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Brantly Helicopter Report

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The article discusses the owner Ian's appreciation for helicopters with character, such as the Brantly, over more modern and expensive helicopters. It describes the Brantly's unusual design and flight characteristics.

Some of the challenges of owning a Brantly helicopter include the difficulty of finding engineers who can work on it, getting a type rating from an examiner, and long downtimes when parts need to be replaced due to lack of availability.

The article notes that the Brantly has a relatively level pitch attitude even at fast cruise speeds and its hovering performance is similar to modern piston singles. However, it requires constant attention to throttle and pedals during climbs, descents and turns.

Designed in 1953, the Brantly B2 taught a generation of

private pilots to fly helicopters in the 1960s, and there

are still a few airborne today. Pat Malone reports

hat price character? We treasure many PPL(H) at Little Gransden, it would certainly

W different qualities in our helicopters –

utility, payload and range, speed and
agility, comfort, cost-effectiveness, even
be a lot cheaper than the 47 or the Hiller 12C,
the only other aircraft that appealed to Ian.
And so, surprisingly enough, it has proved.
aesthetics, which is very much in the eye of It’s fairly frugal on fuel while component lives
the beholder. Questioning the appearance of a are long, and the issue with spare parts is not
person’s helicopter is like telling a mother her so much the cost as the availability. It’s not a
baby is ugly. It might be true, but she doesn’t utility machine; when you have to go hunting
see it, and it’s not polite. for components, you’re almost always talking
But character is something else. Character is significant down-time. But as an engaging
a head-turning quality possessed by some men machine to fly, the Brantly can’t be beaten.
and women, and some machines – a quality I don’t want to harp on about the looks, but
that makes them stand out from the crowd, it has to be said that Newby O. Brantly,
even if they’re not conventionally good-looking. knitting machine magnate turned helicopter
Character is presence, charm, idiosyncrasy designer, was an engineer and not an
and uniqueness. aesthete. His machine looks like a sideways
The Brantly is full of character. It is not ice cream cone on stalky legs, with a fringe of
good-looking, fast or nimble, but it is lumpy-looking blades reaching down almost to
sufficiently rare – perhaps five airworthy waist height. No rotors-running crew changes
examples remain on the UK register – to turn or hot refuelling here – I’ve seen lawnmowers
enough heads to gratify any owner. A chap with higher blades. Ian says: “I’m prepared to
walks that little bit taller for having a helicopter accept it’s an odd-looking machine with some
that few of his fellow pilots have ever seen, strange features, but it’s a very smooth flier –
much less flown. and apart from the fact that parts are hard to
Ian Davies is a helicopter owner who prizes come by, finding engineers able to work on it
character. The prospect of having a modern is difficult and getting hold of a type rating
machine does not set his pulse racing. Instead examiner is torture, it’s been great.”
he opts for a 40-year-old Brantly B2B, It’s clear from the walk-round that the
complete with oil drips and grease stains, Brantly is a rugged machine, with the
1960s vintage engineering and ‘timeless’ elaborate cross-bracing for the skids
styling. The Brantly offers him an all-round emphasising the fact that there’s nothing
flying experience that no modern helicopter flimsy in its design. The Lycoming I0-360
can match, one that is worth coping with a exhausts through two stubs in a slot on the
few drawbacks for. right side of the fuselage and is mounted
Ian is director of development for newspaper vertically to drive the rotor directly through a
and magazine publisher Archant, and his love gearbox into which the tail rotor drive slots.
of aviation was one of the reasons the The tailcone sports small horizontal stabilisers
company bought Pilot magazine when James and a vertical stabiliser atop which is mounted
Gilbert decided to call it a day five years ago. A the rather small and (Ian says) ineffective tail
complete aviation person as well as a rotor. The oil filler for the tail rotor – which has
connoisseur of character, Ian also has shares two gearboxes at top and bottom of the fin – is
in a de Havilland Chipmunk and a hot air a couple of feet up the drive shaft. Oil pools in
balloon. the bottom gearbox and is carried to the top by
He is one of four owners of Brantly G-BPIJ,
a B2B based at Seething in Norfolk. Of his
three fellow owners, one doesn’t fly and one
lives in America, so IJ is usually aloft in the
hands of Ian or his fellow enthusiast John
Baker. It came to them four years ago when its
then owner brought it to Seething for
maintenance, and it seemed that because of
circumstances he would be open to offers for
the machine. Ian and his friends offered
£30,000, and the owner went away happy.
Ian had been thinking of buying a Bell 47
but had woken up sweating in the night too
often after having a nightmare about burning
money. Says Ian: “I’d done ten hours in a 47
in America when I was getting my licence
seven years ago, and I loved the machine but
was very aware of just how much they cost to
The Brantly, however, offered all the
character of the Bell at a fraction of the price.
While it probably wouldn’t be as cost-effective
as the R22 on which Ian eventually got his

Main photo: looking like ‘an ice cream cone on

stalky legs’, the Brantly is wholly distinctive
Right: owner Ian Davies pre-flights IJ at
Seething. Note the blades, which only begin
at 40 percent of span

28 General Aviation October 2006

Character from a golden age

an Archimedes screw arrangement. The oil in flight. There’s also a drag hinge and damper was not airtight but didn’t rattle. The cockpit
filler cap is lock-wired and there are no sight where the blade proper begins, and both feels quite roomy, certainly more so than the
glasses, so care is needed here. hinges throw grease down the blade. Blade Robinson, and smells wonderfully of old
On the left side of the fuselage is a useful inspection is gratifyingly simple, with almost leather and new oil. After more than 40 years
baggage area about the size of both under-seat everything at or below eye height. – Brantly designed the original B2 in 1953
compartments in an R22, although there’s a The bubble is a double Perspex unit split and had it certificated in 1959, and the B2B
50lb weight limit on it. Above that is the horizontally, with a sort of plumber’s bum came along in 1963 – the Perspex has
inspection panel giving access to the oil fillers, thing going on at the top. Getting in is like clouded slightly in places, but the view is
and above that the unusual (and unique, I stuffing a misshapen parcel into a pillar box. stupendous, all round and back over your
think) Brantly rotor head. Brantly blades The doors are small, there is no step and the head.
proper don’t begin until 40 percent of span – stick and lever are positioned to cause With the exception of a relatively new DI the
the inboard portion, which produces very little maximum interference. I noticed that Ian instruments looked original. Notable were the
lift in any helicopter, is a simple shaft covered simply leapt in with a half-hitch–Fosbury flop fuel flow meter, which has the corresponding
by a fairing of airfoil section. It has a flapping sort of twist, and I’m sure practice makes MAP value on the outside of the dial, and the
hinge at the rotor hub while the blade itself is perfect. big CHT gauge which always seems to be
attached to the shaft with a second flapping To shut the door one must push down and operating at the top end of its range. The cyclic
hinge. This double action is apparently pull in to make sure the top has caught under is a thin chromed tube with a moulded grip
responsible for the smoothness of the machine a flange, then slide the bolt home. The result which sports a single button, for the RT. The

General Aviation October 2006 29

Right: airframe pitch is
relatively level, even at
fast cruise
Left: instruments are
mostly authentic originals
Below: complicated tail
gearbox oiling arrangement
needs attention
Bottom: access takes
practice, but there’s more
room than an R22

collective grip was a little far forward for my

liking, and I had to sit up in the seat to make
best use of it.
The Brantly is flown from the right. To start,
flick on the master switch, push the mixture to
rich and turn on the fuel pump until you get a
fuel pressure reading. Crack the throttle, return
the mixture to ICO then press the start button
on the end of the collective. As soon as she
catches, push the mixture vernier to full rich
and you’re away.
Except that this was a cold, clammy
December morning and IJ, having sat idle for a
couple of weeks, wasn’t in any hurry to start.
Again and again Ian went through the
procedure, only for the Lycoming to cough and
die. Finally, just when it seemed the poor old
battery was down to its last wheezy heave the
engine suddenly clattered into life, and Ian
nursed the throttle as various components
were dragooned into a semblance of unison
behind us.
Warm-up is at 1,000 erpm, and the revs are
run up to 1,700 before the centrifugal clutch
brings the blades online. There’s an avoid area
for vibrations around 1,400 erpm, and the throttle takes two fingers and the response is directions across a wind of about 12 knots
operating arc is quite small – from 2,700 to rapid, so keeping the needle almost against were uneventful and the pedals came nowhere
2,900 erpm. The operating brackets for the the redline is a relatively simple matter. With near the stop. I kept the revs right up, of
rotor are 410 to 470 rrpm, and Ian stressed the machine having a heavy head compared course – in fact, throughout the flight I tried to
the need to keep the needle right up to the to, say, the R22, I found that rrpm changes treat IJ like the venerable old lady she is.
maximum value in order to overcome poor tail with collective movement were small and Transition to forward flight was very smooth
rotor authority. easily matched with throttle. with little tendency to wag the tail, and 25
The throttle and collective are well Flight was quite smooth, although there was inches MAP and 60 mph gave us a climb rate
synchronised and it’s clear on take-off that the a one-per vibration which will be sorted when of 700 fpm – we had about 15 gallons on
throttle is meant to be used – there’s none of next IJ makes a visit to the track and balance board, or about half tank. Cruise at 21 inches
the stickiness you often get with aircraft that chap. Having been warned about the tail rotor gave us just over 80 mph, where fuel flow was
rely almost entirely on governors. Tweaking the I had expected worse, but turns in both between 13 and 14 gph at fully rich. Capacity

30 General Aviation October 2006

is 31 gallons, and you can lean back to 12 but either they were pretty good back then or only option was to talk to the breakers. Brantly
gph to give an endurance of more than 2.5 hr we haven’t progressed much. Power margins were able to point us in the right direction, but
to dry tanks. Pushing the nose down and were as good as a modern piston single. we were out of action for a while.
pulling back up to 25 inches brought us close Smooth landings and take-offs depended “Worse than that, though, is the challenge of
to the 100mph redline, and flight remained partly on the mood of the oleos, which keeping legal. I’d owned this machine for two
smooth. The pitch attitude was still quite level, compress and decompress with unpredictable and a half years before I could do a type
with none of the strap-hanging you experience little jerks that according to Ian can make run- rating. It’s not worth an examiner or instructor
with the likes of the Hiller 12 when you’re on landings quite interesting. keeping up his Brantly qualification, given the
three up and giving it beans. At higher power The problems of ownership centre on number of customers he’ll get, and of course
settings, however, the CHT needle soon began licensing, engineering and component you have to find one of each because the CAA
to threaten the redline. provision. Ian says: “We had a blade dinged in won’t allow you to have the same instructor
Climbs, descents and turns called for the hangar and had an interesting time finding and examiner. The CAA simply refused to be
constant attention to throttle and pedals, and a another. They’re still making Brantlys in Texas, flexible on this, so we ended up using Greg
yawstring would have been handy. You have to but of course ours are ‘old style’ blades and the Forrest at Anglian Helicopters. John Baker
be quite firm with the collective, which needs taught Greg all about the Brantly so Greg could
to move further than you think to return the officially teach John to fly it, then Greg did my
proper response. Cyclic pressures are small, Below left: twin exhaust stubs exit along the rating, and we had to go to Gloucester to do
and there’s a switch under the right seat for right side of the fuselage the type rating.
Below: flap and drag hinges are incorporated
fore-and-aft cyclic trim – just motor the switch “But even with all this pointless nonsense,
in the link between the non-flying inner shaft
until it feels right and you can almost take your the experience of Brantly ownership is hugely
and the outer blade
hand off the stick. Below right: inner third of blade is covered by rewarding. I could own an R22, a 300 or an
Hovering work was uneventful, with the a fairing of airfoil section – which has taken a Enstrom, but the Brantly brings a different
Brantly operating very much like the 300 or bit of a beating down the years dimension to helicopter flying, one that is
the R22 – I had expected sixties performance, certainly worth that little bit of extra effort.” ■

General Aviation October 2006 31

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