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SMB/6129/SBP: TC 27 Poland 2016-09

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TC 27 Poland 2016-09

Please ensure this form is annexed to the Report to the Standardization Management Board if it has been
prepared during a meeting, or sent to the Central Office promptly after its contents have been agreed by the


Are there any new or emerging trends in technology that will impact the scope and work activities of the TC?
Please describe briefly.

Do you need to update your scope to reflect new and emerging technologies? If yes, will these changes
impact another TC’s scope or work activities?

If yes, describe how these will impact another TC(s) and list the TC(s) it would impact

Title: Industrial electroheating and electromagnetic processing

Scope: Standardization in the field of industrial equipment and installations intended for
electroheating, electromagnetic processing of materials and electroheating based treatment
Note: The scope of interest covers industrial installations with the use of the following equipment:
- equipment for direct and indirect resistance heating;
- equipment for electric resistance trace heating;
- equipment for induction heating;
- equipment using the effect of EM forces on materials;
- equipment for arc heating, including submerged arc heating;
- equipment for electroslag remelting;
- equipment for plasma heating;
- equipment for microwave heating;
- equipment for dielectric heating;
- equipment for electron beam heating;
- equipment for laser heating;
- equipment for infrared radiation heating.
The list presents typical examples of equipment and its applications and is not exhaustive.
The scope of TC 27 now covers all industrial electroheating (EH), including electroheat-
based surface treatment technologies, and their combinations as well as electromagnetic
processing of materials (EPM). Specific aspects of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
and electromagnetic fields (EMF) are addressed, too. Excluded from the scope are
domestic uses, medical uses, and welding applications.

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Describe the management structure of the TC (use of an organizational chart is acceptable) (should be
integrated by CO automatically) and, if relevant (for example an unusual structure is used), provide the
rationale as to why this structure is used.

Note: Check if the information on the IEC website is complete.

When was the last time the TC reviewed its management structure? Describe any changes made. When
does the TC intend to review its current management structure? In the future, will the TC change the current
structure, for example due to new and emerging technologies, product withdrawal, change in regulations etc.
Please describe.

Make sure the overview includes:

• any joint working groups with other committees,

• any special groups like advisory groups, editing groups, etc.

Working Groups
WG 32 EMF hazards in industrial electroheating and electromagnetic processing
Project Teams
Installations for electroheating and electromagnetic processing - Test methods for
PT 63078
induction through-heating installations
Maintenance Teams
MT 17 Maintenance of IEC 60519-10, IEC 62395-1 and IEC 62395-2
MT 18 Maintenance of IEC 60519-1 and IEC 60398
MT 19 Maintenance of IEC 60519-2 and IEC 60519-21
MT 21 Maintenance of IEC 60519-4, IEC 60676 and IEC 60683
MT 22 Maintenance of IEC 60239 and IEC 62157 TR
MT 23 Maintenance of IEC 60519-6 and IEC 61307
MT 24 Maintenance of IEC 60519-3, IEC 60519-11, IEC 61922 and IEC 62076
MT 25 Maintenance of IEC 60519-5 and IEC 60680
MT 26 Maintenance of IEC 60519-7 and IEC 60703
MT 27 Maintenance of IEC 60519-9 and IEC 61308
MT 28 Maintenance of IEC 60519-8 and IEC 60779
MT 31 Maintenance of IEC 60519-12, IEC 62693 and IEC 62798
Advisory Groups
AG 1 Chairman's Advisory Group (CAG)

Structure of MTs may soon change as many MTs are hibernating due to lack of convenor and
experts or have a small member base. If calls for experts and convenors do not improve the
situation, TC 27 will consider dissolving such teams.

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Provide the rationale for the market relevance of the future standards being produced in the TC.

If readily available, provide an indication of global or regional sales of products or services related to the
TC/SC work and state the source of the data.

Specify if standards will be significantly effective for assessing regulatory compliance.

TC 27 was established in 1937 to prepare international standards for characteristics, safety

requirements and test methods for industrial electroheating installations. One of TC 27’s main
objectives is to provide the market with relevant safety requirements, along with test and
measurement methods, which also take into account the impact of industrial equipment and
installations for EH and EPM on the environment, people and the electric supply network.
In general, EH is used in the following generic industrial operations: fluid and solids heating,
drying, sterilization, annealing, metal and non-metal melting, smelting/agglomeration, curing and
forming, to name the most important. EPM processes can be thermal or non-thermal, they rely on
magnetic or electric forces and may further employ very high pressures including compression
waves, as well as vacuum. Examples are induced change of crystal orientation, separation
processes including pulverization, stirring of liquids and high pressure sterilization. Such
technologies are used for producing or processing many different materials, that range from
metals to glass, natural fibres to polymers but also paper and foodstuffs.
The techiques under the scope of TC 27 use a substantial part of electricity generated on earth.
They are widespread and found in most industrial processes or somewhere used for the
manufacturing of most stuff – especially manufacturing of electronic devices and technologically
advanced products.

Provide a list of likely customers of the standards (suppliers, specifiers, testing bodies, regulators,
installers, other TC/SC’s etc.). Do not specify company names, only categories of customers.

Standardization in industrial EH and EPM is of great importance for manufacturers of equipment

and installations. Manufacturers cover the complete range from specialized small or medium-
sized enterprises to global corporations. Their products are usually individually designed and
custom engineered according to specific needs of the end users. Establishing common
international standards with safety requirements and other characteristics that may vary is rather
difficult, but supports global harmonization and reduction of trade barriers. Harmonization of
safety aspects is of particular importance; it especially enables SMEs to make safe equipment
for the international market.
End-users of TC 27 publications are customers coming from various industrial sectors
• basic material industry like iron, steel or non-ferrous metal, cement, glass, ceramics and
• industry manufacturing industrial machinery and equipment, photovoltaic cells, batteries;
• industry manufacturing products for the end user, like automotive, food, paper and print, items
made from plastic including fiber reinforced plastics.
EH technologies cover a large percentage of industrial electricity consumption. In the European
Union it is estimated to range from 20 % to 40 %.%. This industry faces increasing concerns and
requirements on EEE from society and customers.
There is an increasing need for international standards dealing with safety requirements, test and
measurement methods of relevant equipment as industrial entreprises providing EH and EPM
equipment with their various techniques act more global.
A growing number of heating installations use electric heating rather than fossil fuel. The market
recognizes that industrial EH equipment offers a significant opportunity to enhance industrial
productivity, increase energy efficiency, decrease emissions from industrial sites and enhance

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global competitiveness. Some of the technical, economic and environmental advantages of EH in

comparison with heating processes powered by fossil fuels are
− fast heating, superior temperature accuracy and instant on-off operation;
− high quality of final products,
− high production capacity at comparably low production cost and cost of ownership;
− high safety, efficiency and reliability provided through simple process control and monitoring;
− possible full automatisation of electroheating processes in small-scale production;
− low to no critical emissions of pollutants at the production plant;
− good working conditions and safety for personnel;
− safety advantages over fuel combustion energy use, due to the hottest object typically being
the workload itself;
− fully operational with non-fossil and renewable energy sources.

If any, indicate the current or expected trends in the technology or in the market covered by the products of
your TC/SC.

Due to the increasing demand for energy savings, product quality and environmental protection
EH and EPM methods are becoming increasingly challenging but essential for industry.
Industry demands increasingly compact equipment, higher throughput, higher flexibility in
materials processing and advanced control over product characteristics.
Development of new materials for construction and advances in computer aided engineering
(CAE) enable new generations of EH or EPM equipment to be manufactured. Industrial EH and
EPM are also considered as fields with tremendous potential for the application of power
electronics (converters and digital control systems), which could help to achieve significant energy
savings, enhanced productivity and improved quality.
Advanced technologies offer considerable industry-wide cost savings and high performance
efficiencies – energy consumption can be reduced by 5-25 % over the next 10 years. It is
envisioned that advancements in EH and EPM will make significant contributions to achieving set
targets regarding safety, energy efficiency and environmental performance.
Reducing the carbon footprint of industry will have a major impact on development and application
of industrial EH and EPM. New applications substituting conventional heating techniques will be
instrumental for creating global sustainable energy usage.
Industry and NCs tend to take standardisation in the area of TC 27 for granted or stick to long
outdated versions of standards. This could be caused by
— the fragmentation of the market into many small segments;
— this fragmentation necessitates a specialization thus, testing bodies might be less
interested in participating in the safety work;
— regulators tend to produce requirements which are not always applicable to specific types
of equipment, creating a situation not encouraging standardisation work;
— companies unwilling to share expertise or knowledge;
— other issues in standardisation being of more immediate concern to industrials players (e.g.
— EH being an old technology, assuming there are no changes in technology and a disregard
for changes in regulation;
— SMEs often do not have sufficient in-house resources for active participation in
standardization work, as the expert is needed for day-to-day activities.
These effects seem to result in the observed decreasing support from industry or NCs to TC 27.
Todays situation is marked in that the loss of three core experts from the TC would make it

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basically inoperable – this demise is expected soon due to age or lack of funding


Does your TC/SC have a need for a systems approach?

If so:

• Will the Systems work be in a single TC or in multiple TCs?

• Will a Systems Evaluation Group (SEG), Systems Committee (SyC), or Systems Resource Group be
• Is your TC/SC work of relevance to ISO?
• Is or are there fora or consortia working in parallel to IEC? Is there a chance to integrate this work in
your TC/SC?

This should not only be restricted to the customer/supplier relationships with other TC/SCs indicating types
of co-operation (e.g. liaisons, joint working groups) but be of a more generic nature.

If there is no need for a systems approach as outlined in AC/33/2013, is it intended a TC would not be
requested to report on general systems approach considerations such as customer/supplier relationships,
liaisons, joint WGs, etc. as referenced in the system approach matrix illustrated in slide 14 of the
presentation attached to AC/37/2006?

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Subject area

System TC 18 Trace and surface heating on offshore units

(TC 27 – supplier) TC 31 Trace and surface heating in potentially explosive atmospheres

Component TC 20 Cables
(TC 27 – customer)
TC 33 Power capacitors

TC 1 Terminology
SC 3C Graphical symbols for use on equipment
Identification of conductors
TC 16
Coding principles for indicators and actuators
TC 26 Electric welding
TC 44 Safety of machinery – general requirements
TC 61, Safety of household equipment
SC 61B Microwave appliances for household and commercial use
TC 64 Protection against electric shock, thermal effects and overcurrent
TC 66 Safety of measuring, control and laboratory equipment
committees TC 70 IP Code
TC 76 Optical radiation safety and laser equipment
TC 77 Electromagnetic compatibility
CISPR Radio interference / Protection of radio services
TC 99 Power installations exceeding 1 kV a.c.
TC 104 Environmental testing
TC 106 EMF
TC 108 Methods of measuring touch current and protective conductor current
TC 112 EIS
ISO/TC 244 Industrial furnaces and associated processing equipment

TC 27 cooperates with its liaison partner ISO/TC 244 (Industrial furnaces and associated
processing equipment) aiming at:
− aligning the safety standards of the committees, avoiding documents with overlapping scope or
double work;
− increasing mutual understanding of respective roles and responsibilities as well as needs of the
− enabling joint projects.


With reference to clause 6.7 of Part 2 of the ISO/IEC directives, are all you publications in line with the
requirements related to conformity assessment aspects?

Will the TC/SC publications be used for IEC Conformity Assessment Systems (IECEE, IECEx, IECQ,

Will any of your standards include test specifications, reproducible test requirements, and test methods?

Are there likely to be special conformity assessment requirements generated by any standards projects? If
yes, list which projects.

With reference to clause 33 of Part 2 of the ISO/IEC Directives all publications are in line with the
requirements related to conformity assessment aspects. IEC 62395-1 is used by the IEC System of

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Conformity Assessment Schemes for Electrotechnical Equipment and Components (IECEE). TC 27

publications include test specifications, reproducible test requirements, and test methods. There
are no special conformity assessment requirements generated by any standards projects.




I - Developing a consistent Revision of the IEC 60519 series New editions to be published
series of standards IEC 60519 of standards basing on IEC according to availability of
for industrial equipment and 60519-1:2015 convenors and experts
installations for EH and EPM
covering all safety aspects – Parts to be revised: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
electrical and non-electrical 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 21
get experts and convenors for
this work – see (III)

To provide incentive for this decision at plenary According to current SDs (no
work in industry and NCs: prolongation)
withdraw all outdated safety
standards that refer to ed 3 of
IEC 60519-1 ASAP
To provide incentive for this decision at plenary According to extended, new SDs
work in industry and NCs:
withdraw any safety standard
that refers to ed. 4 of IEC
60519-1 in due time
II - Addressing electrical energy Revision of existing standards New editions to be published
efficiency (EEE) issues and following guidelines of according to Stability Dates of
issues concerning IEC 60398:2015 for the current editions and availability
environmentally conscious classification of equipment or of experts and convenors.
design in particular test methods installation allowing for the
standards determination of the
performance and efficiency of a
given system and comparison
with other systems of that
get experts and convenors for
this work – see (III)
III - re-establish a minimum The TC is unable to muster urgent
number of industry support, resources for the activation of
working experts and P new experts on a global base or
members, to actually enable any on a national level.
substantial work in TC 27 and
maintenance of existing It is left for IEC and the NCs, to
standards take the urgently needed action,
as IEC and the NCs have the
necessary experience and

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IV - Addressing EMC and EMF Developing two new IEC/TS To be published in 2017
issues relevant for EH and EPM 62996 and IEC/TS 62997 (on
equipment touch currents 1 kHz to 6 MHz,
and on magnetic nearfields 1 Hz
to 6 MHz, respectively)

WG 32 work items - liaison with

IEC/TC 106; new liaison with

V - Developing consistent Continuing maintenance work on Ongoing

terminology to be used in TC 27 IEC 60050-841: International
publications Electrotechnical Vocabulary -
Part 841: Industrial
electroheating – AG 1 in co-
operation with the IEC
Terminology Coordinator

VI - Undertaking new projects Establishing working contacts no action being considered due
aiming at development of safety with international and regional to a lack of resources
and test methods standards partners from industry and
concerning: academia
− plasma arc furnace collaboration with technical
installations; committees of ISO and CEN
− new casting systems; dealing with thermoprocessing
− electromagnetic processing equipment could support such
of materials; activities
− crystal growth and
− ultrasonic heating;
− spark erosion.
VII - Technologies allowing TC 27 will consider to bring this ongoing
small, compact, and efficient up, with e.g. TC 61.
frequency converters are
evolving and the boundaries
between commercial and
industrial uses are becoming
increasingly difficult to define.
VIII - Processes in vacuum joint discussion with ISO ongoing, decision in 2017
are gaining an increased TC 244, how this is best
interest, a need to further addressed on a generic level
study the associated safety
aspects will be discussed.
Note: The progress on the actions should be reported in the RSMB.

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