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Enfuzion: Turbo-Charge Power Systems Analysis and Simulation

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Turbo-charge Power Systems Analysis and Simulation

About Axceleon and EnFuzion

Axceleon is the maker of EnFuzion, the low cost, high-throughput and easy to use
cluster resource management software. EnFuzion combines servers and desktop
machines into a compute cluster and speeds up power system analysis and
simulation through distribution of computation to all the machines.

Speed-up for Power Systems Analysis and Simulation

EnFuzion is widely adopted by electric utility companies to speed up load flow and
dynamics analyses, bringing the advantages of a fully-detailed model to bear on
short-term planning studies. By employing EnFuzion-driven compute clusters, utility
companies can perform thousands of power flow contingencies and disturbance
scenarios in minutes and hours, instead of days.

Enables Real-Time Dynamic Stability Analysis

Power flow studies of voltage collapse and dynamics studies for system stability are
computationally demanding tasks. Hundreds of dynamic contingencies must be
calculated in minutes to provide system operators with timely information on voltage
collapse and stability margins. EnFuzion grid-enables power flow and dynamics
Siemens Power Transmission & Distribution, Inc. calculations so that they can benefit from virtually unlimited speed-up afforded by
Power Technologies, International distributed computing. EnFuzion’s high-performance job scheduler delivers the
throughput and scalability needed to meet any real-time computation demand.

Speeding up PSS/ETM Dynamic Stability Analysis Fully Integrated with Siemens PTI PSS/ETM Software
EnFuzion is integrated with PSS/E, the leading power systems analysis and
Siemens PTI used EnFuzion to distribute PSS/E dynamic simulation software from Siemens Power Technologies International, LLC. Users of
stability analysis cases over a cluster of 5 dedicated dual- PSS/E can distribute contingency calculations to the compute cluster interactively, or
processor PCs and 8 dual-processor shared desktop utilize the new PSS/E Python interface to automate the process. Once the jobs are
machines. EnFuzion fully utilized all the compute power and submitted, users can monitor the progress of their jobs using the intuitive web
produced a dramatic speed-up in the case execution time. interface provided by EnFuzion.

Number of Single Laptop EnFuzion Easy to Use, Perfect for First-time Cluster Users
Cases Solution Cluster Solution
With its extraordinary ease of use, EnFuzion is the perfect solution for first-time, small
24 Cases 4 Hours 9 Minutes and medium size cluster users. EnFuzion requires no IT support to install and
configure, and it requires no other software to operate. First-time users can achieve
27 Cases 38 Hours 38 Minutes immediate return on investment in terms of increased productivity.

Utilize All Compute Resources to Meet Peak Demands

EnFuzion can utilize all dedicated cluster hardware 100% of the time to run user
applications. In addition, any under-utilized desktop or laptop machines on a
corporate network can also be added to an EnFuzion-controlled cluster. EnFuzion
can utilize idle cycles on shared machines to meet unexpected peak demand without
EnFuzion is certified on the HP affecting the primary users of the shared machines.
ProLiant line of industry standard
servers. Work Flow Automation
EnFuzion provides a framework for users to automate their simulation, analysis or any
repetitive tasks. Automation not only helps to reduce human errors and increase
productivity, automation also increases resource utilization and computation
throughput. Without any human intervention, EnFuzion can make optimal use of all
available compute resources 24x7.
Axceleon Incorporated
710 Lakeway Drive, Suite 145
Runs on All Major Hardware and OS Platforms
Sunnyvale, CA 94085
EnFuzion runs on all major hardware platforms and OS platforms. It also supports
Phone (408) 739.9000
heterogeneous computing environment, which allows machines of different types to
Fax (408) 739.9070
coexist in the same cluster.
E-mail info@axceleon.com
Web www.axceleon.com
EnFuzion Features

Distributed Resource Management Fault Tolerant, Lights Out Operation

Job Management EnFuzion provides automated job scheduling and Job Execution Jobs from failed nodes are rescheduled on
execution management, transparent restart of working nodes. Restarted root reschedules
jobs from failed machines and differentiated uncompleted jobs. Runaway jobs can be
handling of system and job errors. terminated.
File Management Separate job work areas are created on worker Node Management Nodes are cleaned up after job completion.
machines, input files are automatically copied to Obsolete and temporary files on remote nodes
worker machines and output results are returned are automatically removed. Recovered nodes
to the root or the submit computer. Worker are added to working nodes.
machines are automatically cleaned up after the Root Management Obsolete and temporary files on the root are
jobs complete. automatically removed. EnFuzion root software
Work load Support is provided for multiple users, prioritizing is restarted after a reboot or recovery from
Management jobs from multiple users and applications failure. EnFuzion can operate in active and
according to their priorities. User access passive failover environments.
permissions can be regulated.
Resource Job requirements can be matched with node
Management properties, such as application releases, OS Easy to Manage, Fully Secure
platforms and application availability.
Extensive Run and node specific reports can be produced
Node Management Job processing is transparently restarted on Accounting and for each hour, day or month. Report formats can
recovered nodes. Compute nodes can be Reporting Services be text, HTML, or CSV.
dynamically added or removed.
Flexibility without EnFuzion extends OS-provided security and
Load Management EnFuzion scheduled jobs can peacefully coexist Compromise to offers additional network based and host based
with other computer uses and non-EnFuzion Security security. Network based security provides IP
applications. Load monitoring parameters are based restriction, allowing or denying EnFuzion
configurable to maximize use of dedicated services request from specific IP addresses.
machines, minimize impact to shared machines EnFuzion ports can be configured to work with
or maximize the use idle machine cycles. firewalls. Host based security executes each job
Application EnFuzion can be used for installation of required in its own environment.
Management applications on remote nodes. This assures that Comprehensive All major events on the root and nodes are
the latest application version is used everywhere Logging and logged. Additional diagnostic logs and tools can
and removes the need to worry about using Debugging be enabled on demand. Application error
incompatible application versions. Functionality environment is saved for inspection and

Easy Job Generation and Execution Easy to Install and Configure

No Need to Change Home grown and commercial applications can No Special EnFuzion has no special hardware and software
Applications benefit from EnFuzion without any application Requirements pre-requisites. It is fully self-contained, no other
changes. applications are required. EnFuzion has a low
Easy Job EnFuzion schedules and distributes single footprint on the root and node machines. There is
Description and command line programs, shell scripts, and no need for a shared file system between
Generation parametric executions. Command line programs systems.
and shell scripts use the same arguments as Flexible EnFuzion can be adapted to any IT infrastructure
without EnFuzion. Parametric executions are Configuration policies. There is no need to do any special
constructed with simple scripts, which contain Options changes in the IT infrastructure to get EnFuzion
execution commands, parameter values, input running. EnFuzion can be re-configured
and output files. EnFuzion generates application dynamically without bringing the system down.
specific GUI from scripts. Heterogeneous EnFuzion is supported on Windows, Linux, all
Powerful Job Jobs can be submitted with ease from the Environment major Unix, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, Mac OS X, Irix,
Execution Features command line, shell scripts or a web browser. Supported Tru64, all IBM eSeries platforms - i, p, x, z, 64-bit
with Intuitive web Job execution is monitored from standard web Itanium, AMD64, PowerPC64, Intel EM64T and
Based Dashboard browsers. Results are left on the root computer or Alpha. Different platforms can be mixed in a
copied automatically to the user computer. The single environment.
EnFuzion API can be used to directly
communicate between your applications and
The Highest EnFuzion performs job processing with low Copyright © 2002-2005 Axceleon, Inc. All rights reserved.
Performance overhead, delivering high throughput and low Axceleon is a trademark of Axceleon, Inc. EnFuzion is a
Scheduling Engine latency. EnFuzion can schedule and process 1 registered trademark of Axceleon, Inc. All other registered
on the Market million jobs per minute. trademarks belong to their respective holders. 05.05

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