Enfuzion: Turbo-Charge Power Systems Analysis and Simulation
Enfuzion: Turbo-Charge Power Systems Analysis and Simulation
Enfuzion: Turbo-Charge Power Systems Analysis and Simulation
Speeding up PSS/ETM Dynamic Stability Analysis Fully Integrated with Siemens PTI PSS/ETM Software
EnFuzion is integrated with PSS/E, the leading power systems analysis and
Siemens PTI used EnFuzion to distribute PSS/E dynamic simulation software from Siemens Power Technologies International, LLC. Users of
stability analysis cases over a cluster of 5 dedicated dual- PSS/E can distribute contingency calculations to the compute cluster interactively, or
processor PCs and 8 dual-processor shared desktop utilize the new PSS/E Python interface to automate the process. Once the jobs are
machines. EnFuzion fully utilized all the compute power and submitted, users can monitor the progress of their jobs using the intuitive web
produced a dramatic speed-up in the case execution time. interface provided by EnFuzion.
Number of Single Laptop EnFuzion Easy to Use, Perfect for First-time Cluster Users
Cases Solution Cluster Solution
With its extraordinary ease of use, EnFuzion is the perfect solution for first-time, small
24 Cases 4 Hours 9 Minutes and medium size cluster users. EnFuzion requires no IT support to install and
configure, and it requires no other software to operate. First-time users can achieve
27 Cases 38 Hours 38 Minutes immediate return on investment in terms of increased productivity.