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14 - The Roshaniya

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William Cooper's Mystery Babylon: Part 14 - The Roshaniya (aired March 9th, 1993

(audio link: http://www.remnantradio.org/Archives/articles/William%20Cooper/Myst


Transcribed by URpwneddude (edited/formatted by wakingup72)

Reference link: [i]A History of Secret Societies[/i]: http://books.google.com/bo
You're listening to the Hour of the Time. I'm William Cooper.

(opening music: Main theme from [i]Raiders of the Lost Ark[/i], written by John

[reading from [i]A History of Secret Societies[/i], written by Arkon Daraul]:

"The sixteenth century saw the rise of a very powerful society based upon a secr
et cult, in the mountains of Afghanistan -- the Roshaniya, [or the] illuminated
ones. References to the existence of this mystical fraternity exist from the tim
e of the House of Wisdom at Cairo, several hundred years before."
[William Cooper]: In fact, the Roshaniya are just a later emergence of the old c
ult of the Assassins.
"It seems likely the small branches were founded in various parts of the near an
d Middle East; which would account for the special usage of the names of the eig
ht degrees of initiation among them.
"The earliest figure named in the history of the cult is one Bayezid Ansari, of
Afghanistan, whose family claimed descent from the Ansar -- the 'Helpers', who a
ssisted Mohammed after his flight from Mecca nearly fourteen hundred years ago.
As a reward for this service, he stated, his ancestors had been granted initiati
on into the mysteries of the Ishmaelite religion: the secret, inner training [wh
ich] dated from Abraham's rebuilding of the Temple at Mecca, the mystical Harem.
[William Cooper]: To the Assassins, through the Roshaniya and into Europe via th
e Knights Templar.
"Bayezid s own father, however, was known to be as narrowly conventional as anyone
in the country, and one account of the rapid rise of the sect has it that Bayez
id, after a period of preparation for the normal priesthood, was converted to hi
s strange doctrine by a missionary from the Ismailis, the sectarians holding a s
ecret doctrine supposedly handed down in the family of the Prophet, who maintain
ed hidden lodges throughout the world of Islam and also claimed (after the Crusa
des) to have penetrated with their ideas even Spain, Germany, France and parts o
f Britain.
"However this may be, the Illuminated Ones soon became more than a headache for
the governors of Afghanistan, the Mogul rulers of India, and their Persian neigh
bors. Not far from Peshawar, which is now in the north-west of Pakistan, Bayezid
set up a small school, where he carefully coached those who had been initiated
by him in the knowledge of the supernatural that he claimed. A period of probati
on was expected from each candidate, during which [he] would go into periods of
concealment or meditation, known as [i]khilwat[/i] -- [or] silence. During this
time he was to receive the illumination which was emanated from the supreme bein
g, who desired a class of perfect men -- and women -- to carry out the organizat
ion and direction of the world.
"Bayezid collected in this way, over a period of three years, about fifty staunc
h disciples, whom he had trained in obedience and to whom -- so we are told -- h
e had shown a way whereby they could liberate their 'inner powers'. [Well,] this
meant that they were ready to follow his further instructions. These orders, ac
cording to what his opponents say, were that the whole sect would now become ban
dits, to prey upon the rest of the world."
[William Cooper]: And all those who could not identify themselves by their secre
t signs were their legal and lawful prey.
"Little information is available from the other side, but three letters said to
have been written from one branch to another contain in outline a plan to reshap
e the [entire] social system of the world: first, taking control of individual c
ountries, one by one."
[William Cooper]: And where have we heard that before? We ve heard it from every
one of the histories of all of these different sects of Mystery Babylon, which o
n the outward appearance seem to be different from each other. On the esoteric l
evel are one and the same religion with one and the same same plan, with one and
the same same goal, all working toward that end. And the end always, always, ju
stifies the means.
"[Now,] something does survive the degrees of initiation. The first was [i]Salik
[/i] (seeker); followed by [i]Murid[/i] (disciple); [i]Fakir[/i] (humble devotee
); [i]Arif[/i] (enlightened one); [i]Khwaja[/i] (master); [i]Emir[/i] (commander
); [i]Imam[/i] (priest), and [i]Malik[/i] (chief or king). This succession does
not follow the usual pattern of promotion in the Moslem mystical secret societie
s, the tarikas; and seems to have been especially devised for this one. In the f
irst three degrees, the candidate perfected himself by repetitions of certain ph
rases which were believed to carry power. Examples are these: [i]rabba; aferinaa
; hayya; hafida; quwwaya.[/i]
"Of these words (all Arabic or Persian) the first stands for the concept of lord
ship, the second for creation, the third for life, the fourth for protection, an
d the last for absolute power. If they were repeated, with deep meditation upon
various forms of their manifestations in human life, it was believed, the appro
priate power would come into the devotee. [Now,] no special deity was worshiped;
but it was believed that there was a supreme overall power, which was known by
the sum of its individual powers (lordship, protection, and so on)..."
[William Cooper]: A type of pantheism which works its way into the modern mystic
al societies of today.
"...and that when one had meditated upon them all, and they had become the 'prop
erty' of the invocant, he would thenceforward be a man of complete power. [Now,
folks,] this kind of idea underlies a good deal of religious and magical thinkin
g in many faiths; though it is seldom put in this as concise a manner. The Enlig
htened One of the fourth degree was he who could attain, during the rituals, com
plete identification with this overall power, and was guided by it in all that h
e did."
[William Cooper]: It was said that he could communicate directly with the unknow
n or hidden supervisors.
"[Now,] this meant that, apart from the guidance of the chief, he was free to se
ek his own pleasure in life. No theological or social bonds limited him.
"It is at this stage, said the Illuminated, that the [i]Arif[/i] could perform a
cts of wonder and magic; influence the physical world, and know the secrets of o
thers. He attained this degree through the acceptance of him by the master, to w
hom he had confided his dreams and mystical ecstasies. The master alone really k
new whether these were true or false experiences, and promoted him accordingly.
Some people proceeded to the higher degrees without going through all the lower
ones; because they were helped by the spirits of former Illuminates who had died
"The Master, Emir, Imam and Malik degrees were reserved for the very highest men
and women initiates. After the fifth degree the segregation of the sexes in rit
uals was no longer practiced. Anyone of the degree of Imam and higher could star
t his own lodge and make his own disciples.
"Bayezid decided to move his headquarters into the most inaccessible mountains o
f Afghanistan, where he set up a large and luxurious castle; and from which he d
irected his military and bandit operations, designed to overcome the rest of the
East. His missionaries were sent far and wide, but received little official sup
port. The cult did, however, spread among merchants and soldiers who thought tha
t this gave way to mystical experiences was something to enter. They contributed
lavishly to the chief s upkeep and his most expensive military, political and esp
ionage system.
"The heady wine of this success seems to have affected the prudence of the head
illuminate more strongly than it should; for his claims became more and more ext
reme and public [William Cooper: as most usually do]. There was, he now preached
, no after-life of the kind currently believed in: no reward or punishment, only
a spirit s stake which was completely different from earthly life. The spirits, i
f they belonged to the Order, could continue to enjoy themselves in the earthly
powers, acting through living members. But that was all. The preaching of this s
piritual vampirism seemed to delight his followers as much as it infuriated his
enemies, because Bayezid now gave out more and more of the new doctrine based up
on his no after-life creed. Eat, drink, be merry. Gain power, look after yoursel
f. You have no allegiance except to the Order, he told them: and all humanity wh
ich cannot identify by our secret sign is our lawful prey. The secret signal was
to pass a hand over the forehead, palm inwards; the countersign, to hold the ea
r with the fingers and support the elbow in the cup of their hand."
[William Cooper]: And you can see that sign being exchanged even today in the co
urts of law all over the United States of America between lawyers and judges, de
fendants and judges, prosecutors and judges, prosecutors and defending lawyers,
etc, etc, etc.
"Bayezid took to himself the style of [i]Pir-i-Roshan[/i] (Sage of Illumination)
, and founded a city at Hashtnagar, which was to be the center from which Illumi
nism was to spread all over the world.
"[Now,] each member of his following was given a new name upon entry [William Co
oper: Does that sound familiar?]; and this name depended upon the guild to which
he in theory belonged. According to Bayezid, all of humanity was divided into p
rofessions; his were lamp-makers. Some members were the makers, others sold lamp
s. Some were known as this kind of lamp, some another. 'Lamp of the Darkness' wa
s the typical example. Among the other guilds noted was those of the Builders [W
illiam Cooper: Does that sound familiar?]...soldiers, merchants of various kinds
and scribes."
[William Cooper]: They can be found today in organizations such as the American
Medical Association or the American Bar Association, etc., etc.
"Writing in the nineteenth century, an Afghan scholar who was by no means fond o
f the society of the Roshaniya, claimed that they were in fact an organization d
evoted to fighting against the tyranny of the Moguls, and that the banditry and
strange doctrines attributed to them were untrue allegations by interested parti
es. He bases this upon two manuscript copies of the objectives of the Order, whi
ch seem to have stated that it was dedicated to influencing people of importance
throughout the East and West towards greater justice and self-training into the
immense capacities of the human mind, whereby wonders can be caused, and throug
h which the harmony of the world will be established. '[Now,] these ideas taken
from those enshrined in our ancient literature and practices, as well as those o
f those of the Persians, many of whom have followed the True Illuminated Path be
fore the New Message was revealed[, they stated].'
"In the end, the Imperial Mogul decided that something must be done about the wi
despread power of the the militant mystics of the Hindu Kush mountains. The Gove
rnor of Kabul arrested Bayezid, clapped him in irons, and paraded him in the str
eets, to show that here was no supernatural being. To give further point to the
proceedings, his hair and beard were half-shaved. But this Governor, Moshin Khan
, was under the ascendancy of his religious guide, one Sheik Hatari -- who may e
ven have been a secret adherent of the Illuminated One. For the cult was spreadi
ng with rapidity. In any case, he told the governor that Bayezid was undoubtedly
a man of great and holy attainments, and that considerable suffering would inev
itably attend anyone who treated this man harshly. Bayezid was allowed to escape
"The indignities to which he had been subjected candled his Illuminism still hig
her. Calling his numerous companions, he retired to tribal Tirah, where he set u
p a military and court atmosphere which is still remembered for its glamor, ferv
or, and mystery.
"India and Persia were to be overcome by force of arms, he announced. To that en
d, many more were to be enrolled into the ranks of the Illuminated. Enthusiastic
scenes throughout Afghanistan resulted from the proclamation, which was carried
far and wide, to the accompaniment of kettle-drums, wild sword-dances. [And] wh
en he was ready Bayezid attended by his [i]halka[/i], or circle of dervishes, le
d the campaign into the lush land of India. Intercepted by the Moshin Khan whom
he had earlier escaped, he was wounded, put to flight, and [he] eventually died
as a result of this encounter.
"His son, Omar Ansari, proclaimed himself leader, and immediately ordered an att
ack upon the Pathan tribe of the Yusufzai who had allied themselves with the Mog
hul. He was killed by the hillmen, and his own son, 'The Servant of the One', to
ok over the leadership. [And] by the middle of the seventeenth century this yout
h had been killed defending his castle against a Moghul expeditionary force. His
infant son escaped with some of his followers, into Afghanistan proper, where t
he cult was restarted. The descendants of this Abdul-Qadir (Servant of the Power
ful) continued to rule the fanatics, and to send their teachers far and wide. Th
e creed eventually split into two divisions: the military and the religious, and
nowadays it is only the followers of the latter [Way] who survived, still a sec
ret cult, which might, given the right conditions, have touched off a movement a
s important as that of the Assassins.
"[Now,] forty years after the last religio-military leader of the Afghan Illumin
ated Ones died, a society of the same name (the Illuminati) came into being in G
ermany, formed, it is said, by Adam Weishaupt, the [young Jesuit priest, a] prof
essor of Canon Law at [the Jesuit] Ingolstadt University. Coincidences of date a
nd beliefs connect these Bavarian Illuminati with the Afghan ones, and also with
the other cults which called themselves 'Illuminated'. [William Cooper: In actu
al fact, they are all the same.] [In] the beginning of the seventeenth century s
aw the foundation of the Illuminated Ones of Spain -- the Alumbrados, condemned
in an edict of the Grand Inquisition of 1623."
[William Cooper]: Out of which the condemned Ignatius Loyola emerged as a man, a
s a man immune to prosecution, arrest, or accusation from any king, prince, or p
relate, as the head of one of the most powerful secret societies ever organized,
the Society of Jesus, now known as the Jesuits. Ignatius Loyola had been the le
ader of the Alumbrados in Spain. And it was [i]his[/i] sect, the illuminated one
s, or the Alumbrados, which became the Society of Jesus.
"In 1654, the 'Illuminated' Guerinets came into public notice in France.
"[Now,] documents still extant show several points of resemblance between the Ge
rman and Central Asian Illuminists: points which are hard to account for on the
grounds of pure coincidence, and yet which still might, one supposes, be nothing
more than that. The Prophet Mohammed, for example, is claimed as an initiate by
the Western Illuminati. Their calendar is the very same which survived in curre
nt usage in the former Iranian territories among the Afghans of the time. New Ye
ar s Day with them was the same day as the Persian (and Afghan) Nev Roz festival.
Further the degrees of initiation, although seemingly artificial ones coupled wi
th some of the degrees of Freemasonry, were also eight, and there are parallels
in the naming of the individual degrees. Like the Roshaniya, the Illuminati stat
ed that they had the objective of gaining important converts for the purpose of
improving the state of the world. A comparison of the degrees shows the similari
"[In the [i]Roshaniya[/i], the Seeker; and in the [i]Illuminati[/i], the Apprent
"[In the [i]Roshaniya[/i], the Disciple and in the [i]Illuminati[/i], the Fellow
"[In the [i]Roshaniya[/i], the Devotee and in the [i]Illuminati[/i], the Master.
"[In the [i]Roshaniya[/i], the Enlightened One and in the [i]Illuminati[/i], the
Illuminatus major.]
"[In the [i]Roshaniya[/i], the Master and in the [i]Illuminati[/i], the Illumina
tus dirigens.]
"[In the [i]Roshaniya[/i], the Commander or Emir and in the [i]Illuminati[/i], P
"[In the [i]Roshaniya[/i], Priest and in the [i]Illuminati[/i], Priest.]
"[In the [i]Roshaniya[/i], King or Chief and in the [i]Illuminati[/i], King.]
"[Now,] the early stages of initiation were designed to admit people into the br
otherhood to test them for reliability, and possibly to train them for responsib
le tasks connected with the greater diffusion of knowledge. Even in higher degre
es it seems that tests are also applied. Those who were to become priests, for e
xample, were taken to a secret place, where a throne stood, with before it the c
hoice of priestly or royal regalia. The aspirant had to make his choice. Those w
ho opted for the symbols of worldly power were dismissed [promptly]; but candida
tes taking up the sacred vestments were saluted with the phrase: 'Hail, O Holy O
ne!' The members of this degree were considered teachers, in whose hands was the
training of disciples.
"Priests identified themselves with a secret sign: both hands, crossed, were pla
ced flat upon the head. In shaking hands, the priest extended his palm, with the
thumb held vertically upwards. The countersign was the fist, with the thumb enc
losed within it.
"Princes were those who can influence events at a very high level, either in aca
demic or political affairs. The room in which the initiation to this high and se
cret degree was celebrated was hung with red; the garments which the prince was
to wear were red and white. [Now,] these are, of course, the colors of the Ishma
ilis as well. In the ritual the candidate is presented as a slave, and states th
at he wants to liberate society from tyranny. The sign of the degree was the ext
ending of both arms. As the countersign, before taking the hand of another, the
prince gripped both his elbows.
"In 1786 a raid upon the house of an influential lawyer, Zwack, reveals secret p
apers connected with the Order, and it is through these that many of the inner w
orkings of the organization became known. Men were to be influenced through thei
r women folk and a large-scale plan for initiating women members was at an advan
ced stage of development...
"...It has been widely claimed and touted that many of the charges which were ma
de against the German illuminati were false; and that the possession of instruct
ions, for instance, on forging seals was due to the fact that the lawyer Zwack h
ad a collection devoted to that subject, as a matter of legal interest to him. I
t is also said that the project of enrolling women and young girls had in actual
fact been taken from the aims of a very different society, the Mopses. While th
is matter still remains open, however, one may as well examine some of the docum
ents which are stated to have belonged to the Society.
"Zwack had written, in his own hand, a document describing the manufacture of a
strong-box which would blow up if it were tampered with. He also had a collectio
n of impressions of the seals of several hundred important persons; and the alre
ady mentioned data on how to forge or substitute them. These, he stated in a let
ter of protest, were a part of the [exhibits] of his criminological collection.
"The famous memorandum detailing the plan to win over women for the cause comes
from papers seized at the home of Baron Bassus, one of the members. The document
states that women are the best means of influencing men. They should be enrolle
d, and into their minds put a hope that they might themselves in time be release
d from the 'tyranny of public opinion'. Another letter asked how young women ca
n be influenced, since their mothers would not consent to their being placed und
er the Illuminati for instruction. Five women were suggested by one member, as a
start. They were four step-daughters of one of the Illuminati, who were to be p
laced in the care of the wife of yet another Illuminated One. They, in their tur
n would, enlarge the society through their friends. It was further mentioned tha
t women are not considered to be really suitable for such an undertaking, becaus
e they are 'fickle and impatient'. But the Order was most sorely hit by the fact
that something quite discreditable to the character of the founder was discover
ed; and it was thought that he might be trying to use the organization for perso
nal reasons.
"[Now, the establishment version goes something like this:] Weishaupt, upon the
suppression of the Order, refused a pension which he was offered after he had be
en dismissed from his professorial chair. He attributed his downfall to the mach
inations of the Jesuits, whom be hated and who had opposed him that as he was no
t of their number, whereas they considered the university post which he held a l
ong-standing prerogative of their own."
[William Cooper]: And nothing could be farther from the truth, for Adam Weishaup
t was himself a Jesuit priest, holding a professorial chair at a Jesuit universi
"[Now,] he and Zwack were both banished, and little is heard of them thereafter,
although there are rumors that they carried on the Society respectably in Saxe-
Coburg and the Netherlands."
[William Cooper]: Another incident that you will not hear in establishment accou
nts is the story of the messenger writing from one Bavarian illuminati lodge to
another, who was literally struck by lightning -- divine intervention, if you wi
ll. Struck dead from his horse, in his pouch carrying the papers of a secret pla
n to take over individual nations, and ultimately the world, were put into the h
ands of the Bavarian government and many of the portions of these papers are alm
ost word for word what later became known as the Protocols of the Wise Men of Zi
[William Cooper]: We've got to take a short break, folks. Don't go away. We'll b
e right back after this short pause.

(break music: Unknown harpsichord music, then unknown pipe organ music)

[continuing reading from [i]A History of Secret Societies[/i], written by Arkon


"Illuminism had spread to France, however, some years before its suppression in
Germany. Influential personages were members, many drawn from the ranks of the i
mportant Masons of Paris. As in the case of the German branch, it was soon alle
ged that they pursued terrible aims and practiced frightful orgies. An extract f
rom a French book (almost certainly grossly exaggerated) of the seventeen-nineti
es -- [i]La Secte des Illuminés[/i] -- will give a fair idea of this:
"'The huge château of Ermenonville near Paris was one of the chief lodges of the I
lluminated. It belonged to the Marquis of Gerardin, who protected Rousseau and l
ater gave him a tomb on his estate. St. Germain, the notable impostor, presided
over it. He claims to be a thousand years old, and to be able to make gold. He
was said to be immortal, but [(laughs) strangely] died in 1784."
[William Cooper]: And even today, some Looney Tunes wackos claim that they conve
rse with St. Germaine, who still alive walking around in a modern-day suit and t
"[Well,] on the day of his initiation [at the Château of Ermenonville], the candid
ate was conducted through a long, dark passage into an immense hall draped with
black. [There were]...faint...lamps [sat around the room]...[There were men dres
sed as] corpses in...shrouds. [There was an] altar...of human skeletons, [which]
stood in the center [of the large hall. And, in the flickering, low lamplight,
the priest conducting the initiation resembled] ghostly forms [moving] through t
he hall[. And everywhere there was the stench of some terrible] odor. [Two men],
dressed as specters, [always] appeared and tied a pink band or ribbon [which wa
s] smeared with blood around [the] forehead [of the candidate]. Upon this was an
image of the lady of Loretto. [William Cooper: Does this sound familiar, ladies
and gentlemen?] A crucifix was placed in his hand, and an amulet hung around hi
s neck."
[William Cooper]: He was asked to remove his clothes; and if he showed any hesit
ancy, his clothes were removed for him.
"...and laid upon a funeral pyre[. Crosses of blood] were smeared [upon his body
and his genitalia] were tied in [a ribbon] or [with] string.
"[Then,]...frightening figures, [covered with blood] and mumbling [strange incan
tations], approached and threw themselves down in prayer. After [a long period
of time,]...weeping[, crying, wailing broke out as if a herd, a plethora of mour
ners were bereaved upon the death of their closest and deepest love]...the funer
al pyre [burned brighter and brighter. All the] clothes [of the initiate] were c
onsumed. [And] from[, behind or near this] fire, [one of the priests emerged alm
ost as if he had taken form from the smoke of the pyre itself. And] the five...f
igures went into...convulsions [and loud wailing and screaming took place. And t
hen] came the voice of [someone concealed behind a curtain]...these oaths, which
the candidate had to repeat:
"'In the name of the crucified one, I swear to sever all bonds which unite me wi
th mother, brothers, sisters, wife, relatives, friends, mistress, kings, superio
rs, benefactors or any other man to whom I have promised faith, service, or obed
"'I name the place in which I was born. Henceforth I live in another dimension,
which I will not reach until I have renounced the evil globe which has been curs
ed by Heaven;
"'From now onwards I shall reveal to my new chief all that I have heard or found
out; and I shall also seek out and observe things which might otherwise have es
caped me;
"'I honor the [i]aqua toffana[/i]; it is a quick and essential medium of removin
g from the earth, through death or robbing them of their wits, of those who oppo
se truth, and those who try to take it from our hands;
"'I shall avoid Spain, Naples, and all other accursed lands, and I shall avoid t
he temptation to betray what I have now heard;
"'Lightning will not strike as rapidly as the dagger, which will reach me, where
ver I may be, should I betray my initiation."
"[Then, a seven-branched ]candelabrum, bearing seven black candles, [was] placed
before the candidate, and [a large] bowl containing human blood. [The candidate
washed] himself in the blood, and [drank] a quantity of it. The string around h
is [genitalia was] removed, [and then he was carried to] a bath to undergo compl
ete ablution. After this, he [was given] a meal composed of root vegetables.'
"[Now, folks, (laughs)] while it is possible that such ceremonies as this have a
ctually taken place..."
[William Cooper]: And we know that they have, because it is exact...the exact ce
remony that George Bush underwent in the crypt, or what is known as the tomb, or
the skull and bones at Yale University...
"...[that] it will be recalled that such items as 'human blood' are generally no
t of the genuine variety in any society other than those reputed to be dedicated
to criminal or perverted ends."
[William Cooper]: Well, I have this to say: no one knows but those who actually
take part in the ceremony, whether it's chicken blood or human blood or pig bloo
d or cow s blood.
"[And, as it is] with the initiations of other societies, there is no doubt that
the candidate may have been made to believe that he was actually going through
an initiation which involved horrible things of this nature [such as human blood
]. Initiation into the ancient mysteries was often accompanied by the exposure o
f the candidate to fear [another] emotions, in order to make [him] receptive to
the oath or message which was to be made manifest.
"It has been said[, folks] that the European version of the Order of the Illumin
ati contributed in no small measure to the development of revolutionary doctrine
s which eventually culminated in the Russian and other Communist machines."
[William Cooper]: And in fact, those of serious study, who have perused the dept
hs of the available material as I and others have, have no doubt, have no doubt
whatsoever that Communism -- international Socialism -- is the direct product of
the Mystery Schools of the Illuminati, as was the formation of this nation whic
h was guaranteed to lead us in to what is known as the New World Order -- Novus
Ordo Seclorum: the formation of a one world totalitarian state ruled by benevole
nt "despotism," is the way that they put it.
"[And] there is little doubt that the Order was dedicated to the overcoming of p
rincely power as it was then known, and to the diffusion of anti-religious ideas
. [And] this can best be seen by examining the development of the teaching of th
e member, as he progressed from one degree of initiation into the next.
"[Now, folks,] many young enthusiasts with a taste for mystery and a desire to f
ight oppression in any form were drawn, through a deliberate plan, from the rank
s of [all of the colleges and universities and from all of the other supposedly
benevolent fraternital organizations]. After an oath of obedience and silence [h
ad] been extracted from the candidate, he was then handed over to a Director [or
Teacher, or, if you will, Hierophant], to be taught that the Order was one of t
he discipline and effort, and that the final objectives were to do good through
leaving aside all preconceived notions and upon the basis of free thought to lea
d mankind to salvation."
[William Cooper]: But salvation granted by who, and salvation from what? That i
s the question that intelligent men should be asking. However, it's been my exp
erience that most men and most women don't ask any questions whatsoever -- or ve
ry few, anyway.
"Those who managed to show that they were likely to accept the next stage in tea
ching, were advanced to the rank in which he was made to swear that he would wor
k under the orders of his masters without doubt or question. He would not use hi
s critical faculties in any way in any matter connected with such instructions.
"[Now,] in the lower ranks -- [or] (laughs) the 'nursery'..."
[William Cooper]: For all of you Blue Lodge Master Masons out there who think yo
u know so much, that are nothing more than the greatest group of followers that
ever conceived and let loose upon humanity.
"[Yes, in the 'nursery'] -- the member was very much in the dark as to the way i
n which the Order was run, and how it should accomplish its design of freeing th
e world. As he progressed, however, he found that part of his service to the Soc
iety was to gain financial and social power, and to place them at the disposal o
f the group. [Indeed,] he was expected to be a diligent Mason, and to try to gai
n control over [Freemason] funds. It was not until the tenth rite of promotion h
ad been completed that the member [was] given -- with the grade of Priest -- cer
tain definite knowledge."
[William Cooper]: And now, today, in the order known as the Scottish Rite, this
information is not given until the candidate actually reaches the 30th degree, a
ccording to the actual writings of the man who was the Grand Commander of all of
Freemasonry of the world and of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in the United
States, Mr. Pike. General Pike.
"[Well, this knowledge] included the fact that the Illuminati were proposing to
destroy princes and prelates throughout the world, and were to remove forever th
e feeling of local nationality from the minds of men. [William Cooper: Another g
oal was to destroy all existing religions.] The ways in which this was to be don
e involved infiltrating high positions in education, administration[, of governm
ent, the military and, of course,] the Press.
"The very highest degrees showed that the rationalism and materialism of the thi
nkers who developed it were determined to stamp out all belief in religion. God
and any faith in a deity, the initiate was told, were human inventions, and [the
y] had no real meaning [whatsoever]. [Now,] this was developed further, and the
member who arrived at the highest position [in the Order, or (that [designated a
s] Rex [or] King) learned that he was now the same as any king, [on the same lev
el, with the same rights and the same divine right of rule,] and that all men we
re capable of equal advancement [but all men were not equal]: hence the need fo
r kings over [man] was an illusion [perpetrated by those in power, and this perp
etration was to be broken at all costs].
[William Cooper]: And the highest, for the men who sat at the head of the Counci
l, the Council of hidden supervisors made up of nine members was designated as R
ex Mundi, or literally translated, "Kings of the World." In their machinations t
o overthrow, topple the Kings and Queens of all the countries of the world from
their thrones, they established the United States of America and the English col
onies in the New World. And its ultimate goal -- its secret destiny -- was to be
the catalyst to bring into the world what they called the Great Society or the
New World Order. And it certainly worked, dear listeners. As you can look back t
hrough history, the granting of the common man of liberty, fraternity, equality,
freedom that he had never tasted or known before in history, lit the spark that
then ignited the French Revolution -- of course, with the leadership and the ma
nipulation of the people of the Illuminati, the lodges of Freemasonry, the Ancie
nt Order of the Rose and Cross and others -- the highest level were all the same
with the same goals. And this spark of revolution spread throughout the world.
And, until we all grow up and learn how to stop this, it will continue.
[William Cooper]: As the secret societies propel us, manipulate us, deceive us,
lie, operating in secret, infiltrating everything decent and good that man has e
ver built, destroying it from within, bringing closer and closer their goal of w
hat they believe will be a Utopia on earth: a one-world, totalitarian, Socialist
order. They hope to create the world where they will rule as being the ones who
possess the only truly mature minds; they will establish a council of advisors
to a world, charismatic, political and religious leader who will be the outward
rule, but he will really take his orders from this "benevolent despotism," this
Council of Learned Elders; and everyone on the face of this earth will be in tot
al control for every 24-hour period of their lives. There will be one-world reli
gion catering to the needs of man -- not men obeying the laws of any God. The ge
neral rule will be, as has been touted many, many times by these people: "Do as
thou wilt shall be the whole of the law." And even murder will be considered to
be a learning experience provided that the perpetrator actually learns something
. People who exhibit violent tendencies as a matter of normal behavior on their
part will simply be eliminated.
[William Cooper]: Ladies and gentlemen, I hope this is beginning to come togethe
r and make sense to you, if it doesn't as yet. We have a long, long, way to go a
s you have probably already begun to understand.

[William Cooper asks for air-time donations]

Good night, and God bless each and every one of you.

(closing music: live version of [i]I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For[/i
], written by U2)

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