Comparing The Myth of Orpheus and A Tree Telling of Orpheus
Comparing The Myth of Orpheus and A Tree Telling of Orpheus
Comparing The Myth of Orpheus and A Tree Telling of Orpheus
by Ovid
Read the story of Orpheus and Eurydice below. Answer the questions in the right hand column.
Day after day, Eurydice came and listened while Orpheus played, unt
with no one to bring forth its 'music." But one day, Apollo sent Orpheu
be happy as before, so she wandered off by herself and she chanced
and dropping down by the bank of the stream where she had first see
tones of sorrow, the birds and squirrels told their sympathy; and the n
At last Orpheus thought he would try to find Eurydice. He had first to p
Orpheus sat down upon a rock, and played upon his lyre. There came a change in the ugly monster. One
Orpheus passed in safety.
When he came to the river Styx, Charon the Ferryman glared coldly at him. demanding how a mortal dare
while he played such sad, touching strains that Charon begged him to cease. Tears were falling from the
Orpheus went on and on through the dark, glittering caverns, heeding not the wealth which was stored in
attention to the dark frown of Hades, and began to sing, " King of the Under-world, I am not come to find o
day. Grant that she come again to the home of Orpheus. Thou hast thy Proserpine. Give me, I pray thee,
So Orpheus sang and played, until Proserpine's tears were falling fast, and Hades' stern face softened int
back. He passed the river, and the dog Cerberus, and came to the rocky cave in the mountain's side, thro
a moment of forgetfulness, looked back to see that Eurydice was really returning with him.
He saw her gentle face and outstretched arms; but as he looked, she was borne back to Hades' kingdom,
beasts came and mourned with him. He refused to be comforted. The woods and hills no longer re-echoe
Eurydice. Can we not make him happy once more?" But they tried in vain.
A Tree Telling of Orpheus
By Denise Levertov