 10 the _ ·.... oJ Iud by lhe UM'of wa""', for in t .... Bible wll". isa sign of purifica-
riles of baptism: "The w",er to be used in baplism should be I"", tion and jj~.
wal .... and dean, boIh for lhe s;,ke of the authenric sacramrntalsym-
holism and for hygiomic ....~ . (Chrisrion InilittliOtl 18). Aft ... the baptism the fa ithful p resent may ling a short . cc Lo ""'tion
(I Lorge nu mber of l""Is .... provided). In CM tra'" to older custom
II i5 .,-plicitly allo ... ~ that the wlter ml y be 1ivina" wa""', that is, II i5des"trable INt if a\.11 possible the pa ....... ts should I~ves
wa"'" /lowing into and oul of tho: fonl (_ ibid .. 21). The original hold the child during its baptism Of, in clM' of immersion, "lift the
form of baptism (5t;)l u~ as lal... itS Ihe high Midd Ie Age'l), nam~ly, child oul o f lhe font,H whUe the godpilren lS simply place their righl
imlTW!fSlon ra lkr than infusion, rhus h<>romcs possible 00Cl' 1TIOft'. hand on lhoe child.
especially sin.:., Ihen! is today no d ifficulty in p lplns warm wa"" to
the font Upbo ... tory Riln
Afttl" a prayer lhat Prepill"ft for . nd explain. his action. lhoe ""1 ....
The celebrant may ct.on.e among th ...... pray<'lS!of the t>le5ing. brant anoints IIw crown of the child 'slwad with chrism . This rile is

n, n,
rnodt:ll.'d on the l.oo nting 01 priests arod kings in the Did T....rament
a considerable impfOVE1l'\e111 upon the old . For lhe firsl time, it
and is inn.nded to show 1Il001 a, a m<:mbo.T of I"" prop!.> of God rhr
lakes aeriously Ihe f,iICI thaI thC' otIC' to b.. b.pti.zed is . 1 best an im-
Npti>.ed person shal'\'S in tho! ruyal priothood of Chrisl. ;>5 we a n:
INtul'\' child . There Is no lo"Hid.1 dialogu<' with a child Ihal is still
told in 1 PdlT 2:9.
~ to thin k Of spo!oIk: inslei>d, the cek>brilnt addrt>!.ses the PiOT'

n.., clothing of tho! child in a white garmenl no! ""'y ""'lolls the .... and godpa""'tS, .tSl<s them .bout Iltrir 00.;1'\' for the baptism.
u.ly days of the Church wh ... the newly bap ti1.ed don""" w hib: IIwir !ejection o f So""n and sin, and Iltrir prm.-;oo of faith. T",e
g.ormmlS whkh Itwy then W,,", al the ttkbution of tlw Eurn..risl .......gI\. heslill ,dd..:sse5 the child .t 5O"\·....al poinl. in II>. rite (t""
during Eas"," ,,·eek. The whi", g.>nno!'I\l abo symbolizes thai tlw words of baptism. the anointing wilh chrism.. the gi'~ng 01 the bap-
baptized al'\''' "n_ Cre.ltion" and ·N~ pUI on Christ" (_ Rom tiomIIl g.>rmenl. the Ephpnw. rite). The ... is. how",,,,",. no pretense
1J:14; G.ol 3:27). The rilu.ll expressoi!S thr wish lha l tlw fa mities .. a di.loguebul5imply words !'dd t( . !Id to the child bo:a.use the
wo uld Ihe,,-l\'fS p"'f'ill'\' I~ white g.>rment; it y,r:>uld ""I be put Chwdl talus il seriouily au person. j~t as the mot""" does.
on tlw child, how ..•.... befr:>n! thr bap ti .... propr!'. whole behavior nonetheless we do not ..-gard a. i,.,..,tional.

As I.... iIICCOITIpanying pl'll ~"'" indkl.tes. the gi'<;nll of a b.tpti:smal A further merit of the """'. Til(' Is otIC' that 11w.,·ulready alluded to
candle (whid! rhr f.ther (If godfather thm lights from the E.oster __ enol times: beause the child Is INprized in the faith of its par·
~k) is intertdf'd It!< a sign Ihat the """"Ir b.tplized Ito,·., b«o ..... ents, the latter al'\' the ft'al partners in I"" diatogu.e tholl elicits the
child"", of u...
light and Ue 10 walk as , uch (Eph 5:8). SO , hat ther cIni .... for b.aptism. the renunciation 01 SoI.1. ....nd the profession of
mar one dar, lamp of faith In hand, hasten 10 mt.'\"t tne;r ""uming faith. The paNilIS .... h~ called upon to be faithful to their own
Lord (_ the ;>arable of the ten "irgins). boptilm and to !'WIder th~ nt<:t . 0ry "..."ic", of faith to I""ir chil·
drm .s the lallet grow. By rompa rison wilh lhe p.I'\'nts, the godpar·
The (optional) Ephphe!a rite Is inspirl.'d by Jl'Sus' mi r.rulou. heal.
ing of a deaf mute (Mk 7:32·37). 1'1>1' celebran t touches the ""rs and
fnts (.s I remarked in ronnecliOll wilh t"" opening rit .... ) "'ithdraw
10 Mcc"d pl ace: Ihcirs i. a 5ubsidia r')' r~,
mou th of tl>e child with hi. th umb lond prays thot j",us will soon
mabie it to l>ear his word and confl'5S th" fai th. Not leut beo::ause of Inc option. allowed and the possibilit i<"S of
varying Its form. this ri t~ of baptism can become an imp"""h'~ and
Omc/us.", of tke Rit, gripping communa l ~k.obration thaI does justice to 11K> intrinsic
If the spati.llayout of tho! church all ows. thc retire congrega tion meaning of the ~,,1int. For tho! ch ild being baptized, it becomes the
procl'SSei from the foot'" the altar as. b.ptismal song is being beginning o f • joum")' 01 f.lth which needs tlK> continued ""Ip of
sung, n... ",Iebrant briefly l'I.'CiUi the b.apti.m just adminislerl.'d the rommunity if it is 10 ....iIIch its go.ol. "
and looks ahead'" the u.c:raments of con firma tion and Eucharist
that.I'\' still to be no<:cl"f'd; then all join in t"" Lord's Pra)'l'l'. TH E lNCO Il PO . ... T ION OF ... nULTS INTO THE COMM UN tTY

n-.. ""I.-br.n tthen bl<'56eS the mot""'" of tlw newly b.aptized chil. HWoriali Sw'"')'
.I.....,. their f.then. u... godpart'nlS, lond lhe other faithful (four fo •. llw Christi"n community reali~ed at • "ery urly dale tha t the w.y
of an .dult to fJi th Jnd IIw C llurch ilia process 01 growth that u k...
mula ...... gin·n). Finally, an u.sler WIng Of the Magnifica t is ~ung_
_ ti rneand usuany n~,b Iwlp from the institutio ... Christian
-wtIrn- lher.. is lhe practice of bringing b.apti~f'd infants 10 II>. al""r
lik rNJUi"" a training .nd protection .... hich .s a ruk> can "'" pm-
of the BkssftI Virgin Mary. th is custom i. oils.. "ed if appropriate"

I (Riwof II.>plism lot ChildrtT\ 71 ).

To ... m up: this n_ riteofb.aptism for child ren may to. r'\'S'IrdI'd as
vided only by the concI'fIe local community. TM Inull ..·.. s the """
""blishment. by the end of the ...... id century. of lhe institution 01
the c~tfChulTIfNlt for lhole _king b.pmm. Hippolytus of Rome
in t,;, ApasleJit TnaoI,,,,,,, (beginning of th~ third ~ry) gi' ''''' uS a

d<!lail«l picture of the structure 01 the ca!o!c humenatc at the center
dude5. rite lor , multis tage '"techumenat~. a simplified rite at
0/ the f\\!sh:m Chur<:h.
ad"U inillalioro, an abbr~" ialt'd rite for use in dang<"\" of d"ath. in·
n." av ..... ge length of thc catechumenate was Ih ...... Y"dr$. During ,lfU(tKms on ~aring unu lechi~<!d ad"lIs for oonfimution and
this time the applicants fOl" Nplism rec .... ,<ed instrucoon in the I. ith ttw E ucha ri~, .nd a rit(' at ini tiation for chlldren of school age. The
(cat ..dll'Si,) that dtlHd on e~ occ~on with a prayer a nd an im. foIlowing 5ummary duls only with tht- full catech"m ....... te and !o01-
postion 0/ h.lnd:i. Some ~ks (usua lly al tho> b<>ginning 0/ lent) bo,- emn iniliiotion.
lore tho> adminisn.tion 01 N plism allhe EIosII'"r Vigil they began a
1M Otrni:MIKm 11{ 1M Orttrhllmt"Utt Qnd Inr';"lion
period of mon:-lnt""5f prt'pIraiion; they now bec;a ..... known as
1lw Roman rile gi"e5 tht- name ~pnoca""'hummate" to lhe Ii.......
rompr:1ml", Of "candida,"" (I'lomolly: " _ kns" ; al Ro ..... lhey were
also ca lled rl«Ii, "rne! m ones~). during " 'hich ind ividuals experienc" IM r fim inter..st in the Chris-
u.n f&ilh, ""tabli)h contact w ith belie-'erJ or Christian groups, and
This.,..nod 1It-gan w ith an examination oflho>andidates' manner tIowly do?\<e lop ." ini' ial faith and a ..... d ine.; for con,·"",ion . The
o f life. II ,,·as also marbd by frequmt attendu.c" a l liturg;e. o f the derisi,-e facror t....... ill W t theM' "symp"thil".t'rS'" .....1......,'-1"'-"1 by
" 'oro and by numerous oth ... lil\Orgiu l actions .lOCh as '-""'rrisms. IIw Christi.1l5 around them a nd ex"....ience an openne55and ht-an·
impositions of h.ln(li, signing> with Ih<o o;ross, """pilon of ,"" <n>ecI Iftl Love on th" p.an o f the Christian community. No formal lilUrgi-
and tho> Lord ', PraY"', lhe givins of b,"sed salt, and 110 on. Thfo re- cal. a!lebration i$ con rw<:!ed with the p rea t.l<:hum...,at.. and the
cq>Iioo 0/ the th.n!e "sao:n m...,ts o f in itiation " (bapli,...,. ronfimu - pniod o f o?\·angeliution .
lion, Euchirisl) look pl"", during the Eull'"r Vigil Th .. neophytes
The '" t«hum ....... '" Pl"Op",o - un<lcr!olood her.. as the I"""i<>d 01 .....
r newbom11""" ent""'" upon • time of myslagogka l instruction
mote prrpu atlon for initialion-t>q;iru. with a rile of ~lanc~
thot occupied I"" whole 01 EaSt<T week: during these daY" they
into the order of catechumtm •. If 1M a ttr.elion to the Chri,ti.n faith
w~,... drawn d""f'CT inll'llhe my~t~ry 01 Christ and his commun ity
hu grown s trong enoullh that on~ can Sp"ak 0/ Ih~ beginnings of
and we .... instruct,od moru fully in the ';gnifica ne.. of the ..cramt"Tl1s
of initiation. f.lth j" Christ Ind if th~ pcrllOn i, determined to .sk for ae<:."taoce
into the Chu"'h. thero he Or !Ih~ can ccrtainly be accepted .mon~ the
Once th" maSSo'S lIt°san to ('nter the Ch u",h in the po<t.consl.ntin. catechumens . The ap pl icants. al",,~ with the friends and acquainl.
ian p"riod, th e c" .." hum ..",ate wi th its ~" eral stag ... gradually lost anct'II who have a.crompanie-d trn.m thus for on their iou""",y, g3tho:r
it. meaning and lina lly fell into di,uM'. Most o f the liturgical com. in the vestibule ofthe chun:h or in some oth .... sui tabl~ pl""e; he ....
pon""ts and It'xts of lhe cal<..ochumenate " "" '" retained . howcver, they a<'l! presentt'd to the local ( ommunity or its "'presentati ..."..
and (Towd«l tog"tht-r into a single baptis mal rite wilhout any inlt'r- Ind u... ~Ilobr~n t asks them aboullhei. """I'·e. Those .... ho hav~
vals of tim~ bctw",," them. After "arious romplai"'" aboul this un_ helped lhe applicants come this fa r ~tt"'" to tht-i' .... adiness 10 """"'
.uitab~ rite Iht- Congfl'8ation at Rittos ga,·", p"rrnission in 1962 to .nd follow o,ri$l. Thnc witnesses are lhen:fore calk><! "sponsors~
brea k it up in lO M'\""" s tages. bUI it rna.de no changes in the ronten!. and are a'lked to rontinuc he lping and guiding the applicants.
Va tican I[ tad,k'<l the probll!m in a"""'" radical way and ordeTed
A1tI!f • prAyer o f th. nksgiving the a!lebranl (and. if desin:d. the
lhe restoration 01 a m ullistag~ ca lemu .......... le for ad"l", and chil.
SJ>Of\5OfS a nd 0Ihe<s) Jigns the applicants o n lhe for.,),.,.ad with the
drm o f sc hool.ge (SC 6Hi6; Dtoclft on the Mi!l6ionary Activity of
I.... Ch"",h I~). The ""'" rite appeared on Jan".ry 6, 1972. and a sec.
ml85 anti. If desired, !llrir 01"'" sen51'S, and leads them into tht-
chun:h. After a litursr oIlhe word the ap plants a .... given u-opy
ond, revised <!dition in 197...
of dw N..w TO&ume-nt (and a """"'~ In In.- msWng inlen: ' ' 'Ions lhe
n." new ritual publis.hed by Rome a, a model (an tditio typn) in. C~UI1\ft\S.ft "f""ia.Uy commended to tM I...." of God. nw.
names of the appllao"ts. who al ...ad y belong 10 the Chu",h in a {'W.

tlin <k-g_ ("th<- ChuTdl enbrM<5 tM cat«hUrnt'M lOS ill; ...... n ... ith ttw-eo. 5;\CflIments of initiarion. they «>nfirm This O1'5OIution by writ-
I rnotht'r ' s I...·e and concern· , Introduction to the Kitl' of Ouisti.m in8 their ",,!TIeS in a speci.al book. As a sign thai the godp.lrI>Ilb in
IniTiation fur Adult5 41), are pIacro in the li~ of cah:d!u_. turn an> n.-ady 10 .><n'pI their t I;~bilirils. they .'" in"ited " to
pia« their hand on the shoul<Ieo" of the candidaIII' whom they "'"
The foIlo ...ing period is me;lnt to be one of gro ... th in flith and
piEsenting'"" (RiN of Cluisrian Initiation of Adults \33). The rite of
Christi. n lifr. Of decioivr importance here are f"'I"5OfI~1 con t;>eb
eitel;m Of rnroIlmmi 01 narnI'S dos0!5 with int.. cd.ions, althe ~
Ind ro.Wt'nIo/Ition. within IN> circle 0/ catcchummt. This circle is
01 which I ..... a>1eb .. nl exlends ""' hands in bl_ing ..... er the cal<'--
alw IN! '·l.... "" for 'pedal instructions which, togetho!r wilh lho> con-
v,-... ~tions on lho> fa ith, are.o help ihf> gro ... th of faith . Tr....s.. in-
s tructions , as w ell U Ihe li turgies of the ...ord il 1M Sunday The six w""ks ending in ihf> East'" V;gil are a "period of purificaliun
Euchari st. m.>y be followed by "pray," for dcliwrmel'" (exo.- and o:nlightCT'lm<>nI"' and are marked by rites implemo...... ting this pu.-
cisms) 3nd bll'S<! ings_During this period, tOO.Ih<- candidates should pcet'.n- inciuoc, fin;t of all, tht' "!lCrutinics" or major """rcisms. In
try tu find ~ uitable godp.arents. iheM', by means of silenl praY'-"" and inlC!"Ct :dons OICCUmp.mi<:d by the
~ I8lgth of the catedtumenat<o d~s ",li rely on '""' situ.ation
ImpoOIiIion of hands. I"" candldaloS .... to be stmlgthl'ned in their et-

of th .. c."""humen. As. ruW. il should talet< at \('. 81 • ~ r. When

a. to rcroounce the E,·jj One and follow Christ """" do. dy_ Theex-
ptiie:o« of the communily must detennino! how many of the ttm.o.-
th<- tim .. com", to a'lk. lor ad. ........ ion 10 baptism, lhe romml,lnity pro-
ldwduJed scrutirUes (an...- the homily on the third, iourth, and fifth
vid ing tM c.It'ChU""",", III' should co ....... to a decision logether ... ith
Sunda)'5 of Lent) ilfl" actuaRy «kbt ~ted.
The cat""humen. From !hi!; rommunity the Lat ...... llhuuld tho;n
ehoooio! as . sponsor """"""'" who hal; ~ of IIpI'ciaI aIiSi'ltance in ()Ih&oor rites of this peri<><! .... the presentation of the Cnoed .nd the
lhe practic\> of . Christi<m lire and who can now bNr ... i_1O lhe ~'I Pray.r to the candidates n- 1"'0 rilt'S may tab- place during
lived f'ilh of lho> applic.nl. CommuNl5ponsorship is also f"""i ble • weel<d.ay M;w;.~ the Wid and fifth Sunday!! 01 Lml_ Th<>y camo:
and Is especially appropri.", when the e."""humen has had his or Into rxistence in Christian antiquity at a time ...""" the "d;scip~ of
h~r first eXp"rienc'-'S of the failh in a youlh group or the family cir· M!lKy" was slill pr;>Cticed. Nowadays the eetCl roony mighl empha-
cie or I f.mil y Ihal has befriendl-d him or Mr." " Iizt. meditation on Ihr two ""'IS.
The period of proxim.>le p .... paration for baptism usually begins on The Rite of Ouistian Initiation of Adults provides for a speciallilu'KY
lhe- first Sunday 01 Lent. lhe period of peniteotilll p~ra lion IOf oIlhe ... ord fOf ~y Saturdlty morning; the- ,,--citation of the <-Tl'<'<l; the
Eas ter. Admi55ion 10 the groupol candidates for baptism presup- ~htu rite; and choosi"S of a b;,ptistNll "" ......
poses Ihat t ..... c. ndid.Il- ho~ unde.gone . geou;neconversion. ha, n. actuaI "cdo:t>ntion 01 initiation" Of incorporation taks pla<.'<' dur-
an adequale knowledge 01 the Christian f.lTh. .nd Is firm in f. ith
ing the bii1'l" Vogil; the community should be prt'polred lor it by , "';1-
and 10\'", T1Icer in,·oI,oed in the work 01 I~ cal«ilu lt\eNie mUSI
able sermons and dialogues. It bop ... after the ptU",tation of the
,..Iie judgml'nt on these points. Admi,sion 10 candidacy <X"<"U1$ in •
andldail:S and. brief insIruction by the «,ioobnnl " , th tJw> titany 01
liturgical «" """"'Ykno ... n a'l the · ";Ie 01 e ll'("tion " .... · enro\lment
the Minis. This is foIkno.·ed by the bleseing oI lhe b.1tp n.ma1 water, the
of ""ones.." The candidalESan> now kno ... n u " the ~- rchosen ~oIS.tan and ..... tlw profc .t!x.n oIf.. ith. and lheacto{
ones1 or ' omtprtmlt"S ("....,ken-~ ~. The iIIlOirtting 0{ the C10WIl of the head thot foIk>ws upon
Tho OriN oI eJalion" begins wilh Ihr p~tation 01 the candidates ttw ad oIb.1tptizing is normolly omitted 5~ COO"Ifirmatioo is ""minis..
and Ihr h.'Stimony of thcir godp" ........ t!I. After lhe Cimdldates have been teed during the Vigil. Since the anointing Is omitted here, then the
q"""rioned and have <OIemnly pledg<'<! thai they desi", 10 """;ve Ihr only two ll'"I"IUining explanatory rileS . re '""' clothing ... ith the b;,ptis-
nW garmmt and tho: giving of the bapti!ilN1 candJoo. The b.lptizing
JA its! is It...- ministeT of ronfirmatloo whidl then foIlow&.
The ritual of initiation ~r d-'eI' it!i climax md rompl..tMln in the ensu·
ing a.lobntion of the Eutharist. Dllrin~ IhiI cfloobration sproal atlm · OJapler Ten
lion is given to the newly baptized and their sp::>nsor5; th"Y' togethtor
with thrir rcl.tiv8. Tl'<l'ivf rommunlon in both kind ...
During tho: time beo-...... &ste< and I'enkrost the ,"'vpt.ytes ;ue to ""r The Sacrament of Confirmation
em..c the new life given to them during the catechumrnale and EllS! .....
Vogi!; they art' a~ to iidlievt a dtipi. uruiofStln<1in8 of it This pi, iod A«ording to Itu> Chu rdl·. tradition, u...., i. a se cond ""cramen! of
of postbapmmal aM *
is tI .. [efoo~ aOO ai led a pt't"k>d of "mysu · iNtlalion. known as "confirmation." Th~ N ID<' is derived from the
Lltin ccmfi'm~lio. wllkll is 10 be understood ~s mc~ning "a st"'ng!hr
gogy. " that is. ofbeing "led " (oW. • "1e.<1in8 toward" 0< "guiding ")
rt"iOn' deeply into the "mystery"" of Christ. It int thr 5lOme ~ a pe- enInf;." Th(' mn1i"" a l theologians.also used tl>o: NID<' "imposition
riod of gftM."ins c]c . . to therommunity. The new rite "",,"ides of u.. hand " (.... n l/j '·"'r-itio). The £.a~It...., Churdtes colJ this &aCra


that at the end of this "great EIIst.... adave" (the ~'en weeks bdween awnt Mytt»i (Ihat is. anilinting willi or chrism) and describes
E..5t ... 1IJId ]\,ntecoo>t) thm! be • cdebo.tion; depending on cirnrn!. huffed u a "strenglhening " (/trltIoiols,j) and a ·compll'l:ioo ·
stance this may be li«Om~ by eo:~ fetj,me. The bishop (Idri&sif).
should mak an e4fort to remain in close contJct with the!;e ",-ow rnemr
hers of the Church and . ~ to oelcbnle It...- Eucharisl with !hem at O.'(;IN AND ME AN tN G O f cO ." n.~ A T t OS
IeuI ~ a year. e!p ially if he himstIf wIS urub]j, to pie ide at their Ccnfirm;I rion m usl bot ' .;e...1N! as "err clo5cly conrot'Cled with !lap--
tIIm. The bath of w.ter, accompanied by invocation of the name of
Jeu- or of the entire Trinity, ~ffects an inrorporalion into Chrisl and
From time 10 time the rifot't to....slore Iht multistage catechumeNte ~ body. the Chun:h. The action has it!i effect through the Holy
for ad ult!i has btocft disparagtd as an e><tttise In ard>eoIogism . nd as Spirit and il . Iso best..,w. I"" Holy 59i,il. AI , vel)' early time, non~
simply a hobby of historians of the liturgy. It Is true, of COI1t"Ie. th3t the thelas, tht baplismal ""ion s....,ms .Ir~ad y to havf included an im

old aulOtNOtically ben.t than the new. In this instance, howe>'''' poIilion of the ha"'!.(k'e ActS 1 ~.sf.). The .ctrismund heresies lhat
the """,,,"ration lor !heucnmenl$of initiation in\"OI,"eS onore than in-- "".ng up in the firtl ""nlury appa","lly brooght . growing danger
IrllecuIoI Irarning it musl .t,., be a training in thfo faith and in. life of that despite • • h,red baptism the conr>ection with the aposto lic
faith. This. how""'t'l", "'l~ • period long enough /or it'SMg and pr0- Church and with the ongoing trafl'l0nH6ion of the won:! of God !NI
bation, lesl Wf' rm.m ~ apin to Iht ""I"" fidal Christianity that w .. carried on therein might be _ak.ml!d or enlirely aboondoned.
ct\aractlo!riz<od the Constanrinim ag<'. Furfr.,t ",,""c. the 5acramcnts of It ~ d..,irabk:, therefore. to lay sp«ial emphasis on the impo-
I initiation contain. walth of thrology and spi rituality that can be as·
similated only w ith rime and in 5t1gd."
Ioilionof!hoe hand al baptism (as we find being dcmt as e., ly as
Acts 8:1'"-17) .nd to ... se, ,.., this imposition 10 the inIf leader of the
rommunlty, namely. the bishop as successor to the apostles. This 1m·
poIilion became an t ffecti"e sign of communion with the apostolic
Churd\ .nd of the ,..,...Uant dul)' of Spirit ... n,;piftd ....... ice.
Thlf hypothesis I. confirmed by the first t~l~si" e ""counts of iniri r

.non in Tt"ft\Illian and HippolytU5 of Rome. 60th wri\e"rS IlpUk no!

only of. postbaplismal anointing by the baptizing pri"'" but also Ibm 10 be sep<l laled in rimf and plac ... ThU$ St . JerolTW' WroU>
ol on imposition of the bishop', ""TId tllat communicates the Holy arou.nd 380: ". do not deny thll it iua~ia"lical CU'llom lor the
Spirit •• nd a signing of the f"",head . Hi ppo/ytus includes. in addi. bIIhop 10 trave l 10 thow who ha,'( bHn b.optized by J>ri""'s and
lion, an o>pi~l anointing o f the lI.s.d.' Tlw> impoo.ition of Ihe d CO'\II in pIKes far dlsu .n l from thl! large cities. in order thoIt he
hand and anoinling by the tnsloop, logether .... illl I ..... pray ... of the lnIy Impo»oe hands on Itwm and inv~ the Holy Spirit upon
rommunily. thus berome .. ffieKious signll tn..t lhe bilptized """"'" 1hmL" He sees Justification for lhest' "ronfinnalion jounII'ys" in
n... by the po .... l'I oI lne Holy Spirit bee""", a rompleto- ..... mbO'< 01 AcII 8:14- 17, .and ad"': " E,·", if 1M authority of :script..... did not
Ihe Church; tw or sh~ NS all the ri&hts of a Ctu"i.nan but is alse> oo~­ ""f't'Oi I the practi«, the i. S"oth",nl of Ihe uni~ Church would
gated tu W~ in the Church' . ....o rl< (Sft Ihe biblical dv.risrru; th;tt hIo~ the Ioru o f a command .... This sepa •• tion 0I1he pilots of Ihe
.re forms 01 servi« 10 the Church). inIliiotion rite wU certainly not .n lde.aI. II is ~ expresly pro-
'fIded in the new rite of Confirmation that when adullsor dtildn:n
Tlw> delC' iptioro o f this part of the lota l ril.. o f inlli,\tion asa «giving
of the Holy Spirit« has, l\owpo,.l'I, foslond the mistakm idea IIuot
01 KhooI age an!' b.optized 1M b.optWng priel hi""",1f can. if the
LW"", is not presenl, administer ronfumalion botfoo ( the ensuing
the ptf'Vious riM o f ..·. 11'1' b.oplism does "'" """lOW It... Holy Spirit.
•• br ltion of lhe Euch.>rist.'
This i. an <TrotI«lu, interpretation. For the N ..... Tesbmmt. and.,..
p!'cially , ..... Pauli"" w ritings. maQ- It perf«tly d<oa< ,hat the Holy T HE N~W RITE OF CO NF 1 ~M AT 1 0 N
Spirit is alse> rtcft,,~ in 00IIn«ti0n w ith b.oprism . In Paul 's ey.... The ~ rileof ronfi nnation oommiuioned by Vaticmll ar-
«tu t.. in Christ" means equi,·ak'ntly " tu ~ in the Spiri' " (Sft I Cor pN~ in the lummer of 19'71lS. IalCid.. of tM Romln Pontifical.
6:11. 19). TheGospcl o/John, too, presu~ 1Iuo, rebirth " from The new ril<! emphasizes the intrinsic connKtion of ronfirmation
.... 1l'I and the Spiri' " (I n 3:S) is • single evmt On 7;)7 . .)9) . Jt i. til ....... wid! Chrislian initi.tion IS. whole.and provides that asa rule it is
lore preferable 10 s p"ak of a speci.1gift 01 t .....• Spirit in confirmation. to be odmini$lered wilhi" lho> celebration 01 tho> Euch.irist thelhird
Thi. in""''Pre'ation _gf<...., .... Itll .... h.t is $aId in the doeuments of ...,...m••11 of initiatio" (no. 13). nw $aCre<! action is to have. fes-
V.tican II. The Coun<:il says, among other things: "By In., """,rom",,1 tive en..rlcter and. In "I...... of liS ecdesiologicaI5ignilkanc.. , is 10 be
of confirmation tho!y {t ..... failhful).", mo", fully bound to the ulelll.N>d as fa r IS posslbl .. with 1hI! p.rticipation of lhee,,"'" c<>m-
C hurch and Iht Holy Spi rit endow, them wilh special s!n'ngtll . so munlly (no. 4).
tha i tho>y are mon!' strict ly OOllgoolo spread and defend tho> fai th, 'The bishop is (11 1td the "primary mini,ler"· of ronfirmatioro; the
both by word and by dl'<'d, as tTlle witnesses 01 Christ. '" This pa ... Iaw .Lso gl"es lho> facu lry 10 confi r m 10 l... rilori.1 prelatesa"d terri-
$ag~ is ciN>d in tho> Apostolic Constilution Di"i~ •• "",,,,rtium ""tu.
torIIolabbots, vlca .. and pref«ts """"tolie, '",,"Ioli<: administrators
' .... o f August 15, 1971, in wh ich Paul VI promulgoled and and diocui1n odminislralOn within the limiU of their territory and
approved th~ ~w rl te of confirmalion . n... meaning of confirma. whl~ lhey hold office (no. 71). In addition . any priest CaJ\ confirm
lioro i5 d r:scribed in si mila r 1"015 I" ,he Introduction 10 tt.... new ril<> w ...... h .. " baptizins adult!! or chiLdren of catecJwotical age in tIw ab-
of confirmation: " This giving 01 the Holy Spiri l con forms bel ....·'" ' nee o f the bishop or whm III' is rec";ving lhose already baptizOO
more fully IOChriSl and SlrMgth",s lhem ~ tn..11hey may booa. into full communion with the Church. I" d.nger of death any prWst
wiln"", tu Christ for t~ build ing up of hi5 110dy in faith and Io~. "' can validly ronfinn . Furtlwtm ......, bishops "nd the abov .. named of-
From the Iounh ~t ury oro. Ih .. importa "", given to the episcopal lidals and dlptarlft can coopl priests /or rnnfinnalioro when IIII'
impoo.ilion 0I 11Ie hand and "'oin ting .and 10 It... special gift of lhe nwn~ 01 thoow boring confinmd is Ia~. A«lAding to the ......·
Spirit therein ree..h 'l!d WI5 signific.an Uy Mightened by the fact thoIl Cod .. of Canon Law (an. 8&" I) IIII' d ioe I -'"' bishop u", in c...... of
in many .. n!'U "xl~1 cin:Um5tu\('ft uuled rnnfil'nUllion """ bop- ,_ Ii\)" give ~ or more p' w. tlS the fillCUlty 10 ronfinn.

PnoyH of tho! bi~op for the gifts of the Holy Spirit (he and the
With ",g.rd 10 1M age fOT confirTnation: by 1M md of lhe lhirtemth ditIf6 mini~e!1 of the SIC"ment extend their hands 0\"'" Ill<> candi-
c~tury il had becorTW! ~eltabli5hed custom 10 pCl5tpone ronIirm.-
I,,,,, tu I~ """I'flth }flt. Ao;cOtding 10 I~ new ril~ bishops m~y fOT - ).
paotoral r.,.!IOIl5~ an age INt ~s m~ wilable (.rod thai may A/'Klil'lting 01 the forehead with Ori$m In tht kmn of a cross
tlM' ... f~ be rroo:n advan«d)." One such reason may be "10 implanl (which is tho! Impos!tion o f the hand "j. and words of adInini.5tra·
d...."ly in 1M livel olIN f~ithful COnIplete obo:dioPnce 10 Chml the tIoP: "N.• bt> _led with the Gift 01 the Holy Spirit" This new for·
Lord and a firm witnessing to him," nw~,..d Code of 1983 ..... tIIuIa was cho5oen for its similarity 10 lhe one used in the 8yz.antinoo
commends 1M trMlitioMI "age of disaenon" bul also gi,.... episco- QmrdI; it replaces the o kkr formul.li: " N .. I , ign you with the sign
p;o l conit-ft'nCft the rlg:htlO det~ a diffl'ftnl age (Can. 891)." of tho! (J'OI6, .nd I ronfirTto you with the duiJm of "",I,·alion. In the
Unlorhu\;1tely. I~ later lhe a~. I~ loci et becomes I~ intriMic _ 01 tho! FlI"",,".• _." The new ly ronfirmed ao:tpts the admirus-
ronJll"CIion ~ confimuori<m .nd b.lptism. and the more diffi- awliorl with an "Amen."
cult il i!O 10 ,'e the originalllO!quentt of INIptism.. confirm'l!' b' c t' ions for t~ newly confirmed. their parents a nd sponosors.
.. nd Eudtamt. ......
....,. tho! entin' Chun:h follow.
The institution of spcmonhip is ma.intainood in pril>ciple. C .... 796. During tho! enJiJing ('eIebratiOll of the Eucha.... t lhe newly"...·
L of tho- old Cede Nos ~ le~ uled. and il ~ recommended in· firmed may lake pan In theprepararion of the gifts, A solemn bless-
sINd tNl the godparenls _1 b.toptism be ~lso the opomors II ronfir- Ing or • prayer O\"fr tho! people may replo<1' the usual blessing at
mahun. thus making clearer tho! close connection of these two
~.ments (l~lroduction. nO. 51. The ne<InI!Iity oIhaving a Sf""'"OT
thu nd of M'5~.
for ronfinnallOO IS nOi .bsoIole ("as far u possible: i.lys Can. 892 ~ new rile omits the old... custom (In u5e 5ince tho: thineenth cen·
of the new Codt). The role of the sponsor is 10 see to il. along with tury) 01 the "slap on the cheek: which had acquired a unique and
tIM' p."",.,s. th.t the ronflrmed person fulfills lhe obligations ac· dbtrOoCting promlr.e-n« In lho! minds o f confirmand •.
cepted With the HCUrrI('nt (ibid.).
Confirmali"" Is usu.lly 10 be .dml nlst<.'l'ed du ring Ill<> <1'lebration The Eastern ritllS. unlike Ille Western. have always p.,'••
~rved til<'
of Moss . If In 5pO.'Cial Ca'!eS ills adminisrered " ulside 01 Mass. it tempor.l connection of the thre<! rites of in itiation. In the ByUln!i""
mUSI be pr~'C~'<.k'<l by a IIlurgy of I~ word thai is model..d on thai rile. afte. donn!ng itIei. clothing and a/ter a proyer by the priest.
of the M.",. f.lcreplon the Sunday, of Advenl. Lenl. and El.sler. the newly baptized are anointed with my",n on 'o",hea d, 1')"....
other ""Iemnities. Ash Wednesday. and Holy ........ k. the rormulary noH, mouth. eus. breasl. and '"I; uth anointing is aa:ompanied
0/ one of the two Ritu.l Ma56E'S of Confi rmation rontamro in the by the formu!a: "Seal of the Gilt of the Holy Spirit. AmI'fl" Altel" a
Sacra"""'taty nuoy be used, C haf'I'I'T V of the Rite of Confi""ati"" Eucharistic liturgy of the word the confirmed (including infants)
giv<"S numerous wggestlons foo- the bibbcal ",.dinK"- are Immediately given communion.
Wh.,n confirmation Is .cImini"tred during Ma05. it tak"" plac:e In the other Eastern rilel the newly IMpdzed IiUwise re<eiVt""·
aftef the gospel a nd conlai"" the following parts: era' anolndnp. bul the$oe are d one bofore they put on their doth·
l'rcsentarion of the ca ndidate,; and homily 01 tho: bishop.
ins:: they an! "(JOW!'IIed" with. headband. and. in many ril..s. . ...
alJo "girded"; only among tho! El.stem S)-"1'i.M is the ,"",pNsis put
R"""""al of b.lptismalpoOllli!1e5 (renundari<m o f Satan and sin and
00 the bnp<»itlon of hands."
PlOtt"',"" of faith).
In'' itarion to tM communlty 10 pray in 1ilenC1'. l1'III' Refoi noel' "'jailed the traditional SKra ....... t of con/i ....... hun.
claiming tNl il denil!d t~ power and effkacy 01 baptism. In its
place th.-y devel0p0!d, in thei r catoxhetical P ' i>Cti«, a liturgical act
b~ w!>iet! at a cenain a~ (abou l 1210 H) the baptized;or., · ro......,...
CT~Ied· as full ~mbers of the com.mUJ\il~ ond .... itdmitl1'd 10 the
Chapter Eleven
Lon:!". Supp<'1". This act WII5 abo si"en the roam" · confirmation. •
UTI(\.,rstanWng of thit rite has W>dE~ m.ny ctuong.-., and even
loday then! is r'\oOt full "p,",lhent on il. Confi..... ation often includes
an imposition of the hand. Each ronfurnand usually 1"I!<?i,.... a bIbli-
cal lexl Ihat Is to serve 115 a ",ide fort~ ye.>rs ahad."
The Celeb ration of the Euch arist
-Euchari5l . (w!>ich i" Gn!ek o rigiNUy signified an attitud .. of gra .....
The · Order of Cmfi ......rion Of Imposition of thr Haner among the ~a! . • or thanksgiving) is the ..... me of the s.o~t whidl the
Anglicansdosely foIlow5l~ Rom;on rite (but without theanoint- CathoIk Chun:h usu.tlly uUs the ·MoSlS· M liwo "S;ocrifiCl' of th..
ing Qt signin8 0f the fuoeheood). ~ rire is regoordl!d auignifyinga ....M: and which the RefOfTl\el'"5 ul! the · lonI'. Supper.· So muc!>
personal ratification of the baptUnul ~"'ises; tho- Chun:h joins lID been thoug!>1and wrineJI aboul lhis s.ocramentthat an · o ut·
lhot- ronfi ...... nds with its int~ In contemporary Anglican h ,· . uch as Ihis book p rcwides, cannot ",,""min<> in ck>t.ail all the ...
rites the $aCT.mmtal aspecu of ronfirmation (imposition of hands petti ~Ioptd by e..egesls, dogma and the !>istory of dogma, and
with 0.- without anoinling with Chrism) now immftl ialely follow llturPcallCience.
baptism .
~ .re fiv~ puIIoIge!I in ,t.. New Testament thl! deal ..xtensiwly
wlth this IIIcr."",nt a5. "'giCY left uS by JE-s"" Christ.! a m ... f....•
ring. finl of Ill, to the four ".«ounts of institution," which in tum
developed Out of two Mre,ms of tradltiOr'l: """ ... pl"t.'M'flted by Mark
14:22,25 and Matthl!W 26:26-29, tile oth .... by Luke 22:15-20 .nd 1
Corinthians 11 :2J.2S. "Ca . e/ullnv('Stigation .hows that the Lukon
a«ount i. not Sime!.Y a ropy and deve lopment of the Pauline '..:r·
Ilion, bul thot uchOf It.. two goes ba\:k 10. vcnion of tt.. text that
must have orlgillated In G ....... k·l-I"". king Ar'ltioc!> .nd bct:n f..,nnu-
\ailed around the y~• • 40.·' The> iIOUrrt' of tt.. Markan acrounl (and
of tho! Matthein, which is depC'ndCr'lt on the M.rkan) muSi ha"e
bftn ....e-o oIdl'l', with ilS roots in . vl'f)' ....Iy So:miti( tradi tion MId
its origins in tht first <ko;ade after I.... d~.th of jesus.'
The origiroal form of the acc:oullt of i",lilutinn "'''''' ha,'e been
IOmdhing: like t!>is: • And he look bfe,ad, spokr the b]I'SIIing ........ it,
~ It,.nd ~"f II IOthfflo. And ~ !-i1id: 'l"ltis is my body, ... h;ffi
Is given for thf "'~ny, Do Ihis In "'""Dr}' of ......!' In lib manner
abo ttw cup afler ttw ~I, wilh thor word", 'This ~up is th~ new
covftl.lnl in my blood.'·'
'\"h(' fifth p..sA&, to which r ,ncrrro js John 6 :411-59; ......,., tooken in
conjunction ..-i!h u... oth,e,- four p.ossagt!! this sheds fun"", theologi.
blo!t5ing o\"er the b"",d and wino> "'''''''' spokn .f""a regubr "'....1.

I (".1 Ughl on th.. .,uct.. ristk myM<'I'}'. '

JONMo"S 8etz, a ~of dogma&, who dM,od In 198oI;md.,....,
"they " ."'" then rompletely oepor.ted from StICh a m .... I .nd «>m- .
billed wilh lhoe liturgy of pr.y .... on Sund .. y mornings. One of Just'"
Martyr 's writings shows that "n.>und the middle of the -=ond «:11-
(If 1M most "";omt students of lho> Eurru.riSl in recent decades, I\Uy lhe ctlebl"lMm of the F.uch,uiSi w.~ pl"t'aded by" bturgy of
.urns up as follows !he ronte.1t of the biblical p;!55.1ges jU:;I d"-"<l; the word .uch.s ,,'''S cuSlom.uy in thoe Jl'wish s~sogues of the
dly! The two liturgies fusM 10 rom. .. singl. C<'k.<bration. The fin;1
"If we take. romp rehensi'-e ,-jew 0/ , .... biblical message concem-
complete wording of an early Christian Eu<hari$t that has. rome
;'''8 Ihe Eu.;hansl, th~ lines 01 continuity and the ,ustalning ideas down 10 U$ is in the A~t"'ic Tradili(}!1 of Hippolylus, a p"""l 01
e merge .11 the mt)' (" dea rly. Such an o" .. rvlew yi,-Ids the following
Rome; hi. """ lise dales lTOm ab"u' 215.' Thi~ docu"""'t, Ii"" SUMe-
synthesis; The more the N ew T""tamenr spea ks of the subj«1. tilt, que"l'1 ones, offers te~ts intended simply a' rn<')(!.,ls that rould be
mol'(' clearly II prodaims the idmrity of the eucha ristic gift, wilh Ml.\pted by celebrants.
tho! rorpo ...... 1person of Jesus, who su,,,,,,def'S himself to • bloody
expi.nory d"'th on u..,. cross, for us and our sah-ation---and who The tonlinued .p.... ad of lhe Chul'Ch led 10 the rise of a "umber of Ii-
gi"f5 himst'lfin the ""<Tamenl as our food in oro.,. 10 apply 10 us h.tIgM:al centers. each with its own organiza~ 01 , .... UtUrgy ~nd
' .... I!'demprion wrought by hi. <lNth. This rednnptlon is thud", ..
.' H.nri.lUy identic..! with himsdf. with hi. person: ir>camal..-d. &i"-
Ing hilTlSE'l/ as;> s.ocrifi< .. 01 expiation, and in aU things ;;acting for
I . «i.tJly of the EucharisL I UlnnOi hen- go lnlo the p<"OIli."he5 of
01 ~ce>Irr$. We !laW in Ch"pter II tNt C<'nain lines of de-
..cIops",",,1 w ..... in I.CI followed; furt ....... h~'orical d"'~ ":rn bo>
our ... 1\'aUon. Th~ p~~of this p<'1"5On'~ p.>SI SI~ing "CI is Ih ....... Sivft\ below in the ""position 01 the ~b" Inurgy. At this po",t I
forecloscl)'bound up wilh his r..,,,1 p":>encr. ~ IhI- Euchari~ i. limply c.n attention 10 a dogm.oric Slaternt'lll 01 It.., ~ourK1l of
thoe SMTamem.1 pl"\"Sf'rK"e of the ""ti... savinl! e"ent known as li'rnl, the~" is the rmdering-p/"O"S(>rn ("I'-.rIQhO). I"" mem0-
'/l'su.o;,' in which tm, p<' ..son and his work Ionn ,n indi,·jsibl.. unity. rial and tlw ~pplic:ation of the ......... for...n sacrific~ of Christ on lhe
This i~ the f~i th whkh all 01 tm, Nt"W Testament wilnl'S!e"S attesl."' CI'OoIII (OS 1740; Neu .... r·Dupui. 1546). With Ihls sta l\"lm"nt the Coun-
dl cle.rly "'..... ned al the beginning ollh~ modl'm po.."nod II,..
The two terms which J. Betz constantly ,,_,.,..J 0' I"'rw""J p"'_
basic Ideas we .. w to be P""""" t in t .... New Tl'!il~mcnl ",",ure"".
~nr( and pmt"trr:. r1 thr 11("1 -aN inl""ded 10 bring OUt the point tha i
in 1m, euchariSlic: cek-bration not only is JE"!l"~ himself prt.~I. but In view 01 th<- nu...->U. and not olways It:licilou s 10,.".". tak .... by
~, i, his ia"ing ,""lion thaI cul",iNted in his j;(!11-g;"ing un t .... cross ~~Ieb ..ation 01 t"; Moss t .... Council 0 1 Trent .IS<) rommissioned
lor US and OOr 5.illvation. • ,aUt hi of the Rl:>nun Missal. The roew M i55a1 wAS promulgated. by
Pi ... V !Ia'en yt".B.fter thc clO!ilf" of ,he Council (1570), and re-
-o,e gi" whic:h Jesus has left us is not ' imply an ideo> thai is 10 be
mained in eff«t lOT "lm""l four hundred y.."rs without major
prodlimed in words and I"<'r><kred sensiblr in .. 501(1"amenr; il is nOl
simply an ..xislnltial "..,.. tha' is to be ",.Ii~ by faith and the- ethj_
ul f"lIo" ' ing of Jesus. Th .. linal. ""premt gill of Jesu&, <'Ild thus the- III the seco"d chapter 0 1 its Constilution on the Uturgy lhe Second
~ of Christia",y as such. is hoe himself. jocsus Christ. This prr_ V.tian Council dl'IlIs ext ..........ly wilh -,11(0 mOSI SKied m)"S""Y o f
"'" me.lns ,.. not only toappreh""d him through faith but to re- the EudWiriSl." 110 chief <"Dnl"<'m is that Chri5l's faithful. when p ..... -
c...h ·e him In hi. rorpor.li ly ..... ""I at this mysllT)' of lailh. should "01 be the .... n .,..ongen; 01" .il.,., t
Sptctlton; on th . «mtrary. through a good underslandin.s of lhe
The La~t SuPP'" 01 I""u, ,""olved inl<, the euchari'tk celebralion of
rilft and prayers they should take pori in th~ ".,,:n'd ....."'ce ron-
the primiti'·~ COmm unity in """cral stag ... Initially, the words 01 sdouJ 01 what they aN doing, with devotion and lull involvemmt.

They should be il\5tructed by G x l's ,,"Ord lind be nourished . t the 52). A '"" MlI ... formw~ """ were a lw.". pa.n<kd or , dded. A ..,.;-
t. ble of t""" lord 's body; they should gi"e !N nks to God (no. 4110). ond dection of lhe American Soom"""'I~ry w h.ich incorpora t..d
IhewcNnges was published in \985.
Tha t this gool might be ...ached. the Council clecn!O'd th.>t the Order
~ M~M be re\'iRd in a w ay HIhioI will bring out mOR> c~rly the in _ With rtgard to the Latin texts 10 be included in this Mi<s.o.I: the rule
tnnslC~tu", and p urpose o f its ..,..-~ral pun . and 'I~ I t", ConrM'<:- In effect s ince November 10, 1969. " " 5 til.>l Mlsu ls in the vemacu-
t ~ bo-fwem III....... and will mort ",;>dill' .ac:hi~·~ 1M devou t. .., thould include a Latin appm<ii~ , A Y"1r li leT. Rom~ published a
ac'I1\'e porticip.1Iion of the faithful. MiH41t PO:O ""'''' conlaining additiona l Lorin Iii!Xl:5. n... s..cram ... tary
1ni:00po,Jled Ihi~ Mi_r~ po:orvu",.
" Fo r thi s purpose 1M ril.,. .... to be simplified . due ca ... being taken
to pn!Sl' .... e their ~ubstance; elemenl~ thaI. with the pa' !Io3ge of time. ITIlU CT U~E ANt> INDIVID U AL P" US O f TliE M"S S
c.me to be duplicated or we ... addl'd with but li ttle I dv antaS".", The liturgic, l reform has brought. transpa""'l clarily 10 the o~·crall
now to bt: discardl'd ; other e\('menl:§ trull hav., &\I HeJ1!d injury I\NCIW'f of the Mil"'."11tc MaSli i. made up I S Il w....... 01 I..... ht-
through acdd~t ofhistory He now. a, lNy _ m useful Ot T\t'Ce!;_ urgy of the word ,nd 1M llIurgy 0 1 the Eucharist. two parts ~
.... ry. 10 be "",,1Ored 10 I..... ' -igor they had in the " "dillon of the h- dalely coonected that ttu>y form bul one single act of wo rship. For
tht-n" (no. SOl. in the Ma55 the lableofCod's word and of Ch.risl's body ;s Laid for
the peopl~ of God to recei,·., fmm it inslruction ilrwi food . nu.

I~ xoo, daln w ith thes<-dirwti "e!l the Roman lirurgial comrnis--


Ll ten .. nt undoubtedly IO'pres<'f\1s II .....·alWition of till' liturgy of I .....

.. on work ... fim on I..... unchanging J>"rI of H... Missal namely. !he
W(Ifd, which in thepasl .... nU$ually called the wFon>-Ma"'w; .....
"~01 Man. · After a r.-w chan"", made by I ..... h.lghest au tho<"-
it 1', Paw Vl . ppm....d and p,ollluigated the new On:k-r on Holy JIect 01 it was regarded by earlier cilSulstic morallheolog)' as only a
Thuflday (April 3). 1969. in hi. Aposlolic Cons ritution Mi....l. "\IftIi.II" s in bec"ure this ..... 5 but an "lnsignlflC~nt partH IP"rs n-
Rm>uin ...... A 1'.... , law, the ""ti ... new Mi_1was publioh .... [t con-
p ) of the Maso.." n.. opening ilnd cooclud ing ri l~ of till' Mass
tains. In .. dditinn to the te~t .• GnuT"'l~'t'wrlw.. of lhi /W""," Mi....r
form • setting for these two " principal parlS. "il
IGIRM) iU1d Gtn..,,/ Nar"" fo' "" Uturg;,;"r y,w "nd thi C"rm d",_Un. The linguistic usage of the Church allows OOth"tM Mass ..., a ,:"'hole
like ~arli~r In~mductions 10 t..... Mi<s.o.l the GrRM gives not only iU\d the second main part by ilS<:lf to be called lhe Euchan.'. In
rubna l d uYCI'ves but also explanations of th e COO I.... 1!i of the celo:- ordll'r to avoid misund.,.,.t.ndin~ it woul d be better to sp<'.k of this
br.. tlon . n t 'o..d port a. "t~ Eucharist in the ""rrnwer ,...,Si'."
Afler r eal"$ of p...,..ration the Am"';c.iU1 edition of the Rmrur" M ..... / The following oulline is intl'1'odo::l to ,how this slnlCtu .... lInd facili-
( Tht S«N"""''''Y) wa • .......:Iy in 19,... On November 13. 1973 it was tate" comp .......... iveview 01 il. U.... " EuctuoristK Pr"Y"r theout-
"PVfO\'ed by , he Nation;d Confe •• ' .... of Calholic Bishops; 11:5 """ linI' refI«ts prilNrily EP II . nd III; the special cNtacteristics of t ....
was then al lowed by lhe Congregation for Di" ,,,,, Wo.sh ip on feb- od_NCNoN tK: p r.yers will bed;~ lam- on in till' chap ......
ruary 4, 1974. l'Iw .... w MI..... I appe.>oN in 1974 and becameobl;ga_
,?,"y on Decf"'~ I . 1974. Certoin cll.>"," .iU1d additions II.>d ~ O l C " NIZ ATtON O F TIlE [ UC HA l tS Tl C CE LU l ATlO N
s •. - b«n ronstd....-ed: Ihe Congregation for Di vino! Wo~p ap- a) IltlmlilClOry Ritn
P""'1'd t"'- on Seplember 3. 1974, for irtMTtlon in to a S«ond I'd;- Entrain w ith song (lntroil): vmer" lion of the alta ..... ith kiss and
lion 0 1 the Mi_ l Th..... inc luded. I~ "umple" description of t .... It.. ftilt; sign of the cross; greeting of the congregation; in tro;iuction
fu nctions of the n~'Wly ... tablished mini ~lri" of acolyte and lector \0 the Mass of the d ay: pmltenli.al ritl!; Kyrie; Gloria; op<'ning
("'placing the d<'SCrip~on of lhe subde""OrI 's functions: GIRM 142- pr·Yfr.

'" '"
..,00 antiphon is not sung.. it is ft!COmmmded th.1 it W m~de part
b) L1twrgy r1'M Word
_ !he prieSt ', inttQd uctioo 10 the Mase; of ~ dIY,"
fai .'1185: IOn,S betw":" ~ ~~inga: gospel: homily; prof~on of
"" til; g.... r~1 .nIE"EI ,...,... (proy" of !he fa ithful). tIw priest, roooelebrants, ilfId deacon then kiss the .lta. to signify
. . . veneration fo r it as I symbol of Christ. This may boo! followed
() [",""rlsJ (in .., rrower K'f\~)
.., In \net. iSilioo of the Ilta r, espect.ooUy 00 ~asl day!>. IncenSe (a
f7tp<J",' im Df IN .Ir•• • 1111 IN gif"
~of varioul reins and gums) wlIS used in wOf!lhip both in
p, E~mtali<ln of !he gifts; prayl!'f5 of prepmr;on; ;T>CftlS.jlion;
... Old T~ament \Ii!iTIple Ind in P"PI' Intiquity gt'rwraUy. Chris·
wa mg of handf.; prayer ov'"' thf gifts.
.... lnltiaUy l'fjKted its . -. hut in thr Constanrinian period it
C..m..~i.: p",," . , t&e its wly from the ~SI into Christian wcnhip. lt was under-
Pro:f~ with
. s.ncfU5,'' «IIII«Ta""'"
._, --:..a..., - -~ ~ of institution;
~I" __ _ s; w""' SI .d heft: as • symbol of pr.yoi!1' (_ r. 140:2) and as I sign of ,..,.
";::mroesos: pr.~~ of ?~ (In.>mnesis): commun ion epic' ....;, tf*t ..dof the Church', intd ec. vy prayn. Eventually tke
a . pr.. yer for uruty; '1'1"''
75'; ms with commemonotion of the paacti<'e ..-oK of inMUing the .liu, the sacrificial gifts, the <:to!i6
"''''1$; dOllology. _ \ma&ft•• nd e\'en the ~lebrlnt and conS"'S"tion. It wo uld"" a
"'.... b 10 intKp~ ~ IS" gift lOGo<!. a material offering
GlmmuNimr Rift
Our Fa,her with Embolism and do • ........,·· 01 . lite u\eb •• nl now goes to the pmidenlial dWr and from I~ p"'"
of m.. br'Nd romn\" ' ~&r ' IIIgn ~; l>rcaking Iidn OVer the further introductory riles and the liturg}' of the ...·ord.
p.o.rati 10'the . ing.llng.. and "gnus Dei: privil.. pray.,.,. of pn.-
on r . pnest; .«eptivn of commUnion; ptriod 01 oil"""" lite IoaItion Ind style of the presidential d .... ir should malo> il clear
or song of pu~; pflyer Ifter tommo.mlon. lhal the prie!lt Is Ike leader of the lllurgkal gathering 'The GIMl ,.,.
~ the bxk of the Nnctu.ry JS a suitable plo>ee for it and in-
d ) umrlwdiNg Rirt
~ that ilfIy suggestion of lthrot'l(' is 10 be avoidC'd (GIRM 271), "
~;u~riSh announcements; blessinK: dUminat; kissing of .llar; d,..
By milking tke sign of the CTOS5 together prie-sland congregation
place the~IVC5 under the Ctwi of Christ and signify that 10 this
INtroductory Rir", 00If they look for their s.olvalion, They then Kre<'t one another with
The purpose of I~se Is 10 meld the cong ... gation In«> a c . one of the formulas of greeting or blessing thai af<' pro"idC'd in the
L " Ind pl't'plre II ,_
commuru>v lVr the prodlmation of God's ""SCI"""
word and s.almeot.lry, It is q':!'ite permissible " this point for the pri~"'! to
I"", worthy ""lebr.tion of the EuchariSt. add hla perwn.ol greetings and good wish"" . To be ovoidC'd. ho", ·
r.'ef, is .ny e~ve e~pressi,," of IUbjrcliVC / ... lings. slfl(e in the
The enrr~"" sonS (L..otin: .nlipho"" ad j"',,,i'um) of the priest and
other mlIUliers hl$lo. its purpose "toopen til. celeb f . Ion& run the mlljority of the COf\8"'8arion would lind this mlOler, ·
slfy the unity 01 the glther'N .-.nle lHd.'- _, .'- _ shU '011, mlm· ble. 'The formulll5 provided m the M~I have as on<' of their Nfl(·
t of the ~ -- r ' tnOn'moU IS to the mrs-
!Ions to mal<e the (OOg"'Satioo conscious o f "the m)'5l~ry of the

-- "-
"'.y " Huon or ~ast,lnd ;occomj»ny the proceo.ion of the
pnest ... (CIIW15~ TMr.1!'fJNJ\Y"y,ofhlnd' · "- pthCftd ChulCh.-"
de MIfIS. ~.-­
cong~lion should not boo! tr.q....,Uy con- TIle introd..:tlon to the MaM of the day, which lhe poi ..., or ~her
mned to bdng dumb liMh tt ll; p'nlcullrly in Iheft>tr~5OrI quoalified minlI"" may give II this poinl. ~Id be brw.f and not be
:~ can~ choir. ind ron~11im
should e;och play I IN" Ind g e<pAnded into • fint Wi "1Ori,
us b..&i.n 10 funn the rommunity which lIw (elebo~(111s for-"
The pl.)"ng of the orpn may . t tiIMS I'fPII« the singing. If the~. The erwuirIg penitentiallCl I'fPIacft the old pra~ It the foot of
Waltar. otwhlcha~ of ,iN(theConfileOT) wasa INri. It

,.. ..,
may stili ta ke t~ fonn of a rommunal roniell/!ion of guilt, using a
Gloria 1& now fII"i only on lOlemnities, leaSIS, speciI~celeb.ations,
Confit...or tIuot h.os bo!tn shorlened bur tha i also now includco a rt:f-
.-.:I SundI)'S (exc '"Pt in Advenl and Lent) (G IRM 31 ~
onm<e to lhe f.i1\1re to do 1l00d. lnstnd of tl\eConfileor ""0 other
ways of .sking God '. rrwrcy are provided; in th.esr prWst (or In- 1M fiNJ action of the introd ..... ory rites is ~opening prlyff. ~
<Mer minister) and COngrtgllMm spea k alterna tely. "T"tw:.e formul••
mab> \IS<! o f the lCyne lind thus help to shonm the ootnl'Wh.ot
pritt.t fj"lIn"""" "'"
. . .~-
lion 10""", and thm IlJows . brief
~ .-
fo r ~fltction and per$ONl prlyn. In t!w enslling pres

lengthy introductory rilft. The K)'Iie and the penillmlial rite ...... y ,.... ~.-ial
pPyff, . . ~ .. - CNract ... of this p;lrticula r MlS5 .findsrayen
aoo boo .-..placed by • sprinlding of the faithful with holy WIII<'!". " ..... !:!I _ i. L1y on 1051 d lYS. "llw o ld Roman operung P Chrisl the
The praJftS and fOng& glVftl for \IS<! in this rite make il cruelly II ..... ("ora~1 w'"'" .rwlYS I dd,ess!d Iotlw F. th..,. through .
caU ;utd _tw",l of bapli$m. 4"'101" in the Hoi, Spirit. At the rnnc:r....ion 01 the ptayeo-, which
I ~ , I f 1"'.... ... the rommu-
..... l!:!I t &pNl<& in the fi"t J"""O" purl , _ ", . .. " .
The " ylit .ccl",m.ltion W;llS used even in p;lgan IIlltiqui,>, as II form . PI "Am",-" a H«ort"W word tNt is left untnnslatol'd In II\06I
o f hom.Jgf" to the dei,>, or to I ",Jer who was bring hono~ as a nity~;utd an$ "Yes, JoO be il!" or -re, it is lOr" The Amen thus
god. In I:f.rping w ith the writinp of Paul the Church appUed il to
~ tNt : : rongregltion ...... kes 1110.' priP<t:'s prayer ilS own
Christ as its di"int Lord. In the East such "'""'...... tions origi ..... Uy --~ ~
and. u it W'""', p uIS ilS sign.lute 10 It."
had !heir pia«- in Uliln~ C'*ttnit"J) of petitions; to e..,h prtition the
rongn>gation joined in with I "yriu«Ll mation. In the West these TIlt Ut .. 'XY I"{ IItt Word
li tan in wen! gradUAlly mo"ed iorwlrd from their origir\oll place at In the fi"l lIt("tion of this chapter 1 rnentionNl tnat as nrly as the
the...,d of tho! liturgy of the word lind u.JtimateJy acquired I""ir •~= 0...' «1\!Uryuo -....... - riitic celebration proper wa. p ,aeded
~. ~.... led by
l.ter form tltroo..gh omission of the- petilioou, n. .. GIRM (30) is in 'c- r!lltdin from ScriphJre. This put of Ike lihJrgy w~. m<><k oro
cord with anciftlt C\lstom when It allow s the in5e"ion of sho" the .r!gogue ",,",ice olpr.yer and relld~gs. Valkan lJ~l"tely
"erses (tropes) into I~ "yrie. The IC y" .. should. a. far as possi ble. decllrrd tNt "in N cred c..tebrations there 1$ to be more te.a~
"" su ng by the en tire congreg.tion. As a ",Ie, each ,.·ctamation is from holy ScriphJ M.nd it is to be mOM varied and apro,,,'" (SC
sung only !wi"". If the "yrle ..,cl.mation h"" already been used in 35) With regard to the e\Jch.ristic celebration it darted tha t "the
u , B', bl<! aM 10 be ~ up mort lavishly·
the p<'ni tential rite or in a litany that h., repl.ced the entrance .
In'foSUIl'$ 0 f ''-e . (SCrtion
51), of
song, the u'\la l ICyrie may t>e omitted." and it a nticipa ted that "In this w ay a more r.-pm;entah"e po
hoi Scri phlre wIll PI read to Ihe pMpl .. in t!w eou,.".. 01. p ..... .
The Gw,;" i" txltbis DItl rGlory to God in the hlgh ...t-) i. on .. of
tn.. many hymns rompcs!d and sung by tkeearlyChurch in the ~ d~re
bel" of ,..,," (il>id.). The mote.extens~ve
for this
rading 01 Scripture w u Insp,red ~} t rorw iction tNt In the hl-
num . .... he
days w/ore the PHI",. bo.ot.me the Church's IWoI hymnoJ. The first
0/ the word tooChrist uni\ft him..,lf with his Church. and le-
5t.onz. 01 the Gloria "'1"''''''
tho! song of the angels al Bethlehem <Ind
= y _1<& Its IIIlvation (see 5C 7).
then sinp ~ pr'IHof the Father.nct the Son; the IIt<"Ond stmza is
a n en th""iastic hymn to Christ, in tho! fiNl p;I" 01 which ("For you "In the fNdings, expLl ined by the homily, God is ~.kin& 10 his
alone .. ·1 wf can ~tiU hn. eel""" 01 the sharp "f'tK$ition 10 th~ PfOP1e, opening \lp to them Ike mystery 0 1 redempbon and ... I" a·
emperor worship o f antiquily. In the roune ol thtir f<:WI"Iftlical ri- . and IIO\Irishi"i Ilwir &pirit. ... Through the chants the people
forts, rep--"Iative 01 an the Christian Ch \ll'Chn ol tho! English- ""'..
' God' word their own Ind through lhe p rof ...ion of f.ithaf-
."...king world N ve ptlblishtd I IInlfonn monslatior\ of !hie Ooria ma f
firm their ad .
he'f. o..""1! to it. FiNlly, ~\f\f\~ bem fed. b Y !his word
and other litwgk", r IelCts tI5ed by !hie congreg..tion. In the Mass the make their petitIoN in tlw general ",Ietn "'OIlS for lhe
~ world~
ChI.l1d> and fOO" lhelolll .... tion of the whole (GIRM 33).

"The mno.u.ry jo, Morss. which implotmo:rltnl!he c<.Wlcilia r dec"", ..... spedal seIeo:tion has ~ made thaI lakes into account tho!
w.s p~bli,hed by the Roman Cong...g.ation for DivilW! WOrship;'"
characte" of the season.
May 25, 1%9. A second officia l edition w as published on J~nuary
21, 19S1. The latter contains a greatl y e><panded pastorllin troduc_ 11>11 Lectionary al"" con"!",, readings fo r the f~il.Sts lind memoriali
tion.nd U5e'51he NI'O-VwlgRlr for the Latin t""ts. "The following 01. tn.. lIIint" foc the celebration of the sacnmen" .nd IIIcramm-
rules"" laid dow", ..., and for Masses on special OCOosions and ,-olive Ma-. n-...
l«tionary p rmides a wide "",lcction ofl'Nllinp for " - oo:asions.
On all Sund.ys and feaSl days ther.! a ... to boo ~ ...wings al
n"err t.U.,., Ihe firol from the Old Testa"""'t lhe $<!CClnd from an Tlw ",ltdings I ... deliv...ro from. lectern tha l ;,.110 known.5""
apostolic Idter or Act. or Ri>vela lion, and the third from /I gospel. -.mbo- (from the G"",k vem • ....t..intin.1o a""end). "The GIRM " " -
pLoins the reaSOn for having such a lectern: -rn.. d ignity of the
In ~er to open th~ Scriptures moll' fully to ''''' co"Krcglllions the
pencq>eS to be ...ad (a perirope is I passage of holy Scripture) are word of God requin:s the churd> to have I p lace that is . uililblc IN
organized to ('0\' « a th,."...,..lr period; the three ..""ual ~ne. are Ihe proclamaOOn of the word ilI'\d is a naturalloc:aI porn t for the
known as A. B, and C TheCsene. is for"... .. dh'isible by J;!he people d i1l'ln8 the liturgy oflhe word " (2n). ~ing oro Ihe spa"
o ther two tMn follow (C. A. B). tiaI poNoIbilities. Ihe leclem Is 10 boP located al • point wM",!he
i dm c.nea5ily be seen and ho!. rd by;ill . Thi' lectew is t .... place
Two prir.ciples COI'\troi the choice ofrNdings: !hematic agreement not only for the readings but for the songs between the ",.dings,
lind se]«Iivr conlinuo~s ... ading. The firol of these prir.ci ples tho! g05pel .• nd. if appllelb le, the homily and p rayer of the faithful ,
com ... into play in the li turgically import."t .... son. of Christmas
and. Eoste<. ~ lhe Sundays of "OrdINlry Tim<"" ''''' p rir.c;pl .. of se- In keeping with tradition. lho! ","dec 01 !he pl5Uges from Scriptu,,"
lect",,, ro1\bI'\uous .... ding is .pplied: this m .... ns thaI • book of lhe if not 10 be the celebrant but another minis\ler. This makes it cleor
Bibl" is ..... d through. but omi~ U n be mad .. for pastoral .... _ tNl the cekbiating p riest too pLa.ces himself under the word of God
KlI"I5. The p.inci~ of rontinuOUJ .... ding appli .... how........ on ly 10 and listens to it. While the nonevango'lic.l ..... dings un bP d""" by
the second ... ading.nd the g05peI; the Old Tl'SllIment ... ading is • _doer who is. 11)".....,.., I"" gospel" alw.ys to be ...ad by a
chosen 10 hormonlU with the gospel of the day. The intention in deacon or I priest (the celeb. lnt if rM.'ceSSO ry).
t~'S arrangemen t Is 10 avoid an "xcessive mul tiplici ty of themes in a The ","dcr m ..k$ th.. end of each of the first two ",,,lings by .. y-
sIngle MI.llrod to bring oul bo:tll" the unity of t.... two TCStam..nts. ing:""Thi5 is the ,gon! of the Lord! " (VtrlnI1II DoIni"i,~. to whlch t ....
In Y.... r A !he Goipel of M. tth...., ;'","d. in V""r " the Goip"1 of mngl'l'g<l00n repu....: -rha"ks be 10 God.-
t.Uri<, a nd in Vur C Ihe CospeI of Lukto. "The Cosprl of JoM if re-
served fo r !he final weob of Lent arod lhe Easter ""'~ it .!slaup- A "",.ningful tradition pnMdes INt each "",ding be foIlowfd by •
plemenl.'i the ~po:'! ot Mark in ""I' B. The Mts of the Apoo;tles lOng that rounds off what has been "",d and prtMd~ a tiJnI' for
.upphes the 1,.., ..... d ing of tho> Easter season. m..dita lion. The firslrNdi"g Is thel'l'fore followed by a responsori. 1
psalm (former ly the GrOld ual). The GIRM sp"ak, of th is n an int ...
1he Lectionary usually schedules only two ....a ding. r"" weekdays. gr.l p art of the liturgy of the word. 1Iecaus. its content links it with
For lhe hl'St tho......... two annUIII seril!$. YeAr I for ~,,"-num- the ",adlng. the lectionary gives it right aft ... !he ",.ding. For the
bemi "..."'. and Y..... II for ,..·...,·numbc.\'d yeoC5. The sel "2I of II"""
vari0u55e1sonsofthe liturgical"...~ t.ow.... .... . nd for vuious
priol. on lho! other hond. is the oame evny yeor. The gOSJ>!J. a", 50
arranged tha I in Weo.ks 1-9 o f OrdiNlry Tim~ Ma.k i, ",ad. in
gr<:Wolpt o f ",int( ~ts t""'" a", """'" common ~~I psalms
INt do not vary: The!linging it ~.l; that Is. only the cantor
Wed<s 10-2! Matthew. and in "",,1<1 2:2-34 Lukto. For lhe spec .. l oeo- or psalm.i5t sinS" tlw psIIlm. while tho! communl ty sing' an un-
changing response after NCh v......, or group of W! liCS,

". ..,
The S«Of1.d reading i, followed by the AlI@luia("!'raisethe lord") It althougll the faitllflll sit during tho- e;orlicr ....a~, they st>nd as
together with I ,,~. u, ullly /rom tM N..,.. Testament. This song. ..,.llIten 10 the gospel (sign of m ·...... nce .nd readmess);
howe'·er. dOt$ not look INck to the pr«eding ' ....d ing but is a prep- II) when he luis finisMd, the ,ude. kiHEi ~ book and quietly
. ration k>r the gospel. It is.n ...:damation addlE sri toOuist and
should tf"ltfoit be ,ung by the standi", community (Pastoral In_
,..)'1'~May I"" wO«ho of ~~I w i!"" .w,o.y our sins."

troduction to tht _Oiod edition of the Lectionary). The AlIe1uia;s

" . ip«Uol1l'"'eoenct led III both wt~d w.est to the Cttation of
, , n it". m u",."",tt-d ~lOlIS"liuie< lhat is. limilfd Ie<:tionaries con-
omitted d uring Lft>i; ~tht ,.t'fWbefo .... tilt gospel ~ ..·hich rep~
'*'in3 only lhe gospels or lhe needed g<l5PC1 ~ The inl ....
lhe Allelui" is .1::10 c..tled 1M ~Tr...:t.~
a '1Ion 10 the re-viied Lectionary u'V" tho- .....·'va! of this custom
If there is only ~ ~ing before tho!- g05pe\. the two ..-.gs ~ iJ.,. 36), 1m ,.;mllu wishes luid betn exp l ·· cd earlier. As a _ ult.
tw--. read ings onay be \ISed. Of OIle of thEm may be . elected.
Two §Olemn ilifs. Eo~.nd Pen_t. h." ... ~ additional song be-
IW ....... ~ings, !\lonely. the xq1.lt'r>Cf. Seq............,; w ...... originaDy
•• tia! editions 0/ the &o.t r! Co5pdf Iuo,.. b«n published in En-

" . tpedaI iESp«t Ioho"'n I"," tilt g<:>IipI'l reodin& in com~n.on

/ubilll$ melodies .<ided to lhe Allelu;. ; tho:y W<T<' later gi""" I"".. 0/ wtdI the 0Iheft should noI INd to any do:p....o.tion of the latter.
1M' own, and th_ in lum w...... eo.~nded by me..... o f identicaDy 1bey 100 . .... inspinod sacn!d wrilinp, COU1Uiin God'. word, and. if
5tructun!d statUa5 and of rhyme. The popularity 0/ u- ioOJ\gS the11!1! from lhe N~ TeslUMnt, ...... tobe regarded lOS "good
can be ~ in Ihe fO<111uo1 abou l 5COO med~al ""'Iu"""",, Iuove _ _ ~ (a .gospel~ ). There/on! GIRM 33. fo llowing"'" Constitution
rome doWII to us. Bea"SI'! the gen .... displayed 10 much WICOI\- l1li tho! UIU'lY' saY"' o f .11 the .udings without distinction: - In the
lrollf.'d gn:>WltI, lhe Mi!lSa1 o f V (1570) limited the Uturgkal se-- I I d in . . ... God is ....... ~;~ .. IO lIis people, opming up to them "'"
.~--- ...
q"tnI'" to fou r. In addition to the ~U~ for E",ter Uld ")'Mf:'Y o f n!demption alld !lal"alion, and nourishing tl\ei. spirit;
P,,"I«oSI, lho! ......... optionalSo!<!"""'' ' '
for Corpu, Christi Uld tho! ChriII Is plesom t to the failhful through his own wOfd ~
M"",orial of Our lady of Sorrows. In tho- fIl tu "'. all sequmce5
The tl"adlrional .. me1allon fo. the gospel reading probably had its
eom~ b<ofore the Alleluia, sillC1l! lho- latter Is me..",I • • • n immediate
~ in theconvidiOll thol the. mlIly words of Jesu. transmilted
p,.."araliOll for Ihe gO!lpel.
In the foul gospels Irc I\i, own actual words. while tho! other New
From lime immemorial, the proclamation of the gospel al Mass has Teetament writings art simply doctrinal and ~sto .. lleTter. of the
been an espt'cia lly solemn dfall. Arna,,! the signs of respect are .pottlet.. Even1hough we Irc aware today lhat all of "'" New Test>-
these: ment booklcont.in lheological inlerpretaoon and ,..".......,.,t adapt>-
I ) the read ..... must be I deilCOn or priest; lioN lID ]»Storal neeels, the ,elot med liturgy maintains "'" special
b) ho! rt.'<'Ci"t'J • '1'«;.1 blessing; Of n>eile!l •• porial prepa ratory ...... of honor bestowtd OIl thr rtading of the gospel at Moss- Rome
puyer; evidently do8 rot think t:Ilm is any great dlonger of "ndelva.hllng the
c) the book of the g~1s is CIOrried to the ImOO in a pl"OC\""S$ion ih.at othft" Su ipt ures; fuo tI",,,,,,,",, it SoeeS ' ''pport for the tl"adition in tI>e
includes inc .. Sf Ind condie!! (optional); puaIIeI rite of the E.a9tem ChW"Ctoc$. Abilrodorunent of ""'" a uni'· ...
d) tn.. deaooro (priest) ligntt ~ book .. nd hi"""lf with the 5ign of ... tradition COtIId crrIIinly IHd 10 ntisunderstanding.
The ~llnd other rNdings are ~ to be understood simply lOS
e) n.. In<<-nses the book before the ot~di,,! (optiornol);
hillOrica! documents thai inform US aboo.otlho- past. Such an ap-
f) """" and after the proclamation the boithful say (sing) speci.lI ~
profIdI. would In fItt ~lOd to botedo:>m, since regular partiripa.nts in
clamatiOll!l of hom.l3e ("Glory 10 you. Lord"; "Praise lID you, Lon:!
tt. liturgy a .... familiu w ith a gmt many p.,nges 0/ the B:tb .... 11>e
lesus Christ- );
importanl thinS 15 rather 10 undent.and "'" ScrtplUN5 as roon'eymg

<lmess..g" and <l """"'OIlS 10 '" ..,1-<lIY lilllll",1'5 and 10 Open Ou'- DoN offe •• d are cone.........:! not with the ~I ""-'"'<Is 0( lhe ind i-
seI"es 10 Ihis can. vidu.ol participanl§. but .... ther with the world wide needs 01 the m -
Iin>Church and of the whole r.ce. in acwrdM>te with 1 TtmOthr
n....,;o:nnon or homily. u" delsloud a, an in terpreution of lhe $3- Z:1 .J.
m.d lexl~ is """ of the oldest p.ort5 0( th" li twgy 01 the word_It
wu originally ""'''''ed 10 the bishop. In v~w 01 a ('efIain neglect of ,... ru ~ .he following 0...:1...- is to beotser..ed: a) fortt.. needsof
lhe homily in many p"riods and rotInlriej Valican J! emptusiz.ed !he Church; b) for public a uthorities.md the salvation of the world;
tNI it iii. p.ort of lhe lilurgy md may no! boo omi ltcod, especially on e) lor J,ll those oppn.ssed by any nl'ed; d) for lhe loca l community.
Sunda ys and feast days (SC 52). "By mdllS 01 the komily 111<0 mys- Within this g"""ral fram..work the ("QAt""t and form of the peti-
l~il'S of Ihe failh and the guiding principlt'5 of lhe Chrislian life a~ DoN can be fret,ly modified . In this w ay it Is pos$ible to let #the
~xpouO\ded from the sacred 1.... 1" (ibid.). Following up on what is Wlrm b ... ath of the p.--.nt" Nove. pia ..... In th~ I'IICharistk ..... lebra-
said In the Fir.;t Instruction on the Impl ....... nlarion of the ConsrilU- tkln . The role of the celebrarinK print ill to supply a spoknl or sung
lion on the litu rgy (s"ptember 26. 1964). lhe CIRM C"I"'nd. lhi. di- introduction and conclusion; the iO\dividual pt'tilions are made by.
rective to include an .".-pb.n<llion of othO!1' texlll of W day'. MaS/; delCon Of cantorarby one Of mone of the laity. n.. community
from the "i~point 01 "Ihe mystery being ctl.!bralcod and the needs acoornpanies the petitions with S - al a,:damalion.. 01 " 'ilh ,;\cn t
Pi .......' to the lisl~ (~1 ). As a rule. lhe celebrating priest 'IhoukI P"'~, in which c .... the r.a. 5 1 ry pause m USt boo a llowed'"
gl\'e the homily"
110t OftfmJ,ion of IN Cudo>rist (ill 'M ,,,,,,,,,,~ , _St"J
On solemnilies and Sun<bys the homily is followed by the c...oo Thif ",mnd main p.on 01 t"" Ma55 begins.1ter the p"'p"rali(O'\ 0(
(prof.:505ion of faith), either- spoknl Or sung. It n!pA'Smb ttwo as'?n! the .llar or "holy table, a. the Eastem Churches sliU call it. The

0( the communiI)' to the wo...:l of God thit has been heard in the 5Knmmtary is placed on tt.. allar; a squ.o ... lino!n cloth, the rorpo-
.-....ding. and homily and to the essenlial rea lities of the faith; <It the nl, is ",!'Nd out at the center; the chalice is placed on the aha' and.
sa"", lime. it i• • praise of the Triur\C God who has wmught our sal- .long:side the chalice, the puriAcator. 'The location nf the prep.a ra-
vation. Only about the year 1000 did it make Its way inlo the lion It this point rather than befo ... Mu" as In the past, i, me. nt to
Roman Moss, in the form of Ihe l""glhy Nlcene-Constanrinopolita n mike ilclrarer that lhe liturgy Is nOW cnterlng Into its second main
Creed . Thi, was originally tk bapris mal creed of tl'le East. wherea5 part: lhe pan that in it •• tructult' reproduces the La.. Supper 0/
in tk W""t the short" Apostles' C~· w;o.s u!ed " baptism. In the Jesus.oo renders Ihe p .s<:h.1 mys tery prt'9mt.
cek>bralion of the Eucharist, th ..... the cr..ed also .er\,es as a '0"-
mlnder oIb.tptism and a c.n to """,wal 0( the promi.... made at Pn>panlion 0( the Gift.
that Ii"",. 'The . ", 7-ntalion" o f the bread and wine origin.111y ronsi"ed sim-
ply in placing on the altar lhe gift. that w...-., to "" ronsccraled. As
The liturgy o f the word ends with the g ....... al in"'''(Joi0n5 or lime p.o~, ThI' faithful ~n 10 add 10 the bread and wine thrir
prayer of tl'le faithful. Thi!; i. one oIlhose p.ons oI lhe Mass to gifts: for the support 01 the dergy and tNo rnun:h a nd for the poor.
which the Uturgy Consriturion is ... fE-rring when il says: MOt..... ew.- In many ........ 01 the Qurch this d ....elopment led to tt... · offl1 'O;-Y
ments . hat ha.. e suffen:d injury through accident 0( Mstory .... pl .... cxion· or procession with the giftll, in whic:h not only b"",d
now, as may _m useful or neW. _n y. to be reslOred 10 the vigor .nd w\ne bul at ..... prod......, of naN ... ,00. l./ller on. money and 0b-
they Nod in the tradition of ttwo Fatlwrs " (no. 50). The lossaf the jects w ..... given.
pral""" of tM fai thful lasted <"'''' 1400 years. n- intelC . ...;ons
broad .... It..: horizon of the faithful. IS the people of God exercises In the lilurgy 01 the N..w T...ta.....,., t ,uch gift. rould nol ~ called
lIS priestly office in behalf of the whole huma n r~. For the peri- "sacri.fknw exct>pt in a m.... phoncallli!n5l!. bec. u,,", ~ p.n from the
~.rifire of~' the nt"W OO\· ...... nl does not ackno;>wledge other ht.tn'W> toil; !My Ire inlo:'nd.-d 10 ba:oo..... ~ the boNd of Iife~ and
~ISI~, cuilic _rifloes luch <IS W,,", 10 be found under till! o ld CO>......
!'\;Int 0< in the p.opn ""i~ It cannot be denied, how~·ff. thot
from till! beginning 01 IIlI! Middle Ages on, especially In the Frank.,..
Ga llic world, these gifts w~ Issigned an almost cu ltic "'critici"1
character which found ~xpltillion in m.ny praye~ and ~remonit....
MOW' llpiritual drink" in lhe wcond phase of the o!Udwi5Iic ulebla-

With regard 10 Ihe romposition of I"" /pfts : I.... b"",d is de$Cribed

In GIRM 282: • A((ording to the tradition of Ihe ""ti.... Church, the
Many pr. y..... of older liturgies of the Ma.s spokeofthe bre.d and ....d mUllI br made from w ....al; Io::ording to lho! tradition of lhe
wine in term.. which SIIggftted that the con.oecrated gilts. that is, Lltin Church. it m USI be unleavened. ~ The latin custom W;05 lir.il
till! flesh and blood o fChnst.alnoady Layon Itw allM Ind lha t the -.hIished in I"," pt'1iod from the ninlh to the eIe\'mth .......Iury.
priest wa. a/n>.d y offtring a cullic sacrilic. al Ih is point. Such !'rom the e~<t'J\lh century on it elicited strong «jwi""" from the
phr~ il5 "RKft,'t', Ohaly FI U- .. _Ihisspolleu t.osl- I I 11w~ 8yzanIirw Church. .nd .1 lhe reunion COUJ'ICil o f FlOft'nC1' in 1439
smtabOn of t ..... b"""d and " We oft... to you, 0 Lord. IIlI! chali"" of Ihr Iwo sid" Igreor<I tNl the body of Christ Is truly presmt in both
u lvalion " at 1M presentation o f the wine were pteml lure at this Ihr unlNv.....d Ind the l(llvened bread and that ueh print is 10 fol·
point and could al best be interp"""<l as CJ<presslons of Imaginative )ow the cuslom of his own ri .... ,.. Moreover, the host uoed. by the
an ticipation. fri"1 ".hould bo! made in such a way thai in . Mass with, cong......
ption. the priesl is able lCtuaUy 10 break the hOilI into p arts and dis_
It is ~iti ..... te, of <nu_, 10 undtorstand theSI' gifts. which are lhe
trh1~ them 10 II IU51IIOme of lhe faithful " (G/RM 283~.
prod~ ofhuman toil.nd ~ffOt1, as symbols of lhe """-gi'ing of
lhe , .. thlul. n,., P"Ople of God m ust al all tilllf"S be wholly 'u ........ Of the wt..... il is requi~ lhat it be "from lhe frIIil of lhe vine
det«I to 1M Father in 'ruslN) obedienao and 1hfo1t0J unilled 10 (""""". "'t~)" Ind ""' IIIral a nd pure, tha i is. nol mi~ with any
Christ in hi§ spirit o f H'lf-giring and hi§ -:lClhptiV( saaifio:<t. fonrlgn subshnoe" (GIRM 2801). Untilltw sixtfll'l\th ttnlury red
wine was piC/eOled; lhis is .Iill the cast' in the Byzanli .... liturgy. BUI
n,., ~ioed. ri .... fo r lhe prep.arltion of the gilts takft thl'5/1 points
when purifi.cllon made their app<'ua""" in lhe Wesl in tho! six·
very much into I(<nunt, n.. GIRM uys that it is melningful and
'-nthcmtury, tMn! WU I shift 10 whi ... w ine. ~oust' it left fewer
d""ir.ble for the faithfu l 10 pre;enl the breld and wine which the

p ne,;1or deacon lakes from th"'" II a <nnvenienl spot and places
on I"" all<o.; the priesl thm rKi\eoi the Ic<nmpanying praye ..... Even
The btNd . nd wine must be kept in good <nnd ition: the wi ..... must
though nowadorslhe flithfu) no long... bring the~.d and wine not be allowed to"tum to 'inegor. Of the bre.d 10 "spoil 0< beco"",
w ith th"'" from horne,l~ in lhe p.ost, lhe ~twgk.1 .clio!> remlins 100 hard I<> bebroken usily- (G/RM 185).
an npressi'''' spiritual Ngn. M~ a nd other gilts ~ the poor In the Palestitw o f Jeus' 1m... bmod and wine wfft lhe princip.al
which lhe faithful bring from home or which are roIlft:lfd althe
food and drink. E.>ring: IJld drinking h.,'c • p rofou nd significa ........
ch.u",h ca n appropriat... y be brought 10 thr aUar in the procesion
fw tlwy mabconlint.>ed lifc possible Those Incap.ab!. of eating
wi th the g.1ts. Th.,... are .11 10 be drited in I suitable pia"", and drinking or i.a(:king food and drink mU5t die , Every mea l is
lhough no! on I"" altar (G/RM 49),
thus. tacit .llusion 10 the dependeoce and frollty of our life. In ,d-
Tho: pr~yers thai a«omp. ny Ihe p""",nlalion of Ihr gifts 10 Cod ...... dltion, religious personllook upon food and drink as giflS of a cre-
""",bit> the jewis h prlyer of blessing (~J In INI thtya...- .Ior who is not limply the ml ker and 5OU"" of life but alllO its
tNnbgi'ing and praiSOl' of God's 8<><><i1kX fn:rn which we ~"" the pi hftC. A mul mua beoorru-.i I remind .... of God the crealor,
bl :d and " ..... n,., gilts Ire al50 the fruit of....m and virv, and 01 When we ~ on lhilt wea"" led to ttuonk h im. But thanbgi"ing
II I form. of pr.yer. Pr')'ft " table is thus I hum.n custom of incI!-
culab~ antiquii)'
Mells u .uch. then. haH J reUgLous charlet ..r; lhooy a re inhoo ...... t1y IIW a lmighty Father." n...
rongregaHort then expre'Sl'S its p;>rtirip;> -
sacm:l. At Ih<''''~ timf. thooy are & symbol 01 com munion .nd .... by Hying' " May the lord a.ocepl. _. . " Both this exchange Ind
friendship w ilh all who pilruJce 01 them. Au ..... ult. CllrislCou]d JMnY formulationl! 01 the following pr.yer over the gifts (known in
make! b read and wine Ih<' visible .ign$ 01. mul in whirl> ~ him- IIWp.ost as the "Secren ha,·. not infrequmtly faltered !he nUs-
self Is the food and by wllleh he estlbli:ohts a communion wilh him- .un idH that the pH,,"'lation o f tr.., gilts is itMIf .lready the real
sdf.nd alnOnjl;.1I who partidpille in it. 1M p .... Y<'fS foe- th .. ~ 01 Christ a nd the ChuKh by which we obtain forgiv........
prep;lration o f Ih<' gifts thus already nuoloe a p rofound Stllfmml .nd ..I""tlon."
abo1.>t the nwanins and pIIrpclll of the NC:Nristic ........1.
1loe Eucharist ic Pnyer
8do,~ the prWst p Looce the chalic:e on thr corporal. he mi~en Iittl<' 1loe part 01 the Mus tNI bqpns atthi. poin. and is a first cllirw< of
wa~with the winot. This rheoom0!5 from 1M ancienl CUSlom (and IIW entire cdebt a lion ronJiJb 01 a block of p rayers and ri"", known
tne..:fore 1ffI«tI the p~ of Christ hi......1f) of no! drinking un- • thtI' ~EUCNristic PraY<""" (pn-.....dr<trislD). It Sims w ith the pr.-f.
mi~ wine. Inany CI~> Christlanil)' saw a m ultiple symbolism in .,.. and ends with. the g....al do~oIogy bdo", the Our Father. In the
the ..... ~: first an . IIU$ion to the blood a nd walfor whirl> flowed loman Uturgy it. or ratM the fi~ EUCNristir Prayer, is also
from tht side 01 Christ and which were thou!';ht 10 .ymboli:te th.. known as the ~Clinon. Ii !erm that signifies " fixed pilrt~ and pro-

birth of ttwChurch and the ~amenlS; IEMod. In im.ogeol thoo in- Irct thtI' 100 that not !he ,lightest CNnge may be mild. in it. In
tinuote wUon of the di"';f\f I11d human nalwft in Christ; and, fi· fad. how.......... Ii sl.lrvcy of the oldest tradilioru. esprcialiy in the
nally, ttw dOH union with. Christ that is bestowN on us. Th .. £uiftn Churdles (which c. 1I the EUCNristir Pro)"'r "onapho,, - ..
!IeCOnd.nd third 01 these init'fpretations an: thO' b.o.d'ground for tho> "offering"). &haws !hat then! . ", many possible waY" of organ izing
prayer tlut accompilniell~ miMing of the wl",r and wiN:; "By the the memori.1 of ChriSI.the re-p' . mtation of the pasc!>.>l mystery.
mystl'1")' of this Willer and wif\f may we come to slla re in the divino
ity of Christ, who humble<! hiOTlM'lf to share in OUr humanity." In the VoksICTII Churdl of the early Middle Agt'S the ....... erm<'<'" fell
forthe Romiln Canon led to the questionable custom. later mad e.
The prep. ration of the cup iJ /ollowO!<! by a pray.. r of ''..,If-<>!kring·· IItw. lhat e><ccpt for !he pref...::e lind SancIU. the Canon was to be
(""Lord God, Wf u k you to =eiv. us and be plcased. with the sa(Ti. I&ld In Ii low voice. The Canon !hus had as it w.-re a double veil
!k<! we ofif,r you with humbl~ and ron trite hearts"). An option.ol in- thrown over it. rongre-gations could no! lIfoar it nor, because it was
c"" "",tion of I~ gilts and the altar. tllfo prit'St and the <congregation +er
I may Ihen fol low. Tht prayers thai acromp;tnied the i"""ru.ation in
tr.., pa.t Ire ominO!<! in the f\fW Sacramentary.
In l...ltin, rould un derstand it. Only since 1%5 luis it been possi-
bW 10 Sly the Eucharistic Puy .... aloud. oniy .ince 1%7 IOsay il in
the vernacular.
Tht ensuing rile of w.shlng of the hands is attested u early a. lhe l1w many Insertions m.d.f in IIIfo Roml n Canon (prayer. of self..,!·
fourth Mltury (in je-ruNIem). Fo r a long tilN'. however. it pl1.'<l!d.<'d fering.. ,emembrilllCt'S of the N inb, and intercessioru.-------before .s
ttw P..."UltIon ofl~ gi fts.nd WaS a symbolic caU to interior puri- well.s.ftet the word, of insti tutiOO"i) ~w thllt l'ffort!llo .... form
fication before the ~nning of the Euchari", proper. Only in the thb, Ittf only EUCNrisric Pnyer . 11owe<! in the West. rould geC no--
high Middlf A3es was it movf"d to lIS present pooilion. Th~ acrom- where. "Tlw:itfOIt Popt Paul VI ordered tha t Ihe Roman Canon
piln)'in8 prayfl' makes ;Ia symbol o f longing foe- purity. should. a port fro m m inor modifia, tioou, M lrit in its traditional
n.. prepo talion 01 the gin. rnd!i w ith. the prayer over the gifts. nu. form, and that • iltlectiorl o f three new Euchari!ltic Pr.)"..... M
is pnocedf"d by." In,i Wion 10 the rongregarion to Join in the IKlded to It. ThIs i"iO!"W system went into elfa:t in 1968. Sirw:e that
pray..,., "1'Tay. brflhrm. tNt ot.or sacrifice may be O<Npfable 10 God. tinv the Roman Canon hillS also beom known as Euchamlic Pnyer

(EP) ,.
EP l~ is a ...... ision of the Eucharistic l'rayer fOlmd in tM .A.~tolj(
• sIng of thO' Santtus. "The SO'COnd part sh.ows that tile prefares are
Trod!llO~ of H'ppolynu, a Roman prie!lt and martyr at the begin.
_ .uthentic proc lamaticno,
ning of !he third C«!I\Jry. it may 1/;e, .. fooE be describEd as. Eucha.
ristk Prilyer fran !he age of !he marlyn. EP III in iWW
composilion in which an effort was made to~ the Mructural :~~;'~~~ ~'G~'~RM
should (SSb)
be s ung u)'S thit it is part of the Eu"
Or reciled by priest and congre-
d ements, in a dHI't'i" way. EP IV rontl!1ns important p.n$ of I.... .';M is den"ed from two
Eastern h~ of 51:. Buil. Because it praises in di'taUali the saving ,....-ges 01Scriplure, the ang~lic hymn of prals.e !n [!alan', vision
acts of God ,t !$ . 150 known a. the HEP of ... lvation.h.istOl)'. SomE
H (It 6:2£.) and the K<:lamaliom of the crowd" Jesus' ~ntry into Jem-
o f ~ pe:uJiaritief, of eKh of the four Eucharistio: Prayers w ill be I d. (Mt 21 :9). no..
Sanctus is on,. of the oldest p.arlS in Ilmost aU
menli~ wh<en I come to desrnbe the lit «.al p.ans of lhe stnr. "lilw gi! I ; its tint pa rt was probably tBcn o~er from the Jewish
lu~. At this point I mention only the fact that EPIl and IV hIo .... ilL egy of pra~r. H05lnna is a Hebrew word wt originally meant
tht"lr Own preface,· ,Ioolpwor "Save, I pr.y,~ and l.terbecame. triuphant cry in honor
of God and the king.'"
1he Euc:hIoristk Pray .... is introduced by three exhon ations and ....
sponses in whkh we find ancient ~ish and Chri~ tradition In !he old Roman Missal then> was a palp.ablfe b_ k " n... theSanc"
(""1'lw Lord be with you .. .• ' "Lift up }'OW" hNrts . ..," " lA1 US gi'~ _l)pOgia phy and ilhuniNtion brought thl! oul Vft)' dearly. 1he
thlonb to the .Lord Our God .. . ~). 'Thi5lntroductory p rayt'l"-dir . : 't T , !. :I and p ....·.iling opinion was that only now d id !he
Iogue ~ ,I cJ.a r lh1o tt'Ym the Eucharistic Proy.r!J, nOl an .ffair c..on begin. The new Eucharistic Prayers, on lheron tra ry, have in·
o~ the Cl!l..t>"nl done but a prayer of the mtire people of God. T1te tlDdl>Cl!d an organic !ramitian, tli(> poIilS/inctu$,
d.alog~ ~ . summonl to, and the beginn1n8 of, the grea t pr.y.... of
tMnbgivmg (Glftk; M:lrl>risl;,,) and t~fon. introd uces not only
In EPIl and IIl lhis transition ill followed by thetpi.:!...;.. whilfe in
the p~face but thunlire Eucharistic Pr.yer.
IP IV the rpicksit romeo only am furttw.r Imgthy p raiw of God'1
warIo. in !he histOl)' of w1v.tion. In the rpidem rin~oc.lioorol the
1he ulin word prgtfillio Iohould not be understood and tr.nsJ;oted Holy Spiril is called down for the PUrp<l5" of tr ...ilforming the
u "forewonl ." 1he Latin prefix prill'- iSlo be understood here "<>t as bot d and wine into the ne.h and blood of Jesus . Even in EP I the
h.' mporal ("prior to") bUI.s spatial ("'before; in the p~ of'): in pno)'t'l immflIia~ly p!'l'C<!ding tho! words of instilutlon can be
the p~ of God and the rongnogation' tM p~t praises the Fa_ callecI an rpicktu. although unfOl'l"",~ly it does nOl t><pressly men·
ther .nd gi'_ thanks to him for" Ihe wh~ wori:. oJ salvation or for tion the Holy ~irit. In the Eastem liturgies thi$ q"" t,is comes ""Iy
~ Iptti;ll l"f'«! oJ it that <'OJ. j'onds 10 the day, k.iost, or ..... IItoer the wo-nls o f Institution. ThIs di5crepancy led to. bitter rontro-
son {CI RM 55a).1he ttaditi""" l Rom"" prelact'S, of which there "lin)' in thO' Nrly Mid<lle Agos. 1he w...tem view was that the
we re wdl Over 200 by late antiquity but wh ich W1're reduced 10 si:c tr.nsformation of the gifts was effec ted by the words of institution,
".t the end o f the si xth cmtury. for the m~t pan 5p<'ak only of a par. while the East a ttributed it to the tpid..m. T1te emph.a sis ,,<>wadays.
IIndar 'Sp«lof tho! work of redemptioon. In the many J\f"W prefaca u In the tint four C«!turies, !J, on the Eucharistic Pra)'t'l as a s1n8le
I~.", tho:>so. thot pr. iw and thank God lor the <enti", "" in& Iona: pr;ayn-;' $' ~I, this ronl .....·eT$y ..,.",.. to bo: lating il!!
work of Chrisl and '!'\len for lhe entire hisiOfy of salv~ 1Mm from poInt. ~t .... st in Ihe WnI. The fi.,.l wordsof thlo rood Hlatory rpi"
er... lion 10 Ihe"""""<l com1n8 of Chri,.." ~w,u .~ underscored by two rilO!l oJ bl..... ing: the extension of lhe
Mllds over the gi fts md lhe blessIng by the .ign of the "'055.
E~~ preface hilS a ttipanite structure: In introduction. • laud atory
desoiptlon of Ill .. saving am.::.t.. and I transition 10 the comm"",1 The words of Institution in the Roman Canon are not ldentic.l with
any of the fou r biblical attOUnb of institution. They probably SO
bAd: 10 • liturglnl tnodilion Wt WaS ooIrudy fi~ bdOft the New

r""lIm""t documen~ rfCl!ived their written form Th~ d0ci5ion was Until recfflt!y, only a pritosl might rocit. any 01 tM prayeN in the
taken in lhe n!Unt1l'fonn 10 make lhe wont. of Iesus the .. me in Ia:rw1 C.non. Now. how~,'er, the congnogation recites an acdama·
all of the Eucharistic Prayers. The ph""'" -n.. mystery of laith: ..... Ifter the words o l institution. When,. lor ... ampk. the conS"'Sa·
w hich had pm'ioo.ly been lMerted among the word. 01 institu- ........ y.:"When wfeat this brud . nd drink this cup, ~ pnxloim
tion, ..·~re n!mOVed from !he1l' and lurned into a transition 10 Ihf' J'D'I' death.. Lord jesU5, un til you rome in glory,· it gratefuUy ~
newly inlrodu«d an:b.nvllon of the community (four iK"CWno- , U \1$ f.i th in the Lord a nd his saving dee is, in acrord~ with
tion, a1l' gi''''''' in the s..a.rnenlary). 1 Corinthians 11:26. ~mJU;ng ........""'is f memorial11l'Cai1s the
..alit living work of Cluist. with each Euchori:otic Prooy~ spo:c.ifi<.
In It.. Middle Age the words of institution w""" highlighted by a .JIy Nlming _ of t,,", most imponant moments in thot work; EP
number 01solemn Ioigns, ItI\OI'Ig thnn gmun~ ... p...wW' of I: P : 51 11'1, ltiurrection, and .!iCCnSion; EP II: death and nesumoc·
adonotion. Inc:ewlion. and the ringing of t:t.lk. The elevation of It.. tbI.; EP 111: death, ~, aSCfflSion, and .........d coming; EP
~lted host (from aboUI 1200) had il$ o rigin in tlw keen desire
IV .eF IOU: III but .dd, tM d n 'ent .mong the dead:
of mo.:l i"".1people 10 ga.!le upon it; the rie..arion 0/ It.. chalice WIS
added only loo ter on." Th. medieval theoIogiansdescribed the trans- Cbely rontIeCted with tho! ."""'~s in aU of 1M Eucharistic Prooy·
fonnation of tIw gifts 1$ • · transubstantiation. " TlwoIogiIJlS today . . is. pra~ oISlCrif'Ki.1 offeriIIg. It..,/<n primarily tothe OTlCt'-
spN.k a ~of. ·Ir,nsfjno l~tion" I nd I ·lransignilication." me;m- taNU .....,.;11c:e of Christ in whid! M is both sacrificia] gift and
ing therWy thaI the ronse.;nted gifts have I rw.w fullness of mean- MCrioong priest and whid! is sacramentaUy p resent in the eucharn-
ing and .ignllkl~" de: celebr.tion (lietz' · p'hl!nc .. of the act"). Tl>e Oturch .s Ouis!',
iIIY'fka1 body Interiorly U60Ci&tes it..,11 with his vol untary :...If·giv:
The transl.tion of the words 01 imtitution in th. venucu lar ver· .... linking 11$ own ... If·giving to God with his sacril1c:e. The theme
sm. of tM Mi5H1 has led in ~nt years to a Mated d ispllte. The 01 the Churdl', • ...1f·f..crif>c,,· hIS al",.dy been «>UJ\ded at the
I"" t In t"" Roman MIss.a1""y, that the blood olChri,t is ·shed lor prepa ration of the gifts, but h""" it bKOiNS especially rel"".nt and
you and for many· (.5 In Mt 26cl8 and Mk 14,24). 'The English. Ger. eHtc:tlve. ~Th" Ch urch', int""tion is that the faithful not only offer
man, Italian. and Spanish MiNals, on the oth...,. hand, have "for you thliI victim but ..1so I•• m to offer tMm"",lves and so to surrender
and lor all " Many C. tlmhCll "-'8arded th iS change as rodical theYhlE lves, through Chris t the Medi.tor. to an ever more compl<-le
enough to endonger the v.lidity of any Mass in which t"" word. unlon with tn.- Father and with .och ot her, so thot at last God may
were used.
be .U ln .n" (CIRM 55/)."
In 1'<'Sf'OJUj! it may ~ wid that tM wiJ] of God to 5;lv. t"" hunun The way to this gOllle.d. through Il'<:E'ption of tM body and blood
. acc in Ind through Christ is univ~l I nd that consequently it was of Chm t. ~fore the Eucharistic Prayer al"" con tains a prayer
Christ's Intention to shed his blood lor a ll, as un be ......, from: for the fruitful ,e;:eption of communion; this pray.,. is also called.
Rom 6:32; 2 Cor 5; ]4/.; I TIm 2:6; .nd I In 22. /OOn 6:51 points in "communion tpiclnis." It Isla" the lime for the un ity of the faith·
the ... mcdirocrion. ~ tIw Roman Mi»o l uses the phrase·for fuI, which is acknowledged to be. special work of the Holy Spiri!'
many," it h;u in view rather thf .octual efft'ct obtairwd; lor ;occording
lOC~thoIic tc.chlng many hunvn beings • .., in f ad lost. To.n.- 'The communion tpil:1flis il followlNi by tIw inlle",e pion" for the en-
COO5ideration, miy be addfd Ihf' point madf by 1M i!1CEV!ts, tire Church, itt officials, and the ga tN:,1Ni community, but .Iso · for
"" ..... ly, tho t Hri>rfW and Aramaic h~VfM word for "~U · and tt-.n.-. aU your chlldll'i\ wherever they ma yt:t." IEP m~ Commm>orolion
/0"' use "many· in thl'se_ 0I ·~1I: a usagftNtcan al30 be found ;, .Ito "",de of tIw dead; In EP 1·111 pTO>'ision is madf for ""'ming
in St. Poul (_ Rom .5:12·18; ] Cor ]5:22)." SJlKlfic indJvlduals. 'The intercessioon for the dead ... tends to · .11
the dead whow f.ith is known to you .Ione" IEP IV). Heft ag.in
UK; 00 ,he ottM.r lI.nd, !hey have .11(> ."".d 1M Roman IUthorities
.... penn i:lllion 1{)1' nt'W EucN.ristk Puy~n.. But . circular Letter 01
Itw SF .Ed Congll'!!a tion for Divine Worship. daled April '17, 1'17),
.... ted the ''Pi~l confe,ences p'mnissioo only to appro'.., nt'W
pnlace .nd ink'rtioos lind to S@6confirmationofthee_
IMry age mu~ «rtainJy be allowed to proclaim W praises of God
In ,.. own 1anll""p and ilI_.... d.1I« wili> its living faith. On the
" e hand, .pp.....·.l by tIw government of ,he Church is • necI:'$-
- r .id tomsuring INI "IMOI!nt ... and s ummit" (GJRM S4) of the
0viMian lil\lrg)l is nOl distorted by imNIancft and s uJ;ecti"ist
IIIIniJ1g5 thaI rcl1«t only ,he spirit of Ihugo'."
nw RJo, Ii"' . . ••dolly re;e.:le<llhe Ronuon Unon bK,n,,;e of the
Ida of JaCrifi« "'PI( ss~d ill h at>d in so doing .bandoned the Eu-
I dwiIIi<: Pr'Y"'" thaI is JlJch • cruci.o l part of the- Chri:5ti;m liturgy.
nu. ,"Hunon, and regret . , the miSUkc "",d... is growing today,
aIthou&h the .....d Nck will be • long one,"
'The menorial of the pudtaJ mystery, with il$~.mmtal .... p,....
I I8\l:IIlion of this mySICI')' and the usociated ...If..,/fering of the
Churrh, is follow..! by communion, which is the ",""orial."d ..c-
rtfldal meal iMtituted by Ch rist and consisting of his own body
and blood. Communion, which is an t'Sfoel1tiai pa rt e f th~ eel..bra-
don and ill 5«Ond climax. oomplf'le!; Ike Eucharist and ..:Ii"" par-
tidplltion In It. ~word "communion" (from Lorin c"",,,,u ni.. )
origin.>Uy meant "Joint con.ctlm; joinl pe,,,f'$Sion ." The early Chu rch
uted It initia ll y for lhe =I",a l commllnity. from which sinners
cauId ~ ucluded (a e~-<ommunicated). TIll' word ultimately ac-
~ its principal mUJ\ing. Nmely. union and comm""ioJ\ with
Oui!It throo.>gh the sacn!d """"I. ill ac:cordo.nce with the word.
hII~ down from 0ui!I1 himself: "'Thc5c who NI my nesh and
drlnk my blood.~ in me.r.d I in them" On 6:56).
In the o1d81 known descriptions of the ftlCt.."istic celebration the
.t«ption of the sac...d gifts foIlowfd lmmf(!i.tdy upon the Amen
01 the cIoxoIogy," IlutlOme rill/5 of prep.aration for Ike ~on
~ inlh:x I'-'«d I I "" Hlrly dab!. The fir!;t and foo"lhost ofthex
was the r«iuticn 01 the Our F. ther. The theological function 01 this

I '"
pra}'... i. "to complt"le the mys!~ry of In.- ","'rif>c.- and f
<:Ommunio - • L_ prep ....., or lOry of God'i lrJngdom; il hi OOrl'parabt.. to th~ acdamllions 0/ hom·
lion and then.. hared
or tu"" .. ronne.:tinglinkbc-' ... """,n.
sacn "",,, ac-'''_' , . - " boP found in the "i5ionsof the Apocllypse.
,.., S ",..al with ChriS! which tha'attion m.ke! poIlSi_
ble. G""8"'Y I~ C ..."t i. resp<>n>ible for the fact Ih., in th~ 1loe en5Uing gfft'ting 0 1 pNCC is also 10 boP understood illS an imrne--
Rom.n Mass the Our Fath~r no longer comes irnrn<'di ..... ' "~f dIa~ preparation for communion. Jesus says dearly, does he not, in
tho! fl'C ti of .~ r "" ore
ep on rommunion but is ""'!",raIOO from it by the II"""" tu. Semlon on lhe Mount, lilat reconcilialion with the brethnm
of pt'¥Y, the breaking of , .... bread, and tho;> commingling, "'g iI'I..st P'Kt<le worship (MI S:23f.) ? For this rear.on. in the Eas~m lit·
_pu the rite of pe."" ~ the Euch.ristic Prayer; this was
Tho! Our Fau- Is inlrodl>C\"d
rho! ~ra mentary gIVI'S four form •.
¥, a summons 10 prayer, for which
originally also the ca", in the West. Tho- priest first rKit". pray .....
!hat reflKts Jl'llUS' promise 0/ p"a"" Un 1~'27). With outstreto:iled
~~ the middl.. of the third "'ntury. and perhapoc ...·en .,a rlier the Mnds he ihc'n!lay" (or Imp) the g_ling of 1"'."'" Then. if the ac-
11110n for Ine.d In lhe Our Fathet ....·.s understood as J\"r..".;~" p<- morts
tIor> is judged feooiblo>, ht .. !he laithful to ""chin!!" • grt'<'I-
the t!UClwrislic bfNd ., Moreov '- 0 Ins cI p"aCl' .mong tt...,,-I,·<'5. The fonn this 8f""'"ling is to iak<'
f' . ...., In .. "'-'<!UeSl1m forg;,..·ness th.at
ollows In t""Our F"her "'a, seen.s reft-ning to a nee ria (lor ~mpt... I kiss, a handshakoo, a bow) i.left to tht ."isrop;tl ron-
Tallon "f the .'iOul for th .. sacred ban et (" ...... t . ry prep.>-
."f. . qu
. ., 6.1M.),ln,tw.reform..dlitu IVV then.. ·_F "~~
In lCCo,,,ance WIth Mt
",uores to dt~nnirw in acoordallU' with the cuJiure and cu..toms
of tn..1""'F1...
' " ..... , b - -." .....,- alr..,,-os I'1'CIIo!d (or
".- _ ,Y pnest ,,00 rongreg;.lion togett.:r; J>fWiousJy"
lion Aid only <h, . ~ , _ . ""-- _ rongrtoga_ ".. 1",,51 now d h 'ides the large ho5I into _ ·.....oJ pit:ns and drops
nn;> p<'t1ti<>n \ ,,~ I deli" .... uS from o>viJ").
• .....U pi<'<: .. into the chalke, meanw hit.. sooying in a low vokr.
n.... Our Fa,the.- is f<lllowro by ~ prayer 11\.11 develop' In.-linal f'<'ti- '"May this mingling 0/ the bod y and blood of our Lord Jesus C hrist
lion lor deU\-eran«' lrom evil. The priesl hel'l' p... ys for pr for bring etnnalli~ to uS who l"'K1'in" it" Thli ril<". known u the "frac_
Go<1"5 ""'r-ciful help. and for P~Ktioo , agooi..,. ronfu.ion ::; Ii tIor> omd commingling. N is explk.bt.. only In the light of h istO<}'. ~
SO thai "'e ~y ".wail i n joyful hope for the coming of OUr Snior~' left 'lNlI, prrionned hosts c..... into use (twelfth «nlUry). the
}""u~, Ch~'I. :n's
pray ...... known since antiquity as the
h~m (.. ,n""rtlOn), has now br<..", made less diffuse; it also ends in a
"mloo. lap rounds of b ... ad then u!io!d had to be brok....... into s m.1I pie<:es,
u at lhe ust Supp"rof Jesul; It waS thi' action that gave the """,,chI .
"ay th.t allows the ron8"'8"tion to ~.. Ith _~ _ .. . listie celebrM!oo its ncsi n,me, t ..... "bruklng 0/ bread ."
"1'0< tn.- ki don. .~ ....... '" w u .... ·«.. matioro:
"''t'!". " ng the f'O"...,., and the glory ..... )'OtIcs. now and for •
Paul saw this pradical necnlily of b ..... king the bread .. h."ing I
Iymbolic ';gnificance: the ~ bnoad which i$Christ i. shared by
The adoption of this encomium, which dates lrom the transitional It... m.my SO that they b«ome the ........, body of Christ (sec: I Cor
f'<'",od betw""n t ..... ficst and _ond centurit's (Dilhdr.o 9 4) · .~ ~ 10:16{.). The GIRM lNkes this interpretation ilS own (56<:; 283). Th ..
• small s ...... to rd '. • . IS a ....,
-,. .w. ecutnenical UI>Jty. sin«' E"angelical Christi..... JymboIism can be revitali«</ if I.rge rounds 01 bre..:! .... uwd in ·
have ad<k>d th .. ~lam.tion to the Our Father ""er siner luther in- stud 01 small. p ... lonJlftl ho,,,,.; il must boP acknowlt<lgt!d, how·
. f ~ tr.nslationoftheBible'-m~"
nv me Gtee , manu_ t"Vft. thattl"le traditional practlee i. bPtl1!r luilftl to llrge numbns 01
'<"npt 0 to,e New Testament which he was using. Tho- Eastnn oommunicants. The GIRM (56h) ""p'UfllS the d..sire that the hosts
Ch U ~~. too. ~a.,·e it in their eucharistic «Ioobration, though in • for the oommun;on of the falth/ul be ronsecratro II each Mass; Pius
sOhle .. hoot mod'fied form.. This "pr.yw from the ficsi hour" n_ XII, aPl',.tins to 6c"edid XIV. had already urged this."
P""'5eS Ihr J<....... ronftd"""e 01 the first rommunillH in the final vic-
The dropping oIa piea 01 the host into tl"lech.aliCl' (the commin·
8ling) Is not eMily expl.iMd . The GIRM. which usually npLtins
therites,off~ nonpw..tion~. ~rdlng to mlny IICholars it

8"" Nc k 10 I~ Roman CUSlom a«ot ding to whkh on ",," "in ft.." H \II4lte!l and Refornwrs then led 10 ' broad prohibition against
days Ihe pope "'"t , piece 0/ the cOJ«crated h""t to the priest. of cunmuniDn from lhe cu p .
the fWighboring churdles , Al lhei • ...,.t Mass the priest. put this
A IIBt c.u!iou' return 10 the original practi~ eaml' al Vatican II (SC
1"«", called the fonr!trI'U"', inlo thd. own ch.ali«s a5 a .. gn of fra- 55). The CIRM (242) lists fo u.-n gtoIlp5 which ..... ybl! allowed 10
ternal cornmunion betwHn ' he pope and lhe p lies!!; md u . ...·ay
I'IC8ve "ndn both Idnds. Following upon an Instruction 01 the
o f signifying th" OOft1o!SS of lhe s.>c:rifi~ 01 Chri..." Othffl; think
RDman ~tion lor Oivi!\o! Worship of , ...... 29, 1971), the
the pr..rn~ wUbot,O ... ed fn>m a rile that.""", in Syria a nd signi-
""""rican bi5hops ulmcled this permisosion to weekday Ma ......
fied lhe "'5urrection of CIlmI and his p IC . enc.. on the alta •. ....t ,,", 'aM for other special oxusic:lns. lnOdober of 1984 tho-con-
~le.nwhile-, the choir or c.ntor sings lhe Ax"'" Dri r Ltmb o f God1 IftPIion for Divine Wonhip aUlhorin'<! commWlion under both
in .' .jf"'~ri"l fashion with lhe cornmunily. During litis song the kinds on Sundays and Holy 0.)'$ o f obligation. In indi,·idu.ol case5
pnes! MelI"" • pr.JI)"l"T 01 pnsonaI prq>ar.JIlion fo r • fruitful";u,... the oelebr.JIting priest, O. in fNnsh cftur<:ht'IIlhe plSlOr, ntUJ;1 dmde
lion of communion. Then, '~Tgmun«ting..M raises lhe host on pastoral and practicailirounds whether lr5e is 10 bI! rrwk> of
..,.,.......ha • • bove the.ltar and 5~'" lhebiblic.ol words: "This i5 ttw. wide-ranging f.culti~ He should kt>rp in mind that the.
the l.ombofGod who takes IW,y th"Wts ofth" world . Happy are GIRM (561); 240) wlTm ly """""""', communion from the ( U P be-
lho:w:o who II\' called to h is suI'p"'"~ On 1:19; Rt--. 19:9). Then he and «\lie o f il! fuller symbolism.
thcoonaregalionjoin in PI.ying: " lord, 1 1m not worthy to ~"e With regard to tho- ..... nner of re.;e;ving communion from tlK"chal-
you, bUI only Hy 1M wD«llnd I shall be heal<od ~ (MI8:81. Thr ke, the GIRM (243ff.) dt'!Icribes four po»ibie ..... yo: al drinking
p,,"1 r«il~ ' sho" pr. yer Ind receiv.., the body and blood of
from the chalice; b) dipping of the hOISt into the enolice; ,,) u!C of a
Chrisl first; he lhen giv" lhe hosI lO 1M f.ithful wilh lhe words,
drinking tubl!; .nd d) U!ie of a s ..... 11 spoon w ith which . sman parti-
"'The body of Christ," .nd lhe faithful allSw ....: " Am....,.· Oo.>spite ils clio that has been dif'P"'l in the chalire i. p laced in 11K" mouth. The
b"",i!), this" Amm" is. prayer of faith and adoration.
Roman Instru<1ion gives prefenmc~ to drinking directly from 11K"
n... fai lhful.1\" tNe IDchoose between receiving communion in the chIoJk1o bec:luse of ilS fuller symbolism . Bt'fore giving 11K" chalice to
hand (m., ?riginal rite) and !"ea!'iving it in the mouth (cuslomary the Ift:ipil!nllne mini"e-r says: "The b lood of Christ.· and 11K" recipi-
from the ntnlh """ Iury on). A Ihird possibility_ the foi thful ta king ftll.nswers; · Amm.· Ai . ru le the r...::ipients take th.-cha lire.
the. host for lhe.msdves from the dborium-is less rommendable drink from II, . nQ,hand il back to tho: minister, who lhen cleans til<>
on """"ral COUnts." lip of lhe cup wilf. a small cloth . In a Mal'S.1 which communion i.
Idmlnlslt"I\'d under both sp«kslhe Indi"iduol foi thful are f~ 10
n." /irst point to be mado! with ... gard to communion from the cup
drink or not from lhe cup,
is th.t it was customu), ""l'fl In tM Western Chur<:h until well into
lhe Middl~ AS6 Communion under bolh kinds i51T1Df'1' in acrord In the first millennium of Christilnity it was e.mornary in both E;.01
with the instructions of C hrist and the ex.ampll' of the. Ltsl Supper. and West 10 ,.and willie rKelving communion; Ihis was esp<"Cially
Although I""oJosians ha"e ~ cotlvinced sine. the Middl~ Ages daUabW in recri~ from the cup. During the """ellth emlu'}' the
lha t the whDlfo Chris!. body and blood, is presenl in each 01 the!CU. ",a.." ti« began of kn..,ling to te«i'·f. Siner lhe ~I rouncil lhe
, haristi<: spK· :;.the fact remaill5 lhat communion in one kind .w- old cuatom Nos again bec:ome widt'llprrad. Tho.> IMIrU<."tKm [w-
lers from a defecl of f Ymbolic pow ..... The gradual d jgppNrm.ce 01 m.mtkw", MytlltriM'" on worship of the Euct..ori$l (no. ~) pennits
communion from lhe cup since the thirtolmth century wa5p..x..bly the f.ithful 10 -.i"" communion in cilher lhe OIanding or the
d .... to excessi ve .ru<ie1y Ie.sI the spilling oIlhe
n led blood do kneeling poaitlon.
greal wrong 10 the -".menl .nd thus 10 Christ Resi$tance to the The epbropal cor.Ie. enca, in ....... dana: w ith Ro .... n directives.

CUIIom<lry to use these ...·ords to signal the end of an assembly. The
~'Y lor p.t,:,or~; 11"5OI\S allow I~ l.lty to seve in the distribution
addition 01 "Go in peace, " to 1ht! Mass is ended." is then>fOl"e 10
'" rommumon.
be Wlderstood ill$ln e~tenaion. of the muning of t.... formul •. It is
Tlwd 'ISIn-bu lion
' of rommuniOllls ~ ied b . 10 be noted that the nlmt " MISS" orig;"" t"" in lhe Lalin fo rmula of
IIOrIg " fill fW'I<1i . ~ y a rommunlOl1
. on II to el<P'"S 0 utwlrdJy theromm ' , ~ .. For since from an early time the d ismiS&/lI wasacromp.o·
union of ~plrit by muns of tlw WIlly
of !heir voi~.
~ of lOY of twn , and to ma ke !he ~on 10 nnoive Christ-
1:;:::'0- nitd by • blessing. m~ WilS inteTpmed as meaning the ble55ing
whidlGod gi"alo particlpanlS in tlw Euchamt. Fu,lh", " ""t,
acI of community" (CII~M S6i) n.
body mon.u fully
lheoomm ' an ._ . Ie<tma y be' IIIn<1! ('V~ gift of God bestows a _po<IJibility and oblig<'" ilS ....
I\IOn ann with or without the psoolm, Of ~ , Ijli-'nl to a life 01 tNnksgi...mg and to the p",-;ng on 01 the divine
~ appropriam IOf18 lNy be U5ed. In ~I the ....m. rule$ '" 'lie and grace, the wortb lit. ",iMlJ toI we. uometi""" inl2rpn:'"-
.~ y ........ ~ for the singing o f the Introit. If ~ is no .;....;n Ihe Mel (with t.... Latin word ",tS&iII in mlnd ) u sign ifyingl mis5ion:
anhphon should be rNd befo.~ ord . ...- - - ..,-.g.. NCo. your miMiOO'I is begiMing."
fa ithfvl unng U"" rommuruon of m.
",. I I the ~lng..!oO roow at Ihen'Wi the prieit kines the altar be--
In ,-lew of the tligh signifiao~ of communi -..
propri<Ile I nd lManingnd. 11c.... find ~, ~an~ ...ng IS af>" (oft I'ltwning to IIw sac:mty.

in u.., ~;n";ng "'. b , e><p,",,~ .n!!ilent puyer oo-

-- .... ymn.psl m orton&DutirI th" . Ttl l! f ORM S Of 6UC li A R ISTlC CEl U!< ATlO,,"
brant Ci'" sit in the p~denl~1 ~JJ n,;. g IS 11m.. the erie- Although lhe louie SfnKNn:' of lhe tucharistioc ct4eb •• tion is F;JC.<'d,
" that follows is !ikewi~ I th
the.b"d' L." , . :- prayer.her communion
anksgivl1Ig,but it iJ liso I petition for
I I1Ig rrull 0 the 1aCT11ll<!l'1t.
thert a~ r.onet~ \'arying r>q)l'I'!I!iOru; of ii, wrurn are called the
" fOI n6 of celebrltlon."
C""d"s;"n Mol.., with # Con8rrga/i(>PI
After tt.. prl yer afterrommunion shon .nnounccrnmts be Thil II the normlll form of celebuliOt'. "As far liS poosible. and espf"-
~:d.. of ma tlel'l lmportant 10 the plrish . It would be a
• ~~, r:
rs7:':' i
how..v ..... 10 go into lengthy explanations. t thi . ....... n:as -
dally on Sundays and holyda ys of obliga tion. thiS Mass lwilh I....
J""OPle uklng ~rtl should be « Icbr.ted wilh song and wilh • s uit·
I ,I""" ""y
the d\a 'wou ld wo rk Iga 1n5 ' t I~ rontlnuing impressiony left -' •
b able number of minilte ... " (CIRM 77). Thr OI .... r minis ters usually
eu n stlc c~lcbr;l!lon. There is nothing 10 pm hlb"t til . Y Incl ude an a.;olyte, I lKlor. Ind canlor or leader of """g (78). In
from accompanying the annou.ncemenlS with his .... ~_.,.,p~,
word H~ then the r- '~'- ,na
' every form of celetlilion II deacon m.ay assi.t the celebrant . should
one be ."ailable. It 1, not permitted. on theother hand, for a priest
God ," bl . gr~ community with th .. tradition.l wish for
" ..etIoSl ~: NThc Lord ~ wi th you/ 11'1<1 adds tile bll'SSin to li ke the role 01 i d\!iC0I1 for I.... sake of g .... ter solemn ity, as was
p~r" Instead of the u.ual s imple form of bl . g the prxtKe In the ~I'I """Lemn Masses."
_ Ing h "" pn~1 may
L •
useeither. NIIOIe blessi " "
CIRMdoes mn ng or . praY"'OV"'the~le. "Tlw,o Amon& Ma55e!I with a congregation " Arsl pla<:e should be given. be-
(21)' th., s.. noc Ny that the ~ Ie are to kneoel during lhe ble!i6ing ClUHof its nwaning.lo the M1S5 III which I.... bishop presides sur-
d : cramtT1 tary NYS OO'I ly tN t lhey an:' 10 bow thm heod rounded b y ..... colLege of pre5by\ef5 a"d t.... "..;,m\ef5 and in
unng U.... ..,1cmn ble!i6ingor the r. •
fulare noc u id 10 make the . . : ...;rovertlw ~Ie. 'The faith- wh\dl 1M people take full and acti...., pan" (CIRM 74). Thl' Comli·

blll'S/ling. bul Ih is is I mearu::n:l ~1Utem::~~t.;:; tlw tution 00'1 the Ururgy had alrudy f«used I II..nlion on t.... public
...dwistic ce~.tions of lhe bishop (rradiliONoLLy calLed " ponliA-
. final
. ut!n di~ti·
N ,e, II r. "'....
. rJl, reaUy ft\ftRS: NGo II ' the cal Ma_ btause in them .heChur<:h bE<:",,,a vi5ibLe in a p ....
N ).

dl$m-..1 (from IIw utin di",':";"). ln antiquity II wa :In:oa':.y _ inent _y (SC 41).

109 '"
CmrCtlrllrt>ltd Mo"
~ Mass lakes an espedaUy solemn :n:,nrct
br h..d Dir.c:lrnyfu< MasstS with Child ......" ln 1974Ii1rHrlJer.

- .
form wh,... It i, celeb,.IM by athnoe Eucharistic Prayer.; for MaS5e$ wilh Children were
_'n,,1 prif.sts , imult.oOOO<l<Jy, with 0fW of th ..... Jcting ~ I"" p rin-
a~ .....!ebranl. HhtorkaUy, ~ eilrly fonn of mneelebration in ~
\\tit w"" NsiloPnl ~Iion N in which only ~ highesl ranking
~ebrant .pob lhe Eud.... ri.ric PrJyer. In th irteertth..:entury ~
The v.rious documents mmrione<l i<""P tN b.>5ic sttu<"IW'I' .~
c bc ation bu t "l/ow for tom4' simplification ~ ~ 10 facilitit l ._
Nr.plidl conce!ebr.tion " d'-"'eloped. with each con ..... lebrant 'peak_ -do standi", and participation by dtil<1I't'n. It " Importanl tN.1 chil
Ing the enti", Canon along with the J>OI>O' and holding ru.. own ~ ~ °os far q poiIlible lake phy,lcal pari in tne:
Uturgy through pamc-
in his lund. Toward the end of If>f ~i,-",al pt'riod this fonnof ,' - in 1""" ions. , . . landl vivid pttsmt.oliOnl. . .. But (1\'0,0 a
.. _ .
coo """lebration was e<tmdftf to Muse althe ord lNtion o f bishops children', Uturgy must h.ave 'PAces fer ~ __ ' The .
0; 'Kl<lly
and priesb. pves the prit'Sl a.ttin Uberties in 1M d\oice 01 rtadmgs. The
homily can, if I\ee<I be, br giVf1\ by a rompdenllaypn5O" (fer " -
Vatican JJ I't'.ffirme<llhe val"" of ronc.,lebration as manifesting Ih ..
ample, a ~acher or catechist),"
unily of the prieslhooo;! rnd lhe sacrifi ...... All .... s.>1TIe lime. it broad .
er'II'd lhe range of occasio", for ils UIiI' lrId decn>fti tha t. n..... ri~ In 1970 Rome gave its approva l to an ·Order of Mass ,:"ith ~af
oi ronc.. leb.alion should be compc -:d (SC 57({.). This IWW ri~ WI! Children· lor ~German~kingcountries: Q)/ft!4lnt5t "'"
pub!is/wd on M" rch 7, 1965," and was furtMr justif;fti and """",,_ C 'oorI(llSnl (UfUrgy fur thor [leal) (Eiminfl'ln-Freiburp_~ Tht ~~sto­

II'I«IdM il\ the Insrruct:ion E~'lutristkw", "'YS/17iwm 01 Ma y ZS. rat Commlssion of Austria . 1"" i'illued texts under the hlle of &&to-
1967." lhe 1\..... Mi55llJ of 1970 rol\llil\ftf a re"i~ ri te (C IRM 153- ral C are o f th .. Handicapped in the Paris".~"
2(8) and again "'I,...dM lhe "«asions fo r its uor. Conceleb,alion
Nefr...:tivl'ly bringt 0\11 the unity of the priesthood,of tN~, Mow with I~ Yowng . of I
&net of the w.... p.q:>le ofGod · (CIRM 153)." The _ t: .... us situational many young people Is In ot l : " gre~
.......... _ ..... _--' from theQ\ri5tian fa,th
c:onoem lOday. Many hav.. bee> ~~'~ lf>W this br
1M eM"",'",,, M..., and tt.. ,~1ore from theSund.l y E..rn.rist. The ?U8eS of c,,"
11\ the past I"" Mu, do.ily C<'/ebru<:'d in ",ligious communities in titted ~ only in the form of slog'I\like headings that do not
conl unction with ~ choral offi ..... w.s h ighly est<'emftf, boocauor :pply in the i\l.me me ••-ure 10 . 11 of the young, decline, 01. D:risllan
J>"lPle SOOw in it NIho. tTl<>del of J"OPi'r li turgical c..lebration. N" .Vati_ . lWt tion and Christian Itadition d ..... to the IIr-<:hristiall1zatton
C.., II, how..,...... and the manns ~rg:ing from II righlly nnp/la. MlC1.I
oi H~w_ ''nstn.tction;
man y f:.nilin; defectiv~ Ioi ' hS o f re....-_ . . spreild of
siu the obIig;olion of I'tiigious communities to (ao fn <l1li POSSible) ... • ... ti ... uthority" O\Itlook and conseq .....lly a d wancmg from
daily (con)celebution of the Eucharist. a<:rording 10 lhe possibililirs and skepticism loward lhe N!ru.titution"; t/w lKk <>! aw~t et "::s..:.
In r.lch situation, "" tnnscefIdence and an exclusive allention to ma\lt'nilllhil\gJ (

and. Enl!ghtemenll_ [n ronsequ,... ..... of these influences m&l\y young
M4.o.! u"h Child""
It Lack. motivation for participation in liturgfes which tNy re-
Val;';'a n II had come 10 thor rulization rn..1 unifonnity in Uturgkal
celrbr.tions Ullnot br madelilr idHI (SC 38). A«ordingly. In...
u boring &net , e,, ";II. from life. · Many My: WIt: 1\0 I~ger find
In the Iitu'l)' the real pmblerns of the world a rod the ques~ .of
CIRM s t.otes thaI ·~..:h ConfbehO: of bishops h... the power 10 lay
ronlemporary /JIf"T\ and wom,..., "'fKially since the hturgy 1I\ tIS.
down norms for ils OWn lerrilory that aT'(! sui ted to the It.ditio", usual fo"" nO longer allow •• pe~al <X>I1trlbution of lhe partie,·
and chnacrer of """"Ie., "'"Sians. and various communities· (6)_ pants. 0"
This kirod of adapt.otion IieemftI es~IaUy urgenl in Masaes 10. ""'I-
dren. On Novimlbrr I, ]973 tlw COIlgI't'gfItion for Divine YIbrsItip AU this nplains the efftw1 bei..g made in pastoral care of the young

'" '"
10 ta_~e the. f.ilh·silualion a ... d ps)"chologiul slale 01 Ihe )'OUI\g into fei' .., 110 ~\'r. The celebration 0/ MIA with I """II
rIOt be
con~de.O '1On as far as possibk in 0 'l! .... i~ing the liIUI)I)"." This ~f. group should help individual, to fit more N $ily i ... to the 1a'8'" com-
fort IS backed and ~ouraged bY 'M Constitution on th~ Utu'8Y
when.!t !'Oy' .hat In liturgical i... slructiorl heed must be 81>·..., tu
(ondilior\i. way of life, deg ..... of relig;o .... d~\"elllplnl'f1t. and po=~ It Ii dm rab1e that u....se Manes be celebrated eil~ in a srn.all ~tut·
of comp<ehmslon (SC 19; 34), and thaI "prm'isions s hall also be peal ~ (for eumple, "dlapel or a chun:h UHd just on w......•
mad ..... for l~ti ...... 1O' ,· . ..... tions .tId adaptations 10 d lffcl'l!fll <11)'$) or II suitably prepared dwellina o r p~ 01 n _ ts"bly. A
groups ... provided the subst .... tial u ... ity o f tIM> Rom .... Ri .~ is p rt- Iidroom Of. home forl ..... g~ can besuch a $elting. In nonIi!UfSi·
_"ed" (SC 38). cal venues" feotivdy p~~ t.ble c.n _ IS In , Itar. litu rgical
vl!S6l'lt-a p."'" for t.... hOl!IS .tId" chalire-.hould be provided . It
Ma5S u"'h Spore;"1 Group< Ikould be taken for granled among believe-r5 Iklt I.... dl'l!Sli and be-
Beca~ 01 the! a v..... .ge siu 01 presenl-day p.rishes and IM ' IO'ady "",,viol" of the panici~ ... ts will be IlUited 10 the dignity of the celebra-
s h"15 m 11M> p"p"labon (.........- housi"'g de-'dopmen15; N tclHre tion. The p,.;.",t should be ~ble as '.p' ! 5 mtative of Chrisl
lowm), those who .tteru:l t .... community's ~turg:ieI; ut' usu.Uy and leader 01 the eucharislic rommunity and should Itoel£fote nOf
51rang<'fS to one ~_ Thi< anonymity CKtainly makes il more c .1 bt ate without the liturgical gai1T1ef\lS. MI... excep60nal uses. the
d Ifficult 10 I!~pcnth<e the commUNI diTrM"nSion of the Euch.rist dr$ pmcribed 10.- the priost in .hoe adminislruion 01 other $KIa'
and thel"l.'by.achi(ove. deeper undemanding of Ihis NcrOmen l. For men" can be regarded as sufficienl ~; obviously. tt.. stole should
'~'S reaso... , In s.,pwmber. 1970, 11M> German bishops issued guide- always be wom : '"
I"~ ,,:" the ceid>ral1On of , .... EUCllariil with spe<:ial,I''OUps. The
~idel""" w~ ba5<'d on the alrl.-.dy mentioned get\O!ral ~Ia­ Iu fIT as the organization of the ulebralion itself Is roncerned. thoe
tKlflS set d ....·n in Vaf)c.&n II and t.... GIRM. a tld on the Imtruction guidelines 0111 ror • U l-'l-'ful Jel«' ion of l-'l-'adings. prayen;. and
lkri<> "",'."""/ij of Ih<- Congn:gation lor Divine Worship (May 15. _ gs that wiU be suited 10 the p",rticuLu situation and I.... capacity
1%9; ",vised, D.o.:ernb..r. 1970), but lisoon the conclusions reK~ of the pilrticipanlS (_ CIRM 313). A dialogue on spirituallhings
by vanous commissions in t .... CC'rman ... peaking count ries." !JUly "",lac.: t .... homily. In the Geoerallntm::essions the p.trtici·
p.I ... tl may add pcr!<>I"LII peti.ions; the rubrics aUow only the priest
"Special grou ps" ~a ... ",fe. 10 va.ious cong~.tions; families . ..... igh- to do this in community Mai6eS." Communion in both ki...ds is . 1-
borhoods. lpostollc groups. )lOUlh groups. paTf)ciponts atld guests lowed, 115 d istribution in such small groups being .... easy matter.
• ~ ronfe~. p<'Ople attendi,,!! ""'maS'" Of iubiJ<!leos or fu ner.1seo-. •
VJCe'l,d,"" In schook and, finally. ~..... smaU groups ga therftl The existins guidelines were t.kft1. 0\..,.- by the epdcopal confer-
.ro~ a sick petSOn. In U - celebr~tIons. also known (acrol ding l1'lCf5 o f It.. Gernun-spnking countries. £l<t'O'I'1 for Swi~.

to Clrrumsl,,,,");iS Ma.,... wi,h small groups and Masses in Ill. The bW>op5 0/ the lalter rountry ~ lheir own din:ctiveo ..... hich
r.ome. lhe slTUC"\ure of IItt- community Mass is to be ..... ained. Ca ~ Wll-'I-' published in 1971 .Ioog with instfuction from the Swiss Utur.

IS also to be taken tha t the practice doo.'s not lead to isolation from gical Commi ssion."
1""-' larg.... commUnity but Tat..... fKiHta les participation in Its life. .M.tu wilhcwl. Con~lion
" At . Mass with a small group il ls f'O'!'ible tu el<perimor t.... basic 1ho! ITIOIII complete form 01 ~harislic celebrltion 15 0 .... in which a
structure 01 til. ~arist:ic ...,k-br.tion in a direct way; til. resull commW>ity tau.. part (Ma" with Mthe galhtled ptople"; GIRM 25).
con t,., • ~ .. nder.;.... nd ing 0/ the c:elebration w",," the «>ngrP- 1ho! pI II nce of • community iH"pliciUy emphasized in , .... decu-
ga~... is much large •. {or e .... mp lr, .t t .... Sunday liturgy. TIw lno- """,1$ 01 Vatic.n II .nd thCM of the postconciU.r rri:>m'I . The a,...
nymlly Ihat 15 perh.ps atl""dant upon .I...g.... galhering wU! I",," l umptlon thaI. community 15 pltoenl explains lhat during ma ... y

, ~,

pt"riods in m..ony rites ~ Mass has ~ known simply'5 "tho> as-

In the early centuries tile placr of n!krVation was th .. pri ... r s ll'Si-
sembly" (for examp,,": miRra, sY'"'xis). The Mass is ~n activity of
~: from the eighth century On. 5id<...-oom in the church (the
the Chun::h (of tlw '((//'5"'. thai is, H"" lSM'mbly 01 tI>OH who have
"..,opItotimt Of d;"l:o~ik(m in the WI; I'" s.crlsry, or il' p~,
b"omulled) and not a "prh 'aa, ritual o f 1M priest" O. Rat~gerJ. the _ri'l/~ or _ ..riu,.,. in u.. ""I) __-ed IS the iEpwoilOfy.
In e.;tremP cues. noo~eIi"Ss. the Ch",rdllJlow. tho: ~alion of A furt ..... ",;uon for a!'OR wilh l'w pUClke of distribul.
1 O!I _h 'ation
Moss With but a 5ingIe _mtant who ~resmt. the rommunity
Ing communi"" on nonliturgk.1 day, in the liturgy of the Presancti -
(thwgh th .. sign i. m inimal) and giVl', the respomea of the commu_
fled. which dINeloped in the Elst from tllt sixth ~tury on but
nity in til<! "",,,ral dildogU<'5 (GII{M 210).
wllich in the West found ~anct only on Good Friday. Gener-
In the Tridentine Mi-.J the failW1' 10 hi" .. atl ..ast this single assis- aUy 1IpO'olking. how~, ~ttfon w......deto"" 21 "air onIyas
tant. or sen"er,w" deda~ 10 be. dt/«rllS Mr.- ( a de~t in the much .s would be n«<led lor the .-1 liturgy of u.. ~fied..
Mass) and """'~ th.,«!ebralion midi though not iM.lid (Ot
The practice. first all""ted for ,e",salem in the .. ltventh century, 01
rUfrrtibus X, 1). According to the II ...... Order of Mass, however, In
diltributing the Nm.>ining pi~ of eucharistic bread at the next
'0S0i' 0/ "serious n~ity- Mass may he celebrated without.,,,,,,, a
....wr: In this ca~, the ~ings ;md t/w ble4ing a~ omitto<:l
Mus met initially with riSistara lit the w...t.
Then. howe"n, it
¥,u d gr~dually until tJw, end of the iUteenth cmtury. AI that
(CI/{M 211).
point it bo<camt common pr~ to ronsecralll' enough ~ Io haw
n.. theological justification fa< ..ying tIuol. MISS without. con_ lOme in ow< I.e." Despite numf'1'OUS ec:clesioslical w,minS" agAinst
gn>galion retains "its effectivet"l<:Sll and worth" is that "It is lhe ac- this bad puctke"lt lia s still not been completely eradlcated_
tion of Christ and IhI> Church, in which the priesl always .els on
From t..... Ihirteenth century on. tlw Vf<\ef.tion of the COi\S«Tated
be ... )! o f the prople'. Sllv.lion.-
Jilts outside lhot time of Mass grew rapidly: il was promo.~ ~
With ~ 10 1M rilull of a Mas. wilhoul a rongl"e!!alion I sh.aIl dally by St. Frands of Assi$i and his Order. This rotW dINotoonal
.imply poinl oUI th~ mosc ","Iient diffeo~ from a Mass with a con- oullool found expl'i!'SSkon in. amon& other thing •. the eltv_tion of
gn>glItion: aftt..,. kis$ing the altar t ..... p~ "goes to the ml!l5alot the the COnseo-lted host after tllt word. of institution (I pr.cti~e first .t-
left side of the aitar, and remairls there until the rnd of tile gt'rM'ral tested for Paris at the beginning of the thirteenth C'e1tury). visits to
int<"rc~ns" (GIJI.M 214),'" the me-.d Sacrilllll!1ll, the institution of the fea!1 of Corpw; Christi
with il5 procel5;&. (JOOO followf(i by ot ..... r pl'OCl'Mio;ms with the
FORr.t S OF EUCH"IUS TI(: DEvot iO N OUTSIDE !o4" SS Ble " Td Sacr.un~I ). e"J'O"ition of the ","enmenl outsi"" and ooon
H isl()tiotl &rrosp«l ewn during M.SI!I (contrary to the wi.htsofRo ...... ). and the custom
The real eucharistic p~ 011"'" glorified Lord in the COrIR- of the HFony Hours Devotion ..... In the d",-otioruo 01 the many pop-
cratt.'CI gifls o f bre.d and wlrM' causoed special lIIenlion Ind rever- .dar assoct,tioollnd contratemities adoration of tho! Lord present
Mer to be paid 10 th_ ~1!11 outside of Ma .... Even in Chrisru.n in the hooosl \ikewiseaome toNve an impor~ INI w,,", aug-
onliqlliry ""..... olllti5 h>Charistic ME "d W.5 om! to tho! abMnl (Ihe """'toed by the ;1'ICOrpo;ation of "'I)e,IotiOO5 and Prlyom to tho!
sick) or wasgi\"en 10 the failhful to!a~ ho ...... with l'wm SO tN.t Blr nr d Sacramml Into the dioctsl/"i hymn.o," .nd prayeob004

they would hor able to reuive it on days when t ..... Euduorist was
not ~Id>rlted. Above Ill. """,e 0I111e .."dt.ristic bread was kepi .., These and similar fOim5 of eucharislic devotion and worAAip are of
tllat il could be given to t ..... dying as food for thm journey (viati- oourwllcit in principle. They do. however. bring with them th e dan-
cum). ThIs .dminist.. lion 01 tho! Euchlrist as viaticum w.. the oritI- ger tn.1 thrir connection with t..... ~ltbr.tion 01 MISS will beat>-
inal;a nd ~fic purpc se oIttsH,·.t>on. kWed, that tho! lilUrgy of lhot word. the Eucha ristic Prayer, and the
i«eption of communion w ill no Ioroger be e~pel ieroced as fonning

• s ingle whok<, ~nd lhal!he '«<:plion of communion during Ma ss 18). The tinal d upter (l U) 5Irongly urge!' "dev Olion, both private
will no longer be po!lcei "~ n I"" norrn~ti\'e and highesl form of and public. loward the Eucharist ",,'en outside Ma56: but in confor·
euchariSIiC dn-otion.
mity with lhe norm, p n.'wnUy in lorce (79~ In practicing such devo-
TN N"".Rift rioJn the fihM... l should be ....'~I'f Wt tht _ .... men"'l p.e:;cn(e 0/
TM litu'llical reform has cut Iway """'y (...... II.imen!ioned) ex. Ii>e Lord irises from the wcrifice ~nd h illS com munion for its p ur·
ceses and R'ol!SeTIed lIMo prim"y 01 lhe n>eh.otistic «'Iebralion Ua I"*' (80).
unilary who!... In tills ron ,",1 rei'enm<:e m usl be mode fi rst of all to In ronnecllon with exposition of the mes&ed Sacranw.nt in a cibo-
the Roman Instroction Euclwri.Hcum mysfrrium (May 25, 1967) and riwn, py.c. 01 mon"1"I/"ia care mU$l be tu..... to a..o id evnything
to the !l«tion ofthe Rorna.n Ritual that tlMo Congrq;.otion fur Divi.... ~tIuol could in .ny way olosc:ure Christ'f inten lion 0 1 .... tituting the
Worship published on June 21. 1m under 1M tit'" H<JI' I Commllnio", Euc:Nrisl abo"e aU 10 be near US to Ie<!<!, 10 hN~ and to comfort w;~
find Wrmhip if rltt Euc,""risI o"WM Af4ss.'" smce the latter to a la.-ge (8.2). 1\ is lhe.dote forbidden 10 celebu lO' Mass while the 81essed
extml "'P""S !he d itl!di.," 01 thr Instruction, I shall refer to it s.c.a"",,,1 is e~pc! ed in thr ......... church. In addition 10 the ,N !iOTI5
aloow in tiM' fol lowing d i!lC1.tSSion. alreildy given fo rthis in 1"10. 6 (abm~), il is .. id ""'" lhal ~ Ihe ""Ie-
The Gene.-allntroduction to !he d ocumenl toeg; .... by s tating thai bn tlon of the ~ucha""ic mystlrry includes in a hW><-'r ...·ay IN.t
tiM' «'id>n lion oI lhe E..c/utist i. the origin and purpose .....en of Inner oom m ... nion to which nposition is ........" to \e.ld the fli thful-
t"" worship gi ...,., to the NCfammt on the . I\.iI' """ide Mass (2). (83). A liturgy of me word should p!"l"C1-'de ""...... brief e"J'O'ition;
~No Ont! I""ref_ fI\.iIy doubt 'lhaloU lhe faithful show this holy ~eKp05ltlon merely fort ..... purpose of gi" ing benediction i. prohib-

sa(n~ 1 lile n'nt'fatlon and odo... 'ion thai i. due 10 God himself. Ited " (89). This trI(' ..... that t"" prodi"" hilh<-rto wid.,..,,,,,,d of sw·
a~ has always been tke p,"cli<:e l'eC'l>gJ\Ued in Ih~ Dtholk Chun:h '" Ing me /iN-I blnsing wilh lhe 8J..s~ Sacr. "",n!, for example. U
(3). Th~ primary and origin.1 renon for "'.... " ·ing lhe Eucharist i. the end of devotions, Is no tong~r .lIow.ble.
tho.· .dm in;slr~lion of viati cum; a _onda ry purpose is the "",ep- ""Jlw:o ordinary minister for e. positi,,,, of Ihe eucharis t is a priest or
lion of oommun ion outsid~ MIloS Ind Ihe adoralion of the Lord ~.oonH; if a ptic!;t or deacon is not .v.il.ble, an .tolyte. an extraor·
who is p"",,--nt In the Eucharist (5), Sin"" lhe cucharis tic pre5<"OC<' of dinary minister o f oommunion. or (by appointm",,1 0/ the Ordi·
C hri st Is lhe fruit of the oon"'-'CTa tlon. the Euch~risl should not be ""ry) I memboor of a rt!liKiou s tommunity '" pious a ..<;ociation
On the ahar of celebralion at til« beginning of Mass (6), In order 10 de-dicalt'd 10 eucha ri51ic .doration m.ty S",,'e IS minister. These ex·
mai«' adoration before th" 81t'5Sed s...;,r. menl possible during the ceptioNl mini ~ters ma y not, howeve', give tile b l.... ing wi th the
day, chu n:h"" s tlould be cpom fur al k.sl I few h""tScach day (8), _rlmenl (91).
Jf the I'ithful are unabl~ to ta ke p.art in the «lebr. tion of the MISS n.e priyers, songs, "nd ""dings . t an exposi tion of the 8lt'5Sed s..::.
thl>y h,,,'~ thl> right to "-'«'ive comm union outside Mass. allhough nnnent should be l och th;illhe~ locus Ihe fullauention of the faith·
t ..... p.>star- should make clu, Ihe intrinsic connection o f commu. lui on Chrisl (95). " h Is fi lting that a euchari"ic procession begin
nion with the sacrifice of tile M"", (1M,). On Holy Thurod"y M>CI aher the M~".nd \h(o ho6t 10 be u rril'd in Ihe p nx'-"SSion is con,,"~
Good Friday, hQwevfl', commun ion Is .'·ailableou lside Mass only cra lftl at thi, M _ " (103)."
to the ",k. On Holy 5.l,urd;o y rommunion may ~ r. 'C"eh'ed only in
I..... form of viaticum (16). Communion outside Massshould bto TItt Drr6.rr OWl' , ' ' ' Ad",irrW,,'ion if Com "'lmiom .. , J'riDII.... Liru'8its
given only in the .!letting of a Utu'8Y o f the word, whether brief ar- s.....yurld FtoSrdliys
.. II

long..... (17-.53). The ........ ti t" t!wn goes on 10 d · · rObe the .dministr". n.e at\I~ .tw:ona~ of prifSlS in wide areas of the world has It'd in
lion ofrommunion 10 lhe s k k by an ke>:tro>ordina.ry" minister (54- many c:ommunitiet 10 priHtleu liturgMs on Sund~ys and feaslda)"$-
lnitbolly thIf !!\ONnt "only" liturgies of" rJw> wo rd, which had already

been reconunended by Varion II (S( )5, 4) and for which dirmiV\"5 forbidding it. But when communion is distributed in this contexi its
were Si,'m in no. 37 01 thoe Instruction Inl" Oft:~""",ici on tho:o 0r- ~ion with the Mass should be bl'Qllghl out clearly."
derly ClIrrying ou t of thoe Con$tilution on thr Liturgy (5<-p!...oo.,r On Junoe 2, 1988 the Congrega tion for Divine Worship published"
26. 19(4 ). When Rome allowtd thoe 8erlin C~ of Ordinaries
Oim:t~ frr s".;d.o~ Cdtbno riom ;11 rltt Absmct of. Pritsi." The Com·
in 196.5 10 ronunIssion laypttloOf"l' to d~tribute communion,. Ihe ....
mI_ on the Uturgy of llle National Confeiel .... ofCatholk Bish-
crpliOll of communion was soon . <.tdtd to 1M titursi'"" o f the word
ops of the United $tales, In l<eeping with the Dir«1Qry, pn>pared a
cundU(1td by thoe bity. Tht rapid ex_ion of distribution by ritual for use In S\lnd .. y celebration5 in the a~ of I priest that
laypenons[extraordinary mini$!<'Qol llw Eucharist') soon led in providf5 lor Morning and EverUn& pu~and a cel,btation of !he
other rountrit5 10 tht $ame form of p riestlt5s liturgi .... Tht m~;or;ty ~d 01 God. When it is pilSlonUy .ppoop>i.oollP communion may
of bi~0p5 Itcornmendtd Iht p racri« in Ihrir olfKiat gnflIes and u-
be distrib uted lil 5efYk'ft. The UtursY Commitu> also ~
p rovidN corOC lClI( di~i,·" N I ren~td in pari. the dt'risions of pam! a pMtonl ! tllmw!IIl to usist bishops in lhe """ of the ritual:
tho:o natioN l ,ynods of tht ,i~1its. "
QrIlotml ;1I S,tdd/." F~i'h."
()bjecIions wtrO:' 50Qfl n~, howe\'ft". to tht <qJUlaJ dimibulion of
communion at IMIie li tu~ of the word," on tht ground!; that the
distribution of rommunion oulSi~ MISS rould be v~ only u a
slOpg&P meowre lJ'd ""'., a p.a~worthy ~nnanenl !IOlulion. In
addition (it wa, Nid ). ~ WI, dlngrrofploilloting •• tatic or is<>-
laliorwil undlOf"llt.lnding of the Euchl risl thai foro .... attmtion
solely on the roruarlted hOiI (Ihe lUI pre:!encr of Christ) md .t·
l"dl<'5 less importance 10 the .... pre&enlatkm of the pu .:hlJl mystery
(Betz'l "preenc.! of lhe saving ,ct " ), It further danger wh that tht
c""otanlnsocialion of liturgy of the word and tommunion would
lead 10 decrea34!d esteem of the liturgy of the word in the minds o f
tlw faithful.
n.., Gnman Epi5copal Conference lntervened In the debate with"
reco mmcndlltion of September 20, \983. It 5aid: "l'h<> • ..",.;.tion 01
communion with the litu.l!Y of the word s hould nol be made the
rule ~t prit'Stless communIty llturg~ on Sundays · (II, 3). The ""'-
compa nyi ng - r.,torallnd Theological Cl.rific.tions · justified this
on grou",::,' of ':"" n.ture of the Euchari$! &$. rompleo< totalily "lts
"",o'fal d,m....,IOf\II Of .'PfCIs ml y not be I rbitnrily dotaehed from
one another and mad.! ind'l"'lodm .. • ItJoo to lor takm into iI<'OOunt
in th~ a ...... is the ongoing talmenk l l d ialogue, whk h sees the Eu-
d Ulmt., a unitlry whole and _Its an organization of it thai is in
accord with ;111 fUture. On lhe other hand. the bWoops had no inlier>-
lion of d~ying 1M NsK legitimacy 01 a ~tursY ofllw word N t is
.-.:ompanled by the dbi ribu,1on o f ('I)fIUnunion or, ronoequmtly. of

". ".
ecndi lionfd ...,tanglements ofto:n m.lu:. su pposedly conscious
. . . decision ag.1Mt God M'erT1 in fact dubious. Bul l'\'en whe ...
Ih!I'f Is not $uo:h i ded~ th(ol'1' can be: rn<nT><:rltous irw:ohele,,~
of behl vlOf and cu lp;tble b il ures that .'" not i1'ducible 10 tho:>s<> . ....
Chapter Twelve
1IiaI~ tinS of wttich w~ are i n gull ly (sa' JalJlP.l3:2). It N5 lherefore
...., fUggeted thl! we net'(! i calegory of · ...,.;ous- si" between
·1IIOftIl· ind · ,·",,;al.·'
The S;IIcr;llme nt o f Reconciliation AoccsJording 10 Ihe gospels, jesus 01 Nazatrth.. who:>s<> food was 10 do
IN will of the 0IIf who h.td ......1 him (_ In 4:34). tool< sill ""'Y ...,.;-
.-Iy and hid N~ wonJ!; to ... y I gaiMI il (fo. nample, M118:6-t1;
A coo h,d ~andin3 of the _ nmenl o f "-"""'Cili.tion or of 23:1lff.). B... t h. was not simply an uncompromisi"g preacher 01..-
ponarn ~ire J f.lth-b.oxd u........,londing of m Sin is • deliber- pertIInCe; M aU<> loved sinners, led !hem 10 reconciliation. and fo r-
.~, frft depArture from the bindi", will of God; il is . ...If.willed,
pw the-ir l ins (we Mt ~:2 p.o ••). ":"<' dirna~ of his ~i~ fo r sinful
.gwtI.hic "No· 10 thec:re.tor.tId his C'OfI'UNnd ... The Engllih humanity w as reached ill h.lsecpLltory alld ~ling suffenng
word -lin" is ultinuotely d~V«i from a GeTman word meaning to
..-d dNth (sa', e.g., Rom 5:8).
""P<'ralf, to po.at • gulf ~eer\ CI'I"NI'I' and c",.IO<. For Christi. ""
il is'l the SiI"'" rime. betr.y,! of. di .. inely gi .. en .. ox. tion and of He gave pcrmanf/RC'l!. 15 i\ ...·ere. 10 lhis once-foo-•.u acl of reconcili.-
the .... thmtic ~If·ftdfillment INt isacJUe.ved through th.. following IIa\ by lNlilUling lhe sacrament of his body thai is given for u.
ofChriJt. ..-d his b-Iood illat is s.hed "lor 1M forgiven.:ss 01 sins ." He also
p~ hili d illCiple5 the rom mi5lllion alld aUlhority to preach - ",,,,,,,-
Sin.oo NS I soci.1 dimension, since it capriciously destroys the lInOe.nd forgivenes5 of sin . . . in his I'Iame to alll'lalio.... - (Lk
buk foundltions imd s)'lIlt'm of la ws of humon society and work.. 14:47) Ind to ad mlnlsler bapliW' fo r the Iorgi,-encss of s ins. In addi-
inju.~ upon o~'. fellow human brings. Thi. soc",! l.<pect tion, he m.de hi. C hurch I sl8" Ind instTUm"nl of reronciliatio" by
em"'S" e.. en more strongly when wr focu.son tM ro mmunily o f t Illowing upon ii, through Ih~ power of Ihe Holy Spirit the aulho.-
bel", ...,.." the Ch ... rch, which Chri51cIIi. to an obligalory holiness .
Every _iou, sin of its membr.., is, drog upon and an injury to the
\'ll.ollty .nd credibility o f the C hurch ,,, d the"'fore to its miSllionary '1l 5TO ~ I C AL
Ity to forgive lim; Un 20:221.;...., 2 Cor 5:18) .


imp.ct. Sin Ih", mi lita l" 'g' i",1 the a.coomp!ishmt'flt of Jesus' pur- In 1t1 conc .. m for tho! con version of sinn<'rS lhe Church has in differ·
po!W 01 whkh Epheai.ns5:25 speaks w ...... il SiI)'!o thaI"" " Iovl'd enl histori,,1p«iodsarw:il'l'gioni! e.erci5o!d varying degn"l-'S of
lhe Church.nd g.ve hinuelf up for he<, tha I he might ...ncti/y her. Mlki> ... , .nd mUdness and has deve loped I \'Ori<'ly of forms f<:>r
ha .. ing cleanKd her by the washing of waler with the word.· _ In PftIInct!. The primitive conunu"ity already had tho> prKtice of ..x-
,ummary, then. it Is poNible to ilpNk of . tMological, an anlhropo- cluding (_ ecrommunk,ting) sin""'" from the community of God's
Iogk.l. IlRd • KlCb t and «<:1esi. 1 Mgllive .sped of ~". people lot. certain period in ",de. 10 urge lhem 10rolwelSiorI (_
I Cor 5:1-13). PnYl'l', f.,li nS- al_gi" i" S-,nd oIher good "'arks
It is NSy 10 see tha i thee I.... ruching tlaimupply only 101h. kind
Wl'l'l' ~rded IS adeqUll<! -..ns of obtaining forgiveness of e,''''Y-
oI.in which w.. 011 - "-1.01" (I In 5:16): an act 01 complt-t ... """Iy
willed luming from God IlRd the o"kr he has esl<lblished. Mod .....
day faultl.
pUlonl theology Ind ptito~1 psydlology '1'1' incli"ed 10 regard In the following period the IIO-Cllied elpil<ll sins. chief among
....1 mon.1si.n IS " 1'1', beao~ .,.ydloIogic.1 conditions and milieu_ which Wl'l'l' .poetasy, murdor. a nd .dultery, w""' trtad.. subject 10
publk penance. If w~ allow fa" cenain variation!; in d ii'fe.". ,I ~ri­ Tho! modem F"'riod brought the .u-.·eiopl"!"Oent of "devotlonal conies-
ods and regions, the process of publ;'; ~mce involv..-d th<' follow- tlon " in wh;';h only venia l sins were confessed; it !Ie....1K! especially
ing phase!<: privat~ ron/ession 10 the bi'hop or his repft'$o:'ntative; IA a P"'p"ra tion lor the "'-"«'Ption 01 com munion. The penances im·
ac<:ep~ into lhe ranks of the ~it~rus, with detenninuion of pc-d bt.:allW increasingly lighter.nd oflm ronsis~ 01 only a
the obIigalory penancf; exclusion from thu elebranon of the Eucha- thor! prayer. I'e:"uonce almost completely lost its publk and Jodal d-
risl md the tec~lonof ("OfIUI1union. ~ period of penana might emmt and rnill"acter. It did 50 aU the more when from the "~\lemth
I.ut S('Ver;\1 yon; in JQme regioru. it ~ unlil the penon was ..,..,tury on ronfftsion was no longer mad~ in the wnctulry but in
dying. In Rome, fNdmillllnce into theChurch (~rerondliltion) 11\ enclosed cvnfes·· """I in which the "'" ...... , was sepa,atecl. from
usu.olly 1!XlI< pI.~ 011 Holy Thu..w.ay; the rite consillted olin impo- the pries. by I grill. This de,·elopmt'nt meantthal the original sign
sition nf Ihe hand and a prayer by the bishop. of forgiveness, the imposition of the hand. was reduclK!to a raising
of the priest's)u.nd in Ih<' direction of lhe penitent. The words of
As a general rule, the prindple in force was that reconciling.,....,- fcq:iveoes which the pric:sl spoke at lhis poinl had Ul1tilthe thit-
ana WIS possible only """" in • li~~. In ~y regions o f the Iftnth century been in the fomt of a ~ition (the ~.tiVf form)
Chwrll penilf"Ol8 Weft given lifftong ~anc"P.'I thai proved In n
but ..... w bt.:,mea deda .... ti'·e:K'n.ence aMo"~ you ..."~J
oflm intolerable ondal and erot ... m;cburdm. "The """II was the
widespread ~t of penana!: unlil the hour of death. Tho! last-narmod. dfwlopme-nt aoo IPd 10 the widesP'""ad u~ of the
na~ "ronlesslon" /or the 51cnmmt of penance. It is. defective
I In the monastic communities of the East a divergent form of pen-
• name because it places e""lusive emphasis on wh at is only 0 ..... of
ana developed thlt might M rnar-C:h:'ril:Pd as "ron/,,"ion 10 allY·

the actioos of the penitenl and o;Ioes not mer 10 othn per3OI"IoIl ron-
" man.- A monk ronftNftl IUs guill tOI fellow monk. who was
usually not a priel. Ind askod fa" hOi pnyen. The pmod of pen.
ditions which the pntilenl mU&1 ha~: ron~l'lion and 'E~nl.iOC1'. a
firm resolution, and n.>rompe e for harm done. Above aU. how·
•• Inc:.- imp' e' fa" sins cvnfes d in this mann ... w.,.
s ubstantially evft", the Nine "conK -;on" doe$ not make it dearthat the UCTa·
!~ shoo1lef thm in offici.1 eocl:hotical pmata. When the ptriod of ~t 01 ~tion ill. liturgic.ol action in whidl theacti\'e 1genl

p ...uIIlce wu rompleted tM penilent WI, .gain reaoive' in.o fuJI • not simply the one confessing but liso Chrisl. who through the
communion with tho! otlltr monks, Ind hi s sin. was con5idered to Church is saving human beings and glorifying God. [n Iddition.
hl.ve been forgiven. the much reduced form 01 the rite promo~ the impression th.>t the
I! Under the influence of Irish ilinl"Tant monks. almost all of whom MCnIment 01 penanci\v •• a purely pri,·. te aff.ir; hardly .nything
w ....... priests.• combination of the two forms 01 penana lust de- 1uggt5h!d ilS social and occl,....l dUOTIClIfI".
~, scribed c.~ into uist~ from the sixth m"ltury on. Individ uab
oCO".fr wed their sins to a priesland recc-lved absolution. TheIr pen-
~ Father$ of Vatican II w...... awa", of the inad<'<!uades just
ance, which origiNlly had 10 p_Pde absolution. WI. now to M
I decribod . ~y the",f"", decn>Ed that "the rile.nd formularies lor
r p<'rformed within a short time after it. Mo~ver the penance itself
was cllrulued -c:cording 10 lists in ~ni~tial books rtariff pen.
the we'""""'t of pt'NIJ"oC1' are to M r.... ~ so that tlwy mo", clearly
expresa both the natu", and effect of the sacrament " (SC 72).
Ince"~ AI> Hrly It the ninth century the ~ WI. ~g heaR!
that f""T""IIS ~ thrir oiM ontt a yor or perhaps thn!e ttmK a Tho! OI!"W Otdct "..,.,itm,. (Rile of PI!"1\al"l«) Ippt"ared on Dtuu obe.
y.ar. This d~lopmn1l reached ilt end at the Fourth ulffln Coun- 2, 1973.' It WIS deliberah:'iy not entitled Otdo ......,.,.""",.i ,.."i/nll;'
cil (1215), which p,"",Md lhat all sinnft"S must rom- their !Onf at because ttwn.",otnn- /orms 01 ~-c:ious pena~lnd bee.u ...
leut o~. y.ar.' ChriSti.Nln! c.UIK! to ronver1jon arod repenl.i""e IS penn''''"'t ~I­
litudes even ou tside lhe !lICrament.'

'" '"
Afto!f an extensiv. duoologiou.land p.l5tor<lllntroduction. U", I\l'W .... ..aour~ .......t, a nd by the _ignment of an a pptOpt ;ate pm-
Rile of J>enancl!' ronlains th_ forms for the .dminislr~hon of socra- ~ ThIll pen.incl!' . .... hich ...;dently d Oo!S not doaway with the ob-
any harm done by the peqon's oins. Wmay
mental absolution. .s "'e11 as examples of not"IN(1"imftllill pnlit",,·
the form of prayer, 5el1.deniaL ,nd E2,oecialIy ~
tial ~ift>ration:
....orks of 'tof ' C)". Thew will undefli ..... the fict that
A. Rite for .-.rondIiotion o f iPdiv;dUlOI pMitenlS. hi" ,
1111 fD<gi ve .... ss a !IOciaI.pect~ (1g).
B. Rite for reconciliaticn of !leveral perUt""" ... Ith Indi\'idu.! confes- ",... prlrer of 'E pentane. by lhe pnlitell, the pri""t ·.~tends his
s ion ind .bsoIution. , tie or ,t!ea.t hi. righl hand. over the head of the pmitenl and
~ the /onnulary of IIbsolutlon " (19). G iv", the IheoIogi·
C. Rib! for ...rondUation of "",veT.1 penitents ... ith getl<!ral conies-
jim and .bsoIution. _conte>:t of lhe absolu tion. lhe .... w formull hll' advanlages ov",
. . old. It ....d s:
O. Penltent ial!iO.'TVK:o-s w ithout sacramenUl l b-solulion (a Appcndi. "GxI, the Father of mercies.
11). • ash ttw death and resurrection of hil Son
Rift fiN RKonriIi4r'icn of IndjlJidwJ PtnirtrrfS
... ftCOI'IdIed the w orld 10 hi~lf

,- With regard to th. plare for the .-dministTa tion o f this QcrMnl'l"ll .-I ItI'II the Holy Spiril among U!I
. . the Ioop.eo- "'" of sins;
the Introduction spt"a ks simply oI"lhe locatMlns ... and the pi"""
pi:' cr i~ by I.w" (12). During lhe four hundred yurspm:eding • .ash the ministry of the Church
the COWlcil this p Laa ...... !he ronhssiOf\loI with lIS grill. SlI'l« the ..,. Cod si"e you ~n:lon and pH«,
rouncil lhe law allows for a " rerondlialion room" which better sot· _1.t.>Ive you from your iIins
isfies the desire 01 many lor a more J"!1"oOl"'I pmltenUil dialogu<..'
,,!hi! J\IIl\f of the Father. and of the Son,
... of the Holy Spirit. "
With regard to the time 0 1administration the new Rite ". dudes
only lim", wlwm Mass is being celmraled (13). Th" q~lion 01 the Durln& the final words n .boIolve you .. . Holy Spirill. which suf-
minist~r's liturgical garb is left to the competent Ordinary. Almost . . In d.nge. of death. the priest makes lhe sign of the CIOM. thus
e"erywho;", in the German and EngJi$h-spo-aking countries lhe Ihowing: the connection between Christ's d~ath on the cIOM and
stole is the only vestment requiJ"l'd . We OUghliO u k, however. !Nt K'i of lI,ro"cili~ion. After the penlten.I·' .. An:-efl · the Pri"'.t dis-
whether thf! wearing oIliturgical ,..,.Im""", _uch U . re customary .- 1' 'II him or hlT; .....er.1 h>rmuJ.s for thll dlsmw.al II"' proVIded.
in. for eJUmple, the administration of b.lprism (a lb lor "'""",k and
s urplkel lnd sloIe) might nol by re....... oI" their greate... ymboLic RiM far R«orrci1inion of Sto...' Pm;, .... t, wi flllnditNItuli umjts<iort
JXI""er be more approp,;"", and ""Ipfulto lhe NoCTi """,tal P[(UM.' . . AbJoI~licm
n. 2 E..... 00:1 form of ,,,",,ocili.lion Iorates the pencorW ~ion
• ~I Dts<riplion rf Ril~ /: .-od tKnment.o! .obsoIution of individual prnitents in the oetting of

, The pi iEst S - lhe pnlilmt and . ann the lalte.- has made thuign
of the ao55. urges him (0. hlT) 10 tnl5I in God. The priest then has
the o ption of .",ding (or recihng from memory) /I short ~_ge of
a Utwg)' of tlw word in which a cons:regation of beI~PD Iil~
pan. TIIb form ofhn no difficulties If lhe group Is relatively sm;aII;
• the pup \ncreUI'S in ~, howeve.-, II becomn delirable 10
Scriplure on th~ mercy of God and human ronv~rsion . The point ol hive tlw services 01 sev~a! prit!lts. A communal coelob.ation Ce!"-
stICh a .... ading is 10 make it clear lhat God's wo . d and grace p .... lIInly hel", to bring out ~ clearly the liturgical and ..:clesia!
cede any and all human efforl5. N""I com" the penotull confession clII._ of tlw pitK ' W of r«oncilia tlon.
of sin s. which is lollowed by II d;alogu~ of darifiCitlon, dir«tlon.

Ril. Jot Rmmdlu.lion of P....i/.... ,s 'I'ilh Gmm" Ccmfossiorl #lUI AbsoIw· .... conI.Iin. s.qali.·d y .os ......1 as OOj«tively,. r.dial dtcision
litm apinIt God.'
This third form differs from th~ fir$ttwo in that individual Or per. .. i pm"", to the question wll<"n a ..... rious need" for general.bso-
50llal conffMion i, repiacl'd by • s...,eral ronf.-.sion 01 all the peni_ Ii '1.--. existed outside the danger 01 death. the SWiM Biihops silted
t... /:5 and that absolution is &i'·m to all as a group. 1M nit'
WI "uu.litU<1rion CMI arise in 0\1' territory during the ""ason 01
p re;up p ses th.>t the indi"idual penitenl5 are I1!"J"!1'tMlt, N,"~ •
pa l,.."'tion forOuistrna6 and Easter. n,., ~.o. r«tOr of the
fmn f1':'lOIurion 10 sin no mo ..., and a ",adiness 10 !nab good the ctnuch must d""idt> whether Of not the .. watton indHd """,IS. Con·
"'urn thrir ,ill!l ha v. done. Fonn ) is allowed only in dlngn of S oI lheir responsibility, pNs'" should.ct prudently and in

<kath 0. if tho;", i,. · serious .......d,. that is, Ha ca ... in which, given
. . ttm..nt wi th lheir Ordin.ory. DeliMratdy to (fC"a IC a 'serious
til<" numbt<. 01 I"'nit..nts, not ''11ough ronlessors are available to - " would go against the In lention 01 the Church and its und....•
he •• tht- individ ual confessions p'operly within ..... 5ONbl~ time, I oding 0( g ..... eral absolution. Pastoral ca re ""Iui~ the .,·(!idarlCO'
,,-ith the ,"ult that, through no lault 01 thri. own, the faithful .. arbitrary action and a unified practia" (Dim"lit<ft 2. 8. I . 2 and 2,
..~d bt< focn.d 10 be 10 .... long Ii.... without the gra~ 0 1 th .. SKt";l-
" 1. )).
ment 01" without rommunion" ()I). E.apl in urgent clOSe.. thedeti·

''I. • ion on wlwlh« the conditions......dftl for gen<>ral absolulion are

,·.,..;fied is for tlw bishops to mi ke. Before absolution ;' given.
··>ome e ~plalOry penonre should be p roposed for all to perform; in-
In. IaIting thi' po5ition. IIw Swiss 86h0ps. lib their Fm.ch (011 •
, a, h.vech ........ a solutioo that magn;>nimously utend. the
, . .""... ork pJ1.'e'tablished by Rome ill1d bu ilds on tM pastor ·s ron·

I.j di,·idual. mly add \0 this f"'Nn<:II if ,r..,y wish· (350).

Those ,,·too ha'"l! ....,.;,....:1 such a S"' .....I absal.ution mnain obliged. II)
.:onr.- their serioussins 10 a eonltiior within. )'Nl"·s~. 1M . -
...... '..,e55 01 hisl>'Sf'O"sibili ty."
fltmilcltiJJI Sm.';"" witJ.:o~ 1 5« •• """,'''' Ab<o/uli<HI
In.llddilioo 10 1' - three forms oj" sa<:ramentall"l'COnCiliation the
,I'" Rite (3-1) justifies thio oblig.ano... primarily by an a~ to Ihc Council __ RIle of Pl.'NlfICl' also gl'<es guidelines MId rumples of peniten·
01 T""" MId 10 the Plosloo-al Nonns SoIcrJi"""'WM P"."i,,,,, ... on gen- tIAI Ututgles at which s;w:ramcnlal absolution;, not glven. no .....
eral absolution (no. 7) which the Cong.egatioo for the Doctrine 01 the ortpted in the Netherland, in the mid-sixtin. but then sp read
Faith issued on Ju,,", 16. 1971'11>eSwiss bishop . .dd~ furthera,- ItIn:>ush the c:....m.n-spea king countri..s w h...", they enjoyed ronsid.
&II"""'''' in the directi,·es they published. 00 the ...bjrrt .-ble f'<'Pularity in many parishl'S .
" Bec.o ..... the penillen/:5 being roon:iled "'""""""" wtoo by llwir behav·

In tho! beginning.. },...."",er. tMse .....io:"es " •...., .oo:ompanied by serio
ior h"'''' :M.'fWab.-d the' ... I'.... from lhe Chwch.. priIICtice dltin@;t..ck _ mnfusion.. 1Nsm..rn as many Joob>d upon them lOS a valid .~
to the Ip<II>Ib and the Wlinlf'mlpted custom of the O\urch requin' _ live 10 indi, -;dual ron f' '5i 1m and many IheoiogiaM a1k...·1NI
lhot they mike a personal ~on 10 a priest. When tlnnen pi :s ""t Iho!m a ACtam ..... lal eftkac:y in ... Iation 10.11 sill!l, e's"m though IIw
, t t~h·~ IQ u... authorized repl"\.'5mllti,"c of the (hurch they give es- -nca ron tained. only. sent',,1confession of sirlll. Tlw gu idelm...
t p<'ci;>lly dear ""pre.sion IQ their attitude of repentance. On the other siVftl in'~ document $.:Irrn" :lIlwm P"""i'",liDt of the Roman Con·
hond, the act 01 personal ~on helps ihfm 10 <IUuntt tt."" <5dves p-egation lor the Doo:trirw of the Faith Uu"" 16. 19n)" CO\lnlered
fmm their sins in a rtIOI"1.' doris~ f.uhion .00. 10 d£2PC. ~r ~ tt- ~ and ..",p«tations; tho n"", Rite 01 I'enanc:e tI...-n rontrib-
J'Ie$ for penance" (2. 8. I. 8 ). oted fUbltantially 10 a cLarioorion 01 the situation.

It is to.. .sary, 01COil""'.

to be sure, and to nw.ke it ...fficiendy dear. nw new Ri", explains tNt these """,-ices a ... "g"lwrings of the reo-
that the ·serIous ,in," needing II) be conI d a .... indeed mortal sin!I pie 01 God 10 t-r God·, word a, an invilltioo IOronv ....ion and ......
new,1 01 IIfe.nd.s t~ m ....geof Ou r liber.tion from ,in through

." ..,
C llrist's deo.tll.nd resurn.'Ction . The ~lnI<:tu re 0/ !~ ~",,~ces i.
pmilenli.1 st.'r... ices wi lli child nm . Uw,o young. .nd lhe .i<:k. In """",I
the ""me as tll.il tUually fullowl!d in c.!k-brllioos of th~ ,,·oro of J'ft"' there has bo.~ .....st number of publica lions giviflg p.o.l1,"","
God and given in IIw! Ito't. if RKlm(i/iIIliott for ~1J1 I'milntls" (36). -"" models of well SC!",.i<:.... 50 III.t lhe~ is plenty 01 help av.iI.ble
~ t!'XI 111m !lOX'S on II.> wam in 37 and again in Apptndi>.U thaI fgr organizing them ,"
a rc must be taken to~ure th.t the fa ithful do not confuse IlM>se
celebratioos willi the c:..lri>ration 01 tM NCra""",t of pm.;ince." the documents discuseed nW<e It cleat thai the .uthorities of the
Chun:h Ire holding strictly to 1M principle enunciltted by the Coun-
In wll.t.lhen. is the chi" ,·alue of tIwsr ,.,.,..,.i(n to be Wund?
cil of Tm>t. th~1 in every caw mortal ";ns mus, "" individually ron-
It is desirable to .rnt~ !hem ~pecially for thosr pulJ'O!*s: 1 d ." ..·en if they h ..·e alread y ~ forgiven thmugh general
-It> roster thf ~ril 01 peNfICe witllin lhe Chrisli.n community; -..Iutlon and perfect oontrition, On this point. however, wide-
-to IwIp the '., thful to ptq>a ... for individ u.1ll C'ORfes&ion that can if..ad doubts ha'·ebeen r.iwd which found «P' sinn ....·en al the
be made Io~ral a co.wenient lime; Sixth Synod oI8ishops (Rome, Se p tember 2i-October 29. 1983).
-to hclp cllild"", gradually 10 form thrir ~ ,bout sifl in. T1wft is no doubt th. t the pnctia' of Ind i"idual confession is p""'"
human liM and about f.-:lom fro m sifl through CIIrist; ontly In a sute of ens;'. I I lhe empty oonles$lonais and oflm
-to help u!«humenJ d uring lheir ron'"t'rsion. aowdN pmilC."fl ti~1 5C.'I"\'k"t'5 make> (leu. On the onI' I!.Jnd. many of
the faitllful show a ~ui nc' ~.dinco» for COI1'"t'rsion.nd '~"""lCiIi.. -
1'~I~tial ~.i(n. moreover.• ~ "ery ~ul in plac,.. where no
rl pn....r. IS ....,13blf to gi"" s.>ctarrw"'UII .~lution. They offer IIc.lp in.
IIa\; on the other. for whate\·er ~.,ons. lhey do not make their

n,,)<hing lhat per""'l contrition IIv! CO""'" from ch.o.rity and WI en-
. bles 1M faIthful 10 n:ceive God 'I j!race Ihrough d ... ire lor the SoKra.
mel'll of f'(."ranc~ In tM futu~ (37).
.... y to tho confessioNl.
The question lNes. Iker"\'fore. whctho.-r the Church. must hold im-
mut.lbly to the dl'Uiied confnsion of mortal.il1.'la.a condition for
the exerd,.., of if!! pow.... to for)!;vt" ~ns and whdhe, lhe a_mon
T..... new Ril~ makes quil~ clea r thl-lir.eof demarcalion bMwe.m tile of Thent i, .... lly 1>ISt!d on "div;r.e Ilw." .. Huben Jedin. nne 0 / the
"Rite for Reronclliation of Stovera l Penh""ls with Individual Coni...... '"ding .~pcrts on Trent . come 10 III. conclusion thai ncither tile o.r-
.i~ and Absolution" and lhe penik'ntia l ....... ices jus! described . I"men15 from Scriptu ... nor I1M' . '!Iument from tradition justified
nus do.: not ~c.n. howev.... III.t in Illes.: wrvic"" f'(."nilen!:5 may the clolm 111.1 'hi, is an immulabk: p.....-:t:pt of di vine law."" F
not 1l"«'1ve forg,vcrws~ of lhoM- "veni.l" sins whicll llIe Council of
NoIwloseh. """ of tile I•• ding schol . rs on tllis subject, is ( o,w inced
T""" ilself .s;oys "can be .. ~pialt'd by m.ny o lher remedi .... "" It that in the long Nn an ope!' attitude will be uravoid .bk: .
does "':" even me.n lha t at such ,.,.rvkft seriOU1l",;ns 100 may not
be forgo""" If a penltenl" helped in and by the servic~ to..rnieve a -A multip licity 0/ fo rms of un."."",,,,1 pen~nce (~n ma ke people

I peri«t ........:' tanct' ~nd an unn/sc, ved 10.... of God . A. '''..''')'ooe

know" forg"'l'r>l'lIS may be ~cquired in Illis wa y .... en outsid~ any
3~ all peni lm lial5C."rvicoos. u the theologians hav. taught for em-
tunes. Bul «cording to the dirf(1j,·es of th~ Church ... rious sOns
.w~on.ceagain of the sp«ialv,lw and dignity 0/ individual con-
'-kin. bu t il can also !how qulM clea rly ,hal ChriSfian penance is
not bound to • sp«lfk form . 1tI the firal a"'lysis penance always
""IWres a radkalln teOor lurnlng of the repentant ChriSfian 10
Illus /orgj, ..... , like so.rious";J\Ii forg;,<en througll 8m",al absol.utiofl. ChriIt and God. Giv~ lIuman .... rull'. lhis turning mU'l1 also find
m ust"" oonft-ssed in Individual oonlession. if poMibJ. befo~ the an outward bpi ' ion. as !he history o f the Cllutd\ shows. but not
nexl R'Ception of lho EUCharist. • poortlcula. «p"'Mion lhat 15 absolu lely imm ulable."'"
In i'." Append;" II the new Ri~ gi'_ models lor penilential ~
d unng Lenl and Ad vent. for !lmt.'ral peniten' iltl ,..,.."io;es. u><I for

SErARArE D CII HISTIANS the Unlto.'d $cOl"". the 1m &ok of C"",mcm l' rQ!!,,' of lhe Episco-
a f'tonitent i.l Ord .... th.I.l may pn>eede tho> cele-
No.w of lhe Christian Chun:tw.-s Ciln ignore I""ba..;c nil of the g~
.. .
u5C'd as a separate !i<"rVkI'. The Ord ....
pl'ls for conversion.nd penance f_. for "",ample, Mlr: 1:15), for of';ns.nd ~ pray.. of .b<;olulion, If
lhi$ rea!lOn _lithe Chun:1ws noI only pINCh the neo;d of penance
, nOi us.ecI . lhe gO!1'loeTal ronfl"l/lion and ab<;olu:
bUI hit"" more 01" less instilulk>n.oliu'd ronn. of n!COOCiliolion.
the inlelUssions ~t the end of 11M> liturgy of 1M
The penitential rites of the _ '('fa I Wll'ln Churches roday dispLoy also p rovides two fomls for the Reconcilia-
a wi~ \'ulefy o f forms. Thew .... ~ifions and npansions of Ii....
arising o ul clthe early pl'oKliu of «o:J..$ial R'(Oh::i1iatiorL In many
of the orthodo~ £.!lem Churc/ws. how...·('f, any ril"" COO"l1.'§pond- is.1so .... d<- forconfessWn 10 a de.-
ing 10 Our ucr;olnftll cI pena~ hit"e f.llen into disu,..,
" In m.ny Ioc.al., in lhe presm.-day Chun:t-of the 6yzontino-
world a group of pRll!l!nts. folloWing ancienl cu_ .... join in rml- n. /.Mil,.."" 8001; of WorJ/Iip(LBWI (1978) of the hangt"lical Lu·
ing certain pra~, bul in eo."t'ry ca,.. each indi'·id .... l approaches ..... Church in A.....nca alJo has. Brief Ord ..... for Conres.ron and
_ t h l t may bo: ~ bet"", It... cC'lebralion of the eucha-
the priest and ronfCSHS his or her sins. As a ruir, absolution is
gi,..... only .fl<P:. IIw: imposed pena~ hit, t-n perfonl"lO.'d . Tht- Iddition 10 the Brief Order the l BW plO,;des. rile forCor·
s.omo! i5 true in the Wo.-si Syrian Chun:h. Among the Copts the p.a.:-
~ of Mc.atrll'nlal penance 5et'mS to have"",," forgott.... for quite
some time. In many Coplic rommunities onr may h""r the expTeS-
t:~.. ,.
ttConfesion ilnd forgiveness whidl may include an
.... ua Lmpolll '~onof h.ands and ilbsolution. .The, lBW and the
. , . .,
ritual or book of ~i"""ISnviat plOvidO'S a nle or In 'v, ua

sion "To confess al 1M incmse." lhal is. 10 make a silent ronfession canleuion and forgiv<'TW'\i~ including the imposition of handund a
during the incmJ;l llon ;tllhe ~nning of Mas •. aft.... which a <01. pn~ of Ibsolution ,"
emn formula of absolulion is ul1e~, ""
n.. Book of Worship. (1986) of lhe UnilO'd C hun:h of ChriSlcontoins
The Churches of lhe Rl'/ormation ronli n""" to pr..ach I"" need for two orden for reconci liaHon: Qrd ... for Corporate Reconc,h3l".In
a ch~ng~ of hearl and for pomallCl'. bUIIhc>y abandoned lhe and Order for ReronciliaHon of a Penil""t Pe"",n. In the nte for lho:
sacra merllal ity of lhe p rClCe$S of reconciliation, on Ihe grounds lhal Nl;0L ... il]" ll",ol I penitenllh .. minisl ... declares:
lhe", an> no expliri l words 01 Institution by Chrisl in lhe Ne.... Tesla_ In Chrisl" nAme,
mt'n l (os Ihere.", for b.optism and the Lord's Supper), Luther him_ and .. one with you In lhe chun:h.
self highly eslt'elN:'d and pr;octkrd private conf"'"6ion.nd in the I declare to you:
booginning was ,~II pl'l!pared to regard it U a SKrament.\n its Iii. Your sint Ire forslvm,
u'Sy" the Unit<1d EVilnglic;ll LUlheran C hurch of Gt-rmany has "pri_ Go In peaa!,
val~ co:ntft.sl"". (with varioU5 suggestions on how to organize il). In h knowINg .. 01. God's mercy.
"n>mmUl'l.lI confession· in IWo forms, Ind. "public penitential __
In h COrporale rite u... rongreg.>liOfl ~lares In the minis"" thai
v;c"." In oommunal COI'IfeMlon ~ is I general confessi ... of sins.
aftn which absolution may Or 8i'..... lO ..ach individual as
I : (If. lays his hand on . hem or II may Or gi,:ftl to;ill
toset"'" " 'ithoul any imposition of the hand."
penitents ...."
l1li ..... are fors:lven ilTlnlC'dia llfly aflC'r hi. dedatabon 01 p"lTdon 10

The ~n Chu.n:h (USA) has _Ily published, •• a part of

it Hi" of ... pplemonlary reIOUlCft, I ~icC' of ~Ianco>::
Forpv..- for ~ w ith a Penitl!flllnd,vKluaL Th ... brief ......


conSUlts of invita~on to ronfesoion. "",.r of __ , - ~ __,

. , u." "1!SS>on. """,ar."
lion 0 p.rdon. sign of poor and a dismiss;ol "

Tnt new fit... of the Unit*'<! Chu",h o/Christ . n d the Presb t.,.ian
Church mark the fin! ~ tlvseChLJ.l'Che have pm "d..::l Yform Chapler Thirteen
1m- indh';du.ll ~ IIIld absolution. "a

Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick

m'a led by skkne5 lhat bows down both
I is an age-old human e"perience wh;~h [""u me i.
10 my re<lders. Sickness makn humo.!"! beings mn&eious 0/
<Iepmdenc:. and ~i,';dly ~inds them of the
I' Ihal all human beings must die. Anothl'r el<"-
that makes sickness burdem;ome i5
, ,
!~ i :

cau ... the

Iil FO UNOATI O N S. ).tEA Nl r<o:G . HI S I ORI(II L nEVEL ·

f .... of Nu.reth " i .. bid the intefJ>ret~tion of sicl:nes!! . , • punish·

_ (lee In 9:1-3) when he poinbid out that i t on;;>lso have mean·

I . . derived from the fulure. In addition. Christian faith m. kes the

I 'illng.nd resurrection of Jesus himself the /oundali"" of a new
~ oI~sufming and death (_ Rom 8:17f.).
Sda,,,, can and rrlust .l~ be underatood as. fNniciparion in Ihr
,..:hr.l m)'5~ 0/ Christ; thil; m""!tIIlhal Iii<! 5uft.>ring of Chris-
"-'- an ~en be fruitful fOl the community of t..lievel'!l {Col 1:24).

n.e gOlp<'Is"U u. in nu .... ' ..... pa...gl'5 thatJ~s"o...ed sp«i~1

mncem for the lick and healed mony of them in body and spirit .
IWlhowed toIidarily with them as he d id with others in dist~; (n
foect, he ""<en ide1ttlfied hllJ\!Itlf with them 10 thf point that in his
ctilcou~ on the fina l judgmen t (Mt 25:31-Mi) he lnl~~ all 1M
help given or ~ 10 ~ in I\ftd IS !\elp given or ~u!!ed to
hIn\Jtif. F~ he~ and aUlhorized hI, disci-
pw. to ImpctR tw.dson thf oict. (Mk 16:18). anoint thnn with 0;1

(Mk 6:13). ~ r>d hNI them (ibiil. ~ nd Lk 9:lff.,. Tho! Acta of tIM' Ar-
lle report lhal " her the d "'lh "nd m;ur~ion of Jesus the .1"""1....
hNled Ih(o sick in the name of Jesuur>d by hlnulhority (..,.. ACI5
3:1; .5:151",
Of spKi ..1 imponanc:e in undersll.nding the service givm 10 the M
sick by the .. postolic romrnunitics if the din!Ctiv~ in I1M' L..tle, of words oIsY"'p.alhetit rNdine5lllO _1st: · I lu,·~
r,,1'I'II!S .5: 14-15. n". .... son is Ih<lt it thows this t..l l;ng activity as al. lhecrowd- (M' 1.5:32: Mk8:2). fu n of pity. h~
them up: he gi,·es lhem ""'w strength.nd
..."dy tl king .n instituliono l lorm, " I, any "mong)'QU ,;ck? Let him
. . be<:ofne5 for them tlW'
call for the elde ... of the chun:h. and Jet them pray o,'cr him, anoint. ..-.d forgivmess if I "
the prostrated s ick_
Ing him with oil in the nameo/ I1M' Lord: and the pr.. y... of faith
his nothlng 10 do with magic and suo
wlll save the sick man, and the Lord will ."ise him up. and if he has
Lord In Nlulf of human ~
committed siN. 1M' will boo forgivm."

Whit the comrnwtity or Church is he~ aIled upon 10 do itI nothing

le!OI thAn 10 rontim.... the commission wh ich Jesus gav~ 10 his <llid- , 10 do with the msning of the
pies. The P")"!I" 0/ '''ith. "«om~ied .nd gi'<m visible form by not be v;e..·ed as
the anointing with oil (and by .n imposition of hands.: m;my thus
kind of ofIkiiI
inll'fPn!t theC........ phns<' ,""'...,,,,, I _ "oo'er lhem" in tM nnsb-
II i5 ... ther • sac-
lion gi\·en abovell, brings "boul bodily and psy.:hk de-livn;mce
a ....:ramen.
Ind restoration and, if needed, even the forgiveness of ,ins, [I is 10
bot- noted that 1lW' po!T8<>n5lhus aided a~ dncribed not.5 dying bUI r
simply a, sick; the service 10 boo givm them aims ..1 li fe and lW'alth.
AlloO Importanl is the fact Ihu lhe lic k a~ referred to the -elde ... - '"* J.t !III!'Olence
. . 0.un:1I.
describes how the lIKt~ment wu urldnsto;>d by
both F..ostem and Western. in .ntlqu,..,:
'", the hief proof
(G=k: prrsl1ylmJ'). thai is, 10 the official, of lhe community. and used 'n the blessing 01 the 011 of the SIck from
ef ttu. 1s the priyen " \to the furhologilm
nOi lochiris matiC!' of one 01" otM. l<ind . In Ihe Bibk!, tlW' service of -'Y tImeII down 10 the p~t. Ifl, for examp , _
the 'k k is an official activity of the Church .' O'l i)(' Book) bf Sn.pion of Thm",i l , • fourth-<:enl\lry Egypbafl
The dati supplied by the Bibl~)¥1d two importlnt conclusions: , I hop, w~ _d:

The first is tNl w hen the Chwdl, at'Iing in the "'"me and by the Wu:allonyou.wh<>f" .u ",Ihoritw.,and .... .. _-' Y"'" _
...--.-.- w ho.. -

powH 01 its ri!;m L>n:I, uses vilIi~ sigI1s 10 5«U1'I' the saJ",,1iIln ofbo- .... s.viDI' ofaIl men-.... w. pta y .....
,--, 10 wnd from tt.o. healing t
1ie\'ftS,. we leg' tiu",tety speak of it • adJninistmng a NCfamml But I Id l (wtwn. yuur) only btgooten ~ .(n!igrts:; ~":",of!light
the servn of the !lid; that is! •. " ibod in the ......... 01 jamesoorly .... ttuoiLIn dOCl!lf'who-eV(anoatMg: .. _ y-'
«(A .tljXlOods to iIw intentions 01 o,,;~ n ..... tv<'ft. wlW'n ~ • _di'-7 and "eryinfirmity": ... 1et ,t obU.ingood ~and
... ay . wd of life and lI&lviOlion. I·. ,.ltlund whl eu.s
by lhe prlyer of the faithful and !he use 01 visible signs,. it pledges su- ~oI S>fIS. 'dI y .. ,
pernatural Solving tllKb. Th;,tfo.., thill 5ftVice Is I 5ICr1mftlW a.:tiv- of «lUI. bcdy, and spirit. and fuJI vitaliI)'.
ity of the Church.; it is I oacrament. This mNJIII that.lib the other The tuN! thoughts .... stilllO be found in tt.o. pr.~ wi~ which the
loIICTiments, the anoiflting of the :Ud< Is in the fiNoJ .rWyals ..... ving K- bW>op b' - n .. the oil of the ,;ck on Holy Thu.-.day. Even m the p ......
yes which until recffltly acromp.anled .nd followed "'pon the anotTl-

,.. '"

tins of the sid:, bodily and psychic I'O'$IOMion and .....aling played a

sick is also nOl meant to suggO"St
10 ilJne!i6. On tm,
flooginning in tIw eoorly Middle Ag~. howpv~. th~ emphasis in this ; in its Introduction that di\'irw
I _,ameli wu grad...,.Uy rni5p laced. resulting in a questionable 10 be healthy and slrong: " Pari
f'Taclic~. AI thl ' period. people t.mded 10 P""tpone the s.>cramenl 'j . Il\.ot we should fight

I of reronciJilOOn to" point ISC~ 10 death as """"wle, in order 10

n oid IIw hlrsh perlM>Cft tlW'n imP'" 'd; na h/5ull. ' .... _ "..,,"'"

of a nointing o f !he s;clt wu aoo pushed ~ d~r MId closer 10

aNI cartfull y seek the blessUlgs of

th.t according to tM ~ in ~ .
death, becauw il was Ihough! 1~l lhis _ .... ment rouId not be.o<l.
th~ documents 01 th~ m dilion lhe anointing o f the oid IS
ministen!d o.mlil l/Wr confol'tl6ion. The e mphasis thus canw 10 be
pl.eft! less on the hhling and restorative function of the &n<>iJ1ting ti .
and mot<' on the fotg:i~' ' w o f sins, ~It' the fact tN.. i t was im.
mediately pl"«l!ded by lhe ~I Men","" 01 noconcil"tion. The
hope .nd gi"'" them tM
n.J,"", ~Ust Anointing. ~ wl\kh clme into e"$~ in lho, twelfth
tMir ;11.-- as a d i5pooiticn of a
c .... twy. a l50 contribult'd to the tl'inlerp~.!ion of the anointing of It P"Slrvl'5 l .... m from fainthearted·
the sick u " sacrarr.enl 0( the dyins. Thus il cam .. 10 be fean.d
gi"es tlwm!O!1"1'ftity and pHC<".
rather ~n loved. (Originally Nlasl U.ointinS " m..ant only th.ol the
anointing of Ihf' skk Is !he last of the s.c.n ..,,,,,) anoinlings. fol. 01 all, then 1M anointing enf:S.nd heals thespir;tual and psy-
lowing IS It doeson tM,e . dminis tered in baptism, confirmation. . .,: , . In not • f1'w cases, howe""" ttm first f"ffe<:t
and ominatlon.) :: tho! o~erall course of lhe sid<nes •. A
• "psychosom.ricentity: . union of~y
The movemem o f liturgitll and /»ilOfal renewal in I'l'Ct"nI decade. II. down the spirit; ' piritual dl ...
_~ _
"hI... .
IN to a rethinking of In.- al lularion. Applying the andt"nt principle makes tho! body ill. and conversely "!,irilU.3l ....... Iorallon
that liturgical pri yer provid~. Mrm for failh and the p ractiC1' of
mhOlfl bodily hfalth.
faith (It" o"'~ai-It" em/mall- people c.m~ I<l realiz~ thai lhe QCt••
menl of 'r.oin ling Is inlended more a, a help 10 life on eonh lhan as r- .tedl USUft'll uS th.t pe,."."ering. faith-
In addition, Jesus::pe y . .. (see Mt 2\-21- Mk lI:23). Who
• preparation for dea th. Thill gratifying change of outlook wos..,.. IIIed an '"IT\Ove mounullJlS . , I
flect..d in. change of n. m~. u "LaSI Anointing " wu replacM by pnyer . . '". ffk of the Church's !;aCram<"tlta

willdlresetlm"t~to t".: ., .,. ,
• Anointing o f lhe Sick." Vatlcin J[ also welcom..:! Ih~ ch.nge. say. . . If 1 ds the pr.y'" and prays w, "U .
pnyer, m which Chnst hlmse N nd roduce bodily he~g?
ing: "'Extreme Unction.' which mlly alto INI more Propei Iy be • deny ihltthls prayer CAn p~ ' p
nlled 'anointing of the &lc k,' ill not .. _ram ... t for those only who
U1' u the poin t of dum " (SC 73).
In thf Lett"" of JaIMS should the ... fo... be und.ersto<:>d
The pqaage . I ,nd hope-fill1'<l mf.ning. ChaplaInS and
IOXOiding 10 Itt maxI"'" . hich the lick havf .,xpet ie locM a
II is, of COU~, not the inl1'nrion Or function of thil 5iCtllJTlel"lt 10 nunn atn tell 01 many c.,.,.," ~ nd ychic 1ft"" recriving the
~ medic.l atl1'ntion 10 t~ slc k 5up..-fh>OUll a Nl, .$ il We>"1' "to Ittiklng improvement, both bodily. ps ,
pray them inlohealth,." as we are told is donr in many MCIS. Sacra. IIICI"aJTItnt wilh 1.11h.'
ments do not fU5p1'nd the ~ ws 01 natu~ and a~ not a kind 01 .,.,...
\'C)'or belt for 'pectac"\lw mIndes; they do nor aUlomo!iaoUy THE N~W lITE O f ANO 'N "'Ne , O f THE
_ SIC K. I (SC
re~health. oed .. 01 the nle for thls WCf'lmert
Vatican II romm': :10: • I'fYUIKIn umber 01 the anoinl-
74), focusIn& ItI; .tttntion ~n.:.ny U\ the n

this .."amenl
ings .nd on the prlyers K<:Ompmying til<' rite (SC 75). The new He.
lion of the Ritual was published on ()e,;","boM- 7. 1972. by the Con. I ;
!he use 0111:.501'\ Mis the ancienl
S"'S"tlon for Di~ Worship, under tt... !itt.- 0"" 1I1Id""'" .
Church, tliU followed in t!w Elo$t. \h.1! ' ake!;
;1Ift""""'''' ..".,."'~W P"S,ouIis Om'/, (Rile of Anointing and P~sloul
Care of the Sick), [t w., p....:eded by raul VI'. Apostolic Comtiru. polenlia! bodily effecl of whlc:h. j."," speaks md to
lion s..c", .. Unci;",.,.,.,. ;nfi'mo",'" of November 30, 1972- tt... ril1' and the Introduction 10 it ",fe •. "

llwo 19182 Englihh fCl irion o f the Rite includes.an ulensi,'e pooslOral of anointing may be ~ upon sick pe<>pMo
Introduction. chapt..,. on visits 10 !he s ick. >ilIlIlI to . si<;1. child, and 105' w ,,«im..sr Fa or Ihe ~ oll1:'son.
communion of lhe &ick. the rite of anointing 01. sick person out- as Christian bel">-en. probi>b1y h.ve Hke<l.'or it wf'rt: thry
side MaSll, the ri te of anointing within Mass. anointing in. hospital of theI. faculties" (14). )1 is not to be admln,slffed to tho:
true death. has .Iread y oc·
or institution; a chaptt'l" on ' ·... ticum. lhe continuous rille (c.lIed fo r

I in SC 14) 01 pnw~, anointing. and viaticum for those near death;

a c""'pler on Chri..tian initiation of the dying.. rommendation o f the
dying. tile prayen for Ihe dead, .od texIS for u~ in rileS /or the
skk. In wl\oo t foI lowi I shaU locus on the ordinary rito:' 01 anointing.
""'y be .,unini$tered condition-

" The W continuous .ite will be described below in CNp....- XVII. lime oomes.
F. The rml'\'I'ed understanding ot lhe anoillting of the tid aff«ts 1'51""'" tN pnyer of the a.urdt, thus ~

dally th(o question 0#111.. "",ipi",,! olttti5 wcrammt . Varic.an I! llad
al",.dy a_rted th,tthe sacrament is oot rese,...·.,.j to tru- wh.o aN'
attt... point of death buI may N adm inisb:Ted MU soon uany orw
fuU reception . " If the skknesli ~'" wor5<'.tM family
skk Jnd thO$e who lab care of th<:m have I~ ......
by their

of the faithful begins 10"" in da~ of death from licu...orold
ag<"" (SC 73). ~ Gen.oral lntrodUC'lion 10 t!w new rillO speaks of piopt:'
,e(£ption of the

, It.o.e "wt.o.e ru,.ahh. is SO!riously imp,ired by skk ....... or old age of t~ olick has a rommll",,1

,.,, "" ....

[LoH" , pnicul_ Q'1rt>1. ~!J" (8). In "HmaHng the seri<>USll<'SS of the when it if adrniniloleT<:'d
sickness a prudently Or I'\"a5ONbly fUre judgment. without ,.;T\I'

pie, is sufficient _.. if rw<osary a donor may .". consui led (ihM/.).
_. ..... . _~ in ' individual
may be one ,~ ... ~ .'
l To .". avoid<>d, howC"er, i. th.,. IO>:c:.!SSive zeal that wo uld like to ad-
minis ter th.esac. ament {'Vm in mild mn~ or automatically from
• one I t which . number 01 t!w sick are al'lOlflted In ~ c~urch or f
~ (~ do,5 for t~ sick of I~ parish. oT during p'lgnml gl'S 0
a certain age on. . .r ' )' " _ wht!n t~ sac-
, thnlck; in the hospitals o. old·.ge homes . u ""~" .
J A repetition of ,he NOam",,' is .llowed Mil ,"" sick pel5OI'I r«o)1.·ers . ~ _'M'_---.l (M.ltside Ma ... a little commun,ty should be
ameot IS ...." .......... .,.. . .h
J . 111" being anotntcd o . i' during the same ilInoss!lwe person 's condi- 7 17 t nible<! that will not only accompOtny tho: _ red ~T:"t 01
tion becomes mo .... !leTious" (IntrodUC'lion, 9), The _umen , can IMIr f ' th and pray ... but even conlribute to It. For the P )'f'r
I also bl- ~ved before surgery "wl\en(,v .... a !;eMu. illne:5s is the &0111\" ~ an "sentlal part of thllSlcramenl' an~ iIh.~ld be o!le,ed _
..... 'IOfl for the ... J'Kft'Y" (10). Adminlstution 10 sid, childrm. is de- by .. many of the faithful .. po66ib\e. '"'"" m~ght tndude, ~n ~d'­
dam:! legitimate "if !hey ha .... sufficien' use o f ,"KIn 10 .". lion 10 tho: immediate family. ott- rela\lv", Iriert~. and Oftg'::ru
strmglht-ned by th is ncr.m...,t" (l 2~ This Lut regulation w10 be bofs.lf citcuTnlU,[(<!$ pennit, tM memben 01 thIS littl. comm ty
"""n "K,i",' the background of earUer "'8ulal;o"," and practi~, K -

'" '"
';~~:::;::;:;; . the ministl'" should take into accounl the particu·
may HHI pl~y iOn a.ctiVf part in .he liturgical celebration by. for u - ~ no!eds. and desires of the sick And of othCT mem-
ample, doing the rr..:ling Of $haring in the inte~ioM. faithful and should willingly use th~ various
Wilh "'l!ard to the minblCf of thi' _rament. the c.er.e.-.l lntroduc_ ;,;;;. thai tM rites provide' (40).
lion, IEfto. ting Nck to the Council of Tr...". ""'Y' thaI a priest i~ t ..... pm<l" (and Ihr room) with holy water
...... · 1'' ''1.... ' · millStH. and thaI ' , his offic~ is ordilUonly ad ntinis- the m061 lunda""",Ial sY""
tl'R'd by bishops. p.iri5h ~ (pastors).r>d their aW .. ants, actIo< l!I in ....,.ny religionJ.. Water not only clNnSeS bul ,..,.
pril'SlS .... ho are responsi~ for lhe sic:k or aged in hospitals, .and Su- l"e"i,'es. For Chri&tian5 il lulso a reminder of their
;;;~ ''''~'' linUd to the baptism
periors of derKiOl rdigious instiNId" (\6). Other p nests can .admin_
isterthe ucrarnl'llt wilh tlMo pE1'TrIisliion (a' 1eiI.. p. eJtJ~) oI .he ~ became a Chri&tian and 10 m... _ hatological
abm..,..named; if they Iuo,~ in fJ<1 prnumed thil pennission. ~ b.lpti~ The acroml"'nying (optional) t""lS makf,
should afltTWards inform the compel1<nl priest (18).

Sintt "in tI\(o pr.>etic'ut I~t oft"" Wei! the blessing of the oil-- t is offefN .5 a rn<>deI (il ai-
.nd thus also the- ' puy"" of f.ith ' (James S:]5)-wa< "'••" , ..... to
bishops and priests until the ninth oefINry. bul not ItM' administra- oM' I
tion of the Hctlmen! (il5 of the Euduorist) 10 the individual sid , P""- • d;,posioon in tt.. m:ipient. At Ihis
""" through an ilooinling. · E. J. loongel ing thinks it "d ogmaticaUy therefOf'l!. pro-'isWn Is mldr for toaCtamenlal confes..... n if.
po55ible \hat clearons or ..,.."" lay penons .ppoin~ by the bishop neoded and if it has not aln-ady been made at an earlier tune
i i in the
or In..- pri<e5! (ror "urn pie, fucl...;sHc ministef'!l) rould anoint Ihe
sick wilh Ihe oil bll'1sO!d by bishop or pri~t "; th~ n ... would be ,
similar to llwt of extraordinary eudtaristic minislf'n bringin g the al-
ready ronsecrat.!d Eucharist to Ihe sick. This Il<'W situa tion would
cvid ..... tly n.....:l a specialautlmrization from the Ch un:h. The Liturgy of the word begins with a readin g from Scrip ture. The.
Theoi l used in the a nointing muSI be oliv~ oil. or ..,me ot her oil de- n. refen .... rt to: Mt 11 :2S-)(). Mk 2:J.l 2. and Lk 7:18l>-23 but lIs ts
ri" ed from plants (20). that is blessed for thr p U'l""'" by the bishop. _:::ttoer thirty.Iwg, noo-gO!lpel readings and """..... t." "n gospel 1"'5-
usuall y II th~ Chrism M ilSS on Holy Thurtida y. In necessi ty ~n y _ I of whlch.om~ are indka ted as especiall y smtabt.. for the

pri~t Can b less It (21). ~. ln providing luch a lengthy list the!WW Rilual_i5 heed.ong
!he eaU oIYAtkln !I that in,. .•ed crlebralions · th...., IS to be more
Tht Nro.. Ril. z 11'18 from holy Scrlpture and it is to be more va~ and app<>-
II is not difficult 10 _In the ' ordinary rite" . structurt similar 10 16ttH(SC 35). HOepeMlng 00 cin:umstance5, ~ pnest....,.y glV~ a
Ihat found in 1M M~ss and the olher _raments: opening and clos- brief lI:XP~narion of 1M t~x" (Rite: fW). 120).
ing ri!\"S. a liturgy 01 Ihl- word c~ling of I reading from Scrip-
lure and in b;I(CSlions, and the ..-"lIall"''' of thr oacramnlt: The litany oIlntom:es&ioo that follows i. 10 br t lk ....... a model and
imposilioo of the h;and. ~ing of the ail (or,,, tIw ca ... "",y be, a iIhould beacb pted to tin:urMtances- The in len::nsion. may be
Ihionk.5siving th.ot Ioob b.lck to the blessing). and the anointing tnade .~ lhe anoinlin& LMloeoOd of~. They re~te fif'l' aM I.,......
"'ith il5 iIoIXOfI'Il"'nying for mul • . _10 1M sick. bul the-y also include ' .11 Ihow' dMkated 10 1M
t aft 01 the ,ick H (121).
The poiest begins by greeti", the sick pmon .nd aU who ~ poe-
...,1; he may use one 01 Ihe _ 'eral forTnulu .... ggP.IlftI or one 01 his the t 7Finial rillt btsins aft", the liturgy of the word; tN: Intro<!uc-

lion (5) USb! ils P"" S and descrit..., i! ~!I>e rite that signifi~ and
c",, ~ lhe III~ of the sacrammt. • "Ih<' w hole human",,",," as
ri te usM , inre the Middl..
The firs! P"" itllhe laying on of hands. nu. ge.ru~. often Ittt"sted so;mes (ey.-s. ears,"""",
in s..ad Scripn.tre, Iymboli~es. all"lOn8 O!her Ihings. Ihe out- . to., formu"," ac-
0I11rerl.g!h, authoriry. griOCf. $pili!, aid . healing. and fo.. !lOn>eWh. t unrortui\lil>ely. 10
giv n The layill8 on of hands in IIw aroointing 01 the sick ..... il$ person Nod rommillEd through the p"rticu","r sen se
nempl.lr in Jesus and the apostles. who in rum inheriM::! ilas a ges- an earlier Ii"", the mmiste1" .lso ~nomted t~ ~ olin
tu~ 01 hN ling from !twir.fewisl\ o.ckground. The psyehoJogkal I " 'hkto the sick ~ nptrienced the gn."Il<'St pam:
po ...... of the symbol deri ves from the lact tNI il d in'CIly "'1'" _:. . will be poMible to ino-e.oo~ the number 01 ~t.
bel~ a being a« tpled and made secure, I wordle.s rom. if i and tradition
fortin&. The 1ay\J1g on of hands is ~I funda rrwnllli gesture in !he
Church 's mi!\islry o f healinl( (B. Fitcher) and I sign that .. ..asily a single a nointing suffice;. whim
undtTStood and K'CeplEd by the lick. Ekn..,... the gesture i!! made made 01\ or some othe< ~ (if. lor ""ample,
in the Rame o l}eiUII and in imit,n ion ofhi", and booa..,... , .... pm' Is ronroo led by boonw.ges).
who Iwpcs 15 IUs honds ~~IS 0uU1 and GriM acts through
him.!h;' gHrure ~ lb""l0 Iwakm.ron6denn. a nd tn.st in the sid<
D hOS the "lointingol fooflo 9d and Nond. the minisle,.rmles the
"...... I OOhpanying SlKramental formula. the two pansof .w~ are
pued 10 the TWO .oomtings. "Through this holy an","ling may t .....
The r>e>cl s~ ill the bleslling of the oil. if the priesl does not ha ve I.md m his joo,'f and mercy help you with the gril<:~ of the Holy
with him any lha l has "I"f,Idy been b~ by the bWlop. The oi l t. _ Am"",,. May the Lord who f....-s you from sin ""ve you.nd
used nftod no longer be f_elusively olive oil bul mly be any oil de- " ' " you up. - A",,
.... m .' A roew element in !his lormu. la.~I. _ the em-
rived from p lant, ." In lhe andnlt world oil played an important phull on the Hol y Spirit (comparable to that found on ~'" p ray
part as a nulrioml. ' hNling ag<ml.and a cosm<'fk (used also b<'{"", IIcor the blr5illng of the oil). The Spirit Is _no I'Speoally on Eastern
and Ifter bathing); it was also used 10 grease w"'Stl<'fS And 151 fut-I 1hIokogy, as the "finll"'" of God'"; he b rings the wor.k of C hnst to
in lamp!! . It was thought 01 as "Ihe ~ol"l!d up power of the sun " (R. completion and i, th e re,1 efficient calJSj' ol.U " "ong .CliOns. .
11<''11.... ) and the",I"", bec.me. sign oIabundanl bl .... ing and fruit.
The tAcr&mtnU. ·eff«1i nam~ In lhe formula clearly reflect .what ..
fulnt"ti. In Ihe symbolic world 01 the Christian ... ctamen ts it is a
symbol of lift, enlighttnmenl (see phcl;~mos . en.lightenmtnt as an MId In l'oneI 5:14-15: dellver.nt'(. h<'.lth. raising up 01 the SICk per.
_ , and. If llHded. /orgivfnue of , i"". to., roew fonnul.o Ih~ .
u s ",", name for bip'i.m). lhe gi fts o f the Spirit and spiri tual pow-
""". healing.. hopo!. a nd ioy." 1/ the prio-.t......, oil a1re;ody b~ by
avoIda the "thtr one sided emphliSis on the iorgmm.. of sans In
the old SlKramentalformul.o. which .... d : "Through thIS holy .
lhe bishop. he Ii""t ulters I praye-r of lhanhgivmg th/Jt i!! modeled
on lhe J~ wish bmIbh: praite o f the tllter di vi ..... Persons is foIlow~
anoinlin& a nd his loving lI"W.'fI:y ma y the lord Iorgiv.. w~hate\'''' !ItJlS
by a ptl ition thot !hrough l oom tinll wilh Ih ~ oil the .ock p<'I"SOn you hav' commll!C"CI through your sight (heating. etc.).
may nperitna! an l ileviation of su fleril\g and a slrnlgtl>ening m The TWofold ' Amen " Ihowl tNl the sOck person and th<' others
Ii"", of weaknes6. , _ .' _t an! ta~'~h ".rt in !he ~pray ... 01 I.i!h" and tha t thos saoa-
pi ... -oe leoiGod
IN'Ilt,. lib the 0Ihen.. ;n>'oIves the w~ p<'Op .
In the new rile the a nointing thaI Is now .dminiMen:d is made on
IIw Iort-he.d a nd ""nods. As ~ctnTr.u.fan' of human e"P~viry;" The ye-r tNot follows upon Uw anointing is not one of the con-
for.ehe.d and ""nds lepl ent the mti,., human being.1IOUl and d~ riles but ral ....... IUrns upon~
more t .... elfKts pra~
and thus emp",.b nUw boosk" Ihrust of!hi!! Y<nmcnt: casmg

body ~nd mind ~nd he~ling of $O\ll and body by lhe power of the
head, and sevetill p rayers iii .... "",ited. An abbtCVi<lted form
Holy Spiri!. Si-veralallem.llive p rl)"eT5 a", given in view of the
'm ,~ ,', danger of de.> th.
quil~ vori«l sil~11on:I in whlch lhis s.cralTW'nl may 0. adminis-
tenod {advirlc«lIg1', e~tl't'flle or Il!TminaJ iIInes., lid"", surgery, for rite h.a$ worked to tho: di!>&dvantage of it. in-
" child or young: poonon), ,
The concludins rilftofthe ·ontinary form· rons;g of the Lord's
Pr.o,...-, (holy ronununion), and a blo!sAAg:. Rdomworion the anointing 01 the sid< hilO!l
If pn')Ondy .dvoxilted OI'I!y by. lew thcologians.ln the
If lhe anointing: of the .ick is conferred during: MH!l, the formulary
Iocll Chun:t.e o f the Anglican Commu-
of M _ foe- the anointing o f the . id< is USKI. The opming rile!; md
jaun option). ,tpu table .nointing for
liturxY of the wool USKI in the ordinary form I ... ornined; lhe S«T~_
mmt i, ron,,", , .... af,"" the gospd. Episropa l Chun::h. E..a~\ka.l Lu--
- Presbyteri.n C hurch (USA). and the
In " rommun;al orlebration al wltidl .......·eral sick pel SO".. a ... 01 ChriSl p rovide lor the laying: on of hands and the
anoint«l_ (fkbo ,l Iion u,at requ ires the pPm"Iission of U,.. Ioc<ll Or-_ with oil. These Churchoes aha ha""
din.\ry-<~ must 0. taken llul"the pn..stlays lundson ... ch one m
inc!ividuaUy and anoinlSeadlone, using the appointf'<l form_ Ev-
erydung elioe Is done onor for all, and the prayers are rOOted in !he
pluTal " (Rile, 110)."


ElIC'ept for the Easlern Syrian Ch urd! . • 11 tlNo E..tern Churches ha,'c
(or had) ril.. for the anointing of the sick, although lhese have
f.llen inlO obliVion among the El hiopia ns and t ..... Armen ians o f
Gmrgia_ n..,. ril"" have an l'Specia lly disl inctive {orm among the Or.
thodo~. who . peak of "the mystery of the holy oil" or ~the liturgy of
the lImp" (because the lnoi nt ing. are dent' wi th oil from a Ii"le
lamp). If the sick pe!'SOn cln be transported. the c.. ,..many of anoint-
ing tak..s place in a church; OflNorw;se it tlkes p lac.. in t .... home.

The rite Is normally celebraled by _'en pnesu. After th .. 'consola_

tion of the sick." which i, il kind of VOIi"" olfk.o, the oil is bLes.ro_
s." ...., anolnlings follow, l'oIch done by one pri$:; each ~nointing is
pr-t'ceded by a ... ading (from ~ ApostJ..s)and a gospel with an
rt,,,,,;.: (litany) .nd rather l'""8thy p rayer. llw anointing., for which
• t,..ig dip~ in the oil is U!M . a ,.. made in the form of a ""- on
'ord>ead. noostrils, dlecb. mouth, b,..,,*, and both sides 01 the
hand.; each i5 followed by. p rayer lha t is the ... me lor all the
anBiniings. JhI, open book oI the ~Is i5 then laid on the lick

·1 Iho5eof

Chapter Fourteen
I active, lIdf-sac-
. IIfI"Vict Iohuman , ~Iike sheep withouu
~'" (M I 9:36; Mk 6:34). and he even gives his Ii ... for them
The Sacrament of Consecration (Orders) 10:1·18). He look.. upon hi. own de"h on 1M cro88 as an act

In the list of the sacuments that ruu!:>eM cu~tomllY sine. the high Fatller·, KCt'J'I'
of lhe world, will .nd
lS the gladly
key wonb in the ilac·
a. a
Middle Agt'5 the tixlh is the "'ctQ".,.",u,," (",lini,_"s..crament of or.
y .ow. But one who sacrifictoo him·
de ... • has ott.., been misleadingly rest't~ .. "ucr~ment of
INCh a w ay /or the ... lvation of the world Is in fact aoo 10 be
priHlly ordination"; in fact. however, the C.lholk Church under.
~. ." ••• priest and ",-en a high priest.
stlncIs litis SACrament 10 include thr!!e d~,""" of 1K'1'Y~. the nop ......
5enllllh," of wlUch J I1' known ... bishops, p~ .vu:I c1eaC'OO ... (fur comp1e1led by his
renons 10 be gi~ below. I p~ 10 a ll thill ACramenl of ~ duot the..,.,." ' p;t5tor·
"!he Na'mmt Of~ntioni_ To what eo,",! do '''-officn ...... mi!51on o f Jesus bul ~ thai
. of .
• nea the intmlions 01 Jesus Christ? How Wen! llle)' viewf(! md
p~~ in , ..... 'po5Io/ic rornmUl1;tie!;? l'CIl'.n ",nswer we musl
,~ IooIc 10 , ..... N""" Tnt'llWnt ~
VEL OP M~N T Of TH E SACRAMENT O f O IlDER S the dlvi~ will which Jesus !leTVes iii a w~iWNIII U lvi fic will of
1lle New Tesummt has numerous litl.., for Jesus thai bring out the Therefon:. a. risen lord and through his Spirit. lie con tinues
slgnific.l>I'~ of his person and a.:tiviry for hi. feUow human beings. service through all , human

"In , ..... view of Ihr early Church ),,"us is the bringer .nd giver of
theSpirit. the JerI! and the sender. t ..... serv'!'II.1\d the ~ who
.. I
Ihis p"""",,,ce by

ellis to 5erv~. For !his TNSOI'O he is .... ignM mony trad itiona l Pn!5erlt by HI,bral·
nameu.nd ritles '''''I ~ me.onl 10 tIndIorsro~ his un i'l",u nd ..1- " ' 1111'1 a ~ iW"5Y of rommomoralion.
1«ly ~w ~ LoIOMip.,. the cruci fKod .nd ~ ~ who ~"'" on
bod1 w ith God and in his Churdt. Thus he is the Holy One of Cod, Whert Christ thus......w;!tis."...u.s and di!ciples 1000n1in... hi,
1M celebnnt of ~1u'lJY' the mediator of the COY_nl, the pi ie,! .,,"'...... offioe, 11. also promises duo, he sr.ands fuUy behind ~ is
who is both 5.lc:ti/icer and .... cn/icial gift. the fiNl .nd only high ~ ""4d: eoIKIarily with them. and it ",'en idmQaol with Ult:m-
'* "".'l'1l
,,"ItS, .
given to him in
is p l l d,.d of all pown, arid all authority lias bfton
ilI\d on earth. H~ it the Son of DaVid. the
n... 't"
whlon .L ~_ " '.•.•. . . Ln"".ys:
he tends the?U di:ociFI15 on U1I."Il"
who ltftn you hears me. and hewho.ejecll you .tjcciS me, and he
. "u .

prophet. the Son o f man.lhe Good Shcphe<d. the King of tsr;oel, the whol'l!jeclS meiljects him who sent me" (Ue 10;16). He makeu 5lm·
Son of God . letus is the faithful wilness, the p ioneer of IIIlv.llon for Ilar promlIIe.1m- washing the /;oet of his diJcip"": "Truly. truly [ ".y to
all o f hum.nlty.~ ' you, he who ~e any one whom I ~ receives me; and he who
.-ce!vSmI! ~veo him whasent"""" On 13:20).


hJ,oos o l the leaders of the rommunity.'

A mis<iuo ~nd. aulhoriution in which I~ sent are idmlifled with . .'

Christl(> such .on e<lrot ( arJ'ies with II a suprrhum.n rnponsibility. ,

The first coocemof I~ sent must be to d... 1with hum.n beings rompetu'ICi6.
on eH'ry occasion a. Chrl~1 would deal with tht!m and to make 01 Antioch (d, after

tt.erns.,lVE'S transpilrmt .5 it W,,", SO lllat th~ per$On and Yving in·
lenliOllll of Christ berome , ';sib ... in them. To fit them lor tho: uok • well defined authority
Christ pro...us..s !hem llis Holy Spirit and pnys for them: "Sanctify
Itw>m in the truth; thy word i. truth. As thou didsl send me into the
world, so I have smllhcom into 11\(0 world. And for tn.,; , Site I ~ f •
_rate myself, thai they ~ may beoo,","uued in truth" Un 17:17·
18). It isdN' from th is p.usa~ thallhi' smding ofth.. <li5c:ip!...
does not.imply bestow a cI)mmisslon (ordination) bu t also has a di_ f
mension of sanctification that justin" us in 'pf',king 0/ a "ton3Kra-
lion." lhow who n'«iv,, 1he task of sen-ing asprophd. ~IOI'. and .r It -
print renoive a corresponding ron5e'Cration in the ~'"* of being d.-velopmt!t'll that not III potentialities an be IlimulU'
~uipped by gra"", for their t.oly act!~ity and 001 in the oen ... 0/ actuated but only a few at . time and thai ""en tkeso' Ie-;;
bring g;"""". pri".~ h.lo. ac"",1td ~t once. SO that there il room lor fulure "..
of COlI"", 1m into a«oUnt that th~ .:II' facK>.
The ronlinu.lion of C hrist's IhneefoId office in !hoM: whom he only to 1"""f'OI'lIy cond,·
sends .... fers dirodly to It.. narrow rin:1r III disdples whose mern· action of the Spirit whom Chri.t prom'
bers the ""angeli,t, d escri t><> som,-~im ... as "politi.... sometimes as be pT'O'l«ltlo the Church •• energizing lome and helpoer.)
dls.ciplrs. Sut in tIM' apostolic rommunity as d~ in tIw Nt-,..
Testament ..... also find a wide .... nge 01 gifts of the Spirit. or duo.· .".<".,.,!hen.doe$ not tilt( nrily
tlut it is bound rxdllS;vely.nd ~ all lime to Ihi, roncrete
Isms. "'Ilieh a .... meant 10 lid in building up the- body of Christ (see
1 Cor 12:28). In that ",me chapter Paul exp"'SSly N.ys thAt thes.e in OU. own lime how pa,toral need.
. I'
gifts of the Spirit are not given primarily lor ~I sanctification
a, eas tlwy
but to.- the good of others. The duolism. arelnother way in wtuch
the- ,,"ving ;1C'Iivity of Christ is to be mod.- P' 3 ont 10 the human
ract' by the power 01 the Spiri t
. 'bed · 1 CorinttWons 12.
_ _ , 10 the New Tf/Stamenl chansms de5C\'l m
knoWWdgn'Ot!t'It 0/ historical change and of ,till u""xt:a". r.d

w... must not so concentr"e on II><> o ffices MId eharisms It to ov...• ac .. _ ~ not how'"''ft remove the obligation ol'!eemg •
pcaibil''''''' . . ~ with its lib ...."gulc:ramen"l
=~~'!:! ::I:~:"": dmlopmenl th.at .has Its ultim~:c.
look the fac1 that all of tN faithful <Ire ooligl'd. by Ihrir calling Ind
,,"nctilication, 10 collaborate in IN building up of God's people.
Th<: .. rom"",n priesthood of the lahh fuJ" (11ft I Pet 2:9) is comm uni- . 'wiLioiChri5I. Tocallt~olfici"I""'T"ICC5 .
basil In tlwu.vmg. . __ A <;Ie.orons are liS'" and ,no
e".,.! to them in hapti~ and conlirmation; they too at(' in tIw ser· ramenul" mNN that bWw:>ps. pnoest....... . he
vice 0/ ChrUi. strumenlS, aclive 'tp. I !mtalives of JesuS Ch"':; t~
nd prie5I who rontinUK to work In an t r.""
Aj • l'l'Sult of historical <kve]opmmt. the manifold gifts of II><> pollar,' Wherev throe rep_tali"" proc:l~im tho! w ord. odmln'
Spiri t to.t their promm..ncr in manycommunitia around the ""d Ch1,lrch. " _-' f_ •__ ," -'r ,..lIow human beings the
0/ the lint century; tIw offioes of JefYIce were redU<:Ol<l in nwnM-r ;'t..rtlwNCramel'll5.a,.. pt< ""'" ,,.,

". '"
m6ny work.. of love that ... rv~'!I and leadl'1"ship that assists, he i$
prl'!ieru iIlld working wi!h !hem (see SC 7).

AI many peliods ofChurdl hiseory and in nOl i few 01 its nop~_ 1 into
tal;'~. the office of .wr,·i"" unfonun.ltely tOQk forms that w~ out . threshold o f ""cred dralNl_ lhe
01 k~ing with illl meaning and <>bsru ,,-d the vision oIChrist •• tNt the !K'Condary would take pn!CMe~ ~V...- the essomtial
high priest a nd PUlor which it should have mOOiat<.'d. Off~1 activ_ theChurch succumbed to it.
ill' by Old .... 0( Chri!ll 5houJd .....·'..er be linked to a ~ 01 pow .... or
be di$tonnl by a c.....ing for domination. Christ hi""",]! u'SmUy
warned hi. d i.dpl.., 01 Ihese po:rv~",ion.._ But. more ef/fdivfl y
than Qny .. >:hOrt'tlon5. the striking sign of th ~ washing of the
tN t the essential rile in
" laying on of hand,.nd the pr.y .... of
d lscipl .... • 1_ .how" ,he attitude ""'Iuired by off"" in ~ Chllrm. If
hiSlOficl1 d........ lopmenl, .... p<'ci.1l1y since ConsIanlin ... has to _
""Ien l to km i diffenmt course. no OIl<> r.a.. been m"", deeply a f- tht: rile
meted by it tn.n tno,.. who love tho! Lord and his Church . On the . Tho
oth .... ha nd. it must be acknowlnlgt'd thai <'!IpeelaJlly 5inc.. Vatican ,.
II I"'" Church has "'""" making an honest rifon to d o aWlY with , for • <evision oilhi' rile
mlny unfonunate-Ieg~ from tlw paSl bi!hops pR'S-
I . ...:1 pr~"io...:ry).
n... Con.
d th ~ on Bi.toops w"" t
ORlJtN"T!ON Of ... 81SH OP lay on n.nds, InSte
on the Chur<:h. hcwevet, In e _ ' .0:,,-
As I nott>d. above, the words rpiskopa. ("'overseer"; 50 ... "", ot Oil' the theological foundations of the offlO:. Of epl
word "biMlOfq and prshyt~('eldt'l"-; sourc., o ( ou, word Mpriest") 1hI' Coostitulion on the Chun:h INChes tn.I II be- .
.... uliM in the New T.... r......",t p mty much wilhout distinction. tha. '"'blshoops In
Butlhe beginning of ,he 5<'rond century saw ,he ,;,c, in Syri. and
Asia Minor ot lhe monarchical episcopate in which the bishop took visible way carry on the roles
. .0 1Chrisl "(21
) as
shepherd, Ind high pries' and aet ,n h" per"'" . _
p=<.'d~nce ov .... priesl and de.>(on. The earliEosl witl><'!lses 10 11m ~
ed In.t the documents 01 V~tkan tl use the LatIA
:." ~:"!:io":'nd aii,....",fio
,-..!opAl""! at>' the 1<11(>", of St_ Ign.olius, the manyr--oWlop of Anli-
och. The authority .Iuched to lhe tpi..-opal o ffic. was augmented w ithoul d islinction. as is already .
by tho! fact that from lhe middle o f the ""cOlld CPntury on those UII il"""s aside lh1' unsalisfactory SchoiaslX
da< in SC 76. Thf Counc hinl<.s f the sacramenlS., "a 01..' "
holding that olli«: mt!1 lrom time to lime in synods in order to dis_ theology of orden.nd no long~.. ~ jOo rdlnation as "an addi tion
cuss ways of defending the ChuI"Ch ag~inst h~ which Wen! .Iy, ' I H iding l.dd ...... and of ~pa d ' tion.M' lJ\$lead, be-
mu lti plying u an abnnins <~"'. oI" '- 'tybut noI..,bstonct' to pnest Y or- ,n.> ~"

no.. liturgical l<aJ\SmiS!oion of ~ by the laying 01'1 01 hand. and

-.:<.. ~ reM"" Mthe fullnes&oI'ho! sacli~l of .
c:.UIIt ~~......... d-ffe-ten. ind,,' id ... ar. In the
p<ayer, 01 which the N"",- Testament alr.,ady .pealc, (ACb 6'6; 1 Tim !bey Mhltve lawfully h.nd<.'d on 10 . ' . . . __ ..... (LG 28)
Chun:h In "arying d eg...... a .-- ..... rliClpallon
4,14; 2 Tim 1:6), is dl'SCTibed lor tho: filSl tim~ lroUnd 215 in the . ,n th,s. minIs •. } ing di-•
. i!II b<anches oul as It were In a
Apo<IoIk rr-uJitim of Hlppolylulof Rom.., ~ dernption UfeOi(l(' 10 11\.01 thO' one mIn
_ ...... For W. r.,uon rythe HC'OIId typtca . I ed'lion
01 die rite 01 ont i-
pliritly. among ott.....- things, to the epirll'lio; pray..,. o f tlw mrnmLl-
""tIon bEgU" with ~l ordination.
Airy. The cle.:tion 0/ the ",,"w bishop by the mmmuniry y l «Eded hilt
ord ination.'
m<.>nical va l..., On tllto other hand, a new composition "'ould "''''e It to the new bishop with words bas.ed on .Paut' s fa",,.... Uadd...,.. at
madll! it possible to inlroduce tn,. theology of ordination of V.tiean Miletus (Acts 2Q:28h .,-.kf this stoff as a:w.gn 0/ your palllo.-ol of-
II with its rich biblico-Chrislological su~rnmts. The Apostolic Con_ Ike: keep wJl<: h over th. whole flock in whirh tM Holy Spirit has
sti lution P""'ifia!Ii, fWr>I,o", llingles out as "'" ......:ntial words: ""So IIfPOlnIIt'd you 10 Iohepherd the Church of God. «10
now pou.OUI upon this chasm one Ihat power which ill from you. AI the the conclusion 01 the rite 01 ordination Iht new ~ is
lhe go ...·ming Spirit whom you gave to you. belc... ed Son, Jesu. ~ to hill epilcOfNI chai' , if the ordiNtion ~ laken pi...,., In .his
0 ••;'1. the Spirit giveo by him to "'" holy apostles. " 'ho founded church; ~ he receh'n lhe kiss of peaC'C' from aU lhe bishops
the Chun:h in n-ft}' p lace 10 be your tempi.. for the unc .....mg glory
and pra~oI your""me.~

I) Since the laying on 01 lands and the prll)'" u .... lilu'"' the rite 01 or-
; ' :. "t and take!: his place I S the presiding rooOCfiebrant o f the ...,-

h) AI the ft>d of lhe pra~' . fter communion the newly ordained is

dination. the ensuing rilleS must"'" ~ed as '""'PO ' . ", ci " 'hat condUCIIt'd through the church to the singing of T~ Drum; as he goes
h;oo 1ICnI~ I t the momer>I 01 ordi ... tion, Th .. ilI _ ~'\TI ci the he givts the faithful his first ble$ing;u a b~. After. few words
.moWing ci the he..:! with chrism. wltich in the J'il"1 Willi inil'gr.lted from the .1ur he gi"es the solemn final blessing.
with the pra)'" ci ordiNtion .00 Willi ~rdII!d H _tial, It hM:I
b,:"" brought into the ~ 01 ordination in the righth <ft'Itury in the A review of lhe new. much mo ... ror.dS<', and m....,/o"" shorn.... rite
Fnnko-{;,llic tl'nikli its. ;ond ob"wsly w illi derived from the anoint. erod. • comparison of II w ith lhe old .... rito' show that ,lien> has been
illS ci the high pl ' m in the Old T.,t.am....'11 (Lrv 8,12). It is now an ex- • _ llmpnl'\'emt'nt, r\'en if all expectanons ",",'" no! been rom-
pltS!bn of "'" fid thai the newly ordained porticil"'lI'.'S in the high p1.etely satisfied.
priesthood of OIri5l. lIS the ;ocromponying wont:. mak clea r.
Offi C E AND 0 Il.DIN"'TI O~· OF A p ~ HBnE R
~ Pn'Sfntarion of the book of ,he g05pel~ <den 10 lhe bishop's What was lIIIid In Ihe first section of this chapt ... ha. already made
participiliDn in the teaching office of OIri51. The giving of the epis- cleo.r thai Ihe ministry of prt'$by51.... S must likewise bto ••:en as a par-
copal ring (whkh, with th e miter and Slaff, is no longer- bk>ssed dur_ lidpatlon in the threefold office of C,hri.1 ""~ thus as,' de"elop- ,
ing Ih~ MUll of ordlnarion bUI at !lOme earlier rime) symbolizes the mlMll oIlhe one ministry which Chnst has I!,ven 10 hlS Chur<:h. An}
bishop's obligation o f fidelity 10 th" Church, eoIpedally lhe local \im.Vltlon of tM p,.;.,.,stly ministry from the $Ocrificial prie<thood In
Chun:h, wh ich is described in lhe areompanying words as "the IuHllU'Od in paS'n ""UgiOTlll. or any likening of illo th"""', 15 crm"""
bride of Chris t. " OUI For thi5 ""ason we can only "'l!ard as highly dub;""" the pm-
~ by which ~dual eleml!T\lS cr<"pt inlO th" ~tes of ordioation .01
The mi ler is pla~ on the bilohop' l hNd wi th .. briri acrompanying
the ft>d of anliquity. aOO iTICreasingl y in the M.'~dle A~, thai p~
formul a, The accompanying text in tt.. older rited~bed the
Rflllt'd lhe Old Tntl ml!T\t priesthood aOO l~\''''cal office.s prehgu-
miter as the Mlm<1 of pmt«tion and ",lvaliDn and linked it sym.
bolically w;lh!lv homs seen on the radiant head 01 M05P!o. Thill nliorll .00 models of Chrililian pri"\hood.
lext wa~ thought to bto out of tUIl(' with modem "'-"'Sibili'""'. The The: fundlment.l con ""'t al>d signific...... o f the p<"s~,yter.loffiee
Il<"W ""'I p rays that the «s plendor of holi_~ may $hine in the an! Itll ted chirily In lOme doctri .... l documents of \!abean It 1ft pa.-
I'I<'W bishop and tNI he may be .....nhy 01 the crown 01 glory whm liaillll, the CONliNtion Ulmm S"""iwm on IhI' Chu",h (LG), lhe 0.-
ctuisl aPlX'ars, Oft CItmI", [lomillws Of\ the PolS' orll ()ffi,ce 01 Bishop (CD), and the

The: I"'stOrallllaff, USf!d alK> In the Ea~l'IIl Church, is an eloquenl

Dtc:." PmIIyImlnrm ordillis 011 the Ministry and Life of Pries... (PO)
symbol oIlhe I"'lIIota! office. The prind~1 ordaining bishop giws of lanuuy 7, 19(6.

liturgy uliirNtl'ly pa,' ed the way for a . adi·
" E ...·., though Ihty do no! pc55US lhe full_ oI lh~ pri...tl>ood .
Vancan II'·
and in I).., eJ<t"tCiw o f Ihdr power lor ~ ....: .ulhority!l ...... wbordi.
Jl;ll~ 10 I~ bishops. preabyten . od IWYmhelno linI<ed 10 the bish. I , .... .00 deaCONl ord;·
op!' in pliO'Stly d ignity, By virtue o f the ...oament 01 orders. in the
imo!';e of Chrisl the f'1erNl High Priesl .. . !hey a.... COI\SeCT~1ed 10 go&pO:'l 0/ a Sunday or
preach the Gospel. 10 sIwptoe . d lho! failhful,. . od 10 a.lebrate di\"ine
worship as I~ prieta of lhe New T<!Stament. I'.nakfts 0/ lhe futl(. by the bishop;
lion 01 ChrUI. t~ Kli. Medilltor (see I Tim 2:5). at lheir own "".1'1 of
ministry they ant'lOllO\C'f t~ d i\"ine word 10 all. They ext'Kj§e their
sacr...:I function abol.·. all jo the tuc:harialk wo rship 01 celebr~tion
01 Mas., by which, ~ In the perscm o f Christ and p roclaiming (litany 0/ the saints):
his mystery, thty uni~ thep'llyers of the fa ithful ...~th the-nfia.
of thrir Head (LC 28).~
andw .....:
n.. ...m~ do<'ument goes on to speoolt. of thdr ministry in _ onril·
ing oint'Ien .nd allevia ring the suffering oIthukk. M fW1io:i?4'nl5 ., Kill of peaa!. .

in the postoral office of Chris! they Iud their flock to the Falher I) n.... aMidatH. "est .on ...."e,. . • , , ,'--un:
,... ' • and dearon sstole •

\•, Ihrough Chri5t in t ~ Spirit, " J>nosbyteos, as prudenl cooperator'S

wilh th~ episrop.Il <m:ier, ils lIid and il\Slroment . .. rnnstitul~ one :=' calkd by name . Each "' IMw<!i"!i: "Ad~uon " (""""""'I ") a~ goes.
the bishop. )0 responj;O! to a q~I;on of the biohop, a pnest des'g'

,- pointly college with tlweir bilIhop, charged with diffrrent duties" t 1 by the bishop an.wen thai " the people of O\nst aod . . .
~ I concemed with h iE tra iolog" h..·c been .~ked and that. they
(ibid.l. In tMir So!\"eral rommunities they., it wr .... mal«> their
bishop pit"St'nt and altlwe IIImr time mal«> the universal O\uKh \"i ...
ibl ...
,.ard lhe caodid.1e II. wonhy. There i5 an echo he,... of Chnsuan
lJIIIqul wh.., the bestowal of orden depeoded on the p ....cccitng
~tyor c""gn.~ati"".'
I t I...... t rotl!I!1lt of the a;:.~~e
When th,s
I Th~.".. and simil .. doctrina l state ments were of great help in "",is-
ing the Ti l" of priestly o rd ination. Thls rile, li ke Ihal of ."i"""pai or·
dination. hltd. under the influ..,~ f5PeCioIly of lhe Franko-Gallk
IkIn of woo1hioes~ has been gi\"..,.I ..... bishop '0 lum res~

:!:o.: thJ:
th hel f tQe Lord God aod our Savio, JesUJ5 Christ, an
:Io: our brother. 10. priesthood io the pnosbyteral

ChuKh, b«ome • highly comple •• ff.i. which for '""'turi.". 0b- ordft." The people gi\"e their as:;ertl with ao " Aonen.~
scured th~ vision o f the es!<!1ltiais. A, a ~ult, there w as for a long
b) The ensuing ... odel lot the bishop', homily I... "" hea\"ily on
II time confu Sion aboul whit the ~tials of the ri~ were (the " mat·
I<'!" and fonn " of lhe Scholastics). Th", Thomas Aquioas (d. 1274) whal .said In LG 28 (Sft .\)o\·e) .
.od the DKree for lhe AnTI<!ni'N (1494), which wasl>eavily ;oflu· c) 1lw promiSti gi~tn by the c.odidl~ in n>S!X-''''' to qUO$tions off
enct'd by h~ writiop (especially his S~"'''''' """ rQ8""iks), held lhe the · e<p.-e$ h I. reiIKI\n0H6 10 .ccept the d uties of lhe office 0
v i<-w tNI the essenn"I!.I&n In priestly ordiNrion was th. bestowal
• ~I ,nd preacher and Io COt"",,."te himoelf 10 God ,0 an
0/ 1M ""ten with hosts on It and the ch~!ice w itt. wine In ii, and do..
;t«o mpooying w(Wds. M wesaw in lhe previou. ~on 01 this
b ... _w_'
• ngIY _ ' ••~,_ w',u, ~ Ch-'*'
.... the Hifth
.... P ....st for lhe ...l",,·
;';'-0/ hUOJW1kind. AfteT Ihis andid.trlt.neds ~Iore the
chitpt...-, in 1947 Pius XII (01 .teted these .. nd other uo(Ws and stobed laca his joined Nods ~ t~ of the bishop, and
INI tto., es5<"ntial elE"_lI o f the ri le ~I ~ s..age o f orders is the bisho!?' p" I d obedimo:e~ to him ,.-.:I hisslilXCSSYS- Thos
lay,og on 01 hands and t~ prlyl!'f 0/ ordination. Oulliandlng .1Ud· ~ [ !liP:: an ......, .
~ goK back 10 the .ncienl c..erm..rU<: practice whe._~ 1 a ,as-

sal I'O'n"iving;l fief placl!'d his;o;nI!'d h..Inds in th""" 01 t .... king al10d _.~ In chalice) fo r lhe Eucharist that i5 to follow; as he ~te5-
promi~ submission and alLo!giance. ~: the holy per>pk: 01 God the 81ft!! to
• ... doing. Ind imitate th~ mY""
d) In respon"" to the bishop'. in"i~l iOfI to prayer. thf «>ngn>gation the mrst...,. of the l.l>rd·s
si"&ll a much abbrev~ 11!'d lil.ny 01' the saints. into wltkh the invoca- In the p.li5t a. ~till ha>
tion 01' «I1ain saints (p.1 lfOf1S (If the pike. the chu rch. ~nd Pft"SQns)
can beinsened.•$(.... topkal petitiQnS. In light 01' new kn<>wledgt
(If Uturgk.l hi5tory this praye.- of tlw community lot the can<lidatos
mUS! be ~ud<!d IlS an Unpc>rtllnl elttherll 01' thf ordin/loon "'-""'-
"""'y and as linUd 10 IIw bisl.., !,·, prayer (If <>rdination. "Fo. a
rnan is (In:lilined by thf I.>ying on (If h..Inds and the p ray..- of the
oW.s;. .55mlbll!'d al'l>\ll>d the bilohop."u

..) ThO' bishop tU)W slimIly I.>ys hi, It.aruts Qt\ tlw> head of ..am undi.
d.te. The pi itSts p. liEnt ckI the same and th.m ........in group"'" the new rite with. the old. it is impoMibJe not to - .•
.""und the bisllop until tlw er>d of the ensuing pu r .. r of mdin/l· tN.! a futurl' edi·
non. Thi, rnakes it deu 1/1., the newlyo:nd.oinfod ar.-being KCepIll'd
as brothers inlO the ptftl>yterium. The prayer of on:!i..... ti<>n unfurtu.
..... tely ~ still Vtty m",h captive tQ the Old Testa"""'t p.rall..1s used ...N D OIlDtNATlON O f A O~ACON
in Q/der pr.y.,,, of ordi ..... oon. H~ ..r, the Strond ed ition of the the Creek di.okonD" to serv~) is already

ordin.tion ri~ halldd<!d a new paragraph w hich """aks o f Christ New Testament (['hil 11.; I Tim 3;8ff,) , We may
and me apostl", Unfortunately, the p...,.,.,t prayer .till does r.ot ..... de.o:oru in the ~en men whom, IC'
/l1'C'l th e d .. pth.nd riches of. mo ... reant Iheology of ordination
and office. The Apostol ic Constitution Po~lific.i;. Rcma~i say. that ,
the nsmtia l &«lion of t.... p" yer is this: "Almighty Father, grant to . For, although
these servants 01 yours the dignity of thr priesthood, R.... ew within I lI<lCio-caritolive work), w~ iOJn find
th..... the Spirit 01 holi ness. As co-workel'll with the ord .. r 01 bis hops
may they be I.ithful to the mini5rry that !My I'O'n"ive from you,
Lord God, and be toothers a model olright conduct."
III "",en also prpchlng. converting. a nd bapti.jng (Philip. 51...

1l\moth 3J..12 .1~ldy sell down e<ertain mora requl' ... m....Is for ,
£) Al; a!-ign of the priestly ministry they have I'O'n"ivl!'d, ""m.. of the 17 7 ow ... ~t lhe begiMing of the il«ond century du"""" ·PP"'" '"
preby~rs present "Ht the newly ord.ined in the priestly stoJe(by Iht kU6i of Ignatiu., the m.rtyr b!5hop of Antioch. a. I d early de-
rearr.ongi"8 the deaoon 'sstole) Ind a chuubJe, The bishop then "'-_~ fft . ,-, the hle .... rchlc.1""""""",,,-I of the Church.
........ OI.a!Wil"'n .,_. L'd dearonate
anoints the p.lilrm o f their ""nd~ with chrism, p r.ying me~ nwhiJe Down to the present time the E.o~tem Church h;oo. "" a
th;oot Christ, whom !he F"her anoin tt'd with tho! Holy Spirit and h i li • li~long ministerial office; in !he West, iK>wevn . the deacon·
pow .... will prolK t and &ttel1gthtn the newly cwdainfod in tha' all!! w u from the early Mid<lli' Agoos "" ,imply a stage ,o n. the ~a~ to
priHtly ministry. A pplm Of al<>n& m.y ~ l u ng during !his int.... pnesthJod. Men became ck.c::>rlS not in order to remain", "'" •
pret;,,, ri~. The bishop nt>CI rec:1!'i,'oos tho! b~ .nd wine fo r the Eu. ftot but II • condition for o rdination as pi itsts
ch;oortst from the p«Jp1oe a nd, a/tw the ch;ool~ has bftn ~ he
1l>e Coundl 01' Trent did attempt \0 mnb"O<l~ !he pe''' lanen! diac·
gi,.... tad> new p i it.. !he saaificial gifts o f brud and wine (on

onale. bUllhe rt'5()]ulion wa, r>ev ... implemented." Belo .... World by tIM' oHicial revival 01
Wu II a 5imilAr efftw t WiS ,"",-de; lhi, gatlwm::! momentum aft ... the
W.r and los! even belo .... Vniclon lJ 10 the /ormation of "diotron.ol rir.
elf$." n..e
bre. llthrougll nrne. 00_,·.... only .t Vatican II. tC 29 do--
scribed ~ rolf 01 oocon, as follow, :

" In$ofar as rompo>f\'nt authority a,.,igns tll ...... 1hr d uties of I .... dea.
con a", to: admlnst ... Npti$m sokmnly; ca .... to. I.... Eucharist ~
gi"e holy rommuniofl; assiSI at and bless marriages in I ............. of
the ChultCh,: cany viallcum 10 d.... d ying; I"Ndt .... Scripture< to the
peop~ Mld mon and iru;1n.oct ti"lffll; p""id.. ""er ....onhip and
pra~ administer $IIcrammtals; officl"., .1 fu...-m and burial rita
o.-dica lf:d to d uties of charity and Mn' 1a-.. .. 8

Tlw dorum""l then cont;nu" with this deri$i,·.. statement:

«As Ihr discipline of Ihr Lltin o.urch cu.,...,Uy slands, t t - diaco-
nal functions. sUP'""..... I~ fII'Cl'SSI'}' 10 Ihr Chun:h', life. can be car.
fWd oul iJ1 many place! only w ith g!"1'at difficulty. H .... ceforth.
1""""',,-«". il w ill be ~rm;S6ibl .. 1O !"1'SIO.... the diaconale" a distincl
and f"""'I1OInent fank 01 the hie.'urchy. To t .... variou, sorts of aUlhor. • w lIidllakn ,nlace an .... t .... gospel during a
presbyt"Tlte in ie. .tructu'"'.
ized IwrilOrial bodiK 01 b-Ishopslt bookmgs to de<:idr. with papal ap-
proval, w .... th ... and w ........ it ;, adV ln tageous lo create permanent i bishop;
dearons for the care of IoOu1,. Witllth .. ~', cO"'"'nt. 1.... l"'rm •.
""nl diaconale may be confe •• ed on men o f malu .... ye.rs. and even and the placing of their h.nd~ in
on married men. and upon qualified young men. For the lall ..... of the bishop:
how""er. thto law of celibacy must .... m.in in fon:e (tC 29). II) Utany o f the IoIIlnt~; . .
Tlw Dec. '"" Ad gn.'(S on Ihto Chun:h', MiMi"".,}, Activity (Clo:<-em. ) Lo ' on 01 11. ds and pf~y"r of o rdinatiOn;
be. 7, 1965) confinned thi, deciSion .nd .... lale<! it ... peci.lly to men ~ Ex~IOry riles: v...tlng with dlKonol stole .nd d almali<:; p""
already doing diaconal work: .,tation oIlhe book o f Ihr gO!lpels;
&I KIM of peace.
To m.k .. their ministry more effe.:tive through .wcr.menlal grac •• it
i • • d'·.ntageous 10 . tteT\gthen and bind d (IIW" to the .110 . through .
. )llwp,"""",UtKlfll" -~ "'''M
... e.' k'c:tion of , .... u ndidat....... ho
. . ofamice.
tIM' apostolic tradition of t.... l.ying 011 of hands lhaw men who.re
actually ..... lrising d iacona lluctions: preaching God', word as catoe--
chiots; presiding In ~ 1>1_ of • ~~or or bW>op Ovn "'''I''', ed
alt, and cinctu,"" la ke place as in U". rite for th • .,..d"....t.oo p ........

to) llw rnoo:\t,l homily provided for I"" bishop begin. by ~

Chris~n rommuniti6; ""gaging in social or cNritabJ. worb CAG tho! 'Iion ndfur-tiooosofthedeaconinagent<al ..... y: Hewill

'" """ ~ ;;00. the gift of tho! Holy Spirit . He.' will ....lp the
~~ h is body 01 priats IS a minister o f u.. won:l.. "! ~
alta •• and of chariI)'. He will make hi"-U a Mn'MlI o f all.
dt!acon'. fun<:tion'J~ then described ltl deu il C
_ above, the pas- ~ub5equmtly M1,'eloped into the iiIII' o f tor"ISUJe
sag~ Iron U; 29). Oi~I"nt conclusions .te provido!d depending on . This ,.·u intended Ul sign !hal theca ....
wlwth.er the andicbtes J ... marrird ~ !'lOt, sla"e) to lhe S<'f'\'lC1' of God. In this rite
surpllC1' w<>s
c) The dNcon'. promises ~nd the ph.cing of hislundf in thoow of a~ a $ymbolk clerical garment.
tho! bishop lu"",b l• .ne pil. alld ~cti0n5 in tho! rite for the ordin.o_
tion of prmyteTS. Unmarrioed candidates ma ke their rommittm('nl
to C1'lihlcy in th~ (l)Uf'!I\' of lhe promise. fuoctiol15 of porter, I«tor (reader), exorcist,
as minor orders; in thf £.aslern Church
d) Tho! .... mE is truE 01 lhe lilany of lhe salots, SO regarded. In antiquil}'
t) The laying of both hands by thE bishop and thE pr.yer 0/ ord ina- I~ ord ers performed sped!k servlOll"l in the communi-
lion ..... orin' Igaio the tsSer'Iti4l1 oudeus of the ril1l!. The praY""" ron- ord .... became $imply \ral15ltiono.[ slages wilhoul
I.inl pra;'" and petition but, most importanlly, the epiclesis or call
for the ductiil of the Holy Spiril, wh;.:h the Apostolic Constitution
IIIinOi" onIer until about
was regarded
III made it OIle of the
Po~lifialJiJ R,:"""ni says is the essen.tial pl.ssage: "Lord. 5end forth
upon h im the Holy Spirit,. !hat he may be _gtIwned by tM """'_
enfold gr8tt to carry out faithfully the work of the miobtry." The
commuojty hlcb the P"'}'ft with il5 - Amen .-
f) SOi11Oe dNocons or ptesbyten vost the roew dExons in their 1""1*'"
vestmmlS. The bishop thm giv ... the boo!< of the ~ 10 urn 0/ filled oowadays by sextons.
lhe newly o rdaiIwd, saying: ' ~ve the gospel of Christ, whooor
her.lds you now a .... Believe wlu t yOUfud,tNc h whal you boo- ~~:~.\:::.:':.:WlS 10 procla im the scripture ....dings
• bOSlilurgical . For thiS ",ason the l«tiofl/ll")' was p"""
1!eve, and practicE whal you INch."
~Ittd to them a l their ordinalion. Today any member of the com-

g) The rite end. wilh lhe kiss of peaC1' from lhe bIshop. The other ....ruty Is entilled to perform thl, serv ke; 001)' the gospel is
deacons pl't'M'nl may also gi'-. il thU$ sigoltying lhe IICCrpt..'oC" of ~ to a d~l(lIn or priest.
lhe- rl('wly ordain<'<l inlo their rol"-"S". " ~ .
In ll'lliqulty the function of emrcists w lS to uode";:' . exoms"," ..,..
ST Er S lEA DINC TO THE SAC R AMEN T Of O R DERS pidally in rorulection with bap\i.!.m. By "",,0n:1SITI IS meanllhe ~f­
10 the (01USOl' of the centuritol J number 0/ Sleps leading up 10 the Ion to ddi~"tr human beings from ~ control 0/ po_rs hostilt 10
sacrament of Diders wered ....~1oped; they might not be b),pa-.d . A God by meaN of opecial pra~. The otfi« of ""on:i!ll ~ its "" I
shon description of lhe order urlier followed in the RorlW"l Ciotho- furw;Don hefo .... Ihe.....J of antiquity and continued In """,tenC1'
lie Oun:h will help us better 10 appruci~1e the postconctliu ~ GrIIy U li ~ minor order. The ~xmnal si~ '?"
this rile in
fom>. the old liturgy was the pt".IIlation of J book oontallung pra)"f:I"'l
for exorcisnv (usually the KorN,o Ritual).
Tht Old.... ""''''"8'"'''''''1
AcoIyIft (from G ..... k ol:olow'''''' '' follower. allmdlolj performed
~in ....-vloC1'5 during liturgkal .:elebntlonJ. They may therefore
Reception into I"" clerica l Slal1l! (as into the onooasllcjwu IICCO~­
be compilted with p "st,>t-day .[tar~, Who. in f.cl h~"e ~
nled , IS early as thE end of Christian a nliquil}', by • pl rti.1 ...... vlng
large measu", laken over lheir functloru. In the nle of ordmalion
IottNtSl~t IS ~ O tt WO Mf. N
they w... e presenled with undl.! ar>d cruorts as IMi. ute"",1 sym_ minl~ries of lector or . ei>d.l'T and acolylf" (to
Ordination 10 th~ SubdNconal~
added at the di!lCl't"lion of lhe episcopal confer·
til")' art" " "

The subdeaooo w;U originally I duc:on'. IItlpl'" np<rially during

i documml ""ys
Ilw Euch.orisl; among his olh ... 5E'fViCO!S thert w;u I"" ..... ding 01 the
"PiM .... Thn ~"P in ord ... sw~s upgr,do!<lwhm c,.libocy and !he ~
italion 0I1h,. breviary ..~ imposed on lubd~acons (beginning of •
I from lhal • tho> sacra·
the lhi""""lh <:enwry) and the s ubdeaCONI,. ..·~s acrount.ed a
major a do •. y"" I"" ';1,. of ordination,.,...,... included a Loying 01101 ,
hands; lhiu hows 1""1 il WaS nOltobe ~rdNI;u a majo.order in . Iht-n. 1& !he .talernefll in no. VII: ~ln • ....,..-
I),.. slrict E, thaI is. pa" 01 thIP sacr.ment of ordf.'B. In IhIP rile
ncient tradition of lhe Church. i..stitut:ion to It..
lilt bi5hop p ......... I...:IliIt' cand idate wilh chllia and paten (..~thoul • acol~-w is _ _'N 10 men. -"Th·IS regu ..
bmxI and wi ..... ), cruet!I, "Pistolary,and 5e>'eI"alliturgkal \"eslrnmlS: II\iIny." painful form of d;,crimination
amice. alb . .... nip .... and lunide. too . theoommonprk5t·

~ P05I0r0ndl;", RIfvrm
n-.... morm, SOtIghl in m~ny qUa"ers befo.., Ind during Vatican U.
bo.-gan w;!h the two Motu Proptios. M inisl... ", qlUudRm and M
" ,i
" ,
pas<rndum which Paul Vllnu...:l 01\ Augu~1 ]5. ]m.'" The f;rst of 5. 1m) ollows ""pmen
t~ dec....-d thaI Ih" prt"\"ious four minor ",d~", w...., to be re- ""J'isroplll con·
pla<'r<l by !he Iwo miniSlries 01 re.>der and acolyle. These two mini$-
lrit."S also took o"e. In.. tasks uf lhe older subdeKOnak, which now
c".sed 10 cxi~t. Only by """plion of the deacon.I~;s a person now
, for lhis ... ading."

in .he Ins.ru<:tion I
I .,di·

"",ei,'~-d into tile cterical llllt!. IWo mlnislries of reader and aco- fnr.M Sacraml'Ols 29, 1973)
lyte are no longe. rcser"o!<l to ca ndidates for orde.s, bu t can be Euchorist
gi"~"I"l to layp<'l'!IOrls (only lu main •• «ording to ""d""i •• ticallradi·
ufc.ellOtl U>~, u}'S. firsl.lhallay,",,"I"l can be op-
n... "",ond document. ...d p;lscrndum, d«rees l""llonsure is no ,.." ted on. 'table 'onis and by me.ns 01 the prescribed rite 10 the
longer It... rih! 01 t'<"«"plion inlo tIw drmol 51. Ie. [I is rep~ed by a mtnIalrieo of readcr and acoly'. (can. 230 n.I). Second ly. all
rile 0/ .>d miWon to c"ndlda<)' fOf diacona le and presbytef.w. '-F' .... tScan M t...nporarlly appointed to IN: " function (",u~u.)
11-..- candid."" must in time beoomm;""ioned as ..... deB and aco- 01 'pe dIPr" In liturpcal cdebrllioo&; "hI"''''I$<' alll.y p<""""" <an lui·
Iyl... in order d\lltlhey may ptqN"' lor I~ d iaconalf" and presbyt· ':e
I!UI fumiottS of commentalo, Of UnlOf or 0Ihn function", .n. ac-
t"ra te by ""ercising lhese ministries. aN wilh!hIP norm of law· (ibid., n.2).1ltinlly. in ca~ 01 nl'<CessI\y
no, Congresation fo r !)i"ioe Worship publishftl5peCial rita. (Do- and if drri.,.l min~ Ire lacking. LoypetSOnS, .... "'" ,I not "",d...,.
of ..:oIyws, can taU ",-er certain of thri. tasks. ,,:,~Iy, to ,.Iebrale
~ber 3. 1m) for !hIP in,tiTUlion of ruders and aooIyt5, admis-
lltu . 01 1M word, lead liturgical pray..., , dmnusI"" boap"""'
sion It> candidacy for d iaronal" and pF'f5byWrale• • nd oommitmml
10 ~li""CY." and~istribute hoIycommunioo (iI>id., n .3).
But if .... <>men Cin in sp«ified ifl!ltJroces ministt'< JS readers and ac0- to lhe Minl.blriil Priesthood · (October IS, 1976), the key
lyte.<, the question uisn: Why """y they no! ~ appointed by a litur- rN<!.: "The C hurch. in fidelity to the ~xampl .. of
to ..:Imit women 10
gkal rite? 1he only 115\'menl gi ven 10 j\l!lify thi! discrimin.a lioo
in the Church is an 'llOClent tradition 01. the C hurch.' Bul in thiscoo-
Ie<t w. mUSt not ror&et tNt In aU probability lhe ..... ly Oun:h <>ffic- definitive " No" 10 u...ontin.tim 01
i<>lIy romm.i!l5ioNd WOfMI"l for «desi.Jsliocal ~1o:es.N" In , il &eemS •• tin being studied by
CArmany, tM synod of WurWu.r& petilioonfd lhe ~ thai Ninstitu_ Bul a .t«lIt , ,mallO'
lion a5 re..:lerslnd KOIylft not ~ I(sel '·~ 10 mm.

In ",,"ny countries a question tNl hu been and is still being de-

bated ~-en IJ"IOre hotly Is whether girlund women may act as !oCJ">••
ers al M us. In its ln5tnoction l...sli_ * d(Jtllllfl o f April ), 198(1,
the Congregatioo for the 5Kraments and 0ivifW' Worship ~ that
Nwomen al\" not .1low~ 10 ~(is< ~ ministry of acoI)'Il' 01" ailM
..".".,.... (no. 18). On the other hind, as Wf ,,"W abo....., in its InstrtJc.
lion ''"''''''... urito:rtis o f /anuary 23, 1919, the COfl3"'&1tion lor Di-
...m.. Wonttip .now~ women the far~ importanl ministry of
distributing rommunion .
lhere was thus gl\"llinlOftSl in wring what poilIition IM .... W Code
of 1983 would take. In canon 906 it dr-opa the p"",;,ion of the 1917
Code (can. 813 § 2) that. wornan may not ~ an .Itar se!"\'t'<, and
does not "'Plxe It with anything Specific. And instead of the old
can . 8 13 § 1 which forbad<! the c.t..bra lion of Mo." "oi"' mi"isl",:
i.e., without. male S<l!fYer, c.n. 906 of the new Cod .. .. y• • im ply:
"A print may not celebrlll! without the participation of at I..ast
som .. member of the faithful, except for. JUSt and ",asonab'"
cause" (or "of lOt "'.SI one belie ... er: fid,lis being either masculine
or t..minine). To ..~clude Iny doubt Archbir.hop R. J. Castillo l<I ra.
(Pro--) ~idmt of theCommlJliion for the Rev-Won 01 theCOOE, de-
dal«l in an officia l l«lure (Ft-bruary 14, 1963): · With reg'lTd to the
distinctim 01. men and WOlTlft\ In lhe e«!eslastica.1 realm: ap"rt
from u c1usion from oodo;l. and lhe insrilO,lIed ministries no distinc-
tion i. ",,"de betw""", 1M ",,"Ie and '",,"Ie sexes. ...

In Ro ..... itself the Pontifical Bibl inl CommiMion u""nimou5ly

sta ted thallheScriptunscannot by It ... "wlWII d ....rty and defini-
ti>...ly decide the question of w ..... he. Of not women .... y be Of-
d;Jined .Jl lnronIJlISI, lheCongresflion fe. ~ ~01 u... Faith
published a MOe<:laration on ~ Question oIlhe Admission of
"""ing c<.WeN nl b<-~ween ChriS! and. lhe C hun:h 10 n'\lIni-

Chap t{>]" Fifteen

I. this savif\j! roven.n! becomn , eality In this s,.....n patt of

/orm the Smallnl p.orticu1u Chutdl, a

~ as Vatinn II c11l5 i! in one p u Pil" (LG
10 bt , SKUll. rulity bul at the same
• •

The Liturgy of Marriage

A5 the title 0( tho> chaptt.. , ...ggests.! shall root he~ discuss in det.i1
, iNInifested in its im.iIgoe.
mvcrwlI berwetn Chrisl

the Anthropoklgical, $OdoIogicaJ, ~nd dogm.>riC" 1SpPCt5 o f marri..age i. the ronumm ity 0( man and wift.. The Latter i!I
or qU<'5Uons rti.lting 10 mo;>ral theology ~d c~non la w. l"\'l'fl if one -.ct w Ith tht U~ e~changc:d btotwetn omS! . nd lhe Chun:h. ..~th
or other 0( th_ dOH inllu~ my pi __ !" ....!ion. The focus w ill be h lf"K" ,nd IN!h which Christ tw bP!;lOwed 00 his bride. the
on the liturgical "",Iri>r.!ion of m.lrri.og£'. which P""""'PI"""'" the 0audI. .nd w ith the fK""er o f the Io>~ I N I uniln Christ and tho>
5;>Crammulity 0( C hrhti.n ...... tomony.
C HRI S TiA'" M AR RIA C E A S I SS li T UTIOS O F TII£ " . vM!W of themall~.is alsocongeniallOl.mil..Slanl Ilwology as
CR E AT E D O ROU. AND AS SA C RAMENT ...angelical theoIogiln H. BaltrMWei~ snoW5'
~.iTiage is ~n the fint p""'" patt ofCI'I'.1t'd ...ality and is roo>g_
1he ardItype-lln3l1" sd\eml." uw.lly Ipplied in l'rote:5 .... nt theol-
niud Ind highly "'teemed JS such in both T("!;lam<'f!ISof ....,red
CIIY to~ribe whal ls re.tlly meant in Ephl'Sia"" 5. is too weak. We
..rnp~ ... n>. The w ill ~I the creat?r as expressed in the.erond story 0/
~ r,u,er the con~1 of represenlation or nuking p...,;enl. Jusl a 5
cre. hon (Gen 2,24) .. 1... llilll'd on the fn>ely ac""ptN. communion of
the community 105 such repn...,;.ents Chri.1 In this world. "", lhe mar-
Iwo human beings Ind in lheir mUlu.llove and fidelily. In this
rIIp of Chris!!ans nmders lhe Christ.."..<'f!1 p'<"SI,n l among human
b<-ing lor a nd with one ilrIother the .... thor 01 the Lette. 10 IN.
bIIngt. Thalli why lhe unbch~vln~partner can be consecrated by
\ Ephcsia rlS 5eH I pa,"bl~ Ind sign of the rel.tionship for ilrId with
the btl~ing p.rtner (l Cor 7,l W'
one .nother of Ch.ist .nd hi s C h ... rch.
In !ho;oir commun ioo .nd unity. C hrist. who "lov ed Ih~church and

h fellows from what hI' been Nid tha t marri.ge dO("!; not become a
IlCnlmeIlt simply t>«a" ... lhe grace of God i. beslowed 00 this co\,·
ga ve himsel f up for he •. that No mighl saN;tify her. ha"ing cI ...... ~
IIIInI through an fl(temal rite. thus elevatin g il from outside. -n-.e
he. by th~ w.,hing of wlt.!r with the word " (Eph 5:25--26). and IN.
IICnImen .... lity of ...... rrilll"coosi!ts of mo ... I""n a bkssing whlch
Church a 5 hi' body wh ich commits i"",lf 10 him in r.....·~. readi-
ttw Church give to itt children I I • dKisive poInl 0/ thei. ioume)'.
""'" 10 """"'·e. and Io>·t . are lhe g' NI saving realily of tho> n ...... co'·.....
IIIOft than I CflemOrIy tNl acwmpan .... lhe contracting 0/ a mar·
nanl. Every bapti2c:d per5Ot\ ~Iands wilhin lhis .... lity ~d draws
riage and n!1TIOIIft II from lhe sphere of lhe e'\'ery<iay and the ordi-
lift. from it. This is true in .n e,'en greater dtgl.... of 1M community
nary. 11 is In fact lhe lUling 0/ the marilal CO" enilrll wilh lhe glory o f
fonr-.N by the two IH"""" In i Chri5tian m,m.ge. whonot ""Iy Christ. ~ ,
II.>v.... mode-! to. 1M. own mu l ...... ",Lorionsh.ip (of jo,·e. fidelity.
oerv>ce. "'If." 'Tifice. forgiven.ess) in the unity . nd Io>'ing c:ommu- nw establishment of C hmtian marri.ge as ~... liNlg£' 0/ and partie.
noon of Christ and the ChuJrh bUI .Iso draw lheir lik from this sav- IpIttion In ttw mvenanl of ""'·t
betwetn Chml and the Chutdl-"
ing gi ll of God. To 1M alieni tNI lheir own ...... rital C'OW'NInl brinp w llh it . n Imptnot1ve. I mJMlon . Like the people of God in
God and 5t!'fl\ilhen tt-..lr /_ith. ln the p...,.,nce of tt-.. Church of
it. mtu..:y: Christian miorrlioge must become in a spec;.,l way a sign
whlch they _"" members the couple thenuelv..s publicly attest their
and emptneal proclamallon of Christ's love lor human beings. The
IItth. by wllKh alorw thedaims made on It-..m by Christian mar-
1m... of the couplf! for one lnother, their muluill 5etVire,nd sell......c-
l<.t\o¥o'n and fulfilled. In of i
rifice, their tolerance and forgivi'nl!SS, their fidelity until dealh, are
10 show forth with clarity whal Christ is and does, even now, for I
i thhAc jEct o f itl! inlleiC"'» y pra yer,
Itw human race and upe<iall y for his Church. Thus~'ny Christian Through word 01'1<1 symbol the
marriage an and ought IQ be<ornoe a l ign of Christ and a witnes510 the ,wI,eldsand rNdinnsol the coup~ 1011Nr
Since a m.orri.ge u a ~ality 01 the CIN1II!d order is cstablished by
~ --:wof the ~. to"mlG nuorry .nd si.-this mamago' is ",..uy
idmtiGJJ w ith what_ull a SIIc<'ment, it follow5th" tho-wiU to •
many is.bo the ~stiluth... ele~w:nt in the NCnrTtent ofmarri<lge. mani.ge ;, ",!d>rated can-
In other words. it IS noc the Church or the priest conducting thecer- malt« indiffdt~.
"moo Ywho administer this ~,ment; the ~rtners themselves ad ·
""mster it to one anottwr when they ""press their coruent in • form
rerogniud by the Church. Of M AlR IAC E
Only slowly md at • relati"ely late dd.. did the lirurgial celebn-
AC«lI ding to the Church ~w pl'l!'5ently In force this obligalO<y form don of Chriltim marriage devrlop the wealth of riteS that we know
(c.non".1form) hilS coosUled since the Council of Trent (1545-46) 1Oc1.,.. [t "h,n alwlyt derived ir& "~temal character from the
in this: all marriages in which at INst one partno>' is a Catholk CUItOn\S connecled wIth the celdlra lion of .... rriage in the various
mu!! be ent~ into In the presence 01 a compf!l"nt Catholk :leric countries. [n both E.st and We&t. the many and varied traditions of
Ind two wit"'II'1'"" This binding p'Kept is meant to make the part- ....dety ,nd the prechristian symbolism, which until lhe Peace of
ners more dearly coru.cious t/ult thei' expressed consent is a deci- Constantine had .100" provid.ed thr framework of the marriage ce1"-
s ion made .ll(l before God .nd the community of God'. people and l'iJiOIIy, played a part in the development, beginning in the fourth
that thom covmant 01 love and HI<:' must take its cha , acter from th ('$\tuty, of the lirurgkal rite of marri age.'"
faith of tn.. Church and bear wilnen to this flith, e

"There was .gniment in C hristian an liquity on the bask notion th.tt
The ob1i~Ation of form doe not bil'l<l in dlnger of death if a compe- ChriItians enle1" into marriage by mu tual agieUiLei\t and the bless-
tent cleric cannot be found. nor d.,.., it bind outside the danger of inti of the Church and Ihat the ~iprocaleonsent to marriage i. the
death if a competl!11t cleric ' .n"'" be found for a lengthy period (. fador thit brings the mamage Into being. Only tlloso' trioditiooal
month), [n addition, in "is Motu Proprio MII,ri",,,,, .. ",ulll (00. 8) of customs Weh! excluded that werr itriclly pagan. Such;lS sacrifices
Mud! 31. 1970. Plu1 VI decreed that in mi~ marriages the compe- to the hOU5ehold gods al'l<l the qunying of oracles; in addition. pe<>-
t..,t biY-.op Can dispense from the obligation o f fann "wllm serious p)., werron gua rd against tile manytxcft6ie$ that marked wnlding
pl"Oblern, stand in the way o f observing tt-.. canonin.! form. ...
But ""m .t hough consent is the constiluti\"~ elftnen.t in a marriagE", AI .n Hrly date (lhere is ""idence from around.oo) marriage WIS
ttw lIt\lrgK.1 cdebration ;, 01 no "...11 importaroa. 1M rite bring ac""IIiPfi'*<l by the oelebnotion of Mns; the saliftlt cetelhonie
out the epntial charxlef o f Chri,tian maniag~; they p~ the two _ the "vetlln&" of the~ in the ~ .1'1<1 the "crowning" of
~tb""" S IIKItheir OO>'lI'Mnt under tt-.. bind ing and guidin& word of the couple in the East, IlJicther w ith !hoe co' iuponding pu.yer of
blessing. The blessing of the bride came alter the Ou r Fa~r of the
Eucharist. In Romm antiquity then! had been . so:paratereremony
of ~I or <>npgement. comprising promi," and thie beslow&l
th .. church,
of a ring and OIhe.- gifts on tt.. brido:'. In the Church. how..,....,.. th_
cusloms w,"", ~ubsumed into ~ marriage rite pro?"r; as a r"ult , ,·~il,bleslolld
the Roman liturgy had no '"1'arlt .. rite of betrothal until lhe pubU. he In turn gave 10 hi.
caliM of ~ Bml cf 81mings in 198<1, which emUl .... a rite for bbs- of maniagf! CU5t0m5 developed in
ing .lIl .... gagem .... t ..
~" from dioce:le to d ...
Untit w.. 11 into the Mlddl.. All"" th .. actual declaration 01 COf\5CI1t of Trml not only approved lhese "aned riochf"l
took plact> in the home 0/ t ..... brid .. and in ~ preSO>nce of t..... im m... reromlTlolnded Iheir rel""tion' In conlrasl, lhe rile of mar·
diale fjmily. Roman Ritual of 16U wu eXl!'I.'mI!ly s l<e!chy. II tom-
. ofhondsby
MOnly when Carolingian domination roIIapwd In t ..... ninth and
tenth c""turi.,. did theOun:h /eel obliged toc~m itself wilh ring which the
$ " I unilll!
the leg~I;>c1s lha t l'!Otablished a marriage. a ltho ugh th iS did nol y'" conduding prayer.
meM turning 1M domcsOc ritual inlo a liturgial ti,,". E....n mQ~
than the sta,,", Ihl> b mily ",as falling victim 10 a pmod of dt'clinr, rilo: 01 mamag.., for use in aU German d ioc t. M, thai .ppNNd
sorial disorocr. and civil wars in which the abduction 01 wOfN'n ~:.: ~;-;:::: CIII/tdic> ,;"',,'" 0/ 1950 "'Pn!SE1\11I'd a ...... c("ful al-
wascommonplaC1'. n... Church'~ firsl ""'POOR to t~abuse5 wos t reduce the multiplicity 0/ German mamagc riles and ere-
10 ~ui .... Ihal marriages be celebrated in public so as 10 en~un! tha t • • ltJ.ndard lIturgy. !t wa, a "new slrueture, " "though composed,
the wom..>n"s consent was freo>ly gi'·en. It WI. in Normandy that the ftI mu""" 01 tr~ itional materials lhal were ~ted.. "~refully chosen,
nrha"S" of COrs ....1S w.,. lir!il giv~ a liturg;c-al b l.".ing. In order cIoIImI of supoerlluitiOl5., trimmed.. and ......... rrarw-J ; a spedal cf·
10 ...... ke tlw act u public as possible. It WH no longerperiumo.ed in IIDn _ m~e 10 gi"e promint1\Cl' to the- roTI!C.'f'IllNl ~tablW>es a
Ihe home 0/ the bride but before the door of Ihr church. in view of lII&ITI.gear.d to the frtt partnenhip 01 husband and wi~. Th ' ~'
I..... hou!le of God. The expres,o;ion M ;" fari,...:d~u.r" ['bef<>re lhe /00C1' .an ril<' of marrilg ...., e.-ted 8 lu ting influence on the postronc,har
01 thr church"] must then>fo ... ~ undc<stood u having CO'iginally • D<'el rilo: promul&!!led by Rome Thi' rilf! conl4ined in the Amen·
h;od • spatial meaning: ' on Co/I«tic> ,;rllll",U954 and 19(1)...&cis ttw~n-Briti"" mar-
According to a missal of RenJ\E'5 (Northern Fnn«!) from th .. begin·
rlase pr,",~ rather lhan the stark rilu.l of the Rmn.m /lirldf.
ning of ~ Iwelflh century. II><> rit~ of marriage conducted in thalO! Vatic:lon II romrnitiioned a ....... ision of Ihe rilt! of m.mag@as found
cin:u m.itilnoa"S was siructurod a, foil.,...." The priest. vrsl1l'd in alb In IN Roman Ritua~ lhe intended aim wa, to give d".rer c>cpres-
and SCole, took his p~ in front cllhe church door, !lpfinkJed the toIon 10 the grKl! cI the -...",menl and lay grelter emphasis on the
couple with holy water, questiooned them aboul their intention to 6o.rtIts of lhie marmd couple. Thi' Council also ..."..atcd the wish of
marry and Iheir fn.'l'dom from po5Ilible im~imenlS of kinship, the Council ofT.....1and the old Roman Rituilihal the praiso>wor'
and inslrucl~-d Ih<:m on living their married iiI<! in acrordon~ with thy rust""" and c ......... on;.,. of vuious n:glons should by III mean.
the low of I1M' lord. He then ailed upon the ~""'IS cI the bride 10 be Iocpt. In addition. .... eh ~Of'ill ~"""" was gi""" authorily
surrendt"r thri. daugh~ tothie groom . The ialtl!r thengaw the MIO d raw up i1S own rite . .. JUited to lhe usoop cI p lace and peo-
bride,," dowry (a documenl...:l st'!('menl about it was ...ad), pW" (SC m. MMIrriag<' is nonNlly 10 ~~lebrated Wilhin M-.. . .
ploccd a blessed ring on heT right hand. and honored her with giflS . The prayer for the bride- was 10 be "duly ~""ded 10 remind both
spouses ot U... i. "'Iual obHga Uon to n;omaln laith/ullo eK~ oil".,,' d) C ..lebntion of the Euc~lri$t: nuptial bk\!oling alter the I..md·s
Marriagt'5 Q1Jtsid~ a Mass wen! bf, ~ebra t«l in dw setting'" a Iii.
urgy Q/ the word (SC 78 ). """ Solemn bless;n!!.
n... ",vi..oo , ilt> appeared on Mardi ]9. 1%9. III lasc:icleo/ the (0-:001may g1ftlthe bridal rouple (;md their reti·
~man Ritual. under the litle Ordo uldmlrnli ....'ri/llOn;u ...." This I the door of IIll-' church. and accompany them 10 Ihrir places
nt~ was t,anslillftf into English by the Intem;tlional COInmiMion . . . .,"' ..'i. them at the alta •. The ....... 1Clpft\ing
o n Engliill\ in tM UIU'KY and published in 1969 undeo- the tiu.: Rit Mass ""low.
#~mw. r tM pa!5lgt:S provided in the
n... lnlroducti<Jn borgins by calling to mind the m081 important
limillOtion thlOl in MaS6eS on Sundays

10 emun! Ih'" the ~tion willho:a. at

Ilwoiogic,ol tr:"lhs .bout the ,""umenl 01 marr~ and giving pas- ti , 10 thai day. The homily is to
total SUgg<"StlOll5 for the I'fl'P'iIrition oI lhe bridal C'OUp~. Cltholic meaning. p urpose, and dignity of Christian
roup l... an! n<>rmaUy 10 bot married d uring I Ma!ilO so that by IhP ..,..
and is also to SlreM lhe d uties of tho: nurried wup l...
cer.h Ol'l 01 the Euchuist the bride i nd groom may bot nourished in
their love i nd bot lifted up inlO communion with Christ and each reglf'd ing the .....diNSS el tlw: wuplr for a Chris-
~ther (6). If the marriage is of a C.lhoIk and a baptiZftl non-Gttoo. an! to bt" unden.tood a~ ." Immedi.If> p reparation lor
be. In.. marriaS" i$ ('rlebrat.!d wilhout . M Ull. Exceptions an! J"O$';;- • numage. lhe firsl th_
ble. howe'·~,. with the penninion o f lhe> bishop (8). 1Mn! is no ... hk h. being I<> pen.onal, ma~ bt" di1'l'Ck"d to ~..,h part·
Mass at t~e marriage of a Cat holk &I1d In unbapti7.«l penon (8). to do with their freedom In nurryins. marital
'1 and readiness to 'a~ child ....... lovingly from
1M form~lary for the marriag" Mass mly be> anyone of t"" th _ bring them up according 10 the law of Christ and ~is
pT<""d...J III the s.cramentary (among the " Ritual MaSlin") unless
the marriage is celebrated at a community MUll on I Sund:y or .."... Owrch."
Icmnity. The Mass 01 the d l Y mustllways be crlebrat«l from Holy 'nil declll ration of consen t may be nude in one of two forms which
Thursday to Easr..r. on the Sundays of Advent. len t. an d th~ Easter _ equally vl 1Jd. n.e ppt'Sot
(de;>ron) /irst invlt ... the couple 10 join
season. a nd on the 1<>1~mniti05 01 Chrlstmu. Epiph.ony. A!ICOfMion, IheU right hancb and e~changr thei r consent.
PC>J1 to<:ost. C"'pus Chri~ri, I nd hoIydays of obligation (II J.
'nil f\nt form of consent goes back to the Angl.,..s.. . on tradition.
Tl>e <x>lebr.lion Q/ marriage during. MaM Is Sln>ciund as fOllows: 'nil ,"oom Ind then the bridl' "change their consen l by n!p<'ating
thetnt.fte. the print (d~ corl) otby ,..,ying it from memory Of by
a J Entr.nc~ rl t~. including rl'Ccplion 0I 1he> coople and leading Q/
Mng It "I, N .. tl kl' you. N., to be my wife Imy husband]. I prom-
them to I"" .It..;
tie to be tnIOf 10 you in good limes and in b.od. in sickr>ess and in
bJ Lilurgy of the> wo rd and homlly;
e) Ma tri~gr: Qul$lions regarding ""d iness for a Christian marriage;
t.tth. 1 willlovl' you and honor you ,II thr- days 01 my life." n.e
Inditional EngIiiIh ~ion of thl' vows may.1so bt" used.
DrPclo .. hon of marita l COfl§ent in one of fou r pososiblr "'"Y'"
Alleslation of the mlrmge by lhe> pries! (de.co.. ); • 1lw 'aod form fot dedoring consent issimply the " I d o" ot eorn
BI" ' ;ng and exch.ongt' of rings; puty In , I I ,..:.0 I! 10 the q~ ellttl' prie§l (deo:con): " N .• do you
lnl", ("",:.,...; ~ N. to bot your wife? Do you promise 10 be tnIOf 10 her in good
lID and in b.d. In sickn0!t5 and in hNIth. 10 Iov... • nd honor her
all the! da ys 01 yot.lr lif"r (Same qU("Stioro to the bride, with the nee_ ..,..,..:e. In keeping with th .. uni" ...... 1 rule the ",lebrant !laYs the in ·
<'\OWry changes. ) As in the first form. tile tr;oditiorw.1 F.nj;lioh word- troduction and the concluding puyer.
ing 01 the questions may b<' ~.
d) During the ensuing cclcbration of thr [uwrist the ( OUple m/Iy
Since the e >ch,nge of c""sent eff«ts the marriage, the decl<1ritoon • In active piut in the pn!S('llt;IIion 01 tho! gifb. Each of I"""" ril-
of th~ minister which fol low s can only ... rv~ a~ an attestation ,nd 0 ual Mas ..... for marriage has It s o",n prdlc~ (titk'S: "The dignity nl
proclamation that a ma rtiag<! has uk .... p lae... 11v prie!;t (dea<:on) Ih! marnag.. bond"; " The great ... crament 01 marriage": " Marti'ge,
saY": "You ha,,'e dcrlt..,.;i yoorcotlSmt befo~ tilt' Church. May the I "&n of God's Io,·e"). [n EucNristic Pr'~"<Irs 1-111 special «noo-
lord in his goodno.'N smmgdwlfl your ronso:Tot and fill you boI:h ......... P'O'·id~.
with his bl ..... ings, Whot God has joined. men must not divide."
nw nuplial blessing follows (thf<'e form ul.rI .... ore provided) tm.
'fhc> blesosing and ~dlange 01: the rings then followo. "The tex IS Our Father. Because the prl~'erls partly "Picletio: in lonn, It has also
rna .... to tilt' ..,adines6 of tilt' coup'" for an exd~"e Im'e bem callo<l . "coouecratooy prayer,·" for which the gl."Slu'" 01
and for fidelity until <Ieath. 'fhc> th_ blesosinv (one to be mQliefl) Iwnd. outstretched 0\.",. the couple Is appropriall!. Atcoo d ing to
int"'l'A'1 the rings as s ymbols o f rn,.., faith. and signs of lovr and fi- Vatican 11 (SC 78) the prayer is fur both pi'rtl\ef'S and not iu,", for tM
,Miry. bride. The first uf thr thr..e fonns is strongly ,,,,,,iniS<tnt of the old
"nuptial b .... sing." but the other two are ..... w rompositions. tho!
1M anciftlt Ramon custom whE oeby only the groom g.&,'r t"" bride third being d istinguished by lis """" ity and roncrete objectivity.
a ring at the betrothal was carried OO'er into the Christian mamage
~y; it wu ;nclud...:! in t"" Ro man Ritual of 1614 and .... I)lhe couplt and all present may "",eivf communion under both
mained in uS<" outside of any liturgical contex" This "o""""ided " I<JndI.lhe celebration of the marriage end s with the solemn coo·
ring !oI'T\'k\- did not give symbolic t"l<p""5:lion to tk obligation of duding blessing. Four texts. re pro>;d...:! fo r thr blessing. each 0/
both ~rIIler.; to be faithful; in "'"'Ping with the a nciftlt pagoon id ... which is ",ken from I"" 1965 Amenc.an <:<I ition of the CoilKtio
01 martiage. the groom bound t"" bride to himwlf and obl iged her litMIIIII.
to fidelity. but IlOl vice versa . [n the Byzantine riw of betrothal and
Mllniogt (mlsiM Moss
in tk Mourabic rite of mamag.· th~ """procl l gl"ing of rings was
Uthe ideal_ mamage during Ma ... (,;ee Inlroduction 8}-i5 not P""
introduc<:<l as earl y ;as tM ele1.·...,th celtury. 8y cont<ast, it w;as o nly
lible or desir.ble.1he rilef alrudy d"""ribed tak piKe d uring a lit·
d ue to the oontinued effort>; o f the C hun:h th.ot in lhe thineenth cel-
tury "1m. obligation of mu tual fid~lity was Kknowledged in Ger·
wgy 01 the w ord. "v.tican I[ t:Ilp ,e srd a d esi ... that in thisc&Se " the
epistle and go:>spel from the nuptial MIls, ... be read" (SC 78); ac -
man " viI law and. as a ~ult. two rings we ... Uk'd OS symbols of
cording to no . 40 of the Ritr of Morriagr, the! beginning and the ht-
fidelity."Ll Aft",. the bl ..... ing. th t rouple exchange the rings each
"'1Y of the word may ~ orglnlzed with 110"", freedom, and the ...
... ying: " N ., take this ring ilS a sign o f kn... and fidelity. In the """'"
may ~ thrft !OCrip tu ....... dings. if de5i0'1.'d . Tho: exchange 01 ~t
oI lhe Fa,her, and of th .. Son, and o f the Holy Spirit."
and tho> bleslng and t"l<changt" of rinS" follow the homily. The inllT-
The ,,.chang<! of rinllS i~ follo ... ed by tm. intercessory pray.. r 01: the ceuions , ... concluded by tk nuptial b lessing and the Lord's
~""'munity. 11K' g"""ral inten:essions should " u a rule not ~ lim, Pr.yer. 'The mamag<! rite concludes with one of the Solemn bless-
i\t'd to the newly married ,ouple but include their pi'renlS, chll· "",.
dren. ...... ti>...... and friends." People pn:senl who .... do5eIy
conneaed ...·ith 'M bridal rotJple may PfOllOllnct th~ in"',c(ssiom, EC UM EN I C A L WED D INGS
us ing. text which they have p " 'pa..,.;i or one ", k..., lrom .nother 11v numb6 0 f mixed marrll l!"" has bo.-en constantly incn:..,.ingdu r.
Ina the second half 01 thi, century. In many ca"", thew unions are
, . Evangelical Church of Ihe
by nu ",",a ns the ..-,Iult o f ~ligiol.lS Indiff.....·Tuiiml. In thesr cao;eo;.
t Eva"gd ic~l-lu,h.e1'an Church 01 Ger ..... ny.
ron5e<j""nlly. Iho! parl~1'5 in a mi~ed m.rr;.~ feel III the more
tho! United SUtO'S!he Consult.tion on Common Text!; {Cen "",
d""'f'ly the burden whiclllll~ nu.rr!'~ law of Ih<! one parlner '$ ~ " rile. The N~'ionol Conference 01
Cllurcll places on the cooscience 01 the ~l>er; in llddition. lhe l.w IlUs ril<'. bul still ~ ..... ai'" the ron--
~umtly caU:i<!!l d isputes with m""'~ of !he families..
Apostolic Solt.
The Motu 1'I"f" in MIItri"",,,ioo milllt 01 Paul VI (March 31. 1970)
certainly be lNCCU,.tf and pr.... atu ... to de<oeribe 'WCh a
"""gIll to bring help in Ihis difficulty by allowing lhe ~ibility 0 1
klins '" ~ecumMlcaL'- s ince the lat"'" e<:>nerpI P,?upp<l6"S a_
dispensing from !he oblig.ation of Clnonic.o.l form in caM' 01 ~,." iou$
problnns. ~" Thed;~tlon is gi'~ by the bishop at the petition
:.....on theological under$Uinding of Church w~dongs, and thIS
' _1unawl does no! yt'l E'~isl. In the Gnman h OldUinl und.,,--
;V,.,iog the ~receding. oblig.atOl'}' d.;! wemany ..!fats the .....1 _
01 !he oouple (forwarded by the oompt'lt'fll paSlOf); a. a J'e§UII of
!he dispm ... tIon a public. kgal e~d.. ng~ 0 1 COl'\5en\!; in !he city
• ni.lo~, while tho- Ch u.n::h Cdtil "'ny ;, simply' sub5equmt ble;,;--
clerk's o/fiCO' ronstitulll' a "alid marria~_
. . d the al ...ady v:isting morria~; tho- Catholic_Church. on t M ,
~[Thi:s marriagE'1 is ~n in God 's f>1 P"", a nd is . S.enrnenl. II ~. _ a marrl.lge -scoming to pass only ~n IheChun::h "ed-
ohould be kl'J'I ln mind WI a religiou~ form of morriagE' is mo ... be- ..... In addition. theA' is. of (Ou.se. a di!fe!\'T1t ,·... w of"'" . . .
fitting tho.- dignity oIthe ~cnmenl lhan a simple ci ,;1,",,,,,,",ony_. .. -~ . of mam.ge.
..........U loty . " F~v '
these ",asons the GI' .......
n I"lnl n l-

The pastor of the partner from allOt"'" confession can take part in . . carm.ll y .void . using the lenn -aum<!fl ical ..... eddlng.
the church celebration . whether this boo Mid in • C.tholic church "r.
.Iter. di~~tlon from canonic.l f""". in 0 "",,-Cl.tholic church,
For many this 15 a consoling ai6ur.nc;, thai they ...""in in the com·
Not to anOlhe-r , iN.l. enlitled O"""'(fI isckt Tr~w~ng (Ecu,:"""ical
'NtMing) and publishl'd by the Joint Evan~lic.ol.c.lholoc !asl<
I'<w: e for the l'alito" l C .... o f Couples in MiXed Mamages '" Gel'-
munion of lheir own Church cven though thr marriage is bcing eel-
ebr.ted in the Church of thl'ir partner. The authoritie-s of lhe two
~aking Swi tzerl.nd." This waf an unofficia~ d.~,menl, In
juItitk. lion of the ti tlE' il wali said that the con<!":P.t 15 In 1\5"lf not
Churche-s will l"d~a"or jointl y to prep.re lhe' te~t$ lor such a ""I....
~ unambiguous " and tha t il i$ uoed "beeause II ~5cnmmo.n
brotion," "
IlIroughout German ·spea klng SwltV'rland." The mtroducltUn
In ronsequ"'<'f. t"'-'Gennan episcopII conren,~ and th .. Council ("BI.lk Ccruld ..... lloNR" Ecumenical Weddingsl sl!owsth.al tht:
of the hangelk.1 Church in Go!""onycommii6ioned lhe composi_ IUthon a ... u&ing the cbnct'pl in a broader sense: - An Eva n&,lic~\
tion " I a double ritual . which ~PI"'ared In 19'1 under tho> titlE' ot: Catholic wedding u remony, .. in which the ~ .."or Imm the .
c:;rn,..;"",mr I:irchlidtt rrlluwng, Ordnwng dtT kl'rchlim'" T",uwng fur otha" conIession tam pan, or I ct'l'..-rnorty in WhiC h onl~ 0 ..... p;lslor
kl»lfmion'Prr!dial"l~ ptUlrf unItT &oriligung dtT pft"'tT /vid" lrirr/sm ftkll or Catholic) p rl"Sides hu l which is '" orgamzed thai
,",_ . under
(Joinl Church Wedd ings. Ri~ 01 Church Wedding for CoupJe. from IIw rtici nlS from both COOfCNions hav .. no lrou"", ,n _ -
Diff...-.m l ConlH!oIono;, wi th Participation of the r.stors of Both .w!:n g I ifully ..,ceptlng il. and tlkinlI part in il" i 11 )_ Thentual
Churches)_ " This ritual ooru~ined the ri~ /or a Catholic weddlns in • st' tNl lot: wfCIdlns cunducted by a PiO,,".unt p;lstOl'
a Catholic Church wilh participaHon of W E".ngelic.o.l pas"" liI>d ~U:~oIic party mu~ alrndy ~"c n!<'rived a di~Tion fro~
~ ri le /or an E"'ngI'lic.1 wedding in an hangl'l;c.1 Church with cll101'l;c.1 form~ (13). This under$tilnding ,I", under!"" the Amen-
p.1nicipation of the C .lhoIic priest. For the Catholic riw lhe ri"",1 of un ecumenIcol .... rri.ge ri~.
1950 wa, used "'Ith some rlements from the Roman model rilll'ol
It iI no! J>OI"ible in this coo\e>lt to give a m~ d"'ailed ~ri~
1%9. For the ""rriage rite in an Evangdkal church ,he mc.t
and -wraiJll 01 ~ varloU!l rituals. B. IOeinheyer conducted. !hi!;
widdy uoed 0( the ni ..... mai'Nge ri""'~ol the member Churches
"I betrorhol or en-
kind 01 detailed critlcil sludy in 1977." Acmr<iing to in announc ... a pa.!. whereas It... Roman
mmt by th~ LilurgiCil Inslltut~ of TrI~r in Augusr, 1964. a ... ~is.ion Code of 1917
both of 1M Roman On/octltbr~rtdj Morrim(»ljum and (in dep<'nd~
on Ihis) 0/1hI:' Gmnan Fnn lin ThI",mg is immi"'-"'I_ Thi!; will in ill
likelihood be /oI1OWN by the long desired I"!'\'ision oi lhi:' of CUSlom
Qmri...."" Kj",hlidtt T",uulIg of 1911. In the revision 01 the l~st­
named il is desirable lhal - thl:' iltematioro 01 roles be d etermined
, is ~id of a liturgical c...-emony.

mo ... by lho> inlemallilurglol srructure 01 the rite than by the de- Book 01 6l elisingtl thai appeared in the autum of 1964
s;,.. 10 h.J,~ • b.lanced d isrribtu ioro 01 ~rts amon& the Iwo ronfe5. 01 the Rom.an Rirual) also ha$ an ~g<"rtenl serv1ore." This
sions. Funhermo~, il is absoluld y r.eoe wry that the practice of the a ~n!I1t or otheT I.yp~"son or by a pnesl or
rommunity nogula rly ctlebr,lIing in a given chun:h should be th~ . prioeSI or deacon pn!Slde$. ca'" m ~1 ~ ta~ thalt""""
hasic nonn ""en for . cdeb ..ltMln in which. ~Of from another crt do not confuse this """'~ w ith an actua,l "",mage (I~).
ronk "ion pMtid~le. II Isdesirable, in .ddilion,.lhol as far as po5- ' - Wi .... ' ,I is probably behind tI>r prohibition. against com~'n'ng
sible then> boo no need to SlCrifi« any of !he symbolic actio", (hand- . . ~" othal with. M.iIOs (\96). The rile ...... y bead.pled to ClKUII"IS-
clasp of Ih~ !ipOU..<e, rite of the slOle l!1d pla<:in& of cel<>br;ont's hond _ .... provided its structu ... and ......in @l~ts .re p"""""",·w . "The
on the Sf>OU""S' Jv.nds. el<change of rings) in a joinl church ...·ed - CDiiOI'Iy consis1s of enlriU"!Ce ritt'S, • liturgy of !til' word, lhe bl~­
ding.'" ~ 01 the rings or other engage-m...,t glib . and • pray... of bli'ssltlg
with • concluding fonnuLa of blePing.
S ARl ES lJh<rriaII c.w.-Qliom rf Wtdd,'n8 A" " it...-s<l';'" .
Betrothals Iro.the early M iddl~ AgO'S we already find Hturgical te>;:15 for the lrur-
The belIOlhat or engag~mt'nl, und~l1ilood a, " tIw- "'pl"rS.'lion of the ~ d.y after I wedding and for annual anni'·~~ne.· Only ~t the
finn inl""~on ni lwo P<'OPle to I'ntt!r into a maniall~. ulL ha s its
"I the Enlightenment period, howe" .... do we find
' b l'

roo", in ancienl Eastern. Greek, and Roman matrimonial law and dIoc run rituals providin g rites for golden and. larer. 51 " er II' ''''''-
th~ OISlom of pl..dl\...oolmlhal (which had in tum d<'Vrloped 01'1 01
The Roman Ritual did nOi inlrodu«> such a rite unlil 1952."
the p ractice 0/ brid .,..barter). In a pledlle-belIOlhal the bridegroom The Soiocto""'Mr.'Y ~ends that on anni"~""'ne.. if the rubrics
gaw lhe bride'. lott..... eamrsl mont!y U security for the fulfi llment allow. the Mas.! olThanksgivlng (no. 39 .mong the Masses.tId
01 the ron lract by w hich the brid@ waS eventually to be sur...,-.d@red PnLyers lor VlriouS Needs and Occasions) be ctlo:brated, Wllh 're-
10 rum . This tamest money liter took the for m 01 a ring lor the tial ptaiderotl.1 p"yers fOf yearly anniv ... sarirs and for tt... twcnl~­
bride. who was now ~arded., firmly bound 10 the bridegroom ftIth and fiftieth an niversaries (see - The Annivers;lrics of Mamage
and obliged, pven in tIw sight of the Law, 10 remain fai lhfullO h ...
among the Rilual MaS6/lt).
betrothed (spoll5l)/i/l d. jwturo). The actu.1 entrance inlo marriage
(""",sol;" d. p,""SC"III,) took place" • Later dale when Ilw girl'. I.m- The BootrfBlmmgs enriches these anni"~ry M..ss<" with. Sf"'"
ily 5U"....,<knrd ..... and the bridegroom took lwr into hi. home. NI ri\le of bleMi", (.fIn the homily). The ,,,In.rant may bles> the
wedding rings 01 tlw rouplr and they may ItheW .the. ",,_c hange of
Chri.ti.nity initially ....,de no change in th_ domestic """rriage rinp. The blessing follows the lord's Pra)'ft and i$:u",.la r to ~
( uSloms. Rul in 1M w...r, bo!ginning in the e-Ie>-enth ~tury. the nuptial blesting o f the INIrriage ri"_A ",lemn bl"""" i$ plO\oided
rites of betrothal became ~rt of the ri\le of ITIMriage m~ ...bi. -. for use . t !he end o f MaM-..
So ..... d ioces;on rituals of the Middle Ages and the rntIdem pe:tiod
life found expression ill • liturgical rile, as;, cleo. from It.... RuLeof
St. a..r...dic:1 of Nu"';. (d . S47). From the 5eV<'T1lh century on such
rill'S w..... CON1eCt<'d wi th MaM.1\d in It.... Middlt Ages underwent
, luxuriant and 10 some exlent quile dubio.., df'vO'lopment. Vatican
Chapter Sixteen II wnconcmwd, ,t.." I0..., tNI u.. rites be l<'Vi!Ied ill the inl1'lelS
of · gre.ter un ity, simplicity, and diS"ity" (SC 80).
In IElfO'lf" to this di_li"E a... CongregaliOll for Divine Wcrship
Celebrations Peculi.u to Religious published. AI!W rite 01 reUgiOUll profession on February 2.. 19'70.· A
IohorI tim .. 1.11101' the moiJed rite for I~ c:or>!lKf.tion of virgins was
Communities .00 publi~ (May 31. 1970).' I ,haLl briefly describf' thPse-='
Even in IIw nny period of I~ C hutCh's hi~ory m.any Christi'ns oIh« monIStic: riles.
f,,11 c.olled to an t'$~Uy ,~ following of Christ. T1ili; following
w , "...~p, (!! !d p.o~l4Iny in ohervanot of thO' • .... angelical COW\-
!Iris of o:onsec:r.ted VIrginity, povft'1y.1Id ob<'dienco:. Christ him_ Membenl\lp in, ... Iigloos community iii acquirftl in Sf'Veral sta~
M'lf had 1iV<'d ·"irgiNl and poor" (d . M t. 8:20; U . 9:58) and had each 01 wl\ich is marbd by' speci.l1 rile.
· red""mtd.1Id s.onrnfied mft1 byob<'d~ unlO ~.tlI on I"" Rtaption ;n,o 1M Notti,;"lr
crt>S'l . (d. l'hil. 2:8).' All. re5lJh,·from the God-given......:l of th"
N wu Ilreoody the caw in s..nedkt '. lime. religious life begins
c'>UItsels. wonderful.md wid"",reldlnll 11ft has grown up in th.. with I period of testing, knowII as 1M novitiate. Th.. intention is to
~ld ~ th~ .Lon:!. brandling OUI inlO ".oous fomu of religious life IiIow the noviot$lO glln I better knowledge of the religio~rom·
lived In I<>ht\lde or in ~ommllnily· and ·di/f..,....,1 re!ig;o"," fam il ies munity.nd leam from experieOC<' whether ornot they can meet its
have COme into .. xls~.H' nquiA'mt'lltJ. The ftC<'Ptioll coosistJ of . s.imple rite thai il! ce1e-
n.., IINI of t~ religious communi ties It nol only per.;ona.! periec_ bTlit'd .~rl from M Ulf Ind III the p.esence ",Iely of the religiOUll
1100 and 5.lnCl1hcllion bU I all<> St'rviop- of God 's kingdom and thus community (without rel.liv8 .nd friends). II tam the form of. lil-
of th" salva lion of tMir ~l1ow human beings.' n..,. efore, HI1'I no urgy of til<' word .1 which t~ Sl,lpE'l'ior o f the communily presides.
<>no:' think ei lhe, IlllIt IMi, ~onsec ..1<'d way 01 lit.- aJien"es ... ligious The postul.ntS u,qu"liOMd and decl4ln:' their !'<'SOl"..; this is fol-
f~m other men or mikes t~m u!W!lO'\!l!l for humin $OCiety. .. . For lowed by. prayer 01 the Juptrio. (conHmvd by tt....community·.
this "''''''n, then, thlt sacred council giv" ils pni'le and support 10 • Amen"), • tcripture ffldlllg and homily.• p"yer of inlen:es';on.
men Ind women, brotho-rs and sislf'n, who in monaot""';es or in the Our Father,and. colled. Aflt:1'Warrls u...community greets th ..
schools and ho5pitals or in missions .dom the bride olC!trist by ~-
tt.... humble .~d st ... dlnl fi~lity of lhei . torI!I1'Cflled lives Ind gh'"
Fi~ (.,.",por~')'-) Prufnsioll
generous 5ernOp- of the R'IIloiI varied kill," 10 an m.nner 01 mftI."" Aft« IIw s ........ cwful completion of I~ novitilte (tt.... duration of
Vat~n II looks upon life III It.. religious """'" and torIgrqjotions whio::h diffeTs ill v.rIous communit'")' lhe CMldldates COII'l<'Cf. le
and In comp.or.w. communiti8ls I siS" ollnd I witne56 to the thenn!..... to the speriallIO"rvice oJ God and In. Chun::h for a lim-
new I.i~ in Chmt and the fuNre "",,,rection. It ;, possible 10 spNk tied time (llIIUIlly thrft yorJ) IlI\d promiow to live in .ccordan<"o'
o f reUS"'.., rommunilie IS having 1 christologk.l, an ftXleill. with the ~anseLia.1 «IU1'\fIt1s. This firsl proIes.!ion is usually mad<'
. nd;tll ..,.,hatologioll .~ of ch.rlCtf'l'.' durin&' Mas. lor which tMre i •• 5pedal formullry (RjNill M="
VI Aj. n... faithful p.onitip"te If IuJible. The (riElhony begins aft""

AI I """ti,·.. ly ..a n y dal.. 1Iw acrq>IIol>CI! .1Id beginning oJ religiouo

'ht> gospel and has the fOllowing p.1t!:5: calling Or ~ues, 01 ,/WO '.11 -
didates; hom.iJy; e .... min.orion o f ,"" cand ida,,""; Pf"Y<'1 fo r God's
grK"; professi"" 01 ' -ows; prest'ma~on of the insign ia 01 "'Iigious , -~ ~-... a t ..-uta
"ows are rene ...._-' r inll'r'
proh.osssio., (h.abi" Kulr);.oo g.... .,..al lnr..~ions.
_' 0
religious communI oro..,. or OO<tgn'galion. 'Tho> re-

s.,,,,,, religious comm uru!i... ""'=.... ~y introduced a kind of pn"limj. but without ooIemni ty. .
. ' . rlte is p rovlded
n.ol}' COJnmitn":'nt 1In,,--. novitia l.. .... d '''''''por-ary profession, In
the form 011promi~ for which tilen;, " .... a "P<'Ci.1 rile. The cere- community in
lOOny look ~ dUring a liturgy of the word or in «>nnoo.:lion w ith
Bul a
. I
,wals al
'lhecommUniIY. 'Thl'l e"'-......II.bf
.n hour of the b",Vi.lrY- TIlt- cand ida !<,! d{'Clared Ihtoft ,....dines.. to of
~"lI homol
to the OOmmunily for a 5Jl"<:ifil'd period: and inll'fU'5sory ily.t an d a prayer 0 / I he, ceIrbranl thai
pr.tyer of 'he sUl"'riQr ...as 100 1owl'd by SCriplu", reading. a nd ..
"omily and, finally, by the promis.. ifl;(>lf. '1lIo!- <:e/'ftnony <'I\dM w illl /
in'~om and the Our FaU>er, to which . further praye, for the , ,
candidate muld be -'CIded. -11>00 enti,., "Rile of. Relig;ous Prom_
i~- "''S SUP!" N in the C">rnJ41ions in l/tr LirurgiLII/8ooIc$ rollou~
, Of \' t~ G I"' S

Chun:h who pro-

iltg urxm till- Nru' Codt at C">wn /.At.« of hH"en~ (MI 19: 121
oth~."., Virginity as under~
riM/ J'nf"Jimt • We of undivided I . crIib.1cy and ",-",ua1 contl -
'LI th"" means not SImply ,, God
In this " te the candidates i>;nd them.el"ft definili.-ely and perma. ..... in the Bl"e
..... usuch bul .lso an un ' v, , 'L,.
d ' 'd<.'d inierior . v. ilab,llly lo
~;..., Thai the reign of
- 1t .en'l'SU I'·I51 .. ....",. .
nently 10 the rfligious community The <""",,mony Mould take place
on a Su ncby or f<"il.teUy .... th,t IlUny of th .. l~ithfuJ may toke part. -.:I other its eschatologin! corIlp"-'tion,
"...... luIs ~gun an" .5 ap . /.
sinQ, fiRillI ..... igioo.,s proleMiSOn is an w irl'\eM 10 --.. - of the leml ...~ t O ~ found not only on ... ,-
Chrisl and disciPleship and has signifk.1f1Cl' ~r oo.."- C hristia,,,..u
~. d . in thIS X,1ISe I 'nthewot " . '".. ,-'~r
.w.... '" . howrv~r.to
well. In this: ceremony. 100. the rite ~ a /fl>t lhe g08ptl of The ..... communities but a !II> , .... t thls "" y "'lire was . n .mswer
Mass. for which two lorm ur_tits are giv.... (Ritual M.. _ VI B I
and 2/. ThE' rih> is <»g.oniud U follows: 'ailing or ""'{Ul'sl of the can.
""in& out more clearly the faCI r
ID. a U and lhal h was ae«plt'd as a WI in _Ion
-tnesI; 10 Chri.l. lhe bishop
would .."...,1 lhe woman
didar<.>S. who ask Inr """" anenl IlW'mboersh ip in lhe communily; In mOml time; p ! union whh The Roman-
homily of the celebr-..,t; "x..miNiKln of the candidai1'$; lita ny; pro- lIridaJ veil IS a sign of,,"Sf'O""" tury h.>s alread y I'>q)lIl\ded this
fes$ion 01 pl'I'peIual VOW5 an d d"f>OliiTlon of Ih .. (sIgned) w rl liII'n C WI Pontifical "' the tenth Cl'tl 1m
m.'" ~,,
_ , other ""uft'CS.
profession on Ihr alto. ; "~p~ of lhe neWly Prole -ed's .-..If-su ••
.. £hi cleml'nlS llll'o
", including further '" , __ virgins in tell-
P~t.otlon " P tifical has 0""' n ""
render in SOng; solemn bkossing or cO","""ra/ion; of lhe ..., rite of maniall'" The on tside them. Lal..,. on, fuT -
.,.,... rommunh~,. troduced from ,he mu"llY of ordmanon.
."'- anotlwr /or thos'l' "" . ,
insignia of pmf.-sslon in lhe l'1'/igious «Immunity (fo. nampw.
ring. choir man u... bre.~"y); s ralClnl'r1 1of admiSl! ion Or sign of theT ~len "'''1S were U1 . thecon...:-
:'[::~i:;:~~:::n I'onli::~.no:':!!"ri7:-::;~~31,
. of Valican II lh&l lhe " Ie for

In ihrl'nsu ing celebration of the Eucharist th~

is. proper preface.
embolIsms in thcNCha rist;c pra~ .... and. soImm ble5sing . 1!he
endolM-. Congreption for Oivine ~~ I~e liturgical action It,..,lf
19?O.' Roth in the IntrodUChOn fold u of " irginity: 10 de-
thm! lit an .. mph.osis on the two p 'J"O"f others more ",ad il y
,., '""- tJlOl'e Il'rvent love of Christ '~d 10 .... "'e, ~veltv In lhe ,,",W
and with gtUt .... llelf I I m ' 6<-.. ~ """" gre.o .~ _,

ril",: ofter lhe I~pse of m~ny centurWs "irgins living in lhe world
may"""'" more be candidalt'!l for Ihis ronsecrarion, In lhe e.... of re- ,
fm God'. gri.,.to

ligiuus w~ tile COI\So!Cralion can be 1inJ<ed Ie final profesion_ f ' '1

~ of tho! abbot IS spiritual guide and 10 avoid .s
Thr rile, al which lhe local Ord iNry is the celrbranl, begiru; . her
the gospel e f the M.s.s and procuds illS follows: calling (!IUIl8 at any simll.aritWs with ~1 0~m.1i~ 'f!'t'
spokm) of lhe and id ...... who enle. the woctuary carrying Iighlrd
abbot;l, a llfT .11, p ledsdy thaI: a ble5sms which 1S • ....c·
i>OI • degrH of the MCf~fT","1 of OIders.
candln; homily 0{ tN bishcp, fot which a (sornrwhat o>'erly lens)
mcd"l i5 provided ; ~miNrion 0{ I"" cUldidat.os . 5 10 !heir _ 'JhI blntins 15 10 be givH\.. 11~ I .11 ro-ible, on a Sunday or feast-
soIv~; Iit .... y; renl"Yo'al of inten llcn 10 nmlain virpn..l in the /oIlcw_
• • Tho! ed"b, a nl i5 uwally IN bishop oIlhe pi"" w""'" the ~on-
,. is 1oQ!ed, btlt ho! may", - -·~-Io.l·"""orabbotw""
••, OW I,.,.,
ing of Christ; ptayft of rol bte!Jtion during which the bishop ... v~-'-
, _ ~ ...... thcb_ . _ .
" T .

""lends his hands o...e. the c.ndldal",; presentalion of Ito" imignia , It

1 'l unt. T1wMl$Sls to beroI'lCeKUI'J,I V§ ,
of COItS«Talicn ('~I. ring. book of Ih" Hcurs). , , and OIlwr5. with twO religious from thubbey e f the futu,:"
After Ito" final p raY'" o f the MiISS the I>l"Yo'ly co,\§CualO'd virgins .....,;. usi51ing him. n... rite begins .flft' the gospel and comp~
otand lido... the altu &rid R"a1\"". soIen-on blessing.
. ; Inentation oItNabbot~ and, in wuoseof abbots ha\'U\g
." , . I ' risdiction. the ~ldinS of the papal mandate;
'In.. da}'5 n.rommended fur lhis rite .... the oc\.l,·" o f East.... 'IOlem.
-.;rownk'rntonl 11.1 - - ~ 'd Ie-litan
Itanil of the celebrant and e)<.lmination of the c",...... • , . Y
nities (espedally IhOH conr.raed with the lncarnation of Christ), ....:I 1lebrant's pra)'t'f of blessinS with hands " xl",ded (choice of
Sundays. fCHIS of Mary Or holy ... irgins er salnts who .... e5 rwWly ...... p"'yefS); p1'8el1"tK>n of lhe Rule oftheOr<ier, '''(~t~:::::
impo.-u.nt in the lile of the R'ligious communJly, Jf pouible. the thI ponlific.1 iruigni. (ring, staff, and. if oeed be. the mIter).
Mus for "Consecrariooto a IJIe of Virginity " (Ritual Muses V) I or and, I tlhe end of Mass, solemn blessing .nd Tt /Xu",
should be used . n...Mass of the day must be ('I!leb.--.1Nl on j;Ol..mni-
lies and tlw Sunda)'ll o f Advent, Lent. and Eoslertid", but with 'po>- . . . ._
" - 'IS sung.
"", ,'uri:sdictlon ever I t~rritl)l'y, the Tr..,.,.m ,
dai lexi. during tlw "ucharislic praye. and with a ...,lemn final the end of the prayer .fl1o!f cemmunion. an d d "nng ' )'t tl\01 abbot pro-

bl<'SSing. " CLaus ••

mrougn ,.. ,~urcll
• , .. " , bl~n. the faithful; .1\01 may
" then ad-
drat the f.lthful briefly and gi ..... lh" final b lesslnS·
In his Rulr Boned;"t of Nuni. describes in det.ilt"" difficult tasl< of 'LE SSING OF AN ... a~ESS • .
an abbot. but nowl",... does he make any clear R'fr~e to a special ThW Is ' by I bilhop or abbot and is the pmI' In form as II><-
li turgical rit .. for tiw:' enl'il'lCe of an abbot into office. n... first Ira«
bleMm!';;:'n abbot, At the presentation 0/ lhe irl$ignii 01 office
Rille of the Order and the ring .... siven but not the -pasloral staff.
o f such I ri'" is in I pra)'t'r in the Rtg"l. MRgu lri ("Rule 0/ the Mas-
The talion oflhe ring is omitred If lhe abbe .. lin al ...ady""
11:1'1 193, 6). In tM COIJrse o f the Middle Ages, as .bbots acquired • ptEs.." " '-u lion •• a "jr-
social Slatus "~ry much like Itwol 01 bishops, the rite fm Iiw:' induc- celwd il 01\ the diY 01 her proless!on Of ''''' consecTI
lion of an abbol becamea sol....,n ~ ffal r th.t lnc~ngly "kI"bled ...."
epi5<opaI ontiNtlon. On Nov....,ber 9, 1910, theC~~tion for
Dil'i...., \\Iorship publ ished. new ril(' iOS • fl!ldd.. of tIw Rom.n Pon-
tifical: Ordo brnnIiclilmiJ ""'liJ tt 1IbN1~. "
In its dKree 01 promulg;tlion the Cong,.ation ~b oIlhe ble!oos--
i"8 asa trad itionalliturgkil rite, the PUlr ofwhich i5·w.now

_ _ter of the Eucharist may adminisler the sacramefI\t. Th"'" is a
" 1 US(.' by the lut twO minis"'l'S ~moo.'

lor ,.i.licum (unli ke 1M anointing of tilt sick ) is

t Mnd . It may and oughl. if po6SibJ.e, be ....
Chapte r Seventeen of Mass. In lhis caS<'. the rihl.l Mass
br oe1ebrated, if

The Liturgy of the Dying and of Funerals of laondli.tion is to bto n:«i,·,,<t it should bto .d·
before Mus (185). The rites .o::oompanyins ,.;.tic'um are
Tho- poi'ih:onciliar lihlrgic. 1relorm included a ...... ision o f th~ liturgy 1 (.nd hom;ly): viaticum it5df is .dmini ...
of dc.th ;In(I burial. in ~p<>i -, to til<! all of Vatican n for a 1'0'0'"
g.. nized liturgy m the $ic:k and of >,;.ticum and in ka>ping ...ith its
im.tru<:tK". that . ..... ri ... of funera ls shoukI ~xp ..... more d .... rly t/w> k< viaticum is """"' often A.'(\'j,·ed outside MaS/l, I <ttall b...,lIy
pa.d.. 1cha •• ctcrofChrisf ..... death· (SC 81). The new rill' for the , cribe this rile. Aft.:. the g.....ting 1M poiest sprinkles ih<' sick per-
liturgy of the dy;ng is to bto found ch iefly in cmpll'rs }.6 of tM Or<h> _ and the room with holy wa\ler(optional). Following. brief in·
"""I;"";' ;"fi'''''''''''' ...,"""'....
ptl5IOr~li$ CUr. (1m); lho> .... w rile of ~ h~ adminiS!."'" the SlCfament of penancc if this is
fu""uls is in the 0nI~ "'*"/""""'" (1%9): • r.ew edition of lho> fu· ~ted; otherwise' the peoi ten~1 rilt' u at M ••• folto....,;. The sac·
""ul rit~ was published in English In 1989 under the till... Ordrrof ...oml of penance or the penitenl;'! rite may be followed by 1M Ix--
Ckri<t;"n Funmtls.' ...... AI of lhe .~oIioc pardon for IIw dying. II time and the
emdition of lhe sick person .110"', • short p*sall" from Scriptu ... is
THE ltTU~ G Y Of lHE 1JYI~' G .-d. and thl! skk person n'Rews hi, o. he. baptismal r~ion of
Vi.Hcu", falth (202-4) . After IIOme Inlt'K1!S5ions (litany) and "'" l.erd's
To Ih.. "Y"'; ollai th the dying of. b~ptlzed person is a "passovr. PrI)'ft. Itw prl~t shows the ,acroo ~t in the usual m""neT and

or passall" through death 10 ..... erlasli ng life with Cod: it i. thus Ihe ~,"jl:'!lusChrist il tile food for our ~,umey; ""calls uS to Ihe
fullest embodilTl<'nt 01 the pud\.ll l mystery 01 C hri . t in Ih~ lile of m venly table" or - Thl, is the bread of life. Toste and see lhat the
the individual Christian. C. re of tm' k'riou.ly ill and the dying has lord is good: to whichll1 prewnt reply with lhe usual "I.e.d, I 3m
always ~n a pre-eminent pasloral CQr... el Ii of the Church. This not worthy.... ~ CommuniOll may be adminislered under both
cOIl<'\'m finds ilS liturgic. l cxpm;$ion in the . dmlnls tration o f the kinds, and. II the end, the ",inlste. adds: "May J~u, Chrisl proteo:t
_rament thotis in tM full5Cfl5C' the saq.mmt of the dying. you and Iud you to etem.l life.- The rite ends ...·;tIl a prayer and.
namely thc Euchari. t given as viltk um or "provision fot th~ jour. bIeIing. "'"!"he minister Ind lhe others prnent may then gi,·c the
1><')'. " For, K\:Ot'ding to the I.o rd himself. the Eucharisl is the plPdIl" lick pel'lOfl the sign of pHa" (211).
o f ","um:<:tion On 6:54). We find the first ecumeninl muncil It
Nioc"". (325) al......:l y iMi. ting on ii1dminlstenng "the ultim.te.nd The new rilUillaoo pnwlde5 for the not uncommon Cas<' in ""hich a
most """ goary ";alic'um~ to the dylrlg. in aoxo~nce with "Ihe o k! !'ftS"I' issuddenly in dang ... of imminent duth withoul ha"ing
~iousIy been able to ~ve the wcr ......... rs 01 pena ...... anoinl-
in& and poMibly confirmation, This is the ~continoous rile of pen.
The o ntina,y ",in~IO'fS of ,"w!icum are p;1ri~ pncsts, hospital map- ance. anointing. [confi rmatiool. and ""'Iieu", " (2)2·U).
lams, and the lIJperiors of religious communities; in (;liS(' of n«ft-
. ity, anot ...... p~ •• d~a.ron, an acolyte, or an a traordinary
Comrnnd~l;,m of I~ Dying eclipsed . Anxiety and terror al lhe thoughlOf the D~; ....
AM the ...:rarnenlS h,o"e been ~ministerOO. tlw pra)'C'rJ (commen_ laflcly determined the attitude ~ IhO' faithful.nd
d'lion ) for the dying (212-22) are . Iso 10 be ~Id. if ".,....j be by rel.- liturpcalluts n "·en. Inte"! " oons !'or the dead ":
livps or other I.~ Tlwy lnclude "classlcil " p •• ~ INI go place. In I"" modem period. the introdUCbOn
10. cll.ss s)"tem of fur.er.1s.
hack in part 10 lhe eighth century: for ""ample. the #paradigm
pray~r" CDeU"er you r servanl, 0 Lord. n you deli\'......J Noah; lhese mistaken practic" with its general de.:"'"
Abraham. Job. and SO on) and lhe Proficis«Ft ("Go forth. Christian with certain e>;c.-ptions. ~no special honors.n! to be .
soul. ..1.''Jhe pra~ ,.-rvw known a. the -Co mrnntd.1ion of the ,
Dying" was included in tho> Roman Ritual of 161 4 and many d ioa-- display" (
s"n rituals. and, in an enriched form. in the CoJltd;o ,i/uwm of 1950. posch.1 charaC'-
n....nt'w ritual also pro"ides a numb<-r of short ICTiplura l pray~rs
ti and should COI're,po<1d more dowly to the eir_
and "",d ings (217·18). traditioM o f "ari""" regions. This a pplies Wo to
. . liturgiciIIl cob to be used~ (SC 81).
His/or;",,) Obstrvali"". In fulfillmenl of this mandate. On August IS, 1%9: Ihe COngrega-
The early Chrutian riTe of funeral, reflected In Large m.... ~ure lhe for DivinC' Worship published an Ordo U$<'qw"'",'" (from Lah n
CUSloms of p;igan antiquity. In lhe Roman liturgy this was true ep<'- tIan iii .. "to go along with" In a fun......] p'()«$sion). The In.t ema.
daUy of the funeral banqUl'tllIMI W1'n' C'tlebraleCl on certain dilys ~ Commillft on English in the Liturgy prepared I "er5I~ of .
(the third. seventh, Ind thirtieth days after dealh and tho> annu.I;m· ...... hich Included .daptatioM for tM Uni led St.I<'S. A ~ ed,·
_ W dd " I ate-
niversary) at the grlve or in the mausoleum, In order to n!fl\ember t6on; the Ordrr of Ch risli.n F"n."')' (1989). ronl.in, • ,non. m

lhe de~ at a family ...... 01. .... .arly. woerond ~tury I:heChris- daI for USf: belon! the /ur.eral irod a g ... at V"riety of new pray ...
lians of Rome WM! "lNdy Iinl<ing lim mNJ 10 a co.lebration of the
ElOCh.1rist " which the fami ly fell HJ>l'CiaUy dow 10 I"" de~ pe._
""" because of lhelr common union wilh ClIml. nw hui5td F~"tT.) LiIU'n' th
Bee.u.e aristlam are members of thO' body of Chri~l . Iheir dN
Christians did not mourn;as other$do who have no h~ (11'he55 ~ not only their families and ... Iatlv~ but the entin: ro""':'U'
' :1)). boll wrn:' filled ..;th h~ of the ......utI'Crion. This hope illso n1ty of the lociOl Ooun:h. During I"" da ys t>m-.....,.. d ..ath .nd burial
found "xpression In !heir whi", g'""""!!!. which contr.Hlfd wilh ,.... h ~ber5 them in the ElOC""",1 and in the form of W
. . ~urc . 01 fr terNl
the black worn by bereil ved pagans. Instead o f the monolonous vigil or wake. The community renders them the ~ •
lamentations of the professional moumen. Christiam sang psa lms Iove.nd honors the body Ihat had beconw a temple of Ihe Hol~
and hymns; in lhe Eost they .. ven Sing the Allelull..' fohn Chrysos- Spirit through biiptism. IT il mindful of th~ dealh ~nd resum'Ctlon
lorn (d . 4117) provideo an imporunt Ile5timony to the filith in tlw "",. of Cbmt Ind Ioob forward in f.aithand hope to h.,; recum ""d tho>
urr«tion with which Christians f~ de~lh: - In !hoP p;tSt there _ 1,lfYeCtiOn oI t"" dead. A Christian fun~illihus bto(ort'WS a pM:lI.-
were demonstr~rions 01 grief and criPS of sorrow In behalf of the mation of I"" E.""I~ meNage (Introduction 1-3). The rommuruty
d .... d : today then!'n! psalms and hymns .... In the pasl. death wu ,-. interciMles for thO' decea!ied and endeav",," to consol~ lhe be-
lhe end; now it is no long<>r so. P~1e sin8 'lOOp. prayHS. and _ved by reminding them of Christian hope.
psalms. aU aU sign that in their eye death is • joyful event. ...
The V'lP' 01' W.1<e .
In lho! Middle Ag" Christians a«epted expressloRs o f l'I'IO\l m lng In mony "'SilInS. the relatives. friends, wei netghbors of the de"
;nlo th..;. liturgy 10 such ~n extent th.tlhe hope of resurrection was
I ohaIl nol go into these thrft plans in o:ktall but i\h.!l oimply d ...
c.....oo gl t""r on the da~ betw"", d~ath and burial. in the t.om.. or ...-;w the ri tes at the g,I\'e and add some general ob.... aliom.
fwwr.1 p~rIor or ""en lhe churet., to o ffer speciol praytn ur.der the
ludenhip 0/. priesl or Lay p<e11!OOl. Tho! pr~yws may la ke lhe form ~ IOOf\ as ttlt' mournen Ntve gathered al tlw grave. lhe «lebront
0/ a liturgy 01 the word, for whk h lhe rile p rcwld" a large..,1ect>on ..y.. brief invilil tian.nd a saiptu,., '·l'fW. 1w then s.ays a prayer
o f ",.dingo ~ inb; IU1SC1Y pr.y ..... If 1M i"OUry ~ R'CiINl. il is d ... ewer the placl! of committal. (wllieh may be, b...",ing of the graw.
';rable thai . 1 least ItIt' first 0/ tM glorious mysteries (Ihr ~u,....,.,· II au .. nerdi'd). WhiLe the body;! being plKo>d in lhe gnoVI!, Of ,I
lion) be itdeled 10 ttw IOnOWfuJ mysltries and thai the " 'hole "",d .-wItoer suilable moment. lhe «Mm.nl ta j'S. the commilUl pr.y......
w ith • sui~ble P"')'fl". An aprOf" iale ftading from Scriptu,., (for bibb' .')<I,S a '" then off,ned and .n p r.y the l.ord '. Pnoyer. Aft ..... a
...... mplo!. from !hoe poo'lSion) or alhorl meditation may precede Neh h i pr.yer. the minislfl give! a blessingarod an apprt>pNh' 00I'I8
, ...y be MOng, according to 10<'" custom.

n.e Ct,leb<ation cilhe EucNorist AD ~ p lans.tid ril" .nI! CNo rKIeriu'd b y adaptation to the ';N-
n.e Maos for the dilC\'.ased is an "peciaUy imporunl poo " 01 !hoe aIion. friendly partidp,>tioo. and t1<l1e1>5i.e ~ 01 ,""aI scripture.
rile. no ma iler at what point in the ful\li!ral Ul ....gy it i. to bece~ !lie Infl"""'" of N.....• T~ament theology. a nd the J"""Sibility o f in-
bTalt'd. In ...... ny placll'5 it is sitU the practice to celebra!~ 1m. MaS5 .... pormng worthwhilelocalcustorns. The.,....., linugy for funeral5
immed.;'lely before the burial iU\d in the presence of t"" coo f'~; in "'" only rtruJ<, .. the d~ased • worthy final ~icI! 0/ burial and
other places it is beooming Incre.,ingly the custom to 1\;"..,the fntemaI intercession; It ill .Iso such as 10 console the bereavl!"d.
faithful gather in !he Chureh for the EucNorist aft ... t"" burial Or ~ OIIftngtioero those preserol in thcir East..... faith,. .nd .pc:a k 10 the un-
manon. In ... ther case. the lighlftl Easter candle shou ld be set in a dIo.m:hed in. humanly at1r;>Cti"e way.
pl;m, where it is visible- 10 all (ifltlt' COi pse is p~l. the Easter can· M' rule, a priest or dc.oonconduCI!i lhe ~Ici' at the grHe. In
die may be pia«<! lit the head of Ihe coffin); it!lO.'T"es to 5ymoolize IpO!CIaI orcum.tances, t.owtver.• l.y person may ~UCI il. m I~e
and . t""'glhen ItIt' hope of resurrection in Quois!. For I..... ioOme rea- IItwgy of burial p ",fere-ntilll",,"tmcni sIIould not be g,,"en 10 Indi-
5OIl. an Easte. song Is . ppropriate at lhe end of Ma .... viduals. It is to be hopl!d Ihat the cta!<$systcm of funeraill, which
Th~ introductory rite In Ihe church can be omiltt'd if the bod y was ..mil recently waS prevalent in many . reas, wi ll be elimina ted once
1"4!Ceived at the Church. u5ing lhe . ppropriate ritrs. someli"'" be- and for .n, in keeping with tho! di rl'Ctive of V'lic&n 1l (SC 32; .....
fo", the f""" •• I. Whe", cuslomary. the offi.'1"lory p rocession of I"" pulftl in tht Introduc",n 10 ttw Ri t~ of Funeral. 20). The use of
faithful may be kep t in fu""... 1 Mass.es. holy w ater and incenw should be .dapli'd to loul custom and sen-
1lbl111ifs; it can ..... e-n be omitlO!d comp Lelcly if circuMlltaTlCeS .....
PI.ns for the f u ........1 Rite ~. llw f.i!hful.hould be encouraged to ,void e~ll.'Tf\ll pomp
Since "",.ningful loc.l custom! aft to be rl!u ined. lhe ..... W ritu.1 In funeritl CeTl'mClny and gr.,-e tra ppIng!! .nd c""tribute th~ money
dOO'S not gi" •• singll! ri\li! fot univcINI use bul la th ... provides for ....... d lOd1arl~bll! w Oikll.'
a vMk-ty o f p r.ctices. TItt Ordtt oJ elm";",, F''''tfai$ prcwides lor
lhe Vigil.nd m.ted rite5.nd p,ayen bi'fon! lhe FuneraL. which llw Fo.meral of Chik!=
may be « ll!brated in lhe home or fu .......1poorlor; the funenollilUlgy. From the fif1li!l!foth century of the Roman Ritu.1 Nod a specYl rite
"'hieh m. y ta k~ p~ durlng or outside M•• in the Church or an- for Ow fwoonl of a baptized child woo din befono .....:I\ing the ag~
nol ...... s uitable pllC"t'; a tid 1M Com mittal at the «TI"IIi!Ie<y or pI""" of of.... 'I .. llw rite d id not Include inle-o a lliOM for the child be-
cOUll!! it had not be«I o pablo! o f linnmg and w.. thnefo«: aWitd y
~arion, (actUilI burial). The rites.ft <lfTanged 5OINoI in .....u.in
circu~uncesthe commin.1 rile mi&hl I.U place befoo ~ ttw lit-
""joying thoe vision of Cod . For thoe ume Tenon, Mus w;as 001 of·
fered fOf luch i child.

V.oo.n II ordered that this rite be reviso!d (5C 82~ According tnthi'
new OrdcIl{OtMum fw~s. the same liTUrgy is 10 be U5ed;as /or Chapter Eighteen
adults, bul w ith .peclallNdings.nd pnoyn"S(ind~ prayers for
tIw parents)," The Nme rq;uliltlons apply-but w ith ~ adapu.-
non.--to a child thl t hi. dlftl befo~ l'Kei"ing baptism as its par·
~ in""oded. The new S>cnmentilt)' has IwO fonnularie /or the The S~cr.unentals (Blessings)
fu neral M iloS o f a baptized child, one for an unbapliud child." lhe
liturgical color usN Is whloe. .... SIC 0 8SElVATtON S
Sb .... theChurch inacrlment.al (incarnatiONI) in its basic structun:'
The Funenolliturgy for the Cremated
and ~ Christ act$ in il IS the """ priet of tho:' f"OI!W COVftl&nt.
Arguments .1tIoC~ the wchlng of the Church 0",", plIyN a ro~ dw On...:h'l ""tin:' Slving activity is .150 IICnmftlt.aL that is, it has
in spreading the ~ of cremation in the S«ond hill of the nine- • dimmsion thaI c.n be gril~ by the Keres and another 11\.01 is
!«nth cenhMy. For this ~ason, tIw Church prohibited crmution for ""P"""",,"i~ .nd d i"i"". The ~v"ibIe ligns of invioible grace~
its memben and ~fu5ed any Uturgial COOpoulion in In. prlCtke whldt it Iccomplish"u~ I\OIlimilod, howev"" to tn. ..."m sacra·
and ....."" in the dtp05ilionoflhe um. Duling Vatican II. a new atti· ....ts. whidt In:' radical self· act\ll.liutions of I~ Churm I t 1M boy
tude found "pre!llion in lUI 1nstructlol'l ohM Holy Offitt {Moy 8. pOints of humin li~. When the t_lfth..century tn«>logians of the
1963)," which allowed th bletsing of the body and tho: ~.tion Weltem Church begin to di,tinguish lhe,.....m oacraments as hay·
of a priest in tIw dtp05ition 01 the u"" pro"lded thl t thoe dl!d.ion to InS • plloC'i' apart in the cosmos of visible liturgical signs aM ac·
crema'" was not inspin<! by any hostility 10 lhoe Church and its tioN, tho:'y ca llod them fQmlmml~ ""'.,'" (nuojar sacnment~) and
teaching. lhe n..w liturgy of funerals pro"idet for a liturgical ceko- the l'tllIolning signs wc",mmlQ .,ino", (mInor ",<nments). In that
br.tion I!ither II the =molion lMlf 01' at thl! deposition of th" urn. lime centut)' the s.econd and larger group WI5 al~ given lhe name
If a church 5<!1VOU takes p\1oC'i' It the c~mot!on.lhe urn is later set «NC1'lmen tals~ (Peter Lombard),
in its place in a simple .:..n:mony. Tbe funeral liturgy nuoy . Iso be
celebrated aft~r the cn!1nItion hi, taken place." s.cr."""'lals, too, Irs..risible liturgkalactioru., "bearing. ldnd of
i ",bLance 10 lhe ,xrammlS: lhey ,ignify tffecl$, particularly of a
tpIrltual klnd, thllan:' obt.lned through the Church', int~on"
(SC 60). UturglCil l signs of this klnd occur in l.rgt numbe ... dunng
the .dminislr.fion ullhe SlCramenlS (in bilptism. fo r """mpie, there
.. the IIgnlng of the forehe.d, the blt$8ing of the wa.lIM", and ~ on?.
1hrir pIlrp<l I" il lO shod light on thoe mystery and d~p(Se the ""'lpL·
m! to I iruitiul lecty1ion .

The liturgial yea'" al50 nuorked by many MCTlm.,.lIm (for """m·

pie, the blesaing:t of ,andln Ind of palma; pl<K 'i )!\S with candles
and -palms; the b$owil of .shes; the w~hing of fH1; the v",." ..
lion of the CIOM). It 15 tt.eub}' ""riched by graphic ill""tutions and

abNdy described."OO tho! litu'1!Y 0{ d~8th and buriaL then "the ",Co
a variety of w' )'lI o f oommunkiUing sakaticm during the various
laDWl tlila oonsist princip.olly 01 bLessi"ss. ... U"til fI'n'IItly. the nu-
..,asonS ~nd on the feasts of the Lord and his saint5-
az OUll bl$ng5 were d ivklf<! into two glOups: cmtstCJi!,io>m ~nd
Fm..ll); the lifr 0{ the parish community and thr priva~ life 01 *"Pie IIJtsJillgs. ConHCfali0n5 showf<! that a penon 0. oI:jd was
Christi.ns.OO their f.milie5are lil<rw~ ma r~ by blessings. Be- Wna cIf<Iicated to lhe spt("ia1 H""ice of God or the Chun:h (for ex-
hind t ' - thrre Is always the pnyer of theChurch tNt is uni~ 1IIIP1e, tIw tOhsec r.tion 01 a m""k 0 . an abbot or of an allar, bell, or
with Christ.nd II"",,~/o;e e{flCKicw in ibanion. n....oIogians ha,·t .otitl dlun:h). Accoodi", to an old tradition. ble5sings in which
""P'.u.,.;! this mationshlp by wying that the _ra"...",tals dnw moinIinp with chrism aft perfonned were resatdN n ospecially
their tfficacy t:l ........ ~"' is ( _",is) «dtSW. »fn:>m I"'"
action 01 llitp> wot a nd _ therefore d iJti"",isI'of<! by i na~ " ron5KI"l-
the actintJ; (a praying) dlurch.» tIonI-." ~ simple to>rm "bLessing» Wi' uted for invocations 01 God
IIhM .'" acromp.on~ by P"ytr for his help for penoN and oI:jalS.
Comrnoro 10 all Ncramenlals. lhen. is pray" in the ""me 01 the If idem a ulhon. how~". as wPlI .. the new 8enediclional and the
d"lurch: ad,nowiedging God 's dominion ov..- ~,sons and oI:j.tlS.
_ liturgical boob in generaL pftfer 10 ...,.Ihe I<'m'I "'bIe6inlf in
praising his wisdom.nd good,...,.• • nd a!iking for his variOO help.
.... CI 75 The u tin d istinction between /trntdiclionf,s (01I. tiluti"""
If material thlngs are made the 5U~ i"lS of the!e blessings. the inl ...• 1_ _ 0 alions) and /otnftIirlionos iIIt'OO'titw (simple ble5sings).
tioo .. not oomehow 10 change their nature or fiU them with a di-
which w as made in the 1917Code ol Canon uw (can. n.a n.2),
vine power. b.." r.ther 10 give them a!W"W d i....:no...nd allow the hu not been tliken ov" into tN! new Cod~ 011963 (s.ee can . 1166-
C","to. of all things and the Rrcleemf:. of lhe hu ...... n race to ...... ke
hilnW'lf known through Ihrm. Th")' thus become signs of God', n ).
p ' ''''''' in OUr world . ~ innlll! capacity of thInp 10 ..,rve as The Uilin verb brMdil;trt ( "10 ipt;lk wO!'lI o{ "; rorrespondi..g to the
symbol.-. lhe inlerpreti ve word .• nd lhe pray •• 01 the Church make H hew bnri" and tM Greek twlognn) makes It c1c.>r that in a bless--
il poosibl. for thne thinp not on ly 10 represent faith visibly bul "" altention is not focused ""Iely or primarily"" the perIoOI\ or
.Iso the . tn,ngthen it. "Aslctions of beli~ers. tlwoy tXpn.'SS hu nuo n thing being blessed. Ra ther. a bl""sing invol""" praise of God. the
self-su' J"('ndcr to God .·' _ I SI"" of the blessing.
This "kw of I"" ... cram"" t.ll. and especially 01 the bl"".ing5 01 ma- "In ut~anc"" in which the term ~ir';o is us....:!, the obje<t may
Icrial ooitels. p"", lud..slny magkal notions and pr.dices lhat re- be God to whom the P.la"" . . ,of Cf<!atu!i!S i, directed and who in
gard bles.sed objt'<:lS as infused with a powt'1" "that is unleashed this praiM i, acknowlf.dg«! a; t..on:l and ..,.,rct of all blessing.ll>e
simply by encounl.mOf; or tol.lChi"g or usi..g the- objecl and thereby ~ 0{ brntdir/io thus ,-P'i."$5e5 both romp""""\S of a liturgical
placed at tho;> OJ<'rv ice of human beings. I" this apprt>ilCh the bl....-:l tv",l: God', bles&ing and the pr.i~ of God.»'
objecl is not ......, i" its relaUon to God who bestows the blessing. . .
. Funh""""""" such i view 0{ wcramef\talJ miJint .... rets th~ inter-
n- two -speclSor componentS ;I.., regularly found in the jewish
IomobJo (plural: bmiko,h); they have alto c""tinued to play;l vitlil
cessory pray",. 01 the Church and 01 individuals and looks upon it
role in the tridilion 0 1 the Ea$\flTI Churches. By its naturf, th ..... a
.s op<'r.ting without f, il , nd """, cing God . Nor is wffirimt . ~
bl ing is both an inamnesif., i.e .• • remt1Tlb.ano::e of the bmefkent
Ii"" p.oid to the- lact lhat human beings mull be p..".m:I if thfoy In'
deeds of God.•nd an epklesls. or in,,{)Cati"" 01 his ldndnts-s and
to ll.'Cri>"cGod', b~ng. and indeed must p..".'" thenuelvostver
help for human beingt..1n the Wi!'!Ile'm Chun;:h, howr-ver, the
doxoIogical and anamoetic ele" ..,,1 wM in theCOU1XoI ti""'t....5
If "'e pn:scind from the symbolic action& pe,/oo ,,,ed in the count 01 .nd lets I'I1lph"iU'd, to tlw ad"antligt 01 the epkletic or petition-
the liturpcal y ... r and from pllXf56ions. the mor>a$lic ~1ebrati0n5 aryt\emenL"
THE POST C ONCILLA M R EO l GAN IZ ATIOS Ihe val"" olloc.oll raditions and cu~lom.: 1h6e • .., 10 be laken into
V~lic~n I[ wasroMrioln of moIny shortcomings in tM ...., of the .,rount in the vemiKular editionl of In.: book (Geno:rallntnxlL>C'
.o;JK.ammlals; i llheM~ decreed tha r "1M UoC.,menta" ~ 10 ~ *", 39). "
...... i~wO<l in the lig.hl of the prim.lty criterion lhal tM faithful partie-
ipa ... in ...llillieT1 lly. actively. and easily; tlw c.... ditions of our own a)(Ol CISM S
day must abo ~considetrd · (SC 79). If no!eded."",w sacramentals .wrlrtion and experioence show INI in every .g~ human beings
might ~ addrd_ Rl:wr\~ ble!6ings weI'\! 10 be lew in number. The _ tl\rea 11l'f1<!d by the ~ of evil and thaI their """poral .md eter-
laity Wft>' 10 ~ allowed 10 administer some SKrammtllls (ibid.). - ' A lvation Is lhereby imperiled. ~us himself "'" -he~ us '" p"'Y:
-o.Iiver US from evil (e.-: Ilw evil one).· In the pasl, Chri5tians m -
Since the new Roman lIooA: of Blmings wH long ~lay1'd, desp; ... 4IIvoring 10 undentand Ilwir faith took as their slartin(! poinl th.o
It... f;ocl lNt .. new rdition "'n fehlo be ulJE"T'tly........dO<l: the llish- waqw.1ioned I56\Jmption thll "evil» referred ultimatriy to a per .
0J>5 of the Cennan~aking world took steps to provide .. .".,rul r
..... opiritua l being ",hom lho! Bible <alb """S;ot.m" Adversary"') or
6enedkliorwl for thrir J't'Ople. Rome goo"e its pennis/lion, but de- ... "devil " (I word Oaived lrom the G_1r: diomso.. " ..anderer"").
rrwnded thai certain guidclirws be followed : ,) the bles..ings w""" • ."tly tIwre hi"e bftn """"pIS. ,",-en n... in the utholic Chun::h.
to beslrudur/!d ai rommurwlcelebntions; b) lhe word of Cod w.as til_in th.o "evil (one)" ,;mplyE""Uas sum and 10 ~rd "the
t" ~ givm irs due place; .nd (") in bks\np of oojecl. thor pra~ ..-u" ISIlmply another word for "lin."" Among ' err" So" 10 this
mU51aoo toke inlO "eoount the hum.m beings who would use the Wrw .... y be mentionod the sludy "Chri$tian fl ith and Belief in 0,..
oo;..:t.' • • .," which was 1ipo1\5On!d l nd recornmmded by the Rom.m
With regard 10 th<! min iS! ... il i, dt"lennined that Inplized.md ron-
Conutsation for lhe Doctrine of the> Faith ."
firm.-d laYP<'1""!IOn5. on the In)i! ofthe rommon priesthood and pro- l cannot rake up here the d iffkuh question. of tn.: e~i.t"""e. "" Ill..,.
vided they ... cre commissioned I",,",ro, ("In bestow certain mel. ¥,,,liorI 01 demonic powers. ~ ilno doubt (tM exegctes
bl"",ings. ~ decisive crileriorl in derennining 1M mlnist ... ;. 1M • every IIChool ar... in agreemenl on thil) Ihat many sta lem<'TIts of
relation of a porlieula. bl<'Siling 10 tkf.· diocese, parish. or family; de- the New Tntamenl In! conditio...-d by their limO'S and ("uJIIl", and
pending on rhis ...... IMl on lhe bishop or. priest or a parent kill as NqulJ10 carefullnllYlil. Our COO""" hen! J. with the pra)",'" and
minister (Introduction IS). k"tionJ of the Chun::h tluil ronl!Hlu le. spec ial form 01 !laCTameT1tal
TIl<' long .... w.ir.-d Ilcncdktlonal ap~red as p<lrt of the Roman Rit- In the IIlurgy oIlhe Otufl:h.
u~t under 1M title Dt />ntrli('iOfli/lus (Book cf Bla&inKO).' In the d .... The w idespn!iid view of l'l.cly Chri"'ians Ihat all pag.ns wen'!
(" ..... o f promulgation published by theCongr.gation for Divine lIfIder the domlnation 01 Salan 1...:110 the UII<' of numerous e"".-
Wor5h ip (May 31, 19l54) Ihe blessings .'" detcribC'd " " Iilurgical K- dAns (from Greel< t~o,tiui~. 10 ad)u",: 10 drive oul demons) in the
lioo. llial stimulate 1M fai lhfullO pr,be cI GOO Ind d ..p""" them , tllwallon of the ca lt'Chunwnate .md. in :;hOTter form, ev.., in lhe
both 10 T<"C"I'i,.~ the principal effeclll of the _nmenlt and 10..".,. rile cllnf.ml b.>.ptilotn." Jn addilion, rhe", w .. '" m.ny " . on:i<;ms of
tily the various situ. lilInl ollil~ in J proP'!' way.k The "'<eiI~ vol- '*j I . ...... A distinction "'IS m.>de between impn."'C'tory exotcism5.
ume ($-tO pag...s) begins wilh a wVmeral lnlroduction " and is in whlch the oonis!. invoklng GOO, ~ commands 10 the pow'
d.i,·ided in", fi>~ !«lion!, eac:h of which contains nUlMfOUS intro- om t.ostn. 10 God •• nd ~pltuto<y ..,.orri~ or prayers for ddiv",--
dL>Ctory obs...r.·aliol"ls al the beginning cl lhe RClion and bEfo ... the ana. from the E""U one.
indi,~d ual blessings."
n.. Roman Rilual cl I614 cont~ins nOl only opecific exorcisms for
II is impon.ml 10 nole thai Ihe new &ck r! BJtsSings acknowledga ut j III but aIIo .n impnc~1Ofy eo:0rd5m for those thOUghl 10 ~ in
lheronlrol of lhe evil powt"l!o (Pcs n 1s.d). " Soch.n ""orri,m w ••
nol 10 be celebral«l without authori1.alion of thor bi, hop. Becl use it
i. susceptible 10 misink"rpretatiOTl and mi.u ...," this ~xorri'm has
been e~trem .. ly controversial and requino$ l radical ~xam iNnon. Chapter Nineteen
Mit is impoMoible not to wish tlut tM Roman Ritu.oJ to.. withdrawn
from cilt"Ulation I S '1uiddy as poMible "" long as it contains Ihf,se
nonn. and p rioCticft ilnd that it bo; no longer used until it ..., been
radically revised.-" n.. tdi,io Iypir~ of the Roman Ri tual of 1925 The Celebration of the Liturgy of the Hours
01>0 contoins l shom,r "E. on:ism for Uk' against Saton and the
Utu'l!yas I"" joint action 01 Chrislond hi. Chul'Ch also takes the
Fallen Angeli." published in 1!l9O under Leo Xlll.
form of the- C hurch's daily worship of praye., the pr~y'" or htu~y
n.. ..mn:iiomi stIU 10 be found in the N!w IN.ptismoJ ritua l hi ve of thoo houn. For hel"1' 100 Chrm is p"""",1 and active I. high p . ....1
nothing in common "'i th thor old impn!C.1tory I'XO~ n...y &R' ofthoo new ""'.......nI ",'hen the wo rd of God is prod~i med in the
simp ly P'"ayen for dd h ·rrance. in which P' ."..:on is noeither men- .-dings from scripturr and when he unites him!;elf to !hi' pr.l~
tioned nor i Uggtited. Exon:isnu; of oIljlhlll h"'e like-wise IlOl been Ch\1J'th a nd its _",bo .s in order to sanctify hu man beings.nd glo-
included in the new liturgical books. rify the he.vmly F.lhrr.
The new Cooe ofCo.n"" Law say. in Canon 1172 that no one may n... celebration of 1M hlu'l!y of th~ hour.< must be ~ord~od a • • n
pertorm exol'Clsms over the poJ sess!d uru..s. he ho. r«eive<i .pe- impc:llUllt pari of the liturgy as a whole.!~ keep!ng wilh I~ ~harac.
cial .md npn'55 penn;ssion f1Qm the local Ord inary." It seems un· . . of the p" ...,.,t cutlin<', I !oh.i.!J first descn1l<' briefly lhe ongm a nd
cerWn """""-he, lhoe I"""Y"'", now bein& rompose<i. Mfor the hi!olOrlc.1 cIn... lopmml of lhe P'~Y'" of the Iw;nors; f , Iw.U then go
Delivrr~ 011 Prr5OI\ O'·.. rwhelmed by the Powrr o f the Evil Into lIS theological meaning, Ihonby bringin& out ilS impon.an<."<'; fi·
One: will in fici hive . pLaa in the Roman Ritual. One Ihins i. C<'f- Nlly I shaUdiSCUSII ilS po&Ironciliar ~i7.ation. n,., en.nre.chap-
tain: thel"1' will b.. no mol"1' impreeJ lOry ""orrisms· All prayers for tel' foc\I!i1'5 on tn. liturgy of the hour!. in the Roml ll ri"'; Ihel"1' 's
deli,·rro.nn- hove th~ir model in Ihe !inal pelition of the Our f athe" rpact OI'Ily for • kw rel\'i"<'f'ICn to Ihe pr.)"'r of the hour.< inH'u~
" Deliver us from ""il / the evil ON/ ." Eubrm and Reformed Chul'C~. Ind for some bibliographIC.1,ul!-
pions 10 g\Ilde the reader 's further study.
Tlw t\mngel impulse 100" Ilw d aily PJ"yer of thor first Christian com-
munlly CHloinly count from Jesus himself. "Ow Go$p<'lso:rer:
ten us
that h WIS. mo.n of intense puyer .nd that he taught h,s dlOC1Pk'l;
to pray (M t «9-13; Uc 11 :2-4) and e><hort<.>d them ".lways to pray
and not 1oeot hent" (Uc 18:1). He frequently urg...! wa tchfulness:

-Wllch ........Iore--Ioo" you 60 not know ",·hen the m~1<'I" of ~ouse
ahall ron"', in the ....·en'"" or . 1 m~t. or al c:od<crow. or tn the

Tlw di5dplesof l<'5us faithfully follow"'! the uamp lo! and exhorta·
ttoos olthori, Teacher. oJ the Am 01 the Apostles and the apostolic

,,, '"
lett~rs ohm an",t.' J~u. and hL~ diociples alike !iHod wi thin th. Tloe pral""" practices of the Eastern monks ..... ached the WesC by va n-
Jewish t r~djtion of pra)..... and WQ",hip. " ']Uch pnn.ided lor pray" !lUI channels. 11M' Uturgy 01 the hours .-..:e;ved!ls fin.l form in the
In tile temple and synagogu ... at 'p<'Cific times during the dty. [I is WftIITOm 8enedi(1 of Nursia (d. 5·17), who adapled to hiS own PUt-
not j.U~g. t"""- tn.1 WI hours of pra}"',., ""'trged '·ery .... ly P' I I , the monastic o ffice already in usoc in Rom@.' m his organi~a­
among Chnsll.ns. The!llO)St important of these tl""" w.,-e the lion of it, which inc-n!asingly influenced the man ..... r in ..-hid! the
morning and ...·."..;ng. but then! waulso prayer at th.thitd, sixth IiturKY of the hours was celebral~-d in nonmonastlc settings (CO lhe·
and ninlh hou,.." cakula"'" according to the twelve " hours 01 da y: dralJ and titular churches), II-... office comprised Matins (""'"
light,« which in the Greco-Roman d ivision of ~ day began at !W: _tvH ... . tl-... nocturnal hour), L-auds (earlier called laud..
in the morning. ,n,UuH...... «morning t.a.udll "), Pti~, Terce, Se>cl, NOfW, '.kf,''"~''
and Compline. n.e office retained this structu,.., until the reogani7.a-
The prayer of th~ fitst community was not ,.,lely familial. much
tion of 1&70.
Ies& p~y ind i~ id""l and pri'·a~. N1.Itr>en)W; passages of sc:riptu"'
mak.! It clear thallhen! wa~ also common prayer, wruch as .uch"," The totality of these "arious limes of pra~'t'f has been pven various
quited a certain organization (set>. for examp .... Acts2:<U.f; I Cor4). names. "Prayer 0/ the hours" and ·"nankal hours" indica l. that
the prayer is ofkred "' set times and is intended to .....nity tho-.-n.
TJwo same situation is e>-ident at the brginnln& of the _ ... d c,,"-
lin! day.
lury in the IctM o f St. Ignatius. bishop of Antioch and martyr, 10
the Mapw. i 'ns (7. I). About a hundred years later. Tenullion The name "bre';ary" goes b<>ck. to tkl- Middle Ages and;'; d,,",-ed
speak. of araHtmn ll-girirndt (Pl"f"SCribed puy~rs). by which he &om the t.a.lin word b"","'n. (plural of /Im""ri",": short stalflnenl ;
means tim,.,; of pra}"'t in ~.rod ""enins that are pthuibed IlImJ1Ulry; abridgmenl). These were shortlists in which ko-y words
by [aw and c""tom .' According 10 HippolylU. of Rome, ""atons and brief roefac'lU'S showed which tUI!; we..- to~ read fTom II-...
and priestsan> to g.Ilth ... e>~ry momirtgat a pi_appointed by the ..... er.l boob used in communal ",dtalion of Ihe offlc<e in choir.
b.shop and. together with In.- faithful, celebra te a liturgy of lhe Only in th. .J....ft1th ct'I"1tw-ydkl 1M pr.(1U.~ at copying aU
word thai includes teaching and prayer.' The lucmwriu ... Ihe itel<ts into a single book. to whkh the name of the p..,.-iou. lists
(lamp[ighting J('rvice).. reHgiou, rile which accompanied the lighl. 0/ *",1 (alao callfod lorbftlorn.) was still applied. Such. book Was
ing oflamps at nightfaU and took diffe-eslll\mns among the Jo-ws mud> handier lor privale recitalion. espe.::laUy whil~ traveling. Oth -
G_ks and Komans, ",,,'<'<1 to some d ...gr~.., IS a model for the ev:" l!rI ~lain the .... me "bft-vIary" . , deri .. ed " from the .bridgm<'fll
ning pra)'t'f o f Christians-. The Aposroll( COIISliluliorl. (m<! of II-... thai "",-,It.I when the booI<s used by vatious plrticipants (1'f-'IIcr.
fourth ""ntury) describt- a pray~r who$(o structure ~Iready "'Sem- antlphooal. col!«t.ary.lectlonary) Wet'f brought tog<'1her into 0""'
ble!; IIIaI of our p"""-'fll--day Vesper.\. ' book intended lor indi,;du;ol recilallon . .. ~nd Ihal alfO;.'Cled the
"'-"'gth of the n!ildings ....
11M' monil5fic communitic5 v.ened a ma;o.- infl ...... ce on lhe further
dev~lopm"'" 0/ lhe liturgy 01 the hours. !n addition to tN> hours 01 Another Il~me o tt.... gi .. en to thi, p rayer is "office: It... r..-nn ott....
prayer at ...... dy mmtionNl. 1'""""-' communities mad~ a <4ity prac- bftng preco:d.o in th is cont~xt by "divine " or "canoo ical." The orip -
tja, of the nocturn.1 vigil of pray ..... whkh unhlll!en had been nal ..... ningof officium in Christian \ISor WU "duty" (.... d "office" in
customary only duing the nights before £ost.... and a kw other the t lH of duties imf""Hd by a pmitioll Or charge) and was ap-
f~asb.· They also In lroduced Prime. which was to be .. id immedi. plied to the liturgy in il!; entirety. Gradu;o lly, how"'· .... lhe IUme
ately befo ..... beginning the work of the d.y. and Compli ....., which Wqlimlt.o to the prayer 01 the hours. Rene .... ed .wareness that the
was to come immediately befo,.., retiring for Ihe night. o~, too, is pon of thoe liturgy has gh-en ri!le " wnlly to lhe nam~
litu"" """,,,.... '"liturgy of the hou ... '"

, OJ
As lhe Roman Iilu'1Y Jpr .. d throughoul ""*
of the Wesl1l'm 00\II'1-
b_Compline if 10 be SO comp<llSCd th.al " ... ill be. suit.tbk> pra)'er
for theend of tlle d ay.
lri .... soloodid lhe Rom~n p' .Y"" of the houri. In the Middl~ Ages
the trndm cy 10~'plnd the number;and length o fth_ houn soon c. 1M hour known as m.tim, ~I though il should Main the ch.1rlc·
led to great discontent and ""en caused IM'gk!ct 01 tho- office. At lho- Ie' of nocturnal praise ...h .... celebrated in choir. sh.all be so adapled
beginning of the 'i.l.....,th ""ntury lhe cry for , "dital reform be- Ih.at it mly be reci k'<l at any ho ur of tho- day; It shall be made up of
came ev... loud ..... The 5ubtanlially s hort .... ",form bre"i ory of Ca rdi· n-...er pw.lm5 and longer ""dings.
NJ Quiflono:s (I535), also kno" "TI" th~ "CI'OIiS Breviary" (from lhe
c..-diNI's titu)a" churd! of Santa Croce) ..... 5 intended for indh-id- d. The hour of pri"..., is 10 be supplt .fed .
uaJ recit.ttion and recorh-ed an ...,th usi.llstic ,,~1c0l'l'le; wilhin a ....... If.In choir the: mino.- hours of tier«, sexl. .nd none an: 10 !lor ob-
Y"a", it had gOM th rough .bout a hundl't'd printings, but then it 1IeI'Wd. But outsidr choir il w ill !lor ..... fullO e"'-"- .... hidooever of
w~ Nnned and replaced by tho- uniform brevi.ry of Pi ... V (I568~ '" m.. three besl sullS the hour of the d ay (89)."
Thi5 in tum. however, ...". lhe oo;od of numuous authorized and Thee and other directi\",," "",the course for ~usli""work on
uIWuthorilOO . ttempts I t reform." Especia lly deserving of mmtioo tho- new bl'l'Viary, A Consiliu m ta.k Iota' ... ith a number of subcom ·
ore the ~ttempts made under Pius X Ihat led to, among other mittees ... orked on tlK> book /or "",",'en years; it w lS finall y ap-
things,o red UCIIoo. In the n umber of psalms at Matins from 18 (or pro"'ed by Plul VI in his Apostolic ConsliM ion u~dj. aontKum
12. as the case m ight !lor) to 9." Pi"" XII revived lhe unimpl"",..., k'<l (November 1. 1970), and the first volume ... u pub lished by the
refonn plans of Pi usX .nd in 1 ~ oppointed" cornmisoion to p ..... C..-.gregltion for Divine Worship on wter, 1971 This ,..,I u "'" con-
pi'" for a radical tefut t.. of the liturgy; the studiE-s p roducN by this tUN the (previously published: f ebruary 2, 1971.) GmenrI.'II<'nIC--.
commisoion appeal't'd in live ,-olwnes bet>oo'een 1950and 1957 and '""" <fl~ W U'fYo/IM Hours with its 74 ~1'S.nd 2Sf a't~k •. This
t.on.lheir fiBt fruil5 in the rubrical "'.... "'. of 1955 and 1960. /ns/1UdiDn, like the Cmmrllll5lnodimt r! I~ Romoll M~, IS no! lorn'
ited 10 rubrical mltt~ bu l provides enlighlll'flingcommenH on lhe
V.tican II ... id • gread d .... l of Itt .... tion 10 fE'form of the b"""iary
COO\1l'Tlt of the p rayer 01 IlK> hour5_ThrleO:' furtlw. volumes 01 tho-
~nd devoted I specia l th.apter to it in its Constitution Ol1lho- Liturgy
(Chapter IV, eontaininll 19 Jrtk les: &3-101) ." The council has s-ome
new offlCl! Ippe3!'ft1 in the lollowi ng ~ars.
important thinS' 10 Ny abou t the theology and $piriluality of lhe In ~ to brid ge lhe period until an official German-I.nguage b .....
pr.y.... of the hours; il Sil t s,. the commUNI aspect oIlhis praY"" viary .n.o.ld apope,n. the lJturgicallm;titut... ofCennany, Auslna,
and plillCeS. strong t1TIpha~ on the ...,.;1... It'rroporiJ, thl t is, the idea and Swliurland. following thee"""'pleof f .."",."publooed a
Ih.at the various hours of the <>ffic., should be recited at tho- limes of Nrc.. SluJOdeoolnorlr. A.1'~""Jo1rl Stud .... ,tXlt fo r rill tilnftigts 6rt-
day for .... hich they In! ;nll'nded (88). l11e council al,.. '""'" down m ." The CongtE@ti..-.forOivinfi'Worship@,·e pel",;";ion ~ i~
5Orr>C e . toe",d y imporunt guidelines for the <O"Clile corrrin8 out optional use in place of tho- old b..-vUry. In cm>tnsl to the Latin edi-
01 the n:fonn: tion, volume 2 o f this German br....-iary ro." .ino-d two annual ey'
e.... of .rnpture reading> ~nd, rorn:spondingly, ",'0 ~":,ual eyd.~
• When lhe office Is revised, these nOl'MS a n! 10 !lor ob5cl ved :
of p.oolristlc: reading> ... hich ... ere publis hed IS ~n exp"nm~lln Sl~'
a . By the \'ener~ble tradition of the univer5l1 Church, I, uds ~ s
teen rupplt1Tlentary f."del .... !n the Unil1!d Stilt'S an inlerlm b",-
morning pray .... and V"pen as evening p rayer I f'f the 1... 0 hinges
on which lhe daily offl~ turns; hence they are to be COrtIIidered 15
viary appeared In 1971 under lhe tille, Prrlytr ",ekri,/;""'_
Inleriot' ~I was prep.ared by tho- NliK>na1 Federatioo of Diottsan
the chief houn and n-Ifbrated as sud!..
Litwgicll Commissions and had the s upport o f the Bishops' Com-
mitfr! 01\ the Liturgy. A! : .. ,. of booItlets conlaini", a two-year

cydt' offHdings for the Officf, of Read ings wlS . 1so publt.bed 10 Jho<t fomIula: "To IX" . Iwoys mind ful of Christ- ("Semper
'upp~t IIu> Pntyn I1jOrrislu.m. " QIriSt\Im in memo .... habm:")."

~ English translation 01 !he U turgy 01 !he Hours was pnopanod 1Itt f'r.yn fJ/'~ HOllO'S i5 Q Pntyn 11{ IIw Chllm. . _
by .... Inlt'mational Commission on Engl;sh in .... U turgy (ICEL) (Ieca ..... God has gi""" hi""",l/ 10 the human r.ce In Chris~, those .
and was publWlod in four volulI'WS bt'Iween 1975 and 1976 O. Ad- w ho beliFVt and are redeemed are . ble ' 0 10m> a rorrtmwuty th.at ..
vm t and th~ Christmas Sea .....; II. It'nt and the EasI6 Su..".; Ill. molded by the Holy Spirit; thi5 community an be deocnbed as W
Ordinary nm~: Weeks 1·17; IV. Ordinary Tlme: Weeks 111-34)." people 0/ God and. in the langUilge of St, Paul. uthe mystical body
of Christ. unfortunately, in the mjnds of many people ~e word
UNI.l6IlST ANOING T HE LITUR GY OF T H E H OU RS "Church" hardly "vokes 1M spiritual reality thul descnbed, be-
For the Nlu o f d nity I shal15Chemahe in tkesi' form the rich ""'. CIUIt' only too often they lhink 0/ lhe Chun:h u .imply a historical
I('I'ial .vai lable , esp«i~lIy in !he liturgical ronsti lution and the &n- inIolitulion and an external Of8aniza tl0ft. ln facl. howev('l', the word
"411 ~./"'ction of'ltt Ut~'KY of /~ HOIITS (GILH). for an und ....... "Ch n:h" al leo51 in its G....,k .nd u tin form (tUJI'SWl. m:ll:s ..).
tandiJ18 of tho- offico:. the
......;.s ronununity of thoso,o who arecilled and who live in a
un>on with C hrist. the depth of which we cannot fully conceptual.
n.r Pt¥T of f/tr H""" i5 Pno~ in. wi/~.•1Id tI!_g~ 00,;,/
~ Prayer di ~te:lIoGod must be lirlked with ChrUt,I .... Lord of alL ....
the ON" Mft!i.otm through whom alone _ h.vt' iItt • lD God .... Siooct the days 01 the ar-lles, the Church thus u~ has not
In Chris! and in Otris! .Lone human worsh ip of God ~ves its ~ on! IOUght to re;pood 10 God w ith thankful pr..... m the celEb •• -
demprive v. l~ and atuins itsgNI~ (GIUl6). Thi$ union of pray- ~ of the Euchamt in keeping the u ni,·ers;ol .."ing will of God iI
ing nwn and women with Chrisl is ultimately mad. possib!. b y has also"""" ... "",oed from inbflceding for aU humMI beings.. From
their m<'1rlbemtip in hi< mystical body, for by their baptism and the begiMing, th<>n. it ha. been an «cltsia 0'"115. a pr.ying Chun:h.
conflrml lion thoy share in his plWsthood and Ihus in hilo continu- In addition, it has taken the p rayer o f the hou r. as an _lIal ex-
Ing prayer, -~;;'ion oIlhis ml~ poslu ll'." When tM Church unites it-
pi d ' h hal 'I
wlf to Jesus Christ in prayer. it acts in IKC01" ."'" Wi t w ,
St, Augustine gi ...... ( oOOse expression 10 Ihls Idea with its rich im· .Irudy is, and gains the SI"'nglh to become what il ought 10 be but
plicat ions and, at th~ ... me lime .• hows US that w". re in Iouch h<>re Is not yet , "'~ who take part in th is prayer as mem~ of the
with ,In anc;""t Christian conviction: " It is lhe one S.vior of hi. Chwdl. whf:ther or not they are commIssioned 10 do 50, help ,n
Body, t.... Lord /rsu5 Christ. who pTlYS for US and m uS m d who is ttu. wU-actualization of 1M Otun:h for tht' gJorification of God and
pra)'ed toby us_ He prays for US .. our p';"'l. m US asOur Head ; .... the ..l"alion of the h unun race. " All who render this.....-vke are
i. pra~ to by us • Our God. R«08" ;1f! It""IEfore our o wn voice not only fulfilling a duty of !he Churdt, but . 00 . ... sharing in t....
in him .nd h isv~ in us!- " ThusChrist is po :.ent.nd nercising
hi...." ing .moo in !he celebration not only of I.... Eucharist but of
s-- honor o f Otrisl's Bride. for by offering t ' - praises to God
!My are ,landing befoll' God' s throne in the "",mI' of the C hurci>,
l he~as_IL
tlwIr Mother_"" This applies both 10 the 8OIoe1nn choral offi,ce of Il'li-
This plEiomCe.1so aids our turning 10 the Lord in pray.... - He .. g:\ouI rommunitiH and 10 the si mple p rAY('I' of the smaliest groups
prayed 10 by ... as our God " (51. AuguSlil'le). ln the liturgy of the and ""ftI of mdividuol persons.
houl'S OUr pr.)"'r 10 Christ frnds v. rious kinds of e>:pression. 1$ the
Tht Pntyn of,1tt Hall" is ou.lOSic~1
commen lary on th~ individual houl'S will show. The liturgy of the
Lib.ll other lilurglcal actions. the prayer of lhe hours is dialogical
ho ul'S thus b<><:omes an inlense encounter with Christ. 80 thaI
In character. NOur ... nctiflcation is a.ccompli,hed and w orsh ip is of·
Hippolytus could .um up the meaning . nd I",it of thiJ prayer in .

". '"
fen><! toCod In I~ 1itu'KYof the haUl'S in such .....ay that an ex. omuld not I... ,·.. III"", sufficient tI ..... 10 I'l'Cit.. these l"Itning praY""
~lIange or dialogue [rommndum 5rw dia1OS"' J is ..,1 up bo!tw..cn God
lit ~ prop"" hours"
and us" (CILH 14). In th<- p<'rson of his Son God romes to h~ man
b.,,~gs aM sanctifie them; !he praying Ch"",h .....pond, with QrUin P,."",nj .nd Commwllilits art O!>ligtd /0 Crkbr.'t I~ Utw'SY
pm$e, ""1f~ulTft>der. and inte<t:touion. Th islut. being .. wl'\'b 10 rf tM How ,",
our ",11"", h ll/'Mn beings. ,,100 glorifIeS God. pr.~r .... y bo> ... id in e-'ery Land and.U
It\ooder thai thisessential
71 .1, theOlul'Ch ha!;comm !'! ' ~«1 tho5e in sacrammtal ordeB
TN p,"¥". "'II~ Howrs is p';mllri/y .. C()mmwMl f'ntyn .,d in migloul communities to .:.1"",.t.. this liturgy 01 p rayer
Both tho- hturglcal constitution.M the Cnona/ln.truCl.icm lay per_ CCILH 17, 281.). It i. fitting that perma"",,1deacon$ recilt al "-t
!Leula. emphasis on the communal character of the prly~r of the ,-rt of the pr.yer of the hou rs,'s d""'rmined by th~ episropal con·
hours. Since this prayer is not r ri.-are in nature but i$ the officia l 'he,", (GILH 30).
, _ the Church,
01 . il$ Cl"Jebration in oomm",·" "____ .
., .....,."....espnor-

tty """." ,15 ~t .. tIon by individ .... "'- as is Ihe oose ind~ ... illl .. ~rd to tho: degM: of oblig.olKm .tt...:rung 10 this IICrvKoe 01
other Iiturgorar KtIons (se.. SC 261" 99). T1w GmmJl/lfS/noction !lOt pnitt and In(C' < don tIw GILH mod ....... I.,,; prt'<iousjuridicaJ __
only urges.«>mmW\olJ «lO'bralion upon pr~ts and ....Iip"". who ..;ty to som~ extent and also .... ke distinctions alTlOll8 It... vari·
. .... not obhgfd by 1.... to !he choral offiCI'. but al"" invite! lay _ hours. In t"" pa.t moral tlwologillns held lha t il wlS a"..,.;ous
11""'_1'" and po . ish rom munili<'!l. "Whl"",'e. possibl",·to "cdebrate *' 10 omit, e-'cn ""C>', ~ Li ltk Hour or a sect ion 01 simil.. length in
the li turgy of the hours communally in church" (21). "When ,"" tho othH hours." Vatican II, on the other hand. 3Uowfd the substi·
P"?P'" a!'1' in"iWd 10 the liturgy of thto hours and 00"", together in tution of other liturgical lunctions lor the offict and ga"e bis.hops
::;.ty of Mtt and voice, I~ ohow fonh thto Churccll in its .:.Io,bo-il' BOd hI&her rel igious sup"''''" authority, "in ~rtkul.r cas... and
of ~ mysmy "'Christ (U ). 1M family. loCI, 'thr d_rio: ... a just feiliOll.' 10 dispo'l\Sl' wholly or in ~tt from the obligation
sanctuary of thr Chum., · is n>Couril~ not ""Iy to puy ~ 01 ihf ~ 00' to commuiC' it (SC 97). Thf coun<:il fathers ~xp,cssly
a. a,
but ,,100. fa. is feasible. '\0 celebrate oome parts of the li",rgy abIlabwd from requiring ,.-rious te..sons for such dit~ticns.
of the Ilours" and th us '.,..,Ier more deeply inlo the lif.. o f the 11It GILH, /or its part. generally uses language Ihat is to be under·
Cllurcch" (27).
Mood as exhorting the Churcch 10 the faithful fulfillment of ils com·
~ ~'¥" ,,!r~ Ho~,", MWSl Be- TIWlo riot T;~ofllot ~y ..u.ion; only when th ..... it question of Ih<-prind~1 hOUTS, t.auds
This tS" pr,mary ~ 01 th., CntmIJ lrulnlct.,,, ,' USt as it had and •.... Sf."s.dMit ildd tNI I~ houB "should not bo>omil ted ex·
beom of thr r'fUrg".
. I <Umitution (88, 94 ). "l'Iw pwpo::.
' of the lit.
cept for • X i ious ......... (JI). This ft.'duction in the degit< 01 obli.
urgy CJl ~ h.o un it 10..,nctify lhe d,y and the whole ... ngt of ption Ilef!m5Io bo> ~, howe-'er, in the r .......""tiom in riot
hum,n "ctiv,ty. n....",lore its 'Iru<''''~ has b<>en ,..,,~ in luch. U"" r iad Boob: following wpo~ riot Nrw C<>it oJ U~ Low: """', in
Wily as 10 make each Ilour ()flee mor~ (o"'-'Spond as "".rly II ross i . SectIon XIV. the word. CJl GILH 29, "Shou ld recite tN fun ""lu""""
bk 10 natu.,) time and to take a«""nt of lhe dn:umstances of rio: of hours taCh day," ate CM ngfd 10 "are bound by the obligation of
loday" (GILH I~). It wou ld therd'on: ~ absurd to red'" Momin~ rrriting the full ""<!uenct of hours each day. ·
Prayer (La uds) on the aftoemoon or to = ilt E.-erung Pn)'tf (\oft. no. Prayrr ofllw How,. RtojowiM Ptno...rl Drrof.ion for ;r, Proprr em·
poe,",) in the m orning. Only" few)W1S ago It w ... in fkt \h.,CUIIom
of many po k its to · antiocipau,' Matins Ind t.auds "" the IfItmoon Ewn whtn I""Mtloed by ....... and women commissloroed 10 reptf'-
01 the, p ...-viol.t$ day and ro pray VP$pt1'S ond Compline in the ..... ly 1m! IheChutch. this scnice of p ra!1e and intercession is not to be a
morrung.. becaule t""y W",," afra id tha t lhei r pasroul obligations merely nicm.otlhing or done Ihoughtlessly. The liturgical constim·

'" ,..
lion alread y "earr.estl y exhorts" In "to munt their minds 10 their f\lTthermoJ'i:', in prilying the psalms the Churdl muSia liend to their
voices when p raying" the office (SC 90). This ~ rmony is I"W.'OI:IUry If rniank me.anins; ind .ed It wu for the sob of this meaning that
Mif this praY"" is to be m.Ade thei r own by those taking part and to the Ch u..:h took lhe p$alter a. it, p . lYerbook (11Jljl). Adopting this
be a SOUl'«' o f <;Ie\'otion, • means of gaining God's JTWIilold gr~, a chriIlOIogical perspective. the fathers (Ind the same Ipplie:5 to the
d&pelling of pmMal prayer. and an incen tive lOIN w<-k of u.., 1IturSY) heard "in tlw singing of the ps;>l~ lhe ~oic:eof~ cry'
apo!'lwle. Seeking Chri'" penetrl1ing i!'\'er mo<e detply inlO his Ins out to the father <- the hther COIl"efSIf\& .... Ih the Son; tndeed
mystery through prayer. they should offer praise and petition to they abo ~ in lhe pYl"" \he voice of the Chun:h. the
God with tIw " me mind and Nart IS the divine R.!deemer " 'hen 'f'O'I1.... and \he martyrs. ... A 0uis101ogka1 meanirIf!; is by no
he proJ)'ftl " (CIUl 19). ~ confined to the ,ecogniud Musl.rue pwolms but is given
..., to many 04he15. Some 01 the!le inlu p'etations .... doubt......
In order to ~ Ih,skind of inlmor plrticipi'tion the IitursKal
ChNtoIogial onl~ in an KCOrnmodaiN _ _• but they N.~·e tht
c.... liNtion ahorts ~ who p"y the office "to Imp""'"e thftr un·
......... 1 of tIw Chu..:h·, Iri>diIion (i!>id.).'"

derstrnding of the IiNrgy and of IN Bible. esped.. Uy the ps;>1ms'"

(90). Anodter helpful prKtice would be the QCC.sion,o.l meditative si· nu. is esptciaUy tTUf' of feasldays. when. the .nliphoo>s, which ....
Imces which the UNrgIcIIl c:onstitutiorl reoommends during odler Ii· (utUotIlly) taken from the psalm, highlight the chrutological aspect
NrgiClI ~tions (30). The CtntNII~sll1l('l.i".. picks up lhis of \he t..11U and give il • tOl\llity "Ff" "'"
i .. te to the day. In Iho new
rerommendation 15 especially Nlpful in the prlIyer of the hours: " , ";"ry .noth.... help to • dlristologkal understanding o~ the
Mrn order to ~ve In our hearts the full sound of IN vo;ce of lhe pNlms is the caption. wl\ld\ roMistsof I few words thai indicate
Holy Spirit.r.d to unite our pel'lOl\ll prayer more closely with the the lilltr.l meaning, and a senll'nCe /rom the Npw Testament or the
will of God and the public voice of the ChW'Ch . it is permissible, as writings 01 the f.tho!rs that brings OUI the Christian dilnl'TlSion .
o(,,,sion offers and prudence suggests. to have an interval of si·
AI regards the m.MO!f o! ddi~ery. it is .ppmpri&te thl t sir<:\' the
lence" (202). "In individual red tllion Ihen> is even gl'1'. l... freedom
pMlms wen: originally tongs of pra; ' a<:eomp" nied by the harp.
10 pouse in meditation on some text th. 1 movO!'S the spirit; the office
the mwk be such as to promote lheir singing and brmg out their
does not on this .ccount lose il5 public charKter " (203) ."
full lyrical rlcllneM. Thi. music.1character s hould be kept in mind
'1'H~ l'OsrCONCIUAR REfO RM OF TIle OFF ICE when the psa lms .... simply recited or even p rayed $ilently (see
T1u: p",/t.... CILH 103). f
The ps;>lms" ... still the most import"nt pari of the liturgy of the In eontrastto earlier breviaries in w hich all 150 psalrru; we re prayed
hours. The Ihird Chapter of the Gtt1tr~llnS/Tuct;cm has • lengthy sec· In the eour5e of • lingle week, the new liturgy oIlhe hours follow.
tion on IM m (1()().JS), in which il pnises these pot'I1ll.nd ""'lIS of a four-week cyde, "The psalms .... d istribu ted O~"'" four·week
the old "'n,nant but also shows aWareness of the difficulties attend· C)"X in "",h I way that very few psalms 11'1:' omitted. while. som e
ing their u!le in Christian prayer. It lhen!fore offenI_ sugges- tnIdllionllly mo!'1' importan t, occur mCft frequently Ih"" oihen;
tion. fO<' the proper pr.lying of the psIolms. ....... ,""& prayer Ind O!Venlng prayer'$ well il$ night prayer ho ve
Firsl 01 ~II. since those praying do so in the fIIJI'\e 0/ tIw Churdt, bftn uaigned ptoalms .pptvr~te 10 these hours" (CIUlI26).
they can me abo"e COIlII'~ic1ion, belweorn lhe t....1 and thrir pres- Amon& ~omi lled .... thecUlW-pYlms (58. 83. 1(9). as well as
enl mood if they bcoar in mind lha t the C huKh iI!I a whole .. lways indlvkllUil vens 0I1he ",me kind in oIhe1 psalms. becaU5l' thf"j
Jws ..._ for joy Of son'O"'. a, the ca50: may be. St. Paul's ed>ona. lted\fficult 10 harmonize wilhChri~ prayer(CIUI 131). Details
lion (Rom 12:15) appl~ to them: "Rtjoic:e with those who lejoict,
on tIw d istrib,,\ioI1 oI lhe p5oiilti!t in ..... tioI1 to the Iirurg:io:al year ate
""'-""J' with those who weep" (CIUlI08). given in CIUl I31·)5.
Thr Hymns cal ~ading) .....eh of tho: Iw O readings being precoded by a "erok le
Sp<-ci.l .rt...,tion is al'lO due 10 lhe hymns " 'hic h inlroduu .,,,,, h and Iollowod by a respon!lOry. and . finally. aftN lhe ~d re;pon-
hour and lwlp particul.uly in bringing OUI the cl\;lrl cter of Ih~ hour -r. tIw p ra)"'r oIlhe da y.
or oIllw feiSt being celebra ted. The IIlurgic.1 consti tution d.;(lccd
The new utin b w,'lity ,,", only a one-y"ar cycle 01 modings."
Owt " to wh.tev.". n_1 "'"'y iO!eITI itdviuble. the hymns.re 10 be
ItM>Ugh lhe GntmtII~lIodu<lion anticlpatlld lhal Jt>er. wouLd boo a
....1On'd 10 their origin.1 kmn.nd .lIy . lI usion 10 mythology Of
further volume conuining a lWo-yea. cycle 0/ ..... dings for opIioflal
anything Ilwt ronflicls wilh Cluistiall p io!ly is 10 be dropped Of
_(GILH 1.5. 161 ).
changod . AI'IO, as OCC.ASioIl arises, lei other selections &om the tre;oo.
5Ury 01 hymns be irIC o. pot.ted " (SC 93). The Gtru'141 11lStrJl("tion Momlng and ",'ening p")"Olr ".~ !he IWO hingn on whidt th~
SO"". 51ql further by givin& the epl5oop.tl oonf~ ltoICes .uthority to dally offItt ItIms; hena lhey an! 10 be CQl"\$idered lhe chief Itour5
".<l..pI tho! Latin hymns 10 suil the eNrlCler oI lhcir Own J.nguag<" Iftd .,.,1ebralod IS sudt " (SC 89,; e lLH 37). n.e .,arl ..... n.ame for
.nd introduce fresh compositions. ptO\' ided lhesoe are in complelo. IIIOfIIing pray«, lJr""'" .... M i....... Show, lha! it. and not Matins.
h.;umo ny " 'ilh the spirit of the hour, 5eaSO<\, or feast" (GILH 178). • .. 1Iwre>1 houn of morning praiw. In oId .... 1O .""id a doubling
01 morning prayer. the old hour 0/ Prime. which came into n;s-
Thr H (iOIi'S in I~ N tul 'Y IIIInte In monastic circlri. has been ' UpPI nee:! (SC 89d). Morning
The ...... ised Ulurgy 01 the hours hai the following parts: c.llto ,..)'ft comprito's an inlroduclOry \"~. a hymn. psalmody (a
pr.Y'"' Unvitllory); office of reitdings (~ium Ito:tionis); moming IIIOfIIing psalm, and Old Tesumen! canlicl.,. and another ps;oolm of
pr.yctlJ....uds); d.ytlme prayer Of lillie hours (Teou. Sed. No....,); ,.._), a shor1 reading with" I't'Sponsory. th" Canlicle of z...:,l\;Iriah
e-·...,ing prayer (Vt'Spcrs): night prlyer (Compline). (U 1:68-79) with ilS anlipllon. int, lcossions for the sanctification 01
n-.., In .. itatory is .Iways used before the first hour being celebrated IIw day.nd lIS work (this had been tt>;, focus of the old hour of
(office of .... adings or morning pr'yer). It comprises a versicle, ~). the Lord's Prayer. lilt' pr.y .... of Ihe day. and I ble-ssing. Ac·
"L<.,Id. open my lips. - And my moulh will pm::laim your praiso'." eordin& 10 ancienl tradillon. moming pray.... also rom memor.les
and Psalm 95. This psa lm c. lls the per&on praying 10 sing God's IIw ,,"umellon o f Christ (S« GILH 38) .
praise;. li<l"" 10 his voice. and k'\'k " the O"t'!it o f lhe lord" (see Heb Terce. Se:.t. and None-1he "wille H<>urs" with whkh Ihe Chri.·
),11; 4: 1). Ps.t lm 95 may be n' placed by !'$aIm 100. 67, or 24. The an· tianllnterrupto.'d their work at tho! Ih_ daily times "I lew ish
tiphon accompanying th .. psalm chang~'S arroIding to season and a.!o.lO art "Iinkfd to a rommemora tion of the "venls 01 the
fea.t. Th" Gm....~II"SI,...C!"'" .....commomds lhe Inponsoria l singing Lord'. ,.."ion and oIlho! lirst preaching of tile C".ospel" (GILH 75).
or recilation of the psalm and its antiphon (GILH )4). According 10 Ilippolytus of Rome. p .. y.... at the Ihinl hour (9:00
n... office of A'adings. which ..."laceltM former M~H"". i. 10 bot . a.m.) commemorates lhe beginning 01 the pa5/lion (se« Mk 1502.5).
night offi~ of priisoe of God w~ celebrato.'d ill choir. but it is pn~ at thesi~lh hou r commemora lt'S the darkness Ih.t fell althe
~daptcd k> be recited it any hour oI lhe day (GILH 57). ",,"en dur· cnadfildon (Mt 27:45 par.). and pra yer at the ninth hour rornm<'ln","
ing the nlghl houi'"J 01 1M pi'l'Vious day. after I'\'ming pray.... 1\;1. _ the de~th of '",",!I."
This comm......., •• tiv~ link i, ~ally "" i-
beI'n u id " (59). It is . Iso munl 10 be a help in opening up Itt., 1rN· den! In the daytime hours d F. iday.
su..,,; ronla;no.'d in the Scriptures and tIw «<Iesi.osrio;al writeB, ""I"""" IU for the ronn«I!on wilh · 1"" first preaching oIlhe Go.;pel..
cially the hlhoml 01 the C hurch. It comprises an introductory vnx. T-.: realls !he deKet"l1 oI lhe Holy Spiril on r""terosI (AC"t'l 2:15);
a hymn, three psa lms (Of ""IS 01 psalms). a reading from lhe Scrip- Snt.the p..yerof " - ' II Joppa (Acls ! 0:9), which wa. foIl ....·ed
IUA'S and another from th .. ...:.:lesiasticl l writerS (or. ;os tIw OUOI' may by the ~ oIlhe flrsl Genlile:! i"lo the Churdt; and None.
be•• rci>d ing having 10 do w ith !he ... inl oIlhe <1..1' a hagiographi-
Pcter 's C\l1l' of the cripple when he and John ' were going up to the day.lhe psalmody cO!\&I$ts o/ tw o pMlms on Saturdays and
temple at the hour of prayer, the ninth h"",," (Acts ) :lff.). Wtdno:Sdayllild of one on other days; they .... chosen as tXpres-
..... 01 tn.osl in God (e lLH 88). although tho! psalm lor Friday (Ps
Outsl.w choi r only one 01 lhe thlft daytime hours needs u> bo> I0"- . , ' J.rrwnt in time of a!tlictiOfl) fits ~ well into thisCI~.
dIN; Woni' that rorrelpoMs mosl cloerly 10 tht lime of day is 10 n- wishing to pr. y Comp\inl:> from ,,,o,,,o<y ""'y alwaY' ~ the
bo> chosen. lhe struct\I1l' of the hour i& the !l;>mt in aU Ihret: intro- p re]",. kif Saturday Of S\lndoj· tittid.,.
ductory vnv. hymn (1l'fIe<1ing the timt of day), psalmody (Ihree
psiI ..... and their antiphons). dlon rnd i"8 with .... P""""'Y. and All« the short ...ad ing arod m.p<>'>SOJY the Canticle of Simeon (U
concluding priyeT. 2:29-32) is recited with an antiphon lhal is .Iwayf the ....""'; the ron-
dudi'l& pn)"" and ble!6ing folio .... This hour ends with OM of the
EvtTIU>g prayeT Of Vepers (from latin V..... Of ~....,. ,. ~ rvming) Warlan antiphons: ei<O!'pl for the RtgiIoo atd; during the East..- - .
is OAt of the c:ommlUi Of. in the wOlds of lhe liturgiall collstitu-
--. tiwTe if no long.., any obH~tion to Ay a p.orticular antiphon
tlon . ....... of the hin3"' of the entil't liturgy of ttw! hou ..... Its P'" pc St durir>« a p.orticular seuon. lhe .p;,cop.1 conk.".....s ha,"e author·
'5 to thank God for Itw! day now coming to an end bul abo for the .,. to Ippt"O"e other antiphons (c rLH 92).
!l;>ving IdS of Chritc on Holy Thurteby ~ening and. his de./Jlh on
thecrossonGood friday afl1emoon (CILH )9). It iH'fX:i.oUy rec- AD in all, 1$ I"iUS ranch wrote, Comp" ..... is - in ill; construction. a
ommended that Vtlft" be n!dled with the parish community 0< 11'" Cl ' p~ created by St. Benedict and ""'y bo: de5cribed as the
00- groups. in p.orticular on S1.rndI.yf .rod ftat;ldays (SC 100; Glm Iderol .ughl prly.r. ~'
Evening pray.., has lhe Ul1"1e Stnlclu l't itS moming prayt1": introduc' THI MOMAN MIn AN D OUTSIDE It
tory ,-erst, hymn, pMlmody (twO ps.alms or longi.h sections of in addition 10 lhe Roman litu rgy of 1M hoUR which I have been de--
pso lm s and a ca nticle from the lette-rs of tM apoolles or the Apoca· aaiblng there Ire , pedlol mon.,tic forms of tlois pray ...; they havc
Iypse) . At pUbl ic Vespers the ~rt reading rna}" be- replacoed by . noIl'II!malned, urnoffectecl by the reforms emerging from Vatican 11.
longer 0'"'" and followed b}" a hom ily. [ns~ad of the usua l respon· n- monastic forms of the office "present a pluralistic picture at
..".y an appropriile KIng may bot sung. Next comes the Magnificat the p ,elent time."" TIlt! law governing 1M l!enedktine Congrega·
with its anliphon.lntc~_ionS." Our fltMr. and. al public Ves- tIoM Ind IJIOr"!fstmH Is now tho< Thtso:I~r~' W~ rgi ... H"",,,,,,,
po!1"$. 1M conclud ing rittl familiar from M ...... In his Ap""tolic Con· MtmiIsl i_ of 1977; the Cistercians follOW the Lit.,gUo HorIlTli'" Onii·
~titution tJ.udis unti'" '" rau l VI deKTibrs the incluoion o f the Our ,,;, Cisl"",ims;'. wlllcll appeared in 1978. All ollhese are influenced
father al the end of morning and evening prayer as t!ffe<:Iing . ...... to. pali!1: Of lesser extent by the Roman liturgy of the houR."
tu m 10 tho! ~rly Chri&tian pract~ o f praying the Our Father til"""
I. H. Dalmls has given US a ohon &UTV"}" of the liturg}" of the hours
ti mes doily (llIe third lime being I t Maso).'" In the Eastern Chun:he.'" In volume III of 1Li1o~'l" H. Goltzen pro-
Night prayer Of Compllrw (from Lalin romp/tlor;.", ~ ",h;""'ement v\<kI.n ololllli~ ,tudy of the prayer of the hours in the Reformed
complction) iii the p ")"" recited bo:fo,~ ro:tiring fer the nighl and o.un:ha" H. Reif~ has a "",ocis<- essay on the liturgy of the
may ther~1on be recited E'\"en after midnight (Clm !W). A fter the in· bows In tho! Anglian Chu~tI:'" tI'ocno i5. mol'll! detailed study, in
troductory V""",,, an e:.,mlNlion o f ronsd~ iii ..comm.... ded : I'm\dI,. from the pen o f D. ~.'"
" In a celebration in rommon this lakft place in "l~ or as P"" of
a penilential rite bilsed on the formula,," in the Roman Missal "
(86). A lIymn follows. willi an al~l ive ~~t provided lor NCh
of the commemorltions is sug'
;n part by conVfl\"
in t n.... scheduling is nol lID
Chapter Twenty reforTTISlN.l may

",hat has been said in the cour5oe 01 lhio book il i, rvid.ntlNoI

Liturgical Time (The Liturgical Year) liturglc. 1 year is not exclusively • looking
Niv,tion alfl!ll<iy ICCOrnplislled. ltothe(, thOK who .trrady
M EAN I NC A"O S TR UCTU RE Of T HE LIT URC ICAL HAil: redeemed in bapti_ must f'OWiNvOC" 10 con-
1M liturgk~l ycar is In., commemorati,,~ celebra tion, 0 ......,. the I alw.~ end'''gcre<i 'lal"a~ion and I<> ",aliu, in and
~K' of • year, of thto sa>'ing c\e.eds which God has am>mpli"""-'d t (-'sh celebration of tho: liturgy, thallhl"y share. responsibillty 10
m ,"us Christ. A ' '''~I Chun:h documm.l de5cribnl il thus: «By . . . wittr' I<> In hUlI'IlIn beinV~ theyl"ation inl .... ~
"'""5 o f I"'" ye;lrly cycle the Church crkmt<"S th~ whoho m~tery ... thIIm .... d 10 lwlp thl'm . "",in to this ,.tv,tion. Und .... both 01
of Chrl't from hi, inCllfiUl lim unlil th~ day of Penl1'<;051 and th .. n - . . . up«l5lhece1ebratiON 0/ the lilu¥,l y..r look 10 the hi-
pectation 01 rn. roming again.·' ..... wen as 10 lhe past.ll\cy ha"e .... egchal<>logical dimension,
• FOuch all they look /oo'W,nd I<>the ~um of the Lord with its
no........, «Iiturgic.al ye;lr" should nol b.- inlerpmed a, I kind o f «- + btion of allasf"'C15 of !oIlurion and .Iso """k 10 pn>pa"n! lho!
dcs;",liol competilor 0/ the · clvU ye;lr.« EvCO'l lhe "secular Ii....... • of
a cal~ndar year i$. gift of the Cl"fll lor which Ch ristians must ap- ... y for this mum .
prove, live throtogh, I nd try 10 shape. In addition, however God nw liturgical yeJ' is Ihus the sum IOtll of .lllhe liturgkal kolOSts
lhe S.vior is poeserol in historic.l timf in manifold wayt; in'ClmSI "'" Mve found tho!ir appointed place ;n lho! .&nn"",1 cycle. But it
he h<lll made himself pon 0/ il in In tLpcc ially clear and intima ... .... also be kept in mind thaI w ........... er the liturgy is ce1ebra~,
manner, SO lha t all Um .. is God's time and I Ii ....... 01 "..lvation for , . . Christ, the high pri"1 of the ..... w covenant, uni .... hi"",,\!
rn. offer 01 .. I.-.Iion ~I ....d.loall period~ Ind hurn.o.n be;~ and with the celcbuting congregation in c"mmon action thaI has fo r lis
is therefon. uni'... ..,..1. ps pm the ",1,,"1ion ojJhe faithful .nd the glorifkl!ion of the
It i. the Church', task 10 pmclaim and make ac",,","ibk to all the
t , ' '''ily hthoor (_ SC'7). Chrislian b ilh is thus~ly ..:wll-
Ded in the lilurgical yur, which bc<:omCll' comprehemive5elf·por-
human beings of all time lhe ""ving work who8e foundallon.
n y.al of the Church and the bilsis and su~tenanCf' of a Chri.ti.n life.
Christ 1oI1d. n... Church does Ihill in the pnxl.ilmalion olGod ',
w~, the celebration 0/ lhe ~ra""",1S, and the nurnm}116 pastoral n-. f'fedoIJl Mysmy as H ...rt .NI Cent" r! 1M UI~rrioc.al y""
S<TV1C,,", whi<:h a", intended 10 ,mooth me way for f.i lh,~, and The hun .... d o:«ot>er of the liturgical y.-ar is lhe passion and ..,.,"'-
Iov.. and prom"t" growth in grace. "'tiot, of Christ. Vatican II olten speaks of this ct:ntral ... ving deed
no.. Chri§l:ian ~eb.alion of koa)[5,1t5 tNnkful """"",,",orations of • "the puchal myRery."' " Mystery" in the lilurgical ......... meaM
the unf.ttoornablo. .. ving act which God In Christ has acromplished
lhe saving deNI. 0/ Jesus Chrisl Issooronhinj! thaI mUSt be ron-
~tantly repeated if tile Ch un::h is 10 b.- faithlull<> its role of pnxl.im-
for the human ' 1oCI'. lM C Tftk and lalin ~i.·cth'e · puchal " gOH
to.ck 10) lhe Hebrew word pn«h. This refeorred originally to lhe act
ong .s alvation and making it p~t or Mlu.l!zing il. In order 10
••.~ Mbitrarines, il xu,""" ' pPropriat.. 10 take the C05iT\lcaIIy de- of the .vmging angel in paMing by .nd ",,"ring the homes of the
tennined eye'" of • yNr '. timf a nd assign a find plaoce in illo) the IIrHIita who ~ living as sUo".,. in Egypt. later on, the !OCOp'" of

pnacIt w.s bro.dened Ie include tke salutary P"S$.Ige through tke ThiJ rldiation of Ike renlul mystery out into the remainder 0/ the
So« of Renls and the pniJous wildem<'Sli into the I'rornivd ~nd.
Ikwgical yeor must 1\01 be mi,understood, howev",. a," kind 01 au-
~tk bestowII of gn.o:e. Ralher il is God ', offer of his grau to
Pt'$adr wn subsequmtly the name 19.. en 10 tlw oommemor.I;'·e
meal celebr.ted on "'" Hill of NiiS.ln al wkith Ill""" ....ing events ... h\lfl\an belnp. a col~bonti'"" encounh'r to which men and
.. ",nen mu.t bring their faith in its filII form. As understood by the
were N>membenod; on thi5occlSion the I"""h-lamb wase.ten as a
sacrlficlal,·ictim. New Testament. lhis means confession of belief but also InJst and
~ to SlC'rifoce oneself in order to do lhe father'f will. The
~ fir!.! Chrislion community lound it e;ISy to connect "'" .ncient Wth "",uired is the f. ith thaI is characterized by love .nd ope,alive
,..."i", loCI o f God with the ~mptive Christ_fIlt. epeci.lly If\ Io-ve (~Gal 5:6). Whe-roe\.... human beings open Ihnnsoelves in
since tllecrucifi><km of Christ occu rred on the day of prep<lntion ...... way 10 God's oHer of "Iva lion, the paschal m)",""Y II 01";01"
'Dr lhe Jewish Passover fellst <_In 19,14 par.). ~ crucifixion took ttw in a fruitful way.
pl~ It "'" time when the PaS6O\'er lambs Wf!'" being slallghlrred
in "'" lemple. Palll ;. Ihe,""ore evidently distinguishing betw~ a 1. . . ....t CIo_ific.o,ioots ~ Ortist.:.." F_tJ
jew;sh and a O\Tistia.n Passover when he wrilES: - I'm Chrisl. ""r p ..... re celri>rations of evenl5 calling 101' .tll"'uobraroce and
paschal lamb h., bct-n sacrificed" (1 Cor 5,' ; _ In 19,36; I Pet 1,19; tharWgiving,' This d"",,riptlon holdo both forperiodkiUy m;ur·
Rev 5:6, 9). By p"Ning through the self.emptying of .uHering Ilnd Iin& feuts based 01'0 the cyete. 01 nature and for signifi<:lnl OCCllr·
....ath to his ~ Ind glorification. Christ has led God's pe0- ._ .. in the lilt of individlUils, lamiles {"rites of p"_ge-).
ple of "'" ..... w «...enanl to a redemptive COII1mWlion of gnce and canmunitie. a nd more inclll~,<e societies. In the -,",ish kstal cal-
life with God "'" Falher < see Col L 12 and elsewt...",j . « tal the commemoration of the """ing evon .. in wNeh 'all"'·....
lhecovenanl God hod oome to redeem hi. people Israel WIS in-
If we wen> to translate the doubly .o:n;gn phr;ose "p;lSC!l.1 mys- a I Fing1y tuperimposed on "'as" IlIaI originally celebral"! the cy-
tery" into p 1.-.iN'f EngJm.. thPbet "ersion mighl be -Easter m)'5- doll of naltift'. ~ primilive commllnity in Jerusalem had.. of
tery of s;,lvatiOl'l.· In s lIbMiluting lhis, """"...·fI. we oughl to think -...e, • very detailed knowledge of thew feas15 cdeb~led by
no! only of the rftllr..,mon on w ier morning but 0150 include Ike thIir fellow Jewl. bil l once thty ....d ex~ lhe ChrW_ent it
....,Ure "sacred triduum of th<- crucified, buried, and risen Lord-' . . . qui~ natural for th"'" 10 make his pa:;chll mystery tke ccotnl
wNeh run> from Holy Thu...!.y evening to E.oslerSunday Inclu· .... J t ni CM.~n festivity . nd celebrltion. especillly ,ince itS ..,..
si,'('. Or. sincot: the other stageo in I.... theandric "'" of ~ .. from the naring celeb". could be Ir;l«d bMk 10 Chrisl's own command
incarnation to I.... '~OI'O and s.nding of the Spirit .Iso have (J Cor 1l:24; U 22:19).
meaning for salvarion and are part of the piI!I<:hal mystery in itS n·
tended sense, we might tnnsl.te " p"schal mystery" simply as "the I thall have to show in g""",er det.lliliater on how in the beginning
Chris l~· ent . " h puchal mystery wlI50 celebrated on Sunday as a weekly Pass-
ewer, and how. by lhe beginning of thoe second century at the 1ale51.
A. In historical ...·enl. this hea ,., and center of lhe Uturg;cal yor be- h fmsI of Eas""" was adcltd .0 an annual PIS5O>..... This first d .,..
longs to the p;I$I. but its in .... rmosl eo: :'><1', whkh is the self~­ ....pmmt WIS followed in hisloricill seq .......... by a seri"" of other
fice of C hrist and lIis obedience unlO death, livt'S on and is cornrnemorationl of 1M Lord . l1>e stage In the life of hi' Mother
operative in the glorified God-mln. BecaUS<' h i' ll-lving w;U is uni- were .Iso .dded, IS were the commemOl'ations of tke marty" and
versal. he. the high priest oflhe new CO'o·enant. enabte. the hllman
beings of ..... ery Ige to pilrtirip;lle in il IS of_ .. they gather for cel- -~
",rations of the liturgy.' Stnce the Middle Ages there .... exi5ted • special group of "'ISIS
NIown IS "fNS(S 01 ide.u. - which .... ve for Ilwir otj!ct various
truths and asp«tJ o f Christian teiOChing and dev<Jtion, as well ;OS Thus from the lim .. of Piu. V. who •• instructed by the Council <>f
vari""" titles of IhI! Lord, hi!; Mothe •. ()I" :saint. TlIeso>.~ a)5() de- 1ft!n1, publislwd. n ...... Brev~ry (1568) and Missal (1570). therf
soib<>d as "dev<>liun·ft.asts" <>r as d<>gmatic. thematic. and sta tk _ lhe ranks of doubl.. of lhe lillil dailS. double 01 the 9«Ond
f~ ..1S (inmnlfast to the "d)fNmic" fCil!IlS COO1~ with the N!- ~. m.oj<>. double, double, !lem!-d<>uble, and .imp"'" M..-y dou·
demptiv~ act$ 01 Christ). Am<>ng tlw-se lOre. fur example, the feuts
01 the Trinity. C"'Pu, Christi, 1M SiOCI\"d 1-\e111 <Ii Jesus, and 011"151
lois had oxtaves, and t"""" in tum w= divided, ICOOfding k> the
- " d lhe ft....., inlo prhilrged.. minary, and oimple. Privileged
lhe ~ 1M IHsb <Ii 1M Pn>cioU'l Blood, th~ Holy Name of Jeus. octove werf further ...bdi,·ided inlo oxta\'tS of the first uoo"d,
and 11M' Holy Fn';ly. u w..u as many f~",1S of Mary. II is fIIsy to and third cla~ fo<examplt. Eastt'l' .Ihe ... pr-tme IuS! w;t5 a dou·
multiply such leasts without limit; many of IIM'm al>' needless repe- l* of the first class with a priviJegt'd <xUve 01 the fin t ClailS. w hik>
titions. 1lw high,-"t .uthanti... in the Church have opposed the Christmas had only a p rivil.-ged oct.ve of the third clan.
many altcmpl~ made to reintrodute slI('h feasts. The official Romm
~ with Benedict XIV attempts w ere ma.d~ IoJimplify mal·
commentary <In the new ~ NI>I"""jor IItt W"rgiaJ YI'II' ond IItt
. . . as, fur e.ample, in 1956 a nd ag.in in 1960 (C<idr.T ",,",,,,,,,,,, <>f
ClflrJIJa. regards il as one gOoilI 01 the leM on 10 reduce 11M' number
<>f the!;c, feasts or love thnn for partieula, calend.1rs.' July 2S). Only in 1%9, ho~, did the ,do l'" commi5l.lOlWd by
.... tican \I (SC 107) brins about a ",bsl.ilnli. 1simplificarioo thai
Even gre.tle< reserve is called fur when the <>bjed ill a celri>. ation f1nd1 6pn!S5!oo in lhe GtnmII Nom<! fur IItr lit~rgicQI r"".
""J ,Itt
would t>., an evmt in Ihe history 01 the Church, the importoroce <>f c.kndQ•. F..... lS ..... here Ii.ted in the ord... 01 their importance as
which i. to be highlightO!d by mean,ol a f~ast. "thnilil'li. fust •. and memoria l.; lhew last may be ellher obliga·
lOr)' IX optional. Only the two 5<>lenmities of Easter and Christmas
Sir>ce o>n.~ leaslS ",ach thnr dim,. in 1M celebration of 11M' Iii·
u'iO'. and esp«ially d lhe Eucho.rist il fuUows thai they do not sim· hit ...e octa,·e.
ply rnrnnw=or<lte thIt paschal mystel')' d Christ bul a l5() render il
p.-nl and opt'fa!ive w lhil t individuals and rommunine. Un
Aot OIltlilw of IItr SlTUd u" of rItr IitMrp:1fI r..,.
Now.da)'l_ regard lhe fit$! Sunday <>f Adv..,1 as lhe bqinning
.-nler into il. In this way lhe lives 01 these individuals and rommu· of the liturgical yea •. "This was not . Iways the cu... In I~, Christian
nili"" a re inc",aslngly St.lm ped by configu .ation 10 Chri,t (_ Rom rountrle!. In the Middle Ages wen! nol in ag,....,menl evm on the be-
8;29). Inasmuch as the liturgi<:.l year thus has an inner dynamilm JDlning 01 the civil ye.Jr. Tht j ulian Calendar 0/ Calu, julius Caesar
fur 1"'- who ~.are it. it may appropiUt.-ly t>., rompared not "" (introduced in 45 e..c.) had moved the beginning 0/ lhe RDlnan
much ""ith • nrde (CYC:"') as with a Krew', th",ad thill te.ds ever year forw.rd from ·M....:h 1, liM! .nOml dal<', 10 j<lnuary I. Bul al·
up"'ard or with. spiral in whidteach tum leadsonea bil higher though. this calmdu be<:amt uni"ersal in tht Wesl. then! wu f<>r.
· low.rd~I. " kong ti_ a variety of dates for liM! beginning <>f thIt real': Man::h 1
Mliturgical ",.~ts bo.ocame mol>' nume ...... ' and divom;i lied In the in the Frankish Empi.... unlil inlo th~ eighth emlury and in V""iC1'
coo ••" 01 the Chu..:h ·1 history. lhe", wa, a growin g danger lhil t the unlill 7'17: Eastt'l'. e ped.ll y in F.,nc~ until the fifteenth century:
Nsic structure of lhe lilurgi<:oJ y~a. mighl be <>bscured and lhilt 0$- Christm... chiefly in Scand inavia and Germany (unij l lhe , ixtecnth
scnlials mighl be lost from sight beneath periph.... al opecial d evo- C1'I1tury); March 25 (rea51 01 thIt Annunci~lioo .. the day of 1M in·
tior>s. Many prescrlpti0n5 <>f liturgjolla w w ...... .on effort 10 count .... camatioo <>f Chrisl), e5peci1l1y in Italy bul ~Iso in lhe ecdeia5lical
th;5 tendency. _ I emturin. howev ...., !his very ftfort led 10 • prootinIIe of Trier; Sotpk",ber I, in liM! Byuontint Empi .... from the
lICVentn centu ry <In and in the ,egioll! "nd.... its influence.-
«>mplicaled dolSsiflc;lIion <>f leas", in which lhere w~ no less tNtn
~i. di fferen t . anks. wi th fu rther .ubdivlsl<>nS. Not only WII there a duc ,epancy In ]""Iting the !>qjinning 0/ the
civil y..... ; In . ddltior\, the very corocepl of . lil urgi<:.1 year I<X>k .

'" '"
~ kepI intact and retain its right luI preeminenct= OVI'I" pi1rtk·
- 1IIua1
Long lime to ~~. r, As tile custom grew, however, 0/ pl~cing the
War ttleb,alions~ (il*.).
t""t. lor tho: first Sundly 01 Ad\'~"'t at the beginning 01 tile liluTgi-
nl boob (tentJ>...levm th renlury ot» , the Idea glilduaUy 1001< hold The cale1>dar of :winb' wnls Is known as the s.."dorRI {from .. "eli
that I"" annual cy<1e of Hturgk'alleaSIS bqj:,n with the r.~t Sunday ...... IalnlS}. In this connection a distinction will b.. made further
ol Adwnt an briween tM OMeral Roman Calend.or and the · pi1mcuJarul .....·
. , .« lnational 01 res;onal calendalS: diocft.o;n calendUlo; ulendar.;
It ;. quill> possible 10 mult iply lebb until the h uman capacity 101
oI Jdi$iouS onIen). w hich mllSl ~apptm..:d by Rome.
ceM...,hng lhem is O\'t'rUxoo. Thi. tNth ",,"5 ~ forgotten al
timors. bul a, Itw local Churchn and tlw religi~ 0Idt>~ soughl the IUNPA V AS T HE O U G tNAL CELUIIATION OF TH~ PAS-
introdoclioro 01' n_ fNsts,the Roman authorilies not infl'ftjumtly
tried to apply the brakes, On the posili .... side, lhe multipIic:ity of li-
liWiod Fou"'-''''' QM Hisillf'J/;./ Dnod""...".,
turgical fN~ and nwmorials makes ·il euier to bring o ut various In .... New Teumenl lho! filSl d ay oI lhe J""';'h week-cur Sun-
a5pCCb and accents of ttw OM mystery of Otrist and thU5 a llow the day-il;al"",dy resa~ as ' .ery importanl. It Is the day 01 the
f.i thfullo 6oroI.Inter the INnysided Christ'" (A. "- HI .....1ingl and Lord', ..sun«tion.. 15 .1IIM",·a~llstl.&"",": it is aOO the p-
lhe unlimilt'd fullnes of :wlvation. E,·m here, 01 C'OUlW, a " , m ust ",",cd day of his .P......." 1Ce (MI 28:9; U 24:1311., 36; In 20:1911.)
b., ta~ not to losellghl of t'" wood s fo r ttw t.....s, that is. 001 to "'" the day on ...·hid1lhe fu!ted Lord bestows 1M promiso!d ,pft of
Ict pi1.tial .~ obscure tile vision of the w .... , the Spirit Un 202.2; Acts 2:\ If.J. ln th.. minds of the dlscip .... il is
I ",,",·e .I...ad y said 5e'·era l tim"li that the pi1sdtol myslrry of Christ -the day which the lord hIS made" ("' 11824). As a result, ;1 be-
'$ the heart and «'Iller of the lilurgic.ol Yell. In the form of lhe _lin the prcn.md day for g.thering~ of tho community (Acts
weekly P.sso ....•• Ihat was celt!bnled every Sunday t'"efI in apos- 20:7).. It is on this day ~Ich w""k that 1M Christians of Corinth and
tolic timt'S. this mysl<..'1')' alread y permeltoo ttle enti ... . """"l cycle, Ga\.ltia '''' to ron lribute 10 a fund ;n aid o f Ih~ Christi ans 01 Jerusa·
An anu. 1 Passover"""" followed and gradually developed into the Itrm (l Cor 16: I f.).
East'" cycle of fUSb with ilS period 01 prep<l ration and festive con· II is true that l lthi ' lime there wa, no uniform ritu. 1 for the Sun·
linualion, Ac<:ordinlllO the & nt .DI No."" tM Euter cycle begins on day c:eleb,atians 01 tho! com munlty," but il is """"thdesll not<"Wor·
Ash Wed~~y and ends on Pentecost Sunday, having laSled lor thy that Paul reg.~ Ih .. ""lebration of the Lord'. Supper "" ~he
thirt.,.,n and a half w .... ks, The annual commemoration of the birth 2O,n
toe:... of the U!lCm!1ly (1 Cor 11 ,17-:>./.; S<.'I' Acts Thi~ c,,"rrality
01 Christlikew;,., developed In to a cyd.. 0/ leasts w ith its period of lot confinned by the earliesl e~tr.biblical testimonies thaI ha,·e rome
p",paralion and its fes tin con tinualion (first Sunday 01 Advent to down 10 ~ the Didal:M," Pliny the Younger·. letter to Trajan.. '" and
the Sund~y af"" tho! Epiphany, that ;5, the k:.st of Christ·, bap- Justin M artyr." According to Ig",tius of Anlioc:h tlw rriebra tion of
H.m). ~ two cycles of feasts art' the ~pporting pill.o~ of the li· Sunday 5e1\'td preci5cly to diatingulsh Chrisl;' "" from those who
lurgical )" .... r. Thf in\le .... enlng Ihiny·thre.. (or thirty·four) weeks. IIill foIlowN the old order and celebrated the :wbbath (Saturda yl.
which . .... devoto!d to lhe mystt'1'}' of C hri. t In aU ib aope<"b,« '1"1:' Christians /or their pi1rt are called 10 a ......... hope and Mli .. e in obser·
known as «OrdiNry ll~' IGNlYC.o~ This .... tiod begins on the VfIIlce of the loI"d'. o.y on which our life d.wned through him
Monday afler lhe teast of the baptism of JO/SUII and mdson the Sol·
and lUI oo.h.

uroa y before tJw filSl Sunday of Ad'"fl't. 1lIf twocycles of kaMs.

OrdiN ry llnw, and the otiwT ~loemnJlies and f.... Sb conc~mNl Since Sunday was.n ordiNry workd.ay at that lime. 0\ri5tianS had
with th~ m)'Stt'1'}' 01 rNemption a1"l:' abo knowTI., the T""porQ/ 10 gatlwr In the Ilo.e ~ or, after W booruUng of ...·ening me<>I.
\from 1""f"'S . 'i....) &I' «1'l"1*' of~uol'tS· (CNLYC SO). ~ tngI by EmpeiO' T.. jln. in ttw "-rty morning. Th~ ....,a"t a S"'at

ckal 01 ioco.wenicnce and dt'manded a high d<'g"'" 01 ""l/-s.ocrifice , issued a furt~r low sayiog Ihat thl' maoumi""", of slaves.--<l de§ir·
It 0, no! surprising. IherdeR', thaI exhoMations 10 "'SuI .... ,,11..,- IbleJdion-did not faU under the law of Sunday ....1.'"
dance Wt'l'e f'oC.'Cded as .... rly as lhe Len" to Uw Hebl'1'WS (1025). 'I'hHe e<! k ts grea tly fa.cUit.ued lhe celei>ralilm of the Sunday liturgy.
The CJ<hortalions b«ome still sharper in lhe DidJJ<a1 .. If I"" ... ~Its Gndu.ally, howl"' .... · Sunday ....t· bee" ...... mon: and more the
(mid-lhird century)." Shortly aft", 300 lhe Council of Eh'ira in fo(us 01 the sanctificarioo 01 Sunday and indftd il5 .......,tial crite-
Spain d .... loed I~I ·I f anyone' living in Uw til}' fail~ to a l"">d rion. "s,m'Ue w(:O"k· (optr" Jnj';'io) on Sunday w .... regarded au
church on thl'ff SundaY"- he is to boe- e>:rommuruc-a"-'<l for a .tlon criminll off~. the strict O ld Testamenl ... bb.ath Ia", being laken
Ii""" to I~ I il will be cle.or he two) h«n lak"" 10 "..k.." .. !he model ........" 1M Scholastics 01 Uw High Middle Ages once
The I5ignifica~ of S\lnday in n rly Christwuty is reflected in the Ipin mao"" clear distinction between Sunday and the Jewish ...1>-
narMSgiven 10 UwdlY. The e .. rUei name, ·fi~ day," did not""""'" t>-th .nd NsOO the prohibition of se"' ile work <In It.. fact thai it fa-
dlit.ated attendlnce of d ivinr worship." But in the following
s imply 10 Ihe~ng 01 lhe ...'ed< bul was also an aUmion to the
firsl day ofthe wm of c~arion. Uw day on which lighl w .... cre- (8'I1\I.ti8 the pruhibitlon against work on Sunday wa~ still 100
ated. Sunday maries the beginning of the · new Cft'"lion" (_ 2 Cor much 10 the fo'" a nd obKurN INo prima rily christologial signifi-
5:1 7). A name thaI ",~uently bt<'ame "'idely u..-d is already to o:antt of the day. In , he Ult: Middle Ages and modern time!; a

be fo und in the Apocalypso! (I :10): ",he Lord'. day.· ("The Lltin .crong« emphasis w u plac«l on the obUgalion of Sunday Mass.
form din domiwial is not only still u..-d in Uw official language of and ev"y "ioj"ion o f II was dedored to ~ .. seriou, , in."
the Church. btu haJil lto , uppllfld thco name for Sunday in Uw Ro-
S,,1I4ory Today
mme"languoget., The no"", "~I ghth day · ISignlfi.n that dter thl' In >¥w of ,he w ide-spft'ad atta.cks on lhe ChriMian celebration 01
.......,., days of the week of creation w ith Its ... bNth orday of rest Sunday Valkan 11 m~r an elton 10 bring ou l the Christian signifi-
IhI' rHurrectioo lntroduc.!S thl' new cn:.lion that will I'l"ach its elj- cance 01 the day as lhe celebration o f the paschal mysl...y, "On Ihis
m.~ ifllhe l'\'('flastlflg sabbath resl of lulfi ll m""t.
day Chris" ! falthful mu st gather 1og<.1her SO that by hearing the
Tertulliao and m"oy Greek writers speak of "Resu!"n'ctioo day," a word of God and taking partin Ihe Euch.ri~t, thl'y may ca li 10
nam<l lh at 11,·es 00 in many Slavic langu.g.,,;. A/t ~'I' initiat hesita· mind the puolioo.1he rl'$urrect ion. and the glorificalion of the Lord
lion. ChristiaN a«epted Ihe name "Sunday" (dits ~i$), whkh /8\15 and ma y tlunk God" (SC 11)6). II is also to be d day 01 joy and
enm.,,; from tlw Greco- Roman wt'ek In w hich Ihe day' wen: named freedom /roIl'lol"Ofk.. Sit>ce It is " th~ foundatiem ond <"Ore 01 Ihe
aIM lhe plarM!l:I , They g.~ lhe lerm a new meaning, howev." as whole lltu.!!;;a l yea r.' 00 OIher least may ta ke preced"""" O"ef it.
51./"'0"'"' indlcalC5: "When p.ogaN speak 01 it It he Lord's Oay] as unleIIlt be tnlly 01 lhe greatest importance (ibid.).
lhe day 01 Ihe sun.. we gladly agree. for em this day lhe light 01 the Wllh lhis IaSI dlrocti"e in mind. t~ Gntrrol Nc r"" for IN i.ilUrgj<o!
world. the sun 01 jll&lice. arose and sal"a ti<!n ls hidden in lhe shel- Y,.,.nd 1M CoIltna., (1969) ~n:ed t~t only a solem nit)' or least of
ter of h ili wings. - ..
the Lord may ~Iace lNo S\lrday liturgy and thaI em thl' SuIlda)'S
n.e 1.0 .... promulgOled by EmpelOr Constaotinl' on MMCh 3. 331, of Ad .. m l, l.ftlt. 100 the Easter ""ason the liturgy of the day never
played an important pa rt in the lub.oequent lk1.·riopmmt of Suo· st..e "'Iy even to a tolemnil}' or feaSI of t~ lord IGNtYC 5). The
day. It dO'<i£ed thaI -the "o!1IO!rablt day 01 the 5un" Wl~ to be a day <Wl&er 11M ariJel\ In re<:ent yH1'5 thai these "'S"lations in dn..-ns..
o f Il'Sl for all judges, city folk. and bu"n," peoplr. The rural popu- 01 the Sunday liturgy ""' y be frustrated by the knderw::y to gi" e
l..ce "'as permitted 10 go "Doul i\$ work. lesl Ihey b illo ta~ advan- many SundlY. .1Ip«ia1 !hefnl' and pu~ ali"" II> Sunday and by
tage of ,No hours o f good wnther." A few weeks later INo Em ...... 01 the fashion for ~modf MaNC'S-"

The Sunday liturgy has been eruiched by the inlnXlu.ction oI";ght Tho! dango'r to the Christian Sunday bo!rome5 cs;«iaUy d .... in the
prefaclOS lor Sundays, which pmcl'lm ~SpeclS of the paloChal mys- fri6h~ing docline in all""danCt' at the Sunday liturgy.
The.- rode oIC......,., Low (1983) t.... ... fonun.otely, laken <wer.l- UnIi .... SUnday. it wa. ooly grad .... lly and in nonuniform INnnet'
most verba tim (can. 1246 n.l) the chn.tological v;"w of Sunday thai that , .... weekdays ..cquin><! a religiOUS and liturgical characlerof
i. f><pressed in ankle 106 of lhe liturgical cllfIStitution. n...
Code thoeir own_ The "mphasis on Sunday a5 .... urre<:tion day, on whidt
abo emph;osius the duty of aHMdi"lCO" 01 Mus, but sPfab of Sun· !eI.«nplicro was rompleted, left 1M other days of 1M week Inll;aUy
da y rei in a mono nUlUla!d way than did the old Code of 1911: the ~rded. An u rly exo:plioo was Wednesday .nd f Nby. Tn ...
faithful "a", also 10 abslain from those l.boor1and busIness ron- the DidQcltt or T_~j~g of Iht 1\Lorrot "'pool/Its rontaiM the instruction
Cf1"f\$ whidl imf"'d<' 1M w.,...nip to be Tn1dt"Nd 10 God, tlw joy that Christians are 10 fasl, not 00 Mondays and Saturdays lik~ the
w hich is proper k> the lord's noy. or the l"'0f"!" relaxalion of mind "h,pocr i tes~ (see MI 1:16), but on Wednesdays . nd Frida ys.- A rel-
and bod y~ (can. 1241). If tlw IOKk of • priest or some other couse I(Ift for this fasl (a p racti<:e known to Tertullian"') is gi'""" in tto.

makes lhe Sund.y Eucharist impossible, participation in. liturgy SyriIC Dida$CllJu. '" lhe Ap"MIn. which dalt:S from the first half of the
of the word (~above. Ch;opm XI.) .... some 5pt'riaJ lime of prayer third century. Hen! the Wed..-day faSl Is ronr>l!Cted with I"" be-
(private or f.milial) is highly remmmen<ll'd (CIOn. 1246). m yal of Juda!;, .nd the Friday fasl with thE" drath 01 Jesus on the
A "'!!"'tt.ble bre.k with Chrislian tradition ii to be """n in n:com-
rn>M.- Similarly tM Saturday fa.t that t>oogan 10 bt> observed in
Rome at a wry ... rly d.le was connected with the mouming of the
mendalion R 2015 of the In'''"'''-lion.] Organization for St.andatd-
.postle over the death of JelB-"
u-.alion (150). a subsidi. oy organization of the United Nations. Thls
urged that bt>ginning on January 1, 1976, Sunday be "'!!.rdl'd as the It wdear from I lIlhis that thf ""enl5 of lioly We.ek pLoyed an im-
Lost day of lhe w""k in th" «onomie and l"dmic.1 .phe..... nd thus portant rol" in developing the liturgical charOKter of tlw weekdays.
in Ilw whol.. public ",.Im . It is to be feared tt....l in th" ron.tdous- Finally, in tit..- Middle AgQ, Thursday 100 waS gh'en an unml5tak-
ness o f lhe ~ral public Sunda y will be "'8"rded ..... en mono as abW QrisIian k'('ET\t as me-morial of tlMo iJ\5titution o f the Euch.arisl
the flnal day of w""kend lei.u", and lose s till more of its religiOl.lS . 1 the Lost Supper of J""us and of the passion that began w ith tn..
" a1 l1f" . nd th.t it will ce.ue "",'en mon. rompletely to be thOllght of agony in the garden.'" - JUSt., Sund. y otVn:s<'nted a weekly Ea''''r.
~ the d.y of Christ' , ,"",rm:tion whieh in.oougurates • new agoo of . . the whole week ,appear.d 10 be a faint copy of Uoly W""k. lhe
the world.'" gfftl facl!O of t1w ~~ of redemption w e... to be !lei before the eyes
of 1M people, not onlron<:e ' year, bul in the cOll~ of the wl't:kly
The Austrian JM titute of Standards (ONORM) aco:pted the remm ·
cyde IS _ 11.·..
mendation of , to. 150 bu t ~"'ed g ...... ter ""'pee! for ChrIstian tr.·
dilion w ...... it add<.>d il!O own explanation: " Monday, , . will be This cluoracteriz.tion of m OSI weekda ys by giving them a ",/to' U I<'e
"'-"g.rded as the Ii.,;t day 0/ the wfC.'k solely lor pU'J'O"'.'$ of rount- to the !'Vents of ""I"ation his tory waS obscured fo r a ti~ In the
ins· lhe remmmmdalion I..aves untouched the CttriMian and J...... Middle Avs. Mginning w ith Alcuin (d . !!04), by th~ intn>duction "f
ish numbering oISund~y .. the fil'&l day o ' the wedt~ (ONORM A • ,..ri II 01 votive M's- es that foIkw.-ed • diffe.....,t il\5pir~lion. Espe-
2740). In k..."ing with this approotCh, the Ausman ,_ Ieodar that cially prominent w~ v...... r.tion of the BI""scd Trinit)" and 11K"
__t i as a norm;oij,·c model has oaed simple 'YP"8"phiaol d!'Vicft sainllind a concern for perfection and the .. IvaI Ion 01 Ih~ soul.
10 t:io .... Ih .. I"It'W ~Iation into act'OUnl whik> not gi"ing the imptft- 1M .ttempt 10 link the ina.matioon, 100, a nd the ('a nhly life oi J"" ....
sioo of .Umng t .... tr.dition. l order." w ith Iht' days of lhe week had no I,sting $ "","",.'" Fin.oll)", d .... 10
1M poet:·Tridentlne unification .nd codificalion of the liturgy, "'PC-

ciolly;u thi5 took shape in Ihe 1570 Missol of Pim; V, the following
hase of the IT\OO!\) lhe Flthers .11o...ed tha I the date of Ea.re.
Sd of "011,,1' MaS8H WiS dt-veloped and, wl lh I few later oddi lions.
remained in eift'( l for e~ilClly four hundred YUT$, unlilthe 1970
!:.w,1 vary by a5 much. a~ fi ve weeks (March 2210 ~pri! 25) in the
Missal of Paul VI. lOla. cale-ndat, thus turning I large p.ort oi lhe hlurgoc:al YN. ,nto a
lei of movlble feasts. Modem t'ffortJto fi~ 1M date 01 Easter
MONDAY Trinity (within lim its) hI"f Ihm; 'ar i;:>com ~ucCfl8ful"
TUESDAY ~1s(lncluding GUlrdian ~b)

TllIe u.lin Church. look over Ihe Gred< ""_ for Eao.ter, P"odw (de--
WEDNESDAY Apo6Iles; /rom 192Oon, .00SI. J.-ph and Sts.
Peter and Paul rived from Hebrew ~It), and pM5fd il on 10 many modem lan-

THURSDAY Holy Spirit; from 1604 on. aOO the Eucharist; from
1935 on. also the high pri..,lhooc! ofChriSl n.t Eastn n-ioh.u,"
FRIDAY CI05f; from 1604 00'1, also the p.oMion of Uris! TllIe Church origina lly celebraled ilS Uster fu~ on a . ingle day or.
SATURDAY Mary IS the cue might be, during lhe nighl befw...... HoI ySaoturnay and
Easter Sunday." from the fourth century on. howeve.-, "I'" most sa-
The new Misso l of 1 9i'ON~ Jix~ "00"1' Ma~.lmong them aU
cred triduum of IheCTUCiAed, buried, and';"'" lord "" developed
the 0f'0e5 lusl IJs~. new Mi"",! makes no effDf1. ho~·er. to as.
soci,ate lhem with p.onicuJar d.)'lI o f the w~k, The indj"idual pas-
as. """It 01. ITIOI'e historical ly oriented approach and. """" "-'P""
reenution.l typeolpresentotion , Siner 1h."ltime the litu~1 ceIe--
tor .. \dt mOl'l' Or ~ 11ft to decide whether Or not he win conlin ....
brllion$during these Ih,", d.y5 f!"Om Holy Thundoty .....""'"8 10
10 follow the ~tially lNdieo;.1 prlrtke 01 o:elKlraling p;lJtiruloor
Mas .... on ~IAfd da)'llof lhe w~k." wterS"nd.y NV" Wen I'" real ann ..... l celebration of ~ paschal
m~.'"' The celebralions were In ~ of re!o",,' and ~'U~XI! or·
E",SHM ",'-'0 ITS C YC L E O F FE", STS 6eM:I • radk.J moi.ion (l9S1 and 1955) t1u1 . nt>cl~ted In lmpo.--
Tho- New Testament writings mike nod .... r ~tat...........,t aboutlne cel. ...,1 WIYS the postconci liu rem"" found in It... Roman Missal oi
ebration of an annual rommcmoraoon of the pl.5Cho l mystery, al- 1970.
though .~ few texts suggest Ihat the {in l Christian community gave
Holy nursday . .
Itt.. JewIsh Passe"'er a C hriitian mea ning (_ I Cor 5;71.). Clear evi.
J..<:coroing 10 Ihe thin king of Judaism and Western antiquIty ~ day _
dence h •• come down to us only beginning in the .'l<'COnd cen tury_
~Nl on the f"<f-ing before. Thus I.... cvening of Holy Th~rsd.y IS
In lhis conte~1 the "EasIer rontroversy" of the second hl lf of Ihot
. Irudy p~rI of lhe three lacred days. T},.,!'t' i5 also subslantive JUsh.
century I. e5p«illly Important.
fiI:;alion for this view, since at the LISt Supper Jesus """a"",ntally
At th."t time. the Christians of Asil Minor and Syn.. etlebr. !ed I.... antldpalfd hi. saaifil:i. l de.lh on the rn'l!ioS and sino> lhe p;>SSlon
annual commemorallon not on i ipeCin.; day oi I.... wocl< Oulol. _ lI y begon wilh. the agony in the C&rden.
ways on "'" fourteenlh day oi N IS8In, th.,,1 Is. "'" fint day 0/ the The Miss commemofllil\jl lhO' u.S! Supper is lheonly Mass al-
full moon in I.... firsl monlh. of spring (they were therd'"", ~
lowed on Ihi' day (.~rt from It... "Chrism~· etlrbr.ted in the
IS "Qu;,rtodl'cima'lln . The ,"I 01 C hrisllmdom, howt>\-'er, optll'd
foor lho: Sund~y If.... lhe /oUm.mlh. of Niss.on. The COIlJ'I(il of
"'' 11
n .... , by the bishop). CQIU'oC'<;Ied w ith il I. thl' (optional) custom
of the wuhing 01 feet (also known IS th~ mmrdRIUl" _ ~rommand­
N"'....a in 325 settled this dDme51ic IOttlesiasliQl dispute (>1.'er "'" mfnt") .fter IhI' gospel. Aho-r thl' (inol p r.yer thl' pn:=sanctified gift.
<bt.. 01 Us.... by dKlfflng WI Eas .... WIS alwl)'lIlO be <'dc!b"' lfd
for IhI' Good f riday lilurgy an! arrifdlo IhI' t.bernacle al an .11...-
on t .... Sunday l /tn "'" firsl full moo01 01 Spring, By adopting this
in a wporate (NpeI; the "",in aita. is then 5IriPJ"'d. Adoulion of
lunar n:-gulation of the date (thlt is, making il <iepmdml on 1M
the .-..-ved Mlnmet11 Is 10 bo:' ""ained as fJ ' as is practic.b .... The

dcKripllon o l th,. ~itory as a "holy so:pu kher" mus t be..,.. At the ~~atian 01 the c..,.... I""re I re now IWO ways of displaying
g;on:U!d.s . I'lOl too happy one.'" M ...... tion may . llO be mad,. oftM (~.tin&) lhe O'OSII (un"eiling in tiuw itages or • p.ox m jon wilh
longstanding ~ of ringing th,. bells " !he recit.tion or singing the unveiled CI"OOI5). While clergy .nd faithf ...1 V8>efatl' Ihe CI"OOI5
of the Gloria .nd then no! ringing thnn again until the Gloria of 1M (with I g...... uf\ect;on o. bow and . 1<is5). lhe choir .nd (or) thtcon-
Eoster Vigil. In many pla(e§ wooden d.pp"".'~ uK<! in pi""'" 01 M"tion &ing V(1Ief"abk _ts about I"" eroes. in which Ihe joy of
the .Ita. bells. £1iI~ un Iln>.dy be "'It.

Coc>:I Friday ll'ot Ampl,. rommunion servi« with the presanc:1ified gifts is intJo..
In tM first Christian cenluries tht:", wos no 5~da) Cood Friday lit· d"..;ed by 0", Ou.r Father with its embolism.nd acclamation. n.e
urgy to commemorate the death of Jesus; ill$tead lhere wu a 51rict o:onclooing prayer and blessing bring ""t the unily of the paschal
mourning last On this day ason Holy ~Iurday. Towud the middle mystery o f Chrisl's death and ~utf'fdion·
01 the fourth century the Christians o f J~Sl I..." v~lIed the holy
ThO' &St'" Vigil .
cross in the morning and, in the afternoon. « Iebrlted a lilurgy of .... the dooy of Oo.risl". repaw in IIw 10mb Ind 01 fOI"TOWful lasllng
It.. word • • t whkh tt.- passion JW"i"ative was ... ad . A\lgw;tilW also Holy Saturday has from IUM inunemorial had no Utuqo" 01 its
5~kJ 01 a liturgy of the word in North ARk• . In addilion. local own. When darlu>esr> fdllhe community begin "the mothoer of vig·
Ch\ln;!ws tNl pJlJa F'7 rd • ...tk 01 the CIOM (foreXlmpk-. Romto) de- \15" (A ... ~). the holy nocrurna.Iw,tdt in memory of the Lon:i's
,.,",~ « lebralions for the veroe:tation of the CfON.
dHth and ~ion. -rM greal antithe:sa of night and dawn.
As the Roman liturgy"P""'d through the Fnnko-Gallk wor ld and fMting and eucharistic meal. fl'll)Uming and festa l joy providlO'd an
look I_h IN~ in ttw ~rman Ponti fical thetimple rom. .~ ""~ of IN contrast betwee"l death and life. dec-
munion setvic,. of Good Friday graduaUy dt-veloped inlO the "Mass and re5\lmoction. Satan and Kyriol. old ~ and new ~."" Nowa·
of th.e Prnanclifled " (a Mass withoul a eucha.istic pray~) . "('h,...,.. dAys many . Iill find it in incompreh~sibl,. th.ot tho. Church could
ception of rommunKm fell off in thr Middle Ages unti l finally Ih I" I() far astray from the 10urteo'1lth ctnt\lry on u 10 mOve the Eo ..
priKt alol\l' ~vt"d on Good Friday. It WaS in Ihis lann Ih.ol!he ter Vigil liturgy forward 10 e"ly Saturday moming."
Tridenti"., Missal 01 157U ac"""pied the Good Friday litu.gy and TIw refonn..:l Ea,ster Vigil liturgy rompri_ a 5<'TVi« 01 light, alii·
kept It for almost lou r hundred years. The revised rite pub li.hed in W'g)' of the w0.u.and a «!ebralion of hlptlsm .nd tho. El.ICharist.
1955l<ept tht trl dili"",,1 three ~rt5-liturgy of the word. v...--a·
tioo of the crow. and rommunion ....-vic~ut dropped a n\lmber- TlwtoerVU of light ~ with Ihe blesfing of lho. new fiN-. the
of rites and rubriC$ •• mong lhem Ihe prohibition against reo.ption prtpIir.lioo and lighting 0I1t.. Eoostef r.ndle. which represents Ihe
of communion by I"" faithful. "('h,. Roman MisHl o f 1911) took over '1l&ht of Christ." and the ~Irard w ith lhe n nd\e into I"" dark
It. ftMItials of the n-vi-t rite. d>un:h. which is then illummN by th,. "'per5 which Ihe f.ithful
1i&ht from the EooSler candJ,.. TIw Easter song of p..~ foU,:"",!.; ~
Al; I rule. It. rite begins MOUnd HlO p .m.• and I"" lilurg;cai colo. is II .boo known as 1M £.u~"tt from. the IInl word of u.. laM text.
....d. "('h,. « 1..bTlnt·, pro5tralion belun. the hire .ltar .nd Ihe opm. Bee.". this song is a o;limactic moment in It. East" proclamililioa.
ing p.aYef of the day are followed by I liturgy oftt. word wilh Ihe question miliy Ioegitimili,,"ly ~.&ked whethe. ;1 &hould not romr
two . ead ings. the ...ading of th.e passi Ofl , ccording 10 John. , hom-
.fter the g<>oIP(l.
ily. and lhe Klk:mn intel"C1"lOi~ The inte' «(MiOM h.oV( now beefl
made mor~ concise. and the prayers for the Jews and th"'" ~arlier TIw liturgy of the word rofItalns nlM biblical re.dings. the laSllWo
call@'d "'he-retics"" and "5<:hismatic5"" h.ovr bftn more c ..efully fo.· from the ~ Tesl"",",! (Rom 6~11 and . pericope from the Syn.
mu),,@'d. oprk .... urrection narrativ .... the ",,1«lIon depmd;ng on the yea< in

Ir." cycle). For pastor.1reuons lhe numt..,r of Old Tntoln",nl ...ad- be approv«l by the (li turgically) w~. _ EaSler Vespers /onn a
ing. may be. reduced 10 two, Eack is follow<'<l by a f<"'I"'nso<ial meaningful conclusion tu the E.l:;t~r IMuum.
psolm and a pr;;ayl!1'. Aller the 5.W,..,lh p rayer the pri.-..t intone!; the
Gloria (the bell$ a .... f1.Ing). Aller the first New Test..,......,t ",adin3 T1tt Em/v SnI_, <N I'tnlrl!allt
The o:perio!flCt that moments of profound Intivi!)' ~ire a c...u.in
the Alleluia Is lUng lor the first lime sinc~ the ~ of lent.
amounl of time ro run tlwir COUIW i. ;;already ref\ectII'd U'I the .....·ish
CeIri>ration of Npli$m; Since E.o~1t'f has from li_ immetnr.>ri.>1 laW cal..... du. Bere, fifly daY' ( ___ _ b ) aher the fnst of pt"
b«n a f'le/o;11(<1 d.1I1! /or booptism. il is desirable e"en in our ti ..... -" Or PolS5O\'''' (,.'hkh was a l.o the re..51 of unle.awnO'd bread) a
that booptism be COf\he. hid during the Vigil. if possible .... the d inwx "feHt of we.>l<s" (Sh!lt'WOl) was cekbratO'd in thonbgiving /or the
o f the a~humEnal('. AliI'\' the PrllWnl<>tion 01 the candidate!; and ... hut han·o!St and in romm..morarion of the condliMoo 0I1he rov....
lhe liw.y 01 the sain". the bapti5nwl water is ble5l;<'d w ith an ....... t at Mt SIruoi. In • poor.II,,1 dl.'\'el""""""l, the Ouistian Churdl
epid dic prayer (d uring whlc:h the Easler candle may be dipped 01 the 5«","01 (t'rllury was al~.ady « lebraling an Easter"""""'" of
into the water). After the Tl'l" Ul'lrialion of So lan and the protes..ion fifty days (Greek: ptnlri:oolt) wlUd\. according,? Acts ~~ff. ~
of faith baptism Is admini!tered; ronfirmanon. is likwise adminis- m dimn in the visible ourpooring o f the promixd Spirit, who III
tered by the baptlzing priest (if no I>ishop is p"-"""'t) if the newly the ~. I fruit oI the pasduol m~. Thec" .. I4I Norfff5/M tlot Utl/r·
booptiud ..... ad ul" or of school .ge. lfbapMm is Mt admirusterN. p.! r..,r .rod ,Itr OIltndIJ, 15 thus in Kcord with earliest rrarlJtion
the.., is simply a bles$ing of tlv walt'f (holy w ater). Since the rYSt<>- wtwn IIIlYS: "Tho: fifty days from EuterSur.d.ay are cekbuted in
ration of the Easler Vigil in 19S1, the rite of baptism or the blessing. joyful o:ultation as ono!' fe.st diy, or better as one ' ~t Sur.d.ay'~
if booptimo is not .dmini$!ered. it followed by a lehewal of Npti ... (22), This continuing I~tli joy finds symbolIC npress>On In lhe p~
mal promlset, I m-r whick the celebr.nt sprlnkl... the cong...gaoon ICription tN! during lhe!oe fifty d.tys the E.ster Candle, ~ symbol of
with th e """'Iy blts5e<l waler. NI!l<t rome t..... g....... ral inte"' ..... iOO •. the ri3ft'I Lord , is to stand near the alta. whe ... the rommurutycan
In the """,uing celebrlOUOfI of the Euck.rist special emphasis is laid _It, and is to bf' III d uring the liturgy.
on tho. p.scluol mystery in the preface. the "'xt inserted into Eucha. llle Ii..,t week after E.st~r 15 the E.ist ... octave."Jlw.o liturgy of this
ri.tic Prayer I (wilh. 5po'Ciai pray~r for the ""wly bapliZi'd). the trio ocr-v .. reflects not only the p"!l(kal mystery but also" concern for
p;>rti te coneluding bli.'5S;ng. and the twolold Allelui. 01 tke the """,Iy b.ptized: in the daily (t'lebrations of Ihe Euckarist these
dismi~al; lhe s.am~ is true. 01 .:ou!"SO!, of the p"",id""ti.1 prayers" , .... k!d mor~ d~l y into t~ mysterie5 cont~ine<l in the sacraments
of initiation w~i<:h lhey lave r«elved ("mystagogical c.techl'SC!i .... ).
The ... was originally no furtk,-'!" celebration of the Eocruorist during
ThI$ week uSO'd to be known as "Whi'" W...,.," from the white gar-
t ..... postdawn hou.., of E.st,-,!" Sund.y. The custom of lOIying addi.
meT11S worn by the newly b.apti~, "nd the Sund~y alter E.steo-
t>on~1 Ma!6i:5 began low..d the ...... d of the sixth century when the
was known as Domi"ic~ in ~Ibis ("Sunday;n whi", ga"""",ts") or
r.... 1Mass of the RO'&Urrection was a lready concl~d<'<l bf'/on: mid-
"'White ~y.• The Eu~an custom of celebrating solemn first
night. In ....cent centurii.'S popular piety nN tO'd a further substitute
t'OITImunion on tkis Sund.y d"" fr<lm the eight..... th century."
/or t ..... 1osI uSler Vigil in the form o f a "celi'bration of the resu.....,.
tion " or s unriw serv;c.. farly on u SEer Sunday morning (before the In the ""'..... th century then! ItO$/;' the custom of the pasdw u -
"early Ma~·). There r..ve beeI'IC'OIJn~!florts to revive this J'T ..... ""';""/10 (from U" .. , • YH' ). OI' ;Mni",rsary commemoration of the
tw, whlc:h would sumy del rlld from .he ""tared ","st... Vigil AI.o IfUptloo of baptism. Sinu the ac:t\LIIlannh'enary day not infno-
'1ue<tion;oble a~ riforlS to introd\lCl' elements from the Vtgil into quently came bef""" the cun-ent East... due to the shifting da'" of
I .... princip.al MaM on E.o$trr, f« the wi<c of thooie who did not at. this /nst the Mond.y aher While Sunday was finally d><r;en as the
ti.'l"ld the Vigil. NO! everything thol peoplo. might find p'-ing C;M ",.. "oorial d ay.

In ord ... to bring OUllhoc uni ly 01 the Ea~l .... ""Uon more cle~Tly, its _ led on IhI' same da y. The ~vi~ calendar h...uppa s:: this
Sundays are twncefoTlh 10 ~ known •• -Sundays 01. u ster," w ith pe n.. _ion beca~ it wu base<! on a 10(.1 Roman Custom.
While SundaY;\5 1M 5eCond o llhn.. and F'ent«OSI ;loS the eighth . 1loe liI.nillt millOm """ed th ... origin to Bishop Mamt1'1U5 <>f Vis
lbeliturgial wxlS for thew Sundays ~ar tho> """'8 impress 01 the ....... w ho whl'n his city was struck with ...,.;ous ofu.iIsl2f'l in 46'J de--
~""hal mystery. ThP traditional "Good Slq>hoc-rd Sur.d~y" has CNtd ",w oe I wry p ,OC\!,.,ions and lu ting on the three days bef<>re
bfton mo.'ed lreon thoc third 10 lho> fou rth, in ordto' not to interropl the ~ion. Rome adopted Ihfte pliXE:oIioM (but noI lhe lut)
tho> " Iiu 0 1 gos~1s d N ling with tM af'P"i'Tances oIlhe nsen Loo-d. ....m Uo III (d. 816). ~~,.I No ..... has k"J>I lhem and inter-
M.... wu-r prefiKft'n! now available lor use during tho>_son;
j;;;;.;. thnn in tho> sa""" O)I\,ext as lhe Ember Days: -On -rogation
only thoc fi~t 01 tho>m if lor USot on specific d ays (Eas'to' Vigil. ~Ief fC'
_ "",ber days tht practice of tho> Church if to offer pra~ to the
Sunday,tN OCIa"", of E.to)icr ). l6d foo" the r It ds of .11 ptOple, : . ,«ioally foo" the productivity 01
Tho-lourth century SOIW Ch.urlans celob •• ting thoc I,.,.st 01 Christ's h arth and lor human Lobor, and to give him public th.>nb"
Ascension o n the Ionieth day a/totr uliIef,' date chosen chiefly on (GNlYC 4S). The time IIlld pl.n 01 the celobration are Irit to the "Pis-
thoc M is of Acts \ :3. "llw w«kd.)'lI&fwr the AkenSlon until the CICIJNI ~_ uE 'a ~ . I roo:: ...",.~I'"" oftIw Un i~St.atEshaveleft ltto
_ , _ ..... s .............

Siltur-day btlore Peot«oet incl u:;i ..... re . prepuation foT the rom· tht local bishop 10 dt«rmine days of prayer for the fruits of t~
ing 011"" Spirit" (CNlYC 26). TIw nm-en& for Pentecosl, wl>ich taM, pra)lEi" for human rights ar>d Equality, pTa)",' foT. w orld ,......
g ....... out of popular de"\'ooon. is thUJ gi"m & plac.: in the official lit- *", .nd ~ and for tho> po!'f'itmtia] oI:s ar,' anc:e OUt5i~ Lmt. "1n
... •• y no Irbltr.ry rulE is lmpowd until it becom... "",dent thaI a
lbe fiftieth day aft ... US"", that is, Pentecost (from Greek Pm-
,.nern ~ prle C<:.
of ,uch supplk.tion is errol!'ging HUm " "'
lri:mlr _ filtieth), is the crowning close of the Easter (;eason. Over nor Easl"" Pt1Iil""",1 Pniod (Lr'rlI )
the centuries, how",''''' it w as increasingly seen as an independent TIw hiJtoricl l de ....lopment Stllrted with the Iwo-<lay last 01 mourn·
least of tho> sending of the Spirit. It was given an OCIav~ <>/ its own Ing on Good Friday and Holy SoturdlY; In the thi. d century this
and, in many partS of the C hurch,. _ond and third festal day WI. ntended 10 the whole of Holy Week (ev"" if not in the form <>1
alter tM Sunday; in the end f"'OPle lipoke of a "Pentecost cycle 01 I c:ornplet.! fast ). The Council 01 Nlcle.l in 3~ w .. ~I~ady lan: iliar
leasts. " 1'lu,o postcondliar li turgical reformef1; endea vored to link w ith . IUt of fOTly day~ befo~ lhe Easte. Ind uum; on Rome this
Pen",<ost mon! dosely with Easter once again. lbe Penlecosl oc' begaR on the ' iJo!Ih Sunday brfore u Ste., th.Jt is, on tM hf1;t 5urulay
taw waS lhe",~ abolished, and in many of thl' lilurgicoJ ,,"xIs of lA'nt. Then, aince then! waa no lasting on Sundays and .,nce ot
(..... ll'Ieopftllng prayer and the preface) a .Ironge. COJtIlKIion waS w u desired 10 ha"r I full fort y da)'ll <>f faating, the fasl w~s b<>gun
O'SIabl~ with EASIer. 1he wquence V",j, So:tl1<"lr Spiril ("Come, fou r da ys prior to thlt Sunday and tht forty daya included Good
H<>ly Spirit") contin...es 10 be obUga lOl)' on P""lecost. Friday and Holy So turd.y.
A striking fJOC t"ption 10 the joyous spirit of the Easter ..-aoon is lho. In the sl~1h century special impe,"""" w aS attached, for various
Rogalion o.ys wilh Ihrir f'1iX( s.ions. Thrno u'lC!d to ~ ,n "older _ 10 the th_Sundays beiort A,I\ Wednesday and they"''''''
Rogation pliXession" ("'R .... "",iorj on April Z5 I nd " m.o~ _""I giv... the names (using round nu mbers) Quinqu<lg .... ma (fiftieth
Rogation pnxessions" (1iI~"u. ",i""..s) on the Ihlft days befo~ thr day, CO\UlUn& back from EaSier), 5exagHima (";xtioth). and
fe ...1 of lho> Ascension. Tho- fOlTl"OOll" if of pu .... y Roman origin and SeptuagHima (......""beth); u..e.
two and • hall weeks bef,,", Ash
mu)i ~"( replaced • pap n P"'" .s ion through the fields (an Wab _by _calloed " I"rE-LenI." Fw:ing Wil$~ ...... uirf<I, but
.",ho"",lT) in honor 01 the god Robigus 01" goddi>s5 Rllbigo frust"). thrviolet rolof of the vest ...... '"..-d and lhe omission of tMGlo-
Thfno ;. no connedion with the fU)i 01 51 . Mark, which;' <)tie- ria. All.eIuLa. and Te Deum gaw the ~o kid a po!'f'itenti&l chaTacIII'"r.-
In the f~rlyChurch. fosting "",anllhal peoplfconknlt!<i Ihfm· (until tt.e Eost.,. Vigil) of crucifixes and inta~ the us.. of the Prof-
sd,'", with. singk m .... l (in I.... ...' .."""") ~nd .bstained from mNt .,;It of the Holy C...-..s. and the pani.tl o mi""ion of the Gloria PQI ....
and wU\oe, .nd, Llow on, milk products (milk, bultff, cheoese) .ond TM I>O'W c.J...,dar h.Js d ropped I"" nam~ ~ P.ssion Sunday'", ~in
tggs. The ",,,,,,u of ....... 1 deri ...·d!heir IilUrgic~l lnd I!o<Etiul charac- ord .... to pi ''''r t .... inn."",t unity o f the flitin:' Easlll"r pmilenli;d
I.... primarily from I.... inslilulioru; 0/ It... c~leChumena~ (prepara_ uuoo.-
tion for bilptism) ....d from the o,urdl's practices in the al>" of The pa:!liion moti f does co...., to the fore, how......... in the .... ....,
public pen.31'1Ce. In I.... Middk- AIl~ 11M-' "..""011 moti f (passion mys- given to tn. s ixth Suoday of Lent, w hkh i, now called kPassion
ticism) ~.me highl y important throughout Lenl,
Sunda y (Palm Sunday)." Here the commemoration of Christ' • ...,-
The r\l!W org.nizotion of Lent is set down In Hie GtM.nll Norms 27- Irina: 1010 Jerusalem is linked to thecommcmoral ion of his 1'.....
31, which Ilk ... into l<'<'Ount tIM-' directi\'~ of lhe liturgica l constitu- .ion, Egeri ., I fi fth ..:eolury pilgrim, lells uS th. t a pi't>Cl.'!lsion with
tion (109-10). The ··p..... Lent"· has b<.>en suppressed, and great .... palm' was bring ""lebraW in jeru5.1 lcm around 400.'" [n the West
emphaSii i. pl~ 00 the molif. that dett' nTdne thecootent of the loch a pnlC\'Soioo firsl ntadO' its .ppeora nce toward the end 01 the
....... t..... liturgy (baptism,to•.,.....,;ion, pm.al"«) and on theon..nta- el&hth arltury .od soon acquin.d rl('m""1S of JXlPular U.... tri<. lity
tkwl to tilt> p,nchal mystery. and playKtins. The new Miss,al p..wi<\et "..\,~..,I fomu for the
"Com"_iOr~1ion of tn. lord 's Entnoll« Into J~m ."'" The
Ash Wedlll'ldoy is ..nil thO' ""tranc.....·ay into LeOt . The rile of spriIl_ ~5II'eC'ft"es its ,;urnI' from the .,...ding of IIw passion as told by
ltJiog with a~ was originaUy p...:lic...t only 011 p ublic slnf\O'l'5; each oIlhe Sy ..optic Go5pels (according 10 the year of In. <yCle~
Oil« the institution of public penal"« d iwppt'.red, the rite was a-
t..... dE'd to ill of tilt> faithful (tenth <=tury). The n:ogulition that the The follow"" d ays of Holy Wflok also d"";v~ their characler en·
uhes ~re to bo _un.d by burning the ~lm br.roehl's of t.... p ....... i· ~Jy from I .... passion moti/. .lthough it is I'IOW pennilt"':! to drop
ous ye., dat~ from the twelfth C('lltury. 'The blrssing o f t .... a!hr.l the reid"" of the passion according 10 Mark (Tuesdiy) and Lulu-
tokes place lO fter the gospeL The '-""Suiog distribution of t .... a"" ... is (Wl!dnesday), . iner these.,... ",ad in thf Ih"""'yfu cycl~ fo. p.lm
acco mpanio!d by the word. of ('-.en. 3:19 or (in the ~lsed liturgy) Sunday.
Mk. \ :\Sb. The rito! of the ashes u n also be a.lcbratl'd as • liturgy of
Each o f the other w ...... kdays in the EaslCf p.mitenti al period has its
the word o utside M ....
own Mus formulary. The biblical reading!i are the U"'" each yea"
The six Sunda)"S of Lent each ha"e a special d"'ract~r lha t is 1m_ witt. the first reKl~g and the gOSf>t!I fonning. thematic Wlity. Be-
prtS$o<!d on tt.em chi<.-ny by t.... gOSf"'I of the Ma95. The first_- glMing witt. Munday of t"" fourth w ...... k of Len1 th~ gas!",1is a
on.:!, and ,i~lh hlOvf prefaces of their own which reI.t~ to the gospel rt"IOft Of lei$ continuous reading of John.
of thO' <by: t .... 5.1"", i. true of the other Sund.ys of ...... t only in The ~ of Holy Thur~hlY ;s ~lre.ady part of t .... East .... trid-
Year Aof t.... C)>:tc.. The fourth Sunday (I.nU.reSun,by) is WI apan uum. On It... morning of that day the bishop ...... lebr.tes the Chrism
by I.... optionIl u~ of fU5f"-roIon.d Mus ,-.,.tmmlS{sinc. thesh·
M • • I t whkh "" bl... M t .... holy oils that will "'" needed fOT In. ~d·
leeoth ~tury); Ihe WIOf ""'fits not only the joyous cNr;tC11I'1" of In. ministrlOtion of bilptiMn .nd conrtrmation d uring Iht> Us"" Vigil.
M.ss but alsollle papal custom of bl""""a ~golden ~~ on th.t
FOf plactical reailOll5lhis "'-ISO may b@ celrbra.~ irut",d on """ 01
day. This [.tm p rMtice in tum prob;obly II"" back toa Rom..- feast
the urlier days of Holy W~k, and in t"" form of a OOIl<elebratiOll
of Spring. .t which ~Le brought fiowO'rs wi th them to M.ss of tt.~ bW>op and his priests. in tho: cathedral if possibLe. to Juoeping
(tent h centu ry). From tn., High MiddLe Ag .. on, lIIe fifth Sunday of
w ith Ih<! Lolln tradition, t"" blesslog of tho oils follow>< this ....
Lent ("Judic.- Sunday, from the firsl word of I.... fIItrlnce ,olipOOo) qUt'flce, t"" oil of the sick be/Ol>' t"" fin.l do.ology of IhO' eucharis·
wu alloO called "" r'.,..i"" Sunday~ and d i5tingul""E'd by the vti ling tic proyPl', thO' oil of catechumens . nd tho! chrilm aflc, t""

co:>duding pr.y.... of theMa!i!i. I.o.pas ....al ......!iOf\I the ..... tiR:' rite Wett Ind in many of the Us!em Churches beforI' the fourth <:en-
of b lnsins may be ....,lc-br~ted . t the rnd of the liturgy of the word." "'ry was ~...... The renon is p mbiobly that the SlT\lggIt against tho-
ANn heresy focused greater' alll'ntion on the penon. and not sim-
At. til. Ch~ M _ the pries!!; p.........,1 rnww thrir pledge - It> ply on the work of the Cod-man and that. fe.sl of ChNI'S birth
priestly .......lCe .... would give a ouitab ... liturgical expu!Ssion 10 lhe profession of /;lith
drawn up at Nicau, which ror>dl'fMed this herey (325). In tn05I o f
Oil!. tST MAS AND ITS CYC lE O F FE "STS the Ea5tern Hlurgi<'5" \ht form 0/ the feUI wal bMed on that of the
Origj~ _nd Litw'l{Y ofChris''''''~
Eplph,ny. As far as contenl was roncemed, only the my5lery of the
The calend ... of f. D. filocalus for 354. wh ich h51S tho! anniv .... s...ies birth was. in principle, separated oul from the rompl"", of id....s
0 1 the dea tha of the bishops of Rome (dq>OSilio tsp~ .... ",) nd the
~oman ~rlYI"!I (dq>osili.;J .... 'tyrllm) IOhow Ihat C hristmas w:s al ·
p.opet 10 tM least of lhe Manifesta tion. In fact, how...-e., duphca-
tioNof ide" arose here ond lhere,even in the Roman liturgy""
t\ldy bt., ng ~Iebr"ed ..... De.:ember 25 at Rome in the year 336."
The introduction of this lea5\" of Christ in the ci'" 01 R . ~ old Roman custom of allowing '!Very priest to ~Iebra ll' Ihn-e
ia'....... d' '/ orne III e~­
P ~~ IOCCa! "'810 the .pologeti<:a l and hist"'"" ~f- ,- -
..... h..-;. -., ~ re'P"""ny- ~ loA'" .• on Chri5lmas is retained in the new Roman Missal. The
....... ~ AS. n:sponseol lhe Roman community to the . . cwt\AIO goes back loa opecia l d""elopm .....1 th" look place in the
feur of I~ N.,lIlt Solis ;"00; (birthday 01 the UtlOOfl<!....::r=VIC poopool UIUr&Y from the fourth to tlv:si~th cenlury and wa!i subse-
god). whICh od
Syri Empe..:. Aureli.an intmdLlO!d in 274 in .. _ -, 0 f the
. ....... quc<ltly imitated el!;ewhere as the Roman litutgkal boo.... spread
an s un"",. of ~ and whidl he Iw)pecI wo uld wUfy and throughout Europe.'" The Misosal still h.os Ma!6d fo r midnight
~~ hL5 vas~ ~p're- A.o:Otd ing to the hypoelwsis, in order to (104; " i" IIOC/t), al dawn (M issoo .. ~ . wrono), and during the day
ImmunIze It.. (tuU"" ", of R""", ...insl lhis , .. (MisIo in dir). Ap;ort from the fact that in til. new Roman Miss-al
Roma Ch rch ' popu ar a5l, It.. ~ M.. '[ . ha'''' an Old Testament re.<! ing.IM formulari"" . ... es-
. . ~ u Inlroduced the fusl of the birth of Christ as "'Sun of
JustICe (Mal 3:20) and " Ughl of the world " an 8:12)." IIfJItI.lly the !olfM as in the p;ost.
The caicul. tion-hyp<>thesis starts wilh the fact th t , The MaS5 of the Vigil (celebral..d before or dter ev ..... ing pTa)",' or
Ihlrd t Chri' a as Nr y u the f irst VHpers) is oJso port of the /esti"e Chtl5tmuliturgy. In the .....
cen ury . . .ti~n theol?Sian5 were endt\lvor1ns 10 calcu lale
the dale ofChnsl s bIrth, which is nol menll..... ed In the 8 Is formN liturgy such M...... on the e ve of fca,ts /Ire no I..... g ... vigils
The widespread Christ .... s-oun symbolism cluKdthcm toOS~
. In the ........ of ~ w"ches which I .., penit""ti.1 and P"'f'/l-
Johnallenllon 10 the ""uinm<'5and
-" ..,I,tic-
'-"'"- Op'nlOn
.. wls spe-
p y th,t ralOl')' In character. "Ex""pt for the Eoster Vigil. which is celebrated
. lhe B.1pt;51hod been born al the: summ .... ..,I$M. In Uoepin In the night bei<>", Eoster Sunday. the n.me "igil Mass' is herIce-
WIth Lk 1:26.
the~oR:', Christ
mUSt """" been born at I~ Wlnte.
g IontL given 10 a "iHs- wruch can br «lc-bra l..d 15 a Iesli"e Mass dur-
In& the "".....ing ho .... bet...... or after f ir51 Vfspt'f5 of a ooIemnity.-"
A compari..,n and ",·alu.>\ion of the argulTlftltl for the two h)i>Oll .....
1lw new Choistmas Vigil Mass h .. tbrn!fore Of\ly • few""'''' from
the old Vigil Mass thaI US<'d to be ....,leb... ted in violet , ....Im.....!!;
_ .,ugg~15 th.ol these db IS !(I alcuLtole the da~ o f Christ's birth.
dutlns lhe morning hou .... of December 24.
whICh 1m"" uu oday as aprioristic . not therefore ml5laken. ma
have creat"" a b .... kground and ....adint!o!l for placing the fNst ~ Many \le>Cts of the ChNtm.s MlSoS<'5 make II clea r that Christm ....
Dece",be. 25, bul Ih.ot Aurelian', I_I o f the ,un may hove giv..... 100 " cd b.ated as a fust 0/ our redempiiOfl, "'...... though I~
the ded,lve Im puts.. focuI, of . t\lefltion is on tbr inc. rnation (i.e " the ~ion and
birth). for IheTO:' are "'P"'.ted ... fe ......"'" 10 the paschal mystery. In
The.., was li ttle centralization in the Chu rch of thalli d yet view of Irna content which Chri~tmal and Eo~ter h.ve in common,
the new f...." had "pread with astonishing rapidity t':~~t til.

the suggestion has ~ made that " Wf would do bett ..... todivide _IS in dinoct proximity to Christ INS. The Middle Ages looked
the )"'ar into an ·wt..... ""Iebration 01 rt'd""'ption' and a 'Chri!tmas "pun lhese NinlS a. an honor gu. «I ror the Chri&!-chlld lnd called
celebration of rt'demption."""' them "Companions of Chrisl" (Co",iln Chrill'l . In the Roman HI-
"'8Y the group includ ... Stephom the fint Martyr on December lb.
Since the life of the Virgin Mary is Insepuably linked 10 t ..... mylo- }oM the Apostj., and Mattyr on the 27th.. and the Holy Innocents of
tery of the incarnation of a.rut. her NoITIf is ""pressly mmtiontod kthtet...m.. tilain by Kin8 Herod. on the 2lIth. The optional mem0-
in the insenion for E""haristic !'"raY"'" J. MOO"f imroo ... ntly. the oc- rial of ThomIs 8ec:keI. the martyr bishop of Canterbury. is ".,.
ta"e day of Chriftmas is "'FaUy ckdio ted 10 commemoration of bnited. on lhe 29th. and tha t 01 Pope Syh-eter I on the 3bl.
nw feu t o f the Holy Family i. ct!lebn ted on the Sunday within the
Tht Christ"",. s..._ ocU ve. If. howf\'er. Chri.tm., and ilS octave day fall on. Sund ay.
Christmas is the only feast other than Wit.,. to ha"e an octa,·e. The this iN$! is ct!lebrated on Dtumber 1O. nus is a quite f'fO"l\t devo-
octa'... day roincid~ with the bt>ginni,,& of the ("i,·il )"'n. which 1ion.fN$t thai ' prHd around the world in the ninetftnth century.
G/oi""julius Cus.. moved. from Match I to Jan .... ry I il\ 4.S S.c. a.-. wid> Canada a! 1M INin souoa oIlnfl...eru:e. and Wati p ,olLlot..d "".
a u"" p;lg. .. made the I>eginnins of the new year a fe ..1 in honor perlally by l«l XIII (from 1920 on it wu ""lebrated. on the Sundily
of J;mus. the god who f"""" in two directions. and ""lebral1l!d it wilh aM Epiphany).
boisterous joy Ind , upertitious pr.ctkes. IlW Church tried in many
pllC<:S to ;mmuniu the faithful by instituting penit...,.,tial liturgio>s." Solmtnity rf 1M M.nifrst~tiQn rf Iitt Lcm1
At Rome. lhe Annl\'enary (NaIQk) of the Motn..r otGod WIS" A very promi""nt f, .. t of the Chri.tmas season i. the solemnity of
times ""lebral1l!d on this d ay. whilr in Spoin and Gaul il beame the the MmfC'Slation of th,l..ord. or his Epiph;my (.ft... its Gowk
fNst of the C ircumdsion in .. « o.dance w ith u.. 2:21 . Only in the ........). whidl is celebral1l!d on J.>nuary 6. "The lint trxes 01 11 .ne to
thirteenth/ fourte.!flth century do "'e find abo thi. f....1 at Rome be 5ftfI in Aleundria at the beginning of lhe third century. The .... is
w .......... until the li turgical rclorm o f 1960 (Cod,., rubrirllrum ). it WiIS mudl lO be said '0< the view lhat the choi"" of tlat. wll influcrtCN
c~lebr.ted under the titleof "Cim.omcision of the lord.nd Octtvc by. F"'gan fust (birthday 01 the god Aion). In the Eastern Church
of Christmas" and wu OI"iomted toward MIry and Chri$t",;o.s. The this w lS th~ original feas t 01 CM!!'S birth. to which at an early date
Cntn~1 Nonru n.'tUmed to the origin.l Roman practi<:e (""Solemnity w~joioed the com memor.tion of his baptism (!IO thlt the fca&! be-
of the Motlw-r of God l.nd ~ the commt.'lTlOration of the Nom- come an lmportantFsion for baptisms) and the commcmoration
ing ci Jest15 with the solernroity. of his first mir;;tde•• t Can • ."'

llwn> .... good ....as0n5 for tegn.'tting thatthe lilurgy p;I)'Sso linle In the second half ci !he fourth """Iury. as I noted abo\'e iT> ron"",,-
attention to the bt'ginning of the ..... w yeu. whkh .IJTI05Iall J>ftlP1es lion with Chri&tIN'. lhe Ea$l and the Wnt took o"erexh other',
celebro te with festivities. The "Ma.soes for Various Public Coc.· birthday ~51S of J""us. with the Mult tho t the East c.. lfbnted the
. ions" do indeed have. in first p lan '. ' "Moss fo< Ihe Beginning 01 birth of j","us Ind the cominK of the wi"" men on Dect!",ber 25 and
lhe Ci"il Y~ar." but it is p!"l'O.'d...d by a 5urprUing rubrk "'ThIs M ass the comlNlmOration of the baptism of j.,,,usa nd of his Arsl mirade
m~y not be ""lebrated on January 1, the solemnity of M..try the on January6(on w hkhday it .lso administer...:! baptism). while
Mothe< of God." The obstocle ho-I"f' wu f\'idently the gerwral ",Ie the \'lest oeIebritN the COf\\ing of tht wise men. the baptism of
that votive Masses may not to. crlebraled on solemnitioes.. A TM!W nog- J-..s. and his first miracle on January 6 as ck>ar signs of his ""If·
ul.1ion "'oms .ppropriate and needed."' maniffttltion. In thecl ..... i/kationof ,",IS the We!ttem Ourch
made Epiphany the serond onotit important feast of the liturgical
Even the earli<.'!illiturgkll calendars alTNdy hI"e a "",i<'ll of Nlnts· )'Hr (a double of the firsl claM. wi lh a privileg«l octlV~ of the sec·

""d da,,). Tod~y it is a solemni ty without an octav,,; in rountrM:!i n... Sacrlm.>nUry of G regory l. which WiL$ used in the city of
whe ... Epiphany Is nola hoIyday o f obligatioon, it is C1'lftIrat<:d "" Rome, had four Sunday M~ and t""'"
Ember Day MaS6eS that
t~ Sunday betwHl1 J;anu.,y 2 and january 8 (CNLYC 37). bore the m~,k of AdveTlt. Th~ focus o f I U""tion w as not on the final
coming of Christ bu t 00 ttls coming in the n...n.
In 1M popular religion o f 1M Middle Ages lhe "I""'" holy l<inp"
acquired sud> prorn\rIoenC1' that Epipka"y was USllally calif<! " t~ In Gaul lho! empJuosis ..·ilS q",;'~ d ifferent, 10. J>eno, und ... the influ·
f,,;osl oIlhe Ttut!e Kings" and revrded ,1"-1 as a ... ints' /c;ost. ~of I. WI miMioNrle, C"Kha tologkal npectation was acanted,
and Ad"ent bec;ame a penitl!1lti.I ..., SOfl (violet vestments /or Mass,
Ma"y pious (Ind often not to pious) custon"I$ came 10 to. aSlOCiooted omi!Isioon 0/ the Clori., Alleluil , and T~ f)eum). Some o f these pnU'
with Epiphany (I' w ith Chri~ rNS~ 1lef\1i.1 ek"oents en lCred the Rom;on liturgy in the twelfth century,
Sintt 1960 tho! rommemor.olion of the INptism of If'§tlS, which had but toy ~a ininS: tM joy<lu$ Allelui. Rome showed thaI it did not no-
.Iways bftn an important PO" of tho! ~_ of Epiphany, hH beom pro Ad~'''''' as Pi...... ' Iy a time of penana. The Roman solu tion to
",.,de;an indEfM'oodent /c;o~ (C1'lK>r.oll!d initially on !Iw oct ..... day of the length of the Ad,-...,t wuon (four Sundays 01 Adyent) won out
Epiphany~ The PU'poM was 10 call at""'tion 10 the w1vati"",,1 sig· only sradUilly; Mil.n i till hoo, si_ Sundays 01 Ady",,!'
nificant<' o f the booptlsm as • ~&1iOI\ of the d ivrn.. !l<lNhip of n... GenmII N«rru interp~ Ad vent'" I time both of P"'"l'"ration
Jeous, 10 tho! anointing of I"'" w ith the Holy Spirit for his mrSsj·· for Christmas . nd of ""pectation of the lord's firuoI coming. From
nic o ffiC1' It the begiMi"8 of his public ministry, and 10 tM sanctifi· boIh points of ,iew Ad """t i. thus a period /or devout and joyous

eation of the wllft" lS a sign of the forgiveness of sins in bllptism bp«ution " (GNf..YC 391. Speciflc.aUy. the Gtnmrl No.,.,.. <futin·
The c...m./ N",,,,, nsign the feutlOt~ Sund.y .fte. Epiphany. If
suJsh twO phl5eS in Advent: the period from December 17 to De--
Epiphillly itself is trans"'rred to Sunday, lanUiry 7 or 8. I~ fea~t 01 cember 24 is ordflftd mOl"!' dir«tl y to Christm ... whit.. the
t1w! baptism of Jesus is celebrated on the following M""d.y." preceding dlOyS look mOIl' to the ""katological return 01 ChTi".'"
This f»ut mark.s the end of the Christmas cyr le. The following !loth aspects, however, lOre made explicit in both stages. and lhen> is
w.... k o.lread y coun!>' as the fitSl of the 3J or 34 w ....b o f Ordinary no question of . peniteTIti.1 ,.,.son. The Code of Canon Law of 1917
TIme. had " ... ady dropped any obligatory Ad vent fast.

Adw,,/ '" R s..._

of Prtp/lr~lio" fo r C~rnt""'J N /or the beginning of Advent, the fitSt Sundoy o f lhis ,..,ason is
tMON! " fa!llnj'oo or d06eSI to JO November" (GNLYC 40), that is.
Uke I~ Elster cycle . the C hristmas cycle il p .eceded by a tim" of
p'epo"tion which we can AdveTIt (m,m Latin Qdvt70hu .. coming.. 1M Sunday between Novembe. "El and December J.
I.e .• o f the Lord Jesus Chrisl). The li.-&t traces of this _son a ... The liturgy of Ma" for the fou r Sundays ta k" its tone ond ch.... r·
found in c..ul and Spain, wJ>eno, beclU5O! of dose ties with 8yzan· tel" HM:Ilri.oUy from I~ gospel, the themes of which are pkked up,
tium, EpipJuony on January 6 WI~ the e",liest f»a" of the birth of io • paler or less H ""tefll, by tho! other t.,. lS. The r,d", . ed .... d·
C hrist . nd, 10• • time, an important date for h.optlsm. It WIS Inp.re from (wlah Ind I~ peritope-s ... lating 10 John the liapti'"
thought IhiIt thi, day for baptism. no IeSIi th;on the Eute< V.gil, both iSlilh and John are "'8~rded as " p"'~ of the ad"""I."
should to. p r«eded by fort y dlYS of prepi-rl tion. Sin<e these c0un- thatll, tM coming. The ....,.,....1 liturgy h;os beom enriched by two
tries follo~ the EMtem custom 01 not 1"1ing on Satuniay, t1w! Advent prefacft: In o:oon l&1, the liturgy of Pi ... V had no Sf""""ial
......., 0/ pn>p.J ralion otnJpied right weeb Ind began on the d lY AdYelt pref~. Thelhird Sundayof Ad'"~t (Caudell' Sundayl is
Ifl1'l" No,..· mber II (QwooiRlgt'i.... Sl'1tCIi Mo,U";, "S!. Martin 's dis!ift&ui5hed by Itt joyful spirit Ind the optiono.l U§e of ,( J rol-

.......n.'" orftI wstmentt, bolt! of which onau it. kind of por. Ue!1O the
fourth Sunday of ....... t (Laetl~ Sunday).

The M... litu'l!y 01 tho! wolo!kdilyl of Ad"""l h.~ likewi"" been on· _ .. Lotion to the Genliles." The bleliiiinS of the aondles was addt<!
rid>ed. Be""" the I~/ol '" these days Ilad i'>O proper Mas. formular· betll«' the ycar HX':> in Gaul.
ies; now ..achday of lho! S!too'ld phaseof Ad .. ent has its OWTI
lhe b~ing of the candles and the carrying of them in proct'!lOion
Pi ....... FQr the w","kdllyl of the lint pha"" It-., is IlKUrring It<\I0 the ... rne "(andkiNs," which ga,... litlle indication of the
.......t<Iy ... nos; thus ... ch Monday. for ..... mple.luo. th. sam. Prop<'r, _1 theme of the feasl. The !\arne " Purific.tion of Mory," officially
"XC<'f'1 for the pray« of the d,y ,nd the biblic.l ,"dings. both of givel'l 1O lhe lei\S1 until l%'). must t>. .....g.rdt<! IS mist..ading. The
which cluoll8" from d,y to diy. Tho! " 'wkdllylfrom Dec.. mber 17 10 bln5ing of Ihe u ndl<5 befon Mas.s may takeeitlwr of Iw<> 100 " ..."
DK.,,,oo 23 ai1' Iwtlwr enriched by Iuo" ing the f~mous ()..~nli-
pho ... from the Uturgy of the hours (Ihe .ntiphoros for the Magnifi· lhe Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord (Man:h 25). ninl'
cat) ...IV.. IS Alt..IuUo ,el · I. Each oI tlw$e antipt.ons c""taim a months ""loft !he binh of Christ. has lor its aubject W incoomolion
Loulbtory invoclilioi'lof the aw. i1ll!d M_iah ,nd. p •• yn for his of the Son of God in the womb of Mary. II i. lirst .1I<'SIed in the
roming liS Savior."' lixth century in the U~I. in the iIe\.....lh in the Wi51 (if we po . rind
hom sam<' 'n' kipalion!l of it}." SinC'l' Mooch 2.'5 falls within the F"'"
Ad,...... customs I .... 10 some eKlertt corme:'\Ii!d with t .... e><Pft1;ltKm riod 01 penil...... ti.1 pn>pa.Ailon /or Elster, It 1$ not poIiSible 10 gin>
of Christrrw (Ad,·en' Wi'tlO. h,. Ad'-en' aolend • • ) .nd 10 !lOme cxtml Uf'1 ' ion 10 lhe- true spIn! o f thi, feast. If;1 f&lb in Holy Wtck or
with pr....:hnsti.An custom practiced al the ...·inter snlstico:." (nre1y) in Easter we\" .... il is ceIeb •• tt<! on the Monday d~. the Eas-
TWo C/o ris/"",s FNSIS Outsidt tlw C,clt ter oct ...... TIle Gt>ttrl>i Nor"" pre"" tlw! n.me " Annunciation of the
Then: m .' two felStdays tIuot oceur outside lhe Christ",,", season Lord· (which wn also used in somecalenda .... in the past), but the
bul an: ronn«ted themlitklilly wIth the mystel)' nf the inca"""oon. 1\alM " Annul'K'ialion of M"y" is fully justifiablr in the light of Lk

In thc paSII""y w~ COfIside~ to be Marian feasts but because nf 1~. This least ill ~ery Important by f\!iSOll 01 its th"",.. , but w ..

I"" events lhey crlcbrale they are to be regarded .ather u feasl. of thould not forget thai the incarnation has at .Ulitnes been already
Chrisl; for Ihi ' «-',uon Ihey have ~I"ed new names in I"" ...... rommemorlilo:<! by the feas l ofC hri&tm....
formed liru'l!Y.
The f....s l of tilt! 1'n.'!j(.'I'Itarion oIlhe Lord (February 2), w hich OOXu .... 1M Nrw Oiu"i,," aft~ y"",
fort y days after Ch.istma" is based on incidents. na rraled in Lk. The periods "f tims.bf.'lwC\'n the twn annual cycles of leas'" ore
2:22-39, in which the focus 01 attention is on J<'5US ralhe. lhan on now known as Ordlna. y TIm .. (Latin: Ir"'p~s ptTannu", ~ "time in
his Mother. In th~ East thl, feasl was ~rted long ago by Eg..na lhe ye..ly cyct.."). Togeth.,. with the fntal cyct..s t he!le periods
the pilgrim (obolJI4OO) and is known., the " F.asl of tM Ml'<'ting" form the Irmporait or Il'IT\por~1 cyel • . Ordinal)' TIIIl<' comprises 33
(C"",k: h!fPllp.mlt, that is, tlw! meeting of JnUII with th. t.mpt.. and. or 34 wwks which fall into two rorvtcutively numben:d "",ions:
in the temple, with Simeon.nd An ... ). It is Itt.. ted II Rome iIS the firstl\lns from the Monday d .... the lust o f the Baptism of
e~rly.~ the fifth c..ntury; tlwre it wlS soon link«l to, procession o f }8us 10 Ash Wednes<by. and the 5E'(OIld from 1M Monday afuor
light. through the dty; this proc,'ssion SUPJX 5edly replaced . n an- p..,1t'c:05I 1o Advenl. In th iss ... m of we\"ks theSundoyof the Bap-
dent P<'S"n p~on of •• piation .... t wall , .kblated e>~ five lisen of Jesus and Pentecost Sunday ligul'\' (in. p ... rely lhoeon>tkal
p,ar.; al lhe bE-gilVling of FftmIlry in the form of • poot : p ion w'Y) ., Sund.~ of Ordinal)' Time. This ensu"," thai the liturgical
around tM bound s of the city (an ~"'''''rltoIlt). The purpt.. \-estments tuta (of ~ and~) for the thiny-third and thin y-fourth
p i . : 'fibed for this Mass ti llite n 1960 recaU th. original pmi\lim- wl!t'b. with their ftCNloIog:la.l orient.tIon.. will ........... be omill<'d.
lial ch.or_ of the feast (in Ro .... ~ TIle candlN arrled in the poo-
t>Jioo: 10 the ~niution 01 the liN'S)' • distinction w;>S rnadO' N-
cCMion aIY a rentitlder tNt Simeonulkd Christ ~.light for

twem a p<'riod aft,.. the Epiphony of the Lord until Septuagt'!lima, Ye.ar A Year B Yu.C
for which sUe Sundays we ... providoo in MisSoaI and Breviary, and I 9 Romans 2 Co";n thi. n~ GoI .tians
period after P""terost with tw~nty-four Sunday formularies. If IOu· 10 Rom.ni 2 Corinthians Galatians
t.... came early, not III the Sunday. aft~r Epiphany could b(o ",J..- II Romans 2 Corinthians Galatians
b.ato-d (in the ~.t"""'" ""'" the ... wOIJld be room for only two), 12 Romans 2 Corinthians Calatiat15
while then- could be.s many as twenty-t>ight Surui.J)'lI aft,.. ~t.,.. 2 Corinthians CaLotiaros
roo;t. n,.. rult ptmi"8 tlUssituat>on wu that t.... omitlftl Sun- 1<1 Ro ..... ns 2 Corinthi;ms CaLoliJons
day • • ft .... Epiphany ..... .,.., inh,rcalato!d (as postponed Sundays) 15 Romans Ephesians Cokn i.ns
bctw""" the twenty-third and t..... enty· fourth Sund.ys .ft.... Penlt'- 16 Ro ..... ,.,,; Ephesians Colossians
cost; this wa. ""rtainly not an id~ol ,""Iution. l ' Romans Ephl'$ians Colossians
18 Roma"" Eph""ians Colossians
n... numbering of SundaY" as postpentKOStal occurs fill't in tM 19 Ro ..... ns Ephesians Hebm-'SIl -1 2
f r,lIlkish liturpcal book· of the righth Mltwy. llu> ..... rlin' practioP Heb~ws 11·12
20 Ro ..... ns Ephesians
hod be\.., 10 COUnt these Sundays ~ing 10 thrir ... Lotion to aor-
21 Romans Eph<lSOans Heb.. "'5 11·12
tain postpenbe005ul fe;tS~ After the introduction 01 the MSlof the
:z2 Romans I.~ Hebn:""lIH2
Trinity (IXW) 11 ...... s also pos6ib le 10 count SundaY" ". fter Trinity";
23 Romans I.~ Phil<!mon
thi. practice w.slal<!!" I.k ..... 0" .... by the Churches of the Reforma-
24 Romans I .~ 1 Timothy
tion and is still customary thcr~. n
2S Philippians James 1 Tunothy
1M I.«tiotwry "" o..dm..ry Ti.... 26 Philippians I.~ 1 Timothy
n... Sundo)'ll..,d W«'kda}"$ of Ordinary Ti"", deri,"~ their speaflC Xl Philippians Hebr<ew52·10 2 Timothy
thcok>gi<al..,d lhurpcal complexion chioefly from the "'adings ..... 28 PhilippiaJ15 1kbJe"' 52-10 2limothy
~igned tiW'm in the new I.«tionJIry jtIr Mas" of M.y 25, 1969 (I«ond 29 1 Thoi!ss'\oni."" 1-Ieb~,2· 10 2limothy
edition, January 21. 1981). The general pattern follo.....ed in the IWw J(l1 The pioni.,.., Hebrew52-10 2 Tim<>thy
I~ionory ho. a ll"\.<ody t:.",n explained In connection with the lit- 31 1 Th<"S:"lonians Hebrews 2-10 2 Th",,,,,loni.ns
urgy of the word at Mass (Chapter Xl). Fo< this reason [shaU.im· .ll I Thtois.aloni."" Ht"brews 2·10 2 Thess.alonians
ply gi"" two tabl" that p""'\de • qukk O\'''' ...·;.,w for tt.... second 33 I Th ' PIlon ..... Ilt"bI"\.'Ws 2-10 2 Thess.olonirns

reading on tM Sunday' of Ordinary nmund the firsl on " 'Hk-
TIot f,ISI 1Wd;~g,," 1M WHbWysO/OnJina'Y Ti ....
days. n... table&!how which book5 o f tM Bi~ are read (ina 5t'mi·
continous m.nN'.) and in ... hal ordt'l'. , ""'~.
first eyle 5f:(OIod Cycle
1 Samuel
TI~ x<omJ RNd'"8 On IN SU"di<!I' <f On!illllry Ti ....
YNr A Year B YearC ,2 -~.
I Samuel
2 Samuel
I Corin thians ! -4 1 Corinthians 6-11 lCorlnthiaJl5 I 2-15
I Corinth;"'ns 1-4 I Corinthian<! 6-11 I Corinthians 12·15 ,• Heb.Ewi
Gfnesilil -ll
2 Samuel; 1 Kings 1_16
I Kings \- 16
4 I Corinth;.,.ns 1-4 I Corinthia"" 6-11 I CorinthiaJ15 12·15
•, ("=::i' I-1I I.~
1 Corinthia n<! 1-4 I Corinthi~ns 6-11 1 Corinthians 12-15
I Corinthia ns 1-4 1 Corinthians6-l1 1 Corinthians 12·15
• ""'"
1 Pett'l';J udt
2 Peter; 2limothy
, I Corinthi.ns 1·4 2 Corinthians I CorinthiaJ15 12·15 9 T<!bit
2 Corinthians I Kings "- 22

I Corinlhi.ns 1·4 2 Corinthia"" I CorinthiaJ15 12-15
Wnmilies of. the Trini'y, lhe Bod y and 61 00d of Christ, the Sacl"l'<l
~'~I CY<:W s..:ond Cyde
II 2 Corin lhiam I Kingo 17· 22; 2 !Gnp He4rt 01 Jesus. and C~I the King. They hav~ in rommon llult they
12 Genesis 12·50 2 KinS"; I.. ment.ltions had their origin in a pifly cn.racteristic 01 tn. agf thaI gave lhem
13 c;.."."is 12·50 Am~
birth and are 10 be reg;arcl<od as devO!ion·ft:a~ts.
14 ~12·50 HOSI''; INiah Tlw Soiemnity 01 the Trinity
IS E>:odu, lsai.th; Mic.h 1lw ",",gglu gm,st Ari~ni ..... led 10. special ~phasis on faith in
16 E. odus Micah, Je ",miah the Trinity both in preaching and in piety, parric:ularly in Spain and
17 E>odus; u-..~tkus )..... miah G.ul; tho:re is pl...,ty of eVido:nce lor this in lhe &i~th/seventh cen·
18 Numben;Oeutenlnomy J"",,",iall; N.ohum; H aiNkkuk tury. The middle 01 thuighthcentury NW the appeara~, in the
19 D" \n~y; Joshua E2~1 Old CeIMn Socrarr.<'Tltuy, 01 the po1!5et\I-do y !"mace 01 tn. Trin·
20 Judg..s; Ruth Ezekirl Ity, which Is a compendium 0/ dnsic;tl trinitarian theology. Around
21 I ThessaJ.onian~ 2 Thl'Mollonians; 1 Corinthian. 800 a Mass 01 the Trinity 15 found as I votive Mus for Sund ays,
22 I ~~ns; Colossioons 1 Corinlhians which.. it was lhought, should ha,'e a ""'''' Iri>\'t.lrian emphasis. In
23 Co'xs;am; I Timothy 1 Corinthians Franldsh and Callie Benedictine TnOI\iI$!led.. a [ust o f th~ Trinity
24 1 Timo lhy 1 Corinth i"n. w •• probably celebrated on the Sunday aft ... Pent<."C<.l&I ....·"" before
25 E•.ca; Hagga i; Zechariah Prov~rbs; Ec<:lesia.tl'!l the year 1000. Rome ~tubbornly '""'Ist~od such a fC<1st, but Pope John
26 Zeduori.h; NehemWl; BaNCh
17 )0ru.1l; r.bladli; joel
28 Rorn.1""
Galatians; EphC5ians
XXII firu.Uy introd...ced il for the uni""rs.o! Churdl in 13:U, during
the A" ignon Exile. The !nalion of this ....SI on the Sund.y after
Pentecost Cl n be inlf'rprl'll'<l as a g •• ",lullook back <11 the noW rom ·
29 Romans Ephesians pLeted my~lIery of salva tion, which , according to lhe Iht:ology of tk
30 RorNns EpI' es;'ns fa~ Is Icromplishe<;l by the f " ....... through the Son in tM 1I00y
J l ROOM ... EpbdmiS; Philipp;.ns Spirit."
32 Wisdom Titus; Philemon; 2 and 3 John
33 I and 2 Mac(.~ Revelation ""'" Solemnity Of The Body AM Blood Of Christ (rorpus Christi)
:u Do nid Re~elatlon This frasl is t<>lebratPd on the Thurtday aftrr the feast 0/ the Trinity.
Tlw trad itional ""... in Engbsh....(:orpu. Christi-i!; deri \"«I d i-
B<-cause an efforl ha, bfton made It) achle\'r continuity In the ,,'eek.
day r"ad ings. they an! " In mOSI caStS .. , to bo! ,,!led on thl-ir ....
rectly from I"" Latin• title (fr:sru ... . ... poi ... Cltrislil_
• igned da y' , unless a SOlemnity, tH§!, or mrmorial with proper Its origin mu" be """" as ronnecred wilh Ihe inlf'ns<' cult 01 th~
",.dings OCCUl5,"" If""" o r 01"'-" reading rul5 It) br omitlfd, · w ith Blowd s.cr.ment that ck-.'eIopNI during 1M twel fth ""nt ury. In
t .... pI'n 01 ",.dings for ,,,,,-, ...,tire week In mind, the priel in thaI thaI cult the w hcelO' was I""" with lhe prop<'f ceil'bration of the E,,·
caS<: arranges to omit lhe less s ignificant !!eCtiom or suitably rom· ( Nrist tNn w ith the abiding ",,1 p~ oIChrist in the c:onse-
b~""" them with "ther ",adings. if they contri bute to an integral crated b.ud . """, worship 0/ 1m, eUCh<1ri5lir Christ was
n lK.'COfI"IJ'"oUN by an lnl~ longing It) 5<'<' the hor;t; this led, among
,' oew of " pilrtirular t""'me. ·
011_ things. It) the e ..... ation of ,he hosl aim the consecration (first
Mowblt SoIrm~iriN '" Ord'",,'Y " ..... .twsted for Paris aboul l200).
During the se,;""d millennium of the Chd~ian era four IoOlemnities
......... eslablishOO d uring Ordinary Time; thelr6a'" depends on W In this situation. vision which Juliana of Li~e, In AuguSlinian
date of Easm and Ihus they are mo·... b ... lusts. ""'" four are the so- nw>, ~ved In 1209, and oft..., .I",,,,,.rds, played an imponant

role in the establishmmt of a sp<"'"ial IN.t in honor 0 1 t"" 81t . d '.acrarnent of unity." "" StiLl more ~tly, however,. growing n um-
s.crament. 8ishop Robert of Lii!'ge introd uced such • ~Ut into his be' of people .... calling lor tht retention or restoration of the pro-
dioc!1I fOO" the first tin..- in 1246.. h> 1264 Pope Ulb.on IV extended it e . S'Km with tIM> 8Jns,ed s.crament.
to the mti", Church. 'Thomas Aquinas i, Nid 10 N"~ written 0<
Fea&l Of llwSacn>d Hell " Of J..,U!I
COI'Ilpiled the lexts 10< Mass and lnYiary at t"" ""1,,"1 01 ~ Nrnr
This "'ast is ~lebtalt'd on the third Fricby after Per\tecost. the dooy
pope. but today t ......'" isdoubt about hi. ~ aut~ip ol ~ that used to follow upon the octav.,Corpwl Christi. [I is a typical
splendid hymnsol t ...... offi,,~. t1w dealh oltM pope in tNI 5.lme
INSt 01 d""otion. honoring the God-rnan foe th.t love that is symbol-
~ar del1roo the spread of tl><- feast. which bo!c ..... univ ....... Uy
Ized by his h""rt. lhe beginni ngs o f Juc:h I devotion m;,y be fotrnd
obliga tory only under John XX II when ...... published Urba n IV'.
in the Fathers. who appN! especia ll y to p.iIISNgt'S in the Gospel of
Bu ll of Establishment in II><- ClemenHne o..rn.1a ls,"
Jolin (t.g., 7,37; 19:34). These pusages were . liO the point of depoe-
lhe new name ol tt.. feast. which now "pl"O!lllly """'tions the t ... re for the medie\·.1 theologians: . lew isola te<l fig"'T\$ in the
8100d of Chrisl. n:n<k.....d "'perlll,IOUS the !;,iSt of the Preciou. tw.,lfth ""'tury,.nd then a w8" number in tho! thi" """th.
8Iood. which Pi"" IX introduced in 1849 in thanksgiving for his ...- This cull received an especiaUy strong impet\15 from tll<' mystics of
t... m lrom ex;", (il w.s most """"lIy celebr.t«I on luly I). That
the thirteenth and foun ..... th cent ..."", in t"" jA'r""', of stICh indi o
~asl " idently d ... p lKat«!t .... Feast 01 tht Body and Blood of C lui!it.
vkI ...... Ls as Medttikl of Magdeburg. <Artru~ of Hellta, and
A CorptI, Christi roO( s i em is first a!\leS1Ie<! for Cologne bi'tw"",,, Heinlich Se_, Lat ..... on, the It p .uentali'<ft 01 the 0 ...:01;" ~
1274 and 1279. By theend ol th~ Iourteenth cent... ry il h.od Mn ..... and the lesuil5 of the s ixtemth cenlu.ry p romoted t ...... Sam'" Heart
Th"'Jia,licaUy adopTed in most rounlries and was ce lo!bo .ued with c!rvotion with opeci;>l ""al. In the se-.'<ntM'Oth "",lUry the r""",h
g ..... t $OIemnity and splendor, In the pl'OCtSSion i consecrat«! hor.t Oratorians 01 Pi",,", Bkullr (d. 1(29) and 101m ELKI", (d . 1680)
w.s u rried in a monstrance, In Germany thtCorp\15 Ch risti pto<t. brough' the devotion to new heights, lohn ELKI",. with tht permi..-
, ion ilCqui....:! to somt ", tent t...... char""'~r 01. procession IhrouKh lion 01 his bishop, was.1so ,he first to c~lebrlOte a least in honor 0/
tt..: fidd. and a rogation p!'OC1.'SSion.ll\ere w.s. station at f "",h 01 lilt Heart of 1"'\15 in the chuKhes o f hit rommunity (October 20.
fo ... r OUTdoor altars; here It..: beginnings of the lour gospels were 1672), Betw"",,, 1673 and 1675 Ma rga"" Mary A1ac"'lue .• Visitation
.ung loward the four quarters of the lI<'''·ens. Ind a bk'ssing was nW\ a t Pa ray·Je..Mon ial, had a ~rit... "f visions in which Christ bade
given with tht 81es.....:! Saua """'t. E.p<'Cially in the Baroque period her work for U. introd uction of a io!ast of the Sac:MOl He.rt on t......
• •

Friday after the octaw 01 C!Kp\15 Christi Ir.:i for the practICe of Fri·
the p!'OC1.'SSlon developed into a I!\olgnificml Ind rriump halistic
public d isplay. In 1959tl><- Roman Congrq;.oon ollUt.., . talN! that days In honor ol the H~art of lesu. ~nd 01 holy hours.
the CorpusCluisti ~ion is not. lilu.rg kal 1(1 I.lling uncl ..... Rome relisted for almost _ hundi'1!d yeats. and only in 176Sdid
Rol!\oln la ..· b ut an M"""r<.i!;oo of d ....·otion M(pi..", r....m';um) tha t
C\erneru: Xu] allow the Polish bishops and the Roman
comes under the iurisdiction 01 the bishops." ArdIronfr.ternity ol the Sacnod Hu tllO celebra' .. such . ' NSt. In
In the d«.des alter the council d~tis'iKtion WiTh 1M trodition.JI l 8S6 l'1us IX """~ the least obligatory 10< the uroi"ers.al Church; In
fann o f the C~ Christi pnxe!i6ion led to efforts to d"elop new 1899 Leo XIII raised illO ~ highlw ra nk a nd orden-d thai tht wOfld
lanns. for e ,..mple. a ~tiv~ Ma"", mighl be ~lebtalt'd in a p...blic Ihould be ~aled 10 tht MOIiI Siocn.'d H~.rt o' Jesus lor tll<'
"'Iua .... " 'ith the " onous p.anshes coming in procession from their coming cenlury." Pi",$ XI ...... iHd lhe liN rgy o f the !.>as! in 1927 and
churches (_ the old Romon s t.tionalliturgles). "so that ttw:o Chris-- elev.1N! it .till further, On the first c""nmary of its introduction as
lian people might ~xpen"""e th"""",I,·.., • • forming a g",. 1 rommu· a wtiven.ool !e.st Pi\15 XII !!OSue<l th., Encyclicall.etter H,,"tittis
nily. with Chri st and 01\1' .noIlI<'r, that has its source In the Qq....,."
Tho! ch~ opposition 10 devotion 10 the Sac:~ He~ ~ COl""' from 01 the Jiturgic.a l year, since this Suncby w ith its O!5Ch.tological tonal·
/ansm;'m .nd t~ tlwologi.ns of the Enlightennwnt , Our cmtury, Ity brings home ITlO<1' clearly lhe idea lhoot tt.. glorified Lord Is !he
100, brought more or ~ open reserv~tions revrdlng it; Plus XII p i of the uni'·...se and Christian li~.
diKum'S thew in his eocydioc.l Many 01 t~ obj«tions a", INsN
OIhtr FftilJJlJP jn On/inJI'Y Ti .....
on m~undenUind;ng.nd prt:n'e ground\eosls CItI<:e the t.... m "'N~ "
is und':'I'!nood as" primordial word or primol'dl.l concept, as u - mst o f the T.ansfigur.nonof the Lord (AugusI6)
plainft! by ~rl Raimer. "For Scriptu ", and the te..ching and pr,K' n.. b.osis of the INS! is the .ubst;;an!ially indenlic:al aoocounl:5 in the
tke of the Church I!Isu ......, when they speak of the heat'! of /tsuS,
Syrwoptic gospels (MI 17:1--8 par.). Such • felSl wiS known in the
the self-Arne total-human primonJ.ial wonJ. ' hurt' iI. the inmost Eauem Chun:hes a~ early as lhe' fifth century; oot until 1457. how·
original (ore of the body"""l totality 01 the person, Tho! object 01 ever, did it b«ome "niversal in Ihe Western Chun:h under Cali~tus
tM Sacred Hean C\oVQtion is consequently the LonJ. with respect to 1Il, who established it in grateful rommemon,tion of lhe victory
this his .....lrl. " · over the Turb in 1456.
Other fttlTli of do.votion to the Sacred Hean .rethe Fndays in Feall of the Triumph of theC..- (September 14)
honor oEthe 51 WId Hurl, that is, lhe fll'S1 Friday o f filCh month. n.. iHill originaled in Jeruo;oJrm . A double b.uilic. compruing the
and the holy how on the ...... 01 first Friday, Leo Xl II " ppro-'t'd churd! 01 the Martyrium and the cllurd! of till' Re\u.....rnon wn
(1899) • 5p«i&l voti,'" Mas!; lor firsl Frida)'$- The two d",'OIlons. con.cnte<l IIII'", on Soplt'mOO U . 335. On the following d ay the
when ",ope ly txpllined and celobrall'd, ha,... 1ong since P'O"nj BQ.hop of JCfU!,liLem eh·" ~tod the grea t relic of till' Cross and
~ed 1110 thepa>ple '10 that they might venerate il (the Latin
lheir ~Slor~1 .·.1 .... in many ~,"
name of the ~I. Ex_II.I;" auris me.nt liter.lly "IIII' lifting up of
SoIelllnl ly ofChriSl t.... King thecrosa ").
The external O«ll'lion for lhe introduction of this most t«'t'nt lOOa-
Thls feast soon bee ....... m"", imponant thoon 1M feast of the dedic.·
lus t by Plus XI in 1925 w.s the si~teenth cenl",-ary of the' first ecu-
menic.l Council of Nkau, In his Encydical Qua,. prj"",, 01 tion. which il originally accompnied, and spn!ad lir . nd wide. In
the West.l>owever. ils ""Iebration WlS ""Cr\tually a subj<:<:t of con fu-
Clo><:embcr 11. 1925, tho- POP" develops the ide. that tht, moIIt elfec-
Solon, 1l>e Galik liturgy (debr.tM a feast of the crosos on Ma y 3 from
tive weapon 3gainsl I"" destructive Ion:ts of lho- age is the a.::know l-
edgmcnt of lhe kingship 01 C hriSt." 1ho! pope app..,;nll'd the list the eighth century.,n; May 3 was lhe day on which In 628 Emperor
Hera.::1iUl brought"back to JCfU!,li\em , ..... rel ic 01 tlw C"f<.)(oS which the
Sunda y of OI:tobe! . , th<- day 01 tho- fe... t; h<- c ....... this day in "~
PetlilnJ had removed. This 1....1.100. wlS Uiken into the Rom..1n
01 the roming ft<ut of All 5;1I;nl:5. On th is Sunday the .nnu.1 UN' -'
fetal almo:Ur. which however IIn:ady h;od the' fea~t ofSepl<'mber
n ation 10 the ""an 01 the Redeemer was to Uike plaft.
14 (b«.U5I! Ramo. too pc SF ud • n:lie 0 1 the CI"055). By • ",,'ersa] of
Although lhe ~w re...t was initially greeled wllh entlluslum. a hIstorial laC"! the ie.oSl o l May 3 was n.amed the INst of lhe Finding
numbero/ .-rv.tions w ..... soon ...,ict>d on the ground, thoot the of lIle CI'05I (modition dot ... Hekn's d iscoo.·ery of ;1 to Sep~bet-
idea of th is IuS! ;;al",.dy lind!; ""P...... lon. and ind !~d a fI'IOIl' or· 14, 320), and the IHst of Stptt "oM 14. tI>ough .trill callod the feast
ganic e~~ion.;n other ..... son. and on other days 01 the liturgi- of tIw lifting Up of the Cn'l5S. was made 10 com ...... monte Emperor
cal yNr: Advenl, Chri.tmas. Epiphany. Easter, the Asctfl5ion. lnd Hfta.::lius· ..... lOration of the 1I.'1ic.
even on e"ery Sunday since Sunday i. 1M day that ~"'Iei
Under Pope John XXlllthf /ea51of May 3 wU , up?""..,.! (1%0).
Christ n Kyrlos Or Lord. It is <"<'rIainty fortunote that the MW calen-
dar transfers this "S"\~mn;ty of Our Lord /tsUS Christ. King of lhe
The GtntNI No"",,"" 1M Wu')Oiatl y.... , ami 1M C.lr"do, apprm'M
Universe" (ils lull nome in the MisYzl, Ro"",nu,,,) to the list Sunday
tlMo ,uppl'I'Mion and rest<nd tlMo orig~1 m~;ming of th~ fealil of !>rIted the Embn D.o.)"' on different dl tes, until Pope G rejlory VII
tlMo Cross on s..pt~mbe1" 14.'" decreed uniformity at the Rom. n synod 011078. Sina then it Nos
been the rule thl t tho> Ember D.o.ys t>egin on tho> Wednesd l Y' after
ft'asts of tho> Otdlution of Chun:hes d'If first So.mday of Lent, rent«05l. the Exall.3tion of the CI'O$5, .nd
The stimulus to;m aMua l commemoration of the ~ic.lrion of a
the feul of St. lucy.
chun:h Cl'IU.inly came both from I MacabHs 4:5'1 and from ~
p"gan custom o f ~", .... ring a N.''''~ Itmp/; (. "bmhday of • tfln· If we w;p, to sum up the muning of tho:o Ember Days ifI d'If light o f
Pu," ~ n.. u rlif"!;t wilnfttl l<> the dedication of • Christian church is the vlrious historical and lilurgical soufCe. _ _ y Ny that they
EusebiusofCaewfN, Chun:h histo,un ;md bishop, who in 314 ~'"""ted I speci.1ascm.:al tffort I t the beginnIns of each of the
helped to dedicate the cathedral of lYre with a Mass and I kr' four ..,..son,. nus effort took the fom oe5J>"Ciaily of !he trild of
moo." We know from Ege,u's account (400) that lho> anni~~ry of poyer. futing. and . lmsgiving. The Ember DaY' wl'11' abo days of
tM dl"dicalion of a chun:h W IS Iiso O!lebralt'd with a lust." Origi_ thanksgiving for the variousle.tsonal hal"Vt'Sl5'nd. from the fifth
""Uy. these k~1$ o f dedication w .."" ~I",rltnl only locally. Son... Cl!l"ltury on. ,Iso se.....ed as daY' o f p~r.tion for and conh:rr.l of
e~ons, still acknowllPdged today•• "" tho> feasb of d'If dedic.· ldy o rt!"'- In Our IiJne th~ \WO,.., been days of pra)'i'l" for voca-
tion of the Roman t.al<!1"l n Basilica (Novembfr 9) ;md TM IYloilicl' tioN 10 the poie'll:hood .rod ""Ugi0u5 Ii!...
of St. Peter ( Nov~bfr 18), St. Paul Outside the Wall. (.. me day). In the ~anization of the liturgic.1 yt'.r, the Ember Ooys \wo,'e
Ind St. Mary Major ( AugusTS). been reto ined in principle. but their dal<'5 and tM form they are to
Of special signifICance for e.rn di"","", is lhe ' Mive<sary of the taU have been left to the epixopal ronIerenc<'5 SO that beller ac-
dedication of ilS Cilthedral dturdt; thie: is celebrated in all the P""" count can be taken of local condilions (GNLYC 46). Ai far a, their in·
.. hoes I S I speci.aI feast of the di"","",. wh ile in the athfodraJ It Is ~Ie­ Iooaj>1etiltion i5 COfl(et ,otd.!he official coon ....... I.3'}' 01\ the ~
brl ted IS' solemnity. The omni ....nary of th~da'" of Iny ind i,id ...1 Norms points OIIt tNlthe worldwide prob\an5 of ptlO!. justice.
church, if known. II O!lebralt'd tt-..-... on that date itS • :soIe1nnity. and tlun~r in our da y can give ~ed ...... nil\g I<> these periodi·
For churches whOS<' annivers.ary dott is unknown, .... th diocese O!I· cally I'I!C\irrlng e~errise5 of penance ;md Christian charity.
..brOt5 l common I nnual commemoration in the form of I solem·
Hillory of Iitt V""S[Rlion <f 1M Soorinls
£mbrr o..y. 'lM btgiflning olChnstian _lOOn of .. ints rnay be dated to the
" Ember Days' is the ""OW given to the WlPdnesdly. Friday.lnd s.t· ~ o f the w.ond century. The fin;tlo bt ~ener.ted wne the
u.-day of lour Wftkl of the ye;>r; these OOI'N! al appro><ima\riy !he martyn, »w ltn<'!lSe5 to 0ui5l " In lhe fullest !IeII5e of the mm.
beginning of tM /ou . Hasons ;md since the eighth cmtu ry \wove Bishop PoIycarp of Smyrna (d. ca. 155) was prnbI.bly the first m.1,...
bt-en kTKlwn in Rom .. u the qUllttum Ttmpo'll, "four ..,asonl ." tyr 10 bt givm cultic honors by hi' community. Initially, the cult of
• m.1rtyr was con fined to the community in which hit tomb was lo-
The Ember Oily....... sp..;in.;.. lIy Rrunan Institution that ilsti ll un ·
cated. Only later on Wt"" many marty,... taken into the festal cal""·
kno .... n in the £a'll . Thei r origin has r>Ot been "",pl.ined with rom-
dar of other communities as _ II. The"" wlS an e ffort to nuI<t up
p~ utisf..ction.* R«ent ~h has lool<ed lor it in
b \ad; of f"'" ssion o f the tomb by relics, including "ronll<1 rei·
(00. :cro,l ing Old Test.mml I"l'gulalions on fasling; .......
ics" (bnt....),or even by im.ga.
Uduorilh fU9 .nd 1001'12;12·19, in pa rticular. .... ouId \wo .... played an
important roIe-"uppoloi tion that findl lUpport epecially In the SpecIal venn-aOOn was abo shown to the "confessors: thot is.
Ember Day sermons 01 Pop" Leo I." Different parts of the WHt cele- thoie who In ti"", of ptrlleCUtlon lu/feNd torture, Impri!lOnment.
and ~i~. Once the grea~ perso.;:u~ions h.ad come ~o an end. oul. sight of 11K- prindple enunclaled in I Timothy 2:Sf. (ChriSI is the
s~anding bishops li k~ Gregory Th;1 umaturgu. in the East and M~r­
50Ie media tor). When the C hurch ' .........abeS 5;linl •• h is pnxLa.lming
tin oITours in the Wes. Wen! also ho'IOlEd. FiNliy. the ... "", honor the viclOrious gU~ oIlhe one nN:i~-em.". and m<'llialOr, Christ. who
wu pilid to ascetiC's and virgin,; h«au,", of their c"lraordin~Ty fol. adS in his s.oints. This asp«! of the ' ·........ lion 01 the saints finds ex-
lowing of Christ.
potS.' on 1'5pMa lly in the ""'face for Masse. 01 thl: saints and . Iso
AI an early dak alta ... CNpelS, and chun:hl'$ ...tft' buil' 0'·... the in many p"'lIid..."ti~1 prayers. Aulhorita tive statements of the teach-
tombs 0/ such ma rty ... and s.ainl.; lhe acts 01 the marty .. w....., read ing Churdl . ... 10 be found in. for exlmp~. ".rious documents of
0'·... lhem. and the EuduriSI was ~I~rat<'ll . Tl>e "ener-alion p.oid Valian II (SC 10).4, 111; LG. chapter VlI).
them cons~ not only in COllUl'lemorlting the annive.,..ry of their Whall ha "r be<.-n sooying applies also to vomera lion of Mary, the
dea th (their ""llllt Or "birthda y") and imitaling thei r vlrtu..s. but Mother of God. »who is joined by ,n ~Table bond 10 the $lv,
al.., in asking their inililCession (i" •...,.tj,,~· in& WO"' 01' her Son. In her IheCh un:h holds up and .dmi .... the
Therf is no dftr ""'I~ of • {ullk ' ·m .... lion o f the Mother 0{ most uceU""I effecl of the ...demption and joyfuUy contempLa.t1'5.
God during the firs~ 1m... cmturies. probably beeau ... Utenlion '" in a f1awleS5 image. lhal " 'hich the Chun::h itself desi .... and
was focuM.d on the cult of the martyrs and aposlles. In the fourth hopes wholly 10 be" (SC 103) .
century, howev ..., the ":t\LItion . uddenl y cNngcd. as 1 shall.how Veneration of the sainlS does not include only an acknowledgltll'nt
tNt by the BrKe o f God ItIEse ........ and women N,·t bor<:ome signs.
In ord .... to rounlerOoCl an uncontrolled exl<."~ o f "mt'l'alion 01 w Urwns, a nd models of Christian life. \I . 1"" includes con fiden<:t
the Solints m" C htmCh oo...1oped • procel5 01' canonizalion. It alilO in ' ppro;,ching them IS broth .... and sisl1l:1S in Christ, ..... king o ur
Bra~ u~lIy deve lopEd certain criteri.: 11\(0 PTOV"'" heroic following 0/ ares.rod needs known to them, &nd asking them 10 I"tercede with
CluiSI and the E'\.idenc. 01' mi racles in M>SWlI1'lo p,-ay«s add - 'fEd God. the giver of \'Very good gift; thisronfi~ is t..sed on ..... fra·
to the p<'rson. Tl>e au lhoritali,·~ dOCUment governing c.nonlulions ~l iIOlidarity of all " '00 IT1.o1b up the mystical bod ~ of Christ."
loday i. lhe Motu I"roprio SII,.dilllS r/Qrior 0/ Paul VI (March 19. C.thoIk , 'eneralion of the s.o.ints, wilton thu. p roperl y underslocxl.
1969)." is f" ... mo,·cd from "worship" of. C"""'n!. _ In theChurche501
the Reformation then: . ... siS"" lhat ma ny groups u~ finding their
n... ..""wralox! rnedie"al cult of I"" ...ints meant lhalln the lit. w .yback to a v........ 'JIion of the ... ints as thus undl'f'Slood."
urgy the temporal cycle was largely obscured, The Misowl and 0"" •
"iary which Pi", V promulgalEd _ftc,- the CO\Oool 0/ TI'CI\I nN:iuced 1'lor Nrw RoOII<ln (;no",,! CQII'IOdQ'
lhe number of s.o ints· feasts to "only" 158, but by the beginning of 'llIt primary prinrip~ followed in the reform 01' 1M Genenl Ca l..,,-
,"" ~tcm"'ry the number N d cHmbed 10 230ag.lin, .nd this dar was the priority of tl>e lemporal cycle o\'er the ... nctor~1. " in
does not indu&. feasts proper 10 d ioceses. many 01 wh ich had o"~r order th.t the ""'Ii~ cyc ~ofm" mrs""'" of .. h 'alion .... y be~~
a hund...d oIlhem. Befo", [ co_ to the reorganization of the {,1M. br."'" in the ......u ured"" to them" (SC 108). To m.ke Ihls possible,
dar. let me sooy • ,",W ..-ords on I"" lheology of v"",eu lion of the • r.ther l.arg~ number of sooin"" fo.nts Nd 10 be limited 10 1oc_1
lainlS, Churches ... I'fligiouscommunilies; " m.-only should be ex-
tmded to the un iversal Church that <ommemor.lt s.oinlS of truly
Th""logy of Iht V''It'I'alicm of Iht SIIi~ l! un\ve.sol significance" (SC III ). A further guideline was the rEd.UC'-
o....pll1r all the e""ggeralioru; .nd " '"" eo ''''leO""
practices con. tion in ,hie number 01 Id .... -feasls or I t leul lheir ...d uction in nn k.
nected with the vener.tion o f the s.olnts' l many !'"iods . nd in
manyrounmes. the o fficial leaching of th~ ChtmCh N5 _ l o st With I'f8Md 10 the choice 01' sooin ts' ",.SI., the teSt of historical truth

twd to be ~ if a saini was to boP ind ud..d in ""'General C.Ien· Mari.n solemnities and ",...15 (in order of tMir otturtmCll' in the ~.
dar. Only $ainl!; (>f gt'NlI'r oignifk"".,., ..~ to be .dmiltll'd. C.", lursical )'Nr): Solemnity of ' ...... Immacuu.te Cont1!pIion on ne..,.m-
...·IS also 10 be Ialt. ... NI ;o.lI rountries and " islOrinl J""1iOdS Wl'I1' ber 8; FfioSI of V"lSilation on Ju ly 2; Solemnity of the Assumption on
rt'f',"",I..d (gwgtaphical and chronological unh~lity). Furttw;-._ Augusl I S; Ffio!ol of the Nalivity of Mary on Septe ",ber 8.
"""'''',I'\.try sme of Ii '" and the mosl va rird npnoMions" Chris-- Ma rian memorials (o. obIigalory; othefwlaeoptiorYl):Our ~y

lion piety wc...IO be ' ''p' -n1Ed as far IS this was ~ib1e. On
o f Lourdes on Frbruary 11; 1...... lmrmcul." 1-\N11 o f M. ryon the
March 21, 1969, t ...... Congregalion of Ri tes publislwd I...... n .....
SolUrday dt.". tlw feast of I"" Sacred Hea11; Our Lady of Mounl
Roman C".<-ne-rl l C.l-ndar, which w as p...:eded by Ihe Grnt"l"ll!
Carmel on July 16; Queeruttip of M.ry (0.) on Augu" 21; the Name
No'ms fo , 1M Uturgiall YOIl' ~ nd 1M Ctll....dll, and the Comm,..,,'.'Y on 01 MIry On Scph,mber 12; Our Lady 01 Sorrow . (0.) on September
thi, document."' 15; Our Lady of the Rosary (0.) on October 7; PresentUion of Mary
Alt hough the reduction in t...... number of .... inb wu " .It'1Uiw (0.) On N ovember 21 .
"oough to elicit ~ in ind i>; d ual co".,.. it ft.ll ~ho" of achiEving
I thould mention ""re lhe speciol ' ·......... Iion plld 10 the Mother of
the intended goal nuntly. a oubstanliallibcralion of the GEnerol God in May (*Mary·, Month") and October("Rou.ry ~1onIhl." as
Calenda.r from .... in.. I"".IS in fa'·or of the temporal cycle. For, ",..ll as lhe ,·oti~~ M~ for Our ~y on s..turdays.
e'·en apa11 from t...... Marian feasts a nd mernori.ls.1h«e 'lie still
four solemtlities (10" pI ~ Birth 01 John the 6oprist; Petennd Paul; c.lmd,.., of ~., DioctSt$, QnII MigioolJ C"",,,,,,nilin
AU Sioints), 17 feast", 5'9 obligalofy and 88 opnorwol mt'mOrlals, or The rtgioruol calendar for the Gennan-sp.-. kin& rountries waS
]68 In .. ll. C ritics h;;",~ point..d OUI duol of duo t number 89 . '" sain ts bued OIl the ~ Mmm 4,8..~ .nd the InstnoctiOll CMrn<Urill
from I...... Rom.nc...... ngu.>ge countries and 63 are from tM religknu pcrl;o.I."" of tIw Con~tion of Ri\li!S Uune 2~, 1970).'" and was
or<k-r!o. ~;, one commemoration of a unique kind, lho l cl an d .. approved by Rome on Septem.... r 21. 1m.
Ci'iI~ (hri"ians (A ll Soul,' Day); th .. gooes back 10 Abbot Odilo of
In compiling t .... calendar an 11'11011 was a lso 1Nde. in collaboration
C luny in 998 and ha' t...... "" me ran k as a solemnity. If il f.lls on ..
w llh a "'p"",ern.live of the Evangelical O1u rchOOi (0. F. Schulz), to
Sunda y, its Ma" ,-,kes pTe«der.:lI'.
bring It into harmony with the Ev .ngellc.1 ·'Fe$lund
Thl' la'll" num""r of Marian feasls and memorials certainly bean N.m..,ka"'ndar" in n.ogard to I..... ~mlng.nd dating of tJ>t, various
wiln~. to t .... IovinS- grateful esteem in whidlthe01 urch holds feasts .nd memorilois- ."... Catholic regio~1 calendar now has 110
t .... MoIMr of God. MOSI of the Marian "'asts .TOM' (from I...... fourth feasts ar.d memorials in common w ith the EVlng<'lical c.l~darof
century on) in IIw East and w ...... ..,.,.. adopim in t ...... WeoL In many fll'asts a nd ... mes; only in 19cues.", lhere p..-tly still notable
pt'1iods of history, however, il ~ 10 hav~ ~ forgotten duol d~ in d.ting .....
then! Colin be 100 many Ie... Is, 10 the d.-!riment of an authentic: ""n.,,-
A I1!n\&rkableecumenkal ron,·eo ~na has 8lso been achi ....·ed by
ation .. Mary. Some doublet!; hI>'e been rnn<n·ed from th .. ~ cal-
the O1li!ti,n Churches in thie Uniled States. In gomer_I. I...... Roman
en(br, but there .. s till .... rprisingly la~ number of r-uri.n
Calendar has been followed, .lthough Ihe terminology of SundaY'"
soImtnIlk's. f('aSlS, ;;md mnnoria]s. ] must limit myself Iwt1! 10 a li!ll
.1Ift Epiphany . nd Sun<bys.fter ,,", IKOSt has been ""ain..d.
wilhout com m"",", ry.'" 1 should also remind the relKltr th" lhe
fN5ts previously known as I"" ~~talkm of Mary~ and the "An- The P'oper C. lI'ndar for lho> ~ of the Unit.-d Sta tes .. Am ...-
nUn<:b lion cl M.ry" have .lready been di"ussed In c011J"l«tion Ica liJtsone f~a5t (Our Lady of Gu. d,lupe, ~m""r 12), 9 mem.,.
wi th Ihe 1<:.515 of the Lord , as has the "Solemnily of th~ Mother cl rlaia of saints, 7 optional memorials of bl..,5('ds, Thanksgiving Day
Cod·· in ronn«tion with the octave of C!uistm.,. .nd 1r.dI!"J'll"'dMlCll' Day.
Th __ ho>'ing a right to . religious , alend.Jr are «orde~ 01 men;
their " Iendar must ~Iso ~ followl!'Cl by any nuns and ,i~t .... be-
longing to the loll"'" order Ind by ilS ",niaril'$ who U" c in Commu-
nity and make simple >'0"'5" as " 'ell u " religious congn.ogations,
societies, and Iniltitu\1!S of pontili,~ ,"nk, if thfy ~'" in any way Otapter Twenty One
obliged to TeChe Ihe divine office.-'" To bf' in5<lned inlo . "'Hgiou,
c.Icnd" ""', "beside celtbutiofu. of their lillto, found..... 0. patron,
ttw::.w SoIint< ~nd bl ' "pciJ who ~ mombers of INI ",Iigious Ilm-
By or hId some 5pecial ",lationMrip with it. '''I n o.d .... 10 Liturgical Space (The Church)
strengthen the ties between the ... Iigious rommunitics and lhe locil It is not an inht:renl requi",ment of the Christian "'Hgloo that Its ad,
C hurches aU alike at.. 10 ceIeb •• t.. the Inni'·...,..'}' of the dedication
of the c.thed..al. nd the fciUtl of 1M prinriJ'lI patron!! 0I 1h.. place
he....,., have a SOIa-ed edif""".1 their diJposal, That much Is ot ... i-
ous from the simplc /.;I.ct lhal during the fir.;t twO cmturics
and lhe larg.... "!gion, Chri'lians h/ld no p lace!' 01 wo rship "P«ifically !elaside for thai
A ,.,int<' c.olond.o. of I 5pKi.al ldnd is the Roman Martyrology. pU'J"" 1", In add ition. the lat .... history of lhe Churd\ in many (Oun'
which had ilS origin in the lisI!; kq:>t of f..ulu nd INrtyrs in the me. teU us tN.1 Chmtlan (ornmuniti8 w ..... w ithout any ( hurd!
~. rly Church, The last rl<lica lrevision of it wlS made in 1583; since buildings lor deardcs and f\'''''' cmturir!5 bul d id not die oul on
thot Ii".... il hili gone through numcrous editions and transl.tions," that lecount. On lhe other hand, liturgica l.s~mbli .... ", hrlped in
A n....- cdilion is stilliwaitcd, importanl ways loy having ,paces whose arrangt'fn""'t and furnish-
ings Lend suppa" 10 the pro:: l.il.... rion of God's word.ond the cele--
bntion of the lilUrgy and thus rontribul1r! in a positive way 10 the
koi..,...ia Or communion of the members with God and among I .... m-
The prcscnl ch/lpier will d isc,"" I"" theology of the OrristiMl
church bui lding. lhen briefl y review its history. ""I forth gu!delin.,,;
and crit~ril for modem c hurch" e"PLain the names .nd types of Ii·
turgical buildings. ~ w y lOmI:Ihing aboul tl!. -.,tia l fumlsh-
ings 01 . church. Ttl<. chap"" will conclud e wilh a section on tl!.
dedicalion 01 churches and altars.'


The New Testamenl writings spe.k from time to lime of liturgical
ptMrings, bul "'"'" d-=ri~ the p lareof assembly IS "house of
God. - «ynctuary,- or ....·"" -"'mple.« On the"' ...... hand, Chrisl
hlmself Is regarded as the true temple of the new CO\"cn.ant,. nd In-
deed he describes hlms<>lf ill I temple in In 201 3-22. This "....."" that
hoencdorth theenlltd lnrd, .nd noIlhoo templto of Slone in Jcrusa'
Inn,. if tM p~ ofGod 's s;oving PR'SenC'l'. - No longer is thereany
' p edfic place on ea rth tNi is the sole legitim. le locus for worship

of God. Ratoo, God is K> bfo aOOnod when"""" Christ is. th.It ;5, "v_ Ir.:Iry remlrks in lhe Jll"W rite fm the dediaotion of a churd! (CNopter I
~rywhe~, H' JIl. 7:37.)6 must boo intcrpl'O!led along the same lin..s. Ac- 11,1· 2) and by lho> """ommend.llon in the ~ ......al l",,",clam ofllot
cording !(> ItM, Ap<IC".'YJ"i'I' (2l-m the MLamb, • ~tt>eo- with the ~"M iwd that the Bles5ed S,crilme<>1 be reserved in a chapel

Fath .... is the temple01''''' holy city. and th .... is no othn. HplTilied from !he mo in body of thechurch (276).

At the de&1h oIC1uis1 the vo1l of the 'emple in Jeru .. lem was 10m H ISTORICAL SlJRV~Y

from top 10 bottom; many 01 the Fathm 01 the Church. intefpret In the early dlYS, Christian communilie$ o,a,ed tn ailStmblc in the
Ihls OS symbolizing lhe ""d of worship in the Old Testament temple nomes of their _IIobE l s.' bul from the beginnin& of the Ihird cen-
and the ~ing of . ..... w ord.... of !laivoti""_ By his death Christ tury we fmd hous.,. owrn.'d by the communities and l1.'5e!"\'ed for
dism;mtLed the waU Mplr.tingJews.nd Centiks (__ EpI\ 2:14) thftr lilurg;c.Ia55emblles. The hOOJse<hu..m d Ouril Europos on
and thus es'abli~ the univPBlllt'mple thaI is Of"'" to "'ll peoples tJ.., UPf'l'T Euphr~te Os a >~vid ~um~.· On.ct En-.peIOl Constan·
and givt"S them salvarion and a hom~, As a result. a nt'W temple tino issued his edict of religious rol~ration (Edict of Milan) in 3\3.
CWI begins with and in 'es~ & new rr. in .....sh.lp of God, when n~rous bas.i1i~ " 'ere built; lhelle h.o.lls wIth their se>'eral naves
human ~ngs wiU worship him " in spirit and in '"'til" On4:23/.). and apses were dedicated to their Christian pt., p<:iK by tt... first Eu·
chouiS! which II\(, bishop CO'lcbral<!d therein. Centrally planned ooi·
Since !how who bdio:".. in Christ fonl'l his mystlca) body and the
~ lTOM U ~ssembly halls ()V~r especially >'""erated hol y places
glory of God d_L1s in them <- In 14:23). it is und"",Uondable WI
and memorills (for """'mp.... lhe Chun:h o f !he 5<>pu lcher in Jeros.a-
Ihcoy and the rommunily thq form should m,,,w;so, bfoulled!em·
Iem; churches of the martyrs) and uerted. a "rung infll.K'f\(c on 8yz·
pies of the living God (1 Cor 3: 16-17; 8ft also 6:19; 2 Co, 6: ]6). In
antine ~n:hil«rure with its domes, The an;hitecrure of Justinian's
the image of the mystiul body ChristiAns a re ailed the II'ltmben of
pmod soughl to combine the .....:tAnguLtr shope of basilkas with
tho. body; so 100 in the image of the temple they an: called il!llivin&
iMcentrally orienlOO plan of a domed buIlding.'
~ro ...... (1 Pet N-6; _ Eph 2:20-22). Christ is the ir"",lactable foun·
dation of the t.""ple formed by Christians (1 Cor 3:11); at the ........ In the West ~ basilica fonn developed inro tho> architl'<tu.a[ style
lime h<> i. I.... OOIIO('stone in which I.... whole building is joir..:d Ie>- of 1M urolingiln and Ottonia" perio<h, from which in tum
geth .... (£ph 2:2().21), ChriSI hlm",lf. dting Is. 28:16. speaks nf him· emerged the Romanr:sque otyle,' Romanesquc waS • .....:«C<Ied by
...-If as. rorrwntone (MI 21:42 plOr.; 5ee I PIM 2:6-3). GothIc, which bee..",e the p!'eVailing stylo! io the period from about
In canalsl, tile malerial pl~ in which the community ,.then
plays ~ secoooary role; il .imply supplie$. ""I"\I~. From the very
11.50 10 1500.' IIoJI inJ1>e fift....,..,th century There wen! .I..... dy fon:cs
at work in haly that were seeking 10 mnve beyond Gothic, The .....
suh wu Ro>nai~ architectu"", which "'pl"l'St'flIOO a return ro an ·
beginnings of Christianity i. Nos been de.. mo. "" buildinS sancti ·
tiquity. The most impotUnt ""Iui~' w~ harmonious
fies the. liturgical oom munity and !hat. on the (onaH)'. the pLact of
plOpOrtiom reminisc"'t allho> ancient temples'
assembly I, ennooled by. and dmves it~ dignity from. the OOmmu·
nily Ind the liturgy il u lebr• •es Ilwlrin. This p rincip lupplie$ .1$0 At the end aI the ";~teenth ",,",Iury I\CW forms made their apptar·
10 la ter "S" wher! artislk chun:he5 _ built and an extr.'·lgan. ilI1Ce OOJt of which the b.oroquc d ...·elopcd .. round 1600. This slyle
rile fcor the dedication nf churches wli developed and CV", when. was Initiany pr~cTicoo only by lillian ~n:hitec"', bUI by lhe end of
around the )'<'1' one mous.>nd. the practiCf' began of , exrving con · \hoo RVe<ltecn!h cenTUry architects throughOUI Europe ...... '" bulld-
se<:raled host. in the church. If the d ignity of ChNtian chun:t- Ina uniquely ptlfc<lITWln~.c. thtdraJ, and pilgrimage chun:t-.'
w~'" derived from the last two develop men'" ju.t named. one 'Tho! u]timalol ~.,...."t or. dependingon the viewpoint. cuggera·
",·".,Id No>'e to dmy lIny diplly 10 the ch,,~ of the first millen. lion of the b.oroque slyle WI d~~I<>p<"d around the middl .. o f the
ium. The view 1 am setting forth he ... isconfirmed by the inlrodUC'- eighteen!h century Nos been IJiven the t>&me " IOCOCo. • bu' the name

~Lat~ Nroque~ IiW1JI5 pn'f~.bk>, At t"" "m~ period, rne.nwhil~, ..... communily thaI is engagod in tho- liturgic.J ...:tion should not be loes-- I
periolly in ci...:k!s infh.l.,I\Ce<! by th~ English and F"'l\Ch Enlightt-"'_ .,rneci by s~ti,1 a'nngemcnlS,
"""'1$, I"" pendulum "'IS swinging in tiW' oppusite ditt'<:lion. 'fIw;".,
1his lasl is what happened in, for e""mpl~, the Middle Ages
was iii n ...... ...,thusiasm for antiquity wilh its ~nobl~ simplicity and
(RomaTlf'Mlut period ) when a Itrloriw", or INdJn& platform divMitd
quiet fr~ndeur. ~ The new style wu named d~ ..icism Or n<.'OCla ssi_
each churrh into a "r hurch 0/ lhe d ... gy~ and. "chu"'h 01 lhe
rurn.' 1I11y,~ tam "illl il$ own Liturgy_Nor clln the ;coNtuis {"waU of im-
In tiW' Ilt!ll half of t"" nino!l ......1h aoT1tUry th(o Romanik rn<n..,ment -sal of the WI,,", Rit .... ~ regarded.s an ~I, especially since
g,,,,e rille 10 a new ...,lhusiasm for th~ Middle Agoes and ilS architec- ~ in the early Church the ... w.s no "d lKipline of the «"","wm ~
tural styla: lI<:Inww.quund ~lIyGothk. The result ".~ h;,;- for the fo.ithful bul only lor the nonhaptized. Also unsuitable from
tol'icism or an imitative !'dum to I"" p.ost, which I"" iiOuthoritil'l! II'If vi.twpoinl 01 ""-nllesting lhe unity o f Cod 's people a~ ~ve.
both Catholic and Protestant explicitly sUpp<.>rt.,d. .nd cl\Couragt!d lofty walls around tl\(o choi., a narrow, lengthy choi r a""" and high,
as Laie ~ the first decades 01 tiW' ""....Iieth ""'tury. The ""d 01 the III~LW: Iitar .INS. wilh the faithful sltting ala disUl\Ct like mere
ninet""'th cenlury. I'I'>ei>nwhile, SOw tiW' ri$e of Art Nouveau which spectalors. Long.. narrow ...,-es that ma~ wcor.gxegation """'"
suppliNl new impetus lor a rontemporary art." TIl<> slow bTeak Ukrolumns of marching soldiers and that ha,-e sometimes bftn
from histoticHm was also aid..! by tM ..... ot new build ing materi· recornmerw:led as ~ing ·jou~ng churches" (R. Schwarz) . ob-
als ;ond te.;hniques lho t h.ad bem di~"l'f'I'd in t"" nIneI"""th «n- IalTt II'If fKl that lhe pilgrim ing community is hew ~thel\'d
tury and had alTeady bt-offi e ~ploit..d for secular building._TlIe around ib Lord for a me.J.
"",wt wu a lW'\<o' bn:a kthroug.h in tlOC""'iastical architecture; this
rn<n'woent is o fll.'ll simply a Iled ~mod...., church .m;hito:<:ture, ~ but "Chum. MIISI & """"",not, 10 tilt U/w')fY
this dOllS not giv~ an idea 01 I"" varIety of no:w architl'Ctural forms.
TiW' new consciousness of the liturgy and its C hrislOC'mtrism has
A d"'m:h mu~ ~ fundimal for liturgic:al actions; thllt is, it must fa-
dliute the «lebr.tion of the liturgy a, far as possible Si~ the eu_
pla)"N an importanl rok> In Ihis developmmt." ch.ari5tic celebration is the essential p.ort 01 the liturgy, the posilion
and w~ 01 the altar.,., especially impnrlant. The Instnlction
CUIO&tIN ES AND CRITE RI A fO R CHUR C H AR C HI 'TF.CTU Rl 1"," Otrwmtr!ici of Septemb<!r 26, 1964. ~uil\'S lhat the altar IN>
The follOWing guidelines, for which. mo ... than contemporary va- ht u"nding and elSoily ci",\ed. "Its location in the place 0/ worship
lidity may well ~ claimed, an> deri"r<! from a theological u nde.-- Ihould ~ InIly <YItral 50 that tiW' attenlion of tht whole~ ·
standing 01 the C hristian place of worship, from historica l lion ... turlily focUses therf .. , . The 5anctuary are. is to ~ ~
~of rnurd> a",hll«tun:..TId from theC<Xloli., and ~ to accommoda te the _red rites"' (9\; DOL 23 no, :J.83) ,
postooncilia . Slaiflnenl'l isau..! by the Church ." ~ must be IaUn not to Itt t~rongregootion', Mid o f "ision of
IIv _Itar be di~orbed by bright windo...., bthind il or 10 let confus-
A CltwTtlt Mwst & A.ppi'1" "". 10 llot Co"~'icn Ing IUperstrw:tu"'" o. distrading 5C\.J lptu,"", on the altar Itself de--
The people of Cod is hie.-archically org;>n;,,N and comprises cllorgy tncI from 11$ chara(!er as ~holy ",ble~ (Ihe ... me givtn to thc .Jllr
and lai ty, although boIh a,.., unii'fd In the Holy Spirit to form a ,in- In tiW' Ea5~ Chure""") ~nd ISSymboi 01 t"" Chri~ who o ffer:s
Kle mYitIc.1 body of Chri~1. The unity 0/ Christ'. community ought himself In _rificl'10 the Fother and givt:$ himself to the filthful.
to IN> illumined r,lther than obscured by w architectunl char_ r
o f th. building, Therefore. onth. """ hand it is leg:itimu~ and mon- fwthl'nnon!, since the liturgy of the word is cloKoly conn«trd w ith
datory to emphasize tlK- distinction 'oetween Ihe sanctuary and the IIv I'UCharillk litutgy, the .mbo Oecttm, pulpit) ~s P~I' for proda-
plaoi' for the C<Xlgn>g.lOOn.. btlt on the other lhe unily of the ~ mation 01 the word ("Iablt 01 the w orn") must &Iuore in the ""ntral
and Cft\~ng position of the alta •.
Sec,u"" o f the ~at impotllll\Ce o f the SKummt of baptism. it is ._mbly n.lr do they iMlte and lead Ihecongregation inlo the mys- I
rightly required tNt the pl~ of baptism (the baptistery) likrwiso> tery. Tu uy Ihis Is not, ho .... cw •. toopl for either • lavish and
~ within the congregatlon's f~1d of vision. ,howy ,"yle 01 lOR:hitecture or an obtrusive monumtnUlity. both of
whi<h ",,,,,I
rather than ~ttra.ct peoploe today.
" o...rdt Should & Symb.Jlic ",d Clwllitotging
~ the tueNristic ~Iebration is by its Nlu, e an Ea.t" a "" n obly
In thl5 COI"IW<t I may ...re. 10 the pn;>gr.mlNlic derontion 01 our
chun:he!o wilh ima!!"," (pictures, "~Iues, sl>oined glass). Images can
01 the oommunlty around lIS e:o:~hed lord .rod sin« lhis rommu-
nity ~ m:eiye lhe joy. ron501~tion. ~nd s trength giym by the di- t.. liS"" and p roclamations a nd thus 5er"\'f faith in their own man-
ner. Lib> m usic, tl...'y can embody and cornmWli<:atea spiritual con-
yin<> protniJes•• ehuK h should ~ I festive.rod upliftins piau. It
tIIn!. wm.... vie-v.·ed thu~. pic:tures and .aolptures • .., man' than
ousht to mI«I tlw splendor of the d ivine promo-s and dwlm~
those phS.:"t to I flith Nsed on hope; iUhould ~ SWTSI/m cordJJ in

In an earlier time this c:omp le< 01 qu~lities was 5u OTUT>ed up "" tM

wa)'5 of instnK:ling the imter.le; ther ha>'f an. innate power to p .....
claim . nd • mi'ilSlon. ry impor\.l"«. v.."," Congar, the French lheolo-
gian.. confirms Ihis when he .... ri'"'"'Jheno ..... certain chuR:hls tNt
.~ farnws for II>l' w.y they fulfili lhio function of being 5igns 01
"5at ",dnesa" of ~ chun:h. NowacL.)"5 this word elicits. 51rong objrc. the e>rill1t"nC<! and truth 01 that '",,",oelhmg else' [qro.otheT world ].
tim, from many people, bec.luse (they Sly) t .... diotinction ~een M.1ny (.'o rwersions ha>'e laken p lace or begun II e N"",". wd al
sa. 'ed and S«1IlI.r has become unteruoble sinu the incarnation of Ronchampo; too. simply thO'Ollgh the sign of "one rnd glass."'"
Chri$t (which cfft<eted a cuou«"'tio mw/!JIi. a "cotls«urion of the
world "). This "'bject hoos occ~sioned. nood of writings in t .... lI..t Mwlti"""OOSt Buildi"Ki ,,'" r" & /lqordrd As Stopgop"
few decides," but the di"ergcnt definitions used by variouuu- Political diffi{'UI' i"" Or eco<1omic: . r.d financia l stra it. h.>'e som....
tho .. have led to many m isundil'l'.twdlngs. limes for<:«! rommunitle!i ti;> do without. real rnuR:h and be ... tis-
fied w ith. mul tipurpose building. The building ""'= not only for
H . Muhl"". w ho has wrincn several solid books .nd.rti<:Ie. on the thf cek.>bration 01 the lilurgy bu t for other comm unity function. of
.ubjfCt," d elin"" so:<;ul.rity as " the distinction o f c~ati on from the parish . Glwn lhe s ituation. therommunity will h.>'e 10 ma ke
God " and iacrednN!l or !h1Cra lity as " ultima te related ness to this do with such a building. I't'Of'le he ... and there. ho .... ever. have a.,.
Cod who alone is holy. " If we adopt tkflso:o de finitions, the two con- pealed I<l the .......,.fs nf lhe wo.ld and tho: "undcruti lization" of
e"?t. o.re not contradictory 10 one anot ..... r bU I s upport each other. build ings Jet uid~ ".clu,iv~ly itS chuR:hes os proof thai lhe times
How do tMy apply to I ch un:h.nd its. fumi,hinp? A'C~a led ""'Ii- call for mu ltipurpose building5. 1n te'S~ I point oullhat be-
ti<:s lheoie ""ain lheir _ular char'Cler. bUI bee.u"" the y .~ closely CAl1M' firsl.ralC lilurgies .... uceptionally imporl~nt and cannol be
.el.ted to Cod tho! Holy On<! Ihey.re.1 the ",me time sacred . The replaced by anything c15O'. rommuniti<,s mUl!l lry to provi<k them-
rnare tran5pilrent the relatedness, the m.,..., profound lhe sacred- ~ves wilh truly sacred bui ld ings that symbolile the things of faith
ness will botand Ihe more they will do;US~ 10 thei . t • .., of bring a .nd (, II m"" and women to mem . Multifunctional · chuoc .....· . '"
s ign of the divine vocation of human beings .nd a challlt'l'l~ to its us...uly in fact neutral ~"d should IheretO!'" bot ""S"rded as a s top-
fulfillmMt. sap .nd noot ., • pastor.ll<k.l. "
From Ihi' point of view. the interiofs of lNJ\y I'l'10(\(, " churd'oe do
not earn good marks,. beellll5e they _m so inhospitablt and un-
~ liturgical buildings lind spa<ti that ha,... devtloped in the
.ttractive. so depreMing, cold. and empty. An ~ful alTwv-
oourw of history ha>'e beerI giVIt'l'l ..... ny lUIinn'. Some of lheoie,
ment of 5~' bluk monotOFlY in ligh l .nd mIor. w.rtiJtIc
.. tuch I shall list heft. refer to specific functions.
po>... rty '" furnishings do not symboliu tho! d ignity 01 tlw llturgical
n... word "lemple"(Lalin ' trnlP/WM ) is derivO<! from ,..., C~k verb
'.",oein, which meanS " to cut; to cui off; sep.rate," and origin all y .....
fe,.,.."j 10. pifoa of land that .... as!let a5l d~ and dedic~led 10 ~ dJvin.
ity n . ~ grove .... 100- thO' building of a ....::,...! f'difice.
Christians initiaUy \fWd il only of Chrisl and the Christw. commu-
nity_In IIIter Iitutgkal lexl$ il occurs o nly in the concluding praye,
o f the MaM /or the dedication o f a church and in the pray" of the
d.y in the Maile for the anniverMlry of a church's dedication. The
pMace of the Mass of Dedica tion .p.... " of "the mystery 01 your
t~ '<"TTIpl.... (.. the 1\... """ly city) and of 1M body of J<'$U5 U - ,
temple ronS«l"aled 10 your glory.·

~urrlt-Hou~ tfc;.,d
The fi1$l: gathl'ling pt_ of Chri~tiUlI we .. called dom", trri"w,
"houst- 0111"" ,,"Its;", ~ tha t is, of ,he believing community (Liltio
ted",;. from G~k ri:kl",". "as/;tmbly called .P"' rt"). Thco name
....elf'S;. w.s til..., applied also to the place of assembl y, "" thai it
could mean tither the community or the pl."" in ,..h;eh the commu.
nl ty assembled. c:.,,'" ""
Itt <:nek antiquity the word ""!/otd ... deignakd the cIYlr 01_ .
The EnglWt word "churdl " ;,;.\soderi~~ from a Guek word. n.. . leiOC ...... or SO'""""'" and also the eIYi. ~ for a !""rbCU'
C .....I<--spe.. kinX Christians of the cuiy Churdl spok o f 0;0. t':r~ peraon . t .."""",I fW1O!1ary bilnquet5. The ~mc.(':"lm: nI'
o/,,,*~, a "house ~onging 10 lhe Lord (Kyno,, )." Subl;eq1.M.Tltly. ,""'''') was tllm applH:d 10 the bishop's d,..ir at the C~"an .
tht")' used an 3bb"",i~ted for m ky,;"<Vn (a neuter adjecti~c meaning Ii from which he presidt"d ""e.
tl><: S<'r\'ice and delivered his
" of the Lord"; Latin dominicwm). 1t Is from this tha t the word ho~. In the sixth ,""tury. b ishop's ~~urch woo .lready being
"church" d<>,·elnpo!d. Used first of lhe building. it was Lote< appli~ called • "cattieduli (/rom his nlt/W ... ).
10 Iht- romrnunity I i well. KyrW;on Is the origin of the word for • •

"church" tsptc ~lIy in EngIish.and in I heGmn~ .. nd Slavic Ian . In the European oountne!> . ...
name g."....... -, . ,.-- .
- -~ .. OJ ........ ,..., es __ ial1y In

gu.>Xn, "·h~"k1.~"io.k""ltsio has , uppliN Ihe word for "murdl " Spoin. France. and Engl.ond. while the: Gennan-5~kin8 OOUnl~
in tht· Roman« Longu ..!!",- Oflf d for the...-... " Dum " and Italy lor"'Dt>omo (5Ce bekrw).
CIOthed.,1 of an .rchbishop is also known ~s the - "'etropoi1U1n .
The term "house of God" h .. 10 boo distinguished from the pagan church.N ln the history of art "cathed...]"" is US<'<! chiefly for til<' pl1n ·
and Judaic nolion of a hou,;e whic h boolongs 10 God and is ~rv/!d ctpal chu n:heI in til<' Goth ic sty).,.
to him .. ~ his dW('UIng. In Chris tian USE". lhe " J>ouso, 01 God " is II
hou"., w ........... Christians gather and Mebrate !he liturgy; as such
il becomes a p lace of t>nrounter with God. a place " 'h(n he pr0-
Oo.....v_ /" ,""","" "
This ~mc is deri~~ from """'''' fPis<..,.. .. \ "" '''01' .
.I ~' nd .
." " 10 the bi· .......·s domestic ,IYpe!. whICh waS also
claims !tis word and oommuniciOteo himself 10 the f.. ithful in lhe .dE" . . on "" Y ~ ~.. nd had ' 51
C hristian mysteries. and whe .... his people oHer him II ...,riflCe of us/!d. for the choral office of III<' cathedral ca",'-'S a I e nun n·
prol"" and Ihan4gi~inK and bo>oome more dooely united to him In live work of the orchdeacon. In the high Middle Ag" the name waS


lhen applied to tho! hisl>op's chun::h. Sorr... 00.... rnun::hes w...-e 0\15 side d",peI' wen' built in la~... churches; II times these ••·,-ved
given it.s an honorary title, ""'('fl iliough they nev"r had a bishop. lilurgical fundioo. (baptisms, conf<.,.;ions) or w<'fO! assigned to ~iU'i_
n... chu n::~ of the RoeformaHon rt'talned Iheir and"",1 designa - OUJ groups as places of Iiturgic~ 1 . _mbly.
h on • .
11'1 modem usage. a chapel i5 any pia", for liturgical celebration that
Mi1lSlrr ~ not ~_ the full k-gal sUiusof a pamh church . Thusthere
Tho: ... 0Id derh fi from Latin """"'Sltrium; il n,k .. ed originally to ~ p ilgrinuge chapels. and chapels in seminari8, h05P;tals, caroe-
the ""H,.. Pft!("Incts of the monastery but ....·entu~!ly came 10 deig. .... iO!f . and prisons. Under tN new li turgicall.w the eucharistic
""t~ the II"IONstery chun::h (e.g .• Westminsl~r Abbo>y). It was I/ot ... brMd may be "'*' ,·ed in a l id.! chapel." Si<k alurs, if aiJowt:d at
applied to certain ca lhedra l chun::~ (in Q,nnany. England, and .ll. may ~ k>cated only In such side chapels."
"!,;,,,whe,...) and 10 p.arish chun::hes with a larg<' number of mio ist....
ing p ..... ts and of "I ltalists".

An "oriUOry· (from Latin ot~ ... .. p ray) is a room or hou5e of pra)"'r.
sino!! the- urly Middle Agl'f the ..... me ha. been gi''eIl to .. :..,,1
In ;mH'IU;ly. the Latin oyp/If (derived from Gnoet. .trwtQ) ~nt a IIf*'S that ...... not legally plm h churdles for the S"""""ilI p ublic
CO\'en:d walkway or I ,," ult or I cave. 10 e;orly Chr:i5li.in ity il wu bul lfr\'e only p.artiocular communities and f.milies. An Mor~tory" if
u...-d for the p.iSSlg<!ways and rUches of the c.tacombs. Lat .... on it IhWi to a1arxe""tenl the ~"'" as a "chapel." The old Code of
refem:d to Ihe usually vaulled 'paces under the ap"'. choir. and Canon Law distinguished btltwc,m public, semi-public. and privat~
crossing (crypts might take the form of a tunnel or glliery. a ring. I ontones (can. 1183-11%). The Code of 1983 dl51inlluish .... only be-
chamber. or a hall). Crypts play«la prominen t p.Irt "p«iaJly in _ oratories.nd privatecha"",ls (can. 121J.122'1). - The name
RomanesqUC' In::hilll'ChlI1'; It times they ...._ exp.onded into Iuolls -OI1ItoryMaU musical ~.-e W iI.S deri"ed from ,he oratory of St.
w ith <""erat ""'n, and sometimes ...·en had 1 .rurrounding ring of PhIlip Neri (1515--95) in Rome, becluse the d ... 'OIiON held then-'
d .... pek As a I'l"SUh o f this sub!tTTal\Nn <itovelOVOh.nt the choir 1,..1 "'e.-e .companied by music " nd bore a certain ~bla""" to c...•
hid to be el""a ll'<l. 10 th.ot it could be re;,ched only by I nighl of tlIW and. I.ter, even operas. "
s t,-"ps. Th ere are few crypts in Gothic and Baroque chun::~. The
"",son for Ihe ""iSlcncr of medieva l crypts ...u in many ca5ft the TH E FUMNISHIN GS Of C llURUtES
localioo of saints' grlves and sepu khen containing ,...Iies. t"- AI.., a"d T«bf'l"dr
often being di~t1y under the rnain I IUor. Latin has two'!lynon p ns nwaning a place whe<e fin' consumes a
AIOifial victim, ..... mely.""«,.. M
(from IIdoInr _ "bum ) and dnl (ftom
C,"",' _ . "'bum"). Tho: fi~ oIlh<'5or ""0 Lalin words gi ,....... our En·
Tho: L.tin word c4prda i. the diminuti,·" of capp<l, "clook" (worn g1W1 wo rd "altar- (which i, no! dlTi"ed from La tin .ltw. ~ "high:
during 1M choral office). Beginning in lhe time of the Frankish as Is IOmetimes claimed) . I &h.oll say nothing here aboul aU~ .... in IN
kings of the early Middle Ages, rQpp.Ua wu the na me giv,," to the !mtory of n'ligioo s and in the Old lo.stamcnt" bU I sha ll tum di-
pIKe ".~ lhe Iegend~ry cloa.k of St. Martin. Bishop of Tours, w • • roc:t1y 10 the Christian .Itar.
kept al thr myal COUrt in P.m (Lo S.i~"C""prlJ~). The """"" wu
...·entuaUy gi\'C.·n .&Iso to the plMlls for di" i"", ...... in! al the courts of
the .'Uor was originally ' !l\O\'able ",ble on ...·hich to place the
50CULar ~nd ll'irit ..... 1 Joro. (dom"tic", p.illa .... """511,, chapels). Th,.
bo tL d and wUw. Paul spc..1<s o f th~ ·I~bl~ of lhe Lord· (1 Cor
10-.21); and the East""' Churche!! "".... alw ..1' called the a1Uor ,he
..... me wa. lalCr applied also (in the form a. ppdlJm,) 10 the priHts
""holy table." The GlWk La"3uoge also used "table of paifin," (thy-
(chaplains) and choirs of such chlpels. In the Midd l,. Agl'S numer'
.iotIltrlcm) as. designation for an altar. After the Constanlinian Rev-

oIurion fixed stone .. liars gr..duaUy """ame tile norm. TlM'ir loca- WID"'" re"'ined. pro~ided tl>al lhey are certainly .ut!>enric. The
tion in I.... churth and !heir form differ1'd. Originally. each churth ..I",. !iIOnI: prescribed in the ~I foo mc,..ilbJe .11;in O. ordinary "'-
.... d bUI a , ingle allar; this pucliCf' changed in tile v.'t'sc to ..·.rd the bles used fur celebralion is no kmg.... required . Th ...... linen cloth'!
md 01 1.... s ixth ' ''"'tury. on Ilw allar ale no longer required; OM suffke. 1l>e C'r'O!k!I and oon-
dies may be plaCf'd either on or nea t the Iltlr. Pictures or .t.1 h.ooe§ 01
Thtocuh o f Ih~ manyrs thai began in the s.econd cmtury led 10 the the Nints may no longer be pI~ on lhe al., •. fkr,o.'er& are ..1-
""",lion o f .Ilal'll "".. or O\'er their gra\,ef,. In pl<lCf's that did no! lowed . A. f" as f"'5oSib .... any sid ..... luors are 10 be ktpl at • dis-
1 " - the IIra" e, it bec.me cuslom.ry at a later date to deposit rei· tanc~."
icli under or in the ahar. A baldachin·like ~I ructure, known as" ci/JQ.
.ium, was ",,-'de<! over many alta rs; Ihis wa s regarded as a sf""<'ial The pos.ition " f the celebrant at the a1lar was originally connected
mork of konor. aller the f.shion 0/ pallan antiquity. Around the w ith the "".!w.rd position for p.arer and "Iso wHlllhe .. aslward
y~ .. lCXXlIht! cu stom llrew up 0/ placing pictures or rl'liefs-reta- position Corientation") of Iht church itself ("';100 the .pse or the en-
b1es. from Lalin mro • tultll/um---«-hlnd or en'" 0f1 the altar. ,,-hkh trant\" 10 the church might be "orienled 0)." As " <eIIult of Valkan n,
meanwhile waS ""'inll mo,-ed closer and clO$('f to thl.' ",",r w.IL .:ot'kbnhon facing tll<'!"""P1e is officially allowed 0T'Ill: more." after
Noving fal~ inlo d;s""" in lhe Weit for almosla lhousand !"ars
In Gothic uchitt'Ctu .... the ...tab... """.me a !('I of lofty P'Ilels; from (although il was ne.... , o/fici.olly prohibil'l!d). n... nt'W practice has
tho! fiftM'lth Cl'f\IUI)' on theoe rested on a ~hl;l:.e support. till' p .... now spread Ihroughoul th~ enlire lire.> oIlhe Roman Rite, """.use
della (Italian: ~foot-"toon. which was imrnedia~ly abon- the. al"'" II No5 bem .ecogni>.ed as beiog more rnraningful and 01 g ...aler pas-
In Rmaissllro«> and 6aroqUl' uchitt'CtuR' Iil<' predella '''PPO' I<-d • 1OI'a1 vlil Ul'.
11",",1 *illt.rpi«.-.~ • I. rge picture which in 8aroqt>e (I'urehe was
nol simpl r framed byrolumns•• s in Rmaiswnce cl>urehes, bul SU'- In ttw COlI"'" of h;story. (oruot'Cra loo !>oilS ha"e bem, - ? "'ed, pri-
rounded by an "" b", architectu", of pilla rs. comin-.l. pediments, marily /0. commuruon of It... ",k and for viarlcum. in a ~'ariety <>f
and lICfQlI"""" ped omaments. whicl> in tum w~1'I! richl y dO'COr.ted mil"", and types of conlain.,..: lhe _ldent'<' 0/ the d encJ;. "de
with the figu",' of angels and ",ints .nd even wi ll> f'l!liqua.ws. Th~ room of the church; a movable conlainer (pyx) on the a ltar: a ,'es",,1
Rl..,ai!'5anc~ c,'cn """"""l-d to givc tho: altar lho: form o{. !lucopha- llanging o\'er the altar (hanging labcomaclc) "ften in It... fonn of •
gu~. TI>e lilurgic.1 .eform "I uur century ii pressing for a "",Iora- eutharl$lic d ""e; a smo ll cupbo.>rd on the wall near lhe .Itar; a f.......-
tilln of In., labJe.al"'r and I')f its cenlrallocabon. . tanding ta~~ (Lat~ Gotl>k). Only in fifl.,..nth<entury Ital)'
and Sp.ain did churdles bo>gin 10 altaCh lhe ta~macle """,rely 10
In Christian antiquity only the bread , wine, and Ilturgicallext. tIw "",in al", •. Due a f""<'ial1y 10 the effort!! of St. Charles Borrorneo.
mighl be plared on m., ~holy table,· wllicl> wA5ro,·~ with a Cardinal of Milan, this p racb«> was prescribed in many places as
Ii""" d Olh . Bt,ginning in the eighth Cl'f\luty, reliquaoies ..... re also early .as the sixI<'enth cenlury and ....·eI1l\i.1 l1y M ...... uni,·er.;;oL
p laM on the a1lar.u>d, beginning in lho! ,,!e>'enth, a Ci'055 and can- Only in churches in which the choral o!fin. ..'as sung and in muc'"
dies. From I..... urly MjddJe Ages on, Ille fronl 01 the a llar W,"" d...:o- visited pilgrimage churd>ts was ;1 the Nk Ih~1 Iil<' s;ocra ....... ' be ......
raled with J Umptuous hanging,;, laler known as ilI\ltopendiums. RrVOO on a Hl-u M Sacramenl Alta. in a sp«ial Blessed Sacra........ '
Va lk an 11 ord.......d thai I),.. regulations K",-nning IMallar M..,. a."...
vised, and thest> now take lIl<'i' cue chi<>fl)' from I),.. rarliesllradi- sm.:.- 1964 (Instruction Int... DI'f~ ....... ;ri.
95) bishops have been .u-
lion '''' cCl1tTalloca tion, scp;>,ation from ,hi.' "-'ar wall, easi ly cirrled. thorized to let the tabernacle be plact'd el""wheN Ihon on t .... altar;
fi.ed in plilCO!. and made 01 durable mat"";als. The custom oI ....dos- foreumple. on . pillar or in a walt niche. TIl<' Instruction [u -
ing relics in or under the a ltar (no longe. in I),.. mt"~ O. Uoble-top) d ",ritliC1lm mysttrium on til<' Eucharis' of May 25, 1967. recom-
1'I'It!nd~ (110. 53) thaI th~ BIe55fd Sac.a"""' l to.. fl.."S("I"\·oo;n . chapel ~ple, provi<kd lhe Siructu ... of lhe gnclUlry or otIwr cimom-
~ alNn from the main body 01 I1M' ch ... n:h; the ~m""""dation i5 ttancaa ... not an obstacle (271). It;s from thif preoid...,lial chair
~lo;cI in CIRM V&and in lho- Sl'CIion on " Holy Co mmllnion and thai tilt priesl I,,;ods th .. litu.lJY of the word lind the concluding IN ri
Wonhlp 01 liM' Euchorisl Outsid .. M.ss"!no. 9) in IIw Rom.n lUI' oIl1w MI!iOI; he may .Iso p ...iOCh a nd leid the prll)""" of liM' faithful
.... 1. The newC~ oICanon Law (1 983) ""I... ires that IiM'labemo. from therf (GIRM '17. 99). It should not . /!SEuoble IIhrorw1 and
de bo.o placed ;n a INri of lhoe ch ... n:h lha t ;s prominent. bo>.... tifully v,ould ~ plain.""
d«or.ted . • "" suilable for pray.... (can. 938 n.2). Tl\(,~ . re to"" TIot "'moo (u.:I"'~)'" PlIIu of Prao:lII .... li""
IWO signs in particular that tf><, Ble55fd Sac. am.,nt is in the tahema.
At I poin to:d oul above. the .... li"1 pl~ for proclamation during
de: a ""il covering liM' t_hemad .. itself and a lighlc"<l condl ..
tIM' liturgy was lhe calhedra ol lhe bishop 01'. for lhe ~.dings.lhe
nearby chairs 01 the priest and other clerics. As churches became
BiM",,', 0lIW ", Qnd Prits"s eMi, larger. • coustkll problems c• .....d the pl~ for the ..... adings and
In 'ntiquily the G.....,k w()I"d h!fW", designolt."<l tlw c ..... ir from IIftmOn to be moved d.-. 10 th .. congregation. ReiOd .... and
which high ranking civicoffi<ial •• judges. and tucheTs .. ~ P'N ,her e'"""tually stood. .1 the I ltar r.il (tor"",I"). which was
lho-ir offICE'. LIte Judaism " 'as aoo famlli... with the ideo of an offi. iOtloe times pLaoo>d oul in lhe lran!Oepl. Then an e le....1l'd baluslr.do:d
cial chair (se.. Mt 23:2). Christianily adopil'd the tffl'n '«1M/Nt for platform was en'Cterl It liM' Ilttr u n. with ~·.. r.1 s\J:p$ leading up
the chai' from which liM' bishop pi ided lIi lhe- liturgy and to it; this was gi.."" the name .",,,", (from lhe Gn:-ek " em Q""/ori ......
PINched the- homily. Initially. il W&5 a rno>·.b~chair pl.>cN al the • "8"up ~).
Cft>1.... of lhe .pst; lhe ch.Iirs (str/i/i4I) of th .. prit'St) we ... . rnng...t on
1lw twelfth cmtury gW the de\'eIopmenl of II I.d"riwm or p latform
.. ith .... side of ;1. In Ih .. founh ' ''''tu ry il was d i5linguished from
!of _dins. which was rrKtt<! betw"", cholr lind NOV"; il now sep-
tlwsc.' otlwr chairs by bring set on a podium, wilh a b.k!;oehin ov ...
arated the "church of the c\erlJY~ from the "church of the peopl~. ·
it, and booing sh .p<'<! like a throne, in ~oepinll with 11K> lofty civil Sla-
On lhe side towa rd the nave In "lit" 01 lhe CfO!I!I" was el"l'd...t;
Ius of bishop.< in lhe post..const;mlinian period. Around tlK> year
over il was I cro6S. with slatuesol Mary and John lhe Evangelist on
10000 Ihe bishop's chair was mo,·o:d to on.. sld e of the ahar.
either side. Here Mass waS celcl> .. ted for the people. During ttl<> Bo -
Thto lrutruction PIm'ifi<~I;s rilus Uu "" 21. I %6) on lho! simplification roque period mOSI oflhe!;e altar.pla tlorms WI:f1! removed as d<'lract-
01 pon~lkal rit ... and insignia'" says that the bishop's chaiT is hence- Ing from the i",..... .pace 01 the building.
forth to be known by its Iradi tional n'!TIl' o f C~lhed .. and not c.lIl'd
In chutditS bodcing such platfot , ... movable w~ pulpits ........
1 11\rorI('. lIld is not to ~ surmounted by a baldachin. although n .
a«~ dwirog the high Middle Agt'l . ., tNt the p....rnc.- could IX"
isling '·~ll.I.1ble works o f .rt from the pillS! art not 10 be """............
ck I I. IOthea>ng:regation and IX" _..asily Mlrd and understood..
The C....mn""NrI~ Cpisroporum 01 19&1 ""'..... Ih(o poinl th. II"'" <a t ..... From the rou.-..Ih oentury on. pulpits ~I", look 0... form of stone
dra. bring a preid...,tial .nai r. must be dearly " il-ibl .. to the congn-
~ Ittached to I piIW or 10 the ~waU 01 the chtudl; they
_ ' ..'aUy baskd~ped. with • soo.mding.oo..rd roof. and had (dr-
As IN'''hcs d<-.·elopl.'d in tilt fou r th cer"liury. a p f\"Sidcrolial chair 0IIar) .wn INding up to Ihrm. (Klmul. the Gennan name lor " pul-
wusoon pft>\'jdl'd lor the p.;>rish p .....l. It lost ib lunction. how . pit. ~ if I mninder that the ..... ctlli. or altar rails. wen: the origiNl plae.
........ Irom Ihe co rly Middle Ages on. onc .. the prie5t I>o.og.n to ..... fCJr .eding ard p....ming.) One duwbKk of Ihl5 :!OIution 10 lhe
m. in allho! altar throughoul Ma ss. Only during Vatican II did il 1ICOi.ii!'!k.1problem was thaI a section of !he con~tion had their
"''<;Co,'cr lis fundinn ( In struction 1m" Orrw"",nin 921. Tht CIRM sa~ bKk. to liM' P'" :her, "$pi.ally ~ fi!o:ed 5C.'ahl beca"", customary. A
thai the 1>0.'51 pia", fnr it is at thc back of lhe sanctuary. lacing the
further di!;od"an lage was the ob$curing of the inner COIUl<'Ction I::.:- pointed out thaI baptis m ought to be administered within sight of
tw,..." the ublo;> of !he word .md , .... lablf of the liil>CTamml, lhe fIOmmuniry that is p&mcip&ling in thf litu.gy and lhal !ep-I.ate
bi>pti~OIl <,,"pels are UTllluililblo! from thill point o f vifW." nu.
Va tican II brought a n!SlOratkm 01 II\(' ambo (in the form of a 1«.
vi«w of lhi! mat"" w lS also adopled in the Instruction fnl...
tnn). n... Instrucllon '"'''' CIn' .......... j(i (96) l't'OOmmm dl'd il ' a leIt .... Cln'ummj,:j (99) and in ,... new rilll'S lor the baptism of mildrm and
of Illf Roman ConslUum (Oaobtor 26. 1<J6.1,) CIolll'd for it as ~es-
SJo,}: 10 I..... rd"" .. oed celebralion 01 I..... lilurgy_Tho- G/RM requires a
~tahon...y ambo. wltkh is ' 0 be 01 ~uch • Idnd and 50 locall'd !ha, i' For the _son ;uSt gi"en. fontl nHt the ct.u..:11 dcoo(. which in any
1$ «. natural focal poinl lot , ..... peopt. during ' ..... lilurgyof I..... c~ USWlUy ~ only IS leu p ... c~ for storing the b.aptioma]
word« (272).'"' waler, .n! now o umwded, espKillly since outsidf I..... Easter ow·
.on tIIf "'Iter Is bl:;p ' d new fore.ch bi>ptism and is ro be ~
The- PlIKrcf&rplism thne only during the Ea,te-r ~nons ~if feniblf.« "fhe rite 01 b.ap-
5p«W1 p lotee5 lot baptism are "'" aUt'SIed. unli] ...... third cenlury lism should ~ « leb,.Ied rather in I'" .rea between a]w and con-
(ft;o-CQmple, in I..... house-church _t Oura Eurupos).'" From the greg.lion; II'M' .mbo should obvi0u5ly be IH<'d for the liturgy of the
fourth «'nl~ry on, spfCW bu;]ding1!1 wen' ereal'd for I"" administra. word that ill p.a" of t/\is rite. The KI 01 b.aptiring (3l\ then ~ per'
hun of bapttsm , usually cbe to prioop.aJ chu",Jw.s In these "boptis- Io""ed in fronl of ' ...... mbo and (or) the Eas ..... ""ndk>; because
:eo""« th..... w:, ~~" sunk in the- ground forthr b..plismal w ....or;
n w;>S caJJo>d . !"SClna (from Lalin pise;'",. fiiJ, pond) and had
ch"n:hH dlff .... so much in their arrangement, il i5 not poMible to
spKify a precise spot, ]n rnu..:hes that haw .u f/icient and .uitably
Ill_ SI.-pi ",.ding down In lo il.lI w., only ~tmtimf'teN organized SplCO! t ... portable font can ~ reploced b y an artisticbap-
d""P, 50 that. Comp"'lf Immersion oI. dull can dida tes was hardl tismal pool with running ""ate-r. The East .... cand le may btplac<'d
~iblo;>. Scholars IiSUmf, therefore. Ihat Ihr cand idates. st.andin/ c~ to this pool, thus increasing its symbolic pow.,...
In. the pool. had water poured 0\'.,.. lhem and WeT(' Illu. co.,<>red
WIth. "garment of wa t~r."" ~ Pillov of C/.",', and Org.l"
In the beginning. Ihe s inging at thc liturgy waS done by. group of
an.:" Ihe .'U lllortty 10 bapti7.e was e~"'ndl'd from tilt: bishop to the ck-rics and monks, 10 wh ich boy~ were admitt<'d late. on (choru.
~n.h pn,'!!1 toward Ihe end o f antiquity. churches w.".e ",Ii.fi<'d
pooJIrnI;u",; J<"hoIQ ,,,nloru"'), They s tood around or in fronl of Ih.-
With a portab lc w ood..., or Slone tub. In the Romanesqut: p<"riod
.Ita., o"t as fat•. , I"" altor ra il" A. . ..... .,11. lhe entire ",ncllla ,,'
. Ione fonlS, shapl'd li ke cups or chalke!!. we", ~"",ted in which to •
uN came 10 be known lS I'" "choir." Thr medieval platform for
k""P the b.aphsmal wal.... These had CO\-',," that could ~ lockl'd
..... ding and pruching (t",/mo,;."') ,Ni,;n the Baroque period .
not only. for, lhe HI«! of clf.nli"", bu l 10 p "" 'enllhe baptiSma l '
the ga llery I t lhe rea . of t ... ch.,..:h w~'" .Iso plac:C!i from which lhe
waler Wllh lIS adml~tu n! 01 holy oils from ~in, lI$E'd in.....'
. Ch.o glCa , choir sang. The", were.1so Iribunes. galleries, and reee" .... or ba ys
nl"", rl,:" Borromeo and I'" P'O"lrod. 1 synod of Milan in 15B6,
rS""ln'l nests") nIMI, ~hind .• nd above lhe .Un.

whoch look II. INd from him, "",!uired ca lhed.~ ls and oI her prir\ci.
p&l chu..:1M'S ro ,,""e a !ep-lr"e bopfuwry, and p&rish churches 10 Vatican 11 I'fgoIrds t ... mfffihen 01 the choir as cx...-.:ising ". g""u;""
"""c a font at ~ 1m of lhe ""tral\Cf. T1wse pra~ bec,n-w. a kind liturgiocll function " (SC 39). The GIRM includes I'" other faithful
01 unwrtlh>n law fOlI'~ ._~of the West ..... Church . In lhe firsl who contribule to t... m u~ of the litu<gy, !'Specially organ;s1S (63).
d«adcs 01 the!" . en! century, , ...... wa, a ","ewl'd can for operial The p~ o«upled by t-ingffS aNi rnpnish .hould make it d .....
chapel, for baptism. Ihol thfy are pa-" 01 the united fIOmmunity 011'" failhful (Instruc·
tion In~ OrrnI"""iej 97); il slMNld .bo «re..:!i]y 1110\0' Nrn member
On lheot'- hand, tile 195] I'l'gulations fo • • monnl'd Ea . ..... Vigil complete, thaI is, taCl'amef>"] p.artid~tion in !he Mas!;" (GIRM
214). n- v",;nus pre5l1iptions .... ';""d discu55iofl ~t the highest ,Iso sprinkling, 0< ClOS5ing, OI"of'5O;'lf with holy wile< u one enlc<S I
Lt......1~;ng the uptimo! location for t~ choir, In som .. "mod- the houscofGod_ For Ihis pu ....... a basin o/holy waler was
em" churches built in t .... third and fourth dend" 0/ lhis century' it pLactod neaf ill<' "" trance_To ill<' motif of po.orification ...·u added
w.~ dooded thot the p •...,.,... pia"" for the choir ......... t .... ;mnoNial.. WI of l'I'ITIer\\bran<:e of "",,'J barmm.
" icinity of the allu.'" This ~rr~ngl'fl"l""t is Cl'i1 .. iniy p!>SI;ibl .. in Aoo hl be interpreted as a call to a p.opel Interior mood and 10 pu-
m .. ny n'Ct'I\l churc"'" ...·;Ih their sp;iciotos ~ctuarios. rifical;on is the architectural practic~ in early Christian and ~arly
Tlw probJ.\,m of the optimlil location of organ and Orsin;SI is mort' rMdie,·.1 ti""-'S of "",'log an atrium at the ""ITU";" hl basilicas.
dlfftculi. E~ ,;n<: .. th~ Ofgan bee.mc known in the kingdom 0/ the Thi, waS. reclangular or squarc forecoun as w ide a5 IIw na,-e and
Frank~ through gift, from Byzanlium (7S7 and 811). it has h<1d an lurroundro on Ih",O' nr ..... en four sides by columned hall s. With a
;mponan! pla~ In the Wl.'Slcrn lilurgy." Only beginning with the fauntliin in the middle and ""erg"",n 'I"ftti Ind shrubs .round it un ·
late Middle Age.o.howc,..,r. do "'e h<1v~ sp«lfic Information on its derstlindably gave rise 10 lhe oa"", .. g.rd .... of .... r.dise" or ,imply
loca,ion in In.. Church." In t ..... Calholic churches of lhe ninel"'-""lth . .... radise_ · The columned halls were .l~ meeting pl.""" for the
cenlury it was usually placed in Ill<' ga Uf'I"}' a, lhe I'f'U 0/ the f.ithful and . in many ca ...... place when! ,he cateChumens gath·
church. Since Va tican 11 ""'"' N' 000m a lendency to Iocat .. the
~n. moe tIu> choir, ne.ar the "Itilr, rit ...... in a sick- g.allny or al floor
!e"e!, In ord~, ho ...·"'.."., Oro allow choir and o rgan to be cla.e hl <>roe
ered. 1M building of atria gradually ""ued in till!' high M;ddle

1he ".",...I.ti.... 01 the atrium in Byzantine architecture is the oar·

another (since the organist is often lhe leader of song). it is o ften the><,. aloo a iled the pron_ (fore.ru",,,), a MKOUn leading hl the
necewry to make do with a smaller (5Upplem""Ury) ~n. Organ nave where the faithful .... rticipate in the liturgy.
cxpens ""v, so>rinu. objections 10 placi~ I~ ~rd .. Inrii'd .....
10 the allar, wh.ile Ie.ving the organ itself in I~ o;:ar ~lIcry; Iho>y In ft«fOt ti"," the important function of an atrium u plaCO' of _01·
warn 'ha t t .... quality of the organ pl.y;ng i~ ad\"CO('ly .. ff!.'C,cd ~ion.nd interior purif",.tion ""S been redIKo\'ewd. and ilS in<:lu·
when an M'ronic keyboard is used." Thu s. in "",ny church .... t .... .ion has been uTged for new churches.'"'
~Ul'!ltion of ,he optimal p l."" fnr ,n., orxan and choir Is still unan·
~werl<d .
Chw",h Tou't"rS ond &11.
Tlw churches <1f Christian antiquity did MI have towers. The begin·
0."" ~~d A .,iurn nlngfof med~al church 'owers go Nck to lhe kingdom. of Charle-
Carolingian ....d OUnnian architects. and "f"'Ci.olly the architects of magne. It is thoughllhat Iwo f~~ playrd a .... n In I""" ong"'; .
I.... Romanesq"" and Gothlc periods. d .. votoo spt'Ci.ol attention and lhe tombo of antiquity, whidt influenced the form ofthe~arly med .·
"nistic ca", 10 I.... doo~ of churches.. They regank<f Itw.m n sym . "'Il towers 0" '" crossing . nd choir, and IN- .-d of fonifiu.tion.
boIil ing lhe pori" _Ii Cdoor 10 M" .... l Wt leads into the ....... , .• wl>kh infl,""",ed espKially IN- wesl fron, of catmdralo! and monu--
enJy Jerusalem. ~ symbolism of Chris, as door On 10:9; 1007)aho \>fI"y churches." C . adually. ...·m less important churches acquired a
played an imponant pon, as can be ........ I",m the many ..".---.tli- tow ...; these not only symbolized tn.. fortified ciry of God btllsubse-
lions of Chrisl on the doo~ 01 modi",·.1 churches. Modem archi· ""'-et"!I
qumtly ........e<! to house bell•. ll>(' 51.i ......·.)'$ o f 1M ga"~ ac-
t!.'C1S usually d"""".I~ church dOot"'l wilh lli>Oblrusive biblical or cess to tn. galleries in church"" I"'" had theie; In.. broad shallow
lilurgical symbols. 1!fpI in the circular ",airways o f many Romanorsq"" lowers al.o
ITLlIde it ....5i .... hl carry up building mII~rial s and waler far putting
The crossIng of Ihe threshold into a church call. for in t~rior puriry;
nu' fi ..... ("donkey·hlw..... ").
for this o;:o!oOn. not only have tll<' faithful been 5pri nkled with holy
water (si""" lhe ~i gh'h century). but the custom 5000 developed 0/ The mendic.nt orders and reform groups (lor ""ample. ,he
Cist..-rcians) "'SardN! 1OW~1"5 ilS an un!lt'<:t5s",y ~xp"n,;e_ Bell tow- As c.rly as 1m' sixth century. tM Eastern delighl in ri tual rubbed off
ers (ampm;J..,;) in tIw form of stru<tu "",, sepa<ate from !he chu...:h on SpIIin and Gaul, whe .... ,' ;or;oo and ut.>nsivf set of~remofI""
.;Ie..~ en ly in Italy. Most l<W>'er5 af\' crowned by a C1'Cl!;6 0< e~ for lhe dedicahon of altor and eIl"...:h c.&me inlo ~; many ..1f-
by a wea lherrock, whkh is net • di ~lincti"e (On«'uional sign . As m ..... ts bon- the mark lo:ss of the ~. Testament than of Jewish cen.'-
carly as lhe ninth c.-rtlury, the w~aln.,...:<-.:k on • ~hu'ch tow.". .ym- moniallaw and lhe ancienl pag.nl'l'l igioUli outlook. f rom lhe ninth
bolized the can to 1'tJ"'ntance and vigila ....... and was thus also • ""'Iury 00 then' wilS a mutual ~xchange o f Roman and Gil lin-
symbol of Chrisl_ Frankishflemenb. V", the Roman..(;.erm.on Pontifical of .bout 960
two formu Lu'ies for the ..... w riw INched Rome and ~ the .... 1oC-
Bells prub.oblyorigiTUltO!d in China , wh ............ ll bel ls w....., in exis- co!ptrd as lhe Roman rite for the drdicalion of churches. Toward the
t'-"'~ in the twelfth century RC In tn., C hristian wurld bells fin"
end of tl><' thil1eenlh century William Durandus, Bishop of MCfld<>
appean,od in JIlOrW5tt>n..s; in the WI'St th..y f\'achtxl other communi . (Sout""m Fral\a'l, ex!"'nded the rite still further; it was used in sub-
tie vii itinerant Irish monks_ n.e;, function was to ull !he faithfu l
stantially this lorm until our ti"",_.,
lu di,; ne 5nVices .nd to annuu~ t'\•...,'" both joyous and sad .
~ the Iwelfth century many churd...s h;"'e nod . whole "", o f One fruil of Ihl' postconciliar lilurgiocal reform .... s III Oo-do
bells, eilCh with ils special function. dtti K.,;.",i! ~dt>l"'t rt .U.,;J which .ppeared in 19n as. f.. scicle of
tN- Roman roolilie,L"
A blessing for bells de,'rIuped first in Gaul. The bltossing gi"en in
the Roman Pontifical o f 1961 was. grNtly simplified rib> (ch ief e le- uyi"g of,1er Com..,.".-(Qo/tflollll"" of llerS'"", of !lui/ding) .
ments: sprinkling with holy wlter, anoinling with chri§m in lhe This "" ...mooy. " 'hkh is tho! s ubject of ChaP""" I of the new "W.
form 01 . cross in four places). The<:elebrant was the bishop or a Came inlo existenC" as long ago IS lhe high Middle Ages. The appro-
priesl w/tum he delegated. The &/Wlic,ionaJ ul 1984 no. a revised priate celebrlnl is the bishop of ~ diOC~. but I><' c.a n delo:sate an-
rilt>. It can be <:ell'brated by a priest and Includes, inlroductiun, 1(1. other bishop or, by ...·ay of e...:eptlOn, I pnest The bW>op hrsl
urgy o f the wun! ("';Ih milny 5Uggntions for ....idin&s), .0011 hom. b:pllins lhe signifka"'" of the laying of the ro .......... tone .nd offf'rs
ily and inten:t'Ssions, pray ... of blessing (lwO formulari ....... an introductory prayer. H" lhen goes in PIOCtZ!;"" w ith the faithful
provid<'d). s prinkling w ith holy wa ter and ina>nsation (during to I"" building Si te .... I><'r~ the pl.ce 01 lhe lutu .... main a Ulr i.
"'hieh Psalm 149 is 5ung). ""d """,mn final blessing. The bJ....sing rruork<'d by a wood<>n cross. A limrgy oItN word follows: two ",.d·
of bells can .Iso I.k p lacf during. mass. .ft.... I"" homily." inp (.... ith. ~rial pw,lms bet ...·.,..,) and I g<>5P('1, follow«! by
• homily 01 the biShop. l'he do:umenl pmalning to the laying of
thl' romer.tont and lhe start 01 building is then rNd and lignrd;
l/istori(IJi S w~ t.... bishop 'Prinkl"" tl><- 5ilC with holy watt'T. bll'Sst.$ the comer-
The.<"I of talring pos_ion of a rnu...:h nos from the beginnin& l tone. and lays the Slone, ... ilh lhe documenl, 01\ tl><- found.Mn. In·
been <:elebralrd with pal joy_ II OC<'UrA'<i during . solemn pontifi. IE" Lssions, the Our Father, a prl)"e(, ,lid a bl .....ing conclude the
cal Ma!lS al " 'hkh lhe bishop himst-lf preacivd." AI Rome I","", ctlebration .
we ... no othor riles befo ... I"" "" " '"IIh <:enlury. In lhe Easi. ho~er,
a rich c~ ... mooiaJ develOped . 1an earl y date, wilh Its torus chiefly TIlt Ctld",";"" of Ihr Dttiir~t.m of ~ Chwrch
on I"" altar. Th" (... )intelll"ll"lli 01 mal"lyrs or .. inls, or at • I.ter time A Je.nghty p;tstoral introduction at lhe beginning of Chap h.'f II com·
thrir 1'l'Iks, p l.)"ed an importanl P" I"I in the "It "lOlly. Since the Sec· bines ronsider~ tions on the "!\I N .... . n.d d ignity 01 chu rd>es" Wlth.
ond Council of Nic""a in m it ha~ boPoen precribed lhat l'l'Iics must IUggcstionsof . more putoral and rubrkal kind. The d~ioc.ti~ .
be pla~ in or under every aUar_ lakes pI..ce ,",li""ly within I"" ""lebration of lhe [UCh.arwl, which ,I

'" '"
"thoe most impol1<Ult and the one nat Pry rite for the dedlc<o\ion of Mass ought not to be c.!1eb.aled in a ....... church unlil it has been
a church " (n, 151. do!dicated_On the other hand, due to ad,·...w circumsunces. the lit-
urgy may ha,-e been cdeb •• ted ina church befOft en Of>POttunity
The entr.nce C.An take tm.", forms. The filS! i.lCludi!S 8 pnxes&ion to
of dedicahng it p .." ....15 itsell. Sut then 0Ik lNy ,sk: Has notsuch
the new church. 111 the -=and, the faithful g~thel' at the door of the
a church a'MOd y hem dedicated by Iht' fir$! Euchariil «lebrated Irl
new church. In the thint they an' alrudv ins;~, and the c.!lreranl5
it, llinn> tho! c"lre.ation of the Eucharist is " the moo>! impol1ant and
c~ from the ncri,ly. In alllh,...., forms thoe church Is handed ovn
tho: OM 11«.1511")" ri"'· II!, IS)? This is true esperially of churches
by the bu!lderl to thoe bishop, and thoe bish"P, hlovlng bless.cd watn,
lhat ha,·~ ...cei,·ed "only" a blc5sing."
sprinkln the peopl~, tt.. walls, and finally It.. ahar wilh ;1. Thi'
openlng Ja r! of the ceremony ends with the Gloria and the prayer TIl<! neW ril~ ha. ev idently INOC an e-ffon to Umit the number 01 be-
o f the day. If relics m, to be enclosed in lhe ahar, thl!")' are placed in lated bk'ljsingsof ehurd",,;. but ill doing 50 It has not been consis-
the s.onctuHY .t the beginning of lhe lilurgy between two lighted t.... t enough. Thus il "",s down a§ one prerequ is ite thai u... altafll 0 1
candles . such rnurches m~y not yet have hem dedkll«l. But here again.
,hould not an altar be consid~-.wI lo have been d1.'dicated by the
n... liturgy ofth.- word has tl\reereadings. After tile bishop'S hom- first Eucharist ",!ebratedon il? ~ if the .lta.lsnew. il is not
ily and the pro",",on al faith, Ille litany al thoe 5-'inl5 is 'Wl& and enough to dedicate it without dediutin4; tile chu",h l
Iht' relia~.,. dt'pOlSiltd in 0< under the ~h... r_The bishop then sing!!
, '''' pray" of d~k.ation, whichgivesfir.e e~p't doo to wMi ~ Anothll-r possible justification is thai there has bem a ..... jor dwnge
Tnlam .... t th ....1ogy sa)l$ aboul thoe church buildln&. The altar taw.. in tht' build ing. In thise..,... the.,. c.An be roo obj«tioo to a do!dic.-
is now anointed with chrism, as ..... the walls of the church. ttM. for- lion. prtWided I .... building is for pr.ctical pul"iX 1M al'lt"W 0Ik_ SUI
m.". in fou r places, the Latter in lWelve (or four). A brazier Is then can the !lime be said if the change is simply oot' of ·statU'! in law
p laced on the a\tn, and inc"""" is bumE<l in il; the altu, rongrega. (lot" lumple. the church'~ being unked lIS a parish ch urchr (Ul.
lion, and church walls a .... incensed 10 the accompanim .... t 01 Jing- I)? Theo1ogical roo'I$isleocy is mD!'\' importanl than !oOtisfying the
ing. Af"" the all .. hlos been d eaned. covered. and decorated with desIre o f a community for a ie;tal dedication 01 its Church.
candl~. flow~fll. and. cross, the church i. I..,tively lighl\od n ...
Tht Srl', wllr [)r,j ic1llion cf Q" AIIQr
sign lhat Christ. tm- "lighl of the world;' has Il k"", j>05W'""Mion of il.
A ded ication of .n .llar alone is pro\"id«l for uses In which ~n al-
In the ensuing eucharistic ",I.-bra n"" Euchari,lie Pra yer I or III is _dy dedicated chJlfCh .equires."",.. altar; here .gain the bishop
uwd. with the IN<.'T1ions p"".;ded lor this o«asion. The IipI'riI I 01 the dioc L.- ' is tho: appropria'" celebront, but ho! lNy. if prl""ented,
prefKe 00Cf .gain gi\"esexpression to the mO!lt impol1anl theologi- deLegate .nother bishop 0.-, in sp«i.al circu/nstar\Ct'S< a pm!. The
cal SUlements about the Church as made up of liv"" $lOikS; it doe!; c:ftebration begins with tho! opening rites al a $peci,1 Moss /or the
$0 in hymnic l'ngu'gc. Aftercommunion, ii , Ble!Isoed SaCrlment OCICl5ion; the pcnitenti~ 1 act is replacm by tlk blessing of ...·~terand
charrt i, to bt> i.... ugu. ated the bishop carries, pyx containing the the sprinkling of congregation and alta'. The th.rft- biblical ",.d,ngs
IIIeNI'd Saoam",,'1U thai ch.apd and places It Irl the "berrwode • .,. /allowed by the homily and profession o f f~ith. The litany of the
t,*",oThe roncIuding pray .... bl....,.ng. and dismi55a1 follow. sainl5 issuna inste.od of the gt11oe1"al int~· As at th~ dedica-
tion of. church, re\i<""5 ..... dcpoIsited beneath the altar. The ..."ide-
Thr 1kI41h1 [)tdiCQlilm cf ~ Ch~"h ... nglng p,aye-r of dedication sings in hymnic La.ng .... gc the
Chaptr . III of lho- flrW ri_ ""Dedi-cation 01 a Church Already in meaning and importance 01 I..... Itar for tho! f,ilhful. Nexl come It....
Gene •• 1 Us.! for Sacred Celebrations"---1':ivO'S ri~ to questioN. Such .nointing and i""""",, tion of the alta r. which iSlhI>n festi" c!Y illu-
a dedication must be regard.-d as an .nom.ly. since, as Ill, I, !IIys, mined. The ~ucharisti~ ",Ire •• non (u~!ng Eu(haristic Pray'" I o. 1Il)

Iu. ib own p r..taC'l'. wh ich " is. as il were. an intrgral plI rI 01 the rile
of Ihe d.,dication 01 lUI alta r" (IV 23).

Thor B~j~S cfCh~rchrsQ..d ~IIR" Chapter Twenty-Two

Uturgic.1 u!le ar'H:l anon I. ....· make a d is tinction. in dN ling ....·ith
the _ ramcfllab, bK"'ee1\ "'' :11'<' ''''iCOl>SC(ra~. dedicate") IUId
""""'iCm' ('bl_i . Wilh ~rd 10 churcM ~ Code of 1983 "')'5:
" No >IOOfI as its construaion i$ properly comp ln.-d. , new church is
10 boo dedica l«l or a l IoNS! blc."»lld as 500I'I U pos&ible... .Churche5. The Liturgy of the Future
npt'CWly utMd,alar'H:l parochial churches. a ... to be dedicated Thefto can be no question Jo,m, of !oharply defined prophecies about
,,-ill1 • !(>I"",n rile- (elll\. 121n." ... ceoo dins to ~ ~'" /1I5truc- the futu~. I shall simply d raw""" .. C'OtICIU$ionS .bout the liturgy
lion <'1fIN Rom_" MiMoM both fixed IUId movable altars are comI'" from the ChoUtian faIth and INk<" ""me suggestiom inspired by e>: -
n ai<:d (dedicated). bul movable , It> rs nuy simply be blessM (265). "",,,nco! of the recft"lt litu rglal...ronn.
The di fferenco! bKwee1\ dedication.nd b~" in the cieg"",of
solemnity of pr.yers . nd rile . It i$ with this diffe,eo lN in mind that MEF LEC ll ONS ON BA SIC P ltl ~' CIPLES

lhe !leW rit~ /or the dedlaotion ol chuf'Ches and .ltars hlos clupters An inquiry intO the liturgy ol the future sup!"""" .n affinnati,'e MI-
on the b'-in&of. church (V) Ind an . ltar (VI ). ower 10' morebuic question : w,n ,''''... be a liturgy in th.e futu re ?
"This "Yes" is bu oed on the b.die! that Goel"s saving rond'-'""""Sion to
The Introduction 10 Ch'J>I"" V Slales lhat " privale oralon.... chap<"ls. hurnanily in Christ wlll la, t as long IS th ..... are hunun beings on
or other sacNd ed;~ set aside only temporari ly for divine wor- earth. The CI'O!IS and resum!Clion 01 Chrisl. which is the cornerst"...,
sh ip beaU!Ie of sped.1 condltioM. mo... prope<ly l'I!<:~v .. a bless- of th is faith., retaiM Its power 10 illumlnt! and attract; it is the sun
ing." (Y. I) 01 which 11\(0 bi&/1op of lhe diocEII'e' or a p riest delegalt'd lhat never Ior:Is. [n .ddi~on. lhe C hurch is promised uninterrupted
by h im is lhe compt:tt:nt mini$Ie1. 1he Mus of lhe day o . the Mass con tinua ll« as the rommunhy 01 redeemed believ ...... bec.use the
of the titu l•• of the church or oratory is uSOl'rl for the ct'leb. ation. "'1 Lord (Mt 28,20) and his Spi rit Un 14:16. etc.} """ain with it . The: ......
the beginning. Ih ~ faithful. the w alls of the church or o. atory. and fo ... the .... w ill I lw ays be hum.n beings who open tilemsel" ... to
lhe alta. (if not y~t bl<'i5E'd or ded ka tcod) are ~pri nlo:Jed with hol y God·s ca ll and obey it; mindful of Ihe ... ving aC15 01 Chrisl in hi,-
watt:r. After lhe inten:<!S~lons lhe alta. (if.-.eed be) is bl.......d with. tory they will look ~rward to tho! consumma tioro of lhei. salvation
shorl pr.y.... of b~,.;ng and lhen innomed (as are congregation and through. with., and in Chrlsl .
the main bod y 01 th~ chu rch), The etKharislic celebration l'Tlds ..; th
• solemn blo!»ing MId dlsmlsul. n... blossing al an altar .pplies Since the a.ctlvc agentS in the liturgy are nOl only Chrisl the high
only tu a movablt> altu. since a fixed alta r is alwa ~ dedicated (VI, priesl but . Iso changeable human beings. it is easy tu see thaI lhe
I ). n.., blessing is glVl'Tl during the MaS5 al the da y.... fter the in te. - poeaibility 01 change in "'m" is inherrnt in the li turgy. The: Iiturgi·
cessions and a !lUit;>ble song the celebrant "", itcs tM p rayer of bin>- cal constitution nOles lha t the li turgy contains e lements that an.
ing (..... ;obo'-e). The: ah •• is sprinlo:Jed with hol y water and divinely Instl tuLed IUId immuUobk but . lso """"menlS subject to
incensed . h i§ then mad~ n>ady. and the EocharW i, cekbrated. cha~. n- not only lN y btu ough t to bedoanged with the pas-
NO&t ol time if lhey haveJufNred from t"" intru<.ion olanything
n.., new ritt lor ~ dedic.non Cblo!sslng) o f churches and alt>rs has out ol hat lhO" y wlth the iMef natureof ~ liturgy '" ha,·~bKome
inlrodtlCt'd many imp"",e,,,ents. both IheoIogkiiIl and p rKti<:al. Un- pointk'SS- (21). ... nyone who reads w ith. c. ", .... L Mayer 's studies
fo rtunately. the p.ayers whether ol dftIication or of ble6;ng lack an an tlw liturgy in the history 01 EUl'Of'Pan thought' will k>.m how 10
epickosis '" in"ocalion o f 1M Spirit."

look COi"'1<Iely . t the liturgy. To so"'" extent t"" ..... t~ of F. W. p""'·nTlenl. We may think, for ""ample. of me to """'" ex!t'nl iIllI
W..-bt,r ~l.., .pplies h~ " And sinc~ ~ach ,,",w d.y buil<bon t)", UfISOltislaclOf)" translation 01 thf Latin texts. the often imipid . nd
rubbl~ of the old. an untTOUbkd ""~ can look b.ck and _ into th~ , tereotyped content o f m.ny traditional prayen, lho- wealr.nHSes in
future.·' the Lectionary for Mass. the still unfulfilled task of <Tearing"""" U-
turgkal proynund """&5, 'iOIId the many ouldated signs and ru-
TIlE HCENT KEf O RM AND IT S ME S1JlTS brics that bel""S In .. museum r. tlleT than in contemporary life. It is
E"1m the ronciw outliroe th.t t h,ve gi""" in Ihi. book shows thot •• !rut! 01 th.-liturgy as il is o f theCh urcn as a whole that it il""'"
t"" ... emts .n . lmost confusing mUltiplicity of funns and other P" rrfor"",ndJ;•• lw<l)"5 in need oi relorrn. Atlhe .."", time. _ must
d ata 10 "" com prehended In connection with li lurgical il56Cf!'tblies bear in mind lhal lmpalience is a poor I(hiser in mallen of lilurgi-
and fundi"" l. On the b~sl. uf the p r"hmino ry wurk done by the li· cal rt:form.
turgic') scien<:es and the t; turgical mo"emenl V.bean lI.nd the
commissions which it called into exi~ in the liturgic.l romtitu· "SP~ CTS OF T HE lIT V . CY O F n lE f UT U U
lion (no. 21 J wOln' able 10""'j.., .nd mrich the li turgy !hi l h;Jd de- TIlt Pnlhl.... <f F1fflI"," Qnd 0rdtT in IItt U hlrgy
"elqwd in the course 01 time (Jungmann " Gtword"". W urgitJ ~ In me liturgy of lhe futu .... it will be "'-'n -'Ory 10 Itrive for a ha rm ...
ulthtuI<" goal of the refonn w ;os " to Impart an ~-er ino:reuing vigor nious o..lance ollreeclom and order, s ubjecti"ity .nd objectivity, .,......
to In., Christian li fe of thoe f;tilhful" (5(" 1) or, in other words, to ativily and pi e established Iorrn!i. On lhe one hand. lhe mod,,",
~t'>\. the Church by renewing the li turgy. Did not 1M council ex · 5cieroce of communic.tion shows u. how impo Manl the subjecth'e
p ressly ... y truu Chang<'!ll"" juslified only whton"the good of th<> qulilities of the cel"m-ant (thl' .. ..,nder .. ) are for his success in in·
C hurch genui....!y and certainly n:quires !hem" (5(" :OJ! forming and "ppealing towrongr.-gation and how only " ~

ter Ind its kWory and <'nllo.,,·on to 1_

Anyone who pos,;e§S<'!I tllt· nec<'SS;lry knowl..-dge of the suhje<:t mat·
a rclonn so unmatdted
in its ""tent and intensity musl ~Iablymd wilh . positi .... judg·
.ages" on the right wav ... ll'llgth ....iIl in facl reach their destination
and be received . From this point of vie w, lhere Is mu~h 10 bc £aid
for the Il turgicllJ celebration being pe""' .....I. ~ .... tive and tNt' to
life. On lhe oth ... Nond.~ in its changeable pan. the Uturgy
ment on iI, t" en though mony of I"" st'1"' la ken in 1M reform ""o r
mU$l hav~ a d"'Sf"'! 01oojectlvity and must theft'f..... pUI limits on
the marks of inf\' itilbk: compromi,;". As <""eryo"" knows, a convoy
lubjfctiv ity.
un """'r only Is fast IS its slowest ship. II must nonc:the1es5 be ac-
know ledged lrulllhl' rilft have bfro"", de....... a nd mort' comp..,.. n.... w ho """'" at !"lY prd toirolrOduce the "It",amlinoo forms"
hen ~ible, lho- h!~ts richer in biblical thrology. ~ old " <["ricII of the moment into the lilurgy willli5~lIy find themse\,1:S limping
liturgy" ho~ to a larg" ""tent become • community liturgy that is .Jong behind and trying toc~tch up with the rapidly changing
optrI lO ;JCti"e, ronscious particip,Uion by the l"ithfuL. n.c, fleKibil_ styles of the moment; they w ill also ~ roo ... of the faithlul lhan
ity o f liturgical functions In teTms of (~, 'Ubstitution, .nd .,...... they . "ract. FunhcTmore, in fa tualion wi th th .. fruit. oi one'. own
. ti\"lty is subst~nti811 y g rt:ateT thon before. <Teativlty aU too oflm bl inds one to th<.~ r wea~6'" and deficien-
cies. E"ffj so <:titical .n obK-r\'er as Karl Ralmer. who set great
Oespi ll" all this the relonn h..>s also elici~ dllsilisfiOCtion a nd ad-
val .... on peo ....u l activily as compared with a _ rubrkill "'8".
verse judgments. ~ co"", from contrary qua ners: /of!lOll'M' lhe
Lotion, warned against throwing tM door.; wide open to • subjec-
!\'fonn has 1.1Ien !hOM. for others it has gol\(' too far. This is 8 deu
tive organization at t),(, lilu rgy. " N OT is It my view tho t every
prool that it has in fact follow..-d • midd le COOJr8e, w here (lOCording
tIwoIogian oughllo oompos.e """" euchoori$t>c pra)'ft'S which no one
to the prowrb) truth is 10 be found.
CMllCle •• te a fter ""Iring lhem roo- thtec ~b ... lhat <'V"'Y pmt
Thtlliturgy after Valiran II has not e~hausted lIS possibillMs 01 im· shoukllimply be appoint..:!. creative liturgi.1 in ev<ry situation

'" '"

and .... eryromm ... niry. That would Iud to norueM(' WOf"§(' than ccnsalion al ike allar, sign of tN. cross. S",.,ting (often quite
. nything we ha"e h.od in the past or today."' ln short. a Ht ... tgy with longwinded) of lhe rongregarion. inlrOduction IU ttw Mass of ttw
a more or Ifss ptrmanmt fra mework .nd texts formulated in ad · da y (often a .hol"! S<"fl'IIon). f"'IIi!<'lltial Kt (with it5lnvi ta.lion to ....
va:w;e pfO\'ides beu.... conditions for Ul oplimalliltl/lY. flection and il. momenl 01 sil<>ral, iCyn.-. Gloria, .nd pr<lyer of the
day. At lha l Ii"",. t,,·o words; toda y. with eight parts (some 01""""
Nor may _overlook the lac! that in an age when human bt';ngs
rxtetl.'li,,"). E,· ..... )" .g.. thought it had 10 add s.omcthlng. and no one
an! ea.uy manipulated, · cn>ati, ·t' Iiturgis~· Nn t"" rl,;k ~ only of
1.1ff "" 11"\.... dared 10 d<!1I'le any 01 the additions.
5ubjodivt' onesidtodnn, but .liIO of introducing id...,logical .nd doc·
\riNI ..k " ... nu that shift the .. mph~is from w ........ it ought to II<' A comparison of tlw p reparation of the gi/to .t that time and tod.oy
and bring confusion inlU the community. "f"ho5c, who "'gard this yields ";milar I"rSullS. AI"" the homily .nd tht' d ismissal of lhie OIte-
mlt'nW.'nt ... p~ of timorous pe'*imism will think twl", if they chumens Augustine left his ca tht.dra. went to the ~tanding alta.
otlt'lld to thto ""~ of Ihr ... rlyChristilJ\5 in Ih is . ...a. From in the main n....e•• nd ~ the prayer of the faithful. The<S.arons
his prison at ...a, Ignatius, the martyr4>ishop of Antioch (d . before lhen coll"":ted lho! gilts of th.. rong ...g.l Iion and from these ",1K1ed
111), pleadl!d with his con~tiOfl!l and ""horted tho:m to t.lIIity in broad .nd wine for lhe Eocharist; m ... nwhile th.. choir sang •
lhe liturgy: '"TIwt Eucharist al""" must be "1Iarded. s trustworthy ps.olm. Augusti ..... himself did not utter a ";ngle prayer al II-...~­
l!wl i. cdebsated under II", prftidmcy of the bishop or his ....1e- r.tion of tho- gifts. When lhe gifls we", ready. he beg>.n the eucharis,
gaN .. . . Rather, that I I""" w hk h hl5 ~ !elIted i. al"" pIe. sing 10 tic pta)"er with lhe prcbce.' RNd...-s Can make their_'II
God. "" th<lt whatev.... is donO' is 'UJ"1' and INSIWOrth~. '"' nw.. his.. comparison with tN. present-day prepar~tion of the gifts
tot)' of the C hurdllel ls uS of m<lny critical periods in which lhe tra·
(")rwthing shQuld be d ear by now: if the practi« 01 adding and ......
dltlo ..... l liturgy wa.lhe mosl impor~nl m.... nS of pr..serving unity
panding con tinllC!l into lhe coming mi llennium. the two <'S5tntial
and ..." .t'd as II-... mnrbrd of orthodw<y.
ports of tlw ~ liturgy o f Ihf' word and Ihf' li turgy of Ihf' Eu-
~ considerations do nol imply that the compelent authoritin in charisl (in the n.rrow """"" of the ",,"mr-win become "",.,., mort'
II-...Church may ~ v""Y tlw degIW to ...·hich fret. creat!\;ty may be ~overgrown ga rdens; Ihf' ratio of fr.m"",CO"I: to f"SM"ntiaJ parts
exCf6sed Ot.•hove .11. that they should not a llow qualifi.d grou~ will be ~ ""'"' OI.It of 1m..; .nd sh~ quantity will t'IIdang.or the
Ihr ruom IU try nc."Ol· Iotms. But tllest: uperimenl5 must " ,m.in sub- quality of participation in the Euchari$t.
i<'cl to ... vicw. Only thf.'n Ca n lhey lead lhe way to a iI<'tt<"f liturg)".
The conc:lu!lion, kr the liturgy of Ihr future. is this.: If clarifications
Rrducmg /N Num/J<t. QM C_rlt:tity ",Tuts _11/1 Rift'S of the "'~t . nd rill! of the <'56Cntial parts ..... recogniu-d 10 be m~n­
I can ill ustrate what! have in mind here by. quick glano;-e at a West· ingfu.l and fll'<:"t'SSary, they are by all .....ans to be acaopled (for n ·
""' a:kb.atlon of u... Eudurist Jround the yc.>r 400. Augustine. ample. impro"~ments of wha l w~ now have or Ih~ introduction of
bisoop of I·lippo and a man highl)" <'S1t"e11"W'"d by hi< COfItempo<arie5 new "'-""aristic pt.)".,..). In no c~ .... ho ...·....·..., is lhe framework to
.nd ill of later Christianity. brgan 1"'-' Sunday Eucharist wilh the be fu rther infla ted; th~ need is rather 10 ~tim ll\;\'" presenl p;a:ss.
gTO!E1ing O:I"""u, Vdoiscw", ("'The Lord be with you.). and .........t to As fa. as the M_ is concerned, it is concei\<~ b~ and desirable that
hi~ cailw<lr • . n.. lector lhen immedia tely beg:.n the firsl reading.
alongside the fut! form th"", .hould bto an abb ....·;.tt'cI form . ...po-
Th us the tnt;'" inlrOdunory rite • • s fa •• 5 the priest (bishop) WI. cially for a:kbulion with ~ma.ll groups or on ...·....,kdiOys. WI>en [
cf>IIC<."rned. consisted of Iwo words. s.oy · abbn!Viated· ! am not thinki ng of • shom-ning o f the Iitill'
Compa ... thai wilh our p..-.;ent pr...:1i« .nd ......... iU be struck by taken but of the elimination of an unhNlthy profution. At Vatican
the profusion of . in,s and p ray .. ,..,: kissing of Ike allar. l"'mapo an in· n Bishop o...schak, a German blahop working in the missions.
..... de the bold sugg<'StiOllthat alongside the existing form of Mu,

". '"
then! is need of a nl"W and simplK """ based on tt... spirit olll><" in th.... ctiun. but "t~ tranql.lillily of the iN\er liN.; the quiet at the
New T<'St~rr'lmt and Wt both should be m.>d~ "'I""lIy va lid. R.,. depths of its hiddlm SI",am. It is • coll«lIed. total pttscnr<'•• bring
mana GU~Tdini. who wu d""Ply moved by the sUSll~.,.tiion .• g~ ',11 the ....: ~ptive. alert. re.dy....
and. with his OWn lang cI>eri!J>ed id ...as in mind . ..id simply: "Yes.
tha t', whot we need. " At this point we mllSt ask to what exlent the....,.,..t litllfgical ~
lann tws dOlll' juslltt 10 ttu. roncnn. lhe liturgiatl ('OfI5tiMion
In lhe in\eTVenlng y...a rs u... , ugg<",tion h •• "'on more and more ad- docs h.ov~ an article (30) in which variOUll forms of.n;Vl' participa -
herents. When tile Congregation /or Oi,-irw.· Worship issued a ques- tion aft' reo:ommendt'd. Th"", In, "'rMWN.t disoonnt<:ted way.
tioouwo;re in Pfl'P.,",ation for tt... CongR'Sll of the rr.,..;den ts and eOl ' : _ Ihi. lurther",,,,, .. e. - And at the ptoper tims aU ~ ob-
Su:'~tari<'S 01 tile National Liturgical Commi".ions (Rom ... October ""'.., • 1'l'\'~rent silence. · A.!< J. A. ,ung",ann tws told ..... this sen-
23-28. 1984). I'l'pI't'Sent.olI;vn exprem:oo'<l the willi! that the Congrega- t ...", was added only I...... on al the wi .... of Ihe Fathen.· The
tion -should 0I'Ict again rclIect on wllethef a single 0nI0 M ........ i$ CmentlllUfruc/iofl 11/ 1M Rooooon Mi$s/IJ goa into a little 1S"""il'r de-
adequate for all s;milior!&.-' tail: silence ... to bf obsc"ed - at the desipted tims u part ollhe
v..'h.;u I hav... been $aying he", of tho: EIICh<>rist applies, with the r\eC - cekobralion ": "Ihus at the penlt""tial rihi lind again aft'" the invita -
tioro to pray. aU recollect IhemselvO'S; at the ronduslon of a reading
......ry chang.." 10 tIleothooor .....asof tIw limrgy. ""melr. INol -less Is
or tho> homily. aU mt'd itate briefly on what tws been heard; .fWr
more-: elimination and tighll"ning up can lead 10 qualitativ ... im-
provtmenl;n tn., form 0/. more acl;,'e and. as I shall say in a mu- communion. all p'"''''' God in si lent prayet"'" (D).
m..." . a """" meditatiw p;lrtkip"tkln in liturglc"l ",I""rations. n.e limrgy of the NIUI'I' will ;n .lllikelihood Nove 10 provide more
nunw=us opportunitir.i for mt'ditatiVl' silence. for example. during
PromotinS G M td,'/G/;1Jt Silmcr
the P"'P"a tion of the gifts and .ut.... the inl."tssions 10. the> living
N u"",roos inquiries hav~ shown that many of the faithful (•• man y
and /or lhe dead.
as SO pe'Cl'I,t) want m"", period. of si!enct- during the cekobl'Obon
01 the liturgy. In I'lOl a f.....· p...isheumph;osis o n - ;acti,.... p;lrticif"'" It is obvi0u5 that ~h periods of recoll«V<l sill.'f'Ott must 0«\1'
tion " Nos c",.~ an ~tmosphcre 0/ bustle thot kt....1'5 individuals within an overall atlT\(J!j~ lhol ",duds. hectic pa~. agitation.
from an adequate int~rior I'l'(ollectlon and ",n..ction. Many com· .ndboredom,"
pla in " bout an e>«ess;\'e wordiness in the postroncilia. liturgy that
makes it difficult for tJwom 10 uttl'r a " personal kind 0/ P"'y""."
Such d«larations n these ought no, to be !O() quickly dis mi"""" as
manlfustotions of an individualistic piety Wt has no place in th<- lit_
urgy. After all. e""" in the> lilOlrgy ind i"id""ls haVl' the right to
bring th"""",I,·..", and th"~T I"'rsonol COnc~mS belor\' God . Fuethe. _
mo .... te~ts and signs call 10.. an inl~rior appropriation that is best
achie>'t'd amid ".,1e"",'.OO interi .... silence. In ..:Idition. the per-
sonal dedicalion and su •.-....de. lo God \h.;>I is uniled to IIw ,...If-sac-
rilic~ of Chri st and is on _ ntiot dem""t in the Kh,'e ~Iebration
of the Eucharist t..comes po56ible primarily in /I period of inbrrior
re<'o ll«tion.
The silence 0/ which 1 3m lIJ"'aking is Ih.....,lore not simply' pause

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~for _ _ ~._f K.tM. n.r ........." of'. ",.IjIOw""" "'''"' D, {.G .....
Chopter ! I""'tv' "",... lm), )\
'50< H. St>.Ihtr\o,.,....:I R. ~. "1...oitou'V"" TD.' lT ' :lls-JI. E.J. ~q
• 50< A<b 2._ ) ,1. " 12:<l. 22::17
"u...'p." HTCl;15I
, """"" _ ..................IIJJI<i-"'."' .....-. ,;,........_ •.rl' ' ... ~Soo bftow. Ch.op1 .. JOo:. ,roc! Ado", U.,,....
Y.., ~ f.,.- ....... portanI- - -
- . _ 1 I. T.Ury. TIotOnt;t"' f/ "" .... "'t""'" r-. NY. _ 1_ 1-)7.
.....,... ..,.....,m., ""_.... _ ..., _ ••. ...:1 .......... 50< E- I· ... ,«.~
fr<;>Oo I 177. • 0. Kno>:to. .~ "4" _ .. bolo , ." 11 Kt:o , '- lIfo.1iro Got .. , . . . 1.",* "66-
'50< E. Koitl""" r ...... · o..WqdooWoolOf .UNtp". . . . . Goo<.am..• U55 •. Sooll-. AI ...... "",,.. Stuibot. """"-'Jtt(f _ ... 1971"1.81; "'" _ hoM 0/ ..... 00<-
1 1 ~ 117..aJ. _ «00....., io ~ ...... F"""'" 0/ ..... _ _'orWn-

• Fut """'" dt-'·i .. "" .... FLo'." 01 a.n.."' .... tmotsY _

K. b ........ "Tho " ' - L So. 110M I"" '10
...,."'IhtUwdinlht~Com_'Y .. ~· .. l\;a.TlIo ' i
'_11:\. or__ . 0 ""''''1_\'<ri,. 1"7)1. 71.aJ.. ......... """".. ai ......10.,'"
'rl_...- ",w S=,.... I IIIiI~"...,..... Ulil~
""'" ._.,..I•• wi .~ bibh""apIoy in f . E' ,I • .t-. Dot "'''''' , /tM ~ •• 001I00I. 7.
c.oa.:.f-' (1::1 ...... 1'1&2/.
n, ,w I:po\ 13 (BihI-,...1II>I.
• n.....~ E. J. i.mg<IifI&. lJjo'X" - Doorlot ......... '"'" ."" Mt_Io.«I. "- RHo.- "1_ _ _ MS 111.
-(F<:oibu<J. 19!J1).
• Mot ..... O"l5.,,_. "'1 .1. 1::101;""'1«1.1 Wvo , ', fNUoT1 ' Ofo<Wc-
.. s.. SUNift (ft, 1117
r_"l' (Wilalirt;-. S .C . 10711. 71 ...... n .. a..p.<67". .... , IroMS 1:13
, 50< M . ,..."... Dot ".,,,,, III • .,... . . /(U</at I (I::ILIni<Il. 196f). 9lfl . .. s.. MS 1,1!-3O.Cnnc..1 «1m...... 8, _.,~ ThooIu_ ~",,"," ..,., t/,,,",,l"".
, A. w.-, Oo<J:oo:JI . . ~_h"IFr"""fIl ... 1\111\1 .
'"-''''...-u.... ltQfl'l, MUntI«, 196J. 1 -' ),

• ,\-1<0 ...... v.. Xll~'·om 118, 1':0. 1911).

.. SWolU> ,R. Il l'. _ 01 ....... Sop'\. CtI<!o"'''''' ,"""'..... CoN"" ....... ( - "
'" u.u ofCo_ .."' lLoI",·C.,ii$lo Ul,_. ir''''' ..-.10< t ....."""".. "' ..... C""", " . Soo MS I:ll.
La ... Socifty a/ A _ , I....a.h"'ll~ ... D.C .. \IIIJ). 31'.

u. E. I.... "..,.... [q~ of'. T,,",", (Edlri>o,orgh. (961). . ,

If.s.. A,s"", K,,,,,,,"N. lQ·2'; ,
iI. J:\oo"""'. sro..-, HoMo?' l.'§. OJ..", D<> U"f""-' .... !<;o<!o'j'lodotoo i_<if'o"" .n4
" ~ 1Iru............"""'''''' ,lit ~, .... ~"... • • t f _ M . Ii, lit",.., (SI, l.oo., 196/1). 109. DI_",(I(~d. 04.),
" 1I00:I .. 115. s...
F. tt.M. n.r W"""'.~ of ,lit "'rl~ Ch,<*, """,. D.~. c.- (Philo"'" • lurogrnonn, /J,1y Lir~y 12'- ... . .., I, Q,u"'" M.~I .oJ c...."i j. :1m K.ll . ....
pIU •• 1m). 1~.
" Ikunn.-r In, (1) 121>11 ...:I \0711,
"" ~iof"''''' "..i:;.'"
cII ,;,,,I" "" ("..,,,,, 1M...."" 10l).
.., """"".... , C#fo~r, ,,_, Il S, rw-cofiin (Sal""",",. 1....1). 101 .
" K, [Ioft"- GoI" .. 'I> •• '.~ .M Cortnl...., ""'" .<It> OM'," iodo, UIar< IZ..tlikm>-Zu- IO ~""" aNI oloIoilo: in AdI", 1Jj,'I"'" r _ ....,.
""", lorJ.!), l\i11,
,. Bn,onn..- 1ft, 1l) 11 • .
n ""
"_ int ~,,~.. .. ''''' "»1'- '" ,,-,,",,.... R. 1(••",-,-" Do>""", GoI'", to
' ,,.'" '" ,,-
IJtwopr . . AIII.oK" c.--o .......... jo::PW ..... C-"'Y""'-"' (f _,&. 197. ). 2 _. ...
" Sorl'h. Hou .... ~""'" ':;"'-,I""IoI0d0r ."" ,.;Ib._.w U .'P (Flil ''& 197. ) peIoUy _!IOO.
,. F.,.- . ""i<k _ " " " " ' ....... v"""", ... 10 ..... _ I'I.ffl. M """Fl" 1",!IO:I•
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LIMN!._ 'roo\,. 1961 . ~ "",It
»L>.1W6). I!:4-71 . ..... .; ... ionfromA"' ....
_ ._,.171
Ch~pter II
' Ils..hlill.-o;,,~doo_h........ ("......

"s.. ;..... I(~. _ 11-, 1.1"""","",," MS 1,2.

. . ,' ." ,. ' J

fI, for tI".;&,


_ T. IOo_. """""""" /oIoI"»,,toN. 1riI_J.,,, '....

LI(IIihI....,... HJO);_I~ r.ry I.d-J!f 117.

I No,.,. "",-gu 1110> 20. )55

",,';"-Itt //til,.",,, "," •., IC~ 1'11\0); B. kQn~ .. EuonpB"loIS 11)0._10.
'11Pil ~ .m'~·1fTG hJJ--.<l ,
" . W"S""n lO1.
" J _ &rlJ I.!'"'n' 2111. .. Tho,", ,rn _ _ i> b)- !d. """'-;""lncw.-_"- • ....,..,.....
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~ NJ. J2; "'......... ,981). ...KIo-. ·A...... __ ~·l""' ,
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(),jli, O,OO,...,w I (D'
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kiM. l<I&Ot I. M. l t... · ......
,. 5to F. I:omp. tI 01 .. no. OIoodo;w" Ag< lfr.-
Oout<h Hi~ 3,od, H. jod",ondJ, ~
JW"«"""") ,
., DotoiIo ito Adoon. rm:_.
I I .. I f _ A.1Iigo IHw _
Now""''' l%\t~ JOO(-r ol ). A.

., /" .... rlu," ~. .... A. f"n'.." .. ni onO ~, _ IT"""""",. 1Il008). ~'.

r... <Io. ","",, ). WH . ....... 2nd .... 1'1"""""'<1, ]1it!1. " Moo, .., Lri""..?O,
"!W. n
foo- ,,, .._ ... _......, • ..., H. .... Stl ,h no. 8po"-""UO"'IJ- ....... loot /-
Y<rl. 1'180): 5. Hrit<t.""~c.t
_ _ (M""', 1Il008,, • • .. Ad ..... ~ ... 40-<17.
kind 0I1"'P"I. .....1, .... , "","""- ' .... Iihu-gy "-" tht " ,,,.,,,,,,,,,.
". s.. 11. B. Moy'" "1M 1:!o>·• •1on Om <10\0""...., MH........ """ boI Lo..thtt · ZICT if;
.. W. 1lOtlft; 0.. III A"' ...."'.. <'1 ,;.to.
'~lO!: _ f. V... d .. - . A _ _ • 8 ...... (... lS).
"'''''J"'' """"odot Qwtit IM - . ( 1963) 16H17.
.. o.wlo in p. _ . Di< ",-«It'! '.",.A'" ,.. Mit ........ ( _ _ 1"'401. id ..... 1M
~ s...T, Kbu,,,, " o.. ~&"fIf;d<f r¢mioo;"'" KIfd>. .... <ltrS-_"'" no, /oi,ifitt _ "A,," ;", M ill"," '" IM _ , 1"JII); ....... v.. V",*",", " C w _
~ U""l"'"P"_.· ill MOo:tGo_ G ~. ,... i I "'_CiIy. 1'H6~~-lIl; .. Matrlol .... (M ........, 1m ),
..... _ Hiolory 15-14.
sr. loIS I IllI. _lO.
"" C.n, I I (M.!"oM 3 (l7W( 92l),
.. I. \.on • . 11It ~'''" iA c..-",. or ....., M. w.! Ihol>; Now Y....... ,908). 1!17-
" s.. Nour-_'"-''''4 S.,.., 57. . . TN,.Ihor ~v.. Of'I"U~ r_ oboo.>' ....... ~ .. proIt-U",,' 01 tht P""~' ,n..
. .,
" _ ;"""""'" odot.,." L C. ~ L Eiu,-.. ond r - . $«to _ _ """ f" "-

50(. t''''''
i.", V"""",,, (REOM F 1. Rom.. 195/» , On tho IWlIi ..., A, Slulbn, I.!t.I1li
,......... t<w,,,.
~"'" 6. II<>nn. 1050) oncI D , M , Hop<, no. u...i..
.. lotS 1:lll.
.. J~ ~ til" 'n' 79.
aL s.. _ _.S-¥o,
.. [d,1od loy, ' '''''''l! """"'. 1.. C "'~ r.Siffm. ond L ( I•• •• " .... l ...
"".,,,,,,,,,,,,.," __ O«I..-_.~ ' AAi ci",oIi (REDMF to R""",. 1060); ... A. ., G, Wi,,",', pi" '" k.- , ..... ~ of Fuk!o II~). in (;.I'kilo<hi~ (od.~ ......
a..,'. -,.U""._ ...... ,........lr.... ,9S8j. .4<> " .........."ic.. IV 11 (1loJI""'''''S- 1971), l~ ", ilh, "ontIo"""
,"to M<I<I"",
c..-bythtod,ttIf. s.. L "'..... 'o..,"01~ "" .... b p .... G.
.. I: , Comb.., f~ 1i,,"0J0c' 1otI,,.-..,......... lSI :" g> F.l • 11'" ,;. Subood .. I;
"'-M>tI,' A _ foi' ...-,"' _ _ ~ ..." l (1'i't8) 11+-U.
r,*","<&- 1\1611 ), """ . <nmplrio '"" ' Y01 , ..... d..-.!''P a,' 01 Soo;:""",,,n.. in En.
glloh. _.C. v.'PI, oIW .... , Lit"7:!I, " ..... Iry-Williom s.....,.. ond N. R......,.-. .., ~1loc""h (od. ), C-'/i" ," ndm,"," ," VIlI (F_"~, 19M), ~1"21 ,
"~ I),(: 1-'''· 1011.
.. H. ltd... "1)00. t::on.iI """ T..... """ ",. - . . . ... """""'...., ME, I - "
.. E. Biohop . ..",. LilUtJiroi Ro ko " .,~ O"' ........ yn.., 0-... IImtw< JII O~19). ). 1.11....... IiI>A & (1~.'I'J)D .
16 s.. ... "<...,;", 0/ <ht Romo " 1(; .... In r.;," i'<' H...,. .... , O>;lord. 1918, 1-1 9,
.. J. A. J~ "0.. "'-'<~ ",... T"""" .-.I dO. f.~ d<-t UrwgM': in ,.
" )~ 1;001)0 """'n' 2!1<>-97 $duo' " (<<I.~ D:os Wdl"""'_ ~ I (F,..;twu5- 1951 ~)llI

" s.,"'''Y' 01 ..... """ in """" 1 1In." M ~"""; 1;1.... ~ "' W .. )29i .
.. s.. MS 1:83. " __ 11. cop. " OS l7, q . Eil5Uoh " """" ,.,,, Ito, J. 1>1"'.... ond ). I:>.opui' (<<11, 1. TlIr
ON ..... foillo io , ... Ux,, ' I 1>/<. ii' •• If" ~ __ Oo. odt (..... «I , SO,.." blond,
.. MS 11I'J
N.Y.. 1982). .... 1554 (p. 427}.

'50 Hots an PiIX'" 21 /0 21.

.. C;1f<I irI MS 1.146• .-. ».
.. KIo ...... _ II~l.
" '.."'. . _b?~ 1It. ,X"''' (lid"' .... 19061-
.. ASS ~ (I9OJ..I) llCI; , , _ if' 1_1_""'~-.... /4<d.~ ••...,......Mlld.-n-. 0ffi0iII C#Io>-
'" r.......,. (1'1.,...,.....,...
KC. ImJ. 1~_2&
... P """'"" · F""" "",c", "oCiI 0/ T..." m"_.n Il · on M.,,_ (lJ. ET I>M. " . .. fioo:two-. -0. ·~ka.I,.," r ........- U' (1 959) 10).19; F. ~ (",-76j, lJ.)6; L
ITDot.11o ill Ii. v.1II<,_""Grod\idoI1i<m lUI i".bn.o."", ~ ....... Joo """-wm,.. ....,....o.L I .,II<ooo_ .... __ ~ · (gI ... (Toumol.l%4l.
ur••,...... t.t..o 3 r l~J6 ) _ • """ c;..,. ILl UP.".. (Ft<;tooI ... 1919). £T: TIot 5pri <I"" UP"'D". " ........ u.-..
,., )o;Lau .... _ HiHo? I lIJ. (l.o:otwIooo. 1')01-
" I................ I'oH<J..J U O'U M. II "'V~ ~""""'to<I ,... (,... _ form Ih< Grr- .. M"""l ... 190'1-4 1; 1'IS7. ,
""'n, _ Tr.1
.. MUN",r, 1<11.1 -1 1;""" A ":/oov 1"' IJ'"............,.,.. (Rfg_ ... 1'1S01!.)
" OS :u.oo-1700. .. ET: 110t S.".,.,,,.,,,,')',
I",.. , A, L.e-:.. I;"Mar" ....:I (10< compi<l ..... 01 V<>I_ S) W,
... It. s.: ........ . ~~. c..dorl .. _ Em_ ~." Il o>JO<!.Orlot> 1Mo_ ' 1ko- Fain" .a.otm.!oy (s vola.; N...- Y"'k. 1924--J(l),
~IU<Iootft .l5 (1 914) !W-IO'/. 1111-<ll. 71U.Al(I, tl.c...J'. _~dOd _ So ~.bul on I....... ho>I<l' Ioo<I m,d..p« un-
,. n..... ... _ ... rvry;" f. )o;oj bo<.DwI~.'f<'<IotIl< . . . . . (... ,,~ 1%4 1. dot" I.......... 0/ Ito< lilw-Si<oI _ 0b0n."d 01 """' Y .... 1110< ."1'''" .....
..-.1 ~,

"' ..S·. r............

I !-19. Mew _lItd ..",lie,,, W. TrOpp. V'",."",,,,, .. 001 U........... I" .., .... ,
19001; .... V;,,_ Dotl,,,,,t_ , ~._ .. 1'_A. W.. _
.... /Mwoi<h. I'll'); M<o, ... UwlJit 1&'>2(0;; 1d_1'mIoot. Co .b'''''",,,, c:.... omJ
MoM ~ ....,.be lItt M"....,.,Clonu ... _ " .•.v ar.... .... ~ {Woo<>oUto-
- . Md. I~ """100"""",, f","¥",i...
/U".dj>O<.ay-- ""' ''''' ,... b 1-. 19)1_1941 _
1"" lt ""- .. . ...... ...
.. _ _ .... SdWI-
W......... , Oorl~ ........ " A,_Iok" _ ....'\0 ........ "'" Md. 540"'" (1tt8".at""" .,... """",,,, . . SooI . ,,","""'Iock'_ /)or Myo' , .... 1 1 gwOoio '""'" (M<o .... 1<.012);

1<mo!; H. I .... • ' M'8';/)or~"Goro_ " ....... z... ..... ,.",."........... o.- - . . """",Wtiooi< "'"" M,-.....·GII Jl n -'84In.,.,
to , ,, "" (~ 1"76i; G. IJooIIfto. Aoof_1'oIrJ "" ~,,,,,'d • r ....... rn-.
v.. .. So. .. ~. "1M '1JypOo._. itI M.w>o ~. liIOO<J ....v Mo,""'o •
.......... '"' ........ ~N_r-, )rio lWol~"-S.ww; U.'I'. 'oofooM lor*,
If (I961 111).fl.
....r'l'nt....- (f~ IW&J: W. ModIt1. · Dio . . . ._hon ~ <ioro
~ ....... c.n..-....;...
n "~_"bLO g (177-1- 180/11.· ~, 10 11"00) m·le, So. aIoo L .. 1>\, K - .... , _ • .v u......,.._r_ ..... _MCor>o ..... (- - -
19)9): "" Ouoo, ''''• .s..r,,, "'.. r oo I ... (M ~ 1...11,
M."".L,,"'1i<' m ~.

" Tho 1.,."",,,,,. I""Ili,,,,,, ..... in Ik .....-oIumtO "" «I,:

W"If ........ in ninr v<~ u """ II .. «1 __ r ,n., I M I~),
r.ri~ I840-SII; Ito< A"""
.. IniriooIIy pubh,lood lor P""' " rirnolo';"'" ........ Iloe tillo "Eln W"" nor litu'J!iod><r'

.. Tho ~5 _~. " . 1>0...0 "" , ... """" po<'I on ............. 0/ , ... ~I>
In Iloe litoot")' """iN 01 1Ii.t-qo .... Strlu-. So. .Ioco Th, M .....E_ d. v;. ~_ILI
,. I.. " ... "", lito~",,,,, 3]1.
H,1IIJiodom &.<or"",<!""",......... 1981),
., I~. h.
.. So. ,. w..,... (••n 'I:_,*,l.oro" " " "'" Gtt!< . . StoIoo>rJo" (Tn... ' 'l'i7l.
" 1W. 4.340 (poAoI_ poooh..-....lY' r ..... lons'), • In n.......,. ...,..,.~.I957l. U4, so. .... c-,,"'...... "" .... ~ U
., no;I.• us.
.. H. A. P. Sd-omid~ Dit ~, ___ . . - " Lot.<f"". .,..~,. V.. g..d'd....
" s.. ... It.oinr. ' Im _ _ odorniodvn EiooIv;,o.IitulJio 0;.,. 114" ...-"i-"", ..... «-__ (F- , . . 1'I6.5), /6/_
T..................."' _ _ _ _ po-.; .... _ _ 19. ~· «Q 79 11-'841 1.2.
.. For _ _ _ &opoh ..... ~... I.... '.......-...itl CO, - " .. ""~
• Mro,.... Ur""J«" lI!P!i. _<lI'_'l ""_H. ~ (_Y<ri.. 190011. 11-«7. - . - •• IioOo/OOOft"
• T1oo.oo. ~ .. '- _ . - [M _ " ' " L"".-I. -OS"'" 1_1\I6J """
.......Il00 In [L nll'i1>1) ~-1l: 7'1 (196S1 %S !PO.
door nrodoIo<wvU.... UI\o~ ...."" b'.· __ MHo_ );'.'_"JI1im" R. I'. 0... lioii< '" Tho _ _ , ....,.d with ,,,", • .-.. ~"",io:" ____ ... 011 ... ......
(I.ouv. .... 1<>n~ 0 , - . .... lItt 1'1''1''''4 Il10- /J,o'!)", A~ Ho"",,.., _ 1 _- "'........ """ of Iht ~ "",.,.;,0) In......y 0I1loeno. ..... __ OIX. Tho . . . , ........
............ Md . 1951; F..-..:h <trip""". ' '''S~ Th 1I<>l~ ("" .~ ~ '"'f- [""""....
, I... Wt/r (Moria '--"'<. 1'15(l); ...", (od_). L~0'f',,100 ~0'1_ 51) joIoMo 1M .....
........ It. lItt k-oIn <I"" CootIooIOr C/o.t<Io 12 ....... Now Yo<o. ,970 """ ''Il10).

1-". I~); H, ,,, ~ ScI\m;d~ I" ,odocto<>," IwoT- . ,,,..... ,,/no 100, SIilI "'.."". ,to, ""'''"« o<totto. , ... _ Many",",,':""' '''''' S oj Iht WI.,p
(ilornot. 1<0001. 164.
~. f , Kolbo< In. ~ , . ~) , lJ.16; B. Botto. u .... """"" I"""",,,, (P...... 1973); W.
......, ... ..-!Ih. _ Io...",", <y<:1t 01 tom""l ond polri";':
<H<Ilnp: . ~"'.,, - , ..
"" tho "mojo<"...".;,m, . _l-.nollonol ComnUooItooI "" Er>tJ"'" In ,''' Uho~y.
Bioroboum (E •• ",,001;'-.II. u., hl'.~ "" ~;'I#"""""" ho/p"f"" I. v;.

Nola "" ,...,.. JS ,,, 39.

~._ ...1IIt 1Jr • .pc.I_ F.."*""t U""" ./00 ~'", C""of c_ I6w (W. oI>-
~ D.C .. (914). f<>< _ _ dtoodo, ... _ (. 1. ~<Ii"" ·7.um n lohns..
ok< 1.... ~bon,·t! ;)4(l9l4)lnf ~
,I> 50.11. I . M<y«. ·v... ""'.... N_ ....... porl , , -... ~ _~ ..... h
<10m Kooui\· sa 1800'l61J n.9O.
, .. Tho In<hIh Ion_ ~ 1'l8O~]IIO. 50..LooIIM"
.. 0..1""1 .. "" 1910<_'
~"'K.-O.N_...... "Oit~.. W"........ " ...... '~_ ... ·77 ' w.
nodi _ _ ............. __ 1'111:.· JU.. ~ (l911S) 1)0-13. ,'1M" " ,.,... i. . .aI ....... ""' .. p 1,-"" if> II. (;teW. C r", Iitoo'fl" - .MY ...
lS( itiLo ....... f _ .. ,'" 5"''"Id;' I; f,lIo '"" 11I6I'l.

Cho pter III

' Ewo'fl 'oI IlWf_ _ .... ~.vd.,.!
jf<W<I. ..... wn .. MS ~ IIl-14 ~ ,
_A. . . oL 011
• wo_ y ....
.. s... .... lUOI "' ....ioooI.""""aI boo>Io.o _ _ if> 0...- D.

ChIopuor 1V
'",* ,wol...dR.P_1Ul._ llllW n..... ..... Iu_~ ' ·}. ':<11 Iw .... ~.. UN .......· GoI(\!II!2III).
1 _ " a ........ 010,'. _ _ , /lad," "' . . _ .. " /ir"'P l lf ...... '5- • n-.- _ _ ......... _ " I" .. u~"" .... ·oIj -O~~P.
181111 .. ZJ!T IHlf1119j lSI. Wau\.ow'oct< .. 0/. MmJdI/icIo;' ~ .... _ . r_. ""'''1''''' Po, .. ,;.. (1I<m.
•. It. c...-. -t:...
dio ~ .... 11' ".. ... ok< 1.i<o,upow' " ,,,..;,,/t,. ILl\' L IW~ H. - - . .. II. "E~;" dwCno<>d~_IP-=l£-~
(1 \11 11 97. 1[11; ~ .. (;" iI:io'l lltf ... """ I '" +
(M.oinz. 1923)11';-110 10- K ".onibtootI." ... I.I"-~ ((T\iI>iooVn. 19'101;(;· MoM.... Ct • ......,"'" "'"
_from 1(4). ~_oi/;o'_ I_l0811.

7 A . .... ....... " ·P_oILiIu"';l<. £in _h(lloo,.-.E_ .nd • H<IpIul_ - . .... 1'11. Ho,,""""''',-Utu,..;.'" .... """""""n...
A ..........~...-w. ', "Bw · ,4<N ' _~""'I..i"'?/I."'" C , Iwl ..... - ll2511m) S-:t7; F. """10< ...... "o;. ~....poc;.. "'"'" aI.
(192' ) l~" 106.
· -
~u"~_'.n. " I,,, l(,o,hoI""'" r_t.<tou1o M.o ... (.... ~ '""""'fo'
_ (""'''''' I\tIIZl, 00, ill .l:><ids«! _, in "","",itoin' etxvoo""rl 21'0 (191!J) l · ll.
• A. "'. Ji_~, · Lilurp...·" "...m.~ ......
)~ n.a<h I::nftz~ • MW
2, (1'ii!2) 1.1S" " _I. A. I""IP"" ..... ·L~"'Sf, IV. Soudf oll..iturc: in Soomo .....· · ·No. UIOOL. V6no. ll~l .
,... M • ..ti J (~ Y",,1c 1~ll'Ir.w . • s.mro r.. ,,;,-.
1. e, in C. M<><!n IN ,), Mi>roL"_ ApI""'" I (RotnO', 1'001. 1'1'/.
, ~ ......""&;...01' t!w o.tm "pa.iO<ol .,.'Sy._ II. Itftvo.inp, ""l1'I< Goolo • ...t T.. b I. !'or on orr....., .... (;, Schnll(h,,""" Z..~ ~,mot , .. ""I, IFtrib\ut. 1972);
01 L;to,q;o<ol 5<.....,.: c......il'"," ..... (1909). kIom. p,;."" .. o...,a, .. ood (FrtIbu'" 198JI, _ , .... ,~ '" J; . PO<>7o' l«l ·),
7 5«H W. Co ........ on<! M . I . """" , "1 ... ~......,..Io'ir_inl.'8'ooi .. M _ in 8tfros!t !(o,lIoIiI:<>o- Zii Z..,".ft "'" C.I . .... ..! ~'''''''IP''''bu~ 1m'!.
dot L;to,q; .... " , , 4< .... ~. Z",lftch <1m ~ "I' ~ d ..... piriodoon Di- •. L. _ , ·Erw.i'tUtI~ """ di< '''"''is': 01 £ ,10';• . _ ... 11..... ,15(191. ) . ..
:"""'""'" ilL"'" 2-I1l'l8l) 116·", _ A. A. 1100l0lln@In. 6).IlI.; f.KoIoOo<hrin.
~ ;" ..... ndtl ·I.j ;)4I1~) X! ~ . • ,.,..-.If" 19\1& in .., _y, ·{in " " " " ' - . ~-: (;41 (1'168) 67( .. 7"-
• Notio<ooL e""It,,,". oICo,_ a..Iqol. n... _ ,.... of "'-'I~ _linn; )rd
.... (W......."'" 1ge1~ _ JOIt>.J'I'I
II. nlmom Iotmuloo.a , _ .... _ •• ~ .<)-0; ... wld u... to _ . - ' " i".
_ ~," .po'-' 10 Cud: _ ..... _ pxI .... """'" _.y
fut 11>0 ....
_ _ 01 Ilw ........" s... e . Flr<hot "Co rAro:t_ 01. Or! dot R..Jw, - U e (1971)
,. K. _ .I.j X! (1'M:/) /oO; on t!w ...... ,~J'I<'oIy " ' - - . _ Ii ..... - . , " 10" 9 (19151 41.
f ..... ' ... r.II~.1J'" I (1f"""""LIoo.of5, lml,6J' ~ btmoi ... cIonornor'>_ .. C. ~1.l"''' aof"O:f'>" CMiIoIjc Wot>Io",4_
Ir' .... ".irJ; ,,_ D. AltW_ (_ .. Md .• 19S1l no. F...,m.,.,p...l
il E.
ll; _
en..., -r1
M . -I.
,"*kli.... _ 1 ..... &" ...... n••
Kt-. ~..
.... " ." U,.. ..""" 2< (1\11\9) 102·
"·hoL-. 11 , - _ Liod .., _ dotCNI .. .,;...pot.'
DI»ool<v.1o \.itopNtiB _ Zi<I .... Thoo.>Inp: 10 H _ _ It. KA", k;
WM po '1",1.4 .. PorLo" I~ urd« W rillt 1.1'.""'"
10..,.. _.t<.
.. )', ....., n~ [l 1.I;I1-3&._ ...-.o_oppl)· IOW ,1= ,..... .".......
'. s... A. A . l lnooI.,.. ' DW lri_
(_~ UI • .p.ooI~., n (St. 00tiI .... 1"'~ 9U-5IL

Fun ....... ok<

~ (....~ ur.'P'" " ... ,.,.., (l.....toNd... <t<.
19>01.. 1(I).3Il
H . I.
o-dt 10 1Io...-...y _;,y _

1&... 1 I." 1..iIw6'

; ,.1. : .. _ .... C.
col 11M" EupIw'" (i6ooL.~
n. Soon..ICIo-'-o.r~""'''' · l ... ' Kir<ho ........ S';.cl· _ ....
I (\' _ City, 1_~ 0007-&:

MItts "" ,.ga (8 ,<) 53. Notn ern .-.rn 53 10 60. '"
<;. IIotd~, r.. , __ oIto Io\\L' "'''' ' ·f.flo>o"_"" (r .... 19OII~ Alo<>, KJou...-. 1«>,,_ ............,p''''' .... i_ - s... ..... ''''. ~ 1lo<Gobr.",dI
"",,", ,.... ~ "'"' s,.mboIon in . . u"""..: 71'Q ' $I (I~ 11.. 24.
" 1'1.17256
" - 1 _. 00<0........ ........", ofCyril-.!
K,,........ y In. 'IJ n-9(l,
M_. . . . . . 51.... .
" W. frlo ... (.... ~174.
.. ..... 2t .
D 1W.. ~._.4.
"1>I.onoi :20.2'111/.
,. G. Sd';wy" ." ~,,,,~_IM'-" 1'1"16~ Ill. 00 141. _ 2. "'"
'-' J r-_ lMtb7w_~'~~
. ~ -.. ..,..,-", ... ~,.,
.~~ -
....... Gou""''''c....,.tI _p.-...ohon......,.of""""' ,_....,.. '...,0<1 ......... .,. .. of -a-
~.tI.. Pol< (d,_1ion; p..... 1\157), 83/. - . _,"""", .. ,.0100 ......... "'ho ..... ~< ..,"'... d."=oi< ....

\0 C;Iod "' ... A, ",", • .-.;1 L t..m.n. '"~ ... V,"~ .. ifV1I ,.. z."t,h. . . . 114<. ,. G. SdoIwy I.... )I I p"",id8 on .....ny ~Io inl..,d""ion to tho moo' 1m-
... {ffriows,.l956L l6.. pmURO "'Io..,........ and w.~oodoaf.n- '· , · 100 ____ lOp.. tho - .
_ , ... , _ _ ~"'" ·_· ofM • •-.. ;, ... 4, lw"1 z<ioBy ",tho:;toqy.
" _22,«_ 6 (DS 175li); :-.:.u"",.Dupu>. 156.). 5ft ..... ~ _ Voir In. ~~
" 00t.0i.1o" It - . "Coocto;dW ' I ..... ~ d .. Ma.o..k- _ ......... .. _ . po!'<" ofSdja "I...... ",It<! .. , )00 " "7 and H. B. ).!.yO'. ~ . "" ~­
Ut"'J'K1It< iLtI'o J (lUI ffI-'11. 50< ..... f [lion Woo""" w. "" Go/1tSofJtoUI (_Ne"- __ 1'177). 1'_
" M5 lO I1m,9II) J9.~_ ~I'i" . U, .. ~Ho"•• "''Pri''''~1 ~ nUll'ob« 0/
Gftman tr...... """" gj ..... Mioo.oI - . . P<"'~001"", _ A. A. H.i~,"«- r:w M;...ut
" $Mo. 7t, 1 II'l50J98I·
" " ' _. • (1.Qf 66; _ . I""). ,. 50_ """"":i:_IU . ~ . 00. • . h_
" ,A';"';10<1 .PI"...... "' ..... "11"""""' .... _ ..,... io iii''''' by. """'"II 0It..r.. P .. I .... , __ .. ' ............... x.r:....-_S.,.... ..... G._-(St.
W"",- ."" Va .." ....... """ u.''P' rr....., 1%11 . u..1 •. I'I56);H. L...,,,, .. Do t..J,voL flw""""_" W-.flwM_f/ .......
~GooI, n ..... ~. A _ _ Is... y",,!o;. l\061);D. f«:otn«.Dit w'U ... ,"""r ......
0 -. - .-. . ; ~
" DOl. III - . 0 ~ ...~__
_. F
II E. j . ~"'" --.. 1IiId, ~ .. <io>
..... h..,,' ... "-'qnoki ~Z l .JO .
LiIwII..,- 11 JO ( I"IIOl ltl_
Ss t .. (Innobouck. __ llP1t'~ A. Dit _ , , . . ~ (F~
1~: J. 10001"" ... HriIFfi ' ,0" z.;rJtro (Mw"act\. 1'Bl): A. •':.,"'....
S,..!<oIt "" (,oI,tsh!<" ~ td<to IPodo'\ioc", 1981~ H. K;rdohofI. t·r..ooI"(10.,
1) E........."" d"""""",, in H. Ikk«""" R- ~; 1«Io_~ LII."., """ Do</IO ••~ (l _1,0,,"' ~~ m'to»< C_"i (104""1<,, 1~); B. Flo< ...... Sip, ......... ~ Go-
..... s..on;_ l'1$)~_ K.lWwIo<. - "-Tond .... au-.· .. hio 1100 ' o<M ....... _ - . . . ... ""Uh.-'!Y. u ...... IoI_I_O'Co .drs- ~ 1981).
"' .....,.,.- 4. ...... 1;:. Sm)'ltl (&01,_". . ., 1_ 1 YJ.,.fi1, g
.. S. "1•• .,..-1 I. ~. T_ ... _ _ (Zurich. 1914):Ch. Bit. . " [)or
" ~""~ '" id. "bono .. p, 6o<n, "Spt.m. ur<I !;pnd..., ,'" C""'ood ••,,,~ •
(19'15) l8-46.
L," m,,- ~wsd"'''''' I''''' IMu"",,, 191!2): _ GO 18119&o1)IJ; T. ....... ur.'X" mol
Do<:. . . (So_OrnU.... l_~ W ~,c.-.: ... c..t.< IF .......... 1_). Atoo.lG.


" So< holo:-. o.. p"" XX, . DouOlod d_;~ Adom. tif .... lwo .
., s.. 0 of A1<-undria (d. _ 21 St. _ .155. II (i'G B:ItS7) .
.. Foo- ..... 1Uoto<y of ~""5i<. . . ., _ J. B...... Do-Iih<"-~'" 0«>- ..
.... , • ..tOn<w' If_~ 1\P07): i<\<m. Ditl~"i-" r--_It;" c.r-om
"..,......... (f..-ilou", 19201; ' Wopor. · IM ~r.d,;,"' li<ho "" .... ~""'S d ..
1inH._do" c.w.r.:tun.. . " 0. Mii_ll (lm l .'-'I-O ..... C ~ I'o<a.-. "'"
.. _, •..uy pr _ _ GIPU.! lW-J06. _\-.pI .... ""'..'" IOS-"
_""'~ ;;ru<Ji>d>or Gow"-': Dol M",,'
.. s..1t ........,........ "0'00. s;.... """
_ l l \ 197\P19oO--96; Ii- _ .... ~_ Klri<I""5 im Wardol < GO II (l9?\l)
II).!S. A""- It , "",f •
.. W. 5<,... ,... ' Antiq"" f,~ ..-d ~""'W< foobon. • 1/' (1 9515) !4(I-U (.,;oJ,
"".",.. bibIi<ltIr""""'. T. 5<miuln. """" GadIi<.," "001 s,;"n Gt.- 'ihI,..r.......
0...-..... _ _ fJ""","' 0.. MiI_ll 1'91'11"-' It KI<ouo ,001 F K-.

'" No'" OIl prlgt15 6710 72 .

• O. ~ """",,,og;'l.. ~" ~~- I&'''",''IV. Il-
L s... e. F- . Dr """h.h'ls s.-_ .. /<odor• .:I. A.. Hritd (1"_, 1_~
• 10... ; d ..r _lk<lilt'I,;"'.....·.,. .. H. Iot...m. -Eo ....; Iv.......... _ .....
""" <IIrioI1id>dt h ll..n..i~ doo _ . . . - . - ;" .... (od.J.M","" ;. GooI~ de I
I '

~ l..-f) 9- If11 Thonr • • " 1(. G. forI ..... I<rilJ.

~ .. _ _ _ _ (2oo1o..:~ 197'l'' ')'

• ... upli .... lo.... .. '" 32.1. S ICCt l$olSI~

, n.... .. .. impo<W\l_ oIhy""" .. G. M. ~£;., .... -
.u" ......... 1I~"" .....t;"U.n8 (2 ,<>II., I-oipzl" 190'1); G. M. ~..-.I C. IIh......
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, H , Mu..:lolfL 5)l.5/.

" 10wI,,)G ,
o. 5o<r1(. G, forIlrm:, 1)00 Tridon_ ...,d dO. I(l"two." .... k.. - in G__ (od.~
Oti Wr/Il<oOI:iI .... n;,.,_sm. .... ,"'" .... Witl>oo I (l' ........' " 1951 1. M1_
" ,..,. ....
" Il Iot.-to (n. 5) oil.
.. ICG. .".. ...... "J.iod ... """",k u.. - Ln ' ~.
I. Tr_;" ~ ~ T_.., . . . . . . -.4 Uht'JYo .,I. ) . , . ;.toP" '"
(W~~ KC, ILJ?6).
.. ).""""" 51 ........ ,. f .. t!"" ."1YP"".Ito ,..-1_
LitoIf1;. 101_....
1101_ ........ T.... """ ~........ <Ieu_Nft UIft..... d.. MA 23; lot"""'"
\90&); W, tipphonl~ -ou ";,,I., oIi«l;m loti~<IaI"'," MC(; ,,_ : "",
11ao , .. 0(""~. c.. .. 'I;i.,Joldt""" _doli<l"I.it..p. 51 .... ' "'" m·'lik~"
HtiI~Inod" • ..d " .. c.."I' j" Go/,......... (~mbu<J. 19741, 2'/ 1 \'! .

.. MI, It""""",""".,,- 15):I!I9.

.. IPliI•• JOi\. •

to In ),ymnol opp«tO<Iin 1m., 0iI~1D£1Io~_
Thoftroo ............ d. .
5, SctImi<l. -u....-IiI\o'!; "' ......" II> 1\, Iot.-to (.. 51)95(·
It Po Ha,_~_(n. 15I J511.S-.loo l. II."'... , OW- .... - ......... ,-
eo-,- ."" Cd ...... 'n _ ....oglMnuIt" _c.,too ..... (Iot ......... 1'J';,~ M.
1ioIw<. DrC-.,.. ... Gd" hi<I." ................. 0 -' " .. (F-..., 1-..
_ 1'1\. ~ (n. 15)._,~";.to.~""""doc ...'."'
,;.,101 _ _
,...p-.""" ...."" Io, . . d ..., ......y,
to FwoM _Io.not. ,do,,,....
oooLl.""" loOt t~,'J'hY 11\ "Col 1* · I'Uj(, On
Iht ' 000"'4 U"" ~ oIh)"!<\M_ 1'1\. Han ...... ' 'It. -n..1II.-l w,g, in
Chapll,'r Y I'omI, 1nNl, ..... FunIr._ <1<0 ...... _ Kir< .... nIioJet." zn )rp 11\1116) '\2-6,) .
~Inot",....,., M ....... """''", <b (DOl ~..,. " 1:5), , ... '" "'" In """'YtKl 2~ . ..,.
.. T,onoIo_ in DOl ..os r>OO . •122.110.
' .0 .............00fI._1'<'<l ... ,urrl"",,,,,' ., Gi I~ (19!IO) <'10. 15, U It _ _. "M, ~;hh"'''' Elo, ........ "'" 1O!1 d .. 8<'" ;"""Ii<t>r'n 1Iaro<IoIno:

'" Mittl "" P"tf'f 7J to BO. No/tl "" P"8tI 80 to 86. '"
io.li.Iiud<"or (.... ~M. .... .,,.;,•• """~m· · cli~ ..... f~ 1'fI'~
Chapter VII
, V,,,",... I~u..:-,,,,~ I II-lo......,.ell- .,." ....... 1· i " I ..... ~·
,. Ii, M".d,ln 5~ H... 001. (I~ 10. .....,._ W. lI.d ,«; "];,0_-;"
eLL! " k\W'). , . . . Doooo_ rfV._ u,«I.
II ~ ", ... I. AdoIpI> .... K.SmyIh.....:IIt.Sot ....... l(Now Yo<t.. l967l- I·
56. """ :too , ... i_i_''''' 011. Frintt. 57·IOt .
.. "" IlIImmo:"....,. - Emo_ 1(;" , - . . .... . ,,- " £. _ or.j H. Ert.on<t , Tho ...... 5<0_ • • ," .. _ ;Ii«! .. :too Now UoIIIi' ",bay. in w. A. Y- .
,odo.1 /,J1 • .,,, "' . . Ct •• ' '" (Y........ 1_ 1 J21
,'Hoof! (<<I .k TItt N,.., Dol" RqwI.- T1It TlIil'll " ,,101, of /At _c-.nrf
" fuMe. cli~ .. Ie. """'" -KInno S<toonhoo_ . ,,- ~ 1. 11911(11))1 CII ......... ' ' ' ' (Sow yon.
19tolt ~
,. U._·u ...·D»bt_ ,· "IHi, l , I ~ •• It.nolo_ oI,,,,,,,,, paru ;" T. E. St_,_J. •. _ 1«10.),

,. 1..., N<1jm C-_ It,. _ U.n ... .,. 25, 1%" 1, ,"" 'lI DO!. 123 "'" lL!IO),
000., ,,.. rM/i ;. c .... ~ LjI' -""0-." if fI¥ P..I VI, ,.... "'"" ",. 11. /dU Po:u/ 1/,
. .. tIk" Sm-n."" ",. "' _ "I C/,""_.
u. i1c I~·IUG (&:wi.' .., I Docwnon" l
'" 1'1>, H"""""""n (i>.261 14~, r-.: .... Y<k-k. 1'11121, 41· ~ ..-.d ,..74.
• r.., in H, M.,........ l. y ....... (001 .. 1, CIowLIl "' AI '" .. .. , RqwI. MOd Az-I
Chapter VI S"'_ rf £"' .... <-1 C>oo, ..... _ ... , ........, VwI (Ecwnoni<.1 ~ D;
" I ..... :ho _ .. _or _ioG:>o_ .. _ 101( 1"'1. ""iochlon">l\'lod, N .... YooI.. I 'MoIl , 1_ .
"'-""'SY or.j C ......... ~ T,odl&no.- ...... "' .... _ , .., "\IoIUootilPOoi'" .. 0 1I00I .. 190-214 .
oiuInm flo",.. ... ,.....
~" """3"""" 1«1).. W;","" i ".-Looof" -,....,.
lKopt at ''I- 19'191. 1lS-2411. • /hi.. WI-"-
~ ... i
. ._ ' . " ..... '"' """". b.,..,..,..., ~ ... f' il'l .... _ '" w~ 011
, s... II. Moy«',..! L VJocIKc. odo. Cn:oofol' ioo "',,,. " '. f<' • ..w",.._" u
1........... I'00:I "'"""", _,,. by bwnioJ bk
.... ",,", ... by ....... " _ GO ~ .L" ' .....
'" 10-. «>mmOf> OW<riptoon on I0-0I ..
J'i" - 10-"""'"" "" pladi. "'"'" ..
L' •

lilt I~; '-

(Now Ym.. I 'MoI1 61·1:JJ.
, . s.. J. 1Io.oT- """ ,. Gn.. ods. IIooikiiL'l Unt')". f.<wNnLcol I:/o<uono>OIo IV (Now
Yoo-I., , . .. n·:\4 ....:1 f3-Z'JO.
' s..~I!U")I?4) • I"""""... __ .. ... _ ... Ii Frito or.j K. _ . tho",! rf tlk" Oro....' A. Af·
, ... _ ..... tr. ..... L C. L GtiIOdo one! E. W. CriIo<k (Ptoilodo!phiI ""'" Now y .....
, J. IIooumA' ....... 1ft, I) I . l'ieJ ~ Tho c.mo.n odit;,n ol l \lt!\ --... .... an ,W"oiool ~ H, f ...... ' Z...noru.unr;
o II. f l..hoI-, "'Go<t<>Ld_ .wi Gom";I'Odo," In c.-.......... ,r... ,., f,), 0... ......... ..... KriL; t.,- s... ... H , Fri<>. -Eon/>ri, .. Sj"'.r" Sol:! 110 (1985)1 41'511.
~ L looI i""" "" in T,.., 1911). «I. z..,,,, lkomin.. d<-I" d<-uiO<t.t.> to:o il'loli..... (rodtiboi :c • K, t.. ..... "" in ,n intervi<w .. • ""'f'/iotlot KDrot ..... ,... 11 (1_1_,
.. Sot .... ,.. " .. Ito G<t l (1%8)1.3. HI_ 411.
• ~"mpHo. ur.cIot ,,_ -ins...... sW"';" I . • _ -!.lh<rsio.wl
VoIbfo\\onmiSWit. - LJ 1711 "67) l ~; Kkm. -0.. " -' " doc, ,w""8'toodo, " 00\0\10'" ~ ~ Ud) 81-'U; H. CoItuoo. 'O!<umo";KI. ~ ...-..l
odoto-loc!zuN,Iomd ... l..oiNLl' . ...... Ik. - " in llb,,",,~ 1ft. I ) Z'l1-61.

, ... ocIcI""", "' .... ~ ..........1noocIy <iOtd ..., I. A. v.tt.14>o1>j'''

... Koono- , .. ".._
" ""_.
If . - q . 1916t I. A. VftI-.l1. l.oMon, ko:dw ....
_'~" IHL 16 (1<m11lf.Jl,

t' Soot iIoo w.a. ~'. d<><W!O<!'L 01 0..:.a"' 4 1_

_i <... IIItUtw~"""""oI TMr) .
I~" _''' ' 11_
IWI! " •• ill:t>, .. z. ....v., ..... _(M,;buf5. _ 1 H. S<I " ' ''", -.o.ct..ond " Soot~. o..~ xv:
...... ~
.e...............- na56U_ ) «IJ.2I; A _ - A I... .. ·*"'":ww ....
-....- ~ 1) 0 .....) 81.-3, w. HriLrI. ilDI .. ... orit ........., . ""'.. (Xho-""'" do.-
5<h __ , .. h."c-WhoItIUo
........... -1,-.....,-
~"'; ........ 1'ieJ ~ _
' Allotund lI.i.,.
,. s.. l . (;. P'IDpt. "Doo ""'" d... tItmo ................ z..r [iM,.;~ do.-
Sdo-Ifil" G<t U l lmt ' QS-.I .
/};ol16 U_I 10000· J I , 11\. 5< .... tdft-. kooo:~, ... ' 0 ,-.", 01 .... 11<, ,,'.c - ioo Ali_ . ,j «>. 61 ' I! '9\
_"n< .... _ I , (L<;p. iS, I'm; ~ 191M'): H, ~hIooII, O';'li<M
B"",Iot..., Vott Ao/""" too 0>Inn (M uni<" 1 _ ~ .. """" • . iIooI,, _ ,
" W, K", " -Auf d"" "'<s ZII. E...... ' . E.-\.IiI"""II , um TI'wmo Un\o·litu'l!;'," G<t
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M<),,,,. Dot T""ft .... K•..s,. (lnnoI:I<ucl., I_n).
" ~In.uy ..-I ;" ,,.. f "nkioh a.um. 01 tlw Micldlo ... S.. ... ·mN_ .....
u SJ-d of~ 8. t ..... $ok....... ,.. , p,t ...ol e l-l- (... 5,....... t lti't)s.. ,... ___ "'1'""_' ?tot oq><ti ..... of tIw ...,.• ......, 1M.. on. ?tot a<tlo<o ....
• .., .... ~'_ St" .... '"' lilt CoIft1Iw_ ... It;.. ofa..",o", I";._of .....r.. p.-. n';,tyolu=p"" , - DrIoilo in _ (IL 1~21~
(N_ \'t>rl " CoIIoz<Yilif. 1\1Sjj). "'ppn'<li. Ill . ..., . .. ItI "'. UnH«I " .... ,~ """,,,,.
Iht C_"" •• '" moM •• _ .". . . - . . _ yoor _ I>rfootI.onO in_ r- -..n, .. ""iN
0/ ronhnn.olKn P. I:<>o' ''.!lit Ti ....."1 i., GIo.-.u... .... Ki"'"
(loI_. 1'Jl;ll~Q - . _ .... IoI~(loIW'okto..I~ 1-l 8. ~..t.,
""'" EoooI<t' of .he IulIowWIf , ....
... - . ... _lIti.... '" Gmt <_ lie,
Ius!. l'N!1t .... . " "c-GooIo-..
" fo< d ... a.o ).\. rrot.t" 0/. (<<b.~ ~."""'" ...... (Einoiodoln ""' .. 107"); D. c;,;",.,. (K ..... "". 1972);(;. (!I;.."or, Tn.",. Th I 1M . "" I'mit (WunbIotz. Im~ J.
Z, .. w"',......
Qr[, ....... , . . r,
lIw_ioor" ,t".....""....,.-......,."'. "'-w-"""'s.... c.. 50' , .. M c.;..,*, +}o .... , (F~ 197~): p . . . .
0n01O<lr1o .. (di_bon. '-1_.
1974t G. w."woiS"'- "(}on,did", iovPwl"'" i~ _ .... ...dI-lI'flri«<k.),DotCoo6tGol... (.... • .bcro .. I97~ I . G."""""..t '- ....
<I<r ........-. ~ . LIP ili7'7lI'l).l ''' .... ((o" """!lh, ·Chrio~~ho 1nI.,,· .,;,/1 'Ot SpirlI. no. _ of ,..;.","_, T1rt _ of Oil . .. '" - - (~Yon.. l~ ...
_ .. <I<r _ _ Iiomo Kitdw,· LI 2S ( 19711) 1·10. n- .... pr....,;.,.l .... "'" ""P' Kov"""3h. ""'fi"""'_:Ori,ritls ... ~ (Na. _ l\l!ll!, I. _ . f:(I •• ...,...
. - of <hi""'" of _ . " . . ... 00_-' ((0' ..1.. "'" ........ (ed.). llo.~"" _ _ c.fino!{CNr. · l.~

C... ~"'." .... IM"""''' 1'iL&O). " 1)0;";10 .. E. c. 50.0 ....... r••", ."" fj""."1 (!kg...b.rs. 1071).
,. So.tK. F...... '.'c..._ .... "'"'"-I .. ~.... IIoI...... l!¥lJ;M- n. ..
Chapte, X _ . C);, ,., f" ..,"" IGun ....... 1901~
,. h _ ... d0cwntr40..,., in .... Ado .... ro--., .... ~ (1).0 ... !dan. 195'>~)'
" (;. w. Ii. Lot"'l'"- 1Ttt!*l <f ,Iv s,. ri' (i..oo'o:Ion. 1"1~ ll~ """, ~tedly

, lJop\ooti< C'-~"mn 1.0""". t<"'i.", "" ,ho Ch.",h II (DOl. ••" 1. 1).
Chapter XI
:L_...-toIhtRittof~1(ootlO5_2511 ~ n.."'I' "1 ' C_ , __ ,;,Ia I ...
"*uh"" Drtt .... _~..... 'w '''. ",""",Lt<i in VOl. :J(ll_. l<W-~ .
, . I· 1..-.-rniH. 1Ttt (_ri.. _ . of J<>"~ ".,... N. _ ILondon. 1_). IfI".9C.
• I..,.,... DOoIop. "''" t.~j "'''' (PI llln~
, """"""'" to .... R~. 01 C _ l'b (DOt 1O5 fLo. Z;16~
, ,___ -Eo...:N,.''; I1TG LU7.
, 1/01.. , .1.0_ t<" ..... _ b ol bioi .......... _ -./."" ... 00 d<... tho n.w Cow,\<
' Th1o ,....... tlw.ul .."oIJ.""· ""'_y."OM lIrntoi<> ~ _"",;n. doo
in C .... _ ~. w hio;h "'_1"-"1W>f<l in tIw !Itol'f" .".. M • ..,_ ~'JooI""'" 'qt
''''' <tI "'" 0n0I_ r." Joo- 1"'1 6-1, 19k 191. s.._?tot~ "" tIw

, A d ... U<d No. >ri<aI

A<I.o ... I " 1~(;1 ,llI,; _
'" tho q-"""' of "'" "1':" k'f coN""","", .. /;>""", in
"();oDW. _ _ _ _ Rmwoltft· '.
soaptl '" joIIn.

"""'or of ?tot ~"' _L l) l< (1974) 31ft

, 1___ C);, ,,,,_I. ",liiol ...,';,'ILII....... " VII,.. 11/1 . P;; "-\"_", r~
............ /<> ... AIto."" V _ _ Ntootor... ,. "" (FI'tib<uJ.I4J&4\XII .

• In'''''',,,,,,,," h' tIw ~i .. 01 Conf"",_ 11 (VOl. :lO:5 fLo. 1S2C1 .

I. Tho biot<>p> of tho Unihod SU ... hoY< I<h ~

'n ..., h 'oiohop ' 0 ol<;.,.,., ... .... . .
• 11V., lDO.

, B. - . (>d.).
)9; 101-.19:\31.

'- ' ....... ...,.., ••• 165-:6'

rood;."" ....-1.... . Sai"'lIirJo>IY<~ &..; • ...-,~.''''' (lQl'

" n..,., io d,.., ... "", ,,, "" ,.. _ _ _ "~ impooi""" 01 ,,.. Nrd (.......
.Uy of only tho Ihwnb) • Oft _!a( . k .... ", ;" ,,.. _ , , _ I "",. Tho ... "",,01;< .. '"'"'" ..... _ _ ~ - . Clo ...... VIIl II604~ Utb.n VIII (100)4~ "'" P-.
C _........ Do...-",._,_ _,_ .. y. ..... ~ io. .. duo> ?Iv _ " " " ' " ",?tot X (19111·
... GlAAl8(DIX2OII .... IJ!III~ _.sc ~. "
k; .. of C""f...... '''''" lno. . : DOl xe ..... 251f1. ..... Iht........< rio. 011<1"' ........_
NYS "'''''''' 0/ It 1_ Tlrt R"" <f./or c.,""""c~.,,,, II,*", Yori;o IIJ'I(JI,
Th<-l'ut • .-""" C<otwun-..
m .•.171
Joo- ,,.. In.. ,.-...,., 01 ?tot 0..:" .. 01 v.li<... c.o.",,;llI
" ", .... 11 . NoIdi" S._ ... .. 1.. _ Ii> nl~--": '" 19\1') m
"pIoio>Od . ......... oIo.N. 'N'
tIw ionpotO_ 01 ... _ io -'"'I""""" ..
gof.. d br'"
.noi:>~"11 ..... ~ ,lIAS 64 ,1'1721 ~211 ; DOI. :lOO _252'1). 50< 1- So:hmitz. 4io~ .,.;,
,~ E 1 "'lyloolphol iIo _rwl"'IIlht .......ioI"'" po ... 01 tI\p Iot..o ••" 1015 1·11.
/.o ... ,1io ",cw....,;,. H . ~ .... 7 I w { _. _ .r-. C_ _ .
ChrIo.t", .", ... Stimo "" ...... ~ 0;10.- liard; l5 (I \I8S) ~ H. Aul'" It_ 101_1_ O'CbnnelI (CoI!rs<Yin., 1971!); I. Ii<-nno ...., IN r"" <In f ,"""" ...",
.1.I.out.·'\J"""'q_fi' ............1 ·'ioo_-..- ..
~ ..
q 'ous.....n (KoSO?' I .~ 1'1&1}

Nou. "" r-ga IJO 10 136. Nota ... ,.~ !311Q l~.
"'- s.. H. Iob! ~ or.! f. _ . C.m.. __ .... (M,,_ (Maitla. 1'161). 1(1.29.
" SH Gjj/M16 ..... ' .. ~ in lAnfI.kin&- ",", ••tlffl
,. I'LHL 121.

" GIIIM lb; _.100 J. W' p«. ' RaIIv.iontn ~t... Funk,.,., w>J 51<-1"" ..." ,."" I....
... E>_~~
Dr",; GoI 4 119'7O) 45ff.
.. ~ I:m, W. ~'DNJij.oII< ..... 8' ''''

_ KyriI" utId Q.io .. do< M,.Ni..; 1.117 (1'1611 oI£I.f7 " 0. ,'" _ oI ..U...o:nfoco, A Ado", ' ChriO!b<twr ~I_ und po<-
,. Oo1oi~ in Alia.... Air<_. 1It/. """''''-0pII0rt,- in f ...", •• Got ....... )01·i'IJ.
" . GIItM 2II (l1Ot. l(IjI ..... 1418l· " s.. R. ""'1)1""" r.":." "" lio<...,.b.~' '''
""1lio In••• G. .. oMlt;", a. " , '01"

.. Sot Itws.....,,,, " 'Y.o..ltw _1Ubjo<1 _E . F _. -0...........

T,uN' '."'""8 .... olH """"..~I"1>m f """"'It"':_: .., GtooIti,,," ,,. " ......... ~
" Sot ..._ . Chopm- xx.
,~- !:" V..... '-'ro-d in .. )0,0, ..... probobiy (""!Imam', "'tI
odon.ific _ yo ""1lio
Do...&np .... ScNoooo do.- ~' ;" c..w;.... _ _ ]1 4·22 01321; Iw
.. s.. Th. Schol'<lo< "Kytiolitonoi ""' Mf""ll1""" ;" Go .. "MIt"" I~ , "n u ti 117-ll.
G. 0.._ ."Doo Krrio< ......,...; CoI lJ (l97\l·117·1'. ~iod '"' "",,"'1 lII. 1m.

1II .",.",.... d""'-ion;" A. Ado<!!. ' Ibn _ d.. Hom.. in Got!,....._J. " '"'"' oddi..,.,.,l E<><twI.
"'.y... k>o M _ ",;,0 Q,;Id...,.nd MI_
" ..... IIi-_ in .. AfF "oI;.oI .... _ " ... _0IIIw$oo; ,__ . 4Oo'y.
'" "' ....

" SH It 1IUMo, '000 "T.V-S<bo!· .10 in~!;Itmon, <1<, f rOff"uns. ' in

GIn. ' <It .. _~ m.,lL .. SHIl. -"fl'. ' Zu, O;'kwotm-. ....... _ ~_.-ll%J(lm)).l!);!h.
. . - ...... 01 U _ _ 0111<100 '"' lho ouIljo<1.
'" _ 01 Coopt!.; Now Yori<: C.. hoI" _ F'UblJ- C.... 1<l11<, _ of G' I 10; ~
obo., G . o..pn..n-<oUiN. l1iti2.
.. w. A,·_I.. ""1lioW~~dno _ _ ~ im
...~.I;";-' i!oum: U 13 (1%a11 'O-l3; olo<> ,'" diO<\O,.;.,n 01 otw -U"" U tutg' '"
"F\I_dio< " -''''A.1\dom. ' Oio-M. I •..tit'.~ Toil doo- _ .... _ .... ltcf"h .. _ 0,,_ ,_ . ~ VIU·
Litu" ... • ;,. r.-.;...,.;. ~ 2<12·50. Qr, lho pIa<o k>o 0:l0-I, ..... 0I!h. """"'"
_ _• Ooaj>t ... XXI. • " SotI.....,.A~J~ ...... fi1

,. Tho _ _ y ~ p oIoa...-to. Lo '"w..-...........r ' _ ... h." 'J'I'> _ _ . - ., W ~ -O"v............... do.-_.· in Gl ". todo·, .. _ _ R6;id..,."
-OWO"' ........ _ .. _ Y. _ _ bo;~ ... 1 •••od.",.._tMt
~ 1"'"..,.,...."
"'In liI.'fioIwn ilQl' 62; M_ . 19?71. F", ho,· H;..",nym"", ' ~ 11~( 1 _) 72-3'1.
""" 1;""'_ _ I'HLH I"' .
., Fot .........., C'yp<W\.Qo ..... ioo ..........," 1&(<:Sel.J/ Ll:Q.~
'" s.. J Ib~. ' ....... Sinn do< Go_10k.: III. 0..-. .. );! II<mIJ ....·1011:
;dom. ' c..Id'!"""i< in> CotI-I_r S</I",,'~ ';"""'''';'"""g I:IJ il\1!!~) ~11 • .. Etocy<l"-ol _ ..... Dd'i (1947) 117 .... 119. 0. ltv "!"obI r_ of ltv b ........ 01
.. ;oh Nrthor / 1 r ",.pIoy. .... bn!ad _ F NiI<oIoo<k. ' \\>1 ~ .. ril'""
Brot: on Gtt, f ....... l~~.
'" !l6 1);131'""'..... 0..""10 1_1. " So. MS D. )1/. ' 1;.."- (unp>ON\. f., ..'ur. 1Jr Z81-'J';.
" 0....10 .. MS ill -10Q; J A. J.... _ ' o;,.C_ ... ,c 1 ,oN";,,,,,,,: LJ 2J .. 0 . N_~m. 0;,-·11.. "".........,. Ie""",,,,". 1\1691; PlII!. 191. .. *~ ho_ ~ ~.
( 197)) I llOo-lIU: R. ~" . .......,] ,",,; _ _ c I . ... bt ~ ' .. c..w;,.....
fJ ....... _II64·" . ~-
.. ~ ....... tiooo ond ~~.""" in PVlll71 ·7),
'"' _ l t v ~ ~"''''''''I ""'Y
_ 6".""- ~.nd J l'haI 'od>.~ p,,~ to-
1<:0-".. , y,,';iol.tl..,a. h' .......... Srlrrt> (~ l </6jjk Th. Sd>M>Ioo.
.. 0.. ....... ,~ .. . nd •.• "'" 01 .... bloooin, _ J. G. ~ ' ...... Stti:orn .... H ••",.: ' "
Got. /ttn- rn-t.l
o;,- d"; "til'" """"""'''''..... 1'lo</oJ<M,"od d;, .,.". ~.-.. IF'-';bu'l!- I_I; B.
","""",__ B,_ ,w~ .... /10<,\,", '" ( ~ 1 ~ ~ 0. N_um ( "" . ~ DIt ... Tho l'.>t<-T-oo t« ...... ""'P'" I"'''''"IV';.,. ...... "., 'l'P"'" oI'~ n, .. 01 """oI<t>< ..
_ _...... 1",0lJ<"' '' /I·W IM_ 1971~ I'Ufl lll4-'l. tim and 01 """"'_ ......... _ !.indo .. ",1:lOL W __ 1;rse..91; .... InI"';",·
_ 10 ltv _01 "n,~t .. tion;o .. DOt m ..... 11'1+1810-
.. Tho-r.- i, oow.n Imf""Ul" o:ririo,j t.lj lion: E. M""u... c..-p .. "''')10' ''''0'' (~ voI,.;
CCl, 161. l~IA·I"ID, 'JUmIo..ut..1011Q-.8n .. Tho InaIru<1ion f_,,,,i<Ir.. M""",."" '"' ..onhlp 0/ , .... t"''''' .... ;, i" POL
,.. SH H. Eioint- ' 00. ~ .... s...rn.: in Go .. "",,;.. J' "" ' 'lI 197-JOl.
" n.,.,. io. - . OUIWyoilho _ 01 ,,",,,!Job .. ..,.. ... 014 Eo. '" Chwd>oo in
,. s...M.\ 1U(I7·10; H . a. Mor<'r. 'OW E....""'" 1m " " " _ 1\4;......1_ """ bo; tu-
Ihtt.- Zrtll5 (1"t») 15l.1 17.
PLHt l77l.

Notts"',.g<'$ 144 to 160. Natn ... ,.~ 160 1o li'll.

" E.."""s..-. -Hi<m ....._~-IIL"'·VIl I. 174, " Tho <Iocu"""" ;0 '" Ad.,.. 7 II> lilt ........... of lilt p IoN,), ......... of lilt GotrNn
e . , ,I Gon,.... ~ •• S<p .. "ot><.
,'l-.ll. 19!IJ, " Fuid&, _ HoIp itI_niz." " -
" I!O<I.
....,.booloun<l .. I:. ~, Go. d ' _ ........, [" . ..... .-
.. Tho a...-,*),,,,, _ _ 0 I _ .. ",,00i.%16_ 11:w.t8. ......... ' 00_ 1'1'.. \1 ...."............. '" P,;",,,U ' F_wt- 1953; n: 1~ m .. p"P''''-~
...,.o( •. F_. ~In¥ .' ,,;,now.., ' " ~''" 1........ -.111 '1'/.1\01. ,. C.,..."'I!" "'" lor !)iv,,,. ~. OJ,,,,,,,,,,.. S-y Col I ..' .... ;, ..... A..... .,
" PU/Ll~1. • ""'" (\ •• Ii<. . 0ry. ...... 1. 1\18&~ u,gw, If"""'"'"'"
(W~""" DC. 1'1III!),
.. E' n,k. of w')'I 01 "'1IaniDnt! _ ...... ",,_ ... "'"'" In I. ~ (cd.~
s.......,I". ""'*'" (9 " " - ; Einoiodoln. 197JH ); M . So:l'Itu, W;' .......... ,oJ t--.
.. 5.-"""
1""'),c._ '"
CiIdo-.h,,,,, '" 'Ir< "'_ <f' Pn<Oo' ~'. filii ... (Woo" ........ OC •
~ r..... (1'0..,...,... OC lI"n ).
(F,"""" 1<0R4 ~ - . ~ .. , _ _ ( ~ I"' ~

" Fino po !t' "'4 in GD . (1'17011 " .

,. V...".., I,*" 5«- Did: 11 ( 198014(10. 11 f~~~~:,:!!" 8_ """. , ,,,,•• , .......;,... ~ (","in&, 19711'). UlH,
"~1.2Il9 • Chor- I I (OS Ill. -.[).opulf 16(11j),
c.... --
.....' ,.. H......
, ....... ~.---
on~_ ...... ~~·¥'
_ 110'1. 14.
.,.._ .. '"
"','- ~ = ' , ""
,. ...' , .-'~-
-' ~, , ""' ..... d<oo<t>pIionool't.. _"'dn'.....,.,•• ....
'.~ f boo _ ;", ....., , - .
S F..... -c"_lwhlb:l. Cnon;I"1I'" _ _ '-"'<Illrid"p'' ''': in F,
" . '" t r J''''tl in .... diut. _ ,w w , n_
r-" and '" ., .. " ,,,,- o.t. _ _ 31
sci._ lord.l. Sto. W-.o"," ;O-I,,,••I . , , , - v _ (~ L,"I~ ~: IW>- J(.

I1\iot. 1970). Q-67; WGi. "111 (F_wz.. 01<., 1m) :lI!7~, "-"" .. .... &.-lyOOO ............ L. Sw.u. (N ... VOf~ ''lSl. G<-rnw> ""f;"" 1
~); F, )0;(".>100<1\ v;,. Frito- . . I ..... ~" " •• Ld>o'J" ('0'0_. . L0074~ E.
'" u-h...linll_'.... ' "'.-. I (iYGI. YIn. J'Of~ J'rit.! (od.1 ....... a .,........1. 1---", (M""" ...I ' '!;)
.. ,,",. Ill (wc;t. Vln. .'1921. • Thf- ..... 1\0", .. in no- ~,'" of.,., c.."",,~ "'"..-It I (Now Vorl.. I'I'JO), ~L7..n.
.. " - - Actio ~ 61\ (DOl. 21S 00. 2117) . • s.. ~ . KoaynoO.>, ' E . . - e-Lirutp: T1'Q 122 nr,<) Z09I.
.. Z u"'h-f.inoIooddn. 1'I7l, U .... IU" " f . N"'_ " , -010 F.... <It< M_ im 1 10;""" • Dttoob .. ~ ,;;nJoo 1 " L27,~.
....... U lD (1911l) 0$2; Ie. ~ "lofN,kih .... _ K.w;o.' s.;. .'I4$f,04.",
JI; (. N. f . 2) (1m) n"l1o. , ~ "'" ~ """101 "'If," ''''' "'811- ol",y <k\orly """,,. '''rod'
"'''''' 0<1"';, ' '"'I; "'" -""_ 01 f""M'<";""'" "'"
.. GJItM . o <ilitoi! V_... It ~_ .... Iifo and "'.......,.01 ~ Il._SC lbI ...,.. "'" ............ _
of """' ) ___ "'Y 1"'1'_ ""0 ,k;" 1"""'" 01\11 mn... .... ,,' co f<oo" 1Iw
....... Ii.. ~ o..t.'''I .lll.. 9. K. RoctoIo<. "M n , 'ri" ""'" G••,Wldol' ;~ 00<0'."""".s.. ..... "'" ,....,.,., 1_ 01 ..... - , . I.... ito _,.P"",":.I L:"'''
c...".;,.,"" __ IYr4l , ... p.......,..nd Coni. , I~. (Im). ~. <. J lpubI ......... pornoplolot woth "" WoI~..

.. ""' ""'mpJ.. I'Iuo J(D, En<jdKc.ol MN_

Qo; (1""1). ' " I". w .......... in""",,"
800wdi<. XIV: GIRM ~ 'lory C- ... " .....>OJ I'I'm$Aoip<ftlw [","'not 0w404- ""'"
'"'" 01 II>< pIoA- 01 put>li<ob<oftl.
• \lO!.Jt>1 ...... -"''I' . ,

f_. . . .
13 (OOl.IIfI6_lI.l9l ~ • itnpotUn' _ ' 0, ;", 1...1"1; ''''' "")'<~" ~ ~.l .. F. J.
.. IlPtUlo<I ~ in
M,,_ (MWIIdl. I.ll~
r, _., 0;, Vf' - Cordo>."I:ir\zdbooctd"""'" ; '" t_-~"'(191<)17'11
... 5<0» , ~ ......, ' N<-uotd"""ll oJ<-.- 8""f'1'>.i. in 6ft 5d><w ... ' G./ I '1'I1~) 1109-

'" """"""'" C_.-_ ..~ ••m • .., DOt ,7\1 """ I~ ,1<>1, c-.."~ ... ....t n
W""'ip <f"" fw". ... 0.,0.1< "10.. ",lilt /Ijfft <fllltc.r_ Otwn 1(Now-.
''116) ~ I l. ... idt _ .... ml' ';0.. of IIItC_oIlntrodU<tim .-.l1lv \n,,.,.:juctiool
" So. " Slot"'" _ 0.. ''''' o..ojo<I_ 1(. 1/.0_.
-e.u...n,IAdo, ...-.I
E.... _hl<: SoIZ '17 (1972) :lI>J.7l: __ ' L"S .,...,_ """ £1",1:, ' ''''': G./
10 a...,... m itI 001. Z7II no.. 2!.)-m.;. 7(197)) 121. l1li.
,., s..1· s...Hm. ~ .... _ _ .... (Fmbo.o'(l. lM5~ "So ' .. XIV, <hop"" 5 (05 1<,110; N",.-.Oup"" lfil6l.
"~_itI M'l" .-S<N",....., 517.2). " SN""""'!l _ _ f, "~ (... J~ 'I"": R. II"", " ~ ......... ... AI·
t} SOO""w.pt.y .... " J-, PLHL <:!t>. MOO! _ _ Iyo0. Nutoboum.. Sooro"Ik"',
...._ 0<001_ (MuNdo.. 1""<1, ]. 5<"_
.-.111. 8. Mty .., [iu/Ioi.J....
c.-ooIo.o''''''''M>I_I''l._ (W"_'W- 1'I0I:'l).
Go,","" ' .. _ '''4I",~_ ( _N<~ Im~

Nola "" -,-gft I ro 10 178. Net... "" P"gft 119 to 189.

" s.. rt. IU' ow. "'~ ow,.,....,. CIt ,. . . '"'"S'· ' •••hh "0:1_ _ 1Ci!dot
(Wunbu'lo l'1oMI,
" I. ~ and A. a.; ..... rH· ... ~ ... II"'. 1<,,"""'-
KIooolL ............ "
("""-.i-r. lm'~ lO-
,) ltotNdu<ti<o<l ot ..... en-~ boo/lopo '" 1M ........ IllIlIiOl :N_
" "'oddi ..... ..,_.nd onl<\oo.o1_y ...... oionod ..... . - "'"Y"'" ,t" "", 101·
-.nr;"""" _ , _ .., A, I(nolllon. 1'<,'. 01 ,""",len I/!lot A_'''S 1/'''' Sri.
"...... ' M, I- O'CtonnorIl (Co11<1""UI" lmll/n;om HMTI lV, 1'-l--7I!1: - . "SoI<,""""
<IPo-l<fOo'OI.,",,- U 13 Ilml117·l1: W, ."" A... Dots Sol .. _ ' J.. KIoo<lt'oo,.ll1uor
If''''u~ lonOI, _ o\(roI"<Iin~"" """",..,.;e._ 0/ Au'umn. )\IM. horn ..... l.ito.lr-
rr;ko1l""'i ..... 01 T........ uJy P"'? ... be.n ... ot>I..n.o ., ....... Iht _ . _ of
,1>0 ...... """',. 01 ,.... "'~ ... ilto oro "Y' "" .... v.""_, " fun!...- pain' to to."_
"'''' conoid .......... ,.... d ...... 'i ... 1ft '''''"... COo<Ioo 0/ C""", "' ... (1<11131. e..... )007.
,." ..... _,;n~ oe;..,.,1. .... c'-" ",_ ..
y "'" to. too _ " 'ltly P<"'" in
......,;r~_ ...:-
" Tho .... . "~ 0/ .hI. rilt '" S, I Iti'" D<>" ...._ , Goo, .......... II).!""",
19f051. ~ 10< fu"h« douIli _ I.• H, Do ....... f.o>Uro WI."... (2O!to C""tut)' En·
<J"'1op<dlo 01 C..I101_ ))2; N.... y.,. • . )%/». )01-1.

, w r.och.XIV
"l<ird>Ii<!w< ~ """ _ To,.. ,ano: lro W_p - " " 01 .. Z ...
~: "", .." .... (Stuttp ... lWll). U); _ , HoM. Ilwr;II"'<f""";"~
"'"sI" and G ou. (Now y,,"- 1'16'1)_
n", H..-y 100 "." £6Jy Clt>ot<IO."._ H.

~ H . ....... "" ... ".'"Iw"(~ lW61. .. I; ..... "' ....... lo ..... ..,...,. ",,,",
Co,p"," hi , .. "" ""' prioto<Iy oIfi« (t...... I -I·
>- L""'" b<irII)o _ ,,",.orIo<! ... ' 010;"'.'" in ..... ,... with ""' - d~ 01
_ _ ""' ..... _ I _ .... _ .... Iho _ _ ... _ ........ ko<~A-

Nola on f»gts 119 '" 197. Motts on P"Jft 19910 209.

, _ " 01, D<r ~idot.,..,." I. 1i'1''''''S .1Id f' • .....,..... ' (f "';""-,,, I WQ\;
a~ · _,undv..' L . . . _ _ " , _: .,W."-",,,OI. (""125-5);
K. K....~. , c.-. ... . M .ol IO' ito Nno .. r"",_ ().tunid\, Im~ J, MMhtt, "".-;;....
"" . . MoI ... _ .... . . . . ""/tnt
_iw ,Dt.- .......... Idot~ IlI (F~ Iml;
It , S<!ou,.., J1ot1, Or~;... ,_ .1'4 SLI., 'n (I'" 'hof, IW4t I t. Scho>"", .01 .., Or./i.
"""" .1'4 s.-.o.. (co.-Idorf, 19741; , . Kain;r, (.d.), «,_ ''"
Wm/t-no, S, ......
, ... ~ .01 ... ....11;. ."..;•.., ... _ Ti .... _", (I'..d, ..... , .. 1976);(;. Gt . . ".,
I'r .... ""'"', Z" ~ ."~ 5,,",...!........ ,";""riP'" .01 ...... (F,..; ....'I- J!IIIl~ B-
e_.M....." to
Qj'>.,", _
"""".001 5« .. _ " II"""".",,~,
, .01 H~tiftlw- 0nI0i,,", "....']1 .. Iltr _
l m 1 K.
CoIlo>Ii<O .. " (lOt-lIO ...... !'r.!t-::8.
(~ y",,!<. 110:18), N , Mi.,,,,,, M_ .1Id ",. ";'1')', H~""Y.1Id ~ tif '" IItt 5«. lJ DOL 1IO "",, 19'32,
_ , tif"""" fWI...._ 1"l12l1· a-wtt. no. v...-..., .t ,.Uod (~0rM
IN.,.. y.,. ~ , 1_ ); ~ 110-_..., """-''''' ~".. <f'iw .01 ....... o.~tif u.. -'
,. VOl. 5l ""- m.
Th< NCCB .... d""'"'""' ..... ' .. _om .... kl p<O<loin\ U... ",..{;"I\
w... (Now Yorio:, 19'JOJ.
• ,_"" In B. KlriNw," ift HLW vm.~;r9;
"'" a- I I..Qf 0(1. 101 _ 1'ffl11,
1(. ROc'-- V>rCW._" 8toJ1kf.
from IIw .. _

" DOl. n ""-

.. DOL '/tool no. 1078,
plo< .......... . . -

Jnomo!. "Ordino';""'· " ... G. M.m.- rn. III 104. For .... _Ioof .... oIto-ft..
, p
. ; .w,,' _~ (" 4), l'I-4&.

"F. ,,;~ -ow~ ... <lot "-io<bI_ Oi<no ...: IJ n 1''172) ' 71,
• Tho P"'~monaty _flo; ......t. ... _ oopo<iolly.",.". V.... -...... Or_Olio
. . _"*' 0...- un<! .. "" .. 1, ... (S~ \, 1>33),
,*"",_li_d I~""""'&r 1914; Romoo. mi). ,. t·o..m_ _ .... ht>rUII)' 16.1083-. 4.
, 1(, 1I.V<.... ond II. \\>ts ........ ~~ _tih'
• n.. ... _ .. no._tiftlrCMJ,d"o..odo l(Co1Iovv;Uo, 1'I91~~I(lJ, n- it-
j Wi" .. (Fritttu'l! 19M),. III . '" s.. ~ (1'I77)'I'HI~:
" MS
H/( )1 11W1\Is,j.,

(.>01. 321 ~).ltoOO .,;!5'JoO· s..lh<~.: tIw-

• nrw "...-.1...,.. of ........... ~ .. C _ . , 001..'1:4 ""," 2fI06.12. H .................. H~)II1<m) 201>-'1 $00<1100 H , ,'." d"- ).t~ ::::;"Sw;.JlorH''''''''
• ~"I"- ' 1 29.
""_0.,,,",' A 11< I i ·HI., . "I._""-~-
""'pili>. 19731; II , l.qJ.t>d . t>d ). Vi ..... o-I)m. -ow z
..... S
F.......... Aml,.· ..

" So. no. Kltou_. "" u..". t .... ~..".. I""" ,,;, • • ..., v...._ ... (KtriftoI, 0. .. 0"..... """ ,0 In K«/O' It\. Itt \02·/6,
" .<l). .. !.MI._ I. H... """"I 51...,. (So<> F.""""" 1085). 5t< thr ...
In _ ' _ M-_!IO 119M) :t!7· JoO; I , J:lt-ir\lwy<f. 'Zuf
IL 5«, 'n>O"'II "<I",,., (I. K....-....y... V>r -.....w ... ___ 1bI.. (1'"",, l"'!ol).
.., G . '-"""""""'.
,.;...-• .",. E. I· LortpbroI
"ThH " '''tg ,...,-,100.1) !mao ........... 1101"".~_ .. ~ 1"- ')43. c..<"""" d .. f)<oIo."01''': tJ l' (1'164) _ .

" 8, f ......... "0... Gtt>ot d .. Kir<h. ... , .... wo ..... lnntn, <In Wil\&okt ............ " 1I:IIl
Chapter XV • IV" ,Momido.. 1052'~1.1ol:l·
" It> odoiJI.)nto p"'hc~.iQ....I-.ly m""tior-o<! .... [, ,. tmg. U"'S- "010 ThooIor;i< , M. -....,,, ~_iw DoJ •
doo w.;tw..kt......... ...rn d<no 1.-;0 da ......... Ri ..... ·1./ 19 (1'16'1) lU-<o6; P- • H. """ -,,,oiler. ·I~.II< •• ~,,""-....... --"'~::o::.~~!":~.
J""""I, "0n;I1 ... """,: .n M""""", rn III, In-79. F Sffl.tl .. -00/1...-- . . 0.- ,lot 0mil" ~ • ., 1 (Einoiodftn. I_I tdXl_

I d.... Ii<onoJ~~'5"" "in ""'" IIomon c.oI>oIi<...d E',.,I!"IicalI... lIw<on Com~

0. ....' _ .I.. ' , . . . ~"'iw !PI li'"," .o-F.lnlohon. 1'1111157·101 .
" ~ I- I.«\oy... "u... DIoI:t;wv., ...rn '"'" ~ _ _ l.tIIo-i""""""'pn." in K. 1Wo·
.... '(Z" ....h,I .. n.m-36-
J M.S<IItnouo lft Illrll.

..... on<! 11, \brp;nmIooI'1 ... ~~ • • a...-(f-.,..I"'!olt1J11·11 • CS .s .

.. r." in DOI.:vI ",,", ,Ol' II • ..-.:131 ' ",,", 2S7tIool o DOI.:I6oO ""- )(J(I1 •
• 1'. ....-. '~~• • "' "", ... ;,not! II), 6 \ 3.
" "" J""fmoI... VI (DOl. 319 _ 2!186).
•• rtOiI. VIII 1_ 2.'M). , f\oUI" 1311,

Nat.. (M pd'" 222 (0 232. '"

.':'",,,,,,,,10-,,,,, ~...a.r.
.."" I.", in ~ , IIi1Uf. r ....... , Rnto ... «1'11 __ J .....,. ..... E.Ioto<IIIw.. "'
.......'" /M>r._, ILOf )e.. .1.1""",... '%l'~ )l~_ ' ..
• Ito ........ Jlomonu,", ()-010

M.,- FN!< ;-I\<o~oI<ins1"" \",».

"!;g..-. Tho;"n,.!L><bun "".,....o.d '"
m """, llJll-*. A,..,--.t f.• 51"" Ir. ........... '" II,....... pdol;,f-..d m 1_ ~'" of

s-. lUJ\' I:-ou._ U. 1'iOJ). 0. ...""""",,. cop. \. 0. """' _ _ , , • ..., ... t on 'Tho_ . " T1W" ... <f".. C.. _0I ..... 11C'·:: ."m•. \W'), N-- n...ol.o"'"
, AIk, '5"" oJ. C-~."",.. """'_........ _IF";bu", 1m'). ~ 01 .... _uctioft ... VOI.,., - - ~~.
,. I \'\''W"". -z.... """'" do."oh<n TroWllpri_ - U II (1961) 1M. .o..oru.~ ..... ')A_£._s..'-.-~~'...
HiW "10. IML, ""'" " ' _ .U ..... optoy.
11 Tlw riI< io .. nr - f / "" C.rIooIlt C'Ioo"* I (:-: ... ""' ... Iw..~ 55'·\10._ "
Iohunultht 1nItod...- .. OO!.~_
1'.91'. --
rro_' Zt-<II<"'I/!" s...r,.Shft •• "',
.. _
1;"'_," oddooi«« '" HiW "In I.... fI. LIl~: ~. " ' - ' ""Dt< ......
... "","",,", - 11.>.... _
_ . D Uil3l11 R;tuo"" I"""'..... ' ... ~ ... • """'" a-or 2:1111'17' ) I~, a. AIbo, d •.
_"""".--Iwf'..-. ...... ".. _ _ -OOO/O " ,,_ .. I ,,,,2S11'l801)
" 11.. - . . .... OW ItirdIIIdw f,..,.... fF'-'''' 79)..:1.
>- "".1007). ~- - . . and .. I '" ...... flit Ito .... of""C.- (JIomIt 2 (Now Yo<I..
" DOL JS.4 """ z-.JOII. _ ...,. • " Tho ""'" b
l'l'lL~ _ tr-.""""' ..............- .. DOt .JYII __ l17'1-9I ._"'I'""'"
~~~thtbal yo. fJor_om.....,,...4,,' ,.- 7 ...., _ _ .. l" IS<>-
"I _ ~ "" ~ _01", II>< ,",ule"''' f<>r "'4' ' .. ' 'aI"", . . . do-.. by "'" ....", .. OO!..M ""- w.,
~n ",,~I..,..kii""" (So"",,,,,,.4 U 10?111..:1 publooIvd in tht '-orio<oo_ " s...E. "",s....,...lft,al. \(IS.81: U _ 1l« ...... a; .... d« ..._ un;!
'"'....,bu~(~... _ 1Il(I'f7lllTltr,j ... '" "" ....... - HttI'I'" 00t000I17(1m) I "~R. ~ - !lit Abb...--.;rw
• ~'l'i(""",,,I.nd ~ (S. ..... ~ ,<17, ' kln<o< _ , / , ......... r· ZI(G ~l 119tJl&H8.
" s... .......",b 1 _ II< n , 11...1oo> A, _ . -no.- \\kg . «01 ... Abb..oO ond ... AI>-
" 50.-. H Ho.,...,..."01."",..."""", "."~,,«-. Col' (19101~, _ s.- v..;.;"" tL" in Mo_ (2) Ul 3OlS-1,

" Z.. "'h (lIm.<o.,..- ...... 11>0<*11""...... V~ Z~ri<hI, 1'17).
""W><)-"" - """'h .........,.,..,..Gomo,"""" ..... "LJ 11 (1'111) '07_U
",1>0, .......,.""""" ""'""'" in IfLWVI1~ ,. , ... s. .• ..,."... Chapl""" XV l1
,. 110.,,,,,,1 C- cf II.. 5l<k: AAh of"''''''.''''..,J \0\00>"..... in 1"lor Rit.. ( .,Jo:O"
>J S. ~ ~ .., .. HLWVlII, "~ Co , ,,,! 11_ y",~, 19'I(l) " " _ Tho C........ l Intrud"""" .. 0110"' DOI..IO,..,..
11 ~"' .... ~"'ikl_" 2ti. m).j;\, Tho 0.- '" C~n;/"" F,.mJo k." TIlt Rit.. l..,..m R.

" ,"", H. Klointwy<' m I'ILW VII I, , ~,

",. e>,s,..p ,It< -OS of'" [.p,jrl '''''rll. '"", 1'15-1" 'I'!' __
t;>xU"""'''''''' ,n S, KI<iMtj-'.. ItIIILW VIII. IW
I. C....,.. 13 lOS lZ'l; _,·o...P"" loOl),
, 11'0. Ii« ;, in " "'y C..... , . ... . .. I'"
II ( _ 54-1'8). in 1"lor l1li" I, ~"
of llot E"""' .... "",,'" Mo.., a..pI<'
• 1t.. """". 1<1""' ........ _ oil R. K . ... ~noIl, "5I"too ,.,.,d B<g<.bn'''''~'1!'': ffLW
'" OrJtt of - " l ! rn'~," M...... ,lot "' • • 1...... ')' ~ ""0Ti0gt, ",,", <;I4·IOfo Ipp· 2(1.24).
VIII. lOt·17; 1"'" R"" I, 8~! ~17
• f'" ,.... """"'Y '" ,.... 0 . . ; _ ~'u"Y'~ """"... _ L- Kot-p .ro £. 51""""'"
- _''''''110" RIIC II (1054), 1... ·21 .., 0 , Si<onI. · Ooriolion Dt.. ~: ;,. M.. ., unO" Ql,
Cha p!>" XVI
0<_1lI-. 1~\ II'ro1«'''' "',,,..,, '''' .... API"""""" _01 '" Rrli'SH"" l.llo
' v.....
' II . ,;;,_
"'" m.lll·:ze.
• ""'" 0...-,.- ..... s..-'" So lito."." p.. • ... , (PC ~),
! U; .u
, r."I(o __ !IO-ll71
, iIoof,, 4Ji. •1'." t F.-oJ lAurp I..... 12f-2OJ~ R... ", C".,...,;,,"I ("""- 201-2331·
.~ ~ • _ 1iOtf...... Il.llo n ,.~,.... 0..","_"" Btw_f, i..: U 2' 11'r,' II].
~ ~"Ii. z..",a.r. . . HoJfoo"t" Tod • .ooI n._ lb_.k,-f,a·,~
1915l; a. ~ "'" ' 1 1111·2• . D. Si<.rd 1ft Sl ~ a. R... _,~·d ond 1 Bon.
n..Dotd!f/'O " ' . fIIt(Joolttf/O ",_r. __ ,.·;',dodolio«(C~'

Nola ... ~ llJ '" 242_

It s..:""........bwS locI, ~ I.I>t MorIo' ok. __ .""~;. G/o ...... .t:itt:Pw (00" 5 :):Iori.
,. r .... 11 1· ,.,.. 2Jt..;loz),

" n- .... 01>< .... III.... I0I0_ """"'8 ..... ~ J.,. .... 0-1.
.. Sow .... ~..w. Dot r....1t l ... ,...... ....... c_ ...", ... r.~.'P' Ilnn.bnd" 1~1,

.. Sow E- _~lft. 6),

" M S ~ (I" ") lIn·ll; VOl. ~ 13 ,.,.. JlN>.1O,
" 0.. , ...... _ _ tho "'ppondl. '" tho
tho"Odo~ - of 1909. ..... I ~
"'*' '10...<- r._. In""""""'" '"
.. l)rl.allo io R. Kooooynolo.i. - !)or &<wei..... . HLWVllI. 2111 1111.
" SOW ..... "'" .)Oio.'~"Ic.w.- ~ .. )oI. AdIoo. ....." llooI.,.ITtofoI
.. M"S""!I<£J (~ 19'17).
"'" ~"D>o ~door)(;ocho _ "inR. - - . . (n. 1l~ _
Chaf'h" xvnr . _

, Tho ...... diM . ..


... 'PMripoI' ...., _- COOnl>o . ..... )1
,ioo, w_ ,.. 1:...:1 ........ OlIo ....... """, __ , ... b.pt;.... ,Ad E..cho-
_ .""'OlIoon ... C--. -n.._m
1 1~n l ·~

sow ......... e..........
)\III5l.Jl8f. _
u), _ _ , -
..~ . ............_ [ " ' _ " ' "
• uw r .... ..
...... with ........ ,~ •• "~· -·
1 ;1 ' ,"'IIK....' - .
-;, 1 -. ..... ""'_
, J 60"",11""-' "~_a"s.:~""" on........ ~~.....- io 01 .... l~.~ .. It ':':tj--noI.i (n. 16), :00.
"""~ .... U_t ....... ....<1, ([;,=dorll'--l'_", 1'"61. 100.
' Gt..~Oat _ _ r.l"' I~ 191a~ 10.

, R Kooo.ynaki. -1M 1Io....,IiI. - .· NLW Vll l no. Chaplet" XIX . .

1 1oI~ 11)5; I ~.JI pot., _ MI l U l: 256: U 1I,s.1l. nlS-OD·
,. s... """ H&: Z,~ N"", n ,n, [ph S;1'If., .:II,Cd. ~I".' ao.2; 1 n- ~J7, It'"
• ""'" ot... .......,.<oIbl' .... "''' .... Fr..... Oat_.-Mo ~ ..... o,tI.ol""(2 )). )5-
vclo .. F_", 1'10'1, "J"itI....t C".,. 1060), I!. " ....... Oat s.c_"'""t'" <In 1 T<rtu~Ia ... Or ... _ 15:5 1CO- Un/,).
_ _ LiI.'X'" (1.Qf 016, M",..... I~ 1- ""ump",,.. 1"-:), ...,..,.. Uy ,hopl<'!>
1 and 1, R Kooo.yno ~ ; (n, a), 217-5..', P. )oun<I. - BJ~ •. • ;" Mo ........ Ill. Ill. :!6l- • HippoIY'.... r_io"""""" "and al (_(!£>/I· I·
Ma,,""'" (1) 11.
, In IhrC.....--_IJ"'I! «>uno";"" .k,..... Ii'" broko on.1\r ____."...,,.1, pol>- w'"
, . c-,d.'_
11~ .
..... 010<> .. VIll.'i5, :I-3l'. 7 (f un. 1_-00). _

l _ ;" 1'I7~ : _ K, lIo<k... -)l.mgt 1~ , Kriti><h< ... ""' .... W1f;'" ' " IllnI
.........." s.y,,,,,P>'l<Orm. - (;.I" i I9?!i) 2)1"
• s.. A , 6o"""'Of~. N",' ••"'Io .. (l.Qf ll: 101......... 1\l57),
• Tho 1;"id<1;..... W,"", publio<lwd II> two d"",,,,,,,. <>I U.. en.II"'!i"ion Ie< .... s..:r•.
, Sow !" _ ,eI.. .0;. SIN.'u.... """.. do. SlundongoboO.. dt, Rtplr Il<ootd ...;"
• 011 , ... ",Ia_ 01 "'" oo-callod <.II>od..i 011>« to .... .,.."".
........ Ad OJ,'int W"",,"p on f .t>"",>, 17. 1070, ond I'obo'"ry 11, 1917._ ...LW:zr. (19&1) 2~. _. " , UI '" .1>< lI_"G~ ,I>< (;mi. "at\I. f.
Koayrul.i (ft, al. l6O.
6o:0I,"",_I,A,I""8"""""'" "'n
...."""'" 1_'" Oomt. 1\l59) 178-17.
• Ikllnot>l ..."" .... ( _. lWo1and 1"!>!5". _ 'f _.".iNow Y",~.AdC<" ... , " ~ .--' d 1Gtd\ki<hMSno-.ltg_-
• £.1 Lo<1P""&- 'L/I • .,.. low...., Zu, ,-....,.,..""' .. . -..m
"lIl<. 19t19). Tho Atn.n.:on <oJ"ion ............. . PI""'i .... 'ri)' 40 """ bIno.inp not
Iuund io ttw ~ .... <oJi,,,,,,
wIII '(1971)) 146. ""'" ll, S. fIo _ .
~It .... 8"""" IFtribu~ l!'l!!), .
_ <oJ"'iry '" - . io.. 'pr ... _
... 01.,.,...- (I). bYiI(I' ...... ..-.l ,...... ")' " " , _ of Chriobono (U). . . . .
,. _
II> ctn._ (Ill). ......... . - io _ _w-.... • in "'" ConMI ........ "" "'" U/."IIY.....,....., ...... ·di" ....... oIf,ri ....... - "PP"'" _
(IV). ~ Mi "'S.and (V). ......... "'" --.. ....... proIi ...... .,ttw ..... ~ \o<r<io'}' p<d« "lotutpo .....""m.
" Tho A_.., 0..1""", "",Iudoo. a - , " I *"ioo, of 13 bl""'"II' f<:w _
• !)oralio io I. A. '''''~ "'Wloy ...... tho 1Ior~'d' 5roviAr)' '" c. .......) Quinonr••
..-.-.d ........... '"'I_Joel ... _ , of -ft)I:'I f<:w . an... _ and ocrr_ _ .
FoIIuror ln .... r ..... oJ'-".'" (~Yo<~. I~~ ~l ~.
U s....• S. H H.ooi-A""""'_ r"'!O'l I ~_ 191)\01... , ~Ia'"
CTobioS<ft. 197a).
H . Ootailo 8._""
In S. 1o>.'~ !l9-\l5.

" n.. unol)In«I >lUdy "f'PNmI '" t 'Ill £, ac"", _ .. tor 1,.)1" 1'1?5 _ lalr_ " 1\is_u.!1&2.
Ia"" '" nr,.",.. S,.,...lIl 11'I?5) 20'1-2J3. """"" _ W. K" l-' and K. wt.- .. ~_ in E. 1. 1AI;pIinI (n. 'l- lUI.
........ (N .. ~r~ _ Dp ,"_ & ,"". Z•• W;'*Iocc.'''_~I978);:

oJ ' ,~ ~ "I ••"

~I ~~~ ,ti! 1 ,§~ "1 ~f~3 ~ .. . ,I' ~

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= ..
Som~ ..... _ T _.-GlSII"I) II . ...: ItlII14 119Ji) \ . 78; II. F'oom.. """ I. w,g ... (__ ~ p ...,. Soo/Imroio. SJ>ooI'"
, . , ~ • ..t Oottrfr-..;,w (e , 1 F"iburJ-V-, 195')); H. hocw-r. "0.-
" Di4.>dtt 1'. I IBiN....,... e). ",r.;" o.,.,-p.u~."""' " TTl I!O! (19'1'1)1 ·18.
" Tho- ........ and T,. ..... ' • .,..w<, ... in ~i",h Zl-2-I. "' s.._.0. J.
" "'<' hI" r61. U (C~ "J 751·1· .. s.. ,,"''lYC 15-19.
" ~01 ~NMog ;",. If (1IihlMoy..-91~
.. .\do .... UIW'J"'>II-i'FI' 68.
" 0 ' mbryrJ' I •• Il.~. lf.(F;.oM.tlJO.ll) ... /F.Snoiboo."Vun ..... P- - ._ _ ...... IWNQ . .~ 1-._
" Ut>.11 (1UIdI XllI, Jo:.ro tor""", 8IJIttt 7'; II'I!IOI '".

" 1<rom<.ln d.. ........ r-"'/ooooil... ;" G, Murin (<d.). "-",,,<ko Mot........ .. 0010110 '" A<!om. J.j'".,.ror 1-i'FI. 7';077.
111/2 (18'/7) ' 18. " , s...1Ioni1.. i.... F;":I>« ·17. ••" ",,'1 ........ v..t. _ _ ".,.,IidI ... E.."' .... - "-LW 1
... 0>/a 1...-1 Ill. 12.1. mod ;" E I · ~t< "Vi< !'Io'n"... "" .... i", 1.Ido.. _ nll5l)61 ·r"
~ Enl'wi<kIw'c. - ito .... AC.II&;I1 1U'I. . , s.. B. Kk• •" ••O,.... OW_ O , :Ii" (F~ I"" ~ • . I10""""" H. Ho ' ....~ .
.. /Il0l. Q. S. I. For """" inIonNtioro _ W. • ,,' -rt. So""'Y T1tt H"""Y of'" D"lfaf go< \<d .. L c-,'",1IIt r - v;,lI. ,,-. MoJ. O"C .00II (Now Yorio.. L\III3l.
/(N • ..s '.... ' , ...
,~ lMIi<>I CAl.,;" of ,1tt 00",,_ 0 . .. ", ............. K. Gr.
ho .. (1'11_ · ....... 1'I6&~_ s._.""s......-..
*,.u...hdt", ~". Im ~
.. Tho"""',ho" fi....... _" ...
...p.iolilo~ ~ttI .... , . ... ~ ..... b..I
knuwn io 'm~oL C...., ,,- ttl Cyril (10M!," '"' ,..on ,I ad;"" Adotto..
"- E"-Ploo ",.\do", L~.,p..I Y.... W . 1,;,,,,.,01 r"", __
Ii 50< Ii. HuM. Crt" .~ h<l'''''Ot .. Sotr""P' . ... (, ... " _ d.'..."",_ U... "s..p, I l d _ Dit £.. _ ,"""' . . K,N/t<;. Gro</I"'' ,-.I~"'""
_ " "I
....... i$oldouIJ. 1957L 1.... =
V"",,," """'"1/;0...-. Jlr!onr "'" WI U _ "" .wf""-o _ (VOChta. I~) ,

.. C_"",-U.c .... l _ , 111. ) (p.I»I.

" ~ .. G. T_. ~ I:&dor,'I''''' *' -r.s' , 'If>o-"' ... _,10 . I"''''' " s...s.a..,., "'1' (N'" 'Ion. I~ "'I>P<>'d" .. 1ht c;.",.,-.I irIottu<tiotF koo-Iht
.""Gtp!o ....
. . 0.:.:-.._-GoIO_
,.,11 M " C _

.. St. F. 5<hul ..
( F~ I W1~ I~.

ifo - """" ad..- ...... T"I! ..... _1 .. ' - Gli (19'15)_.

Som"" - ILH III ( 1m) I~,

[)Ox, • • ttl liIo lFftiOod _ ' " ' A","""" ..... 331 .
.. s...\do", LiI.~ I ...., 91~,
.. C-..... U ('FI p.l >«1. I. 2.11, L11" 53),
... lMtdtt e. I (lIi/\ ...... y.",). .. /"....-."""' £t<riot. <d. A . f . _ tuN""" R. _ (Tu"""",l. 1'168). ""1" Jl
" ,..",. ...... Or ;""";"19 {O::L 2;1261{.1, " Adorn. LU-r>1 Y_. 11)9.10-
.. nf'''w;,: " 'oo V. 1<.1 (F.ri.1~"I. " ho of ... -'-ofo;lo 11·11. '" Tlwltoln ofllltc.o_OooO<lt I (Now ~
... b .."",. L C.... 2S.5 (/'1.211:256). L<i'IO).1OO. '" (ifo . oJ;iJI'odY dIM" ....OF I ''''''' m (Xll.4~ """ JII7\.n.

• St.. . .... H _ ttl "'~""Id.".. U5O\. c....- .. _:l o.l'I. :PI. 11l;_.~ .. s..s."""""'Y" thtOorioM ",-"" Holy n..rt>doy.
"- I· ... . I~".r;m.o"" .,.". w..k1y Cyelo "' tho tiN'1!': ito hOr ~_II.if' 'O (Noow .. n.. ..'1""" '" ....' 1" ...........1.... """'" ... . ~ "-'1,p-m... l>oI
Yon.. l ~)ru . 1i'"To<fIt /oLot (M..ni<t\. 1'163), ~2iI
.. 0..... .... N " Z54/1, " s.. It , Fro ..... - Fouhf;_hi<hI< """ U"!''''t-.; .... romio<_ 1'IPiMocn.f.........
Ix.............. """"~ • JILl'.": (IOSl)I·24: ;0..". _ _ _ ....... I. lku1ol<>!L;':
.. o..lht _ " II " _ G. So:hoftbto. ow _""I:' ,.. UItIIooo< WI ~ . "" LTk~(l\llr51_ .
. . _ A I. ' ,,*,,10'" g" ,\"h 1ot.. 19S9\- ~ io ,"",",'<I ., £1>:00, ..
H. 1\or_""t"l1< ~...... " 1Ii1"'l'" ( ~ I<" ... " ....... 1971I~ Il:l!lllf. .. I.. DIoct _ . C ..... ' ..... 1,o:/.. ~• .."t r"rI.'_ ......
1>1 I.. M<d""., (~.
..... lllOl: - . Or. low> F" - «Ii-. Pori>, 1"lS~ Il EtIs-... - On- l'!'.
JO 0rI0iI0 ifo Ad.o", J.j,~ r_ >;l-6). wi'" fun,," "'~oJ>hy. O.... t " olo T". ..... _ ..... GobIII1_ I\nrn. - "UYl (1<O:I2):!S-4J..
IF!. Ihd .. !7.l-t.J.
., H, fT,"" (n. '\.'5), LT" ~. 90!0:i.
,. Moot ;mp<»t.ltFt w.".": 0, C..d •• An """ Sinn ..... 01-..-. <1vII,1. , _ 0 . _

Not~ "" ,..,.,. 2BJ 10 289.

,. I'iw XU. &.<yd" .1 " ' . " " , , _ MS .s (I'15I»~, Fot , .... - , . '" Iho So-
" """ ...d."" L~.'~"
.. """.cAU. « p. l
r.." 125-26.
U. lip, 001 ~ Of< "'IIU, <01 , ..... "'" typo'!oo I...",.,,,, ..
, ,.,..t liNrt d",,,,,,,, .... om.,.. <><h«>. /.
Slittlll«l,). H.." of'lot 50""",,, A S'f""""
0«'1- ...'" '" I"""' ... '" , ... 5."" _." ,,, ..... ~ ArK! ...... lNo-w York, 1'157): A. B<. .nd
.nd ..... SoIomnitito "' .... _ '" ""'" ..... 1Iof>I .... Ilw ... ....,.. r..... _ 1'..1. ond U Ito ........ (<<10. 1. "'" """ ",",_",_ .. Lit,,,,,,
Eoocyd;", p" XII "_,..;,;;, _ •
..... ~o/Mo<y ( .....). Ilium<, 'mJ.<:.. .... - . ,. K, .... _ . _ _ n..- "". Tho.oI<v 0/ 0.., .... '
.. It~. '"'>, to"~ _ w._,,- Zum c.-dpf IV do>~' ,0.1'" '" .... 5 ltd ....... .. _ , 1J].o;.,<;_ I;" a_,,,,,,""
dW,,", • ......... fjoftj ill
Ilaho.. , ' o "".,. 711"" ; •• J_~)' " .....K.·H. and ~. """" (aoI'., .. o, 111,m .
7 (1\1OU) 1~
Dl · s;!,
" ,>,d.m, 1.iI.~nI r.." , }It. .. .... ,.,....., In, N), in ~ I._p""', 3:344.
"'- So.- It S<h ........... ,S« -0.. b""II'.m. HOe< _ I, I.,.. .... · C.-Ndlt. ut>il
p.o_.u.... pocII< u..ido>..... U ZO I'\I7'tIl n ..l1l: - . "0.. Utu.p", iii< d"
MooucIwn do.' ~ 0 (ImJ111S47 _""".U,. ........
" Nw-w _ " " ........_ " ' ........... "' ...... /. ~O"-II,.,·"'.-r,.;,.K·

., J'i.. XI, Q-oo"t
A.· " .(M ...... ,97?).
M5 17 (I'12S) ~IO.
Sto K. 1ioII. "0.. ~ do. £pp""".d,, ...; Sot:-",., 0", in "" ." ...
' r,

~ .. "" w~. 1917, «12·.18; f . Ni'", r+. -z..... U"l"""'5d .. .. I Ii_ K..... ;dt""' .. ~ n.161-
Fp,pkot" ............ - EL 82 110M) )U".:z...
.. s... ,""",,,oM Il 11m) 071.
.. "i_.. "'......... ,. X. 4 15<"........ J7tt.AA),

.. 1"'..... " ... 1:.fm*' ,n , "" ap, 411/.

'" For Iho h......,. '" Ad . ... , _W C..-.. "1M Ad_""'P<';'" U<hlt cIrt
,.-1 « ' .......... ~. 1K1' 10 Ill'Sf. 157-"6, _12.1· A.f'""'5 ....... "Ad,"'" "s..._,-,,~ r.... '8o--'Jtl
_ I.b<od" ..... " "' ,.... LO'K • ,.., (ow.,.I 1''4 oItc.,........ ShoI"" ."" v.rr'"K" " TW<I<O)'-m.1:mbot Ill, ..,0". ~_down lu ... _ L..> ~ So. M - In.
I'...."""'k. 1%0). l)2-'H I_ reI'- it! "" [~ .....w.bon. _lI,,,,"'. 1!6 ~ 111
... s... C;.'I~rc ' 2.ro .,. (_ ......."••. .. Th . ..... ....,.. c.. ~,''-'''' ""'''Y'''k.il, Iotid.iodottllt1M<hl, .... .." ... oKIo<
" 0<Uil0 .. 1 r._,"'-~I. _ ,....'ir'........ "lIC<>lc>g....-Dplod<n. 1%0): 9, 1<OItin&. "H<iliII"" '""""""'"" I(TG l
6.J]...41 , r Mob""" 50' ... ..., TlIm rio« .. ,10< 0000 .......... O. Mo ....... (Now V",k,
.. s C......
V"'lh'..,._~ ..
loJ...".Ito,,~..... " ..... lm l ''iIi6). W. ...... " (<<I.~ 1M HriI..,. ....... ..".. IF< " • .'1- 108l).
I I. ~. - . . , {Ww1tou>s-1oI .......... I~ I t KiJ,'ldI. 0<" .. ,....
""''''...... "'" """"', '"' 0 . - 1101 """"'- l\IN k J. .......... _ _ .. ootI r_ ...".... \ 1 . _ ...."..._... ,/0,... MS61 11-.'fi.»
B,.." ... ,,. ' ' '' '"''' If.......'11- 1_., ... 50< ~. _ . "Vom C.'K~.....~ .... Ho!~ dot HtiI.......... w... V~:
In ~ M""", 1«1.1. ~'" ' " /:Jrdw (Mo ..... 1\17'(1). 16: _ .""'G, L Mul .... O::'-.·
'" s.., Mom, Li!".~~IY..r, 1Sl ,
oc/Wf! "" V...,II", "I J<, H<i!,1!"' I'Y"I''''';_ Iiobil... _ h r llt; Frri>uz5. 1%01),
,. f!oO .• Is;!,
" s...W. ~.,.,..... M........ Htmt. ilttllitlitdln~I'" '1." ll951tM
,., -"""'4" to V<-. ~"P<' de >IoJs>ud ..-- "" ....... ,..now. w.,~ <>I «outd- I M _ "" ,. .... """'1It!o><
(5I»topn. 1955); M . n..uioII. MIf).. It: Ito, ofoll
"'I! (~-K- G " ........ In. fL 256 •• - .try "", .. ~ 0nJI-. tr_ N I. C~ (Nw-w Ytri.. lw.:1 ~
" In,"",,,,,.,., to "'" lK'_.,.jot Aloolo (~ od.• cm ,,>in.. 1_ _ 112 ' p. ., ThrGtowm.-. . .. iftDOL 442 ,.,., 71iil·JU].
lll ·
., So.. Adorn, L,,",,...I r..,
2 12-2<. 50< • ..., W , _ (<<I.). Moo"' ..... " ....... (F";·
" IIU . .... GIRM 319. .""11- ,.;00-'); .I. n. _ " "'" ""'... .,.Mo IFrri>"~ 19111 \ B, K'ooir..>wy ... - Morio in
" A. ~ U .".,."S _ 1" ' - '• .., . . Dr<fwI,~ (w..t. lq..~"" ..... <Itt I~ ...• in W 8oi:.<1 .ndlll'dn I"'·~ " ' . - . , MuWo<b ..... (Jl<Fno-
.,.",.. _ r _ ....·z.. ,~_ o..;l.oI~p;_ ' AU" 1 (l'l5OI _ ' · bu", 1'181t). 401·)0.

;5 s.. Plin...... -l>ooA.-.mor.s_ F....--,...· /LWl (,m. 1C1_ .. So. _1.iIwp"aI r..,=-201.
i"""'- Pot \._"'/Of .... [",/00,,,, .. ;",1""trioI"" ,M"""" lm~ .. T....... """ it! 004. 481 noo. )<l95 4~

" s... t/ll 11 ""') SIl. .. ro,. U."..,.....,.., ... -E>Ij"~ .0Id 1(.....",.." . .. ; in .\1.,......... ';1""" [),I-• ...."" .

" A. A Ko ....." " - ( .... _ fit r"",, _ _ : (;JJ I I'I6'I) ~'" ..... 2'1 (T1i«. 1m). m ,
.. ~ on ..."""""e I • ' _11_ 2<. lW2}.IN (/XI(. 081 ..,. .011).
... looXIl(, [ ,. 1' ..... A ............. " SS31 I I.... - S l

Notn 01t ""gll 299 /0 3l1.

"'- G.~1.YC 5ao,
'" Il>0l.. 261.
.. Moot ........ [..0,., .,ji""": 1950,
IL "Or' ''''Y"'''''' 1M ........ oI'WQ """"''''''tin 01 - . .... 1'''''''''' ,... fi<>l "'''
fo>undt.d..,. I'IDIip ""'" _100I0 ;0" ....... """'"" .... """" "' ..1IOdO ... 1''')'0<1- ''
Chi pter XXI
"to.;h .... 5f<"'II _ ", ... "boI.
on ..... bo5i~ .... Mooood ... """,d.d t>,.
r"",,~ prinl _ 010 -.110 '" 1611
, In •.ro.. "'" '" ""k. thO. dIoptot ~y Ioto!; _ dttoolod I >boD ..... !lot
....... '" "'l' booO. _/01. (1\$I 11or _ilo, ~r" "'''''0)', ,... .,"""'.. '-' Sow ...... ,., /;, .. ,..,,/010 9l1.
F, M ........., "J...... ,.,.,j ' • • tuu._ V-.' -1-00 aM'Tn>'Ip.I ... .. r ..... _ "SOW .... (finJO j _ r.... ~." ·''''' .... ordt<i)-unyinf.''''oI .... Ii''''Jp.

_.n . ._.100
. . , £0' ''''',",',,,
(;oI_m <.. .."..."~_ IS<p,,,,obot, 26. 19&Iol no.'l (DOl. ll_ .lII3). GIlt'! l:5Ilo-1Ll; Rio. ot
..... Dod"• ...., 01 • (I... ",,~
~ s..1t,-I, KIo",k, 11,'"'8' ........,., ~_"'foiiJw>o ~ lSounr; .... ...
108 l l G. CN!k.o. ' 0.. ...........
tu~ .... ,,~; ...... • .. f,'"</< . .. (;oI,...t ..... , ,. 0..&10 in Adam. KJ .. ,.."",,, 1001;
_ , 7\.1),
-.I Art .. C. _ _ "

• s..Adorn.I:i«_I~, ,. fW. , 1(1).7 (.... Ih bibI. .'''*'''I,

'_0..-.___ In lll." ...t "5

' IW. ''''1~ .. InMN<tkon (DOt n ...... llJ.."j :J87I ,
Oro , ....... """ .... ... "'<10", K,"""'''', 1(P01. If; ....loov C_ _ , • ..r A....
""". ~ I:'
C....... ..'..",.. 711-.-0
, IboJ. ~7
,. DOt ~ ...... ...7-10; _ 1.119 ll_lll'l-lO.

• "",," ;jg.5]
,. LJowIo .. ,. H. ~ .... • 0;.("...... ' ''''1 .... oIWY'" ... 111. D<t
• Ihol .• .\4-&1
""""'.,,>4 ..: Mi <8 (lm) 1.2-~ ... ...., C._....., • ..r A";" c. _ _• .
.. """•• 611,

" IIO«~ ... s.. f"",,,,,,_...r,. .. '" CMItoIIt _ " _ 7... 75.

"'Ibod,,"'' ' .. S- Ada .... r...1to- 1 • IY. Il!.

" n.. ";-1 ",.' C-;O,.. "" dw' Wtutgy of Ih< NoIM:JnaI Cm"" ,~. o>fC.o!oli< " Th KIa ...... -r.u~;" _;5""' "'_. " in ioIonI. I'ion<>oN, r"'J<"'¥l /fl' F.J.
!Ii"",!,> ,01 th< l'n~od 5<1 ... of ... ....,.;",,) ~ . .... ".'0<. C _ ~,. .. UIi,Iw (M..... 1'.19~ 1eJ/.
.. CM/ooI;< _ " (W~ lml'" ~id< prinCp1o. " ' . - ;"."".0.1 "' p... " Th. ).Io_E.. ..-d. 'UrI ~.-.! CoM""'"S d .. T",Ib""""",,,,' ;" z..;,-., ... Glo_
~"'" 1iIo.o'll",.1 "J"<' lor ............ of .... 0In0ri0n .,' hoYr " ..... _ m
"""""""'''ry on ,... ,.•"""" p""' ....... o>f ,... '''u'sK-01 dono.......,,,,
"n..~....,.bor".,_ood. M. I~, 1lw_.,.,,,..
Pttifo_1lwNo' ....
no Sow Cn",,,,,,,,,,,,, .. d.,.. .. Cot......, "'"",",P. """. ~,.,.
of lIt/ir>'" """,. W, Il T,... k (Now Y",k. 1'1Y1), Th. Bo&Jt< 10<1.).(:'" Sot. ., .. " foo-lh< • • ri<tyfno- .... _ _ f. !Ioni&. 'Dor.d"". oiodwOn_
...... ' ... ...-10 (Mo,;" ..-.. I~ E. J . l-.I~ -'So'nl-pl<>l.n. _ill - . d.. Kl",......., .. ik '''''' • . J'"_" d;., ("'"11"''' ...,-
bio;" 1Jr<,.."... oiI:oI_
~'lI"'w",,!!.o..l _ · 111S H _1f"·I'~< It, ....... IoI . ..n I'> II,. Me .. A~''''b Woo (D iG< o>f _'5-.!i<\1,,&,"~ _ JIll Il'il!Ol HI ; n..I. "" )9, 1.15
. -...... .., (M....om. 1'170),
.. F....,..p l.. ;" A<Iom. ~,_. !JO; ....1.., Cn,,,..,,,,,,,,""''''' ..
" It, Muhlon, C"'!OboI-..n (""'lib-A<, 1000k >d<on, -s."'.~
IIPTH ~'•• "'-lI(lI' ~ ... ••",..,'OOtJ'!,
... ,.,.,j 1'1of.-..• ""._IJ eMldi< WOO'_

" ! , AoIoI, "Org.'k~...w" ;" 11, M""," 10.1.,. M ....... (;01, ........" 111110 ""oot"~
,. Y ~ .., '~"" ..... Sfori""" "''f''''1 01 a....m II<oilclonp.· WI .... ,. c..- 1"'~ 131 Wc Il KIou. -1M ki"'h!_~" ,n U;""''lI'' IV. ~.
pd ,.......u.o.W. " ...... rJ , 110 .lu......xOl' (s.-.,. Y.,.. .... 1,,","I. llIo

" "'d..", ~",IIn/Ol.1I2-81i.

'" Sow ""10,,, «""""'' ', 131.
Y1 S- It. I(k>tz (ft. JSl 773._ ..... f.oo,,_,_ •..r A.. ,. C......... ' 'IN . ... . no U
.," E.G, .... C ......... oI T......,... (SI6j. ..p. il, _ 111. "' .. ..., <K.othod,.. " LT/( VI. .M ~ido"i ..... 19f1. FoIg"""'l; l
.. ...-.. ............ 141.nd_266-
,. CUlM Z",

NDtlS on pastS 320 to 331

'" c.,. 36. """'. lOll·SI.
" n... ... I.... . .... 'od.-.-.p.... ..,.dodi<._"'..,.douIth"'l).... .. '1 4..- ....
..... 1Wd t>r [ """,,".,U: _ _ tJ...,... ......... " .. X. • (S<hw. n, J7U-..88) •
., s.. IH 11'150) lJ<1o..1,l .
.. fhr 11;.. fm ..... Otdi<.,.;o,. "'. Ov.u<h "'" on A1w is .. no- ~"" of fllt c_
Ch"h 11 l(oIlo&...·illo. 109ll). I ~m. n..... • • now , , - . , . , 0I1ho _ """"'"
... ..to ~ .. VOl- 506 """,, 061_
.. s.. l S<"tIrtUtl, " E;n quollfi';"-'.,. Sos..,1 ~". K,""*h .."", ...... _ ...... '"
ladI.,' ~ 1< ( ((!(I.S7~.
• , OW ofC.""" I.", II.. 'i.-E'111tIo U il ... ), ... ... """"' ,"" ."""," 01 .... C_
u... S<a .. y '" ~ I ~ O.C.. 1'I8J~ .,7.
.. 5o-P Ado .... KimIItoIo<, 156.

Chap"" )(xli
, s.. M"l"', L" • .".,
, F W - " p " " , . , _ XVlllHq"W: lodo ........ _~ l lS.
J M" _ _ Ki ....... """"I, N1l. ,..,.1.
\·m. I (lilllmoyott I\IlI.
•. I..... ' .... 01 A"'OO<+o . ...., ~
• ~., f
0..", of ,,,, M..u.. ~, ,.. _ , lIo,.,,,.. ,Iot-..,C"''''''_
"..,d« ~. .-\"!",,, ...
w ondG. R. l.oonb
Y<O'I.. I"... : ......

"""'" HMpn T<o<iru ..... )1lt>S~ ]mI ,

• E, Tow... - R"",""" Gu.on:lifti.- ~)9 (1911S117-19; _ . ........ "Lo,ub" .,: ~

, s.. ~ II H'l8t1 un
• R. Guo"'!i"; ..~w, ......., IltJ- Mo." ",no,E, C. II>'.m (WooIm",_. Md _ 1'I62 ~ S;
_ ........ _ .w" ...,........ _"' ... Ibwoo .....1m« "'" ' ,"' , '",'~ I).)fl_ •

,J A- J.... "'"""- C"""""".. '1' on ,1-00 ~'"T<o( ,_,i","'" 101 H V"'Snml« (od_~
c--.....,. ........ Ik• •• • ·• ., ""."...II(No-wY<ri., 1~ Lll
,~ s.. 6 f'lodw. '"Go:>o,""""""."art do. Ro,dw,' ~ 11I""l le~; 9 11m) " S, '1.

""''' "" ... """ J40 to 351.

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