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Warlock 2.

a class for Lamentations of the Flame Princess

HP, Saves, and Experience as Cleric

All warlocks possess a magical contract that contains the seals and signatures
of every spirit with which she has formed a pact. A warlock can call upon such
spirits for knowledge or power, while the spirits can demand favors in turn.
Each spirit possesses a sphere of influence, such as Knowledge or Curses, over
which it reigns supreme, and beyond which it is powerless.

A warlock has a contract with a single spirit. She may add any number of spirits
to her contract, but must first find them and make them signatories, usually in
return for a Greater Favor.

A warlock can invoke any of her signatory spirits as often as she wishes. When
she does so, she can either ask a question pertaining to the signatory’s domain
or draw on its power to cast a spell. A warlock may cast any spell on a
spirit’s spell list, as long as its spell level does not exceed half her
character level, rounded up. In any case, whenever a warlock invokes a spirit,
the Referee rolls 2d6 on the Spirit’s Vagary table to determine the
signatory’s reaction to her demand. If the roll results in a Lesser or Greater
Favor, the Referee rolls 1d20 on the corresponding table to determine the
spirit’s price. As a rule, spirits are uncharitable beings; when a warlock
invokes a signatory, she takes a -1 penalty to its Spirit’s Vagary roll for
each outstanding favor. If a signatory realizes its warlock cannot or will not
complete a favor, it will extract its price forcibly and immediately, as
determined by the Referee.
There will be more, and they will come with tables for manifestations and
favors, but I need to hammer these out for my in-person group today.

Malamaut, Demon of Love and Spite

his is the grin of the fox in a henhouse
Sphere: Lust and Loathing
An incubus who has grown disinterested in the business of perdition. Though he
possesses not even the smallest shred of virtue, Malamaut has developed a
stunted and entirely non-Platonic affection for humanity over the long millennia
of his existence, and can be persuaded to serve a warlock for a sufficiently
enticing price. He is a connoisseur of indecency and a gourmand of sin and
desires pleasures of the flesh above all else.

Old Queen Mab, Fairy of Malediction

she was old when the heath lay deep beneath the sea
As the sometime Queen of Faerie, Mab above all else desires revenge against the
King of Roses Red, who deposed her, and the supposed allies who let him. When
she speaks with her vassals, she seizes control of a nearby animal or weak-
willed human and speaks through theire mouth.

Let's make a deal

So warlocks need to complete favors in order to maintain (semi)reliable access to their spells. Coming up with lots of
favors on the fly is hard, so I made tables. Major favors also work as adventure seeds. These are for the incubus

Minor Favors
A minor favor cannot reduce HP or an attribute to 0, and all attribute damage heals after a night’s sleep.

1. Dance with me! (for d6 x 10 minutes)

2. I need some of your blood. It is very, very important that you not ask why (d6 damage)
3. I need to borrow a bit of that body of yours (d3 Strength damage)
4. I’m in need of some vigor (d3 Constitution damage)
5. I want some of your grace (d3 Dexterity damage)
6. Lend me your cunning (d3 Intelligence damage)
7. I’ve never had the best judgment. Could I borrow some of yours? (d3 Wisdom damage)
8. I need a piece of soul. I promise I’ll give it back (d3 Charisma damage)

Major Favors
If you can't quickly come up with a good location, stick it d6 x 10 hexes (or miles, or days, or whatever) away in a
random direction.

1. It has come to my attention that a merchant caravan passing nearby is carrying a bottle of Quietus, that most
potent and poisonous of aphrodisiacs. Fetch it for me.
2. An old lover of mine has been condemned to death, and I want to watch. The execution is in [2d20] days in
[the nearest large city], so do hurry. I always said I’d see him hang, and now I don’t have to do it myself.
3. An old lover of mine has been sentenced to a most dreadful prison, and I want you to release her. She never did
suffer prettily, and I still owe her a favor.
4. Best beloved, one of those wretched hellhounds is getting awfully close to sniffing me out. Dispose of it, will
5. I think it’s time you got me a proper present, dearest. I could have such fun with a weapon of those Grigori—I
believe there’s one skulking around nearby.
6. Oh dear. I’m fresh out of blood. Could you collect, say, [d100 HP] worth? Nothing too old, of course. (A bottle
or wineskin can hold 10 HP worth of blood. Blood goes bad after a day unless it is refrigerated or hermetically
7. Dearest, you caught me in the middle of an engagement. Treat me to a fine meal [2d100 sp per diner, d6 hour-
long courses], or I will be most put out.
8. The mayor in (the nearest village) has been treating his lover most viciously, and it is beginning to vex me. Put
him out of my misery.
9. I am in need of a pet. Capture [a monster or magical creature] alive, and I shall come to retrieve it once we’re
all safe and sound.
10. A most boring constable is trying to shut down a brothel in (nearest large city). Convince him otherwise, won’t
11. What luck you called! I’m planning a party in [nearest large city], and I need a bit of cash to get it started (costs
a number of silver pieces equal to 25% of the xp needed to reach next level)
12. I’m in a bit of a bind—some fairy noble caught me in her bed with a lady-in-waiting, and now she’s sent a
champion to challenge me to a duel. You‘ll stand in for me, right? They’ll get here in [d6] hours.
13. Oh, it’s so romantic! There’s this eloping couple traveling nearby, and they’ll be eaten by wolves any day now.
Go help them, will you?
14. Some bore of a priest is burning books in [nearest village]. Go stop him—they always burn the ones with the
exciting pictures.
15. I can’t be seen with anyone dressed like that! Go find some half-decent clothes. (Must spend 5d100 sp on
fashionable equipment—engraved grappling hooks, filigreed armor, lace handkerchiefs for cleaning swords,
16. You know, I’ve just had an idea. Fetch me a length of silk rope, a brazier, a small horse, a block and tackle,
some lard, a bag of ball bearings, and some open-minded young people with a strong sense of adventure.
17. I’ve been trying my hand at some poetry and am in need of a muse. Find someone fetching for me. (Acquire
the services of a hireling with a Charisma modifier of at least +1 for at least a month)
18. All this adventuring has left me fatigued. Take me someplace nice, darling (a night in the most expensive hotel
or inn in the nearest large city.
19. They’re circulating the most interesting pictures of (the region’s most notable noble couple) in [the nearest
large city], but I hear the constabulary has begun to confiscate them. I simply must have one of these
20. It’s been so long since I’ve been courted. Take me out on a night on the town. (Spend a full 24 hours and
d1000 sp; roll on a carousing table if you’ve got one)

let's make a deal II

Decided Pernicious Albion warlocks can't summon patrons. It was confusing, and it would make more sense to
represent it as a spell. Also changed how reaction rolls work:

 2: the warlock must perform a major favor or the spirit will cast the spell in a destructive manner
 2-5: the warlock must perform a minor favor or the spirit will cast the spell in a destructive manner
 6-9: the warlock must perform a minor favor or the spirit will do nothing
 10-11: the warlock must argue or grovel for a few rounds before the spirit will cast the spell
 12: the spirit casts the spell right away.

"Destructive manner" being destructive for the warlock an their allies (Fireball centered on caster, Invisibility on the
strongest enemy, and so on. It also makes major favors rarer, which is good because having a lot of them can be
overwhelming (the old table had 1 in 4 spells requiring a major favor to cast, which is a bit much). The new table also
makes it harder to say no to favors, since the consequence is usually chaos instead of nothing.

Mad Angel PENEMVE, Warlock patron

PENEMVE is a twice-exiled angel, first cast out from Heaven with the Grigori, then abandoned by its fellows when it
went mad with grief. PENEMVE opposes both its former comrades and the forces of Hell, and aims to defeat them with
a mysterious Project, which generally involves unorthodox methods.

PENEMVE is a spirit of knowledge and secrets. It knows when someone is burdened by a deep secret, and when they
act to cover a secret up, but it cannot perceive the secrets themselves. PENEMVE requires writing to communicate;
when it wishes to speak with someone (including its warlock), it alters nearby text and arranges it to cross paths with
them. A warlock of PENEMVE starts with the ability to cast Comprehend Languages, and can learn spells of
discernment and divination, such as Augury, Divination, and True Seeing.

Major favors for PENEMVE

PENEMVE is maybe insane and cannot interact with the world only by altering existing bodies of text, so the idea it to
be unclear if these favors are simply random acts of madness, part of an elaborate Rube Goldberg scheme to save/end
the world, or the product of PENEMVE's original message be garbled by its method of communication.

1. Letter: My dearest Joanna, This summer has been most troublesome, for there is an agent of the Cause set to
be executed in [nearest village] in 2d20 days. See to it that they escape. Give the children my love. Your sister,
MELANCHOLY, OR CONJUGAL TROUBLES? THEN find this doctor, drown him in a barrel of brandy,
and burn down his workshop. He lives in [the mercantile quarter of the nearest large city]. Proceed with
caution. He has sold his soul to Hell FOR THE REASONABLE PRICE OF £100!
3. shopping list: 1 lb carrots, 1 lb beef, a white dove, 1 lb chalcedony, 10 ft of golden wire, a silvered sword, a
virgin, 100 pairs of scissors, jam.
4. book: ...the mating ritual of the polychromatic bumblebee clearly indicates the need for you to infiltrate the
home of [a wealthy family in the nearest large city] and find the black sculpture they have recently acquired. I
want you to paint it bright red without being discovered, thus demonstrating the advantages of such bright
5. letter: Jessica, You are all I can think of, you are my day and my night, you are to find for me the book called
The Enochian Heresies. There is a copy in [the nearest, largest, most dangerous library]. Once you have it,
feed it to a goat, and if don’t see you soon, I think I shall die. Your love, Eugene
6. newspaper: NUDE BUTCHER STRIKES AGAIN! Local farmer John Hector experienced a rude awakening
last week when the morning sun revealed several demons have been investigating my activities. They tread in
your footsteps and will catch you in (d6) hours. Prepare yourself. The Constabulary has provided a thorough
sketch of the fugitive.
7. novel: ...bosom heaving, Loretta tore at her bosom. “No!” she cried out, her shapely arms clutching at
Heinrich’s chest, “I won’t leave you! I need you to capture the man known as Julia Lascelle in [farthest village
in area]. She has knows the location of an angelic device, and I must acquire it before my siblings do.”
8. grafitti: FUK THE QUEEN FUK THE CITY SHIT ON the vandals responsible for this message are
powerful, wise, and beautiful. Find them and convince them to offer their services to me. I am willing to
remunerate them for their troubles DICKS DICKS DICKS
9. a textbook: amo, amas, amat, a child in [the nearest village] has lost his family, and the villagers will do
nothing to help him. Retrieve him and bring him to [the orphanage in the nearest large city] amabo amabis
10. a cow with the following painted on its side: Go to [the nearest village] and cut off the head of the statue
standing in its central square. It is an Infernal device and will lead the yeoman to nothing but perdition.

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