Water Pump Control Using GSM-4774
Water Pump Control Using GSM-4774
Water Pump Control Using GSM-4774
Vol. 5, Issue 3, pp: (1-5), Month: July - September 2017, Available at: www.researchpublish.com
Abstract: Water scarcity is one of the major problems facing major cities of the world and wastage during
transmission has been identified as a major culprit, this is one of the motivations for this research, to deploy
computing techniques in creating a barrier to wastage in order to not only provide more financial gains and energy
saving, but also help the environment and water cycle which in turn ensures that we save water for our future. We
presented our research in embedding a control system into an automatic water pump controller through the use of
different technologies in its design, development, and implementation.
In everyday life, there must be some physical elements that need to be controlled in order for them to perform their
expected behaviours. A control system therefore can be defined as a device, or set of devices, that manages, commands,
directs or regulates the behaviour of other devices or systems. Consequently, automatic controlling involves designing a
control system to function with minimal or no human interference. Intelligent systems are being used in a wide range of
fields including from medical sciences to financial sciences, education, law, and so on. Several of them are embedded in
the design of everyday devices .
The working principle series of automatic water pump controller above is, at the time the water level is below both
sensors, then the output of flip flop will be one and active relay through the transistor and turn on the water pump and also
sends message to the operator by using GSM module. When the water touch the hig her level sensor then the relay
becomes off. Thus the motor becomes off. When the water does not touch all the sensors the relay becomes on and the
water pump will turn on and when all the sensors touches water the relay turns off. Automatic water pump con troller can
be used to fill or drain the water according to which mode is selected via the relay.
In past few years there is a rapid growth in this system. The user communicates with the centralized unit through SMS.
The centralized unit communicates with the system through SMS which will be received by the GSM with the help of the
SIM card. The GSM sends this data to port 2 which is also continuously receives the data from sensors in some form of
codes. After processing, this data is displayed on the LCD. Thus in short whenever the system receives the activation
command from the subscriber it checks all the field conditions and gives a detailed feedback to the user and waits for
another activation command to start the motor. The motor is controlled by a simple manipulation in the internal structure
of the starter. The starter coil is indirectly activated by means of a transistorized relay circuit.
When the motor is started, a constant monitoring on soil moisture and water level is done & once the soil moist ure is
reached to sufficient level the motor is automatically turned off & a massage is send to subscriber that the motor is turned
off. The water level indicator indicates three levels low, medium, high and also empty tank. Shen etc. al (2007) introduced
a GSM-SMS remote measurement and control system for greenhouse based on PC-based database system connected with
base station. Base station is developed by using a microcontroller, GSM module, sensors and actuators. In practical
operation, the central station receives and sends messages through GSM module. Criterion value of parameters to be
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Research Publish Journals
International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Research ISSN 2348-6988 (online)
Vol. 5, Issue 3, pp: (1-5), Month: July - September 2017, Available at: www.researchpublish.com
measured in every base station is set by central station, and then in base stations parameters including the air temperature,
the air humidity. In the field of remote monitoring and control, the technology used and their potential advantages. The
paper proposes an innovative GSM/Bluetooth based remote controlled embedded system for irrigation.
The system sets the irrigation time depending on the temperature and humidity reading from sensors and type of crop and
can automatically irrigate the field when unattended. Information is exchanged between far end and designed system via
SMS on GSM network. A Bluetooth module is also interfaced with the main microcontroller chip which eliminates the
SMS charges when the user is within the limited range of few meters to the designated system. The system informs users
about many conditions like status of electricity, dry running motor, increased temperature, water content in soil and
smoke via SMS on GSM network or by Bluetooth. The GSM based pump control system may offer users the flexibility
to regulate and control the operations of their irrigation systems with little intervention to reduce runoff from over
watering for improvement in crop yield. This enables users to take advantage of the globally deployed GSM networks
with its low SMS service cost to use mobile phones and simple SMS commands to manage th eir irrigation system.
2.1. GSM module:
The connections between the two mobiles are done using GSM. The GSM module and microcontroller are connected
using UART (universal asynchronous receiver / transmitter). When the moisture sensor senses the low moistur e content
of the soil, it gives a signal to the microcontroller. The microcontroller then gives a signal to the called mobile (which is
kept in the auto answering mode). The called mobile activates the buzzer.
2.2. Microcontroller (8051):
The Intel 8051 is an 8-bit microcontroller which means that most available operations are limited to 8 bits. There are 3
basic "sizes" of the 8051: Short, Standard, and Extended. The Short and Standard chips are often available in DIP (dual
in-line package) form, but the Extended 8051 models often have a different form factor, and are not "drop -in compatible".
All these things are called 8051 because they can all be programmed using 8051 assembly language, and they all share
certain features (although the different models all have their own special features).
Some of the features that have made the 8051 popular are:
8051 models may also have a number of special, model-specific features, such as UART, ADC, Op_Amps, etc... it is a
very powerful micro controller.
2.3. Probe Water Sensor:
The Water in Fuel Sensor or WiFi sensor indicates the presence of water in the fuel. It is installed in the fuel filter and
when the water level in the water separator reaches the warning level, the Wifi sends an electrical signal to the ECU or to
dashboard (lamp). The WiFi is used especially in the Common Rail engines to avoid the Fuel injector damage.
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Research Publish Journals
International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Research ISSN 2348-6988 (online)
Vol. 5, Issue 3, pp: (1-5), Month: July - September 2017, Available at: www.researchpublish.com
A water pump control using GSM circuit monitors the level of the overhead tank and spontaneously switches on the water
pump whenever the level goes below a specific limit. The level of the overhead tank is indicated using 2 LEDs, and the
pump is switched off when the overhead tank gets completely filled up.
The water level controller circuit does not allow the pump to start if the water level inside the sump goes low, and
switches off the pump even during the pumping period if the water level inside the su mp sinks low while the process of
pumping the water towards the overhead tank continues.
In this work, the automatic water level monitor here presented consists of the following major units: sensors, comparator
circuit, microcontroller, display unit, and the pump and the core work of detecting the level of water is done by the
comparator. Figure above describes the flow of operations in the system as well as their inter-operability.
Taking advantage of the electrical conductivity property of water, we used the copper conductors as the water level
sensor. When water touches the copper sensor positioned at a particular level in the tank, voltage is transferred to the
copper which in turn is transferred to the comparator circuit for further processing.
The comparator was used to compare the inputs from the electrodes in the tank and with a pre -set resistance and output a
HIGH or a LOW with respect to the result from the comparison. This HIGH or LOW feeds the microcontroller, which in
turn uses this to control the water pump and display the appropriate status on a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) screen. The
programmable microcontroller was programmed in to control the functionalities of the entire system. Relays were used in
building a switching unit that simply triggers the pump ON or OFF, depending on the signal received from the
The complete working process of the water pump control using GSM has been explained here with respect to the
hardware model presented above and the circuit as well as the b lock diagram.
The water pump control using GSM monitors the level of the over head tank and automatically switches on the water
pump whenever the level goes below a limit. The level of the over head tank is indicated using LED and the pump is
switched OFF when the over head tank is full and the connected GSM module sends the message to the user about the
current status of the tank and also displays in LCD. when the over head tank is empty, probe sens es the level of empty
tank and immediately sends the signal to GSM and LCD simultaneously turns ON the pump. The level sensor probes for
the overhead tank are interfaced to the port 2 of the microcontroller through transistors. Have a look at the sensor pr obe
arrangement for the overhead tank
The water pump control using GSM project has been successfully tested multiple times for all the possible situations and
requirements within its scope. The whole apparatus has been assembled on a single board consisting of various blocks
such as the microcontroller section, the LCD section, the GSM section, the supply section, the control section and the
probe water indicator section. All these sections have been carefully prepared and tested thoroughly and are now in a
proper active condition.
The advantages of this system includes reduction in wastage of power, red uction in wastage of water and increase in the
pump set life due to efficient use of the equipments involved .
The future scope of this project is that by using solar panels we can provide supply to the sensor circuit and then we can
monitor the water level during powercut events also.
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Research Publish Journals
International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Research ISSN 2348-6988 (online)
Vol. 5, Issue 3, pp: (1-5), Month: July - September 2017, Available at: www.researchpublish.com
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