The Secret of Natural Remedies
The Secret of Natural Remedies
The Secret of Natural Remedies
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Superfoods, stress doesn’t cut it – remember how blood-letting was a
busting techniques, popular therapy for centuries?
herbal remedies, health So, what about staying fit and the food on our
hacks, meditation, plates? Which fads are worth the hours in the gym
mystic Eastern practices. or indulging yourself in?
Our lives are forever On page 10, discover the Science of Superfoods.
bombarded by brands From kale to quinoa, salmon to spinach, find out
and social media trying to sell us tips and tricks for which foods deserve the ‘super’ prefix. In Health
leading a healthier, happier life – the natural way. Hack or Quack, on page 18, find out which
Wading through this information overload can be renowned (and lesser known) herbal remedies
exhausting. In this special issue, we’ve extracted really work. Sneak preview: high five to the new
the science and interviewed the experts to give you beauty fad – anti-ageing argan oil – and thumbs
the low down on which natural remedies are down to evening primrose oil.
worth spending your hard-earned cash on – and On page 26, discover why bacterial bugs are
which to avoid. actually good for you and, on page 62, dive into
Some natural remedies have been popular in shallow seas and explore the depths of the jungle
some cultures for centuries – like acupuncture as you go bio-prospecting for new natural
or yoga – while others have only recently grown remedies from the wild.
in popularity, such as the rise of superhero Plus, answers to key health questions (page 70),
superfoods. But the big question is which ones exercise secrets to boost the body and bust the
work – and which don’t. Well, it depends on who belly (page 40), and natural remedies that help
you talk to. Science backs up a number of natural through pregnancy and birth (page 48). Chill out
remedies, while for other lotions, potions, or with stress-busting tips (page 54), find out about
practices, scientists can’t find any rhyme or reason the history and science behind mystic Eastern
why they make us feel so good – it may simply be practices (page 80). And, discover the truth about
the placebo effect (see page 89) at work. acupuncture (page 86), chiropractic therapy (page
You might think that a remedy, which isn’t 94) and other alternative medicines (page 100).
supported by science but has been recommended Finally, on page 106, explore the inner workings of
by a friend (or tenacious marketer), is perfectly your mind as you discover the science behind how
harmless – and, if the placebo effect works for you, mindfulness meditation works.
why not go for it? But the bad news is that some of And breathe...ommm.
these natural remedies or alternative therapies are
actually detrimental to your health – and, in
certain cases, can cause serious harm. The fact
that they’ve been practised throughout history Daniel Bennett, Editor
54 Stress Busters
Top 20 ways to stay calm, healthy
and happy when life gets busy
62 Nature’s Pharmacy
Discover the natural remedies
lurking in the depths of our
oceans and jungles
6 The Secrets of Natural Remedies
48 40
The Secrets of Natural Remedies 7
The Science of
Kale and chia, goji berries and blueberries, salmon and
spinach. JAMIE MILLAR investigates the science behind
whether superfoods are the magic bullet that can cure all
our ills, and which ones deserve their ‘super’ prefix
illed as the superheroes carotene than carrots and more iron The appetite for superfoods is
of the culinary world, than spinach. They are often exotic in growing – according to the
today, superfoods are origin – the goji berry hails from the International Food Information
as widespread as Himalayas. “This seems to suggest Council, nearly nine in 10 Americans
comic-book films that they have some special health- are interested in foods that have
– every day a new promoting properties,” says Dr. health benefits beyond basic nutrition
one hits our plates. Blumberg. “Although the countries (what the IFIC calls ‘functional
“There is neither a regulatory nor from which they come are not foods’). But they’re also swallowing
scientific definition of a ‘superfood’,” characterised by especially healthful some unsubstantiated claims.
says Dr. Jeffrey Blumberg, from the or long-lived people.” Legends of doctors discovering
Friedman School of Nutrition remote mountain tribes of age-
Science and Policy at Tufts Be ready to fork out defying, goji-munching centenarians
University, Boston. “It is a marketing Indeed, superfoods are often should self-evidently be taken with a
term which marketers apparently do rediscovered and repackaged staples large pinch of pink Himalayan sea
not wish to define either.” However, of ancient civilisations, which also salt – another superfood with little
through an equally unscientific lends them credibility and a quasi- scientific backing to elevate it above
survey of the books and blogs that mythical air, even though those the table variety. But there’s scarcely a
liberally sprinkle the term – more ancient civilisations are long-dead. grain of proof for the efficacy of the
on those later – some common Like the goji berry, which allegedly goji berry or any other superfruit.
characteristics of these so-called helped Chinese herbalist Li Ching A 1994 Chinese study of 79
superfoods can be discerned. Yuen live to the ripe old (unverified) patients with advanced cancers found
Superfoods typically have high age of 256. Coincidentally, he also that their conditions regressed when
levels of certain nutrients – such as sold goji berries. Which leads us to treated with goji polysaccharides – in
the goji berry, which boasts more perhaps the defining characteristic of conjunction with immunotherapy.
vitamin C than oranges, more beta most superfoods – they’re expensive. But information about the design of
Popular among celebrities
from Madonna to Miranda
Kerr, goji berries have high
levels of certain nutrients
Free radicals
Like many superfoods, such as açaí
and blueberries, goji berries are touted
as being high in dietary antioxidants.
“They act to quench reactive oxygen,
nitrogen and halide species – often
called ‘free radicals’,” explains Dr.
Blumberg, who is also the senior
scientist at Tufts’ Antioxidant
Research Lab in the US. Free radicals GREEN GIANTS Vegetables are known to contain all sorts of beneficial vitamins and
minerals. For example, kale has been found to lower the risk of cancer and heart disease
are commonly cited as causing cancer
– the marketing goes then that more
antioxidants means less cancer. The For one thing, more is not always that much good either. “While
science is not so straightforward. better. “While consuming more antioxidants are what marketers focus
“Many free radicals play important, antioxidant-rich fruits, vegetables, on, the science does not indicate that
positive roles in cell biology and whole grains, nuts and seeds can they’re the most important part of a
human physiology,” says Dr. certainly be good, everything can be food’s nutritional repertoire,” says
Blumberg. “In excessive amounts, harmful at a high enough intake,” Kamal Patel, a nutrition researcher
though – generally referred to as says Dr. Blumberg. One study on and director of, an
‘oxidative stress’ – they can damage people at risk of developing lung independent study analysis website.
cell constituents like lipids, proteins, cancer had to be stopped because “The federal government used to use
and DNA, and contribute both to the those given antioxidants were dying the ORAC antioxidant scale, but no
aging process and the development of more quickly. But while a diet that’s longer does due to lack of support for
many chronic diseases, including high in antioxidant-rich produce its impact on health.”
cancer. However, this simple concept probably won’t do you much harm – Nor will the presence of high levels
is actually extraordinarily complex, unless you consume them in wine of antioxidants in a food, super or
and incompletely understood.” form – they won’t necessarily do you otherwise, necessarily result in a
proportional antioxidant effect. For
example, anthocyanins, found in the
The goji berry boasts more vitamin C than blueberry – often referred to as
the grandaddy of the superfood
oranges, more beta carotene than carrots movement – have been shown to
salmon, more fibre than flaxseed, the science,” says Professor David management – is consistent with
and wealthier than Montezuma Nieman, Director of the Human good health. But there’s nothing
himself in antioxidants and Performance Labs at Appalachian quick or miraculous about them.”
Fields of the crop quinoa
lie in front of a majestic
mountain range in Chile
Another unintended consequence overlook other beneficial foods. Ultimately, while superfoods may
of the fashionable superfood label can “Açaí and other exotic-sounding be a misnomer, we shouldn’t throw
be felt in their countries of origin as foods haven’t been shown to be the broccoli out with the coconut
they attain trendy status in the healthier than other foods, and there water (a sugary waste product of
developed world. Quinoa, aka ‘the are few if any long-term studies on farming that is no better for
miracle grain of the Andes’, tripled in their effects on disease,” says Patel. rehydration than plain old H2O).
price between 2006 and 2011, If such things as superfoods exist, “The term is more about
becoming too expensive for many in then they’re hiding behind their marketing than meaning,” says
its native Peru and Bolivia. Diversity secret identities as the mild-mannered Dr. Katz. “But, of course, there is no
of crops also takes a hit as farmers Clark Kents of the supermarket clear definition of ‘junk food’ either.
jump on the lucrative bandwagon. produce section. “Garlic has a tonne Sometimes we understand terms
And, ironically, people in those of evidence,” says Patel. “Potatoes are without precise definitions. And
countries wind up eating more cheap, nutritious and filling, yet they being nutrient-dense does, in general,
imported junk food, because it’s don’t get much attention – or they make a food better. There are
cheaper. (However, quinoa is now get negative attention, because they complications in how nutrients are
being grown in the UK.) Meanwhile, have white flesh.” metabolised, of course. But that
the Ethiopian government recently doesn’t undermine the value of
lifted a ban on the export of teff (a naturally nutrient-rich foods.”
gluten-free super-grain), which was Potatoes are cheap, They just aren’t necessarily the
imposed in 2006 amid fears of a grain most heavily marketed ones. Or the
shortage. They’re increasing yield by and nutritious, yet most expensive. Rather than hero-
40 per cent first to ensure adequate
supply, but there are still concerns.
they don’t get much worship particular superfoods, think
of your diet as like The Avengers: a
Superfoods can be costly for us too attention – or they diverse assortment of colourful
– they drive us to spend more, feed characters with different powers that
the untrue notion that healthy eating get negative attention work well together. And the largest
has to be expensive, and lead us to part of it should be green. ■
Better known for warding OLIVE OIL
off vampires and first A Mediterranean mainstay,
dates, there is evidence the the healthy fats in this
bulb can lower blood cure-oil cut cardiovascular
pressure and cholesterol, disease and inflammation.
plus even prevent colds But don’t fry with it – high
and certain cancers. heat damages its nutrients.
Containing high levels of Crunching this doctor-
vitamin C and folate deterring fruit, which is
(natural folic acid), this high in antioxidants and
fibrous cruciferous fibre, has been associated
vegetable can stem with reduced risk of
cholesterol and cardiovascular disease,
triglycerides, which cause diabetes, asthma and
cardiovascular disease. some cancers.
A member of the alium This has the highest
family, it contains a antioxidant activity of any
potent anti-inflammatory nut and is the only one with
antioxidant called a significant amount of
quercetin, which reduces omega-3. A review
blood pressure and suggests they could stave
cancer risk. off cardiovascular disease.
Technically a fruit, it is low Rich in iron and folate, beets
in starch and sugar, but can make you hard to beat
high in fibre, vitamin C, – their nitrates lower blood
beta-carotene and a pressure and your personal
potent antioxidant called best time, while some
lycopene. Cooking in olive studies show improved
oil increases its absorption. exercise performance.
Popeye’s preferred Think pink. Oily fish reduces
Health Hack
or Quack
In this A-Z of popular herbal remedies,
LUIS VILLAZON sorts fact from
fiction, revealing which work and
which are pure hype
Echinacea purpurea,
commonly known as
the purple coneflower
Also known as ‘female ginseng’,
dong quai is a relative of the angelica
plant. It is sometimes prescribed by
practitioners of Traditional Chinese
Medicine for symptoms of
menopause or painful menstruation.
Some laboratory research has shown
that it relaxes the muscles of the
The argan nut grows in Morocco on
Bee pollen is just ordinary flower
uterus and opens blood capillaries,
but studies that looked for actual
therapeutic benefits in human
those thorny trees that goats climb. pollen that happens to have been patients have generally found it is no
It’s added to many cosmetics and collected by bees. It’s a mixture of better than a placebo. And it may
toasted argan oil is also used in sugar, protein and fat, which makes even be dangerous in some
cooking. The oil contains it a fairly high-energy food source, circumstances, since it’s been shown
antioxidant vitamin E, and linoleic but that’s about it. The claims that it to interfere with blood clotting.
acid, which has anti-inflammatory is an effective treatment for cancer, RATING 왎 첸 첸 첸 첸
properties. A recent study found or that it can boost athletic or sexual
that it improves the elasticity of the performance, is not backed up by
skin of postmenopausal women – any hard scientific data.
making it look younger and wrinkle- RATING 왎 첸 첸 첸 첸
free. This seems to work whether
it’s applied as a cream or taken
internally, so you might as well eat
Also known as purple coneflower,
extracted from the
purple cone flower,
Echinacea purpurea
Folate or vitamin B9 can’t be
comprehensive reviews of multiple
studies have concluded that it is no
better than a placebo. This might
moisturising creams. There’s no
evidence that taking hyaluronic acid
orally has any anti-aging effect on
synthesised within the body so be because the active ingredient the skin, but some studies have
we have to obtain it from our diet. degrades once it is extracted into shown that it reduces the symptoms
Since 1998, the FDA in the US has pill form. of arthritis in the knee.
required that folic acid is added to RATING 왎 왎 첸 첸 첸 RATING 왎 왎 왎 첸 첸
bread, cereal, rice, pasta and flour.
Folate is particularly important Folic acid is important
for the development
during the early development of a healthy foetus
of the foetus, so woman of
childbearing age are recommended
to take an extra 0.4 mg/day to
reduce the risk of neural tube
defects and premature birth.
Surprisingly, a 2013 study in mice
found that the foetus can also be
affected by the low folate levels in
the father’s diet. Folic acid can
affect which genes in the sperm are
activated, so a B9 supplement or a
healthy diet rich in dark leafy
Iron deficiency is the most common
the Manuka tree
in New Zealand
can be made
into honey
Carnitine is an amino acid used by
Several large-scale reviews of studies virtually all your cells in the release of
involving St. John’s Wort have energy. It’s produced in the body, so
concluded that it is more effective at normally there’s no need to take it as
treating depression than standard a supplement. There is some evidence
anti-depressants. The results of that taking L-carnitine (which is the
individual trials vary wildly, though, biologically active form) can improve
in part because the amount of the sperm function, and it may also help
Extracted from the seeds of the
evening primrose plant, it contains
gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), which CoEnzyme Q-10
is also found in borage oil and can help treat
high blood
blackcurrant oil. Evening primrose pressure
has been heavily promoted in the
past as a treatment for pre-menstrual
IS FOR syndrome (PMS) and eczema. The
Diets naturally high in garlic are
known to be associated with low
incidence of colon cancer, and there
US National Institute of Health and
the FDA both agree, however, that
there isn’t enough evidence to
support either claim. There are some
Coenzyme Q-10 is produced
is some evidence that taking garlic in studies that did find a benefit, but naturally in the body and is used
an odourless capsule form provides these have subsequently been by the mitochondria in your cells
the same protection. Garlic capsules criticised as poorly designed. Most of to produce energy. Studies show
also seem to lower blood pressure the research in support of evening that it can be an effective treatment
slightly, but we still don’t know if primrose was sponsored by Efamol for chronic heart failure or high
this results in fewer deaths from Ltd – a company that marketed the blood pressure. But the evidence
heart disease. And an extensive study supplement – and the British for its usefulness against a wide
at Stanford in the US, published in Medical Journal has since called range of other diseases including
2007, found that garlic, in any form, evening primrose oil “the remedy for cancer and fibromyalgia is
does not reduce blood cholesterol. which there is no disease”. currently inconclusive.
RATING 왎 왎 왎 왎 첸 RATING 왎 왎 첸 첸 첸 RATING 왎 왎 왎 첸 첸 ´
This chemical is used as a flavouring
in the food industry, but it is also
sold online as a weight-loss medicine.
Studies in rodents have shown that
at very high doses, raspberry ketone
alters the metabolism to increase
the rate at which fat is burned.
But there is no evidence that this
works in humans.
RATING 왎 왎 첸 첸 첸 The spiky fruit
of the plant
Tribulus terrestris
Spirulina is known
for being a good
source of protein
The puncturevine, or Tribulus
Vitamin K is found in plants and is
terrestris, is a weed that produces important for blood clotting and
small spiky fruits. Extracts of these strong bones. K2 is the bacterial
fruits have been shown to increase form of vitamin K, and has similar
testosterone levels in rodents. This effects in humans when taken as a
doesn’t seem to happen in humans, supplement. There is good evidence
though. Studies have failed to show that it slows the rate of bone density
significant improvements in blood loss in the elderly, although less
The bearberry plant, Arctostaphylos
IS FOR uva ursi, produces fruit that contain
SPIRULINA the hydroquinone compound
Made from dried blue-green arbutin. This is an antibacterial that
bacteria, spirulina is a good source of passes into your urine, and one study
protein (although it doesn’t contain found it can be effective against
any vitamin B12). There are some urinary tract infections, but there is
lab studies that have shown possible limited research into its effectiveness
immune system boosting effects, but in humans. Hydroquinones can also
these haven’t been replicated in cause liver damage in high doses, so
humans. One small-scale study using it for more than five days, or Arctostaphylos
found that spirulina was effective at more than five times in one year is uva ursi,
treating chronic arsenic poisoning. not recommended. known as
RATING 왎 왎 왎 첸 첸 RATING 왎 왎 첸 첸 첸 bearberry
Chromium in
Brewer’s yeast
is beneficial for
some diabetics
Also known as American ginseng,
Brewer’s yeast (Saccharomyces
Over 300 enzymes in your body
both this and Asian ginseng contain cerevisiae) is a good source of require zinc to function. Dietary
chemicals called ginsenosides and selenium, chromium and B-complex deficiency is more common in
gintonin. Despite a long history of vitamins (but not B12 – that’s a vegetarians, because phytates present
use in Traditional Chinese myth). The most important in whole grains and legumes inhibit
Medicine, the evidence for health micronutrient is chromium. zinc absorption. Zinc supplements
benefits of ginseng is fairly weak. Numerous studies have shown that it seem to help protect against age-
Some small trials have found it helps type 2 diabetes sufferers by related macular degeneration
lowers blood sugar and boosts increasing their tolerance to blood (AMD), and conflicting evidence
the immune system, but claims glucose and reducing the amount of suggests it may reduce the symptoms
that it improves ‘wellness’, reduces insulin they need. There is also some of the common cold. But zinc can be
stress or acts as an aphrodisiac are limited evidence that it lowers the very toxic at high doses and interferes
not backed by well-designed LDL ‘bad’ cholesterol and raises with antibiotic medication, so use
scientific studies. HDL ‘good’ cholesterol. supplements with caution. ■
acteria. For many it’s role in immunity. In fact, you’ve that weighs about the same as a
a dirty word, been friends for a while. Most of human brain. And perhaps that’s
suggesting a your gut microbiota (including fitting, for while it’s long been
collection of invaders bacteria) initially came from your known that the brain can influence
to be obliterated with mother’s birth canal as you entered the gut, modern science is showing
a lemon-fresh spray. the world, or from skin and the that communication can go both
Yet the staggering surrounding environment if you ways. Indeed, recent studies have
truth is that you are more bacteria were born by caesarean. Once you’re revealed that the gut microbiota
than body – the gut alone holds over out in the open, multiple factors could be involved in a host of
100 trillion bacteria of myriad such as diet, antibiotics, genetics and conditions such as obesity, social
species, many of which help with stress will influence the microbiota. behaviour deficits, Parkinson’s
breaking down food and play a vital The upshot is a cornucopia of bugs disease and anxiety. That’s right – ´
microbes might be meddling with before and after bacterial derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)
your mood. colonisation. Surprisingly, the protein – a substance in the brain that
It’s a hot topic of research that researchers found that the germ-free affects the survival, growth and
exploded just 10 years ago when a mice had greater amounts of stress- connection of neurons (brain cells).
team of Japanese researchers delved related hormones when restrained A wave of research involving
into the gut microbiota of mice. But than animals with microbes. Yet germ-free mice followed. One
these weren’t any old mice. They were when young germ-free mice were particularly intriguing study was
raised in a sterile environment, colonised by certain bacteria, their carried out by Dr. Jane Foster and her
therefore making them ‘germ free’. stress response changed. What’s colleagues from McMaster University
This created a clean slate with which more, the germ-free mice also showed in Canada. Using a cross-shaped
to study the brain and behaviour differences in the levels of a brain- maze, they found that germ-free mice
spent more time hanging out in
exposed areas than their bugged-up
Germ-free mice had greater amounts of peers. This suggested reduced levels
CROSS SECTION Confocal light micrograph of a section through a blood vessel in the
brain, showing the arrangement of cells that form the blood-brain barrier
suggests the gut microbiota might increase their anxious demeanour. young. If the same effect is observed
tinker with how the brain is wired for Nevertheless, the notion that in humans, it could imply a need for
anxiety. “We know what brain bugs can affect behaviour is pretty interventions in childhood and
regions are involved, and what’s mind-boggling. In one of the most pre-adolescence. Interestingly, the
interesting is those brain regions are astonishing studies, a team of composition of our own gut
changed in these manipulations of researchers transferred gut microbes microbiota is unstable until we reach
microbiota,” says Dr. Foster. from an anxious strain of mouse about three years of age. “It’s just
The interesting relationship into a germ-free mouse of a more developing, and that is also the same
between microbiota and behaviour, adventurous strain – and vice versa. period of life when the brain is
however, is far from simple. Changes The result? A behaviour transplant. developing,” states Professor Emeran
to levels of BDNF-encoding Mayer, a gastroenterologist at the
molecules appear to differ between Bugging out University of California, Los Angeles.
sexes. Meanwhile, a recent study Yet questions abound, especially Interventions in elderly people
using one strain of rat found that the regarding the significance of age. might also be important because our
animals actually appeared to behave Indeed, some studies suggest that gut bacteria levels naturally start to
in a more anxious way when they stress responses and anxiety levels in decline as we age. “The microbiota
didn’t have gut microbiota. Studies germ-free mice can only be altered by composition, diversity [and]
have also found that infecting mice colonisation with bacteria if such abundance kind of reverses back to
with populations of ‘bad’ bacteria can exposure occurs when the animals are the way it was in childhood,” says ´
Various bacteria
species might Small but mighty
influence mood Most bacteria are just a few micrometres
in length – smaller than red blood cells
in humans
Bacteria are typically made up of just
a single cell each, but these cells are
very different to those that make up
Prof. Mayer. “So again it’s quite the human body. Bacterial cells do not
possible that any manipulations or have a membrane-bound nucleus. And
besides chromosomal DNA, bacteria
any influence on brain function will
can have ‘extra’ little loops of DNA
be greater at that time.” called plasmids. They also lack
Exactly how the gut microbiota membrane-bound organelles such as
bring about changes to the brain and mitochondria – the ‘batteries’ of our
behaviour is far from clear-cut. “If I own cells – and nearly all bacteria
have a headache it could be because I cells possess a cell wall.
Some bacteria are able to
bumped my head, or it could be harness light energy, while others
because I am dehydrated. Those make use of chemical reactions
are two very different mechanisms involving organic or inorganic
where the readout is the same,” says compounds to fuel processes in the
Dr. Foster. “It is the same thing here.” cell. Bacterial cells are typically just a
few micrometres (µm) in length.
And the mechanisms are myriad.
Lactobacillus cells, for example, are
Among the mooted possibilities, gut around 3µm long. Our own cells,
bacteria – or the molecules they however, can vary in size quite widely.
produce – could directly or Red blood cells are typically 7µm in
indirectly interact with branches of diameter. And ova, the largest human
the vagus nerve in the gut. They cells, can reach 120µm – roughly the
width of a human hair.
could signal to the brain, affect
hormonal signalling routes, interact
with the immune system, or trigger
responses via pathways that include
Lactobacillus Red blood cell Human hair
neurons within the gut lining and the 3µm 7µm 120µm
vagus nerve. What’s more, just a few
months ago, researchers revealed that 1 µm = 1 micrometre = 1 millionth of a metre
the gut microbiota could affect the
permeability of the blood-brain
barrier. It’s a web of intrigue. the animals more chilled out [and] and Lactobacillus species might
changed the brain chemistry,” influence mood in humans as well as
Mood swings Prof. Cryan explains. “When we cut rodents. In one trial, healthy people
“There are so many different types of the vagus nerve this didn’t happen.” given a blend of such probiotics for 30
bacteria and they are all having very But complexities are never far away. days were found to fare better in
different effects on different aspects “Some of our colleagues in Canada questionnaires probing anxiety,
of physiology,” says Professor John have done similar studies with depression and stress than those who
Cryan from the University of Cork. different bacteria and showed that were given a placebo. But that doesn’t
In one study, scientists at it wasn’t dependent on the vagus,” mean we should be stocking our
McMaster University joined forces he adds. shelves with probiotics just yet. “For
with Cryan and his team to probe the It’s a problem worth probing. me, taking a probiotic is like saying
impact of the probiotic Lactobacillus While human studies are few and far I’ll take a drug,” says Prof. Cryan.
rhamnosus on healthy mice. “It between, there is a tantalising “You might take a statin for cardio-
dampened down anxiety and made suggestion that various Bifidobacteria vascular disease, but you wouldn’t ´
Gut feeling
Probiotics and prebiotics have alleged health benefits for us.
But what are the differences between them?
Prebiotics are substances that we through liquid drinks, yoghurts or ‘probiotics’ as the health claims
cannot digest, but are believed to tablets. Some of the most studied of such products have not been
promote ‘good’ bacteria in the gut. probiotics are of the genera approved, but manufacturers
Prebiotics occur naturally in some Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. are allowed to list the strain of
foods and include carbohydrates, The health benefits of probiotics bacteria included.
such as fructo-oligosaccharides, are specific to each strain and According to market researchers
galacto-oligosaccharides and inulin. different commercial products BCC Research, the global market
Probiotics are live microbes that contain different bacteria strains. for such products is expected to
are thought to bring a health Commercial products in the EU be worth around $36.7bn (£24bn)
benefit. They are often ingested are banned from using the label by 2018.
between mice and men, including the given a probiotic yoghurt, one a studies. They just seemed too
fact that the human brain boasts a probiotic-free dairy product and the outlandish – it seemed like it just
very different prefrontal cortex to that other nothing at all. The women’s didn’t fit into our paradigm of
of a rodent. This will affect the ways brains were scanned using functional brain-gut interactions.” But, he points
in which the gut microbiota may Magnetic Resonance Imaging out, there’s more to do. “It would be
function. “If your microbiota send (fMRI) at the start of the experiment, nice to repeat a study like the one we
a signal to lower lying brain areas, then again after four weeks of taking did, possibly in a population with
the mouse doesn’t have much to the intervention. The study found anxiety so that we can determine
compensate for that and it exhibits a that there were differences between [whether] these brain changes seen
with the probiotic are also correlated
with subjective changes in anxiety.”
“The probiotic group showed a decrease Just how big an influence microbes
have over our mood has yet to be
in the activity of brain regions involved in determined, but Prof. Cryan believes
we might be surprised. “It’s worth
emotion and sensation” considering that they are the master
puppeteers,” he says. ■
Microbes don’t just affect our mood (see page 26), they’re
also key to keeping us healthy. TOM IRELAND reveals a
surprising picture of the bugs found around the home, and
how each family has its own personal zoo of bacteria
uman beings are looking at how the bacteria that genetic diversity of microbes in each
increasingly seen by we (and those that we live with) environment – its ‘microbiome’ –
scientists as walking deposit around us interact with and compare how genetically
microbial the buildings we inhabit. similar bacteria were to those
ecosystems. Our Researchers from the Home found elsewhere.
bodies contain Microbiome Project recently assessed The bacterial flora of each
about three times as the microbial communities household was so unique that
many bacterial cells as human ones, associated with seven families and researchers were able to
and we each deposit a unique blend their homes over six weeks, accurately match individuals to
of bacterial cells everywhere we go. including three families that moved their dwellings – even when
Microbiologists are only just to a new house. They found that we their ‘home’ was in fact a
beginning to understand how the quickly spread our own ‘microbial hotel room they’d
trillions of organisms that live in and signature’ throughout the places we only recently
on our bodies affect our digestion, live. By sequencing the DNA of moved into. Not
immune response and behaviour. bacteria in the home, the researchers only did all the
An emerging area of study is were able to create a picture of the houses contain ´
very different bacteria from each cleaning, the more bacteria they microbially similar to each other than
other, the study also showed that deposit. The best thing they could do those not sharing a home. The hands
when families moved, their microbial to reduce the amount of microbes in of young couples and couples with
signature quickly re-established itself their homes is not be there, says Lax: children were especially similar,
in the new location. “When you think of what people’s thanks to regular physical contact.
The reason our bacteria dominate homes are made from, they are But there’s one area of the body
the places we live is simply because mostly relatively new materials that where we are each more individual
there are few other routes by which bacteria haven’t evolved to live and – the nose.
bacteria enter those buildings. thrive on. These homes would “The nose is a fairly stable
“Almost all of the bacteria in the normally have quite a low bacterial environment that may be more
home can be traced back to the biomass until someone comes in.” unique to each person,” says Lax.
inhabitants,” says Simon Lax, a “But for places like the hand, it really
graduate student in the Department It’s a family affair comes down to what you’ve been in
of Ecology and Evolution at the Who we live with and what we do contact with, what you do for a living,
University of Chicago, and co-author also plays a key role in determining who you’ve met, and whether you
of the study. “If you have humans which bacteria take up residence in live in the country or in the city.
constantly coming into a home, then our homes. The study found that It’s more of a lifestyle thing than
they are the most common source people sharing a home are more anything genetic.”
of bacteria.”
Some studies suggest people now
spend between 22 and 23 hours a day
indoors – and nearly 70 per cent of Obsessive cleaners might want to re-think
that time is spent in our homes. All
that time at home might make you
their strategy: the study suggests that the
want to clean up. But obsessive more people potter around the house
cleaners might want to re-think their
strategy – the study suggests that the cleaning, the more bacteria they deposit
more people potter around the house
Countertop sink
Stove Cutting
32% 45%
Percentage of
homes where
coliforms (faecal
bacteria) were
found on Dish
kitchen items sponge
more bacteria are in the human digestive
tract than there are cells in the human body
1.5ml of human saliva has 150 million bacteria – equivalent to
the amount found in one litre of Thames water
Coffee reservoir
aureus, the bacteria included Staphylococcus aureus,
Tennis ball/pet toy
Stove knobs
Toilet handle
1,000,000,000,000 80
As our understanding shifts from a future buildings can be built to sit back and relax in the knowledge
fear of all bacteria to recognising their encourage a healthy microbiome, or that it’s just you, your family, and a
role in ecosystems, our approach to species that absorb pollutants. trillion bacteria that seem to enjoy
tackling infection is likely to change. For Lax, the results of his study your company in particular.
Attempts to simply wipe bacteria have opened his eyes to the unseen It’s true what they say – there
away seem increasingly futile. Indeed, microbial mark humans make really is no place like home. ■ ´
A cure for all ills
Our ability to run, ride, swim, and play sport offers us a
wealth of health benefits. ROB KEMP looks at how it can
combat many physical and psychological ailments
erhaps the best immunity to illness are just some to. As a result, rest and
advertisement for the of the conditions from which recovery are as vital to
natural ‘cures’ science says a regular workout can ensuring exercise is effective
exercise can provide save us. in the long term. Always
comes in the shape of As an increasingly convenience- seek out expert advice or
the warnings we get focused, sedentary lifestyle becomes talk with your doctor.”
if we abstain from the norm for too many, the need to The key is to get the right
regularly breaking into a fitness- get active has never been greater. balance – pushing your body
focused sweat. But Professor John Brewer, Head to achieve the best results from
Depression, obesity, lethargy, heart of the School of Sport, Health and the natural benefits exercise has to
disease, insomnia, dangerously high Applied Science at St Mary’s offer, while also giving it time
levels of fat around the internal University in London, warns: to recover.
organs, impotence, breathing “Listen to your body. Exercise is So what exactly will exercise do to
difficulties, poor concentration, about adaptation, you put your body cure your ills? And how? Find out on
low self-esteem and a weakened through stresses that it has to adjust the next few pages... ´
Beyond the positive influence release of natural opiates. “The numb pain, like opoids such as
exercise has upon the body’s ‘runner’s high’ as we now know it morphine or codeine,” adds Dr.
strength, fat reduction and overall stems from the creation in the body Herbert. As a result, exercise
function, exercise can trigger a of endorphins, designed to ease and the release of endorphin
series of chemical reactions that pain in the body.” substances, such as
influence the body’s hormonal Although the ‘sweet spot’ for endocannabinoids, may contribute
response and boost the brain in endorphin release is commonly said to pain relief and relaxation.
many ways. to be a comfortable-to-hard effort And for those of you who are
“One of the most widely run, Herbert points out that many reading this in bed and not feeling
acknowledged benefits is the forms of exercise can trigger the sleepy, the next time you’re
‘runner’s high’,” explains Dr. Peter ‘high’. Research from Oxford struggling to get a decent night’s
Herbert, a physiologist at the University even found that simply sleep, it’s worth knowing that
University of Wales Trinity exercising in groups raised the donning your running shoes can
Saint David. Back in the 1990s, release of endorphins quicker for make a huge difference. A number
researchers began to identify links some than exercising alone. of studies confirm that sleep quality
between exercise and feelings of “These endorphins are opoid for insomniacs can be made a
euphoria that stem from the neuropeptides – chemicals which whole lot better with more exercise.
As the body adapts to the demands developing the capillaries, easing contributor to cutting cardiovascular
exercise puts upon it, other health constrictions in peripheral disease, which is one of the leading
remedies become apparent. circulation, and reducing the causes of death in the UK.
Hypertension, or high blood pressure,” says Professor John Getting at least 150 minutes a
pressure issues, can be combated Brewer, Head of the School of week of moderate-intensity aerobic
through exercise. “Aerobic activity, Sport, Health and Applied Science activity can lower your risk of heart
even at moderate levels through at St. Mary’s University in London. disease, reports the American Heart
regular walking, has been shown to It’s just one example of how Association – while also improving
trigger vascular adaptations, exercise can be a significant your cholesterol levels.
Keep it up
Sexual function, and problems such as impotence,
may be given a helping hand by regular workouts
Combat disease
Exercise can help in the fight against cancer and diabetes
Running, walking, cycling or Exercising at a moderate intensity impact it can have on reducing
playing an active role in team for 120 to 150 minutes a week has colon cancer in men and women
sports can provide a natural been shown to reduce these risk may be as high as 25 per cent.
medicine to ward off type 2 factors in a series of studies. Although studies continue,
diabetes and metabolic syndrome Research also reveals how there’s some suggestion that a
– a condition with symptoms that exercise is becoming key to person’s risk of endometrial cancer
may include too much fat around reducing the risk of some cancers. and lung cancer may be lower if
the waist, high blood pressure, low Regular physical activity was found they get regular physical activity
HDL (good) cholesterol, high to reduce the risk of breast cancer when compared to people who are
triglycerides or high blood sugar. in women by 12 per cent, while the not active.
One of the most apparent remedies done regularly enough – was as levels you need to create a calorie
exercise can bring is around weight good as gym training for those deficit – burning more calories
loss and weight management. looking to lose or maintain their than you consume. To burn off
A whole host of research, weight. Interestingly, a study of 2lbs of fat costs around 8,000-
including studies from the Journal 50,000 patients between 1999 and 9,000 calories.”
of Applied Physiology, highlight how 2012 found that those who walked Running a marathon will only
a combination of aerobic exercise regularly had lower body mass hit around a third of that figure.
and resistance training (using indexes (BMIs) than patients who By creating a daily deficit of 500
weights, machines or bodyweight took part in high-intensity exercise. calories, through heart-rate raising
to train muscles) can have a Although the results aren’t and exercise and controlling your
positive impact on fat levels and shouldn’t be immediate, regular calorie intake, you can make
waist circumference among exercise in conjunction with a serious in-roads into your body
overweight subjects. Resistance managed, balanced diet has been fat percentages.
training has been shown to shown to be the safest, more Researchers from the
contribute to the development of effective means of shedding fat University of Western Australia
muscle mass, changes in body and keeping it off. have also found that running
composition and fat reduction. “The body fuels exercise with contributed to weight control
Just moderate intensity aerobic energy drawn from within – from by regulating appetite. Runners
activity, such as walking, can make blood sugars and body fat,” performing interval sessions in
serious in-roads into weight loss, explains Professor John Brewer, a trial reported fewer cravings
too. In one of the most recently Head of the School of Sport, Health for snacks as a result of the
published studies, from the London and Applied Science at St. Mary’s exercise regime curtailing the
School of Economics, researchers University in London. “In order to production of ghrelin, nicknamed
found that brisk walking – when lose weight and reduce body fat the ‘hunger hormone’.
performance. Lower doses and purple pigments which including iron, zinc and when protein intakes are
of caffeine (about 200mg have potent antioxidant energy-yielding B-vitamins. inadequate. High-quality
or <3mg per kg body mass) properties. Drinking cherry Female endurance runners protein, such as that found
are thought to help juice, which contains these in particular are vulnerable in fish or red meat, can
improve alertness, mood components, may help to to iron deficiencies, and so help to maintain muscle
and concentration during reduce inflammation and should try to include lean size and strength,
and after exercise, with few ease muscle soreness red meat regularly within particularly when combined
if any adverse side effects. after exercise. their diets. with resistance training. ■
ust imagine pushing an
object the size of a interventions, such as an epidural
watermelon through Ethel Burns, Senior Lecturer in Midwifery at Oxford Brookes University
the most sensitive part
of your body. Labour
could take hours, even
days. Sound terrifying? pregnant women are treated with and other positions at prenatal yoga
For many women – and their partners white gloves, so they go into labour classes. This ancient practice has been
– the anticipation of childbirth can thinking they’re fragile and not shown to have a number of health
be scary. This fear can make the appreciating how strong they can be.” benefits (see page 80), and a recent
experience more painful by Most practitioners who teach study by Japanese researchers found
enhancing anxiety and muscle ‘alternative’ methods to overcome that prenatal yoga can help expectant
tension. It’s a complex interaction labour pain, which don’t involve mothers – reducing pelvic pain
between the mind and body during epidurals or other drugs, advocate during birth by preparing the
an incredibly intense experience. finding ways to quell adrenaline and abdominal muscles for labour.
“In mainstream medical fear with a variety of tactics. From Of course, once it gets to the actual
treatment, pregnant women tend to hypnobirth to birthing pools, they birth, muscle control becomes key. As
have quick check ups that examine are increasingly popular, and a far cry labour kicks in, contracting certain
the physical state of them and their from women simply lying flat on their muscles while relaxing others is a
baby, but don’t usually prepare them backs in front of doctors wielding delicate tango between exertion and
for the actual event – physically and forceps. But do they work? agony. Studies show pain is reduced
mentally,” says Emily Koehler, a during labour if a doula or birth
so-called ‘doula’, who gives support Ancient practices partner massages the perineum (the
and advice to women during Many mums-in-waiting prepare for region between the thighs and the
pregnancy and birth. “Traditionally, battle by striking the warrior pose, pelvic diaphragm) or carries out
acupressure, as shown by research
published in the journal Acta
Obstetricia et Gynecologica. But,
others recommend more exotic
techniques to limber yourself (and
your baby) into the right position.
“One of my favourite tools is the
‘rebozo’,” says Nici Shipway, a mother
and doula based in Toronto, Canada.
This traditional South American
shawl can be wrapped around the
mother’s belly to help open the
hips, and give a relaxing cradling
movement. “It’s not only soothing for
the mum, it helps move the baby into
the right position.”
Hot water
Riding out contractions – or giving
birth entirely – in a shallow, warm
pool is increasingly popular.
mums the psychological familiarity have shown that water births require newborn babies, due to faecal matter
adds to the soothing qualities of the less pharmacological relief, cause less spilling into the pool, but studies of
warm water, while the buoyancy tearing of the perineum, and provide water birth (at least, in developed
helps with back and muscle pain. greater maternal satisfaction and countries) found no evidence of
“In the UK, birthing pool use a higher chance of spontaneous increased rates of infection. An
during labour is now a mainstream birth. This has been proven – not Italian study, published in 2014,
practice,” says Ethel Burns, Senior only by Burns’ own study of almost which looked at the experiences of
Lecturer in Midwifery at Oxford 8,000 women, which was published more than 2,600 women found “clear
Brookes University, where water in the journal Birth in 2012 – but also medical advantages”, including
births are a standard treatment in a study of more than 31,000 “significantly shorter labour duration,
available in the NHS. “There is women from several countries, a net reduction in episiotomy rates;
research to suggest that water birth published in the Journal of Midwifery and a marked drop in requests for
might facilitate women to have a and Women’s Health in 2014, pain relievers.”
birth without interventions, such as which found the potential risks to But, inevitably, there are
Mind control
Another one of the most popular new
treatments to ease pain is the widely-
hyped ‘hypnobirthing’. Often termed
‘self-hypnosis’, the technique involves
a mixture of breathing exercises,
visualisations and meditative
practices to calm the body, and break
the ‘fear-tension-pain’ cycle. In other
words, mind over matter – if the
mind can create anxiety, and anxiety
can create pain, quelling mental noise
can reduce pain.
Proponents of hypnobirthing RELAX AND BREATHE
claim that not only can it reduce pain A group learns hypnobirthing
techniques in preparation for labour
and the use of pain-quenching
epidurals, it can also shorten the
duration of labour. understanding of how the body and bypass their fears and biologies with
“It’s about getting the mind out of hormones work, and how to use the generic hypnobirthing
the way, so that the body can do what mental and physical tactics to reduce programme,” says Toronto-based
it was designed to do,” says Kate your own pain, can give you an Tanya Pillay, a certified hypnotist,
Johnson, who is based in the UK, and enormous amount of confidence, who signed up for hypnobirthing for
trained to become a professional which in itself will help make the her own pregnancy five years ago.
hypnobirth therapist after using the experience more positive.” “While I appreciate the impetus to
technique during the birth of her first Many women have found that radically modify the mind, it’s a lot to
child. While Johnson never tells her hypnobirthing dramatically helped ask an expectant mother not to use
clients that hypnobirthing guarantees with the pain. But many others report the words ‘pain’ or ‘contraction’.
a pain-free labour, she feels the that the technique ceases to work in Referring to the sensations as
training and knowledge will the final throes of labour. ‘discomfort’ and ‘surges’ just wasn’t
invariably help. “Having a greater “Not every woman is able to realistic for me.”
As with all new birthing
techniques, some sing the praises of
Mind over matter: if the mind can create hypnobirthing, while others feel the
hype is overblown. So what does the
anxiety, and anxiety can create pain, science say?
in Midwifery Studies at the ‘regression to the mean’ – things even programme for pregnancy, I would
University of Central Lancashire. out to the middle and you don’t see a teach a birth partner how to be a
“But there definitely is physiological huge effect at the big scale.” hypnotist for the mother, with a
evidence that hypnotherapy works.” customised series of hypnosis sessions
Last year, Prof. Downe published What’s in a name to address the mother’s personal
the second largest randomised Most practitioners and researchers fears, beliefs, values and preferences
controlled trial of first-time mothers would agree – part of the problem in when applying metaphors and
taught self-hypnosis or another popular misunderstandings of the relaxation techniques.”
standard therapy. The results, therapy lie not in the technique, but Which gets to the heart of all birth
published in the British Journal of in the name. Hypnobirthing is not a therapies – figuring out what works
Obstetrics and Gynaecology, showed form of ‘hypnosis’ as most of us for the individual and customising all
that of the 680 women involved in would understand the term – nobody the tactics for each mother.
the trial, those given hypnobirthing snaps their fingers and puts you into “Of all the therapies, the one we
training requested an epidural 27.9 an otherworldly trance. Some think have the strongest evidence for is the
per cent of the time, compared to it should be called ‘meditative birth’, continuity of the relationship the
30.3 per cent of the control group but even that label doesn’t quite mother has with their caregiver,” says
– not a huge difference. hit the mark. Prof. Downe.
“For some women, hypnobirthing For her part, Pillay thinks that In other words: massages, mantras,
absolutely does work, but not for there should be a genuine form of mind control – it can all help, but in
others,” says Prof. Downe. “So in big hypnotic therapy for birth pain. “If this most primal of acts, it’s the
population-based studies, you see a I were to write my own hypnosis human contact that is key. ■
Over half of us now face the crucible of urban commutes,
increased working hours and less job satisfaction. With things
only set to become more stressful, ALEX HARRIS explains
how it’s time to take matters into our own hands
avoid. In chronic amounts, it flattens so-called cures, of which you To the men and women in white
your mental faculties and increases have probably seen, and indeed coats, these are objectively the
inflammation. Around 44 per cent of tried, many. In fact, the medical best cures. ´
2 Listen to some
aural medicine
Stress can be a killer, but rock music can keep you
off the stairway to heaven. In a recent study into
the mental effects of head bangers, scientists at
the University of Queensland, Australia, discovered
that, contrary to accepted wisdom, heavy
metal music can help you regulate
emotions, such as anger and
sadness. You don’t have
to go full emo – a
10-minute session
is all it takes to
get back out
1 Get a pet
If work stress has you chewing the carpet, fret
not – Fido has your back. Coming home to a faithful pet
can de-stress you, curb blood pressure, and encourage
the release of feel-good hormones, such as dopamine.
of black.
3 Take a hike
You don’t need scientists to tell you that taking
a walk in nature can help boost your mood and reduce
negative feelings. But scientists at the University of
Michigan, in the US, decided to prove it anyway. Their
follow-up research was more interesting. They found
that even looking at a picture of nature, or some trees
or plants, can reduce cortisol and improve your mood,
even more than a walk in an urban area. Google
Images just became your new RX.
8 Enjoy a cup
of coffee
If you prefer your hot drinks black
with a crema floating on top, then
don’t change your habit just yet.
Coffee could be a stress reliever.
While an excess of caffeine will give
you the jitters, an international
team of researchers found that
mice exposed to a certain amount
of caffeine prevented adenosine
receptors in the brain from reacting
to stressful situations. So, if this
also works for humans, your arabica
could help combat stress during a
tough day.
10 Laugh it off
Perhaps you’re a highbrow satire fan or
maybe you just appreciate seeing someone fall over on
YouTube. Either way, that fit of laughter will fortify your
brain against stress. In the short term, it activates your
11 Get creative
Perhaps you approach those mindfulness
colouring books with a drop of scepticism, but you can’t
argue with the recent findings of a San Francisco
University study. The researchers found that, mindfulness
aside, engaging in a creative pursuit out of work allows
you to better deal with challenging times while actually
improving your performance when back in the work-
place. Pick up the guitar or dig out your paint brushes
– it’s all beneficial to your brain.
13 Help others
Despite the fact that we’re focusing on
looking after number one here, it pays to take others
into consideration. That’s according to a study
published in Clinical Psychological Science, a journal
of the Association for Psychological Science, which
found that providing help to others – friends,
acquaintances or even strangers – protects your
mental health against the impact of daily stress.
Something as trivial as holding open a door for a
colleague can keep work pressure from getting in.
14 Have a glass
of milk
Calcium has long been the friend of
the health conscious. But it’s good for
more than your bones. A study in the
Archives of Internal Medicine
discovered that milk is particularly
good for women who suffer from
stressful PMS symptoms. In
fact, those who drank four
servings a day saw their risk
of pre-period misery
plummet by almost half.
We’ll drink to that.
15 Do the washing up
Tough day at work? It’s your turn to do the
washing up. Extra chores might feel like self-flagellation
after an onerous 9-5 at the office, but in fact the
opposite is true. Florida State University scientists did
a load of extra dishes (we’re sure their partners were
pleased) to determine whether the contemplative and
uniquely tactile moment yielded any brain benefits. It
turns out that getting up to your elbows in bubbles calms
the mind and reduces stress hormones. It’s also likely to
induce boredom and a longing for Netflix, if you ask us.
17 Find a bro
Depression and stress are so often
uttered in the same sentence. And yet, while the
former is wont to make you more insular and
reclusive, the latter is actually totally different and
might make you more social. A surprising study by
German researchers found that stressed men in
particular are more likely to seek out social
20 Give a hug
We’re going to get all mushy for this last
tip. It’s accepted science that getting physical with a
regular hug from a loved one releases oxytocin, which is
why it’s known as the hug hormone. But there’s another
biochemical argument for wrapping yourself around your
housemate after a terrible day, which comes in the form
of anandamide. This one is known as the bliss molecule
on account of its link to happiness, and the fact that its
release feels similar to the effects of smoking cannabis,
according to University of California Irvine scientists.
That’s a high we can get behind. ■
The sweet wormwood
plant, Artemisia annua,
used to make anti-
n a coral atoll in the malarial drugs
South China Sea,
300 miles off the
coast of Borneo,
I prepare for a
distinctly unusual
scuba dive. Among
my equipment are plastic bags, thick
rubber gloves and a large chisel –
not things I normally need while I’m
diving, but essential for what I’m
about to do.
I drift downwards through water
so clear it feels as if I’m flying. The
coral reef stretches out below me like
a flourishing garden, every centimetre
packed with life. Nearing the bottom
I prepare myself to shake off a deeply
ingrained instinct: look but don’t
touch. It’s a rule I usually stick to, not
only to avoid upsetting the fragile
wildlife, but also for my own sake.
Plenty of things on a coral reef
will bite or more likely sting me.
To survive in such crowded
neighbourhoods, reef creatures have
evolved many means of attack and
defence, often involving potent
chemical warfare. It’s one of the
chief reasons why these bustling
ecosystems are a focus for so-called
Many important Western medicines have
For several decades scientists have their origins in the natural world, such as
been searching reefs for novel
molecules that could form the basis aspirin from willow tree bark
for new medicines. The first step in
the process, and my task on this dive,
is to gather samples.
Bristol University. He’s one of many from Nature is an idea grounded in
Inspired by Nature scientists tapping into the treasure centuries-old traditional remedies
From fungi that grow in the fur of trove of complex compounds that made from plants and animals, and
three-toed sloths to a sea snail’s have been evolving in the wild for it’s been an immensely successful
sleep-inducing sting, mud from deep millions of years. Known as natural approach. Many important Western
ocean trenches to a Gila monster’s products, these can be almost medicines have their origins in the
drool, there’s no saying where the anything with the potential to natural world – aspirin from willow
drugs of the future might come from provide antibacterial, antiviral, tree bark, the chemotherapy drug
– all are distinct possibilities. anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer or Taxol from Pacific yew tree bark, and
“Nature is the greatest chemist,” any number of other health benefits. cholesterol-lowering statins from
says Dr. Paul Race, a biochemist from Seeking medicinal inspiration strains of soil-borne fungi.
that unless new medications are leader at PharmaSea, an international South Africa. “We’re trying to figure
developed, and soon, the annual research team hunting for new out which are the high value ones,”
death toll from untreatable infections antibiotics in the seas, in particular says Prof. Jaspars. “The ones that are
could rise to 10 million people from deep oceanic trenches. actually doing interesting things.”
worldwide by 2050 – more deaths Getting hold of microbe samples Routine screening involves taking ´
Deadly cone
snails under threat purified extracts from lab-grown
bacteria and testing them against a
suite of pathogens. Prof. Jaspars’ team
The lethal creatures were once milked for their venom are also conducting trials for any
likely effects against diseases of the
Collecting mud samples from demand for these little animals central nervous system, such as
the deep sea or removing a few has soared. Research laboratories epilepsy. “We’re finding things that
sponges from a reef has minimal around the world became
environmental impact, but desperate to get their hands on are looking very promising,” he says.
bio-prospecting can sometimes cone snail venom ducts, the fleshy
lead to problems in the tubes that secrete conotoxins, and A new way to grow bugs
natural world. for a time the only place to find In the chase to find novel microbial
For centuries, tropical cone them was the wild. molecules, researchers face a major
snails have been renowned as Precisely how many cone snails
stumbling block – even though the
some of the deadliest animals were taken from coral reefs
in the sea, capable of killing worldwide isn’t known, but the natural world is teeming with
people by impaling them with number was undoubtedly microbes, only around one per cent
tiny, toxin-laden teeth. In the enormous. Laboratories reported will actually grow in laboratory
1980s, researchers traced the buying venom ducts by the pound, conditions. And if you can’t grow it in
snails’ deadly power to potent each consignment taken from at the lab, it becomes very difficult to
molecules in their spit, now least 10,000 snails.
known as conotoxins. Fortunately for cone snails study it. The standard approach is to
Further research revealed that alternatives were found. First, take samples of soil, deep sea mud or
each cone snail species makes cone snails were kept alive in blended sea sponge, separate out the
hundreds of different conotoxins, laboratories and milked for their bacteria and culture them on Petri
each having a highly specific venom, originally by persuading dishes. Roughly one in a hundred
effect on nerve cells, blocking or them to attack inflated condoms.
bacterial strains will survive in the
jamming open signals between More recently, molecular advances
them. This makes conotoxins mean that synthetic conotoxins lab, the rest perish outside their
immensely useful tools for medical can now easily be made, and wild natural environment. Until, that is, a
and neurological research, and as cone snail venom is no longer the new device came along that is helping
powerful drugs. Consequently, hot commodity it once was. to remove this hurdle by convincing
bacteria they’re still in the wild.
The Isolation Chip, or iChip, is a
small, plastic block pitted with
hundreds of tiny wells. To set one up
all you need to do is take a spoonful
of soil or mud, dilute it with water,
and pour the mixture into the iChip.
Professors Slava Epstein and Kim This new antibiotic works by can find.
Lewis, hit the news headlines in 2015 attacking bacterial cell walls in a way It’s not yet a hundred years since
when they announced their discovery never seen before, and which bacteria Alexander Fleming made the
of a brand new antibiotic. may find very difficult to overcome. revolutionary discovery that a patch
Teixobactin is made by a strain of Within the confines of the lab, the of mould could kill bacteria. Since
bacteria found in a soil sample from a Northeastern researchers did all they then, many more antibiotics have
field in Maine. It’s just one of many could to encourage bacteria to been found, and many of them used
thousands of bacterial compounds develop resistance to teixobactin, but and overused until they no longer
newly isolated in iChips, and it’s they failed. work against virulent, resistant strains
showing huge potential for the future “At this stage there appears to be of bacteria. The search for new, more
of antibiotics. Anthrax, tuberculosis no route to resistance,” says Dr. Race, effective medicines has never been
and the notorious superbug MRSA of the new finding. more urgent. And even though there
have all succumbed to teixobactin in Time will tell whether teixobactin are now technologies and powerful
lab tests. makes it to market. In the meantime, research tools that Fleming would
Even more promising is the Epstein, Lewis and colleagues will never have dreamt of, researchers are
discovery that it could help combat continue dipping their iChips into still returning to the natural world
for inspiration.
Back on the reef, my dive
computer tells me that my collecting
An illustration of the
ground-breaking new
time is up. I slowly swim to the
antibiotic teixobactin surface and pass into the boat my
(yellow) causing a plastic sample bags, filled with blobs
bacterium to rupture
of shapeless goo. On deck, we empty
the bags into plastic trays and
meticulously label and document
each specimen. Then we parcel them
up, ready to freight to laboratories
where the task of hunting for useful
substances, and maybe even new
medicines, will begin. ■
QA &
Expert advice on natural ways to stay
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1. Liver
Iron in 100g: 23mg
264% men’s RDA;
155% women’s RDA
2. Dark chocolate
Iron in 100g: 17mg
195% men’s RDA;
114% women’s RDA
3. Pumpkin seeds
Iron in 100g: 15mg
172% men’s RDA;
101% women’s RDA
4. Oysters
Iron in 100g: 9.2mg
106% men’s RDA;
62% women’s RDA
5. Cashew nuts
Iron in 100g: 6.1mg
70% men’s RDA;
41% women’s RDA
6. Beef
Iron in 100g: 3.8mg
43% men’s RDA;
26% women’s RDA
light and noise, must be caused One rare inherited type called 9. Tofu
by abnormal brain activity. But familial hemiplegic migraine is Iron in 100g: 2.7mg
31% men’s RDA;
we just don’t know what kind or caused by four specific gene 18% women’s RDA
whether there are many mutations. More common types
different causes. are also associated with many
Hormonal fluctuations, different genes that affect brain 10. Quinoa
especially in oestrogen, can function. The simplest answer Iron in 100g: 1.5mg
17% men’s RDA;
trigger migraines. So some lies in the family. Up to 90 per 10% women’s RDA
women suffer more during cent of sufferers have a family
menstruation, pregnancy or history of migraines.
and muscle
weakness, it isn’t
normally fatal.
Molecular model
of Vitamin E with
Vitamin E capsules
Six tricks to
help avoid jet lag
Travelling long-haul this
summer? These simple steps
can help you to beat the pain…
Choose the right trip
If you like staying up late, it
could be a sign your body
clock runs slower than
average. People like this
find it easier to fly west,
but much harder to fly east.
Prepare yourself
If you can, shift your sleep
patterns before you fly. If
you’re flying east, going to
bed and getting up a few
hours earlier the week
before will reduce the
difference when you arrive.
Keep drinking
Dehydration doesn’t help,
so drink plenty of water
and stay off the coffee.
The air on a plane is
drier than on land, so
you’ll probably need to
drink more than you
Is mindfulness good for you?
usually would.
Generally, yes, but not always and groups and few have looked
Catch some rays not for everyone. Derived from seriously at negative effects. Being
Daylight helps you adjust, Buddhist teachings, mindfulness mindful is extremely hard at first
so go for a walk outside means paying steady attention to — trying to clear your mind means
when you arrive. If it’s the present moment without letting facing up to all those unwanted
night-time, avoid using your mind wander into fantasies, thoughts and fears. This can be
laptops and phones —
fears or planning (see page 109). painful and disturbing, so some
these give off light that
You can practise mindfulness in people feel a lot worse before
confuses your body.
meditation or in the midst of finding the benefits of a calmer
Time capsules
ordinary life. The Mindfulness- mind. Stress hormones can
Melatonin tablets are Based Stress Reduction increase even when people say
proven to help with trips programme claims to decrease they feel more relaxed, and
east if they’re taken at the anxiety and depression, and psychiatrists have warned of
right time, a few hours increase concentration and troubling side-effects, including a
wellbeing, with remarkable results changing sense of self, and floods
Do we still get
vitamin D from
sunshine when we
sit behind glass?
No. Ordinary window glass is only transparent
to wavelengths of light longer than 330
nanometres. But to synthesise vitamin D, we
need UVB wavelengths between 270 and
The health benefits of yoga and tai chi
The truth behind this ancient practice
+ Sorting fact from fiction in
which work (and the ones that don’t)
+ The impressive benefits of
Ancient practices, like yoga and tai chi, have been around
for centuries in the East. But following the cultural swing in
the ‘60s, they’re now also mainstream in the West.
ZOE CORMIER investigates their potential health benefits
hances are you pass
at least one yoga
studio on your way
to work. Where once
you laughed at the
slightly bizarre-
sounding term
‘downward dog’, it’s now likely to be
part of your everyday urban
dictionary. Indeed, yoga is booming.
And devotees claim that daily practise
not only helps them stay healthy – it
also keeps them sane.
“These are more than mere
health-care practices – they’re often
tied to an entire world view, and once
something becomes part of your
identity package, it becomes hard to
dispassionately address it,” says
Professor Timothy Caulfield,
Research Chair in Health Law and
Policy at the University of Alberta,
Canada, and author of The Cure for
Everything: Untangling the Twisted
Messages about Health, Fitness and
Happiness. “A massive industry has
built up around these practices –
there’s a huge amount of marketing
and advertising behind them.”
But does that mean there are no people find emotionally appealing.” reducing pain, improving memory,
benefits? Of course not, he says. But Nonetheless, a cursory browse treating arthritis, alleviating
the likes of yoga and other Eastern through scientific journals will depression, fine-tuning balance,
physical disciplines are on a par with uncover thousands of studies that treating insomnia, and helping with
the benefits from any other form of purport to show real, measurable dozens of chronic health conditions
light exercise or focused relaxation. biological benefits. from COPD to type 2 diabetes to the
“There’s nothing special or magical side effects of chemotherapy.
about tai chi or yoga. The muscles in The Red Dragon rises One of the biggest problems with
your body don’t know if you’re doing Take the case of tai chi. This Chinese all research that purports to show the
downward dog or bench presses. It’s martial art involves slow but precise benefits of complementary medicine,
just that there are underlying movements. Studies claim this gentle says Professor Michael Irwin, MD, of
philosophies to these disciplines that exercise has all sorts of benefits: the University of California, Los
Angeles Collaborative Centers for
Integrative Medicine, is that they
‘Yogis’ had more grey matter in a part of measure the influence of a treatment
– say, mindfulness – without
the brain called the ‘insular cortex’, which comparing it to the influence of a
This yoga posture is
also known as
Virabhadrasana II
imaging showed measurable several different activities that are components of yoga. Both appear
differences in a number of brain healthy for you,” says Dr. Bushnell. to have a significant effect (see page
regions, which the team say could Moreover, yoga may just work 106), but how do they work in
explain why the grey matter of yogis particularly well because of the combination? As the effects are
declines more slowly than their routine and structure that is built difficult to tease out, scientists are
contemporaries. “Yoga seems to offer into the practice – just as the not quite sure yet.
a protective effect as we age,” says discipline required for chess or What is clear is that yoga can be
Dr. Bushnell. Impressive and detailed Sudoku may help with someone’s good for you. So should everybody
as the analysis is, could it just be as mental dexterity. take it up, as the Prime Minister of
Professor Caulfield suggests – the India has repeatedly proclaimed?
product of exercise, maybe with some Mind and matter Not necessarily.
relaxation thrown in? One interesting question to come out If you have limited mobility, due
“Prof. Caulfield is absolutely right of Bushnell’s neuroimaging work is to arthritis or some other health
– there’s nothing special about yoga. the relative contributions of the condition, attempting to perform
It’s just that the practice combines meditative and the physical complex positions can be painful,
The relaxed Sukhasana
pose allows yoga
practioners to meditate
conducted an internet survey of 70 complicated: when asked if yoga ever of the human condition has shown
yoga practitioners who met all the had a negative impact on their bipolar – diversity is the norm, and
formal diagnostic criteria for bipolar symptoms, nine per cent said yes. exception is the rule. ■
UnravelledMillions of people around the world use acupuncture for a
whole range of conditions. But does science support the
practice? Is it really worth turning your body into a pin
cushion? EDZARD ERNST investigates
f all the alternative picture does not become much totality of the available evidence, and
therapies, clearer: for every trial suggesting that this is best done by conducting what
acupuncture is acupuncture works for this or that is called a ‘systematic review’.
perhaps the best condition, there is at least one further Most experts agree that, among
known. Almost study showing the exact opposite. systematic reviews, so-called
everyone seems to Cochrane Reviews are second to none
have heard that it is In search of evidence – they are regularly updated to the
ancient, comes from China and In such a situation it is tempting to highest standards by independent
involves sticking needles into special select those results that seem to experts in a transparent fashion.
points along lines called ‘meridians’. confirm our preconceived ideas and Today, numerous Cochrane Reviews
But does it work? The answer to this discretely forget about the rest. are available, summarising the
question depends on who you ask. However, cherry-picking is a evidence for acupuncture as a
Sure it works, say the sceptics – it’s hallmark of pseudoscience of which treatment of specific conditions (see
a powerful placebo (see right), but it acupuncture, like all alternative ‘What the science says’ on page 90).
has no effects beyond that. By medicine, has more than its fair share. What’s evident from these
contrast, some physicians claim that If we are interested in the truth, we publications is fairly obvious –
it is helpful for a limited range of must always critically evaluate the acupuncture has been studied for a ´
conditions, yet admit that the effect is
far from impressive. And an
acupuncturist might explain that his
therapy would not have survived
thousands of years, if it were not
effective – it re-balances the body’s
life-energy and therefore works for
any condition that afflicts humans.
Yes, the realm of acupuncture is
rife with opinions and fallacies – and
short on certainties. The popular
argument that any treatment which
has ‘stood the test of time’ must also
be good, for instance, is a classic
fallacy that regularly misleads many
of us. If we want to know the truth,
we better look for some real evidence
– and, in medicine, that means results
of clinical trials.
Thousands of such studies are
currently available. At first sight, this
seems like good news, but oddly it is
yet another source of confusion – An old Chinese traditional
medicine book that dates
the vast majority of these trials are of from the Qing Dynasty
such poor quality that they tell us
next to nothing. Moreover, several
investigations have demonstrated that
virtually all studies originating from
If we want to know the truth, we better look
China arrive at positive conclusions for some real evidence – and, in medicine,
– their reliability is thus less than
encouraging. Even if we only assess that means results of clinical trials
the seemingly rigorous studies, the
The mind is a powerful tool. It plays effects of a compassionate and thus benefit patients. So,
a crucial role in the placebo effect consultation with a healthcare clinicians often try to maximise
– the beneficial physical effect professional, and the fact that them. As all therapeutic
experienced by a person when they humans change when being interventions are associated
undergo an inert treatment. For observed (the Hawthorne Effect). with placebo effects, they don’t
example, if someone takes a pill Placebo effects are non-specific necessarily need to administer
that they think will help alleviate effects, and are the result of placebos for that to happen.
pain, but it’s just an inert sugar pill unconscious conditioning and If a patient’s symptoms are
containing no active substance, conscious expectation. Neuro- improved after the administration
yet they start to feel better, the imaging, and other studies, have of a therapy, one tends to assume
placebo effect has been at work. found that people experience the that this is the result of the
Every time a person is treated, placebo response due to a release treatment. However, because
they experience two main effects: of certain neurotransmitters. the therapeutic response is
the specific effect of the treatment, Non-specific effects can distort normally not just the result of
and a range of non-specific effects. the results of clinical trials, and the therapy, but also due to a
The latter are largely unrelated to therefore investigators try to multitude of phenomena, this is
the actual treatment – like the minimise them in research. In not necessarily true. Patients
fact that most conditions get clinical practice, placebo effects improve even with ineffective or
better even without treatment, the can positively impact the outcome, mildly harmful treatments.
What the
science says wide range of conditions, and
critical assessments of the findings
therapies that are effective beyond
placebo. According to the best
rarely, if ever, generate a convincingly evidence available, acupuncture does
Conclusions from the 10 positive verdict. not fall into this category.
most recent Cochrane The slightly paradoxical thing is,
Reviews on acupuncture How could it work? we do not need placebo therapies for
Given that we cannot be sure whether generating placebo effects – giving
“Acupuncture could be a valuable acupuncture works, it seems almost effective treatments with compassion
non-pharmacological tool...” futile to ask “how does it work?” Yet and empathy also generates placebo
[tension-type headache]. it is only fair to mention that several effects, which is an almost inevitable
“Acupuncture without electrical theories as to acupuncture’s mode of bonus to any intervention. In other
stimulation probably does not action have been formulated. words, the placebo effect is no
reduce pain or improve fatigue, Traditional acupuncturists tend to justification for employing these
overall well-being or sleep” adhere to the old Chinese myth that treatments – otherwise we open the
[fibromyalgia]. acupuncture works by re-balancing door to all sorts of quackery to the
“The current evidence is not our life-forces when they have detriment of effective healthcare.
sufficiently rigorous...” [insomnia]. become unbalanced. Western
acupuncturists, by contrast, are keen The trump card
“Acupuncture may reduce on suggestions that acupuncture Time to play the last trump card in
period pain.”
affects neurophysiological pathways, the hands of acupuncture fans –
“We found insufficient evidence for instance, by increasing the level of safety. At least, our treatment cannot
to recommend the use of endorphins in the brain. Sceptics cause any harm, they claim. Yet
acupuncture for people would, however, insist that these again, sceptics are not impressed by
with depression.” notions are mere theories. The this argument and stress that this
“We found insufficient evidence explanation for both the evidence statement is based more on wishful
to determine whether from clinical trials and the millennia thinking than on sound evidence.
acupuncture is effective for of experience is much simpler – Even Chinese acupuncturists recently
controlling menopausal acupuncture has all the qualities of a agreed with this view. They
vasomotor symptoms.” powerful placebo, as it’s exotic, summarised all the adverse events of
“The current evidence does invasive, mildly painful and involves acupuncture ever published in the
not support acupuncture for touch and time with a therapist. Chinese literature, and found 1,038
treating epilepsy.” But surely the main thing is not cases of serious adverse events,
the mechanism of action, but the fact including 35 fatalities and hundreds
“Sham-controlled RCTs have that acupuncture helps patients, even of potentially life-threatening
found no benefits of acupuncture
relative to a credible sham if the benefit heavily relies on placebo complications. To put this into
acupuncture control for IBS and other non-specific effects. In this context, in general, Chinese
symptom severity or IBS-related case, do we really need acupuncture? publications are strongly biased in
quality of life.” We could simply maximise the favour of acupuncture, as shown by
placebo effect the best we can, while an article in Controlled Clinical Trials.
“We could not reach any
conclusion about the efficacy and simultaneously administering Thus the level of under-reporting
safety of acupuncture as we treatments that truly work, such as must be assumed to be huge, and the ´
identified no trials for inclusion in
this review” [mumps in children].
[The evidence] “does not provide Acupunture has all the qualities of a powerful
reliable support for either the
effectiveness or safety of placebo, as it’s exotic, invasive, mildly painful
acupuncture” [sudden onset
ankle sprains in adults]. and involves touch and time with a therapist
Acupuncturists stick
needles into special
points along lines
called ‘meridians’
According to acupuncturists,
life force, known as ‘qi’, flows situations, the risk and benefit
through the body along these balance for this treatment fails to be
intersecting pathways
convincingly positive. ■
or not to
any of us get a bad interference with the flow of what
back from time to they called innate intelligence (II)
time. In fact, it’s – an energy or force within the body.
the most common Some chiropractors claim that this
complaint among undetectable force is responsible for
people who seek all health complaints.
medical help. So But there’s no scientific evidence
where do these people go? According to support the existence of such
to research, a large number of subluxations or innate intelligence. In
Americans with back pain seek conventional medicine, the term
treatment from a chiropractor. subluxation is used to describe a
Chiropractors apply pressure to the partial dislocation of a joint, where
spine, usually with enough force to the bones meeting at that joint are
produce the characteristic cracking or moved away from their normal
clicking sounds people associate with position by trauma, such as the
the practice. It’s thought to come impact from a fall. These show up in
from the (painless) creation and x-rays, but would not normally be
popping of bubbles in the fluid that treated by manipulating the joint.
lubricates our joints. Some patients “The chiropractic term
fear the sound. Others relish it as subluxation is different and, although
the audible relief of stiff, tight, or some chiropractors claim to be able to
sore muscles. see them in x-rays, there seems to be
Chiropractic therapy has been no clear consensus as to what they
around for over 100 years. Daniel look like, with different practitioners
David Palmer came up with the often seeing greatly varied
concept in the late 19th century, after subluxations in the same spinal x-ray,”
he met janitor Harvey Lillard who says former psychiatrist Stephen
had suffered from impaired hearing Barrett, who is now a science writer
for 17 years. Palmer claimed that he and co-curator of the website
restored Lillard’s hearing by moving Chirobase, which he runs with
a misaligned spinal bone, or vertebra, retired chiropractor Sam Homola.
back into its normal position. Shortly Opinions on what to treat differ
after this, he realigned another among chiropractors – and this
man’s vertebra, reputedly helping to affects the way they practise. do not. The former are often
alleviate his heart trouble. Palmer Broadly speaking, the chiropractic considered to work more in line with
and his co-believers maintained that community has split into two camps conventional medical beliefs and
‘subluxations’, which they described – those that limit their treatments to evidence-based practices. The latter
as slight misalignments in the conditions commonly associated with are more likely to be thought of as
vertebrae, were the cause of all the musculoskeletal system – the ‘alternative’ in their practise. So the
health-related problems. This was framework of bones and muscles that big question is – does chiropractic
due to the subluxations causing make up the body – and those that therapy work? The answer, of course,
depends on two things: who you ask,
and what you ask them.
Many reviews and studies have found In search of evidence
inconclusive evidence for the effectiveness In 2010, the General Chiropractic
Council – the body that regulates all
of spinal manipulation for low back pain chiropractors in the UK – funded a
review into the effectiveness of
manual therapies in the UK, and Chiropractors increasingly offer February 2015, he published a study
concluded that spinal manipulation a ‘one stop shop’ says Associate in the journal Spine which concluded
and mobilisation has moderate to Professor Michael Schneider, from that hands-on manipulation dealt
mild benefits in adults suffering from the Department of Physical Therapy, with low back pain more effectively
some types of back and neck pain. School of Health and Rehabilitation in the short term than what he
But chiropractors are not the only Sciences at the University of deemed “usual medical care” –
people to offer spinal manipulation. Pittsburgh, in the US. “Primary care where physicians advise patients to
Primary care physicians, physical physicians would diagnose low back stay physically active and prescribe
therapists and osteopathic doctors do pain, and are likely to offer some over-the-counter medication.
it, too. So why do 40 per cent of form of medication to alleviate pain, But other reviews and studies have
North Americans choose to go or referral to another provider for found inconclusive evidence for the
straight to a chiropractor, compared non-pharmacological treatment. A effectiveness of spinal manipulation
to 34 per cent who would visit a chiropractor provides both the roles for low back pain, or suggested
primary care physician, and just one of diagnosis and treatment.” that there is no clear difference in
per cent who would go to a physical Schneider has worked as a patient benefit seen from spinal
therapist or occupational therapist? chiropractor for over 30 years. In manipulation, compared to other ´
colic, which aren’t problems normally manipulations is rarely encouraging.” fear create biological changes in the
associated by conventional medicine But, despite the mainstream brain that amplify our symptoms.
with the musculoskeletal system. scepticism, huge numbers of Trials suggest receiving empathetic
“If the risks outweigh the benefits, Americans still visit chiropractors care, as well as having positive
the treatment cannot normally be every year. So what’s the benefit? It expectations for treatment helps to
recommended for routine care,” could simply be an increasing desire reverse this. Psychological influences
says Prof. Ernst. “In the case of to avoid pills and a placebo effect (see such as empathy, social interaction
chiropractic therapy, the evidence page 89), linked to the one-on-one and expectation create biological
suggesting that it is effective is limited attention of a caring practitioner. changes that ease pain. So it’s not an
to very few conditions, and even there “Pain is linked to fear,” says illusion, or a change in perception,
it is too weak to claim it is of proven Jo Marchant, a science writer and the pain is reduced through just the
effectiveness. It follows that the risk/ author of Cure: A Journey into the same physical mechanism as when
benefit balance of chiropractic Science of Mind over Body. “Stress and you take a painkiller.” ■
lternative therapies is the conventional treatment available risk-free. This is dangerously wrong,
the umbrella term for a specific condition. because nature is not necessarily
for a diverse array of Why then are they so popular? harmless, and seemingly innocent
treatments, which One reason is that – rightly or treatments, such as homeopathy, can
have little in wrongly – conventional clinicians are become potentially life threatening.
common, other than often unable to build therapeutic For example, if a cancer patient
not being accepted relationships with their patients that forfeits conventional treatments
by most conventional healthcare are as empathetic and compassionate in favour of some homeopathic
professionals. So any general as those of alternative practitioners. In remedies, their life is in grave danger.
judgements about their effectiveness other words, the current popularity of So, the take-home message is to
are somewhat nonsensical. Very few alternative medicine is also a poignant be cautious, and study the evidence
alternative therapies are supported by criticism of modern health care. carefully and critically. If an
sound evidence and, to the best of our Most of us think that alternative alternative therapy sounds too good
knowledge, none works better than treatments are natural, and hence to be true, it probably is! ´
Alternative treatments with encouraging evidence that they work
Herbal medicines clearly fall into this range of active compounds in the
category. They usually contain a extract turns out to be far less
multitude of pharmacologically active effective than the full plant extract
ingredients, so it’s hardly surprising with its multitude of ingredients.
that some of them are effective. Hypnotherapy is being promoted
Perhaps the best researched herbal for many conditions including pain,
medicine is St. John’s Wort, which is anxiety and smoking, but for none is
used mostly for mild to moderate the evidence stronger than for
depression. The most recent irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). A
systematic review showed that recent review summarised the
St. John’s Wort extracts were findings from 25 clinical trials, and
“superior to placebo” in treating concluded that “collectively this body
depression, as effective as of research shows unequivocally that
conventional anti-depressants for both adults and children with
and “associated with significantly IBS, hypnosis treatment is highly
fewer dropouts because of adverse efficacious in reducing bowel
effects”. (Having said that, St. John’s symptoms, and can offer lasting and
Wort interacts with around half of substantial symptom relief for a large
prescription drugs, so should be proportion of patients who do not
taken with care – see page 105.) respond adequately to usual medical
If herbal extracts can be that treatment approaches”. This might be
good, why not isolate the active on the optimistic side, but it is
principle from the messy concoction nevertheless clear, that hypnotherapy
of ingredients and market them as shows some promise.
pure compounds? This is precisely Some experts might object
what many scientists try to do, because they would not categorise
sometimes with huge success. hypnotherapy as an alternative
Aspirin, for instance, has been treatment. They might have a point:
derived from the willow bark and has one of the most notorious problems
become one of the most successful with alternative therapies in general
drugs of all time. But for other is that, once a therapy has been
herbs, such as St. John’s Wort, this shown to work, it will be accepted by
approach is not viable, because one health care professionals, and thus
single ingredient from the whole ceases to be ‘alternative’.
Treatments that have been shown to be ineffective
Few treatments fit better into this than pure placebos (see page 89). methods. Healers claim to channel
category than homeopathy. It was Science is normally a poor tool for healing ‘energy’ into a patient’s
invented about 200 years ago by proving a negative, but in the case body, where it allegedly stimulates
the German doctor Samuel of homeopathy the evidence is now their self-healing mechanisms.
Hahnemann, who thought that fairly clear (it is only homeopaths There have been numerous studies
‘like cures like’. Essentially, this who refuse to accept it). The of these treatments, and the most
means that, if your eyes start most thorough assessment of rigorous of them seem to agree
watering when you cut an onion, homeopathy has recently been that the effects are due to placebo.
a homeopath would use the onion published by the National Health A recent study was aimed at
to cure conditions which are and Medical Research Council of testing the effectiveness of energy
associated with runny eyes. But Australia. The conclusions of this healing on the wellbeing of 247
homeopaths don’t just administer austere panel could hardly be more colorectal cancer patients.
the onion, they dilute the extract straightforward: “…there are no Compared with other patients
many times until typically not a health conditions for which there is who had not been exposed to the
single molecule of it is left in the reliable evidence that homeopathy healing ‘energy’, no overall effect
remedy they prescribe. is effective. Homeopathy should of healing was noted on quality of
Of course, such features render not be used to treat health life, depressive symptoms, mood
homeopathy utterly implausible. conditions that are chronic, serious or sleep quality. The authors
So, it is hardly surprising that the or could become serious.” concluded that the healing
300-odd clinical trials, which have Meanwhile, spiritual healing is the effectiveness on wellbeing was,
tested its effectiveness for various term often used for treatments however, related to factors such as
conditions, fail to show that such as Reiki, Therapeutic Touch, self-selection and a positive
homeopathic remedies are more and other para-normal healing attitude toward the treatment.
Vials containing pills for
homeopathic remedies
Potentially harmful treatments that should be avoided
Asian herbal remedies are shown to contain toxic substances protects a patient from a
notorious for being adulterated – causing damage to the liver, potentially deadly blood clot, or
with synthetic drugs, and some kidneys or other organs. Other that a woman gets pregnant
investigations have shown that herbal medicines have the potential despite taking oral contraceptives.
more than a quarter of Chinese to interact with prescribed And then there is the risk of
herbal creams contained potentially medicines. For instance, St John’s contamination or adulteration.
damaging corticosteroids. Wort interacts with about 50 per Recently the UK regulator recalled
While many herbal medicines, cent of all prescription drugs, a large quantity of St. John’s Wort
such as St. John’s Wort (see page and so the blood level of the tablets because they were
102), contain pharmacologically prescription drug can become contaminated with a liver-toxic
active ingredients, some herbal too low to have the desired effect. compound originating from another
medicines can also do harm. There In turn, this can mean that a plant that inadvertently made its
are many plants that have been prescribed anticoagulant no longer way into the remedy. ■
All in the
Far from just a hippie habit, mindfulness meditation is gaining
a following all around the world – becoming more and more
mainstream. ROBERT MATTHEWS looks at the science
behind it, and reveals how the practice is not only changing
the way we think, but our actual brain structure too
fter years of battling
chronic pain, Anne*
had all but given up
hope of finding a
safe but effective
source of relief. So
when a friend
asked her to try a radically different
way of dealing with her affliction,
she agreed.
As it involved sitting and actually
focusing on her pain, she could have
been excused for having her doubts.
Yet after trying it for eight weeks,
Anne was so impressed by the results
she decided to make it part of her life:
“I use it all the time, and it helps me
with my pain.”
She’s far from alone. Millions of
people are now using mindfulness
meditation to deal with a host of
conditions, from stress and depression
to physical pain and binge eating.
Based on ancient practices once
deemed the preserve of religious ALL IN A DAY’S WORK
Mindfulness meditation is
ascetics and hippies, the claims now now being practised by
being made for mindfulness Google employees at the
Googleplex headquarters
meditation are impressive – so much
so that multinationals like Google
The very idea of meditation find that within seconds their minds minutes or more. However it’s done,
comes with a lot of baggage and have wandered. The intrusive practitioners typically become
misconceptions. Some believe it thoughts can be anything from increasingly aware of the vagaries
demands religious faith. Others memories of past arguments to of the mind, and how acceptance of
think it requires hours of sitting in feelings of cosmic bliss. But, the even ‘bad’ thoughts helps rob them
the lotus position while banishing key to mindfulness is simply to note of their power.
all thought. that the thought has arisen and But as interest in mindfulness
In reality, mindfulness meditation return to focusing on the breath. meditation has grown, so have
simply involves becoming aware of The classic beginner’s mistake is reports of people having negative
one’s thoughts, feelings and to feel bad about having intrusive reactions to it. Some find
surroundings without judgement. thoughts or become lost in them. themselves experiencing traumatic
It can be done anywhere, “The brain will always produce thoughts, panic or even loss of the
anytime, though beginners are thoughts – that’s what it does,” sense of self.
advised to start practising in a says Harvard psychologist and According to Dr. Germer, such
place where they can sit quietly for mindfulness expert Dr. Chris responses can be a sign of being
a few minutes without distraction. Germer, author of The Mindful Path too hard on oneself: “Most adverse
The idea is then to become to Self-Compassion. “Mindfulness effects are caused by too much
aware – ‘mindful’ – of some allows us to develop a more formal sitting meditation practise.”
aspect of the present, such as one’s harmonious relationship with our He advises being less demanding
own breathing, and focus one’s thoughts and feelings.” – adding that one is still practising
thoughts on that. Starting with short sessions of mindfulness when just noticing, say,
This may sound simple, but even five minutes, the duration of the the warmth of the water during a
experienced practitioners often sessions can be built up to 30 morning shower.
Mindfulness meditation
has been found to aid
patients suffering from
judgement (see page 109). Thus, chronic pain
regardless of whether the thoughts
seemed good or bad, the practitioner
simply noted their existence, and let
them go.
By the 1980s, Kabat-Zinn had
begun reporting the outcome of his
studies of MBSR in serious scientific
journals. These suggested that the
technique could be effective for more
than just stress and anxiety. Patients
suffering from chronic pain that
had defied conventional treatment
reported feeling significantly
better after a 10-week course in
mindfulness methods.
In what has since become a
familiar feature of studies on
mindfulness, patients did not report
having rid themselves of all pain.
Instead, they talked of having
changed their response to it. Using
the mindfulness methods, they had
learned simply to note the existence
of the pain rather than judge it as bad
– and, in the process, found they had
robbed it of much of its power. sensation of eating – starting with the remained limited. Many of the claims
mindful consumption of raisins. were based on observations of small
Real-world benefits Kristeller and her colleagues found groups of patients. Few were based on
Other researchers began reporting that over time, the technique so-called ‘randomised controlled
similar benefits in an ever-growing allowed their patients to better trials’ (RCTs), in which patients are
list of ailments and conditions, from control their bingeing, and also randomly allocated either to receive
depression in pregnant women to became less depressed. mindfulness training, or a more
post-traumatic stress disorder in war Yet while the breadth of conventional treatment, or none
veterans. Mindfulness also seemed applications of mindfulness at all.
to help with behavioural problems, expanded, the depth of the evidence Regarded as the gold standard for
ranging from hostility among assessing the value of conventional
prisoners to attention deficits therapies, RCTs are time-consuming
of schoolchildren. and expensive to carry out. Yet
Mindfulness even appeared without them, claims for the
capable of reducing binge eating effectiveness of mindfulness
among people struggling with techniques risked
their weight. Impressed by remaining forever less
Kabat-Zinn’s findings, Jean than compelling. ´
Mindfulness-based therapies
have been found to be
author of the study.
effective for treating anxiety Another consistent finding was
and depression changes in the dorsal anterior ´
WIRED UP Sitting in a sound-proof room, Buddhist monk Matthieu Ricard is wired up to an electroencephalogram (EEG). Small sensors
that are attached to the scalp pick up the electrical signals produced when brain cells send messages to one another
Cerebrum Somatosensory
cortex Insula Amygdala
Mindfulness meditation
changes the rostrolateral
prefrontal cortex and dorsal
anterior cingulate cortex
cingulate cortex, or dACC. “This demonstrate that these structural validation of its claims as a side
finding is intriguing because the changes are related to changes in issue, given their own experiences
dACC is generally thought to be an cognitive ability or wellbeing, for – and that of countless others over
area critical to ‘self-regulation’ of instance, we shouldn’t assume that the centuries.
various kinds – for instance, these changes are necessarily good But for many others, like chronic
monitoring performance, making – or even meaningful.” pain sufferer Anne*, such validation
sure that behaviour remains adaptive Fox adds that the published studies helps combat doubts that so simple a
and flexible under changing may also be giving a biased picture of technique really can bring such
conditions, and controlling the truth. Researchers and journals impressive benefits.
impulses,” says Fox. “It’s easy to tend not to bother publishing boring, As Anne* puts it: “There is
see how a brain region with these negative results – and Fox and his something very powerful about
functions could be involved in – and colleagues found strong evidence of knowing there is physical objective
perhaps crucial to – meditation.” such ‘publication bias’. proof that it’s working.” ■
But he cautions against making Many practitioners of mindfulness
simplistic inferences. “Until we can meditation will see scientific *Some names have been altered.