Computers and Flat Bed Knitting Machines
Computers and Flat Bed Knitting Machines
Computers and Flat Bed Knitting Machines
Computers are being first Electronically keep the data alive faster and with more
used in all stages of Controlled machines within even while the accuracy as well. The
manufacture: design, were introduced in machine was switched designs knitted by a
scheduling, 1975 by H. Stoll off and could be knitter could now be
management, GmbH& Co. the programmed in a stored and could be
manufacturing, and models were ANVH simple language downloaded on the
testing. The and ANV. These called Sintral. machines for repeat
integration of these machines were NC orders in no time at a
phases of computer machines, where the fraction of a cost. On
involvement is called movements of mechanical machines
computer aided machine tools were for small knitter it
manufacturing. After assigned numerical was not possible to
the World War II the values to facilitate the store the design data
possibility of using it replacement of in long chains of
for a wide range of punched cards and punched cards. The
industrial, chains by control knitter could now
administrative, and logic. offer, not only more
scientific applications Stoll ANVH B machine patterns but could
was quickly realized. offer the same designs
The early computers, The main factors for repeat orders
however, were large which made the without spending a lot
and expensive electronic machines of money and space in
machines, and their more popular over the the factory.
general application well tried and tested
was delayed until the technology of purely
invention of the mechanical machines
transistor was the reduction of
revolutionized time taken in
computer technology. adaptation to new
It did not take long The first Electronically designs. The program
for the computers to controlled Knitting data of mechanical
become an integral Machine Stoll ANVH machine was stored
part of Knitting ( 1975) on punched cards,
Machines. steel cards, peg
The needle selection drums, the layout of
arrangement could be high butt and low butt Stoll ANVH BLM
stored in the machine (1983)
arrangements. To
memory but the cam store these data was By 1983 fully
control paper tape computer controlled
not only expansive
though very small as but it took more space machines were
compared to its introduced, Stoll
too. In early computer
counterpart of a machines though the Universal and Dubied
mechanical machine the leaders of Flat
program data was
would still move to saved on to floppies, Knitting Machines
and fro to feed the were taken aback with
paper tapes or
A mechanically data to the numeric Magnetic tapes, the a surprise by a totally
controlled Stoll control of the unknown company of
Knitting Machine
finer adjustments
machine. Later this were still done Japan “Shima Seiki”.
Model AJUM ( 1938 ) problem was
the needle selection was mechanically like
overcome when stitch quality control
done with steel bit
computers were
cards the control of fabric
developed which take down and the
Before the could memorise and racking movements.
introduction of retain data of cam
Computerised movement as a part of The other advantages
Knitting Machines the knitting programme. of Electronically
machines functions The first CNC controlled machines
were mechanical and Controlled Knitting over Mechanically
for a very short time, machines were controlled machines
electronically introduced by the Shima Seiki SEC 202
were the size, cost
controlled machines same company in Whereas the
reduction, accuracy
which could not retain 1979 the models now Europeans displayed
and speed. The
the memory were were called ANVH B their computerised
machines could not
manufactured. The or the B machines. Knitting machines
only knit better but
These machines could which could knit
Jacquards, Cable and speeds, but the quick fashion garments, the
Aran patterns, at the carriage reversals multi-gauge effects,
9th ITMA exhibition gave great advantage the differential stitch
in Milano, Italy, to the knitters. The control , the appliqué
Shima Seiki displayed machine offered the work and of course
its full product line. knitters what they knitting the complete
The main attraction of dared to dream. The garment. Apart from
Shima's exhibit, the machine was way Technical Textiles,
Total Knitting ahead of all the these are a few
System, gained high competition and left features which could
recognition from all other operators be developed only
international gasping for breath. because of
participants. Their Technologically near introduction of The Stoll Knit and
models could not only perfect the machine computers in the Wear Machine
knit Jacquard, Cable not only gave new Knitting Machines.
and Aran designs but dimension to knitting But the invasion of The next generation
could also do techniques which computers has not machines to follow
fashioning and knit were unheard of but been limited to the were equipped with
simple Intarsia the overall design development of new new features, Both
designs, The took care of techniques alone, the Shima and Stoll came
machines could be ergonomics as well. computers have taken out with new models
used for making fully overall controls of the with new features and
fashion Knitwear as The knitting process machine, they not kept the competition
well as for Cut and though still remains to only send and receive at bay. The new
sew Knitwear. At the be of mechanical data from the technologies in
same time Steiger of nature. The raising of machines but also electronics helped the
Switzerland also the needle to take up track the production manufacturers to
manufactured their yarn and the dip of data, the time taken addon plethora of
Electra Models which the needle to form a for various features, the models
could knit fully new stitch is operations, on new by Stoll had touch
fashioned panels. completely machines you can control and at the
mechanical in nature. program the same time Shima
The technological The overall control of production data of the came out with their
Challenge thrown by the machine, the machine and keep the First Generation
Shima was well needles and the cams track of production. machines. It is
accepted by Stoll and is a computerised The machines are possible to knit true
the year saw a function. Whereas in equipped with R/R fashioned
completely new the mechanical technology which can garments, to have
picture of Knitting machines all the not only change size Multi-gauge effects in
Machines in their new movements were and production data a single row, and to
CMS Models in10th linked and triggered but can also remind knit a ready to wear
ITMA held in 1987 at by the traverse of the the operator of his garment.
Paris. With these carriage and the jobs. The machines
models the Computers revolution of the stop and remind you
took the complete machine, on a to lubricate at preset
charge of the Knitting computerised intervals, the
Machine functions, If machine the data can machines stop and
NC machines can be be mechanized can provide assistance
termed as the dawn intermittently as well, to the operators at
the CMS machines the sequences can be specified times in
appeared on the dispersed and between changing of
The New Shima Whole
horizon as rising sun operated separately. the designs which Garment Machine
in the clear skies. they are capable to What future holds for
Electronics has had a download on their knitters has become
great impact of Flat own from preset predictable because
The Stoll CMS Bed Knitting paths. the fast moving
machine set the bench Machines as a major technology in
mark for the computer factor in the computers has
controlled knitting development of new brought dreams and
machines, it marked knitting techniques. It reality closer to each
the new era in the is only due to the other. Today the gap
technology of the computers that it is between our dreams
knitting machines. possible to have and reality is
Not only the machine Intarsia Knits, correct achievable, what we
could run at higher selvedges of a fully
dream today can
become reality