Garnet Nomenclature 2013
Garnet Nomenclature 2013
Garnet Nomenclature 2013
IMA Report
Nomenclature of the garnet supergroup
Geosciences, Museum Victoria, GPO Box 666, Melbourne 3001, Victoria, Australia
Faculty of Earth Sciences, Department of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Petrography, University of Silesia, Będzińska 60, 41-200 Sosnowiec, Poland
Swedish Museum of Natural History, Department of Mineralogy, P.O. Box 50 007, 104 05 Stockholm, Sweden
The garnet supergroup includes all minerals isostructural with garnet regardless of what elements
occupy the four atomic sites, i.e., the supergroup includes several chemical classes. There are pres-
ently 32 approved species, with an additional 5 possible species needing further study to be approved.
The general formula for the garnet supergroup minerals is {X3}[Y2](Z3)ϕ12, where X, Y, and Z refer
to dodecahedral, octahedral, and tetrahedral sites, respectively, and ϕ is O, OH, or F. Most garnets
are cubic, space group Ia3d (no. 230), but two OH-bearing species (henritermierite and holtstamite)
have tetragonal symmetry, space group, I41/acd (no. 142), and their X, Z, and ϕ sites are split into
more symmetrically unique atomic positions. Total charge at the Z site and symmetry are criteria for
distinguishing groups, whereas the dominant-constituent and dominant-valency rules are critical in
identifying species. Twenty-nine species belong to one of five groups: the tetragonal henritermierite
group and the isometric bitikleite, schorlomite, garnet, and berzeliite groups with a total charge at Z
of 8 (silicate), 9 (oxide), 10 (silicate), 12 (silicate), and 15 (vanadate, arsenate), respectively. Three
species are single representatives of potential groups in which Z is vacant or occupied by monovalent
(halide, hydroxide) or divalent cations (oxide). We recommend that suffixes (other than Levinson
modifiers) not be used in naming minerals in the garnet supergroup. Existing names with suffixes have
been replaced with new root names where necessary: bitikleite-(SnAl) to bitikleite, bitikleite-(SnFe)
to dzhuluite, bitikleite-(ZrFe) to usturite, and elbrusite-(Zr) to elbrusite. The name hibschite has been
discredited in favor of grossular as Si is the dominant cation at the Z site. Twenty-one end-members
have been reported as subordinate components in minerals of the garnet supergroup of which six have
been reported in amounts up to 20 mol% or more, and, thus, there is potential for more species to be
discovered in the garnet supergroup. The nomenclature outlined in this report has been approved by
the Commission on New Minerals, Nomenclature and Classification of the International Mineralogical
Association (Voting Proposal 11-D).
Keywords: Garnet group, schorlomite group, bitikleite group, berzeliite group, henritermierite
group, katoite, nomenclature, crystal chemistry
Yakovlevskaya 1972; Strunz and Nickel 2001; Back and Man- atomic number of the X site, whereas species with joint occupan-
darino 2008). However, there are minerals from other classes, cies at the Y site are placed last. Table 2 lists the 32 species as
such as arsenates, vanadates, oxides, and even fluorides that are end-members in the same order and compares formulas given
isostructural with the silicate garnets, and whose major con- in the 2009 list (updated in 2012) of minerals approved by the
stituents show chemical similarities with constituents in silicate CNMNC with the end-member formulas approved with the
garnets, i.e., these minerals meet the criteria for inclusion in a classification presented here.
broader entity, the garnet supergroup (Mills et al. 2009). McCon- Subdivision of the groups into mineral subgroups or mineral
nell (1942) introduced the term “garnetoid” to “designate those series is not recommended, as these terms should be reserved
substances which are not primarily silicates but have structures for homologous or polysomatic series (Mills et al. 2009). This
similar to that of true garnets,” such as “hydrogarnet,” berzeliite restriction constitutes another rationale for discouraging the
and the phosphate griphite (Headden 1891). It does not appear traditional division of the garnet group into the “pyralspite” and
that garnetoid was discredited as a group name (Clark 1993), “ugrandite” species (Winchell 1933) or series (Strunz and Nickel
but our preference is to use the term garnet for the supergroup. 2001), although there could be some fundamental structural dif-
Rinaldi (1978) showed that griphite is not isostructural with ferences that limit solid solution between the two groupings (e.g.,
garnet, although he found that there are some structural features Ungaretti et al. 1995; Boiocchi et al. 2012; cf. Geiger 2008).
in common, which were also discussed by Sokolova and Haw- Our procedure for distinguishing species relies heavily on the
thorne (2002), and thus griphite is not considered to be a garnet. dominant-valency rule, which is an extension of the dominant-
In addition, the silicate mineral wadalite had been thought to be constituent rule (Hatert and Burke 2008). The latter rule states
related to garnet because of similarities in cell dimensions and that species designation is based on the dominant constituent
diffraction intensities (Feng et al. 1988; Tsukimura et al. 1993; at a given crystallographic site, which works well when all
Glasser 1995). Although wadalite lacks a center of symmetry, constituents have the same valence. However, when ions at a
so that the single tetrahedral site found in grossular is split in given crystallographic site have different valences, it is essential
wadalite into two sites, one of which is vacant, it still can be con- that the dominant valence be determined first, and then species
sidered a derivative of grossular, but Glasser (1995) emphasized and group designation is determined by the dominant ion hav-
the much closer relationship of wadalite to mayenite. Recent ing this valence. Traditionally, identifying a garnet species has
crystal structure refinements make no mention of a relationship
of wadalite or mayenite to garnet (Boysen et al. 2007; Iwata et
Table 1. A classification of the 32 approved species in the garnet
al. 2008; Ma et al. 2011), and the structural relationship between supergroup
garnet and wadalite (or mayenite) is sufficiently distant that Z charge GROUP or species name Class X Y Z ϕ
these minerals are not included in the garnet supergroup. The 0 Katoite Hydroxide Ca3 Al2 o (OH)12
so-called “tetragonal almandine-pyrope phase” (TAPP) has the 3 Cryolithionite Halide Na3 Al2 Li3 F12
6 Yafsoanite Oxide Ca3 Te2 Zn3 O12 6+
stoichiometry, but not the structure of garnet (Harris et al. 1997; 8 HENRITERMIERITE Silicate
Finger and Conrad 2000), i.e., TAPP has edges shared between Holtstamite Ca3 Al2 Si2 | o O8(OH)4
tetrahedra and octahedra, a feature not found in garnet (see be- Henritermierite Ca3 Mn3+ 2 Si2 | o O8(OH)4
low) and thus is not considered further in this report. Similarly, Bitikleite Ca3 Sb Sn4+ Al3 O12 5+
although some natural and synthetic arsenates of the alluaudite Usturite Ca3 Sb5+Zr Fe3+ 3 O12
group, e.g., caryinite, are approximately polymorphous with the Dzhuluite Ca3 Sb5+Sn4+ Fe3+ 3 O12
Elbrusite Ca3 U 0.5Zr1.5 Fe 3 O12 6+ 3+
Twenty-nine of the thirty-two approved species of the garnet Toturite Ca3 Sn 2 SiFe 2 O12 4+ 3+
12 GARNET Silicate
supergroup are divided here into five groups on the basis of Menzerite-(Y) Y2Ca Mg2 Si3 O12
the total charge of cations at the tetrahedral site, leaving three Pyrope Mg3 Al2 Si3 O12
ungrouped species (Table 1); four potential new species can be Grossular Ca3 Al2 Si3 O12
Spessartine Mn2+ 3 Al2 Si3 O12
accommodated in two of these groups (see below). One group Almandine Fe2+ 3 Al2 Si3 O12
is also distinguished on the basis of symmetry: the tetragonal Eringaite Ca3 Sc2 Si3 O12
Goldmanite Ca3 V3+ 2 Si3 O12
henritermierite group (Fig. 1a). The classification in Table 1 Momoiite Mn2+ 3 V 2 Si3 O12
keeps the number of groups at a practical level that still reflects Knorringite Mg3 Cr3+ 2 Si3 O12
crystal-chemical relationships. Table 1 also gives the class for Uvarovite Ca3 Cr3+ 2 Si3 O12
Andradite Ca3 Fe 2 Si3 O12 3+
the five groups and ungrouped species to emphasize that the Calderite Mn 3 Fe 2 Si3 O12 2+ 3+
garnet supergroup comprises not only silicates (Figs. 1a, 1c, Majorite Mg3 SiMg Si3 O12
1d, and 1e), but also a halide (Fig. 1b), hydroxides, oxides, Morimotoite Ca3 TiFe2+ Si3 O12
15 BERZELIITE Vanadate, arsenate
vanadates, and arsenates (Fig. 1g). The groups are listed in Schäferite Ca2Na Mg2 V5+ 3 O12
order of increasing charge of cations that occupy the Z site of Palenzonaite Ca2Na Mn2+ 2 V 3 O12
members with increasing atomic number of the Z site, followed Notes: Formulas are given in the form {X3}[Y2](Z3)ϕ12. Group names are given
by increasing atomic number of the Y site and last, by increasing in capitals.
[Al2](Li3)F12: a transparent, colorless single grain in yellowish-white Note: Former names from IMA-CNMNC List of Mineral Names compiled in
fine-grained cryolite. Specimen size is 4.5 × 2 × 1.7 cm. From the type March 2009 by E.H. Nickel and M.C. Nichols and from the Official IMA list of
locality, Ivigtut Cryolite deposit, Ivittuut (Ivigtut), Kitaa, Greenland. mineral names (updated from March 2009 list) at
ima-cnmnc/. Names of minerals approved after the list was published are taken
Pavel M. Kartashov collection and photograph. (c) Grossular, end- from the original description.
member formula {Ca3}[Al2](Si3)O12: a trapezohedron {211}, 3.5 cm * Table 5 lists the names under which these four minerals were originally
across on the left and crystals in a cyclic intergrowth on the right, from described.
the type locality, Wiluy River, Sakha-Yakutia Republic, Russia. The
distinctive brown color is due a 30–50 µm zone of brown andradite a short garnet classification, and to provide practical guidelines for
distance under the crystal faces. Evgeny and Irina Galuskin collection application of the nomenclature in distinguishing species. The
and Evgeny Galuskin photograph. (d) Uvarovite, end-member formula nomenclature outlined in this report has been approved by the
{Ca3}[Cr3+ 2 ](Si3)O12: green dodecahedral crystals on chromite, from the CNMNC (Voting proposal 11-D, April 3, 2012).
type locality, Saranovskii Mine, Permskaya Oblast, Middle Urals, Russia.
Largest crystal is 4 mm across. Museum of the Faculty of Earth Sciences, Crystallographic and crystal-chemical
University of Silesia, no. WNoZ/M/9/19. Evgeny Galuskin photograph. aspects of garnet-supergroup minerals
(e) Almandine, end-member formula {Fe3}[Al2](Si3)O12: a crystal
In the structure of cubic garnets (e.g., Menzer 1928; Novak
group 2.5 cm across on granite, Mount Lady Franklin, Barnawartha,
and Gibbs 1971; Hawthorne 1981; Merli et al. 1995; Geiger
Victoria, Australia. Museum Victoria registration no. M34200. Frank
Coffa photograph. (f) Schorlomite, end-member formula {Ca3}[Ti2] 2008), space group Ia3d (no. 230), there are only four symmetri-
2 )O12: an incomplete crystal from the type locality, Magnet Cove,
cally unique atomic sites (not including hydrogen): dodecahedral
Hot Spring County, Arkansas. E.S. Grew collection and photograph. {X}, octahedral [Y], and tetrahedral (Z) cation sites, as well as
(g) Manganberzeliite, end-member formula {Ca2Na}[Mn2+ 2 ](As3 )O12,
5+ an anionic site designated ϕ to indicate O, OH, and F, giving a
from the type locality, Långban, Sweden. The largest crystals are 3 mm generalized chemical formula for the garnet supergroup, {X3}[Y2]
across. Swedish Museum of Natural History specimen no. 19170722. (Z3)ϕ12 (modified after Geller 1967). The three cation sites are at
M. Cooper photograph. special positions fixed by symmetry, with the Wyckoff positions
24c, 16a, and 24d, respectively, whereas the anion site is located
relied heavily on the proportion of end-member components, at a general position, 96h. The structure consists of alternating
and therefore depended on a specific sequence of calculating Zϕ4 tetrahedra and Yϕ6 octahedra, which share corners to form a
end-member proportions: garnet end-member proportions three-dimensional framework (Fig. 2). Cavities enclosed in this
constitute an underdetermined system from the point of view of framework have the form of triangular dodecahedra surrounding
linear algebra: there are more end-members than oxides (e.g., the X site (Novak and Gibbs 1971). Each anion is coordinated by
Rickwood 1968; Locock 2008). one Z, one Y, and two X cations, resulting in a high percentage of
The purpose of this report is to present the essential elements shared edges between the dodecahedra on the one hand and the
of garnet nomenclature, to define concepts that are central to octahedra and tetrahedra on the other. However, the octahedra
(001) slice
and tetrahedra do not share edges with each other (cf. TAPP: H (>11.7 wt% H2O equivalent to >5.43 OH per formula unit)
Harris et al. 1997; Finger and Conrad 2000). gave spectra consistent with the substitution 4H+Zo → o+ZSi,
In hydrous garnets, the major mechanism of hydroxyl incor- whereas samples with much less H (<3.6 wt% H2O, mostly
poration is by the coupled substitution 4H+Zo → o+ZSi, i.e., <0.5 wt%) gave 7 different types of IR spectra, suggesting OH
the hydrogen ions occupy a separate site of general symmetry groups were present in multiple site environments, an inference
(Wyckoff position 96h) coordinated to O defining the tetrahedral supported by NMR spectra on three grossular samples (Cho and
site, which is vacant (e.g., Ferro et al. 2003; Lager et al. 1987, Rossman 1993). On the basis of Fourier-transform IR spectra,
1989). The hydrogen ions lie approximately on the faces of the Eeckhout et al. (2002) concluded that there is no evidence for
tetrahedron of O around a vacant center, as do the deuterium a multisite OH substitution in spessartine-almandine garnets
ions shown in Figure 3. The O-H and O-D distances reported from Brazilian pegmatites, leaving the hydrogarnet substitution
for minerals or their synthetic analogues range from 0.65 Å in as the only proposed mechanism for the incorporation of H. In
synthetic deuterium katoite (X‑ray diffraction, Lager et al. 1987) summary, garnet samples in which concentrations of H are too
and 0.68 Å in natural katoite (X‑ray diffraction, Sacerdoti and low to be studied by conventional X‑ray and neutron diffraction
Passaglia 1985) to 0.75 Å in henritermierite (X‑ray diffraction, techniques give conflicting and equivocal results, whereas H-
Armbruster et al. 2001) to 0.904–0.95 Å in synthetic katoite rich samples in which H can be determined by these techniques
(neutron diffraction, Lager et al. 1987; Cohen-Addad et al. 1967). give data consistent with 4H+Zo → o+ZSi. Consequently, for
Allowing that O-H and O-D distances obtained by X‑ray diffrac- nomenclature purposes, we have assumed that H is incorporated
tion are shorter than those obtained by neutron diffraction, Lager exclusively by 4H+Zo → o+ZSi.
et al. (1987) concluded that the reported distances are consistent The symmetry of garnet is predominantly isometric, space
with isolated OH groups (lacking H-bonding) and assumed that group Ia3d (no. 230) but the two species in the henritermierite
the residual density located near oxygen can be attributed to the group have tetragonal symmetry I41/acd (no. 142), and the X, Z,
displaced (bonding) electron between O and H and not to the and ϕ sites are split into more symmetrically unique sites, without
hydrogen itself. altering the topology such that the idealized formula becomes
However, compositional data, nuclear magnetic resonance {Ca12}{Ca2}[R3+ 2 ](Si12)(o2)O14O24(O3H)4, where R = Mn or
(NMR) spectra, and infrared (IR) spectra have been cited as Al. Armbruster et al. (2001) concluded that Jahn-Teller distortion
evidence for multiple H occupancy in grossular and garnets in resulting from Mn3+ occupancy of Y and the arrangement of the
the hydrogrossular series. Cation vacancies at the X and Y sites hydroxyl tetrahedra are coupled, and together are responsible for
calculated from electron microprobe analyses without direct the lowering to tetragonal symmetry in henritermierite. More-
determination of H2O have been cited as evidence for the pres- over, stabilization of the Al-dominant analog holtstamite has been
ence of H in these polyhedra, either without crystallographic data thought to require a minimum Mn3+ content, which is estimated to
(Birkett and Trzcienski 1984), or in conjunction with single-crys- be at least 0.2 Mn3+ per formula unit (pfu), the amount reported
tal refinements of Ca, Al, Fe, and Si, whereas H could be located in an isometric andradite (Armbruster 1995) and no more than
only in a few of the crystals studied and not quantified (Basso 0.64 Mn3+ pfu, the lowest amount found in holtstamite, i.e., be-
et al. 1984a, 1984b; Basso and Cabella 1990). Kalinichenko tween 10 and 32% of the henritermierite end-member must be
et al. (1987) interpreted NMR spectra obtained on a grossular present to stabilize the tetragonal form (Hålenius 2004; Hålenius
to indicate 2H in the octahedra and 1H in the tetrahedra. In a et al. 2005). However, these arguments are not supported by a
comprehensive IR study of the hydrogrossular series, Rossman Si-deficient spessartine containing no Mn3+, but showing I41/acd
and Aines (1991) reported that samples containing substantial symmetry attributed to (OH,F)4 groups (Boiocchi et al. 2012),
implying symmetry lowering could have more than one cause. of current names that have been used in the mineralogical and
In addition, there are numerous reports of natural garnets gemological literature. In the following section, we discuss only
having orthorhombic, monoclinic, or triclinic symmetry, which those species in which there were problems or difficulties in their
have been attributed to crystal growth phenomena, multiple original characterization or where the name or formula has had
diffraction, strain, and/or cation ordering (e.g., Griffen et al. to be significantly modified since the original description.
1992; McAloon and Hofmeister 1993; Armbruster and Geiger
1993; Rossmanith and Armbruster 1995; Hofmeister et al. 1998; Suffixes
Wildner and Andrut 2001; Shtukenberg et al. 2005; Frank- With the exception of manganberzeliite (see below), up until
Kamenetskaya et al. 2007). As these structures have essentially 2009, garnets have been given new root names, without prefixes
the same topology, they are not regarded as separate species or suffixes. However, since 2009 five new names with suffixes
(Nickel and Grice 1998). have been approved by the CNMNC. For one of these, menzerite-
Table 3 gives the relative abundance of the generalized cat- (Y), the suffix is a Levinson modifier for the rare earth elements
ions (Rn+ with n = 1–6) and anions (ϕ1–, ϕ2–) at each of the sites (Levinson 1966), whereas the suffixes for the other four garnets
reported in the Ia3d structure, and presents the major reported identified the dominant tetravalent cation at the Y site, i.e., Sn
cation and anion substituents in natural garnets for each of the vs. Zr in two bitikleite species [formerly bitikleite-(SnFe) and
valence states of the ions. Table 4 summarizes significant het- bitikleite-(ZrFe)] and elbrusite [formerly elbrusite-(Zr)], and the
erovalent substitutions in natural garnet, as well as some chemical dominant trivalent cation at the Z site, i.e., Al vs. Fe [formerly
relations among species. bitikleite-(SnAl) and bitikleite-(ZrFe), Table 5]. In the present
report we restrict the term “rare earth elements” to the elements
Specific nomenclature issues in the garnet from La to Lu (atomic numbers 57–71) and Y (atomic number
supergroup 39) as defined by Levinson (1966), rather than calling La-Lu
Historical information on the 32 approved species of the gar- “lanthanoids” and including Sc as well as Y in the rare earth
net supergroup is summarized in Appendix 1. A more complete elements as recommended by the International Union of Pure
list of 715 synonyms, varietal, obsolete, and discredited names and Applied Chemistry. With the exception of the Levinson
applied to minerals in the garnet supergroup since antiquity has modifiers for the rare earth elements, e.g., menzerite-(Y), the
been compiled in Appendix 21. This list includes the synonyms application of suffixes results in unnecessary complexity in the
nomenclature and could lead to confusion as further new spe-
Table 3. Relative site abundances of cations and anions in garnet-
supergroup minerals 1
Deposit item AM-13-036, Appendixes 2–4. Deposit items are available two
Site Relative abundance of ions Cations and anions at each ways: For a paper copy contact the Business Office of the Mineralogical Society
site in order of relative abundance of America (see inside front cover of recent issue) for price information. For an
X R2+ >> R3+ >> R1+ >> R4+ R2+: Fe ~ Mn ~ Ca > Mg >> Pb electronic copy visit the MSA web site at, go to the
R3+: Y > HREE > LREE American Mineralogist Contents, find the table of contents for the specific volume/
R1+: Na issue wanted, and then click on the deposit link there.
R4+: Th
Y R3+ > R4+ > R2+ > R5+ > R6+ R3+: Al ~ Fe > V, Cr, Mn > Sc >> Ga
R4+: Ti > Zr > Si, Sn Table 5. Former names, new names and approved end-member for-
R2+: Mg > Fe, Mn
mulas for renamed/discredited minerals listed in this report
R5+: Sb, Nb
R6+: Te, U Former name New name Formula (approved by CNMNC)
Z R4+ > R3+ > R5+ ~ o (vacancy) > R2+, R1+ R4+: Si >> Ti > Ge (approved by CNMNC)
R3+: Fe ~ Al Bitikleite-(SnAl) Bitikleite {Ca3}[Sb5+Sn4+](Al3)O12
R5+: As > V > P Bitikleite-(SnFe) Dzhuluite {Ca3}[Sb5+Sn4+](Fe3+ 3 )O12
R2+: Zn, Fe Bitikleite-(ZrFe) Usturite {Ca3}[Sb5+Zr](Fe33+)O12
R1+: Li Elbrusite-(Zr) Elbrusite {Ca3}[U6+
0.5Zr1.5](Fe3 )O12
nets with suffixes, which are not Levinson modifiers, have only et al. 2010a). Determination of the site occupancies and valence
recently been described and are not entrenched in the literature, states were hampered by its metamict state, which was nearly
we have given these garnets new names without suffixes. This complete in elbrusite containing 24 wt% UO3 (0.62 U per for-
renaming has been approved by the CNMNC as part of the overall mula unit) and well advanced in U-rich kerimasite (Fe-dominant
nomenclature (Table 5). The etymology of the new names can analog of kimzeyite in the original description) (15–17 wt%
also be found in Appendix 1. UO3, 0.37–0.42 U pfu); single-crystal X‑ray diffraction was
only practical for kerimasite containing 9 wt% UO3 (0.21 U
pfu) (Galuskina et al. 2010a). The authors noted that a Raman
The nomenclature of naturally occurring garnet containing band below 700 cm–1 could indicate the presence of some Fe2+
substantial amounts of the hydroxyl ion has had a complex in elbrusite, but the only evidence for U being hexavalent is the
history (e.g., Pertlik 2003). Many of these garnets have com- association with vorlanite, CaU+6O4, for which the hexavalent
positions intermediate between grossular (x = 0) and katoite state of U could be determined (Galuskin et al. 2011a).
(x = 3), i.e., {Ca3}[Al2](Si3–xx)O12–4x(OH)4x where 0 < x < 3 The composition {Ca3}[U6+Zr](Fe3+ 2 Fe )O12 is not a valid
and is vacancy. For the majority of these garnets, x < 1.5 end-member because more than one site has two occupants
(e.g., Passaglia and Rinaldi 1984). “Hibschite” was approved (Hawthorne 2002). Instead, it can be considered as the sum of
by the then Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names two valid end-members, ⅔{Ca3}[U6+ 0.5Zr1.5](Fe3 )O12 + ⅓{Ca3}
“hibschite” is not distinct from grossular according to the (Fig. 4). The trend is very close to the substitution mechanism
dominant-constituent rule, i.e., Si > at the Z site, therefore U6++R2+ = 2R4+, and thus is consistent with the interpretation by
“hibschite” is discredited in favor of grossular (Table 5). Dunn Galuskina et al. (2010a) that U is hexavalent and Fe2+ is present.
et al. (1985) allowed that “the name hydrogrossular may still be Moreover, the compositions that Galuskina et al. (2010a) identi-
applied to members of the series with appreciable OH content fied as elbrusite and kerimasite plot in the fields for {Ca3}[U6+R4+]
but undetermined SiO4/(OH)4 ratio.” 2 R )O12 and {Ca3}[R2 ](R R2 )O12, respectively, requiring no
(R3+ 2+ 4+ 4+ 3+
Several names have also been used describe the OH-bearing revision of their species identifications if {Ca3}[U6+ 0.5Zr1.5](Fe3 )
garnets considered together, including the “grossularoid group” O12 is considered to be the end-member of elbrusite. Therefore
(Belyankin and Petrov 1941) and the “hydrogarnet series” (Flint {Ca3}[U6+ 0.5Zr1.5](Fe3 )O12 should now be used as the elbrusite
et al. 1941). Dunn et al. (1985) implied that the term “hydrogros- end-member formula.
sular group” and “hydrogrossular series” would be acceptable Yudintsev (2001) and Yudintsev et al. (2002) reported a
for compositions along the grossular katoite join, but in our U‑rich garnet, one of three compounds synthesized in corundum
classification the binary would no longer qualify as a group, crucibles from a (Ca2.5U0.5)Zr2Fe3O12 bulk composition at 1400 °C
whereas the term “series” has a more restrictive meaning than in air: {Ca2.64U0.36}[Zr1.66Fe0.30U0.04](Fe1.85Al1.15)O12, whereas Ut-
a simple binary solid solution (Mills et al. 2009; see above). sunomiya et al. (2002) reported synthesis of a U-rich garnet with
The tetragonal hydroxyl-bearing garnets henritermierite a slightly different composition, {Ca2.93U0.07}[Zr1.52U0.47Fe0.01]
and holtstamite (Fig. 1a) are considered to constitute a distinct (Fe1.83Al1.17)O12, under unspecified conditions, but presumably
group because of their lower symmetry and because one tetra- similar. Uranium is largely tetravalent in the starting material,
hedral site is largely vacant, i.e., > Si at one of the two sites and despite having been heated in a relatively oxidizing envi-
corresponding to Z in the archetypal garnet structure (Aubry et ronment, was assumed by Yudintsev (2001) to have remained
al. 1969; Armbruster et al. 2001; Hålenius et al. 2005). Optical mostly tetravalent in the garnet because of its association with
determinations are sufficient to distinguish this group from cubic oxide with the fluorite structure typical of U4+. However,
members of the garnet group, and crystal structure determina- charge balance requires that 72–81% of the U be hexavalent in
tions are not necessary. Holtstamite is uniaxial and shows a high the two synthetic garnets. If U is assumed to be tetravalent at
(0.030) birefringence. In contrast birefringent grossular garnets the X site and hexavalent at the Y site, a distribution consistent
are normally biaxial (as a consequence of symmetry lowering with the relative sizes of the two U ions, the two formulas give
to orthorhombic, monoclinic, or triclinic symmetries) and show 11.754 and 12.030 positive charges, respectively. The formula of
low to moderate (0.001–0.010) birefringence (Shtukenberg et the garnet synthesized by Utsunomiya et al. 2002) is very close
al. 2001, 2005), although birefringence as high as 0.015 has to the proposed elbrusite end-member (Fig. 4), and thus provides
been observed for compositions with considerable andradite support for use of this end-member for elbrusite.
component. In addition, the powder XRD pattern for holtstamite
and grossular are distinct because they show different d-spacings Ti-rich garnets: Schorlomite and morimotoite
for their respective 5 strongest reflections. Henritermierite and The site occupancies of Ti-rich garnets have been the subject
holtstamite are distinguished from each other on the basis of the of considerable controversy despite being extensively studied
dominant cation at the Y site, respectively Mn3+ and Al. using a diverse arsenal of spectroscopic techniques as well
Zr, Mg, Mn, and Al included with Ti, Fe , Ca, and Fe3+ according
sion that Ti3+ plays a negligible role in natural terrestrial garnet, generalized end-members {Ca3}[R3+ 2 ](Si3)O12, {Ca3}[R2 ](SiR2 )
4+ 3+
although it could be significant constituent in some meteoritic O12, and {Ca3}[R4+R2+](Si3)O12. For R4+ = Ti, R3+ = Fe3+, and R2+
garnet (e.g., Ma 2012). = Fe2+, these generalized end-members correspond, respectively,
As regards the location of Ti, Armbruster et al. (1998) located to andradite, the schorlomite end-member of Ito and Frondel
Ti at Z as well as Y, but most authors place Ti only at Y, which (1967a), and the morimotoite end-member of Henmi et al. (1995),
seems reasonable in the relatively Si-rich and Ti-rich garnets i.e., the same components plotted by Henmi et al. (1995, their Fig.
(Si > 2 apfu) because of the rarity of Si = Ti substitution at 1). It turns out that 15 wt% TiO2, which Zedlitz (1933) suggested
tetrahedral sites (Hartman 1969). Nonetheless, combined low as a cutoff for schorlomite, is a good estimate of the minimum
pressure and high temperature could favor Ti substitution for Si TiO2 content of compositions plotting in the morimotoite and
at a tetrahedral site as it does in lamproitic richterite (Oberti et schorlomite fields unless significant Zr is present.
al. 1992). The most robust element-specific technique, XANES, Three reports of garnets reported to contain over 20 wt%
yields results consistent with the bulk of Ti occupying the oc- TiO2 have not been plotted in Figure 5 either because of their
tahedral site in most natural garnets (Waychunas 1987; Locock high-H2O content or because of their questionable identity as
et al. 1995). Significant Ti may occupy the Z site in Si-poor garnet. Galuskina and Galuskin (unpublished data) were able to
garnets such as elbrusite and bitikleite (e.g., Galuskina et al. confirm the identity of an OH-bearing schorlomite in a xenolith
2010a, 2010b), and its presence has been demonstrated in Si- from the upper Chegem caldera, northern Caucasus by Raman
free synthetic garnets (Povarennykh and Shabilin 1983; Cartie spectroscopy. Analyses of the cores of two honey-colored
et al. 1992; Yamane and Kawano 2011). Another question is the crystals about 30 µm across enclosed in grossular-katoite give
possible presence of tetrahedrally coordinated Fe2+. Some studies 12.61–13.75 wt% SiO2, 25.42–25.86 wt% TiO2, 0.41–0.49 wt%
reported Mössbauer spectroscopic evidence for significant Fe2+ SnO2, 2.20–2.28 wt% Al2O3, 24.86–26.09 wt% Fe as Fe2O3,
at the Z site (e.g., Locock et al. 1995; Koritnig et al. 1978), but 31.03–31.71 wt% CaO, ≤ 0.03 wt% MgO, and 0.27 to 1.2 wt%
the spectroscopic data do not always give unequivocal site as- H2O (calculated); Mn, Cr, Zr, Nb, V, Ce, La, Na, F, and Cl were
signments (Chakhmouradian and McCammon 2005). Last, there below the detection limit. These data correspond approximately
is the role of the hydroxyl ion; ignoring hydroxyl results in an to 73–76% {Ca3}[Ti4+ 2 ](SiFe2 )O12, the highest proportion of the
underestimate of Fe2+ in the formulas calculated by the method schorlomite end-member reported in a natural garnet, 12–13%
of Droop (1987). However, the effect would be serious only if {Ca3}[Ti4+ 2 ](SiAl2)O12 and 12–14% andradite plus its OH analog.
>0.4 wt% H2O were present, in which case at least 0.1 Fe2+ per Grapes et al. (1979) reported an electron microprobe analysis
formula unit would not show up in the calculated formula unless of a garnet from Morotu, Sakhalin Island, Russia, containing
OH were included in the formula calculation, i.e., (OH)+O = 12 27.38 wt% TiO2 and 33.50 wt% Fe as FeO, but deficient in Si
and Σ{X}+Σ[Y]+Σ(Z)+Zo(OH)/4 = 8, or if F present, O+(OH)+F = and Ca with the formula: {Ca1.53Fe2+ 1.46Mn0.01}[Ti1.28Fe 0.71Mg0.01]
12 and Σ{X}+Σ[Y]+Σ(Z)+Zo(OH)/4+ZoF/4 = 8. The few analyses (Si1.84Ti0.60Fe 0.38Al0.18)O12, i.e., a morimotoite from site occupan-
available in the recent comprehensive studies give 0.02–0.21 cies, but anomalous because so much Ti (or Fe2+) is forced by
wt% H2O for natural Ti-rich garnets with >12 wt% TiO2 (Küh- the formula calculation onto the Z site. A possible explanation
berger et al. 1989; Locock et al. 1995; Amthauer and Rossman for the high-Fe and Ti contents is X‑ray fluorescence from con-
1998; Chakhmouradian and McCammon 2005). An exception is tiguous phases (Chakhmouradian and McCammon 2005). In a
“hydroschorlomite” with 5 wt% H2O (Galuskin 2005); such H2O- study of altered basalt from the equatorial east Pacific, Laverne
rich garnets cannot be treated in the approach discussed below. et al. (2006) described a “hydroschorlomite” with 22.0–28.6
To identify end-member formulas for the two Ti-rich garnet wt% TiO2, 6.2–12.9 wt% Fe as FeO and 22.5–26.5% wt% CaO.
species schorlomite and morimotoite, we should compare the Laverne et al. (2006) tried to correct for celadonite impurities,
results from as many studies as possible, which necessitate our which were manifested by the presence of ∼1 wt% K2O in the
relying on chemical data. Few authors have supplemented chemi- analyses. The study included SEM and TEM, as well as micro-
cal data with structure refinements using X‑ray diffraction and Raman spectra, but none provided corroborative evidence that the
with spectroscopic methods to determine site occupancy, and thus mineral was indeed a garnet; the reported compositions suggest
we think that reliance on chemical data is the most consistent the mineral could be titanite.
approach for treating compositional data from different studies. Three analyses, including the holotype, from the type locality
In addition, we have made the following assumptions in treating of morimotoite in Fuka, Japan, plot in the morimotoite field and
the chemical data. show that Ti and Fe2+ are the dominant R4+ and R2+ cations at Y if
we assume that Ti and Fe2+ do not occupy the Z site, whereas four
(1) Ti is Ti4+ and preferentially occupies the Y site, which of the five analyses of garnet from the type locality of schorlomite
rules out the end-member {Ca3}[Ti2](TiFe3+ 2 )O12 proposed by at Magnet Cove, U.S.A., plot in the schorlomite field and show
Rickwood (1968). that Ti is the dominant R4+ cation, and Fe3+ is the dominant ZR3+
(2) H2O content is ≤0.2 wt%. cation. The latter situation holds even if Al is assumed to pref-
(3) Site occupancies are estimated using formulas calculated erentially occupy the Z site (e.g., Chakhmouradian and McCam-
for 8 cations and 12 oxygen anions and the procedure outlined mon 2005), which is not supported by all studies (e.g., Locock
in the next section (see below). et al. 1995; Armbruster et al. 1998). Thus, we recommend that
{Ca3}[Ti4+Fe2+](Si3)O12 and {Ca3}[Ti4+ 2 ](SiFe2 )O12 be the end-
Figure 5 is a plot of Y-site compositions for garnets contain- member formulas for morimotoite and schorlomite, respectively.
ing >12 wt% TiO2 and Ti > Zr apfu in terms of the following Despite the assumptions and simplifications discussed above,
Figure 5. Plot of the Y-site contents of 40 natural garnets with TiO2 > 12 wt% based on formulas normalized to 8 cations and 12 O anions
(excluding H); BaO and ZnO not included. Y-site contents were calculated from the relative proportions of (1) Ti+Zr (=R3+ at Z), (2) remaining
Ti+Zr as R4+R2+, and (3) R3+, which correspond to schorlomite, morimotoite and andradite, respectively. Sources of data: Zedlitz (1935); Lehijärvi
(1960); Gnevushev and Fedorova (1964); Howie and Woolley (1968); Dowty (1971); von Eckermann (1974); Amthauer et al. (1977); Huggins et al.
(1977); Koritnig et al. (1978); Platt and Mitchell (1979); Flohr and Ross (1989); Lupini et al. (1992); Henmi et al. (1995); Labotka (1995); Locock et
al. (1995); Chakhmouradian and McCammon (2005); Marks et al. (2008); Melluso et al. (2010); Saha et al. (2010). Circles for Mg > Fe2+ (total for
analysis) have been added only for compositions plotting in the morimotoite field. The square enclosing a triangle indicates the schorlomite in which
Al > ZFe3+ and 0.55 Zr pfu reported by Koritnig et al. (1978); it is a possible new species, the Al-dominant analog of schorlomite. Compositions
are plotted under the assumption that Al preferentially is incorporated at the Z site (except from Fuka, see text).
we believe that Figure 5 can be used to distinguish schorlomite and compositional variations in natural garnet).
and morimotoite in the absence of structural and spectroscopic All the analyses plotted in Figure 5 have Si > 2 and total
studies if allowance is made for the uncertainties in attempting charge at Z > 11, i.e., all the garnets would be classed as garnet
to identify borderline cases. group, including compositions of schorlomite from the type lo-
Figure 5 shows that many garnets reported as schorlomite cality (e.g., Appendix 31). This contradiction arises because the
plot in the morimotoite and andradite fields; garnets plotting compositions include more garnet-group components, largely
in the schorlomite field other than those from Magnet Cove andradite, {Ca3)[R23+](Si3)O12, and morimotoite, {Ca3}[R4+R2+]
are from Ardnamurchan, Scotland (Huggins et al. 1977), the (Si3)O12, than schorlomite-group components, largely, {Ca3}
Tamazeght complex, Morocco (Marks et al. 2008), the Polino [R24+](SiR23+)O12.
carbonatite, Italy (Lupini et al. 1992), and Alnö Island, Sweden
(von Eckermann 1974). The dominant ZR3+ cation in these Menzerite-(Y)
garnets is Fe3+, even if Al is assumed to preferentially occupy The validity of menzerite-(Y) has been questioned because
the Z site. Using the above assumptions, garnets plotting in the the end-member formula proposed for menzerite-(Y), {Y2Ca}
morimotoite field (with Fe2+ > Mg at the Y site) are from Iivaara, [Mg2](Si3)O12, is quite far from the measured compositions of the
Finland (Zedlitz 1935), Afrikanda, Russia (Chakhmouradian type and only known material, which averages much closer to
and McCammon 2005), Ice River, Canada (Locock et al. 1995; {Y(Ca,Fe2+)2}[(Mg,Fe2+)(Fe3+,Al)](Si3)O12, an empirical formula
Peterson et al. 1995), Sung Valley, India (Melluso et al. 2010), that can be simplified to {YCa2}[MgFe3+](Si3)O12. This simplified
and Rusing Island, Kenya (Howie and Woolley 1968). However, formula is not a valid end-member because it has two sites with
Mössbauer spectroscopy of the Ice River garnet indicates that two occupants (Hawthorne 2002). Instead, it can be resolved into
a significant proportion of the Fe2+ is located at the Z site and an equal mixture of {Y2Ca}[Mg2](Si3)O12 [menzerite-(Y)] and
dominance of [(Ti,Zr)2] over [(Ti,Zr)R2+] at Y, so Locock et al. {Ca3}[Fe23+](Si3)O12 (andradite). Type menzerite-(Y) composi-
(1995) and Peterson et al. (1995) had reason to call this garnet tions are close to the midpoint between these two end-members,
schorlomite. Two relatively Zr-rich garnets from the Marathon but in two grains divalent cations are dominant at the Y site and
Dikes, Ontario, Canada (Platt and Mitchell 1979), also plot in Mg is the dominant divalent cation at this site (e.g., Appendices
the morimotoite field, but are unique in that total Mg > Fe2+ total 3 and 4), confirming that menzerite-(Y) is a valid species (Grew
(circled in Fig. 5) suggesting the possibility of a Mg-dominant et al. 2010). Of course, this approach depends on the accuracy
analog of morimotoite (see the section on Possible new species of the electron microprobe analyses and calculation of Fe3+/Fe2+
ratio from stoichiometry (Droop 1987). The calculated Fe3+/Fe2+ quenched with sufficient rapidity to preserve cubic symmetry
ratios are consistent with single-crystal X‑ray diffraction data (Tomioka et al. 2002). The problem of preserving cubic sym-
although not with preliminary micro-X‑ray absorption near-edge metry on cooling would probably not arise in terrestrial majorite,
spectroscopy (Grew et al. 2010). which contains substantial Al, because incorporation of Al at
A second argument forwarded to challenge the validity of the Y site is thought to stabilize the cubic structure (Hatch and
menzerite-(Y) is that trivalent cations, i.e., Y+REE, are not Ghose 1989). Moore and Gurney (1985) confirmed isometric
dominant at the X site in any of the analyzed menzerite-(Y) symmetry for garnet from the Monastery Mine kimberlite pipe,
grains, the maximum being 1.1 Y + REE per formula unit. Simple South Africa, one of which we calculated to contain 36% of a
application of the dominant-valency rule gives {Ca3}[Mg2](Si3) generalized majorite component, {R32+}[MgSi](Si3)O12.
O12, which is not balanced in charge. Charge balance allows only The term “majoritic” has found wide use in the literature on
2 (Y+REE) per formula unit, i.e., the menzerite end-member garnets included in diamond (e.g., Harte 2010; Collerson et al.
should be {Y2Ca}[Mg2](Si3)O12. The presence of >1 (Y+REE) 2010), i.e., garnet is described as “majoritic” if Si is incorporated
means that [(Y,REE)2Ca] exceeds 50% of the maximum possible at the Y site through the “majorite” substitution YR2++YSi → 2YAl
consistent with valency-imposed double site-occupancy. (Table 4). Collerson et al. (2010) also include the contribution
Rates of diffusion of Y and REE in garnet provide evidence from the generalized component {R2+Na2}[R24+](Si3)O12 in their
for the importance of the menzerite component in garnet, i.e., majorite substitution parameter, XcatMj. In contrast to majorite
mobility of Y and REE at the X site is closely linked to mobility reported from shocked meteorites, in which the majorite com-
of Al at the Y site (Carlson 2012). ponent is clearly dominant (Collerson et al. 2010), none of the
“majoritic” garnets occurring in diamonds are properly majorite,
Majorite i.e., the majorite component {Mg3}[SiMg](Si3)O12 or (R2++R4+)
The current list of CNMNC approved minerals (http://pub- > 2R3+ at the Y site, is not dominant, even in sample JF-22 from gives the formula for majorite as the Jagersfontein kimberlite, South Africa (Tappert et al. 2005;
Mg3(Fe2+,Si)(SiO4)3 (Table 2), equivalent to {Mg3}[SiFe2+](Si3) Harte 2010), which has the highest content of Si at the Y site
O12, which indeed is a good approximation of the empirical for- among terrestrial garnet as far as we are aware: a maximum
mula of the type material reported by Smith and Mason (1970), 47.2% {R32+}[R4+Mg](Si3)O12 or 44.9% {R32+}[SiMg](Si3)O12
(Mg,Na)3(Fe,Si,Al,Cr)2Si3O12. It was assumed that Fe occupied (Appendix 31, example 5). The “Ca-rich majorite” in shock veins
the Y site, but the valence and distribution of the Fe were not of crustal rocks from the Ries impact crater, Germany (Stähle et
determined. Recalculating a formula for 8 cations and 12 oxy- al. 2011), is not majorite because (YSi+YTi) < (YAl+YFe3++YCr);
gen anions from the published analysis and listing cations at a instead, the three average compositions comprise about 58–71%
given site in order of decreasing abundance gives: {Mg2.91Na0.09} pyrope-grossular-almandine, 17–33% {R32+}[R4+Mg](Si3)O12
0.60Fe 0.41Al0.22Cr0.04 Mg0.02](Si3)O12.
(generalized majorite), and 10–13% {R2+(Na,K)2}[R4+ 2 ](Si3)O12,
However, the assumption regarding Fe2+ occupancy is not where YR4+ = 90–93% Si.
supported by Mössbauer spectroscopic data on synthetic majorite
(Geiger et al. 1991a, 1991b; O’Neill et al. 1993a, 1993b; Mc- Manganberzeliite
Cammon and Ross 2003). In a study that included samples that Manganberzeliite, {Ca2Na}[Mn2+ 2 ](As3 )O12 (Fig. 1g) has
Geiger et al. (1991a, 1991b) and O’Neill et al. (1993a, 1993b) a complicated history revolving around the use of its name,
had investigated, McCammon and Ross (2003) reported that which is briefly described below. Over 40 yr after the original
Fe2+/ΣFe2+ = 0.89–0.95, and Fe2+/(Fe2++Mg) at X (0.05–0.22) description of berzeliite from Långban, Filipstad district, Sweden
is three to seven times Fe2+/(Fe2++Mg) at Y (0.01–0.08) in 15 (Kühn 1840), Igelström (1886) described a Sb-bearing, Mn-
synthetic tetragonal majorite samples, and XFe2+/ΣFe2+ = 1.0 rich berzeliite-like mineral from the nearby Sjögruvan mine,
in one isometric synthetic sample, demonstrating that Fe2+ is and named it “pyrrhoarsenite.” On the basis of a new chemical
strongly fractionated onto the X site. Because the compositions analysis giving 28.38 wt% MnO, Igelström (1894) concluded that
of the type specimen and these synthetic samples are similar, we “pyrrhoarsenite” is a manganese-dominant variety of berzeliite
think it is reasonable to assume that Fe distribution is the same and could also be referred to as “Mangan-Berzeliit.”
in synthetic and natural majorite, and the partial ordering at the In summarizing his discussion of the mineral, Hintze (1922)
X and Y sites in tetragonal samples does not significantly affect wrote that Igelström (1894) had found no antimony and had
the Fe distribution. Assuming that Fe2+ occupies only the X site, concluded from his studies that “pyrrhoarsenite” is just a Mn‑rich
the formula of the type material becomes {Mg2.31Fe2+ 0.60Na0.09} variety of berzeliite. Hintze (1922) cited Igelström’s (1894) con-
[(Si0.71Mg0.62Fe3+0.41Al0.22Cr0.04](Si3)O12, i.e., the dominant compo- clusion that the mineral containing 28% MnO can be referred to
nent is {Mg3}[SiMg](Si3)O12. Consequently, we recommend that as “Manganberzeliit,” but Hintze (1922) wrote the name in bold
{Mg3}[SiMg](Si3)O12 be used as the end-member formula for type and unhyphenated.
majorite. A natural XFe2+ analog has not been reported, and as far Landergren (1930) used the terms “Mg-berzeliit” and “Mn-
as we are aware, it has not been synthesized (e.g., Kato 1986). berzeliit” for the end-members of the series. These names were
Although synthetic majorite has tetragonal symmetry (space later used by other mineralogists studying this series, e.g., Blix
group I41/a, no. 88) resulting from a high degree of ordering of and Wickman (1959).
Mg and Si at the two symmetrically unique octahedral sites (e.g., Moore (1972) reported powder XRD data for the type
Angel et al. 1989), no naturally occurring tetragonal majorite has specimen of “pyrrhoarsenite” studied by Igelström (specimen
been reported. Apparently, majorite in shocked meteorites was NRM18870324 at the Swedish Museum of Natural History)
from Sjögruvan. He concluded that “pyrrhoarsenite” = berzeli- cations on the basis of relative abundance (Table 3). Lithium and
ite. However, recent energy-dispersive spectroscopic analyses hydrogen are the only light elements (atomic number < 8) that
(Hålenius, unpublished data) of fragments of the mineral from have been reported in major amounts in garnet supergroup miner-
this specimen, as well as cell parameter refinement (Locock, als, e.g., cryolithionite and katoite, respectively. When common
unpublished data) of Moore’s powder X‑ray diffraction data, silicate garnet species are checked for light elements, generally
show that it is in fact Mn-dominant berzeliite, i.e., manganber- very little is found, i.e., Li contents are reported to not exceed 121
zeliite (or “pyrrhoarsenite”). Prior to publication, Moore in 1971 ppm, and Be and B contents, not to exceed 20 ppm (e.g., Grew
submitted to the CNMMN a proposal to discredit several of the et al. 1990; Grew 2002a, 2002b; Steppan 2003; Marschall 2005).
minerals outlined in his 1972 paper. After Moore published his An exception are the 259–1113 ppm Li in almandine from leu-
paper, it was subsequently abstracted by Fleischer (1973), who cocratic granulite at Horní Bory, Czech Republic, corresponding
noted that these minerals were discredited by the CNMMN and to 0.019–0.079 Li pfu, determined by laser ablation-inductively
that “pyrrhoarsenite” was equivalent to berzeliite. However, coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (Cempírek et al. 2010 and
the discreditation of pyrrhoarsenite was actually not included unpublished data). According to Cempírek et al. (2010), Li could
in Moore’s proposal to the CNMMN. Therefore, the report by occupy either the X site as it does in synthetic {Li2Mg}[Si2](Si3)
Fleischer (1973), which was then carried forward by Nickel and O12 (Yang et al. 2009) or sites occupied by Li in synthetic garnets.
Mandarino (1987), was in error. The majority of synthetic Li garnets are compounds of Li with
This raises the question whether “pyrrhoarsenite” has prior- REE, Ta, Nb, Te, Zr, and Ba that are valued for their high-ionic
ity over manganberzeliite and should be reinstated, although conductivity (e.g., Cussen 2006, 2010; O’Callaghan and Cussen
manganberzeliite has been the preferred name since 1894 (e.g., 2007; Wang and Lai 2012). Lithium occupies not only the Z
Hintze 1922; Palache et al. 1951). Given that Igelström’s original site, but also octahedral sites that are vacant in natural garnet,
description of the mineral was poor even by the standards of the resulting in Li contents up to 6.8 apfu and cation totals up 11.8
late 19th century, e.g., he did not detect the appreciable sodium apfu. Other exceptions involving light elements are the reports
content, in contrast to his contemporary Sjögren (1894), we of 4.40 wt% B2O3 determined by electron microprobe analysis
conclude that priority does not justify reviving “pyrrhoarsenite” (EMPA) in andradite (Galuskin et al. 1995) and 0.45–2.09 wt%
at the present time and manganberzeliite should remain the name B2O3 by EMPA in OH-bearing grossular (Galuskina et al. 1998,
for the Mn analog of berzeliite. 2001) from the Wiluy River, Yakutia, Russia. Pending studies
of Li and B in silicate and hydroxyl garnet, it would be best to
Applying the nomenclature of the garnet assume Li and B, as well as S6+ (up to 2.27 wt% SO3, equivalent
supergroup to 0.11 S pfu, Passaglia and Rinaldi 1984; Galuskina et al. 2001),
are located at the Z site.
Assumed cation occupancies Calcium has been assumed to occupy only the X site in natural
A major objective of the classification is to provide a basis garnet; even in synthetic garnets there are very few reports of
for identifying the species of an analyzed garnet from its chemi- Ca at the Y site and none can be considered unequivocal (Geller
cal composition. As is the case for the tourmaline supergroup 1967; Lobanov et al. 1989). Nonetheless, it should be noted that
(Henry et al. 2011), chemical analyses of garnet establish which Huggins et al. (1977) and Pieper et al. (1983) concluded that a
elements are present, but provide no information on which site(s) small excess of cations at X and a correspondingly small deficit
they occupy in the structure. Proper site allocation requires at Y could be explained in some cases by small amounts of Ca
single-crystal or Rietveld structure refinement using X‑ray or at Y, 0.024–0.055 apfu in andradite and 0.04 apfu in grossular,
neutron diffraction methods, and spectroscopic data are often respectively. Gadas et al. (2012) reported up to 3.15 Ca pfu in
also needed for unambiguous site assignment, particularly when grossular from pegmatite at Ruda nad Moravou, Czech Republic.
constituents could be present in more than one valence state, Scandium is assumed to occupy only the Y site as in eringaite,
which is not rare in garnet. However, most investigators have only although its role could depend on the occupancy of X if synthetic
electron microprobe analyses, which provide no direct evidence garnets are any guide, where Sc preferentially occupies Y only
of valence state. An added difficulty is that as a result of charge in andradite, whereas in pyrope, X is favored and in grossular, a
balance requirements, several garnet end-members have one site more even distribution (Oberti et al. 2006; Quartieri et al. 2006).
with mixed occupancy, the so-called valency-imposed double Titanium is assumed to be tetravalent, and V, either pentavalent or
site-occupancy of Hatert and Burke (2008). trivalent. The last assumption received validation from Bordage
For all garnet-supergroup minerals we recommend that cat- et al. (2010), who reported that V was entirely V3+ in a grossular
ions be allocated from a chemical analysis with the procedure (variety “tsavorite” containing 0.14 V pfu) based on the K-edge
given in the next section. This procedure is analogous to that X‑ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectra obtained
proposed in connection with the nomenclature recommended with high-energy resolution fluorescence-detected X‑ray absorp-
for the tourmaline supergroup of Henry et al. (2011). It includes tion spectroscopy. In contrast, Righter et al. (2011) reported mixed
only constituents found in known end-members (Table 1) or valences also based on the K-edge X‑ray absorption near-edge
some potential end-members (Tables 6–7). Examples illustrat- structure in other garnets, viz. 2.46–2.55 ±0.15 in pyrope of mantle
ing our recommended procedure are given in Appendix 31, and origin and 2.56–2.67 (±0.15) for V valence in a goldmanite from
a spreadsheet is given in Appendix 41. the Czech Republic, i.e., 40% of the V in the goldmanite is V2+,
As in the case of many mineral groups, some reasonable as- the remainder V3+. However, this conclusion is in contrast to the
sumptions can be made concerning site assignments of specific structural and chemical data reported by these authors.
Table 6. Components and end-members reported in the literature, but not yet found to be dominant in natural garnet
Name X Y Z ϕ Syn? Occurrence in natural garnet Source
“Kenogarnet” group
Fe3+ analog of katoite Ca3 Fe23+ 3 (OH)12 Yes ≤35 mol% in andradite (1)
F analog of katoite Ca3 Al2 3 F12 No ≤11 mol% in OH-bearing grossular (2)
Mn2+, F analog of katoite Mn32+ Al2 3 F12 – ≤8 mol% in spessartine (3)
Unnamed group
Pb2+ analog of yafsoanite Pb3 Te26+ Zn3 O12 – 9 mol% in yafsoanite (4)
unnamed Ca3 U26+ Fe32+ O12 – ≤24 mol% in elbrusite (5)
Henritermierite group
Mn2+ analog of holtstamite Mn32+ Al2 Si2 | O8(OH)4 – 28 mol% in spessartine (6)
Mn2+, F analog of holtstamite Mn32+ Al2 Si2 | O8F4 – 20 mol% in spessartine (6)
Bitikleite group
unnamed Th0.5Ca2.5 R4+
2 R3+ O12 Yes ≤20 mol% in kerimasite (7)
Unnamed group
Y3Al5O12, Y3Fe5O12 (Y,REE)33+ R23+ R3+ O12 Yes ≤8 mol% in menzerite-(Y), spessartine, andradite (8)
Garnet group
“Blythite” in part R32+ Mn23+ Si3 O12 Yes ≤9 mol% in calderite-andradite±spessartine (9)
Fe analog of menzerite-(Y) Y2Ca Fe2+ 2 Si3 O12 – ≤20 mol% in menzerite (Y) (10)
unnamed (Y,Yb)1.5Na1.5 R23+ Si3 O12 – ≤7 mol% in almandine, spessartine, grossular (11)
unnamed R2+Na2 Si2 Si3 O12 Yes ≤12 mol% in pyrope-grossular (12)
Berzeliite group
unnamed Na3 Al2 P3 O12 Yes <1 mol% in almandine and pyrope (13)
unnamed Ca2Na Fe2+ 2 As5+3 O12 No <6 mol% in berzeliite (14)
Note: Syn? = has compound been synthesized? Yes: synthesis in which component is dominant as well as syntheses in which component constitutes 100%. No:
synthesis attempted but failed. Sources for contents in natural garnets and syntheses of end-members:
(1) Armbruster (1995); Cohen-Addad (1970).
(2) Chakhmouradian et al. (2008); Takamori et al. (1987).
(3) Smyth et al. (1990).
(4) Mills et al. (2010).
(5) Galuskina et al. (2010a).
(6) Si and are not fully ordered at Z1 and Z2. Boiocchi et al. (2012).
(7) Ito and Frondel (1967a); Yudintsev (2003); Galuskina et al. (2010e and unpublished).
(8) Yoder and Keith (1951); Geller (1967); Jaffe (1951); Kasowski and Hogarth (1968); Grew et al. (2010).
(9) Fursenko (1982); Nishizawa and Koizuma (1975); Bühn et al. (1995); Amthauer et al. (1989); Arlt et al. (1998).
(10) Grew et al. (2010).
(11) Enami et al. (1995); Røhr et al. (2007).
(12) Ringwood and Major (1971); Stähle et al. (2011).
(13) Bishop et al. (1978); Ye et al. (2000); Breiter et al. (2005); Brunet et al. (2006).
(14) Nagashima and Armbruster (2012); Ito (1968).
Site allocation of cations (10) Mn2+: First to Y to bring total to 2 apfu, then to X. This should
The assumed occupancies, most importantly, ZLi, XCa, YSc, bring total X to 3 apfu, if calculations were done correctly.
Ti , V , and ZV5+ in conjunction with Table 3, lead to the fol-
4+ Y 3+
lowing procedure for recasting chemical data into idealized site If H is suspected, but no quantitative data are available, as
occupancies for purposes of classification. is the case with electron microprobe analyses, then either its
content must be assumed so that Fe2+/Fe3+ ratio can be calculated,
(1) Calculate formulas from the chemical analysis assuming or the Fe2+/Fe3+ ratio must be assumed so that H content can be
8 cations and 12 anions and apportion Fe2+ and Fe3+ or Mn2+ and calculated. In garnets containing significant Si, it is reasonable
Mn3+ if calculations give negative values for Fe2+ (method of to assume that H is incorporated at the expense of Si, that is,
Droop 1987). If quantitative F or H data are available, assume H = 4*(Z).
= ¼F + ¼H. In this case, the basis for formula calculation be- The site allocation procedure above, based solely on chemi-
comes O+(OH)+F = 12 and Σ{X}+Σ[Y]+Σ(Z)+Z(OH)/4+ZF/4 = 8. cal data, fails to differentiate holtstamite from grossular, which
(2) Li, Zn, P, As5+, and V5+ to Z. If Li < ¼F, assume sufficient would require additional information such as optical properties
vacancies to make up the deficit (see step 1). or crystallographic data, although henritermierite is uniquely
(3) Si and Ge: First to Z to a maximum of 3 apfu, including determined because there is no report as yet of an isometric
, overflow to Y. garnet having the composition {Ca3}[Mn3+ 2 ](Si2 )O8(OH)4.
(4) Al: First to Z to bring total to 3 apfu, then Y. We have also prepared an Excel spreadsheet (Appendix
(5) Fe3+: First to Z to bring total to 3 apfu, then Y. 41) to perform the above cation allocation, species and group
(6) Ca, Na, K, Y, REE, Th, Pb to X. determination, but have omitted several elements that rarely
(7) Al (remainder after deducting Al at Z), Sc3+, Ti4+, V3+, Cr3+, exceed 1 wt% in natural garnets: B, S, K, Ni, Sr; or which occur
Mn3+, Fe3+ (remainder after deducting Fe3+ at Z), Ga, Zr4+, Hf 4+, in significant amounts but whose occurrence is rare: Ga, Ge, and
Nb5+, Sn4+, Sb5+, Te6+, and U6+ to Y. If Z is still <3 apfu, then add Pb (Tables 6 and 8).
Fe2+ to bring Z total to 3 apfu. If the content of Y exceeds 2 apfu,
Identifying a garnet species
and Z is <3 apfu, then move Ti to Z to bring Z total to 3 apfu.
(8) Mg: First to Y to bring total to 2 apfu, then to X. Once the cations have been allocated, then the dominant
(9) Fe2+ (remainder after deducting Fe2+ at Z): First to Y to valence is determined for each site by summing the ions for each
bring total to 2 apfu, then to X. valence, e.g., Ca+Mg+Mn at the X site, and then the dominant
cation identified. As species are defined in terms charge-balanced In the worked example of schorlomite from the type locality,
end-members (Hawthorne 2002), the possibility of valency- Magnet Cove, Arkansas (Example 2), the schorlomite component
imposed double site-occupancy (Hatert and Burke 2008) must is dominant, with R4+ > R3+ > R2+ at the Y site in the empirical
be considered. The dominant ion for each valence determines the formula (Example 2), whereas in the garnet-group mineral mo-
species (e.g., bitikleite group, Fig. 6). Six examples are given in rimotoite, the generalized morimotoite component, {R2+ 3 }[R
Appendix 31, and a calculation procedure for species and group R2+](R4+
3 )O12, is dominant with R > R > R at the Y site in the
4+ 2+ 3+
determination in Appendix 41. Our discussion below is limited to empirical formula (Example 5). Homovalent substitutions at the
the schorlomite and garnet groups because these are most likely Y and Z sites distinguish species within the schorlomite group
to cause difficulties in identifying species. (Figs. 7 and 8), whereas the X site remains occupied exclusively
by Ca in all end-members (Table 1).
Applying the nomenclature to the schorlomite group
Characteristic of the end-member formulas in this group is Applying the nomenclature to the garnet group
Si = 1 apfu; there are no divalent and trivalent cations at the Y In contrast to the schorlomite group, heterovalent substitu-
site and no divalent or pentavalent cations at the Z site. How- tions relating species within the garnet group involve only the
ever, in most analyses of Ti-, Zr-, or Sn-rich garnets containing Y site, or the X and Y sites. Figure 9 illustrates the division of
minor Sb5+, Nb5+, or U6+, Si commonly exceeds 1 apfu, e.g., all the garnet group in terms of valence of the Y site cations: R2+
the analyses plotting in the schorlomite field in Figure 5 have = menzerite-(Y), R3+ = the familiar silicate garnets, and R2+R4+
Si >2 apfu and total charge at the Z site >11, because all contain = majorite, morimotoite, which results from valency-imposed
substantial proportions of garnet group components (see above). double site-occupancy.
The primary criterion for a composition to belong to the Figure 10 illustrates one approach to identification of spe-
schorlomite group is that the generalized schorlomite component cies in complex garnet-group minerals. It is the same as Figure
3 }[R 2 ](R R 2 )O12 be the most abundant (Fig. 7); i.e., the
{R2+ 9, but adapted specifically for compositions of menzerite-(Y)
4+ 4+ 3+
spreadsheet gives this as the most abundant component possible. reported by Grew et al. (2010), i.e., R4+ = Ti, R3+ = Fe3+, Al,
and R2+ = Mg, Fe2+, and differs from Figure 7a of Grew et (Si34+)O12. Since only four constituents occupy the X site, the
al. (2010) in that the Ti corner is now TiR2+, representing a compositions can be plotted in a tetrahedron with Ca, Mg,
component in garnet, morimotoite. However, menzerite-(Y) Mn2+, and Fe2+ as vertices (Fig. 11a). Garnets with one of these
is a four component system because of the substitution of R3+ cations dominant at the X site fill a volume whose edges inside
for Si at the Z site, and compositions must be projected from the Ca-Mg-Mn2+-Fe2+ tetrahedron are shown as lines inside this
four-component space onto the three-component plane shown tetrahedron. Figures 11b and 11c show compositions projected
in Figure 10. Appendix 31 (Example 3) gives the five possible from the Mn and Ca vertices of the tetrahedron, respectively.
generalized components in menzerite-(Y), of which only four These two faces of the tetrahedron suffice to illustrate the dis-
are independent. We have selected the {Y3}[Al2](Al3)O12-type positions of the species. Final characterization will depend on
component to project menzerite-(Y) compositions. The {Y3} the dominant occupancy of the Y site.
[Al2](Al3)O12-type component comprises 4–8% of the analyzed
menzerite-(Y) grains. Despite the differences between Figure
10 and Figure 7a of Grew et al. (2010), the disposition of the 2+ 4+ 2+
{R 3 }[R R ](Si 3 )O12
points is very similar.
The most widespread garnet-group minerals are related by
homovalent substitutions at the X and Y sites, i.e., {R2+
3 }[R 2 ]
Majorite (SiMg at Y, Mg at X)
4+ 2+
{Ca 3 }[R R ](Si 3 )O12 Morimotoite (Ti Fe
4+ 2+
at Y;
Ca at X)
Sn 0.5 0.5
Andradite Menzerite-(Y)
Irinarassite (SiAl2 at Z)
Toturite (SiFe 3+ R 3+ Y
R3+ R2+
2 at Z) 2
R 2+
Figure 10
Figure 10. Plot of menzerite-(Y) compositions at the Y site projected
from {Y3}[R23+](R3+ 3 )O 12 onto the plane defined by the components
{Ca3}[Ti4+R2+](Si34+)O12, {Ca3}[R23+](Si34+)O12, and {(REE)2Ca}[R22+]
3 )O12 (cf. Fig. 7a, Grew et al. 2010). R
(Si4+ = Fe in morimotoite, Mg
Kimzeyite (SiAl 2 at Z)
3+ in menzerite-(Y); R3+ = Fe in andradite. Numbers refer to grains used
Kerimasite (SiFe3+2 at Z)
Schorlomite (SiFe 2 at Z)
for the crystal-structure refinement (SREF), optical measurements, and
Y menzerite-(Y) sensu stricto (Mzr), including grain no. 5 used as the
Zr Y
Ti holotype to characterize the mineral. The points for SREF and Optic are
superimposed. Open diamonds indicate the other nine grains analyzed
Figure 8. Y-site occupancy in species of the schorlomite group. (data
Figure 8 from Grew et al. 2010).
Possible new species and compositional variations in The most abundant vacancy-dominant garnets are the so-called
natural garnet “hydrogarnets,” an informal term (Appendix 2) introduced by Flint
The compositional variations found in the 32 approved spe- et al. (1941) and generally used for any garnet containing OH
cies by no means exhaust the compositional variations observed incorporated by the substitution of (O4H4) tetrahedra for (SiO4)
in natural garnet, which is greatly exceeded by the very extensive tetrahedra (Fig. 3). Significant incorporation of OH by this substi-
variations in synthetic garnet. In the present section we will con- tution is largely limited to garnet in which the X site is occupied
sider these variations, note compositions containing components by Ca, e.g., katoite, henritermierite, and holtstamite. Up to 10 wt%
that could be new species if they were present in larger amounts H2O has also been reported in andradite (Peters 1965; Lager et al.
(Tables 6 and 7), and briefly describe possible new species (Table 1989; Armbruster 1995; Amthauer and Rossman 1998), leading to
8). Synthetic garnets will be considered only in so far that they compositions with up to 35% of the Fe3+ analog of katoite (Table
relate to natural garnets. The components are discussed under 6) and 4.5% of its Mn3+ analog (H content calculated by differ-
the group to which they would belong. ence from Si occupancy determined by single-crystal refinement,
Armbruster 1995). Galuskina and Galuskin (2003) and Galuskin
Vacancy-dominant garnets—A “kenogarnet” group? (2005) calculated OH contents of 2.6–2.9 apfu (equivalent to
Vacancy-dominant garnets are distinguished by ϕ being a mon- 4.8–5.1 wt% H2O) from charge balance in “hydroschorlomite”
ovalent anion such as OH or F, as well as low content of cations containing 13.5–14.5 wt% TiO2 from the Wiluy River, Yakutia,
at the Z site. Katoite is the only known garnet that is vacancy- Russia, the highest reported in Ti-rich garnets (cf. Chegem caldera
dominant. However, there is considerable potential to discover schorlomite discussed above). In contrast, H2O contents in pyrope,
more species, and thus a group could be recognized following almandine, and uvarovite are reported not to exceed 0.3 wt%, and,
the procedures outlined in Mills et al. (2009). In anticipation, we in spessartine, not above 0.64 wt% (e.g., Aines and Rossman 1984;
suggest the name “kenogarnet” from the Greek kenos, meaning Rossman et al. 1988; Smyth et al. 1990; Andrut and Wildner 2001;
“empty,” a term introduced as a prefix in pyrochlore supergroup Maldener et al. 2003; Beran and Libowitzky 2006; Johnson 2006).
nomenclature (Atencio et al. 2010). Wilkins and Sabine (1973) reported 2.5 wt% H2O in spessartine,
Mg Mg
Figure 11. (a) Tetrahedron illustrating divisions in the garnet group based on occupancy of the X site. One compositional volume is shown
with shading. (b) Projection from the Mn vertex onto front face of the tetrahedron to distinguish species. (c) Projection fromFigure
the Ca
11 vertex onto
left face of the tetrahedron to distinguish species.
and Frondel 1967b; Ivanov-Emin et al. 1982a, 1982b) at the X listed in Tables 6 and 7 is based on the single-crystal structure
site have been synthesized, including katoite (Flint et al. 1941; refinement of material from the type locality (Mills et al. 2010;
Cohen-Addad et al. 1967). Syntheses of the hydroxyl-dominant cf. Jarosch and Zemann 1989). Electron microprobe analyses
analogues of uvarovite (Morán-Miguélez et al. 1986) and eringaite reported in the original description gave 11–16% of the Pb
(Ivanov-Emin et al. 1982a); as well as of {Ca3}[Mn3+ 2 ](3)(OH)12 analog (Kim et al. 1982), but the formulas deviate from ideal
(Ivanov-Emin et al. 1982b), {Ca3}[TiFe3+](Fe3+2)(OH)8O4 (Ito stoichiometry, possibly as a result of using sulfides, a silicate
and Frondel 1967b), and {Ca3}[ZrFe3+](Fe3+2)(OH)8O4 (Ito and and a native element for standards. Ronniger and Mill’ (1973)
Frondel 1967b) have been reported. However, attempts to synthe- reported synthesis of several Pb2+-bearing vanadate garnets
size the end-member {Ca3}[Fe3+ 2 ](3)(OH)12 failed, although a (berzeliite group) with Pb at the X site, and Mill’ (1970) reported
garnet with about 90% {Ca3}[Fe3+ 2 ](3)(OH)12 and 10% andradite synthesis of yafsoanite and other Te-bearing garnets, but neither
could be synthesized (Flint et al. 1941; Ito and Frondel 1967b). reported attempts to synthesize the Pb2+ analog of yafsoanite.
The reported compositions are based on starting materials; only The unnamed end-member {Ca2+ 3 }[U 2 ](Fe 3 )O12 is calculated
6+ 2+
the compositions of katoite and a hydroxyl-dominant analog of to be major constituent of elbrusite (Fig. 4; Table 6) and dzhuluite
andradite, {Ca3}[Fe3+ 2 ](Si1.151.85)(OH)7.4O4.6, have been confirmed (Appendix 31), but has not yet been synthesized.
independently (e.g., by structure refinement, Cohen-Addad 1970;
Cohen-Addad et al. 1967). In summary, the H2O contents of Henritermierite group
natural and synthetic garnets are consistent with the conclusion Boiocchi et al. (2012) reported nearly end-member spes-
reached by Lager et al. (1989) that the extent of OH substitution sartine containing 0.09 Fe and 0.04 Ca pfu, but only 2.52 Si
in garnets appears to be structurally controlled, i.e., it is greater, pfu, the deficiency being made up by OH and F in nearly equal
when the effective ionic radius (Shannon 1976) of the X-site cation proportions (Table 6). The I41/acd symmetry indicates that the
exceeds 1.0 Å and the shared octahedral edge is longer than the mineral is more closely analogous to holtstamite rather than
unshared edge, which is the case for natural and synthetic garnets katoite. The spessartine is the first example of a garnet showing
with Ca dominant at the X site (Novak and Gibbs 1971; Quartieri I41/acd symmetry but containing no Mn3+, and thus Boiocchi et
et al. 2006). al. (2012) attribute the lower symmetry to (OH, F)4 groups. Si
Fluorine contents up to 6 wt% F, equivalent to about 11 is partially ordered, preferentially occupying the Z1 site (93.0%)
mol% of a {R32+}[R23+](3)F12, have been reported in grossular, vs. the Z2 site (73.8%).
spessartine, and andradite (Valley et al. 1983; Flohr and Ross
1989; Manning and Bird 1990; Smyth et al. 1990; Barbanson Bitikleite group
and Bastos Neto 1992; Visser 1993; Włodyka and Karwowski Given the large number of elements found in analyses of gar-
2006; Chakhmouradian et al. 2008). Only Smyth et al. (1990) nets of the bitikleite group, the potential for new species is great.
measured H2O content, reporting 0.64 wt% in the F-bearing For example, analysis 10 of elbrusite in Table 2 of Galuskina et
spessartine (Table 6), equivalent to 3% {R32+}[R23+](3)(OH)12, al. (2010a) corresponds to the Sn-dominant analog of elbrusite
but Flohr and Ross (1989) and Chakhmouradian et al. (2008) (Fig. 4), and is possibly a new species (Table 8). Zaitsev et al.
reported evidence for H2O in the infrared and Raman spectra. (2010) reported a zone with up to 10.1 wt% Nb2O5 in a kerimasite
Attempts to synthesize an F-dominant analog of katoite have not crystal, this amount corresponds to 0.48 Nb per formula unit, or
been successful (Takamori et al. 1987). nearly 50% of a {Ca3}[NbZr](R33+)O12 component, which implies
Chlorine was sought in four of the studies of F-bearing garnet the possibility of new species for R3+ = Fe and Al, the Nb analog
cited above, but no more than 0.01 wt% Cl was reported. Up of usturite (Table 8).
to 0.2 wt% Cl was reported in OH-bearing grossular from the Up to 4 wt% ThO2 (0.1 Th pfu) has been reported in bitikleite
Wiluy River, Yakutia, Russia (Galuskina et al. 2001). Chesno- and schorlomite-group minerals (Lupini et al. 1992; Galuskina
kov (1996), Chesnokov and Bushmakin (1995), and Chesnokov et al. 2010a, 2010e), which would correspond to 20 mol% of a
et al. (1994, 2008) described “igumnovite,” ideally {Ca3}[Al2] {Th0.5Ca2.5}[R4+2 ](R3 )O12 component. The end-member with Zr
O8Cl4–x, from burned material in the Chelyabinsk coal basin, Urals, and Frondel 1967a; Yudintsev 2003; Utsunomiya et al. 2005).
Russia, but these compounds are not considered to be naturally
formed, and thus do not qualify as minerals (e.g., “igumnovite,” Yttrium-aluminum (YAG) and yttrium-iron (YIG) garnets
Jambor et al. 1997). The reported cell parameter of 12.008 Å for The rare earth elements can form a large number of synthetic
“igumnovite” is smaller than expected for a Cl-rich garnet from compounds having general formulas of the type {R33+}[R3+ 2 ](R3 )
the relationship of Langley and Sturgeon (1979). Although the O12 and isostructural with garnet (e.g., Yoder and Keith 1951;
measured composition for “igumnovite,” Ca3.04Al1.72Fe0.13Mg0.01 Geller 1967), of which {Y3}[Al2](Al3)O12 (yttrium aluminum
Si2.07F0.03O7.90Cl4.07 approaches ideal garnet stoichiometry, it is garnet or YAG) and {Y3}[Fe3+ 2 ](Fe3 )O12 (yttrium iron garnet or
doubtful that either “igumnovite” or “chlorhibschite” are garnets. YIG) are the most relevant to minerals (Tables 6 and 7). Although
More likely, “igumnovite” is related to mayenite, wadalite, and the total charge at Z is 9, the garnet end-members YAG and YIG
the new mineral eltyubyuite (Galuskin et al. 2011b), whereas have not been placed in the bitikleite group because of the very
“chlorhibschite” could be a mixture of grossular, wadalite, and, different occupancies at Y and X. Up to 5 mol% of the YAG
perhaps, chlorides. component has been reported in spessartine and almandine (e.g.,
Jaffe 1951; Røhr et al. 2007), and 5 mol% of the YIG component calculation of Mn3+ in andradite from manganese formations,
has been reported in andradite (Kasowski and Hogarth 1968), but Otjosondu, Namibia (Amthauer et al. 1989; Bühn et al. 1995),
the maximum proportion of a generalized {(Y,REE)3}[(Fe3+,Al)2] “khoharite” and “skiagite” have been elusive, e.g., Virgo and
(Al3)O12 component in a natural garnet is 8% in menzerite-(Y)- Yoder (1974) failed to find “skiagite” in spessartine-almandine
andradite solid solution (Grew et al. 2010). from the type locality at Glen Skiag, Scotland. The main prob-
lem in identifying these components in complex natural garnets
Schorlomite group is that the calculation depends on the sequence of calculation
Koritnig et al. (1978) reported Zr-rich schorlomite from (Rickwood 1968; Locock 2008), i.e., Fe3+ is first assumed to be
calc-silicate inclusions in gabbro of Radautal, Harz Mountains, present as the andradite component; only leftover Fe3+ would
Germany. Analyses of three samples gave 6.2–6.8 wt% Al2O3 and be combined with Fe2+ or Mg in the “skiagite” or “khoharite”
23.1–25.6 wt% SiO2 contents; the sample giving the highest ZrO2 components, respectively, and Mn3+ could be present as {Ca3}
content (Zr = 0.55 apfu) is plotted in Figure 5. Our calculations for [Mn3+ 2 ](Si3)O12 as well as {Mn 3 }[Mn 2 ](Si3)O12 in the Otjosondu
2+ 3+
8). However, the Marathon dike compositions plot close to the O12, i.e., a {Mn 3 }[Cr2 ](Si3)O12 component can be considered
2+ 3+
boundary with schorlomite and calculation of Fe2+/Fe3+ ratio from dominant, whereas that for the lowest Cr content is {Mn2+ 3 }
stoichiometry has a large uncertainty (Giaramita and Day 1990); [(Mn3+ 0.79Cr 0.60Al0.09Fe 0.08)Ti0.22Mn 0.22](Si3.01)O12, i.e., with “bly-
3+ 3+ 2+
thus a clear dominance of {Ca3}[TiMg](Si3)O12 in a natural garnet thite” dominant. The presence of significant Mn3+ in association
remains to be demonstrated. with Fe0 is unexpected, as is the preservation of metallic Fe in
Gallium and germanium can form a large number of synthetic eluvium. In the absence of X‑ray or electron diffraction patterns
compounds isostructural with garnet (Geller 1967), but only and clearer evidence for the natural origin of the concentrates, the
{Ca3}[Ga2](Ge3)O12 might have a natural analog. Johan and natural occurrence of a {Mn2+ 3 }[Cr2 ](Si3)O12-dominant or {Mn3 }
3+ 2+
Oudin (1986) reported from the Pyrenees of France equant, six- [Mn2 ](Si3)O12-dominant garnet remains to be demonstrated.
sided crystals up to 10 µm across of a Ca-Ga-Ge mineral having Three components have been proposed for incorporation of
compositions consistent with garnet stoichiometry (abstract in Na in garnet-group minerals (Tables 4 and 6), all of which have
Jambor et al. 1988b). Cores of the highly zoned grains are close been inferred to be favored by increasing pressure, XNa+X(Y,
to {Ca3}[Ga2](Ge3)O12 in composition, whereas the rims have Yb) = 2XR2+ (Enami et al. 1995; Røhr et al. 2007) and XNa+YSi
compositions approximately intermediate between this composi- = XR2++YAl or XNa+YTi = XR2++YAl (Ringwood and Major 1971;
tion and grossular. The list of valid unnamed minerals (Smith Sobolev and Lavrent’ev 1971; Bobrov et al. 2008; Harte 2010;
and Nickel 2007) also gave {Ca3}[Al2](Ge3)O12 as a possible Collerson et al. 2010).
new species (Table 8), but our recalculation of formulas from
the two compositions closest to this end-member (Johan and Berzeliite group
Oudin 1986) gave Si > Ge at the Z site and minor Ge at the Y Phosphorus contents generally do not exceed 1 wt% P2O5 in
site assuming Si is preferentially incorporated at the Z site. The pyrope, almandine, and spessartine, both in wet chemical (e.g.,
crystals were too small to confirm the identification as a garnet Koritnig 1965; Deer et al. 1982) and in electron microprobe
by the technologies available at the time. analyses (e.g., Bishop et al. 1978; Hiroi et al. 1997; Breiter et al.
Fermor (1926, 1938) introduced three hypothetical garnet end- 2005; Kawakami and Hokada 2010). Mason and Berggren (1942)
members (Tables 6–7; Appendix 2): “blythite,” {Mn2+ 3 }[Mn 2 ](Si3)
reported 4.1 wt% P2O5 in spessartine from Wodgina, Australia
O12, as a subordinate component in a garnet from Cargoan, Nag- (sample no. NRM 884695, Swedish Museum of Natural His-
pur, India; “khoharite,” {Mg2+ 3 }[Fe 2 ](Si3)O12, as the precursor to
tory), but Breiter et al. (2005) found only 0.24–0.27 wt% with
enstatitic chondrules in the Khohar meteorite and as a subordi- the electron microprobe. An energy-dispersive spectroscopic
nate component in a pyrope from a “garnet-diopside” xenolith analysis of the spessartine in this specimen (normalized to 100%)
(eclogite?) in kimberlite from South Africa; and “skiagite,” with an SEM gave P contents closer to the amounts reported by
{Fe2+3 }[Fe 2 ](Si3)O12, as a component in almandine from Glen
Breiter et al. (2005): SiO2 35.78, Al2O3 20.52 FeO 3.91, MnO
Skiag, Scotland. Although later studies have reported up to nearly 39.15, CaO 0.20, P2O5 0.42 (±0.12) (Hålenius, unpublished
9 mol% “blythite” based on measurement or stoichiometric data). The spessartine grains are cut by microfissures ranging
from <1 µm to ca. 10 µm thick filled with Ca-Mn-phosphates. necessary, specifically, bitikleite-(SnAl) with bitikleite,
In some grains, the microfissures are sufficiently abundant to bitikleite-(SnFe) with dzhuluite, bitikleite-(ZrFe) with
form networks, whereas in other grains they occurred singly up usturite, and elbrusite-(Zr) with elbrusite.
to 100 µm apart. It would have been nearly impossible to obtain • We have discredited the name hibschite in favor of grossular,
a pure spessartine concentrate suitable for wet chemical analyses as Si is the dominant cation at the Z site.
from this specimen. • Twenty-one end-members have been reported as subordi-
Thompson (1975) reported experimental evidence for in- nate components in minerals of the garnet supergroup of
creased incorporation of P and Na with increasing pressure, a which six have been reported in amounts up to 20 mol%
relationship consistent with the presence of up to 0.25 wt% P2O5 or more, whereas several others have been synthesized,
in pyrope associated with coesite at Dora Maira, Italy (Brunet and which implies the potential for more species in the garnet
Lecocq 1999), exsolved apatite in garnet from mantle eclogite supergroup.
(Haggerty et al. 1994) and with the synthesis of {Na3}[Al2]
(P3)O12 at 150–170 kbar by Brunet et al. (2006). Thilo (1941) Acknowledgments
We thank Thomas Armbruster, Anton Chakhmouradian, Anastasia Chopelas,
reported synthesis of {Na3}[Al2](P3)O12 at atmospheric pressure, and Anatoly Zaitsev for their assistance during preparation of these recommenda-
but subsequent attempts to reproduce such syntheses failed tions. Members of the CNMNC and Roberta Oberti commented on the version
(Schwarz and Schmidt 1971). On the basis of a large number voted on by the CNMNC; Fernando Colombo, Darrell Henry, and Milan Novák
commented on the version submitted to American Mineralogist—we are grateful
of analyses yielding up to 1.21 wt% P2O5 (equivalent to 0.086 to all for their constructive reviews, which resulted in substantial improvement of
P pfu) in almandine and spessartine from granitic rocks, Breiter the manuscript. Makoto Arima is thanked for a translation of Arima and Yamashita
et al. (2005) showed that: (1) P content varies inversely with Si; (1994) and Pavel Kartashov for permission to publish his photograph of cryoli-
thionite (Fig. 1b). We thank Carol Stockton for her assistance with Appendix 2.
(2) Na/P ratio to be approximately 1/5; and (3) Al is relatively Jan Cempírek is thanked for sharing unpublished EMPA and LA-ICP-MS data on
constant, consistent with the substitutions X+2ZP = XR2++2ZSi Li-bearing garnet from Horní Bory, Czech Republic. E.S.G. is supported by U.S.
National Science Foundation Grant EAR 0837980 to the University of Maine.
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Tanzania. Mineralogical Magazine, 74, 803–820. IMA number: Grandfathered
Zedlitz, O. (1933) über titanhaltige Kalkeisengranate. Zentralblatt für Mineralogie, Modifications: None
Geologie und Paläontologie, Abteilung A: Mineralogie und Petrographie, Etymology: For James Calder, a member of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, originally
225–239. applied to the rock containing the mineral (Piddington 1850).
——— (1935) über titanhaltige Kalkeisengranate. II. Zentralblatt für Mineralogie, Type locality: Either in Burdwan (Bardhaman) district, West Bengal State, or near
Geologie und Paläontologie, Abteilung A: Mineralogie und Petrographie, Hazaribagh, Jharkhand State, India.
68–78. Crystal system, space group and structure report: Isometric, Ia3d. No structure refine-
ment; structure optimization by distance least-squares refinement (Ottonello et al. 1996).
Manuscript received April 18, 2012 Original or oldest description: Fermor (1909, 1926)
Manuscript accepted November 16, 2012
Manuscript handled by Fernando Colombo Cryolithionite
End-member formula: {Na3}[Al2](Li3)F12
Group: ungrouped
Appendix 1. List of garnet species, end-member IMA number: Grandfathered
formulas, modifications, etymology, type Modifications: None
localities; crystal structure refinements Etymology: From the presence of Li and its relation to cryolite
Type locality: The Ivigtut cryolite deposit, Ivittuut (Ivigtut), Arsuk, Kitaa Province,
The following garnet species either have been previously ac- Greenland.
cepted by the IMA-CNMNC or have been modified by the current Crystal system, space group and structure refinement: Isometric, Ia3d. Geller (1971).
Original or oldest description: Ussing (1904)
garnet subcommittee. Modifications to the original garnet species
descriptions are noted except for grandfathered species. One or two Dzhuluite
references are given for the crystal structure, either of natural material End-member formula: {Ca3}[Sb5+Sn4+](Fe3+ 3 )O12
Group: Bitikleite
(when available) or of synthetic material, or both. IMA number: 2010-64
Modifications: Originally described as bitikleite-(SnFe) with the same formula.
Etymology: After Dzhulu Mountain near the type locality.
End-member formula: {Fe2+ 3 }[Al2](Si3)O12 Type locality: Upper Chegem caldera, Kabardino-Balkaria, North Caucasus, Russia.
Group: Garnet Crystal system and space group: Isometric, Ia3d. Structure not yet refined.
IMA number: Grandfathered Original or oldest description: Galuskina et al. (2011a)
Modifications: None
Etymology: The “Alabandic carbuncles” of Pliny were so named as they were cut Elbrusite
and polished in Alabanda (Dana 1837, 1892), an ancient city in what is presently Aydin
End-member formula: {Ca3}[U6+ 0.5Zr1.5](Fe3 )O12
Province, Turkey.
Group: Bitikleite
Type locality: Not known
IMA number: 2009-051
Crystal system, space group and structure refinement: Isometric, Ia3d. Novak and
Modifications: Originally described as elbrusite-(Zr) with a formula {Ca3}[U6+Zr]
Gibbs (1971); synthetic material: Armbruster et al. (1992).
(Fe2 Fe2+)O12.
Original or oldest description: Known in ancient times. Name first used by D.L.G.
Etymology: From the highest peak in Europe - Mount Elbrus (5642 m).
Karsten in 1800 (Dana 1892).
Type locality: Upper Chegem caldera, Kabardino-Balkaria, North Caucasus, Russia.
Crystal system, space group and structure refinement: Isometric, Ia3d. The structure
of elbrusite has not yet been refined, but that of U-rich kerimasite has been refined [under
End-member formula: {Ca3}[Fe3+ 2 ](Si3)O12 the name “Fe-dominant analog of kimzeyite”, Galuskina et al. (2010a)].
Group: Garnet Original or oldest description: Galuskina et al. (2010a)
IMA number: Grandfathered
Modifications: None Eringaite
Etymology: For José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva (1763–1838), the Brazilian
End-member formula: {Ca3}[Sc2](Si3)O12
mineralogist who described a variety under the name “allochroite” in 1800 (Dana 1892;
Group: Garnet
Clark 1993).
IMA number: 2009-054
Type locality: Not known
Modifications: None
Crystal system, space group and structure refinement: Isometric, Ia3d. Armbruster
Etymology: From the Eringa River, a tributary of the Wiluy River.
and Geiger (1993). Original or oldest description: “allochroite” of de Andrada in 1800
Type locality: Wiluy River, Sakha-Yakutia Republic, Russia. (63.0°N, 112.3°E).
and “melanite” of Werner in 1800 (Dana 1892).
Crystal system, space group and structure refinement: Isometric, Ia3d.
Synthetic material: Mill’ et al. (1977), Quartieri et al. (2006)
Original or oldest description: Galuskina et al. (2010d)
End-member formula: {Ca2Na}[Mg2](As5+
3 )O12
Group: Berzeliite Goldmanite
IMA number: Grandfathered End-member formula: {Ca3}[V3+
2 ](Si3)O12
Group: Garnet Original or oldest description: Zaitsev et al. (2010). Under the name kimzeyite:
IMA number: 1963-003 Schingaro et al. (2001) and Galuskina et al. (2005); under the name “Fe-dominant analog
Modifications: None of kimzeyite” (Galuskina et al. 2010a, 2010b, 2010c).
Etymology: For Marcus I. Goldman (1881–1965), a sedimentary petrologist with
the U.S. Geological Survey. Kimzeyite
Type locality: Sandy (or South Laguna) mine area, Laguna, New Mexico, U.S.A. End-member formula: {Ca3}[Zr2](SiAl2)O12
Crystal system, space group and structure refinement: Isometric, Ia3d. Novak and Group: Schorlomite
Gibbs (1971); Righter et al. (2011). IMA number: Not recorded
Original or oldest description: Moench and Meyrowitz (1964) Modifications: None
Grossular Etymology: For members of the Kimzey family, who were instrumental in obtaining
and preserving mineral specimens from Magnet Cove.
End-member formula: {Ca3}[Al2](Si3)O12 Type locality: Kimzey quarry, Magnet Cove, Arkansas, U.S.A.
Group: Garnet Crystal system, space group and structure refinement: Isometric, Ia3d. Munno et
IMA number: Grandfathered al. (1980)
Modifications: None Original or oldest description: Milton and Blade (1958), Milton et al. (1961)
Etymology: From the color resembling gooseberry, Ribes grossularia (Dana 1892;
Clark 1993). Knorringite
Type locality: Wiluy River, Sakha-Yakutia Republic, Russia. End-member formula: {Mg3}[Cr3+ 2 ](Si3)O12
Crystal system, space group and structure refinement: Isometric, Ia3d. Novak and Group: Garnet
Gibbs (1971). IMA number: 1968-010
Synthetic material: Geiger and Armbruster (1997). Modifications: None
Original or oldest description: A.G. Werner in 1808–1809. However, grossular Etymology: For Oleg von Knorring (1915–1994), a Russian mineralogist who
was described earlier under other names, viz. as “Cinnamon Stone” (Kanelstein) from worked in Finland and the United Kingdom.
Sri Lanka by Werner in 1803–1804 and as “Granat” by Pallas in 1793 (Dana (1892). Type locality: Kao kimberlite pipe, Butha-Buthe, Lesotho.
Crystal system, space group and structure refinement: Isometric, Ia3d. Synthetic
Henritermierite material: Juhin et al. (2010).
End-member formula: {Ca3}[Mn3+ 2 ](Si2)()O8(OH)4 Original or oldest description: Nixon and Hornung (1968)
Group: Henritermierite
IMA number: 1968-029 Majorite
Modifications: None End-member formula: {Mg3}[SiMg](Si3)O12
Etymology: For Henri-François-Émile Termier (1897–1989), a French geologist. Group: Garnet
Type locality: Tachgagalt mine, Morocco. IMA number: 1969-018. Modifications: Formula originally given as {(Mg,Na)3}
Crystal system, space group and structure refinement: Tetragonal, I41/acd. Arm- [(Fe,Si,Al,Cr)2](Si3)O12.
bruster et al. (2001). Etymology: For Alan Major, who assisted A.E. Ringwood in experiments.
Original or oldest description: Gaudefroy et al. (1969) Type locality: Coorara L6 chondrite (recovered in Western Australia).
Crystal system, space group and structure refinement: Isometric, Ia3d.
Holtstamite Synthetic material: Hazen et al. (1994)
Formula: {Ca3}[Al,Mn3+ Original or oldest description: Smith and Mason (1970)
2 ](Si2)()O8(OH)4
Group: Henritermierite Manganberzeliite
IMA number: 2003-047
Modifications: None End-member formula: {Ca2Na}[Mn2+ 2 ](As3 )O12
Etymology: For Dan Holtstam (b. 1963), a Swedish mineralogist. Group: Berzeliite
Type locality: Wessels Mine, Kalahari manganese field, South Africa. IMA number: Grandfathered
Crystal system, space group and structure refinement: Tetragonal, I41/acd. Hålenius Modifications: See text.
et al. (2005) Etymology: The manganese analog of berzeliite.
Original or oldest description: Hålenius (2004), Hålenius et al. (2005) Type locality: Långban, Filipstad district, Värmland, Sweden.
Crystal system, space group and structure refinement: Isometric, Ia3d.
Irinarassite Qualitative description of the structure: Bubeck and Machatschki (1935); Nagashima
and Armbruster (2012)
End-member formula: {Ca3}[Sn4+ 2 ](SiAl2)O12 Original or oldest description: Igelström (1886, 1894)
Group: Schorlomite
IMA number: 2010-73 Menzerite-(Y)
Modifications: None
Etymology: For Irina Rass (b. 1940), a Russian mineralogist. End-member formula: {Y2Ca}[Mg2](Si3)O12
Type locality: Upper Chegem caldera, Kabardino-Balkaria, North Caucasus, Russia. Group: Garnet
Crystal system and space group: Isometric, Ia3d. Structure not yet refined. IMA number: 2009-050
Original or oldest description: Galuskina et al. (2011b) Modifications: None
Etymology: For Georg Menzer (1897–1989), the German crystallographer who was
Katoite the first to solve the structure of garnet (Menzer 1928); the suffix Y is a Levinson modi-
fier that indicates that Y is dominant among the sum of Y and the rare-earth elements.
End-member formula: {Ca3}[Al2](3)(OH)12
Type locality: Bonnet Island in Georgian Bay, near Parry Sound, Ontario, Canada.
Group: ungrouped
Crystal system, space group and structure refinement: Isometric, Ia3d. Grew et
IMA number: 1982-080
al. (2010)
Modifications: None
Original or oldest description: Grew et al. (2010)
Etymology: For Akira Kato (b. 1931), a Japanese mineralogist.
Type locality: Campomorto quarry, Pietra Massa, Viterbo, Lazio, Italy.
Crystal system, space group and structure refinement: Isometric, Ia3d. Sacerdoti and
Passaglia (1985); synthetic material (Lager et al. 1987). End-member formula: {Mn2+ 3 }[V2 ](Si3)O12
Morimotoite Spessartine
End-member formula: {Ca3}[TiFe2+](Si3)O12 End-member formula: {Mn2+ 3 }[Al2](Si3)O12
Group: Garnet Group: Garnet
IMA number: 1992-017 IMA number: Grandfathered
Modifications: None Modifications: None
Etymology: For Nobuo Morimoto (b. 1925), a Japanese mineralogist. Etymology: From the Spessart Mountains, Germany.
Type locality: Fuku, Bitchu-Cho, Okayama Prefecture, Japan. Type locality: Sommer quarry, Wendelberg Mt., Spessart Mountains, Bavaria,
Crystal system and space group: Isometric, Ia3d. Structure not yet refined. Germany.
Original or oldest description: Henmi et al. (1995) Crystal system, space group and structure refinement: Isometric, Ia3d. Novak and
Gibbs (1971); for F-bearing, Smyth et al. (1990).
Palenzonaite Synthetic material: Geiger and Armbruster (1997)
End-member formula: {Ca2Na}[Mn2+ Original or oldest description: Recognized by M.H. Klaproth (1797), but the name
2 ](V3 )O12
Group: Berzeliite spessartine was introduced by F.S. Beudant (1832) according to Dana (1892) and Clark
IMA number: 1986-011 (1993).
Modifications: None Toturite
Etymology: For Andrea Palenzona (b. 1935), an Italian chemist.
Type locality: Molinello mine, Ne, Val Graveglia, Liguria, Italy. End-member formula: {Ca3}[Sn24+](SiFe3+ 2 )O12
Crystal system, space group and structure refinement: Isometric, Ia3d. Basso (1987); Group: Schorlomite
Nagashima and Armbruster (2012) IMA number: 2009-033
Original or oldest description: Basso (1987) Modifications: None
Etymology: From both the Totur River situated in Eltyubyu village near the type
Pyrope locality and the name of a Balkarian deity and ancient warrior.
Type locality: Upper Chegem caldera, Kabardino-Balkaria, North Caucasus, Russia.
End-member formula: {Mg3}[Al2](Si3)O12 Crystal system and space group: Isometric, Ia3d. Structure not yet refined.
Group: Garnet Original or oldest description: Galuskina et al. (2010c)
IMA number: Grandfathered
Modifications: None Usturite
Etymology: From the Greek πνρωπός (pyropos) – firelike for its deep-red color. End-member formula: {Ca3}[Sb5+Zr](Fe3+ 3 )O12
Type locality: Bohemia (Czech Republic). Group: Bitikleite
Crystal system, space group and structure refinement: Isometric, Ia3d. Novak and IMA number: 2009-053
Gibbs (1971) Modifications: Originally described as bitikleite-(ZrFe) with the same formula.
Synthetic material: Armbruster et al. (1992) Etymology: From the Ustur Mountain near the type locality.
Original or oldest description: Recognized by Georgius Agricola (1546), but the name Type locality: Upper Chegem caldera, Kabardino-Balkaria, North Caucasus, Russia.
pyrope was introduced by A.G. Werner in 1800 (Dana 1892; Clark 1993). Crystal system and space group: Isometric, Ia3d. Structure not yet refined.
Original or oldest description: Galuskina et al. (2010b)
End-member formula: {Ca2Na}[Mg2](V35+)O12
Group: Berzeliite End-member formula: {Ca3}[Cr3+ 2 ](Si3)O12
IMA number: 1997-048 Group: Garnet
Modifications: None IMA number: Grandfathered
Etymology: For Helmut Schäfer (b. 1931), an amateur German mineralogist who Modifications: None
discovered the mineral. Etymology: For Count Sergei Semenovich Uvarov (1786–1855), a Russian historian.
Type locality: Bellberg volcano near Mayen, Eifel, Germany. Type locality: Saranovskiy mine Biserskoye chromite deposit, Perm district, Urals,
Crystal system, space group and structure refinement: Isometric, Ia3d. Krause et Russia (Pekov 1998).
al. (1999) Crystal system, space group and structure refinement: Isometric, Ia3d. Novak and
Original or oldest description: Krause et al. (1999) Gibbs (1971)
For birefringent uvarovite: Wildner and Andrut (2001)
Schorlomite Original or oldest description: Hess (1832)
End-member formula: {Ca3}[Ti2](SiFe3+ 2 )O12 Yafsoanite
Group: Schorlomite
IMA number: Grandfathered End-member formula: {Ca3}[Te6+ 2 ](Zn3)O12
This list is necessarily incomplete as it was assembled mostly from secondary sources and compilations. In general, the identifications and attributions of those references have
been accepted here. As many of the attributions are themselves secondary sources or compilations, they often do not refer to the first use or origin of the name.
Although some of the names are also synonymous with other minerals, or other materials (alloy, glass, etc.), these other meanings are not compiled here. The present terms are
largely restricted to mineral species, solid-solution series, and groups of the garnet supergroup.
achtaryndit* grossular-katoite J. Auerbach Clark (1993) Al-garnet almandine- Masaki Enami Bayliss (2000)
Adelaide ruby almandine Peter G. Read Bayliss (2000) grossular
African jade grossular Peter G. Read Bayliss (2000) Al-grandite grossular-andradite Michael J. Holdaway Bayliss (2000)
Afrikanischer jade grossular Johann Georg Haditsch, H. Bayliss (2000) allochite andradite Thomas Allison Readwin Chester (1896)
Maus allochroite andradite José Bonifácio de Andrada Dana and Brush
Alabandic carbuncles almandine Pliny (Gaius Plinius Dana and Brush e Silva (1868)
Secundus) (1868)
allochroïte andradite José Bonifácio de Andrada Allan (1814)
alabandicus almandine Pliny (Gaius Plinius Dana and Brush e Silva
Secundus) (1868) allocroita andradite Jeffrey de Fourestier Bayliss (2000)
alabandina almandine Simpson (1989) almandin garnet Georgius Agricola Egleston (1892)
alabandine garnet Chester (1896) almandina almandine Sande H. Zirlin Bayliss (2000)
alabandine ruby almandine Peter G. Read Bayliss (2000) almandino almandine Centro Informazione e Bayliss (2000)
Servizi Gemmologici
alabandite garnet Chester (1896) (CISGEM)
(of Chester) almandite almandine James Dwight Dana Dana and Brush
alabaunderryne Simpson (1989) (1868)
alabraundyne almandine Simpson (1989) almendine almandine Jeffrey de Fourestier Bayliss (2000)
alamandin almandine Dietrich Ludwig Gustav Dana and Brush almond stone almandine Manutchehr-
Karsten (1868) Danai (2009)
Nomenclature of the Garnet Supergroup Appendix 2
almondine almandine Simpson (1989) berzelit berzeliite William Haidinger Dana and Brush
amandine almandine Simpson (1989) (1868)
American ruby almandine Peter G. Read Bayliss (2000) berzelite berzeliite William Haidinger Clark (1993)
amethystizontes garnet Pliny (Gaius Plinius Dana and Brush bijazi almandine Abū al-Rayhān Muhammad Lemmlein
Secundus) (1868) ibn Ahmad al-Bīrūnī (1963)
anthill garnet pyrope Manutchehr- bitikleite-(SnAl) bitikleite Irina O. Galuskina this work
Danai (2009) bitikleite-(SnFe) Irina O. Galuskina this work
anthracitis garnet (?) Pliny (Gaius Plinius Dana and Brush bitikleite-(ZrFe) usturite Irina O. Galuskina this work
Secundus) (1868) black garnet andradite Dana and Brush
anthrax, άνθραξ Moore (1859), (1868)
garnet Theophrastus
(of Theophrastus) Caley and black garnet of andradite Egleston (1892)
Richards (1956) Frascati
aplome andradite René Just Haüy Jameson (1816)
apricotine garnet Manutchehr- black garnet of the andradite Allan (1814)
Danai (2009) Pyrenees
Arizona rubin pyrope Johann Georg Haditsch, H. Bayliss (2000) blythite hypothetical Lewis Leigh Fermor Clark (1993)
Maus component:
Arizona ruby pyrope William Alexander Deer, Bayliss (2000) Mn3Mn2Si3O12
Robert Andrew Howie, Bobrovka garnet andradite Simpson (1989)
Jack Zussman Bobrovska garnet andradite Manutchehr-
Arizona spinel almandine Robert Webster, Basil Bayliss (2000) Danai (2009)
William Anderson
Bobrowka garnet andradite Peter G. Read Bayliss (2000)
Arizona-spinell almandine Johann Georg Haditsch, H. Bayliss (2000)
Maus bodenbenderite spessartine and Eberhard Rimann Bayliss (2000)
asterias garnet garnet Hertz (1839) fluorite
Bohemian garnet pyrope-almandine Abraham Gottlob Werner Dana and Brush
Australian ruby garnet Peter G. Read Bayliss (2000) (1868)
azbazashtt grossular Ahmad ibn Yusuf Al Huda (1998)
Tifaschi Bohemian ruby pyrope Robert Webster, Basil Bayliss (2000)
azbazashtti grossular Ahmad ibn Yusuf Al Huda (1998) William Anderson
Böhmischer granat pyrope-almandine Abraham Gottlob Werner Dana and Brush
bahandji garnet Ahmad ibn Yusuf Al Huda (1998)
bahdji garnet Ahmad ibn Yusuf Al Huda (1998) Böhmischer rubin pyrope Johann Georg Haditsch, H. Bayliss (2000)
Tifaschi Maus
banafsh garnet Ahmad ibn Yusuf Al Huda (1998) bombita andradite Edward Salisbury Dana Bayliss (2000)
bechet garnet Lemmlein brandãosite spessartine A. Mario de Jesus Clark (1993)
(1963), braunstein kiesel spessartine Franz Ambrosius Reuss Allan (1814)
(1990) braunsteinkiesel spessartine Dietrich Ludwig Gustav Dana and Brush
becheta garnet Akhmetov Karsten (1868)
(1990) bredbergite James Dwight Dana Dana and Brush
berzeliit berzeliite Otto B. Kühn Dana and Brush (1868)
Nomenclature of the Garnet Supergroup Appendix 2
Broddbo granat spessartine Jöns Jacob Berzelius Egleston (1892) calderite andradite-bearing Henry Piddington Clark (1993)
Broddbogranat spessartine Jöns Jacob Berzelius Dana and Brush (of Piddington) rock
(1868) California ruby garnet Richard M. Pearl Bayliss (2000)
Ca(Al,Fe) garnet grossular William Alexander Deer, Bayliss (2000) Californian ruby garnet Peter G. Read Bayliss (2000)
Robert Andrew Howie, californite grossular-katoite Manutchehr-
Jack Zussman Danai (2009)
cacoclase grossular, calcite Henry Carvill Lewis Clark (1993)
and prehnite canelhstein grossular Egleston (1892)
cacoclasite grossular, calcite Henry Carvill Lewis Clark (1993) Cape garnet pyrope Manutchehr-
and prehnite Danai (2009)
Ca-Fe garnet andradite William Alexander Deer, Bayliss (2000) Cape ruby pyrope William Alexander Deer, Bayliss (2000)
Robert Andrew Howie, Robert Andrew Howie,
Jack Zussman Jack Zussman
Ca-Fe-spessartine spessartine Toyohumi Yosimura Bayliss (2000) caprubin pyrope Karl Franz Johann Bayliss (2000)
Ca-garnet grossular William Alexander Deer, Bayliss (2000) carbocle garnet Simpson (1989)
Robert Andrew Howie,
Jack Zussman carbokyl garnet Simpson (1989)
calcareo-aluminous grossular Edward John Chapman Chapman (1843) carbonchio garnet Simpson (1989)
carboncla garnet Simpson (1989)
calciospessartine spessartine Lewis Leigh Fermor Clark (1993) carboncle garnet Simpson (1989)
calcio-spessartite spessartine Leonard James Spencer Bayliss (2000) carbonclo garnet Simpson (1989)
calcium fer spessartine Madeleine Aballain Bayliss (2000) carbonkel garnet Simpson (1989)
carboucle garnet Simpson (1989)
calcium-aluminum grossular Edward Salisbury Dana Bayliss (2000) carbuccle garnet Simpson (1989)
carbuckle garnet Simpson (1989)
calcium-chromium uvarovite Edward Salisbury Dana Bayliss (2000) carbuckyl garnet Simpson (1989)
carbucle garnet Simpson (1989)
calcium- spessartine Karl Franz Johann Clark (1993) carbucul garnet Simpson (1989)
eisenspessartine Chudoba
carbunacle garnet Simpson (1989)
calcium-ferrigranat andradite Cornelio August Severius Clark (1993) carbunckle garnet Simpson (1989)
Doelter Cisterich y de la
Torre carbuncle garnet Egleston (1892)
calcium-iron garnet andradite Edward Salisbury Dana Bayliss (2000) carbunclo garnet Simpson (1989)
calcium-zirconium kimzeyite Manutchehr- carbunco garnet Simpson (1989)
garnet Danai (2009)
carbuncul garnet Simpson (1989)
calc-pyralmandite almandine Lewis Leigh Fermor Clark (1993) carbuncules garnet Simpson (1989)
calc-spessartine spessartine Peter G. Embrey, John P. Bayliss (2000) carbunculi pyrope Georgius Agricola Dana and Brush
Fuller charcedonii (1868)
calc-spessartite spessartine Lewis Leigh Fermor Clark (1993)
carbúnculo garnet Simpson (1989)
carbunculum garnet Simpson (1989)
Nomenclature of the Garnet Supergroup Appendix 2
carbunculus garnet Dana and Brush Ceylon garnet pyrope Egleston (1892)
(1868) Ceylon ruby garnet Manutchehr-
carbunculus almandine Pliny (Gaius Plinius Egleston (1892) Danai (2009)
Alabandicus Secundus) Ceylonhyacinth Johann Georg Haditsch, H. Bayliss (2000)
carbunculus garnet Egleston (1892) Maus
Carchedonius Ceylonspinell garnet Johann Georg Haditsch, H. Bayliss (2000)
carbunculus garnet James Dwight Dana Dana (1837) chairbunkle garnet Simpson (1989)
dodecahedrus charbocle garnet Simpson (1989)
carbunculus garnet Egleston (1892) charbokel garnet Simpson (1989)
Garamanticus charbokele garnet Simpson (1989)
carbunculus of Pliny garnet John Kidd Allan (1814) charbokell garnet Simpson (1989)
carbunculus garnet Egleston (1892) charbokelle garnet Simpson (1989)
Troezenius charbokil garnet Simpson (1989)
carbunkel garnet Simpson (1989) charbokill garnet Simpson (1989)
carbunkile garnet Simpson (1989) charbokle garnet Simpson (1989)
carbunkill garnet Simpson (1989) charbokull garnet Simpson (1989)
carbunkle garnet Simpson (1989) charbokyll garnet Simpson (1989)
carbunkulle garnet Simpson (1989) charboncle garnet Simpson (1989)
carbunkyl garnet Simpson (1989) charbonkkel garnet Simpson (1989)
carcbuncle garnet Simpson (1989) charboukel garnet Simpson (1989)
carcedony garnet Edward Phillips Simpson (1989) charbouncle garnet Simpson (1989)
carchedonii in pyrope Georgius Agricola Egleston (1892) charbuche garnet Simpson (1989)
Boëmorum agris charbuchle garnet Simpson (1989)
carchedonius garnet Edward Salisbury Dana Bayliss (2000) charbuckle garnet Simpson (1989)
carchedony garnet N. Bailey Simpson (1989) charbucle garnet Simpson (1989)
carfunkel garnet Johann Georg Haditsch, H. Bayliss (2000) charbugle garnet Simpson (1989)
Maus charbukel garnet Simpson (1989)
Carthagenian garnet Egleston (1892)
carbuncle charbukelle garnet Simpson (1989)
charbukill garnet Simpson (1989)
Carthaginian garnet James Dwight Dana Dana and Brush
carbuncle (1868) charbukkill garnet Simpson (1989)
charbukle garnet Simpson (1989)
Ca-spessartite spessartine Sylvie Parc, Daniel Bayliss (2000)
Nahon, Yves Tardy, charbunckell garnet Simpson (1989)
Philippe Viellard charbunckile garnet Simpson (1989)
caswellite andradite- Albert Huntington Chester Clark (1993) charbunckle garnet Simpson (1989)
ceraunio pyrope Solinus Manutchehr- charbuncle garnet Simpson (1989)
Danai (2009) charbuncul garnet Simpson (1989)
Nomenclature of the Garnet Supergroup Appendix 2
Nomenclature of the Garnet Supergroup Appendix 2
Ely ruby pyrope Manutchehr- feketegranat andradite Jeffrey de Fourestier Bayliss (2000)
Danai (2009) felsinrubin pyrope-almandine Max Hutchinson Hey Bayliss (2000)
emaldine spessartine J. Stephen van der Lingen Clark (1993) Fe-Mn-garnet calderite William Alexander Deer, Bayliss (2000)
émeraude de oural Manutchehr- Robert Andrew Howie,
Danai (2009) Jack Zussman
Fe-pyrope pyrope Gary A. Novak, Gerald V. Bayliss (2000)
emildine spessartine J. Stephen van der Lingen Clark (1993) Gibbs
ferric kimzeyite kerimasite Peter C. Rickwood Rickwood
emilite spessartine J. Stephen van der Lingen Clark (1993) (1968)
erinadine spessartine J. Stephen van der Lingen Clark (1993) ferro-calderite calderite Lewis Leigh Fermor Bayliss (2000)
erinite spessartine J. Stephen van der Lingen Clark (1993) ferrospessartine spessartine Karl Franz Johann Clark (1993)
ernita grossular -. Frank (Franck or Clark (1993)
ferro-spessartite spessartine Lewis Leigh Fermor Clark (1993)
ernite grossular -. Frank (Franck or Clark (1993) ferrotitanite schorlomite Josiah Dwight Whitney Dana and Brush
Francke?) (1868)
escarboucle garnet Simpson (1989)
ferrugino-aluminous almandine Edward John Chapman Chapman (1843)
escarbuncle garnet Simpson (1989) garnet
espartita spessartine Andrew M. Clark Bayliss (2000)
ferrugino-calcareous andradite Edward John Chapman Chapman (1843)
espesartita spessartine Edward Salisbury Dana Bayliss (2000) garnet
espessartita spessartine Madeleine Aballain Bayliss (2000)
Fe-Ti garnet andradite- Kenneth B. Schwartz, Bayliss (2000)
essonit grossular Hauy Simpson (1989) schorlomite Daniel A. Nolet, Roger
essonite grossular René Just Haüy Dana and Brush George Burns
(1868) fire garnet pyrope Egleston (1892)
flower of Jove garnet Pliny (Gaius Plinius Manutchehr-
Fahlungranat almandine Jöns Jacob Berzelius Dana and Brush
Secundus) Danai (2009)
garamantic carbuncle garnet Egleston (1892)
falscher hyacinth grossular Johann Georg Haditsch, H. Bayliss (2000)
Maus garamantious garnet Pliny (Gaius Plinius Clark (1993)
false hyacinth garnet Jeffrey de Fourestier Bayliss (2000) Secundus)
garnat garnet Sande H. Zirlin Bayliss (2000)
false ruby garnet Manutchehr-
Danai (2009) garnate garnet Simpson (1989)
garnetite garnet Chester (1896)
fashoda garnet pyrope Peter G. Read Bayliss (2000)
garnet-jade grossular Leonard James Spencer Clark (1993)
fashoda ruby pyrope Manutchehr-
Danai (2009) garnetoid mineral(s) with the Duncan McConnell Clark (1993)
garnet structure
(Fe2+,Ca) garnet almandine- Robert C. Newton, Bernard Bayliss (2000)
grossular J. Wood garnette garnet Simpson (1989)
3+ garvi garnet (pyrope?) Abū al-Rayhān Muhammad Lemmlein
Fe -garnet andradite- Masaki Enami Bayliss (2000)
ibn Ahmad al-Bīrūnī (1963)
Fe-Ca-spessartine spessartine Toyohumi Yosimura Bayliss (2000) gemeiner granat garnet Abraham Gottlob Werner Allan (1814)
Fe-garnet almandine William Alexander Deer, Bayliss (2000) geminaite synthetic compound: Manutchehr-
Robert Andrew Howie, Y3Al2Al3O12 Danai (2009)
Jack Zussman
Fe-grandite andradite Michael J. Holdaway Bayliss (2000)
Nomenclature of the Garnet Supergroup Appendix 2
granat-jade grossular Reinhard Anton Brauns Clark (1993) grenat rouge de feu pyrope René Just Haüy Egleston (1892)
granato garnet Centro Informazione e Bayliss (2000) granuliforme
Servizi Gemmologici grenat rougeâtre René Just Haüy Allan (1814)
granatoid garnet Max Hutchinson Hey Bayliss (2000) grenat Siriam garnet Manutchehr-
Danai (2009)
granatus garnet Albertus Magnus Dana and Brush
(1868) grenat Syrian garnet Dana and Brush
grandite grossular-andradite Lewis Leigh Fermor Clark (1993)
granular garnet garnet Allan (1814) grenat Syrien garnet Egleston (1892)
green amorphous garnet Allan (1814) grenat titanifère andradite Egleston (1892)
garnet grenat verdâtre garnet René Just Haüy Allan (1814)
greenlandite garnet Martin Heinrich Klaproth Chester (1896) grenat vert olive garnet René Just Haüy Allan (1814)
grenat garnet André-Jean-François-Marie Allan (1814) grenat yttrifère andradite Egleston (1892)
Brochant de Villiers grenat-asterie almandine Madeleine Aballain Bayliss (2000)
Nomenclature of the Garnet Supergroup Appendix 2
gronlandite garnet Madeleine Aballain Bayliss (2000) hyacinthoide grossular Jean-Claude Delamétherie Chester (1896)
groslarita grossular Sande H. Zirlin Bayliss (2000) hyazinthe pyrope Carl Friedrich Christian Egleston (1892)
grossulaar grossular Sande H. Zirlin Bayliss (2000) Mohs
hydroandradite andradite W. Żabiński Pertlik (2003)
grossulaire grossular François Sulpice Beudant Dana and Brush
(1868) hydrogarnet grossular-katoite Einar P. Flint, Howard F. Clark (1993)
McMurdie, Lansing S.
grossulare grossular R. Jameson Simpson (1989) Wells
hydrogranat grossular-katoite Karl Franz Johann Clark (1993)
grossularia grossular Abraham Gottlob Werner Allan (1814) Chudoba
grossularite grossular Abraham Gottlob Werner Dana and Brush hydrograndit grossular- Hugo Strunz Clark (1993)
(1868) andradite-katoite
grossularoid grossular Dmitry Stepanovich Clark (1993) hydrograndite grossular- H.G. Huckenholz, W. Pertlik (2003)
Belyankin, andradite-katoite Lindhuber, K.T. Fehr
Valeriy Petrovich Petrov
groszular grossular Egleston (1892) hydrogrenat grossular-katoite Madeleine Aballain Bayliss (2000)
guarnaccine garnet garnet Manutchehr- hydrogrossulaire grossular-katoite Madeleine Aballain Bayliss (2000)
Danai (2009) hydrogrossular grossular-katoite Colin Osborne Hutton Clark (1993)
guarnaccino garnet Dana and Brush hydrogrossularite grossular-katoite Shigeki Iwamoto, Toshio Bayliss (2000)
(1868) Sudo
hydromelanite andradite William Alexander Deer, Bayliss (2000)
hanléite uvarovite Lewis Leigh Fermor Clark (1993) Robert Andrew Howie,
Jack Zussman
haplome andradite René Just Haüy Chester (1896)
hydropyralspite hydroxyl-bearing Franz Pertlik Pertlik (2003)
hematite garnet garnet Peter G. Read Bayliss (2000) pyrope-almandine-
hessonite grossular Karl Cäsar Ritter von Dana and Brush spessartine
Leonhard (1868) hydropyrope hypothetical Olav H.J. Christie Bayliss (2000)
H-garnet grossular-katoite Jun Ito, Joel E. Arem Bayliss (2000) Mg3Al2(OH)12
hydroschorlomite schorlomite; Franz Pertlik Pertlik (2003),
hibschit grossular Felix Cornu Clark (1993)
titanite? Laverne et al.
hibschite grossular Felix Cornu Clark (1993) (2006)
hibshite grossular J.-F. Parrot, C. Guernet Parrot and hydroshorlomite titanite? Christine Laverne, Olivier Laverne et al.
Guernet (1972) Grauby, Jeffrey C. Alt, (2006)
Marcel Bohn
hidrogrossular grossular R. Dixon Bayliss (2000)
hollandine garnet spessartine Thomas Lind, Hermann Lind et al. hydrougrandite andradite Tsao Yung Lung Bayliss (2000)
Bank, Ulrich Henn (1993) hydrouvarovite uvarovite Franz Pertlik Pertlik (2003)
hydroxygarnet hydroxyl-bearing Hugo Strunz, Ernest H. Pertlik (2003)
garnet Nickel
Nomenclature of the Garnet Supergroup Appendix 2
jafszoanit yafsoanite Jeffrey de Fourestier Bayliss (2000) kapgranat pyrope Johann Georg Haditsch, H. Bayliss (2000)
jellelite andradite Egleston (1892)
kaprubin pyrope Max Hutchinson Hey Bayliss (2000)
jellesite andradite Egleston (1892)
karbokle garnet Simpson (1989)
jelletite andradite James Apjohn Dana and Brush
karboncle garnet Simpson (1989)
karbun garnet Akhmetov
Nomenclature of the Garnet Supergroup Appendix 2
karbuncle garnet Simpson (1989) lime-chromegarnet uvarovite James Dwight Dana Dana and Brush
karbunkul garnet Akhmetov (1868)
(1990) lime-iron garnet andradite Thomas Egleston Egleston (1892)
karbunkulus almandine or Jeffrey de Fourestier Bayliss (2000)
pyrope lime-irongarnet andradite James Dwight Dana Dana and Brush
karfamukolos garnet Akhmetov (1868)
karfunckel pyrope Franz Ambrosius Reuss Allan (1814) lime-magnesia-iron andradite Thomas Egleston Egleston (1892)
karfunfel pyrope Madeleine Aballain Bayliss (2000)
karfunkel pyrope Dana and Brush magnesia garnet pyrope Egleston (1892)
(1868) magnesia-alumina pyrope Thomas Egleston Egleston (1892)
karfunkel-stein pyrope Johann Georg Haditsch, H. Bayliss (2000)
Maus magnesia- pyrope James Dwight Dana Dana and Brush
karmakaul garnet Akhmetov aluminagarnet (1868)
khoharite hypothetical Lewis Leigh Fermor Clark (1993) magnesia-blythite pyrope-blythite Lewis Leigh Fermor Clark (1993)
component: magnesia-gralmandite grossular- Lewis Leigh Fermor Clark (1993)
Mg3Fe2Si3O12 almandine
kimseyite kimzeyite Madeleine Aballain Bayliss (2000) magnesian calcium- andradite Jeffrey de Fourestier Bayliss (2000)
kirpuk garnet Afanasii Nikitin Lemmlein iron garnet
Akhmetov magnesian berzeliite James Dwight Dana Dana and Brush
(1990) pharmacolite (1868)
Kollen garnet almandine Manutchehr-
magnesiathongranat pyrope Edward Salisbury Dana Bayliss (2000)
Danai (2009)
magnesiatongranat pyrope John Sinkankas Bayliss (2000)
Kollin garnet almandine Peter G. Read Bayliss (2000)
magnesio-blythite pyrope-blythite Lewis Leigh Fermor Clark (1993)
kollophonit andradite Johann Georg Haditsch, H. Bayliss (2000)
magnesium-aluminum pyrope Edward Salisbury Dana Bayliss (2000)
kolofonit andradite-grossular Madeleine Aballain Bayliss (2000)
kolophonit garnet Dietrich Ludwig Gustav Chester (1896) magnesium-berzeliit berzeliite Wolfgang Bubeck Bayliss (2000)
Karsten magnesiumtongranat pyrope Johann Georg Haditsch, H. Bayliss (2000)
Kolorado-rubin pyrope Johann Georg Haditsch, H. Bayliss (2000) Maus
Maus malaia pyrope-spessartine Carol M. Stockton, D. Stockton and
kryolithionit cryolithionite Carl Adolf Ferdinand Clark (1993) Vincent Manson (personal Manson (1985)
Hintze communication from
kühnite berzeliite Henry James Brooke, Dana and Brush Campbell R. Bridges)
William Hallows Miller (1868) malaya pyrope-spessartine Stockton and
Manson (1985)
landerite grossular Manuel M. Villada Clark (1993)
leucogarnet grossular Egleston (1892) Mali garnet grossular-andradite Johnson et al.
leukogranat grossular Egleston (1892)
mandarin garnet spessartine Thomas Lind, Hermann Lind et al.
lime-alumina garnet grossular Thomas Egleston Egleston (1892) Bank, Ulrich Henn (1993)
lime-aluminagarnet grossular James Dwight Dana Dana and Brush
mangan-almandine almandine- John Palmgren Clark (1993)
lime-chrome garnet uvarovite Thomas Egleston Egleston (1892) mangan-almandite almandine- Lewis Leigh Fermor Clark (1993)
Nomenclature of the Garnet Supergroup Appendix 2
manganberziliit manganberzeliite Karl Franz Johann Bayliss (2000) melanite andradite Robert Jameson Allan (1814)
Chudoba (Mg,Ca) garnet pyrope-grossular Robert C. Newton, Bernard Bayliss (2000)
manganese alumina spessartine Thomas Egleston Egleston (1892) J. Wood
Mg-berzeliit berzeliite Sture Landergren Landergren
manganese berzeliite manganberzeliite Jun Ito Bayliss (2000) (1930)
manganese berzelite manganberzeliite Jun Ito Bayliss (2000) Mn-berzeliit manganberzeliite Sture Landergren Landergren
manganèse spessartine André-Jean-François-Marie Allan (1814) (1930)
granatiforme Brochant de Villiers Mn-garnet spessartine Martin P. Whitworth, Bayliss (2000)
Martin Feely
manganese- spessartine James Dwight Dana Dana and Brush Mn-grossular grossular Gary A. Novak, Gerald V. Bayliss (2000)
aluminagarnet (1868) Gibbs
Mont Blanc ruby garnet Manutchehr-
manganese-aluminum spessartine Edward Salisbury Dana Bayliss (2000) Danai (2009)
Montana rubin garnet Johann Georg Haditsch, H. Bayliss (2000)
manganese-garnet spessartine Mervyn H. Maskelyne Clark (1993) Maus
Montana ruby garnet Peter G. Read Bayliss (2000)
manganese- grossular- Lewis Leigh Fermor Clark (1993)
gralmandite almandine mother-of-ruby garnet Manutchehr-
Danai (2009)
manganesian garnet spessartine Henry Seybert Dana and Brush
(1868) mountain ruby garnet Peter G. Read Bayliss (2000)
mursinskite andradite Nikolai Ivanovich von Bayliss (2000)
mangangralmandit grossular- Karl Franz Johann Clark (1993)
almandine- Chudoba
natronberzeliite berzeliite Helge Mattias Bäckström Clark (1993)
mangangranat spessartine Dana and Brush noble garnet almandine Egleston (1892)
(1868) nophak garnet Manutchehr-
Danai (2009)
mangan-grandite grossular- Lewis Leigh Fermor Clark (1993)
andradite- nophech garnet Manutchehr-
almandine- Danai (2009)
manganthongranat spessartine Edward Salisbury Dana Bayliss (2000) nophek almandine Kunz (1913)
mangantongranat spessartine Max Hutchinson Hey Bayliss (2000) olivene andradite Manutchehr-
Manila garnet pyrope-spessartine Manutchehr- Danai (2009)
Danai (2009)
olivine garnet andradite Manutchehr-
mazenbi pyrope Ahmad ibn Yusuf Al Huda (1998) Danai (2009)
mazendj almandine Ahmad ibn Yusuf Al Huda (1998) olyntholite grossular Johann Gotthelf Fischer Egleston (1892)
von Waldheim
mazinadj garnet Mukhammed ibn Mansur Lemmlein olyntholith grossular Johann Gotthelf Fischer Allan (1814)
(1963) von Waldheim
medshorit majorite or Karl Franz Johann Bayliss (2000)
khoharite Chudoba olyntholyth grossular Edward John Chapman Chapman (1843)
Nomenclature of the Garnet Supergroup Appendix 2
oolongolite synthetic compound Dominique Robert Manutchehr- polyadephite andradite Thomas Thomson Dana and Brush
Danai (2009) (1868)
Oregon jade grossular Manutchehr- precious garnet garnet Robert Jameson Allan (1814)
Danai (2009) pseudoberzeliite Valdemar Lindgren Clark (1993)
oriental garnet almandine Dana and Brush pyralmandin pyrope-almandine Max Hutchinson Hey Bayliss (2000)
(1868) pyralmandite pyrope-almandine Lewis Leigh Fermor Clark (1993)
oriental garnet of the pyrope Allan (1814) pyralspite pyrope-almandine- Alexander Newton Clark (1993)
lapidary spessartine Winchell
orientalischer granat almandine Martin Heinrich Klaproth Dana and Brush pyramandite pyrope-almandine Basil William Anderson Clark (1993)
(1868) pyramidal garnet Manutchehr-
orletz pyrope Peter G. Read Bayliss (2000) Danai (2009)
ouvarovite uvarovite Dana and Brush pyrandine pyrope-almandine Basil William Anderson Clark (1993)
(1868) pyrenäit Abraham Gottlob Werner Allan (1814)
ouwarowite uvarovite Germain Henri Hess Dana (1837) pyrenaite andradite Thomas Thomson Clark (1993)
owarowite uvarovite Max Hutchinson Hey Bayliss (2000) pyreneit andradite Abraham Gottlob Werner Dana and Brush
partschin William Haidinger Chester (1896) (1868)
partschinite spessartine William Haidinger Larsen (1917) pyreneite andradite Abraham Gottlob Werner Chester (1896)
pearl garnet andradite Manutchehr- pyroop pyrope Sande H. Zirlin Bayliss (2000)
Danai (2009) pyrop Abraham Gottlob Werner Dana and Brush
pech granat andradite Dietrich Ludwig Gustav Allan (1814) (1868)
Karsten pyropi pyrope (plural) Simpson (1989)
piedra de grosella grossular Manutchehr-
Danai (2009) pyropo pyrope Simpson (1989)
pyropus pyrope Simpson (1989)
piedra miel andradite Manutchehr-
Danai (2009) pyrrharsenite manganberzeliite Edward Salisbury Dana Clark (1993)
pyrrhoarsenite manganberzeliite Lars Johann Igelström Chester (1896)
piroop pyrope E.K. Macintosh Bayliss (2000)
pytenäit andradite Karl Franz Johann Bayliss (2000)
pirop pyrope Egleston (1892)
pirope pyrope Simpson (1989) ransätit spessartine with Lars Johann Igelström Bayliss (2000)
piropo Centro Informazione e Bayliss (2000) quartz, hematite,
Servizi Gemmologici pyroxene
(CISGEM) ransatite spessartine with Madeleine Aballain Bayliss (2000)
piropus Simpson (1989) quartz, hematite,
pitch garnet andradite Manutchehr- rathoffit andradite Albert Huntington Chester Bayliss (2000)
Danai (2009)
rhodolite pyrope William Earl Hidden, Clark (1993)
plazolite grossular William Frederick Foshag Clark (1993) Joseph Hyde Pratt
polyadelphine andradite Thomas Thomson Chester (1896) rhodomacon pyrope Ian C.C. Campbell Clark (1993)
polyadelphite andradite Thomas Thomson Egleston (1892) rhotofita andradite Jeffrey de Fourestier Bayliss (2000)
rock-ruby garnet Chester (1896)
Nomenclature of the Garnet Supergroup Appendix 2
Rocky Mountain ruby pyrope Robert Webster, Basil Bayliss (2000) schorlemmite schorlomite Dorothy Lavelle Bailey, Clark (1993)
William Anderson Kenneth Claude Bailey
rodolite pyrope Centro Informazione e Bayliss (2000) Siberian chrisolite andradite Peter G. Read Bayliss (2000)
Servizi Gemmologici Siberian chrysolite Manutchehr-
(CISGEM) Danai (2009)
rodomakon pyrope Karl Franz Johann Bayliss (2000)
Chudoba Siberian garnet almandine Manutchehr-
romanzovit grossular Nils Adolf Erik Dana and Brush Danai (2009)
Nordenskiöld (1868)
Siberian olivine andradite Manutchehr-
romanzovite garnet Nils Adolf Erik Dana (1837) Danai (2009)
romazowit grossular Egleston (1892) Sibirischer chrysolith andradite Johann Georg Haditsch, H. Bayliss (2000)
rose garnet almandine Egleston (1892) Maus
Sibirischer granat almandine Johann Georg Haditsch, H. Bayliss (2000)
rose garnet grossular or pyrope George Letchworth Bayliss (2000) Maus
English Sibirischer olivin andradite Johann Georg Haditsch, H. Bayliss (2000)
rose garnet pyrope William Earl Hidden, Clark (1993) Maus
Joseph Hyde Pratt silicamanganberzeliite berzeliite Michael Fleischer Bayliss (2000)
roselite (of Webster) grossular Robert Webster Clark (1993) silicomanganberzeliite berzeliite M.M. Kaupova Clark (1993)
rosolite grossular George Frederick Kunz Clark (1993) Singhalese garnet almandine Manutchehr-
(pyrope?) Danai (2009)
rothoffit andradite Jöns Jacob Berzelius Egleston (1892)
rothoffite andradite Jöns Jacob Berzelius Dana and Brush Sirianischer granat almandine Martin Heinrich Klaproth Dana and Brush
(1868) (1868)
rubinco di rocca garnet Egleston (1892) skiagite hypothetical Lewis Leigh Fermor Clark (1993)
rubino-di-rocca garnet Dana and Brush Fe3Fe2Si3O12
smeraldo degli Urali andradite Manutchehr-
rumanzowit grossular Stepan Semyonovich Clark (1993) Danai (2009)
Sn-andradite andradite I.R. Mulholland Bayliss (2000)
rumjanzowit grossular Stepan Semyonovich Clark (1993)
Kutorga soda berzeliite manganberzeliite Sten Anders Hjalmar Sjögren (1894)
Russian chrysolite andradite Manutchehr- Sjögren
Danai (2009) South African jade grossular Arthur Lewis Hall Clark (1993)
South African ruby pyrope Manutchehr-
scandium-andradite eringaite Jun Ito and Clifford Bayliss (2000)
Danai (2009)
Sc-garnet eringaite Jun Ito Bayliss (2000) spalmandite spessartine- Lewis Leigh Fermor Clark (1993)
schlackiger granat andradite Dietrich Ludwig Gustav Allan (1814) almandine
Karsten spandite spessartine- Lewis Leigh Fermor Clark (1993)
schorlamite schorlomite Karl Friedrich August Rammelsberg andradite
Rammelsberg (1850) spessartite spessartine François Sulpice Beudant Chester (1896)
splintery garnet andradite Egleston (1892)
schorlemite schorlomite Manutchehr-
Danai (2009) splittriger granat andradite Dietrich Ludwig Gustav Allan (1814)
stachelbeerstein grossular Rudolf Koechlin Clark (1993)
Nomenclature of the Garnet Supergroup Appendix 2
star garnet almandine Max Hutchinson Hey Bayliss (2000) topazolite andradite Costanzo Benedetto Dana and Brush
succingranat grossular Johann Georg Haditsch, H. Bayliss (2000) Bonvicino (Bonvoisin) (1868)
Maus topazolith andradite Costanzo Benedetto Egleston (1892)
succinite garnet Costanzo Benedetto Allan (1814) Bonvicino (Bonvoisin)
(of Bonvoisin) Bonvicino (Bonvoisin)
Transvaal garnet grossular Manutchehr-
succnite grossular Costanzo Benedetto Clark (1993) Danai (2009)
Bonvicino (Bonvoisin)
Transvaal jade grossular Reinhard Anton Brauns Clark (1993)
Südafrikanische jade grossular Johann Georg Haditsch, H. Bayliss (2000)
Maus Transvaalnephrit grossular Johann Georg Haditsch, H. Bayliss (2000)
Suriam garnet almandine Robert Webster, Basil Bayliss (2000) Maus
William Anderson Transvaalsejade grossular E.K. Macintosh Bayliss (2000)
trautwineite uvarovite Edward Goldsmith Goldsmith
Syriam garnet almandine Robert Webster, Basil Bayliss (2000) (1873)
William Anderson trautwinite uvarovite Edward Goldsmith Chester (1896)
Syrian garnet garnet Egleston (1892) tsavolite grossular Hermann Bank Clark (1993)
Syrian garnet of the garnet Allan (1814) tsavolith grossular Hermann Bank Bayliss (2000)
lapidary tsavorite grossular Campbell R. Bridges and Stockton and
talkgranat andradite Johann Georg Haditsch, H. Bayliss (2000) Henry B. Platt Manson (1985)
Maus ugrandite uvarovite- Alexander Newton Clark (1993)
Tanga garnet pyrope-almandine Seifert and grossular-andradite Winchell
Hyrsl (1999) umbalite pyrope-spessartine Edward Joseph Gübelin (?) Shigley et al.
Tanganyika rubies garnet Manutchehr- (1990)
Danai (2009) Ural chrysolite andradite Robert Webster, Basil Bayliss (2000)
William Anderson
tellemarkite grossular Julius Albin Weisbach Clark (1993)
Ural emerald andradite Robert Webster, Basil Bayliss (2000)
Ti-andradite andradite- William Alexander Deer, Bayliss (2000) William Anderson
schorlomite Robert Andrew Howie,
Jack Zussman Uralian emerald andradite Edward Salisbury Dana Bayliss (2000)
Ti-garnet schorlomite Glenn A. Waychunas Bayliss (2000) Uralian olivine andradite Manutchehr-
titangarnet garnet Wilhelm Kunitz Clark (1993) Danai (2009)
titangranat andradite Karl Friedrich August Bayliss (2000) Uralischer smaragd Johann Georg Haditsch, H. Bayliss (2000)
Rammelsberg Maus
titanmelanite Adolf Knop Clark (1993) Uralolivin andradite Johann Georg Haditsch, H. Bayliss (2000)
schorlomite Maus
titanomelanite andradite- Franz Pertlik Pertlik (2003) uvarowit uvarovite Germain Henri Hess Chester (1896)
schorlomite uwarowit uvarovite Germain Henri Hess Dana and Brush
titano-melanite andradite- William T. Pecora Pecora (1942) (1868)
tonkalkgranat grossular John Sinkankas Bayliss (2000) uwarowite uvarovite Gustav Adolf Kenngott Egleston (1892)
tonmangangranat spessartine John Sinkankas Bayliss (2000) vanadium-garnet grossular S.T. Badalov Clark (1993)
tontalkgranat pyrope Johann Georg Haditsch, H. Bayliss (2000) vanadiumgranat grossular S.T. Badalov Clark (1993)
Maus venisa garnet Akhmetov
Nomenclature of the Garnet Supergroup Appendix 2
yttriogarnet andradite Leonard James Spencer Bayliss (2000) Chapman, E.J. (1843) Practical Mineralogy. Hippolyte Bailliere, London.
yttrium-garnet andradite Max Hutchinson Hey Bayliss (2000)
yttrium-granat andradite Hugo Strunz Bayliss (2000)
Chester, A.H. (1896) A Dictionary of the Names of Minerals. John Wiley and Sons,
New York.
yttrogarnet synthetic compound: Hatten Schuyler Yoder, Jr., Yoder and Keith
Y3Al2Al3O12 Mackenzie Lawrence Keith (1951)
zimtstein grossular Johann Georg Haditsch, H. Bayliss (2000)
Nomenclature of the Garnet Supergroup Appendix 2
Clark, A.M. (1993) Hey’s Mineral Index. Mineral Species, Varieties and Synonyms, Jameson, R. (1816) A System of Mineralogy. Second edition. Archibald Constable and
Third edition. Chapman and Hall, London. Company, Edinburgh; Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, London.
Dana, J.D. (1837) A System of Mineralogy. Durrie and Peck and Herrick and Noyes, Johnson, M.L., Boehm, E., Krupp, H., Zang, J.W., and Kammerling, R.C. (1995) Gem-
New Haven. quality grossular-andradite garnet from Mali. Gems and Gemology, 31, 152-166.
Dana, J.D. and Brush, G.J. (1868) A System of Mineralogy. Fifth edition. John Wiley Koksharov, N.I. (1866) Materialien zur Mineralogie Russlands, Volume 5. St.
and Sons, New York. Petersburg, Alexander Jacobson (in German).
Egleston, T. (1892) A Catalogue of Minerals and Synonyms. Third edition. John Wiley Kunz, G.F. (1913) The Curious Lore of Precious Stones, p. 407. J.B. Lippincott
and Sons. Company, Philadelphia.
Fleischer, M. (1959) New mineral names. American Mineralogist, 44, 906-910. Landergren, S. (1930) Studier över berzeliitgruppens mineral. Geologiska Föreningens
i Stockholm Förhandlingar, 52, 123-133 (in Swedish).
Galuskin, E.V., Galuskina, I.О., and Winiarski, A. (1995) Epitaxy of achtarandite on
grossular; the key to the problem of achtarandite. Neues Jahrbuch für Larsen, E.S. (1917) Is partschinite a distinct species? American Mineralogist, 2, 20.
Mineralogie, Monatshefte, 1995, 306-320.
Laverne, C., Grauby, O., Alt, J.C., and Bohn, M. (2006) Hydroschorlomite in altered
Galuskina, I.O., Galuskin, E.V., and Sitarz, M. (1998) Atoll hydrogarnets mechanism basalts from Hole 1256D, ODP Leg 206: The transition from low-temperature to
of the formation of achtarandite pseudomorphs. Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, hydrothermal alteration. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 7, Q10O03,
Monatshefte, 1998, 49-62. doi:10.1029/2005GC001180.
Goldsmith, E. (1873) Trautwineite, a new mineral. The composition of trautwinite. Lemmlein, G.G. (1963) Explanatory notes. In Biruni, Abu-r-Raikhan al, Collected
Analysis of chromite from Monterey County, California. Proceedings of the Information for Getting to Know Precious Stones (Mineralogy). Translated from
Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 25, p. 9-10, 348-349 and 365-366. Arabic to Russian by A.M. Belenitskiy. USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow, p.
437-439 (in Russian).
Hellie, R. (1999) The Economy and Material Culture of Russia 1600-1725. University
of Chicago Press, Chicago. Lind, Th., Bank, H., and Henn, U. (1993) Spessartine aus Namibia. Neues Jahrbuch fur
Mineralogie, Monatshefte, 1993, 569-576 (in German).
Hertz, B. (1839) A Catalogue of the Collection of Pearls and Precious Stones formed
by Henry Philip Hope, Esq. William Clowes and Sons, London. Manutchehr-Danai, M. (2009) Dictionary of Gems and Gemology, 3rd ed. Springer-
Verlag, Berlin.
Huda, S.N.F. (1998) Arab Roots of Gemology: Ahmad ibn Yusuf Al Tifaschi's Best
Thoughts on the Best of Stones. Scarecrow Press, London. Moore, N.F. (1859) Ancient Mineralogy. Harper & Brothers, New York, 250 p.; reprint
of the 1834 edition, History of Geology Series 1.
Igelström, L.J. (1894) Mineralogische Notizen. 1. Lindesit. 2. Pyrrhoarsenit. Zeitschrift
für Kristallographie, Mineralogie und Petrographie, 23, 590-593 (in German). Parrot, J.-F. and Guernet, C. (1972) Le cortège ophiolitique de l'Eubée moyenne
(Grèce): étude pétrographique des formations volcaniques et des roches
Jambor, J.J., Pertsev, N.N., and Roberts, A.C. (1997) New mineral names. American métamorphiques associées dans les Monts Kandilis aux radiolarites. Cahiers -
Mineralogist, 82, 1038-1041. ORSTOM, Série Géologie, 4, 153-161 (in French).
Nomenclature of the Garnet Supergroup Appendix 2
Pecora, W.T. (1942) Nepheline syenite pegmatites, Rocky Boy Stock, Bearpaw
Mountains, Montana. American Mineralogist, 27, 397-424.
Seifert, A.V. and Hyrsl, J. (1999) Sapphire and garnet from Kalalani, Tanga Province,
Tanzania. Gems and Gemology, 35, 108-120.
Seifert, A.V. and Vrána, S. (2005) Bohemian garnet. Bulletin of Geosciences, 80, 113-
Shigley, J.E., Dirlam, D.M., Schmetzer, K., and Jobbins, E.A. (1990) Gem localities of
the 1980s. Gems & Gemology, 26, 4-31.
Simpson, J.A., Ed. (1989) The Oxford English Dictionary. Oxford University Press,
Stockton, C.M. and Manson, D.V. (1985) A proposed new classification for gem-
quality garnets. Gems and Gemology, 21, 205-218.
Valldor, M., Uthe, A., and Rückamp, R. (2011) Antiferromagnetic ground state of
quantum spins in the synthetic imanite, Ca3Ti2Si3O12: the lost child of the garnet
family. Inorganic Chemistry, 50, 10107-10112.
Yoder, H.S. and Keith, M.L. (1951) Complete substitution of aluminum for silicon: the
system 3MnO·Al2O3·3SiO2 – 3Y2O3·5Al2O3. American Mineralogist, 36, 519-533.
Nomenclature of the Garnet Supergroup Appendix 3
Step 1. Calculate a formula on the basis of 12 anions and 8 cations (e.g., Appendix Table 1).
Step 2. Allocate cations (see section Site allocation of cations, e.g., Appendix Table 2).
Step 3. Identify dominant valences at each site, and dominant cation for each valence, being mindful of valency-
imposed double site-occupancy (e.g., Appendix Table 3). This will identify the garnet by group and species.
Step 4. Write an empirical formula, ordering the cations first by valence and then by abundance.
Step 5. Calculate the maximum proportions of generalized components using the spreadsheet in Appendix 4 (e.g.,
Appendix Table 4).
Step 6. It may be necessary to factor in the results from step 4 before finalizing species identification (see notes).
Step 7. In some cases the maximum proportions of generalized components total 100% (examples 2, 6), in which
case the components are all independent variables and can be used for plotting in Figures 6-9, 11. In most cases, the
maximum proportions will total above 100%, and a subset of independent generalized components must be selected
and recalculated to 100% for plotting, which is done for the other four examples.
Note: Discrepancies in the last decimal place are the result of rounding of tabulated values.
Nomenclature of the Garnet Supergroup Appendix 3
Empirical formula from Table 2, column 1 (dominant cation for dominant valence in bold):
Empirical formula from Table 2, column 2 (dominant cation for dominant valence in bold):
Nomenclature of the Garnet Supergroup Appendix 3
Comment: Uranium is split between two components (bitikleite and yafsoanite-type), both of which are subordinate, and thus
Table 4 (either column 2 or column 3) and the empirical formulae give the same identification, dzhuluite, which has the
generalized formula, {R2+3}[R5+R4+](R3+3)O12.
Nomenclature of the Garnet Supergroup Appendix 3
1. Si to Z
2. Al to Z
3. Fe3+ to Z to bring total to 3 apfu, then Y
4. Ca and Na to X
5. Ti4+, remaining Fe3+, and Zr to Y.
6. Mg: First to Y
7. Fe2+ First to Y to bring total to 2 apfu, then to X
8. Mn2+ to X, which brings total X to 3 apfu
Comment: The empirical formula gives R4+ the dominant valence at Z and Y, but the identification is clear only from
Table 8, which gives, {R2+3}[R4+2](R4+R3+2)O12, schorlomite, as the dominant component. The contradiction results
from garnet-group components together being dominant, whereas schorlomite is more abundant than any one of the
garnet components.
Nomenclature of the Garnet Supergroup Appendix 3
Nomenclature of the Garnet Supergroup Appendix 3
1. Si: First to Z
2. Al to Z to bring total to 3 apfu, then Y
3. Fe3+ to Y
4. Ca, Y, REE to X
5. Al (after deducting Al at Z), Sc3+, Ti4+, V3+, Cr3+, Fe3+ to Y.
6. Mg: First to Y
7. Fe2+ First to Y to bring total to 2 apfu, then to X
8. Mn2+ to X, which brings total X to 3 apfu
Nomenclature of the Garnet Supergroup Appendix 3
Nomenclature of the Garnet Supergroup Appendix 3
Nomenclature of the Garnet Supergroup Appendix 3
Comment: No matter which set of independent components is chosen, the generalized component,
{R2+3}[R3+2](Si3)O12, pyrope, is dominant.
Nomenclature of the Garnet Supergroup Appendix 3
Si 2.319
Al 0.098
Fe3+ 0.583
Sum 3.000
Charge 11.319
Ti 1.199
Zr 0.062
Fe3+ 0.158
Mg 0.112
Fe2+ 0.469
Sum 2.000
Fe2+ 0.091
Ca 2.893
Mn 0.017
Sum 3.000
1. Si to Z
2. Al to Z
3. Fe3+ to Z to bring total to 3 apfu, then Y
4. Ca to X
5. Ti4+, remaining Fe3+, and Zr to Y.
6. Mg: to Y
7. Fe2+ First to Y to bring total to 2 apfu, then to X
8. Mn2+ to X, which brings total X to 3 apfu
Comment: The empirical formula gives R4+ the dominant valence at Z and Y, with R2+ second at Y, but the
identification is clear from Table 20, which gives {R2+3}[R4+R2+](R4+3)O12, morimotoite, as the dominant component.
Nomenclature of the Garnet Supergroup Appendix 4
Appendix 4 is intended to determine the dominant species present from a chemical analysis of a natural garnet.
This appendix consists of an Excel spreadsheet that can accept up to 50 analyses at a time, and yields for each analysis
its group and species, as well as an empirical formula.
The data from a chemical analysis are entered into the Data_Report worksheet as oxides in percent by weight, with
the exception of fluorine, which is entered as the element in percent by weight. Mathematical operations are undertaken
on the linked Calculation worksheet; data should not be input directly into this latter worksheet. The list of inputs for
the Data_Report worksheet in percent by weight includes: SiO2, TiO2, ZrO2, SnO2, HfO2, ThO2, UO3, TeO3, Sb2O5,
As2O5, V2O5, Nb2O5, P2O5, Y2O3 (include REE2O3 as the equivalent proportion of Y2O3 along with the measured Y2O3
content), Al2O3, Sc2O3, Cr2O3, V2O3, FeO, Fe2O3 (but see below), ZnO, MnO, MgO, CaO, Na2O, Li2O, H2O+ (water of
crystallization), and F. Any correction needed for the oxygen equivalence of fluorine is calculated by the spreadsheet.
The user must decide whether any vanadium content is expressed as V2O3 or V2O5.
If the total iron content of the analysis is entered as FeO (wt.%), then the method of Droop (1987) is used to
calculate the proportions of Fe2+ and Fe3+ and Mn2+ and Mn3+ (this latter constituent only in the absence of Fe2+) on the
basis of 12 anions, where the anions are the sum of O2-, (OH)-, and F-. If the user inputs some or all of the iron content
as Fe2O3 (wt.%), then this calculation of Fe2+ and Fe3+, and Mn2+ and Mn3+, is not performed. In any case, the user
should not input Mn2O3, but rather allow the spreadsheet to calculate this quantity as necessary.
The cation proportions are calculated on the basis of 12 anions, with charge-balance used (as described above) to
attempt to obtain a total of 8 non-H cations. The elements or valences B, S, K, V2+, Ni, Ga, Ge, Sr, Ba, Pb, and U4+ are
not included in the spreadsheet.
For analyses suspected to be of the tetragonal-symmetry minerals henritermierite or holtstamite, the entry FALSE
should be given in the cells that query “cubic? (true / false)”, whereas for other hydrous garnets, TRUE should be
entered. For convenience, the lower symmetry and distinct structures of the tetragonal garnets are otherwise ignored in
this spreadsheet.
Nomenclature of the Garnet Supergroup Appendix 4
As per the manuscript, hydrogen is incorporated via the “hydrogarnet substitution”: 4H + Z → + ZSi, and
tetrahedral vacancies are also assumed if fluorine is present in the absence of corresponding quantities of lithium.