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Metazeal a UV stable, pre-formed closed-cell, low-density PE (polyethylene) foam joint seal. The material is typically used as an expansion
joint seal or gasket in bridge decks, commercial buildings, parking decks, water treatment facilities, and other industrial applications.
Metazeal has a higher maximum operating temperature, 212°F when compared to our other pre-formed closed cell foam solutions. When
installed within the Ceva Joint Systems, this material acts as a water tight, seismic expansion joint seal.
Additional features include applications in hydrostatic environments. This material can be installed in ponding/standing water. Metazeal
material is safe for use in potable and processed water applications.
Metazeal meets ADA criteria for ground and floor surfaces as stated in the rules and regulations section of the Federal Register Volume 58
no.144, US Access Board.


Dynamic movement range Properties Test Method Typical Properties
Seismic expansion joint
of -50%, +25% & ±50% Compression ASTM D3575
seal 2 hr Recovery 9% Set
shear Set Suffix B
Can be used in below ASTM D3575
Waterproof Elongation 152% - 245%
grade applications Suffix T
Withstand up to 70 ft. of Ideal for stage construction ASTM D3575
head pressure or segmental repairs Density 1.8 – 2.5 lbs/ft³ avg.
Suffix W
Maximum operating Can be used in high heat
Water ASTM 3575
temperature of 212°F applications .03 lbs/ft² avg.
Absorption Suffix L
No anchoring system
ASTM G154 No chalking, flaking,
required, reduced
Ease of installation 3000 Hrs blistering, checking &
installation time and labor Weatherability
Field directional changes & Up to 3 hours of passive HH-F-341a No Degradation
heat welds fire protection ASTM D3575 110 – 130 psi
Suffix T (758 – 896 KPa)
Tear 16 lbs/in
Applications ASTM D3575
• Expansion joints Suffix G
• Seismic joints
• Gaskets ASTM D3575 9
Deflection 25%
• Seismic retrofit
• Cast-in-place joints Thermal ASTM D3575
5.9% Max
Locations Stability Suffix S
• Bridges/Highways/Tunnels/Airport Runways
Toxicity ISO-10993.5 Pas (not cytotoxic)
• Commercial Buildings
• Water Treatment Facilities Meets ASTM 1056 Type 2, Class B, Grade 2
• Tanks/Pools & AASHTO T-42-84 Modified
• Industrial Facilities
• Parking Garages
• Concrete
• Elastomeric concrete
• Steel
• Wood
• Most construction materials

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Storage: Joint material shall be stored in an area that maintains
Metazeal is capable of functioning within 50% compression and temperature between 50°F (10°C) and 90°F (32°C).
25% tension movement range. Metazeal can handle up to 50% ±
total horizontal or vertical shear movement. INSTALLATION PROCEDURES
Surface Preparation: Brush blast all concrete surfaces in direct
SIZING GUIDELINES contact with joint seal. Concrete surfaces should be free of all
Metazeal is typically sized 25% larger than the joint opening. The contaminants and latent build up. Blow dirt or debris from the joint
amount of compression will vary due to seasonality, temperature openings and joint surfaces with oil free compressed air. Steel
and designed movement of the joint. Please contact your sales surfaces must be cleaned to SSPC 10 or better. Ensure that all
representative for assistance. moisture is removed from steel surfaces prior to applying the
ENGINEERED SURFACE PROTECTION bonding agent. Use of a propane wand is acceptable.
The joint material shall have E.S.P. (Engineered Surface Seal Installation: The manufacturer’s published installation
Protection) grooves along the bond surfaces at a distance of no procedures shall be followed at all times. Mask the areas adjacent
less than ¼” and no more than ½” a part (6mm – 13mm). The to the joint opening. Use approximately 12” (300mm) of plastic
grooves are approximately 1/8” deep x 1/8” (3mm x 3 mm) wide sheeting and tape along edges to keep the surrounding areas
and run the entire length of the joint, increasing the bond surface clean. Be sure that the tape does not actually go into the joint
for enhanced bond performance. opening but back approximately 1/8” (3mm) from the joint edge.
PERFORMANCE INSTALLATION ENHANCEMENT Lay out joint material next to its joint opening to check for
For joint openings exceeding 3 inches in width and depth, appropriate length and width. Heat welds and other directional
Performance Installation Enhancement or P.I.E. is changes should be cut and made. All welds should be allowed to
recommended. When P.I.E. is added to the joint material, an cool before mixing the adhesive.
additional inch of depth is added for beveling. This bevel creates
Begin mixing the epoxy adhesive following the manufacturer’s
a natural trapezoidal shaped product that is easier to install.
specified mixing procedures and start at one end or at an
JOINT MATERIAL LIMITATIONS intersection or corner. Apply the epoxy adhesive to both sides
Directional Changes: All directional changes in joint material of the concrete substrate surfaces.
should be complete by heat welding. This is done by placing the
joint material ends against a Teflon coated heating iron at 350°F Apply enough adhesive to coat the substrate to an approximate
thickness of 40 mils (1mm). Apply the epoxy bonder on both
(176°C) for 10 – 20 seconds. The ends are then placed firmly
surfaces working in the direction ahead of the joint material, not
together and fusion bonded. If heat welding is not an option:
more than 20’ (6m) ahead.
Vertical turns - the maximum angle the joint material can sustain
without heat welding is 115°. Horizontal turns – the maximum Apply the epoxy adhesive to both sides of the joint material.
angle the joint material can sustain without heat welding is 135°. Apply enough to coat and fill the grooves on the joint material,
Heat welds will add to the aesthetics of an installation and are approximately 40 mils (1mm) thick. Install the coated material at
suggested for horizontal 90° turns. the curb, intersection, or corner, where the epoxy was initially
applied on the substrate.
Joint Variations: If a joint opening is not uniform, please contact
your local sales representative for assistance. The joint material should be installed 1/8” (3mm) below the joint
edge and should not protrude above the joint edge.
Skews: Metazeal does not have skew limitations
Continue in the same direction as the epoxy was initially
Operational Temperature Range: The physical and chemical
applied. DO NOT push at an angle or pull the material, as this
properties of the joint material do not alter significantly within the
will stretch the material and is unacceptable.
recommended temperature range of -94°F to 212°F (-70°C to
71°C). Clean the epoxy from the surface of the material as soon as it is
recessed to the desired depth. DO NOT allow the epoxy to
Maximum Joint Opening: When the expansion joint is subjected to
cure before removing it. Use a clean trowel or putty knife to
pedestrian or vehicular traffic, the following limitation
remove excess epoxy adhesive.
recommendations apply:
Once the joint is installed and cleaned, remove the tape from
Vehicular Traffic: Maximum Joint Opening of 4” without a cover
the joint edges before the epoxy cures.
Pedestrian Traffic: Maximum Joint Opening of 4” without a cover

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Allow the bonder to set, approximately 20 minutes, at 77°F
Metazeal is custom fabricated to order. Please contact your
(25°C), before traffic is allowed onto the joint. Slightly longer time
is required during cooler weather. local sales representative for size and availability.
Also available in sheets.
When a continuous joint cannot be finished, the epoxy bonder on
the substrate and on the joint material must end evenly. Install the MANUFACTURER’S CERTIFICATIONS
joint past the epoxied surface at least 6 to 12 inches (150-300mm) Available upon request.
dry, or without epoxy. This can be pulled out later to be re-welded MANUFACTURING TOLERANCES
and the installation continued.
The preformed joint material shall be the thickness and width
described in the contract plans within a depth tolerance of
+/-5% and a width tolerance of +/- 2%.

Contact Chase Construction Products

Global Operations Center
295 University Avenue Toll Free (US only): 800-323-4182
Westwood, MA 02090 Tel: 781-332-0700
USA Fax: 781-332-0702
www.chasecorp.com Email: info@chasecorp.com

Warranty & Limitation of Seller’s Liability

The information contained herein is provided for product selection only, and is not to be considered as a specification or performance data. Chase Construction Products (a division of Chase
Corporation) warrants the product for a period of one (1) year from the date of initial shipment to the initial purchaser, that the products meet the parameters listed on the applicable Technical Data
Sheet. Chase makes no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including that of merchantability, other than that products conform to Chase’s current quality control standards at time of
manufacture. If breach of warranty is established, the buyer’s exclusive remedy shall be repayment of purchase price of the non-conforming product to replace the non-conforming product. The
buyer expressly waives any claim to additional damages, including without limitation, incidental or consequential damages. Specific conditions of sale and Chase’s limited warranty are set out in
detail in Chase Corporation Terms and Conditions of Sale.

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