Once Again: The Perception of Piano Touch and Tone. Can Touch Audibly Change Piano Sound Independently of Intensity?
Once Again: The Perception of Piano Touch and Tone. Can Touch Audibly Change Piano Sound Independently of Intensity?
Once Again: The Perception of Piano Touch and Tone. Can Touch Audibly Change Piano Sound Independently of Intensity?
The piano tones were samples recorded on a 173-cm Key velocity track (m/s)
tones from the two pianists and for the two touch condi- 0.2
tions so that each of the four groups comprised 25 tones
and case-wise similar maximum hammer velocities. The
hammer velocities ranged from 0.37 to 4.07 m/s with a 0
mean of 1.65 m/s.2 In Figure 1, we show two typical pi-
ano tones. Their hammer velocities are almost equal, but
they were played with two types of touch. The pressed −0.2
tone (Fig. 1a) exhibits a gradual increase of key velocity, −0.3
whereas the struck tone (Fig. 1b) shows a very sudden
jerk. Parallel to this first key impulse, there is a clearly −0.4
0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
visible (and audible) knock in the audio wave form. Time (s)
2.3. Procedure Figure 1: Audio wave form and key velocity pattern (dot-
The stimuli were presented to the participants via head- ted line) of two piano tones with similar hammer velocity.
phones. A graphical user interface provided play buttons The upper tone was played with the finger initially rest-
and rating radio buttons for all stimuli of a block at once ing on the key surface (a), the other struck from a certain
arranged in random order. The participants had to judge distance above (b).
whether a piano key was originally pressed or struck by
the pianists in a two-alternative forced choice paradigm. They found the test quite difficult throughout. A minor
They could listen to each stimulus as often as wanted and portion of them admitted that they did not hear any dif-
in any order they liked until they were sure about all their ferences and that they had to guess. In contrast to the sec-
judgements. In a first block, they listened to all 100 tones. ond block, where the overall accuracies were throughout
After a short break, they listened to a selection of 48 tones at chance level, the overall recognition rates were much
in which the first 250 ms before hammer–string contact better in the first block: Four of the 22 participants got
were replaced by silence so that all attack noises prior to 80–86% correct, five 70–80%, two 60–70%, and the other
the sound were removed. The task was then the same as 11 rated at chance level.4 Overall, half of the participants
before.3 identified significantly more tones correctly than chance,
the other half did not.
3. Results & Discussion In Figures 2 and 3, the relative frequencies of cor-
rect ratings are plotted separately for touch condition and
The participants needed usually 20 to 25 minutes to ac-
pianist for the two blocks, respectively. The error bars
complish the first block and 5 to 7 minutes for the second.
indicate the range of an insignificantly different accuracy
1 In previous papers, we used instead of “pressed – struck” “legato – according to the χ2 statistic with n = 22 × 25 = 550
staccato,” a terminology introduced by [12]. We changed to the present and p < 0.05. In the first block, participants identified
terminology to avoid confusion with terms referring to articulation. around two thirds of the pressed tones correctly on aver-
2 The standard deviation for each of the 25 hammer-velocity quadru-
ples ranged between 0.005 and 0.237 m/s with a mean at 0.065 m/s. 4 Accuracies between 59.8% and 40.2% are not significantly dif-
3 The entire stimulus material can be accessed at http://www. ferent from chance according to the χ2 statistics with n = 100 and
oefai.at/˜wernerg/pianosound/. p < 0.05.
Block 1 (with touch noise), n = 22 Block 2 (without touch noise), n = 22
100 100
65.2% 73.5%
75 75
Percent Accuracy
Percent Accuracy
66.0% 67.3%
58.0% 56.4%
50 50
41.3% 40.2%
25 25 Block 2
Block 1 Corresp. Block 1
Pianists (n=13) Block 2, Pianists
Non−Pianists (n=9) Block 2, Non−Pianists
0 0
Pr (RB) Pr (WG) St (RB) St (WG) Pr (RB) Pr (WG) St (RB) St (WG)
Figure 2: Relative frequency of correct ratings (accu- Figure 3: Accuracy of all participants for block 2 (with-
racy) of all participants for block 1 (with touch noise), out touch noise, circles with error bars), as in Figure 2.
separately for two touch conditions (struck, “St” and Empty diamonds denote the ratings of the corresponding
pressed, “Pr”) and two pianists (“RB” and “WG”). Er- stimuli from block 1. Triangle plots show ratings for pi-
ror bars denote the range of an insignificant difference anists and other musicians, respectively.
according to the χ2 distribution with p < 0.05. Addition-
ally, triangle plots show the accuracy for pianists (up-
ward pointing triangle) and other musicians (downward 6 pianists and 5 non-pianists. It is evident, that pianists
pointing triangle). and other musicians were able to judge equally well.
From those 11 participants who did not hear any dif-
ference (rated at chance level), 7 rated the stimuli clearly
age. They had the same accuracy for the struck tones, but according to their intensity: The louder a tone the more
only when RB played them; those played by WG were they tended to judge it a struck one. Evidence came from
judged randomly. This result is due to differences in the highly significant (positive) correlation coefficients be-
stimuli played by the two pianists. The finger–key noise tween rating and hammer velocity (0.27 < rpb < 0.78,
was clearly more present in RB’s struck tones than in all p < 0.01).5 This tendency was also found with
those played by WG. It might be that although both pi- some of the good identifiers. From them, four had sig-
anists hit the key surface from a certain distance above, nificant correlation coefficients between 0.24 and 0.32
RB played with a slightly different position of the finger (p < 0.05). This finding suggests that when participants
tip that produced a more prominent impact noise. were unable to identify the actual cue in this listening test
(touch noise), they assigned touch by tone intensity. This
In block 2, they heard a selection of the first-block
is both obvious and interesting. On the one hand, louder
stimuli with the touch noises before the actual tone re-
sounds always involve larger and faster body movements
placed by silence. As Figure 3 shows, the listeners could
(hands, arms, etc.), while softer tones require smaller,
not correctly identify the type of touch anymore. The
more controlled movements. This applies not only for
ratings for pressed tones were not significantly different
the piano, but also for other instruments, as e.g. string
from chance. Those for the struck tones had a small
or percussion instruments. Therefore it is not surprising
but significant tendency to be erroneously perceived as
that some participants connect loud with struck and vice
pressed tones. These results confirm that the cue for dif-
versa. Moreover, a struck touch generates typically loud
ferentiating the two types of touch were the touch noises
and loudest tones, while a pressed touch provides more
before the actual tone.
tone control and is typically applied for soft and softest
It might be assumed that pianists perform in this tones (as reported in [13]). On the other hand, this find-
touch identification task better than other musicians, be- ing provides empirical evidence for a phenomenon that
cause they are especially familiar with piano sounds and might be essential for synthesis of sounds communicat-
different touch conditions. In Figures 2 and 3, the accu- ing body movements in general.
racies are plotted separately for pianists and non-pianists The present results are also essential for the concep-
(upward and downward pointing triangles, respectively). tual design of computer-controlled reproducing pianos.
The differences are small and insignificant. These results They rely entirely on the hammer-velocity-only assump-
are consistent with the overall accuracies we considered tion, measuring and reproducing only the final hammer
before: From the 11 participants who heard significantly
better than chance were 7 pianists and 4 other musicians, 5 Using the point-biserial correlation coefficient between rating (di-
whereas among those eleven who identified nothing were chotomous variable) and hammer velocity (continuous variable).
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Acknowledgments [13] W. Goebl, R. Bresin, and A. Galembo, “The piano action
This research was supported by a START Research Prize by as the performer’s interface: Timing properties, dynamic
the Austrian Federal Government, administered by the Austrian behaviour, and the performer’s possibilities,” in Pro-
Fonds zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF, ceedings of the Stockholm Music Acoustics Conference
project No. Y99–INF) and by the European Union (Marie (SMAC’03), August 6–9, 2003, R. Bresin, Ed. Stock-
Curie Fellowship, HPMT-GH-00-00119-02, the Sounding Ob- holm, Sweden: Department of Speech, Music, and Hear-
ject project (SOb), IST-2000-25287, and the MOSART IHP net- ing, Royal Institute of Technology, 2003, vol. 1, pp. 159–
work, HPRN-CT-2000-00115). The Austrian Research Institute 162.
for Artificial Intelligence acknowledges basic financial support [14] A. Askenfelt, A. Galembo, and L. L. Cuddy, “On the
by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Science, and acoustics and psychology of piano touch and tone,” Jour-
Culture, and the Austrian Federal Ministry for Transport, In- nal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 103, no. 5
novation and Technology. Many thanks to Simon Dixon for Pt. 2, p. 2873, 1998.
helpful comments and to all participants.