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Spectral Energy Based Voice Activity Detection For Real-Time Voice Interface

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Voice activity detection (VAD) is a main process of speech recognition tasks in which every voice region
is detected to extract acoustic feature parameters from the region. This paper proposes an efficient VAD
approach for applying to real-time voice interface systems. Even though diverse VAD approaches have
been successfully applied for speech applications, they may operate inefficiently according to
environmental conditions. In this study, we attempt to enhance the conventional VAD method based on
signal energy within time and spectral domain. In addition, an efficient end-point detection method is also
proposed. We successfully verified the efficiency of the proposed approach via a set of VAD experiments,
comparing with the performance of some conventional VAD methods including zero crossing rate.

1. INTRODUCTION the region. The recognition process obtains a

recognition result using a pattern recognition
Recently, a variety of electronic devices technique as a criterion measure. The final post-
using voice interface have been developed to seek processing aims to verify the recognition result
convenience of human life. In particular, personal based on utterance verification techniques. Each of
assistant devices become popular as a the processes has been studied as an independent
representative voice interface application. The research issue, as they independently affect the
device provides useful information that a user system performance. Among them, this study
wants, while communicating with the user. In the concentrates on the pre-processing, in particular,
smart device era, people are more satisfied with the detection of a voice region also called the voice
controlling smart devices via voice [1][2]. activity detection (VAD).
The voice interface systems require This paper is organized as follows. Section
several essential techniques including speech 2 explains the conventional VAD techniques. The
recognition, speech synthesis, and interference proposed VAD method is introduced in Section 3,
cancellation [3][4]. Among them, speech and experimental results are discussed in Section 4.
recognition determines the overall performance and Finally, this paper concludes in Section 5.
reliability of the systems. Even though the recent
advances in machine learning techniques such as
deep learning led to the technical breakthrough of 2. THE CONVENTIONAL VOICE
speech recognition, it still has challenges to achieve ACTIVITY DETECTION TECHNIQUES
a final goal as a natural user interface. 2.1 Voice Activity Detection
Speech recognition tasks consist of three The first process of most voice interface
main processes including pre-processing, applications is to detect voice regions that mean a
recognition, and post-processing [5]. The main starting point and an end-point of spoken
purpose of pre-processing is to detect a voice utterances, as shown in Figure 1. Thus, a voice
region and extract acoustic feature parameters from detection module should always operate for real-
time voice interface systems, whereas other
modules such as
Figure 1: Detection of a Voice Region
recognition and post-processing begin to operate energy [11][12]. Zero crossing occurs when signal
after detecting a voice region. The correct signs change, as shown in Figure 2. The regions of
detection of voice regions is a very important task, the sign-change are called zero crossing points.
as all the detected regions are submitted to next ZCR means the number of zero crossing points
processes of speech recognition. within a certain length of signals. It also
Various approaches have been introduced demonstrates the rate of sign-changes along
for the detection of voice regions as a name of a signals, i.e., the frequency at which the signal
VAD technique [6]-[9]. In this section, we changes from positive to negative or adversely, as
introduce several representative VAD approaches. follows [13].

2.2 The Conventional Voice Activity Detection 1 T 1

zcr   f ( x(t )  x(t
2.2.1 Cepstral distance based VAD T  1 t 1
In a voice detection method, cepstral (1)
distance was used based on a Euclidean distance
[10]. To extract features of the cepstrum, speech where x(t ) is the t-th signal among T signals, and
signals are applied by the Fast Fourier Transform the indicator function f () is 1 if its argument is
(FFT) as logarithmic scale and implemented by the lower than zero. In other words, if two consecutive
Inverse Fast Fourier Transform (IFFT). Cepstral signals, x(t ) and x(t  1) , have different signs,
features are obtained as a result of the IFFT. The
the function indicates 1. Then, the zcr calculates
features are extracted by multiplying the cepstral
the frequency of sign-changes from T signals. In
window in the cepstrum domain.
general, speech regions represent more frequent
This method assumes that speech regions
sign-changes compared to non-speech regions.
indicate larger cepstral distance between speech
Thus, a frame indicating relatively higher value of
signal frames, while non-speech regions draw
zcr tends to be a speech region.
relatively smaller cepstral distance between frames.
The zero-crossing rate based VAD is very
Based on this property, if a frame indicates larger
distance, it is categorized as a speech region. On simply implemented, because the rate can be
the other hand, non-speech regions demonstrate a directly estimated sample values from time
smaller cepstral distance between frames than a domain.
pre-determined threshold.
The correctness of the threshold greatly
affects the accuracy of the decision of speech and
non-speech regions, as the decision criterion is
only dependent on the threshold. For this reason,
the cepstral distance based VAD approach is
useful for limited speech data.

2.2.2 Zero-crossing rate based VAD

The most representative VAD approach is
based on zero crossing rate (ZCR) and signal
Figure 2: Meaning of Zero Crossing
However, it may provide poor performance
depending on environments. In particular, this Figure 3: Speech and Non-speech Regions
method is known to be very vulnerable for
background noises.
2.2.3 Signal energy based VAD
Signal energy based approach has been 3.1 Spectral Domain Energy based VAD
also widely used for speech recognition, because It is a natural property that the signal
signal energy provides the most intuitive criterion energy obtained from time domain should directly
for dividing speech region and non-speech region, correspond to the energy from frequency domain
as shown in Figure 3. This figure represents signal also called spectral domain because of a fact that
energy of input audio signals in which speech the time domain energy is preserved in the spectral
signals and non-speech signals are sequentially domain. For this reason, the spectral domain
entered into a microphone. The signal energy in energy is expected to provide similar performance
speech regions is clearly distinguishable from the as the conventional time domain energy (also
energy in non-speech regions. called frame energy) based VAD method does.
The signal energy based VAD approach However, spectral domain enables to
continuously estimates a frame energy within a estimate more sophisticated energy distribution
fixed length of signals called a frame size, as over frequencies, as it provides different spectral
follows. energy over each frequency region from low to
high. An important property in speech signals is
1 T that human voice preserves spectral components
E  x(t)
(2) pertinent to a certain frequency range, in
T t 1 particular, relatively low frequency range. In
addition, an audible frequency range meaning a
where x(t ) is the t-th signal among T signals frequency range in which general humans can hear
sounds is between 20 Hz and 20,000 Hz.
included in a frame. Figure 4 represents this spectral property
The frame energy is used as a criterion to of human voice. The vertical axis represents the
determine if the frame belongs to a speech region spectral energy and the horizontal axis indicates
or a non-speech region. This approach provides frequency bins (also called spectral frequency)
reliable VAD results under a fundamental aspect generated by the FFT process. As shown in this
that the signal energy of speech regions is figure, low frequency regions retain relatively
relatively higher than that of non-speech regions. higher spectral energy than high frequency ranges.
But, it sometimes induces incorrect detection This spectral property supports a possibility that
results, especially when noise signals interfere [7]. the low spectral energy provides a good criterion
to determine human voice regions. On the other
hand, the higher spectral frequency range retains
non-speech signals such as background noises.
Figure 4: Spectral Energy Distribution of General
Human Voice

Figure 5: Procedure of the Proposed Spectral Energy-based Voice Activity Detection

In this study, we attempt to use the low Pi  Threshold  speech
frequency energy as a measure of VAD instead of (4)
using entire spectral energy. Figure 5 demonstrates Pi  Threshold  non 
the proposed VAD procedure. Input speech signals speech
are firstly divided into a frame unit. Signals within where Re i k  and Imi k  are the real
a frame are processed by FFT procedure to obtain component
spectral values that mean power spectral energy. and the imaginary component for the k -th FFT
Then, the spectral energy in a low frequency point in the i -th frame. N is the total number of
region is estimated and the energy is compared FFT points for a frame, and d determines the
with a pre-determined threshold. If the energy range of low frequency regions, indicating an
indicates a higher value than the threshold, the integer value larger than 1. After a spectral energy
corresponding frame is regarded as a speech Pi of the i -th frame is obtained, the frame is
frame. Otherwise, the frame is determined to be a
categorized as a speech frame or a non-speech
non-speech frame.
frame, as (2).
The decision procedure can be expressed
The proposed spectral energy-based VAD
as a following formula.
approach concentrates on frequency region of
human voice. Thus, this method is expected to
determine the voice frames further correctly, while
P  2 Re k  2
 Im (3) disregarding other frequency regions where non-
i k  
k 0
i i
speech components such as background noises
exist. In addition, this method targets a certain
frequency range and computes the spectral energy
within only the range, thus reducing the
computation amount.

3.2 End-point Decision

The spectral domain energy based VAD
introduced in Section 3.1 is useful to detect a
starting point of speech regions, but the procedure
for deciding an end-point of the speech region
should be sophisticated. If the decision of an end-
point frame relies on the same procedure of VAD,
a significant number of cut-off speech regions can
be generated due to an incorrect end-point
In this study, we determine the end-point
of the speech region on the basis of duration of Figure 6: Procedure of the Proposed End-point
non-speech intervals by comparing the spectral Decision
energy value with a threshold in each frame.

Figure 7: Program Execution Results on Input Speech Signals

Figure 6 illustrates the procedure of the

proposed end-point detection. When several 4.1 Experimental Setup
frames are consecutively determined as speech We performed real-time voice detection
frames by the VAD process and then a following experiments with several participants to verify the
frame is firstly determined as a non-speech frame, efficiency of the proposed VAD approach. We
the number (K) of consecutive non-speech frames chose several speech utterances of short phrase
is calculated. If K is equal to the pre-determined such as “speech_start”, “mic_input’, “ok_speech”,
value n, the last frame is determined as the end- and “ok_speech_start”. The short phrases were
point of the speech region. This approach chosen in order to concentrate on the correctness
determines an end-point of a voice region by of VAD excluding other factors generated from
examining consecutive frames, thus it is expected long phrases or full sentences.
to determine an end-point more correctly than a Each participant spoke each utterance
single frame-based decision. twice, generating total 8 spoken utterances. The
length of a frame was fixed to 20 ms, and the
4. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP AND speech signal was sampled at 16 kHz. For spectral
RESULTS domain experiments, the FFT point was set to 512
In this section, we introduce results of a set of and Hamming window was applied to every frame.
experiments performed to validate the efficiency
of our proposed method.
4.2 Experimental Results performance of two domains. In this experiment,
In general, the VAD performance is the threshold was empirically estimated. For fair
measured by two kinds of error rates: false verification, same test data were used in each
rejection rate (FRR) and false alarm rate (FAR). experiment.
FRR means an error rate at which a speech region Table 1 and Table 2 represent the VAD
is determined as a non-speech region. On the other performances conducted on time and spectral
hand, FAR means an error rate at which a non- domain, respectively. Table 3 summarizes the
speech region is recognized as a speech region results. As shown in these tables, the spectral
[14]. domain energy provided better accuracy than the
We tested the VAD performance using time domain energy.
participants’ recording data entered into our Next, to find the reason of such a
system on real time. Figure 7 displays real-time difference, we analyzed the distribution of time
execution results on input speech signals. As and spectral domain energy using a set of speech
shown in this figure, we made similar amount of data. Figure 8 and Figure 9 represent the
speech regions and non-speech regions for distribution. These results explain that the spectral
evaluation. energy demonstrates more intensive energy
We firstly investigated the voice detection property than time energy, thus positively affecting
on time and spectral domain energy to compare the VAD performance.
the than time domain energy as a frame energy-based
approach in this study.
Table 1: VAD Performance on Spectral Domain. (Fr
and Fa denote FRR and FAR, respectively.) Next, we investigated two conventional
VAD approaches (zero-crossing rate based method
Person1 Person2 Person3 Person4
Thres and frame energy based method). Both FRR and
hold Fr Fa Fr Fa Fr Fa Fr Fa FAR tend to change according to the threshold that
1 0.3 0.8 0.2 0.7 0.2 1.0 0.1 0.7 determines a speech and a non-speech region in a
2 0.6 0.3 0.6 0.2 0.6 0.3 0.5 0.3 VAD process. Thus, we investigated the
frequencies of false rejection and false alarm,
3 0.6 0.3 0.6 0.2 0.6 0.3 0.5 0.2 while changing the threshold values.
4 0.8 0.2 0.8 0.2 0.8 0.3 0.8 0.2 Table 4 summarizes the VAD
performance of the proposed approach based on
low frequency energy along with two conventional
Table 2: VAD Performance on Time Domain. (Fr and VAD methods. Each approach demonstrates
Fa denote FRR and FAR, respectively.) different aspects in FR and FA according to
threshold variation. To fairly compare the
Thres Person1 Person2 Person3 Person4
performance, we investigated the performance of
Fr Fa Fr Fa Fr Fa Fr Fa
 0.2 0.9 0.1 0.8 0.1 1.6 0.1 0.7
 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.5 0.2 0.3
 0.6 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2
 0.6 0.3 0.6 0.2 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.2

Table 3: VAD Performance on Time and Spectral

Thresh Spectral Thresh Time
1 0.25 0.87  0.20 0.99
2 0.73 0.29  0.48 0.42
3 0.73 0.26 2 0.65 0.33
4 1.00 0.20  0.75 0.30

Figure 8: Distribution of Time Domain Energy

These experiments explain a reason why we
concentrate on the spectral domain energy rather
As shown in this table, three VAD
methods indicate similar FRR, but demonstrates
different FAR performance. Energy-based
approaches showed slightly better performance
than the ZCR method. However, the methods
indicated different performance in false alarm
results in which the proposed approach achieved
significant performance improvement superior to
two conventional methods. This result explains
that the proposed approach determines non-speech
regions and disregards the regions efficiently, by
concentrating on low frequency components that
human voice preserves.
Figure 10 represents another performance
comparison indicating a definition error tradeoff
Figure 9: Distribution of Spectral Domain Energy
(DET) curve. The DET curve represents false
alarm frequencies upon false rejection frequencies.
FA when similar false rejection frequencies are

Table 4: VAD Performance Comparison (Frequencies of FR and FA).

Frame energy Low frequency energy
Zero-crossing rate
Threshold (Time domain) (Spectral domain)
Th1 17 332 8 296 9 202
Th2 23 207 23 127 25 63
Th3 30 139 26 100 30 46
Th4 39 80 37 79 38 38

Figure 10: DET Curve for the Performance Comparison of VAD Approaches

A curve approximating the origin gives approaches; the proposed low spectral energy
superior performance indicating low FAR and based approach (Low power spectrum), the overall
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