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8860637779 9919526958 9793424360 9919751941 9534284412 8860637779 9838004479 9793424360 9838004494 9838004497
SURVEYING (c) sets of minor instruments in chain surveying
1. Which of th following scals is largst one ? (d) chain lines which go out of alignment
9. Which of the following instruments is generally used
(a) 1 cm = 50 m (b) 1 : 42000
for base line measurements ?

(c) R.F. = (d) 1 cm = 50 km (a) chain (b) metallic tape
(c) steel tape (d) invar tape
2. If the probable error in single observation is
10. An invar tape is made of an alloy of
 0.04 m and that of the mean is  0.01 m, then the
number of observations are (a) copper and steel (b) brass and nickel
(c) brass and steel (d) nickel and steel
(a) 4 (b) 10 (c) 16 (d) 64
11. Number of links in a 30 m metric chain is
3. Theory of probability is applied to
(a) accidental errors only (a) 100 (b) 150 (c) 180 (d) 200
(b) cumulative error only 12. ‘Ranging’ is the process of
(c) both accidental and cumulative errors
(a) fixing ranging rods on the extremities of the
(d) none of the above area
4. A survey is conductd with a view to prepare the (b) aligning the chain in a straight line between two
map of an srea to a scale of 1 : 1000. If a scale with extremities
least count of 0.1 mm is used for plotting, what would (c) taking offsets from a chain line
be the accuracy in length measurement in the (d) chaining over a range of mountains
field ? 13. The principle of ‘working from whole to part’ is used
(a) 0.325 m (b) 0.01 m in surveying because
(c) 0.1 m (d) 1m (a) plotting becomes easy
5. The difference between the most probable value of (b) survey work can be completed quickly
a quantity and its observed value is (c) accumulation of errors is prevented
(a) true error (d) all of the above
(b) weighted observation 14. Figure shows one of the brass tallies of a 30 m chain.
(c) conditional error Distance of this tally from the nearest end of the
(d) residual error chain is
6. Geodetic surveying is different from plane surveying
because of
(a) the curvature of the earth
(b) the large difference of elevations between
various points
(c) coverage of very large area (a) 5 m (b) 10 m (c) 15 m (d) 20 m
(d) undulations of the topography 15. During chaining along a straight line, the leader of
7. The error due to bad rangins is the party has 4 arrows in his hand while the follower
has 6. Distance of the following from the starting
(a) cumulative; positive
point is
(b) cumulative; negative
(c) compensating (a) 4 chains (b) 6 chains
(d) cumulative; positive or negative (c) 120 m (d) 180 m
8. ‘Offsets’ are 16. A metallic tape is made of
(a) short measurements from chain line (a) steel (b) invar
(b) ties or check lines which are perpendicular to (c) linen (d) cloth and wires
chain line
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17. For a well-conditioned triangle, no angle should be (c) that no adjustment is required in a prism square
less than since the angle between the reflecting surfaces
cannot be changed
(a) 20º (b) 30º (c) 45º (d) 60º
(d) all of the above
18. Figure shows the entries in a field book for a chain
line AB. What is the angle between chain line and 25. The angle of intersection of the two plane mirrors
raiway line ? of an optical square is

B (a) 30º (b) 45º (c) 60º (d) 90º

19.0 26. The allowable length of an offset depends upon the
(a) degree of accuracy required
16.0 3.0 (b) method of setting out the perpendiculars and
nature of ground
3.0 9.0 (c) scale of plotting
T2 (d) all of the above
5.0 2.0
T1 27. Which of the following angles can be set out with
A Line AB Starts the help of French cross staff ?
(a) 26º 34’ (b) 30º (c) 45º (d) 60º
(a) 45º only (b) 90º only
19. What is the distance between trees T1 and T2 shown (c) either 45º or 90º (d) any angle
in figre ?
28. Which of the following methods of offsets involves
(a) 4m (b) 5m (c) 7m (d) 12m less measurement on the ground ?
20. The position of a point can be fixed more accrately (a) method of perpendicular offsets
by (b) method of oblique offsets
(a) cross staff (b) optical square (c) methode of ties
(c) oblique offsets (d) perpendicular offsets (d) all involve equal measurement on the ground
21. The main object of running a tie line is 29. The permissible error in chaining for measurement
(a) to check accuracy of work with chain on rough or hilly ground is
(b) to take details of nearby objects (a) 1 in 100 (b) 1 in 250
(c) to take offsets for detailed surveying (c) 1 in 500 (d) 1 in 1000
(d) none of the above
30. The correction for sag is
22. Which of the following is an obstacle to chaining
(a) always additive
but not to ranging ? (b) always subtractive
(a) river (b) hillock (c) always zero
(c) building (d) none of the above (d) sometimes additive and sometimes subtractive
23. A building is an obstacle to 31. Cross staff is an instrument used for
(a) chaining but not ranging (a) measuring approximate horizontal angles
(b) ranging but not chaining (b) setting out right angles
(c) both chaining and ranging (c) measuring bearings of the lines
(d) neither chaining nor ranging (d) none of the above
24. The main difference between an optical square and 32. Normal tension is that pull which
a prism square is (a) is used at the time of standardising the tape
(a) difference in principle of working (b) neutralized the effect due to pull and sag
(b) that optical square is more accurate than prism (c) makes the correction due to sag equal to zero
square (d) makes the correction due to pull equal to zero
8860637779 9919526958 9793424360 9919751941 9534284412 8860637779 9838004479 9793424360 9838004494 9838004497
33. Which of the following is not used in measuring 39. If the true bearing of a line AB is 269º 30’, then the
perpendicular offsets ? azimuth of the line AB is
(a) line ranger (b) steel tape (a) 0º  (b) 89º 
(c) optical square (d) cross staff (c) 90º  (d) 269º 
34. If the length of a chain is found to be short on testing, 40. In the primatic compass
it can be adjusted by
(a) the magnetic needle moves with the box
(a) starightening the links
(b) the line of the sight does not move with the box
(b) removing one or more small circular rings
(c) the magnetic meedle and graduated circule do
(c) closing the joints of the rings if opened out
not move with the box
(d) all of the above
(d) the graduated circle is fixed to the box and the
35. The maximum tolerance in a 20m chain is
magnetic needle always remains in the N-S
(a)  2 mm (b)  3 mm direction
(c)  5 mm (d)  8 mm
41. For a line AB
36. For accurate work, the steel bond should always be
(a) the forebearing of AB and back bearing of AB
used in preference to chain because the steel band
differ by 180º
(a) is lighter than chain
(b) the forebearing of AB and back bearing of BA
(b) is easier to handle
differ by 180º
(c) is practically inextensible and is not liable to
(c) both (a) and (b) are correct
kinks when is use
(d) none is correct
(d) can be easily repaired in the field
42. Local attraction in compass surveying may exist due
37. Select the incorrect statement.
(a) The true meridians at different places are
parallel to each other (a) incorrect levelling of the magnetic needle
(b) outside of one handle to outside of other handle (b) loss of magnetism of the needle
(c) outside of one handle to inside of other handle (c) friction of the needle at the pivot
(d) inside of one handle to inside of other handle (d) presence of magnetic substances near the
38. Select the incorrect statement. instrument

(a) The true meridians at different places are 43. If the quadrantal bearing of a line is N 25º W, then
parallel to each other. the whole circle bearing of the line is
(b) The true meridian at any place is not variable. (a) S 25º E (b) 205º
(c) The true meridians converge to a point in (c) 335º (d) 295º
northern and southern hemispheres.
44. If the forebearing of a line AB is 35º and that of line
(d) The maps prepared by national survey
BC 15º, then the included angle between the lines is
departments of any country are based on true
meridians. (a) 20º (b) 50º (c) 160º (d) 230º

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45. In the quadrantal bearing system, a whole circle 52. The following bearings were observed while
traversing with a compass :
bearing of 293º 30 can be expressed as
Line F.B. B.B.
(a) W 23º 3  N (b) N 66º 3  N
AB 104º 3  284º 3 
(c) S 113º 3  N (d) W 23º 3  N
BC 48º 15  226º 
46. The prismatic compass surveyor’s compass CD 290º 1  115º 1 
(a) give whole circle bearing (WCB) of a line and DA 180º 1  357º 1 
Which stations were affected by local attraction ?
quadrantal bearing (QB) of a line respectively
(a) A and B (b) B and C
(b) both give QB of a line and WCB of a line
(c) C and D (d) A and D
(c) both give QB of a line
53. The temporary adjustments of a prismatic compass
(d) both give WCB of a line are
47. The horizontal angle between the true meridian and (i) Centering
magnetic meridian at a place is called (ii) Levelling
(a) azimuth (b) declination (iii) Focusing the prism
(c) local attraction (d) magnetic bearing The correct order is
(a) (i), (iii), (ii) (b) (i), (ii), (iii)
48. A negative declination shows that the magnetic
(c) (ii), (iii), (i) (d) (iii), (i), (ii)
meridian is to the
54. Which of the figures shown in figure represents the
(a) eastern side of the true meridian correct graduation in a surveyor’s compass ?
(b) western side of the true meridian
(c) southern side of the true meridian 90 0
(d) none of the above (a) W0 0E (b) W90 90E
90 0
49. If the magnetic bearing of the sun at a place at noon S S
in southern hemisphere is 167º, the magnetic
declination at the place is N N
180 0
(a) 77º N (b) 23º S (c) W 90 270E (d) E 90 90W
(c) 13º E (d) 13º W 0 0
50. The graduations in prismatic compass
55. Theodolite is an instrument used for
(i) are inverted
(a) tightening the capstan-headed nuts of
(ii) are upright
level tube
(iii) run clockwise having 0º at south
(b) measurement of horizontal angles only
(iv) run clockwise having 0º at north
(c) measurement of vertical angles only
The correct answer is (d) measurement of both horizontal and vertical
(a) (i) and (iii) (b) (i) and (iv) angles
(c) (ii) and (iii) (d) (ii) and (iv) 56. The process of turning the telescope about te vertical
51. Agate cap is fitted with a axis in horizontal plane is known as

(a) cross staff (b) level (a) transiting (b) reversing

(c) plunging (d) swinging
(c) chain (d) prismatic compass
8860637779 9919526958 9793424360 9919751941 9534284412 8860637779 9838004479 9793424360 9838004494 9838004497
57. Size of a theodolite is specified by 62. For which of the following permanent adjustments
(a) the length of telescope of theodolite, the spire test is used ?
(b) the diameter of vertical circle (a) adjustment of plate levels
(c) the diameter of lower plate (b) adjustment of line of sight
(d) the diameter of upper plate (c) adjustment of horizontal axis
(d) adjustment of altitude bubble and vertical index
58. Which of the following is not the function of leveling
head ?
63. The adjustment of horizontal cross hair is required
(a) to support the main part of the instrument
particularly when the instrument is used for
(b) to attach the theodolite to the tripod
(c) to provide a means for levelling the theodolite (a) levelling
(b) prolonging a straight line
(d) none of the above
(c) measurement of horizontal angles
59. If the lower clamp screw is tightened and upper
(d) all of the above
clamp screw is loosened, the theodolite may be
64. Which of the following errors is not eliminated by
the method of repetition of horizontal angle
(a) on its outer spindle with a relative motion measurement ?
between the vernier and graduated scale of
(a) error due to eccentricity of verniers
lower plate
(b) error due to displacement of station signals
(b) on its outer spindle without a relative motion
(c) error due to wrong sdjustment of line of
between the vernier and graduated scale of collimation and trunion axis
lower plate (d) error due to inaccurate graduation
(c) on its inner spindle with a relative motion
65. The error due to eccentricity of inner and outer axes
between the vernier and the graduated scale of
can be eliminated by
lower plate
(d) on its inner spindle without a relative motion (a) reading both verniers and taking the mean of
between the vernier and the graduated scale of the two
(b) taking both face observations and taking the
low plate
mean of the two
60. A telescope is said to be inverted if its
(c) double sighting
(a) vertical circle is to its right and the bubble on (d) taking mean of several readings distributed over
the telescope is down different portions of the graduated circle
(b) vertical circle is to its right and the bubble of 66. In the double application of principle of reversion,
the telescope is up the apparent error is
(c) vertical circle is to its left and the bubble of the
(a) equal to true error
telescope is down (b) half the true error
(d) vertical circle is to its left and the bubble of the (c) two times the true error
telescope is up (d) four times the true error
61. The cross hairs in the surveying telescope are placed 67. Which of the following errors can be eliminated by
(a) midway between eye piece and objective lens taking mean of both face observations ?
(b) much closer to the eye-piece than to the (a) error due to imperfect graduations
objective lens (b) error due to eccentricity of verniers
(c) much closer to the objective lens than to the (c) error due to imperfect adjustment of plate levels
eye piece (d) error due to line of collimation not being
(d) anywhere between eye-piece and objective lens perpendicular to horizontal axis

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68. Which of the following error cannot be eliminaed 73. The rise and fall method of levelling provides a
by taking both face observations ? complete check on
(a) error due to horizontal axis not being (a) backsight (b) intermediate sight
perpendicular to the vertical axis (c) foresight (d) all of the above
(b) index error i.e. error due to imperfect
74. If the R.L. of a B.M. is 1000.00 m, the back sight is
adjustment of the vertical circle vernier
1.215 m and the foresight is 1.870 m, the R.L. of
(c) error due to non-parallelism of the axis of
the forward station is
telescope level and line of colimation
(a) 99.345 m (b) 100.345 m
(d) none of the above
(c) 100.655 m (d) 101.870 m
69. If a tripod settles in the interval that elapses between
75. In an internal forcusing type of telescope, the lens
taking a back sight reading and the following foresight
provided is
reading, than the elevation of turning point will
(a) concave (b) convex
(a) increase (b) decrease
(c) plano-convex (d) plano-concave
(c) not change (d) either ‘a’ or ‘b’
76. Which of the following errors can be neutralised by
70. If altitude bubble is provided both on index frame as
setting the level midway between the two stations ?
well as on telescope of a theodolite, then the
instrument is levelled with reference to (a) error due to curvature only
(b) error doy to cruvature only
(i) altitude bubble on index frame
(c) error due to both curvature and refraction
(ii) altitude bubble on index frame if it is to be used
(d) none of the above
as level
(iii) altitude bubble on telescope 77. Height of instrument method of levelling is
(iv) altitude bubble on telescope if it is to be used (a) more accurate than rise and fall method
as a level (b) less accurate than rise and fall method
The correct answer is (c) quicker and less tedious for large number of
(a) only (i) (b) both (i) and (iv) intermediate sights
(c) only (iii) (d) both (ii) and (iii) (d) none of the above
71. A ‘level line’ is a 78. The rise and fall method
(a) horizontal line (a) is less accurate than height of instrument
(b) line parallel to the mean spheriodal surface of method
earth (b) is not suitable for levelling with tilting levels
(c) line passing through the centre of cross hairs (c) provides a check on the reduction of
and the centre of eye piece intermediate point levels
(d) line passing through the objective lens and the (d) quicker and less tedious for large number of
eye-piece of a dumpy or tilting level intermediate sights
72. The following sights are taken on a “turning point” 79. If the staff is not held vertical at a levelling station,
(a) foresight only the reduced level calculated from the observation
(b) backsight only would be
(c) foresight and backsight (a) true R.L. (b) more than true R.L.
(d) foresight and intermediate sight (c) less than true R.L. (d) none of the above

8860637779 9919526958 9793424360 9919751941 9534284412 8860637779 9838004479 9793424360 9838004494 9838004497
80. Station B.S. I.S. F.S. Rise Fall R.L. Remarks 87. Which of the following arithmetic checks can be
A 2.1 2.3 1.5 100.00 C.P. applied in rise and fall method ?

B 1.0 X 101.10 (a) B.S. – F.S. = Rise – Fall only

(b) B.S. – F.S. = Last R.L. – First R.L. only
C 1.3 0.3 100.80
(c) Rise – Fall = Last R.L. – First R.L. only
Above table shows a part of a level field book. What (d) B.S. – F.S. = Rise – Fall = Last R.L. –
is value of X ? First R.L. [ES 2k]
(a) 0.5 (b) 1.0 (c) 1.1 (d) 2.1
88. What is the arithmetic error in the following table ?
81. The difference between a level line and a horizontal Station S. I.S. F.S. H.I. R.L. Remarks
line is that
A 2.00 102.00 101.00 B.M.
(a) level line is a curved line while horiontal line is B 1.00 102.00
a straight line C 0.50 102.50
(b) level line is normal to plumb line while horizontal (a) The R.L. of B.M. should be 100.00.
line may not be normal to plumb line at the (b) The height of instrument (H.I.) should be 103.00.
tangent point to level line (c) The backsight should be 1.00.
(d) There is no error in the table.
(c) horizontal line is normal to plumb line while level
line may not be normal to the plumb line 89. The following consecutive readings were taken with
a dumpy level :
(d) both are same
82. The sensitivity of a bubble tube can be increased by 0.695, 1.525, 2.395, 0.635, 0.605, 0.805, 0.125.

(a) increasing the diameter of the tube The instrument was shifted after the third and fifth
readings. The readings 2.395 and 0.635 respectively
(b) decreasing the length of bubble
(c) increasing the viscosity of liquid
(d) decreasing the radius of curvature of tube (a) F.S. and B.S. (b) F.S. and I.S.
(c) B.S. and F.S. (d) I.S. and B.S.
83. With the rise of temperature, the sensitivity of a where F.S. is foresight, B.S. is backsight and I.S. is
bubble tube intermediate sight
(a) decreases (b) increases 90. In Question no. 89, the mumber of stations is
(c) remains unaffected(d) none of the above
(a) 2 (b) 5 (c) 6 (d) 7
84. Refraction correction
91. In Question no. 89, the R.L. of last point
(a) completely eliminates curvature correction
(a) is greater than R.L. of first point
(b) partially eliminates curvature corection (b) is same as R.L. of first point
(c) adds to the curvature correction (c) is smaller than R.L. of first point
(d) has no effect on curvature correction (d) cannot be determined from the given data
85. The R.L, of the point A which is on the floor is 100m 92.
and backsight reading on A is 2.455 m. If the foresight
Station B.S. I.S. F.S. H.I. R.L. Remarks
reading on the point B which is on the ceiling is 2.745
m, the R.L. of point B will be A 2.30 02.30 100.00 M.

(a) 94.80 m (b) 99.71 m B 1.30 101.00

(c) 100.29 m (d) 105.20 m C 2.30 X
The above table shows a part of a level field book.
86. As applied to staff readings, the corrections for
The value of X should be
curvature and refraction are respectively
(a) 98.70 (b) 100.00
(a) + and – (b) – and + (c) 102.30 (d) 103.30
(c) + and + (d) – and –
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93. The correction for refraction as applied to staff 98. If the horizontal distance between the staff point
reading is and the point of observation is d, then the error due
to curvature of earth is proportional to
  d 2    d 2 
(a) + (b) –
  2R    2R  (a) d (b) 1/d (c) d2 (d) 1/d2
99. Sensitiveness of a level tube is designated by
  d2    d2 
(c) +   (d) –   (a) radius of level tube
 R   R 
   
(b) length of level tube
Where R is radius of earth (c) length of bubble of ievel tube
94. The following consecutive readings were taken with (d) none of the above
a dumpy level and a 3 m staff on a continuously
sloping ground. 100. Which of the following statements is in correct ?

0.425, 1.035, 1.950, 2.360, 2.950, 0.750, 1.565, 2.450, (a) Error due to refraction may not be completely
0.320, 1.025, 2.165, 2.955 eliminated by reciprocal leveling.
(b) Tilting levels are commonly used for precision
Which of the following readings are back sights ?
(a) 0.425, 2.950, 0.750, 0.320
(b) 0.425, 0.750, 0.320, 2.955 (c) The last reading of levelling is always a
(c) 0.425, 0.750, 0.320 foresight.
(d) 0.425, 2.360, 0.750, 0.320 (d) All of the above statements are incorrect.
95. A level was set up at a point A and distance to the 101. Select the correct statement.
staff station B was 100 m. The net combined
correction due to curvature and refraction as applied (a) In levelling, a station is the point where the
to the staff reading is levelling staff is heald and not where level is
(a) 0.00673 m (b) 0.000673 m set up.
(c) – 0.000673 m (d) – 0.00673 m (b) The inner surface of a bubble tube is an arc of
96. In leveling between two points A and B on opposite a circle.
banks of a river, the following readings were taken (c) Sensiteveness of a level tube can be increased
by the increase in length of bubble.
Level position Staff readings (d) All of the above statements are correct.
A 1.500 1.000 102. The distance to the visible horizon from a height of
B 1.350 0.850 36 m above mean sea level is given by

If R.L. of A is 100.00 m, the R.L of B  

(a) km (b) km
(a) is less than 100.00 m . .
(b) is more than 100.00 m
(c) is 100.00 m (c) km (d) 36 . km
(d) cannot be determined from given data

97. While doing levelling in undulating terrain, it is 103. Dumpy level is most suitable when
preferable to set the level on (a) the instrument is to be shifted frequently
(a) the top of summit (b) fly levelling is being done over long distance
(b) the bottom of a valley (c) many readings are to be taken from a single
(c) one side of the slope setting of the instrument
(d) anywhere (d) all of the above

8860637779 9919526958 9793424360 9919751941 9534284412 8860637779 9838004479 9793424360 9838004494 9838004497
104. The difference of levels between two stations A and 112. In the cross-section method of indirect contouring,
B is to be determined. For best results, the instrument the spacing of cross-sections depends upon
station should be (i) contour interval
(a) equildistant from A and B (ii) scale of plan
(b) closer to the higher station (iii) characteristics of ground
(c) closer to the lower station The correct answer is
(d) as far as possible from the line AB (a) only (i) (ii) (i) and (ii)
105. Contour interval is (c) (ii) and (iii) (d) (i), (ii) and (iii)
(a) inversely proportional to the scale of the map 113. Which of the following methods of contouring is most
(b) directly proportional to the flatness of ground suitable for a hilly terrain ?
(c) larger for accurate works (a) direct method
(d) lager if the time available is more
(b) square method
106. An imaginary line lying throughout the surface of (c) cross-sections method
ground and preserving a constant inclination to the (d) tacheometric method
horizontal is known as
114. Select the correct statement.
(a) contour line (b) horizontal equivalent
(a) Contour interval on any map is kept constant.
(c) contour interval (d) contour gradient
(b) Direct method of contouring is cheaper than
107. The suitable contour interval for a map with scale
indirect method.
1 : 10000 is
(c) Inter-visibility of points on a contour map cannot
(a) 2 m (b) 5m (c) 10 m (d) 20 m be ascertained.
108. Select the correct statement. (d) Slope of a hill cannot be determined with the
(a) A contour is not necessarily a closed curve. help of contours.
(b) A contour represents a ridge line if the concave 115. Closed contours, with higher value in wards,
side of lower value contour lies towards the represent a
higher value contour. (a) depression (b) hillock
(c) Two contours of different elevations do not (c) plain surface (d) none of the above
overchanging cliff.
116. Contour interval is
(d) All of the above statements are correct.
109. A series of closely spaced contour lines (a) the vertical distance between two consecutive
represents a contours
(b) the horizontal distance between two consecutive
(a) steep slope (b) gentle slope
(c) uniform slope (d) plane surface
(c) the vertical distance between two points on
110. Direct method of contouring is
same contour
(a) a quick method (d) the horizontal distance between two points on
(b) adopted for large surveys only same contour
(c) most accurate method
117. Benchmark is established by
(d) suitable for hilly terrains
(a) hyposometry
111. Indirect method of contouring, the process of locating
(b) barometric levelling
or identifying points lying on a contour is called
(c) spirit levelling
(a) ranging (b) centring (d) trigonometrical levelling
(c) horizontal control (d) vertical control

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118. The type of surveying which requires least office 127. The resection by two point problem as compared to
work is three point problem
(a) tacheometry (a) gives more accurate problem
(b) trigonometrical levelling (b) takes less time
(c) plane table surveying (c) requires more labour
(d) theodolite surveying (d) none of the above
128. The methods used for locating the plane table stations
119. Intersection method of detailed plotting is most
suitable for
(a) radiation (b) traversing
(a) forests (b) urban areas (c) intersection (d) resection
(c) hilly areas (d) plains 129. After fixing the plane table to the tripod, the main
operations which are needed at each plane table
120. Detailed plotting is genrally done by
station are
(a) radiation (b) traversing (i) kevekkubg
(c) resection (d) all of the above (ii) orientation
(iii) centreing
121. Three point problem can be solved by
The correct sequence of these operations is
(a) Tracing paper method (a) (i), (ii), (iii) (b) (i), (iii), (ii)
(b) Bessels method (c) (iii), (i), (ii) (d) (ii), (iii), (i)
(c) Lehman’s method
130. Bowditch rule is applied to
(d) all of the above
(a) an open traverse for graphical adjustment
122. The size of a plane table is (b) a closed traverse for adjustment of closing error
(a) 750 mm × 900 mm(b) 600 mm × 750 mm (c) determine the effect of local attraction
(c) 450 mm × 600 mm(d) 300 mm × 450 mm (d) none of the above
123. The process of determining the locations of the 131. If in a closed traverse, the sum of the north latitudes
instrument station by drawing resectors from the is more than the sum of the south latitudes and also
locations of the known stations is called the sum of west departures is more than the sum of
the east departures, the bearing of the closing line is
(a) radiation (b) intersection in the
(c) resection (d) traversing
(a) NE quadrant (b) SE quadrant
124. The instrument used for accurate centering in plane (c) NW quadrant (d) SW quadrant
table survey is 132. If the reduced bearing of a line AB is N60ºW and
(a) spirit level (b) alidade length is 100 m, then the latitude and departure
(c) plumbing fork (d) triygg cinoass respectively of the line AB will be
125. Which of the following methods of plane table (a) + 50 m, + 86.6 m (b) + 86.6 m, – 50 m
surveying is used to locate the position of an (c) + 50 m, – 86.6 m (d) + 70.7 m, – 50 m
inaccessible point ? 133. If the sum of northings of a traverse exceeds the
sum of southings by 1 m and sum of eastings exceeds
(a) radiation (b) intersection
the sum of westings by 1 m, the resultant closing
(c) traversing (d) resection
error and its true bearing respectively are
126. The two point problem and three point problem are
(a) 1m, N45º E (b) 2m, N45º W
methods of
(c)  m, N45º E (d) 0, N45º E
(a) resection
(b) orientation 134. The angle between the prolongation of the preceding
(c) traversing line the forward line of a traverse is called
(d) resection and orientation (a) deflection angle (b) included angle
(c) direct angle (d) none of the above
8860637779 9919526958 9793424360 9919751941 9534284412 8860637779 9838004479 9793424360 9838004494 9838004497
135. Transit rule of adjusting the consecutive coordinates 140. The number of horizontal cross wires in a stadia
of a traverse is used where diaphragm is
(a) linear and angular measurements of the traverse (a) one (b) two
are of equal accuracy
(c) three (d) four
(b) angular measurements are more accurate than
linear measurements 141. Which of the following represents a correct
(c) linear measurements are more accurate than match ?
angular measurements
(i) moveable hair method -
(d) all of the above
The intercept on levelling staff is kept constant
136. The Bowditch method of adjusting a traverse is
based on the assumption that and stadia hair interval is variable.
(ii) fixed hair method -
 The intercept on levelling staff is variable and
(a) e1   and e2 
 stadia hair interval is fixed.
(b) e1   and e2   (iii) tangential hair method -
The stadia hairs are not used.

(c) e1  and e2   (a) only (iii) is correct

(b) only (i) and (ii) are correct
  (c) all (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct
(d) e1  and e2 
  (d) none is correct
where e1 and e2 are errors in linear and angular 142. The multiplying constant of a theodolite is
measurements respectively and l is the length of
a line [CS 99] (a) f/i (b) (f + d)
137. Which of the following methods of theodolite f f
(c) +d (d) +i
traversing is suitable for locating the details which i d
are far away from transit stations ? where f is focal length of object lens, i is stadia hair
(a) measuring angle and distance from one transit interval and d is the distance between the optical
station centre of the object lens and the axis of the theodolite
(b) measuring angle to the point from at least two
stations 143. If the staff is held normal to the line of sight ad the
(c) measuring angle at one station and distance angle of elevation and depression are kept same,
from other then the horizontal distance between instrument
(d) measuring distance from two points on travers station and staff staion computer by observations
line will be
138. Subtense bar is an instrument used for
(a) same in both cases
(a) levelling (b) greater at an angle of elevation than at an angle
(b) measurement of horizontal distances in plane
of depression
(c) measurement of horizontal distances in (c) greater at an angle of depression than at an
undulated areas angle of elevation
(d) measurement of angles (d) unpredictable
139. Horizontal distances optained by tacheometric 144. If the intercept on a vertical staff is observed as
observations 0.75 m from a tacheometer, the horizontal distance
(a) require slope correction between tacheometer and staff station is
(b) require tension correction
(c) require slope and tension corrections (a) 7.5 m (b) 25 m (c) 50 (d) 75 m
(d) do not require slope and tension corrections
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145. For a tacheometer the additive and multiplying 154. The length of the long chord of a simple circular
constants are respectively curve of radius R and angle of deflection A is
(a) 0 and 100 (b) 100 and 0 (a) R cos (/2) (b) 2R cos (/2)
(c) 0 and 0 (d) 100 and 100 (c) 2R sin (/2) (d) R sin (/2)
146. If the focal length of the object glass is 25 cm and 155. Setting out a simple curve by two theodolite method
the distance from object glass to the trunnion axis is does not require
15 cm, the aditive constant is
(a) angular measurements
(a) 0.1 (b) 0.4 (c) 0.6 (d) 1.33 (b) linear measurements
147. If the spacing of cross hairs in a stadia diaphragm (c) both angular and linear measurements
of a tacheometer is 1.2 mm and the focal length of (d) none of the above
object glass is 24 cm, then the multiplying constant 156. The radial offset at a distance X from the point of
of tacheometer is commencement of curve of radius R is given by
(a) 50 (b) 100 (c) 150 (d) 200
148. Overturning of vehicles on a curve can be avoided
(a) R 2 – X2 – R (b) R – R 2 – X2
by using (c) R – R 2  X2 (d) R 2  X2 – R
(a) compound curve (b) vertical curve 157. If r is the radius of curvature at any point of a
(c) reverse curve (d) trabsutuib cyrve transition curve and l is the distance from the
149. Different grades are joined together by a beginning of the transition curve to that point, then
for ideal transition
(a) compound curve (b) transition curve
(c) reverse curve (d) vertical curve (a) 1  r (b) 1  r2
(c) 1  1/ r (d) 1  1/r2
150. The angle substended by the long chord of a simple
circulr curve at its centre is equal to 158. If the angle of intersection and radius of simple
circular curve are 120º and 700 m respectively, then
(a) angle of deflection
(b) two times the angle of deflection (i) length of long chord is 700m
(ii) length of curve is 700/2 m
(c) 180º – angle of deflection
 angle of deflection  (a) only (i) is correct
(d) º – 
 2  (b) only (ii) is correct
151. A curve tangential to four straight lines and consisting (c) both (i) and (ii) are correct
of arcs of different radii is known as (d) none is correct
(a) one centred compound curve 159. In a reverse curve, the superelevation provided at
(b) two centred compound curve the point of reverse curvature is
(c) three centred compound curve
(a) zero
(d) four centred compound curve (b) minimum
152. If the degree of a curve is 1º, then radius of the (c) maximum
curve is equal to (d) dependent on elements of reverse curve
(a) 5400 m (b) 1720 m 160. Total angle of deflection of a transition curve is
(c) 1720 / m (d) 3440/ m (a) spiral angle (b) spiral angle/2
153. The length of the tangent of a curve of radius R and (c) spiral angle/3 (d) spiral angle/4
angle of deflection A is given by 161. The shape of the vertical curve generally provided
(a) R cos (/2) (b) R tan (/2) is
(c) R sin (/2) (d) R cot (/2) (a) cirvular (b) parabolic
(c) spiral (d) elliptical
8860637779 9919526958 9793424360 9919751941 9534284412 8860637779 9838004479 9793424360 9838004494 9838004497
162. Perpendicular offset from the junction of transition 168. The maximum value of centrifugal ratio on roads
curve and circular curve to the tangent is equal to and railways respectively are taken as
(a) shift (b) two times the shift (a) 1/4 and 1/6 (b) 1/6 and 1/8
(c) three times the shift (d) four times the shift (c) 1/4 and 1/8 (d) 1/8 and 1/4
163. If the radius of circular curve is five times the length 169. Agonic line is the line joining points having
of the transition curve, then the spiral angle is
(a) zero declination
given by
(b) minimum declination
(a) 1/5 radian (b) 1/10 radian (c) maximum declination
(c) 1/0 radian (d) 1/40 radian (d) same declination
164. If L is the length of transition curve and R is the 170. For a circumpolar star, declination must be
radius of circular curve, then the shift of the curve
(a) equal to colatitude (b) more than colatitude
is directly proportional to
(c) less than colatitude (d) any of the above
(a) R and 1/L2 (b) 1/R and L2
171. For a star at its upper transit, the local sidereal time
(c) 1/R2 and L (d) R2 and 1/L
is equal to
165. If an upgrade of 1.5% is followed by a downgrade
of 0.5% and rate of change of grade is 0.2% per (a) H.A. of the star

20m chain, then the length of vertical curve is (b) Declination of the star
(c) R.A. of the star
(a) 100 m (b) 200 m
(d) None of the above
(c) 300 m (d) 400 m
172. The limiting minimum declination of a circumpolar
166. The difference in elevation of points between a
star having latitude 40º N is
vertical and a tangent is
(a) 40º (b) 50º (c) 90º (d) 0º
(a) directly proportional to its horizontal distance
from the point of tangency 173. The relationship between tropical year TY and
(b) inversely proportional to its horizontal distance sidereal year SY is
from the point of tangency (a) TY > SY (b) TY < SY
(c) directly proportional to the square of its (c) TY = SY (d) any of the above
horizontal distance from the point to tangency
174. A star has a declination of 55ºN. Its upper
(d) inversely proportional to the square of its
culmination is in the zenith of the place. The altitude
horizontal distance from the point of tangency
of the lower culmination is
167. Read the following two statements and select the
(a) 55º (b) 35º (c) 70º (d) 20º
correct answer.
175. A vertical photograph was taken from an aircraft
(i) Shift bisects the transition curve.
flying at an altitude of 2000 m above mean sea level.
(ii) Transition curve bisects the shift.
The focal length of the camera is 175mm. The
(a) only (i) is correct
scale of the photograph for a hill of an elevation of
(b) only (ii) is correct
250 m is
(c) both (i) and (ii) are correct
(d) neither (i) nor (ii) is correct (a) 1/10000 (b) 1/15000
(c) 1/20000 (d) 1/25000

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176. In an aerial photograph, if the photograph has a tilt 183. As compared to mirror stereoscope, lens
of 3º & the focal length is 100 mm, then the distance stereoscope
between the perspective center and the plumb point 1. causes less strain to the eyes of the user
will be 2. is small in size
(a) 100 tna 3º (b) 100 cos 3º Of these statements
(c) 100/ sin 3º (d) 100 / cos 3º (a) only 1 is correct
177. In aerial photograph, if the photograph has a tilt of (b) only 2 is correct
4º and the focal length is 200 mm, then the distance (c) both 1 and 2 are correct
between the principal point and plumb point will be (d) both 1 and 2 are incorrect

(a) 200 tna 4º (b) 200 cos 4º 184. Setting out of bridges involves determination of
(c) 200 / sin 4º (d) 200 / cos 4º 1. length of centre line
178. When the wind effect is not considered during flight 2. height of piers
planning, the result is a 3. direction of centre line
4. position of piers
(a) crab (b) drift
Of these statements
(c) mosaic (d) none of above
(a) 1 and 2 are correct
179. An aircraft is flying at a ground speed of 200 km/h.
(b) 2 and 3 are correct
The focal length of the camera is 200mm. The ground
(c) 3 and 4 are correct
distance covered along the flight line between
(d) 1and 4 are correct
exposures is 2 km. The time interval between
185. Match List 1 with List II and select the correct
exposures is given by :
answer using the codes given below the lists :
(a) 18 sec (b) 36 sec
(c) 72 sec (d) 180 sec List I List II

180. The relief displacement is radial from A. Boning 1. It is a flat, square,

wooden board which is
1. isocentre on a vertical photograph
forced on the top of a pin
2. principal point on a vertical photo graph
anchored in ground. It is
3. nadir point on a tilted photograph
also known as slope rail.
4. isocentre on a tilted photograph
B Trav elling rod 2. The horizontal member of
Of these statements
the cross head nailed to
(a) 1 and 3 are correct (b) 1 and 4 are correct
the posts.
(c) 2 and 3 are correct (d) 2 and 4 are correct
C Sight rails 3. It is generally used in
181. If f is the focal length, t is the angle of tilt, then the
layout of trenches for
distance of isocentre on the principal line from the seqers, pipe lines etc
principal point is
D Batter boards 4. The horizontal piece can
(a) f tan t (b) f tan t/2 be moved along a
(c) f cot t (d) f cot t/2 graduated vertical staff.
182. Parallax bar is used to measure Codes :
(a) A B C D (b) A B C D
(a) parallax
3 4 2 1 3 4 1 2
(b) parallax difference
(c) A B C D (d) A B C D
(c) difference in elevation
2 4 1 3 2 4 3 1
(d) relief displacement

8860637779 9919526958 9793424360 9919751941 9534284412 8860637779 9838004479 9793424360 9838004494 9838004497
186. In triangulation, the best shape of the triangle would 190. The tilt displacement in an aerial photograph is radial
be from

(a) equilateral (a) plumb point (b) isocentre point

(b) right angled isosceles triangle (c) principal point (d) tnadir point

(c) isoscales with two base angles of 56º14’ each 191. Match List I with List II and select the correct
(d) isosceles with two base angles of 65º14’each answer using the codes given below the Lists :

187. Match List I with List II and select the correct List I List II
answer using the codes given below the lists : A. Adjustment of 1. Bringing the various fixed
List I List II surveying parts of the instrument
instruments into proper relation with
A. Fathometer 1. Microwave instrument
one another
B. Passometer 2. Sounding instrument
B. Bowditch rule 2. Solution of 3-point
C. Tellurometer 3. Distance measuring
instrument C. Triangulation 3. Measuring all the angles
D. Altimeter 4. Height measuring and the base line
instrument D. Bessel’s method 4. Balancing the latitudes
5. Pressure measuring and departures
instrument Code :
Codes : (a) A B C D (b) A B C D
(a) A B C D (b) A B C D 1 2 3 4 2 1 4 3
2 3 1 4 3 5 1 4 (c) A B C D (d) A B C D
1 4 3 2 3 2 1 4
(c) A B C D (d) A B C D
2 5 4 1 3 2 5 1 192. If a quantity A has a weight of 3, then the weight of
A/3 will be
188. A closed compass traverse PQRS is run with a
(a) 28 (b) 27 (c) 24 (d) 21
prismatic compass in a clock-wise direction :
193. BIn a parabolic vertical curve, the rising grade
Line Fore bearing
g1 = + 0.80 percentage and the falling grade
PQ 50º g2 = – 0.70%. The rate of change of grade is 0.05
QR 170º per chain. The length of the vertical curve is
RS 230º
(a) 30 chains (b) 40 chains
SP 310º (c) 50 chains (d) 60 chains
The value of the included angle S is 194. Which one of the following indicates the correct
(a) 360º (b) –260º (c) 120º (d) 50º relationship betwee the flying height (H), the focal
length (f), the airbase (B) and the photographic
189. The vertices of an astronomical triangle would
base (b)?
include :
f b.H
(a) zenith, pole and heavenly body (a) B = (b) B =
b.H f
(b) azimuth, zenith, pole
(c) azimuth, pole and heavenly body b H
(c) B = (d) B =
f.H b.f
(d) azimuth, zenith and heavenly body
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195. While measuring horizontal angles by the method of 199. A 30m metric chain is found to be 0.1 m too short
repetition with a theodolite, readings are taken on throughout the measurement. If the distance
both the verniers. Which one of the following errors measured is recorded as 300 m, then the actual
will be eliminated by reading both the verniers ? distance will be

(a) Error due to eccentricity of the centres (a) 300.1 m (b) 299.0 m
(b) Error due to imperfect adjustment of the line (c) 301.0 m (d) 310.0 m
of collimation 200. Offsets are
(c) Error due to imperfect adjustment of the (a) lateral measurements made with respect to
horizontal axis main survey lines
(d) Error due to imperfect graduations (b) perpendiculars erected from chain lines
196. An angle-measuring instrument readin upto one-sixth (c) taken to avoid unnecessary walking between
of a degree on the main scale is equipped with a stations
vernier having 19 main scale divisions divided into (d) measurements which are not made at right
20 parts. The correct least count for the instrument angles to the chain line
is 201. If “Fore bearing” of a line S 49º 5  E (assuming
(a) 60 seconds (b) 30 seconds there is no local attraction), the “Back bearing” of
(c) 20 seconds (d) 10 seconds the line will be
197. It is required to produce a small-scale map of an (a) S 52º 4  E (b) S 49º 5  E

area in a magnetic zone by directly plotting and (c) N 49º 0 E


(d) N 49º 5  W
checking the work in the field itself. Which one of 202. Match List I with List II and select the correct
the following surveys will be most appropriate for answer using the codes given below the lists :
this purpose ?
List I List II
(a) Chain (b) Theodolite
(c) Plane Table (d) Compass A. Correction for sag 1. Tacheometer

198. Match List I with List II and select the correct B. Least count 3  2. Aerial photograph
answer using the codes given below the lists : C. Overlap 3. Base line

List I List II D. Additive constant 4. Prismatic compass

A. Clinometer 1. Area measuring Codes :
instrument (a) A B C D (b) A B C D
B. Pantograph 2. Gradient finding 4 3 2 1 3 4 2 1
instrument (c) A B C D (d) A B C D
C. Tellurometer 3. Angle measuring 1 2 3 4 3 4 1 2
instrument 203. To find the R.L. of a roof slab of a building, staff
D. Ghar tracer 4. Plane enlarging readings were taken from a particular set-up of the
instrument levelling instrument. The readings were 1.050 m with
5. Microwave instrument staff on the benchmark and 2.300 m with staff below
Codes : the roof slab and held inverted. Taking the R.L. of
(a) A B C D (b) A B C D the B.M. as 135.150 m, the R.L. of the roof slab
1 2 5 3 3 4 1 2 will be
(c) A B C D (d) A B C D
(a) 129.800 (b) 131.900
1 5 4 3 3 4 5 2
(c) 134.400 (d) 138.500

8860637779 9919526958 9793424360 9919751941 9534284412 8860637779 9838004479 9793424360 9838004494 9838004497
204. In a mass-haul diagram, the distance (D) of the 207. The standard time meridian in India is 82º 3  E. If
center of mass of excavation or embankment from the standard time at any instant is 20 hours 10
the line representing the volume to be hauled over is
given by minutes, the local mean time for the place at a
logitude of 20º E would be
Area  Horizontal Scale  Vertical Scale
(a) D = (a) 4h PM (b) 4h 10m PM
Volume Ordinate
(c) 1h 20m PM (d) 0h 20m PMv
Area  Volume Ordinate
(b) D = 208. The combined correction for curvature and refraction
Horizontal Scale  Vertical Scale
for a distance of 1400 m is
(c) D = (a) o.153 m (b) 0.132 m
Volume Ordinate
(c) 0.094 m (d) 0.021 m
Area  Horizontal Scale
(d) D = 209. A lemniscate curve between the tangents is
Vertical Scale
transitional throughout, if the polar deflection angle
205. Consider the following operations in a spire test :
of its apex is equal to ( is the deflection angle
1. Depress telescope and sight a point on the between the initial and final tangents)
ground nearer to the instrument.
(a)   (b)   (c)   (d) 
2. Clamp horizontal plates.
210. In a closed traverse, the sum of south latitudes
3. Sight a well-defined hight point on a high exceds the sum of north latitudes and the sum of
building east departures exceeds the sum of west departures.
4. Change face and repeat the procedure. The closing line will lie in the
The correct sequence of these operations is (a) N–W quadrant (b) N–E quadrant
(a) 1, 2, 3, 4 (b) 3, 1, 2, 4 (c) S–E quadrant (d) S–W quadrant
(c) 3, 2, 1, 4 (d) 2, 1, 3, 4 211. In an external focusing tacheometer, the fixed
206. Match List I with List II and select the correct interval between stadia hairs is 5 mm; the focal length
answer using the codes given below the lists of the objective is 25 cm and the distance of the
(adopting standard notations) : vertical axis of the instrument from the optical centre
of the objective is 15 cm. Which one of the
List I List II
following is the set of constants of the
A. Cubic parabola equation 1. NS /4 tacheometer ?
B. Shif tin transition curve 2. L2/24R (a) 30,0.15 (b) 30,0.40
C. Valley curve 3. NS2/(1.50 + (c) 50,0.25 (d) 50,0.40
0.035 S) 212. An image of the top of the hill is 96 mm from the
D. Additive constant 4. x3/6RL principal point of the photograph. The elevation of
5. V3/gR the top of the hill is 500 m and the flying height is
(a) A B C D (b) A B C D 4000 m above the datum. The relief displacement
1 2 3 4 3 4 1 2 will be
(c) A B C D (d) A B C D (a) 768 mm (b) 88 mm
1 5 2 4 4 2 3 1 (c) 12 mm (d) 8 mm

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213. Match List I with List II and select the correct 217. If an overlapping pair of vertical photographs taken
answer using the codes given below the List : with a 150 mm focal length camera has an air base
of 2100 m and the elevation of the control point “A”
List I List II
on it is 900 m above M.S.L. and the parallax of the
A. Sextant 1. Measurement of depth point is 75 mm, then the flying height above M.S.L.
below the water surface of the stereopair will be

B. Sounding 2. The line on which (a) 3000 m (b) 3150 m

(c) 5100 m (d) 20.08 m
soundings are taken
218. The true length of a line is known to be 200m. When
C. Fathometer 3. The lines which are usually
this is measured with a 20m tape, the length is
used for depths above
200.80m. The correct length of the 20 m tape is
about 6 m
(a) 19.92 m (b) 19.98 m
D. Range 4. Instrument used for (c) 20.04 m (d) 20.08 m
measuring angles from a
219. An observer standing on the deck of a ship just sees
boat the top of a lighthouse which is 30m above the sea
5. Instrument used for level. If the height of the observer’s eye is 10m above
measuring depth in ocean the sea level, then the distance of the observer from
Codes : the lighthouse will be nearly

(a) A B C D (b) A B C D (a) 22.5 km (b) 24.3 km

5 1 4 2 4 2 5 3 (c) 33.3 km (d) 59.7 km
(c) A B C D (d) A B C D 220. Match List I (Statement) with List II (Situation) and
5 3 4 1 4 1 5 2 select the correct answer using the codes given
below the lists :
214. Which one of the following methods would give
accurate results in determining the direction of the List I List II
observer’s meridian ? A. Accurate centreing in 1. Inaccessible
plane table surveying is points
(a) Observation of circumpolar stars on the same
B. Exact orientation is 2. Open country
(b) Observation of circumpolar stars at culmination
more important than with good
(c) Extra-meridian observation of a circumpolar intervisibility
accurate centering for
star 3. Large acale
C. The intersection
(d) Observation of the sun at equal altitudes maps
method of plane table
215. The direction fo the magnetic meridian is established surveying is
at each traverse station and the direction of the line particularly employed
is determined with reference to the magnetic for 4. Small scale
meridian. This method of traversing is called D. Plane table survey is
useful for 5. Hilly regions
(a) fast needle method (b) loose needle method
(c) bearing method (d) fixed needle method Codes :
(a) A B C D (b) A B C D
216. For a chord of 60 m, the mid-ordinate for a circular
3 4 1 2 4 3 2 5
curve of 50 m radius will be
(c) A B C D (d) A B C D
(a) 10 m (b) 12.5 m (c) 12 m (d) 18.75 m 5 4 3 1 3 1 4 2
8860637779 9919526958 9793424360 9919751941 9534284412 8860637779 9838004479 9793424360 9838004494 9838004497
221. Given that  denotes declination, the latitude of 227. Consider the following assumptions of Bowditch
the place of observation and the altitude of a star method :
at the prime vertical, 1. Angular measurements are more precise than
linear measurements.
(a) sin = sin  cos  (b) sin = sin  cosec
2. Linear measurements are more precise than
(c) cos = cos  sin  (d) sin = sin  cos  angular measurements.
222. Which one of the following methods estimates 3. Errors in linear measurements are proportional
best the area of an irregular and curved to L .
boundary ? 4. Correction to latitude or departure of any side
(a) Trapezoidal method Length of that side
= Total error in L (or D) ×
(b) Simpson’s method Perimeter of traverse
(c) A verage ordinate method Which of these statements are correct ?
(d) Mid-ordinate method (a) 1 and 4 (b) 1, 2 and 3
(c) 2, 3 and 4 (d) 3 and 4
223. The declination of a star is 21º 1  N at a latitude of
43º 3  N. The zenith distance at the upper 228. To determine the length of a bridge proposed to be
built across a wide river, the surveying method of
culmination is
choice would be
(a) 22º 1 (b) 21º 1 (a) tacheometry
(c) 64º 4  (d) 43º 3 (b) chain surveying
224. Two points A and B are 1530 m apart across a river. (c) hydrographic durveying
The reciprocal levels measured are : (d) triangulation
229. Heliograph is a type of
Level at Readings on (in m) (a) instrument used for recording the movement
A B of sun
A 2.165 3.810 (b) instrument used for contouring an area
B 0.910 2.355 (c) electronic distance measuring device
(d) sun signal used in triangulation work
The true difference in level between A and B would 230. A plot of land 60 m × 20 m is measured by a steel
be tape. If the standard error of length and width
(a) 1.255 m (b) 1.455 m measurements is taken as  1 cm, then the standard
(c) 1.545 m (d) 1.645 m error of the area of the plot would be
225. A lighthouse is visible just above the horizon at a (a)  0.1414 m2 (b)  0.566 m2
certain station at the sea level. The distance between (c)  0.632 m 2
(d)  0.8484 m2
the station and the lighthouse is 40 km. The height 231. If a 30 m length can be taped with a precision of
of the lighthouse is approximately  0.01 m, then the standard error in measuring 1.08
km with the same precision will be
(a) 187 m (b) 137.7m
(a)  0.54 m (b)  0.45 m
(c) 107.7m (d) 87.3m
(c)  0.36 m (d)  0.06 m
226. The true bearing of a line is 34º 2  4  and the 232. A 30-m steel tape was standardized at 20º C and
magnetic declination at the place of observation is measurements of distances were taken at 15ºC. If
2º 0  2  W on the date of observation. The the coefficient of linear expansion  of the material
magnetic bearing of the line is of the tape were 0.00,00112 per degree Celsius, then
the error, due to temperature, per tape length would
(a) 36º 2  0  (b) 34º 2  2  be
(c) 32º 2  2  (d) 32º 0  2  (a) – 0.00,00560 m (b) + 0.00,00560 m
(c) + 0.00,16800 m (d) – 0.00,16800 m
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233. Which one of the following statements best defines 236. In setting out a long straight line for the erection of
a ‘level surface’ ? transmission towers, it is recommended that the
(a) A horizontal surface every element of which is forward point be. set out with both face-right and
normal to plumb line. face left with reference to the preceding point and
(b) A curved surface every element of which is the mean position be taken. This field procedure
perpendicular to the spheroidal shape of the eliminates the instrumental error where the
(a) trunnion axis is not perpendicular to the vertical
(c) A plane surface which is perpendicular at all
points to the direction of gravity.
(b) vertical axis is not perfectly vertical at the time
(d) A curved surface which is perpendicular to the
of observation
direction of gravity at every point.
(c) line of collimation is not perpendicular to the
234. The area of a plot is to be determined using Simpson’s
vertical axis.
rule. The following offsets were taken to a boundary
(d) line of collimation is not perpendicular to the
from points along a chain line, all measurements
horizontal axis.
being in metres :
237. The coordinates of two end-points A and B of a
12, 15, 22, 29, 36, 38, 31, 22, 17.
traverse line AB are
These were taken at 100 m intervals. Consider the
XA = 1000.00m, YA = 1000.00 m
following steps in this regard :
XB = 2000.00m, YB = 1000.00 m
12  17
1. = 19.5
2 The bearing of the line AB will be

2. Sum of the odd ordinates = 22 + 36 + 31 = 89/ (a) 0º  0  (b) 60º  0 
3. Sum of the even ordinates = 15 + 29 + 38 + 22 (c) 90º  0  (d) 180º  0 
= 104. 238. Consider the following statements regarding Plane
4. 12 + 17 = 39. Table surveying :
5. Area = 100 (19.5 + 89 + 104). 1. It is less accurate than chain surveying.
12  17 2. It is not necessary to do accurate centering of
6. Area = (39 + 2 × 89 + 4 × 104).
2 plane table for small scale surveys.

7. Area = 100 × 19.5 (104 – 89). 3. Compass rule may be made use of for adjusting
the plane table traverse.
The area of the plot can be determined by using the
steps listed above at 4. From the instrument station, resectors are drawn
(a) 1, 2, 3 and 5 (b) 1, 3, 4 and 6 to plot the position of objects in the field.
(c) 1, 2, 4 and 7 (d) 2, 3, 4 and 6 Of these statements
235. A 100 m tape is held 1m out of line. The true length
(a) 1, 2 and 4 are correct
(b) 2, 3 and 4 are correct
(a) 100.0050 m (b) 99.9950 m (c) 1, 2 and 3 are correct
(c) 100.0100 m (d) 99.9800 m
(d) 1, 3 and 4 are correct
8860637779 9919526958 9793424360 9919751941 9534284412 8860637779 9838004479 9793424360 9838004494 9838004497
239. Match List I with List II and select the correct y coordinates from
answer using the codes given below the lists : equation for ideal
transition curve
List I List II
D. Lemniscate curve 4. Length of curve
(Contour Property) (Explanation)
measured on the
A. Contour gradient 1. The line starting curve itself with first
from a ridge line reaching term from equation
summits at either end for ideal transition
B. Line of steepest 2. The line which passes curve taken for y-
gradient lying on through ridges and coordinate
the saddles setting up a 5. Length of curve
domain measured on the
C. Saddle line 3. Ridge or valley line curve with at least
D. Line of drainage 4. The line lying on the two terms adopted
surface of the ground for x & y coordinates
basin keeping a constant from equation for
inclinaton to the horizontal ideal transistion
5. The gradient of the line curve
joining the highest and the Codes :
lowest point on the (a) A B C D (b) A B C D
contour map
2 3 4 1 3 4 5 2
Codes : (c) A B C D (d) A B C D
(a) A B C D (b) A B C D
4 5 1 3 5 1 2 3
4 3 1 2 4 5 3 2
241. If the gradient of a ground is –3%, that of another
(c) A B C D (d) A B C D ground intersecting with the former is 5%, and the
3 5 1 2 2 4 1 3 horizontal length of the vertical curve to be drawn is
240. Match List I with List II and select the correct 600 m, then the vertical offset ‘e’ from the vertex
answer using the codes given below the lists : of the vertical curve to the mid-point of the curve
will be
List I List II
(a) 1.5m (b) 6m (c) 15m (d) 75m
(Transition curve) (Property of setting the curve)
242. Consider the following statements regarding base-
A. Froude’s transition 1. Length of curve line measurements :
measured on the
1. Very precise measurement can be done only
tangent but y-
on densely cloudy days or at nights.
c o o r d i n a t e
calculated with two 2. Error due to application of non standardized pull
terms from equation on the tape can be either cumulative or
for ideal transition compensating type.
B Cubic spiral 2. The path actually 3. Intermediate obstructions in the measurement
traced by an on base-line can be cleared by erecting towers.
automobile turning
Of these statements
(a) 1, 2 and 3 are correct
C. True or clothoid spiral 3. Length of curve
(b) 1, and 2 are correct
measured on tangent
(c) 1, and 3 are correct
with the first term
(d) 2, and 3 are correct
only taken into
account for both x &

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243. Match List I with List II and select the correct Of these statements
answer using the codes given below the lists : (a) 1, 2 and 3 are correct
List I List II (b) 1 and 2 are correct
(Errors in sighting signals) (Causes) (c) 1 and 3 are correct
A. Aparent displacement 1. Sun illuminating (d) 2 and 3 are correct
of signal i azimuth only a portion of
247. In an aerial photo, the image of the top of a tower is
the signal
found to be 10 cm from the center of the photograph.
B. Error due to phase of 2. Due to
If the height of the tower is 100m and the flying
the signal dislevelment of
trunnion axis height of the aircraft is 1000 m above the average
terrain height, then the height displacement of the
C. Error due to eccentric 3. Light rays
image from the true position will be
signal travelling from a
rarer to a denser (a) 10 mm (b) 20 mm
D. Error due to refraction
medium (c) 50 mm (d) 100 mm
4. Improper design 248. Match List I with List II and select the correct
of signal lantern answer using the codes given below the lists :
5. Location of signal
displaced from List I List II
the actual site A. Reciprocal levelling 1. Point above the line of
due to difficulties collimation
in erection B. Balancing Fore 2. Eliminates the collimation
Codes :
(a) A B C D (b) A B C D Sight and Back error
2 1 5 3 4 3 2 1 Sight
(c) A B C D (d) A B C D C. Inverted Staff 3. The vertical axis is not
2 3 5 1 4 1 2 3 Reading perpendicular to the line
of collimation
244. A star is observed at its upper culmination when it is
north of zenith. The latitude of the place of D. Tilting level 4. Eliminates error due to
observation is 30ºN and declination of the star is inclined line of collimation
50ºN. The zenith distance of the star is
Codes :
(a) 10º (b) 20º (c) 40º (d) 80º
(a) A B C D (b) A B C D
245. The local sidereal time (LST) is always 1 2 4 3 4 2 1 3
(a) ahead of the local mean time (LMT) by about (c) A B C D (d) A B C D
2 hours per month 4 3 1 2 1 3 4 2
(b) behind LMT by about 2 hours per month 249. The following equipments can be used to lay out
(c) ahead of LMT by about 4 hours per month horizontal angles in field :
(d) equal to LMT 1. Microptic theodilite
246. Consider the following statements regarding the 2. Chain and metallic tape
longitude of a place : 3. Vernier theodolite
4. Prismatic compass
It is determined by The correct sequence of the decreasing order of
1. wireless time signals. their accuracies is
2. transportation of chronomiters. (a) 2, 4, 3, 1 (b) 2, 3, 4, 1
3. elelctric telegraph. (c) 1, 4, 3, 2 (d) 1, 3, 4, 2

8860637779 9919526958 9793424360 9919751941 9534284412 8860637779 9838004479 9793424360 9838004494 9838004497
250. If the downhill end of a 20 m tape is held 80 cm too Consider the following conclusions drawn from the
low, then its horizontal length will be above computations :
(a) 19.894 m (b) 19.984 m 1. Reduced bearing of DA = S 45º W
(c) 20.016 m (d) 20.987 m 2. W.C.B. of DA = 225º
251. When a theodolite is in proper adjustment, which of 3. Departure of DA = + 685.0
the following conditions between fundamental lines 4. Latitude of DA = + 685.0
are satisfied ? Of these conclusions,
1. Axis of the plate level is perpendicular to the (a) 1, 3 and 4 are valid (b) 1, 2 and 3 are valid
vertical sxis. (c) 2 and 4 are valid (d) 1 and 2 are valid
2. The line of collimation is at right angles to the
255. In theodolite traversing, for the calculation of
vertical axis.
3. The axis of the altitude level is parallel to the independent rectangular coordinates from the field
line of collimation when it is horizontal and the observations, some of the computations are indicated
vertical circle reads zero. below :
Select the correct answer using the codes given
1. Computation of reduced bearing of each
traverse leg
Codes :
2. Calculation of the closing error
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 1 and 3
(c) 2 and 3 (d) 1, 2 and 3 3. Balancing of consecutive coordinates

252. The following bearings were taken in running a 4. Calculation of consecutive coordinates
closed compass traverse ABCDA : The correct sequence in which these computations
are to be made is
Line F.B. B.B.
AB 124º 3  304º 3  (a) 1, 2, 3, 4 (b) 2, 4, 3, 1
BC 68º 1  246º  (c) 1, 4, 2, 3 (d) 3, 1, 4, 2
CD 310º 3  135º 1 
DA 200º 1  17º 1  256. Consider the following steps :

One would suspect local attraction at stations 1. Using Lehmann’s rule, an improved position of
station point is obtained.
(a) A and B (b) B and C
(c) C and D (d) D and A 2. Procedure is repeated till the triangle of error

253. ABCD is a regular parallelogram plot of land, whose is reduced to a point.

angle BAD is 60º. If the bearing of the line AB is 3. ‘Triangle of error’ is pbtained.
30º, then the bearing of the line CD is 4. The plane table is levelled over the station
(a) 90º (b) 120º (c) 210º (d) 270º point.
254. In a closed traverse, the following computations were 5. There resection lines are drawn from three
made well-defined station points.
Line Latitude Departure The correct sequence of the “Lehmann’s procedure”
+ – + – for solving the “three point problem” is
AB 73.0 440.5
BC 535.0 313.0 (a) 4, 5, 3, 1, 2 (b) 1, 2, 4, 3, 5
CD 223.0 68.5 (c) 5, 4, 2, 3, 1 (d) 4, 1, 3, 2, 5

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257. Match List I with List II and select the correct 261. Declination and Right Ascension will be 0º and 12
answer using the codes given below the lists : hours for the sun, when it lies over
List I List II (a) first point of Libra (b) first point of Aries
A. Equally spaced 1. Steepect slope
contour lines (c) Summer solstic (d) Winter solstice
B. Contours are always 2. A hill 262. Consider the following statements :
perpendi cular to
C. Contours increase in 3. A saddle At the two transits of a star over a meridian
elevation from inside 1. co-declination remains same
to outside 2. co-altitude does not remain same
4. A depression 3. hour angle differs by 12 hours
5. Uniform slope
Of these statements
Codes :
(a) A B C (b) A B C (a) 1, 2 and 3 are correct
1 2 4 1 3 4 (b) 2 and 3 are correct
(c) A B C (d) A B C (c) 1 and 2 are correct
5 3 2 5 1 4
(d) 1 and 3 are correct
258. Consider the following statements :
263. If the declination of a star is 70º 1  N, then the
Besides contours, relief on lopographic maps is values of the Zenith distance and the altitude of the
represented in general, by
star at the lower culmination will be respectively
1. hachures
2. point heights (a) 60º and 30º (b) 109º 5  and 40º 1 
3. hyposometric tints (c) 120º and 60º (d) 20º 2  and 30º 0 
4. hill shading
264. Match List I with List II and select the correct
Of these statements
(a) 2 and 4 are correct answer using the codes given below the lists :
(b) 1 and 2 are correct
List I List II
(c) 2, 3 and 4 are correct
(d) 1, 3 and 4 are correct (Variables used in (Values of the variables
259. If in triangle ABC, b = 300 m and angle ABC = 60º, stereophotogrammetry) given in List I)
then the radius of the circular curve passing through
the points A, B and C will be A. The normal longitudinal 1. At least 20%

(a) 86.6 m (b) 100.0 m overlap along the flight line

(c) 173.2 m (d) 300.6 m B. The normal overlap between 2. Upto 15%
260. Satellite station S is established during a triangulation
the adjacent strips
survey as shown in fig.
C. Eye base (average) 3. 60% or more
 
 D. Tolerable difference in scale 4. 64 mm
C of adjoining photographs
 Codes :
S (a) A B C D (b) A B C D
1 3 2 4 3 1 2 4
The angle a is equal to
(c) A B C D (d) A B C D
(a) +  +   (b) –  +  
1 3 4 2 3 1 4 2
(c) +  –   (d) –   – 
8860637779 9919526958 9793424360 9919751941 9534284412 8860637779 9838004479 9793424360 9838004494 9838004497
265. If the difference in height of two points whose D. Cadastral surveys 4. To show natural
parallax difference is (+) 0.8 mm on a pair of stereo features of the
pair taken from a flying height H and having mean country such as
photo base 95.2 m is (+) 100 m, then the flying height rivers, hills, streams,
H will be lakes, roads, bridges,
(a) 8,000 m (b) 10,000 m towns etc.
(c) 12,000 m (d) 14,000 m Codes :
266. Match List I with List II and select the correct (a) A B C D (b) A B C D
answer using the codes given below the lists : 1 2 3 4 2 1 4 3
List I List II (c) A B C D (d) A B C D
A. Stream gauging 1. Solving three point 1 3 4 2 4 3 1 2
268. Which one of the following closely represents the
B. Startion pointer 2. To determine water level
shape of the earth ?
and its variation
C. Tide gauge 3. Theprocess determining (a) Spheroid (b) Ellipsoid
the bed depth (c) Oblate spheroid (d) Prolate spheroid
D. Sounding 4. To measure turbidity 269. Which of the following variations of magnetic
5. Measuring the discharge declination are correctly matched ?
of a stream
1. Diurnal variation ....... Variation whose time
Codes :
period varies from 100-350 years
(a) A B C D (b) A B C D
2. Annual variation ......... Annual rate of change
3 4 2 1 4 3 1 2
of secular variation
(c) A B C D (d) A B C D
3. Secular varation ......... Variation of declination
5 1 2 3 3 1 2 5
periodic in character
267. Match List I with List II and select the correct
4. Irregular variation ........ Caused due to
answer using the codes given below the lists :
magnetic storms in earth’s magnetic field.
List I List II Select the correct answer using the codes given
A. Topographical surveys 1. To obtain data for below.
carrying out any type Codes :
of project such as (a) 1, 3 and 4 (b) 2 and 3
roads, railways, (c) 1 and 3 (d) 3 and 4
water supply, etc.
270. If the staff intercept on a staff located at 100 m
B. Geodetic surveys 2. To show boundaries
from the level for five division deviation of the bubble
of fields, buildings,
is 0.050 m and if the length of one division of the
bubble is 2 mm, then the radius of curvature of the
C. Engineering surveys 3. To furnish data for
bubble tube is
size and shape of the
Earth (a) 2.02 m (b) 2.20 m
(c) 20.00 m (d) 20.20 m

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271. The “Back sight” reading on a vertically held staff (c) slope distance between two successive contour
at a point A on the floor along the centre line of a lines
railway tunnel is 3.465 m, and the “Fore sight” on (d) horizontal distance between two successive
the inverted staff held at the roof of the tunnel just
contour lines
vertically above A is 1.155 m. The height of the tunnel
along the centre line at floor point A is 276. The radius of curvature of an ideal transition curve
(a) 2.310 m (b) 3.465 m should be
(c) 4.620 m (d) 6.930 m (a) inversely proportional to its length from the
272. A and B are two traverse stations free from local beginning
attraction errors. If the true bearing of a line AB is (b) directly proportional to its length from the
89º, and the magnetic declination at point A is 1º beginning
West, then the megnetic bearing of the line BA would (c) proportional to the speed of the vehicle
be (d) proportional to the superelevation
(a) 88º (b) 90º (c) 268º (d) 270º 277. For a simple circular curve, which one of the
273. Which one of the following gives the correct distance following gives the correct relation between the
between the lighthouse and a ship, when the radius, R and degree of curve D, for 20 m arc
lighthouse whose height is 100 m is visible just above length ?
the horizon from the ship ? (a) R = 5729.6/D (b) R = 1718.9/D
(a) 30.68 km (b) 36.50 km (c) R = 1145.9/D (d) R = 572.9/D
(c) 38.54 km (d) 40.54 km 278. The number of independent conditions required to
274. In a plane table survey, the plane table station position be satisfied for the adjustment of a braced
was to be fixed with respect to three reference quadrilateral in triangulation survey is
points. It was found that one of the reference points (a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 8
was not visible due to some obstruction. It was,
279. Following data refer to precise measurement of an
therefore decided to make use of the other two
angle A on the field :
points only. Which one of the following statements
is true regarding the determination of station (i) 2A = 20º 10 – weight 2
position? (ii) 4A = 40º 10 – weight 3
What is the most probable value of angle A ?
(a) The work can be done faster.
(b) Two settings of the plane table will be needed (a) 10º 0  06 (b) 10º 0  0 

but the work will be accurate. (c) 10º 0  5  (d) 10º 2  5 
(c) Only one setting of the table is needed, however 280. In a trigonometric levelling, the height of the signal
the work will be less accurate. used is 4.62 m and the instrument height is 1.25 m.
(d) The work will be less accurate the time If the horizontal distance of the target from the
consuming. instrument is 5780 m, then the axis-signal correction
275. Contour interval on a map sheet denotes is

(a) vertical distance of contour lines above the (a) 206265 × 3.37/5780 seconds
datum plane (b) 5780 × 5.87/206265 seconds
(b) vertical distance between two successive (c) 5780 × 206265/5.87 seconds
contour lines (d) 206265 × 5780/3.37 seconds

8860637779 9919526958 9793424360 9919751941 9534284412 8860637779 9838004479 9793424360 9838004494 9838004497
281. Following statements pertain to the position of Sun 285. Match List I with List II and select the correct
when it lies over the First Point of Aries : answer using the codes given below the lists :

1. Its hour angle is zero. List I List II

2. Its right ascension is zero. (Elements of aerial (Explanation of the elements)
3. Its declination is zero. photographs)
Of these statements
A. Perspective centre 1. The point where the
(a) 1 and 3 are correce (b) 2 and 3 are correce perpendicular from the
(c) 1 and 2 are correce (d) 1,2 and 3 are correce optical centre of the lens
282. In fig the latitude of the place of observation will be meets the photograph
equal to declination of the star plus its co-altitude B. Plumb point 2. The point where the rays
when the position of the star on the meridian is from the objects converge
between C. Principal point 3. The point where the
verticl through the optical
Z(Zenith) centre meets the
E P (Pole)
Equator D. Isocentre 4. The point where the
Horizon horizontal through optical
H H centre meets the

(a) horizon and Pole (b) horizon and equator 5. The point where the
(c) equator and zenith (d) Pole and zenith bisector of the angle
between vertical and
283. BA star is observed at its whestern elongation. If
perpendicular from optical
the latitude of place of observation is , the
centre meet the
declination of star is , altitude of star at elongation
is , then the hour angle of star is given by
Codes :
(a) cos H = cos – sec  (a) A B C D (b) A B C D
(b) cos H = tan – sec  2 4 1 5 2 1 3 5
(c) cos H = tan – sec  (c) A B C D (d) A B C D
(d) cos H = tan – sec  2 3 1 5 4 3 1 2
284. In photogrammetric surveying, the image of the top 286. It is required to determine by periodical soundings,
of the hill is 90 mm from the principal point of the the rate at which silting or scouring is taking place
photograph. If the elevation of the top of the hill is in a harbour. Which one of the following methods is
500 m and the flying height is 5000 m above datum, best suited dor locating the positions of the
then the relief displacement is soundings ?

(a) 0.9 mm (b) 9 mm (a) Range and time intervals

(b) Two angles from the boat
(c) 90 mm (d) 900 mm
(c) Tachometric observations
(d) Intersecting ranges
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287. The representative fraction 1/2500 means that the 291. Which one of the following specifications for length
scale is 1 cm equal to of base line refers to “Third Order Triangulation

(a) 0.25 m (b) 2.5 md system ?

(c) 25 m (d) 2.5 km (a) 0.5 to 3 km (b) 1.5 to 5 km

288. Which of the following are the fundamental lines of (c) 5 to 15 km (d) 10 to 20 km
a theodolite ? 292. If R is the radius of the main curve, the angle of

1. The vertical and horizontal axes deflection, S the shift and L the length of the transition

2. The diagonally opposite screw lines curve, then the total langent length of the curve is

3. The line of collimation and axes of the plate given by

levels (a) (R – S) tan /2 – L/2

4. The bubble line of the attitude level Sclect the (b) (R + S) tan /2 – L/2
correct answer using the codes given below (c) (R + S) tan /2 + L/2
Codes : (d) (R – S) tan /2 + L/2
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1, 2 and 4 293. The difference between the sum of the angles of a
(c) 2 and 3 (d) 1, 3 and 4 plane triangle and the sum of the angles of the angles
289. Which of the following characteristic features may of a spherical triangle is one second when the
be used while plotting a contour plan ? triangle on the earth surface has an area of

1. Two contour lines having the same elevation about

cannot unite and continue as one line. (a) 105 sq.km (b) 135 sq.km
2. Contour lines close together indicate a gentle (c) 159 sq.km (d) 195 sq.km
slope. 294. A plan of an area drawn with the original scale of
3. Contour lines cross a valley line at right angles. 1 cm = 10 m, has shrunk such that a line, originally
Select the correct answer using the codes given 15 cm long on the plan, measures now 14.5 cm.
below. The shrunk scale is given by 1 cm equal to
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 2
(a) 0.97 m (b) 9.70 m
(c) 2 and 3 (d) 1 and 3
(c) 10.34 m (d) 10.97 m
290. Consider the following statements pertaining to plane
295. The two-pag test in the adjustment of a dumpy level
table survey :
employs the principle that
1. Two-point problem is solved by mechanical
(a) equal lengths at back sight and fore sight do
not affect the difference in level.
2. Three-point problem is solved by Bessel’s
(b) reciprocal levelling eliminates errors of non-
parallel instrument and collimation axes.
3. In two-point problem, auxiliary station is
(c) two readings from the same station will
minimize errors in bubble tube axis.
Of these statements
(c) correction is made for vertical axis at one peg
(a) 1 and 2 are correct (b) 1 and 3 are correct
and for horizontal axis at the other peg.
(c) 2 and 43 are correct (d) 1, 2 and 3 are correct

8860637779 9919526958 9793424360 9919751941 9534284412 8860637779 9838004479 9793424360 9838004494 9838004497
296. Match List I with List II and select the correct 301. If the standard meridian is 82º 30 E and the standard
answer using the codes given below the lists : time at longitude 90º E is known to be 8 hr 30m, the
List I List II correspoinding local mean time at the plane will be
A. To fix the centre line 1. Plane Table survey (a) 7 hr 00 m (b) 8 hr 00 m
of piers, and abutments (c) 8 hr 30 md (d) 9 hr 00 m
of long briddges
302. Given that
B. For preparation of 2. Triangulation survey
small-scale map Scale of photograph is 1 cm = 100 m
C. The three sides of the 3. Trilateration survey Size of photograph = 23 cm × 23 cm
triangles are measured Area to be covered = 150 sq. km
Codes : Longitudinal ovelap = 60%
(a) A B C (b) A B C Side overlap = 30%
3 1 2 2 3 1 The total number of photographs required for
(c) A B C (d) A B C convering the above area is
2 1 3 3 2 1 (a) 143 (b) 101 (c) 58 (d) 43
297. The length of a transition curve for a circular curve 303. The smallest scale adopted for topographical
of radius 300 m and for a design speed of 15 m/s,
surveys is
when the rate of change of centrifugal acceleration
is 0.3 m/s2, is (a) 1 : 25,000 (b) 1 : 50,000
(c) 1 : 2,50,000 (d) 1 : 5,00,000
(a) 30 m (b) 37.5 m (c) 45 m (d) 60 m
304. An imaginary line passing through the optical centre
298. If the line of sight between two stations A and B, on
of the objective and the optical centre of the eye-
sea, and 80 km apart, makes tangent at point A,
then the minimum elevation of the signal required at piece in the telescope or a surveying instrument is
B (considering the coefficient of refraction ‘m’ called the
= 0.08 and the mean radius of earth as 6400 km) (a) horizontal axis
will be (b) line of collimation
(a) 42 m (b) 210 m (c) 420 m (d) 840 m (c) optical axis of the telescope
299. In a closed theodolite traverse, the sum of (d) reference axis
the latitudes is + 5.080 m and the sum of the 305. The ratio of the “standard error of a single
departures is –51.406 m, the sum of the traverse observation of unit weight” to the standard error of
legs is 20.525 km. The accuracy of traverse is nearly the arithmetic mean of ‘n’ observations, all of unit
equal to weight, will be
(a) 1 : 300 (b) 1 : 400 (a) (1/n) (b) n2 (c) 3
n n
(c) 1 : 500 (d) 1 : 1000
306. During the measurement of a line by chain or tape
300. A sewer is laid from a manhole A to a manhole B,
in slopes, if the length of the line is ‘1’ and height
250 m apart along a downward gradient of 1 in 125.
difference between the ends of the line is ‘h’, then
If the reduced level of the invert at A is 205.75 m
and the height of the boning rod is 3m then, reduced the correction to the measured length is more than
level of the sight rail at B, is h2/21 by

(a) 202.75 m (b) 206.75 m (a) zero (b) + h4/813

(c) 208.75 m (d) 211.75 m (c) + h3/412 (d) – h3/212

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307. In an old map, line PQ was drawn to a magnetic 2. Average-ordinate Rule ............
bearing of 6º 32, the magnetic declination at that L
A= [M1 + M2 + .... + Mn]
time being 1º East. The present magnetic declination n
is 9º 42 East. The magnetic bearing to which the 3. Trapezoidal Rule ...............
line is set at present is
 O  O n 1  
A = d  1   O 2  O n  ....  O n 
(a) 357º 5  (b) 356º 5   2  
(c) 3º 1  (d) 2º 1 
4. Simpson’s rule ...............
308. The distance between two beanch marks is 1000m.
d (O1  O n 1 )  4 (O 2  O 4  ....)
If during levelling, the total error due to collimation, A=  
3   2 (O3  O5  ....  O n ) 
curvature and refraction is found to be + 0.120 m,
then refraction is found to be + 0.120 m, then the Select the correct answer using the codes given
magnitude of the collimation error is below :
Codes :
(a) 0.00527 m (b) 0.0527 m
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 1 and 3
(c) 0.527 m (d) 0.673 m (c) 3 and 4 (d) 2 and 4
309. When the bubble of a level tube was moved by 10 312. A circle of radius 7m has a standard error of 0.02 m
divisions, the change in staff intercept was 0.05 m. on the radius. The standard error of its area is
If the distance between the staff and the instrument
(a) 0.04 m2 (b) 0.14 m2
was 100 m, then the sensitiveness of the bubble tube (c) 0.28 m2 (d) 0.88 m2
is given by
313. Fore bearings (FB) and back bearings (BB) of lines
(a) 1.03 sec of arc (b) 10.3 sec of arc PQ and QR have been measured as :
(c) 20.6 sec of arc (d) 103 sec of arc Line FB BB
310. In trigonometric levelling, if the horizontal distance PQ 50º  235º 
between the instrument and the object is 3088 m, QR 125º 3  309º 3 
the coefficient of refraction is 0.07 and R sin The correct value of the interior angle PQR will be
 = 30.88 m, then the refraction correction in (a) 105º 0  (b) 109º 3 
angular measure would be (c) 250º 0  (d) 255º 0 

(a) 0.0  (b) 0.7  (c) 7.  (d) 314. The fix of a plane table from three known points is
 
good if
311. In the given formula formats, L is the length of a
(a) the middle station is the nearest
base line split into ‘n’ equal segments each of length
(b) the middle station is farther than the other two
‘d’, O1, O2 ..... On+1 are the ordinates at the sequential
ends of the segments and M1, M2, .... Ma are the
(c) either of the extreme stations is the nearest
mid-ordinates of successive segments. Which of the
(d) the middle station is close to the great circle
following pairs of rules and the formulae for
315. If the azimuths of the two tangents to a circular
computation of the area stadning on the base line
curve of radius 100 m are due north and due east,
are correctly matched ?
then the area bounded by the two tangents and the
1. Mid-ordinate Rule ............. circular curve will be
 O1  O 2  ......  O n  (a) 7857 sq.m (b) 5000 sq.m
A= 
n L
  (c) 3143 sq.m (d) 2143 sq.m

8860637779 9919526958 9793424360 9919751941 9534284412 8860637779 9838004479 9793424360 9838004494 9838004497
316. Consider the following statements associated with Codes :
the laws of weights in the theory of errors : (a) A B C D (b) A B C D
3 4 1 2 4 3 1 2
1. If an equation is multiplied by its own weight, (c) A B C D (d) A B C D
then the weight of the resulting equation is equal 3 4 2 1 4 3 2 1
to the reciprocal of the weight of that equation. 318. Consider the following properties :
2. The weight of the algebraic sum of two or more 1. The sum of the three sides is always greater
quantities is equal to the reciprocal of the sum than the circumference of the great circle.
of the individual weights. 2. The sum of the three angles is less than six
right angles and greater than two right angles.
3. If the quantity of a given weight is multipled by
3. The sum of two sides is greater than the third
a factor, then the weight of the result is obtained
by dividing its given weight by the square root
4. The smaller angle is opposite the smaller side
of that factor. and vice versa.
4. If the quantity of a given weight is divided by a The properties of pherical triangles would include
factor, then the weight of the result is obtained (a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 2, 3 and 4
by multiplying its given weight by the square of (c) 1, 2 and 4 (d) 1, 3 and 4
that factor. 319. A 3000 m long line lying at an elevation of 450 m
measures 10 cm on a vertical photograph. The focal
Of these statements length of the camera is 21 cm. The scale of the
(a) 1 and 4 are correct (b) 2 and 3 are correct photograph for the area having an elevation of
(c) 3 and 4 are correct (d) 1 and 3 are correct 1000 m will be
317. In the tangential method of techeometry, the (a) 1:27381 (b) 1:25008
(c) 1:20606 (d) 1:30421
following notations have been used :
320. Which of the following statements about
1 = angle of elevation corresponding to elowe vane photogrammetric surveying is correct ?
2 = angle of elevation corresponding to lower vane
The relief displacement
S = distance between the vanes-staff intercept
(a) decreases with increase in flying height.
D = horizontal distance
(b) is negative for a point above datum.
V = vertical distance (c) decreases as the distance of the object from
In this context, match list I (Quantity to be computed the principal point increases.
under the given conditions) with List II (Equation to (d) of the point is not affected by the tilt of the
be used) and select the correct answer using the
321. Match List I with List II and select the correct
codes given below the lists :
answer using the codes given below the lists :
List I List II
List I List II
A. ‘D’ when both the angles S tan  2
tan  2 – tan 1 A. Geographical map 1. 1 cm = 2.5 km
are angles of elevation
B. Topographical map 2. 1 cm = 0.25 km
B. ‘V’ when both the angles S
C. Location map 3. 1 cm = 160 km
are angles of elevation tan 1  tan  2
D. Forest map 4. 1 cm = 5 m to 25 m
C. ‘D’ when one angle is
S tan  2 Codes :
angle of elevation and the
tan 1 – tan  2 (a) A B C D (b) A B C D
other that of depression 1 3 4 2 3 1 4 2
D. ‘V’ when both angles are S (c) A B C D (d) A B C D
angles of depression tan 1 – tan  2 1 3 2 4 3 1 2 4
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322. Which one of the following is a conventional sign 327. If the coordinates of A are 100 N and 200 E and
for North Line in surveying ? those of C are 100 S and 200 E, then the length AC

(a) (b) (a) 400.00 (b) 282.84

(c) 244.94 (d) 200.00
328. Which one of the following instruments is used in
plane table surveying for the measurement of
(c) (d)
horizontal and vertical distances directly ?

(a) Plain alidade (b) Telescopic alidade

323. A Dumpy level is set up with its eyepiece vertically
(c) Tacheometer (d) Clinometer
over a peg A. The height from the top of peg A to
the centre of the eyepiece is 1.540 m and the reading 329. The deflection angle between the tangents drawn
on peg B is 0.705 m. The height of the eyepiece at the ends of a transition curve is 7º. The radius of
above peg B is 1.490 m and the reading on A is the curve at the end is 400m. What is the length of
2.195 m. The difference in level between A and B the transition curve ?
is (a) 60.00 m (b) 97.74 m
(a) 2.900 m (b) 3.030 m (c) 120.00 m (d) 150.00 m
(c) 0.770 m (d) 0.785 m
330. A transition curve is required for a circular curve of
324. If the cross-sectional areas of an embankment at 200m radius, the gauge being 1.5 m and maximum
30 m intervals are 20, 40, 60, 50 and 30 m2 superelevllation restricted to 15 cm. The transition
respectively, then the valume of the embankment
is to be designed for a velocity such that no lateral
on the basis of prismodial rule, is
pressure is imposed on the rails and the rate of gain
(a) 5300 m3 (b) 8300 m3 of radial acceleration is 30 cm/s2. The required length
(c) 9300 m3 (d) 9400 m3 of transition curve will work out to be
325. If the bearing of a line AB is N 60º 3  and that of (a) 460 m (b) 46 m (c) 4.6 m (d) 0.46 m
BC is 122º of a closed traverse ABCDE, then the
331. Which of the following elements of a simple curve
measure of the interior angle B is
are correctly matched ?
(a) 240º 3  (b) 122º 0 
1. Tangent length ................... R tan /2
(c) 118º 3  (d) 154º
2. Apex distance ................. 2 R sin /2
326. The techeometer focal length of object glass is 3. Length of long chord ..........2 R cosec /2
20 cm, the distance between the object glass and
4. Mid-ordinate .............. R ver sin /2
trunnion axis is 10 cm and the spacing between the
(R is the radius and is the deflection angle)
outer lines of diaphragm axis is 4 mm. If the staff
Select the correct answer using the codes given
intercepts are 1.000 (top) and 2.500 (middle) when
the line of collimation is perfectly horizontal, then
Codes :
the horizontal distance between the staff station and
(a) 1 and 3 (b) 2 and 4
instrument station will be
(c) 1 and 2 (d) 1and 4
(a) 75.3 m (b) 78 m (c) 150.3 m (d) 153 m

8860637779 9919526958 9793424360 9919751941 9534284412 8860637779 9838004479 9793424360 9838004494 9838004497
332. A parabolic vertical curve is set out connecting a + ( – 2m) d ( – 2m) d
(a) ( ve) (b) ( – ve)
0.7% grade to a –0.6% grade. The chainage and R sin 1 R sin 1

R.L. of the point of intersection are 1000 m and 250 ( – 2m) d ( – 2m) d
(c) ( ve) (d) ( – ve)
m respectively. The admissible rate of change of 2R sin 1 2R sin 1
grade is 0.05% per 20m. The chainage of the tangent 336. Match List I with List II and select the correct
points will be answer using the codes given below the lists :
(a) 600 and 1400 (b) 650 and 1350
List I List II
(c) 700 and 1300 (d) 740 and 1260
A. Zero and tends to 1. At the first point of
333. A, B and C are triangulation stations and S is the
change from Libra
satellite station for B. The true angle at B is given
– ve to + ve.
by  = –  +  where  = S Â B,  = S Ĉ B and
A Ŝ C. The position of S is B. zero and tends to 2. At the first point of

(a) to the left of B (b) to the right of B change from Aries

(c) betwen AB and B (d) behind B + ve to – ve.

334. Consider the following statements associated with C. + 23º 27 3. At Winter Solstice

triangulation survey. D. –23º 27 4. At Summer Solstice

1. In triangulation survey unknown distances Codes :

betwee stations are determined using (a) A B C D (b) A B C D

tacheometric relations. 2 1 3 4 2 1 4 3
(c) A B C D (d) A B C D
2. The triangulation station at which astronomical
1 2 3 4 1 2 4 3
observations are made for azimuths are called
Laplace stations. 337. A star culminates in zenith when

3. In tertiary triangulation, the length of the sides (a)  (b)  (c)    (d) 

is in the range of 10 to 25 km. 338. If , H, A and are the altitude, hour angle, azimuth

4. The length of the base line in primary and declination of a circumpolar star at its elongation

triangulation is 8 to 12 km. in latitude , then which one of the following relations

Of these statements would hold good ?

(a) 1 and 2 are correct (b) 3 and 4 are correct tan λ

(a) cos H =
tan δ
(c) 1 and 4 are correct (d) 2 and 4 are correct
sin 
(b) cos H =
335. Which one of the following is the combined angular sin 
correction for angles of elevation in trigonometrical cos δ
(c) sin A =
levelling ? (Symbols have the usual meanings) cos λ

(d) all of the above, that is (a), (b) and (c).

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339. When the latitude is 56º 15 N and declination is 345. A 30 m long steel tape standardised with a pull of
17º 30 S, the ‘zenith distance’ at the upper culmination 100 N was used for measuring a baseline of length
of the star will be 1500 m. The pull exerted while measuring is 150 N.
The correction Cp due to pull is given by (the area
(a) 73º 4 
of corss-section of the tape = A; Young’s
(b) 73º 3 
modulus = E)
(c) 35º 0 
(d) not determinable from the given data (a) 100 × 1500/AE (b) 1500 × 150/AE
(c) 50 × 1500/AE (d) 250 × 1500/AE
340. If the parallax difference between the top and bottom
346. Mean sea level at any place is the average datum
of a tree is measured as 1.32 mm on a stereo-pair
of hourly tide heights observed over a period of
of photos taken at 3000 m above ground and the
average photogase is 66 mm, then the height of the
(a) 5 years (b) 10 years
tree will be
(c) 20 years (d) 50 years
(a) 45.49 m (b) 60.00 m
347. Excavation is to be made for a reservoir measuring
(c) 23.51 m (d) 39.50 m
20 m long, 12 m wide at the bottom and 2m deep.
341. Give that The side slopes are to be 1 : 1 and the top to be flush
f = focal length of camera, with the ground which is level in the vicinity. As per
prismoidal formula, the volume of excavation will
H = height of exposure station above MSL and
h = height of ground above MSL.
(a) 610.33 m3 (b) 618.66 m3
The scale of vertical photograph is given by (c) 625.00 m3 (d) 633.66 m3
(a) Sh = f/H (b) Sh = f/(H – h)
348. Give that for a planimeter
(c) Sh = H/(f – h) (d) Sh = f/(H + h)
L = length of the tracing arm
342. The main plate of a transit is divided into 1080 equal
R = radius of the anchor arm
divisions. 60 divisions of the vernier coincide exactly a = distance between the roller and hinge
with 59 divisions of the main plate. The least count If the wheel is beyond the hinge, then the area of
(in seconds) of the transit is zero circle will be
(a) 5 (b) 10 (c) 15 (d) 20 (a)  (L2 – 2 aL + R2) (b)  (L2 – 2 aL + R2)
(c)  (L2 – aL + R2) (d)  (L2 – aL + R2)
343. The side of a rectangle are (120  0.05) m and
(180  0.06) m. The probable error in the area will 349. For a sight inclined at º with the horizontal and the

be staff held normal to the line of sight, the staff

intercept is S. The horizontal distance D between
(a)  16.8 sq m (b)  12.35 sq m
the tacheometer attached with an anallatic lens and
(c)  16.2 sq m (d)  11.53 sq m
the staff station will be equal to (other symbols have
344. The linear error in a 50 m long traverse is 0.01 m. the usual meanings)
The angular error (in seconds) considering equal (a) kS cos + r sin 
precision will be (b) kS sin + r cos 
(a) 81 (b) 41 (c) 21.5 (d) zero (c) (kS + c) cos + r sin 
(d) (kS + c) sin + r cos 
8860637779 9919526958 9793424360 9919751941 9534284412 8860637779 9838004479 9793424360 9838004494 9838004497
350. Match List I with List II and select the correct 352. For solving a right-angled astronomical triangle ZPS,
answer using the codes given below the lists : right-angled at S. The parts of the Napter circle are
List I List II to be filled up by the following elements :
(Names) (Figures) 1. Complement of the angle SZP.

A. Boning rod 1. 2. Complement of the side ZP.

3. The sides PS and ZS
4. Complement of the angle ZPS
The correct sequence of filling up these elements is
B. Travelling rod 2. (a) 3, 1, 4, 2 (b) 3, 1, 2, 4
(c) 1, 3, 2, 4 (d) 1, 3, 4, 2
353. Match List I with List II and select the correct
answer using the codes given below the lists :
C. Sight rails 3.
List I List II
A. Star at elongation 1. The astronomical
triangle is evidently
8 right-angled at zenith
D. Batter boards 4. 6 B. Star at prime vertical 2. Its altitude will be
zero and zenith
distance will be equal
to 90º
T Nail C. Star at horizon 3. When it crosses the
5. observer’s meridian
D. Star at culmination 4. When it is at its
greatest distance eas
Codes : or west of meridian
(a) A B C D (b) A B C D Codes :
3 2 5 4 5 4 1 3 (a) A B C D (b) A B C D
(c) A B C D (d) A B C D 4 1 2 3 1 4 2 3
2 4 1 3 2 3 1 4 (c) A B C D (d) A B C D
351. Given that for a triangulation survey 4 1 3 2 1 4 3 2

D = distance in km 354. The latitude and longitude of point M is 30º N and

h = the visible horizon from a station of known 15º W. The latitude and longitude of point N is
elevation above the datum (in metres) 20º S and 25º E. MN will be by given by
If there is no obstruction due to intervening ground, (a) cos 60º cos 70º + sin 60º sin 70º cos 40º
then h is equal to (b) – cos 60º cos 70º + sin 60º sin 70º cos 40º
2 2
(a) 0.6735 D (b) 6.735 D (c) cos 60º cos 70º – sin 60º sin 70º cos 40º
2 2
(c) 0.06735 D (d) 0.006735 D (d) – cos 60º cos 70º – sin 60º cos 70º cos 40º

Classroom Study Course Classroom & Online Test Series Regular & Weekend Batches
Correspondance Study Material Foundation Batches also for 2nd & 3rd Year sturdents Interview Guidance 36
355. Match List I with List II with respect to aerial ANSWERS
photogrammetry and select the correct answer using 1 (a) 2 (c) 3 (a) 4 (c)
the codes given below the Lists :
5 (d) 6 (a) 7 (a) 8 (a)
List I List II 9 (d) 10 (d) 11 (b) 12 (b)
(Name) (Explanation)
13 (c) 14 (b) 15 (b) 16 (d)
A. Principal point 1. The angle formed
17 (b) 18 (c) 19 (b) 20 (d)
between the flight line and
the edges of photograph 21 (b) 22 (a) 23 (c) 24 (c)
in the direction of flight 25 (b) 26 (d) 27 (c) 28 (a)
B. Isocentre 2. Failure of the aero plane 29 (b) 30 (b) 31 (b) 32 (b)
to stay on the
33 (a) 34 (a) 35 (c) 36 (c)
predetermined flight line
37 (b) 38 (a) 39 (c) 40 (c)
C. Crab 3. The point where a
perpendicular dropped 41 (a) 42 (d) 43 (c) 44 (c)
from the front nodal point 45 (b) 46 (a) 47 (b) 48 (b)
strikes the photograph 49 (c) 50 (a) 51 (d) 52 (c)
D. Drift 4. The point at which the 53 (b) 54 (d) 55 (d) 56 (d)
bisector of the angle of tilt
57 (c) 58 (d) 59 (c) 60 (a)
meets the photographer
61 (b) 62 (c) 63 (a) 64 (b)
Codes :
(a) A B C D (b) A B C D 65 (a) 66 (d) 67 (d) 68 (d)
4 3 2 1 4 3 1 2 69 (a) 70 (b) 71 (b) 72 (c)
(c) A B C D (d) A B C D 73 (d) 74 (a) 75 (a) 76 (c)
3 4 1 2 3 4 2 1 77 (c) 78 (c) 79 (c) 80 (c)
356. Given that 81 (a) 82 (a) 83 (a) 84 (b)
Scale of the photograph, 50 m = 1 cm 85 (d) 86 (b) 87 (d) 88 (b)
Size of photograph = 18 cm × 18 cm
89 (a) 90 (b) 91 (c) 92 (b)
Percentage longitudinal overlap = 60
93 (a) 94 (c) 95 (c) 96 (b)
Percentage side overlap = 33 1/3
Covered area = 108 sq km 97 (c) 98 (c) 99 (a) 100 (d)
The required number of photographs will be 101 (d) 102 (c) 103 (c) 104 (a)
(a) 200 (b) 400 (c) 500 (d) 600 105 (a) 106 (d) 107 (a) 108 (c)
357. Images of two objects on a pair of photographs have 109 (a) 110 (c) 111 (d) 112 (d)
a parallax difference of 1.8 mm and an average 113 (d) 114 (a) 115 (b) 116 (a)
photograph base of 88.2 mm. The flying height is
117 (c) 118 (c) 119 (c) 120 (a)
4000 m above the average ground level. The
121 (d) 122 (b) 123 (c) 124 (c)
difference in elevation of the two objects would be.
125 (b) 126 (d) 127 (c) 128 (c)
(a) 40 m (b) 60 m (c) 80 m (d) 90 m
129 (d) 130 (b) 131 (b) 132 (c)
133 (c) 134 (a) 135 (b) 136 (a)
8860637779 9919526958 9793424360 9919751941 9534284412 8860637779 9838004479 9793424360 9838004494 9838004497
137 (b) 138 (c) 139 (d) 140 (c) 285 (c) 286 (d) 287 (c) 288 (d)
141 (c) 142 (a) 143 (b) 144 (d) 289 (d) 290 (c) 291 (a) 292 (c)

145 (a) 146 (b) 147 (b) 148 (d) 293 (d) 294 (c) 295 (b) 296 (c)
297 (b) 298 (c) 299 (b) 300 (b)
149 (d) 150 (a) 151 (c) 152 (b)
153 (b) 154 (c) 155 (b) 156 (d) 301 (d) 302 (b) 303 (c) 304 (c)

157 (c) 158 (a) 159 (a) 160 (c) 305 (d) 306 (b) 307 (a) 308 (b)
161 (b) 162 (d) 163 (b) 164 (b) 309 (b) 310 (c) 311 (c) 312 (d)
165 (b) 166 (c) 167 (c) 168 (c) 313 (b) 314 (a) 315 (d) 316 (a)
169 (a) 170 (b) 171 (c) 172 (b) 317 (d) 318 (b) 319 (a) 320 (a)
173 (b) 174 (d) 175 (a) 176 (d) 321 (b) 322 (d) 323 (c) 324 (a)
177 (a) 178 (b) 179 (b) 180 (c)
325 (c) 326 (c) 327 (d) 328 (a)
181 (b) 182 (b) 183 (b) 184 (d)
329 (b) 330 (b) 331 (d) 332 (d)
185 (a) 186 (c) 187 (a) 188 (b)
333 (c) 334 (b) 335 (c) 336 (d)
189 (a) 190 (b) 191 (c) 192 (b)
193 (a) 194 (b) 195 (a) 196 (b) 337 (d) 338 (d) 339 (a) 340 (b)

197 (c) 198 (d) 199 (c) 200 (a) 341 (b) 342 (d) 343 (d) 344 (b)
201 (d) 202 (b) 203 (d) 204 (a) 345 (c) 346 (c) 347 (b) 348 (b)
205 (c) 206 (d) 207 (a) 208 (b) 349 (c) 350 (c) 351 (c) 352 (b)

209 (c) 210 (a) 211 (d) 212 (c) 353 (a) 354 (b) 355 (c) 356 (c)
357 (c)
213 (d) 214 (a) 215 (a) 216 (a)
217 (c) 218 (a) 219 (c) 220 (a)
221 (b) 222 (b) 223 (a) 224 (c)
225 (c) 226 (a) 227 (d) 228 (d)
229 (d) 230 (c) 231 (c) 232 (a)
233 (d) 234 (d) 235 (b) 236 (d)
237 (c) 238 (b) 239 (b) 240 (b)
241 (b) 242 (d) 243 (a) 244 (b)
245 (b) 246 (b) 247 (a) 248 (b)
249 (d) 250 (b) 251 (d) 252 (c)
253 (c) 254 (d) 255 (c) 256 (a)
257 (d) 258 (d) 259 (c) 260 (a)
261 (a) 262 (a) 263 (a) 264 (d)
265 (c) 266 (c) 267 (d) 268 (c)
269 (d) 270 (c) 271 (c) 272 (d)
273 (c) 274 (d) 275 (b) 276 (a)
277 (c) 278 (c) 279 (c) 280 (a)
281 (b) 282 (c) 283 (b) 284 (b)
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Correspondance Study Material Foundation Batches also for 2nd & 3rd Year sturdents Interview Guidance 38

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